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no student is allowed to join any organization as

it is detrimental to academic performance and
1. A teacher’s salary must increase right after how scores
many years of service according to the Magna C. learners are given chance to negotiate on the
rules following appropriate procedures
Carta for Public School Teachers? D. all activities should be printed in 20gsm coupon
A. 2 years bonds and fastened inside color-coded Morocco
B. 3 years folders to assure no page or part will be
C. 5 years misplaced
D. 7 years
9. Which of the following is the BEST quality a
2. What can be expected from the teacher’s role
teacher must possess to make good in the
as a community change agent?
A. Extended community social services teaching profession:
B. Bringing government closer to the people A. An IQ of 125 or thereabouts
C. Relevant response to community needs B. Fair in her public speaking ability
D. Better educated community C. A 20/20 vision and good hearing
D. A side income to supplement her salary
3. In the Education Act of 1982, which is not a 10. A teacher who advocates the pragmatic
teacher’s right? philosophy of education believes that
A. Free legal service for cases connected with experience should follow learning, thus she has
professional duties to?
B. Joining labor organizations promoting A. equip her students with basic skills arid
teachers’ welfare abilities
C. Filing anonymous complaints against B. encourage her students to memorize facts
superiors C. provide her students to apply their skills and
D. Free expression of opinion and suggestions abilities
D. require her students mastery of the lesson
4. What is the best description to the teaching
11. Teacher M views his students as unique, free-
A. It is the most popular labor sector choosing and responsible individuals. All
B. It is the noblest profession classroom activities revolve around the said
C. It is the most lucrative profession
D. It requires less preparation premise. What theory underlies this?
A. Essentialism
5. Religious rituals in the classroom and in the B. Existentialism
school programs prove the deep natural C. Progressivism
D. Realism
religiosity of the Filipinos. Which philosophy has
12. Which is at the heart of the CFT-SEA?
greatly contributed to the tradition?
A. the passionate and dedicated teacher who
A. Buddhism
moves mountains to make sure quality
B. Confucianism
instruction is afforded to learners
C. Hinduism
B. the joyful learner who are at the center of
D. Islam
the educative process
6. What is the goal of curriculum during the pre- C. the responsive curriculum which is timely,
Spanish time? updated, and purposeful to address
A. To learn basic skills concerns of immediate community
B. To accept Catholicism D. the continuing professional development
C. To train Filipinos the American culture which serves as a compass for the
D. To promote prosperity betterment of professional teachers

7. With which goals of educational institution as In a study conducted, the pupils were asked which
provided for by the constitution is the nationality they would prefer if given a choice.
development of work skills aligned? Majority of the pupils wanted to be Americans. In
A. To develop moral character
B. To teach the duties of citizenship this case, in which obligation relative to the state
C. To develop vocational efficiency are schools seeming to be failing?
D. To inculcate love of country
8. You were asked to devise class rules and share Instill allegiance to the constitutional authorities
them with your students on the first day of the Promote national pride
Promote obedience to the laws of the state
school year. Which of these will you add in your Respect for all duly constituted authorities
A. each student should have laptop and cellphone A teacher introduces herself as a teacher ONLY.
to use during class discussions
What does this imply?
The teaching profession is not very significant one. action acceptable?
The teaching profession is the lowest paid
profession. Yes, when the teacher cannot make decision on
She must have been forced to pursue a career in time
teaching. Yes, when there is abuse of judgment on the part of
She takes no pride in teaching profession. the teacher
No, teachers are more knowledgeable on their
student’s performance
Which consideration was mentioned in the Code of No, grading and promoting students are exclusive
Ethics as a basis for a professional teacher to functions of teachers
engage in a business?

that it is highly profitable There is a school program the following Monday.at

that it involves the selling of textbooks 9 A.M. You are assigned to emcee in that particular
that it does not demand high capital
that it is legitimate program but your eight-year-old son has a fever.
What will you do?
Teaching profession is commonly defined as:
make some arrangements and let someone take
the demanding profession over the emceeing
the dedicated profession call a neighbor and let him take care of your sick
the passionate profession son
the noble profession tell your spouse not to go to his office to take care
of your son
forget the program and attend to your son
Of the following, which exemplifies the best
example of cooperation and voluntarism in the Who among the following teachers applies an
Parent-Teacher Associations? existentialist approach to teaching?

