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Keywords: Regular hospital visits can be expensive, particularly in rural areas, due to travel costs. In the era of the Covid-19
Healthcare Pandemic, where physical interaction becomes risky, people prefer telemedicine. Fortunately, medical visits can
Remote treatment be reduced when telemedicine services are used through video conferencing or other virtual technologies. Thus,
telemedicine saves both the patient's and the health care provider time and the cost of the treatment. Further-
Virtual appointment
more, due to its fast and advantageous characteristics, it can streamline the workflow of hospitals and clinics. This
disruptive technology would make it easier to monitor discharged patients and manage their recovery. As a result,
it is sufficient to state that telemedicine can create a win-win situation. This paper aims to explore the significant
capabilities, features with treatment workflow, and barriers to the adoption of telemedicine in Healthcare. The
paper identifies seventeen significant applications of telemedicine in Healthcare. Telemedicine is described as a
medical practitioner to diagnose and treat patients in a remote area. Using health apps for scheduled follow-up
visits makes doctors and patients more effective and improves the probability of follow-up, reducing missing
appointments and optimising patient outcomes. Patients should have an accurate medical history and show the
doctor any prominent rashes, bruises, or other signs that need attention through the excellent quality audio-video
system. Further, practitioners need file management and a payment gateway system. Telemedicine technologies
allow patients and doctors both to review the treatment process. However, this technology supplements physical
consultation and is in no way a substitute for a physical consultation. Today this technology is a safe choice for
patients who cannot go to the doctor or sit at home, especially during a pandemic.
1. Introduction heart disease decreased the risk of mortality and hospitalisation and
increased quality of life. There are several compelling reasons for people
Advanced technologies with quality network services enable in- to get a diagnosis or recovery plan. This can make patients feel assured
dividuals to improve healthcare delivery and make it available to more that they are receiving the best quality treatment. Telemedicine is an
and more people. Telemedicine is a more beneficial technology that can excellent choice for treating mental health issues. It eliminates some of
make it easier for people to get preventive treatment and help their long- the causes that prevent patients from receiving this critical form of
term health. It is particularly true for those who face financial or regional treatment [1–3].
causes to receiving quality treatment. Telehealth has the potential to Telemedicine enables patients to receive medical attention at the
make health care more effective, organised, and available. The research convenience of both doctor and him, and at the same time, he is safe. This
on this area is still in its early stages, but it is expanding. For example, the may imply that a person does not need to take time off from work or
telephone-based care and telemonitoring of vital signs in persons with arrange childcare. Going to the doctor's office entails sitting in close
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Haleem), (M. Javaid), (R.P. Singh), (R. Suman).
Received 17 June 2021; Received in revised form 18 July 2021; Accepted 19 July 2021
Available online 24 July 2021
2666-3511/© 2021 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
A. Haleem et al. Sensors International 2 (2021) 100117
quarters with others can cause infection. This is especially risky for better-suited tools for networking, data storage, report management, and
people who have chronic medical problems or a weakened immune leveraging on each other's specific skills. This improves the quality of
system. It prevents the possibility of contracting an infection at the medical practice, allowing doctors to spend less time on rural assign-
doctor's hospital. Telemedicine service providers could have lower ments and providing more care to patients. Telemedicine also enables
overhead rates. Clinicians may find that telemedicine supplementing private healthcare specialists to practise and will enhance the patient
their income by allowing them to take care of more patients. When experience. Patients will no longer have to stand in long queues, and
caregivers see patients online, they are not exposed to the infections that physicians will be able to access patient information more conveniently
the patient may bring. The patient may be happy with their physician if and efficiently with electronic files and eliminating overall wait times.
they do not have to fly to the office or wait for treatment or get infected Furthermore, remote appointments allow doctors to devote less time to
from the hospital [4,5]. each patient, allowing them to treat a more significant number of patients
Telemedicine has improved the capacity of healthcare providers to [15,16].
take care of many people without physically being there. Furthermore,
now that it has proved its worth, it will be around for a long time. 1.2. Why healthcare system needs telemedicine?
