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Cookery 9 Exam 4TH

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Directions: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Write only the letter of your answer on the space before the

__1. Arcelie feels incomplete because there is no dessert after dinner. For Arcelie, dessert is a ____of a meal.
A. appetizer B. closure C. main event D. starter

__2. Teacher Annie discusses the reasons why eating dessert is important in a meal during their time in Cookery 9.
According to her, the following are the reasons why we eat desserts and sweets EXCEPT___________.
A.Dessert balances out a meal and gives “closure” to the meal.
B.Eating dessert stimulate your appetite, making you extra hungry for your meal.
C. Dessert can be an opportunity to be creative. You can make interesting mixtures that you otherwise
may not have thought.
D. Eating dessert is an opportunity to experience different flavors and textures that you cannot get in
other foods like vegetables, meats, and fruits.

__3. In every restaurant, they complete the menu from appetizer up to dessert. Why dessert is important after meal?
A. Because dessert you relish the taste, curbing your hunger
B. Because it looks expensive when you ate dessert after meal
C. It signals to your body a feeling of doneness so that this is less likely to trigger you into mindless snacking.
D. None of these.
__4. Which of the following is NOT belong in classifications of desserts?
A. cheese B. frozen dessert C. gelatin dessert D. sahara desert

__5. Maribel loves to eat dessert that is smooth frozen mixture of milk, cream, sugar, flavorings and sometimes with
eggs. Maribel is referring to_________.
A. sherbet C. ice cream
B. ice candy D. frozen mousses

__6. Alma loves to eat fruits like banana, watermelon and sometimes pineapple as dessert every after meal than other
types of desserts. Why do you think fruits are her favorite dessert among others?
A.Because fruits are expensive and rare to find.
B.Because fruits are always available in their house.
C.Because fruits are the simplest dessert that nutritious, appetizing, and easy to prepare and serve.
D. Because fruits are the simplest desserts that’s easy to flex in social media so that she will looks pro
healthy living.
__7. Which of the following is NOT included in three general types of cheese based on consistency?
A. hard B. soft C. semi hard D. semi soft

__8. Jinky used to baked custard every weekend as her extra source of income. She’s very careful because she knew
that custard is sensitive type of dessert. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of baked custard?

A. rough in texture C. excellent flavour

B. firmness of shape D. rich and creamy consistency

__9. Which of the following is NOT important characteristics of a dessert?

A. Dessert needs to have the same variety and balance of textures.
B. Dessert needs to have the same variety and balance of flavors and temperatures.
C. Dessert needs to have same variety of being expensive, extravagant and impossible to make.
D. Dessert needs to have the same variety and balance of colors, shapes and heights as any other dish.
__10. Robby loves to eat chocolate crinkles from his favorite bakeshop. It is made of unsweetened cocoa powder,
vegetable oil coated with white sweet powder called________________.
A. brown sugar C. table sugar
C. castor sugar D. confectioner sugar
__11. Atasha’s five years old nephew always buy meringue candy in the sari-sari store. Meringue is a mixture of sugar
and ___________.
A. milk B. cream C. egg whites D. egg yolks

__12. Which of the following ingredients refers to the simple mixture of flour and water is used to make crepes and
A. batters C. nuts
B. chocolate D. sugar

__13. Amber ordered a dozen of cupcake online as a gift for her friend who will celebrate birthday tomorrow. In her
dismay, she’s not happy on the cupcake because it’s too plain and looks nothing special on it unlike on the Facebook
page. She looks in their kitchen and she saw heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla extract, she also remembered that they
have an electric mixer. What do you think will be the finish product if she used those ingredients and equipment to
make the cupcake looks special?
A. batters C. custard
B. chocolate D. whip cream

__14. Why sauces made of egg, milk, cream and other dairy should be kept out of the temperature danger zone?
A. Because nobody likes it so better keep it.
B. Because they are the visitors’ favorite desserts.
C. Because these ingredients are expensive so you need to keep them for special people.
D. Because these products are prone to bacterial contamination and to food- borne illness.
__15. Mizzy is preparing vanilla custard sauce, what is she going to do to check the doneness of her sauce?
A. Mizzy need to taste the vanilla custard sauce.
B. Mizzy will flip the mixing bowl to check the consistency.
C. Mizzy will go to the Youtube to check the doneness of it.
D. Mizzy will use spoon, if the mixture lightly coats the back of the spoon, then it’s good.

