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Prestressed Concrete-1

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University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures

College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024

Prestressed Concrete

Prestressed Concrete
Prestressing can be defined as the imposition of internal stresses into a structure that are of
opposite character to those that will be caused by the service or working loads. A common
method used to describe prestressing is shown in the figure below, where a row of books has
been squeezed together by a person’s hands. The resulting “beam” can carry a downward
load as long as the compressive stress from squeezing at the bottom of the “beam” is greater
than the tensile stress there from the moment produced by the weight of the books and the
superimposed loads. Such a beam has no tensile strength and, thus, no moment resistance
until it is squeezed together or prestressed. You might very logically now expand your
thoughts to a beam consisting of a row of concrete blocks squeezed together and then to a
plain concrete beam with its negligible tensile strength similarly prestressed.

For concrete beams, prestressing is primarily used to counteract tension stresses caused by
the weight of the members and the superimposed loads. Should these loads cause a positive
moment in a beam, it is possible by prestressing to introduce a negative moment that can
counteract part or all of the positive moment.

Opposite effects of service load and prestress on a simply supported beam

University of Duhok
College of Engineering Lecturer: Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete
Consider an unreinforced concrete beam of rectangular section, simply supported over a span
l, and carrying a uniform load w, as shown in the figure below. When the tensile strength of
concrete (fct) is reached in the bottom fibre at mid-span, cracking and a sudden brittle failure
will occur. If it is assumed that the concrete possesses zero tensile strength (i.e. fct = 0), then
no load can be carried and failure will occur at any load greater than zero. In this case, the
collapse load wu is zero. An axial compressive force P applied to the beam induces a uniform
compressive stress of intensity P/A on each cross-section. For failure to occur, the maximum
moment caused by the external collapse load wu must now induce an extreme fibre tensile
stress equal in magnitude to P/A. In this case, the maximum moment is located at mid-span
and, if linear-elastic material behaviour is assumed, simple beam theory gives:

Effect of prestress on the load carrying capacity of a plain concrete beam.

(a) Zero prestress. (b) Axial prestress (e = 0). (c) Eccentric prestress (e = h/6).

based on which the collapse load can be determined as:

If the prestressing force P is applied at an eccentricity of h/6, the compressive stress caused
by P in the bottom fibre at midspan is equal to:

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete
and the external load at failure wu must now produce a tensile stress of 2P/A in the bottom
fibre. This can be evaluated as follows:

and rearranging gives:

By locating the prestressing force at an eccentricity of h/6, the load carrying capacity of the
unreinforced plain concrete beam is effectively doubled. The eccentric prestress induces an
internal bending moment Pe which is opposite in sign to the moment caused by the external
load. An improvement in behaviour is obtained by using a variable eccentricity of prestress
along the member using a draped cable profile.


Draped tendons

If the prestress counter-moment Pe is equal and opposite to the load-induced moment along
the full length of the beam, each cross-section is subjected only to axial compression, i.e.
each section is subjected to a uniform compressive stress of P/A. No cracking can occur and,
if the curvature on each section is zero, the beam does not deflect. This is known as the
balanced load stage.

Methods of Prestressing
As mentioned in the previous section, prestress is usually imparted to a concrete member by
highly tensioned steel reinforcement (in the form of wire, strand or bar) reacting on the
concrete. The high-strength prestressing steel is most often tensioned using hydraulic jacks.
The tensioning operation may occur before or after the concrete is cast and, accordingly,
prestressed members are classified as either pretensioned or post-tensioned.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete

1- Pretensioned concrete
The figure below illustrates the procedure for pretensioning a concrete member. The
prestressing tendons are initially tensioned between fixed abutments and anchored. With the
formwork in place, the concrete is cast around the highly stressed steel tendons and cured.
When the concrete has reached its required strength, the wires are cut or otherwise released
from the abutments. As the highly stressed steel attempts to contract, it is restrained by the
concrete and the concrete is compressed. Prestress is imparted to the concrete via bond
between the steel and the concrete.

