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Pub. 163, Sailing Directions (Enroute) Borneo, Jawa, Sulawesi,

NGA Maritime—Contact Information

and Nusa Tenggara, Fourteenth Edition, 2018, is issued for use in

conjunction with Pub. 120, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Maritime Domain
Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia. The companion volumes are https://msi.nga.mil
web site
Pubs. 161, 162, and 164.
0.0Digital Nautical Charts 4 and 11 provide electronic chart E-mail MarHelp@nga.mil
coverage for the area covered by this publication.
0.0This publication has been corrected to 9 June 2018, includ- Maritime Quality
ing Notice to Mariners No. 23 of 2018. Subsequent updates Feedback System https://marhelp.nga.mil
have corrected this publication to 22 April 2023 including No- (MQFS)
tice to Mariners No. 16 of 2023.
Mailing address Maritime Safety Office
Explanatory Remarks National Geospatial-Intelligence
Sailing Directions are published by the National Geospatial-
Mail Stop N64-SFH
Intelligence Agency (NGA) under the authority of Department 7500 Geoint Drive
of Defense Directive 5105.60, dated 29 July 2009, and pursu- Springfield VA 22150-7500
ant to the authority contained in U. S. Code Title 10, Chapter
22, Section 451 and Title 44, Section 1336. Sailing Directions, New editions of Sailing Directions are corrected through the

covering the harbors, coasts, and waters of the world, provide date of publication shown above. Important information to
information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical amend material in the publication is available is updated as
charts and is not readily available elsewhere. needed and available as a downloadable corrected publication
Sailing Directions (Enroute) include detailed coastal and
from the NGA Maritime Domain web site.
port approach information which supplements the largest scale
chart produced by the National Geospatial-Intelligence
NGA Maritime Safety Office Web Site
Agency. This publication is divided into geographic areas
called “Sectors.” https://msi.nga.mil
Bearings.—Bearings are true, and are expressed in degrees

from 000° (north) to 360°, measured clockwise. General

bearings are expressed by the initial letters of the points of the 0.0Courses.—Courses are true, and are expressed in the same
compass (e.g. N, NNE, NE, etc.). Adjective and adverb manner as bearings. The directives “steer” and “make good” a
endings have been discarded. Wherever precise bearings are course mean, without exception, to proceed from a point of
intended, degrees are used. origin along a track having the identical meridional angle as
Charts.—Reference to charts made throughout this
the designated course. Vessels following the directives must
publication refer to both the paper chart and the Digital allow for every influence tending to cause deviation from such
Nautical Chart (DNC). track, and navigate so that the designated course is
Corrective Information.—Users should refer corrections,
continuously being made good.
additions, and comments to NGA’s Maritime Operations Desk, 0.0Currents.—Current directions are the true directions toward
as follows: which currents set.
0.0Distances.—Distances are expressed in nautical miles of 1
minute of latitude. Distances of less than 1 mile are expressed
NGA Maritime—Contact Information in meters, or tenths of miles.
Geographic Names.—Geographic names are generally
Maritime Operations Desk

those used by the nation having sovereignty. Names in paren-

Toll free 1-800-362-6289 theses following another name are alternate names that may
appear on some charts. In general, alternate names are quoted
Commercial 571-557-5455 only in the principal description of the place. Diacritical marks,
such as accents, cedillas, and circumflexes, which are related to
DSN 547-5455 specific letters in certain foreign languages, are not used in the
interest of typographical simplicity.
E-mail navsafety@nga.mil 0.0Wherever possible, names used on NGA charts and in NGA
publications are in the form approved by the United States
Maritime Safety Office Board on Geographic Names (BGN). Generally, local official
DNC web site https://dnc.nga.mil spellings are used for those features entirely within a single
sovereignty, names of countries and those features which are
common to two or more countries or which lie beyond a single
sovereignty may carry Board-approved conventional spellings

Pub. 163

(i.e., names in common English language usage). When alter- tion, the international telephone and facsimile numbers provid-
nate names would be of value to the user, they may be shown ed as contact information contain the minimum digits
for information purposes within parentheses. Important indi- necessary to dial. Please note that these contact numbers do not
vidual name changes are made to all revised charts as the op- include additional digits or special characters, such as (0) or
portunity permits. (+), which may be required when dialing. The necessity of
0.0Geographic names or their spellings do not necessarily re- such digits and characters depend upon numerous factors and
flect recognition of the political status of an area by the United conditions, such as the user’s geolocation and service provider.
States Government. Mariners are advised to consult their communications equip-
0.0BGN approved names may be found at https:// ment and service provider manuals for guidance.
geonames.nga.mil/geonames/GNSHome/welcome.html. 0.0Time.—Time is normally expressed as local time unless
0.0Heights.—Heights are referred to the plane of reference specifically designated as Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
used for that purpose on the charts and are expressed in meters. 0.0Time Zone.—The Time Zone description(s), as well as in-
0.0Internet Links.—This publication provides Internet links to formation concerning the use of Daylight Savings Time, are in-
web sites concerned with maritime navigational safety, includ- cluded. The World Time Zone Chart is available on the Inter-
ing but not limited to, Federal government sites, foreign Hy- net at the web site given below.
drographic Offices, and foreign public/private port facilities.
NGA makes no claims, promises, or guarantees concerning the Standard Time Zone of the World Chart
accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of these
web sites and expressly disclaims any liability for errors and https://www.cia.gov/maps/world-regional
omissions in the contents of these web sites.
0.0International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) U.S. Maritime Advisory System.—The U.S. Maritime

Code.—The ISPS Code is a comprehensive set of measures to Advisory System is a streamlined inter-agency approach to
enhance the security of ships and port facilities developed in identifying and promulgating maritime security threats. The
response to the perceived threats to ships and port facilities in system replaces Special Warnings to Mariners (State
the wake of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. Information Department), MARAD Advisories (Maritime Administration),
on the ISPS Code can be found at the International Maritime and Marine Safety Information Bulletins (U.S. Coast Guard)
Organization web site: and consists of the following items:
1. U.S. Maritime Alert—Provides basic information
International Maritime Organization Home Page (location, incident, type, date/time) on reported maritime
security threats to U.S. maritime industry interests. U.S.
http://www.imo.org Maritime alerts do not contain policy or recommendations
for specific courses of information.
Lights and Fog Signals.—Lights and fog signals are not
2. U.S. Maritime Advisory—Provides more detailed
described, and light sectors are not usually defined. The Light information, when appropriate, through a “whole-of-gov-
Lists should be consulted for complete information. ernment” response to an identified maritime threat.
National Ocean Claims.—Information on national ocean

claims and maritime boundary disputes, which have been com- Maritime Administration (MARAD)—U.S.
piled from the best available sources, is provided solely in the Maritime Advisory System
interest of the navigational safety of shipping and in no way
constitutes legal recognition by the United States. These non- https://www.marad.dot.gov/environment-and-safety/
recognized claims and requirements may include, but are not office-of-security/msci
limited to:
1. A requirement by a state for advance permission or Winds.—Wind directions are the true directions from which

notification for innocent passage of warships in the territorial winds blow.

2. Straight baseline, internal waters, or historic waters Reference List
3. The establishment of a security zone, where a state The principal sources examined in the preparation of this

claims to control activity beyond its territorial sea for securi- publication were:
ty reasons unrelated to that state’s police powers in its terri- British Hydrographic Department Sailing Directions.

tory, including its territorial sea. Japanese Sailing Directions.


Radio Navigational Aids.—Radio navigational aids and ra-

Various port handbooks.

dio weather services are not described in detail. Publication Reports from United States naval and merchant vessels and

No. 117 Radio Navigational Aids and NOAA Publication, Se- various shipping companies.
lected Worldwide Marine Weather Broadcasts, should be con- Other U.S. Government publications, reports, and docu-

sulted. ments.
Soundings.—Soundings are referred to the datum of the
Charts, light lists, tide and current tables, and other docu-

charts and are expressed in meters. ments in possession of the Agency.

Telephone and Facsimile Numbers.—Within this publica-
Internet Web Site, as follows:

Pub. 163
0.0 Sabah Ports Authority 0.0 http://www.infosabah.com.my/spa

Date of Change: 22 April 2023

Notice to Mariners: 16/2023
Sector Paragraphs
Sector 1 Paragraphs 1.1 and 1.61
Sector 2 Paragraphs 2.4, 2.14, 2.15, 2.37, and 2.90
Sector 3 Paragraphs 3.26 and 3.62
Sector 4 Paragraph 4.46
Sector 6 Paragraphs 6.51, 6.83, 6.87, and 6.100
Sector 8 Paragraph 8.52
Sector 9 Paragraphs 9.41, 9.50, and 9.57
Sector 11 Paragraphs 11.12 and 11.61

Date of Change: 17 December 2022

Notice to Mariners: 51/2022
Sector Paragraphs
Sector 1 Paragraphs 1.6, 1.30, and 1.76
Sector 3 Paragraph 3.49
Sector 4 Paragraph 4.11
Sector 5 Paragraphs 5.10 and 5.27
Sector 7 Paragraph 7.56
Sector 8 Paragraph 8.6
Sector 9 Paragraphs 9.20 and 9.43
Sector 10 Paragraph 10.6

Date of Change: 10 September 2022

Notice to Mariners: 37/2022
Sector Paragraphs
Sector 3 Paragraphs 3.26, and 3.53
Sector 4 Paragraph 4.40
Sector 8 Paragraphs 8.51, 8.54, and 8.57
Sector 10 Paragraph 10.44
Sector 11 Paragraph 11.101

Date of Change: 28 May 2022

Notice to Mariners: 22/2022
Sector Paragraphs
Sector 2 Paragraphs 2.35 and 2.95
Sector 3 Paragraphs 3.15, 3.17, 3.24, 3.26, 3.39, 3.42, 3.59, and 3.60
Sector 4 Paragraphs 4.9, 4.11, 4.14, 4.15, and 4.26
Sector 5 Paragraphs 5.3, 5.18, and 5.43
Sector 6 Paragraphs 6.39 and 6.58
Sector 7 Paragraphs 7.23 and 7.54

IV Pub. 163
Date of Change: 28 May 2022
Notice to Mariners: 22/2022
Sector Paragraphs
Sector 8 Paragraphs 8.7 and 8.98
Sector 9 Paragraphs 9.45, 9.53, and 9.88
Sector 10 Paragraphs 10.30, and 10.62
Sector 11 Paragraphs 11.13, 11.35, 11.38, 11.70, 11.74, 11.79, 11.99, and 11.101

Date of Change: 12 June 2021

Notice to Mariners: 24/2021
Sector Paragraphs
Sector 1 Paragraphs 1.1, and 1.79
Sector 2 Paragraphs 2.35
Sector 3 Paragraphs 3.7, 3.15, 3.17, 3.20, 3.23, 3.26, 3.39, 3.42, 3.44, 3.48, and 3.70
Sector 4 Paragraphs 4.2, 4.14, 4.15, 4.17, 4.20, 4.26, and 4.40
Sector 5 Paragraphs 5.2, 5.4, 5.15, 5.18, 5.43, and 5.51
Sector 7 Paragraphs 7.12
Sector 8 Paragraphs 8.7 and 8.78
Sector 9 Paragraphs 9.7, 9.45, 9.57, and 9.88
Sector 10 Paragraphs 10.13, 10.15, 10.62, and 10.85
Sector 11 Paragraphs 11.13, 11.35, 11.38, 11.68, 11.68, 11.70 11.74, and 11.80, 11.99, and

Date of Change: 9 January 2021

Notice to Mariners: 2/2021
Sector Paragraphs
Sector 1 Paragraphs 1.65, and 1.76
Sector 2 Paragraphs 2.26, 2.35, 2.59, 2.62, 2.77, 2.94, 2.95, and 2.99
Sector 3 Paragraphs 3.15, 3.20, 3.22, 3.25, 3.27, 3.38, 3.39, 3.40 3.41, 3.47, 3.52, 3.58, and 3.59
Sector 4 Paragraphs 4.2, 4.9, 4.11, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, 4.16, 4.20, 4.26, 4.40, and 4.41
Sector 5 Paragraphs 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.10, 5.15, 5.18, 5.20, 5.23, 5.35, 5.42, and 5.49
Sector 6 Paragraphs 6.6, 6.32, 6.39, 6.41, 6.45, 6.51, 6.58, 6.79, 6.87, 6.101, and 6.103
Sector 7 Paragraphs 7.12, 7.18, 7.20, 7.23, 7.31, 7.33, 7.34, 7.35, 7.43, 7.49, 7.53, and 7.54
Sector 8 Paragraphs 8.3, 8.7, 8.8, 8.16, 8.34, 8.37, 8.50, 8.51, 8.54, 8.57, 8.61, 8.64, 8.78, 8.88,
and 8.97
Sector 9 Paragraphs 9.6, 9.8, 9.10, 9.11, 9.23, 9.24, 9.42, 9.45, 9.53, 9.55, 9.57, 9.58, 9.78, 9.80,
9.87, and 9.88
Sector 10 Paragraphs 10.5, 10.6, 10.8, 10.13, 10.15, 10.44, 10.51, 10.53, 10.62, and 10.91
Sector 11 Paragraphs 11.7, 11.13, 11.18, 11.20, 11.23, 11.24, 11.25 11.35, 11.38, 11.41, 11.56,
11.65, 11.69, 11.70, 11.74, 11.76, 11.79, 11.80, 11.84, 11.99, and 11.101

Date of Change: 26 January 2021

Notice to Mariners: 4/2019
Sector Paragraphs
Sector 3 Paragraph 3.25

V Pub. 163

Date of Change: 26 January 2021

Notice to Mariners: 4/2019
Sector Paragraphs
Sector 11 Paragraphs 11.24, 11.70, 11.74, and 11.101

Pub. 163
Pub. 163




Conversion Tables
Feet to Meters
Feet 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 0.30 0.61 0.91 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.13 2.44 2.74
10 3.05 3.35 3.66 3.96 4.27 4.57 4.88 5.18 5.49 5.79
20 6.10 6.40 6.71 7.01 7.32 7.62 7.92 8.23 8.53 8.84
30 9.14 9.45 9.75 10.06 10.36 10.67 10.97 11.28 11.58 11.89
40 12.19 12.50 12.80 13.11 13.41 13.72 14.02 14.33 14.63 14.93
50 15.24 15.54 15.85 16.15 16.46 16.76 17.07 17.37 17.68 17.98
60 18.29 18.59 18.90 19.20 19.51 19.81 20.12 20.42 20.73 21.03
70 21.34 21.64 21.95 22.25 22.55 22.86 23.16 23.47 23.77 24.08
80 24.38 24.69 24.99 25.30 25.60 25.91 26.21 26.52 26.82 27.13
90 27.43 27.74 28.04 28.35 28.65 28.96 29.26 29.57 29.87 30.17

Fathoms to Meters
Fathoms 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 1.83 3.66 5.49 7.32 9.14 10.97 12.80 14.63 16.46
10 18.29 20.12 21.95 23.77 25.60 27.43 29.26 31.09 32.92 34.75
20 36.58 38.40 40.23 42.06 43.89 45.72 47.55 49.38 51.21 53.03
30 54.86 56.69 58.52 60.35 62.18 64.01 65.84 67.67 69.49 71.32
40 73.15 74.98 76.81 78.64 80.47 82.30 84.12 85.95 87.78 89.61
50 91.44 93.27 95.10 96.93 98.75 100.58 102.41 104.24 106.07 107.90
60 109.73 111.56 113.39 115.21 117.04 118.87 120.70 122.53 124.36 126.19
70 128.02 129.85 131.67 133.50 135.33 137.16 138.99 140.82 142.65 144.47
80 146.30 148.13 149.96 151.79 153.62 155.45 157.28 159.11 160.93 162.76
90 164.59 166.42 168.25 170.08 171.91 173.74 175.56 177.39 179.22 181.05

Meters to Feet
Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 3.28 6.56 9.84 13.12 16.40 19.68 22.97 26.25 29.53
10 32.81 36.09 39.37 42.65 45.93 49.21 52.49 55.77 59.06 62.34
20 65.62 68.90 72.18 75.46 78.74 82.02 85.30 88.58 91.86 95.14
30 98.42 101.71 104.99 108.27 111.55 114.83 118.11 121.39 124.67 127.95
40 131.23 134.51 137.80 141.08 144.36 147.64 150.92 154.20 157.48 160.76
50 164.04 167.32 170.60 173.88 177.16 180.45 183.73 187.01 190.29 193.57
60 196.85 200.13 203.41 206.69 209.97 213.25 216.54 219.82 223.10 226.38
70 229.66 232.94 236.22 239.50 242.78 246.06 249.34 252.62 255.90 259.19
80 262.47 265.75 269.03 272.31 275.59 278.87 282.15 285.43 288.71 291.99
90 295.28 298.56 301.84 305.12 308.40 311.68 314.96 318.24 321.52 324.80

Meters to Fathoms
Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.00 0.55 1.09 1.64 2.19 2.73 3.28 3.83 4.37 4.92
10 5.47 6.01 6.56 7.11 7.66 8.20 8.75 9.30 9.84 10.39
20 10.94 11.48 12.03 12.58 13.12 13.67 14.22 14.76 15.31 15.86
30 16.40 16.95 17.50 18.04 18.59 19.14 19.68 20.23 20.78 21.33
40 21.87 22.42 22.97 23.51 24.06 24.61 25.15 25.70 26.25 26.79
50 27.34 27.89 28.43 28.98 29.53 30.07 30.62 31.17 31.71 32.26
60 32.81 33.36 33.90 34.45 35.00 35.54 36.09 36.64 37.18 37.73
70 38.28 38.82 39.37 39.92 40.46 41.01 41.56 42.10 42.65 43.20
80 43.74 44.29 44.84 45.38 45.93 46.48 47.03 47.57 48.12 48.67
90 49.21 49.76 50.31 50.85 51.40 51.95 52.49 53.04 53.59 54.13

Pub. 163


The following abbreviations may be used in the text:

°C degree(s) Centigrade km kilometer(s)
cm centimeter(s) m meter(s)
cu.m. cubic meter(s) mb millibars
dwt deadweight tons MHz megahertz
FEU forty-foot equivalent units mm millimeter(s)
gt gross tons nt net tons
kHz kilohertz TEU twenty-foot equivalent units

N north S south
NNE northnortheast SSW southsouthwest
NE northeast SW southwest
ENE eastnortheast WSW westsouthwest
E east W west
ESE eastsoutheast WNW westnorthwest
SE southeast NW northwest
SSE southsoutheast NNW northnorthwest

Vessel types
LASH Lighter Aboard Ship Ro-ro Roll-on Roll-off
LNG Liquified Natural Gas ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
OBO Ore/Bulk/Oil VLOC Very Large Ore Carrier
Lo-lo Lift-on Lift-off FSO Floating Storage and Offloading
NGL Natural Gas Liquids FSU Floating Storage Unit
Floating Production Storage and
FSRU Floating Storage and Regasification Unit FPSO

ETA estimated time of arrival GMT Greenwich Mean Time
ETD estimated time of departure UTC Coordinated Universal Time

Water level
MSL mean sea level LWS low water springs
HW high water MHWN mean high water neaps
LW low water MHWS mean high water springs
MHW mean high water MLWN mean low water neaps
MLW mean low water MLWS mean low water springs
HWN high water neaps TFW Tropical Fresh Water
HWS high water springs HAT highest astronomical tide
LWN low water neaps LAT lowest astronomical tide

D/F direction finder MF medium frequency
R/T radiotelephone HF high frequency
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System VHF very high frequency
LF low frequency UHF ultra high frequency

LANBY Large Automatic Navigation Buoy SBM Single Buoy Mooring
NAVSAT Navigation Satellite SPM Single Point Mooring
ODAS Ocean Data Acquisition System TSS Traffic Separation Scheme
CBM Conventional Buoy Mooring System VTC Vessel Traffic Center
MBM Multi-Buoy Mooring System VTS Vessel Traffic Service

Pub. 163

The following abbreviations may be used in the text:

CALM Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring

Maritime Mobile Service Identity
AIS Automatic Identification System MMSI
COLREGS Collision Regulations No./Nos. Number/Numbers
International Association of Lighthouse PA Position approximate
Authorities PD Position doubtful
IHO International Hydrographic Organization Pub. Publication
International Convention for
IMO International Maritime Organization SOLAS
Safety of Life at Sea
IMDG Intermational Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
LOA length overall St./Ste. Saint/Sainte
International Ship and Port facility
UKC Under keel clearance ISPS
International Convention on the Tonnage Electronic Chart Display and
Measurement of Ships (1969) Information System

Pub. 163

Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
Chartlet—Sector Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII
Conversion Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX

Sector 1
Sector 1—Borneo—Northwest Coast And Kepulauan Tudjuh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Sector 2
Sector 2—Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Sector 3
Sector 3—Jawa—North Coast and Madura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Sector 4
Sector 4—Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Sector 5
Sector 5—Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Sector 6
Sector 6—Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

Sector 7
Sector 7—Sulawesi—West and North Coasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

Sector 8
Sector 8—Sulawesi—South and East Coasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

Sector 9
Sector 9—Borneo—South and East Coasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

Sector 10
Sector 10—Borneo—Northeast Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

Sector 11
Sector 11—Borneo—Northwest Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Glossaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Index—Gazetteer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415

Pub. 163 XI

Sector 1—Borneo—Northwest Coast And Kepulauan Tudjuh

1.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).

Pub. 163


1.0Plan.—This sector describes the four island groups of Kepu- 1.1Good to excellent visibility prevails for most of the time,
lauan Tudjuh and the NW coast of Borneo. The general ar- though sudden deterioration occurs in the heavier rainstorms.
rangement of each group is from W to E, with each island Patches of fog develop at night in estuaries and sheltered inlets
group described under a separate heading. The coast of Borneo and may be dense for a brief period around dawn.
is described from N to S. 1.1Tides—Currents.—Currents in the vicinity of Kepulauan
Tudjuh are of monsoonal origin and set predominantly in N di-
General Remarks rections from May to September and in S directions from Octo-
ber to April, with rates of up to 2 knots. The tidal currents have
1.1 Kepulauan Tudjuh (Tudjuh Archipelago) comprises been observed in this area, from mid-July to mid-September and
those islands belonging to the Republic of Indonesia in the in December during the Northeast Monsoon, to set to windward
Eastern Archipelago, which lie in the S portion of the South against the monsoon drift, for a part of each day.
China Sea, N of the Equator. The islands are divided into four 1.1The movement of the surface water over the South China Sea is
main groups, consisting of Kepulauan Badas, Kepulauan Tam- related, in general, to the monsoons, through the relationship is
belan, Kepulauan Natuna and Kepulauan Anambas. All the is- complex and not direct. The main SW setting current occurs
lands of Kepulauan Tudjuh lie W and NW of the W coast of during the Northeast Monsoon (November to March) and the NE
Borneo. setting current occurs during the Southwest Monsoon (May to
1.1Most of the islands are covered with dense vegetation, and in September). Currents with a velocity of 1 to 2 knots may be en-
relation to their size are fairly high. The NW coast of Borneo countered.
described in this sector is that part extending from Tanjong Da- 1.1Depths—Limitations.—In the South China Sea between
tu to Tanjung Padangtikar, about 166 miles SSE. The SW ex- Singapore Strait and the W coast of Borneo, the depths are
tremity of the sector is situated in position 1°04'S, 105°10'E, generally 38 to 44m.
about 35 miles NW of the NW extremity of Bangka. 1.1Belida Marine Terminal (4°8'N., 105°8'E.) comprises an FP-
1.1Winds—Weather.—The most important characteristic of SO “Intan” which is moored to an SPM. Shuttle tankers up to
the climate, is the seasonal change of the winds. It is customary 230,000dwt can be accommodated See Pub. 161, Sailing Di-
therefore to recognize two seasons only, the Northeast Mon- rections (Enroute) South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand
soon and the Southwest Monsoon. From March to May, the for details on the numerous platforms that make up the other
Southwest Monsoon extends N, and covers the whole area part of Belida Field located in the Natuna Sea.
from June to August. During September to November the air- 1.1Offshore terminals and oil fields situated off the NW coast of
flow is reversed and the Northeast Monsoon spreads S to the Borneo and covered by this sector are the Kakap3 Natuna Oil
Equator, and prevails over the South China Sea from December Field, the Anoa Natuna Oil Field, and the Udang Oil Field. De-
to January. tails on the Kerteh Oil Field, the Tapis Oil Field, and the Teng-
1.1The Northeast Monsoon has a significant frequency of N gol Oil Field are covered in Pub. 161, Sailing Directions
winds over the area, while Southwest Monsoon has a great S (Enroute) South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. The Anoa
component near the equator. Oil Field and the Udang Oil Field lie 24 miles NNW and 68
1.1Over this area the average wind speed is 7 to 16 knots in miles SSE, respectively, from the Kakap Oil Field. The Tapis
winter, and 4 to 10 knots in summer. During the transition peri- Oil Field and the Kerteh Oil Field lie 63 miles WNW and 86
od in spring and autumn the winds are mainly light and vari- miles W, respectively, from Kakap Terminal.
able except in isolated squalls. 1.1Regulations.—For information regarding designated Archi-
1.1The period from May to October is relatively free of gales pelago Sea Lanes, as defined by the United Nations Conven-
apart from the localized storms during the passage of tropical tion on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), passing from the South
storms. Gale force winds are more common during December, China Sea through the Indonesian Archipelago, see the Indone-
with winds of 28 to 33 knots comprising 1 per cent of the total sia section of Pub. 120, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide)
reports. Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia.
1.1Rainfall is abundant over the whole area. Borneo has more 1.1Caution.—Numerous oil fields and gas fields exist off the
thunderstorms than any other region in the world. Along the coasts of Sarawak, Brunei, and Sabah. Each field contains clus-
coasts many stations report thunder on 1 day in every three. In- ters of installations, consisting of above-water, awash, or sub-
land many places endure thunder on 2 days in 3. Some of the merged structures; the structures may be permanent or movable
more violent storms cause considerable havoc with severe and may or may not be lighted. However, most structures ex-
squalls and torrential rain. hibit lights, especially platforms. Since not all features are
1.1Fog is rare over this area. Poor visibility (less than 5 miles) is charted or marked, mariners are cautioned to exercise special
reported on less than 5 per cent of the observations, but the in- care when navigating these waters.
creases in frequency is greater during September near the Bor- 1.1A vessel entering a restricted area may be challenged by In-
neo coast; this haze spreads from the S hemisphere in late donesian air and sea patrols.
summer. 1.1Pipelines lead between structures, within a field, between the

Pub. 163
4 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

various fields, and to the shore collecting stations. Navigation described from N to S.
is restricted and anchoring is prohibited in these areas. Gas
pipelines contain high pressure flammable natural gas. Kepulauan Natuna Besar—North Group
1.1It is advised not to anchor, trawl, or drag near these pipe-
lines. Vessels causing damage to a pipeline by anchoring or 1.3 Pulau Laut (4°43'N., 107°59'E.) is the largest island
trawling risks prosecution, instant fire hazard, and loss of in the group, which is comprised of one large island, two small
buoyancy to the vessel. islands, and several off-lying islets and dangers which lie about
1.1Floating or fixed drilling rigs may be encountered in some 30 miles NNW of Pulau Natuna Besar, the largest island in
areas covered by this volume. The flares from these structures Kepulauan Tudjuh. The island has a length of about 7 miles
may be seen from distances up to 20 miles. Buoys and lighted and a greatest width, near its S end, of about 3 miles. It is gen-
buoys associated with drilling operations are frequently erally hilly, rising near its N end to a summit of 286m.
moored in the vicinity of the rigs. The positions of these rigs 1.3The coast at this point is rather steep, but elsewhere it is low
and buoys are subject to change, and where known, the chang- and sandy. The entire island is surrounded by an extensive dry-
es are promulgated by NAVAREA Xl radio navigational warn- ing reef, which extends to 2.8 miles off the E side and up to 3
ing messages. miles off Tanjung Majam. Pulau Sekatung, precipitous and
1.1Permanent platforms, structures, and buoys are mostly chart- hilly, 223m high, stands on the reef, 0.3 mile NNE of Pulau
ed. These structures usually exhibit lights (Mo (U) 15 seconds) Laut. Tanjung Sekatung Light is shown from NE extremity of
and fog signals (Mo (U) 30 seconds). Selected below-water ob- Pulau Sekatung. An obstruction was reported 28.5 miles N of
structions are marked by buoys in the gas fields. The limits of Pulau Sekatung.
the gas fields are charted, but not all the features are contained
within a field. Special care should be exercised when navigat- 1.3Batu Imung (4°38'N., 107°59'E.), a detached rock 18m
ing in the vicinity. Anchoring within a gas field is prohibited, high, stands S of the coastal reef, 4.5 miles SE of Tanjung Ma-
except where designated. jam. Gloria Reef, with a depth of 2.4m, lies 2.8 miles SSW of
1.1Submerged or partially afloat drifting logs, roots and palm Batu Imung. A coral reef, with a depth of 5.8m, lies 3.8 miles
trees, etc., posing hazard to navigation are usually encountered SE of Gloria Reef. Laurel Reef with a depth of 11.9m, coral,
between Kepulauan Natuna and Balabac Strait (7°30'N., stone, and shell, lies 8 miles ESE of the NE extremity of Pulau
117°00'E.). Numerous dangerous submerged rocks, best seen Laut.
on the chart, lie in Balabac Strait and off the NE coast of Bor- 1.3There are a number of charted dangers which lie between a
nea. Numerous fish havens, afloat and submerged, lie off the line drawn from Laurel Reef SSE to the 5.8m coral reef de-
coast of Borneo. scribed above, and the reef which encircles Pulau Laut; their
1.1Mariners are advised that fish havens or artificial reefs are positions may be seen on the chart.
numerous off the coast of Borneo and may be encountered off
any coastline covered by this volume. 1.4 Tokong Burung (4°25'N., 107°41'E.), a group of four
1.1Numerous acts of piracy have been reported, usually by rocks lying on a small reef, the highest being 4m, lies 21 miles
small gangs of armed men in fast boats. SW of Tajung Majam. Pulau (Semium) Semiun, a small, rug-
1.1Taking photographs of Indonesian harbors and installations ged, and circular-shaped island marked by a light, lies 6 miles
is prohibited. NNE of Tokong Burung. Of the three hills on the island, the
1.1The area described in this volume lies in the middle of one of one farthest W is the highest and reaches an elevation of 151m.
the earth’s most active seismic zones. Most of the islands, with The coast is precipitous except on its E side, where there is a
the exception of large parts of Borneo, have been subjected to sandy beach. The island is fringed by a steep-to drying reef that
destructive earthquakes. In recent years, the area was subjected extends up to 0.5 mile offshore.
to about 20 earthquakes of moderate to large intensity each year.
1.1The archipelago contains 56 volcanoes that have been active
within historic times. Of all these volcanoes, 51 are located on
islands, and 5 are in the sea bed. Most of these volcanoes lie
along the arc formed by the Indonesian islands.
1.1The most famous volcano in Indonesia is Pulau Rakat
(Krakatau) (6°09'S., 105°26'E.); it lies between Java and Su-
matra in Sunda Strait. The most current eruption was 18 March
2023. The island is about 3 miles in diameter with an active
volcano, Gunung Rakata, rising to a height of 813m.
1.1Volcanic activity in the waters between Rakata and Sebesi has
been reported to exist. Vessels are advised to avoid this area.

Kepulauan Natuna
1.2 The islands of Kepulauan Natuna are the NE islands
of Kepulauan Tadjuh and extend in a NNW direction for 190
miles from Tanjung Api (1°57'N., 109°20'E.), the NW extrem-
ity of Borneo. They are divided into three main groups and are Pulau Burung

Pub. 163
Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh 5

Two coral patches, with least depths of 4m and 8.8m lie, re-
1.4 The 20m curve lies from 0.3 mile offshore at Tanjung Datu to 2
spectively, 1 mile SSW and 1.3 miles NNE of the island. miles offshore at Tanjung Tanjung.
Anchorage.—During the Northeast Monsoon (October to
1.4 1.5Pulau Senua, 2.5 miles NNE of Tanjung Senubing, has three
March), vessels can anchor, in 22 to 26m, off the coastal reef, S summits. The highest is 115m high. Reefs extend up to 0.4
of Pulau Laut, 2.3miles WNW of Batu Imung. mile offshore from the S and W sides.
There is also good anchorage, in 12m, inshore of the de-
1.4 1.5Karang Kring (4°03'N., 108°28'E.), which dries near its
tached reefs and close SSE of Tanjung Majam. Vessels pro- center, lies 3.8 miles NE of Pulau Senua; the channel between
ceeding to the inner anchorage steer for the SE extremity of them is deep and clear.
Pulau Laut, bearing 044°, which leads between the reefs to the 1.5An oil terminal lies about 1.3 miles SSW of Tanjung Senub-
entrance. When Batu Imung bears 125° alter course gradually ing in Teluk Ranai. A tanker of 6,000 dwt may be accommo-
NW, keeping that rock astern bearing 134°, and anchor when dated at a T-head pier.
the SE extremity of Pulau Laut bears 082°. 1.5From Tanjung Senubing, the coast trends S about 4.5 miles
During the Southwest Monsoon (May to September), good
1.4 to Tanjung Karang, a barren point, then 5.8 miles SSW to Tan-
anchorage can be obtained, in depths of 18 to 22m, 1.3 miles jung Sebintang. The coast trends SW for about 10 miles from
NW of the N extremity of Pulau Laut. This group of islands Tanjung Sebintang to Tanjung Pianpadang (Tanjung Pian
serve as good landmarks. Anchorage is also available E of Pu- Padang) (3°40'N., 108°18'E.), a low sandy point at the SE ex-
lau Sekatung, in 16m, beyond the dangerous wreck. tremity of Pulau Natuna Besar. The land rises to Pian Padang, a
hill 208m high, 0.5 mile inland.
Kepulauan Natuna Besar—Middle Group 1.5This coast is indented by Teluk Ranai, a bay close S of Tan-
jung Senubing and by the Sungai Ulu, which discharges be-
1.5 Pulau Natuna Besar (Pulau Bunguran Besar) tween Tanjung Karang and Tanjung Pasir, about 1.3 miles NW.
(3°56'N., 108°14'E.), the principal island of the group, is about A dangerous wreck lies 2.8 miles NE of Tanjung Karang. The
36 miles in length. The island is almost divided into two parts coastal waters are fronted by reefs which extend up to 3 miles
by Kuala Bindjei and the Sungai Penarik, which together, ex- E of Tanjung Pasir.
tend from the SW coast of Pulau Bunguran Besar to within 0.5
mile of the SE side. 1.6 Karang Karang Penungal (3°52'N., 108°29'E.) are
1.5Tanjung Semut (Tanjung Semui) (4°14'N., 108°13'E.), a the easternmost of the known dangers lying off Pulau Natuna
low point, is the N extremity of Pulua Natuna Besar. From this Besar. Devonport Reef, with a depth of 4m, is the farthest S of
point, the coast trends SE to Tanjung Datu, a sheer, barren, these reefs, and a 1.8m reef 2.8 miles N of Devonport Reef lies
steep-to cliff, with a wooded summit, 111m high. Teluk Ajer the farthest N. There are numerous detached shoals between
Litjin, a small bay encumbered by reefs, lies between these two Karang Karang Penungal and the coastal reef, W and SW to
points. Tanjung Pianpadang.
1.5From Tanjung Datu, the coast trends SSE about 9 miles to 1.6Karang Lamina (Lamina Reef), with a depth of less than
Tanjung Pengedak, a low sandy point, then 5 miles farther SSE 1.8m, lies 4.5 miles E of Tanjung Pianpadang. A detached 11m
to Tanjung Tanjung, another low point. Foul ground extends up patch lies about 0.5 mile SE of Karang Lamina.
to 2.3 miles offshore. 1.6Tanjung Sekol (3°38'N., 108°10'E.), the S extremity of Pu-
1.5Tanjung Senubing (3°58'N., 108°24'E.), a prominent point, lau Natuna Besar, is a bare rugged point of a lofty mountain
lies 4.5 miles SE of Tanjung Tanjung. Pegunungan Ranai, a range extending N. From Tanjung Pianpadang to Tanjung Se-
mountain 1,035m high, rises 4.6 miles inland. Tanjung Senub- kol, 8.5 miles W, the coast is fringed by a reef that extends as
ing Light is shown from a height of 88m. A prominent radio far as 1 mile offshore. A shoal patch (3°35'47.6''N,
mast, painted red and white bands, stands about 2.5 miles SW 108°11'06.7''E.) with a depth of 5.8m 3.3m was reported
of the light. (1955) to lie 2.5 miles SE of Tanjung Sekol.
1.6From Tanjung Sekol, the SW coast of Pulau Natuna Besar
trends NW about 5 miles to an unnamed point, which rises to a
height of 333m close within.
1.6Komang, an island 186m high, lies on a reef close off the un-
named point described above. It lies on the N side of the W en-
trance to Selat Lampa. A rock with a depth of 4.9m lies 1 mile
N of the W extremity of Komang.

1.7 Kepulauan Bodas (3°37'N., 108°05'E.) is a group of

moderately high wooded islands lying close off the SW coast
of Pulau Natuna Besar. Pulau Sededap, the SW island of the
group, lies about 8 miles SW of Tanjung Sekol. The island con-
sists mainly of a wooded ridge, which rises on its W side to an
elevation of 281m.
Pegunungan Ranai 1.7Pulau Sebangmawang, the largest island of the group, lies 1
mile NE of Pulau Sededap. It has two prominent peaks; the N,
The coastal waters from Tanjung Semut SE to Tanjung Senu-
1.5 495m high, rises from an elevated ridge on the NE side of the
bing are fronted by reefs extending up to 1.3 miles offshore. island; the S, 449m high, an isolated sharp peak, stands 1.3

Pub. 163
6 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

miles SSW. Pulau Kumbik stands 1 mile NW of Pulau Sebang This island is located 5 miles NNW of Komang.
Mawang. The island consists principally of a hilly ridge, which
is 495m high near its center. 1.9 Genteng (3°48'N., 108°02'E.)(World Port Index No.
1.7There are smaller islands, not described, in this group which 51545), the principal village of Kepulauan Natuna Besar, is situat-
may be seen on the chart. A channel, with depths of from 11 to ed at the head of an inlet in a reef, on the E side of Pulau Sedanau.
22m, leads between the reefs S of Pulau Kumbik and those The settlement consists of a group of structures built on piles over
fringing the S islands of the group. This passage should not be the reef and are connected to the village of Sedanau, lying W, by a
made unless the reefs are uncovered. bridge. An Indonesian administrative officer resides at Ajer Buluh,
1.7Good anchorage, during the Southwest Monsoon (May to on the S side of an inlet close to Sedanau.
September), in a depth of 11m, can be obtained in the W en- 1.9Genteng is approached from the S through a channel marked
trance of the above channel, about 0.5 mile SSW of the SW ex- by beacons; local knowledge is necessary for the safe naviga-
tremity of Pulau Kumbik. tion of this channel.
1.7Selat Lampa (Straat Laplace) is the channel that separates 1.9Tanjung Belitung (3°52'N., 108°01'E.), a low point 4 miles N
Kepulauan Bodas from the SW side of Pulau Natuna Besar. A of Pulau Sedanau, rises to Sapol, a hill 208m high, 3.3 miles E.
strong current sometimes sets through the strait. Pulau Setahi, a 1.9Tanjung Payung (4°00'N., 107°58'E.), 7.8 miles NNW of
wooded islet, 117m high, lies on the S side of the E entrance to Tanjung Belitung, is the W extremity of Pulau Natuna Besar.
Selat Lampa. The promontory of Tanjung Pajung is rocky and fronted by a
1.7Karang Lampa, a shoal with a depth of 0.3m, lies about 2 drying reef which extends up to 1.3 miles offshore.
miles SE of Komang, near the middle of Selat Lampa. 1.9Three hills stand E of Tanjung Payung. Pajung, the highest,
192m high, is 0.5 mile E of the point. Derian, a ridge 179m
1.8 Tanjung Belitung (3°53'N., 108°01'E.), on the SW high, and Sebung, 120m high stand, respectively, 2 miles ESE
side of Pulau Natuna Besar, is the N entrance point to a bay and 2 miles ENE of Pajung.
which opens to the E. Komang, 12 miles SSE, is the S entrance 1.9Pulau Salor (3°54'N., 107°55'E.) lies 6 miles W of Tanjung
point of the bay. The N and S shores of the bay are fronted by Belitung. The island, densely wooded, rises steeply from the sea
drying reefs which extend 2.3 miles offshore. to a prominent peak 489m high. A drying reef fringes the E side
1.8Kuala Binjei (Kuala Bindjet) lies at the head of the bay de- of the island and extends 1.5 miles off the SE side.
scribed above, and is formed by the confluence of the Sungai
Bindjei and the Sungai Penarik. The entrance to this estuary is
encumbered by islets and shoals, through which a channel,
marked by beacons, leads to an anchorage off Tanjung Be-
litung, about 9 miles NE of Komang. The anchorage off Tan-
jung Blitung and the approach channel are for vessels with
local knowledge only.
1.8The islands which lie on the N side of the marked channel
are, from W to E, Serungus, 149m high, and Pasir, a small islet
which lies 1.3miles WNW of Tanjung Blitung.
1.8Pulau Semarong is a low islet located near the outer edge of
a coastal reef, on the S side of the channel, 4 miles NE of
Komang. The mouth of the bay and the approach are further
encumbered by the following features: Pulau Salor
1.8Pulau Burung (3°42'N., 108°02'E.), a rock 27m high, which
stands near the center of a coral reef 2 miles WNW of Komang. 1.9Two coral shoals, each with a depth of 3.4m, lie 7 and 8
1.8Batu Neneh (3°42'N., 107°56'E.), a small reef, with a depth miles WNW of Pulau Salor. A 4.6m shoal lies 2.8 miles NNW
of less than 0.5m over which the sea breaks heavily, lies 6.5 of this island. These shoals are not marked by water discolor-
miles W of Pulau Burung. ation.
1.8Karang Serval (Serval Reef), a coral shoal with a depth of 1.9Numerous islets, shoals, and sunken rocks exist E of Pulau
1.8m, lies 3 miles NNW of Pulau Burung. Several shoals, with Salor to Tanjung Belitung and NNE of Pulau Salor to Tanjung
depths of 0.9 to 4.9m, lie within a distance of 2 miles ESE of Payung, and can be seen on the chart.
this reef. A rock, with depths of less than 1.8m, lies 0.4 mile E
of the reef. A light is shown on the reef. 1.10 Tokong Boro (4°04'N., 107°26'E.) is a group of four
1.8Kembang (3°45'N., 108°04'E.), a narrow double peaked is- above-water rocks, standing close together on a steep-to reef
let 119m high, stands in the mouth of the bay, on the SW ex- about 0.5 mile in diameter. These rocks are known to the Indo-
tremity of an extensive, detached, drying reef. nesians as Pyramidaal Rotsen.
1.8Other reefs lie in the immediate vicinity of this island and The NW coast of Pulau Natuna Besar, from Tanjung Payung,

may best be seen on the chart. 20.5 miles NE to Tanjung Semut, is low and densely covered
1.8Pulau Sedanau (3°48'N., 108°01'E.), a prominent and hilly with vegetation; it is fringed by a drying reef which extends up
island 224m high, is divided into two parts by Selat Pemutus, a to 1.3 miles offshore.
narrow creek. The island is surrounded by an extensive reef ex- Pulau Sabai, hilly and wooded, is located 0.5 mile WNW of

tending 1.3 miles from its W side. A drying reef lies 2.3 miles Tanjung Payung. A small rocky islet lies close NW of the is-
NW of Tanjung Tabi, the NW extremity of Pulau Sendanau. land. An isolated 3.0m patch lies 2.8 miles WSW of Pulau Sa-

Pub. 163
Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh 7

bai. of Pulau Panjang. A shoal with a least depth of 2m lies about

Pulau Sedua (4°02'N., 107°54'E.) lies 4 miles WNW of
1.10 3.5 miles NW of the NE extremity of Semapi and another
Tanjung Payung. The N part of the islet is 84m high, bold and patch with a least depth of 5.7m, lies about 0.5 mile S of the
rugged. Its S end is low and sandy with some coconut trees. SW extremity of the island.
Pulau Selimu, 112m high, lies about 0.5 mile E of Pulau
1.10 Pulau Seluan, a hilly, wooded island, 300m high, is located

Sedua. Both islets are fringed by drying reefs. A 3m patch lies 9.5 miles NW of Tanjung Pajung. From the NW, the SW ex-
1.5 miles S of Pulau Sedua. A coral shoal with a depth of 1.8m, tremity appears as an islet. A coral reef with a least depth of
unmarked by water discoloration, lies 4 miles W of Pulau 3.3m, lies 2 miles W of Pulau Seluan.
Sedua. Favorite Passage, with a least depth of 16.5m in the fairway,

Pulau Buton, an islet about 0.5 mile long, lies about 5.5
1.10 is the channel between Semapi and the dangers close off the
miles NE of Tanjung Payung. It is surrounded by a reef that ex- NW coast of Pulau Natuna Besar.
tends as far as 1 mile from its NE extremity. A narrow detached The passage is obstructed by the drying reef, 2.3 miles NE of

reef lies about 0.5 mile NW of the islet. Pulau Samarago.

Pulau Samarago (4°06'N., 108°00'E.), a low islet nearly cir-

cular in shape, lies about 2 miles NW of Pulau Buton. The islet Pulau Midai (3°00'N., 107°47'E.) is low near the coast and

is surrounded by a reef. A rock with a depth of less than 1.8m rises gradually towards the center. The summit, 179m high,
lies about 0.4 mile SW of Pulau Samarago and a small drying consists of three peaks of almost equal heights; only two of
reef lies 2.3 miles NE of the islet. When the reef is covered, it these are visible from most directions.
is marked by water discoloration. The island is fringed by a narrow, drying reef. An islet stands

Pulau Bunga lies 1.5 miles offshore, surrounded by an exten-

1.10 on the reef near the middle of its W side. Numerous detached
sive reef, 8 miles ENE of Pulau Samarago. An area of foul shoals lie within the 20m curve, extending up to 2.5 miles off-
ground, about 1.8 miles long, lies nearly 2 miles NE of the is- shore. Two rocks, with depths of 3m and 2.1m lie, respectively,
let, and two patches, with depths of 4m and 5.5m lie, respec- 0.5 and 0.7 mile SW of the W extremity.
tively, about 0.8 mile NW and 2.3 miles N of the islet. A A light is shown from an elevation of 158m about 1.5 miles NE

detached drying reef lies 1 mile SW of Pulau Bunga and two of the SW extremity of, near its summit of Pulau Midai.
patches with depths of 4.9m and 3m lie, respectively, 1.5 miles At Sabang Barat, near the NW extremity, there is a break in

and 2.3 miles SW of this reef. the reef where boats can land continuously. There is a flagstaff
Pulau Panjang (4°15'N., 108°12'E.) is a narrow island about
1.10 at the root of the stone pier. A wreck lies on the edge of the reef
2.5 miles long. Its NE extremity, Tanjung Kapalapanjang, at the entrance. A light is shown about 0.5 mile NE of Sabang
which is steep-to and rocky, rises to an elevation of 51m. The Barat.
island is fringed by a drying reef which extends up to 0.6 mile At Seblat, near the middle of the S coast, there is an opening

on the E side. in the reef abreast the village, where there is a good landing for
Selat Panjang is a narrow channel with depths from 11 to
1.10 boats. Karang Jackson, with depths of from 4.9 to 11.9m, lie 3
14.6m, lying between the reefs fringing Pulau Panjang and Pu- miles E of the SE extremity of Pulau Midai.
lau Natuna Besar. It is free of detached dangers, and the reefs A detached, coral shoal, with a depth of 5.8m, lies 1.5 miles

on either side can be distinguished by discolored water. There NE of Karang Jackson. There is a clear channel between these
are several shoals with depths of less than 9m in the SW ap- reefs and the dangers off the E coast of Pulau Midai.
proach to the channel, and a 3m patch lies 1 miles SW of Tan-
jung Ju, the SW extremity of Pulau Panjang. 1.12 Karang Diana (3°06'N., 107°45'E.) consists of a
Vessels approaching Selat Panjang from W steer for the
1.10 number of coral patches in two main groups; the S group, with
wooded summit of Tanjung Datu, bearing 090°, until Tanjung a depth of 4.9m, lies 2.5 miles N of Pulau Midai.
Ju bears 022°, alter course to 040° and keep the S extremity of There is a clear channel between the S group and the shoals

Pulau Panjang on the port bow, until close to the point, then N of Pulau Midai. The N group lies 2 miles farther N. The shal-
steer about 056° through the middle of the channel. lowest patch with a depth of 3m, lies 6.5 miles NNW of the
Vessels from the E steer for the S extremity of Pulau Pan-
1.10 NW extremity of Pulau Midai. An isolated coral patch, with a
jang, bearing 245°, until Tanjung Datu bears 128°, then steer depth of 3m, lies about 12.3 miles NE of Pulau Midai; it does
237°, until the S extremity of Pulau Panjang bears 315°, course not show by water discoloration.
should then be altered to 220° until the wooded summit of Tan- Timau (North Haycock) (3°18'N., 107°33'E.), a conical

jung Datu bears 090°. Keep this bearing astern, passing be- shaped islet 65m high, lies 21 miles NW of Pulau Midai.
tween the shoals in the SW entrance. The islet is located on the NW side of a bank which has

depths of 4.5 to 11m. A depth of 5.8m exists on the bank, 3

Off-lying Islands and Dangers miles SSW of Timau. The channel between Timau and Karang
Diana is clear and deep.
1.11 Karang Bunta (4°21'N., 107°57'E.), consisting of Karang Sedimin, located 18 miles ENE of Timau, consists of

two coral reefs, separated by a deep, narrow channel, lies 16 two rocks, standing close together, which are 16.4m high. A
miles WNW of Pulau Panjang. The S reef has a least depth of rock awash lies 0.2 mile SSW of the two rocks. These rocks lie
1.8m and is marked by discolored water. The N reef dries in on the W side of a bank, within the 18.3m line, on which there
places. are irregular depths.
Semapi, a large reef which dries in places, lies on the NW
1.11 Two 7m patches lie, respectively, 1.3 miles NW and SSE of

side of Favorite Passage, with its NE extremity 9 miles WSW the rocks and a 10m patch lies 2 miles E of them.

Pub. 163
8 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

Kepulauan Natuna Selatan Pulau Sebiang and Pulau Japu are two low islands, covered

with coconut trees, located on a drying coral reef, 3.3 miles N

1.13 The S group of Kepulauan Natuna consists primarily and 3 miles NW of Pulau Kerdau.
of two groups of islands and dangers separated from the NW Pulau Seraya (2°41'N., 108°34'E.), the southwestern most of

coast of Borneo by Api Passage; of these two groups, the S the Subi Group, lies 16 miles SW of Pulau Subi Besar. It is a hilly
group is mainly high and rocky while the N group is mainly island, 3 miles long, with two peaks near its center; the S hill,
low and flat. 253m high, is higher.
Pulau Subi Besar (2°56'N., 108°51'E.) is the largest island
1.13 The E side is low, sandy, and fringed by reefs. The W side rises

in the Kepulauan Natuna Selatan group. It lies about 67 miles steeply from the sea; its N part is fringed by a reef, and foul
NW of Tanjung Datu, the NW extremity of Borneo. The island ground extends 0.4 mile offshore. A 3.7m patch lies 0.5 mile NE
is low and flat and about 10.5 miles in length in a N and S di- of its N extremity.
rection. The island is fringed by reefs, which extend up to 4 Karang Dua 19m high, lies 1.5 miles NE of Pulau Seraya; it

miles offshore off its E side. is surrounded by a reef and should not be approached within
Pulau Subi-Kecil, 80m high at its N end, lies close N of Pu-
1.13 0.5 mile. An 11.8m patch lies 2 miles SE of this rock.
lau Subi. A light, shown from a white metal framework tower, Jaring Reef, with a least depth of 3.6m, coral, lies about 3.5

22m high, stands on the N summit of the island. Good anchor- miles N of Karang Dua. A 9.1m patch lies 3.3 miles NNE of
age can be obtained N of the light. the reef.
There is a sandy beach and landing by boat is always practica-
1.13 Swanley Reef lies 4.3 miles E of Karang Dua. Pumubabung, a

ble, despite a strong current that sets parallel to the beach. reef, awash, about 2 miles in diameter, lies about 4 miles E of
Batu Priuk (3°01'N., 108°52'E.), the principal village of the Swanley Reef.
Subi group, is situated on the S side of Pulau Subi-Kecil. A
natural basin in the coastal reef, approached from the E, affords 1.15 Jabak (2°47'N., 108°44'E.), a reef, awash, lies about
good anchorage for small craft with local knowledge. There is 3.5 miles N of the W end of Pumubabung. A coral shoal, with a
also good anchorage off the entrance to this passage. Batu Ria, least depth of 3.6m, lies about 2 miles W of Jabak and depths
which is white in color and conspicuous, stands on the edge of of less than 8.6m extend 0.8 mile W from this shoal.
the reef, 2 miles ENE of Pulau Subi-Kecil Light. A spit, with a A rock with less than 2m lies 1.5 miles NW of Jabak. A 8.5m

depth of 8.2m at its outer end, extends 1.3 miles NE of Batu patch lies 1 mile ENE of the rock. Another shoal, with a depth
Ria. of 2.7m, lies 2.5 miles E of Jabak.
Serdang Reef, with a depth of 6.4m, and Karang Laut, with
1.13 Karang Latu, consisting of a black boulder on a dry sand

drying rocks, lie, respectively, 9.5 miles ESE and 11.5 miles bank, surrounded by a drying reef, lies 4.8 miles ESE of Jabak.
SE of Pulau Subi-Kecil Light. A 5.4m patch lies 0.5 mile SSW of Karang Latu.
Pulau Tembelai, an islet lying on a drying reef, is located 2
1.13 Pulau Mambat, low and covered with coconut trees, lies 3.3

miles SE of the SE extremity of Pulau Subi; the channel be- miles NE of Pulau Sebiang; the islet lies on a narrow reef, parts
tween them is foul. Several shoals with depths of 1.8 to 11m of which dry, which extends 1.3 miles NE and SW of the islet.
extend about 5.5 miles SW of Pulau Tembelai. A 9.1m patch lies 2 miles ENE of Pulau Mambat.
Pulau Serasan (2°31'N., 109°03'E.) is one of the most im-

1.14 Pulau Bakau (2°54'N., 108°44'E.), located about 3 portant islands in the S group of Kepulauan Natuna. The island
miles W of the W extremity of Pulau Subi Besar, is fringed by a is mountainous, rising near its SW end to a height of 441m.
reef. A rock, awash, lies about 0.5 mile NW of its N extremity Koti (Kota), a hill 232m high, near the NW extremity of the is-
and a spit with a depth of 3.6m extends 0.5 mile N of its N ex- land is nearly vertical on its W side, with prominent bare, red
tremity. patches. The E and S coasts of the island are fringed by drying
A dangerous wreck was reported (2005) to lie approximately
1.14 reefs, which extend up to 0.8 mile offshore in the bight near the
4.8 miles NE of Pulau Bakau middle of its S side.
Pulau Tudang, fringed by a reef, stands 1.3 miles ENE of Pu-
1.14 Batuberian Besar (2°30'N., 108°57'E.) is the W island on

lau Bakau. Pulau Dengayah, low and covered with palm trees, an extensive reef, lying W of Pulau Serasan, on which are sev-
lies on the coastal reef, 3.3 miles NE of Pulau Tudang. A 4.5m eral other islands. This reef is separated from Pulau Serasan by
shoal patch lies 1.3 miles W of Pulau Dengayah. Pelabuhan Serasan (Royalist Haven).
Other shoal patches lie between a line extended from Pulau
1.14 Batuberian Ketjil lies close NE of Batuberian Besar. Two de-

Bakau to Pulau Dengayah and the reef fringing Pulau Subi Be- tached portions of the reef, which dry, lie between 0.5 and 1.3
sar. This area is foul and unsafe for navigation. A shoal patch, miles S of Batuberian Besar. Pulau Karanghaji (Pulau Haji), the
whose position is doubtful, is reported to lie 8 miles W of Pu- S island, lies on a detached reef 2 miles SE of Batuberian Besar;
lau Bakau. a 5.8m patch lies about 0.5 mile E of Pulau Karanghaji.
Pulau Panjang (2°45'N., 108°55'E.), lying 7 miles SE of
1.14 Besar, an island 110m high, lies 2 miles NNE of Pulau Ka-

Pulau Subi Besar, is a low island completely surrounded by a ranghaji. Besar, and four islets, lie on the NE side of the reef E
drying reef which extends 2.3 miles from its SW end. Pulau of Batuberian Besar.
Kerdau stands near the SW end of the reef, 1.5 miles SSW of A bank, with a depth of 14m, lies 2.3 miles SW of Pulau Ka-

Pulau Panjang. ranghaji. Patches and shoals, with depths from 1.7 to 10m, lie
Two patches with depths of 2.7m and 3m lie, respectively,
1.14 about 1 mile from the N coast of Batuberian Besar, in an arc
1.3 and 3.3 miles, WSW of Pulau Kerdau. A depth of 12.8m from WSW through N to NE.
lies 2.8 miles SSW of the island. A shoal, with a depth of 3.7m, lies 0.5 mile WSW of the NW

Pub. 163
Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh 9

extremity of Batuberian Besar. Caution.—Pelabuhan Serasan should not be entered from


the W between Tanjung Tebur and Batuberian Ketjil. The pas-

1.16 Pelabuhan Serasan (Royalist Haven) (2°30'N., sage is unmarked and there are many shallow patches in the en-
109°01'E.) is the whole of the narrow passage between Pulau trance and several awash and below-water rocks. The inner
Serasan and the extensive reef SW; it affords good shelter in all harbor has a 500m jetty projecting NW from the village of
seasons. Palempak, 1.3 miles NE of Tanjong Jerpit.
The haven is entered from the S, between beacons marking

Batu Patjil and Batu Hol, two shoals lying SW of Tanjung 1.17 Haynes Shoal (2°34'N., 108°51'E.), coral and shell,
Ibul (2°29'N., 109°01'E.), the SW extremity of Pulau Serasan. with a depth of 5.8m, lies in the fairway 8 miles W of Tanjung
Batu Patjil, a detached coral shoal with a depth of 2.4m, lies
1.16 (Kota) Koti. With the exception of this reef, Alur Pelayaran
0.5 mile SW of Tanjung Ibul. The shoal is marked on its E side Kota is deep and free of detached dangers.
by a lighted beacon. Alur Pelayaran Serasan (Serasan Passage), which is free of