__16. Annalou will use sweet sauces in her dessert business so she chose the best quality ingredients for her desserts
and sweets. Do you think it’s really necessary to use quality ingredients for desserts and sweets?
A. Yes. Because it can add to the mark up of her products.
B. No. She can use cheap ingredients for practical reasons.
C. No. Her customers will not notice is as it blended to her products.
D. Yes. Because having ingredients of the highest quality will be essential for obtaining delicious results.

__17. Why should fruit salad be prepared as close to service time as possible?
A. Because fruits are newly harvested from your backyard.
B. Because it is easy to prepare and will not consume most of your time.
C. Because the flesh of many types of fruit becomes soft and translucent if cut long before service.
D. Because salad is a kind of dessert that will serve after the meal, so you still have time to prepare it.

__18. Maegan’s group in Cookery 9 Performance Task will make a churros with chocolate sauce. What are the steps in
making chocolate sauce?
I. Add sugar, corn syrup and salt. Mix until well blended. Boil for 10 minutes or until the starch is thick and
II. Cut the chocolate into small pieces. Melt on top of the double boiler.
III. Gradually add the hot water, stirring until the mixture is well blended. Dissolve the cornstarch in cold
water and combine with the chocolate mixture.
IV. Add butter and vanilla. Let cool. Place in a covered jar and store in the refrigerator.


__19. Your favorite cousin Luz will visit you next Saturday. She requested you to make a soft custard because she
knew that you are good in making it. The ingredients of it are eggs, milk, sugar and pinch of salt. What is the first step
that you’re going to do in making soft custard?
A. Scald the milk in a sauce pan over low fire.
B. Combine the eggs, salt and sugar.
C. Gradually stir in the milk and cook on top of the double boiler for 5 minutes. Stir constantly to avoid
D. Test with a spoon to see if done. If done, the spoon is well-coated with the custard. Add vanilla and
cool quickly.
__20. Georgia bought a pudding at the bakeshop and she wanted to make it more special by adding chocolate sauce.
She has chocolate bars available in her freezer and she wants to melt it for her pudding. What is the best way that she’s
going to do to melt chocolate bars that will give her a maximum control over the heating process?
A. By using the double boiler.
B. By using casserole that directs to the fire.
C. By putting the chocolate bars in boiling water.
D. By leaving the chocolate bars in room temperature.

__21. Fruit salad is a dish consisting of various kinds of fruit. Is it necessary that you only use fresh fruits to make a
fruit salad?
A. Yes, there are lots of fruits available in the market.
B. No, you can used preserved fruits in can or in jar as well.
C. Maybe, it depends upon the availability of fruits in your backyard.
D. Sometimes, it’s up to you if you want to use fresh fruits or just buy a ready to eat salad.
__22. Dessert-making involves the use of liquids, oils, and other slippery substances that can cause workers to slip and
fall. What workers can do to prevent accident in workplace?
A. Wearing non-slip shoes.
B. Cleaning up spills immediately
C. Using cautions signs
D. All of the above

__23. Leony owned a restaurant that serve variety of foods including desserts. As an owner, she needs to make sure
that her employees follow the safety procedures in workplace. The following are the effects of having workplace
safety procedures EXCEPT_______________.
A. They can perform their jobs more effectively.
B. Keep her employees healthy and protects their well-being.
C. If her employees got accident, she needs to pay them out of the budget.
D. The workers don't have to worry about being injured or suffering from an illness.