Pretensioned concrete members are often precast in pretensioning beds that are long enough
to accommodate many identical units simultaneously. To decrease the construction cycle
time, steam curing may be employed to facilitate rapid concrete strength gain, and the
prestress is often transferred to the concrete within 24 hours of casting. Because the concrete
is usually stressed at such an early age, elastic shortening of the concrete and subsequent
creep strains tend to be high. This relatively high time-dependent shortening of the concrete
causes a significant reduction in the tensile strain in the bonded prestressing steel and a
relatively high loss of prestress occurs with time.

Pretensioning procedure. (a) Tendons stressed between abutments.

(b) Concrete cast and cured. (c) Tendons released and prestress transferred.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete

2- Post-tensioned concrete
The procedure for post-tensioning a concrete member is shown in the figure below. With the
formwork in position, the concrete is cast around hollow ducts which are fixed to any desired
profile. The steel tendons are usually in place, unstressed in the ducts during the concrete
pour, or alternatively may be threaded through the ducts at some later time. When the concrete
has reached its required strength, the tendons are tensioned. Tendons may be stressed from
one end with the other end anchored or may be stressed from both ends. The tendons are then
anchored at each stressing end. The concrete is compressed during the stressing operation,
and the prestress is maintained after the tendons are anchored by bearing of the end anchorage
plates onto the concrete. The post-tensioned tendons also impose a transverse force on the
member wherever the direction of the cable changes.

Post-tensioning procedure. (a) Concrete cast and cured. (b) Tendons stressed
and prestress transferred. (c) Tendons anchored and subsequently grouted.

Examples of post-tensioned concrete elements

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete
After the tendons have been anchored and no further stressing is required, the ducts
containing the tendons are often filled with grout under pressure. In this way, the tendons are
bonded to the concrete and are more efficient in controlling cracks and providing ultimate
strength. In some situations, however, tendons are not grouted for reasons of economy and
remain permanently unbonded. In this form of construction, the tendons are coated with
grease and encased in a plastic sleeve.

Tendon layout and details in a continuous post-tensioned slab.

Post-tensioning ducts

Prestressing Steels
Prestressing steel is used in three forms: round wires, strands, and alloy steel bars.

1- Wires

Individual wires are sometimes used in pre-tensioned beams but have become less common
in favour of strand, which has better bond characteristics. The wire is cold-drawn from hot-
rolled rods of high-carbon steel, and is stress-relieved to give the required properties. Wire
diameters are typically between 5 mm and 7 mm, with a minimum tensile strength of between
1570 N/mm2 and 1860 N/mm2.

2- Strands and Multi-Strand Tendons

The most common form of prestressing is 7-wire strand, which is made up of individual cold-
drawn wires with six outer wires twisted around an inner core wire. An example of a multi-
strand tendon and its anchorage partly cut away is shown in the figure below. The strand is
stress-relieved and is usually of a low-relaxation grade. For post-tensioning, 13mm or 15 mm
diameter, 7-wire strand is used, either singly for pre-tensioning or in bundles to form multi-
strand tendons. The most common post-tensioned tendon sizes utilise 7, 12, 19 or 27 strands
to suit the standard anchor blocks available.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete

Types of strand. (a) 7-wire strand. (b) 19-wire strand – alternative cross-sections.
(c) Cable consisting of seven 19-wire strands.

Multi-strand tendon
3- Bars

Prestressing bars, as shown below, are available in different diameters from 15mm up to 75
mm, and are used in post-tensioned construction and bridge construction. They typically have
a minimum ultimate characteristic tensile strength of between 1000 N/mm2 and 1080 N/mm2.

Prestressing bar and anchor

to 0.700 in. Alloy steel bars for prestressing are available in diameters from 0.750 to 1.375
in. as plain round bars and from 0.625 to 3.00 in. as deformed bars, with the largest size
deformed bars serving as ground anchors.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete

At each end of a tendon the force is transferred into the concrete by an anchorage system. For
pretensioned strands the anchorage is by bond and friction of the bare strand cast into the
concrete, while for post-tensioned tendons anchorage is achieved by using anchor blocks or
an encased live-end and dead-end anchors.