Batu Hol, a coral shoal awash at its W end lies about 0.3 mile
1.16 dangers, lies between Pulau Serasan and its adjacent islands to
SW of Tanjung Ibul. A beacon standing on the W side of the the N, and Pulau Malu (South Haycock) and Karang Karang
shoal, marks the E side of the fairway. Most of the shoals in the Malu on the S side. The channel is about 7 miles wide.
S part of the channel of Pelabuhan Serasan are marked by bea- Pulau Perhantuan is located in the E entrance to Alur Pela-

cons. yaran Serasan, 2.5 miles S of the SE extremity of Pulau

Tanjung Jerpit, 1.3 miles NW of Tanjung Ibul, from close S
1.16 Serasan.
of which a light is shown, forms the S entrance point of a bay Karang Karang Malu, composed of coral, lie with their SW

cluttered by reefs which lie on the NE side of the haven extend- shoal, with a depth of 2.7m, 4.5 miles SE of Pulau Malu. The
ing as far as Tanjung Tebur (2°31'N., 108°59'E.). NE shoal, with a depth of 5m, lies 11 miles ENE of the SW
Pulau Kepala, a low rock, is located 7.3 miles NNE of the
1.16 shoal; between them are several detached shoals, three of
NE extremity of Pulau Serasan, and Pulau Perhantuan lies 2.5 which have sandy cays, which dry 2.1m.
miles S of the SE extremity of Pulau Serasan. A chain of is- Pulau Malu (South Haycock) (2°17'N., 108°54'E.) a small

lands, which may be seen on the chart, lie between Pulau island 143m high, lies 11.5 miles SSW of Batuberian (Tebian)
Kepala and Pulau Perhantuan. From N to S they are Pulau Besar. It is fringed by a narrow reef, and an above-water rock
Sedua; Rikel; Banya; Pulau Sempadi, a 2m patch lying 1 mile lies close SW of the island.
W; Pulau Peanyamuk, a shoal with a depth of 8m lying 2.5 Sembuni Reefs consist of several rocky heads, with depths of

miles WNW; and Pulau Genting. less than 5.5m. The westernmost, which dries, lies about 12
A 500m jetty projects NW from the village of Palempak, 1.3
1.16 miles ESE of Pulau Malu (South Haycock).
miles NE of Tanjung Jerpit, which can be reached by boat From this position, the reefs extend ENE for 8 miles, with a

through a narrow channel marked by beacons. 3.6m patch near the E end. The reefs lie nearly parallel with
Anchorage, in a depth of 10m, can be obtained during the
1.16 Karang Karang Malu, to the N, from which it is separated by a
Southwest Monsoon (May to September), 1.3 miles NW of Ba- channel that is clear.
tuberian Ketjil with the SW side of this island in line with the Pulau Merundung (2°04'N., 109°06'E.) lies 10 miles S of

summit of Perayun Besar, bearing 129°. Care must be taken to the W extremity of Sembuni Reefs and 16 miles WNW of Tan-
avoid the shoals N of Batuberian Besar. jung Api. It is a swampy island covered mostly with man-
Anchorage within Pelabuhan Serasan, in depths of 14 to 18m,
1.16 groves, with the exception of two hills covered with trees. The
can be obtained 0.3 mile SW of Tanjung Seranding, a point 1 mile tree tops have an elevation of 36m. A light is displayed on a
NW of Tanjung Ibul, or further N according to the monsoon. 30m-high white metal framework tower standing on the center
Directions.—Pelabuhan Serasan should be approached by
1.16 of the W side of the island.
keeping Tanjung Seganding in range with Kota Hill, bearing A drying reef lies 0.5 mile off the W side of the island, with a

336°, which leads through the shoals in the entrance. 1.8m patch close NW of the reef. A 5m patch lies 1.3 miles
When Tanjung Ibul bears 083° and in range with the SE ex-
1.16 NNE of the N extremity of Pulau Merundung.
tremity of Pulau Serasan, alter course to bring the outer de- Banks, with less than 20m, extend 18 miles NE of Pulau

tached rock, a little over 0.3 mile S of Tanjung Tebur, just open Merundung. A coral patch, with a depth of 7.8m, lies on one of
E of the NE extremity of Besar, bearing 318.5°, which leads these banks, 10 miles NE of the island.
between the beacons marking the shoals S of Tanjung Segand- Muri (Pulau Murih) (1°54'N., 108°39'E.), lying 29 miles

ing, to the anchorage. WSW of Pulau Merundung, consists of two densely wooded is-
When proceeding to a berth further N, steer between the
1.16 lets joined by a drying reef; a narrow reef fringes both islands.
reefs W of Tanjung Jerpit until the E side of the islets of Besar The W islet, the largest, is 102m high; the E islet is 84m high.
comes in range with the E side of Perayun Besar, on bearing A light, shown from a white metal tower, 20m high, is situated
206°, and anchor as convenient. on the W islet.
When approaching from the SW, care must be taken not to
1.16 Anchorage can be taken N of the reef joining the two islets,

mistake one of the beacons marking the shoals in the S part of in a depth of 29m, or close S of the W islet, according to the
the haven with the beacon marking Batu Patjil. prevailing wind. There is a refuge hut near each anchorage
The harbor is approached by boat through a narrow channel
1.16 which can be reached by a narrow channel through the reefs,
marked by beacons. which is marked by beacons.
Alur Pelayaran Kota is the passage between the Serasan
1.16 Muri Kecil, 2.4m high and steep-to, lies about 2 miles S of

Group and Pulau Pandang, of the Subi Group, 11 miles NNW. Muri; there is a deep channel between them. Muri Kecil is the

Pub. 163
10 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

SW extent of the Kepulauan Natuna Selatan group. est and W peak. Kotit, a remarkable sloping peak 291m high,
Caution.—Muri and Muri Kecil have been reported to lie
1.17 stands 1 mile E of Bini and Puter Jala, 290m high, and cone
0.7 mile SW of their charted positions. shaped, is 1.5 miles ESE of Kotit.
Mariners are advised to keep clear of the dangerous wrecks
1.17 Tanjung Antju is the NW extremity of Pulau Tambelan. Be-

that has been reported on the following positions: tween Tanjung Antju and Tanjung Kemantau, the E extremity of
a. 1°44'N, 108°00'E. (approximate position}. the island, the coast is generally clear and free of reefs.
b. 1°43.6'N, 108°16.8'E. Pilang-kecil is an islet lying a few meters off the coast about

c. 1°45'.8'N, 108°19.0'E—6m depth 20.8 miles WSW of 2.3 miles ESE of Tanjung Antju, and Pilang-besar, a somewhat
Muri Kecil. larger islet, lies about 0.5 mile off the coast NE Pilang-kecil. An
d. 1°48.6'N, 108°28.9'E—30m depth 10.5 miles WSW above-water rock lies close N of Pilang-besar. A shoal with a
of Muri Kecil. least depth of 5.7m lies about 0.5 mile NNW of Tanjung Antju.
From Tanjung Kemantan to Tanjung Mardi Angin, there are

Kepulauan Pengibu several bays, all encumbered with reefs. A reef extends 0.5
mile S of Tanjung Kemantan. Batu Rakit, a rock awash, with a
1.18 Kayu Ara (Kaju Ara) (1°32'N., 106°27'E.), a white 7.3m patch close E of it, lies near the outer edge of this reef.
colored barren rock 23m high, is the southeastern most of the Tanjung Bertumpa (0°57'N., 107°33'E.), 0.5 mile WNW of

small group forming Kepulauan Pengibu and lies about 110 Tanjung Mandi Angin is the S entrance point of Teluk Tambe-
miles E of the entrance to Singapore Strait. An above-water lan. From Tanjung Bertumpa to Tanjung Antju, 4.8 miles N,
rock lies several meters off its S side. Pengibu, 96m high, is a the coast is fronted by a reef except in the entrance to the bay.
small densely wooded island lying 8 miles WNW of Kayu Ara. NW of the entrance to Teluk Tambelan, the coastal reef extends
A stranded wreck lies on the N shore of the island. about 0.6 mile offshore. The islets of Pulau Kera and Pulau Be-
Beting Tamar (Hughes Shoal), 0.4 mile in length, with a
1.18 tunde lie on the reef about 2.3 miles and 2.8 miles NNW, re-
least depth of 5.8m, lies about 0.5 mile SW of Pengibu, from spectively, from Tanjung Bertumpa.
which it is separated by a deep channel. The sea never breaks Teluk Tambelan (0°59'N., 107°33'E.) is entered between

over this shoal. Tanjung Bertumpa and Tanjung Ayam, 1.3 miles N. The bay
A shoal with a depth of 12.8m, was reported to lie 1.8 miles
1.18 nearly divides Pulau Tambelan into two parts.
SE of Pengibu. The entrance to the bay is comparatively free from dangers,

Kayu Ara and Pengibu form good landmarks and radar tar-
1.18 but farther in it is encumbered with reefs. Some of the reefs are
gets for vessels proceeding between Singapore Strait and the marked by beacons.
NW coast of Borneo. Acasta Rock lies 4 miles N of Pengibu; it Tanjung Sadap is located 1.3 miles NNE of Tanjung Ber-

is almost awash. In calm weather it can only be distinguished tumpa. The coast between the two points is fringed by a reef,
by the discoloration of the water, but it breaks in the slightest with some above-water rocks on it. The NW side of the reef is
swell. A submerged wreck, with a depth over it of 28m, lies in marked by three beacons, white with truncated cones.
the vicinity of the rock. Anchorage can be obtained in the entrance to Teluk Tambe-

Pulau Mendarik (1°19'N., 107°02'E.), 111m high, is located

1.18 lan during the Northeast Monsoon, but this anchorage is unsafe
about 38 miles ESE of Kayu Ara (Kaju Ara). It consists of two during the Southwest Monsoon, when better anchorage, with
hills connected by a low ridge and has sandy beaches on its E local knowledge, can be obtained NW of Tanjung Sadap, in a
and W sides. Its N and S sides are rocky and rise steeply from depth of 16m.
the sea. A narrow reef fringes the E side of the island. Caution.—A pinnacle rock, with a least depth of 3.6m, lies

A rock, with a depth of less than 1.8m, was reported to lie 3

1.18 in the fairway 0.3 mile SSE of Tanjung Ayam.
miles SE of Pulau Mendarik.
1.21 Batu Lepu, a village situated near the head of the bay,
Kepulauan Tambelan 2 miles NE of Tanjung Sadap, can be reached by boats through
a channel marked by beacons.
1.19 Kepulauan Tambelan is located between the parallels A pier, 160m long, with depths of 0.5m alongside stands on

of 0°40'N and 1°15'N and the meridians of 107°12'E and the NW shore, 0.4 mile SW of Batu Lepu.
107°58'E. The island group is outside the usual track of ship- Pulau Bungin (1°02'N., 107°31'E.), 87m high, lies 1.3 miles

ping. The E island of the group lies 60 miles WNW of Tan- W of Tanjung Antju.
jung Batubelat (0°49'N., 108°51'E.), the W extremity of A reef with a least depth of 3.6m lies about 0.5 mile NE of

Borneo. the island, and two rocky patches with least depths of 7.3m lie,
A fairly clear channel divides the principal islands of this
1.19 respectively, 0.2 and 0.5 mile SW.
group into two smaller groups with good anchorage throughout Pulau Sedua-besar, 270m high, Pulau Sedua-kecil, 198m

the channel. high, Pulau Sendulang-kecil, 91m high, Pulau Sendulang-be-

sar, 241m high, and Pulau Uwi, 333m high, lie, respectively,
Kepulauan Tambelan—Northeast Group 1.5, 2.5, 6.5, 6.8, and 8 miles WNW of Tanjung Antju, the NW
extremity of Pulau Tambelan.
1.20 Pulau Tambelan (1°00'N., 107°34'E.) is the SE is- Each of these islands are steep-to with a fringe of shoal water

land of the NE group, and the largest and most important of and are clear of dangers except Pulau Sedua-besar, which has a
Kepulauan Tambelan. Three prominent peaks stand on the N shoal patch with a depth of 4.2m close off its N extremity.
side of the island. Bini, with an elevation of 396m, is the high- Pulau Uwi has a reef which extends 0.4 mile off its E side.

Pub. 163
Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh 11

Pulau Rakit lies near the SE end of this reef and another islet lies close E of Pulau Benua. The island is fringed by a narrow
lies near its NE end. reef and has a detached reef, awash, lying near the N end of the
The narrow channels between the islands of the NE group
1.21 channel between these islands. Two rocks, with depths of 0.9m
described above are mostly free from dangers, except those be- and 3.4m, lie 0.2 mile NW and 0.1 mile NE, respectively, off
tween Pulau Sedua-besar and Pulau Sedua-kecil, and between the N end of the island. A 3.6m shoal lies 0.3 mile NE of the
Pulau Sendulang-besar and Pulau Sendulang-kecil, neither of same point. Pulau Jela, 81m high, stands 0.2 mile NE of Pulau
which should be used without local knowledge. Selintang.
The channel between these islands is deep and free of dan-

Off-lying Dangers gers, with the exception of the dangers that lie NE of Pulau Se-
lintang, described above. Burung, an above-water rock, lies on
1.22 Karang Laut (Karang Robinhood) (1°11'N., the reef that fringes Pula Jela, 0.2 mile N of its E extremity.
107°26'E.), a shoal with a least depth of 7m, lies about 4.5 Pulau Bedua (0°57'N., 107°30'E.), 123m high, is located 1.3

miles NNE of Pulau Uwi. The sea does not break over this miles E of Pulau Benua. It is fringed by a reef with depths of
shoal. A coral reef, with a depth of 1m, lies 2.5 miles W of Ka- less than 5m, which extends 0.5 mile S and embraces Pulau
rang Laut. Untuk. Pulau Lipi, which is fringed by a reef, lies about 0.1
Tokong Belayer, an islet, lies 9 miles ENE of Karang Laut. It
1.22 mile S of Pulau Untuk, from which it is separated by a deep
consists of two prominent boulders lying on a flat rock; the channel.
highest boulder is 37m high. Foul ground extends 0.2 mile S of Pulau Batong, an islet 54m high, lies 0.5 mile E of Pulau

Tokong Belayer, and depths of less than 10m extends 0.1 mile Bedua and about 1.5 miles W of the SW extremity of Pulau
farther S. Tambelan. There is a safe channel on either side of Pulau Ba-
Alida Shoal (0°59'N., 107°52'E.), with a least depth of 3m,
1.22 tong; however, depths of less than 4.9m extend 0.1 mile N of
stones and steep-to, lies 16 miles E of Pulau Tambelan. the island.
Kapala Tambelan (0°54'N., 107°28'E.) is an islet lying 1.3

Kepulauan Tambelan—Southwest Group miles SSE of Pulau Benua. Karang Sobatan, a coral shoal with
a depth of 4.9m, lies 2.5 miles SE of Kapala Tambelan. It is
1.23 Pulau Benua (0°57'N., 107°27'E.) is the largest and steep-to on its N, W, and S sides. Depths of 7 to 18m extend
highest of the SW group, located 3.8 miles WSW of Pulau 0.6 mile SE of the shoal.
Tambelan. The island, fringed by a reef that extends 0.5 mile Mengirang-kecil, a hilly islet, lies 3.3 miles SE of Kapala

from its SE side, is nearly 4 miles long and about 2.8 miles Tambelan. A reef fringes the islet and extends 0.3 mile off its N
wide at its widest point. There is a peak 287m high on the NE extremity.
side of the island. Mengirang-besar is a prominent island, 181m high, near its

Karang Tengah, with a depth of 4.9m, lies 1 mile ESE of Pu-

1.23 center, that lies 1.3 miles E of Mengirang-kecil from which it is
lua Benua. Pulau Leso lies 0.3 mile W of Pulau Benua and is separated by a deep, clear channel. The island is fringed by a
fringed by a reef. An above-water rock lies on the S end of a narrow reef.
spit, which has depths of less than 10m, extending SSW from Tokong Mengirang (0°51'N., 107°37'E.), a conspicuous

Pulau Leso. white rock about 24m high, is located 5 miles ESE of Mengi-
A bank with a least depth of 4.9m near its outer end extends
1.23 rang-besar. Foul ground extends 0.2 mile SW and W from this
0.7 mile from the NE side of the island. Pulau Nangka is locat- rock. Two pinnacle-shaped rocks, each 3.6m high, lie near the
ed 1 mile NW of Pulau Leso. Pulau Ibul, 162m high, lies 0.8 SW edge of the foul ground.
mile NE of Pulau Nangka; it is fringed by a drying reef on its N A depth of 13.7m was reported to lie 8.5 miles ESE of

side extending 0.4 mile offshore. Tokong Mengirang. A wreck, least depth 14m, lies 4 miles
Pulau Nibung, fringed by a drying reef, lies 0.2 mile off the
1.23 NNE of Tokong Mengirang.
SW side of Pulau Ibul. Pulau Peling, fringed by a reef, lies 0.8
mile NE of Pulau Ibul. Pulau Tamban, 86m high, lies 0.5 mile Kepulauan Anambas
N of Pulau Ibul. A 4m patch lies 0.2 mile S of Pulau Tamban.
Pulau Panyang (1°00'N., 107°23'E.) is located 0.5 mile NW
1.23 1.25 The islands lie in the S part of the China Sea, approxi-
of Pulau Ibul. The island is fringed by a reef and has depths of mately 130 miles NE of the E entrance of Singapore Strait. The
less than 10m, 0.2 mile NE of the N end of the island. Pulau SE island of the group lies about 193 miles NW of the W point
Lintang lies NW of Pulau Panyang and is separated from that of Borneo. Vessels bound from Singapore to Hong Kong usual-
island by a channel 0.1 mile wide. Two islets lie on the reef ly pass W of this group. All islands in the Anambas group are
close SW of Pulau Lintang. extremely hilly; most of them are densely wooded. The abun-
Pulau Mundaga, 212m high, stands 0.5 mile NW of Pulau
1.23 dance of coconut plantations is a noticeable feature of these is-
Lintang and Pulau Genting, 86m high, lies 0.7 mile NE of Pu- lands.
lau Mundaga. Two shoals, with depths of 2.7 and 7.3m, lie near The Kepulauan Anambas are divided into two groups. Pulau

the N end of the channel between Pulau Ibul and Pulau Benua Jemaja, 466m high, is the largest of the SW group and Pulau
with other shoals possibly lying in the channel. Local knowl- Siantan, 565m high, is the largest island of the NE group. In
edge is necessary for the safe navigation of the navigable chan- general, all of the Kepulauan Anambas N and E of Pulau Sian-
nels between the islands. tan are included in the NE group and all others comprise the
SW group.
1.24 Pulau Selintang (0°57'N., 107°29'E.), 208m high, The wider passages between the various islands in this group

Pub. 163
12 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

are generally free of dangers, but the narrower channels should about 1.5 miles from the entrance. Good anchorage is available
be avoided, since most of these have not been completely sur- in the entrance to this inlet in a position 0.5 mile N of Tanjung
veyed. Masses of grass, small trees, and other debris from the Linang, in about 24m, sand. Small vessels with local knowl-
rivers are sometimes encountered in the vicinity of Kepulauan edge can anchor farther in.
Anambas. Some of these floating islands attain considerable Teluk Tiru is a large bay, encumbered by reefs, that lies be-

size. tween Tanjung Linang and Pulau Dayong, an islet 35m high, is
located 4 miles SW. Shoal patches of 3.6m lie 0.8 mile N and
Kepulauan Anambas—Southwest Group 1.3 miles S, respectively, of Pulau Dayong. Pulau Punisan, an
island 122m high, is located in the N part of the bay, 1.8 miles
1.26 Pulau Jemaja (2°56'N., 105°46'E.) is the largest of the SW of Tanjung Linang.
islands in the SW group. The island is about 15 miles long in a N Anchorage is available in the entrance to Teluk Tiru, 1 mile

and S direction and about 10 miles wide at its widest part. It is NNE of Pulau Dayong, in a depth of 25m, sand and mud. The
densely wooded and mountainous. Gunung Tujuh, its highest bay should not be navigated because it has not been accurately
mountain, attains an elevation of 466m and is conspicuous from surveyed. Westacott Bank, with a least depth of 12.8m, sand,
any direction. Gunung Tujuh and Gunung Adong are conspicu- lies about 4.3 miles SE of Tanjung Jebung.
ous peaks located in the N part of the island. The former, 451m
high, rises to a sharp peak, and the latter, 433m high, has a 1.28 Tanjung Lelan (2°49'N., 105°44'E.), 3 miles SW of
rounded appearance when viewed from the E or W, but appears Pulau Dayong, is the S extremity of the island; the hills slope
as a sharp peak when viewed from the N. gradually down to this point. A flat-topped rock, 6.1m high,
The various mountains in the central and S parts of the is-
1.26 lies close SE of the point and a 3.6m rock lies 2 miles NE. The
land, many of them over 305m high, are more uniform in the point is marked by a light.
outline and not as conspicuous as those described above. The Tanjung Dayang, is located 3 miles NW of Tanjung Lelan.

coastline of the island is very irregular and is indented by nu- Gosong Margesson (Margesson Shoal), usually marked by tide
merous bays and inlets. rips, lies 5 miles W of Tanjung Dayang. The shoal is composed
The N end of the island consists of two peninsulas projecting in
1.26 of sand and coral; the N has a depth of 12.8m, and the S, a
a NW and NE direction. The NW peninsula is high, and has a reef depth of 9.1m.
extending 0.5 mile NW from it. The NE peninsula terminates in Pulau Daru, a wooded island 194m high, lies close offshore

Tanjung Mingga (3°03'N., 105°44'E.), a prominent cape, 107m 3.5 miles N of Tanjung Dayang. Pulau Katukan, 33m high, lies
high. When seen at a distance, this cape appears as an island. close W of Pulau Daru.
There is good anchorage in the bay between these two peninsulas, Pulau Sibrong (2°58'N., 105°42'E.), 177m high, lies close

in a position 1 mile W of Tanjung Mingga, in 29m, sand, away offshore 2.5 miles N of Pulau Daru. Pulau Tulai, 81m high, lies
from the strength of the tidal currents. about 0.5 mile off the NW end of Pulau Sibrong. Courier
The E extremity of Pulau Jemaja consists of a peninsula 2 miles
1.26 Patch, with a least depth of 11m, lies about 1.5 miles WNW of
wide that terminates in two points; Tanjung Pinanang and Tanjung Pulau Tulai.
Jebung, 2 miles S. Teluk Mampo indents the NE coast, between Tanjung Julan is a high point of land that projects from Pulau

Tanjung Pinanang and Tanjung Mingga, 7.5 miles WNW. Jemaja in a WNW direction for about 1 mile. Its extremity is
The entrance to the bay lies between Tanjung Mingga and
1.26 located about 1.3 miles NNW of Pulau Tulai. Pulau Ipan, an is-
Pulau Ayam, an islet located 2.5 miles WNW of Tanjung let 24m high, lies about 1.3 mile WNW of Tanjung Julan. A
Pinanang. The shore at the head of the bay consists of a white smaller islet lies close S of Ipan.
sandy beach. Foul ground, with depths of less than 11m, ex- There is a roadstead lying between Tanjung Julan on the N

tends from this shore a distance of about 1 mile. and Pulau Sibrong and Pulau Tulai on the S. This roadstead in-
A detached 5.4m patch lies outside the foul ground, about 3
1.26 dents the W coast of the island for a distance of about 1 mile. A
miles WSW of Pulau Ayam. Pulau Gumbong, 97m high, is lo- reef extends SE, from the N shore of the roadstead for a dis-
cated in the N part of the bay, 1 mile SE of Tanjung Mingga. tance of about 0.8 mile and embraces the islet of Berala, which
An islet, 70m, high is located between Pulau Gumbong and the is located 0.5 mile E of Pulau Tulai.
shore. The general depths in the outer part of the bay are 24 to
28m, decreasing gradually toward the shore. 1.29 Letong (2°59'N., 105°42'E.) is a village situated on
Anchorage is available near the center of the bay, exposed to
1.26 the NE shore of the road-stead about 0.5 mile E of Berala. A
the Northeast Monsoon, in a depth of 20m, sand and gravel passage leads to the pier at Letong, which can accommodate
bottom, 2.5 miles W of Pulau Ayam. Pulau Pinanang, an islet boats even at low water.
82m high, is located 1.3 miles ENE from Pulau Ayam. Anchorage is available between Berala and Pulau Tulai, in

depths of 16 to 20m. Care should be taken to avoid the de-

1.27 Teluk Jebung (2°57'N., 105°50'E.), lying SW of Tan- tached reef, with a depth of 2.7m, which lies about 0.3 mile SE
jung Jebung, is fringed by a reef that extends as much as 0.5 of Berala.
mile offshore. The bay affords good temporary anchorage in its
center, in a position about 1.5 miles SW of Tanjung Jebung, in Kepulauan Badas
depths of 16 to 18m, sand bottom.
Tanjung Linang, a point located 4.5 miles SSW of Tanjung
1.27 1.30 Kepulauan Badas are located between the parallels of
Jebung, is the S entrance point of Teluk Kuala. 0°30'N and 0°39'N, and the meridians of 106°58'E and
The village of Kuala is situated on the N side of Teluk Kuala
1.27 107°12'E. The islands, which are outside the usual track of

Pub. 163
Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh 13

shipping, lie 35 miles SW of Kepulauan Tambelan. with jungle. The island reaches a height of 228m near its NE
Pulau Anakawur (0°33'N., 106°59'E.) the SW island of the
1.30 extremity. There are rocks and islets in the shoal water in the
group, is 94m high and rugged, except on its SW side which is immediate vicinity of the island. A 14m spot, existence doubt-
sandy. It is fringed by a narrow reef on its E side. ful, lies 18 miles E of Pulau Pejantan.
Caution.—.Pulau Pejamu, 42m high, is located 10.5 miles
1.30 Pulau Pengiki-besar (0°15'N., 108°03'E.) is the southeast-

ESE of Pulau Anakawur. It is densely wooded and has a sandy ern most island of Kepulauan Tujah. It consists of a conical
beach on its E side. White Rock lies near the extremity of a hill, 198m high, with a small hillock, 76m high, 0.2 mile W of
reef extending 0.3 mile NNE of Pulau Pejamu. A detached it. A light is shown from the islet.
bank, with a depth of 14m, lies 2 miles ESE of Pulau Pejamu. Pulau Pengiki-kecil, 75m high, is a rugged, precipitous islet

Pinangseribu, 122m high, lies 2.5 miles N of Pulau

1.30 lying 0.3 mile W of Pulau Pengiki-besar, from which it is sepa-
Anakawur. It appears as two islands when viewed from a rated by a deep channel.
distance SSE or NNW, due to the depression between the two A coral shoal, with a depth of 11m, lies in the N entrance of

hills standing on its E and W sides. this channel. Both of these islands are covered by dense vege-
Tokong Kangen, 39m high, lies on a reef 0.5 mile N of
1.30 tation and are uninhabited.
Pinangseribu and Pinang Seratus. A high rock lies 0.3 mile E Good anchorage for vessels with local knowledge, sheltered

of the same island. Pinang Seratus is located on a reef with from the Northeast Monsoon, can be obtained, in a depth of
depths of 0.3m, which extends 0.4 mile N. Tokon Buton, an is- 27m, on the SW side of Pulau Pengiki-besar.
let 25m high, lies 0.3 mile S of Pinangseribu, from which it is Welstead Shoal (0°33'N., 107°53'E.), a group of pinnacles hav-

separated by a deep channel. ing a least depth of 4.9m is 0.1 mile wide and 0.3 mile long. A de-
tached shoal, with a depth of 11m, lies 0.2 mile W of this shoal.
1.31 Pulau Kepahiang (0°38'N., 107°01'E.), 252m high, Rodger Rock (0°41'N., 107°32'E.) is a dangerous steep-to

is the largest and N island of the group. The N and E sides of rock, which never breaks, has a depth of 0.9m.
the island are fringed by a drying reef. There is a small bay on
the NE side of the island where small craft with local knowl- 1.33 Pulau Jangkulan (0°45'N., 107°19'E.) is a low
edge can obtain sheltered anchorage off a settlement. densely-wooded islet. The coast consists of a white sandy
Pulau Segun, 44m high, is located about 0.5 mile SE of Pu-
1.31 beach, fringed by a reef extending 0.2 mile offshore.
lau Kepahiang. There are several above-water rocks within 0.1 Tokong Kemudi (0°56'N., 106°44'E.) is formed by two hills

mile of Pulau Segun. A reef, with a depth of 1.8m, lies 1.3 joined by a thickly wooded ridge. The N hill rises in a nearly
miles ENE of Pulau Segun. Depths of less than 6.4m extend up vertical cliff from the sea to an elevation of 176m. A sugarloaf
to 0.3 mile N of the island. Pulau Penau, 3 miles ESE of Pulau shaped rock, 37m high, lies on the outer edge of a reef near the
Segun, has two hills joined by a narrow neck of low ground; SE extremity of Tokong Kemudi.
the E hill is 189m high and the W is 101m high. A reef with Pulau Dumdum (1°12'N., 106°53'E.) is densely wooded

depths of less than 4m extends up to 0.3 mile off the N coast of and rises steeply from the sea in two peaks. The N and more
the island. Pulau Batu, 96m high, a small islet, thickly covered pointed is 190m high. There is a sandy beach on its S side. The
with vegetation, stands 1.3 miles SE of Pelau Penau. island is marked by a light.
Pulau Tebon, 2 miles ESE of Pulau Penau, is the most im-
1.31 Tokong Uwi consists of a group of two large and two small,

portant and most populated island of the group. It has two hills bare, precipitous rocks. The rocks are lying on a steep-to reef,
joined by low land. The E hill is 179m high. over which there is a depth of 4.9m. The N of the two larger
A small bay fronted by a barrier reef is located on the N side of
1.31 rocks is 35m high.
the island, but is accessible only to local craft. A detached 10m
coral patch lies 0.4 mile NW of the N extremity of Pulau Tebon. Pulau Jemaja—Islands North and Northwest
A prominent white rock, 21m high, lies 0.4 mile E of Pulau

Tebon. A shoal patch of 11.8m extends 0.5 mile E of this rock. 1.34 Pulau Impul (3°05'N., 105°43'E.), 360m high, lies 1
Pulau-pulau Brace consists of three islets. mile N of Pulau Jemaja. A rock, with less than 1.8m, lies close
Pinangkuning (0°35'N., 107°10'E.), the NW islet, 118m high,
1.31 off the S extremity of the island and a reef, barely awash at
lies 2 miles E of Pulau Tebon; Its S end terminates in a low san- high water, lies off the SE extremity of the island.
dy point with a conspicuous rock on its end. Rocks awash and Pulau Anak, 195m high, lies 0.3 mile NW of Pulau Impul.

below-water extend 0.2 mile N of Pinangkuning. Pulau Tanjaru, Several above-water rocks and two islets lie off the NW ex-
an islet 114m high, is located about 0.8 miles SE of Pinangkun- tremity of the island.
ing. A reef extends about 0.2 mile from its N side. An above wa- Pulau Mubur, about 0.5 mile W of Pulau Anak, has a ridge of

ter rock and a rock awash lie on the reef. Pulau Mengegah, 99m round hills that rise to a height of 247m near the N end of the
high, is a steep-to islet located about 0.2 mile E of Pulau Tanjura; island. Pulau Datu is a small islet that lies 0.3 mile S of the SE
a deep water channel separates the two. extremity of Pulau Mubur.
Pulau Kramut, 113m high, lies close SW of Pulau Mubur

Off-lying Islands and Dangers and is joined to it by a mangrove swamp; there is a suitable
channel for small boats through the swamp.
1.32 Ebeling Shoal (0°28'N., 107°25'E.), an unmarked A bay, encumbered by foul ground, lies between the SE ex-

steep-to coral patch, with a least depth of 3m, about 0.1 mile in tremities of Pulau Kramut and Pulau Mubur. Vessels can an-
diameter, lies 17 miles ESE of Pulau Pejamu. Pulau Pejantan, chor in the outer part of the bay, about 0.3 mile E of the SE
23 miles SSE of Pulau Pejamu, is a hilly island, mostly covered extremity of Pulau Kramut, in a depth of 37m, sand and rock.

Pub. 163
14 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

A small village lies at the head of the bay, which is conspicuous

1.34 rock, 1.5m high, is located on the reef.
from seaward because of the metal roofs on its buildings. Pulau Linggai, 290m high, lies 1 mile ESE of Pulau Gentin-

Pulau Mangkai (3°05'N., 105°36'E.) is the farthest NW of

1.34 gunyut. Pulau Semisak lies close off the N end of Linggai and
the SW group of Kepulauan Anambas. It is located about 2 Pulau Musuh lies close off the S end. Both of these islets are
miles WSW of Pulau Kramut. The channel between these two connected to Pulau Linggai by reefs. Pulau Nawan, an islet
islands is deep and free of dangers. 82m high, lies 1 mile E of Pulau Linggia.
Pulau Mangkai has an almost uniform height of 175m and is
1.34 Shoal water, with depths of less than 9.1m, extends 0.5 mile

densely wooded. Pulau Mangkai-kecil, 61m high, lies close SE W from this island. Karang Singka, a rock awash, is located on a
of Pulau Mangkai and is connected by a reef that uncovers at shoal 0.8 mile in length, about 1.3 miles NNE of Pulau Nawan.
low water. The coasts of both islands are fairly steep-to. A light Barnes Bank, with a least depth of 12m, sand and coral, lies

is shown from a white iron framework tower situated on a sum- 2 miles SSE of Pulau Nawan.
mit near the center of Pulau Mangkai.
Caution should be observed in the approach to Pulau Mungkai,
1.34 1.36 Pulau Telibang (3°00'N., 106°09'E.) is 17.5 miles E
as the light is frequently obscured by heavy rain squalls. of Tanjung Pinanang and 7 miles S of Pulau Nawan. The is-
Impul Passage is the channel between Pulau Jemaja and the
1.34 land, 186m high, is the farthest N of the Telibang Group.
islands N and NW. It is about 1 mile wide and the only dangers Pulau Dikar lies 0.5 mile W of the island and stands on an ir-

are McCaulay Bank, with a least depth of 9m, lying about 1.8 regularly-shaped reef that extends from the islet 1 mile NNE. A
miles WNW of Pulau Jemaja and Bunker Patch, with a least reef extends 0.5 mile W. Several above-water rocks lie on the
depth of 9m, lying 0.8 mile SE of the SE extremity of Pulau W side of the reef. Detached reefs lie N of the islet.
Impul. A 5.4m patch and a 9.1m patch lie 1.3 miles NNE and 0.8

A shoal, with a depth of 16.4m, lies in Impul Passage, 1.5

1.34 mile NW, respectively, from Pulau Dikar.
miles NW of Tanjung Mingga. Pulau Lubang Taban and Pulau Ujung are two islands lying

The tidal currents set E and W through Impul Passage, with a

1.34 1.3 and 2.5 miles SE, respectively, of the S extremity of Pulau
greatest velocity of about 1.5 knots at springs. Telibang. Each island is surrounded by a coastal reef. Several
detached reefs lie close off the W side of Lumbang Taban, and
Pulau Jemaja—Islands Northeast and Southeast a rock stands on the reef 0.3 mile S of the SE extremity of Pu-
lau Ujung.
1.35 Pulau Telaga (3°03'N., 105°59'E.), an island 4 miles Pulau Taloyan, an islet 87m high, lies 5 miles NE of Pulau

long, is located 8 miles NE of the E extremity of Pulau Jemaja. Telibang and is the farthest island NE of the Telibang Group.
The island consists of a ridge of densely wooded hills and has a Bennet Rock, with a depth of 3m, lies 1 mile E of the S extrem-
height of 530m near its N end. ity of Pulau Taloyan. A coral patch with a depth of less than
Foul ground extends 0.3 mile from its S extremity and a
1.35 9.1m lies 0.5 mile NNE of Bennet Rock.
rocky islet is located near the S extremity of a reef 0.8 miles W Pulau Buan, a wooded islet 76m high, lies 5.5 miles E of Pu-

of the foul ground. There are several villages on the island, lau Telibang. A detached reef, parts of which are above water,
most of them on its W side. Pulau Buton, a narrow islet, 110m lies close off its W side. Its SE side is fringed by a reef that ex-
high, is 0.5 mile W of the S part of Pulau Telaga. tends as far as about 0.3 mile offshore. Two rocks, 0.4 mile off
A reef with several above-water rocks, extends 0.3 mile from
1.35 the island’s S extremity, stand on this reef. The higher one is
the S end of the island and another reef extends 0.8 mile from 4.2m. Pascu Rock, with a depth of 5m, lies 2 miles ENE of Pu-
the N end of the island. Pulau Dinkor, with white cliffs, stands lau Buan.
near the N end of this reef.
A detached drying reef, about 0.65 mile in extent, lies 0.5
1.35 1.37 Pulau Temiang (2°56'N., 106°08'E.) is 2.3 miles S of
mile N from Pulau Dinkor. A group of four small islands lie Pulau Telibang, and is the farthest N of the Temiang Group.
close off the NW side of Pulau Telaga. Pulau Telaga-kecil, The island, about 2.3 miles long, is rather low in the central
178m high, is the largest of this group. The other islands of the part, but there are broad flat-topped hills near either end.
group are Pulau Lima, Pulau Midai, and Pulau Pasu. The hill near the W end has a height of 262m. A coastal reef

Tokong Blinau, a rock 1.9m high, lies 2.8 miles WSW of

1.35 surrounds the island and extends 0.3 mile off its SE extremity.
Telaga-kecil. Foul ground extends for a distance of 0.5 mile N, The channel that lies between Pulau Temiang and the islands to
E, and S of the rock. the NE is clear and free of dangers.
Pulau Durai (3°20'N., 106°03'E.), 15 miles NNE of Pulau
1.35 Pulau Mangkudu, 30m high, and Pulau Telaga Cina, 40m,

Telaga, is 152m high. It is about 1 mile long and densely wood- are islets lying 1 mile and 1.3 miles, respectively, off the SE ex-
ed. Several rocks, with less than 1.9m, lie close off the NW tremity of Pulau Temiang.
end, and a detached group of dangerous below-water rocks lie The two islets are connected by a reef. A detached reef, with

about 0.8 mile farther NW. Batu Mamong, 1m high, lies 0.5 a head above water, lies in the channel midway between Pulau
mile SW of Pulau Durai. Temiang and Pulau Mangkudu. A small detached drying reef
Tokong Nanas, 21.3m high, is located on the E extremity of a
1.35 lies 0.7 mile S of Pulau Mangkudu.
reef, 1 mile extent, which lies 5.5 miles W of Pulau Durai. Pulau Mangkait, 44m high, lies 1 mile S of Pulau Temiang.

Pulau Gentingunyut (3°08'N., 106°05'E.) is located 6.3

1.35 A narrow reef projects in a WNW direction from this islet for a
miles ENE of Pulau Telaga. A ridge of wooded hills, the high- distance of 0.3 mile.
est of which is 290m, extends along the center of the island. A Pulau Mentanyu, 99m high, and Pulau Genting, 96m high,

reef extends about 0.35 mile off the N end of the island and a are small islands that lie 3 and 4.5 miles, respectively, S of Pu-

Pub. 163
Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh 15

lau Temiang. Pulau Mentanyu has a reef 0.8 mile wide that ex- tending from its W side. Brownrigg Rock, with a least depth of
tends in a NE direction, 0.7 mile. An islet stands near the N 3.6m, lies 2.5 miles NE of Pulau Ritan.
edge of this reef. A 10.9m patch lies close N of the reef that Tide rips have been frequently observed in the area S of Pu-

surrounds Pulau Genting. lau Ritan, but a thorough survey of the area disclosed no dan-
A patch of coral and sand, with a depth of about 23m, lies
1.37 gers. It is believed that the irregular depths are responsible for
1.8 miles W of Pulau Genting. Pulau Serak, a small wooded is- such tide rips.
land, 123m high and marked by a light, lies 7 miles SW of Pu-
lau Genting. It is surrounded by a narrow reef, and is steep-to, Off-lying Islands and Dangers
except off its N and S sides where shoal water extends for a
distance of 0.1 mile. 1.40 Damar (2°45'N., 105°23'E.) is a steep-to, almost bar-
ren rock, 82m high and marked by a light. It lies 20 miles
1.38 Pulau Ayerabu (Pulau Airabu) (2°46'N., 106°14'E.) WSW of Pulau Jemaja. A rock, with less than 1.8m, lies close
is a large island about 7 miles SSE of Pulau Temiang. It is S of Damar. Katoaka-besar, a coral reef with a least known
about 6.5 miles long and consists of a ridge of hills which at- depth of 8m, lies about 19 miles SSE of Damar. Less depths
tains an elevation of 486m near its NW extremity. may exist on this shoal.
This peak is conspicuous from all directions. Another promi-
1.38 Tokong Malangbiru (2°18'N., 105°36'E.) lies 29 miles SSE

nent peak, with a flat-topped summit 482m high, is located of Damar. It is a white rock 34m high and almost barren. The
near the center of the island. rock, the farthest SW of this group, is steep-to all around ex-
The N side of the island is fronted by a reef; its E side is in-
1.38 cept near its SW extremity, where shallow water extends for a
dented by several small bays. A rock awash lies about 0.3 mile short distance.
E of the central part of the island. A reef extends 0.5 mile E
from the SE extremity of the island, and an isolated 5.4m patch
lies 1 mile NE of this reef.
A bay indents the NW side of the island to a distance of 1.5

The S shore of the bay is encumbered by a reef, which ex-

tends 0.5 mile NW of the S entrance point. Vessels having local

knowledge can anchor in the middle of the bay, in depths of 22
to 27m, mud. In foul weather a better anchorage can be found
in the NE part of the bay, in a depth of 36m.
Pulau Lintang (2°43'N., 106°16'E.), an island 190m high,

lies close SE of Pulau Airabu (Pulau Ayerabu), from which it is

separated by a narrow boat channel. An islet lies 0.3 mile off
its W side. A group of six islets extends about 1.5 miles in an E
and NE direction from the island. The passages between these
islets should not be attempted.

1.39 Batuputih (2°42'N., 106°17'E.) consists of a group of

rocks lying 0.8 mile SE of Pulau Lintang. The S rock of the
group is flat-topped and 14m high. Pulau Gembili, an island
Tokong Malangbiru
324m high and 2 miles long, lies about 1 mile off the W side of
Pulau Airabu. Its summit, located near the center of the island,
is sharp and prominent. A reef awash lies about 0.3mile off its Pulau Repong, a small island, 212m high and marked by a

NE side. light, is located 17 miles ENE of Tokong Malangbiru. The two

Tokong Dahan (2°49'N., 106°10'E.), a dangerous rock with
peaks on the island form a saddle, the E peak being the higher.
a least depth of 2m, lies 1.8 miles WNW of the N extremity of The S and E sides of the island are steep-to. The island is
Pulau Airabu. The sea occasionally breaks over the rock. fringed by a narrow reef, the edge of which is steep.
Tokong, an islet 30m high, lies 1.8 miles NNE of Tokong Da- Pulau Bawah is a group of two small islands and several rocks

han. This islet is steep-to and covered with trees. lying 13 miles NE of Pulau Repong. This group lies on an almost
Pulau Ritan, 137m high, is located 5.8 miles S of Pulau Lin-
continuous reef about 2 miles long and is fairly steep-to. The N
tang. It is surrounded by a reef that projects 0.5 mile E from its and larger island has a wooded summit, 134m high. A pyramidal-
N part. An islet, 85m high, stands on the E edge of this reef. A shaped rock, 67m high, lies close off the N end of this island. The
conspicuous white rock, 12.2m high, lies on the reef off the W S island is 125m high and is connected to the N island by a reef
side of Pulau Ritan. A reef extends 0.5 mile S of the S extremi- having several low bushy rocks on its edge.
ty of the island.
An islet, 61m high, which has an extensive reef extending
1.39 Kepulauan Anambas—Northeast Group
0.5 mile from its W through N to NE sides, is located 1.3 miles
NE of Pulau Ritan. A light, which has an elevation of 17m, has 1.41 Pulau Pahit (3°24'N., 106°09'E.), the NW islet of the
been established on the islet. NE group of Kepulauan Anambas, is an island nearly 1 mile
A flat rock, 9.1m high, marks the extremity of the reef ex-
long, lying 6.5 miles NE of Pulau Durai. This island can be

Pub. 163
16 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

recognized by its comparatively isolated position and its flat the coast trends in a general S direction for a distance of about
wooded summit, 213m high. 7 miles to Tanjung Mandi Angin. Between these points the W
Tokong Belayar (Telok Belajar), the northernmost of Kepulauan
1.41 coast is fairly steep-to and is free of reefs. Several sunken rocks
Anambas, is a conspicuous light green pillar-shaped rock, 20.7m lie off this section of the coast within the 11m line.
high, lying 7.5 miles ENE of Pulau Pahit. A steep-to reef extends Teluk Rambutam is a narrow bay that lies E of Tanjung Man-

NE from this rock for a distance of 0.5 mile and S from it for about di Angin; it is too narrow to afford a secure anchorage.
0.1 mile. Teluk Ayer Bini (3°06'N., 106°15'E.) lies 3 miles SE of Tan-

Pulau Mubur (3°20'N., 106°12'E.), 405m high and densely

1.41 jung Mandi Angin and is entered between Tanjung Baik and
wooded, lies 3 miles SE of Pulau Pahit. It is one of the four Tanjung Maluat, 1.8 miles ESE. Pulau Sui, 91m high, is locat-
large islands of the NE group; the NW coast of this island is ed in the SE entrance of the bay.
foul. Teluk Ajer Bandong indents the S coast of Pulau Mubur Several white rocks lie about 0.8 mile WNW of Pulau Sui. A

to a distance of 1.8 miles. 3m patch, marked by discoloration, lies in the bay 0.8 mile N
Pulau Mantas, 158m high and 1 mile long, lies close E of the
1.41 of Sui.
SW extremity of Pulau Mubar, and forms the W entrance point Good anchorage is available in Teluk Ayer Bini, in a position

of Teluk Ajer Bandong. Good anchorage is available 1.3 miles 0.5 mile N of Pulau Sui, in 29m, mud.
within the bay, in a depth of 31m, mud. Between Tanjung Maluat and Tanjung Kretang, the SE ex-

Pulau Rinyi, an islet 50m high, lies 0.3 mile off the coast of
1.41 tremity of Pulau Siantan, the coast recedes 1.3 miles forming
Pulau Muber, about 1 mile NW of Mantas. This islet has black an inlet whose shores are fronted by a reef.
cliffs, about 15m high, on its S end. Pulau Pejantai, a flat- The SE part of Pulau Siantan consists of an irregularly

topped islet, 66m high, lies about 1 mile N of the W extremity shaped peninsula that terminates at Tanjung Kretang. A sharp,
of Pulau Mubur. Pulau Noran, an islet 49m high, lies on the conspicuous peak, 235m high, is the summit of this peninsula
reef close N of Pulau Mubur. and is located about 0.8 mile N of Tanjung Kretang.
Pulau Berhala, an islet 43m high, with a reef projecting 0.3

1.42 Pulau Matak (3°18'N., 106°16'E.) lies close E of Pu- mile from its W side, lies 0.5 mile ESE of Tanjung Kretang.
lau Mubur. The island is about 9.5 miles long and 3.5 miles From Tanjung Kretang, the coast trends in a N direction for

wide. Its conspicuous summit, 416m high, is near the S ex- about 2.5 miles to the N end of the peninsula, which forms the SE
tremity of the island. The entire coastline of the island is moun- part of Pulau Siantan; there are two small inlets W of the peninsu-
tainous, but its interior is low and flat. la. From this point the coast continues in a generally N direction
Selat Matak separates Pulau Matak and Pulau Mubur. Its S
1.42 for about 3.5 miles to the entrance of a narrow reef-strewn inlet,
end is about 2.3 miles wide and narrows to 0.3 mile at its N end which has two waterfalls close together on its W side.
where it opens into Teluk Matak. The channel is deep and free From the N entrance point of this inlet, the coast trends in a

of dangers. The tidal current sets N and S and obtains a veloci- NW direction for about 4.5 miles to Tanjung Momang, which
ty of 1 to 2 knots in its narrowest part. is the N extremity of Pulau Siantan.
Teluk Matak is a large bay located between the N parts of
1.42 Most of the E and N coast of Siantan is fronted by a reef that

Pulau Matak and Pulau Mubur; its greatest width is 2.5 miles. extends up to 0.5 mile offshore; there are islets located on these
Pulau Ucing, 73m high, is the farthest E of several rocks and reefs. Tanjung Angkak is located about 0.5 mile SW of Tanjung
islets that lie in the NW corner of the bay. Vessels entering Momang. It is the E entrance point of Teluk Terampa, whose W
Teluk Matak should pass E of Pulau Ucing. A small islet and a entrance, Tanjung Baruk, is located 0.8 miles farther W.
reef are located close offshore in the E part of the bay. Teluk Terampa, about 0.8 mile long, lies 1.3 miles SE of

Pulau Semut (3°24'N., 106°17'E.) is separated from Pulau

1.42 Tanjung Pedas, the NW extremity of Pulau Siantan.
Matak to the S by a fouled channel less than 0.1 mile wide at The bay has a sandy beach at its head; however, both sides

its narrowest point. The wooded island is 216m high. Tanjung are fringed by reefs that extend as far as 0.15 mile offshore. A
Pandan, the N extremity of Pulau Semut, forms the N entrance light is shown from Tanjung Pedas; another light is shown 1.5
point of Teluk Matak. A 5.5m patch lies 1.3 mile SE of Tan- miles SE of Pedas Light.
jung Pandan. Teluk Niulwan is a narrow, shallow inlet of little
navigational importance that divides the SE part of Pulau 1.44 Tarempah (Terampa) (3°13'N., 106°13'E.) (World
Matak into two peninsulas. Port Index No. 51500), the principal village in Kepulauan
Anambas, is situated on the sandy beach at the head of Teluk
1.43 Pulau Siantan (3°10'N., 106°15'E.), the largest and Terampa. A government official resides at Tarempah and the
most important island of the NE group, is about 10.5 miles government offices are situated near the E side of the village.
long and 5.5 miles wide. It lies S of Pulau Matak, from which it A pier, with a depth of 1.2m, is situated near the government

is separated by a channel 0.3 to 2.5 miles wide. offices and a pier, 95m in length, that will accommodate ves-
The island is mountainous throughout and densely wooded.
1.43 sels drawing up to 3.9m, is situated 91m farther W.
It attains an elevation of 565m near the middle of the W side of Anchorage can be taken near the head of the bay, in a depth

the island. This peak is conspicuous but the general outline of of 17m, sand and mud.
the mountain ridges in the wider parts of the island is smooth Selat Peninting separates Pulau Siantan from Pulau Matak.

and rounded. Its W entrance lies between Tanjung Pedas and Tanjung Yang,
The coastline is irregular and is indented by several bays,
1.43 the W extremity of Pulau Matak. At this point the channel is
some of which afford good anchorage. about 2.5 miles wide, but narrows to 0.35 mile, about 3.3 miles
From Tanjung Pedas, the NW extremity of Pulau Siantan,
1.43 within its entrance.

Pub. 163
Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh 17

The W entrance is deep and free of dangers but at its narrow

1.44 1.47 Pulau Masabang (3°10'N., 106°18'E.), 133m high
point it is encumbered by reefs and sunken rocks. There is a and Batu Belah, 117m high, are small islands located, about
narrow passage between the reefs that front the N and S shores. 0.5 and 0.65 mile off the middle part of the E coast of Pulau
Siantan. Both are surrounded by reefs that extend as much as
Thetis Channel 0.8 mile N and E from Batu Belah and 0.5 mile NE from Pulau
Masabang. Two detached reefs lie 1.8 miles NNE and 1.3 miles
1.45 The NE group of Kepulauan Anambas is divided into NE, respectively, of Pulau Masabang.
two smaller groups by Thetis Channel. The three large islands Selat Batu Belah is the channel between Pulau Siantan and

of the NE group, previously described beginning in paragraph its off-lying reefs on the W, and Batu Belah and Pulau Masa-
1.41, lie on the W side of Thetis Channel. The other islands bang on the E. Its N entrance is at its junction with the E part of
and dangers that lie on the W side of the channel and those is- Selat Peninting. The channel, about 0.2 mile wide, has small
lands and dangers that are adjacent to it are described below, detached reefs in the fairway and should only be used by ves-
beginning in paragraph 1.46. sels with local knowledge.
Pulau Bajau (3°08'N., 106°19'E.), a large irregularly-

Thetis Channel—West Side shaped island about 5 miles long, lies close off the SE coast of
Pulau Siantan from which it is separated by a narrow channel.
1.46 Pulau Batu Garam (3°22'N., 106°20'E.), 235m high, There are two conspicuous peaks on the W side of the island
lies on the W side of Thetis Channel and is located 1 mile E of about 1 mile apart; the SW peak is 239m high, the other is
the NE extremity of Pulau Matak. From Tanjung Kepinis, the 238m high.
N extremity of Batu Garam, a ridge of densely wooded hills The E and W sides of the island are fairly steep-to but its N

extends nearly the entire 6 miles of its length to its S termina- and S sides are fringed by reefs and are indented by several
tion at Tanjung Muning. Snul, an islet 91m high, lies 0.3 mile bays and inlets.
off the central part of its E coast. These bays and inlets are fringed by reefs; there are several de-

There are a number of small islands in the shallow reef

1.46 tached reefs in the vicinity of the island, which may best be seen
strewn passage that lies between Pulau Matak and Pulau Batu on the chart. Tanjung Suka, the S point of the island, has several
Garam. This area cannot be navigated. Pigus, 53m high, Pulau rocks, the highest being 21m high, lying close S.
Pidi, 70m high, Pulau Mantang-besar, 72m high, and Pulau Between Tanjung Suka and Tanjung Dumang, a point about 1.3

Mantang-kecil, 61m high, extend 2 miles SSE of Tanjung miles to the NW, there is a bay fringed by reefs; several detached
Muning. Reefs extend W from these islets 0.3 mile. reefs and sunken rocks lie near the center of the bay. The one far-
Foul ground extends E from Mantang-besar and SSW from
1.46 thest S is located about 0.3 mile NE of Tanjung Dumang.
Mantang-kecil for about 0.3 mile. Pulau Beliba, an island 93m Anchorage can be obtained near the entrance to this bay in a

high and surrounded by reefs, lies about 0.8 mile SW of Tan- position about 0.3 mile SSE of Tanjung Dumang, in a depth of
jung Muning. 27m, sand.
Pulau Lidi, a narrow, wooded island 67m high and about 1
1.46 Pulau Bajau is separated from Pulau Siantan by three chan-

mile long, is located 1 mile S of Pulau Beliba. nels that range from 0.1 to 0.6 mile in width. From N to S they
The reef that surrounds the island extends 0.6 mile from its
1.46 are Selat Taburik, Selat Semanggi, and Selat Berawa. Tidal
NE extremity. Selat Tebang lies between Pulau Beliba and Pu- currents up to 1 knot may be encountered in the channels.
lau Lidi on the W and the chain of four islets extending S from
Pulau Batu Garam on the E. Pemutus Group
A coral patch, with a least depth of 10.9m, is located in the

channel entrance, 0.5 mile S of Pulau Mantang-kecil. 1.48 Pemutus (3°05'N., 106°20'E.), 79m high and about
Vessels can anchor near the middle of Selat Tebang in a position
1.46 1.5 miles long, is situated 1.3 miles E of the S extremity of Pu-
about 0.8 mile W of Pulau Mantang-besar, in 23m, mud. lau Bajau; it is surrounded by a narrow reef. Two small islets
Pulau Air Asuk (3°15'N., 106°18'E.), a narrow wooded islet
1.46 lie 0.3 mile WSW and 0.5 mile SW of the S extremity of
2.5 miles long, is located 0.3 mile W of Pulau Lidi and is sepa- Pemutus.
rated from Pulau Matak on the W by the N continuation of Se- Two small islands, joined by a reef, lie 0.5 mile E of the N

lat Peninting, which has been previously described in extremity of Pemutus. Pengelat, an island 76m high, lies 1.3
paragraph 1.44. miles farther NE. Two small islets lie, respectively, 0.3 mile
A reef, about 2.5 miles in length, extends S from Pulau Lidi
1.46 WSW and 0.8 mile SW of the S extremity of Pemutus.
and along the E coast of Pulau Air Asuk. Several islets lie on Selat Tanjung Suka is the name of the channel between the

this reef. Pulau Tobing, 44m high, is located at the SE extremi- islands just described and the SE coast of Pulau Bajau. The
ty of the reef. fairway has an average width of 0.5 mile and is free of dangers
A 3.6m patch lies 0.5 mile SE of Tobing. Pulau Teluk Pau,
1.46 except for the detached reef which dries 0.9m, lying 0.8 mile
an island 168m high and 1.3 miles long, lies close S of Pulau NNW of the N extremity of Pemutus.
Air Asuk. Several detached patches of reef lie near the middle The tidal currents, which are diurnal, set through the channel

of Selat Peninting between Teluk Pau and Pulau Matok. with a velocity of 1.5 to 2 knots; the flood sets SW and the ebb
Numerous reefs lie within a radius of 2 miles from NE
1.46 NE. A S wind and current often produce tide rips and overfalls
through SE of the S extremity of Pulau Teluk Pau; a number of in the S part of the channel.
islets lie on these reefs. Passage between these reefs is possible Walsh Bank (3°02'N., 106°18'E.), with a least depth of 11m,

for small craft with local knowledge. coral bottom, lies in the fairway between the SW and NE

Pub. 163
18 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

groups of Kepulauan Anambas, about 2.5 miles SSE of the S mile, in a depth of 27m, coral.
extremity of Pulau Siantan. The 40m line is not more than 0.5 Alarm Bank (3°23'N., 106°29'E.), a sand and coral shoal

mile from this patch. having a least known depth of 8.5m, lies about 0.8 mile ENE of
Pulau Pasu. An 11m patch is located 0.5 mile NE of this shoal
Pulau Memperuk Group and a 20m patch lies 0.5 mile farther E.
Alarm Bank and the two patches just described are marked

1.49 Pulau Memperuk (3°04'N., 106°21'E.), an island by heavy tide rips, and navigation in this vicinity should be
232m high and about 2.8 miles long, lies 0.5 mile E of Pemutus. avoided.
Its N and S extremities are fairly steep-to but the remainder of
the island is fringed by a narrow reef. Rocks, the highest of Manda Riouw Group
which is 2m, extend 0.3 mile E from the middle of Memperuk.
Pulau Abang, an islet 105m high, lies close W of the S part
1.49 1.52 Pulau Manda Riouw Darat (3°18'N., 106°24'E.), an
of Memperuk. A rock, 4.5m high, stands on the reef that proj- irregular-shaped island, 142m high, is located 3.8 miles SSW
ects from the W side of the islet. The channel between Mempe- of Pulau Penjalin-besar.
ruk and the islands that lie to the W and NW is narrow and not Pulau Nyamuk, 55m high, and 0.5 mile long, is located 1.8

recommended. miles NNW of Manda Riouw Darat and is the N island of the
Manda Riouw group. It is free of reefs, but there are depths of
Pulau Akar Group less than 11m around the island that extend as far as 0.5 mile
SSW of it.
1.50 Pulau Akar (3°02'N., 106°24'E.) is the largest and A small islet, 9.1m high, is located 0.8 mile SSW of Pulau

farthest E of the Pulau Akar group. It is 160m high and 1.5 Nyamuk and an island 61m high is located 0.8 mile farther
miles in length. Pulau Semut, an island 73m high and about 0.5 SSE.
mile long, is the W extremity of the Pulau Akar group. It lies Pulau Manda Riouw Laut is 102m high and 2 miles long. Its

1.3 miles SE of the S extremity of Memperuk. N extremity is located 0.1 mile E of the SE extremity of Pulau
Other islands of the group are located between Pulau Semut
1.50 Manda Riouw Darat and the SW side of the island is connected
and Pulau Akar, 1.3 miles SE. They are: Pulau Teluk Bakau, to the S extremity of Manda Riouw Darat by a shallow reef. An
69m high; Baba, 41m high, and Bate 82m, high. Tjatu (Catu), islet lies on the edge of a reef that extends 0.2 mile S from the
an islet 58m high, lies about 0.1 mile SW of Pulau Akar. S extremity of Pulau Manda Riouw Laut.
An isolated 10m patch lies 0.8 mile NNW of Pulau Semut. A
1.50 Pulau Mangkian, 43m high and cultivated with coconut

rock, 0.9m high, is on the S extremity of the patch, and a rock, trees, lies 1.3 miles SW of Pulau Manda Riouw Laut. The en-
which dries 0.9m, is on the N extremity. tire island is surrounded by a reef, which extends as much as
Pulau Nunsa (2°59'N., 106°25'E.), the S island of the NE
1.50 0.2 mile offshore on its W and SE sides.
group of Kepulauan Anambas, is located 1.3 miles SSE of Pulau A shoal with a depth of 4.5m lies 0.6 mile S of Pulau Man-

Akar across a deep channel which frequently develops tide rips. gkian. Two patches with depths of 9.4m and 7.6m lie, respec-
This narrow island is 0.8 mile long and attains an elevation of tively, 1 mile SSE and 1.5 miles S of the 4.5m shoal.
60m near its N end. Pulau Nunsa is marked by a light.
A small bank, with a least depth of 24m, lies 1.5 miles S of
Pulau Sagu Dampar Group
Nunsa. The tidal currents in this vicinity, which are diurnal, at-
tain a velocity of 1 knot; the flood sets SW and the ebb sets 1.53 Pulau Sagu Dampar (3°15'N., 106°27'E.), 152m
NE. high and 1.5 miles long, is located 2 miles SE of Pulau Manda
Riau Laut.
Thetis Channel—East Side (Pulau Penjalin-Be- A reef extends 1 mile N from the island and Sama, an islet

sar Group) 69m high, and a smaller islet 12.2m high are located on this
reef; a small islet lies on the reef close S of Sama. Three de-
1.51 Pulau Penjalin-besar (3°23'N., 106°26'E.) is 5 miles tached reefs, the center one drying 1.2m, lie 0.3 mile off the
E of Pulau Batu Garam and marks the NE entrance of Thetis SW side of the island.
Channel; its rounded summit is 131m high.
Pulau Setuju, 66m high, lies at the extremity of a reef 0.5
Pulau Selai Group
mile NE of Pulau Penjalin-besar; an islet 38m high is located
on the same reef 0.3 mile S of Pulau Setuju. 1.54 Pulau Busung (3°14'N., 106°28'E.), a wooded island
Pulau Penjalin-kecil, an island 98m high, is separated from
1.51 102m high and 0.5 mile long, is located 0.8 mile E of the S ex-
the SE extremity of Pulau Penjalin-besar by a narrow channel. tremity of Pulau Sagu Dampar. A conspicuous boulder 15.2m
The island is fringed by a reef, and two rocks, one of which is high lies in the shallow water that extends 0.3 mile from the E
0.6m high and is on the S edge of the reef 0.5 mile S of its S ex- side of the island. Several above-water boulders lie close S of
tremity. this boulder. A detached patch, awash, lies 0.3 mile S of the is-
Pulau Pasu, an islet 61m high, lies about 0.2 mile E of Pulau
1.51 land. A rock, with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies in mid-chan-
Penjalin-kecil; it is joined by a reef. Two smaller islets lie on nel between the S extremities of Pulau Sagu Dampar and Pulau
this reef. Busung. Penilan, a narrow island 93m high and 1 mile long, is
Vessels can anchor N of Pulau Penjalin-kecil with the E ex-
1.51 located 0.65 mile SE of Pulau Busung.
tremity of Pulau Penjalin-besar bearing 220°, distance 0.5 Kudok, a 26m high islet, lies 1.3 miles W of the S extremity

Pub. 163
Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh 19

of Penilan. A detached reef, about 0.3 mile in diameter, which Pengending, an island 248m high, lies 0.3 mile NE of Pulau

dries 1.5m, lies 0.8 mile W of Kudok. Pejaul to which it is connected by a reef. An islet, 49m high,
A smaller reef lies close NW, and two patches, with least
1.54 lies on the edge of a reef close N of the island.
depths of 6.7m and 9.1m, lie, respectively, 0.5 mile NW and A rock, awash, lies 0.15 mile N of the islet and another rock

0.3 mile N of this drying reef. Four small reefs, two of which 1.2m high lies between them. An islet, 35m high, lies 0.5 mile
uncover, lie within 1.3 miles SW of the large reef. NW of the 49m islet. There is an anchorage, sheltered from S
Pulau Selai (3°12'N., 106°29'E.), the farthest E of Kepulauan
1.54 winds, with the 49m islet bearing 095° and the 35m islet bear-
Anambas, is located close SE of Penilan from which it is sepa- ing 034°, in 24m, sand and coral.
rated by a narrow boat channel. Its summit, which is 162m high, Selat Teluk Dalam is the channel between the Pulau Punjung

appears as a sharp peak when viewed from N or S but from other group on the E and the Pulau Pejaul group on the W. The chan-
directions it has the appearance of a wide ridge. nel, which has a least width of 0.1 mile, is deep and free of de-
The coasts of the island are indented by several bays; those
1.54 tached dangers although its N end is somewhat encumbered by
on the S and E side are encumbered by reefs and sunken rocks. the reef that extends NE from Pengending.
Anchorage, which is sheltered from S winds, can be taken near The channel between the Pejaul group and the Pulau Pun-

the center of the bay on the N side of the island, in a depth of jung group, on the S and Temuruk on the N, is about 0.4 mile
23m. wide and is deep and clear.

