Mission Ac Saad Test - 01 QP Final
Mission Ac Saad Test - 01 QP Final
Mission Ac Saad Test - 01 QP Final
L.J.J¸ï CPÁqÉ-2024
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1. The famous definition of management 7. Identify the sequence through which „Active
“Management is what a manager does” is Listeners‟ constantly cycle through
given by i. Interpreting
a) Peter F. Drucker ii. Sensing
b) Henry Fayol iii. Responding
c) Louis A. Allen iv. Evaluating
d) F.W. Taylor Codes :
a) ii iii iv i
2. Match the following : Match the following : b) ii iv i iii
List – I List – II c) i ii iii iv
d) iv ii iii i
A. Henry L. Gantt i. Kanban approach
B. Clayton Paul ii. Theory Z Alderfer 8. “Green washing” means
C. Taichi Ohno iii. ERG theory a) Transforming products to be more ethical
D. William Ouchi iv. Task and bonus plan b) Making a product appear more ethical than it
Codes : really is
(a) (b) (c) (d) c) Converting the company to green production
a) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) methods
b) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) d) Convincing customers to buy ethically
c) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
d) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii) 9. Ensuring a fair balance between an
employee‟s contribution to the job and the
3. When actual achievement is compared with rewards received in return from that job is the
the job objectives, it is called essence of
a) Job evaluation a) Equity theory
b) Expectancy theory
b) Job condition
c) Agency theory
c) Job performance d) Contingency theory
d) Job description
10. A group of customers who share a similar set
4. Effective leader is an individual who of needs and wants are called
influences his a) Niche marketing
a) Mentors b) Market segment
c) Micro marketing
b) Co-workers
d) Green marketing
c) Followers
d) Other leaders 11. The method which generates excitements
creats publicity and conveys new relevant
5. “Exports are per se good and imports are per brand related information through unexpected
se bad” is related to means is called
a) Buzz marketing
a) Theory of Mercantilism
b) Mobile marketing
b) Theory of Absolute Advantage c) Tele marketing
c) Theory of Comparative Advantage d) Catalog marketing
d) Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
12. Price skimming strategy means
6. The most significant management skills are a) Pricing a product starting from high and
a) Technical, Human and Conceptual slowly drop over time
b) Pricing a product starting from low and rise
b) Technical, Behavioral and Conceptual
it slowly later
c) Human, Conceptual and Systematic c) Pricing the product as a market follower
d) Technical, Human and Cognitive d) Pricing the product considering the
competition in the market
13. Match the following : 18. Arrange the following steps in the
List – I (Theory) List – II segmentation process in sequential order:
(Proposed by) a) Group customers into segments based on
A. Entrepreneurship 1. A. D. Chandler Jr. similar needs and benefits sought by them
and Dynamic b) Determine overall attractiveness of each
Capitalism segment based on some predetermined
B. The Affluent 2. J. K. Galbraith criteria
Society c) Create a "value proposition" and product-
C. Theory of 3. JosephSchumpeter price positioning strategy for each segment
Economic d) Create 'segment story board’ to list the
Development attractiveness of each segment’s positioning
D. The Dynamics of 4. B.A. Kirchoff strategy
Industrial e) Determine which demographics, life styles
Capitalism and usage behaviour make the segment
Codes : distinct and actionable
abcd Choose the correct answer from the options given
a) 1 3 2 4 below :
b) 1 2 3 4 Options:-
c) 4 3 2 1 a) (c), (a), (d), (e),(b),
d) 4 2 3 1 b) (c), (a), (d), (b). (e)
c) (a), (c), (d), (b), (e),
14. This is an example of „It is believed that d) (a), (d), (b), (c), (d),
employees' attitude influences their perception
of work, but the employees' experience at 19. Following are the statements on the
work may also modify or shape their Mintzberg's organisational type. Choose the
attitudes.‟ correct statements:
a) Contingency Approach. a) Professional organisations primarily focus on
b) Democratic Approach. output standardisation
c) Interactional Approach. b) Entrepreneurial organisations primarily focus
d) Socio-technical system Approach on skills standardization
c) Missionary organisations primarily focus on
15. Which one of the following approaches norms standardisation
stresses that there are no universal rules for d) Innovative organisations do not focus on
managers to follow in order to perform the mutual adjustment Choose the correct answer
job? e) Innovative organisations primarily focus on
a) Contingency. mutual adjustment
b) Empirical from the options given below:
c) Mathematical. a) a, c, d and e only
d) System b) a, b, c and e only
16. Who has given the meaning of “Conjunction” c) a, b and e only
industrial relations as “a state of relationship d) c and e only
under which the parties, instead of offer‐ing
their best, offer the least in the absence of 20. In context of Industry Analysis which matrix
which the relationship will break allows strategists to summarise and
a) Neil W. Chamberlain evaluateeconomic, social, cultural,
b) Frencis Walker demographic, environmental, political,
c) Ian Clegg governmental, legal, techno‐logical and
d) seling Perlman
competitive information?
