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Preface NGA Maritime—Contact Information

Pub. 182, Sailing Directions (Enroute) North and West
E-mail MarHelp@nga.mil
Coasts of Norway, Fifteenth Edition, 2022, is issued for use in
conjunction with Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Maritime Quality
Guide) Arctic Ocean. Companion volumes are Pubs. 181 and Feedback System https://marhelp.nga.mil
183. (MQFS)
Digital Nautical Charts 21 and 22 provide electronic chart

coverage for the area covered by this publication. Maritime Safety Office
This publication has been corrected to 23 April 2022, includ-
National Geospatial-Intelligence
ing Notice to Mariners No. 17 of 2022. Subsequent updates Agency
Mailing address
have corrected this publication to 28 January 2023 including Mail Stop N64-SFH
Notice to Mariners No. 4 of 2023. 7500 Geoint Drive
Springfield VA 22150-7500
Explanatory Remarks
New editions of Sailing Directions are corrected through the

Sailing Directions are published by the National Geospatial-

date of publication shown above. Important information to
Intelligence Agency (NGA) under the authority of Department amend material in the publication is available is updated as
of Defense Directive 5105.60, dated 29 July 2009, and pursu- needed and available as a downloadable corrected publication
ant to the authority contained in U. S. Code Title 10, Chapter from the NGA Maritime Domain web site.
22, Section 451 and Title 44, Section 1336. Sailing Directions,
covering the harbors, coasts, and waters of the world, provide
information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical NGA Maritime Safety Office Web Site
charts and is not readily available elsewhere.
Sailing Directions (Enroute) include detailed coastal and

port approach information which supplements the largest scale

chart produced by the National Geospatial-Intelligence 0.0Courses.—Courses are true, and are expressed in the same
Agency. This publication is divided into geographic areas manner as bearings. The directives “steer” and “make good” a
called “Sectors.” course mean, without exception, to proceed from a point of
Bearings.—Bearings are true, and are expressed in degrees
origin along a track having the identical meridional angle as
from 000° (north) to 360°, measured clockwise. General the designated course. Vessels following the directives must
bearings are expressed by the initial letters of the points of the allow for every influence tending to cause deviation from such
compass (e.g. N, NNE, NE, etc.). Adjective and adverb track, and navigate so that the designated course is
endings have been discarded. Wherever precise bearings are continuously being made good.
intended, degrees are used. 0.0Currents.—Current directions are the true directions toward
Charts.—Reference to charts made throughout this
which currents set.
publication refer to both the paper chart and the Digital 0.0Distances.—Distances are expressed in nautical miles of 1
Nautical Chart (DNC). minute of latitude. Distances of less than 1 mile are expressed
Corrective Information.—Users should refer corrections,
in meters, or tenths of miles.
additions, and comments to NGA’s Maritime Operations Desk, 0.0Geographic Names.—Geographic names are generally
as follows: those used by the nation having sovereignty. Names in paren-
theses following another name are alternate names that may
appear on some charts. In general, alternate names are quoted
NGA Maritime—Contact Information
only in the principal description of the place. Diacritical marks,
Maritime Operations Desk such as accents, cedillas, and circumflexes, which are related to
specific letters in certain foreign languages, are not used in the
Toll free 1-800-362-6289 interest of typographical simplicity.
0.0Wherever possible, names used on NGA charts and in NGA
Commercial 571-557-5455 publications are in the form approved by the United States
Board on Geographic Names (BGN). Generally, local official
DSN 547-5455 spellings are used for those features entirely within a single
sovereignty, names of countries and those features which are
E-mail navsafety@nga.mil
common to two or more countries or which lie beyond a single
Maritime Safety Office sovereignty may carry Board-approved conventional spellings
(i.e., names in common English language usage). When alter-
DNC web site https://dnc.nga.mil nate names would be of value to the user, they may be shown
for information purposes within parentheses. Important indi-
Maritime Domain vidual name changes are made to all revised charts as the op-
web site portunity permits.
0.0Geographic names or their spellings do not necessarily re-

Pub. 182

flect recognition of the political status of an area by the United conditions, such as the user’s geolocation and service provider.
States Government. Mariners are advised to consult their communications equip-
0.0BGN approved names may be found at https:// ment and service provider manuals for guidance.
geonames.nga.mil/geonames/GNSHome/welcome.html. Time.—Time is normally expressed as local time unless

0.0Heights.—Heights are referred to the plane of reference specifically designated as Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
used for that purpose on the charts and are expressed in meters. Time Zone.—The Time Zone description(s), as well as in-

0.0Internet Links.—This publication provides Internet links to formation concerning the use of Daylight Savings Time, are in-
web sites concerned with maritime navigational safety, includ- cluded. The World Time Zone Chart is available on the Inter-
ing but not limited to, Federal government sites, foreign Hy- net at the web site given below.
drographic Offices, and foreign public/private port facilities.
NGA makes no claims, promises, or guarantees concerning the Standard Time Zone of the World Chart
accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of these
web sites and expressly disclaims any liability for errors and https://www.cia.gov/maps/world-regional
omissions in the contents of these web sites.
0.0International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) U.S. Maritime Advisory System.—The U.S. Maritime

Code.—The ISPS Code is a comprehensive set of measures to Advisory System is a streamlined inter-agency approach to
enhance the security of ships and port facilities developed in identifying and promulgating maritime security threats. The
response to the perceived threats to ships and port facilities in system replaces Special Warnings to Mariners (State
the wake of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. Information Department), MARAD Advisories (Maritime Administration),
on the ISPS Code can be found at the International Maritime and Marine Safety Information Bulletins (U.S. Coast Guard)
Organization web site: and consists of the following items:
1. U.S. Maritime Alert—Provides basic information
International Maritime Organization Home Page (location, incident, type, date/time) on reported maritime
security threats to U.S. maritime industry interests. U.S.
http://www.imo.org Maritime alerts do not contain policy or recommendations
for specific courses of information.
0.0Lights and Fog Signals.—Lights and fog signals are not 2. U.S. Maritime Advisory—Provides more detailed
described, and light sectors are not usually defined. The Light information, when appropriate, through a “whole-of-gov-
Lists should be consulted for complete information. ernment” response to an identified maritime threat.
0.0National Ocean Claims.—Information on national ocean
claims and maritime boundary disputes, which have been com- Maritime Administration (MARAD)—U.S.
piled from the best available sources, is provided solely in the Maritime Advisory System
interest of the navigational safety of shipping and in no way
constitutes legal recognition by the United States. These non- https://www.marad.dot.gov/environment-and-safety/
recognized claims and requirements may include, but are not office-of-security/msci
limited to:
1. A requirement by a state for advance permission or Winds.—Wind directions are the true directions from which

notification for innocent passage of warships in the territorial winds blow.

2. Straight baseline, internal waters, or historic waters Reference List
3. The establishment of a security zone, where a state The principal sources examined in the preparation of this

claims to control activity beyond its territorial sea for securi- publication were:
ty reasons unrelated to that state’s police powers in its terri- British Hydrographic Department Sailing Directions.

tory, including its territorial sea. Norwegian Sailing Directions.


0.0Radio Navigational Aids.—Radio navigational aids and ra- Various port handbooks.

dio weather services are not described in detail. Publication Reports from United States Naval and merchant vessels and

No. 117 Radio Navigational Aids and NOAA Publication, Se- various shipping companies.
lected Worldwide Marine Weather Broadcasts, should be con- Other U.S. Government publications, reports, and docu-

sulted. ments.
0.0Soundings.—Soundings are referred to the datum of the Charts, light lists, tide and current tables, and other docu-

charts and are expressed in meters. ments in possession of the Agency.

0.0Telephone and Facsimile Numbers.—Within this publica- Internet web sites, as follows:

tion, the international telephone and facsimile numbers provid- 0.0 1. Arctic Pictures of Hornsund, Spitsbergen
ed as contact information contain the minimum digits 0.0 (Marek Szymocha: msz@ka.onet.pl)
necessary to dial. Please note that these contact numbers do not 0.0 http://www.bergheims.com/hornsund
include additional digits or special characters, such as (0) or 0.0 2. Bergen City and Port Guide
(+), which may be required when dialing. The necessity of 0.0 http://www.bergenport.com
such digits and characters depend upon numerous factors and 0.0 3. Le Club de Voyageurs

Pub. 182

0.0 (Paul Kerrien: paul.kerrien@laposte.net) 0.0 http://www.geo.uni.torun.pl

0.0 http://expresscotier.free.fr 0.0 10. Karmsund Havnevesen Informerer (Eirik Hustvedt)
0.0 4. The Coast Route, Norge 0.0 http://www.karmsund-havn.no
0.0 http://www.rv17.no 0.0 11. Nordic Shipping Agency Homepage
0.0 5. Eurofishsales Europewide Fishing Port Index 0.0 http://www.ndic.no
0.0 http://www.eurofishsales.com 0.0 12. Port Focus Homepage (Ports/Harbors/Marinas
0.0 6. Haugesund City and Port Guide 0.0 Worldwide)
0.0 http://www.haugesund.com 0.0 http://www.portfocus.com
0.0 7. Haugesund Home Page 0.0 13. The Svalbard Pages
0.0 http://www.haugesund.net 0.0 (Marek Szymocha: msz@ka.onet.pl)
0.0 8. Haugesund (Norway) Regional Home Page 0.0 http:/www.svalbard.com
0.0 http://www.haugalandet.net 0.0 14. Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika
0.0 9. Instytut Geografii UMK 0.0 (Marek Szymocha: msz@ka.onet.pl)
0.0 (Marek Szymocha: msz@ka.onet.pl) 0.0 http://www.uni.torun.pl

Date of Change: 28 January 2023

Notice to Mariners: 4/2023
Sector Paragraphs
Sector 1 Paragraphs 1.16, 1.29, 1.35, 1.47, and 1.49
Sector 2 Paragraphs 2.5, 2.35, and 2.39
Sector 3 Paragraphs 3.10, 3.37, 3.45, 3.51, and 3.57
Sector 4 Paragraphs 4.24, 4.25, and 4.31
Sector 5 Paragraphs 5.2, 5.7, 5.16, 5.24, 5.31, 5.33, 5.41, 5.48, 5.54, and 5.57
Sector 6 Paragraphs 6.13, 6.17, 6.37, 6.44, 6.55, 6.69, 6.70, 6.71, 6.72, 6.74, 6.75, 6.77, and 6.79
Sector 7 Paragraphs 7.42, 7.45, 7.51, 7.52, and 7.68
Sector 8 Paragraphs 8.32, 8.34, 8.40, 8.43, 8.55, and 8.62
Sector 9 Paragraphs 9.26 and 9.35
Sector 10 Paragraph 10.4
Sector 11 Paragraphs 11.16 and 11.19

Date of Change: 30 July 2022

Notice to Mariners: 31/2022
Sector Paragraphs
Sector 1 Paragraphs 1.16, 1.29, 1.37, 1.47, and 1.49
Sector 2 Paragraph 2.5
Sector 3 Paragraphs 3.10, 3.37, 3.45, and 3.48
Sector 4 Paragraphs 4.15, 4.24, and 4.31
Sector 5 Paragraphs 5.7, 5.16, and 5.21
Sector 7 Paragraph 7.16
Sector 8 Paragraph 8.62
Sector 9 Paragraph 9.19

Pub. 182


Pub. 182
Conversion Tables
Feet to Meters
Feet 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 0.30 0.61 0.91 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.13 2.44 2.74
10 3.05 3.35 3.66 3.96 4.27 4.57 4.88 5.18 5.49 5.79
20 6.10 6.40 6.71 7.01 7.32 7.62 7.92 8.23 8.53 8.84
30 9.14 9.45 9.75 10.06 10.36 10.67 10.97 11.28 11.58 11.89
40 12.19 12.50 12.80 13.11 13.41 13.72 14.02 14.33 14.63 14.93
50 15.24 15.54 15.85 16.15 16.46 16.76 17.07 17.37 17.68 17.98
60 18.29 18.59 18.90 19.20 19.51 19.81 20.12 20.42 20.73 21.03
70 21.34 21.64 21.95 22.25 22.55 22.86 23.16 23.47 23.77 24.08
80 24.38 24.69 24.99 25.30 25.60 25.91 26.21 26.52 26.82 27.13
90 27.43 27.74 28.04 28.35 28.65 28.96 29.26 29.57 29.87 30.17

Fathoms to Meters
Fathoms 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 1.83 3.66 5.49 7.32 9.14 10.97 12.80 14.63 16.46
10 18.29 20.12 21.95 23.77 25.60 27.43 29.26 31.09 32.92 34.75
20 36.58 38.40 40.23 42.06 43.89 45.72 47.55 49.38 51.21 53.03
30 54.86 56.69 58.52 60.35 62.18 64.01 65.84 67.67 69.49 71.32
40 73.15 74.98 76.81 78.64 80.47 82.30 84.12 85.95 87.78 89.61
50 91.44 93.27 95.10 96.93 98.75 100.58 102.41 104.24 106.07 107.90
60 109.73 111.56 113.39 115.21 117.04 118.87 120.70 122.53 124.36 126.19
70 128.02 129.85 131.67 133.50 135.33 137.16 138.99 140.82 142.65 144.47
80 146.30 148.13 149.96 151.79 153.62 155.45 157.28 159.11 160.93 162.76
90 164.59 166.42 168.25 170.08 171.91 173.74 175.56 177.39 179.22 181.05

Meters to Feet
Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 3.28 6.56 9.84 13.12 16.40 19.68 22.97 26.25 29.53
10 32.81 36.09 39.37 42.65 45.93 49.21 52.49 55.77 59.06 62.34
20 65.62 68.90 72.18 75.46 78.74 82.02 85.30 88.58 91.86 95.14
30 98.42 101.71 104.99 108.27 111.55 114.83 118.11 121.39 124.67 127.95
40 131.23 134.51 137.80 141.08 144.36 147.64 150.92 154.20 157.48 160.76
50 164.04 167.32 170.60 173.88 177.16 180.45 183.73 187.01 190.29 193.57
60 196.85 200.13 203.41 206.69 209.97 213.25 216.54 219.82 223.10 226.38
70 229.66 232.94 236.22 239.50 242.78 246.06 249.34 252.62 255.90 259.19
80 262.47 265.75 269.03 272.31 275.59 278.87 282.15 285.43 288.71 291.99
90 295.28 298.56 301.84 305.12 308.40 311.68 314.96 318.24 321.52 324.80

Meters to Fathoms
Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 0.55 1.09 1.64 2.19 2.73 3.28 3.83 4.37 4.92
10 5.47 6.01 6.56 7.11 7.66 8.20 8.75 9.30 9.84 10.39
20 10.94 11.48 12.03 12.58 13.12 13.67 14.22 14.76 15.31 15.86
30 16.40 16.95 17.50 18.04 18.59 19.14 19.68 20.23 20.78 21.33
40 21.87 22.42 22.97 23.51 24.06 24.61 25.15 25.70 26.25 26.79
50 27.34 27.89 28.43 28.98 29.53 30.07 30.62 31.17 31.71 32.26
60 32.81 33.36 33.90 34.45 35.00 35.54 36.09 36.64 37.18 37.73
70 38.28 38.82 39.37 39.92 40.46 41.01 41.56 42.10 42.65 43.20
80 43.74 44.29 44.84 45.38 45.93 46.48 47.03 47.57 48.12 48.67
90 49.21 49.76 50.31 50.85 51.40 51.95 52.49 53.04 53.59 54.13

VI Pub. 182

The following abbreviations may be used in the text:

°C degree(s) Centigrade km kilometer(s)
cm centimeter(s) m meter(s)
cu.m. cubic meter(s) mb millibars
dwt deadweight tons MHz megahertz
FEU forty-foot equivalent units mm millimeter(s)
gt gross tons nrt net registered tons
kHz kilohertz TEU twenty-foot equivalent units

N north S south
NNE northnortheast SSW southsouthwest
NE northeast SW southwest
ENE eastnortheast WSW westsouthwest
E east W west
ESE eastsoutheast WNW westnorthwest
SE southeast NW northwest
SSE southsoutheast NNW northnorthwest

Vessel types
LASH Lighter Aboard Ship Ro-Ro Roll-on Roll-off
LNG Liquified Natural Gas ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
OBO Ore/Bulk/Oil VLOC Very Large Ore Carrier
Lo-Lo Lift-on Lift-off FSO Floating Storage and Offloading
Vessels (System)
NGL Natural Gas Liquids

ETA estimated time of arrival GMT Greenwich Mean Time
ETD estimated time of departure UTC Coordinated Universal Time

Water level
MSL mean sea level LWS low water springs
HW high water MHWN mean high water neaps
LW low water MHWS mean high water springs
MHW mean high water MLWN mean low water neaps
MLW mean low water MLWS mean low water springs
HWN high water neaps HAT highest astronomical tide
HWS high water springs LAT lowest astronomical tide
LWS low water springs
LWN low water neaps

D/F direction finder MF medium frequency
R/T radiotelephone HF high frequency
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System VHF very high frequency
LF low frequency UHF ultra high frequency

LANBY Large Automatic Navigation Buoy SBM Single Buoy Mooring
NAVSAT Navigation Satellite SPM Single Point Mooring
ODAS Ocean Data Acquisition System TSS Traffic Separation Scheme
CBM Conventional Buoy Mooring System VTC Vessel Traffic Center
MBM Multi-Buoy Mooring SysteM VTS Vessel Traffic Service


Pub. 182 VII


The following abbreviations may be used in the text:

AIS Automatic Identification System MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
COLREGS Collision Regulations No./Nos. Number/Numbers
IALA International Association of Lighthouse PA Position approximate
Authorities PD Position doubtful
IHO International Hydrographic Organization Pub. Publication
IMO International Maritime Organization SOLAS International Convention for
Safety of Life at Sea
IMDG Intermational Maritime Dangerous Goods (Code)
LOA length overall St./Ste. Saint/Sainte
UKC Under keel clearance ISPS International Ship and Port facility

Pub. 182

Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
Chartlet—Sector Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V
Conversion Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII

Sector 1
Sector 1—Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Sector 2
Sector 2—Norway—Feistein to Geitungane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Sector 3
Sector 3—Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Sector 4
Sector 4—Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Sector 5
Sector 5—Norway—Fedje to Alesund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Sector 6
Sector 6—Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Sector 7
Sector 7—Norway—Trondheim to Bodo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Sector 8
Sector 8—Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Sector 9—Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

Sector 10
Sector 10—Jan Mayen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

Sector 11
Sector 11—Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Glossaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Index—Gazetteer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

Pub. IX
Sector 1—Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev

1.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 182



Plan.—This sector describes the SW coast of Norway be

1.0 ens Rev, tidal currents are minimal. Small currents are found in
tween Lindesnes, the S point on the Norwegian coast and Jaer- the narrow channels of the fjords, such as in Skudenesfjorden,
ens Rev, a point approximately 4.6 miles S of Feistein Light. but little is known about these currents.
1.1The highest frequency of sea and swell is from the W quad-
General Remarks rant. Observations along the exposed coast during winter,
showed that 65 per cent of the sea waves were less than 1.5m in
1.1 General.—The SW coast of Norway between height and 9 per cent of the waves observed were greater than
Lindesnes, the S mainland point of the country, and Jaerens 3.6m in height. However, 20 per cent of the recorded observa
Rev trends in a general NW direction for about 68 miles. Sev- tions on swell were recorded to exceed 3.6m in height and at
eral large fjords, and numerous small ones branching in all di- times, the heights reach greater than 7.6m.
rections, indent the coast. Close-lying islands, islets, and rocks 1.1During summer, the weakening of the “Icelandic Low” and
front part of this coastal stretch, particularly the section be- the decrease in wind velocities causes a decrease in swell, and,
tween Lindesnes and Steinodden, the vicinity of Listafjorden, most often, a decrease in sea on the S and W coasts of Norway.
and near Egersund. This part of the coast, although high in Only about 6 per cent of the total observations taken along the
places, is predominately lower than the coast to the N. exposed portions showed a swell wave height in excess of
1.1It includes the two lowland regions of Lista and Jaeren, 3.6m; 68 per cent showed a swell wave height of less than 1.8m
which are unlike any other part of the Norwegian coast. Steep, in height. Observations with regard to sea showed that 83 per-
high mountains back the coastal hills and plains. The fjords of- cent of the total waves observed were less than 1.5m in height
fer numerous well-protected anchorages and harbors. and that 4 per cent were greater than 3.6m in height.
Winds—Weather.—The prevailing winds on the W and S 1.1Sea breezes are frequent along the entire coast in summer.
coasts of Norway reflect the average pressure distribution and Wind speeds increase slightly in autumn and gales become
its seasonal changes. With the shift from high pressure in win- more frequent, especially along the exposed coast.
ter to low pressure in summer, the winds on the W coast 1.1Fog is the main cause of poor visibility. It is most frequent
change from S in winter to N in summer. However, the prevail- over the sea in summer and most frequent in the upper fjords
ing winds only blow from a N or S direction not more than 40 and over land in winter. Occasionally, sea fog occurs in winter
per cent of the time. The usual situation is one of variable when air lying over a warm water surface is blown over colder
winds induced by passing cyclones. water. However, the most frequent fog in winter is radiation
1.1Because of land and sea breezes, and topographical effects, fog. Radiation fog is a nighttime occurrence. It is produced
the wind in the fjords and along the coast is usually different when the land gives up its heat and becomes cooler. The cooler
from that in the open sea. Also, because of the mountainous na- land cools the air immediately above it. This causes a tempera
ture of the coast, any wind blowing from a direction between S ture inversion to form, the temperature increasing with height
and WSW is deflected and becomes S wind, and any wind and fog forms. Usually radiation fog occurs at the heads of
blowing between NW and N is deflected and becomes a N deep fjords when there is severe frost inland and cold winds
wind. blow into the open fjords.
1.1The speed of the wind increases outward from the coast to a 1.1Another form of fog, which particularly affects the upper
distance of 150 miles at times. reaches of fjords, is “frost smoke.” This occurs during spells of
1.1Along the coast, when the winds are fresh or strong, most of- severe frost. It may be expected if the wind is light and from an
ten there is turbulence; when the coast is swept by violent offshore direction and if skies are clear or nearly so over land.
winds and they penetrate the fjords, they become turbulent. 1.1In spring, fog decreases generally, as radiation fog becomes
1.1There are frequent, strong downward currents, usually from less likely because of the gradual warming of the land. It in-
the E or SE, close to the coast, in the vicinity of 60° N. creases only at Skudenes, where sea fog of the warm season in-
1.1 A steep gradient may extend as much as 150 miles seaward creases in frequency. Poor visibility is least common in
from the coast. When a steep gradient develops along the W summer over the land area of this region. However, sea fog is
coast, strong S winds are produced; when deep depressions are not uncommon during the early part of the summer along and
on a NE track, moving between the British Isles and Iceland, over the coast.
gale winds frequently occur. Northwest gales occur occasion 1.1In general, autumn is the season when fog is least common
ally on the W coast when the pressure falls over Scandinavia. on the coast. Over land its frequency increases towards the ap-
1.1In winter, gales and storms are common on both the S and W proach of winter.
coasts. In spring, there are more gales and storms on the W and 1.1The climate of SW Norway is mild in comparison to regions
SW coasts then on the S coast. As summer approaches, the of equal distance from the Equator. The maritime influence,
gales decrease in frequency. The strength of the winds decreas- which is responsible for the warm winters, is responsible for
es in summer, although gales are not unknown, particularly on the warm summers as well. The steady run of the warm water
the W coast. of the North Atlantic Drift, by way of the passage between the
1.1Off the coast and in the fjords between Lindesnes and Jaer- Shetland Islands, the Faeroe Islands, and the English Channel,

Pub. 182
4 Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev

into the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea, results in the water tug boat preparations in northern Norway. The VTS also moni-
of these seas in January being at least 20°C warmer than in oth- tors the seaward approaches to Melkoya, Hammerfest, Bell-
er areas of the same latitude. sund, and Van Mijenfjord on Svalbard.
1.1During all seasons, migratory low pressure centers, accom NOR VTS cooperates in close coordination with the Norwe-

panied by repeated intrusions of maritime polar air produce gian Coastal Administration’s Department for Emergency Re-
overcast skies, and warm temperatures. sponse; the Norwegian Armed Forces; the Joint Rescue
1.1Ice.—Ice in this area offers no hindrance to navigation and is Coordination Center, North Norway and South Norway; and
present only in the upper reaches of the fjords along the coast. coastal radio stations. All vessels entering and proceeding in
Floating ice is met in early spring, when small masses may the NOR VTS area of operation are strongly urged to follow
drift out of Oslofjorden and Kattegat, and occasionally from the recommendations, guidance, and advice provided by NOR
some of the larger fjords to the W and N of Lindesnes. VTS.
1.1Tides—Currents.—The tidal current just offshore N from
Jaeren to the vicinity of Korsfjorden flood to the N, and begin NOR VTS—Contact Information
about 5 to 6 hours after HW at Bergen and ebb to the S, and be-
gin about 30 minutes to 1 hour before HW at Bergen. From the Call sign NOR VTS
vicinity of Korsfjorden to approximately 60°51'N, the flood VHF VHF channel 16
begins about 6 hours after HW at Bergen, and sets to the E; the
ebb begins about the time of HW at Bergen and sets to the W. Telephone 47-78-989-898
1.1Surface currents in the fjords are predominantly tidal. They Facsimile 47-78-989-899
set inward on the flood and seaward on the ebb, except during
May and June. During these months, increased runoff from E-mail nor.vts@kystverket.no
melting snow and ice cause the surface currents to flow almost
continually seaward. The depths of the surface currents aver 1.1All tankers, all vessels exceeding 5,000 gt and all ocean-go-
age 3.6 to 5.5m, though they may vary from 0.91 to 18.3m at ing tugs in transit outside Norwegian territorial waters (12
times. Current speeds are strongest at the surface, decreasing miles off the baseline) are requested to report the following in-
with depth. An intermediate current sets into the fjords usually formation to NOR VTS upon entering the Norwegian Econom-
between 9.4 and 18.3m. Generally, the water below 73m either ic Zone (NEZ):
has a very weak seaward set or is stagnant, and is renewed only 1. Vessel name.
by a major meteorological disturbance. 2. IMO Number.
1.1Wind may alter the tidal currents in the fjords. Onshore 3. Primary telephone number.
winds may cause a rise in the water level with a corresponding 4. Primary facsimile number.
increase in the velocity and duration of incoming currents. 5. E-mail address.
When the winds cease, currents flow in the opposite direction 6. Primary INMARSAT-C number.
until equilibrium is established. Outflowing currents along the 7. Cargo type, including UN reference number(s) (IM-
sides of the fjords may occur when strong winds blow onshore DG Code).
for a prolonged period. Offshore winds may have an opposite 8. Amount of cargo (metric tons).
effect on the water level and currents. 9. Amount of bunker oil (metric tons).
1.1The term “tidal current” means the resultant of all water 10. Bunker oil (UN reference number).
movements; namely, ocean currents, tidal currents, wind-driv- 11. Number of crew.
en currents, and outflow of water from rivers, fjords, and em- 12. Number of passengers.
bankments. 13. Departure port.
1.1The tidal current of this section is subject to great variations. 14. Departure time in UTC (6 digits—ddhhhh).
West of Lindesnes, where the constant ocean current is weaker, 15. Arrival port.
the wind has more effect, and the current is less regular than on 16. ETA in UTC (6 digits—ddhhhh).
the SE coast between Kristiansand and Oslofjorden. 1.1The VTS will forward information of relevance for safe tran-
1.1A tidal current setting W and N is, however, prevalent espe- sit through the VTS coverage area. Vessels which are damaged
cially in summer. However, with continuous N and W winds or receive damage that can affect safe navigation must immedi-
the current may set S and E for perhaps a week continuously. ately report this information to the VTS.
Near the coast the direction of the current may be toward the 1.1Communication with the VTS can take place via any Norwe-
land. The current setting N off Jaeren may attain a velocity of gian coast radio station by requesting a VHF connection to
about 2 knots. NOR VTS.
1.1Vessel Traffic Service.—NOR Vessel Traffic Service (NOR 1.1For a listing of all routing and traffic separation schemes
VTS) is in operation for vessels transiting the Norwegian Eco- (TSS) in Norwegian waters, including those off Egersund, Far-
nomic Zone (NEZ) from the Norway/Sweden border in the S to sund, and Lillesand, see Pub. 140, Sailing Directions (Planning
the Norway/Russia border in the N. The NEZ also includes the Guide) North Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Seas.
areas around Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island. 1.1Caution.—Off the coast of Norway, various types of ships
1.1The VTS is designed to promote safe and efficient naviga- and small craft used in the development of oil and gas fields
tion and to protect the marine environment. The VTS will mon- may be encountered.
itor traffic, exchange information, and interact with vessels and 1.1An IMO-adopted Traffic Separation Scheme lies in the ap-
government agencies. It will also coordinate, on a daily basis, proach to Risavika SW of Feistein and may best be seen on the

Pub. 182
Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev 5

Ekofisk Oil and Gas Field Complex


chart. The VTS Centers can be contacted 24 hours on VHF chan-


Norwegian authorities recommend that tankers of 40,000

1.1 nels 18 and 19.
dwt and over, when navigating off the coast of Norway, should
keep to seaward of a line joining the following positions: Off-lying Dangers
a. 57°46.2'N, 7°00.0'E, 13 miles from Lindesnes Light.
b. 57°54.3'N, 6°21.5'E. 1.2 Along the W coast of Norway, there are several sec-
c. 58°16.1'N, 5°35.7'E. tions within which unusually rough seas often prevail. Extreme
d. 58°30.8'N, 5°12.2'E. sea conditions and breaking surf have been observed, often in
e. 58°32.9'N, 4°57.1'E. connection with the currents, in the vicinity of these areas
f. 59°10.7'N, 4°27.5'E. These sections, known as Dangerous Wave Areas, are de-
g. 60°49.2'N, 4°08.1'E. scribed below, as follows:
By keeping seaward of this line, tankers will maintain a dis-
1.1 1. Viking Bank (60°35'N., 2°30'E.).
tance of 12 to 20 miles from the shore. 2. Outer part of Sognesjoen—The area between Hol-
Pilotage Districts.—The entire coast of Norway is divided
1.1 mengra (60°50.6”N., 4°39.0'E.) and Kvereknapp, 8.5 miles
into three Pilotage Districts; pilotage is controlled from the NNE, contains many shallow areas. When the ebb current
three VTS Centers, as follows: from Sognefjorden passes over the area and meets wind and
1. Horten—Covers the S coast from the Swedish border waves from the opposite direction, choppy seas form. Tum-
leading W to Egersund (58°27'N,. 6°00'E.). bling breakers have also been observed.
2. Kvitsoy—Covers the W coast from Egersund leading 3. Buefjorden (61°15'N., 4°42'E.)—Along the route
N to the parallel of 65°08'N. At Kvitsoy, pilots can be ar- from Gasvaerosen (61°12.0'N., 4°42.5'E.) through Bue-
ranged to board at the following positions: fjorden to Geita Light (61°16.2'N., 4°48.8'E.), rough seas oc-
a. Feistein (58°51.0'N., 5°30.3'E.). cur when the winds are from the W or NW. If there is also an
b. Skudenesfjorden West (59°02.0'N., 5°10.0'E.)—Via ebb current at the same time, a choppy ground swell occurs
helicopter and only by prior arrangement for vessels over and tumbling breakers have been observed.
30,000 tons carrying hazardous or polluting cargo. 4. Stattlandett (62°12'N., 5°00'E.)—An exposed and
c. Skudenesfjorden (59°06.5'N., 5°27.0'E.). dangerous area where winds from SW to N raise heavy seas.
d. Karmsundet (59°13.1'N., 5°21.0'E.). The ebb current, running at a rate of 2 to 4 knots, shortens
3. Lodingen—Covers the W and N coasts of Norway be- the swell and causes heavy tumbling seas. The waters around
tween the parallel of 65°08'N and the Russian border. Haugsholmen (62°11'N., 5°23'E.) and Stalrevet (62°13'N.,

Pub. 182
6 Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev

1.1 Reused with permission from Norwegian Petroleum (https://www.norskpetroleum.no)

1.1 Norwegian Offshore Oil and Gas Field

5°11'E.) are known as particularly rough areas. many, and SW to England and may best be seen on the chart.
Ekofisk Oil and Gas Field (56°33'N., 3°13'E.) is situated about Eldfisk and West Edofisk fields are located within 11 miles

150 miles SW of Lindesnes Light. A complex of production of the Ekofisk Oil and Gas Field. They consist of several pro-
platforms, gas and oil pipelines, and tanker-loading systems is duction platforms, some of which are equipped with aeronauti-
located in the field. The single point mooring (SPM) tanker- cal radiobeacons and racons.
loading systems are generally removed when the field-to-shore Hod Field, Valhall Field, and Gyda Field lie 23 miles SSE,

pipelines are operating normally, but installations remain on the 17 miles SSE, and 21 miles N, respectively, of Ekofisk Oil and
sea bed. Pipelines extend N to the Statpipe System, SE to Ger- Gas Field.

Pub. 182
Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev 7

Varg Field, with a well head platform standing in position


58°05'N, 1°54'E, was shut down in 2016. Decommissioning is

expected to be completed by the end of 2021.
Glitne Oil Field, with a well head situated in position

58°41.6'N, 1°40.4'E, was shut down in 2013.

A wreck is located in position 58°41.2'N, 1°40.1'E.

Ula Gas Field (57°06'N., 2°51'E.) is situated about 36 miles


NNW of Ekofisk Oil and Gas Field and consists of three plat-
forms connected by bridges.
Statpipe Platform No. 1 (58°11'N., 2°28'E.) is situated

about 103 miles SW of Feistein and equipped with a racon.

Submarine gas pipelines extend N and S to other fields and NE
to the coast.
Sleipner Gas Field (58°21'N., 1°54'E.) lies 23 miles NW of

the platform.
For oil and gas fields N of the above, see Sectors 2 through 6.

For oil and gas fields NW of the above, see Pub. 192, Sailing

Directions (Enroute) North Sea.

Tambar Oil Field (56°58'N., 2°57'E.) lies 8.5 miles SSE of

Ula Field, where a lighted platform is located above the Gyda

and Ula gas line.
For more information on North Sea petroleum operations

visit the Norwegian Petroleum web site.

Norwegian Petroleum

Lindesnes to Steinodden
1.3 The coast line from Lindesnes to Steinodden mea-
sures about 18 miles and runs in a NW direction. Steinodden is
on the W extremity of the peninsula of Lista. The coast varies
in height, is mostly rocky, and contains trees and several small
1.3Gronsfjorden, between the peninsula of Spangereid and the
mainland W, has steep and rugged shores. A group of rocky is- 1.3 Lindesnes Light
lands separates the entrance of the fjord from the entrance of
Rosfjorden. The shores of the latter are steep, rising to about Varnes.
152m. Between the entrance to Rosfjorden and Farsund for
about 6 miles WNW, there are many islands. The coast is in- 1.4 Lindesnes (57°59'N., 7°03'E.) is the S point on the
dented and rocky, but not steep. Norwegian peninsula. An important landfall, it extends SW
1.3The port of Farsund is at the entrance of Lyngdalsfjordenen. from the mainland and is on the S extremity of the rocky and
This fjord and its branch, Oftefjorden, penetrate deeply inland. forested peninsula of the Spangereid peninsula. It is about 40m
Their steep, and generally forested, shores rise to a height of high and lies on red, rugged, and uneven land. A light is shown
about 183m. from a tower.
1.3The peninsula of Lista lies W of Farsund. In the SW part, it Neskletten and Lamekletten, two small banks within 1.5

is low-lying, but in the NE part it rises to heights of about miles S and 2 miles WSW, respectively, of Lindesnes, have
244m. There are several patches of marshland and extensive ar- least known depths of 25m. In heavy weather, the sea breaks on
eas of farmland in the SW part. Neskletten.
1.3Aspect.—The rounded summit of Homsknipen, 477m high, Bispen, a small round above-water rock marked by an iron

is located about 11 miles ENE of Steinodden. A conspicuous beacon, is located about 1.3 miles W of Lindesnes and is the
radio tower stands on Kalaskniben, a hill situated 1.5 miles southernmost of all the dangers W of Lindesnes. In rough
NNE of Homsknipen. weather, the sea breaks constantly on the shoals N and E of
1.3Caution.—Mackerel fishing, by means of drift nets, purse Bispen.
seines, and trailing lines, flourishes along the S coast of Nor- The coast between Lindesnes and Einarsneset, about 10

way from May to September. The approximate area of greatest miles WNW, is indented. From the offing, the land appears to
activity is W of Lillesand to Lista. form a large bay studded with islands and islets.
1.3A restricted area, in which navigation is controlled by regu- Skarvoy, about 6 miles NW of Lindesnes, and Faeroy, about

lation, lies up to 1 mile from the coast between Einarsneset and 0.7 mile E of the S extremity of Einarsneset, can be easily iden-

Pub. 182
8 Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev

tified. The former has a hill resembling a sugarloaf in its SW and Haoy are located within 0.75 mile NW of Kjepsoy
part. (58°01'N., 7°00'E.). They are nearly joined together by their
fringing shoals. A group of rocks, partly above water, lie about
1.5 Gronsfjorden (58°02'N., 7°02'E.) is about 5 miles 183m SW of Langholm. A detached 11m patch, about 183m
long and up to 1 mile wide. It trends in a general NE direction farther SW, is the outermost shoal in this vicinity.
along the NW side of the Spangereid peninsula. Easy of access, 1.7 Detached islets, rocks, and shoals extend up to about 0.5
it is entered about 2 miles NNW of Lindesnes at the SE end of mile from the W side of Marquee and Kjepsoy.
Raevoy. Gronsfjorden is connected at its inner end with 1.7 Rosfjorden, which is easily recognized from seaward, lies
Lenefjorden by Jasundet. about 2 miles NW of Gronsfjorden.
1.5Several islets and numerous rocks and shoals extend about 1 1.7 From Hausvigodden (58°03'N., 6°59'E.), the E entrance
mile W and 2 miles S of Raevoy. Sveinene, two small low point, the fjord trends NNE for about 5 miles and has few dan-
rocks which are almost always marked by breakers, are located gers. A light is shown from the point. There are some good an-
about 0.7 mile ENE of Bispen. There are general depths of 146 chorages on both sides of the fjord. This deep fjord has a
to 183m, with few islets or dangers. maximum width of 1 mile; its narrowest part, with a width of
1.5Jasundet (58°04'N., 7°09'E.), which connects Gronsfjorden about 0.1 mile, is located about midway through the fjord.
with Lenefjorden, is very narrow and has a least fairway depth General depths in the approaches and inside the fjord are 55 to
of 3m; a bridge, with a vertical clearance of 14.9m, spans the 146m.
narrows. Two 1.8m rocks are located in the passage, one on ei- 1.7 The approach to Rosfjorden lies between Herreholmen
ther side of the channel. Currents in Jasundet attain velocities (58°02'N., 6°58'E.), a moderately-high islet of reddish color lo-
of 3 or 4 knots. cated about 0.2 mile NW of Sutnoy, and Ulleroy, an 86m high
1.5Lenefjorden has great depths throughout most of its 5.25 island nearly 1 mile WNW. A light is shown from a wooden
miles length, but can only be reached by vessels that can pass hut on the NW extremity of Herreholmen.
through Jasundet. 1.7 Midtfjordenskjaer, about 0.4 mile WNW of the W extremity
of Herreholmen, is marked by a black beacon with a white
1.6 Stusvik (58°00'N., 7°02'E.), on the E side of Grons- band. A 7.6m shoal patch lies about 183m N of Midtfjordensk-
fjorden, has a harbor for small vessels. The depth between the jaer.
jetties is 6.9m; farther in, depths from 3.7 to 6.9m are found. 1.7 Ytre Rosfjordenskjaerene and Indre Rosfjordenskjaerene,
The seas in the harbor may become quite rough during S and two groups of rocks, partly above water, are on the W side of
SW winds. the Rosfjorden approach between Midtfjordenskjaer and the
1.6Hovdebukta (58°04'N., 7°06'E.), on the NW side of the mainland to the N.
fjord, is a good harbor with depths up to 30m, sand, near its 1.7 Store Kubbesteinen and Lille Kubbesteinen, two above-wa-
head. ter rocks, are located on the W side of the approach about 0.5
1.6Flatstadbukta (58°05'N., 7°07'E.), on the N shore of the mile and 0.2 mile, respectively, SSW of the SE extremity of
fjord, has anchorage, in 16.9m, mud. Care must be taken to Ulleroy.
avoid a 2.7m rock that lies in the E side of the bay. 1.7 Bradsteinen, with less than 1.8m, lies between the two rocks
1.6Asevagen, about 0.4 mile E of Flatstadbukta, is a good har- and somewhat to the W. Other rocks lie between Bradsteinen
bor with anchorage, in 24 to 26m, mud. The best anchorage is and Ulleroy.
near the W part of the bay. The entrance to Asevagen is re- 1.7 Bjorneskjaer, about 0.1 mile NNW of Langholm, is above
stricted by an overhead cable with a clearance of about 15.2m. water; other above and below-water rocks lie within 137m N of
1.6During good weather, no difficulty should be experienced in it.
entering Gronsfjorden. Strong W winds, a heavy sea, and the 1.7 Bjorneskjaerflu, awash, lies about 183m SSW of Bjornesk-
backwash from the mainland sometimes combine to make jaer.
steering difficult.
1.6Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Raevoysund 1.8 Grotholm (58°02'N., 6°58'E.) is the larger of two is-
(58°02'N., 7°00'E.), the narrow passage between the N end of lets that lie about 0.25 mile NE of Herreholmen. Several rocks,
Raevoy and the mainland, and in Hundalshamn. A light is with depths of 1.8 to 4.6m, lie within 183m W, NW, and E of
shown on the NW side of the passage. Vessels with local Grotholm; two small islets and some rocks lie between the lat-
knowledge can anchor in the W part of Raevoysund, N of the ter and the mainland.
NW extremity of Raevoy, in 29 to 40m, clay. Raevoysund is 1.8Skonevigflu, with a depth of 4.6m, is located on the E side of
spanned at its W end by a fixed bridge with a vertical clearance Rosfjorden approach about 0.2 mile S of Hausvigodden.
of 20m. A light is shown from the middle of the bridge. Small 1.8Teroy (58°03'N., 6°56'E.) is located about 0.1 mile N of Ul-
vessels can anchor, in 20 to 29m, in Hundalshamn. leroy, from which it is separated by Ulleroysund. A light is
1.6Numerous above and below-water dangers, some of them shown from the SW extremity of Teroy.
marked by iron perches or beacons, lie in the several approach- 1.8Andreholm lies close off the W entrance point of Ros-
es to Raevoysund. fjorden, about 0.4 mile WNW of Hausvigodden. Bukkene,
1.6See Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Pub. 180 - Arctic about 0.1 mile NE of Andreholm and the outermost danger on
Ocean for examples of Norwegian fixed marks, including iron this side of the fjord entrance, is awash; it is marked by an iron
perches. post.
1.8Other rocks, above and below-water, lie close W and NW of
1.7 Langholm (58°02'N., 6°58'E.), Sutnoy, Kjerringoy, Bukkene. A rock, with a depth of 5.9m, lies about 137m NW of

Pub. 182
Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev 9

Hausvigodden. Ostre Roholmflu, about 0.4 mile SE of Roholme, has a depth


of 4.5m; a 10.1m depth lies between them.

1.9 Eitlandskjaera (58°03'N., 6°59'E.), partly above wa- Vestre Bradsteinen (58°02'N., 6°52'E.), marked by an iron

ter, lies on the E side of the fjord about 0.6 mile NE of Hausvi- perch and almost always marked by breakers, is located about
godden. Boroflu, 0.2 mile farther NE is a reef with depths of 0.4 mile S of Roholme. Vestre Roholmflu, about 0.5 mile SSW
2m or less over it. of Roholme, has a depth of 10m.
1.9Boro, the largest island in Rosfjorden, is on the E side of the
fjord about 1 mile within the entrance. Shoal water extends 1.11 Ulleroysund (58°03'N., 6°55'E.), between Ulleroy
about 183m from the W shore of Rosfjorden abreast Boro. and Teroy, is a good roadstead where vessels can anchor, in 29
1.9Shoal water also fringes the head of the fjord for a distance to 35m, sand and clay. The best anchorage is located about 0.1
of about 183m offshore and several other short sections of the mile SW of the light on the SW side of Teroy.
W shore, particularly in the narrows of the fjord. Directions.—Of the two principal approaches to this sound,
1.9An overhead cable, with a clearance of 14m, spans the nar- the E is the better and the only one described.
row passage between the mainland and the E extremity of Approaching from the S, steer for the white sector of the

Boro. light on the E extremity of Ulleroy, which leads W of Bispen

1.9A light is shown from Syrhoved, about 2 miles NNE of and the islets and dangers extending SW from Marquee and
Boro, on the W side of the fjord. then E of Store Kubbesteinen.
1.9Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Borobukta, located After passing Store Kubbesteinen, steer to pass between

on the NE side of Boro, in 25m, clay. An 8.7m shoal is located Lille Kubbesteinen and Midfjordenskjaer, then through Ulle-
about 91m off the N end of Boro. roysund, taking care to avoid a 7.8m depth, marked by a black
1.9Anchorage can also be taken on the W side of the fjord, at and red spar buoy, which lies about 0.1 mile NE of Teroy light,
Agnefest, in depths of 25 to 35m. and keeping close to Ulleroy when abreast Teroy to avoid the
Directions.—Vessels approaching Rosfjorden should pass to foul ground extending about 91m S from the latter islet.
NW of Herreholmen and Skonevigflu and SE of Store Kub- The green sector of the light shown from the SW extremity

besteinen, Midtfjordenskjaer, and Ytre Rosfjordenskjaerene. One of Teroy, bearing between 306 and 319°, leads through the E
white sector of Hausvigodden Light leads clear of all dangers. part of Ulleroysund to within about 0.3 mile of the light.
1.9Pass Hausvigodden at a safe distance, taking care to avoid Skarvoyhamn is on the S side of Skarvoy, the next island N

the 5.9m rock about 137m NW of it. After passing that point, of Teroy. Anchorage can be taken in the outer part of the har-
another white sector of the same light indicates the fairway as bor, in 29 to 40m. Skarvoyflu, a 4m depth, lies about 0.2 mile
far N as Boro. Vessels are then guided by the white sector of N of the W extremity of Teroy. A 1m depth, marked by an iron
the light shown from Syrhoved, and N of Syrhoved by the perch, lies about 0.15 mile S of Skarvoyflu.
white sector astern. Sandholmane are two islets that lie on a reef on the W side of

Skarvoyhamn and close within the harbor entrance. The reef

1.10 Spindsfjorden (58°05'N., 6°56'E.), the next fjord W fringes and extends about 137m from the shore.
of Rosfjorden, trends NNE for about 3 miles from the SE end
of Skarvoy. Its approach lies between the mainland, on the E, 1.12 The approach to the port of Farsund lies between Lan-
and Ulleroy, Teroy, and Skarvoy, on the W. Two small bays ex- goy and a number of islets and reefs that extend NE toward that
tend E from its S part. Numerous dangers border the narrow island from Einarsneset (58°03'N., 6°47'E.).
channel and local knowledge is required. Langoy (58°04'N., 6°52'E.) is the largest island in the ap-

Ystesteinen (58°01'N., 6°53'E.), a cluster of above and be-

1.10 proach and lies on the NE side of the principal fairway. A light
low-water rocks, lies about 2 miles SW of Ulleroy. This isolat- is shown from a position about 0.2 mile NW of the S extremity
ed group is outside all other dangers in the area and will be of Langoy. A light is shown from the W side of Langoy in a po-
easily recognized. Ostre Steinsflu, a 16.5m patch, lies about sition about 1 mile NNW of Bremerodden, the S extremity of
0.2 mile ESE of the largest rock. Langoy.
Midfjordenskjaer (58°02'N., 6°54'E.) is located about 1
1.10 Pilot boarding station for Farsund lies 2 miles S of Sondre

mile NE of Ystesteinen. A detached 7m rock lies about 0.1 Katland Light (Sore Katland), (58°03'N., 6°51'E.) when ap-
mile NE of Midfjordenskjaer. Store Korken and Lille Korken, proaching from S. A racon is situated at the light. A small inlet
above-water rocks, and a detached 1.8m depth, lie between lies in the approach to Farsund, about 1 mile E of the SE ex-
Midfjordenskjaer and the SE extremity of Vikelen, about 0.7 tremity of Einarsneset.
mile NE. A light is shown from the S side of Store Haoy, an islet

Breiflu, with depths of 3.7 to 7.8m, lies about 0.5 mile S of

1.10 which lies about 0.1 mile NW of the NW extremity of Langoy.
Vikelen. Several 6.4 to 8.7m depths lie between them. Several islets and some rocks and reefs lie between Store Ei-

Roholme (58°02'N., 6°52'E.), about 1 mile W of Vikelen,

1.10 geroy, on the W side of the approach to Farsund and Store
reddish-colored, and easily identified, is the largest of a group Haoy.
of four islets. A 5m depth lies about 0.2 mile N of Roholme. A light is shown from the SE extremity of Sandoy, which is

Nordre Roholmflu a 14.6m depth about 0.2 mile NNW of Ro- located near the mainland about 0.6 mile WNW of Sondre Kat-
holme. land.
Odegardsgrunn, with a depth of 16.5m, and Kletten, with a

depth of 26m, are located about 1 mile S and 1.25 miles SW, 1.13 Faeroyflua, a 3.2m depth, marked on its S side by a
respectively, of Roholme. lighted buoy, lies about 1 mile SSW of Sondre Katland. Villa-

Pub. 182
10 Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev

flua, with a depth of 11.9m, and Austre Mellomflua, with a Sondre Haoyflua, lying between the NW end of Langoy and

depth of 5.5m, are located about 0.2 mile NE and 0.25 mile N, Store Haoy, has a depth of 4m and is marked on the SW side by
respectively, of Faeroyflua. a buoy.
Gunnarskjaer, awash, and Skarveskjaer, with a depth of
1.13 Vestre Haoyflua, on the SW side of the fairway 0.1 mile SW

4.6m, lie on the SE edge of the shoal that extends up to 0.3 of Store Haoy, has a depth of 4.7m over it and is marked by a
mile S and SE from Faeroy. Kalveflu, with a depth of 1.8m and buoy. Nordre Haoyflua, a 5.3m depth marked by a light, lies on
marked by a buoy, is on the W edge of the shoal. Breakers usu- the NE side of the channel about 0.1 mile WNW of Store Haoy.
ally mark these dangers. Lille Haoy and Lamholme lie on the SW side of the channel,

Revoyflu, marked on its N side by a buoy, is located about 1

1.13 about 0.1 mile WSW and 0.3 mile W of Store Haoy.
mile SW of Sondre Katland. Revoyskjaer, marked by an iron Engoy and Faroy front the town of Farsund, which is situated

beacon, lies near the S end of Revoyskjaergrunn about 1 mile about 1 mile NW of Store Haoy. Engoy is the S islet of the two.
SW of Sondre Katland. Skyskjer, about 0.4 mile SE of Engoy, is one of a group of
Revoy (58°03'N., 6°48'E.), about 0.3 mile S of the SE ex-
1.13 above and below-water rocks and is marked by an iron beacon.
tremity of Einarsneset, lies on foul ground together with a few Fisholmflua, on the NW side of Fisholmen about 0.2 mile

other smaller islets. A beacon stands on Revoy. A 7.3m rock is SE of Engoy, is marked by an iron perch.
located about 0.3 mile WSW of the S extremity of Revoy; a
12m depth lies about 183m farther WSW. Kraka is the south- 1.16 Farsund (58°06'N., 6°49'E.) (World Port Index No.
easternmost islet in the group. 23520), the inner harbor, lies between Engoy and Faroy on the
Sjuhausflua, marked by an iron perch, is located about 0.2
1.13 E, and the mainland on the W. The outer harbor lies between
mile W of Revoy; a reef extends about 0.1 mile N from it. Fisholmen and Sundsodden, a mainland projection about 0.3
Foul ground, on which the islet of Klubben lies, extends
1.13 mile SSW of Engoy. A causeway extends from the NW end of
nearly 0.3 mile E from the SW end of Einarsneset. Faroy to the NE end of the peninsula, on which the town of
Oddeflua, about 0.1 mile NE of Revoy, has a depth of 2.7m
1.13 Farsund stands on the side of a steep hill. Athreespan Bridge,
and is marked by a buoy. with a maximum clearance of 22m, connects Faroy with the E
entrance point of Lyngdalsfjordenen.
1.14 The principal approach channel to Farsund leads be- Winds—Weather.—The prevailing winds in winter blow

tween Faeroyflua and the Roholmane group; then between from S and SE; in summer nearly half of the time the prevail-
Sondre Katland and Lindholmbaen; then W of Svartskjaer and ing winds blow from N or NW. These sea winds are largely re-
Brattholme; E of Bukkegrunnane, Futeskjaer, and Risholme; sponsible for the very mild temperatures in winter and the
and then between Lille Haoy and Store Haoy and toward the overall lack of extreme temperatures. Precipitation is high. The
respective parts of the harbor. harbor is ice free.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for merchant vessels and
1.14 Tides—Currents.—The tidal rise is about 0.3m. No local

is advisable for all vessels. Pilots should be requested through currents are reported in the Farsund approach. Winds have
the pilot stations at Hidra or Oksoy. Pilots board vessels about some effect on tides.
1 mile S of Faeroy. Depths—Limitations.—A depth of 33m is available

Several dangers lie near this channel, but a least depth of

1.14 through the approach, but Nordre Haoyflua, a 5.3m depth, lies
33m is charted in the fairway as far as the outer anchorage of close to the channel in the narrows between Store Haoy and
the port. Lille Haoy. General depths in the outer harbor are 14.6 to 29m;
A 14m depth is charted about 0.4 mile SSE of Sondre Kat-
1.14 in the inner harbor off the town the depths are 4.5 to 8.8m. Ves-
land; a depth of 10.1m lies about 0.5 mile ENE from the same sels up to 15,000 dwt, with a maximum draft of 9.5m, can be
islet. accommodated. For more information see the accompanying
Lindholmbaen, a 4.6m depth, lies on the E side of the fair- table titled Farsund—Berth Information.
way about 0.2 mile WNW of the N end of Lindholmen
(58°03'N., 6°52'E.), a 26m high islet, and is marked by a spar Farsund—Berth Information
buoy. A 14m depth lies about 0.5 mile W of the same extremi-
ty. Berth Length Depth Remarks
Inner Harbor Terminal
1.15 Bukkegrunnane (58°04'N., 6°51'E.), marked on its E
side by a spar buoy, is the E edge of an area of reefs and islets General cargo
No. 1 130m 7.5-10.0m
which extends from a position about 0.4 mile NE of Sondre and dry bulk.
Katland to a position 0.5 mile NNW of that islet. A detached Deep Water
4.8m depth lies about 0.2 mile NE of Sondre Katland.
Lyngholme is located about 0.7 mile NNE of Sondre Katland General cargo
No. 10 130m 15.0m
and about 0.2 mile SE of the S end of Uroy. A rocky patch, and dry bulk.
with a least depth of 3.2m, extends about 0.2 mile S from Lyn- Industrial Terminal
gholme, and a detached 5m depth lies 0.2 mile SE of it. A 7m
depth lies midway between Lyngholme and Uroy. Project/heavy
No. 2 100m 7.5-8.5m
Futeskjaera, above water, lies about 0.1 mile E of Lyn-

A 3.2m depth lies between Risholme and Uroy.

Pub. 182
Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev 11

Farsund—Berth Information Two unmarked rocks, with depths of 7.6 and 9m, lie on the

W side of the roadstead within about 206m of the E side of

Berth Length Depth Remarks Sondoy. The deeper rock never breaks.
Multipurpose Terminal Engelskjerflua, on the E side of the roadstead about 0.3 mile

NNW of Sondre Katland, is marked by a buoy.

Chemicals, dry Raudsteinflua, at the N end of the dangers extending N from

Multipurpose 130m 14.5m bulk, breakbulk, Sondre Katland, has a depth of less than 1.8m and is marked by
and ro-ro. an iron perch.
A detached 6.9m depth lies in the NE part of the roadstead

Aspect.—A light is shown from the SW side of Faroy in

1.16 about 0.3 mile ESE of the S extremity of Lille Eigeroy.
range with a light shown from the SE side of Engoy. Lights are Directions to Ostre Faeroysundet.—From the vicinity of

shown from the S side of Faroy and a post in the water close E position 58°02.5'N, 6°50'E, the approach route to Farsund track
of the N extremity of Engoy. leads to Flama roadstead by passing Sondre Katland Light
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory and requires 24 hours no-
1.16 (58°03.4'N, 6°50.5'E.) via Ostre Faeroysund, the passage be-
tice. Pilotage should be ordered through SafeSeaNet or alterna- tween Sondre Katland and Faeroy, which can be used in all
tively the Horten Pilot Booking Center. The pilot boards in weather conditions.
position 58°01.5'N, 6°50.0'E. This channel is approached between Faeroyflua and the Ro-

Pilots can be contacted on VHF channels 13 and 16.

1.16 holme group until the range lights shown from Lille Eikeroy
Anchorage.—Small vessels can anchor in the inner harbor;
1.16 are in line. When on the range line, care must be taken to avoid
the usual anchorage is N of Gulsteinen between the town and Foeroysundflua.
Gasholme. Mooring rings and dolphins are located along the
shore. Larger vessels can anchor anywhere between Gulsteinen 1.19 Kveldsund (58°04'N., 6°54'E.) separates the NE end of
and Skjolnes, the S entrance point of Lundevagen about 0.25 Langoy from the W extremity of Ytre Bugdoy. This narrow, rock
mile SE of Sundsodden. obstructed channel is near the E end of Indre Spindsfjorden, 0.25
to 0.5 mile in width, lying between Langoy and the mainland, N.
1.17 Lundevagen, the inlet immediately S of Farsund, ex- It trends E from Store Haoy for about 2 miles. Several anchorag-
tends W a little over 1 mile from its entrance between Sund- es are located in small coves that lead off from the inlet.
sodden and Skjolnes and narrows to a width of about 137m in a Vikholme lies close off the N shore of the inlet about 0.5

position about 1 mile from the entrance. mile NW of the NE extremity of Langoy. Shoal water extends
Kraka, an above-water rock, lies about 0.1 mile W of the nar-
1.17 about 137m S from Vikholme.
rows. A 3m depth, marked by a buoy, lies about 73m SE of An overhead cable, with a clearance of 30m, spans the inlet,

Kraka. When passing through the narrows, vessels should keep about 0.3 mile E of Vikholme. A submarine cable crosses the
close to the S shore. inlet about 0.3 mile W of Vikholme.
A submarine cable is laid across the entrance to Lundevagen.
1.17 Midfjordenskjeret, a detached above-water rock, is located

A concrete wharf, 135m long, with a depth alongside of

1.17 in the W approach to the inlet in a position about 0.2 mile NW
14.5m, lies on the S shore of the inlet near the entrance. Anoth- of the N extremity of Store Haoy. A 16m depth lies about 0.2
er concrete wharf, 106m long, with depths alongside of 5 to mile ESE of Midfjordenskjeret.
9m, lies on the S shore close to the head of the inlet. Anchorage.—Anchorage may be obtained, in a depth of

Anchorage.—Small vessels can take sheltered anchorage in

1.17 14m, between the N side of Vikholme and the mainland; in a
the inner part of Lundevagen, in 16.5 to 18.3m, good holding depth of 22m, in a creek on the N side of Langoy, about 0.4
ground. The head of the inlet shoals to a distance of about 0.1 mile S of Vikholme; and, in a depth of 15m, in a cove about 1
mile offshore. mile E of Vikholme.
Anchorage for small vessels with local knowledge may be

1.18 Saltrak (58°03'N., 6°49'E.) is an island close SW of taken, in depths of 8m to 14m, sand, off Birkenes, 0.6 mile
Sandoy. Palsflua, on the end of a spit extending about 0.2 mile ENE of Store Haoy.
SW from Saltrak, is awash, always breaks, and is marked by an
iron perch. Sauflua is located on the edge of foul ground that 1.20 Lyngdalsfjorden extends about 4 miles NE from Far-
extends about 0.1 mile E from the SE extremity of Einarsneset. sund and then divides into two arms, each about 4 miles long.
It has a depth of less than 1.8m and is marked by an iron perch. The E arm continues under the name of Lyngdalsfjorden; the
Flama (58°04'N., 6°50'E.), a roadstead, lies between Faeroy, NW arm is known as Oftefjorden. About 1 mile from the head
on the S, Sandoy and the mainland on the W, and Lille Eigeroy of the latter fjord, Drangsfjorden branches NE for about 2
on the N. Reefs and islets extend N from Sondre Katland on miles.
the E. The roadstead is roomy and easy of access. A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 22m at the center,

Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken here, in about 33m,

1.18 spans the entrance of Lyngdalsfjorden. About 1 mile within the
clay, with good holding ground. entrance, an overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 22m,
Caution.—Katlandflua, with a depth of less than 1.8m and
1.18 crosses the fjord.
lying within 0.1 mile W of Sondre Katland, is marked by an Oen (58°06'N., 6°47'E.), an island in the SW part of Lyngda-

iron perch and a buoy. lsfjorden, is separated from the mainland on its S, W, and N
Foeroysundflua, a detached 8m depth, lies close to the Lille
1.18 sides by channels which are, in places, both narrow and shal-
Eigeroy range line about 0.2 mile WNW of Sondre Katland. low. Helvigfjorden, W of Oen, has a depth of 3.2m in its ap-

Pub. 182
12 Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev

proach, which leads S and W of the island. Listahamn, lying between the SE end of Brekneholme and

With the exception of a shoal extending across the entrance

1.20 the mainland, is protected by a mole extending from the islet
of the E arm of Lyngdalsfjorden and a few scattered dangers, and one extending WNW from the mainland.
the fjords are deep throughout. Small vessels may anchor in Listahamn, in depths from 4 to

A 5m shoal lies on the E side of Lyngdalsfjorden entrance

1.20 6m, with their sterns secured to mooring rings because of limit-
about 137m W of the NW extremity of Spindsodden. Subma- ed swinging room. During SW storms, there is a considerable
rine cables are laid from Farsund to Oen and E of Kilsholme to current in the outer harbor.
the mainland. A submarine cable is laid across Lyngdals- Several above and below-water rocks lie within about 152m

fjorden, about 1 mile E of Farsund. of the S shore of Brekneholme.

From the S entrance point to the inner part of Lyngdals-
1.20 A projecting quay on the E side of Listahamn has depths of

fjorden, a submarine cable is laid NW across Oftefjorden to a up to 4m alongside.

position about 0.5 mile NE of Herred, at the head of a bight in- Lista Light (58°07'N., 6°34'E.), exhibited from a stone tow-

denting the W side of Oftefjorden. er, 34m in height, is on a level plain which projects about 2
Another cable is laid from the S entrance point along Lyn-
1.20 miles from the foot of the high land between Farsund and Lis-
gdalsfjorden to a position about 0.5 mile W of Lyngdal, located tafjorden and terminates in a low sandy shore bordered by
at the head of the fjord. ranges of sand hills.
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Bjorsviken, on the

E side of Oen, in 11.9m, pebbles and shells.

Several anchorages are located in the E arm of Lyngdals-

fjorden; a 5.5m channel leads across the shoal fronting this

Anchorage can be taken off Herred, in 14.6 to 22m. Several

dangers lie in the NE part of the bight that Herred lies at the
head of. An anchorage is also located near the head of Of-
tefjorden, in a depth of about 27m.

1.21 The coast between Einarsneset and Steinodden, about

8.5 miles NW, is indented by several shallow bights. The first
1.5 miles of the coast is fringed by reefs and islets to a distance
of about 1.5 miles offshore.
Along the 7 miles stretch of the Lista peninsula, from

Steinodden to Rauna, the bottom slopes steeply. This leads to

sea waves being both reflected and deflected. In addition, the
current conditions in the area are variable with eddy forma- 1.22 By Bjoertvedt (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/
tions, and the sea can be very rough. Heavy breakers have been licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
observed. Lista Light

Hummerdus is an islet close W of the S extremity of Einars-


neset. Between the islet and Havik, about 1.5 miles WNW, Steinodden to Svaholmane
there is a considerable extent of reddish-colored sand, which
has sometimes been mistaken for Mandalssand, a strip of yel- 1.23 Steinodden (58°07'N., 6°33'E.) is the W extremity of
low sand about 12 miles E of Lindesnes, to which it certainly the peninsula of Lista. Numerous above and below-water rocks
bears some slight resemblance. Such a mistake is possible in lie within 0.4 mile of Steinodden.
thick weather. Verevagen is a small shallow cove about 0.5 mile ENE of

Havik (58°04'N., 6°44'E.) appears as a dark brown hill rising

1.21 Steinodden. Perches and beacons mark its two entrance chan-
from a small point 2 miles WNW of Einarsneset. nels. A flagstaff stands at the head of the cove.
Svaneflu (58°03'N., 6°45'E.), a 2.1m depth located about 1.5
1.21 Stavestoflua, a 1.8m depth, lies 0.2 mile offshore about 1

miles SW of Einarsneset and marked by a spar buoy, is the out- mile NE of Steinodden.
ermost of the many dangers in the vicinity. Between Svaneflu Varnesholme lies close NW of Varnes (58°11'N., 6°38'E.),

and Rauna the known dangers lie within 1 mile of shore. the S entrance of Listafjorden. Rocks border the SW and NW
Rauna (58°04'N., 6°40'E.), an island, is located about 3
1.21 sides of this small islet.
miles W of Einarsneset. Shoal water extends up to 0.3 mile S
from Rauna. 1.24 Listafjorden (58°11'N., 6°37'E.) branches to form
Ostre Rauneflua, a 2.5m depth, lies near the coastal bank
1.21 Fedafjorden, Stolsfjorden, and Flekkefjorden. Fedafjorden runs
about 0.25 mile SE of Rauna. A 1.5m depth lies about 0.3 mile NE between steep forested shores, often rising to a height of
ENE of Ostre Rauneflua. Vestre Rauneflua is a 3.5m patch about 305m. Flekkefjorden runs N from Stolsfjorden and has
about 0.7 mile W of Rauna. steep shores up to the port of Flekkefjorden at its head.
Brekneholmen Light (58°05'N., 6°36'E.) is exhibited from

1.22 Brekneholme (58°06'N., 6°35'E.) is an inconspicuous a white lantern on piles on Brekneholmen, a flat islet consist-
flat islet, consisting entirely of pebbles and located a little over ing entirely of pebbles, which is not easily distinguishable.
3.25 miles NW of Rauna. Listahamn, between Brekneholmen and the mainland, has a

Pub. 182
Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev 13

narrow entrance formed by two breakwaters. locity of up to 2 knots. The velocity is usually 0.5 knot.
Andabeloy and Hidra, large and hilly islands, lie N and NW

of Listafjorden. 1.26 Strandsfjorden (58°13'N., 6°39'E.), branching N be-

Farther NW, the coast is craggy and treeless, rising steeply to
1.24 tween Hidra and Andabeloy, is entered between Klubben and
a height of about 183m, and is indented only by a few small in- Hogsaedeskroa. The fjord is deep and relatively free from dan-
lets. The fjords are deep and mostly clear of dangers. gers. It trends N for about 2 miles to Kokodden (58°14'N.,
The fjord gap between Hidra and Varneset is only about 1
1.24 6°39'E.), a prominent mainland point, where it joins Hidrasun-
mile wide, and with an outgoing current, the sea will become det, and then NE toward Risholmsundet, the channel along the
rough. Large depths of about 300m, and a thereby steep shore, N side of Andabeloy.
means that reflection will cause a rough sea. Refraction can al- Katterauva is an islet lying close offshore on the E side of

so occur for certain directions. Strandsfjorden, about 0.3 mile NW of Hogsaedeskroa. Rocks,
Dangers on the NW side of Listafjorden include Myskesk-
1.24 with depths of less than 1.8m, lie near its SW end.
jaerne and Hunden. Myskeskjaerne, two groups of low rocks, Abelnes is a village on the NE shore of a small cove about

lie within 0.2 mile of the SE side of Andabeloy. 0.3 mile N of Kokodden. Good anchorage can be taken off
One group is located about 0.7 mile NE of Hogsaedeskroa,
1.24 Abelnes, in 14.6 or 16.5m, sand and clay.
the S extremity of Andabeloy; the other group, which is Risholmsundet (58°14'N., 6°40'E.), connecting Strands-

marked by a beacon 2m high, lies about 0.25 mile farther NE. fjorden and Stolsfjorden, is a narrow channel between the N
Hunden, one of a group of above and below-water rocks, lies
1.24 end of Andabeloy and Risholmen, a small islet about 0.5 mile
about 183m offshore, about 0.2 mile SSW of Tarmevikodden E of Kokodden.
(58°13'N., 6°41'E.), the E extremity of Andabeloy. Engelsholmen lies in the W approach to Risholmsundet. The

Eidsfjorden, branching E for about 1 mile from the SE side

1.24 islet is located close off the NW side of Andabeloy, about 0.3
of Listafjorden, has steep-to shores and ample depths. mile SE of Kokodden. Two buoys, moored close W and N of
the islet, mark the edges of the reef which fringes it.
1.25 Ytre Pollen (58°11'N., 6°42'E.), at the head of the in- Risholmen is the southernmost of a chain of islets, rocks,

let, affords good anchorage to small vessels, but during W and shoals that almost completely obstructs the passage be-
gales the sea breaks across the entrance. Buoys mark the ap- tween the mainland and Andabeloy. Foul ground extends about
proach to the anchorage. Hausen, a rock on the S side of the en- 137m W from Risholmen. A lighted iron perch, about 91m off
trance, is marked by an iron perch. Small vessels can also take the E side of the islet, marks the SE edge of a foul area.
sheltered anchorage, in about 7m, off Vikane, about 0.6 mile E Risholmbaen, close off the S side of Risholmen, is marked by a
of Varnes. light and an iron perch.
Fedafjorden, a continuation of Listerfjorden, extends NE for
1.25 Anchorage.—Good anchorage can be taken in most places

about 6 miles from its entrance between Ostre Stolen on the bank between the N end of Andabeloy and the main-
(58°13'N., 6°43'E.) and a point about 0.5 mile SE. The fjord is land. The bottom is mostly stiff mud and sand. The best an-
deep to within about 0.3 mile of its head, where a shoal fronts chorage is between Engelsholmen and Risholmen, in a depth
the mouth of the river Kvina. of 20m.
The NW shore of Fedafjorden is more irregular than the SE

shore. Anchorages in the fjord are all located on this side. 1.27 Stolsfjorden (58°14'N., 6°41'E.) is entered between
A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 50m, crosses Fed-
1.25 Tarmevikodden and Ostre Stolen and extends N about 3 miles
afjorden in position 58°15.5'N, 6°50.6'E between Agholmen to the narrows of Straumsundet. The fairway through the fjord
(58˝15'N., 6°52'E.) and Teistdalsstranda. is deep and clear.
Sageflua, with a least depth of 5m, lies within 0.2 mile off-
1.25 Terneholmen (58°14'N., 6°41'E.), with a smaller islet and

shore in a position about 3 miles NE of Ostre Stolen. Binesflua, some foul ground near it, lies close off the NE side of Andabe-
with a 9m depth, is located about 0.6 mile NE of Sageflua. loy. A stone breakwater extends S from Terneholmen to the
A small bay lies off the settlement of Feda, close NE of
1.25 coast of Andabeloy.
Binesflua. Vessels can anchor in the middle of the bay, in 40m, Aleskjera, a group of above and below-water rocks, lies 0.2

hard sand. A stone beacon and two dolphins stand at the head mile N of Terneholmen and is marked by iron perches.
of the bay. Straumsundet is the middle of three narrow channels that

Agnholmen (58°16'N., 6°50'E.) lies on the N shore close NE

1.25 lead N among the several islets in the passage separating Stols-
of Feda. fjorden and Flekkefjorden. These islets, from S to N, are
Leirvik, located on the NW side of Fedafjorden, is a timber-
1.25 Kjeoy, Litle Torsoya, and Store Torsoya. The least charted
handling place, with a concrete pier about 92m long and a depth in the fairway of Straumsundet is 13.5m.
depth of 5.6m. Stamdalsflua, with a 1.8m depth marked on its W side by a

Oye, the site of a smelting works, lies across a small bay NE

1.25 buoy, lies about 183m offshore and about 0.2 mile S of Kjeoy.
of Leirvik. A concrete quay, 137m long, is located at Oye; a ro- Anchorage.—Small vessels with local knowledge can an-

ro berth on its N side has a depth of 8m while its S side has a chor in a cove on the S side of Kjeoy, in depths of 10 to 17m,
depth of 12m alongside. Two buoys mark the edge of shoal wa- sand.
ter SE of the quay. A quay, 40m long, with a depth alongside of There is anchorage for vessels of moderate size between the

3 to 7m, lies close NW of Oye. SE end of Kjeoy and Stamdalsflua, in a depth of 33m, clay.
Tides—Currents.—During floods, the outgoing flow in the

narrowest part of the fjord, near Agnholmen, can attain a ve- 1.28 Flekkefjorden extends N about 1.5 miles between

Pub. 182
14 Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev

Straumsundet and Gronsundet. An islet group extends up to Flekkefjorden—Contact Information

about 0.2 mile from the W shore. Fairway depths through the
fjord are ample. Telephone 47-38-322265
Anchorage.—Anchorage is indicated in the NW part of
Facsimile 47-38-328009
Flekkefjorden, in about 25m. Care must be taken to avoid a
4.8m depth on the E side of the anchorage close SW of the en- Harbormaster
trance to Gronsundet. Telephone 47-38-322265
Gronsundet is the narrow channel joining Flekkefjorden

and Tjorsvagbukta. A buoy marks the E and W sides of the 1.30 Rasvagen (58°14'N., 6°34'E.), a deep, narrow inlet
fairway through the channel. The least charted depth through indenting the S side of Hidra for about 2 miles in a NNW
the fairway of the channel is 8.7m over a width of 60m. Range direction, has several coves and anchorages and provides good
lights, shown from the NW shore of Tjorsvagbukta, lead be- shelter. A barrier of islets and rocks, among which are five
tween the buoys through Gronsundet. narrow passages, stretches across the entrance between
Tjorsvagbukta, extending about 0.5 mile N from Gronsun-
Nesodden, the E entrance point, and a point about 1 mile NW.
det and up to 0.5 mile in width, forms the harbor for the town A submarine pipeline is laid in the N part of the inlet. The in-

of Flekkefjorden. let is crossed by an overhead cable with a vertical clearance of

1.29 Flekkefjorden (58°18'N., 6°40'E.) (World Port Index Flekkefjorden can be approached from Listafjorden either by

No. 23510) is located in the N part of Tjorsvagbukta. Its harbor way of Stolsfjorden or through Strandsfjorden and Risholm-
is ice-free at all times. The harbor comprises all of Tjorsvag- sundet and then through the N part of Stolsfjorden. Vessels
bukta and the narrow channel connecting that small bay and from W can also approach through Hidrasundet and then
Grisefjorden. A drawbridge, spanning the channel, joins the through Risholmsundet.
two parts of the town. Vessels with a draft up to 3.7m can use Hobmannen, a group of rocks, is located about 91m offshore

the channel. about 0.9 mile ESE of Nesodden. Saueholmane is a small

The harbor is free from dangers, except for the 5.2m shoal
group of islets and rocks lying close offshore about 0.3 mile
immediately within the entrance close N of Gronsundet. On ei- ESE of Nesodden.
ther side of the harbor, the country is rocky and broken up by Sakseskjeret, marked by a beacon, lies about 0.6 mile SE of

small lakes. Sparsely-wooded hills rise on the NW to over Nesodden. The beacon should be given a berth of at least 152m
274m and on the SE to over 122m. to avoid the dangers extending NE from it.
Depths—Limitations.—The least charted depth of 8.7m is
Baan is a small low rock about 0.1 mile SW of Sakseskjeret.

found in Gronsundet. Vessels with a maximum draft of 5.3m can A rock lies awash close E.
be handled in the port. For more information see the table titled Sjonga, the outermost of a group of rocks about 183m N of

Flekkefjord—Berth Information. Baan, and Skarveskjerflua, the westernmost of a group of rocks

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be
about 0.3 mile farther NW, are each marked by an iron perch.
ordered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the
Horten Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. The pilot 1.31 Rasvagholmane (58°13'N., 6°35'E.) is a group of
boards by prior arrangement at the entrance to Listafjorden in small islets and rocks on the E side of the inlet, close WSW of
position 58°10.9'N, 6°32.9'E. the village of Rasvag. An iron perch marks the NW rock by
The pilots can be contacted on VHF channels 13 and 16 and
by telephone (47-33-034954). The entrances into Rasvagen are narrow but not very

1.29 Information.—See the table titled difficult. Under ordinary circumstances, a pilot will board the
Flekkefjorden—Contact Information. vessel in time to take it into the inlet. If a pilot is unable to
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken almost anywhere in
board, the vessel should stand into Listafjorden or Hidrasundet,
Tjorsvagbukta, in up to 34m, stiff mud, good holding ground. both of which are easy of access.
The E entrance, between the coast of Hidra and Sakseskjeret,

Flekkefjorden—Contact Information is the one generally used. It is relatively clear of dangers and is
Port Authority deep. The other entrances require local knowledge. After pass-
ing Sakseskjeret, keep E of Naudholme, Lille Hummeroy, and
VHF VHF channels 12, 13, 14, and 16 Kregleholme and W of Rasvagholmane.

Flekkefjord—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Depth Beam Size
Europris Flekkefjord
Europris 105m — — — — — Fast ferries and breakbulk.

Pub. 182
Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev 15

Flekkefjord—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Depth Beam Size
General Cargo Terminal
General Cargo 86m — — 7.5m — — Breakbulk.


Anchorage for Rasvag, in the cove fronting the village, is

1.31 There is also anchorage near the NE end of Dragoya, in

prohibited because of submarine cables. Anchorage may be depths of 16.4 to 20m.

taken about 0.4 mile NW of Nesodden, off the SW side of Hidrasundet separates Hidra from the mainland N and can be
Kreglingholmen, in depths of 20 to 30m. used by vessels approaching Flekkefjorden from the W. The
A 9.2m patch lies about 91m S of Kreglingholmen.
1.31 fairway is free from known dangers and is deep, but is only
Caution.—Vessels must not proceed at more than 5 knots in
1.31 about 0.1 mile wide at its narrowest part.
the upper part of Rasvagen when N of Vage. From its entrance between Kvalsberget, the N extremity of

Breidlia (Breilien) (58°13'N., 6°34'E.) lies in a small cove

1.31 Hidrsundet trends ESE for about 3 miles to Kokodden, where it
on the W side of Rasvagen and affords good anchorage, in joins Strandsfjorden.
16m, sand. Vessels anchor in the middle of the cove and moor Svertingane (58°15'N., 6°30'E.), a group of above and be-

with stern lines to mooring rings. low-water rocks lying within about 0.3 mile NW of Prestoya,
Vage is a small harbor in a bight on the W side of Rasvagen,
1.31 are the outermost dangers on the S side of the approach. A
about 0.6 mile N of Breidlia. Small vessels can find sheltered 1.5m shoal lies at the W end of the group.
anchorage here, in 26m, sand. A stern line should be taken to Kadoyflua, a detached 12m shoal, lies about 0.2 mile N of

the shore at the head of the bight. the N end of Kadoya, the island NE of Prestoya.
Stovika (58°15'N., 6°31'E.), on the N side of the W ap-

1.32 Kirkehamn (58°14'N., 6°32'E.), on the W side of Hi- proach to Hidrasundet, is entered a little over 0.75 miles NNE
dra, is a good harbor. Heavy seas from the W send in a heavy of the N point of Kadoya. It affords good anchorage for small
swell. The harbor is ice free. vessels, in depths up to 20m, sand.
Vessels anchor in the bight NW of the church, in depths of
1.32 Smaller vessels can anchor, in 4m, at the head of the cove. W

20 to 30m, mud. Small vessels may obtain anchorage in the E winds send in a considerable swell. Stovika anchorage is ap-
bight, off the village, in a depth of 20m, sand. proached between an island group on the SW side of the cove

Pub. 182
16 Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev

and a rock, awash, located about 137m SW of the E entrance has a depth of 15m alongside. Vessels of up to 16,000 dwt can
point. Vessels must pass close E of the rock awash to avoid the load from the silo with the help of a conveyor belt. Water may
shore bank extending from the E side of the cove. be obtained from the pier. Another pier at Holmen, on the E
shore of the fjord, is about 20m long, with depths of 7.7 to
1.33 Berefjorden (58°16'N., 6°28'E.) is entered E of Hol- 8.5m alongside; it is used for general cargo.
men, an islet 0.5 mile NW of Halsodden, the E entrance point. Vintersto, a 2.7m rock marked by an iron perch from which a

Small vessels with local knowledge can obtain anchorage in a light is shown, lies in a small cove on the E side of the fjord
cove NW of Holmen, in depths up to 24m, mud, approaching about 0.3 mile NNE of Austre Kvalen. Except for this rock,
by the wider channel N of the islet. Jossingfjorden is clear of dangers.
Shoal water extends about 18m from the E side of this islet.
1.33 Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or-

A power line, 21m high, is reported N of Holmen. Small craft dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Horten
can anchor between Furuholmen (58°16'N., 6°28'E.) and the Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. The pilot boards in
head of Berefjorden, in depths up to 6m, mud; the wider chan- position 58°17.9'N, 6°13.9'E.
nel S of Furuholmen has a depth of 3.7m. The pilots can be contacted on VHF channels 13 and 16 and

A hill, 244m high, stands about 0.7 mile NE of Halsodden.

1.33 by telephone (47-33-034954).
Another hill, 218m high, lies about 2 miles NW of Halsodden. Contact Information.—The port can be contacted by tele-

Siragrunnen (58°15'N., 6°20'E.) lies off the outlet to Ana

1.33 phone (47-51-470600).
Sira (58°17'N., 6°26'E.); the depth varies from 10 to 100m. Anchorage.—Small vessels can take good anchorage be-

The current conditions in the area are very variable. A little

1.33 tween Vintersto and the shore of the cove, in 16.5 to 24m, sand.
further out from land, the coast current runs NE. At the Re- Mooring rings are available.
kefjord entrance to Ana Sira, the outgoing current has been re- Anchorages are also located in two coves on either side of a

ported as high as 3 knots. small peninsula that projects from the E shore of the fjord near
Holmen, about 0.7 mile within the entrance.
1.34 Egdeholmen (58°17'N., 6°23'E.) lies close off the E Mooring rings are available in the SW cove. Depths in these

entrance point of Ana Sira. During strong outgoing tidal cur- anchorages are 20 to 24m. Larger vessels can anchor about 0.4
rents and with onshore gales, the sea breaks on either side of mile from the head of the fjord, in 40 to 55m, fine sand and
the entrance. mud.
Siragrunnen should be avoided in poor weather. Together
1.34 Caution.—The approach to Jossingfjorden should only be

with winds from SE, through S to NW, the variable current made from the W. Passage should be made N of Indrebaen,
conditions will cause a rough sea. Even outside the current, the Langholme, and Dynga.
bottom conditions will mean that refraction centers are formed Two submarine cables lie in the vicinity of the anchorage

on the shoal with waves from W to NW. near Holmen. An outfall pipeline runs from the vicinity of Hol-
The largest of three quays in Ana Sira is located at the head
1.34 men, seaward along the E side of the fjord. Discharge is
of the inlet 2 miles ENE of Egdeholmen. It is 50m long, with a achieved through a pipe floating at a depth of 15m.
depth of 3m alongside, and is approached through a shallow
channel marked by buoys. 1.36 The coast between the Jossingfjorden entrance and
Between Ana Sira and Buvarodden, about 2 miles NW, and
1.34 Rekefjord trends WNW for about 2 miles and is very irregular.
up to a distance of about 2 miles W from that point, there are It is entirely covered with green grass in summer.
numerous small islets, rocks, and shoals. The channels among In autumn and winter, when the grass is withered and before

these islets, rocks, shoals and the coast, although deep, should the ground is covered with snow, it has a yellowish appearance.
only be used by vessels having local knowledge. The mountains flanking this coastal stretch are naked and dark,
presenting a striking contrast.
1.35 Jossingfjorden (58°19'N., 6°20'E.), about 0.5 mile E A chain of four islets and a group of rocks extends for about

of Buvarodden, lies between Austre Kvalen and Vestre Kvalen, 1 mile across a coastal indentation comprising the harbor of
about 183m W. From its narrow, well-defined entrance lying Sogndalsstranda, in the SE part, and two small arms, Hellevik-
between steep, dark hills, Jossingfjorden extends NE for about en and Logevik, in the NW part. Vambelsund, the narrow but
1 mile. The fjord is deep and, within the entrance, is from 0.2 best entrance into this bay, is between the mainland and the SE
to 0.3 mile wide. end of Langholme, the southernmost islet of the chain.
Overhead cables, with vertical clearance of 6.5m, cross the
1.35 During spring and autumn after heavy rains, a strong current

entrance to Jossingfjorden E of Austre Kvalen Light. runs out through Vambelsund. The entire bay is exposed to sea
Depths—Limitations.—An ore pier at the head of the fjord
1.35 and swell.

Rekefjord—Berthing Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Rekefjord Stone Terminal
Dirty products, aggregates, multipurpose. Maxi-
East 143m 7.1m
mum vessel draft of 5.6m.
Southeast 15m — Aggregates.

Pub. 182
Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev 17

Rekefjord—Berthing Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Southwest 60m — Aggregates.
West 19m 8.5m Aggregates and limestone.

Sogndalsstranda (58°19'N., 6°18'E.) is a village located on

1.36 Hadyret (58°20'N., 6°10'E.), a conspicuous 103m hill, is lo-

the E side of the bay. A small harbor formed by a jetty lies S of cated on the coast about 3 miles NW of Lille Prestskjaer.
the village. Along the jetty there is a concrete quay, 25m long, Hadyret, resembling a perpendicular wall of rock with a

with depths of 1.7 to 5.5m. Overhead cables with vertical sharp and slightly projecting peak at the outer extremity, is
clearance of 8.5m are located in the vicinity of the village. marked by a white patch.
Vatlandsfluene, three detached depths, has depths of 16m,

1.37 Rekefjord (58°20'N., 6°16'E.), extending about 1 13.7m, and 24m, lying up to 0.3 mile offshore and between 0.3
mile N, is entered between Lille Presteskjer and a point about and 0.6 miles SE of Hadyret.
0.2 mile SE. Reefs fringe the shores of the fjord in places. A Vagene (58°20'N., 6°13'E.) is a small bay that indents the

light is shown from a 78m high pillar close W of the entrance coast for about 0.3 mile N from the chain of islets and rocks
channel. fronting it. In the E part of the bay there is a depth of 21.9m
Depths—Limitations.—About 0.2 mile within the entrance,
1.37 over a sandy bottom, where small vessels with local knowledge
the fjord narrows to its minimum width of about 64m. The can take anchorage. A draft of 3.9m can be taken through the
least depth in the narrows is 17.8m. General depths elsewhere channel between the second and third islets from W.
in the fjord are 14.6 to 27m. Vessels with depths up to 5.6m can However, the anchorage is seldom used because onshore

be handled in the port. For more information see the table titled gales send in considerable swell. Under such conditions, there
Rekefjord—Berth Information. are breakers in the channels between the islets.
Local knowledge is required. A 22m depth is located in the

fairway about 0.2 mile SE of Lille Presteskjer. Within the 1.40 Nalauviken (58°23'N., 6°04'E.) is a bight on the E
narrows, there are several dangerous rocks that are marked by side of Stapnes. It is entered between the S extremity of
iron perches. Stapnes and a point about 0.6 mile E.
Anchorage.—Small vessels can anchor almost anywhere in
1.37 Haskjaer, an above-water rock with a reef projecting about

Rekefjord. The outer roadstead, just within the entrance, has 183m N from it, is located close off the E entrance point of Na-
depths of 29 to 37m, but is exposed to onshore gales. lauviken. Storflu, an 11m depth, lies about 0.2 mile SW of Ha-
Moderate size vessels can find sheltered anchorage about 0.5
1.37 skjaer. Lyreflu, with a least depth of 5.7m, lies close N of
mile inside the entrance, in a depth of about 24m, clay. Stern Storflu. Foul ground, on the W side of the bay, extends about
lines can be passed to mooring rings on shore. 0.1 mile SE and 0.3 mile ENE of the S end of Stapnes.
A submarine cable crosses the S end of this anchorage and
1.37 Tenholme, on the E side of the bay about 0.3 mile NNW of

an overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 40m, crosses the Haskjaer, is joined to the mainland close E by a drying shoal.
N end. Tenholmflu, with a depth of less than 1.8m, and Kveidflu, a

The town of Rekefjord lies on the E side of the fjord near its
1.37 1.8m rock on the E side of the bay about 0.1 mile farther N, are
head. Overhead cables, with vertical clearances of 10m, are lo- each marked by an iron perch. Small vessels can anchor, in
cated in the vicinity of Rekefjord. 5.9m, off Odden, at the head of Nalauviken. The approach to
the anchorage is narrow and difficult and should not be at-
1.38 Nordfjord (58°20'N., 6°15'E.), a narrow but sheltered tempted without a pilot. During onshore gales, a swell rolls in
fjord close W of Rekefjord, is entered on either side of Nord- over the shoals N of Tenholme.
fjordenholmane, which lies in the fjord entrance. At the head of Nalauviken, there is a good harbor, in depths

The channels on either side are narrow. The E channel has a

1.38 of 5 to 7m, sand, protected by moles. Mooring buoys and rings
depth of 6.9m; the W channel has depths of 5 to 6.9m. are available. There is a quay, 40m long, with a depth of 5m
During onshore gales, the sea breaks across both channel en-
1.38 alongside, in the harbor.
trances. Nordfjord trends NNW for about 1 mile, but dries Havsund, between the N side of Dragoya, and Prestoya, an

about 0.3 mile from its head. island about 0.2 mile N, is the principal passage leading toward
Overhead cables, with a vertical clearance of 10m, exist at
1.38 Kirkehamn. The fairway through Havsund is deep and free
Nordfjord. from dangers. Vessels should approach Kirkehamn from W in
Nordfjordenflu, with depths less than 1.8m and marked by
1.38 mid-channel.
an iron perch, lies close off the NE end of Nordfjordenhol-
mane. Svaholmane to Ognabukti
1.39 The coast between the Nordfjorden entrance and 1.41 About one half the coastal stretch between Svahol-
Stapnes, a mainland projection about 7 miles NW, is lofty and mane and Ognabukti comprises the approaches to, and the port
steep. Along this coastal stretch all known dangers are near the area of, Egersund.
land. There is no shelter and the few anchorages should only be Egeroy (Eigeroy) (58°27'N., 5°58'E.) is relatively low and

resorted to in fine weather and with local knowledge. indented; seen from the sea it blends with the background.

Pub. 182
18 Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev

Lundeviken and Soragapet, the S approach leading into the A constant current, which is often very strong, sets S through

port area, are well defined. Soragapet.

From W, the lowland region of Jaeren will be visible to the N
1.41 Navigation is rarely restricted by ice, although sometimes

in clear weather. Eigeroy will resemble a high promontory; the the portion of Soragapet above Fugleodden freezes over in
coast SE will appear very high and precipitous. Nordregapet, winter.
the W approach to Egersund, will also be clearly visible. Anchorage.—Skjevollsvika, indenting the mainland about

Between Egersund and Ognabukti, the coast is steep and

1.41 0.7 mile NE of Skarvoy, provides sheltered anchorage to small
rocky, but seldom rises above a height of 30m. There are a few vessels, in 12.8 to 22m. The approach to Skjevollsvika is made
patches of farmland but very few trees; the whole landscape is SE of Tingelset, a 33m high islet on the E side of Soragapet.
wild and inhospitable. A large number of islets front the sever- Moderate size vessels can anchor about 206m E of Tingelset,
al bays and coves that indent the coast between Nordregapet in 40m, sand.
and Ognabukti. Rekevika, a bight on the W side of Soragapet, about 0.5 mile

Svaholmane (58°23'N., 6°03'E.) is a group of low islets and

1.41 N of Skarvoy, provides anchorage to small vessels with local
rocks lying on the E side of the S approach to Egersund within knowledge, in 15 to 20m, good holding ground, sand.
0.5 mile W of Stapnes. Vessels entering must pass close to the N shore to avoid the

Kletten, Tysnesflu, and Stiksflu, with depths of 8.2m, 16m,

1.41 shoals and rocks extending from the W shore. A 3m shoal lies
and 8.2m, respectively, lie about 0.5 mile and 0.2 mile WSW in the middle of the entrance.
and 0.3 mile NW, respectively, of a lighted structure on Svahol- Gillestadvika is a small bight on the W side of Soragapet

mane. about 1 mile N of Skarvoy. Small vessels can anchor in the S

part of the bight, in 15 to 20m, sand. Mooring rings are avail-
1.42 Soragapet (Sondregapet) (58°26'N., 6°00'E.), the S able. Skreddaren, awash and marked by an iron perch, lies
and principal approach to the port of Egersund, is the sound be- about 0.1 mile NNW of Jektevikodden, the S entrance point. A
tween the mainland and the E side of Eigeroy. Its channel is concrete quay, located at Jektevikodden, is 60m long with
suitable for deep-draft vessels. depths of 8 to 9m alongside.
Entrance is made between Svaholmane and the shoals and
1.42 Hovlandsvika, a bay on the W side of Soragapet, which is

other dangers that lie up to 1 mile S of Skarvoy, an islet near entered between Fugleodden and a point about 0.3 mile NNW,
the SE end of Eigeroy, about 2 miles NNW of Svaholmane. is the best of these anchorages. It is the quarantine anchorage
The most constricted part of Soragapet is between Fugleod-
1.42 for the port of Egersund. Vessels can anchor here, in 10.1 to
den, a projection on the E side of Eigeroy about 1 mile N of 14.6m, good holding ground.
Skarvoy, and Synnavikodden(Sonnevi kodden), a small main- Rageskjaerflu, with depths of less than 1.8m and marked by

land point about 150m NE. A concrete silo, about 61m high, an iron perch, lies on the shore bank in a position about 0.3
stands on the point. mile NW of Fugleodden. A detached 7.2m depth is located in
Vardbergodden, the E entrance point of the outer harbor of
1.42 the N part of the bay.
Egersund, is located on the E side of Soragapet, about 0.5 mile
N of Synnavikodden. 1.44 Egersund (58°27'N., 6°00'E.) (World Port Index No.
Svanesfluene, with depths of 10m and 12m, lies on the E
1.42 23490) consists of an inner harbor and an outer harbor that lie
side of Soragapet, about 0.2 and 0.5 mile offshore and about between the mainland and the E side of Eigeroy. The outer har-
0.7 mile NW of the light structure on Svaholmane. Isakbaen, bor is separated from the inner harbor of Egersund by Lindoy,
with a least depth of 4m and marked on its SW side by a buoy, an islet which is joined to a peninsula that extends S from the
is located about 0.3 mile offshore and 1.5 miles NNW of the mainland and forms the NE side of the outer harbor. This outer
same light structure. harbor, comprising the N part of Soragapet, is protected from
the open sea by Eigeroy. The approach channel is dredged to
1.43 Stabsaet (58°24'N., 5°59'E.), a small islet, 10m high, 13m.
on the W side of Soragapet, is located about 0.7 mile S of Skar- A reach, trending NE from Soragapet, forms the sheltered in-

voy. Jensbaen, a 3m depth, lies about 0.2 mile SSE of Stabsaet. ner harbor, which is available only to small vessels and is used
Jensbohausen, a 20m depth, lies about 183m farther S. primarily by the local fishing fleet. Entrance is made close S of
Maerra, a rock, awash, about 0.2 mile NE of Stabsaet, is al-
1.43 Lindoy.
ways marked by breakers. Shoal water extends about 137m S
and E from the rock. Krabbeflu, a 23m depth, is located about Port of Egersund Home Page
0.3 mile WNW of Stabsaet.
Depths of 14.5m and 11.6m lie about 0.3 mile and 0.4 mile
NNE, respectively, from Stabsaet.
Store Svetlingen, 17m high, and Lille Svetlingen, two islets,
1.43 Ice.—The harbor is ice free during normal winters.

are located about 0.7 mile and 0.8 mile SW of Skarvoy. A bea- Tides—Currents.—The tidal range is insignificant.

con stands on the NE side of Store Svetlingen. Shoal water ex- Depths—Limitations.—The main entrance channel has a

tends about 183m S and W from Store Svetlingen. Glana, a width between 110m and 230m and a depth of 12.5m. General
rock, awash, lies about 137m E of the smaller islet. depths in the outer harbor and anchorage area are 6 to 12m.
Bronnesfluene, situated about 0.3 mile NW of Store Svetlin-
1.43 The inner harbor, adjacent to the town, has depths of 5 to 6m.
gen, is marked at its E end by an iron perch and has a least Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table titled
depth of 7m over its W part.

Pub. 182
Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev 19

Egersund—Berth Information. 13m.

Caution.—Several submarine cables lie in the approach to

Egersund—Berth Information the port within Soragapet. A submarine pipeline, best seen on
the chart, is laid across the S part of Egersund outer harbor.
Berth Name Length Depth
General and Bulk Cargo 1.45 Lundeviken (58°26'N., 5°55'E.) divides Eigeroy into
two parts, which are connected by a narrow neck of low land. It
Dampskipskaien 75m 9.0m is conspicuous from the offing, as the land is lofty on both
Kaupanesplant 220m 9.0m sides and the inner part is bounded by a low sandy shore. When
approaching Eigeroy with an onshore wind and the weather is
Kongsteinkaien 207m 3.5-7.0m
too heavy for pilots to go out, a vessel may safely stand in be-
Ro-Ro tween Kjesholme, 19m high, the largest islet in the approach
Kaupanes 170m 9.0m about 1.5 miles W of Skarvoy, and Fliset, a detached reef on
the W side of the approach, about 1 mile WNW of Kjesholme.
Bertelsen og Garpestad 59m 5.3m There are several rocks and shoals that lie near Kjesholme

Ro-Ro and Cruise Ship and Fliset, but the sea always breaks on them in heavy weather.
Inside Lundeviken, the dangers are near the shore and are usu-
Nordsjoterminalen 160m 7.7-8.6m ally marked by breakers.
Ro-ro ramp 20m wide Abreast Hodnhammeren, on the W side of the bay about 2

miles NNW of Kjesholme, the depth is 20 to 26m, stony

Fueling Berths ground. North from here, the bottom shoals regularly and is
Statoil 50m 8.3m sandy. Temporary anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 11m,
about 0.1 mile NE of Hodnhammeren. This anchorage is some-
Shell 115m 8.4m
what exposed to sea and swell.
Esso 127m 5.6m Sprangbukt (58°27'N., 5°56'E.), at the NE end of Lundevik-

en, is entered between Oksnesodden, a S projecting point that

Harbor facilities are located on both sides of the inner harbor
divides the head of the bay into two coves, and Ellevikholme,
and close N and S of Lindoy. Steamship Quay, in the outer har- about 0.1 mile E.
bor close SW of the entrance of the inner harbor, is the largest Small vessels can anchor in 10.1m. Southwest winds send in

and most used of the berthing facilities; it is 288m long, with a some swell. There are no dangers within the rocks at the en-
depth of 8m alongside. There is a ro-ro berth for vessels up to trance. When entering, pass W of Ellevikholme, give it a fair
1,500 dwt, with drafts up to 5.2m. berth, and avoid a 2.7m shoal extending about 183m S from
A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 24m, spans Nysund,
the narrow dredged channel, with a depth of 5.5m, connecting
the N end of the outer harbor with the E end of Nordregapet. 1.46 Nordregapet (58°27'N., 5°52'E.), the W and second-
Aspect.—Barren hills, with rock outcrops, rise to heights of
ary approach to the port of Egersund, is entered between
more than 122m both N and S of the town; those to the NW are Ruskodden, the NW extremity of Eigeroy, and Gulholme,
over 244m high. about 0.2 mile NW. Pilots for Nordregapet boards 1.5 miles
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or-
WSW of Ruskodden Light (58°26'N., 5°53.4'E.).
dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Horten Eigeroy Light (58°27'N., 5°52'E.) is located near the S end
Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. of Midbrodoy.
The pilot boards, as follows:
Gulholme is the southernmost of a group of rocks and islets
1. North approach—58°26'58.2''N, 5°50'54.6''E. that extend about 0.5 mile S from the mainland and NNE of
2. South approach—58°22'57.6''N, 5°59'54.0''E. Midbrodoy. A beacon stands on the NE end of Gulholme.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Egersund—
Beacons, buoys, perches, and several lights mark the inner

Contact Information. channel reaches. The least depth through the fairway of Nor-
dregapet is 5.5m and is found in the dredged channel across the
bar close N of Grundsundholmen.
Egersund—Contact Information
Seilsteinen, the outermost of a group of above-water rocks, is

VHF VHF channels 12 and 16 located about 0.3 mile SW of Ruskodden. This lofty, perpendic-
Telephone 47-51-463280 ular rock resembles a sail. A whitewashed patch on it is visible
for about 2 miles. A beacon stands on the W side of the rock.
Facsimile 47-51-463281 Several shoals, best seen on the chart, lie off of Seilsteinen.
E-mail post@egersund.havn.no Tryet, an above-water rock marked by an iron perch, lies in

the fairway about 0.25 mile WSW of Ruskodden. Shoal water

extends about 91m NNE from the rock; several below-water
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in 6 to 12m, in the

rocks lie between it and Eigeroy.

outer harbor W of Lindoy. The holding ground of sand and Svartholme is a small islet on the N side of the fairway about

clay is very good. Vessels in quarantine anchor between Fug-

137m NW of Gulholme. A 5.5m depth lies between the two is-
lodden and Svanavagodden, 0.35 mile SE, in depths of 8 to lets; shoal water extends about 91m SE and NE from the latter.

Pub. 182
20 Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev

the S extremity of Dyroy.

Dyroyflu, with a depth of less than 1.8m and marked by an

iron perch, lies about 137m SSE of Karpusskjaer.

A shallow inlet indents the mainland N of Dyroy for about

0.5 mile, then extends about 0.7 mile E. Its much encumbered
approach lies between Karpusskjaer and numerous dangers N
of it, on the E, and Skjerpingerne, a chain of islets and rocks
that extends about 0.6 mile SSW from the mainland, on the W.
Oyafluene, with a depth of less than 1.8m and marked by an

iron perch, lie nearly midway between Karpusskjaer and Skjer-

pingerne. The town of Hellvik stands on the N shore of the in-
let. The main terminal quay near Hellvik can accommodate
vessels up to 30m in length with a maximum draft of 6.1m.
Vessel up to 90m in length, 5.3m draft, and 14m beam can be
accommodated. The quay handles aggregates and sand. Two
lighted ranges and other navigational aids mark the entrance
channel, which has been dredged to 6m. Entrance should not
be attempted without local knowledge.

1.48 Skraedderen (58°28'N., 5°51'E.), a 5.5m depth, lies

at the S end of Skjerpingerne. Lillegrunn, a detached 16m
depth, lies about 0.7 mile offshore and about 0.7 mile W of Sk-
raedderen. Mastefluene has several 12 to 18m depths that lie
close to the SW end of Skjerpingerne.
Laedersholme (58°29'N., 5°50'E.) lies close off a small pen-

insula projecting S from the coast, on the E side of the S ap-

Eigeroy Light
proach to Vatnemoholmene. Storflu, a 7m depth about 0.5 mile
SSW of Laedersholme, is the outermost of numerous dangers
Sundsgapholme, the NW and largest of the islets on the N
extending S from the islet.
side of Nordregapet’s main entrance, lies with its W extremity Vatnemoflu, a 4m shoal, lies closest to the approach range

about 0.5 mile NW of Gulholme. Horsholme is the E islet. A line in a position about 0.1 mile NNE of Storflu. Hellarne is
bar extends between the N side of Horsholme and the main- two rocky heads about 183m apart, of which the NW is awash
land. This bar limits vessels that can enter through the N chan- and the SE is marked by an iron perch, located about 0.2 mile
nel, which leads E between the mainland and the N sides of NE of Storflu.
Sundsgapholme and Horsholme, to drafts of less than 4m.
Lusaskjaer, marked by an iron perch, is located within the
1.49 Vatnemoholmene (58°29'N., 5°49'E.), a small har-
sound on the W side of the fairway, in a position about 91m E bor, is formed between the E side of a small coastal projection
of Horsholme. and some close lying islets.
The best entrance into Nordregapet is made between Tryet
There are two entrances; the S entrance has a depth of 10.1m

and Gulholme. The channel between Tryet and Gulholme can- while the W entrance has a depth of 5.9m. Northwest and SW
not be made out until the vessel is close to Tryet. winds send in a considerable swell. Mooring rings are available
After passing SE of Gulholme, course can be set for the an-
and must be used. Entrance into Vatnemoholmene should not
chorage area E of Horsholme or for the buoys marking the be attempted without local knowledge. The S, or preferred,
dredged channel N of Grundsundholmen. channel is marked by two pairs of range lights.
Anchorage.—Good anchorage can be taken, in a depth of
Hellesundfluene, with a depth of 4.8m, is located about 0.6

12m, between Horsholme and Grundsundholmen. Anchorage mile W of Vatnemoholmene.

can be taken, in a depth of 12m, in the N channel NE of Sunds- Ognabukti (58°31'N., 5°45'E.), an open bay, recedes NE for

gapholme, but vessels with drafts exceeding 4m must approach about 1 mile and has general depths of from 11 to 22m.
this latter anchorage from the W. Sirevag (58°30'N., 5°48'E.) is a small fishing harbor on the

E side of Ognabukti. It affords anchorage with mooring rings,

1.47 Dyroy (58°28'N., 5°52'E.) lies close offshore. Rocks in depths from 6 to 8m, within a short mole which projects
and shoals encumber the narrow passage between the mainland from the N shore.
and this small islet. Depths—Limitations.—Quays on the N shore have a total

Svartskjaer is the outermost of several above and below-wa-

length of 300m, with depths from 3 to 5m alongside. There is a
ter rocks lying on the S side of the N approach to Nordregapet new jetty on the S side of the harbor. The harbor can accommo-
and up to 0.25 mile SW of Sundsgapholme. date vessels with a maximum draft of 7.8m. For more informa-
Karpusskjaer, with a depth of less than 1.8m, is on the N side
tion see the table titled Sirevag—Berth Information.
of the approach close W of an islet that lies about 183m S of Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be

the SW extremity of Dyroy. Raudskjaer, with a depth of less ordered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the
than 1.8m and marked by an iron perch, lies about 183m W of Horten Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.

Pub. 182
Sector 1. Norway—Lindesnes to Jaerens Rev 21

The pilot boards in position 58°26.9'N, 5°50.9'E.

1.49 is intersected by a network of stone walls.
The pilots can be contacted on VHF channels 13 and 16 and
1.49 Tides—Currents.—The tidal current off Jaerens Rev is ir-

by telephone (47-33-034954). regular and much affected by the wind, which may be N for
Contact Information.—See the table titled Sirevag—Con-
1.49 long periods in early summer. In fine, calm weather the tidal
tact Information. current usually sets N with the rising tide and S with the falling
tide. The currents attain velocities of 1 knot to 2 knots and al-
Sirevag—Contact Information ways set strongest to the N.
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
1.51 The coast between Ognabukti and Obrestad, about
Telephone 47-51-793000 8.25 miles NNW, is relatively steep-to.
Regulations.—Traffic is controlled by Kvitsoy Vessel Traf-
Facsimile 47-51-532684
fic Service (Kvitsoy VTS) from Kvitsoya (59°04'N., 5°25'E.).
E-mail sirevag-havn@ha.kommune.no For further information, see paragraph 2.6.
Horr Farm (58°33'N., 5°40'E.) is a conspicuous landmark.

Vagsgabgrunn, with a depth of 3.5m, lies close W of the Si-

1.49 Its buildings stand higher than any structures in the vicinity and
revag entrance. The inlet can be entered either S or N of this appear from a distance to be built on a point. A church, located
shoal, but local knowledge is required. about 2 miles N of Horr Farm and 1 mile inland, is white and
After entering Lundeviken, the vessel may either hove to
1.49 has a low tower and spire. Obrestad Light is exhibited from a
when the water becomes smoother, to await a pilot, or stand granite house and is 16m high. Obrestadbrekra (58°40'N.,
farther in, keeping about 0.2 mile from the W shore. 5°33'E.), from which a light is shown, is the highest point on
the Jaeren coast.
Ognabukti to Jaerens Rev Jaerens Rev (58°45'N., 5°30'E.), a low point, is the W ex-

tremity of Jaeren. The coast at the point is a strip of land from

1.50 From Ognabukti, the coast trends quite regularly 0.2 to 0.6 mile wide.
NNW for nearly 15 miles to Jaerens Rev, the westernmost ex-
tension of the mainland in the S approach to Stavanger. A few 1.52 Honsviki, between Jaerens Rev and Lyratangen, 4.5
small coastal indentations provide limited shelter to small miles NNE, is open W and clear of dangers. General depths in
craft, but there are no harbors. the bay are 9.1 to 18.3m.
Between Jaerens Rev and Lyratangen, a mainland projection
1.50 Skotamedgrunn (58°48'N., 5°26'E.) is located between 3

located abreast Feistein 4.5 miles NNE, the coast recedes about miles and 3.5 miles NW of Jaerens Rev. The dangerous area
0.7 mile E, forming Honsviki. extends approximately 2 miles around the shoals in a SW-NW
At Ognabukti, the mountainous coast begins to drop toward
1.50 direction. The depths vary from about 40m in its W part to
the sea; immediately to the N is the low land of Jaeren. This about 16m in its E part. Waves from SW to NW create rough
part of the coast is so low that when approaching it from the sea in the area.
offing, the houses appear to rise straight from the sea. About 4 During N weather, a refraction center will emerge on the

or 5 miles inland, a range of hills rises from the plain but pres- shallow areas and, combined with a W current of 1 to 1.5
ents no conspicuous landmarks, knots, the conditions will become even worse. Breaking surfs
The beach between Ognabukti and Lyratangen, and about 2
1.50 have been observed in the area.
miles farther N to Vigdelneset, is composed of white sand and Tangerhaug, a 28m high hillock, lies close SE of Lyratangen

is backed by sand dunes. and is marked by a wooden beacon.

Jaeren is one of the most unusual tracts of land in Norway.
1.50 A radio mast, 152m high, stands 2.25 miles NE of Jaerens

Its surface is undulating and occasionally rises into low hill- Rev. Obstruction lights are shown from the mast.
ocks. Bogs dotted with peat stacks are varied by heather-cov- A reef extends 0.2 mile SW from Jaerens Rev. A lighted

ered tracts and luxuriant meadows and farm lands. Here and buoy marks the W side of the reef extending W from Jaerens
there at rare intervals are small groups of trees; the whole plain Rev.

Sirevag—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Sirevag Terminal
Fisheries 145m 3.4-6.2m Fishing and breakbulk.
Breakbulk and reefer. Maxi-
Freezer Storage 85m 7.0-14.0m
mum draft of 7.8m.

Pub. 182
Sector 2—Norway—Feistein to Geitungane

Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 182





Plan.—This sector describes the SW coast of Norway be-

2.0 month near the heads of deep fjords in summer, but only about
tween Feistein and Geitungane. Described in sequence are the once a month near the open sea. They occur occasionally in
approaches to Stavanger, the port of Stavanger, and the fjords winter during gales between SW and NW. In winter, heavy SW
lying S, E, and N of the port area, those branching from Skude- and W gales are often accompanied by thunder and lightning.
nesfjorden, those in the vicinity of Stavanger, and then, those in 2.1Fog is the primary cause of poor visibility. It varies widely
the outer areas of Skudenesfjorden. with the location of stations; that is, whether they are dominat-
ed by land or by sea. Over the sea, fog is most frequent in sum-
General Remarks mer. The upper fjords and land stations show distinct winter
maximum. Sea fog occurs occasionally in winter when cold air
2.1 Winds—Weather.—The changes in pressure result- moves over the warm waters, or when the air is warmer than
ing from the change in seasons on the W and S coasts of Nor- the water. The most frequent fogs in winter are the radiation
way affect the prevailing winds in this sector. The shift in type land fogs. They may be expected at the heads of deep
pressure over S Norway from high pressure in winter to low fjords when there is severe frost inland and cold wind blows
pressure in summer, results in the wind shifting from S in win- down on the open fjords. One form of fog, which affects partic-
ter to N in summer. The prevalence of winds from any one di- ularly the upper reaches of the fjords, is “frost smoke.” This oc-
rection is not in evidence more than 40 per cent of the time. curs during a spell of severe frost, and may be expected by an
The usual situation is one of winds induced by a passing cy- approaching ship if the wind is light and from an offshore di-
clone with shifting directions and velocities. Within the fjords rection and skies are clear or nearly so over the land. It is
and along the very indented coastline, the wind is usually caused by the water being warmer than the overlying air.
widely different from that in the open sea, owing to land and 2.1In spring, fog decreases generally as radiation land fog be-
sea breezes and topographical effects. come less likely under gradual warming of the land. It increase
Because of the mountainous nature of the coast any wind only at Skudenes. Poor visibility is least common in summer
blowing from a direction between S and WSW, is deflected to over the land area of this region
blow as a S wind on the coast, and any wind blowing between 2.1Sea fogs are not uncommon along and over the coasts, par-
NW and N is deflected to blow as a N wind. The winds in W ticularly in the early months of the season. In autumn fog in-
Norway therefore have a tendency to blow across the mouth of creases at those stations exposed to continental influences in
the fjords. The speed of the wind also increases outward from which radiation fog develops.
the coast to a distance of as much as 150 miles. 2.1In general, autumn is the season when fog is least common
2.1There is a lot of turbulence along the Norwegian coast when on the coast, though inland the frequency is increasing toward
winds are fresh or strong, due to the broken country. Gales oc- the winter maximum.
cur frequently over this area when deep depressions are mov-
ing N between the British Isles and Iceland, under which 2.2 Tides—Currents.—Tides in the North Sea are al-
condition a very steep gradient is apt to develop all along the W ways semi-diurnal, with very little diurnal inequality between
seaboard of Norway, producing strong S winds. This very steep the two HWs or the two LWs of each tidal day.
gradient at times extends 100 to 150 miles out to sea from the 2.2The tide progresses into the North Sea from the Atlantic
coast. Ocean, between the Shetland Islands and Norway. Within the
2.1Under these conditions the coast is swept by violent winds North Sea, HW progresses counterclockwise about a nodal
which penetrate into the more sheltered fjords with great turbu- point off the S coast of Norway, moving S in the North Sea and
lence, though with reduced velocity. Spells of NW gales occur W along the S coast of Norway between Kristiansand and the
on the W coast when a suitable gradient is established by pres- 6th meridian.
sure falling over Scandinavia. Such gales are apt to persist but 2.2Along the W coast of Norway the progression is N to about
the gradient on some occasions falls off suddenly to the E of 60°N; N of this the progression is E.
the Shetland Islands. 2.2Along the west coast of Norway, tide ranges gradually in-
2.1In winter, gales and storms are common on both the S and W crease toward the N.
coasts of Norway. In spring they are more common on the W 2.2Tidal current off this section of coast is subject to great vari-
and SW coasts than the S coast. These gales decrease in fre- ations. A tidal current setting W and N is, however, prevalent,
quency as the season progresses. The strength of the winds de- especially in summer, but with continuous N and W wind it
creases markedly in summer though gales are by no means may set S and E for a week continuously. Near the coast the di-
unknown, particularly on the W coast of Norway. North gales rection of the current may be toward the land.
as well as W are reported on the W coast. Sea breezes are fre- 2.2Generally, along the W coast of Norway, the influence of
quent along the entire coast in the summer season. Wind winds on the tide levels is small. This is probably due to the
speeds increase slightly in autumn, especially along exposed scattering effect of offshore islands and the relatively deep wa-
coasts, and gales become more frequent. ter close inshore. North from Jaeren to the vicinity of Kors-
2.1On the W coast, thunderstorms occur on two or three days a fjorden, the current just offshore floods to the N, beginning

Pub. 182
26 Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane

about 5 to 6 hours after HW at Bergen and ebbs to the S, begin- usually sets E with a rising tide and W with an ebbtide. The in-
ning about 30 minutes to 1 hour before HW at Bergen. From ward set begins about 5 hours 15 minutes after HW at Bergen;
the vicinity of Korsfjorden to approximately 60°10'N, the flood the outward set begins about 1 hour before HW at Bergen.
begins about 6 hours after HW at Bergen and set to the E; the 2.2Vessel Traffic Service.—NOR Vessel Traffic Service (NOR
ebb begins about the time of HW at Bergen and set to the W. VTS) is in operation for vessels transiting the Norwegian Eco-
2.2Surface currents in the fjords are predominantly tidal, setting nomic Zone (NEZ) from the Norway/Sweden border in the S to
inward on the flood and seaward on the ebb, except during the Norway/Russia border in the N. The NEZ also includes the
May and June. During these months increased runoff from areas around Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island. For further infor-
melting snow and ice causes the surface currents to flow almost mation, see paragraph 1.1.
continually seaward. The depth of the surface current averages 2.2Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS).—IMO-adopted traffic
3.5 to 5.5m. Though they may vary from 0.9 to 18m. separation schemes, best seen on the chart, are located, as fol-
2.2Current speeds are strongest at the surface, decreasing with lows:
depth. An intermediate current sets into the fjord usually be- 1. About 12 miles SW of Feistein Light.
tween 9.4m and 18.3m. Generally, the water below 40 fathoms 2. In the approaches to Stavanger NNW, W, and SW of
either has a very weak seaward set or is stagnant, and is re- Kvitsoy.
newed only by major meteorological disturbance. 3. In the S end of Karmsundet between Karmoy and
2.2Wind may alter the tidal currents in the fjords. Onshore Vestre Boka
winds may cause a rise in the level with a corresponding in- 2.2Caution.—Crawford Oil Field (59°07'N., 1°30'E.) is situ-
crease in the velocity and duration of incoming currents. When ated about 115 miles W of Geitungane and consists of a pro-
the wind ceases, current flows in the opposite direction until duction platform and a tanker mooring buoy. Balder Oil Field
equilibrium is established. Outflowing currents along the sides lies 27 miles ENE of Crawford Oil Field.
of the fjord may occur when strong winds blow onshore for 2.2For oil and gas fields N of the above, see Sector 3. For oil
prolonged periods. Offshore winds may have an opposite effect and gas fields S of the above, see Sector 1.
on the water level and currents.
2.2Off the coast and in the fjords between Lindesnes and Jaer- Approaches to Stravanger
ens Rev the tidal currents are inappreciable. Small currents
may be found in the narrow channel of the fjords, as in Skude- 2.3 Hasteinfjorden (59°00'N., 5°30'E.) is the best ap-
nesfjorden but little is know about them. proach to Stavanger from the S. It is entered between the
2.2Aspect.—Skudenesfjorden is the principal approach to Hastein group, in the E, and the S islets of the Kvitsoya group,
Stavanger and is entered S of Geitungane. Within the entrance, towards the NNW. This passage leads NE for about 7 miles to
and near Stavanger, are hundreds of islands and islets forming the hilly and comparatively steep islet of Alstein, in the vicinity
numerous sounds, channels, and inlets. The mainland S, E, and of Bragen, off Tungenes, and joins the S part of Kvit-
N of the island area is penetrated by a complex system of navi- syafjorden, where it joins with the N part of Byfjorden.
gable fjords and smaller inlets.
2.2Most of the water area between Feistein and Geitungane is
encumbered with low, rocky islands and islets and numerous
dangers, through which there are several channels leading N
toward the inner approaches to Stavanger. Skudenesfjorden is
entered between Geitungane and Kvitsoy. The best approach to
Stavanger is through Skudenesfjorden, then SE through the
length of Kvitsoyfjorden and Byfjorden.
2.2From Vigdelneset about 3 miles NE of Feistein, the Stavan-
ger peninsula extends N for about 10 miles to Tungeneset. The
important port of Stavanger is situated on the E side of the pen-
insula. Several bays indent the W side of the Stavanger penin-
sula, and Hafrsfjorden, with a narrow, shallow entrance,
occupies the middle part. A submarine pipeline is laid across
the fjord, SE of the bridge; a few lakes are in the N part, as
shown on the chart. Most of the land is low and cultivated.
There are several small stretches of sandy beach, especially on
the W side. East of Gandsfjorden, the country is high moor-
land, descending abruptly to the rocky shores of Hogsfjorden. Photo: Roar Johansen

Many low rocky islands, the largest of which is Hundvag, lie 2.3 Tungenes Light
off Stavanger.
2.2Sheltered anchorages are found in the bays and inlets of the Bragen, an above-water rock about 0.5 mile NNW of Tun-

Stavanger peninsula, among some of the islands between the genes, is marked by a light equipped with a racon.
peninsula, and in coves on the S side of Karmoya, in the vicin- Tungenes (59°02'N., 5°35'E.) is the N end of the Stavanger

ity of Skudenshavn. peninsula. Shoals fringe the NW and N sides of the point and
Off the Skudenesfjorden entrance, the tidal current usually are within the 10m curve, which lies offshore in this vicinity.
sets N. Near the land, on both sides of the entrance, the current

Pub. 182
Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane 27

By Konrad Lawson (DSCF9411.JPG)[CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons


2.3 Feistein Light

2.3Vestra Imsen (59°01'N., 5°22'E.), the SW islet of the Kvit- Stavanger Port District. Located on the North Sea side of the
soya group, contains a light, which marks the entrance to Has- Stavanger peninsula, Risavika is a public port mainly operated
steinfjorden. by private companies. It functions as an oil-related base area
2.3Hastein (58°57'N., 5°26'E.), 45m high, is the largest of a with services that supply the oil fields of the North Sea.
group of islets and rocks NW of the island of Rott. Lille Revin-
gen and Storee Revingen lie S of Hastein. Port of Risavika

2.4 Feistein (58°50'N., 5°30'E.), an islet, lies approxi- https://www.stavangerhavn.no/en/maritime/terminals/

mately 12 miles S of Hasteinfjorden. In the S approach to risavika
Stavanger, it lies about 4 miles N of Jaerens Rev Beacon. Nu-
merous detached shoals and rocks, best seen on the chart, lie Risavika is a major oil terminal as well, and can accommo-
near Feistein. date large tankers. The harbor is entered between Laksholm-
Feistein Light is exhibited from a red metal tower, 25m high,
baen (58°55.7'N., 5°34.3'E.) and Tangen, about 0.2 mile NE. A
with two white bands, situated on the E side of Feistein. A breakwater joins Tangen, and runs SE to Melingsholmen. The
racon is located at the light. small harbor formed is called Tananger. On the N side of the
Hengsoy (58°53'N., 5°26'E.) lies about 4 miles NW of
inlet, numerous quays and facilities are located at a fitting-out
Feistein. A beacon stands on the island. and supply base for oil operations in the North Sea.
Solaviki (58°53'N., 5°34'E.) is a small bay indenting the W
2.4 2.5Tides—Currents.—The HW interval at Tananger is 9 hours
side of the Stavanger peninsula. Depths in the middle of the 36 minutes. The mean range of tide is 0.4m; the spring range of
bay are 9.1 to 18.7m. Kolnesholmene is a group of islets, best tide is 0.5m.
seen on the chart, lying in the entrance of Solaviki. 2.5Depths—Limitations.—Risavika can accommodate ves-
An airport runway points W into Solaviki Bay. Mariners are
sels up to 134,000 dwt, with a maximum length of 265m, a
advised of low-flying aircraft in this vicinity. maximum draft of 15.8m, and a maximum beam of 44m.
Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table titled Ri-
2.5 Risavika (58°56'N., 5°35'E.) (World Port Index No. savika—Berth Information.
23487) and the surrounding sea entrances are included in

Risavika—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
North Harbor
Containers and general car-
No. 1 C 65m 11.0m — — — — go. Continuous berthing
length of 180m.
No. 1 A/B 115m 7.0m — — — — General cargo.

Pub. 182
28 Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane

Risavika—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
General cargo. Consists of
No. 2 A/B 120m 11.0m — — — — two berths (A and B) with a
total length of 120m.
General cargo. Continuous
berthing length of 128m.
No. 3 A/B/C — 11.0m — — — —
Consists of three berths with
a length: 128m.
General cargo and break-
No. 4 A 35m 6.0m — — — —
Containers. Continuous
berthing length of 165m.
No. 6 A/B — 5.4-7.0m — — — —
Consists of two berths in a
jetty with a length of 165m.
Shell AS Refinery
Bunkers. Displacement of
No. 15 115m 16.5m 265m 15.8m 44.0m 134,000 dwt
SkanGas LNG Terminal
Gas Refin- LNG and bunkers. Gas ca-
40m — 140m — — —
ery pacity of 12,000m3.
NorSea Tananger Marine Terminal
Chemicals, crude products,
No. 5A 75m 8.0m 135m 7.5m — 25,000 dwt and multipurpose. Displace-
ment of 38,000t.
East Harbor
Cement, scrap metal, break-
No. 19 100m 6.0m — — — —
bulk, and bulk cargo.
Ro-pax, containers, break-
No. 20 100m 11.0m — — — —
bulk and bulk cargo.
Ro-pax, others, containers,
No. 21/22 180m 11.0m — — — —
and breakbulk.
Ro-pax, offshore vessels,
No. 23/24 170m 11.0m — — — — project/heavy cargo, bulk
cargo, and breakbulk.
South Harbor
Ro-pax, containers, bulk
cargo, and breakbulk. Con-
tinuous berthing length of
No. 35/36 — 14.3m — — — —
287m. Consists of two
berths in a jetty with a
length of 287m.
Ro-pax, bulk cargo, contain-
ers, and breakbulk. Continu-
No. 37 — 14.3m — — — —
ous berthing length of

Pub. 182
Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane 29

Risavika—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Ro-pax, containers, and
breakbulk. Berthing length
No. 38 158m 14.3m — — — —
of 198m (including dol-
Norcem Cement
Cement, bulk cargo, and
No. 39 40m — — — — —

2.5Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 50 gt. obstruction lights, stands on Vestre Bokn.
The pilot station can be contacted by VHF radio and by tele- 2.6Tides—Currents.—There appear to be no perceptible tidal
phone. Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but may currents setting N or S across the entrance of Skudenesfjorden,
be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an ad- but inside the fjord, weak tidal currents set inward and outward
ditional cost. near the land. Off the fjord entrance, the tidal current usually sets
2.5Regulations.—Tankers over 40,000 dwt, when navigating N, but the wind has much to do with its velocity. Near the land
within territorial waters near Risavika, are to exhibit three red on both sides of the entrance, this current usually sets inward
vertical lights at night, or display a large black cylinder by day, during a rising tide and outward during a falling tide. Near the S
to indicate that other vessels must not impede their safe naviga- end of Karmoya, a strong current sets E and into Karmsundet
tion. during rising W winds.
2.5Contact Information.—See the table titled Risavika— 2.6Pilotage.—Karmoy pilot station provides pilotage for ves-
Contact Information. sels exceeding 30,000 gross tons and classified to carry hazard-
ous or polluting cargo. Pilotage should be ordered using
Risavika—Contact Information SafeSeaNet, or alternatively, the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center
(this may incur additional charges). The pilot will board,
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16 weather permitting, and only with prior permission of the pilot
Telephone 47-51-715900 station, in Skudenesfjorden Vest (Boarding Position No. 1) in
position 59°02.0'N, 5°10.0'E. Otherwise, the pilot will board in
Facsimile 47-51-715900
one of the following positions:
E-mail post@risavika.no 1. Skudenesfjorden (Boarding Position No. 2)—position
59°06'30.0''N, 5°27'00.0''E.
2.5Anchorage.—Risavika provides a good anchorage over a 2. Karmsundet (Boarding Position No. 3)—position
sand and clay bottom. Strong NW winds send in a considerable 59°13'06.0''N, 5°21'00.0''E.
swell. While anchoring, vessels must take care not to interfere 3. Feistein (Boarding Position Feisten No. 1)—position
with the vessels mooring at the oil refinery in the SW part of 58°51'00.0''N, 5°30'17.4''E.
the bay. Anchorage can be taken in Tananger, in 6.9 to 9.1m, 2.6Regulations.—Vessels engaged in fishing within the area
sand and clay. There are mooring buoys and mooring rings. covered by Kvitsoy VTS are required to maintain a continuous
Vessels awaiting berth/daylight navigation will be given in- listening watch and also to answer calls.
structions by the pilot on VHF. Any vessels above 40,000 dwt 2.6Under conditions where two or more vessels are meeting or
and with a draft exceeding 10m normally berth and unberth on- passing one another within a distance of 0.5 mile in the VTS
ly during daylight hours. area, they are required to contact one another on VHF. Each
2.5Caution.—Two submarine cables are laid across the en- must assure the other of the intent to a safe procedural action
trance to Risavika. When the entrance of Risavika is obstructed and agree to yield.
by the hawsers of ships maneuvering off the oil facility, red 2.6Vessel Traffic Service.—Traffic is controlled by Kvitsoy
flashing lights will be shown either on Melingsholme or on the (Kvitsoya) Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) for the area bound by
facility. Lights indicate which side of the channel is obstructed. the following positions:
a. 58°45'00.0''N, 5°29'36.0''E. (Jaerens Rev)
2.6 Skudenesfjorden (59°05'N., 5°15'E.), a deep clear b. 58°45'00.0''N, 5°21'36.0''E.
opening, forms the principal outer and easiest approach to Stavan- c. 58°58'54.0''N, 5°14'54.0''E.
ger. The entrance to the fjord lies between Geitungane; two close d. 59°05'36.0''N, 5°05'24.0''E.
lying islets off the S end of Karmoya, and the NW side of Kvitsoy; e. 59°14'18.0''N, 4°43'42.0''E.
about 6 miles SE of Geitungane. Skudenesfjorden can be easily f. 59°17'18.0''N, 4°42'48.0''E.
entered by day or night. Geitungane Light is on the S islet. g. 59°19'36.0''N, 4°43'48.0''E.
2.6When nearing the land, the fjord entrance will be very con- h. 59°34'30.0''N, 4°53'36.0''E.
spicuous. Cone-shaped mountains on Vestre Bokn and the light i. 59°34'30.0''N, 5°11'05.4''E. (Bomlahuk)
structure on Kvitsoya are prominent. A radio tower, marked by j. 59°32'57.0''N, 5°14'23.4''E. (Haskru Light)

Pub. 182
30 Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane

By Birgit Juel Martinsen [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Kvitsoy VTS Center

The VTS area is divided into two sectors, as follows:

2.6 2. When passing between VHF channel sectors.
1. The area N of 59°12.0'W and W of 5°21.5'E and the 3. Before moving with the VTS area (leaving the wharf,
area N of 59°20.0'W and W of 5°58.8'E—uses VHF channel berth, or mooring facility).
19. 4. When being towed.
2. The remainder of the area—uses VHF channel 18. 5. When at anchor.
Participation in the VTS is mandatory for the following:
2.6 6. When involved in an accident.
1. Vessels of 24m in length and above, including towing 7. Immediately if the vessel is in difficulty and likely to
and pushing vessels. result in a change of voyage plan.
2. Vessels towing an object that is longer or wider than 8. When passing position 58°58'33.0''N, 5°43'37.8''E
24m. (Stavanger) (Inbound/Outbound).
3. Vessels engaged in towing operations where the total All vessels must maintain a continuous listening watch on

length is greater than 35m. the appropriate VHF channel for the area. All communication
4. Vessels of all length carrying dangerous and/or pollut- with the VTS shall be in a Scandinavian language or, if not us-
ing liquid cargo in bulk. ing a pilot, in English.
All vessels must request a sailing clearance at least 1 hour
2.6 In certain cases, permission will have to be renewed from the

prior to entering the VTS area or leaving a quay or anchorage. VTS Center when passing through specific areas. For further
The following information should be given: information contact Kvitsoy VTS.
1. Vessel name and call sign.
2. Sailing Plan and destination. Kvitsoy—Contact Information
3. ETA at the outer limit of the VTS area and the ETA at
the port, mooring, or anchorage—for vessels located outside Pilot Station
the operational area of the VTS. VHF VHF channel 13
4. ETD from the VTS area—for vessels inside the area.
5. Any other information requested by the VTS, such as 47-51-735397
vessel type, nationality, and port of registration. 47-51-735398
Vessels should send position reports to the Kvitsoy VTS, as

Facsimile 47-51-735391
1. When passing the limits of the VTS area when head- E-mail pilot.kvitsoy@kystverket.no
ing into the VTS area.

Pub. 182
Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane 31

Kvitsoy—Contact Information from some of the islands and islets; buoys and perches mark
the intricate channels leading to some of the anchorages.
VTS Center 2.7A number of sheltered anchorages are indicated among the
Call sign Kvitsoy VTS islands and islets, but entry should not be attempted without lo-
cal knowledge. Some of the islands are connected by cause-
VHF channel 19—When N of 59°12.0'N ways.
and W of 5°21.5'E and when N of 2.7Settlement on the islands is concentrated at Ytstabohamn
VHF 59°20.0'N and E of 5°58.0'E. and Leiasundet. Ytstabohamn is located on the S side of Kvit-
VHF channel 18—the remainder of the soya and Leiasundet is located on the W side of Kviting. Kvit-
VTS area. soya Light, 27m high, standing on the SW side of Kvitsoya, is
47-71-736032 (south sector)
2.7Kvitsoya radio station is located on Krakoy, about 0.5 mile E
Telephone 47-51-736033 (north sector) of Kvitsoya; the radio masts are conspicuous and stand up to
125m high. There are numerous radio masts on this island. A
group of four masts stands at the N end.
Facsimile 47-71-736031 2.7Caution.—Due to a strong electromagnetic field around the
E-mail vts.kvitsoy@kystverket.no masts, navigation, and communication equipment in the vicini-
ty may be disturbed. Vessels passing close to Kvitsoya Broad-
casting Station (59°04'N., 5°24'E.) may experience electronic
2.6Vessels of less than 100m loa do not need to obtain permis- interference due to the station electromagnetic fields.
sion from the VTS when only using the fairway E of a line
joining Toftoy Light and Dusaviga Light. 2.8 Jarsteinen (59°09'N., 5°11'E.) is a small island about
2.6All vessels using the main fairway to/from Sauda should ob- 0.5 mile off the SW end of Karmoya. Svelgjeskjaer, an above-
tain permission from the VTS on VHF channel 19 when pass-
water rock, is located about 0.2 mile S of Jarsteinen. Floating
ing a line between Vardnes Light and Jelsahunden Light. wind turbines are located about 5 miles W of Jarsteinen.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Kvitsoy—Con-
Geitungane (59°08'N., 5°15'E.) are two islets that lie close S


tact Information.
of Karmoya. A light is shown from a tower, 11m high, standing
on the S islet. A racon is located at the light tower.
2.8Kryssgrunn, a 9.1m depth, lies about 0.5 mile ESE of the S
islet. An overhead cable, with a clearance of 20m, spans the
channel between the N islet and Karmoya.
Skudeneshavn (59°09'N., 5°16'E.) (World Port Index No.
23485) located on the S side of Karmoya island, is fronted on
its S side by Vikeholmen, Bakareholmen, Steiningsholmen,
and several smaller islets and rocks. Three small moles also en-
close the harbor. Skudeneshavn is a sheltered harbor used by
ferry and coastal vessels up to 5,000 dwt.
2.8Nesagapet, the E and principal entrance of Skudeneshavn, is
between Vikeholmen and the S coast of Karmoya. A light is
shown from the head of a small mole on the N side of Nesaga-
pet. This entrance has a least charted depth in the fairway of
2.8Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table titled
Skudeneshavn—Berthing Information.
2.8Caution.— Submarine cables are laid across the S and NW
2.6 Kvitsoya Light parts of the harbor and a submarine pipeline is laid on the NE
side. Care must be taken to pass S of a 5.3m depth which lies in
2.7 Kvitsoya (59°04'N., 5°25'E.), the largest of a group of the narrowest part of the sound. There are several rocks in the
islands and islets, marks the E entrance of the approach to harbor, some of which are marked by iron posts. Navigation is
Stavenger via Skudenesfjorden. The land of Kvitsoya is low not affected by ice.
and relatively inconspicuous from offshore. Lights are shown

Skudeneshavn—Berthing Information
Berth Length Remarks
Vessel Draft
No. 1 80m 5.5m —
No. 2 80m 5.5m —
No. 3 80m 5.5m —

Pub. 182
32 Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane

Skudeneshavn—Berthing Information
Berth Length Remarks
Vessel Draft
Refrigeration Plant Berth 100m 5.5m —
Cuxhaven Berth 100m 5.2m Ro-ro.
Ols Berth 60m 4.3m Ro-ro.

2.9 Austbaen (59°08'N., 5°17'E.), the outermost danger height of 86m close inland.
in the approach to Skudeneshavn, lies about 1 mile ESE of Brukjeoy (59°02'N., 5°40'E.) lies on the NE side of By-

Geitungane. Sondreflu is a 4.6m depth about 183m W of Aust- fjorden at its junction with Amoyfjorden. The islet lies about
baen. 0.5 mile SE of Bru; close W of it is the smaller Persholmen,
The S coast of Vestre Bokn, towards the NE, on the N shore from which a light is shown. Shoals, fringing the E end of
of the Skudenesfjorden, E of Karmoya, is formed by Drivsund Brukjeoy, extend about 0.1 mile offshore and are marked by a
(59°10'N., 5°25'E.), an islet and shoal-encumbered bay; the S buoy.
ends of the two parts of Vestre Bokn form the W and E shores Flataskjaer is an above-water rock about 183m W of Per-

of this bay. Vestre Bokn is in two parts; its SW and smaller part sholmen. An iron perch, about 183m NW of Flataskjaer, marks
is separated from the main portion by Sundalandsstraumen, a the outer end of a reef extending from the rock. Sore Raune-
very narrow sound extending NW from the head of Drivsund. grunn, a 1.8m depth marked by an iron perch, lies about 0.2
Drivsund has several anchorages for small vessels, but local mile N of Flataskjaer.
knowledge is required. Randabergviga (59°02'N., 5°37'E.) is a small bight about 1

2.9Arsgrunn (59°08'N., 5°26'E.), with a least depth of 3.2m mile SE of Tungeneset. Good anchorage can be taken here, in
and marked on its SW end by a buoy, is located about 1 mile 12.8m, sand and mud.
SSW of the SE extremity of Vestre Bokn.
2.9Kraka (59°09'N., 5°25'E.) is an above-water rock and 2.11 Dusavik (59°00'N., 5°40'E.), located on the W side of
Skolleflu, 0.5 mile ENE, is a 3m shoal marked by a buoy. Amoyfjorden, provides a protected anchorage, in 22m, gravel
2.9Fjoloy and Mosteroy (59°05'N., 5°38'E.), with some islets bottom. A large installation, with deep-water facilities for ser-
between and near them, form the NE side of Kvitsoyfjorden. vicing oil rigs, is located in Dusavik.
The islets and dangers on the NE side of Kvitsoyfjorden, be- Byfjorden extends in a SE direction, where it meets Amoy-

tween Alstein and Sveinane, together with those near Tungene- fjorden. A chain of small islets and dangers, which are scat-
set, form the SW side of the fjord. tered across the E end of Amoyfjorden, separates this basin
2.9Mosteroy, the SE part of which is called Aske, is nearly from the NW end of Horgefjorden. General depths through the
joined at its NW end to Klosteroy and is separated from Fjoloy middle of Amoyfjorden are 64m to 101m.
by Klosterhamn, a sheltered harbor for small vessels with local A 10.1m depth and an 8.2m depth are located about 0.5 mile

knowledge. NW and nearly 1 mile NNW, respectively, of the NE extremity

2.9Isgrunn, a 6.9m depth, lies about 0.5 mile off the SW side of of Hundvag. Dangers elsewhere are those extending across the
Mosteroy, in a position about 1 mile SSE of Ejoloy. Langeflu, a E end of the fjord or lying within 0.2 mile offshore.
12.8m depth, lies about 0.25 mile NE of Isgrunn. A light is shown from Klovningen, the largest of a group of

four small islets in the E end of Amoyfjorden. A beacon stands

2.10 Dysjalandsvag (59°05'N., 5°40'E.), between the SE on the largest islet. Buoys and perches mark a few of the dan-
end of Mosteroy and Aske, affords secure anchorage, in 12.8 to gers lying between Klovningen and the S side of Amoy.
18.3m. Local knowledge is required. Vessels proceeding through Amoyfjorden to Horgefjorden

Gryda Light (59°03'N., 5°37'E.) stands on a rock, lies

2.10 should pass N of Storholmen, in a depth of 24m, staying in
awash on the NE side of the junction of Kvitsoyfjorden and mid-channel, with the S extremity of Hille Kjeoy (59°02'N.,
Byfjorden. It is located about 0.5 mile off the NW side of the 5°48'E.) bearing 075°.
island of Bru and nearly 1.25 miles NE of Tungeneset. A The approach to Stavanger or to Sandnes, at the head of
12.8m patch is located about 0.1 mile NW of Gryda. Gandsfjorden, can be made from Horgefjorden through Lin-
Nordgrunn is a 6.9m depth lying about 1 mile NW of Gryda.
2.10 doysund, the passage between Vassoy and Lindoy, or from
Kolsboane, about 0.5 mile NNW of Gryda, is two rocks; the Hogsfjorden through the passage between Kalvoy and Uskjo.
SW rock is awash and marked by an iron beacon. while the NE Revingen (59°00'N., 5°49'E.), which is marked by a lighted

rock, with a depth of 1.5m, is marked by an iron perch. beacon, lies in the N part of Lindoysund, about 0.2 mile N of
Byfjorden is the inner part of the approach to Stavanger. It is
2.10 Lindoy. Shoal water extends about 91m N and S from this
entered from Kvitsoyfjorden between Gryda and Bragen. The rock. Revingsgrunn is an 11.9m depth in the SW part of Horge-
island of Bru, on the NE side of the fjord, is comparatively fjorden, about 0.5 mile NNE of Revingen.
steep. The W slope of the high land descends almost perpen- Tunsoy (58°59'N., 5°49'E.) is close SE of Lindoy; between

dicularly to the fjord. Brufjell, on the SW side of Bru, rises to a them is Lindoygrunn, which is marked by an iron perch.

Pub. 182
Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane 33

Stavanger (58°59'N., 5°45'E.) are usually from the SE. Northwest gales make loading and un-
loading difficult at most of the main quays. Prevailing winds in
World Port Index No. 23480 the summer are SW and W; in winter they are E and NE. The
climate is mild, and there is frequent precipitation throughout
2.12 Stavanger was founded around the beginning of the the year. Stavanger is an ice-free port.
ninth century, and is one of Norway’s oldest cities. The port is Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents are slight. During NW

noted for shipbuilding, fishing, and as a main support base for gales, the water may rise to the decks on some piers. Normal
the oil and gas industry in the North Sea area close to southern tidal range is 0.6m.
Norway. Depths—Limitations.—General depths in the fairway be-

tween the entrance of Stavanger at Ulsneset and the entrance of

Port of Stavanger Home Vagen are 23m to 50m.Numerous depths and rocks less than
charted exist in the approaches to Stavanger.
http://www.stavanger-havn.no Vessels with drafts of up to 20m can be handled at this port.

Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table titled

2.12 Winds—Weather.—Gales are fairly frequent in winter and Stavanger—Berth Information.

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Fast ferries and ro-pax. Berthing
Makjavik Ferry 68m 10.0m — — — length of 100m (including dol-
Scrap metal, containers, and break-
Mekjarvik 250m 15.0m 284.9m — —
Monier Ardal
Monier 73m — 115.5m — — Cement and sand.
NCC Roads
Aggregates, others, gravel, crushed
NCC 40m — 90.6m — —
stone, and breakbulk.
Randaberg Industries Terminal
Randaberg E 230m 6.5-12.0m 147m — — Cement, containers, and breakbulk.
Randaberg W 80m — 97m — — Cement.
NorSea Dusavika
Offshore vessels, project/heavy
NorSea 235m 6.0-11.0m 160.6m — 50,000 dwt
cargo, and breakbulk.
Norstone Dirdal
ND 40m — 104.8m — — Aggregates.
East 130m 8.0m 113.7m — — Vegetable oils and grain.
Main 165m 15.5m 225m — — Vegetable oils and grain.
West 63m 6.5m — — — Vegetable oils and grain.
Rosenberg WorleyParsons
Breakbulk. Berthing length of
Rosenberg 90m — — — —
260m (including. dolphins).
Stravanger International Cruise Terminal
021V 75m — 89.4m 10.0m — Ro-ro/lo-lo and breakbulk.
018V Upper 149m 14.0m 58m 8.2m — Cruise.

Pub. 182
34 Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
018V Lower 53m 14.0m 58m 8.2m — Cruise.
016V 309m 8.5m 58m 7.5m — Cruise, ro-pax, and breakbulk.
013V 163m 8.2m 57.4m 7.5m — Cruise and breakbulk.
O05V 149m 6.8m 68.3m — — Cruise vessels and breakbulk.
O04V 78m 6.6m 69.6m — — Cruise vessels.
O03V 55m 6.5m 68.3m — — Cruise vessels..
O02V 60m 6.5m 68.3m — — Cruise vessels.
O01V 135m 7.2m 67.3m — — Cruise vessels.
No. 80 66m 5-8.8m 57.4m — — Fast ferries and ro-ro/lo-lo.
Jorenholmen Terminal
Jorenholmen 144m 9.3m 37.9m — — Fast ferries and ro-ro/lo-lo.
Fiskapiren Passenger Terminal
Fiskapiren 130m 4.6-16.8m 42m — — Fast ferries and ro-ro/lo-lo.
Forsand Sandkompani
FS 80m — 113.7m — — Handling grout.
Bekhuskaien Terminal
Ro-ro/lo-lo, offshore vessels, and
200 Ro-Ro 107m — 98.8m — —
breakbulk. Waiting berth.
210 109m 8.0-8.3m 109.1m — — Breakbulk.
Stavanger Recycling
Recycling 50m — 189.8m — — Scrap metal.
Felleskjopeet Rogalad Agder
FRA Vegetable oils, seeds, animal feeds,
50m — 175.5m — — fertilizer, others, and project/heavy
Fast ferries and breakbulk. Waiting
Siriskjael 95m — — — —
Skogsto N 193m 4.8-7.0m 87.3m — — —
Skogsto S 112m 4.1-5.0m 87.3m — — —
Bunker Terminal Stravanger
Texaco 30m 9.0m 100m 7.2m 7,112 dwt Petroleum products and bunkers.
Skretting Terminal
Vegetable oils, fishin vesselsg,
salmon and trout food, and liquid
T Skretting 35m 6.0m 225m — — cargo. The berth has numerous
mooring points along shoreside
and mooring buoys.

Pub. 182
Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane 35

Stavanger from W

Aspect.—The principal part of the city faces a bay on the N

2.12 Vessels greater than 30,000 gt carrying hazardous or pollut-

side of a small promontory which extends E from the main ing cargo will use the boarding position at Skudenesfjorden
peninsula. The port area now has a total quayage length of ap- Vest.
proximately 5,000m and is divided into many separate termi- Pilot boats are white and have orange superstructures.

nals, spread across a large area, from the industry port of For detailed information on pilotage regulations, see Pub.

Mekjavik to the fish and animal feed silos at Felleskjopet. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic Ocean.
The principal deep-water quays line the shores of Vagen
2.12 Signals.—Storm signals are shown from a mast on the NE

(58°58.3'N., 5°44.0'E.), an indentation on the N side, near the side of Vagen.

city. Numerous small shoals and rocky patches are scattered Contact Information.—See the table titled Stavanger—
among the islands and islets which form the NE side of the har- Contact Information.
The basin just E of Stavanger is bounded by Steinsoya, Or-
Stavanger—Contact Information
moy, and Vassoy to the N; Lindoy, Hellesoy, and Kalvoy to the
NE; and Uskjo to the S. A chain of islets and dangers extends Port Authority
SW for about 1 mile through the middle of this area. 47-51-501200
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for Stavanger and is
47-51-501201 (after hours)
available 24 hours. Pilots should be requested at least 24 hours
in advance. Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but Facsimile 47-78-501222
may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an E-mail info@stavanger.havn.no
additional cost. The Kvitsoy pilots are to be advised of the ves-
sel’s arrival, giving the following information: Port Control
1. Vessel name. VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
2. Call sign.
3. Gross registered tons. Telephone 47-51-501201
4. Draft. Facsimile 47-51-511221
5. Cargo.
6. Port of destination. E-mail havneoppsyn@stavanger.havn.no
Pilots can be contacted on VHF channels 13 and 16 and meet
inbound vessels outside Feistein, as follows:
1. Approximately 21 miles S of Stavanger, in position Telephone 47-51-501212
58°50'N, 5°26'E.
2. In Skudenesfjorden, at Skedenesfjorden Vest, in posi- Anchorages—Stavanger affords fairly good anchorage

tion 59°02'N, 5°10'E. throughout, but the best is in the E part S of Solyst and Gras-
3. At Skedenesfjorden, approximately 18 miles NW of holmen, where the depths are 18.3 to 27.4m.
Stavanger, in position 59°06'N, 5°26'E. Deep-draft vessels also anchor NE of Grasholmen, ap-

Pub. 182
36 Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane

2.12 Stavanger Petroleum Museum

proaching through Amoyfjorden and Horgefjorden. Depths—Limitations.—Two concrete quays operated by


Amoyfjorden provides anchorage for large vessels and oil

2.12 StatOil are located in Lurahammaren (58°52.7'N., 5°44.8'E.).
rigs. The water depth varies from 30m to 130m. Smaller ves- The N most quay is the largest, Further S past Luravika is the
sels may anchor off Ulsnes Point, which has a maximum depth Somanset Public Industrial Quay (58°52.2'N., 5°44.8'E.), Con-
of 40m. tinuing S along the W shore of the harbor is Rappaneset
Vessels in quarantine or without berth assignment should an-
2.12 (58°51.63'N., 5°44.88'E.), where there are three quays.
chor near the entrance at Ulsnes Point, taking care to avoid the The public quays (58° 51.3'N 5°44.6'E) are situated on the W

submarine cables and water pipelines. side of Vagen. This long berthing area consists of a pier, at the
Gandsfjorden is a construction site for large offshore struc-
2.12 N end, and two concrete quays further S. Vessels up to 198m in
tures (depth of 245m) and a lay-up area for oil rigs (depth of length and 11m draft can be accommodated. For more berthing
180m). information see the table titled Sandnes—Berthing Informa-
Stavanger Port Control is to be contacted prior to anchoring.
2.12 tion.
Port Control uses VHF channels 13 and 16 and may also be Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but

reached by telephone (51-73-53-97). may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an
Caution.—Numerous changes to depths, lights, and aids to
2.12 additional cost.
navigation have been reported (2008) in Stavanger and its ap- Contact Information.—See the table titled Sandnes—Con-

proaches. Vessels should contact local authorities for further tact Information.
information. Anchorage.—Small vessels can anchor off Sandnes, in 13.7

to 18.3m. Small vessels can also anchor near the head of the
2.13 Sandnes (58°51'N., 5°45'E.) (World Port Index No. fjord, in a depth of about 6.1m.
23470) extends around the head of and along the W shore of
Gandsfjorden. Behind the town, on the SE, the land rises in Sandnes—Contact Information
hummocky hills, 101 to 198m high. East of Gandsfjorden and
immediately NE of the town, the hills rise more steeply to a VHF VHF channels 14 and 16
height of about 189m. The country W of Sandnes is compara- 47-51-608990
tively low, about 46m high in some places, and is mainly fertile Telephone
agricultural land. 47-47-853012 (duty officer)
Facsimile 47-51-608991
Port of Sandnes E-mail post@sandneshavn.no

Sandnes—Berthing Information
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks
LOA Draft
Oneco Technology AS Terminal
Offshore vessels and project/heavy cargo. Berthing
Oneco Technologies AS — — — —
length of 155m (including dolphins).