Teluk Risan Group Pulau Luyung Group

1.55 Pulau Teluk Risan (3°11'N., 106°27'E.), an irregular- 1.58 Pulau Luyung (3°11'N., 106°22'E.), a narrow wood-
shaped island 174m high, is located 1.8 miles SW of Pulau Se- ed island about 1.8 miles long, is located 1.8 miles NW of Pu-
lai. Except for a portion of its E side, the island is surrounded lau Pejaul. It consists of two well-defined peaks separated by a
by a reef that extends as far as 0.35 mile from its S side. A rock narrow strip of low land. The N peak, which is higher, is 114m
stands on the reef close E of its N extremity, and another rock high. A shoal with a lest depth of 5m lies 1.3 miles NNW of
stands on a detached reef 0.1 mile E of its S extremity. An islet, the island.
46m high, lies near the edge of the reef, S of the island’s S ex- A patch, with a least depth of 3.6m, lies 0.5 mile W of the is-

tremity. An area of foul ground 0.5 mile long, lies 0.5 mile off land. Pulau Getah, 88m high, lies SE of Pulau Luyung and is
the W side of Pulau Teluk Risan. connected to that island by a reef 0.1 mile in extent.
A patch, with a least depth of 4.5m, lies about 0.5 mile W of
1.55 Esperance Reef, an isolated reef having a sand bank that

the foul ground, and a detached drying reef lies 1.3 miles dries 1.8m on its S end, lies 1 mile NE of Pulau Luyung. Shal-
WNW of the foul ground. Temuruk, an island 85m high, lies low coral patches, with depths of less than 10m, lie within 2
0.1 mile S of Teluk Risan. A reef extends N along the W side miles NE from the reef. Depths less than charted may exist
of Temuruk to the S extremity of Teluk Risan. Nibung, an islet over these shoals.
41m high, lies 0.15 mile SE of Temuruk.
Thetis Channel—Islands and Dangers
Pulau Punjung Group
1.59 Hooper Bank (3°20'N., 106°21'E.) is two detached
1.56 Pulau Punjung (3°09'N., 106°25'E.), the largest is- shoals which lie E and SE of the S extremity of Pulau Batu Ga-
land of the group, is located 0.5 mile S of Temuruk. This island ram. The N patch, with a sand and coral bottom, has a least
is about 2 miles long and has two prominent peaks near its cen- depth of 9.1m and lies 1.3 miles E of Batu Garam. The S patch,
ter; one of them rises to 348m high. with a depth of 11m, lies 0.8 mile S of the N patch.
The E side of the island is steep-to but the remainder of it is
1.56 Hale Bank (3°17'N., 106°22'E.), a coral shoal having a least

fringed by a narrow reef. depth of 6m, lies nearly in the middle of Thetis Channel in a
An islet, 58m high, lies 0.3 mile S of the SE extremity of the
1.56 position 1.5 miles SW of Pulau Manda Riouw Darat.
island and another islet, 29m high, lies close off the SW side. Thetis Reef (3°15'N., 106°21'E.), lying near the middle of

Pempang, a narrow island 140m high and about 1 mile long,

1.56 Thetis Channel, is a coral reef about 0.5 mile long. It is located 2
is located 0.5 mile SE of Pulau Punjung. This inhabited island miles WSW of Pulau Mangkian. A 7m patch lie about 0.8 mile
is fairly steep-to and densely wooded. Pulau Mentalak, an is- WNW of the reef. Patches with depths of 5 to 9m lie within 1
land, 91m high and 1.3 miles long, is located 0.65 mile S of the mile N of Thetis Reef. A narrow reef, about 1 mile long, is locat-
SW extremity of Pulau Punjung; it is partially cultivated with ed about 1 mile SW of Thetis Reef. There is a sand cay on the
coconut trees. middle of the W side of this reef which dries 1.5m.

Pejaul Group 1.60 Pulau Mangkian Pandak (3°12'N., 106°21'E.), an

island 49m high, is located 1.3 miles NW of Pulau Luyung.
1.57 Pulau Pejaul (3°09'N., 106°23'E.), 231m high, is Two wooded islets 24m and 49m high lie, respectively, 0.3
about 1.3 miles long and lies 0.3 mile W of Pulau Punjung. mile ESE and 0.5 mile SSE of the island.
Two islets, 46m and 55m high respectively, are located close
1.57 A coral head, with a depth of 6.4m, lies 1 mile NNE of Pulau

off the NW side of the island. A rock, 0.9m high, lies 0.2 mile Mangkian Padak and a coral shoal, with a least depth of 5m
SW of the 46m islet. Two 11m patches, 0.5 mile apart, lie 0.3 lies 0.6 mile NE of it.
mile off the S side of Pejaul. Chabroi Bank (Chabrol Bank) (3°08'N., 106°22'E.), two in

Pub. 163
20 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

number, lies 1 mile W of Pulau Pejaul. The E patch has a least ter, provisions, or reception of dirty ballast. Several oil plat-
depth of 6m and the W has a least depth of 8m. forms stand 9 miles SSE of the terminal and they are connected
Howard Rock (3°05'N., 106°22'E.), with a depth of 3.6m,
1.60 to it by a submarine pipeline. Anchoring is prohibited within
lies 0.8 mile ESE of the N extremity of Pulau Memperuk. 500m of the pipeline.
Egeria Rock (3°02'N., 106°27'E.), a coral head with depths
1.60 Vessels loading at Kakap Terminal must comply with the lat-

of about 4m, lies in the S approach to Thetis Channel in a posi- est Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) conventions and Maritime
tion about 2 miles E of Pulau Akar. A 6m coral patch lies 0.5 Pollution (MARPOL) Protocols. Any vessel found deficient to
mile W of the rock. comply with these regulations will be refused mooring and
1.61 Udang Marine Terminal (4°02'N., 106°30'E.) lies 40 Anchorage is designated for vessels awaiting to load, within

miles NNE of Kepulauan Anambas and 20 miles SE of the a radius of 1 mile centered on position 5°02.9'N, 105°58.5'E.
main route between Singapore and Hong Kong. The port is Restricted and Prohibited Areas.—The platforms and well

currently closed. Information is retained should the port re- heads in Kakap Oil Field are contained within the restricted area,
open. The oil field consists of Udang A and B production plat- best seen on the chart; unauthorized vessels should not enter this
forms and a storage tanker moored 1 mile ESE of Udang A. area. Vessels are not allowed to enter a prohibited area within a
A pipeline connects the platforms to the storage tanker. Ar-
1.61 radius of 1 mile from the SPM buoy and 500m from the well
eas within 1.8 miles of the storage tanker and 1 mile of each head platform without the Berthing Master on board.
platform are restricted and anchoring is prohibited. Anoa Natuna Marine Terminal (5°13'N., 105°36'E.) con-

Depths—Limitations.—Tankers up to 93,000 dwt, with a

1.61 sists of a lighted production platform and a floating production,
maximum length of 260m and a draft of 15m, can use the ter- storage, and off-loading vessel (FPSO), which is anchored 1
minal. Vessels berth at the storage tanker port side-to. mile SE. They are connected by a submerged pipeline. A pipe-
Tankers must arrive with clean ballast. There are no port fa-
1.61 line also runs from the facility to Jurong Island S of Singapore.
cilities available at Udang Terminal. The FPSO vessel is 182m in length and can accommodate
Anchorage.—The recommended anchorage is 3.5 miles
1.61 tankers of 160,000 dwt in tandem.
WNW of Udang A. The terminal operates 24 hours, but operations may be termi-

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory when mooring and un-

1.61 nated in the event of adverse weather.
mooring, the mooring master acts as pilot. Vessels will normal- Pilotage is compulsory. A Berthing Master boards within the

ly moor during daylight hours, but may unmoor at any time, anchorage area, radius 0.75 mile, centered on position 5°12'N,
weather permitting. 105°38'E. Mooring is restricted to daylight hours only. Vessels
Caution.—A rectangular shape restricted area of 3 miles by
1.61 may unmoor at any time.
2 miles has been established surrounding the terminal. Vessels
are not allowed to enter a prohibited area, within the restricted Borneo—Northwest Coast—General Remarks
area around the terminal, without the berthing master onboard.
Anchoring within the restricted area is prohibited. There are no 1.63 The NW coast of Borneo extends from Tanjong Datu,
facilities for bunkers, fresh water, provisions, or reception of a salient headland, to Tanjung Padangtikar, about 166 miles
dirty ballast. SSE. Except for a few bold headlands and a short stretch at the
Kakap Natuna Oil Field is about 63 miles ESE of Tapis A
1.61 extreme N end, this coast is low and densely wooded. The S
platform, and about 68 miles NNW of Udang Marine Terminal. part is occupied by the swampy delta of the Sungai Kepuas,
It also lies 30 miles NW of the main shipping lane between and detached hills some distance inland; the delta mouths form
Singapore and Hong Kong. the only landmarks along this part of the coast.
The mountains backing the N portion of the W coast of Bor-

1.62 Kakap Marine Terminal (5°01.7'N., 105°55.9'E.) is neo are more rugged and rise closer to the shore.
a floating production, storage, and off-loading vessel (FPSO). The entire coast is fronted by the shoal waters of the South

Kalap Natuna is a converted tanker permanently moored to a China Sea, the 20m line lying as much as 10 miles offshore and
single point mooring (SPM) buoy. A vessel up to 100,000 dwt the 40m line lying about 75 miles off the S part of this coast.
and 300m long can be brought alongside to the FPSO in a
depth of about 29m. Tanjong Datu to the Sungai Sambas-Besar
A production platform, about 1 mile WNW, is connected by

a pipeline to the SPM. The SPM displays a yellow Morse (U) 1.64 Tanjong Datu (2°05'N., 109°39'E.) is the termination
light, the bow of the FPSO displays a white Morse (U) light, of a mountainous peninsula projecting about 6.8 miles in a
and the bridge displays a red Morse (U) light. A flare on the NNE direction from the coast.
wellhead platform is visible at considerable distances. The peninsula is distinguished by two peaks. Gunung Datu,

Pilotage is compulsory and berthing is restricted to daylight

1.62 550m high, stands 2.5 miles S of Tanjong Datu. Gunung Mala-
hours only. The berthing master boards vessels in the anchor- ka, 540m high, stands 1 mile farther S. Gunung Pangi, 240m
age area. Night berthing may be allowed under special circum- high, is an isolated peak rising from the low ground 2.5 miles S
stances at the discretion of the Operations Superintendent. of Gunung Malaka and has been reported to be a good radar
Vessels should send their ETA on departure from the last port- target at distances up to 21 miles. The mountainous terrain
of-call and thereafter 72 hours, 48 hours, and 24 hours in ad- commences 11 miles S of Gunung Pangi.
vance to Kakap Natuna Marine Terminal. Tankers must arrive During June, the current off Tanjong Datu was observed to

with clean ballast. There are no facilities for bunkers, fresh wa- set SSW for 15 hours consecutively at an average rate of 1.5

Pub. 163
Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh 21

knots. Bukit Mungguresak, 70m high, and Bukit Tjermai, 75m


The W side of Tanjong Datu is fringed by a narrow bank

1.64 high, are located, respectively, 0.8 mile and 3.8 miles SE of
marked by some drying rocks. Four drying rocks lie within 0.5 Tanjung Api. Another prominent landmark on this coast is
mile N of the extremity of the point. A dangerous wreck lies 33 Gunung Asu Ansang (Asoe Ansang), 600m high, located 11
miles NE of Tanjong Datu, and another wreck lies 4 miles NW miles SE of Tanjung Api.
of it. From Tanjung Mugguresak to Tanjung Blimbing, the 5.4m

Tanjong Datu Light, a metal tower, stands on the point at an line extends from 0.5 mile offshore at the N end to 2 miles off-
elevation of 171m. Close SE and N are, respectively, a wind shore at Tanjung Blimbing. A spit, with 1.8m depth, extends
generator (metal tower) 6m high, and the old light, now re- 2.8 miles N from Tanjung Blimbing. A bank, with depths from
served for emergency use. 1.2 to 5.5m, lies close inside the edge of the coastal bank, 5
The entire coastline of the peninsula terminating at Tanjong
1.64 miles W of Tanjung Blinbing.
Datu is steep-to and is fronted by a reef and by many above- The Sungai Paloh is of little importance to shipping. Its nor-

water rocks. There are strong eddies off the point. mal entrance is between Tanjung Blinbing and the islet 0.2
A small shoal area, with a least depth of 6.1m, lies about 2
1.64 mile S, with some high casuarina trees, and then W of Pulau
miles E of Tanjong Datu. Tua.
Anchorage can be obtained, in depths of 11 to 14m, about 1
1.64 Pulau Tua (Pulau Toea) (1°45'N., 109°16'E.) lies 0.5 mile

mile off the W side of the peninsula. offshore, S of the entrance to the Sungai Paloh. It is low with
very tall trees on it. The N part of the island at one time had
1.65 From Tanjong Datu to Tanjung Api, about 20 miles been washed away and in the same period the sea broached
WSW, the coast is low and sandy. A few rocks lie close off- Tanjung Blimbing in two places leaving openings about 0.3
shore along this section of the coast. mile wide. Vessels should not attempt to enter the Sungai Paloh
A shoal with a least depth of 8.2m lies close within the 10m
1.65 without local knowledge.
line 9.3 miles NE of Tanjung Api. From Pulau Tua, the coast trends SW 20 miles to Tanjung

Niger Bank (Permatang Naga) (2°09'N., 109°39'E.), with a

1.65 Bayung, then SSW 19 miles to Tanjung Kalang Bau, the N en-
least depth of 7.9m, lies 4.5 miles N of Tanjong Datu and is trance point of the Sungai Sambas-besar.
separated from it by a clear channel. Three 11m patches lie 3.3, With the exception of Gunung Raya located 14 miles SSW of

3.8, and 4.5 miles NW of Tanjong Datu. Tanjung Bayung, this entire portion of the coast is low and flat.
With fresh N winds and a N current there are tide rips on this
1.65 The most prominent of the landmarks on this coast is

bank, which from a distance resemble breakers. There are Gunung Melintang, 345m high, 8 miles ESE of Tanjung
strong eddies off Tanjong Datu. A stranded wreck lies 12.5 Blimbing. Other peaks stand in the following positions relative
miles NE of Niger Bank. to Gunung Melintang:
Shoal patches with depths of 12.8 to 18.2m extend 16 miles
1.65 1. Gunung Belau Tunggal, 500m high, 4 miles E.
W of Niger Bank. They may best be seen on the chart. A shoal 2. Bukit Sagu, 245m high, 1.5 miles W.
with a least depth of 9.1m lies close within the 18.3m line (10 3. Bukit Se Tengah, 245m high, 2.5 miles WNW.
ftm curve), 9.5 miles NE of Tanjung Api. Bukit Ambawang, 160m high, is located 4 miles SE of Tan-

jung Blimbing. Gunung Raya, 124m high, is located close in-

1.66 Api Passage (2°02'N., 109°12'E.), the channel sepa- shore, 14 miles SSW of Tanjung Bayung.
rating the S group of Kepulauan Natuna from the NW coast of From Pulau Tua to Tanjung Bayung, the 5.4m line lies up to

Borneo, is relatively deep and clear of dangers. 5 miles offshore and close off the point. West of Gunung Raya,
Two shoals, each with a depth of 8.8m, sand, lie 7.8 and 9.5
1.66 the 20m line is only about 0.5 mile outside the 5.4m line; ves-
miles NE of Tanjung Api. A shoal, with a depth of 14m lies sels should not approach within the 20m line.
10.5 miles NNE of Tanjung Api with a 15.8m patch lying 2 Pulau Pontianak, 55m high, a conspicuous islet, lie about 0.5

miles W. mile SW of Gunung Raya. Anchorage may be had in the bight

A 14.6m patch has been reported (1980) approximately 10.3
1.66 formed between Gunung Raya and Tanjung Bayung, mud.
miles NNW of Tanjung Api. A bank, with depths of 12.8 to
18m, lies with its shallowest part 17.5 miles NE of Tanjung 1.68 The Sungai Sambas-besar (1°11'N., 108°57'E.) is
Api. It extends 4 miles SW and 1.5 miles NE from this posi- entered between Tanjung Kalang Bau, 83m high, and Tanjung
tion. Bila, a low flat point, 3.3 miles SW. There are numerous villag-
Two shoals lie 1.5 miles WSW and 2.5 miles NE of this bank
1.66 es and settlements on both banks of the river as far as Kartijasa,
with depths of 16.7m and 17.3m, respectively. about 25 miles inland.
The mouth of the river is easily identified by Bukit Penibun-

1.67 Tanjung Api (1°57'N., 109°20'E.) is a low sandy ga, 78m high, which is a spur extending N from Gunung Pe-
point covered with virgin forest. From this point the land trends mangkat, 395m high. Tanjung Kalang Bau is prominent, as is
1.8 miles SW to Tanjung Mungguresak (Moenggoe Resak), a Gunung Raya, 5 miles NNE.
low, sandy point, then SSW 8.5 miles to Tanjung Blimbing. A Pulau Pekak, 32m high, lying 0.5 mile NNW of Tanjung

bight lies between Tanjung Mungguresak and Tanjung Blimb- Kalang Bau is also prominent.
ing; the shore of the bight is low and sandy. The entrance of the river is fronted by a bar, which is steep-

A shoal ridge begins 1.3 miles N of Tanjung Api with depth of

1.67 to on its seaward side. The least depth on the bar was reported
4.8m. The shoal continues SW for 2.5 miles where it terminates to be 2.1m. The depths in the river from inside the bar to its
at a depth of 0.9m. The outer side of the shoal is steep-to. confluence with the Sungai Sambas-kecil, 15 miles upstream,

Pub. 163
22 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

were not less than 2m. The least depth in the fairway to Karti- should be approached outside the 10m line to avoid the numer-
jasa, 10 miles farther upstream, is 5.9m. Range lights lead ous fish traps which exist in this vicinity.
across the bar to the entrance to the river.
The river entrance is generally obstructed by fishing stakes
The Sungai Sambas-besar to the Sungai Kepuas-
and net floats. Two obstructions lie in the entrance, one on each kecil
side of the channel. The W obstruction lies 1.5 miles WSW of
Tanjung Kalang Bau. Within the N entrance point, an islet, 1.71 From Tanjung Bila (1°10'N., 108°55'E.) to Tanjung
15m high, with a rock close S which dries 0.9m, is located Batubelat, about 22 miles SSW, the shoreline is, low and flat.
close SE of Tanjung Kalang Bau. Only those vessels with local Tanjung Gunung, 156m high, is 4.3 miles SSE of Tanjung Bila
knowledge should transit the Sungai Sambas-besar. and Tanjung Bajau, a high, precipitous point, which is located
In the Sungai Sambas-besar, the tidal currents are semi-diur-
1.68 13.8 miles farther SSW. From Tanjung Bajau the coast trends
nal and attain a rate of about 2 knots in the entrance at springs. SW 4.5 miles to Tanjung Batubelat, the W extremity of Bor-
Off the entrance, tidal currents are N and S and attain a rate of neo, which is a prominent point.
1.5 knots. The N coast of the area described above is backed by Gunung

Kampung Pemangkat is on the S side of the river, close to

1.68 Serindung, 252m high, and Gunung Simpadang, 276m high, lo-
Gunung Penibungan, where there is a wharf 44m long with cated, respectively, 7.3 and 14 miles SE of Tanjung Bila, with nei-
depths alongside of 0.8m. The harbor and customs offices are ther one being particularly valuable as a landmark.
situated here. Gunung Sekunang, 99m high, is a conspicuous hill 0.8 miles

Anchorage is available abreast the village. The anchorage

1.68 inland, 8.5 miles SSE of Tanjung Bila. Gunung Syakok, 303m
limits are defined on the W by a line joining Tanjung Bila and high, also conspicuous, is 1.5 miles inland, 9.3 miles S of
Tanjung Kalang Bau and on the E by a line drawn 146° from Gunung Sekunang.
Gunung Raya. Between Tanjung Bila and Tanjung Bajau the coast recedes

Vessels are cautioned that the mud bank fringing the S bank
1.68 about 4 miles forming Teluk Singkawang. The Sungai Sebang-
of the river between Tanjung Penibungan and Tanjung Parakan, kau and the Sungai Selakau flow into Teluk Singkawang about
about 1.5 miles NE, is very steep-to and caution must be exer- 3 and 6.5 miles, respectively, SSE of Tanjung Bila. The Sungai
cised by vessels anchoring in this area. Singkawang flows into Teluk Singkawang, 5 miles NE of Tan-
jung Bajau.
1.69 Tanjung Parakan (1°12'N., 108°59'E.) is a point on The Sungai Singkawang entrance is encumbered by a bar

the S side of the river, 1.3 miles E of Tanjung Kalang Bau. Tan- that almost dries; passage over the bar is difficult, even for
jung Semperiuk and Tanjung Rambajan are on the N side of the small vessels.
river, 5.5 and 11.3 miles, respectively, above Tanjung Kalang The village of Singkawang is 2 miles upstream from the

Bau. mouth of the river and is the residence of a government official.

The mouth of the Sungai Sambas-kecil is on the SE side of
1.69 A group of above-water rocks lies off Tanjung Merah, 2.5
the Sungai Sambas-besar, about 3.5 miles NE of Tanjung Ram- miles SE of Tanjung Bajau.
bajan. The Sungai Bantanan flows into the Sungai Sambas-be- Tanjung Batubelat (0°49'N., 108°51'E.) is the W extremity

sar about 8 miles farther upstream, then 2 miles further to of Borneo and it rises to Gunung Batubelat, 210m high, which
Kartijasa. A canal connects Kartijasa to Sambas which is navi- lies 1 mile E. Tanjung Bajau rises to Gunung Besar, 306m,
gable by local craft. about 1.5 miles inland, 4.5 miles NE of Tanjung Batubelat.
The Sungai Sambas-kecil (1°18'N., 109°10'E.) leads to the
1.69 The coast from Tanjung Batubelat trends S for a distance of

town of Sambas 11 miles above its confluence with the Sungai about 29 miles to Tanjung Bangkai. It is low and wooded and
Sambas-besar. The river is narrow and winding, with depths in has trees extending down to the water’s edge. A coastal bank,
the fairway of not less than 6.1m, except on the inner bar. with depths of less than 5.3m, extends as far as 2.5 miles from
The inner bar, about 6 miles within the mouth of the river,
1.69 this part of the coast.
has a least depth of 2.7m, and a channel width across the bar of
25m. A wreck which dries 0.9m and is marked by a beacon 1.72 Tanjung Teranjun (0°43'N., 108°52'E.), located 6.8
which also covers, lies on the rocks on the W side of the chan- miles S of Tanjung Batubelat, is high and cliffy. Gunung Bun-
nel that crosses the bar. ga, 0.5 mile inland, is 195m high. Gunung Haur, 140m high,
It is not advisable to pass the wreck at highest high water due
1.69 stands 4 miles ESE of Tanjung Teranjun. Gunung Batubaya,
to it and the beacon being covered at such time. 350m high, standing 9 miles SE of Tanjung Teranjun, is promi-
Strong tidal currents exist near the wreck during times of low
1.69 nent, as is Gunung Raya, 942m high, located 13.5 miles NE of
water. the same point.
Tanjung Sanggau, 12.5 miles S of Tanjung Teranjun, has a hill-

1.70 Sambas (1°22'N., 109°18'E.) is a town about 13 miles ock near its extremity which terminates in a low cliff. Gunung Ke-
upstream from the mouth of the Sungai Sambas-kecil and about bangsi, 150m high, and Gunung Bangkam, 155m high, lie,
26 miles from the mouth of the Sungai Sambas-besar. A Govern- respectively, 2.5 miles E and 3.5 miles ENE of this point.
ment Administrative Officer resides at Sambas. There is a quay, Penibungan (0°24'N., 108°56'E.), 54m high and formerly an

38m long, which can accommodate vessels up to 600 dwt drawing island, now forms a projection and is situated 6.3 miles S of
4m at all stages of the tide. Tanjung Sanggau. Tanjung Bangkai, a low flat point, lies 4
Pilotage is not available. Only those vessels with local
1.70 miles SSW of Penibungan. A radio transmits from a position 2
knowledge should transit Sungai Sambas-kecil. The coast miles NE of Tanjung Bankai.

Pub. 163
Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh 23

Pulau Semesa (0°43'N., 108°52'E.), 110m high, is on the

1.72 and W island of Kepulauan Burung is 2 miles W of Pulau Pe-
coastal bank 0.8 mile W of Tanjung Teranjun. Pulau Tempu- nata-besar. The channel between these two islands is deep and
rung is close N of Pulau Semesa and Pulau Keran, a high rock, clear of dangers. Pulau Lemukutan consists of a ridge of hills.
lies close S of Tanjung Teranjun. The highest, near the S end is 366m high. The coast in the mid-
From Tanjung Bangkai, the coast curves SE for a distance of
1.72 dle of the E side is cliffy.
about 24 miles to the mouth of the Sungai Kepuas-kecil. There A light stands 1.3 miles S of the N end of the island.

are three prominent landmarks on this sector of the coast. Lont- Pulau Randayan, 22m high, lies on a bank with depths of 11 to

jit, 470m high, and Gunung Raya, 615m high, are located, re- 15m, 0.8 mile S of Pulau Lemukutan. A 6.8m shoal, not marked
spectively, 16.5 and 19 miles E of Tanjung Bangkai; Gunung by discoloration, lies 4.8 miles ESE of Pulau Randayan.
Peniraman, 231m high, is located 0.5 mile inland, 15 miles SE Pulau Baru, 69m high, lies 6.5 miles SSE of Pulau Ran-

of the same point. The Sungai Mempawah, a small river, dis- dayan. A reef fringes the islet and extends 0.3 mile S and NW
charges 3.5 miles SE of Tanjung Bangkai. Vessels drawing from it. A small steep-to shoal, with a depth of 7.3m, extends
1.5m can reach the village of Mendialin, 20 miles upstream, at about 0.5 mile NW of the island.
high water. Pulau Temaju, 240m high, is located 3 miles W of the main-

Anchorage can be obtained, in depths of 9 to 14m, anywhere

1.72 land from which it is separated by a channel 1 mile wide, with
between the mouths of the Sungai Mempawah and the Sungai a depth of 11m in the fairway. The island is steep-to except on
Kepuas-kecil. the N part of the E side, where a reef extends 0.2 mile offshore.
There is good anchorage for small vessels with local knowl-
1.73 Pulau Datu (Pulau Datuk) (0°08'N., 108°36'E.), edge during the Southwest Monsoon, May to September, in a
306m high, steep-to and marked by a light, lies about 22 miles depth of 9m, in the W of two bays which form the N coast of
SW of Tanjung Bangkai. the island. There is anchorage anywhere off this island, in
Kepulauan Burung (Pulau-pulau Burang) are a group of
1.73 depths of 11 to 13m.
steep-to, densely-wooded islands, lying within 10 miles of the Pulau Damar lies 9 miles offshore, 6.5 miles SSW of Pulau

coast, between Tanjung Batubelat and Tanjung Bangkai. Tidal Temaju. The islet, 24m high is steep-to, with few trees.
currents around Kepulauan Burung set NE and SW at a maxi- Pulau Sitinjan (0°22'N., 108°45'E.), 48m high, the S island

mum rate of 2 knots, and are always noticeable in spite of the of the group, lies 10.5 miles W of Tanjung Bangkai and 3 miles
monsoon current. SW of Pulau Damar. Anchorage may be obtained, in depths of
13 to 16m, on the bank extending S from the island during N
Pulau Kabung (0°50'N., 108°47'E.), 297m high, the N is-
1.73 winds or at the change of the monsoon.
land of the group, lies 3 miles WNW of Tanjung Batubelat. A
wreck lies 0.6 mile N of the island. There are two shoals with
depths of 3.9 and 8m in the fairway between Pulau Kabung and
Tanjung Batubelat.

Pulau Sitinjan
Pulau Kabung
Directions.—When proceeding N from the vicinity of Tan-

Pulau Penata-kecil, 105m high, lies on a ridge of the coastal

1.73 jung Bangkai steer to pass 0.5 mile W of Pulau Temaju. Then
bank, 4 miles S of Pulau Kabung. Pulau Seluas (Seluwas) lies pass E of Pulau Baru and proceed through one of the channels
on the same ridge about 0.4 mile NE of Pulau Penata-kecil. De- separating the islands or between these islands and the main-
tached shoals, with depths from 4.5 to 8.2m, lie within 1.8 land, keeping in depths of not less than 13m, and guarding
miles N of these islands. against the shoal patches W of Tanjung Batubelat.
Pulau Penata-besar, 102m high near its N end, lies 1 mile E

of Pulau Penata-kecil; a clear channel separates these islands. 1.75 The Sungai Kapuas-kecil (0°03'N., 109°11'E.), one of
Some above-water rocks lie 0.2 mile N of Pulau Penata-besar. the branches of the delta of the Sungai Kapuas leading to Ponti-
anak, is entered between Tanjung Intan, upon which stands the
1.74 Pulau Lemukutan (0°46'N., 108°43'E.), the largest prominent house of the Sultan (0°02'N., 109°11'E.), and a point 2

Pub. 163
24 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

miles N. The entrance is fronted by a bar of soft mud which ex- Directions.—Vessels should steer to a position about 2.5

tends 5 miles offshore through which a channel 137m wide has miles W of the outer beacons, then steer for the outer beacons
been dredged. In prior years, it was reported that a vessel with a and enter on the range lights. Before entering the river, vessels
draft of 5.3m and length 115m could enter over the bar. should make certain that passage over the bar is all clear as
There are alternative inner routes to Pontianak that are en-
1.75 there is insufficient room for passing in the dredged channel.
tered well S of the entrance to the Sungai Kapuas-kecil. Outbound vessels take precedence.
These alternative routes enter the Sungai Kapuas-kecil above
1.75 Proceed through the dredged channel on the range line.

Pontianak. When the leading range light is 1 mile away, change course and
Pontianak Road, off the entrance of the Sungai Kapuas-kecil,
1.75 steer for the customhouse at Kampung Jungkat.
is open to the prevailing winds. Due to the outflow of the river, After passing the rear range lighted beacon, keep to the N

vessels always lie with the wind and sea on the beam. side of the channel until a beacon on the N side of the river, 1.3
Pilotage is compulsory and is available by day only. A 24
1.75 miles WNW of Batu Layang, is reached. This beacon has a no-
hour advance notice is required. Vessels awaiting a pilot may tice board painted “menjeberang” (cross over).
anchor SW of the outer buoy, clear of the prohibited anchor- Steer across the river to a position 0.4 mile SW of Batu

age. Anchorage may be obtained in Pontianak Road, about 6 Layang and keep 183m offshore until clear of the spit, about 1
miles W of the river’s mouth, in a depth of 20m, mud. In this mile ESE of Batu Layang. Finally, steer mid-channel to the an-
depth the ground swell is less than closer in. In gale winds, ves- chorage off Pontianak.
sels should anchor farther out to avoid the heavy seas that Dredges operate on the bar of the Sungai Kepuas-kecil. Ves-

break in the shallow water. There is a prohibited anchorage ar- sels should always pass S of the dredges. This may entail keep-
ea charted in the N part of Pontianak Road. ing S of the range line. In these circumstances, a vessel should
The entrance to the river is marked by buoys, beacons, and
1.75 sound two long blasts, suggesting the dredge will then move to
lighted beacons. The dredged channel to Pontianak, in which the N side of the channel. The vessel should regain proper
there was a least depth of 3.9m reported, is marked by range alignment as soon as possible after passing the dredge.
lights in line bearing 103°30'.
A danger, marked by a buoy, lies 17 miles W of the front
1.75 1.76 Pontianak (0°01'S., 109°20'E.) (World Port Index
range light, and an unmarked dangerous wreck lies on the N No. 51941), the principal town on the W coast of Borneo, is
side of the entrance channel, 8 miles WNW of the same range situated about 10 miles from the entrance of the Sungai
light. There is a Customs Station at Kampung Jungkat on the N Kepuas-kecil and is near the confluence of this river with the
side of the river entrance. Sungai Landak. The town stands on low and marshy ground
Pulau Panjang (0°02'N., 109°13'E.) lies on the S side of the
1.75 which is partially inundated at high water.
river entrance. Selat Bantan runs S of it. Winds—Weather.—Frequent showers between August and

Pulau Duwit lies close N of Pulau Panjang. Close off the E

1.75 February may affect the working of cargo.
end of Pulau Panjang are Pulau Babi, Pulau Bumin, Pulau Ba- Tides—Currents.—The tide is usually diurnal. The average

haru, and another small islet W of these. range of the tide at full moon is 1.28m and at a new moon is 2.4m.
Batu Layang (Batu Lajang) is an islet off the N side of the
1.75 Off the mouth of the river, the ebb current sets 285° with a

river 3.8 miles ESE of the E end of Pulau Panjang. A stony maximum general velocity of 2.5 knots. The flood current sets
spit, with depths from 0.8 to 0.5m, extends from the N bank to 110° with a maximum general velocity of 0.6 knots. These fig-
about mid-channel, 0.15 mile SW of the W end of Batu ures may differ because the current is greatly influenced by the
Layang. The banks of the river from its mouth nearly to Ponti- wind. The ebb current at Pontianak is stronger and of longer
anak are overgrown, but there are few high trees. Some small duration than the flood, especially at night, due to the land
settlements are situated on the N bank, but the S bank is almost breezes.

Pontianak—Berth Information
Berth Length Draft (HW) Remarks
Dry Cargo Terminals
No. 01 125m 5.0m Fast ferries, ro-ro, and passengers/vehicles/rail.
No. 02 75m 5.0m Fast ferries, ro-ro, and passengers/vehicles/rail.
No. 03 117m 5.0m —
No. 04 100m 5.0m —
No. 05 100m 5.0m Containers.
No. 06 90m 5.0m Containers.
No. 07 103m 5.0m Containers.
No. 08 102m 5.0m Containers.

Pub. 163
Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh 25

Pontianak—Berth Information
Berth Length Draft (HW) Remarks
Pertamina Tanker Terminal
No. 1 18m — Clean products and bunkers. Berthing length of 135m (including dolphins).
No. 2 15m — Clean products and bunkers.
PT. Indo Container Line
Container Berth 127m — Containers.
Pertamina Bitumen Terminal
Pertamina Berth 37m — Dirty products.
Shell Bitumen
Bitumen Berth 25m — Dirty products. Berthing length of 67m (including dolphins).

A tide gauge, with a flagstaff above it, is situated on Govern-

Pontianak—Contact Information
ment Wharf. The following tidal signals are displayed:
1. Flood current—Red flag. E-mail corp_sec@ipctpk.co.id
2. Ebb current—Blue flag. Web site https://www.ipctpk.co.id
3. Slack water—White flag.
Depths—Limitations.—The depths alongside the wharves
range from 1.4m alongside the Government Wharf to 4.3m Call sign VTS Pontianak
alongside the wharf on the N side of the river. The largest ves-
sel entering the harbor was 5,750 dwt, with a length of 109m VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 16
and 5m draft. For additional detail about the berths in port see Telephone 62-561-882-383
table titled Pontianak—Berth Information
Facsimile 62-561-882-386
Pilotage.—The sea buoy in the entrance channel to Ponti-

anak is approximately 17 miles. Pilotage is compulsory, should E-mail vtsptk@gmail.com

be ordered 24 hours in advance and is available 24 hours. Fur-
thermore, vessels should advise ETA via agent 10 days 72 1. Vessels approaching Pontianak must enter the channel
hours, and 48 hours prior to arrival to include providing esti- between 0600 and 1200 local time.
mated arrival draft. Pilot should also be notified 12 hours be- 2. Vessels leaving Pontianak must enter the channel be-
fore arrival and 6 hours before departure. Pilot boards at the tween 1200 and 1800 local time.
river entrance. Contact Information.—See the table titled Pontianak—

Regulations.—Vessels should advise their ETA through

Contact Information.
agents 10 days, 72 hours, 48 hours, and 24 hours before ex- Anchorage.—Anchorage at Pontianak is abreast the town,

pected arrival, including expected arrival draft. in depths of 16 to 18m. There is room for vessels to swing in
Local regulations for the channel in the Sungai Kepuas-kecil
the anchorage; however, they should keep well clear of the
place the following restrictions on vessels over 500 gross tons: government pier.
Caution.—Due to submarine cables, vessels are cautioned

Pontianak—Contact Information against anchoring in two areas situated, respectively, close NW

and SE of the entrance to the Sungai Landak, nearly opposite
Port Operations Pontianak. The limits of each area are marked by a red triangu-
62-561-732-181 lar board from which a light is shown. Safe clearance of over-
head power cables on the Sungai Kepuas-kecil river on the E
62-561-734-472 end of Pulau Baharu are: N channel: 48m and S channel: 8m.
62-561-732-094 1.76

62-561-733-674 1.77 The Sungai Kepuas-kecil trends 28 miles SE of Ponti-

Facsimile 62-561-732-612 anak to Suka Lating (0°19'S., 109°35'E.) where it joins the
Sungai Kepuas and the Sungai Pungar-besar. This portion of
Web site https://www.pontianakport.co.id
the river is navigable by vessels drawing not over 3m and there
IPC Terminal are no dangers. However, the sharp turns at Telukkumpai and
Tanjung Selebes, 10 and 27 miles respectively, above Ponti-
Telephone anak, should be approached with caution.
62-741-732-094 The Sungai Kepuas (0°19'S., 109°35'E.), the principal river

Facsimile 62-561-732-612 on the W coast of Borneo, trends generally E from its junction
with the Sungai Kepuas-kecil for a distance of about 620 miles.

Pub. 163
26 Sector 1. Borneo—Northwest Coast and Kepulauan Tudjuh

From the Sungai Kepuas-kecil the coast trends S about 45 Tanjung Padangtikar.
miles to Tanjung Padangtikar. This low marshy coast forms the A stranded wreck is situated 4.5 miles SW of Tanjung Bu-

N part of the delta of the Sungai Kepuas. It is broken into sev- rung. There are no other charted dangers along this section of
eral islands by the various streams discharging through it. the coast.
Tanjung Putus (0°17'S., 109°05'E.) is located 20 miles

SSW of Tanjung Intan, the site of the Sultan’s house. Other 1.79 The Sungai Padangtikar (0°37'S., 109°12'E.), whose
points along this sector of the delta are Tanjung Bunga, Tan- head lies in an ESE direction, connects with Selat Lida by
jung Burung, and Tanjung Padangtikar, located respectively, means of Selat Paduampat. The mouth of the Sungai Padangti-
4.5, 18, and 24.5 miles SSE of Tanjung Putus. There are a few kar is also the starting point of Inner Route 3 and Inner Route 4
detached hills which, together with the mouths of the rivers, to Pontianak. An obstruction, with a depth of 16.5m, lies 45
form the only landmarks along this coast. miles offshore of Tanjung Padangtikar.
Gunung Batuwangkang (0°23'S., 109°19'E.), 450m high, is
1.77 Pulau Telukayer (0°43'S., 109°33'E.), a loading place for

the highest of the three peaks of Gunung Ambawang, located timber, lies up river 19 miles ESE of Tanjung Padangtikar and
about 15 miles SE of Tanjung Putus. The other two peaks, can be reached by vessels drawing 7.3m.
Gunung Resam, 360m high and Gunung Laut, 315m high,
stand 2.3 and 3.5 miles WNW of Gunung Batawangkang. Selat Panjang joins the Sungai Padangtikar 2.5 miles ENE of

Tanjung Padangtikar. The Sungai Kubu joins the N side of Se-

1.78 Gunung Radak (0°33'S., 109°26'E.), an isolated ta- lat Panjang, 4 miles farther NE.
ble-shaped hill, 204m high, is located 15.8 miles E of Tanjung Directions.—When approaching the Sungai Padangtikar,

Burung, and Gunung Turjun, 75m high, is located 2.5 miles vessels should stay close to the lighted buoy, moored 10 miles
SW of Gunung Radak. W of Tanjung Padangtikar, and cross the bar on an E course,
From Tanjung Saleh, about 6 miles S of Tanjung Intan, to
1.78 and then pass about 0.8 mile N of Tanjung Padangtikar. Care
Tanjung Putus, 14 miles SSW, the coast consists of several is- should be taken to clear the 4.9m patch, located about 1.5 miles
lands which form the delta of the Sungai Pungur-besar, a con- ESE of the lighted buoy. After passing Tanjung Padangtikar,
tinuation of the Sungai Kepuas. vessels bound for Selat Panjang or Selat Kubu should steer in
The Sungai Ambawang, one of the mouths of the Sungai
1.78 the buoyed channel. Fishing stakes are found on the bar and in
Kupuas, flows into the sea close N of Tanjung Bunga; its the river on both sides of the fairway.
mouth is encumbered by a bar. Anchorage may be obtained in the W entrance to Selat Pan-

The Sungai Padangtikar is entered between Tanjung Burung

1.78 jang about 2.5 miles ENE of Tanjung Padangtikar. Pilotage is
and Tanjung Padangtikar, 6.5 miles SE, and has the deepest en- compulsory for vessels of more than 200 dwt.
trance of any river on the W coast of Borneo. Local pilots are available daily up to 1900 local time. They

The least depth in the channel over the bar off the river
1.78 embark in a position 1 mile W of the fairway lighted buoy, 10
mouth is 5.8m. miles W of Tanjung Padangtikar.
The 5.5m line varies from 5 miles off the entrance to the
1.78 For vessels with local knowledge, there are four inland water

Sungai Kepuas-kecil to 9 miles W of Tanjung Padangtikar. routes through the delta of the Sungai Kepuas, which lead to
Vessels approaching the Sungai Padangtikar should make for Pontianak.
the lighted buoy (safe water) which is moored 10 miles W of

Pub. 163
Sector 2—Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

2.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 163



Plan.—The general description of this sector is from W to E

2.0 (November to March) and the NE setting current occurs during
and N to S, with the associated passages and dangers described the Southwest Monsoon (May to September). Currents with a
in sequence with the islands and coast lines. velocity of 1 to 2 knots may be encountered.
The principal passages and order of descriptions are Selat
2.0 2.1The predominating influence of weather conditions in the
Bangka, Selat Gaspar, and Selat Karimata. Minor passages will sector are the monsoons. In the summer the winds are S to SE
be described with the appropriate geographic area. and in the winter they are from the N to NW. The period of the
The W boundary of this sector is the E coast of Sumatera be-
2.0 S to SE winds is usually termed the dry season although it is
tween the parallels of 2°00'S and 4°30'S. The sector is bound on dry only in comparison to the N to NW winds.
the E by the W coast of Borneo between the parallels 0°40'S and 2.1The area encompassed by this sector is relatively small but
3°00'S. The N and S boundaries, may, in general, be described as because the land masses in the vicinity of the several passages
the area which lies between the E and W boundaries described have a diverse effect on the prevailing winds, each area will be
above, and the parallels of 0°28'S and 4°30'S. described on an individual basis.
2.1The currents in this sector alternate in direction twice yearly, in
General Remarks phase with the monsoons. During the Northeast Monsoon (No-
vember to March) the flow is SE and during the Southwest Mon-
2.1 Winds—Weather.—The most important characteristic soon (May to September) the general flow is toward the NW.
of the climate, is the seasonal change of the winds. It is custom- Since the currents are controlled by oceanographic and meteoro-
ary therefore to recognize two seasons only, the Northeast Mon- logical conditions, both within and outside the area, which vary
soon and the Southwest Monsoon. From March to May, the from day to day as well as season to season, the current in any par-
Southwest Monsoon extends N, and covers the whole area from ticular location varies both in direction and rate.
June to August. During September to November the airflow is 2.1The constancy of the predominant directions at the height of
reversed and the Northeast Monsoon spreads S to the Equator, the monsoons is high, but it is low in the transition months and
and prevails over the South China Sea from December to Janu- only moderate in the months immediately preceding and fol-
ary. lowing the height of the monsoons.
2.1The Northeast Monsoon has a significant frequency of N 2.1The tidal currents will be further described with each chan-
winds over the area, while Southwest Monsoon has a great S nel.
component near the equator. 2.1Regulations.—For information regarding designated Archi-
2.1Over this area the average wind speed is 7 to 16 knots in pelagic Sea Lanes, as defined by the United Nations Convention
winter, and 4 to 10 knots in summer. During the transition peri- on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), passing through Selat Kari-
od in spring and autumn the winds is mainly light and variable mata, see the Indonesia section of Pub. 120, Sailing Directions
except in isolated squalls. (Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia.
2.1The period from May to October is relatively free of gales apart
from the localized storms during the passage of tropical storms. Selat Bangka
Gale force winds are more common during December, with winds
of 28 to 33 knots comprising 1 per cent of the total reports. 2.2 Selat Bangka, 120 miles long, is the strait which sepa-
2.1Rainfall is abundant over the whole area. The average annual rates Pulau Bangka from Sumatera. It lies in a general NW and
total is between 292 and 390cm. Borneo has more thunder- SE direction and is the best route between Singapore and Selat
storms than any other region in the world. Sunda.
2.1Along the coasts many stations report thunder on one day in 2.2The coast of Sumatera, which forms the W side of Selat Bang-
every three. Inland many places endure thunder on 2 days in 3. ka, is low, densely wooded, and affords no useful landmarks oth-
Some of the more violent storms cause considerable havoc er than several points which can be distinguished only from short
with severe squalls and torrential rain. distances. The entire coast of Sumatera forming the W side of
2.1Fog is rare over this area. Poor visibility (less than 5 miles) is Selat Bangka is bordered by a mud flat, narrow by the points but
reported on less than 5 per cent of the observations. Fog is most extending from 1 to 7.5 miles offshore, with depths of less than
frequent during September near the Borneo coast; this haze 4.8m in the bays between them. Towards the Bangka side, the
spreads from the S hemisphere in late summer. bottom becomes harder and even rocky.
2.1Good to excellent visibility prevails for most of the time, 2.2The Pulau Bangka side of the strait, in contrast to the Sumat-
through sudden deterioration occurs in the heavier rainstorms. era side, has hills and numerous mountains. It is remarkable
Patches of fog develop at night in estuaries and sheltered inlets that although the latter attains no great elevation, the summits
and may be dense for a brief period around dawn. are generally obscured by clouds.
2.1Tides—Currents.—The movement of the surface water 2.2The principal rivers which flow into the strait are the Sungai
over the South China Sea is related, in general, to the mon- Banyuasin (Air Banyuasin) and the Sungai Palembang (Air
soons, through the relationship is complex and not direct. The Musi) in Sumatera, which are navigable for a considerable dis-
main SW setting current occurs during the Northeast Monsoon tance.

Pub. 163
30 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

2.2A number of unimportant streams flow through the Bangka is located on the Bangka side of the entrance to Selat Bangka.
coast into the strait by way of generally marshy outlets. A prominent sandy beach fronts the high trees N and S of the
2.2Kepulauan Nangka, a group of coral islets and rocks, lies point.
close off the Bangka coast about midway through the strait and 2.3A light is shown from a metal framework tower, with an ele-
a number of detached islets and rocks lie in the strait. vation of 40m, situated on Tanjung Ular. It was reported that by
2.2Winds—Weather.—In Selat Bangka, the general wind di- day, the light structure was obscured by trees when S of Tan-
rection from April to October is a steady SE; from January to jung Besayap.
March, the Northwest Monsoon is relatively constant. Squally 2.3Tanjung Besayap, 51m high, 4 miles SSW of Tanjung Ular,
weather is most marked in the Northwest Monsoon, with the is also rocky.
greater activity at night. Appreciable seas occur when fresh 2.3The coast between Tanjung Ular and Tanjung Besayap is
winds oppose the tidal currents. fringed by a reef. The 5.5m line lies up to 2 miles offshore in
2.2Tides—Currents.—From November to April, the current this area and is steep-to. This part of the coast must be given a
sets SE through the strait at a rate of up to 1 knot. wide berth of at least 2.5 miles, owing to the reefs off it.
2.2The SE set persists on the Sumatera side of the strait 2.3A rock, awash, lies 2.5 miles SW of Tanjung Ular and be-
throughout the Southeast Monsoon. At the height of this mon- tween this rock and the coastal reef are several drying reefs.
soon, in July, a NW set of up to 0.25 knot prevails off the 2.3Bangka Marine Terminal (1°50'S., 105°09'E.) is a single
Bangka coast up to and beyond Gosong Amelia. In other marine buoy where a FPSO tanker vessel is moored.
months the current off the Bangka coast is light and variable. 2.3Caution.—Vessels are advised to give a wide berth when
2.2The tidal currents flow into Selat Bangka from both ends, passing in the area.
meeting in the neighborhood of Kepulauan Nangka.
2.2There is usually only one strong incoming current, separated Tanjung Berani (2°04'S., 105°07'E.) is a moderately-high

by a slack period from two weak outgoing currents. rocky point located 3.5 miles S of Tanjung Besayap.
2.2Tide rips are frequently found abreast Kepulauan Nangka Karang Ular (1°58'S., 104°57'E.) lies near the middle of the

during the Southeast Monsoon and are probably due to the N entrance to Selat Bangka, 7 miles NE of Ujung Batakarang
meeting of the current setting SE along the Sumatera shore in and 10 miles W of Tanjung Ular. It consists of two rocky patch-
the N part of the strait with the current setting NW along the es, with a depth of 2.2m over the N patch and less than 1.8m
Bangka shore in the S part of the strait. over the S patch.
2.2Vessels should guard against being set in or out of the mouth A light is shown from the N patch. In 1991, it was reported

of the Sungai Palembang (Air Musi). that a crude oil storage tanker was situated 3.8 miles S of Ka-
2.2In the S approach to Selat Bangka, there is sometimes a S rang Ular, in a depth of 22m.
flow for days on end, with a maximum rate of 2.25 knots at the Caution.—Less water than charted has been reported (1998)

height of the Northwest Monsoon. At other times, the weak N about 2.5 miles NE of Karang Ular.
flow lasts only a maximum period of 4 hours and reaches a rate
of only 0.5 knot, the flow being S for the rest of the day. It thus 2.3Tanjung Kelian (2°05'S., 105°08'E.), on the Bangka coast,
appears that during the Northwest Monsoon there is a S current is a low sandy point 1 mile S of Tanjung Berani; it is subject to
of 1 to 1.5 knots. constant erosion. A light, shown from a stone tower, 53m high,
2.2Between Ujung Batakarang and Tanjung Limaubungkuk, 30 with the upper part red and the lower part white, is situated on
miles SE, after heavy rains the ordinary currents are consider- the point.
ably accelerated and diverted by the freshets from the many
rivers in this vicinity.
2.2The flow is toward Tanjung Kelian, on the N shore, until they
reach mid-channel. These currents should be carefully guarded
against at night.
2.2Caution.—There are numerous dangerous wrecks in the S
and N entrance to the strait and their approaches; the positions
of known wrecks may be seen on the chart.

Selat Bangka—North Entrance

2.3 Ujung Batakarang (2°05'S., 104°53'E.), on the W
side of the N entrance to Selat Bangka, is the general name of
the rounded part of this section of the Sumatera coast. It is
made prominent by the trees on it; they are high right down to
the sea and give it a jagged appearance.
The mud bank which extends from the coast is continually

extending, generally narrowing the passage between the point

and Karang Ular; the depths are regular and the coast can be Tanjung Kelain Light
approached to within depths of 10m. It was reported that the
coast has extended nearly 1 mile E of its charted position. A ferry pier, 117m long, with a depth of 7m at its head, ex-

Tanjung Ular (1°58'S., 105°07'E.), a rocky point, 48m high,

2.3 tends SE from a position on shore 0.1 mile E of the lighthouse.

