6M Wire Antenna
6M Wire Antenna
6M Wire Antenna
In August 1995 I came across an old Clegg Venus 6-meter SSB/CW transceiver (a 1960s vacuum-tube rig). After the radio had
sat on my workbench for several months, I finally got around to fixing the previous owner’s “design improvements.” Soon
thereafter, the Venus was on the air!
I had a great time in the 1996 January VHF Sweepstakes and enjoyed the sporadic-E season in the spring and summer of
1996. Until recently, however, I had been using a vertical antenna cut for the FM portion of 6 meters. It was terrible for local SSB
work—most SSB and CW operators use horizontal antenna polarization on the VHF bands. During normal groundwave operation
you are at a big disadvantage if you operate with the opposite polarization. During long-distance band openings, it doesn’t matter
quite as much, but the vertical still seemed to be lacking in performance.
What follows is the highlights of what I’ve found. I haven’t had the opportunity to thoroughly check all of the antenna
possibilities I will describe, but I’ve included the references and important information so you can try these antennas for yourself.
By the way, going to horizontal polarization has made a big difference in BMI so far—baby monitors use vertically polarized
Figure 1—An off-center fed long wire antenna for 6 meters. It’s basically just two pieces of wire linked by a 4:1 balun.
Choose your antenna’s “center frequency” (f) and cut length A using the formula shown. Mark the current node point—1/4
wavelength (B) from one end—and cut again. Cut the lengths of both sections a little longer than your calculations call
for, so you have a little surplus for adjustment purposes.
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Along with an increase in gain, there will be a change in the radiation pattern. You’re familiar with the doughnut-shaped
radiation pattern surrounding a half-wavelength dipole—that pattern breaks up into a multilobed pattern as the length of the
antenna is increased. The bottom line is that you may end up with 3 dB gain in some directions with that four-wavelength long wire,
but there will also be nulls (where the gain becomes less than that of a dipole) in other directions. With a fixed long-wire antenna,
you take “pot luck” on what your gain will be in the direction of a station you hear—but if you hear him, you stand a fair chance of
working him.
Figure 2—The multielement collinear array uses stubs to get the RF currents in phase. The stubs in this example are
made of 1/4-wavelength sections of 450-W ladder line (shorted at the ends). To calculate the lengths of the stubs, use the
×V, where f is the center frequency of the antenna and V equals the velocity factor of the ladder line you’ve
formula (246/f)×
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chosen. The 4:1 balun is once again attached at the current node point.
The collinear is fed the same way as the long-wire antenna but uses 1/4-wavelength shorted phasing stubs between the
half-wavelength elements. You can make phasing stubs out of common 450-Ω ladder line, but you have to watch the velocity
factor. Don’t let this term scare you. It merely refers to how fast a radio signal travels through a given piece of feed line, expressed
as a decimal percentage of the speed the radio signal travels in free space (ie, the speed of light). Velocity factor is an important
consideration when you’re playing with the phases of radio waves. Depending on its velocity factor, the cable you cut to a
mechanical 1/2 wavelength might be something quite different in an electrical sense.
I’ve discovered that velocity factors vary between manufacturers of 450-Ω line. Several samples I’ve tried had velocity factors
varying between 0.85 and 0.9—neither of them close to the commonly quoted value of 0.95. Try to verify the velocity factor of the
line you plan to use. If you can get your hands on a grid-dip meter, you can couple it to the shorted stub and check the resonant
Using the phasing-stub technique, I put up four 1/2-wavelength sections with their accompanying matching sections in the same
space my four-wavelength wire occupied. Maximum radiation is off the sides of the antenna. It’s difficult to achieve optimum gain
because you’re bound to have unequal currents in some of the 1/2-wavelength sections, but it is still better than the long wire.
Figure 3—Construction details for an eight-element 6-meter Sterba curtain. The design frequency is 52 MHz. Note that the
phasing section is twisted once, so that the conductors cross. The inner end of an upper element feeds the outer end of a
lower one. If you have a 6-meter antenna tuner with a balanced output, you can feed the curtain with 450-W line between
the antenna and the tuner. Otherwise, use a 4:1 balun at the feed point (as in Figures 1 and 2) and you can feed the
curtain with 50-W coaxial cable. As the name implies, you hang this antenna vertically, just like a window curtain!
I haven’t tried the Sterba on 6 meters myself, but I’m up for the challenge. Regardless of the complexity, it still beats the cost of
a beam and a tower!
146 Forest Trail Dr
Lansdale, PA 19446
e-mail witmerjr@aol.com