Pub. 182
Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane 37

Sandnes—Berthing Information
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks
LOA Draft
Sandnes Harbor Terminal
North 315m 8.0m — — Ro-ro freight, containers, breakbulk, and reefer.
Equinor Terminal
Lura 77m 11.5m 198m 11.0m Aviation fuel, chemicals, dirty products, and bunkers.

The Fjords NE shore.

Frafjorden, a continuation of Hogsfjorden, trends E for about

2.14 Gandsfjorden (58°55'N., 5°46'E.), a deep fjord, 3 miles, is about 0.5 mile wide, and is also deep and clear. The
trends S for about 7 miles from Store Maroy. There is a 5-knot shores of both fjords are mostly steep-to.
speed limit in the inner part of the fjord. A wooden quay at the head of Frafjorden has a depth of

Gandsflu, a 5m depth marked by a light, lies about 0.4 mile

2.14 about 4.5m alongside and can accommodate vessels with drafts
SW of Store Maroy. Depths of 7.3 and 8.7m lie within about to 5.5m.
0.1 mile NNE of Gandsflu.
A quay, with a depth of 7.6m alongside, is located in the vi-
2.14 2.17 Idsefjorden (59°01'N., 5°58'E.) is the basin formed
cinity of Fiskaneset (58°54'N., 5°45'E.), on the W shore of between the mainland, on the N and E; the islands of Idsal and
Gandsfjorden. Another quay, with a depth of 11m alongside, Idse, on the S; and Heng and the islets and rocks extending S,
lies about 1 mile further S. on the W. Botnefjorden, a narrow inlet, extends SE for about 2
Buoys mark some of the shore banks in the inner part of
2.14 miles from the E end of Idsefjorden.
Gandsfjorden. Two lights, in range 186.5° and shown from the Most of Idsefjorden is deep and clear, but there are shoals

E shore opposite Sandnes, lead into the fjord. and rocks near shore and among the scattered islets at the W
and E ends. A few detached shoals lie near the fairway. Inside
2.15 Riskafjorden (58°56'N., 5°49'E.), which is about 0.2 Botnefjorden, the depths shoal from about 81m in the entrance
mile wide in its narrowest part, is formed between the main- to 16.5m near the head of the fjord.
land SE of Stavanger and the S and E sides of the island of Jorpeland (59°01'N., 6°02'E.), a settlement in a small cove

Uskjo. It branches off from the NE end of Gandsfjorden and, at on the NE shore of Idsefjorden, is one of the larger places in
its N end, leads into the junction of Horgefjorden and Hog- the area. It has numerous buildings and workshops and a quay
fjorden. with 4 to 6m alongside. There is a steel works, with a quay
Riskafjorden is deep and, except for Riskaholmene, two
2.15 having a depth of about 5m alongside. A telegraph station is lo-
small islets in mid-channel SW of the S extremity of Uskjom, cated here.
is free from dangers in the fairway. Hillefjorden (59°04'N., 5°49'E.) is a comparatively broad
In Riskafjorden, there is good anchorage, sand and shell, for
2.15 sheet of open water between Aske, Rennesoy, and Brimse, on
small vessels at the head of a small inlet at Hammersak on the the N, and Amoy and Hidle, on the S. Depths through the fair-
SE side of the fjord. There are mooring buoys and several ways of Hidlefjorden range from about 29 to 180m.
quays, with depths up to 4m, located in the inlet. There is a Anchorage can be taken, in 13m, good holding ground, clay

speed limit of 8 knots the inlet. and mud. Mooring rings and buoys are available. In the NE
Li (58°55'N., 5°48'E.) is located on the S shore of
2.15 part of the cove, there is a quay, with depths of 3.1 to 4.8m
Riskafjorden, about 0.4 mile SSW of Riskaholmene. A con- alongside and a length of 84m. A grain elevator has a quay,
crete quay, with a depth of 4m alongside, is located at Li. 36m long, with a depth of 9m alongside.
A secure harbor for small vessels lies on the E side of Hi-

2.16 Horgefjorden (59°01'N., 5°50'E.) surrounds the islet dlefjorden off the village of Tau (59°04'N., 5°55'E.)
Horge. The fjord is bounded on the SW and W by the many is-
lands and islets lying off Stavanger, on the NW by the islets 2.18 Mastrafjorden (59°06'N., 5°39'E.) is a good channel
and dangers at the E end of Amoyfjorden and the SE side of for vessels bound to any of the fjords E or S of Stavanger. From
Amoy, on the N by Hille Kjeoy and the island of Hidle, and on its NW entrance, it trends SE between the SW side of Renne-
the E by Heng and Idse and the chain of islets and rocks be- soy and the NE sides of Klosteroy, Mosteroy, and Aske for
tween these two islands. General depths throughout Horge- about 6 miles to its junction with Hidlefjorden. The least width
fjorden are ample, but there are some shoal patches. Vessels between the land on either side is about 0.4 mile; however,
without local knowledge should not attempt passage between shoals on either side reduce the navigable channel width to less
the islets and reefs lying between Heng and Idse. than this in places. A least depth of 18.3m is available through
Hogsfjorden (58°56'N., 6°00'E.) trends SE for about 12 the fairway, but there are lesser depths and dangers nearby.
miles, is from 0.5 mile to 1.5 miles wide, and is deep and clear Anchorage.—Medium-size vessels can take good anchorage

of dangers in the fairway. Several small sounds lead off from in Finnesandbukt, the bay formed between Klosteroy and the N
Hogsfjorden. Lysefjorden is entered about midway along the side of Mosteroya. The anchorage is in a depth of 20m, coarse

Pub. 182
38 Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane

sand. Care is necessary to avoid Bakhodnagrunn, a 9m shoal 2.20 Bleikje (59°15'N., 5°27'E.), a small islet, lies in mid-
lying in the entrance to this bay. channel about 0.5 mile N of Ta. A 1.8m depth is located about
Vikevag (59°06'N., 5°42'E.), on the N shore of Mas-
2.18 137m SE of the islet.
trafjorden, is the main port on Rennesoy. The largest quay, on Brattholme lies 183m off the W side of Boknsundet and

the NW side of the inlet, has depths to 5m alongside. A quay at about 0.5 mile W of Bleikje. A smaller islet is located about
Dale, about 1 mile SE of Vikevag, has depths from 5 to 6m. 183m NW of Brattholme; Brattholmbaen, with a depth of
Caution.—Numerous submarine cables extend from Renne-
2.18 about 1.5m and marked by an iron perch, lies about 0.1 mile
soy to the surrounding islands. SE of Brattholme.
Saebosundet (59°10'N., 5°56'E.) is the narrow sound sepa- Tides—Currents.—In Boknasundet, the tidal current de-

rating the NE side of Fogn from Teistholme, Lindoy, Buoy, pends mainly on the wind and may run in one direction contin-
Byre, Bokn, and other islands, islets, and rocks to the NE. It uously for a considerable time. It is very strong in the
leads from the N end of Fognafjorden into Finnoyfjorden. Al- narrowest part of the sound. During long periods of calm
though very narrow in places, the channel fairway has ample weather at sea, the tidal current runs regularly, changes direc-
charted depths. Detached 4.1m to 9.1m depths lie near the fair- tion at half tide, and is strongest at HW. Farther N in Boknaf-
way. Some of the detached dangers and those extending from laeet, the tidal current usually runs in the same direction as in
the islets on the NE side of the passage are marked by buoys or Boknsundet. It often changes direction under Boknahovud, the
perches. Other navigable channels lead among these islets. NW extremity of Vestre Bokn, and is strongest round Bleikje
and between Vesteroy and Hovringoy.
The Fjords Branching from Skudenesfjorden In Austdjupet, the tidal current usually sets in a direction op-

posite to that in Karmsund, but depends greatly on the wind.

2.19 Boknafjorden (59°12'N., 5°38'E.), a continuation of Still farther N in Fordesfjorden, there is usually an incoming

Skudenesfjorden, trends NE for about 10 miles to the S en- tidal current in bad weather and an outgoing current in fine
trance of Nedstrandsfjorden. It is about 4 to 6 miles wide be- weather, but these currents are very weak.
tween the islands and islets on either side. Depths through the Depths—Limitations.—A quay at Alvestadkroken, on the

fairway are great, but there are some detached dangers, particu- W shore of Boknasundet, has depths up to 5m alongside. Fuel
larly in the NE part and along the SE side. oil and fresh water are available. A quay at Foresvik, about 1
Boknasundet (59°14'N., 5°27'E.) lies between Vestre Bokn mile NW of Alvestadkroken, has depths from 5 to 7m along-
and Austre Bokn and leads NW for about 3 miles between side. Fuel oil and fresh water are available.
Boknafjorden and the S end of Boknaflaeet. Passage through Anchorage.—Anchorages for small vessels with local

the sound may be difficult for vessels over 107m in length and knowledge are available on both sides of Boknasundet.
with a draft of over 7.6m.
2.21 Boknaflaeet (59°16'N., 5°26'E.) is the basin between
Ognoy, Austeroy, and Vesteroy on the E, and Hovringoy and
the numerous islets on the W. Boknaflaeet is a continuation N
of Boknasundet and leads into Fordesfjorden.
Depths through the fairway are ample, but there are nearby

shoals and rocks on either side.

Anchorage.—On the NE side of Boknaflaeet, anchorage can

be taken between the W side of Austeroy (59°17'N., 5°27'E.)

and the SE end of Vesteroy, or between the N side of Austeroy
and Kvernholmane, about 0.2 mile N of the NW extremity of
Austeroy. A rock lies awash close off the W side of Austeroy in
the channel between these two anchorages.
The fairway through Austdjupet (59°16'N., 5°24'E.) is clear

and deep except for Austdjupholmane, two islets which lie in

mid-channel about 2 miles from the S entrance. Other dangers
are near the islets on either side of the channel.
Two submarine cables cross the sound in the vicinity of Bok-
2.19 Guleskjaer, a detached rock, is on the W side of the fairway,

nasund Light. about 0.3 mile W of the W islet of Austdjupholmane.

Knarrholme (59°13'N., 5°28'E.) is the farthest SW of a
2.19 Tallaksholmane, consisting of two islets and rocks, is the

group of above-water rocks on the SW side of the fairway. outermost group in the SE part of Austdjupet.
Knarrholmgrunn, with a depth of less than 1.8m and marked on
its NE side by a buoy, lies about 91m E of Knarrholme. 2.22 Karsto Gas Terminal (59°16'N., 5°30'E.) (World
Strandvikflu, lying near the E shore of the sound about 0.2
2.19 Port Index No. 23451) is located a little over 0.75 mile NW of
mile NE of Knarrholmgrunn, has a depth of less than 1.8m and Arviksundet (59°16'N., 5°33'E.), which lies close N of the N
is marked by an iron perch. extremity of Arvikholmen. Gas from the North Sea fields is
Ta (59°14'N., 5°27'E.), a reef marked at its S end by a bea-
2.19 piped to the terminal, where it is processed and stored while
con, is on the W side of the fairway. It lies within about 0.1 awaiting export.
mile offshore and about 2 miles NNW of Knarrholme. A 6.4m A submarine pipeline connects Karsto Gas Terminal with

depth is located about 183m E of the beacon. Austre Bokn, 2 miles S. Vessels are prohibited to anchor within

Pub. 182
Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane 39

Markus Johansson, Bitmap/Statoil

2.21 Karsto Gas Terminal from W

0.2 mile of the pipeline. Karsto Control can be contacted on Anchorage.—Vessels waiting to berth at the terminal are to

VHF channel 11. anchor in the designated anchorage in Falkeidfaet, between

Depths—Limitations.—There are four berths with lengths
2.22 Rovetaerne Light and Billingen Light, and in Hervikfjorden.
between 160m and 275m and depths alongside between 10 and Directions.—The main approach to Karsto Gas Terminal is

14m. Gas and petroleum products are handled at these berths. between Austre Vagholmflua (59°13'N., 5°31'E.), a 3m shoal
A safety zone extends 300m from shore in the terminal area,
2.22 with a light, and Rovetaerne Light, standing on an outermost
as shown on the chart. rock lying a little over 1 mile ENE.
Pilotage.—A sea pilot should be embarked from Kvitsoya

pilot station; they will also act as a harbor pilot. 2.23 Nedstrandsfjorden (59°15'N., 5°44'E.) is formed by
Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but may be or-
2.22 the mainland on the NW, N, and NE, and by a group of islands
dered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an addition- and islets, which are known collectively as Sjernaroyane and
al cost. For pilot boarding positions, see paragraph 2.6. the island of Ombo, on the S. Nedstrandsfjorden has an en-
Regulations.—Vessels over 50 grt and carrying dangerous
2.22 trance that lies between the S end of Toftoy and Lundaroy,
cargo wishing to use Karsto Gas Terminal must obtain prior about 4 miles ESE. From its entrance, it trends NE and E for
permission from the harbor terminal before entering the regu- about 11 miles to the entrance of Jelsafjorden.
lated area of Skudenesfjorden and Boknafjorden E of the line Great depths prevail through the fairway of Nedstrands-
between the light on Geitungen (59°08'N., 5°15'E.) and the fjorden. Shoals and islets lie clear of the fairway.
light on Vestre Imsen, 8 miles SSE. Such vessels must not ex- Lindoy (59°17'N., 5°42'E.), NE of which is Slattholme, is

ceed a speed of 10 knots in the regulated area. the largest of a group of islets and rocks lying within 1 mile E
Permission to enter must be applied for at least 1 hour before
2.22 of the N end of Toftoy. Lindoygrunn, the southernmost danger
arrival in the regulated area or before leaving the quays, an- of the group, is located about 0.2 mile S of Lindoy and is
chorages, or other mooring installations in those waters. marked on its S side by an iron perch.
The vessel’s ETA should be sent, via the agent, at least 72
2.22 Heimraflu, the NW danger, is a 1.8m depth marked by a

hours prior to arrival. The ETA must be confirmed 48 hours, 24 buoy about 0.2 mile N of Lindoy.
hours, and 12 hours prior to arrival. A rock, with a depth of less than 1.8m and marked by an iron

Pub. 182
40 Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane

perch, is located about 183m NE of the SE end of Slattholme. 2.26 Finnoyfjorden (59°10'N., 5°54'E.), which is formed
A 5.9m depth and an 8.2m depth lie within about 0.2 mile E between Finnoy on the W, and the islands of Fogn, Bokn, and
and SE of this rock. Halsne (59°11'N., 5°57'E.) on the E, trends NE and N from
Lamholme (59°20'N., 5°45'E.) is a small islet in the ap-
2.23 Talgjefjorden for about 5 miles to the W approach to Garsund-
proaches to Muslandsvag. Gullholme lies about 0.1 mile S of fjorden. It has a minimum width of about 1 mile, great depths
Lamholme. Haskjaer, with other islets and rocks NW, lies through the middle part, and few dangers.
about 0.2 mile SSW of Gullholme. Kjerringi, lying awash about 0.5 mile NNW of the NE ex-

Hunderavag (59°20'N., 5°49'E.), which indents the main-

2.23 tremity of Finnoy, is marked by a beacon. Kjerringer, about
land for about 1 mile N, is entered between Tveiteneset, about 183m N of Kjerringi, is awash and marked by an iron perch.
1 mile ESE of Lamholme, and Baustaneset, about 1 mile ENE. Anchorage.—Several good anchorages, suitable for small

Hestflu, marked by an iron perch, extends about 0.1 mile from vessels with local knowledge, are located along both sides of
the E shore of the bay to a position about 0.4 mile NW of Baus- Finnoyfjorden.
Anchorage.—Large vessels can take anchorage in Hunder-
2.23 2.27 Garsundfjorden (Garssundfjorden) (Gardssund-
avag, in 27 to 59m, but the anchorage is exposed to S winds. fjorden) (59°13'N., 6°00'E.), located N of Halsne and Randoy
The best anchorage for small vessels is off Tveit, located on the (Randoyna) (Randoya) (59°12'N., 6°02'E.) and S of the island
NW side of Hunderavag. of Ombo, trends NE for about 8 miles to the entrance of Josen-
fjorden. The minimum width of Garsundfjorden is about 0.7
2.24 Nedstrandsvag (59°20'N., 5°52'E.) is entered be- mile. It is deep and free from dangers in the fairway; however a
tween Lille Faeroy, about 1 mile ENE of Baustaneset, and Ton- marine farm with associated ground tackle lies just off the Om-
ganes, a mainland projection about 0.2 mile farther ENE. A bo mid-coast shoreline.
5.9m depth lies in the middle of the entrance. Within Ned- Quays, with depths of 4 to 9m alongside, are at Vestersjo,

strandsvag, there are numerous dangers, including above and about 3 miles ENE of Eidsvag, and at Skar about 2 miles far-
below-water rocks, some of which are marked by iron perches. ther ENE.
A quay has a least depth of 5m along its outer side. Anchorage.—On the N side of Garsundfjorden, anchorage

Foldoy (59°20'N., 5°58'E.) lies in the NE portion of Ned-

2.24 for small vessels is available, in 10.1 to 11.9m, in Eidsvag,
strandsfjorden. Sondre Breidvik, on the S side, and a smaller which indents the S side of Ombo about 0.5 mile E of the SE
bight, on the N side, almost divide Foldoy in two. extremity of Ombo.
Both parts of the island are fairly high; the E part rises to an
2.24 On the S side of the fjord, anchorage can be taken in Batviki,

elevation of about 35m. Tjuvholme and other islets and rocks on the NW side of Halsne.
lie within 0.25 mile SW of the S extremity of Foldoy; within Breidvik (59°13'N., 6°03'E.), on the N shore of Randoy, pro-

0.25 mile farther SW there is a detached reef, on the NW end vides good holding ground, in 16.5m. Oyehamn, in a narrow
of which a rock lies above water. inlet about 1 mile W of the NE extremity of Randoy, provides
Skindryggen, with a depth of less than 1.8m and marked by
2.24 good anchorage to small vessels, in 10.1 to 11.9m; mooring
an iron perch, lies close off the N side of Foldoy in a position rings are available.
about 0.2 mile NW of the island’s NE extremity.
Smaskjaer (59°17'N., 5°57'E.), marked by an iron perch,
2.24 2.28 Fognafjorden (59°07'N., 5°56'E.) lies between Ros-
lies about 0.1 mile N of the W entrance point of Jorstadvag, soya and the island of Fogn, on the NW, and the mainland, on
which is on the NW side of Ombo, about 1 mile NE of the NW the SE. It leads NE for about 3 miles from Hidlefjorden and
extremity of the island. Brimsefjorden and joins the S end of Saebosund and the outer
end of Ytre Ardalsfjorden. Fognafjorden is 0.75 mile to 1.25
2.25 Talgjefjorden (59°08'N., 5°49'E.) is the basin formed miles wide and throughout its middle part is deep and clear.
between Rennesoy and Talgje, on the S, and Finnoy and the is- Charted depths exceed 183m and all known dangers lie within
lets and dangers lying up to 3 miles W of Finnoy, on the N. 0.15 mile offshore.
Fairway depths are sufficient for large vessels. A few detached Mosnesholmane, a group of three close-lying islets, are on
dangers lie near the fairway, but most shoals, rocks, and islets the SE side of Fisterfjorden (59°09'N., 6°00'E.) within 0.4 mile
are in the N part W of Finnoy. A light is shown from the close NW of Helgoy. Kue is a small islet lies about 0.2 mile off the
N point of Finnoy. SE shore, nearly 0.75 mile NE of the larger islet of the group.
Galtaholmen (59°09'N., 5°37'E.) is located close off the N
2.25 A below-water rock is located close off the NE side of Kue.
extremity of Rennesoy. Galten, a rock marked by a beacon, lies Anchorage.—On the NW side of the fjord, vessels can an-

about 0.1 mile N of Galtaholme. chor in Sandangervag, about 1 mile farther NE; and in
Ertensoy, comparatively steep-to, lies about 2 miles ENE of
2.25 Kvaloysund. An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of
Galtaholme; between these islets is the principal entrance of 21.9m crosses the entrance of Sandangervag.
Talgjefjorden. Midflu, a detached 7.8m patch, lies about 0.3 On the SE side of Fisterfjorden, small vessel anchorage can

mile SW of Ertensoy. be found in Fistervag, which is entered about 2 miles NE of

Tjelmen is a detached 3.2m depth lying on the N side of the
2.25 Kue; and in Vassvik, about 2 miles further NE.
fjord approach, about 1 mile NW of Ertensoy.
Flustein (59°08'N., 5°39'E.), on which a beacon stands, lies
2.25 2.29 Ardalsfjorden (59°08'N., 6°00'E.), with its W end
at the N end of a shoal that extends N from the N shore of Ren- starting between Fognafjorden and Fisterfjorden, has numerous
nesoy. islets and dangers. Helgoy is separated from the mainland N by

Pub. 182
Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane 41

Mercy from Wikimedia Commons


2.28 The Lysefjorden Bridge

the narrow Helgoysund. A 10.1m shoal is located about 0.2 crosses the fjord close N of Kvellandsholme. A submarine ca-
mile W of the W extremity of Helgoy. Kvaerholmane, within ble lies between Bjergoy and Hidleholme, an island about 0.6
91m of which there are some above and below-water rocks, mile SE of Bjergoy.
lies about 0.4 mile off the S shore of Ardalsfjorden and 1.25 Tennholme (59°17'N., 5°52'E.), on the W side of the N end

miles E of Hoylandsneset. of Solbergfjorden, lies on foul ground extending about 0.3 mile
Anchorage.—Good anchorage is available off Fiska, on the
2.29 from the NE side of Bjergoy. The N and NE edges of the foul
S side of Ytre Ardalsfjorden about 1 mile SE of Hoylandsne- ground are each marked by an iron perch.
set. A concrete quay at Fiska has depths up to 6m. Ombofjorden (59°17'N., 6°07'E.) is the passage between
Ombo and Josneset. To the E, it leads N from Garsundfjorden
The Outer Fjords to Jelsafjorden. The minimum width of the passage is about 1
mile. It is deep and free from dangers in the fairway.
2.30 Solbergfjorden (Gapafjorden) (59°15'N., 5°55'E.) is On the E side of Ombofjorden, the coastal bank on the W

the channel between the W side of Ombo and a group of is- side of the approach to Knutsvik, a cove about 2 miles NNW of
lands and islets of which the largest are Kyrkjoy and Bjergoy. It the SW extremity of Josneset, is marked by an iron perch.
leads N from the W approach to Garsundfjorden to Ned- Skarvagrunn, a 3.7m depth, lies close offshore about 0.4 mile
strandsfjorden and Jelsafjorden. NNW of Knutsvik.
Solbergfjorden has a minimum width of about 1 mile and is
2.30 Lysefjorden (58°54'N., 6°05'E.) is entered between Oanes
deep and free from dangers in the fairway, except in the N part, and a point about 0.4 mile SE. From the entrance, Lysefjorden
where there are some rocks awash. extends in a general NE direction for about 20 miles to its
Caution.—Marine farms have been established on the N
2.30 head. The fjord is deep and free from dangers in the fairway.
side of Solbergfjorden in position 69°02.12'N, 17°38.85'E. Noted for its wild and beautiful scenery, it trends between cliffs
Ground tackle extends up to 0.7 mile into the fairway from rising almost perpendicularly on either side to heights of from
these farms. 610 to 914m.
Gapaskjaergrunnane, which is awash in places, lies in the N
2.30 In the entrance, the channel leads between shoals extending

part of Solbergfjorden about in mid-channel. An iron beacon from either side and has a width of about 0.2 mile and a mini-
marks the northernmost rock while an iron perch marks the mum charted depth of 10.1m. A buoy marks the edge of the
southernmost rock. shoal water off Oanes.
Kvellandsholme is located on the W side of the fjord, about
2.30 Caution.—The Lysefjorden Bridge, with a vertical clear-

0.2 mile off the SE extremity of Bjergoy. A submarine cable ance of 50m, spans Lysefjorden, about 2 miles from the en-

Pub. 182
42 Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane

trance. the N, and a chain of off-lying islets on the SE.

Some islands and numerous islets, rocks, and shoals occupy

2.31 Store Bergsholme (58°56'N., 6°07'E.), with Lille the N part of the basin. General depths through the fairway of
Bergsholme close off its NW side, lies in Lysefjorden, about 2 Falkeidflaeet are 46 to 92m. A few detached shoal patches lie
miles from the entrance. Navigable channels pass E of the larg- near the fairway.
er islet and W of the smaller islet. A depth of 11.9m is avail- The entrance to Falkeidflaeet is between Nordre Vaga-

able through the E channel; greater depths can be found in the holme (59°13'N., 5°31'E.) and Flata Rova, a rock at the SW
western channel, but a 15.1m bank, which lies within 183m end of the islet chain fronting Falkeidflaeet.
NW of Lille Bergsholme, should be avoided. An overhead ca- Austreflu, a 3m depth, lies on the SW side of the Falkeidf-

ble, with a clearance of 27m, spans the channel between Store laeet entrance, in a position about 0.2 mile ESE of the N end of
Bergsholme and the coast to the NE. Nordre Vagaholme.
A concrete quay, with depths alongside of up to 4m, is locat-
2.31 Nautoyflu, a 6.4m depth, is located about 0.2 mile off the W

ed at Oanes. A quay at Eidane, about 4 miles NE of Oanes, has side of Nautoy in a position about 1 mile NE of Nordre Vaga-
depths up to 5m alongside. A quay at Bratteli, on the NW shore holme. Nautoygrunn, with a depth of 11m, lies about 0.25 mile
of the fjord 4.5 miles further NE, has depths from 6 to 9m WNW of this shoal.
alongside. Gasaholme (59°15'N., 5°32'E.) and Arvikholmen, together

Kvassnos Light is shown from the S shore of the fjord in a

2.31 with some smaller islets and rocks, lie on foul ground in the
position about 3 miles NE of Store Bergsholme. NE part of Falkeidflaeet. Holmeflu lies close off the NE end of
A submarine cable is laid from a position 1.75 miles ENE of
2.31 Arvikholmen.
Kvassnos Light across the fjord to Sangesand; another cable is Arviksund is the passage between Holmeflu and Haugsneset,

laid from the same position for about 7 miles E, close to the S a mainland point about 0.3 mile N. It leads into Falkeidflaeet
shore. from Hervikfjorden.
A light is shown from the N shore of Lysefjorden in a posi-
2.31 Austreflu lies at the edge of foul ground extending about 0.1

tion about 9 miles NE of Store Bergsholme. Kallasteinsgrunn, mile S from Haugsneset. A detached 10.1m depth lies about
lying awash close off the N shore about 10 miles NE of Store 183m N of Holmeflu. An 11m depth lies about the same dis-
Bergsholme, is marked by an iron perch. tance SW of Austreflu.
Krake, with a depth of 5.9m, and Ytre Krake, above water,

2.32 Fordesfjorden (59°20'N., 5°23'E.) trends N for about are located about 0.5 mile and 1 mile, respectively, WNW of
8 miles from its junction with Austdjupet and Boknaflaeet at Holmeflu. There is an 11m depth about 183m SE of Krake;
the N end of Hovringoy. It penetrates the mainland of the rocks with depths of 4.6m and 6.4m lie within 0.4 mile of the N
Haugesund peninsula; Fosenoy forms the S part of its W side. shore.
The minimum width through most of the fjord is about 0.3 Deep-draft vessels should not use Arviksund because of the

mile, but islets reduce the navigable channel in places to a above-mentioned dangers.
width of about 0.2 mile. Charted depths in the fairway are am- Caution.—The mainland shore on the N side of Falkeid-

ple. flaeet is fringed by reefs; depths in the vicinity are very irregu-
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Fosnavag, an inlet
2.32 lar, and undiscovered shoals may exist.
on the W side of the fjord, about 1 mile NW of Hovringoy.
Hellevik, on the W side of the fjord about 1 mile N of Fosna- 2.34 Sandsfjorden (59°21'N., 6°00'E.) trends in a general
holme, provides a good anchorage for small vessels. NE direction for about 11 miles from its entrance to its junction
Leirvagholme, Skarveskjaer, Flogholmane, and several
2.32 with Hylsfjorden. Skorpene, about 3 miles within the entrance,
above and below-water rocks are in the S part of Fordesfjorden divides Sandsfjorden into three channels. The fjord then be-
within 0.5 mile N of the N extremity of Hovringoy. comes narrow and winding until it opens again near Naevoy,
Fosnaholmen (59°18'N., 5°23'E.) is on the W side of the
2.32 about 5 miles farther NE. Depths through the fairway of Sands-
fairway about 1 mile NNW of Hovringoy. Fosnaflu, a rock fjorden are ample.
with a depth of less than 1.8m and marked by an iron perch, The Sandsfjord Bridge (59°24.53'N., 6°07.42'E.), with a

lies about 0.2 mile N of Fosnaholme. Other rocks lie between vertical clearance of 65m, spans the narrows immediately N of
Fosnaflu and the islet. the overhead cable.
Hoyeholmane is on the E side of the fairway about 3 miles N
2.32 Tides—Currents.—In Sandsfjorden and in Saudefjorden,

of Fosnaholmen. Leirvagflu, a 3m depth, lies about 183m off- farther N, the tidal current (resultant of constant and tidal cur-
shore and 0.15 mile SSE of the southernmost islet. Fjordenflu rents) usually runs outward. At the head of Saudefjorden, the
is a rock marked by an iron perch lying in mid-channel, about 3 current is strong and runs through the fjords to the narrow
miles N of Hoyeholmane. channel at Ytre Asaroy (59°25'N., 6°08'E.), where it may at-
Many islands, islets and other hazards lie between Fjordenf-
2.32 tain a velocity of 3 to 4 knots; then it passes N of Ottoy toward
lu and the head of Fordesfjorden. the W shore, with a branch setting S into Ottoysand, SE of Ot-
Royksundviki, on the W side of the fjord about 0.5 mile N of
2.32 toy, out through the three channels at Skorpene, with about
Hellevik, provides good anchorage for small vessels. equal strength in all the channels.
Kvitholm (59°23'N., 6°03'E.) is on the W side of the main

2.33 Falkeidflaeet (59°14'N., 5°31'E.), a basin, lies on the fairway about 3 miles NE of the entrance to Sandsfjorden. The
NW side of Boknafjorden and is formed by Austre Bokn and channel width abreast the islet is about 0.2 mile. Two 7.5m
Ognoy on the W, the mainland of the Haugesund peninsula on depths are located about 0.2 mile and 0.5 mile SW of

Pub. 182
Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane 43

2.33 By Martin NH [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

2.33 Sand from NE (Sandsfjorden and Vindafjorden in background)

Kvitholm. Skorneset (59°21'N., 6°58'E) on the W side of the fjord


Skorpene lies about 0.3 mile N and 0.5 mile NW of

2.34 about 0.3 mile N of the entrance to Sandsfjorden, is a secure
Kvitholm. The easternmost of the three channels formed by anchorage for small vessels except during E winds. It has a
these two islets is the main fairway. Midtholme lies about 0.2 quay, with 2 to 5m alongside. Tveitavik, about 2 miles farther
mile NE of Kvitholm and an islet lies about 160m NE of the E NNE, is exposed to the S. Small vessels can anchor on either
Skorpene island; both dangers lie close W of the main fairway. side of a promontory at the head of the bay. There is a quay,
A 4.5m depth is located about 0.2 mile NW of the western
2.34 with depths of 2 to 5m alongside.
Skorpene island. A rock, marked by an iron perch, lies close S Vatlandsvag, about 2 miles further NNE, has a quay, with

of the 4.5m depth. depths of 3 to 12m alongside.

A 7m depth, marked by a buoy, lies about 91m N of Ottoy
2.34 Jelsafjorden (59°19'N., 6°02'E.) trends E from Nedstrands-
(59°24'N., 6°06'E.). A reef extends about 183m S from the fjorden to Ersfjorden and is deep and clear throughout. Jelsa-
shore N of Ottoy toward the fairway. hunden, marked by an iron perch, lies about 91m off the W
A light is shown from Foreholmen, which lies on the N side
2.34 entrance to Jelsavag (59°20'N., 6°02'E.), on the N side of Jel-
of the fairway about 0.5 mile E of the N extremity of Ottoy. safjorden. Jelsa, is on the NE side of a bight close W of Jelsav-
An above-water rock is located about 183m NW of Forehol-
2.34 ag.
men. Depths—Limitations.—The port of Jelsa handles general

cargo and aggregates. The maximum draft that can be accom-

2.35 Sand (59°29'N., 6°15'E.), where there is a quay with modated is 11.1m. For more information see table titled Jel-
depths of 9 to 10m alongside, lies on the N side of the shallow sa—Berth Information.
mouth of a river flowing into the E side of the fjord. There are
regular ferry services from here to Ropeid and Stavanger. Jelsa—Berth Information
Omsmallneset, from which a light is shown, is a salient point

on the E side of the fjord about 0.7 mile NE of Foreholmen. Maximum

Between Omsmallneset and Blaskjaer, about 0.1 mile W, Berth Length Vessel Remarks
Sandsfjorden is at its narrowest and takes an abrupt turn N. Draft
Anchorage.—Small vessels can take anchorage in the N part
Aggregates and break-
of the cove off Sand, to avoid a submarine cable in the S part, Lower 50m —
in 25m, clay.
Leirvika, on the E side of Nevoy, located 4 miles SW of Middle
2.35 60m — Aggregates.
Sand and 1.5 mile NE of Omsmallneset, has a secure anchor-
age for small vessels except during E winds. It has a quay, with Upper Aggregates and break-
160m 11.1m
2 to 5m alongside. Loading bulk.

Pub. 182
44 Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane

2.35 Sauda Smelting Dock

Anchorage.—Small vessels can take good anchorage within

2.35 Sandsfjorden and Saudefjorden, trends ENE for about 10.75
Jelsavag. miles to its head. It is deep and free from dangers in the fair-
way. Anchorages for small vessels with local knowledge are
2.36 Okstrafjorden (59°20'N., 6°06'E.) trends N from its available in several places within the fjord.
entrance for about 2 miles to the entrance of Lindevik, where it
becomes very narrow. It then continues NNE for 1 mile to its 2.38 Saudefjorden (Saudafjorden) (59°33'N., 6°17'E.) trends
head. North of Lindevik, the narrow channel is shallow, re- NNE for about 8 miles from its junction with Sandsfjorden and
stricted by rocks, and icebound in winter. In the lower narrows Hylsfjorden. The fjord is deep and free from dangers in the fair-
off Holenes, about 1 mile from the fjord entrance, tidal currents way.
may often set strongly. In winter, Saudefjorden is icebound from its head S to So-

Charted depths in the fairway as far as Lindevik entrance are

2.36 land, which is on the W side about 4 miles NNE of the en-
40 to 82m. Some of the dangers in the fjord are marked by iron trance.
perches. The lower narrows, for a distance of about 0.5 mile, is A light is shown from Asneset, on the W side of the fjord,

about 91m wide. about 1 mile N of the entrance. A quay located in a cove S of
An overhead cable, with a clearance of 15m, crosses the nar-
2.36 Asneset has depths of 6m alongside.
row inner part of Okstrafjorden. A light is shown from Ramsnes (59°38'N., 6°20'E.), a point on

The Josenfjorden (59°15'N., 6°10'E.) entrance is between the E shore, about 7 miles NNE of the entrance.
the SW extremity of Josneset and a point about 1 mile SE. The A light is shown from Saunes, on the N side of the fjord,

fjord trends NE and E for about 14 miles and is deep and free about 1 mile N of Ramsnes.
from dangers throughout. Within about 2 miles of its head, it is Shoal water extends up to 0.2 mile offshore in places along

narrow. The land on either side of the fjord is very high; on the the N shore of the fjord NE of Saunes. A buoy marks a sand
S side it is very steep. and gravel bank at the mouth of a river.
Anchorage.—The anchorages in Josenfjorden are suitable
2.36 Ekkjegrunn, with a depth of about 1.8m and marked by a

only for vessels with local knowledge. lighted beacon, lies 0.2 mile WNW of Hesthamaren, a point on
the E side of the head of Saudefjorden, about 1 mile E of
2.37 The entrance to Ersfjorden (59°19'N., 6°08'E.) lies Saunes. Several buoys also mark this shoal.
between Lyngneset, a projection at the NW end of Josneset, Saudasjoen is on the NW side of the head of the fjord. It has

and Landsnes, about 0.5 mile N. Ersfjorden trends E for about a concrete pier, 87m long, with a depth of over 9.1m alongside.
5 miles to Kileneset, has a minimum width of about 0.3 mile, Two other piers, one 37m long and the other 46m long, have

and is deep and free from dangers in the fairway. The NW side depths from 3 to+ 5.9m alongside.
of Landsnes is foul for about 183m offshore.
Tyssefjorden (59°21'N., 6°14'E.) is a narrow branch trend- 2.39 Sauda (59°39'N., 6°21'E.) lies at the mouths of two riv-
ing NNW from the E end of Ersfjorden for about 3 miles. The ers at the head of Saude Fjord.
fairway is deep and clear, but is usually icebound in winter. A Depths—Limitations.—The main activity is smelting. The

bridge with a vertical clearance of 23m spans the inlet en- port handles magnesia, breakbulk, and ro-ro. There is an import
trance. The numerous anchorages in Tyssefjorden are only suit- quay and an export quay E of it. Vessel up to 120,046 dwt, 200m
able for small vessels with local knowledge. in length, and 32.2m beam can be handled at the port. For more
Hylsfjorden (59°31'N., 6°16'E.), from its junction with berthing information see table titled Sauda—Berth Informa-

Pub. 182
Sector 2. Norway—Feistein to Geitungane 45

tion. From Krossfjorden, Sandeidfjorden trends NNW for about 5


Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but

2.39 miles, and Yrkefjorden trends SW for about 7 miles.
may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an Vatsfjorden extends NNW for about 3 miles from about the

additional cost. For pilot boarding positions, see paragraph 2.6. middle of the N side of Yrkefjorden.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Sauda—Contact
2.39 There are few good harbors in Vindafjorden and its connect-

Information. ing fjords to the N, due to the generally steep-to shoreline.

Ice.—Vindafjorden is usually free from ice. Ice sometimes

Sauda—Contact Information forms in Sandeidfjorden, but seldom lasts very long.

Vatsfjorden and the head of Yrkefjorden may be icebound

VHF VHF channels 6, 9, and 16 for several months continuously.

Telephone 47-52-782585 A light is shown from Skjervheim (59°28'N., 5°45'E.) in a

position on the E shore of Vatsfjorden about 2 miles NNW of

Facsimile 47-52-781588
the entrance.
Flatskjaerbaen, at the S end of a reef on the E side of the

Anchorage.—At the head of the fjord, vessels can anchor

Vatsfjorden entrance, is marked by an iron beacon. Forholme is
off Saudasjoen, in 11 to 20m, and off Sauda, in 40 to 50m, clay. a small islet at the N end of the reef.
Caution.—Vessels going alongside the quays at Sauda must
A quay, with depths of 3 to 6m alongside, is located at

exercise caution because of the strong currents from the rivers. Vikedal on the E shore of Sandeidfjorden.
Careful attention should be paid to wind direction.
A submarine cable is laid in Sandeidfjorden between Ilsvag

and Sandeid at the head of the fjord.

2.40 Vindafjorden (59°20'N., 5°56'E.) trends NNW from An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 18m, crosses

its entrance for about 6 miles to Krossfjorden, a basin formed Yrkefjorden about 0.2 mile from its head.
by the junction of four separate fjord arms. The E arm, under
the name of Vindafjorden, leads ENE for about 9 miles.

Sauda—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Sauda Smelteverk Terminal
Export 110m 8.0m 144.5m — 20.7m 120,046 dwt Magnesia, ro-ro, and breakbulk.
Import 129m 7.0m 200m — 32.2m 63,657 dwt Magnesia.

Pub. 182
Sector 3—Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden

Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 182





Plan.—This sector describes the outer coast between Skude-

3.0 present only in the upper reaches of the fjords along the coast.
nesfjorden and Korsfjorden, and then the inner route and adja- Floating ice is met in spring, when small masses, which are
cent inlets between these two major fjords. The arrangement is soon dispersed, may drift out of Oslofjorden and Kattegat, and
N, starting from Getungane, two islets directly S of Karmoya occasionally from some of the larger fjords to the W and N of
on the N shore of Skudensfjorden, and Store Marstein, an islet Lindesnes.
on the S side of Korsfjorden. 3.1Tides—Currents.—North of Skudenesfjorden entrance the
current sets N with a decreasing velocity. An average velocity
General Remarks of about 2 knots is maintained about 5 miles offshore as far N
as Breidsundet.
3.1 Winds—Weather.—The prevailing winds on the W 3.1The velocity decreases both toward the coast and seaward,
and S coasts of Norway reflect the average pressure distribu- and about 15 miles offshore is not more than about 0.2 knots.
tion and its seasonal changes. With the shift from high pressure 3.1The decrease seaward may be caused by a S current E of the
over S Norway in winter to low pressure in summer, the winds Shetland Islands. These two currents form large weak eddies,
on the W coast change from S in winter to N in summer. The rotating counterclockwise and centered 30 to 40 miles off-
prevalence of winds from any one direction is not in evidence shore.
more than 40 per cent of the time. The more usual situation is 3.1Tidal currents between Skudenesfjorden entrance and Kors-
one of winds induced by a passing cyclone with shifting direc- fjorden entrance the tidal currents about 5 miles offshore usual-
tions and velocities. ly sets N. With long periods of SW and W gales, the set is N
3.1Within the fjords and along the very indented coast line the and fairly strong, especially during the rising tide (beginning
wind is usually widely different from that in the open sea, ow- about 5 hours 45 minutes after HW at Bergen).
ing to land and sea breezes and topographical effects. 3.1Closer inshore, the tidal current component is more appre-
3.1Because of the mountainous nature of the coast any wind ciable, resulting in a N set during the rising tide and a S set
blowing from a direction between S and WSW is deflected to during the falling tide (beginning about 30 minutes before the
blow as a S wind on the coast, and any wind blowing between HW at Bergen).
NW and N is deflected to blow as a N wind. The winds in W 3.1The tidal current usually sets outward from the entrances of
Norway therefore have a tendency to blow across the mouth of the large fjords.
the fjords. The speed of the wind also increases outward from 3.1In Stokksund and Nyleid the tidal currents set N with the ris-
the coast to a distance of as much as 150 miles. ing tide and S with the falling tide. Before the onset of unset-
3.1There is a lot of turbulence along the Norwegian coast when tled weather, however, there may be a set in one direction,
winds are fresh or strong, due to the broken country. Gales oc- either N or S, for a considerable period of time.
cur very frequently over this area when deep depressions are 3.1In Alfjorden the tidal currents may be very strong, but there
moving NE between the British Isles and Iceland, under which may also be tidal currents setting in opposite directions in the
condition a very steep gradient is apt to develop all along the W outer and inner parts of the fjord. The tidal currents near the
seaboard of Norway, producing strong S winds. This very steep land usually differ in direction from that in the middle of the
gradient at times extends 100 to 150 miles out to sea from the fjord.
coast. 3.1In Langenuen there is nearly always a N setting tidal current,
3.1Under these conditions the coast is swept by violent winds although occasionally in fine weather it sets S. Current veloci-
which penetrate into the more sheltered fjords with great turbu- ties of 4 to 5 knots during strong S winds have been reported
lence though with reduced velocity. Spells of NW gales occur off Skor Light. Dangerous eddies near the shores of Langenuen
on the W coast when a suitable gradient is established by pres- have also been reported. There is usually an ebb tidal current in
sure falling over Scandinavia. Such gales are apt to persist but Hardangerfjorden, however, there may be an incoming current
the gradient on some occasions falls off suddenly to the E of during W gales at sea, but only in the outer part. The outgoing
the Shetlands. tidal currents may be very strong in Bondesundet W of Varald-
3.1Weather conditions in this coastal sector are changeable. The soy, off Ljones in Hissfjorden, and off Krosnes at the entrance
prevailing winds are E from October to March and W from of Sorfjorden.
April to September. In winter the heaviest gale occur with SW 3.1Off Simadal, at the head of Eidfjorden, there is usually a
winds and are usually accompanied by rain or snow. Northwest weak outgoing current, which is somewhat increased during
winds are, as a rule, dry both in summer and winter. and after periods of heavy rains and after the snow melts, but
3.1The most rainy months are generally October and November. this current may cease with long continued SW winds.
Snow appears near the coast in December and in places re- 3.1In Lokksundet, the channel connecting Hardangerfjorden
mains until March. with Bjornefjorden the spring velocity of the current is no-
3.1Fog occurs off the coast in summer for an average period of where more than 0.3 knot. With onshore winds at sea, there is a
five days each month. continuous N tidal current in Lokkfsundet.
3.1Ice.—Ice in this area offers no hindrance to navigation and is 3.1Tides in the North Sea are always semidiurnal, with very lit-

Pub. 182
50 Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden

tle diurnal inequality between the two HW or the two LW of Mariners are advised to avoid these structures and associated
each tidal day. moorings.
3.1The tides progress into the North Sea from the Atlantic 3.2North of Skudenesfjorden, the characteristic features of the
Ocean, between the Shetland Islands and Norway. Within the Norwegian coast begin gradually to appear; the islands in-
North Sea, HW progresses counterclockwise about a nodal crease in size and number, and the mountains attain a greater
point off the S coast of Norway, moving S in the North Sea and elevation, but there are as yet no traces of the bold, striking out-
W along the S coast of Norway between Kristiansand and the lines and savage grandeur which distinguish the coastal scen-
6th meridian. Along the W coast of Norway the progression is ery N of Trondheim.
N to about 60° N.; N of this the progression is E. 3.2The entrances of Skudenesfjorden and Bomlafjorden are
3.1Along the W coast of Norway, tide ranges gradually increase conspicuous from offshore. Although, when sailing toward
toward the N, from 0.2m at Mandal to 0.91m at Bergen. Bomlafjorden, the elevation of the land along the coast de-
3.1Generally, along the W coast of Norway, the influence of creases in height, when entering Bomlafjorden in clear weath-
wind on the tide level is small. This is probably due to the scat- er, the Hardanger Mountains are easily visible.
tering effect of offshore island and the relatively deep water 3.2An imaginary line drawn through the outermost islands, is-
close inshore. lets, and dangers fronting the mainland between the Bom-
3.1Pilotage.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning lafjorden entrance and the Korsfjorden entrance runs
Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information. irregularly, but approximately N for about 35 miles.
3.1Regulations.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning 3.2Selbjornsfjorden is entered about 12 miles S of Korsfjorden.
Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information. These last two fjords are considered the most important N
3.1Vessel Traffic Service.—NOR Vessel Traffic Service (NOR fjords of this section. They are the principal S approaches to
VTS) is in operation for vessels transiting the Norwegian Eco- Bergen.
nomic Zone (NEZ) from the Norway/Sweden border in the S to
the Norway/Russia border in the N. The NEZ also includes the The Outer Coast—Off-lying Islets and Dangers
areas around Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island. For further infor-
mation, see paragraph 1.1. 3.3 Beryl Oil Field (59°33'N., 1°32'E.) is situated about
3.1For a listing of all routing and traffic separation schemes 103 miles WNW of Utsira. There is a production platform with
(TSS) in Norwegian waters, including off Ryvingen, see Pub. an adjacent flare structure linked to it by a bridge. SPM tanker
180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic Ocean. loading platforms stand close NE and SE of the platform.
3.1Caution.—A permanently-active firing practice area lies in Ness Oil Field and Bruce Gas Field, lie 4 miles W and 9

the SW and W approaches to Korsfjorden. For further informa- miles N, respectively, of Beryl Oil Field.
tion, see Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic Heimdal Gas Field (59°35'N., 2°15'E.) lies 20 miles E of

Ocean. Beryl Oil Field; gas pipelines, which may best be seen on the
3.1In winter, falling snow is the greatest danger. The land is of- chart, extend S and SSW from it.
ten completely obscured in snow. In Indreleia, when a snow- Frigg Gas Field (59°53'N., 2°04'E.) was shut down and the

storm threatens, careful bearing of the nearest anchorage facilities disposed of in 2004. Redevelopment was under con-
should be taken to enable the vessel to seek shelter. Because of sideration in 2016.
the tidal current, it is dangerous to heave-to. Ringhorne Field (59°16'N., 2°27'E.), marked by a lighted

platform, is connected by a submarine pipeline to a storage

Skudensfjorden to Korsfjorden vessel moored about 5 miles SSW. The field is expected to pro-
duce into 2025.
3.2 The coast between Geitungane, two islets directly S of For oil and gas fields N of the above, see Sector 4. For oil

Karmoya on the N shore of Skudensfjorden, to about 60 miles and gas fields S of the above, see Sector 2 and Pub. 141, Sail-
N to Store Marstein, an islet W of Stora Kalsoy on the S side of ing Directions (Enroute) Scotland.
the entrance to Korsfjorden, consists of several large islands, For more information on North Sea petroleum operations

fringed with islets and rocks. The large islands include Kar- visit the Norwegian Petroleum web site.
moy, Bomlo, and Selbjornen. There are numerous detached
dangers along the irregular outer coast. Norwegian Petroleum
Bomlafjorden and Selbjornsfjorden are two deep inlets
which are entered from seaward and lead into the inner net- https://www.norskpetroleum.no
work of fjords.
3.2Hardangerfjorden is a continuation of Bomlafjorden and ex- 3.4 Utsira (59°18'N., 4°53'E.), 71m high, lies about 9
tends, under various names, about 70 miles in a NE direction miles off the W coast of Karmoy and, because of its isolated
from its entrance. Indreleia (Inner Lead), comprising all of the position, is conspicuous. Utsira is inhabited; during the spring
inner channels leading N toward Bergen, is entered from herring fishing season numerous fishing vessels visit the is-
Skudenesfjorden through Karmsundet, the passage on the E land. A light is shown from a prominent light tower, 13m high,
side of Karmoy. standing on the W part of the island.
3.2Caution.—Marine farms exist within the area of the inner 3.4Lights are shown from both sides of a sound that indents the
fjord of Bomlafjorden near Toflekalven. They may not all be SE side of Utsira close NW of Beiningen, a small islet. A light
shown individually and their positions change frequently. Ma- is shown from a rock close E of Beiningen.
rine farms may be marked by lighted or unlit buoys or beacons. 3.4Lausingen is the southernmost islet in the Utsira group and is

Pub. 182
Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden 51

located about 2 miles SSW of the S extremity of Utsira. This vessels at Sandvehamn only during good weather. Local
islet is low and foul on all sides. Vestreflu, a 5m depth, and knowledge is required before attempting to anchor in this area.
Lausingbaen, a 2m depth, lie about 0.1 mile SW and 0.2 mile 3.5Ferkingstadvag (59°14'N., 5°11'E.) is a good fishing harbor
N, respectively, of Lausingen. Skallen, a 14m depth, lies about entered N of a short mole. It has a dredged depth of 4m and has
0.6 mile SE of Lausingen. quays with mooring rings. Fuel oil and fresh water can be sup-
3.4Spannholmane (59°17'N., 4°51'E.), a group of islets, is lo- plied. Foul ground, with some above-water rocks, extends up
cated about 0.5 mile N of Lausingen. Holmegrunka is an 11m to 0.2 mile offshore NW from the S entrance point of Ferking-
depth, about 0.2 mile N of Spannholmane. stadvag.
3.4Vindballen, an above-water rock, and Vindballflu, with a
depth of less than 1.8m, lie within 0.3 mile SW of Beiningen. 3.6 Akrehamn (59°16'N., 5°11'E.), a harbor for small
Lille Seiskjaer, partly above-water, lies about 0.3 mile SSE of vessels and fishing boats, is on the W shore of Karmoy, mid-
Beiningen. Skarholmflu, a 4m shoal, is located 0.25 mile off way S of Veavagen.
the E extremity of Utsira. All other charted dangers near Utsira The approach to Akrehamn lies between the coast at the

lie within 0.2 mile offshore. Ferkingstadvag entrance and Maroy, which lies close offshore
3.4The two harbors in Utsira are Tuavag and Nordvikvag, on its about 3 miles N. The approach is encumbered with numerous
S side and N side, respectively. They are available only to small dangers extending up to 1.5 miles offshore.
vessels with local knowledge. The islets forming the harbor are joined by causeways and
3.4Tuavag provides anchorage, in a depth of 17m. A mole, near moles, leaving an opening from the S which is entered close E
the head of the cove, forms a boat harbor which has depths of of a short mole extending SE from Mortholme. There are sev-
1.8 to 7.6m. In the entrance to the boat harbor, there are depths eral approaches leading in among the outer dangers, but local
of 4.9 to 5.8m. A quay has depths of 4 to 5m alongside. knowledge is required. Buoys and perches mark the channels.
3.4Nordvikvag is free from dangers in the fairway and affords The inner harbor has been dredged to a depth of 4m.
anchorage, with good holding ground, in depths of 6 to 17m. Svortingen and Ryvingen, the outermost islets in the near ap-

Two quays have depths of up to 5m. proach to Akrehamn, are located about 1 mile WNW and 1.5
3.4Ferkingstadoyane (59°14'N., 5°04'E.), a group of compara- miles NNW, respectively, of Akrehamn. Both islets are dark
tively high islets, lies nearly 3 miles W of Ferkingstadneset, colored and are easily seen against the beach’s white sand.
which is on the W coast of Karmoy, about 5 miles N of Svortingflu, a 9m depth, lies about 0.5 mile WNW of Svortin-
Jarsteinen. The islets are unoccupied, but are frequented during gen.
the fishing season by lobster fishermen. There is no harbor in
the group. Fringing rocks and shoals, some of which are awash, 3.7 Veavagen (59°18'N., 5°13'E.), a narrow inlet, runs SE
lie within 0.25 mile of some of the islets. for about 2.25 miles from its entrance between Kvartnesholme,
3.4Urter (59°22'N., 5°02'E.) lies with its S end about 4 miles about 2 miles NE of Maroy, and Veavagneset, on Karmoy
NE of Utsira. It includes the small islet of Urter and a number about 0.2 mile farther NE. A light is shown from Veavagneset.
of islets and above and below-water rocks spread over an area Several islets and rocks, some marked by buoys and iron perch-
about 2 miles long, N and S. es, lie on a foul ground area W of the entrance to Veavagen.
3.4The Urter group is uninhabited, but is visited by fishermen The approaches to Veavagen within 1.5 miles SW, W, and

during the fishing season. On Urter, there is a building for their NW of Kvartnesholme are obstructed by numerous islets and
use. There are no harbors in the group. reefs, among which there are several channels. Only the N
3.4All the remaining islets and dangers along the coast between channel, leading in between the NE side of Kvitingane and
Geitungane and Korsfjorden entrance lie within 6 miles W of Meldrane, is recommended.
the larger islands forming this coast. Salvoy, Dyrholme, and Kavholme lie in the foul area SW, W,

and NW, respectively, of Kvartnesholme. A beacon stands on

Skudensfjorden to Bomlafjorden the NW extremity of Dyrholme.
Beacons marks some of the dangers in the area between Sal-

3.5 The coast between Skudenesfjorden and Bom- voy and Maroy; perches marks some of those near the ap-
lafjorden, the next N large fjord which leads in from seaward, proach channels.
is formed by the W coasts of Karmoy. It is part of the Hauge- A beacon stands on Svartholme, about 0.5 mile N of the N

sund peninsula. This peninsula is indented by smaller fjords, end of Kavholme. Between the beacon and the islet there is a
bays, and inlets, and is separated from Karmoy by Karmsun- group of above-water rocks named Kvitingane. A 4m depth,
det, which forms the S reach of Indreleia. marked by an iron perch, and a 5m depth, marked by a buoy, lie
3.5The irregular coast of Karmoy is fringed by close-lying islets about 0.2 mile WNW and 0.3 mile NNW, respectively, of
and dangers, which extend as far as 2.5 miles offshore. About Svartholme.
10 miles N and NW of Karmoy, in the seaward approaches to Lamholme (59°20'N., 5°12'E.) is located in a foul bight

Haugesund and Bomlafjorden, there are groups of islets and about 1 mile NNE of Svartholme. Rocks lie up to 0.2 mile SW
numerous dangerous rocks. of the islet. Meldrane, an above-water rock, is the outermost
3.5Hills in the SE part of Karmoy are 61 to 79m high and are danger in this direction. Stroka, with a depth of 15m, lies about
rugged. The beaches up to Veavagen, a distance N of about 10 0.3 mile NW of Lamholme on the N side of the entrance to
miles, are composed mainly of white sand and rocks. Veavagen.
3.5Sandvehamn (59°11'N., 5°11'E.) is a small harbor sheltered Breakwaters extend from each shore in a position about 1

by two sets of breakwaters. Anchorage is available for small mile SE of its entrance to Veavagen. The space between heads

Pub. 182
52 Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden

is about 60m. A light is shown on each side. above-mentioned islet chain and Killingoy and Hasseloy.
3.7Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Veavagen, in a 3.9Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots can be obtained
charted depth of 23.8m, with a mud and sand bottom, about 1 from Kvitsoy.
mile SSE of the entrance. There are several other anchorages From the vicinity of the N entrance to Haugesund, the main-
on both sides of the inlet. land coast trends in a general N direction for about 6 miles to
3.7Caution.—A submarine pipeline crosses the head of Veav- Ryvarden, the S entrance point of Bomlafjorden.
agen N of Brekke (59°17'N., 5°16'E.). It then extends NW for 3.9Four islet and rock-encumbered bays and a few small coves
about 2 miles, close to the NE shore of the inlet. indent the coastline. Numerous islets, shoals, and foul patches
3.7Gas pipelines extend seaward from a terminal located close front this coastal stretch, most of them lying in the seaward ap-
to the N end of the entrance to Veavagen. proach to Bomlafjorden, where they form the N side of Sletto.
3.9Sletto is an open stretch of sea NW of Haugesund. The
3.8 Feoy (59°23'N., 5°10'E.), an inhabited group of is- depths in the area are variable, from shoals with depths of 2m
lands and islets, lies within 2.5 miles of the W side of the N to places as deep as approximately 250m.
part of Karmoy. Foynfjorden lies between Feoy and Karmoy. 3.9The area is relatively narrow, and the great variations in
Most of the islets and islands are close to one another. Some
3.8 depth cause extremely turbulent and choppy seas when waves
of the narrow channels that separate the islands are navigable come in from the SW to NW. The conditions become even
by small vessels. Within and on the outer edge of the group, worse when the tidal current runs against the waves.
there are numerous smaller islets, rocks, and other dangers. 3.9Smorsundnes (59°30'N., 5°14'E.), marked by a beacon, is
Perches, beacons, and buoys mark some of the dangers near the located on the mainland about 4 miles N of the N entrance to
channels. Haugesund.
Foynfjorden (59°25'N., 5°11'E.) has a depth of more than
3.8 3.9Smorsundholme lies close NE of this point and is separated
14m in its fairway; some of the dangers on both sides are from Trettoy, NE of it, by a narrow channel named Smorsund.
marked by perches and buoys. It provides a navigable channel Viksefjorden is joined to the SE end of Smorsund by the nar-
leading N to the seaward approaches to Haugesund. row Straumen, which has depths of 0.9m in places.
3.9Molstrevag is entered between Langeneset (59°31'N.,
3.9 The approach to Haugesund leads in among the con- 5°14'E.) and a point about 0.3 mile farther N. The inner part of
centration of islets and rocks lying within 2 miles NW and N of Molstrevag is sheltered, but the entrance channels are very nar-
Osnesgavlen (59°25'N., 5°14'E.), the N extremity of Karmoy. row. Some of the rocks in the bay are marked by iron perches.
Haraldstotta, a conspicuous red granite obelisk, stands on the Among several quays at Molstrevag, the largest has depths of 5
mainland about 1 mile NNE of Osnesgavlen. to 7m alongside.
3.9Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Molstrevag, in
16.5m, sand bottom. The approach channels to this anchorage
are narrow. Smaller vessels anchor farther in.

Haugesund (59°25'N., 5°16'E.)

World Port Index No. 23440

3.10 Haugesund (Karmsund) was originally a fishing port;

it consists of six municipalities, with Karmsund being the larg-
est. Shipping and industry have gradually increased its impor-
tance. It has an expanding ship building and ship repairing
capability for conventional vessels, supply vessels, and off-
shore structures.
Haugesund’s harbor facilities extend from the mainland to

the adjacent islets of Risoy, Hasseloy, and Killingoy, and con-

tinuing across Karmsundet to Karmoy.

Port of Haugesund Home Page

Mark Voigt [CC BY 3.0 (https://creative commons.org/licenses/by/3.0)
3.9 http://www.karmsund-havn.no
Winds—Weather.—The weather at Haugesund is change-

3.9The port of Haugesund is entered by either one of two chan- able, which is characteristic of the W coast of Norway. Cargo
nels which are formed at the N end of Karmsund by a chain of operations are not interfered with. The port is well sheltered
islets extending SSE from Sorhaugoy (59°25'N., 5°14'E.). from all winds and is ice free. Winter storms are frequent and
3.9Vestre Karmsund, the SW and principal channel, lies be- may be from any quarter.
tween these islets and the N end of Karmoy at Osnesgavlen. It Tides—Currents.—The tidal current turns regularly 3 hours

is approached directly through the outer buoyed channel. before and 3 hours after HW, so that at about HW the current is
3.9Vibrandsoysund, the NE channel, leads in between the setting with its greatest velocity to the S; at LW the current is

Pub. 182
Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden 53

3.10 Haugesund

setting with its greatest velocity to the N. With strong, continu- mal use of the port.
ous N winds, the tidal current may set continuously S and, sim- Depths—Limitations.—The port of Karmsund in Hauge-

ilarly, with strong, continuous S winds, it may set continuously sund consists of many public and private quays. Vessels up to
N. 200,000 dwt, 362m in length, and 15m draft can be handled in
The tidal currents attain their maximum velocity through Vi-
3.10 the port. The port itself is divided into several sub-port regions.
brandsoysund, off Osnesgavlen in Vestre Karmsund, and in Berthing details for the most significant berths are shown in the
Salhusstraummen. In the latter channel, the current may attain table titled Port of Karmsund Area—Berth Information.
a velocity of 3 knots, but in Vibrandsoysund it is seldom stron- A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 13.5m, connects Has-

ger than 2 knots. Strong winds, as mentioned above, also great- seloy with the mainland. Another bridge, with a vertical clear-
ly influence the velocity. ance of 22.5m, joins Risoy with the mainland. Lights are
In Smedasund and other parts of the harbor, the velocity is
3.10 shown from the center of the bridges to indicate the fairway.
usually about 1 knot. Nowhere do tidal currents affect the nor-

Port of Karmsund Area—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Karmsund Container Terminal
KCT1 270m 10.0m 213.4m — — 40,000 dwt Ro-ro/lo-lo and containers.
Breakbulk. Berth handles equipment
Langevag 117m 5.5-11.7m 60.5m — — —
and spare parts for vehicles.
Amrock Under construction. Aggregates, bulk
100m 10.0m — — — 25,000 dwt
Granite cargo, and breakbulk.
Ferry 11m 10.5m 68.3m — — — Cruise vessels.
260m 7.1m 220m — — — Cruise.

Pub. 182
54 Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden

Port of Karmsund Area—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
420m 9.5m 362m — — — Cruise.
270m 11.0m 199.9m — — 147,000 dwt Aluminum, and breakbulk.
Killingoy Subsea and Offshore Base (Haugesund)
Offshore vessels, project/heavy car-
No. 1 160m 10.0m 81.5m — — — go, offshore industrial maintenance
and repair service, and breakbulk.
Offshore vessels, project/heavy car-
No. 2 110m 15.2m 81.5m — — — go, offshore industrial maintenance
and repair service, and breakbulk.
Kopervik 291m 5.2-14.5m 119.3m — — — Breakbulk and others.
Two floating docks of 7,600t and
100m — 80-150m — — — 1,300t capacity, one of 100t, and two
40t cranes.
Vessels up to 3,000t and a quay with
depths alongside up to 11m for off-
Slipway — — — — — —
shore structures. with a width of
273m 8.2m — — — 150,000 dwt Crane capacity of 75t.
neset — — 118m 6.9m 21.4m 1,400 dwt —
Forsevik 43m 5.5-9.7m 90.6m — — — Fishing vessels and breakbulk.
Norbar Minerals
NM 78m — 119.9m — — — Fertilizer, bulk cargo, and breakbulk.
Karsmund Maritime AS
Aggregates, cement, sand, offshore
Concrete 75m 9.3-11.9m 93.4m — — — vessels, project/heavy cargo, and
Gismarvik Harbor
Aggregates, cement, bulk cargo, and
Gismarvik 80m 16.5m 138.8m — — —
Norcem Karmony
Aggregates, cement, bulk cargo, and
Cement 23m — 109.1m — — —
Norscrap Karmoy
Scrap metal, demolition, recycling,
Norscrap 50m — 88.6m — — —
and breakbulk.

Pub. 182
Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden 55

Port of Karmsund Area—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Karsmund Havn
Export Containers, offshore vessels, bulk,
75m 10.0m 82.4m — — —
(KFXP) project/heavy cargo, and breakbulk.
Freezer Containers, offshore vessels, bulk,
98m 8.0m 81.8m — — —
(KFRY) project/heavy cargo, and breakbulk.
Karsmund Bulk
Karmsund Berthing length of 111m (including
Bulk 50m 8.3m 170m — — 8,000 dwt dolphins). Aggregates, animal feeds,
Terminal fertilizer, grain, salt, and breakbulk.
Transshipment, bulk cargo, and
HUSO 120m 9.4m 137.9m — — —
Kony N 52m 8.0m 58.6m — — — Fishing.
Kony S 51m 8.0m 58.6m — — — Fishing.
Biomar Fishing vessels. Berth handles fish
46m 10.0m 123.6m — — —
(AKBI) feed.
East Fishing vessels. Berth handles fish
48m 7.0m 89.9m — — —
(BIOO) feed.
West Fishing vessels. Berth handles fish
47m 7.0m 87.9m — — —
(BIOV) feed.
Stena Recycling
Scrap metal and breakbulk. Berth al-
Stena 50m — 98.8m — — —
so handles electrical waste material.
Ro-Ro 14m — — — — — Fast ferries and ro-ro/lo-lo.
No. 1 65m — 67m — — — Breakbulk.
No. 2 36m — 48.1m — — — Project/heavy cargo.
No. 3 45m — 56.4m — — — Project/heavy cargo.
Herring Oil Factory
Fishing vessels, grain, fish meal, fish
AKNY N 60m 8.0m 119.1m — — —
oil, and clean products.
Fishing, grain, fish meal, fish oil, and
AKNY W 91m 8.0m 119.1m — — —
clean products.
Statpipe Gas
Clean products, condensate, LPG,
Jetty No.1 80m 13.5m 220m 12.5m — — and bunkers.Berthing length of 170m
(including dolphins).
Clean products, condensate, crude,
Jetty No.2 76m 14m 275m 13.0m — — LPG, and bunkers. Berthing length of
331m (including dolphins).

Pub. 182
56 Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden

Port of Karmsund Area—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Jetty No.3 61m 10m 160m 9.0m — — Clean products, LPG, and bunkers.
Shell 75m — 198m — — 20,000 dwt Dirty products (DDP).
Dirty products (DDP), and break-
Asphalt 65m 5.5m 106m — — —
bulk. Two storage tanks for bitumen.
70m — 168m — 21.0m 20,320 dwt Dirty products (DDP).
Skudeneshavn Ferry
Ro-Ro 13m — 90m 5.5m — 5,000 dwt Fast ferries and ro-ro/lo-lo.

There is a lay-up area for rigs and vessels up to 250,000 dwt,


in depths of 23 to 40m. It is reported that vessels are generally

restricted to a length of 320m and a sailing draft of 10m.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or-

dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvit-

soy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Karmsund—

Contact Information.

Karmsund—Contact Information
Port Authority
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
Telephone 47-52-703750
Facsimile 47-52-703769
E-mail havneovakte@karmsund-havn.no
Telephone 47-52-703752 Photo: Roar Johansen

3.11 Ryvarden Light

Anchorage.—Vessels can anchor, in 18.3 to 37m, good
width of about 0.5.
holding ground, about 0.1 mile off the SW side of Risoy. In this Raudholmene (59°33'N., 5°09'E.) is a group of islets and

anchorage caution is necessary because farther SW the depths rocks on the S side of Gunnarskjersholet, about 2 miles SW of
increase suddenly. Bomlahuk. Numerous islets, rocks and shoals, best seen on the
Caution.—Submarine cables and pipelines lie in the vicinity
chart, lie in the vicinity of Raudholmene. Gunnarskjersholet
E of Haugesund and close N of Karmoy. Mariners are advised lies about 1 mile NW of Raudholmene.
not to anchor or trawl in this vicinity. Directions.—There is no difficulty in approaching Bom-

A precautionary area, best seen on the chart, was established

lafjorden from seaward by way of Gunnarskjaersholet. Steer
(2019) on the SW side of Risoy islet. for the light structure on Raudholmene on a bearing of about
099° and, when about 0.5 mile from the light, alter course to
3.11 Bomlafjorden (59°34'N., 5°14'E.) is entered between pass about midway between Raudholmene and Gunnarskjaer.
Ryvarden (59°32'N., 5°14'E.) and Bomlahuk, the S extremity When clear of Raudholmene, alter course E into the fairway of
of Bomlo. Bomlafjorden is described along with Indreleia. Bomlafjorden.
Ryvarden Light stands on the N entrance point of Molstrevag.
Caution.—Vessels passing close to Sveio Broadcasting

3.11 (Gunnarskjaershalet) (59°33'N., Station (59°37'N., 5°19'E.) may experience electronic interfer-
5°08'E.) is the name given to the approach leading in from the ence due to the station’s electromagnetic fields.
W to Bomlafjorden. Its fairway is deep and free and has a

Pub. 182
Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden 57

Bomlafjorden to Selbjornsfjorden local knowledge.

Sonoyosen (59°35'N., 5°07'E.) is the channel between the

3.12 The coast between the seaward entrances of Bom- Espevaer group and Nordoyane. It should not be used during
lafjorden and Selbjornsfjorden is irregular. It is formed by the stormy weather or without local knowledge. Iron perches mark
islands of Bomlo, Goddo, and Gissoy, and the many islets, some of the dangers near the fairway.
rocks, and shoals in their vicinity. Vikafjorden (59°38'N., 5°11'E.), on the W coast of Bomlo,

Bomlafjorden lies between the mainland, on the SE, and the can be used for anchorage by small vessels, but local knowl-
islands of Bomlo, Mosteroy, and Stord, on the NW. From its edge is necessary. Iron perches mark foul ground on the sides
entrance, the fjord runs NE for about 15 miles to Tittelsnes, of the fjord.
where it joins with the inner fjords of Alfjorden, Bjodafjorden, Gissoysund (59°38'N., 5°10'E.), immediately N of
and Klosterfjorden. Vikafjorden, is a passage between the coast of Bomlo and Nor-
Bomlafjorden is a broad, deep channel. Its fairway is free dre Gissoy and Sore Gissoy, the two parts of an off-lying is-
from dangers and is easily navigated. The current at its en- land.
trance is usually outgoing, but is incoming in bad weather, Holsoyane (59°39'N., 5°07'E.) is a group of islets and rocks

even during NE gales. which lies within 2.3 miles W and WNW of the N extremity of
When passing W of Bomlo, it is advisable to keep well clear
3.12 Nordre Gissoy.
of the outer dangers for, although most of them are either visi-
ble above-water or are indicated by breakers, they extend some 3.15 Grutlefjorden (59°40'N., 5°10'E.) indents the W
distance seaward; during light winds the flood current fre- coast of Bomlo. Shoal water extends about 0.2 mile from the
quently sets strongly toward the shore. head of the inlet. Several of the dangers fringing the shores of
Most of Bomlo is moderately high and, as the off-lying islets
3.12 the inlet are marked by iron perches. A quay at the head of the
are much lower, they are not easily distinguished until within a inlet has depths of 5 to 7m alongside.
distance of about 10 miles. Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in 20.1m, on the NW

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for most vessels.

3.12 side of Grutlefjorden about 0.3 mile within the entrance.
Siggja (59°45'N., 5°18'E.), a peak in the N part of Bomlo
3.12 Stokvik, on the Bomlo coast about 1 mile N of Grut-

about 20 miles N of the N end of Karmoy, is visible in clear lefjorden, provides anchorage for small vessels in about 5.5m.
weather for a distance of about 30 miles. It resembles a pyra- Lyklingfjorden (59°42'N., 5°11'E.), which indents the Bomlo

mid with a rounded top and a broad base. Siggja is normally coast, can accommodate small vessels with local knowledge.
seen before any other part of Bomlo is visible. Lyklingfjorden is very foul; iron perches mark some of the
There are numerous anchorages on this coast, some of which
3.12 dangers.
would possibly afford shelter to vessels of moderate draft, al- Store Hiskjo (59°44'N., 5°09'E.), Lille Hiskjo, and numer-

though the available sources of information generally limit ous other close-lying islets, fringing dangers, and detached
them to small vessels. rocks lie in a group close off the coast of Bomlo and NW of the
entrance to Kuleseidkanal.
3.13 Bomlo (59°40'N., 5°12'E.) is an irregularly-shaped is- The channels between Bomlo and these islands and between

land which is divided into two parts by the Kuleseidkanal, Store Hiskjo and Lille Hiskjo are encumbered with dangers,
which is described in paragraph 3.16. The W coast of Bomlo is some of which are marked by iron perches. Dangers extend
somewhat protected by a number of scattered islet groups, about 0.5 mile offshore from the seaward sides of the islets.
through or E of which there is an inshore channel for small ves- Hiskosen is the water area between the SE sides of Store Hi-
sels with local knowledge. skjo and Lille Hiskjo and the coast of Bomlo.
Dyrneset (59°37'N., 5°10'E.), a point, is located about 3
3.13 Anchorage.—Anchorages for small vessels with local knowl-

miles NNW from the point of Bomlahuk. Four inlets between edge are available in several places in the channels separating
Dyrneset and Bomlahuk indent the island’s coast; Kalavag, Ei- Store Hiskjo and Lille Hiskjo and among the adjacent islets.
desvik, and Roaldsfjorden, the three southernmost inlets, pro-
vide anchorages for small vessels with local knowledge, in 7.3 3.16 The W approach to Kuleseidkanal leads through His-
to 12.8m. Iron perches mark some of the dangers on the ap- kosen, then NE through Adnanesosen, the water area between
proach to the anchorage areas. the SE side of Lille Hiskjo and the Bomlo coast, then SE
Dyrnesflu, a 1.8m depth marked by an iron perch, lies 183m
3.13 through Troytarosen (59°44'N., 5°13'E.), an embankment.
offshore in a position about 0.3 mile S of Dyrneset. Dyroy (59°45'N., 5°11'E.), with Dyroykalven close S, forms

Espevaer (59°35'N., 5°09'E.) is the largest islet in the Espe-

3.13 the N side of Adnanesosen. A 2.7m depth extending a short
vaer group lying within 2 miles NW of Bomlahuk. distance S of Dyroykalven is marked by an iron perch.
Numerous above and below-water rocks lie within and on
3.13 Hanaskjaer (59°44'N., 5°10'E.), marked by a beacon, is on

the edge of the group. Fishing vessels frequent these islets, es- the NW side of the fairway about 0.3 mile SSE of the S extrem-
pecially during spring. Only small vessels with local knowl- ity of Lille Hiskjo. Tausastein, awash and marked by an iron
edge can enter the group. beacon, lies on the W side of the fairway at the N end of a
shoal in a position about 0.2 mile NNE of Hanaskjaer.
3.14 Nordoyane (59°36'N., 5°07'E.) is a group of small is- Selvagflu, marked by an iron perch, is on the edge of foul

lets and rocks that lie within about 2 miles NW of the NW ex- ground extending from Bomlo, on the E side of the fairway
tremity of Espevaer; these waters are very foul. Navigation about 1 mile E of Tausastein.
through them should be attempted only by small vessels with Vordnesholmen (59°45'N., 5°13'E.) lies close off the N side

Pub. 182
58 Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden

of Vordnes on the S side of the channel to Kuleseidkanal. extends for some distance from the S shore of the harbor.
A 7m depth is located about 0.1 mile WNW of Vordneshol-
3.16 Eldoyane (59°45'N., 5°30'E.), a man-made peninsula, ex-

men. Foul ground, marked by an iron perch, fringes the E side tends about 1 mile S from the SE side of Stord. A large ship-
of Vordnes. yard, equipped with cranes of up to 300 tons capacity, and a
Flatholmen is located about 183m NE of Vordnesholmen.
3.16 drydock, which is 325m long and 52m wide, and can accom-
Entrance into Troytarosen is made between these two islets. modate vessels up to 250,000 dwt, is located at Eldoyane.
Kuleseidvag (59°44'N., 5°14'E.) lies SE of Troytarosen and

is connected to that basin by a narrow channel between Bomlo, 3.19 Leirvik (59°47'N., 5°31'E.) (World Port Index No.
on the NE, and the small islet Straumsholmen, on the SW. A 23340) is a roomy harbor on the SE shore of Stord. It is shel-
light marks each end of the channel. tered from the E by several islets, but is open to the SE.
Kuleseidkanal leads NNE from Kuleseidvag to Finnasvik, at
3.16 Depths—Limitations.—The main wharf is 240m long, with

the NW end of Boroyfjorden. The canal is about 8.8m wide in depths of 6 to 12m alongside. There is 600m of private quay-
its narrowest part and 4m deep. A bridge, with a vertical clear- age, with depths of 5 to 12m alongside. There are facilities for
ance of 13m, spans the canal near its SW end. Vessels with a ro-ro vessels and coastal tankers. Vessels up to 160m in length
length of 38m and a draft of 3.6m can use the canal. There is a can be handled in the port.
speed limit of 5 knots in the canal. Lights mark each end of
The coast from Storaneset (59°45'N., 5°08'E.), a projection
on the seaward side of Bomlo, to Slatteroy, on the S side of the
Selbjornsfjorden entrance about 9 miles N, is formed by the
seaward sides of Bomlo, Rogoy, Goddo, Gissoy, and numerous
other islets that are near and between these islands and larger
islets. Fringing dangers lie up to 1.25 miles off some of the
larger islets. A maze of intricate channels leads among the is-
lets into sheltered anchorages for small vessels, but local
knowledge is necessary for their navigation.
Beacons and perches mark some of the dangers near the fair-
3.19 By Wolfmann [CC BY 4.0 (https://creative commons.org/licenses/by/4.0)
ways and there are several lights. Leirvik

3.17 Melingsvag (59°47'N., 5°07'E.) (World Port Index Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but

No. 23300) is a safe harbor. There are several quays, with may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an
depths alongside of 3 to 9m. Fuel oil and fresh water are avail- additional cost. For pilot boarding positions, see paragraph 2.6.
able. Contact Information.—See the table titled Leirvik—Con-

Two lights, in range 058°, are shown from the SE side of the
tact Information.
bay and lead through the fairway of the narrow entrance. An-
other light is shown from the SW extremity of Litlenesholmen. Leirvik—Contact Information
A beacon stands on Kattholme, on the NW side of the entrance
channel. Svelteflu, on the opposite side of the channel, is VHF VHF channel 16
marked by an iron perch. Telephone 47-53-496766
Strong onshore winds, especially from S, raise heavy seas in

the entrance and close to it. Facsimile 47-53-496768

3.18 Mosterhamn (59°42'N., 5°24'E.) (World Port Index Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in 40m, sand and

No. 23310) is located at the SE end of Mosteroy on the N side clay, in the W part of Leirvik. Caution should be taken to avoid
of Bomlafjorden. It is noted for its church, the oldest in Scandi- a submarine cable along the N shore.
navia, which was built in the 10th century by Olaf Trygvesson. The entrance to Fordespollen (59°39'N., 5°25'E.) lies on the

There is a concrete quay, 47m long, with depths alongside from SE side of Bomlafjorden. The fjord extends S from its entrance
6.2 to 7.4m. Another quay, which is 19.8m long, has depths for about 3 miles and has several side leads. This branch of
from 3.4 to 5.9m alongside. Bomlafjorden does not freeze over in winter.
The outer harbor has anchorage depths of 14.6 to 18.3m,
3.18 Narrow and encumbered channels lead from the SW portion

sand and clay, and is provided with mooring rings. South gales of Fordespollen into Rodspollen.
send in considerable swell. The best anchorage position is to- Depths through the fairway of Fordespollen are ample, but

ward the E side of the harbor. Should the wind blow from S, it there are nearby dangers, particularly in the SE part of the ba-
is better to shift farther inside and anchor, in 11m, abreast the sin, some of which are marked by iron perches.
N end of Fyrholme, the islet close NE of Kaninholme, where As there are rocks and shoals in the vicinity of the anchorag-

the vessel will be less exposed to the swell. The inner harbor es, local knowledge is essential.
has a depth of 7.3m, but can only be entered by vessels of very
shallow draft. 3.20 The entrance to Boroyfjorden (59°40'N., 5°17'E.)
When entering or leaving Mosterhamn, keep well over to-
lies on the NW side of Bomlafjorden. From the entrance, the
ward Kaninholme, as a reef, which is marked by iron perches, fjord trends N for about 4 miles and has a maximum width, be-

Pub. 182
Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden 59

tween islands and islets on either side, of about 2 miles. Finn- Selbjornsfjorden to Korsfjorden
asvik, the head of which is about 5 miles N of the Boroyfjorden
entrance, is the largest of a number of bays and inlets which 3.22 This is the coastal sector between Furen and Store
lead off from the main fjord. Kuleseidkanal, previously de- Marstein, an islet on the S side of Korsfjorden entrance about
scribed in paragraph 3.16, is entered from the NW end of Finn- 10 miles N. It includes numerous islets and rocks fronting the
asvik. Fairway depths through Boroyfjorden are ample. islands of Stolmen, Huftaroy, and Hundvaga and is indented by
Secure anchorages are located in some of the side bays and
3.20 Skoltafjorden, Mokstrafjorden, and Horgefjorden.
inlets. In winter, the N half of Boroyfjorden is sometimes ice- Several good anchorages for both large and small vessels are

bound. Only small craft with local knowledge can anchor in found in this area. From offshore, the openings of Selbjorns-
Boroyfjorden. fjorden and Korsfjorden can be distinguished.
Langestraumen (59°41'N., 5°15'E.), the narrow channel be-
3.20 Veten (60°01'N., 5°15'E.), a hill in the S part of Huftaroy,

tween Bomlo and Straumoy, which leads S into Tjongspollen, should be easily identified. Maksteinen is located about 2 miles
has a least fairway depth of 3m and is only navigable at slack N of Fugloy and, because of its isolated position, cannot be
water. mistaken. The lights shown from the islets of Slatteroy and
Stokksund (59°45'N., 5°23'E.), one of the channels of Indre-
3.20 Store Marstein are also good landmarks.
leia, is formed between the island of Bomlo, on the W, and the The outermost dangers between Furen and Store Marstein all

island of Stord, on the E. It leads NNW for about 8 miles to a lie within 1 mile of the nearest islet. Even with a moderate
position E of Store Klakksoy (59°50'N., 5°16'E.), where it breeze, the sea breaks over them.
branches. One branch continues NNW for about 7 miles under Marsteinsbaen (60°08'N., 4°59'E.) lies, awash, about 1 mile

the name of Nyleid and gives access to the S side of Selbjorns- WSW of Store Marstein and is unmarked. This is a serious
fjorden. The other trends N under the name of Engesundsleid hazard and vessels should navigate with caution when in the
(59°52'N., 5°17'E.) and becomes very narrow and shallow in area of this shoal. Hillagrunn, about 2 miles WSW of Store
some of its reaches. Marstein, has a least depth of 21m and only breaks in very
The Stokksund-Nyleid route is safe in clear weather, but
3.20 heavy weather.
should not be attempted in thick weather without reliable local
knowledge. Large vessels should always use the main route 3.23 Skoltafjorden (60°02'N., 5°00'E.) is entered from
through Langenuen, on the E side of Stord. Langenuen, al- seaward between Skoltane and Englamarskaget and leads E to
though about 3 miles longer than the Stokksund-Nyleid route, Stolmasund, Mokstrafjorden, and the N approaches to Bek-
is wider, deeper, and free from dangers in the fairway. kjorviksund. Ample depths can be found through the fairway,
but there are a few islet groups and some detached dangers ly-
3.21 Sagvag (59°46'N., 5°23'E.) (World Port Index No. ing in mid-channel. Kalsoy, about 2 miles ENE of Skoltane, is
23330) is located at the head of a small islet-encumbered inlet. the largest islet on the N side of the channel.
The inner channel becomes very narrow but is well marked by Kalsoy is about 30m high. Brorne, a group of above and be-

lights, buoys, and iron perches. A quay on the S side of Sagvag low-water rocks, lies within 0.2 mile SW of the SW extremity
entrance has a depth of 12m. A shoal, with a depth of 5m, lies of Kalsoy. The S and E sides of the islet are fringed by foul
near the SW end of the quay. Small vessels with local knowl- ground extending 0.15 mile offshore in places, and on the E
edge can anchor in the inlet. side, Vardholme, Hestholme, and nearby rocks lie up to 0.3
Langenuen trends N and NW for about 14 miles from its S mile offshore.
entrance (59°48'N., 5°34'E.) to its junction with the E end of Larsaskjaer, a detached above-water rock marked by an iron

Selbjornsfjorden. The S part of the passage is formed between perch, is located about 0.4 mile E of the SE extremity of
Stord, on the W, and the islands of Huglo and Tysnesoy, on the Kalsoy. Vessels with local knowledge can use the narrow chan-
E. Langenuen continues N for an additional 10.5 miles be- nel on the NW side of Kalsoy.
tween Selbjornsfjorden and Korsfjorden and leads between the
islands of Huftaroy and Reksteren and then across the W end 3.24 Fjordaflu (60°01'N., 5°07'E.), a 5m depth marked by
of Bjornafjorden. a buoy, lies in the fairway of the N approach to Stolmasund. On
The S part of Langenuen narrows to a width of 0.5 mile in
3.21 the E side of the N approach to Stolmasund, Vadholmane, a
places; the least width of the N part is about 1 mile. Great group of several small islets and some rocks, lies up to 0.5 mile
depths prevail in the channel and there are no dangers in the off the N side of Selbjornen. Iron perches, beacons, and buoys
fairway. mark some of these rocks and other dangers closer inshore.
Heavy squalls occasionally sweep down from the high land
3.21 Stutaflu, a 4.5m depth marked by a buoy, is in the fairway of

of Stord. In Langenuen, there is nearly always a tidal current the Stolmasund approach in a position about midway between
setting N, although occasionally in fine weather it sets S. the NE extremity of Stolmen and the SW islet of Vadholmane.
Dangerous eddies near the shores of Langenuen have also
3.21 Mokstrafjorden entrance is between the N end of Mokster
been reported. (60°04'N., 5°06'E.) and the S extremity of Horgo, about 1 mile
Caution.—A permanently-active firing practice area lies in
3.21 NE. The channel leads in a general SE direction toward the N
the SW and W approaches to Selbjornsfjorden. For more infor- end of Bekkjorviksund and is connected SW with Skol-
mation, see Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arc- tafjorden and Stolmasund and NE with Hundvakosen. Ample
tic Ocean. depths prevail in the fairway.
Hysteinen, a 14m depth, lies in the Mokstrafjorden entrance,

about 2 miles WNW of the N extremity of Mokster.

Pub. 182
60 Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden

Nordstallen and Midstallen, with depths of 21m and 19m, lie

3.24 depth lies about 0.2 mile ESE of Bergsholme.
about 0.5 mile ESE and 0.75 mile SE, respectively, of Hystein- Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Kalsoyvik, near its

en. These depths may break during onshore gales. head, in 45 to 50m, clay. A detached shoal, with depths of 3 to
Kvitingsflu, a rocky area with a depth of 6m, lies about 0.1
3.24 3.9m, lies 183m off the S shore of Kalsoyvik nearly 0.5 mile W
mile S of Midstallen. of Smaskjaerflu. Barnehaughflu, marked by an iron perch, lies
Helgeskjaer and other rocks, some above water, lie within
3.24 close off the N shore NW of this detached shoal. Close SSE of
0.3 mile NW of Mokster. Blaasterstallen, a 4.5m depth, lies Barnehaughflu, there is a 4m depth.
about 183m N of Mokster. The best anchorage for small vessels is in the SW part of the

Stovholme (60°03'N., 5°06'E.) is located close offshore on

3.24 bay. Such vessels can also anchor off Hille, in a cove NW of
the E side of the approach to Naustvag, a cove on the SE side Barnehaughflu; an iron perch marks foul ground on the W side
of Mokster. Close E of the islet there is a 5.5m depth. of the cove.
A mole extends N from Stovholme to Mokster; another
3.24 Between Stora Kalsoy and Navoy, the NW part of Hundva-

mole, its outer end marked by a light, extends about 69m SW ga, are Hidleroy, Nautoy, Spissoy, Kvaloy, some other smaller
from Stovholme. islets, and numerous rocks. A reef extending about 91m SW
from Nautoy is marked by an iron perch.
3.25 Mokstra Groningen (60°03'N., 5°07'E.) is an islet Bakkasund is the narrow channel between Nautoy and the E

about 0.5 mile NE of the NE end of Kalsoy. Shoal water, side of Stora Kalsoy. Kubbholme and Aerholme lie within 0.3
marked by an iron perch, extends NW from Mokstra Gronin- mile SE of Hidleroy, and about 0.1 mile E of the latter there is a
gen to a position about 0.2 mile ESE of the S point of Mokster. 9m depth. Foul ground fringing the S end of Spissoy is marked
Krabbhausane, a group of above and below-water rocks, lies
3.25 by a buoy moored in a position about 0.2 mile NE of Aer-
within 0.3 mile E and ESE of Mokstra Groningen. Two below- holme. Svartaskjaer, about 0.3 mile E of Aerholme, is awash in
water rocks at the SW end of the group are each marked by an places. Arholme is located about 0.2 mile N of Svartaskjaer
iron perch. A detached 12m depth lies about 0.3 mile S of the and is foul on its S side. An 8m depth lies about 0.1 mile S of
southernmost rock of the Krabbhausane group. Arholme. Mjanesflu, lying 183m offshore about 0.2 mile E of
Terneskjaer is located on the NE side of the fjord about 0.2
3.25 Svartaskjaer, has a depth of less than 1.8m and is marked by an
mile SSE of Horgetrynet, the S point of Horgo. A 4.5m depth iron perch.
lies about 0.2 mile E of the same point. Austreflu, a 3m depth, marked by a buoy, lies about 0.5 mile

A number of islets also encumber the sound between the SE

3.25 N of the N entrance to Bakkasund. Some of the other dangers
side of Hundvaga and the W coast of Huftaroy, to the E. A nav- between Stora Kalsoy and Navoy are marked by buoys or iron
igable channel leads N among these latter islets from Mok- perches.
strafjorden to Hundvakosen. An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 25.9m, spans

Hundvakosen (60°07'N., 5°12'E.), a basin, lies between the

3.25 the N entrance of Bakkasund between Kvaloy and the NW ex-
E side of Hundvaga and the N end of Huftaroy. There are a tremity of Spissoy. Another overhead cable, with a vertical
number of islets at the N and S ends of Hundvakosen; the NW clearance of 19.8m, extends from the SW extremity of Nautoy
part is obstructed by above and below-water rocks, some of to Hidleroy.
which are marked by iron perches.
Charted depths through the fairway and in the approach
Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden
channels are irregular but ample.
Krosshavnsund (60°09'N., 5°12'E.), the channel between
3.25 3.27 Indreleia comprises the fjords and sounds forming the
Staloy and Krossoy to the W leads N from Hundvakosen to protected inland navigation route between Skudenesfjorden
Korsfjorden. Overhead cables, with a minimum vertical clear- and Korsfjorden. Karmsundet is the first, or southernmost,
ance of 35m cross, the channel. reach of Indreleia. Vessels proceeding N from Stavanger to
Bergen can enter Karmsundet from the N side of Skudenes-
3.26 Horgefjorden (60°06'N., 5°05'E.), a basin, is formed fjorden. Between Haugesund, at the N end of Karmsund, and
between the islet Horgo, on the S, and Stora Kalsoy, on the N, the entrance of Bomlafjorden, about 8 miles N, the route leads
and trends E to the W side of Hundvaga. It is connected to along the outer coast and is only partly protected by the inshore
Mokstrafjorden by a channel leading S between Hundvaga and islet groups.
Horgo and to Korsfjorden by the channels leading N between North of Bomlafjorden, Indreleia offers alternate routes, of

Hundvaga and Stora Kalsoy. which the E, through Langenuen, should be taken by large ves-
Sveinane, the S danger on the N side of the Horgefjorden en-
3.26 sels. The W route leads through Stokksund and Nyleid. Both
trance, lies awash on the S side of Stora Kalsoy. Sverslingen is routes join N of the island of Stord.
a small islet on the S side of the entrance about 1 mile SE of North of Stord, the principal route passes between Huftaroy

Sveinane. Within 91m S of Sverslingen there are numerous and Reksteren, through the W part of Bjornefjorden, and then
rocks, some of which are awash. E of Lille Laugaroy (60°09'N., 5°15'E.) into Korsfjorden.
On the N side of Horgefjorden, Bergsholme lies at the end of
3.26 The secondary route leads N through Bekkjorviksund, Mok-

a chain of islets which extends about 1 mile E from the SE end strafjorden, and Hundvakosen, then through the channel be-
of Stora Kalsoy. Kalsoyvik is formed between the N side of tween Krossoy and Staloy, and E of Store Skorpo into
these islets and the S side of Stora Kalsoy. Korsfjorden.
Reefs extend about 0.2 mile N and NE from Bergsholme.
3.26 Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory in Indreleia.

Smaskjaerflu lies about 0.2 mile NE of Bergsholme. An 11m Most of the inner fjords and sounds which are adjacent to

Pub. 182
Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden 61

this section of Indreleia penetrate inland in a general NE direc- Smorstakk, an islet easily identified by its sugarloaf shape, is

tion through the Hardangerfjorden region and have the group the SW of the islets extending S from Fosenoy.
name of Hardangerfjordenane. This grand inlet is, perhaps, the
most beautiful of all the Norwegian fjords. Its various branches 3.29 Kopervik (59°17'N., 5°19'E.) (World Port Index No.
extend through districts abounding in game and presenting a 23450) is located on the W side of Karmsundet. The harbor is
great diversity of magnificent scenery. situated on both sides of an inlet. Vessels wishing to anchor
The main branch is a continuation of Bomlafjorden and ex-
3.27 should do so N of Byggnesskjera, which marked by an iron
tends, under various names, about 50 miles NE from its en- perch; the bottom holding ground is a mixture of clay and rock.
trance. It then branches, with one branch, Sorfjorden, The Stromsund Bridge spans the inlet about 0.3 mile within
extending about 20 miles S, and the other, Eidfjorden, extend- the entrance. Vessels with a draft up to 5.8m can pass the
ing 15 miles E. There are also numerous smaller branches, in bridge. The vertical clearance under the middle of the bridge is
most of which anchorages can be found. Hardangerfjordenane reported to be 3.3m.
is for the most part free from dangers; their shores are nearly
everywhere steep-to.
Caution.—In winter, falling snow is the greatest danger, as

the land is so often completely obscured for hours on end, even

when quite close. In Indreleia, when a snowstorm threatens,
careful bearings of the nearest anchorage should be taken to
enable the vessel to seek shelter. Because of the tidal currents,
it is dangerous to heave-to.

The Inner Fjords

3.28 Karmsundet (59°09'N., 5°21'E.) is about 17 miles long
from its S entrance in Skudenesfjorden, between Skudenes, the SE
extremity of Karmoy, and the SW point of Vestre Bokn, about 3
miles ENE. It lies in a generally N direction between Karmoy, on
the W, and Vestre Bokn, Fosenoy, and the mainland of the Hauge-
sund peninsula, N of Fosenoy, on the E.
Karmsundet may be considered the beginning of Indreleia.

The port of Haugesund (see paragraph 3.10) is on the E side of 3.29 Kopervik
the N end of Karmsundet, and Kopervik (see paragraph 3.29) is
on the W side, about 8 miles above the S entrance of the sound. Stangalandsvagen and Skipparvik are small inlets close S

It is easily navigated and is used often. Vessels of 40,000 dwt and N of the harbor. Skipparvik is spanned by a cable with a
with a draft of 9.7m can navigate the sound. Its S part is deep vertical clearance of 15.8m.
and its fairway is free from dangers. Special care should be tak- There are two berths for general cargo with depths alongside

en, however, near the W end and N end of Fosenoy and in other between 1.6 and 8.7m.
narrow portions of the sound. Kaleflu, awash and marked by an iron perch, lies close off a

Gronestadvag (59°12'N., 5°23'E.) lies on the E side of

3.28 point S of the entrance to Stangalandsvagen. Mandalsflu, a
Karmsundet. A beacon stands on the N entrance point of the 3.9m depth marked by a buoy, is located about 0.1 mile N of
bay. An 8m depth lies about 183m offshore, 0.15 mile NW of Kaleflu.
the beacon; a 4m depth lies about 183m W of the beacon. A light is shown from Koparnaglen, a rock close offshore N

Kjelsflu, which is marked by an iron perch, is on the N side of the approach to Kopervik. An iron perch marks a group of
close within the entrance of Gronestadvag. rocks, with depths of 1.8m and less, which lie between Kopar-
Foul ground fringes the S entrance point up to 183m off-
3.28 naglen and the shore W.
shore; a 5m depth lies nearly in the middle of the bay. Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but

Small vessels with local knowledge can anchor in

3.28 may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an
Gronestadvag. additional cost. For pilot boarding positions, see paragraph 2.6.
Trosnavag (59°13'N., 5°23'E.) is another small bight on the
3.28 Contact Information.—See the table titled Kopervik—

E side of Karmsundet. Trosnavagneset, its SW entrance point, Contact Information.

is located about 1 mile N of the beacon at the entrance of
Gronestadvag. Skruholme is located about 0.1 mile NNE of Kopervik—Contact Information
Trosnavagneset. A number of rocks, one of which is awash and
marked by an iron perch, lie between them. Small vessels with Port Authority
local knowledge can anchor in Trosnavag. VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 16
Ternholme, about 2 miles NNW of Trosnavagneset, is at the

S end of a chain of islets and rocks extending about 2 miles Telephone

from the S point of Fosenoy. Ternholmflu, with a depth of 4m 47-52-851055
and marked by a buoy, lies at the end of foul ground extending Facsimile 47-52-852513
about 0.2 mile SSW from Ternholme.

Pub. 182
62 Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden

Kopervik—Contact Information rection from Bomlafjorden are called Hardangerfjorden. Occa-

sionally, there are heavy squalls, and visibility is reduced.
Harbormaster There are few other dangers, however, and the fjords are, for
47-52-852613 the most part, easy to navigate.
Telephone Generally, the shores are steep and rise to heights of about

47-52-815619 914m, but there are many bays and small fjords where flat, fer-
tile land is largely used for cherry and apple orchards.
Anchorage.—Vessels awaiting pilots should anchor, in
The lower slopes are generally covered with pine forests,

about 37m, with the light on Koparnaglen bearing about 290°. above which there is a belt of summer pasture land. The sum-
Anchorage can also be taken close E of the harbor entrance,
mits are, however, of bare rock, except where Folgefonni, a
in 14.6 to 20.1m. glacier about 1,654m high, covers 108 square miles of the
mountain region between the main fjord and Sorfjorden.
3.30 From Kopervik, Karmsundet trends N for about 3 miles, Regular ship communication is maintained between places

then continues NNW for about 3 miles to the narrows of the sound in Hardangerfjorden and other places on the Norwegian coast.
at Salhusstraummen. The E shore of this section is quite regular, Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for most vessels.

and there are few islets, but the W side is indented by three sepa- Anchorage.—When selecting an anchorage, avoid anchor-

rate areas in which there are numerous islets, rocks, and detached ing too near shore in places exposed to avalanches.
dangers, some of which are marked by perches or buoys. Man-
dalsflua, a 2.5m patch marked by an iron perch, lies on the S side 3.33 Laukhamarsund (59°52'N., 5°36'E.) is the navigable
of the approach to Kopervik, 0.4 mile SSE of Koparnaglen. channel between Huglo and Skorpo leading NW from Husnes-
A small 15m depth lies on the W side of the fairway about 1
fjorden into the SE part of Skjeljaviksund. Skolten, a rock with
mile NNE of Koparnaglen. a depth of less than 1.8m and marked by an iron perch, lies on
Several above and below-water rocks, marked by two iron
the N side of the fairway about 0.3 mile ENE of Kvarvaneset,
perches, lie along the W shore of Karmsundet, about 1 mile the NW extremity of Huglo. Skolten is the only known danger
NNW of the bridge. A 2.9m depth, marked by an iron perch, is in Laukhamarsund.
located close off the E shore opposite the rocks. A cable, with a vertical clearance of 50m, spans a narrow

Salhusstraummen (59°22'N., 5°18'E.) is the narrowest part

portion of the sound about 0.5 mile E of Kvarvaneset.
of Karmsundet. There is a bridge which has a vertical clear- Skorpesund (59°55'N., 5°38'E.) separates the island of

ance of 45m and a horizontal clearance of 90m. Green lights Skorpo from the SW side of the irregular peninsula extending
are shown from the bridge to indicate the fairway. An overhead from the SE side of Tysnesoy. The sound is narrow and should
cable, with a vertical clearance of 47m, spans the channel not be used without local knowledge. Near its middle part, a
about 183m S of the bridge. reef extends from each of the shores almost halfway across the
A fish oil factory and an oil tank farm on the N shore of the
sound; an iron perch marks each of these reefs.
bay have quays, with depths alongside of 6m. Quays, with An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 25m, crosses

depths alongside of 3 to 4m, are located at Utvik, in the SW Skorpesund about 1 mile within its SE entrance.
corner of the bay. Seloysund, Midtoysund, and Anuglosund are the three chan-

nels, from W to E, leading N from Husnesfjorden to Onarhe-

3.31 Boviki (59°22'N., 5°18'E.), on the W side of the fair- imsfjorden (59°57'N., 5°41'E.) among Seloy, Midtoy, and
way, affords good anchorage, in depths up to 31m. In the outer Anuglo. Several small islets and many above and below-water
part of the bay, the bottom is mostly sand and shingle. From rocks lie in Seloysund and Anuglosund.
abreast the tile works and inward, it is mud. Boflu, lying in the Midtoysund is free from dangers, except near the middle of

N part of Boviki, has a depth of 2m and is marked by an iron its W side, where reefs extend about 0.1 mile offshore. At its N
perch. Kyrkjeflu, on the S side of Boviki about 0.2 mile off- end, Midtoysund becomes quite narrow and has a least charted
shore, has a depth of 2.7m and is marked by an iron perch. depth of 29m in the fairway.
Three overhead cables, with vertical clearances of 54m, span
An overhead cable crosses each of these sounds. There are

Karmsundet close S of Kulorten. Mariners are cautioned that, vertical clearances of 17m, 30m, and 25m, respectively, under
within a distance of about 1 mile, the overhead cable gives a ra- these cables. A submarine cable is laid across Midtoysund and
dar echo similar to that of a ship on a collision course. another across Anuglosund.
Kulorten, marked by a tower beacon, lies 91m offshore about
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Rysslandsvik

0.5 mile N of Koltrepynten. Storetang, a rock with less than (59°52'N., 5°44'E.), on the SE side of Husnesfjorden about 4
1.8m, lies about 0.1 mile S of Kulorten and is marked by a miles SSW of Heroy, in 14.6 to 29m, sand.
Koltrepynten (59°19'N., 5°20'E.), on the W shore of Karm-
3.34 Husnes (59°52'N., 5°46'E.) (World Port Index No.
sundet, is the site of an aluminum works. There is a concrete 23355) is located on the E side of Ondarheimsvag, about 3
quay, 270m long, with a depth alongside of 11.6m. It is report- miles SSW of Heroy. A concrete quay at Husnes is 240m long,
ed that vessels of up to 100,000 dwt have been accommodated with depths alongside between 10.5m at the S end to 16.5m at
alongside. It has a large conspicuous warehouse, cranes, and a the N end. There is a hauling-off buoy moored off the quay.
plant for discharging alumina. The quay is well fendered and equipped with two cranes.
Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but

3.32 The fjords and channels which continue in a NE di- may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an

Pub. 182
Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden 63

additional cost. For pilot boarding positions, see paragraph 2.6. Light (60°00'N., 5°44'E.) is shown from a white lantern on
Contact Information.—See the table titled Husnes—Con-
3.34 piles on the SW side of a reef fringing the E entrance point of
tact Information. Lokksundet. A 7.8m depth lies about 0.4 mile N of Sandsoy.
An 1.5m depth, marked by a perch, lies on the W side of the

Husnes—Contact Information channel, about 1 mile NNW of Sandsoy; a 3m depth lies about
160m SSE of the perch.
VHF VHF channel 9 At Nymark, on the W side of the sound about 1 mile NNW

47-53-475070 of Hamarhaugflu, there is a quay with 5m alongside.

47-53-475000 (after office hours)
3.37 Storsundet (59°57'N., 5°53'E.), on the SE side of
Facsimile 47-53-475015 Kvinnheradsfjorden, is entered from the S between Skorpega-
E-mail firmapost@husneshavn.no vlen (59°56'N., 5°48'E.) and Heroy. This navigable channel has
depths greater than 37m throughout the fairway. It is formed
between the mainland and the S and E sides of Skorpo, Snilst-
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken off Husnes in Ondar-
veitoy, and Kalven, close-lying islets which extend in a contin-
heimsvag, in 12.8 to 16.5m, sand. This location is exposed to N uous chain from Skorpegavlen to Kalvtangen, 6 miles NE.
winds. Storsundet trends ENE for about 6 miles, then continuing in a
general N direction for 2.25 miles into Kvinnheradsfjorden.
3.35 Heroysund (59°55'N., 5°47'E.), between Heroy and The sound is notorious for squalls.
the mainland to the E, affords anchorage for small vessels, but Flatholmen (59°56'N., 5°51'E.), on the S side of Storsundet,

it is exposed to strong squalls; small quays and mooring rings is joined to Neset, a prominent point about 2 miles E of Skor-
are available. Vessels entering from S should pass between He- pegavlen. Reclamation work in progress (2021) in the vicinity
roy and the foul ground S of it. of Flatholmen.
An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 20m, spans
Skjeret, which is marked by a beacon, lies on the N side of

the N part of Heroysund. the fairway in a position about 0.2 mile S of Oyeneset, the SE
Kvinnheradsfjorden trends NE from Husnesfjorden for about
point of Snilstveitoy. A 4.5m depth is located between the rock
14 miles and joins Hissfjorden in the vicinity of the islet of and the point.
Sild. Holmeflu (59°57'N., 5°58'E.), with a depth of less than 1.8m

Tangeflu (59°56'N., 5°44'E.), marked by an iron beacon, lies

and marked by an iron perch, is on the S side of the fairway and
on the SW side of the junction of Kvinnheradsfjorden and Hus- extends about 0.1 mile W from Ytreholme, a small islet lying
nesfjorden, in a position about 0.2 mile ENE of the NE extrem- close off a salient point about 1 mile SE of Oyeneset. Two
ity of Anuglo. Rocks, with depths of 4.9m and less, lie up to rocks lie, awash, close NE of Holmeflu; a 6.1m depth is located
0.2 mile off the N side of this islet. close SW. Elsewhere in Storsundet, the known dangers are
Fjaereflu, on which a beacon stands, is located near the mid-
close inshore.
dle of Onarheimsfjorden, in a position about 2 miles NNW of Uskedal (59°56'N., 5°52'E.), on the SE side of Storsundet

Tangeflu. A 5m depth lies close SE of the rock. close E of Flatholmen, has quays with depths alongside of 4 to
Onarheim (59°57'N., 5°38'E.), located on the SW shore of
6m. Fresh water is available. A quay, with 5m alongside, is lo-
Onarheimsfjorden, has a 35m long quay, with depths of 3 to cated at Dimmelsvik, about 1 mile ESE of Skjeret.
6m alongside. Several quays, with depths of 4m alongside, are Rosendal (59°59'N., 6°00'E.), located on the E shore of

located at Vattedal, about 1 mile NNE of Onarheim. Storsundet, has a quay, with depths up to 6m alongside. Fuel
Anchorage.—The best anchorage in Onarheimsfjorden is lo-
oil is available. Another quay, with depths of up to 6m along-
cated on the NE side of the fjord in Teroysund, the channel E of side, is located at Seimsfoss about 1 mile S of Rosendal.
Teroy. Anchorage can be taken, in 9.1 to 18.3m, sand and clay. Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but

may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an

3.36 Lokksundet (60°03'N., 5°43'E.) is a narrow sound additional cost. For pilot boarding positions, see paragraph 2.6.
separating the island of Tysnesoy from the mainland to the E Contact Information.—See the table titled Rosendal—

and joins Onarheimsfjorden with Bjornefjorden. It is about 5 Contact Information.

miles in length. The least depth of 12.8m is found in the nar-
rowest part of the sound, where the width is 183m.
Rosendal—Contact Information
Moderate-size vessels visiting Hardangerfjorden and the oth-

er fjords of this region use Lokksundet when bound N to Ber- VHF VHF channel 16
gen. The main channel of Indreleia is joined in Langenuen N of Telephone 47-46-932012
the island of Reksteren.
During calm weather, the current in Lokksundet always
E-mail post@rosendalhamn.no
flows N, with a velocity of up to 2 knots during S winds. The Web site http://www.rosendalhamn.no
current may flow S during N winds and has been reported to
reach a velocity of 3 knots. There are eddies in the bays on ei-
ther side of the channel. Anchorage.—Small vessel anchorages are found in several

coves along the S shore of Storsundet.

Sandoy is on the W side of Lokksundet S entrance. A rock

lies, awash, about 0.2 mile NE of its N end. Hamarhaugflu

3.38 Husavagen (60°00'N., 5°48'E.) indents the NW shore

Pub. 182
64 Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden

of Kvinnheradsfjorden for nearly 2 miles in a NNE direction.

The bay narrows gradually. Kyrkjevag, narrow and rock en-
cumbered, trends NE from the head of Husavagen for about 1
mile. Depths within Husavagen are ample and all known dan-
gers are inside the 9.1m curve, which lies within 183m off-
Ulke, on the NW shore of Husavagen close to the head of the

bay, has a quay, 21m long, with depths of up to 6.3m alongside.

Anchorage.—Husavagen affords anchorage to vessels of

considerable size, in about 40m, soft clay, S of Husa, which is

at the head of the bay. About 1 mile S of Husa, anchorage can
be taken, in about 35m, sand and clay. Husavagen is exposed to
S winds. A submerged cable crosses the bay from Travik in a
due E direction towards the opposite shoreline N of Gronevika.

3.39 Latrevikklubben (60°04'N., 5°59'E.) is the S extrem-

ity of Varaldsoy. Four coves, Latrevik, Ferjevag, Knarrevik, 3.40 By Anbjorn Hoivik (https://creative commons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5)
and Akrehamn, are on the SE side of Varaldsoy between Latre- Gjermundshamn

vikklubben and a point about 3 miles NE. Akreholme and two

above-water rocks W of it, lie close off the entrance of Austrepollen within 0.5 mile of its head. The two arms are usu-
Akrehamn. Three channels lead in among the islet and rocks. ally icebound during hard winters.
The middle channel is the deepest and leads between
Bondhusbre, a branch of the large glacier Folgefonn, is on

Akreholme and the rocks to the W. The E channel, which has a the S side of Maurangerfjorden. Steep cliffs are on both sides
depth of 5.5m, leads N of Akreholme; a rock on the S side of of the fjord.
the fairway is marked by an iron perch. Mountain squalls can be violent towards the head of the

Anchorage.—Small vessels can take good anchorage in

fjord, especially during E winds. Because of possible land-
Akrehamn, in depths of 7 to 10m, mud. slides, vessels should avoid approaching the shores of Mau-
rangerfjorden too closely. Several submarine cables are laid
3.40 Oynafjorden (60°06'N., 5°55'E.), which is formed across the fjord and its two arms. A cable, with a vertical clear-
between Varaldsoy and the mainland to the W, trends N for ance of 65m, spans the fjord about 4 miles within the entrance,
about 5 miles and then turns NE into Bondesundet. In Bonde- close W of Sundal.
sundet, Kraka and other nearby rocks lie within 0.15 mile of Sundal, on the S shore about 4 miles within the entrance, has

the NW shore; an iron perch marks the outer edge of these dan- a small wharf, with alongside depths of 3 to 4m. Fuel oil and
gers. Other dangers in the sound and some small islets lie close fresh water are available. Eikanes, on the N shore of the fjord
offshore and are generally located within or near the few coves about 1 mile WNW of Sundal, has a small masonry quay, with
that indent both shores. An overhead cable, with a vertical alongside depths of 3.9 to 5m.
clearance of 50m, crosses Bondesund 2.25 miles NE of Bunde- Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken off the wharf of Sun-

sund Light. dal, in about 35m. Good anchorage can be taken near the head
Caution.—Because of the strong currents in Bondesundet,
of Nordpollen.
its use is not recommended. Submarine cables are laid SE from
Mundheim, at the head of Oynafjorden, to the E shore, and 3.42 Hissfjorden (60°12'N., 6°03'E.) extends N and NE
SSE for 2.5 miles and then E to Varaldsoy. for about 10 miles from the N portion of Kvinnheradsfjorden to
Gjermundshamn (60°04'N., 5°55'E.), located on the SW
its junction with Ytre Samlofjorden in the vicinity of Jondal.
side of the entrance to Oynafjorden, has a quay with a least The shores of Hissfjorden are mostly steep-to, except along the
depth of 7m alongside. Fuel oil and fresh water are available. NW side. In places along this shore small islets and rocks lie
A local ferry runs a triangular route between Gjermund-
up to 0.25 mile offshore. Some of the outermost dangers are
shamn, Varaldsoy and Arsne. marked by iron perches. An overhead cable, with a vertical
Anchorage.—Small vessels can take anchorage in Gjer-
clearance of 65m, spans Hissfjorden about 2 miles SW of Jon-
mundshamn, in 15 to 20m, sand and mud. dal.
Vagen, located on the SW side of Varaldsoy, about 1 mile N
A quay at Fosse (60°16'N., 6°02'E.), on the NW shore of

of its S extremity, has quays with depths of 4 to 12m alongside. Hissfjorden, has alongside depths of 3 to 5m.
Two quays, with depths up to 5m alongside, are located at
Kysnes (60°12'N., 6°07'E.), located on the SE side of Hiss-

Mundheim. fjorden, has a quay, with depths of up to 5m alongside.

Torsnes, about 3 miles NE of Kysnes, has a quay with depths
3.41 Maurangerfjorden (60°06'N., 6°10'E.) trends NE of 5 to 6m.
from the NE part of Kvinnheradsfjorden for about 5 miles and A quay at Jondal (60°16'N., 6°15'E.) is 65m long, with

then branches. One branch, named Nordpollen, trends NNE for depths of 4 to 10m alongside. Fuel oil and fresh water are
about 2 miles; the other, named Austrepollen, trends ENE for available.
about 2 miles. Great depths prevail throughout the fjord, except Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but

that numerous above and below-water rocks extend across may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an

Pub. 182
Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden 65

additional cost. For pilot boarding positions, see paragraph 2.6. shore and a 7.5m shoal 0.5 mile S of the head.
Contact Information.—The port can be contacted by VHF

(VHF channel 16) or by telephone (47-53-669510). 3.45 Fyksesundet (60°25'N., 6°15'E.) trends NNW for
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken off the village of Jon-
3.42 about 5 miles from the NW side of Ytre Samlafjorden. The
dal. sound varies in width from about 91m to 0.3 mile between
steep mountains on either side. It is the narrowest and most
3.43 Ytre Samlafjorden (60°21'N., 6°18'E.) extends NE gloomy branch of Hardangerfjorden. Squalls occur in the
for about 6 miles from Hissfjorden to its junction with Indre sound, especially during E winds.
Samlafjorden off of Samlaneset, a salient point on the S shore. A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 26.5m, spans Fykse-

General depths through the main fjord are great, and the fair-
3.43 sundet about 1 mile from the entrance to the sound. Several
way is clear. There are some dangers and islets which lie close overhead cables, of which the least vertical clearance is 27m,
offshore and within the several bays indenting the shores on and several submarine cables cross the inlet throughout its
both sides. length. An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 17m,
Herand (60°20'N., 6°23'E.) is at the head of a bay which is
3.43 crosses a small bight of the sound at its N end. Steinsto, on the
entered about 2 miles S of Samlaneset. Herandsholme is the E shore, close NW of the entrance to the sound, has a quay
largest of several islets lying close off the SW entrance point of with 8 to 10m alongside.
this bay. A quay with up to 4m alongside is located at Herand. A mooring buoy is located a little over 2.5 miles within the

Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken near the head of the

3.43 entrance. A rock close off the SW entrance to the sound is
bay E of Herandsholme. Care must be taken to avoid a group of marked by an iron perch. Rysholme lies in mid-channel, about
rocks, marked by an iron perch, in the SE part of the anchor- 0.5 mile within the entrance.
age. Indre Samlafjorden extends in a NE direction from Samlane-

Norheimsund is an inlet extending in a NW direction from

3.43 set for about 8 miles to its junction with Utnefjorden.
the NW side of Ytre Samlafjorden. Fairway depths in the outer Ytre Alvik (60°25'N., 6°23'E.)also known as (Alvik), locat-

part of Norheimsund are 18.3 to 48m. The narrow inner part ed on the N shore of Indre Samlafjorden.
has a least charted depth of 11m in the deeper SW channel. Depths—Limitations.— Vessel up to 40,000 dwt, 200m in
There is a 6-knot speed limit in Norheimsund. length, and 10m draft can be accommodated. Berthing details
Vikoy is located on the S shore of Norheimsund about 2
3.43 are shown in the accompanying table titled Ytre Alvik—Berth
miles SE of the head of the inlet. Several rocks, including an Information.
above-water rock, lie up to 0.25 mile offshore in the vicinity of Two 7.5 ton cranes are located on the quay. Two mooring

Vikoy. A 9m depth lies about 0.3 mile E of the above-water buoys are located about 91m off the quay at Indre Alvik.
rock. A buoy marks the N edge of a shoal area extending N
from the S shore. A quay at a tank installation near Vikoy has a Ytre Alvik—Berth Information
depth of 6m alongside.
Vallandsgrunn, marked by a buoy, lies on the N side of the
fairway N of Vikoy. A depth of 7m is charted close E of the Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks
buoy. Between Vallandsgrunn and the shore NW, there are a LOA
number of rocks, some of which lie above water. A light is Alvik Port
shown from near the outer edge of these rocks.
East 100m 10.0m 200m Breakbulk.
An islet, with foul ground extending about 183m SE, lies in

the middle of the inner part of Norheimsundand forms two West 80m 10.0m 200m Breakbulk.
channels which lead NW to the head of the inlet. The SW
channel is the better one. A buoy is moored on the S edge of Indre Alvik, also located on the N shore of Indre Sam-

the foul ground. lafjorden about 2 miles further NE of Ytre Alvik, is the site of a
Norheimsund (60°22'N., 6°09'E.), is located at the head of
ferro-silicon works.
the sound. Several quays, with depths alongside of 3 to 6m, are Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots should be ordered

located at Norheimsund. through SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvitsoy
Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
3.44 Tjuvaholmen (60°22'N., 6°16'E.) is located between
Kvamsoy and the mainland to the NW. A rock close S of Tju-
Indre Alvil—Contact Information
vaholmen is marked by an iron perch. Another iron perch
marks a group of rocks close off the mainland, NW of Tjuva- VHF VHF channels 9 and 16
holmen. An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 28m, Telephone 47-56-550800
spans the channels between the mainland and Tjuvaholmen
and between that islet and Kvamsoy. Facsimile 47-56-550950
Oystesevagen (60°23'N., 6°12'E.) trends N for about 1.25

miles from its entrance. Several quays, with alongside depths 3.46 Utnefjorden (60°26'N., 6°38'E.) trends about 4 miles
of up to 7m, are located at Oystese, a village at the head of the in a SE direction from Indre Samlafjorden to its junction with
inlet. Eidfjorden and Sorfjorden. The fjord is deep and clear in the
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken close off the head of
3.44 fairway.
the inlet. Take caution to avoid the submarine cable along the E Utne (60°26'N., 6°37'E.), on the SW shore, has a quay, with

Pub. 182
66 Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden

lage; mooring rings are available.

Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but

may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an

additional cost. For pilot boarding positions, see paragraph 2.6.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Eidfjord—

Contact Information.

Eidfjord—Contact Information
VHF VHF channel 12
Telephone 47-53-673400
Facsimile 47-53-673401

Ringoy (60°27'N., 6°47'E.), on the SE shore about 3 miles


ENE of the entrance to Eidfjorden, has a quay with depths of

up to 5m alongside. Fuel oil and fresh water are available. Ves-
sels approaching the quay must avoid a reef extending a short
distance from the nearby Ringoynes and which is marked by an
iron perch. Brimnes, on the S shore about 4 miles further NE,
has a quay with depths of up to 5m alongside.

3.45 Benjamin Endre Larsen (https://creative commons.org/licenses/by/3.0) 3.49 Simadalsfjorden (60°30'N., 7°05'E.) extends about 2
Indre Alvik miles ENE from Eidfjorden. Vessels are warned against an-
choring in this fjord due to rock falls from the steep mountain
depths from 4 to 7m alongside. Tingnesflu, marked by an iron sides and to submarine cables. The fjord often freezes during
perch, lies close offshore about 0.2 mile NW of the quay at the winter.
Utne. Numerous submarine cables are laid in Utnefjorden. Osafjorden (60°30'N., 6°55'E.) extends 6.75 miles NE from
Granvinfjorden (60°28'N., 6°37'E.) trends in a general NE Eidfjorden to Osa and is deep and free from dangers. Squalls
direction for about 5 miles and in places is reduced to a width occur in the fjord and are worse during SE winds. During hard
of about 0.2 mile. Depths of about 134 to 200m prevail in the winters, the inner part of Osafjorden is icebound. Small vessels
fairway up to the anchorage near the head of the fjord. can anchor off Osa, in 40m, clay. A mooring buoy is located off
Granvinfjorden is reported to be ice-free.

Osa. Several submarine cables cross the fjord.

Kvanndal lies on the NW side of Granvinfjorden, about 1

Ulvikfjorden, a smaller inlet, trends N and NE for about 3


mile within its entrance. There are quays, 100m long, with miles from the W side of Osafjorden. During hard winters the
depths of 4 to 11m alongside located at Kvanndal. About 1 entire fjord is icebound. Ulvik, on the NW shore about 1 mile
mile farther up the fjord, on the W side, there is a quay, with up from the head of Ulvikfjorden, has an angled quay, with depths
to 5m, alongside at Folkedal. off its longest side of 6 to 7m.
Eide, a village at the head of Granvinfjorden, has a quay,

Pilotage.—Pilotage for Ulvik should be ordered using Safe-


100m long, with a depth of 12m alongside. Fuel oil and fresh SeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking
water are available. Center at an additional cost. For pilot boarding positions, see
paragraph 2.6.
3.47 Eidfjorden (60°25'N., 6°43'E.) extends ENE from its Hetlenes, on the W shore about 0.5 mile within the entrance

junction with Utnefjorden for about 11 miles to the village of of the inlet, has a quay, with depths of 5 to 8m alongside. A
Eidfjorden. Eidfjorden is very deep and free from dangers in rock, marked by an iron perch, lies close off the E shore about
the fairways. 0.2 mile SE of Ulvik.
Eidfjorden is spanned by overhead cables, with a vertical

Caution.—A seaplane landing area is situated in Ulvik-


clearance of 60m, and a bridge, with a vertical clearance of fjorden.

55m, between Gangstod (60°28.5'N., 6°50.4'E.), about 0.7 mile
NW. 3.50 Sorfjorden (60°24'N., 6°42'E.) extends SSW from
Djonno (60°28'N., 6°45'E.), on the N side of Eidfjorden

the junction of Utnefjorden and Eidfjorden for about 20 miles

about 3 miles NE of the entrance, has a quay, with depths of 6 to the town and port of Odda, at its head. This fjord is one of
to 10m alongside. Another quay at Vallavik, 2.5 miles ENE of the most beautiful branches of Hardangerfjorden. Sorfjorden is
Djonno, has depths of 5 to 6m alongside. narrow and straight. Near its entrance there are extensive farm
lands along both sides, but S of Hovland bare rock walls rise
3.48 Eidfjord (60°28'N., 7°04'E.) is a scattered village on almost perpendicularly from the water’s edge.
the S side of the head of Eidfjorden. A quay at Eidfjorden is The width of Sorfjorden varies between about 0.2 mile and 2

30m long, with depths of 3 to 5m alongside. Good anchorage miles. The narrowest part is within 1.25 miles of the head of
with clay bottom can be taken by vessels of moderate size 0.3 the fjord. Throughout the length of the fjord the depths are am-
mile W of the quay, avoiding submarine cables NW of the vil- ple and in places they exceed 366m. There are few dangers and

Pub. 182
Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden 67

all of these lie within 0.3 mile offshore.

Winds—Weather.—Squalls occur in Sorfjorden and are of-

ten very strong. During hard winters, ice forms in the fjord, but
a channel is usually kept open.

3.51 Kinsarvikbukta (60°23'N., 6°43'E.) is a clear bay lo-

cated on the E side of Sorfjorden. Large vessels can anchor
here; the best berth, in 12.8 to 31m, lies in a position SW of the
quay, which is near the village church at the head of the bay. A
rock, marked by an iron perch, lies awash close offshore W of
the church. Two quays at Kinsarvik, at the head of the bay,
have depths of 5 to 6m alongside.
Ullensvang (60°19'N., 6°39'E.), in a bight on the E shore of

the fjord, has quays with depths of up to 5m alongside.

Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken off Ullensvang, in
25.6m, but vessels must be prepared for sudden violent squalls.
A quay at Lofthus, close N of Ullensvang, has 5m alongside.
3.51 the head of the fjord, which is formed by a small peninsula ter-
Fuel oil and fresh water are available. Quays at Lutro and Ins- minating S in Eitrheimsnes and the shore, to the E.
tanes, on the E shore of the fjord about 2 and 3 miles, respec- Except for the head of the fjord where the town of Odda is

tively, NNE of Lofthus, have alongside depths of up to 5m. located, the harbor is surrounded by mountains. The E and W
Grimo (60°23'N., 6°39'E.) and Aga, on the W shore of the
3.51 shores rise steeply from the water’s edge to heights of 1,067m
fjord about 2 miles and 7 miles, respectively, SSW of the en- and 1,189m. There are no beaches as such.
trance to Sorfjorden, each have a quay, with depths alongside Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but

of up to 7m. Na, on the W shore about 3 miles SSW of Aga, may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an
has two quays, with depths of up to 5m alongside. additional cost. For pilot boarding positions, see paragraph 2.6.
Espe (60°12'N., 6°36'E.), located on the E shore, has quays
3.51 Signals.—VHF channel 16 is guarded from 0900 to 1600

with depths of 6 to 10m alongside. and has a range as far as the entrance to Sorfjorden.
Tyssedal (60°07'N., 6°34'E.), located on the E shore, has
3.51 Contact Information.—See the table titled Indre Alvil—

about 335m of quayage. One 45-ton crane and one 2.5-ton Contact Information.
crane are available. Depths alongside the larger of the quays
range from 12 to 14m. The largest of the several quays at a zinc Indre Alvil—Contact Information
works at Eitrem, on the W shore, 1 mile SW of Tyssedal is 73m
long with depths from 9 to 11m alongside. VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
Telephone 47-53-648400
3.52 Odda (60°05'N., 6°33'E.) (World Port Index No.
Facsimile 47-53-641292
23240) is located at the S end of Sorfjorden. Facilities of the
port are adjacent to the town at the head of the fjord and at Ei-
trem, about 1 mile NNW. Odda is known for its extensive elec- Anchorage.—Vessels can anchor in the W part of the basin

tro-chemical and electro-metallurgical industries. N of the town, in 29.3m, clay, well sheltered from all winds.
Wind—Weather.—During the summer months there is usu-
The holding ground is good to the W portion of the basin. Cau-
ally considerable haze and rain, much of the haze being attrib- tion must be taken to avoid submarine cables and outfall pipe-
utable to the smog given off by the plants in the town. There is lines.
some smoke control. Because the harbor is protected from the Caution.—Navigation through the fjords leading to Odda

winds, such control is inadequate. presents no difficulties, but, because of the many fierce squalls,
Tides—Currents.—The spring tidal rise is 0.6m. A slight
caution is always necessary.
tidal current sets outward through Sorfjorden.
Depths—Limitations.—The E and W shores of the harbor
3.53 Bjornafjorden (60°06'N., 5°25'E.) trends E for about
are steep-to. The 18.3m curve lies about 0.3 mile N of the head 13 miles from Langenuen. It is bound on the S by the N sides
of the fjord and in the NW part of the harbor rounds Eitrhe- of the islands of Reksteren and Tysnesoy and on the N and E
imnes to a position about the same distance S of that point. by the mainland.
Shoal water extends about 183m S from Eitrheimsnes. The fairway leading through the length of Bjornafjorden is

General depths in the middle part of the harbor are 35 to

clear and deep. On the S side of the fjord, a number of islets
50m. Depths in the anchorage area range from 29m to about and rocks lie within 2 miles off the N side of Tysnesoy and
44m. about 1 mile off the NE end of Reksteren.
There are quays, with reported depths of 4 to 14m alongside.
On the NW side is lands, islets and rocks lie up to 2 miles off

There are facilities for container and bulk vessels. Underwater the mainland. Elsewhere, the shores of Bjornafjorden are rela-
rocks, with a least depth of 1.5m, were reported (2018) to lie tively steep-to. In the side fjords there are some islets and dan-
close N of Berth 1 and Berth 2. gers.
Aspect.—The harbor of Odda is formed by the S part of
Store Vernoy (60°05'N., 5°26'E.) is separated from the NE

Sorfjorden. It is entered through the narrows, about 1 mile N of side of Reksteren by a narrow channel which dries. It is the

Pub. 182
68 Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden

largest of a group of islets lying within 1.5 miles E of the NE 3.55 Strandvik (60°10'N., 5°41'E.), which has several
point of Reksteren. Numerous small islets and above and be- quays with depths of up to 8m alongside, is on the mainland
low-water rocks are in this group. NW of Knapholme. A reef extending about 183m SW from
Veaneset (60°03'N., 5°29'E.) is the NW extremity of Tysne-
3.53 Knapholme is marked by an iron perch.
soy. From Veaneset, the N side of Tysnesoy trends very irregu- Saevareidfjorden is entered between Storholme and a main-

larly ENE for about 7 miles to Krossnes, on the W side of the land point about 1 mile E. This side fjord trends N and NE
Lokksundet entrance. It is indented by several bays and coves. from Bjornafjorden for about 3 miles to Saevareid at its head.
Off the N coast of Tysnesoy there are some larger islets, in-
3.53 Depths through the fairway are ample, and most of the shore is
cluding Store Godoy and Lille Godoy, and many close-lying steep-to. A depth of 4.3m is charted about 0.2 mile off the E
small islets and above and below-water rocks. shore in a position nearly 1 mile NE of Storholme.
Godoysund, a channel which is navigable by small vessels
3.53 Very heavy squalls are experienced in Saevareidfjorden, es-

with local knowledge, separates Store Godoy and Lille Godoy. pecially off Mulsodden, a projection on the NW shore about 1
Iron perches mark some of the dangers in both approaches to mile NNE of Storholme.
Godoysund. A overhead cable and several submarine cables Saevareid (60°11'N., 5°45'E.) has several small quays. The

cross the channel. largest is 43m long, with depths of 7.8 to 19.3m alongside. A
Tysnesvik (60°03'N., 5°32'E.) is entered about 1.25 miles E
3.53 salmon farm installation is moored at the W end of the quay.
of Veaneset. Above and below-water rocks are on both sides of
the entrance and within the inlet. Some of the dangers in the 3.56 Lygrepollen (60°04'N., 5°46'E.), located at the E end
entrance to Tysnesvik are marked by two iron perches and a of Bjornefjorden, is available only to small vessels with local
buoy. knowledge. The entrance channel is very narrow and is fringed
Vage, on the W shore of Tysnesvik, has a quay, with depths
3.53 by islets and above and below-water rocks, some of which are
of 4 to 13m alongside. Two other quays have depths of up to marked by aids. The least depth in the fairway is 5.5m.
7m alongside. About 1 mile within the entrance, the basin becomes deeper

Gripnesvag (60°04'N., 5°40'E.) is a small inlet about 1 mile

3.53 and broader and then leads off into three separate branches.
WSW of Krossnes. The entrance channel is narrow and has a Overhead cables, with a least vertical clearance of 20m, span

least depth of 4.5m. the entrance. Several submarine cables are laid across the en-
trance and in the N branches.
3.54 Soreidsvik (60°03'N., 5°28'E.) is entered between Anchorage.—Small vessels can take anchorage in various

Veaneset and Raftodden, a projection on Reksteren about 1 coves inside the bay.
mile WSW. From the entrance, Soreidsvik trends S for about 4
miles, and, except at its head, is deep and free from dangers in 3.57 Fusafjorden (60°10'N., 5°32'E.) is a deep inlet which
the fairway. extends in a NNE direction from the N side of Bjornefjorden.
Many small bays and coves indent the shores of the inlet;
3.54 About 7 miles within the entrance, Eikelandsfjorden branch-

small quays are located at several of these places. es E for 3.5 miles, and Adlandsfjorden branches NE for the
A quay at Bruntveit (60°02'N., 5°26'E.), on the W shore of
3.54 same distance. The fairway is free from dangers. Except for
the inlet, has a least alongside depth of 5m. Sandholmane, the islets and dangers in the fjord are close off-
Uggdalseidet, close to the SE head of the inlet, has quays
3.54 shore. The cargo quay is 60m in length, with a depth of 7.4m
with depths of up to 5m alongside. Fuel oil is available. alongside, and handles container and breakbulk.
Indroy (60°09'N., 5°25'E.), on the N side of Bjornafjorden,
3.54 Sandholmane, a group of small islets and nearby rocks, lies

lies in a bight of the mainland, with its S extremity about 2 on the W side of the fairway about 3 miles within the
miles ENE of Rotingtangen. Ytroy lies close W of Indroy. Fusafjorden entrance. A rock, with a depth of 2.5m and marked
Hauglandssund, between Indroy and the mainland E of it, is
3.54 by a buoy, is located about 0.2 mile NNE of the northernmost
entered between Skjerholme and Bjornahaug, the S extremity islet of Sandholmane.
of the mainland, about 0.5 mile E. A light is shown from a rock Raudholmane (60°10'N., 5°28'E.), a group of above and be-

close SW of Bleikja, an islet in mid-channel, about 0.5 mile low-water rocks, lies up to 0.3 mile offshore about 1 mile
NW of Bjornahaug. WSW of Sandholmane. Two iron perches mark two detached
Hauglandssund is narrow in places but free from dangers in
3.54 rocky patches, with depths of less than 1.8m, lying about 183m
the fairway. A depth of 6m is available through the sound. Ves- SW and SSW of Raudholmane.
sels must not exceed a speed of 8 knots in Hauglandssund Another iron perch marks a rock lying, awash, near Ferstad-

when N of Bleikja. vag, about 0.2 mile SW of Raudholmane. Depths of 2.4m are
A quay, 46m long, with depths of 4 to 8m alongside, is locat-
3.54 charted up to 183m offshore in the vicinity of Mobergvik,
ed at Halgjem, on the mainland about 0.5 mile N of Bleikja. about 0.5 mile N of Raudholmane.
Stegleholme (60°09'N., 5°41'E.) is the farthest S of several
3.54 Os (60°11'N., 5°28'E.) is located on the SW shore of

islets fronting Strandvik to a distance of 0.5 mile off the NE Fusafjorden. An angled quay at Os has a depth of 4m along-
shore of Bjornafjorden. Knapholme and Storholme are other side.
islets in the group. Foul ground extends about 0.1 mile SE from Hattevik lies at the head of a small inlet on the W side of

Storholme. Overhead cables, with vertical clearances of 20m Fusafjorden, about 3 miles NE of Os. It has a quay, with 4 to
and 15m, connect Stegleholme to Storholme and Storholme to 6m alongside. Anchoring in the cove is not recommended be-
the mainland. cause of submarine cables. Ferry service is maintained be-
tween Hattevik and Fusa, across the fjord about 3 miles E.

Pub. 182
Sector 3. Norway—Skudenesfjorden to Korsfjorden 69

Fusa, where there is a quay with 4 to 7m alongside, is locat-

3.57 located about 1 mile NNW of Holsundskjaer.
ed in a cove. An iron perch marks a shoal close off the W en- Two rocks lie awash close off the opposite shore of the fjord

trance point of the cove. in a position about 0.5 mile SSW of Hovdeflu.
Eilelandsfjorden extends in a ENE direction for about 4 A light is shown from Hovdanes.

miles from Altaneset, the N entrance point. Bogavik (60°16'N., 5°35'E.) is located on the W shore of

Gjerdevikflu, awash, marked by an iron perch and with

3.57 Samnangerfjorden, about 1 mile N of Hovdanes. A quay locat-
depths of 3 to 4m extending close NE, lies about 1 mile ESE of ed in a cove at Bogavik has a least depth of 6m alongside.
Altaneset. This shoal and other known dangers along the S A light is shown from the W shore of Samnangerfjorden,

shore of the fjord all lie within 0.2 mile offshore. about 2 miles NE of Bogavik.
On the N shore a small islet, about 1 mile NE of Altaneset,
3.57 Boroy, on the E side of Samnangerfjorden close off the NW

lies about the same distance offshore and is connected by a side of Bogoy, is separated from that island by Boroysund. A
shoal to the shore. Bergsvik, on the S shore of the fjord about 2 depth of 7.3m can be taken through this very narrow channel,
miles E of Altaneset, has a quay with depths of 5m alongside. but in it there is a 1.8m depth marked by an iron perch.
Eikelandsosen, at the head of the fjord, has a projecting quay A depth of 3.7m is available through Kluresund, the narrow

with depths of up to 4m along its N side. channel separating Boroy from the mainland to the N. Iron
Small vessels can anchor SSE of the quay, avoiding subma-
3.57 perches mark dangers on either side of the fairway through
rine cables. West winds send in a considerable sea. Kluresund. Both channels lead into Tveitevag. This inlet is
about 2 miles long and very narrow in places.
3.58 Adlandsfjorden (60°15'N., 5°38'E.) is formed be- Solbjorg (60°18'N., 5°37'E.), located on the W shore of the

tween the SE side of Bogoy and a mainland peninsula which fjord about 1 mile W of the N extremity of Boroy, has a quay,
terminates in Altaneset. Adlandsfjorden’s entrance is between with depths of 4 to 5m alongside.
Altaneset and Holsundskjaer, about 1 mile W. Holsundskjaer, Rolsflu, a rock awash and marked by an iron perch, is on the

consisting of above and below-water rocks, extends about 0.2 W side of the fjord about 2 miles NNW of the N end of Boroy.
mile SSW from the S end of Bogoy. The southernmost danger It lies near the end of a reef extending about 0.2 mile N of a
is marked by an iron perch; close N of the perch there is a bea- point extending N from the shore.
con. A light is shown from Utskot, on the E side of Samnanger-

Adlandsholme lies in the middle of the fjord about 2 miles

3.58 fjorden, about 2 miles N of Boroy.
NNE of Altaneset. Two other small islets lie between Adland- Skjeljavag (60°22'N., 5°40'E.) is located on the NE shore of

sholme and Bogoy. Samnoyholme lies about 0.2 mile SW of the NW branch of Samnangerfjorden, about 2 miles N of
Adlandsholme, with rocks marked by perches between the is- Utskot. A quay located on the W side of the head of this branch
lets. A light is shown from the E extremity of Adlandsholme. has depths of 5 to 7m alongside. A 10-ton crane is available.
Samnoy, a village on Bogoy about 0.5 mile SW of Adland-

sholme, has a small quay with depths of 2 to 7m alongside. A 3.60 Gaupholmen (60°22'N., 5°42'E.) lies 183m off the S
narrow 5.5m channel leads to the quay. Three rocks, each shore of the E branch of Samnangerfjorden, about 3 miles NE
marked by an iron perch, lie in the approach to Samnoy. of Utskot. Furoyi is located close off the S shore about 1 mile E
of Gaupholmen.
3.59 Holmefjorden (60°17'N., 5°40'E.) lies at the head of A quay, close to Gaupholmen, has depths of up to 7m along-

Adlandsfjorden. Iron perches mark some of the dangers in the side. Fuel oil and fresh water are available.
approach. Two quays have least depths of about 5 and 6m A light is shown from the W side of the fjord, about 0.5 mile

alongside. Fresh water is available. W of Gaupholmen.

The entrance to Samnangerfjorden lies between Holsundsk- Tysse, about 0.5 mile E of Furoyi, has a quay, with depths of

jaer and the mainland to the W. About 7 miles above the en- 3 to 5m alongside. A doctor is available. There is bus and rail
trance, Samnangerfjorden divides; one branch continuing N for transportation to Bergen.
about 2 miles to Trengeried, at its head while the other trends Anchorage.—Moderate-sized vessels can anchor in the area

in a general NE direction for about 4 miles to Arland, at the between Furoyi and Tysse.
head of a basin. A rock, marked by an iron perch, lies awash close off the W

A shoal, marked by an iron perch, lies close NW of Holsund-

3.59 side of Haukaneset, a prominent point on the N shore nearly 1
skjaer. Hovdeflu, a 1.8m depth marked by an iron perch, lies mile N of Furoyi.
close off Hovdanes the W extremity of Bogoy, which point is

Pub. 182
Sector 4—Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen

Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 182





4.0Plan.—This sector describes the SW coast of Norway from cent of the seas during winter are less than 5 feet in height.
Korsfjorden to the island of Fedje, which is in the vicinity of 4.1It is significant to note that 9 per cent were observed to be
Fensfjorden and Fedjefjorden. The description is of the outer greater than 3.6m high. During the summer, decreased wind
islands and islets starting from Korsfjorden and working N; the velocities associated with the weakening of the Icelandic
approaches to, and the port of Bergen; and the inner fjords NE “Low” results in lower sea heights. Observations along the ex-
of Bergen. posed portions of the coast show 83 per cent of the waves to be
less than 1.5m and 4 per cent greater than 3.6m in height.
General Remarks 4.1Swell conditions along the Norwegian coast are generally
rough. During the winter, 20 per cent of the swell recorded, for
4.1 Winds—Weather.—Winds, in general, blow from S exposed portions of the coast, exceeds 3.6m in height. This
and SE in winter and from the N and NE in summer, but there swell is generated over the North Atlantic. During the summer,
are local variations. Fog occurs during summer. conditions are moderated, with only about 6 per cent of the
4.1Weather conditions are changeable, varying between the out- swells in excess of 3.6m. With 68 per cent of the swells ob-
er islands and the region near Bergen and the head of the main served to be less than 1.8m in height.
fjord system of the sector. The climate at Bergen is mild, hu- 4.1Fog.—Bergen experiences both sea and land fog, the maxi-
mid, and rainy. Bergen harbor freezes only in very severe win- mum (16 per cent) occurring in July, where a exposed coastal
ters. At the head of the fjord system there is slightly less rain, station like Llsta and Skudenes have lower frequency, with the
and the temperatures are lower in winter. maximum occurring in early summer.
4.1The climate along the SW coast of Norway is milder than 4.1Tides—Currents.—Tides in the North Sea are always
that of other regions so remote from the Equator. The steady semidiurnal, with very little diurnal inequality between the two
run of warm water of the North Atlantic Drift by way of the HWs or the two LWs of each tidal day.
passage between the Shetland Islands and the Faeroe Islands 4.1The tide progresses into the North Sea from the Atlantic
and the English Channel into the North Sea and the Norwegian Ocean, between the Shetland Islands and Norway. Within the
Sea results in the water of these seas being, in January, at least North Sea, HW progresses counterclockwise about a nodal
20° warmer than in others at the same latitude. This condition point off the S coast of Norway, moving S in the North Sea and
is naturally reflected in the meteorology of the region. Migra- W along the S coast of Norway between Kristiansand and the
tory low pressure centers frequent this area in all seasons, ac- 6th meridian. Along the W coast of Norway the progression is
companied by repeated intrusions of maritime polar air which N to about 60°N; N of this, the progression is E.
produce overcast to broken cloud decks, unsettled weather and 4.1Along the W coast of Norway, tide ranges gradually increase
warm temperatures. toward the N, from 0.2m at Mandal to about 0.9m at Bergen.
4.1This maritime influence which is responsible for the warm 4.1Currents, in general set at right angles to the coast. In the S
winters is present during the summer months as well, exerting half of the sector the set is seaward during the falling tide and
moderating influence on the temperatures, particularly on the toward the land during the rising tide.
coast. 4.1In the N half of the sector, the set is NW with the greatest ve-
4.1Large variations in temperature occur throughout this region locity during the falling tide. These currents are not strong,
in winter as it is located on the borderline between the cold of however, except in the narrow passage and are affected by the
the continent and the mild climate of the Atlantic. Sharp tem- winds.
perature contrasts are observed at a short distance inland, ac- 4.1Pilotage.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning
cording to the direction of motion of the air. With W, SW, and Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information.
NW winds from the ocean, temperatures are comparatively 4.1Regulations.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning
high. The E, SE, and NE winds, particularly the latter, usher in Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information.
continental air with the lowest temperatures observed here. 4.1Vessel Traffic Service.—NOR Vessel Traffic Service (NOR
4.1Generally, along the W coast of Norway, the influence of VTS) is in operation for vessels transiting the Norwegian Eco-
winds on the tide levels is small. This is probably due to the nomic Zone (NEZ) from the Norway/Sweden border in the S to
scattering effect of offshore islands and the relatively deep wa- the Norway/Russia border in the N. The NEZ also includes the
ter close inshore. areas around Svalbard and Jan Mayne Island. For further infor-
4.1Ice.—Ice in this area offers no hindrance to navigation and is mation, see paragraph 1.1.
present only in the upper reaches of the fjords along the coast. 4.1For a listing of all routing and traffic separation schemes
Floating ice is met in spring, when small masses, which are (TSS) in Norwegian waters, including off Sotra, see Pub. 140,
soon dispersed, may drift out of Oslofjorden and Kattegat, and Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic Ocean.
occasionally from some of the larger fjords to the W and N or 4.1Caution.—The N current off the S part of the W coast of
Lindesnes. Norway tends to set toward this coast. A considerable set to-
4.1Over the entire area the highest frequency of waves is from ward the coast may be experienced between the entrance of
the W quadrant. Along the exposed coast of Norway 65 per Bomlafjorden and Breisunddybet while the tide is rising at

Pub. 182
74 Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen

Bergen. This set occurs especially during SW, W, and NW of vessel movements by means of gathering, verification, and
gales. dissemination of information as to avert hazards and accidents
between vessels and the platforms, and between other vessels.
4.2 The coast between Store Marstein, an islet on the S 4.2Vessels with intent to navigate across the Entry Zone are re-
side of the entrance to Korsfjorden, and the island of Fedje, quested to inform Statoil Trafikkontroll when passing the limit
about 38 miles NNW, is irregular. It consists of numerous inlets of the Approach Zone stating their intentions. Vessels in the
and small fjords, and is scattered with many small islands and Approach Zone heading for the Entry Zone will be contacted in
peninsulas. due course. If necessary, Statoil Trafikkontroll will request a
4.2The general direction of the fjords is NW; the principal ex- vessel to increase its passing distance. If this is not possible or
ceptions are Osterfjorden and its continuation, which trends to the vessel fails to respond, the “Troll A” standby vessel will in-
the NE, and Sorfjorden and Veafjorden, on the E side of Oste- tercept the unknown vessel and the platform notified. The sur-
roy, which trend to the N. The fjords are deep and vary in veillance service will communicate in Norwegian or English.
width. Three zones have been established around the platform, as fol-
4.2Off-lying islands fronting this coastal sector and the peninsu- lows:
las are lower than 305m in height and are generally rocky with 1. Troll A Safety Zone—The Safety Zone is 500m from
stunted trees. The coast of the mainland, the island of Osteroy, the outer points of the platform. In certain hazard and acci-
and the Bergen peninsula rise to an elevation of about 610m dent situations the Safety Zone can be extended.
and have extensive patches of wooded, fertile land in the low- 2. Troll A Entry Zone—The Entry Zone comprises the
lands. area within a 3-mile radius centered on the platform
4.2Passages among the off-lying islands are intricate, narrow. (60°38.7'N, 3°43.6'E.).
and deep. 3. Troll A Approach Zone—The Approach Zone com-
4.2There are several anchorages for small vessels and some for prises the area within a 15-mile radius centered on the plat-
large vessels in this sector. Coastal vessels call at the many form.
small landings in the fjords. 4.2Vessels passing with a closest point of approach (CPA) of 3
4.2The Oseberg Oil Field, the Brage Oil Field, and the Vesle- miles or less from the installations must inform Statoil Traffic
frikk Oil Field are situated in an area centered about 50 miles Control when 1 hour before the time of closest possible ap-
W of Hellisoy. Numerous submarine pipelines and installations proach (TCPA).
exist in this area. A pipeline extends E to the coast from the Os- 4.2Statoil Traffic Control may be contacted 24 hours on VHF
eberg Field at the S end of the area. channel 16 or 68.
4.2For oil and gas fields located SSW of the above, see Sector 3.
For oil and gas fields NW of the above, see Sector 5.

Outer Islands and Islets

4.3 Store Marstein (60°08'N., 5°01'E.) lies about 1 mile
W of the NE end of Store Kalsoy on the S side of Korsfjorden
entrance. A light tower, 17m high and prominent, stands on the
summit next to a dwelling.
Marsteinboen lies about 1 mile WSW of Store Marstein

Light and is usually awash and marked by breakers.