Although introductory video conferencing brought many providers to
telehealth, the new wave of telemedicine technologies would have much Rising healthcare costs and a need for better treatment are motivating
more to offer. For example, during a patient, clinicians can use natural more hospitals to investigate the benefits of telemedicine. They want
language processing to take notes automatically. During emergency op- improved contact between physicians and far-off patients and better
erations, specialists will weigh in from afar. The knowledge gathered by usage of healthcare facilities. Here telemedicine also promotes better
healthcare instruments may be submitted to an Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, which has resulted in fewer hospital re-admissions and
cloud platform, where the healthcare provider consolidates it. This in- patients entirely adhering to their prescription care plans. Telemedicine's
formation will then be sent to IoT systems used by healthcare providers increased contact advantage extends to doctor-to-doctor communication
for patient management. The most recent advancements in telemedicine as well. Doctors may use telemedicine to build support networks to ex-
technologies include Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help physicians func- change their skills and provide better healthcare services. Telemedicine
tion more effectively. This technology keeps patients updated with is a way of delivering medical treatment over the internet, usually
wearables and other remote patient tracking resources and even uses through video chat. This technology has several advantages for both
robots to deliver specialised treatment to areas it has never been before patients and healthcare providers. Though there are still technical hur-
[6–8]. dles and critics, telemedicine can supplement and enhance the overall
Telemedicine technology holds great promise for patients in remote patient experience [17–19].
areas. The most significant effect is provided in various countries where
healthcare facilities are both scarce and unavailable. To ensure an ac- 2. Capabilities and features of telemedicine when used in
curate medical history, all patients and doctors must have sufficient healthcare management system
hardware and software security in place. Some clinics can provide virtual
appointments with a doctor through online video conferencing. When an The concept of telemedicine and associated services have now been
in-person visit is not required or necessary, these appointments enable well established and proven for societal help. Fig. 1 reflects the various
them to continue receiving treatment from a usual doctor. Web-based features and facilities offered by the telemedicine concept, specifically
visits with a doctor or nurse practitioner are another form of interac- for the healthcare domain. It provides chronic health management,
tive appointment. As part of their health care offerings, several major prescription compliance, remote services, care-for-all under critical and
corporations have access to automated doctor's offices. On the other severe cases, etc., which ultimately enable this methodology to support
hand, a nursing call centre is staffed by nurses who use a question-and- the healthcare and medical care sphere. In addition, a series of tele-
answer format to offer advice for at-home treatment [9–11]. wearables heals up the patients and keeps them updating about their
This technology allows people to take blood pressure medicine, refill health status in a unique way [20,21].
medications, and recall their appointments. In addition, patients can Telemedicine is an innovative technology, and many call it disruptive
describe their symptoms to doctors by email, take a series of self-tests, innovation. Thus, to cater to a distant patient, telemedicine employs a
and enrol in step-by-step training services tailored to their specific con- range of electronic communications media, ranging from teleconfer-
dition. For all scenarios, electronic health technology makes chronic encing to image-sharing to remote patient surveillance. Doctors may also
illness control easier by simply placing care monitoring apps and use automation to offer quality treatment to their patients. They need to
smartphones in the hands of patients [12,13]. This article briefs about develop better IT support systems and learn a new way of file manage-
telemedicine and its need in Healthcare. Significant capabilities, features, ment. For example, a virtual appointment encourages primary care
barriers, and applications are discussed briefly. physicians to receive advice from experts when they have concerns about
the illness or treatment. Exam reports, history, medical findings, X-rays,
1.1. What is telemedicine? or other images are sent to the expert for examination to the doctor. The
specialist can answer electronically, set up a virtual meeting with the
Telemedicine is a health-related service with the help of tele- doctor. These virtual consultations can eliminate the need for unnec-
communicating and electronic information technologies. It refers to the essary in-person referrals to specialists, reduce wait times for specialist
whole collection of deliverables designed to enable patients and their feedback, and eliminate the need for unnecessary travel. Telemedicine
physicians or healthcare providers. It has a wide range of uses, including strategies are more useful where a doctor can see the patient, identify a
online patient consultations, remote control, telehealth nursing, and disease, and chart the experience [22–25].
remote physical and psychiatry rehabilitation. It allows better health care An electronic personal health record system uses health records that
choices, increases emergency service quality and performance, reduces can monitor and preserve. We can use a web-enabled device, such as a
time in making a diagnosis, and saves costs for both doctors and patients desktop or smartphone, at any time. A personal health report will quickly
by optimising clinical procedures and reducing travel expenses to hos- provide essential details to emergency responders in an emergency, such
pitals [14,15]. as diagnoses, prescriptions, substance preferences, and the doctor's
Telemedicine has increased access to high-quality healthcare facil- contact information. The applications of this technology have been
ities. Patients will now get more customised clinical services. They can developed to assist customers with properly organising their medical
also meet the best medical providers simply by using video application records in one safe location. Recovery programmes must establish targets
software, consultations can be taken from afar, and clinicians have for effectively improving patient behaviour, which is getting more
A. Haleem et al. Sensors International 2 (2021) 100117
uncomplicated due to mobile health technologies. It allows patients to This tool means more funding for local health services for a remote pa-
count calories, record vital signs, record exercise, and control prescrip- tient's population. In addition, this technology can allow all patients to
tion doses and schedules. Aside from diabetes, telemedicine's idea of remain with family and friends [33–35].