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 31

The pier is privately maintained and is not for public use. low and fronted by a coastal bank with depths of less than 2m
which is narrow off Tanjung Tadah and widens to 4 miles off
2.4 Muntok (2°04'S., 105°10'E.) (World Port Index No. the river’s mouth.
50140) stands at the mouth of the Sungai Muntok, 2 miles ENE The W bank of the Sungai Jering is low and covered with

of Tanjung Kelian. Muntok is a commercial port open to inter- mangroves; the E bank is high and fringed with rocks. Tanjun-
national trade. The port is currently closed for commercial op- gniur is situated on its E bank.
erations (April 2023). A flagstaff is situated 0.25 mile NNE of Tanjung Resang is situated 2.8 miles SSE of Tanjungniur.

the river’s mouth. A prominent tower is located 0.4 mile NE of

the river’s mouth; a radio mast is located 0.5 mile NW of the 2.5 Tanjung Raya (2°08'S., 105°40'E.), a high rocky
town. point, is located 4.5 miles E of Tanjung Resang; the interven-
A dredged channel with a depth of 1.5m leads across the
2.4 ing coast is high. Pulau Bembang (Simonbong), 1.5 miles W of
shore bank, between two breakwaters, to a small basin off the Tanjung Raya, is a rocky islet, 52m high, lying on the coastal
town. reef which extends 0.8 mile offshore here. It does not show
plainly against the land behind.
From a position 3 miles E of Tanjung Raya to the mouth of

the Sungai Sembulan, 16 miles SSE, the coast is mostly

marshy and covered with mangroves, then 2 miles SSW to Tan-
jung Batu, the shore is sandy.
A group of rocky islets lies on the drying coastal bank ex-

tending 2.8 miles offshore, midway between Tanjung Raya and

Tanjung Batu. Pulau Medang, 42m high, is the highest islet and
can be seen for a considerable distance. Pulau Terumbu lies at
the seaward edge of the bank with three drying rocks close W
of it.
Menumbing (2°01'S., 105°11'E.), 445m high, 5 miles NE of

Tanjung Kelian, is the highest peak of the range of hills and is a

useful landmark. The slopes of the hills are covered with im-
posing masses of granite, with vegetation between. Radio
masts are situated on its summit.
Gunung Belo, 236m high; Gunung Panjang, 233m high;, and

Bukit Batu, 216m high, lie 10 miles ENE, 11.8 miles ENE, and
16.5 miles NE, respectively, of Tanjung Kelian.
Muntok Other landmarks along this coast are Bukit Asam, 201m

high, located 10.5 miles N of Tanjung Tadah; Gunung Pandan,

2.4Pilotage.—No pilots are reported to be available at the port 173m high, located 4 miles NNW of Tanjung Raya; and the
of Muntok. Maras Range, the highest range on Pulau Bangka, with three
2.4Anchorage.—Anchorage for large vessels, having good peaks which rise to a height of 699m, 19 miles NE of Tanjung
holding ground, may be obtained, in depths of 10 to 22m, soft Raya. This range gives the appearance of a crown when seen
mud, from 1 to 1.8 miles offshore with the summit of from Selat Bangka.
Menumbing bearing 012° and Tanjung Kelian bearing between Caution.—In addition to Karang Ular, previously described

282° and 293°. in paragraph 2.3, other dangers exist along this sector of Selat
2.4Vessels are cautioned not to anchor within an area of 0.5 Bangka. Numerous fishing stakes, not all of which are close in-
mile radius centered 2.3 miles SE of Muntok; this area being shore, and numerous wrecks, both stranded and dangerous, are
designated for the topping off of tankers from Palembang. best seen on the chart.
2.4The coast between Tanjung Kelian and Tanjung Punai, 11.5
miles ESE, is being washed away at an appreciable rate and is 2.6 Karang Haji (2°06'S., 105°06'E.), which has some
marked by trees standing in the water. black rocks on it, lies 1.3 miles SW of Tanjung Kelian.
2.4Tanjung Punai is low and rounded, but Tanjung Sukal and 2.6An isolated shoal patch, with a least depth of 3m, lies 1.3
Tanjung Seribu, 2.25 miles and 5 miles ENE of Tanjung Punai, miles W of Tanjung Kelian; a shoal patch, with a least depth of
respectively, are high, rocky points. 4.5m, lies 1.3 miles S of the same point.
2.4Tanjung Sukal is easily identified by its two prominent conical 2.6Dangerous wrecks lie 2 miles S and 2.5 miles SSW of Ka-
hills, the highest of which is 71m. Karang Seribu, a reef with sev- rang Haji.
eral above water rocks, lies 0.8 miles S of Tanjung Seribu. 2.6Selat Kelian, a deep pass with a least width of 0.5 mile, lies
2.4Caution.—A dangerous wreck exist near (2°06'21.21''S., between the above dangers and Tanjung Kelian.
105°00'13.1''E.) as seen on the chart. 2.6Gosong Muntok (2°09'S., 105°12'E.), an extensive bank,
2.4Tanjung Tada (Tanjung Tadah)(2°08'S., 105°26'E.), 3 miles E lies in a NW to SE direction. It has a least depth of 3m, located
of Tanjung Seribu, has a hill on it 57m high and is prominent from 6.5 miles W of Tanjung Punei.
S. Gosong Amelia (2°13'S., 105°15'E.), with a least depth of
2.4Between Tanjung Tadah and the W entrance point of the 4.5m located 5 miles SSW of Tanjung Punei, lies on the SE
Sungai Jering (Sungai Mancong), 8 miles ENE, the coast is part of an extensive bank that extends NW and encompasses

Pub. 163
32 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

Gosong Muntok. Gosong Amelia and Gosong Muntok are jung Carat and Tanjung Gedeh, 3 miles SSE.
composed of hard sand; passage between them should not be 2.8Tanjung Carat is located 8.5 miles SSE of Tanjung Kampeh.
undertaken. The river trends in a SSW direction and is navigable by ocean-
Karang Haji, Gosong Muntok, and Gosong Amelia lie be-
2.6 going vessels to 6 miles above Palembang (2°59'S.,
tween the main fairway and a channel, with depths of 18 to 104°46'E.), situated 54 miles up river.
57m, which extends from a position 3 miles SW of Tanjung 2.8It was reported that there was a least depth of 7.5m over the
Punei to 1 mile WNW of Tanjung Kelian and includes Selat outer bar off the mouth of the river.
Lalang. 2.8Pulau Payung, a short way within the entrance, divides the
The passage between these banks and the Bangka coast is
2.6 river into two navigable channels. A drying sand bank lies near
safe and is used by vessels proceeding to and from Teluk the center of the W channel.
Muntok, which lies off the town of Muntok. 2.8Restricted area.—The Sungai Palembang (Air Musi) has
Karang Brombrom (2°13'S., 105°20'E.), a shoal which
2.6 been declared a restricted area by the Indonesian government.
dries in places, is about 3.5 miles in length in an E-W direction. Ships must call at Tanjunguban, Tanjungpinang, or Pontianak
The W end of the shoal is located about 4 miles SSE of Tan- before entering and on leaving this area.
jung Punai. A light has been established on the S side of the 2.8Tide gauges are situated in the approach and within the en-
reef. trance of the Sungai Palembang (Air Musi). Odd-numbered
There is a channel, with depths of from 11 to 24m, between
2.6 gauges are situated on the W side of the channel and even num-
the N side of the shoal and the coastal bank which extends bered on the E side. The gauges are graduated in decimeters,
along the Bangka shore. This channel is frequently used by the lower edge of a number indicating the depth. A correction
low-powered vessels proceeding W during the Northwest must be applied to the reading of each gauge to obtain the least
Monsoon. depth in the relevant part of the channel.
An isolated 8.5m patch lies in mid-channel 7.5 miles S of
2.6 2.8No. 2 tide gauge (for vessels entering) is situated 0.5 mile S
Tanjung Tadah. of Tanjung Gedeh. A correction of 13.75 decimeters is to be
Sungai Banyuasin (Air Banyuasin), a broad river with its
2.6 added to the readings to give least depth in the channel E of Pu-
many tributaries, flows into Selat Bangka between Tanjung lau Payung.
Kempeh and Tanjung Apiapi, about 6.8 miles SSW. A survey 2.8No. 3 tide gauge (for vessels entering) is attached to the lead-
beacon stands in shallow water 1.5 mile NE of Tangung Kem- ing range light structure situated about 2.75 miles N of Tanjung
peh and a light is shown from 0.9 mile S of the beacon. The Carat. A correction of 4.5 decimeters is to be added to the read-
greater part of the Sungai Banyuasin (Air Banyuasin) estuary is ings to give least depth on the outer bar.
occupied by shoals, leaving a narrow channel along the SE side 2.8No. 4 tide gauge (for vessels leaving) is situated 0.8 mile SE
past Tangung Apiapi. of the S end of Pulau Payung. A correction of 3 decimeters is
Caution.—Attention is drawn to a dangerous mine area in
2.6 to be subtracted from the readings to give least depth in the
Sungi Banyuasin. See Pub. 120, Sailing Directions (Planning channel W of Pulau Payung.
Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia for details. Numer- 2.8No. 7 tide gauge is situated 0.25 mile SW of the S end of Pu-
ous wrecks, best seen on the chart, lie in the waters adjacent to lau Payung.
Karang Brombrom. 2.8Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in the Sungai Palembang
(Air Musi) are of a mixed character, sometimes semi-diurnal
2.7 At Tanjung Serah (2°23'S., 104°44'E.), 8.3 miles SW but frequently diurnal; there is, however, insufficient informa-
of Tanjung Api Api, the river divides into two branches. The N tion available to give an accurate description.
branch is Air Lalang; the Banjuasin continues S for 30 miles 2.8The average rate of the ebb current is 2 knots and of the
where the two tributaries flow into it, dividing Air Liman to flood current from 1 to 1.5 knots; slack water is of short dura-
SW and Air Senda to WNW. The Senda leads into Air Teluk- tion.
tengguland (2°37'S., 104°17'E.) which becomes Air Dawas 2.8The flood current is frequently felt as far up as Palembang
(2°36'S., 104°11'E.). Air Tjalik, a branch from the Senda, joins and vessels lying off the city usually swing 30 minutes after
Air Lalang in position 2°23'S, 104°38'E. high or low water by the shore.
2.7Ramba (2°37'S., 104°08'E.), an oil terminal on the Dawas 2.8The surface of the water changes direction first, so that shal-
River provides facilities for the loading of crude oil. Vessels of low-draft vessels swing before those of deeper draft. If little
up to 10,000 dwt and 90m overall length can berth there in rain falls in the interior there are sometimes two tides a day, al-
brackish water. A depth of 6.0m was reported alongside the jet- though this is exceptional as the city lies too far from the
ty. mouth of the river.
2.7Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory but berthing and unberth- 2.8During the rainy season, from November to March, there is
ing operations are limited to daylight hours only. sometimes no flood current at Palembang for days at a time.
2.7Air Lalang is navigable by vessels not exceeding 5.5m draft, Several years ago, a vessel did not swing to the flood current
with local knowledge up to the first 100 miles of its 130 mile during a visit of 3 days.
length. There are several oil wells along the course of this river, 2.8Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory, with few exceptions; riv-
connected by pipeline to Palembang. er pilots maintain a 24 hour service. At Palembang, it is com-
pulsory to take a harbor pilot.
2.8 The Sungai Palembang (Air Musi) (2°18'S., 2.8Vessels bound for the Sungai Palembang (Air Musi) should
104°55'E.) flows into Selat Bangka at its junction with Sungi inform the Harbormaster at Palembang by radio 24 hours in ad-
Banyuasin Air Banyuasin. The river is entered between Tan- vance giving the draft of the vessel and ETA at the outer bar.

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 33

2.8Ships awaiting the pilot may anchor, in a depth of about Palembang (2°59'S., 104°46'E.)
16.4m, about 4 miles NE of the prohibited anchorage.
2.8A pilot and customs station, equipped with radio, is situated World Port Index No. 50330
at Tanjung Bujut, on the W side of the river 2 miles S of Tan-
2.9 The city of Palembang, which is the local administra-
jung Carat.
tive center, is built along both banks of the Sungai Palembang
A pier, 45m long with a least depth alongside of 4.6m, is sit-
(Air Musi) about 54 miles above the river’s mouth. There are

uated abreast the pilot station. Pilots are usually embarked and berths at Sungaigerong, Plaju, Bagus Kuning, and Kertapati on
disembarked in the vicinity of the outer lighted buoy.
the S side of the river; the other principal piers are on the N side
2.8Communications may be established by radio, using VHF of the river where the Harbormaster, Customhouse, and Pilot’s
channel 12 for the pilot and VHF channel 14 for the harbor- Office are situated. Container facilities are available at Palem-
bang. With the exception of Belawan, this is the most important
2.8During the long dry season, which occurs every few years, port on the E side of Sumatera. Vessels up to 18,000 dwt can
visibility is reduced to 25m by fog. Throughout this period, pi- make the journey up the river from sea.
lotage is conducted one day for outbound vessels and inbound
on the following day, alternately. This period is reported to end
with the return of the rainy season. Indonesia Port Corporation II (Branch Palembang)
2.8Regulations.—Regulations require inbound vessels to use
the channel E of Pulau Payung. They may use the channel W of http://www.palembangport.com/english/index.html
the island if their draft exceeds 3.4m, provided permission has
first been obtained from the Harbormaster at Palembang. 2.9Tides—Currents.—The tides are usually diurnal. Average
2.8Outbound vessels must use the channel W of Pulau Payang, heights at mean high water are 2.1m and about 2.7m at high
passing W of the sand bank. water springs near the solstices. Maximum tidal height at
2.8It was reported recently that the channel E of Pulau Pajung, Palembang is 4 hours later than high water at the outer entrance
formerly used by inbound vessels, was closed to navigation of the Sungai Musi. The maximum velocity of the combined
and that both inbound vessels and outbound vessels should use tidal and non-tidal currents is 2 to 3 knots.
the channel W of the island. 2.9Depths—Limitations.—There are berths on each side of the
river in the areas previously discussed. The maximum size of
Time Meaning
vessel that can be accommodated is 185m in length, with a
2 hours to 1 hour before Inbound vessels have pri- maximum draft of 7.3m.
HW ority 2.9Aspect.—On the S side of the river, downstream from the
Outbound vessels wait mouth of the Air Komering, there are several prominent land-
2 hours to 45 minutes marks.
between Tanjung Gedeh
before HW There is the post office, a square five-story building about
and Tanjung Carat 2.9

0.8 mile ENE of the E point of Air Komering. About 0.2 mile
Outbound vessels anchor ESE of the post office is the porch of the swimming pool, very
abreast the numbered prominent and illuminated at night. Three metal chimneys,
At other times anchor berths indicated 52m high, stand on the E entrance point of Air Komering.
by notice boards, 2.5 About 0.2 mile farther E, there is a group of 12 metal chimneys
miles S of Pulau Payang of the same height.
2.9On the N bank, opposite Sungaigeroung, are the buildings of
2.8Anchorage.—Anchorage is prohibited in an area, with a radius the ferry landing, which are blue in color
of 0.25 miles, about 6 miles bearing 018° from Tanjung Carat.
2.8Directions.—Directions from Selat Bangka are to steer a
SSW direction from the N entrance, then a S direction accord-
ing to courses established by the ranges; these courses lead
across the outer bar.
2.8Due to the possible existence of mines, vessels should keep
to the range lines, taking care not to be W of the inner range N
of 2°17.2'S, 0.4 mile NE of Tanjung Carat. See Pub. 120, Sail-
ing Directions (Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast
Asia for details.
2.8Caution.—There are numerous stranded and dangerous
wrecks in the approach to the port. Several of the wrecks are
situated very close to each side of the 212.5° range line and W
of the 005.5° range line. Most of the wrecks are unmarked;
however, their positions, a number which are approximate,
may be seen on the chart. The remaining wrecks are marked by
lighted buoys but are reported to be unreliable. The N wreck is
marked close NW by a buoy. The Ampera Bridge over the Sungai Palembang (Air Musi)

Pub. 163
34 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

2.9The two commercial parts of the town are connected by the Tapa. The entire coast from Tanjung Selokan to Tanjung Koy-
Ampera Bridge, a road bridge with a central lifting section of an, 19 miles SSE of Tanjung Tapa, is low and covered with
71.9m in length. The vertical clearance above normal water mangroves, except for the trees on the various points.
level when the section closed is 9m over a width of 60m. When Tanjung Koyan has trees on it 30m high. There is a bay

raised, the section offers a maximum clearance height of 44.5m formed between Tanjung Tapa and Tanjung Koyan which
above normal water level. should not be approached within the 20m line.
2.9Pilotage.—It is compulsory to take a harbor pilot at Palem- Tanjung Tedong (Tanjung Batu) (2°22'S., 105°48'E.), on
bang. Pilots require 12 hours prior arrival notice and 6 hours the Bangka coast, has a prominent hill on it 72m high.
prior departure notice. Between Tanjung Tedong and Tanjung Berdaun, 14.5 miles

2.9The pilot can be contacted at Palembang Coastal Radio Sta- SSE, there is a shallow bay which is of no importance to ship-
tion on VHF channels 12, 14, and 16. ping. The Sungai Selan flows into the N part of the bay, 6 miles
2.9Anchorage.—Vessels anchor between Kundur, 1.8 miles SE of Tanjung Tedong. Kampung Sungaiselan is a town lying
downstream from Air Komering, and Plaju while awaiting about 10 miles up river and is important as the headquarters of
berths at Plaju, Sungaigerong, Palembang, or Kertapati. Fre- a tin-mining district.
quently, as many as six vessels may be at this anchorage where Vessels usually anchor, in a depth of 12m, clay, W of the S

they may have to spend several days waiting for a favorable point of Pulau Nangka-besar and 6 miles W of the mouth of the
tide before proceeding down river. In this anchorage the depth Sungai Selan. Cargo and passengers are conveyed to the village
is 6 to 10m, mud and sand, good holding ground. by small craft but in the Southeast Monsoon communication in
2.9If the anchorage is congested, large vessels may lack swing- such small craft is usually dangerous. A 4.8m patch lies 1.3
ing room. Violent squalls are common occurrences during the miles WSW of Tanjung Bedawu.
late afternoon and vessels are liable to drag their anchors at
these times. Smaller vessels may anchor anywhere in the chan- 2.12 Tanjung Bedawu (2°35'S. 105°53'E.), high and
nel except in the prohibited anchorages. thickly wooded, has a conspicuous white rock 14m high close
2.9Caution.—Submarine pipelines and cables cross the Sungai off it.
Palembang (Air Musi), 1.5 miles below, and 2.5 miles above Pegunungan Permisan, 491m high, is the highest peak of a

the mouth of Air Komering and in the vicinity of the lift bridge range of hills, located 3 miles E of Tanjung Bedaun.
at Palembang. Their landing places are marked by notice Tanjung Berani and Tanjung Parici, 3 miles and 4.8 miles S

boards and anchorage is prohibited in their vicinity. of Tanjung Bedawu, respectively, are both high and thickly
wooded; there is a sandy beach between these two points.
2.10 The coast of Sumatera between Tanjung Gedeh and Limaha, 158m high, is a conical hill located 1 mile ESE of Tan-

Tanjung Limaubungkuk (2°20'S., 105°13'E.), 18 miles E, is jung Berani; a range of hills extends E from it. Tanjung Mentigi is
fronted by a bank of hard sand covered by a thin layer of mud, located 9 miles SSE of Tanjung Bedaun. Riting, a sharp pointed
with depths of less than 5m. This bank extends 8 miles offshore hill, 101m high, lies 3 miles E of Tanjung Mentigi.
near Tanjung Gedeh. Tanjung Lelari (Tanjung Lalari) (2°49'S., 105°57'E.), a

Near Tanjung Gedeh the depths over the bank decrease grad-
2.10 sharp, steep point, 23m high, with a conspicuous white beach,
ually toward shore but the E part is steep-to and soundings of is located 5 miles SSE of Tanjung Mentigi. The intervening
13m can be obtained close to its outer edge. coast is sand. Bukit Balar, 78m high, an isolated rounded hill 6
Air Upang and Air Saleh flow into Selat Bangka, 7.8 miles
2.10 miles ENE of Tanjung Lelari, is prominent. A light is shown
and 11.5 miles, respectively, ESE of Tanjung Gedeh. from a red metal framework tower, 12m high.
Tanjung Selokan (2°23'S., 105°37'E.), 24 miles E of Tan-
jung Limaubungkuk, is somewhat higher than the coast to the Selat Bangka—Middle Part—Islets and Dangers
W. The coast between these two points is covered with moder-
ately-high trees. 2.13 Kepulauan Nangka (2°24'S., 105°47'E.) are three
Several small rivers discharge into Selat Bangka on this
hilly islets lying on a coastal bank which extends 4 miles SW
stretch of coast. The principal one, the Sungai Buluranriding, of Tanjung Batu.
(Sungai Sugihan) discharges close W of Tanjung Selokan. A Pulau Nangka-besar, the largest of the group, lies with its N

wreck lies approximately 2.5 miles NNW of Tanjung Selokan. extremity 2 miles SSW of Tanjung Batu. Its summit, 87m high,
A shoal patch, with a depth of 5.7m, is located 4 miles NE of
can be seen for a considerable distance.
Tanjung Limaubungkuk. Depths of 8.2m extend 1.3 miles SE A sand bank which dries extends 2 miles SE from Pulau

and WNW, respectively, from its shallowest part. Nangka-besar and a reef which also dries and has some above-
water rocks on it, extends up to 0.4 mile from the N and E sides
Selat Bangka—Middle Part of the islet. Several dangerous rocks lie off its W side.
2.11 Tanjung Tapa (2°41'S., 105°47'E.), on the E coast of Pulau Pegadung, 29m high, 1.5 miles WNW of Pulau Nang-

Sumatera, 20 miles SSE of Tanjung Selokan, has trees on it. ka-besar, consists of two islets connected by a ridge of sand
The bay between Tanjung Selokan and Tanjung Tapa is entirely which only covers at exceptionally high water. It is fringed by a
occupied by a soft, fairly steep-to mud bank. A shoal patch, drying reef which extends 0.3 mile N and SE from the islets. A
with a least depth of 11.9m, is located 2.5 miles ENE of Tan- rock 11m high, lies 0.5 mile SE of Pulau Pegadung.
jung Tapa. A lighted beacon has been established 0.5 mile NE
of Tanjung Tapa. 2.14 Pulau Pelepasan (2°23'S., 105°45'E.), 42m high, lies
A dangerous wreck lies about 8.5 miles NNW of Tanjung
2.11 0.5 mile WNW of Pulau Pegadung (Pulau Gadung). It is steep,

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 35

rocky and difficult to approach. A light, shown from a white es. Large, white above-water rocks which lie on this bank give
metal tower, 35m high, is situated on the island. The light is the appearance of houses when seen from the W.
obscured beyond Pulau-Pulau Nangka (approx. 288°-305°). Tanjung Labu (2°58'S., 106°20'E.) is the W extremity of a

A reef which dries lies about 0.2 mile W of Pulau Pelepasan.

2.14 rocky hilly area that extends 3.5 miles E to Tanjung Gosong. A
A wreck, with a least depth of 4.8m, is situated 1.3 miles far- hill, 70m high, rises 1.3 miles E of Tanjung Labu. The Sungai
ther WNW. Gosong flows out close E of Tanjung Gosong.
An isolated shoal patch, with a depth of 5m, is located 1.8
2.14 Punal (Pulau Mempunzi), 15m high, lies 1.5 miles ESE of

miles SSE of Pulau Pelepasan; other shoal patches lie between Tanjung Labu 0.5 mile offshore. Rocks awash, lie 0.25 mile off
the patch and the island. the seaward side of the islet and between it and the coast.
Pulau Pemain, an islet consisting of two dark masses of rock
2.14 The coast between Tanjung Gosong and Tanjung Ketapang,

difficult to identify from the NW, lies inside the 5.5m line, 2 4 miles SE, is marshy and uniformly covered with vegetation.
miles NNW of Tanjung Bedawu. There are numerous prominent white above-water rocks locat-
Karang Tembaga (2°41'S., 105°51'E.), a reef with three
2.14 ed 1 mile NNW of Tanjung Ketapang on a drying bank which
drying rocks on it, lies 3 miles SSW of Tanjung Berani. A extends 0.8 mile from the coast.
shoal of sand, stones, and coral, which has a least depth of Gadung, 180m high, is a prominent hill, conical in shape, lo-

0.3m, extends 2.8 miles WNW of Karang Tembaga. The NW cated 3.5 miles NE of Tanjung Ketapang.
extremity of the shoal is marked by a lighted buoy. A steep-to Gunung Toboali, a hill 1.5 miles SE of Gadung, has a double

bank of hard substance, with a least depth of 0.3m, extends 3.3 peak and is very steep on its W side. Gunung Muntzi, 1 mile E
miles SSE of Karang Tembaga. of Toboali, also has a double peak. The higher peak which is
292m high slopes gradually on its SE side. A radio mast is situ-
Selat Bangka—South Entrance ated on Muntai.

2.15 The Pulau Bangka coast trends 12.5 miles ESE from 2.16 Toboali (3°01'S., 106°27'E.) (World Port Index No.
Tanjung Lelari to a position abreast Pulau Besar. 50120), the capital of a mining district, is situated on a hillock,
This section is marshy and the foreshore is nearly 1 mile
2.15 12m high, close E of Tanjung Ketapang. A fort stands on the
wide in places. Radar navigation in this area is reported to be SE side of the mouth of a small stream which flows out here;
difficult due to the lack of good radar targets. the red roof of the barracks, W of the flagstaff, is visible for a
Pulau Besar (2°53'S., 106°08'E.), a small islet, 19m high
2.15 considerable distance.
and surrounded by rocks, lies close offshore on the drying A pier, 320m long, with a depth of 1.5m alongside its head,

coastal bank. This bank extends 0.25 mile S from the coast. is used for working lighters and praus.
A light shown from a octagonal metal framework tower, 61m

high, with a white cupola. The light is partially obscured be-

yond Tanjung Lelari (approx. 107°-165°).

Pulau Besau Light Tin Pier, Tobali

A useful mark in the vicinity is Pandjang is a summit 96m

2.15 Anchorage may be taken, in a depth of 7m, mud, with Ga-

high, located 3 miles ENE of Pulau Besar. dung in range with the fort, bearing 039°. From this position,
Pulau Batubedaun is a small rocky islet 9m high which lies
2.15 the depths decrease regularly toward the shore.
on the edge of a drying bank 5 miles ESE of Pulau Besar. At times a heavy swell, with S and SW winds, makes landing

There are numerous rocks between it and the shore. troublesome.

Tanjung Limau is located 1 mile E of Pulau Batubedaun. Be-
2.15 The transport of cargo between the shore and anchorage is

tween Tanjung Limau and Tanjung Labu, 7 miles SE, the coast is carried out by praus and lighters; it is advisable to give notice
low and fringed by a bank which dries 1.5 miles offshore in plac- of the vessel’s arrival.

Pub. 163
36 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

Tanjung Saranglayang (3°05'S., 106°29'E.), 5 miles SSE of

2.16 sage. A lighted buoy is moored near the NW end of the bank. A
Toboali, is easily identified as it has a rounded hill, 53m high. detached shoal, with a least depth of 10.9m, lies SE of Nemesis
The coast between Toboali and the point is marshy and covered Bank and 8.3 miles SE of Tanjung Lelari.
with mangroves, except for a sandy beach at Toboali. Merapi Shoal, hard sand with a least depth of 5.5m, lies 3.5

Tanjung Langgan (Tanjung Paku), 2.3 miles SE of Tanjung

2.16 miles SE of Tanjung Jati. The shoal which is extending W toward
Saranglayang, is fringed by several high rocks which from 7 to Sumatera, narrows Lucipara Passage to a width of 2 miles.
10 miles have the appearance of a large town on the coast. Hindostan Bank, with a least depth of 1.3m near its N end,

Gunung Lama is a prominent, pyramidal shaped hill 156m extends about 4 miles SSE from a position about 6 miles SSE
high, 1.3 miles NNE of Tanjung Langgan. of Tanjung Jati. There are several ridges of hard sand and
Pulau Dapur (3°08'S., 106°31'E.), two small islets rising from
2.16 stone, with shallow water over them, lying E of Hindostan
a steep-to bank with depths less than 5m, lies about 1 mile S of Bank and parallel with Lucipara Passage. The passages be-
Tanjung Paku, the S extremity of the island. A light, from which a tween these ridges are unsafe for navigation.
RACON transmits, is shown from a white iron framework struc- Pulau Maspari (Lucipara) (3°13'S., 106°13'E.), a thickly

ture 14m high on the S islet. The channel between the islets and wooded islet 41m high, lies 8 miles E of Tanjung Kait. It is vis-
the Pulau Bangka mainland is obstructed. ible in fine weather from distances up to 15 miles and is report-
ed to give good radar return up to a distance of 11 miles. A
2.17 Tanjung Koyan (2°57'S., 105°58'E.) is located on the light is shown on the E side of the islet. The islet rises from a
Sumatera coast and is characterized by a steep-to mud bank, fringing reef that dries 1.2m.
which fronts this coast for a distance of about 11 miles SSE. Shoal ground with depths of less than 5m extends 2.8 miles

Tanjung Koyan and Tanjung Jati, 6 miles SE, should not be ap- SSE and 1.5 miles NNW from the island. A drying reef lies 1.5
proached in depths of less than 22m. miles SE of the islet and a detached shoal with a least depth of
From a position 5 miles S of Tanjung Jati to Tanjung Kait, 8
2.17 5m lies about 1.3 miles farther SE.
miles farther S, the mud bank, with depths of less than 5m extends Stanton Passage, the E and principal entrance to Selat Bang-

1 to 2 miles from shore. The bank is extending but soundings here ka from the S, has a least depth of 8.5m. The passage is marked
give due warning when a vessel is near the mud bank. by navigational aids and is considered to present no particular
Selat Bangka is entered from the S between Tanjung Kait
2.17 problem.
(Lucipera Point) (3°14'S., 106°05'E.) and Pulau Dapur, 26.5 The SW side of Stanton Passage is bound by Nemesis Bank,

miles ENE. The entrance is divided into a W channel, Lucipara Smiths Bank, and Gosaong Melvill.
(Maspari) Passage, and an E channel, Stanton Passage, by Pu- Smiths Bank, with a least depth of 0.4m, lies parallel to Stan-

lau Lucipara (Maspari) and the various banks lying N of that ton Passage and is formed in part by the hard sand ridges previ-
islet. The two passages unite about 30 miles within the en- ously described above with Hindostan Bank.
trance abreast Tanjung Koyan on the Sumatera side and Tan- Gosong Melvill could be regarded as the SE part of the sand

jung Lelari on the Bangka side. banks that form Smiths Bank. Gosong Melvill, with a least
depth of 0.9m, is 6.5 miles SW of Tanjung Labu and is marked
by a light.
The NE side of Stanton Passage is bound by the coast of Pu-

lau Bangka and Eastern Bank.

Eastern Bank, with a least charted depth of 1.8m, lies paral-

lel to Stanton Passage. Its shallowest part is located 3 miles

SSW of Tanjung Labu. A light has been established on the
bank 2.8 miles SSW of Tanjung Labu.
In the S entrance of Stanton Passage, there are two patches,

each with a depth of 9.1m, located 7 miles S and 8.5 miles SW

from the light on Pulau Dapur.
There are charted dangerous wrecks as well as an obstruction

lying 5 miles SE of Gosong Melvill. There are also dangerous

wrecks and an obstruction charted S of Pulau Dapur in the S
approach to the passage.
Pulau Lucipara (Maspari) Anchorage can be obtained anywhere in Stanton Passage,

but vessels should always have a second anchor ready as heavy

Lucipara Passage has a least depth of 7m in the fairway and
squalls may arise suddenly. Squalls are especially common in
is available for vessels of moderate draft but is not recommend- the transition months between the Northwest Monsoon and
ed. The W side of the channel is bound by the mud flat which Southeast Monsoon.
extends from the Sumatera shore; on the E side of the channel, Directions.—The mariner must bear in mind that the charts,

from N to S are Nemesis Bank, Merapi Shoal, Hindostan Bank, as far as the Sumatera coastline is concerned, may not accu-
and Pulau Lucipara. rately represent the contour off this coast. The mud banks are
continually changing, as are the shapes of the banks and the
2.18 Nemesis Bank (2°53'S., 105°59'E.), with a least depths over the banks which lie in Selat Bangka. Vessels
depth of 2.7m, 4 miles SSE of Tanjung Lelari, forms the N side should determine their position mainly by landmarks on the
of Lucipara Passage close S of its junction with Stanton Pas- Bangka side.

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 37

The tidal currents set strongly off the various points in the
2.18 2.18 Lucipara Passage is unmarked and is not recommended.
strait. None of these must be rounded closely.
During the rainy season, driftwood heavy enough to damage
Sumatera—East Coast—Tanjung Kait to Tan-
the bows of vessels is often met in the strait. jung Serdang
South through Selat Bangka.—A vessel which has passed

Kepulauan Tujuh, located 45 miles NNE of the N entrance to 2.19 The coast of Sumatera described in this sector trends
Selat Bangka, can easily fix the position in clear weather by S from Tanjung Kait, 75 miles, to Tanjung Serdang (4°27'S.,
bearings on Menumbing, the light on Tanjung Ular, and other 105°54'E.).
prominent landmarks on the N and NW coasts of Pulau Bang- The 10m curve lies as much as 24 miles offshore in places. A

ka. bank of drying soft mud, 0.5 miles wide in places, extends
Ordinarily the strait is entered by passing E of Karang Ular. In
2.18 nearly the entire length of this coast except off the outlets of
thick weather, however, frequently no land can be seen until the the rivers, and at other places marked by sandy beaches. Out-
vessel is close off the entrance to the strait. In such cases, and for side the mud bank the depths increase gradually, at times irreg-
vessels without radar, it is advisable to make for the Sumatera ularly, seaward, and good anchorage can be taken almost
coast by sounding and follow the edge of the coastal bank, sound- everywhere. The bottom usually found in depths suitable for
ing continuously, in depths of 10 to 15m. Bearing in mind that the anchoring is clay with a layer of mud.
bank off Udjung Batakarang is extending E. The wrecks charted Steep-to shoals of small extent, lie in various places as far as

NW and SSW of Karang Ular must be avoided. 16 miles from the coast. Off Tanjung Lumut, about 38 miles S of
A vessel which has passed E of Karang Ular can steer SSE tak-
2.18 Tanjung Kait, shoals are found up to 35 miles seaward. Sounding
ing care to avoid the 11m patch 5 miles SSE of these rocks. When gives little or no warning of approach to these shoals.
Menumbing is in line with the light structure on Tanjung Kelian, Several rivers discharge between Tanjung Kait and Tanjung

bearing 037°, a SE course should be steered, making due allow- Lumut (3°49'S., 105°57'E.); their mouths can generally be
ance for the tidal currents which set across the channel between identified from a considerable distance, owing to the higher
Ujung Batakarang and Tanjung Katimabongko. growth of trees there.
Care should be taken to avoid the dangerous wreck charted 4
2.18 The Sungai Lumpur flows out about 17 miles S of Tanjung

miles SW of Tanjung Kelian and the 11.9m depths charted Kait; it is of some local importance, in that small vessels can
SSW and S of the wreck. enter and proceed over it and its tributaries to Palembang. Nipa
When Menumbing (2°01'S., 105°11'E.) bears 000°, steer an
2.18 palms growing on the broad mud banks flanking the outlet are
E course to pass S of Gosong Amelia and NE of the light situ- a mark for the river.
ated N of Tanjung Selokan, bearing in mind the shoal patches The channel between the mud banks has a depth of 1.8m,

which lie 4 miles NE of Tanjung Katimabongko. When past the and leads to depths of 4.8 to 8.8m inside, where the river is
light steer to pass midway between Tanjung Selokan and Pulau about 0.1 mile wide.
Pelepasan. Then steer SSE to pass midway between the mud The bends inside the lower reach of the Sungai Lumpur are

bank off Tanjung Tapa and the buoy marking the shoals NW of slight, but some miles upstream they become short and sharp.
Karang Tembaga, taking into account the 12.2m patch 2.5 Anchorage can be taken 8 miles off the mouth of the river, in

miles ENE of Tanjung (Tapah) Tapa. a depth of 4.8m, with the mouth of the river bearing 305°.
From Tanjung Tapa, continue on a SSE heading until about
2.18 Caution.—Caution must be exercised as a mud bank, with a

4.3 miles W of Tanjung Lelari Light; then steer ESE and enter depth of 4.9m, lies on this bearing 14.5 miles from the river
Stanton Passage. Pass N of Nemesis Bank, taking care to clear mouth.
the 11.3m patch about 2 miles S of Tanjung Lelari. Maintain
this heading until the light on Pulau Besar is abeam, and keep 2.20 Two small rivers flow into the sea by the way of out-
this course passing between Eastern Bank and Gosong Melvill, lets lying 5 miles and 7 miles NE of the Sungai Lumpur. There
Taking care to clear the 10m patch about 2 miles S of Eastern are also other small rivers which flow into the sea between the
Bank. Sungai Lumpur and Tanjung Lumut.
When abeam Pulau Dapur, at the S entrance of Selat Bangka,
2.18 Teluk Berugu is a shallow bay immediately NW of Tanjung

set course as required, bearing in mind the wrecks and the 9.1m Lumut. The shore of the bay is alternately sandy beach and
patch, which lie about 7 miles S of Pulau Dapur. swamp; boats can land on the sandy portions. Kuala Sondan, a
North through Selat Bangka.—When approaching the en-
2.18 creek in the S part of the bay, dries.
trance to Selat Bangka from S, vessels will find it difficult to The coast trends about 21 miles SSW from Tanjung Lumut

identify any of the landmarks shown on the chart except the to Tanjung Pasir; this section of the coast is low.
summits of Gunung Muntzi, Gadang, and Gunung Namak, lo- Air Mesuji (4°10'S., 105°49'E.) flows into the sea close S of

cated close NNE of Tanjung Paku. Tanjung Pasir. Tanjung Tawar, 1.8 miles S of Tanjung Pasir,
As soon as Gunung Namak is identified, it may be steered
2.18 forms the S entrance point of the river.
for on a NNE course, keeping clear of the dangers 7 miles S of The least depth on the bar at the mouth of Air Mesuji is 1.5m

Pulau Dapur, which have been previously discussed in para- soft mud. Within the entrance the depths vary from 9 to 11.9m
graph 2.16. Gunung Namak has been identified at a distance of and vessels with a length of 45m and a draft of 2.4m can easily
30 miles. reach a point 80 miles above the mouth, where the flood cur-
When 4 miles SSE of the light on Pulau Dapur, steer a WNW
2.18 rent is still noticeable.
course for Stanton Passage and proceed following the direc- Passage up the Air Mesuji should not be undertaken without

tions given above, in reverse. local knowledge.

Pub. 163
38 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 7m, 5

2.20 Intan Oil Field (4°34'S., 106°39'E.) lies 32 miles SE of Four

miles SE of the mouth of Air Mesuji, which will then be seen Fathom Banks, and Widuri Terminal is situated 6 miles S of In-
entirely open. The anchorage can be approached with the tan. A submarine pipeline is connected between the two oil
mouth of the river bearing 293°, until in a depth of 9m, then fields. Numerous wrecks and obstructions lie within the range
steer W to a position about 5 miles SE of the entrance. of 20 miles from the terminals.
Widuri Marine Terminal (4°41'S., 106°39'E.) consists of

2.21 Tanjung Bubuayang (4°23'S., 105°51'E.), the N en- two SBMs and Maxus Widuri, a storage tanker for the loading
trance point of Wai Tulangbawang, is located 13 miles SSE of of crude oil. The terminal is approached from the SE by an un-
Tanjung Tawar. Tanjung Tmak, 2.5 miles farther S, is the S en- marked channel, that leads to an anchorage area, in a depth of
trance point of the river. about 20m, situated 2 miles SE of the storage tanker.
From Tanjung Tmak the coast trends about 3 miles SE to
2.21 Vessels between 20,000 and 175,000 dwt displacement may

Tanjung Serdang. A drying mud flat lies about 1 mile off the use No.1 SBM, moored NE of the storage tanker and No. 2
coast. SBM, to the SW. The terminal operates 24 hours; the vessel’s
The Wai Tulangbawang, one of the largest rivers in the S part
2.21 ETA should be sent 72 hours, 48 hours, 24 hours, 12 hours, and
of Sumatera, has a bar across its mouth, with a depth of 1.2m; 4 hours in advance or any time a change of 1 hour in the origi-
the rise of the tide is usually less than 1.5m. nal ETA occurs. Berthing is limited to daylight hours only, and
Just within the entrance the depths are 11m and the width is
2.21 is subject to weather conditions and storage containment. Un-
less than 0.2 miles. The depths gradually decrease to 3.5m and berthing can be done at any time. The mooring master boards
the width to about 46m in a position about 60 miles upstream. in the anchorage area.
The approach to the river is marked by two beacons. One lies
2.21 A submarine pipeline leads 35 miles SSW to Zelda Oil

3 miles NE of Tanjung Tmak, and another stands on the inside Field (5°11'S., 106°23'E.). From Zelda, the pipeline leads 17
of the bar 0.9 miles NE of Tanjung Tmak. miles SSW to Cinta Terminal.
Anchorage may be obtained off the mouth of Wai Tulang-

bawang, N of the banks which extend from the coast NE of Bangka—Northwest and North Coasts
Tanjung Serdang. The anchorage should be approached from
the E on the parallel of latitude 4°15'S. 2.23 The coast of Bangka trends about 38 miles NE from
Vessels coming from the S should stay in depths of not less
2.21 Tanjung Ular to Tanjung Melala and then 19 miles E to Tan-
than 16m until this parallel is reached. When Tanjung Serdang jung Samak, the NE extremity of Bangka.
bears 225° care must be taken to be in no less than 13m. In this Two large bays, Teluk Kampa (Teluk Bulu) and Teluk Klabat,

position portions of the land will become visible. indent this section. Teluk Kampa is entered E of Tanjung Biat,
The high trees between the mouths of Wai Tulangbawang and
2.21 and Teluk Klabat is entered close E of Tanjung Melala.
Air Mesugi are the first landmarks to be sighted. The S end of Tanjung Biat (1°56'S., 105°09'E.) is located 2.8 miles NE of

these trees and the trees on Tanjung Pasir are good landmarks. Tanjung Ular. The coast for 7 miles E of Tanjung Biat is rocky,
When Tanjung Bubuayang bears 202°, and the depths decrease to then as far as Tanjung Genting is mainly sandy. It is muddy at
9m, course should be altered to 180° and anchorage taken when the mouths of the Sungai Bulu and the Sungai Kampa, 5 and 6
the same point bears 225°, in depths of 6 to 7m. miles, respectively, SE of Tanjung Genting.
Vessels capable of proceeding over the bar across the entrance
2.21 The coast is fringed by a coastal bank which dries, extending

to the river should not proceed without local knowledge. as much as 1 mile offshore in places, and having numerous
rocks on it.
2.22 Off-lying banks.—Beting Menjangan Bank Karang Sebidunguma (1°56'S., 105°08'E.), 2 miles N of

(3°47'S., 106°12'E.), 15 miles ENE of Tanjung Lumut, with a Tanjung Ular, is a steep-to reef with some rocks awash on it.
least depth of 5.5m, is the SE extremity of the bank which ex- The reef is not marked by discoloration, and soundings give no
tends from the coast N of that point. It has a hard bottom of warning of approaching it. A shoal with a depth of 3.2m lies 1
sand and mud and soundings give little or no advance warning. mile N of the reef. A 5m shoal, lies 2 miles NNW of Tanjung
The tops of the highest trees on Tanjung Lumut are generally
2.22 Biat. Kamudi, a rock which almost dries at low water, lies 5
just visible from the bank, but as the recommended route for deep miles SSE of Tanjung Genting, 2 miles offshore.
draft vessels lies E of this shoal, these trees should not be sighted. Exspan Marine Terminal (1°50'S., 105°08'E.), 5.5 miles N

Five Fathom Banks (3°48'S., 106°28'E.) occupy a circular

2.22 of Karang Sebidunguma, consists of an SPM where the FSO
area about 8 miles in diameter, centered in a position about 31 Laksmati is moored.
miles E of Tanjung Lumut. The least depth over these patches Vessels should contact the terminal 2 hours before arrival on

of hard sand and mud is 6.8m. VHF channel 16. The recommended anchorage area is 2 miles
Vessels of deep draft should pass E of these banks. Two
2.22 NE of the SPM.
wrecks with masts visible lie NW of Five Fathom Banks, ap-
proximately 11.5 miles NE and ENE of Beting Mangangang 2.24 Jebus (1°45'S., 105°27'E.) (World Port Index No.
Bank. Dangerous wrecks lie within 30 miles NE, E, and S of 50160), the center of a tin mining district, is situated 3 miles
the Five Fathom Banks and 29 miles ENE of Tanjung Menjan- inland on the Sungai Jebus, a tributary of the Sungai Kampa;
gan. only flat-bottomed craft can proceed upriver to Jebus.
Four Fathom Banks (4°13'S., 106°12'E.), consisting of a
2.22 Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 9m, soft mud, with

number of patches of mud and sand, with a least depth of 7.3m, Tanjung Genting bearing 018°, 1.5 miles distant, and the
lie about 23 miles E of the mouth of Air Mesugi. mouth of the Sungai Bulu bearing 098°. There is a 5.5m patch

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 39

located E of the anchorage. high, on the W side of the point.

Tanjung Genting (1°42'S., 105°19'E.) is a rocky point. Nu-
2.24 A wreck lies 1.5 miles ENE of Tanjung Melala. Numerous

merous rocks rise from the coastal bank, which extends a short above-water rocks lie within 1.3 miles of Tanjung Melala and
way from the point. A steep-to shoal, with a depth of 1.5m, lies should be given a wide berth.
0.8 mile to the NW. A shoal 3 miles in extent, not marked by Tanjung Penyusu, the E entrance point of the bay is a low

discoloration, lies in the NE part of Teluk Bulu (Teluk Kampa), point, from which a spit with depths of 2.4m or less, extends 2
with a shallow spot of 4.8m lying 5 miles S of Tanjung Gen- miles W and WNW. Pulau Penyusu, a low islet, is located on
ting. this spit, 0.8 mile W of Tanjung Penyusu.
From Tanjung Genting to Tanjung Melala, the coast trends in
2.24 A light, shown from a white iron framework structure 20m

a NE direction. There are several coves and bays, of no particu- high, stands on the island.
lar importance, on this coast. The most prominent points are Anchorage may be obtained N of Teluk Klabat, in a depth of

Tanjung Lesum, Tanjung Pemuja, and Tanjung Kelayang, lo- 13m, with Pulau Penyusu Light bearing 110°, distant 3 miles.
cated 3.5 miles NNE, 6.8 miles NNE, and 11 miles NE, respec- The Maras Range, previously described in paragraph 2.5, locat-

tively, from Tanjung Genting. ed at the head of the bay, rises in the midst of a waste and almost
Within this part of the coast are three prominent hills, which
2.24 impenetrable district.
from 20 miles offshore appear as islands. Gunung Mempari, A narrow channel trends along the E side of Teluk Klabat;

235m high, the farthest S of these hills, lies 4 miles E of Tan- vessels of moderate draft and with local knowledge can pro-
jung Genting. ceed through this channel to a roadstead near the entrance to
Gunung Penyabung, 223m high, is located 2.8 miles NW of
2.24 the inner bay. The least depth in the fairway is 5.6m, near its N
Gunung Mempari, close S of Tanjung Lesum. Gunung Besu- entrance. The bottom of the channel is formed of granite in
kan (Gunung Pesukan), 209m high, is located 3.8 miles NNE places, and the W side is formed by a ridge of hard sand that
of Gunung Mempari. has drying patches. The channel is marked by buoys, odd num-
Gunung Ganten, 176m high, 6.5 miles ENE of Gunung
2.24 bered on the W side and even numbered on the E.
Mempari, is noticeable from a short distance only. Dangers in the approach are Karang Trasi Laut, with a least

depth of 0.5m and Karang Trasi Darat, with a least depth of

2.25 Pulau Pemuja (1°36'S., 105°23'E.) lies on the coastal 1.5m located 2.8 miles NNW of Pulau Penyusu Light. These
bank, close N of Tanjung Pemuja. Pulau Perut is located 0.5 dangers are not marked by discoloration.
mile offshore close W of Tanjung Kelayang. A drying rock is located 0.8 mile W of Pulau Penyusu on the

There are rocks and a wreck 1.5 miles offshore between Pu-
2.25 drying spit, and a rocky shoal with a least depth of 2m, is locat-
lau Pemuja and Pulau Perut. There are other rocks charted 1 ed 0.8 mile farther W. The W side of the shoal is steep-to. The
mile W, and 1 mile and 1.8 miles N of Pulau Perut. chart is the most concise guide to the numerous rocks, shoals,
Malang Iyu consists of two rocks, awash, lying close to each
2.25 and islets in the bay.
other in a position 2.8 miles N of Tanjung Kelayang. Malang
Doyang, 4 miles ENE of Malang Iyu, is a conspicuous grayish- 2.26 Blinyu (Belinyu) (1°38'S., 105°47'E.) (World Port In-
yellow rock which resembles a vessel floating bottom up. A dex No. 50180) is the capital of the mining district of the same
coral reef, with a depth of 0.9m, lies 1 mile S of Malang Doy- name. The town is situated on the Sungai Belinyu about 1.5
ang. A 5.9m depth lies 1 mile farther S. miles inland.
Malang Guntur, located 2.5 miles NW of Tanjung Melala,
2.25 The entrance to the inner harbor and anchorage of Belinyu is

consists of several rocky heads, awash, and one above water. A between Tanjung Rau and Tanjung Mantong (Mantun) the E
4.8m depth lies 2.8 miles NE of Malang Guntur and a 10m entrance point, located 1 mile NE of Tanjung Rau. Batu
patch lies 0.5 mile farther NE. Merlang, an above-water rock, is on the E side of the entrance
Vessels proceeding along this coast should keep outside a
2.25 to the inner bay, 0.6 mile ENE of Tanjung Rau. The Asphalt
depth of 20m. Jetty, 102m in length, handles dirty products cargo.
Teluk Klabat is entered between Tanjung Melala and Tan-
2.25 A rock awash lies 0.2 mile NW of Batu Merlang and there

jung Penyusu, located 6 miles to the E. The bay, which indents are several other rocks off the E side of the channel.
the N coast of Bangka a distance of 17 miles, is divided into an Anchoring with enough room to swing, can be obtained S of

outer and inner bay by Tanjung Rau (Ruh), which lies 7 miles Tanjung Rau, in depths of 5 to 11m. Vessels wishing to unload
S of Tanjung Penyusu. by praus can anchor in a depth of 15m, mud and sand, with Ba-
The greater part of the outer bay is occupied by a mud flat, with
2.25 tu Merlang bearing 000° and Tanjung Rau bearing 300°.
depths of less than 2m, and numerous above and below-water Vessels are cautioned not to anchor in an area bound N by a

rocks, leaving a channel along the E side with steep-to banks. line drawn in a 031° direction from Tanjung Rau to the N ex-
The shores of the outer bay consist mainly of sandy beaches
2.25 tremity of Tanjung Mantun, and S by a line drawn in a 050° di-
with large blocks of granite and a drying reef which extends as rection from Tanjung Rau to the root of the pier S of Tanjung
much as 0.8 mile from the W shore. Mantun. Two cables cross the channel in this vicinity.
The head of the inner bay is bordered by a mud bank, with
2.25 Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Teluk Klabat, in general,

trees on them standing in the water at high tide. follow the deep channel, but at Tanjung Mantun, the flood current
Several rivers discharge into this bay; the largest, the Sungai
2.25 sets into the E shore and the ebb current into the W shore. The cur-
Layang, flows into the SE corner. rents change direction at approximately the times of high and low
Tanjung Melala, the W entrance point to Teluk Klabat, is a
2.25 water. Both currents are strong at springs, especially in the narrow
rocky point. A useful mark for the point is Bukit Melala, 106m passage between Tanjung Rau and Tanjung Mantun, where a max-

Pub. 163
40 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

imum rate of 3 knots has been observed. Pulau Dokan (0°58'S., 105°39'E.), an islet 24 miles ENE of

Several islands are located in the S part of the inner harbor.

2.26 Pulau Pekatjag, is 118m high; it is visible from 32 to 36 miles
Their position may be seen on the chart. in clear weather. A hill on the islet appears pointed when seen
The N coast of Bangka between Tanjung Penyusu and Tan-
2.26 from the N but appears rounded when seen from the E. It is
jung Mengkudu, a rocky point 11 miles E, is fronted by a sandy surrounded by a reef which extends 1 mile from its N side,
beach. Several rocks lie close off the W part of this coast. Pulau with some above and below-water rocks on it. An islet 30m
Mengkudu is the largest of two islets which lie 0.5 mile N of high is located close N of Pulau Dokan. A detached reef, with a
Tanjung Mengkudu. least depth of 0.4m, extends 1.5 miles S from Pulau Dokan.
There are two villages on this coast visible from seaward.
2.26 Pulau Toty, 7.5 miles ENE of Pulau Dokan, is 113m high; its

They are situated 4.5 miles and 8 miles E of Tanjung Penyusu. summit appears rounded when seen from the N and pointed
A dangerous shoal, with a depth of 5.4m, lies 2.5 miles off-
2.26 when seen from the E. The islet is surrounded by a reef which
shore, 4.3 miles W of Pulau Mengkudu. extends 0.5 mile NW and 0.3 mile SE.
Tanjung Grasak (Samak) (1°30'S., 105°55'E.), a rocky
2.26 The channel between Pulau Dokan and Pulau Toty is clear.

point 2 miles E of Tanjung Mengkudu, is the N extremity of The reefs around these islands are not marked by discoloration.
Pulau Bangka.
Pulau Bangka—Northeast Coast
Islands North of Pulau Bangka
2.28 The NE coast of Pulau Bangka is about 86 miles long
2.27 Pulau-pulau Tuju (Tudju Eilandan) (KepulauanTuju) between Tanjung Samak, the N extremity of the island and
(1°13'S., 105°16'E.) lies N of Bangka in the NE approach to Tanjung Berikat, the E extremity. This section of the coast is
Selat Bangka. The S island is 26 miles N of Tanjung Genting. low and wooded with a few low hills near the waters edge. The
The island group is generally visible at a distance of 25 to 30 inland mountains however, are visible a considerable distance
miles. The islands are occasionally visited by coasters and from seaward. A few small rivers flow out here.
praus. Passage between the islands, for vessels of shallow A great number of islets, banks, and reefs lie off the coast, up

draft, is for the most part safe, but caution is necessary as the to a distance of 30 miles. There are two safe, buoyed channels,
islets are fringed by reefs and the shoals are not generally leading between these offshore formations to Pangkalpinang.
marked by discoloration. No vessel should attempt to proceed between these reefs by
Pulau Penyaman (Pulau Penjaman) the S island of the group,
2.27 any other route.
is 95m high. Depths of less than 10m extend 1 mile S of the is- A number of new dangers were found during the last survey

land; an area of discolored water lies with its center 1.5 miles of these waters, and even the most accurate survey does not ex-
SE of Pulau Penjaman. clude the possibility of the existence of further dangers.
Pasirkeliling, an inhabited islet covered with coconut trees, is
2.27 The reefs are all steep-to, and owing to the somewhat trou-

about 1 mile NNW of Pulau Penjaman. Depths of less than bled water, are only slightly marked by discoloration in the
10m extend 3.3 miles ENE of the islet. most favorable circumstances. Soundings do not give adequate
Pulau Lalang lies 1.8 miles NNW of Pasirkeliling and Pulau
2.27 guidance to the existence of these offshore dangers.
Yu, lying nearly 2 miles NW of Pulau Lalang, attains a height Note that only the islets and reefs near the channels men-

of 36m. tioned above are described. The chart should be studied for
Pulau Cebia (Tjebia), about 3 miles N of Pulau Penjaman,
2.27 other formations.
has a peak 108m high; a reef surrounds the island. In fixing position by bearings, it should be kept in mind that

Pulau Pekacang (Pekatjang) (1°10'S., 105°18'E.), the larg-

2.27 muddy points and islets may have worked out E since the last
est and NE island of the group, rises to an elevation of 170m. survey.
Off the SE extremity of the island, the reef border is 0.5 mile
2.27 Tanjung Ponggul (Tuing) (1°37'S., 106°03'E.), which ex-

wide; several small islets are on the reef, with elevations up to hibits a light from a 12m white structure, is a high, rocky point
50m. located 11 miles SE of Tanjung Samak. This section off the
Pulau Tokong Kembang, a small islet attaining a height of
2.27 coast is high and rocky, with an occasional sandy beach.
54m, lies 2.5 miles NW of Pulau Pekatjang. There is a rock Bukit Tuing is a 249m hill, located close NW of Tanjung Pong-

10m high, surrounded by a reef, 0.8 mile NW of Pulau Tokong gul. Tanjung Layang is a rocky point with a low ridge of hills on it,
Kembang. which slopes gradually down to the point and terminates in a flat
Observations of the tidal currents have been made in a position
2.27 point. Layang is situated 12 miles SSE of Tanjung Tuing. The in-
13 miles SSW of Kepulauan Tujuh. In this position, the currents tervening coast is indented by small bays.
run NE and SW and are mainly diurnal. The maximum rate of Tanjung Raja (Tanjung Raya) is located 7 miles SSE of Tan-

the current running NE can be expected to average about 1 knot jung Layang. It is a prominent point marked by a conspicuous
in June and July, and also in December and January. white tower, rising close within to Raja, a conical hill 199m
The maximum rate of the current running SW can be expect-
2.27 high. The Sungai Liat flows out 1.5 miles SSW of Tanjung
ed to average 1.25 knots from November to January, and from Layang; the roadstead is off its mouth.
May to July. In addition to the currents setting NE and SW, a There are several prominent landmarks along this coast in

current setting across these directions, with a maximum rate of addition to Maras Range. Bukit Besar, 218m high, is a conical
1.25 knots, has been observed. mountain with a rounded summit, which appears as a sharp
Tide rips and strong whirlpools have often been observed
2.27 peak when seen from N or S; there is a lower ridge of hills on
SW of Pulau Cebia. its SW side.

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 41

Bukit Besar is located 15 miles SSE of Tanjung Samak.

2.28 sion tower was reported to stand on Gunung Mangkol (Gunung
Bukit Pandjar, 257m high, is located 5 miles SSE of Bukit Be- Mangol).
sar. The coastal waters from Tanjung Raya SE to Tanjung Langka

Bukit Betong, 5 miles W of Raya, has a flat summit 235m

2.28 are fronted by numerous reefs and islets. The 10m curve extends
high, but is not prominent. Puak, 1.5 miles WSW of Raya, is up to 16 miles offshore E of Tanjung Lempuyang.
307m high. It is steep on its E side and its sharp summit is Karang Pedis Selatan (1°53'S., 106°15'E.), a coral head

prominent. with a depth of 2m lies 3.5 miles E of Tanjung Raya.

The coastal waters from Tanjung Samak SSE to Tanjung
2.28 It is marked on its SE side by a lighted buoy. Another coral

Raya are encumbered with several islets and reefs which lie in- patch, with a depth of 5.5m, lies 1 mile N of Karang Pedis Se-
side the 9.1m line; this line extends 7 miles offshore in the vi- latan. Karang Fokke, a reef which dries, lies 2 miles SW of Ka-
cinity of Tanjung Raya. rang Pedis Salatan.
A shoal patch with a depth of 2.2m and a drying rock lie 2
2.28 There are some above-water rocks located about 0.8 mile

miles E and 3 miles ESE, respectively, of Tanjung Samak. SW of Karang Fokke, which are sometimes visible from a dis-
tance of 5 miles.
2.29 Karang Laut (Liat) (1°50'S., 106°10'E.), 3 miles A reef consisting of coral and stone, with a depth of 1.8m,

ESE of Tanjung Layang, has two rocks awash on it. An ob- lies 10 miles ESE of Tanjung Raya. A drying reef lies 5 miles
struction exists 2.5 miles E of the same point. SSE of Tanjung Raya and a drying reef lies 5 miles NE of the
Shoal patches with depths of 2.4m and 4.9m lie, respectively,
2.29 mouth of the Sungai Baturusa.
1.5 miles and 2.5 miles SE of Tanjung Layang. A 4.5m patch is
located 3 miles ESE of Karang Liat. 2.32 Karang Elliot (Elliot Reef) (2°04'S., 106°19'E.),
A depth of 10.5m was reported to exist 14 miles E of Tan-
2.29 which dries, is located 9 miles NE of Tanjung Bunga. A light,
jung Layang. shown from a white metal framework tower, 13m high and
Karang Timur Laut, a coral patch with a least depth of 5.8m,
2.29 equipped with a radar reflector, is situated on the S extremity
lies 7 miles SE of Tanjung Layang. of the reef.
Several shallow patches with depths of less than 4.8m lie

2.30 Off-lying reefs.—Severn Shoal (1°37'S., 106°31'E.) within 1.5 miles of the light. Karang Palmer (Palmer Reef), a
lies 27 miles E of Tanjung Ponggul and consists of coral with a group of coral heads, which has one head awash, lies 7 miles
depth of 3m. Sounding gives no warning of this reef, but in fine NE of Karang Elliot. Karang Miang, which dries and is marked
weather, Bukit Tuing and the summit of Raja are visible from by a light from which a racon transmits, lies 2 miles SW of the
this vicinity. light.
Iwan Reef (1°40'S., 106°18'E.), a coral reef with a depth of
2.30 Pulau Panjang (2°09'S., 106°16'E.), 5.5 miles ESE of Tan-

3m, is steep-to and lies 15 miles ESE of Tanjung Tuing. The jung Bunga, is one of several islets that lie off this coast. Pulau
Bangka coast can generally be seen from near this reef. A 5m Panjang and Pulau Bujur, 1.5 miles to the E, are covered with
shoal exists about 3.8 miles SE of Iwan Reef. palms and lies on extensive drying coral reefs.
Karang Laut, with a depth of 7m, is located 5 miles ENE of
2.30 Karang Gading, a drying coral reef, is located 3.5 miles NE

Tanjung Layang. of Pulau Panjang. A patch with a depth of 3.4m lies 1.8 miles
The coast between Tanjung Raja and Tanjung Lanka (Tan-
2.30 WSW of Pulau Panjang. Foul ground extends SSE from Ka-
jung Langka) (2°28'S., 106°27'E.), 37 miles SSE, is low with rang Gading for 8 miles to the E side of Gosong Asam, an ex-
occasional rocky points and sandy beaches. The coast between tensive drying reef with two islets on it.
Tanjung Langka and Tanjung Berikat, 25 miles ESE, is low and
swampy in places.
Tanjung Bunga (2°08'S., 106°11'E.), a projecting point about

13.5 miles S of Tanjung Raya, is conspicuous. The Sungai Baturu-

sa flows into the sea 3.3 miles N of Tanjung Bunga.
Tanjung Udang, a high rocky point 4 miles SSE of Tanjung

Bunga, is the end of a spur of the range that extends SW. Tan-
jung Lempuyang is a rocky point about 3 miles S of Tanjung
Udang. Tanjung Pinyak, a point 11 miles SSE of Tanjung Lem-
puyang, has a village near it.
Tanjung Langka is located 9 miles SE of Tanjung Penyak.

The Sungai Koba flows into the sea by way of an outlet 2.5
miles W of Tanjung Langka.

2.31 Gunung Mangkol (Gunung Mangol) (2°14'S.,

106°06'E.), 420m high, is the highest and most prominent sum-
mit of a range of mountains located 7 miles inland, in a WNW
direction from Tanjung Lempujang. Gunung Pau, 280m high,
is located at the N end of the mountain range 3.5 miles N of Palau Panjang
Gunung Mangkol (Gunung Mangol). Bukit Lali, 4.8 miles NE
of Gunung Mangkol (Gunung Mangol), is 200m high. A televi- 2.32 Pulau Bebuar, 12.5 miles SE of Pulau Panjang, is a sandy is-

Pub. 163
42 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

let covered with tall trees, and is surrounded by an extensive Perlang, 1.5 miles NE of Tanjung Langka, and Karang Timor,
reef which dries; foul ground extends 2.8 miles WSW, 2 miles 5.5 miles E of the same point. A light shown from a white bea-
E, and 3.5 miles NE from the islet. Pulau Bebuar was reported con stands on Karang Perlang.
to lie 1.8 miles S of its charted position. A lighted beacon is sit-
uated on the islet. 2.34 The Sungai Liat (1°51'S., 106°06'E.), the headquar-
Horse Reef, 4 miles E of Pulau Bebuar, is on the SW edge of
2.32 ters of the district, is situated on the W bank of the river, 2
a foul area which extends 3 miles NE from this reef. A reef, miles within its entrance. The town can only be reached by
with a depth of 2.1m, lies 2.8 miles SSE of Horse Reef. small craft at high water. The channel to the river runs between
Pulau Ketawi, 7 miles SSE of Pulau Panjang, is covered with numerous rocks and is constantly shifting.
coconut palms. Drying reefs lie 2 and 2.8 miles NW of Pulau Anchorage is available about 1 mile off Sungai Liat, in a

Ketawi. depth of 7m, with Gunung Tuing in line with the outer rocks
off Tanjung Layang bearing 337°.
2.33 Karang Hidrograf Barat (West Hydrograff)
(1°56'S., 106°25'E.), with a depth of 3.4m, lies 14 miles E of Vessels bound for the Sungai Baturusa from the Sungai Liat

Tanjung Raja (Tanjung Raya) and is one of the outer dangers anchorage should pass N of the buoy, as described above.
along this coast. When Tanjung Raja bears 180° it should be brought ahead.
A 10.5m shallow spot has been reported to lie 8 miles NNW
2.33 Steer on that course until W of Karang Timur Laut, when
of the coast. Karang Hidrograf Timur (East Hydrograff) lies course should be altered to SSE to pass midway between Pedis
9.3 miles SE of Karang Hidrograf Barat, is marked by a light, Selatan and Fokke.
and has a depth of 0.3m. From this position bring Karang Elliot (2°04'S., 106°19'E.)