Hillagrunnane, a shoal with a least depth of 21m, lies 1.5

miles WSW of Store Marstein Light; the sea only breaks in

very heavy weather.

copyright Oyvind Hagen - Statoil (https://data.norge.no/nlod/en/2.0)


Troll A Platform

4.2Troll Gas Field (60°44'N., 3°33'E.) and Huldra Gas Field

(60°51'N., 2°40'E.) lie about 16 miles E and 9 miles NNW of
the Veslefrikk Field. Production ceased at Huldra in 2014 and
the platform wasremoved in 2019.
4.2As of 1996 the Troll A platform was the tallest and heaviest
structure ever moved to another position, relative to the surface
of the Earth.
4.2Caution.—Troll A Platform Radar Surveillance Service and 4.3 By Frokor [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creative commons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)
the VHF Base Station, located on the Troll A Platform, is con- 4.3 Store Marstein Light
trolled by Statoil Trafikkontroll at Sandsli (Statoil VTS). The
surveillance service is an advisory service for the coordination 4.4 Tekslo (60°09'N., 5°01'E.) is on the N side of the

Pub. 182
Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen 75

Korsfjorden entrance, about 1 mile N of Store Marstein. Foul mooring rings, in depths up to 17m, sand. There is a submarine
ground extends about 0.2 mile WNW from Tekslo. Teksleflu- pipeline crossing the channel close to its S entrance.
ene, with a least depth of 13m and Hysteinen, a 27m depth, lie Ternneset (60°14'N., 4°59'E.) is a projection on Store Sotra

about 0.3 mile and nearly 1 mile, respectively, W of Tekslo. close NE of Lutatangen. From Ternneset, the W coast of Store
4.4Under good conditions, the Korsfjorden entrance should be Sotra trends in a general N direction for about 5 miles to Roks-
identified at a great distance as an opening in the land, the neset, then irregularly ESE for 2.75 miles, and then in a general
mountains in the background being high and distinctive. N direction for about 10 miles to Vindneskarven (60°27'N.,
4.4The current flow in Korsfjorden is usually outgoing. The 5°00'E.), the N extremity of the island.
current may be incoming during rising W winds. The outgoing This side of the island is much indented by inlets and coves

flow in the entrance to Korsfjorden may be very strong during and is fronted by several islands; numerous islets and patches
floods. of foul ground extending up to 3.5 miles offshore.
4.4Pilotage.—The pilot vessel may cruise in the entrance to Stallen (60°17'N., 4°57'E.) is a point on Store Sotra about

Korsfjorden, about 1 mile N of Store Marstein, but is usually midway between Grimsoy and Rocksneset. South and SW of
stationed between the S side of Viksoy (60°10'N., 5°03'E.) and Stallen, the outermost dangers lie from 0.5 mile to 1.2 miles off
Flesa. Store Sotra. Malmen, marked by a beacon, is the largest of a
group of islets and rocks lying up to 1.25 miles W of Knappen,
4.5 Lyroddane (60°10'N., 4°59'E.), consisting of a group a point 1 mile S of Stallen. Teigen, a 7m depth, lies about 1
of islets and above and below-water rocks about 1 mile in di- mile W of Stallen.
ameter, are centered about 1 mile NW of Tekslo. Nordre Odd-
ane, on the NW side of the group, is 21m high. 4.7 Goltasteinen (60°13'N., 4°58'E.), a small islet, but
Fugloyhamn lies between Store Fugloy (60°10'N., 5°01'E.) lofty and easily identified by an iron perch on its summit, lies
and Store Vardoy, about 0.3 mile N. Vessels up to moderate about 1 mile WSW of Lutatangen, the NW extremity of Golta,
size can take good anchorage, in depths up to 20m, sand, in Fu- an island which lies in a bight on the SW side of Store Sotra.
gloyhamn. There may be a considerable swell during N or W Telavag (60°15'N., 4°59'E.), a narrow inlet about 1 mile N of
winds. Entrance can be made from SE, passing E of Tekslo and Ternneset, trends NNE for about 2 miles from its entrance.
Seiskjaer, W of foul ground fringing the W side of Naroy for a Grimsoy is a 55m islet on the NW side of the entrance.
distance of about 91m, then E of a 2.7m depth marked by a 4.7Nordre Stuholme and Sore Stuholme are two smaller islets
buoy, and W of a rock, marked by an iron perch. close off the NE side of Grimsoy.
4.7Valoyane lie on the W side of Telavag approach. A beacon
4.6 Store Sotra (60°20'N., 5°05'E.), extending about 18 stands on the E end of the largest islet of the group.
miles N from Korsfjorden, is the largest of the islands in the 4.7Within Telavag, Stekkholme lies in mid-channel, about 1
chain fronting the approaches to Bergen. This chain extends N mile from the entrance. A 3m shoal lies about 183m N of Stek-
from Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen, a distance of about 35 miles, kholme. Other known dangers near the fairway are marked by
and includes a number of other smaller islands and hundreds of iron perches. Several overhead obstructions, with a least verti-
close-lying islets and rocks. cal clearance of 13m, span Telavag. Some quays in Telavag
From offshore, Store Sotra appears to be a part of the main-
4.6 have alongside depths of up to 6m.
land, and, in contrast to the coastal aspect farther N, no off-ly- 4.7Anchorage.—Vessels of moderate draft can anchor in sever-
ing islets can be distinguished. Fordesveten, the highest peak in al places within Telavag. Care must be taken to avoid the 3m
the S part of Store Sotra, has a steep fall on its N side. The N shoal N of Stekkholme and the submarine cables that cross the
end of Store Sotra is considerably lower. inlet. Anchorage can be taken between Nordre Stuholme and
A radio mast, painted red and white in bands and with a
4.6 Sore Stuholme, E and N of Stekkholme, in sand and clay.
height of about 165m, stands on the N part of Store Sotra. A 4.7Small vessels can anchor, in up to 22m, in the W end of Ryn-
white flashing obstruction light is shown from the top. jelsosen, the channel between the N side of Grimsoy and Store
On nearing the land, Store Lonoy will be easily identified
4.6 Sotra.
from its height and isolated position. The high land in the S
part of Algroy has a jagged outline and from the N has a saw- 4.8 Hissoyna (60°18'N., 4°56'E.) lies with its SE point
tooth appearance; other hills in the vicinity are round. about 0.2 mile W of Rocksneset. Between Stallen and Roksne-
Turoy, about 2 miles W of the N end of Store Sotra, is higher
4.6 set the outermost shoals and rocks lie within 1 mile W of Store
than the N part of the larger island. A beacon stands on the Sotra.
81m summit of Turoy in the N part of that island. Toftevik, on Rabbarosen (60°18'N., 4°57'E.) a small bay which is en-
the W side of Toftoy between Turoy and Naroy, about 2 miles tered about 0.2 mile S of Roksneset, is available for small craft
N, is easily made out. with local knowledge. The approach from W is deep, but there
Pollen is the name given to the continuation of Austefjorden
4.6 are dangers near the fairway. The best approach is from SW,
N of its junction with Toftoyosen. passing between Mokalasset and Augnarholme. Myrbaerholme
Between Tekslo and the coast of Store Sotra, about 3 miles
4.6 is on the S side of the bay entrance. Augnarholme is a smaller
N, there are a number of islets and rocks which are nearly islet close W of Myrbaerholme.
joined together by foul ground. There are several anchorages 4.8Anchorage.—Small vessels can take good anchorage in the
for small vessels among the islets; some of the channels lead- S part of Rabbarosen E of Myrbaerholme, but care must be tak-
ing to them are marked by perches. en to avoid foul ground extending about 91m from the E shore.
Goltaosen (60°13'N., 5°01'E.) provides good anchorage with
4.6 Mokalasset (60°18'N., 4°56'E.) lies above water, about 0.3

Pub. 182
76 Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen

mile W of Augnarholme. Sore Mokalassflu and Nordre Moka- and many rocks, both above and below-water, lie nearby; a
lassflu, with depths of 9.5m and 5m, lie about 0.3 mile SSW chain of islets and dangers extends nearly 1 mile SE from near
and 0.25 mile WNW, respectively, of Modalasset. Grytebaen, a Giljeneset, the S extremity of Turoy.
rock, awash, is located about 0.2 mile NW of Mokalasset. Magoyna, Kvaloyna, and Sandoyni are the principal islets of

4.8Salen, an above-water rock, is on the N side of the fairway a group that includes many smaller islets and rocks and lies be-
about 0.2 mile N of Augnarholme. A reef extends about 91m tween 0.7 mile and 1.7 miles W of Turoy.
SW from Salen; there are depths of less than 9.1m within 183m Vestre Odden, an above-water rock, is near the SW edge of

E of the rock. this area. Shoal water extends about 0.2 mile SSW from Vestre
4.8Between Hissoyna and Haveroyna (60°24'N., 4°56'E.), Odden.
about 5 miles N, are Lokoyna, Langoyna, Algroyna, and many Svartskjaeri, a small area of above and below-water rocks, is

islets and rocky areas. Overhead cables, with vertical clearance centered about 0.5 mile S of Magoyna.
of at least 10m, span the fairways between Hissoyna, Naroyna, Svartskjersosen is the basin that lies S and SSW of Turoy.

Syltoyna, Lokoyna, Langoyna, and Algroyna. An overhead ca- The entrance from seaward is S of Svartskjerosen. Hattholme
ble, with a vertical clearance of 24m, and a bridge, with a verti- lies on the SE side of the Svartskjerosen entrance, about 1 mile
cal clearance of 15m, span the channel between Langoyna and SSE of Maioy.
Store Sotra, about 0.4 mile S of the N extremity of Langoyna. Hattholmbaen, a 3.2m depth, and Svartskjergrunnane, with a

On the E side of the islands above are narrow channels leading least depth of 12.8m, lie about 0.2 mile NW and 0.5 mile W, re-
into an inner basin, which is formed in a bight on the W side of spectively, of the N end of Hattholme.
Store Sotra. Vindoysen, the basin E of Turoy, is bound on the N by Store
4.8This basin forms the approach to Fjellspollen (60°18'N., Skarvoy, some nearby smaller islets, and the S end of Toftoy;
5°03'E.). From its narrow and shallow entrance, Fjellspollen on the E by the island of Misje, and on the S by Store Vindoy,
trends N for about 2 miles and S for 1.25 miles through the Lille Vindoy, and Vearoy.
middle part of Store Sotra. Only small vessels should attempt A light is shown from a position close off the NW extremity

to use the channels leading to these inner basins. Some of the of Lille Vindoy.
dangers near the fairways are marked by perches. Solsviksund is the narrow channel between the N end of

Store Sotra and Misje. Svelgen is the channel between Misje

4.9 Kalsoyane (60°19'N., 4°56'E.), several close-lying is- and the SE side of Toftoy. Both channels lead into
lets from 13 to 20m high, lie within 0.5 mile NNW of Hissoy. Hjeltefjorden. Charted depths in these narrow channels are 16
4.9Kalsoyflu, with a least depth of 3m, lies about 0.2 mile W of to 21m.
the farthest SW islet. A light is shown from the SW extremity of Misje, close W of

4.9Store Lonoy, a conspicuous island, is located about 1 mile the entrance of Solsviksund. A light is shown from a hut on the
NW of Hissoy. Several islets lie close off the W and SW sides N extremity of Misje in Svelgen channel. The E end of the
of Store Lonoy; within 0.75 mile S and NW and 0.5 mile W of channel is also marked by lights. Iron perches mark some of
the island there are other small islets and foul areas. the dangers near the channel fairways.
Nordre Tjornoy (60°22'N., 4°55'E.), marked by a light, lies Solsviksund may be approached from S, but the principal ap-

about 0.3 mile off the NW side of Algroyna. proach is from W through Svartskjerosen and Hjelmeholsen
A beacon with a cross topmark stands on Ljosoy, about 2 (60°25'N., 4°56'E.), passing well S of Lille Hjelmen, the islet
miles N of Norde Tjornoy. at the SE extremity of the islet chain extending from Turoy, and
4.9Breidflu, a 9.1m depth, is located about 1 mile WNW of the then E of Geitaroy and Bollholme, two islets which are near
beacon on Sore Tjornoy. Other detached shoals, with depths of Store Sotra.
less than 1.8m to 11.9m, lie within 0.6 mile NNE of Breidflu. Care must be taken to avoid a 5m depth lying near the fair-

4.9Polleflu, an 11m depth, and Landrobaen, a 5.9m depth, lie way in a position about 137m E of the N end of Bollholme.
about 1 mile WSW and 1.5 miles W, respectively, of the bea- A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 18m, spans Sols-

con on Ljosoy. Numerous other dangers are located between viksund close within its S entrance. Fixed red lights mark the
the described dangers and the islands fronting the coast of centerline.
Store Sotra. A quay, located on the W side of Solsviksund, has an along-

4.9Kartveit (60°23'N., 5°00'E.), a village, lies on the E shore of side depth of 6m.
an inlet extending from Eideosen into the W side of Store A submarine cable runs from Utfall, located on the coast of

Sotra. There are two quays, with alongside depths of 4 to 7m, Store Sotra W of Bollholme, NW past Lille Vindoy, and then
located at Kartveit. Fuel oil is available. W to Turoy. A submarine cable exists in the N portion of Svel-
Approximately 5.4 miles NNE of Norde Tjornoy, the small gen, passing around the N extremity of Misje.
islet of Ertenskjaer lies about 0.6 mile W of Sandoyni At Utfall, there is a quay, with depths of up to 9m alongside.

(60°27'N., 4°53'E.) and is the W danger of the group of islands Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Solsviksund and Svel-

and islets in this area. The islets of Odden (60°26'N., 4°56'E.) gen set N into Hjeltefjorden during the rising tide (beginning
and the shoal Oddefluene lie about 0.6 mile S of Ertenskjaer about 6 hours 10 minutes after HW at Bergen) and seaward
and Ertensskjerflu. from Hjeltefjorden during the falling tides (beginning about
HW at Bergen). The currents set strongly at times.
4.10 Turoyna (60°27'N., 4°55'E.) has a beacon on its 81m Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Tjuvvika, a cove

summit, about 0.25 mile from the N end of the island. Lille Tu- on the N side of Svelgen, N of the N extremity of Misje, in
royna is close off the SW side of Turoyna. Other smaller islets 18m, sand. Caution must be used to avoid the submarine cable

Pub. 182
Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen 77

off the N side of Misje. 32m.

Several narrow channels are formed by Store Skarvoy and
4.10 Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Ulvsundet close W

the islets near it which lie between Turoy and Toftoy. They lead of an islet at its E end. The depths here are 11 to 16.5m; moor-
NW from Vindoyosen into the SE side of Tofteviki and are ing rings are available.
spanned by cables, with vertical clearances of 18m to 32m.
Shoals, marked by iron perches, lie in the channel between Tu- 4.13 Rorsund, between the NW side of Ulvoyni (60°31'N.,
roy and the islets close E, and in Skarvoysund (60°27'N., 4°53'E.) and the SW part of Blomoyni, leads into Blomvag N
4°56'E.) fairway, the channel between Store Skarvoy and Tof- of Ulvoyni. Small vessels can anchor here in 22 to 26m. Iron
toy. perches and lights mark some of the dangers in the approach.
An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 26m, spans

4.11 The bay of Toftevika is bound on the S by Sandoy, Rorsund about 1 mile SSE of Blomvag. Several quays, with
Knappane, Turoyna, and Store Skarvoy and on the N by alongside depths of 2 to 17m, lie in Blomvag. Fuel oil and
Kvannholmen, Froa, Nuroyi, and Rongoyni (60°30'N., fresh water are available.
4°55'E.). Depths in Toftevika are irregular and, except for a few Anchorage.—Good anchorage can be taken in the narrow

detached patches, exceed 36m. Navreskjaer, a detached reef sound between the W side of Blomoy and the islets Nautoy and
which is above-water near its S end, lies in the middle of Husholme, in about 14.6m, sand. A quay located in the sound
Tofteviki. has alongside depths of 3 to 10m.
Bjornoy lies near the NW side of Toftoyni, about 2 miles N
4.11 Osunder (60°33'N., 4°51'E.), the narrow sound leading NE

of Store Skarvoy. Kjempa, a rock marked by an iron perch, is into Hjeltefjorden between Blomoy and One, is free from dan-
on the outer edge of foul ground extending nearly 0.25 mile gers, but is only navigable by small vessels because of its nar-
SW from Bjornoy. A light is shown from an iron perch located row width.
off the NE extremity of Bjornoy, between Bjornoy and Toftoy. Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Osundet set N into

Rongsund is the channel between Toftoyni and Bjornoyni Hjeltefjorden during the rising tide (beginning about 6 hours
(60°29'N., 4°56'E.), on the E, and Rongoy and islets extending 10 minutes after HW at Bergen) and seaward from
S from that island, on the W. It joins Tofteviki with Hjeltefjorden during the falling tide (beginning about HW at
Hjeltefjorden. Bergen). The currents set strongly at times.
Rongsund is narrow; the S approach is intricate. Depths in
4.11 Kollsoy lies on the SE side of Osundet entrance. Two smaller

the fairway are about 18.7 to 48m, but there are nearby dan- islets lie in Osundet approach about 0.1 mile W and 0.2 mile S,
gers. Cables exist in the inlet S of Rongsund and N of Bjorno. respectively, of the W extremity of Kollsoy. Flatskjaer, above
Anchorage is not permitted in this area. water, and Saskjaeri, partly above water, lie within 0.2 mile
SW and 0.3 mile SSW, respectively, of the S of the two above
4.12 Toftevag (60°29'N., 4°56'E.) indents the W side of islets.
Toftoy extending S from Bjornoy. Two quays, with alongside Forskjaer lies above water on the NW side of Osundet ap-

depths of 3 to 7m, are located at Toft close to the head of proach in a position about 0.2 mile SW of the N islet.
Toftevag. Husmannsflu, a 12m depth, lies in the fairway between Flat-

Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Rongsund have the

4.12 skjaer and Forskjaer.
same characteristics as those in Solsviksund and Svelgen. Kvalosen (60°34'N., 4°50'E.) is the S and broadest part of

Anchorage.—Small vessels can anchor in Torsteinsvik, on

4.12 the sound between One and Skogsoyni, to the W.
the SE side of Rongsund, NE of Bjornoy. The anchorage has Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in 40m, about 1 mile

depths of 12.8 to 22m and is free from dangers; mooring rings N of Forskjaer. Small vessels can anchor farther N in depths
are available. Quays, with depths of up to 4m, are located in the decreasing from 18.3 to 9.1m S of an above-water rock in the
cove. vicinity of Breidvik, close inside the N entrance to the sound.
Kjeldosen, between the N side of Nuroy and two islets
4.12 A mole and a bridge cross the passage between One and Sk-

named Borsholme and Sjurdholme, affords protected anchor- ogsoy close S of Breidvik. The mole and bridge prevent further
age to small vessels, in 9.1m, in its W part. progress N to all but small craft.
The best approach is E of Svelslingen, which lies above wa-
4.12 Breidvik has quays, with alongside depths of 4 to 5m. Fuel

ter near the SE edge of a shoal that extends 0.25 mile E from a oil is available.
position near the E side of Nuroy.
Ulvsundet, which is entered about 1 mile ENE of Skarvoy
4.12 4.14 Storodden (60°33'N., 4°48'E.) is the largest of several
(60°30'N., 4°50'E.), is the narrow sound between the islands of islets and rocks lying within 0.25 mile of the SW side of Skog-
Ono and Rongoy, on the S, and Ulvoy and Blomoy, on the N. soy. Tenen, a detached above-water rock, is located about 0.2
It leads ENE into Hjeltefjorden and is approached from sea-
4.12 mile S of the W extremity of Storodden.
ward between Skarvoy and Nessaengen, about 0.2 mile N, and Herdlevaer is an island close NW of Skogsoy. Rossoy and

the islets and rocks just E of these two outer islets. some smaller islets and rocks lie on foul ground extending
The channel fairway is very narrow, and although some of
4.12 about 0.3 mile S and SW from Herdlevaer.
the dangers are marked by lights or iron perches, its use is lim- Nordre Seiskallane, a detached 7.5m depth, lies about 0.3

ited to small vessels. Power-driven vessels must not exceed a mile SW of the W extremity of Rossoy. Sore Seiskallane, with
speed of 7 knots in Ulvsundet. a least depth of 1.5m, and Borsklakken, a 14m depth, are locat-
The E part of Ulvsundet is spanned by a bridge, with a verti-
4.12 ed about 1 mile SSW and 0.7 mile W, respectively, of the same
cal clearance of 20m, and a cable, with a vertical clearance of point.

Pub. 182
78 Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen

Straumsundi (60°35'N., 4°51'E.) are the channels between

4.14 Nordoy (60°43'N., 4°44'E.) lies on the S side of Fedjeosen,

One and Alvoyna, to the N, which lead from seaward into the principal approach from seaward leading into the channels
Hjeltefjorden and Indreleia. Islets, rocks, and bridges some- of Indreleia, which continue S to Bergen.
what obstruct the passage.
Entrance from the W can be made N of Geitingen. Straum-
Approach to Bergen from South
soy, with the islet of Galten close SW of it, lies in the E end of
the passage and divides it into two narrow channels, named 4.16 Lysefjorden (60°12'N., 5°19'E.) is a continuation of
Nordre Straumsund and Sore Straumsund. Korsfjorden from its junction with Langenuen and Fanafjord.
Flatskjaer, marked by an iron perch, is on the N side of the
4.14 The fjord is entered between Korsen, the SW point of Krossnes
fairway, about 0.2 mile N of the N extremity of Herdlevaer. and Fluaneset, the W point of Skorpo, 2.25 miles SE.
Senholme lies on the S side of the fairway within 0.25 mile NE The outer 2 miles of the fjord is deep and clear, except for is-

of the same extremity. Foul ground, marked by an iron perch, lets and rocks which lie within 0.6 mile offshore on both sides.
extends about 0.2 mile SE from Rotevaagoy, which lies on the Lysoya is the largest number of islets at the head of the fjord. A
N side of the fairway about 0.3 mile NE of Senholme. conspicuous tower stands on Lysoya.
A 4m rocky patch lies on the N side of the fairway, about
4.14 Caution.—Submarine cables lie E of Lysoya and close W of

183m SSW of the SW extremity of Rotevaagoy. There are oth- the mainland. Mariners are advised not to anchor or trawl in
er dangers near the fairway of Nordre and Sore Straumsund, the vicinity.
some of which are marked by iron perches. Good anchorage for small vessels is available in several

Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Straumsundi set N in-

4.14 places along the shores of Lysefjorden, but local knowledge is
to Hjeltefjorden during the rising tide (beginning about 6 hours required for entering these anchorages. Two anchorages are
10 minutes after HW at Bergen) and seaward from available at the head of the fjord and are best seen on the chart.
Hjeltefjorden during the falling tide (beginning about HW at Fanafjorden is entered between Korsen and Leroy-Buaroy,

Bergen). The currents set strongly at times. 1.5 miles NW. The fjord trends NE for about 5 miles to the
town of Fana, at its head. With the exception of some islets and
4.15 Alvoyna (60°38'N., 4°50'E.) trends about 3 miles N dangers lying close to the shores and those at the head of the
between its S extremity, the NW entrance point of Nordre fjord, it is clear and deep.
Straumsund, and Aadneset (60°36'N., 4°48'E.), the N extremi- Iron perches and a buoy mark a narrow channel between Le-

ty of the island. roy and Bjelkaroy. Perches also mark some of the dangers
The W coast of Alvoyna is about 2 miles long and is fronted
4.15 along the shores of Fanafjorden.
by numerous islets and above-water rocks, all of which lie Small vessels can anchor in most of the bights on the SE side

within 1.3 miles of the larger island. The channel among the is- of Fanafjorden and also near the head of the fjord. There are
lands and islets can be used only by small vessels. quays with depths of 4 to 5m at the head of the fjord near
Hjartoyni (60°38'N., 4°50'E.) is reported as the largest is-
4.15 Stendaholmen.
land off the W coast of Alvoy. Alvheimsund, a very narrow
channel, especially in its S part, is marked by Iron perches and 4.17 Leroyosen (60°14'N., 5°10'E.) is entered from the S
lights. between Bornestangen and the islet of Leroy-Buaroy, about 10
A quay, with depths of 3 to 6m, is located at the village of
4.15 miles NNE. Leroyosen is the principal channel used by large
Alvheim on the NE shore of the sound. vessels approaching Bergen from the S. Both sides of the chan-
Small vessels can take good anchorage, in depths up to 18m,
4.15 nel are comparatively steep-to.
off Alvheim. A light is shown on Bornestangen and Tangaflu. A light is al-

Caution.—Numerous caution areas and a precautionary area

4.15 so shown from an islet close off the SW side of Leroy.
are located E of Hjartoyni. On the W side of the channel, good anchorage with mooring

Langoysund (60°37'N., 4°48'E.), between Alvoyna and

4.15 rings can be obtained by small vessels close W of Svinstangen.
Langoyna, provides good anchorage for small vessels, in 13 to Klokkarvik (60°13'N., 5°10'E.) lies about 1 mile NNW of

20m; mooring rings are used. The S entrance is the broader one Svinestangen and offers anchorage to small vessels, in 7.3m. A
and more clear of dangers than the N entrance. Care must be small quay is located in the port.
taken to avoid a 3m shoal near the middle of the sound. On the E side of Leroyosen there are several anchorages

The channel that passes the W side of the island of Forhjel-

4.15 which are suitable for vessels with local knowledge.
mo (60°40'N., 4°48'E.) and the S side of Store Lyngoy, and Temporary anchorage can be taken, in 14.6 to 16.4m, off the

leads into Hjeltefjorden, is entered from W between Mykle- W end of Leroy-Buaroy. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited
baen, on the S, and the dangers extending S from Store Lyngoy. in the area of Leroyosen that is best seen on the chart.
From Myklebaen, a 2.5m depth, the channel leads SE of Lam- Raunefjorden (60°16'N., 5°10'E.) lies just N of Leroy and

holmflu, a 3.5m depth. Bjelkaroy. The fairway through Raunefjorden leads W of a

Care must be taken to avoid both Lamholmflu and Siefluene,
4.15 group of islands and islets and has ample depths for large ves-
where the channel turns NE and leads between Tikje and the sels. Rauneskjaerene Light is shown on the SW end of a reef
SE islet of Skreiskjaerene. Care must be taken to avoid the foul which lies in the middle of Raunefjorden.
ground extending from both of these islets. A beacon lies about 0.1 mile E of the light. A light is shown

After passing these dangers, vessels may enter Hjeltefjorden,

4.15 on the NW side of Flatoy, which lies 0.5 mile E of the above
passing or rounding Robbeganstangen (60°41'N., 4°48'E.), light. Large vessels can anchor in the vicinity of Flatoy. Care
the N extremity of Forhjelmo, at a prudent distance. must be taken to avoid a shoal E of the islet.

Pub. 182
Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen 79

4.18 Vatlestraumen (60°19'N., 5°12'E.) trends N and

NNW on the E side of Bjoroy for about 4 miles and is the pre-
ferred passage from the N end of Raunefjorden to the channel
N of Bjoroy which continues farther N into Byfjorden.
The fairway through Vatlestraumen is deep and free from

dangers. A light marks a rock on the E side of the fairway near

its S entrance point. A light is shown on a small point about 2
miles N of the above light. A number of other navigational aids
can best be seen on the chart.
Small vessels with local knowledge can anchor in the bight

off Flesland, in depths of 7.3 to 26m. Larger vessels can anchor

in depths up to 46m in a bay N of Tangen, avoiding a 4m patch
close off this small point. A quay, with depths of from 4 to 6m
alongside, is located in this bay.
Grimstadfjorden (60°19'N., 5°14'E.) lies on the E side of

Vatlestraumen. The fjord extends 1.5 miles E and then divides

into two arms; one trends 1.25 miles NNW to Mathopen while
the other trends SSE to Dolvik. Tidal currents of up to 5 knots
have been reported (2008) in the N branch of the fjord. The 4.18 By Einherjer [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org)]
fairway through most of Grimstadfjorden has depths exceeding Norwegian frigate pier side at Haakonsvern

A light is shown on shore at the E extremity of the fjord and
N of its S entrance. Liholmane, a group of islets, lie on the E
also on the NW shore of Store Bogoy. side of the fairway about 0.5 mile NW of the N extremity of
Haakonsvern (Hakonsvern) (60°20'N., 5°14'E.) (World Port
Tosoy. A light is shown from the W side of the S islet of the
Index No. 23170) in the N part of Grimstadfjorden, contains a group. The dangers on the E side of the fairway are well
restricted area surrounding the Haakonsvern Naval Base. The marked by navigational aids and can best be seen on the chart.
base, which is the largest in Norway, is a comprehensive facili- There are no recommended anchorages in Kobbaleida.
ty containing all the necessary resources to support the Norwe- From the junction of Vatlestraumen and Kobbaleida, a deep,

gian navy in its day-to-day operations. The base is equipped clear channel trends N for about 2 miles to Stangsnes, a main-
with cranes. Two mooring buoys are available off the harbor, land projection at the SW end of Byfjord. Depths in the fair-
0.3 mile NW of Knappen Light. Repairs, fuel, and fresh water way are from 64 to 97m. A depth of 1.8m lies on the W side of
are available.The recommended route to Haakonsvern from sea the fairway, about 0.1 mile N of the beacon marking Fuglask-
through the fjords is via Korsfjorden, Leroyosen, Raun- jaer.
efjorden, and Grimstadfjorden. Alvoyvag (60°21'N., 5°11'E.) lies on the E side of the above

Stamneset lies on the S side of Grimstadfjorden. A quay at

4.18 channel, about 1 mile NNE of Fuglaskjaer. A 3.6m patch lies in
an oil tank installation on the E side of Stamneset has a depth the middle of the narrow entrance to Alvoyvag.
of 14m alongside. A small quay, with a depth of 4m alongside, is located at Al-

A mooring buoy lies close E of the quay. Nordasstraumen

4.18 voen, a small town on the NE side of Alvoyvag. Stongi Light
leads E from the S arm of Grimstadfjorden and connects the (60°22'N., 5°10'E.) marks a rock on the E side of the channel
fjord with the inner basin of Nordasvatn. The channel is very close W of Stangsnes. A bridge, with a vertical clearance of
narrow and can only be used by small vessels. The least depth 50m, crosses the channel close N of Stongi Light.
in the fairway is 3.4m. A cable with an overhead clearance of
25m spans Nordasstraumen at its narrowest part. 4.20 Brattholmen (60°21'N., 5°10'E.) (World Port Index
Anchorage.—A bight on the E side of Store Bogoy provides
4.18 No. 23180), a small settlement on the W side of the channel on
good anchorage for small vessels in 12.8m. Such vessels can Litlasotra, lies about 1 mile N of Fuglaskjaer. A pier close to
also anchor in 14.6 to 20.1m, in the N arm of Grimstadfjorden, the settlement has a depth of 4m alongside. Anchorage is avail-
about 1 mile NNE of the S end of Store Bogoy. Depths of 4 and able for small vessels, in a depth of 11.8m, off the settlement.
4.9m lie in mid-channel about 0.2 mile S of the anchorage. The W entrance to Byfjorden lies between Stongi Light and
Anchorage is found in the S arm off Dolvik; anchorage is al-
Hjelteskjaer Light, nearly 1 mile to the NNE. This SW reach
so available in a small cove on the S side of Grimstadfjorden separates the S side of Askoy from the mainland and trends NE
about 0.3 mile W of Stamneset. A 6.1m patch lies just N of the for 2.25 miles to Kvarven, which shows a light, and then con-
cove entrance. tinues E for about 1 mile to the W limits of the port area of
Bergen at Olderneset. Both sides of this reach are steep-to,
4.19 Kobbaleida (60°19'N., 5°09'E.) is an alternate pas- with a few existing dangers within 183m of the shores. Depths
sage leading N from Raunefjorden. The passage is bounded on in the fairway are ample and in most places exceed 183m. Sub-
the W by the island of Store Sotra and on the E by the islands marine cables cross the fjord at Storebuneset and about 0.5
of Tosoy and Bjoroy. Depths in the fairway through Kobbalei- mile farther NE.
da are ample for large vessels, but caution is necessary because The Askoy Bridge (60°23.7'N., 5°12.9'E.), with a vertical

of nearby dangers. clearance of 63m, extends SSE from Skardholmen to Brystene-

There is a submarine cable across Kobbaleida about 2 miles
set and crosses the SW arm of Byfjorden in the approach to

Pub. 182
80 Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen

4.20 By Michael Clarke [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa)], via Wikimedia Commons
4.20 Hellisoy Light

Bergen. proach to Bergen. It affords direct access from sea into the
Skardholmen (60°24'N., 5°13'E.) is located about 0.2 mile
4.20 channels of Indreleia, which continue S to Bergen for about 30
NE of Storebuneset. A tanker wharf, with depths of from 10 to miles. It is about 1 mile wide between the island of Fedje and
24m alongside, is located at Skardholmen. A cove close NE of the islets to the S.
Skardholmen affords good anchorage, with mooring rings for On the S side of the channel, Bolleflesi, a rock lying on foul

small vessels at its N end. ground which breaks, is located about 1 mile NW of Nordoyni.
A large oil tank installation in Klampevik has a quay, 76m
4.20 A racon is situated at the lighted beacon standing on the rock.
long, with depths from 11 to 16m alongside, and a shorter A light is shown from the NW end of Nordoy.
quay, with depths of up to 19m alongside. On the N side of the channel, Ostre Hellisoy is situated close

to the SW side of Fedje. Hellisoy Light (60°45'N., 4°43'E.)

4.21 Skalevik (60°24'N., 5°14'E.), about 0.2 mile SSW of with its prominent light tower, 32m high, stands on the island.
Kvarven, is marked by a cluster of oil tanks and has two quays, A racon is situated at the light tower.
the W and E, which are approximately 80 and 44m long. The In addition to the above, at night, the lights at Onglesundet

W quay, also known as the Skalevikveien Terminal is operated (60°43'N., 4°52'E.) and Vardholmen (60°46'N., 4°52'E.) may
by Esso Norge AS and can accommodate vessels up to 12m in be of aid to navigation in the channel.
draft. The E quay is a general cargo berth and has a least depth Hakeskallen, a 14m patch, lies about 1 mile NW of Bollefle-

of 6.4m alongside. A rock, marked by an iron perch, lies close si and reduces the navigable width of the channel to about 1
off the W entrance point of Skalevik. Storholmen, an islet, lies mile. Other dangers S and W of Hakeskallen may best be seen
about 0.5 mile N of Kvarven. A quay on the W side of the islet on the chart.
is 85m long, with depths of 14 to 17m alongside. There is a Vessels from the N proceeding to Bergen can pass through

small quay on the E side of the islet, with an alongside depth of the length of Hjeltefjorden and then through the SW reach of
9m. Byfjorden, the channels of which lead W and S of Askoy. An
Anchorage.—Marikoven has good anchorage in a nearby
4.21 alternative route leads from the N part of Hjeltefjorden into
cove, in a depth of 30m, sand. This is a good temporary an- Herdlefjorden, through that fjord, and then through the N reach
chorage for deep-draft vessels. There are mooring rings in the of Byfjorden. These two routes are the ones generally used.
outer part of the cove. Pilotage.—Pilots are transferred by helicopter at the Horda-

land-Fedje pilotage station. Pilotage rules and information are,

Approach to Bergen from North as follows:
1. Pilot boarding places are, as follows:
4.22 Fedjeosen (60°44'N., 4°44'E.) is the principal N ap- a. Fedje Vest (60°46.0'N., 4°27.9'E.).

Pub. 182
Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen 81

b. Holmengra Vest (60°51.0'N., 4°25.9'E.). booked in advance, giving 24 hours notice to Fedje Traffic
2. Pilot services for vessels that exceed 30,000 gt and are Control Center.
classified to carry hazardous or polluting cargo, will be pro-
vided exclusively from the pilot boarding places mentioned Norwegian Coastal Administration
in paragraph 1 above. The same applies when vessels carry Pilot Services
no cargo. Fedje Traffic Control Center may decide that other
vessels should also be serviced from the pilot boarding plac- https://www.kystverket.no
es mentioned in paragraph 1 above.
3. Vessels as mentioned in paragraph 2 above will be of- 4.23 Fedjefjorden (60°45'N., 4°47'E.) lies E of Fedjeosen
fered pilot transfer by helicopter. Such offer will be given to and the Holmengra group, and W of many islets and rocks ex-
the vessel or the agent when the initial pilot booking is made. tending 3 miles NW from Fosnoy. On the W side of Fed-
Vessels/agents that do not immediately accept pilot transfer jefjorden, there are no known dangers more than 183m off
by helicopter will have up to 12 hours prior to commence- Fedje.
ment of the pilotage assignment in which to make a decision. Hjeltefjorden (60°35'N., 4°55'E.) is the principal part of the
4. Vessels that receive a helicopter shall comply with the N inner approach to Bergen. The fairway through Hjeltefjorden
rules set out in “Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations,” is- favors the W side of the fjord and passes within 0.5 mile of the
sued by the International Chamber of Shipping. outer islets and dangers on that side. Between Geitanger and
5. Vessels as mentioned in paragraph 2 above, which the entrance of Byfjorden the fairway width is considerably re-
cannot or do not wish to have a pilot transferred by helicop- duced. Buoys or iron perches mark some of the outer dangers,
ter, will have a pilot transferred by pilot boat when this can and there are some beacons and a few lights.
be done safely. The pilot will be transferred to the new pilot Toska (Toskoy), a narrow island, lies on the E side of

boarding places mentioned in paragraph 1 above. It should Hjeltefjorden abreast of Seloy. A small inlet which is entered
be noted that to decline use of a helicopter in cases where it from Hjeltefjorden nearly divides Toska into two parts.
is not safe to use a pilot boat will result in waiting time. The N part of Toska is known as Uttoska. Norde Flesi,

6. Fedje Traffic Control Center shall not clear vessels marked by a buoy, lies about 0.5 mile NW of the NW extremity
mentioned in paragraph 2 above for entry until the pilot has of Uttoska. Stureholmen, which shows a light, lies on the W
embarked. Such vessels shall not be cleared for departure side of Hjeltefjorden.
with a pilot on board until it is confirmed that the pilot can The direct Hjeltefjorden route is used by large vessels. Small

disembark as intended. vessels and vessels of moderate size usually prefer the route
7. If helicopters are available, other vessels than those through Herdlefjorden, which is almost free from dangers in
mentioned in paragraph 2 above may also be offered pilot the greater part of its length, but narrows at its N end.
transfer by helicopter provided the vessels in question satis- Regulations.—As seen on the chart, inbound vessels will

fies the requirements of paragraph 4 above. The vessels will cross a radio reporting line drawn between Blomoyna and the
in the event be provided with a pilot at the new pilot board- NW part of Askoy.
ing places.
8. The helicopter company will bill the agent for the par- 4.24 Sture Oil Terminal (60°37'N., 4°52'E.) is a major
ticular vessel for all costs incurred in pilot transfer by heli- facility for the export of oil received by pipeline from the
copter. Oseberg, Grane, Svalin, Edvard Grieg and Ivar Aasen oil
9. The above measures will be implemented immediate- fields. The terminal is located close N of Stureholmen Light
ly and shall apply until further notice. and consists of two jetties, with associated mooring dolphins,
Vessels not encompassed by these measures will continue to
4.22 extending E from the shore 0.4 mile and 0.8 mile, respectively,
be provided with a pilot by pilot boat at the pilot boarding plac- NNW of the light tower. A short breakwater projects S from
es in Fedjeosen and off Holmengra. State pilots shall be the shore close S of the root of the N jetty to protect the tugs.

Sture Oil Terminal—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Sture Terminal
Crude. Berthing length of 366m
(including dolphins). Crude vessels
Jetty No. 1 80m 26.0m 338.9m 23.0m 300,00 dwt under 50,000 dwt or over 150,000
dwt are preferred to be loaded at the
jetty. Beam is unrestricted.
Berthing length of 310m (incl.
Jetty No. 2 100m 26.0m 280m 23.0m — 300,00 dwt
dolphins). Crude and LPG.

Pub. 182
82 Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen

Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 300,000 dwt, 338.9m

4.24 Skjeljanger Light (60°37'N., 4°57'E.) stands on the NW

in length,and 23m in draft can be accommodated at the end of Holsenoy. Kvernane, two above-water rocks, lies about
terminal. For more berthing information see the table titled 0.6 mile WNW of Skjeljanger Light. A beacon stands on Kver-
Sture Oil Terminal—Berth Information nane. Mefjordbaen Light lies about 1 mile WSW of Skjel-
Aspect.—A conspicuous water tower, 64m in elevation, and
4.24 janger Light. An iron perch marks the NW end of
a conspicuous flare tower, 52m in elevation, stand in the vicini- Mefjordbaen.
ty of the oil terminal and may be seen from a considerable dis- Herdla, an island enclosing the NW end of Herdelfjorden,

tance. lies on the E side of Hjeltefjorden, with its W extremity about 2

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 4,000
4.24 miles S of Skjeljanger. A white church on the W slope of the
gt carrying cargo to and from the terminal. Pilotage should be island is a good landmark. A bank, with depths of less than
ordered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the 5.5m, extends about 0.3 mile N from the island.
Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
Regulations.—Berthing and unberthing takes place during
4.24 4.26 Herdlesund (60°34'N., 4°58'E.), between Herdla and
daylight hours only. the N end of Askoy, is a narrow channel leading from
Vessels should send their ETA 72 hours in advance, includ-
4.24 Hjeltefjorden into the N end of Herdlefjorden. A light is shown
ing the following information: on the NW point of Askoy. A bridge, with a vertical clearance
1. Vessel name and call sign. of 16.2m, spans Herdlesund. Red fixed lights beneath the
2. Flag/nationality. bridge indicate the center of the fairway.
3. Master’s name. Herdlefluene, a group of shoals extending S from Herdla, are

4. Owners. marked by an iron perch at their E end, which dries, lying 0.2
5. Shipper. mile SW of the bridge.
6. Cargo number. Between Krabbejoneset and the Byfjorden entrance, about

7. Gross tans. 11 miles SE, the fairway of Hjeltefjorden continues to be deep

8. Summer dwt. and clear, and for the most part favors the W side of the fjord.
9. Draft fore and aft. Both shores are irregular, and most of the detached islets and
10. Last port of call. dangers are on the E side, lying up to 1.5 miles off the W side
11. ETA (local time and date). of Askoy.
12. Technical information as required by the terminal. Store Jona lies on the W side of the fairway of Hjeltefjorden,

Vessels should obtain permission from the terminal prior to

4.24 about 1 mile E of Krabbejoneset. Store Jona consists of two
proceeding to the jetty. close-lying islets. A light is shown on the S islet.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Sture Oil Ter-
4.24 Rongsund (60°30'N., 4°56'E.), on the W side of

minal—Contact Information. Hjeltefjorden, is entered between Rongoy and Toftoy, about 1

mile S of Store Jona. Vikavag, on the E side of Toftoy, has
Sture Oil Terminal—Contact Information mooring rings. The largest of several quays, situated on the E
side of Vikavag, has depths of up to 7m alongside.
VHF VHF channel 9 Hanoy and Hauglandsoy, on the W side of Hjeltefjorden, are

47-56-386000 the largest islets in an archipelago which extends about 2 miles

from the W side of Askoy and forms the NW side of a basin
47-56-386111 (main control
named Hauglandsosen.
Telephone room)
Lights and iron perches mark several intricate channels

47-56-386222 (shift supervisor) among the islets. A light is shown from a rock N of Hillesoy.
47-56-386333 (emergency) An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 22m, extends

NE from Ramsoyni (60°26'N., 5°03'E.) to Hanoy. A causeway

Facsimile 47-56-389420 and bridge have been constructed between Hanoy and Ramsoy.
E-mail skiftleder.sture@hydro.com Nordre Brattholme (60°24'N., 5°06'E.), which shows a light,

lies on the W side of the fairway, 2 miles S of Hanoy. Store

Brattholme, marked by a beacon, lies close W of Norde Brat-
Caution.—Helmferdflu, a rock with a depth of 3m, lies

tholme. Faeroy, an island, lies about 1 mile E of Nordre Brat-

about 0.5 mile NNW of Stureholmen and close N of the S tank- tholme Light. A small boat harbor, protected by a mole, is
er berth; it is marked by a lighted beacon. Sandvikflu lies about located at Follese, which lies on the SW side of Askoy.
1 mile NNW of Stureholmen and close SW of the S end of the
N tanker berth; it is marked by an iron perch. 4.27 Agotnes (60°24'N., 5°01'E.) (World Port Index No.
23195) is a supply and servicing base for offshore industry.
4.25 Mangersfjorden (60°37'N., 5°00'E.) lies on the E Depths—Limitations.—Vessel up to 13,000 dwt and 8m
side of Hjeltefjorden and is entered about 10 miles SE of the draft can be accommodated. Berthing details are shown in the
seaward entrance of Fedjeosen. The fjord is deep and clear in accompanying table titled Agotnes—Berth Information.
the fairway. Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or-

All dangers lie within 300m of the shores. The fjord trends
dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvit-
about 4 miles to the E and shows a light at its head. A marine soy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. Pilots are
farm is located in the N of Mangersfjorden. available at Korsfjorden or Fedje.

Pub. 182
Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen 83

Vessels should contact the Floro pilot station on VHF chan-

4.27 spond, either the Rogaland or Floro Coastal Radio Station will
nel 16 at least 2 hours prior to arrival. If the station does not re- reply and relay details to the pilot station.

Agotnes—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Agotnes Terminal
Offshore vessels, project/heavy
No. 1 50m 7.0m — — — —
cargo, and breakbulk.
Offshore vessels, project/heavy
No. 2 52m 7.0m — — — —
cargo, bunkers, and breakbulk.
Chemicals, offshore vessels,
No. 3 169m 21.0m — — — — project/heavy cargo, bunkers,
and breakbulk.
Offshore vessels, project/heavy
No. 4 75m 21.0m — — — —
cargo, and breakbulk.
Offshore vessels, project/heavy
No. 10 30m 7.0m — — — —
cargo, and breakbulk.
Chemicals, offshore vessels,
No. 31 60m 8.0m — — — — project/heavy cargo, break-
bulk, and bunkers.
Cement, offshore vessels, proj-
No. 32 60m 8.0m — — — — ect/heavy cargo, breakbulk,
and bunkers.
Port Terminal
Offshore vessels, project/
No. 11 North 69m 30.0m — 8m — —
heavy, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Offshore vessels, project/heavy
No. 11 Middle 100m 20.0m — 8m — —
cargo, and breakbulk.
Offshore vessels, project/heavy
No. 11 South 89m 20.0m — 8m — —
cargo, and breakbulk.
Chemicals, offshore vessels,
Ro-Ro 151m 12.0m — 8m — — project/heavy cargo, break-
bulk, and bunkers.
Berthing length of 43m (in-
LNG — 8.0m — — — — cluding dolphins). Chemicals,
LNG, and bunkers.
ANP 40m 7.0m — — — — Breakbulk.
Sorta Gruppen
Sorta 40m — 34m — 15.9m 6,258 dwt Fishing vessels and breakbulk.

The pilot boards for the S entrance in position 60°08.6'N,

4.27 Agotnes, in depths of 29 to 74m. Large vessels and semi-sub-
5°00.9'E, about 0.7 mile N of Store Marstein. Pilot boarding mersible drilling platforms must anchor only in positions ap-
for the N entrance is covered under Mongstad (see paragraph pointed by the Port Authority.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Agotnes—Con-
Agotnes—Contact Information
tact Information.
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be obtained 0.25 mile N of
VHF VHF channel 10

Pub. 182
84 Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen

Agotnes—Contact Information Three cables span the channel between Flatoy and Holsnoy

and can best be seen on the chart.

Telephone 47-56-323000 Salhusfjorden trends SSW from its junction with Hagelsund

Facsimile 47-56-335191 for about 3 miles to its junction with Herdlefjorden and the N
reach of Byfjorden. Salhusfjorden is very deep and has a fair-
E-mail ccb@coastcenterbase.no way clear of dangers. Foul ground extends about 183m SW
from a projection on the E side of the S entrance of the fjord. A
Tranvagen, a small port, lies about 0.5 mile NW of Agotnes.
submarine cable crosses the fjord 0.5 mile within its entrance.
A quay in the port has depths of 5 to 7m alongside. A lighted
Salhus, on the E side of the fjord, has two small quays. At
buoy marks a 6m patch 183m W of Tranneset. Vessels of Frekhaug, 1 mile NW of Salhus, there are quays. with depths
considerable size can anchor 0.3 mile N of Tranneset. of from 3 to 6m alongside.
Vessels should use care when anchoring to avoid a
A bridge and racon, with a vertical clearance of 32m, crosses

submarine cable which exists between the shore W of this Salhusfjorden from the SW extremity of Flatoy to Klauvneset,
anchorage and the head of Tranvagen. Near the anchorage, about 0.8 mile SE.
there is a quay, with 3 to 7m alongside.
There area number of anchorages between Krabbejoneset
4.30 Lurefjorden (60°42'N., 5°07'E.) is approached from
and the entrance to Byfjord. These anchorages, except as not- Fedjeosen and the S end of Fedjefjorden by passing N of Store
ed, are suitable only for small vessels with local knowledge, Sandholme and the dangers E of this islet and then through
and can best be seen on the chart. Hoplandsosen and Fosnstraumen. The S approach is made
A protected area has been established around the oil termi-
from Kvernafjorden by way of Alversund, Radsundet and Lu-
nal. Berthing and unberthing are only permitted during day- reosen. A light marks the N side of the NW entrance of Hop-
light. landsosen. Taren, awash in places and marked by an iron perch,
lies on the S side of the Hoplandsosen entrance.
4.28 Herdlefjorden (60°32'N., 5°05'E.) is a deep clear Kraka is an above-water rock on the SW side of Hopland-

fjord separating Holsnoy and Askoy. From the N entrance, it sosen. Fosnstraumen is the narrow channel between the N side
trends ESE for about 9 miles, where its joins with the N part of of Radoy and the S end of Fosnoy and connects Hoplandsosen
Byfjorden at Askeneset. The few islets and dangers in Her- with the NW end of Lurefjorden. The fairway has a least chart-
dlefjorden all lie within the several inlets on either side or close ed depth of 20m. Two overhead cables, with a minimum verti-
to the shores. cal clearance of 15m, span the channel.
An area in which anchoring and fishing is prohibited lies
Lurefjorden trends about 9 miles SE to the narrow Ryland-

within the entrance to Herdlefjorden between Nesodden and spollen. Seimsfjorden continues about 3 miles SSE from
Ypso. Small vessels with local knowledge can obtain anchor- Lurefjorden. Both of these fjords are clear and deep in their
age in Herdlefjorden. fairways. Numerous lights mark the channels leading N and S
The N entrance to Byfjorden is entered between Askenset
from Lurefjorden. The dangers in these channels are also
and Galteneset, 1 mile to the NNE. This entrance is at the junc- marked by iron perches or beacons.
tion of Byfjorden, Herdlefjorden, and Salhusfjorden. This Alverstraumen (60°34'N., 5°14'E.), which leads 1.5 miles

reach is very deep and all known dangers lie close off its NNW from Kvernafjorden, is spanned near the S end by a
shores. Submarine cables cross the reach in two places and can bridge, with a vertical clearance of 27m. The fairway N of the
best be seen on the chart. bridge is well marked by navigational aids.
There are quays, with least depths of 3m alongside, on the E

4.29 Radoyfjorden (60°35'N., 5°11'E.) lies between Hol- side of the channel at the village of Alversund, near the bridge.
snoy and Radoy. The fjord is free from dangers in the fairway, There is anchorage for small vessels in several places N of a

except in the vicinity of Saeboholmane. A quay, with depths of submarine cable which lies across the channel 0.25 mile N of
3 to 6m alongside, is situated about 1 mile NNW of Saebohol- the bridge, care being taken to keep clear of the fairway. The S
mane. part of the channel is spanned by an overhead cable with a ver-
Bongnestraumen, between the NE side of Bongno and Ra- tical clearance of 28m; the N part of the channel is spanned by
doy, is a narrows connecting Radoyfjorden with Mangers- an overhead cable with a vertical clearance of 36m.
fjorden. A light is shown on the N side of Bongno. A cable, Radsundet has a length of about 5 miles from its S entrance

with a vertical clearance of 37m, spans Bongnestraumen. This at Alverstraumen to its N entrance at Bruknappen. The W side
channel has a least depth in the fairway of 21.9m and, although and both ends of Radsundet is well marked by lights.
narrow, is free from dangers. There are quays at Skardsvag and Notlevag. Quays at Sand-

From abreast the E extremity of Bongno, Radoyfjorden

vik, situated 1 mile SSW of Skardsvag, and Askeland have
trends in a general SE direction for about 5 miles and joins depths of 7m alongside.
Kvernafjorden in the vicinity of Tjuvholme. The fairway
through the fjord is deep and clear, but there are some nearby Bergen (60°24'N., 5°19'E.)
Kvernafjorden trends SE for about 2 miles to the N end of
World Port Index No. 23160
Hagelsund. Navigation is prohibited to all but local vessels be-
tween Flatoy and Holsnoy. A light marks a shoal on the SW 4.31 Bergen is often called the capital of West Norway and
side of Kvernafjorden, about 0.3 mile SSE of Tjuvholme. has been a city for over 900 years. It has a population of more

Pub. 182
Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen 85

than 210,000. Known for shipping and fishing in the past, it is Weather conditions vary between the outer islands, the re-

now identified as a servicing and supply base for the offshore gion near Bergen, and in the fjords of this sector. The climate at
oil and gas fields of the North Sea in the vicinity of SW Nor- Bergen is mild, humid, and rainy.
way as well. Bergen harbor freezes only during very severe winters. Fog

Located on the NW side of the Bergen peninsula and on the occurs during the summer.
SE part of Byfjorden, the city’s harbor includes bights and in- Tides—Currents.—The mean HW interval at Bergen is 10

lets which lie E of a line running N for about 3 miles from Old- hours 17 minutes.
erneset to Hella. Tidal currents in the port are negligible, except in Dams-

gardssund, where a slight set may be encountered during both

Port of Bergen Home Page the rising and falling tides.
Depths—Limitations.—Puddefjorden, the outer roadstead,

https://bergenhavn.no/en/ has general depths of 9 to 37m. Vessel with drafts up to 12.2m

can be handled in the port. Close offshore the depths are less.
Passenger, ro-ro, tanker, bulk, and general cargo vessels can
4.31 On the SE side, at the head of Puddefjorden, Damsgardssund
be handled. In addition, the port has drydocks and shipyard fa- leads into Solheimsvik.
cilities for the offshore oil industry. Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table titled

Winds—Weather.—Generally, the wind direction is from S

4.31 Bergen—Berth Information.
to SE during the winter and from N to NE during the summer.

Bergen—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Bontelabo Terminal
Bontelabo 130m — 340m 9.5m — 10,000 dwt Cruise vessels and breakbulk.
East 150m — 340m 9.5m — — Cruise vessels and breakbulk.
West 104m — 340m 9.5m — 14,601 dwt Cruise vessels and breakbulk.
Bradbenken Terminal
Bradbenken 80m 6.0m 82m — — — Breakbulk.
Festningskaien Terminal
Festningskaien 300m 6.0m 300m 6.5m — 10,543 dwt Cruise and breakbulk.
Dreggekaien Terminal
Dreggekaien 98m 4.4m 46m — 15m 2,900 dwt Closed. Small vessels.
Bryggen Terminal
Fast ferries and small vessels.
Bryggen — 3.5m 76m — 13.8m 2,500 dwt Closed. Continuous berthing
length of 312m.
Austevoll Laksepakkeri Terminal
Fishing vessels, reefer, and
Austevoll 155m — 94m — 20.8m 4,900 dwt
CEMEX Terminal
Cement 76m 10.0m 130m — 19.4m 11,541 dwt Cement.
Damsgardskaien Terminal
Fast ferries, ro-pax, contain-
Damsgardskaien 157m 4.0m 52m — — —
ers, breakbulk, and bunkers.
DC Eikefet Terminal
DC Eikefet 130m 10.0m 143m — 22.8m 17,451 dwt Aggregates and breakbulk.
Jekleviken Terminal
Cruise vessels, ro-ro/lo-lo, and
Container 500m 8.9-12.2m 500m — — 17,110 dwt

Pub. 182
86 Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen

Bergen—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Ro-Ro 180m 8.9-12.2m 326m — 39.7m 14,601 dwt Ro-ro/lo-lo and containers.
Dokken Terminal
East 97m — 172m — 35.8m 21,250 dwt Ro-pax and breakbulk.
Inner 126m — 144m — 22.7m 10,508 dwt Ro-ro/lo-lo and breakbulk.
Cruise vessels, ro-pax, contain-
Southwest 240m 10.5m 240m — — —
ers, and breakbulk.
Framo Flatoy Terminal
Ro/pax, containers, and break-
Framo 60m — 86m — 16.0m 3,931 dwt
Frieleneskaien Terminal
Ro-pax, breakbulk, coastal ex-
Frieleneskaien 400m 9.2m 166m — 25.0m 18,464 dwt press vessels, bunkers, and
Frydenbo Industri (Hanoytangen)
Transshipment, offshore ves-
Frydenbo Main 172m 7.0m 90m — 14.4m 4,550 dwt sels, project/heavy cargo, steel
products, and breakbulk.
Holbergskaien Terminal
East 44m 5.3m 43m — 10.6m — Ro-pax.
Holbergskaien 63m 5.9m 43m — — — Ro-pax.
West 56m 5.2m 59m — 16.0m 3,850 dwt Ro-pax and fishing vessels.
Hordvikneset Terminal
Hordvikneset 40m — 117m — 22.8m 13,537 dwt Containers and breakbulk.
Horsoy Industrihavn
Horsoy 200m — 172m — 26.5m 21,250 dwt Containers and breakbulk.
Hurtigruten Terminal
Ro/pax, ro-ro/lo-lo, fishing,
Hurtigruten 154m 9.0m 87m — — —
breakbulk, and bunkers.
Mohlenspriskaien Terminal
East 156m — — — — — Breakbulk and reefer.
West 130m 4.0-6.0m 102m — 17.0m 3,850 dwt Breakbulk and reefer.
Munkebryggen Terminal
East 76m 5.2m 74m — 16.0m 3,125 dwt Breakbulk and ro/pax.
West 88m 5.2m 56m — — — Breakbulk and ro/pax.
Norcem Terminal
Norcem 70m — 117m — 31.0m 48,041 dwt Cement and breakbulk.
NorStone Askoy- Mjolkevikarden
Berthing length of 98m (in-
cluding dolphins). Aggregates,
NorStone — — 81m — 13.0m 2,900 dwt
steel products, fishing vessels,
and breakbulk.

Pub. 182
Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen 87

Bergen—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Northern Nostekai Terminal
Nostekai 92m 4.0m 77m — 23.6m 8,843 dwt Ro-pax.
Nykirkenkaien Terminal
East 60m — 70m — 15.2m 3,549 dwt Ro/pax and breakbulk.
Nykirkekaien 46m 17.0m 62m — 13.8m 1,725 dwt Ro/pax.
West 82m — 67m — 14.6m 2,900 dwt Ro/pax and breakbulk.
PGS Geophysical
PGS 113m — 107m — 18.2m 9,653m Closed. Breakbulk.
RadoyGryppen Terminal
RadoyGruppen 120m — 179m — 25.6m 18,972 dwt Steel products.
Saltimport Terminal
Fishing vessels, breakbulk, and
Saltimport 98m — 128m — 18.2m 9,700 dwt
Semco Maritime (Hanoytangen)
Semco Outer 17.0- Transshipment, offshore ves-
100m 140m — 23.6m 6,672 dwt
(Hanoytangen) 20.0m sels, and breakbulk.
Simonsviken Terminal
East 72m — 58m — 20.7m 4,900 dwt Breakbulk.
West 64m — 95m — 16.0m 5,215 dwt Breakbulk.
Skaganeset Havneterminal-Skogsvag
Aggregates, ro-pax, steel prod-
Skaganeset 40m — 106m — 20.7m 5,750 dwt ucts, fishing vessels, break-
bulk, and reefer.
Skolten N 150m 9.2m 333m 8.8m — 8,676 dwt Cruise vessels and ro-pax.
Skolten S 330m 9.2m 253m 8.8m — 8,654 dwt Cruise vessels and fast ferries.

SLP Terminal
SLP 58m — 102m — 17.0m 3,7278dwt Breakbulk.
Quay Head 32m — 99m — 17.0m 3,727 dwt Breakbulk.
Strandkaien Terminal
Strandkaien 145m 4.7m 39m — — — Fast ferries.
Straume Naeringspark Terminal
Straume 50m — 114m — 16.0m 6,053 dwt Fishing vessels and breakbulk.
Tollboden Terminal
Tollboden 90m 6.8m 140m — 29.2m 4,661dwt Breakbulk.
Breiviken Terminal
North 37m 6.0-9.7m — — — — Breakbulk and multipurpose.
Southwest 60m — 111m — 17.5m 4,020 dwt Breakbulk and multipurpose.

Pub. 182
Bergen—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
CCBK Terminal
LNG, ro-ro freight, containers,
North 107m — 110m — 17.2m 7,569 dwt
and breakbulk.
South 20m — — — — — LNG and breakbulk.
Franzefoss Gjenvinning Eide
Berthing length: 65m (incl.
FG 28m — 88m — 20.8m 4,9000 dwt dolphins). Breakbulk, multi-
purpose, and bunkers.
Franzefoss Gjenvinning Terminal
Clean products, ro-ro passen-
ger/vehicles/rail, offshore, fish-
No. 1 157m — 107m — 17.0m 6,706 dwt
ing, breakbulk, multipurpose,
and bunkers.
Clean products, breakbulk,
No. 2 80m — — — — —
multipurpose, and bunkers.
Breakbulk, multipurpose, bun-
No. 3 164m — 111m — 16.2m 6,063 dwt kers, and reefer. Used by bun-
ker tankers.
No. 4 46m — — — — — Breakbulk.
GC Rieber Salt Terminal
Chemicals, salt, ro-pax, fish-
GC Rieber Salt 120m — 114m — 20.7m 6,419 dwt
ing, breakbulk, and reefer.
Kollsnes Industrial Processing Plant
Berthing length of 111m (incl.
North Dolphin — 8.6-24.0m 77m — 13.9m — dolphins). LNG, breakbulk,
and multipurpose.
LNG, breakbulk, and multipur-
South 96m 8.0-14.0m 77m — 13.9m —
Skalevikveien Terminal
Ro-pax, breakbulk, and bun-
General Cargo 44m — — — — —
Chemicals and clean products.
Oil 80m — 228m 12.0m — 35,560 dwt
Displacement of 41,249 dwt.
Vaksdal Mill Terminal
Chemicals, animal feeds, flour,
Vaksdal 144m — 114m — 16.8m 6,412 dwt fish meal, macaroni products,
grain, and breakbulk.
Lille Florvaagoy
East 61m — 171m 8.0m — 19,304 dwt Closed.
Closed. Displacement of
West 85m — 203.9m 10.6m — —
Skarholmen Terminal
Clean products and bunkers.
No. 1 75m 12.0m 200m 11.5m — 35,560 dwt
Displacement of 47,000t.
Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen 89

Bergen—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
No. 2 40m 11.0m 140m 9.3m — 32,000 dwt Clean products and bunkers.

Bergen—Contact Information
Port Authority Port Control
Call sign — Bergen Port Control
VHF — VHF channels 12 and 16
Telephone 47-55-568950
Facsimile 47-55-568986 47-55-321203
E-mail bergen.havn@bergen.kommune.no skolten.havnevakt@bergen.kommune.no

4.31 By Jan’s fotoside, via Wikimedia Commons

4.31 Vagen in Bergen, Norway from Mount Floyen

A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 26m, spans the

4.31 basins close N of Sandvik.
entrance into Damsgardssund. Numerous mooring buoys are Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be

moored in Damsgardssund. Store Lungegaardsvn is entered ordered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the
from the NE side of Solheimsvik through a narrow passage Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
spanned by a lift bridge. The pilot boards in the S entrance in position 60°08.6'N,

Aspect.—Puddefjorden is the outer roadstead. Vagen is an 5°00.9'E, about 0.7 mile N of Store Marstein. Pilot boarding
inlet entered on the NE side of Puddefjorden; it is usually for the N entrance is covered under Mongstad (see paragraph
congested with ships moving in the harbor. Sandvik, a harbor 5.7).
basin, is entered about 0.5 mile N of the entrance to Vagen and See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic

is used by seaplanes. Nyhaven and Breidvik are small harbor Ocean for additional information.

Pub. 182
90 Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen

4.31 By Bjoertvedt (own work), via Wikimedia Commons

4.31 Dokkeskjaerskaien (foreground) looking W toward Puddefjorden

Regulations.—A printed English translation of harbor regu-

4.31 bottom shelves steeply. The quarantine anchorage is in
lations may be obtained at the harbor office. Regulations con- Florvag. There is anchorage for small vessels in Nyhavn and
cerning explosives and lights are very stringent. Vessels Breidvik.
arriving at Bergen without having been assigned an anchorage Anchorage is prohibited in Vagen and also W of the lighted

or mooring shall anchor in Puddefjorden until a berth has been buoy in the entrance to Vagen.
designated by the harbor authorities.
Vessels should send their ETA to Port Control at least 1 hour
Inner Fjords Northeast of Bergen
prior to arrival. The ETA message should include the following
information: 4.32 Osteroy, a large island, lies about 6 miles NE of Ber-
1. Vessel name and call sign. gen. The island is completely shut in by the mainland and is
2. Length overall, beam, and draft. encircled by Sorfjorden and Osterfjorden. Both of these fjords
3. Flag. have deep fairways and have comparatively few dangers.
4. Purpose of port call. Sorfjordskallen (60°32'N., 5°19'E.), a shoal area with numer-
5. Name of agent. ous dangerous rocks, lies towards the mouth of both Sorfjorden
6. Last port-of-call and next port-of-call. and Osterjorden, and may best be seen on the chart.
A speed limit of 5 knots is the maximum permissible speed
4.31 Sorfjorden (60°31'N., 5°22'E.), the southernmost of the in-
in the inner part of Eidsvagen. ner fjords, is entered between Hammersnes (60°33'N.,
Contact Information.—See the table titled Bergen—Con-
4.31 5°20'E.) and Hordvikneset, about 2 miles to the SW. Depths in
tact Information. the fairway exceed 183m, except for 1.25 miles in the NE part
Anchorage.—Vessels of considerable size may anchor in
4.31 where it narrows, the depth is 12.8 to 33m.
Puddefjorden, except W of a line extending 0.5 mile NW from The few shoal areas lie close offshore and the entire fjord is

the W end of Dokkeskjaerskaien. A submarine pipeline is laid well marked by lights. It has been reported an overhead cable,
E of this line on the NE side of Dokkeskjaerskaien leading with a vertical clearance of 60m, spans the fjord about 5 miles
about 0.5 mile N to Georgernes. The fjord is exposed to NW within the entrance.
winds, but the holding ground is good. The prominent spire of Votloy (60°28'N., 5°28'E.), an islet, lies about 6 miles within

a church, situated 0.25 mile NNE of the bridge at the entrance the entrance near the middle of the fjord. A light is shown on
to Damsgardssund, is a useful mark for anchoring. the islet.
Skutevik affords anchorage to vessels of moderate size, in
4.31 Arnavag, which branches S from Sorfjorden, is entered 0.5

depths of 27 to 36m, but stern mooring is necessary as the mile SSW of Votloy. There are a number of quays for small

Pub. 182
Sector 4. Norway—Korsfjorden to Fedjeosen 91

vessels inside the entrance to Arnavag. The fairway through Mellesdalsund is deep and clear of dan-

A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 53m, crosses

4.32 gers. Romarheimsfjord, entered between Langeneset and the E
Sorfjorden about 3 miles SE of Votloy. side of Haukoy, leads 3 miles NE to Mofjorden, which continues
Vaksdal (60°29'N., 5°44'E.) (World Port Index No. 23140),
4.32 NE for another 6.5 miles. Osterfjorden is entered between Ham-
an industrial center, is located on the E side of Sorfjorden, ENE mersnes and a mainland point, about 2 miles to the W. The fjord
of the light on the islet of Ulsnesoy. Large vessels can berth at trends in a general NE direction for about 13 miles and joins the S
the largest quay, which is 145m long, with depths of 7 to 21m end of Romereimsfjord. Fairway depths through the fjord are am-
alongside. There are several small quays in the port. ple and the fjord is clear. The only dangers are found within the
Vessels bound for the port must first call at Bergen for cus-
4.32 side inlets and coves or lie within 183m of the sides of the fjord.
toms clearance and a pilot. A conspicuous mill and silo stand
in the vicinity of the quay. 4.34 Lonevagen (60°33'N., 5°27'E.), on the SE side of Os-
Anchorage.—Good anchorage can be obtained by small
4.32 terfjorden, is entered 3 miles ENE of Hammersnes and extends
vessels in Veavik, on the W side of Sorfjorden, 4.5 miles N of about 3 miles SE. The entrance is narrowed to a width of 183m
the entrance to Dalevagen. Stamneshella, on the N side of by submerged rocks, marked on the NE side of the entrance by
Vikafjorden close within the entrance, is an anchorage with an iron perch.
mooring rings W and E of the main quay, which is 64m long On the SE side of Osterfjorden, small vessels can anchor in

and has depths of up to 5m alongside. Lonevagen between some islets and the W entrance point;
Good anchorage can be obtained by small vessels in
4.32 however, submarine cables are laid N and S of the anchor
Kallandsbukt close NE of Kallandsholmen, in depths of 10 to berth, requiring local knowledge. The inlet has several quays,
18m, sand. with depths of from 3 to 5m alongside.
At Ostereidet, on the NW side of Osterfjorden, there is an-

4.33 Eidsfjorden (60°43'N., 5°47'E.) trends NNE for chorage for small vessels W of a quay, which has a depth of 3m
about 3.25 miles from the N end of Sorfjorden. It is narrow alongside.
and, except for a shoal lying within 1 mile of its head, has fair- At Kleppsvag, on the S side of Osterfjorden, good anchorage

way depths of 30 to 106m. The depths close offshore are be- is available to small vessels at its head, in depths of 20 to 30m;
tween 12.8 and 20.1m. it has mooring rings. There is a rock, awash, near the middle of
Mellesdalsund is the winding channel leading in a general
4.33 the entrance to this inlet.
NW direction for about 3 miles on the N side of Osteroy and There are a number of other anchorages for small vessels in

connecting the N end of Sorfjorden with Romarheimsfjord. Osterfjorden that can best be seen on the chart.

Pub. 182
Sector 5—Norway—Fedje to Alesund

Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).


Pub. 182


5.0Plan.—This sector describes the outer coast from Fedjeosen topography, the amount of precipitation in one area may differ
N to the approaches to Alesund. The Indreleia, or Inner Route, considerably from another area within a short proximity.
from Fedje to Alesund, is also described, as are the various 5.1Snow usually begins in October. It is most frequent in March
fjords along this route. and infrequent in April and May. There is no snowfall from
June to August along the coast.
General Remarks 5.1Snowstorms at the approaches to fjords and around the off-
shore islands may cause hazards to coastal vessels due to poor
5.1 Winds—Weather.—The direction and strength of the visibility and to ice forming on the superstructure as wet snow
winds in any period in this sector are controlled by the prevail- freezes.
ing depression track. The average wind strength is 11 to 27 5.1Fog is most common with mild S to SW winds. The highest
knots, but about 10 per cent of observations reach 34 to 40 frequency of fog occurs over the sea in summer. Coastal areas
knots. exposed to those winds are often obscured, but visibility over
5.1Most of the strong gale force winds are from S and tend to water is normally improved when the wind veers.
follow the direction of the coastline. The frequency of gales in- 5.1Most fog in the approaches to the fjords occurs in summer,
creases in the N. with the penetration of sea fog varying according to the degree
5.1Winds are lighter from May to August. The direction is more of exposure to onshore winds. Sea fog offshore may drift over
variable at this time, with more frequent N winds tending to the coastline with the sea breeze as the land began to cool in
follow the coastline. the evening. Better visibility is found on the lee side of the land
5.1During gale force winds, a shift of the wind from S or SW to barriers.
NW or N is liable to raise a heavy sea. 5.1Radiation fog often forms over low-lying land at the head of
5.1The unusual irregularities of the coastal topography cause fjords, mostly during long clear winter nights.
large variations in the direction and strength of the wind. 5.1Arctic sea smoke or frost smoke may form temporarily over
5.1Deflection and funneling increase onshore winds above the the inner part of the fjord when extremely cold air drifts over
average strength. Severe katabatic squalls come down from relatively warmer water on winter nights.
steep mountain slopes and cause local hazards, with little 5.1Visibility is seriously restricted in snow, heavy rain, or thick
warning of their approach. drizzle. Good visibility prevails over the region for most of the
5.1There is a marked tendency for the wind to blow out of the time in all seasons. Mirages are reported along the coast at
fjords toward the open sea in winter and into the fjords in sum- times.
mer; however, the chain of offshore islands reduces the wind 5.1Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents may be very much
strength in some sections of the coast. influenced by the winds and floods; in turn they may influence
5.1South of Ytteroyane, the weather conditions on the coast are the general flow along the coast.
frequently unsettled and stormy during the autumn, winter, and 5.1In the narrower channels between the islands, the tidal cur-
spring. The least rainfall is in spring and summer, and the visi- rent often runs with considerable strength; because of strong
bility is generally good at that time. The heaviest fog occurs currents great caution must be exercised by vessels navigating
during the summer months. in Indreleia, the passage along the coast inside the off-lying is-
5.1The weather during autumn, winter and spring, on the coast lands and reefs.
between Ytteroyane and Alesund, is frequently unsettled and 5.1Due to the constant coastal current, the NE flood current is
stormy also. At sea, the prevailing wind during this period is usually stronger; during the rising tide there may be a set to-
SW; however, close to land SE and E winds prevail. During the ward the islands and reefs.
summer, the wind is most frequently from N to NE. The least 5.1The velocity and direction of tidal currents, including tempo-
rainfall and the clearest weather will be found during the spring rary wind influences, are described with specific fairways and
and the greatest amount of fog occurs during the summer. In ports, as required.
many of the fjords on this part of the coast, heavy squalls will 5.1During settled weather, the tidal currents on the coast be-
be experienced from off, and in the vicinity of hills. tween Ytteroyane and Alesund set NE with the rising tide and
5.1During the winter months, S winds prevail, changing to N in SW with the falling tide, attaining their greatest velocity at a
the summer. Most rain is generally accompanied with SW distance of 30 to 50 miles from the coast. During continuous W
winds. winds, the tidal currents set constantly NE with considerable
5.1The amount of rain along this coast varies. The wettest plac- velocity, especially during the rising tide.
es are those nearest to high mountains. Greater amounts occur 5.1On this part of the coast, the tidal currents set more strongly
at higher levels inland. and constantly NE than in the opposite direction, especially at
5.1The period from September to January is the wettest while the distance from land mentioned above.
the period from April to early June is the driest. There is no set 5.1Statthavet has long been known as an area with very severe
pattern of variations from normal in any particular month. The weather, and many have identified the area as dangerous. The
total amount of rainfall varies from year to year. Because of the depths vary from approximately 60 to 150m.

Pub. 182
96 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

5.1It is indicated that winds, especially from the SW to N, cre-

ate rough seas. In those circumstances, the waves go straight in
from the sea. The current in the waterway has been estimated at
between 2 and 4 knots and when the ocean waves meet it,
strong, steep waves develop and the swell becomes choppy.
5.1Pilotage.—Kvitsoy Pilot Center organizes and engages pi-
lots along the W coast of Norway from Egersund in the S lead-
ing N to the parallel of 65°08'N. Pilots should be requested 24
hours in advance. The ETA should be confirmed 2 hours prior
to arrival at the pilot station.
5.1See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic
Ocean for further information.
5.1Vessel Traffic Service.—NOR Vessel Traffic Service (NOR
VTS) is in operation for vessels transiting the Norwegian Eco-
nomic Zone (NEZ) from the Norway/Sweden border in the S to
the Norway/Russia border in the N. The NEZ also includes the
areas around Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island. For further infor-
mation, see paragraph 1.1.
5.1The Kinn VTS area, which is best seen on the chart, covers By JanChr [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/b-sa/2.0)]

mostly the inner fairways, however, it also extends out to the 5.2 Gullfaks Alpha
Norwegian baseline from Krakenes in the N, and S along the
baseline to the SW of the island of Kinn. The VTS extends fur- 5.2North Cormorant Oil Field (61°15'N., 1°09'E.), with a pro-
ther S from here all the way to where it merges with the Fedje duction platform, is situated about 19 miles NW of Brent Oil
VTS. Vessels must report to Kinn VTS on VHF channel 18 up- Field and 64 miles NE of Muckle Flugga Light (Shetland Is-
on entering the VTS Area. lands).
5.2Tern Oil Field, Eide Oil Field, and Osprey Oil Field lie 7
miles WNW, 7 miles N, and 6 miles NE, respectively, of North
Kinn VTS—Contact Information
Comorant Oil Field.
Call sign Kinn VTS 5.2Statfjorden Oil Field (61°15'N., 1°51'E.) is situated about
VHF VHF channels 16 and 18 78 miles WNW of Utvaer Light and 7 miles NNE of Brent Oil
Field. There are three production platforms and two SPM load-
47-70-231123 ing platforms in the field. In addition, there is an offshore load-
Telephone 47-95-289332 ing system (UKOLS), by which a tanker is moored to a
subsurface buoy. The largest drilling rig in the world, the Stat-
8816-214-19004 (Iridium) fjord C can be found in the vicinity of this oil field.
E-mail vts.kinn@kystverket.no 5.2Gullfaks Oil Field (61°12'N., 2°12'E.), with two platforms
and two loading systems, lies 10 miles ESE of Statfjorden Oil
Field. Dunlin Oil Field and Snorre Oil Field lie about 7 miles
For a listing of all routing and traffic separation schemes
W and 18 miles NNE, respectively, of Statfjorden Oil Field.

(TSS) in Norwegian waters, including off Runde and Stadland-

5.2Magnus Oil Field (61°37'N., 1°20'E.) lies about 97 miles W
et, see Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic
of Ytteroyane Light and 28 miles NW of Statfjorden Oil Field.
A very large production platform stands in the field.
Regulations.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning
Don Oil Field lies 11 miles SE of Magnus Oil Field. Thistle


Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information.

Oil Field and Deveron Oil Field, close W, lie 17 miles SSE of
Mangnus Oil Field.
Off-lying Dangers 5.2Gjoa Oil and Gas Field (61°20.8'N., 3°53.6'E.) is marked
by a semi-submersible floating production platform located ap-
5.2 Alwyn North Oil Field (60°48'N., 1°44'E.) is situated
proximately 31 miles NE of the Troll Field (see paragraph 4.2).
86 miles W of Holmengra Light, about midway between the
Several obstruction areas, best seen on the chart, lie to the NE
coast of Norway and the Shetland Islands. A drilling and ac-
at a distance of 4.5 and 6.2 miles. Mariners should always nav-
commodations platform and a production platform stand in the
igate with and abundance of caution, when transiting approxi-
mate to any North Sea oil field, due to potential charted and
Ninian Oil Field (60°51'N., 1°28'E.), is located 8 miles NW
uncharted hazards.

of Alwyn Field. Lyell Oil Field and Heather Oil Field lie about
8 and 15 miles, respectively, NW of Ninian Oil Field. A ob-
struction exists W of Lyell Oil Field. Fedje to Utvaer
Brent Oil Field (61°05'N., 1°43'E.) is situated 82 miles W
5.3 From the island of Fedje (60°46'N., 4°43'E.), the N

of Utvaer Light and about 15 miles N of Alwyn North Field.

entrance point to Fedjeosen, the channel at the N approach to
The Brent Oil Field has reached the end of its life cycle with
Bergen, the coast trends about 19 miles NNW to Utvaer Light.
decommissioning beginning in 2017.
Utvaer Light is located on one of the larger islets of the NW
5.2The South Cormorant Oil Field lies 18 miles WNW of Brent

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 97

group of Utvaer Islets. This part of the coast is indented by Sognesjoen, the approach to Sognefjorden from seaward,

Sognesjoen, a deep and unencumbered passage leading S of leads about 15 miles NE from the S end of Ytre Sula, an island
Utvaer and then E to Sognefjorden. about 9 miles N of Holmengra, and E of Utvaer. Small islets lie
Between Utvaer Light and Ytteroyane Light, about 33 miles off the entrance to Sognesjoen farther N.
NNE, the coast is fronted by islands and rocky islets; the conti- The approach to Indreleia or the fjords in this vicinity N of

nuity of the inner passage is interrupted, in places, by channels Holmengra is usually done by keeping in mid-channel between
leading directly in from the open sea to Indreleia. Holmengra Light and the light over Bergskallen.
The Ytteroyene group of islands lies within the vicinity of
Ytteroyan Light. Ytteroyan Light is abreast the port of Floro.
5.3Between Buelandet, a group of about 350 islands, islets, and
skerries about 15 miles N of Utvaer Light, and Ytteroyane,
there are many banks, with depths of 18.3 to 27m, which are
dangerous in bad weather. Under these conditions, there is a
confused sea within the 200m curve. In this area the off-lying
islets are thickly interspersed with rocks completely or nearly
awash. Unless a vessel is standing in to enter one of the fjords,
it is advisable to navigate at least 10 miles W of the larger is-
5.3North of Ytteroyan Light, the coast trends for about 40 miles
to the NW end of Stadttlandet, one of the most remarkable
promontories on the coast of Norway. This coast is also fronted
by islands, islets, and rocks. Indreleia is reached through a
number of channels within this area. Except when making one
of the fjords, it is advisable to keep an offing of at least 10
miles W of the larger islands.
5.3Between Buholmen Light at Stadttlandet and the approach
By Gunnar Buvik, via Wikimedia Commons
channels leading to Breisund and Alesund, the outer coast 5.4

trends about 25 miles in a NE direction. The coast is indented 5.4 Holmengra Light
by a number of fjords and again the mainland is fronted by ma-
ny islands, islets, and dangerous rocks. The islands are high At night, enter and keep in the white sector of Grimeskjaret

and steep on the seaward side, and the mainland backing them Light (60°51'N., 4°45'E.), bearing between 092° and 104°,
is also high. In places, the dangers extend a considerable dis- which leads between Holmengra and Bergskallen. A racon is
tance seaward from the islands. When Breisund is approached, located at the light tower.
it will appear as a conspicuous and fairly wide opening.
5.3The main channel of Indreleia, leading N between the N ap- 5.5 Pollatind (61°06'N., 4°52'E.), 542m high, situated on
proach to Bergen and the port of Floro, continues from Fedjeo- Sula about 11 miles ENE of Utvaer, is conspicuous. It rises
sen through Sognesjoen and then through Krakhellesund to gradually from a base which extends about 3 miles in a N-S di-
Atleoy and Vilnaesfjorden. rection.
5.3From Atleoy, there are alternative routes available to vessels 5.5On the island of Alden, about 13 miles NNW of Pollatind, a
of moderate size; the W route passes W of Atleoy, while the E conspicuous saddle-shaped hill stretching E and W rises to a
route continues through Granesund at the inner end of Vilnaes- height of 480m. This hill can be seen in clear weather at a dis-
fjorden. These routes unite to the N at Stavenes Light, and the tance of 32 to 40 miles. Alden will be immediately recognized
track then leads N to Floro. as an island.
5.5Fensfjorden is entered between Rongevaer (60°49'N.,
5.4 From offshore, between Fedje and Utvaer, Sognesjoen 4°47'E.), 1.75 miles SSE of Grimeskjeret Light, and Roytingja,
appears as a wide opening in the land. an island 2.25 miles NNE.
5.4Utvaer, 30m high, and the islets close E are low, but farther E 5.5Fensfjorden presents no difficulties to navigation, but vessels
the islands of Sula are high and conspicuous, and appear to be should give both shores a fair berth and the dangers near the
a promontory of the mainland. entrance must be avoided. This fjord extends E and SE for 15
Vessels approaching the coast, intending to enter Indreleia or miles, then becomes Austfjorden, which continues SE for 15
the fjords N of Fedjeosen, usually stand N of Holmengra miles; it forms the approach to Mongstad Oil Terminal. From
Light (60°51'N., 4°39'E.), about 4 miles N of Fedje. The island the outer part of the fjord, several passes lead N to Sognesjoen;
is small and relatively high. The light tower is 16m high and is from its inner part Masfjorden branches NE for 12 miles. Hind-
equipped with a radiobeacon and a racon. Rocks, above and nesfjorden and Vagane are arms which branch S from Aust-
below-water, extend about 1 mile W from the island. About 2 fjorden.
miles NNW is Bergskallen, a rock covered by 17m of water. 5.5Krakeflui, Mefjordbaen, and Boskallane are three shoals ly-
This sunken rock is the farthest S of a chain extending about 5 ing in the fairway of the entrance to Fensfjorden; they lie 0.8
miles NW of Holmengra. mile W, 1 mile WSW, and 1 mile SW, respectively, from
5.4Fedjefjorden lies to the SE, and Fensfjorden lies to the E of Grimeskjeret Light.
Holmengra, and leads for a distance of about 25 miles. 5.5Rongevaerskallen (60°50'N., 4°46'E.), 0.9 mile SSE of

Pub. 182
98 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

Grimeskjeret Light, has a least depth of 6m. 2. Sailing Plan and destination.
Fringing dangers, branch inlets, and the lights of Fensfjorden
5.5 3. ETA at the outer limit of the VTS area and the ETA at
can best be seen on the chart. the port, mooring, or anchorage—for vessels located outside
the operational area of the VTS.
Fedje Vessel Traffic Service 4. ETD from the VTS area—for vessels inside the area.
5. Any other information requested by the VTS, such as
5.6 The Fedje Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) is in opera- vessel type, nationality, and port of registration.
tion in the approaches to Mongstad and Sture Oil Terminals. Vessels should send position reports to Fedje VTS, as fol-

Participation is compulsory for the following vessels: lows:

1. Vessels with a length of 24m or greater (vessels push- 1. When passing the limits of the VTS area when head-
ing another vessel and vessels that are pushed are considered ing into the VTS area.
a single vessel). 2. When passing between VHF channel sectors.
2. Vessels towing an object that is longer or wider than 3. Before moving with the VTS area (leaving the wharf,
24m. berth, or mooring facility).
3. Vessels involved in towing operations where the total 4. When being towed.
length exceeds 35m. 5. When at anchor.
4. Vessels carrying dangerous and/or polluting liquid 6. When involved in an accident.
cargo in bulk, irrespective of length. 7. Immediately if the vessel is in difficulty and likely to
5.6The VTS area is bounded by lines joining the following posi- result in a change of voyage plan.
tions: All vessels must maintain a continuous listening watch on

a. 60°40'31.2''N, 4°47'42.6''E. (Rubbegamstana Light) the appropriate VHF channel for the area. All communication
b. 60°40'31.2''N, 4°26'00.0''E. with the VTS shall be in a Scandinavian language or, if not us-
c. 60°56'51.0''N, 4°18'00.0''E. ing a pilot, in English.
d. 60°56'51.0''N, 4°45'45.0''E. (Sogneoksen Light)
e. 60°56'45.0''N, 4°57'12.0''E. (Spafoten Light) Fedje VTS—Contact Information
f. 60°48'00.0''N, 5°11'18.0''E. (Terneskjaeret Light)
g. 60°46'24.0''N, 5°09'42.0''E. (Langoyna Light) Fedge VTS
h. 60°50'03.0''N, 4°48'24.0''E. (Northernmost Kjorhol- E-mail fedje.vts@kystverket.no
Northern Sector
i. 60°47'09.6''N, 4°47'50.4''E. (Senuksen Light)
j. 60°30'00.0''N, 5°07'36.4''E. VHF VHF channels 16 and 80
k. 60°24'30.0''N, 5°15'05.0''E. (Oyarodden Light)
l. 60°23'42.0''N, 5°15'55.0''E. (Gravdalsneset) Telephone
m. 60°21'00.0''N, 5°13'22.0''E. 47-56-676920
n. 60°17'31.0''N, 5°12'03.0''E. (Fleslandgrunnen Light) Southern Sector
o. 60°11'55.0''N, 5°15'01.0''E. (Blia Bank)
p. 60°09'58.0''N, 5°11'25.0''E. (Eldjarnet Light) VHF VHF channels 16 and 71
q. 60°08'08.0''N, 5°02'31.0''E. (Skjeljaboskaget Light) 47-56-164430
r. 60°05'41.0''N, 4°57'14.0''E. Telephone
s. 60°09'17.0''N, 4°56'07.0''E. 47-56-676920
t. 60°09'17.0''N, 5°00'23.0''E. (Tekslo Light)
u. 60°10'15.0''N, 5°06'40.0''E. (Ystaskjer Light) 5.7 Mongstad (60°49'N., 5°02'E.) (World Port Index No.
v. 60°12'15.0''N, 5°10'07.0''E. (Bornestangen Light) 23138) is a coastal port situated on the S shore of Fensfjorden,
w. 60°40'44.0''N, 4°47'38.0''E. (Rubbegarnstana Light) about 8 miles within its entrance. It is the site of a refinery and
5.6All vessels carrying dangerous cargoes or pollutant cargoes is designed to handle incoming crude and to load the finished
are required, as far as is possible, to navigate within the limits products. The port is approached through the channel N of
of the fairways. Such vessels should report their ETA at the Holmengra and from the channel SSE of Fedje.
limit of the operational area 6 hours in advance. 5.7Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents off Mongstad termi-
5.6The VTS area is divided into two sectors as follows: nal in Fensfjorden have, in general, a constant W set, but unset-
1. Northern Sector—North of Jona Light (latitude tled winds may cause them to set E.
60°31'12.6''N). 5.7Depths—Limitations.—Maximum vessels accommodated
2. Southern Sector—South of Jona Light. are up to 440,000 dwt, with a maximum length of 380m, a
5.6All vessels wishing to navigate within the VTS area must re- maximum draft of 25m, and a maximum beam of 60m, can be
quest sailing clearance from the Fedje VTS at least 1 hour be- accommodated. For more berthing details see the accompany-
fore their arrival at the limit of this area. This requirement ing table titled Mongstad—Berth Information.
includes vessels intending to leave a quay, berth, or mooring 5.7Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 4,000
within the VTS area. gross tons carrying dangerous cargo to and from the terminal.
5.6When requesting sailing clearance for the VTS area, the Pilots board, as follows:
message should include the following information: 1. Fedjeosen No. 2—position 60°44.1'N, 4°44.0'E.
1. Vessel name and call sign.

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 99

2. Fedjefjorden No. 3—position 60°45.7'N, 4°46.1'E (by polluting cargo to the terminal:
appointment only). 6. West Fedje—in position 60°46.0'N, 4°27.9'E (Pilot
3. Holmengra No. 2—position 60°51.4'N, 4°39.0'E. transfer by helicopter, if required).
4. Fensfjorden No. 3—position 60°51.4'N, 4°45.2'E (by 7. West Holmengra—in position 60°51.0'N, 4°25.9'E
appointment only). (Pilot transfer by helicopter, if required).
5. Vessels over 30,000 gross tons carrying hazardous or

Mongstad—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Equinor Mongstad
Crude Oil
124m 26.6m 350m 23m 60.0m 380,000 dwt Clean products, crude, and bunkers.
Jetty No. 1
Crude, dirty products, and bunkers.
Crude Oil
100m 20.6m 285m 19.7m 53.0m 180,00 dwt Berthing length of 210m (including
Jetty No. 7
LPG, peatcoke, and multipurpose.
Jetty No. 4 50m 8.9m 119.2m 8.4m 18.2m 7,000 dwt Berthing length of 70m (incl.
Breakbulk. Used for harbor service
Jetty No. 11 62m — — — — —
Coal, peatcoke, breakbulk, and
Jetty No. 12 50m — 99.9m — 15.8m 5,000 dwt
Crude. Dedicated as STS transfer
jetty. Capable of handing up to
Jetty No. 14 131m 28.0m 380m 25m 60.0m 440,000 dwt
127,000 dwt shuttle tanker for STS
Product Jet- Aviation fuel, petroleum products,
70m 17.5m 255m 14.5m 45.0m 119,456 dwt
ty No. 2 and bunkers.
Product Jet-
38m 7.4m 130m 6.5m 17.8m 7,000 dwt Petroleum products and bunkers.
ty No. 3
Aviation fuel, petroleum products,
Product Jet-
80m 17.3m 235m 16.4m 40.0m 75,571 dwt and bunkers. Berthing length of
ty No. 8
160m (including dolphins).
Aviation fuel, petroleum products,
Product Jet-
80m 17.3m 235m 16.4m 36.6m 50,000 dwt LPG, and bunkers. Berthing length
ty No. 9
of 260m (incl. dolphins).
No. 10 100m 6.8m 151.5m — 25.4m 10,000 dwt Breakbulk.
No. 10 Ro-
54m 10.3m 60m 10.3m — 10,000 dwt Ro-ro/lo-lo and breakbulk.
Mongstad Base
Offshore vessels, steel products,
BOH Quay 82m 11.6m 159.8m — 24.0m 150,000 dwt breakbulk, and reefer. Used as lay
No. 1A 75m 10.4m 118.9m — 18.5m 8,363 dwt Offshore vessels, breakbulk, and
bunkers. Continuous berthing length
No. 1B 75m 10.4m 103.6m — 16.6m 6,005 dwt of 225m.
Cement, ro-ro/lo-lo, offshore,
No. 1C 75m 10.4m 117.3m — 19.7m 8,388 dwt breakbulk, bunkers, and reefer.
Continuous berthing length of 225m.

Pub. 182
100 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

Mongstad—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Ro-ro/lo-lo, offshore vessels, break-
bulk, and bunkers. Continuous berth-
No. 2 140m 9.7m 88.1m — 12.4m 3,697 dwt ing length of 338m. Loading and
discharge ream at N end of Berth No.
No. 3 90m 10.6m 117.3m — 18.7m 8,051 dwt Cement, offshore, breakbulk, and
bunkers. Continuous berthing length
No. 4 108m 10.1m 100.9m — 18.7m 5,850 dwt of 338m.
Ro-ro/lo-lo, offshore, breakbulk, and
No. 5 97m 13.1m 101.7m — 18.7m 5,850 dwt
bunkers. Used as lay berth.

5.7 By Dag Erik Hagesaeter [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Mongstad Base and Oil Refinery

5.7Pilots should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but may be or- 6. Information required for the refinery’s guidance.
dered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an addition- 5.7Tankers of 40,000 tons or more, when within territorial wa-
al cost. ters, display a black cylinder by day and exhibit three red
5.7Regulations.—Vessels should send an ETA 72 hours in ad- lights, disposed vertically, at night, to indicate that other ves-
vance and confirm their arrival 48 hours and 24 hours prior to sels must not impede their navigation.
arrival. 5.7In addition, tankers may use a sound signal of one long blast,
5.7The 72-hour ETA should contain the following information: followed by two short blasts at any time.
1. Bunkers required. 5.7All vessels underway, anchored, or at a quay within the lim-
2. Cash transactions. its of the operational area should maintain a continuous listen-
3. Personnel. ing watch on VHF channels 16 and 80.
4. Bonded stores. 5.7Contact Information.—See the table titled Mongstad—
5. Any special requirements.

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 101

Contact Information. from seaward of Holmengra into Fensfjorden, must not impede
vessels displaying signals required of tankers of 40,000 tons
Mongstad—Contact Information and larger.
Call sign Mongstad Port Control 5.9 Sognesjoen (60°52'N., 4°40'E.) extends about 17
VHF VHF channels 11, 12, and 16 miles NE to its junction with Sognefjorden, from a position
about 7 miles NNE of Holmengra. The fairway is deep and has
Telephone 47-56-345529 a least width of 1.75 miles.

Anchorage.—Anchorage for Mongstad is available in Fon-


nesflaket, W of Havarden. Permission should be requested via

the Fedje VTS Center; further instruction may be obtained
from the pilot.

5.8 Fedjefjorden, the continuation of Indreleia to the

NNW from Bergen, leads E of Fedje to Fensfjorden and is free
from dangers in the fairway. The NE side of the channel should
be avoided as rocks extend about 0.7 mile offshore.
5.8The E side of Fedje is free from dangers at a distance of
about 183m.
5.8Ytre Langoyflui (60°47'N., 4°49'E.), on the E side of the 5.9 By Per Olav Boyum, via Wikimedia Commons
fjord, about 2 miles ENE of the E extremity of Fedje, has a 5.9 Sognefjorden
depth of 3m or less, and is marked on its N end by an iron
perch. 5.9Storsvalene and Smasvalene are two groups of islets and
5.8The lights and dangers in the fjord may best be seen on the rocks lying off the SW entrance to Sognesjoen. The S end of
chart. Storsvalene lies about 6 miles N of Holmengra Light; the two
5.8Vetegjograskjaer Light (60°49'N., 4°45'E.), 2.5 miles NNE groups then extend about 2 miles N.
of Fedje Light, stands at the NE end of Fedjefjorden. 5.9An island, in position 60°56'N, 4°37'E, and marked by a bea-
5.8Directions.—When a vessel desires to pass through Indrelia con, lies near the S end of Storsvalene.
N of Fedjefjorden, vessels pass W of a 1.8m patch, marked by 5.9At the S end of the approach to Sognesjoen, on the E side,
an iron perch, situated 0.25 mile WNW of Vetegjo Graskjaer are numerous islands, islets, and rocks.
Light; W of the dangers lying W of Grimeskjeret Light; and 5.9Mebaen (60°54'N., 4°42'E.), an unmarked danger with
then into the W end of Fensfjorden. depths of less than 1.8m, is the farthest W of these dangers. It
5.8From the W end of Fensfjorden, the deep water track leads lies about 3 miles NNE of Holmengra Light. A similar un-
about 15 miles N to Sognesjoen, which leads to Sognefjorden. marked danger lies about 0.2 mile N of Mebaen. These dangers
5.8Vessels desiring to pass through Indrelia N of Fedjefjorden, are covered by the red sector of Sogneuksen Light.
pass W of the 1.8m patch, described above, and then into Fens- 5.9When approaching Sognesjoen from the WSW, the most
fjorden, continuing N at the outer end of that fjord. prominent visible feature is the 722m high mountain Brosvik-
5.8From the NW end of Fensfjorden, Indreleia passes W of sata (61°02'N., 5°10'E.). There is a conspicuous radio mast on
Roytingkalven (60°52'N., 4°47'E.), marked on its SW side by the mountain. The mast is over 50m in height.
a light, and E of a light about 0.2 mile W of Roytingkalven 5.9Kvaereknapp (60°59'N., 4°42'E.) is the S extremity of Ytre
Light. A rock, with a depth less than 1.8m, marked by an iron Sula. This extremity, on the N side of Sognesjoen, is marked by
perch, lies on the W side of the preferred channel, 0.3 mile NW a light.
of Roytingkalven Light. 5.9Storholmen (61°01'N., 4°47'E.) and some smaller islets and
5.8After passing the above rock, the track leads in a general N rocks lie within 0.5 mile S of Tungodden, the S extremity of
direction, passing W of the light on Sogneuksen (60°57'N., Steinsundoy, 2.75 miles NE of Kvaereknapp. These dangers
4°46'E.), into Sognesjoen, the broad deep channel forming the are covered by the green sector of Sogneuksen Light.
E continuation of Indreleia. 5.9Guleskjer, situated 1.75 miles NNE of Storholmen, is an
5.8An alternative track from Fensfjorden to Sognesjoen turns N above-water rock in the middle of the entrance to a fjord that is
at Vikingneset (60°51'N., 4°56'E.), the SE extremity of mostly foul.
Byrknesoy, and then passes between the island of Mjomna on 5.9Gronholmen (61°02'N., 4°53'E.) lies close off the SW end
the W and Sandoy on the E, about 2 miles NNE of the light on of Nesoy. A light is exhibited on Gronholmen.
Vikingneset. 5.9A light is exhibited on the SE point of Sula, 2 miles ENE of
5.8A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 30m, connects Mjomna Gronholmen.
and Sandoy, about 3.4 miles NNE of the light on Vikingneset.
5.8Caution.—Vessels crossing the cautionary area for VLCC, 5.10 Rossoy (60°59'N., 4°48'E.), situated on the S side of

Pub. 182
102 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

Sognesjoen, 2.5 miles NNE of Sogneuksen Light, is marked by To the S, at the N end of Ytre Sula, are numerous islets and

a lighted beacon. The dangers S of Rossoy are covered by the rocks, some of which are above water. At its end is Krakestein
red sector of Sogneuksen Light bearing more than 197°. Light.
Bunesholmane is situated 1 mile ENE of Rossoy Light and

Hamnesholmen is situated about 0.3 mile farther E. A rock,

marked by an iron perch, lies 183m N of Hamnesholmen.
A beacon stands on the NE end of Nord Glavaer, 1 mile ENE

of Hamnesholmen; it marks the W side of the N entrance to

Dingenes (61°02'N., 5°02'E.), reported to be 4.5 miles ENE

of Nord Glovaer, is marked by a light.

Islets and rocks lie within 1.25 miles to 1.5 miles W and NW

of Dingenes Light. Stabben, the farthest N of these dangers,

has a depth of 1.5m, and is marked by an iron perch. These
dangers are covered by the green sector of Dingenes Light.
Rutletangen Light (61°05'N., 5°10'E.) is exhibited from the

NE point of Fjaeroy, about 6 miles NE of Dingenes. A beacon

stands on a rock close NW of the point.
Torsholmane are a group of dangers situated on two shoals

on the N side of Sognesjoen, within 1 mile SW of Hansneset

(61°07'N., 5°06'E.), the SE extremity of Losna.
When about 1 mile SSW of Kvaereknapp Light, shape a

course to pass about midway between Storholmen and Rossoy. 5.11 Utvaer Light
From this position, steer to keep in the white sector of

Krakeneset Light, until in a position about 1 mile SW of that Gasvaer, and the groups of islands in its vicinity, are low-ly-

light, then steer to pass midway between Krakeneset Light and ing islands, islets, and rocks situated about 7 miles NE of Nor-
Stabben. dholmene, the farthest N of the Utvaer Islets. Gasvaer
From this position, steer in the white sector of Rutletangen
5.10 (61°11'N., 4°42'E.), the largest and highest of the islands, is
Light bearing between 068° and 102° until N of Stabben and 18m high,
then steer a mid-channel course between the light and Torshol- The waterway extending from Gasvaerosen N via Bue-

mane, and then into Sognefjorden, passing N and then SE of fjorden to the Geita Light can be dangerous. Winds especially
Rutletangen Light. from W to NW cause heavy seas in the area. Rough seas and
Caution.—The area extending from Holmengra to Sognes-
5.10 large waves come mainly in from the W, and the outgoing tidal
joen and to Rossoy is foul with many shoals. current of between 1 and 2 knots causes choppy swell. High
With an ebb tide, the current runs W. The outward current in
5.10 steep waves have been observed in this waterway.
Sognefjorden will increase significantly during the snowmelt
period and during periods of heavy precipitation, which is 5.12 Ospa (61°13'N., 4°45'E.), an island which rises to a
strongest on the N side of the fjord. height of 110m near its center, is situated on the S side of Bue-
Interaction between waves and current, as well as refraction
5.10 fjorden.
of waves over shallow areas, causes choppy seas. High, steep A light is located close off its NW side. This island is foul on

waves have been observed in the area. all sides, and rocks and shoals extend about 1 mile N from the
When nearing the land to the S of Utvaer, in clear weather,
5.10 island. The islands of Drevoy and Faeroy lie E of Ospa; naviga-
Eldsfjell will be seen farthest S. This is a high rounded hill on tion through the numerous shoals N of them is possible only
the island of Holsnoy rising to 324m, in a position about 31 with local knowledge.
miles SSE of Utvaer Light. Bulandet consists of over approximately 350 islands, islets,

and skerries. The landscape is gentle, low, and rich in vegeta-

Utvaer to Ytteroyane (including Floro) tion. It is located about 6 miles NNW of Gasvaer.
Foul ground extends 0.75 mile S and W from the islets. The

5.11 The lighthouses on Utvaer and Ytteroyane are 31m group of islets should not be approached without local knowl-
high and form good landmarks. Utvaer Light is equipped with edge.
a radiobeacon. Loftsteingrunnen, SW of Bulandet, is a group of shoals, with

From Utvaer Light (61°02'N., 4°31'E.), 12.5 miles NNW of depths of 15 to 17m, which can be dangerous in rough weather.
Holmengra Light, to Ytteroyane Light, a distance of about 33 Vvryygrunnen is a group of shoals, with depths of 23 to

miles, three fjords indent the coast. From S to N, these three 34m, which lies about 4 miles W of Buesteinane.
fjords are Buefjorden, Stavfjorden, and Rekstafjorden. Buesteinane is conspicuous with its black color and ragged

Buefjorden (61°15'N., 4°40'E.) is the open fjord which sepa-

5.11 peaks.
rates Ospa and Buelandet. The middle waters of the fjord are clear,
but on both the N and S sides rocks and shoals extend well out into 5.13 Sandoy Light (61°18'N., 4°36'E.) is exhibited on
the fjord. North of Buefjorden, from W to E, lies Buelandet, 41m Sandoyna and is easily identified by its close settlement and
high; Vaeroy, 163m high; and Alden, 480m high. the light on its highest peak.

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 103

Vaeroy (61°18'N., 4°44'E.), 2.75 miles E of Sandoy Light, is

5.13 lies on the NW edge of a group of islets and rocks which ex-
the principal island on the N side of Buefjorden; it attains a tend 0.7 mile SE.
height of 163m, and its two round knolls, of about equal size, Kvitingane, above-water, and Kvitingsfalla, awash, lie in a

resemble haycocks. group of shoals on the N side of the fairway 1.5 miles NE of
Islets and rocks extend about 1 mile S of Vaeroy and three is-
5.13 the light on Ternehaug.
lands are located in the fairway SE of that island. Geita, the far- Skallefluene (61°35'N., 4°46'E.), on the NE side of the fair-

thest SE of these three islands, is marked by a light. way, 1 mile SE of Kvitingane, has depths of 2m or less. These
Directions.—The light on Geita leads from seaward into Bue-
5.13 rocks and a 4m patch, 0.3 mile SSE, are covered by the red sec-
fjorden, clear of the dangers, to within about 2 miles of the light. tor of Kinnasund Light, situated on the NE side of Kinn, bear-
Using the chart as the guide, no difficulty should be experienced in ing more than 167°.
passing E of Vaeroy and S of the light on Raudoy (61°18'N., For vessels entering Sverslingosen from seaward, the 387m

4°55'E.), about 4 miles E of Vaeroy, then into Vilnesfjorden. The height on Skorpa in line with Ertreskjeret bearing 079° will
main track of Indreleia continues N from this fjord. lead to a position about 0.4 mile N of Ternehaug Light; then
change course to the NE to pass 0.2 mile N of Ertreskjeret.
5.14 Svineflu (61°20'N., 4°33'E.), with a depth of 14m, From Ertreskjeret steer E until the white sector of Kinnasund

lies at the seaward end of numerous rocks and shoals 3 miles Light bears between 157° and 167°, which course will lead to
NNW of Sandoy Light. Hasteinosen separates these dangers the W end of Skorpefjorden.
from the N side of Buelandet and the NW side of Vaeroy. An Skorpefjorden, an E continuation of the entrance from Svers-

extensive reef, which is awash, lies 1.5 miles E of Svineflu. lingosen, is formed between Skorpa and Ytre Annoya on the N
Hasteinen, situated 4 miles NNE of Sandoy Light, is a dense
5.14 and Reksta and Nordre Nekkoya on the S. It extends about 5
group of small islets with many off-lying rocks. miles ENE.
Teinegrunnen (61°24'N., 4°29'E.), with a least depth of 13m,
5.14 Flategrunnane (61°35'N., 4°50'E.), awash, lies on the S side

lies about 4 miles NNW of Svineflu. This depth is covered by the of the fairway, 0.4 mile S of the S extremity of Skorpa. It lies at
red sector of Sandoy Light bearing more than 151.5°. the W end of Hestholmane, which has another rock awash, 0.3
Temba is a fishing ground, with a least depth of 13m, situat-
5.14 mile ENE of Flategrunnane.
ed 4 miles N of Teinegrunnen. Klungreskjeret lies on the S side of the channel, 0.3 mile SW

Stavfjorden (61°27'N., 4°53'E.) lies E of these dangers; the

5.14 of the SE extremity of Skorpa. A light marks the E end of foul
main track of Indreleia leads across this fjord, then through ground 0.4 mile ENE of the SE end of Skorpa.
Brufjorden to Floro. Foul ground lies on the S side of the fairway, about 183m S

Rekstafjorden is entered on the S side of Kinn (61°34'N.,

5.14 of Ytre Annoya.
4°46'E.) and can be approached from the offing by passing on Annoyskjeret Light (61°36'N., 4°56'E.) is situated close off

either side of Jonsgrunnfalla, by keeping in the white sector of the S side of Indre Annoya and about 0.2 mile E of Ytre An-
the light on Sandoya. The white sectors of the light bearing be- noya.
tween 056° and 059°, and between 066° and 068°, lead S and To navigate between the dangers in Skorpefjorden from W to

N of Jonsgrunnfalla, respectively. E, bring the white sector of Annoyskjeret Light ahead, between
Indreleia continues N from the inner end of Rekstafjorden, into
5.14 the bearings of about 074° and 077°. Pass S of that light into
Nekkoyosen. Indreliea, which leads N from Nekkoyosen.

5.15 Sverslingosen, the channel between Ytteroyane 5.16 Floro (61°36'N., 5°02'E.) (World Port Index No.
(61°35'N., 4°41'E.) and Sverslingane, 1.25 miles N, should al- 23130) is an administrative town, with its principal industries
ways be used when approaching Skorperfjorden. primarily associated with fishing.
Hoydalsnakken, a 13m patch, lies at the outer end of a chain
5.15 Tides—Currents.—The tidal range in Floro is about 1m.
of shoals extending 2 miles WSW from Ytteroyane. Depths—Limitations.—The general depths in the harbor

Havfluene, lying at the outer end of many shoals which ex-

5.15 are 29 to 50m, although a 7.7m patch lies 0.15 mile ESE of
tend up to 3 miles WSW from Sverslingane, has a least depth Floro Light and a 6.4m patch lies about 160m farther E; the lat-
of 11m. ter patch is marked by a buoy. Inside the mole there are two
Ternehaug (61°35'N., 4°41'E.), on the S side of the fairway,
5.15 rocks, with a depth of 2.6m over them, which lie close off-
lies 0.3 mile NE of Ytteroyane; it is marked by a light. shore, 183m E of the mole.
Ertreskjert, 0.8 mile NE of Ternehaug, is easily identified; it

Floro—Berthing Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Norwegian Sandstone Export SA (NSE)
Berthing length of 180m (in-
Loading Jetty 30m 12.0m 175m — 26.0m 50,000 dwt cluding dolphins). Aggre-
gates, and breakbulk.

Pub. 182
104 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

Floro—Berthing Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Westcon Yard- Floro
Berth used as ship mainte-
North Quay 80m 13.0m — — — —
nance and repair quay.
Berth used as ship mainte-
Outfitting Quay 170m 5.0-8.0m — — — —
nance and repair quay.
Fjord Base
Chemicals, crude products,
cement, mineral ore, ro-ro/lo-
Quay A 95m 8.5m 150m — 20.8m 10,585 dwt lo, container, offshore, break-
bulk, barite, bentonite, multi-
purpose, and bunkers.
Chemicals, dirt products, ro-
Quay B 50m 17.0m 120m — 18.7m 6,005 dwt ro/lo-lo, offshore, breakbulk,
multipurpose, and bunkers.
Chemicals, dirty products,
mineral ore, ro-ro/lo-lo, off-
Quay C 58m 8.3m 120m — 19.0m 6,700 dwt shore, barite, steel products,
breakbulk, multipurpose, and
Berthing length: 63m (incl.
dolphins). LNG, containers,
Quay D 40m 8.5m 120m — 11.8m 2,500 dwt offshore vessels, steel prod-
ucts, breakbulk, multipur-
pose, and bunkers.
Containers, offshore vessels,
Quay E 100m 10.0m 200m — 32.0m 40,481 dwt steel products, breakbulk, and
Chemicals, dirty products,
containers, offshore vessels,
Quay F 90m 9.2m 120m — 18.9m 10,745 dwt
breakbulk, multipurpose, and
Chemicals, containers, off-
shore, project/heavy cargo,
steel products, breakbulk, and
Quay G 150m 12.3m 250m — 28.0m 37,152 dwt
multipurpose. Quay owned
by Flora Hamn KF and oper-
ated by Saga Fjordbase AS.
Ro-ro/lo-lo. Vessels along-
side either bow/stern and will
Quay H 26m 7.7m 150m — 19.0m 6,700 dwt take up perpendicular space
along side the extension of
Quay C.
Offshore vessels, steel prod-
Quay L 100m 10m 120m — 26.0m 9,000 dwt
ucts, and breakbulk.
Floro Hamn
Quay A 55m 9m 67.3m — 11.4m 1,218 dwt Breakbulk and bunkers.
Quay B 20m 12m — — — — Breakbulk and bunkers.

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 105

Floro—Berthing Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Dirty products, cruise ves-
sels, containers, offshore,
Quay C 140m 11.3m 140m — 22.6m 11,846 dwt fishing vessels, breakbulk,
multipurpose, bunkers, and
Dirty products, cruise, ro-ro/
lo-lo, containers, offshore,
Quay D 140m 10.7m 140m — 22.5m 11,193 dwt
fishing, breakbulk, multipur-
pose, bunkers, and reefers.
Dirty products, cruise, off-
shore, fishing vessels, break-
Quay E 185m 8.0m 185m — 15.2m 4,632 dwt
bulk, multipurpose, bunkers,
and reefers.
Bunkers. Berth used as wait-
ing quay and leased to Nor-
Quay F 20m 4.5m — — — —
wegian Coastal
Quay G 58m 4.7m 27m — 8.8m — Ro/pax and bunkers.
Quay H 35m 3.8m — — — — Ro/pax and bunkers.
Ro-ro/lo-lo and bunkers. Ves-
sels alongside either bow/
Ro-Ro 16m 10.7m 81.8m — 16.0m 2,500 dwt
stern will take up perpendicu-
lar space alongside Quay D.
Chemicals, LNG, fishing ves-
EWOS Quay A 116m 10.0m 119.1m — 17.0m 7,124 dwt sels, breakbulk, and multipur-
Chemicals, animal feed,
limestone, fishing vessels, ro-
EWOS Quay B 70m 10.0m 117.3m — 18.0m 6,488 dwt
ro/lo-lo, breakbulk, and mul-
Animal feed, fishing vessels,
EWOS Quay C 85m 4.0m 94.9m — 16.0m 5,065 dwt
breakbulk, and reefers.
Fishing vessels, breakbulk,
and reefers. Vessel usually
EWOS Quay D 43m 4.0m 89.9m — 13.7m 3,704 dwt berth alongside Quay C and
overhang over space along-
side Quay D.
Berthing length of 75m (in-
cluding dolphins). Chemi-
EWOS Quay E 65m 10.0m 119.8m — 20.7m 7,124 dwt cals, ro-ro/lo-lo, fishing
vessels, breakbulk, multipur-
pose, and reefer.
Norway Pelag-
Fishing vessels, breakbulk,
ic- Gunhild- 70m 9.0m 80m — 16.3m 2,900 dwt
and reefers.

The port can accommodate vessels up to 50,000 dwt, with a

5.16 Several quays used by the oil and gas service industry are
maximum length of 250m and a maximum beam of 32m. located E at Fjord Base (Botnaneset).

Pub. 182
106 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

5.16 By Karennilsen [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

5.16 Fjord Base facing ESE towards the Norwegian mainland

Fjord Base (Botnaneset) (61°36.7'N., 5°04.6'E.), a growing

5.16 tact Information.
oil and gas services complex, has several quays just E of Floro.
Berthing details for Floro and Fjord Base are shown in the
5.16 Floro—Contact Information
accompanying table titled Floro—Berthing Information.
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be

ordered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Telephone 47-57-756740
Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. Facsimile 47-57-740916
Vessels should contact the Floro pilot station on VHF chan-

nel 16 about 2 hours prior to arrival at the pilot boarding posi- E-mail hamn@flora.kommune.no
tion. Vessels that call on VHF channel 16 will be connected to
the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center via Floro or Rogaland Coast Anchorage.—Anchorage in Floro is charted about 0.1 mile

Radio Station if the station does not respond. NE of the mole. Depths in the anchorage are about 50m. An-
All direct communications with the pilots and the pilot ves-
chorage can be taken in Arebrotsfjorden just N of Rota island,
sel will take place on VHF channel 13. in depths from 8.8 to 49m.
Pilots board, as follows:

1. Vessels over 30,000 gt or vessels with a freeboard Ytteroyane to Stadlandet

greater than 8m—position 61°43.0'N, 4°23.5'E. (via helicop-
ter by appointment) 5.17 From Ytteroyane Light (61°35'N., 4°41'E.), the
2. West of Kvannhovden Light—position 61°42.2'N, coastline extends for about 40 miles in a N direction to the NW
4°45.5'E. end of Stadlandet, one of the most remarkable promontories on
3. In bad weather, by appointment: the Norwegian coast.
a. Hellefjorden—position 61°39.1'N, 4°51.2'E. The mainland is fronted by islands, islets, and rocks, which

b. Froysjoen—position 61°45.0'N, 4°56.6'E. lie up to 12 miles offshore, and is frequently interrupted by

Regulations.—The vessel’s ETA is required 24 hours before
channels leading from the open sea to Indreleia. There are no
arrival. off-lying islands or islets in the vicinity of Stadlandet. Except
Contact Information.—See the table titled Floro—Con-
5.16 when making for one of the fjords, it is advisable to keep an

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 107

offshore distance of at least 10 miles W of the larger off-lying Several dangers lie in the general area between Veststeinen

islands. and Klovningen. Seiabaane, with a least depth of 4m, lies

The principal fjords along this section of coast are, from S to
5.17 about 2 miles NNE of Veststeinen, and Brunebaen, a rock,
N, Hellefjorden, Froysjoen, Nordfjorden, Fafjorden, and Vags- awash, lies about 2 miles ENE of the same islet.
fjorden; the latter two connect with Nordfjorden S of Stadland- Several shoals, which reportedly break in a swell, lie S of

et. Brunebaen. Their positions may be seen on the chart.

The Kinn Vessel Traffic Service (VTS), located just W of
5.17 Harfluene, with a least depth of 19m, lies about 2 miles NW

Kinn, is best seen on the chart. The VTS includes inbound ra- of Klovningen. Between this patch and the islet is Norefluene,
dio reporting points, which use VHF channel 18, and follows a covered by a least depth of 8m. Klovningskjer, which covers
track to the NNE towards Krakenes. For further information, 1.5m, lies at the NNW end of the foul ground 0.3 mile from the
see paragraph 5.1. N end of Klovningen.
The most important lights for making a landfall between Yt-
5.17 Skoringane, a chain of small islets, lies 0.5 mile E of

teroyane and Stadlandet are Ytteroyane Light (61°34'N., Klovningen. Svarteskjera are above-water rocks 0.3 mile far-
4°41'E.), Kvanhovden Light (61°42'N., 4°50'E.), and Hen- ther E.
danes Light (61°58'N., 5°02'E.), on the W side of Vagsoy, and
Krakenes Light (Kraakenes) (62°02'N., 4°59'E.), on the NW 5.20 Basundskjera (61°56'N., 5°00'E.), a group of above-
extremity of Vagsoy. water rocks marked by a light, lies on the N side of the ap-
The most conspicuous island among the islands in the vicini-
5.17 proach to Vagsfjorden, in a position 0.75 mile NW of Hovde-
ty of Ytteroyane is Kinn (61°34'N., 4°46'E.). It is 316m high neset Light.
and lies 2 miles ESE of Ytteroyane Light. This dome-shaped Mehuken, in the NW part of Vagsoy, is 433m high and steep

island has two hills separated by a deep ravine with steep sides. on its N side.
On the N end of the island there is a church which is visible at Havfruskallen (62°03'N., 4°51'E.), a 4.5m shoal, lies 3.75

a distance of 8 miles. miles WNW of the NW extremity of Vagsoy.

During the winter months, with long nights and frequent bad
5.17 Vessels making for the open sea S of Kraka can alter course

visibility, when approaching the land during W winds, vessels when Krakenes Light is open N of Skongenes Light and bear-
should avoid being set N of the entrances to the channels. ing about 271°. The white sector of Skongenes Light, bearing
Skorpa, about 3 miles ENE of Ytteroyane Light, rises to a astern, leads between Torsflu and Noreskallen (62°03'N.,
height of 393m. The island of Batalden, 1.5 miles NNW of 4°52'E.), 2.75 miles WSW.
Skorpa, rises to a height of 491m. The white sector of this light, astern, leads between Kraka

From offshore, W of Floro, Alden (61°19'N., 4°48'E.)

5.17 and Melsfluene, and about 0.5 mile SW of Oddeskallane, a
should be visible to the SE and Kinn should be visible to the E. 12m depth, 2 miles NW of Kraka. When Svinoy, about 7 miles
Batal Den, a good landmark 4 miles N of Kinn, is 491m high
5.17 NNE of the N end of Stadlandet, is open W of the NW extrem-
and precipitous. ity of Statdandet bearing about 030°, course should be altered
5.18 Sendingane (61°39'N., 4°34'E.), a group of above-
water rocks, and Loynefallet, a 4m shoal, 0.6 mile WSW, lie 5.21 Hellefjorden, a passage extending from seaward in a
5.75 miles NW of Ytteroyane, at the W end of a chain of rocks SE direction to Indreleia and Floro, leads SE from the ap-
extending W from Batalden. proach to Froysjoen. The islands of Aralden and Batalden lie
Bremangerlandet (Bremangerland), an island which rises to on the SW side of the seaward entrance to the fjord and Hov-
a height of 910m at Hornelen (61°51'N., 5°14'E.), appears to den lies on the NE side. Hellefjorden is about 7 miles in length
be part of the mainland. and 1.75 miles in width at its narrowest part.
Stadlandet projects NW from the mainland E of Vagsoy for a
5.18 On the N side of the approach to Froysjoen are many dan-

distance of about 14 miles. Kjerringa (62°11'N., 5°08'E.), at gers; some of them break. These dangers extend to a distance
the NW end of Statdandet, is 497m high. Radio masts, which of about 3 miles S, 8 miles W, and about 2.1 miles N of Froya.
are prominent, stand near the summit of Kjerringa. Shoals also extend about 8 miles W of the entrance to
The waterway near Haugsholmen and Stalrevet, a shoal with
5.18 Hellefjorden, on the S side of the approach to Froysjoen.
a depth of 20m, as well as several shoal areas between them, From Aralden (61°41'N., 4°46'E.), the NW entrance point of

have been mentioned as areas with particularly heavy seas. Hellefjorden, shoal water extends about 0.7 mile N; vessels
must keep well clear. A light, with a racon, is displayed from
5.19 Skorpefluene and Bataldfluene (61°54'N., 4°48'E.), the islet.
with a least depth of 10m, lie 5 and 4.5 mile SW, respectively, From the offing, vessels can stand in toward Frojsoen

from the N extremity of Bremangerlandet. These two dangers, through a deep channel clear of all dangers, with Skarekina, the
which break when a swell is running, are the farthest W in the 310m high hill on the NW end of Hovden, bearing 090°.
approach to Fafjorden and Vagsfjorden. Veststeinen, an islet The white sector of Kvanhovden Light, close W of Skarekin-

44m high, lies 2.75 miles W of the N extremity of Bremanger- na, leads from seaward through the fairway to within 1 mile of
landet. The islet is surrounded by foul ground to a distance of the light.
0.6 mile.
Toytemulen, awash and always marked by breakers, lies 1.25
5.19 5.22 The inner part of Hellefjorden is free from dangers in
miles NNW of Veststeinen. There is a 5m patch 0.3 mile NNE the fairway except for Risholmflua (61°38'N., 4°53'E.), awash,
of this rock. on the W side of the fairway about 3 miles NW of Stabben

Pub. 182
108 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

Light, and two shoals. The two shoals have least depths of 9.4 SW extremity of Fiskholmen, bearing between 240° and 332°,
and 11m. They lie in the fairway about 1 and 2 miles SE, re- astern, which marks the N shore. The S edge is marked by Ola-
spectively, from Risholmflua. An anchor berth, with a depth of skjaer Light (61°44'N., 4°57'E.).
17m, lies 0.7 mile E of Risholmflua in position 61°38'N, When abeam the Berlepollen entrance, keep within the white

4°54'E. sector of Hornelen Light bearing between 061° and 078°,

To enter the N end of Hellefjorden, steer in the white sector
5.22 ahead. When not less than 0.5 mile from Hornelen Light, alter
of Stabben Light. This course will lead close W of Dombesk- course to the E until in the white sector of Haukedalsholmen
jaerene Light, which is situated on the SW side of Hovden. Light (61°52'N., 5°16'E.), which leads between the E coast of
When near Stabben Light, steer S in the white sector of Nek-
5.22 Bremangerlandet and Maroy, 0.5 mile E, and into the E en-
koyosen Light and continue S into Indreleia or steer E in the trance of Skatestraumen.
white sector of Floro Light and proceed to Floro. Skorperauva (61°46'N., 4°40'E.), a 6.5m shoal, lies at the

Skarekinna (61°42'N., 4°51'E.) attains an elevation of 310m

5.22 W end of several rocks and dangers extending WSW from
on the NW part of Hovden. Hovden lies 1.25 miles NE of Bat- Froya. A 19m patch lies 1 mile W of this shoal; a depth of 24m
alden; they are separated by Hellefjorden. Froya rises to a is charted 2.5 miles farther WSW.
height of 379m, 5.5 miles N of Skarekinna. Skorpefluene (61°55'N., 4°46'E.), the W rocks off the NW

side of Bremangerlandet, have a least depth of 5m, and are

5.23 Froysjoen is a deep channel about 15 miles long and sometimes marked by breakers.
not less than 1 mile wide. The tidal currents usually set E and Vetrungane (61°56'N., 4°49'E.), a group of rocks partly

N with the rising tide and W and S with the falling tide. Froys- above water, lies 1 mile NNW of Toytemulen. Fallet, covered
joen may be entered from seaward or from the S through Indre- by a least depth of 2m, lies 0.6 mile N of Vetrungane.
leia. Klovningen (61°56'N., 4°57'E.), an islet, 84m high, sur-

The approach from the offing may be the same as that direct-
5.23 rounded by foul ground, lies just over 1 mile N of the N ex-
ed for Hellefjorden. When within 1 mile of Kvanhovden Light, tremity of Bremangerlandet. Both Veststeinen and Klovningen
steer in a NE direction in the white sector of Smorhavn Light. can be distinguished from a distance of 10 to 12 miles.
When within 1.5 miles of that light, steer a mid-channel course
in a NE direction. 5.24 Maloy (61°56'N., 5°07'E.) (World Port Index No.
The passage from Floro to Froysjoen through Hellefjorden is
5.23 23125) also known as Maaloy, is situated on the SE side of
the preferred track. However, a passage for vessels of moderate Vagsoy. It is a center of the fishing industry. There are several
size leads N through Naeroyfjorden, then into Froysjoen. The quays in the harbor.
channel through Naeroyfjorden, though more protected, is Depths—Limitations.—The Inter-Comtermnalen is the
much obstructed by shoals. main quay and includes two deep-sea berths. There is a local
Naeroyfjorden lies between Sore Naeroy and Nordre Naeroy,
5.23 traffic quay and facilities for ro-ro vessels. The fishing harbor
on the W side, and the mainland. The S entrance is about 2 has a pier and a quay.
miles NNE of Stabben Light. Vessel up to 22,300 dwt, 178.5m in length, 27.6m beam, and

Speed restrictions have been established in Naeroyfjorden.

5.23 8.2m draft can be accommodated in the port. For more berthing
Mariners are advised to contact the local authorities for details. information see table titled Maloy—Berth Information.
Vessels running for Naeroyfjorden from Floro alter course
5.23 Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or-

N, after passing S of Floro Light and enter the white sector of dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvit-
Arebrotsneset Light (61°38'N., 5°00'E.). This track will lead soy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
W of Sandvoeret, 1.25 miles NW of Floro and Naeroyflua, a Vessels should contact the Floro pilot station on VHF

6m shoal 0.5 mile WNW. channel 16 at least 2 hours prior to arrival. If the station does
When NW of Sandvoeret, enter the white sector of Dragja-
5.23 not respond, either the Rogaland or Floro Coastal Radio
skjaerflu Light (61°39'N., 4°59'E.) ahead, which leads be- Station will reply and relay details to the pilot station.
tween Nordre Naeroy and the dangers on the E side of the Contact Information.—See the table titled Maloy—Con-

fairway. A vessel may steer in the white sector of the light 1 tact Information.
mile N of Dragjas Kjaerflu Light. This also leads through the
channel and E of Dragjaskjaerflu Light. When NE of Dragjask- Maloy—Contact Information
jaerflu Light, alter course NW and bring that light astern show-
ing white. VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
This track leads E of Hollendarane (61°41'N., 4°56'E.),
Telephone 47-57-852620
awash, and Rognane, 1.5 miles farther N, and into the white
Facsimile 47-57-852621
sector of Smorhavn Light; the track then leads into Froysjoen.
An anchorage, best seen on the chart, lies 0.8 miles E of
5.23 E-mail post@nordfjord.havn.no
Rogname and 1.3 mile NE of Hollendarane, in depths from 11
to 52m. An anchor berth lies approximately 0.8 mile WNW of Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken, in 30 to 40m, sand

Hollendarane in position 61°41.5'N, 4°54.6'E just off the E and mud or rock, about 0.1 mile off the quays. Anchorage is
coast of Hovden island. prohibited in the fairway E of a line joining Maloy North Light
Between Fiskholmen (61°46'N., 4°56'E.) and the entrance
and Goteberghamaren (61°57'N., 5°08'E.), a point 0.6 mile
to Berlepollen, 6.5 miles ENE, the fairway of Froysjoen is de- N, and W of a line joining the N light on the E side of
fined by the white sector of Smorhavn Light, situated on the Maloysundet to Trolleboflu Light.

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 109

Ulvesund, between Vagsoy and the mainland, leads N for 4

5.24 5.25 Ulven Light (61°58'N., 5°09'E.) is exhibited from a
miles to Sildegapet, and has few dangers. There is a speed limit pile of rocks in the center of Ulvesund, about 2 miles N of
of 10 knots in the central and N part of the channel. Maloy.

Maloy—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depths Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Domstein Fish AS, Raudeberg
Fishing vessels, breakbulk,
Cargo 150m — 95.5m — 16.3m 3,546 dwt bunkers, and reefer. 3,968 gt
and 163 teu.
Fiskerikaia Havneteminal
Ro-ro freight, fishing vessels,
Fishing Pier E 100m 10.0m 109m — 18.2m 6,519 dwt bunkers, and reefer. 5,084 gt
and 374 teu.
Ro-ro freight, fishing vessels,
Fishing Pier W 110m 10.0m 62.2m — 11.0m 1,150 dwt
and bunkers. 1,253 gt.
Ro-ro freight, fishing vessels,
No. 1 120m — 117.3m — — 6,693 dwt
and bunkers. 6,693 gt.
No. 2 80m — — — — — Fishing vessels and bunkers.
Intercom Terminal
Containers, bunkers, and
North No. 1 160m 9.0m 119.9m — 20.8m 4,900 dwt
breakbulk. 9,132 gt.
Ro-ro/lo-lo, containers, break-
North No. 2 67m 6.0m — — — —
bulk, and bunkers.
ro-ro freight, container, break-
South 127m 6.5m 119.9m — 20.8m 4,900 dwt
bulk, and bunkers.
Maaloy Seafood
Fishing, breakbulk, and bun-
Cargo 52m — — — — —
Maaloy Terminal
Ro-Ro 10m — — — — — Fast ferries and breakbulk.
Pelagia Maaloy
Trollebo N Ro-ro freight, container,
345m 10.0m 154.5m 8.2m 22.7m 8,843 dwt fishing, and bunkers.
12,251GT and 327TEU.
Trollebo S Fishing, breakbulk, and
100m 9.0m 77.2m — — 1,150 dwt
Brodene Tennebo ANS
Clean products, fast ferry, fish-
ing, breakbulk, multipurpose,
Multipurpose 57m — 115.5m — 16.9m 6,665 dwt bunkers, and reefer. Displace-
ment of 9,374t, 5,232 gt, and
348 teu.
Maaloy Havneserive AS
Clean products, ro-pax, fish-
Bunker 42m 8.5m 100m — — — ing vessels, multipurpose, and

Pub. 182
110 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

Maloy—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depths Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Pelagia Maaloy Sildoljefabrikk
Breakbulk, bunkers, and multi-
Pelagi 70m — — — — —

At Hagevik, 0.3 mile ESE of Ulven Light, there is a quay,

5.25 should be avoided.
with a depth of 6m alongside. On the opposite shore at In bad weather, northbound vessels should always stand out

Barstadvik is a quay, 110m long, with depths of 5 to 8m to sea through the channel between Kraka and the dangers off
alongside. Stadlandet.
There are lights, in range, which lead to Olvesund from the
5.25 From a position about 0.5 mile SW of Ulvesund Range

N. Light, vessels can steer about 021° until Ulvesund Range

The usual track of Indreleia is on either side of Trolleboflu,
5.25 Lights, in line astern, lead between the fringing dangers on ei-
then into the white sector of Ulven Light, passing on either side ther side of the fairway to the seaward channel N of Kraka.
of that light. When passing through Ulvesund, vessels keep This course passes about midway between Toren and Ytste-

about 91m from Trolleboflu and Ulven. North of Ulven the baan (62°09'N., 5°04'E.), with a depth of 5.5m, situated 1.25
shore should not be approached nearer than 183m. The dangers miles off Stadlandet. Ytstebaan breaks in bad weather.
and lights in Ulvesund are best seen on the chart. When W of Ytstebaan, about 1 mile distant, steer a N course

From Ulvesund, several channels lead through Sildegapet to

5.25 to pass W of Bukketjuvane (62°11'N., 5°04'E.) about 0.5 mile
the open sea. distant. Bukketjuvane is a partially submerged reef lying about
Seaward bound vessels in Sildegapet can pass through the
5.25 1 mile SW of the NW extremity of Stadlandet.
southernmost channel between Breidflu, a 10m bank about 2 Vessels can proceed N past Bukketjuvane until Dollstein, a

miles W of Skongenes Light (62°02'N., 5°08'E.), and Melsflu- hill at the W end of Sandsoy, about 7 miles ENE of Stadlandet,
ene, 0.25 mile NE. Skongsnes Light is situated on the NE ex- bears about 067°, when course can be altered NE for the N end
tremity of Vagsoy. of Skorpa, to pass N of Stadlandet, then into Vanylvsgapet and
Buholmen Light (62°10'N., 5°05'E.) is off the W side of

Stadlandet, on the SE islet.

Stadlandet to Alesund
5.27 The coast from Stadlandet (62°12'N., 5°08'E.) to
Alesund is indented by fjords and is fronted by many islands,
islets, and dangerous rocks. This section is about 25 miles long
and runs in an ENE direction. The appearance of the coast is
rugged, bare, and gray. The two main openings are Vanylvsga-
pet, on the NE side of Stadtlandet, and Breisunddjupet, NE of
Runde (62°25'N., 5°35'E.) is a bare gray island, with a

height of 331m at Rundesundet, in the E, and 293m at Bran-

den, in the W. On the seaward side it is steep-to, except on the
5.25 Skongenes Light S where cultivated land is seen.
Rundesundet (Rundo Sund) lies between Runde and Ri-

Further N, vessels can pass through the channel between

5.25 moya, 0.5 mile S. The islands are connected by a causeway
Melsfluene, which has a least charted depth of 11m, and Kra- leading to a bridge in the S with a vertical clearance of 24m. A
ka, which is well above water. red light marks the N pillar of the bridge and a green light
It is reported that the channels S of Kraka should be used on-
5.25 marks the S pillar, with a 118m horizontal distance between
ly in fine or moderate weather. A 16m bank, which breaks in them; a white light marks the center of the bridge. Rundesund
heavy weather, lies NW of Kraka. Light stands on Saeviksteinen.
A broad channel leads N between Kraka and the shoals ex-
5.25 The summits of Sauehornet (62°14'N., 6°09'E.), 1,303m

tending SW from Stadlandet. Ramseflu, an 8.6m patch, lies at high, 28 miles E of Kjerringa, on Stadlandet, and Slogen,
the S extremity of these shoals, about 2 miles SSW of the SW 1,564m high, 15 miles farther ESE, may be used in the ap-
extremity of Stadlandet. proaches from seaward, and on the fishing grounds farther sea-
5.26 Torsflu (62°04'N., 4°57'E.), a small isolated bank Statthavet (62°12'N., 5°06'E.) has long been known as an

with a charted depth of 13m, lies 2 miles NNW of Krakenes area with very severe weather, and many have identified the ar-
Light. This bank, which occasionally breaks in bad weather,

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 111

ea as being dangerous. sage between Svinoy and Skorpa should not be attempted with-
It has been indicated that heavy sea is created particularly by
5.27 out local knowledge.
winds from SW to N. In these cases, the waves come straight in Skorpa (62°20'N., 5°30'E.) and Nerlandsoy, close NE and 4

from the ocean. The current in the passage has been estimated miles NE of Skorpa, respectively, stand out clearly from the
at between 2 and 4 knots, and when the ocean waves meet this background.
current, strong precipitous breakers are developed. Juklebaen (62°22'N., 5°24'E.), a 2m patch lying 4.25 miles

The swell becomes choppy.

5.27 ENE of Svinoy, usually breaks.
The passage near Haugsholmen and the shoal of Stzlrevet, as
5.27 Heroyfjorden lies between Sandoya and Gurskoya

well as several small shoal areas between these, have been (62°15'N., 5°40'E.), on the S, and Skorpa, Nerlandsoy
mentioned as areas with particularly heavy seas. (62°21'N., 5°33'E.), and Bergsoya (62°20'N., 6°38'E.).
Vessels intending to pass in the vicinity of Stadlandet may
5.27 Goldnes Light (62°22'N., 5°34'E.) is situated on the N ex-

request a 2-day wind/wave warning forecast. tremity of Nerlandsoy, 4.25 miles ENE of Juklebaen.
Vessels should supply the following information when mak-
5.27 Geitmaren, a 5m patch, lies 1.75 miles NNW of Goldnes

ing the request: Light. The sea occasionally breaks over it in quiet weather,
1. Vessel name. though seldom during calms or offshore winds.
2. Vessel type.
3. Area and time of passing. 5.29 Rundoy Light (62°25'N., 5°36'E.) is situated on the
4. Intended course (passing N or S, etc.). NW extremity of Runde (Rundoy), 2.5 miles NNE of Goldnes
5. Return address (complete with facsimile number). Light. Numerous dangers extend 1.75 miles ENE from a rock,
The currents on this part of the coast, irrespective of the tide,
5.27 awash, 0.9 mile NW of Rundoy Light. Some of these dangers
usually set in a NE direction and are known to have a velocity, are above water.
at times, of more than 1 knot. At a distance of 30 to 60 miles Langenes Light stands on the NE extremity of Runde. A line

from land, a vessel will be set to the NE. of rocks and islets extends from Treholmane, 0.6 mile E of
Pilots cruise NE of Runde; vessels enroute to Alesund or
5.27 Langenes Light, to Grasholmen, 3 miles NE. The sea some-
Bergen may embark a pilot here. During N gales, the pilot may times breaks over a spit, which extends 0.5 mile ENE from
be forced to seek shelter at Nerlandsoy. Grasholmen and terminates in Breiflu, an 8m patch.
Grasoyane Light (62°26'N., 5°46'E.) stands on Grashol-

Stadlandet—Contact Information for men.

Wind/Wave Warning Forecast The channels through the dangers between Langenes Light

and Grasoyane Light are navigable only with local knowledge.

Vervarslinga Florauden Light (62°26'N., 5°50'E.) is situated on the cen-

Telephone 47-55236600 tral islet of Florauden, a group of islets lying 2 miles E of Gra-
sholmen. A racon is located at the light tower.
Facsimile 47-55236603
Maloy Harbor Office 5.30 Breisundet (62°27'N., 6°00'E.), between Hareidland-
et on the S and Godoya, gives access from the sea to Alesund
Telephone 47-57851278
and Indreleia. It is deep and clear of dangers except close in-
Facsimile 47-57850634 shore.
Svinoy Light Vessels entering Breisundet steer for a position 1.5 miles N

of Florauden; a mid-channel course will then lead to a position

47-70132544 0.7 mile NW of Eltraneset, the NW extremity of Sula.
47-94662647 (mobile) Heissafjorden leads E from this position to Alesund.

Sulefjorden leads SE from the above position.

Facsimile 47-70132544 Hogsteinen Light (62°28'N., 6°02'E.) is situated off the SE

extremity of Godoya, on the NE side of Breisundet.

5.28 Sandsoy (62°15'N., 5°26'E.), lying 5.5 miles ENE of
Stadlandet, rises to a height of 370m. There is a height of 5.31 Alesund (62°28'N., 6°10'E.) (World Port Index No.
227m, shaped like a haystack, at the W end of the island. This 23120), also known as Aalesund, is situated on the islands of
height is easily identified from SW or NW, but merges into the Norvoya, Heissa, and Aspoya. These islands are interconnect-
background when viewed from the W. ed and are also connected to the mainland by fixed bridges.
Numerous dangers extend up to 2 miles W of Sandsoy. The
5.28 The waters of Alesund Havn comprise the harbor at Alesund.
farthest NW of these dangers is Skjeggene (62°16'N., 5°20'E.), Alesund is a major commercial and fishing port. Products in-

a group of rocks with a least depth of 0.5m over its N end; they clude clothing and dairy products, as well as furniture and fish
are usually marked by breakers. products.
A group of shoals, with a least depth of 24m, lies about 3

miles W of Skjeggene. Alesund Port Authority Home Page

Svinoy (62°20'N., 5°16'E.), 6 miles W of Skorpa, is easily

identified by its remote position although it is comparatively http://www.alesund.havn.no

small. A light is shown from a tower 11m in height, standing
on the SE side of the island. Due to numerous dangers, the pas- 5.31 Depths—Limitations.—Berthing details are shown in the

Pub. 182
112 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

accompanying table titled Alesund—Berth Information. A fixed bridge, with a navigable width of 50m and a vertical

The port area has mooring facilities for the lay-up of vessels
5.31 clearance of 17m, spans the channel. The port is open all the
of all sizes. Vessels up to 508,000 dwt can be accommodated at year.
lay up and 12.1m draft have been accommodated in the port. Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 500 gt

Vessels may, draft permitting, transit the channel which lies

5.31 and all vessels carrying dangerous cargo. Pilotage should be
between Aspoya and Heissa. There is a least depth of 5m in the ordered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the
channel, but depths of 4.2m are charted near the range line. Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.

Alesund—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Aaleund Havn
Ro/pax, breakbulk, bulk cargo,
Brunholm 90m 4.0m 91.5m — 14.0m 3,758 dwt general cargo and bunkers.
Mooring rescue vessels.
Sjogata 190m 8.0m 81.3m 16.0m 3,850 dwt Fishing, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Cruise, ro-ro/lo-lo, breakbulk, and
Skanse N 195m 10.0-13.0m 228m — 28.9m 11,407 dwt
Skanse S 110m 4-5m 65.8m — 13.8m 1,612 dwt Cruise, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Skanse W 60m 4-8m 230.6m — 29.2m 5,168 dwt Breakbulk and bunkers.
Celsa Group- Aalesund
Steel products, breakbulk, and
Verpingsvika 64m — 125.7m — 18.2m 9,653 dwt
Fjordlaks AS
Fjordlaks 66m — 67m — — — Fishing and breakbulk.
Flatholmen Havn
Flatholmen 1 50m 7.0m — — — —
Closed. Breakbulk.
Flatholmen 2 50m 7.0m — — — —
Flatholmen 3 42m 12.0m — — — — Closed. Ro-ro/lo-lo.
Containers, breakbulk, and
— 12.0m 161.3m — 25.0m 16,986 dwt bunkers. Continuous berthing:
length of 330m.
Flatholmen 6 110m 12.0m 155m — — — Breakbulk and bunkers.
NCC Industry AS-Aalesund
No. 1 10m — 108m — 17.2m 4,995 dwt Sand, breakbulk, bunkers, stone,
No, 2 — — 68m — 10.8m 2,218 dwt and gravel.
Norma Norsk AS
Breakbulk, dry cargo, and
Norma Norsk 92m — 132m — 15.2m 6,460 dwt
Skutvitka Container Terminal
Ro-ro/lo-lo, project/heavy,
Pier N 150m 10.0-16.0m 115m — 16.8m 5,508 dwt
breakbulk, bunkers, and reefer.
Closed. ro-ro/lo-lo and project
Pier S 165m 10.0-16.0m 93m — — —

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 113

Alesund—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Ro-ro freight, containers, break-
bulk, bunkers, and reefer. Contin-
Skutvitka — 10.0-16.0m 138.5m — 21.7m 12,264 dwt uous berthing length of 203m.
Can berth two vessel simultane-
Stornespiren/Prestebrugga Cruise Terminal
Prestebrugga Cruise vessels, ro/pax, breakbulk,
205m 13.0-16.0m 315.7m — 35.8m 14,33 dwt
S and bunkers.
Stornes N 200m 10.0m — — — — Cruise vessels.
Stornes S 365m 12.0-16.0m 290m — 37.5m 14,601 dwt Cruise and bunkers.
Sunnmore Fiskeindustri AS
Containers, fishing vessels,
general cargo, breakbulk, and
Sunnmore 240m — 99.4m — 17.0m 4,418 dwt
bunkers. Used by fishing vessels
and waiting berth.
Larsgaarden Terminal
Chemicals, breakbulk, and multi-
purpose. Berthing length of 145m
West Bulk 60m 10.0m 200m 10.3m 26.0m 24,783 dwt
(incl. dolphins). Displacement:
Bunker Oil AS
Bunker 75m — 177m 12.1m 26.0m 24,853 dwt Clean products and bunkers.
Epax SA
Tanker 106m — 99.8m — 15.0m 4,570 dwt Liquid cargo.
Morebunkers AS
Bunker 25m — 58m — — — Clean products and bunkers.

When entering into or departing from the pilot boarding po-

5.31 1. Within the harbor area, powered vessels are not to ex-
sition in Breidsundet, vessels are requested to navigate inside ceed the minimum speed required for good seamanship and
the Recommended Fairway, bounded, as follows: maneuverability, or to proceed at such a speed as to cause
a. 62°31.8'N, 5°44.4'E. damage or danger to vessels or harbor installations from
b. 62°30.2'N, 5°45.8'E. wash.
c. 62°27.5'N, 5°55.1'E. 2. When near the entrance to Indre Havn or Steinvagsun-
d. 62°27.5'N, 5°57.2'E. det, a risk of collision exists between inbound and outbound
e. 62°26.5'N, 5°57.2'E. vessels, the inbound vessel must wait at a suitable distance
f. 62°26.5'N, 5°53.5'E. off the entrance until the outbound vessel is well clear of the
g. 62°29.5'N, 5°43.3'E. breakwater at Indre Havn or of the lights in Steinvagsundet.
h. 62°29.5'N, 5°38.2'E. 3. In Indre Havn, Skutevika, or Steinvagsundet, vessels
i. 62°31.8'N, 5°44.4'E. are not permitted to swing to their anchors, or to anchor in
Pilots board in Breidsundet, in position 62°27.0'N, 5°58.9'E,
5.31 such a way as to obstruct the harbor entrances or the ap-
weather permitting; by request, the pilot can also board in Bre- proaches to alongside berths.
idsunddjupet, in position 62°31.0'N, 5°40.9'E. Vessels should advise Port Control of their ETA; the follow-

Vessels should call the pilot station 2 hours prior to arrival on

5.31 ing information should also be included:
VHF channel 16. If the station does not respond either the Ro- For the requirements for non-military vessels entering Nor-

galand or Floro Coastal Radio station will reply and relay de- wegian internal waters, see Pub. 180. Sailing Directions (Plan-
tails to the pilot station. ning Guide) Arctic Ocean.
The pilots can be contacted on VHF channel 16.
5.31 1. Vessel name.
Regulations.—Within the harbor area of Alesund, the fol-
5.31 2. Flag.
lowing regulations are in effect: 3. Port of registry.

Pub. 182
114 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

5.31 By Markus Trienke [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
5.31 Alesund Harbor

4. Call sign. Alesund Harbor—Contact Information

5. IMO number.
6. Gross tonnage, loa, actual draft, and maximum sum- 47-70-163410
mer draft. 47-99-853400
7. Last port-of-call and next port-of-call.
8. Dangerous cargo information, if any. Port Authority
Signals.—Signals are exhibited at night, from signal masts
5.31 Telephone 47-70-163400
on Skanskaien and Storneskaien, using fixed red, green, and
Facsimile 47-70-163401
white lights to give berthing instructions and to indicate an ar-
riving vessel’s berth. Such signals should be acknowledged by E-mail havnevesenet@alesund.havn.no
a blast on the whistle. The berth signals are given in the accom-
panying table titled Alesund—Berth Signals. Indreleia and the Inner Fjords
By day a red flag is displayed at the berth allocated to the

vessel. 5.32 Indreleia is a navigable inner route and is, to some ex-
The general night signals are, as follows:
tent, protected by offshore islands. The route is continuous
1. Fixed red, green, and white—All berths occupied. from Fedje to Alesund. At times it extends to near the coast.
2. Flashing red—Continue into harbor. Sognefjorden, the continuation of Sognesjoen E from Rutle-
3. Flashing green—Anchor and await orders. tangen (61°05'N., 5°10'E.), is the longest and deepest fjord in
4. Flashing white—Close to hailing distance. Norway. The inner recesses of the fjord are more than 100
Contact Information.—See the table titled Alesund Har-
miles from the open sea, but in few places is it as much as 2.5
bor—Contact Information. miles wide. The mountains rise almost vertically from the wa-
ter’s edge in many places, and exceed an elevation of 1,800m
Alesund Harbor—Contact Information near Aurlandsfjorden, where their summits are always covered
with snow. There are numerous waterfalls and cascades, and
Port Control the scenery is grand, but somber.
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16 The principal branches of Sognefjorden are Aurlandsfjorden

and Naeroyfjorden, on the S side; Fjaerlandsfjorden, Sogndals-

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 115

fjorden, and Lustrafjorden, on the N side; and Ardalsfjorden, 5.34 Ardal (61°14'N., 7°43'E.) (World Port Index No.
an extension of Songnefjorden, at the E end. 23136) is a coastal harbor situated at the NE extremity of Ar-
The tidal currents in Sognefjorden usually set W and run
5.32 dalsfjorden. This ice-free port is directed by the Bergen Cus-
strongest along the N side; they are, however, irregular and toms District.
may be found setting W under one shore and E under the other. There are a number of quays in the port. Quay I is 220m long
In the middle of the entrance the current is rotary, counter-
5.32 and has a depth of 9.25m alongside. Quay II is 100m long and
clockwise, and weak; the spring rate in all directions is 0.25 has 11.5m alongside. The largest vessel that can be accommo-
knot. dated is 220m long with a 9.6m draft.
There are few anchorages in Sognefjorden, but at the heads
5.32 Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or-

of nearly all the branches there are banks formed by the deposit dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvit-
from the various rivers that flow into it. These banks, consist- soy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. For further
ing generally of soft mud or sand, afford excellent holding information, see paragraph 5.1.
ground, but they are continually changing in shape and increas- Contact Information.—See the table titled Ardal—Con-

ing in size. tact Information.