Helping hands after a natural crisis, e.g. One helping students accept themselves as unique
devastating storm individuals
Attending regular meetings One focusing on teaching basic skills
Fundraising for PT funds One giving stress to traditional disciplines
Running the school canteen One engaging students on rigors of study

The teacher instills to the students the Filipino Teacher N is a new teacher. She realizes that
value of respect for the elderly that is shown handling her student’s misbehavior is a very
through the provision of spaces in the building, demanding aspect of classroom management. In
granting of discount privileges and prioritizing them this regard, she thought of giving up teaching. What
in the grocery stores and LRT stations. What advice can you give her?
literacy is being implied?
Report every student’s misbehavior to the principal
Set the ground rules for the whole class
Multicultural Literacy Agree with the class on what rules to follow
Social Literacy None of the above
Financial Literacy
Media Literacy
Which of the following laws strengthens teacher
Do you have higher order thinking abilities? Do you education in the Philippines through the
excel in your abilities in any of Howard Gardner’s establishment of centers of excellence?
Multiple Intelligences? Do you act quickly on
problems of immediate concern? What personal RA 7722
RA 7784
quality do you possess? RA 7796
RA 7834
What can be achieved by actively involving parents
and the community in the School Improvement
Less work for teachers
When a principal starts to exercise his/her powers Participation by all stakeholders
over making and promoting students, is his/her Speedy implementation of projects
Additional funds for the school
Right of every student to enter public secondary
Which of the following provisions under the Magna schools
Free from being screened to enter pubic secondary
Carta for Public School Teachers will most likely schools
promote teachers' welfare and defend their Free from payment of school fees identifies and
authorized by law
interests? Free from payment of tuition and other fees for
students enrolled in public secondary schools
Be promoted in rank and salary
Regulate their social involvement
On which policy is R.A. 4670 as the Magna Carta
Undergo and participate in professional
for Public School Teacher focused?
Establish, join and maintain professional and self-
regulation organizations Right to establish or join organization
Code of ethics for professional teachers
Recruitment shall take place after training
Teacher K teaches in a public school in her locality. To promote and improve a social economic status
Due to teacher shortage, her classroom teaching of public-school teachers
starts from 6 am and ends at 3 pm. Is the
assignment given to her just?
Teacher V demonstrated the technique on how to
group students according to their needs and
Yes, the situation demands that she render longer
interests and how to use self-paced instructional
teaching hours.
materials. Which philosophy is manifested in this
Yes, as long as she signs a conforme letter to that
No, rendering longer teaching hours would make
the teacher tired and exhausted. Essentialism
No, Magna Carta for Public School Teachers states Existentialism
that in the exigencies of service, any teacher may Realism
be required to render more than six hours and not Social Reconstructionism
more than eight hours of actual classroom teaching With PPST Domain 5 in mind, which of the
a day. following should be out?

Teacher L, a graduate of BSEd with majorship in portfolio

Mathematics teaches in a national high school in anecdotal records
her province. Since she has been rated outstanding textbooks
in her performance, can she be exempted from grades
taking the LET?
Through the enactment of RA 7836, the regulation
Yes, that is a privilege that must be given to and licensing of teachers is now with the
teachers whose performance is outstanding.
Yes, if approved by PRC.
No, RA 7836 states that no person shall practice or Professional Regulation Commission
offer to practice the teaching profession in the Commission of Higher Education
Philippines or be appointed as teacher to any Department of Education, Culture and Sports
position calling for a teaching position without Civil Service Commission
having previously obtained a valid certificate and a
valid license from the Commission. What is NOT the essential requirement for allowing
No, a professional license is required of all teachers
regardless of age and teaching performance. non-college graduate to be hired to teach Senior
High School?
What strategy best fosters an engaging working
environment involving the school head, teachers, Acknowledge expertise
Teacher Specialization
parents and students? Completed tech-voc course
Need of the school
Management Information system
Respect for status and hierarchy
The government prescribes a higher percentage on
Open communication the administration of educational institutions to the
Control by authority
Filipino citizens in order to:
What does free public secondary educational under
the law mean? minimize the unemployment problem
produce globally competitive graduates
protect the rights of the citizens
ensure the teaching of Filipino Education is an essential factor in the economic
growth of the nation.
RA 4670 mentions the right of teachers to take an Education is development and vice-versa.

indefinite leave. When can teachers consider taking

Judge what needs to be eliminated so that schools
the aforementioned leave? can be transformed into a Learning Community?