Multi-strand tendon live-end anchor

Strand tendons may also be anchored at the non-stressing end with a cast-in dead-end
anchorage arrangement, as shown below, where the strands are spread out after emerging
from the duct. In this arrangement, the tendon is installed before concreting, but is not stressed
until after the concrete has attained the required transfer strength.

Strand dead-end anchorage

Grades and Strengths

The tensile strengths of prestressing steels range from about 2.5 to 6 times the yield
strengths of commonly used reinforcing bars. The figure below shows stress-strain curves
for prestressing wires, strand, and alloy bars of various grades. For comparison, the stress-
strain curve for a Grade 60 reinforcing bar is also shown.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete

Typical stress-strain curves for prestressing steels.

The tensile stress permitted by ACI Code in prestressing wires, strands, or bars is
dependent upon the type of loading. When the jacking force is first applied, a maximum stress
of 0.80 fpu, 0.94 fpy, or the manufacturer’s maximum recommended value is allowed,
whichever is smaller, where fpu is the tensile strength of the steel and fpy is the yield strength.
Immediately after transfer of prestress force at post-tensioning anchorages, the stress is
limited to 0.70 fpu. The justification for a higher allowable stress during the stretching
operation is that the steel stress is known quite precisely at this stage. Hydraulic jacking
pressure and total steel elongation are quantities that are easily measured, and quality control
specifications require correlation of load and deflection at jacking.

Maximum permissible tensile stresses in prestressed reinforcement (ACI318-19 Table

Properties of prestressing steel are given in the table below.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete
Properties of Prestressing Steel, Nominal Diameters, Areas, and Weights

Reinforcing Steel
Nonprestressed reinforcing steel is commonly used in prestressed concrete structural
members, mainly in the prestressed, precast concrete construction. The reinforcing steel is
used as shear reinforcement, as supplementary reinforcement for transporting and handling
the precast elements, and in combination with the prestressing steel in partially prestressed
concrete members.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete

Concrete for Prestressed Construction

Ordinarily, concrete of substantially higher compressive strength is used for prestressed
structures than for those constructed of ordinary reinforced concrete. There are several
reasons for this:

1. High-strength concrete normally has a higher modulus of elasticity. This means a reduction
in initial elastic strain under application of prestress force and a reduction in creep strain,
which is approximately proportional to elastic strain. This results in a reduction in loss of

2. In post-tensioned construction, high bearing stresses result at the ends of beams where the
prestressing force is transferred from the tendons to anchorage fittings, which bear directly
against the concrete. This problem can be met by increasing the size of the anchorage fitting
or by increasing the bearing capacity of the concrete by increasing its compressive strength.
The latter is usually more economical.

3. In pretensioned construction, where transfer by bond is customary, the use of high-strength

concrete will permit the development of higher bond stresses.

4. A substantial part of the prestressed construction is precast, with the concrete mixed,
placed, and cured under carefully controlled conditions that facilitate obtaining higher

The allowable stresses in the concrete, according to ACI Code 24.5.3, depend upon the stage
of loading and the behavior expected of the member. ACI Code 24.5.2 defines three
classifications of behavior, depending on the extreme fiber stress ft at service load in the
precompressed tensile zone. The three classifications are U, T, and C. Class U flexural
members are assumed to behave as uncracked members. Class T members represent a
transition between uncracked and cracked flexural members, while Class C members are
assumed to behave as cracked flexural members. Permissible stresses for these three
classifications are given in the table below.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete
𝑓𝑐𝑖′ is the compressive strength of the concrete at the time of initial prestress and 𝑓𝑐′ the
specified compressive strength of the concrete. In parts e and f of the above table, sustained
load is any part of the service load that will be sustained for a sufficient period to cause
significant time-dependent deflections, whereas total load refers to the total service load, a
part of which may be transient or temporary live load. Thus, sustained load would include
dead load and may or may not include service live load, depending on its duration. If the live
load duration is short or intermittent, the higher limit of part f is permitted.