Sognefjorden is fringed with a number of towns, the most

important one being Ardal at the head of Ardalsfjorden. Ardal—Contact Information

5.33 Bofjorden (61°07'N., 5°20'E.), situated on the N side VHF VHF channels 6, 9, and 16
of Sognefjorden, close within its W entrance, affords anchor- Telephone 47-57-715287
age to vessels of moderate size. Vessels anchor 0.25 mile NNE
Facsimile 47-57-715377
of the light, in 30 to 40m, good holding ground. An iron perch,
reported 0.15 mile WNW of the light structure, marks a rock
off the E edge of a bank. A light is exhibited from a rock 0.2 Directions.—Vessels, when in transit of Rekstafjorden from

mile N of the anchorage. the WSW, may, when within 0.75 mile of Sandoya Light
A marine farm is situated 0.7 mile WSW of Bofjord Light.
(61°33'N., 4°46'E.), alter course to the E to pass 0.25 mile S of
There are other marine farms situated 0.85 mile SSE and 2 that light.
miles SSE of the same light. When E of Sandoya Light, steer in its white sector, astern,

Risnefjord provides good anchorage for moderate size ves-

and continue to the E end of Rekstafjorden and enter the white
sels off the W shore, 0.5 mile S of Ortneset. Vessels anchoring sector of Nekkoyosen Light, as directed above, which leads in-
in Risnefjord should avoid a submarine cable crossing the to Nekkoyosen.
fjord. A marine farm is located in position 61°00.6'N, 5°28.4'E.
A bay at Vikum (61°10'N., 5°43'E.), on the N side of
5.35 The better Indrelia track for large vessels passes from
Sognefjorden about 22 miles E of Bofjorden, is one of the bet- the E end of Sognesjoen, and then turns abruptly N leading
ter harbors for vessels of moderate size in this fjord. through Krakhellesund between the islands of Sula, on the W,
Vessels anchor in the N part of the bay, in about 30 to 40m,
and Losna.
clay. There is a quay in the bay, with depths of 4 to 5m along- Klauva Light (61°07'N., 5°02'E.) is situated on the SW ex-

side. tremity of Losna and on the E side of the S entrance to Kra-

Hoyanger (61°13'N., 6°04'E.), situated at the head of Hoy-
angsfjorden, 10.5 miles ENE of Vikum, is an industrial town A light is situated on the W side of Losna, about 2 miles

and an administrative center. There is a mooring buoy off the NNW of Klauva. A light is situated on a rock on the W side of
largest quay, which has a least depth of 8m alongside. Krakhellesund, 0.5 mile farther NNW.
Depths—Limitations.—The port can accommodate vessels The channel of Krakhellesund, about 5 miles long, is free of

with a maximum draft of 10.7m draft. Hydro Aluminum Berth, dangers in the fairway, except for a rocky patch lying 183m
located at Hydro Aluminum Hoyanger. Hydro, is 220m in SSE of the salient point on the W side of the S entrance and a
length and has a depth of 12m alongside. The berth can handle reef lying close off the rock marked by a light about 2 miles N.
vessels with a draft of 10.7m. The cargo handled is aluminum The tidal currents in the channel nearly always set N.
and breakbulk. Klauva Light, showing white, leads N from Sognesjoen into

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or-

the entrance of Krakhellesund. The white sector of the light sit-
dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvit- uated on the rock on the W side of the channel leads through
soy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. For further the fairway of the S part of the channel.
information, see paragraph 5.1. After passing E of this light, vessels can keep in the white

Contact Information.—See the table titled Hoyanger—

sector of the light, astern, which will lead W of the island Skor-
Contact Information. pa then into Afjorden.
Losneosen, between the E side of Losna and the mainland,

Hoyanger—Contact Information connects Sognesjoen and Sognefjorden with Krakhellesund

through Tollesund, which separates Losna from Skorpa. Los-
VHF VHF channels 6, 9, and 16 neosen connects with Afjorden through Storakersundet E of
Telephone 47-57-715287 Skorpa.
These channels are deep and free of dangers. An overhead

Facsimile 47-57-715377 cable, with a vertical clearance of 70m, crosses the SE end of

Pub. 182
116 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

Tollesund. Langenes Light is situated about 0.8 mile E of Flatoy; anoth-


Afjorden trends about 6 miles ESE from its confluence with

5.35 er light is situated on the SW side of Prestoy, 0.45 mile NNE of
Storakersundet, and branches into Hylestadfjorden and Flatoy. Both of these lights are on the E shore of Granesundet.
Sorfjorden, at its head. A depth of 9.5m lies nearly in mid-channel about 0.3 mile

WNW of Langenes Light. A 12m patch lies 0.15 mile WSW of

5.36 Sakrisskjer (61°14'N., 4°57'E.) is the NW entrance the light on Prestoy.
point of Afjorden. From the W end of Afjorden the track of In- Englandsflu is a 4m patch situated on the W side of the fair-

drelia takes a N direction past the W sides of the islands way, 0.8 mile NW of the light on Prestoy.
Sakrisoy and Lutelandet, and Lammetu. From the W end of Granebaen (61°23'N., 5°01'E.), a 3.5m shoal, lies on the W

Vilnesfjorden the direction is E through that channel to the W side of the fairway in the N entrance to Granesundet.
end of Dalsfjorden, then N into Granesundet. A light is situated A light is exhibited on Trettenes, on the E side of the N end

on Sakrisskjer. of Granesundet.
Midtfjordskjer (61°16'N., 4°54'E.), marked by a light, is
5.36 Vessels entering Granesundet should keep in the white sector

situated in the S entrance to Vilnesfjorden, 3 miles NNW of the of Vilnesfjorden Light, astern, until it intersects the white sec-
light on Sakrisskjer. Araldeflu is a 4m patch 0.25 mile N of tor of the light on the W side of Prestoy, which will lead be-
Midtfjordskjer. tween the dangers in the S entrance of Granesundet. Alter
Morpolsa, a rock, awash, is situated at the extremity of the
5.36 course to the NNW when the white sector of Langenes Light,
foul ground extending W from Lammetu. It lies about 0.7 mile astern, bears between 118° and 122°. Continue in this sector
ENE of the light on Midtfjordskjer. until the white sector of the light on Trettenes bears between
Ytste Taren (61°17'N., 4°55'E.), a 5m shoal, lies 0.3 mile N
5.36 350° and 356.5°. Alter course to the N to keep in this sector
of Morpolsa. which leads through the fairway of Granesundet, into the white
Vessels enroute from Krakhellesund to Vilnesfjorden can
5.36 sector of the light on Prestoy, bearing astern, which leads be-
keep in the white sector of the light on Sakrisskjer until about 1 tween Trettenes and Granebaen.
mile from the light. Vessels may then steer W to pass S of the The white sector of Trettenes Light, bearing astern, leads to-

light and then enter the white sector of the light on Raudoy. ward Stavfjorden.
This sector will lead W of Morpolsa and E of Midtfjordskjer, An alternate route from the W end of Vilnesfjorden to
into the SW entrance Vilnesfjorden. Stavenes Light, is to pass through Aldefjorden, W of the island
of Tvibyrgje and Tussen Light and then to the E on the S side
5.37 Vilnesfjorden is a broad channel which extends about of Heggoyane.
4 miles E from the light on Raudoy. Aldefjorden, the passage between Alden and Tvibyrgje, is

Haskallen (61°18'N., 4°57'E.), with a least depth of 14m,

5.37 situated on the E and S sides, respectively, of these islands.
lies in the fairway just over 1 mile ESE of Raudoy Light, and
close S of the dangers E of Raudoy. 5.39 Midfjordflu (61°19'N., 4°49'E.), a 10m patch, lies 0.8
Einingsflu, lying on the S side of the fairway 1 mile SSE of
5.37 mile SW of the SW point of Tvibyrgje. Senholmtaren, an un-
Haskallen, has a depth of 2.3m. marked 4m shoal, lies about 0.6 mile ESE of Midfjordflu and an
Mokalasset (61°18'N., 5°01'E.), a reef, awash, is situated on
5.37 8m patch marked by a buoy lies 0.5 mile N of Midfjordflu.
the N side of the fairway, about 1 mile W of Vilnesfjorden There are other dangers in Aldefjorden which may best be

Light. There is an 11m patch 0.25 mile SW of the beacon situ- seen on the chart.
ated on Mokalasset. Several rocks and shoals lie between Alden is saddle-shaped and rises to a height of 480m in its E

Mokalasset and Atloy. part. Tvibyrgje lies about 1 mile NE of Alden and about 0.5
Vilnesfjorden Light (61°18'N., 5°04'E.) is situated on the S
5.37 mile W of Atloy. The island resembles two haycocks; the one
side of the E end of Vilnesfjorden. farthest W is 192m high.
Vessels in transit of Vilnesfjorden from W to E may steer in
5.37 Tussen (61°23'N., 4°50'E.) lies 1 mile N of Tvibyrgje. It is

the white sector of Vilnesfjorden Light to within 0.5 mile of the marked by a light and a beacon. A reef projects about 183m
light. Haskallen lies in this sector. The white sector of Lan- NW from Tussen; a 14m bank lies 0.3 mile W of the light.
genes Light, 1.25 miles NNE of Vilnesfjorden Light, leads S of Heggoyosen is the channel between Heggoyane on the N and

Flatoyflu, then into the white sector of Vilnesfjorden Light, Atloy on the S.A light is shown from the S extremity of Heg-
astern, which leads to the S entrance of Granesundet. goyane, in a position about 3 miles ENE of Tussen.
Dalsfjorden continues ENE from Vilnesfjorden for 17 miles
5.37 A light is shown from the NW extremity of Raudoy, an is-

to the vicinity of Bogstad. land lying 1 mile E of Heggoyane, and on the W side of the N
entrance of Granesundet.
5.38 Granesundet, separating the E side of the island Atloy
from the mainland, is about 4 miles long and has a least width 5.40 Vessels from the S desiring to pass through the W part
of 0.25 mile. It is nearly free of danger in the fairway. of Vilnesfjorden then into Aldefjorden may do so by keeping in
Flatoyflu (61°19'N., 5°03'E.), awash, lies 0.3 mile S of
5.38 the white sector of the light on Raudoy (61°18'N., 4°55'E.) as
Flatoy in the SW approach to Granesundet. It is marked by two previously suggested, until within 0.5 mile of that light, when
iron perches. course should be changed to the NW.
Flatoy, an islet at the S end of Granesundet, lies on the W
5.38 With the white sector of the light on Raudoy, astern, proceed

side of the entrance 1 mile N of Vilnesfjorden Light. The islet until within the white sector of the light on Geita. Navigate
is surrounded by a shore reef to a distance of about 0.1 mile with Geita Light, astern, which leads W of Midfjordflu and the

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 117

8m patch 0.5 mile N of it, until abeam of Tussen, about 1 mile of foul ground, in a position just over 1 mile NNE of Nekkoyo-
distant. A 14m depth is charted 1.25 miles W of Tussen Light. sen Light. There is a least depth of 3.4m on the foul ground
To enter Heggoyosen from the white sector of Geita Light,
5.40 WSW of the light.
steer in the white sector of the light on Raudoy, passing no less Grasskjeret Light is situated on the W part of a reef, about

than 0.25 mile N of Tussen Light. When the white sector of 0.3 mile ENE of Stabben Light.
Stavenes Light bears between 017° and 032°, steer in that sec-
tor to clear the dangers N of Raudoy and E of Heggoyane. This 5.43 Floro Light (61°36'N., 5°01'E.) is situated on the N
course will join the track leading NNW from the N entrance of side of the channel, 1.25 miles E of Grasskjeret Light. A 6m
Granesundet. patch lies 183m W of the light.
Kjerringholmen (61°24'N., 4°58'E.), an islet 19m high, lies
5.40 Vessels en route through Nekkoyosen to Floro keep Stabben

W of the fairway leading NNW from Granesundet and E of the light structure bearing about 005°, which leads between Nordre
fairway leading NNE from Heggoyosen, in a position 0.45 Nekkoya and Faeroya. Enter the white sector of Nekkoyosen
mile N of Raudoy. The islet is surrounded by shoal water to a Light, astern, which will lead W of Mortingbaen.
distance of 183m. Melsholmen, an islet 21m high, lies 0.6 mile When NW of the light on Mortingbaen, enter the white sec-

NW of Kjerringholmen. tor of Floro Light. When within 0.35 mile of Floro Light, steer
Stavenes Light (61°25'N., 4°59'E.) is situated on an islet on
5.40 a mid-channel course between the light and the shoal water
the E side of Indreleia, in a position 1.75 miles NNE of the about 183m to the S. This course will lead into Floro.
light on Raudoy. An alternate track from Nekkoyosen for approaching Floro

From Stavenes Light, the main track leads across

5.40 is with the white sector of Nekkoyosen Light bearing astern. It
Stavfjorden between Baane (61°29'N., 4°59'E.) and Trefotsk- leads between Mortingbaen and Svartskjeret, marked by a bea-
jeret, about 0.6 mile E; it then leads between Askrova Light, on con, which is situated 0.3 mile E of the light on Mortingbaen,
the E end of the island Askrova, and Leieskjera, about 0.1 mile into the white sector of Grasskjeret Light, then into the white
SSE. sector of Floro Light as indicated above.
This narrow passage has a least charted depth of 14m and

should be navigated with caution. Froysjoen

5.41 Folvagfluene (61°25'N., 4°58'E.) is a group of rocks, 5.44 Vessels may approach Fafjorden and Vagsfjorden by
awash, which lies on the W side of Indreleia, 0.5 mile SW of keeping in the white sector of Hovdeneset Light (61°56'N.,
Stavenes Light. Faneskjera, above water, lies on the same side 5°01'E.), which leads N of Skorpefluene, Bataldfluene, and
of the track, within 0.25 mile N of Folvagfluene. Veststeinen, and S of Toytemulen and Seiabaane to within
Ryggene, reefs marked at their E end by a buoy, are situated
5.41 about 3 miles of the light.
0.75 mile NNW of Stavenes Light. Vessels heading for Fafjorden then enter the white sector of

The white sector of Stavenes Light, bearing astern, leads

5.41 Kvitnes Light, which leads to the white sector of Fafjorden
across Stavfjorden from a position E of Ryggene; the white Light. Enter the white sector of Fafjorden Light ahead, which
sector of Askrova Light (61°31'N., 5°00'E.) then leads leads into Fafjorden.
through the fairway E of Baane. An 11.5m patch lies on the E Vessels approaching from the NW may keep the summit of

limit of this sector 0.2 mile WSW of Trefotskjeret. Ronelden (61°55'N., 5°01'E.), a steep conical hill 321m high,
When within 0.2 mile of the light, alter course NNE to pass
5.41 in line with the summit of Klovningen, bearing 115°, which
between it and Leieskjera, and then into Brufjorden. passes NE of Fallet and SW of Harfluene and Norefluene.
Oddane (61°33'N., 5°00'E.) is marked on its E extremity by
5.41 When E of Fallet, steer in the white sector of Kvitnes Light

a light. A marine farm and submarine cable are located NE of and proceed as directed above.
Oddane. Andalsskjera, 1.25 miles NE of Oddane, is marked by Vessels approaching the entrance from the N should keep

a light. Hornelen, the 889m hill on the E end of Bremangerlandet,

bearing about 124°. When N of Klovningen, alter course S and
5.42 To continue across Brufjorden, from a position close enter the white sector of Fafjorden Light.
E of the light on Askrova, steer N with the white sector of this Care must be taken to avoid Jokkulflu, an 11m depth, 0.7

light bearing more than 179°, astern, and keep the light on An- mile NNE of Klovningen.
dalsskjera ahead, which leads E of Oddane. Alternative routes lead, respectively, N and S of Jokkulflu

When entering the white sector of Nekkoyosen Light

5.42 and then between Basundskjere and Svarteskjera.
(61°35'N., 4°57'E.), alter course NW to keep in this sector,
which leads NE of Oddane and out of Brufjorden to the en- 5.45 Fafjorden, a narrow inlet, is the farthest S of two sea-
trance of Nekkoyosen. ward entrances to Nordfjorden. It leads between Bremanger-
Nekkoyosen, a continuation of Indreleia, is entered between
5.42 landet and Husevagoy and connects with Vagsfjorden by a
Sore Nekkoya and Nordre Nekkoya (61°35'N., 4°56'E.), on shallow channel at the E end of Husevagoy. Farther E is the
the W side, and Faeroya and Faeroykalven, on the E side. channel that leads N from Froysjoen.
Mortingbaen, 1 mile NNE of Nekkoyosen Light, is marked
5.42 Ribba (61°54'N., 5°00'E.), awash, lies on the W side of the

by a light. It lies on the E side of the channel. Annoyholmbaen, fairway 0.6 mile WSW of Kvitnes Light; between this danger
with depths of 2m or less, lies on the W side of the fairway 0.3 and the shore to the S are some above and below-water rocks.
mile SW of the light on Mortingbaen. Spenfluene, situated on the N side of the fairway 0.4 mile S

Stabben Light (61°36'N., 4°57'E.) is situated on the E end

5.42 of Kvitnes Light, consists of a group of sunken rocks, awash, at

Pub. 182
118 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

their E end. bay at Maurstad, 0.7 mile N of Asneset. Care must be taken to
To transit Fafjorden, keep the white sector of Fafjorden Light
5.45 avoid a 6m shoal 0.8 mile NW of the light on Asneset.
ahead, which leads between the dangers of Ribba and Spenflu-
ene. When about 0.3 mile distant from Fafjorden Light, steer a 5.48 From Asneset, Nordfjorden continues ESE for 19
mid-channel course in an ESE direction and pass on either side miles to Anda (61°51'N., 6°05'E.).
of Bjornoy, an island 2.5 miles ESE of Fafjorden Light. The Davika, on the S side of the fjord, is entered 2.75 miles SE of

white sector of Skaten Light (61°52'N., 5°13'E.) leads through Asneset. It affords good anchorage, in depths up to 26m, sand
the fairway N of Bjornoy; another white sector of the light and stones.
leads S of Bjornoy. Eidsfjorden extends 7 miles E from Davikfjorden. Winds

from W raise a considerable sea in this branch.

Approach to Vagsfjorden Anchorage, with sand bottom, can be obtained in a cove W

of the river mouth at Starheim, on the N side of Eidsfjorden, 2

5.46 When E of Bjornoy, a vessel may continue E and join miles within the entrance. At Starheim, there is a quay, with
Indreleia and proceed through Skatestraumen or proceed N to depths of 4 to 6m alongside.
Nordfjorden by passing between the islands of Gangsoy and Nordfjordeid (61°54'N., 5°59'E.), at the head of Eids-

Risoy. When vessels pass between these two islands, they fjorden, is an industrial and administrative town.
should keep in mid-channel, favoring the W side of Risoy, Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 350m in length can

which is steep-to. be accommodated at the port.

Vagsfjorden leads between Husevagoy and Vagsoy into the
5.46 SeaWalk Pier 1, located at SeaWalk Nordfjord Terminal, has

W end of Nordfjorden. It also is the S entrance to Maloy, a port a length of 220m, including dolphins, and can handle vessels
on the SE side of Vagsoy. with a maximum length of 350m.
Gasholmen (61°55'N., 5°06'E.), a reef-fringed islet, lies on
5.46 Cruise vessels tie up to two mooring buoys. Passengers dis-

the S side of the fairway in a position about 3 miles ESE of Ho- embark from cruise vessels by an extending floating pier. The
vdeneset Light. An unmarked patch, with a least charted depth cruise ship has to be moored toward the shore at a course of
of 6m, lies on the N side of the channel 0.5 mile NE of Gashol- 111 degree.
men. Isefjorden, a continuation of Nordfjorden, is entered 7.5

Bergsholmane Light is situated on the N side of the channel,

5.46 miles ESE of Asneset; it extends 3 miles SE.
0.9 mile E of Hovdeneset. Anchorage.—Anchorage, with a bottom of mud, can be ob-

Vessels that have approached Vagsfjorden from the W with

5.46 tained 0.3 miles SW of the head of the mole. A submarine ca-
the white sector of Hovdeneset Light ahead steer in the white ble lies close N of the anchorage. There are depths of 5 to 7m
sector of Bergsholmane Light, which leads to within 0.5 mile alongside the quay situated inside the N end of the mole.
of that light. Two sets of mooring buoys, best seen on the chart, lie in the

The white sector of Hovdeneset Light, astern, and the white

5.46 anchorage area and closer to shore close NNW of the Nodre
sector of Bergsholmane Light, astern, lead N of Gasholmen in- Terminal quay.
to Indreleia, which leads SE, passing E of Gangsoy, and con- Alfoten, entered S of Hjelteneset (61°51'N., 5°47'E.), ex-

tinues N and, E of Vagsoy through Ulvesund. tends 4.5 miles WSW from the main fjord; its head ices over.
Hundvikfjorden, the continuation E from Isefjorden, is en-

Nordfjorden tered between Hjelteneset and Krokeneset, 0.8 mile ENE.

At Yksenelvane, on the S side of this reach 1 mile S of Kro-

5.47 Nordfjorden, entered N of Risoy, is approached from keneset, the larger of two quays has depths of 9 to 14m along-
seaward through Fafjorden or Vagsfjorden. It extends E of side.
Risoy for a distance of about 50 miles under various names. Hyen, entered E of Hyenese (61°51'N., 5°59'E.), extends 7

The main fjord has several branches, most of them extending S, miles SSW from Hundvikfjorden.
that provide several anchorage areas. Gloppen, entered W of Anda, branches SE from Hundvik-

At the seaward end of Nordfjorden, the shores are barren and

5.47 fjorden for 6 miles. The head of Gloppen affords spacious an-
rugged, but farther inland there is often a narrow coastal ter- chorage, in depths of 20 to 50m. Care should be taken to not
race, with scattered farms and forest. The fjord is deep and anchor near the submarine cables E of this berth.
practically free from dangers. Ufjorden, the continuation of Nordfjorden E from Hundvik-

The first reach of Nordfjorden extends to the vicinity of As-

5.47 fjorden, is entered N of Anda.
neset, situated 8 miles ENE of Risoy. Innvikefjorden, the next reach E of Utfjorden, affords an-

Allmenningsfluene (61°54'N., 5°16'E.), marked by a light,

5.47 chorage off Innvik (61°51'N., 6°37'E.), in depths of 30 to 40m.
is situated on the N side of the fairway in a position 2.5 miles A quay at this village has depths of 5 to 6m alongside.
ENE of Risoy. These rocks are covered by less than 1.8m of Faleidfjorden, the last reach of Nordfjorden, is entered

water. about 2 miles NW of Innvik, and extends 7 miles E to its head.

Skorpeholmane, a chain of islets and rocks, lies on the S side
5.47 Good anchorage can be obtained about 0.6 mile N of the

of the fairway, 1 mile ENE of Risoy. Etreskallen, with a least church at Olden (61°50'N., 6°49'E.), in 50 to 60m, clay.
depth of 5.5m, lies on the S side of the fairway, 0.6 mile S of Off Loen, the village at the head of the bay, there is good an-

Allmenningsfluene. chorage, in 15 to 20m, sand and clay.

A light is situated on Asneset (61°56'N., 5°28'E.). Good an-

chorage with sand bottom can be obtained near the head of the 5.49 Skatestraumen, the continuation of Indreleia from

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 119

Froysjoen, leads between the SW side of Rugsundoy and Bre- channel of Indreleia lies on the E side of the island of Maloy.
mangerlandet to Fafjorden; it is about 3 miles in length in an E-
W direction. 5.50 After passing between Risoy and Gangsoy, steer for
Hornelsflua (61°52'N., 5°16'E.), on the N side of the fair-
5.49 Vemmelsvikholmen (61°54'N., 5°10'E.) until Gasholmen
way 0.25 mile WSW of Haukedalsholmane, has a least charted bears 305°, when course may be altered toward that island to
depth of 1m. bring the light on Gangsoy astern, which leads between Gas-
Kalveholmen Light is situated on the N side of the fairway, 1
5.49 holmen and the unmarked patch on the N side of the channel.
mile WNW of Hornelsflua; Skaten Light is situated 0.3 mile Vessels then continue NW in the white sector of Bergsholmane
farther W. Shrukken, a rock, lies 183m SE of Skaten Light. Light.
A light is situated on the SW extremity of Risoy, a little over
5.49 Kariskjer Light (61°55'N., 5°07'E.) is situated on a point

1 mile WNW of Skaten. 0.75 mile NNE of Gasholmen.

In Skatestraumen, the current is usually W during the falling
5.49 A light is situated on the S extremity of Maloy, 0.45 mile

tide, with a rate up to 3 or 4 knots, and Eduring the rising tide, NNW of Kariskjer Light.
with a rate of 2 knots. Current conditions are irregular, as wind Maloysundet is the channel between the island of Maloy and

and weather can greatly influence both direction and rate. the mainland and is the approach, from S, to the port of Maloy.
Vessels may enter Skatestraumen from the S by steering in
5.49 Maloysundet is spanned by a bridge, and is divided into two

the white sector of Kalveholmen Light, then steering in the separate channels by the central pillar. The W passage has a
white sector of Skaten Light until SW of Kalveholmen Light. vertical clearance of 42m over a width of 23m, or of 40m over
Then steer to pass N of Skaten in the white sector of Risoy a width of 76m. The E passage has a vertical clearance of 41m
Light or in the white sector of Kalveholmen Light, astern; this over a width of 50m. The W channel has a least charted depth
leads N of a 7.5m patch close ENE of Skaten. The white sector of 10.5m and the E channel has a least charted depth of 7m.
of Risoy Light leads over this patch. Lights are exhibited on both sides of the bridge to indicate

After passing N of Skaten, bring the white sector of this light

5.49 the center of each passage.
astern; this leads S of Bjornoy into Fafjorden. Another sector The flow in Maloysundet usually sets N on both the flood

of this light, bearing astern, leads into the white sector of the and ebb. The strongest rate is about 1 hour before HW. During
light on the E end of Gangsoy. This light ahead leads to the springs, with a S wind, the rate is reported to reach 3 knots.
fairway between Gangsoy and Risoy. Pilotage is compulsory. The pilot boards off Homengra

After passing Risoy, the track leads W into Vagsfjorden and

5.49 (60°51'N., 4°37'E.) or Breisundet (62°27'N., 5°59'E.)
then N through Maloysundet, the entrance to Ulvesund. The

5.50 Vartdalsfjorden

Pub. 182
120 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

Between Maloysundet and Leistholmen, there is a speed

5.50 is advisable to keep well N of the dangers in the vicinity of Ro-
limit of 6 knots, but larger vessels may proceed at 8 knots to vdeskjeret Light.
improve steering if wind and current conditions make this Vessels may keep Stabbane Light astern, which leads into

speed necessary. In Maloysundet itself, vessels may adjust the W part of Rovdefjorden. Pass S of Saudeholmen Light,
speed as necessary for safe steering. then steer ENE with the white sector of that light bearing
Stalrevet, 0.6 mile N of the N extremity of Stadlandet has a
5.50 astern. Vessels may continue E, with the white sector of Ys-
least charted depth of 29m. It breaks in heavy weather to a dis- noya Light bearing ahead.
tant of 1.25 miles ESE, which is an area of foul ground. When about 2 miles WSW of Ysonya Light, alter course to

Barskallen, about 1 mile WSW of Kvamsoy, has a least

5.50 the E, then steer NNE to pass between Ysonya Light and the
depth of 28m. Svarteskjaer (62°11'N., 5°21'E.), a reef above dangers 1 mile E, and enter Vartdalsfjorden.
and below water, lies about 0.5 mile NW of Haugsholmen Syvdsfjorden extends 6 miles SSE from Rovdefjorden in a

Light, on the NE side of the channel. position 1.5 miles SE of Saudeholmen Light.
When making Vanylvsgapet from W or NW, pass N of Stal-

revet and enter the white sector of Haugsholmen Light ahead. 5.53 Voldsfjorden (62°12'N., 5°56'E.) extends 9.25 miles
When about 0.3 mile NW of Svarteskjaer, steer S to pass about SSE from its entrance at the E end of Rovdefjorden. Its two in-
midway between Haugsholmen Light and the islets off the NE ner arms, Dalsfjorden and Austefjorden, are deep and clear of
side of Stadlandet. dangers.
The white sector of Terneskjerflu Light (62°11'N., 5°24'E.)
5.50 An ammunition dump is situated close within the entrance to

leads into the channel between Storholmen and Haugsholmen. Voldsfjorden.

When the two lights marking the W end of the channel are Vartdalsfjorden leads 10 miles NE toward Sulefjorden. It is

abeam, course may be adjusted to pass clear N of Terneskjerflu flanked by high, partly-wooded mountains. The fjord is deep,
Light, then into Haugsfjorden. and almost everywhere steep-to up to the shore. It is easy to
Anchorage, in depths of 11 to 25m, is charted 0.35 mile
5.50 navigate by day.
WNW of Terneskjerflu Light. Vessels may enter Vartdalsfjorden with the white sector of

Ysonya Light astern. After passing Skolten (62°16'N.,

5.51 Haugsfjorden is formed between Stadlandet, Storhol- 6°00'E.), a 2m patch, keep Ysonya Light bearing 222° astern.
men, Kvamsoy, and Haugsholmen, on the W and NW sides, This leads through the NE part of Vartdalsfjorden.
and by the mainland, on the E side. Orstafjorden (62°14'N., 6°00'E.) leads off the SE side of

Ytsteflu (62°12'N., 5°27'E.), awash, lies about 0.3 mile off-

5.51 Vartdalsfjorden and extends 5 miles SE. It is surrounded by
shore, 1.75 miles NE of Terneskjerflu Light. mountains and is almost free of dangers.
Aramsund Light (62°12'N., 5°29'E.) is situated 2.75 miles
5.51 Raudoy and Raudoyholmen, close E, lie in the entrance to

NE of Terneskjerflu Light, in the W entrance to Aramsundet. Orstafjorden. Raudoy Light (62°14'N., 5°59'E.) is situated on
The white sector of this light leads from a position close N of Raudoyholmen. Vessels can anchor, in 25 to 40m, sand, 0.25
Terneskjerflu Light, across the N end of Haugsfjorden and N of mile NW of Raudoy Light.
Ytsteflu. Two 10m patches lie in this white sector. Vessels may enter with the white sector of Ysonya Light

Aramsundet leads from Haugsfjorden E to Rovdefjorden.

5.51 bearing astern, which leads S of Raudoy. The white sector of
The channel is marked by Aramsund Light, at the W en-
5.51 Raudoy Light bearing astern, leads to the vicinity of Lianes,
trance; Stabbane Light, in the E entrance; and a third light about 2 miles SSE.
about midway between these two. Orsta (62°12'N., 6°08'E.) (World Port Index No. 23118) lies

To enter Aramsundet, vessels, after passing Ytsteflu, should

5.51 at the head of Orstafjorden. It is the site of several industries.
steer to pass S of the 6.5m shoal lying about 0.4 mile WNW of There are several quays, one being 61m in length. There are
Aramsund Light, then between this light and the wreck and 9m depths alongside the quays from 1.7 to 7m.
depth 0.15 mile NE. Then course may be shaped to pass W and Anchorage is available SW of the quays, in 15 to 45m, sand

S of Stabbane Light. Larger vessels may pass N of the iron and mud.
perch 183m NW of Stabbane Light and S of Raedene, a reef
awash, 0.15 mile N of the light. This track leads over a 7.5m 5.54 Indreleia continues through Sulefjorden, between Ha-
depth. reidlandet and Sula, from the junction of Vartdalsfjorden and
Rovdefjorden extends about 3 miles SE from Stabbane Light
5.51 Storfjorden, into Breisundet.
to Saudeholmen Light (62°11'N., 5°36'E.), then ENE to the For the requirements for non-military vessels entering Nor-

entrance to Voldsfjorden. Vartdalsfjorden is the NE extension wegian internal waters, see Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Plan-
of Rovdefjorden. ning Guide) Arctic Ocean.
Hjorungneset Light (Hjoringnes Light) (62°21'N., 6°07'E.),

5.52 Rovdeskjeret Light (62°11'N., 5°45'E.) is situated on stands on the NE end of Hjorungneset. This light is situated on
the S side of Rovdefjorden, 3.75 miles E of Saudeholmen the S side of the E entrance to Sulefjorden. A monument/cairn
Light. There are a number of dangers in the vicinity of this is located a little over 1 mile WNW of Hjorungneset Light.
light. Overaflu, a reef awash, lies 0.15 mile offshore, 1 mile NW of

There is anchorage available off Knarrdal, Little Rovde, and

5.52 Hjorungneset.
Sundnesbogen, which lie 0.4 mile E, 0.9 mile E, and 1.5 miles Eltraneset (62°26'N., 6°03'E.), the W extremity of Sula, is

ENE, respectively, from Rovdeskjeret Light, in depths up to fronted by a shore reef which extends about 0.2 mile SW. Eltra-
33m, sand. When approaching these anchorages from the W, it flu, about 0.2 mile N of Eltraneset, has a least depth of 10m.

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 121

Hareid (62°22'N., 6°02'E.), situated on the SW side of

5.54 Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
Sulefjorden, 2.25 miles WNW of Hjorungneset, is protected by Vessels should call the Alesund pilot station 2 hours prior to

two moles. arrival on VHF channel 16. If the station does not respond ei-
Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 20,000 dwt, 150m in
5.54 ther the Rogaland or Floro Coastal Radio station will reply and
length and 8.7m in draft can be accommodated at the terminal. relay details to the pilot station.
The dredged depth inside the harbor was 5m; the depths along- Pilots board in the following positions:

side the quays ranged up to 6m. a. 62°27.0'N, 5°58.9'E.

The General Cargo Berth, located at the Hareid Service
5.54 b. 62°31.0'N, 5°40.9'E. (by prior arrangement)
Base, is 120m in length and handles containers and breakbulk. Contact Information.—See the table titled Stranda—Con-

Vessels up to 20,000 dwt, 150m in length, and 8.7m draft can tact Information.
be accommodated.
Brandal (62°24'N., 6°01'E.) is a small harbor about 2 miles
Stranda—Contact Information
NNW of Hareid. There is a ferry quay, 35m long, with depths
of 1.7 to 4.6m alongside; a fish oil quay, 108m long, with VHF VHF channels 13 and 16
depths of 4 to 7.8m alongside; and a disused factory quay, Telephone 47-46-411113
110m long, with depths of 2.9 to 4.2m alongside.
Facsimile 47-70-268001
5.55 Storfjorden, with its continuations, extends about 55
miles SE from the junction of Vartdalsfjorden and Sulafjorden. 5.57 Sunnylvsfjorden extends 13 miles SSW from its junc-
The terrain alternates between wild mountain areas and pro-
tion with Storfjorden and Norddalsfjorden.
ductive lowlands and valleys. Geirangerfjorden leads about 7 miles E from the SE side of

Storfjorden extends ENE about 18 miles to Gausneset

Sunnylvsfjorden between Lundanes (62°07'N., 6°58'E.) and
(62°28'N., 6°46'E.), then in a general SSE direction about 14 Nokkeneset, 0.75 mile SW.
miles to its continuation as Norddalsfjorden. Both of these fjords are deep and clear of dangers, but navi-

Hjorundfjorden, with its two inner arms, Norangsfjorden and

gators are advised to keep well out into the center owing to the
Storfjorden, is entered from a position 7.25 miles ENE of Hjo- risk of rock falls from the precipitous mountains.
rungnes Light. These fjords extend 18 miles in a SSE direction. Hellesylt (62°05'N., 6°53'E.) is a small cruise ship port at the

They are surrounded by high mountains which fall steeply to head of Sunnylvsfjorden.
the water. Geiranger (62°06'N., 7°12'E.) lies at the head of Geiranger-

fjorden, 8 miles E of Lundanes. The S side of the ferry quay is

5.56 Sykkylvfjorden (62°24'N., 6°33'E.) is entered 4 available for berthing and is 50m long, with depths of 3.5 to
miles E of Hjorundfjorden. Anchorage is available 2.5 miles 8.4m alongside.
within the entrance near the middle of the fjord, in depths of 28 Anchorage is available, in depths of 30 to 40m, sand and

to 35m. A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 16m, spans the clay, as seen on the chart.
fjord about 0.3 mile N of Vik. Care is necessary to avoid submarine cables which are laid

At Sykkylven, 1.5 miles within the fjord on the E side, there

along the SW shoreline and the cables which extend across the
are quays, exposed to W winds, with depths up to 7.5m along- fjord in a N direction from the S shore in a position 0.85 mile
side. NW of the quay.
At Ikornes, on the W side of the fjord SW of Sykkylven,

there are depths up to 7.2m alongside the quays.

Stordalsvika (62°23'N., 6°58'E.) opens off the E side of

Storfjorden, 6.75 mile SSE of Gausneset. Stordal, at the head

of the bay, has berths with 1.1 to 10.3m alongside. Anchorage
is available in the NE corner of Stordalsvika, in 16 to 27m,
Stranda (62°18'N., 6°57'E.), on the W side of Storfjorden,

about 4 miles SSW of Stordalsvika, is the principal town in the

inner part of the fjord.

Stranda Home Page


Winds—Weather.—Strong winds raise considerable seas


and make berthing difficult at the quays.

Depths—Limitations.—There are several berths at the vari-
5.57 By Ximonic (Simo Rananen) (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons
ous quays that range in depth from 1.4 to 7.7m. 5.57 Geiranger
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 500 gt

and all vessels carrying dangerous cargo. Pilotage should be 5.58 Norddalsfjorden leads E from the SE end of
ordered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Storfjorden and then in to Tafjorden. Both fjords are deep and

Pub. 182
122 Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund

present no navigational difficulty. soy and a group of islets, rocks, and shoals about 1 mile N.
There is anchorage off Tafjorden (62°14'N., 7°25'E.), at the
5.58 Flesene (62°17'N., 5°27'E.), marked by an iron perch, lies

head of the fjord, in 30 to 50m, sand and clay, clear of the near the W end of this group.
banks at the river mouth. Sandsfjorden, previously described in paragraph 5.58, may

Sandsfjorden (62°15'N., 5°31'E.) is an alternate route from

5.58 be entered from Sondre Flavaerlia.
the sea to Rovdefjorden and the inner route to Alesund. This The white sector of Hidsneset Light (62°17'N., 5°33'E.), at

fjord lies between Sandsoy, and the islands extending S from the W end of Gurskoy, leads S of Flesene and N of the foul
this island, on the W, and Gurskoy on the E. ground extending NW of Sandsoy.
From Sondre Flavaerleia, a S course in mid-channel avoids
5.58 Sondre Flavaerlia then passes NE. The white sector of Hids-

all dangers and leads clear E of Kleveboen (62°16'N., 5°30'E.), neset Light, bearing astern, leads W of Langflu, which lies 1
a 2.3m patch lying off the NE point of Sandsoy. mile NNE of that light, and W of Blomrokkene, which lies
The white sector of Stabbane Light, bearing ahead, leads to-
5.58 0.45 mile NE of Langflu, and into the E end of Mellomste Fla-
ward the S end of Standsfjorden. The white sector of Sand- vaerlia.
shamn Light (62°15'N., 5°30'E.), bearing astern, leads SSE The white sector of Klubben Light (62°19'N., 5°37'E.), situ-

into the W entrance of Rovdefjorden. ated at the SE end of the Flavaer Group, bearing ahead, leads S
Sandshamn, a harbor protected by a mole, is situated on the
5.58 of Langflu.
E side of Sandsoy. There is a berth on the inner side of the From E of Langflu, Sondre Flavaerlia leads ENE to pass be-

mole 25m long, with depths of 8.4 to 10.3m alongside. tween Klubben Light and an iron perch which marks Kvale-
Gursken, a narrow inlet, is entered with the white sector of
5.58 baen, a 3m patch, 0.2 mile S.
Sandshamn Light, bearing astern. Saltflu, awash, lies in this The white sector of Steinsholmskjer Light, 1.25 miles ESE

sector about 3 miles distant from the light. A mole lies on the N of Klubben Light, bearing ahead, leads between Klubben Light
side of the inlet, N of Saltflu, at Haugsbygda. and Kvalebaen.
Vagen (62°13'N., 5°39'E.) lies at the head of Gursken, where
5.58 Mellomste Flavaerlia leads ENE directly toward the Flavaer

there is a shipyard. There is a fitting out quay at the shipyard, Group. This channel is entered as directed for Heroyfjorden.
60m long, with depths of 3.5 to 7m alongside. The sea sometimes breaks over Hoven, the 30m patch lying

about 1 mile N of Sandsoy, near the entrance to Mellomste Fla-

5.59 Breisunddjupet, which has depths of over 200m, leads vaerlia.
8 miles SE from position 62°31'N, 5°40'E into Breisundet. After passing Penningflu (62°19'N., 5°33'E.), 0.8 mile

A number of shoals and patches lie between Runde and the S

5.59 WSW of Flavaer Light, course may be altered N to join Nordre
side of Breisunddjupet. Nyttarsskallane, with a depth of 24m, Flavaerlia, or E to join Sondre Flavaerlia, by steering in the
and Golla, three patches of 9m each, lie 3.5 miles NNW and 3 white sector of Steinsholmskjer Light. Nordre Flavaerlia leads
miles NNE, respectively, from Runde Light. ENE, passing S of Skorpa and Nerlandsoy.
Heavy seas have been observed in the Breisunddjupet and
5.59 The white sector of Kyrkjeholmen Light, leads between

Breisundet area with winds from the W and NW. The outgoing Langfallet, partly awash, and Store Godoyflu, at the W en-
current is approximately 1 knot from Storfjorden and causes trance of Nordre Flavaerlia. When within 0.5 mile of Kyrkje-
choppy waves and heavier seas. holmen Light, steer in an E direction to pass N of the Flavaer
Refraction centers will occur on the leeward side of the local
5.59 Group, then steer SE with the white sector of Kyrkjeholmen
shoal areas on both sides of Breidsunddjupet. Light as tern, which leads into the inner part of Heroyfjorden.
Vallabaane (62°28'N., 5°41'E.), with a least depth of 2.4m,
5.59 Tronden (62°19'N., 5°38'E.), above-water, lies in this white

and Keipbaane, with a least depth of 7m, lie 3.5 miles NNW sector, about 0.5 mile E of Klubben Light.
and 4 miles NNW, respectively, from Grasoyane Light. Other Well-sheltered anchorage is available in a bay off Moldtu

shoals lie in this area. An 18m depth is charted 1.25 miles ENE (62°18'N., 5°38'E.), on the N coast of Gurskoy, in 20 to 30m,
of Vallabaane. sand. The anchorage lies 0.9 mile SSE of Klubben Light, and is
Heroyfjorden lies between Sandsoy and Gurskoy on the S,
5.59 entered from the E end of Sondre Flavaerlia.
and Skorpa, Nerlandsoy, Bersoy, and Leinoy on the N. Moldtustranda (62°18'N., 5°39'E.) (World Port Index No.

In Heroyfjorden, there are many islets separated by rock-ob-

5.59 23115) is entered SSE of Steinsholmskjer Light, and lies E of
structed channels, which in places are narrow. The three princi- Moldtu. There are several quays in Moldtustranda, with
pal channels through these dangers are Sondre Flavaerlia, lengths from 10 to 130m and depths up to 10m alongside.
Mellomste Flavaerlia, and Nordre Flavaerlia, which are collec- There is a fish meal factory with a large quay installation.

tively known as Flavaerlia. Vessels approaching from seaward may embark pilots at the

These channels lead to the intricate passages which lead N of

5.59 pilot station NE of Runde. Customs officers from the port of
Gurskoy and NW of Hareidlandet into Breisundet. Some of Alesund meet inbound vessels at the above pilot station.
these channels can only be used by small vessels with local
knowledge. Breisundet
Heroyfjorden may be approached with the white sector of

Flavaer Light (62°19'N., 5°35'E.) bearing ahead, which leads 5.61 Heissafjorden (62°27'N., 6°08'E.) leads 2.5 miles E
N of Stadlandet; however, this track leads over charted depths from Breisundet into Borgundfjorden; at its E end gives access
of 30m. A racon is located at the light tower. to Aspevagen, which is the principal entrance to Alesund
5.60 Sondre Flavaerlia leads between the N side of Sand- Alesund Havn (62°28'N., 6°09'E.) consists of Aspevagen, S

Pub. 182
Sector 5. Norway—Fedje to Alesund 123

of Aspoya; Steinvagsundet and Steinvagen, W of Aspoya; and Djupeflua, with a charted depth of 12m, lies 0.3 mile SSE of

Indre Havn, E of Aspoya. the light. Skarvoyflua, a 5m patch which breaks in bad weath-
Aspevagen is entered E of Slinningen, the E extremity of
5.61 er, lies about 1 mile E of the light.
Heissa; it is the principal entrance to Alesund Havn. Nordtaren, with a least charted depth of 7.5m, lies about

Submarine cables are laid from Slinningsodden, the NE ex-

5.61 midway between Heissa and Godoya, 1 mile ENE of Hogg-
tremity of Slinningen, NE to Norvoya. steinen Light.
Aspa (62°28'N., 6°09'E.), a reef awash, lies in the middle of
5.61 To enter Valderhaugfjorden, which lies N of Alesund, steer

Aspevagen. in the junction of the red and green sectors of Havsteinen

Vikanesflu Light (62°28'N., 6°07'E.) is situated in the SW
5.61 Light (62°29'N., 6°04'E.). This track leads over Djupeflua and
part of Aspevagen. The white sector of this light bearing be- W of Nordtaren.
tween 262° and 269° leads from N of Slinningen, S of Aspa to When W of Erkneflua, which lies close N of Nordtaren, steer

the anchorages in the S part of Aspevagen. A depth of 9.1m NE with the white sector of Hoggsteinen Light astern; this will
lies in this white sector. lead to a position NW of Alesund.
Anchorage may be taken, in 30m, 0.35 mile E of Vikanesflu
5.61 Foul ground extends about 0.2 mile N from the NE extremity

Light and, in 36m, 0.7 mile ESE of the same light. of Heissa. Steer a SE course from the white sector of Hogg-
There is a quay at the tank installation on the S shore of As-
5.61 steinen Light to pass E of this foul ground, to the berths on the
pevagen, about 0.2 mile SE of Vikanesflu Light, which is 75m N side of Alesund.
long and has depths of 7.5 to 11.1m alongside. Olsskjer, a partly submerged reef, lies on the N side of the

fairway, about 0.5 mile N of Aspoya Olsskjerboen, a 3m shoal,

5.62 Hoggsteinen Light (62°28'N., 6°02'E.) is situated off lies 0.15 mile ENE of this reef.
the SE extremity of Godoya, on the NE side of Breisundet.

Pub. 182
Sector 6—Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

6.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 182




Plan.—This sector describes the outer coast from Bre-

6.0 Maritime Organization, establish a safe route for sea transport.
idsund-Djupet to Halten, including the seaward approaches to 6.1For a listing of all routing and traffic separation schemes
Indreleia, the connecting fjords, and Trondheim. The inner (TSS) in Norwegian waters see Pub. 180, Sailing Directions
route N of Alesund is included in this sector. (Planning Guide) Arctic Ocean.
6.1Vessel Traffic Service.—Norwegian Oceanic Region Vessel
General Remarks Traffic Service (NOR VTS) is in operation for vessels transit-
ing the Norwegian Economic Zone (NEZ) from the Norway/
6.1 Winds—Weather.—Between Alesund and Trond- Sweden border in the S to the Norway/Russia border in the N.
heim, during autumn, winter and spring, the weather is fre- The NEZ also includes the areas around Svalbard and Jan
quently unsettled and stormy. During this period the prevailing Mayen Island. For further information, see paragraph 1.1.
wind is SW. In summer, the wind is most frequently between N 6.1Caution.—Due to continued damage to floating navigation
and NE. aids in the area, mariners are requested to give a wide berth
Tides—Currents.—During settled weather, the tidal cur- when passing them. Vessels are to report observance of any
rents set NE with the flood and SW with the ebb. They attain dysfunctional or irregular lights or damaged buoyage to the
their greatest strength at a distance of 30 to 50 miles offshore. nearest coast station.
At 30 to 50 miles offshore, on this part of the coast, the NE tid- 6.1Fishing is prohibited in the environmentally sensitive sea ar-
al current is generally the stronger and the most constant. ea, best seen on the chart, located in the vicinity of the Ak-
6.1When the wind is continuously E the tidal current is always tivneset (62°30'N., 3°36'E.) continental slope, approximately
SW. 140 miles W of Alesund.
6.1During the winter months, when the nights are long and the
visibility is frequently bad, vessels approaching land with a W Off-lying Dangers
wind should exercise caution to avoid being set N of the har-
bor, channel, or channel entrance. 6.2 Dangerous Waves Areas.—Coastal areas where re-
6.1Within the various channels of the fjords the tidal currents, peated marine casualties occur, due to heavy seas in rough
as a rule, flow NE with the rising tide. The tidal currents in weather, are frequently designated by the Norwegian authori-
some channels are negligible, while a rate of 3 to 4 knots have ties as Danger Areas.
been observed in others. Stattlandett (62°12'N., 5°00'E.) is exposed to SW to N winds
From Breidsund-Djupet, the outer coast trends in a general which raise heavy seas.
NE direction for about 39 miles to Buadjupet. From Buadjupet, 6.2Haugsholmen (62°11'N., 5°23'E.) and Stalrevet (62°13'N.,
the coast trends in a general ENE direction for about 27 miles 5°11'E.) are particularly known as rough sea areas.
to Kristiansund. This coast is fronted by islands, groups of is- 6.2Breidsunddjupet and Breidsundet (62°28'N., 5°50'E.) are
lets, and rocks which extend up to 8.5 miles off the mainland. areas where W and NW winds cause heavy seas.
6.1From Kristiansund, the islands and rocks lying off the coast 6.2Haustadvika (63°00'E., 7°00'E.), extensive offshore shoals,
extend about 75 miles NE to the islands of Halen. These is- completely exposed to SW to NW strong winds. These condi-
lands are located on the W side of the main N approach to tions are especially severe in the area of Buadjupet, Bjornsund
Trondheim. (62°54'N., 6°45'E.), and Kolbeinsflua,.
6.1For details and information concerning the color and bear- 6.2Ytrefjorden (63°12'N., 7°50'E.) is an area extending from
ings of the sector lights mentioned within this sector, see the SW of Gripholen to Ytrefjorden S of Smola, where depths are
Light List. 100 to 150m. Griptarane, the westernmost shallow area where
6.1Rain, fog, and storms usually occur during SW winds. The the sea breaks heavily, lies about 11 miles W of Smola.
least rainfall and the clearest weather are experienced during 6.2The Folla (63°55'N., 9°30'E.) area is known for rough seas
the spring. Summer is the season with the greatest number of with strong W or NW winds, especially in the winter. Many
foggy days; however, at Trondheim, fog is more prevalent in large and small ships have been lost in the area through the
autumn and winter. years. The coast line is steep-to, with depths of 300 to 500m
6.1Pilotage.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning near offshore that also contributes to rough conditions, along
Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information. with the outflow of tidal current.
6.1Regulations.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning
Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information. 6.3 Oil and Gas Fields.—Draugen Oil Field lies 45 miles
6.1A traffic separation scheme and recommended route is estab- WNW from Halten Light (64°10'N., 9°25'E.) A lighted con-
lished off Halten connects with the existing TSS and recom- crete platform LF3F (64°21.2'N., 7°47'.0E.) stands on in the oil
mended route lying off Runde in the S. The scheme can best be field. There are numerous underwater installations within 6.5
viewed on the chart. This section off Halten is part of the larger miles of the platform.
previously-existing offshore routing schemes connecting key 6.3The Njord Oil Field lies 16 miles W of Draugen and was
points off the coast. These routes, adopted by the International temporarily shut down in 2016. At that time, Njord A, the

Pub. 182
128 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

floating steel platform unit containing drilling and processing Alesundaksla (62°28.5'N., 6°11.0'E.) rises to an elevation of
facilities, was towed to shore for reinforcement and modifica- 197m, on the island of Norvoya, close E of Alesund. It is used
tions. Njord B, the associated floating storage unit, is also pres- as a mark in the approach to Giskesundet.
ently undergoing refurbishment. The field expects to resume 6.4Klovgrynna, an 18m patch; Dyngeskallen, a 26m patch; and
production in 2020. Stadsgrunnskallen, a 20m patch, lie about 5 miles WNW of the
6.3Caution.—An environmentally sensitive sea area and ma- NW extremity of Godoya.
rine reserve, best seen on the chart, lies due S of the Draugen 6.4Olsflua (62°30'N., 5°51'E.), an 11m patch, and Lyren, a 16m
Oil Field. Trawling is prohibited in this area. patch, lie 3 and 2 miles W, respectively, from the NW extremity of
6.3Asgard, Norway’s largest and most complex offshore devel- Godoya.
opment, is situated 87 miles NW of Halten Light and consists 6.4To enter Giskesundet (62°30'N., 6°01'E.) from the W, Alnes
of three permanent structures, as follows: Light, just open N of the highest point of Havsteinen, bearing
1. Asgard B (65°06.6'N., 6°47.5'E.), a floating semi-sub- 092° leads N of Keipbaane, but directly over Olsflua.
mersible facility for gas and condensate processing, is moored 6.4The NW extremity of Godoya, in line with the S point of
with 16 anchor lines, each extending a distance of 1,900m. Havsteinen bearing 098°, leads close S of Klovgrynna and Dy-
2. Asgard A, a floating production storage and offload- ngeskallen and N of Olsflua toward Giskesundet.
ing vessel (FPSO) located about 3.2 miles SSW of Asgard B, 6.4Vessels may approach Giskesundet at night with the white
is moored with 12 anchor lines. sector of Erkna Light.
3. Asgard C, a floating storage and offloading vessel 6.4A middle course steered through Giskesundet avoids the
(FSO) located about 2.5 miles ENE of Asgard B, is moored dangers and Valderhaugfjorden may be entered by passing N or
with nine anchor lines, each extending a length of 1,200m. S of Havsteinen.
6.3Gas is delivered via a submarine pipeline running 385 miles 6.4Vessels having entered Valderhaugfjorden whose destination
from Asgard B to Kallsto, located on the mainland 6 miles S of is Alesund, proceed as previously directed.
Haugesund (59°25'N., 5°16'E.).
6.3Kristin Oil Field (64°59'N., 6°33'E.), situated 6 miles SW 6.5 Fauskane (62°34'N., 5°45'E.), shoals with a least
of Asgard A, is a semi-submersible processing facility. Gas is depth of 8.8m, lie in the NW approach to Giskesundet, about 8
transported via the Asgard Transport System to the Karsto Ter- miles NW of Godoya. These are marked by breakers in any
minal. Light oil is transferred to the Asgard C facility for stor- swell and a lighted buoy moored close W. Onglegrunnen, a
age and export. 17m patch, and Kvalsbaen, a 2m patch, lie 6 and 4.75 miles, re-
6.3Numerous wells, structures, and other obstructions exist on spectively, NW of Godoya. Kvalsbaen is usually marked by
the sea bed within the boundaries of Kristin Oil Field and breakers.
Asgard Oil Field, which are best seen on the chart. Anchoring Langeskjeret (62°32'N., 5°52'E.), an islet marked by a bea-

and fishing are prohibited within 500m of the sea bed installa- con, lies 4 miles NW of Godoya. A chain of rocks extends 1
tions. A lighted buoy is moored close N of a well located 9.5 mile N to Leiafalla, a rock, awash. Oddebaen, a group of rocks,
miles N of Asgard B. awash, lie 0.85 mile NW of Langeskjeret.
6.3Statoil Marin VTS conducts radar surveillance from these Leiafallet, rocks, awash; Alnesbreidflua, awash; Bjornebaen,

offshore structures and can be contacted on VHF channel 6. awash; and Alnesraunen, marked by a beacon; lie 1.25 miles
Vessels are requested to pass at least 3 miles off all installa- NW, 2 miles NW, 2 miles NW and 2 miles NW, respectively, of
tions. Godoya.
6.3Caution.—Submerged obstructions, best seen on the chart, Vessels approaching Giskesundet from NW keep the SW

lie near Asgard, in position 65°09.8'N, 6°29.6'E and in position point of Godoya in line with the top of the SW slope of Sula
65°08.2'N, 6°28.6'E. Numerous obstructions lie W of Halden bearing 125°. This track will lead SW of Fauskane and Ongle-
Bank, including in the vicinity of Heidrun Platform. An ob- grunnen, but Olsflua lies close N of this track further inshore.
struction area with a radius of 1.3 miles lies SW of the Njord
Oil Field, at a distance of 19 miles, in position 64°01.8'N, 6.6 Giskesundet, between Godoya and Giske (62°30'N.,
6°45.0'E. 6°03'E.), 1 mile N, gives access to Indreleia from seaward and
is used by vessels leaving Alesund for the open sea. It is affect-
Breidsund-Djupet to Buadjupet (Buddjupet) ed by strong mountain squalls from Godoya, when winds are
strong between S and W.
6.4 The coast NNE of Breidsund-Djupet, the NW ap- 6.6When entering Giskesundet, the NW extremity of Godoya
proach to Alesund and the recommended fairway to Alesund, should be given a wide berth, owing to the banks which extend
is fringed with a number of islands which are fronted by foul up to 0.2 mile from it. Foul ground extends 2.5 miles NW from
ground to a distance of 6 miles in places. Vessels approaching Giske, and 0.3 mile SW.
the coast from seaward should maintain a considerable dis- 6.6Erkna Light (62°33'N., 5°56'E.), situated on the summit of
tance offshore until their position is positively determined. an island 1.75 miles W of Vigra, is a useful landfall light.
Vallabaane, with a charted depth of 2.4m, lies about 7 miles 6.6Synesfjellet (62°33'N., 6°02'E.), 87m high, is situated near
W of Godoya. Keipbaane lies 0.6 mile NNW of the 2.4m the SW extremity of Vigra. Blindheimsfjellet, 77m high, and
depth. Molnesfjellet, 128m high, are situated 1.25 miles and 2.5 miles
Alnes Light (62°29'N., 5°58'E.), situated on the NW extrem- NE, respectively, from Synesfjellet.
ity of Godoya, is a good mark for making Giskesundet, the pas- 6.6Storholmane (62°39'N., 5°56'E.), 5.5 miles NW of Vigra,
sage between the islands of Godoya and Giske. consists of three easily identified islands.

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 129

6.4 By Svema [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

6.4 Draugen Platform

Storholmen (62°39'N., 5°56'E.) is the largest of the three is-

6.6 6.8 The island of Mia (62°40'N., 6°38'E.), 6 miles E of
lands which comprise the group. A light is situated on this is- Flemsoya, rises to a height of 533m. Several hummocks pro-
land. trude from its summit.
The waters N and E of Storholmen can be difficult to navi-
6.6 6.8Skjerdingen, on the mainland about 5 miles SSE of the sum-
gate without local knowledge, despite the ample provision of mit of Mia, has a saddle-shaped summit 1,062m high, and is
navigational lights. visible for a considerable distance at sea.
6.8Farther NE, on the coast about 30 miles from Flemsoya, will
6.7 Lepsoya (62°37'N., 6°11'E.), Haramsoya, and Flem- be seen Stemshesten, 667m high, and Maelen, 769m high.
soya are easily identified, especially when the mountains in the 6.8Jendemsfjellet (62°48'N., 7°03'E.), 633m high, is situated
background are visible. When viewed from the NW, these is- on the mainland, about 11 miles SSW of Maelen;. It may be
lands appear equal in width to the openings, about 2 miles, be- identified by its perfectly round form.
tween them. 6.8Gulberget, 160m high, about 7 miles NNW of Jendemsfjel-
6.7Godalde, the summit of Lepsoya, is 489m high. Mannen, at let. The hill rises from a level plain and is conspicuous because
the center of Haramsoya, is 347m high; Skulen, the summit of of its detached position. Its summit is almost flat and presents
Flemsoya, is 493m high. the same appearance when sighted from various bearings. A
6.7Lepsoyklovningen (62°38'N., 6°03'E.), an islet, lies 3.25 church 1 mile WSW of the hill is also visible from seaward.
miles E of Storholmen. Kloningsgrunnen, a 4.8m patch, lies
0.25 mile S of Lepsoyklovningen; Klovningsfallet, a 2m patch, 6.9 Vigrafjorden lies between Vigra and Lepsoya, which
lies 0.4 mile SE of the same islet. lies 1.75 miles NE. Vigrafjorden is entered from the vicinity of
6.7Knappen (62°38'N., 6°02'E.), an isolated above-water rock, Storholmen, about 7 miles WNW.
lies 0.7 mile S of Lepsoyklovningen. Nordreflua, a 3m patch, The recommended route into Vigrafjorden by day leads E
lies about 1 mile W of Knappen. Melingskjeret, above water, from a position 0.4 mile S of Storholmen, then passes between
lies 1.25 miles SW of Nordreflua. Knappen and Klovningsgrunnen, then turns SE, passing W of
6.7A light is situated on Rossholmen (62°36'N., 6°03'E.), an is- Flatskjeret or E of Flatskjergrunnen.
let 1.25 miles NW of Vigra. Rossholmbaen, a 1.5m patch, lies 6.9When E of Flatskjergrunnen, steer SSE with the white sector
0.45 mile N of the light. of Innholmen Light (62°38'N., 6°07'E.), astern, which leads
6.7Flatskjeret lies 1.5 miles ENE of Rossholmen; Flatskjergrun- to the S part of Vigrafjorden.
nen, a 1.7m patch, lies 0.2 mile farther ENE. 6.9When Rognodden, the E extremity of Vigra, bears 270°, en-
ter the white sector of Oksebasen Light (62°31'N., 6°09'E.)

Pub. 182
130 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

until about 0.5 mile distant from the light, then change course A mid-channel course through Nogvafjorden leads clear of

to pass midway between Oksebasen Light and the island of dangers; however, a 15m patch lies 0.9 mile ENE of Kjehol-
Valderoya, about 0.5 mile distant, W. men Light, and a 16m patch lies 0.25 mile farther E.
6.9Enter the white sector of Gildreneset Light (62°30'N., At night the white sector of Kjeholmen Light (62°42'N.,

6°11'E.) bearing between 116° and 120°, ahead, which leads 6°15'E.) leads between Grunnflua and Breidflua.
through a channel about 0.2 mile wide. The white sector of Fjortoftneset Light, 2 miles ENE of Kje-

6.9When clear of the channel, steer SW and enter Valderhaug- holmen Light, leads N of the dangers close off Flemsoya.
fjorden, then SE to Alesund or continue SW through Indreleia The white sector of Kjeholmen Light bearing astern, and the

as previously directed. white sector of Fjortoftneset Light bearing, astern, lead from
6.9Caution.—The glide path for aircraft landing at Alesund air- Nogvafjorden into Haroyfjorden.
port passes over Vigrafjorden 3 to 4 miles N of Hamnoya.
6.9At the E limit of the approach zone, the aircraft will be at an 6.12 Haroyfjorden (62°52'N., 6°55'E.) is bound on the
altitude of only about 60m when descending to the runway. NW by Flemsoya, Fjortoft, Haroya, Finnoya, and Sandoya, and
on the E by Dryna, Midoya, the NW end of Otteroya, and the
6.10 Lepsoyrevet (62°36'N., 6°15'E.), a shallow reef of islets and rocks SW of Gossa.
shingle, sand, and shells, with rocky heads, extends from Lep- The current through Haroyfjorden usually flows NE, with

soya to the mainland, about 2 miles SE. This is the shallowest the strongest flow during the rising tide.
part of Indreleia; a depth of little more than 5m can be carried
across it. A bridge, best seen on the chart, crosses over the reef. 6.13 Nyhamna (Nyhavna) (62°51'N., 6°57'E.) is a gas ter-
Two channels pass through the bridge, with vertical clearances minal situated on the N side of Gossa, about 4 miles SE of the
of 7m and 41m, respectively. entrance to Haroyfjorden.
Unexpected and unsteady winds are liable to blow off the
6.10 Depths—Limitations.—Nyhamna is located near Gossa on

mainland and off Lepsoya. the W cost of Norway. Vessels up to 100,000 dwt, 170 to 250m in
The tidal currents flow NE and SW. The flow is strong and is
6.10 length, 18.5m draft, and 50m beam can be handled at the port.
greatly influenced by wind. The Shell Refinery receives gas from the Ormen Lange Field

A light is shown from the head of a breakwater extending

6.10 and has an oil berth handling recovered condensate oil for
0.15 mile from the shore, on the SE side of Lepsoyrevet. export.
The fairway across Lepsoyrevet is entered about 0.3 mile
6.10 The oil berth at Nyhamna Marine Terminal is 105m in length

SSW of Sore Kverna. The white sector of Lepsoyrevet Light and has a depth of 21m alongside. The berthing length is 295m,
leads toward the entrance of the fairway. The fairway leads NE including dolphins. Vessels up to 100,000 dwt, 250m in length,
to Haramsfjorden, and is marked by buoys. 18.5m draft, 50m beam, and a displacement of 120,000t casn
When clear of Lepsoyrevet, course may be shaped to pass
6.10 be accommodated. The BERTH handles clean products, crude,
NW of Haugneset (62°37'N., 6°20'E.), or NW through Ha- and dirty products.
ramsfjorden, to the open sea. Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory and is provided by

The waters NW of Lepsoya are foul and should not be en-

6.10 Mongstad (paragraph 5.7). Pilotage should be ordered using
tered without local knowledge. SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot
Haramsfjorden is difficult to access and should not be at-
6.10 Booking Center at an additional cost.
tempted without a pilot. Pilots board in the following positions:

Pass S of Hella (62°41'N., 5°59'E.) and N of Utbaane, 1. Vessels greater than 25,000 gross tons—Pilots board
awash, 2 miles ESE of Hella. by helicopter N of Ona (62°56'N., 6°27'E.).
A light is shown from Hellevik (62°38'N., 6°10'E.). Naggen,
6.10 2. Vessels less than 25,000 gross tons—In Breisundet S
awash, lies about 2 miles WNW of Hellevik Light. of Godoy (Godoya), in position 62°26'50.4''N, 5°58'51.0''E.
When S of Naggen, the white sector of Haugneset Light
6.10 Regulations.—A cautionary area has been established in the

(62°37'N., 6°20'E.) leads into the NW entrance of Harams- water area bounded, as follows:
fjorden. This track lies close N of a 1m depth just off the N side 1. North boundary—latitude 62°56'52.8''N.
of Lepsoya. When about 0.9 mile ESE of Hellevik Light, steer 2. West boundary—longitude 6°33'48.0''E.
SE as required, to join Indreleia. 3. South boundary—latitude 62°38'40.8''N.
4. East boundary—longitude 7°22'19.8''E.
6.11 Nogvafjorden (62°41'N., 6°20'E.), entered between Vessels should use extreme caution when navigating in this

Flemsoya and Fjortoft, about 1 mile NE, is the best entrance area. In addition, vessels underway or at anchor in the waters
from seaward to Indrelia between Lepsoya and Buadjupet. covered by the cautionary area must maintain a continuous lis-
Tides—Currents.—On the N side of the seaward approach
6.11 tening watch on VHF channels 14 and 16.
to Nogvafjorden, the NE flow, experienced during the rising Category 1 and Category 2 vessels calling at Nyhamna must

tide, sets markedly in toward the dangers W of Fjortoft and notify the terminal on VHF channel 14 or 16 of the following
Haroya. information:
Directions.—To enter Nogvafjorden from seaward, steer for
6.11 1. Vessel name.
Skulen (62°41'N., 6°19'E.) bearing 126°, which leads NE of 2. Call sign.
Grunnflua, a 3.5m patch, lying 2.5 miles WNW of Kjeholmen 3. Planned sailing route to and from the terminal.
Light, and SW of Breidflua, a 5m patch lying 1.75 miles NW These broadcasts must be made, as follows:

of the light. 1. Thirty (30) minutes prior to arrival at the cautionary

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 131

area. Flatflesa Light (62°50'N., 6°41'E.) is situated 3.25 miles NE


2. Fifteen (15) minutes prior to arrival at or departure of Aersteinen Light. The white sector of this light, ahead, leads
from the terminal. E of Aersteinen Light and W of the foul ground and islets ex-
3. When leaving the cautionary area. tending 1.25 miles N of Orta.
4. When arriving at or departing from the anchorages at The white sector of Aersteinen Light bearing 220°, astern,

Karlsoyfjorden and Midfjorden, S of Tautra. leads E of the foul ground extending NE from Sandoya, and
Category 1 and Category 2 vessels must use escort vessels,
6.13 farther NE to the S entrance to Saltsteinsleia.
as follows:
1. From the pilot boarding position to Nyhamna. 6.16 Midfjorden (62°38'N., 6°40'E.) is approached from
2. From Nyhamna to the pilot boarding position. Haroyfjorden, and extends 4.5 miles ENE from Dryna to its
3. When en route to the anchorage—from prior to de- junction with Moldefjorden, S of the SW extremity of Otte-
parting Nyhamna until anchored in the anchorage area. roya.
4. When departing the anchorage area—from prior to The main channel through Midfjorden and Moldefjorden

raising the anchor until arriving at the quay at Nyhamna. from Dryna to Molde, 19 miles E, is deep and clear of dangers
Additional regulations for Category 1 and Category 2 vessels
6.13 except close to shore and in the final approach to Molde.
govern entry into Nyhamma. Consult local authorities for de- A mid-channel course in the fjords clears all dangers, but a

tails. course adjustment may be needed to avoid Tautreflua

(62°41'N., 6°56'E.), a 16m patch lying in the fairway NE of
6.14 Indreleia continues from Lepsoyrevet, NE, to pass W Tautra.
of Haugneset and Raudholmane, about 2 miles farther NE. Dronenholmen Light (62°38'N., 6°31'E.), bearing between

Grunnrevet, a spit extending 0.4 mile E from Rogneholmen,

6.14 253° and 274°, astern, and the white sector of Arnesklubben
lies 0.8 mile W of the light on Raudholmane. Light lead clear of Midoya.
The white sector of the light on Raudholmane leads to a po-
6.14 The white sector of Arnesklubben Light, situated on the SW

sition 0.6 mile WSW of the light. The white sector of the light extremity of Otteroya, bearing astern, leads clear of Otteroya
on Haugneset, astern, leads between Raudholmane and Grunn- and Tautra.
revet, and then into Haroyfjorden. Nogvafjorden joins Indreleia Moldefjorden, the continuation of Midfjorden, from the vi-

in this area. cinity of Arnesklubben Light (62°40'N., 6°41'E.), passes be-

From a position 0.75 mile N of Haugneset, Dronenholmen
6.14 tween Tautra and the SE side of Otteroya, just over 1 mile to
Light, 3 miles E of Raudholmane, bearing between 076° and the N.
084°, leads N of foul ground and S of Raudholmane to Mid- Julsundet extends N from Moldefjorden, between Otteroya

fjorden. and the mainland.

Anchorage.—There is anchorage available, in 29m, off the
6.14 From Tautra to Molde, about 7 miles ENE the fairway is

SE extremity of Haramsoya. There is an 18m depth charted clear of dangers. South and SW of Molde, there are numerous
close E of the anchorage and a cable extends SE from the is- islets and scattered rocks, making it advisable to keep on the N
land to the mainland. side of the channel when entering the roadstead.
Anchorage is available for medium and small vessels S of
6.14 Mekgrunna (62°43'N., 7°06'E.), a 3.5m patch, lies 0.6 mile

Hestoya, which lies 0.85 mile E of Lepsoya, in 14 to 15m, sand offshore, about 2 miles WSW of Molde Light. The patch may
and shells. be passed on either side.
The white sector of Molde Light, bearing ahead, leads N of

6.15 Indreleia continues from Raudholmane (62°38'N., Mekgrunna, which is the preferred channel.
6°24'E.) through Haroyfjorden, which is broad and deep, to the Dangers lie 0.45 mile S of Molde Light. Their position may

vicinity of Sandoya (62°49'N., 6°36'E.), 12 miles NNE. best be seen on the chart.
The white sector of the light on Raudholmane astern leads E

of the dangers off the SE side of Fjortoft. 6.17 Molde (62°44'N., 7°10'E.) (World Port Index 23110)
Husevikflua (62°46'N., 6°32'E.), a 1.9m patch situated 1
6.15 is a coastal natural harbor, which lies on the N side of Mold-
mile ENE of the E extremity of Haroya, lies within these bear- efjorden, about 5 miles E of Julsundet, and has a small ice-free
ings. harbor.
Aersteinen Light (62°48'N., 6°36'E.) is situated 0.35 mile S

of Sandoya. The white sector of this light leads E of Husevik- Port of Molde
flua and W of the dangers W of Orta, an island 3 miles ENE of
Husevikflua. https://www.molde-romsdalhavn.no

Molde—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Moldegard Terminal
Moldegard Aggregates, ro-ro/lo-lo, containers,
130m 10.5m 132.6m 11.0m 20.7m 8,199 dwt
Main breakbulk, bunkers, and reefer.

Pub. 182
132 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

Molde—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Moldegard Cement, ro-ro/lo-lo, breakbulk, and
95m 6.0m 139.5m 6.0m 20.8m 8,388 dwt
Ro-Ro bunkers.
Steel 5.0- Cement, ro-ro/lo-lo, steel products,
138m 117.3m — 19.7m 8,388 dwt
Products E 6.0m breakbulk, and bunkers.
Storkaia Terminal
Cruise vessels, fishing vessels, break-
9.0- See
Cruise 300m 350m 9.0m — bulk, and bunkers. No beam restric-
11.0m Remarks
tions. 150,000 gt.
Ferry 30m 6.0m 32m — 8.8m — Fast ferry and bunkers.
Ro-Ro E 80m — 123.1m — 16.8m 1,024 dwt Ro/pax and bunkers.
Ro-Ro W 40m — 49m — 10.3m — Ro/pax and bunkers.

Tides—Currents.—The tide rises about 2m at springs and

Signal Meaning
1.6m at neaps.
The tidal current within the harbor is hardly noticeable.
One green light and two red lights Moldegard Havn
Winds between SE and SW can be troublesome, and raise a One green light and three red lights All berths occupied
considerable sea.
Depths—Limitations.—The port has quay facilities for
When vessels arrive simultaneously from E and W, the first


cruise ships, ro-pax, ro-ro, containers, palletized cargo, ce-

signal shown refers to the vessel from the W.
ment, and other dry bulk. Vessels up to 8,388 dwt, 350m in
When a signal is understood, the vessel concerned should ac-

length, 20.8m beam, 11m draft can be accommodated. For

knowledge it with a short blast on the whistle.
more information see the table titled Molde—Berth Informa-
Contact Information.—See the table titled Molde—Con-

tact Information.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or-

dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvit-

soy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. Molde—Contact Information
Vessels should contact the Alesund pilot station on VHF
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
channel 16 at least 2 hours prior to arrival. If the station does
not respond, either the Rogaland or Floro Coastal Radio Sta- Telephone 47-71-191620
tion will reply and relay details to the pilot station. Facsimile 47-71-191621
The pilot boards in position 62°27.0'N, 5°58.9'E or by ar-

E-mail office@molde-romsdalhavn.no
rangement in position 62°31.0'N, 5°40.9'E.
Regulations.—From Reknes Mole to the light at Aroy, 3.25

miles E, there is a speed limit of 6 knots, to be exceeded only Anchorage.—Vessels can anchor off Molde, in depths of 30

with the harbormaster’s permission. to 35m, sand and clay.

Vessels in quarantine are required to anchor near Moldehol-

men, which is situated 1 mile ESE of Reknes mole. 6.18 Romsdalfjorden is entered E of Tuautra and extends
Signals.—The quays are numbered 1 to 5 from W to E. Sig-
24 miles ESE to Andalsnes and then 3 miles E to its head at Is-
nals consisting of flags by day and a combination of red and fjorden. The fjord is deep and clear of dangers and is not diffi-
green lights at night are shown to indicate the allotted berth. By cult to navigate.
day a red flag is shown at the assigned berth. By night, lights A submarine cable lands close S of Furneset. Four subma-

are shown from a signal mast on the steamer quay, as follows: rine pipelines extend up to 300m from the shore on the E side
of Tresfjorden. A discharge pipe extends 230m S from Vorpne-
set (62°38.5'N., 7°05.5'E.), another discharge pipe extends
Signal Meaning
about 0.3 mile W of the N point of Feoya.
One red light Berth 1 Tresfjord Bridge (62°36.68'N., 7°06.78'E.), with a vertical

Two red lights Berth 2 clearance of 32m and a navigational width of 60m, spans the N
end of Tresfjorden between Helland and Vikebukt.
Three red lights Berth 3 To enter Romsdalsfjorden steer in the white sector of Helge-

One green light Berth 4 stones Light (62°36'N., 7°22'E.), which leads between Sekken
and Skalhamnholmen, about 10 miles ESE of Tautra.
One green light and one red light Berth 5 Steer to pass NE of Helgestones Light and enter the white

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 133

sector of Hovdenes Light (62°33'N., 7°31'E.), about 6 miles The white sector of Indre Haroy Light (62°53'N., 6°56'E.)

SE of Helgestones Light. located at Degerhalsen, bearing 305°, leads NW towards Buad-

When about 0.5 mile distant from Hovdenes Light, steer an
6.18 jupet. The white sector of Indre Haroy Light, astern, leads clear
E course to bring the white sector of Hovdenes Light astern. of the dangers SW of Oddane (62°54'N., 6°53'E.) and NE of
This course will lead to Andalsnes. Bjornsund (62°54'N., 6°50'E.).
Oddane, a group of islets, lies about 2.25 miles NW of Indre

6.19 Andalsnes (62°34'N., 7°41'E.) (World Port Index No. Haroy Light.
23111) stands on a point on the S side of Romdalsfjorden. This
natural coastal port is a district capital. 6.21 Haroysund (62°54'N., 6°58'E.) (World Port Index
No. 23108) is a spacious coastal harbor, situated between Ytre
Port of Andalsnes Haroy, Indre Haroy, and the mainland. The harbor is normally
entered W of Indre Haroy.
https://www.molde-romsdalhavn.no There are a number of berths in Haroysund. They range up to

220m in length and have depths up to 9m alongside.

There is one large commercial berth, popular with cruise
Anchorage is available E of Ytre Haroy and NE of Indre

ships, that is 157m long with depths alongside between 8 and Haroy, in about 8m, sand.
14m. Bud (62°54'N., 6°55'E.) is situated on a point of the main-

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots may be ordered

land, about 1 mile E of Oddane. The town is rather low but the
via SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot church is visible from seaward. Vessels with a draft not exceed-
Booking Center at an additional cost. Vessels should call the ing 5.5m can anchor in the outer harbor.
pilot on VHF channel 16, at least 2 hours prior to arrival. If the
station does not respond, either the Rogaland Coast Radio Sta- Buadjupet
tion or Floro Coast Radio Station will reply and relay details to
the pilot station. The pilot boards in position 62°27.0'N, 6.22 From the seaward entrance to Nogvafjorden, the off-
5°58.9'E or by arrangement in position 62°31.0'N, 5°40.9'E. lying dangers run for a distance of about 22 miles in a NE di-
Contact Information.—See the table titled Andalsnes—
6.19 rection to Buadjupet.
Contact Information. Several channels lead in from seaward. The waters in this ar-

ea are foul and passage through them should not be attempted

Andalsnes—Contact Information without local knowledge.
From Storholmen Light (62°39'N., 5°56'E.), about 6 miles

VHF VHF channels 12 and 16

WNW of Lepsoya, the off-lying dangers lie E of a line between
Telephone 47-71-191620 the light and Rosok-Havflua, a 9m patch, 13 miles NE. Howev-
Facsimile 47-71-191621 er, Hella, Skreia, and Seigrunnane lie close W of this line about
2.75, 3.5, and 5.5 miles NNE, respectively, of Storholmen
E-mail office@molde-romsdalhavn.no Light.
Rosok Havflua (62°49'N., 6°13'E.), marked by a lighted

Anchorage is available over the whole of Isfjorden from An-

buoy, is situated on the NW side of the foul ground which ex-
dalsnes to Stein, 2.5 miles E, in a depth of 35m, mud. tends 6.25 miles WNW from Haroya.
An obstruction was reported (1996) 2.5 miles NE of the end
Ona Light (62°52'N., 6°33'E.), situated on an island, is

of Andalsnes. shown at a height of 40m.

Klakken (62°57'N., 6°43'E.), with a charted depth of 10m,

6.20 Julsundet is entered between Heggneset (62°43'N., lies 15.5 miles ENE of Rosok-Havflua and 6 miles WNW of
6°56'E.), the SE extremity of Otteroya, and Julneset, a point on Bud. Vessels approaching Buadjupet from the SW are advised
the mainland 1.5 miles NE. Julsundet leads 10 miles N from to keep well to the seaward to avoid the shoal water lying E of
Moldefjorden, E of Otteroya and Gossa to join Buadjupet. It is a line between Rosok-Havflua and Klakken.
deep and clear. In gales, breakers form over shoals in this area, with depths

The current in Julsundet is always N, but in unsettled weath-

as great as 20 to 30m.
er there may be a S flow during the rising tide.
Vessels may enter Julsundet by steering in the white sector
6.23 Bjornsund Light (62°54'N., 6°49'E.) is situated on
of Julholmen Light (62°44'N., 6°58'E.). When abeam of Jul- the E end of the islet of Mooya, at the N end of the Bjornsund
neset, steer a NNW mid-channel course, to pass W of Julhol- group, about 3 miles WSW of Bud.
men Light. Karlmedhammaren and Turiskallen lie, respectively, 6 and

Vessels enter the white sector of Hogsnes Light (62°50'N.,

6.25 miles NNW of Bjornsund Light. They have a least depth
6°58'E.). of 26m, but vessels should avoid them in bad weather.
This track will lead E of Kua, a small reef marked by a light,
Jendemsfjellet, bearing between 134° and well open of

situated 2 miles NNW of Julholmen Light. Bjornsund Light, leads in from seaward NE of Klakken.
Steer to pass E of Hogsnes Light and bring the white sector
The white sector of Bjornsund Light, ahead, leads in from

of that light astern which will lead W of Herringen, situated NW between Klakken and Karlmedhammaren to within 2.5
about 1 mile NNE of the light, and E of the NE extremity of miles of the light, when course may be shaped either into Bu-
Gossa. adjupet or Saltsteinsleia.

Pub. 182
134 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

Saltsteinsleia, which leads SSW to Haroyfjorden, passes W

6.23 6.25 Reinsfjellet (62°56'N., 7°56'E.), 12 miles SSE of
of Krabben Light (62°52'N., 6°43'E.). The white sector of Kristiansund, is 994m high, and is surmounted by a television
Flatflesa Light, 1.75 miles SSW of Krabben Light, leads W of mast.
toward Haroyfjorden. Bremsneshatten, situated in the N part of Averoya 3 miles

For a continuation of Indreleia S, follow a reciprocal course

6.23 SW of Kristiansund, is 130m high. It resembles a hat with a flat
of directions previously given. crown.
Buadjupet and Julsundet comprise the usual N approach
6.23 Freikollen (63°03'N., 7°46'E.), 3.5 miles S of Kristiansund,

from seaward to Moldefjorden and Molde. is a prominent summit, 629m high.

Buadjupet is about 1 mile wide between Staflua (62°54'N.,
6.23 Kvernberget is a long light-colored mountain, 205m high,

6°51'E.), a 6.4m shoal 0.75 mile E of Bjornsund Light, and the with steep slopes on the NE and SW sides. It is situated in the
outer island lying W of Bud. center of Nordlandet, 2 miles E of Kristiansund.
Vessels approaching Buadjupet from N steer in the white
6.23 Magnillen (63°06'N., 8°05'E.), on the mainland 10 miles E

sector of Bjornsund Light. which leads into the white sector of of Kristiansund, is 486m high. Although it is lower than the
Indre Haroy Light. surrounding mountains, it stands out owing to the steep fall on
To enter Bud and Julsundet, follow a reciprocal course of di-
6.23 its E side and three jagged peaks at the summit, recognizable at
rections previously given. a considerable distance.
There are three peaks on the island of Tustna, which are

Buadjupet to Kristiansund 220m, 856m, and 892m high, located, respectively, 8, miles
10.5 miles, and 11.25 miles ENE of Kristiansund.
6.24 From Buadjupet, the coast trends in a general ENE di- Kristiansund has been reported to be a good radar target

rection for about 27 miles to Kristiansund. The coast is fronted from a distance of 26 miles.
by groups of islets, rocks, and shoals which extend up to 8.5 Kvitholmen Light (63°01'N., 7°14'E.) is situated on an is-

miles from the mainland. land by the same name, which lies 1.25 miles offshore, about
The coast is formed partly by the mainland and partly by the
6.24 11 miles NE of Bud. A racon is located at the light tower. Part
NW coast of Averoya and by the islands on which Kristiansund of a former light tower stands close to the light as a daymark.
stands. The coast is mainly low and sparsely vegetated, and the Hestskjer Light (63°05'N., 7°30'E.) is situated on the W is-

off-lying islands are bare and grey. let of the Hestskjer group, which lies 8 miles ENE of Kvithol-
This is one of the most difficult parts of the Norwegian coast
6.24 men. A racon is located at the light tower, which is a square
to navigate. From Buadjupet, Indreleia leads into the open sea, house built into a conical tower 20m in height.
continuing NE through Hustadvika, then through Grip Light (63°14'N., 7°37'E.), situated at the N end of the

Ramnefjorden into Kristiansundsleia (63°09'N., 7°42'E.). Grip group on the S side of the seaward entrance to Gripholen,
Several channels lead from seaward into this part of Indre-
6.24 is described in paragraph 6.30.
leia. Local knowledge is required in some of the channels and
pilots should always be employed. Large vessels proceeding to Approaches to Kristiansund
Kristiansund or Trondheim use Gripholen.
Tides—Currents.—Between Buadjupet and Kristiansund,
6.24 6.26 Hustadvika, the coastal waters between Buadjupet
in calm weather, the tidal current usually sets ENE with the ris- and Kvitholmen, 11 miles NE, is encumbered by rocks, shoals,
ing tide and WSW with the falling tide. With strong long-con- and small islets. Indreleia leads through Hustadvika, at a dis-
tinued winds, the set of the current follows the direction of the tance of about 3 miles from the shore.
wind. An area of isolated shoal heads lies on the N side of Hustad-

Hustadvika is the name used for the W part of the waters,

6.24 vika from Karlmedhammaren to the vicinity of Kroppen
from Bud to Fugen. Hustadvika coastline is totally unprotected (63°03'N., 6°59'E.), 7 miles ENE. Kroppen, a rock with a depth
against the sea, and the passage is foul with many shoals. of 5m, breaks in bad weather and is marked close NW by a
Waves from the SW to NW will be refracted over the Bua-
6.24 lighted buoy.
grunnen shoals, and refraction centers occur on the leeward Kolbeinsflu (62°58'N., 6°53'E.), 4.5 miles NNE of

side. With waves from the N, Griptarane may cause a refrac- Bjornsund Light, has a least charted depth of 5m. It is the NW
tion center in the N portion of Hustadvika. extremity of the dangers fronting the mainland N of Bud and is
When the waves meet the current, the seas turn even more
6.24 marked by a lighted buoy. Lyroddane Beacon, equipped with a
turbulent. This is particularly noticeable in the passage be- racon, is situated about 5 miles NE of Bjornsund Light.
tween Kolbeinsflu and Bjyrnsund. Falling water causes an out- Between Kolbeinsflu and Kvitholmen there are several chan-

going current from Julsundet, and with wind and waves from nels, but local knowledge is required in them.
the NW, the seas become very turbulent. Fuglen (63°03'N., 7°09'E.), a small black islet marked by a

Precipitous breakers have been reported from the entire area.

6.24 light and a racon, lies about 3 miles WNW of Kvitholmen.
Shemshesten (62°58'N., 7°11'E.), 665m high, rises 8.75
6.24 Foul ground extends E and SE of Fuglen to Stabbeflu, a

miles NE of Bud. Shemshesten is not only the name of the 1.4m patch lying 1 mile ESE; Midtflu, a 4.2m patch lies 0.35
above peak, but is also the name of a range of mountains, with mile SSW of Stabbeflu.
two other summits. From N, this range resembles a large prom- Ekneskjerfluene, with least depths of 10m, lies 1.75 miles

ontory with three rounded summits and a steep fall on the sea- SE of Fuglen.
ward side. Fugleleia leads from seaward, N of Fuglen, to join Indreleia

N of Kvitholmen Fugleleia. It is about 3 miles wide between

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 135

Fuglen and Follingen, an islet situated to the NE. On the seaward side of Ramnefjorden, a line of rocks and is-

Orskjera is an extensive area of low-lying islets and rocks

6.26 lets extend from Sore Ramnen to Hilbaren (Hilbaane), 10 miles
which extends about 3 miles N from Follingen. They cannot be ENE. Shoals lie S of a line joining the two above points.
seen at any great distance and are awash in high seas. Midfjordsfallet, awash, lies 3.25 miles NNE of Hestskjer

Freikollen, in line with Follingen bearing 097°, leads close S

6.26 Light. Indre Skjellingen, a 4.5m patch, lies 0.6 mile E of Mid-
of Spunset, a 21m patch, which lies 3 miles NNW of Fuglen. fjordsfallet.
Bjogna (63°03'N., 7°17'E.), a rock, awash, lies on the N side
6.26 Helklakken (63°09'N., 7°38'E.), an 11m patch, lies in the

of the inner end of Fugleleia, 2 miles NE Kvitholmen. fairway, 5.25 miles NE of Hestskjer Light. Fausken, a 0.8m
patch, lies 1.25 miles NNE of Helklakken.
6.27 From a position about 5 miles WNW of Fuglen, steer From the vicinity of Hestskjeret, a course shaped to pass SE

toward Magnillen (63°08'N., 8°05'E.), bearing 085°, which of Helklakken avoids all danger and leads to Kristiansundleia,
leads N of Kroppen and the shoals in that vicinity. which forms part of the approach to Kristiansund.
When N of Kroppen, and Fuglen is in sight, steer in an ESE
6.27 Treflisleia leads into Ramnefjorden, about 5 miles NE of

direction to pass N of Fuglekrakken, a 4.4m patch lying 0.25 Ramnegapet, and is not difficult access if Stavenes Light and
mile N of Fuglen. When clear of Fuglekrakken, steer to pass the beacon on Litle Skjelbreida (63°10'N., 7°10'E.), 5 miles
about mid-way between Kvitholmen and Bjogna. NW of Stavenes Light, can be identified.
When approaching Fugleleia from NW at night, the white
6.27 Treflisa, marked by a beacon, is situated on the N side of the

sector of Kvitholmen Light leads E of Spunset and W of Snap- fairway, about 1 mile NE of Litle Skjelbreida.
ane, a 6m patch, situated nearly 4 miles N of Fuglen. Gamle Jakob, a rock, awash, and Gardstaren, an 11m patch,

When clear of Spunset and Snapane, the white sector of

6.27 lie 0.9 mile and 2 miles SE, respectively, from the beacon on
Kraka Light (63°01'N., 7°18'E.), situated 1.75 miles ESE of Litle Skjelbreida.
Kvitholmen, leads NE of Fuglekrakken and W of Follingsflu, a Lontarane (63°11'N., 7°31'E.), with a least depth of 3.7m,

3.8m patch situated 0.7 mile WSW of Follingen. lies 1.5 miles NW of Treflisa. Other shoals lie 1.5 miles NNW
On reaching a position 2 miles NW of Kraka Light, course
6.27 of Lontarane.
may be altered ENE to join Indreleia. Sydskjellingen, above water, lies on foul ground 0.9 mile SE

Ramnegapet, 6 miles NE of Fugleleia, leads in from seaward

6.27 of Treflisa.
E of Orskjera to join Indreleia in the vicinity of Hestskjeret. It From the vicinity of Lontarane, the white sector of Stavenes

is comparatively free from dangers and offers an easier ap- Light, bearing between 126° and 131°, leads between the bea-
proach than Fugleleia. cons on Litle Skjelbreida and Treflisa, and N of Gardstaren.

6.28 Stabben (63°08'N., 7°16'E.), a reef on the S side of 6.30 Grip Light (63°14'N., 7°37'E.) is situated on the N
Ramnegapet, on the NE side of Orskjera, is awash. Jonstaren, end of the Grip group, which is an extensive group of islets and
with a charted depth of 11m, lies 0.5 mile NE of Stabben, and rocks from 5 to 9 miles NNW of Kristiansund. A racon is lo-
Grunnkampen, with a charted depth of 14m, lies in the fairway cated at the light tower, which is 44m in height and prominent.
1.5 miles ENE of Stabben. All the islands of the group are small and low, and afford little
The Ramnane group of islets, on the NE side of Ramnegapet,
6.28 protection from wind and sea. They are not visible at any great
are small black rocks which are not visible from any great dis- distance.
Sore Ramnen (63°08'N., 7°24'E.), 3.5 miles NW from Hest-

skjeret, is precipitous on its W side but slopes to the E; it is

marked by two beacons.
Boggrunnstaren, a 5.4m patch, lies on the S side of

Ramnegapet, 1.5 miles SE of Stabben.

Store Sortna (63°05'N., 7°24'E.), 6m high, lies 2.75 miles

WNW of Hestskjeret.
Store Sortna and Little Sortna, 0.8 mile SE, in range lead

through the fairway of Ramnegapet, passing S of Grunnkamp-

en and N of Jonstaren.
After passing Sore Ramnen, course can be altered E through

Ramnefjorden until N of Hestskjeret, where the track to Kris-

tiansund joins the track leading E from Fugleleia.
The white sector of Hetskjer Light (63°05'N., 7°30'E.)

leads in from seaward N of Grunnkampen and SW of Sore

Ramnen, to within about 3 miles of the light, when course can
be altered E into Ramnefjorden.

6.29 Ramnefjorden leads from the vicinity of Hestskjeret, By Alfred Diem, via Wikimedia Commons

8 miles ENE, into Kristiansundleia. 6.30 Grip Light

Stavenes Light (63°07'N., 7°40'E.) stands on Staveneset, the NE

extremity of Averoya, about 5 miles ENE of Hetskjer Light. 6.30 Griptarane comprise shoal patches which lie in the approach

Pub. 182
136 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

to Gripholen, 8 miles 2NW of Grip Light. sector of Baltserneset Light, 1.5 miles SE of Stavenes Light,
Nordre Fausken (63°14'N., 7°33'E.), a 1m patch, lies 1.5
6.30 leads through the entrance.
miles W of Grip Light; Ytre Langfallet, another 1m patch, lies Bremsnesfjorden (63°06'N., 7°41'E.) is entered from N be-

0.8 mile ESE of the light. tween Staveneset and Klubbeneset, 0.6 mile E. It is the princi-
Lonnfallet, a 1.5m patch, lie s about 2 miles ESE of Ytre
6.30 pal entrance to Kristiansund.
Langfallet. Kverven (63°07'N., 7°40'E.), a 4m patch, lies 0.2 mile NW

Hilbaren (Hilbaane) (63°12'N., 7°44'E.), with a charted

6.30 of Stavenes Light on the W side of Bremsnesfjorden. A 2m
depth of 2m, is marked by a light. It lies 1.25 miles SE of Lon- patch lies close off Klubbeneset on the E side of the fairway.
nfallet. Bremsnesflua, a 4m patch, lies about 1 mile SE of Stavenes

Vestkleppen (63°18'N., 7°21'E.) is the shallowest part of

6.30 Light, near the middle of the fairway.
Griptarane and is usually marked by breakers. It lies 7.75 miles
NW of Grip Light. 6.33 Sorsundet (63°06'N., 7°44'E.) is entered between
Jorngrunna, a 24m patch, lies in the middle of Gripholen, 1.5
6.30 Baltserneset, the SW extremity of Innlandet, and Smorvikne-
miles NNE of Grip Light. set, 0.3 mile N. It is not more than 91m wide between the shoal
Nordre Godtaren, with a least charted depth of 9m, lies in the
6.30 depths on either side, and has a least depth of 13m in the fair-
middle of the fairway, 1.5 miles NNE of Hilbaren. way.
Kjefallet (63°16'N., 7°40'E.), a 2m patch, lies on the NE
6.30 A breakwater, marked at its outer end by a light, extends

side of Gripholen, 3 miles NNE of Grip Light. Lontaren, an 91m N from Innlandet, 0.35 mile ENE of Baltserneset. A 3m
11m patch, lies 0.35 mile S of Kjefallet. patch lies 183m WNW of the breakwater head.
Gasskjera, above water in places, lies 3 miles NE of Grip
6.30 A bridge spans Sorsundet close E of the breakwater; it has

Light. Gaseflua, with a charted depth of 10m, lies 0.6 mile SSE vertical clearances of 38m in the center and 32m on the sides.
of Gasskjera. A rock, with a depth of 6.8m, lies on the S side of the fair-

way 0.15 mile ENE of the breakwater head.

6.31 Gjeslingskjer Light (63°15'N., 7°48'E.), situated on Vessels entering Sorsundet from Bremsnesfjorden steer in

Gjeslingskjeret, stands 5 miles E of Grip Light. Islets and foul the white sector of the light on the breakwater. When in the en-
water extend 0.6 mile SSW from the light. trance of Sorsundet, steer on the light in the center of the
When approaching from the W, the white sector of Grip
6.31 bridge bearing 061°, which leads through the sound.
Light leads S of Griptarane to within 5 miles of the light.
When Hestskjer Light changes from white to red, course
6.31 6.34 Bolgsvaet (63°06'N., 7°44'E.) is entered from Brems-
should be altered into the white sector of Gjeslingskjer Light, nesforden S of Innlandet, and extends E to Talgsjoen.
which leads N of the dangers off Grip. Skjerveskjeret, marked by a light, lies 0.3 mile SE of Balter-

From a position 1 mile NE of Grip Light, the white sector of

6.31 sneset, at the seaward edge of the foul ground which extends
Ytre Langholmen Light (63°11'N., 7°52'E.) leads S of Nodre 0.2 mile S of Innlandet.
Godtaren into Ytrefjorden. A 1m patch lies 160m NW of Skjerveskjeret; an isolated

When approaching from the N the white sector of Grip Light

6.31 7.9m patch lies the same distant SE.
leads between Griptarane and the dangers lying NW of Gjes- Linflua (63°06'N., 7°44'E.), with a charted depth of 4m, lies

lingskjer Light. on the SE extremity of the foul ground, 0.25 mile E of Skjerve-
From the vicinity of Grip Light proceed as indicated above.
6.31 skjeret. Sjursvikgrunnen, a 7.5m patch, lies 0.4 mile ENE of
Pilotage.—There is a pilot boarding station 1 mile NNW of
6.31 Linflua.
Grip Light. Bolgfallet, awash, lies near mid-channel, 0.8 mile S of Lin-

Caution.—Heavy seas in the passage SW of Gripholen to

6.31 flua. A 4.2m patch lies 183m WSW of Bolgfallet and Vestre
Ytrefjorden S of Smyla are created particularly by wind from Bolgfallet, a 5.2m patch, lies 91m farther WSW.
the NW. The waves will come straight in from the sea, turning Kopparholmflua, awash, lies 0.25 mile S of Vestre Bolgfall-

E, S of Smyla. With falling water, the current goes against the et.
waves and causes heavy and choppy sea. Kopparholmane, 3 small islets, lie on the S side of Bolgs-

When the waves come from between NW-SW, a refraction

6.31 vaet, 0.5 mile S of Linflua.
center will be created leeward of Griptarane. The conditions
become even worse when the tidal current toward the W is 6.35 Vikaholmen Light (63°06'N., 7°46'E.) stands on the
combined with falling water. Under such conditions, precipi- S point of Vikaholmen, about 1.25 miles E of Baltersneset.
tous breakers have been observed. Vikaholmen is connected to the land to the N by a breakwater.
Vikaholmflua, a 1.6m patch, lies 0.15 mile W of Vikaholmen

6.32 After proceeding from seaward through Gripholen, Light. A 7.4m patch lies 0.4 mile SE of the light.
vessels should pass SW in Indreleia, steering in the white sec- Anchorage may be taken on the E side of Vikaholmen, in

tor of Stavenes Light. Sondre Godtaren, with a charted depth of 15m, sand, with patches of rocks.
29m, lies within this light sector, about 0.8 mile S of Nordre Markussundet (63°06'N., 7°45'E.) lies between Innlandet,

Godtaren. on the W, and Nordlandet, on the E. Lights in line lead through

When the white sector of Raudsandnes Light (63°04'N.,
6.32 the fairway to the inner harbor of Kristiansund. Markussundet
7°41'E.), situated 2.75 miles S of Stavenes Light, comes ahead, it is deep and clear of dangers.
steer on that light and enter Bremsnesfjorden. Austre Fugloygrunnen (63°06'N., 7°47'E.), on the S side of

When approaching Bremsnesfjorden from the SW, the white

6.32 Bolgsvaet, lies about 0.1 mile ENE of Fugloya. It has a least

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 137

charted depth of 2m. Vorpholmbaen, a 5m patch, lies about 0.1 Kristiansund (63°07'N., 7°44'E.)
mile SE of Austre Fugloygrunnen.
Vorpholmen lies in the entrance to Bolgvagen, about 0.1
6.35 World Port Index No. 23100
mile S of Vorpholmbaen. A cable, with a vertical clearance of
30m, spans the narrow channel E of Vorpholmen. 6.37 During WWII, Kristiansund sustained heavy damage,
Bolgvagen (63°05'N., 7°47'E.) is entered E of Vorpholmen.
6.35 especially by a German bombardment in April of 1944. Com-
Husoya forms its W side. pletely rebuilt, it is now the home port for a large Norwegian
Close within the entrance, on the NE point of Husoya, there
6.35 trawler fleet.
are quays, totaling 110m in length, with depths of 13.6 to 3.3m Kristiansund is situated on three small islands facing the
alongside. Norwegian Sea. Its harbor is protected by an inlet in the adja-
cent island of Frei and by the island of Averoy, and is bound on
6.36 Omsundet extends E about 3 miles, from a position S the N by Kirkelandet and Gomalandet, on the S by Innlandet,
of Vikaholmen Light, to its junction with Arsundfjorden. The and on the E by Nordlandet.
fairway is spanned with overhead cables about 1 mile and 1.25 The town of Kristiansund stands on all sides of the harbor.

miles E of Vikaholmen Light. A bridge, with a vertical clear- Communications between the several parts are maintained by
ance of 18m over a width of 30m in mid-channel, also spans ferries. When approached from seaward no houses can be seen
the strait. until close to the harbor entrance.
Anchorage.—Anchorage, with mooring rings, for medium and

small vessels, is available in the SW part of Bolgvagen, in 16m, Port of Kristiansund Home Page
mud. Care should be taken to avoid the shoal bank which fringes
the S shore and a pipeline laid across the W part of the bay. http://www.knhavn.no
A light is situated on the foul ground in the center of the fair-

way, 0.7 mile E of the bridge. A beacon is situated on the foul Winds—Weather.—The predominant wind in Kristiansund

ground 160m ENE of the light. This area may be passed on ei- is from the S at a mean speed of 6 knots. However, in the
ther side. months of June, July, and August, in the afternoons, the winds
Omsundet is entered from Arsundfjorden N of Arholmen
6.36 shift to the NW and N at about 4 knots. During the months De-
(63°06'N., 7°53'E.), about 1 mile E of the bridge which spans cember through March, there are an average of 2 days a month
the fairway. with gale force winds of 34 knots or more.
Kristiansund may be entered from the E through Norsundet,
6.36 Tides—Currents.—The tidal range in Kristiansund is from

which is spanned by a bridge with vertical clearance of 28m. about 1 to 2m. The currents in Sorsundet and Norsundet some-
Kristiansund has a depth of 5.8m at LW. times reach a velocity of 3 knots.
Dalasundet extends ENE 1.75 miles from Norsundet and en-
6.36 The current in Sorsundet changes at HW and LW. The flow

ters Talgsjoen N of Kvitnes Light (63°08'N., 7°48'E.). is greatly influenced by the wind. In Norsundet, the current oc-
Tanker berths are situated in Dalasundet on NW side of Nor-
casionally changes with the tide, but is usually E.
sundet. Depths—Limitations.—The port is a main service base for

A light stands on the NW edge of the spit which extends W

the coastal exploration and development of oil and gas fields.
from a point that lies just over 1 mile ENE of the bridge which There are facilities for mooring semi-submersible rigs. Vesslsl
spans Norsundet. A rocky bank, with a depth of 7.5m, lies on with a maximum draft of 9.8m can be accommodated in the
the N side of the fairway 183m N of the light. port. Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table ti-
The white sector of Kvitnes Light, astern, leads NNW to-
tled Kristiansund—Berth Information.
ward Gripholen. Pilotage.—Pilotage is available. Pilots should be ordered

Talgsjoen is formed between Norlandet, on the SW side, and

through SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvitsoy
the islets W of Tustna, on the NE side. It leads to Arsund- Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
fjorden, Freifjorden, and to Dalasundet. Vessels should call the Kristiansund pilot station on VHF

Talgsjoen is deep and free of dangers; however, Talsgrun-

channel 16, at least 2 hours prior to arrival. If the station does
nane (63°10'N., 7°46'E.), a bank with a depth of 36m, lies 2 not respond, the Floro or Rogaland Coastal Radio Station will
miles NNW of Kvitnes Light, and Klakkane, with a depth of reply and relay information to the pilot station.
30m, lies 0.7 mile E of Talsgrunnane.

Kristiansund—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Fishing vessels, breakbulk,
No. 1 60m 4.5m 90m 4.0m — —
and bunkers.
Fishing vessels, breakbulk,
No. 2 90m 4.5m 90m 4.0m — —
and bunkers.

Pub. 182
138 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

Kristiansund—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Fishing vessels, breakbulk,
No. 3 80m 4.5m 90m 4.0m — —
and bunkers.
Offshore vessels and bun-
No. 5 60m 9.0m 140m — 28.0m —
No. 6 — 10.0m 250m — — — Cruise vessels, offshore ves-
sels, and bunkers. Continu-
No. 7 — 10.0m 250m — — — ous berthing length of 97m.
Cruise vessels, offshore ves-
No. 8 104m 10.0m 320m — — —
sels, and bunkers.
Cruise vessels, offshore ves-
No. 9 105m 9.0m 180m — — —
sels, and bunkers.
Ro/pax, ro-ro/lo-lo, trans-
No. 10 90m 8.0m 95m — — — shipment, offshore vessels,
fishing vessels, and bunkers.
Ro-pax, ro-ro freight, con-
tainers, offshore vessels,
No. 11 80m 8.0m 110m — 16.5m —
project/heavy cargo, and
No. 12 — 10.0m 260m — — — Fast ferries, ro-ro/lo-lo, ro/
pax, containers, offshore
vessels, project/heavy cargo,
No. 13 — 10.0m 260m — — — and bunkers. Continuous
berthing length of 205m.
Ro-pax, ro-ro freight, con-
tainers, offshore vessels,
Ro-ro 38m 17.0m 110m — — —
project/heavy cargo, and
Fishing Terminal
Fishing vessels, breakbulk,
Fisheries S 60 8.0m 130m — — —
and, bunkers.
No. 1 12m 6.0m 120m — 18.0m — Cement and bunkers.
Clean products, container,
No. 2 60m 10.0m 150m — 25.6m — breakbulk, and bunkers. 850
Clean products, container,
No. 3 45m 8.0m 100m — 17.0m —
steel products, and bunkers.
Clean products, ro-ro
No. 4 80m 1.00m 120m — 20.0m — freight, multipurpose, and
Clean products, ro-ro
No. 5 80m 10.0m 120m — 20.0m — freight, multipurpose, and

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 139

Kristiansund—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Chemicals, clean products,
No. 6 E — 130m — 20.0m — cement, multipurpose, and
Chemicals, clean products,
No. 6 W — 120m — 20.0m — cement, multipurpose, and
Chemicals, clean products,
No. 7 63m 120m — 20.0m — cement, multipurpose, and
bunkers. 620 teu.
Ro/pax, ro-ro freight, con-
No. 7 E 45m 9.0m 100m — 18.0m —
tainers, bunkers.
Clean products, ro.pax, ro-
No. 8 45m 230m — 28.0m — ro freight, containers, and
No. 9 40m 10.0m 140m — 16.5m — Chemicals and LNG.
ExxonMobil Terminal
Bunkering 33m 12.1m 119.9m — — — Clean products.
GC Rieber Marine Oils Terminal
CG Rieber Marine
120m 10.0m 110m — 17.0m — Clean products.
Norske Shell Kristiansund
Chemicals and clean prod-
Norske Shell 18 12.1m — — 26.0m 35,000 dwt
Veidekke Industri
Dirty products and bunkers.
Veidekke 15m — 135m — 23.0m — Berthing length of 70m (in-
cluding dolphins).
Kristiansund Fryseterminal
Clean products, containers,
80m 10.0m 150m 9.8m — — offshore, fishing, bunkers,
Kristiansund Base
Chemicals, containers, steel
East 70m — 135m — 22.5m — products, breakbulk, and
bunkers. 862 teu.
Aggregates, sand, and
Platform 90m — 90m — 25.0m —
Clean products, container,
West 80m — 150m — 25.0m —
breakbulk, and bunkers.
Dale Industripark Terminal
Project/heavy cargo and
No. 1 44m 7.5m 117m — 18.0m —
Project/heavy cargo, break-
No. 2 37m 10m 86m — 16.0m —
bulk, and bunkers.

Pub. 182
140 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

Kristiansund—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Clean products, project/
No. 3 60m 6m 90m — 14.5m — heavy cargo, breakbulk, and
Averoy Industripark
Clean products, containers
Averoy 240m 6m 150m — 25m —
breakbulk, and bunkers.
Aibel AS
Offshore vessels, project/
Northwest 105m 5m 81m — 16.0m —
heavy cargo, and bunkers.
Clean products, project/
South 52m 5-9m — — — —
heavy cargo, and bunkers.
Offshore vessels, project/
West 109m 5-12m — — — —
heavy cargo, bunkers.
Sub Sea Base
Ro/pax, ro-ro fright, con-
East 50m — 120m — 21.0m — tainers, breakbulk, and bun-
kers. Waiting berth.
Containers, breakbulk, and
West 40m — 90m — 14.5m —
bunkers. Waiting berth.
Skretting Averoy
Clean products, animal
feeds, and bunkers. Berthing
Averoy Jetty 54m — 120m — 18.0m —
length of 180m (including
Animal feeds, containers,
Northwest 40m — 100m — 16.0m —
and bunkers. 225 teu.
Southwest 33m — 100m — 16.0m — Animal feeds and bunkers.
Containers, steel products,
General Cargo 34m — 70m — 12.0m —
breakbulk, and bunkers.
Leroy Hydrotech Terminal
Containers, steel products,
Leroy Hydrotech 112m 2.0m 200m — 32.2m — fishing vessels, breakbulk,
and bunkers.
Hogset Terminal
No. 1 42m 8.2m 137.9m — — — Containers and reefer.

The pilot boards 1 mile NNW of Grip Light. Depending on

6.37 Regulations.—Within the harbor limits the speed of a vessel

weather conditions, vessels may be directed to proceed E of is to be no more than good seamanship and maneuverability re-
Grip Light to make boarding easier. quire.
Sea pilots are stationed at Kristiansund. They also act as har-
6.37 Speed is to be reduced to prevent wash in Norsundet W of

bor pilots, however, harbor pilotage is not compulsory for mer- Teistholmen; Markussundet, N of the cold store at Sjursvika;
chant ships. Sorsundet, E of the breakwater; Holmasundet; and Overvagen.

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 141

6.37 Kristiansund Harbor

Signals.—Berthing signals are shown from a signal mast

6.37 Contact Information.—See the table titled Kristiansund—

which stands on Storkaia. They consist of red, green, and white Contact Information.
flags by day and red, green, and white lights by night.
Kristiansund—Contact Information
Signal Meaning VHF VHF channel 12
One white Berth No. 1 Telephone 47-40-006504
Two white Berth No. 2
Facsimile 47-71-671483
Three white Berth No. 3 E-mail info@knhavn.no
One red Berth No. 4
Two red Berth No. 5 Anchorage.—There is limited anchorage for medium size

ships in the main port area, but there is ample space in the close
Three red Berth No. 6 approaches to the harbor with well sheltered holding ground, in
One green Berth No. 7 depths of 13 to 49m.
Two green Berth No. 8
6.38 In the vicinity of Kristiansund there are several fjords
Three green Berth No. 9 collectively known as Nordmorsfjordene. These fjords lie in
the N part of the district of More. They penetrate inland to po-
One red and one green Berth No. 10
sitions about 12 miles S and 35 miles SE and E of the town.
One white and one red Berth No. 11 The islands of Averoya (63°00'N., 7°30'E.), Frei, Tustna, Stab-

One white and one green Berth No. 12 ben, and Ertvagoya, lie, in that order, from W to E and are separat-
ed from the mainland by the outer fjords of Nordmorsfjordene.
Flashing green Anchor in the harbor Lauvoyfjorden (Lovofjorden) (63°00'N., 7°20'E.) lies on

Flashing white Close to hailing distance the W side of Averoya, and is entered from seaward by passing

Pub. 182
142 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

through the chain of islets which extend ENE from the vicinity astern, leads SE of Revsholmtaren and N of Steet into
of Kraka Light. Freifjorden. Once clear of the shoals, the fjord is almost entire-
There are several passages between the islets, all of them
6.38 ly clear of dangers in the fairway.
narrow and requiring local knowledge. The white sector of Skarvbergnes Light (63°05'N., 7°58'E.)

Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents run strongly in the

6.38 leads NNE into Freifjorden.
entrance to Lauvoyfjorden, with reported rates of up to 4 knots Kvisvikholmane (63°03'N., 7°57'E.), among which are Sto-

at half tide. Strong NW winds raise heavy seas during ebb cur- rholmen and Klubbholmen, lie up to 1 mile N of Aspoya on the
rents. In these circumstances, the entrance channels are diffi- E side of Freidfjorden.
cult to navigate. Arsundoya (63°06'N., 7°59'E.), situated close off the

Tovikholmen Light (62°59'N., 7°21'E.) is situated close off

6.38 Tingvoll Peninsula and about 2 miles E of Frei, lies at the junc-
the W extremity of Averoya. Trovikholmane lies in Lauvoy- tion of Freifjorden, Arsundfjorden, and Talgsjoen. Skarvberg-
fjorden, 0.75 mile NNE of the light. nes Light is situated on the SW extremity of Arsundoya.
Lauvoyfjorden is practically free of dangers, with the excep-

tion of Trovikholmane and Hjertvikholmane, which lies about The Inner Fjords
1 mile farther NE.
Kornstadfjorden (62°57'N., 7°25'E.) is entered from Lau-
6.38 6.41 The Tingvoll district occupies the greater part of a
voyfjorden SW of Tovikholmen Light, and leads 5 miles SE to peninsula, which has an average width of 4 miles and extends
its junction with Kvernesfjorden, off the S extremity of Ave- 30 miles NNW from the head of Sundalsfjorden. Tingvoll-
roya. fjorden and Sundalsfjorden lie on the W side of this peninsula,
Kvernesfjorden (62°57'N., 7°37'E.) trends NE from its
6.38 and are reached from Kvernesfjorden and Freifjorden through
junction with Kornstadfjorden for about 8 miles to the S end of Gjemnessundet or Bergsoysundet and Bergsoyfjorden.
Bremsnesfjorden. It is free of dangers in the fairway. Brems- Gjemnessundet (62°58'N., 7°48'E.) is entered between Kra-

nesfjorden is about 7 miles long from its seaward entrance. kholmen, which lies close off the SW extremity of Bergsoya,
and Ikkorneset, 1 mile WSW.
6.39 The S part of Bremsnesfjorden lies between Frei, on Seiholmane, situated on a shoal, awash, lies 0.4 mile WSW

the E side, and Averoya, on the W, and, apart from shoals of Krakholmen. Omolmane, on the W side of the fairway, lies
which are marked, is clear of dangers. 0.4 mile SSE of Seiholmane. A 7.3m rocky patch lies in the
Bremsnesfjorden is entered from S between Lundenes
6.39 fairway 0.7 mile ESE of Omolmane.
(63°00'N., 7°44'E.), the E extremity of Averoya, and Kvitneset, The Gjemnessund Bridge, with a vertical clearance of 42m

the S extremity of Flatsetoy, 1 mile NE. and a main span of 632m between two 108m high towers, ex-
Gullsetholmen, a small islet, lies on the W side of the fjord
6.39 tends SSW across Gjemnssundet from a position about 0.2
0.7 mile NNW of Lundenes. mile SE of Krakholmen Light (62°59'N., 7°47'E.).
Leitnes Light (63°02'N., 7°41'E.) stands on the W side of
6.39 Bergsoysundet is formed between Bergsoya, on the W, and

the fjord, 1.75 miles NW of Lundenes. The white sector of this Aspoya, on the E.
light leads into Bremsnesfjorden. Maloya, a small islet, is connected to the N extremity of

Steer to pass E of Leitnes Light, and bring the light, astern,

6.39 Bergsoya by a bridge.
which will lead N through the fjord and E of Raudsandnes Brusen (63°00'N., 7°52'E.) lies close NE of Maloya;

Light, situated 2.5 miles N. Skallen, a 7.3m patch, lies 0.4 mile NE of Brusen.
An overhead cable, with vertical clearance of 39m, spans
6.39 The tidal current in Bergsoysunde can be strong, especially

Bremsnesfjorden close N of Leitnes Light. when from the N.

Flatoya, Amundoya, Brattoya, Arholmen, and Tjuvholmen

(63°04'N., 7°42'E.) lie off the W coast of Frei, from 0.5 to 1 6.42 Bergsoyfjorden extends about 5 miles ENE from its
mile SE of Raudsandnes Light. W entrance, at the junction with Gjemnessundet. Except for the
Freifjorden (63°03'N., 7°55'E.) is entered between Flatsetoy
6.39 shoals, which are marked, the fjord is clear of dangers.
and Bergsoya, 2 miles SE. It leads 7 miles NE. Freifjorden is Bergsoyholmen (62°58'N., 7°53'E.) lies close offshore, 0.2

formed between Frei, on the W side, and Bergsoya, Aspoya, mile SE of the E extremity of Bergsoya. A shoal, awash, lies at
and the NW part of the Tingvoll peninsula, on the E. the extremity of the foul ground which extends 0.4 mile SW of
Freines Light (63°01'N., 7°49'E.) stands on the S extremity
6.39 Bergsoyholmen.
of Frei, 0.75 mile E of Flatsetoy. Refsholmtaren, a 2.4m shoal Kvalvagholmen Light (62°59'N., 8°00'E.), situated at the

patch, lies 0.8 mile SSW from the light. SE entrance point of Bergsoyfjorden, lies 3.5 miles SE of
6.40 Steet (63°00'N., 7°48'E.), consisting of islets and Vessels may enter Bergsoyfjorden from Gjemnessundet as

rocks, awash, lies 0.5 mile S of Revsholmtaren. Jaholmen lies previously directed. When clear of that fairway, steer in the
0.7 mile E, and an 8.8m rocky patch, lies 0.6 mile ENE, respec- white sector of Kvalvagholmen Light. When S of Bergshol-
tively, from Steet. men, steer to pass about 0.3 mile N of that light.
Vessels may enter Freifjorden by steering in the white sector
6.40 Vessels entering Bergsoyfjorden from Bergsoysundet, when

of Freines Light, which leads between Revsholmtaren and clear of the SW extremity of Apsoya, steer in the white sector
Revsholmen (63°01'N., 7°47'E.), a small islet 0.85 mile WSW of Kvalvagholmen Light. Then steer to pass N of the light, then
of Freines Light. into Tingvollfjorden.
The white sector of Strandanes Light (62°59'N., 7°42'E.),
6.40 Batnfjorden (62°56'N., 7°45'E.) leads 5 miles SW from

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 143

Gjemnessundet and Bergsoyfjorden. The fjord is clear of dan- An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 46m, spans

gers but there are no anchorages. Sunndalsfjorden, about 2 miles SE of Flaoya.

Batnfjordsoren, at the head of the fjord, is the administrative
6.42 The white sector of Flaoya Light, astern, leads ESE in Sun-

center for the district. On the S side of the bay there is a quay, dalsfjorden, but patches of 7.3 and 9.1m, lie within this sector
10m long, with a depth of 3.1m alongside. about 0.3 mile ESE of Flaoya.
Tingvollfjorden is entered between Kvalvagholmen
6.42 Sunndalsora (62°41'N., 8°33'E.) (World Port Index No.

(62°59'N., 8°00'E.) and Strupneset, 1.5 miles N, and extends 23105) lies on the E side of Sunndalsfjorden, near its head.
19 miles SE. Sundalsfjorden continues 5 miles farther SE. The Depths—Limitations.—The Sunndalsora Quay is located at

fjord is to a large extent clear of dangers and is not difficult to the Hydro Aluminum Terminal. The quay is 305m in length
navigate. and vessels up to 200m in length, 11m draft, 32.5m beam, and
Ekremsholmane (63°00'N., 8°02'E.) lie up to 0.45 mile off-
6.42 50,000 dwt can be accommodated. The quay handles coal, pet-
shore, on the NE side of the fjord, 1.5 miles NNE of Kvalvag- coke, ro-ro/lo-lo, containers, steel products, breakbulk, and
holmen. bunkers. A ro-ro ramp is located E of the quay; LNG is trans-
Sognskjer Light is situated on the W side of the fjord, 4.75
6.42 ferred by a road tanker.
miles SSE of Kvalvagholmen. The white sector of Sognskjer Pilotage.—For pilotage information, see paragraph 6.37.

Light leads through the N part of Tingvollfjorden. Contact Information.—See the table titled Sunndalsora—

Anchorage is available in Gagnat, 0.5 mile WNW of Sogn-

6.42 Contact Information.
skjer Light, in depths of 35 to 45m, sand and clay, steeply
shelving. It is advisable to lay out hawsers to the shore. Sunndalsora—Contact Information
A 1.2m patch lies in mid-channel, 0.75 mile SE of Sognskjer

Light. A 3.4m patch, marked by a beacon, lies 0.5 mile SSW of VHF VHF channels 9 and 16
the 1.2m patch. Telephone 47-71-693453
The white sector of Sognskjer Light, astern, leads S in

Facsimile 47-71-693607
Tingvollfjorden, W of the above dangers.

6.43 Tingvollvagen (62°54'N., 8°11'E.), an inlet on the E Krokshavn (62°41'N., 8°32'E.), situated on the W shore of

side of the fjord 1.5 miles SSE of Sognskjer Light, affords an- Sunndalsfjorden WSW of Sunndalsora, has two bunkering
chorage at its head, in 15m, clay. quays, each 9m long, with 2.8 to 10m alongside. A quay at the
Tingvoll, at the head of Tingvollvagen, is the administrative
power station is 55m long, with depths of 6.2 to 18m along-
center for the district. Near the church is a quay, 7m long, with side.
a depth of 4m alongside. There is also a quay near the ferry
berth at the head of the inlet; it is 25m long, with depths of 0.6 6.45 From Arsundfjorden (63°07'N., 8°00'E.),
to 5m alongside. Halsefjorden and Trongfjorden (Trangfjorden), which lie E of
Angvik (62°53'N., 8°06'E.) lies on the W side of the fjord, 2
the Tingvoll Peninsula, lead SSE and give access to a group of
miles SSW of Sognskjer Light. Anchorage may be taken off fjords which include Bofjorden, Alvunfjorden, Stangvik-
Angvik, in 18 to 40m, clay. Southwest winds can raise a con- fjorden, Todalsfjorden, Surnadalsfjorden, and Hamnesfjorden.
siderable sea in the bay, and it is advisable to lay out hawsers to Arsundfjorden is entered between Arsundoya and Krakoya,

the shore. 1.75 miles N. The fjord leads 5 miles E from its junction with
Berths are situated at an iron ore and gravel works situated
Talgsjoen and Freifjorden, S of Tustna.
on the W side of the fjord, 3 miles S of Angvik. There are Arsundbaen (63°07'N., 8°02'E.) lies on the S side of the

depths of 4 to 10.3m alongside the quays. fjord, about 1.2 miles ENE of Arsundoya. Rocks, awash, lie
At Rausand, close S of the iron ore works, there is a quay,
close W.
12m long, with depths of 2.6 to 4.4m alongside. Hestholmen, with foul ground W and NW of it, lies 0.3 mile

offshore, 1.5 miles E of Arsundbaen. A 1.2m patch lies about

6.44 Meloy Light (62°48'N., 8°18'E.) is situated on an is- 0.6 mile ESE.
let in the middle of Tingvollfjorden, 5 miles SE of Rausand. Volongoya (63°08'N., 8°09'E.) lies on the S side of Arsund-

The white sector of the light leads ESE from the vicinity of fjorden, 2 miles ENE of Hestholmen. Langskjera, on which a
Rausand. beacon stands, lies 0.2 mile N of Volongoya; Hattholmen lies
Flaoya Light stands on the SW side of Flaoya, 5 miles ESE
about 0.1 mile off its SW point.
of Meloy Light. The white sector of Haukomin Light (63°09'N., 8°16'E.)

The fairway, either N or S of Meloy Light, is free of charted

leads through Arsundfjorden to the entrance of Halsefjorden
dangers. and into Korsnesfjorden.
The white sector of Flaoya Light leads about 4 miles SE in

Tingvollfjorden from the vicinity of Meloy. 6.46 Halsefjorden (63°04'N., 8°12'E.) is entered between
Oksendal (62°43'N., 8°26'E.) is situated at the head of a
Furuholmane, 0.4 mile SE of Hestholmen, and Volongoya. It
cove entered about 1 mile SSW of Flaoya. Good anchorage is leads 9 miles SSE from Arsundfjorden into Trongfjorden
available off the public jetty, in clay, where the depths change (Trangfjorden).
less rapidly than elsewhere. Furunes Light stands on Furuneset, near the W entrance to

Sunndalsfjorden leads 5 miles SSE from Flaoya to Sunndal-

Halsefjorden. The white sector of this light leads from Kors-
sora. nesfjorden into Halsefjorden, keeping SE of Volongoya.

Pub. 182
144 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

By Carl S Bj (Own work), [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://crearivecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)], via Wikimedia Commons

Sunndalsfjorden and the Sunndal Aluminum Works as viewed from Litjkalkinn summit

Anchorage is available off Vikan, on the W shore, about 1

6.46 of Bofjorden, about 0.8 mile within the entrance. Numerous
mile SSE of Furuneset, in 9 to 22m. dangers lie on the N side of the fairway, N and NE of the light.
Saksnes Light (63°02'N., 8°14'E.), situated on the E side of
6.46 Trongfjorden (Trangfjorden) continues 2 miles SE from the

the fjord 5.5 miles SSE of Furuneset, bearing between 147° entrance to Bofjorden, to an exit between Aksneset (62°57'N.,
and 157° leads through the N part of Halsefjorden; pass W of 8°20'E.) and Batvikneset, a promontory, 1.25 miles ENE. A
this light and bring it astern bearing between 312° and 320°, light is situated on Aksneset; a cable with a vertical clearance
which leads into Trongfjorden (Trangfjorden). of 35m spans Trongfjorden (Trangfjorden), close N of Aksne-
An ammunition dump is charted with its center situated
6.46 set.
about 0.9 mile SSE of Saksnes Light.
Bofjorden is entered on the E side of Halsefjorden, 3 miles
6.46 6.47 Trongfjorden (Trangfjorden) exits into a basin from
SE of Saksnes Light, and leads 2 miles E. Asskardfjorden con- which several fjords open; they are discussed in order from S to
tinues 3 miles farther E. N.
Bosundet, the narrow channel leading from Bofjorden into
6.46 Alvunfjorden (62°54'N., 8°22'E.) is entered between Aks-

Asskardfjorden, has a least depth of 6.7m. It is spanned by a neset and Nesoya, 2.75 miles SSE. For the most part the fjord
drawbridge with a vertical clearance of 2m when closed. is clear of dangers and is easy to navigate.
Staknes Light (63°01'N., 8°21'E.) is situated on the SE side
6.46 The white sector of the light on Aksneset, bearing astern,

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 145

leads into the N part of Alvunfjorden, keeping E of the dangers 30m over the E channel.
which lie SSE of the light.
Meisingsetvagen is entered on the S side of Alvunfjorden,
6.47 6.49 Solemsundet (63°12'N., 8°11'E.) leads from the N
about 4 miles SSE of Aksneset. It extends about 2 miles SW. side of Korsnesfjorden between Tustna and Stabben, 5.5 miles
Alvund lies at the head of Alvundfjorden. It is connected to
6.47 NNW to Edoyfjorden. It has been reported to be navigable by
the national road network. vessels of 90m length, 13m beam and 6m draft.
Stangvikfjorden is entered between Nesoya and Soloyet
6.47 Halsneset Light, situated on the SE extremity of Tustna, and

(62°57'N., 8°26'E.), 2 miles NNE. other lights in Solemsundet provide marks for vessels in tran-
A bank, which dries in places and is marked by a beacon, ex-
6.47 sit. A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 18m, spans the chan-
tends 0.2 mile offshore, 0.8 mile S of Soloyet. nel 3 miles within its S entrance. An overhead cable, with a
Rokkem Light (62°53'N., 8°30'E.), situated on the S side of
6.47 vertical clearance of 20m, spans the channel close N of the
Stangvikfjorden, 3.75 miles within its entrance, is a good mark bridge.
for entering the fjord. This light bearing between 133° and Imarsundet (63°12'N., 8°18'E.), a shallow passage, is en-

151°, ahead, leads into the fjord, clear of the dangers. Pass on tered from S between Oykan, the SE point of Stabben, and the
the N side of the light, then bring it astern bearing between SW point of Ertvagoya and leads NNW between these two is-
272° and 282°, which will lead into Todalsfjorden. lands for a distance of 4.5 miles, then 2 miles farther NNW into
Todalsfjord is entered E of Flesa (62°52'N., 8°35'E.), a low
6.47 Edoyfjorden.
islet lying close off a headland, 2.5 miles ESE of Rokkem The fairway of Imarsundet, off the N point of Stabben, is

Light, and extends 4.5 miles SSE. spanned by an overhead cable with a vertical clearance of 20m.
Todalsfjorden ices over every year; in severe winters the ice
6.47 Arasvikfjorden (63°09'N., 8°25'E.) is entered between Tak-

extends into Stangvikfjorden. neset (63°09'N., 8°20'E.), and the SW extremity of Ertvagoya,
A good anchorage is available in Svinvik, on the E side of
6.47 0.9 mile NNW, and leads 7 miles ENE to Aroya, an islet lying
the fjord 1.75 miles SSE of Flesa, in 17 to 19m, sand. The an- on the W side of the entrance to Auresundet.
chorage is exposed to mountain squalls. The fjord is, for the most part, clear of dangers and is steep-

An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 65m, spans

6.47 to up to the shore.
Todalsfjorden close S of Svinvik. Risholmen Light (63°09'N., 8°32'E.) stands on an islet 5

Todalsfjorden Light (62°50'N., 8°38'E.) stands on the W

6.47 miles E of Takneset. A white sector of the light leads through
shore 2.25 miles SSE of Flesa. The white sector of the light the W part of Arasvikfjorden, clear of the dangers.
leads through the N part of Todalsfjorden. With the light bear- A white sector of Risholmen Light, bearing astern, leads

ing between 271° and 285°, astern, transit may be made toward through the E part of Arasvikfjorden, keeping NW of Aroya
the head of the bay. (63°11'N., 8°36'E.), and into Auresundet. Another white sector
A good anchorage is available on the W side of the head of
6.47 leads S of Aroya and into Vinjefjorden.
the fjord, in 16m, clay, close N of Todalen. Valsoyfjorden is entered between Otneset (63°08'N.,

8°31'E.) and Stokkneset, 1.75 miles NE, and leads 4.5 miles
6.48 Surnadalsfjorden extends 4.5 miles E from its en- SE.
trance between Torvikneset (62°57'N., 8°26'E.) and Kjer- Valsoya and Kjoloya lie on the S side of Korsnesfjorden, in

groneset, 0.7 mile NW. the entrance to Valsoyfjorden. Although the outer part of Val-
There are two quays, each 10m long, located at Arnes, a vil-
6.48 soyfjorden is foul, it is well marked. Channels leading E and W
lage on the N side of the fjord, situated 0.8 mile NE of Torvi- of Valsoya each have a least depth of 3.8m. A bridge, with a
kneset. There are depths of 7.5 to 8.5m and 3 to 7.5m, vertical clearance of 24m, spans the E channel.
respectively, alongside the quays. Valsoyfjorden is often frozen in winter.

Hamnesfjorden is entered W of Kjergroneset (62°58'N.,

6.48 An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 28m, spans

8°28'E.) and leads 5 miles NE. Vargoya, a small islet, lies 0.25 Valsoyfjorden 2.25 miles within its entrance.
mile W of Kjergroneset A shoal, awash, lies off the SW point Vessels should not enter Valsoyfjorden without local knowl-

of the islet. Hamnesfjorden affords shelter for small vessels. edge.

Korsnesfjorden is entered from Arsundfjorden N of Volon-

goya (63°08'N., 8°09'E.) and leads 5 miles E between Tunsta 6.50 Auresundet is entered at the E end of Arasvikfjorden
and Stabben on the N and the mainland on the S, into Arasvik- E of Rumpenneset (63°11'N., 8°35'E.), the SE extremity of
fjorden. Ertvagoya, and leads 7 miles NNW between Ertvagoya, Rot-
Haukomkin Light (63°09'N., 8°16'E.) is situated on the S
6.48 toya, and Ruoya on the W, and the mainland, on the E, into
shore of Korsnesfjorden, about 3 miles E of Volongoya. Gjerdesvika. It has been reported to be navigable by vessels up
The white sector of Haukomkin Light leads from Arsund-
6.48 to 90m in length, 13m beam, and 6m draft.
fjorden, N of Volongoya, toward the entrance to Skalvik- The tidal current in Auresundet is usually flowing N and

fjorden. Overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 40m, span strongest during the rising tide. There may, however, be a S
Korsnesfjorden, close E of Haukomkin Light. flow during the falling tide, which is considered to be a sign of
Skalvikfjorden, a relatively shallow fjord, extends 4.5 miles
6.48 bad weather at sea. The flow can be strong in the narrows at the
SSE from its entrance, close SW of Haukomkin Light. N end of Auresundet.
One mile within the entrance of the fjord, an islet lies in the
6.48 A light stands on the W extremity of Vikaneset (63°12'N.,

center of the fjord. An overhead cable spans the fjord at the is- 8°36'E.) just over 1 mile NNE of Rumpenneset. A white sector
let, with a vertical clearance of 26m over the W channel and of the light leads W of Aroya and E of a spit with 1m depth 0.5

Pub. 182
146 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

mile NNW of Aroya. Another white sector of the light leads E 32 miles ENE of Halten.
of Aroya and N into Auresundet. Store Kopperen (63°48'N., 8°44'E.), 476m high, rises about

There is anchorage, in 22m, in a cove W of the light on

6.50 3 miles ENE of Tonnelsfjell. It resembles a haystack. In clear
Vikaneset. weather, Store Kopperen may be seen from 40 miles distant.
A cable spans Auresundet between Rottoya and the main-
6.50 On Linesoya, an island 14.5 miles SE of Halten, Linesfjell

land. It has a vertical clearance of 30m. (64°01'N., 9°54'E.), rises to a height of 229m. Linesfjell is sep-
The white sector of the light on Vikaneset, bearing astern,
6.50 arated from a similar height by a steep cleft with a small round
leads farther N into Auresundet. A shoal patch with a depth of knot in it.
2.7m, lies within these bearings close NE of the N point of Rot- Almeningskollen, situated on an island about 16 miles E of

toya. The light bearing 151° leads through the narrows between Halten, can be seen from a distance of 15 to 20 miles. It ap-
Rottoya and the mainland. pears rounded from W or N, and is easily identified. Tron-
Sveholmen Light (63°17'N., 8°29'E.) is situated on the SW
6.50 ningsfjell, 297m high, rises about 5 miles SE of
extremity of Sveholmen. The white sector of this light leads Almeningskollen, can be seen from 15 to 17 miles seaward. It
NE of Ruoya. When NE of Ruoya steer a mid-channel course is marked by a conspicuous slanting road.
and pass SW of Sveholmen Light and then into Gjerdesvika.
Transit of Auresundet should not be attempted without local 6.53 Reimane (63°31'N., 7°50'E.) lies in the S part of a
knowledge. large area of low light-colored rocks which cannot be distin-
Vinjefjorden continues E from Arasvikfjorden, and leads 10
6.50 guished from afar. Storbaen lies on the NE edge of this group.
miles E from Aroya to Vinjeora, at its head. Small islets, surrounded by above and below water rocks, ex-

Hovedehammaren Light (63°12'N., 8°51'E.) is situated on

6.50 tend about 12 miles N from the W extremity of Froya, then
the S side of the fjord, 6.75 miles within its entrance. continue about 35 miles NE terminating in the Halten Islands.
A white sector of the light ahead, leads through the W part of
6.50 Below-water rocks and dangers extend from 6 to 8 miles out-

Vinjefjorden; another white sector, bearing astern, leads side this line of islets, and in general the islets are not easily
through the E part of the fjord to its head. identified. The entire area should be given a good berth as it is
Anchorage is available WNW of Vinjeora, in 16 to 20m,
6.50 dangerous. The 200m curve lies within a short distance of the
sand and clay. outer dangers and soundings afford little warning.
Caution.—A bridge, with a maximum clearance of 15m, has
6.50 The most important lights along this coast, from S to N, are

been constructed spanning the N part of Auresundet. Haugjegla Light, situated 4 miles N of Smola; Sletringen
Light (63°40'N., 8°16'E.), situated close off the W extremity of
The Outer Coast—Kristiansund to Trondheim Froya, about 11 miles NE of Haugjegla Light; and Sula Light
(63°51'N., 8°28'E.), situated on the N part of Store Sula, well
6.51 From Grip Light(63°14'N., 7°37'E.), at the seaward inside the dangers, about 12 miles NNE of Sletringen Light.
end of Gripholen, the islands and rocks off the coast extend Farther N are Vingleia Light (63°55'N., 8°41'E.), situated 7

about 75 miles NE to the island of Halten. miles NE of Sula Light; Finnvaer Light (64°04'N., 9°07'E.),
The Halten Islands are situated on the W side of the entrance
6.51 situated in an islet group about 22 miles NE of Sula Light; and
to Frohavet, the primary approach channel from N to Trond- Halten Light (64°10'N., 9°25'E.), situated on the W side of the
heim, a distance of about 75 miles, through the various chan- entrance to Frohavet about 10 miles NE of Finnvaer Light. A
nels. racon is located at Halten Light.
The three large islands of Smola, Hitra, and Froya front this
6.51 There are numerous lights and navigational aids charted

stretch of coast. Smola, the farthest S, is low-lying in compari- along this section of the coast.
son with the mainland and other islands in its vicinity. It rises
to a height of about 67m at the SE end. Hitra, situated NE, is 6.54 Gripholen is the principal S approach from seaward
the highest, about 305m high, and the largest of the three. to Trondheimsleia, but it may also be entered through Ramsoy-
Froya, the farthest N, lies close N of Hitra. fjorden, which is entered about 24 miles NNE of Grip Light.
Numerous small islands, islets, and dangers extend seaward
6.51 Ramsoyfjorden is formed between Smola, on the W side,

to a distance of about 8 miles from Smola and up to 12 miles N and Hitra, on the E. It leads about 8 miles SSE toward a junc-
and more than 30 miles. tion with Trondheimsleia.
The tidal currents usually set ENE with the rising tide and
6.51 A submarine gas pipeline extends from Heidrun (65°19.5N.,

WSW with the falling tide, following the trend of the coast. 7°19.1E.), a platform described in paragraph 7.1, to Tjeldber-
Caution.—Several environmentally sensitive sea areas, with
6.51 godden (63°25'N., 8°42'E.) and enters Ramsoyfjorden about
trawling restrictions and best seen on the chart, lie E and S of 0.5 miles W of Saebuodden Light (63°29.4N., 8°14.3E.). The
Storeneset (63°44.7'N., 5°20.2'E.). These areas lie approxi- pipeline then extends to a position 3 miles NNW of Rognannes
mately 40 miles W of Froya Bank (63°46.8'N., 7°21.3'E.). Light, where it extends SSE to a position about 0.2 mile SW of
6.52 Morkedalstua (63°30'N., 8°31'E.), in the SW part of
Hitra, and Havikfjellet, 5 miles NE, are both conspicuous. 6.55 Tjeldbergodden (63°25'N., 8°42'E.) is the site of a
When approaching the coast, at a distance of 5 or 10 miles N
6.52 methanol terminal. The pipeline comes ashore on the E side of
of Halten, the land may be seen as far as Tonnelsfjell, 372m the terminal. A safety zone extends up to 0.3 mile seaward of
high, which rises about 24 miles SSE of Halten. the terminal.
To the N, Oksbasheia, 228m high, is visible at a distance of
6.52 Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 54,000 dwt, 190m in

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 147

6.55 Tjeldbergodden Methanol Terminal

length, and 7.9m draft can be accommodated. 6.56 Steinsoy, close off the NE coast of Smola, 5.75 miles
At the Methanol Plant Terminal the Methanol Berth is 78m
6.55 SSE of Haugjegla Light, and Saebuoy (63°30'N., 8°15'E.), 3
in length with depths 12.9 to 16.3m alongside. Vessels up to miles ENE are the N entrance points of Ramsoyfjorden. A light
54,000 dwt, 190m in length, and 7.9m draft can be accommo- is situated on the SW end of Saebuoy.
dated. This berth handles methanol. Tides—Currents.—In Ramsoyfjorden, the tidal currents set

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or-

6.55 S with the rising tide and N with the falling tide. The N current
dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvit- is always stronger, and when it is opposed by N winds at
soy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. The pilot springs, considerable turbulence occurs in the NW entrance to
boards about 1 mile NNW of Grip Light. the fjord.
Vessels should contact the Kristainsund pilot station on VHF
6.55 Kvaloy Light (63°24.6'N., 7°50.8'E.) stands on the W end of

channel 16 about 2 hours prior to arrival at the pilot boarding Kvaloya, close E of Maholmen.
position. Vessels that call on VHF channel 16 will be connect- Dyrnes Light (63°26'N., 7°51'E.) stands at the N entrance

ed to the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center via Floro Coast Radio point of Dyrnesvagen, a cove on the NW side of Smola; the
Station or Rogaland Coast Radio Station if the station does not white sector of the light leads towards the cove from the vicini-
respond. ty of Store Kvaloya.
Product tankers should send their ETA via their agent 72
6.55 Dyrnesvagen is protected from NW by a breakwater that ex-

hours prior to arrival. Confirmations should be sent 48 hours, tends 160m SW from Kalvoya, about 0.15 mile NW of Dyrnes
24 hours, and 12 hours prior to arrival. Any changes to the ETA Light. The breakwater has several alongside berths on its NE
must be sent immediately. side; the berths have lengths of 12 to 40m, with alongside
Coaster and dry cargo vessels shall send their ETA via their
6.55 depths of 3 to 7m.
agent 24 hours prior to arrival. The terminal shall be contacted Sorgrunnen (63°33'N., 8°00'E.) and Nordgrunnen, patches

no later than 30 minutes prior to arrival on VHF channel 11 to with depths of 20 and 32m, lie in the NW approach to Ramsoy-
receive berthing instructions. fjorden, 1.25 and 1.75 miles, respectively, NE of Haugjegla
Main Control Room—Contact Information Gjesingboerne, awash in places, lies 2 miles NW of Steinsoy,

and Mefjordbaen, a drying patch, lies 1.25 miles ENE of that

Call sign Statoil Tjeldbergodden island.
VHF VHF channels 11 and 16 Austre Reiflua (63°27'N., 8°13'E.), a 6m patch, lies in the

fairway about 2 miles SE of Steinsoy. Ramsoybaen, drying and

Telephone 47-71-649393
marked by a beacon, lies on the E side of the fairway 2.75
Facsimile 47-71-649055 miles SSE of Austre Reiflua. Fosflua, a 6m patch, lies 1.5
miles SSE of Ramsoybaen. Ramsoygalten, marked by a bea-
con, lies 1.5 miles SE of Fosflua. Austklakkane, 10m patches,

Pub. 182
148 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

lies 1.25 miles ENE of Ramsoygalten. altered S, steering to pass from 4 to 5 miles E of the light and
Shoal water extends about 2 miles into Ramsoyfjorden from
6.56 then in about mid-channel.
the E coast of Smola, and 1.75 miles W from Hitra. Vessels proceeding from the N should approach Halten Light

on a bearing of about 183°, so as to pass well W of the dangers

6.57 Vessels may approach Ramsoyfjorden from N or NW off the mainland; they should then pass E of the light and
by steering in the white sector of the light on the SW side of through mid-channel as directed above.
Saebuoy. Steer to a position 1.5 miles NW of the light and en- Tides—Currents.—Currents in Frohavet flow S on the ris-

ter the white sector of Remmingskjer Light (63°22'N., ing tide and N on the falling tide. These directions are opposite
8°17'E.), which course leads into Ramsoyfjorden, between the those at Halten and farther seaward. During the rising tide, the
dangers off each coast of the fjord. current runs S to join the flood current in Trondheimsleia.
When the vessel is abeam of Fosflua, with the light about 2
6.57 The tidal current often runs strongly, notably on the W side

miles distant, steer SE to pass about midway between Rem- of Frohavet.

mingskjer Light and Ramsoygalten and enter Trondheimsleia, When a S or SW gale is imminent, there is usually a W flow

steering as required to destination. in Frohavet. In winter, an E and N flow is considered a sure in-
Froyfjorden (63°40'N., 8°40'E.) lies 9 miles N of the W en-
6.57 dication of an E gale.
trance to Ramsoyfjorden. The whole W side of Hitra from An unusually strong flood current is considered to be an in-

Saebuoy to the entrance of Froyfjorden is fronted by islets dication of W or NW gales. An unusually low tide is an indica-
which extend up to 4.5 miles offshore. tion of N winds.
Froyfjorden extends about 16 miles ENE from its W en-
6.57 The W side of Frohavet is comparatively free from dangers,

trance, S of Sletringen Light, and leads into Frohavet. but the E side is encumbered by numerous fringing islands and
The W half of the fjord is relatively free from danger, but the
6.57 shoals.
E half is narrow and encumbered with many dangers in or near Borklakken, a shoal with a least charted depth of 8.5m, lies

the fairway. Local knowledge is necessary to transit this fjord. on the E side of the entrance about 6 miles NNW of Almening-
Regulations.—A speed limit of 5 knots is in force along the
6.57 skollen (64°11'N., 10°01'E.), the summit of Almenningen, and
coastal waters of Ulvoya (63°40'N., 8°04'E.) and Fjellvaeroy, Ranen, with a least charted depth of 4.9m lies about 5 miles
Lille Helsoy (63°40'N., 8°04'E.), Store Helsoya, Kvaenvaer, NW of the summit.
and Kvernvaer. This speed limit applies to all vessels except Ravnfaldet, awash, 3.25 miles W of the S point of Almennin-

those engaged in operations for the Norwegian armed forces or gen, is the farthest W of the dangers off that island.
craft engaged in emergency police, custom, fire fighting, am- Flessa (64°06'N., 9°54'E.) is the largest and farthest N of a

bulance, or search and rescue missions. group of islets situated about 5 miles SW of Almenningen. The
islets and shoal water extend 3.5 miles farther SW.
6.58 Kya (63°46'N., 8°19'E.), marked by a light, is a small Borklakken and Ranen are considered the most dangerous of

islet situated 6 miles N of Sletringen Light. the shoals W of Almenningen.

Foul ground extends 2.5 miles SW from Kya, and the same

distance NNW. Synstflua, a 9m patch, lies 2.75 miles WSW 6.60 Melsteinen (63°58'N., 9°35'E.), comprised of a group
and Oreklakken, with a least charted depth of 13m, lies 3.25 of low flat islets and rocks lying between 8 and 15 miles SW of
miles WNW, respectively, from Kya. They are the farthest W Flessa, is separated from that island group by a deep wide
of these dangers. channel.
Sula Light (63°51'N., 8°27'E.) is located about 6 miles NE
6.58 In the Melsteinen group, the tidal currents are S on the rising

of Kya, at the S end of Froan. tide and N on the falling tide. The currents are strong and con-
Froan, the waters lying between Sula and Halten, 30 miles
6.58 siderable overfalls occur.
NE, are foul and large areas are not navigable. A few channels To the SSW of Melsteinen is the Tarva Group of islets and

lead between the islets and reefs, but local knowledge is essen- rocks. which lie from 7 to 12 miles distant from the light in
tial. Melsteinen. Husoya is the largest islet in the group. A light is
Vingleia, entered 7.5 miles NNE of Sula, affords the only
6.58 situated on a small islet off the N extremity of Husoya.
passage for large vessels, in the vicinity, from the sea to Fro- Krakvagfjorden (63°40'N., 9°15'E.) connects Frohavet and

havet, but as the entrance is difficult to distinguish, use of the Trondheimsleia, and leads on the E side of Ulvoya and Fjell-
channel is not recommended unless a local mariner is em- vaeroya, and W of Krakvagoya.
barked. Tides—Currents.—In the vicinity of Flesa, in the center of

Krakvagfjorden, the incoming current sets S during the rising

6.59 Frohavet, a deep arm of the sea, is entered between tide, continuing so as to pass on either side of Sore Leksa and
Halten Light (64°10'N., 9°25'E.) and Almenningen, an island Nordre Leksa, and join the E flood current in Trondheimsleia.
situated 16 miles E. The channel leads SSW to Krakvag- The outgoing currents set in the opposite directions.
fjorden, and is formed between Froan and Froya on the W side
and the islands lying off the mainland on the E. 6.61 Gronholmen Light (63°41'N., 9°09'E.) stands on
From a position 5 miles E of Halten, the distance to Trond-
6.59 Gronholmen, 9 miles SW of Husoya, in a position about 1 mile
heim is 75 miles. off the E coast of Ulvoya.
Vessels bound for Trondheim and entering Frohavet from the
6.59 Tarnet, above water in places, lies on the E side of the en-

offing W of Halten should keep at least 5 miles N of Halten trance to Krakvagfjorden, about 5 miles ENE of Gronholmen
Light. When the light bears not less than 236°, course may be Light. Ugsteinskjerane, with a least charted depth of 4.6m, lies

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 149

2.25 miles SW and an 18.3m patch lies 2 miles WSW, respec- the most part, is free from sunken dangers. It can be navigated
tively, from Tarnet. by the largest vessels.
Flesa Light (63°39'N., 9°14'E.) is situated on the W side of
6.61 Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in Trondheimsleia set E

Krakvagfjorden, 3 miles SE of Gronholmen Light. A racon is with the rising tide and W with the falling tide. At the narrows,
located at the light tower which stands on Flesa Islet. about 25 miles ENE of Tyrhaug Light, they run with considerable
The dangers off Fjellvaeroya lie W of a line joining these
6.61 velocity.
two lights. A patch, with a depth of 20m, is charted 0.45 mile N Gjerdesvika leads 7 miles E from the junction of Edoy-

of Flesa Light. A pilot boarding station is located 0.75 mile NE fjorden and Trondheimsleia.
of the light. Tidal currents flow to the E on the rising tide and W on the

Krakvagoya, 31m high, is situated 2.25 miles E of Flesa

6.61 ebb. The flow can be strong in the W entrance.
Light. Kommersoyflua, a 7.3m patch, lies 0.6 mile SSE.
A vessel bound for Trondheim should pass in mid-channel E
6.61 6.63 Svartskjeret (63°18'N., 8°18'E.) lies near the center
of Flesa Light and then round the SW end of Krakvagoya at a of the E entrance to Gjerdesvika, 2 miles SE of Tyrhaug Light.
distance of about 1 mile. It is marked by a beacon. A chain of islets extends ENE from
Course should then be altered to pass about midway between
6.61 Svartskjeret to Grisvagoya, about 2 miles distant.
Nordre Leksa, 3 miles SSE of Krakvagoya, and Smellingflua, Gjerdesvika is entered between Svartskjeret and Omoyflua,

awash, 3 miles NE of Nodre Leksa. The normal route into awash, 0.8 mile S.
Trondheimsleia leads E of Sore Leksa. Steinholmen Light (63°17'N., 8°20'E.) is situated on the S

The white sector of Rognan Light (63°34'N., 9°17'E.) leads

6.61 side of Gjerdesvika, just over 1 mile SE of Svartskjeret. The
from Krakvagfjorden, W of Ugsteinskjerane, and E of Sliskjer- white sector of this light bearing between 078° and 112° leads
taren and Sliskjeret, which lie just over 2 miles and 1.25 miles, from Edoyfjorden into Gjerdesvika.
respectively, NNW of the light. Charted depths of 5, 9, 12 and 11m lie in the white sector

When clear of Sliskjeret, alter course to pass W of Rognan

6.61 above, and are situated 0.35 mile S, 0.5 mile SSW, 0.9 mile SW
Light and W of Storaflua, a 1m patch lying 1.3 miles SSE of and 1.25 miles SW, respectively, from the beacon on Svartsk-
the light, then into Trondheimsleia, altering course toward the jeret.
ENE to Trondheim or WSW toward Kristiansund. When within 0.75 mile of Steinholmen Light, steer to pass N

of the light, then steer ENE on a midchannel course.