After seven years of continuous service Collective inquiry for best practices
When they enrolled for a post-graduate diploma Commitment for continuing improvement
When teacher is sick Shared vision-mission- values
When teacher is ill and needs a long medical Centralized governance
Which of the following shows responsiveness of
Mr. A is always willing to work overtime as public officials and employees?
requested by his superior due to exigency of the
service. What percentage of his regular
remuneration after he has completed at least 6 avoiding wastage of public funds
hours of actual teaching should be paid to him as formulating rules and policies regarding work
additional compensation? providing public information of their policies and
20% encouraging appreciation of government service
30% Which of the following is correct?
Teaching profession can be used in coercing
The failure of independent study with most Filipino people to follow your religious affiliation
students may be attributed to students’: Teaching profession is a dignified mean of earning
to have a decent living
Unpreparedness for schooling Teaching profession is the profession involved in
Ambivalence the venture of textbooks
High degree of independence All of the above
High degree of dependence on authority

Which illustrates a sound actuation teachers should

When we say we consider teaching as a mission,
exemplify as stipulated in Section 2 of the Article:
which is implied?
The Teacher and the Parents of the Code of
that we deliver intermittent service to our students Ethics?
to give time for teachers to relax and manage a
healthy well-being Teacher A clearly delivers her orientation to the
that we provide half-baked instructions in their parents to earn their trust and respect
classes so as not to pressure and overburden the Teacher B informs the parent of student X about his
learners strengths and weaknesses in class
that we use videos and powerpoint during Teacher C refrains from gambling and drunkenness
discussion to elicit good communication so as not to lose confidence of the students’
that we include in our discussion, topics that are parents
relevant and responsive to the plight of our Teacher D is listening attentively to the complaints
students of Parent S about the JS Prom fee

Who of the following will least trust the senses as a Teachers often receive messages of affection,
source of knowledge? commendation, and affirmation from students.
During special occasions, it is inevitable for
Idealists students to prepare a token for their teachers. As a
Realists professional, if you were to develop a sound
Existentialists approach how would you deal with the situation?
reciprocate the love and kindness manifested by
Which of the following is NOT recognized by the the students by making sure the test is easy and
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers? everybody gets high scores
return the positive attitude showed by students by
extending the deadline of performance tasks and
Quality education depends primarily on the quality activities
of socio-economic status of teachers. give back to the students by being permissive in the
Advancement in education depends on the conduct of classes to ensure everyone is loved,
teachers' qualifications and ability. cared, and accepted in the classroom
reciprocate the love and kindness shown by The dominating feature of the educational system
students by ensuring the best and the highest
quality of education is provided to them and by during the Spanish period?
being objective and impartial to all
Extension of educational facilities to the masses
Emphasis on vocational education and nationalism
Predominance of independent private secondary
How are schools influenced when parents’ measure schools
of excellent school is children’s ability to read as Establishment of a national system of secondary
early as pre-kindergartens?

Exclusive use of reading books published by the When a teacher practices professional ethics,
school evaluate the following and determine which he is
Application of socio-emotional learning
Integration of values in the curriculum not likely to do?
Focus on academics shares an outstanding outcome of undertaking with

Who among the following characterizes a others.

maintain cordial relationship with his colleagues.
professional teacher? respects his superiors
engages in gossips
An education graduate who received honors
A teacher who has taught for at least six years
A teacher who has attended national seminars on Teacher Mica doesn’t like Ana, her student who is
teaching expected to graduate as class Valedictorian. In this
A teacher who qualifies for a permanent position
under RA 4670 regard, she is so impartial to her and gives her low
marks in recitation and project. Is this correct?
In the learning to do pillar of new education, what is
the enabling factor that can make the learner fully No, it is a must that every teacher be impartial to
contribute to a peaceful and just society? each student
No, it is a mortal sin to hate anyone
Knowledge Yes, it is human nature to feel disgust to an
Skills individual
Insights Yes, it is the right of every teacher to determine the
Values mark of every student