17. Which one of the following is a disadvantage a) EFE Matrix
of MBO as a performance appraisal tool? b) CPM Matrix
a) Difficult to develop
b) Time-consuming c) BCG Matrix
c) Difficult to rate or rank employees relative to d) IFE Matrix
one another
d) Can cause disagreements among employees
21. DUPONT analysis refers to 27. Bain and Clegg (1974) argue that industrial
a) Earning Per Share = (Net Profit⟋Number of relations are concerned with:
Equity Shares) a) The making and administering of rules that
b) Return on Assets = (Net Profit Margin) ⟋ regulate the employment relationship in
(Total Assets Turnover Ratio) unionized firms, regardless of whether these
c) Total Assets Turnover Ratio = (Sales are seen as formal or informal, structured or
Average) ⟋ (Total Assets) unstructured
d) None of the above b) The making and administering of rules that
regulate the employment relationship in
22. The best model to compute the probability nonunionised firms, regardless of whether
that a machine functioning well in one period these are seen as formal or informal,
will continue to function or will break down in structured or unstructured
the next period is c) The making and administering of rules that
a) Delphi Model regulate the employment relationship,
b) Markov-Process Model regardless ofwhether these are seen as formal
c) Decision-tree Model or informal, structured or unstructured
d) Multiplicative Model d) None of the above
23. Arrange the following stages involved in 28. Which of the following statements are
DBMS in proper sequence: applicable to Mckinsey's 7S framework?
1. Creating a) A priori, it is obvious which of the seven
2. Defining factors will be the driving force in changing a
3. Data structuring particular organisation at a particular point of
4. Updating time.
5. Interrogating b) Effective organisational change is the
Codes: relationship between seven factors of the
a) 1,3, 2,4 and 5 framework.
b) 2,1, 3,5 and 4 c) Change in any one element effects change in
c) 3,2, 5,4 and 1 other elements for effective organizational
d) 2,3, 1,4 and 5 change.
d) Framework can be used for facilitating
24. Human Resource Management (HRM) is a organisational change,
part of the broad Human Resource e) Strategy. Structure. Systems and Style are
Development (HRD) System, as this focus to 'Hard S’ of the Model while Staff. Skill and
a) Selection, Induction, Training and Shared values are the 'Soft S’ of the
Development framework.
b) Operational and Organizational Options Choose the correct answer from the options given
c) (A) and (B) above below:
d) None of the above a) a, b and d only
b) b, c and d only
25. Entrepreneurship as a theory of business was c) a, b, c and d only
propounded by d) a, b, c and e only
a) Douglas McGregor
b) Thomas A. Coleman 29. Which one of the following performance
c) Joseph A. Schumpeter appraisal methods prevents supervisors from
d) Adam Smith rating all or most employees "satisfactory" or
26. In a mixed economy, the central problems are
a) Alternation Ranking Method
solved through which of following?
a) Price mechanism b) Forced Distribution Method
b) Regulated market mechanism c) Critical Incident Method
c) Market mechanism and economic planning d) Paired Comparison Method,
d) Economic planning and control
30. Technical feasibility analysis will include 35. Many consumers seek to be different and
which of the following exclusive by demanding less of a commodity as
a) Plant location more people consume it, is called?