__24. The following are the garnishes that usually used in arts of plating desserts, EXCEPT__________.
A. nuts garnish C. cookie garnish
B. fruit garnish D. flower garnish

__25. Which of the following is NOT a guideline in presenting desserts?

A. Try different plates
B. .Make garnishes edible.
C. Keep it clean and simple.
D. Look for expensive ingredients.
__26. Marga joins in a dessert making contest in their school and she remembers the important factors that need in
presenting desserts. Which of the following is NOT an important factor in presenting a dessert?
A. Combine textures.
B. Be creative with color.
C. Remember the expenses
D. Compose your plate as you would a painting
__27. Why are accompaniments important in food presentation?
A. Because it adds visual looks to the food.
B. Because it can make the plates look full because of the accompaniments.
C. Because it can give an illusional effects that the serving is more than usual.
D. Because it enhances the flavor of the dish by providing a balance and contrast to taste.

__28. Claire and her groupmates are undecided about the garnish of their desserts then they remembered the tips and
techniques in plating desserts, which one is NOT included?
A. Never decorate a plate with something inedible
B. Put decorations on the plate even it’s not edible.
C. Ensure the garnish complements and enhances the dish.
D. Choose garnishes that are the correct size; they should be easy to eat.

__29. Suzette is a culinary student, and their next performance is desserts that need to serve in good plating
presentation. Why plating is important in food presentation?
A. Food that is plated and presented well is more attractive to customers.
B. Because having beautiful plates adds value to the food.
C. Food can be unnoticeable if you have beautiful plates.
D. Food plating should be expensive to attract more customers.
__30. Mandy believes that when plating desserts, the choice of plate is critical to the final presentation, why?
A. Because plates are limited.
B. Because plate is the frame of presentation.
C. Because there are many plates to select which one is the best.
D. Because plates are expensive, you need to replace when you broke it.

__31. Eleanor tried her best to present the food that she prepared including the dessert to impress her future mother-in-
law. What do you think is the purpose of serving plated desserts in an attractive way?
A. All of the above statements are correct.
B. So, her future mother-n-law will like her immediately.
C. It makes the food more expensive even its not really delicious.
D. It creates the food appealing visuals along with maintaining perfection in taste.
__32. Why is it important to store desserts in appropriate conditions?
A. Because if your visitors saw it, they will ask for more.
B. Storing desserts appropriately is not a big deal at all.
C. Because it helps maintain and preserve the quality of food.
D. It’s not important especially when desserts are good, it will easily consume.

__33. Farrah will make a trifle cake for their Christmas desserts which main ingredients are milk and cream. Farrah is
very careful in preparing this kind of dessert so she never let it set in room temperature for long period of time unless
it is ready to serve. What do you think is the reason?
A. To prevent the risk of food poisoning.
B. So, the visitors will not give a chance to take out the dessert.
C. Because she wants to impress her family about her desserts.
D. For her, it is the main event of the occasion so she doesn’t want to serve it yet.
__34. You are newly hired worker in a café that serves variety of pastry and desserts. Do you think it is important to
follow guidelines as well that tips and techniques in plating and presenting desserts, why?
A. Maybe, because it all depends upon whom the clients are.
B. Sometimes, because it all depends on the availability of supplies needed in plating desserts.
C. No, because as a worker in-charge in plating desserts, you have all the control on how to make it
looks good by your own way.
D. Yes, because improving the presentation of a dish adds value to the dining experience, and provides
room for a higher mark-up on your food.
__35. Many desserts contain raw eggs and dairy products, they present a potential health hazard if not stored properly.
Do you think is it really necessary to give an extreme care this kind of desserts, why?
A. Maybe, it depends on how you prepare the desserts.
B. Sometimes, it’s safer if just prepare different kinds of dessert that with eggs and dairy.
C. No, because if it’s delicious, it will consume immediately and there is no chance of waste.
D. Yes, because raw egg is a medium in which dangerous bacteria such as salmonella can thrive.
__36. This refers to the enclosing the food in a material for physical, chemical, biological protection and tampering
A. Food Servicing C. Food Delivery
B. Food Packaging D. Food Panda
__37. The following are the functions of food packaging EXCEPT_____________.
A. Protect food against physical and chemical damage.
B. Provide a barrier against dirt and other contaminants thus keeping the product clean.
C. As long that food has a good food packaging, you are assured in the quality of food.
D. Package design should provide protection and convenience in handling and transport during
distribution and marketing
__38. Aling Marites sells sweet delicacies like Maja Blanca in their place. Her daughter Marisol thinks that it is more
appealing to the buyers if they will put the Maja Blanca in a presentable food packaging. Which of the following is
the importance of food packaging?
A. Food packaging give the food a visual effect that it looks delicious even it’s not.
B. It adds a special factor that if the food packaging looks good, the food is more special.
C. To keep the food in good condition until it is sold and consumed, and to encourage customers to
purchase the product.
D. None of these.
__39. Aling Isang usually sells suman, she used this kind of materials in wrapping her product.
A. Earthenware B. Leaves C. Paper D. Plastic