Before being able to fully learn to live and work

together under the pillar of the 21st century Are you a person someone can lean on? Are you
education, what must the learner attain for himself?
honest and sincere in words and action? Are you
consistent in your actions and responses to
Find peace within oneself
different situations? What personal quality do you
Attain an altruistic mind
Love his fellowmen possess?
Become self-actualized
Which of these statements regarding professional Buoyancy
teachers is the major difference in the Reliability
professionalization of teachers and teaching as
promulgated in Presidential Decree 1006 and in Do you believe in yourself and what you can do?
Can you work alone without asking help from
Republic Act 7836? others? Do you believe in the saying “No guts, no
glory”. What quality do you have?
Holder of valid professional license and certificate
of registration. Self-confidence
Appointed of full-time basis and on a permanent Innovativeness
status. Compassionate
Assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in Emotional Stability
both public and private schools.
In schools dominated by children of Indigenous
Assigned at the tertiary level in both private and
Peoples or IPs, what is the focus of learning that
state colleges and universities.
can instill pride for the elements of the young
learners' culture? At all times for whatever cause
When they dialogue with administration
Basic idea of what is culture When there is rift among teachers
History of Indigenous peoples When the best interest of learners is at stake in a
Positive elements of culture controversy
Concerns of ethnic communities
Scouting and Citizen's Army Training (CAT) give
training in character-building, citizenship training,
Are you easily upset by petty things? Do you worry
etc. Which leads to the creation of a new social
lot? Do you panic when pressured? Do you often
order and a new society eventually. What
feel that you are to be blamed? What personal
philosophy supports this?
quality do you lack?

Innovativeness Perennialism
Emotional Stability Progressivism
Cooperativeness Social reconstructionism
What article of the Code of Ethics specifies the When can teachers be required to work on
proper conduct of teachers to the parents? assignment not related to their duties?
VIII When on probation
IX When found inefficient
X When lacking in educational qualifications
XI When compensated under existing laws
Among personal attitudes, which is NOT among
those that demonstrate patience among teachers? Were teachers in the Philippines required of a
professional license since the establishment of the
Equanimity Philippine educational system?
Honesty No, but the equivalent of a license required was a
Composure certificate in teaching.
Yes, it was required since the American established
What right is given to private universities to require the educational system.
an entrance test for admission of students? No, it was only with the effectivity of R.A. 7386 that
professional license was required
Yes, except for the Thomasites
Academic freedom
Right to exclusive education
National College Entrance Exam What is the overall stream for education, growth
Unique academic agenda and fulfilment in the teaching profession?
Among the rights of schools, which is NOT
provided by law? Merit and promotion
Lifelong career
Right for basic education to determine subjects of In-service
study Pre-service
Right to proper governance
Right for institutions of higher learning to determine Which situation shows that a sense of nationhood
academic grounds for admission
is exemplified?
Right to enforce administrative systems

The class conducted a debate using Filipino as

What philosophy of education advocates that the medium
The class is required to watch the TV sitcom of
curriculum should only include universal and
Oprah to improve their English communication
unchanging truths? skills.
The class opted to make a choral rendition of the
Essentialism theme song of a foreign movie.
Idealism When Teacher Chris asked her Grade 2 students in
Perennialism what country they wish to live, most of them chose
Pragmatism United States.
In order to make Roman education truly utilitarian,
When should teachers support one another? how should the day-to-day lessons be taught?
Taught in the students' native dialect
Taught interestingly through the play way method
Related and linked to the events happening in Which philosophy approves a teacher who lectures
everyday life
most of the time and requires his students to
Practiced at home under the guidance of their
respective parents. memorize the rules of grammar?

Who are not covered by the Code of Ethics of Existentialism

Professional Teachers? Idealism
Teachers of academic, vocational, special,
technical or non-formal Institutions For teachers, what is the most laudable motive for
All full time or part time public and private school participation in professional development
teacher and administrator. programs?
Teacher in the tertiary level
Teacher in all educational institutions at the Promotion and higher merit pay
preschool, elementary & secondary level. Support for training programs
Optimal use of time and resources
Continuing professional growth
Should the planning of continuing professional
development programs consider the ASEAN Which of the following documents contains the
Qualifications Reference Framework? DepEd Vision which mentioned the goal of
producing Filipinos who passionately loved the
No, continuing professional development is Philippines?
required only in the Philippines.
Yes, for professionals to be globally competitive.
Not necessarily, it is enough that continuing DepEd Order No. 27, s. 2017
professional development programs abide by PQF DepEd Order No. 54, s. 2013
standards. DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2013
That depends on the professional concerned. DepEd Order No. 63, s. 2014

Do you easily give up? Are you moody, a loner?