Two-way slabs are designated as Class U flexural members with ft limited to values
≤ 6√𝑓𝑐′ . Class C flexural members have no service level stress requirements but must
satisfy strength and serviceability requirements. Service load stress calculations are computed
based on uncracked section properties for Class U and T flexural members and on the cracked
section properties for Class C members.

Elastic Flexural Analysis

Class C members are principally designed based on strength. Class U and T members,
however, are proportioned so that stresses in the concrete and steel at actual service loads are
within permissible limits. These limits are a fractional part of the actual capacities of the
materials. There is some logic to this approach, since an important objective of prestressing
is to improve the performance of members at service loads. Consequently, service load
requirements often control the amount of prestress force used in Class U and T members.
Design based on service loads may usually be carried out assuming elastic behavior of both
the concrete and the steel, since stresses are relatively low in each.

Regardless of the starting point chosen for the design, a structural member must be
satisfactory at all stages of its loading history. Accordingly, prestressed members
proportioned on the basis of permissible stresses must also be checked to ensure that
sufficient strength is provided should overloads occur, and deflection and cracking under
service loads should be investigated. Consistent with most U.S. practice, in this text the
design of prestressed concrete beams will start with a consideration of stress limits, after
which strength and other properties will be checked.

It is convenient when working with the prestressing force P to divide it into its components
in the horizontal and vertical directions. The horizontal component is Hi=iP cos θ, and the
vertical component is V = H tan θ = P sin θ, where θ is the angle of inclination of the tendon
centroid at the particular section. Since the slope angle is normally quite small, the cosine of
θ is very close to unity and it is sufficient for most calculations to take H = P.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete

Prestressing forces acting on concrete

The magnitude of the prestress force is not constant. The jacking force Pj is immediately
reduced to what is termed the initial prestress force P i because of elastic shortening of the
concrete upon transfer, slip of the tendon as the force is transferred from the jacks to the beam
ends, and loss due to friction between the tendon and the concrete (post-tensioning) or
between the tendon and the strand alignment devices (pretensioning). There is a further
reduction of force from Pi to the effective prestress Pe, occurring over a long period of time
at a gradually decreasing rate, because of concrete creep under the sustained prestress force,
concrete shrinkage, and relaxation of stress in the steel. Methods for predicting losses will be

Of primary interest to the designer are the initial prestress Pi immediately after transfer and
the final or effective prestress Pe after all losses.

In developing elastic equations for flexural stress, the effects of prestress force, self-weight
moment, and dead and live load moments are calculated separately, and the separate stresses
are superimposed. When the initial prestress force Pi is applied with an eccentricity e below
the centroid of the cross section with area Ac and top and bottom fiber distances c1 and c2,
respectively, it causes the compressive stress − Pi/Ac and the bending stresses + Piec1/Ic and
− Piec2/Ic in the top and bottom fibers, respectively (compressive stresses are designated as
negative, tensile stresses as positive). Then, at the top fiber, the stress is

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete

Concrete stress distributions in beams: ( a ) effect of prestress; ( b ) effect of prestress plus

self-weight of beam; and ( c ) effect of prestress, self-weight, and external dead and live
service loads.

where r is the radius of gyration of the concrete section (𝑟 = √ 𝑐 ). Normally, as the eccentric
𝐴 𝑐

prestress force is applied, the beam deflects upward. The beam self-weight wo then causes
additional moment Mo to act, and the net top and bottom fiber stresses become

At this stage, time-dependent losses due to shrinkage, creep, and relaxation commence, and
the prestressing force gradually decreases from Pi to Pe. It is usually acceptable to assume
that all such losses occur prior to the application of service loads, since the concrete stresses

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete
at service loads will be critical after losses, not before. Accordingly, the stresses in the top
and bottom fiber, with Pe and beam load acting, become

When full service loads (dead load in addition to self-weight of the beam, plus service live
load) are applied, the stresses are