patient self-management can be extended to other long-term chronic
disorders such as hypertension and a host of digestive diseases [26–28]. 3. The treatment work flow process as being used in
Telemedicine solutions will significantly assist doctors. However, telemedicine care
when combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI), it can become even more
effective. It can simplify basic tasks by reducing doctor workloads and Fig. 2 is showing a line-way representation of the workflow for
increasing job satisfaction. The application relay data in a timely and attempting telemedicine culture-based treatment in healthcare services.
high-quality manner to ensure that an appointment runs smoothly. It It provides an ultra-edge type facility and attention at every step during
would enable doctors to do a more rigorous review of a patient's health its implementation. It all starts with the patient's entry or detailed in-
and inspections for any abnormalities. Patients are encouraged to see a formation, further followed by the telehealth supportive care unit. This
doctor's open (available) time slots, as well as their upcoming appoint- step is further associated with the setting up of the doctoral assistant to
ments and the ability to reschedule them. Healthcare analytics is often the patient and then after the diagnosis and appropriate treatment
used to interact with the gathered data and view it from a user interface. offered to the person under utmost care [36,37].
In the long term, store and forward approaches imply improved time and Telemedicine and other technology improve clinical and adminis-
cost utilisation. Telemonitoring is based on various electronic technolo- trative operations by telecommunication. It is a multifaceted technique
gies that transmit patient statistics directly to a healthcare provider's that provides emergency care in both critical and non-critical situations.
analytical interface [29,30]. In general, it is used to treat patients who are suffering from chronic
This technology has proved valuable and essential in a variety of diseases. On the other hand, a hospital with an appropriate ambulance
capacities within the telehealth and medical industries. It is notably crew or other personnel can compensate for telemedicine. Furthermore,
revolutionising surgeries, medical training, and schooling. Once the additional functions such as the patient's treatment history, diagrams of
doctor has approved the desired appointment, the patient should obtain treatment dynamics, and e-prescriptions can be added to the telemedi-
confirmation. Internal records, such as reviews, changes, and critical cine solution.
hospital alerts, can be included in their profiles. Physicians can be able to Furthermore, doctors can easily continue to call patients for follow-
make meetings using schedules as well. Scheduling, and rescheduling, ups or findings following an appointment. Therefore, text messages are
are the standard features of modern telemedicine applications. When essential because they enable the doctor to speak directly and quickly
physicians are informed of an appointment, they can access the patient's without another appointment. In addition, data and medications can be
medical record and other details as needed in order to have an appro- exchanged between offices by physicians [38–40].
priate consultation and diagnosis [31,32]. In the current situation, healthcare surveillance is vital to maintain
Virtual Reality (VR) systems have transformed communication ap- the quality of Healthcare. With the implementation of digital health
plications in telemedicine devices, making them more immersive. In tracking technologies and services, there are smart connectivity systems.
virtual reality, doctors and their teams can now watch a 3D monitor This technology opens the door for direct patient control to provide much
when performing surgical procedures. By using video conferencing, greater insight into patients with simple video conferencing. The doctor's
physicians and even surgeons will work on people that are thousands of catalogue saves both patient's and healthcare provider's time. It improves
miles away. This enables even intercontinental medical teams to the precision of the doctor-patient treatment procedure. The appoint-
collaborate and hold video meetings on complex and urgent situations. ment scheduling function keeps doctors informed of the status of their
The telehealth platform might use VR to simulate the patient's data and a appointments. Until communicating with a patient, doctors may review
graphical environment with video conferencing to streamline commu- scheduling requests and patient profiles. This shows the patient queue
nication with a doctor. This method is also helpful in rural or isolated and allows to filter of patient profiling. The doctor can now easily post-
regions, and it is critical for providing patients with local Healthcare. In pone appointments at any time in case of an emergency. Data protection
rural areas, this ensures increased trust in the local healthcare system. is often ensured by cloud-based medical record-keeping of telemedicine
A. Haleem et al. Sensors International 2 (2021) 100117
data with patient information and captured video consultation [41–43]. Telemedicine technology can be reduced the requirements through
There is an easy sharing of medical records with any clinician spe- an internet network, a video platform, technical equipment, and prob-
cialising in treating a specific patient's disease, even a patient's caregiver ably portable equipment. Healthcare facilities may have extensive ser-
who needs the information for insurance purposes. Patients can ask vices, which can perform telemedicine visits using a scaled-back variant
questions about their symptoms by communicating with their doctors via of the same equipment. The assistance required to run a telemedicine
teleconference. Photographs and video consultations are replacing In- programme is just as necessary as the hardware decisions. Any software
person evaluations. Telemedicine application software companies use requires a qualified computer and technical assistance to run correctly.
