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Chapter 8

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OVERVIEW support, quality mngmnt & outcomes

Note: Each highlight colors has an indicative
Pink- Applications in HI TELEMEDICINE
Blue- Subpart of its apps 
 Defined as using telecomm technologies to
support the delivery of all kinds of medical,
diagnostic & treatment-related services usually

 EHR  Example: Conducting diagnostic tests;

 TELEMEDICINE Closely monitoring pt's progress aft
 E-HEALTH treatment/therapy; Facilitating access to
specialists that aren't located in same place as

Clinical & Administrative Health Information System
 Similar to telemedicine, BUT includes wider
 E-Learning variety of remote healthcare services beyond
 Teleconferencing the doctor-patient relationship.
 Webinar  Often involves services provided by nurses,
pharmacists or social workers
 Example: Who help w/ pt health education,
HEALTH INFORMATICS- science of information social support & med adherence, &
management in health care & its application to troubleshooting health issues for pts & their
support clinical practice, decision making and caregivers.
research 


involves activities with & on behalf of clients, esp
those activities completed in the client's presence & w/  Refers to technology that allows consumers to
the client's collaboration. These activities are informed stay safe & independent in their own homes
by an ecologically based biopsychosocial assessment  Example: Telecare may include consumer-
oriented health & fitness apps, sensors and
ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD tools that connect consumers w/ family
members or other caregivers, exercise tracking
 Electronic version of pts med history, that tools, digital med reminder systems or early
maintained by provider over time. warning & detection technologies

 May include all the key administrative clinical E-HEALTH
data relevant to the person's care under a
particular provider (Demographics, progress  Refers to the use of internet & other
notes, problems, meds, v/s, past med history, technologies in the health care industry
immunizations, lab data & radiology  Transfer of health resources & health care by
reports). electronic means. It is the healthcare supported
by electronics, informatics &
 It automates access to info & has potential to telecommunications
STREAMLINE the clinician's workflow  It is the delivery of health care using modern
electronic info & comm technologies when
 Has the ability to support other care-related providers & patients are not directly in contact
activities directly or indirectly thru VARIOUS & their interaction is mediated by electronic
INTERFACES (evidence-based decision means.
 WHO defines E-health, as "the cost-effective  eHealth incorporates expanding pts
& secure use of info & comm technologies in knowledge & access of personal electronic
support of health & health care fields, including records over the net
health-care services, health surveillance, health
lit & health educ, knowledge & research.  This unseals new opportunities for patient-
centered medicine & facilitates evidence-based
patient choice
Acc to WHO three (3) main core areas of eHealth
are 5. Encouragement
1. Delivery of health information, for health
professionals and health consumers, through the  Encouragement of patients participation thru
Internet and telecommunications. more proactive care
2. Using the power of IT and e-commerce to
improve public health services, e.g. through the
education and training of health workers.  e-health provides encouragement for a new
3. The use of e-commerce and e-business practices link b/w the pt & health expert, towards a true
in health systems management. corporation, where choices are made mutually.

Characteristics of eHealth 6. Education

1. Efficiency  For both pt & providers, it is platform to expand

knowledge thru researches or health care info
 One of the assurances of e-health- to upturn
efficiency in healthcare, thus reducing costs  eHealth helps to educate physicians &
 It ensures efficiency in health care w/ reduction consumers thru online sources (ongoing med
in cost education & other resources)
 This is achieve thru avoiding duplicative/
unnecessary diagnostic, decreasing overhead1.
cost in practice & involving pts for improving 7. Enabling
 Creation of environment for easier exchange of
2. Enhancing the quality of care info & easy comm b/w consumer & provider

 Increasing efficiency- refers not only  eHealth promotes info discussion & comm
decreasing cost, but also improving quality of b/w health care institutions in a consistent
services. way

 e-Health improve the quality of health care by 8. Extension

allowing comparisons b/w diverse providers
eHealth extends opportunity of health care further
 Focus on quality assurance, aiming pt streams than its conservative boundaries
to the finest quality suppliers

3. Evidence-based  This is meant in both a topographical sense

along w/in a conceptual sense
 E-health interventions must be evidence-  eHealth also facilitates consumers to
based in the sense that their value & effortlessly achieve health services online
competence shouldn't be presumed but proven from internat'l providers
by laborious scientific assessment  These facilities can range from simple
advice/suggestions to more compound
 Must work is still left to be done in this sector intermediations/meds.