b) Engineering requirements a) Bandwagon effect
c) Product development b) Snob effect
d) Product testing c) Veblen effect
e) Crucial technical specifications with respect d) Substitution effect
to the design and product safety
Choose the correct answer from the options given 36. Penetration price strategy is followed under
below: which of the following conditions'?
a) b, c , d and e only. A. When company must keep demand within its
b) a, b, c, d and e production capacity
c) a, c, d and e only B. When company wants to recoup its research
d) c, d and b only and development expenditure
C. Where there is a high degree of price
elasticity of demand
31. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 provides the
D. When strong competition is expected soon
following industrial relations machinery for after product introduction
resolution of conflicts: Choose the most appropriate answer from the
a) Negotiation options given below:
b) Conciliation Options:-
c) Meditation a) (a) and (c) only,
d) Arbitration b) (b) and (d) only
c) (c) and (d) only
d) (a) and (d) only,
32. Rearrange the steps of Maslow's Need
Hierarchy Theory. 37. Which of the following is NOT a primary
A. Self - Actualisation Needs function of a Management Information System
B. Physiological needs (MIS)
C. Belongingness and love needs a) Data collection and storage
D. Self-esteem needs b) Generating reports and summaries
E. Safety needs c)Facilitating communication andcollaboration
Choose the correct answer from the options given d) Controlling physical machinery in a factory
a) ABCDE 38. Which of the following methods is NOT used
b) ADCBE to solve a transportation problem?
c) DCBEA a) Vogel's Approximation Method
d) ADCEB b) North-West Corner Method
c)Hungarian Method
33. What are the main elements of motivation. d) Least Cost Method
a) Intensity
39. Which of the following factors contributes
b) Direction MOST to a wage differential between two
c) Persistence jobs?
d) All the above a) Working hours (e.g., full-time vs. part-time)
b) Educational requirements of the job
34. Regarding leadership, which statement is c) Location of the job (e.g., rural vs. urban)
false? d) All of the above
a) Leadership does not necessarily take place
within a hierarchical structure of an 40. A company needs to produce a customized
organisation product with varying specifications for each
b) When people operate as leaders their role is customer. Which technique is most suitable?
always clearly established and defined a) Job shop production
c) Not every leader is a manager b) Assembly line production
d) All of the above c) Batch production
(d) Project production
41. Risk arising from the unique uncertainties of 48. Purchase of a furniture for office use wrongly
individual securities is known as debited to Purchase Account .it is an error of
a) Systematic risk _____?
b) Unsystematic risk
a) Omission
c) Market risk
d) Total risk b) Commission
c) Principle
42. Mutual funds pool money from investors and d) Compensating Errors
invest it in a variety of assets. What is the
primary benefit of this for investors? 49. The accounting equations is presented as ?
a) Guaranteed high returns a) Assets = Liabilities + Equity
b) Diversification to reduce risk
b) Assets = Liabilities + (Capital +( Revenue –
c) Access to exclusive investment opportunities
d) Lower management fees Expenses) – Drawings)
c) Assets + Expenses + Drawings = Liabilities +
43. Which of the following analysis is suitable for Capital + Revenue
risk return analysis in financial decisions? d) all the above
a) CAMP analysis
b) SWOT analysis 50. in India the Accounting Standards for non-
c) Capital analysis
corporate entities including Small and
d) EVA analysis
Medium sized Enterprises are issued by the
44. Combined leverage can be used to measure the ____of Institute of Chartered Accountants of
relationship between ____? India.
a) EBIT and EPS a) Accounting Standards Board
b) Sales and EPS b) National Standard Setters
c) PAT and EPS c) Financial Accounting Standard Board
d) Sales and EBIT
d) Accounting Standard Committee
45. Interest on loan taken for the purchase of
fixed assests is a _____? 51. what are the correct statements about the
a) Revenue Expenditure Rank Correlation.
b) Capital Expenditure 1) If the no. of items exceeds 30 it is then
c) Deferred Revenue Expenditure difficult to find out rank and their
d) Capital loss differences.