What activity can the teacher as a trustee of the
Does pressure on work make you surrender? Is it
difficult for you to succeed after you fail? Do you cultural heritage of the nation most effectively
have a poor intrapersonal relationship? What introduce in order to instill patriotic ideals in their
quality do you lack?
personal lives?
Cooperativeness Explore lives of national heroes
Reliability Recall significant historical events
Fairness Celebrate civic holidays
Read Philippine history
For more efficient and effective management of
schools as agents of change, one proposal is for With a death threat over his head, Teacher Liza is
the DepEd to cluster remote stand-alone schools directed to pass an undeserving student, if she is a
under on lead school head. Which factor has the hedonist, which of the following will she do?
strongest influence on this proposal?
Don't pass him, live her principle of justice. She will
Psychological get reward, if not in this life, in the next.
Historical Don't pass him. She surely will not like someone to
Geographical give you a death threat in order to pass.
Social Pass the student. That will be of use to her, the
student and his parents.
Mr. X, a Social Studies teacher, is advocating Pass the student. Why suffer the threat?
reforms which the principal failed to recognize. As
The progressivists emphasized the individuality of
the Principal you are expected to devise ways to
the child. What is the concern of the
address the concern. Which will be part of that

Experiential learning
Subject Mr. X to disciplinary measure Socialization
Just keep quiet about the be haviour of Mr. X Social problem
Call Mr. X to the office to clarify things out with him Uniqueness
Send Mr. X a memo requiring him to explain his
Which is a corresponding duty of every individual’s Free elementary and secondary education is in line
right to education? with the government’s efforts to address
educational problems of?
To help the young earn a college education
To build a foundation for the education of people Relevance and quality
To work out his promotion based on his educational Access and equity
qualification Effectiveness and efficiency
To share the benefits of the education one goes in Productivity
whatever capacity one finds himself.
According to Estanislao, “like water in a dam, our
lives become stagnant and putrid”, what does this
What is the ultimate competency that a imply?
baccalaureate degree holder including a teacher
We must slow down; avoid hurrying; it makes
education graduate demonstrates? waste.
Our lives should be transparent like water.
independence The meaningful way to spend is to spend life on
knowledge others, with others, for others.
cooperation Keep your goodness to yourself.
The K to 12 curriculum aims at raising the quality of

Which is the language medium of instruction from Filipino learners and graduates while empowering

K-to -3 in accordance with RA 10533 or the them for lifelong learning that requires functional

Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013? literacy. Towards this end, the following are the
perspectives of this new curriculum EXCEPT:
English as official language
Mother tongue of the learners Providing more focus on the total learning areas
Language chosen by the school towards the development of metacognitive skills
Language chosen by parents Implementing a unidisciplinary approach in treating
every facet and component of the curriculum
As a community leader, which of the following Providing experiential learning areas wherein
should a teacher NOT do? learners can apply knowledge and life skills
Making values development integral across
Support effort of the community to improve their disciplines
status in life
Make herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will Which of the following is not a function of the
not be influenced by community politics school?
Solicit donation from philanthropists in the
community Changing cultural practices
Play an active part in the activities of the Development of attitudes and skills
community Reproduction of species
Socialization among children
Teacher H contracted an illness that required rest
for more than one year. Which leave should she
apply for? Teachers are benefited by continuing professional
development program. Of the following, which
Sick leave
Personal leave determines the relevance of specific development
Vacation leave activities?
Indefinite leave
Response to identified teachers’ needs
One of the following quotations does not conform to Recommendation by top educational leaders
the Christian doctrine of Education for Pre-requisite site for renewal of professional license
Humanitarianism. Which one is it? Funding support by the government
Which reform in the Philippine Educational System
Do unto others as you would like others do unto advocates the use of English and Filipino as media
you of instruction in specific learning areas?
Love they neighbor as thyself
Not on bread alone is man to live but on every Alternative Learning
utterance that comes from mouth of God Bilingual Education
Whatever good things we do to our poor, helpless K-12 Program
brothers, we do it for God. Multilingual Education
What does "teachers are persons in authority" No school officials can be stopped from dismissing
imply? or from recommending a dismissal a teacher or
other subordinates even without the cause.
Teachers cannot be charged. School official shall encourage and attend the
No person can assault a teacher. professional growth of all teachers under them such
Teachers have immunity from arrest. as recommending them for promotion, giving them
Decisions made by teachers are deemed right. de recognition for meritorious performance, and
allowing them to participate in conferences in
Which philosophy has the educational objective to training programs.
All school officials shall at all time show
indoctrinate Filipinos to accept the teachings of the
professional courtesy, helpfulness and sympathy
Catholic church which foster faith in God? towards teachers and other personnel. Such
practices being standards of effective school
Realism supervision, dignified administration, responsible
Pragmatism leadership and enlightened directions.
A teacher who believes in the progressivist theory
Existentialism of education would embrace certain reforms on
Which of these does not illustrate equality as methodology. Which reform would be consistent
central theme of educational opportunity? with this theory?