4. Empowerment of consumers & patients

 Providing supervision and technical
9. Ethics provision to the Member States to incorporate
 eHealth incl new forms of patient-physician e-health solutions into their national e-health
comm, poses new challenges, & pressures to policies through a synchronized multi-
ethical issues stakeholder and multi-sectoral approach.
 Example: Online prof practice, informed
consent, privacy & equity issues  Monitoring and broadcasting on
 It is one of the pressing issue that poses threat to developments and inclinations in digital
eHealth improvement for public health to notify policy
and practice in nations, and to report frequently
on the use of e-Health in the Region.
10. Equity
 Supporting multi-sectoral partnership and
 Despite clear gap b/w the "haves" & "have management between diverse organizations
not", equity is one of the PROMISES made by with a view to refining coordinated approaches
eHealth for executing and scaling up cost‐effective e-
Health resolutions.
 To make health care further
justifiable/fair is one of the assurances of e-
health, but at the SAME TIME there BENEFITS OF EHEALTH
are substantial risk that e-health might expand1.
the gap between the “haves” and “have-nots”. 1. eHealth ensures cost‐effective and protected use
of facts and communication technologies (ICT) in
 E-health is and should be equitably accessible favor of health and health‐related fields.
to all the people, irrespective of their age, race, 2. Provides quick access to patient records and
gender, ethnicity etc. information for efficient health care.
3. Reduces paper work, reduced duplication of
 People, whose economic conditions are poor, costs etc. thus reducing the cost of health care.
people who lack skills, and access to computers 4. Reduces medical errors and better clinical
and networks, cannot use computers efficiently. decision making.
As a result, these patient populations (which 5.Communication is much easier and bridges the gap
would truly value the utmost from health between the patient and health service provider
information) are those who are the least 6.Patients conditions can be easily
expected to benefit from developments in monitored through its use and their progress can be
information technology, except political trials recorded in real time
ensure equitable access wholly. The digital gap 7. It is the most cost effective and time saving means
presently runs between rural vs. urban to improve the access and quality of care
inhabitants, rich vs. poor, young vs. old, male 8.Patients can make better health decision as they
vs. female people, and among the neglected/rare have the power to manage their own health
vs. common illnesses. 9.Keeping track of the daily activities of what we
eat, what is heart rate, how much sleep I got, when to
There are different eHealth activities being carried take medicines, etc. have become very convenient
out throughout the world. Some of the examples of 10.Covers more than a few interventions, together
eHealth activities are: with telehealth, telemedicine, mobile health (mHealth),
electronic medical or health records (eMR/eHR), big
 Endorsing and firming up the use of ICT data, wearable’s, and even artificial intelligence.
(Information and Communication technologies)
in health development.

 Developing strategies and assessment 1. Conveys the promises and excitement of bringing
agendas to help the member states select, e-commerce to health care.
embrace, cope and estimate e-Health
clarifications to support worthy governance and 2. In emergency situation, it can be used as the
investment verdicts. responders for consultation and easier flow of the
fact based information.
3.Can be used in the bridging the gap of
inaccessibility of the resources for the consumer to The emerging field of health adminstration informatics
receive the service. is concerned w/ the evaluation, acquisition,
implementation and day-to-day operation of IT
4. eHealth can also be used for distance learning. systems in support of all administration & clinical
functions w/in the health care industry
5.eHealth is crucial in accomplishing supreme health
priorities such as universal health coverage (UHC) and HEALTHCARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Administrative Clinical Information System
Info Systems
6.Provides better health care by improving all
aspects of patient care, including safety, effectiveness, Contains: Contains:
patient-centeredness, communication, education,
timeliness, efficiency, and equity.  Primarily  clinical or health-related
administrative information
7.Provides better health by encouraging healthier  Financial data
lifestyles in the entire population, including increased
physical activity, better nutrition, avoidance of
behavioral risks, and wider use of preventative care. Purpose: Purpose:

 General  Assist providers in

LIMITATIONS/CHALLENGES operations of diagnosing, treating,
organization monitoring & documenting
 Difficult to access electronic health information  Support patient care
due to digital divide management
 Ethical issue regarding privacy and security functions
 Generating distrust and interference in the
doctor- patient relationship
 The information available are difficult to
 Increased additional cost/financial barrier in
procurement of internet Patient Administration Systems
 Requirement of skilled personal for the use of  Admission, Discharge, and Transfer
advanced technologies Registration
 Cost challenges in common  Scheduling
 Shortage of IT and clinical resources  Patient billing or accounts receivable
 Trouble in learning and using the software  Utilization management
 Increased personnel costs Financial Management Systems
 Systematizing of all health information
systems, from the time when the content and  Accounts payable
arrangement of all health information systems  General ledger
should be standardized  Personnel & Materials Management
 It might be time-consuming to bring electronic  Payroll
health records up-to-date  Staff Scheduling
 The unavailability or lack of the basic
infrastructure, such as internet connection in
 The lack of applicable software 
 Even though it saves time, the decline list of  Electronic medical record (EMR)
options in health information systems may  Nursing documentation
perhaps lack comprehensive information  Med administration
 Computerized provider order entry (CPOE)
 Telemedicine

CLINICAL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS conferencing can support OVER 100 participants.
 Users in meeting can use features (screen sharing/file
 Tools or Algorithms sharing)
 Created by panels of experts
 Provides Evidence Based Treatment Options Web teleconferencing- umbrella terms that describes
 Embedded or accessible from Clinical teleconference services or mediums provided online,
Information Systems which includes web meetings, webinars and webcasts.
 Remember output is only as good as input A video conference is, therefore, a type of
 teleconference.

EDUCATION How does teleconferencing work?

E-LEARNING It works differently depending on the type of

 teleconference used
A learning system based on formalized teaching
but with the help of electronic resources.. While  In audio telecon, participants dial designated
teaching can be based in or out of the classrooms, phone number to connect to a call that is
the use of computers and the Internet forms the major conducted over telephone lines or the
component of E-learning. internet. VoIP is a key component of internet
 audio conferences. An organization can choose
to have its own bridge or have a telephone
VALUE OF E-LEARNING service provider host conference calls
It has numerous advantages over traditional learning
methods. Some of these include:  Video conferences use VoIP for real-time
communication over the internet. Participants
 the possibility for students to make use of self- can join using a combination of video, audio
paced learning and to choose their learning and audiovisual options. Users also can join and
environments. participate in video calls using their phones,
tablets, laptops or PCs
 It is cost-effective and cost-efficient, as ito
removes the geographical obstacles ofteno
associated with traditional classrooms and  Because web teleconferencing is an umbrella
education. term, it works similar to other forms of internet-
based conference systems. Users can
TELECONFERENCING communicate using video, audio and instant
 Live audio or audiovisual meeting with two or messaging. Most web conferencing platforms
more participants. also have features designed for file sharing and
 With the ability to teleconference, remote teams screen sharing.
in an organization can collaborate ando
communicate, even when geographically
dispersed. The process involves technology Advantages & disadvantages of teleconferencing
more sophisticated than a simple two-way
phone connection  Cost effective- saves remote employees cost of
Types of teleconferencing  Enables users to communicate over long
distances- teams can geographically dispersed
Teams in org have option to conduct & still hold meetings
teleconferencing thru multiple means, including  Offers flexibility- Employees can attend a
teleconference call from almost any device from
Audio teleconferencing- these voice-only calls are any location.
conducted similar to normal telephone call but can  Helps users collaborate- Group chat functions
support up to 100 participants can enable users to further communicate and
collaborate on projects while remote
Video teleconferencing- combines live visual & audio
mediums. Depending on the vendor, video
 Enables users to keep records. Attendees can
record calls for reference or for other employees
who cannot make it to a meeting.
 Offers scheduling- Scheduling and calendar
tools can simplify setting up meetings.
 Provides security- Participant access codes
can help ensure unauthorized users do not join

WEBINAR- interactive online event where a group of

participants can listen to a speaker who delivers a
presentation by sharing their remote screen.


Provide an opportunity for attendees to learn from

experts in a convenient and cost-effective way.
While marketers use webinars as a demand generation
tool, webinars are held for a variety of reasons, from
training and knowledge-sharing to product launches
and internal meetings.

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