Karang Noordziek, a reef with a rock awash, lies 1.5 miles

2.33 ahead bearing 156°. Steer this course until Gunung Pau bears
SW of Karang Hidrograf Timur and Keuchenius, 5 miles ESE 230°, then steer 230° and proceed to the anchorage 3.5 miles E
of Karang Hidrograf Timur (East Hydrograff), has a depth of of the mouth of the Sungai Baturusa.
7.9m. Anchorage.—In calm weather during the Southeast Mon-

Karang Smit van de Broecke (2°04'S., 106°32'E.), has a

2.33 soon, between May and October, anchorage may be obtained
least depth of 4m, located 3.5 miles SSW of Karang Hidrograf by vessels with local knowledge, in a depth of 6m, mud, with
Timur. A 5.5m patch lies 1 mile W of Karang Smit van de Bro- the N entrance point of the Sungai Baturusa bearing 270° and
ecke. the NE extremity of Pulau Panjang bearing 135°.
Karang Diederika (Jederika), a group of rocks with one rock
2.33 During the Northwest Monsoon, between November and

which breaks, is located 7 miles W of Karang Smit van de Bro- April, there is sheltered anchorage S of Pulau Panjang, in a
ecke. depth of 5m, mud and sand, with Bukit Lali bearing 254° and
A patch of coral and stone, with a depth of 1.8m, lies 1 mile
2.33 the E extremity Pulau Panjang bearing 005°.
ENE of this danger. There is a coral patch, with a depth of Vessels, when coming from N, steer to pass 7 miles E of Tan-

3.5m, lies 3.8 miles NE of Karang Diederika. jung Raja, and when that point bears 270°, steer for Karang El-
Karang Lombok Barat (West Lombok Reef), 7 miles SW of
2.33 liot Light and then follow the channel from the Sungai Liat to
Karang Smit van de Broeckem has a depth of 5m; a 6m patch the desired anchorage.
lies 2.8 miles E of this reef. Directions.—When making for the anchorage off the Sungai

Karang-karang Lombok (Lombok Reef) consisting of three

2.33 Liat, vessels from the N do not pass less than 2.5 miles E of
shallow patches with depths of 3, 2.5, and 4m, lie respectively, Tanjung Layang, because of the dangers lying off that point.
7 miles ENE, and 7 and 8 miles ESE of Karang Lombok Barat.
Goat Reef (2°12'S., 106°29'E.), with a depth of 0.9m, lies 6
2.33 2.35 Pangkalpinang (Pangkal Balam) (2°07'S., 106°07'E.)
miles SE of West Lombok. The shallow ground extending NE (World Port Index No. 50210) is situated about 3.5 miles in-
from Pulau Bebuar extends to a position 1.3 miles S of this land on a small tributary of the Sungai Baturusa. The adminis-
reef. Scotia Reef, with a depth of 4.9m, lies 6.5 miles ESE of trator of Pulau Bangka and Pulau Belitung is situated here.
Goat Reef. There was a depth of 0.4m on the bar off the mouth of the Sun-
Karang Von Sittard (2°12'S., 106°45'E.), the SE of the out-
2.33 gai Baturusa. The port serves international cargo, containers,
er dangers, lies 25 miles NE of Tanjung Langka, is marked by a passengers, ro-ro and liquid cargo.
light, and has a depth of 2.4m. A depth of 8.5m was reported to Range lights situated on the S side of the river entrance in

lie 7 miles SW of Von Sittard Reef. line bearing 284° lead into the river. No pilots are available and
A coral reef with a least depth of 5.5m was reported to lie 5.5
2.33 entry over the bar is limited to vessels with a maximum draft of
miles N of Van Sittard Reef and a shoal with a depth of 0.4m 4.8m during daylight hours only.
was reported to lie 5 miles farther N. There is a Harbormaster, Customs Officer, Immigration Offi-

There are several reefs which front the coast in the vicinity
2.33 cer, and a Port Medical Officer here. Port Authority can be
of Tanjung Langka; from W to E the largest are, Karang

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 43

contacted by phone: 62-717-421-737.

Pangkal Balam—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Size
Port of Pangkal Balam Terminal
General Cargo — — — — Ro/Pax, containers, and breakbulk.
BBM Pangkal Balam Terminal
Oil Jetty 28m 4.0m 60m 1,800 dwt Dirty products and bunkers.
GML Terminal
Jetty 01 8m — — — Vegetable oils (by barge).
Jetty 02 14m — — — Vegetable oils (by barge).
Palm Oil Terminal
Oil Berth 70m — — — Vegetable oils.

Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 2,000 dwt, with a

2.35 this track.
maximum draft of 5m and a maximum loa of 140m, can use The passages described above are only for those vessels with

the port. For additional details see table titled Pangkal Bal- local knowledge.
am—Berth Information. Tides—Currents.—Currents off the NE coast of Bangka

Directions.—The inshore route from the Sungai Baturusa to

2.35 originate both as tidal and monsoon drift phenomena. They are
Koba is only suitable for vessels of fairly light draft. It was re- variable, particularly along the outer edge of the reefs and in
ported that a vessel with a draft of 6.4m passed inside the reef the open sea, so that no reliance can be placed on positions de-
in both directions at about the time of high water, following the termined by dead reckoning. Off Tanjung Berikat, the monsoon
directions given here. drift may attain a considerable rate.
From the anchorage off the entrance to the Sungai Baturusa,

steer SSE to pass W of the beacon situated about 2.8 miles Selat Gelasa and Approaches
SSE. When past the beacon, steer to bring the beacon and the
NE slope of the hill Sambongiri in line astern bearing 325°, 2.37 Selat Gelasa, the strait between Bangka and Belitung,
which leads SW of Pulau Panjang, in a least depth of 4.9m. is divided by several small islands into three principal passag-
Steer course 145° until the E extremity of Pulau Panjang bears es, which from W to E are named Selat Leplia (Selat Maccles-
000° when course 180° should be steered, passing W of the field), Selat Limende (Selat Clement), and Selat Baur (Selat
beacon marking a reef located 3 miles NW of Pulau Ketawi. Stolze).
Give this beacon a good berth as the reef projects some dis- Selat Gelasa is considered neither as safe nor as well lighted

tance NW of it. as Selat Bangka, but is frequently used by vessels proceeding

When Tanjung Bunga bears 322°, steer course 142°, bring-
2.35 from Selat Sunda to Singapore or from the W part of Jawa to
ing this point astern. Care must be taken to avoid the fishing the China Sea. There is an isolated shoal of 14m located near
stakes in the channel situated 3 miles S and 2 miles SSW of Pu- (2°58.78'S 107°18.34'E.).
lau Ketawi. When Gunung Mangol bears 287° steer for the an- Selat Baur is the broadest of the channels apart from the rock

chorage off Koba or for Selat Gelasa as desired. awash W of Teree Reefs, there is no known dangers in the fair-
way. It is the most preferred channel, but vessels of low power
2.36 Koba (2°29'S., 106°25'E.) is situated on the E side of should use Selat Leplia during the Northwest Monsoon and Se-
the Sungai Koba, a short distance within its entrance. The Har- lat Baur during the Southeast Monsoon, as the currents are
bormaster is also the Customs Officer. The usual landing place, more favorable. Selat Limende is seldom used.
marked by a flagstaff, is 0.5 mile E of mouth of the Sungai Ko- The drying reefs, when covered, are nearly always discern-

ba. ible by the brown or green color of the water. The other reefs
Anchorage during the Southwest Monsoon may be taken
2.36 are usually difficult to see, as the water in the strait is some-
outside the reef about 3 miles NW of Tanjung Langka, in a what muddy, and they are only recognizable when current and
depth of 6m, mud bottom. wind cause tide rips and surf. Large brown patches of fish
The most direct route from Selat Gelasa to Pangkalpinang,
2.36 spawn, often seen in and near the strait, may be mistaken for
according to the chart, trends generally NW between the reefs the discoloration of reefs.
and islets, from the vicinity of Tanjung Berikat toward Karang Winds—Weather.—In Selat Gelasa, light variable winds pre-

Elliot, and then W and SW to the anchorage. vail in April and November. The Southeast Monsoon prevails
The initial course is 312° for the hill Puak. This course leads
2.36 from May to October and the Northwest Monsoon from Decem-
NE of the foul ground extending NE of Horse Reef. Care must ber to March. WNW winds predominate in December veering to
be taken to clear Goat Reef and West Lombok, which lie near NW in January with increasing force and consistency, persisting to

Pub. 163
44 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

March. mile W of Pulau Gelasa, is a bare rock 8m high.

Squalls are most frequent in November and December. A
2.37 Warren Hasting Reefs consist of a group of six coral patches

moderate swell develops during Northwest Monsoon in Janu- with reported depths from less than 2 to 4.9m. They are report-
ary and February. ed to be barely visible. The SW patch, which is awash, lies 8.5
Tides—Currents.—The currents in Selat Gelasa set SE in
2.37 miles WNW of Pulau Gelasa.
the Northwest Monsoon and NW in the Southeast Monsoon. Karang Caning, 10 miles ENE of Pulau Gelasa, has a least

There is little information on rates, but it is probable that the depth of 5m coral,. The rock is steep-to and is not marked by
currents occasionally exceed 3 knots in some of the narrower discoloration or ripples.
passages. Pulau Berikat (Boompjes Island) (2°28'S., 106°58'E.) lies

The tidal currents are strong in the three straits, but their di-
2.37 about 10 miles NE of Tanjung Berikat. It is a bare rock 11m
rections are somewhat difficult to foretell. The following infor- high, surrounded by a coral reef which extends 0.5 mile off its
mation, obtained near Pulau Langkuas (2°32'S., 107°37'E.), SE side. The island has been reported to be a good radar target
applies to Selat Leplia and Selat Limende only. The directions at a distance of 20 miles. A lighted beacon stands on the S part
of the tidal currents perform a complete circle clockwise, in of the reef.
one lunar day. The maximum rate always occurs twice each Caution.—It has been reported that Pulau Gelasa may lie up

day, when the currents run either in a NNE or a SSW direction. to 1 mile E of its charted position.
The currents which run ESE or WNW are about half the maxi-
mum rate. Selat Gelasa—West Side
Pilotage.—Pilots can be obtained at Tanjungpandan

(2°45'S., 107°38'E.), on the W coast of Belitung. Vessels with- 2.40 Tanjung Berikat (2°34'S., 106°51'E.), the E extremi-
out local knowledge visiting any of the islands in the strait are ty of Pulau Bangka, may be identified by Berikat, a hill 119m
always advised to employ a pilot. high, located 0.8 mile SW of the point.
Caution.—Reports indicate that the existence of uncharted
2.37 A light is shown from Tanjung Berikat. Telok Batu, 4.3 miles

coral heads in the area N of Selat Gelasa is likely. WSW of Tanjung Berikat and Gunung Sapat, 199m high, 5.8
miles farther WSW, are isolated peaks which are an E continu-
2.38 Karang Celestial (1°13'S., 106°47'E.), with a depth ation of the Pegunungan Pading.
of less than 2m, is the farthest E of the group, lying 17 miles Between Tanjung Berikat and Tanjung Ru, 27 miles SSW, is

ESE of Enslie Reef. Numerous shallow reefs, with depths a wide bay frequented by coasters and praus, in which the
ranging from 0.9 to 8.8m lie between Enslie Reef and Karang depths are reported to be mostly less than 5m, soft mud.
Celestial. These may best be seen on the chart. A shoal depth The 11m line extends in a SSE direction for 27 miles to the

of 11.9m was reported 20.5 miles E of Karang Celestial. SE extremity of Pulau Lepar, an island which forms the S side
Caution.—Between latitudes 1°04'S and 1°14'S, and longi-
2.38 of the bay. There are several islets located inside the 11m line.
tudes 106°30'E and 106°48'E, in the NW approach to Selat Ge- The most prominent are Pulau Kelapan, 96m high, which

lasa, there is a group of small steep-to reefs not marked by lies 2.5 miles NNE of the N extremity of Pulau Lepar and Pu-
discoloration. Enslie Reef (1°07'S., 106°31'E.), the western- lau Tinggi, which lies 0.8 mile SSW of the W extremity of Pu-
most of these, lies 43 miles NE of Tanjung Samak and has a lau Lepar.
depth of 9m. Pulau Tinggi, which lies in the strait that separates Pulau

Bangka and Pulau Lepar, has a conical hill which is prominent

Islands North of Selat Gelasa when seen from the SSE.
The shore of the N bay of Pulau Lepar is low and has stretches

2.39 Karang Lanrick (1°53'S., 106°57'E.), with a depth of at sandy beach broken by areas overgrown with mangroves.
2.5m, is located 42 miles N of Tanjung Berikat. The E shore of Bangka trends 4.5 miles S from Tanjung Ru

The reef is not marked by discoloration or ripples. A reef

2.39 to Tanjung Baginda and then 14 miles W to Tanjung Paku. The
with a least depth of 4m lies about 36 miles ENE of Karang coast between Tanjung Baginda and Tanjung Paku consists
Lanrick. A shoal, with a depth of 14.1m, was reported to lie 7.5 mainly of rocky points with low coastal land, covered with tall
miles NW of the 4m shoal. trees, between them.
Karang Magdalena, a steep-to reef not marked by discolor-
2.39 Tanjung Baginda is a steep point, 119m high. Baginda, a hill

ation or ripples, about 9 miles SSE of Karang Lanrick, has a 118m high, is located 2 miles WNW of the point. Tanjung Dua
depth of 4m. A depth of 12.8m was reported to lie about 33 and Tanjung Bantil, respectively, 5 miles and 11.3 miles W of
miles NE of Karang Magdalene. Tanjung Baginda, are both fairly high.
Karang Belvedere, 10 miles S of Karang Magdalena, is a

black rock 3m high surrounded by a coral reef. Karang Teree, 2 Islands South of Selat Gelasa
miles S of Karang Belvedere, is a drying bank with some rocks
on it and is surrounded by a coral reef which extends 0.2 mile 2.41 Numerous dangers, with depths of from 13 to 18m be-
from the drying portion. Karang Tiung, which is awash, lies 2 tween them, and dangerous wrecks lie in the S approach to Se-
miles SW of Karang Teree, and is barely visible. lat Gelasa. These dangers are described from N to S.
Pulau Gelasa (2°25'S., 107°04'E.), 16.5 miles NE of Tan-
2.39 Pulau Simedang (3°19'S., 107°12'E.) is covered with trees

jung Berikat, may be seen in clear weather from a distance of and can be seen from a distance of 15 miles. Pulau Simedang
30 miles. It is a thickly-wooded island with a sharp summit Kecil (Little Showalter Islet), covered with palms, lies 0.8 mile
236m high and is surrounded by a coral reef. Batu Gelasa, 1 NNE of Pulau Simedang.

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 45

Both islands are fringed by reefs and foul ground. A light,

Selat Leplia
shown from a 57m high white tower, is situated in the center of
Pulau Simedang. 2.43 Selat Leplia (Selat Macclesfield) is bound on the W
Pulau Simedang must be given a berth of 3 miles on the W
2.41 side by the E coast of Pulau Bangka, Pulau Lepar, and the sev-
and N sides and 2 miles on the E side, as there are numerous eral shoals lying both N and S of Pulau Lepar. The E side is
reefs in the vicinity. Karang Embleton, a drying reef 2 miles formed by Pulau Liat and a number of shoals and islets S of
NW of Pulau Simedang, can be seen up to 3 miles away at low that island.
water. There are many conspicuous landmarks for determining a

A 0.9m patch lies 0.5 mile N of the reef. Karang Blis, 2.5 miles
2.41 vessel’s position, except in the S approach, where some dan-
N of Pulau Simedang, has a depth of 0.3m. A patch of sand, with a gers lie out of the sight of land. The narrowest part of the chan-
least depth of 6.8m, lies 0.5 mile ESE of Karang Blis. nel, between Pulau Lepar and Pulau Liat, is restricted to a
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be obtained, in depths of 13 to
2.41 width of 3 miles by shoals lying off the coasts of these two is-
15m, clay with sand, on the E part of the bank which extends S lands.
from Pulau Simedang, provided the island bears less than 359°. Caution.—A 10m patch of coral, the E danger is this part of

An obstruction, dangerous to navigation, exists about 3 miles S the strait, lies about 10 miles SE of Tanjung Berikat.
of the island. A dangerous wreck, with a depth of 16m over it,
was reported to lie (2004) 3.1 miles SSE of Pulau Simedang. 2.44 Gosong Raya (2°40'S., 106°53'E.), 6.5 miles SSE of
Tanjung Berikat, has a least depth of 3m. Gosong Nutshorn, W
2.42 Karang Medang (3°22'S., 106°56'E.) is a coral patch of Gosong Raya, is a projecting spit of the coastal bank, 6
with a least depth of 3m, marked by a light, located 17 miles miles S of Tanjung Berikat. A detached shoal with a depth of
WSW of Pulau Simedang; it is seldom marked by discolor- 10m, lies in mid-channel 4 miles SE of Gosong Raya.
ation. From this reef Pulau Simedang is visible, as are the hills The greater part of Pulau Lepar which forms the W side of

on the S side of Pulau Lepar and the hills near Tanjung Begin- the narrows, is low and wooded, but a ridge of hills extends W
da. along the S side of the island from Tanjung Murung, the is-
Karang Kait, 6.5 miles SSE of Karang Medang, has a depth
2.42 land’s SE extremity.
of 0.9m, and is sometimes marked by water discoloration. An Tanjung Labu (2°56'S., 106°55'E.), the NE extremity of Pu-

11m patch lies 1.5 miles NW of the rock. lau Lepar, is low and fringed by a coastal reef on which there
Karang Pasir (3°29'S., 107°10'E.), 10 miles SSW of Pulau are numerous above-water rocks. A white iron framework
Simedang, is a small sand bank, which dries, and is identifiable structure 22m high, stands on the point.
within 3 miles. There are several reefs around Karang Pasir, the Bakung, a hill 106m high, is located 2 miles W of the point.

farthest W at 3 miles, has a depth of 4.5m. Klippige Reef, parts of which dry, lies within a distance of 2
A wreck, with its mast exposed 2m above water, was report-
2.42 miles ENE of Tangung Labu.
ed to lie about 3.5 miles ESE of Karang Pasir; another wreck,
with its mast exposed 5m above water, was reported to lie 3.5 2.45 Discovery Rocks (2°53'S., 106°56'E.), awash and
miles further E. steep-to, lie 3.5 miles NNE of Tanjung Labu, close W of the
A 10m patch was reported to lie 14 miles ESE of Karang Pa-
2.42 fairway.
sir. Karang Padang, with a depth of 1.8m, Karang Tengah Pulau Liat (2°52'S., 107°03'E.), a reef-bordered island on

which dries, and Karang Ombak, two small reefs awash lie, re- the E side of the narrows, is low, flat, and wooded, except on a
spectively, 1.5 miles WNW, 2 miles NNE, and 3 miles N of ridge of hills in the S part. Keladi, 137m high, is one of the
Karang Pasir. highest peaks of this ridge, but is not easily recognized.
A bank, with depths of less than 11m, extends 1.5 miles SW
2.42 A spit that partly dries extends 2.8 miles S from Tanjung Ba-

from Karang Ombak. tu Tambun, the SE extremity of Pulau Liat.

Pulau Celaka (2°52'S., 107°01'E.), a rocky islet covered

Karang Hancock (Hancock Shoal) (3°34'S., 107°05'E.),

2.42 with vegetation, lies on the coastal reef that extends from the
16.5 miles SSW of Pulau Simedang, is a small coral reef with a W extremity of Pulau Liat. A light is shown from a beacon on
depth of 5.5m. A reef, with a rock awash on it, is located 2 Pulau Celaka.
miles ENE of Karang Hancock. Karang Larabe, 3.8 miles far- There are several reefs W and NW of Pulau Celaka and it

ther ENE, is a small coral reef with a depth 4.5m. These three should be given a berth of 2 miles. A white metal framework
dangers are surrounded by depths of 12m and more, and are structure 14m high, stands on the NW side of the islet.
not marked by discoloration. Alceste Reef, a coral formation with numerous drying heads,

Karang Suji (3°34'S., 106°55'E.), the farthest SW of the

2.42 lies parallel to the NW side of Pulau Liat, about 0.8 mile off-
dangers in the S approach to Selat Gelasa, lie 23 miles SW of shore.
Pulau Simedang. They consist of four coral patches with a least Depths—Limitations.—Gosong George, with depths of

depth of 0.3m, and are sometimes marked by tide rips; birds less than 10m, extend 9 miles SW from a position 2.3 miles
are frequently seen hovering over them. These reefs lie outside SW of Tanjung Murung. The least depth in the NE part is 3m.
the visibility of Pulau Simedang Light, and the island can not A shoal area with a least depth of 4m, lies on the W side of

be seen from them. Selat Leplia, 6.5 miles S of Tanjung Murung, the SE extremity
Soundings give little indication of the vessel’s position, as
2.42 of Pulau Lepar; irregular depths of from 7.9 to 11m extend 9
the depths in the vicinity are fairly regular. miles WSW and 2 miles NE from this bank.
Depths of 7.6 to 31m are found between Gosong George and

Pub. 163
46 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

a shoal area about 5.5 miles SE. sharp summit 52m high. Both islands are surrounded by reefs
and foul ground which extends 1 mile S from Pulau Aur.
2.46 Karang Karang Baginda (3°07'S., 107°05'E.), Pulau Kueal (2°59'S., 107°08'E.), 47m high, 5 miles SE of

marked by a light, lies on the E side of Selat Leplia, 12.5 miles Tanjung Batutambun, is covered with tall trees and is surround-
S of Pulau Liat. The reefs, about 6.5 miles long in a N and S di- ed by a reef. Foul ground extends 1.8 miles SSW from Pulau
rection, have patches which dry and others which are awash. Kueal, but it is always marked by discoloration and parts of it
The W reef of the group, with a depth of 0.9m, lies 11.5 miles is dry.
SSE of Tanjung Murung. It is the outermost danger on the E A 4.5m patch lies 0.5 mile N of the island. Pulau Selemar,

side of the S part of Selat Leplia. located 1.5 miles W of Pulau Kueal, is similarly covered with
An 11m depth is located on the E side of the strait, 8.8 miles
2.46 tall trees and surrounded by reefs.
ENE of Tanjung Murung.
Directions.—Coming from the N, clear weather and good
2.46 2.48 Pulau Bakau (3°02'S., 107°09'E.) lies 8.3 miles SSE
visibility are essential for this route, otherwise it is advisable to of Tanjung Batutambun; it is low, covered with vegetation, and
proceed through Selat Bangka. However, once Tanjung Berikat is surrounded by a coral reef which is steep-to on its W side.
is sighted, the entrance to Selat Leplia presents no difficulty. There are several detached reefs which extend up to 0.8 mile
From NE of Pulau Gelasa or N of Tanjung Berikat, a course
2.46 from its SE side. Pulau Kalangbahu, 0.8 mile ENE of Pulau
should be shaped for a position about 4.5 miles W of the N ex- Bakau, is saddle-shaped when seen from N or S. The E peak is
tremity of Pulau Liat. Care should be exercised to clear Karang 79m high.
Caning, about 10 miles ENE of Pulau Gelasa, and the 10m cor- Karang De Brauw, a small portion of which dries, lies 0.8

al patch 10 miles SSE of Tanjung Berikat. mile NE of Pulau Kalangbahu and is separated from it by a nar-
With the N extremity of Pulau Liat bearing 090°, steer S be-
2.46 row passage with depths of 24m.
tween Discovery Rocks and Pulau Celaka, giving the latter a Directions.—When making for Selat Limende from the N,

berth of 2 miles, to position 3°10'S, 106°59'E, about 9.5 miles steer to clear Beting Akbar (2°39'S., 107°15'E.) and pass W of
SE of Tanjung Murung. Karang Pandan.
Take care to avoid the rock with a depth of 1m, which lies
2.46 When clear of Karang Pandan, steer 170° and pass midway

about 11.5 miles SE of Tanjung Murung. Steer SSW to pass W between Pulau Kelemar and Terumbu Berbahaya to a position
of Karang Medang, then steer 195° for a position 4 miles W of about 2.3 miles E of Pulau Kalangbahu.
Karang Karang Suji. When W of Karang Karang Suji, steer ac- When Pulau Kalangbahu bears 270°, bring Pulau Simedang

cording to destination. ahead bearing 180°, and maintain course until well clear of Pu-
Coming from the S, in thick weather, it is advisable to find
2.46 lau Kalangbahu, then steer SSE to a position 6 miles E of Pulau
anchorage on the bank near Karang Karang Suji, in depths of Simedang, then as directed for the S approach to Selat Baur in
13 to 18m, and await more favorable conditions. When coming reverse. When approaching from the S, follow the directions
from the Java Sea, vessels which are uncertain of their position given above in the reverse order.
should proceed with caution when in depths of less than 20m. Selat Limende is seldom used and should not be transited at

Vessels proceeding directly through Selat Leplia from S may

2.46 night.
follow the directions given above in the reverse order, but on no Middle Passage is a channel connecting Selat Leplia with

account should Pulau Simedang be sighted by day or its light Selat Limende. On the N side of the channel are dangers ex-
by night. tending S from Pulau Liat and Tominkor; on the S side are Pu-
lau Selemar and Pulau Kueal.
Selat Limende Vessels proceeding E through Middle Passage can clear the

dangers extending S from Pulau Liat by keeping Pulau Kele-

2.47 Selat Limende (Selat Clement) is bound on the W by mar bearing not more than 090° until Pulau Selemar bears
Pulau Liat, Pulau Kueel, Pulau Kalangbahu, and Karang Ka- more than 135°.
rang Baginda. Pulau Kelemar and Pulau Aur form the E side of There is another channel S of Middle Passage connecting Se-

the strait. lat Leplia and Selat Limende that has Pulau Selemar and Pulau
Karang Pandan (2°53'S., 107°12'E.), marked by a light and
2.47 Kueal on the N and Pulau Bakau and Pulau Kalangbahu on the
lying on the E side of Selat Limende, 7.5 miles E of the SE ex- S side.
tremity of Pulau Liat, is a steep-to coral reef with a least depth To proceed NE through this channel, keep the N extremity of

of 3.6m; it is not marked by discoloration. Pulau Bakau in range with the S extremity of Pulau Kalangbau,
Karang Koral, which dries, lies 1.5 miles ENE of Tanjung
2.47 bearing 089°, until Pulau Selemar bears 000°, when a fairway
Batutambun, the SE extremity of Pulau Liat, a reef which part- will open to the NE.
ly dries and is marked by discoloration, lies 2.8 miles SE of Caution.—A dangerous wreck lies 8 miles due S of Pulau

Tanjung Batu Tambun. A ridge of sand and clay, with depths of Kalangbahu (3°02'S., 107°10'E.).
11 to 15m, extends 1.5 miles S from this reef.
Terumbu Berbahaya, with a depth of 1.2m, lies in the fairway
Selat Baur
of Selate Limende, 7 miles SE of Tanjung Batutambun.
Pulau Kelemar (2°58'S., 107°14'E.) and Pulau Aur, 9 miles
2.47 2.49 Selat Baur is the preferred channel of the three pas-
and 9.8 miles SE of Tanjung Batutambun, respectively, are sages through Selat Gelasa. The narrowest part of the strait, be-
hilly islands covered with large trees. tween Pulau Geresik on the W, and Kepulauan Lima on the E
Pulau Kelemar is 65m high, and Pulau Aur has a peculiar
2.47 side, is 4 miles wide.

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 47

At night, the lights on Tanjung Ayerlancur and Pulau Simed-

2.49 present offshore.
ang are visible when navigating this part of the strait.
Beting Akbar (Akbar Shoal) (2°39'S., 107°15'E.) is a small,
2.49 2.51 Kepulauan Lima (3°03'S., 107°23'E.), a group of six
steep-to shoal of sand and coral, with a least depth of 1.2m, islets, on the E side of the narrows of Selat Baur, vary in height
15.5 miles NE of Pulau Liat. It is very dangerous, as it is not from 13 to 52m.
marked by discoloration and soundings give no warning. The islets are covered with tall trees and are surrounded by

There is a dangerous wreck which lies 8 miles NNE and a

2.49 drying coral reefs; there are deep, narrow passages between the
stranded wreck lies 5.5 miles NE of Beting Akbar. islets.
Aspect.—There are few landmarks in the N approach to Se-
2.49 Pulau Kasenga, Pulau Benolo, Pulao Bago and Pulao Bamijo

lat Baur; however, there are peaks on Pulau Belitung that are are on the W side of a deep channel which separates them from
conspicuous. Pulau Buyut (Pulau Bujut) and Pulau Lima.
Pulau Batudinding (2°49'S., 107°24'E.), with an elevation
2.49 There is a stranded wreck on Pulau Bamijo; a dangerous

of 79m is hilly on the W side, which is indented by a shallow wreck lies 4.3 miles S of the same island.
bay, and low on the E side. Pulau Kasenga, the NW islet of the Kepulauan Lima group,

Reefs extend up to 1.5 miles off the E side of the island and
2.49 lies 6.5 miles SW of Pulau Nado and exhibits a light.
shallow spots, with depths less than 5.7m, lie up to 4 miles E of Anchorage may be obtained, in a depth of 15m, sand and coral,

the island. with the E side of Pulau Lima bearing 000° and Pulau Bamijo
Pulau Langir is a high rocky islet lying off the entrance to the
2.49 bearing 298°, 0.8 mile S of the reefs lying S of Pulau Lima.
bay on the W side of Pulau Batudinding; it is surrounded by a Karang Lumba, a drying reef, lies 0.7 mile ESE of Pulau

drying reef. A wreck is stranded on the W extremity of the reef Bamijo.

S of the island. A reef, which has a least depth of 1m, lies 0.5 mile SW of

Pulau Kasenga, and with the exception of this reef and the one
2.50 Pulau Mendanau (2°53'S., 107°25'E.), on the E side W of Pulau Bamijo, the W side of Kepulauan Lima is clear.
of Selat Baur, is the largest of the islands fronting the W coast Eastward of a line joining Pulau Kasenga and Tanjung Ayer-

of Pulau Belitang. The island is wooded throughout and is hilly lancur, there are dangers, numerous enough to warrant avoid-
in the W and NW portions. ance.
Petaling, a hill 207m high, is near the middle of the island.

The shores of the island are generally low with a rocky point Selat Baur—South Part
here and there.
Tanjung Ayerlancur is a high blunt point from which a steep-
2.50 2.52 Pulau Simedang, on the W side of Selat Baur, has
to reef extends about 200m W. been previously described in paragraph 2.41. Karang Ombak
A light, shown from a white metal tower 27m high, is on the
2.50 and Karang Larabe, also on the W side of Selat Baur, have
point. The entire coast of the island N and S of the point is been previously described in paragraph 2.42.
fringed by reefs and rocks, some of them lying as much as 1.5 Karang Selatan (3°07'S., 107°25'E.), 4 miles SSE of Pulau

miles offshore. Lima, dries. When covered, it is marked by dark brown discol-
Pulau Mendanau is separated from the S coast of Pulau Ba-
2.50 oration and tide rips.
tudinding by Selat Nasi, a narrow channel only navigable by Karang Karang Teree (Karang Karang Jeree), lying 3.8 miles

praus. SE of Karang Selatan consists of a sand bank with drying

Pulau Peling is a small islet, which lies on a drying reef 2.5
2.50 rocks.
miles SSE of Tanjung Ayerlancur and about 1 mile offshore. Anchorage may be obtained W of Karang Karang Teree, in

Pulau Kembung, 60m high, is 1.3 miles N of the same point. depths of 15 to 16m, with Pulau Lima bearing 340° at 6 miles.
There is convenient anchorage for vessels with local knowl-
2.50 A rock awash, lies approximately 8 miles W of Teree Reef.
edge, in a depth of 14m, hard sand, with Pulau Kembung bearing Karang Nyera, 2.5 miles S of Karang Karang Teree reefs, is

215°, distant 1 mile, also 0.5 mile E of the islet in a depth of 20m. a small drying reef, located close inside the 11m line.
Care must be taken to avoid the reefs in this locality.
Pulau Nado is a low wooded islet separated from the SE
2.50 2.53 Batu Malang (White Rock) (3°15'S., 107°28'E.),
shore of Pulau Mendanau by Selat Nado, which is available on- 8.5m high, 3 miles S of Karang Nyers, lies at the N extremity
ly to small native craft. of a large drying reef. A bank of hard sand, with depths of 5.5
Pulau Gersik (3°00'S., 107°16'E.), on the W side of Selat
2.50 to 8.8m, extends 3 miles SE of this reef.
Baur, 8 miles SSW of Tanjung Ayerlancur, is a low thickly Pulau Seliu (3°13'S., 107°32'E.) lies 4 miles W of Tanjung

wooded island surrounded by a steep-to reef. There are depths Genting, the SW extremity of Pulau Belitung. The island is
of less than 5.8m, as far as 0.5 mile N through E, to 0.5 mile low, except for Marangbolo, a hillock 69m high, on Tanjung
SSE of the islet. A shallow spot, depth 2.2m, lies 1 mile WNW Marangbolo, the S point of the island.
of the island. The trees are lower between Marangbolo and the N part of

Good anchorage, in a depth of 15m, sand and coral, may be

2.50 the island. From a distance of 12 to 16 miles, it has the appear-
obtained on the ridge which extends S from Pulau Gersik, with ance of two islands. Pulau Saribu is surrounded by a reef which
the E extremity of the islet bearing 355° and the S extremity of partially dries with several above-water rocks.
Pulau Aur bearing 293°. Pulau Saribu is a small islet in the channel between Pulau Seliu

Caution.—Pulau Mendanau and Pulau Nado should not be

2.50 and Pulau Belitung; this channel is navigable only by praus. Batu
approached inside the 20m curve due to the many dangers Saribu is a white rock about 0.6 mile SSE of Pulau Saribu.

Pub. 163
48 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

Quarter-Fathom Reef, with a depth of 0.5m, lies 4 miles S of

2.53 From positions near Karang Larabe, other mountains on Be-

Tanjung Marangbolo. litung should be sighted as well as Pulau Simedang. In clear

weather there should be no difficulty in making the strait.
2.54 Karang Cooper (Cooper Reef) (3°22'S., 107°35'E.), When the vessel’s position has been determined, a N course

7.5 miles SSW of Tanjung Genting, has a depth of 0.9m, and may be steered to a position 6 miles E of Pulau Simedang. The
cannot be recognized by sounding or discoloration. Midway directions given for Selat Baur from N can then be followed in
between Karang Cooper and Quarter-Fathom Reef, there is a reverse order.
shoal with a least depth of 7m. A patch with a depth of 5.5m, During poor visibility, vessels must depend on soundings. In

charted as 9m, lies 3.5 miles NW of Karang Cooper. such cases, it is advisable to make the S edge of the bank which
Gosong Awal, lies about 2.5 miles SSE of Karang Cooper;
2.54 extends about 28 miles S of Pulau Simedang. When depths
consisting of two drying patches. The E patch, part of which from 13 to 18m, clay with sand are reached, immediately steer
remains exposed at high water, is composed of sand. The W E until in depths of more than 18m, then steer N taking care to
patch is made of large black rocks, some of which are above stay in depths of more than 18m.
water and may be seen from a distance of 4 miles at low water. When passing E of Pulau Simedang, keep in depths of not

Karang Naga (3°27'S., 107°37'E.), 12.5 miles S of Tanjung

2.54 less than 30m. If depths of over 36m have been obtained when
Genting, is a small formation of coral and large rocks, and has making for the S entrance, it may be presumed that the vessel
a least depth of 0.9m. The reef is frequently marked by break- is well over on the E side of the channel, and a NW course may
ers and tide rips, but seldom by discoloration. be steered in order to keep in these depths.
Karang Genting (Carnbee) (3°34'S., 107°41'E.), the SE
2.54 If there exists any doubt as to which side of the strait the ves-

danger in the S approach to Selat Baur, is located 20 miles SSE sel is on, it is advisable to anchor. It is of interest to note that
of Tanjung Genting. The danger consist of three small steep-to poor visibility conditions do not usually last for any length of
coral reefs lying within a distance of 1.3 miles of each other time.
and surrounded by irregular depths. A dangerous rock was reported 12 miles ESE of Pulau

The W reef is awash. At high water and with a calm sea, it is

2.54 Simedang, and a dangerous wreck is 12 miles SSE.
difficult to locate the group by eye from distances of more than At night, in clear weather, the strait can be approached from S

200m; however, the mountains of Pulau Belitung can be seen without danger, as the light on Pulau Simedang is visible up to 3
from S of these reefs. miles S of Karang Hancock, the danger on the W side of the ap-
Directions.—Vessels approaching from the N, especially if
2.54 proach. When this light is sighted, a course should be steered to
the position is not certain, must give consideration to the reefs pass 6 miles E of Pulau Simedang and then proceed N.
and dangers lying between 40 and 50 miles NE of Pulau Bang- When the light on Tanjung Ayerlancur is sighted, it must be

ka. kept between the bearing of 003° and 022°. When Pulau Gersik
Attention must be paid S to the dangers lying off the N en-
2.54 is sighted, the vessel’s position can be fixed and course may be
trance to Selat Gelasa, towards the E is Karang Caning. The changed to pass either side of Karang Akbar, according to des-
isolated reef, with a least depth of 3.6m, lies about 47 miles N tination.
of Pulau Langkuas.
When S of the line joining Tanjung Berikat and Pulau
Selat Gelasa—East Side
Langkuas, the only danger in the N part of the strait is Beting
Akbar. Vessels passing E of this shoal and near Pulau 2.56 Pulau Belitung (2°54'S., 107°55'E.), an island form-
Langkuas must guard against the peculiar nature of the tidal ing the W side of Karimata Strait, is roughly circular in shape.
currents in the vicinity of the islet. It is wooded and rather flat, with a few hills, but no mountain
When the vessel has cleared Beting Akbar, course should be
2.54 ranges. Tin is dredged in many parts of the island and is
changed to pass not less than 3 miles W of Tanjung Ayerlancur, shipped from Tanjungpandan.
avoiding the isolated 22m depth, 2 miles W of that point, then Tides—Currents.—The horizontal movement of water

steer S and pass about 2 miles E of Pulau Gersik and continue close to the coast of Pulau Belitung is diurnal, while in the fair-
on this course to a position 6 miles E of Pulau Simedang. way of Karimata Strait, it is mainly monsoon current. In the
When the vessel has reached the position E of Pulau Simed-
2.54 narrow passages between the islets and reefs, the tidal current
ang, course may be changed according to destination, bearing may attain a rate of from 2 to 3 knots. The directions in which
in mind that Karang Larabe lies about 13 miles SSW of Pulau the currents set are, as follows:
Simedang and Carnbee Reefs lie about 32 miles ESE of the
same islet. Locality Directions
Vessels approaching the strait from the SSW, change course
Off the S coast W and E to SE
for Karang Larabe in the Northwest Monsoon and for Carnbee
Reefs in the Southeast Monsoon. In clear weather, the moun- Off the E coast N to NNW and S to SE
tains in the SW part of Pulau Belitung will be sighted some Off the NE coast NW and SE
distance S of these dangers.
Off the N coast W to WNW and E to SE
2.55 Gunung Ludai (3°09'S., 107°44'E.) may be sighted
from positions as far as 12 miles S of Carnbee Reefs, then Aspect.—There are few landmarks on the N part of the W

shortly afterward, Gunung Beluru, 3.5 miles WSW of Ludai, coast of Pulau Belitung, between Tanjung Kelayang, the NW
will be sighted. extremity of the island, and Tanjung Kubu, a rocky point 10

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 49

miles SSW. Srimanggar.

The most noticeable mountain is Gunung Tajem, a double-
2.56 Sriblitong (Sri Blitong) (2°39'S., 107°33'E.), with a least depth

peaked mountain nearly in the middle of the island, 16 miles of 3m, is 5 miles NW of Tanjung Kubu. A 9.1m patch lies 1.3
ESE of Tanjung Kubu. Gunung Tobalo, 4.5 miles S of Tanjung miles SW of this reef and a 4.5m patch lies 0.6 mile SSE.
Kelayang and 1.5 miles inland, has three peaks. Baka Reef, with a least depth of 0.3m, is close N of Tanjung-

The S peak, 164m high, is the highest; they are prominent

2.56 pandan Road, 3 miles WNW of Tanjung Kubu.
when seen from the W and in clear weather are visible from a There are several shoal patches and reefs E of the above

distance of 28 miles but are not easily identified from N. Bul- named reefs and shoals.
ing, a hill 113m high, 2 miles NW of Gunung Tobalo, is dome- The chart is the best guide for the positions, dimensions, and

shaped when seen from N or W. for the depths over these various formations.
Between Tanjung Kubu and Tanjung Tikar, 5.5 miles SSW,

2.57 Tanjung Binga (2°36'S., 107°38'E.) is a high point 4 the coast is indented by a bay into which the Sungai Cerucup
miles SW of Tanjung Kelayang. From Tanjung Binga to Tan- flows. Tanjungpandan Road is the roadstead off the entrance to
jung Kubu, 6 miles S, the coast is low and fringed by a bank this river. Except for a narrow channel leading to the mouth of
which dries as much as 1.3 miles offshore in places. this river, almost the entire bay is occupied by a coastal reef,
A number of islets, mostly hilly and with many reef patches
2.57 which dries, and which extends 3 miles W from the river en-
around them, lie off Tanjung Kelayang. trance.
Pulau Langkuas (2°32'S., 107°37'E.) is one of outermost is-
2.57 Outside the coastal reef are numerous detached reefs.

lands off Tanjung Kelayang. It lies 3 miles WNW of this point. Pulau Kelemoa (Pulau Kalmoa) is an islet on the S side of

A light is near the E end of the island. the channel, 1 mile W of the river entrance; a pier extends from
Batu Alwina, a shoal with a depth of 3m, lies 1.3 miles NNE
2.57 the N side of the islet.
of Pulau Langkuas. This danger, the northernmost in the area, is Batu Kijang is the NW extremity of the coastal reef which

not marked by surf or discoloration. It is recommended that ves- extends from the S entrance point of the river.
sels not approach Pulau Langkuas within 3 miles from the N. A light is shown from a white metal framework tower with

There are other islets on the coastal reef which extends 2

2.57 black bands, 9m high, on the coastal reef, 1 mile NW of Pulau
miles from the coast between Tanjung Kelayang and Tanjung Kelemoa.
Binga, about 4 miles SSW. A fairway lighted buoy is moored close W of a 7.6m shoal, 5

Pulau Kepayang, the farthest N of these islets, lies 1 mile NW of

2.57 miles WNW of the light.
Tanjung Kelayang; the islet is surrounded by a drying reef and off A shoal, with a least depth of 3m, lies on the N side of a

the N end of this reef is an islet with a high rock close off it. Fur- swept channel 4 miles NW of the light, and a shoal, with a least
ther SW are Pulau Pegadur, Pulau Burung, Pulau Lutung, and Pu- depth of 6.7m, lies 3.3 miles WNW of the same structure on
lau Kera, which is the farthest S of this group. the S side of the swept channel.
Melang Besar, about 2 miles W of Pulau Kepayang, has a
2.57 Karang Tengah (2°43'S., 107°33'E.), with a depth of 5.2m,

conspicuous tree. Melang Kecil, 0.5 mile W of Melang Besar, lies 2.8 miles WNW of the light. Mangkok Besar, with a least
is a smooth shining white-colored rock just above water. A depth of 3m, lies on the N side of the channel, 1 mile ENE of
rock, awash, lies 183m W of Melang Kecil. Karang Tengah.
Several reefs lie within a distance of 1.5 miles SSW of Me-
2.57 A 2.7m shoal of sand and coral lies 0.4 mile SE of Mangkok

lang Kecil. Besar, and a 4.9m patch lies on the S side of the channel, 0.8
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be obtained, in depths of 15 to
2.57 mile SW of the same shoal.
16m, sand, 0.5 mile S of Pulau Langkuas. This anchorage may
be approached from W by steering for the summit of Pulau Ke- 2.59 Tanjungpandan (2°45'S., 107°38'E.) (World Port In-
payang, bearing 090°, which leads mid-channel between Pulau dex No. 50250) stands on the N bank of the Sungai Cerucup, 3
Langkuas and Melang Kecil, keeping in mind the shoal with a miles inside the swept channel. It is the capital of Pulau Be-
depth of 5.5m, lying 0.45 mile SSE of Pulau Langkuas. litung and the port is managed by a harbormaster. There is also
Care should be taken not to confuse the islet, 0.3 mile N of
2.57 a customs officer here.
Pulau Kepayang, with Pulau Kepayang itself. The islet appears The port serves an inland area that includes oil palm estates, ka-

as two hillocks with a low peak in the center, when approach- olin, granite, and quartz sand. The wooden dock has been upgrad-
ing from the W, while Pulau Kepayang is difficult to see ed to concrete, a passenger waiting room has been built, and the
against the land. roads around the terminal have been repaired.
The outermost shoals and reefs which lie off the bank S of
2.57 Three piers make up the port, as follows:

Tanjung Binga are described from N to S. 1. The West Pier is 324m long with depths of 3.0-5.5m,
and can accommodate a maximum vessel length of 65m.
2.58 Srimanggar (Sri Manggar) (2°37'S., 107°34'E.), 3.5 2. The East Pier is 416m long with a depth alongside of
miles WSW of Tanjung Binga, has two heads with depths of 1.5m.
5.8 and 7m. Sritajem (Sri Tajem), 1.3 miles SW of Srimanggar, 3. The Oil Berth, 63m long, can accommodate vessels up
has a depth of 4.9m. to 1,500 dwt, with a maximum draft of 4mt.
There is a depth of 7m, 0.8 mile SSW of this reef and a shoal
2.58 The maximum vessel size which can use the inner anchorage

patch with a depth of 4.2m lies 0.65 mile ESE of same reef. is approximately 3,000 dwt. Vessels over 3,000 dwt should an-
Karang Karang Argo (Argo Shoals) are a number of shoal
2.58 chor in the outer anchorage.
patches with a least depth of 0.4m, lying 1 to 1.5 miles SSE of A swept channel, 0.3 mile wide and with a least depth of

Pub. 163
50 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

7.6m, trends ESE from a position 5 miles WNW of the light- of Pulau Tikus; drying and below water rocks extend for 0.8
structure toward the outlet of the river. Across the entrance of mile farther S. Two rocks, both awash, lie 0.8 mile and 1.5
the river is a bar of hard sand and stones with a least depth of miles NE of Pulau Tikus.
0.3m, which extends 0.5 mile NW from Pulau Kelemoa. Perlak Reefs, part of which dries, are a cluster of reefs on the

Ocean-going vessels do not enter the river, but anchor either

2.59 N side of Selat Mendanau, 2.5 miles NNW of Tanjung Kulit.
in the swept channel or in the inner anchorage. A prohibited Reefs and shoal patches extend SW from Perlak. Passage
anchorage is situated in an area bound by a line joining Tan- should not be attempted W of the cluster.
jung Kubu, a point 4 miles W of Tanjung Kubu, and Tanjung- Pulau Hoorn (2°50'S., 107°29'E.) and Pulau Sebongkok are

pandan. two islands off the E side of Pulau Mendanau. Pulau Hoorn has
Outer anchorage for large vessels of deep draft may be ob-
2.59 a prominent hill, 40m high, near its NE extremity.
tained, in a depth of 15m, 0.25 mile N of Karang Tengah. Ves- Tanjung Kulit, close E of the hill, is the E extremity of Pulau

sels of moderate size can anchor 1.3 miles WNW of the light, Hoorn. Selat Perlak separates Pulau Hoorn from Pulau Se-
in a depth of 12m, sand. bongkok, and Pulau Sebongkok from Pulau Mendanau; it is
This anchorage is unsafe in the Northeast Monsoon; vessels
2.59 only navigable by praus. The passage between Pulau Hoorn
can anchor near Pulau Sebongkok, in the N part of Selat Men- and Pulau Mendanau is closed by a drying reef.
danau. Pulau Sikindang is on the W side of Selat Mendanau, 2.5

When there is a Southwest Monsoon, vessels should anchor

2.59 miles S of the S extremity of Pulau Sebongkok. A rock awash
at the N entrance of Mendanau Strait. The inner anchorage is a lies 0.3 mile N of the N extremity of Pulau Sikindang.
fairly wide basin, with a least depth of 5.8m, mud and sand, Karang Gusung Plandok, a reef which dries in places, lies

close E of the light. It is comfortable for two vessels, 120m 1.8 miles SSE of Tanjung Burung Gantung, the S extremity of
long with a draft of less than 5.7m, and affords good shelter in Pulau Naduk (Pulau Nado). A reef, which dries, lies 1 mile S
Southeast Monsoon. of Karang Gusung Plandok.
Due to limited room, extreme caution is necessary when an-
2.59 A narrow ridge, with depths of 4.8 to 7.9m, extends S from

choring, and the use of both anchors is recommended. Karang Gusung Plandok, across Selat Mendanau, to Karang
To use the channel and anchorages, make the fairway lighted
2.59 Rangas.
buoy then steer SE to the outer anchorage. If proceeding farther
in, pass between the buoys and beacons marking the channel to 2.62 Pulau Ringgit (2°57'S., 107°31'E.) is on the E side of
the anchorage desired. Pilotage is not available. Selat Mendanau, 0.3 mile SW of Tanjung Borong.
Pulau Ru is a low island 1.8 miles SSW of Pulau Ringgit; S

2.60 Selat Mendanau (2°55'S., 107°30'E.), the inshore pas- of this island are Pulau Keringan and Pulau Mendulu. These
sage E of Kepulauan Lima, Pulau Nadak, and Pulau Mendanau, is three islands all lie on a coral reef which dries. E of Pulau Ru
marked by buoys and beacons. It can safely be used by vessels lies Pulau Koedoes, Pulau Klebong, Pulau Mantara, and Pulau
with local knowledge proceeding to Tanjungpandan, from the S Batang. A stranded wreck has been reported 1.3 miles W of Pa-
part of Selat Baur. The bottom in the shallower parts consists of lau Mendulu. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in
hard sand and in the deeper parts, soft clay. the area.
The W coast of Pulau Belitung, between Tanjung Tikar and
2.60 Directions.—Vessels making Selat Mendanau from the S,

Tanjung Borong, 9 miles SSW, is low and wooded with some proceed N to pass W of the beacon marking Karang Rangas.
sandy beaches and a couple of hillocks near the coast. It is When the S extremity of Pulau Mendulu bears 040°, steer for it
fringed for 2 or 3 miles offshore by a drying reef, with some and pass between the beacon and South Reef.
foul ground. Maintain this bearing until the ridge between Karang Rangas

Pulau Kelmanbang (2°47'S., 107°32'E.) is among the islets and Karang Gusuk Plandok has been crossed in a least depth of
and dangers that lie on the E side of Selat Mendanau, off the W 7.9m.
side of Pulau Belitung. The island lies with its E extremity 2.8 After crossing the ridge, steer 005°. The beacons, about 1

miles WNW of Tanjung Tikar, and is covered with vegetation. mile ESE and 1.3 miles ESE, will soon be seen. Pass between
There is a hill on the island, 49m high, and the island is sur-
2.60 the beacons, then steer NNE to pass midway between Pulau Si-
rounded by a reef. Jumangin, a rock awash, with a patch 4m kindang and Pulau Ringgit, then midway between Pulau Se-
deep, 0.2 mile NW, lies 0.5 mile W of Pulau Kelmanbang. bongkok and Pulau Tikus, taking care to avoid the 5.8m patch
Batu Tuku, a drying reef, lies 0.5 mile N of Pulau Kelman-
2.60 which lies 0.3 mile off the E coast of Pulau Sebongkok.
bang, and a shoal with a depth of 4m, lies 0.6 mile NW of Batu Pass W of the beacon 0.8 mile SW of Batu Pinang, and then

Tuku. W of the shoal patches about 3 miles NW of Batu Tuku. If

Several shallow patches extend 3 miles NW from Batu Tuku
2.60 bound for Tanjungpandan Road, steer ENE after rounding this
on the NE side of the entrance to Selat Mendanau. shoal and head for the swept channel.
Batu Pinang, a reef which dries, is 2.5 miles W of Tanjung
2.60 Vessels desiring to make a S passage through Selat Men-

Tikar. A drying rock with a depth of 3.9m, close W, lies 0.5 danau follow the above directions in reverse order.
mile W of Batu Pinang.
Pulau Belitung—West Coast
2.61 Pulau Tikus (2°51'S., 107°32'E.) is a small rocky is-
let on the NW edge of a coral reef, which dries, and is 4.5 miles 2.63 The W coast of Pulau Belitung is generally low and
SW of Tanjung Tikar. There is a sand patch covered with low wooded, with a few mountains inland which form useful land-
coconut palms on the S extremity of the reef, about 0.8 mile S marks.

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 51

Tanjung Borong (2°56'S., 107°32'E.) is 9 miles SSW of

2.63 Tanjung Siantu; a low ridge of hills runs close to the coast. A
Tanjung Tikar. The coast between Tanjung Borong and Tan- number of rocks, islets, and reefs lie off this section of coast,
jung Tambelan, 16 miles S, is fronted by banks, reefs, and low and form a chain separated from the coast by a narrow channel.
islands extending several miles seaward. Pulau Keran is the farthest E of the islet in this chain.
Teluk Brang, a large shallow bay, navigable only by praus,
2.63 Pulau Bulu, a vegetation-covered reef-fringed islet, rises to a

immediately S of Tanjung Borong, is entered by a narrow pas- height of 4.9m, 3 miles E of Tanjung Siantu.
sage between Pulau Ru and Pulau Batang. The N extremity of Pulau Mulut is a small rocky islet that rises to a height of

Pulau Batang is 2 miles S of Tanjung Borong. 67m, 4 miles E of Pulau Bulu; it appears as a rounded hillock
The village of Berempun (3°09'S., 107°37'E.) lies 5 miles N
2.63 when seen from seaward. A rocky formation, which uncovers,
of Tanjung Genting and 1.5 miles S of the mouth of the Mem- lies about 4.5 miles N of Pulau Mulut.
balong River. Fishing praus anchor near the shoreline in this ar- A ridge of rocks and reefs, with some awash, covers a dis-

ea. tance of 3.5 miles in an E and W direction, 1.5 miles N of Pu-

From Tanjung Tambelan, which is connected to the shore by
2.63 lau Mulut. There is a deep channel between them and Pulau
a narrow neck of land, the coast extends SSE 3 miles to Tan- Mulut. A 4m patch lies 4 miles NE of Pulau Mulut.
jung Genting, a rocky point, which is the SW extremity of Pu-
lau Belitung. Pulau Genting and some rocks, above-water and 2.66 Tanjung Boeding (Tanjung Batu) (2°36'S., 108°03'E.),
awash, lie close S of Tanjung Genting. the E entrance point of Teluk Buding, is 2 miles ESE of Tanjung
2.64 Bagienda (3°13'S., 107°37'E.), 1.8 miles NNE of Teluk Buding indents the coast to a distance of 3 miles; it is

Tanjung Genting, is a rocky hill with two summits. The W important locally, as Buding, the district capital, is on the Sun-
summit, 156m high, is fairly sharp. The E summit is 162m gai Buding, about 4 miles from its mouth.
high. Gunung Beluru, 361m high, 4.5 miles NE of Bagienda, is Numerous reefs lie off the entrance to a bay, which can only

a long narrow ridge. be entered by small vessels with local knowledge. The outer-
The highest peak is rendered prominent by a small area of
2.64 most reef, with a depth of 2.7m, is nearly 4 miles N of Tanjung
woods on the N side of the ridge, especially when seen from E Boeding. A narrow passage, marked by privately maintained
or W. beacons, leads along the E side of Pulau Keran and Tanjung
Kura, 1 mile ESE of Gunung Beluru, is 205m high. Gunung
2.64 Krupit.
Ludai, 3.5 miles E of Gunung Beluru, and Gunung Gedeh, 0.5 There is good anchorage for vessels with local knowledge in the

mile farther NE, are 332 and 381m high, respectively. entrance to Teluk Buding, with Tanjung Krupit in line with the E
The latter can be distinguished from a distance of 40 miles in
2.64 extremity of Pulau Keran, bearing 330°, in a depth of 6m, mud.
clear weather. Gunung Kubing, 341m high, 7 miles N of The coast between Tanjung Boeding and Tanjung Burung-

Gunung Beluru, has a ridge extending 5 miles NE; there are a mandi, 17 miles SE, is fringed by a coral reef, which extends
few prominent peaks on the ridge. Gunung Agung, at the NE about 1 mile offshore NE of Tanjung Boeding. There are many
end of the ridge, has two peaks; one reaches a height of 363m. dangers outside the reef.
Teluk Pering (2°40'S., 108°09'E.), a small bay midway be-

Belitung—North Coast tween these two points, is entered between Tanjung Sengaran on
the N, and Tanjung Kluang; the greater part of the bay dries.
2.65 The N coast of Pulau Belitung is about 40 miles long There are several useful peaks for fixing a vessel’s position

between Tanjung Kelayang and Tanjung Burungmandi. along this coast. Gunung Mang (Kelapa Kampit), 12 miles
This entire coast is fringed by coral reefs, sand banks, and
2.65 WNW of Tanjung Burungmandi, is a prominent conical hill,
rocks. There are some small isolated coral reefs, dangerous to 216m high.
shipping, which lie up to 11.5 miles offshore. These dangers Gunung Sekaju, 170m high, 16 miles WNW of Gunung

are steep-to and are not marked by discoloration. Mang, has a crater-shaped summit and a prominent patch of
It is possible that a number of undiscovered dangers may lie
2.65 red rock on the E slope; its W slope is rugged.
off this coast. The usual route to and from Selat Karimata leads Off-lying dangers.—Pulau Kanis (2°38'S., 108°12'E.), 3.8

N of Karang Florence Adelaide, and the coast of Pulau Be- miles NE of Tanjung Kluang, is a low islet from which a reef
litung is not sighted. extends 1 mile ESE and WNW. A light, shown from a white
Tanjung Siantu (2°32'S., 107°49'E.), the N extremity of Pu-
2.65 metal tower, 10m high, is on the islet.
lau Belitung, lies 9.5 miles ENE of Tanjung Kelayang, the NW
extremity of the island. Tanjung Siantu can be easily identified 2.67 Karang Tri (2°43'S., 108°16'E.) is a small islet, prac-
by the conical hill, 52m high, near the point, and by Pulau tically awash, lying 7 miles SSE of Pulau Kanis.
Siantu, 30m high, close NW of the point. A number of reef patches lie between Pulau Kanis and Ka-

The coast between Tanjung Siantu and Tanjung Kelayang is

2.65 rang Tri. The outermost, in a position 4 miles ESE of Pulau
fronted by reefs and above water rocks, and should be given a Kanis, has a depth of 3.6m.
berth of 4 miles. The outermost reef has a depth of 4.9m and Karang Busungserlang (Pulau Busung Serlang) (2°35'S.,

lies 3.5 miles offshore, 4 miles WNW of Tanjung Siantu. A 108°19'E.), 7 miles ENE of Pulau Kanis, has a yellowish-
2.7m patch lies 1.3 miles NNE of Tanjung Siantu. brown sand bank above water on its NW part, which is usually
Kampung Sijuk, the capital of the district, is 3 miles SSW of
2.65 visible from a distance of 4 miles.
Tanjong Siantu; a dangerous wreck lies 3 miles NNE of the point. A reef with a depth of 1.8m, lies 4 miles SE of Karang

Tanjung Krupit (2°35'S., 108°01'E.) lies 12 miles ESE of

2.65 Busungserlang. Two other reefs are reported to lie between

Pub. 163
52 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

them. When coming from N, steer to pass W of the lighted buoy


A dangerous reef, with a depth of 0.9m, lies 8 miles NNE of

2.67 moored 2.5 miles NW of Gosong Madau (Busung Madau),
Pulau Kanis. A rock, with a depth of 3.6m, lies 9 miles NNW then E of the black buoy, where the pilot will be embarked.
of Pulau Kanis. Patches, with depths of 4.5m and 0.9m lie, re- This route has not been swept and the possibility of uncharted
spectively, 4 miles WNW and 7.5 miles NW of Pulau Kanis. dangers exist.
The roadstead is approached through a channel, with a least

Belitung—East Coast depth of 4.6m, which runs parallel with the coast. It is entered
from the N, passing close E of the buoy moored on the 3m
2.68 The E side of Pulau Belitung is fronted by numerous patch, described above. The channel is buoyed, but dredging is
islands, islets, and reefs which extend up to 45 miles NE and continuous and positions of the buoys may change.
65 miles SE from this coast. Vessels should not leave the rec- An oil pier, with a depth of 8.8m at its head, extends from the

ommended routes through this area except in case of emergen- coast about 0.8 mile NE of Tanjung Samak.
cy. Local knowledge is essential for safe navigation in these Mooring buoys are situated off the head of the pier. Vessels

channels. Pilots for these waters can be obtained at Tangpan- cannot lie alongside the pier during the height of the Southeast
dan. Monsoon. Dredges operate close to the buoyed channel leading
Tanjung Samak (2°53'S., 108°17'E.) is 8 miles S of Tanjung
2.68 to the pier. This channel has a least depth of 4.3m.
Burungmandi. A small hill,72m high, is near the point and has
a building with a small conical tower on it. The lights of the 2.69 Manggar (2°53'S., 108°18'E.) stands on the S bank of
settlement on the hill can be seen from a distance of 20 miles. the Sungai Manggar, 2.5 miles within the mouth of the river.
A white power station on the N side of the hill is prominent by Manggar is the capital of the district of Linggang.
day. The mouth of the river has been dredged to a depth of 3m.

