MCQ Civil
MCQ Civil
MCQ Civil
;fj{hlgs Joj:yfkg
(= s'g g]t[Tj z}nLn] ;xeflutfd"ns lg0f{o / ;d"x ultzLntfnfO{ hf]8 lbG5 <
A. lg/+s'z z}nL B.;+qmd0fsfnLg C.k|hftflGqs D.dflysf s'g} klg xf]Og
!)= Joj:yfkg sfo{n] lgDg dWo] s'g sfo{nfO{ ;d]6\b5 <
A. of]hgf tyf ;ª\u7g B.lgb]{zg C. lgoGq0f D. dflysf ;a}
!!= lgoGq0f sfo{ lgDg s'g kIfdf a9L k/lge{/ x'G5 <
A. of]hgfdf B. g]t[Tjdf C. sfg"gdf D. dflysf ;a}
!@= Joj:yfkg ;~rf/ k|0ffnLdf bandwidth cjwf/0ffn] s;nfO{ b]vfpFb5 <
A. ;~rf/ Rofn]gsf] rf}8fO{ (Width) B. ;~rf/sf Rofn]gx?sf] ;+Vof
C. ;~rf/ k|;f/0f x'g] ult D. ;~rf/n] ;dfj]z ug'{kg]{ If]q
!#= MIS df Decision Support System sf] k|d'v p2]Zo lgDg dWo] s'g ;xL xf] <
A. lgoldt tyf cfw'lgs lg0f{o k|lqmof B. sd{rf/Lx?df ;~rf/ k|j4{g ug]{
C. lg0f{osf] nflu cGt/lqmofTds ;"rgf k|bfg ug]{ D. ljQLo sf/f]af/ clej[l4 ug]{
!$= निजामती सेवाको राजपत्राङ्नकत श्रेणीमा कनतवटा श्रेणीहरु रहेका हुन्छि?्
A. ३ श्रेणी A. ५ श्रेणी A. ४ श्रेणी A. मानिका कुिै पनि होइि
!%. निजामती कममचारीलाई बढुवा गर्ाम शैनिक याेेग्यता बापत कनत अकं नर्िे व्यवस्िा छ?
A. १६ अक ं B. १२ अक ं C. २ अक ं D. ३० अक ं
af}l4s k/LIf0f
!^=olb 473982 sf] 1419 / 329684 sf] 1418 eP 751694 sf] s] x'G5 < If 473892 is to 1419 and 329684 is to
1418 therefore 751694 is to ?
A.1326 B. 1913 C.1319 D.1221
!&= olb CAT sf] sf]8 12 / OIL sf] sf]8 21 eP SOIL sf] sf]8 s] x'G5 < If CAT is coded as 12 and OIL is
coded as 21 then code of SOIL is :
A. 23 B.22 C.24 D. 25
!*=>]0fLnfO{ k"/f ug'{xf];\ Complete the series.
975, 319, 753, 197, ?
A. 123 B.531 C.321 D.391
!(= ;d"xdf gldNg] s'g xf] < Which one is the odd one out ?
1 2 3 4 5
A. 1 B. 2 C.4 D. 3
@)=lbOPsf] lrq (X) sf] P]gfdf b]lvg] k|ltlaDa lbPsf rf/ j6f ljsNkx? dWo] 5fGg'xf]; < Choose the correct mirror
image of the given figur X from amongest the four alternatives
C. dip
D. magnetic declination
A. 20 mm
B. 25 mm
C. 30 mm
D. 40 mm
#@=Design of R.C.C. simply supported beams carrying U.D.L. is based on the resultant B.M. at
A. supports
B. mid span
C. every section
D.quarter span
A. bear high shear strength
B. are more plastic
C. are good for backfill
D. are strong against landslide
#%= The process of passing water through beds of granular materials, is called
B. sedimentation
C. filtration
D. None of these
#^= As per DWSS, fire demand in Nepal should not be more than … lpcd.
A. 1 lpcd
B. 2 lpcd
C.3 lpcd
D. 1.5 lpcd
#&= Paint used in hot water pipe, gas tank, marine piers, oil storage tank, poles is
A.Oil paint
B.Aluminum paint
C. Emulsion paint
D.Enamel paint
D. 2640
$)=If the straight sides of a triangular section of a lined canal with circular bottom of radius R, make an angle θ with
horizontal, the perimeter of the canal is
A.R(θ + tan θ)
B.2R(θ + tan θ)
C.R(θ + cos θ)
D2R(θ + cos θ)
E.None of these.
$!= CBR test is used for finding
A.strength of sub grade
B.strength of concrete
C.strength of bitumen
D.all of above
$@=Proper batching ensures
D.all of above
$#=Concrete mixer is:
A.modern technology
B.traditional technology
C.manual technology
$$=Hydrograph is the graphical representation of:
A.river run off and time
B.surface runoff and time
C.groundwater and time
D.rainfall & time
$%=The performance of a specific task in CPM, is known
;kmntfsf] z'esfdgf !
cfh ldlt @)*) k'; @! ut] zlgaf/ lbpF;f] % ah] Zoom application dfkm{t Feedback Class
x'g] hfgsf/L u/fpbF5f} . ;fy} xfd|f] YouTube Channel WAVE Institute df klg x]g{ ;Sg'x'g]5
Meeting ID: 953 6994 1105
Good Luck!