2) With help of this method one can estimate
46. The basic exemption limite incase of a Hindu an dependent variable using known
Undivided Family is Rs______? independent variable.
a) Rs 200000 3) when only ranks of the values are given .it is
b) Rs 250000 then the only method left to calculate the
c) Rs 300000 degree of correlation
d) Rs 500000 4) It gives direction as well as degree of the
relationship between variables.
47. X and Y are Partners in firm sharing profits a) 1 and 2 only
in a ratio of 2:1 Z is admitted with a 1/4 profit b) 1 , 2 and 4 only
sharing .What will be the new profit sharing c) 1 and 3 only
ratio of X , Y and Z ? d) all the above
a) 2 : 1 : 2
b) 3 : 1 : 2
c) 2 : 1 : 3
d) 2 : 1 : 1
52. Which of the following statements are true 56. Which of the following statements is NOT
regarding international trade operations? correct regarding the duties of an auditor?
a) Import tariffs are taxes imposed on goods a) Physical verification of fixed assets is
imported into a country. primarily the responsibility of the auditor
b) Free trade agreements (FTAs) aim to reduce b) Ownership of fixed assets should be verified
by examining the title deed by the auditor
or eliminate trade barriers between
c) Auditor should ascertain that the assets are
participating countries. in the possession of the client
c) Export subsidies are payments made by the d) The auditor should satisfy himself that the
government to domestic producers to assets have been valued in the financial
encourage exports. statements according to the accounting
d) Dumping occurs when a country sells goods principles.
in another country at a price lower than the
57. Which of the following statements is not
domestic market or production cost.
a) For the purpose of Funds Flow Statement,
53. Given below are two statements, one labeled as the term 'fund ' generally refers to net
Assertion (A) and the other labeled as Reason working capital
(R): b) The capitalization of reserves by the issue of
Assertion (A): Sinking fund is a charge against bonus shares also involves flow of funds
Profit and Loss Account. c) Funds flow is a wider concept than the Cash
Reason (R): Sinking fund is created for flow
repayment of a long term liability In the context d) The flow of funds must arise due to external
of the above two statements, and not internal transactions of the business
which one of the following is correct?
Codes: 58. Which of the following expenditures are to be
a) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong treated as revenue expenditure?
b) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct 1. Interest paid on money borrowed during
c) Both (A) and (R) is correct
construction period
d) Both (A) and (R) are wrong?
2. Loss of uninsured stock due to fire
54. Comparison of the financial statements of the 3. Cost of patent rights
current year with the performance of previous 4. Retirement gratuity paid to an employee
years of the same firm', is known as: Select the correct answer using the codes given.
a) Trend Analysis a) 1 and 3 only
b) Horizontal Analysis b) 2 and 4 only
c) Intra firm comparison c) 1 and 4 only
d) All of the above d) all the above
55. From the following information, find out the 59. From the following, select the right option
with reference to the working capital:
number of units that must be sold by the firm
a) Higher net working capital leads to higher
to earn profit of Rs. 80,000 per year.
liquidity and higher profitability
Sales price: Rs. 25 per unit
b) According to hedging approach. current
Variable manufacturing costs - Rs. 12 per unit
assets should be financed from long- term
Variable selling costs - Rs. 3 per unit
Fixed factory overheads - Rs. 5,00,000
c) There is an inverse relationship between the
Fixed selling costs -Rs. 3,00,000
length of operating cycle of a firm and its
a) 60,000 units
working capital requirements.
b) 88,000 units
d) Trade-off plan, in general, is considered an
c) 98,000 units
appropriate financing strategy for working
d) 1,00,000 units
60. Presumptive taxation involves which one of 65. Giffen goods are those goods ___________
the following? a) For which demand increases as price increases
a) The use of indirect methods to calculate tax b) That have a high income elasticity of demand
liability, which differ from the usual sales
c) That are in short supply
based on the tax payers accounts.