The Main Route—Kristiansund to Trondheim Auresundet, previously described in paragraph 6.50, may be

entered from Gjerdesvika by steering in the white sector of

6.62 The main route from Kristiansund to Trondheim leads Sveholmen Light (63°17'N., 8°29'E.). Sveholmen Light is sit-
through Ytrefjorden, Edoyfjorden, and Trondheimsleia, pass- uated about 4 miles ESE of Steinholmen Light.
ing S of Smola, Hitra, Sore Leksa, and Nordre Leksa to Agde- Torsetsundet is formed between Skarsoya and the mainland

neset, which is situated at the entrance to Trondheimsfjorden. on the S and extends 4.75 miles ENE. It is entered from
A route leading seaward of the Froan Archipelago, NE of
6.62 Gjerdesvika, S of Alfartangen, and terminates at its junction
Smola, branches NW through Ramsoyfjorden, between Smola with Arvagfjorden and Dromnessundet.
and Hitra. Alfartangen (63°19'N., 8°34'E.), the SW extremity of Skar-

A route leading N through Krakvagfjorden and Frohavet,

6.62 soya, lies 3 miles NE of Sveholmen Light. A 2.1m patch lies
branches N between Hitra and Sore Leksa. 0.5 mile WSW of Alfartangen.
Ytrefjorden, Edoyfjorden, and the greater part of Trondhe-
6.62 Torsetsundet is narrowest off Tua, 1.25 miles E of Alfartan-

imsleia form part of Indreleia, the N continuation of which, gen. The least depth in the fairway is 7.5m.
through Grandevika, is approached NNE of Nordre Leksa. A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 16m, spans Torsetsun-

Ytrefjorden, from its junction with Gripholen, N of Ytre

6.62 det at Tua.
Langholmen Light (63°11'N., 7°52'E.), leads 7 miles ENE in-
to Edoyfjorden. Ytrefjorden is deep and in mid-channel, clear 6.64 Glomstadholmen Light (63°19'N., 8°38'E.) is situat-
of dangers, presents no navigational difficulty. ed on the S side of the fairway, 0.7 mile ENE of the bridge. The
Baeflua (63°14'N., 7°52'E.), a 3.5m patch, lies 2.25 miles
6.62 white sector of the light leads through the W part of Torsetsun-
NNE of Ytre Langholmen Light. Kutmannsflua, a 6m patch, det, N of foul ground which lies close E of Tua.
lies 3 miles ENE of Baeflua. Depths of 1m, 6m, and 3m lie, re- Glomstadholmen Light bearing between 246° and 250°,

spectively, 1 mile, 1.5 miles and 2.5 miles, ENE of Baeflua. astern, leads through the E part of Torsetsundet. A charted
Edoyfjorden is entered from Ytrefjorden and leads ENE into
6.62 depth of 11m lies within this white sector, about 1 mile ENE
Trondheimsleia. The channel is deep and free from dangers in from the light.
the fairway; from abreast Ytre Langholmen Light, vessels Lilleoya Light (63°20'N., 8°44'E.) stands on the N point of

should steer a mid-channel course, passing about 1 mile SE of an island, Lilleoya, at the E end of Torsetsundet. A 5.5m patch
Tyrhaugh Light. lies 183m NNW and Russen, a drying patch, lies about 0.1
Tyrhaug Light (63°19'N., 8°14'E.) is situated close off the
6.62 mile N. Storoya, an island, lies 0.2 mile NNW from the light.
NE end of Edoya, on the N side of Edoyfjorden, about 12 miles Three routes lead NE or E from the E end of Torsetsundet, as

NE of Ytre Langholmen Light. follows:

Trondheimsleia is considered to extend from Tyrhaug Light
6.62 1. A route W of Storoya.
to Beian Light and Agdenes Light, or to the mouth of Trondhe- 2. The channel E between Russen and Lilleoya Light.
imsfjorden, a distance of about 45 miles ENE; the channel, for 3. The channel S of Lilleoya Light.

Pub. 182
150 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

Arvagfjorden is the continuation of Torsetsundet, leading 3.5

6.64 Terningen Light, vessels steering for the light, from W, should
miles E from Lilleoya and is entered S of Hellandneset, a alter course when within about 1.5 miles; the fairway then
promontory standing 0.8 mile ENE of Lilleoya. leads S of the light and between Josnoya, on the N, and Hevn-
Arvag lies at the head of the fjord.
6.64 skjelova (63°29'N., 9°08'E.), on the S. These islands are nearly
Dromnessundet leads 4 miles NNW along the E side of
6.64 steep-to, but attention must be paid to the strength of the tidal
Skarsoya into Trondheimsleia. It is foul in places, but well currents.
marked. Between Terningen Light and the entrance to Trondheims-

There is usually a N flow at all stages of the tide; a S flow

6.64 fjorden, the distance is about 20 miles. The channel is entered
occurs only during strong NW winds. by vessels proceeding from Frohavet and Kjrakvagfjorden, E
Espenes Light (63°21'N., 8°43'E.) stands on a point on the E
6.64 of Nordre Leskka, about 10 miles ENE of the light.
side of Dromnessundet, 0.75 mile NW of Lilleoya Light. Rog- Garten (63°39'N., 9°32'E.), an island 72m high, lies on the

nannes Light is situated on the W side of the channel, 2.5 miles N side of Trondheimsleia, 4 miles ENE of Nordre Leksa.
NNW of Espenes Light. Smellingflua, awash and marked by a light, lies about 0.8 mile
Vessels should enter Dromnessundet by passing E of Storoya
6.64 SW of Garten.
in the white sector of Espenes Light. When N of Storoya, alter Vessels after passing Terningen steer a mid-channel course

course to the W, then steer to pass W of the light and bring it between the mainland and the islands to the N. After passing
astern bearing between 173° and 187°, which course leads E of Smellingflua, the mainland coast should not be approached
a point 0.75 mile N of the light. within 0.25 mile as it is foul, and the dangers W of Agdenes
Rognannes Light (63°23'N., 8°39'E.), bearing between 313°
6.64 Light should be given a good berth. The light should be round-
and 316°, ahead, leads farther N through Dromnessundet, pass- ed at a distance of 0.75 mile.
ing between dangers which lie off either coast. Stornafjorden extends about 6 miles NE from the E end of

The white sectors of Rognannes Light, astern, offer three al-

6.64 Trondheimsleia, at the entrance to Trondheimsfjorden. It termi-
ternative routes farther N into Trondheimsleia, depending on nates in two inlets which are frozen over in severe winters.
the destination. There is considerable traffic in the fjord during the herring fish-
A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 15m, crosses Drom-
6.64 ing season.
nessundet at Ulvnestangen, about 0.7 mile NNW of Espenes
Light. Trondheimsfjorden
6.65 Remmingskjer Light (63°22'N., 8°17'E.) is situated 6.67 Trondheimsfjorden is entered E of Agdeneset
3.5 miles NNE of Tyrhaug Light at the junction of Trondhe- (63°39'N., 9°46'E.), and, with its branches, leads SE and NE
imsleia and Ramsoyfjorden. for a total distance of 70 miles to Steinkjer, which is situated 52
Klakksbroren Light (63°21'N., 8°25'E.) is on the S side of
6.65 miles ENE of Agdeneset.
Trondheimsleia, 5.5 miles ENE of Tyrhaug Light. Trondheim lies 24 miles from Agdeneset.

A line of above-water rocks and shoals extends from

6.65 Ice.—The outer part of Trondheimsfjorden is ice-free all

Kvitholmen, 2.75 miles ENE of Tyrhaug Light, NE to Klakks- year round and Skarnsundet is normally ice-free.
broren Light. Friskjeret, marked by a beacon, lies 0.8 mile NE Beitstadfjorden is frozen over during January, February, and

of the light. March in some years, and some of the other branch fjords may
Vessels proceeding E through Trondheimsleia steer with the
6.65 be frozen over at times.
white sector of Tyrhaug Light, astern, which leads N of Tides—Currents.—A normal tidal current runs in Trondhe-

Klakksbroren Light. Austklakkane, 6.5 miles NE of the light, imsfjorden. Off Agdeneset and W of Tautra, the maximum rate
falls within the sector. is 1 knot, and the currents are reported to run strongly in
When reaching a position S of Austklakkane (63°23'N.,
6.65 Skarnsundet and in the entrance to Borgenfjorden and in Beit-
8°24'E.), vessels should steer E, keeping a mid-channel course. stadsundet. Elsewhere the rate does not exceed 0.5 knot.
The channel is broad and free from dangers in the fairway,
6.65 Pilotage.—Trondheim has a pilot office, which has a pilot

though a number of rocks lie close under the land on either boat station at Hetvika. A pilot boat station has been estab-
side. Terningen Light, bearing about 070° ahead, may be lished off Flesa Light. Pilots for ports in Trondheimsfjorden
steered for. The course will lead clear of the dangers. can be obtained at Kristiansund.
Terningen Light (63°30'N., 9°03'E.) stands on the S side of
6.65 Caution.—Gunnery firing practice takes place, in an area

Store Terningen, about 19 miles E of Klakksbroren Light. which includes the outer part of Trondheimsfjorden, within 3.5
Hevnefjorden is entered on the S side of Trondheimsleia, in a
6.65 miles of Agdeneset. For further information on gunnery firing
position 1.5 miles SSE of Terningen Light and leads 133 miles areas, see Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic
S. Astfjorden extends nearly 9 miles E, 4 miles within the en- Ocean.
trance; Snildfjorden extends 8 miles E, 8 miles within the en- An ammunition dumping ground is situated in Trondheims-

trance. fjorden and is centered about 2 miles SSE of Agdeneset.

Hevnefjorden is, to a large extent, deep and clear of dangers.

Anchorage is available at the head of Hevnefjorden, in 23 to

6.65 6.68 From Agdeneset, Trondheimsfjorden trends about 12
28m, sand and clay, but is not recommended in N winds to miles SSE to Rodberg (63°29'N., 10°00'E.). A light is situated
which the bay is exposed. on the mole at Rodberg.
Selvbukta (63°37'N., 9°43'E.), a cove on the W side of the

6.66 To pass through the narrows situated close E of fjord, 1.5 miles S of Agdeneset, affords anchorage to medium-

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 151

sized vessels, in 13 to 28m. The cove dries within 183m of its Anchorage, in 22 to 30m, clay, steeply shelving, is available

head. Larger vessels may anchor, in 37m, sand, 0.2 to 0.25 mile about 1 mile SE of the quay.
offshore, in the vicinity of a cove 2.5 miles S of Selvbukta.
This anchorage is exposed, particularly in N and S winds. Thamshamn—Contact Information
A light is situated on Gjetneset, a promontory situated 2.75

miles S of Rodberg. Port Control

Vessels may transit this part of Trondheimsfjorden by steer-
6.68 Call sign Trondheim Port Control
ing a mid-channel course to a position off Rodberg, which
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
leads clear of danger.
Orkedalsfjorden and Gaulosen comprise a branch of Trond-
6.68 47-73-991710
heimsfjorden which is entered between Gjetneset and Frosk- Telephone
47-91112600 (mobile)
jeret (63°25'N., 10°07'E.), 4 miles ESE.
A light is situated near the end of a spit extending 0.2 mile
E-mail havnevakt@trondheimhavn.no
NW from Froskjeret. Port Authority
The E part of the entrance to Orkedalsfjorden and Gaulosen

forms part of the harbor area of Trondheim. Telephone 47-73-991700

The white sector of the light at Rodberg, bearing astern,
Facsimile 47-73-991717
leads E of Gjetneset to the mouth of Orkedalsfjorden.
Orkedalsfjorden is entered W of a point 5.5 miles S of Gjet-
E-mail firmapost@trondheimhavn.no
neset. The fjord is deep except at its head, where drying banks
lie at the mouth of the river flowing into it. Buvika (63°18'N., 10°11'E.) is situated at the head of

Gaulosen, 3.25 miles ESE of Borsa. A narrow dredged chan-

6.69 Thamshamn (Thamshavn) (63°19'N., 9°53'E.) nel, with a least depth of 6.5m, leads into a basin at the mill. A
(World Port Index No. 23095) is part of the harbor area named quay on the W side of the basin is 103m long, with depths of
Orkdalsora. It extends 1.5 miles along the SE side of the fjord 8.5m alongside and a quay on the E side is 65m long, with 3 to
near its head where the town of Orkanger is located. 4m depths alongside.
Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 8.3m in draft can be Munkholmen Light (63°27'N., 10°23'E.) is situated on the

accommodated. Information on berthing facilities is given in island of Munkholmen at Trondheim Road, off the city of
the table titled Thamshamn—Berth Information. Trondheim.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels ar-
6.69 Trondheim Road is a nearly unobstructed basin affording an-

riving, departing, and shifting berths. Pilotage should be or- chorage to a large number of vessels. The limits of the harbor
dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the area are as charted.
Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. The pilot The roadstead is open to the NW, N, and NE, which are the

boards in position 63°39.0'N, 9°14.9'E. directions of prevailing winds, and a considerable sea is raised
Contact Information.—See the table titled Thamshamn—
6.69 by these winds at times.
Contact Information. Vessels may approach Trondheim Road by giving the light at

Anchorage.—Anchorage is available, in 9 to 28m, mud, N

6.69 Rodberg a berth of about 1 mile. They should then proceed E in
of the berths at Orkanger. mid-channel until Munkholmen Light bears about 113°, when
Gaulosen is entered between Lundsneset (63°20'N.,
6.69 course may be altered S into the roadstead, passing W of
10°02'E.) and Vevikneset, 1.5 miles NE. It extends 4.5 miles Munkholmen.
SE. The E part forms part of the harbor area of Trondheim. Holmgrunnane, a shoal which extends about 0.8 mile NNE

Borsa is situated on the S shore of Gaulosen 1.75 miles SSE

6.69 from Munkholmen, is marked by a light on Tua, near its N ex-
of Lundsneset. A quay, 15m long, with depths of 6.7 to 12m tremity. Depths of 1.5m are charted on Holmgrunnane.
alongside, is situated 1.25 miles E of the church at Borsa. Caution.—Shallower depths than charted may be encoun-

tered between Munkholmen Light and the light on Tua.

Thamshamn—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Elkem Thamshamn
Thamshavn 182m 7.0-9.7m Dry bulk and breakbulk. Maximum draft of 8.3m.
Orkanger Terminal
No. 2 Krankai 82m — Containers.
No. 3 Vigorkaia 85m — Dry bulk and breakbulk.
No. 4 Stenakaia 32m — Dry bulk, containers, and breakbulk.

Pub. 182
152 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

Trondheim (63°26'N., 10°24'E.) some 13 days of the year when gale force winds of 34 knots or
more occur. Gales are rare from May through August.
World Port Index No. 23090 The harbor is always ice-free, and almost always free from

6.70 Trondheim is a coastal natural harbor, but the main Tides—Currents.—The mean tidal range is 2m and the

port facilities are sheltered by breakwaters which divide the spring range is 2.7m.
harbor into several protected basins. The Nidelva flows into The ebb current from Nidelva sets out fairly strong, occa-

Trondheimsfjorden here and is crossed by several bridges. sionally attaining a maximum velocity of 5 to 6 knots during
The city is the junction for both land and sea traffic between
6.70 the thawing season.
S and N Norway, and with rail service to Sweden. Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 42,000 dwt, 193.9m

in length, and 10.5m draft can be accommodated. Several

Port Authority of Trondheim berths are available at the port. Berthing details are shown in
the accompanying table titled Trondheim—Berthing Infor-
https://trondheimhavn.no/en/front-page mation.
Aspect.—The cathedral situated 1.5 miles SSE of Munkhol-

Winds—Weather.—The predominant winds in Trondheim

men Light has a green roof and a tall conspicuous green spire.
are from the S throughout the year; however, during the months Stiftsgarden, a large wooden house 0.25 mile N of the cathe-
of April through September, the afternoon winds will shift to dral, is conspicuous.
the NW and N. The average winds are about 6 knots, with

Trondheim—Berthing Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Pier I
No. 1 135m 8.0m 139.5m — — Ro-ro/lo-lo, containers, and breakbulk.
No. 2 135m 8.0m 138.5m — — Fast ferries and breakbulk.
Pier II
No. 4 58m 5.5m — — — Cruise vessels.
No. 5 68m 5.5m 45m — — Fast ferries and breakbulk.
No. 6 68m 6.3m 64.4m — — Fast ferries and breakbulk.
No. 7 90m 6.9m 86.5m — — Breakbulk.
No. 8 102m 6.9m 77.2m — — Breakbulk.
No. 9 104m 9.0m 57.3m — — Breakbulk.
No. 10 60m 9.2m 115.4m — — Breakbulk.
No. 11 56m 9.2m 94.7m — — Breakbulk.
No. 12 70m 9.2m 193m — — Breakbulk.
No. 13 94m 9.2m 123m — — Aggregate, cement, sand, and breakbulk.
No. 14 130m 6.5m 89.9m — — Breakbulk.
No. 15 50m 3.0m — — — breakbulk.
West Canal Wharf
No. 19 105m 5.1m — — — Breakbulk.
No. 20 65m 5.1m 41.3m — — Bulk cargo and breakbulk.
No. 21 70m 5.1m — — — Bulk cargo and breakbulk.
No. 22 70m 5.0m — — — Bulk cargo and breakbulk.
No. 23 140m 3.8m 39.7m — — Breakbulk.
Ila Pier
No. 26 191m 8.4m 109m — — Bulk cargo and breakbulk.

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 153

Trondheim—Berthing Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
No. 27 100m 8.4m 111.4m — — Bulk cargo and breakbulk.
No. 28 132m 8.7m 113.7m — — Bulk cargo and breakbulk.
No. 29 66m 8.4m 114.4m — — Bulk cargo and breakbulk.
No. 30 90m 8.7m 108.5m — — Bulk cargo and breakbulk.
No. 31 132m 10.6m 89.9m — — Bulk cargo and breakbulk.
No. 32 155m 8.4m — — — Bulk cargo and breakbulk.
No. 41 70m 8/0m — — — —
No. 42 42m 8.0m — — — —
No. 43 80m 8.0m — — — —
No. 45 130m 1.5m — — — Breakbulk, salt, scrap metal, and bulk cargo.
No. 46 95m 8.0m 119.3m — — Scrap metal and bulk cargo.
No. 47 95m 6.0m — — — —
No. 48 80m 4.5m 89.9m — — —
No. 49 80m 5.0m 89.9m — — Salt, bulk cargo, and scrap metal.
No. 50 70m 4.5m — — — Fast ferries and bulk cargo.
No. 52 165m 6.0m — — — —
No. 53 105m 6.0m 88.1m — — —
No. 54 70m 6.0m — — — Transshipment and project/heavy cargo.
No. 55 141m 6.0m 94.1m — — —
No. 56 91m 6.0m 111.4m — — Cement, sand, breakbulk, and bulk cargo.
No. 57 50m 7.0m 179.9m — — Cement and petcoke.
Fagervika Terminal
Fagervika 68m — 78.8m — — Cement, bulk cargo, and breakbulk.
No. 60 57m 11.0m 180m 10.5m 28,000 dwt Aviation fuel, clean products, and bunkers.
Tourist Wharf
No. 68 98m 13.0m 208m — — Cruise vessels.
Transit Quay
No. 41 70m 6.2m 87.5m — — —
No. 42 42m 8.0m 119.9m — — —
No. 43 80m 8.0m 128.4m — — —
Trondheim Hurtigbatterminal
Hurtigbatterminal 80m — — — — Fast ferries.
Trondheim Pirterminalen
No. 1 40m — 40.8m — — Fast ferries.

Pub. 182
154 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

Trondheim—Berthing Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
No. 2 40m — 40.8m — — Fast ferries.
Biologisk 10m — — — — —
Norske Shell 28m — — — — —
No. 62
50m 11.3m 193.9m — 28,000 dwt —

Pilotage.—A pilot station has been established off Flesa

6.70 Trondheim on Pier 2.
Light in position 63°39'N, 9°15'E. Vessels approaching from the S should contact the pilot

Harbor pilotage is compulsory for foreign vessels arriving,

6.70 when about 10 miles from Grip Light. The pilot station moni-
departing, or shifting berths. Pilotage should be ordered using tors on VHF channel 16.
SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Regulations.—An arrival message should be sent 72 hours

Booking Center at an additional cost. They normally embark prior to arrival via Rogaland Radio and also 24 hours prior to
on the landward side of Munkholmen, or, in bad weather, off arrival via Kristiansund Radio. Any significant change in the
the appropriate harbor entrance. 24 hours ETA must be advised to the Pilots.
The pilot for Krakvagfjorden boards in position 63°39.0'N,
6.70 In addition, tankers radio the agent “Petroleum Trondheim”

9°14.9'E. Trondheim also provides pilotage for Stjordal and at least 72 hours prior to arrival via Rogaland Radio giving
Orkanger. ETA at Grip in UTC and advising all requirements and other
A pilot station, with State Pilots, who do outbound transit
6.70 information pertinent to the turnaround of the vessel. Confirm
and coastal pilotage, is established at the public pilot office at the ETA via Kristiansund Radio 12 hours before arrival at Grip.

By Trondheim Havn, via Wikimedia Commons


6.70 Trondheim looking NE over Brattora Island

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 155

6.70 By Trondheim Havn, via Wikimedia Commons

6.70 Trondheim looking SW down the Nidelva Canal with Brattora Island on the right

6.70 By Trondheim Havn, via Wikimedia Commons

6.70 Trondheim looking N past Munkholmen Island into Trondheimsfjorden

Pub. 182
156 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

Contact Information.—See the table titled Trondheim—

6.70 Stjordalsfjorden is entered between Haugberget (63°26'N.,

Contact Information. 10°41'E.), a point 6.25 miles ESE of Ostmarktangen, and Sk-
jervauran, 4 miles NE.
Trondheim—Contact Information Hommelvik (63°25'N., 10°48'E.) (World Port Index No.

23080) stands at the head of a small bay of the same name,

Port Authority which is entered SE of Rota Light.
Telephone 47-73-991700 Depths—Limitations.—There are two quays at the head of
the bay. Vessels with a draft up to 4.1m can be accommodated.
Facsimile 47-73-991717 The main quay at Hommeivik is 300m in length, with depths
E-mail firmapost@trondheim.havn.no of 5.2 to 11m alongside. A second quay has a berthing length
of 350m with an additional 405m including dolphins.
Port Control
Road and quay side are supported by metal piles and the

Call sign Trondheim Port Control quay handles scrap metal, transshipment, and breakbulk.
Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but
VHF VHF channels 14 and 16

may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an

Telephone 47-91112600 (mobile) additional cost. The pilot boards in position 63°39.0'N,
9°14.9'E. The port monitors VHF channels 9 and 16.
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken in Trondheim Road-
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken, in 25 to 35m, sand,

stead, in 22 to 42m, fine sand and mud, about 1 mile SW of on the W side of Hommelvik, near its head.
Munkholmen Light. There is also anchorage 0.5 mile SSE of
Munkholmen, in 34m, 0.5 mile SE. 6.72 Muruvik (63°26'N., 10°51'E.) (World Port Index No.
23075), 2 miles NE of Hommelvik, lies at the head of a small
6.71 The main part of Trondheimsfjord, with its continua- bay between two drying coves. The town of Stjordalshalsen,
tions, extends about 45 miles NE from Trondheim. It is irregu- lies 2.5 miles NE of Muruvik, at the head of Stjordalsfjorden.
lar in shape and varies greatly in width. Depths—Limitations.— There are two berths. The export
The fjord is deep and navigable throughout the year. The SE
quay and the import quay. Vessel with a maximum draft of
shore is indented by several large bays and toward its head is 5.7m can be accommodated.
less rugged than in the vicinity of Trondheim. In a cove close E of Muruvik, an oil transit installation has a

Storegrunnen (63°30'N., 10°26'E.), a 7.3m patch, lies near

quay; vessels berth either side. For more berthing information
the middle of Trondheimsfjorden, 2.75 miles NNW of the light see the table titled Muruvik—Bertg Information.
on Tua. Indregrunnen and Treungsgrunnen, two 14.6m patches, Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but

lie 1.75 and 2.5 miles, respectively, NE of Storegrund. may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an
Strindfjorden is the water area on the SE side of Trondhe-
additional cost. The pilot boards in position 63°39.0'N,
imsfjorden, and is entered between Ostmarktangen (63°27'N., 9°14.9'E.
10°27'E.) and Tautra, an island situated about 8 miles NNE of Contact Information.—The port monitors VHF channel 9.

the point. From its entrance, the fjord trends about 6 miles E to Anchorage.—There is an anchorage. with depths of 25-

Stjordalsfjorden, on the SE side, and Asenfjorden, on the NE 30m, clay, is located near the entrance to the bay.
side. The fjord is free from dangers in its middle part. Caution.—A submarine cable lies across the bay’s entrance.

Saksvikskjer, above water, lies 0.6 mile offshore, 3.75 miles

Asenfjorden is entered between Vaberget (63°31'N.,

ESE of Ostmarktangen. 10°46'E.) and Slaegga, 3 miles WNW. From its entrance on the
A conspicuous tower, with a restaurant near the top, stands
NE side of Strindfjorden, Asenfjorden trends about 8 miles
about 2 miles S of Ostmarktangen Light. A mast stands close E ENE.
of the tower. Steinviksholm, close offshore 2 miles NE of Vaberget, is the

Litlegrunnen (63°28'N., 10°46'E.), a 6.7m patch, lies in the

site of the ruins of a monastery. Anchorage for medium-size
E part of Strindfjorden, 4.75 miles ENE of Saksvikskjer. Fisk- vessels may be taken, in 20 to 30m, clay, close E of Steinvik-
vikgrunnen, a 12.8m patch about 2 miles N of Litlegrunnen, sholm.
lies 0.3 mile offshore.

Muruvik—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Vessel Draft
Muruvik Harbor Terminal
East 80m 11.5m 5.7m Closed. Breakbulk.
North 84m 5-6m — Closed. Rail and breakbulk. LPG tanks shipped by ro-ro rail.
Coal, sand, scrap metal, ro-ro/lo-lo, and breakbulk. Berthing
West 58m 7.5-9.5m 5.7m length of 128m (including dolphins). Handles RDF (refuse de-
rived fuel) cargo.

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 157

Storgrunnen, an 11m patch, lies 0.8 mile NNE of

6.72 The dangers off the SE side of Ytteroy lie W of a line drawn

Steinviksholm. Storholmen and Smaskjera, which are partly from Sandsora Light, to a point on the island, 5 miles NE.
awash, lie 0.5 to 1 mile farther NNE. Hokstad, on the NE side of a bay 4.75 miles NE of Sandsora

Skarvholmane and Furuholmen, with foul ground close NE,

6.72 Light, has a quay, 17m long, with depths of 4.4 to 7.8m along-
lie in the entrance to the E arm of Asenfjorden, from 1.25 to side.
1.75 miles ENE of Steinviksholm. Hestoyflua (63°43'N., 11°04'E.), marked by a light, lies

Saltoya (63°33'N., 10°54'E.) lies in the S central part of the

6.72 about 2 miles SSE of Sandsora Light. South of this danger are
E arm, 0.35 mile SSE of Furuholmen. A light stands on its W patches with depths of 8 and 8.5m.
end. The white sector of the light on Saltoya leads clear of dan- Hestoya, an island, lies 1.5 miles ENE of Hestoyflua. Sub-

gers into the E arm of Asenfjorden. marine cables extend from the island in a SSE direction to a
Langstein (63°33'N., 10°54'E.) is situated in a cove on the S
6.72 point of land. A 9.5m patch and a 1m patch lie 0.4 mile SSW
shore, 73m SE of Saltoya. A quay, 36m long, with depths of 6 and 0.8 mile SSE, respectively, from the S extremity of Hes-
to 7.2m, is situated at the W entrance point of the cove. toya.
Korsnesodden Light (63°35'N., 10°50'E.) is situated on the
6.72 Fiborgtangen (63°43'N., 11°09'E.), situated 1 mile SSE of

N side of Asenfjorden, 5.25 miles NE of Slaegga. The white Hestoya, is a peninsula consisting of a former, island and
sector of the light leads into the fjord, clear of the entrance reclaimed land.
points. Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 15,000 dwt, 200m in

Lofjorden is entered between a point 1.5 miles ENE of

6.72 length, and 8.2m draft can be handled. For berthing informa-
Korsnesodden Light and a point 0.3 mile NE. Vessels can tion see the table titled Fiborgtangen—Berth Information.
anchor anywhere in the fjord, clay, clear of the submarine Levangerbukta is entered between Langneset, a point 4.25

cables. miles ENE of Hestoya, and Borgsoen 1.25 miles farther ENE.

6.73 Ambornes Light (63°34'N., 10°26'E.) is situated on Fiborgtangen—Berthing Information

the W side of Trondheimsfjorden, 4.5 miles W of the S extrem-
ity of Tautra. From Ambornes Light, the NW coast of Trondhe- Berth Length Remarks
imsfjorden trends 18 miles NE to the S entrance of Fiborgtangen Terminal
Norviksundet. This coast is free of off-lying dangers.
East 140m Timber and general cargo.
On the SE side of Trondheimsfjorden, foul ground extends

0.4 mile SSW from Tautra, with a depth of 1.5m charted near North 100m Timber and general cargo.
the edge of the foul area. An 18m depth is charted 0.7 mile
WSW of the SW end of Tautra. Levanger (63°45'N., 11°18'E.) (World Port Index No.

Tautra Light (63°35'N., 10°37'E.) stands on the NW side of

23060) is an ice-free harbor situated at the head of Levanger-
Tautra. A 1m patch lies 0.3 mile NE of the light; patches with bukta. Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 100 gt. Pilotage
depths of 12.8m, lie 0.35 mile W and 0.75 mile SW, from the should be ordered through SafeSeaNet but may be ordered
light. The E side of Tautra is joined to the mainland by a cause- through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
way. The pilot boards in position 63°39.0'N, 9°14.9'E. The port
Fanes Light, situated on the SE side of Trondheimsfjorden,
monitors VHF channels 12, 14, and 16.
stands on a point about 6 miles NE of Tautra Light. Vessels can The controlling depth is 4.2m. The berths are 16 to 81m long

find anchorage SE of the light, in 20m. and have depths of 3 to 6m alongside.

Flagrunnen, with depths of 6.5 to 7m, lies 0.5 mile NE of
Vessels arriving without a reserved berth are required to an-

Fanes Light. Nordrunnane, a group of shoal patches, lies up to chor in Levangerbukta, in depths of 8 to 24m. A submarine ca-
1.5 miles offshore, 2.25 miles NE of the light. ble extends about 0.3 mile NNE into the W part of the bay,
Vesterholmen (63°43'N., 11°00'E.), a promontory, lies
from a position on shore close S of Langneset.
about 8 miles NE of Fanes Light.
6.75 Verdal Havn (63°47'N., 11°27'E.) (World Port Index
6.74 Head of Trondheimsfjorden.—At its head, Trondhe- No. 23058) is built on reclaimed land situated 3 miles ENE of
imsfjorden opens into a basin; and Ytteroy, an island, lies in Borgsoen. The basin is enclosed by breakwaters and is 212m
this basin. Skarnsundet leads from the NW side of the basin in- by 272m, with a dredged depth of 10m.The harbor can be ap-
to Beitstadfjorden. proached in the white sector of the light situated on the outer
Sandsora Light (63°45'N., 11°03'E.) is situated on the SE
end of the N breakwater.
extremity of Ytteroy, 2.25 miles NNE of Vesterholmen.

Verdal Havn—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Verdal Havneanlegg
No. 1 Kalkkai 100m — 170m 9.5m 26,000 dwt Cement, limestone, and bunkers.

Pub. 182
158 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

Verdal Havn—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
No. 3 Hovedkaia 232m 8.0m 170m — — Cement, breakbulk, and bunkers.
No. 4 Ro-Ro 25m 8.0m — — — Ro-ro freight, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Verdal Utrustningskaia
No. 5 90m 7.0m 110m — — Chemicals and bunkers.

Vessels up to 26,000 dwt, 170m in length, and 9.5m draft can

6.75 charted depth of 5m at its outer end, extends 0.4 mile N from
be accommodated. For more berthing information see the table the E entrance point of Verrasundet.
titled Verdal Havn—Berth Information. Verrasundet extends about 11 miles WSW from its entrance

Fjordgrunnskjeret (63°48'N., 11°19'E.), awash, lies 2 miles

6.75 and is narrow about 8 miles within its entrance. A submarine
E of the E extremity of Ytteroy, in the middle of cable is laid close within its entrance. An overhead cable, with
Trondheimsfjorden. a vertical clearance of 45m, crosses the channel 2.25 miles
Fjordgrunntaren, a 0.3m patch, and Skallen a 0.7m patch, lie
6.75 within the entrance; another overhead cable, with a vertical
0.25 mile NE and 0.6 mile ENE, respectively, from Fjord- clearance of 47m, crosses at the narrows.
Norviksundet is entered from S between the SW extremity of
6.75 6.77 Hooya (63°54'N., 11°05'E.), on the E side of the en-
Ytteroy and Rodberget, 1.25 miles W, and leads N between the trance to Beitstadfjorden, lies 1.25 miles NE of Vennesodden
island and the mainland. It is clear of dangers in the fairway. Light. A 7.3m patch lies close N of the island, with a 15m
Saltvikhamn Light (63°47'N., 11°00'E.) is situated on the
6.75 patch lying 0.5 miles farther N.
W side of Norviksundet, 2 miles N of Rodberget. The white A 2m patch lies at the end of a shoal spit extending NNE

sector of this light leads E of Rodberget into the fairway. Pass from a point lying 1.5 miles NE of Hooya.
E of the light and bring it astern bearing between 210° and Kirknestangen Light (63°55'N., 11°12'E.) stands on a point

229° which will lead clear of the dangers and NNE to the S en- 3 miles NE of Hooya.
trance of Skarnsundet. Kirknesvagen, a cove on the E side of the light, affords good

anchorage, in depths of 12 to 30m, sand and clay.

6.76 Skarnsundet is entered from S between Brasetham- Stornesora Light (63°59'N., 11°18'E.) stands on a point at

meren (63°50'N., 11°04'E.), a point about 4 miles NNE of the NE end of Beitstadfjorden, about 4 miles NNE of Kirknes-
Saltvikhamn Light, and Vangsholmen, a point 0.8 mile E. It is tangen Light.
formed between Inderoy on the E and the mainland on the W. Follafoss (63°59'N., 11°07'E.), situated on the NW side of

The fairway leads 2.75 miles N to the S end of Beitstadfjorden. Beitstadfjorden, about 5 miles NNW of Kirknestangen Light,
A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 45m, crosses
6.76 stands on the W bank of the Folla River.
Skarnsundet. A wood pulp factory situated close SW of the river mouth

Though narrow, Skarnsundet has a deep channel free of dan-

6.76 has an export quay, 116m long, with depths of 8 to 9.8m along-
gers; however, some ice usually appears at the beginning of the side.
year, but it seldom obstructs the fairway. Beistadsundet is entered on the N side of the junction of Be-

The tidal currents in Skarnsundet are strong, reaching a max-

6.76 itstadfjorden and Steinkjerfjorden. The sound is narrow but
imum velocity at about half tide. free from dangers in the fairway.
Vennesodden Light (63°53'N., 11°03'E.) stands on a low-
6.76 Tidal currents in Beitstadsundet can be strong, and are stron-

lying point, on the W side of the N entrance to Skarnsundet. gest at half tide.
A good anchorage is available in Venneshamn, a cove locat-
6.76 Beitstadsundet is entered between Rambergholmen

ed close SW of Vennesodden Light, in 20 to 40m, sand. (64°02'N., 11°14'E.) and a point 0.25 mile E.
Beitstadfjorden and Steinkjerfjorden together form a land-
6.76 A submarine cable is laid across the entrance and an over-

locked basin in which all known dangers lie within about 0.6 head cable, with a vertical clearance of 45m, spans the sound
mile offshore. On the N side of the junction of the two fjords, close N of Rambergholmen.
Beistadsundet trends about 7 miles NNW. The white sector of the light on Rambergholmen, bearing

Giplingoya (63°54'N., 11°01'E.), a small island, lies on the

6.76 astern, leads N to the anchorage off Malm, 2.5 miles distant N.
SW side of Beitstadfjorden, 1.5 miles NW of Vennesodden Malm (64°04'N., 11°14'E.) (World Port Index No. 23053) is

Light. A 5m patch lies about 0.3 mile SE of the island. situated on the W side of Beitstadsundet and is the administra-
A good anchorage is available between Giplingoya and the
6.76 tive center for the district.
shore, in depths of 12 to 20m, sand and shingle. Depths—Limitations.—There is a jetty at Malm, with a

Verrasundet is entered from the W extremity of Beitstad-

6.76 berth at its head and a berth on each side. It is reported that ves-
fjorden, about 2 miles NW of Giplingoya. Foul ground, with a sels up to 35,000 dwt and 11.2m draft can be berthed at the jet-

Pub. 182
Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim 159

6.77 Steinkjer Harbor

For more berthing information see the table titled Malm—

6.77 Ytre Logrunnen (64°01'N., 11°24'E.), a 2.5m patch, lies 0.5

Berth Information. mile off the N shore, 3.5 miles NE of Stornesora Light. A 5m
patch lies 0.5 mile farther E.
Malm—Berth Information Eggebogtangen Light stands on the S part of a peninsula in

the E part of Steinkjerfjorden, 5.5 miles ENE of Stornesora

Berth Length Depth Remarks Light. Rodskjeret, above-water and marked by a beacon, lies
Malm Terminal 0.5 mile S of Eggebogtangen Light.
In the approach to Steinkjer, at the head of the fjord, the

No. 1 11m 10.0m —

white sector of Eggebogtangen Light, ahead, leads between the
Two mooring buoys are dangers off either shore.
No. 2 38m 3.0m mored on each side of the Steinkjer may be approached by passing either N or S of

jetty. Rodskjeret, however, the N side is preferred. Rodskjeret should

be given a wide berth.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is not compulsory for merchant vessels,

but pilotage and berthing are usually undertaken by the sea pi- 6.79 Steinkjer (64°01'N., 11°30'E.) (World Port Index No.
lot. 23055) lies at the head of Steinkjerfjorden; the harbor is bound
Anchorage.—Vessels can anchor off Malm, in 23m, clay,
on the W by a N-S line approximately 2 miles W of Eggebog-
about 0.2 mile E of the church. A 2m patch lies about 183m off tangen Light and on the E by the highway and railroad bridges
the S shore opposite the jetty. over the rivers.
Beitstadsundet continues about 5 miles ENE from Malm.
Ice.—The harbor is frozen up from January to March in

some years.
6.78 Steinkjerfjorden extends 6 miles E from Beitstad- Tides—Currents.—A noticeable current flows among the

fjorden from its entrance between Stornesora Light and the E quays.
entrance to Beitstadsundet, 3 miles NNW.

Steinkjer—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Size
Boga 65m 6.0m — — Berthing length of 125m (including dolphins).

Pub. 182
160 Sector 6. Norway—Breidsund-Djupet to Trondheim

Steinkjer—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Size
Southside 330m 7.0m — — —
Equinor Bogen
Petroleum products. Berthing length of 65m
Equinor 15m 7m 150m 16,000 dwt
(including dolphins). Displacement of 20,000t.

Depths—Limitations.—The depth in the approach to

6.79 Contact Information.
Steinkjer is 9.1m. Vessels up to 35,000 dwt, 185 in length, 28m
beam, and 11m draft can be accommodated. Steinkjer—Contact Information
For more berthing information see the table titled

Steinkjer—Berth Information. VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 16

Pilotage.—Harbor pilotage is not compulsory for merchant
Telephone 47-74-161825
vessels, but harbor pilots are available if required. Pilotage
Facsimile 47-74-164606
should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered
through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
The pilot boards in position 63°39.0'N, 9°14.9'E. The port Anchorage.—Vessels can anchor, in 25 to 30m, clay, on a

monitors VHF channels 12, 14, and 16. line joining Eggebogtangen Light and the beacon on
Contact Information.—See the table titled Steinkjer—
Rodskjeret. The anchorage is unsafe in bad weather from SW
to NW.

Pub. 182
Sector 7—Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).


Pub. 182


Plan.—This sector describes the outer coast from Trond-

7.0 gales the set is constantly SW, but with less velocity.
heim to the approaches to Bodo and Saltenfjorden. 7.1Within the fringing islands, the flood current always sets to
the NE and the ebb to the SW; here the NE current is also the
General Remarks stronger.
Aspect.—From Halten, a generally steep coast trends about
7.1 Winds—Weather.—Weather reports and forecasts 50 miles NE to Vikna, 3 conspicuous islands close N of the
are broadcast regularly from shore stations. Warnings of haz- seaward approach to the port of Namsos.
ardous conditions are also issued when appropriate. 7.1This stretch of coast is fringed with rocky islands, but there
7.1This is an area of frequent changes in barometric pressure are comparatively few off-lying dangers. It is heavily indented
which result in frequent change in the direction of the wind. by small fjords and inlets which penetrate in all directions, and
There are frequent depressions in this area. is remarkably barren except from some cultivation and forests
7.1Fairly large and rapid changes of pressure occur in this area. at the heads of the fjords.
A change of 24 millibars in 24 hours is relatively common, and 7.1This part of the coast can be approached with greater safety
a larger 24 hour change is not rare. Also, the actual pressure on than that farther N, but is fully exposed to the SW gales.
a particular day may differ from the average, and on occasions 7.1From Nordoerne Light (64°48'N., 10°33'E.) on the W side
by perhaps 50 millibars. of Vikna, the coast trends about 80 miles NNE to Ytreholmen
7.1Since most depressions approach from the Atlantic, and Light. Along this coast off-lying islands and reefs extend, gen-
cross N of the area, the most common sequence is that of back- erally, to a distance of 25 to 30 miles from the mainland.
ing and increasing, followed by veering and decreasing as a de- 7.1Along this part of the coast the outer rocks and islets are al-
pression moves away. The sequence can vary if a depression most without exception, low and without distinctive features,
moves further S over the area or if a polar low move S in a so a vessels position can be determined by bearings of distant
strong N air current in winter. objects. The mountains on the larger islands and the mainland
7.1Because of the rugged topography in this area, strong winds possess such striking characteristics and attain such elevations
may blow from different directions at places relatively close to that in fairly clear weather they may be identified at 40 to 65
each other. miles distant. These conspicuous landmarks may be selected to
7.1Strong winds outside a fjord may give way to calm weather fix the vessel’s position before the off-lying dangers are ap-
within, gales may be generated in the fjord or strait through proached.
funneling of wind on occasions when winds are light outside. 7.1The sea breaks over the outer shoals more readily with W
Accordingly, any generalizations made about winds around and NW winds, partly because the winds raise the heaviest sea,
these coasts must be regarded as subject to large local varia- and partly because the reefs are generally steep-to on their W
tions. and NW sides.
7.1In the area of this sector, the average number of days per 7.1Along the coast extending about 100 mile NNE from Ytre-
month with gales force winds of force 8 or above, for the holmen Light (66°01'N., 11°42'E.) to Bodo, the aspect is bleak
months of November, December, January, and February is 9.8. and precipitous. There is, however, some low land at the sea-
The average number of days per month with gales force winds ward ends of the promontories which separate the fjords.
of force 8 or above, for the months of May, June, July, and Au- 7.1The off-lying islets and reefs extend from 25 to 30 miles sea-
gust is 1.1. ward as far N as Traena, a group of islands about 35 miles N of
7.1Fog forms more often over the coast than over the open sea. Ytreholmen Light. It has been reported (2008) that an obstruc-
Coastal fog is more frequent in summer than in winter, and ear- tion lies 95 miles W of Ytterholmen Light near Traena Bank.
ly in the morning than later in the day. Frequency in the sum- 7.1North of this group, there is a gradual decrease in the off-
mer is more than 5 per cent about 2 days a month and from 2 to shore distance of the outer dangers until W of Kunna, a head-
5 per cent in winter, between 1 and 2 days monthly. land some 40 miles NE of Traena, where the distance is about
7.1The conditions which favor fog at sea and over exposed 10 or 11 miles from the mainland.
coast do not usually favor fog formations inland or in the shel- 7.1North of Kunna, the offshore distance again increases; W of
tered inner parts of the fjords. As a result, when there is a wide- Bodo the dangers lie about 20 miles offshore.
spread fog at sea the inner reaches of landlocked fjords are 7.1The principal fjords within this sector are Bindalsfjorden,
usually clear and when fog affects the inner reaches there is Velfjorden, Vefsnfjorden, Ranafjorden, Sjonafjorden,
usually clear weather in the offing. Melfjorden, Tjongsfjorden, Skarsfjorden, Sorfjorden, Nord-
7.1Tides—Currents.—During fine weather, the flood current fjorden, Saltfjorden, and Skjerstadfjorden.
sets to the NE and the ebb to the SW. In general the NE current, 7.1In general, the channels leading from seaward to Indreleia
increased by the prevailing ocean current, is the stronger, espe- are longer and more difficult to navigate than those to the S. In
cially at a distance of 20 to 30 miles offshore. the N part of the sector, the entrances are difficult to make out
7.1In periods of stormy weather the current runs strongly and and a vessel’s position must be determined by the peaks on the
constantly to the NE when the wind is S or W, and with N or E larger islands and on the mainland.

Pub. 182
164 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

7.1For details and information concerning the color and bear- mainland, is deep and free from dangers in the fairway; it leads
ings of the sector lights mentioned within this sector, see the 2.5 miles NW from Stokksundet to the junction with Asenleia.
Light List. 7.2Asenleia lies between Hosenoyan, on the W, and Linesoya,
7.1Pilotage.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Stokkoya, and the mainland, on the E. Indreleia, N of the junc-
Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information. tion of Stokken and Asenleia, is deeper and wider than farther
7.1Regulations.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning S.
Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information.
7.1A traffic separation scheme and recommended route is estab- 7.3 Marflessa Light (64°10'N., 10°08'E.), situated on an
lished off Traena and connects with the existing TSS scheme islet about 5 miles NE of the junction of Stokksundet and
and recommended route lying off Rost in the N.The scheme Asenleia, may be passed on either side. Kjeoya lies on the W
can best be viewed on the chart. This section off Traena is part side of the fairway, 2 miles NNE of Marflesa Light, and is
of the larger previously-existing offshore routing schemes con- passed on its E side. A light is situated on the SE extremity of
necting a key points off the coast. These routes, adopted by the Kjeoya. Northeast of Kjeoya, the track passes W of Terningen
International Maritime Organization, establish a safe route for Light (64°13'N., 10°15'E.) and then farther N toward Borova.
sea transport. 7.3Kaurleia leads into this part of Indreleia from seaward, pass-
7.1Vessel Traffic Service.—NOR Vessel Traffic Service (NOR ing N of Kaura (64°14'N., 10°08'E.); this entrance is difficult
VTS) is in operation for vessels transiting the Norwegian Eco- and local knowledge is necessary.
nomic Zone (NEZ) from the Norway/Sweden border in the S to 7.3Boroya (64°16'N., 10°17'E.) lies with its S extremity about
the Norway/Russia border in the N. The NEZ also includes the 1.75 miles NE of Terningen Light. Indreleia leads between
areas around Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island. For further infor- Boroya and the mainland, and then proceeds N passing E of the
mation, see paragraph 1.1. Skjervoyan group. From the Skjervoyan group, the track leads
7.1Caution.—Three patches with depths of 16.8m, 19.8m, and E of Ramsoya and then E of the Rodoya group, farther N.
24m, lie, respectively, 5, 6.25 and 7.5 miles, NNE of Kya
(64°28'N., 10°13'E.). A restricted area, with a radius of 500m 7.4 Saksa Light (64°24'N., 10°26'E.) lies on the W side
centered on position 64°58'13.8''N, 07°37'13.2''E is located of Indreleia, at the S entrance to Buholmrasa; a lighted buoy is
about 23 miles S of the Heidrun platform and 88 miles W of situated about 250m E of Saksa Light; a patch with a charted
Sklinna Light. depth of 7.9m lies in the fairway 90m NW of this light. Lights
7.1Heidrun (65°19.5'N., 7°19.1'E.), a platform equipped with a in range, situated on the W side of Sondre Rodoya, lead
racon, lies 92 miles W of Sklinna Light (65°12'N., 11°00'E.). through the S entrance to Bulholmrasa.
Awell lies 5 miles NNE. Gas is delivered to Trondheimsleia 7.4Bulholmrasa can be navigated by large vessels, but the chan-
(63°30'N., 9°00'E.) via a 130-mile long pipeline. nel is narrow and is considered to be one of the most difficult to
7.1Statoil Marin VTS conducts radar surveillance from the transit, in bad weather, on the Norwegian coast.
Heidrun platform and can be contacted on VHF channel 9. 7.4Buholmrasa Light (64°24'N., 10°27'E.) is shown from a
Vessels are requested to pass all installations at a distance of at tower, 23m in height, standing about 1 mile E of Saksa Light.
least 3 miles. A racon is located at the light.
7.1Numerous structures, both above-water and submerged, 7.4Langro Light (64°29'N., 10°30'E.) is shown from a tower
sometimes marked by buoys, as well as moored storage tank- standing about 5 miles NNE of Buholmrasa Light and 7.5
ers, all associated with oil and gas activity, are located off this miles ENE of Kya. The tower is equipped with a racon and is
section of the coast. located on the SE side of Grunnane, a group of dangerous
rocks and islets.
Trondheim to Buholmrasa
Grandevika to Folla
7.2 The portion of Indreleia leading N from Trondheim
and Grandevika (63°41'N., 9°29'E.) to Buholmrasa requires 7.5 Between Grandevika and Folla, about 65 miles N, nu-
exact knowledge to avoid the shoals close to the fairway, which merous small fjords lie E of Indreleia. In general, the fjords
in some places is reduced to a width of only 46m; because of have no significant ports.
this, only an outline of the routes is given. Bjugnfjorden, the fjord next N of Grandevika, leads E from

7.2Between Valsoya (63°52'N., 9°44'E.), an island, and Stok- Indreleia and extends about 7 miles from Bjugnskjaer Light
koya, an island about 13 miles NNE, the fairway is quite nar- (63°46'N., 9°33'E.), its N entrance point.
row in places, but from abreast the S end of Valsoya large An islet fringed on its S side by foul ground, lies 2.75 miles

vessels can take an outer, and broader, channel known as Asen- E of the light.
leia, which rejoins Indreleia in the fairway N of Stokkoya. Bjugnfjorden may be entered from the SE part of Frohavet.

7.2The inner channel passes W and N of Valsoya, through the Tarvfjorden (63°46'N., 9°25'E.) separates Tarva from the

narrow channel between Skjoroya and Lysoya, then E of Lei- mainland, and lies in a NE and SW direction. It is entered be-
kua, 1.5 miles N of Lysoya, and W of Lauvoy. tween Gyltingtarren, off the S extremity of Tarva, and Bjugn-
7.2Linesfjorden, entered NW of Lauvoy, may be navigated by skjaer Light, 5 miles E.
large vessels, and Stokksundet, between Stokkoya and the Torskjaer Light (63°46'N., 9°28'E.), is situated in the S part

mainland, may be used by vessels of about 6.1m draft; howev- of Tarvfjorden, 2.5 miles W of Bjugnskjaer Light. The fjord is
er, there is a sharp turn E of Stokkoya. divided by foul ground running in a SSW-NNE direction.
7.2Stokken, which separates the NE side of Stokkoya from the The W part of the fjord, between the foul ground and Tarva,

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 165

7.2 Buholmrasa Light

should not be entered without local knowledge. Indreleia leads about 10 miles NE of Valsholmskjaer Light, on the SE side of
through the E part of the fjord, between the foul ground and the Indreleia, leads into Afjorden E and Skrafjorden NE. Vessels
mainland. with local knowledge can enter the fjord from Indreleia when
NE of Skjelholmen (63°54'N., 9°51'E.). Afjorden extends 8
miles in a general NE direction from its junction with Lauvoy-
fjorden. It has depths of 80m but there are isolated shoal patch-
es in the fjord.
7.5Skrafjorden, entered from Lauvoyfjorden, extends about 5
miles NE from abreast the S end of Lauvoy (63°56'N.,
9°56'E.). It is foul and should only be entered by small vessels
with local knowledge.

7.6 Linesfjorden is formed between the dangers SSW of

Linesoya (64°01'N., 9°54'E.), and Linesoya on the NW and the
mainland on the E. Indreleia passes through this fjord from
SSW to NNE. The track passes over a charted depth of 7.9m in
the S part of Linesfjorden.
Skjorafjorden (64°06'N., 10°10'E.), about 6 miles NE of

Linesfjorden, is entered from Indreleia, and is deep and free of

dangers in the fairway, with the exception of a 3m shoal lying
about 2 miles within the entrance. A 10m patch lies 0.35 mile
7.5 Kjeungskjer Light SE of the shoal.
Kjeungskjer Light (63°43.6'N., 9°32.2'E.) stands on 20m
The fjord extends about 2 miles SE and then continues about

high red stone tower on Kjeungskeret, that lies on the W side of 2.5 miles NE.
Indreleia fairway at the N entrance of Grandevika. Anchorage is available, in depths of 20 to 23m, sand and

Valsfjorden extends 2.5 miles NE from its entrance between

clay, in a cove extending SSW from the S extremity of Skjo-
Valsholmskjaer Light (63°49'N., 9°36'E.) and the foul ground rafjorden. Foul ground lies in the vicinity of the anchorage.
about 0.5 mile S. It is reported that a racon is located at Brandsfjorden, situated 3 miles E of Kaura (64°14'N.,

Valsholmskjaer Light. 10°08'E.), is entered N of Terningen. The fjord extends 5 miles

The fjord is free from dangers in the fairway. Lauvoyfjorden,
SE and S and is deep and free from dangers.

Pub. 182
166 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

Kaurleia leads from seaward in a SSE direction toward Kau-

7.6 affords a good landmark when approaching Folla from the SW.
ra and joins Indreleia ESE of that islet. From abreast this islet course, should be shaped to pass about 2
Svefjorden (64°23'N., 10°30'E.) is entered from Indreleia
7.6 miles NW of the islets and dangers lying off the mainland in
close S of the S entrance to Buholmrasa. It extends 5 miles the approach to Namsfjorden.
ESE and is deep and fairly clear of dangers. A marine farm is 7.8When approaching Folla from N, a wide berth should be giv-
located about 2 miles S of Svefjorden and is best seen on the en to the dangers lying off the W side of Vikna; course should
chart. There is little traffic in the fjord. be shaped to pass S of Klakken (64°40'N., 10°27'E.).
7.8After clearing Klakken, course should be adjusted to pass 1
Folla—Namsfjorden mile NW of Bjoroyvaer (64°36'N., 10°48'E.), lying 18 miles
NE of Kya. Continue NE and pass S of Sorhunden, a small islet
7.7 Folla is the body of water extending between the S 3.75 miles NNE of Bjoroyvaer, then steer SE and enter Nams-
rocks of Vikna and the mainland S; it is entered between fjorden, W of Otteroya.
Buholmen (64°25'N., 10°26'E.) and Nylandskjeret, marked by
a light, 12 miles N. 7.9 On the S side of Folla is a large indentation in the
7.7Folla gives access at its E end to Namsfjorden and the port of mainland, in which are the islands of Otteroya, Joa, and Elva.
Namsos, to Foldfjorden, and to Naeroysundet and the port of 7.9The fjords which separate these islands have distinctive
Rorvik. names. They are collectively known as Namsfjorden, but the
7.7The passage outside Folla has particularly severe weather; fjord which leads W of Otteroya to Namsos is the one to which
the seas go straight towards the coast when the winds are from the name is specifically assigned.
the WNW. 7.9Namsfjorden is entered between Knapholmene (64°36'N.,
7.7The passage is very deep immediately outside the coastline 11°02'E.), an islet off the W end of Otteroya, and the mainland
and reflections against the steep continental shelf may be one 1 mile W.
of the reasons for the turbulent seas. In combination with out- 7.9The fjord, which is deep throughout, with an average width
going current, this may possibly be one of the reasons that the of 1 mile, leads 18 miles SE to the port of Namsos.
seas are particularly heavy W of the shoals. 7.9Tides—Currents.—From the entrance of Namsfjorden to
7.7The open sea passage across Folla, from Bulholmrasa to Finsneset, 3.5 miles SE, the tidal currents can be quite strong.
Naeroysundet, forms part of Indreleia. 7.9Pilotage.—The services of a State Pilot in the Namsos area
7.7Kya (64°28'N., 10°13'E.), an isolated islet marked by a light, can be arranged through the harbor authority at Trondheim. Pi-
is an excellent mark in the approach to Folla. lot boarding locations are located at Raudoyleia (64°24'N.,
7.7Some of the mountains are visible from the vicinity of Kya 10°14'E.) and 2 miles SW of Sorhunden islet.
for a distance of 45 miles SSW and as far as 60 miles NE.
7.7Halsfjell (64°19'N., 10°'37'E.), 13.5 miles SE of Kya and 7.10 Mefaldtaren (64°37'N., 11°00'E.), a 14.9m patch,
504m high, is seen as a prominent mountain with a deep cleft, lies about 1 mile NNW of the light on Knapholmene; Svarttar-
and a large round hummock S of the cleft. Helvikkeipen, 3.5 en, a 2.4m patch, lies 2.5 miles WNW. Foul ground extends
miles NNW of Halsfjell, is 347m high, it is identifiable by its 0.25 mile from the mainland, 0.8 mile WSW from the light.
prominent location on a peninsula, with a fjord on either side. Finsneset, marked by a light, is located on the W side of

7.7Oksbasheia (64°25'N., 10°31'E.), 8.5 miles ESE of Kya and Namsfjorden, 3 miles SSW of Knapholmene; it rises to a
228m high, is prominently situated on a peninsula. Nes- height of 151m, 0.25 mile inland.
vagklubben, consisting of two hummocks about 103m high, Anchorage is available, in 23 to 32m, sand, off Lovika on the

rises in the SW part of the same peninsula. W side of Namsfjorden, 1 mile SSW of Finsneset.
7.7The tidal current seaward of Namsfjorden sets W with the During bad weather from SW of Folla, large vessels seeking

falling tide and E with the rising tide. The direction, however, shelter anchor SE of Krokvik (64°31'N., 11°04'E.), in the SW
is greatly affected by the wind and at times the velocity is fairly part of Leirfjorden, 3 miles SSW of Finsneset, in depths of 40
strong. to 44m, clay.
7.7The islet of Kya lies in the S approach to Namsfjorden. On
the N side of the fairway, about 15 miles NNE of Kya, is 7.11 Hoddoya (64°28'N., 11°14'E.), an island which rises
Nylandskjeret (64°41'N., 10°33'E.), which consists of several to a height of 208m on its W side, is located on the W side of
rocks. Namsfjorden, about 9 miles within its entrance. Hoddoygrun-
7.7Hilleroen (64°46'N., 10°25'E.), covered by 2.7m, always nen, a 1.5m patch, lies 0.25 mile off the N side of Hoddoya.
breaks. It is the farthest W of the shoal patches off Vikna and Shoal water extends about 0.1 mile off the NE extremity of

lies 5 miles NW of Nylandskjeret. Hoddoya. Namsfjorden is about 0.7 mile wide in this area.
7.7Klakken, a 16.7m patch, lies about 2 miles W of Nylandsk- Bromsneset Light stands on a point in Otteroya, E of Hod-

jeret. doya. A series of islands lies on the S side of the fairway from
1 to 2.75 miles ESE of the light.
7.8 Sveskallen (64°33'N., 10°15'E.), with a least charted Ansneset (64°28'N., 11°24'E.), the S point of Otteroya, has a

depth of 16.8m, lies 5 miles N of Kya Light. Ostvikklakken, a drying spit extending about 0.2 mile S from it. A rocky shoal,
19.8m patch, lies 1.75 miles ENE of Sveskallen; Skillengen, a covered by less than 1.8m, lies on the S side of the fairway, 1
24m patch lies 1.25 miles farther NE. These three patches mile S of the point.
break and the area should be avoided. Maerranes, a promontory on the mainland, lies 1.5 miles SE

Kya, situated about 5 miles seaward of the dangers to the S,

7.8 of Ansneset. Namsos is situated 1.25 miles NE of Maerranes.

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 167

Vessels in transit to Namsfjorden steer a mid-channel course

7.11 may be blocked; the port is kept open by icebreakers.
until abreast of Hoddoya. Shape a course to pass N of Hoddoy-
grunnen, then between Hoddoya and Otteroya. Port of Namsos
The white sector of Bromsneset Light bearing between 286°

and 293°, astern, leads clear of the dangers until SW of Ansne- http://www.namsos.kommune.no
set, when a course should be shaped to pass S of Maerranes,
then NE to Namsos. Tides—Currents.—The spring range of tide is 2.7m.

Strong tidal currents may be experienced in Namsos. The


Namsos (64°28'N., 11°30'E.) flow is affected by the outflow from Namsenelva, the shallow
water area E of Namsos, and can cause difficulty in berthing.
World Port Index No. 23050 Depths—Limitations.—The quays of Namsos are situated

around a small bay. The older part of the town, including the
7.12 The coastal port of Namsos is situated on the N side railway station and the church, occupies the E side.
of mouth of Namsen. The S part is called the Spillum harbor, Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table titled

with berths on reclaimed land. Namsos—Berth Information.

The port can accommodated vessels up to 100,000 dwt, with

a maximum length of 250m in and a maximum draft of 15.5m.

Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but

may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an

additional cost. Pilot boarding locations are located at
Raudoyleia (64°24'N., 10°14'E.) and 2 miles SW of Sorhund-
en islet. but if heavy swell is present, vessels may be directed
into smooth water by the pilot boat. Contact the pilot office by
VHF at Kristiansund.
Regulations.—A speed limit of 5 knots is in force. This

speed limit applies to all vessels except those engaged in oper-

ations for the Norwegian armed forces or craft engaged in
emergency police, custom, fire fighting, ambulance, or search
and rescue missions along the Namsos coastal region.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Namsos—Con-

tact Information.

Namsos—Contact Information
7.12 By Sven McCullough (Svenhaus) via Wikimedia Commons VHF VHF channels 12 and 16

Telephone 47-74-272400
Ice.—The harbor is well sheltered and cargo operations are
7.12 Facsimile 47-74-272550
seldom interfered with. Navigation is seldom impeded by ice
E-mail havnekontoret@namsos.kommune.no
except during exceptionally severe winters, when entrances

Namsos—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Kiskai 56m 8.0m — — — Sand, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Moelvan Van Severen
Moelvan 120m 5.0m — — — Wood chips, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Spillum Nord
North 65m 10.0m — — — Sand, wood chips, breakbulk, and bunkers.
South 45m 10m — — — Sand, wood chips, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Namsen Depot
Shell Namsen 16.5.0 Clean products. Berthing length of138m (in-
60m 250m 15.5m 100,000 dwt
Depot m cluding dolphins).

Pub. 182
168 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

Anchorage.—There is a good, spacious anchorage available

7.12 of Lauvoyfjorden, in 44m, clay.
in the harbor, in depths of 50 to 60m. Anchorage is available Rodsunda (64°38'N., 11°10'E.) is formed between Otteroya,

closer in, in depths of 18 to 42m. on the S and W, and by Joa on the E; it is about 6 miles from its
junction with Lauvoyfjorden to its NW entrance. The fairway
7.13 Lygnenfjorden is entered from Namsfjorden and ex- is mostly clear of dangers.
tends about 9 miles SSE from its entrance between Skjerpoya Holviktaren (64°36'N., 11°18'E.), a 1m patch marked by a

on the W and Kvarvodden, 1.5 miles E. light, lies 0.15 mile offshore, 0.6 mile NW of Holvikneset, the
Bangsund Light (64°25'N., 11°21'E.) is situated on an islet
7.13 S extremity of Joa.
on the E side of the fjord 1.5 miles S of Skjerpoya. Stonga, drying, lies at the extremity of a spit extending 0.5

On each side of the entrance to the fjord are several dangers,

7.13 mile from Joa, at the NW entrance to Rodsunda.
whose positions may be seen on the chart. The white sectors of Vessels which have entered Rodsunda from Lauvoyfjorden

Bangsund Light lead clear of the dangers lying 0.25 mile E of steer a mid-channel course and pass E of Jervika Light
Skjerpoya. (64°38'N., 11°09'E.), close within the NW entrance point. The
Anchorage, in 10 to 19m, mud, with mooring rings, is avail-
7.13 white sector of Jervika Light, astern, leads W of Gauvene into
able off Bangsund, 1 mile SE of the light. Folla.

Lokkaren, Surviksundet, Lauvoyfjorden, and 7.16 Gyltefjorden (64°39'N., 11°22'E.) is entered between
Rodsunda Skreddarneset, the NE point of Joa and Storhovedet, 2.5 miles
NE, and leads 3.5 miles S to the entrance to Seirstadfjorden
7.14 Lokkaren, Surviksundet, Lauvoyfjorden, and Rodsun- and Nordsunda. A marine farm is situated on the E side of Joa.
da lead N from Namsfjorden, along the E and NE sides of Otte- The fjord is deep and clear of dangers.
roya, to join Folla N of Otteroya. A mid-channel course will lead SSW to the entrance to

Lokkaren (64°30'N., 11°26'E.) is entered E of Ansneset and

7.14 Seirstadfjorden.
extends 3.5 miles N, along the E side of Otteroya, to its junc- Anchorage may be taken, in 20 to 24m, clay, in Movika,

tion with Surviksundet, in the vicinity of Levra. close within the N entrance to Gyltefjorden, on the E side.
A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 30m, spans the fairway
7.14 Seirstadfjorden (64°37'N., 11°22'E.) is entered W of Ol-

2 miles within the entrance. A depth of 4.9m is charted close S hammeren, the N point of Elva, and leads 2.5 miles S into Lau-
of the bridge. Lokkaren may be entered within the white sec- voyfjorden. An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of
tors of the light situated on the W side of the fairway 0.75 mile 45m, spans the fjord in the vicinity of the light on Olham-
NNE of its S entrance. Another white sector of this light, meren.
astern, leads farther NNE. Shoal water extends up to about 0.2 mile off the E side of

Levra Light (64°32'N., 11°28'E.) changing from red to

7.14 Joa, which reduces the fairway to about 0.2 mile in places.
green leads W of the 4.9m patch S of the bridge. Nordsunda and Arbustraumen, which separate Elva from the

Surviksundet (64°33'N., 11°24'E.), a narrow sound lying

7.14 mainland, lead SSE from Gyltefjorden and connect with the
between Otteroya on the SW and Elva and Hooya on the NE, various fjords E of Elva.
connects Lokkaren with Lauvoyfjorden. The sound is spanned Nordsund and Arbustraumen, especially the latter, are fre-

by several overhead cables, the lowest having a vertical clear- quently difficult and even dangerous to navigate, due to the
ance of 30m. strong tidal currents and to the squalls which come off the high
An 8.8m patch lies in the NW entrance of Surviksundet; oth-
7.14 land E. These channels, which can be used only by small ves-
erwise it is clear of dangers. sels, are not recommended in the absence of good local knowl-
Levra Light, bearing 124° astern, changing from red to
7.14 edge.
green, leads through the middle of the sound, to Kraka, foul
ground extending 160m NE from Otteroya, 2.75 miles NW of Foldfjorden
the light. From Kraka, the white sector of the light situated on
Lauvoy leads into Lauvoyfjorden; however, the 8.8m patch lies 7.17 Follfjorden is entered at the inner end of Folla and ex-
within this sector. tends 25 miles ENE towards the entrances to Opployfjorden,
and Indre Foldjorden.
7.15 Lauvoyfjorden (64°35'N., 11°20'E.) lies between Ot- Flottra (64°40'N., 11°04'E.), an island marked by a light, is

teroya and Joa on the W and Elva on the E; it is mostly clear of situated at the E end of Folla, just over 1 mile N of Otteroya.
dangers and is well marked. Foul ground extends about 0.4 mile W and 0.3 mile N and E

Lauvoytaren (64°33'N., 11°20'E.), a 3m patch, lies 0.5 mile

7.15 from the island.
SW of the SW point of Elva. Lauvoy, a small islet, is located Stokkgrunnen (64°39'N., 11°00'E.), a dangerous drying

0.3 mile W of the SW point of Elva. Foul ground extends 0.2 reef, lies in the middle of the fairway, 2 miles SW of Flottra.
mile N from the islet; a 4m patch lies 0.6 mile N. Smatarene, a patch with a depth of 11.9m, lies 0.5 mile NE

Lyngholmen (64°35'N., 11°24'E.) lies in the middle of the

7.15 of Flottra; isolated patches, with depths of 9.8m and 9.1m, lie,
fjord, 0.8 mile N of Lauvoy; a drying patch lies 183m N. respectively, 0.3 and 0.75 mile, N of Flottra.
Vessels which have entered Lauvoyfjorden from Surviksun-
7.15 Tarnfallene, islets and rocks which usually break, lies on the

det, pass W of Lauvoy, and steer with the white sector of that S side of the approach to Foldfjorden, 2 miles E of Flottra.
light, astern, which leads into the SW part of Rodsunda. Vessels approaching Foldfjorden from Folla can pass on ei-

Anchorage may be taken off Fosslandsosen, in the SW part

7.15 ther side of Stokkgrunnen and then SE of Flottra. Then shape a

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 169

course to enter the white sector of Abelvaer Light (64°43'N., leads from the vicinity of the overhead cables above to within
11°10'E.), 4 miles NE of Flottra. about 1 mile of the light. Steer a mid-channel course to pass S
When N of Tarnfallene, shape an ENE course to pass about
7.17 of Skaftenes Light; then steer in the white sector of that light,
midway between Mefallstaren (64°46'N., 11°29'E.), awash, astern, which leads N of Ahamaren, a point 2.5 miles ENE of
and Kvalholmen, 1.25 miles SE. When clear of Mefallstaren, the light.
steer E toward Opployfjorden. A 5m patch lies on the S side of the fairway 0.75 mile ENE

Opployfjorden (64°48'N., 11°45'E.), the E continuation of

7.17 of Ahamaren. There is a light situated on shore N of Ahamar-
Foldfjorden, is entered between Digermulen (64°47'N., en; the white sector of this light, astern, leads N of the 5m
11°43'E.) and Galtnesodden, 0.75 mile NE and extends 3.5 patch.From this area SE to the head of the fjord, passage
miles E to Salsbruket. should not be attempted without local knowledge.
Galtnesskjaer Light is situated on a rock which lies in the en-
7.17 Kongsmoen (64°53'N., 12°26'E.), situated at the head of the

trance to Opployfjorden. fjord, 9.75 miles SE of Ahamaren, is the site of a quay, 50m
Several overhead cables, with a vertical clearance of 30m,
7.17 long, with depths of 9.2 to 10.3m alongside.
cross the entrance to the fjord approximately 0.3 miles E of Anchorage can be obtained, in charted depths of 49m, off

Galtnesskjeret. Overhead cables with a vertical clearance of Kongsmoen.

10m cross from the S side of Krokoya to Monsoya. Arnoyfjorden (64°46'N., 11°15'E.) lies ENE of Tviberg and

The fjord may be entered by passing N or S of Galtnesskjaer

7.17 may be entered by passing either N or SE of the island; the SE
Light, then E with the white sector of that light astern, passing side, however, is preferred. A 4m rocky shoal lies on the SE
S of the island about 1 mile E. side of the fairway, about 1 mile ENE of the S point of Tviberg.
Steer to pass N of Garsoya, just over 1 mile farther E, then N

of Opployskjeret, 0.2 mile E of Garsoya, then directly to Sals- Naeroysundet

7.20 Indreleia crosses Folla in open sea for a distance of 20
7.18 Salsbruket (64°48'N., 11°52'E.) stands on the N side miles, then leads through Naeroysundet (64°50'N., 11°11'E.)
of the head of Opployfjorden, 0.5 mile ENE of Opployskjeret. between Indre Vikan on the NW and Naeroya, Maroya, and the
Salsbruket Church, situated 0.5 mile W of Salsbruket is floodlit mainland on the SE.
and makes a good landmark. The harbor is good, but winds can Tidal currents in Naeroysundet are NE on the flood current

be troublesome. and SW on the ebb current. The spring rate in each direction is
7.18The export quay is 70m long and has depths of 7.5 to 9.2m 3 knots off the W side of Maroya and 4 knots off the E side of
alongside. Vessels of 1,000 to 3,000 gt regularly use the quay; Stromoya.
vessels of 10,000 gt have berthed there but have only been part- The group of shoals which separates the NW side of the en-

ly loaded. trance to Foldfjorden from the SE side of the approach to Nae-

7.18Anchorage is available off the quays, in 25 to 30m, sand and roysundet includes the following significant dangers; the
clay. positions are given from the islet Sorhunden (64°39'N.,
7.18Indre Foldfjorden (64°53'N., 11°44'E.) is connected to the 10°53'E.):
NE end of Foldfjorden through Korsnesstraumen, a narrow 1. Bondfallet, a 4.6m patch, lying 1.5 miles NW.
sound. From the N end of Korsnesstraumen, Indre Foldfjorden 2. A 2m patch lying 1.75 miles NNW.
extends ENE 13 miles, then SE for 10 miles. 3. A 5.8m patch lying 2 miles NNW.
7.18Korsnesstraumen and Indre Foldfjorden are mostly clear of Gjeslingene Light (64°44'N., 10°51'E.) is situated on the

dangers but are narrow in places. Korsnesstraumen is navigable NW side of the approach to Naeroysundet, 4.75 miles N of So-
without difficulty, even though the tidal currents run strongly in hunden. A racon is located at the light tower, which is 24m in
it. height.
7.18Indre Foldfjorden is narrowest at Foldereidstraumen, about Grinna Light is situated about 3.75 miles ENE of Gjesling-

16 miles ENE of the S entrance to Korsnesstraumen; large ves- ene Light.

sels should not pass it without a pilot or a local mariner on Finskjerane, a group of rocks partly awash, extends NE from

board. Grinna Light. Spygrunnsfallet, awash, lies on the E side of the

7.18Korsnesstraumen is entered between Falskeneset (64°50'N., fairway, 1.5 miles ESE of the light.
11°39'E.), a headland, and a point 0.35 mile WNW. Naeroysundet is entered between Finskjerslua (64°46'N.,

7.18The white sector of Kjeoy Light (64°48'N., 11°35'E.), 11°00'E.), at the E extremity of Finskjerane, and Spygrunsfall-
astern, leads into the fairway of Korsnesstraumen. A mid-chan- et.
nel course leads N through Korsnesstraumen to Indre Fold- Naeroysund Light stands on the NW side of Naeroysundet,

fjorden; the sound is spanned by an overhead cable, with a 7.75 miles NE of Grinna Light. A bridge, with a vertical clear-
vertical clearance of 45m. ance of 41m, stands 0.8 mile NE of Naeroysund Light.
Vessels approaching Naeroysundet should adjust course to

7.19 Kvalbakskjer Light (64°52'N., 11°41'E.) is situated pass about 1 mile SE of Gjeslingene Light, then pass 0.7 mile
at the extremity of a spit which extends 0.15 mile W from the SE of Grinna and continue NE into Naeroysundet, and in mid-
mainland, at the entrance to Indre Foldfjorden; the fairway channel to Rorvik.
passes W and N of this light. The fjord is spanned by overhead
cables, with a vertical clearance of 43m, 1 mile NE of the light. 7.21 Rorvik (64°52'N., 11°14'E.) (World Port Index No.
The white sector of Skaftenes Light (64°57'N., 12°01'E.)
7.19 23040) is a resort and fishing harbor protected by moles. The

Pub. 182
170 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

entrance is about 50m wide. The harbor is separated into two (64°55'N., 11°32'E.) a group of islets, on the NW, and Kvingla
parts by a peninsula situated in Indre Vikna at the NE end of and the mainland on the SE, passing either side of Svinoya.
Naeroysundet. A light is situated on the SE point of Stromoya; a 4m patch,

Winds—Weather.—Strong SW winds raise a considerable

7.21 marked on its W side by a lighted buoy, lies 0.25 mile NE of
sea, sometimes making the quays untenable. Southeast winds the light.
can bind vessels to many of the quays. The tidal flow off the 4m patch above is 4 knots at springs

Depths—Limitations.—Vessels with a maximum draft of

7.21 tide. It is 3 knots off Krakoya, 1.25 miles NNE.
6m can be accommodated. See the table titled Rorvik—Berth Humulrasa Light (64°55'N., 11°22'E.) stands on the SW

Information. point of Svinoya. The following features positions are given

Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but
7.21 from this light:
may be ordered through the Kvitsoy Pilot Booking Center at an 1. Krigsborgene Islets, lying about 1 mile SW, on the
additional cost. The pilot boards in position 64°44.0'N, NW side of the fairway.
10°58.0'E by arrangement. 2. Krigsborntaren, a rock marked by a light, lying 0.8
Regulations.—The harbor area of Rorvik extends from Naer-
7.21 mile SW.
oysund Light, 1.5 miles SW of Rorvik, to Haganes Light, 1.5 3. A light standing on the E coast of Svinoya, 0.7 mile
miles NE of Rorvik, including the waters on the N side of Maroya. NE.
Within the harbor area, powered vessels must not proceed at
7.21 4. A light standing on Valhaugen, on the NW coast of
a greater speed than necessary for good seamanship and ma- Kvingla, 0.7 mile ENE.
neuverability. Cautionary notice boards are placed at the SW A light is situated on Gjerdinggalten (64°56'N., 11°28'E.),

and NE limits of the harbor area. on the NW side of the fairway, SE of Gjerdingen. A light is sit-
Contact Information.—See the table titled Rorvik—Con-
7.21 uated on Stangholmgalten, on the SE side of the fairway, 0.4
tact Information. mile E of Gjerdinggalten.
Vessels proceeding N from Rorvik and vicinity, pass E of

Rorvik—Contact Information Stromoya and W of the 4m patch, and then in mid-channel,

passing E of Krakoya about 1 mile NNE of Stromoya. The
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
white sectors of the charted lights lead clear of the dangers.
Telephone 47-74-390081 The main fairway E of Stromoya has been used by vessels of

Facsimile 47-74-391470 20,000 gt with a draft of 10m. Larger vessels can pass if
assisted by tugs. Large vessels should only use this channel
E-mail havnekontoret@namsos.kommune.no during the period of slack water.
The narrow channel W of Stromoya, in which the least

Rorvik to Risvaerjorden charted depth is 7m, can be used by vessels up to 1,200 gt.
Powered vessels should observe the speed as required for

7.22 Indreleia continues from Rorvik to Risvaerfjorden, 12 Rorvik. When the vessel has cleared Krakoya and Krigsborn-
miles NE, between Indre Vikna, Stromoya (64°52'N., taren (64°54'N., 11°20'E.), 1 mile NE, course may be shaped
11°16'E.), Krakoya, Lauvoya, Gjerdingen, and Risvaer to pass either E or W of Svinoya.

Rorvik—Berth Information
Berth Length Vessel Remarks
Refa Terminals
General 44m — Breakbulk and bunkers.
Nord-Trondelag Terminal
Chemicals, ro/pax, ro-ro freight,
Main 253m 6.0m containers, breakbulk, multipurpose,
bunkers, and reefer.
Ottersoya Terminal
Bunker 34m 6.0m Dirty products and bunkers.
Naeroysund 30m — Breakbulk and bunkers.
Purkholmen 20m — Breakbulk and bunkers.
Skansen 27m — Breakbulk and bunkers.
Esso Terminal
Bunker 28m — Dirty products and bunkers.

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 171

Rorvik—Berth Information
Berth Length Vessel Remarks
Shell Terminal
Bunker 72m — Dirty products and bunkers.

Svinestien, the passage between Svinoya and Kvingla, may

7.22 When the vessel has cleared the passage E of Bardskjeret,

be entered with the light on the NW coast of Kvingla, bearing steer NW into Risvaerfjorden, passing SW of Hornbaen, or
between 051° and 059°; steer to clear the light, then bring it midway between Hornbaen and the mainland, then NE into
astern to bear between 227° and 231°, which will lead NE be- Dolmsundet.
tween Gjerdinggalten and Stangholmgalten.
Folla to Yetterholmen
7.23 Humulrasa (64°57'N., 11°23'E.) is entered off the
NW side of Indreleia, N of Svinoya, and leads N between Lau- 7.25 Sklinna Banken (65°16'N., 10°10'E.), an extensive
voya and Gjerdingen into the open sea. bank with general depths of less than 183m, and a least charted
Indre Haugoytaren (64°56'N., 11°22'E.), a 6.3m patch, lies
7.23 depth of 121m, lies with its center about 21 miles WNW of Sk-
1 mile N of the SW point of Svinoya. A 6m patch lies 0.3 mile linna.
W of Indre Haugoytaren. Sklinna (65°12'N., 11°00'E.), a small group of isolated is-

Range lights are situated on Lamholmen, off the NW coast

7.23 lands, lies 26.75 miles NNE of Nordoyan.
of Gjerdingen. Sklinna Light is shown from a tower, 14m in height, standing

The recommended route through Humulrasa passes close E

7.23 on Heimoya, the principal island of the group. Several rocky
of Indre Haugoytaren, with the white sector of Humulrasa patches, which sometimes break, lie N of the W shoals off Vik-
Light astern. When clear of Lamholmen, vessels may proceed na.
to the open sea or NE toward Lekafjorden and Indreleia. Galttaren (65°09'N., 10°41'E.) has a least charted depth of

Risvaersundet (64°58'N., 11°31'E.) is a much-used passage

7.23 11m and lies 8 miles WSW of Sklinna. Breigrund, 2.75 miles S
which extends NNE from Oteren (64°58'N., 11°31'E.), located of Galttaren, has a charted depth of 14.6m. A shoal, with a
1.75 miles NE of Gjerdinggalten, and leads between Blikoya, depth of 2.7m, lies 2.75 miles NNE of Galttaren.
Kalvoya, Skarvholmen, Hamneholmen, and Leroya on the W Hogbraken (65°24'N., 11°02'E.), an isolated islet located

and Risvaer, Risvaeroya, and Stensoya on the E. 11.5 miles N of Sklinna, is visible for a distance of about 4
Oterholmflakket, a 3m patch, lies 0.25 mile WSW of Oteren.
7.23 miles. Two above water rocks lie about 2.5 miles S of the islet;
Patches of 6 and 8m lie between Oterholmflakket and Oteren. in moderate weather these two rocks are marked by heavy
Risvaersundet may be entered either between Oterholmflak-
7.23 breakers. Shoals, which always break, extend about 1 mile W
ket and Oteren, where the least depth is 6m, or E of Oteren in of these two rocks.
deeper water. The white sector of the light on Risvaer will lead Steinan (65°36'N., 11°17'E.), a group of islets and rocks,

in the fairway NNE, E of Blikoya. lies 14 miles NNE of Hogbraken. They lie at the SW end of a
Steer to pass W of the light, then bring it astern bearing be-
7.23 larger group of islets known as Bremsteinan, which lies 9 miles
tween 209° and 215°. After passing clear of Leroya, course W of Vega.
may be altered WNW into Risvaerfjorden or NE into Dolm- Skjaervaergrunnan, located 9 miles N of Bremsteinan, has

sundet. depths of 16.4 to 18.3m and is rocky; this area should be avoid-
ed in heavy weather, when the flow in the vicinity is strong and
7.24 From Stangholmgalten (64°56'N., 11°28'E.), Indre- the sea troublesome. Nordvaer, Skjaevaer, and Hysvaer are
leia leads close off the mainland, passing SE of Oteren and three groups of islets which lie 4.5 miles NE, 4 miles E, and
Store Oterholmen, 0.3 mile NE, and then 183m W of Eiternes- 7.5 miles ESE, respectively, from Skjaervaergrunnan; these ar-
tangen which is situated 4 miles ENE of Stangholmgalten, then eas are foul and should be avoided.
NNE into the E end of Risvaerfjorden. The area 14 miles NE of Nordvaer is a mass of islets and

Risvaergalten, with rocks partly awash, lies 1 mile NE of

7.24 reefs which are unapproachable from seaward.
Oteren. A 2m patch lies 0.2 mile farther NNE. Ytreholmen (Ytterholmen) (66°01'N., 11°42'E.), 13 miles

Ivarholmen, marked by a light, Lamholmen, Drenken, and

7.24 NNE of Nordvaer, lies about 15 miles W of the SW point of
Bardskjeret lie across the passage between Risvaer and Eit- Donna; the island is marked by a light. Skalsveskolten,
ernestangen. Skalsveet, and Baksveet, covered by depths of 24 to 29m, lie
From the vicinity of Stangholmgalten, the white sector of
7.24 4.5 to 6.25 miles W and WSW of Ytreholmen (Ytterholmen)
that light, bearing between 230° and 238°, astern, leads SE of and are the farthest patches W in the approach to Ytreholmen.
Store Oterholmen (64°58'N., 11°32'E.). From a position 0.2 The sea breaks over these rocky patches in bad weather.

mile SE of Oteren the fairway leads NE between Eiternes- Meloya (66°04'N., 11°37'E.), a rock, awash, with surround-

tangen and Bardskjeret, taking care to avoid the 7m patch, 0.15 ing shoals, lies about 2 miles NW of Ytterholmen. In bad
mile NE of Bardskjeret and Hornbaen (64°59'N., 11°35'E.), weather, these dangers form a large breaker which extends in a
rocks, partly awash, about 0.6 mile NNE of Bardskjeret. NE to SW direction.

Pub. 182
172 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

Caution.—From the vicinity of Hogbraken to Ytterholmen,

7.25 of dangers in the fairway. With the light bearing not less than
a wide berth should be given to the 183m contour; this is little 087°, a vessel will pass N of Horsgrunnskoltane, which has a
more than 1 mile seaward of the outer line of islets and shoals least depth of 6.7m, and Horsgrunnen, with a least depth of
in some places. 2.7m, situated about 5 miles WSW of the light; these patches
sometimes break.
Vikna to Donna The light on Sklinnaflesan (65°08'N., 10°59'E.), 4.5 miles S

of Helmoya, bearing between 125.5° and 142°, leads NE of

7.26 Vikna (64°55'N., 11°00'E.) consists of three large is- Horsgrunnskoltane, and SW of Sawgrunnen, an 11.9m patch
lands, Indre Vikna, Mellem Vikna, and Ytre Vikna. These are lying 2.25 miles NNW of the light.
surrounded by a number of islets, rocks, and shoals. From a position 4 miles W of Sklinna Light, the route leads

Among the several shoal areas S and W of Vikna, the tidal

7.26 ESE, passing N of Sawgrunnen (65°09'N., 10°56'E.) and S of
currents set towards the land. Breidgrunnen, a 2.7m patch which breaks, 1.25 miles SSW of
In the vicinity of Vikna, mariners bound for Indreleia or the
7.26 the light. Flotran, 0.5 mile SSE of Breidgrunnen, a patch with a
inner fjords are strongly advised to enter through Folla or Ma- depth of 8.5m, is passed on its S side.
Maholmrasa (65°00'N., 10°55'E.) is a good and deep chan-
7.26 7.28 Stortaren (65°08'N., 11°01'E.), a rocky patch with a
nel leading ESE, from seaward, between the coastal reefs off least depth of 4.8m, lies 1 mile NE of Sklinnaflesan. Lilletaren,
the NW side of Vikna, then S of the islets Maholmen a patch with a depth of about 10m, lies 1.25 miles ESE of Stor-
(65°00'N., 10°58'E.), Rauoya, and Kvaloya, lying off the N taren. Both of these patches are passed on the N side.
side of Vikna. Indreleia can be reached through Humulrasa or From a position in Storgrunden (65°09'N., 11°07'E.), 3.25

Risvaerfjorden. miles ENE of Sklinnaflesan, the range lights on Gjerdingen

Maholmrasa is approached from W by passing N of the Ars-
7.26 bear 147°, 15 miles distant; however, they will not be visible.
grunnane patches, which lie 2 miles NW of Arsflesa This alignment leads toward Humulrasa passing about 2 miles
(65°01'N., 10°41'E.); these shoal patches, with a least charted SW of Mefjordbaen (65°08'N., 11°12'E.), which breaks and is
depth of 12.8m, break in bad weather. reported to always be visible.
The range lights on Maholmen, in line bearing 105°, ahead,
7.26 The track continues SE. passing NE of Gjuvtaren, a rocky

lead 0.15 mile N of Djupbaen, awash, lying 0.75 miles ENE of patch with a least charted depth of 4.9m, lying 3.25 miles SSW
Arsflesa, then S of Brosjetarene, patches with a depth of 10m, of Mefjordbaen. The track also passes NE of Sporsluene, a
lying 0.5 mile farther ENE. 4.9m patch lying 1 mile SE of Gjuvtaren; an isolated 8.5m
Oksrevltaren (65°01'N., 10°51'E.), a 16.5m patch, which
7.26 patch lies 0.5 mile NE of Sporsluene.
breaks in heavy weather, lies close N of the range line, 2.5 Brunflesan Light (65°03'N., 11°17'E.), which stands among

miles WNW of the front range light. drying patches about 2 miles ESE of Sporsluene, is passed to
It is advisable to keep the rear light open of the front range
7.26 the SW, then SW of Vevlan 2.75 miles SSE of Brunflesan
light in order to pass safely S of Oksrevltaren and the 1 and 2m Light. It is advisable to keep on the SW side of the range light
patches which lie close N of the track, 1.5 miles ESE of Oks- in the vicinity of Vevlan which lies almost on the line; a 7m
revltaren. patch lies 0.2 mile SE of Vevlan.
The fairway of Maholmrasa S and E of Maholmen is flanked
7.26 When the vessel is clear of Vevlan. the front range light on

by numerous dangers, which are charted. The white sector of Gjerdingen. bearing between 143° and 200°. leads NE of
Ternholmen Light (65°00'N., 11°07'E.), standing on an islet Djuptarskjeret (64°58'N., 11°22'E.), a 7m patch marked by a
off the S side of Kvaloya, leads clear of the dangers; however, beacon, situated 3.25 miles SE of Vevlan. From Djuptarskjeret.
Maholmtaren, a 1m patch, situated 0.5 mile WSW of the rear proceed to pass W of Lamholmen and then S as previously di-
range light, lies within these bearings. rected into Humulrasa.
In the E approach to Maholmrasa, a drying reef lies 0.7 mile

E of Ternholmen Light. A 10m patch lies 1 mile ESE of the 7.29 From the vicinity of Vevlan (65°01'N., 11°19'E.). the
light, and Ytre Ragnildtaren, a 3m patch, lies about 2 miles route passes W of Vevlan, then W and S of a 7m patch lying
ESE of the same light. 0.3 mile SSE.
Mefjordsbaen, with a least charted depth of 3.9m, lies 1 mile
7.26 When the N tangent of Store Kvitholme (65°01'N.,

SE of Ternholmen Light. 11°36'E.), 7 miles E of Vevlan, bears 080°, steer on that course,
The white sector of Ternholmen Light bearing leads clear of
7.26 until clear of Skjeribaen, 3 miles E of Vevlan.
the above danger. When the vessel is S of Skjeribaen, about 0.5 mile distant, a

The range lights on Gjerdingen bearing 147° leads SE to-

7.26 mid-channel route ENE passing about 0.4 mile N of Store
ward Indreleia; it may be reached alternatively, by continuing Kvitholme and the same distance S of Madsoygalten
E and entering Risvaerfjorden. (65°02'N., 11°41'E.), 2.5 miles NE of Store Kvitholme, leads
into the S entrance of Lekafjorden and joins Indreleia.
7.27 Helmoya (65°12'N., 11°00'E.), 35m high, is the larg- A 2.4m patch lies 0.5 mile WSW of Madsoygalten.

est and highest of the Sklinna group; it is marked by Sklinna From the vicinity of Mefjordbaen (65°08'N., 11°12'E.), 7

Light. A vessel proceeding to Indreleia may pass either N or S miles SE of Sklinna, a branch of the entrance channel leads NE
of the group, but only the N approach will be described. through Hortafjorden, passing about 3 miles NW of Leka to
From positions NW of Sklinna, the approach to a position
7.27 join Indreleia in Melsteinfjorden by one of two alternative
about 4 miles W of Sklinna Light (65°12'N., 11°00'E.) is clear routes.

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 173

From a position clear S and E of Mefjordbaen, Hor-

7.29 Traetholmen (65°56'N., 12°12'E.), and Dragan, an islet 0.2
tafjorden (65°10'N., 11°30'E.) may be entered on an E course. mile WSW. From a position about 2 miles SE, the white sector
The alignment of Sorflesa, the S islet of Steinsflesan, and the
7.29 of the light on Store Steinen, bearing between 308° and 326°,
summit of Gutvikfjellet (65°08'N., 11°56'E.), 11 miles farther astern, leads toward Traetholmen, passing SW of Langodbaen
E, bearing 091.5°, leads toward a position about 2 miles W of (65°58'N., 12°07'E.), which lies 1.75 miles ENE of Kvanf-
Sorflesa. Storslua, a large shoal area with a least charted depth lessveet. Indre Flesa, an extensive area of foul ground, lies S of
of 3.3m, lies 0.4 mile N of this track about 4 miles W of Sorfle- Kvanflessveet.
sa. Langobaen, 1.25 miles N of Traetholmen, should be passed

From a position about 2 miles W of Sorflesa, a mid-channel

7.29 on its SW side; then steer toward the light on Traetholmen
route will lead into Hortafjorden, passing N of Steinsflesa passing SW of Stappen, which is marked by a beacon. A 6.4m
(65°09'N., 11°31'E.) and SE of Breigrunnen, a shoal patch 2.25 patch lies 183m S of Stappen.
miles WNW. Husvaersundet (65°56'N., 12°12'E.) lies in a N-S direction;

When N of Steinsflesa, a vessel may steer E and enter the

7.29 the white sector of the light on Traetholmen, astern, leads
white sector of the light on that island. This sector, astern, will through the fairway for a distance of 1 mile.
lead into the white sector of Helgelandsflesa Light (65°13'N., Seisholmtaren, a 1.5m patch, lies on the E side of the fair-

11°53'E.), which has a racon. way, 1 mile S of Traetholmen.

The S of two alternative routes into Melsteinfjorden leads
7.29 Two marine farms are situated on the E side of the fairway

ENE, E, and NE from the vicinity of Steinsflesa, passing N of between Tennvalen and Seisholmtaren.
the dangers lying off Leka. There are numerous less than chart- A submarine pipeline and submarine cable are laid across

ed depths exist in the W approaches to Leka. Husvaersundet between Brasoya and Tennvalen.
When N of Steinsflesa, the S end of Melsteinen (65°11'N.,
7.29 Tennsundet (65°57'N., 12°14'E.) lies between Heroya and

11°51'E.), in range 078° with the N extremity of a headland 10 Tenna; a track leads 2 miles ENE from Husvaerfjorden to the S
miles farther E, leads 183m N of Kriskjaertaren, 3.75 miles entrance for Heroysundet. The controlling depth at the E end of
ENE of Steinsflesa, and 0.25 mile N of Storgrunnen, 2 miles the fairway at Tennsundet is 3m.
farther ENE. A submarine pipeline is extends SW from Lendingen, at the

Melsteinfjorden may be entered by passing either W or E of

7.29 head of Tennsundet.
Melsteinen. Care is necessary to avoid shoal water extending Altfjorden (65°56'N., 12°19'E.) is entered from the S end of

0.2 mile SSW of Melsteinen, and Lilletaren (65°10'N., Husvaersundet; the fairway passes S of Seisholmtaren and NW
11°50'E.), 0.5 mile farther SSW. of Springen Light (65°55'N., 12°13'E.). Buoy Light, 2.75
The white sector of the light on Helgelandsflesa leads into
7.29 miles ENE of Springen Light, bearing 069°, passes between
Melsteinfjorden passing between Steinstaren on the W and Seisholmtaren and Springen Light.
Melsteinen on the E. From Springen, the white sector of Springen Light leads into

Lekafjorden may be entered from N by rounding the dangers

7.29 the fairway, passing clear of the islets on each side.
NE of Leka and passing SW of Stortaren (65°09'N., Indreleia continues NNE through Alstfjorden to Ulvangen.

11°50'E.), 2 miles S of Melsteinen, and then SSW into the fair-

way of the fjord. Risvaerfjorden to Ulvangen
7.30 Ytreholmen (66°01'N., 11°42'E.), previously de- 7.31 Indreleia continues N from Risvaerfjorden to Ulvan-
scribed in paragraph 7.25, may be approached from the SW, gen, about 70 miles distant. At position 65°08'N, 11°51'E,
avoiding Baksveet, Skalsveskolten, and Skalsveet, which lie 6 there is a choice of three different routes. The W route through
miles WSW, 6 miles W and 5.5 miles W, respectively, from Vegafjorden is the preferred route. Caution is advised in the W
that islet. The sea breaks over these shoals in heavy weather. approaches to Leka (65°02'N, 11°26'E.) where many depths
From a position SW of Ytterholmen, the SW summit of
7.30 less than charted are known to exist.
Store Steinen (66°00'N., 12°01'E.) is the only part of the Dolmsundet (65°00'N., 11°37'E.) leads ENE from Risvaer-

Steinan group that can be seen. Vessels approaching Husvaet- fjorden, passing between Dolma and the mainland SE, and
fjorden should keep this summit bearing between 072° and forms the principal channel of Indreleia.
080°, which will lead S of Langskolten and Storgrunnsveet, 1.5 The white sector of the light close NNE of Eiternestangen,

miles S and 1.75 miles SSE, respectively, from Ytterholmen, bearing between 199° and 203°, astern, leads toward Dolmsun-
and N of Kastsveet, which is reported to break in heavy weath- det, leading E of Hornbaen, then E of an 11.9m patch, 0.35
er, 3.5 miles S of Ytterholmen. mile NE of Hornbaen, and E of Abregtaren, 0.4 mile farther
Langfallet, a 2m rocky patch, lies about 2 miles, ESE of Yt-
7.30 NE.
terholmen, on the N side of the fairway. From a position E of Abregtaren, Dolmsund Light

The white sector of the light on Store Steinen leads over the
7.30 (65°00'N., 11°39'E.) ahead, leads clear of danger into Dolm-
same area described above. sundet. This sector also leads from seaward passing N of Horn-
From a position about 2 miles WSW of Store Steinen, the
7.30 baen and the 11.9m patch NE of it; however, Abregtaren lies
white sector of the auxiliary light on Ytterholmen, astern, leads within the light sector. With Dolmsund Light astern, this leads
S of all dangers in Steinan and N of Kvanflessveet (65°58'N., clear N of Tenfjordsluen, a 5.8m patch, lying 0.8 mile NE of
12°03'E.), an 11m patch 9 miles ESE of the light. the light. The 245.5° line of bearing should be favored.
Husvaerfjorden (65°58'N., 12°05'E.) extends SE from the
7.30 Madsoygalten Light (65°03'N., 11°41'E.) ahead, leads into

vicinity of Steinan to Husvaersundet, which is entered between the center of the fairway of Lekafjorden.

Pub. 182
174 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

Indreleia leads from the NE end of Dolmsundet through

7.31 sector of the light on Helbergsoya, which leads in the fairway
Lekafjorden, between Madsoya and Leka on the NW and Aus- passing W of Gloven and E of Biskoptaren.
tra on the SE. Lekafjorden is joined at its SW end by one of the When SE of Biskoptaren, steer a mid-channel course to pass

channels leading inwards from Sklinna. about 0.2 mile E of Helbergsoya and the same distance E of
Lekafjorden (65°05'N., 11°47'E.) may be entered from a
7.31 Sandvaerodtaren, and then into the SW entrance of Torg-
mid-channel position SE of Magsoygalten Light, with the fjorden.
white sector of Sore Gutvik Light (65°05'N., 11°49'E.) ahead.
When E of Magsoygalten Light, steer a mid-channel course to 7.33 Lyngvaerfjorden (65°15'N., 12°05'E.) is enclosed by
clear off-lying dangers on either side. Kvaloya and Lyngvaer, on the W, and the mainland, on the E.
From the N end of Lekafjorden, the track of Indreleia passes
7.31 Vessels entering Lyngvaerfjorden should proceed to a posi-

between Melsteinen and Sorflesene, a group of partly sub- tion about 1 mile NNE from the entrance, then steer E passing
merged rocks about 0.4 mile E of the island, then between Hel- N of Lyngvaertaren, at the N end of Lyngvaer.
gelandsflesa (65°13'N., 11°54'E.), 2 miles NNE of Melsteinen, When in the white sector of Lyngvaergalten Light

and Uertaren, a reef which dries, 0.7 mile SSE of Helgelands- (65°16'N., 12°03'E.) steer a course mid-channel to pass 0.5
flesa. Several shoals lie between Sorflesene and Uertaren on mile NE of the light.
the E side of the fairway. The white sector of Lyngvaergalten Light, astern, will lead

Vessels in the vicinity of Melsteinen may expect a SW tidal

7.31 into Vikvagen, where anchorage may be taken, in 19m, hard
current out of Royningen, except during strong W winds, when sand.
a weak tidal current may set to the E. Vikvagen (65°18'N., 12°07'E.) is encumbered with shoal

Vessels approaching Melsteinenfjorden from the S should

7.31 patches and small islets; the approach to the anchorage passes
pass E of Lilletaren, 0.75 mile SSW of Melsteinen. The white close SE of a 1m patch and a 7m patch lies close off the S side
sector of the light on Helgelandsflesa leads E of Lilletaren and of the fairway. These and other dangers may be seen on the
then between Melsteinen (65°11'N., 11°51'E.) and the shoals chart.
to the E and NE of the island. Somnesvagen (65°23'N., 12°10'E.) is entered off the SE side

With the light on Melsteinen, astern, and showing green, this

7.31 of Torgfjorden, 2.25 miles from its S entrance. Somnesvagen is
leads through the fairway between Helgelandsflesa and the approached between Somnesoya, an islet, on the S side, and
NW side of Uertaren. the S extremity of Sylskjaerene, 0.75 mile N.
Langsundet (65°14'N., 11°58'E.) is formed between Lan-
7.31 Anchorage may be taken SE of Jarholme, an islet 0.75 mile

goya on the W, and Kvaloya on the E, and lies 2.25 miles NE within the entrance to Somnesvagen, in 18.3m, sand and clay.
of Melsteinen. Berg (65°22'N., 12°12'E.) (World Port Index No. 23020)

Good anchorage may be taken in Langsundet, in 10 to 17m,

7.31 close NE of Jarholme, has two quays. One quay is 62m long,
sand and clay, abreast the summit of Langoya. with depths of 9.3 to 12m alongside; the other quay is 55m
long, with depths of 7.6 to 10.8m alongside.
7.32 After passing SE of Helgelandsflesa in Melstein-
fjorden, Indreleia continues NNE on the W sides of the islands 7.34 Bronnoysundet (65°27'N., 12°10'E.), on which the
of Langoya and Kvaloya. port of Bronnoysund is situated, is entered between Ormoya
Lyngvaer (65°16'N., 11°58'E.) is a group of islets and rocks
7.32 (65°26'N., 12°09'E.), situated on the W side of Torgfjorden 5
extending about 3 miles N from Kvaloya. Tyven, lying about 1 miles NE of its S entrance, and Stokholmen close E; it leads 3
mile NW of Kvaloya, and Vagoytaren, a 7m patch a little over miles NNE into Tilremfjorden.
1 mile NNE of Tyven, are the farthest W of the dangers off The passage through Bronnoysundet is narrow and local

Lyngvaer. knowledge is required; however, it is well-marked.

Gronstabben (65°16'N., 11°56'E.), a reef, lies on the W side
7.32 Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Bronnoysundet are

of the fairway, 0.85 mile NW of Vagoytaren. strong, making navigation difficult.

From Gronstabben, Indreleia passes between Gloven, 3.5

miles NE of Gronstabben, on the E side of the fairway, and 7.35 Bronnoysund (65°28'N., 12°12'E.) (World Port Index
Biskoptaren, a 1.8m patch on the W side of the fairway, 0.9 No. 22990) is a coastal natural harbor situated on the E side of
mile NW of Gloven. Bronnoysundet, 2 miles NNE of Ormoya. The harbor area cov-
Helbergotaren (65°20'N., 12°03'E.) lies on the E side of the
7.32 ers most of Bronnoysundet.
fairway, 1.25 miles NNE of the light on Gloven; it has a least
depth of 1.8m. Port of Bronnoysund
Helbergsoya, marked by a light, lies on the W side of the

fairway, 0.7 mile NNE of Biskoptaren; foul ground extends 0.1 http://www.bronnoyhavn.no/en/
mile SSW and 0.8 mile NNE from the island. The many shoal
patches in this area may be seen on the chart. Tides—Currents.—Tides rise about 2.7m at springs and

Torgfjorden extends NE from the vicinity of Sandvaerod-

7.32 2.1m at neaps.
taren (65°22'N., 12°03'E.), situated at the extremity of the foul Depths—Linitations.—Bronnoysund may be approached

ground NNE of Helbergsoya. from N or S. The least depth in the S approach from Torg-
Vessels proceeding N pass E of Helgelandsflesa; then a mid-
7.32 fjorden is 6m and in the N exit to Tilremfjorden the least depth
channel course NNE will pass about 0.2 mile E of the light on is 6.5m. A bridge with a vertical clearance of 30m spans the
Gronstabben. When abreast of Gronstabben, steer in the white fairway in a position about 0.4 mile SW of the church in Bron-

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 175

7.35 By DXR (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons

7.35 Bronnoysund

noysund. Vessels up to 4,500 dwt with a maximum draft of 6m Bronnoysund—Berth Information

can be accommodated. See the table titled Bronnoysund—
Berth Information. Berth Length Depth Remarks
Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered using the SafeSeaNet
North Quay 75m 6.5-8.3m —
but may be ordered through the Londingen Pilot Booking
Center at an additional cost. The pilot boards in the following Algia Tangmell-
14m 3.7m —
positions: fabrik
a. 66°15.2'N, 12°35.9E for Asvaer. Multipurpose Berths
b. 64°44.0'N, 10°58.0'E for Grinna.
Shell Bunkering 15m 3.8-4.3m Bunkering.
Bronnoysund—Berth Information Esso Bunkering 47m 6.9-8.2m Bunkering.
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Regulations.—Within the harbor area power-driven vessels

Northern Port Gardsoya are required to proceed at no greater speed than good seaman-
Passengers and ship and maneuverability demand to avoid creating a damaging
Outer 100m — wash.
general cargo.
Vessel Traffic Service.—For details on the Vessel Traffic

Passengers and Service, see section titled Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph
Inner 81m —
general cargo. 1.1.
Central Point Town Center Contact Information.—See the table titled Bron-

noysund—Contact Information.
Passengers and
South 74m 5.3-7.3m
general cargo.
Bronnoysund—Contact Information
Passengers and VHF VHF channels 12, 13, 14, and 16
North 70m 7.7-10m
general cargo.
Telephone 47-75-012070
Passengers and
Felix 46m 6.8-8.8m Facsimile 47-75-012071
general cargo.
Concrete 102m 6.3-7.3m — E-mail bronnoy.havn@bronnoy.kommune.no
South Stone 45m 6.8m —
7.35 Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken, in 12 to 16m, 1.25

Pub. 182
176 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

miles SSW of the church in Bronnoysund, and in depths of 20 about 11 miles SE to Nevernes Light (65°26'N., 12°35'E.);
to 24m, sand, 1.5 miles NNE of the church. from the light, Langfjorden continues about 6 miles farther in
Anchorage is prohibited close N of the quays to permit ma-
7.35 the same direction. Okfjorden, Storfjorden, Litle Borja, and
neuvering for vessels berthing and unberthing at the packet Stor Borja, all opening off the E side of Velfjorden, are deep
boat quays. and clear, but are unmarked.
Sorfjorden and Heggefjorden, branching off the S side of the

7.36 The W route of Indrelia leads from the S entrance of fjord and the extension of Langfjorden, are neither so deep nor
Torgfjorden, WNW, N of Sandvaer (65°21'N., 11°58'E.), and so free from dangers as the fjords on the E side; the land in
Klubholmen Light, then NNW passing close E of Blabakflua their vicinity is less mountainous.
Light, then the track passes S and W of Uttorgvaer, an island Hornstaren (65°35'N., 12°19'E.), a shoal patch with a chart-

group 6 miles NNW of Helbergoya. ed depth of 1.8m, lies in the entrance of Velfjorden, 0.4 mile
From the S entrance to Torgfjorden, vessels proceed WNW
7.36 ENE of Hornsneset. Jenssluin, an 8.8m patch, lies 0.25 mile
on a mid-channel course which will lead S of Sandoytaren farther NE.
(65°23'N., 12°00'E.), a reef with a charted depth of 4.9m, situ- Manddauen Light is situated on a reef, 0.75 miles SE of

ated about 1 mile ENE of Klubholmen Light. Hornsneset.

From E of Klubholmen Light, a vessel should alter course to
7.36 The entrance to Storfjorden is encumbered with dangers,

pass E of Hokstaren (65°24'N., 11°58'E.), a 2.4m patch whose positions may best be seen on the chart.
marked by a light, 1.5 miles N of Klubholmen Light,. Ice.—Sorfjorden, Heggefjorden, Stor Borja, and most of

On the E side of the fairway, 0.35 mile E of Hokstaren, lies a

7.36 Storfjorden are usually frozen over in winter. Ice forms first
14.9m patch; a 5.5m patch lies 0.25 mile farther NE. and lasts longest in Langfjorden. Obstruction by ice is greatest
Fleina, marked by a light, is situated 0.75 mile NE of Hok-
7.36 after the New Year.
staren. Blabakflua Light lies 0.6 mile WNW of Fleina; the fair- Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents usually set into

way passes between these two lights. Velfjorden with the rising tide and out with the falling tide.
After passing between Fleina and Blabakflua, Indreleia leads
7.36 Currents usually set out of the branch fjords but they are affect-
NNW to pass between Knutstaren (65°26'N., 11°55'E.), a ed by the tide and wind.
1.8m patch marked by a light, 2 miles NW of Blabakflua. on From the entrance N of Hornsneset, the W extremity of

the W side, and Flestaren, a 4.9m patch, 0.55 mile E, on the E Bjornholmen (65°37'N., 12°18'E.) in range 329°, astern, with
side. The white sector of Blabakflua Light, astern, leads be- the E extremity of Kvitjerta, an islet 1 mile NNW of Bjornhol-
tween these two dangers. Tvertaren, a 7m shoal patch, lies on men, leads NE of Jenssluin, awash, and the shoal patches E.
the SW side of the fairway 0.5 mile NW of Blabakflua Light. A white sector of Manddauen Light, astern, leads through

When the vessel is clear of Knutstaren, a NNE course may

7.36 the fairway of Velfjorden to within about 2 miles of Nevernes
be set, passing about 0.5 mile WNW of Uttorgflessa Light Light; a white sector of that light ahead, leads through the fair-
(65°26'N., 11°57'E.) and W of the Uttorgvaer group. way from abreast Okfjorden to within a short distance of the
This part of Indreleia crosses the E end of Vegafjorden in a
7.36 light.
SSW to NNE direction. All the branch fjords of Velfjorden afford suitable depths for

anchorage during the ice-free season.

7.37 After passing into Vegafjorden, vessels should steer
for the W edge of the 67m summit of Ylvingen, which lies 10.5 7.39 Vevelstadsundet is entered about 3.5 miles NNE of
miles NNE of Uttorgflessa Light. Hornsneset and lies between the mainland and the E side of
Halholmen Light (65°32'N., 12°05'E.) is located on the SE
7.37 Hamnoya. A 5.5m rocky shoal lies about 2 miles within the en-
side of Indreleia, about 7 miles NNE of Uttorgflesa. Klabben trance. This danger lies within the white sector of Snerthol-
Light is situated 2.75 miles NW of Halholmen Light. men Light (65°43'N., 12°28'E.).
The white sector of Ylvingen Light, about 4 miles NNE of
7.37 Forvik, located on the mainland about 0.5 mile S of Sner-

Halholmen Light, leads through the fairway of Vegafjorden, tholmen Light, has a timber quay, 36m long, with depths of 4.2
passing between the dangers in the vicinity of Halholmen Light to 6.5m alongside.
and the dangers off the SE side of Vega. Between the S end of Ylvingen (65°36'N., 12°10'E.) and Ul-

From Halholmen Light, vessels should alter course NE and

7.37 vangen, about 30 miles NNE, Indreleia is comparatively free
pass S of Ylvingen (65°36'N., 12°10'E.) and N of the shoals ly- from dangers.
ing about 0.5 to 1 mile N and NNE of the light. Tides—Currents.—In this section of Indreleia, the tidal

Indreleia leads about 7 miles N through Tilremfjorden from

7.37 current sets N from about half rising tide to half falling tide; the
Bronnoysundet to a junction between Hornsneset (65°35'N., period of the S current is the reverse of this. Their strength is
12°18'E.) and Ylvingen, 3.5 miles WNW, with the W route of variable and may be affected by the prevailing wind. The tidal
Indreleia through Vegafjorden. currents set out of the adjacent fjords, and when the direction
Nordtaren (65°34'N., 12°11'E.), a 1.8m shoal patch, lies on
7.37 of the set coincides with that of the main tidal current the latter
the W side of Tilremfjorden, 3.25 miles SW of Hornsneset. may run with great strength, particularly in the narrow chan-
Anchorage, in 14m, sand and clay, may be taken in a cove,
7.37 nels.
near Tilrem, 3.5 miles NNE of Bronnoysund Church. In position 65°36' N, 12°13' E, off the SE side of Ylvingen,

the W and E routes of Indreleia unite and continue 7.5 miles N

7.38 Velfjorden (65°35'N., 12°21'E.) is entered N of Horn- to Skjelva (65°43'N., 12°19'E.), then 23 miles NNE through
sneset, the W entrance point. The fjord penetrates the coast Tjottafjorden and Alstfjorden to Ulvangen.

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 177

7.40 Tjottafjorden consists of the waters around the junc- rent in the channel off the entrance, the resultant flow may have
tion of Indreleia and the entrance to Vefsnfjorden off the SW considerable strength.
side of the island Tjotta. Mindvaeret, the foul ground NE of The fairway of Vefsnfjorden is free of dangers other than

Skjelva, and Mindlandet, the 159m high island 2 miles NE of those shown on the chart. The head of the fjord is shallow for a
Skjelva, form the SE side of Tjottafjorden. distance of 0.75 miles N of Mosjoen.
Breigtaren (65°45'N., 12°21'E.), awash, lies 2.25 miles NNE
7.40 The fairway of Vefsnfjorden is about 0.4 mile wide between

of Skjelva and Nordtaren, with a charted depth of 0.9m, lies 0.3 Sornes (65°58'N., 12°52'E.), on the W side, and Nubben, on
mile farther NNE; these dangers lie off the NW side of Mind- the E side, about 11 miles NW of Mosjoen.
vaeret. Anchorage may be taken, in 17 to 20m, in the cove on the W

Foul ground extends 1.25 miles into Tjottafjorden from the S

7.40 side of Sornes; it shelves quickly to the N.
extremity of Tjotta.
Tjotta (65°50'N., 12°26'E.), a small port, is located on the S
Mosjoen (65°51'N., 13°11'E.)
side of the island Tjotta. Local knowledge is required to enter
the harbor, which has depths of 3.6 to 5.1m alongside the World Port Index No. 22920
steamer quay.
Tjotta Church, with a square tower and a dark gray roof, is
7.40 7.42 Mosjoen is a small natural harbor situated at the head
prominent. of Vefsnfjorden, about 26 miles from Indreleia. It consists of
the quays and the city of Mosjoen, which is situated 0.75 mile
7.41 On the NW side of Mindlandet, a well-situated quay S of the quays.
is located about 2.25 miles SSE of Tjotta Church. The quay has Winds—Weather.—Mosjoen is well sheltered and port car-

a length of 26m, with alongside depths of 8.3 to 13m. go handling is seldom interrupted. The port is usually ice-free,
Vefsnfjorden is entered from Indreleia through Tjottafjorden,
7.41 except for some shallow bays which may freeze over in severe
between Langholmen (65°49'N., 12°27'E.), off the SE coast of winters; shipping is rarely hampered by ice.
Tjotta, and the NW coast of Mindlandet, 1 mile SE. The W arm Tides—Currents.—Mean High Water Spring tides in Mos-

of the fjord extends 14 miles NE, between the mainland and joen are 2.7m and MLWS is 0.4m; the greatest spring range ob-
Alsten; the SE arm of the fjord extends 12 miles SE to the port served was 4m.
of Mosjoen. Depths—Limitations.—The channel leading to the port is

The outer part of the fjord is sparsely vegetated and the land-
7.41 narrow. Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table
scape is dominated by De Syv Sostre, in the SE part of Alsten. titled Mosjoen—Berth Information. Vessels over 10.1m draft
The inner part of the fjord is wooded and most of the villages are berthed only at HW.
are situated there. It was reported that a vessel up to 37,153 dwt, with a maxi-

Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents run into Velsnfjorden

7.41 mum length of 199.9m, a maximum beam of 30m, and a maxi-
with the rising tide and out of the fjord with the falling tide. At mum draft of 11.5m, can be accommodated in the port.
the entrance, when the ebb coincides in direction with the cur-

Mosjoen—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Mosjoen Havn KF
Halsoy 45m 6.5m 142.9m — 21.5m 17,294 dwt Breakbulk and bunkers.
New 170m 8.0m 145.6m 8.0m 21.4m 12,264 dwt Containers, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Railway 210m 5.0m 98.7m — 16.0m 4,418 dwt Containers, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Aggregates, breakbulk, and bunkers. Not
Skjaerflesen 20m — — — — —
ISPS compliant.
Dirty products, LNG, limestone, multi-
Veidekke 16m 6.0m 134.6m — 23.0m 14,968 dwt
purpose, and bunkers.
Closed. Breakbulk and bunkers. Vessels
mostly moored alongside adjacent new
quay and take up space at the W quay ar-
Western 70m 5.5m — — — —
ea. No commercial activity in recent
years. Continuous berthing length of
Holandsvika 60m 5.5m 98.7m — 16.0m 4,418 dwt Breakbulk and bunkers.

Pub. 182
178 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

Mosjoen—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Alcoa Mosjoen Terminal
Chemicals, alumina, containers, prebaked
anode, coal tar pitch, aluminum products,
Alcoa 275m 12.0m 199.9m 11.5m 30.0m 37,153 dwt steel products, breakbulk, multipurpose,
and bunkers. Chemical propane deliv-
ered by tanker for Alcoa facility usage.
Equinor Holandsvika
Closed. Berth is now disused. Berthing
Bunkering 7m — — — — — length of 33m (including dolphins). Tank
facilities has been demolished (2022).

By Rune Lund (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons


7.42 Mosjoen

Pilotage.—Pilotage should be ordered through SafeSeaNet

7.42 num works, in 40m, sand and clay.
but may be ordered through the Londingen Pilot Booking Cen-
ter at an additional cost. Mosjoen—Contact Information
The pilot boards in position 66°15.3'N, 12°36.7E (1.5 miles

N of Donna) or position 66°17.0'N, 12°12.6'E (2.4 miles VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 16
WNW of Asvaer Light). Telephone 47-75-390081
Contact Information.—See the table titled Mosjoen—

Facsimile 47-75-101871
Contact Information.
Anchorage.—Large vessels may anchor off Halsoy, 0.9

mile N of Mosjoen, in 30m, sand and clay, and off the alumi- 7.43 The track of Indreleia, N of Tjottafjorden, leads be-
tween Sondre Rosoya and Norde Rosoya, on the W side, and
Tjotta, on the E side.

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 179

Juledagene Light (65°51'N., 12°23'E.) is situated near the

7.43 A channel from seaward entered off Ytreholmen joins Alst-

edge of the foul ground extending W from Tjotta, about 8 fjorden, at its SW end, from Alterfjorden.
miles N of Skjelva. A patch, with a depth of 8.5m, lies on the Vikholmen (65°57'N., 12°26'E.), a small islet, lies on the E

W side of the fairway, 0.45 mile W of Juledagene Light. side of the fairway through Alstfjorden, 1.5 miles ENE of Al-
Rosoytaren (65°52'N., 12°22'E.), with a charted depth of
7.43 teren. Foul ground extends 0.7 mile NNE from the islet.
5.8m, lies 0.25 mile off the NE extremity of Nordre Rosoya; it Valloya and Svinoya lie in a NNE direction from 0.3 to 0.7

may be passed on either side. mile, respectively, NNE of Valloygalten; Svartskjaer lies 0.15
Hamnesleira, a large open anchorage, is entered between
7.43 mile off the NE extremity of Svinoya.
Faksholmen, off the NW part of Tjotta and Haugsneset From abreast Sondre Soroyholme, vessels can steer for the

(65°53'N., 12°24'E.), 1.25 miles N. Large vessels anchor, in 25 summit of Skorpa (66°02'N., 12°33'E.), which rises about 8
to 30m, sand and shells, 0.75 mile ENE of Haugsneset; a rock miles NNE. This course leads through the fairway of Indreleia
is charted about 0.3 mile ENE of the anchorage. into Alstfjorden. When well into the fjord, a mid-channel
From the vicinity of Rosoytaren, Indreleia continues NNW,
7.43 course will lead NE to the S entrance of Ulvangen.
passing between the SW end of Alsten and Skarvoya
(65°53'N., 12°20'E.), which lies 1.5 miles NW of Haugsneset. 7.45 Sandnessjoen (66°01'N., 12°38'E.) (World Port Index
A rock, awash, lies on the foul ground extending NNE from
7.43 No. 22750), protected from the S by a road embankment and
Valoya, about 1 mile WNW of Haugsneset. by the island of Holmen, lies on the NW side of Alsten, at the
When E of Skarvoya, the fairway continues N about 1 mile, and
7.43 junction of Alstfjorden and Ulvangen. The entrance to the har-
passes between Karholmen (65°55'N., 12°23'E.) on the E side, and bor is from the E.
an 11m patch 0.4 mile W. Then a mid-channel course leads NNE During strong W winds, an unpleasant short sea is raised off

passing E of Sondre Soroyholme, 0.45 mile NNW of Karholmen. Sandnessjoen; at times strong squalls come down from the
The NE extremity of Alteren is situated on the W side of In-
7.43 mountains situated about 5 miles S.
dreleia, 0.85 mile N of Sondre Soroyholme; Valloygalten Depths—Limitations.—The port can accommodate vessels

(65°57'N., 12°24'E.), with a least depth of 4.9m, lies 0.8 mile up to 12,000 dwt with a maximum draft of 8m. The harbor au-
NNE of Alteren. thority has numerous quays. Some of the berths and installa-
tions are situated in Sandnesvagen, on the SE side of town, and
7.44 Alstfjorden extends from the vicinity of Sondre So- in Botnfjorden, 1.5 miles SE; these are accessible from Leir-
royholme (65°55'N., 12°22'E.) along the NW side of Alsten, to fjorden.
the vicinity of Sandnessjoen 9 miles NE, where it leads into See the table tittled Sandnessjoen—Berth Information.


Sandnessjoen—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Remarks
Draft Size
Coastbase (Sandnessjoen Botnfjorden)
Aggregates, containers, transshipment, offshore,
Aqua Rock Quarry 130m — —
project/heavy cargo, and steel products.
Offshore vessels, project/heavy cargo, steel prod-
Service 50m — — ucts, and breakbulk. Berthing length of 100m (in-
cluding dolphins).
Sandnessjoen-Donna Ferry Terminal
North 55m — — Fast ferries.
South 73m — — Fast ferries.
Terminal Vagen
Containers, offshore vessels, fishing vessels, and
Vagen 105m — —
Helgeland Logistikksenter Horvnes
Chemicals, transshipment, offshore vessels, proj-
No. 1 80m 8.0m 12,000 dwt
ect/heavy cargo, steel products, and breakbulk.
Chemicals, transshipment, offshore vessels, proj-
No. 2 80m — —
ect/heavy cargo, steel products, and breakbulk.
Transshipment, offshore vessels, project/heavy
No. 3 80m — —
cargo, steel products, and breakbulk.

Pub. 182
180 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

Sandnessjoen—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Remarks
Draft Size
Sandnessjoen Harbor(North)
Berthing length: 112m (incl. dolphins). Containers,
East (North Quay) 50m — — fishing, and breakbulk. Quay at SW end with dol-
phins structure to NE.
Minol Holmen Berthing length: 65m (incl. dolphins). Chemicals,
Multipurpose 40m — — ro/pax, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, coastal, fish-
(North Quay) ing, and breakbulk.
Passenger and Ro/pax, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, transship-
Vehicle Ro-Ro 25m — — ment, coastal, fishing, and breakbulk. Mooring
(Inner) bollards on shore 75m apart.
Passenger and
Ro/pax, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, transship-
Vehicle Ro-Ro — — —
ment, coastal, fishing, and breakbulk.
Ro/pax, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, smaller ro-
ro passengers/vehicles vessels, transshipment,
Ulvanger 40m — —
coastal vessels, fishing vessels, and breakbulk.
Mooring bollards on shore 120m apart.
Sandnessjoen Harbor (South)
Cruise, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, offshore,
East (South Quay) 210m — —
and fishing.
Berthing length: 36m (incl. dolphins). Transship-
Eastern Approaches 21m — —
ment, coastal, fishing, and breakbulk.
Middle 85m — — Smaller cruise/passenger vessels.
Ro/pax, ro-ro passenger/vehicles/rail, transship-
West 260m — — ment, coastal vessels, fishing vessels, and break-
bulk. Small ro-ro passenger/vehicles vessels.

Pilotage.—Pilots should be ordered through SafeSeaNet but

Donna to Bodo
may be ordered through the Londingen Pilot Booking Center at
an additional cost. 7.46 The high peaks of the mainland and larger islands of-
The pilot boards in position 66°15.3'N, 12°36.7E (1.5 miles
7.45 ten rise to several thousand feet and at times are visible over 50
N of Donna) or position 66°17.0'N, 12°12.6'E (2.4 miles miles.
WNW of Asvaer Light). Sanna (66°30'N., 12°03'E.), the principal island of Traena,

Local knowledge is required for vessels to take up berthing

7.45 lies 30 miles NNE of Ytterholmen; it is by far the most import-
space, as the tidal currents are strong. ant landmark on this coast. Its principal peak, Traenstaven, ris-
Vessel Traffic Service.—For details on the Vessel Traffic
7.45 es to about 331m, and may be seen at a distance of more than
Service, see section titled Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph 40 miles; it is unmistakable.
1.1. Kunna, a headland on the mainland 44 miles NE of Sanna,

Contact Information.—See the table titled Sandnessjo-

7.45 can be made out when in the vicinity of Traena.
en—Contact Information. Three high peaks rise on the island of Tomma, about 21

miles SE of Sanna. The peak farthest N rises to a height of

Sandnessjoen—Contact Information 916m and resembles Traenstaven.
Lovunden (66°22'N., 12°20'E.), 619m high, lies about 10

Telephone 47-75-075700 miles SE of Sanna. The island appears isolated but is easily
Facsimile 47-75-075701 identified by its nearly perpendicular W side and the gradual
slope on its E side.
E-mail post@ath-havnevesen.no
Luroy, an island lying about 11 miles ENE of Lovunden, is

689m high. It is more rounded and has less abrupt declivities

Anchorage.—Anchorage is available, in 16.5 to 24m, 0.15
than other islands in the vicinity. Hestmannoy lies with its S
mile W of the S end of Holmen. end about 4 miles N of Luroy and has a pointed peak 568m

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 181

high. LW and the breakers are visible from the offing for a consider-
Telnestind, on the mainland, rises to a height of 967m, 0.75
7.46 able distance. Foul ground extends about 2 miles NW from
mile inland, in a position 8.75 miles ENE of Hestmannoy. Floholm.
Between Hestmannoy and Kunna, about 28 miles NNE, the
7.46 Moholmssve, an isolated bank with a depth of 29m, lies 5

coast line is rather indistinct, but Kunna, which appears as an miles NNE of Floholm and Samskallen, also an isolated bank
island, is easily identified. with a depth of 33m, lies 9 miles farther NNE.
Fugloya (67°04'N., 13°50'E.), an island about 8 miles NE of
7.46 Myken (66°45'N., 12°25'E.), the group of islands next N of

Kunna, is steep and rises to a height of 765m. Sandhornet, a Traena, lies with its S end about 15 miles NE of Sanna. The
conspicuous mountain on the island of Sandhornoya, 5.5 miles water surrounding Myken is deep almost to its outermost islets.
NE of Fugloya, is 996m high; its W face is precipitous. This can cause the sea to break over the islets with strength.
From this part of the coast, Svartisen, a range of glacier-
7.46 Tennholmen, marked at its SW end by a light, lies 17 miles

bearing mountains, may be seen. It is one of the most remark- NE of Myken. Below-water rocks extend about 1 mile W from
able features of this part of Norway. As there is no glacier so the light and 5.75 miles NE. Sveboen, a rocky shoal with a
near the sea on any other part of the coast, it can be identified charted depth of 4.8m, lies 5.75 miles WSW of the light; a
with certainty from a considerable distance seaward. rocky 5.8m shoal lies 2.5 miles S of Sveboen.
Svartisen stands out well from dark mountains in the back-
7.46 Gronna (67°01'N., 13°11'E.), a dangerous group of islets

ground. In spring and cold summers, it appears white; in warm and rocks, lies 2.5 miles N of Tennholmen, and is the outer-
summers when surface snow melts, it becomes bluish-green. In most danger WNW of Kunna (66°57'N., 13°31'E.). In stormy
winter, when all mountains are covered with snow, Svartisen, weather and with high tides, the sea breaks over the entire
seen from NW and N, appears to run parallel with the horizon, Gronna group.
with hardly any depression between peaks; the highest part on-
ly shows some dark patches of bare rock among the snow. Asvaer to Indreleia
Landegode (67°24'N., 14°20'E.), 803m high, lies 6 miles

NNW of Bodo; in clear weather the S part of the Lofoten Is- 7.48 Asvaer (66°14'N., 12°12'E.), an island group situated
lands will be visible about 55 miles to the WSW. 19 miles NE of Ytterholmen, consists of a group of rocks and
islets; some of them are of a moderate height.
7.47 A bank, with a depth of 12.8m, was reported to lie Asvaer Light is shown from a prominent tower, 18m in

about 110 miles W of Sanna. A depth of 14.6m, the position of height, standing near the NE extremity of the group. A racon is
which is doubtful, was reported about 85 miles WNW of San- located at the light tower.
na. A depth of 10m was reported to lie about 0.2 mile NW of There are no dangers in the seaward approach to Asvaer,

the 14.6m patch. which leads between Ovskallen (66°25'N., 11°58'E.), an 11m
depth lying about 5 miles SSW of Sanna, and the Floholman
group, about 13 miles farther SSW.
A principal channel leads in through Nordre Asvaerfjorden,

off the N side of Asvaer, through Stifjorden, 12 miles ESE of

Tomfjorden, then 11 miles E to join Indreleia off the SE or NE
side of Tomma.
The approach to Asvaer in not difficult in favorable weather.

Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in Nordre Asvaer-


fjorden flow NE on the flood and SW on the ebb.

Pilotage.—A pilot station is situated on Andersbakken

(66°16'N., 12°18'E.), the NE island of Asvaer. The pilots em-

bark 2.5 miles WNW of the station.
The pilot radio calling frequency is VHF channel 16; the

working frequencies are VHF channels 12 and 13.

Nordre Asvaerfjorden is not difficult to approach in daylight

with clear weather. The peaks on Tomma are especially useful

By “trolvag” via Wikimedia Commons
7.47 in making the entrance.

7.49 Breifind (66°15'N., 12°48'E.), 821m high, in the S

The area for about 20 miles W of Donna (66°06'N.,
7.47 part of Tomma, bearing about 098° leads in N of Asvaer.
12°33'E.) is foul. Ytreholmen lies about 15 miles W of the SW After passing N of the light on Andersbakken, course should

point of the island. be altered to pass S of Syntholmbaen, a drying reef about 3.5
Lillesveet (66°06'N., 11°31'E.) and Skolton, rocky banks sit-
7.47 miles ESE of the light, and N of Utoybaen (66°14'N.,
uated about 7 miles NW of Ytterholmen, have least depths of 12°36'E.), about 4 miles ESE of Synstholmbaen. Utoybaen lies
27m and 26m, respectively. Between these banks and Ytrehol- about 0.7 mile off the NE extremity of Donna.
men, there are other shoals and banks which break. Stifjorden, between the S side of Tomma and the N side of

Floholman (66°10'N., 11°42'E.) lies 4 miles NE of Skolton;

7.47 Lokta, is free from dangers, except for a small area of foul
Floholm is the middle islet of the group. Lunboen the farthest ground extending about 0.5 mile N from the NE end of Lokta;
SW of the group, lies 1.5 miles NE of Skolton. It dries at very it joins Indreleia off the NE coast of Lokta.

Pub. 182
182 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

Skifjorden, leading S from Stifjorden between the E side of

7.49 N side of town. Berthing details are shown in the table titled
Donna and the W side of Lokta, is part of the W route of Indre- Nesna—Berthing Information.
leia between Ulvangen and Gjeroya. The channel passes either
side of Svensskjeret (66°06'N., 12°41'E.), an above-water rock Nesna—Berthing Information
lying 0.45 mile E of Donna. Dangers in the fairway may best
be seen on the chart. Maximum
In Skifjorden, the tidal currents nearly always set N along
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks
the coast of Donna; northbound vessels should keep to the W Draft
side of the channel and southbound vessels should keep to the Nesna Terminal
E side.
West 115m 6.5m 4.7m Breakbulk.
Ulvangen to Meloyfjorden North 66m 3.9m — Breakbulk.

7.50 Between Ulvangen and Gjeroya, about 25 miles NNE Hemnesberget (66°13'N., 13°36'E.) is a small natural coast-

of Donna, there are two channels of Indreleia. The W channel al port situated on the E entrance point of Elsfjorden, about 2
leads NW of Tomma through Tomfjorden. The E channel, miles SSE of the entrance to Utskarpen. A mooring buoy is
passing E of Tomma, is the preferred route. It is less intricate moored off the quays, which are up to 60m long and have
and has a relatively wide fairway which is practically free from depths from 3.9 to 14.5m alongside.
From the N end of Ulvangen the fairway of Indreleia leads E

Mo I Rana (66°19'N., 14°08'E.)

of Finnkona (Finkonna) (66°07'N., 12°44'E.), Lokta and Tom-
ma, passing W of Hugla and Handnesoy. World Port Index No. 22760
Rana, the approach to the port of Mo I Rana is entered from

Indreleia, on the SE side of Lokta and NE of Finnkona. Brune- 7.52 Mo I Rana, also known as Mo, is situated at the head
set (66°08'N., 12°50'E.), 2.25 miles ENE of Finnkona, is the S of Nordrana, near the mouth of Ranelv, and is approached
entrance point of Rana and Huglneset, 2.5 miles NNE of through Rana. It consists of the city, with an inner harbor with
Bruneset, is the N entrance point. berthing facilities for small vessels and an outer harbor that can
Rana extends 24 miles ENE to Stromholmen where Nordana
accommodate large vessels alongside and at anchor.
leads 11 miles farther ENE to Mo I Rana and the mouth of
Port of Mo I Rana
Branch fjords include Utskarpen, Elsfjorden, and Sorfjorden.

Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents off Lokta are vari-

7.50 http://www.moshipping.no/port-i-rana/
able. In Rana, they usually set out with the falling tide and into
the fjord with the rising tide. In the outer part of the fjord, the Winds—Weather.—The port is well sheltered and normal

ebb current is strongest on the S side. operations are seldom interfered with by weather conditions.
During thaws, accompanied by prevailing E winds, the set in
The harbor is ice free.
the fjord may be continuously outward and the velocity may be Tides—Currents.—The range of spring tides is 2.7m, a

2 to 3 knots; in the vicinity of the head of the fjord there is usu- range of 3.6m was observed during 1951-53.
ally a constant outward set. Depths—Limitations.—The port can accommodate vessels

up to 83,353 dwt, with a maximum length of 260m and a max-

7.51 Ranskjeret (66°09'N., 12°52'E.), an above-water imum beam of 32.2m. See the table titled Mo I Rana—Berth
rock, lies 1.5 miles NE of Bruneset in the entrance to Rana. Information.
From Ranskjeret, the fairway is free of dangers to Bardalsoya, Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or-

a distance of about 13 miles. dered through SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the
Storgrunnen, a rocky 14m patch, lies 0.5 mile WSW of Bar-
Londingen Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. The pi-
dalsoya. Mud flats extend S from Bardalsoya to the mainland. lots are provided by the Aesvaer pilot station.
At the head of the fjord, for about 1 mile SW of Mo I Rana,
The pilot boards in position 66°17.0'N, 12°12.5'E (2 miles

the coastal reef dries and extends up to 0.2 mile offshore in WNW of Asvaer Light) or position 66°15.3'N, 12°36.7'E
places. (smaller vessels after agreement with the pilot station).
An anchorage is charted on the SE side of Bardalsoya, in
The pilot calling frequency is VHF channel 16; the pilot

25m. A 6m line is formed 183m S, W, and N of the anchorage. working frequencies are VHF channels 12 and 14.
Anchorage can be obtained in Utskarpen (66°15'N.,
Tugs are recommended for vessels of more than 10,000 dwt

13°35'E.), 5 miles ENE of Bardalsoya, in 33m, clay, at the dis- and are available with 24 hours notice.
cretion of the pilot. Regulations.—Vessels operating within the seaplane harbor,

Nesna (66°12'N., 13°01'E.) is a small town with several light

N of the harbormaster’s office, are required to maneuver with
industries. Located at the end of a peninsula extending from care and comply with the regulations governing the transit of
the mainland, it is E of the island of Hugla and S of the island seaplane operating areas. A patrol boat displaying a yellow and
of Handnesoya. Nesna has a concrete jetty with a NNE-SSW black flag patrols the seaplane harbor when seaplanes are oper-
orientation. Vessels with a draft of 4.7m can be accommodated. ating.
Both the jetty and berth protect a ferry and boat harbor on the Contact Information.—See the table titled Mo I Rana—

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 183

7.52 Mo I Rana

Contact Information. off the SE end of Tomma, about 24 miles N of Huglneset.

Handnesholmen, an islet marked by a light, lies on the E side

Mo I Rana—Contact Information of the fairway about 2 miles NE of Mefjordsholman. Foul

ground extends about 0.3 mile NNE from the islet.
Port Authority A white sector of the light on Handnesholmen will lead

VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 16 through the fairway from a position 0.3 mile W of Huglneset,
to within about 1 mile of the light.
Telephone 47-75-101870
Tomfjorden, which leads NE from the inner end of Nordre

Facsimile 47-75-101871 Asvaerfjorden, passes N of Tomma and joins Indreleia NE of

Kjerringskjeret (66°20'N., 12°53'E.), a foul area marked by a
E-mail havna@rana.kommune.no
light, situated 1.75 miles NNE of Tomma.
Harbormaster Odoyflua (66°21'N., 12°55'E.), a drying rock, lies at the SW

Telephone 47-75-134703 entrance point of Stigfjorden, 1.5 miles NNE of Kjerringsk-

Stigfjorden, formed between Stigen on the W and Aldra on

Anchorage.—Anchorage in the harbor is to be advised by

the E, is the N continuation of Indreleia to Bonetskjeret, 9
the harbor pilot. miles N, and is free from dangers in the fairway.
Caution.—A dumping ground was established 0.7 mile

Teisten (66°22'N., 12°56'E.), a small islet on the W side of


NNE of Hauknesbukta Light. the fairway, lies 1.25 miles NNE of Odoyflua.
Aldersundet is entered E of Teisten; it is clear of dangers in

7.53 Indreleia continues N of Rana passing W of Huglne- the fairway. Aldra forms the W side of the passage; the E side
set (66°10'N., 12°51'E.), the SW extremity of Hugla, an island of the passage is formed by the mainland. Three overhead ca-
which rises to a height of 623m, in its S part. bles span Aldersundet between Aldra and the mainland.
Mefjordsholman (66°12'N., 12°50'E.), consisting of two

small islets fringed by reefs, lies on the W side of the fairway,

Mo I Rana—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Beam Size
Container and Ro-Ro Terminal
Cement, ro-ro/lo-lo, containers, and
Toraneskaia 305m 8.0m 123m 16.5m 8,3354 dwt
Bulk N 129m 7.3-11.0m 199.9m 32.2m 60,402 dwt Petroleum products and breakbulk.
Bulk S 105m 7.3m 90.8m 15.2m 4,550 dwt Breakbulk.

Pub. 182
184 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

Mo I Rana—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Beam Size
Iron Ore Terminal
Iron ore. Berthing length of 272m (in-
Iron Ore — 11.4m 260m 32.2m 83,353 dwt
cluding dolphins).
Rana Industrial Terminal
Dry Cargo 410m 8.0m 143m 22.5m 17,356 dwt Scrap metal, containers, and breakbulk.

At the N end of Stigfjorden, the track of Indreleia passes W


of three small islands, Brusoya, Rundvedoya and Langvedoya;

it then leads E of Bonetskjeret (66°29'N., 12°58'E.), 1.5 miles
NW of Langvedoya.
Kvina, an inlet entered off the E side of Indreleia, ENE of

Rundvedoya, is free from dangers in the fairway.

Kvina (66°28'N., 13°10'E.), a village at the head of the inlet,

has a jetty, with a berth 18m long, at its head; there are depths
of 4.5 to 5.8m alongside.

7.54 From Bonetskjeret, Indreleia passes through Kvaroy-

fjorden, in a NNW direction; then it turns E passing N of Vi-
kingen Light (66°32'N., 12°58'E.), and S of Rangsundoya. A 7.54 Rodoy
14.9m patch lies in the SW entrance to Kvaroyfjorden, 0.35 Ronvikskjerane (66°40'N., 13°11'E.), a group of above-wa-

mile NE of Bonetskjeret. ter rocks on the E side of Indreleia, lies about 3 miles NE of
There is a 4.3m shoal patch on the E side of the fairway, 1.25
Sandverken. Klauskjeret, an above-water rock, is about 1 mile
miles ENE of Bonetskjeret. A 10m patch lies 0.2 mile NW of NNE of Ronvikskjerane, in about mid-channel of the entrance
the 4.3m depth. to Tjonsfjorden.
After passing SE of Rangsundoya, 3 miles NE of Vikingen
A mid-channel course through Rodoyfjorden leads clear of

Light, a vessel should steer N to pass between Rangsundoya the dangers.

and Gjeroya on the W and the island of Renga located about 1 Svinvaer (66°45'N., 13°10'E.) is situated on the W side of

mile E. Indreleia, 2.75 miles NNE of Rodoya. In the fairway between

Lamannskjeret (66°36'N., 13°05'E.), a reef, lies on the E
Svinvaer and Amnoya, 2.25 miles E, are two 14m shoals locat-
side of the fairway, about 2 miles NNW of the S extremity of ed, respectively, 0.8 mile E, and 1.25 miles E of the NE ex-
Renga. Other dangers, which may be seen on the chart, lie off tremity of Svinvaer. A small islet lies 0.25 mile E of Svinvaer.
the W side of Renga. Meloyfjorden is entered between Svinvaer and Amnoya.

From abreast the N extremity of Renga, vessels should steer


N through Rodoyfjorden, passing between Rodoya and the Meloyfjorden to Saltfjorden

Rodoy (66°39'N., 13°05'E.) is a small coastal harbor situated
7.56 Indreleia continues from the junction of Rodoy-
at the SE extremity of Rodoya. It may be entered from the S fjorden, Otervaerfjorden, and Skarsfjorden for 11 miles NNE
through Rodoysundet. The timber quay is 31m long and has and ENE through Meloyfjorden, then turning NE through
depths of 6.3 to 8.5m alongside; however, local knowledge is Meloysundet. When clear of Meloysundet, Indreleia continues
required. 7 miles NNW across Gasvaerfjorden and Stottfjorden to
Stottsundet. This route is suitable for large vessels.
7.55 Sandverken (66°39'N., 13°06'E.) lies on the W side An entrance from seaward through Tennholmfjorden gives

of the fairway, 0.6 mile SE of Rodoy. Sorskallen, a 0.9m isolat- access to Indreleia through Gasvaerfjorden and Stottfjorden.
ed patch, lies 0.2 mile SSW of Sandverken.

Glomfjord—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Yara Terminal
Chemicals and gases. Berthing
Ammonia 30m 10.5m 181.7m 10.5m 29.4m 38,427 dwt
length of 80m (including dolphins).

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 185

Glomfjord—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Berthing length: 80m (incl. dol-
Container 25m — 134.4m — 22.5m 11,193 dwt phins). Containers, breakbulk, bun-
kers, and reefer.
Fertilizer, limestone, phosphates,
breakbulk, bunkers, and reefer. No
Main 350m 9m 200m 8m — 39,773 dwt beam restrictions. More than one
vessel can be moored alongside si-

Angersholmen Light (66°46'N., 13°16'E.) is situated on the

7.56 7.57 Meloysundet, the continuation of Indreleia, is formed
E side of the fairway, 0.35 mile off Amnoya. between Meloya on the W side and Skjaerpa on the E side.
Mefjordholmen, a group of islets and rocks, lies on the W
7.56 Meloyneset Light (66°50'N., 13°35'E.) is situated on the E

side of the fairway, about 1 mile WNW of Angersholmen extremity of Meloya, 0.75 mile NE of Meloysund Light.
Light. A shoal, with a depth of 8m, is situated 1.25 miles NE of An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 60m, spans

the light, on the SE side of the fairway. the S end of Meloysundet.