It is necessary, in reviewing the adequacy of a beam (or in designing a beam on the basis of
permissible stresses), that the stresses in the extreme fibers remain within specified limits
under any combination of loadings that can occur. Normally, the stresses at the section of
maximum moment, in a properly designed beam, must stay within the limit states defined by
the distributions shown in the figure below as the beam passes from the unloaded stage (Pi
plus self-weight) to the loaded stage (Pe plus full service loads). In the figure, fci and fti are
the permissible compressive and tensile stresses, respectively, in the concrete immediately
after transfer, and fcs and fts are the permissible compressive and tensile stresses at service

Stress limits: (a) unloaded beam, with initial prestress plus self-weight, and (b) loaded beam,
with effective prestress, self-weight, and full service load.

In calculating the section properties Ac, Ic, etc., to be used in the above equations, it is relevant
that, in post-tensioned construction, the tendons are usually grouted in the conduits after
tensioning. Before grouting, stresses should be based on the net section with holes deducted.
After grouting, the transformed section should be used with holes considered filled with
concrete and with the steel replaced with an equivalent area of concrete. However, it is
satisfactory, unless the holes are quite large, to compute section

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete
properties on the basis of the gross concrete section. Similarly, while in pretensioned beams
the properties of the transformed section should be used, it makes little difference if
calculations are based on properties of the gross concrete section.

It is useful to establish the location of the upper and lower kern points of a cross section.
These are defined as the limiting points inside which the prestress force resultant may be
applied without causing tension anywhere in the cross section. Their locations are obtained
by writing the expression for the tensile fiber stress due to application of an eccentric prestress
force acting alone and setting this expression equal to zero to solve for the required
eccentricity. In the figure below, to locate the upper kern-point distance k1 from the neutral
axis, let the prestress force resultant P act at that point. Then the bottom fiber stress is

The region between these two limiting points is known as the kern, or in some cases the core,
of the section.

Location of kern points

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete
Example: Pretensioned I beam with constant eccentricity. A simply supported
symmetrical I beam shown in cross section will be used on a 40 ft simple span. It has the
following section properties
Moment of inertia: Ic = 12,000 in4
Concrete area: Ac = 176 in2
Radius of gyration: r2 = 68.2 in2
Section modulus: S = 1000 in3
Self-weight: wo = 0.183 kips/ft
and is to carry a superimposed dead plus live
load (considered “sustained,” not short-term) of 0.750 kips/ft in addition to its own
weight. The beam will be pretensioned with multiple seven-wire strands with the
centroid at a constant eccentricity of 7.91 in. The prestress force Pi immediately after
transfer will be 158ikips; after time-dependent losses, the force will reduce to Pe = 134
kips. The specified compressive strength of the concrete 𝒇′𝒄 = 5000 psi, and at the time
of prestressing the strength will 𝒇′𝒄𝒊 = 3750 psi. Calculate the concrete flexural stresses
at the midspan section of the beam at the time of transfer, and after all losses with full
service load in place. Compare with ACI allowable stresses for a Class U member.

Solution. Stresses in the concrete along the length of the beam resulting from the initial
prestress force of 158 kips may be found as

The self-weight of the beam causes the immediate superposition of a moment at midspan of

and corresponding stresses of Mo/S = 36,600 × 12/1000 = 439 psi, so that the net stresses at
the top and bottom of the concrete section at midspan due to initial prestress and self-weight

After losses, the prestress force is reduced to 134 kips, and the concrete stresses at midspan
due to that force plus self-weight are

and stresses at the end of the beam are

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete

The superimposed load of 0.750 kip/ft produces a midspan moment of Md + Ml =

0.750×402/8 =150 ft-kips and the corresponding stresses of 150000×12/1000=1800 psi in
compression and tension at the top and bottom of the beam, respectively. Thus, the service
load stresses at the top and bottom faces at midspan are

Concrete stresses at midspan and at the beam end are shown in the figure below

Pretensioned I beam. Design example: (a) cross section; (b) stresses at midspan (psi); and (c)
stresses at ends (psi).

