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Project name: Rev.No: 1.

Company name: Date: 3/18/2024

Anchor Bolt design for Fixed Base Connection

Input data: Code: IS:800-2007)
Column note Column cover walk way
Load combination:
Grade of concret in Pedestal 30 MPa
Moment (Mz)= 16.35 kNm
Axial Force(F)= 6.33 kN
Horizontal shear force(Hx)= 31.829 kN F
Length of base Plate(L)= 400 mm
Width of the base plate(B)= 400 mm
C/C distance of(Ld) of bolt group in Z= 100 mm
C/C distance of(Ld) of bolt group in X= 100 mm M
Bearing strengthof concrete 'fc' = 30 mpa
Depth of column(D)= 150 mm H
Width of column(W)= 400 mm

Anchor Bolt Details:

Dia of anchor bolt= 24 mm CL-center line of column
No(n) of anchor bolt on each side= 2 Nos (min)σ2
Total number of anchor bolt,n total= 4 Nos
Gross area of the bolt 'Asb'= 452.16 mm2 σ1(max)
Net area of the bolt ' Anb'= 352 mm2 C
Ultimate tensile strengt of the bolt 'fub'= 390 mpa e
Fyb (Anchor bolt)= 240 mpa FT

Base Plate Details: y C/3

Ultimate tensile strength of a plate, 'fu'= 490 mpa a
Thickness of plate= 15 mm
yield stress of plate= fy 330 mpa

Analysis & Design:

Area(A) of base plate= LxB= 160000 mm2

σ1=F/A+6*Mz/BL^2 = 1.572 Mpa <fck= 30 MPa SAFE OK

(Max. pressure)
σ2=F/A+6*Mz/BL^2 = -1.493 MPa absolute σ2= 1.49325
(Min. Pressure)

C=L*σ1/(σ1+σ2)= 205.162 mm

a=L/2-C/3= 131.613 mm

e=(L-Ld)/2= 150 mm

y=(L-C/3-e)= 181.61 mm

FT= Tension in all anchor bolts located at one side of base plate along the length of base plate
FT=(Mz-F*a)/y 85.44 mm

Tension, T per bolt=FT/n= (330.512/4) 42.72 KN

Shear per bolt(V)= Hx/ntotal= (31/4) 7.96 KN

Shear Check

Factored shear force in bolt, 'Vsb' ≤ Shear design strength of the bolt, 'Vdsb'
Factored shear forec in bolt, 'Vsb'= 7.96 KN

Shear design strength of the bolt, Vdsb= Vnsb/Ymb nn= 1

where, Vnsb= fub/3^2(nn Anb+ns Asb)= 79258.64 N ns= 0 Cl: 10.3.3 : IS-800:2007
79.26 kN Ymb= 1.25
hence, Vdsb= 63.407 kN

Tensile Check

Factored Tensile force in bolt, 'Tb' ≤ Tensile strength of the bolt, 'Tdb'

Factored tensile forec in bolt, 'Tb'= 42.720 kN

Tensile strength of the bolt, 'Tdb'= Tnb/Ymb
where, Tnb= 0.9*fub*An < fyb*Asb*(Ymb/Ymo)

Now, 0.9*fub*An = 123552 N

123.552 kN
fyb*Asb*(Ymb/Ymo)= 123316.364 N Ymb= 1.25
123.316 kN Ymo= 1.1
considering minimum of two, so adopt, Tnb= 123.32 kN
therfore, Tdb= 98.656 kN

Combined Shear and Tension Check: (Also known as unity check)

(Vsb/Vdb)^2+(Tb/Tdb)^2 = 0.203252903248 ≤ 1 SAFE

Calculation of Anchor Bolt length:

Bond strength in LSM for plain bars I tension, Ϩbd= 1.4 N/mm2
Anchor Length required=Tb/(3.14*d*Ϩbd)= 404.91 mm
(Provide, anchor bolt length, 404.91 mm dia 24mm)

Base Plate Thickness:

(From Table 8.11 Design of metal structure)
Plate supported on three sides: Major Axis
a= 15 mm
d= 131 mm
a/d= 0.115 mm
α3= 0.08

Plate supported on three sides: Minor Axis

a1= 151 mm
d1= 223 mm
a1/d1= 0.677 mm
α3= 0.085

Maximum bas bressure, σ1= 1.572 (N/mm2)

Mp=α3 x σ1 xd^2 = 6646.374 (N/mm2)

Maximum tensile force in the bolt=

tf 42.720 (KN)

Mp= Tbx (a/2 or d1/8) 320.398 Nmm

Adopt= Tf x d1/8 1190.813 Nmm

Adopt, Mp= 1190.813 Nmm

(A) Plate thickness for Mp= 6646.374 Nmm

Mp= 6646.3741 Nmm
Thickness of plate,= t mm
Section modulus of plate for 1mm width, z= 1/6*1*t^2

fy= Mp/z fy= yield stress of plate= 330 MPa

fy= 6 Mp/t^2

t= sqrt (6*Mp/1.2*(fy/1.1))

t= 10.524871 mm

(B) Plate thickness for Mp= 1190.81 Nmm

Mp= 1190.81 Nmm
Thickness of plate,= t mm
Section modulus of plate for 1mm width, z= 1/6*1*t^2

fy= Mp/z fy= yield stress of plate= 330 MPa

fy= 6 Mp/t^2

t= sqrt (6*Mp/1.2*(fy/1.1))

t= 4.45 mm

Use maximum of (A) & (B)= 10.525

Provide, thick plate. 10.525

Plate size= 400 mm
Plate thickness= 10.52 mm
Anchor Bolt= 4 Nos 24 dia Bolt

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