From E, it is recommended not to approach closer than 10

2.68 Coastal vessels can proceed up the river to a berth at a quay,
miles to Tanjung Samak and not to navigate in depths of less 45m in length, and cargo praus may proceed as far as Manggar.
than 18m. The ebb current may attain a rate of 3 knots. From May to

The low coast trends irregularly SSW from Tanjung Samak to

2.68 September inclusive, the N current is stronger and of longer
Tanjung Batuhitam (Tanjung Batu Hitam), a distance of about 25 duration than the S current October to April the flow is almost
miles. always S. There may be a strong current by the oil pier.
There are two landmarks along this coast. Gunung Slumar,
2.68 Pilotage.—Pilotage is available; the pilot meets vessels in

166m high, lies 7.5 miles WSW of Tanjung Samak; Gunung the vicinity of the buoy SW of Gosong Madau. Requests for
Bolong (Boleng), 341m high, lies 9 miles NNW of Gunung the pilot, stating the probable time of arrival at the buoy, should
Slumar; both appear as isolated cones. be made to "Constanno," Tanjungpandan.
The Sungai Linggang and the Sungai Manggar flow into the
2.68 Between Tanjung Samak and Tanjung Medong, 6 miles

sea 9.8 miles SSW and 2.5 miles NNE, respectively, from Tan- SSW, the coast is fronted by numerous coral reefs and sand
jung Samak. Muara Putus, the mouth of the Sungai Londji, lies ridges, extending SE from Tanjung Samak. The reefs and sand
1.5 miles N of the mouth of the Sungai Manggar. ridges extend to within 3 miles of Protet Reefs.
There is a roadstead, 1 mile E of Muara Putus, where an-
2.68 Caution.—Vessels passing along the coast must keep NE of

chorage can be taken, in a depth of 6m. Local knowledge is Karang Karang Protet (Protet Reefs) and give Tanjung Samak a
necessary, both in approaching the roadstead, and in taking an- berth of 12 miles when SE of it and 10 miles elsewhere, as nu-
chorage. merous dangers lie close inshore.
Another anchorage is about 5 miles NE of Muara Putas, in

depths of 18 to 38m, stones, between Busung Madau and a 3m Kepulauan Momparang

patch, about 2.5 miles SW.
Directions.—Directions which follow are for a coastwise
2.68 2.70 Kepulauan Momparang lies NE of the NE extremity
passage from Linggang Roadstead N to Manggar Roadstead, of Pulau Belitung. It consists of a number of small islands,
and are not to be attempted without local knowledge. sand banks, and coral reefs which extend over an area 30 miles
Follow directions given for Linggang Roadstead from S, un-
2.68 long in an E and W direction and are 10 miles wide. The is-
til in a position 2 miles E of Pulau Melidang. From this posi- lands are uninhabited, but are visited by fishermen from Pulau
tion steer 030° until the N extremity of Pulau Sukun is in line Belitung.
with the N extremity of Karang Busungjong (2°59'S., Pulau Mempirak (2°43'S., 108°26'E.), the S island of the

108°20'E.), bearing 238°. This range, in line astern, leads in a group, lies 10 miles ENE of Tanjung Burungmandi. The island
least depth of 9m between two reefs, and close NW of a 4.9m is thickly wooded and has some very tall trees which show
patch lying 4.5 miles ENE of Karang Busungjong. plainly above the others. A reef, with a depth of 3.7m, lies 2.5
Attention must be paid to the tidal currents which set N and
2.68 miles SW of Pulau Mempirak.
S across these reefs. When the W edge of Pulau Bukulimau Some reefs, which dry and are generally marked by surf, lie

bears 342°, steer 322° to pass W of the sandy cay which lies 2 between it and Pulau Mempirak. There is a reef, with a least
miles SSW of that island. depth of 0.9m, 3 miles ESE of Pulau Mempirak.
Except for these reefs, the channel between Pulau Mempirak

When the S edge of Pulau Bukulimau bears 065°, steer for

2.68 and Pulau Siadung, 5 miles SSW, is clear and deep, and can be
Busung Madau. The pilot should be embarked about 2 miles used by vessels bound for Teluk Buding, from SW.
SSW of that danger. Pulau Bakau (2°41'S., 108°25'E.), a low flat island 1.3

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 53

miles NW of Pulau Mempirak, has some below-water rocks Karang Tenang (Catherine Reef), with a depth of 1.5m, lies 3

and a drying sand bank within 1 mile NE and within 0.5 mile miles E of Pulau Yustina. These two reefs are not marked by
of its SW side. A reef extends 1 mile from the SE side of the is- surf or discoloration. A 1.5m patch lies 0.8 mile SW of Pulau
land. Yustina.
Pulau Sadung, 4 miles E of Pulau Bakau, is low and covered

with vegetation. 2.72 Karang Condor (Condor Reef) (2°25'S., 108°41'E.),

Pulau Maranai (2°38'S., 108°30'E.) is a thickly wooded is-
2.70 the N danger of Kepulauan Momparang, lies 10.5 miles WNW
land, visible 14 miles in clear weather, which can be readily of Pulau Pesemut. It consists of two small patches of coral with
distinguished from the other islands by its peculiar round a depth of 4.5m. The reef is not marked by breakers or discol-
shape. The area around and between Pulau Sadung and Pulau oration, but there are frequent tide rips.
Maranai is foul and should be avoided. The area E of Pulau Telegapahat to Pulau Pesemut is encum-

A sandy cay with a few trees on it is 1 mile E of Pulau Mara-

2.70 bered with reefs, and it is possible that other dangers, besides
nai. those shown on the chart, may exist.
The passages between the islands and reefs of Kepulauan

2.71 Karang Hydrograaf (Hydrograaf Reef) (2°35'S., Momparang are very dangerous to large vessels. Small vessels
108°25'E.), 4.5 miles NW of Pulau Maranai, has a depth of can, in the case of an emergency, make use of a few of them.
3.7m, and is not marked. The best channel is between Pulau Maranai and Pulau Telegap-
Pulau Telagapahat (2°34'S., 108°34'E.), 5 miles NE of Pu-
2.71 ahat.
lau Maranai, is low except for two rocky hillocks near its S From S, steer to pass midway between these two islands on

end. There are two small islets 1.5 miles N of the N extremity course 302°, taking care to avoid a 7.6m patch, 3.5 miles N of
of Pulau Telagapahat. All three islets are thickly wooded and Pulau Maranai. When Pulau Maranai bears 180° change course
are visible 12 miles. slightly N to pass between a 4.9m patch, lying 2.3 miles ENE
A reef, with a depth of 0.9m, lies 2 miles W of Pulau Telagapa-
2.71 of Karang Hydrograaf (Hydrograaf Reef), and Karang Corcyra
hat. Foul ground, with some above-water reefs and sand cays, lies (Corcyra Reef).
1.25 to 3 miles E and 1.25 to 5 miles SE of the island. Another channel leads from E toward the N coast of Pulau

Pulau Nangka (2°30'S., 108°32'E.), 4 miles N of Pulau Tel-

2.71 Belitung. To use this channel, keep the S peak of Pulau Nangka
agapahat, is the only high island of Kepulauan Momparang. bearing between 248° and 258°. When past Karang Condor
The island rises in two peaks; the S peak, the highest, rises to a (Condor Reefs) and approaching Pulau Nangka, steer to pass
height of 180m, and during clear weather may be seen up to 32 not less than 1.5 miles N of the latter.
From the E or W, these two summits appear as two detached
Off-lying Islands and Reefs
islets. There is a small islet on a drying reef 0.5 mile W of the S
point of Pulau Nangka. A 1.2m patch lies 1.5 miles to the SW. 2.73 Gosong Madau (Busung Madau) (2°46'S.,
Karang Corcyra (Corcyra Reef), with a least depth of 2.1m,
2.71 108°22'E.), about 6 miles E of Tanjung Burungmandi, a sand
lies 3.5 miles W of the S extremity of Pulau Nangka. The reef cay covered with shrubs and some palms, is visible 10 miles.
is not marked by surf or discoloration. A reef, with a depth of 1.2m, lies 1.5 miles NW of Gosong

Karang Telegapahat (Warren Reef) (2°33'S., 108°39'E.),

2.71 Madau. A lighted buoy is moored about 0.8 miles NNW of the
lying 5.5 miles ENE of Pulau Telegapahat, is a low sand bank reef.
2m high. A small drying reef lies 1 mile S. Shallow areas, with Pulau Bukulimau (2°49'S., 108°24'E.), 9 miles NE of Tan-

depths of 6.7 and 2.1m, lie 2 miles WSW and 1 mile N, respec- jung Samak, is a low tree-covered islet visible 15 miles. Foul
tively, of Karang Telegapahat. ground extends 1.3 miles SE from the islet. A sand cay, cov-
Shoals, with depths of 1.2 to 3m, lie up to 3 miles W of Ka-
2.71 ered with shrubs, lies 2 miles SSW of Pulau Bukulimau.
rang Telegapahat. Pulau Siadung, 1 mile NNE of Pulau Bukulimau, is low and

Pulau Karangraja (2°35'S., 108°44'E.), a low flat island,

2.71 thickly wooded. A drying sand bank lies 0.5 mile E.
lies 4.5 miles SE of Karang Telegapahat. Pulau Belian, 2 miles The Sungai Linggang (3°02'S., 108°12'E.), the most import-

ENE of Pulau Karangraja, 51m high and covered with tall ant river on the E side of Pulau Belitung, flows into the sea 9.5
trees, is visible up to 16 miles away. miles S of Tanjung Samak. The river has scoured a channel
Reefs extend up to 3 miles NNW from Pulau Belian, termi-
2.71 through the coastal bank of sand and coral, which extends 0.8
nating in Pulau Gubbins (Reef), a 2m high sand bank. mile E from the S entrance point of the river.
Other dangerous below-water rocks and reefs lie 3 miles N,
2.71 The channel and the river as far up as Gantung, 6 miles

up to 0.8 mile N, 3 miles WNW, and 2.5 miles NE of Pulau above its mouth, are marked by beacons which are privately
Gubbins. maintained. There is a least depth of 1.2m on the bar, but the
Pulau Pesemut (2°30'S., 108°51'E.), the E island of Kepu-
2.71 river depths increase to 1.8m and more.
lauan Momparang, lying 6 miles NE of Pulau Belian, is a sand Owing to various sand ridges, it is only navigable by small

cay with trees, 39m high. A light is shown from Pulau Pe- craft with a draft of 1.2m, after half flood tide.
semut; a radiobeacon is located on the island. Tanjung Tepox (Tanjung Tapok) (3°08'S., 108°12'E.) is 8

Pulau Tuan and Pulau Yustina (Justina Reef), awash, lie 1.8
2.71 miles S of the mouth of the Sungai Linggang. Tanjung Batubu-
miles SSW and 1.5 miles ESE, respectively, of Pulau Pesemet. jong, the S entrance point of a shallow bay, is 7.5 miles SW of
Karang Wittingham (Whittingham Reef), with a depth of
2.71 Tanjung Tepox. Tanjung Batuhitam (Tanjung Batu Hitam) lies
3.7m, lies 1.5 miles N of Pulau Yustina (Justina Reef). 2 miles further S.

Pub. 163
54 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

Pulau Selandu (3°04'S., 108°15'E.) lies 1.3 miles offshore,

2.73 islets separated by a narrow, drying channel.
4.8 miles NE of Tanjung Tepox (Tanjung Tapok). The island is Pulau Beluput (3°20'S., 108°27'E.), the highest of three is-

hilly and is almost connected to the main coastal reef, which lets which lie close together on the E side of the group, can be
dries. Pulau Melidang lies 1.8 miles E of Pulau Selandu. readily identified when seen from the E as a hump.
From the E the islet appears as a rugged ridge of hills and is
2.73 Several dangers lie S of Pulau Pengapit, the outermost being

visible 20 miles. There are two small islets in the channel be- a rock, awash, 4 miles S of that island.
tween Pulau Selandu and Pulau Melidang. It should be noted in connection with the channels through

Pulau Sukun is a small islet 2 miles NE of Pulau Selandu. It

2.73 the island group, that the tidal currents are strong and there is
is fringed by a drying reef which extends 0.8 mile SE. A drying little shelter in either monsoon.
reef is 2.5 miles SE of Pulau Sukun; an isolated coral head, Karang Tiung (Osterly Reefs) (3°20'S., 108°37'E.) lie about

awash, lies 0.5 mile NNE of the drying reef. 11 miles E of Pulau Beleput. Karang Utara is farthest N of the
group; the reef nearly dries and is often marked by breakers
2.74 Pulau Sekapar (3°09'S., 108°14'E.) lies 2.3 miles E and tide rips.
of Tanjung Tepox. Several reefs awash, or with depths of less A 6.7m patch lies 2.5 miles W of Karang Utara, and 2 miles

than 0.7m, lie about 2 miles E and 1 mile S of Pulau Sekapar. farther W is a reef with a depth of 1.2m.
A chain of islands extend 5 miles S from Tanjung Tepox,
2.74 The latter reef can usually be detected by tide rips. With a

which is almost joined to the point by a drying bank. Pulau Te- moderate breeze, no surf or discoloration has been observed.
pi is the S island of this group. Karang Timur, 3 miles S of Karang Utara, has some drying
Pulau Serukat-besar (3°11'S., 108°07'E.) lies 5 miles NE
2.74 reefs. Karang (Selatan) Salatan, 1.5 miles SW of Karang
of Tanjung Batuhitam, and 0.3 mile offshore. In the Northwest Timur, the farthest S of the group, is a coral reef with a few
Monsoon there is good anchorage 1.5 miles S of this islet, in a patches of sand, 1m high; it is marked by a light.
depth of 9m, mud and sand. This position can easily be ap- Tidal currents between the Karang Tiung (Osterly Reefs) are

proached from S. diurnal and run NW and from SSE to ESE; a very slight current
Karang Karang Protet (Protet Reefs) (3°03'S., 108°29'E.)
2.74 has been observed setting NW in November, and in December
are two steep-to reefs lying 2.5 miles apart in an ESE and a constant current setting SSE, only occasionally diminishing
WNW direction. in force.
Karang Timur (East Protet Reef) lies 17 miles SE of Tanjung

Samak and has a depth of 1.2m. It is steep-to and generally 2.76 Karang Bower (Bower Reef) (3°28'S., 108°37'E.), 6
breaks. Karang Barat (West Protet Reef) has a depth of 2.7m, miles S of Karang Selatan, is a small steep-to coral reef with a
coral. depth of 2.1m, lying in the middle of a narrow sand ridge 13
Pulau Rotan (3°13'S., 108°16'E.) lies 4.5 miles E of Pulau
2.74 miles long in a N and S direction.
Tepi. The channel between them is divided into two parts by a This reef is never marked by discoloration, but there are

shoal, which has several above and below-water rocks. The sometimes eddies. Less water than charted has been reported
channel W of the shoal has been swept and is the recommend- (1997) SSE of Karang Bower.
ed inshore route. Within the triangular area bound by lines joining Pulau Ro-

A reef, with a depth of 0.9m, lies 2 miles SSW of Pulau Ro-

2.74 tan, Karang Karang Protet, and Karang Bower there are numer-
tan and a rock, with a depth of 1.5m, lies 3.5 miles SSE of the ous dangers in addition to those described. On the various
island. Reefs and submerged rocks extend 6 miles NE and 3 ridges of sand are scattered rocks and small patches of coral,
miles SE from the island. some of them are above water.
Reliable landmarks can only be seen in clear weather, and

2.75 The Schaarvogel Islands (3°17'S., 108°25'E.) occupy even then are difficult to identify. The tidal currents are strong,
an area approximately 8 miles in diameter, about 20 miles E of and the water is usually so turbid that the bottom cannot be
Tanjung Batuhitam (Tanjung Batu Hitam). The group of is- seen even at a depth of 4m. This area should be avoided except
lands are all low and thickly wooded and there are reefs and in case of necessity.
sand banks around them. Nearly all the reefs are steep-to and Directions.—It is not advisable to approach Linggang Road-

soundings give no warning. stead from E as there are reefs and other dangers difficult to de-
Pulau Ayermasin (3°15'S., 108°23'E.), the NW islet of the tect.
group, lies 6 miles ESE of Pulau Rotan. A prominent tree, When approaching from S, use the swept channel between

standing near the center, is visible 18 miles. Pulau Tepi and the group of islets and reefs 1 mile E. Steer for
Although it has been swept over a width of 1.3 miles, the
2.75 the E extremity of Pulau Tepi, bearing 010°, and when 1 mile S
channel between Pulau Rotan and Pulau Ayermasin is not rec- of it, steer NE to pass 2 miles SE of Pulau Sekapar and 0.5 mile
ommended because of reefs in the S entrance. Pulau Marai lies SE of the reef, awash, lying 2 miles E of that island. Maintain
2 miles SSE of Pulau Ayermasin. The passage between these this NE course until 3.3 miles SE of Pulau Melidang, then steer
islands is foul. for a position 0.8 mile NE of Pulau Melidang.
Pulau Penerus lies 3 miles SSE of Pulau Ayermasin, in the
2.75 Pass midway between the island and the drying reef, 1.5

middle of the group. There is a narrow, deep channel on the W miles NE, then a WNW course can be steered for the anchor-
side of Pulau Penerus; the channel on the E side is wider, but age, 2 miles E of the mouth of the Sungai Linggang.
coral patches and detached rocks, marked by surf or discolor- Anchorage can be taken N of Pulau Selandu, in depths of 4.3

ation, lie on either side of the channel. to 6.1m.

Pulau Pengaplt, 2 miles SE of Pulau Penerus, consists of two

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 55

Belitung—South Coast which pass E and W of these reefs, join N of Pulau Umpang to
form a common channel leading N to the anchorage that lies E
2.77 From Tanjung Batuhitam (Tanjung Batu Hitam) of Pulau Kampak.
(3°15'S., 108°04'E.), the E point on the S coast of Belitung, the Pulau Berumput is a small islet in the E part of the bay, 6.5

coast trends 6 miles SW to Tanjung (Klumpang) Kelumpang, a miles NNW of Tanjung Kelumpang. Tanjung Rising is a point
rocky point. The land between the two points is low and densely on the E shore, 5 miles NNW of Pulau Berumput. Pudak, a hill
wooded. on the E shore, about 9 miles N of Tanjung Kelumpang, forms
Mengarun (3°04'S., 107°59'E.), 12.5 miles N of Tanjung
2.77 a useful range with Pulau Berumput.
Kelumpang, consists of three ridges close together which rise On the W shore are Tanjung Rusa, 6.8 miles NNE of Pulau

to a height of 237m. Tiung is an isolated conical hill, 192m Keramiah, and Palau Kampak, 3.5 miles farther NNE. A bea-
high, 4.5 miles ESE of Mengarun. con stands on a reef patch 0.5 mile E of Palau Kampak.
Some islets and rocks lie on the coastal reef, which dries and
2.77 Anchorage can be taken 1.3 miles SW of Dendang, between

extends 0.5 mile offshore between Batuhitam and Tanjung Tanjung Rising and Pulau Kampak, in a depth of 4.6m. With
Kelumpang. strong S winds, the water at the head of the bay sometimes ris-
Some small islets or rocks lie close off Tanjung Batuhitam.
2.77 es 0.3m above the usual level. The bay may be entered by pass-
A reef, with a depth of 0.5m, is 0.5 mile off this point. There
2.77 ing on either side of Pulau Umpang. It is recommended that
are some above-water rocks, 1 mile SE of Tanjung Kelumpang, only those vessels with local knowledge enter the bay.
and a reef with a depth of 1.2m, 1.5 miles SSE of the same
point. There is a 3.7m patch, 2.5 miles WSW of Tanjung 2.79 From Tanjung Rusa (3°10'S., 107°50'E.), the coast
Kelumpang. trends 14 miles WSW to Tanjung Genting, the SW extremity of
Pulau Kebatu (3°48'S., 108°04'E.), 31 miles S of Tanjung
2.77 Pulau Belitung; the mountains lie close to the coast in this area.
Kelumpang, is a bare conical shaped islet, 105m high. The islet Tanjung Batu Penju is a point 11.5 miles WSW of Tanjung

is steep-to except at its NW side where there is a sandy beach, Rusa. Tanjung Batu Tungku is 1.3 miles farther WSW; both
and a reef with some above-water rocks, which extends 0.2 points are rocky. The coast from Tanjung Rusa to Tanjung Batu
mile offshore. It is considered a good mark and can be recog- Tungku is fringed by a narrow drying reef.
nized up to 22 miles. Pulau Kramiah (Pulau Keramiah) (3°15'S., 107°45'E.), the

White Rocks (Pulau Putih) is a grayish-white rock forma-

2.77 W entrance point of Teluk Balok, is the farthest E of two small
tion, 17.4m high, visible up to 12 miles, which lies 1 mile SW islets surrounded by reefs. Patches of drying reef extend 1.5
of Pulau Kebatu. A reef, with a depth of 0.3m, lies 0.5 mile NE miles W and 1 mile ESE of Pulau Kramiah.
of White Rocks. At times, the reef is marked by brown discol- Pulau Blatok, a small islet 4 miles E of Tanjung Genting and

oration. Zephyr Reef (Karang Bali) (Karang Beli) lies about 1 1 mile offshore, is on the W part of a large drying reef. A dry-
mile W of Pulau Kebatu. It is marked by a light and by break- ing reef lies 0.5 mile E and a reef, awash, lies 1.8 miles S of
ers and has some drying rocks. A shoal, with a depth of 22m, Pulau Belatuk.
lies 17 miles SW of Pulau Kebatu. A dangerous wreck, with a Pulau Ketupai is 2 miles SW of Pulau Kramiah and is sur-

depth of 29m and best seen on the chart, lies 42 miles SE of rounded by reefs. There is foul ground N of a line joining Pu-
Pulau Kebatu. lau Kramiah and Pulau Blatok.
Pulau-Pulau Masar are four thickly-wooded islets about 8

Grace Reefs (3°43'S., 108°06'E.) are two reefs which lie NE

2.77 miles SE of Tanjung Genting; the islets are visible 12 miles.
of Pulau Kebatu. Karang Mandi, the SW reef, which is awash, Pulau Kennedy (3°21'S., 107°42'E.) is a small islet with a

lies 4 miles NE of Pulau Kebatu. The N reef, Karang Kawat, lighted beacon. There is a small islet located 1 mile NW of the
which has a few rocks which dry, lies 2 miles farther NE. Both above islet. Pulau Utan, 1.5 miles ESE of Pulau Kennedy, is
of these reefs are steep-to and are usually marked by surf or surrounded by a reef, which has a small islet on the W extrem-
tide rips at high water. ity that is connected to Pulau Utan by a drying part of the reef.
Pulau Ketapang (3°25'S., 107°57'E.), a low islet lying
2.77 Pulau Kennedy is also surrounded by a reef which extends 0.5
about 8.5 miles S of Tanjung Kelumpang, is swampy and mile from its SE side. There is a least depth of 10m between
wooded. There are two above water rocks, on the N side of the the islands and in their immediate vicinity.
reef, which surrounds the islet.
Selat Karimata
2.78 Teluk Balok (3°14'S., 107°53'E.) is entered between
Tanjung Kelumpang and Pulau (Keramiah) Kramiah, a small 2.80 Selat Karimata lies between the coast of Borneo on
islet surrounded by reefs, 14 miles W. the E and Pulau Belitung on the W side. This strait is the cus-
The bay is important for local vessels. Dendang, the capital
2.78 tomary route taken by vessels bound to or from Malaysia, or
of the district, is on the E side of the head of the bay. The bay the S part of the China Sea from the E part of the Java Sea.
can only be entered by vessels with light draft and local knowl- The main route lies E of a line joining Ontario Reef

edge. It is encumbered with reefs which dry; some beacons are (1°59'S., 108°39'E.), Karang Tenang (Catherine Reef), a posi-
privately maintained. tion 20 miles E of Terumbu Manggar (Cirencester Shoal), and
Pulau Umpang (3°17'S., 107°52'E.), a small islet covered
2.78 Gosong Mampango (Discovery East Bank) (3°35'S.,
with shrubs, lies in the middle of the entrance to the bay, 7.5 109°10'E.).
miles W of Tanjung Kelumpang. There are several reefs within This line must be considered as the W limit for safe naviga-

2.5 miles NE and 2 miles SW of the islet. Swept channels, tion for large vessels passing through the strait, as uncharted

Pub. 163
56 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

dangers may exist W of the line. (1989) 11 miles NE of Karang Florence Adelaide.
Winds—Weather.—Local weather conditions in Selat Kari-
2.80 A light was reported to be shown from an oil drilling struc-

mata vary with the monsoon. Light variable winds prevail in ture about 21 miles W of Karang Florence Adelaide. The exis-
April and November. The Southeast Monsoon prevails from tence of this rig is now doubtful.
May to October, and the Northwest Monsoons from December Karang Ontario (1°59'S., 108°39'E.), 35 miles E of Karang

to March. WNW winds predominate in December, veering to Florence Adelaide, is a coral reef with small patches of yellow-
NW in January with increasing force and constancy and per- ish-brown sand that dries. When covered it shows as a light
sisting to March. Squalls are most frequent in November and green patch, but is seen only at a short distance. The reef is
December. A moderate swell develops during the Northwest marked by a light.
Monsoon in January and February. Two groups of off-lying reefs lying 70 and 125 miles WNW

Tides—Currents.—The tides in Selat Karimata are principally

2.80 of Karang Ontario. These are located in inadequately surveyed
of monsoonal origin; the tidal currents are diurnal, but their influ- areas.
ence is felt only adjacent to the coasts of Borneo and Pulau Be- The line joining Karang Florence Adelaide and Ontario Reef

litung, so that they are of little importance to vessels passing must be considered the S limit of safe navigation for large ves-
through the strait. In the open part of the strait the mean rate of the sels in the N approach to Karimata Strait.
current is 0.5 knot in the Southeast Monsoon, and 1 knot in the Karang Flying Fish (Flying Fish Reef) (2°13'S., 108°37'E.),

Northwest Monsoon. These rates are subject to considerable varia- 14 miles S of Ontario Reef, consists of a number of coral
tion which cannot be predicted; a maximum rate of 2 knots has patches lying close together with depths of 2m or less; the reefs
been measured during the Southeast Monsoon and 1.5 knots are never marked by discoloration.
during the Northwest Monsoon. The direction of the current de- A 7.6m patch lies about 3.5 miles NE of Karang Flying Fish.

pends on the predominating wind therefore the direction of the Two patches, one 18.2m and the other 16.9m, lie 5 miles and 6
current is practically that of the direction of the channel itself. In miles E of Karang Flying Fish, respectively.
the narrower passages, it is probable that the currents may exceed Terumbu Manggar (Cirencester Shoal) (2°55'S.,

a rate of 3 knots. 108°56'E.), 24 miles S of Karang Tenang (Catherine Reef), is a

Only during the change of seasons should extra attention be
2.80 small reef with a least depth of 3m. It is seldom marked by surf
paid to the tidal currents, and even then these currents are not or discoloration, but there are frequent tide rips. A small sand
strong in the open parts of the strait. Their directions at such bank, with a depth of 8.5m, lies 1.3 miles SSW of Terumbu
times have been observed as indicated below: Manggar.
1. West of Karang Cina (China Reef)—NE and SW. Broken water, about 183m in diameter, indicating the possi-

2. West of Pulau Serutu—E and W. bility of a shoal patch, was reported to lie 5.5 miles ESE of Ter-
3. Between Kepulauan Karimata and Kepulauan Mom- umbu Manggar.
parang—NW and SE. Karang Batuan (Cirencester Bank) (3°16'S., 108°58'E.), 22

4. Between Tanjung Sambar and Gosong Mampango— miles S of Terumbu Manggar (Cirencester Shoal), is a coral
NW to WNW and SE. reef which has a large black boulder, and a small brownish-yel-
A survey party, when lying at anchor near Kepulauan Kari-
2.80 low coral patch on it that dries. The boulder only covers at high
mata, frequently observed a sharply defined line of current water springs.
rips, extending to the limit of visibility. This line shifted slowly Gosong Kalumpang (Lavender Bank), 8.5 miles S of Karang

N or S across the direction of the tidal current. Batuan, is a large reef with a number of black boulders which
With rising water there appeared to be two tidal currents
2.80 uncover at half tide. It is plainly marked by discoloration.
here, one setting N and the other S, which curved W after Gosong Mampango (Discovery East Bank) (3°35'S.,

meeting; the color of the water was different on either side of 109°10'E.), 15 miles SE of Gosong Kalumpang, is a steep-to
the rips. coral reef with a patch of sand, 2m high, in the middle. A light
It is presumed that this boundary disappears when the mon-
2.80 consisting of an iron framework tower, standing on piles 20m
soon current becomes strong. high, is situated on the bank.
Caution.—On several occasions vessels in Selat Karimata
2.80 Caution.—It was reported (1992) that the light and its asso-

have observed driftwood and debris, held together by floating ciated reefs lie 0.9 mile E of their charted positions.
masses of growth, so large and dense as to be mistaken from
the distance for rocks or sand banks. Some of these have been 2.82 Karang Sambat (Discovery Reef) (3°36'S.,
reported to be visible for 5 to 8 miles. 108°50'E.), 21 miles W of Gosong Mampango, is a steep-to
coral reef with a few above water rocks; at low water it dries
2.81 Karang Florence Adelaide (2°04'S., 108°04'E.), 31 over a length of 0.3 mile. It usually breaks heavily and the surf
miles NNE of the N extremity of Pulau Belitung, is a steep-to can be seen for a considerable distance.
coral reef with a depth of 3m, that is not marked by breakers or Karang Discovery Barat (Gosong Abadi) (3°39'S.,

discoloration. It lies in a dangerous position out of sight of land 108°45'E.), a narrow reef with a few above water rocks, is
but marked by a light; soundings give no warning. marked by a light. The reef is 5.5 miles SW of Karang Sambat
An 18.3m patch lies 28 miles WSW of Karang Florence Ad-
2.81 and about 47 miles SE of Tanjung Batuhitam, the SE extremity
elaide, and a 9.4m patch was reported to lie 12.5 miles NW of of Pulau Belitung. A narrow ridge on the formation, 0.5 mile in
the same reef. An 8m shoal lies 10.5 miles E of Karang Flor- length, dries. This reef is always marked by discoloration and it
ence Adelaide. A 9.5m shoal is reported (2005) to lie 5 miles always breaks.
NE of Karang Florence Adelaide; an 8.2m shoal is reported Most of the reefs and dangers in the N approach to Selat

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 57

Karimata lie within an area about 5 miles wide, which extends islets which lie 1.3 miles and 0.5 mile W, respectively, of Pulau
for a distance of about 14 miles S from a position 44 miles Begunung.
WSW of Tanjung Padangtikar on the W coast of Borneo. Most Pulau Penangis, 20m high and Pulau Bulu, 120m high, lie

of these dangers are not marked by surf or discoloration and 1.5 miles NW and 1 mile N, respectively, of Pulau Beguning.
can be best seen on the chart. Pulau Kepajang is 1.3 miles E of Pulau Bulu. Pulau Lintang
Karang Greig Utara (North Greig Shoal) (0°52'S.,
2.82 lies 0.4 mile S of Pulau Bulu, and Pulau Kra lies 1 mile E of
108°33'E.) is the farthest N of these dangers. The shoal has a Pulau Kepajang and close off the N coast of Pulau Karimata.
depth of 9m. Vessels should not attempt to pass between any of these is-

Karang Greig Tengah (Middle Greig Shoal), with a depth of

2.82 lets, as the adjacent reefs are steep-to and there is usually a
5m, and Karang Greig Selatan (South Greig Shoal), with a strong current.
depth of 9m, lie 1.8 mile and 3 miles, respectively, SSW of Ka- Kepulauan Sarangburung, formerly known as Vogelnest Ei-

rang Greig Utara. landen, lies 21 miles ESE of Pulau Karimata and consists of
Karang Cina (China Reef), with a depth of 1m, lies 2.3 miles
2.82 five steep islets surrounded by coral reefs.
S of Karang Grieg Selatan. Karang Twilight (Twilight Reef), Caution.—A stranded wreck lies at the SW approach to Se-

with a depth of 2.5m and Karang Erikson (Erikson Rock), a lat Karimata at (1°48.03'S 108°50.66'E.).
coral reef with a depth of 7m, lie 6.5 miles SE and 6 miles S, Pulau Krawang (1°44'S., 109°20'E.), 27m high, the E islet

respectively, of Karang Cina. of the group, lies 4.5 miles SSW of Pulau Papan.
Karang Gwalia (1°06'S., 108°34'E.), a reef with a depth of
2.82 Pulau Pelubang, 45m high, Pulau Uma, 48m high, Pulau

1m, occasionally breaking, lies 2.5 miles SSE of Karang Erik- Ayer, 37m high, and Pulau Sumur, 26m high, lie 2.5 miles NW,
son. It is the farthest S of this group of dangers. 2.3 miles WNW, 2.5 miles WNW, and 2 miles WSW, respec-
tively, of Pulau Krawang.
Selat Karimata—East Side A rock, with a depth of 0.6m, lies 5.3 miles WNW of Pulau

Krawang. An exposed wreck lies 1 miles W of Pulau Krawang.

2.83 Kepulauan Karimata lies on the E side of the N part of Tokongperangin (Tokong Perangin) (1°47'S., 109°15'E.) is

the main route through Selat Karimata, and consists of the a steep bare rock, 16m high, of dark color, that appears as a
large islands, Pulau Karimata and Pulau Serutu, as well as cone when seen from a distance of 8 miles. Tokongperangin, 6
smaller islets and reefs. Pulau Karimata, Pulau Serutu, and miles WSW of Pulau Krawang, forms a good landmark when
their off-lying islets are designated as a conservation area. approaching from the S. There is a reef with some above water
Pulau Karimata (1°37'S., 108°53'E.), the largest island of
2.83 rocks, 0.5 mile SE of Tokongperangin and a shoal, with a depth
the group, is 32 miles SW of Tanjung Pasir, on the W coast of of 3m, lies 8.3 miles WSW of the rock.
Borneo. Gunung Cabang (Gunung Tjabang), 1,030m high, is a Pulau Macan (1°39'S., 109°20'E.), Pulau Tawas and Pulau

rugged peak, frequently enveloped in clouds, in the center of Papan are three rocky islets surrounded by coral reefs; Pulau
the island. In clear weather it can be distinguished from a dis- Papan, 70m high, is the largest islet of the group. The three is-
tance of 48 miles. lets lie 5 miles N of Pulau Krawang.
There is a village on the SE coast near the mouth of a stream.

The SE coast between Tanjung Serunai, the E extremity of the Islets North of Pulau Karimata
island, and Tanjung Dungu, the S extremity of the island, is
bordered by shallow water and reefs, which extend 2 to 3 miles 2.84 Kepulauan Leman (1°17'S., 108°53'E.) consists of
offshore. five rocky islets, surrounded by reefs. Pulau (Leman Paku) Le-
Foul ground extends SSE from Tanjung Dungu for 6 miles to
2.83 manpaku, the E and largest islet, is 54m high, and lies 14.5
a depth of 11.9m. Two drying reefs lie 4.8 and 5.5 miles S of miles N of the N extremity of Pulau Karimata.
Tanjung Serunai. Foul ground extends for 6 miles SE of Tan- Pulau Gua, 35m high, and Pulau Leman Tukung, lie close to-

jung Serunai. gether on a reef with some above-water rocks, 0.5 mile NW of
Pulau Besi lies near its outer end. Foul ground extends along
2.83 Pulau Lemanpaku.
the coast for 3 miles NW of Tanjung Serunai, with some drying Pulau Tiku, 23m high, lies 1.3 miles W of Pulau Lemanpaku

reefs up to 1.3 miles offshore. and Pulau Lemanbudi (Pulau Leman Budi), 31m high, lies 1
During the Northwest Monsoon, there is good anchorage, in
2.83 mile NW of Pulau Tiku. A light is shown from Pulau Leman-
depths of 11 to 15m, 4 miles SE of Tanjung Dungu. During the budi.
Southeast Monsoon, there is good anchorage about 2.3 miles Caution.—A rock has been reported at (1°16.06'S

W of Tanjung Senna (Tanjung Sena), the N extremity of Pulau 108°53.86'E.) and can best be seen on the chart.
Karimata, in a depth of 24m, mud. Karang Yamsecie (Yamcesie Reef) (1°24'S., 108°51'E.), with

In the area W of Tanjung Sena, vessels should not proceed

2.83 a depth of 9m, lies 8.5 miles NNW of the N extremity of Pulau
farther S than a bearing of less than 079° on that point, because Karimata. At a distance of 1 mile from the reef, there are depths
of the reefs in the bay SW of Tanjung Sena. of 24m, sand and mud, and within that distance, on the SE side
Several islets lie off the W side of Pulau Karimata. The high-
2.83 of the reef, there are depths of 16 to 20m, sand and stone.
est of these, Pulau Begunung, is 0.5 mile off the W extremity
of Pulau Karimata. It is easily distinguished by its sharp coni- Islets East and Southeast of Pulau Karimata
cal summit, which rises to a height of 394m; the islet is visible
from a distance of 32 miles. 2.85 Pulau Bakung-kecil (1°35'S., 109°12'E.), 49m high,
Pulau Surungading, 240m high, and Genting, 57m high, are
2.83 is 13 miles E of the E extremity of Pulau Karimata. It is wood-

Pub. 163
58 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

ed, with steep rocky sides. Pulau Bakung-besar, 0.8 mile SW of which lies 17 miles WNW of Gosong Aling Light, then to their
Pulau Bakung-kecil, is a rounded islet, 72m high. destination.
Pulau Pandan (1°34'S., 109°10'E.), 29m high, 2.3 miles
2.85 Caution.—Fishermen with lamps frequent the S approach to

WNW of Pulau Bakung-besar, is a small rounded rock covered Selat Karimata.

with vegetation. It can be seen from a distance of 8 miles and is
a useful landmark. There are other rocks on the reef surround- Tanjung Pandangtikar to Tanjung Sambar
ing Pulau Pandan. Pulau Lising (Pulau Lesing), 119m high, has
a flat top and is surrounded by a reef; it lies 1.5 miles S of Pu- 2.87 The W coast of Borneo, from Tanjung Pandantikar to
lau Pandan. Tanjung Sambar, 155 miles SE, is mostly low and marshy. The
A 4.6m patch lies 1.3 miles SE of Pulau Lising. The area be-
2.85 rivers which discharge have banks of sand and mud at their
tween this islet and Pulau Karimata is obstructed by reefs and mouths so even light-draft vessels can scarcely enter except at
should be avoided. A wreck lies 0.5 mile W of Pulau Lising. high water. The coast is sparsely populated.
Pulau Mentangor (1°42'S., 109°06'E.), 63m high, lies 8.5
2.85 Tides—Currents.—Currents on and W of the line joining Pu-

miles SE of the E extremity of Pulau Karimata. Pulau Geresik, lau Maya and Gosong Jelai are caused by the Northwest Monsoon
38m high, and Pulau Genting, 38m high, lie 1 mile E and 0.5 and Southeast Monsoon, which are the predominant currents;
mile W, respectively, of Pulau Mentangor. These three islets these drift currents are affected somewhat by tidal currents. E of
are thickly wooded and rounded in shape. A 3m shoal lies 7.8 this line and farther inside Teluk Sukadana the diurnal currents
miles SSE of Pulau Mentangor. predominate.
Pulau Besi (1°39'S., 109°03'E.), an islet 4 miles NW of Pu-
2.85 The currents close off the coast of Borneo flow in the follow-

lau Mentangor, has a conspicuous tower-shaped peak, 47m ing directions:

high, which rises above the flat, lower parts of the islet. 1. East of Karang Greig Utara (North Greig Shoal) with
During the Northwest Monsoon good anchorage can be
2.85 a rising tide the current sets S and with a falling tide the cur-
found between Pulau Besi and Pulau Genting, in a depth of rent sets N.
12m, mud. This anchorage can only be approached from the S. 2. West of Pulau Maya with a rising tide the current sets
S to SSE and with a falling tide the current sets N to NW.
2.86 Pulau Serutu (1°43'S., 108°44'E.) is the farthest SW 3. Between Tanjung Sambar and Teluk Sukadana with a
of the islands of the Kepulauan Karimata. It is mountainous rising tide the current sets N to NNW and with a falling tide
with a steep rocky coast. Its highest peak, 480m high, is near the current sets S to SSE.
the center of the island. 4. South of Tanjung Sambar with a rising tide the current
The coasts are practically clear of dangers, but small bays
2.86 sets W and with a falling tide the current sets E to NE.
and inlets are foul. The NW extremity of the island is a rocky In the channel between Kepulauan Pelapis and Kepulauan

peninsula, which appears as an islet when seen from the W. Layah on the NE and Kepulauan Karimata on the SW, the
Near the N coast, heavy squalls come from the land in the monsoon currents predominate, running with increased force
Southeast Monsoon. in the narrower parts. Between Pulau Maya and Pulau Pane-
Pulau Serutu Light, with a racon, is situated on an iron skele-
2.86 bangan, the tidal currents predominate.
ton structure, 25m high, situated on a hill 1 mile inland from The tidal currents predominate off the river mouths N of Pu-

the W extremity of the island. An isolated depth of 25.6m was lau Maya. The monsoon winds have little effect on the currents
reported 9 miles WSW of the light. in this area.
Between Pulau Serutu and Pulau Karimata there is a deep,
2.86 Local weather features light and variable winds off the W

navigable channel, which has a width of 2.5 miles between the coast of Borneo in March and November. In the other months
11m lines. The E side of this passage is formed by a ridge of there may be varying periods of either E or W winds, which are
sand which extends 5 miles S from Tanjung Dungu. There is a also mainly light. The highest wind, force 3 or 4, occurs on
depth of 1m, 1.5 miles S of Tanjung Dungu. The ridge of sand June afternoons.
is generally marked by light green discoloration. Short spells of drier weather are enjoyed when the main airflow

A local magnetic anomaly causing an increase of up to 2°E

2.86 crosses the mountainous interior. The number of rain days along
over the normal variation was reported to exist from 17 miles the coast during the three months, July to September, is about half
W to 13 miles S of Pulau Serutu Light. the number of rain days in other months. Rainfall decreases S to-
Directions.—Vessels approaching the strait from the N
2.86 ward the SW extremity of Borneo.
should steer S along the meridian of 108°E until W of Karang The coast between Tanjung Padangtikar and Tanjung Terung,

Gwalia, taking care to avoid the 4.9m reef which lies 27 miles 19 miles SSE, is formed by the W side of Pulau Padangtikar.
NNW of Karang Greig Utara (North Greig Shoal). Vessels The low coast is fronted by an extensive mud bank, with a few
should steer between Pulau Serutu and Ontario Reef on a SE sandy ridges running nearly parallel to the coast. Vessels
course to pass Pulau Serutu Light at 5 miles distance. should keep in depths of not less than 10m, and give this coast
Vessels whose destination is the W part of the Java Sea,
2.86 a berth of 9 miles.
when E of Kepulauan Momparang, steer S to pass E of Gosong
Mampango Light and then change course, as required, to their 2.88 Gunung Sarat (0°51'S., 109°29'E.), 227m high, is on
destination. Vessels whose destination is the E part of the Java Pulau Padangtikar, 7 miles NE of Tanjung Terung. Other land-
Sea, should proceed as above, and when E of Kepulauan Mom- marks in this area are; Gunung Bongkok, 330m high, 1 mile
parang, steer SSE for position (4°00'S, 110°00'E), passing W NNE of Gunung Sarat; Gunung Nuri (Noeri), 192m high, and;
of Gosong Aling (Fox Banks) and the reported shoal of 7.8m, Gunung Rumbur (Entjemanan), which has three prominent

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 59

peaks, the highest one being 259m high. Nuri and Entjemanan ing offshore between Tanjung Keluang and Tanjung Satai, in-
are 6 miles and 11.5 miles, respectively, ESE of Gunung Sarat. shore of a position 10 miles E of Tanjung Keluang.
Teluk Nuri (0°56'S., 109°30'E.) is entered between Tanjung

Terung and Tanjung Capbelanda, 5.5 miles ESE. The bay is bound Teluk Sukadana
by Pulau Padangtikar on the N and Pulau Maya on the S. The W
arm of Selat Maya is entered from the head of the bay. 2.91 Teluk Sukadana, entered between Tanjung Kluang
Pulau Masatiga (0°57'S., 109°15'E.), 120m high, on the N
2.88 (1°18'S., 109°30'E.) and Tanjung Berasbasah, 40 miles SE, is
side of the approach to Teluk Nuri, lies 9.3 miles W of Tanjung important for local navigation between Pontianak, Sukadana,
Terung and is visible up to 20 miles away. A light, shown from and Ketapang, through Selat Maya.
a white metal tower 20m high is exhibited from this island. Selat Maya is the narrow channel between Pulau Maya and

An islet, 119m high, lies 0.5 mile E of Pulau Masatiga. Pulau

2.88 the mainland; the S entrance is 3 miles wide, but the navigable
Meresak, 60m high, and Pulau Dua (Pulau Doea), 29m high, channel is reduced to 0.5 mile by mud flats which extend from
lie 2.8 miles WSW and 2 miles SW, respectively, of Tanjung either side. Tanjung Turun, 7 miles ENE of Tanjung Satai, is
Terung. the W entrance point.
Kumbang (Koembang) (1°05'S., 109°49'E.), 90m high, is a

2.89 Pulau Hantu (1°03'S., 109°18'E.) is thickly wooded prominent hillock on the E entrance point of Selat Maya. The
and lies in the middle of the approach to the bay, 9.5 miles SW land on both sides of Selat Maya is low, and a large portion of
of Tanjung Terung. In clear weather the islet is visible 12 miles the E side of Pulau Maya is submerged at high water.
and appears as a small hummock. A least depth of less then 1m lies on the extensive bank off

The entrance channel to Teluk Nuri runs for about 10 miles

2.89 the S entrance to the channel; within the strait there are depths
in a NE direction from a point 4 miles E of Pulau Hantu, then of 6.7 to 11.9m.
gradually curves E, then SE, to the entrance to the W arm of The bank off the S entrance consists mostly of soft mud, but

Selat Maya. There is a bar, with a least depth of 3.9m, about 3 that which extends from Tanjung Turun is steep-to, rather hard,
miles SE of Pulau Hantu. and its edge is sometimes marked by surf.
Directions.—When approaching Teluk Nuri from the W,
2.89 The Sungai Simpang flows into the NE part of Teluk Sukad-

steer for the highest peak of Gunung Dusun, 6 miles S of Tan- ana, 8 miles E of Kumbang, but can only be entered by vessels
jung Capbelanda, bearing 080°. When Pulau Hantu is in line of light draft as there is an extensive flat of soft mud off the
with the middle part of Pulau Masatiga, bearing about 336°, a mouth.
NE course should be steered over the bar. The channel over the flat, which is not marked, has a depth

Driftwood and heavy tree trunks are frequently found em-

2.89 of 0.8m. The village of Telukmelano, the capital of the district,
bedded in the flat NW of the channel. is on the N bank of the river 2 miles within its mouth.
Small craft, with local knowledge, bound for Pontianak, can

proceed into the W arm of Selat Maya and then follow the in- 2.92 The Sungai Sukadana (1°14'S., 109°57'E.) flows in-
land waterway routes. to a small bay, 7.5 miles S of the Sungai Simpang. Some
above-water and sunken rocks, and the small islet Pulau
2.90 Pulau Maya (1°08'S., 109°35'E.) is separated from Salahnama, lie close off Tanjung Krunut, the S entrance point
the W coast of Borneo by Selat Maya. The SE coast of this is- of the bay. Sukadana, a local administrative center, is on the N
land forms the NW side of Teluk Sukadana. The island is most- side of the mouth of the Sungai Sukadana.
ly low and marshy except in the NW part, where Gunung From Tanjung Krunut, visible up to 36 miles, the E shore of

Dusun, 529m high, with two summits. A conservation area has Teluk Sukadana trends 2.3 miles SSE to Tanjung Penaga, then
been established around Pulau Maya island as best seen on the 5 miles SE to Tanjung Gunung, a prominent rocky point.
chart. From Tanjung Gunung to the Sungai Kandang Karbau, 32

Between Tanjung Capbelanda (0°58'S., 109°30'E.) and

2.90 miles SSW, the E shore of Teluk Sukadana is low, marshy, and
Tanjung Pasir, the W extremity of Pulau Maya, 18 miles SSW, thickly wooded.
the coast is low and marshy. There are several mountains around Sukadana, the most

Other landmarks, in addition to Gunung Dusun, are Sebiau,

2.90 prominent being Lobang Tedong, 551m high, 4.5 miles NW of
212m high, 2.3 miles S of Tanjung Capbelanda, and a hill, Tanjung Gunung and Gunung Pekajang, 515m high, 5 miles
118m high, 1 mile NE of Tanjung Gunung. Gunung Berantak, farther NW. Both are conical.
101m high, is 2.8 miles N of Tanjung Kluang (Tanjung Other prominent peaks on this coast are Gunung Palung

Kloeang), the S extremity of the island. (1°12'S., 110°09'E.), 1,116m high, a table-topped mountain 9.5
A rocky hillock, 49m high, stands on Tanjung Satai, 13 miles
2.90 miles NE of Tanjung Gunung, and Gunung Seberuang
ENE of Tanjung Kluang. (Gunung Seberoeang), 743m high, 6.8 miles S of Gunung Pa-
Pulau Nenas, a small islet, lies close offshore 3.5 miles SSW
2.90 lung, which has a small nipple on its summit.
of Tanjung Capbelanda. Pulau Perling, 42m high, 2 miles NNE
of Tanjung Pasir and Pulau Aroh, 60m high, 1 mile SE of Pulau 2.93 Pulau Juanta (1°21'S., 109°45'E.) is a rocky thickly-
Perling, are two rocky islets which appear as hills on the coast. wooded islet, 150m high, which lies 8 miles WSW of Tanjung
A mud bank, with depths increasing seaward, extends from
2.90 Gunung. It has a conical summit visible up to 24 miles and is a
the S side of Pulau Maya. Off Tanjung Pasir, the bank is steep- good landmark for the channel to Selat Maya. Pulau Katung,
to within a depth of 4m. 52m high, is 1 mile SW of Pulau Juanta; it is rocky and thickly
Many fishing stakes may be encountered in an area extend-
2.90 wooded. There is a reef, which usually breaks, 0.5 mile NW of

Pub. 163
60 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

Pulau Katung. Some above water rocks lie between the two is- Tanjung Berasbasah, the S entrance point of the Sungai

lets and some above and below-water rocks lie 1.3 miles ESE Ketapang, is a low muddy point fronted by a coastal bank,
of Pulau Juanta. which is not easily recognized, and which dries for a distance
Several above and below-water rocks and rocky islets lie
2.93 of 0.5 to 1 mile W of the entrance to the Sungai Ketapang. This
within 2 miles off Tanjung Gunung, making navigation in point is 3 miles SSW of Tanjung Bawang.
depths of less than 5m very dangerous.
Pulau Sempadeh-besar, Pulau Sempadeh-kecil, and Pulau
Channels East of Kepulauan Karimata
Tjempedak, 94m, 90m, and 93m high, respectively, are thickly-
wooded islets with rocky sides, lying near the coast 7 miles S 2.95 Between Kepulauan Karimata and the W coast of
of Tanjung Gunung. Borneo there are several groups of islands, and between these
there are three channels:
2.94 The Sungai Kandang Karbau (1°46'S., 109°56'E.) 1. The Inner Route leads between Pulau Maya and Pulau
and the Sungai Ketapang, 3 miles farther SW, are the two prin- Panebangan and then E of Kepulauan Layah.
cipal arms of the delta of the Sungai Pawan; the channel across 2. Greig Channel leads between Pulau Panebangan,
the drying bar is marked by privately maintained beacons. Ves- Kepulauan Pelapis, E of Kepulauan Gurung, W of Kepulau-
sels without local knowledge should not attempt to enter with- an Layah, and then E of Pulau Papan.
out a local pilot. 3. There is a broad channel between Kepulauan Pelapis
Tanjung Bawang (1°47'S., 109°55'E.) is the S entrance
2.94 and Pulau Buan, 10 miles SSW.
point of the Sungai Kandang Karbau, and Tanjung Adung, 2 Inner Route.—This route is usually taken by small vessels

miles ENE, forms part of the N entrance. The flats, within the proceeding from Selat Karimata to Pontianak through the delta
5m line, extend 2.8 miles W of Tanjung Adung; the drying of the Sungai Kapuas, via Inland Waterway Route II.
shore bank extends 2.3 miles W from the same point. A reef There is less sea here than in Selat Karimata and vessels

was reported (1993) 8 miles WNW of the point. have the opportunity of anchoring if necessary. This channel
Ketapang, the headquarters of a government official, is 3
2.94 can be navigated at night, by soundings, with local knowledge;
miles up the Sungai Ketapang, but power vessels can only less water than charted may be found in this channel. There are
reach the place through the Sungai Kandang Karbau. The port several islands and dangers near the channel.
mainly handles wood chips, forest products, breakbulk, ce- Pulau Panebangan (1°13'S., 109°15'E.), with a height of

ment, sand, LPG and liquid cargo. For berthing details see ta- 525m, is 7.5 miles WNW of Tanjung Pasir, the W extremity of Pu-
ble titled Ketapang—Berth Information. lau Maya; it is thickly wooded. Pulau Aur, 52m high, with a small
The channel leading to the Sungai Kandang Karbau may shift
2.94 islet 0.25 mile S, are two wooded islets 3.3 miles E of the highest
according to the prevailing monsoon; there is often a considerable summit of Pulau Panebangan. Pulau Julai, 0.8 mile NW of Pulau
sea here. The bottom consists of mud and sand. Tidal currents set Aur, is also wooded. Pulau Terusanhaji is a high islet lying 0.5
across this channel at a rate of from 2 to 2.5 knots with the ebb mile off the E extremity of Pulau Panebangan, and there are some
tide; there is little or no current with the flood tide. above-water rocks 0.5 mile NE of it. The tidal currents are usually
Anchorage may be obtained, sheltered from the SW swell, N
2.94 strong along the E coast of Pulau Panebangan. It has been reported
of Tanjung Adung, in depths of 3.5 to 5m. (1957) lesser depths than charted depth are located about 4 miles
NE of Pulau Panebangan.

Ketapang—Berth Information
Berth Length Remarks
General Cargo Terminal
Cement, others, sand, wood chips, and breakbulk. Berthing length of 54m (including
Berth 13m
Dry Bulk Berth 15m Breakbulk and bulk cargo. Berthing length of 56m (including dolphins).
Floating Pontoon 38m Breakbulk and bulk cargo.
PLTU Tembilok
Berth 25m Wood chips.
PT. Alas Kusuma Terminal
East Berth 46m Wood chips and breakbulk.
West Berth 40m Wood chips and breakbulk.
PT. Garyber Link Group Terminal
Berth 30m Breakbulk and bulk cargo.

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 61

Ketapang—Berth Information
Berth Length Remarks
Pertamina Sauk
East Berth 21m Dirty products. Berthing length of 96m (including dolphins).
West Berth 30m Dirty products and fertilizer.
PLTD Ketapang KalBar
Berth 14m Clean products.
SPBE Ketapang
LPG Berth — LPG. Berthing length of 40m (including dolphins).