__40. Donna is using packaging that are extremely useful as they can be made in either soft or hard forms, as sheets or
containers, and with different thickness, light resistance, and flexibility. Donna used __________ for food packaging.
A. Earthenware B. leaves C. plastics D. metal

__41. Adam owned a small mango farm in their town. He supplies ripe mango to the business owners within his
vicinity. What packaging materials is he going to use to make sure that the mangoes are safe upon travel?
A. earthenware B. glass C. leaves D. wood

__42. Carlo chose glass as packaging in his candy business. Though glass is resistant to moisture, gases, odors and
microorganisms, there are still dis-advantages in using glass as packaging EXCEPT___________.
A. It is easy to fracture, scratch and break if heated or cooled too quickly
B. Potentially serious hazards may arise from glass cracks or fragments in the food.
C. Glass is heavier than many other packaging materials and this may lead to higher transport costs
D. All of the above mentioned are dis-advantages of using glass.

__43. The following are the factors in the spoilage of food EXCEPT_____________.
A. Moisture content C. Amount and nature of fat content
B. Table of content D. Enzyme system

__44. Which of the following is NOT included in the classifications of packaging according to use?
A. Primary Package C. Secondary Package
B. Tertiary Package D. Quarterly Package
__45. Akira is a newly promoted of a food company. She wants to make sure that their workplace is deals with all
aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards. Akira wants to
implement the _________.
A. Occupational Health and Safety C. Safety Regulatory Board
B. Department of Health D. Department of Local Employment

__46. Lola Miranda is good in making food in a jar like atsara and pickles that they eat every after meal. Which of the
following is the oldest and most common methods of food packaging that she used at home?
A. Canned food C. Freezing and Chilling Food
B. Home Canned Food D. Foil Packaging
__47. How are you going to follow the Occupational and Health Safety procedures in packaging foods?
I. Steps on how to package meat before freezing. Divide your meat into your set serving sizes
II. Put the meat into the bag, then flatten. Squeeze as much of the air as you can get out, then close the
III. Date the bag so you know how long it's been in your freezer.
IV.Get a plastic zip bag big enough to hold the portion size plus a little extra room for the meat to
expand from the freezing process.
__48. The following must appear on the food label EXCEPT___________.
A. name under which the product is sold C. list of ingredients
B. volume of water content D. net quantity
__49. Which of the following is the reason why it’s important to familiarize in the methods of food packaging?
A. It helps to preserve the quality and safety of our food goods.
B. It is essential in ensuring that our food is safe and of excellent quality.
C. It helps from keeping food from infection to increasing shelf life
D. All of the above statements are correct.
__50. Manilyn went to Nueva Vizcaya to visit her bestfriend. Her sister asked her to buy the famous buko pie in the
province. She went to the Pasalubong Center and look for buko pie and other pasalubong. She saw many delicacies
but she’s doubting if she will be going to buy because there are no labels in each packaging. Do you think it’s really
necessary to require a label in every food that you’re going to buy, why?
A. No, because you can see the looks of the food even without labelling.
B. Yes, because how are you going to flex it in your social media if it doesn’t have a label.
C. No, Manilyn some delicacies are not required to have food label because of their budget allocation.
D. Yes, food labelling is one way in which consumers can get knowledge about the food they consider

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