Hatboen (66°48'N., 13°21'E.), marked by a beacon, is about
7.56 A white sector of Meloysund Light bearing astern, leads

3 miles NE of Angersholmen Light on the N side of the fair- through the fairway of Meloysundet to the E end of Gasvaer-
way. fjorden.
A mid-channel course will lead through Meloyfjorden,
7.56 Mesoya (66°51'N., 13°40'E.), an island 318m high, lies with

passing between the N extremity of Amnoya and Hatboen. its SW part 1 mile E of Meloya. It forms the E side of Mesoy-
Between Hatboen and Meloysund Light, 5 miles ENE, the fjorden; Eiet, formed on its E side leads NNE from Glom-
fairway is free from dangers. fjorden.
Glomfjorden, the E continuation of Meloyfjorden, extends
7.56 Ornes (66°52'N., 13°42'E.) is situated on the mainland about

10.5 miles E from its entrance S of the Meloysund Light; the 0.5 mile E of the NE end of Mesoya. It is the administrative
fairway is deep and free of dangers. center for the Meloy district.
An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 42m, spans
7.56 Ornes may be approached from the N by rounding the N end

Glomfjorden, about 6 miles within its entrance. of Mesoya from Mesoyfjorden, or from the S through Glom-
Glomfjord (66°49'N., 13°59'E.) (World Port Index No.
7.56 fjorden then NNE through Eiet. The quays at the fish factories
22540) is situated on the N shore at the head of Glomfjorden. have a total length of 152m; the main quay has a depth of 5.2m
Depths—Limitations.—A private bulk quay will accommo-
7.56 alongside. The packet boat quay is 92m long, with depths of 4
date a vessel up to 39,773 dwt, with a maximum length of to 9.7m alongside.
200m, a maximum beam of 29.4m, and a maximum draft of Indreleia route leads across Gasvaerfjorden, then passes

10.5m. See the table titled Glomfjord—Berth Information. through Stottsundet, between the Stottvaer group of islands and
Pilotage.—Pilots should be ordered through SafeSeaNet but
7.56 the mainland. Kunna, the conspicuous headland at the NE end
may be ordered through the Londingen Pilot Booking Center at of this stretch, lies with its seaward end about 7 miles NNW of
an additional cost. The pilot boards, as follows: Meloysundet.
1. North approach—2 miles N of Fleinvaer. From Kunna NE to Fugloyfjorden, a distance of about 5

2. South approach—2 miles WNW of Asvaer Light. miles, Indreleia is open sea sheltered by the low-lying Gronna
Vessel Traffic Service.—For details on the Vessel Traffic
7.56 (67°01'N., 13°10'E.) group of islets and rocks.
Service, see section titled Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph After entering Fugloyfjorden, the track continues in a gener-

1.1. al NE direction and passes SE of Fugloya; then the trend is N

Contact Information.—See the table titled Glomfjord—
7.56 past the W side of Sandhornoya Island into Saltfjorden.
Contact Information. Caution.—During N gales, a heavy sea is raised on the bank

N of Kunna. This part of Indreleia is considered to be one of

Glomfjord—Contact Information the most difficult to navigate in bad weather and under such
conditions the area should be avoided by vessels without local
Hydrom Glomfjord knowledge.
Caal sign
Glomfjord Port Radio
7.58 Gasvaer (66°53'N., 13°29'E.) is a group of islands ly-
VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 16 ing 3.25 miles NW of Meloysund Light. Teksmona, an island,
Telephone 47-75-719100 lies on the E side of Indreleia, about 1 mile E of Gasvaer. The
fairway in this area is free of danger; however, a 7.6m patch
Facsimile 47-75-719400
lies about 0.3 mile W of the W extremity of Teksmona.
E-mail hydro.glomfjord@hydro.com Ostholmen (66°53'N., 13°31'E.) is the farthest E of the Gas-

vaer group. A reef, with some above-water rocks, extends

Pub. 182
186 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

about 0.3 mile SW from a point on the mainland 1.75 miles sula of the mainland on the W and by a peninsula of the main-
NNE of Ostholmen. land on the E. It is free of danger in the fairway, but its inner
Stott (66°55'N., 13°28'E.) is the name for the general vicini-
7.58 part is icebound in the winter.
ty of Stottsundet and the island group Stottvaer. Stavsundet (67°01'N., 13°56'E.), formed between Femris

Skarvskjer Light is situated close off the E side of Stott, 2.75

7.58 and the mainland to the S, leads into Sorfjorden; it can be used
miles NNW of Ostholmen. by vessels up to 1,500 gt and 5.2m draft.
Stottsundet, formed between Stott and the mainland, is free
7.58 Rosoysundet, formed between Rosoya and Femris, connects

of dangers except for Litlegrunnen, a 10m patch 0.9 mile N of Fugloyfjorden and Sorfjorden. This narrow passage has no
Skarvskjer Light, and Bonetskjergrunnen, a 7m patch lying known dangers in the fairway and can be used by vessels up to
0.35 mile farther NNW. 11,000 gt and 7.9m draft.
Tides—Currents.—Though much influenced by the wind,
7.58 Anchorage may be taken by vessels of moderate size, with

the tidal currents in Stottsundet have a tendency to set N with local knowledge, in 20 to 40m, on the E side of Sorfjorden, 2.5
the rising tide and S with the falling tide. During or after fresh miles SE of the N extremity of Femris. Care must be taken to
S or SW winds, the tidal currents may set continuously N. anchor close inshore as the depths increase rapidly to the W.
A white sector of Skarvskjer Light, astern, leads N through
7.58 The W approach to Morsdalsfjorden from Indreleia is at the

the fairway of Stottsundet. N end of Sorfjorden; the fjord proper lies between the main-
When clear of Stottsundet, vessels bound for Fugloyfjorden
7.58 land peninsula on the E side of Sorfjorden and the SW side of
can alter course E, taking care to avoid the foul ground extend- Sandhornoya. It extends about 6 miles SSE to the S end of
ing about 0.4 mile N from the N face of Kunna. Sandhornoya, and then Holmsundfjorden continues E and N to
On the W side of the channel, from about 0.5 mile to 1.25
7.58 the S end of Nordfjorden.
miles N of Stott Light (66°57'N., 13°28'E.), is a rocky shoal Morsdalsfjorden is free from dangers, except for two rocky

with a least depth of 7.6m. An 18.3m rocky patch lies in the shoals, with depths of 5.5m and 8.5m, which lie 0.5 mile W
channel about 0.7 mile NE of the light; on the N side of the and 0.4 mile N, respectively, of Sundsodden Light (67°05'N.,
fairway, about 2 miles NE of the light is Meloygrunnen, a 2.5m 14°04'E.).
shoal. A 14.6m patch lies S of Meloygrunnen, in about mid- There is anchorage for moderate-size vessels, in a depth of

channel, between the shoal and Kunna. 18.3m, on the W side of Morsdalsfjorden, about 0.4 mile SSE
A white sector of Digerflesa Light (66°58'N., 13°38'E.),
7.58 of Sundsodden Light. Vessels should get close under the land,
leads between the coastal reef N of Kunna and the S end of as the depths increase rapidly offshore.
Meloygrunnen, but it should be noted that the 14.6m patch lies Saltfjorden, extending from Fleinvaer (67°10'N., 13°45'E.)

in this sector. A white sector of Finneset Light, located 2.5 to Hopen, 23 miles ENE is crossed by Indreleia. The E part of
miles E of Digerflesa Light, ahead, leads through the same Saltfjorden is entered between Skarneset (67°12'N., 14°17'E.),
channel and S of Digerflesa. the N point of Sandhornoya, and Kvannoya, 3.25 miles NNE.
It gives access to Nordfjorden and through Saltstraumen to Sk-
7.59 From the vicinity of Meloygrunnen and Digerflesa, jerstadfjorden and other inner fjords.
the track leads NE through Fugloyfjorden, passing SE of Flo- This part of Saltfjorden is deep and wide and is free of dan-

holman (67°01'N., 13°42'E.), and then passing between the E gers, though coastal reefs fringe each side; it is exposed to sea-
side of Fugloya and Rossoya, 1.75 miles E. ward.
In Fugloyfjorden, the tidal currents are usually strong, set-
7.59 The tidal currents in the E part of Saltfjorden are strong; they

ting N on the flood and S on the ebb; heavy overfalls occur are usually E along the S shore and W along the N shore.
during W and NW winds. A mid-channel course in a NE direction will lead through

Fuglesangen (66°59'N., 13°38'E.), lying about 0.9 mile

7.59 Saltfjorden to the entrance of Saltstraumen.
WNW of Digerflesa Light, consists of some above and below-
water rocks which break in bad weather. 7.61 Saltstraumen, a narrow channel on the S side of the inner
Above-water rocks lie on the E side of the fairway, about 0.4
7.59 end of Saltfjorden, is entered between Kvitberget (67°14'N.,
mile off the W side of Rossoya. 14°36'E.), the NE extremity of Straumoya, and the NW point of
Fugloya Light (67°04'N., 13°52'E.) is situated at the E end
7.59 Knaplundoya, 0.45 mile NE. This channel leads to the fjords E,
of Fugloya. A rock, with a depth of 5.2m, lies 1 mile N of the which are collectively known as Indre Saltfjorden.
light. A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 41m over a navigable

From NE of Fugloya Light, Indreleia passes SE of Fleina, an

7.59 width of 80m, spans Saltstaumen.
island lying 1.25 miles N of Fugloya, and E of Sor-Arnoya and Overhead cables span Saltstaumen; the least vertical clear-

Nord-Arnoya and W of Veoya and Sandhornoya to the vicinity ance is 32m.

of Marnesskagen (67°10'N., 14°05'E.), at the junction with Winds—Weather.—With W winds, the flow is irregular,

Saltfjorden. and slack water may occur up to 1 hour earlier or later than
A shore reef extends about 1 mile SE from Sor-Arnoya; the
7.59 usual.
fairway narrows to about 0.4 mile in this area. In springtime, with E winds and with the rivers in flood, the

beginning of the N current is advanced,; that current may run

7.60 Sorfjorden, on the E side of Fugloyfjorden, is ap- for 7 hours, and the S current for only 5 hours.
proached from its N end from Indreleia between Fugloya and Tides—Currents.—Skjerstadfjorden and its branch fjords

Sandhornoya, 3.5 miles ENE. The fjord extends S for 7.75 are filled and emptied by semidiurnal tides through two narrow
miles and is formed between Rossoya and Femris and a penin- openings. These openings so restrict the volume of water that

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 187

By Clemensfranz (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons


7.61 Very strong tidal currents under the Saltstraumen Bridge

can pass, as to cause: Storholmen and Tuv, 0.7 mile SE; on the S shore of
1. A substantial difference between the outer and inner Svefjorden; and beyond. They are strongest in the basin formed
levels. by Storholmen and the cove 0.2 mile E.
2. Very strong tidal currents, especially in Saltstraumen. In that basin, the S current sets strongly towards the S point

3. A delay of about 1 hour 45 minutes in the times of of Storholmen, then ESE towards Ripnespynten 0.2 mile ESE.
HW and LW within. During the S current, eddies do not form along the coast of
In Saltstraumen generally, the spring rate of the tidal current
7.61 Knaplundoya, SE and E of Ripnespynten.
is at least 3 knots, but attains 7.5 to 8.5 knots, and considerably During the N current, eddies form between the N point of

more in extreme conditions, in the narrows abreast Storhol- Storholmen and the N entrance to Saltstraumen; the strongest
men. eddies are off Storholmen. The currents which set on to the
Tidal intervals in Saltstraumen are shown below:
7.61 projecting points of Storholmen and Knaplundoya, beneath the
bridge, cause an easily-visible ridge to form in the water, this
HW at Narvik Remarks extending 0.5 mile NNW to Kvitberget, the NW entrance point
of Saltstraumen.
-5 hours, 50 minutes LW at N entrance In Svefjorden, the incoming tidal current at the surface is the

-4 hours, 10 minutes LW at S entrance stronger, and can set up unpleasant overfalls in opposition to a
strong E wind.
-3 hours, 55 minutes Slack water
The strength of the tidal current and the powerful eddies in

-0 hour, 10 minutes HW at N entrance their wake cause Saltstaumen to be navigable only at brief peri-
+1 hour, 25 minutes HW at S entrance ods of slack water and then only with local knowledge.
Signals.—Saltstraumen Signal Stations, which inform ves-

+2 hours, 00 minutes Slack water sels when the passage of Saltstraumen may be made, are situat-
ed, as follows:
Vigorous eddies, several meters wide and with markedly
1. For inbound vessels—on the E shore, by the King Os-
deep vortices, form when the flow is strong. car II statue 0.3 mile N of the bridge.
During the S current, eddies form between the S point of
2. For outbound vessels—at Ytre Tuv, 0.7 mile SSE of

Pub. 182
188 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

the bridge, on the S shore of Svefjorden. 21m, clay and sand, in a position about 0.3 mile WNW of Rog-
Signals are shown from masts (yellow and white) and consist
7.61 nan Church.
of red balls by day and red lights by night.
Saltstraumen Signal Stations are manned 1 hour before and
Donna to Saltfjorden
after each current change within the period 0800 to 1900. A
watch is maintained on VHF channels 14 and 16. 7.63 Indreleia may be reached from seaward by passing S
Information on times of transit through the Saltstraumen pas-
7.61 of the S end of Traena (66°25'N., 12°00'E.), then proceeding
sage can be obtained through a 24-hour information service across the S part of Traenfjorden, into the W arm of Sjona, then
contacted by telephone (08-18-77-00). toward the S end of Stigfjorden. Traenfjorden is the fjord next
Mariners are held responsible for meeting the passage sched-
7.61 N of Nordre Asvaerfjorden.
ule and any other required conditions. Local regulations state Traenfjorden, which lies in a NNE to SSW direction, is

that to avoid passing situations in the narrows, vessels with the bound on the W by the Traena group and on the E by Mavaer
current running against them should wait. and Nesoya. The navigable channel is about 4 miles wide at its
Anchorage.—Vessels proceeding to Saltstraumen can ob-
7.61 entrance and about 3 miles wide between Selvaer (66°36'N.,
tain anchorage, in depths of 20 to 29m, N of the W entrance 12°18'E.) and the dangers W of Nesoya.
point of Saltstraumen, but care must be taken to avoid the reef Tides—Currents.—In Traenfjorden the tidal currents set N

fringing Straumoya. and NE with the rising tide and S and SW with the falling tide.
When bound from the S end of Traenfjorden to Indreleia, a

7.62 Svefjorden continues ESE from the S entrance of vessel should steer ENE passing between Samskallen
Saltstraumen; it is free of dangers in mid-channel. An overhead (66°22'N., 11°58'E.) and Ovskallen, 2.25 miles N, and pass N
cable spans Svefjorden 1 mile E of its entrance. of Kvalholmen Light (66°25'N., 12°28'E.); from this position
Skjerstadfjorden is entered from Svefjorden abreast Buneset
7.62 the track leads about 0.5 mile N of Kvitingan, which lies 3.25
(67°13'N., 14°42'E.) and extends to Gjelbuneset (67°11'N., miles ESE of the light.
15°24'E.) 16 miles E, on the S side of the fjord. From this point Indre Solvaerrevet (66°24'N., 12°41'E.), an isolated patch

Saltdalsfjorden extends 5 miles farther SSE. with a charted depth of 5.8m, lies about 2 miles E of the light
As in Svefjorden, the incoming tidal current at the surface is
7.62 on Kvitingan. Other dangers in this area may best be seen on
the stronger, and can set up unpleasant overfalls in opposition the chart.
to strong E winds. These conditions are particularly dangerous From the vicinity of Kvitingan, steer toward Eggelosa, pass-

in Skjerstadfjorden, which is liable to squalls. Squalls often de- ing S of Indre Solvaerrevet. A vessel can steer from Eggelosa
velop suddenly and are generally followed by periods of calm. SE between Onoya and Kvitaer into Sjona and then into Indre-
The white sector of the light on Buneset, bearing astern,
7.62 leia.
leads in the fairway towards position about 3 miles NE of the The dangers in Sjona and the vicinity may best be seen on

light. The white sector of Alvnestangen Light (67°16'N., the chart.

15°02'E.) leads E in the fairway, passing N of Oygrunnane, an Although there are several different ways through and across

area of foul ground which extends about 1 mile N of the S Traenfjorden, care should be taken to avoid Stokholmen
shore. (66°29'N., 12°21'E.), 4.75 miles NNW of Kvalholmen Light,
From a position about 1 mile W of Alvnestangen Light a SE
7.62 and the shoals which are charted within 1.75 miles.
course will lead through the E part of Skjerstadfjorden to Gjel- Vessels may proceed N from a position N of Kvalholmen

buneset. Light, passing in mid-channel between Skjaerflesa Light and

Fauske (67°16'N., 15°24'E.) lies at the head of Fauskevika,
7.62 Stokholmen, steering to pass W of Asbraken (66°30'N.,
which is entered 7 miles SE of Alvnestangen Light; this is the 12°32'E.), a foul area 3 miles E of Stokholmen.
administrative center for the surrounding district. From a mid-channel position E of Dorvaer, 4 miles NNW of

The port can accommodated vessels with a maximum draft

7.62 Stokholmen, a deep fairway leads N toward the W end of Lyn-
of 6.8m. See the table tittled Fauske—Berth Information. gvaerfjorden passing between the many dangers charted off
Traena and Nesoya.
Fauske—Berthing Information
7.64 Lyngvaerfjorden, N of Traenfjorden, is broad and
Maximum deep and separates Traena from Myken (66°46'N., 12°29'E.).
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks Valvaerfjorden lies E of Valvaer, the island group close NE

Draft of Myken. This fjord is encumbered by a large number of

No. 1 39m 4.0m — — rocky shoals; navigation is dangerous without local knowl-
125m — 6.8m Breakbulk. Tennholmfjorden, 16 miles NE of Lyngvaerfjorden, is en-

tered S of Kalsholmen Light (66°55'N., 13°06'E.). The fjord is
free from dangers but Lyjosboen, a reef with less than 1.8m lies
Rognan (67°06'N., 15°25'E.) lies at the head of Saltdals-
in the W approach 6 miles SW of Kalsholmen Light, and Sve-
fjorden, which extends 5 miles S from its entrance abreast boen, a reef with a least depth of 4.6m, lies 5.5 miles WSW of
Gjelbuneset; it is the administrative center for Saltdal district. the light.
Berths are available in Rognan, at quays up to 130m long,
Stapfjorden leads N from the inner end of Tennholmfjorden,

with depths of 3.4 to 10m alongside. Anchorage is available, in along the W side of the Stottvaer (66°56'N., 13°20'E.). The

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 189

fairway of this fjord is free from dangers. A line of shoals extend ENE from Store Svartoksen.

Kirkgrunnen (67°15'N., 14°14'E.), a small patch with a


7.65 Fleinvaerfjorden, leading NE into Saltenfjorden, is depth of 1.5m, lies about 0.4 mile SW of the light on Store
deep and free from dangers in the fairway. Fleinvaer, a group of Svartoksen.
low islands, lies on the NW side of Fleinvaerfjorden. Fuglo- Lille Svartoksen, a drying reef, lies on the N side of Svartok-

vaer, Fleina, Sor Arnoya, and Nord Arnoya lie on the SW and sleia, 1 mile NE of Store Svartoksen.
SE side of the fjord. In Saltfjorden, vessels should steer in the white sector of

Nupen (67°08'N., 13°43'E.) is the farthest S of the Fleinvaer

7.65 Store Svartoksen Light bearing between 036° and 062°, ahead,
group. The most dangerous shoals in the approach to Flein- to within about 1 mile of the light, when the vessel should steer
vaerfjorden extend 4 miles W of Nupen. Other shoals lie off to pass W and N of the light.
Fleinvaer; their positions may be seen on the chart. When N of Store Svartoksen, steer to pass between Lille

The outer dangers in the approach are usually indicated by

7.65 Svartoksen and Langdragan, 0.45 mile ESE, then into the en-
the great number of sea birds seen in their vicinity. trance of Bodo.
A vessel approaching Fleinvaerfjorden, when in the vicinity
7.65 Care should be exercised to avoid the shoal spit extending

of Gronna (67°01'N., 13°11'E.), should steer well N of that 91m SW from the SW extremity of Nyholmen and a shoal spit
group. When clear N of Gronna, steer ENE, passing S of Nu- extending 137m E from the mole head, in the entrance to Bodo.
pen, then in mid-channel to join Saltfjorden NE of Nord Ar-
noya 7.67 Bodo (67°17'N., 14°23'E.)
The principal channel to Bodo, is the one which leads S of

Tennholmen (67°18'N., 13°30'E.), then N of Fleinvaer into World Port Index No. 22290
Saltfjorden in approximate position 67°12'N, 14°08'E; this is
specified for entrance into the Restricted Sea Area. 7.68 Bodo, a coastal natural harbor, is formed between Ny-
Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents around Tennholmen are
7.65 holmen and the Buroya peninsula on the NW side, and the
rotary. At local LW, the current begins to run SW, changing mainland on the NE and SE side. A mole extends about 0.2
gradually through W, NW, and N as the tide rises.; at local HW, mile NNW from the mainland toward the SW extremity of Ny-
the current begins to run NE, changing gradually through E, holmen. Nyholmen and Buroya are connected by a causeway
SE, and S as the tide falls. and by the Bodo Bridge.
Bodo is the administrative center for the county of Nordland.

7.66 Tennholmen lies about 20 miles W of Bodo and about

9 miles NW of Fleinvaer. Port of Bodo
Seioskallen (67°17'N., 13°31'E.), a shoal with a least charted

depth of 7m, lies about 2 miles SSE of the light on Tennhol- http://www.bodohavn.no
men. A shoal, with a depth of 15.9m, lies 0.25 mile SW of Sei-
oskallen. This is the farthest S of the dangers off Tennholmen. Winds—Weather.—The prevailing wind at Bodo is from the

For dangers E of Tennholmen and the dangers in the vicinity

7.66 E, except in summer, when winds are mainly from N and E or
of Givaer, 5 miles E of Tennholmen, refer to the chart. between SW and W. Calms often occur from July to September.
From a position clear of Seioskallen, the entrance channel
7.66 Gales and strong winds blow mostly from SW and W.
passes midway between Fleinvaer and Kjaervaer, 3 miles NE, The inner harbor is well sheltered from most directions, but

then into the W end of Saltfjorden. it is reported that bad weather from SW or W can cause occa-
Mesjoygrunnen (67°12'N., 13°59'E.), with a least charted
7.66 sional delays in berthing or unberthing in the absence of tug as-
depth of 4.6m, lies about 1.0 mile SE of the light in Kjaervaer. sistance. The harbor is always ice free.
The outer harbor consists of the water area between the town

7.67 Indreleia crosses Saltfjorden from Marnesskagen to and the SW part of Lille Hjartoy, SW of the mole; it is exposed
the vicinity of Store Svartoksen (67°16'N., 14°14'E.), 7 miles to SW and W.
NE, where the route divides. Tides—Currents.—The tidal rise at MHWS is 2.8m; the

Svartoksleia, the principal channel into Bodo, leads N of

7.67 tidal rise at MLWS is 0.4m.
Store Svartoksen and S of Store Hjartoy and Lille Hjartoy.

Bodo—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Fast ferries, ro-pax, and bun-
Lillebrekken 55m 6.0-7.2m 220m — — —
kers. No beam restrictions.
Cruise vessels, ro-pax, and
Ostbrekken Quay 150m 5.8-7.8m 220m — — —
bunkers. No beam restrictions.

Pub. 182
190 Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo

Bodo—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Cruise and bunkers. No beam
Dampskipskaia 180m 5.0-7.2m 130m — — —
D/S Concrete North 70m 4.0m — — — — Closed. Cruise vessels.
D/S Concrete West 70m 2.0-3.8m — — — — Closed. Cruise vessels.
D/S Sheet Piling
70m 2.0-3.8m — — — — Closed. Cruise vessels.
Hansen Terminal
Containers, fishing vessels,
Dahl Kaia 125m 8.0m 110m — — — breakbulk, and bunkers. No
beam restrictions.
Steel products, fishing vessels,
Domsteinkaia 80m 8.0m 110m — — — breakbulk, and bunkers. No
beam restrictions.
Terminal Kai
Cruise, fast ferries, containers,
Cruise 350m 11.5m 330m — — — breakbulk, and bunkers. No
beam restrictions.
Fast ferries, ro-ro/lo-lo, break-
North 47m 9.2m — — — —
bulk, and bunkers.
Fast ferries, ro-ro/lo-lo, break-
Klossen 35m 9.8m — — — —
bulk, and bunkers.
Terminal South
Fast ferries, ro-pax, breakbulk,
New Hutigruten 180m 8.4m 230m — — — and bunkers. No beam restric-
Rapp Bomek Terminal
Coastal, fishing, breakbulk,
Bomek 1 80m 6.6m — — — —
and bunkers.
Bodo Ferry Terminal
Ferry 40m 6.2m — — — — Fast ferries and bunkers.
Railway Terminal
Fast ferry, ro-ro freight, break-
Railway 100m 6.2m — — — —
bulk, and bunkers.
Fast ferry, ro-ro freight, break-
Railway West 60m 7.3m — — — —
bulk, and bunkers.
Bodo Sildoljefabrikk AS Terminal
Fishing vessels, fish meal, fish
Bodo Sildoljefabrikk 165m 8.0-10.0m — — — — oil, breakbulk, multipurpose,
and bunkers.
Aviation fuel, bio fuels, clean
Shell Vestervika 60m 9.2-10.2m 180m 8.3m 26.2m 32,000 dwt products, and bunkers. Dis-
placement of 37,000t.

Pub. 182
Sector 7. Norway—Trondheim to Bodo 191

7.68 By Roed (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

7.68 Bodo, Norway with the Nyholmen peninsula in the foreground

Depths—Limitations.—The port handles fishing vessels,

7.68 Vessel Traffic Service.—For details on the Vessel Traffic

fish oil, containers, passengers, and general cargo. The port can Service, see section titled Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph
accommodate vessels up to 16,000 dwt, with a maximum 1.1.
length of 180m and a maximum draft of 8.3m. See the table Contact Information.—See the table titled Bodo—Contact

titled Bodo—Berth Information. Information.

Aspect.—The framework radio masts, E of the root of the

mole, are conspicuous. Bodo Church is a prominent yellow Bodo—Contact Information

building, with a separate bell tower surmounted by a spire at its
VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 16
W end.
Pilotage.—Pilotage from the sea to Bodo is reported to be
Telephone 47-75-551080
compulsory. Pilotage should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but Facsimile 47-75-551090
may be ordered through the Londingen Pilot Booking Center at
an additional cost. E-mail firmapost@bodohavn.no
The pilot boards, as follows:

1. About 2 miles N of Fleinvaer in position 67°13.5'N, Caution.—Bodo Seaplane Harbor comprises the area E of

13°46.2'E. Store Hjartoy, between a line joining the N extremity of that is-
2. About 3 miles N of Landegode Light in position land and a point on the mainland about 1.0 mile ESE, and a
67°30.0'N, 14°22.5'E. line joining Hjartoydragan, off the SW coast of Store Hjartoy,
3. About 4 miles NW of Oterholmen Light in position and a point on the mainland about 1 mile SSE.
67°13.9'N, 14°07.2'E. When flying is in progress and the area is closed to water

The pilot boat and pilot office are equipped with VHF
traffic, a ball painted in yellow and black checks is hoisted at a
channel 16. signal mast on a tower near Breidvikholmen, close SW of the
Anchoring is usually advised by the sea pilot or the harbor
head of the mole.

Pub. 182
Sector 8—Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 182





Plan.—This sector describes the NW coast of Norway start-

8.0 ten, but it is uncertain as to when or on which coast the currents
ing from the area near Vestfjorden, in the vicinity of Bodo to will make. Vestfjorden and all major straits are free of ice.
Tromso including Malangen. A description of the mainland, Aspect.—Vestfjorden is a broad and deep body of water that
Lofoten, Vesterlan, and the approaches to Narvik, Harstad and separates the mainland from the islands of Lofoten and Vester-
Tromso is included. Indreleia and the inner fjords are also de- alen. Its principal outlying islands are Hadseloy, Langoya, and
scribed. Andoya. Vestfjorden is the seaward approach from Saltfjorden
and Bodo to Ofotfjorden and Narvik. Both Ofotfjorden and
General Remarks Narvik lie about 100 miles NE of Saltfjorden, at the head of the
8.1 Tides—Currents.—The tides on the NW coast of 8.1In general, the W and NW coasts of Lofoten are almost inac-
Norway are always semi-diurnal, with relatively little inequali- cessible and should be avoided. This is also true of the Vester-
ty between heights of the two tides. They are small to moderate alen group, comprised of four large islands and several small
in size with a gradual increase in range toward the N. The mean islands, which are dangerous to approach.
range is about 1m at Bergen and about 2.1m at Tromso. 8.1The coast of the mainland of Vestfjorden is broken by a num-
8.1Weather conditions, both locally and in the ocean off the ber of large fjords. Generally, it rises abruptly to over 900m,
coast, may considerably influence the tides. and consists of bare rock with a forested lower slopes.
8.1The currents on the W side of Lofoten sets constantly N re- 8.1The mountains of Lofoten and Vesteralen are steep and lofty,
gardless of the tide, but this may not be the case close inshore. often covered with snow, and are, most often, easily identified.
8.1Along the coast of Vesteralen, the tidal currents nearly al- They may be seen from a distance of 40 to 50 miles in clear
ways set N with an appreciable velocity. It is strongest with the weather.
approach of bad weather and increases in strength near the 8.1The coast continues to the island of Senja and then to
land. Occasionally the tidal currents set S for about 1 hour, the Kvaloy. The entrance to Tromso lies between the two islands.
change occurring at the time of HW and LW. Malangen, the direct passage to Tromso, lies between the two
8.1Off Senja, the tidal currents usually set N following the di- islands as well.
rection of the land, and often attain a considerable velocity, es- 8.1Senja, with its granite peaks, presents a rugged and imposing
pecially near the time of HW. appearance from seaward. A ridge, from 610 to 914m high,
8.1Along Kvalo, the tidal currents usually set NE with the rising runs along the whole island in a NE and opposite direction.
tide and SW with the falling tide, but they are likely to follow Kvaloy, to the NE, is mountainous and attains an elevation of
the contour of the coast and the principal reefs. The Kvaloy tid- 1,045m.
al currents attain their strength at about half tide, and often run 8.1Pilotage.—Lodingen Pilot Center organizes and engages pi-
with a velocity of about 3 knots. lots for vessels in Nordland and the Troms, from Rorvik in the
8.1Along the coast of Vesteralen, the tidal currents nearly al- S to Kirkenes in the N. Pilots should be requested 24 hours in
ways set N with an appreciable velocity. It is strongest with the advance. The ETA should be confirmed 2 hours prior to arrival
approach of bad weather and increases in strength near the at the pilot station.
land. Occasionally the tidal currents set S for about 1 hour, the 8.1See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic
change occurring at the times of high or LW. Ocean for further information.
8.1Certain reports published from 1835 to 1848 indicate the 8.1Regulations.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning
current 10 to 12 miles SW of Andersboskallen (68°46'N., Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information.
13°33'E.) ran N, NE, and E, with a rate dependent upon the 8.1Trawling is prohibited off the Vesteralen archipelago be-
wind, but occasionally reaching 4 knots over the shallow tween mid September and mid May in the designated Trawler-
banks. These reports must be considered, for where depths Free Zone best seen on the chart.
change suddenly, as in the vicinity of Andersboskallen, and 8.1Vessel Traffic Service.—NOR Vessel Traffic Service (NOR
about 23 and 32 miles farther NE, there may be a strong flow VTS) is in operation for vessels transiting the Norwegian Eco-
and violent turbulence. In the areas referred to, the NE or E nomic Zone (NEZ) from the Norway/Sweden border in the S to
flow is probably strongest on the rising tide with strong S to W the Norway/Russia border in the N. The NEZ also includes the
winds. Turbulence is probably most violent during the rising areas around Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island. For further infor-
tide with strong N to E winds. mation, see paragraph 1.1.
8.1In the whole of Vestfjorden the movements of the tidal cur- 8.1Ship Reporting System.—The Barents Ship Reporting Sys-
rents are substantially influenced by the winds. At times when tem operates in the Barents Sea off the coasts of Norway and
there is little or no current in mid-channel, there is a regular the Russian Federation beginning at latitude 67°10'N off the
current along the land on either side, invariably setting in con- coast of Norway and continuing N, NE, and E to longitude
trary direction on the opposite sides of the fjord. 33°20'E off the coast of the Russian Federation. For further in-
8.1The tidal currents set NE with the rising tide and SW with formation, see Arctic Ocean—Ship Reporting System in
the falling tide, along either the mainland or SE coast of Lofo- Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic Ocean.

Pub. 182
196 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

Caution.—An IMO-adopted TSS is located off the N coast

8.1 Storboen, a drying shoal, lies on the SW side of Helligvaer

of Norway; it lies about 60 miles W of Rost (67°31'N., and Nordboen, a rocky shoal with a least depth of 7.9m, is situ-
12°07'E.) and leads to about 37 miles NNE of Vardo (70°22'N., ated off the N side of Helligvaer, 5 miles NE of Storboen.
31°07'E.). See paragraph 9.1 for further information. Kjengbaen (67°29'N., 14°01'E.), a rock with a depth of

Andersboskallen (68°46'N., 13°33'E.), with a least charted

8.1 0.3m, lies 2.75 miles NE of Nordboen.
depth of 37m, lies about 18 miles W of Langoya off the Vester- Husoyvaer, situated 18 miles NNE of Kjengbaen, consists of

alen group. There are two other patches within 3 miles N of the a group of islets and rocks which extends about 11 miles W of
37m spot, with depths of 40m and 57m. the mainland.
It would be by no means safe to pass over Andersboskallen
8.1 Utgrunnen (67°42'N., 14°17'E.), the outer patch of Husoy-

during a heavy W swell, as this would cause a high topping vaer, has a least depth of 18.2m. Utgrunnsflesa, a reef which
sea, even if it did not break; rollers set in toward them from a breaks, lies 1.25 miles ESE of Utgrunnen.
long distance W. Kjolibaen (67°45'N., 14°23'E.), with a depth of 1.8m,

breaks except in calm weather. It is situated 4.25 miles NNE of

Saltfjorden to Skrova Utgrunnen, off the SW side of Maloyvaer. Dorholmskjaeran,
another danger, lies on the NW side of Maloyvaer, 2.5 miles
8.2 Vestfjorden, the fjord lying between Lofoten, Vester- NNE of Kjolibaen.
alen, and the mainland, is entered from seaward between Maloy Skarholmen, an islet marked by a light, lies 1 mile

Muken (66°45'N., 12°29'E.) and Skomvaer Light, 40 miles NNE of Kjolibaen.

NNW. Maloy Skarholmen (67°46'N., 14°24'E.) is a light shown

8.2Vestfjorden is deepest at Tranoy, with a depth of about from a prominent tower, 34m in height, standing on the islet. A
640m. At this point, it is also the narrowest, and the depth de- racon is located at the light tower.
creases farther S. Engelvaer (67°53'N., 14°34'E.) is a group of islands and

8.2Between Rost and Fleinvaer, the maximum depth is about rocks which lie close NE of Maloyvaer, about 6 miles offshore.
300m. The fjord is deepest along the mainland. Here the bot- Tverskallen, with a charted depth of 15m, lies 3.5 miles NE of
tom slopes steeply at a short distance from land so that the rel- Dorholmskjaeran, at the SW edge of the group.
atively shallow parts close to land are narrow. Several foul patches lie on the NW side of the group, 3 to 4

8.2Vessels approaching Vestfjorden from SW in clear weather miles NE of Tverskallen.

will be able to identify Rost, Vaeroy, and Moskenesoy, which Flatoy (67°55'N., 14°46'E.), an island, lies 2 miles NE of the

form the SW end of Lofoten. Rost, the S island, can be seen Engelvaer group. A light is situated on the SW part of the is-
from a distance of 30 miles. The latter two islands appear as two land.
steep cliffs. From a distance of 20 miles, one can see the high To the NE of Flatoyare are the islands and rocks of Valsvaer,

and pointed small islands of Ellefsnyken, Trenyken, and which extend about 3 miles W of Engeloya, a large island ris-
Hernyken, which are located to the S of Storfjellet. The charac- ing to a height of 648m.
teristic formations of these islands make it easy to identify Rost. Off the N end of Engeloya is Brunvaer, another dangerous

8.2When entering Vestfjorden in thick weather, vessels can ver- group. From Brunvaer NE to Ofotfjorden, the salient features
ify their distance offshore near Lofoten by soundings. There of the coast are apparently free from off-lying dangers.
are depths of 100m from about 1 to 4 miles offshore from the S
end of Moskenesoy to Skrova, about 47 miles ENE. Soundings 8.4 The islands of Lofoten and Hinnoya form a chain ex-
give little warning E of Skrova; depths of 200m are found with- tending NE to the mainland near Ofotfjorden.
in 1 mile of some of the rocks off the S coast of Hinnoya. 8.4Rost is the farthest SW group of islands on the NW side of
8.2In general, it is recommended that vessels keep close to Lo- Vestfjorden.
foten, where there are large flat sea areas with lesser depths, 8.4Rost (67°31'N., 12°07'E.), the principal island of the group,
rather than the mainland, which is foul offshore. When E of is a flat low-lying island surrounded by islets and rocks, none
Skrova, the dangers are all on the N side of the fjord and it is of them visible beyond 7 or 8 miles. Masts equipped with ob-
necessary to keep on the mainland side. struction lights are situated in the N part of Rost.
8.4Rostnesvagen (Rossnesvagen) is entered close to the W side
8.3 Among the islands lying off the mainland coast are of Vaeroy Light (67°39.1'N., 12°43.5'E.). Iron perches mark
Landegode, 791m high, about 8 miles N of the Saltfjorden en- the E side of the entrance.
trance, and Engeloya, 648m high, about 45 miles NNE of the 8.4Skomvaer Light (67°25'N., 11°52'E.) is shown from a tower
same entrance. These islands are conspicuous because of their 34m in height, standing near the S end of the Rost group. A
size and contour. racon is located at the light tower.
8.3There are several conspicuous mountains, which rise to a 8.4Storfjellet (67°28'N., 11°56'E.), 267m high; Vedoy 209m
height of 947m, in the vicinity of Ofotfjorden. high; and Stavoy, 148m high, lie, respectively, 3.75 miles SW,
8.3The fringing islands and dangers extend about 20 miles W 2 miles SSW, and 1 mile SE of Rost. These three islets form
from the mainland in the vicinity of Bodo; north of Bodo the excellent landmarks.
obstructions gradually decrease in distance from the coast. 8.4Tides—Currents.—The general flow pattern in Vestfjorden
8.3Helligvaer (67°25'N., 13°55'E.) and Lyngvaer, W of Lande- flows inward along the W. In winds from the SW, the current is
gode, comprise the next mass of islets NE of Tennholmen. This partially turned. Most straits on the W and N sides of Vest-
group of islets lies with their S end about 10 miles NE of Ten- fjorden have strong currents. High water and LW are occur
holmen. about simultaneous in all of Vestfjorden. The differences in

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 197

Skomvaer Light

and weaken it with falling water.

8.4With waves from NE to NW, the interaction between current
and waves will create choppy waves. Refraction centers may
occur SW of Rost when the waves come from the SW. Close to
Lofoten, the waves may also be reflected due to the steep conti-
nental slope.
8.4Vaeroy (67°40'N., 12°40'E.), about 10 miles NE of Rost, is
separated from that island by Rosthavet. Mosken, a conspicu-
ous two pointed summit lies on the same shoal bank, 3 miles
NNE of Vaeroy.
8.4The S, W and N sides of Vaeroy and Mosken are unap-
proachable and a vessel wishing to enter Vestfjorden from W
must do so through Rosthavet, or through Moskenstraumen, 3
miles NNE of Mosken; Rosthavet is preferred. The shoals on
either side of these channels are best seen on the chart.
8.4Lofotodden (67°50'N., 12°51'E.), the S extremity of Moske-
nesoya, forms the N side of Moskenstraumen.
8.4Yttertuven (67°50'N., 12°52'E.), the E extremity of Lofo-
todden, is marked by a light. From this point, the coast of
Moskenesoya extends 8 miles NE to Reine. Rodliskallen, an
Vedoy 11.9m patch, lies 1 mile offshore, 2.75 miles NE of Yttertuven.
8.4A (67°53'N., 12°59'E.), at the mouth of the Avanndet River,
tidewater levels are among the greatest along the entire Norwe- 4 miles NE of Yttertuven, Tind, and Bogen, are three fishing
gian coast. In a storm from the SW, the water level may be sig- villages with a common entrance. They are suitable only for
nificantly above the anticipated values in the Tide Table. small vessels and local knowledge is required.
8.4The passage W and SW of Lofoten, the continental shelf 8.4Reine (67°56'N., 13°06'E.), one of the principal fishing sta-
generally has depths of less than 200m with some shoals close tions in Lofoten, is situated 3.5 miles NNE of Bogen. Local
to land. The slope in the W is very steep. knowledge is necessary for entering the harbor, which has a
8.4The coastal current, running N to NE, dominates the current channel dredged to 4.9m. The deepest berths are 3.9 to 5.9m.
conditions. Tidal currents reinforce this effect with rising water There is secure anchorage in the harbor, in depths of 20 to

Pub. 182
198 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

By Kent Wang, via Wikimedia Commons


8.4 Vaeroy

24m. constricted to a width of about 183m between the light and a

danger NE.
Reine—Contact Information 8.5Nappstrommen (Nappstraumen), the passage between Flak-
stadoya and Vestvagoya, is entered from Vestfjorden in approx-
Telephone 47-76-053100 imate position 68°02'N, 13°25'E, and leads N to the vicinity of
E-mail hydro.glomfjord@hydro.com Nappholmen (68°08'N., 13°28'E.).
Web site http://www.reinehavn.no 8.5Gapet, a narrow channel about 1 mile long, gives access to
the open sea from Nappholmen. Nappstrommen and Gapet can
be navigated by large vessels.
8.5 From Reine, the coast of Moskenesoya trends NNE 8.5The dangers in the S entrance of Nappstrommen may best be
for 4.25 miles to Kunna (68°00'N., 13°14'E.), a narrow island, seen on the chart. Most of the dangers within the passage lie on
96m high; then the S coast of Flakstadoya and the S end of the E side of the fairway, leaving a deep and clear channel up
Vestvagoya trend NE 8.5 miles to Ballstad. The coast in this ar- the W side.
ea is much indented with fjords and there are numerous off-ly- 8.5Gapet (68°09'N., 13°28'E.) is entered close E of Napphol-
ing dangers. men. The white sector of the light on Hudholmen bearing be-
8.5The entrance to Kirkefjorden, about 1 mile N of Reine, is en- tween 326° and 336°, ahead, leads through the fairway.
cumbered with islets and rocks. Strong winds blow out of the 8.5Northbound vessels from Gapet pass E of Hudholmen.
fjord. 8.5Anchorage may be taken in Haugbukten, in 25 to 30m, clay
8.5A channel, spanned by a bridge 1.75 miles within its en- and sand, in a position about 1 mile ENE of the light at Nap-
trance, separates the E side of Moskenesoya from Flakstadoya. pholmen. It is inadvisable to anchor off the N shore of the bay
The bridge has a vertical clearance of 15.9m. owing to heavy squalls which blow down from Offersoham-
8.5Kunna lies in the entrance to Skjelfjorden, which penetrates men, 1 mile N of the center of the bay. Vessels are cautioned of
the S side of Flakstadoya to a distance of about 4 miles N. the submarine cables located in the vicinity of Napp Light.
8.5Skjelfjorden is navigable by deep-draft vessels as far as St- 8.5Buksnesfjorden indents Vestvagoya to a distance of about 4
jerndalen (68°02'N., 13°14'E.), 1.5 miles within the entrance; miles. It is entered NE of Svinoya (68°03'N., 13°33'E.), which
however, a shoal spot, with a depth of 0.9m, lies about 0.3 mile is about 3 miles ENE of the entrance to Nappstrommen. A light
ENE of the NE side of Kunna. is situated on Svinoya.
8.5Nusfjorden, entered about 3 miles NE of Skjelfjorden, pene- 8.5Ballstad (68°04'N., 13°42'E.) is an important fishing port,
trates Flakstadoya for about 1 mile. The entrance to the fjord is

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 199

By Nanosmile (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons


8.4 Reine

protected by moles, situated on the W side of Buksnesfjorden, 8.6Stamsund (68°07'N., 13°51'E.) is situated on the SE side of
1.5 miles N of Svinoya. There are depths of 7m in the approach Vestvagoya, close E of Steinetind. Stamsund is a large fishing
and 4m in the inner harbor. The deepest berths are 4.3 to 5.1m. district with an advantageous location with respect to the fish-
The harbor is suitable for small vessels. ing fields. Good approaches to these fields are easily recog-
nized due to the many characteristic peaks which can be used
8.6 Brandsholmen (68°05'N., 13°39'E.) is situated on the for alignment purposes.
E side of the entrance to Buksnesfjorden. The island is 100m 8.6Depths—Limitations.—Stamsund is protected by breakwa-
high and is the highest in the area. It is impossible to mistake ters. The harbor handles passengers and bulk cargo.
because of its precipitous W side. 8.6The harbor can accommodate vessel with a draft up to 6m.
8.6From Brandsholmen, the coast of Vestvagoya trends 3 miles Hurtigruten Quay can accommodate vessels up to 188m in
ENE; the SE side of the island extends about 14 miles NE to length with a maximum draft of 6.1m draft. Cargo handled at
the island of Gimsoya, on the W side of Austvagoya. this quay is ro/pax, ro-ro/lo-lo, breakbulk, and bunkers.
8.6Urberget (68°04'N., 13°43'E.), 335m high, rises in the SE 8.6The W entrance from Rokkiva has a controlling depth of 9m.
part of Vestvagoya, 1.25 miles ENE of Brandsholmen. It is eas- Langsundet, the E entrance, with a controlling depth of 5m and
ily identified by its darker appearance and though its summit is a power line with an overhead clearance of 23m at its N end, is
always snow-capped, its precipitous slopes hold little snow. used by vessels with a maximum draft of 3.7m,
Steinetind, 517m high, and pointed in shape, is situated about 3 8.6Pilotage.—Local pilots are available for mooring and warp-
miles NNE of Urberget. Dalstind, 461m high, and Horntind, ing large vessels.
361m high, lie 6.5 and 8.5 miles NE, respectively, from 8.6Anchorage.—Anchorage is available in Rakvika, SW of the
Steinetind. They are the most conspicuous hills on a dark ridge harbor area, in 17-29m, good holding ground, but it is uncom-
of hills that extend NNE from Dalstind. fortable in S and SW gales and in squalls from NW.
8.6Henningsvaerstraumen (Henningsvaer Strommen) is a broad
and deep opening between the SE side of Vestvagoya and the 8.7 Henningsvaer (68°09'N., 14°13'E.) is a large offshore
SW end of Austvagoya. This sea area extends 10 miles to the fishing station, situated in an island group of the same name,
NNE, which in turn leads to the open sea. off the SW end of Austvagoya. The harbor is centered on Hel-
8.6The area is difficult to navigate due to the many dangers, landsoya.
which may be seen on the chart. The area is one of the princi- 8.7It was reported that the main island of the group was joined
pal fishing grounds in Lofoten. to the small island NNE by a bridge, which in turn is joined to

Pub. 182
200 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

The Gimsoystraumen Bridge


8.7 Henningsvaer

Engoya by a further bridge which extends to the mainland. It is From an approximate position of 68°09'N, 14°08'E, 1.75

reported that a conspicuous lattice mast stands at the S end of miles W of Henningsvaer, a channel, obstructed by islets and
Henningsvaer. rocks, leads about 6 miles NNE between Vestvagoya and Aust-
8.7The principal channels in the harbor approach have depths of vagoya to the vicinity of Gimsoya.
17m. A steamship quay has a length of 45m and alongside Gimsoystraumen (68°16'N., 14°15'E.), between Gimsoya

depths of 8 to 11.3m. There is about 1 mile of quayage which and Austvagoya, connects Henningsvaerstraumen with the
is provided with a large number of small cranes. open sea. It can be used by moderate size vessels and is easy to
8.7Local pilots are available on request to the harbor assistant. navigate.

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 201

8.7Gimsoystraumen is spanned by a bridge, with a vertical tion is required due to the reported presence of fish farms in the
clearance of 30m and a horizontal clearance of 90m. harbor.
8.7From Henningsvaerstraumen, the coast of Austvagoya trends 8.8Pilots may be arranged through the pilot station at Svolvaer
about 11 miles ENE to the entrance of Ostnesfjorden (Austnes- when a 24-hour advance notice is given.
fjorden). 8.8Orsvag (68°12'N., 14°25'E.), situated 2.5 miles NNE of the
8.7Off Henningsvaer, at the W end of this coast, patches of 14.6 light on Moholmen, is the best and roomiest anchorage in the
to 27m lie up to 5 miles offshore. Moholmen, marked by a light area for vessels of moderate draft, and is easily approached in
situated, is located 2 miles offshore. The dangers that comprise all weather. The anchorage is in depths of 7 to 8m, sand and
this group may best be seen on the chart. clay. Orsvag Hamn Light is a perch marking a below-water
8.7During onshore gales, the waters around Moholmen and the rock.
islets 1 to 2 miles NW are noted for the strength of flow. In
such conditions, a violent race occurs in this area and passage 8.9 Svolvaer (68°14'N., 14°35'E.) (World Port Index No.
becomes difficult. 21900), the largest and best protected harbor along the Lofoten
coast, lies on the SE coast of Austvagoya, 4 miles NE of
8.8 Skrova (68°10'N., 14°41'E.), an isolated island, Orsvag.
stands out because of its distinctive color and lower elevation. 8.9Svolvaer, the capital of the Lofoten Islands, is situated on a
The largest island of the group rises to a height of 313m; it ap- peninsula and on several adjoining islets. Some of these islets
pears as a haystack against Store Mola and Lille Mola (Litle are connected with the peninsula and each other by jetties and
Molla) behind. bridges.
8.8Skrova Light (Skraven Light) is shown from a prominent 8.9Depths—Limitations.—The port has three harbors. Vessels
tower 24m in height. A radiobeacon is situated at the tower. up to 158m in length with a maximum draft of 9.1m draft can
8.8Skrova Havn (68°10'N., 14°40'E.) (World Port Index No. be accommodated in the harbor. See the table titled Svolvaer—
21910) is situated in the island group of Skrova. Some of the Berth Information.
islands are connected by moles. 8.9Submarine cables are laid in many parts of the harbors, as
8.8The harbor is spacious, with several good quays on both shown on the chart.
sides of the strait. The quays, which are up to 90m long, have 8.9Pilotage.—Pilotage is available. Pilots should be ordered via
depths of 1.7 to 4.9m alongside. Mooring rings are installed SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Lodingen Pilot
around the harbor. Booking Center at an additional cost. The pilot boards in posi-
8.8There are several good anchorages within the harbor area. tion 68°11.0'N, 14°33.0'E (on request) or position 68°13.0'N,
The best anchorage is located in the roadstead N of St. Ram- 14°53.3'E (Molldora).
noya, where there are depths of 16 to 30m, sand bottom. Cau-

Svolvaer—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Skarvik A/S Concrete Jetty 50m 3.7-5.9m —
Skarvik A/S Concrete 80m 6.5-11.5m —
Municipal Concert 80m 9.9-10.5m —
Ferry Terminal 80m — —
Concrete 36m 5-5.9m Disused tank facility.
Main Harbor
Industrial Concrete 80m 6.9-8.2m —
Wood and Concrete 95m 3-4.4m —
Bekkholmen 75m 3.3-7.8m —
District Boat 214m 4.9-10.2m —
Norde Concrete 1 30m 1.9-5m —
Norde Concrete 2 90m 0.9m —
Fish Factory 10m 3.8-4.8m —
Bergs Sonner 68m 3.9-6.2m —
Lofoten Not og Tral 102m 3.9-6.2m —
Norslid A/S 60m 3-4.5m —

Pub. 182
202 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

8.9 The Raftsundet Bridge from S

Sveleia (Sveleden) (68°11'N., 14°42'E.) is a passage be-

8.9 rocks lying about 1 mile SE of Hinnoya, and 3 miles W of the
tween the islets lying N of Skrova and those of Lille Molla; it entrance to Ofotfjorden.
connects Holen with Vestfjorden.The channels through Sveleia Several fjords indent this coast; the entire area is fronted by

are well-marked and easily navigated. dangers which are best seen on the chart. Vessels enroute from
Vessels of moderate size which are unable to enter Svolvaer
8.9 Skrova to Ofotfjorden should steer along the SE side of Vest-
may anchor in Sveleia, as indicated on the chart, in 16 to 30m, fjorden in this area.
sand. Flovika (68°15'N., 14°57'E.), a deep body of water clear of

Molldoren leads between Lille Molla (68°12'N., 14°46'E.)

8.9 dangers in the fairway, is formed between Store Molla, on the
and Store Molla, about 0.5 mile NNE. W side, and Arstein and Hinnoya, on the E. This passage leads
Brettesnes (68°14'N., 14°51'E.), a fishery harbor in a cove at
8.9 from Vestfjorden to Rafsundet, about 7 miles NNW. The dan-
the S end of Store Molla, is approached from Molldora (Mol- gers off Arstein may best be seen on the chart.
dora) or from Vestfjorden. The harbor is exposed to mountain Raftsundet (68°23'N., 15°05'E.) extends about 11 miles

squalls, and a considerable sea is raised by S gales. NNE from its junction with Oyhellesundet and Flovika, close
N of Store Molla.
8.10 Holen (Hola) (68°14'N., 14°39'E.) is formed between Raftsundet is formed between Austvagoya and Hinnoya. It is

Austvagoya, on the W, and Lille Molla, on the E. Skjoldvaer, narrow and comparatively deep and clear. The channel, which
on the SE side of the passage and NW of Lille Molla, is a is used by coastal steamers and tourist vessels, is not difficult
group of islets and rocks lying up to 1.5 miles off Lille Molla, to navigate and is well-marked by aids. The channel will ac-
N of Skrova. This group should be avoided. commodate vessels drawing 7.3m and about 116m in length.
Kvalbaken, a danger on the NW side of Holen, is marked by
8.10 The Raftsundet Bridge, a fixed bridge with a vertical clear-

a light and lies about 2 miles ENE of Rodholmane. ance of 45m, spans Raftsundet about 0.7 mile SSW of the N
Austnesfjorden (68°17'N., 14°43'E.) extends about 6 miles
8.10 entrance to the passage.
N from the inner end of Holen and is free from dangers for Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Raftsundet set S be-

about 4 miles. Farther N there are several shoals, which are tween half tides at fall and rise. In Trangstraumen, the narrows
best seen on the chart. Heavy squalls are experienced in the between 3.5 and 5 miles S of the N entrance, the current has a
fjord. velocity of 4 to 5 knots, but with a S gale the N current may at-
Oyhellesundet, the passage NE of Holen, separates Store
8.10 tain a velocity of 6 or 7 knots. It should be noted that in Trang-
Molla from Austvagoya; it is connected at its NE end with straumen, the S current sets toward the E shore and the N
Raftsundet. current sets toward the W shore. A light stands about 0.15 mile
From Skrova, the NW side of Vestfjorden trends 16 miles
8.10 ESE of the bridge; a submarine cable crosses Raftsundet in the
ENE to Rotvaer (68°22'N., 15°56'E.), a group of islets and vicinity of the bridge.

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 203

There is anchorage for large vessels with local knowledge, in

8.10 sen (67°17'N., 14°12'E.), an isolated patch with depths of less
the SE part of Raftsundet, in 20 to 42m, about 1 mile ENE of than 5.5m, situated 1.5 miles NNW of Store Svartoksen.
the N extremity of Store Molla. An overhead cable, with a ver- The white sector of the light on Store Svartoksen, bearing

tical clearance of 55m, spans Raftsundet near its N entrance. astern, leads NW of Store Hjartoy and W of Lopsholmen
(67°20'N., 14°24'E.), 2 miles NE of Store Hjartoy.
8.11 Oksfjorden, the next fjord E of Flovika, penetrates Vessels proceeding from Bodo to Landegodefjorden may

about 11 miles N into Hinnoya. Between its entrance and Vest- proceed through Hjartoysundet, formed between Store Hjartoy
fjorden lies an extensive area of islets and shoals, including the and Lille Hjartoy, or around Hjartoydragan and proceed in the
islet group Risvaer (68°15'N., 15°09'E.) and Svellingen white sector of the light on Store Svartoksen.
(68°18'N., 15°18'E.). Within that area are channels and anchor- After the vessel has cleared Lopsholmen, they may steer in

ages suitable only for those with local knowledge. the white sector of Bjornoy Light (67°25'N., 14°26'E.).
Oksfjorden is connected to Vestfjorden by a channel from
8.11 In heavy weather, it may be preferable to pass 0.4 mile off

Flovika, which passes close along the E side of Arstein, and by Bjornoy then between Steinsgrunnen, a 20m patch 0.6 mile N
Smitskjaerleien (68°20'N., 15°25'E.), which passes S of the of Bjornoy, and Mistgrunnen, a 19.8m patch, 0.75 mile NE.
SE part of Hinnoya. From the vicinity of Bjornoy, the route continues NNW to-

Oksfjorden can be navigated by large vessels for a distance

8.11 ward a position W of Utgrunnen (67°42'N., 14°17'E.), then N
of about 8 miles to the islet of Husjordoy. or NNE into Vestfjorden.
Kanstadfjorden is entered between Offersoy (68°19'N.,
8.11 The white sector of the light on Bjornoy, bearing astern,

15°37'E.), a small low-lying peninsula 4.5 miles E of Smitsk- leads W of Ytre Skallen (67°28'N., 14°25'E.), a 4.9m patch 3
jaerleien, and Rotvaer, 7 miles NE. It indents Hinnoya for a miles NNW of the light, and E of Oyensve, 10.5 miles NNW,
distance of about 10 miles. which usually breaks.
Hokfjorden extends 2.5 miles N from the inner end of Kan-
8.11 From the vicinity of Oyensve, the summit of Lopsfellet

stadfjorden; Indrefjorden is the continuation of Kanstadfjorden (67°19'N., 14°29'E.) in range with an isthmus on Landegode,
on the NE side. Erikstadfjorden, suitable only for small boats, 0.4 mile WNW of Bjornoy Light, bearing 167.5°, passes 0.4
extends NW from Kanstadfjorden NNE of its junction with mile W of Utgrunnen, and then into Vestfjorden.
Rinnoyvag (68°22'N., 15°46'E.), situated on the W side of
Inner Fjords—Saltfjorden to Ofotfjorden
Kanstadfjorden, 4.5 miles NNE of Offersoy, has a berth at the
timber quay, 23m long, with depths of 5.5 to 7.7m alongside. 8.13 The fjords on the SE side of Vestfjorden, known as the
Anchorage has been taken in Kanstadfjorden, with good pro-
8.11 coast of Salten, run in all directions and are frequently connect-
tection from N and W winds, in 48m, with the light on Aspe- ed by low-lying marshy or lake filled depressions, so that the
neset (68°25'N., 15°47'E.) bearing 345°, 1.4 miles distant. entire coast is a maze of intricate channels between islands and
Landegodefjorden and Vestfjorden In places, steep ranges of mountains, separated by valleys,

lead away from the shores of the fjords, which are broken and
8.12 Because of the shallow channel in Grotoysundet, for have several large, low, boggy peninsulas.
about 40 miles N of Bodo, Indreleia is of little use to large ves- Some of the fjords penetrate so deeply they almost reach the

sels. This part of Indreleia merges into Vestfjorden through Swedish border.
Breisundet; Indreleia proper does not resume until the vicinity Indreleia diverges from the main route from Bodo to Vest-

of Lodingen, at the entrance to Tjeldsundet, is reached. fjorden off Lopsholmen, keeping to the E side of Landegode-
Landegodefjorden is formed between Landegode (67°25'N.,
8.12 fjorden and continuing NE through Karlsoyfjorden. There are
14°20'E.) and the mainland about 4 miles SE. It is encumbered many below-water rocks and dangers which exist in Landego-
by islets, reefs, and shoal areas, whose positions are best seen defjorden and must be avoided. Karlsoyfjorden is deep and free
on the chart. from dangers in the fairway.
Winds—Weather.—The area between Bodo and Landegode
8.12 Mistfjorden lies E of Indreleia, about 6 miles ENE of Bjor-

is exposed to violent squalls, especially in winter. East winds, noy. The fjord is surrounded by high, massive, and bare moun-
with strong and frequent gusts, are liable to blow off the main- tains.
land; NW winds are variable in strength with heavy squalls off Kvanholmen (67°27'N., 14°40'E.), marked by a light, is sit-

the high peaks of Landegode. uated on the S side of the entrance to Mistfjorden. From its en-
Tides—Currents.—The tidal current in Landegodefjorden
8.12 trance, the fjord extends about 10 miles E, terminating in
sets NE with the rising tide and SW with the falling tide. Nordfjorden.
Aspect.—Landegode Light (67°27'N., 14°23'E.) is shown
8.12 Several shoal spots lie up to 0.5 mile W of Kvanholmen and

from a tower, 29m in height, standing on the islet of Eggeloysa, a rock, awash, lies on the N side of Mistfjorden, 0.75 mile E of
close N of the N end of Landegode. the island.
Tennholmen Light (67°18'N., 13°30'E.) is shown from a
8.12 Vessels with local knowledge can anchor at the head of

low tower on a building, 14m in height, standing on the largest Nordfjorden, in a depth of 29m, sand.
islet of the group. There is a helicopter landing platform at the Karlsoyfjorden (67°31'N., 14°40'E.) is formed between

light. Karlsoyvaer, on the NW, and the mainland, on the SE. The fair-
Vessels proceeding from Saltfjorden to Landegodefjorden
8.12 way leads NE to Folla.
should steer to pass NW of Store Svartoksen and SE of Hau- Indreleia leads NNE from position 67°29'N, 14°35'E, pass-

Pub. 182
204 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

ing through Karlsoyfjorden towards Helloyskjeret. Nordfolla may be entered by keeping the white sector of the

The white sector of the light on Bjornoy, bearing astern,

8.13 light on Helloyskjaer (67°37'N., 14°47'E.), astern, which will
leads into Karlsoyfjorden NW of the islets and dangers off the lead between the dangers off Hjartoy and the NW shore. A
mainland; the white sector of the light on Helloyskjeret then mid-channel course may be steered to the head of the fjord.
leads toward the N entrance of the fjord. It is advisable to keep
to the E side of this sector as the W sector passes close to Karl- 8.15 Sorfolla (67°32'N., 15°16'E.) extends SE from the E
soyvaer. end of Folla. Several smaller fjords extend SW, S, and NE from
Kjerringoy (67°31'N., 14°46'E.) (World Port Index No.
8.13 Sorfolla.
22270) is located on the SE shore of Karlsoyfjorden. There is a Eidekjosen and Navelsfjorden have a common entrance off

wooden quay, 38m long, with depths of 3.2 to 5.2m, located at the W side of the fjord, 4 miles within its entrance. Nordre
the port. A light beacon is shown on Kjerringoy. Oygardskjeret (67°32'N., 15°08'E.) lies in the entrance.
Anchorage is available 137m SE of the beacon, in depths of
8.13 Sjunkfjorden extends 5.25 miles SSW from its entrance, 3.5

5 to 10m, sand and clay bottom. miles SE of Nordre Oygardskjeret.

There are anchorages in Sjunkfjorden, sand and clay, 3 miles

8.14 Folla, a large fjord complex, is entered in the vicinity WSW and 4.5 miles SW from the light on the E entrance point
of Helloyskjeret, and is approached through Karlsoyfjorden or Leirfjorden (67°32'N., 15°37'E.) extends about 11 miles NE

from W by passing N of Slovaer (67°36'N., 14°39'E.). from Sorfolla, 6.25 miles E of Sjunkfjorden. It appears to be
Abreast of Hjartoya (67°39'N., 15°05'E.), about 6 miles
8.14 free of charted dangers in the fairway.
ENE of Helloyskjeret, Folda divides into two branches, each Storvika (67°31'N., 15°36'E.) affords good anchorage, in

having several arms; Sorfolla extends about 20 miles SE and clay and sand, on the S side of Leirfjorden, 2 miles within the
Nordfolla extends about 15 miles NE. entrance.
The W approach to Folda from Vestfjorden can be made by
8.14 Lakselv (67°22'N., 15°36'E.) (World Port Index No. 22295)

steering in the white sector of the light on Helloyskjeret, pass- situated on the W side of Sorfolla, near its head, 8.5 miles S of
ing S of Skarholman (67°39'N., 14°28'E.), 7.5 miles WNW of the entrance to Leirfjorden, has a smelting works. To accom-
the light, then S of Breifallet, a 7.9m patch 3 miles ESE of modate cruise ships a hydro pier 3extends 300m to an offshore
Skarholman. This course will lead close N of Ytre Raholmen anchorage for cruise ship passengers.
1.75 miles SE of Breifallet. Then steer E into Folla to pass N of Sorfolla is well marked by lights. The white sectors of these

Helloyskjeret. lights lead through the various channels clear of charted dan-
Oyensve (67°35'N., 14°17'E.), which breaks, are the farthest
8.14 gers. See the table titled Lakselv—Berth Information.
W of the dangers off-lying Karlsoyvaer, about 12 miles W of Sagfjorden (67°38'N., 15°16'E.) is entered from Folla

Helloyskjeret. through Refsfjorden N of the island of Prestmasoy, and from

Nordfolla (67°45'N., 15°17'E.) leads NE from Folla. Its E
8.14 Sorfolla through Masoysundet, E of the island.
continuations are known as Reinvikfjorden and Morsvik- Anchorage may be taken off the NE side of Prestmasoy, in

fjorden. Store Belgkjosen and Lille Belgkjosen have a common 18 to 23m, sand, 1.5 miles SE of Mulneset, the N entrance
entrance off the N side of the fjord, 10.5 miles NE of Hjartoy. point to Sagfjorden. There is also anchorage 2.5 miles E of the
They are icebound in the winter. Vinkfjorden leads from the SE point, in 40m, sand.
side of Nordfolla 6.5 miles NE of Hjartoy; Stavfjorden extends There is an anchorage 6 miles E of Mulneset, off Sagfjorden,

from its inner end. in 22 to 30m, sand and shingle.

The fjord is open toward the SW, with winds from the W and

SW. East gales are most frequent in the winter. 8.16 Indreleia leads from the vicinity of Helloyskjeret, 3
In Nordfolla, the tidal currents usually flow outward, but in
8.14 miles NW across the outer part of Folla, then about 10 miles N
calm weather, if the tributary rivers are low, the current may set across Brennvika and Andholmsfjorden, to the vicinity of Sild-
into the branches with the rising tide. skjeret (67°48'N., 14°44'E.), in the SW approach to Gro-
Anchorage may be taken off Nordfold (67°46'N., 15°14'E.),
8.14 toysundet.
in depths of 14 to 18m, clay and sand. Anchorage is also avail- Vessels may proceed from the vicinity of Helloyskjeret by

able off Stavnes, 5 miles E of Nordfold, between two charted keeping the white sector of that light, which will lead SW of
6m patches. It is a well-used anchorage, but is exposed to SW Kjopmannen (67°39'N., 14°43'E.) and into the white sector of
winds. Ola-Persoya Light (67°40'N., 14°43'E.).

Lakselv—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Lakselv Seakwalk
Concrete Wharf 20m — — 12.0m — Cruise vessels.
Cruise vessels. No beam restrictions. Cruise ves-
Seawalk Pier — 15.0m 300m 12.0m 150,000 dwt sels tie up to two mooring buoys and passengers
disembark via an extending floating pier.

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 205

During W gales, breakers extend some distance W from

8.16 and is entered from Indreleia or from the W through Breisun-
Kjopmannen and should be given a wide berth. det. Skitenfjorden is its E continuation.
From Kjopmannen, steer in the white sector of Ola-Persoya
8.16 A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 25m and a navigable

Light and enter Ytre Vettoysundet passing, E of the light. width of 40m, spans the narrows between Alstadoya
When entering Ytre Vettoysundet, care is necessary to pass W (67°54'N., 15°11'E.) and Bogoya, 183m S.
of the rocks, awash, lying from about 0.1 mile SSE to 0.2 mile The E end of Skitenfjorden opens into Sagfjorden.

ESE of the light. Care must be used to pass E of the danger 0.3 Tides—Currents.—In Flagsundet, the tidal current flows in

mile N of Ola-Persoya Light. the direction of the channel. Strong squalls sometimes blow
Brennvika indents the coast about 4 miles from a position
8.16 down from the mountains and are particularly severe about 5
about 2 miles NNE of Ola-Persoya Light. miles within the W entrance and near Bogoya. The current is
Leinesfjorden, next N of Brennvika, is an E continuation of
8.16 strongest at Vikskjer. Flagsundet is limited to vessels with local
Andholmfjorden. It terminates in two branches, Saursfjorden, knowledge.
on the N, and Botnfjorden, on the S. An entrance channel off
Leines is well marked, but is suitable for use only with good lo- 8.19 Skagstadsundet (67°58'N., 15°10'E.) is entered from
cal knowledge. The many encumbrances may best be seen on Vestfjorden between Foroya (68°01'N., 15°07'E.) and Orneset,
the chart. 1.25 miles ESE, and leads 8 miles S and E between Engeloya
From the vicinity of Ola-Persoya Light, the route of Indre-
8.16 and Lundoya to the junction with Skitenfjorden, Okssundet,
leia leads across Brennvika to a position W of Skjaholmen and Sagfjorden.
(67°43'N., 14°43'E.). The green sector of the light, bearing be- Dangers are charted in the entrance E of Foroya and near the

tween 167° and 178°, astern, leads W of this islet. center of the fairway about 5 miles within the entrance.
When W of Skjaholmen, steer toward the rear range light on
8.16 Okssundet (68°00'N., 15°18'E.) is entered from Vestfjorden

Steinsholmen, 1.5 miles N of Skjalholmen, passing E of the between Oksnesodden (68°03'N., 15°14'E.) and Dalshamaren,
foul ground 0.5 mile SSW of the range light, then W of the a point 1.5 miles NE. It leads 7 miles SSE between Lundoya
danger which extends 183m SSW from Steinsholmen and Hamaroy to the junction with Skagstadsundet and Sag-
(67°44'N., 14°43'E.). fjorden.
From Steinsholmen, the range lights in line 186°, astern, in-
8.16 There is usually a N flow of current on the E side of the

dicate the fairway of Indreleia as it crosses the inner part of sound and a S flow on the W side of the sound.
Andholmfjorden. This track leads between the light marking Squalls from the mountains can occur during S winds.

Leiskjer, 1.75 miles N, and foul ground marked by a perch The white sector of the light on Oksnessodden through N in-

183m W of the light, then NNE to pass E of Sildskjeret, 2.5 dicates clear water in the approach from Vestfjorden.
miles farther N. There are many dangers in this area which are Okssundet is deep; however, a mid-channel course will lead

best seen on the chart. clear of any coastal dangers.

8.17 Grotoysundet (67°50'N., 14°46'E.) lies between Gro-

toya and the mainland E. The narrow shallow channel through
it connects the inner part of Andholmfjorden with Breisundet
3.5 miles NNW, and Vestfjorden.
Local knowledge is necessary in Grotoysundet and the use of

a local pilot is recommended for the largest vessels that can use
the channel. The channel is 30m wide, with a dredged to a
depth of 4.9m.
Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in Grotoysundet are

strong. The tide levels at Grotoy (67°50'N., 14°46'E.) on the

NE end of Grotoya are 3m at MHWS and 0.5m at MLWS.
Depth gauges are placed at Hartvikgrunnen Light

(67°49.2'N., 14°44.2'E.), for northbound vessels and at Kat-

tlorten Light (67°50.6'N., 14°47.4'E.), for southbound vessels.
From Kattlorten Light, three channels lead NW into Breis-

undet (67°54'N., 14°43'E.). Helligholmleia, the W channel, is

the safest and deepest, but it is tortuous. Breisundet is about 3
miles distant from Kattlorten Light. Vestfjorden is entered By Karin Beate Nosterund/norden.org via Wikimedia Commons

from this pass. Tranoy Light


Skotsfjorden is entered about 1 mile NE of Kattlorten Light


through a rock-encumbered entrance, with a channel about 8.20 Sagfjorden (67°58'N., 15°36'E.) is entered between
46m wide between the reefs on either side. This fjord should be Bolsoygalten (67°57'N., 15°24'E.), at the S extremity of Hu-
entered only by vessels with local knowledge. soyvaer, and Skranstad, 2 miles SE. It extends about 13 miles E
Anchorage is available at the head of the fjord, in depths of 9
8.17 and SE along the S side of Husoya and Finnoya. The fjord is
to 22m, and in the bay close W, in depths of 11 to 17m. deep with a marine farm and submarine cables best seen on a
8.18 Flagsundet (67°55'N., 15°00'E.) leads S of Engeloya Anchorage at Store Lagmansvika (67°55'N., 15°53'E.), at

Pub. 182
206 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

the head of Sagfjorden on the E side, may be taken, in 15 to 16°07'E.) and Klubben, 0.4 mile SSW.
17m, sand. There is anchorage, in 12.8 to 14.6m, clay, 0.9 mile SW of

From Dalshamaren, the N entrance point of Okssundet, the

8.20 Bessfjordneset, and, in 20 to 22m, 1 mile SSW of the point, for
NW coast of Hamaroy trends 7.5 miles NNE to Selsoya vessels with local knowledge.
(68°09'N., 15°29'E.), then 3.75 miles ENE to Eggloya Drag (68°03'N., 16°05'E.) (World Port Index No. 22120) is a

(68°11'N., 15°38'E.), which lies close off the Tranoya peninsu- natural coastal harbor which opens off the W side of Tys-
la, the N extremity of Hamaroy. fjorden, 8.25 miles S of Bessfjordneset. There is an angled tim-
Tranoy (68°11'N., 15°40'E.) (World Port Index No. 22160)
8.20 ber quay in Drag, with a berth 23m long, with depths of 4.6 to
consists of a cove on the E side of the peninsula. The timber 4.9m alongside. The timber quays at the feldspar quarry has
quay is 74m long, with depths of 2 to 9m, and is situated in the depths of up to 6.5m alongside.
NW corner of the cove. There is an anchorage W of the light, with mooring rings, in

A foul bay, 0.75 miles SSE of Tranoy, provides a good an-

8.20 clay and sand. A slight swell sets in with N winds.
chorage, in 18 to 40m, sand, sheltered from W, but is open to N
and NE winds. 8.22 Hellemofjorden is entered from Tysfjorden and ex-
There is a pilot station located at Tranoy. Mariners are ad-
8.20 tends about 13 miles SSE from its entrance between Helland-
vised when approaching the pilot boarding place to pass well S neset (68°02'N., 16°09'E.), 2.25 miles SE of Drag and
of the lighted buoy located at position 68°14'N, 15°36'E, which Hestneset 1 mile ESE. An overhead cable, with a vertical clear-
marks a shoal area. ance of 38m, spans the fjord at Hestneset.
The pilot boarding areas are located in position 68°12.7'N,
8.20 A similar cable, with a vertical clearance of 240m, spans the

15°35.7'E and position 68°18.4'N, 15°55.7'E. Contact should fjord 9 miles within the entrance.
be made on VHF channel 13 for boarding arrangements. The fjord is deep throughout, but on its E side, about 2 miles

A channel leads W of Tannoya (68°09'N., 15°48'E.) into a

8.20 within Hestneset, foul ground, with a charted depth of 1.8m,
long inlet between Tranoya and the mainland 3 miles E. extends 0.4 mile offshore. An islet lies about 0.3 mile off the E
Tannoysundet, W of Tannoya, leads S between Tannoya and
8.20 shore 6 miles farther S, reducing the fairway to a width of 0.45
Hamaroy. A 10m patch lies in the fairway off the W extremity mile.
of Tannoya. Local knowledge is required in the channel. Skrovkjosen (68°15'N., 16°19'E.), a bay on the NE side of

Presteid (68°05'N., 15°40'E.) lies on the W side of Presteid-

8.20 Tysfjorden, is deep and free from dangers. Its N entrance point,
fjorden 3.5 miles SSW of Tannoysundet. This harbor is the calling Solvneset, lies about 4 miles SE of the E entrance point of Tys-
place for Hamaroy, the principal village on the island. There is a fjorden. Brennsoyklubben, the S entrance point of the bay, lies
timber quay, 26m long, with depths of 5.8 to 7.8m alongside. An- 0.9 mile SSE of Solvneset.
chorage may be taken, in 30 to 50m, clay, NW of Presteid. Anchorage.—Anchorage with mooring rings, may be taken,

in 40m, clay and sand, off Ulvik (68°34'N., 16°20'E.) (World

8.21 Tysfjorden (68°06'N., 16°15'E.) is the name for a Port Index No. 21970) in the SE part of Skrovkjosen.
group of fjords which extends for about 30 miles SSE from a Anchorage may be taken, in 20m, off Eidbukta, in the N part

position 10.5 miles NE of Eggloysa. The fjords are deep and of Skrovkjosen, 1.5 miles N of Ulvik. Local knowledge is re-
several rivers discharge into them. quired.
The tidal currents usually set out of Tysfjorden, attaining a
8.21 Haukoyfjorden opens off the E side of Tysfjorden, about 3

maximum velocity of about 3 knots. miles SE of Skrovkjosen. It is entered between Indre Skar-
An extensive reef lies between Bremneset (68°17'N.,
8.21 bergneset (68°13'N., 16°12'E.) and Skjerneset, 4 miles SSE.
16°09'E.), the NE entrance point to Tysfjorden, and Bavoya an The fjord is deep and clear of dangers, however, Haukoygrun-
island 2.75 miles NNW. Storboen lies at the W end of this reef. nen, with a charted depth of 2.5m, lies in the entrance 1.25
Bremnesskjaer (68°17'N., 16°08'E.), a drying shoal, lies on
8.21 miles NNW of Skjerneset.
the NE side of the entrance, 0.75 mile S of Bremneset. The inner end of the fjord divides into the N and S arms,

Foul ground extends about 0.4 mile offshore off the SW en-
8.21 namely, Stefjorden and Tommerasfjorden. From the latter arm,
trance to Tysfjorden. Sandvikskallen, with a charted depth of Fuglefjorden extends 2.25 miles SSE.
4.9m, lies 1.75 miles NW of the light at Korsnes. Stefjorden extends E and SE from the NE end of Haukoy-

The white sector of various lights lead from Vestfjorden to-

8.21 fjorden. It is deep and free from dangers in the fairway, and the
ward and into Tysfjorden. shores nearly everywhere are steep-to.
Korsnes (68°15'N., 16°04'E.) (World Port Index No. 22140)
8.21 At Haukoya (68°12'N., 16°24'E.), on the S side of the en-

lies close within the entrance of Tysfjorden, on the SW side. It trance to Stefjorden, there is a berth at a stone and concrete
is protected from the N but a sea is raised in it by a SE gale quay 26m long, with depths of 9.4 to 9.7m alongside.
which is known locally as a Tysfjorden Wind. Anchorage is available off Haukoya as shown on the chart.

There is an angled timber quay, with two berths 25 and 20m


long, with depths of 3.9 to 7.6m and 2.3 to 3.9m, respectively, 8.23 Indre Tysfjorden is entered off Kjopsvik (68°06'N.,
alongside. 16°21'E.), 3.5 miles SSE of Skjerneset, and extends about 8
Bogvika (68°14'N., 16°05'E.) opens off the W side of Tys-
8.21 miles E. It is deep and free from dangers to a position about 1
fjorden, 1.75 miles S of Korsnes. There is good anchorage, in mile from its head. An overhead cable, with a vertical clear-
depths of 14 to 21m, clay, in Bogvika. ance of 35m, spans the fjord 3 miles NE of Kjopsvik.
Bessfjorden is entered off the W side of Tysfjorden, 1.5
8.21 Depths—Limitations.—Kjopsvik has a cement berth that

miles SSE of Bogvika, between Bessfjordneset (68°12'N., can accommodate vessels 10m in length and handles cement

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 207

and breakbulk. The berthing length is 170m, including dol- 16°50'E.). It then continues E for about 11 miles to Narvik.
phins. Lilandsgrunnen, with a least charted depth of 2m, lies near

Hulloya, which rises to a height of 676m, lies on the S side

8.23 mid-channel about 1 miles off the N shore.
of the entrance to Indre Tysfjorden, 1 mile from Kjopsvik. An Skjomgrunnen (68°25'N., 17°13'E.), a rocky shoal with a

overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 38m, spans the depth of 5m, lies on the S side of the fairway, 9 miles ESE of
channel from Hulloya to a point on shore close W of Kjopsvik. Lilandsgrunnen. From a position 0.3 mile SE of Skjomgrun-
Hulloysundet, off the S side of Hulloya, is deep and free
8.23 nen, a bank extends SE to the shore, 1 mile distant.
from dangers, except for the chain of rocks extending from An ammunition dump is charted in the fjord; it is centered

Hulloyneset (68°03'N., 16°11'E.), the SW point of Hulloya, to about 1 mile SSE of the beacon on Lilandsgrunnen.
Hulloynesgrunnen, 1 mile WNW. An overhead cable, with a
vertical clearance of 24m, spans the sound. 8.26 Kjeldebotn (68°25'N., 16°41'E.), a cove, opens off
Grunnfjorden, entered from Hulloysundet, W of Kjerrklub-
8.23 the S side of Ofotfjorden 2 miles ESE of the light on Hamnesh-
ben (68°02'N., 16°19'E.), is free from dangers in the fairway. It olmen.
extends 8 miles SSE. Anchorage, in a depth of 19m, clay and sand, may be taken

Kjerrvika (68°01'N., 16°20'E.), a cove situated on the E

8.23 in the SE part of the cove. There is a timber quay on the E
side of Grunnfjorden, 1.5 miles S of Kjerrklubben, is the site of shore with a berth, 28m long, with depths of 6.2 to 7m along-
a concrete quay 16m long, with depths of 5.5 to 8.5m along- side.
side. The fjord is generally free from ice. Ballangen (68°22'N., 16°55'E.), an inlet, opens off the S side

Mannfjorden lies E of Grunnfjorden, from which it is sepa-

8.23 of Ofotfjorden, 6 miles ESE of Kjeldebotn. The inlet extends
rated by a peninsula 2 miles wide. There are no dangers in the 4.5 miles SW. Litle Ballangen lies near its head.
fairway of the fjord which penetrates 5.5 miles SE. Three over- Dangers lie on both sides of the entrance to Ballangen, but it

head cables, with a vertical clearance of 48m, span the fjord 4 may be entered in the white sectors of the lights, and by using
miles within the entrance. the lights, in range 236°, at Litle Ballangen.
Multind (68°00'N., 16°30'E.) is a conspicuous dome-shaped
8.23 Litle Ballangen (68°20'N., 16°51'E.) (World Port Index No.

summit, 853m high, situated on the E side of Mannfjorden 4.5 22050) has two quays, 29 and 13m long, with depths of 3.5 to
miles SE of Kjerrklubben. 6.2m and from 4.5 to 6m alongside, respectively. Anchorage
There is anchorage at the head of Mannfjorden in a cove on
8.23 may be taken off the quays, in about 10 to 22m, clay.
the N side, clear of a cable. Bogen, an inlet, opens off the N side of Ofotfjorden, 3 miles

ENE of Lilandsgrunnen. Skogoya lies on the W side of Bogen;

Ofotfjorden two smaller inlets lie off its SE and S extremities. Liland lies
near the W entrance of Bogen, off the S end of Skogoya; Bo-
8.24 Ofotfjorden Sis, entered between Baroya and Tjel- gen, a village, lies at the head of the inlet.
dodden (68°23'N., 16°08'E.), 1.75 miles N. Its branches ex- The white sector of Liland Light (68°28'N., 16°55'E.) leads

tend about 40 miles E to within 5 miles of the Swedish border. from Ofotfjorden into the entrance to Bogen. The port has a
Narvik, the most important port on the fjord, is situated 30
8.24 timber quay, 100m long, with 11.6m alongside. There is a total
miles within the entrance. The prevailing winds are NE in the length of 77m of quay at the industrial works, with depths of
winter and W in the summer. 4.3 to 6.6m alongside.
The current in Ofotfjorden nearly always flows out, and it
8.24 Bogen Nato Jetty is located below Slettebakken Light

may be strong during gales, especially along the land. (68°31'N., 16°58'E.). The jetty also has a concrete vehicle
There is usually an outflow of current from the branch fjords
8.24 ramp.
into Ofotfjorden, which can be strong and dangerous, particu- Caution.—A submarine cable crosses Ballangen from a po-

larly at the mouths of the fjords during the melting of ice in the sition close E of the quays.
spring. The dangers in Bogen are numerous and may best be seen on

A mid-channel course will lead from the vicinity of Baroya

8.24 the chart.
to Hamnesholmen (68°25'N., 16°35'E.), 11.5 miles ENE. The
white sector of the light on Baroya, astern, will lead clear of the 8.27 Liland (68°29'N., 16°53'E.) (World Port Index No.
dangers. 22010) is situated near the W entrance point of Bogen. The en-
Efjorden is entered from Ofotfjorden by a narrow channel E
8.24 trance leads N of Lilandsgrunnen and W of the islet lying off
of Baroya (68°21'N., 16°07'E.) and extends 17 miles SE. The the S extremity of Skogoya. Foul ground extends about 0.3
fjord may also be entered from Vestfjorden by boat channels S mile ESE from a position on shore S of Liland.
of Baroya. The entrance channels are encumbered with shoals There is a berth at the end of a timber jetty, 30m long, with

and are difficult to enter. No attempt to enter should be made depths of 4.6 to 6.7m on the E side and depths of 2.6 to 6.7m
without good local knowledge. on the inside.
Skjomen is entered from Ofotfjorden between Rosaneset

8.25 Ramsundet (68°29'N., 16°31'E.) is entered through (68°24'N., 17°12'E.) and Einbaerneset, 1.25 miles E, about 7
Breivika, off the N side of Ofotfjorden, 8.25 miles ENE of miles SE of Bogen.
Tjeldodden. This channel leads about 6 miles N to join Indre- The fjord, about 13 miles long, is deep and surrounded by

leia in Tjeldsundet. high steep mountains. The innermost part of the fjord is mag-
From Hamnesholmen, the fairway of Ofotfjorden trends ENE
8.25 nificent, with high peaks covered a good distance upward with
about 6 miles to the vicinity of Lilandsgrunnen (68°27'N., a lush deciduous forest.

Pub. 182
208 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

During some winters, the ice conditions may obstruct traffic

8.27 cost. The pilots can be contacted by telephone (47-76-98-68-
severely. 10) and by e-mail (pilot.lodingen@kystverket.no).
An overhead cable and a bridge span Skjomen 1.5 miles
8.27 Pilots board in the following positions:

within the entrance. Each has a vertical clearance of 35m. The a. 68°12'42''N, 15°35'42''E (1.6 miles N of Tranoy
navigable width under the bridge is 150m. Light).
Sorskjomen (68°12'N., 17°19'E.) is situated at the head of
8.27 b. 68°18'27''N, 15°55'42''E (2.8 miles SW of Baroya).
the fjord. There is a quay at Hallarvika, close NW, 20m long, c. 68°22'54''N, 16°01'42''E (2 miles SSE of Lodingen).
with 5m alongside. Care is necessary to avoid the extensive Regulations.—Anchored and berthed vessels should main-

drying bank at the head of the fjord. tain a continuous listening watch on VHF channel 14.
Vessel Traffic Service.—For details on the Vessel Traffic

Narvik (68°26'N., 17°25'E.) Service, see section titled Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph
World Port Index No. 22030 Contact Information.—See the table titled Narvik—Con-

tact Information.
8.28 Narvik is situated on the E side of Narvikbukten, at
the entrance to Beisfjorden, 3.75 miles ENE of Skjomen. The
Narvik—Contact Information
harbor is a natural landlocked basin, almost completely sur-
rounded, and sheltered by high ground. Port Control
The port lies about 150 miles from the open sea. Commercial

VHF VHF channels 14 and 16

shipping traffic is heavy in winter, when the Gulf of Bothnia is
ice-bound. Swedish ore is exported through the port. 47-76-950375
47-91-550375 (mobile)
Port of Narvik
Facsimile 47-76-950385
E-mail hvakt@narvikhavn.no
Winds—Weather.—The “Beisfjorden Wind,” which occa-
Port Authority
sionally blows from SE, can raise a considerable sea; otherwise Telephone 47-76-950370
the wind is usually light. The harbor is always ice-free.
Tides—Currents.—Mean tides rise 3.2m at springs and
Facsimile 47-76-950384
2.4m at neaps. During May and June, there is a constant NW E-mail firmapost@narvikhavn.no
set out of Beisfjorden, which is estimated to reach 4 to 5 knots
during the ebb current. The direction of the current in the har-
bor is variable and may cause vessels at anchor to swing in dif- Anchorage.—Narvikbukten affords excellent anchorage in

ferent directions. any part of the bay, in depths of 18 to 29m. The pilot will
advise on the selection of berths. For further information, see
Depths—Limitations.—Berthing details are shown in the

the table titled Narvik—Anchorages.

accompanying table titled Narvik—Berthing Information.
Caution.—Several wrecks lie in Narvikbukten and may best
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels. Pilotage


be seen on the chart.

should be ordered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered
through the Lodingen Pilot Booking Center at an additional

Narvik—Berthing Information
Berth Name Length Depth Remarks
LKAB Bulk Terminal
No. 3 202m 13.0m Bulk.
No. 4 202m 11.0m Bulk.
Iron ore. Can accommodate vessels up to 350,000 dwt.
No. 5 205m 26.0m
Modifications to the pier at Berth No. 5 were reported in 2019.
General Cargo Terminal
Nordkaia 84m 5.0m General cargo.
Pier No. 1 143m 6.0-8.0m Passengers.
Pier No. 2 82m 3.0-5.0m —
Ro-Ro/Railway Terminal
Fagermeskaia 237m 14.0m Ro-ro and containers.

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 209

Narvik—Berthing Information
Berth Name Length Depth Remarks
Northland Terminal
Bulk Berth 280m — Iron ore. Can accommodate vessels up to 18,000 dwt.
Fish Terminal
Fish Berth 89m 4.0-6.0m —
Other Berths
Torgkaia 60m 4.0m —
Tug Pier 1 30m 6.0m Ro-ro ramp available.
Tug Pier 2 87m 5.0m —
Service Launch
30m — —
Oil Jetty 35m 7.5-8.1m Esso.
Private Quays 50m 5.0m Timber.

Anchorage Depth Location
Vidrek (VICTOR) 50.0-70.0m 68°24'24.0''N, 17°09'54.0'E
Framnes North (FOXTROT) — 68°26'31.2''N, 17°21'30.0'E
Framnes South (GOLF) — 68°26'03.6''N, 17°21'36.0'E
Ytre Straumen (ALPHA) — 68°25'31.2''N, 17°23'48.6'E
Kleiva (BRAVO) — 68°25'16.2''N, 17°24'57.0'E
Herjangen One — 68°29'30.0''N, 17°25'51.0''E
Herjangen Two — 68°28'55.2''N, 17°25'41.4''E
Herjangen Three — 68°28'12.0''N, 17°25'06.0''E

A seaplane operating area lies in Narvikbukten and may best

8.28 Herjangsfjorden, on its E side, has a quay 60m long, with
be seen on the chart. depths from 7.4 to 10.6m alongside.
Anchorage is available for small boats close S of the quay,

8.29 Beisfjorden (68°24'N., 17°30'E.) is entered off Fa- clay bottom, with mooring rings.
gernes. It is spanned by a movable bridge, with a vertical clear- Rombaken (68°28'N., 17°36'E.) extends 5 miles E from its

ance of 6m and a navigable width of 11m. The bridge can only entrance S of Oydjordneset. Rombaksbotn, the inner part of the
be opened for passage at HW slack and LW slack. Passage un- fjord, extends 4.5 miles farther in an ESE direction.
der the closed bridge at other times must always be made with Halogalands Bro, a suspension bridge with a vertical clear-

the vessel stemming the current. Passage speed must be no ance of 40m, crosses the entrance to Rombaken in the vicinity
greater than steerageway. of Oyjordneset.
Signals for the bridge are, as follows:
8.29 Straumen (68°26'N., 17°42'E.), the narrows between Rom-

1. Green light—bridge open. baken and Rombaksbotn, is spanned by a bridge with a vertical
2. Red light—bridge closed. clearance of 40.5m. Three overhead cables, the lowest of
A water pipeline has been laid across the approach to Beis-
8.29 which has a safe vertical clearance of 32m, also span the nar-
fjorden. Warning signs are posted on both sides of the passage. rows. The passage is restricted to a width of 183m by a reef
Ships must anchor to stay clear of the line between the two which extends from its N side.
warning signs.
Herjangsfjorden (68°30'N., 17°27'E.) is the NE continua-
Rotvaer to Harstad
tion of Ofotfjorden N of Narvik. The fjord is deep and clear of
dangers except on the SE shore, which is fringed by a reef that 8.30 From Vestfjorden, the S approach to Harstad lead, in a
extends 0.5 mile offshore in places. Skolten, a rocky patch with general N direction, through Tjeldsundet and Vagsfjorden,
a depth of 14.9m, lies in mid-channel. about 33 miles distant. Sandtorgstraumen, 16 miles NE of Rot-
Hamnvik (68°32'N., 17°34'E.), situated near the head of
8.29 vaer, has a least charted depth of 7.9m in the fairway.

Pub. 182
210 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

Narvik Harbor

8.28 Narvik—Iron Ore Terminal

The winds in Tjeldsundet, to a large degree, follow the direc-

8.30 mainland, whereas there are W winds in the entrances from the
tion of the sound, but are often unsteady and unreliable. Winds sea.
which set S in the sound, will, in the W part of Sandtorgstrau-
men, slack and back around. South winds are usually the most 8.31 Lodingen (68°25'N., 16°00'E.) (World Port Index No.
troublesome. 21950), 3 miles NNE of the light on Rotvaer, lies on the W side
In Vagsfjorden, there can be E storms in the fjord on the

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 211

8.29 Tjeldsundet

of the S entrance to Tjeldsundet. c. 68°22'54''N, 16°01'42''E (2 miles SSE of Lodingen).

Lodingen Pilot Booking Center arranges all pilotage in Nor-

Lodingen Port Authority dland and Troms og Finnmar, from Norivk in the S to Kirkenes
in the N. The Booking Center can be contacted as listed in the
http://www.lodingen.kommune.no table titled Pilot Booking Center—Contact Information,

Depths—Limitations.—This is a sheltered harbor that can

Pilot Booking Center—Contact Information
handle vessels up to 3,000 dwt, with a maximum length of
120m and a maximum draft of 6m. See the table titled Loding- VHF VHF channels 13 and 16
en—BerthiInformation. Telephone 47-76-986810
Facsimile 47-76-986820
Lodingen—Berth Information
E-mail pilot.lodingen@kystverket.no
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Lodingen Ferry Terminal Vessel Traffic Service.—For details on the Vessel Traffic Ser-

North 84m — Passengers. vice, see the section titled Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph 1.1.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Lodingen Port

South 84m — Passengers. Authority—Contact Information.

Rodholmen Terminal
General cargo and con- Lodingen Port Authority—Contact Information
North 70m 10m
tainers. Telephone 47-76-986618
East 130m 8.5m Ro-ro and general cargo. Facsimile 47-76-986641
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or- E-mail
dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Lodin-
gen Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken in the harbor, in
Vessels should provide updates on their ETA 5 hours and 2


depths of 11.9 to 14.6m, good holding ground.

hours prior to arrival at the pilot station.
Caution.—Care must be taken to anchor clear of the fairway
Pilots board in the following positions:


leading to the quay. A sea may set into the anchorage when the
a. 68°12'42''N, 15°35'42''E (1.6 miles N of Tranoy
wind is E of N.
b. 68°18'27''N, 15°55'42''E (2.8 miles SW of Baroya).

Pub. 182
212 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

8.32 Tjeldsundet (68°31'N., 16°10'E.), between Hinnoya Works are in progress (2022) in Vagfjorden E of Engene. A

on the W and Tjeldoya and the mainland on the E, is the con- submarine cable runs NE across the entrance to Harstad and
tinuation of Indreleia from Vestfjorden to the N ports. It is nar- may best be seen on the chart.
row in several places and the channel is rendered intricate by
below-water rocks and shoals. The currents are strong and the 8.33 Harstad lies on the E coast of Hinnoya, which is
numerous whirls and eddies necessitate care. fringed with islets and shoals to a distance of 2.5 miles. These
dangers must be passed to the E.
The tidal currents in Vagsfjorden usually set N with the fall-

ing tide and S with the rising tide. They may attain a velocity
of 1 knot at springs.
Langgrunnen (68°42'N., 16°38'E.), with a charted depth of

2.1m, lies on the W side of Indreleia, 2 miles N of the light on

Grashdmen. A reef, with a charted depth of 2.2m, lies 0.25
mile E of Langgrunnen.
Store Rogla (68°44'N., 16°39'E.), 95m high, lies on the W

side of the fairway, 3 miles N of Grasholmen. Lille Rogla lies

0.5 mile farther NNE.
Storholmen (68°43'N., 16°46'E.), marked by a light, lies on

the E side of Indreleia, about 1 mile off the SW extremity of

Rolla and 2.25 miles E of Store Rogla. Foul ground extends 0.5
mile E of Storholmen and just over 0.5 mile SW from Rolla.
In the S approach to Harstad, which lies 3.75 miles NW of

Lille Rogla, are Arnoya (68°46'N., 16°37'E.), 1.75 miles NW

8.32 The Tjeldsundet Bridge of Lille Rogla, Laukholmen, and Tjuvholmen.
Smaholmgrunn, a rocky shoal with a depth of 5.8m, and Ly-

Kongsviktind (68°35'N., 16°16'E.), a mountain, 988m high,

8.32 sbotn, with a depth of 0.3m, lie 0.6 mile and 1.0 mile NNW, re-
10 miles NNE of Lodingen, provides a good mark in the S en- spectively, from Lille Rogla.
trance to the sound. The many dangers which front Harstadhamn from Tjuvhol-

The dangers in Tjeldsundet may best be seen on the chart. A

8.32 men N to Roykenesboen (68°51'N., 16°39'E.), 2.25 miles
bridge, with a vertical clearance of 41m and a horizontal clear- NNE, may best be seen on the chart.
ance of 90m, spans the fairway near Langkvitneset (68°38'N., Vessels approaching Harstad from the S, after passing Lille

16°35'E.), 7.75 miles NE of Kongsviktind. Rogla, should shape a course toward Stangnesodden
It is reported that in the narrows N of Tjeldoya, the channel
(68°48'N., 16°37'E.), steering in the white sector of the light on
will only accommodate one large vessel at a time between the that point to within 0.3 mile of the light. A depth of 15m is
buoys on either side. charted in this area. The track then leads E of the light struc-
Tjeldsundet is well marked by lights and other navigational
ture, where course can be steered W into Harstadhamn.
aids. The white sectors of the various lights will lead through Vessels approaching Harstad from the E should steer on the

the fairway, but caution must be exercised to alter course to church at Trondenes bearing 265°, passing S of Magoya Light.
pass the lights at a safe distance. It must be noted that some of This track leads over a least charted depth of 10m. When the

the white sectors will lead into shoal water. vessel is about 0.3 mile WSW from the light, steer a course in-
Anchorage may be taken, in 14.6 to 22m, in the W side of
8.32 to the harbor to the assigned berth.
Tjeldsundet, about 1 mile NW of Nordstandskjaer (68°30'N., Vessels from the N approaching Harstad, after having

16°09'E.). Local knowledge is necessary. cleared the dangers at the SE end of Toppsundet, should steer
Kongsvika, 1.5 miles SSW of Kongsviktind, affords anchor-
8.32 in the white sector of Magoya Light to a distance of about 0.3
age, in 18.3m, to vessels with local knowledge. mile from the light; course of 212° will then lead into the har-
Vessels waiting for the tide before proceeding through Sand-
torgstraumen, may anchor, as indicated on the chart, in 18.3m
or in 14.6m, 0.4 or about 0.6 mile NE, respectively, from Hol Harstad (68°48'N., 16°33'E.)
(68°33'N., 16°24'E.).
The N entrance to Ramsundet lies S of Kalvoya (68°33'N.,
8.32 World Port Index No. 21610
16°27'E.), which lies S of the W entrance to Sandtorgstraumen.
Vagsfjorden, the continuation N of Indreleia from the N end 8.34 Harstad is a coastal natural harbor situated on the NE
of Tjeldsundet, is a large, almost landlocked basin. The W coast of Hinnoya. It is the second-largest town in N Norway. It
shore of the fjord is formed by the NE side of Hinnoya and the offers anchorage and piers for large vessels. The port is also a
E side of Grytoya. The N shore of the fjord is formed by Senja; base for oil exploration support.
the SE shore is formed by the islands of Rolla and Andorja, ly-
ing off the mainland. Harstad Port Authority
Caution.—A firing area has been established in Vagfjorden,
extending from the SW entrance to a line between Klubben and http://www.harstadhavn.no

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 213

Winds—Weather.—The harbor is well-sheltered and is

8.34 which extends about 1 mile S from Harstad. The depths in the
generally unaffected by winds, except those from the NE, anchorage are from 5 to 40m, sand and mud. There is an an-
which give rise to considerable swell in Gangsasbotn. It is ice chorage in Samabukta, in 30m, mud and shells.
free. The prevailing wind is S. There is no darkness from May
3 to August 11 and the sun does not rise from December 2 to Harstad—Contact Information
January 11.
Tides—Currents.—The tidal range in Harstad is from 2.2m
MHWS to 0.3m MLWS. 47-77-001212
Depths—Limitations.—The harbor can handle vessels with
47-90-126201 (mobile)
a maximum draft of 9.3m. For more berthing see tabled titled
Harstad—Berth Information. E-mail havnevakta@harstad.kommune.no
Aspect.— Trondenes Church, on the NW side of the harbor,
Port Authority

1.75 miles NNW of Stangnesodden, and the school 0.3 mile

SSW of the church, are conspicuous. The church, with a tall VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
gray spire, 0.2 mile WSW of the Harbor Office, is a useful 47-77-001210
mark for entering the harbor. Telephone
Pilotage.—Pilots should be ordered through SafeSeaNet but
may be ordered through the Lodingen Pilot Booking Center at E-mail harstadhavn@harstad.kommune.no
an additional cost.
The pilot boards in the following positions:

a. 68°22.9'N, 16°01.7'E. (for Lodingen). 8.34 Lofoten—Northwest and North Sides

b. 69°19.5'N, 16°13.5'E. (for Andenes).
Regulations.—If the vessel is entering via Andenes, the ves-
8.35 From Lofotodden (67°50'N., 12°50'E.), the W coast
sel’s ETA should be sent 12 hours in advance. If entering via of Moskenesoya trends about 18 miles NNE to Fuglehuk, a
Lodinge, the vessel’s ETA should be sent 2 hours in advance; conspicuous hill, 562m high.
VHF channel 16 is used at Lodingen and Andenes. Bergsneset (68°07'N., 13°04'E.), the NW extremity of

Vessel Traffic Service.—For details on the Vessel Traffic

8.34 Moskenesoya, lies about 0.5 mile NNW of Fuglehuk.
Service, see the section titled Vessel Traffic Service in para- This stretch of coast is fringed with an almost unbroken line

graph 1.1. of precipitous cliffs. It is fronted by a sand bank, with rocks

Contact Information.—See the table titled Harstad—Con-
8.34 and shoals extending up to 4 miles offshore. Beyond this bank,
tact Information. the depths increase rapidly.
Anchorage.—There is anchorage in Gangsasbotn, an inlet

Hardstad—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Size
Stangnes Termainal
No. 1 32m 8.0-10.0m — — General cargo and fishing vessels.
No. 2 120m 10.0-12.0m — — General cargo, offshore vessels, and fishing vessels.
No. 3 60m 8.0-10.0m — — General cargo, offshore vessels, and fishing vessels.
Salijestad Terminal
Salijestad 270m 6.0m — — General cargo and fishing vessels.
Larsneset Terminal
Larsneset 215m 7.0-10.0m — — Passengers and offshore vessels.
Sentrum Terminal
No. 1 123m 5.0-11.5m — — Passengers.
No. 2 76m 2.0-8.4m — — General cargo and fishing vessels.
No. 3 51m 2.0-6.8m — — General cargo and fishing vessels.
No. 4 97m 2.0-8.4m — — General cargo and fishing vessels.
Gangsaas Terminal
Gangsaas 38m 14.2m 180m 35,000 dwt Dirty products.

Pub. 182
214 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

From Bergsneset to Eggum, about 18 miles NE, the coast is

8.35 in this area, which may best be seen on the chart.
formed by the islands of Flakstadoya and Vestvagoya. The Gapet (68°09'N., 13°28'E.), which leads S into Nappstrau-

coast of Moskenesoya, Flakstadoya, and Vestvagoya are heavi- men, is approached through the area of shoals and islets in
ly indented by bays, fjords, and straits. This stretch is fronted Steinfjorden.
by a sand bank to a distance of 4 miles, with detached rocks From seaward, the white sectors of the lights on Hundhol-

and shoals. The NW coast of Vestvagoya, from Skolneset men (68°10'N., 13°27'E.) and Haesholman, lead to Gapet.
(68°15'N., 13°31'E.) to Eggum, 5.5 miles NE, presents a line of In bad weather, with heavy seas, it is inadvisable for those

precipitous cliffs. The sea breaks along the entire coast during without local knowledge to attempt to enter Gapet.
gales from between W and N. From Eggum, the coast trends in a general ENE direction to

Skiven (67°58'N., 12°56'E.), a mountain 850m high, is situ-

8.35 the NE end of Austvagoya, about 35 miles distant. The entire
ated 0.5 mile inland, 9 miles NNE of Lofotodden. It is one of coastal area is much indented by small bays and coves.
the principal landmarks on the coast. Other prominent land- A considerable amount of foul ground lies off the N coasts of

marks are Napptind, on Flakstadoya, 8 miles ENE of Fugle- Vestvagoya, Gimsoya, and Austvagoya. This stretch of coast is
huk; Horntind lying 2.25 miles NW of Napptind; and one of the most dangerous parts of Lofoten.
Himmeltind, lying 5.25 miles NE of Horntind. Himmeltind is From Eggum to Hoven (68°21'N., 14°06'E.), the NW ex-

easily identified from the W, appearing as two peaks; from N tremity of Gimsoya, 8 miles ENE, there is a continuous line of
three peaks are seen, with the one in the middle being the low- breakers during gales from between W and N.
est and sharpest. Gimsoystraumen (68°20'N., 14°19'E.) is formed between

Vaggen, close inland, 2 miles SW of Himmeltind, is precipi-

8.35 Gimsoya and the W side of Austvagoya. It gives access to Vest-
tous on its W side. From a position W of Eggum, the 430m fjorden.
peak close S will be distinctly seen. Hadselfjorden, separating the NE end of Lofoten from the S

end of Vesteralen, is important for vessels seeking anchorage.

8.36 Langeskallen (67°57'N., 12°43'E.), an isolated depth It is practically the only place of refuge between Lofotodden
of 18.9m, lies 4 miles offshore, 7 miles NNW of Lofotodden. and Andenes, the N extremity of Vesteralen. The W part of the
Haraldskallen, with a charted depth of 27m, lies 3.5 miles fjord is deep, with no dangers in the fairway.
NNW of Bergsneset. These two dangers are the farthest sea-
ward along this coast. The coast should be avoided. 8.38 Hadselfjorden is approached between the coastal reef
Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in the vicinity of
8.36 N of Gimsoya and the numerous dangers extending W from
Bergsneset usually set NE on the flood and SW on the ebb. Hadseloya (68°33'N., 14°49'E.). A rocky shoal, with a depth
From Lofotodden to Bergsneset, there are no reported safe
8.36 of 6.7m, lies near mid-channel, 6 miles NNE of Hoven. The
harbors. fairway passes S of this shoal.
Hornneset (68°10'N., 13°20'E.), the NW extremity of Flak-
8.36 Havboen (68°30'N., 14°28'E.), with a least depth of 0.6m,

stadoya, lies 6.5 miles NE of Bergsneset. Skarvholman, lies on the N side of the fairway, 5 miles SW of the W extremi-
marked by a light, lies about 5 miles WNW of the point. It is ty of Hadseloya.
surrounded by foul ground to a distance of 0.25 mile. Vessels proceeding through Hadselfjorden should keep in

An isolated rock is charted 0.5 mile N of the light. The many

8.36 mid-channel. When SE of Hadseloya, a vessel should steer NE,
shoal patches in this area are best seen on the chart. passing E of Jaeva (68°32'N., 15°04'E.), a small islet, then into
The harbor of Ramberg lies between the NE side of Moske-
8.36 the S entrance to Sortlandsundet.
nesoya and the W side of Flakstadoya. It is the principal village Raftsundet, formed between Austvagoya and Hinnoya, is en-

in Flakstadoya. A dredged channel, with a depth of 4m, leads tered from the SE part of Hadselfjorden, via Ingelsfjorden
to the harbor area, which has a depth of 3.4m. The public quay (68°29'N., 15°14'E.).
is 42m long and has depths of 2.5 to 3.5m alongside. Brottoya, a low island, lies in the entrance to Ingelsfjorden. It

During onshore gales and heavy seas, breakers form N and

8.36 may be passed on the S side or on its NE side by steering in the
NW of Busholmen (68°07'N., 13°14'E.). Hornneset lies 4.25 white sectors of the appropriate lights.
miles NNE of Jusholmen. Anchorage.—Secure anchorage may be taken off the E side

Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken off the harbor of

8.36 of Holdoya (68°27'N., 14°54'E.), an islet 2.25 miles S of the
Ramberg (68°05'N., 13°14'E.), in 10m, hard mud. SE extremity of Hadseloya. The anchorage is in 18.3m, mud,
and may be approached from the N by passing between the
8.37 Eggum (68°19'N., 13°41'E.), the N extremity of Vest- reefs off Holdoya and off the islets to the E. There is a least
vagoya, lies 11.75 miles NNE of Hornneset. charted depth of 11m over a width of 0.15 mile. The anchorage
The N entrance to Nappstraumen lies between Hornneset
8.37 may also be approached from the NE. A submarine cable lies
and Skolmneset, 6.25 miles NNE. Steinfjorden indents the close E of the anchorage.
coast between these two points.
Haesholman (68°14'N., 13°26'E.), a group of islets marked
8.37 8.39 Sortlandsundet (68°42'N., 15°26'E.) lies between
by a light, lies in Steinfjorden, 4.25 miles NNE of Hornneset. Langoya and Hinnoya. It is about 19 miles long from its junc-
A bank with a least charted depth of 0.9m lies between the tion with Hadselfjorden and the S end of Gavlfjorden, which
point and the islets. leads N into the open sea. The channel is deep and clear of dan-
Faldet (68°12'N., 13°15'E.), an isolated patch with a charted
8.37 gers in mid-channel. A bridge, with a vertical clearance of
depth of 0.9m, lies 3 miles NW of Hornneset, in the W ap- 30m, spans the channel in the narrows at Sortland.
proach to Nappstraumen. There are other shoal patches charted Local knowledge is required in all the harbors and anchorag-

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 215

b. 68°12.5'N, 14°53.5'E (Moldora).

c. 68°35.0'N, 14°40.0'E (Dragnesodden).
Vessel Traffic Service.—For details on the Vessel Traffic

Service, see section titled Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph

Contact Information.—See the table titled Sortland

Havn—Contact Information.

Sortland Havn—Contact Information

Port Authority
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
Telephone 47-76-108260
Facsimile 47-76-108261
E-mail havnekontoret@sortland-kommune.no
8.39 Sortland
The fairway of Sortlandsundet continues N from Sortland,

es off Sortlandsundet. and narrows to about 0.4 mile between the shore banks about 1
There is an isolated unmarked depth of 7.6m, 5 miles NE of
mile N of the bridge.
Jaeva and a rock, awash, lies 1 mile farther NE. A light marks a reef on the E side of the fairway, 2 miles N

Vessels entering the fairway have only to keep in mid-chan-

of the bridge; a shoal, with a depth of 1.8m, lies on the W side
nel when passing up the sound and should pass E of a 7.9m of the fairway, just over 1 mile NW of the light. From this
patch lying near mid-channel about 3 miles SSW of Sortland. shoal, the fairway N to the junction with Gavlfjorden is free of
charted dangers.
8.40 Sortland (68°42'N., 15°25'E.) (World Port Index No. Gavlfjorden (68°56'N., 15°22'E.), between Langoya and

21670) is the administrative center for the Sortland District. It Andoya, connects with the open sea off Anda, which lies 14.5
is situated in Langoya. miles NNW of its S entrance. The fjord is exposed N, and in
bad weather the sea breaks over the whole area of shoals N of
Gisloya (68°57'N., 15°16'E.).
Sortland Havn KF (Port Authority) The fairway of Gavlfjorden, which is clear of dangers in

http://www.sortland-havn.no mid-channel, is about 1 mile wide between the shore banks 3

miles SE of Gisloya, and 1.25 miles wide in a position 3 miles
Depths—Limitations.— The port can accommodate vessels
NNE of the same islet. The fairway is well marked.
with a draft up to 7.5m. See the table titled Sortland—Berth
Information Vesteralen
Pilotage.—Pilots should be ordered through SafeSeaNet but

may be ordered through the Lodingen Pilot Booking Center at 8.41 Vesteralen, the island group NE of Lofoten, comprises
an additional cost. For further information, see paragraph 8.1. Hadseloya, Langoya, Andoya, Hinnoya, and several smaller is-
Pilots board in the following positions:
a. 68°12.7'N, 15°35.8'E (Tranoy).

Sortland—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks
Holmen Industrial Area
No. 1 126m 10m — Ro/pax, ro-ro/lo-lo, fishing vessels, and reefer.
T01 136m See Remarks 7.5m
T02 70m See Remarks 7.5m
Ro-ro/lo-lo, fishing vessels, reefer, and breakbulk. Continuous
T03 70m See Remarks 7.5m berthing length of 436m. Depths range from 7.5m in the S to
10.0m in the N.
T04 70m See Remarks 7.5m
T05 90m See Remarks 7.5m

Pub. 182
216 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

The waters off the W coast of Langoya from Litloya

8.41 in the vicinity of this coral reef.
(68°35'N., 14°19'E.), at the entrance to Vesteralsfjorden, to
Frugga, 15.5 miles NNE, are foul and difficult, to distances up 8.42 Vesteralsfjorden (68°35'N., 14°32'E.), between Had-
to 4.5 miles from the shore. A shoal, with a charted depth of seloya and the W point of Langoya, is continued NE by Eids-
1.8m lying 3 miles NW of the light on Litloya, is the farthest W fjorden and E by Langoysundet.
of these dangers. Eidsfjorden (68°40'N., 14°53'E.) indents Langoya to a dis-

The coast of Langoya NNE of Frugga is indented by numer-

8.41 tance of 14 miles, and is mostly deep and clear in the fairway.
ous fjords. The entrance to the various fjords are obstructed by A depth of 3.4m lies at the W end of a shoal about 1 mile from
islets, rocks, and shoals, and it is dangerous to pass over them the head of the fjord. The innermost 2 miles of the fjord freezes
even in moderately fine weather. Mariners are advised to avoid in winter and all the side fjords are frozen up.
this coast. Langoysundet (68°35'N., 14°55'E.), between Hadseloya

Andoya (69°05'N., 15°45'E.) is the farthest N of the Vester-

8.41 and Langoya, connects the inner end of Vesteralsfjorden with
alen group. From a position on shore E of Anda to Andenes, a the SW end of Sortlandsundet.
distance of 20 miles, the almost inaccessible coast of the island Langoya is connected to Hadseloya through Boroya

is fronted by a bank of white sand on which there are numerous (68°34'N., 14°57'E.) by bridges. The vertical clearance across
rocks. The various mountain formations are separated by vast the E end of Langoysundet is 30m over a navigable width of
flat marsh areas; for this reason the mountain peaks will look 80m.
like islands when seen from the sea. There is anchorage in Langoysundet for vessels of moderate

The N part of Andoya is low and flat. From E and W, An-

8.41 size, in 44m, sand, SE of Dragneset, the N extremity of Hadsel-
doya Light will become visible before the rest of the landscape. oya. A 6m rocky patch lies 0.2 mile E of Dragneset.
Caution.—The Andoya Test Center conducts maritime
8.41 Boroysundet, off the W and S sides of Boroya, give access to

weapons testing. Details regarding the current firing practice Stokkmarknes.

times and danger areas are published on the center’s web site.
8.43 Stokkmarknes (68°34'N., 14°55'E.) (World Port In-
Andoya Test Center dex No. 21690), also known as Stokmarknes, is a natural coast-
al harbor situated on Hadseloya abreast the W end of Boroya.
https://www.testcenter.no The channels leading into the harbor are well marked.

Gaukvaeroy (68°37'N., 14°21'E.), an island off the S end of

Stokkmarknes Port Authority
Langoya, close N of Litloya, has sharp hills which are good
landmarks in clear weather. The hills on Langenes, at the N tip http://www.hadselhavn.no
of Langoya, stand out distinctly against Andoya.
The hills on the island nearest the coast are generally high
8.41 Depths—Limitations.—The controlling depth is 5m in the

and conical; it is difficult to distinguish them from those E until W entrance and 5.5m in the E entrance. Vessels up to 8,000
quite near the coast. dwt with a maximum draft of 7.2m can be accommodated . See
The mountains of Andoya are easily identified as they rise
8.41 the table titled Stokkmarknes—Berth Information.
abruptly from low, marshy lands of considerable extent and Boroysundet, E of Stokkmarknes, is spanned by a bridge

from a distance appear as detached rocky islets. They are visi- with a vertical clearance of 15m.
ble up to 50 miles in clear weather. Pilotage.—Pilots should be ordered through SafeSeaNet but

Caution.—An environmentally sensitive sea area, best seen

8.41 may be ordered through the Lodingen Pilot Booking Center at
on the chart, lies offshore of Vesteralen and is centered approx- an additional cost. further information, see paragraph 8.1.
imately 7.5 miles NW of Frugga Light. Trawling is prohibited

Stokkmarknes—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Draft Size
North Terminals (Nordnesterminalen)
Cruise vessels, containers, breakbulk, and
Main 120m 8.0m 7.2m 8,000 dwt
Cruise vessels, containers, breakbulk, and
North 53m 8.0m 7.2m 8,000 dwt
South 60m — — — Breakbulk and bunkers.
Nord-Trondelag Terminal
No. 1 50m 4.5m — — Chemicals and breakbulk.
No. 2 50m 4.8m — — Breakbulk.

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 217

8.43 By Ovuigner (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons

8.43 Andenes

Pilots board in the following positions:

8.43 is filled with shoals and skerries.
a. 68°12.7'N, 15°35.8'E (Tranoy).
b. 68°12.5'N, 14°53.5'E (Moldora). Andenes Port Authority
c. 68°35.0'N, 14°40.0'E (Dragnesodden).
8.43 Information.—See the table titled http://www.andoy.kommune.no
Stokkmarknes—Contact Information.
Depths—Limitations.—Anenes is a large fishing station

Stokkmarknes—Contact Information that handles passengers and other general cargo.Vessels with a
maximum draft of 6m can be accommodated.There are a num-
VHF VHF channel 12 ber of berths inside the harbor, for more berthing information
47-75-719100 see table titled Andenes—Berth Information
47-41218506 (mobile)
Andenes—Berth Information
Facsimile 47-76-164651
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks
8.44 Anda (69°04'N., 15°11'E.) lies 2.5 miles N of the N Draft
end of Langoya. The islet is marked by a light equipped with a
racon. Flesan, a rocky patch with a least charted depth of 1.8m, Andenes Harbor Terminal
lies 2 miles N of Anda and Brakan, an isolated patch with a Ro/pax and
Ferry 16m 5.2m —
least charted depth of 2.7m, lies 2.25 miles NNE of the islet. ro-ro/lo-lo.
Vessels approaching Gavlfjorden from the N should steer to
Fishing and

pass E of Brakan. Industrial 275m 6.1m 6.0m

Foul ground extends 2.5 miles N from the N end of Andoya,

about 26 miles NNE of Anda.

Bjerka (69°24'N., 16°08'E.), an isolated patch with a depth
Aspect.—Andenes Light is shown from a prominent tower,

of 8.5m, lies 4.25 miles NNE of Andoya. It is the farthest N of 40m in height.
the dangers lying off the island. Nordhavboan, an isolated It is reported that a church spire and a microwave tower, both

shoal patch with a depth of 5.8m, lies about 1 mile ESE of conspicuous, stand about 1 and 2 miles, respectively, SE of An-
Bjerka. There are other patches with similar depths charted in denes Light.
the area. Pilotage.—Pilots should be ordered through SafeSeaNet but

may be ordered through the Lodingen Pilot Booking Center at

8.45 Andenes (69°20'N., 16°08'E.) (World Port Index No. an additional cost. For further information, see paragraph 8.1.
21660), a town situated at the N extremity of Andoya, is the Pilots board in position 69°19.5'N, 16°13.5'E.

district administrative center. The harbor, which is on the NE Vessel Traffic Service.—For details on the Vessel Traffic Ser-

side of the town and protected by four large mole installations, vice, see section titled Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph 1.1.
Contact Information.—See that table titled Andenes—

Pub. 182
218 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

Contact Information. depth of 4.9m, lies about 1.25 miles SSW of the 4.9m depth at
Andenes—Contact Information The W side of Andfjorden is relatively free of dangers out-

side the shore bank.

Port Authority Myrflesan (69°06'N., 16°04'E.), marked by a light, lies 2.25

Telephone 47-76-115000 miles E of Andoya, 14 miles SSW of Andenes. It dries in plac-

es. A 4m isolated depth lies 0.4 mile E of the light.
Facsimile 47-76-115030
Kinnholmen, an island marked by a light, lies 1.5 miles E of

Harbormaster Andoya, about 10 miles SSW of Myrflesan.

VHF VHF channels 12 and 16 Risoysundet, formed between Andoya and Hinnoya, con-

nects Gavlfjorden with Andfjorden. The NE end of the chan-

47-76-141113 nel, which is much narrowed by shallow banks, is entered 4
Telephone miles NNW of Kinnholmen. A bridge, with a vertical clear-
47-76-867933 (mobile)
ance, of 32m spans Risoysundet.
Anchorage.—Moderate-size vessels may anchor about 0.15

8.48 Kvaefjorden (68°50'N., 16°00'E.), the S extension of

mile ESE of the E head of the NE detached mole or in the en- Andfjorden, is relatively free of dangers in the fairway.
trance to the inner harbor. A prohibited anchorage area lies ad- Mefjordingen (68°55'N., 16°05'E.), an isolated 12.8m

jacent to the coast close SE of the harbor and may best be seen shoal, lies in mid-channel 2.25 miles ESE of the light on Kinn-
on the chart. holmen. Jabaen, with a charted depth of 8.8m, lies 2 miles ESE
Bleik (69°16'N., 15°58'E.) is a small fishing harbor, protect-

of Mefjordingen.
ed by moles, lying about 5 miles SW of Andenes. A range Kasfjorden opens off the E side of Kvaefjorden. Bygdesun-

marks the entrance. It is reported that a conspicuous radio tow- det opens E 5 miles farther SW. Godfjorden extends SSW from
er stands about 2 miles ESE of Bleik. Kvaefjorden; Gullesfjorden is the S continuation of the main
fjord. The inlets are free from dangers in mid-channel.
8.46 Andfjorden (69°00'N., 16°03'E.), a large inlet en- Ice will form at the heads of the branch fjords in the winter.

tered between the E side of Andoya and the W side of Senja, Mariners are cautioned that ice movement may be strong when
15.5 miles E, leads in a S direction for about 22 miles to the melting occurs in the spring.
NW end of the island Grytoya; its continuations farther S are Toppsundet (68°53'N., 16°23'E.), formed between Grytoya

known as Kvaefjorden and Gullesfjorden. and Hinnoya, is the farthest S of the channels which lead be-
At Grytoya, Toppsundet, formed between Grytoya and Hin-

tween Andfjorden and Vagsfjorden. It is easy to navigate but

noya, leads SE into Vagsfjorden and Indreleia. heavy squalls may be expected.
Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Andfjorden are not

Hestebaen (68°56'N., 16°16'E.), 0.35 mile N of Ytre


very strong and are usually governed by the wind, but occa- Elgsnes, the SW entrance point at the W end of Toppsundet, is
sionally the N current sets toward the E side of the fjord and awash. Store Sandskjaer lies on the shore bank 0.45 mile off-
the S sets toward the W side. shore, 1.75 miles SSE of Hestebaen.
In Toppsundet, the tidal currents usually set E with the rising

Vaskinnkviga (68°53'N., 16°26'E.), an above-water rock,


tide and W with the falling tide, but with E and S winds they lies 0.25 mile off Grytoya, about 3 miles ESE of Store Sandsk-
often set constantly W, and with W and N winds they set con- jaer. The other dangers in Toppsundet are marked and are best
stantly E. seen on the chart.
Caution.—Firing and bombing practice areas are es-

Kjeoya (68°52'N., 16°34'E.), an islet marked by a light, lies


tablished in the N entrance to Andfjorden. Firing areas are also in the SE entrance to Toppsundet. Shoals, with a depth of 7m at
established in Andfjorden between Leikneset and Meloyvaer, their outer end, extend 0.5 mile SW from the islet.
extending seaward from Steinvaer, and between Saurabogen Krakeneset, a peninsula, lies 1 mile S of Kjeoya. A shoal,

and Meloyvaer, extending S to the N entrances of Risoy Sund which partly dries, extends 0.2 mile N from the peninsula.
and Topsundet. The island of Magoya, with a light at its SW end, lies close E

of Krakeneset. Roykenesbaen, a drying shoal, lies 0.75 mile

8.47 On the E side of the fjord are several groups of low is- NNE of Magoya.
lands surrounded by rocks and shoals. Holmenvaer (69°18'N., Vessels may transit Toppsundet by steering in the white sec-

16°45'E.), 14 miles ESE of Andenes, is the farthest N of these tor of the various lights that mark the fairway.
groups. The Steinavaer group lies 8 miles SSW of Holmenvaer
and the Meloyvaer group lies 6 miles farther SSW.
Myrboen (69°12'N., 16°30'E.), an isolated rocky shoal with
Harstad to Malangen
a least charted depth of 6.7m, lies at the W end of Steinavaer. 8.49 Astafjorden (68°44'N., 17°00'E.), with its continua-
Froholman (69°04'N., 16°19'E.), a group of rocks and islets,
tions of Salangen and Loksefjorden, extends in a general NE
lies 4 miles NNE of Grytoya. A rock at the S end of the group direction for a distance of about 25 miles. The fjord is entered
dries. from the SE side of Vagsfjorden and is formed on the NW side
Grotavaer, a group of islets and rocks with a depth of 4.9m at
by the islands of Rolla and Andorja and by the mainland on the
its outer edge, lies close off the NW side of Grytoya. SE. It is deep and free from dangers in the fairway.
Skarvhausbaen (68°57'N., 16°10'E.), a shoal patch with a

Several fjords branch from the SE side of Astafjorden. On


Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 219

the NW side are Bygden and Mjosundet, which are channels 21510) is the administrative center for the Salangen district. It
leading to Vagsfjorden. Mjosundet is narrow and there is usual- is a coastal harbor protected by breakwaters, situated on the
ly a N setting, strong, tidal current, but it can be navigated by NE shore of Sagfjorden, 2.75 miles SE of Salangsverket. There
large vessels. are several quays up to 48m in length, with depths of up to 8m.
A spit, with a charted depth of 1.8m, extends 0.6 mile SW
8.49 Mjosundet (68°54'N., 17°27'E.), formed between Andorja

from the N side of the entrance to Astafjorden, and a reef, with on the SW side and the mainland on the NE side, is entered
charted depths of 3m, extends 0.3 mile off the S side of the en- from Astafjorden in a position about 3 miles N of the entrance
trance. to Lavangen.
Anchorage.—There is good anchorage, in about 29m, clay,
8.49 Mjosundholmen (68°53'N., 17°28'E.), an islet marked by a

off the village of Tovik (68°41'N., 16°53'E.), 2 miles within the light, lies in the SE entrance to the sound. The islet may be
S entrance point of Astafjorden. passed on either side. A shoal, with a depth of less than 1.8m,
lies 0.3 mile ENE of the islet.
8.50 Grovfjorden (68°42'N., 17°05'E.) lies about 5 miles In Mjosundet, there is nearly always a strong W and N flow,

ENE of Tovik. This arm of Astafjorden is encumbered by rocks but after N winds of long duration it is weaker, and may occa-
about 2 miles within the entrance. A bridge, with a vertical sionally run S and E. A bridge, with a vertical clearance of
clearance of 4.9m, spans the fairway at the narrows about 3 34.7m, crosses Mjopsundet.
miles within the entrance. From a position E of Harstad (68°48'N., 16°33'E.), Vags-

Gratangen (68°45'N., 17°18'E.), a winding arm which ex-

8.50 fjorden leads about 18 miles NE to the S entrance to Tranoy-
tends about 11 miles ESE from Astafjorden, is entered about 4 fjorden.
miles ENE of Grovfjorden. Its shores are steep and inaccessi- Vessels in transit of this part of Vagsfjorden should steer to

ble, except at its inner end, and it is free from dangers in the pass about 1 mile W of Engenes (68°56'N., 17°07'E.), the NW
fairway. A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 17m, spans the point of Andorja, then steer for the N edge of Bergsheia
narrows about 8 miles within the entrance. Gratangsbotn is (69°03'N., 17°24'E.) situated on the island of Dyroya, about 9
formed E of the bridge. miles NE of Engenes.
Bygden (68°50'N., 17°08'E.), formed between Rolla and
8.50 Tranoyfjorden (69°04'N., 17°19'E.) is entered between Ha-

Andorja, extends NNW from Astafjorden to Vagsfjorden, a geneset, the S extremity of Dyroya, and Stonglandet, a penin-
distance of about 7 miles. The S entrance, 2.5 miles NNW of sula extending SE from Senja.
Gratangen, is encumbered with islets and rocks, which can best Indreleia, continued from the NE end of Vagsfjorden, has

be seen on the chart. two alternative routes leading into Solbergfjorden, known as
There are several anchorages charted in Bygden, but they are
8.50 Tranoyfjorden and Dyroysunde. Tranoyfjorden is the principal
for small vessels with local knowledge. channel. Dyroysundet, formed between Dyroya and the main-
land, can be used by large vessels.
8.51 Lavangen (68°47'N., 17°37'E.) opens off the E side The Dyroy Bridge, with a vertical clearance of 17.6m, cross-

of Astafjorden, about 9 miles ENE of Bygden. The fjord ex- es Dyroysundet.

tends about 9 miles SE and is free of dangers in the fairway.
The shores of the outer part of this inlet are precipitous, but
8.51 8.53 Tranoyfjorden, deep and free from dangers in the fair-
are less bold toward the inner end, where alluvial banks of con- way, leads NNE to Solbergfjorden.
siderable extent have been deposited by a river, which flows in- From Solbergfjorden, the fairway leads ENE to the junction

to the head of the inlet. with Finnfjorden, then NW to Finnsnes, a distance of about 24
In Lavangen, drift ice is sometimes encountered towards the
8.51 miles.
head of the inlet. Bispeflua (69°01'N., 17°14'E.), which dries and is marked

Salangen (68°53'N., 17°34'E.), the continuation of As-

8.51 by a light, lies at the S end of Tranoyfjorden on the W side of
tafjorden is about 8 miles in length. Loksefjorden is the NE end the fairway, 0.75 mile off Stonglandet. Foul ground with sever-
of Salangen. al islets, including Leikangsoy, extends N about 2 miles from a
Sagfjorden, on the SE side of Salangen near its head, extends
8.51 position 0.3 mile NE of Bispeflua. A reef fringes Hoyholmen,
4 miles in a SE direction. It is entered E of Foroya (68°54'N., an islet 2 miles N of Leikangsoy.
17°41'E.). Solbergfjorden (69°08'N., 17°38'E.), formed between the

For the most part these fjords are clear and deep. The shoals,
8.51 SE side of Senja and on the E by the mainland, is the continua-
which may be dangerous to shipping, are marked. An isolated tion of Indreleia from Tranoyfjorden. The fjord is broad and
rock, with a depth of 5m, lies 0.6 mile SW of Foroya. free from dangers in the fairway.
The tidal currents in Solbergfjorden set N with the rising tide

8.52 Salangsverket (68°55'N., 17°44'E.) (World Port In- and S with the falling tide.
dex No. 21495) is a natural coastal harbor situated on the E During W winds, heavy squalls, which may blow from any

side of the N entrance point to Sagfjorden, 0.75 mile ENE of direction, are experienced near Klauva Light (69°11'N.,
Foroya. There is a concrete quay, 72m long, with depths of 7.7 17°58'E.). These squalls decrease as Finnsnes is approached
to 9.2m alongside. Vessels can anchor, in a depth of 10m, and it becomes nearly calm in Gisundet. If it is blowing hard
stones, between the quay and an islet 0.25 mile E. from S or SE, irregular winds may be expected, and violent
In hard winters, ice can lie in Sagfjorden from Salangsverket
8.52 squalls may strike down from Kistefjell, a peak 5 miles NE of
to Sjovegan, where the quays are blocked. Finnsnes.
Sjovegan (68°53'N., 17°50'E.) (World Port Index No.
8.52 From Solbergfjorden, the fairway of Indreleia leads NE be-

Pub. 182
220 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

tween Klauva Light and Grunnreisaskjaer (69°11'N., narrows between Senja and the mainland, is entered abreast of
18°02'E.), a rocky 4.9m shoal, about 2 miles E. From this shoal Finnsnes and leads N into Gisundet. Gisundet extends in a gen-
the track turns NW toward Finnsnes, the S entrance to Finns- eral N direction for about 16 miles to its junction with Malan-
nesrenna. gen, off the NE extremity of Senja.
The approach to Finnsnesrenna, which is entered W of Finn-
8.53 Gisundet (69°18'N., 17°58'E.) is well marked; the dangers

snes, leads between Storvikgrunn, on the W side, and Millom- and navigational aids, including a marine farm, are located
grunn on the E side of the fairway. They have least depths of 1.8m E of Finnsnes.
7.9m and 12.8m, respectively. Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents set through Gisundet

The E part of the channel connecting Solbergfjorden and

8.53 with considerable strength, attaining their greatest velocity in
Finnsnesrenna is Finnfjorden, and the W part is Laksfjorden. the vicinity of Gibostad, about 8 miles N of the bridge.
At Storvik, in Finnfjordbotn, the NE part of Finnfjorden,
8.53 With the rising tide the tidal current sets N from the S en-

there is a poorly fendered quay 25m long with 6.5 to 7.5m trance, losing strength toward a point 5 miles N of Finnsnes,
alongside. At Storneset, close SSW of Storvik, there is a quay where it meets the S flood current from Malangen.
associated with the smelting works, 42m long with 13m along-
side. 8.56 Gibostad (69°21'N., 18°05'E.) (World Port Index No.
Hemmingfjorden (69°12'N., 18°04'E.), about 1 mile NNE
8.53 21380) is situated on the W side of Gisundet. It is a natural
of Grunnreisaskjaer, has a timber quay 31m long, with depths coastal natural with a packet boat quay, 59m long, with depths
of 4.5 to 7.5m alongside. The quay is in poor repair. of 5.5 to 7.5m alongside.
An area prohibited to diving, fishing, and anchoring is chart-

8.54 Finnsnes (69°14'N., 17°58'E.) (World Port Index No. ed N of Gibostad.

21490) is the administrative center for the Lenvik district. It is Gisundet extends about 8 miles N from Gibostad to Malan-

a natural coastal harbor situated at the SE entrance to Finnsnes- gen, the approach to Tromso.
renna. Sandholmen (69°25'N., 18°06'E.), an islet surrounded by

Depths—Limitations.—The main channel through Finns-

8.54 shoal water, lies on the W side of the fairway, 3.75 miles N of
nesrenna and Gisundet has been reported (2014) to be dredged Gibostad. The shoal water is marked on its E edge, about 0.3
to a depth of 10m. mile off the islet. Other foul ground lies on the W side of the
8.54A secondary channel has been reported (2014) to have a fairway NNW of Sandholmen.
minimum dredged depth of 8m over a navigable width of The white sector of the light on Slettneset (69°23'N.,

120m. 18°06'E.), 1.5 miles NNE of Gibostad, leads E of the dangers

The W channel is entered W of Finnsnesskjaer (69°14'N.,
8.54 off the W side of Gisundet and into the white sector of the light
17°58'E.), a shoal which dries, situated about 0.4 mile NNW on Lille Rodbergsodden (69°27'N., 18°08'E.), 4.75 miles
from the light on Finnsnes. See table titled Finnsnes—Berth NNE. A bight, about 1 mile NE of Lille Rodbergsodden, is
Information. foul.
A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 41m, spans Finnsnes-
8.54 Prohibited Military Areas are located in the vicinity of Rod-

renna, about 1 mile N of Finnsnes. The white sector of the bergsodden and Skorliodden, and at the NW entrance point to
lights on the bridge leads through the channel. Gisundet.
Regulations.—Traffic is controlled from a signal station sit-
8.54 Aglapsbaen, a group of rocks partly awash, lies 0.5 mile off-

uated about 0.5 mile N of Finnsnes. shore 1.5 miles NE of the light.
Southbound traffic has right of passage over northbound traf-
8.54 Indreleia leads into Malangen through the broad entrance of

fic. Vessels with a draft of less than 6.1m use the E channel. Gisundet, N of Lille Rodbergsodden.
Signals.—The following signals, shown at the signal station,

indicate that passage is closed to northbound traffic: Andenes to Tromso

1. By day—Flag N of the International Code of Signals
over a black ball. 8.57 From abreast of Andenes, the W side of Senja trends
2. By night—A white light over a red light. about 29 miles NE to the seaward entrance to Malangen, the
passage leading to Tromso. Kvaloy is on the N side of Malan-
8.55 Finnsnesrenna (69°14'N., 17°58'E.), formed in the gen and W of Tromso.

Finnsnes—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Finnsnes Main Quay
Fast ferries, ro-ro/lo-lo, containers,
Coastal 169m 3.0-7.2m
breakbulk, and reefer.
North Quays
Building Materials 56m 5.7-8.0m Breakbulk.
Mack’s 67m 5.3-8.3m Breakbulk.

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 221

Finnsnes—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Multi Use 78m 5.6-6.5m Breakbulk.
South Quays
Timber Merchant 39m 3.9-4.8m Breakbulk.

Both islands have abrupt declivities toward the sea, and are
8.57 peaks of Vengsoya, up to 765m high.
fronted by banks, with islets and below-water rocks extending From a position W of Auvaer (69°52'N., 18°00'E.), a group

up to 11 miles off the NW side of Kvaloy. of islets on the foul bank extending from the N end of Kvaloy,
Two large banks, Sveinsgrunn and Malangsgrunden, with
8.57 the Alp-like mountains of that island will be seen behind the is-
depths of less than 183m, extend, respectively, to a distance of lands in the foreground. The mountains bordering Ersfjorden,
25 miles W of Senja, and 35 miles W of the N part of Kvaloy. together with Tromtind, 3 miles NE of Sessoya, and Blaman-
Between the two banks, a fissure, with depths over 280m,
8.57 nen, 5.5 miles SE of Tromtind, are the most conspicuous.
extends into Malangen and to a short distance from the outer Pilotage.—There is a pilot station at Andenes; 12 hours ad-

dangers extending W from Kvaloy. The approach to Malangen vance ETA is required. If entering by Lodingen, 2 hours notice
is made with considerable danger in thick weather, even with is required. The pilot boats guard VHF channel 16.
careful attention to soundings.
A vessel, having made the W coast of Senja between An-
8.57 8.58 Malangen is entered between Hekkingen (69°36'N.,
denes and Kvaloy, with the island of Andoya bearing 180°, can 17°50'E.) and Edoya, 1.5 miles NE. A light is situated on each
obtain a fix by means of the mountains on Senja. Vessels run- entrance point. This channel is the best approach from the SW
ning the W side of Senja should not close to within a distance to Tromso.
of 6 miles. Hekkingen Light is shown from a low tower on a wooden

Strangers will have difficulty in identifying this part of the

8.57 house, 10m in height. A racon is located at the light tower.
coast from the offing. When seen from a distance, the larger is- Malangen extends about 13 miles in a SE direction to its

lands appear to diminish those in the background, and on clos- junction with Straumsfjorden. An arm of Malangen continues
er view, to hide them altogether. At a distance, the islands SE for about 12 miles to Nordfjorden, which lies at its head.
themselves lose their height and peculiarity of outline and ap- Indreleia enters Malangen from Gisundet about 10 miles

pear to form a continuous mass, which is capped by so many from its W entrance.
sharp peaks that considerable local knowledge is required to Winds—Weather.—During N winds over Malangen, it will

identify with certainty any one in particular. often be calm, or there may be a light breeze off Greipstad
The most conspicuous points are Aldenes (69°20'N.,
8.57 (69°31'N., 18°13'E.) about 3 miles NNE of the entrance to Gis-
16°0'E.), the N extremity of Andoya, and the N point of undet. With a N wind out of Straumsbukta, 9 miles E of
Kvaloy, about 30 miles NE of the NW extremity of Senja. As a Greipstad, and S through Malangen, it is often calm in Rystrau-
rule the openings of the numerous fjords and channels will be men.
the most useful guides. During E winds out of Malangen, it is often calm in Stonnes-

Aspect.—Kjerringneset (69°19'N., 16°55'E.), a point on

8.57 botn, on the SW side of the passage, 4 miles SE of Hekkingen.
Senja 16.5 miles E of Andenes, is a good landmark when ap- It is also often calm under these conditions from Asnes, 5 miles
proaching the coast from W of Andenes. Maneset, Teistneset, ESE of Greipstad, to a position about 2 miles farther ENE.
and Traelen, 3.75 miles N, 5.75 miles NNE and 8 miles NNE, During SE winds in Malangen, strong squalls are experi-

respectively, from Kjerringneset, are good marks. enced from S of Straumsbukta to a position about 3 miles SW;
At the N extremity of Senja is Kjolva (69°36'N., 17°30'E.),
8.57 these squalls are especially frequent at the SW position.
416m high, which is especially prominent and can hardly be During SW winds in Malangen, irregular winds will be expe-

mistaken from a position NW of Andenes. rienced from the NW entrance point of Gisundet, seaward.
Snefjell, a rounded snowy summit 653m high, about 13
8.57 During W winds, it is often calm in the neighborhood of the
miles S of Kjolva, and Kvennan, 967m high with pointed NW entrance to Gisundet.
peaks, about 15 miles SW of Snefjell, are also good marks Tides—Currents.—During the spring season the, tidal cur-

from NW of Andenes. rents set very strongly out of Malangen, independently of the
When nearing the coast NW of Kjolva, the opening of Oy-
8.57 tidal currents close inshore on both sides of the fjord, where
fjorden, on the E side of Kjolva, will be visible. About 8 miles they turn at the times of HW and LW.
SE and 7.5 miles ESE of Kjolva are Skinnkollen and Astria, During the summer and autumn months, the ebb currents

731m and 742m high, respectively, which are the most import- have the stronger set, whereas during the winter months the set
ant marks for the entrance to Malangen. is more strongly into the fjord. The tidal currents set strongly
In the vicinity of Kvaloy at Malangen, the island of Haja
8.57 through the channel SE of Hekkingen, taking a W direction
(69°44'N., 18°05'E.), 486m high, lies about 12 miles NNE of with the falling tide.
Astria. It can be distinguished from the neighboring islands Numerous whirlpools occur in Rystraumen when the tidal

and hills, by its precipitous fall to seaward. currents are running at their maximum strength; when passing
About 3 miles E of the summit of Haja is the summit of Ses-
8.57 through them great attention must be paid to the steering.
soya, 657m high. About 8 miles NE of Sessoya are the pointed The tidal currents in Rystraumen set SW with the falling tide

Pub. 182
222 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

and NE with the rising tide, the turn occurring at the times of W entrance to Rystraumen, 0.15 mile NW of Ryoya. A rock
HW and LW. They set strongly through the passage, attaining a NE of the light N of Ryoya is especially dangerous, as the SW
maximum velocity of 6 to 7 knots. tidal current sets toward it.
According to the latest observations in Tromsoysundet, the
8.58 The coastal reef extends about 0.3 mile SSE from Tisnes

tidal currents set S from about 1 hour 45 minutes before HW un- (69°36'N., 18°50'E.), 3 miles NNE of Ryoya; a drying reef lies
til about 1 hour 45 minutes before LW, when they turn and set N E of Tisnes.
until about 1 hour before HW. At springs the velocity is up to 6 A shoal, with a least charted depth of 3.4m, lies 1.25 miles

knots at the narrowest part, being strongest midway between the NE of Tisnes.
turns of the currents. The average velocity is from 4 to 5 knots in The coastal reef which fringes the mainland on the SE side

the narrowest part and from 2 to 3 knots N and S of this part. of Tromsoysundet dries in places. A rock, awash, lies on the
During N gales the tidal currents set S almost continuously, the reef 0.5 mile S of the bridge which spans the channel.
slack lasting only for about 0.2 hour, when they continue to set S
with S winds there may be slack water for 0.25 hour, otherwise 8.60 Tennskjerholmen (69°29'N., 18°19'E.) lies close off
the currents turn with no period of slack water. the W side of Malangen, 3.5 miles SSE of Greipstad; from this
Owing to the formation of the bottom, the tidal currents do
8.58 position Malangen continues SSE.
not run truly in the direction of Tromsoysundet. The N current, Foroya lies on the E side of the channel, 2.5 miles E of Tenn-

for example, often sets in toward the mainland in the vicinity of skjerholmen. A shoal, with a charted depth of 1.8m, extends
Krokelva, the mouth of which is about 3 miles NE of Stor- 0.4 mile from the mainland, from a position about 2 miles S of
steinnes Light; therefore when visibility is bad especially care- Foroya.
ful navigation is necessary. Tromsoya (69°40'N., 18°57'E.), 5.75 miles NNE of Ryoy, is

When proceeding S against the N current a vessel will al-

8.58 fringed by a coastal reef, which extends up to 0.2 mile from the
ways have the current on the starboard bow, and is therefore li- SE and SW sides.
able to go ashore on Tomasjordnes, about 1.25 miles NE of Spilderoya (69°25'N., 18°29'E.) lies on the E side of the

Storsteinnes Light. fairway, 2.5 miles S of Foroya, and is surrounded by a flat

Caution.—Firing areas are established in Malangen from
8.58 which extends 0.35 mile NNW from the N end and 0.7 mile
Hekkingen to the junctions with Gisundet and Straums Fjord. SSE from the S end. There is a 1.8m depth charted on the N
Dangers in the entrance to Malangen may best be seen on the
8.58 flat, and 4.9m charted at the extremity of the S flat.
chart. It has been reported there is good anchorage, in 27m, 2 miles

SE of Spilderoya. It is protected from SE weather.

8.59 Kvaltyvan (69°39'N., 17°45'E.), a group of below- Malselvfjorden, entered 3.75 miles SSE of Spilderoya, ex-

water rocks with a least depth of 5.8m, lies on the SW side of tends about 8 miles S from its entrance. The S half of the fjord
the approach to Malangen, in a position 3.25 miles NW of is shoal.
Hekkingen. Nordfjorden, the SE continuation of Malangen, is entered E

On the NE side of the fairway, shoals, with a depth of 4.9m

8.59 of Malsnes (69°21'N., 18°34'E.), which lies 4 miles SSE of
at its outer end, extend 0.8 mile NNW from Edoya. Spilderoya. Aursfjorden, which branches S from Nordfjorden,
Within the entrance there are no dangers in the fairway, ex-
8.59 is entered about 3 miles SSE of Malsnes. A reef extends about
cept for a narrow coastal reef off Kvaloy. 0.5 mile N from the E entrance point of the fjord.
Caution.—An ammunition dumping ground lies in Malan-
8.59 A cable, with a vertical clearance of 26m, spans Nordfjorden

gen, with its N end situated about 2 miles SE of Hekkingen. 6.75 miles within its entrance.
From Greipstad, the S extremity of Kvaloy, the continuation

of Indreleia from the E end of Malangen is known as Straums- 8.61 Ballsfjorden (Balsfjorden) (69°32'N., 18°55'E.) is en-
fjorden, with the narrows between Kvaloy and the island tered between Balsnesodden, 1.75 miles ENE of Ryoya, and
Ryoya, known as Rystraumen (69°33'N., 18°43'E.), where the Bergholmen, an islet 2.25 miles E. The fjord indents the main-
channel has a least width of 0.2 mile between the shore banks. land about 25 miles, in a SE direction.
It has been reported (2008) that tidal currents of up to 7 knots Winds—Weather.—It has been reported that it is dangerous

occur at maximum flood and ebb. It is recommended that ves- for small craft to approach Malangen from the NW during a
sels transit this area at slack water or at a speed of 15 knots at NW gale, as strong opposing currents may be encountered
other times. NNE of Hekkingen.
Skallen, a shoal patch with a least depth of 7.9m, lies in the

Ballsfjorden—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Bergneset Harbor
Clean products, fishing, breakbulk, and
East 130m 8.4m — — — —
West 70m 10.8m 177m 8.3m 26.0m 24,783 dwt Clean products.

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 223

8.61 Tromso

Ice.—During the ice season, Ballsfjorden is usually

8.61 30 miles from the open sea. Tromso’s municipality, which is, in
obstructed for about 8 miles from its head; occasionally the ice area, Norway’s largest, extends to additional islands and over a
may extend N to within a few miles of the entrance. large area of the mainland. The highest mountain in the munic-
Depths—Limitations.—Ramfjorden branches E about 3
8.61 ipality is Jiekkevarre, which is 1,833m high. Tromsdalstind,
miles within the entrance to Ballsfjorden. A pier, with a length which is visible from the town center, rises to 1,238m.
of 95m, is reported (2008) to be located at Ramfjorden Tromso experiences 2 months of midnight sun from May 21

(Olavsvern). An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of until July 23. The sun does not rise in Tromso from November
45m, spans the fjord close within its entrance. 25 until January 21.
Vessels up to 24,783 dwt, with a maximum length of 177m, a
8.61 Tromso’s harbor has several installations:

maximum draft of 8.3m, and a maximum beam of 26m, can be 1. Prostnesset, the old port, stands near the W end of the
accommodated in the port. See the table titled Ballsfjorden— Tromso Bridge.close to the center of the city, and is com-
Berth Information. posed of three sections:
The shorn.reef fringing the W side of Ballsfjorden extends to
8.61 a. Sondre Havn, located about 0.5 mile SSW of the
a distance of 0.5 mile in places; an 8.8m patch lies near mid- bridge, is protected by the S breakwater.
channel, about 8 miles within the entrance. b. Indre Havn, which is close to and SSW of the
A measured mile is situated on the E shore of Ballsfjorden,
8.61 bridge, is protected by the N breakwater.
with the N limit at Bergholmen. The N outer mark stands on a c. Polsehamna, the third section of the old harbor, is N
skerry near Ytre Berg; the S outer mark stands near Holmeslet- of the bridge.
ta. The course to be made good is 162°/342° at a distance of 2. The Grotsund Industrial Port stands on the mainland
about 0.5 mile from the outer marks. side of Tromsoysundet, near the channel’s northern mouth,
Caution.—Vessels approaching Malangen from W should
8.61 where it meets Grotsundet.
stand sufficiently far N to clear Kvaltyvan (69°39'N., 3. The new port of Breivika stands about 1.75 miles N of
17°45'E.) before altering course for the entrance to the fjord. the city center and has container, ro-ro, and fishing industry
When the dangers NW of Edoya are abeam, alter course into
8.61 facilities.
Malangen, keeping in mid-channel, and then into Indreleia.
The SW coast of Kvaloy should not be approached closer
Port of Tromso
than 0.3 mile, as many large boulders lie at some distance from
the shore. https://www.tromso.havn.no/en

Tromso (69°39'N., 18°57'E.) Winds—Weather.—Weather conditions seldom seriously


interfere with port working conditions. The harbor and ap-

World Port Index No. 21310 proaches are ice-free.
Tides—Currents.—Strong and somewhat complex tidal

8.62 The city of Tromso is located on the islands of Trom- currents are liable to be experienced in the whole area around
soya and Kvaloya, and on the neighboring mainland. It is about Tromsoya, reaching a velocity of 4 to 5 knots in the narrowest

Pub. 182
224 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

part of Tromsoysundet abreast the N mole. Depths—Limitations.—There are numerous berths in the

A marked, irregular countercurrent is experienced close to

8.62 port located on both sides of the Tromso channel. Vessels up to
the shore alongside the moles. In the vicinity of the bridge, the 40,000 dwt with a maximum draft of 10.4m can be accommo-
current starts flowing in a S direction 1 hour 30 minutes prior dated.
to HW and reverses direction 1 hour 30 minutes prior to LW. Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table titled

The mean tidal range is 1.8m and the spring range is 2.4m.
8.62 Tromso—Berth Information.

Tromso—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Breivika Area
No. 20 200m 6.5-7.5m 86.5m — — Ro-ro/lo-lo and breakbulk.
Breivika Terminal
21 103m 10.4-11.0m 98.9m — —
22 103m 10.4-11.0m 120.5m — — Cruise vessels and breakbulk. Contin-
23 103m 10.4-11.0m 236.7m — — uous berthing length of 412m.
24 103m 10.4-11.0m 293.6m — —
Cruise vessels, ro-ro/lo-lo and
25 150m 11.5m 134.4m — —
Ferdigbetong Terminal
Center 27m — 116.7m — — Cement.
East 25m — 124.5m — — Cement.
West 23m — 81.3m — — Cement.
Grotsund Industrial Port
Ro-ro/lo-lo, project/heavy cargo,
Cargo 130m 22.0m — — —
bunkers, and breakbulk.
Prostnset Area
No. 1 90m 3.3-5.4m 58.7m — — —
No. 1 S 97m 2.3-4.6m 37m — — —
No. 2 50m 4.3-4.9m 58.6m — — —
No. 3 64m 3.0m 58m — — —
Cruise vessels, containers, and break-
No. 6 80m 3.1-5.7m 58.6m — —
Cruise vessels, containers, and break-
No. 7 190m 9.9m 193.3m — —
Cruise vessels and breakbulk. Contin-
No. 8 — 7.5-9.5m 228.3m — —
uous berthing length of 300m.
No. 9 62m 2.2-5.3m 40.6m — — —
No. 9 Brekken 25m 5.8-6.1m 81.8m — — —
No. 10 and 11 85m 3.2m — — — —
No. 12 64m 3.0-3.4m 35m — — —
A/S Pellerin Jetty 12m 4.1-5.2m — — — —
Cruise vessels, ro-ro/lo-lo, break-
Barets Shipping 95m 7.1m 119.9m — —
bulk, and reefer.

Pub. 182
Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso 225

Tromso—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Mack’s Bryggeri 90m 4.6m 99.8m — — Fishing vessels and breakbulk.
Solstrand A/S 190m 5.9m 119.9m — — Fishing vessels, breakbulk, and reefer.
Troms Fryseterminal 100m 7.7-10.2m 119.9m — — Fishing vessels, breakbulk, and reefer.
Tromsdalen 65m — 123m — — Fishing vessels, breakbulk, and reefer.
Multipurpose and bunkers. Continu-
Tromso Bunkerdepot — 3.7-7.0m 150m 7.0m —
ous berthing length of 245m.
Bunker Oil AS-Tromso Tankanlegg
Nordolje (E-Side) 110m 6.8m 120m 6.5m 7,112 dwt Petroleum products and bunkers.
Shell Terminal
Aviation fuel, petroleum products,
Shell 45m 12.8m 200m 11.5m 40,641 dwt
and bunkers.