Free basic education is provided by the

government Active participation of teachers
Children from diverse backgrounds attend the Formal instructional pattern
same school Strict external discipline
Teachers of the same position and length of service Teacher domination of class activities
receive equal pay Teacher C has been teaching 7 straight years and
Equity prevails within a given locality since local therefore qualities for a study leave with pay for one
taxes provide support for schools year. Should she pursue it, how much pay is she
entitled to receive?

How is gradual progression of teacher's salary from 50% of monthly salary

minimum to maximum done? 60% of monthly salary
70% of monthly salary
100% monthly salary
Regular increment every year
Increment after ten years of service Which of the following exhibits correctly what was
Regular increment every 3 years stipulated under Article 213 of the Family Code of
Increment after five years the Philippines?

Overall, who benefit(s) from the teachers’ When student A, 12 years of age, is duly monitored
and taken care of by his teacher during class hours
undergone annual medical check-up? When student B, 19 years of age, is presumed
* innocent while the parents are held principally liable
over his inappropriate acts
1/1 When student C, 6 years of age, is not separated to
his mother’s custody
When student D, 10 years of age, is reared and
observed carefully by the school and its
administrators during field trip

Which of the following is incorrect?

II and III only
I, II, and III
Teaching profession can be used in soliciting funds
I and III only
for personal again
I and II only
Teaching profession is a dignified mean of earning
to have a decent living
Teaching profession is the noblest profession
Which of the following is NOT in accordance to the All of the above
provision under the Code of Ethics for Teachers?
Which of the following statements is NOT true
about the Code of Ethics for Professional
School officials, teachers, and other school Teachers?
personnel shall consider it their cooperative
responsibility to formulate to his policies or The teacher must select which information to keep
introduce important changes in the system at all confidential
The teacher must demonstrate full commitment and
devotion to duty Evaluate the following and determine which is
The teacher must manifest pride in the nobility of
the teaching profession unethical for teachers to do?
The teacher must make no prejudice or
discrimination against any learner Obeying the legitimate policies of the school
What appointment can be given to Teacher A who administration
possesses the minimum qualifications but lacks the Maintaining cordial relation with parents
appropriate but lacks the appropriate civil service Refusing to serve in worthwhile neighborhood
eligibility? activities as these will adversely affect her teaching
Conferring with the next of kin about the problems
Contractual basis and needs of a student
Provisional Which of the following illustrates when a teacher
Substitute regards the profession as a mission?

Based on the elements of a profession, evaluate if

when he teaches for the sake of pay
the taxi driver be considered a professional?
when he gives his best to merit promotion
when he let’s go of other activities just to show
Yes, because there is such a term professional commitment with work
driver. when he teaches to earn recognition of other
It depends on the technical and ethical competence people
of the taxi driver.
Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest
Which of these statements runs contrary to the
No, because driving is not a college/university
degree “puwede na” mentality?

Which of the following board exam ratings can talagang ganyan ‘yan
qualify for para-teacher? ‘di ko na sagot ‘yan
‘di na mahahalata
60-64 none of the above
70-74 Which move liberalized access to education during
75-79 Spanish period?