According to the ACI Code, the stresses permitted in the concrete are

At the initial stage, with prestress plus self-weight in place, the actual compressive stress of
1708 psi is well below the limit of 2250 psi, and no tension acts at the top, although 184 psi
is allowed. While more prestress force or more eccentricity might be suggested to more fully
utilize the section, to attempt to do so in this beam, with constant eccentricity, would violate
limits at the support, where self-weight moment is zero. It is apparent that at the supports, the
initial prestress force acting alone produces tension of 352 psi at the top of the beam, barely
below the value of 6√3750 = 367 permitted at the beam end, so very little improvement can
be made. The compressive stress at the supports is −2147 psi, well below the magnitude of
the permitted value of 0.7𝑓𝑐𝑖′ = −2625 psi. Finally, at full service load, the tension of 418
psi is under the allowed 530ipsi, and compression of 1940 psi is well below the permitted
2250 psi.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete

Flexural Strength
Highly accurate predictions of the flexural strength of prestressed beams can be made based
on a strain compatibility analysis that accounts for these factors in a rational and explicit way.
For ordinary design purposes, certain approximate relationships have been derived. ACI Code and the accompanying ACI Commentary include approximate equations for
flexural strength that will be summarized in the following paragraphs.

Most of the following development applies for members containing only prestressed
reinforcement (so- called fully prestressed members); thus, any nonprestressed steel effect is
omitted. Also, the discussion is limited to pretensioned and post-tensioned construction with
grouted tendons. The flexural strength of post-tensioned members in which tendons are
ungrouted is, in general, less than that of a beam with bonded tendons. Unless some ordinary
reinforcing bars are added to these members, large cracks may form, which are not attractive
and which can lead to some corrosion of the prestress strands.

If a prestressed beam is satisfactorily designed with service loads, then checked by strength
methods and found to have insufficient strength to resist the factored loads (Mui=i1.2MD +
1.6ML), nonprestressed reinforcement may be added to increase the factor of safety. The
increase in T from these bars is assumed to equal Asfy (ACI Code, Section

a- Stress in the Prestressed Steel at Flexural Failure

For the basic case, in which the prestressed steel provides all of the flexural reinforcement,
the ACI Code equations can be stated in simplified form as follows:

1. For members with bonded tendons:

where 𝜌𝑏 = 𝐴𝑝𝑠 ⁄𝑏𝑑𝑝 , 𝑑𝑝 = effective depth to the prestressing steel centroid, b = width of
compression face, β1 = the familiar relations between stress block depth and depth to the
neutral axis, and γp is a factor that depends on the type of prestressing steel used, as follows:

2. For members with unbonded tendons and with a span-depth ratio of 35 or less (this includes
most beams),

but not greater than fpy and not greater than fpe + 60,000 psi.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete
3. For members with unbonded tendons and with span-depth ratio greater than 35 (applying
to many slabs),

but not greater than fpy and not greater than fpe + 30,000 psi.

b. Nominal Flexural Strength and Design Strength

For rectangular cross sections, or flanged sections such as I or T beams in which the stress
block depth is equal to or less than the average flange thickness, the nominal flexural strength

In all cases, the flexural design strength is taken equal to ϕMn, where ϕ is the strength
reduction factor for flexure.

If the stress block depth exceeds the average flange thickness, the method for calculating
flexural strength is exactly analogous to that used for ordinary reinforced concrete I and T
beams. The total prestressed tensile steel area is divided into two parts for computational
purposes. The first part Apf, acting at the stress fps, provides a tensile force to balance the
compression in the overhanging parts of the flange. Thus,

The remaining prestressed steel area

provides tension to balance the compression in the web. The total resisting moment is the
sum of the contributions of the two force couples:

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete

As before, the design strength is taken as ϕMn, where ϕ is typically 0.90.