The Tromso Bridge, spanning Tromsoysundet, has a hori-

8.62 depth of 31m, from 0.5 to 1.5 miles N of the bridge.
zontal navigational width of 60m and a vertical clearance of
36m. The centerline of the channel is indicated by lights and a
racon and has a charted depth of 6.9m. Tromso—Contact Information
Pilotage.—Harbor pilotage is compulsory for all vessels
8.62 Port Control
over 300 gt. Regular route vessels with a fixed pilot on board VHF VHF channels 12, 13, 14, and 16
are not obliged to take a harbor pilot. Entry and exit pilots can
be obtained at Tromso Pilot Station. Telephone 47-77-661852
Pilot requests are required 12 hours before arrival and ves-
Facsimile 47-75-719400
sels may be berthed 24 hours.
Pilots should be ordered through SafeSeaNet but may be or-
E-mail havnevakta@tromso.havn.no
dered through the Lodingen Pilot Booking Center at an addi- Port Authority
tional cost. For further information, see paragraph 8.1.
Pilots board in the following positions:
VHF VHF channel 12
a. 0.8 mile ENE of Hekkingen Light in position Telephone 47-77-661850
69°38.5'N, 17°51.9'E.
b. On request only, in position 69°31.7'N, 18° 01.9'E. Facsimile 47-77-661856
c. 2 miles E of Fakkekjeila Light in position 70°06.0'N, E-mail adm@tromso.havn.no
d. On request only, 2 miles NE of Grotnes Light in posi- Port Captain
tion 69°52.4'N, 19°47.6E. Telephone 47-77-661856
Vessel Traffic Service.—For details on the Vessel Traffic
Harbor Authority

Service, see section titled Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph

1.1. VHF VHF channels 8, 12, and 16
Regulations.—Vessels navigating within the port area are

forbidden to proceed at a greater speed than required for their Anchorage is prohibited in the vicinity of the submarine ca-

safe maneuvering. Vessels of more than 500 tons must not ex- bles which cross Tromsoysundet close S of the S mole.
ceed 5 knots between the S mole and Storsteinnes; however,
when passing under the bridge it may be necessary to use 8.63 Sandnessundet (69°41'N., 18°54'E.), between the E
speeds of 10 to 12 knots at times other than slack water. side of Kvaloy and Tromsoya, is the principal channel leading
Vessels arriving at Tromso and not having an allotted berth
past Tromsoya. Vessels exceeding 7,000 tons displacement are
must anchor in Polsehavn, about 0.2 mile NE of the W end of required to use it.
the bridge. The narrowest part, between Langneset (69°41'N., 18°54'E.)

Contact Information.—See the table titled Tromso—Con-

and Sandneset, 1.5 miles NNE, has been dredged to a depth of
tact Information. 16.5m, with a navigable width of 100m.
Anchorage.—Polsehavn affords anchorage in 11 to 12.8m.
The Sandressundet Bridge spans the channel 0.75 mile N of

Large vessels can anchor on the W side of the fairway, in a Langneset. It has a vertical clearance of 41m over a navigable
width of 140m. The centerline is marked by lights and a racon.
Store Grindoy (69°38'N., 18°51'E.) lies on the W side of the

Pub. 182
226 Sector 8. Norway—Saltfjorden to Tromso

S entrance to Sandnessundet. A bank, with patches of 3m, ex- neset.

tends about 1 mile N and S from the island. A bank, with a 9.The dangers, which may best be seen on the chart, are
depth of 1.8m at its extremity, extends 1 mile SSW from Lang- marked by navigational aids. The white sectors of the various
lights lead through the dredged channel and to Indreleia.

Pub. 182
Sector 9—Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden
Pub. 182

9.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).



Plan.—This section describes the N coast of Norway from

9.0 Sea region.
Malangen to Varangerfjorden. It describes the outer route, and 9.1The route applies to oil, gas, and chemical tankers of all siz-
inner route or Indreleia, and the inner fjords between Tromso es, including all cargo vessels of 5,000 gross ton and above on
and Porsangerfjorden. The fjords and ports in the vicinity of international voyages.
Varangerfjorden are also described. 9.1Ships on international voyages off the coast to and from Rost
(67°31'N., 12°07'E.) to Vardo (70°22'N., 31°07'E.) should
General Remarks strictly follow the new routing systems; however, ships making
ports-of-call in Norway for supplies or services are recom-
9.1 Winds—Weather.—Weather reports for this area are mended to follow the intermediary routes to ports as portrayed
frequently broadcast. The area is often affected by travelling N on the chart or as advised by the pilot or the VTS of the ports
Atlantic depressions and associated fronts. It is, therefore, a concerned.
stormy area, especially during the winter months. 9.1Eastbound traffic should use the traffic lane on the S side of
9.1 The climate in the landlocked places of the inner reaches of each TSS; westbound traffic should use the traffic lane on the
the fjords and Indrelia is extreme and differs from the relatively N side of each TSS.
equable climate on the outlying islands. Therefore, during most 9.1For a listing of all routing and traffic separation schemes
of the year, rapid decreases or increases in air temperature (TSS) in Norwegian waters, included the off Andenes,
when entering or leaving the fjords and Indreleia may be expe- Torsvag, Soroya, North Cape, Slettnes, and Vardo; see Pub.
rienced. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic Ocean.
9.1At Tromso, the wind is frequently from the S to SW from 9.1Vessel Traffic Service.—NOR Vessel Traffic Service (NOR
October through April, and from the N to NE from June VTS) is in operation for vessels transiting the Norwegian Eco-
through August. The mean force is between 2 and 3 in mid- nomic Zone (NEZ) from the Norway/Sweden border in the S to
winter and below force 2 from July through September. the Norway/Russia border in the N. The NEZ also includes the
9.1At Elvebakken, near Alta, there is little seasonal variation in areas around Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island. For further infor-
wind force, and it is, most often, a force 2. From October mation, see paragraph 1.1.
through March in this area, the wind is mostly from the S to 9.1Ship Reporting System.—The Barents Ship Reporting Sys-
SE; during June, July, and August, it is mostly from the W to tem operates in the Barents Sea off the coasts of Norway and
NW. Gales (force 8) are infrequent. The highest frequency the Russian Federation beginning at latitude 67°10'N off the
during winter is one per month. Gale winds are practically un- coast of Norway and continuing N, NE, and E to longitude
known during the summer months. 33°20'E off the coast of the Russian Federation. For further in-
9.1At Vardo, from October through March, the wind is mostly formation, see Arctic Ocean—Ship Reporting System in
from the S to W; from May through August, it is usually from Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic Ocean.
the S to SE. The wind is strongest in January and February, 9.1Dangerous Wave Areas.—Dangerous waves may be en-
when the average force is between 4 and 5 and is lightest in countered in the following areas:
August, when the average is about a force 3. Gales (force 8) are 1. Dangerous Wave Area No. 1.—A very exposed area
frequent in January and February. They occur during these covering the NE coast of Finnmark extending from position
months on an average of about 6 days per month, and occur 70°45.0'N, 30°00.0'E, off Batsfjorden, past Makkaur Light
during the months of May through August on an average of and Vardo, to position 70°00.0'N, 30°30.0'E in the entrance
less than one day per month. to Varangerfjorden. There is no protection from winds from
9.1Fog at sea is not particularly frequent; however, visibility any N direction, resulting in heavy seas running close in-
may be severely reduced during periods of heavy snowfall. The shore with full energy. Currents are very variable in the ap-
lack of daylight in winter adds to the problem of poor visibility. proaches to Varangerfjorden and the increase in wind
9.1Pilotage.—Lodingen Pilot Center organizes and engages pi- strength often found around the Vardo headland adds to the
lots for vessels in Nordland and the Troms, from Rorvik in the chaotic character of the sea conditions in this area.
S to Kirkenes in the N. Pilots should be requested 24 hours in 2. Dangerous Wave Area No. 2.—In the vicinity of the
advance. The ETA should be confirmed 2 hours prior to arrival entrance to Tanafjorden, the sea bottom topography around
at the pilot station. position 71°00.0'N, 28°50.0'E can give rise to very danger-
9.1See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Arctic ous sea conditions. A deep trench extends from Tanafjorden
Ocean for further information. to seaward, with shallow waters on either side, causing un-
9.1Regulations.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning usually rough seas and tumbling breakers in this area. The
Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information. confused sea conditions may extend as far as 6 to 10 miles
9.1Several IMO-adopted Traffic Separation Schemes, best seen out to sea from the entrance to the fjord.
on the chart, are located off the N coast of Norway. These 3. Dangerous Wave Area No. 3.—A very exposed coast-
schemes have been established to maintain a safe sea route for al area extends from Nordkinn (71°08.0'N, 27°39.4'E) to
all vessels, especially for the transport of oil from the Barents Slettnes (71°05.4'N, 28°13.1'E), with relatively shallow wa-

Pub. 182
230 Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden

ter with depths ranging from 27 to 70m. These conditions al- 9.2A chain of outlying islets and rocks, forming one of the most
low tumbling breakers to form and the sea is especially distinctive features on the Norwegian coast, terminates about 5
rough when the wind and waves are from the NW and in op- miles N of the N extremity of the N island of Kvaloy.
position to the current. 9.2To the E, unmarked dangers extend as far as 20 miles N of
4. Dangerous Wave Area No. 4.—This area around posi- Vannoy, Fugloy, and Arnoy.
tion 71°00.0'N, 24°25.0'E extends from Garpholmen 9.2Nordvestbanken, the area and position of which can best be
(71°00.3'N, 24°43.1'E) through Breisundet, then W of seen on chart, lies about 39 miles NW of the NW side of
Havøygavlen Light (71°01.2'N, 24°33.4'E) to Rolvsøyhamn Ringvassoy. Between the SW side of this bank and Malangs-
Light (70°56.8'N, 24°12.8'E). Depths are up to 150m but grunnen (69°58'N., 17°30'E.), the bank E of Ringvassoy, there
with several shoals of 30 to 75m. In Breisundet, N to NW is a deep fissure, which has depths of over 183m at a distance
winds cause rough seas. When these seas meet a W current, of about 0.5 to 2 miles from the outer dangers W of Ribbene-
tumbling breakers can be caused. Currents, mainly tidal, soy and Grotoy. This section of the coast, as in the case farther
may reach 1.5 to 2,0 knots. Near Rolvsøyhamn seas are es- S, is extremely dangerous to approach in foggy weather, even
pecially rough with N to NE winds. In both cases, there is no when giving careful attention to the soundings.
protection from wind or seas, which reach the coast with full 9.2There are numerous navigational aids, both on the islands
energy. About 2 to 3 miles NW of Havogavlen Light and on the coast in this region, to assist the navigator mark his
(71°01.2'N, 24°33.4'E) are shoals with depths of about 30 to position. Openings to fjords and channels proves to be a useful
50m, one of which is known as Gavlgrunnen (71°02.1'N, means of identification. However, mariners new to this part of
24°27.6'E). Deflection of waves around the shoals and local the Norwegian coast may have difficulty identifying landmarks
strong winds around headlands can cause particularly rough and visually locating separations between land masses from
seas in this area extending inshore towards Havogavlen. The offshore. When seen from a distance, a group of islands may
tidal range is large and sea conditions are at their roughest appear as one continuous land mass that is capped by many
during the ebb tide. sharp peaks.
5. Dangerous Wave Area No. 5.—This area lies NW and
W of Soroya (70°38.0'N, 22°53.0'E) over an extensive shal- 9.3 Ringvassoy (69°55'N., 19°10'E.), the largest of the is-
low area with several smaller shoals and a steep slope into lands fronting the mainland, lies with its W end about 25 miles
deeper water. The current can be quite strong on the slopes NE of Malangen. To the N of Ringvassoy are the islands of
across the entire area. Several refraction centers are created Ribbenesoy, Grotoy, and Kvaloy. To the E of Kvaloy are Van-
on the leeward side of the shallow areas with waves running noy, Fugloy, and Arnoy. Southeast of Arnoy is Kvaenangen,
from NE to SW. The interaction between the waves and the which indents the coast to the SE. The large peninsula on the
current can lead to breaking waves in the area. NE side of Kvaenangen is a mass of mountains, with Svartfjell-
6. Dangerous Wave Area No. 6.—This area N and NW jokelen attaining a height of 1,218m.
of Senja (69°20.0'N, 17°30.0'E) and Kvaloya (69°41.0'N, 9.3This mountain exposes flat snow-covered surfaces from
18°37.0'E) consists of large shallow banks. Between the which glaciers extend down on almost every side to nearly the
banks the depths are greater than 400m while outside the level of the sea. The peninsula itself is indented by fjords on all
banks the slope is very steep. The current is dominated by sides.
the NE coastal current and the ordinary tidal current, which 9.3Sandoya (70°02'N., 18°32'E.) lies about 2 miles W of Rib-
moves NE with the flood tide. Several refraction centers are benesoy. The N end of the island makes a steep descent toward
created in the area with waves from NE to SW. The interac- the sea. A beacon stands on its summit.
tion between the waves from NE to NW and the NE current 9.3Sorfugloya lies about 3 miles NNW of Sandoya and on an E
can lead to breaking waves. bearing appears as an almost perfect pyramid.
9.1Caution.—An environmentally sensitive sea area, centered 9.3Ribbenesoy lies close NW of Ringvassoy and is separated
approximately 35 miles NW of Torsvag Light (71°15.0'N, from it by Skagoys channel. The S part of Ribbenesoy is undu-
19°30.0'E), lies just inshore of the northbound TSS. Trawling lating, and a white sandy beach about 2 miles from the N end
is prohibited within this area. of the island is conspicuous. Mulen, the N extremity of the is-
land, stands out from the background because of its high,
Outer Route—Malangen to Hammerfest black, and precipitous sides.
9.3Andammen, an island, lies close N of Ribbenesoy. A light is
9.2 Between Malangen, the approach to Tromso, and shown from the NW extremity of Andammen.
Hammerfest, about 100 miles NE, the outside track along the
islands leads to Soroysund. Soroysund is deep and unencum- 9.4 Grotoya (70°10'N., 18°52'E.) lies about 1 mile N of
bered, and is the best approach to Hammerfest from seaward. Andammen. The island has hills almost equal in elevation and
Because off-lying dangers extend well off the coast, and be- a somewhat precipitous descent on its N side. A light is shown
cause during the summer months there is the likelihood of fog from its NE extremity. The island of Maasvaer lies 1 mile E of
and strong NW winds, it is recommended that vessels from the Grotoy. A light is shown close off the SE coast of Maasvaer.
S, bound for Hammerfest, or vessels that intend rounding Nor- Kvaloy is about 9 miles in length with a least width of 3 miles,
dkapp should navigate well offshore, and give the coast N of and lies about 2 miles N of Ringvassoy.
Malangen a wide berth. Vessels should make landfall in the vi- 9.4A conspicuous mountain stands on the N and S ends of the
cinity of the island of Soroya (70°35'N., 22°40'E.), located islands. Helgoy, a smaller island which has a flat-topped
about 85 miles WSW of Nordkapp (71°10'N., 25°47'E.). mountainous ridge, lies about 3 miles SE of Kvaloy. A light is

Pub. 182
Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden 231

shown close off the SW coast of Helgoy. 9.5Lopphavet (70°30'N., 21°00'E.), an area N of Fugloya, Ar-
9.4Vannoy, a large island which is flat-topped and precipitous noy and W of Soroya. The depths vary between 0 and 400m. N
towards the sea, lies 3 miles E of Helgoy. Tvinaren, 759m high, of Fugloya to about 18 miles offshore; there are three shoal ar-
is a conspicuous peak on the N side of the island. The S part of eas. East and W of the shoals, the depth is more than 300m.
the island is mountainous, with heights of more than 914m. A 9.5Northwest and W of Soroya, there is a major shoal area, with
number of islets lie off the E and NE sides of the island. several lesser shoals. The slope outside of these is very steep.
9.4A marine farm is located in position 70°14'N, 19°56'E. 9.5The current may be strong at the slopes in the entire area.
9.4Torsvag Light (70°15'N., 19°30'E.) is shown from a low 9.5With the waves coming from NE to SW, several refraction
tower attached to a building, 10m in height, standing on Koja centers occur on the leeward side of the shoal area. Interaction
Islet off the NW side of Vannoy. A Decca radio mast, 140m in between waves and current may cause breakers in the area.
height, stands about 201m N of the light. 9.5Soroysund is entered between the SW end of Soroya and the
9.4Fugloya (70°16'N., 20°15'E.) lies about 4 miles NE of Van- NW end of Stjernoy. The entrance has a width of about 8 miles.
noy. When Fugloysveet, the channel W of Fugloy, is open, Fu- The fairway is deep and free of dangers. Lights are shown on
gloya will appear quite detached and is then a very both sides of Soroysund and can best be seen on the chart. The
conspicuous landmark, identifiable by its pointed summit narrowest part of Soroysund is marked by an islet which shows
which is precipitous on its S and W sides. Fugloya Kalven, a light and is known as Vatnholmen, and lies close off the SE
which shows a light, lies close off the NW extremity of Fugloy. coast of Soroya.
9.4Caution.—A firing area lies N of Vannoy in the seaward ap- 9.5After passing SE of Vatnholmen, vessels should steer for Ha-
proaches to Fugloysveet. An environmentally sensitive sea ar- ja, 13 miles NE, giving the NW end of Seiland a fair berth. Af-
ea, best seen on the chart, where trawling is prohibited, lies just ter passing between Haja and the N end of Seiland, course may
E of Fugloya. be steered for Hammerfest harbor. The S extremity of Hjelmen,
bearing about 262° astern, and just open S of Haja, is an excel-
Arnoy (Arnoya) (70°08'N., 20°36'E.) lies with its N end 9
9.4 lent mark for making Hammerfest, which is not very easily dis-
miles E of the summit of Fugloy. The island is very steep on its tinguished.
N and W sides, and the cliffs of the N part of its W side are
dark red. A large and conspicuous radio tower is situated on a 9.6 Hammerfest (70°40'N., 23°40'E.) (World Port Index
summit in the SW part of Arnoy. Navigational aids are shown No. 20920), the world’s N town, is located on the W coast of
on all sides of the island and can best be seen on the chart. Lau- the island of Kvaloy. The harbor is situated close NW of the
koya, an island, lies close off the E coast of Arnoy. A number town.
of islands and islets lie to the SE and S of Arnoy. Loppa lies
about 15 miles NE of Arnoy and on the S side of the immediate Hammerfest Port Authority Home Page
approach to Soroysund. The island appears dark and low with a
gradual slope on its N side. http://www.hammerfesthavn.no

9.5 Silda (70°20'N., 21°45'E.) lies 5 miles E of Loppa Winds—Weather.—This ice-free harbor is about 0.5 mile in
and shows a light from its N extremity. A light is also shown extent and is surrounded by mountains except in the SW to W
from the S end of Silda. Maroy, an islet, lies close off the S ex- section. Winds may send heavy sea into this section.
tremity of Silda. Depth—Limitations.—The harbor is open year round and
9.5Tides—Currents.—From abreast the S end of Ribbenesoy, can accommodate vessels up to 95,785 dwt, with a maximum
the tidal currents set NE and into the various fjords with the ris- length of 300m, a maximum draft of 11m, and a maximum
ing tides and SW and out of the fjords with the falling tides. beam of 49m.
The NE current may attain a velocity of 4 knots. West of Sor Charted depths in the harbor are from 18.3 to 37m a short

Fugloya, the SW current is only occasionally discernible. distance offshore.

9.5At Kvaloy, the tidal currents set E with the rising tide and W Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table titled

with the falling tide. The tidal current may attain a velocity of 1 Hammerfest—Berthing Information.
knot E of Kvaloy and about 4 knots at Flatvoer, the group of Larger vessels with deeper drafts may enter the harbor and

low islets extending about 2 miles N of Kvaloy. use the anchorage.

Hammerfest—Berthing Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Containers, cruise vessels,
No. 1 170m 8.0m 220m — 20.8m 40,000 dwt
breakbulk, and bunkers.
No. 2 75m 8.0m 119.9m — 20.8m 4,900 dwt Fast ferries and bunkers.
No. 3 50m 4.0-8.0m 32.5m — 10.6m — Fast ferries and bunkers.

Pub. 182
232 Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden

Hammerfest—Berthing Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
No. 4 75m 0-3.1m 35.3m — 10.6m — Fast ferries and bunkers.
Fast ferries, fishing, and bun-
No. 5 E 35m 4.0m 51.6m — 11.6m 750 dwt
Fast ferries, fishing, and bun-
No. 5 W 38m 4.0m 32.3m — 6.9m —
Fast ferries, fishing, and bun-
No. 6 50m 4.0-5.0m 40m — 11.6m —
No. 8 70m 5.0-10.0m 90m — 12.8m 1,626 dwt Bunkers.
Chemicals, clean products,
cruise vessels, offshore, fish-
No. 9 145m — 220m 11.0m — 60,000 dwt
ing, multipurpose, and bun-
kers. Beam unrestrictive.
Offshore, fishing, and bun-
No. 10 130m 11.0m 50m — 12.0m 1,050 dwt
No. 11 65m 6-8m 58.6m — 11.0m 1,066 dwt Fishing.
No. 12 140m 5.0m 55m — — — Fishing and bunkers.
No. 20 40m 5.0m 55m — — — Fishing and bunkers.
No. 21 70m 5.7m 120m — 20.8m 7,102 dwt Salt, breakbulk, and bunkers.
No. 22 N 75m 5.9m 32.3m — 6.9m — Breakbulk and bunkers.
No. 22 S 30m 5.9m 32.3m — 6.9m — Bunkers.
Bulk, ro-ro, breakbulk, and
No. 23 60m 6.0m 119.9m — 20.8m 4,900 dwt
Cement, breakbulk, and bun-
No. 71 290m 10.0m 200m — 22.0m 60,000 dwt
No. 75 90m 12.0m 109.6m — 14.9m 7,569 dwt Breakbulk and bunkers.
No. 91 65m 4.5m 39.4m — 9.9m 400 dwt Breakbulk and bunkers.
Snohvit LNG Terminal (Melkoya Island)
Snohvit Condensates, LNG, and LPG.
123m 16.2m 300m — 4.09m 95,785 dwt
No. 50 Gas capacity of 140,000m3.
Equinor — 10.0m 213m — — 33,000 dwt Closed. Bunkers.

9.6Aspect—Landmarks.—A light is shown from the head of a Vessel Traffic Service.—The Hammerfest VTS Area is a

breakwater which extends SE from the end of Fuglenes. A light sub-system of the NOR VTS Area. Participation is mandatory
is shown on the mole on the SE side of the harbor entrance. for all Category 1 and Category 2 vessels carrying liquid haz-
9.6Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots should be ordered ardous and/or polluting bulk cargo).
through SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Lodingen Category 1 and Category 2 vessels must submit a Notice of

Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost. ETA and obtain permission from NOR VTS, as follows:
9.6The pilot boards off Akkarfjordnaeringen in position 1. At least 6 hours prior to entering the VTS area (24
70°47.0'N, 23°32.2'E. Due to weather conditions, vessels are hours for vessels which require extraordinary safety mea-
allowed to continue to pick up the pilot in position 70°40.5'N, sures or planning).
23°30.0'E; this is the most-used position. 2. When/if the vessel wishes to change its route in rela-
9.6The harbor pilot boards at the harbor entrance. tion to what has been decided or agreed to with the VTS

Pub. 182
Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden 233

9.6 By Clemensfranz (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons

9.6 Hammerfest

Center. This also applies to stops en route. Sailing Plan or what has been previously agreed with the
3. Before a vessel departs from a quay or anchorage. VTS center.
9.6The Notice of ETA should contain the following informa- 3. Immediately after mooring or anchoring the vessel.
tion: 4. As soon as possible if the vessel suffers an accident.
1. Vessel’s name and call sign. 5. At least 1 hour before leaving a berth or anchorage.
2. Vessel’s position at time of sending the Notice of For details on NOR VTS, see the section titled Vessel Traffic

ETA. Service in paragraph 1.1.

3. Planned route and port of destination. Contact Information.—See the table titled Hammerfest—

4. The ETA at the VTS Area and the ETA at the port, Contact Information.
mooring, or anchorage in the VTS Area.
5. The ETD from a port, mooring, or anchorage for ves- Hammerfest—Contact Information
sels already within the VTS Area.
6. Name, address, and telephone number of the vessel’s Port Authority
shipbroker or agent in Norway, if applicable. Telephone 47-78-407400
9.6The Notice of ETA should be submitted in writing, but will
Facsimile 47-78-407401
also be accepted by VHF.
9.6Category 1 and Category 2 vessels must report to NOR VTS, E-mail post@hammerfest.havn.no
via VHF, as follows:
1. At least 1 hour before entering the VTS Area.
2. As soon as possible if a vessel makes a change to its VHF VHF channels 12 and 16

Pub. 182
234 Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden

Hammerfest—Contact Information maximum capacity of 38,000m3.

3. Condensate vessels—up to 50,000 dwt, with a maxi-
Telephone 47-78-407402 mum length of 180m.
Facsimile 47-78-407403
Berthing Restrictions and Tug Requirements
E-mail harbour@hammerfest.havn.no
Vardo VTS Center Vessel size Maximum Maximum Number of
(up to) wind speed wave height tugs
VHF VHF channels 16 and 71 (NOR VTS)
15,000m3 35 knots 1.0m 1
Telephone 47-78-989898
Facsimile 47-78-989899 30,000m3 31 knots 1.0m 2

E-mail nor.vts@kystverket.no 60,000m3 29 knots 1.5m 3

No restric-
9.6Anchorage.—Large vessels may ride securely, in depths of 160,000m3 24 knots
27.4 to 45.7m, off the SE side of Fuglenes, which is the best
anchorage in the harbor. Five mooring buoys for securing the Construction Jetty, at the S end of the island, is used for the

stern lines of vessels at anchor, are located in well-sheltered handling of dry cargo. It has a safe berthing depth of 10m. Ves-
positions on both sides of the harbor. Anchoring is appointed sels over 120m long will not be allowed to remain alongside
by a state pilot or a harbor pilot. the pier while LNG is being loaded at Product Jetty.
9.6The smaller inner harbor can accommodate a number of All vessels are required to have a minimum under-keel clear-

moderate-sized vessels. Although it is exposed to W winds, the ance of 1.5m.

harbor is secure. Depths of 9.1 to 31m are found in this anchor- Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage should be or-

age. Vessels making a long stay should anchor off the SE side dered using SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Lodin-
of Fuglenes where it is more protected and clear of harbor traf- gen Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
fic. Pilots board, as follows:

1. Vessels greater than 20,000 gross tons—about 20

9.7 Melkoya LNG Terminal (Hammerfest LNG Termi- miles W of Fruholmen Light in position 71°05.0'N,
nal) (70°41'N., 23°35'E.) is located on Melkoya, about 1.75 23°27.0'E (by helicopter) or in position 70°38.0'N, 21°13.3'E
miles NW of Hammerfest. Berthing facilities are on the SE (Lopphavet, by helicopter).
side of the island. 2. Other vessels—about 1.5 miles NE of the entrance to
Depths—Limitations.—Product Jetty is 125m long, with a

Akkarfjorden in position 70°47.0'N, 23°32.0'E. (by pilot ves-

least depth alongside of 16.2m. Vessel limitations are, as fol- sel).
lows: Regulations.—Vessels are required to notify the terminal of

1. LNG vessels—a maximum length of 300m, with a their ETA, via their agent, as listed in the table titled
maximum capacity of 160,000m3. Melkoya—ETA Reporting Requirements.
2. LPG vessels—a maximum length of 300m, with a

Melkoya—ETA Reporting Requirements

LNG Vessels Condensate Vessels (oil tankers) LPG Vessels
Not less than 8 days in advance or
upon departure from the last dis-
— —
charge port if less than 8 days dis-
Ninety-six (96) hours prior to arriv-
al. If the ETA changes by more than Not less than 96 hours prior to ar- Not less than 96 hours prior to ar-
9 hours, the terminal must be ad- rival. rival.
vised immediately.
Forty-eight (48) hours prior to ar- Forty-eight (48) hours prior to ar- Forty-eight (48) hours prior to ar-
rival. If the ETA changes by more rival. If the ETA changes by more rival. If the ETA changes by more
than 6 hours, the terminal must be than 6 hours, the terminal must be than 6 hours, the terminal must be
advised immediately. advised immediately. advised immediately.
Twenty-four (24) hours prior to ar- Twenty-four (24) hours prior to ar- Twenty-four (24) hours prior to ar-
rival. If the ETA changes by more rival. If the ETA changes by more rival. If the ETA changes by more
than 3 hours, the terminal must be than 3 hours, the terminal must be than 3 hours, the terminal must be
advised immediately. advised immediately. advised immediately.
Five (5) hours prior to arrival. Five (5) hours prior to arrival. Five (5) hours prior to arrival.

Pub. 182
Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden 235

9.7The ETA messages should contain the following informa- are required to remain at least 12 miles from the terminal.
tion: Vessels are not allowed to approach the terminal if the visi-

1. Vessel name. bility is less than 1 mile.

2. Call sign. Vessels will not be permitted to sail if the winds speeds are

3. Nationality. in excess of 29 knots.

4. Beam, gross tonnage, and loa.
5. Draft. Melkoya—Contact Information
6. Type of cargo.
7. Destination. Call sign Hammerfest LNG
8. Purpose of call. VHF VHF channel 11
9. ETA at pilot boarding position or ETD from harbor.
10. Whether one or two pilots required. 47-78-404209
11. IMO number (if any). 47-78-404100 (switchboard)
12. Crew and passengers (including master’s name and
Web site https://www.equinor.com/en
nationality, crew size, etc.).
13. Cargo and bunker fuel (UN number, quality of haz-
ardous and polluting cargo, type, quantity of bunker fuel, Contact Information.—See the table titled Melkoya—

etc.). Contact Information.

14. Details of passage (last port-of-call, next port-of-call, Directions.—From a position about 1.25 miles NE of Haja

etc.). Light (70°39.3'N., 23°27.8”E.), the track leads 2 miles ENE to

15. Details related to pilotage requests and Pilotage Ex- the vicinity of the berths.
emption Certificate. Caution.—A safety zone, into which only authorized ves-

16. Agent or operator (Norwegian contact). sels may enter, surrounds the terminal and is bounded by lines
17. Shipping company (name and address). joining the following positions:
9.7All vessels shall request clearance from the terminal upon ar- a. 70°41'55.8''N, 23°37'22.8''E. (shore)
rival using VHF channel 11, via the Port Operator Duty Tele- b. 70°41'52.2''N, 23°35'49.8''E.
phone (47-47-659957) or via the agent. c. 70°40'53.4''N, 23°34'21.0''E.
9.7Only two large LNG/Condensate vessels can anchor simulta- d. 70°40'37.2''N, 23°35'23.4''E.
neously in the anchorage area. If there is a vessel already at the e. 70°40'51.0''N, 23°38'11.4''E. (shore)
terminal, only one vessel is permitted in the anchorage area. A precautionary area obligates traffic crossing the main

All vessels en route to the terminal in excess of these vessels route to Melkoya to navigate with care.

9.7 Altafjorden

Pub. 182
236 Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden

Indreleia—Tromso to Hammerfest 9.9Ytre Simavik and Indre Simavik lie in the central part of St-
jernsund and on its N shore. Vessels can anchor in both places,
9.8 From Tromso, the fairway of Indreleia continues NE in about 25m, clay bottom.
to the W approach to Soroysund, and then leads E and NE 9.9Oksfjorden (70°12'N., 22°18'E.) lies on the S side of the W
through Soroysund to Hammerfest. Immediately N of Tromso, end of Stjernsund. It trends S for about 8 miles, then ESE for 5
the channel is sheltered by the large islands of Kvaloy and miles. The fjord is deep and free of dangers in the fairway.
Ringvassoy. Tromsoysund, between the island of Tromsoy and 9.9The shores are sparsely populated, except for the port of
the mainland, is shoal on both sides of the channel. However, Oksfjorden on its NE shore. The fjord is a place of refuge to
the fairway is free of dangers, and can be navigated by large vessels during bad weather, as the fjord can be calm when a
vessels at HW. Indreleia leads E from Tromsoysund through gale wind is blowing outside.
Grotsund to Ullsfjorden. Grotsund is also free of dangers in 9.9Anchorage is afforded near the village of Vassdalsbotn,
mid-channel. about 0.3 mile S of the port of Oksfjorden. The anchorage has a
9.8This route is well-covered by navigational aids, which can be depth of about 20m, good holding ground.
best seen on the chart. Tidal currents are weak in Grotsund, al- 9.9Oksfjord (70°14'N., 22°21'E.) (World Port Index No.
though during bad weather a considerable sea may be raised. 21120) lies 1 mile S of the E entrance point to the fjord.
9.8From the E end of Grotsund, the track of Indreleia leads 9.9Depths—Limitations.—There are several quays in the port.
through the N part of Ullsfjorden. The channel is broad and There is also a boat harbor in the port. Coastal vessels call here
deep and extends in a general SSW direction from abreast the regularly. A vessel with a maximum draft of 6.1m. can be ac-
SE end of Karlsoy. After rounding Lyngstuva, the N extremity commodated.Berthing details are shown in the accompanying
of the rugged promontory separating Ullsfjorden from Lyngs- table titled Oksfjord—Berthing Information
fjorden to the E, Indreleia passes through Kagsund, between 9.9A light is shown from a breakwater at the harbor entrance.
the SE end of Arnoy and the N end of Kagen, where smooth There are a number of anchorages S of the port.
water will be experienced.
9.8The main track of Indreleia leads from Kagsund NNE across
Kvaenangenfjorden and then rounds Brynilen, an islet close to
the coast, about 14 miles NE of the N extremity of Kagen is-
land. From Brynilen, the track passes SE of Loppakalven, the
small island close SW of the S end of Loppa Island, then leads
SE of Loppa into the W approach to Soroysund.

Indreleia—Stiernsund to Hammerfest
9.9 An inner channel leads from the SW end of So-
roysund through Stjernsund, Vargsund, Kvalsund, and Sam-
melsund, uniting with the main track of Indreleia N of Kvaloy.
This channel is smoother, though longer than the main channel
in Soroysund, and is often used in bad weather.
9.9Vessels bound for Hammerfest can pass W of Kvaloy
through Straumen, the narrows between Kvaloy and the NE
end of Seiland. 9.9 By MeRyan (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons
9.9Stjernsund (70°14'N., 22°44'E.) is very deep and there are 9.9 Oksfjord
no known dangers more than 0.2 mile offshore on both sides.
The wind in Stjernsund is very unpredictable. Usually it blows 9.10 Ullsfjorden (69°50'N., 19°52'E.) is a deep fjord; with
either in or out of the sound. At times, violent gale winds blow its continuation, Sorfjorden, it extends for a distance of about
through Stjernsund. Vessels proceeding through the sound may 40 miles in a SSW direction from abeam the S end of Karlsoy.
expect a deflection of the magnetic compass. The fjord is open to the sea, and N and NW winds send in a
9.9Kvalsund (70°30'N., 23°59'E.) and Sammelsund are deep very heavy sea during autumn and winter. The inner part of
and free of dangers. Kvalsund is narrow but it may be used by Sorfjorden, for a distance of about 6 miles from its head, is fre-
large vessels with drafts of 6m. Several submarine cables are quently icebound during the winter months.
laid across both sounds.

Oksfjord—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks
North 150m — — Ro/pax, fishing vessels, breakbulk, and reefer.
South 135m — — Ro/pax, fishing vessels, breakbulk, and reefer.

Pub. 182
Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden 237

Oksfjord—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks
Polarfeed Sales AS
Cargo 130m 9.0m 6.1m Clean products, fishing vessels, breakbulk, and reefer.

An overhead cable, with a vertical clearance of 25m, crosses

9.10 port to the control tower on VHF channel 12 when passing the
the entrance to Sorfjorden. The only shoal in the fairway of following reporting points:
Ullsfjorden is Nisegrunn, which lies 9.25 miles S of Grotsund a. 70°02'04.8''N, 23°14'52.8''E.
Light. Several dangers encumber Sorfjorden and can best be b. 69°59'50.4''N, 23°19'36.6''E.
seen on chart.
Lyngsfjorden (69°40'N., 20°25'E.) lies E of Ullsfjorden, the
Alta—Berth Information
two being separated by a high and rugged promontory.
Lyngsfjorden is steep on both sides and is very deep. The
fjord extends about 50 miles in a SW direction; its end is Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks
known as Storfjorden. There are two anchorages on the W side Draft
of Storfjorden near its end. The fjord is well marked by naviga- Alta Port Terminal
tional aids on both sides. The island of Uloy lies on the E side
General car-
of the fjord near its entrance. Kafjorden is located on the E side
of the fjord and extends 10 miles in a SE direction. Anchorage go, dry bulk,
Cargo 170m 10.0m —
can be taken on the S side of Kafjorden, 3.5 miles within the container, and
9.11 Altafjorden (70°05'N., 23°06'E.), is a large deep
General car-
fjord which indents the mainland for about 20 miles and lies S
Cargo 60m — 9.2m go, dry bulk,
of the islands of Stjernoy and Seiland. The shores of the fjord
and fishing.
are irregular. There are several large bays and small inlets.
Langfjorden, on the W side of the fjord, is the only branch of Alta Skipsekspedisjon
any extent. Altafjorden is accessible to large vessels. Cargo 72m 5.0m — General cargo.
The weather in the fjord is usually calm. Kafjorden and

Rafsbotn lie at the head of the fjord. Aroy, a rocky island, lies Felleskaia
on the E side of Altafjorden. General cargo
Alta (69°58'N., 23°15'E.) (World Port Index No. 21130) is a Cargo 38m 5.0m —
and stone.
district, which consists of three close settlements of Bossekop,
Bukta, and Elvebakken. The depth in the harbor is 45m and Skiferterminalen
there is a turning basin 250m wide. Anchorage is determined General cargo,
on arrival but is generally in 30m of water in sand. The harbor Cargo 52m 6.0m — stone, sand,
is sheltered against N and E winds. Strong W and SW winds and asphalt.
make it unsafe.
Ferry Terminal
Alta Port Authority Ferry 70m — — Passengers.
Vessel Traffic Service.—For details on the Vessel Traffic

Service, see section titled Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph

Depths—Limitations.—Alta can accommodate vessels

with a maximum length of 250m and a maximum draft of 92m.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Alta—Contact

Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table titled Al-

ta—Berth Information.
An overhead cable, with a clearance of 7m, crosses the entrance

to Elvebakken. Alta—Contact Information

Pilotage.—Pilots are ordered through SafeSeaNet but may
9.11 Port Authority
be ordered through the Lodingen Pilot Booking Center at an
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
additional cost. For further information, see paragraph 9.1.
The pilot boards 2 miles E of Fakkekjeila Light in position
9.11 47-78-446910 (0800-1530)
70°06.0'N, 20°12.9'E. Telephone
47-90-634518 (mobile)
Regulations.—All vessels with a height greater than 12m

planning to enter the cautionary area near Alta Airport must re- Facsimile 47-78-436990

Pub. 182
238 Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden

Alta—Contact Information port NW of Breivik Light, in depths of 7 to 12m, loose sand.

Vessels may obtain fairly good anchorage off the N shore of
E-mail post@altahavn.no the fjord, about 3 miles E of Breivik Light, in depths of 27.4 to
Port Captain 31m, sand. The port has a quay on the N side of a mole, with a
depth of 2.4m alongside.
Telephone 47-90-634518 Sorvaer (70°38'N., 21°59'E.) (World Port Index No. 20930)

is a large fishing port on the N side of the entrance to Markjei-

Anchorage.—Bukta is the best anchorage in Alta. Vessels
la. The approach from the SSW on the range lights to Sorvear
lie at anchor in all weather, good holding ground. Elvebakken is encumbered with islets and shoals, some of which are
affords anchorage for smaller vessels. These are only fair an- marked, and the position of which can best be seen on the
chorages and they are not recommended. chart. Breakwaters built between islets extend SW, where a
light stands on the W breakwater head.
9.12 Talvik (70°03'N., 22°58'E.) lies on the W side of Al- The port has a number of quays with depths of up to 4m. The

tafjorden, in a sheltered bay. It affords anchorage to small ves- port is used mainly by coastal vessels. Small vessels may an-
sels with local knowledge, in a depth of about 18m, about 0.2 chor off the port, in depths of 6 to 20m.
mile W of the N entrance point of the bay. Mooring rings are Rolvsoya (70°58'N., 24°00'E.) lies about 14 miles NE of So-

available, and vessels can secure to dolphins on the N side of roya. The island is indented on all sides. Kallneringen, at the NW
the cove. end of the island, attains a height of 334m. Revsholmen and Skip-
There are two quays, with depths of 4.9 to 5.8m alongside.
sholmen, two islets, lie near the middle of the broad channel be-
Coastal vessels mainly call at the port. tween Soroya and Rolvsoya. The islets are very prominent.
Rafsbotn lies on the E side of Altafjorden, near its head.
Ingoya (71°04'N., 24°04'E.) lies N of Rolvsoya. It is indent-

From its head for a distance of about 2 miles W, the bay is fre- ed on all sides and quite mountainous. The harbor is reached
quently icebound during the winter months. This large bay af- by passing between Avloysninga and a rock, awash, about 0.1
fords anchorage for small vessels with local knowledge, off the mile N and marked by an iron perch, off the W end of Langhol-
NW side of Rafsholmen, in depths of 18.3 to 42m. Coastal ves- men.
sels call here regularly. Fruholmen Light (71°06'N., 24°00'E.) is shown from a tow-

Langfjorden is situated on the NW coast of Altafjorden, near

er, 18m in height, standing off the NW coast of the island. A
the W entrance point. The fjord extends about 16 miles in a racon is located at the light tower. There is an anchorage for
WSW direction and is free of dangers in the fairway. Ytre small vessels with local knowledge off the N side of Ingoya.
Koven, an inlet on the NW side of the fjord, affords anchorage
to small vessels with local knowledge. 9.14 Hjelmsoya (71°04'N., 24°43'E.) is located about 9
Storsandnes, a village on the E side of the fjord, has a quay,
miles E of Ingoya. The island is mountainous and conspicuous
with a depth of 7.3m alongside. There is anchorage close N of from a considerable distance. The N coast of Hjelmsoya is very
the quay; mooring rings are available. steep. About 3 miles NE of the summit is a rocky pinnacle
Coastal vessels call here. Vessels with local knowledge may
which rises perpendicularly from the sea and is easily identi-
anchor in Langfjordbotn, the head of Langfjorden, in depths of fied from the NE. Akkarfjorden lies on the NW side of the is-
12.8 to 20.1m. Langfjorden is well marked by navigational aids land and extends about 2 miles SE. A reef extends up to 183m
on both its shores. from the shore of this fjord. A light is shown on the NE side of
Vargsund (70°22'N., 23°30'E.) lies NE of the E entrance
the fjord.
point to Altafjorden. The sound is deep in the fairway and free Good anchorage can be obtained, in a depth of 10.1m, off

of dangers. From its entrance the sound runs NE for about 14 Sandvik, a village on the W side of the fjord, about 1 mile
miles and then turns N for 9 miles where the sound narrows to SSW of the light.
about 0.5 mile at its N entrance, 4 miles SSW of Hammerfest. Masoya (71°01'N., 25°00'E.) is located about 4 miles SE of

The sound affords anchorage on both sides to vessels with

Hjelmsoya. The island is indented on all sides. Kalven, an islet
local knowledge. The sound is well marked by navigational which shows a light, lies about 0.5 mile NNW of the NW ex-
aids. tremity of Masoya. Ostervag, on the SE side of the island, af-
fords anchorage to small vessels near its head, in a depth of
Outer Route—Soroya to Nordkapp 3.7m, good holding ground. Coastal vessels call here.
Mageroya (71°03'N., 25°40'E.) is located about 4 miles E of

9.13 From the conspicuous headland surmounted by Fu- the NE extremity of Masoya. The island is large and indented
glen at the NW end of Soroya, the coast of this island trends in on all sides. The coastline is fringed by a reef close offshore.
an ENE direction and is not clearly distinguishable until a ves- The NW coast of the island is penetrated for about 6 miles by
sel is N of the island. The N coast of Soroya is high and pres- Tufjorden, which is desolate and affords no anchorage. Nord-
ents a broken appearance of bold and steep headlands kapp is the highest and most prominent headland on the N
separated by inlets which deeply indent the coast. Close off the coast of Mageroya.
NW extremity of the island, the coast is indented by Breivik- The cape is a bold headland which rises in sheer walls of

fjorden and Markjeila, a smaller inlet. dark rock to a flat barren plateau. Knivskjerodden, which
Breivik (70°35'N., 22°08'E.) (World Port Index No. 20940) shows a light, lies 2.25 miles NNW of Nordkapp and forms the
lies on the NW side of Breivikfjorden, on the NW coast of the N extremity of Mageroya. The point is low and much less con-
island of Soroya. Vessels of moderate size can anchor off the spicuous then Nordkapp.

Pub. 182
Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden 239

Kamoyfjorden (71°04'N., 26°04'E.) lies on the NE side of

9.14 ated), Kobbhola (on the W shore of the inlet), Storbukta (at the
Mageroy. The fjord is indented near its head by three small head of the inlet), and the outer harbor areas (including tanker
fjords. Vessels of moderate size can anchor in sand, with moor- transshipment anchor berths located in Sarnesfjorden and Mag-
ing rings available, between Kamoyvaer and the SW side of eroysundet).
Store Kamoy, in depths of 9.0 to 23.8m, about 0.2 mile ESE of Depths—Limitations.—The harbor can accommodate ves-

Kamoyfjorden Light. A power cable lying about 0.1 mile off- sel with a maximum draft of 12m. See the table titled Hon-
shore parallels the coast in the vicinity of the anchorage. ningsvag—Berth Information.
Aspect.—A gray church and a large building close by the
9.15 Honningsvag (70°59'N., 26°00'E.) (World Port Index church are very prominent landmarks from seaward.
No. 20800) is a large fishing station located on the SE side of The approach and entrance to the harbor are well-marked by

Mageroya. It also serves as the administrative center for the navigational aids. A number of rocks and foul ground are
Nordkapp district of Norway. The harbor extends about a mile marked by iron perches and spar buoys. The harbor is excel-
past the mole at Klubben and includes the following bays and lent, though small.
berthing areas: the inner harbor (around which the town is situ-

Honningsvag—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Inner Harbor (Indre Havn)
NOFI 67m 4.5-10.0m General cargo.
Berth on Breakwater 20-125m 1.5-6.5m General cargo.
Fishery and Warehouse Jetties 13-58m 0.9-4.9m General cargo.
Engineering Workshop 19m 3.8-4.3m General cargo.
Packet Boat Quay
East 53m 3.3-5.1m General cargo.
Southeast 30m 5.0-9.0m General cargo.
South 65m 5.4-10.0m General cargo.
West 117m 2.4-10.0m Dry bulk and passengers.
Bolgerbryter 140m — General cargo.
Fiskerihavn Terminal
North (New 2022) — — General cargo and passengers.
No. 1 116m 2.6-9.2m Dry bulk.
No. 2 70m 8.8-11m General cargo.
No. 3 125m 7.0-13.0m General cargo and passenger.
Mobile Tank Installation on Borveneset 45m 6.0m —
FI-NO-TRO Fish Factory 93m 6.0-7.0m General cargo.
SIFI Fish Factory 69m 5.6-7.1m General cargo.
Shell Bunkering Installation at Floers 88m 6.0-7.0m —
NOFI Fish Oil Factory 50m 11.0-15.0m (W-E) General cargo.
Esso Bunkering 63m 11.0-18.0m —
BP Bunkering 99m 7.4-8.4m General cargo and petroleum products.
Honningsvag Outer
Honningsvag Transhipment N Area 1 — — STS and crude oil.
Honningsvag Transhipment N Area 2 — — STS.
Honningsvag Transhipment S Area — — STS and crude oil.

Pub. 182
240 Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden

9.15 Courtesy of Bill Fry

9.15 Nordkapp (on Mageroya)

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels of 30,000 gt


and over and is optional for vessels under 30,000 gt. Pilots
board in the following positions:
a. 70°58'00.0'N, 26°17'00.0''N (vessels of 30,000 gt and
b. 70°57'30.0'N, 25°57'56.4'N.
Pilots should be ordered through SafeSeaNet but can be or-

dered through the Lodingen Pilot Booking Center at an addi-

tional coast.
Vessel Traffic Service.—For details, see the section titled

Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph 1.1.

Contact Information.—The port can be contacted on VHF

channels 12, 14, and 16.

Honningsvag—Contact Information
VHF VHF channels 12, 14 and 16
9.15 By Harvey Barrison via Wikimedia Commons
Telephone 47-91-733143 Honningsvag

E-mail havna@nordkapp.kommune.no
Anchorage.—Vessels should anchor W of a straight line be-

Web site http://www.nordkapphavn.no tween Klubskjeret Light and the spar buoy on Holmegrunnen,
Harbormaster and N of a straight line extending E from Rosmaalneset, a
point about 0.5 mile NW of Klubskjeret Light, in depths of
Telephone 47-78-476450 29.3 to 49.4m.

Pub. 182
Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden 241

9.16 Sarnesfjorden (70°58'N., 25°45'E.) lies on the S side Breisund, and Masoysund.
of Mageroya, about 4 miles W of Honningsvag. Altesula, an is-
land, lies in the entrance to the fjord. The island is fringed by a 9.18 Masoysund (70°59'N., 25°01'E.) lies between the
reef, which extends about 183m N from its NW end. mainland and the S side of Masoya. The sound is about 1 mile
A light is shown from the SE extremity of Altesula. Litle Al-
9.16 wide and is free from dangers in the fairway.
tesula, an islet, lies about 0.5 mile N from the N extremity of The tidal currents in mid-channel set E from half rising tide

Altesula. Kobbholet, an inlet on the W side of Sarnesfjorden, is to half falling tide, the turn of the current usually occurs at the
well sheltered and affords anchorage to vessels with local times of HW and LW, setting E with the rising tide and W with
knowledge, in depths of 25.6 to 42.1m, good holding ground, the falling tide. The currents may attain a velocity of from 3 to
about 0.2 mile W of the S entrance point of the inlet. A bridge, 4 knots. A light is shown on the S extremity of Masoya.
with a vertical clearance of 10m, crosses the entrance of the in- Mageroysund, the continuation of Indreleia from

let. Masoysund, leads SE and then E. The channel, though narrow,

Anchorage is available between Altesula and Litle Altesula,
9.16 is free from dangers, and it can be navigated by larger vessels.
in depths of 12.8 to 29.3m. A submarine cable crosses the sound about 2 miles from the

Helnes Light (71°04'N., 26°14'E.) is shown from a low tow-

9.16 entrance. The tidal currents set with strength through Mage-
er at the E end of Mageroy. A racon and a radiobeacon are lo- roysund; at HW they may attain a velocity of 5 to 6 knots. A
cated at the light tower. light is shown on the S side of the NW entrance to Mage-
Caution.—The inshore TSS off Nordkapp is not IMO ap-
9.16 roysund. A light is also shown on the E entrance point of the
proved. sound.

Indreleia—Hammerfest to Varangerfjorden 9.19 Porsangen (70°30'N., 25°30'E.), a long fjord, is en-

tered between Helnes Light and Svaerholtklubben, about 10
9.17 From the NE end of Soroysund to Mageroya, about 36 miles ESE, and extends about 65 miles in a SSW direction. The
miles ENE, Indreleia is mostly unsheltered. The route is ex- outer part of the fjord is fringed with precipitous and barren ta-
posed off the N ends of Kvaloy and Havoy, which lies about 22 bleland but toward the inner end the heights are more irregular,
miles NE of the N end of Kvaloy; the currents and heavy sea with some trees and pasture land.
may render it difficult for small vessels to weather these condi- Though not as deep as many fjords, it is fairly clear of dan-

tions. Indreleia terminates at the N end of Porsangerfjorden, gers except near its head, where there are scattered shoals and
where vessels can proceed to the open sea or Honningsvag. numerous islands. The fjord is usually frozen over in winter as
From Hammerfest, a northbound vessel in Indreleia should
9.17 far N as Borselvenes, a point about 16 miles from its head. Por-
shape course to pass about 0.5 mile S and W of the small island sangen is well-marked by navigational aids, which can best be
of Melkoya, on which a light is shown, and then proceed N in seen on the chart.
mid-channel through Soroysund, which is free of dangers in Store Tamsoy, an island, is located about 25 miles from the

the fairway. entrance of the fjord, and is encumbered by a rocky shoal

From the NE end of Soroysund, Indreleia passes across an
9.17 which extends up to 1.5 miles S of the island. Two spar buoys
open arm of the sea for about 12 miles and then continues NE mark the shoal on the E. A beacon is shown on the SE side of
through the exposed Rolvsoysund, between the SE side of the island.
Rolvsoya and the small islands off the mainland. A light is Strandbukt, a bay, lies on the W side of the outer part of Por-

shown from the SE side of Rolvsoya. sangen and is entered between Homnneset (70°45'N.,
From abeam of Havoygavlen Light, located on the NW ex-
9.17 25°42'E.) and Nakken. The bay affords good anchorage to ves-
tremity of Havoy, Indreleia leads SE through Breisund. The sels with local knowledge, in a depth of about 23m, good hold-
sound is about 2 miles wide. The depth in the channel is be- ing ground, about 2 miles WSW of Repvag Light.
tween 30 and 150m. There are several shoals in the area with Vessels with local knowledge may obtain anchorage off the

depths from 30 to 70m. SW side of Litle Tamsoy, in depths of 11 to 12.8m, about 3

In Breidsund, there are special wave directions from N to
9.17 miles E of Repvag Light.
NW which create rough sea; with W currents broken surf has There are a number of anchorages on both sides of Porsan-

been observed in the channel. The current is due primarily to gen and also at the head of this fjord. All of these anchorages
the tidal current and is estimated to reach between 1 and 2 require local knowledge and are best seen on the chart. The an-
knots. By Rolvsoyh, the sea becomes especially rough when chorages are used mainly by coastal vessels. A marine farm is
the wind blows from the N to NE. In both cases the wind and located about 2 miles N of Lite Tamsoya.
the waves drive straight in from the open sea. Laksefjorden lies E of Porsangen and is entered between

Northwest of Havoygavlen there are three shoals with depths

9.17 Svaerholtklubben and Finnkjerka, 8.5 miles to the E. The fjord
between about 30 and 50m. It is noted that from the shoals and indents the coast for about 40 miles and for the most part is
in toward Havoygavlen, the sea is particularly rough, which ap- from 7 to 12 miles wide. The shores of the fjord are indented
pears to be associated with the shoals and the “corner effect” of by a succession of small bays and inlets.
the headland. In Laksefjorden, the tidal current sets N with the falling tide

There is a big difference between the flood and the ebb in the
9.17 and S with the rising tide. The maximum velocity is attained at
area and it is noticed that the sea is roughest on the ebb. the entrance to the fjord.
After passing through Breisund, Indreleia leads into

Masoysund. Submarine cables are laid across Rolvsoysund, 9.20 Kjollefjorden (70°57'N., 27°20'E.) (World Port Index

Pub. 182
242 Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden

No. 20740), on the E side of the entrance to Laksefjorden, is Anchorage.—Vessels can anchor, in depths up to 13.7m,

entered through a width of about 3 miles and extends about 4 loose clay, about 0.4 mile SSE of Mehamn Light. There are
miles SE. The head of the fjord forms a sheltered bay, where mooring rings around the harbor.
there is a settlement. Coastal vessels call here regularly. Slettnes Light (71°05'N., 28°14'E.) is shown from a

Depths—Limitations.— The port has a number of quays.

9.20 prominent tower, 39m in height, standing on a headland about
Vessels with maximum draft of 6.2m can be accommodated in 8 miles NE of Mehamn. A racon is located at the light.
the port. A shoal bank extends seaward up to about 2 miles from the

Anchorage.—Vessels with local knowledge can obtain an-

9.20 light and breaks in places during heavy weather. Gamvik, a
chorage, in depths of 20 to 23.8m, in the middle of the harbor, fishing harbor suitable only for small vessels, lies close SE of
about 0.2 mile E of Kjollefjorden Light. The anchorage is not the light tower. The harbor mole is undergoing expansion
safe during strong E winds, when violent squalls occur. (2020).
Oksefjorden is entered N of Kjollefjorden and indents the
9.20 Regulations.—Gamvic Harbor District enforces a maxi-

coast for a distance of about 7 miles. The fjord is deep and mum speed limit of 5 knots for all vessels. This speed limit ap-
clear of dangers, except for scattered shoals, which are best plies to all vessels except those engaged in operations for the
seen on the chart. Norwegian armed forces or craft engaged in emergency police,
Small vessels can find good anchorage, in 7.3 to 14.6m, off
9.20 custom, fire fighting, ambulance, or search and rescue missions
the village of Oksevag at the head of the fjord. The fjord is well along the coast of Nordkynhalvoya.
marked by navigational aids. Coastal vessels call here regular- Harbor limits are positioned from close N at Nordkyn, then

ly. ESE to close N of Slettnes, then SE past Omgang to the middle

Friarfjorden (70°28'N., 26°57'E.), located at the SE end of
9.20 of Tanafjordon, and continue SW to close N at Digermulen.
Laksefjorden, affords good anchorage for vessels with local
knowledge, in depths of 22 to 33m, good holding ground, on 9.22 Tanafjorden (70°45'N., 28°25'E.), which is entered
the W side of the fjord. between Omgang and Tanahorn, about 9 miles SE, extends
A number of anchorages are located on both sides of Lak-
9.20 SSW for about 34 miles on the W side of Varangerhalvoya.
sefjorden, most of which require local knowledge, and can best The shores of this fjord are mountainous declivities, indented,
be seen on the chart. The anchorages are used regularly by and made up of small inlets, especially on the W side.
coastal vessels. The principal branches of Tanafjorden are Hopsfjorden,

Langfjorden, and Vestertana, which extend in a W and S direc-

9.21 Mehamnfjorden (71°04'N., 27°52'E.) is located on tion from the main fjord.
the mainland and lies between Laksefjorden and Tanafjorden. In the area outside the entrance to Tanafjorden, the depths

Mehamn, on the E side of the head of Mehamnfjorden, is one decrease sharply on both sides of a deep channel, which is an
of the best harbors in this area, and is accessible in almost all extension of the fjord. During fair weather conditions, the cur-
conditions. rent goes inward with the flood tide and out along the E side of
Depths—Limitations.—The E shore of Mehamn is lined
9.21 the fjord with the ebb. Wind and the outflow of water from
with quays and handles mainly fishing and passenger activity. Tanaelven (Tana River) can also have a big influence on cur-
Vessel with drafts up to 6m can be accommodated. For more rent conditions.
information see the table titled Mehamn—Berth Informa- Due to the situation mentioned above, it is difficult to predict

tion. wave conditions. However, with waves from the NW and an

ebb current along the E side of the fjord, there is a possibility
Mehamn—Berth Information of breaking waves. These are seen as areas of broken surf and it
is estimated that vessels must be 6 to 10 miles outside the fjord
Maximum mouth to avoid them.
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks Hopsfjorden lies on the W side of Tanafjorden. The fjord is

Draft deep and free of dangers in the fairway. Large vessels can an-
Industrial Terminal chor near the head of the fjord. Langfjorden lies S of Hops-
fjorden and also affords anchorage for large vessels near its
Fishing head. Small vessels lie best in the bay at Boksjok, where there
Industrial 65m 7.0m — vessels and
is good holding ground, in a depth of about 20m.
A submarine cable crosses the fjord about 2 miles from the

Nordkyn Terminal entrance.

Gulgofjorden (70°41'N., 28°36'E.) lies on the E side of

Tanafjorden, about 5 miles ESE of the E entrance point of

Langfjorden. This small fjord indents the coast for a distance
Nordkyn 92m 7.0m 6.0m vessels,
of about 2 miles. Anchorage can be taken off the N shore of the
fjord, in depths of 10 to 18.3m, sand and mud.
and reefer.
The head of Tanafjorden consist of a number of small fjords

Polar Terminal and inlets, which are marked by lights. There is anchorage in
Fishing these fjords, which can best be seen on the chart.
Polar 65m 5.0m — Between Tanahorn and Vardo, about 53 miles SE, the coast
vessels. 9.22

presents the appearance of a nearly horizontal ridge about 122

Pub. 182
Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden 243

to 152m high. Between these two points there are no land-

marks; neither does the aspect of any particular tract serve as a
guide. The general appearance of the countryside is barren;
hardly a trace of soil or vegetation is visible on the tablelands,
and fresh green grass is only found in the clefts of the hills fac-
ing the sea. In summer, patches of snow may often be seen on
the hills. Vessels are advised to give this part of the coast a
wide berth in bad weather.

9.23 Berlevag (70°52'N., 29°06'E.) (World Port Index No.

20710) lies about 6 miles E of Tanahorn and is one of the larg-
est fishing stations on this part of the coast. The entrance to the
harbor is protected by a mole. The port consists of an outer har-
bor and an inner harbor.
Depths—Limitations.— The port is mainly used for fishing

vessels and coastal ferries and is protected by numerous break-

waters on the inner and outer harbors. A number of quays in
the harbor and can accommodate vessels with drafts up to 5m.
Hurtigruten Terminal, which can accommodate vessels up to
118m in length with a maximum draft of 4.9m, is used for pas-
sengers, ro-ro, and cruise vessels.
Anchorage.—There is anchorage in the outer harbor, in
depths of 9.1 to 12.2m; the inner harbor anchorage has depths
Kjolnes Light
up to 4.6m.

Kjolnes Light (70°51'N., 29°14'E.) is shown from a tower,

11.9 to 14.0m, good holding ground, about 1 mile SW of Bats-
22m in height, standing 2.5 miles E of Berlevag. fjorden Light.
Kongsfjorden (70°45'N., 29°24'E.) is situated about 9 miles
There are 13 berths at Maritbukt, with lengths of 32 to 273m

SE of Berlevag. The fjord is divided into two arms by a penin- and depths of 3 to 10m alongside. A number of lights, which
sula. The fjord affords anchorage for small vessels, in depths of are best seen on the chart, are located in the fjord.
12 to 16.5m, good holding ground. Pilotage.—Pilotage is optional and should be ordered

A number of dangers lie in the fjord and can best be seen on

through SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Lodingen
the chart. The harbor is protected by a mole; however, swells Pilot Booking Center at an additional cost.
comes in during NE winds. Vessels are cautioned to be well se- The pilot boards in the following positions:

cured. a. 70°38'30.0''N, 29°47'00.0''E (about 2 miles within the

harbor entrance).
9.24 Batsfjorden (70°41'N., 29°51'E.) (World Port Index b. 70°39'26.4'''N, 29°48'51.6''E.
No. 20695) also known as Batsfjord, lies about 7 miles E of The pilot vessel can be contacted on VHF channels 12 and

Kongsfjorden. The fjord extends about 7 miles SW and is deep 16. For further information, see paragraph 9.1.
and free from dangers. 1. Vessel name.
Depths—Limitations.—The harbor in the cove can accom-
2. Call sign.
modate vessels with a maximum draft of 8.3m. For more infor- 3. Nationality.
mation see the table titled Batsfjorden—Berthing 4. Length.
Information. 5. Draft.
Maritbukt is the most spacious anchorage, with depths of
6. Gross tonnage.

Batsfjorden—Berthing Information
Berth Length Remarks
Batsfjord Terminal
General 200m General cargo.
West 180m General cargo, passengers, and refrigerated cargo.
Liquid cargo, passengers, ro-ro cargo, general, and refrigerated
East 150m
cargo. Maximum draft of 8.3m.
Tanker 60m Bunker gas oil, bunker diesel oil, and mobile lubricants.
Oil 40m Vegetable oil.

Pub. 182
244 Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden

Regulations.—Vessels should send their ETA, along with

9.24 posed to bad weather. With the wind mainly from the N, waves
their pilot request, 24 hours in advance, and confirmed 3 hours drive in from seaward. In Varangerfjorden, the currents are er-
in advance, along with the following information: ratic and with the “corner effect” at Vardo, the sea becomes
Vessel Traffic Service.—For details, see the section titled
9.24 more chaotic.
Vessel Traffic Service in paragraph 1.1.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Batsfjorden—
Contact Information.
9.26 Vardo (70°22'N., 31°07'E.) (World Port Index No.
Batsfjorden—Contact Information 20700) is composed of a group of islands lying close off the E
extremity of Varangerhalvoy, about 7 miles SE of Persfjorden.
Port Authority Vardoya, the W and largest island, consists of two parts joined
VHF VHF channel 12 by a narrow isthmus.
Reinoya and Horwoya lie close to the E of Vardoya. Busse-

Telephone sundet, to the W of the islands, separates them from the main-
47-95-983860 (mobile) land and can be navigated by large vessels.
Facsimile 47-78-983860
E-mail havnevakt@batsfjord.havn.no
47-78-985512 Depths—Limitations.—Vardo can accommodate vessels up

Telephone to 150m in length with a maximum draft of 9m. See the table
47-78-892790 (mobile)
titled Vardo—Berth Information.
Anchorage.—A cove at the head of the fjord affords anchor-
age to small vessels with local knowledge, in depths of 18.3 to Vardo—Berth Information
23.8m, good holding ground, about 183m W of the N entrance Berth Length Depth Remarks
point of the cove.
Vardo Harbor
Caution.—A fishing marina exists.

Vardo 180m 7.0m —

9.25 Makkaur Light (70°42'N., 30°05'E.) is shown from a Svartnes Harbor
low tower on a building standing about 4 miles E of the en-
trance to Batsfjorden. Ferry service to Engels-
Svartnes 194m 9m
Syltefjorden lies 12 miles SE of Batsfjorden. It extends
vik, Vardoya.
about 8 miles SW and is free from dangers in the fairway. The Kiberg Harbor
head of the fjord is frozen over in winter. Syltefjordvaer, on the
NW side of the fjord, affords anchorage close inshore to small Mainly used by fishing
Kiberg — —
vessels, in depths of from 4.6 to 6.1m, about 3 miles NE of vessels.
Sylefjorden Light.
Small vessels can also anchor near the head of Syltefjorden,
9.25 Aspect.—Vardo church, conspicuous from the N, is white

in depths of 14.6 to 20m. Nordfjorden, lies 3 miles SW of with a gray roof and white spire. A radar dome stands about
Syltefjordvaer, on the W side of the fjord and is protected by 183m E of the church. Two radio masts stand on the island of
two moles. A light stands on the W mole head. Small vessels Vardoya, about 0.25 mile W of the church.
can anchor W of a spar buoy, located at the head of Nord- Protection is afforded to the harbor by a breakwater on each

fjorden, in 19m. side of the entrance. A light is shown from the seaward end of
Caution.—Dangerous wrecks, best seen on the chart, lie up
9.25 each breakwater.
to 9 miles NE of Syltefjordklubben, the NW entrance point of Vardo Light is shown from a tower, 20m in height, standing

Syltefjord. Another dangerous wreck lies about 6.5 miles ESE on Hornoya.
of Hardbaken, the SE entrance point of Syltefjord. Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels of 100 tons

Persfjorden (70°26'N., 30°48'E.) is located about 10 miles

9.25 and more. Pilots should be ordered via SafeSeaNet but may be
SE of Syltefjorden. The fjord is free from dangers in the fair- ordered through the Lodingen Pilot Booking Center at an addi-
way, and depths decrease gradually toward its head. Anchorage tional cost. The pilot boards by arrangement. Vessels at sea re-
can be obtained in the fjord in fine weather, but vessels cannot quiring a pilot should give at least 24 hours notice, notifying
remain there during winds from NW, through N, to E. confirmation or alteration at least 2 hours before the original
Caution.—In the stretch between Batsfjorden, from Mak-
9.25 time stipulated.
kaur Light to Vardo and Varangerfjorden, lies an area very ex- Contact Information.—See the table titled Vardo—Con-

Pub. 182
Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden 245

9.26 By magnethy via Wikimedia Commons


tact Information. of the way until a berth is assign by the harbor authority. Under
no circumstances may vessels anchor in the channels or near
Vardo—Contact Information the piers, so as to impede traffic.
Vessels arriving at the harbors under quarantine flag, or

VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 16 which are ordered to lay in quarantine, must anchor in Basse-
47-78-987276 sundet, where they must remain until the health authority gives
Telephone them orders to go to another anchorage or mooring berth in or
outside the harbor.
Facsimile 47-78-954310
E-mail vardhavn@online.no Varangerfjorden
9.28 Varangerfjorden (70°00'N., 30°00'E.), a large and
Anchorage.—Nordvagen, the principal and best harbor at
deep fjord lies with Kibergneset, its N entrance point, about 5
Vardo, lies on the N side of the town. The anchorage is good miles S of Vardo. The fjord extends about 50 miles W, and is
but constricted being available only to small vessels with local free from dangers in mid-channel to a distance of about 7 miles
knowledge. During N gales, there is considerable swell in the from its head. The best harbors will be found in the inlets on
bay N of the moles, and entering the harbor may be difficult. the S side of the fjord, which is characterized by steep hills
Caution.—An Explosives Dumping Area lies close E of the
with sparse growths of trees. In contrast, the N side of the fjord
Vardo Light and may best be seen on the chart slopes gently inland, with steep cliffs of irregular heights in
9.27 Bussesundet (70°22'N., 31°02'E.), somewhat ex- The tidal currents in the fjord are very irregular. Their direc-

posed to swell from both N and S, affords good anchorage to tion is largely influenced by the prevailing winds, rather than
small vessels off the S end of Tjuvholem, in depths of 7 to by the tides. The more usual characteristic is a W set on the N
10m, about 183m N of a line of buoys marking a pipeline. side of the fjord and an E set on the S side, on change in direc-
Two moles form a harbor in the S part of Bussesundet. A
tion occurring at HW or LW. The E set will usually be stronger
light is shown from the seaward end of each mole. The en- than the W and may attain a velocity of about 2 knots, with
trance to the harbor has a least depth of 6.7m, decreasing heavy overfalls occurring particularly during strong E winds.
shoreward into drying flats. Several piers are situated in the S The N shore of Varangerfjorden is formed by the SE and S

part of the harbor. coast of Varangerhalvoy and is better protected against N gales
There is a prohibited anchorage in the S part of Bussesundet,
than the E and N coast of the peninsula. Between Kibergneset
best seen on the chart. Vessels arriving at the harbors without and Vadso, 30 miles WSW, the coast is generally low and flat,
an anchoring or mooring berth allocated must anchor well out

Pub. 182
246 Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden

Ytre Kiberg

forming open shallow bays bounded by white sand hills. shown on the seaward end of a mole on the SW side of Store
Ytre Kiberg (70°17'N., 31°00'E.), a small harbor about 2
9.28 Ekkeroya.
miles W of Kibergneset, is available to small vessels with local
knowledge. It is exposed to E winds, during which anchorage 9.30 Vadso (70°04'N., 29°44'E.) (World Port Index No.
is not recommended, though there is good holding ground of 20690) is located on the N side of Varangerfjorden, about 15
sand and mud. A light is shown from the head of the harbor, miles NW of Kirkenes pilot station.
and range lights in line lead into the inner harbor.
Coastal vessels call at the port, which is a fishing station.

Storskjer, an above-water rock showing a light, lies about 3

miles SW of Ytre Kiberg Light. Shoal water, marked by bea-
cons and iron posts, lies from Storskjer NE to Ytre Kiberg.
Komagneset, terminating in a point about 13 miles WSW of

Kibergneset, is a high plateau with three prominent ridges be-

tween its summit and the sea; about 5 miles SW of these ridges
is Skallneset, another prominent point.
Small vessels with local knowledge can anchor in good

weather off Komagneset, in depths up to 6.1m.

9.29 Litle Ekkeroya (Lille Ekkeroya) (70°05'N.,

30°14'E.), a small island fringed with reefs, lies about 4 miles
SW of Skallneset. Vessels entering Varangerfjorden in foggy
weather must be careful to identify Skallneset, as its long flat
projecting point may easily be mistaken for either Litle Ekke-
roya or Store Ekkeroy. Litle Ekkeroya shows a light on the SE 9.30 By Felix Maschek via Wikimedia Commons
point of the island. 9.30 Vadso
It has been reported (1994) that numerous shoals and wrecks

exist in close proximity, NW to SW of Litle Ekkeroya Light. Winds—Weather.—The harbor is seldom icebound; how-

Store Ekkeroya lies about 3 miles SW of Litle Ekkeroy and

9.29 ever it is not recommended to enter the harbor during strong N
is connected to the mainland by a narrow, low isthmus. Store or S winds. Navigational aids can best be seen on the chart.
Ekkeroya is higher than the mainland and when seen from a Depths—Limitations.—The channel leads along the N side

distance appears as an island. On its summit is a tall black bea- of Store Vadsoya and has a least depth of 6.2m. A bridge, with
con; a second black beacon stands on its E extremity. A light is a vertical clearance of 3m, extends N from Vadso to the main-

Pub. 182
Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden 247

land. of the head of Varangerfjorden, has a narrow entrance which is

It has been reported (1995) that a 475m long channel, with a
9.30 encumbered with dangers and has very strong tidal currents. The
width of 180m and a dredged depth of 6.5m, leads from the N and deeper channel leading into the inlet has a least depth of
outer harbor to the inner harbor. 4.9m. The fjord is icebound from October to May. Range lights
The main pier extends W from a point S of the town. The
9.30 to the fjord stand on the N shore, close W of the entrance.
pier accommodates vessels up to 70m in length with a maxi- Small vessels with local knowledge can obtain anchorage off

mum draft of 7.5m. Between this pier and the town are numer- the N shore of the fjord, 1 mile W of the rear range light, in a
ous quays and jetties. Coastal vessels call regularly at the port. depth of about 15.2m.
See the table titled Vadso—Berth Information. Karlebotn (70°07'N., 28°45'E.) lies on the S side of two in-

ner fjords of the head of Varangerfjorden. Anchorage can be

Vadso—Berth Information obtained on the NW side of Karlebotn, about 0.5 mile ENE of
Rabbedalen, in depths up to 27.4m.
Berth Length Depth Small vessels anchor off Bigganes (70°07'N., 28°36'E.), a

Lakselv Seakwalk village on the NW side of the head of Karlebotn, in a depth of

about 12.8m, about 2 miles WSW of Rabbenes Light.
Main 250m 7.5m
North 70m 6.5m Varangerfjorden—South Side
South 72m 5.5m
9.32 Veinesbotn (70°05'N., 28°47'E.) is an inlet on the S
side of Veidnes, a peninsula which separates it from Karlebotn.
Aspect.—The port is protected on its S side by the W part of A light is shown on the N entrance point of the inlet. There is a
Store Vadsoya, a low barren island lying on a coastal reef, and small, but very good harbor for small vessels off Grasbakken, a
on its W side by a two breakwaters, one extending about 0.2 village on the S side of the entrance to Veinesbotn. The anchor-
mile NNW from the W extremity of the island and the other age has depths of up to 15.2m; the holding ground is good. A
extending about 91m S from the mainland. quay at the village has a depth of 6.4m alongside. A light is
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots should be ordered
shown from a rock off the village.
via SafeSeaNet but may be ordered through the Lodingen Pilot Latnaeringen, a promontory, lies about 6 miles E of Grasbak-

Booking Center at an additional cost. The pilot boards about ken. There is anchorage for small vessels with local knowledge
0.5 mile W of the harbor entrance. on the W side of the promontory, in depths of 10.1 to 15.8m.
Vessels desiring a pilot should give 24 hours notice; confir-
Vessels approaching this anchorage should be careful to avoid
mation should be made 2 hours prior to arrival at the pilot sta- the foul ground, marked by a light, on the outer end of which is
tion. Storskjaer. The anchorage is sheltered from E winds, but is not
Contact Information.—See the table titled Vadso—Con-
recommended during N and W winds.
tact Information. Bugoyfjorden (69°56'N., 29°36'E.) lies about 14 miles SE

of Latnaeringen. In winter, the fjord is icebound up to about 1

Vadso—Contact Information mile from its head, but it freezes farther out in hard winters.
VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 16 The SE side of the fjord consists of steep hills and is unin-

habited; the NW side is lower and has some settlements and

Telephone 47-92-695888 harbors. On the S side of the entrance, a group of islets and
Facsimile 47-78-954310 rocks lies close offshore. At the N end of this group an above-
water rock is marked by a lighted beacon. The tidal currents in
the fjord are weak and usually set outward.
Anchorage.—Anchorage for vessels up to 400 tons is avail-
Between the W side of Bugoya and the mainland, there is a


able in the basin, in depths of 4 to 6m. Larger vessels can an-

harbor where small vessels can anchor in depths of up to 3.7m.
chor W of the mole, in depths of 16 to 21m, sand and clay.
The harbor is protected from the N by two short moles. A

Anchorage is also available in the outer harbor inside the

light is shown on the head of the W mole. The sea breaks in the
breakwater, in depths of 5 to 9m.
N entrance to the harbor if there is a swell.
Small vessels can obtain anchorage E of the town, in depths

of 4 to 5m, about 1.0 mile ENE of Vadsoya Light; it is ap- 9.33 Kjofjorden (69°50'N., 29°47'E.), a long fjord on the
proached E of Store Vadsoya. W side of the island of Skogeroy, can be navigated by large
vessels. The shores of the fjord are high, rocky, and barren for
9.31 Sandskjer (70°05'N., 29°33'E.), about 2 miles WNW some distance inland, but have a less rugged character near
of Lille Vadsoya and about 0.5 mile offshore, is a skerry Neidenfjorden, which continues from Kjofjorden to the S.
fringed by a drying reef. It is marked by a black beacon tower.
In hard winters, the fjord may be icebound; however ice-

Vestre Jakobsely, about 5 miles WNW of Sandskjer, is a fish-

breakers usually keep a channel open from Kirkenes to Neiden,
ing harbor, with two short moles, at the mouth of a river. A
a town on the W side of Neidenfjorden. The tidal current runs
light is shown at the head of the W mole.
very strong between Korstjorden, a fjord on the SE side of Sk-
Mortensnes, a village, lies 6.5 miles WNW of Veste Jakob-
ogeroy and Neidenfjorden.
selv. A light is shown from a point close SE of the village.
The fairway in Korsfjorden is nearly free from dangers with-

Meskfjorden (70°10'N., 28°40'E.), an inlet lies on the N side


in the entrance, but strong squalls occur in the N part of

Pub. 182
248 Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden

Kjofjorden during W winds. The fjord is well marked by navi- Depths—Limitations.— Vessels up to 63,581 dwt, with a

gational aids. Neidenfjorden extends about 4 miles SSW from maximum length of 210m, a maximum draft of 10.7m, and a
the S end of Korsfjorden; Munkefjorden continues SSW for 3 maximum beam of 48m, can berth at the harbor.
miles. Berthing details are shown in the accompanying table titled

Anchorage.—Brashamn, a small landlocked harbor, lies

9.33 Kirkenes—Berth Information.
about 1 mile within the W side of the entrance to Korsfjorden Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 70m

and is suitable to small vessels with local knowledge. Vessels loa. Pilots should be ordered through SafeSeaNet but may be
with local knowledge can anchor on the W side of Neiden- ordered through the Lodingen Pilot Booking Center at an addi-
fjorden in a position about 1 mile SW of Skogeroypynten tional cost.
Light. Vessels should not anchor in depths of less than 24m in There is a coastal pilot station at Kirkenes. The lookout sta-

order to swing clear of the drying shore reef. tion for the pilots is off Oksebaasen (69°51'N., 30°07'E.).
There are a number of other anchorages in the fjords, which
9.33 Contact can be made via VHF channel 16.
can best be seen on the chart. Vessels at sea requiring a pilot should give at least 24 hours

notice, notifying confirmation or any alteration at least 2 hours

9.34 Bokfjorden (69°50'N., 30°07'E.) is entered between before the original time stipulated.
Bokfjorden Light and the NE point of the island of Kjelmoy, 2 Vessel Traffic Service.—For details, see Vardo in paragraph

miles to the W. The fjord extends about 9 miles S to a promon- 9.26.

tory on which stands the town of Kirkenes, where it divides in- Contact Information.—See the table titled Kirkenes—

to Elvenefjorden and Langfjorden. Contact Information.

About 4 miles within the entrance to the fjord lies Kors-

fjorden, which branches WSW for about 9 miles on the S side Kirkenes—Contact Information
of Skogeroy to a junction with Kjofjorden and Neidenfjorden.
The above fjords are well marked by navigational aids, which Port Director
can best be seen on the chart. Telephone 47-78-974744
Bokfjorden Light (69°53'N., 30°11'E.) is shown from a

Facsimile 47-78-977589
tower, 10m in height, standing on Hungerneset. A racon is lo-
cated at the light. Traffic Office
Anchorage.—Good anchorage for large vessels is obtain-

VHF VHF channels 12 and 16

able at the entrance to Langfjorden, SW of Kirkenes. Depths
up to 37m are found in this anchorage. Small vessels can an- Telephone 47-41-454992
chor in Soldaterbukt, in depths of 9.1 to 14.6m. This small bay E-mail havnevakt@svk.no
lies between the SW side of Prestoy and the mainland to the W.
Port Authority
9.35 Kirkenes (69°44'N., 30°03'E.) (World Port Index No. Telephone 47-78-977444
20650) lies at the head of a promontory separating Elvenes-
fjorden and Langfjorden. The harbor is used mainly for the E-mail havnevesenet@svk.no
loading of iron ore.

Kirkenes—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Kirkenes Port
Fishing, breakbulk, bunkers, and reef-
Jakobsnes 40m 6.5m 85.9m — 16.0m 2,979 dwt
Container, project/heavy cargo, fishing
Industrikaia 120m 6.3-7.5m 7.5m 7m 26.0m 24,783 dwt vessels, breakbulk, bunkers, and reefer.
336 teu.
Aggregates, cruise vessels, containers,
offshore, project/heavy cargo, steel
Dypvannskaia 92m 11.2m 210m 10.7m 48.0m 63,581 dwt products, fishing, breakbulk, bunkers,
and reefer. The loa could increase with
harbormaster’s permission. 912 teu.
Ro/pax, fast ferries, offshore vessels,
Hutigrutekaia 104m 5.3m 150m 4.8m 23.6m 2,979 dwt fishing vessels, breakbulk, bunkers,
and reefer.

Pub. 182
Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden 249

Kirkenes—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Chemicals, clean products, offshore
Inportkaia 138m 8.2m 147m — 22.0m 14,878 dwt vessels, fishing vessels, breakbulk,
multipurpose, and bunkers.

By Are G Nilsen via Wikimedia Commons



Anchorage.—Vessels waiting to load ore can anchor in the head of the fjord, in 29 to 37m, good holding ground. The best
entrance to Langfjorden, about 0.5 mile W of Kirkenes anchorage for small vessels with local knowledge is in Inner-
Church, in a depth of about 33m. hamn, on the SE side of the fjord, in a depth of about 20m,
Range lights, in line bearing 208°, lead to this anchorage.
9.35 good holding ground.
There is also anchorage 0.15 mile NE of a mud pipeline, in a The fjord trends S for about 9 miles to Kjerrisneset, then

depth of 27m, close off the harbor. WSW for 3 miles. In winter, ice usually lies from the head of
Caution.—It is necessary that vessels lying in the harbor at
9.35 the fjord to Kjerrisneset. Jarfjorden Light is shown from a ped-
Kirkenes should pay attention to the breaking up of ice at the end estal on the E side of the fjord, about 0.5 mile SSW of the E en-
of the winter. Spring tides and a S wind clear ice from the harbor, trance point. A vessel entering Jarfjorden should keep nearer
but it is considerably later before the main ice from the head of El- the W side of the fjord to avoid the dangers on the E side of the
venesfjorden drifts seaward. If at anchor, drifting ice may cause a entrance.
vessel to drag anchor. A vessel moored to a quay should be The best anchorage in Jarfjorden is in Lanabukt, the inlet E

moored flush against the berth to prevent ice from lodging be- of Hinnoy, where there are depths of 20 to 24m. The inlet is
tween the ship and the quay, which could carry away her hawsers. free of ice and is a port of call for coastal steamers. Small ves-
sels with local knowledge can anchor near the head of the
9.36 Holmengrafjorden (69°51'N., 30°19'E.), the en- fjord, off Jarfjordenbotn, in depths of up to 22m.
trance of which lies about 4 miles ESE of Bokfjorden, is en- Sagfjorden (69°49'N., 30°32'E.) lies about 3 miles E of

tered between Jarfjordennes and Trifannes, about 1 mile NNW. Jarfjorden and is entered between Sagfjordenneset and Kolje-
A shoal, which dries, lies about 0.2 mile N of Trifannes and is neset. An unmarked rock, with a depth of about 1m, lies in this
marked by an iron perch. Holmengraholmen lies in the fairway narrow channel 0.5 mile WSW of the entrance.
of the fjord about 2 miles W of Jarfjordnes. Anchorage is available for small vessels with local knowl-

Anchorage is available in mid-channel 0.2 mile from the

9.36 edge in summer near its head, about 1 mile within the entrance,

Pub. 182
250 Sector 9. Norway—Malangen to Varangerfjorden

but is seldom used. A number of islets and rocks lie on the NE side of the fjord

Pasvikhamn (69°49'N., 30°35'E.) lies about 1 mile E of

9.36 and can best be seen on the chart.
Sagfjorden, and is entered between Dodesneset and Vardene- Small vessels with local knowledge can anchor in Storbukt,

set. The harbor is good at all times of the year for vessels with on the W side of the fjord, in depths of up to 45.7m, about
local knowledge. Anchorage is available, in depths of up to 183m offshore. Vessels are advised to secure to the shore due
33m, about 1 mile within the entrance. A swell occurs within to rapidly increasing depths.
the inlet during NW winds. There is an islet and rocks, awash, Anchorage is also available on the SE of the fjord in Fabrik-

on the SW side of the entrance. A vessel entering the inlet bukt, in depths up to 44m, about 2 miles SE of Storbukt.
should pass E of the islet and rocks. A black beacon stands on Jakobselv (69°47'N., 30°50'E.), a river, the mouth of which

Vardeneset. lies 8.5 miles E of Jarfjorden, flows from lakes and marshes 40
miles inland. Grense Jakobselv is a village on the left bank of
9.37 Ytre Smastraumneset (69°48'N., 30°41'E.) lies the river near its mouth. The alignment of two lighted beacons,
about 2 miles E of Pasvikhamn and affords anchorage in sum- bearing 208° and situated on the W bank of the river, indicates
mer to small vessels with local knowledge, in depths of 11 to the seaward section of the boundary between Norway and Rus-
15m, clay. There are mooring rings on both sides of Ytre Smas- sia. A white stone building with a tower stands on the W side
traumneset. of the mouth of the river and is conspicuous from seaward for a
Kobbholmfjorden (69°47'N., 30°44'E.) lies about 2 miles
9.37 considerable distance.
SE of Ytre Smastraumneset and is entered by passing between There is a black buoy moored about 0.2 mile N of the mouth

Heikeneset (69°48'N., 30°44'E.), and Ytre Kobbholmen Light. of Jakobselv. It also marks the frontier of Norway.

Pub. 182
Sector 10—Jan Mayen

10.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 182



Plan.—This sector describes the island of Jan Mayen from

10.0 land in the world.
Sorkapp, the SW extremity, to Nordkapp, the island’s north- Beerenberg dominates the island from all directions and is

easternmost point. The sector also describes the numerous bays visible from a great distance in clear weather. In fog, the sum-
of Jan Mayen. mit is sometimes suddenly revealed
The low central region consists of many lava flows and vol-

General Remarks canic sand deserts, with almost no vegetation. There are a num-
ber of long beaches of dark volcanic sand, mixed with shining
10.1 Jan Mayen lies about 250 miles E of the E coast of olive green crystals and strewn with driftwood, probably from
Greenland and about 300 miles NE of the NE extremity of Ice- the great rivers of N Siberia. In the NE part of this region are
land. The island is about 30 miles long and lies in a SW to NE two lagoons, or fresh water lakes, separated from the sea by
direction. Its narrowest part, which is less than 2 miles wide, is narrow sand bars.
in the central region. The island is important chiefly because of The SW region consists of scattered peaks, which rise to an

its strategic position for weather forecasting. elevation of 768m, and then, in most places, fall steeply to the
The island, which apparently originated entirely by volcanic
10.1 sea. In some of the valleys, there are numerous small volcanic
processes, is divided into three distinct portions. The NE part is cones which interrupt the natural drainage from the hillsides to
almost entirely occupied by Beerenberg, an active volcano over form small lakes. Mist is common in this area.
30 miles around the base. Beerenberg is one of the largest The vicinity of land may be indicated by sea birds, which

known volcanic cones. The crater, over 1 mile in diameter, is swoop down in great numbers around a vessel. The cries of
filled with a glacier which escapes by a break in the N wall and these birds on land is like the distant roaring of a cascade and
cascades down to the sea. The highest peak in the crater is may be of assistance in warning vessels of the proximity of the
2,277m high. Beerenberg is the northernmost active volcano on cliffs they inhabit.

By Hagman (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons


10.1 Beerenberg volcano lies on the NE part of Jan Mayen

Pub. 182
254 Sector 10. Jan Mayen

Winds—Weather.—The prevailing wind direction is E. In the N, the great depths run right into the island from

Gale winds and storms are usually from a NE to NW direction, Soraustkapp to Nordvestkapp.
although NE winds are not very common. From June through Lvndquistflaket stretches NW about 15 miles from the center

August, frequently the wind is out of the S to SW. Calm weath- of the island toward Marobanken, with a depth of 133m in the
er is rare, but occurs mostly from May to August. shallowest part.
Fog occurs most frequently in calm weather or with E to SE
10.1 Stimen, a shoal ridge about 2 mile WNW of the W extremity

winds. Frequently, there is fog during most of the summer. The of Sorjan, runs about 4 miles in a NE to SW direction. There is
island can be wrapped in fog for weeks. When fog hovers close a series of shoal heads here, with a least depth of 123m.
over the sea around the island in calm weather, the wind will Hoybergrenna, between the shoal ridge and land, has in-

hold it back against the weather side of the island, while the lee creasing depths from 350 to 700m to the S. There are also
side remains clear. With N or S winds, however, the fog can be peaks that reach up to 200m above the surrounding bottom.
piled over the low central part of the island, whereas the moun- From Sorjan, Jan Mayenbanken stretches S out to sea with

tains on Nordjan and Sorjan force it high aloft so that it drifts increasing depths. The depth is thus about 500m at a distance
in the lee as light clouds. This means that one side of the island of about 40 miles S of the island.
can have extremely poor visibility, while there is clear weather Straumflaket stretches from about 4 miles S of Sorjan for 10

with sunshine on the opposite side. miles S. The shallowest part of the bank is Bouwensonbaen,
Precipitation occurs very frequently, although not in large
10.1 with a depth of 6m, which lies about 9 miles SSE of Sorkapp.
quantities. September and October are the wettest months, A 6m shoal, whose position is doubtful, was reported to lie
whereas May and June are the driest. Precipitation mostly falls about 1 mile S of Bouwensonbaen. There are also other shoals
as snow. However, it is rare for a precipitation to fall exclusive- on this bank which reach up to depths of as little as 12m.
ly as snow during a month’s interval, even during the winter Sarsbanken extends about 20 miles E from Jan Mayen, with

months. depths of 250 to 300m. The bottom then falls away to great
Ice.—The island is usually affected by sea ice from mid-No-
10.1 depths on the N side of Sarabanken.
vember to mid-April. In severe seasons, the island may be af- Pilotage.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning

fected as early as late October and as late as early August, and Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information.
in a warm year, the island may be affected by ice perhaps for Vessel Traffic Service.—NOR Vessel Traffic Service (NOR

only several weeks during winter months VTS) is in operation for vessels transiting the Norwegian Eco-
Encountering mist is very common around Jan Mayen and
10.1 nomic Zone (NEZ) from the Norway/Sweden border in the S to
visibility is often poor. The temperature of the surface water the Norway/Russia border in the N. The NEZ also includes the
should be taken frequently, perhaps hourly. Extreme caution areas around Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island. For further infor-
should be taken of encountering the ice barrier, especially mation, see paragraph 1.1.
when the seawater temperature falls to or below 3°C. Regulations.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning

From mid-July to mid-August is the best time for finding an

10.1 Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information.
opening in the ice around the island and for making a landing.
During this time of year, the sea around the island is often calm Southeast Coast
or there exists a light breeze off the land. Making a landing is
extremely difficult or impossible with a swell or any waves that 10.2 For about 6 miles between Sorvestkapp and Kapp Wi-
break along the shore. er, there is a continuous undulating cliff about 150 to 300m
Tides—Currents.—Jan Mayen lies in the boundary water
10.1 high, falling vertically down to the sea or a rather narrow
between the East Greenland Current and an eddy from the Gulf beach. Small landslides into the sea often occur along this
Current and the North Atlantic Current, both running in the coast.
same direction, and causing a SW main current. The W point of Sorvestkapp, 214m high, ends in a sharp bill

The tidal range varies between 0.5 and 1.2m and causes a N
10.1 as a kind of portal over a remarkable 20m high hole right
current with rising water and a S current with falling water. through the rock.
With the addition of the variable depth conditions, irregular
10.1 Sjuskjera stretches about 0.5 mile W from Sorvestkapp. This

current conditions are thereby produced around the island. skerry lies 0.2 mile from land and is a 27m high inaccessible
Generally, there is a SW flow of 0.5 to 1 knot, sometimes rising rock with a profile like a goose. A couple of the other skerries
to 1.5 knots, although accurate observations have not been are about 3m high and are almost like large stones to look at,
made. while the others are rocks, awash.
During spring tides, inshore along the NW coast, the flow

may become N. Because of bottom conditions, irregular flows 10.3 Sorkapp (70°50'N., 8°59'W.) is the S extremity of the
or eddies occur, particularly S of the island in the vicinity of island. It is foul within 0.3 mile from land. Due S of the point,
Sorkapp and Strumflakect, a small body of water close to and S the 20m bank runs out to about 1 mile from land, with a 13m
of Sorkapp. depth at its extremity. Sorkappgrunnen, a 10m shoal, is located
Depths—Limitations.—Except when in the vicinity of
10.1 about 0.2 to 0.3 mile outside the 20m curve, slightly more than
Sorkapp, and Losbaten, a small islet on the SE coast, a vessel, 1 mile S of Sorkapp.
by keeping a distance of about 1 mile offshore, will be outside From Sorkapp, the coast continues 1 mile ENE toward Hjel-

the 20m danger curve off Jan Mayen. It is recommended that men, 341m hugh, with the easily-recognized points and skerry
vessel navigate at least 2 miles offshore when in the vicinity of of Kjeglene lying off.
Sorkapp or Losbaten. Northeast from there is Fugleodden, which forms the W lim-

Pub. 182
Sector 10. Jan Mayen 255

its of Hornbaekbukta. To the E, the bay is bounded by Kapp

Wien and is about 2 miles wide. Vessels find a good lee in
Hornbaekbukta against winds from the NW quarter, anchoring
in depths of 10 to 20m.
The N part of the bay has an uneven bottom, with somewhat

shallower, sharp peaks. In the E part of the bay, about 0.5 mile
S of Kapp Wien, there is Fyrtarnet, a 47m high rock that is nar-
rower at the base than on top. It is perhaps the most remarkable
natural landmark on the coast.
The conical Flykollen, 419m high, standing inside Kapp

Wien, is also easy to recognize where it runs in an even curve

down to the cape itself, which in turn is comparatively low and
divided at its end.
There is a stretch of about 3 miles, from Kapp Wien to Kapp

Traill in the NE, that is very foul to about 0.7 mile from land in
Brotvika, just on the NE side of Kapp Wien. There are also a
several high basalt rocks in the sea.
Schiertzegga, 378m high, lies just S of Kapp Traill, with a

stairway-shaped and splintered profile to the NE, and with a

hat on the highest point.
As a rule, the lower ledge will be visible beneath the fog and
10.3 10.4 By https://snl.no/Jan_Mayen (Store Norske Leksiken via Wikimedia Commons
is easily recognizable by a point which is separated from the Olonkinbyen Weather Station

rest of the land by a deep hollow.

anchor throughout the bay in W to N weather. With such condi-
10.4 Rekvedbukta (70°57'N., 8°34'W.) is a bay entered tions, fog usually comes rolling across the low, central part of
between Kapp Traill and Eggoya, 217m high. Along the first 2 the island.
miles NE from Kapp Traill, the coast consists of a low, heavily With W winds, vessels anchor best between Losbaten and

splintered cliff edge. In the middle of this stretch is Batvika. A Batvika, while with N winds the best lee is to the E of Eggoy-
comparatively good boat harbor with a sandy beach on the N bukta. Smaller vessels can lie here with the wind due NE if
side, which provides room for hauling up boats. A marine farm they go far into the bay. With particularly strong winds, large
exists E of Batvika and is the first possible landing place when clouds of sand swirl up from the plain and are driven outward.
proceeding on the NE stretch from Sorkapp, and serves as the
nearest harbor for Olonkinbyen. 10.6 Eggoya (70°58'N., 8°24'W.), 217m high, is the re-
Olonkinbyen is the only inhabited place on Jan Mayer. It
mains of an old crater, and is really a peninsula. The outer part
serves as the base for the staff of the LORAN station and the is so cut away by the sea that it forms a bay between two steep
Jan Mayen radio station. A road runs from Olonkinbyen across points. From Eggoya, the coast runs 8 miles ENE to Soraust-
to Kvalrossbukta, on the opposite side of the island. kapp. This stretch is fairly straight. The large, sandy plain be-
With E wind conditions, landing is difficult in Batvika. Un-
hind Eggoya opens to the 1 mile wide Jamesonbukta.
der such conditions, Kvalrossbukta is an excellent harbor. Gouwernaerbaen is a 10m shoal that is about 1 mile S of

There are masts for the radio and navigation systems erected in Jamesonbukta. From Jamesonbukta E, there is a 1 mile wide
the shore area NE along Rekvedbskta, with the radio station it- belt of lava rocks. Turnbukta cuts in a little way in the N part of
self right in the S part. There is an air strip just E of the radio this. Some projecting points, together with several skerries,
station; S of this is an old, renovated hunting hut. provide a considerable lee against swell, and the bay is there-
The shoreline along Rekvedbukta consists of a low sandy
fore well-suited for hauling up boats.
plain. Inside the beach, there is the large Sorlaguna. To the ENE of this lava belt there is a new sand plain, Ull-

On the N side of the lagoon is Soyla, a large basalt rock,

ringsanden, with a lagoon beneath Kreklinghogda, red crater
114m high, which is a conspicuous landmark. wall, 61m high. The sand plain then stretches to Kapp Hap as a
narrow strip along the foot of the mountain.
10.5 Losbaten (70°56'N., 8°40'W.) is a small islet lying S Presidentsteinen, 12m high, is an easily-identifiable offshore

of the radio station. about 0.7 mile from land. islet about 1 mile WSW of Kapp Hap.
Losbatrevet is a shoal, about 3m deep, that extends 0.5 mile

ESE. East Coast

Nansenflua, a 2m shoal, lies 1 mile offshore and 4 miles NE

from Losbatrevet. Abnormal magnetic variations, to the extent 10.7 Along a stretch of about 3 miles around Soraustkapp
of 20°, were experienced in the area about 5 miles E of Losbat- (71°01'N., 8°00'W.), the mountainsides plunge down into the
en. Nansenflua is an underwater rock with a small top surface sea from heights of up to 200m. Soraustkapp itself appears as a
and about 20m high vertical sides. break in the cliff edge in about the middle of this area. The
Rekvedbukta is otherwise clear, with an evenly rising bot-
coast continues as steeply N to Austbukta.
tom, except for a 13m shoal about 1 mile NE of Losbaten. Several glacier arms push down on this stretch; two of them

When vessels keep away from the shoals described, they can have their fronts in the sea. The N front is really two parallel

Pub. 182
256 Sector 10. Jan Mayen

glaciers, Prince Haralds Bre and Frielebreen, which come to- West Coast
gether at the lower end.
On the stretch from these glacier fronts and further N to Aus-
10.7 10.9 South of Kapp Muyen, the coastal plain gradually
tkapp, the coastline is new as a result of the lava masses which widens. There are some steep cliffs that meet the sea. Further
burst out during a volcanic eruption. Due to the effects of the down the coast, the buildings of the a former radio station stand
sea and the steep sea bed, one cannot assume the shoreline is at Libergsletta. S of Libergsletta, there is Nordlaguna which is
stable. separated from the sea by a low shore bank.
North of this new land, there is a low cliff edge between
10.7 The coastal waters on this stretch are clear except, for a 10m

Austkapp and Nordkapp, which rises up to a height of about shoal 0.3 mile offshore just S of Kapp Muyen; a rock, awash,
70m midway between the capes. about 183m off Fugleberget near Nordlaguna; and a 5m shoal
The coast here forms the end of the ridge of Breerenberg to the
10.7 about 0.1 mile from land N of Danielsenkrateret.
NE with several craters. The two most conspicuous are Sarsk- Fugleberget forms the separation between Stasjonsbukta and

rateret, 264m high, and Hohenlohekrateret, 121m high, nearest Maria Myschbukta, both of which are excellent anchorages
the cliff. when the weather allows.
In no place off the E coast does the 20m bank reach further

out than 0.5 mile. Southwest Coast

Austbuka and Clandeboyebukta were formerly the only plac-

es around the island where vessels lay well in SW weather. 10.10 Brielletarnet (70°58'N., 8°42'W.) 91m high, has the
Volcanic eruptions, however, may have changed the bottom same formation as Fyrtarnet on the SE coast. It is connected to
conditions, which were previously steep outside the danger land by Kvalrossen, 157m high; together they form the most
line. Strong katabatic winds can occur off the coast here. remarkable place on the W side of the island.
Kvalrossbukta lies on the S side of Kvalrossen and is the best

North Coast harbor on the coast during favorable weather conditions.

The bays further S were used by whalers. Apart from Tom-

10.8 Nordkapp (71°10'N., 7°57'W.) lies 1 mile NNW of merbukta, the N bay, and Guineabukta, the S bay, they are not
Austkapp and is moderately high, with a rugged background. particularly suited as harbors. In many places, landing is inac-
From Nordkapp, the flat Kokssletta extends with a width of cessible because of an almost continuous cliff edge, which is
600 to 1200m across to Krossbutkta, about 2.5 miles W. formed by the distinctively gray and wide Lavastraumen in the
Kokssletta is made up of coke like lava. N. This comes from the mountains in the interior of Sorjan and
With S winds, Nordbukta, W of Nordkapp, provides good
10.8 ends at the edge of the sea at Kapp Rudsen (70°56'N.,
anchorage for smaller vessels, but the bottom falls off steeply 8°53'W.).
outside the danger line. From Kapp Rudsen, the waters SW are relatively foul, with

Krossbukta, a better harbor, has sandy beaches. The bottom

10.8 many skerries near land and with shoals out to about 0.1 mile
here rises evenly up from 50m and most often the wind is ei- from shore. Fuglesoyla, 14m high, is a rock about 183m off the
ther out of the S or E. coast, 1.75 miles SW from Kapp Rudsen, which provides a
Kapp Muyen, on the NW coast, is 7 miles SW of Krossbuk-
10.8 good landmark.
ta. Kapp Muyen is not recommended as a landing area, espe- Between Guineabukta and Sorbukta, there is Kraterflya, with

cially in the N part, where the mountain falls almost vertically Richterkrateret, 108m high; Hoyberg, 68m high; and Arneth-
400m. Three glacier arms emerge with fronts in the sea on this krateret, 111m high. The plain between the last two and Sor-
stretch. Weyprechtbreen is the largest. bukta has an over boiled surface, with upright figures in places.
Sorbukta is a much-used harbor, which provides excellent

shelter against winds between the NNE and E.

Pub. 182
Sector 11—Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

11.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).

Pub. 182


Plan.—This sector describes the Svalbard Archipelago, the

11.0 rial waters (12 miles) of Svalbard, including all islands, islets,
name given to all territory between the parallels of 74°N and and reefs between latitude 74°00'N, latitude 81°00'N, longitude
81°N, and between the meridians of 10°E and 35°E. It com- 10°00'E, and longitude 5°00'E. For further information, see
prises the main group of islands consisting of Spitsbergen Norway—Ship Reporting System in Pub. 180, Sailing Direc-
(Vestpitsbergen), Nordaustlandet, Barentsoya, Edgeoya, Prins tions (Planning Guide) Arctic Ocean.
Karls Forland, and numerous smaller islets, and the outlying is-
lands of Kvitoya, Kong Karls Land, Hopen, and Bjornoya. Bjornoya
General Remarks 11.2 Bjornoya (74°27'N., 19°04'E.), the S island of Sval-
bard, lies with its S extremity about 250 miles NNW of Nord-
11.1 Winds—Weather.—Data on wind direction and ve- kapp, the N point of Norway and about 140 miles SSE of
locity show that gales tend to be somewhat less frequent from Vestspitsbergen. The island is triangular in shape, with the
N of latitude 70°N. Winds in Bjornoya are very variable; there apex pointing S; its length from N to S is about 10 miles and its
is little diurnal variation. greatest width is about 8 miles.
The ground W of Bjornoya is less foggy than Bjornoya it-
11.1 The S and E part of the island are mountainous; the N part is

self, and in the area around the island there is a rapid increase a stony and barren plateau. The coasts of the island are charac-
in fog frequency from W to E. In July, 40 per cent of observa- terized by high and almost vertical cliffs. Many of the steep
tions report fog to the NE of the island. cliffs are fringed with beaches on which landing can be effect-
Fog can be expected when the wind changes to E after a spell
11.1 ed in fine weather, but few of the beaches afford access to the
of SW winds while pressure remains high. Fog has been known interior of the island.
to persist over the island for as long as 19 days. Bjornoya is often entirely or partly obscured by mist, but

The coasts of Svalbard are subject to squalls which develop

11.1 Miseryfjellet, a mountain on the E coast, is frequently visible
suddenly, even from a calm, and falling snow may rapidly when the lower parts of the island are hidden. In fine weather,
obliterate landmarks. Downslope winds from the glacier are a the mountain may be seen for a distance of up to 40 miles.
common feature. A Norwegian government meteorological and radio station

Fog is rather frequent at Edgeoya and Nordaustlandet and is

11.1 is situated at the N end of the island and is marked by three
more frequent on the E coast of the island than on the W coast high radio masts. A radiobeacon is located near the meteoro-
of Spitsbergen. logical station. A consol beacon transmits about 2 miles SSE of
The light conditions on Svalbard are very special, as in polar
11.1 the radiobeacon.
regions in general, and are rather different from those we are Ice.—Bjornoya is usually affected by ice from late Decem-

used to in lower latitudes. The further N one moves to the polar ber to late March. In a heavy ice year, however, it may be af-
circle, the longer the periods when the sun stays above the hori- fected as early as late October and as late as early May. In a
zon day and night in summer (midnight sun), and below the light season, it is effected by ice for at least a few weeks in
horizon in winter (polar night) winter. Small icebergs are sometimes found in the vicinity of
The table shows when the “perpetual day” and “perpetual
11.1 Bjornoya from May to October.
night” begin and end for the latitudes covered by Svalbard. Tides—Currents.—The current runs around Bjornoya at an

These periods increase by about 6 weeks from 74° to 81°N, unusual rate and in certain places raises a tremendous sea,
corresponding to 6 days for each degree of latitude one travels which is quite dangerous to small craft. The sea is especially
N, which again means about 2 hours, 26 minutes for every nau- heavy around the S end of the island, between Sylen and the
tical mile. entrance to Sorhamn, where the current attains a rate of about 3
Vessel Traffic Service.—NOR Vessel Traffic Service (NOR
11.1 knots. Tide rip around the island are experienced far out to sea.
VTS) is in operation for vessels transiting the Norwegian Eco- On the rising tide, the current runs N on the E and W coasts

nomic Zone (NEZ) from the Norway/Sweden border in the S to and W on the N coast. After the occurrence of HW, the rate of
the Norway/Russia border in the N. The NEZ also includes the the current decreases, and there may be slack water for as long
areas around Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island. For further infor- as 0.5 hour. On the falling tide, the current runs S on the E and
mation, see paragraph 1.1. W coasts and E on the N coast.
Ship Reporting System.—The Svalbard Reporting System
11.1 Pilotage.—See Pub. 180, Sailing Directions (Planning

requires vessels to report to NOR VTS when within the territo- Guide) Arctic Ocean for further information.

Midnight Sun Polar Night

Latitude Latitude
From To No. of Days From To No. of Days
74°N May 3 Aug. 9 99 Nov. 10 Feb. 1 84 74°N

Pub. 182
260 Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

Midnight Sun Polar Night

Latitude Latitude
From To No. of Days From To No. of Days
75°N Apr. 30 Aug. 12 105 Nov. 6 Feb. 5 92 75°N
76°N Apr. 27 Aug. 15 111 Nov. 3 Feb. 8 98 76°N
77°N Apr. 24 Aug. 18 117 Oct. 31 Feb. 11 92 77°N
78°N Apr. 21 Aug. 21 123 Oct. 28 Feb. 14 110 78°N
79°N Apr. 21 Aug. 21 123 Oct. 28 Feb. 14 110 79°N
80°N Apr. 15 Aug. 27 135 Oct. 22 Feb. 20 122 80°N
81°N Apr. 12 Aug. 30 141 Oct. 19 Feb. 23 128 81°N


11.2 Bjornoya from S

Anchorage.—There are no sheltered harbors in Bjornoya

11.2 have been reported on the bank in the vicinity of Bjornoya.
and vessels surprised by the weather are forced to find shelter
on the lee side of the island and to anchor close in under the Bjornoya—East Coast
cliffs, behind the points, or in the bays.
In good weather, anchorage may be obtained anywhere
11.2 11.3 Kapp Bull (74°21'N., 19°05'E.), the S extremity of
around the island. Anchorage within a distance of 2 miles off- Bjornoya, is a steep headland, 373m high, close off which lie
shore may be obtained, in depths of 15 to 36m, most places be- three islets. The coast on either side of Kapp Bull is steep-to;
ing sand bottom. however, there are no harbor or landing places and strong
Spitsbergen Bank (75°00'N., 21°00'E.), defined by the
11.2 squalls frequently occur close inshore. Small boats are cau-
183m curve, lies with its outer edges at least 25 miles S and W tioned when proceeding along the coast during spring and early
of Bjornoya; then the bank extends N, NE, and E of the island. summer, when ice is melting, for landslides and falling rocks
Though the bank is not completely surveyed except in the vi- are almost continuous. Kapp Kolthoff, lies 0.75 mile ENE of
cinity of the island, depths of 22m and 18m have been obtained Kapp Bull and Alkeholmen, an islet, lies between them.
43 miles N of the island. Depths of less than 37m are frequent Sorhamna, a small bay, lies 1.5 miles NNE of Kapp Kolthoff.

around these two soundings. Abnormal magnetic variations The E side of the bay is protected by a steep and narrow islet.

Pub. 182
Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen) 261

The depths in the middle of the bay are about 14.6m and great- about 2 miles to Kapp Duner (74°29'N., 18°46'E.), which is
er, shoaling to less than 9.1m at its head. Anchorage in the bay the NW point of a forked promontory forming the W extremity
may be obtained as convenient, but the holding ground is not of Bjornoya. Grytvika, on the NE side of Kapp Duner, affords
good. At the head of the bay is a small beach where landing is anchorage to small craft with local knowledge during E or S
possible; however, it was reported that the height of the cliffs winds. Teltvika, close SE of Kapp Duner, is a small cove from
prevented access to the interior. which landing and access to the interior are possible.
Roedvika (74°24'N., 19°13'E.), a small open bay, lies 2
11.3 Lunekevika (74°28'N., 18°47'E.), a bay about 0.5 mile wide

miles NNE of Sorhamna. During W winds, this bay affords the at its entrance, lies on the S side of the Kapp Duner promonto-
most secure anchorage on the E side of Bjornoya. A depth of ry; landing can be effected on a short sandy beach, which af-
11m is found in the middle of the bay. fords access to the interior of the island. The bay affords
Miserygrunnen, a dangerous rocky shoal which is often hard
11.3 anchorage for vessels with local knowledge.
to distinguish, lies close offshore SE of the S summit of Mis- Vernevagen, a bay, lies with Kapp Elizabeth, its S entrance

eryfjellet. Great care should be taken when approaching Roed- point, about 2 miles SSE of Kapp Duner. The entrance to the
vika from the N. Evensenbukta, a small bay, lies 3.5 miles bay is obstructed on its N and S sides by extensive shoals.
NNE of Roedvika. There is a landing place in the bay, but there Close N of Kapp Elizabeth is a landing place. A cairn of stones
is no suitable anchorage due to rocks and strong tidal currents. stands about 0.3 mile ESE of Kapp Elizabeth.
Austervag (74°30'N., 19°12'E.), a small cove, lies about 2
11.3 Kapp Ruth projects from the coast about 3 miles SSE of

miles NNW of Evensenbukta. Two beacons stand close within Kapp Elizabeth; midway between the two is Kapp Hanna, near
the head of the cove; when in line, bearing 218°, they indicates which a beacon stands. Kapp Maria lies about 1 mile SE of
the approach to Austervag. Small vessels with local knowledge Kapp Ruth; on its N side a group of islets lies close inshore.
can obtain anchorage during S or W winds. Vessels are cau- Caution.—A depth of 2.7m was reported (1994) to lie 1.8

tioned, should the wind change to NW, a heavy sea soon sets in miles WSW of Kapp Ruth.
and vessels must leave. Two radio masts stand 0.5 mile SE of
the range beacons. 11.6 Landnordingsvika is a bay entered between Kapp
Kare and Kapp Harry, about 1 mile to the SE. Shelter is afford-
Bjornoya—North Coast ed in this bay during E and NE gales, but winds from other di-
rections may raise a heavy sea. Vessels should approach with
11.4 The N coast of Bjornoya affords the best landing plac- the middle of the bay bearing about 045°, and then can anchor,
es and is comparatively free from off-lying dangers. Nord- in depths greater than 9.1m, with Kapp Harry in range about
kapp (74°31'N., 19°07'E.) forms the N extremity of the island. 133°, and in line with the outermost large rock on Skredneset, a
Herwighamn is an indentation in the coast and lies about 2 point 0.3 mile farther SE.
miles WSW of Nordkapp. A small stone pier, with a depth of Sylen (74°22'N., 19°02'E.), an awl-shaped pillar of rock,

4m alongside, is located at Herwighamn. Gravodden, a prom- 80m high, lies about 2 miles SSE of Kapp Kare. Hornvika, an
ontory, lies 0.75 mile W of Herwighamn. A meteorological and indentation on the S side of Hambergfjellet, lies close SE of
radio station stands 0.3 mile SSE of Gravodden. A number of Sylen. Stappen (74°20'N., 19°04'E.), lying NW of Sylen, is a
lighted radio and consol masts stand near the station and up to conspicuous pillar-shaped rock about 186m high.
2 miles E of the station. Herwighamn affords anchorage to The coast on either side of the S extremity of Bjornoya is

small vessels, in a depth of 10.9m. steep-to and there are no landing places. Small craft should ex-
Nordhamn (74°31'N., 18°59'E.) is an open bay entered be-
11.4 ercise great care along this coast, especially during spring and
tween Gravodden and Kapp Kjellstrom, the extremity of a early summer, when the melting ice causes continuous land-
small promontory 1 mile W. Emmaholmane, a chain of islets, slides of rock. The sea raised by tidal currents is especially
extends 0.3 mile N from a position close W of Kapp Kjell- heavy at the S end of the island, between Sylen and the en-
storm. The islets are very prominent and cannot be mistaken trance to Sorhamna on the E coast.
for other islets on the N coast.
The shore at the head of Nordhamn is low and flat, with a
small projection which divides the head into two bays. Anchor-
age, during offshore winds, is obtainable off these bays accord- 11.7 Spitsbergen, the largest island in the main group
ing to draft. A vessel anchored, in 15m, nearly 0.5 mile NW of forming Svalbard, is situated about 400 miles N of Norway. A
Gravodden Kobbebukta (74°31'N., 18°54'E.), an open bay, thick sheet of ice covers a large portion of the interior of the is-
lies between Kapp Kjellstorm and Taggodden, a point about 2 land, through it projects numerous sharp peaks. The whole of
miles WSW. the W coast of the island is mountainous. The valleys opening
Anchorage may be obtained in offshore winds 0.25 mile off
11.4 towards the coast, at the heads of which is a chain of moun-
the head of the bay, in a charted depth of 9m. In the E part of tains, are in most cases filled with permanent ice.
the bay, the shores slope evenly down to the sea; landing with Regulations.—Vessels may not possess or use heavy fuel

access to the interior is possible, but in the W part the cliffs are oils in the following protected areas in Svalbard:
unscalable. 1. Northwest Spitzbergen National Park.
2. Forlandet National Park.
Bjornoya—West Coast 3. Northeast Svalbard Nature Reserve.
4. Southeast Svalbard Nature Reserve.
11.5 From Taggodden, the coast curves SW and S for Further information about protected areas in Svalbard can be

Pub. 182
262 Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

11.6 Courtesy of Olav Haugen, Norwegian Mapping Authority

11.6 Stappen from SE

from the formation of fast ice in fjords, this coast may remain
practically ice-free throughout the winter.
There are several polar research station on Spitbergen. On

the NW coast just S of Ny-Alesund is a station owned and

manned by the Nicolaus Copernicus University of Poland. The
Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Science op-
erates another station located on the SW coast in Hornsund.

Governor of Svalbard Home Page


Sorkapp Land
11.8 Sorkapp Land (76°50'N., 16°25'E.) is a peninsula, 27
miles long in a N-S direction, at the S end of Spitsbergen. The
11.6 Courtesy of Marek Szymocka coast of Sorkapp Land is one of the most exposed in Spitsbergen,
11.6 Polish Polar Station in NW Spitsbergen and drift ice may be encountered off it at any time. Sorkappoya, a
narrow island, lies off the S coast of Sorkapp Land. Sorkapp, the S
found in the web site of the Governor of Svalbard. extremity of the island, is surmounted by a beacon. A large lagoon
When approaching the W coast of the island, considerable
is entered from the W side of the island. Flakskjeret is a low islet
reliance may be placed on soundings. Deep submarine valleys lying near the outer end of a chain of islets and rocks extending 3.5
penetrate into the fjords, while the coast between them is front- miles ESE from the E extremity of Sorkappoya.
ed by banks on which the depths in most cases increase regu- Sommerfeldbukta indents the S coast of Spitsbergen for

larly close inshore from 45 to 90m. about 4 miles, and lies about 3 miles N of the N extremity of
Due to the effect of the warm West Spitsbergen Current,
Sorkappoya. Oyrlandet is a narrow and level tongue of land ex-
most parts of the W coast are usually accessible from late May tending 5 miles SSW and forming the W side of Sommerfeld-
to early November. However, in a bad ice year, this coast may bukta. A hunter’s hut stands on each entrance point to
be affected from mid-October to late July. In a light year, apart Sommerfeldbukta.

Pub. 182
Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen) 263

By Adam Nawrot (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons


11.8 The Stanislaw Siedilecki Polish Polar Station in Hornsund

Anchorage is obtainable off the entrance to Sommerfeldbuk-

11.8 off the entrance to Hornsund.
ta, in a depth of about 8m. The depths within the entrance are
less than 3m; the inner part of the bay dries. Hornsund to Bellsund
Stormbukta (76°41'N., 16°18'E.), a small bay, lies close N of

the W coast of Oyrlandet. Open anchorage is obtainable in the 11.9 The coastal area between Hornsund and Bellsund is
entrance to Stormbukta, but this berth is exposed to heavy E backed by sharp-pointed and crevassed peaks, a feature of the
squalls which descend from the mountains, and caution is nec- W coast of Spitsbergen N of Hornsund. Depths of less than
essary owing to the dangers on the N side of the approach. 91m will be found from about 6 to 10 miles offshore at Torb-
Brimingen is a dangerous rock lying 6 miles W of the head of jornsenfjellet as far N as 77°30'N, so that soundings will give
Stormbukta and 2.25 miles offshore. The coast between Storm- warning of the proximity of danger.
bukta and Suffolkpynten (76°52'N., 15°34'E.) is very foul and The coast for 2.5 miles NW of Torbjornsenfjellet consists of

should not be approached within 2.5 miles. a high mountain ridge. Werenskioldbreen lies N of this ridge,
Hornsund, lying 19 miles NW of Stormbukta and entered be-
11.8 and a low swampy tract of land extends for 3 miles at the foot
tween Suffolkpynten and a point 7.5 miles NNW, extends 10 of its front. Tonefjellet, on the W side of Werenskioldbreen, is
miles ENE, with two short branches at its head. A bank, with a easily identified from seaward.
depth of 29m, has been reported to lie about 6 miles NW of Dunoyane (77°04'N., 15°00'E.), a group of three islets sur-

Suffolkpynten. Horsund is ice-free from July to October and rounded by several rocks, lies on the outer part of a shallow
the sound is usually navigable in June and November. The bank which forms the coast for 5 miles. The inner part of this
sound of Horsund is exposed to very severe E squalls which bank dries. Anchorage, in depths of 5 to 10m, may be obtained
descend from the mountains. 0.3 mile NE of the NW islet. The anchorage is approached
Vessels entering Hornsund should keep in mid-channel, tak-
11.8 from the N; local knowledge is necessary because of the many
ing care to avoid the dangerous shoal lying about 3 miles W of dangers in the vicinity.
Suffolkpynten. A rock, which does not cover, lies close E of Olsholmen, an islet 5 miles NNW of Kapp Borthen, provides

this shoal. Anchorage may be taken off the SW side of Gasha- anchorage during E winds between it and the coast, 0.75 mile
ma, a bight on the S side of Hornsund. When entering the bight E, but local knowledge is necessary and care must be taken to
care is taken to avoid two below-water rocks in its E part. avoid several dangers in the vicinity.
Han’s Glacier (Hansbreen) is a large glacier which descends
11.8 From Kapp Borthen, the coast trends in a general N direction

to the N shore of Hornsund, close E of a small inlet. It is to Kapp Lyell, a distance of about 25 miles. A mountain range
bounded on the E by a sharp ridge, 889m high, extending N runs parallel to the coast, about 2 miles inland. The coast in this
from the W entrance of Burgerbukta, with a very steep fall on vicinity is fringed with rocks which extend as far as 1.5 miles
its E side. Both Han’s Glacier and the ridge are prominent from offshore. A 13m patch lies 4.5 miles WSW of Kapp Borthen.

Pub. 182
264 Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

11.8 By Michael Hambrey (with permission) http://www.glaciers-online.net

Han’s Glacier

11.10 Bellsund (77°39'N., 14°00'E.), an important inlet, is
entered between Kapp Lyell and Kapp Martin, which shows a
light. It extends about 12 miles E of Midterhuken, the W ex-
tremity of a mountainous peninsula known as Midterhukhal-
voy. This peninsula divides the inlet into two E branches, Van
Mijenfjorden and Van Keulenfjorden. A small S branch of
Bellsund, lies on the E side of the peninsula and is known as
The mountains in the vicinity of Bellsund are barren and

have many crevasses, particularly the peaks farthest W. On the

N side of the sound a plain extends to the foot of Ingeborgfel-
let, a peak about 7 miles E of Kapp Martin.
Ice.—Bellsund is not navigable from December to May. In

June and November, the ice is generally navigable; from July

to October, the inlet is ice-free.
Recherchefjorden, the S branch of Bellsund, was formerly
11.10 Courtesy of Olav Haugen, Norwegian Mapping Authority
the chief place of assembly for the whaling fleet. The fjord is 11.10 Bellsund Light
well sheltered, though NW winds may send in some sea. Rein-
odden, a flat projection on the E side of the fjord, has a danger- the W extremity of Midterhukhalvoy. A cove which lies close
ous spit, on which there are several rocks that extend 0.75 SE of Midterkuhen affords shelter from N winds. The depths in
miles NNW offshore. Recherchefjorden is not usually clear of the cove appear to decrease regularly toward the head, from
ice until June or July and it freezes early, sometimes in Sep- about 33m at the entrance. Anchorage may be obtained, in a
tember. depth of about 15m, with the S extremity of the outer islet,
Good anchorage may be obtained, in depths of 33 to 37m,
which forms the W entrance point, bearing 292°, distant 0.175
good holding ground, in the SW corner of the fjord. Do not an- mile, or in a depth of about 9m, about 183m farther inshore.
chor anywhere near the two glaciers in the fjord, as they are Van Keulen Fjorden lies on the SE side of Bellsund and is

fringed with large quantities of floating ice. entered between Ahlstrandodden and Forsbladodden, 2.75
Midterkuken (77°39'N., 14°46'E.) is a promontory forming
miles NNW. The fjord penetrates about 15 miles inland, and is

Pub. 182
Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen) 265

surrounded by flat-topped mountains. Nathorstbreen, a glacier should pass through Akselsundet at or near slack water. An ae-
at the head of the fjord, has an extensive moraine on either side ro light is shown from the N extremity of Akseloya.
of its front. Anchorages in the fjord are found close within the
entrance and are indicated on the chart. 11.12 Fridtjovhamna (Frithjofhamn) (77°46'N., 14°39'E.),
a cove on the N side of Akseljundet, is entered W of Kapp
Van Mijenfjorden Schollin, from which a spit extends 0.3 mile SSW. When enter-
ing the cove, caution is necessary to avoid a bank, with depths
11.11 This fjord is entered by Mariasundet and Akselsundet, of less than 1.5m, which extends 0.2 mile NE and N from the
two narrow channels at either end of the island Akseloya. On W entrance point. Anchorage is obtainable in the middle of the
either side and at the head of the fjord are flat-topped moun- cove or off its E side, in a charted depth of 16.5m. Local
tains, separated by broad flat valleys which are mostly ice-free. knowledge is necessary when anchoring in this cove.
Strong winds often blow out of the fjord. Between Maseneset and Blixodden, 16 miles ENE, the S

Mariasundet (77°41'N., 14°51'E.), the S entrance to the

11.11 shore of Van Mijenfjorden is steep-to, with the exception of a
fjord, is about 0.25 mile wide between Maseneset and the is- small bank. On this bank, there is a depth of 2m, which extends
land of Mariaoya, off the S end of Akseloya. The least charted 0.5 mile offshore abreast Bromelldalen, a valley 1.5 miles W of
depth in the fairway is about 11m. The tidal currents in this Blixodden. Conwentzodden, 5 miles ENE of Blixodden, is the
passage are very strong, and several dangers, the positions of extremity of a large projection forming part of an old moraine.
which are best seen on the chart, lie in the W approach and in A spit, on which the depths are less than 9m, extends nearly 1.5
the entrance channel close SW of Maseneset. miles NW from Conwentzodden.
Akselsundet (77°45'N., 14°36'E.), the N entrance to the
11.11 Between Kapp Schollin and Svartodden, which shows a light

fjord, is the usually used and is nearly 0.6 mile wide at its nar- and lies 5.5 miles ENE, the N coast of Van Mijenfjorden rises
rowest part. The N side of the passage should not be ap- steeply to the summit of Kolfjellet. A camp lies at the foot of
proached within about 0.2 mile; the S side should not be this mountain. Dom Miguelodden, a cape, shows a light and
approached within 183m. lies 10 miles ENE of Svartodden. Svensksundhamna, entered
The depths are from 16.5 to 51m in mid-channel. Though the
11.11 between Dom Miguelodden and Langneset, 2 miles ENE, of-
tidal currents are weaker than those in Mariasundet, they may fers anchorage to small vessels with local knowledge. Kapp
attain a velocity of 5 to 6 knots at springs, causing considerable Amsterdam, which shows a light, lies 7.5 miles ENE of Lang-
eddies and rip tides. Large vessels or those with low power neset.

11.12 Courtesy of Olav Haugen, Norwegian Mapping Authority

11.12 Akseloya Light from NW

Pub. 182
266 Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

11.12 Courtesy of Olav Haugen, Norwegian Mapping Authority

11.12 Sveagruva

Sveabukta (77°52'N., 16°45'E.), an inlet at the NE corner of

11.12 Kapp Linne, has an anchorage available in depths of 12 to 13m
the fjord, is entered between Kapp Amsterdam and Ottoneset during S and SE winds located ENE of Kapp Linne. Two bea-
and extends 2.5 miles N to Barryneset. Sveagruva, a former cons at the head of the cove in line bearing about 150° and
coal mining settlement with a jetty, is situated close NW of Kapp Linne Light bearing 260°. Large vessels may anchor far-
Barryneset. The channel from Van Mijenfjorden to an anchor- ther offshore, in a depth of about 15m, 137m E of the line of
age close S of Sveagruva carries a least depth of 4m. The first the anchorage beacons, with Kapp Linne bearing about 233°.
leg is marked by leading beacons, which in line bear about Festningen, which shows a light, lies 5 miles NE of Kapp

016°. Local knowledge is required for the remainder of the Linne. Festningen is fringed by shoals extending 0.5 mile off-
channel. The channel continues N along two more legs, which shore; the outer edge is marked by a buoy.
are marked by lighted beacons. Although facilities at the settle-
ment had been improved, including the construction of an ex- Isfjorden
port quay and storage area at Kapp Amsterdam; no mining is
presently taking place. 11.14 Isfjorden (78°18'N., 15°00'E.), the largest fjord in
Spitsbergen, is entered between Kapp Linne and Daudmann-
Bellsund to Isfjorden sodden, 12 miles NW. From its entrance, it stretches 55 miles
NE to the head of Billefjorden, and numerous bays and fjords
11.13 Between Kapp Martin and Kapp Linne, 21 miles N, lead off each side. From June to November, the approach to the
the coast is fronted with dangers. Lights are shown from these fjord is ice-free, with the exception that the tidal currents may
inlets. Kapp Bjorset, which lies 6.5 miles N of Lagneset, and sometimes cause the entrance to be barred by loose pack ice.
Stabbane, 6 miles farther N, are inlets which show lights. This is most likely in early June, but in bad years it may hap-
There are no reported harbors of refuge in this section of the
11.13 pen in July or even later.
coast. From a position off the entrance to Bellsund, a mountain The fjord is ice-free from July through October inclusive. In

range may be seen stretching N from Ingeborgfjellet until hid- June and November, the W part of the fjord is also ice-free, the
den by another range extending NNW from Ytterdalssata. The inner part containing ice that is generally navigable. From De-
coastal plain is widest abreast Ytterdalssata. cember through May, it is unnavigable.
Kapp Linne (78°04'N., 13°37'E.), which shows a light,

forms the S entrance point of Isfjorden. A radio station, located Isfjorden—Southeast Side
about 0.2 mile SE of the light, is also a Norwegian government
meteorological station. An obstruction, with 30m over it, lies 1 11.15 Gronfjorden (78°03'N., 14°11'E.) is entered between
mile due W of Kapp Linne. Randvika, a cove on the E side of Festningen and Heerodden, which shows a light, and is marked

Pub. 182
Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen) 267

11.14 By Bjoertvedt (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons


by a buoy on its edge. There are two small glaciers at the head on either side of Finneset. There is also a possible anchorage,
of the fjord and mountains stand on both sides of the fjord. in a depth of about 46m, at the head of the fjord.
Caution.—Anchoring, fishing, diving, and salvaging are
11.15 Between Heerodden and Kapp Laila, 8 miles E, the low

prohibited in the N part of the fjord in two circular restricted coast is fringed by a shore bank. It has been reported that 2
areas, each with a radius of 150m, protecting historic wrecks. miles E of Heerodden the bank extends farther N than charted.
These areas are centered on the following positions: Hollendardalen, a wide ice-free valley, breaks the coast 3 miles
a. 78°04'17.4''N, 14°09'20.4''E. E of Heerodden and extends S and SE. An obstruction, with
b. 78°04'24.0''N, 14°08'40.2''E. 30m over it, lies approximately 1.7 miles off the coast between
Heerodden and Kapp Laila and may best be seen on the chart.
11.16 Barentsburg (78°04'N., 14°14'E.) (World Port Index
No. 20560) is an extensive Russian coal mine settlement locat- Barentsburg—Berth Information
ed on the E shore of Gronfjorden, about 2 miles S of Heerod-
den. A pipeline is laid across the fjord from a position 0.5 mile
S of Barentsburg in a WSW direction. The landing place of the Berth Length Vessel Remarks
pipeline on the W side is marked by lights. Draft
Depths—Limitations.—There are two piers abreast the set-
11.16 Port of Barentsburg
tlement, and is capable of accommodating vessels up to 6.5m
Cruise 75m — Passengers and ro-ro.
draft. For more information see the table titled Barentsburg—
Berth Information. Coal 22m 6.5m Coal.
One of the piers is used exclusively for loading coal. A pipe-

line is laid across the fjord from a position 0.5 mile S of Bar- 11.17 Colesbukta (78°08'N., 14°57'E.), is entered between
entsburg in a WSW direction. The landing place of the pipeline Kapp Laila and a point 2.5 miles NE. The bay extends 2.5
on the W side is marked by lights. miles in a SE direction. Both entrance points, the SW side of
Finneset is a small projection 3.5 miles S of Heerodden, on
the bay, and its head are fringed with shoals. It was reported
which are some buildings and two conspicuous radio masts. A that the shoal fringing Kapp Laila extends farther N than chart-
light is shown at the SW point of Finneset. Three range lights ed. The depths in the bay are suitable for anchorage, but it is
are shown from a position 0.75 mile NNE of the light at Finne- open to the NW.
set; in line bearing 146° they lead through the middle of the en- Grumantbyen, a former coal mining settlement, lies at the

trance to Gronfjorden to a position 0.25 mile W of mouth of Grumantdalen, a valley about 4 miles NE of the en-
Barentsburg. Small vessels with local knowledge may anchor trance to Colesbukta. The valley contains one of the most im-

Pub. 182
268 Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

portant coal mines in Spitsbergen. Abreast Grumantbyen, the Contact Information.—See the table titled Longyear-

depths increase so rapidly offshore that vessels can only obtain byen—Contact Information.
anchorage very close inshore. There is a pier for loading coal Anchorage.—Large vessels can anchor 0.25 mile N of the

by conveyor. Two mooring buoys are located close inshore in piers, in a depth of 47m, thick mud. The depths are consider-
the vicinity of the coal pier. able until close off the head of the larger pier.
Vestpynten (78°15'N., 15°27'E.), the SW entrance point of

Adventfjorden, lies about 9 miles NE of Colesbukta. A light is Longyearbyen—Contact Information

shown from the point.
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16
Adventfjorden 47-91-122300
11.18 Adventfjorden (78°15'N., 15°37'E.) is entered be-
tween Vestpynten and Revneset, a point 3 miles to the NE. A Facsimile 47-79-021315
shoal bank fringes Revneset for about 0.5 mile offshore, its
E-mail bykaia@lokalstyre.no
outer edge being marked by a buoy. About 1.75 miles within
Vestpynten, on the SW side of the fjord is Adventpynten, a sa-
lient point which is low, sandy, and inconspicuous. The point Revneset to Gasodden
shows a light. A low tract of land lies between the two above
points; about 2 miles farther SE is Longyearbyen. 11.20 Between Revneset and Deltaneset, 5 miles NE, the
The wide valley of Adventdalen extends SE from the head of
coast is formed by a plateau, similar to that SW of Advent-
the fjord, with Adventelva flowing through it. The area off the fjorden, above which can be seen the summit of Konussen.
mouth of the river is gradually silting up, but the edge of the Hatten, a rocky mound, which resembles a hat, lies 2.5 miles
shoal water is very steep-to and anchorage is afforded only in ENE of Deltaneset. An aero light is shown from the NW side
great depths. Moskushamn, a former mining camp, stands 3 of Deltaneset.
miles SE of Revneset. Anchorage off the pier is exposed except Sassenfjorden (78°23'N., 16°30'E.) is entered between Dia-

during E winds. basodden and Gasodden, 6 miles NNE, and extends 8 miles
Caution.—Anchoring, fishing, diving, and salvaging are
ESE to Bjonapynten. Sassendalen, a wide ice-free valley, ex-
prohibited in the head of the fjord in a circular restricted area, tends over 16 miles SE from the head of Sassenfjorden, with
with a radius of 150m, protecting a historic wreck, in position numerous valleys on its SW side.
78°14'30.6''N, 15°41'49.2''E. Gasoyane, a group of four islets, lies about 1 mile W of Gas-

odden. The passage between the islets and Gasodden is foul

11.19 Longyearbyen (78°14'N., 15°39'E.) (World Port In- and should not be attempted without local knowledge. A light
dex No. 20570), a coal-mining settlement, lies near the head of is shown from the NW end of the islet.
Adventfjorden, on its SW shore. A coast radio station, from Gipsvika, an open bay 2.25 miles wide, is entered 2 miles SE

which a radiobeacon transmits, is located at Longyearbyen. of Gasodden. Ministergrunnen, with a depth of 5m, lies 3.75
Depths—Limitations.—Longyearbyen is a major logistic
miles SE of Gasodden and Medfjordgrunnen, with a depth of
port for cargo to Spitsbergen and the cruise industry. There are 15m, lies 1 mile farther SSE. Two other patches, with depths of
three berths for larger vessels with a maximum length up to 13m and 16m, lie 0.8 mile NW and 0.6 mile S, respectively of
333m and a maximum draft of 7.1m. There are pontoons avail- Ministergrunnen.
able for tourist boars, yachts and tenders. Templefjella (Temple Range) is flat-topped and rises precip-

itously from the sea in cliffs resembling tiers of cones arranged

Governor of Svalbard Home Page one upon another, a peculiar formation which is common in
Svalbad. Templet, at the NW end, rises to an elevation of
https://www.portlongyear.no 667m. Sindballefjellet, at the NE end, 737m high, is covered
by an ice cap, which appears permanent, as there are no signs
For more information see the table titled Longyearbyen—
11.19 of avalanches.
Berth Information.

Longyearbyen—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks
LOA Draft
Cruise vessels, containers, and breakbulk. Pontoons for tenders and
84m 9.0m 333m — sailing boats close by the berth. Fresh water is available. The berth ar-
ea is ISPS compliant.

Pub. 182
Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen) 269

Longyearbyen—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks
LOA Draft
Coastal vessels, breakbulk, multipurpose, and bunkers. A wooden pil-
54m 4.8m 90m — lar quay for coastal vessels and bunker supplies for small to medium-
(Old Quay)
sized vessels.
Coal and containers. Also used as a lay-by quay for smaller vessels. A
65m 8.2m 170m 7.1m buoy off the berth assists in mooring. Bollards onshore are up to 215m

11.20 (copyright) Mateusz War. / Wikimedia Commons via Wikimedia Commons


Templefjorden (78°24'N., 17°00'E.), the NE continuation of

11.20 patch lies about 3 miles N of the Gasoyane islets. Rocks, with
Sassenfjorden, extends for about 8 miles from Bjonapynten. Its depths of 5m and 7m, lie 0.6 mile NW and W, respectively, and
shores are comparatively steep. There are no outlying dangers. an isolated 11m patch lies 1.25 miles NW, of Skvalpeskjer, a
The head of the fjord is fringed by glaciers. patch which lies about 4 miles NE of the Gasoyane islets.
Bjonahamna, a cove on the NE side of Bjonapynten, affords
11.20 Skansbukta, a bay close within the W entrance point of

anchorage, in about 31m, in its middle part, but the cove should Billefjorden, is about 1 mile wide at its entrance and extends
not be used when broken ice may block its entrance. Care must about 1 mile NNW. The general depths in the bay decrease reg-
be taken to avoid the shoal patches in the N part of the cove. ularly, over a muddy bottom, from 42 to 18m. Small vessels
may anchor close to the head of the bay, in depths of 15 to
Billefjorden 18m. The bay affords excellent anchorage, the best in Is-
fjorden; it may be obtained anywhere in the bay. When enter-
11.21 Billefjorden (78°34'N., 16°28'E.) forms the NNE ing the bay, vessels are requested to keep to the middle until
continuation of Isfjorden and extends inland for more than 15 depths of about 29m are reached.
miles. It is entered between Gasodden and Rundodden. Lights Mimerbukta (78°39'N., 16°25'E.) lies about 9 miles NNE

are shown from Kapp Ekholm, on the E side of the fjord, and of Skansbukta. The bay is 1.5 miles wide at its entrance and ex-
Rudmosepynten, at the head of the fjord. The fjord is free from tends 1.5 miles W. A mud flat fills the inner part of the bay, ex-
offlying dangers on its W side, but toward the E side, a 6m tending 1 mile from the shore. A shallow spit extends 0.2 mile

Pub. 182
270 Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

11.21 Courtesy of Olav Haugen, Norwegian Mapping Authority

11.21 Pyramiden Havn

S from the NE entrance point and usually excludes ice from the Ekmanfjorden is entered between Kapp Waern and Sveane-

bay. set, a point about 5 miles WSW. The fjord extends about 10
Pyramiden, a Russian coal mining settlement, lies at the had
11.21 miles in a N direction. The entrance is free of dangers, except
of the bay. A small wooden jetty, close within the entrance for banks extending about 0.5 mile off the two points. Flinthol-
point, is suitable only for lighters. A depth of about 20m is re- men, a small island, lies close off the W side of the fjord. Cora-
ported about 0.1 mile off its head. Good anchorage for small hulmen, another small island, lies on the E side near the head
craft is obtainable, with local knowledge, close off the settle- of the fjord.
ment. There is a good harbor for small craft on the W side of

Petuniabukta lies close NNE of Mimerbukta and forms part

11.21 Flintholmen. To reach this anchorage, a vessel must pass N and
of the head of Billefjorden. The bay is about 2 miles wide at W of a drying rock which lies in the N entrance near the W
the entrance and extends about 3 miles to the N. Though the side of Flintholmen. Good anchorage may be obtained, accord-
depths in the bay are suitable for anchorage, conditions are de- ing to draft, E of Coraholmen. Small craft may anchor in the
pendent on the movement of local ice. basin on the bank SE of the island, approaching from SW, but
Adolfbukta, a bay, is entered between Rudmosepyten, which
11.21 caution is necessary.
shows a light, and Kapp Napier. It lies close SE of Petuniabuk- Dicksonfjorden (78°42'N., 15°20'E.) is entered between

ta. The shores of the bay are steep-to and depths are deep. Kapp Woern (Kapp Waern) and Kapp Wyk (Kapp Wijk), 2.5
Small vessels can anchor between Kapp Napier and the reef E miles ENE. The fjord trends about 4 miles NE and 12 miles N,
of it, but this position may be dangerous because of ice from where the head is filled by drying mud flats for about 2 miles
the large glacier at the head of the bay. offshore.
Caution.—Anchoring, fishing, diving, and salvaging are
11.21 The entrance to the fjord and the channel N are constricted

prohibited in the fjord in a circular restricted area, with a radius by shoals, the positions of which can best be seen on the chart.
of 150m, protecting a historic wreck, in position 78°14'37.2''N, Accumulations of drift ice in the narrow entrance may make it
13°50'52.2''E. impossible to leave the fjord for weeks at a time.
Kapp Nathorst (78°47'N., 15°25'E.) projects from the E

11.22 Nordfjorden (78°30'N., 15°00'E.) is entered between side of Dicksonfjorden, 4.5 miles from the head of the fjord. A
Bohemanneset, which shows a light, and Kapp Thordsen, 6.5 shoal spit extends nearly 1 mile W and NW from the cape,
miles WSW of Rundodden. It is 9.5 miles wide at its entrance leaving a narrow channel between its edge and the bank fring-
and extends 11 miles N to Kapp Waern, with general depths of ing the W shore. This channel leads to a large basin in which
73 to over 183m. Kapp Waern is the extremity of a peninsula good anchorage may be obtained, in depths of 20 to 40m, good
separating Ekmanfjorden and Dicksonfjorden. holding ground. The head of the fjord is filled by drying mud

Pub. 182
Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen) 271

flats which extend about 2 miles offshore. enclosing a lagoon, extends 2.5 miles WSW from the general
line of the coast of Spitsbergen. A beacon stands near the ex-
Isfjorden to Smeerenbergfjorden tremity of Murraypynten. A light, with a racon and a radar
reflector, stands on the point of Sarstangen. Sarstangen tower
11.23 Prins Karls Forland (78°30'N., 11°06'E.) lies off the beacon stands about 183m E of the light.
W coast of Spitsbergen between Daudmannsodden and Kvade- Forlandsrevet, a sandy bar connecting Sarstangen and Mur-

huken, 50 miles NNW, and is separated from it by Forlandsun- raypynten, is about 13 miles within the N entrance to the
det, a strait navigable only by vessels drawing 3.5m or less. sound. The chart should be consulted for details regarding the
There are no sheltered anchorages on the W coast of Prins narrow and shallow channel.
Karls Forland, but N of Forlandsundet anchorage is obtainable
in Kongsfjorden. Anchorages can also be found in Kross- Forlandsundet—North End
fjorden, Magdalenefjorden, and Smeerenburgfjorden.
Salfjellet (78°14'N., 12°03'E.), located at the S end of Prins
11.23 11.25 Forlandsundet is entered from the N between Fugle-
Karls Forland, is saddle-shaped and very distinctive. It lies at huken and Kvadehuken, a low and salient point about 11 miles
the S end of a mountain range, which extends 3 miles NNW. ENE. From Fuglehuken, which shows a light, the W coast of
The mountains of Prins Karls Forland are frequently envel-
11.23 Forlandsundet curves SE for about 8 miles to the point of
oped in a dense canopy of clouds, which often descend to an Heemskerckneset. For about 4 miles S of Heemskerckneset,
elevation as low as 30m and sometimes to sea level. the coast is indented by Ferskvassbukta, a bay, which affords
Fuglehuken (78°53'N., 10°30'E.) is the N extremity of Prins
11.23 anchorage, in depths of 8 to 15m.
Karls Forland. A lighted beacon located on a knoll on the point From Kvadehuken, which shows an aero light, the steep-to E

is reported difficult to see on certain bearings against the back- shore of Forlandsundet trends SE for about 9 miles to the N en-
ground of mountains. trance point of Engelsbukta, which is about 2 miles wide at its
Magnetic disturbances amounting to 4° have been experi-
11.23 entrance and extends about 2 miles SE to a glacier at its head.
enced in places off the W coast of Prins Karls Forland. An 8°E Engelsbukta has been reported to be one of the best anchorages
disturbance was observed in a position about 12 miles W of on the W coast of Spitsbergen, being completely landlocked
Kaldneset, a point near the middle of the W coast. Disturbanc- and free from incursions of polar ice. Within the bay, in its
es of greater amounts, up to 11°W in places, have been experi- middle, are charted depths of about 61m.
enced N of the island. Between the S entrance point of Engelsbukta and Sarstan-

gen, about 7 miles SW, the entire coast is fringed with a shoal
11.24 Forlandsundet (78°30'N., 12°40'E.), with a maxi- bank which, in places, extends about 3 miles offshore. Rocks.
mum width of about 10 miles, separates the W coast of Spits- with depths between 4 and 7m. lie near the outer edge of this
bergen from Prins Karls Forland. Vessels are advised not to use bank.
this passage before the middle of May because of ice.
Poolepynten, a steep-to point, is marked by a beacon and lies
on the E side of Prins Karls Forland, about 12 miles N of
Salfjellet. Between Poolepynten and Dawespynten, a point 11.26 Kongsfjorden (78°57'N., 12°00'E.) is entered be-
about 8 miles NW, the coast recedes to form a bight, the S part tween Kvadehuken and Kapp Guissez, 7 miles NNE. The fjord
being known as Brucebukta and the N part as Peterbukta. extends 13 miles ESE, terminating in a large bay of which the
Brucebukta is free of dangers and affords anchorage, in a depth NW side is formed by a peninsula 6 miles SE of Kapp Guissez.
of about 8m, 2.5 miles NW of Poolepynten. The shores of the fjord are free from off-lying dangers, and in
Murraypynten, a sandy tongue extending 0.5 mile E, lies 11
11.24 most places are steep-to. The fjord is usually ice-free, or almost
miles NNW of Dawespynten. so, from late May to late November. Kongsbreen, one of the
Eidembukta (78°21'N., 12°45'E.), a bight with a glacier at
11.24 largest glaciers in Svalbard, has a front 6 miles long, which
its head, lies on the E side of Forlandsundet, about 9 miles forms the head of Kongsfjorden.
NNW of Daudmannsodden. Anchorage may be obtained in the Brandalpynten (78°57'N., 11°53'E.), which shows an aero

N part of the bight; however mariners are cautioned to avoid a light, lies about 7 miles ESE of Kvadehuken. Kolhamna, the
4m shoal located approximately 0.5 mile S of the anchorage. shallow bay between the promontory of Ny-Alesund and Bran-
A chain of islets, rocks, and reefs, about 2 miles offshore, W
11.24 dalpynten, has depths of less than 5.5m. A rocky patch, with a
of the NW entrance point, extends in a SW direction. depth of 2.3m, lies 0.75 mile SSE of Brandalpynten.
St. Jonsfjorden, a fjord with a glacier at its head, lies about
11.24 Ny-Alesund (78°55'N., 11°57'E.) (World Port Index No.

10 miles N of Eidembukta. Other glaciers enter the fjord on ei- 20580), situated on the promontory on the SE side of Kolham-
ther side. The shores of the fjord are steep-to and free from na, serves as a fishing station.
dangers, but in the entrance on the N side is a dangerous de- Depths—Limitations.—The harbor can handle vessels up

tached shoal. Hermansenoya, an island, lies on the N side of to 70m in length with a 7.6m draft. There are two piers in the
the outer entrance. The passage between the island and the harbor. A mooring buoy is situated between the heads of the
mainland is free of dangers on the S side. piers. For more berthing information see table titled Ny Ale-
Sarstangen (78°44'N., 11°29'E.), two narrow banks of sand

Pub. 182
272 Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

sund—Berth Information. Krossfjorden

Ny Alesund—Berth Information 11.28 Krossfjorden (79°09'N., 11°46'E.), entered between
Kapp Guissez and Kapp Mitra, 6 miles WNW, extends 8.5
Maximum miles NNE to Cadiopynten, the S extremity of Kong Haakons
Berth Length Depth Vessel Remarks Halvoy, where the fjord divides into Mollerfjorden and Lillie-
Draft hookfjorden. Mountains enclose the fjord on either side and
Ny Alesund Harbor landing is difficult in most places.
Lilliehookbreen, an immense glacier at the head of Lillie-

Cruise ves-
No. 1 73m 8.3m 7.6m hookfjorden, is a remarkable feature of Krossfjorden.
sels and coal.
The large bergs which are frequently calved, many with

No. 2 42m 6.0m — Coal. heights of 12 to 15m, are the only real icebergs calved on the
W coast of Spitsbergen. None of these bergs reach the open
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be obtained by large vessels, sea, having such a deep draft they ground on the shore of the
in a depth of 27m, good holding ground, 0.25 mile NNW of the fjord, or on the shoals near the entrance.
E pier. Take care to avoid a rock, with a depth of 6.4m, lying Mollerfjorden, entered between Kapp Thoulet and the SE

0.15 mile NNE of this pier, at the seaward end of a bank ex- extremity of Kong Haakons Halvoy, extends 3.5 miles N,
tending NW from the shore. Small craft can anchor near the where it divides into Kollerfjorden and Mollerhamna. Two
head of Kolhamna. During N and W winds, vessels at anchor dangerous shoals lie close off the W shore N of the W entrance
may be bothered by drift ice, in which case anchoring in Blom- point. With the exception of these dangers, the outer part of
strandhamna is preferable. Mollerfjorden is free from shoals, but obstructions lie in the
approach to Kollerfjorden and Mollerhamna, where the depths
are very irregular. Kollerfjorden has not been thoroughly exam-
ined and should be entered with caution.
Mollerhamna, entered between Regnardneset and Kong

Haakens Halvoy, to the W, is fringed on its NE side by a shore

bank which extends from about 0.2 to 0.3 mile offshore. An-
chorage is obtainable, in depths of 18 to 27m, 0.1 to 0.2 mile
off its NE shore, with good holding ground. It is reported that
the depths N of the anchorage are less than those charted. A
conspicuous boulder on the shore 0.5 mile NW of Regnard-
neset may be useful as a mark when anchoring.
A hut stands on the shore between the boulder and Regnard-

neset. Due to the background, it is not easily seen from sea.