Teacher D is assigned in a rural area; Teacher E in The education of illiterate parents

a depressed community; Teacher F in a hazardous The establishment of at least one primary school
for boys and girls in each municipality
area; and Teacher G in a place where standard of The hiring of tribal tutors to teach children
living is high. Who is entitled to a hardship The provision of vocational training for school age

Teacher D Judge the following and discern an offshoot of the

Teacher E
pillar of learning to live together?
Teacher F
Teacher G
Students learn how to care for the environment
Students learn how to understand others and
If teaching is said to be a vocation, which is true?
appreciate diversity among people
Schools show concern for what happens to the
not everyone is called to be a teacher learners after they leave school
all teachers are born to become great leaders Schools celebrates United Nations week
teaching is a purposive profession every people
should endeavor From a broad vantage view of human development,
the principal is calling teachers to dedicate their discern who has the primary duty to educate the
best to their students youths or children?

Of the following, which is the best way parents can Teachers
support the learning development of their children? The state
The schools
Buying materials for class projects
Interest and assistance in class assignments
Which holds true of LET passers?
Making calls on teachers
Checking report card grades
Every LET passer shall be required to take the Existentialism
Professional Oath before practicing as a Progressivism
Professional Teacher. Realism
Taking the Professional Oath before practicing as a Social reconstructionism
Professional Teacher is optional for LET passer.
The Professional Oath can be taken before any
Professional Teacher. The Department of Education gives greater
The taking of oath must be within one month from emphasis on the development of basic skills. What
passing the LET. is the philosophical basis for this?

Teacher B has been in active service for 10 years Existentialism
when he decided to pursue higher studies. Under Pragmatism
RA 4670, what kind of leave of absence can s/he
avail of? Which program of the Department of Education is
an offshoot of the Filipino bayanihan spirit?
Indefinite leave
Scholarship leave
Study leave Every Child A Reader Program (ENCARP)
Vacation leave The Basic Education Curriculum (BEG)
Child Friendly School System
Brigada Eskwela
Teacher B, a science teacher, has been accused of
sexual harassment by one of her students. Which
Which of the following rights is intended for parents
of the following is BEST for the principal to do? under the Education Act of 1982?

ask the teacher to surrender to police The right to academic freedom

tell the teacher to stop reporting to school The right to privacy of communication
advice the teacher to transfer to another school The right to seek redress of grievance
create a committee to investigate the teacher The right to full access to the evidence of the case

How is gradual progression of teacher’s salary from The Philippine Association for Teachers and
minimum to maximum done? Educators (PAFTE) is the integrated organization
intended to create a community and network
Regular increment every year between and among professional teachers in the
Increment after 10 years of service
Regular increment every 3 years country. Which of the different elements of a
Increment after 5 years profession does this pertain to?

Initial Professional Education

What philosophy is close to Teacher Lee who Accreditation
Professional Development
allows her students to learn at their own pace? Professional Societies

Who among the following is in the category of non-

Essentialist academic personnel as provided for under the
Naturalist Education Act of 1982?

Guidance counselors
If we are to evaluate the following terms, which is School principal
irrelevant to the 21st century demands of School nurse
education? School librarian

A principal tasked some teachers to write
open-mindedness instructional materials in a subject. Later on, the
technology teachers found out that she had the materials
Activities planned by school clubs/ organizations published under her name. Which act of the
show school-community connection geared
principal is unethical?
towards society's needs. What philosophy is related
to this?
She took the recognition due to her teachers
She was the only recipient of the royalty from the Answer not their question concerning her
materials profession
She had the materials published when they are Tell with pride that she is a teacher by profession
already publishable Hide to those asked her real profession
She made the teachers work on an additional task
Which of the following is an absolute violation of the
What do you think would be the action of a teacher
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
who found out and has proven that his principal is
involved in the malversation of funds of their Not make anonymous accusations or charges
school? against superiors
Dismiss a teacher for a just cause
Do not accept favors from learners unless in
Ignore what the teacher has discovered about this
exchange for a request.
action of the principal
Keep information private until after they have been
Circulate this issue and let it become a gossip
formally released.
Present the charge to a competent authority
Malign him through an anonymous letter
Is it professional for a teacher to receive gifts from
What can help achieve relevant quality education? students and parents? Evaluate the choices and
discern the best response.
Strong curriculum Not at all
Competent instruction No, especially if done in exchange for requested
School-community relations concessions
Competent administrator Yes, if deserved
Yes, in-season and out-of-the season gifts
Which of the following situations best manages The PPST defines standards for teachers to follow
conflicting situations to bring out values enhancing in order to ensure quality. Which of the following
nationhood? describes a model teaching behavior according to
Domain 3?
Kidnapped victims’ refusal to report cases to
authorities and paying ransom money instead.
The coddling of squatter before election time and appropriate design, selection, and utilization of
evicting them after election. assessment procedures constructively aligned to
Aling Tacing and her son patiently pick out worms the learning competencies
and insects in the vegetable plots rather than use participation in meaningful, relevant, and purposeful
insecticides made from foreign chemicals professional development activities that are
important manifestations of teacher’s lifelong
Hostage-taking incidents leading to the granting of learning
the hostage taker’s demands in exchange for the the use of updated, innovative, and interacting ICT
releases of the hostages tools that are responsive to the demands of the
21st century
Education emphasizes learning to be human, the inclusion of multicultural education in the
through acquisition of knowledge, skills and values delivery of the lesson in order to instill in the minds
conducive to personality development. Which pillar of students appreciation and acceptance
is being pertained to?