c. Limits for Reinforcement

The ACI Code classifies prestressed concrete flexural members as tension-controlled or

compression-controlled based on the net tensile strain 𝜀𝑡 in the same manner as done for
ordinary reinforced concrete beams. To maintain a strength reduction factor ϕ of 0.90 and
ensure that if flexural failure were to occur, it would be a ductile failure, a net tensile strain
of at least 0.005 is required. Due to the complexity of computing net tensile strain in
prestressed members, it is easier to perform the check using the c/dt ratio as

where dt is the distance from the extreme compressive fiber to the extreme tensile steel. In
many cases, dt will be the same as dp, the distance from the extreme compressive fiber to the
centroid of the prestressed reinforcement. However, when supplemental nonprestressed steel
is used or the prestressing strands are distributed through the depth of the section, dt will be
greater than dp. If the prestressed beam does not meet the requirements of 𝑐 ⁄𝑑𝑡 ≤ 0.375, it
may no longer be considered as tension-controlled, and the strength reduction factor ϕ must
be determined as for nonprestressed concrete flexural members. If 𝑐 ⁄𝑑𝑡 ≥ 0.6, corresponding
to 𝜀𝑡 ≤ 0.002, the section is considered to be overreinforced, and alternative equations must
be derived for computing the flexural strength.

It will be recalled that a minimum tensile reinforcement ratio is required for ordinary
reinforced concrete beams, so that the beams will be safe from sudden failure upon the
formation of flexural cracks. Because of the same concern, ACI Code 7.6.2, 8.6.2, and 9.6.2
require that the total tensile reinforcement in members with bonded prestressed reinforcement
be adequate to support a factored load of at least 1.2 times the cracking load of the beam,
calculated on the basis of a modulus of rupture of 7.5𝜆√𝑓𝑐′ . A similar requirement is not
placed on members with unbonded prestressed reinforcement. Unlike members with bonded
reinforcement, which are subject to tendon failure when the concrete cracks and the tensile
force in the concrete is suddenly transferred to the bonded steel, abrupt failure does not occur
in beams with unbonded tendons because the reinforcement can undergo slip, which
distributes the increased strain along the length of the tendon, lowering the magnitude of the
increased stress in the tendon.

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete
d. Minimum Bonded Reinforcement

To control cracking in beams and one-way prestressed slabs with unbonded tendons, some
bonded reinforcement must be added in the form of nonprestressed reinforcing bars,
uniformly distributed over the tension zone as close as permissible to the extreme tension
fiber. According to ACI Code 7.6.2 and 9.6.2, the minimum amount of such reinforcement is
𝐴𝑠 = 0.004𝐴𝑐𝑡

where Act is the area of that part of the cross section between the flexural tension face and the
centroid of the gross concrete cross section. ACI Code 8.6.2 provides requirements for two-
way slabs.

Example: Flexural strength of pretensioned I beam. The prestressed I beam shown in

cross section in the figure below is pretensioned using five low relaxation stress-relieved
Grade 𝟐𝟕𝟎 𝐢𝐧. diameter strands, carrying effective prestress fpe = 160iksi. Concrete
strength is 𝒇′𝒄 = 4000 psi. Calculate the design strength of the beam.

Solution. The effective prestress in the strands of 160 ksi is well above 0.50 × 270 = 135 ksi,
confirming that the approximate ACI equations are applicable. The tensile reinforcement
ratio is

and the steel stress fps when the beam fails in flexure is

Next, it is necessary to check whether the stress block depth is greater or less than the average
flange thickness of 4.5 in. On the assumption that it is not greater than the flange thickness

It is concluded from this trial calculation that a actually exceeds hf, so the trial calculation is
not valid and equations for flanged members must be used. The steel that acts with the
overhanging flanges is

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani
University of Duhok Design of Concrete Structures
College of Engineering Academic Year: 2023-2024
Prestressed Concrete
the steel acting with the web is

The actual stress block depth is

A check should now be made to determine if the beam can be considered tension-controlled.
dt = 19.64 in.

This is less than 0.375 for 𝜀𝑡 ≥ 0.005, confirming that this can be considered to be a tension-
controlled prestressed beam, and ϕ = 0.90. The nominal flexural strength is

Dr. Sherwan Albrifkani

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