app connectivity and cloud technologies to allow real-time collaboration Depending on resources, physicians access the needs at all times. The
and remote patient diagnosis. It saves time for both patients and physi- support team will be able to ensure consistent and safe internet access. In
cians by monitoring health progress and inspecting when necessary. The addition, it assists with logistical and technological issues that could arise
telehealth app ensures seamless patient record collection and consoli- during a clinic day to avoid patient treatment interruptions [52–54].
dation in a single location. It helps pharmacies, customers, and pre- Telemedicine provides a great deal among healthcare professionals.
scribing physicians by delivering healthcare services more quickly. With Healthcare organisations incorporate telemedicine in medical offices and
an e-prescription feature, doctors can create and deliver prescriptions skilled nursing hospitals to deliver more effective services. Technologies
with lesser errors. It would help to save time while also improving con- combined with telemedicine software, such as electronic medical re-
nectivity and customer satisfaction [44–47]. cords, AI diagnosis, and medical streaming applications, can help phy-
Telemedicine solutions for Healthcare improve the quality of treat- sicians diagnose and manage patients more effectively. This enables
ment for both patients and doctors. Today, telemedicine app growth is physicians to track patients in real-time and modify care plans. Using
increasing as the demand for mobile telemedicine applications grows and telemedicine, doctors can treat more patients without adding more em-
will continue to expand. It also enables doctors to view documents on the ployees or expanding their office rooms. However, several physicians and
prescription insurance form and provide all information in electronically patients, mostly older adults, are having difficulty adjusting to tele-
connected pharmacies. The ability to pay medical bills from mobile medicine [55,56].
should be a must of every telemedicine app. The ability for patients to
rate and compare their doctors is an essential feature of any telemedicine 4. Barriers for the adoption of telemedicine practices in making
app. Patient feedback is regarded as an essential part of quality man- healthcare services effective
agement and professional development. Furthermore, it will assist many
new patients in locating the specialist doctor that is ideally suited to their Fig. 3 exemplifies the several fences that came across the successful
needs [48,49]. implementation of telemedicine care to support the healthcare units and
Telemedicine applications have the potential to speed up the treat- patients for their utmost care. There are very typical and usual barriers
ment of a variety of medical conditions. It is more successful when a needed to be taken care of while looking to apply telehealth-related
person gets medication from a professional doctor who provides detailed practices for Healthcare and its allied domains. The things must be
knowledge about their symptoms. Telemedicine is a method of main- very free from any kind of privacy loss, confidentiality revealing, fraud &
taining continuous contact with patients and healthcare providers. It has abuse, inaccurate solutions, etc. as any of these issues may become a
expanded access to healthcare facilities through the use of advanced reason for anyone's discouragement, or the case may become complex as
technologies and services. Telemedicine provides any hospital or treat- far as health sediments are concerned [57–59].
ment centre with immediate access to medical professionals, consultants, Telemedicine and other telehealth monitoring methods may assist
and additional education and statistics. It is the fastest way to exchange patients and physicians in managing severe health problems such as
all services with any hospital or clinic in the country. Telemedicine diabetes and asthma. Providers will also track patients at home after
application specifications may be as simple and few simple requirements being discharged from the hospital or recovering from an accident. Pa-
and some decisions [50,51]. tients' mismanagement is a significant source of anxiety for physicians.
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hospitals can mount IoT sensors on wheelchairs, nebulisers, de- and manage. Though a valuable and worthwhile facility, telemedicine
fibrillators, and other medical equipment to allow for real-time tracking. can be prohibitively expensive for smaller healthcare facilities. Poor
This method may also be used to monitor the position of medical communication will also make it impossible to provide reliable care.
personnel involved with the hospital.