Learning to know
Learning to do A school personnel can avail of free legal service
Learning to live together
Learning to be under certain circumstances. Principal I was
accused of maligning her neighbor. Is Principal I
During the class reunion of teacher, Sonia learned entitled to the said service?
that most of her classmates are successful in their
fields. Also, she found out that most of them are Yes, she should defend herself.
No, if funds are not available.
wealthy because they have chosen a lucrative No, it might bring some disagreements in school
profession. Confronted with this situation, how No, the case is not related to her professional
should teacher Sonia react?
Which of the following statements is contrary to the
Leave the event so as to avoid being asked about elements important to regard teaching as a
her profession
profession? Who are covered by RA 4670?

Teachers in all levels

The teacher-education curricula are duly Teachers in all public elementary schools
recognized and monitored by TESDA to ensure that Teachers in both public and private schools
the best teachers are honed and developed in the Teachers in public elementary and secondary
country schools
The teacher-education students undergo four years
of rigid and arduous training in accredited
institutions in order to develop their potentialities to Virtue as one component in the teaching of Rizal as
optimum and deliver the best service to their a course focuses on the teaching of good and
learners beauty consistent with the good and beauty in God.
Graduates of teacher-education program should be What philosophy supports this?
able to hurdle the board licensure examination
prepared and administered by PRC to earn their Existentialism
professional license and authority to practice Idealism
teaching in the country Progressivism
Licensed professional teachers are expected to Social Reconstructionism
participate in continuing professional education and
development even without the mandate of RA
10912 that demands teachers to obtain specific Which of the following situations presents a value
number of CPD units before renewing their license conflict?

The teacher and his students have class standing

Why should a teacher take the obligation upon as their priorities.
himself to study and understand the custom and The teacher and the administrator follow a set of
criteria in giving grades.
traditions of the community where he works? The teacher has students whose parents want their
children to obtain higher grades than what they are
To change the culture of the community. capable of getting.
To have a sympathetic attitude for the people of the The teacher sets high expectations for intelligent
community. students such as getting higher grades.
To identify the weaknesses of the culture of the
community. Evaluate the following and determine which depicts
To please the people of the community.
an educational situation during the Japanese
Among the special rights of teachers, which is NOT period:
provided by the law?
Student A is learning the basics of living. Her
mother teaches her how to cook food and sew
Right to refuse regular assignments clothes. She also learns to sing chants and songs.
Right for career advancement Student B is learning the basics of government and
Right to be accorded respect the duties of citizens to the state. He is attending
Right for protection classes on how to assure that all citizens are
afforded equal rights in a democratic way of living.
Student C is learning the importance of values
Religious rituals in the classroom and in the school education. Following a tragic event in history,
programs prove the deep natural religiosity of the values education is now a separate subject which
will be taught in schools.
Filipinos. Which philosophy has greatly contributed
Student D is learning the basics of Tagalog. She is
to this tradition? also attending classes on the story of the Filipinos
and how each major epoch made an impact in the
Buddhism lives of the Philippine citizens.
Islam A teacher earns the title “professional” if she/he is
knowledgeable, proficient in variety of teaching
Which influenced the military training requirements
among students in the secondary and tertiary methodologies and exhibits a high degree of a third
levels? component of competence. Which best fits the third

Chinese one?
Orientals Ethical and moral standards
Romans A high degree of dexterity
Fairness and objectivity
Mastery of content
What philosophy is related to the practice of
schools acting as laboratory for teaching reforms
and experimentation?

Social Reconstructionism

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