2.96 Pulau Sireh (1°14'S., 109°12'E.), 120m high, 0.8 islet. The reef is not marked by discoloration or surf, but there
mile W of the W extremity of Pulau Panebangan, is on the E are usually tide rips.
side of the N entrance to Greig Channel. A low islet lies close
off its N point and an above-water rock lies close off its W ex- 2.98 Kepulauan Layah (1°30'S., 109°21'E.) consists of
tremity. There is a safe passage between Pulau Sireh and Pulau several rocky thickly-wooded islets. Pulau Meledang, the larg-
Panebangan. est islet of the group, 129m high, is 12.5 miles SSW of Tanjung
Pulau Burung, a wooded islet 53m high, is 5.3 miles WSW
2.96 Kluang, the S extremity of Pulau Maya. Pulau Bulat, a small
of Tanjung Pasir. islet 48m high, is 0.8 mile N of Pulau Meledang, and two small
Greig Channel, a deep 2 mile wide channel separating Kepu-
2.96 islets lie within 0.5 mile WSW of it. Pulau Mensigi is 1.5 miles
lauan Pelapis from Pulau Panebangen, is frequently used by W of the S extremity of Pulau Meledang.
vessels proceeding between Pontianak and Jawa. A deep channel lies between the two islets. Rob Roy Rock, a

Kepulauan Pelapis consists of five high thickly-wooded,

2.96 small coral reef with a depth of 4.6m, steep-to on its N and W
rocky islands and two islets on the W side of Greig Channel. sides, unmarked in any way, lies in mid-channel 1 mile NE of
During clear weather they may be seen up to 32 miles. Pulau Mensigi.
Pulau Dua (1°17'S., 109°12'E.), the farthest E of Kepulauan
2.96 Kate of Auckland Rock, with a depth of 2.1m, is on the W

Pelapis, lies 1.5 miles SSW of Pulau Sireh. side of the channel, 1 mile NW of Pulau Mensigi. The rock is
The islet is 108m high. It has two conspicuous summits, and
2.96 sometimes marked by breakers and more frequently by tide
when seen from a distance appears as two islets. A depth of rips, but there is no discoloration.
6.7m lies 0.4 mile S of Pulau Dua. There is usually a monsoon current with a rate of 1.25 to 2

Pulau Balai (1°17'S., 109°10'E.) is separated from Pulau

2.96 knots during the strength of the monsoon. In the Northwest
Dua by a deep channel about 0.6 mile wide. Pulau Genting, Monsoon it sets SE; in the Southeast Monsoon, it sets NNW.
324m high, lies close SW of Pulau Balai. Pulau Lajah Besar, 100m high, lies 2.3 miles SW of Pulau

Pulau Kelawar (1°18'S., 109°08'E.), about 1 mile W of the sum-

2.96 Meledang. Pulau Lajah Kecil, the SW island of the group, is
mit of Pulau Genting is the western island of the group. There is a 0.5 mile SW of Lajah Besar. It is 51m high, and is completely
small islet, 42m high, 0.3 mile SW of its S extremity. covered with coconut trees. A light is shown from this islet.
Pulau Aermasin (1°17'S., 109°08'E.) is about 0.5 mile NNW
2.96 The broad channel between Pulau Suka and Pulau Buan

of Pulau Kelawar. A rock, awash, lies 0.2 mile off its W extremity. (1°29'S., 109°03'E.), 8.8 miles SSW, is seldom used. Pulau
Anchorage may be obtained in a bay, in depths of 12 to 16m,
2.96 Buan has a prominent conical summit, 311m high; the N side
mud, 0.8 mile N of the N extremity of Pulau Genting. This an- of the island, where there is a narrow, foul bay, is steep-to.
chorage is sheltered in the Southeast Monsoon. East and SE of A light is shown from the N point of the island. Pulau Ni-

this anchorage is a coral reef, with some above-water rocks, bung, 26m high, 1 mile E of Pulau Buan, and Pulau Ular 21m
which extends 0.3 mile from the W side of Pulau Balai. high, 1.3 miles W of Pulau Buan, are two rocky islets with a
During the Northwest Monsoon, good anchorage can be ob-
2.96 few trees. A reef, which dries and usually breaks, lies 1.8 miles
tained about 0.5 mile SSW of the S extremity of Pulau Balai, in ESE of Pulau Nibung.
depths of 10 to 12m, mud. The channel continues in a SE direction from Pulau Buan

and passes W of Kepulauan Layah, E of the dangers that lie E

2.97 Pulau Suka (1°20'S., 109°07'E.), 1.5 miles SW of the of Pulau Karimata, then E of Pulau Macan.
S extremity of Pulau Genting, is a thickly-wooded islet, 88m
high, with steep, rocky sides. A light is shown from the islet. Tanjung Berasbasah to Tanjung Sambar
Karang Talack (Karang Tallack), a steep-to coral reef with a

depth of 3m, lies 1.8 miles SSE of Pulau Suka. In calm weather 2.99 The coast between Tanjung Berasbasah and Tanjung
and with a strong tidal current, it is marked by tide rips. Pagarantimun, 27 miles SSE, is low and densely wooded.
Kepulauan Burong (Kepulauan Gurung) (1°25'S.,
2.97 The Sungai Pesaguan flows out through the coast, 17.5 miles

109°13'E.) are two rocky wooded islets lying close together on SE of Tanjung Berasbasah. The maximum depth over the bar
a reef 6.8 miles SE of Pulau Genting. The W islet is 96m high. off the mouth of the river is 0.9m.
A coral reef, with a depth of 2.1m, lies 0.5 mile ESE of the E
2.97 Tanjung Bengkuang (2°11'S., 110°05'E.) lies 9 miles S of

Pub. 163
62 Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata

the mouth of the Sungai Pesaguan. A spit, with depths of less than 2m, extends 0.8 mile S from

Tanjung Pagarantimun (2°15'S., 110°04'E.) lies 3.5 miles

2.99 Batu Buaya. A rock, with less than 2m, lies 0.4 mile SE of Ba-
SSW of Tanjung Bengkuang; it is a hilly peninsula, 83m high, tu Buaya.
with rock sides. The point is visible from a distance of 20 A drying shore bank extends 0.8 mile W from the S entrance

miles, where it appears like a small mountain with a gentle point of the Sungai Kendawangan, and extends about 4 miles S
slope on its W side. along the coast.
The coast between Tanjung Berasbasah and Tanjung Paga-
2.99 A dangerous rock lies 2.3 miles offshore, 3.3 miles NNE of

rantimun should not be approached within the 11m line, as the Tanjung Batujurung.
depths inside this line are irregular and there are sand ridges in The Sungai Kendawangan can be distinguished from a dis-

the area. tance of 4 miles, when still in a depth of over 5m. Closer in the
Pulau Cebe, a low islet, lies 1 mile N of Tanjung Bengkuang.
2.99 depths are irregular.
There is foul ground between the islet and the point. Several years ago, the bar at the mouth of the Sungai Kend-

A reef, with some large drying rocks, usually unmarked by

2.99 awangan was dredged to a depth of 1.5m at LW.
breakers, lies 2 miles NW of Tanjung Pagarantimun. Within the entrance, the river is broad and deep and is navi-

Pulau Mengkudu (2°15'S., 109°59'E.), 4.5 miles W of Tanjung

2.99 gable by small power vessels about 22 miles upstream. The vil-
Pagarantimun, is a steep rock, 8m high, sparsely covered with veg- lage of Kendawangan is on the N bank of the river, just within
etation, with a few trees. The rock is surrounded by a steep-to reef, its entrance.
which has some above-water rocks. The coast from Tanjung Batujurung trends in a SSE direction

The coast from Tanjung Pagarantimun to Tanjung Gangsa,

2.99 about 8 miles to Tanjung Simbar; the intervening area is wood-
12 miles SSE is low. The Sungai Tengar discharges 8.5 miles ed and marshy.
SSE of Tanjung Pagarantimun.
Kendawangan (2°22'S., 110°8'E.) lies 4 miles N of Tanjung
2.99 2.101 Tanjung Kepala (2°53'S., 110°14'E.) lies 9 miles S of
Gangsa and supports the operation of Smelter Grade Alumina Tanjung Simbar. The shore between these two points is indent-
(SGA) in the loading and unloading of alumina.The port con- ed by a bay with a sandy beach.
sists of two berths at the Alumina Terminal. The East Berth is From Tanjung Kepala, the coast continues in a SSE direction

295m long; the North Berth is 134m long. 8 miles to Tanjung Sambar, the SW extremity of Borneo.
Tanjung Gangsa (2°26'S., 110°09'E.) is a high, rocky point.
2.99 There are several islands and islets within the 11m line,

The land in the vicinity is hilly. Foul ground extends 1 mile S. which lies 16 miles offshore, W of Tanjung Simbar.
From Tanjung Gangsa, the coast trends 6.3 miles SSE to the Pulau Cempedak (2°38'S., 110°07'E.), a low thickly-wood-

mouth of the Sungai Kendawangan. ed island almost entirely surrounded by reefs and rocks, is 1.5
From the Sungai Kendawangan the coast trends SSW 6.3
2.99 miles W of Tanjung Batujuring. It has a rocky coast, except on
miles to Tanjung Batujurung, a high, rocky point. The coast for the SE, where there is a sandy beach.
3 miles NE of Tanjung Batujurung, is high and rocky. The W side of the island should not be approached within a

distance of 0.6 mile. Pulau Tating and Pulau Iras are two rocky
2.100 Gunung Kedijo (2°21'S., 110°18'E.), 492m high, is a islets which lie close offshore between Tanjung Batujuring and
prominent landmark 10.5 miles NE of Tanjung Gangsa. Pulau Cempedak.
Gunung Panjang, a hilly and rugged ridge with three prominent Pulau Bawal (2°43'S., 110°05'E.) is a large densely-wooded

summits, lies between Tanjung Gangsa and Gunung Kedijo. island, 6 miles W of Tanjung Simbar. The island is mostly low
The highest of the three summits rises to a height of 245m, and but there are two hills.
is 3 miles SW of Gunung Kedijo. One hill, 88m high, is near the center of the island and the

A narrow ridge of hills, which attains an elevation of 204m

2.100 other hill, 67m high, is in the NE part of the island. Off the N
in a conical peak 3.5 miles NE of Tanjung Batujurung, extends extremity there are some small islets. Pulau Tanahmerah, the
4 miles farther ENE to the S bank of the Sungai Kendawangan. highest of these, is reddish in color and rounded in shape. The
The 11m line lies about 9 miles offshore along this coast.
2.100 SW extremity of Pulau Bawal is marked by a light.
Onrust Reef, 7 miles SW of Tanjung Pagarantimun, has a small Anchorage, sheltered in both monsoons, may be obtained E

patch of light brown sand and white coral which dries 0.6m; it of Pulau Bawal, in depths of 7 to 13m, mud.
appears as a small sand bank when seen from a distance. A This anchorage can be reached through the channel between

lighted beacon is shown from this reef. Pulau Cempedak and Pulau Tamah Merah, or through the
Pulau Sawi (2°23'S., 110°04'E.), 7.8 miles S of Tanjung Pa-
2.100 channel between Pulau Cempedak and Pulau Iras.
garantimun, is low. There are some tall trees, which are visible Both of these channels are very narrow. Local knowledge

from a distance of 12 miles. The islet lies inside the 5.5m line, and extreme caution are necessary for their safe navigation.
and is fringed by rocks except on the N side. Depths of less
than 2m extend 2.5 miles E of the island. 2.102 Coreyra Bank (Gosong Corcyra) (2°49'S.,
The coast between Tanjung Gangsa and the mouth of the
2.100 110°01'E.), with a depth of 3m, lies 4.5 miles SSW of the W
Sungai Kendawangan, is foul for 1 mile offshore in places. Pu- extremity of Pulau Bawal, and is not marked by surf or discol-
lau Kucing (Pulau Kutjing) lies 3.5 miles SSE of Tanjung oration. All this area is dangerous due to rocks and sandy
Gangsa and Pulau Jambat lies 1.5 miles S of Pulau Kutjing. shoals. Depths of less than 10m extend up to 4 miles W of Co-
Batu Buaya, awash, lies near the extremity of foul ground
2.100 reyra Bank.
which extends W for 1.3 miles from the N entrance point of the Pulau Perantung, a low rocky islet, lies 4 miles E of Coreyra

Sungai Kendawangan. Bank. Pulau Magnin, 0.8 mile SE of Pulau Perantung, is a

Pub. 163
Sector 2. Bangka, Belitung, and Kepulauan Karimata 63

prominent rock covered with vegetation. with local knowledge.

Pulau Langau, 2.3 miles S of Pulau Magnin, is a moderately
2.102 Karang Karysfort (Carysfort Reef) (2°40'S., 109°49'E.),

high, rocky islet with a rugged appearance, which is visible 14 which has a least depth of 3.7m, live coral, is 21 miles W of
miles. Tanjung Batujurung.
Pulau Gambar, 0.8 mile S of Pulau Langau, consists of two
2.102 The reef lies on the center of a bank with depths of less than

vegetation-covered rocks, standing close together. Strong tidal 20m, which is 2.3 miles in extent. A dangerous coral rock lies
currents are reported between these islands. 8 miles S of Carysfort Reef.
The area for a distance 40 miles S of Tanjung Sambar

2.103 Pulau Gelam (2°53'S., 110°10'E.), 1.5 miles W of (3°00'S., 110°19'E.), the SE extremity of Borneo, embracing
Tanjung Kepala is low and densely wooded. It is difficult to Gosong Aling (Fox Banks) and Gosong Jelai (Clemencia
distinguish from W as it appears as a long slightly darker strip Bank), is encumbered with ridges of sand, marked by tide rips
against the coast behind. and overfalls, and is not navigable.
Foul and rocky ground extends for a considerable distance N
2.103 Vessels should pass well S of these dangers, out of sight of

and S from the island, and patches, with depths less than 10m, land, and those approaching from N should allow for the strong
extend for 7 miles SW and 9 miles W. E set across the banks.
There are depths of 5m, 1 mile off the NW sides of Pulau
2.103 The dangers S and E of Tanjung Sambar are discussed begin-

Gelam, where anchorage may be obtained by small vessels, ning in paragraph 9.2.

Pub. 163
Sector 3—Jawa—North Coast and Madura

3.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 163



3.0Plan.—This sector describes the N coast of Jawa from Tan- current in July and August.
jung Pontang to Tanjung Sedano, including the Java Sea and is- 3.1Restricted areas.—Numerous oil fields have been discov-
lands and dangers that lie N of Jawa. The descriptive sequence ered and established within 50 miles N of Selat Sunda and 35
is from W to E. miles E of the coast of Sumatera. The oil fields lying on the
main shipping routes between Selat Sunda and Singapore are
General Remarks being rapidly extended.
3.1Numerous structures, not all of these are charted, exist in
3.1 The N coast of Jawa is low, marshy, thickly wooded, these areas. The locations of features, markings, and estab-
and generally devoid of landmarks. In places it is indented by lished oil terminals are made known as the information be-
bays which do not penetrate the island deeply. comes available.
3.1The high mountains that lie inland are usually only visible in 3.1Restricted areas have been established surrounding these oil
the monsoon but are occasionally seen for a few hours in the fields. Vessels are prohibited from approaching or anchoring
morning during the hazy atmosphere of the Southeast Mon- within 500m of any platform or submerged feature. A vessel
soon. entering a restricted area may be challenged by Indonesian air
3.1As all the rivers on the N coast of Jawa flow into the sea be- and sea patrols operating in this part of the Java Sea.
tween points of land, bringing down a considerable amount of 3.1A conservation area is established among Pulau-pulau Seri-
debris with them, both the land and coastal banks may be ex- bu. Entry is controlled in the vicinity of Ranget (5°28.3'S.,
tending seaward at these places; such points, therefore should 106°28.6'E.), Pancalirang Kecil (5°27.6'S., 106°33.2'E.), Bira
never be rounded by bearing and distances, but by sounding, (5°36.7'S., 106°34.6'E.), and Pulau Sangiang (5°58'S.,
keeping in depths of over 11m. 105°51'E.).
3.1Winds—Weather.—In the W part of the Java Sea, during 3.1Facilities, including air communication in support of tour-
the months April to November, the Southeast Monsoon will ism, were being developed.
blow from ESE, in the center part it will blow E, and over the E
portion it will blow ESE to SE. In the Java Sea, the Northwest 3.1Submarine exercises.—Surface vessels exercising with sub-
Monsoon, blowing from WNW to W, is stronger in force than marines display a red flag at the masthead. All shipping should
the Southeast Monsoon and lasts from December to March. keep well clear of an exercising vessel.
3.1In the sea, along the N coast of Java, between Selat Sunda 3.1If necessary, a slow approach should be made to such a ves-
and the meridian of 111°E, during the Northwest Monsoon, the sel, until the vessel indicates that the submarine is clear from
sea breeze adds strength to the wind and draws it into NW or N its vicinity.
during the daytime, but the land wind is seldom felt. Both land 3.1Piracy.—It has been reported that attacks on vessels by
and sea breezes occur during the Southeast Monsoon, but sel- armed thieves have occurred in the areas covered by this text.
dom extend more than 15 miles off the coast. Masters of all vessels are advised to take all possible security
3.1In the vicinity of Kepulanan Karimunjawa, the monsoon winds measures.
are more regular and stronger than those along the Java coast. 3.1Ships are advised to maintain a strict piracy watch and ant-
3.1Between the monsoons, calms are common, with occasional piracy measures and report all attacks and suspicious sightings
squalls associated with thunderstorms, especially in March and to the local authorities and the IMB Piracy Reporting Center.
3.1Tides—Currents.—The horizontal movement of water in IMB Piracy Reporting Center
the Java Sea N of Java is mainly caused by the wind, and is,
therefore, monsoon current; the maximum rate seldom exceeds Telephone 603-2031-0014
2 knots. A weak current setting constantly SSW has been no- Helpline (24 hours)
Facsimile 603-2078-5769
ticed. Along the N coast of Java, the monsoon current sets W
from May to October, inclusively; December is the month of imbk@icc-ccs.org
transition. E-mail
3.1In January and February, the current set E. At the end of piracy@icc-ccs.org
March and in the first part of April the transitional period oc-
curs again. Land and sea breezes influence the direction. The Caution.—Numerous oil and gas fields exist off the N coast

tidal currents were not observed to have any effect on the mon- of Jawa. Each field contains clusters of installations, consisting
soon currents, except perhaps close offshore. Only the currents of above-water, awash, or submerged structures; the structures
produced by the monsoon are felt at the various roadsteads. may be permanent or movable and may or may not be lighted.
The current set with some force around the salient points and in New platforms are routinely being added. Most structures ex-
general follows the contour of the coast. hibit lights, especially the platforms. Since not all features are
3.1The E current in and around Kepulaun Karimunjawa during charted or marked, mariners are cautioned to exercise special
January and February is stronger on the average than the W care when navigating these waters.

Pub. 163
68 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

Tanjung Pontang to Tanjung Krawang The depths increase gradually off the shore of this bay; in

places the depths are less than 5.5m as far as 1 mile.

3.2 Tanjung Pontang (5°56'S., 106°16'E.), a low, wooded Bima Oil Field, consisting of a number of production plat-

point with high trees, is formed by the delta of a river that runs forms and other oil installations, is between 7 miles and 15
into the sea; the E side of this point appears to be extending N. miles NNE of Tanjung Krawang.
An exposed wreck lies 0.75 mile N of Tanjung Pontang. Bima Marine Terminal (5°45'S., 107°05'E.) has been

3.2Between Tanjung Pontang and Tanjung Kait, 17 miles ESE, closed for commercial operations since 1992.
the coast recedes to form a shallow bay, with depths of less Restricted area.—Bima Oil Field is protected by a restricted

than 5m, mostly muddy bottom, extending 2.5 miles offshore area about 7.5 miles long and 3.5 miles wide, which falls mostly
in places. There are four villages on the shore of the bay; a riv- within the extensive restricted area shown on the chart.
er flows into the sea 7.5 miles W of Tanjung Kait. A prominent Unauthorized entry into the area is prohibited. Pipelines are

group of trees, visible 8 miles, stands close E to the mouth of within the restricted area.
the river. The position of these trees has not been accurately de- Anchorage.—There is an anchorage area off the NE end of

termined. Another group of trees is near the village, Mauk, the restricted area; it is bound by the following positions:
about 3.5 miles SSW of Tanjung Kait. a. 5°43'00"S, 107°06'00"E.
3.2Pulau Tunda (5°49'S., 106°17'E.) is a low tree-covered is- b. 5°41'30"S, 107°07'10"E.
land lying 7.5 miles N of Tanjung Pontang. A light is shown c. 5°42'50"S, 107°08'37"E.
near the SE coast of the island. A wreck, covered by a depth of d. 5°44'20"S, 107°07'28"E.
7m, lies 3 miles S of the SE point of Pulau Tunda. A depth of Caution.—A dangerous wreck lies 4 miles WNW of the an-

20.1m was reported about 1.3 miles SSW of Pulau Tunda chorage area.
3.4 Tanjung Krawang (5°56'S., 107°00'E.), the E en-
trance to the bay, is low and difficult to identify, unless locally
acquainted. Trees growing in the flat tidelands NE of Tanjung
Krawang are visible from distances up to 13 miles.
3.4A lighted beacon stands about 2 miles NNE of Tanjung
Krawang. A bank of mud encircling the point is extending sea-
ward, and in general, the depths in the SE part of the bay, with-
in a line joining Tanjung Krawang and Tanjungpriok, appear to
be decreasing.
3.4Near the head of this bay is the city of Jakarta. Tanjungpriok,
about 5.5 miles E of Jakarta, is the port of that city.
3.4Numerous fishing stakes and fish traps lie between Pulau
Damar-besar and the shore E and SE. It has been reported that
the traps are moved frequently and their charted positions are
not indicative of their actual positions.
Pulau Tunda 3.4Western channels leading to Jakarta and Tanjungpriok are
Outer Channel and Inner Channel. Vessels bound for Jakarta
3.2Tanjung Kait (6°01'S., 106°32'E.) is a low point difficult to and Tanjungpriok from Selat Sunda usually pass S of Pulau
identify from W, but plainly discernible from E. A prominent Tunda, then by the preferred channel. Inner Channel can only
tree, visible from all directions, stands 0.6 mile S of the point. be used in daylight.
3.2Karang Pulaulaki (Menschemtu Reef), a coastal bank, ex- 3.4Nearly all the islands adjacent to the channels are low and
tends 3.5 miles from the point, and has depths of less than 2m flat, but can usually be seen by their thick vegetation; there is
at its N and E extremities. The reef breaks at times and has a also some vegetation on the broad reefs that fringe the islands.
least depth of 0.4m. 3.4The many reef patches, which are on each side of the chan-
3.2Pulau Laki is a low wooded islet with high trees 3 miles nels, are usually marked by discoloration when the depths are
NNW of Tanjung Kait. 5.5m or less. In general, the water in Inner Channel is not so
3.2Tanjung Pasir (6°01'S., 106°41'E.), 8.5 miles E of Tanjung clear as that in Outer Channel.
Kait, is low and difficult to identify from the uniformly low
coast on either side. Coconut trees grow around the village of 3.5 Outer Channel.—Outer Channel trends E to pass S
Tanjungpasir Timur, which lies on the W side of the point. of Pulau Tunda, then between Kepulauan Ayer Besar and
3.2Untungjawa Reef extends about 1.75 miles NNE from Tan- Kepulauan Tidung, and then generally SE to pass N of Pulau
jung Pasir. Near the outer extremity of the reef, which is steep- Damar-besar.
to, are two patches of hard sand and stones which usually break Kerbau Reef (5°46'S., 106°26'E.), with a depth of 1.5m, lies
at high water. 9.75 miles ENE of Pulau Tunda Light, but it is well N of the
fairway through Outer Channel.
3.3 Between Tanjung Pasir and Tanjung Krawang, about Kepulauan Ayer Besar (5°48'S., 106°31'E.), 12 miles N of

20 miles ENE, the coast recedes to form a bay with a low and Tanjung Kait consists of three islands. Pulau Tidung-besar and
uniformly-wooded shore. The country inland from the bay is Pulau Tidung-kecil, the two W islands, rise from a long, nar-
hilly. row, partly drying coral reef.

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 69

A number of dangers, with depths of as little as 1.5m, lie be-


tween Pulau Tidung-besar, the W island, and Kerbau Reef, 5.5

miles WNW.
Pulau Payung Besar (5°49'S., 106°33'E.), the third island of

Kepulauan Ayer Besar, lies 1.3 miles SE between the reefs

which border the two islands.
Pulau Payung Light is a white metal framework tower, 10m

high, standing near the SE end of the island. A conspicuous

wooden jetty was reported to extend about 350m SSE from the
SE point of the island. Pulau Payung Kecil lies on a detached
reef 0.3 mile N of Pulau Payung Besar; there is a clear channel
between the reefs bordering it and those bordering Pulau Ti-
The coconut palms on Pulau Tidung-besar and Pulau Ti-

dung-kecil can usually be seen from a distance of 10 miles.

3.6 Karang Besar (Struisvogel Klipper) (5°53'S.,

106°28'E.) is a group of six small coral reefs which shows dis-
coloration, on the S side of Outer Channel, 8.5 miles NNW of
Tanjung Kait; the extent of the rocks is about 1 mile in a N and
S direction. The least depth over the reef is 3.4m.
3.6Karang Laut, a steep-to reef, with a least depth of 5.8m, lies
2 miles E of Karang Besar; both of these dangers flank the N
side of Inner Channel.
3.6Kepulauan Tidung (Pulau Pulau Tidung), a group of low,
thickly wooded islands, rise from a steep-to reef marked by nu-
merous drying patches, trees standing in the water, and discol-
oration at the edges.
3.6The group is centered 3.5 miles SE of Pulau Payung Light,
the deep intervening channel is about 2 miles wide between the Palau Damar-Besar Light
reef fringing Pulau Payang and the reef from which Kepulauan
Tidung rises. seen on the chart, lie close N of the island within 0.5 mile of
3.6Pulau Tikus is near the W extremity of the reef and Pulau Pa- the shoreline.
ri, the largest island in the group, lies near the E end of the Karang Susuh, a 16.2m coral patch, is 3.75 miles N of Pulau

group. Damar-besar. A depth of 12.8m was reported 2.5 miles ENE of

3.6Karang Jong (5°51'S., 106°39'E.), a tiny islet of sand and Karang Susuh and a depth of 9m was reported 3 miles ENE of
coral rising from a steep-to reef patch, lies 1 mile E of Pulau the same reef.
Pari. The light on the islet is a green tower standing on piles. A Pulau Wanara (Damar-kecil), 1.5 miles S of Pulau Damar-

5.1m patch lies 1.3 miles NE of Pulau Jong. besar, is wooded. Pulau Wanara (Damar-kecil) is 1.5 miles
3.6Caution.—A dumping ground for ammunition exists off the SSW of Pulau Damar-kecil.
S side of Kepulauan Tidung. Between this area and Pulau Pulau Nirwana (Nyamuk-besar) 1.5 miles SSE of Pulau Tal-

Rambut, 7 miles SE, lie numerous reefs. Vessels are cautioned ak (Nyamuk-kecil), is fringed by a reef. Fish traps extend up to
to avoid this area. 0.5 mile E and S of Pulau Nirwana. Amstel, a 3m patch, lies
0.2 mile ESE of Pulau Nirwana.
3.7 Gosong Dapur (5°55'S., 106°44'E.), a reef with a Directions for Outer Channel.—When approaching Tan-

depth of less than 2m, lies 6 miles SE of Karang Jong, with an- jungpriok from W, pass S of Pulau Tunda, and proceed S of Pu-
other reef, having a depth of 2.7m, close W. lau Payung, continuing E until clear of Kepulauan Tidung and
A 10.7m patch of coral exists 0.35 mile NW of Gosong
3.7 Pulau Jong. Then alter course direct for Pulau Damar-besar
Dapur. A light is shown from a position close to the center of Light, passing NE of Pulau Damar and adjacent reefs.
Gosong Dapur. When near Pulau Damar-besar, steer SE to pass between Pu-

Palau Damar-Besar (5°58'S., 106°51'E.), 7 miles ESE of

3.7 lau Wanara (Damar-kecil) and Pulau Talak (Nyamuk-kecil)
Gosong Dapur, is covered with tall trees; it lies on the W limit and then E of Nirwana and Karang Timbul to the harbor. Nu-
of a prohibited anchorage. A light is shown from a white metal merous fish traps may be encountered S and E of Pulau Damar-
tower, 50m high, standing near the W extremity of the island; a besar.
racon is situated with the light. Caution.—When S of latitude 5°55'S, a vessel is advised not

A steep-to reef, with a depth of less than 2m, and a drying

3.7 to approach Tanjungpriok from E of longitude 106°55'E, since
sand bank on its S side, lies 0.5 mile N of Pulau Damar-besar. numerous fish traps and settlement of huts are encountered up
A wreck, marked close NW by an isolated danger buoy, lies
3.7 to 5 miles off the coast between Tanjung Krawang and Muara
2.3 miles E of Pulau Damar-besar. Two other wrecks, best seen Bekasi, 7 miles to the south.
on chart, lie just E of this island. Three additional wrecks, best Numerous fish traps were reported in the approaches to the E

Pub. 163
70 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

entrance of the harbor extending N almost to the 20m depths. modated; the depth at the SPM is about 21m. Berthing is re-
3.7Work was reported in progress to the E of the E entrance. stricted to daylight hours only but unberthing may take place at
The construction of a berth inside the harbor is for handling any time. A dangerous wreck, marked by a buoy, lies 0.75 mile
iron scrap. N of the terminal.
3.7Unexploded ordinance is reported to lie 1.7 miles E of Pulau 3.9Ayer-kecil, a wooded islet encircled by a wide drying reef, lies
Talak. 3 miles E of Pulau Untungjawa. Ayer Sedang (Monnikendam
Reef), a reef which has a patch of drying sand, lies 1 mile E of
3.8 Inner Channel.—This route from Selat Sunda to Ja- Ayer-kecil. A 3m patch lies 91m E of Ayer Sedang.
karta leads between the coast of Jawa and the northern islands 3.9Ayer Reef, with a least depth of 1.5m, lies on the N side of
and reefs. Inner Channel, 0.75 mile SSW of Ayer Sedang.
3.8Karang Besar and Karang Laut, previously described in 3.9Pulau Ayer-besar (6°00'S., 106°47'E.), a reef-fringed islet
paragraph 3.6, are the two W dangers bordering the N side of marked by tall trees, lies 1.5 miles SE of Ayer-kecil.
Inner Channel. 3.9Pulau Ubi-kecil (6°00'S., 106°44'E.), a reef with a small
3.8Tongara (5°55'S., 106°32'E.) is a small steep-to reef, which cay, lies on the S side of Inner Channel, 3 miles E of Tanjung
has a depth of 5.5m, lying about 1.5 miles SE of Karang Laut. Pasir. Pulau Ubi-besar, a wooded reef-fringed islet, lies 0.5
It is not always marked by discolored water. mile E of Pulau Ubi-kecil. Ubi, a reef with a depth of 2m, lies
3.8Pejinab Reef, with a depth of 0.9m, is 5 miles NNE of Tan- 0.3 mile E of Pulau Ubi-kecil. A number of other reefs lie S of
jung Kait and close W of the dangerous reef bordering Pulau Pulau Ubi-kecil and Ubi.
Lancang. 3.9Karang Jalan, a reef with a least depth of 0.9m, lies 3 miles
3.8Pulau Lancang (5°56'S., 106°35'E.) is formed by a group of SE of Pulau Ubi-besar.
three low wooded islands visible from 9 miles. The reef sur- 3.9Other islets and dangers lie W of Karang Jalan and will be
rounding this group dries in places, and is marked with patches discussed with Jakarta Roadstead.
of vegetation. Some of the rocky heads are awash. The W edge 3.9Directions for Inner Channel.—Mariners are advised that
of the reef, which has a depth of 0.3m, extends almost to Pe- passage to Tanjungpriok from W by way of Inner Channel
jinab Reef. A light is exhibited from the S point of Pulau Lan- should be undertaken only during day and by those with local
cang. knowledge.
3.8Pulau Bokor, a low reef-fringed islet, lies 1.75 miles ESE of 3.9When approaching from W, steer to pass S of Pulau Tunda.
the SE island of Pulau Lancang. The high trees on the islet are When the E extremity of Pulau Tunda bears NNW, the promi-
visible from 12 miles. nent tree S of Tanjung Kait and Pulau Laki will be sighted at
3.8Hordyk, with a least depth of 4m, and Lumbang, with a about the same time.
depth of 3m, are patches that lie 1.3 miles WSW and 0.75 mile 3.9The prominent group of trees close SW of Tanjung Kait has
SW, respectively, of Pulau Bokor. A patch with a depth of occasionally been mistaken for Pulau Laki, and the trees on
5.2m, lies 0.2 mile NNE of Lumbang. Pulau Laki have also been mistaken for Pulau Lancang; the lat-
3.8Pari, a patch with a depth of 7.6m, and Karang Tiga, a patch ter island is generally sighted about the same time as Pulau
with a depth of 6.1m, lie 0.75 mile and 1 mile, respectively, S Bokor.
of Pulau Bokor. A patch, with a depth of 7.9m, lies 0.35 mile 3.9After passing S of Pulau Tunda, steer to pass S of Karang
ESE of Pari. Besar, then N of Pulau Laki and the N extremity of Men-
3.8Gosong Pulau Bokor, 2 miles ESE of Karang Tiga, has a scheneter Reef and S of Pejinab Reef. Then the track is towards
depth of 3m. Pulau Rambut, keeping clear S of the shallow patches between
3.8A group of detached reefs lies between Gosong Pulau Bokor Penjinab Reef and Gosong Pulau Bokor.
and Pulau Rambut, 1.75 miles E. Karang Ayer, with a depth of 3.9After passing the beacon on the S edge of Gosong Pulau
4.9m, lies midway between the two. Bokor, the channel leads through the narrow passage, marked
3.8Karang Ketapang, with a depth of 4.9m, lies 0.35 mile SSW by beacons, between the SW edge of the reef bordering Pulau
of Karang Ayer and Sonko, a reef with a depth of 7m, lies 0.15 Rambut and the outer extremity of Untungjawa Reef, extend-
mile SSW. Wrange Rock, with a depth of 3m, lies 0.15 mile W ing N from Tanjung Pasir.
of Pulau Rambut. 3.9This narrow passage may be approached by passing between
Karang Ayer and Karang Ketapang, or by passing S of Sonko.
3.9 Pulau Rambut (5°58'S., 106°41'E.) lies 1.75 miles E When past Pulau Untungjawa, course should be set to pass be-
of Gosong Pulau Bokor. Pulau Untungjawa, similar to Pulau tween Ayer kecil and Ubi, then SW of Ayer Reef, Pulau Ayer
Rambut, lies 0.5 mile E of that island. The remains of a sunken besar, and Pulau Talak, then to the harbor entrance, passing E
dock, which must be given a wide berth, lies off the S side of of Karang Timbul.
the island.
3.9A conservation area is established around Pulau Rambut, as Approach to Jakarta and Tanjungpriok
a rare species of bird is found there.
3.9Cenkareng Oil Terminal (5°58'S., 106°44'E.) is situated 3.10 From Tanjung Pasir to Tanjungpriok, 13 miles ESE,
about 1.5 miles ENE of Pulau Untungjawa. The terminal con- the coast is low, uniformly wooded and backed by mountains,
sists of an SPM which is connected, by a submarine pipeline far inland. The town of Jakarta stands 10 miles SE of Tanjung
extending SE, to a position onshore 1.5 miles SE of Tanjung Pasir.
Pasir. Karang Perut (6°02'S., 106°43'E.), a small stone reef with a

3.9Vessels up to 36,500 dwt and 200m in length can be accom- depth of 3.9m, lies 2.75 miles ESE of Tanjung Pasir. Karang

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 71

Pulau Kelor, a reef with a depth of 3.7m, lies 0.4 mile ESE of Islands and Dangers North of Jakarta and Tan-
Karang Perut. jungpriok
A 5.2m patch lies 0.15 mile N of Karang Pulau Kelor, and

several shoals, with depths of less than 5m, lie between this 3.13 Pulau Jagautara (Jaga Utara) (Pulau Tuguan)
reef and Pulau Kelor, a low, wooded islet 1 mile E. (5°12'S., 106°28'E.), described in paragraph 4.5, may be said to
Pulau Gipir (Pulau Cipir), 1 mile SE of Karang Perut, is sur-
3.10 mark the dividing point between the route leading W of Kepu-
rounded by a reef on its N, E, and W sides. A pier, off which lauan Seribu toward Selat Sunda and the route leading E of that
there are some mooring buoys, extends from the SW side of the island group toward Jakarta and Tanjungpriok.
island and a long barge pier extends from the NNW side to- Beting Raja (5°13'S., 106°44'E.), about 17 miles E of Jaga

ward Pulau Kapal. The disinfecting station is maintained on Utara, is a steep-to coral patch, with a small drying bank of
Pulau Gipir. white coral sand. The light, a black and red framework tower
12m high from which a racon transmits, is practically the only
3.11 Pulau Kapal (6°02'S., 106°44'E.), a low wooded islet means of recognizing the patch. The light has been reported to
0.2 mile NNW of Pulau Gipir (Cipir), has two piers off its S be a good radar target at a distance of 12 miles.
side with reported depths of 6.1 to 7.6m. The Quarantine Sta- A 14.6m depth was reported to lie 9 miles WSW of Beting

tion is situated on Pulau Kapal. Raja. A dangerous wreck lies 0.5 mile SSW of Beting Raja.
Pulau Sakit, another low reef-fringed islet, lies less than 0.75
3.11 Discolored water lies 11 miles NNE of Beting Raja. Beting

mile ESE of Pulau Kapal. A small detached reef, with a depth Eka, 11.5 miles SE of Beting Raja, is a steep-to coral reef, with
of 1.8m, lies 0.35 mile SE of Pulau Sakit. a depth of less than 1.8m. It was reported that shoal water ex-
Another shallow spot with a least depth of 2.7m lies about
3.11 isted within a radius of 3 miles of this reef. A black and red
0.3 mile W of Pulau Sakit. Karang Pulau Sakit, with a depth of beacon, 15m high, stands on Beting Eka.
1.5m, lies 0.4 mile SSE of Pulau Sakit. Obstructions lie 8.5 miles ESE and 37 miles ENE of Beting

Eka. Wrecks lie 0.5 mile S and 5.5 miles SSE of Beting Eka.
Karang Bangau (Reigersdaal Shoal) lies 1.3 miles S of Karang
3.11 Dangerous wrecks also lie 24 miles N, 36.5 miles NNE, and 32
Pulau Sakit. This reef should be given a clearance of 91m. miles NE of Beting Eka.
Anchorage for the Quarantine Station or the Disinfecting
3.11 Kepulauan Seribu (5°35'S., 106°34'E.), about 80 islands in

Station is close SW of Pulau Gipir pier. number, in addition to many reefs, rocks, and drying banks, are
Prohibited area.—Anchoring and fishing are prohibited
3.11 centered about 24 miles N of Tanjung Kait.
within an area extending between Pulau Kapal and the W mole The islands, which are wooded, are not easily distinguished

of Jakarta Canal. Karang Bangau lies at its SW corner, and Ka- one from another. It is advisable not to attempt to pass through
rang Tahan, 3 miles E, at its NE corner. the group.
Mariners are cautioned that the oil and gas pipelines, laid in
3.11 Winds are stronger amongst Kepulauan Seribu than along

the SE part of the prohibited area, extend beyond the area lim- the Jawa coast, especially in the Southeast Monsoon and are
its. The position of the pipelines may be seen on the chart. then often strongest and least steady during the night. There are
An offshore oil terminal is situated about 0.5 mile W of Ka-
3.11 appreciable land and sea breezes from and towards Jawa.
rang Tahan. A mooring buoy, available to tankers of up to The description given here is principally to point out conspicu-

30,000 tons, is moored at the seaward end of a pipeline running ous features of possible use as landmarks to vessels and to point
N from the shore. out dangers that lie on the E side of Kepulauan Seribu.
The terminal lighted buoy is moored about 0.3 mile NNW of
3.11 Pancalirang Besar Timur (5°27'S., 106°34'E.), the N island
the lighted terminal mooring buoy. Anchoring is prohibited in of the main group of Kepulauan Seribu, lies 16.5 miles SSE of
the vicinity of the terminal and the pipeline. Jaga Utara. It is densely wooded with tall trees.
A dangerous wreck lies 3 miles NE of Pulau Panjaliran

3.12 Karang Tahan (6°04'S., 106°48'E.), the westernmost Timur.

danger in Jakarta Roadstead, is a reef with a depth of 4m, lying Pancalirang-kecil lies 0.75 mile SW of Pancalirang-besar. A

3 miles NNW of Jakarta. patch of coral rocks extends 1.3 miles W of Pancalirang-kecil.
Karang Pasir, 1.5 miles ENE of Karang Tahan, is a drying
3.12 Pulau Jagung, 2.5 miles SW of Pancalirang-besar, is thickly

reef. Karang Tenggelam, with a depth of 4.2m, lies 0.4 mile wooded with high trees. Karang Mayang, a rocky patch with a
SW of Karang Pasir. Karang Pipa, with a depth of 3.8m, lies depth of 7.9m, lies 2.5 miles SE of Pancalirang-besar.
0.2 mile SSW of Karang Tenggelam. Pulau Buton, 1 mile W of Pancalirang-besar, is 0.2 mile

Karang Lamteri (Neerstuk), a drying reef, lies about 0.9 mile

3.12 within the W end of this coral patch. A detached rock, with a
E of Karang Pipa. depth of 2.4m, lies 1.75 miles W of Pulau Buton. Another rock,
Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in an area commencing
3.12 with a depth of 3m, lies 1 mile NNE of Pulau Buton.
on shore, at Jakarta and extending about 14 miles NNE. The Pulau Ringit, densely wooded, with high trees, lies 2 miles

limits of the area may best be seen on the chart. SSE of Pancalirang-besar. Kepulauan Serabu lies 1.5 miles SW
Mariners are cautioned that gas pipelines are laid across and
3.12 of Pulau Ringit.
outside the prohibited anchorage area. The position can be best Pulau-pulau Petudang (5°35'S., 106°36'E.), densely wood-

seen on the chart. ed with high trees, lies 5 miles SSE of Pulau Ringit. Pulau-pu-
Two lighted buoys and a lighted beacon are situated near the
3.12 lau Laga, covered with bushes and surrounded by an extensive
pipelines. reef, lies midway between.

Pub. 163
72 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

Pulau Belanda, about 1.3 miles SSE of Pulau-pulau Petudang,

3.13 Three submarine cables land at the SW section of the yacht

is conspicuous by a group of causarina trees. Pulau Pemadaran, harbor.

about 2 miles farther SW, is covered with low trees. Karang Jawiel, 1.5 miles SSW of Tohor Jantan, has a depth

A lighted buoy is moored 1.5 miles ENE of Pulau Pema-da-

3.13 of 6.7m.
ran. A channel leads through the islands, marked by two sets of Directions.—Vessels bound for Tanjungpriok from Selat

buoys. Bangka should steer toward Jaga Utara, and after passing that
Pulau Opak-kecil, about 2.75 miles S of Pulau Pemadaran, is
3.13 island, steer to pass E of Kepulauan Seribu and about 1 mile W
reported to have two trees with fan-shaped tops. of Pulau Peniki.
Pulau Conkak and Simpit, islets 4.5 and 6 miles S, respective-
3.13 After passing Pulau Peniki steer direct for Pulau Damar-be-

ly, of Pulau Pemadaran, and near the S limit of Kepulauan Seri- sar so as to pass well clear W of Tohor Jantan and Karang Jaw-
bu, are not conspicuous, but the reefs surrounding them are iel. Deep-draft vessels should bear in mind the existence of the
noticeably colored and break with any sea. shoals, previously mentioned, that lie W of Tohor Jantan.
Pulau Lang, nearly 7 miles SSE of Pulau Pemadaran,
3.13 Should a vessel, however, be well E of Kepulauan Seribu,

abounds with coconut trees. Sekati, 0.75 mile S of Pulau Lang, steer on a course to pass 10 miles E of Pulau Peniki. With Pu-
has a high conspicuous tree on its SW side. Pulau Karangbras, lau Damar-kecil bearing 184°, clear 2.5 miles E of Tohor Jan-
about 3 miles WSW of Pulau Lang, is covered with under- tan and Karang Jawiel.
growth. Ayer is about midway between these two islets. At night, without local knowledge, it is recommended that a

Caution.—Submarines frequently exercise within the area

3.13 vessel should make for Beting Eka reef, giving a berth of at
bounded by the parallels 5°34'S and 5°49'S, and the meridians least 3 miles, then change course to pass E of Tohor Jantan and
106°15'E and 106°25'E, to the W of Kepulauan Seribu. Karang Jawiel on a line of bearing to Pulau Damar-besar Light.
There are three sea conservation areas in the Seribu Islands.
3.13 This track will pass near Susuh and the obstruction about 1.3
These areas are prohibited to all vessels, with the exception of miles NNE of Pulau Damar-besar.
naval, government, and local vessels: Caution.—To minimize difficulties with fish traps and

1. Area 1—bounded by lines joining the following posi- stakes, it has been reported that some vessels proceed to a posi-
tions: tion 1.5 miles E of Pulau Damar-besar and then proceed on a
a. 5°27'00"S, 106°26'00"E. course S toward Tanjungpriok.
b. 5°27'00"S, 106°28'00"E. Numerous wrecks, best seen on the chart, lie in the ap-

c. 5°29'00"S, 106°28'00"E. proaches and adjacent to the entrance channels to Tanjung-

d. 5°29'00"S, 106°26'00"E. priok. Mariners are urged to use caution. A dangerous wreck
2. Area 2—bounded by lines joining the following posi- (6°05.6'S., 106°51.7'E.) lies 274 meters S of the lighted buoy
tions: within Lighter Anchorage.
a. 5°26'30"S, 106°32'00"E. Jakarta Roadstead, lying N of the city, is no longer used to

b. 5°26'30"S, 106°35'00"E. any extent.

c. 5°29'00"S, 106°35'00"E. The best anchorage in the roadstead, in depths of 9 to 10.9m,

d. 5°29'00"S, 106°32'00"E. mud, lies N of the two moles that form the canal that leads to
3. Area 3—bounded by lines joining the following posi- Jakarta.
tions: Karang Puluputri (Pulau Puteri) (6°04'S., 106°51'E.), a

a. 5°36'00"S, 106°33'36"E. reef, with a least depth of 2.8m, lies 3.5 miles NE of the head
b. 5°36'00"S, 106°36'42"E. of the moles. Other dangers in the roadstead have been de-
c. 5°36'42"S, 106°36'42"E. scribed.
d. 5°36'42"S, 106°33'36"E. The canal leads from Jakarta Roadstead to the old town of

Jakarta. Before the construction of Tanjungpriok, about 4.5

3.14 Pulau Peniki (5°42'S., 106°43'E.) is an isolated tree- miles E, it was the highway for inland traffic and is still used
covered island that lies about 7 miles E of the S part of Kepulauan by small craft.
Seribu. The island is visible from a distance of 14 miles. An ob- The canal is formed by two moles projecting 1.5 miles N

struction lies 3.3 miles S of Pulau Peniki. A light with a racon is from the high water line. When it is dangerous to enter or leave
shown from a metal framework tower on the island. the canal, a blue flag is hoisted at the lookout tower in Jakarta.
Tohor Jantan (Nassau Reef) (5°49'S., 106°49'E.), with a Sail Regata is a set of eight conspicuous buildings located on

depth of 3m, lies 9 miles SE of Pulau Peniki, and is near the the N end of the peninsula W of the moles.
route usually followed by vessels bound for Tanjungpriok from
the vicinity of Jaffa Utara. Tanjungpriok (6°06'S., 106°53'E.)
The discoloration marking Tohor Jantan can be seen from

distances up to 0.5 mile. Three detached reefs, having a least World Port Index No. 50970
depth of 12.5m, and four wrecks exist within 6 miles W of To-
hor Jantan. 3.15 Tanjungpriok is part of the city of Jakarta. and the port
The old harbor, N of Jakarta, is now a new fishing harbor, and
3.14 for the capital of Indonesia. Tanjungpriok, the principal Indo-
named Muara Baru. There is a wharf 1,500m long with exten- nesian port, is formed by an artificial harbor situated approxi-
sive cold storage facilities as well as a fish processing plant, mately 5.5 miles E of Jakarta. The port may be considered as
where fishing vessels of up to 1,500 gt. berth alongside. At its consisting of three principal parts, as follows:
NE corner, a yacht harbor is situated, 1 mile E of the canal. 1. Jakarta Roadstead, lying N of the city.

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 73

Jakarta—Sail Regata

Approaches to Tanjungpriok

2. New Roadstead, lying N of Tanjungpriok. Winds—Weather.—Tanjungpriok is influenced by both


3. Tanjungpriok Harbor, comprised of an outer harbor land and sea breezes. The sea breeze sets about 1000; the
and by a series of inner harbors. Southeast Monsoon brings the wind NE until 1800, with the
land breeze coming off about 2000 or 2100.
Dangerous cargo must be discharged into lighters outside the

In the Northwest Monsoon, the sea breeze deflects the W


harbor area. wind into the NW. The effect of the land breeze shows as a
backing wind, only 1 or 2 points S of W at night.
Port of Tanjungpriok The time of the monsoon change and the duration of the

monsoons show some variability from year to year. When the

http://www.priokport.co.id Southeast Monsoon sets in late, and is below the normal devel-

Pub. 163
74 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

opment, the rainfall is usually in excess. Inner Harbor will accommodate vessels with a maximum

Occasionally, at the change from the Southeast Monsoon to

3.15 draft of 10m and a maximum length of 170m. Inner Harbor
the Northwest Monsoon, fairly strong SW or WSW winds, consists of the prau harbor and five basins; the basins are num-
usually accompanied by dry weather, are experienced at Jakar- bered from W to E.
ta. The prau harbor, known as Pelabuhan Nusantara, is the W of

Haze, which is common during the Southeast Monsoon,

3.15 the inner harbors. It has direct communication with the old
may, on rare occasions, cause the visibility to fall to 1 mile or town of Jakarta by means of the ship canal, which is entered
less in the vicinity of Jakarta and Tanjungpriok. from the W side of Pelabuhan Nusantara and is available for
Tides—Currents.—The spring rise of tides in the harbor of
3.15 small vessels. It is 676m, concrete, with a least charted depth
Tanjungpriok is 1.1m. of 3.8m alongside.
There is almost no current in the roadsteads and off the en-
3.15 No. 1 Basin is used mainly by inter-island vessels. The

trance to the Outer Harbor. A weak current constantly flows depths in the basin range from 4.5 to 40.3m. The maximum
out of the harbor and sets across the fairway; it poses no prob- length allowed for vessels berthed at this basin is 225m.
lem for entering vessels. No. 2 Basin is used by ocean-going vessels up to 195m in

Depths—Limitations.—Tanjungpriok is divided into an

3.15 length. Depths range from 4.8 to 10.5m. Tugs are essential
Outer Harbor and Inner Harbor, which are protected by break- when mooring and unmooring in this basin. Indonesian author-
waters. Changes to charted depths have taken place within the ities report depths greater then 12m along the N end of the pier
port of Pelabuhan Tanjungpriok and its approaches. The most separating No. 1 Basin and No. 2 Basin.
significant depth changes are alongside depths of 7.5m to No. 3 Basin is used by ocean-going vessels. Two container

10.4m within the Pelabuhan No. 1 and Pelabuhan No. 3, as terminals, are situated on the E side of No. 3 Basin. Charted
well as the KOJA Container Terminal. Depths of 3.2m to 3.7m, depths for No. 3 Basin are 4 to 12.8m. The passenger terminal
best seen on the chart, lie approximately 1.6 miles NW of the has depths greater than 13m according to local authorities.
Indonesian Hydrographic Office. Oil Basin has four T-headed oil piers on its W side and can

Outer Harbor is entered between two moles which extend

3.15 accommodate vessels with drafts up to 8.8m. Another wharf
0.9 mile N from Inner Harbor and are almost awash at high wa- fronts a grain terminal on the E side of the basin, with depths of
ter; the sea frequently breaks over them in the Northwest Mon- 4.9 to 7m alongside. The KOJA Container Terminal is located
soon. along the NE side of the Oil Basin.
The entrance, marked by beacons, is 183m wide, but quickly
3.15 Sarfindo Berth lies close SSW of the E harbor entrance. This

opens to a width of 0.3 mile between the breakwaters. The berth has a length of 220m and alongside depths to 10m. A car
channel through Outer Harbor trends between lines of mooring terminal fronts the harbor close E of the Sarfindo Berth.
buoys. It is maintained at a depth of 11.7m by dredging; the A breakwater or training wall was at the E end of the harbor.

least charted depth was 10.8m. It was reported (1996) that the It is understood that this area is being developed for tanker
entrance channel was dredged to a depth of 12m. berths.

Tanjungpriok—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Bogasari Flour Mills Terminal
Grain and flour. Berthing length of 236m (in-
Flour Mills 205m 11.0m — — —
cluding dolphins).
174m 9.0m — — — Grain.
Domestic Container Terminal (Operations III)
No. 207 144m — — 4.0m — Breakbulk.
No. 208 172m — — 12.0m —
No. 209 172m — — 12.0m —
No. 210 172m — — 12.0m — Containers and reefer. Continuous berthing
No. 211 172m — — 12.0m — length of 1,035m.
No. 212 172m — — 12.0m —
No. 213 172m — — 12.0m —
IPC Car Terminal

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 75

Tanjungpriok—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Berth 01
88m 6.0m — — —
and LCT
Berth 02 220m 12.0m — — — PCC.
Berth 04 148m 8.0m — — —
Berth 05 304m 12.0m — — —
Jakarta International Container Terminal 1 (JICT 1)
No. 01 208m 12.0m — 11.0m —
No. 02 208m 12.0m — 11.0m —
Containers and reefer. Continuous berthing
N.o 03 208m 12.0m — 11.0m —
length of 1,040m.
No. 04 208m 12.0m — 11.0m —
No. 05 208m 12.0m — 11.0m —
No. 06 360m 16.0m — 11.0m — Containers and reefer. Continuous berthing
length of 720m.
No. 07 360m 16.0m — 11.0m —
Jakarta International Container Terminal 2 (JICT2)
No. 01 255m 9.0m 208m 8.6m — Containers and reefer. Continuous berthing
No. 02 255m 9.0m 189m 8.6m — length of 510m.
Koja Container Terminal
Koja Con-
650m 14.0m 306m 13.0m 2,000 dwt Containers and reefer.
tainer Berth
Mustika Alam Lestari (MAL) Terminal
No. 214 150m 10.5m — 10.0m — Containers, multipurpose, and reefer. Continu-
No. 300 150m 10.5m 170m 10.0m — ous berthing length of 300m.
New Priok Container Terminal 1 (NPCT1)
850m 16.0m 306m — 150,000 dwt Containers.
Nusantara Passenger Terminal
Passenger Cruise, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, contain-
180m — 228m — —
Berth ers, breakbulk, multipurpose, and reefer.
PBM Olah Jasa Andal (OJA)
No. 301 290m — 270m 12.0m — Containers, breakbulk, and reefer. Continuous
No. 302 290m — 270m 12.0m — berthing length of 580m.
Serbaguna Terminal
No. 009 400m 9.0m 162m 8.0m — Containers and reefer.
Tangguh Samudera Jaya (TSJ) Terminal
No. 303 150m — 211m 12.0m —
Containers, breakbulk, and reefer. Continuous
No. 304 150m — 264m 12.0m —
berthing length 450m.
No. 305 150m — 209m 12.0m —
Adipurusa Terminal

Pub. 163
76 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

Tanjungpriok—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-ro pas-
No. 100 64m — 78m — — sengers/vehicles/rail, container, breakbulk,
multipurpose, reefer, and livestock.
No. 101 180m — — — —
No. 102 180m — — — — Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-ro pas-
sengers/vehicles/rail, containers, breakbulk,
No. 103 180m — — — —
multipurpose, reefer, and livestock. Continu-
No. 104 180m — — — — ous berthing length of 900m.
No. 105 180m — — — —
Conventional Cargo Terminal (Operation 1)
No. 001 285m 159m — —
Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-ro pas-
No. 002 285m — 110m — —
sengers/vehicles/rail, containers, breakbulk,
No. 003 285m — 126m — — multipurpose, and reefer. Continuous berthing
length of 1,140m.
No. 004N 240m — 127m — —
No. 004S 285m — 128m — —
No. 005 175m — 131m — — Chemicals, clean products, ro-ro passengers/
5.0- vehicles/rail, containers, breakbulk, multipur-
No. 005S 280m 101m — — pose, and reefer.
No. 006 184m — 131m 6.0m — Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-ro pas-
sengers/vehicles/rail, containers, breakbulk,
No. 007 184m — 131m 6.0m — multipurpose, and reefer. Continuous berthing
length of 368m.
Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-ro pas-
No. 007U 75m — 126m — — sengers/vehicles/rail, containers, breakbulk,
multipurpose, and reefer.
Conventional Cargo Terminal (Operation II)
Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-ro pas-
No. 107 190m — 116m — — sengers/vehicles/rail, breakbulk, multipur-
pose, and livestock.
Chemicals, clean products, ro-ro/passenger,
No. 108 168m — — — — container, breakbulk, multipurpose, reefer, and
Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-ro pas-
sengers/vehicles/rail, breakbulk, multipur-
No. 109 160m — — — —
pose, and livestock. Continuous berthing
length of 802m.
Chemicals, container, breakbulk, multipur-
No. 110 160m 11.0m — — — pose, bunkers, reefer, and livestock. Continu-
ous berthing length of 802m.
Chemicals, clean products, and containers.
No. 111 160m 11.0m — 8.5m — Continuous berthing length of 802m. Maxi-
mum draft 11m.

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 77

Tanjungpriok—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Chemicals, clean products, ro-ro passengers/
30,000 dwt; vehicles/rail, container, breakbulk, multipur-
No. 112 160m 11.0m 180m —
38,000t pose, bunkers, and reefer. Maximum beam of
30m. Continuous berthing length of 802m.
Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-ro pas-
sengers/vehicles/rail, container, breakbulk,
25,000 dwt;
No. 113 160m 8.0m 180m — multipurpose, bunkers, reefer, and livestock.
Maximum beam of 30m. Continuous berthing
length of 802m.
Note.—Berth No. 109, Berth No. 110, Berth No. 111, Berth No. 112, and Berth No. 113 have a continuous berthing length
of 802m.
Chemicals, aggregates, cement, ro-ro passen-
No. 114 350m — 229m 14.0m — gers/vehicles/rail, steel products, breakbulk,
multipurpose, bunkers, and livestock.
Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-ro/pas-
No. 115 250m — 199m 12.0m — senger, containers, breakbulk, multipurpose,
bunkers, reefer, and livestock.
Chemicals, clean products, container, break-
25,000 dwt;
No. 200 140m 7.0m 182m — bulk, multipurpose, bunkers, and livestock.
Maximum beam of 30m.
Chemicals, crude products, ro/pax, containers,
No 201. 163m — 199m — — breakbulk, multipurpose, bunkers, reefer, and
Chemicals, ro/pax, containers, breakbulk, mul-
No. 202 163m — 199m — —
tipurpose, bunkers, reefer, and livestock.
Chemicals, clean products, ro-ro/passenger,
No. 203 163m — 199m — — containers, breakbulk, multipurpose, bunkers,
reefer, and livestock.
Note.—Berth No. 201, Berth No. 202, and Berth No. 203 have continuous berth length 490m.
Marunda Center Terminal
East Pier 815m 9.5m 208m —
Chemicals, clean products, vegetable oils, ce-
West Pier 1 200m 9.5m 229m — 40,000 dwt ment, coal, sand, ro-ro/lo-lo, project/heavy car-
go, steel products, breakbulk, and bunkers.
West Pier 2 615m 9.5m 116m —
Dharma Karya Perdana (DKP) Terminal
13,000 dwt; Chemical gases, chemicals, clean products,
DKP Berth 212m 8.0m 170m 7.0m
20,000t and bunkers.
Muara Karang (PLTUG) Terminal
Muara Ka- — — 157m — 30,000 dwt Clean products.
Murara Tawar Power Station (PLTGU)
Muara — — — — — Clean products.
Pertamina Terminal

Pub. 163
78 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

Tanjungpriok—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Aviation fuel, clean products, LPG, and bun-
PMB I — 9.0m 165m 8.9m 18,000 dwt kers. Berthing length of 250m (including dol-
Aviation fuel, clean products, dirty products,
PMB II — 12.0m 180m 10.3m 22,000 dwt and bunkers. Berthing length of 275m (includ-
ing dolphins).
Aviation fuel, clean products, dirty products,
PMB III — 12.0m 185m 10.3m 30,000 dwt LPG, bunkers. Berthing length of 282m (in-
cluding dolphins).
Clean products, dirty products, LPG, bunkers.
PMB IV — 9.3m 185m 9.0m 35,000 dwt
Berthing length of 250m (including dolphins).
Vopak Terminal Jakarta (VTJ)
65,000 dwt; Clean products. Berthing length of 207m (in-
Jetty 01 116m 13.6m 210m 12.6m
84,500t cluding dolphins).
5,000 dwt; Clean products. Berthing length of 117m (in-
Jetty 02 30m 7.6m 100m 6.6m
7,706t cluding dolphins).