b) Transfer of tax liability from State to the d) None of these
c) Calculation of short term capital gain. 66. In case of a straight line demand curve
d) Calculation of rebate U / S 89. meeting the two axes , the price elasticity of
demand at the mid-point of the line would be:
61. Goodwill account is closed at the time of a) 0
dissolution by transferring it to :
b) 1
a) Realization account
b) capital account c) 1.5
c) Liability account d) 2
d) drawings account
67. Which of the following statements is false?
62. The interest charged on the hire purchase a) Economic costs include the opportunity costs
should appear in the profit and loss account in of the resources owned by the firm.
what manner?
b) Accounting profit is equal to total revenue
a) The total interest levied should be divided
equally over the total period the for purchase less implicit costs.
agreement c) Accounting costs include only explicit costs.
b) The interest charged in that period only d) Economic profit will always be less than
should be included accounting profit if resources owned and
c) Interest should instead be capitalised on the used by the firm have any opportunity costs.
balance sheet
d) I nterest should be apportioned in proportion
to the repayment totals. 68. Hire Purchase Act is passed in the year
a) 1932
63. In case of rising prices (inflation), FIFO b) 1956
method will: c) 1972
a) provide lowest value of closing stock and d) 1872
b) provide highest value of closing stock and
69. units of capital give 400 units of output and 5
c) provide highest value of closing stock but units of labour and 5 units of capital give 1000
lowest value of profit units of output then this is a case of:
d) provide highest value of profit but lowest a) Constant returns to scale.
value of closing stock b) Increasing returns to scale.
c) Decreasing returns to scale.
64. Arrange the following in the proper order for d) None of these.
decision under capital budgeting.
1. Estimating the cost and benefits of proposals.
2. Deciding the investment objective.
3. Selecting the best investment proposal. 70. FATCA stands for
4. Applying the capital budgeting decision a) Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
technique. b) Foreign Account Trade Company Act
Codes: c) Financial Account Tax Compliance Act
a) 2 4 1 3
d) Fiscal Account Tax Compliance Act
b) 2 4 3 1
c) 2 1 4 3
d) 2 1 3 4
71. Which of the following is/are false about 76. Members of Bombay stock exchange are
Dishonour of Cheque? unofficially classified into___________
1) Section 138 defines Dishonour of cheque for a) brokers and tarawaniwalas
insufficiency, etc., of funds in the account. b) brokers and jobbers
2) Such cheque has been presented to the bank c) jobbers and tarawaniwalas
within a period of twelve months from the d) there is no such classification of members of
date on which it is drawn or within the stock exchange
period of its validity, whichever is earlier
3) Imprisonment for such offence may be 77. Match the items of List - I with List - II in
extended for period of five year terms of functions of a bank:
4) Section 138 apply unless – the drawer of List-1 (Activities) List-II
such cheque fails to make the payment of (Functions)
the said amount of money to the payee or, as A. Underwriting 1. PrimaryFunctions
the case may be, to the holder in due course B. Transfer of funds 2. Granting Advances
of the cheque, within fifteen days of the C. Overdraft 3. Utility Functions
receipt of the said notice. D. Recurring 4. Agency Functions
Choose the correct answer from the options given Deposits
a) 1 and 4 only
a b c d
b) 2 and 3 only
a) 1 2 4 3
c) 2,3 and 4 only
b) 3 4 2 1
d) all the above
c) 4 3 2 1
d) 4 2 1 3
72. Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial
Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
78. DAGMAR approach in marketing is used to
Act popularly known as SARFAESI Act was
enacted in which of the following year:
a) Public relations
a) 21th June 2002
b) Advertising results
b) 30th May 2002
c) Selling volume
c) 21th July 2002
d) Consumer satisfaction
d) 21th April 2002
79. The list of voters, number of students in a
73. The absolute measure of skewness is based on
university and the telephone directory are
the difference between
some of the examples of
a) Mean and Mode
a) Sampling frames
b) Mean and Median
b) Sampling unit
c)Median and Mode
c) Systematic sampling
d) None
d) Cluster sampling
74. What is expected rent?
80. Nikkie belongs to
a) Municipal value of Fair value whichever is
a) Nigerian Stock Exchange Centre
b) Tokyo Stock Exchange Centre
b) Fair value value of Municipal value
c) Nepal Stock Exchange Centre
whichever is higher
d) N. Korean Stock Exchange Centre
c) Municipal value of Fair value whichever is
higher subject to standard rent
81. In which one of the following modes of entry
d) None of these
into foreign market risk and profit potential
75. Which among the following is not the are the highest?
instrument of monetary policy a) Indirect exporting
a) Deficit financing b) Direct exporting
b) Statutory liquidity Ratio c) Direct investment
c) Cash reserve ratio d) Joint ventures
d) Open market operation
82. BIFR was established on the basis of 88. Monetary policy affects the ___ and ___.
recommendations of . . . . . . . . committee. a) Reserve, unemployment
a) Goswami b) Money supply, interest rate
b) Manmohan Singh c) Taxes, exchange rate
c) Rangarajan d) Stock price, minimum wage
d) Tiwari
89. What is a fictitious asset?
83. What is the purpose of CRM‟s territory a) An asset that is not physical in nature
management feature? b) Assets that have no tangible existence
a) To limit the number of territories in a c) Assets of a company that are expected to be
business sold or used
b) To automate territory assignment for sales d) An asset that can easily be converted into
representatives cash
c) To eliminate the need for sales territories 90. What are Explicit Costs?
d) To randomly assign territories to sales a) The excess of estimated future profit than
representatives the normal profit
b) The amount of consolidated net income of
84. What is the Division of Work in Principles of the Company for such Financial Year
Management? c) A profit metric that takes into consideration
a) Workers are given a specialized task to do both explicit and implicit costs
b) Necessary to ensure that managerial d) Normal business costs that appear in the
commands are carried out general ledger
c) Needed within an organization for it to run
effectively 91. What does Break-Even indicate?
d) An employee should have only one boss a) Revenues are more than the cost
b) Revenues and cost are equal
c) Costs are more than revenue
85. Risk of payment or bad debts is overcome by d) None of the Above
which mode of payment in Mail Order 92. A recent policy initiative aimed at promoting
Trading House? financial inclusion in rural areas is:
a) National Electronic Funds Transfer a) Demonetization
b) Real-Time Gross Settlement b) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
c) Value Payable Parcel c) Goods and Services Tax (GST)
d) Demand Draft d) Atal Pension Yojana
86. What is Endorsement Of Bill? 93. Matching of the Input Tax credit on internal
a) Extra days following the due date of the bill stockpile by the beneficiary is embraced with?
for making payment a) Inward Supply Filed
b) The procedure by which the holder of the bill b) Outward Supply Filed
transfers the title of the bill with the c) Monthly Supplies Filed
assistance of his creditors d) None of the above
c) The date of drawing plus the terms of the bill
d) The date of acceptance plus terms of the bill 94. Which of the following persons can use ITR 4?
a. Who is director of a company
87. The Planning Commission of India: b. Who has held any unlisted equity shares
1. Was set up in 1950 c. Who has any asset located outside India
2. Is a constitutional body d. A firm (other than LLP) if assessee is a
3. Is an advisory body Resident
4. Is a government department e. Who has income from other sources
Choose the correct answer from the options given Choose the most appropriate answer from the
below: options given below :
a) 1 and 2 a) a,b, and c only
b) 2 and 3 b) a,b, and d only
c) 1 and 3 c) b,d and,e only
d) 3 only d) d, and e only
SOLVED BY 100. Read the following statements and select
a) Simplex method the correct combination given thereunder:
b) Hungarian method Statement – 1 : Linear Programming is a
c) Graphical method mathematical function.
d) Degeneracy Statement – 2 : Transportation model is one of
the part of Linear Programming.
96. Given below are two statements, one labeled as a) Statement 1 is true but 2 is not true
Assertion (A) and the other labeled as Reason b) Statements 1 and 2, both are true
(R): c) Statement 1 is not true but 2 is true
Assertion (A) : Amalgamation means joining d) Both the statements 1 and 2 are not true
of two or more existing companies into one
Reason (R) : The joined companies lose their
identity and form themselves into a new
Choose the correct answer from the options given
below :
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
correct explanation of (A)
b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
correct explanation of (A)
c) (A) is true but (R) is false
d) (A) is false but (R) is true