11.29 Ebeltofhamna (79°09'N., 11°39'E.), on the NW side

of Krossfjorden, is a shallow inlet about 4 miles within the en-
trance to the fjord. Anchorage may be obtained off Ebeltof-
hamna, in depths of about 15m, good holding ground, 0.25
By Superchilum (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons mile ENE of Enjalbalstranda, a sand spit.
Ny-Alesund Caution is necessary as the sand spit may have altered con-

siderably in shape and extent. Anchorage is recommended for

11.27 Blomstrandhamna (78°59'N., 12°06'E.), an inlet on use in only early summer, before drift ice sets in from Lillie-
the NW side of the peninsula of Blomstrandhalvoya, is entered hookbreen.
between Tonsneset and Hansneset, about 1 mile S. Lights are Lilliehookfjorden (79°15'N., 11°40'E.) is entered between
shown from the W side of this inlet. Vessels should keep in the S end of Kong Haakons Halvoy and the shore abreast
mid-channel when entering the inlet. On the N side of the inlet Schottfjellet, a peak about 2 miles to the W. The fjord extends
is a small bight, in which vessels may obtain anchorage during 6 miles NNW to Lilliehookbreen and is 1.5 miles wide
N and E winds, in a depth of about 33m, good holding ground. throughout its length. It is usually ice-free in July, but towards
Peirsonhamna, a small inlet at the S extremity of Blom-
11.27 the end of the summer, the ice from Lilliehookbreen may ren-
strandhalvoya, is 0.15 mile wide at its entrance, from which it der navigation of the fjord impossible. The shores of the fjord
extends 0.15 mile NE. At its head is London, a former settle- are steep-to and free from dangers.
ment used in the marble trade. Anchorage may be obtained 1 Signehamna (79°16'N., 11°35'E.) is a cove entered between

mile E of Peirsonhamna, in a depth of 35m, mud, about 0.4 Nilspynten, a point about 4 miles N of Schottfjellet, and Fridt-
mile offshore, and also 0.75 mile farther NE, in a depth of 30m, jovneset, about 0.65 mile farther N. The head of the cove is di-
0.3 mile offshore. A 9m patch lies about 1.25 miles ENE of vided by Gunnarpynten, a point about 0.3 mile WNW of
Peirsonhamna. Nilspynten.

Pub. 182
Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen) 273

Anchorage may be obtained midway between Gunnarpynten

11.29 sterdamoya, on the W. It may be entered by Sorgattet, the
and Fridtjovneset, in depths of 15 to 18m, but this anchorage sound between Danskoya and the mainland; or by Danskegat-
should only be used when Lilliehookbreen is not calving. tet, the strait between Danskoya and Amsterdamoya; or by
Nordgattet, the N entrance between Amsterdamoya and the
Krossfjorden to Smeerenburgfjorden mainland. Anchorage is afforded on the E side of the fjord,
about 3 miles from the entrance. This anchorage is best seen on
11.30 From Kapp Mitra, the N entrance point to Kross- the chart.
fjorden, the coast trends 28 miles N to Magdalenhuken, the S Danskoya (79°41'N., 10°55'E.) lies with Kapp Gurnerd, its

entrance point of Magdalenefjorden. This part of the coast is SW extremity, about 3 miles N of Knattodden. The above cape
characterized by a series of glaciers, the deep valleys of which and the coast N of it are fronted by many islets and rocks; the
are backed by high mountains. The coastline is fringed with outermost danger is two rocks, awash, about 2 miles WNW of
rocks, below-water and awash, which in places extend about 2 the cape. With the exception of Kobbefjorden, this stretch of
miles offshore; it should therefore be given a berth of at least 3 coast has not been completely surveyed and should be given a
miles where the depths are 28m or greater. wide berth.
Kvedfjordbukta (79°25'N., 10°55'E.) and Rekvedbukta are
11.30 Kobbefjorden lies about 3 miles N of Kapp Gurnerd; it is

small indentations in the coast lying, respectively, about 19 and about 1 mile wide at its entrance and recedes E for about 2
23.5 miles N of Kapp Mitra. Nothing further is recorded of miles. An islet lies off the S shore of the fjord, close within the
them and in the approaches below-water rocks make caution entrance.
necessary. Anchorage.—Anchorage is afforded N of the islet, in depths

Hamburgerbukta, a cove about 2 miles S of Magdalenehu-

11.30 of 6.5 to 9.1m, outside the sand bar off the islet. Small vessels
ken (79°34'N., 10°44'E.), extends about 0.5 mile E to the gla- able to cross the bar may anchor at the head of the fjord.
cier at its head. The entrance is obstructed by a bar, over which
the depths vary from 1.8 to 5.5m. The middle of the cove has 11.32 Amsterdamoya (79°46'N., 10°49'E.) lies 1 mile N of
general depths of 7.3 to 18.3m. Danskoya and is separated from it by Danskegattet. Most of the
Magdalenefjorden (79°34'N., 10°54'E.) entrance lies be-
11.30 island is mountainous and two high peaks form the summit.
tween Magdalenehuken and Knattodden, about 3 miles NE. Ytterholmane consists of one large and several smaller islets
The fjord extends about 5 miles E to Waggonwaybreen, the ex- lying between 0.75 mile and 1.5 miles NW of Bikuben, the W
tensive glacier at its head. Surrounding the fjord are high, rug- extremity of Amsterdamoya. There is a passage between these
ged mountains which rise precipitously, the valleys between islets and the coast of Amsterdamoya. Hakluytodden, the NW
the ranges being filled either with snow or glaciers. Calvings extremity of Amsterdamoya, is a bold granite headland.
are frequent during the summer months. Tidal currents at times Danskegattet is entered from the W between Kapp de Geer

attain a rate of 1.5 knots along the S shore of the fjord. and Bikuben, which is prominent from seaward. A conspicu-
Magdaleneboen, a 6m rocky patch, lies 2.5 miles WSW of
11.30 ous tower-shaped hill rises close SE of Kapp de Geer. This W
Knattodden, in the W approach to Magdalenefjorden. The N entrance, which is partly blocked by shoal spits, has depths of
extremity of Gravneset, bearing 101° and in line with the mid- 10 to 11m in its middle part. In the E entrance channel, about
dle of Waggonwaybreen, leads into deep water S of Magdalen- 0.1 mile wide, the depths are only about 6.9m. Virgohamna, a
eboen. small bay on the SE side of Danskegattet, affords anchorage, in
Gravneset, a small peninsula, is fringed on its N side by a
11.30 depths of 22m and 11m, about 0.15 mile E and SE of Ek-
group of islets and rocks extending 0.2 mile offshore. Trinity- holmpynten.
hamna, on the E side of Gravneset, affords anchorage when
clear of ice. A stone cairn stands near the head of Trinityham- 11.33 Nordgattet (79°45'N., 11°05'E.), the N end of
na. Smeerenburgfjorden, forms the principal approach to the inner
Anchorage can be obtained, in depths of about 20 to 27m,
11.30 part of the fjord. The passage is bound on the W by the NE side
about 0.5 mile from the S shore in a position off Adambreen. of Amsterdamoya and on the E by the coast of the mainland
Adambreen lies more than 2 miles W of Gravneset and is the between Fuglepynten and the front of Frambreen, a glacier
outermost of the three glaciers on that side of the fjord. about 3 miles S. About 1.25 miles S of Fuglepynten, a bay
Shannonboen (79°34'N., 10°56'E.), a rock with a depth of
11.30 known as Kennedybukta recedes to the front of a glacier which
less than 2.0m, lies about 2 miles SE of Knattodden. Fuglehol- lies between mountain peaks and Frambreen glacier.
men, about 2m high, lies about 0.2 mile N of Shannonboen, on Sorgattet (79°39'N., 11°00'E.), the S approach to Smeeren-

a shoal with depths of less than 5.5m, on which lie several dan- burgfjorden is entered between Knattodden and Kapp Gurnerd,
gerous rocks. Another dangerous patch lies 0.4 mile E of Shan- 3 miles N, and extends for 3.5 miles NE; with a least width of
nonboen, having a rock, awash, close off its SE end, and a about 1 mile; it is much encumbered with islets and shoals.
rock, with a depth of less than 2m, off its NE end. Mesteinane, two islets, lie 1 mile N of Knattodden, in the en-
trance of Sorgattet. They are steep-to on their S and E sides. A
Smeerenburgfjorden beacon marks the E islet. The tidal currents run with great
strength through the narrow part of Sorgattet.
11.31 Smeerenburgfjorden (79°43'N., 11°06'E.) is an ex- Anchorage may be obtained 0.5 mile NE of Moseoya, 0.2

tensive fjord lying between the NW corner of the mainland of mile offshore, in a depth of about 18m. Anchorage is also ob-
Spitsbergen on the E and two large islands, Danskoya and Am- tainable 0.75 mile WSW of Danskeneset.

Pub. 182
274 Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

Smeerenburgfjorden—Inner Part Raudfjorden

11.34 From abreast Smeerenburgodden, the fjord extends 11.36 Raudfjorden (79°50'N., 12°00'E.) is entered between
about 8 miles SSE to Smeerenburgbreen, a glacier at the E side Flathukenand Jermaktangen, 4 miles E. The fjord extends 10.5
of its head. South of Danskegattet, the middle approach to the miles to the S and divides into two branches near its head. The
fjord from seaward, foul ground lies off the W shore to a dis- fjord has deep water for the most part and the general depths
tance of about 0.6 mile. The islet of Albertoya is about 0.4 mile off the entrance are 15.3m and greater. A shoal spot, with a
SE of Kapp Pike, the S point at the E end of Danskegattet. depth of 3.4m, and a rock, with a depth of 4m, lies about 1 mile
Slaadbukta (79°42'N., 11°15'E.), an indentation on the E
11.34 WNW and 1.25 miles NNW, respectively, of Jermaktangen. A
shore about 1 mile S of Frambreen, recedes to the front of a rock, with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies approximately 1.5
glacier. About 2 miles SSE of Slaadbukta is a small bay named miles W of Jermaktangen.
Marbukta. Anchorage may be obtained 0.4 mile SSE of Between Jermaktangen and Velkomstpynten, the W entrance

Smeerenburgodden, in depths of 24 to 33m. point of Woodfjorden, a bend on the coast forms a wide bay
known as Breibogen, which recedes about 5 miles to its head at
Spitsbergen—North Coast the W end. The NE shore of the bay is covered by deep-red
limestone. Patches, with depths of 13.8m and 16m, lie within 2
11.35 Fuglefjorden (79°47'N., 11°28'E.) is entered between miles seaward of the N extremity of Velkomstpynten. A shoal
Fuglepynten and Drottenneset, 3.25 miles ENE, and extends 3 patch, with a depth of 5.8m, lies about 3 miles NNW of Vel-
miles SSE to two glaciers at its head. Fugloya, an island, lies komstpynten.
about midway between the entrance points. The depths in Moffen (80°02'N., 14°30'E.), an island, lies 12 miles NE of

Fuglefjorden are very irregular in places and it should be en- Velkomstpynten. It has an extensive bank, with depths from
tered with caution. 17m to 102m, which extends more than 20 miles N. Two outly-
ing shoals, with depths of 7m and 9m, lie, respectively, 15
miles NW and 12 miles N of Moffen; however, their exact po-
sitions are not known. A beacon stands at the S extremity of the
island. The tidal currents off the island set NW and SE at a rate
of about 1 knot. Anchorage may be taken about 0.5 mile SW of
the beacon.

Woodfjorden and Liefdefjorden

11.37 Woodfjorden (79°40'N., 13°58'E.) is entered be-
tween Velkomstpynten and Grahuken, a point about 8 miles
ESE. The fjord indents the coast for about 34 miles to the S.
Grahuken, the E entrance point of Woodfjorden, is the N ex-
tremity of a mountainous promontory between Woodfjorden
and Wijdefjorden. A beacon stands on a rock close N of Gra-
huken. From Velkomstpynten the W side of Woodfjorden
trends about 11 miles S to a small peninsula which forms the N
entrance point of Liefdefjorden.
11.35 By Lkarsten (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons Liefdfjorden is entered between Stasjonsoyane and Roosene-

11.35 Fugloya as seen from Novika set, 6.5 miles SSW, and extends 13 miles WSW to Monaco-
breen at its head. The fjord contains numerous groups of islets
Fair Haven (79°49'N., 11°29'E.) a sound lying N of
11.35 and rocks, which can best be seen on the chart. Bockfjorden,
Fuglefjorden, is partly sheltered by cliff islets and shoals. The entered between Roosneset and Kapp Kjeldsen, 6 miles S, ex-
depths in the sound are irregular and include a number of shoal tends 3 miles S of the latter point. A shoal, with a depth of 7m,
patches. Cummingoya lies in the E part of the sound, on a de- lies 4 miles S; a dangerous shoal, with a depth of 1m, lies 6
tached shoal with depths of less than 5.5m up to 183m off- miles SSE of Roosneset.
shore. Steggholmen, 0.5 mile SSE of Cummingoya, lies close
within the S edge of an extensive bank, having depth of less Wijdefjorden
than 5.5m, and with several rocky patches. Holmiabukta, an in-
let, is entered from the SE corner of Fair Haven, 1 mile E of 11.38 Wijdefjorden (79°22'N., 15°37'E.) is entered be-
Drottenneset. tween Grahuken and Bangenhuk, 14 miles ENE and extends 58
Suitable anchorage is reported in the channel between Fugle-
11.35 miles SSE to a glacier at its head. The depths in the fjord are
sangen and Klovingen, close N of Fair Haven. The depths are deep; however a shoal, the exact position of which is not
from 16.5 to 46m, mud, free from hidden dangers, except for a known, with a depth of 3m, lies about 17 miles SSE of Gra-
7m shoal spot that lies about 0.3 mile SW of Klovingen. Drift huken. The W side of the fjord is backed by mountain ranges
ice and bergs may be carried in from the N by the wind or the separated by valleys running in a WSW direction. Some of
tidal current. these valleys are long and flat, others short and steep, but most
have glaciers at their sides or heads and all are desolate.

Pub. 182
Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen) 275

11.38 Courtesy of Olav Haugen, Norwegian Mapping Authority

11.38 Waldenoya from S

Vestfjorden, about 6 miles long, branches SSW from the W

11.38 latter being large and salient and in places the offing is encum-
shore of Wijdefjorden, about 35 miles within the entrance. It is, bered by islands and dangers.
in reality, a side valley which is depressed below sea level and Langgrunnodden (80°09'N., 17°46'E.), the NW extremity

appears to be silting up rapidly. The depths in the fjord are of Nordaustlandet and the NE entrance point of Hinlopen-
somewhat shallow and its head dries for 2 miles offshore. stretet, lies at the NW end of Storsteinhalvoya. From Lang-
Anchorage in Wijdefjorden can be obtained on either side of
11.38 grunnodden to Marmorpynten, 11 miles ENE, the coast
Bratthuken, a small sandy projection on the E side of the fjord, consists almost entirely of narrow strips of beach within which
about 11 miles S of Bangenhuk, in depths of 9.1m on the N are extensive lagoons, most of the water near them being
side of the point and 7.3m on the S side. Anchorage is also re- brackish. Lagoya, meaning low island, is separated from the N
ported on the W side of the fjord close N of Krosspynten, and coast of Storsteinhalvoya by Franklinsundet, known to be foul
also 14 miles SSE of Kapp Petermann. and having a 10m patch in mid-channel, 3.5 miles WNW of
Mosselbukta (79°53'N., 15°55'E.) is entered between Ban-
11.38 Marmorpynten. Franklinsundet’s narrowest width is 3 miles;
genhuk and the coast 3.5 miles NNE, and extends 3 miles SE. however, it should be entered with great caution.
The bay apparently was used as an anchorage during former Lady Franklinfjorden (80°09'N., 19°11'E.) is entered be-

whaling times, but vessels experienced severe difficulties when tween Marmorpynten and the coast of Botniahalvoya, which
they were beset by ice in the bay. projects 13 miles NNW to form the E side of the fjord. From its
Verlegenhuken, about 13 miles NNE of Bangenhuk, forms
11.38 entrance, the fjord penetrates about 9 miles SSE to a glacier at
the N extremity of Mosselhalvoya, the latter being the seaward its head. There appear to be several shoals in the fjord and sev-
end of the great peninsula Ny Friesland which terminates eral above-water rocks are visible. At times, the fjord is unap-
Spitsbergen to the NE and separates Wijdefjorden from Hinlo- proachable due to ice.
penstretet. A beacon stands on Verlegenhuken; a dangerous 5m Brennevinsfjorden is entered between Kapp Hansteen and

patch lies about 3 miles ENE of the beacon. Depotodden, 5 miles ENE, and extends 11 miles SSE. Two
shoal patches, with depths of 3m and 7m, lie about 5 miles
Nordaustlandet—North Coast NNW of Kapp Hansteen. Mariners approaching Brennevins-
fjorden are advised to proceed with extreme caution.
11.39 Nordaustlandet (79°50'N., 23°00'E.), the largest is- Close within Depotodden are steep cliffs, on top of which is

land NE of Spitsbergen, is separated from the latter by Hinlo- an almost snow-free plateau, from which rises Snotoppen, a
penstretet. The very irregular N coast of the island is broken by mountain with a small ice cap on its summit.
interspersed fjords, bays, and rugged peninsulas. Some of the The best anchorage in the fjord is reported to be in an inlet at

Pub. 182
276 Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

the E corner of the head, which is said to be one of the best Kapp Platen, and extends 12 miles S from the latter point. The
sheltered harbors in Nordaustlandet. In normal years, the fjord head of the fjord is shoal and submerged rocks are reported to
is reported to be ice-free between the end of July and early Oc- lie in the entrance. The fjord should not be used as a refuge and
tober. great caution is necessary in entering it. The entrance can be
blocked very quickly by ice; the fjord frequently remains full
11.40 Laponiahalvoya (80°25'N., 19°50'E.) is a large pen- of ice long after the surrounding waters are open.
insula which projects about 18 miles N and separates Breenev- Duvefjorden (80°17'N., 23°30'E.) is entered between the

insfjorden from the large body of water to the E, known as coast under Goodenoughtjellet, 6 miles SE of Kapp Platen, and
Nordenskioldbukta. Kapp Rubin, the N extremity of the penin- the N extremity of Glenhalvoya, a peninsula 11 miles farther
sula, lies about 12 miles NNE of Kapp Hansteen. The NW part SE, and extends 18 miles S from its entrance. The W side of
of the peninsula is composed of gray granite. the fjord consists of steep headlands which form the E side of
Chermsideoya, a relatively large island, lies off the N end of
11.40 Prins Oscars Land. The E shore is lower and more undulating
Laponiahalvoya. The passage between the island and the main- then the W.
land is narrow and its depths are moderate. About 1 mile E of A rock, with a depth of 8m, is reported to lie in position

Chermsideoya are the smaller islands of Castrenoya. In the 80°21.3'N, 23°14.0'E.

channel between Chermsideoya and Castrenoya, the depths are Adlersparrefjorden, on the E side of Duvefjorden, extends

greater than 146m, but a vessel has anchored, in about 9.1m, about 4 miles SE and has three inlets at its head. The N inlet af-
between the E and SE points of Chermsideoya, in a position fords refuge to small vessels, but if blocked by ice, the inlet
about 0.5 mile offshore. A 3m shoal patch, the position of may remain closed for a year. Conwayfjellet, a mountain, rises
which is doubtful, was reported (1989) to lie 1.5 miles SE of steeply between the middle and S inlets. Close SW of Adler-
South Castrenoya Island. sparrefjorden is an unnamed bight, about 2 miles wide at the
Beverlysundet (80°29'N., 19°52'E.) is entered between
11.40 entrance; the E side of Duvefjorden trends about 10 miles S to
Kapp Rubin and a point on the NW side of Chermsideoya, 2 the head of the fjord. Near the outer end of the E and longer of
miles ENE. The sound extends 3 miles SSE, then 1.5 miles NE, two promontories which project from the head is the dark and
with a least width of 0.4 mile. A small point, projecting 0.1 prominent Louise Richardfjellet, with a cairn on its flat sum-
mile S from the middle of the S side of Chermsideoya, is mit. Duvebreen, a glacier, enters the fjord about 4 miles E of
fringed with foul ground, which extends nearly 183m offshore. Louise Richardfjellet.
A shoal, located 0.4 mile ESE of this point, with a depth of
1.8m, has passages on either side. Anchorage may be obtained 11.43 Finn Malmgrenfjorden (80°17'N., 24°31'E.) is en-
0.15 mile WNW of the above point. tered between Glenhalvoya and Bergstromodden, the N ex-
tremity of a narrow whale-backed peninsula 6 miles in length.
11.41 Waldenoya (80°37'N., 19°46'E.), an island, lies 5.5 The fjord, 4 miles wide at the entrance, extends 7 miles SW.
miles NNW of Nordkapp, the N extremity of Chermsideoya. No soundings have been taken in the fjord or in its approaches
The island consists of coarse-grain granite, most of which is and great care is necessary when entering. Sealing vessels re-
flesh color, giving the rock a red hue. The depths around the is- port that a safe channel passes W of Alpinioya, the islet close
land are considerable. Heclaskjeret, a dangerous rock, lies 1.5 NW of Bergstromodden. An islet, whose position is doubtful,
miles S of the summit of Waldenoya. The rock at times is lies about 2 miles W of Alpinioya.
awash when a heavy sea is running. Karl XII Oyane (80°39'N., 25°03'E.) lies 18 miles N of

Sjuoyane consists of three large islands and four smaller is-

11.41 Bergstromodden. The island has steep sides and a truncated
lands, which lie NE of Nordkapp. Rossoya, one of the smaller top. In clear weather, the island appears as a large black sail of
islands, is the northernmost island in Svalbard. a boat. Norde Repoya, an island, lies 7 miles N of Glenhalvoya
Nordenskioldbukta (80°25'N., 21°10'E.) is entered between
11.41 and is 3 miles long in an E-W direction. Sore Repoya lies 2
Nordkapp and Kapp Platen, 28 miles E. The bay consists of nu- miles S of Norde Repoya and is about 4 miles long in a N-S di-
merous inlets, some of which may be entered without danger rection. No attempt should be made to pass between the latter
and are suitable only for temporary anchorage. They are open island and the mainland, as both channels are foul.
to the N and may be filled with heavy ice without warning. Brochoya (80°27'N., 26°03'E.), which with Foynoya and

Comparatively few soundings have been taken in the bay, but Schubeleroya forms a triangular group, lies 14 miles ENE of
several shoals are known to exist. Fowl ground with many Bergstromodden and is about 150m high. Foynoya lies about 2
rocks, both below-water and awash, lies S of Scoresbyoya, an miles E of Brochoya; Schubeleroya lies 1.5 miles S of Bro-
island about 15 miles SW of Kapp Platen. choya.
Rijpfjorden, the longest inlet on the N coast of Nordaustlan-
11.41 Albertinibukta (80°16'N., 25°00'E.), a bay, is entered be-

det, is entered between Kapp Loven and Kapp Wrede, 10.5 tween Bergstromodden and Kapp Bruun, the extremity of a
miles NE, and extends 25 miles S from the latter point. Vind- small projection 6.5 miles SE, and extends 6 miles S to a gla-
bukta, on the E shore of the fjord, lies 7 miles S of Kapp Wre- cier at its head. Between Kapp Bruun and the W end of Leigh-
de. Wordiebukta, entered N of a small projection 20 miles S of breen are a large number of islets lying between 0.5 and 2
Kapp Wrede, is considered to be the safest harbor in Rijp- miles offshore. Shoals and submerged rocks surround these is-
fjorden. No soundings are available. lets and a berth of at least 3 miles should be given to the coast
in their vicinity.
11.42 Zorgdragerfjorden (80°23'N., 22°40'E.), on the NW The ice cliffs of Leighbreen extend 10 miles to Kapp Leigh

side of Prins Oscars Land, is entered between Kapp Wrede and Smith, and then 4 miles S to Kapp Laura, an outcrop of bare rock

Pub. 182
Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen) 277

extending 2 miles E and 3 miles S, forming the E extremity of Hinlopenstretet—East Side

Nordaustlandet. Storoya, an island, lies 5 miles ENE of Kapp Lau-
ra. Foul ground with submerged rocks is charted extending 2 miles 11.46 Murchisonfjorden (80°00'N., 18°20'E.), an indenta-
S from the E extremity of the island. The tidal currents between tion on the E side of the strait, is entered between Tvillingneset
Kapp Laura and Storoya are reported to attain a velocity of about 4 and Sparreneset, 8 miles S, and extends 8 miles E. It is encum-
knots; this is probably a very conservative estimate. bered with islets and its shores are considerably indented. A
detached shoal, with a depth of 9m, lies 3 miles WSW of Tvil-
Hinlopenstretet lingneset. When the inner part of the bay is icebound, vessels
can anchor, in 9m, sand, close within the middle islet of the
11.44 Hinlopenstretet (79°30'N., 19°20'E.) is entered from three outermost ones at the entrance. Otherwise anchorage is
the N between Verlegenhuken, and Langgrunnodden afforded close W of Kvalrosshalvoya, a peninsula at the inner
(80°09'N., 17°46'E.). Lagunepynten, 3 miles ESE of Verlegen- end of the S side, or in a cove at the NE end of the bay.
huken, is a low point from which the coast extends 6.5 miles Wahlenbergfjorden (79°40'N., 20°00'E.) is the largest fjord

SSE to Eolusneset. The strait extends about 95 miles SE to Ko- in Hinlopenstretet, lying about 35 miles within the N entrance,
ristkabreen and Kapp Mohn. The narrowest part of the strait and extends about 25 miles ENE from the E side of the strait. A
lies from 15 to 25 miles within the N entrance where the shores shoal, with a depth of 4.5m, was reported (1988) to lie 2.5
are only 5 miles apart. The strait in many places is encumbered miles ESE of the SE extremity of Wahlenbergfjorden. Further
by islands and islets, especially in its S entrance. In October, shoal patches have been reported (1989) up to 4 miles N of this
the whole strait is covered with ice. In July and August, the position. The fjord has a width of about 6 miles at the entrance,
strait is navigable by most type vessels during normal years. with the least width being about 5 miles. Gyldenoyane, an is-
The N part of the strait is affected by strong winds from adja- land with an islet close SW, lies in the middle of the entrance.
cent ice-covered highlands in summer. Palanderbukta indents the S shore of Wahlengberfjorden, 9

Sorgfjorden (79°54'N., 16°50'E.) is entered between Eolus-

11.44 miles within its entrance. The inlet is about 5 miles wide at its
neset and a small projection 1.5 miles ESE. The fjord extends 5 entrance and extends about 11 miles SE to its head. Anchorage
miles S to a glacier at its head. The fjord has not been com- is available at the head of the inlet, close off the NE shore, in a
pletely sounded, but in most places both shores may apparently depth of about 13m.
be approached in safety to within 183m.
Heclahamma, a landlocked cove, lies on the S side of Cro-
11.44 11.47 Vaigattoyane (79°20'N., 20°00'E.) is an extensive
zierpyten, a narrow promontory on the E shore about 1 mile group of islands and islets which encumber the middle of Hin-
within the entrance of Sorgfjorden. Anchorage may be ob- lopenstretet for a distance of about 15 miles, from 9 miles S of
tained in Heclahamna, in depths of 5.5 to 13m, good holding Selanderneset to 4 miles N of Kapp Freeden. Wahlbergoya, the
ground. Anchorage is also obtainable under Eolusneset, in largest island of the group, is 7 miles long, with its NW ex-
depths of 5.5 to 9m. tremity 13 miles S of Selanderneset. Von Otteroya, the next
Lomfjorden (79°36'N., 17°54'E.) lies on the W side of Hin-
11.44 largest island, lies about 2 miles S of Wahlbergoya.
lopenstretet and is entered between Isrundingen and Kapp Fan- Ulvebukta, an open bay, lies on the S side of Nordaustlandet,

shawe, 6 miles SSE. The fjord extends 17 miles SSW to a 13 miles E of Wahlbergoya. The bay is entered between Torell-
glacier at its head. It has been reported anchorage may be taken neset and Giaeverneset, 11 miles E. Anchorage may be ob-
in a depth of 14m, clay, off the W shore, close S of Valhallfon- tained close S of Torellnesfjellet, in a depth of 11m, or in the
na. same depth, close off Giaeverneset.
Kapp Mohn, a glacier point which forms the SE entrance

11.45 Tommelpynten (79°33'N., 18°42'E.) lies 7 miles SE point of Hinlopenstretet, lies 36 miles E of Giaeverneset. The
of Kapp Fanshawe. Tommeloyane, a group of islets, lies be- point is subject to change due to the movement of the ice cliffs.
tween 1 and 2.5 miles offshore abreast of Tommelpynten. A
detached islet is charted 3.5 miles N of Tommelpynten; a dan- Spitsbergen—East Coast
gerous rock lies 5 miles E of the point.
Vaigattbogen, a wide open bay, lies between Tommelpynten
11.45 11.48 Kikutodden (76°35'N., 17°00'E.), the SE extremity
and Kapp Freeden, which projects 2.5 miles NE from the coast of Sorkapp Land, is a projection on the coast and lies 6 miles
27 miles SSE of Tommelpynten. Numerous glaciers, some of ENE of Sommerfeldbukta. Bettybukta is a slight indentation
them separated by mountains, form the coast for 19 miles S of with low land at its head. It lies 4 miles NNE of Kikutodden.
Tommelpynten. Between Kapp Freeden and Kapp Weyprecht, Isbukta, a bay, lies 7 miles NNW of Bettybukta.
26 miles SE, many glaciers discharge into the strait; there are Hedgehogfjellet, a steep mountain, rises close to the coast

numerous off-lying islands and islets. about 10 miles NNE of Isbukta. From abreast this mountain,
Wilhelmoya (79°03'N., 20°24'E.), a large island, lies 3.5
11.45 the E coast of Spitsbergen, trends about 32 miles N to Kval-
miles SE of Kapp Freeden. The island is high with a round vagen. A number of glaciers discharge into the sea between
snow top. The island is separated from the mainland by Hedgehogfjellet and Kvalvagen. It has been reported Kval-
Bjornsundet. Bastianoyane and Ronnbeckoyane, two groups of vagen affords good anchorage, but is unreachable at times be-
islets SW of Wilhelmoya, obstruct the S approach to Bjornsun- cause of drift ice.
det. Koristkabreen, 5 miles S of Kapp Weyprecht forms the SW Storfjorden (78°00'N., 20°00'E.), entered between Kvalho-

entrance point of Hinlopenstretet, and the E extremity of Spits- vden and Kvalpynten, 35 miles E, extends 63 miles N to the
bergen. entrance of Ginevrabotnen at its head. The whole of

Pub. 182
278 Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

11.48 Courtesy of Olav Haugen, Norwegian Mapping Authority

Negerpynten from SE

Storfjorden is filled with ice from January to May inclusive, in indented by Diskobukta, a wide bay with a valley at its head.
an average year, but in exceptional years there may be large Barkhamodden (78°14'N., 20°41'E.), the SW point of Bar-

openings in May. Vessels can usually navigate from July to entsoya, lies 7 miles NNW of Kapp Lee, with the entrance of
September. Strong winds and currents may cause rapid chang- Freemansundet being between them. The mountainous coast of
es in the ice in this region. Barentsoya continues in a N direction for about 16 miles to
From Kvalhovden, the coast trends N for nearly 30 miles to
11.48 Mistakodden, the NW point of the island. Anchorage is avail-
Kapp Dufferin; this stretch is broken by the fronts of three gla- able close N of Mistakodden in the position indicated on the
ciers between the coastal peaks. The glaciers are separated by chart. A dangerous rock lies about 2 miles WNW of Mistakod-
coastal mountains. Agardhbukta, is entered between Kapp den. Anderssonbukta indents the coast between Barkhamodden
Dufferin and Revnosa, 6 miles NE, and extends 4.5 miles NW. and Duckwitzbreen, a glacier about 5 miles to the N. Vosse-
This bay has the reputation of being very foul, though the
11.48 bukta, a slight indentation in the coast, lies 5 miles SE of Mis-
latest surveys indicate that its middle part is unencumbered. It takodden. A rock lies 3 miles SW of Anderssonoyane. Another
has been stated that the bay is exposed to drift ice because of dangerous rock has been reported to exist in position
violent currents in the vicinity. (77°25.9'N., 20°48.5'E.) Mariners are advised to navigate with
The coast continues N for about 25 miles from Revnosa;
11.48 caution in this area.
then for about 8 miles E it is formed by the S side of Ne- A small unnamed islet and Sylen, a 3.5m patch, lie 3 miles

gribreen Glacier. Kapp Antinori, the SE extremity of the gla- and 5 miles NW, respectively, of Hassensteinbukta. Storflosk-
cier, is the W entrance point of Ginevrabotnen, which lies at jeret, a rock which covers and uncovers, lies 12 miles WNW of
the head of Storfjorden. Anchorage has been reported in Du- this cove. Sletvoldgrunnen, a 5m patch, lies about 9 miles
nerbukta and Mohnbukta, two coves on the coast between Rev- WSW of Kapp Lee, but its exact position is doubtful. Other
nosa and Negribreen. dangers in Storfjorden are best seen on the charts.
Ginevrabotnen (78°37'N., 20°20'E.), at the head of

Storfjorden—East Side Storfjorden, is entered between Mistakodden and Kapp An-

tinori. The bay extends about 15 miles NE to Heleysundet, the
11.49 North of Kvalpynten, the E coast of Storfjorden has narrow passage connecting it with Olgastretet, and is encum-
been described as a continuous rocky wall, rising almost direct- bered by several off-lying islets. The ice in Ginevrabotnen re-
ly from the sea to a high plateau. Kapp Lee, the NW point of mains throughout almost the entire year. At times it is clear of
Edgeoya and the S entrance point of Freemansundet, lies about ice by the end of August, but new ice begins to form almost at
40 miles N of Kvalpynten. Between the two points the coast is once and the bay is quickly blocked again.

Pub. 182
Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen) 279

Edgeoya and Barentsoya—East Coasts from Kapp Heuglin and it has been reported that the area
around Kapp Waldburg is foul.
11.50 Edgeoya (77°45'N., 22°30'E.), the third largest island Barentsoya (78°26'N., 21°20'E.) lies close N of Edgeoya and is

in Svalbard, lies E of the S part of Spitsbergen. The E coast of separated from it by Freemansundet. Heleysundet, another narrow
the island forms the W side of Olgastrete. The island is about passage, leads between Barentsoya and the mainland to the N. The
60 miles long between Negerpynten, the SW extremity of the island is about 25 miles in extent and has glaciers which empty in-
island, and Kapp Heuglin, its N extremity. The approach to the to the sea from each of its four sides.
SW coast of Edgeoya is one of the most dangerous parts of
Svalbard, as the outermost known dangers lie a long way off- Off-lying Islands
shore, the tidal currents in this vicinity are very strong, and a
number of uncharted dangers are reported to lie off the coast. 11.52 Hopen (76°35'N., 25°10'E.), an isolated island, is nar-
Tunsenoyane consists of several groups of islets some dis-
11.50 row and 17 miles long in a NNE-SSW direction; it lies about
tance apart and as yet not accurately charted covering a large 54 miles SE of Negerpynten, the S extremity of Edgeoya. The
area S of the SW coast of Edgeoya. The outermost known dan- island has been described as a tableland, the sides of which are
gers are the isolated drying rocks Brotskjer and Rumpetrollet, cut up with gullies and which attain an elevation of 365m at
lying approximately 32 miles SW of Negerpynten. Breakers Kapp Thor, the S point. Landing is at all times difficult because
have been reported in this area. A 10m depth has been reported of the steep coasts and the shallow water close-in. There is usu-
to lie about 12 miles W of this danger. Other dangerous sub- ally a heavy swell on all sides of the island.
merged rocks lie between 10 and 12 miles WNW of the islet of Hopen Radio station is located 5 miles NNE of Kapp Thor.

Haoya. In an average year, Hopen is clear of ice from July to Octo-


Kong Luovigoyane and Menkeoyane are the principal

11.50 ber. In a severe season, the island may be ice-free only from
groups of islets in the N part of Tusenoyane. The former, the mid-August to mid-September. The current sets SW past
farthest NW, lies 13 miles W of Negerpynten and has danger- Hopen at about 2 knots.
ous reefs rising out of deep water close S; the latter, the farthest Anchorage.—The island has no sheltered bays which can

NE, is situated 5 miles SSE of that point and is surrounded by serve as harbors. It is so shallow inshore around the entire is-
rocky patches. land, that even at 200m from the shore, very little sea is re-
A below-water reef extends 1 mile S of Menkeoyane and a
11.50 quired to form breakers, thus making landing difficult for a
rock, with a depth of less than 2m, lies 2.5 miles SW of the boat. On the E side of the island, in places, the shallow area can
group. A channel leads NW between these dangers towards extend up to 0.7 mile or more out from land.
Buolscheoya, a detached islet midway between Menkeoyane Today, both sides of the island are used as anchorages to

and Kong Ludvigoyane. avoid storms, or for reloading from fishing vessels to mother
About 6 miles S of Kong Ludvigoyane lies Utsira, a low-lying
11.50 ships of up to 20,000 gt.
rocky islet; the same distance S of Buolscheoya stands Meinicke- For those wishing to land, a boat channel should be found in-

oyane, a pair of islands steep-to except on their W side. to the shore where it appears to be deepest and calmest without
Halvmaneoya (77°16'N., 23°10'E.), an island, lies with its W
11.50 breakers over a long period. From experience, it appears to be
extremity about 8 miles E of Negerpynten. The S point of the is- best to go ashore is on the E side of the island, when vessels go
land is foul to a distance of about 2 miles offshore. Dianahamna, in carefully and anchor, in 10 to 15m.
an indentation on the N side of the island, affords anchorage. Vessels have anchored, in a depth of 11m, at a distance of 0.5

Ryk Yseoyane (77°47'N., 25°12'E.), a group of islets, lie

11.50 mile from land off the radio station.
about 10 miles E of the E extremity of Edgeoya. Seen from a
position 10 miles to the E, the group has the appearance of one 11.53 Kong Karls Land (78°50'N., 28°10'E.) consists of a
long low island, with the S extremity sloping gradually into the group of three main islands, Svenskoya, Kongsoya, and Abe-
sea and the N end finishing in an abrupt cliff. loya, together with a number of islets. Olgastretet, a channel
Blafjorden, a large open bay, lies between Kapp Metchers
11.50 about 50 miles in width, separates the group from Edgeoya and
and Kapp Pechuel Losche, 20 miles NW, and extends 7 miles Barentsoya. Erik Eriksenstretet, a channel entered from the
SW of a line joining the entrance points. The NW part of the NE, is 35 miles wide and separates the group from Nordaust-
bay is shallow, with depths of 9m being found about 4 miles landet.
offshore. Submerged rocks, the exact position of which are Svenskoya, the W island of Kong Karls Land, lies 50 miles

doubtful, are reported to exist between 1 mile and 2 miles E of ENE of Barentsoya. In August and September, the coast may,
Kapp Pechuel Losche. for the most part, be approached by most vessels through navi-
gable ice. Kapp Hammerfest forms the S extremity of the is-
11.51 Freemansundet (78°14'N., 21°37'E.), 22 miles in land and is a tapering basalt ridge. The island is moderately
length, has an E to SW direction and a least width of 2.5 miles. It free from snow, but N of Kukenthafjaellet, between it and the
separates Edgeoyn from Barentsoya. The sound was surveyed in ridge, there exist a permanent cap of snow and ice. Patches of
1987; depths of 15m were found in the center but is reported to be snow cling constantly to the upper edges of the plateau and the
too shallow and rocky to admit passage of anything but small higher slopes of the hills. The lowlands of the island consist
craft. The sound is entered from the E between Kapp Heuglin and mainly of sand and clay washed down by melting snow.
Kapp Waldburg, 9.5 miles W. A high flat-topped cliff extends NE from Kapp Hammerfest

Two islets lie in the middle of the E entrance, 4 miles WNW

11.51 and is connected by a yellow sandy beach to Kapp Weissenfels,
of Kapp Heuglin. Foul ground extends 2.5 miles N and NW the E extremity of Svenskoya. This point, projecting about 1

Pub. 182
280 Sector 11. Svalbard Archipelago (Spitsbergen)

mile ENE, consists of a mass of columnar basalt, with sand 11.55 Antarcticbukta (78°49'N., 28°03'E.) lies between
dunes in its vicinity. Anchorage has been obtained in a bight on Kapp Altmann and Kapp Andreassen, 4 miles W. Anchorage is
the S side of Kapp Weissenfels, in a depth of 14m, poor hold- obtainable here, in a depth of 11m, sand, but holding ground is
ing ground, with some shelter from N winds. poor. Anchorage has been reported in Andreebukta, the bight
between Tommerneset and Nordaustpynten. The depth close
11.54 Kongsoya (78°54'N., 28°13'E.), about 21 miles long inshore in the SW part of the bight is 61m, clay.
in an E-W direction, is the middle island of Kong Karls Land. Abeloya (79°00'N., 30°10'E.) is the smallest and farthest E

The island is separated from Svenskoya by Rivalensundet. The island of the Kong Karls Land group. The island is reported to
island is comparatively narrow, its greatest width being about 5 be barren and of basaltic formation and is located 6 miles ENE
miles, and consists of three main parts. The three parts are the of Kongsoya. The island is 3 miles long by 2.5 miles wide.
W plateau, the high land near the E end, and the low land con-
necting the two. From the offing SE, it appears as three sepa- 11.56 Kvitoya (80°09'N., 32°38'E.) is about 23 miles long
rate islands; at a greater distance it resembles a group of four in an E-W direction. The island is located at the E extremity of
islands, because of the dip in the W plateau. Nordaustlandet; about 45 miles E of Kapp Laura. Kvitoya is al-
Kapp Altmann is the extremity of a narrow tongue of land
11.54 most completely covered by ice; the only ice-free areas are An-
which projects about 2 miles S from the S coast of Kongsoya, dreeneset, its SW point, and Kraemerpynten, near the NE end
in a position about 3 miles E of Kapp Andreassen, the W ex- of the island.
tremity of the island. A dangerous reef extends about 1 mile S The ice cap covering the island is divided into three domes

from the cape; about 1 mile farther in the same direction is a which reflect the topography of the underlying rocks. The is-
rock, awash. A shoal, with a depth of 2.7m, has been reported land has been described as being glittering white from its sum-
about 5 miles SE of the cape. It has been reported that anchor- mit down to the water’s edge, from which it rises in a steep icy
age may be obtained close inshore on the E side of Kapp Alt- wall.
mann, in a depth of 12m, fine sand. A rock, awash, lies 6 miles SSE of Andreeneset. Another

Some shelter from N and W winds was obtained, but the

11.54 rock, awash, lies 1.5 miles WSW of Andreeneset. A shoal spit
holding ground is poor. At times, squalls from the N swept extends 2 miles S from a point on the S coast, 9 miles E of An-
down from the hills with great violence. dreeneset.

Pub. 182
Glossaries 281



A drikkevand...........................................................fresh water
a ..................................................................... rivulet, stream dumpefelt ................................................... dumping ground
aker ................................................................................ field dyb, dyp......................................................................... deep
aksel, aksla ............................shoulder of a hill or mountain dybde............................................................................depth
alltid synlig........................................................ above water dykdalb..................................................................... dolphin
ankerplass .............................................................anchorage E
as ...........................................................................hill, ridge ebbe ..........................................................................ebb tide
atte ................................................................................ eight egg................................ edge (of a bank or mountain range)
aust ................................................................................. east eid............................................................................. isthmus
austre .........................................................................eastern elv, elva ......................................................................... river
avfallsplass ....................................................... spoil ground elvmunning ........................................................river mouth
avlopsledning ..........................................outfall pipe, sewer en.....................................................................................one
B etterretninger for sjofarende................... notices to mariners
babord.........................................................port (side, hand) F
bae i vannflaten .............................rock, awash at low water fabrikk ....................................................................... factory
bae ............................................... rock (usually submerged) fall ..................................................... fall (of a rock of cliff)
bak ...............................................................................astern famn .......................................................................... fathom
bake ...........................................................................beacon farled, farlei................................................channel, fairway
bakke ...............................................................................hill fartoy, fartyg................................................................vessel
ballast plass ...................................................... spoil ground farvann ..................................................waters, sea, fairway
banke ............................................................................ bank fastland ...................................................................mainland
basseng .........................................................................basin favn............................................................................ fathom
bathavn ...............................................................boat harbor fem ................................................................................. five
beholderskap ........................................................... pedestal ferje ...............................................................................ferry
bekk ................................................................... stream beck festning..............................................................fort, fortress
berg, bierg, bjerg .................................................mount, hill fire ..................................................................................four
betong ......................................................................concrete fiskevaer .........................................................fishing station
bla .................................................................................. blue fjaere ........................................................................ebb tide
bo...................................................................................farm fjell ..........................................hill, mountain, rocky bottom
boe ............................................... rock (usually submerged) fjellplata .................................................................... plateau
borg...............................................................castle, mansion fjellrygg........................................................ mountain ridge
botn................................................................head (of fjord) fjellvegg .........................................................mountain wall
boye .............................................................................. buoy fjord....................................................... firth, arm of the sea
boyestake...............................................................spar buoy flae, flak, flat ...................................................... flat or bank
brat......................................rock, (usually a group of rocks) flesa ........................................ rock (generally above-water)
bratt ....................................................... steep, cliffy, abrupt flo .......................................................................... flood tide
bre.............................................................................. glacier flu, flua..................................................... rock (submerged)
bred............................................................................... wide flyplasser ....................................................................airport
brott ........................................rock (usually group of rocks) flytedokk ......................................................... floating dock
bru, bro ....................................................................... bridge foran, forud ................................................................. ahead
brudd ..........................................................................quarry forberg................................................................promontory
brukar ............................................................................. pier forbudt.................................................................. prohibited
brygga, brygge...........wharf, (boat landing, dock, jetty, pier forbudt sjoomrade ....................................restricted sea area
bukt, bukta ................................................. bay, bight (cove) fortoyningsboye ............................................. mooring buoy
bunn...........................................................................bottom foss ...........................................................cascade, waterfall
bunnkjetting..............................................bottom chain, trot fot .......................................................................... foot, base
by..................................................................... town, village fylke ......................................................................... country
bygd............................................................... district, parish fyr.................................................................................. light
bygning......................................framework structure, pylon fyrhus, fyrtarn .................................. lighthouse, light-tower
D fyrlampe ................................................... light (unwatched)
dag .................................................................................. day G
dal ................................................................................valley gamle, gammel ................................................................ old
dalfore ......................................................... extended valley gap, gat ............................................... mouth, channel, deep
djup................................................................................deep gard ....................................................... farm, village, estate
dor, dora.................................................. door, gate, passage gjennom.................................................................... through

Pub. 182
282 Glossaries


godt synlig ........................................................ conspicuous kapell.......................................................................... chapel

gra.................................................................................. gray kapp............................................................................... cape
grend.......................................................................... hamlet kil ........................................................................creek, inlet
grense ...........................................................limit, boundary kirke ...........................................................................church
gron, gront, grun.......................................................... green kjegle, kjegleformede...................................... cone; conical
grube.................................................................mine, quarry klar ................................................................................clear
grunn ............................................................. shoal, shallow klett ...................................................................... bluff, cliff
grunnen......................................................................ground klippe...............................................................reef, pinnacle
gul.............................................................................. yellow kloakkledning.......................................... outfall pipe, sewer
H klokkeboye ............................................................ bell-buoy
hake ...............................................strip or hook of low lang klova, kloft .................................................................... cleft
hals ................................................................. isthmus, neck klubb ...................................................................... headland
halvoy ....................................................................peninsula klump ......................................................................... clump
hamn ................................................................harbor, haven knaus .................................................................... crag, rock
haug ........................................................................... hillock knop............................................................................... knot
haus ........................................................................headland koll ................................................... knoll, rounded summit
hav ................................................................................... sea kort ............................................................................... short
havn .................................................................harbor, haven kraftstasjon......................................................power station
havnedistrikt ...................................... (civil) harbour district kran ..............................................................................crane
havnekontor ......................................................harbor office kreppa, kreppen........................................................narrows
hei, heia ..........................................hill or height, hummock krigshavn...........................................................naval harbor
heim, hejm........................................................... homestead kulp ....................................................................... deep hole
heller.................................................................... rocky cave kyst ............................................................................... coast
hode ...............................................................................head L
hol..........................................................................deep hole ladested ........................................................... loading place
hole .............................................................................cavern lagerhus ............................................................... warehouse
holm, holme....................................................................islet land...................................................................... land, shore
hop....................................................................... small cove lang................................................................................ long
horn ....................................................................... hill, peak langgrunn ....................................................shelving bottom
hovde, hoved ................................................... head (height) lanterne...........................................................................post
hoy, hogd ........................................hill or height, hummock lav, lave, lavt....................................................................low
hoyere ......................................................................... higher lavvann ..................................................................low water
hoyvann ............................................................... high water led, leia................................................... channel, lead track
huk.................................................strip or hook of low land leir (-bunn) .................................................... clay (-bottom)
hule .............................................................................cavern li ..................................................................... mountain side
hump..................................................................... hummock lille, lite, litla, litle......................................................... little
hundre...................................................................... hundred livbat......................................................................... lifeboat
hus ...............................................................................house lodret .........................................................................vertical
hvit, hvitt ..................................................................... white lop ..............................................................channel, passage
hytte................................................................................. hut los.................................................................................. pilot
I loskontor ............................................................. pilot office
i land...........................................................................ashore lufspann, luftspenn....................................... overhead cable
indre, inre, inste............................................................ inner lykt, lys.......................................................................... light
innlop, innseiling.....................................................entrance lysboye .................................................................light-buoy
innpa .........................................................................close to M
innsjo ..............................................................................lake mellom .................................................................... between
is .......................................................................................ice merke............................................................................ mark
isbre ............................................................ glacier, ice-field midt ........................................................................... middle
J mindre .......................................................................smaller
jern..................................................................................iron molle .............................................................................. mill
jernbane .................................................................... railway molo ..........................................................mole, breakwater
jokel............................................................ glacier, ice-field mork ..................................................... obscured (of a light)
jord ...................................................................... earth, land munn, munning .......................................................... mouth
K mur, murverk..............................................brick, brickwork
kabel ........................................................... submarine cable myr ..............................................................................marsh
kai ................................................................................. quay N
kalv ..................... calf (small rock or islet near a larger one) nakke ............................................................................. neck
kanal .............................................................. canal, channel natt................................................................................ night

Pub. 182
Glossaries 283


naust ............................................................. hut, fishing hut rev.................................................................................. reef

navn ..............................................................................name rod, rodt........................................................................... red
nearing................................... high entrance point of a fjord rorledning................................................................ pipeline
mederst .....................................................................beneath ros, roys........................................ stone heap, rocky ground
nedre ...................................................................lower, front rund ............................................................................ round
nes ................................................................................. ness rygg .....................................................................back, ridge
ni.................................................................................... nine S
nip........................................................................ neap (tide) sadel .......................................................................... saddle
nodhavn ......................................... distress or refuge harbor sagbruk.................................................................... sawmill
nord ..............................................................................north sand (-bunn) ..................................................sand (-bottom)
nordenom..............................................................northward sata, sate ..................................................... haycock, hillock
nordre, nordotre.......................................................northern seater .......................................................................hill farm
norske los, den...................norway pilot (sailing directions) seks.................................................................................. six
nut.......................................................... mountain top, peak singel (-bunn) ............................................shingle (-bottom)
ny; nytt............................................................................new sjo................................................................................... sea
O sjoflyhavn.................................................... seaplane harbor
o...................................................................................island sjohus ................................................................. warehouse
odde .............................................................................. point sjomerke .....................................................beacon, seamark
odre................................................................................. rear sju................................................................................ seven
olje.............................................................................fuel oil skalle ......................................................................head, hill
opphalings rampe ...........................................slipway, ramp skar, skar .......................... crevice, rocky outcrop, gap, glen
oppmudret ............................................................... dredged skip................................................................................ ship
orgelboye ......................................................... whistle-buoy skipsverft................................................................ shipyard
orlogshavn .............................................. (naval) harbor area skjaer, skjer ...................................above-water rock, skerry
skjaergard ............................................ archipelago, skerries
os ....river mouth, basin or area of between islands or fjords
skjell (-bunn) .................................................shell (-bottom)
ovenfor ............................................................above, higher skog ...................................................................wood, forest
overettlinjen....................................................... leading-line skolt.............................................. headland; head (of shoal)
oversvommet .......................................................submerged skorstein ................................................................. chimney
ost ................................................................................... east skra......................................................................... diagonal
ostenom .................................................................. eastward skvalpeskjaer..................................................... rock, awash
ostre ...........................................................................eastern slaggrunn........................................................ see langgrunn
ovyvelsefelt, ovelsesomrade...........exercise or practice area slam (-bunn) .................................................. mud (-bottom)
overst ...........................................................................above slepebat .......................................................................... tug
ovre.................................................................... upper (rear) slette ...................................................................... flat, plain
oy, oya .........................................................................island slik................................................................................ ooze
oygard, oygruppe................................................archipelago slipp...................................................................... patent slip
oyr, oyra, ora ............................................... delta, sandbank slott............................................................................. castle
P slua ............................................................................... rock
pa ................................................................................. at, on slukket ............................................................. extinguished
pa grunn................................................................... aground slus, sluse ........................................................... lock, sluice
pakhus ................................................................ storehouse sma .............................................................................. small
peiling...................................................................... bearing smal .......................................................................... narrow
pele ................................................................................ post sole (-bunn) ................................................... mud (-bottom)
pelebukk .................................................................. dolphin sondre..................................................................... southern
peleverk ..........................................................piling, groyne sonnenom ............................................................ southward
pir .................................................................................. pier sor, sore ....................................................................... south
platta ......................................................................... plateau sorte............................................................................. black
poll............................................................. cove, inlet, basin sorvest ................................................................. southwest
pynt.............................................................................. point soyle .............................................................. column, pillar
R spiss...................................................................... point, spit
rabbe ..................................................... rocky or stony ridge stad ........................................................................city, town
radiofyr ............................................................. radiobeacon stake ............................................................. pole, spar buoy
ras ............................................................................ landslip stakk ....................................................................heap, stack
rasa .................................................................................race stang ...................................................... perch, post, column
red......................................................................... roadstead stativ ................................................................ pile structure
redning....................................................................... rescue staur.................................................................pinnacle rock
renna, renne ............................................................. channel stein, sten............................................................. rock, stone

Pub. 182
284 Glossaries


sund, sundet............................... channel, inlet, sound, strait U

sva.....................................................................ridge of rock uklar .............................................................................. foul
svart ............................................................................. black undervanns ......................................................... submerged
syd ............................................................................... south ur .............................................rock-strewn slope; rock-falls
sykchus .................................................................... hospital utlop ................................................................ mouth, outlet
T utstikker................................................ projecting pier, jetty
tang .....................................................................tongue, spit V
tare..........submerged rock (usually large and flat); seaweed vaer......................................... place, village; fishing station
takesignal.............................................................. fog signal vag......................................................bay, cove, creek, inlet
tarn.............................................................................. tower vaker.......................................................beacon; buoy; vane
ti...................................................................................... ten val.................................................. coast, very shallow cove
tind...................................................................summit, peak vandret................................................................. horizontal
to.................................................................................... two vann, vatn ............................................................ water, lake
toll-bod, -bu-stasjon, -kammer, -sted ............. custom house vannfall.....................................................cascade, waterfall
office, etc. varde...............................................beacon-tower, cairn, hill
tonne ......................................................... buoy, cask, barrel vassdrag...................................................river, water-course
topp.......................................................................... summit vat................................................................................... wet
torr .................................................................................. dry ved..................................................................................near
torrdokk .................................................................. dry dock vegg....................................................................... wall, cliff
torrfall, torrflu............................... drying bank, drying rock vei...................................................................road (on land)
trafikkregulertomrade................... traffic separation scheme verft ........................................................ dockyard, shipyard
trang, trange.............................................................. narrow vest ............................................................................... west
tre................................................................................. three vestenom .............................................................. westward
tre............................................................................. wooden vestre ....................................................................... western
trebeining.................................................. framework tower vik, vika, viki .....................................bay, cove, creek, inlet
trekant...................................................................... triangle vindmolle .............................................................. windmill
tue, tuva ............................................ hillrock, knoll, mound vogn......................................................................... slipway
tung................................................................ tongue of land voll ........................... mound; dike; grassy plain; cove, inlet
tusen ...................................................................... thousand vrak ............................................................................ wreck
tvers ........................................................................... abeam Y
tydelig.............................................................. conspicuous ytre, ytste, yttre ........................................................... outer

Pub. 182

How to use the Index—Gazetteer

Geographic names of navigational features are generally those used by the nation having sovereignty and are listed
alphabetically. Diacritical marks, such as accents, cedillas, and circumflexes, which are related to specific letters in certain foreign
languages, are not used in the interest of typographical simplicity.
Geographic names or their spellings do not necessarily reflect recognition of the political status of an area by the United States
Government. Positions are approximate and are intended merely as locators to facilitate reference to the charts.
To use as a Gazetteer note the position and Sector number of the feature and refer to the Chart Information diagram for the
Sector. Plot the approximate position of the feature on this diagram and note the approximate chart number.
To use as an Index of features described in the text note the paragraph number at the right. To locate this feature on the best
scale chart use the Gazetteer procedure above.


Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para

A ARNOYFJORDEN 64 46 N 11 15 E 7.19
AROYA 63 11 N 8 36 E 6.49
A 67 53 N 12 59 E 8.4 ARSFLESA 65 01 N 10 41 E 7.26
AADNESET 60 38 N 4 50 E 4.15 ARSGRUNN 59 08 N 5 26 E 2.9
ABELOYA 79 00 N 30 10 E 11.55 ARSUNDBAEN 63 07 N 8 02 E 6.45
ABELVAER LIGHT 64 43 N 11 10 E 7.17 ARSUNDOYA 63 06 N 7 59 E 6.40
ADLANDSFJORDEN 60 15 N 5 38 E 3.58 ARVIKSUNDET 59 16 N 5 33 E 2.22
ADVENTFJORDEN 78 15 N 15 37 E 11.18 ASBRAKEN 66 30 N 12 32 E 7.63
AERSTEINEN LIGHT 62 48 N 6 36 E 6.15 ASKROVA LIGHT 61 31 N 5 00 E 5.41
AGDENESET 63 39 N 9 46 E 6.67 ASNESET 61 56 N 5 28 E 5.47
AGNHOLMEN 58 16 N 6 50 E 1.25 ASPA 62 28 N 6 09 E 5.61
AGOTNES 60 24 N 5 01 E 4.27 ASPENESET 68 25 N 15 47 E 8.11
AKREHAMN 59 16 N 5 11 E 3.6 ASTAFJORDEN 68 44 N 17 00 E 8.49
AKSELSUNDET 77 45 N 14 36 E 11.11 ASVAER 66 14 N 12 12 E 7.48
AKSNESET 62 57 N 8 20 E 6.46 AUSTBAEN 59 08 N 5 17 E 2.9
AKTIVNESET 62 30 N 3 36 E 6.1 AUSTDJUPET 59 16 N 5 24 E 2.21
ALBERTINIBUKTA 80 16 N 25 00 E 11.43 AUSTEROY 59 17 N 5 27 E 2.21
ALDEN 61 19 N 4 48 E 5.17 AUSTERVAG, 74 30 N 19 12 E 11.3
ALESUND 62 28 N 6 10 E 5.31 AUSTKLAKKANE 63 23 N 8 24 E 6.65
ALESUND HAVN 62 28 N 6 09 E 5.61 AUSTNESFJORDEN 68 17 N 14 43 E 8.10
ALESUNDAKSLA 62 28 N 6 11 E 6.4 AUSTRE FUGLOYGRUNNEN 63 06 N 7 47 E 6.35
ALFARTANGEN 63 19 N 8 34 E 6.63 AUSTRE REIFLUA 63 27 N 8 13 E 6.56
ALLMENNINGSFLUENE 61 54 N 5 16 E 5.47 AUSTRE VAGHOLMFLUA 59 13 N 5 31 E 2.22
ALMENINGSKOLLEN 64 11 N 10 01 E 6.59 AUVAER 69 52 N 18 00 E 8.57
ALNES LIGHT 62 29 N 5 58 E 6.4 AVEROYA 63 00 N 7 30 E 6.38
ALSTADOYA 67 54 N 15 11 E 8.18
ALTA 69 58 N 23 15 E 9.11
ALTAFJORDEN 70 05 N 23 06 E 9.11 B
ALTFJORDEN 65 56 N 12 19 E 7.30
ALVERSTRAUMEN 60 34 N 5 14 E 4.30 BAANE 61 29 N 4 59 E 5.40
ALVNESTANGEN LIGHT 67 16 N 15 02 E 7.62 BAEFLUA 63 14 N 7 52 E 6.62
ALVOYVAG 60 21 N 5 11 E 4.19 BALLANGEN 68 22 N 16 55 E 8.26
ALVUNFJORDEN 62 54 N 8 22 E 6.47 BALLSFJORDEN 69 32 N 18 55 E 8.61
ALWYN NORTH OIL FIELD 60 48 N 1 44 E 5.2 BALLSTAD 68 04 N 13 42 E 8.5
AMBORNES LIGHT 63 34 N 10 26 E 6.73 BANGSUND LIGHT 64 25 N 11 21 E 7.13
AMSTERDAMOYA 79 46 N 10 49 E 11.32 BARENTSBURG 78 04 N 14 14 E 11.16
ANASIRA 58 17 N 6 26 E 1.33 BARENTSOYA 78 26 N 21 20 E 11.51
ANDA 61 51 N 6 05 E 5.48 BARKHAMODDEN 78 14 N 20 41 E 11.49
ANDA 69 04 N 15 11 E 8.44 BAROYA 68 21 N 16 07 E 8.24
ANDALSNES 62 34 N 7 41 E 6.19 BASUNDSKJERA 61 56 N 5 00 E 5.20
ANDENES 69 20 N 16 08 E 8.45 BATALDFLUENE 61 54 N 4 48 E 5.19
ANDERSBAKKEN 66 16 N 12 18 E 7.48 BATNFJORDEN 62 56 N 7 45 E 6.42
ANDERSBOSKALLEN 68 46 N 13 33 E 8.1 BATSFJORDEN 70 41 N 29 51 E 9.24
ANDFJORDEN 69 00 N 16 03 E 8.46 BEISFJORDEN 68 24 N 17 30 E 8.29
ANDOYA 69 05 N 15 45 E 8.41 BELLSUND 77 39 N 14 00 E 11.10
ANGERSHOLMEN LIGHT 66 46 N 13 16 E 7.56 BEREFJORDEN 58 16 N 6 28 E 1.33
ANGVIK 62 53 N 8 06 E 6.43 BERG 65 22 N 12 12 E 7.33
ANNOYSKJERET LIGHT 61 36 N 4 56 E 5.15 BERGEN 60 24 N 5 19 E 4.31
ANSNESET 64 28 N 11 24 E 7.11 BERGSHEIA 69 03 N 17 24 E 8.52
ANTARCTICBUKTA 78 49 N 28 03 E 11.55 BERGSNESET 68 07 N 13 04 E 8.35
ARALDEN 61 41 N 4 46 E 5.21 BERGSOYA 62 20 N 6 38 E 5.28
ARAMSUND LIGHT 62 12 N 5 29 E 5.51 BERGSOYHOLMEN 62 58 N 7 53 E 6.42
ARASVIKFJORDEN 63 09 N 8 25 E 6.49 BERLEVAG 70 52 N 29 06 E 9.23
ARDAL 61 14 N 7 43 E 5.34 BERYL OIL FIELD 59 33 N 1 32 E 3.3
AREBROTSNESET LIGHT 61 38 N 5 00 E 5.23 BESSFJORDNESET 68 12 N 16 07 E 8.21
ARHOLMEN 63 06 N 7 53 E 6.36 BEVERLYSUNDET 80 29 N 19 52 E 11.40
ARNESKLUBBEN LIGHT 62 40 N 6 41 E 6.16 BIGGANES 70 07 N 28 36 E 9.31
ARNOY 70 08 N 20 36 E 9.4 BILLEFJORDEN 78 34 N 16 28 E 11.21
ARNOYA 68 46 N 16 37 E 8.33 BISPEFLUA 69 01 N 17 14 E 8.53

Pub. 182
286 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
BJERKA 69 24 N 16 08 E 8.44 C
BJOGNA 63 03 N 7 17 E 6.26
BJORNAFJORDEN 60 06 N 5 25 E 3.53 COLESBUKTA 78 08 N 14 57 E 11.17
BJORNHOLMEN 65 37 N 12 18 E 7.38 CRAWFORD OIL FIELD 59 07 N 1 30 E 2.2
BJORNOY LIGHT 67 25 N 14 26 E 8.12
BJORNOYA 74 27 N 19 04 E 11.2
BJORNOYNI 60 29 N 4 56 E 4.11 D
BJORNSUND 62 54 N 6 50 E 6.20
BJORNSUND LIGHT 62 54 N 6 49 E 6.23 DANSKOYA 79 41 N 10 55 E 11.31
BJOROYVAER 64 36 N 10 48 E 7.8 DICKSONFJORDEN 78 42 N 15 20 E 11.22
BJUGNSKJAER LIGHT 63 46 N 9 33 E 7.5 DIGERFLESA LIGHT 66 58 N 13 38 E 7.58
BLEIK 69 16 N 15 58 E 8.45 DIGERMULEN 64 47 N 11 43 E 7.17
BLEIKJE 59 15 N 5 27 E 2.20 DINGENES 61 02 N 5 02 E 5.10
BLOMSTRANDHAMNA 78 59 N 12 06 E 11.27 DJONNO 60 28 N 6 45 E 3.47
BODO 67 17 N 14 23 E 7.68 DJUPTARSKJERET 64 58 N 11 22 E 7.28
BOFJORDEN 61 07 N 5 20 E 5.33 DOLMSUND LIGHT 65 00 N 11 39 E 7.31
BOGAVIK 60 16 N 5 35 E 3.59 DOLMSUNDET 65 00 N 11 37 E 7.31
BOGVIKA 68 14 N 16 05 E 8.21 DONNA 66 06 N 12 33 E 7.47
BOKFJORDEN 69 50 N 30 07 E 9.34 DRAG 68 03 N 16 05 E 8.21
BOKFJORDEN LIGHT 69 53 N 30 11 E 9.34 DRAGJASKJAERFLU LIGHT 61 39 N 4 59 E 5.23
BOKNAFJORDEN 59 12 N 5 38 E 2.19 DRIVSUND 59 10 N 5 25 E 2.9
BOKNAFLAEET 59 16 N 5 26 E 2.21 DRONENHOLMEN LIGHT 62 38 N 6 31 E 6.16
BOKNASUNDET 59 14 N 5 27 E 2.19 DUNOYANE 77 04 N 15 00 E 11.9
BOLGSVAET 63 06 N 7 44 E 6.34 DUSAVIK 59 00 N 5 40 E 2.11
BOLGVAGEN 63 05 N 7 47 E 6.35 DUVEFJORDEN 80 17 N 23 30 E 11.42
BOLSOYGALTEN 67 57 N 15 24 E 8.20 DYRNESET 59 37 N 5 10 E 3.13
BOMLAFJORDEN 59 34 N 5 14 E 3.11 DYROY 58 28 N 5 52 E 1.47
BOMLO 59 40 N 5 12 E 3.13 DYROY 59 45 N 5 11 E 3.16
BONETSKJERET 66 29 N 12 58 E 7.53 DYSJALANDSVAG 59 05 N 5 40 E 2.10
BOROYA 64 16 N 10 17 E 7.3
BOROYA 68 34 N 14 57 E 8.42
BOROYFJORDEN 59 40 N 5 17 E 3.20 E
BOVIKI 59 22 N 5 18 E 3.31
BRANDAL 62 24 N 6 01 E 5.54 EBELTOFHAMNA 79 09 N 11 39 E 11.29
BRANDALPYNTEN 78 57 N 11 53 E 11.26 EDGEOYA 77 45 N 22 30 E 11.50
BRANDSHOLMEN 68 05 N 13 39 E 8.6 EGDEHOLMEN 58 17 N 6 23 E 1.34
BRASETHAMMEREN 63 50 N 11 04 E 6.76 EGERSUND 58 27 N 6 00 E 1.44
BRATTHOLMEN 60 21 N 5 10 E 4.20 EGGLOYA 68 11 N 15 38 E 8.20
BREIDLIA 58 13 N 6 34 E 1.31 EGGOYA 70 58 N 8 24 W 10.6
BREIDVIK 59 13 N 6 03 E 2.27 EGGUM 68 19 N 13 41 E 8.37
BREIFIND 66 15 N 12 48 E 7.49 EIDEMBUKTA 78 21 N 12 45 E 11.24
BREIGTAREN 65 45 N 12 21 E 7.40 EIDFJORD 60 28 N 7 04 E 3.48
BREILIEN 58 13 N 6 34 E 1.31 EIDFJORDEN 60 25 N 6 43 E 3.47
BREISUNDET 62 27 N 5 59 E 5.50 EIDSFJORDEN 60 43 N 5 47 E 4.33
BREISUNDET 62 27 N 6 00 E 5.30 EIDSFJORDEN 68 40 N 14 53 E 8.42
BREISUNDET 67 54 N 14 43 E 8.17 EIGEROY 58 27 N 5 58 E 1.41
BREIVIK 70 35 N 22 08 E 9.13 EIGEROY LIGHT 58 26 N 5 52 E 1.46
BREKKE 59 17 N 5 16 E 3.7 EINARSNESET 58 03 N 6 47 E 1.12
BREKNEHOLME 58 06 N 6 35 E 1.22 EITLANDSKJAERA 58 03 N 6 59 E 1.9
BREKNEHOLMEN LIGHT 58 05 N 6 36 E 1.24 EKREMSHOLMANE 63 00 N 8 02 E 6.42
BREMNESET 68 17 N 16 09 E 8.21 ELDOYANE 59 45 N 5 30 E 3.18
BREMNESSKJAER 68 17 N 16 08 E 8.21 ELTRANESET 62 26 N 6 03 E 5.54
BREMSNESFJORDEN 63 06 N 7 41 E 6.32 ENGELVAER 67 53 N 14 34 E 8.3
BRENT OIL FIELD 61 05 N 1 43 E 5.2 ENGENES 68 56 N 17 07 E 8.52
BRETTESNES 68 14 N 14 51 E 8.9 ENGESUNDSLEID 59 52 N 5 17 E 3.20
BRIELLETARNET 70 58 N 8 42 W 10.10 ERKNA LIGHT 62 33 N 5 56 E 6.6
BROCHOYA 80 27 N 26 03 E 11.43 ERSFJORDEN 59 19 N 6 08 E 2.37
BRONNOYSUND 65 28 N 12 12 E 7.35 ESPE 60 12 N 6 36 E 3.51
BRONNOYSUNDET 65 27 N 12 10 E 7.34 ESPENES LIGHT 63 21 N 8 43 E 6.64
BROSVIKSATA 61 02 N 5 10 E 5.9 ESPEVAER 59 35 N 5 09 E 3.13
BRUKJEOY 59 02 N 5 40 E 2.10
BRUNESET 66 08 N 12 50 E 7.50
BRUNFLESAN LIGHT 65 03 N 11 17 E 7.28 F
BRUNTVEIT 60 02 N 5 26 E 3.54
BRUSEN 63 00 N 7 52 E 6.41 FAIR HAVEN, 79 49 N 11 29 E 11.35
BUD 62 54 N 6 55 E 6.21 FALDET 68 12 N 13 15 E 8.37
BUEFJORDEN 61 15 N 4 40 E 5.11 FALKEIDFLAEET 59 14 N 5 31 E 2.33
BUGOYFJORDEN 69 56 N 29 36 E 9.32 FALSKENESET 64 50 N 11 39 E 7.18
BUHOLMEN 64 25 N 10 26 E 7.7 FAUSKANE 62 34 N 5 45 E 6.5
BUHOLMEN LIGHT 62 10 N 5 05 E 5.26 FAUSKE 67 16 N 15 24 E 7.62
BUHOLMRASA LIGHT 64 24 N 10 27 E 7.4 FEDJE 60 46 N 4 43 E 5.3
BUKKEGRUNNANE 58 04 N 6 51 E 1.15 FEDJEFJORDEN 60 45 N 4 47 E 4.23
BUKKEGRUNNANE 58 06 N 6 49 E 1.16 FEDJEOSEN 60 44 N 4 44 E 4.22
BUKKETJUVANE 62 11 N 5 04 E 5.26 FEISTEIN 58 50 N 5 30 E 2.4
BUNESET 67 13 N 14 42 E 7.62 FEOY 59 23 N 5 10 E 3.8
BUSHOLMEN 68 07 N 13 14 E 8.36 FERKINGSTADOYANE 59 14 N 5 04 E 3.4
BUSSESUNDET 70 22 N 31 02 E 9.27 FERKINGSTADVAG 59 14 N 5 11 E 3.5
BUVIKA 63 18 N 10 11 E 6.69 FIBORGTANGEN 63 43 N 11 09 E 6.74
BYGDEN 68 50 N 17 08 E 8.50 FINKONNA 66 07 N 12 44 E 7.50
FINN MALMGRENFJORDEN 80 17 N 24 31 E 11.43
FINNKONA 66 07 N 12 44 E 7.50
FINNOYFJORDEN 59 10 N 5 54 E 2.26

Pub. 182
Index—Gazetteer 287

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
FINNSNES 69 14 N 17 58 E 8.54 GARSUNDFJORDEN 59 13 N 6 00 E 2.27
FINNSNESRENNA 69 14 N 17 58 E 8.55 GARTEN 63 39 N 9 32 E 6.66
FINNSNESSKJAER 69 14 N 17 58 E 8.54 GASAHOLME 59 15 N 5 32 E 2.33
FINNVAER LIGHT 64 04 N 9 07 E 6.53 GASHOLMEN 61 55 N 5 06 E 5.46
FINSKJERSLUA 64 46 N 11 00 E 7.20 GASVAER 66 53 N 13 29 E 7.58
FISKANESET 58 54 N 5 45 E 2.14 GAUKVAEROY 68 37 N 14 21 E 8.41
FISKHOLMEN 61 46 N 4 56 E 5.23 GAUPHOLMEN 60 22 N 5 42 E 3.60
FISTERFJORDEN 59 09 N 6 00 E 2.28 GAUSNESET 62 28 N 6 46 E 5.55
FJELLSPOLLEN 60 18 N 5 03 E 4.8 GAVLFJORDEN 68 56 N 15 22 E 8.40
FJORD BASE 61 37 N 5 05 E 5.16 GEIRANGER 62 06 N 7 12 E 5.57
FJORDAFLU 60 01 N 5 07 E 3.24 GEITUNGANE 59 08 N 5 15 E 2.8
FJORDGRUNNSKJERET 63 48 N 11 19 E 6.75 GEITUNGEN 59 08 N 5 15 E 2.22
FLAGSUNDET 67 55 N 15 00 E 8.18 GIBOSTAD 69 21 N 18 05 E 8.56
FLAMA 58 04 N 6 50 E 1.18 GILDRENESET LIGHT 62 30 N 6 11 E 6.9
FLATEGRUNNANE 61 35 N 4 50 E 5.15 GIMSOYSTRAUMEN 68 16 N 14 15 E 8.7
FLATFLESA LIGHT 62 50 N 6 41 E 6.15 GIMSOYSTRAUMEN 68 20 N 14 19 E 8.37
FLATHOLME 58 55 N 5 34 E 2.3 GINEVRABOTNEN 78 37 N 20 20 E 11.49
FLATHOLMEN 59 56 N 5 51 E 3.37 GIPLINGOYA 63 54 N 11 01 E 6.76
FLATOY 67 55 N 14 46 E 8.3 GISKE 62 30 N 6 03 E 6.6
FLATOYFLU 61 19 N 5 03 E 5.38 GISKESUNDET 62 30 N 6 01 E 6.4
FLATSTADBUKTA 58 05 N 7 07 E 1.6 GISLOYA 68 57 N 15 16 E 8.40
FLAVAER LIGHT 62 19 N 5 35 E 5.59 GISUNDET 69 18 N 17 58 E 8.55
FLEINVAER 67 10 N 13 45 E 7.60 GJELBUNESET 67 11 N 15 24 E 7.62
FLEKKEFJORDEN 58 18 N 6 40 E 1.29 GJEMNESSUNDET 62 58 N 7 48 E 6.41
FLESA 62 52 N 8 35 E 6.47 GJERDINGGALTEN 64 56 N 11 28 E 7.22
FLESA LIGHT 63 39 N 9 14 E 6.61 GJERMUNDSHAMN 60 04 N 5 55 E 3.40
FLESENE 62 17 N 5 27 E 5.60 GJESLINGENE LIGHT 64 44 N 10 51 E 7.20
FLESSA 64 06 N 9 54 E 6.59 GJESLINGSKJER LIGHT 63 15 N 7 48 E 6.31
FLOHOLMAN 66 10 N 11 42 E 7.47 GLOMFJORD 66 49 N 13 59 E 7.56
FLOHOLMAN 67 01 N 13 42 E 7.59 GLOMSTADHOLMEN LIGHT 63 19 N 8 38 E 6.64
FLORO 61 36 N 5 02 E 5.16 GOLDNES LIGHT 62 22 N 5 34 E 5.28
FLORO LIGHT 61 36 N 5 01 E 5.43 GOLTASTEINEN 60 13 N 4 58 E 4.7
FLOTTRA 64 40 N 11 04 E 7.17 GOTEBERGHAMAREN 61 57 N 5 08 E 5.24
FLOVIKA 68 15 N 14 57 E 8.10 GRANDEVIKA 63 41 N 9 29 E 7.2
FLUSTEIN 59 08 N 5 39 E 2.25 GRANEBAEN 61 23 N 5 01 E 5.38
FOGNAFJORDEN 59 07 N 5 56 E 2.28 GRANVINFJORDEN 60 28 N 6 37 E 3.46
FOLDOY 59 20 N 5 58 E 2.24 GRASOYANE LIGHT 62 26 N 5 46 E 5.29
FOLLAFOSS 63 59 N 11 07 E 6.77 GRATANGEN 68 45 N 17 18 E 8.50
FOLVAGFLUENE 61 25 N 4 58 E 5.41 GRAVODDEN KOBBEBUKTA 74 31 N 18 54 E 11.4
FORDESFJORDEN 59 20 N 5 23 E 2.32 GREIPSTAD 69 31 N 18 13 E 8.58
FORDESPOLLEN 59 39 N 5 25 E 3.19 GRIMESKJARET LIGHT 60 51 N 4 45 E 5.4
FORHJELMO 60 40 N 4 48 E 4.15 GRIMO 60 23 N 6 39 E 3.51
FORLANDSUNDET 78 30 N 12 40 E 11.24 GRIMSTADFJORDEN 60 19 N 5 14 E 4.18
FOROYA 68 01 N 15 07 E 8.19 GRIP LIGHT 63 14 N 7 37 E 6.30
FOROYA 68 54 N 17 41 E 8.51 GRIPNESVAG 60 04 N 5 40 E 3.53
FOSNAHOLMEN 59 18 N 5 23 E 2.32 GRONESTADVAG 59 12 N 5 23 E 3.28
FOSSE 60 16 N 6 02 E 3.42 GRONFJORDEN 78 03 N 14 11 E 11.15
FOYNFJORDEN 59 21 N 5 11 E 3.8 GRONHOLMEN 61 02 N 4 53 E 5.9
FREEMANSUNDET 78 14 N 21 37 E 11.51 GRONHOLMEN LIGHT 63 41 N 9 09 E 6.61
FREIFJORDEN 63 03 N 7 55 E 6.39 GRONNA 67 01 N 13 10 E 7.57
FREIKOLLEN 63 03 N 7 46 E 6.25 GRONNA 67 01 N 13 11 E 7.47
FREINES LIGHT 63 01 N 7 49 E 6.39 GRONSFJORDEN 58 02 N 7 02 E 1.5
FRIARFJORDEN 70 28 N 26 57 E 9.20 GRONSTABBEN 65 16 N 11 56 E 7.32
FRIDTJOVHAMNA 77 46 N 14 39 E 11.12 GROTHOLM 58 02 N 6 58 E 1.8
FRIGG GAS FIELD 59 53 N 2 04 E 3.3 GROTOY 67 50 N 14 46 E 8.17
FRITHJOFHAMN 77 46 N 14 39 E 11.12 GROTOYA 70 10 N 18 52 E 9.4
FROHOLMAN 69 04 N 16 19 E 8.47 GROTOYSUNDET 67 50 N 14 46 E 8.17
FROM ARSUNDFJORDEN 63 07 N 8 00 E 6.45 GROVFJORDEN 68 42 N 17 05 E 8.50
FROSKJERET 63 25 N 10 07 E 6.68 GRUNNREISASKJAER 69 11 N 18 02 E 8.53
FROYA BANK 63 47 N 7 21 E 6.51 GRUTLEFJORDEN 59 38 N 5 10 E 3.14
FROYFJORDEN 63 40 N 8 40 E 6.57 GRUTLEFJORDEN 59 40 N 5 10 E 3.15
FRUHOLMEN LIGHT 71 06 N 24 00 E 9.13 GULGOFJORDEN 70 41 N 28 36 E 9.22
FUGLEFJORDEN 79 47 N 11 28 E 11.35 GULLFAKS OIL FIELD 61 12 N 2 12 E 5.2
FUGLEHUKEN 78 53 N 10 30 E 11.23 GUNNARSKJAERSHALET 59 33 N 5 08 E 3.11
FUGLEN 63 03 N 7 09 E 6.26 GUNNARSKJERSHOLET 59 33 N 5 08 E 3.11
FUGLESANGEN 66 59 N 13 38 E 7.59 GURSKOYA 62 15 N 5 40 E 5.28
FUGLOYA 67 04 N 13 50 E 7.46 GUTVIKFJELLET 65 08 N 11 56 E 7.29
FUGLOYA 70 16 N 20 15 E 9.4 GYLTEFJORDEN 64 39 N 11 22 E 7.16
FUGLOYA LIGHT 67 04 N 13 52 E 7.59
FUGLOYHAMN 60 10 N 5 01 E 4.5
FURUHOLMEN 58 16 N 6 28 E 1.33 H
FUSAFJORDEN 60 10 N 5 32 E 3.57
FYKSESUNDET 60 25 N 6 15 E 3.45 HAAKONSVERN 60 20 N 5 14 E 4.18
HADSELOYA 68 33 N 14 49 E 8.38
HADYRET 58 20 N 6 10 E 1.39
G HAESHOLMAN 68 14 N 13 26 E 8.37
HAJA 69 44 N 18 05 E 8.57
GALTAHOLMEN 59 09 N 5 37 E 2.25 HALHOLMEN LIGHT 65 32 N 12 05 E 7.37
GALTTAREN 65 09 N 10 41 E 7.25 HALSEFJORDEN 63 04 N 8 12 E 6.46
GANDSFJORDEN 58 55 N 5 46 E 2.14 HALSFJELL 64 19 N 10 37 E 7.7
GAPAFJORDEN 59 15 N 5 55 E 2.30 HALSNE 59 11 N 5 57 E 2.26
GAPET 68 09 N 13 28 E 8.5 HALTEN LIGHT 64 10 N 9 25 E 6.53

Pub. 182
288 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
HALVMANEOYA 77 16 N 23 10 E 11.50 HJORINGNES LIGHT 62 21 N 6 07 E 5.54
HAMARHAUGFLU 60 00 N 5 44 E 3.36 HJORUNGNESET LIGHT 62 21 N 6 07 E 5.54
HAMMERFEST 70 40 N 23 40 E 9.6 HODDOYA 64 28 N 11 14 E 7.11
HAMMERFEST 70 41 N 23 35 E 9.7 HOGBRAKEN 65 24 N 11 02 E 7.25
HAMMERSNES 60 33 N 5 20 E 4.32 HOGGSTEINEN LIGHT 62 28 N 6 02 E 5.62
HAMNESHOLMEN 68 25 N 16 35 E 8.24 HOGSFJORDEN 58 56 N 6 00 E 2.16
HAMNVIK 68 32 N 17 34 E 8.29 HOGSNES LIGHT 62 50 N 6 58 E 6.20
HANASKJAER 59 44 N 5 10 E 3.16 HOKSTAREN 65 24 N 11 58 E 7.36
HANSNESET 61 07 N 5 06 E 5.10 HOL 68 33 N 16 24 E 8.32
HAREID 62 22 N 6 02 E 5.54 HOLA 68 14 N 14 39 E 8.10
HAROYSUND 62 54 N 6 58 E 6.21 HOLDOYA 68 27 N 14 54 E 8.38
HARSTAD 68 48 N 16 33 E 8.34 HOLEN 68 14 N 14 39 E 8.10
HARTVIKGRUNNEN LIGHT 67 49 N 14 44 E 8.17 HOLLENDARANE 61 41 N 4 56 E 5.23
HASKALLEN 61 18 N 4 57 E 5.37 HOLMEFJORDEN 60 17 N 5 40 E 3.59
HASTEIN 58 57 N 5 26 E 2.3 HOLMEFLU 59 57 N 5 58 E 3.37
HASTEINFJORDEN 59 00 N 5 30 E 2.3 HOLMENGRA 60 51 N 4 39 E 5.4
HATBOEN 66 48 N 13 21 E 7.56 HOLMENGRAFJORDEN 69 51 N 30 19 E 9.36
HAUGBERGET 63 26 N 10 41 E 6.71 HOLMENVAER 69 18 N 16 45 E 8.47
HAUGESUND 59 25 N 5 16 E 3.10 HOLSOYANE 59 39 N 5 07 E 3.14
HAUGNESET 62 37 N 6 20 E 6.10 HOLVIKTAREN 64 36 N 11 18 E 7.15
HAUGNESET LIGHT 62 37 N 6 20 E 6.10 HOMENGRA 60 51 N 4 37 E 5.50
HAUGSNESET 65 53 N 12 24 E 7.43 HOMMELVIK 63 25 N 10 48 E 6.71
HAUKEDALSHOLMEN LIGHT 61 52 N 5 16 E 5.23 HOMNNESET 70 45 N 25 42 E 9.19
HAUKOMKIN LIGHT 63 09 N 8 16 E 6.48 HONNINGSVAG 70 59 N 26 00 E 9.15
HAUKOYA 68 12 N 16 24 E 8.22 HOOYA 63 54 N 11 05 E 6.77
HAUSEN 67 17 N 14 12 E 8.12 HOPEN 76 35 N 25 10 E 11.52
HAUSVIGODDEN 58 03 N 6 59 E 1.7 HORGEFJORDEN 59 01 N 5 50 E 2.16
HAVBOEN 68 30 N 14 28 E 8.38 HORGEFJORDEN 60 06 N 5 05 E 3.26
HAVEROY 60 24 N 4 56 E 4.8 HORNBAEN 64 59 N 11 35 E 7.24
HAVFRUSKALLEN 62 03 N 4 51 E 5.20 HORNELEN 61 51 N 5 14 E 5.18
HAVIK 58 04 N 6 44 E 1.21 HORNELSFLUA 61 52 N 5 16 E 5.49
HAVOGAVLEN 71 1N 24 33 E 4. HORNNESET 68 10 N 13 20 E 8.36
HAVSTEINEN LIGHT 62 29 N 6 04 E 5.62 HORNSNESET 65 35 N 12 18 E 7.37
HEGGNESET 62 43 N 6 56 E 6.20 HORNSTAREN 65 35 N 12 19 E 7.38
HEIKENESET 69 48 N 30 44 E 9.37 HORR FARM 58 33 N 5 40 E 1.51
HEIMDAL GAS FIELD 59 35 N 2 15 E 3.3 HORTAFJORDEN 65 10 N 11 30 E 7.29
HEISSAFJORDEN 62 27 N 6 08 E 5.61 HOVDEBUKTA 58 04 N 7 06 E 1.6
HEKKINGEN 69 36 N 17 50 E 8.58 HOVDENES LIGHT 62 33 N 7 31 E 6.18
HELBERGOTAREN 65 20 N 12 03 E 7.32 HOVDENESET LIGHT 61 56 N 5 01 E 5.44
HELGELANDSFLESA 65 13 N 11 54 E 7.31 HOVEDEHAMMAREN LIGHT 63 12 N 8 51 E 6.50
HELGELANDSFLESA LIGHT 65 13 N 11 53 E 7.29 HOVEN 68 21 N 14 06 E 8.37
HELGESTONES LIGHT 62 36 N 7 22 E 6.18 HOYANGER 61 13 N 6 04 E 5.33
HELKLAKKEN 63 09 N 7 38 E 6.29 HOYLANDSNESET 59 07 N 5 59 E 2.29
HELLA 62 41 N 5 59 E 6.10 HUGLNESET 66 10 N 12 51 E 7.53
HELLANDNESET 68 02 N 16 09 E 8.22 HULDRA GAS FIELD 60 50 N 2 40 E 4.2
HELLESYLT 62 05 N 6 53 E 5.57 HULLOYNESET 68 03 N 16 11 E 8.23
HELLEVIK 62 38 N 6 10 E 6.10 HUMULRASA 64 57 N 11 23 E 7.23
HELLIGVAER 67 25 N 13 55 E 8.3 HUMULRASA LIGHT 64 55 N 11 22 E 7.22
HELLISOY LIGHT 60 45 N 4 43 E 4.22 HUNDERAVAG 59 20 N 5 49 E 2.23
HELLOYSKJERET 67 37 N 14 47 E 8.14, HUNDHOLMEN 68 10 N 13 27 E 8.37
8.15 HUNDVAKOSEN 60 07 N 5 12 E 3.25
HELMOYA 65 12 N 11 00 E 7.27 HUSAVAGEN 60 00 N 5 48 E 3.38
HELNES LIGHT 71 04 N 26 14 E 9.16 HUSEVIKFLUA 62 46 N 6 32 E 6.15
HEMMINGFJORDEN 69 12 N 18 04 E 8.53 HUSNES 59 52 N 5 46 E 3.34
HEMNESBERGET 66 13 N 13 36 E 7.51 HUSVAERFJORDEN 65 58 N 12 05 E 7.30
HENGSOY 58 53 N 5 26 E 2.4 HUSVAERSUNDET 65 56 N 12 12 E 7.30
HENNINGSVAER 68 09 N 14 13 E 8.7 HYENESE 61 51 N 5 59 E 5.48
HERAND 60 20 N 6 23 E 3.43 HYLSFJORDEN 59 31 N 6 16 E 2.37
HERDLEFJORDEN 60 32 N 5 05 E 4.28
HERDLESUND 60 4N 4 58 E 4.26
HERJANGSFJORDEN 68 30 N 17 27 E 8.29 I
HEROYSUND 59 55 N 5 47 E 3.35
HERREHOLMEN 58 02 N 6 58 E 1.7 IDSEFJORDEN 59 01 N 5 58 E 2.17
HESTEBAEN 68 56 N 16 16 E 8.48 IMARSUNDET 63 12 N 8 18 E 6.49
HESTOYFLUA 63 43 N 11 04 E 6.74 INDRE FOLDFJORDEN 64 53 N 11 44 E 7.18
HESTSKJER LIGHT 63 05 N 7 30 E 6.25 INDRE HAROY LIGHT 62 53 N 6 56 E 6.20
HETSKJER LIGHT 63 05 N 7 30 E 6.28 INDRE HAUGOYTAREN 64 56 N 11 22 E 7.23
HEVNSKJELOVA 63 29 N 9 08 E 6.66 INDRE SKARBERGNESET 68 13 N 16 12 E 8.22
HIDLEFJORDEN 59 04 N 5 49 E 2.17 INDRE SOLVAERREVET 66 24 N 12 41 E 7.63
HIDSNESET LIGHT 62 17 N 5 33 E 5.60 INDROY 60 09 N 5 25 E 3.54
HILBAANE 63 12 N 7 44 E 6.30 INGELSFJORDEN 68 29 N 15 14 E 8.38
HILBAREN 63 12 N 7 44 E 6.30 INGOYA 71 04 N 24 04 E 9.13
HILLE KJEOY 59 02 N 5 48 E 2.11 INNHOLMEN LIGHT 62 38 N 6 07 E 6.9
HILLEROEN 64 46 N 10 25 E 7.7 INNVIK 61 51 N 6 37 E 5.48
HINLOPENSTRETET 79 30 N 19 20 E 11.44 ISFJORDEN 78 18 N 15 00 E 11.15
HISSFJORDEN 60 12 N 6 03 E 3.42
HJARTOYA 67 39 N 15 05 E 8.14
HJELMEHOLSEN 60 25 N 4 56 E 4.10 J
HJELMSOYA 71 04 N 24 43 E 9.14
HJELTEFFJORDEN 60 35 N 4 55 E 4.23 JAERENS REV 58 45 N 5 30 E 1.51
HJELTEFJORDEN 60 35 N 4 55 E 4.23 JAEVA 68 32 N 15 04 E 8.38
HJELTENESET 61 51 N 5 47 E 5.48 JAKOBSELV 69 47 N 30 50 E 9.37

Pub. 182
Index—Gazetteer 289

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
JARSTEINEN 59 09 N 5 11 E 2.8 KOLTREPYNTEN 59 19 N 5 20 E 3.31
JASUNDET 58 04 N 7 09 E 1.5 KONG KARLS LAND 78 50 N 28 10 E 11.53
JELSAFJORDEN 59 19 N 6 02 E 2.35 KONGSFJORDEN 70 45 N 29 24 E 9.23
JELSAVAG 59 20 N 6 02 E 2.35 KONGSFJORDEN 78 57 N 12 00 E 11.26
JENDEMSFJELLET 62 48 N 7 03 E 6.8 KONGSMOEN 64 53 N 12 26 E 7.19
JERVIKA LIGHT 64 38 N 11 09 E 7.15 KONGSOYA 78 54 N 28 13 E 11.54
JONDAL 60 16 N 6 15 E 3.42 KONGSVIKTIND 68 35 N 16 16 E 8.32
JORPELAND 59 01 N 6 02 E 2.17 KOPERVIK 59 17 N 5 19 E 3.29
JOSENFJORDEN 59 15 N 6 10 E 2.36 KORNSTADFJORDEN 62 57 N 7 25 E 6.38
JOSSINGFJORDEN 58 19 N 6 20 E 1.35 KORSNES 68 15 N 16 04 E 8.21
JUKLEBAEN 62 22 N 5 24 E 5.28 KORSNESODDEN LIGHT 63 35 N 10 50 E 6.72
JULEDAGENE LIGHT 65 51 N 12 23 E 7.43 KRAAKENES 62 02 N 4 59 E 5.17
JULHOLMEN LIGHT 62 44 N 6 58 E 6.20 KRABBEN LIGHT 62 52 N 6 43 E 6.23
KRAKA 59 09 N 5 25 E 2.9
KRAKA LIGHT 63 01 N 7 18 E 6.27
K KRAKENES 62 02 N 4 59 E 5.17
KRAKHOLMEN LIGHT 62 59 N 7 47 E 6.41
KALSHOLMEN LIGHT 66 55 N 13 06 E 7.64 KRAKVAGFJORDEN 63 40 N 9 15 E 6.60
KALSOYANE 60 19 N 4 56 E 4.9 KRIGSBORNTAREN 64 54 N 11 20 E 7.22
KALVOYA 68 33 N 16 27 E 8.32 KRISTIANSUND 63 07 N 7 44 E 6.37
KAMOYFJORDEN 71 04 N 26 04 E 9.14 KRISTIANSUNDSLEIA 63 09 N 7 42 E 6.24
KAPP BULL 74 21 N 19 05 E 11.3 KROKSHAVN 62 41 N 8 32 E 6.44
KAPP DUNER 74 29 N 18 46 E 11.5 KROKVIK 64 31 N 11 04 E 7.10
KAPP LINNE 78 04 N 13 37 E 11.13 KROPPEN 63 03 N 6 59 E 6.26
KAPP NATHORST 78 47 N 15 25 E 11.22 KROSSFJORDEN 79 09 N 11 46 E 11.28
KAPP RUDSEN 70 56 N 8 53 W 10.10 KROSSHAVNSUND 60 09 N 5 12 E 3.25
KARHOLMEN 65 55 N 12 23 E 7.43 KULESEIDVAG 59 44 N 5 14 E 3.16
KARISKJER LIGHT 61 55 N 5 07 E 5.50 KUNNA 66 57 N 13 31 E 7.47
KARL XII OYANE, 80 39 N 25 03 E 11.43 KUNNA 68 00 N 13 14 E 8.5
KARLEBOTN 70 07 N 28 45 E 9.31 KVAEFJORDEN 68 50 N 16 00 E 8.48
KARLSOYFJORDEN 67 31 N 14 40 E 8.13 KVAEREKNAPP 60 59 N 4 42 E 5.9
KARSTO GAS TERMINAL 59 16 N 5 30 E 2.22 KVALBAKSKJER LIGHT 64 52 N 11 41 E 7.19
KARTVEIT 60 23 N 5 00 E 4.9 KVALHOLMEN LIGHT 66 25 N 12 28 E 7.63
KATTLORTEN LIGHT 67 51 N 14 47 E 8.17 KVALOSEN 60 34 N 4 50 E 4.13
KAURA 64 14 N 10 08 E 7.3 KVALTYVAN 69 39 N 17 45 E 8.59
KIKUTODDEN 76 35 N 17 00 E 11.48 KVALVAGHOLMEN 62 59 N 8 00 E 6.42
KINN 61 34 N 4 46 E 5.17 KVALVAGHOLMEN LIGHT 62 59 N 8 00 E 6.42
KINSARVIKBUKTA 60 23 N 6 43 E 3.51 KVANFLESSVEET 65 58 N 12 03 E 7.30
KIRKEHAMN 58 14 N 6 32 E 1.32 KVANHOLMEN 67 27 N 14 40 E 8.13
KIRKENES 69 44 N 30 03 E 9.35 KVANHOVDEN LIGHT 61 42 N 4 50 E 5.17
KIRKGRUNNEN 67 15 N 14 14 E 7.67 KVEDFJORDBUKTA 79 25 N 10 55 E 11.30
KIRKNESTANGEN LIGHT 63 55 N 11 12 E 6.77 KVELDSUND 58 04 N 6 54 E 1.19
KJEFALLET 63 16 N 7 40 E 6.30 KVERNESFJORDEN 62 57 N 7 37 E 6.38
KJEHOLMEN LIGHT 62 42 N 6 15 E 6.11 KVERVEN 63 07 N 7 40 E 6.32
KJELDEBOTN 68 25 N 16 41 E 8.26 KVINA 66 28 N 13 10 E 7.53
KJENGBAEN 67 29 N 14 01 E 8.3 KVISVIKHOLMANE 63 03 N 7 57 E 6.40
KJEOY LIGHT 64 48 N 11 35 E 7.18 KVITBERGET 67 14 N 14 36 E 7.61
KJEOYA 68 52 N 16 34 E 8.48 KVITHOLM 59 23 N 6 03 E 2.34
KJEPSOY 58 01 N 7 00 E 1.7 KVITHOLMEN LIGHT 63 01 N 7 14 E 6.25
KJERGRONESET 62 58 N 8 28 E 6.48 KVITNES LIGHT 63 08 N 7 48 E 6.36
KJERRINGA 62 11 N 5 08 E 5.18 KVITOYA 80 09 N 32 38 E 11.56
KJERRINGHOLMEN 61 24 N 4 58 E 5.40 KVITSOYA 59 04 N 5 25 E 2.7
KJERRINGOY 67 31 N 14 46 E 8.13 KYA 63 46 N 8 19 E 6.58
KJERRINGSKJERET 66 20 N 12 53 E 7.53 KYA 64 28 N 10 13 E 7.7
KJERRKLUBBEN 68 02 N 16 19 E 8.23 KYSNES 60 12 N 6 07 E 3.42
KJERRVIKA 68 01 N 16 20 E 8.23
KJOFJORDEN 69 50 N 29 47 E 9.33
KJOLIBAEN 67 45 N 14 23 E 8.3 L
KJOLLEFJORDEN 70 57 N 27 20 E 9.20
KJOLNES LIGHT 70 51 N 29 14 E 9.23 LADY FRANKLINFJORDEN 80 09 N 19 11 E 11.39
KJOLVA 69 36 N 17 30 E 8.57 LAEDERSHOLME 58 29 N 5 50 E 1.48
KJOPMANNEN 67 39 N 14 43 E 8.16 LAKSELV 67 22 N 15 36 E 8.15
KJOPSVIK 68 06 N 16 21 E 8.23 LAKSSHOLMBAEN 58 56 N 5 34 E 2.5
KLAKKEN 62 57 N 6 43 E 6.22 LAMANNSKJERET 66 36 N 13 05 E 7.54
KLAKKEN 64 40 N 10 27 E 7.8 LAMHOLME 59 20 N 5 12 E 3.7
KLAKKSBROREN LIGHT 63 21 N 8 25 E 6.65 LAMHOLME 59 20 N 5 45 E 2.23
KLAUVA LIGHT 61 07 N 5 02 E 5.35 LANDEGODE 67 24 N 14 20 E 7.46
KLAUVA LIGHT 69 11 N 17 58 E 8.53 LANDEGODE 67 25 N 14 20 E 8.12
KLEVEBOEN 62 16 N 5 30 E 5.58 LANDEGODE LIGHT 67 27 N 14 23 E 8.12
KLOKKARVIK 60 13 N 5 10 E 4.17 LANGENESET 59 31 N 5 14 E 3.9
KLOVNINGEN 61 56 N 4 57 E 5.23 LANGESKALLEN 67 57 N 12 43 E 8.36
KLUBBEN LIGHT 62 19 N 5 37 E 5.60 LANGESKJERET 62 32 N 5 52 E 6.5
KNAPHOLMENE 64 36 N 11 02 E 7.9, LANGESTRAUMEN 59 41 N 5 15 E 3.20
7.12 LANGGRUNNEN 68 42 N 16 38 E 8.33
KNAPPEN 62 38 N 6 02 E 6.7 LANGGRUNNODDEN 80 09 N 17 46 E 11.39
KNARRHOLME 59 13 N 5 28 E 2.19 LANGHOLM 58 02 N 6 58 E 1.7
KNUTSTAREN 65 26 N 11 55 E 7.36 LANGHOLMEN 65 49 N 12 27 E 7.41
KOBBALEIDA 60 19 N 5 09 E 4.19 LANGKVITNESET 68 38 N 16 35 E 8.32
KOBBHOLMFJORDEN 69 47 N 30 44 E 9.37 LANGNESET 69 41 N 18 54 E 8.63
KOKODDEN 58 14 N 6 39 E 1.26 LANGODBAEN 65 58 N 12 07 E 7.30
KOLBEINSFLU 62 58 N 6 53 E 6.26 LANGOY 58 04 N 6 52 E 1.12

Pub. 182
290 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
LANGOYSUND 60 37 N 4 48 E 4.15 M
LANGOYSUNDET 68 35 N 14 55 E 8.42
LANGRO LIGHT 64 29 N 10 30 E 7.4 MADSOYGALTEN 65 02 N 11 41 E 7.29
LANGSTEIN 63 33 N 10 54 E 6.72 MADSOYGALTEN LIGHT 65 03 N 11 41 E 7.31
LANGSUNDET 65 14 N 11 58 E 7.31 MAGDALENEFJORDEN 79 34 N 10 54 E 11.30
LAPONIAHALVOYA 80 25 N 19 50 E 11.40 MAGDALENEHUKEN 79 34 N 10 44 E 11.30
LATREVIKKLUBBEN 60 04 N 5 59 E 3.39 MAGEROYA 71 03 N 25 40 E 9.14
LAUKHAMARSUND 59 52 N 5 36 E 3.33 MAGNILLEN 63 06 N 8 05 E 6.25
LAUVOY 63 56 N 9 56 E 7.5 MAGNILLEN 63 08 N 8 05 E 6.27
LAUVOYFJORDEN 63 00 N 7 20 E 6.38 MAGNUS OIL FIELD 61 37 N 1 20 E 5.2
LAUVOYFJORDEN 64 35 N 11 20 E 7.15 MAHOLMEN 65 00 N 10 58 E 7.26
LAUVOYTAREN 64 33 N 11 20 E 7.15 MAHOLMRASA 65 00 N 10 55 E 7.26
LAVANGEN 68 47 N 17 37 E 8.51 MAKKAUR LIGHT 70 42 N 30 05 E 9.25
LEIRFJORDEN 67 32 N 15 37 E 8.15 MALANGSGRUNNEN 69 58 N 17 30 E 9.2
LEIRVIK 59 47 N 5 31 E 3.19 MALM 64 04 N 11 14 E 6.77
LEITNES LIGHT 63 02 N 7 41 E 6.39 MALOY 61 56 N 5 07 E 5.24
LEKAFJORDEN 65 05 N 11 47 E 7.31 MALOY SKARHOLMEN 67 46 N 14 24 E 8.3
LEPSOYA 62 37 N 6 11 E 6.7 MALSNES 69 21 N 18 34 E 8.60
LEPSOYKLOVNINGEN 62 38 N 6 03 E 6.7 MANGERSFJORDEN 60 37 N 5 00 E 4.25
LEPSOYREVET 62 36 N 6 15 E 6.10 MARFLESA LIGHT 64 10 N 10 08 E 7.3
LEROYOSEN 60 14 N 5 10 E 4.17 MARIASUNDET 77 41 N 14 51 E 11.11
LEVANGER 63 45 N 11 18 E 6.74 MARKUSSUNDET 63 06 N 7 45 E 6.35
LEVRA LIGHT 64 32 N 11 28 E 7.14 MARNESSKAGEN 67 10 N 14 05 E 7.59
LI 58 55 N 5 48 E 2.15 MARSTEINSBAEN 60 08 N 4 59 E 3.22
LILAND 68 29 N 16 53 E 8.27 MASOYA 71 01 N 25 00 E 9.14
LILAND LIGHT 68 28 N 16 55 E 8.26 MASOYSUND 70 59 N 25 01 E 9.18
LILANDSGRUNNEN 68 27 N 16 50 E 8.25 MASTRAFJORDEN 59 06 N 5 39 E 2.18
LILLE EKKEROYA 70 05 N 30 14 E 9.29 MAURANGERFJORDEN 60 06 N 6 10 E 3.41
LILLE LAUGAROY 60 09 N 5 15 E 3.27 MEBAEN 60 54 N 4 42 E 5.9
LILLE MOLLA 68 12 N 14 46 E 8.9 MEFALDTAREN 64 37 N 11 00 E 7.10
LILLEOYA LIGHT 63 20 N 8 44 E 6.64 MEFALLSTAREN 64 46 N 11 29 E 7.17
LILLESVEET 66 06 N 11 31 E 7.47 MEFJORDBAEN 65 08 N 11 12 E 7.28
LILLETAREN 65 10 N 11 50 E 7.29 MEFJORDINGEN 68 55 N 16 05 E 8.48
LILLIEHOOKFJORDEN 79 15 N 11 40 E 11.29 MEFJORDSHOLMAN 66 12 N 12 50 E 7.53
LINDESNES 57 59 N 7 03 E 1.4 MEHAMNFJORDEN 71 04 N 27 52 E 9.21
LINDHOLMEN 58 03 N 6 52 E 1.14 MEKGRUNNA 62 43 N 7 06 E 6.16
LINDOY 59 17 N 5 42 E 2.23 MELINGSVAG 59 47 N 5 07 E 3.17
LINESFJELL 64 01 N 9 54 E 6.52 MELOY 66 04 N 11 37 E 7.25
LINESOYA 64 01 N 9 54 E 7.6 MELOY LIGHT 62 48 N 8 18 E 6.44
LINFLUA 63 06 N 7 44 E 6.34 MELOYNESET LIGHT 66 50 N 13 35 E 7.57
LISTA 58 07 N 6 34 E 1.22 MELSTEINEN 63 58 N 9 35 E 6.60
LISTAFJORDEN 58 11 N 6 37 E 1.24 MELSTEINEN 65 11 N 11 51 E 7.31
LITLE BALLANGEN 68 20 N 16 51 E 8.26 MESJOYGRUNNEN 67 12 N 13 59 E 7.66
LITLE EKKEROYA 70 05 N 30 14 E 9.29 MESKFJORDEN 70 10 N 28 40 E 9.31
LITLE SKJELBREIDA 63 10 N 7 10 E 6.29 MESOYA 66 51 N 13 40 E 7.57
LITLEGRUNNEN 63 28 N 10 46 E 6.71 MIA 62 40 N 6 38 E 6.8
LITLOYA 68 35 N 14 19 E 8.41 MIDFJORDEN 62 38 N 6 40 E 6.16
LODINGEN 68 25 N 16 00 E 8.31 MIDFJORDENSKJAER 58 02 N 6 54 E 1.10
LOFOTODDEN 67 50 N 12 50 E 8.35 MIDFJORDFLU 61 19 N 4 49 E 5.39
LOFOTODDEN 67 50 N 12 51 E 8.4 MIDTERKUKEN 77 39 N 14 46 E 11.10
LOKKAREN 64 30 N 11 26 E 7.14 MIDTFJORDSKJER 61 16 N 4 54 E 5.36
LOKKSUNDET 60 03 N 5 43 E 3.36 MIMERBUKTA 78 39 N 16 25 E 11.21
LOMFJORDEN 79 36 N 17 54 E 11.44 MJOSUNDET 68 54 N 17 27 E 8.52
LONEVAGEN 60 33 N 5 27 E 4.34 MJOSUNDHOLMEN 68 53 N 17 28 E 8.52
LONGYEARBYEN 78 14 N 15 39 E 11.19 MOFFEN 80 02 N 14 30 E 11.36
LONTARANE 63 11 N 7 31 E 6.29 MOKALASSET 60 18 N 4 56 E 4.8
LOPPHAVET 70 30 N 21 00 E 9.5 MOKALASSET 61 18 N 5 01 E 5.37
LOPSFELLET 67 19 N 14 29 E 8.12 MOKSTER 60 04 N 5 06 E 3.24
LOPSHOLMEN 67 20 N 14 24 E 8.12 MOKSTRA GRONINGEN 60 03 N 5 07 E 3.25
LOSBATEN 70 56 N 8 40 W 10.5 MOLDE 62 44 N 7 10 E 6.17
LOVOFJORDEN 63 00 N 7 20 E 6.38 MOLDTU 62 18 N 5 38 E 5.60
LOVUNDEN 66 22 N 12 20 E 7.46 MOLDTUSTRANDA 62 18 N 5 39 E 5.60
LUNDANES 62 07 N 6 58 E 5.57 MONGSTAD 60 49 N 5 02 E 5.7
LUNDENES 63 00 N 7 44 E 6.39 MORKEDALSTUA 63 30 N 8 31 E 6.52
LUNDEVIKEN 58 26 N 5 55 E 1.45 MOSJOEN 65 51 N 13 11 E 7.42
LUNDSNESET 63 20 N 10 02 E 6.69 MOSSELBUKTA 79 53 N 15 55 E 11.38
LUNEKEVIKA 74 28 N 18 47 E 11.5 MOSTERHAMN 59 42 N 5 24 E 3.18
LUREF JORDEN 60 42 N 5 07 E 4.30 MOSTEROY 59 05 N 5 38 E 2.9
LYGREPOLLEN 60 04 N 5 46 E 3.56 MUKEN 66 45 N 12 29 E 8.2
LYKLINGFJORDEN 59 42 N 5 11 E 3.15 MULTIND 68 00 N 16 30 E 8.23
LYNGHOLMEN 64 35 N 11 24 E 7.15 MUNKHOLMEN LIGHT 63 27 N 10 23 E 6.69
LYNGSFJORDEN 69 40 N 20 25 E 9.10 MURCHISONFJORDEN 80 00 N 18 20 E 11.46
LYNGVAER 65 16 N 11 58 E 7.32 MURUVIK 63 26 N 10 51 E 6.72
LYNGVAERFJORDEN 65 15 N 12 05 E 7.33 MYKEN 66 45 N 12 25 E 7.47
LYNGVAERGALTEN LIGHT 65 16 N 12 03 E 7.33 MYKEN 66 46 N 12 29 E 7.64
LYRODDANE 60 10 N 4 59 E 4.5 MYRBOEN 69 12 N 16 30 E 8.47
LYSEFJORDEN 58 54 N 6 05 E 2.30 MYRFLESAN 69 06 N 16 04 E 8.47
LYSEFJORDEN 60 12 N 5 19 E 4.16

NAEROYSUNDET 64 50 N 11 11 E 7.20

Pub. 182
Index—Gazetteer 291

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
NALAUVIKEN 58 23 N 6 04 E 1.40 OS 60 11 N 5 28 E 3.57
NAMSOS 64 28 N 11 30 E 7.12 OSAFJORDEN 60 30 N 6 55 E 3.49
NAPPHOLMEN 68 08 N 13 28 E 8.5 OSNESGAVLEN 59 25 N 5 14 E 3.9
NARVIK 68 26 N 17 25 E 8.28 OSPA 61 13 N 4 45 E 5.12
NEDSTRANDSFJORDEN 59 15 N 5 44 E 2.23 OSTHOLMEN 66 53 N 13 31 E 7.58
NEDSTRANDSVAG 59 20 N 5 52 E 2.24 OSTMARKTANGEN 63 27 N 10 27 E 6.71
NEKKOYOSEN LIGHT 61 35 N 4 57 E 5.42 OSTRE STOLEN 58 13 N 6 43 E 1.25
NERLANDSOY 62 21 N 5 33 E 5.28 OSUNDER 60 33 N 4 51 E 4.13
NESNA 66 12 N 13 01 E 7.51 OTEREN 64 58 N 11 31 E 7.23
NEVERNES LIGHT 65 26 N 12 35 E 7.38 OTNESET 63 08 N 8 31 E 6.49
NINIAN OIL FIELD 60 51 N 1 28 E 5.2 OTTOY 59 24 N 6 06 E 2.34
NOGVAFJORDEN 62 41 N 6 20 E 6.11 OVSKALLEN 66 25 N 11 58 E 7.48
NORDAUSTLANDET 79 50 N 23 00 E 11.39 OYENSVE 67 35 N 14 17 E 8.14
NORDENSKIOLDBUKTA 80 25 N 21 10 E 11.41 OYNAFJORDEN 60 06 N 5 55 E 3.40
NORDFJORDEID 61 54 N 5 59 E 5.48 OYSTESEVAGEN 60 23 N 6 12 E 3.44
NORDFJORDEN 58 20 N 6 15 E 1.38
NORDFJORDEN 78 30 N 15 00 E 11.22
NORDFOLD 67 46 N 15 14 E 8.14 P
NORDFOLLA 67 45 N 15 17 E 8.14
NORDGATTET 79 45 N 11 05 E 11.33 PASVIKHAMN 69 49 N 30 35 E 9.36
NORDHAMN 74 31 N 18 59 E 11.4 PENNINGFLU 62 19 N 5 33 E 5.60
NORDKAPP 71 10 N 25 47 E 9.2 PERSFJORDEN 70 26 N 30 48 E 9.25
NORDKAPP 71 10 N 7 57 W 10.8 POLLATIND 61 06 N 4 52 E 5.5
NORDKAPP 74 31 N 19 07 E 11.4 PORSANGEN 70 30 N 25 30 E 9.19
NORDOERNE LIGHT 64 48 N 10 33 E 7.1 PRESTEID 68 05 N 15 40 E 8.20
NORDOY 60 43 N 4 44 E 4.15 PRINS KARLS FORLAND 78 30 N 11 06 E 11.23
NORDOYANE 59 36 N 5 07 E 3.14
NORDRE BRATTHOLME 60 24 N 5 06 E 4.26
NORDRE FAUSKEN 63 14 N 7 33 E 6.30 R
NORDRE NEKKOYA 61 35 N 4 56 E 5.42
NORDRE OYGARDSKJERET 67 32 N 15 08 E 8.15 RABBAROSEN 60 18 N 4 57 E 4.8
NORDRE TJORNOY 60 22 N 4 55 E 4.9 RADOYFJORDEN 60 35 N 5 11 E 4.29
NORDRE VAGAHOLME 59 13 N 5 31 E 2.33 RAEVOYSUND 58 02 N 7 00 E 1.6
NORDREGAPET 58 27 N 5 52 E 1.46 RAFTSUNDET 68 23 N 15 05 E 8.10
NORDSTANDSKJAER 68 30 N 16 09 E 8.32 RAMBERG 68 05 N 13 14 E 8.36
NORDTAREN 65 34 N 12 11 E 7.37 RAMBERGHOLMEN 64 02 N 11 14 E 6.77
NORESKALLEN 62 03 N 4 52 E 5.20 RAMSNES 59 38 N 6 20 E 2.38
NORHEIMSUND 60 22 N 6 09 E 3.43 RAMSOY 60 26 N 5 03 E 4.26
NORTH CORMORANT OIL FIELD 61 15 N 1 09 E 5.2 RAMSUNDET 68 29 N 16 31 E 8.25
NUPEN 67 08 N 13 43 E 7.65 RANDABERGVIGA 59 02 N 5 37 E 2.10
NY-ALESUND 78 55 N 11 57 E 11.26 RANDOY 59 12 N 6 02 E 2.27
NYHAMNA 62 51 N 6 57 E 6.13 RANSKJERET 66 09 N 12 52 E 7.51
NYLANDSKJERET 64 41 N 10 33 E 7.7 RASVAGEN 58 14 N 6 34 E 1.30
RASVAGHOLMANE 58 13 N 6 35 E 1.31
RAUDFJORDEN 79 50 N 12 00 E 11.36
O RAUDHOLMANE 60 10 N 5 28 E 3.57
RAUDHOLMANE 62 38 N 6 24 E 6.15
OBRESTADBREKRA 58 40 N 5 33 E 1.51 RAUDHOLMENE 59 33 N 5 09 E 3.11
ODDA 60 05 N 6 33 E 3.52 RAUDOY 61 18 N 4 55 E 5.40
ODDANE 61 33 N 5 00 E 5.41 RAUDOY LIGHT 62 14 N 5 59 E 5.53
ODDANE 62 54 N 6 53 E 6.20 RAUDSANDNES LIGHT 63 04 N 7 41 E 6.32
ODDEN 60 26 N 4 56 E 4.9 RAUNA 58 04 N 6 40 E 1.21
ODOYFLUA 66 21 N 12 55 E 7.53 RAUNEFJORDEN 60 16 N 5 10 E 4.17
OEN 58 06 N 6 47 E 1.20 REIMANE 63 31 N 7 50 E 6.53
OFFERSOY 68 19 N 15 37 E 8.11 REINE 67 56 N 13 06 E 8.4
OGNABUKTI 58 31 N 5 45 E 1.49 REINSFJELLET 62 56 N 7 56 E 6.25
OKSBASHEIA 64 25 N 10 31 E 7.7 REKEFJORDEN 58 20 N 6 16 E 1.37
OKSEBAASEN 69 51 N 30 07 E 9.35 REKVEDBUKTA 70 57 N 8 34 W 10.4
OKSEBASEN LIGHT 62 31 N 6 09 E 6.9 REMMINGSKJER LIGHT 63 22 N 8 17 E 6.65
OKSENDAL 62 43 N 8 26 E 6.44 REVINGEN 59 00 N 5 49 E 2.11
OKSFJORD 70 14 N 22 21 E 9.9 REVOY 58 03 N 6 48 E 1.13
OKSFJORDEN 70 12 N 22 18 E 9.9 REVSHOLMEN 63 01 N 7 47 E 6.40
OKSNESODDEN 68 03 N 15 14 E 8.19 RIBBA 61 54 N 5 00 E 5.45
OKSREVLTAREN 65 01 N 10 51 E 7.26 RINGOY 60 27 N 6 47 E 3.48
OKSSUNDET 68 00 N 15 18 E 8.19 RINGVASSOY 69 55 N 19 10 E 9.3
OKSTRAFJORDEN 59 20 N 6 06 E 2.36 RINNOYVAG 68 22 N 15 46 E 8.11
OLA-PERSOYA LIGHT 67 40 N 14 43 E 8.16 RISAVIKI 58 56 N 5 35 E 2.5
OLASKJAER LIGHT 61 44 N 4 57 E 5.23 RISHOLMEN LIGHT 63 09 N 8 32 E 6.49
OLDEN 61 50 N 6 49 E 5.48 RISHOLMFLUA 61 38 N 4 53 E 5.22
OLSFLUA 62 30 N 5 51 E 6.4 RISHOLMSUNDET 58 14 N 6 40 E 1.26
OMBOFJORDEN 59 17 N 6 07 E 2.30 RISKAFJORDEN 58 56 N 5 49 E 2.15
ONA LIGHT 62 52 N 6 33 E 6.22 RISVAER 64 55 N 11 32 E 7.22
ONARHEIM 59 57 N 5 38 E 3.35 RISVAER 68 15 N 15 09 E 8.11
ONARHEIMSFJORDEN 59 57 N 5 41 E 3.33 RISVAERSUNDET 64 58 N 11 31 E 7.23
ONGLESUNDET 60 43 N 4 52 E 4.22 ROBBEGANSTANGEN 60 41 N 4 48 E 4.15
OPPLOYFJORDEN 64 48 N 11 45 E 7.17 RODBERG 63 29 N 10 00 E 6.68
ORKANGER 63 19 N 9 53 E 6.69 RODBERGSODDEN 69 27 N 18 08 E 8.56
ORMOYA 65 26 N 12 09 E 7.34 RODOY 66 39 N 13 05 E 7.54
ORNES 66 52 N 13 42 E 7.57 RODSUNDA 64 38 N 11 10 E 7.15
ORSTA 62 12 N 6 08 E 5.53 ROEDVIKA 74 24 N 19 13 E 11.3
ORSTAFJORDEN 62 14 N 6 00 E 5.53 ROGNAN 67 06 N 15 25 E 7.62
ORSVAG 68 12 N 14 25 E 8.8 ROGNAN LIGHT 63 34 N 9 17 E 6.61

Pub. 182
292 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
ROGNANNES LIGHT 63 23 N 8 39 E 6.64 SAUDEFJORDEN 59 33 N 6 17 E 2.38
ROHOLME 58 02 N 6 52 E 1.10 SAUDEHOLMEN LIGHT 62 11 N 5 36 E 5.51
ROKKEM LIGHT 62 53 N 8 30 E 6.47 SAUEHORNET 62 14 N 6 09 E 5.27
ROLVSOYA 70 58 N 24 00 E 9.13 SAWGRUNNEN 65 09 N 10 56 E 7.27
ROMBAKEN 68 28 N 17 36 E 8.29 SEIOSKALLEN 67 17 N 13 31 E 7.66
RONELDEN 61 55 N 5 01 E 5.44 SEIRSTADFJORDEN 64 37 N 11 22 E 7.16
RONGEVAER 60 49 N 4 47 E 5.5 SELSOYA 68 09 N 15 29 E 8.20
RONGEVAERSKALLEN 60 50 N 4 46 E 5.5 SELVAER 66 36 N 12 18 E 7.63
RONGOYNI 60 30 N 4 55 E 4.11 SELVBUKTA 63 37 N 9 43 E 6.68
RONGSUND 60 30 N 4 56 E 4.26 SENDINGANE 61 39 N 4 34 E 5.18
RONVIKSKJERANE 66 40 N 13 11 E 7.55 SHANNONBOEN 79 34 N 10 56 E 11.30
RORSUND 60 31 N 4 53 E 4.13 SHEMSHESTEN 62 58 N 7 11 E 6.24
RORVIK 64 52 N 11 14 E 7.21 SIGGJA 59 45 N 5 18 E 3.12
ROSANESET 68 24 N 17 12 E 8.27 SIGNEHAMNA 79 16 N 11 35 E 11.29
ROSENDAL 59 59 N 6 00 E 3.37 SILDA 70 20 N 21 45 E 9.5
ROSOK HAVFLUA 62 49 N 6 13 E 6.22 SILDSKJERET 67 48 N 14 44 E 8.16
ROSOYTAREN 65 52 N 12 22 E 7.43 SIMADALSFJORDEN 60 30 N 7 05 E 3.49
ROSSHOLMEN 62 36 N 6 03 E 6.7 SIRAGRUNNEN 58 15 N 6 20 E 1.33
ROSSOY 60 59 N 4 48 E 5.10 SIREVAG 58 30 N 5 48 E 1.49
ROST 67 31 N 12 07 E 8.4 SJOVEGAN 68 53 N 17 50 E 8.52
ROTVAER 68 22 N 15 56 E 8.10 SKAFTENES LIGHT 64 57 N 12 01 E 7.19
ROVDESKJERET LIGHT 62 11 N 5 45 E 5.52 SKAGSTADSUNDET 67 58 N 15 10 E 8.19
ROYKENESBOEN 68 51 N 16 39 E 8.33 SKALEVIK 60 24 N 5 14 E 4.21
ROYTINGKALVEN 60 52 N 4 47 E 5.8 SKALLEFLUENE 61 35 N 4 46 E 5.15
RUMPENNESET 63 11 N 8 35 E 6.50 SKARDHOLMEN 60 24 N 5 13 E 4.20
RUNDE 62 25 N 5 35 E 5.27 SKAREKINNA 61 42 N 4 51 E 5.22
RUNDOY LIGHT 62 25 N 5 36 E 5.29 SKARHOLMAN 67 39 N 14 28 E 8.14
RUTLETANGEN 61 05 N 5 10 E 5.32 SKARNESET 67 12 N 14 17 E 7.60
RUTLETANGEN LIGHT 61 05 N 5 10 E 5.10 SKARVBERGNES LIGHT 63 05 N 7 58 E 6.40
RYK YSEOYANE 77 47 N 25 12 E 11.50 SKARVHAUSBAEN 68 57 N 16 10 E 8.47
RYSSLANDSVIK 59 52 N 5 44 E 3.33 SKARVOY 60 30 N 4 50 E 4.12
RYSTRAUMEN 69 33 N 18 43 E 8.59 SKARVOYA 65 53 N 12 20 E 7.43
RYVARDEN 59 32 N 5 14 E 3.11 SKARVOYSUND 60 27 N 4 56 E 4.10
SKATEN LIGHT 61 52 N 5 13 E 5.45
SKIVEN 67 58 N 12 56 E 8.35
S SKJAHOLMEN 67 43 N 14 43 E 8.16
SKJEGGENE 62 16 N 5 20 E 5.28
SAEBOSUNDET 59 10 N 5 56 E 2.18 SKJELHOLMEN 63 54 N 9 51 E 7.5
SAEBUOY 63 30 N 8 15 E 6.56 SKJELJANGER LIGHT 60 37 N 4 57 E 4.25
SAEVAREID 60 11 N 5 45 E 3.55 SKJELJAVAG 60 22 N 5 40 E 3.59
SAGFJORDEN 67 38 N 15 16 E 8.15 SKJELVA 65 43 N 12 19 E 7.39
SAGFJORDEN 67 58 N 15 36 E 8.20 SKJERVHEIM 59 28 N 5 45 E 2.40
SAGFJORDEN 69 49 N 30 32 E 9.36 SKJOMGRUNNEN 68 25 N 17 13 E 8.25
SAGVAG 59 46 N 5 23 E 3.21 SKJORAFJORDEN 64 06 N 10 10 E 7.6
SAKRISSKJER 61 14 N 4 57 E 5.36 SKLINNA 65 12 N 11 00 E 7.25
SAKSA LIGHT 64 24 N 10 26 E 7.4 SKLINNA BANKEN 65 16 N 10 10 E 7.25
SAKSNES LIGHT 63 02 N 8 14 E 6.46 SKLINNA LIGHT 65 12 N 11 00 E 7.27
SALANGEN 68 53 N 17 34 E 8.51 SKLINNAFLESAN 65 08 N 10 59 E 7.27
SALANGSVERKET 68 55 N 17 44 E 8.52 SKOLMNESET 68 15 N 13 31 E 8.35
SALFJELLET 78 14 N 12 03 E 11.23 SKOLTAFJORDEN 60 02 N 5 00 E 3.23
SALHUSSTRAUMMEN 59 22 N 5 18 E 3.30 SKOLTEN 62 16 N 6 00 E 5.53
SALSBRUKET 64 48 N 11 52 E 7.18 SKOMVAER LIGHT 67 25 N 11 52 E 8.4
SALTOYA 63 33 N 10 54 E 6.72 SKONGSNES LIGHT 62 02 N 5 08 E 5.25
SALTRAK 58 03 N 6 49 E 1.18 SKORNESET T59 21 N6 58 E 2.35
SALTVIKHAMN LIGHT 63 47 N 11 00 E 6.75 SKORPA 62 20 N 5 30 E 5.28
SAMSKALLEN 66 22 N 11 58 E 7.63 SKORPA 66 02 N 12 33 E 7.44
SAND 59 29 N 6 15 E 2.35 SKORPEFLUENE 61 55 N 4 46 E 5.23
SANDHOLMEN 69 25 N 18 06 E 8.56 SKORPEGAVLEN 59 56 N 5 48 E 3.37
SANDNES 58 51 N 5 45 E 2.13 SKORPERAUVA 61 46 N 4 40 E 5.23
SANDNESSJOEN 66 01 N 12 38 E 7.45 SKORPESUND 59 55 N 5 38 E 3.33
SANDNESSUNDET 69 41 N 18 54 E 8.63 SKOTAMEDGRUNN 58 48 N 5 26 E 1.52
SANDOY LIGHT 61 18 N 4 36 E 5.13 SKRAEDDEREN 58 28 N 5 51 E 1.48
SANDOYA 70 02 N 18 32 E 9.3 SKROVA 68 10 N 14 41 E 8.8
SANDOYA LIGHT 61 33 N 4 46 E 5.34 SKROVA HAVN 68 10 N 14 40 E 8.8
SANDOYNI 60 27 N 4 53 E 4.9 SKROVKJOSEN 68 15 N 16 19 E 8.22
SANDOYTAREN 65 23 N 12 00 E 7.36 SKUDENESFJORDEN 59 00 N 5 15 E 2.6
SANDSFJORDEN 59 21 N 6 00 E 2.34 SKUDENESHAVN 59 09 N 5 16 E 2.8
SANDSFJORDEN 62 15 N 5 31 E 5.58 SKULEN 62 41 N 6 19 E 6.11
SANDSHAMN LIGHT 62 15 N 5 30 E 5.58 SLAADBUKTA 79 42 N 11 15 E 11.34
SANDSKJER 70 05 N 29 33 E 9.31 SLEIPNER GAS FIELD 58 21 N 1 45 E 1.2
SANDSORA LIGHT 63 45 N 11 03 E 6.74 SLETRINGEN LIGHT 63 40 N 8 16 E 6.53
SANDSOY 62 15 N 5 26 E 5.28 SLETTEBAKKEN LIGHT 68 31 N 16 58 E 8.26
SANDVAER 65 21 N 11 58 E 7.36 SLETTNES LIGHT 71 05 N 28 14 E 9.21
SANDVAERODTAREN 65 22 N 12 03 E 7.32 SLETTNESET 69 23 N 18 06 E 8.56
SANDVEHAMN 59 11 N 5 11 E 3.5 SLOVAER 67 36 N 14 39 E 8.14
SANDVERKEN 66 39 N 13 06 E 7.55 SMASKJAER 59 17 N 5 57 E 2.24
SANNA 66 30 N 12 03 E 7.46 SMEERENBURGFJORDEN 79 43 N 11 06 E 11.31
SARNESFJORDEN 70 58 N 25 45 E 9.16 SMITSKJAERLEIEN 68 20 N 15 25 E 8.11
SARSTANGEN 78 44 N 11 29 E 11.24 SMORSUNDNES 59 30 N 5 14 E 3.9
SASSENFJORDEN 78 23 N 16 30 E 11.20 SNERTHOLMEN LIGHT 65 43 N 12 28 E 7.39
SAUDA 59 39 N 6 21 E 2.39 SOGNDALSSTRANDA 58 19 N 6 18 E 1.36
SAUDAFJORDEN 59 33 N 6 17 E 2.38 SOGNEUKSEN 60 57 N 4 46 E 5.8

Pub. 182
Index—Gazetteer 293

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
SOLAVIKI 58 53 N 5 34 E 2.4 STORE ROGLA 68 44 N 16 39 E 8.33
SOLBERGFJORDEN 59 15 N 5 55 E 2.30 STORE SORTNA 63 05 N 7 24 E 6.28
SOLBERGFJORDEN 69 08 N 17 38 E 8.53 STORE SOTRA 60 20 N 5 05 E 4.6
SOLBJORG 60 18 N 5 37 E 3.59 STORE STEINEN 66 00 N 12 01 E 7.30
SOLEMSUNDET 63 12 N 8 11 E 6.49 STORE SVARTOKSEN 67 16 N 14 14 E 7.67
SOLOYET 62 57 N 8 26 E 6.47 STORE VERNOY 60 05 N 5 26 E 3.53
SONDRE SOROYHOLME 65 55 N 12 22 E 7.44 STOREGRUNNEN 63 30 N 10 26 E 6.71
SONDREGAPET 58 26 N 6 00 E 1.42 STORENESET 63 30 N 5 20 E 6.51
SONOYOSEN 59 35 N 5 07 E 3.14 STORENESET 63 45 N 5 20 E 6.51
SORAGAPET 58 26 N 6 00 E 1.42 STORFJELLET 67 28 N 11 56 E 8.4
SORAUSTKAPP 71 01 N 8 00 W 10.7 STORFJORDEN 78 00 N 20 00 E 11.48
SORE GUTVIK LIGHT 65 05 N 11 49 E 7.31 STORGRUNDEN 65 09 N 11 07 E 7.28
SORE RAMNEN 63 08 N 7 24 E 6.28 STORHOLMANE 62 39 N 5 56 E 6.6
SOREIDSVIK 60 03 N 5 28 E 3.54 STORHOLMEN 61 01 N 4 47 E 5.9
SORFJORDEN 60 24 N 6 42 E 3.50 STORHOLMEN 62 39 N 5 56 E 6.6
SORFJORDEN 60 31 N 5 22 E 4.32 STORHOLMEN 68 43 N 16 46 E 8.33
SORFJORDSKALLEN 60 32 N 5 19 E 4.32 STORHOLMEN LIGHT 62 39 N 5 56 E 6.22
SORFOLLA 67 32 N 15 16 E 8.15 STORMBUKTA 76 41 N 16 18 E 11.8
SORGATTET 79 39 N 11 00 E 11.33 STORNESORA LIGHT 63 59 N 11 18 E 6.77
SORGFJORDEN 79 54 N 16 50 E 11.44 STORSUNDET 59 57 N 5 53 E 3.37
SORGRUNNEN 63 33 N 8 00 E 6.56 STORTAREN 65 08 N 11 01 E 7.28
SORHAUGOY 59 25 N 5 14 E 3.9 STORTAREN 65 09 N 11 50 E 7.29
SORHUNDEN 64 39 N 10 53 E 7.20 STORVIKA 67 31 N 15 36 E 8.15
SORKAPP 70 50 N 8 59 W 10.3 STOTT 66 55 N 13 28 E 7.58
SORKAPP LAND 76 50 N 16 25 E 11.8 STOTT LIGHT 66 57 N 13 28 E 7.58
SORNES 65 58 N 12 52 E 7.41 STOTTVAER 66 56 N 13 20 E 7.64
SORSKJOMEN 68 12 N 17 19 E 8.27 STOVHOLME 60 03 N 5 06 E 3.24
SORSUNDET 63 06 N 7 44 E 6.33 STOVIKA 58 15 N 6 31 E 1.32
SORTLAND 68 42 N 15 25 E 8.40 STRANDA 62 18 N 6 57 E 5.56
SORTLANDSUNDET 68 42 N 15 26 E 8.39 STRANDANES LIGHT 62 59 N 7 42 E 6.40
SORVAER 70 38 N 21 59 E 9.13 STRANDSFJORDEN 58 13 N 6 39 E 1.26
SPANNHOLMANE 59 17 N 4 51 E 3.4 STRANDVIK 60 10 N 5 41 E 3.55
SPILDEROYA 69 25 N 18 29 E 8.60 STRAUMEN 68 26 N 17 42 E 8.29
SPINDSFJORDEN 58 05 N 6 56 E 1.10 STRAUMSUNDI 60 35 N 4 51 E 4.14
SPITSBERGEN BANK 75 00 N 21 00 E 11.2 STROMOYA 64 52 N 11 16 E 7.22
SPRANGBUKT 58 27 N 5 56 E 1.45 STUSVIK 58 00 N 7 02 E 1.6
SPRINGEN LIGHT 65 55 N 12 13 E 7.30 SUFFOLKPYNTEN 76 52 N 15 34 E 11.8
STABBEN 63 08 N 7 16 E 6.28 SULA LIGHT 63 51 N 8 27 E 6.58
STABBEN LIGHT 61 36 N 4 57 E 5.42 SULA LIGHT 63 51 N 8 28 E 6.53
STABSAET 58 24 N 5 59 E 1.43 SUNDSODDEN LIGHT 67 05 N 14 04 E 7.60
STAFLUA 62 54 N 6 51 E 6.23 SUNNDALSORA 62 41 N 8 33 E 6.44
STAKNES LIGHT 63 01 N 8 21 E 6.46 SURVIKSUNDET 64 33 N 11 24 E 7.14
STALLEN 60 17 N 4 57 E 4.6 SVAHOLMANE 58 23 N 6 03 E 1.41
STAMSUND 68 07 N 13 51 E 8.6 SVANEFLU 58 03 N 6 45 E 1.21
STANGHOLMGALTEN 64 56 N 11 28 E 7.24 SVARTESKJAER 62 11 N 5 21 E 5.50
STANGNESODDEN 68 48 N 16 37 E 8.33 SVARTSKJERET 63 18 N 8 18 E 6.63
STATFJORDEN OIL FIELD 61 15 N 1 51 E 5.2 SVEABUKTA 77 52 N 16 45 E 11.12
STATPIPE PLATFORM NO. 1 58 11 N 2 28 E 1.2 SVEFJORDEN 64 23 N 10 30 E 7.6
STATTHAVET 62 12 N 5 06 E 5.27 SVEHOLMEN LIGHT 63 17 N 8 29 E 6.50
STATTLANDET 62 12 N 5 08 E 5.27 SVEIO BROADCASTING STATION 59 37 N 5 19 E 3.11
STAVANGER 58 59 N 5 45 E 2.12 SVELEDEN 68 11 N 14 42 E 8.9
STAVENES LIGHT 61 25 N 4 59 E 5.40 SVELEIA 68 11 N 14 42 E 8.9
STAVENES LIGHT 63 07 N 7 40 E 6.29 SVELLINGEN 68 18 N 15 18 E 8.11
STAVSUNDET 67 01 N 13 56 E 7.60 SVENSSKJERET 66 06 N 12 41 E 7.49
STEET 63 00 N 7 48 E 6.40 SVERTINGANE 58 15 N 6 30 E 1.32
STEGLEHOLME 60 09 N 5 41 E 3.54 SVESKALLEN 64 33 N 10 15 E 7.8
STEINAN 65 36 N 11 17 E 7.25 SVINEFLU 61 20 N 4 33 E 5.14
STEINHOLMEN LIGHT 63 17 N 8 20 E 6.63 SVINOY 62 20 N 5 16 E 5.28
STEINKJER 64 01 N 11 30 E 6.79 SVINOYA 68 03 N 13 33 E 8.5
STEINODDEN 58 07 N 6 33 E 1.23 SVINVAER 66 45 N 13 10 E 7.55
STEINSFLESA 65 09 N 11 31 E 7.29 SVOLVAER 68 14 N 14 35 E 8.9
STEINSHOLMEN 67 44 N 14 43 E 8.16 SYKKYLVFJORDEN 62 24 N 6 33 E 5.56
STJERNDALEN 68 02 N 13 14 E 8.5 SYLEN 74 22 N 19 02 E 11.6
STJERNSUND 70 14 N 22 44 E 9.9 SYNESFJELLET 62 33 N 6 02 E 6.6
STOKHOLMEN 66 29 N 12 21 E 7.63
STOKKGRUNNEN 64 39 N 11 00 E 7.17
STOKKMARKNES 68 34 N 14 55 E 8.43 T
STOKKSUND 59 45 N 5 23 E 3.20
STOLSFJORDEN 58 14 N 6 41 E 1.27 TA 59 14 N 5 27 E 2.19
STONGI 60 22 N 5 10 E 4.19 TAFJORDEN 62 14 N 7 25 E 5.58
STORANESET 59 45 N 5 08 E 3.16 TAKNESET 63 09 N 8 20 E 6.49
STORDALSVIKA 62 23 N 6 58 E 5.56 TALGJEFJORDEN 59 08 N 5 49 E 2.25
STORE BERGSHOLME 58 56 N 6 07 E 2.31 TALSGRUNNANE 63 10 N 7 46 E 6.36
STORE GRINDOY 69 38 N 18 51 E 8.63 TALVIK 70 03 N 22 58 E 9.12
STORE HISKJO 59 44 N 5 09 E 3.15 TAMBAR OIL FIELD 56 58 N 2 57 E 1.2
STORE KLAKKSOY 59 50 N 5 16 E 3.20 TANAFJORDEN 70 45 N 28 25 E 9.22
STORE KOPPEREN 63 48 N 8 44 E 6.52 TANGEFLU 59 56 N 5 44 E 3.35
STORE KVITHOLME 65 01 N 11 36 E 7.29 TANNOYA 68 09 N 15 48 E 8.20
STORE LAGMANSVIKA 67 55 N 15 53 E 8.20 TARMEVIKODDEN 58 13 N 6 41 E 1.24
STORE MARSTEIN 60 08 N 5 01 E 4.3 TARVFJORDEN 63 46 N 9 25 E 7.5
STORE OIL TERMINAL 60 37 N 4 52 E 4.24 TAU 59 04 N 5 55 E 2.17
STORE OTERHOLMEN 64 58 N 11 32 E 7.24 TAUTRA LIGHT 63 35 N 10 37 E 6.73

Pub. 182
294 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
TAUTREFLUA 62 41 N 6 56 E 6.16 VAEROY 61 18 N 4 44 E 5.13
TEINEGRUNNEN 61 24 N 4 29 E 5.14 VAEROY 67 40 N 12 40 E 8.4
TEISTEN 66 22 N 12 56 E 7.53 VAGEN 58 58 N 5 44 E 2.12
TEKSLO 60 09 N 5 01 E 4.4 VAGEN 62 13 N 5 39 E 5.58
TELAVAG 60 15 N 4 59 E 4.7 VAGENE 58 20 N 6 13 E 1.39
TEMPLEFJORDEN 78 24 N 17 00 E 11.20 VAIGATTOYANE 79 20 N 20 00 E 11.47
TENNHOLME 59 17 N 5 52 E 2.30 VAKSDAL 60 29 N 5 44 E 4.32
TENNHOLMEN 67 18 N 13 30 E 7.65 VALLABAANE 62 28 N 5 41 E 5.59
TENNHOLMEN LIGHT 67 18 N 13 30 E 8.12 VALLOYGALTEN 65 57 N 12 24 E 7.43
TENNSKJERHOLMEN 69 29 N 18 19 E 8.60 VALSHOLMSKJAER LIGHT 63 49 N 9 36 E 7.5
TERNEHAUG 61 35 N 4 41 E 5.15 VALSOYA 63 52 N 9 44 E 7.2
TERNEHOLMEN 58 14 N 6 41 E 1.27 VARANGERFJORDEN 70 00 N 30 00 E 9.28
TERNESKJERFLU LIGHT 62 11 N 5 24 E 5.50 VARDHOLMEN 60 46 N 4 52 E 4.22
TERNHOLMEN LIGHT 65 00 N 11 07 E 7.26 VARDO 70 22 N 31 07 E 9.26
TERNINGEN LIGHT 63 30 N 9 03 E 6.65 VARGSUND 70 22 N 23 30 E 9.12
TERNINGEN LIGHT 64 13 N 10 15 E 7.3 VARNES 58 11 N 6 38 E 1.23
TERNNESET 60 14 N 4 59 E 4.6 VASKINNKVIGA 68 53 N 16 26 E 8.48
TEROY 58 03 N 6 56 E 1.8 VATLESTRAUMEN 60 19 N 5 12 E 4.18
THAMSHAMN 63 19 N 9 53 E 6.69 VATNEMOHOLMENE 58 29 N 5 49 E 1.49
TINGVOLLVAGEN 62 54 N 8 11 E 6.43 VEANESET 60 03 N 5 29 E 3.53
TISNES 69 36 N 18 50 E 8.59 VEAVAGEN 59 18 N 5 13 E 3.7
TJELDODDEN 68 23 N 16 08 E 8.24 VEINESBOTN 70 05 N 28 47 E 9.32
TJELDSUNDET 68 31 N 16 10 E 8.32 VELFJORDEN 65 35 N 12 21 E 7.38
TJOTTA 65 50 N 12 26 E 7.40 VEMMELSVIKHOLMEN 61 54 N 5 10 E 5.50
TJUVAHOLMEN 60 22 N 6 16 E 3.44 VENNESODDEN LIGHT 63 53 N 11 03 E 6.76
TJUVHOLMEN 63 04 N 7 42 E 6.39 VERDAL HAVN 63 47 N 11 27 E 6.75
TODALSFJORDEN LIGHT 62 50 N 8 38 E 6.47 VESTERALSFJORDEN 68 35 N 14 32 E 8.42
TOFTEVAG 60 29 N 4 56 E 4.12 VESTERHOLMEN 63 43 N 11 00 E 6.73
TOMMELPYNTEN 79 33 N 18 42 E 11.45 VESTKLEPPEN 63 18 N 7 21 E 6.30
TOPPSUNDET 68 53 N 16 23 E 8.48 VESTPYNTEN 78 15 N 15 27 E 11.17
TORSFLU 62 04 N 4 57 E 5.26 VESTRE BRADSTEINEN 58 02 N 6 52 E 1.10
TORSVAG LIGHT 70 15 N 19 30 E 9.4 VETEN 60 01 N 5 15 E 3.22
TORVIKNESET 62 57 N 8 26 E 6.48 VETRUNGANE 61 56 N 4 49 E 5.23
TOVIK 68 41 N 16 53 E 8.49 VEVLAN 65 01 N 11 19 E 7.29
TOVIKHOLMEN LIGHT 62 59 N 7 21 E 6.38 VIKAFJORDEN 59 38 N 5 11 E 3.14
TRAENA 66 25 N 12 00 E 7.63 VIKAHOLMEN LIGHT 63 06 N 7 46 E 6.35
TRAETHOLMEN 65 56 N 12 12 E 7.30 VIKANESET 63 12 N 8 36 E 6.50
TRANOY 68 11 N 15 40 E 8.20 VIKANESFLU LIGHT 62 28 N 6 07 E 5.61
TRANOYFJORDEN 69 04 N 17 19 E 8.52 VIKEVAG 59 06 N 5 42 E 2.18
TROLL GAS FIELD 60 44 N 3 33 E 4.2 VIKHOLMEN 65 57 N 12 26 E 7.44
TROMSO 69 39 N 18 57 E 8.62 VIKINGEN LIGHT 66 32 N 12 58 E 7.54
TROMSOYA 69 40 N 18 57 E 8.60 VIKINGNESET 60 51 N 4 56 E 5.8
TRONDEN 62 19 N 5 38 E 5.60 VIKNA 64 55 N 11 00 E 7.26
TRONDHEIM 63 26 N 10 24 E 6.70 VIKSOY 60 10 N 5 03 E 4.4
TROSNAVAG 59 13 N 5 23 E 3.28 VIKUM 61 10 N 5 43 E 5.33
TROYTAROSEN 59 44 N 5 13 E 3.16 VIKVAGEN 65 18 N 12 07 E 7.33
TUNGENES 59 02 N 5 35 E 2.3 VILNESFJORDEN LIGHT 61 18 N 5 04 E 5.37
TUNSOY 58 59 N 5 49 E 2.11 VINDAFJORDEN 59 20 N 5 56 E 2.40
TUROY 60 27 N 4 55 E 4.10 VINDNESKARVEN 60 27 N 5 00 E 4.6
TUSSEN 61 23 N 4 50 E 5.39 VINGLEIA LIGHT 63 55 N 8 41 E 6.53
TYRHAUG LIGHT 63 19 N 8 14 E 6.62 VOLDSFJORDEN 62 12 N 5 56 E 5.53
TYSFJORDEN 68 06 N 16 15 E 8.21 VOLONGOYA 63 08 N 8 09 E 6.45
TYSNESVIK 60 03 N 5 32 E 3.53 VORDNESHOLMEN 59 45 N 5 13 E 3.16
TYSSEDAL 60 07 N 6 34 E 3.51 VOTLOY 60 28 N 5 28 E 4.32
TYSSEFJORDEN 59 21 N 6 14 E 2.37

WAHLENBERGFJORDEN 79 40 N 20 00 E 11.46
ULA GAS FIELD 57 06 N 2 51 E 1.2 WALDENOYA 80 37 N 19 46 E 11.41
ULLENSVANG 60 19 N 6 39 E 3.51 WIJDEFJORDEN 79 22 N 15 37 E 11.38
ULLEROYSUND 58 03 N 6 55 E 1.11 WILHELMOYA 79 03 N 20 24 E 11.45
ULLSFJORDEN 69 50 N 19 52 E 9.10 WOODFJORDEN 79 40 N 13 58 E 11.37
ULVEN LIGHT 61 58 N 5 09 E 5.25
URBERGET 68 04 N 13 43 E 8.6
URTER 59 22 N 5 02 E 3.4 Y
USKEDAL 59 56 N 5 52 E 3.37
UTGRUNNEN 67 42 N 14 17 E 8.3 YLVINGEN 65 36 N 12 10 E 7.37
UTNE 60 26 N 6 37 E 3.46 YSTESTEINEN 58 01 N 6 53 E 1.10
UTNEFJORDEN 60 26 N 6 38 E 3.46 YTRE ALVIK 60 25 N 6 23 E 3.45
UTOYBAEN 66 14 N 12 36 E 7.49 YTRE ASAROY 59 25 N 6 08 E 2.34
UTSIRA 59 18 N 4 53 E 3.4 YTRE KIBERG 70 17 N 31 00 E 9.28
UTSKARPEN 66 15 N 13 35 E 7.51 YTRE LANGHOLMEN LIGHT 63 11 N 7 52 E 6.31
UTTORGFLESSA LIGHT 65 26 N 11 57 E 7.36 YTRE LANGOYFLUI 60 47 N 4 49 E 5.8
UTVAER LIGHT 61 02 N 4 31 E 5.11 YTRE LOGRUNNEN 64 01 N 11 24 E 6.78
YTRE POLLEN 58 11 N 6 42 E 1.25
YTRE SAMLAFJORDEN 60 21 N 6 18 E 3.43
V YTRE SKALLEN 67 28 N 14 25 E 8.12
YTRE SMASTRAUMNESET 69 48 N 30 41 E 9.37
VABERGET 63 31 N 10 46 E 6.72 YTREHOLMEN 66 01 N 11 42 E 7.25
VADSO 70 04 N 29 44 E 9.30 YTREHOLMEN LIGHT 66 01 N 11 42 E 7.1

Pub. 182
Index—Gazetteer 295

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
YTSTE TAREN 61 17 N 4 55 E 5.36 YTTERTUVEN 67 50 N 12 52 E 8.4
YTSTEBOEN 62 09 N 5 04 E 5.26
YTSTEFLU 62 12 N 5 27 E 5.51
YTTERHOLMEN 66 01 N 11 42 E 7.25 Z
YTTEROYANE 61 35 N 4 41 E 5.15
YTTEROYANE LIGHT 61 35 N 4 41 E 5.17 ZORGDRAGERFJORDEN 80 23 N 22 40 E 11.42

Pub. 182

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