Telemedicine is now used in medical areas such as dermatology, 8. Future of telemedicine in the healthcare sector
mental health, medicine, and cardiology to deliver improved treatment
to populations underserved by doctors and clinics. It is often thought to In the future, patients will book an appointment with the doctor of
be a way to minimise significantly the expense of treating health prob- their choice after completing a quick and straightforward registration
lems such as asthma, diabetes, and sleep apnea, which benefit from process. Instead of typing, patients will upload medical history, verifi-
continuous observation of a patient's condition. Telemedicine technology cation documents, medical reports and past prescriptions. The patient
in recovery tackles these problems in various areas, including performing interface is a proper function that allows the doctor to create an urgent
cognitive or psychiatric assessments, leading group counselling meet- care plan. It displays an outline of the patient's physical and personal
ings, supplying patients with internet services, and remotely observing records, assisting the doctor in deciding. Local healthcare resources can
patients. For example, this technology will help people recover from lung be quickly mobilised to offer both emergent and non-emergent services.
disease by undergoing video therapy sessions and supervised physical This will allow clinicians to concentrate on high-demand, complicated
recovery at a local satellite site. Cardiovascular disease is the primary cases in person rather than low-level cases that could be handled
cause of death worldwide. However, many incidents can be avoided with remotely. In the future, emergency departments to use video consulta-
the aid of drug therapies or social/lifestyle changes. tions to triage their patients, non-emergency situations are discharged
Telehealth may be making health more affordable and, as a result, earlier. As a result, there is less emergency diversion and improved pa-
growing Healthcare's importance and getting immediate treatment for tient conditions. Several healthcare organisations are adopting tele-
patients. However, people must fly thousands of miles around the globe medicine application software to prepare for the future. It connected
or continents to get affordable Healthcare. Several applications that have cardiologists with patients who came to the rural facility for care. They
been created for health-related purposes have ensured that this hurdle is will also shorten the time required for follow-up appointments and
removed. Telemedicine service makes it much easier to have a video complement the regular system. Remote patient management has arisen
medical appointment with any doctor in the shortest amount of time. as the next major cause for virtual Healthcare, and this challenge is
Patients can be able to customise their needs, venue and allow compat- generating significant opportunities for many businesses.
ibility with current patient records. They can make personalised meet-
ings and physicians who can collect vital details prior to the meeting. 9. Conclusion
Furthermore, it allows various algorithms to view pertinent information
on the home screen. For example, a search engine with complex filter Telemedicine is a valuable technology in linking clinicians with pa-
algorithms would allow patients to choose several filters that can tients to ensure they make long-term lifestyle changes. It has significant
operate. benefits for medical office staff. This many times eliminates the burden of
Telemedicine applications associate patients with doctors who con- patient check-in and concentrates on higher-value tasks. With online visit
sult them via video chat. The doctors available depends on the software capability, clinicians may care for their patients while still potentially
by using the number of physicians who have registered with it. Any assisting other affected practices. This also reduces distance limitations
telehealth applications will also help to treat illnesses like diabetes, high by exchanging information about a diagnosis, care, and disease preven-
cholesterol, or addiction. The apps will also send prescriptions to pre- tion between the doctor and the patient through electronic means. The
selected pharmacies, allowing them to pick up medications conve- most extensive telemedicine application can get health coverage closer to
niently. Telemedicine provides expert medical advice, diagnosis, recov- people who live in rural areas where quality treatment is otherwise
ery plans, and medications. The doctors can receive advanced training impossible to access. In recent years, this technology has been shown to
through internet consultations. Telehealth applications are entirely increase the quality of healthcare facilities by allowing the exchange of
modern technology used for patient care and rapidly changing Health- information across many distant areas. It expands access to underserved
care and its effectiveness. It supports technologically-inspired health care areas, making it easier for them to schedule and hold appointments.
systems. People with reduced mobility get doctors' opinions and prescriptions
which they need more quickly. Medicine and testing and procedures they
7. Limitations of telemedicine in healthcare have to manage at their place. Telemedicine minimises the doctors' &
patient travel around the globe and changes each sick person's life,
Telemedicine, when compared to conventional treatment ap- ensuring that each sick person receives the appropriate health treatment.
proaches, has lots of possible drawbacks to using telemedicine. It is no
substitute for the conventional healthcare system; it compliments the
Declaration of competing interest
healthcare system for minimal functions. There is a serious issue of
hacking patient's medical data, especially if the patient connects to
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
telemedicine from a public network or an unencrypted channel. When a
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
person requires emergency care, this technology can cause the medica-
the work reported in this paper.
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