There are six floating docks available, with lifting capacities


of up to 12,000 tons. Berth information is shown in the table ti-

tled Tanjungpriok—Berth Information.
Aspect.—A chimney, standing 2.3 miles S of the canal en-

trance to Jakarta, and a conspicuous white monument on shore,

2.7 miles farther E, provide useful landmarks. The cathedral,
4.5 miles S of the canal entrance, is a prominent edifice with
two spires. A white stone tower is situated about 0.3 mile SW
of the cathedral. A conspicuous silo, bearing the marking “IN-
DO CEMENT,” stands about 200m S of the harbormaster’s of-
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels entering Tan-

jungpriok. Pilots board in the following positions:

1. Area A (vessels less than 100m long)—1 mile from
the harbor entrance in position 6°03.8'S, 106°52.9'E.
2. Area B (vessels between 100m and 200m long)—2
miles from the harbor entrance in position 6°02.8'S,
3. Area C (vessels greater than 200m long)—3 miles
from the harbor entrance in position 6°01.8'S, 106°52.9'E.
3.15The Port Administration should be notified 24 hours prior to
arrival. Requests for pilots are required 6 hours prior to arrival
and 3 hours prior to departure. The pilot may be notified on Jalasveva Jayamahe Monument
VHF channels 12 and 14.
Anchorage.—Designated anchorage areas range in depth from
3.15 Two shoals lie NE of the new E entrance to Tanjungpriok.

about 10 to 14m and are best seen on the chart. Unexploded ord- Karang Cikasi (Brunda Reef), with a depth of 4.5m, and Ka-
nance has been found (2004) located 400m W of the charted rang Prigem (St Nicholas Shoal), with a depth of 7.6m, lie
Tanker Anchorage Area. All vessel should avoid this area. Piracy about 2.3 miles ENE and NE, respectively, of the E entrance to
incidents have occurred while vessels were at anchorage. Mariners Tanjungpriok. A depth of 5.2m lies about 0.2 mile NE of the
are urged to exercise caution. same entrance.
Indonesian Marine Police have recommended ships to an-
3.15 There are significant charted hazards and wrecks in the ap-

chor where they conduct patrol in the vicinity of 6°00S, proach to Jakarta and unexploded ordinance lies between the
106°54'E. two northern anchorages. These hazards are best seen on the
Caution.—Target practice may be conducted in the bay area
3.15 chart.
N of Jakarta. A restricted military area has been established A gas pipeline, best seen on the chart, extends N from shore

within the breakwater close SE of the Lighter Anchorage. close W of Tanjungpriok. These pipelines may not be buried

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 79

and charted depths may be decreased by up to 2m. Anchorage of 10.1m.

is prohibited within 500m of these pipelines. Tanjung Bobos (6°11'S., 107°49'E.), a low point backed by

A submarine oil pipeline has been established within the

3.15 high trees, is about 31 miles SE of Tanjung Sedari. The coast
KOJA Container Terminal basin between PMB2 and PMB3 ex- between the points is low and is intersected by a number of
tending NE close N of the floating docks on the E side of the small streams.
basin. The 20m line lies 6.5 miles off Tanjung Sedari and 2 miles

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area and

3.15 off Tanjung Bobos. A dangerous wreck lies 11 miles NNW of
consult the local port authorities for the latest information. Tanjung Bobos.
Sedulang Reefs lie within the 10m curve, with the W reef

Tanjung Krawang to Tanjung Tanah 13.5 miles SE of Tanjung Sedari. These reefs stretch along the
coast for a distance of 7.5 miles, with their outer extremity 4.5
3.16 The N coast of Jawa from Tanjung Krawang to Tanjung miles offshore in places. Pulau Tjiparage is an above-water
Tanah, 100 miles ESE, is low, flat and covered with large trees. sand bank lying 1.3 miles inside the W edge of the reef.
Several conspicuous mountains, located from 25 to 50 miles in- Caution.—A petroleum platform, best seen on the chart, lies

land, are often visible during the Northwest Monsoon, but rarely 4 miles NE of Pulau Tjiparage.
are seen during the Southeast Monsoon due to haze.
Caution.—A restricted area, which can best be seen on the
3.16 3.17 Patimban (Pamanukan) (6°14'S., 107°54'E.) lies
chart, extends offshore between meridians 106°59'E and about 62 miles E of the Port of Tanjungpriok and is reported to
108°46'E. Unauthorized entrance into this area is prohibited. be a deep-sea port developed with the intention of reducing
congestion at Tanjungpriok. Patimban is still under develop-
Gunung Pangrango (6°47'S., 106°56'E.), located about 50
3.16 ment, but open for limited operations (2020). The port is ex-
miles S of Tanjung Krawang, is a dome-shaped mountain, pected to be fully completed by 2027.
3,019m high. Gunung Gede, 2,958m high, is close SE of Depths—Limitations.—The approach channel is dredged

Gunung Pangrango. A column of white smoke is often seen to to 10m (2020). The channel extends the length of the harbor
rise from the N side of the W peak of Gunung Gede. from 1.5 miles NNE of the breakwater to the wharf. Charted
Gunung Sanggabuana, 19 miles NE of Gunung Pangrango,
3.16 depths outside the channel and in the turning basin are 5 to
is a round saddle-shaped mountain 1,291m high. Gunung Pa- 10m.
rang, 7 miles farther E, attains an elevation of 966m, and is the A wharf stands at the SW end of the harbor. Two berths ex-

highest peak of a rugged group of mountains. tend from it in an L-shape, both with a depth alongside of 10m.
Gunung Tangkubanprahu, 18 miles SE of Gunung Parang, is
3.16 The E berth has a length of about 440m and the S berth has a
2,081m high. It has an extinct volcanic crater on its E side, length of about 300m.
which has some resemblance to a capsized vessel. Gunung Aspect—The harbor of Patimban is sheltered by two break-

Bukittunggul, 8 miles ESE of Tangkubanprahu, is connected to waters at its NNE end and comprises a narrow dredged channel
that peak by a lower ridge; it has a somewhat bare summit, leading towards a turning circle and wharf. The wharf, joined
2,209m high. to the shore by narrow causeways, has two berths extending
Gunung Tampomos, an isolated conical peak with a round
3.16 NNE and ESE respectively.
top 1,684m high, is located 14 miles ENE of Gunung Bukit- Regulations—Vessels entering port should follow the 26-

tunggul. Gunung Kromong, located 18 miles SSW of Tanjung mile long, two-way route entry system established for traffic
Tanah, is in a chain of low peaks standing close together; it ris- navigation through the restricted area and offshore platforms of
es to a height of 587m. Ardjuna Oil Field.
Gunung Ciremay (Tjareme) (6°54'S., 108°24'E.), 10 miles Anchorage.—Outer anchorages are situated on both sides of

S of Gunung Kromong is 3,078m high. It consists of a truncat- the approach channel. See the table titled Patimban—Outer
ed conical-shaped volcano, from which smoke occasionally Anchorages.
rises. The nearly topped flat volcano rises slightly higher on its Caution.—Major land reclamation is in progress (2020)

W side. within the breakwaters on both sides of the dredged channel

From Tanjung Krawang the coast trends ESE, about 20
3.16 and wharf.
miles, to Tanjung Sedari. The 20m line lies from 1.5 to 8 miles
offshore along this coast. A dangerous wreck lies 12.5 miles 3.18 Teluk Ciasem (6°12'S., 107°40'E.) is a bay which lies
NNE of Tanjung Krawang. E of Sedulang Reefs. Ciasem, with a depth of 4.5m, is a small
Sedari Reef (5°54'S., 107°25'E.), with a least depth of 7m,
3.16 coral reef lying in the middle of the bay.
lies 6 miles offshore, NNE of Tanjung Sedari. A 9m patch lies Several small rivers, navigable only by praus, discharge into

2 miles WNW of Sedari Reef and a ridge with a depth of 4.9m, Teluk Ciasem. An oil platform lies in the middle of the bay.
lies between Sedari Reef and the shore. A passage leading be- Pamanukan Rock (6°01'S., 107°53'E.), 10 miles NNE of

tween the two dangers is about a mile wide with a least depth Tanjung Bobos, is formed of coral and is steep-to.

Patimban—Outer Anchorages
Zone Latitude Longitude Depths Seabed Remarks
Zone A 6°09'30.6''S 107°56'04.8''E 17.0-20.0m Mud Laid-up vessels

Pub. 163
80 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

Patimban—Outer Anchorages
Zone Latitude Longitude Depths Seabed Remarks
Zone B 6°10'17.4''S 107°55'42.0''E 8.0-15.0m Mud Emergency anchorage
Zone C 6°10'18.0''S 107°57'30.6''E 17.0-19.0m Mud Post panamax container vessels
Zone D 6°10'53.4''S 107°57'13.2''E 14.0-17.0m Mud Panamax container vessels
Zone E 6°11'29.4''S 107°56'56.4''E 11.0-14.0m Mud Container vessels
Zone F 6°11'55.8''S 107°56'14.4''E 8.0-10.0m Mud Tugboats
Zone G 6°12'00.6''S 107°56'42.6''E 10.0m Mud/Sand Quarantine
Zone H 6°10'43.8''S 107°58'23.4''E 17.0m Mud Post panamax quarantine
Zone I 6°11'36.6''S 107°57'57.6'E 11.0-16.0m Mud/Sand Long-term development

Ardjuna Oil Field contains numerous crude oil production

3.18 SBM No. 2 and SBM No. 4 are used for loading crude oil by

platforms, natural gas liquids processing facilities, and other vessels of up to 100,000 dwt and 200,000 dwt, respectively,
oil installations, extending 22 miles offshore. Its central gather- and can be loaded to a maximum draft of 30.2m.
ing platform, B Field, lies 17 miles NNW of Tanjung Bobos SBM No. 6 is used by vessels up to 50,000 dwt for loading

(6°11'S., 107°49'E.). liquid butane.

Its outlying platforms span up to 28 miles ESE and 34 miles
3.18 The general depth of water in the vicinity is 38m.

W of the central gathering platform, and they are connected by Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory within the terminal lim-

pipelines. Lights are shown from the platforms. New platforms its. Pilots board vessels in the anchorage area at position
may be encountered. 5°50.5'S, 107°47'E. Mooring launches assist vessels to secure
Restricted area.—Ardjuna Oil Field is protected by a re-
3.18 to a berth. Heavy weather can delay vessel berthing, and usual-
stricted area, the limits of which can be seen on the chart. Un- ly there is no berthing at night; however, unberthing may be
authorized entry in the area is prohibited. conducted at any time.
Gas pipelines contain flammable natural gas at high pres-
3.18 Vessels are recommended to use VHF channel 16 or 156.8

sure. A ship damaging a pipe could be faced with an instanta- MHz when within range and on approaching the terminal. The
neous fire or lose its buoyancy. Mariners are advised not to initial contact is made by the approaching vessels.
engage in anchoring, trawling, or other seabed activities within Regulations.—Tankers with dirty ballast are not permitted

1 mile of a submarine pipeline. to berth. Indonesian laws are in force at the terminal and the In-
donesian flag must be flown by day during a vessel’s call.
3.19 Ardjuna Marine Terminal (5°54'S., 107°44'E.) There are no port facilities or medical assistance available.
(World Port Index No. 50340) consists of six lighted Single Anchorage.—There is an anchorage area about 1.5 miles

Buoy Moorings (SBMs), close N of the central gathering sta- square, centered 2.5 miles N of the terminal.
tion. Three SBMs are occupied by the following moored stor- Another recommended anchorage area is centered at position

age tankers: 5°50.5'S, 107°49.0'E, approximately 6 miles NE of the SBMs.

1. SBM No. 1—Arco Ardjuna. Vessels should transmit their ETA 72 hours, 24 hours, and 12

2. SBM No. 3—Cempaka Nusantara. hours before arrival. A dangerous wreck lies 4 miles WNW of
3. SBM No. 5—Ardjuna Sakti. the anchorage area.
Caution.—An explosive dumping area is located NW of the

terminal in position 5°51'S, 107°41.4'E.

The vessel Bina Bakti was reported sunk (2004) between

two oil platforms located approximately 6 miles NE of Tanjung

Numerous platforms, wrecks and submarine pipelines has

been reported between Ardjuna Oilfields S and Tanjung Kar-

awang N; they are best seen on the chart.

3.20 Pulau Rakit (5°56'S., 108°23'E.), 19 miles NNE of

Ujung Indramayu, is densely wooded and fringed by a steep-to
reef, which partly dries. A light is shown from a white metal
framework tower, 50m high, on the S side of the island. A
sunken vessel was reported (2021) lying 19 miles NNW.
Krang Rakit Utara (Candikian Reef) lies 8 miles NNE of Pu-
lau Rakit, with Gosong Reef midway between. Both of these
reefs consist of steep-to coral atolls and are usually marked by
Arco Ardjuna discoloration.

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 81

A clear channel exists between the two reefs as well as be-

3.20 Balongan.
tween Gosong Reef and Pulau Rakit, but vessels generally pass The platforms, connected by a pipeline which runs in a 256°

S of the island. A dangerous wreck lies 5.5 miles SSW of Pulau direction to Balongan, are surrounded by a restricted area. This
Rakit, and another is situated 17.5 miles SE of the same island. area extends 1 mile from the platforms and pipeline.
Between Tanjung Bobos and Ujung Indramayu (6°14'S.,
3.20 Between Ujung Indramayu and Tanjung Tanah (6°29'S.,

108°18'E.), about 29 miles E, the coast is wooded, and some 108°33'E.), 20 miles SE, the coast is wooded, but there are many
small rivers, with villages in the vicinity, discharge into the Ja- villages visible from the sea. The most prominent object is a tall
va Sea. white chimney of the sugar factory in the village of Karangampel.
Tanjung Kentong (Tanjung Sentigi), 8 miles WSW of Ujung
3.20 The chimney stands 5.5 miles W of Tanjung Tanah.
Indramayu, is fronted by a bank of sand and mud, which ex- Anchorage may be obtained S of the pipeline restricted area,

tends about 1 mile seaward and is marked by brown discolor- in depths of 5 to 9m, with Karangampel chimney bearing 200°.
A canal for praus and small vessels is entered about 2 miles
Tanjung Tanah to Tanjung Blenderan
S of Ujung Kentong. The villages of Cimara and Losarang are
on the canal about 2 and 6 miles, respectively, within the en- 3.22 Between Tanjung Tanah and Tanjung Blenderan
trance. The entrance of the canal is marked by a flagstaff and a (Ceteng), 147 miles E, a number of rivers flow into the sea.
beacon. They are only navigable for any distance by praus.
Anchorage can be obtained off the entrance to the above ca-
3.20 The coast between Tanjung Tanah and Cirebon (Tjirebon),

nal, but the depths decrease rapidly within the 5m line. 14 miles S continues to be flat, then the mountains approach
Vessels anchoring should not approach closer than 2 miles,
3.20 nearer the sea. In the vicinity of Tanjung Celong (Tjelong)
nor in depths of less than 8.5m. (6°55'S., 109°56'E.), 83 miles E of Cirebon, several stand with-
Indramayu Road is between Ujung Kentong and Ujung In-
3.20 in 2 miles of the coast.
dramayu, 8 miles ENE. These points are low and form the SW From Tanjung Celong to Semarang, 29 miles E, the moun-

and NE points of Ci Manuk delta. tains recede, but there are a few isolated hills within 5 miles of
The coastline in the vicinity of Ci Manuk had extended 1.5
3.20 the coast.
miles seaward from its charted position. A buoy with red and At Semarang, the coast turns NNE for 35 miles to Tanjung

white stripes is moored off the mouth of the river. Jati (Tanjung Djati), then E again 13 miles to Tanjung Blender-
The town of Indramayu is 10 miles up river from the mouth
3.20 an (Tanjung Beteng). For the first 26 miles NE of Semarang,
of Ci Manuk, but can only be reached by small craft. this stretch of coast is swampy.
Anchorage may be obtained in Indramayu Road, but deep
3.20 The land within for 15 miles, is low; thereafter it is backed by

draft vessels should not approach within depths of 22m. Gunung Muryo (Gunung Murjo), which attains an elevation of
3.21 Balongan (6°20'S., 108°22'E.), a small harbor pro- An elongated ridge of mountains, lying nearly parallel to the

tected by two breakwaters extending 200m from the shore, is coast, extends E from the S slope of Gunung Ciremay
backed by a tank farm and lies 9 miles SE of Tanjung Indrama- (Gunung Tjareme)(6°54'S., 108°24'E.), at a distance of 20
yu. There are two inshore berths, 80m in length, with depths of miles from the coast. The ridge terminates in Gunung Kum-
3.8m and 4m alongside, for coasters. Jetties have been con- bang, a prominent round summit 1,219m high, located 21
structed in the inner sides of the breakwaters enclosing the har- miles WNW of Gunung Slamet. Gunung Tapak rises to a
bor on its NW and SE sides. height of 340m, 17.5 miles WNW of the same peak.
A light is shown from each breakwater head. A lighted bea-
3.21 Gunung Slamet (7°14'S., 109°13'E.), a 3,420m high flat-

con stands on the coast, 1 mile NW of the harbor, and a tower topped mountain, has a prominent peak, formed by the edge of
marked by a red light stands near the inshore end of the pipe- an old crater, on its NE side. A thick column of smoke is often
line, which leads 7 miles NE to the main offshore oil terminal. seen rising from an active crater on the SW side of the moun-
There is a coastal radio station at the port. tain.
Balongan Oil Terminal (6°16'S., 108°28'E.) consists of
3.21 Gunung Gajah, 13 miles SE of Tegal (6°51'S., 109°08'E.), is

three SBMs and a group of four conventional mooring buoys. an almost bare rock, 309m high, in the middle of a thickly-
A safe water lighted buoy is moored 2.5 miles NE of the export wooded ridge. It resembles a gigantic elephant with its head to
SBM (Balongan Terminal); the anchorage lies 3 mile N of the the W.
terminal. Two wooded hills, located on the same ridge 2 miles E of

Vessels of up to 150,000 dwt, with a length of 290m, can

3.21 Gunung Gajah and of approximately the same elevation, are
berth at the export terminal, in a depth of 22m. shaped like coffins.
The domestic SBM and four mooring buoys lie 2.5 miles
3.21 Gunung Sendoro (7°18'S., 110°00'E.), a symmetrical peak

SW of the export terminal. Vessels of up to 36,500 dwt, with a with an elevation of 3,136m, lies 32 miles SW of Semarang.
length of 200m, can berth at the domestic SBM, in a depth of Gunung Ungaran, 15 miles SSW of Semarang, has a round

14.5m. undulating summit 2,050m high. It is connected by a ridge to

Pilotage is compulsory; the pilot boards in the vicinity of the
3.21 Gunung Merbabu, 17 miles S.
SBMs. Vessels berth and unberth during daylight only. From Tanjung Tanah to Ujung Brebes, 32 miles SE, the coast

Arimbi Oil Field (6°20'S., 108°40'E.) contains two produc-

3.21 recedes to form a bay. The 10m curve lies up to 17 miles off-
tion platforms, about 20 miles ESE of Tanjung Indramayu. An shore along this coast.
oil pipeline joins the two platforms and leads 15 miles W to Tanah Reef, with depths of less than 5m, extends 10 miles

Pub. 163
82 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

ESE from Tanjung Tanah. It is composed of sand and mud, of the two tanks; and Bukit Jati (Bukit Djati), a round wooded
mixed in places with shells. The N edge of the reef is steep-to. hill 60m high, 3 miles NW of the harbor entrance.
The depths increase rapidly to 10m. Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. There is a traffic signal

Cirebon Reef (Tjirebon Reef), with a width of 4 miles, extends

3.22 station at the root of the S breakwater.
13 miles SE from Tanah Reef. Except for an isolated 5.5m patch, Anchorage.—There are four designated anchorage areas on

10 miles NE of the entrance to Cirebon, the depths over this flat the roadstead fronting Cirebon, within the harbor limits of
deepen gradually from 5.8 to 7.9m, until in the vicinity of the delta 6°40'S, 108°40'E, and 6°44'S.
off Tanjung Sanggarung. In its N part, the bottom is mostly hard Anchorage Area A is for vessels with a draft between 8 and

sand and mud, but farther S, this changes to soft mud. 10m. The greatest depth within this area is 11.2m, in a position
A 7m shoal lies 5 miles SW of the 5.5m patch mentioned above.
3.22 about 6 miles E of the harbor entrance at the E limit.
An Ammunition Dumping Ground is 10 miles ESE of Tan-
3.22 Area B, lying W of Area A, is designated for vessels carry-

jung Tanah and another, with a radius of 3 miles, is centered 12 ing dangerous cargo and tankers, with the greatest depth is
miles ENE of the entrance to Cirebon. 8.8m. A dangerous wreck lies 2.5 miles NNE from the harbor
3.23 Cirebon (Tjirebon) (6°43'S., 108°34'E.) (World Port Area C lies S of Area B and the safe water lighted buoy

Index No. 51010) stands at the head of a basin which is entered moored 1 mile E of the harbor entrance.
between two moles extending in a NE direction from the shore. Area D, lying S of Area C, is for vessels awaiting to dock,

Winds—Weather.—Weather conditions in the vicinity of

3.23 and has a greatest depth is 8.2m. There is a pipeline leading to
Cirebon Road vary with the seasonal monsoons. During the the shore, marked by a can buoy, which lies close S of Area D.
Southeast Monsoon (May to October), a very dry local wind Ujung Brebes (6°46'S., 109°01'E.), 26 miles ESE of the en-

from S to SW generally begins between 1900 and 2100, lessen- trance to Cirebon, is a low, wooded point that has been formed
ing in force at sunrise and ceasing entirely between 0900 and by silt from the rivers which flow out in this vicinity.
1000. About 2 hours later a NE to E breeze sets in, usually A light is shown from a white structure, 20m high, on Tan-

weak, but occasionally increasing in force in the afternoon; jung Brebes.

when the latter is the case, it usually shifts to E.
There is often a swell from ENE, usually increasing towards
3.23 3.24 Tegal (6°51'S., 109°08'E.) (World Port Index No.
evening and diminishing in the morning. 51020), 5 miles SE of Ujung Brebes, is a lighterage port un-
Frequently during the Northwest Monsoon, thick white
3.23 suitable for deep-draft vessels, entered between two breakwa-
clouds gather in the afternoon on the slopes of Gunung Cire- ters which lead to a small harbor. Molasses is the major export.
may and Gunung Slamet. In the afternoon these clouds pack Tegal Main Harbor Light stands about 0.3 mile SSE of the E
together in a heavy, dark sky and about sunset discharge heavy breakwater head.
rain, with squalls from W and SW. The depth in the entrance and close within the harbor is

Sometimes the weather remains squally throughout the

3.23 dredged to between 3.0 and 3.5m. There are pilots available
night; at other times, after a heavy shower, it is calm for a con- and no restrictions on night entry. A blue flag is displayed from
siderable time with a light breeze from SW to W. In the latter the Customs House when entry is dangerous. This port is cur-
part of the night, the wind may blow hard again from NW, gen- rently closed for commercial operation as of June 2022.
erally shifting towards morning to WNW, increasing in force in Anchorage can be taken in Tegal Road, in depths of 5 to 7m,

the morning or afternoon and shifting again to NW. between 1 and 1.5 miles N of the breakwater heads. Vessels up
These strong NW winds continue for days in February, and
3.23 to 26,000 dwt, with a length of 150m and a draft of 7m, have
are mostly coupled with dry weather, but occasionally with been accommodated.
showers. Vessels with drafts exceeding 7.6m should anchor 2.5 to 3

Depths—Limitations.—The entrance channel to a position

3.23 miles offshore. Fish traps are charted in Tegal Road.
abeam the root of the N breakwater was dredged to about 7m, Karang Jeruk (6°49'S., 109°12'E.), a steep-to coral reef,

with a least depth of 6.2m close W of the fairway lighted buoy. with an above-water rock, lies outside the 11m line, 4.5 miles
The inner basin is known as No. 1 Basin; the outer basin is NE of the entrance to Tegal Harbor. A lighted beacon stands on
known as No. 2 Basin. Entrance to the inner harbor, which was the W side of Kerang Jeruk.
open 24 hours, with movements controlled from the signal sta- Sugali Rock and Pemalang Rock, 1 mile apart and marked

tion, was limited to maximum draft of 4m. by discoloration, with depths of 4.3m and 4.5m, lie outside the
Quays extend along the NE and NW sides of No. 2 Basin.
3.23 20m curve, 4 miles NW of Ujung Pemalang.
The largest quay is 275m long, with a depth of 6.0m alongside, Ujung Pemalang (6°48'S., 109°32'E.), a low wooded point,

and can accommodate vessels up 150m in length, with a maxi- lies 25 miles E of Tegal. This area should not be approached in
mum draft of 6.0m. A second jetty, lying along the S shore of depths of less than 20m, as it is extending N.
the bay between Tanjung Jaga and Tanjung Bangkaderes, ex- Tanjung Gunung (6°53'S., 109°48'E.) rises to a small hill-

tends 1.5 miles offshore in a NNW orientation. ock with trees, whose tops attain an elevation of 83m, about 16
Aspect.—Range lights, in line bearing 258°, lead into the
3.23 miles ESE of Ujung Pemalang. A buoy is moored 3 miles N of
harbor between the head of the moles. Tanjung Gunung, and a dangerous wreck lies 6.75 miles ENE
Two prominent aluminum-colored tanks stand close together
3.23 of the same headland.
close S of the harbor basin. Other prominent marks are the Tanjung Celong, a high wooded point, lies 7.5 miles E of

spire of the Roman Catholic Church, 0.3 mile S of the two Tanjung Gunung. The coast is closely backed by a hilly ridge.
tanks mentioned above; the water tower, standing 0.75 mile W Gunung Priska, 367m high, is the most remarkable summit on

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 83

this ridge.

Semarang Approaches
Tanjung Korowelang (6°51'S., 110°12'E.), 17 miles ENE of
3.24 of the light, are easier to identify.
Tanjung Celong, is a low point formed by the silt deposit from Between Tanjung Korowelang and Semarang, 14 miles ESE,

Kali Bodri, which has a delta mouth. Two chimneys stand on the coast is mostly marshy.
the W side of this river, 4 miles and 6.5 miles, respectively, S of All the dangers along this sector of the coast are contained

the point. within the 20m line, which lies up to 5.5 miles offshore. The
Korowelang, a steep-to reef with a least depth of 3m, lies 3
3.24 coastal reef projects 0.5 mile from the coast in places.
miles NNW of Tanjung Korowelang. The usual route leads N
of this danger; it is seldom marked by discoloration. A lighted Semarang (6°57'S., 110°25'E.)
buoy marks the reef. A dangerous wreck is situated approxi-
mately in position 6°48'S, 110° 08’E. World Port Index No. 51040 (The main Administrative Port is
Tanjung Emas)
Karang Bapang (6°34'S., 109°50'E.), a steep-to reef with a

least depth of 3.3m, lies 19 miles NNE of Pekalongan Light. It 3.26 Semarang harbor is entered from the N and is protect-
is seldom marked by discoloration, and the coast is difficult to ed by several detached breakwaters.
identify when in its vicinity. A rock, with a similar depth, is 2.5 The harbor, formerly suitable only for small vessels and

miles SSW of Karang Bapang. A light is shown from Karang praus, has undergone extensive development. The harbor now
Bapang. functions as a sizable port with container, bulk, and oil terminal
3.25 Pekalongan (6°51'S., 109°42'E.) (World Port Index
No. 51030) has an open roadstead which offers little protection Semarang—Tanjung Emas Port
from either monsoon. The harbor is formed by the mouth of the
Kali Pekalongan which flows out between two concrete moles. http://tgemas.pp3.co.id/english
The harbor is only suitable for small vessels employed in local
trade. Winds—Weather.—During the Northwest Monsoon, it ei-

The Customs House stands close within the harbor entrance,

3.25 ther blows hard accompanied by rains or it is almost complete-
and 0.5 mile farther upstream, a bridge, with a fort adjacent to ly calm; there is seldom any intermediate phase.
it, spans the river. The finest weather is often replaced, without warning, by

A light is shown from a white metal framework tower, 14m

3.25 squally weather. The monsoon wind is never S of WSW; the
high, on the W bank of the river, close within the harbor en- main direction of the sea wind during this monsoon is NW and
trance. the land wind is reduced in strength.
During the Southeast Monsoon, the land wind usually blows

Anchorage can be obtained, in depths of 5 to 7m, soft mud, 1

regularly from ESE to SE throughout the night until 0900; then
mile offshore, with the light bearing between 160° and 200°. the force diminishes and backs to ENE about 1200.
When approaching from E, a group of casuarina trees, 91m S Until 1400 there are light variable winds and then the sea

Pub. 163
84 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

breeze arrives suddenly from NNE, quickly raising a swell and harbormaster’s office for guidance of vessels entering or leav-
sea, blowing with great regularity until about 2000. ing the harbor:
The wind then veers to ESE, being less regular for a short
3.26 1. Two cones, points together with a ball between, verti-
period and becoming steady again at 2100. Around sunrise, the cally displayed—Entrance permitted. Praus are forbidden to
atmosphere is very hazy, but after a couple of hours of sunshine leave.
it becomes clearer, although the land in the interior often re- 2. Two balls, with a cone point up between them, verti-
mains obscured; towards afternoon it becomes hazy again. cally displayed—Departure permitted. Praus are forbidden
During the monsoon, not more than 2 hours a day of even mod- to enter.
erately-good visibility can be expected. Contact Information.—See the table titled Semarang—

Tides—Currents.—Mariners are cautioned, especially

3.26 Contact Information.
during the Northwest Monsoon, to stay close to the W break- Anchorage.—Large vessels anchor, in depths of 9 to 11m,

water as the tidal current sets across the entrance. 1.4 miles NW of the end of the W breakwater. Small vessels
Depths—Limitations.—The harbor area has been dredged
3.26 anchor, in depths of 5 to 7m, 1 mile from the head of the W
to 9m and can accommodate vessels up to 10,000 tons. mole.
Tanjung Emas Ocean Terminal (6°56'S., 110°25'E.), about
3.26 An SPM (6°46'55.2''S., 110°25'53.4''E.) lies about 6 miles N

450m in length, lies at the seaward end of the E side of the har- of the harbor entrance in depths of about 20m; tankers up to
bor. A turning area, 350m in diameter, lies off the terminal. 50,000 dwt can be accommodated.
An oil terminal lies about 4 miles offshore NNE of the har-
3.26 Directions.—From the safe water buoy (6°52'S., 110°25'E.),

bor. Pipelines are laid N from a position 1 mile E of the harbor proceed with the range lights, in line bearing 176°, through the
to mooring buoys. The E pipeline extends 3.75 miles NE to breakwater and onto the berth.
buoys marked close seaward by lighted buoys; tankers of Caution.—Two pipelines are located between 0.3 and 0.6

15,000 to 30,000 tons can be accommodated. The W pipeline mile from the E boundary of the anchorage in a N to S orienta-
extends 3 miles NNW to a lighted SBM, moored in a depth of tion extending up to 6 miles offshore. A prohibited area has
11.6m, about 2 miles NNE of the head of the W breakwater; been established around a submerged gas pipeline NE of
tankers up to 36,000 dwt, with a maximum length of 185m, can Semarang.
be accommodated. During the Northeast Monsoon, the anchorage area may be

Vessels over 800 tons, with a draft and length exceeding 3.5
used for loading logs.
and 82m, respectively, must anchor in Pelabuhan Semarang. A dangerous wreck is situated in position 6°53'15"S,

Aspect.—In addition to Melaya, a hill 56m high, lying about

2.5 miles SW of Semarang, and Semarang light, the railway
station, a long white-roofed building close SE, is a useful land- Semarang—Contact Information
mark. Port Control
Pilotage.—Pilotage for all vessels entering the harbor over

177gt is compulsory. A pilot can be obtained on request to the 62-24-8660101

harbormaster. Pilots should be requested 6 hours before arrival Telephone 62-24-8660107
and 3 hours before ETD. Pilots are available 24 hours, howev-
er, berthing is restricted to the hours between 0600 and 1800. 62-24-22224
Pilots board in the following positions:
Facsimile 62-42-8661084
a. 6°52.00'S,110°25.01'E.
b. 6°53.98'S, 110°24.49'E (in the anchorage). E-mail tpk.semarang@tpks.co.id
c. In the lee of the W breakwater during the NW mon- Web site https://www.tpks.co.id/new/home/index
soon season.
Vessel Traffic Service
During the Northwest Monsoon, the pilot boards under the

lee of the W breakwater or a vessel may be led in by the pilot Call sign VTS Semarang
VHF VHF channels 12, 14,16, 20, 26
Signals.—During inclement weather, entrance to the harbor

is frequently dangerous, in which case a blue flag is hoisted MMSI 005251572

from the flagstaff near the lighthouse and also from the signal Telephone 62-24-3542039
mast of the lookout station.
When communication with the shore is suspended due to
Facsimile 62-24-3567731
bad weather, vessels can make contact with the shore by radio E-mail semarangvts@gmail.com
via the harbormaster.
The following signals are displayed from a flagstaff at the

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 85

3.26 The safe water buoy (6°52'S., 110°25'E.) is reported missing.

Semarang—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Size
PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja
Cargo Jetty 20m — — — Fertilizer and urea.
Terminal Petikemas Semarang (TPKS)
Container Berth — 10.0m — — Containers and reefer. Berthing length of 635m.
Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang
Fast ferries, PCC, coastal vessels, breakbulk, and
Nusantara 490m 7.0m — —
Clean products, cruise vessels, ro-ro passengers,
Samudera 570m 10.0m — —
breakbulk, and livestock.
Sriboga Terminal
Vegetable oils. Berthing length of 110m (including
Liquid Cargo Dock 16m 8.0m — —
Sriboga 180m 10.0m — — Grain.
Semarang/Tanjung Emas
SBM Pertamina 60m 11.6m 185m 36,000 dwt Clean products.
Tanjung Emas
SBM PLTU 90m 11.5m 175m 18,000 dwt Clean products
Terminal LPG Tanjung Emas Semarang
LPG Jetty 10m — — 24,000 dwt LPG. Berthing length of 57m (including dolphins).

A submarine cable, best seen on the chart, extends offshore

3.26 behind.
from a position about 21 miles E of Semarang NNE for 18 Anchorage can be taken in Teluk Kesembu, in depths of 6 to

miles, then diverts ENE for 60 miles around Tanjung Betong, 8m, soft mud, with Tanjung Kelor in line with Ujung Telu-
generally following the coastline 24 miles offshore before kawur, bearing 190°. Do not anchor too close to Tanjung Kelor,
turning S towards the shore close E of Unjung Pangkah. as a reef extends 0.3 mile from its N side.
The anchorage may be approached between Pulau Pandang

3.27 Pulau Penganten (Karang Boker) (6°38'S., and Ujung Nyamplung, or vessels from the S can pass between
110°36'E.), 2.3 miles WSW of Ujung Telukawur, is a reef Pulau Pandang and Tanjung Kelor, by keeping Ujung Nyam-
which has rocks 1.5m high. It was originally an island, but due plung on a bearing of 018°. This track leads over a least depth
to erosion it is now a reef. A reef extends about 0.5 mile of 7.6m.
offshore in the vicinity of Ujung Telukawuri.
Between Ujung Telukawuri and Tanjung Kelor, 2 miles N,
3.27 3.28 The town of Japara (6°35'S., 110°40'E.) is on the SE
the coast recedes to form a bay. Houses can be seen on the part of Teluk Kesembu, 0.5 mile within the mouth of Kali Japa-
shores of the bay among the coconut palms. ra. Very little of the town is seen, but a fishing village at the
Ujung Nyamplung (Njamploeng) lies 1.5 miles N of Tanjung
3.27 mouth of the river is easy to identify. The river is only naviga-
Kelor. It is a low flat spit of coral and sand, covered with brush- ble by small praus.
wood, but some tall coconut palms stand 0.5 mile within it. Between Ujung Nyamplung and Tanjung Blenderan, 19

Care must be taken not to confuse the coconut palms with the miles NE, the coast is rocky and irregular with sharp projecting
point. points. The coast NE of Japara is covered with dense forests,
and rises rapidly to the mountains.
Teluk Kesembu is formed between Tanjung Kelor and Ujung
3.27 The coast between Ujung Nyamplung and Ujung Piring

Nyamplung. Pulau Pandjang, a low island covered with coco- (6°30'S., 110°40'E.), 3 miles NNE, is indented by three bays,
nut palms, lies in the entrance to the bay, about 0.75 mile NW with low rocky points, and white sandy beaches between them.
of Tanjung Kelor. Ujung Piring is a low, flat, prominent point covered with low
A light is shown from Pulau Pandjang. It can usually be
3.27 shrubs, and bordered by a white sandy beach.
sighted from a distance of 10 miles, where its long low appear- Tanjung Jati (Djati), 5 miles NE of Ujung Piring, is a wood-

ance and dark color can easily be distinguished from the coast ed point with tall trees to the waters edge; it can only be identi-

Pub. 163
86 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

fied when seen clear of the land behind it. Tanjung Jati serves The highest peak of the island rises to an elevation of 506m,
as a coal-fired power station and consists of two coal-unload- close to the center of the island.
ing berths branching off the same pier. A small berth 0.5 mile E Spurs branch off from the peak to the various points of the

of the pier is used for unloading limestone by barge. Vessels up island, which are mostly composed of large boulders.
to 95,000 dwt, with a maximum loa 250m and a maximum A light is shown from Tanjung Pudak.

draft of 13.2m draft, can be accommodated. The island is fringed by a stone and coral reef with several

Karang Ombo, a small shoal with a depth of 7.9m, lies close

3.28 detached patches of coral outside it, especially on its W and N
outside the 10m curve, in a position about 1.5 miles N of Ujung side.
Piring. This is the only danger, apart from a dangerous wreck 7 It was reported that Pulau Karimunjawa was a good radar

miles farther NE and a 8m patch 1.5 miles NNE of Tanjung Tu- target at a distance of 20 miles.
wesi. Tanjung Pudak slopes gradually to its outer extremity. A

Tanjung Tuwesi (6°25'S., 110°51'E.), 7 miles ENE of Tan-

3.28 prominent round-topped tree stands about 0.3 mile within the
jung Jati, rises abruptly from the sea and is densely covered point and affords an excellent mark for making the anchorage
with trees. A below-water rock lies 0.75 mile offshore, 2 miles on the SW side of the island.
W of Tanjung Tuwesi. Pulau Batu is a bare rock lying in the middle of a bay, 1 mile

Tanjung Blenderan (Betong) (6°24'S., 110°55'E.), 5 miles NNE of Tanjung Pudak, and is connected to the island by a
E of Tanjung Tuwesi, has a rounded hill, 50m high with a reef.
transmitting radiobeacon. A hill, 64m high, lies 0.5 mile W of Tanjung Benteng lies about 1 mile NW of Tanjung Pudak,

Tanjung Blenderan, and together with the hill on that point, as- and Tanjung Gelam, the W extremity of the island, lies 3.75
sist in identifying the point when approaching from W. miles NNW of Tanjung Pudak.
Pulau Mondoliko (Mandlika) (6°23'S., 110°55'E.) a rocky, Pulau Menjangan-besar fronts the stretch of coast between

wooded island rising steeply from the sea, is 74m high and lies Tanjung Pudak and Tanjung Benteng, and is less than 0.5 mile
within the 10m curve, 1.3 miles N of Tanjung Blenderan. A offshore in places; the W side of this island is low and is ex-
light is shown from a white metal framework structure, 16m tending seaward.
high, on the summit of the island. There is a narrow channel between the reefs fronting Pulau

Small vessels wishing to use the narrow channel between the

3.28 Menjangan-besar and the main island, with depths of 7 to 18m,
island and Tanjung Blenderan should stay in mid-channel and but there is a 0.5m patch in the NW entrance of the channel.
not approach the SE coast of the island too closely. The current in the channel is often strong and sometimes there
The usual track is N of the island, taking care to stay in
3.28 are eddies.
depths of not less than 10m, but it was reported that less water Pulau Menjangan-kecil lies a little more than 0.5 mile W of

than charted existed on this side of the island. Pulau Menjangan-besar and is separated from that island by a
channel with depths of 18 to 21m. A 3.5m patch lies in the fair-
Kepulauan Karimunjawa way, 0.25 mile SE of the N extremity of Pulau Menjangan-ke-
3.29 Kepulauan Karimunjawa (5°49'S., 110°25'E.) are a Patches with depths of 3.5m and 4.9m lie about 0.3 mile N and

group of 25 islands and other dangers lying off the N central 0.25 mile NNE, respectively, of this same point. Karang Wang-
part of Jawa, 42 miles NW of Pulau Mondoliko. Pulau Karim- kang is the largest of several reefs which front the NW entrance
unjawa, the largest island of the group, together with Pulau of the channel; it lies 0.65 mile N of Pulau Menjangan-kecil. Lo-
Kemujan, close NE and Pulau Genting, 7.5 miles E, are proba- cal knowledge is essential to transit this channel.
bly of volcanic origin. Karimunjawa consists of a few houses on Tanjung Benteng;

The remainder of the islands are generally flat and of coral

3.29 a boat pier projects from the W side of the point and a flagstaff
formation, with the exception of Pulau Parang, 11 miles WNW stands near the pier.
of Pulau Karimunjawa, which is rocky on the N side and rises Anchorage during the Southeast Monsoon may be obtained 1

to a height of 80m. mile N of Pulau Menjangan-kecil, in depths of 26 to 27m,

All the islands are thickly wooded, the lower ones mostly
3.29 sand. To make this anchorage from S, pass at least 0.5 mile W
with shrubs and coconut palms. The reefs surrounding these is- of Pulau Menjangan-kecil until the prominent tree on Tanjung
lands can be readily seen by the discoloration of the water. Pudak bears 114°, then steer for this tree and anchor when Tan-
Trade is principally carried out with Semarang and Japara by
3.29 jung Gelam and the E extremity of Pulau Bengkoang are in line
small ships and praus. Trade is also conducted with Bali, bearing 002°.
Timor, and islands farther E. During the Northwest Monsoon, fairly good anchorage can

A conservation area is established throughout the archipela-

3.29 be obtained 0.5 mile SW of Tanjung Pudak, in depths of 27 to
go from parallel 5°40'S to parallel 5°59'S and between meridi- 31m, sand. The bottom is uneven and frequent eddies cause a
ans 110°05'E and 110°31'E. vessel to swing violently.
A lighted beacon is exhibited from Pulau Sintok.
3.29 To make this anchorage, keep Pulau Tjemara-kecil in line

Unexploded ordinance is reported to lie 17 miles N of Pulau

3.29 with Tanjung Benteng, bearing 313°, and anchor when Pulau
Benkoang and 14 miles E of Pulau Gundul. Genting disappears behind Tanjung Pudak.
There are better berths close under the coast of Pulau Karim-

3.30 Pulau Karimunjawa (5°51'S., 110°27'E.), the largest unjawa, in depths of 20 to 22m, but it is essential that the edges
and most important island of the group, can be identified from of the reefs are visible or that the assistance of a local fisher-
a considerable distance owing to its mountainous character. man be obtained.

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 87

3.31 Pulau Kemujan (Kemudjan) (5°48'S., 110°29'E.), 3.33 Pulau Gundul (5°47'S., 110°35'E.), a mass of rock
close NE of Pulau Karimunjawa, is separated from that island 45m high, is 5.75 miles ESE of the N extremity of Pulau
by a narrow channel. The only hill on the island is 114m high Kemujan. It is almost bare, but scantily covered with low
and stands close within its S coast. A few headlands are rocky brushwood; its fringing reef, which projects 45m offshore, is
and attain elevations from 24 to 30m; elsewhere, the island is steep-to.
low and wooded. Caution.—A naval gunnery and torpedo practice area exists

The coastal reef extends, in places, 1 mile off the W side of

3.31 within a 3-mile radius of Pulau Gundal. Unexploded ordnance
the island. The sea area SE of the narrow passage separating also exists 7.5 miles N of this island.
the two main islands is foul.
Pulau Sintok is 1.5 miles ESE of the N extremity of Pulau
3.31 Pulau Cendiakian (Tjendiakian) is low, wooded, and encir-

Kemujan. It is low and covered with coconut palms and casua- cled by a reef which stretches almost halfway to Pulau Gundul,
rina trees. This islet lies at the N end of a chain of islets and 1 mile NE.
reefs lying roughly parallel to the coast of Pulau Kemujan, as Pulau Genting (5°51'S., 110°36'E.), the E island of Kepu-

far as the SE extremity of that island. A light is reported exhib- lauan Karimunjawa, lies 8 miles E of Pulau Karimunjawa and
ited from Pulau Sintok. is marked by a light. The island is covered with tall trees, and
Unexploded ordinance is charted 47 miles NNE and 54 miles
3.31 reaches a height of 100m on its E side.
NE, respectively, from the N extremity of Pulau Kemujan. A coral reef encircles the island and extends 1.5 miles off its

Pulau Kembar (5°44'S., 110°11'E.), 15 miles WNW of Pu-

3.31 NW side. A small islet is on the reef, 1.3 miles NW of Pulau
lau Karimunjawa, is the NW island of the group. It is covered Genting. Pulau Seruni is on the reef, 0.75 mile W of the SW
with bushes and fringed by a reef; there is a drying sand bank extremity of Genting.
on the N end of the reef. An unexploded ordinance was reported to lie 8 miles E of the

Karang Besi is the N part of an extensive reef that lies 3

3.31 N extremity of Pulau Genting. An unexploded ordnance has al-
miles SSW of Pulau Kembar. Karang Katang is the S part of so been reported to lie between 10 and 20 miles NE of Pulau
this reef; there are drying sand banks on the reef. Drying Genting.
wrecks lie 1 mile W and 1.3 miles WSW of Karang Katang. A dangerous rock, with a depth of less than 2m, was reported

Pulau Katang and Pulau Njamuk lie 4 miles SSW and 4

3.31 to lie 0.5 mile SE of the S extremity of Pulau Genting.
miles S, respectively, of Pulau Kembar. They are small wooded Sverre Reef (6°02'S., 110°21'E.) has a least depth of 4.9m

islets surrounded by reefs. A light is shown from the N side of and consists of large boulders, surrounded by broken coral and
Pulau Njamuk from a 30m high framework tower. sand.
Gosong Selikur is a small reef on which there is a drying
3.31 The reef, 10.75 miles SSW of Pulau Karimunjawa, can be

sand bank, 1 mile NE of Pulau Kembar. recognized by the light color of the water surrounding it.
Gosong Jag Vijay (5°09'S., 111°24'E.), with a least depth of

3.32 Pulau Parang (5°45'S., 110°14'E.) is a rocky wooded 7.6m, lies 65 miles ENE of Pulau Kemujan.
island, 80m high in its N part; its S part is low. The entire is- An obstruction lies 2.5 miles SE of Gosong Jag Vijay; shoals

land is fringed by a reef. Pulau Kumbang, a small islet, lies 0.5 of 9.1m and 12.8m depths are located 5 miles WSW and 16
mile SW of the S extremity of Pulau Parang. miles SW, respectively, of Gosong Jag Vijay.
Gosong Kumbang, 2.5 miles SSE of Pulau Parang, is a small

above-water sand bank, surrounded by a coral reef with some Tanjung Blenderan to Ujung Pangkah
drying rocks.
Pulau Karkal-besar and Pulau Karkal-kecil lie 3.5 miles and
3.32 3.34 The coast from Tanjung Blenderan to Tanjung Api
4 miles SSW, respectively, of Gosong Kumbang. Api Anom, 8 miles E, is low and covered with vegetation.
Karang Kapal (5°54'S., 110°14'E.), the SW danger of the
3.32 Depths of less than 2.4m extend 4 miles NE of Tanjung Api
group, an extensive reef which partly dries, lies 2 miles S of Api Anom.
Pulau Karkal-kecil and 13 miles W of the S extremity of Pulau From Tanjung Api Api Anom to Ujung Pangkah, the W en-

Karimunjawa. A light stands on the W side of the reef. trance point to the N entrance to Selat Surabaya, 96 miles ESE,
Karang Bengkoang (5°44'S., 110°25'E.) is a low wooded
3.32 the coast has a wooded and fertile appearance. It is formed by
island fringed by a reef 5 miles NW of the N extremity of Pu- sandy beaches fronted by sand and stones.
lau Kemujan. Taka Menjawakan is a small reef, with a depth of Good holding ground exists everywhere, the bottom near the

1.5m, 5 miles WSW of Pulau Bengkoang. The reef can only be coast being soft gray mud. Farther seaward, the bottom is blue
seen from a short distance, as there is no discoloration of the mud and black sand, frequently mixed with broken shell; there
water. A light is exhibited from the N side of Karang Beng- is an underlayer of thick clay.
koang. A dangerous wreck was reported to lay in the middle of the

Pulau Cemara-besar (Tjemara-besar) and Pulau Cemara-ke-

3.32 bay, about 9.5 miles offshore, 16.5 miles SE of Tanjung Api
cil (Tjemara-kecil) are low reef-surrounded islets lying 3 miles Api Anom.
NW and 2 miles WNW, respectively, of the W extremity of Pu- The coast trends E from Tanjung Blenderan, 8 miles to Tan-

lau Karimunjawa. Pulau Menjawakan, a reef-encircled islet, jung Bugel (6°25'S., 111°03'E.), a low point which is hard to
lies 2 miles WNW of Pulau Cemara-besar. identify but is marked by a light.
Pulau Gelean and Pulau Burung are flat islets, 5.5 miles
3.32 Between Tanjung Bugel and Tanjung Bendoh, 29 miles SE,

WNW and 6.3 miles W, respectively, of the S extremity of Pu- the coast recedes and forms a bay. Juwono and Rembang
lau Karimunjawa. Roads are at the head of this bay.

Pub. 163
88 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

3.35 Gunung Niangu (Gunung Nglangu) (6°57'S., identifiable. A flagstaff is near the clump of trees.
111°08'E.), 453m high, 31 miles S of Tanjung Bugel, is promi- When approaching the road, keep in depths of not less than

nent. Gunung Lasem rises to a height of 806m, 4.5 miles SSE 10m until the residency or the club bears 180°, then proceed to
of Tanjung Benda. Its two highest peaks are 1 mile apart. anchorage on this bearing.
Gunung Lasem is connected to mountains farther S by a lower Anchorage can be obtained N of the town in any suitable

ridge. depth; mud bottom. It is calm here during the Southeast Mon-
Bugel Bank, an extensive mud bank, steep-to on its N side,
3.35 soon, but there is some sea in the Northwest Monsoon.
stretches 4 to 5 miles offshore between Tanjung Api Api Anom Pulau Sualang (6°41'S., 111°23'E.) is 2.75 miles ENE of the

and Tanjung Bendoh, with depths of less than 5m. flagstaff at Rembang. It has some above-water rocks on its N
It has been reported that this bank has been extending sea-
3.35 side. Karang Gurian, a small reef with a drying patch of sand
ward. Vessels rounding this bank should keep at least 1 mile near the middle, lies 0.75 miles offshore, 1.75 miles WSW of
clear of its edge, in depths of not less than 18.3m. Pulau Sualang.
Juwana Road (6°39'S., 111°12'E.) is an open roadstead 16
3.35 Jetah lies within the 5.5m line, 1.75 miles E of Pulau Sual-

miles SSE of Tanjung Bugel. The town of Juana is about 3 ang. There is an above-water rock on this small reef.
miles upriver and is not visible from the sea. Lasem is a town standing on the Kali Lasem, 1.5 miles in-

Only the red and white roofs of the warehouses are some-
3.35 land, about 6 miles E of Rembang.
times seen, and the chimney of the sugar mill, situated about 5 Gosong Reef (6°39'S., 111°26'E.), partly dry at high water,

miles NW of Juana is sometimes visible when the sun shines lies outside the 5.5m line, 2 miles NE of Jetah.
on it.
Vessels can anchor according to draft, with the mouth of Kali
3.35 3.38 Tanjung Benda (6°37'S., 111°30'E.) is devoid of veg-
Juana bearing between 210° and 225°. Care must be taken to etation and is difficult to identify. A village, about 0.3 mile S of
avoid the wreck, with mast showing, marked close N by a the point, can be recognized by the conspicuous and isolated
buoy. coconut palms, which appear as an island when seen from the
Vessels approaching Juwana Road from W, after rounding
3.35 E. A light is exhibited from this point.
the steep-to N extremity of Bugel Bank in not less than 18.3m, From Tanjung Benda, the coast trends in an ESE direction to

can steer for the anchorage, as the E side of the bank is very Tanjung Awarawar, about 30 miles distant.
flat and can be easily sounded. Tanjung Petakol, a rocky point 17m high, can be identified

Vessels coming from E, after passing Tanjung Bendoh at a

3.35 by the dark trees; the point has been reported as a good radar
distance of 2 to 3 miles, can steer due W for the road. target at 21 miles.
The 5.5m line lies about 5 miles NE of the mouth of Kali Ju-
3.35 Tanjung Kapal is a low point, 4.5 miles ESE of Tanjung Ben-

wana. Between Juwana and Rembang are a number of islets, da. From Tanjung Kapal to Tanjung Petakol, 14 miles SE, the
reefs, and rocks. coast is marked by a line of coconut trees.
Tanjung Awarawar (6°46'S., 111°57'E.) is a low point, 11

3.36 Karang Juwana (6°40'S., 111°13'E.), 2.3 miles ENE miles E of Tanjung Petakol, reported to be a good radar target
of the mouth of Kali Juwana, dries in places. There is a large at 15 miles.
rock on the reef covered by a bush. A light is shown at a height A petrochemical terminal is located 10 miles NW of Tuban

of 5m, 0.75 mile N of the rock. Karang Laut, which dries, lies 1 at Tanjung Awarawar. The terminal consists of three berths and
mile NW of the mouth of Kali Juwana, 2.5 miles WNW of Ka- an SPM (6°43'S, 111°58'E). A pipeline runs from the SPM to
rang Juana. the shore in position 6°45.6'S, 111°56.7'E.
Pulau Marungan, 3 miles E of Karang Juwana, has some co-
3.36 Pilotage is compulsory and available 24 hours, subject to

conut palms. The island is bordered on its N side by a drying weather conditions. The pilot boards just E of the fairway buoy
reef which extends 0.5 mile offshore. Penowo Reef lies outside or within the anchorage.
the 5.5m line, 1.75 miles NNE of Pulau Marungan; the reef Tugs are available. It has been reported that there is a VTS in

dries, and is marked by discoloration when covered, and by operation.

breakers in bad weather. Anchoring is prohibited within 1,200m of the SPM and with-

Pulau Masaran, a patch of sand with some below-water rocks

3.36 in 200m of the pipeline. There is an anchorage area bound by
within 0.2 mile N and NE of it, is 3.3 miles SE of Penowo lines joining the following positions:
Reef. There are several reefs and islets within an area formed a. 6°38'S, 111°56'E.
by a line joining Pulau Marungan, Penowo Reef, Pulau Masa- b. 6°39'S, 111°56'E.
ran, and thence 3.3 miles W to Pulau Marungan. Other shoals c. 6°39'S, 111°58'E.
are charted close S of this area. d. 6°38'S, 111°58'E.
Seliro, a submerged rock, lies 0.5 mile offshore, 1.3 miles SE
3.36 From Tanjung Bendoh to Tanjung Awarawar, the 20m line

of Pulau Masaran. lies up to 5 miles offshore, and along this same stretch, the
coastal bank extends up to 0.75 mile offshore.
3.37 Rembang Road (6°41'S., 111°21'E.) (World Port In- Sarang is a village, 8.75 miles SE Tanjung Kapal. There is a

dex No. 51070) is a lighterage port open to NE and NW winds. small fishing harbor here, sheltered by two stone breakwaters.
The town of Rembang lies 10 miles WSW of Tanjung Benda Bancar (Bantjar) is a village close E of Tanjung Petakol.

and is unmistakable. A clump of trees stands on the foreshore Good anchorage can be obtained during the Southeast Mon-
near the W end of town. The high red roof of the former resi- soon off this village.
dency and the white buildings of the nearby club are readily A shoal, with a depth of 4.5m, lies 3.75 miles E of Tanjung

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 89

Petakol and 1.75 miles offshore. 3.39 Tuban (6°54'S., 112°04'E.) (World Port Index No.
From Tanjung Awarawar to Tanjung Batu Sawang, 19 miles
3.38 51100) is an open road that is bound on the N by the parallel of
ESE, the coast recedes and forms a bay, then the coast trends in 6°50'S, and on the E by the meridian of 112°07.5'E, and on the
a general E direction 16 miles to Ujung Pangkah. S and W, by the coast. The road is open to the NE and NW
There are no known dangers outside the 10m line, except for
3.38 winds and there is always a swell.
the dangerous wrecks that may be seen on the chart. The coast The village of Tuban is recognizable by some large dark

may be safely approached by sounding, but for details concern- trees and the white chimney of a factory. A pier, 0.4 mile long
ing mined areas, see Pub. 120, Sailing Directions (Planning with a depth of 2.5m alongside, fronts Tuban. A flagstaff
Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia. stands near the root of the pier.
Between Tanjung Awarawar and Tuban, 10 miles SSE, the
3.38 Anchorage may be taken with the flagstaff bearing 203°, 4

coast is low and backed by paddy fields. miles distance, in 9.1m, sand and mud bottom.
Pelabuhan Semen Tuban (6°47'S., 111°54'E.) is a small
3.38 Tuban Oil Terminal, a moored storage tanker, lies about 10

port lying 3.5 miles WSW of Tanjung Awarawar. The port con- miles NE of Tuban. Vessels anchor about 3 miles N of the stor-
sists of a pier approximately 0.5 miles in length. The pier is age tanker; pilots board at the anchorage.
used by a local cement company. The berth lies at the N end of A dangerous wreck lies 10 miles NE of Tuban Oil Terminal

this pier and is 425m in length with a depth of 10m alongside. in position 6°39.5'S, 112°17.8'E.

Tuban—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Holcim Tuban Cement Terminal
Holcim Cement
176m — Cement.
Pelsus Pt. Semen Indonesian Terminal
Inner Berth (East) — —
Inner Berth (West) — —
Coal and Cement. Continuous quay length 402m.
Outer Berth (East) — —
Outer Berth (West) — —
Power Plant (PLTU) Tanjung Awar-Awar Tuban
Coal Berth — — Coal. Continuous quay length 478m.
Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama Terminal (TPPI)
No 03 Orthoxylene, toluene, kerosene, diesel oil. LPG and
55m 11.5m BFO. Max LOA 140m, draft 9.8m, 10,000 dwt.
Lenght including dolphins 162m.
No 04 66m 11.5m Light Naptha, Paraxylene, benzene, kerosene and
reformate. Max LOA 187m, draft 10.6m, 40,000
No 05 66m 11.5m dwt. Length including dolphins
SBM-East — 25.5m Petroleum products. Max draft 21.5, 185000 dwt
SBM-South — —
Petroleum products
SBM_West — —

Tanjung Batu Sawang (6°52'S., 112°17'E.) is located 8.5

3.39 Ujung Pangkah (6°51'S., 112°33'E.) is low and not easily

miles ENE of Palang. An above-water rock lies 0.4 mile N of distinguished.

the point. The white stone houses and the mosque in the village of

The village of Brondong, with a prominent white house and

3.39 Pangkah, 4.3 miles S, are plainly visible against the high coco-
a mosque, stands 0.5 mile SE of Tanjung Batu Sawang. nut palms in the vicinity.
Tanjung Pakis, a steep point, 7.75 miles E of Tanjung Batu
3.39 It was reported, that due to a landslide, Tanjung Pangkah has

Sawang, rises to a wooded hill, and 2.5 miles SSW is a hill extended 1.5 miles seaward of its previously charted position.
152m high. Two wrecks lie 1 mile apart, approximately 4.75 miles ENE of
The coast between Tanjung Pakis and Ujung Pangkah, 8
3.39 the N extremity of Ujung Pangkah; another wreck lies 1.5
miles E, is backed by hills. miles N of the point. A spoil ground, best seen on the chart, lies
The highest summit is Gunung Malang, 131m high, which
3.39 8.5 miles ENE of Ujung Pangkah.
rises 6 miles SW of Ujung Pangkah. Caution.—It is reported (1997) that less water exists NE of

Pub. 163
90 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

Ujung Pangkah. Numerous submarine pipelines lie offshore of trees. Gunung Malang serves as a good landmark for identify-
Ujung Pangkah between the coast and the Poleng Oil Field. ing Ujang Pangkah. An anchorage area lies 5 miles NE of Pu-
lau Karangjamuang.
Poleng Oil Field (6°40'S., 112°55'E.) is about 15 miles NNE
3.39 During the Northwest Monsoon, vessels approaching the

of Tanjung Modung. Numerous structures, not all of which are channel should sight this hill before sundown.
charted, some marked by lights, other unlit objects and sub- Between Tanjung Sau (Tanjung Sawo) and the town of

merged obstructions, sometimes marked by buoys, exist in the Gresik, 5.5 miles S, the overgrown low coast recedes. There
field. are many fish ponds with several small streams flowing out.
Poleng Oil Field is an Entry Restricted Area. An oil-loading
3.39 Manyar Terminal lies 1.5 miles S of Tanjung Sawo.
terminal is within the field. Vessels proceed alongside the tank- Leleng Barat, a narrow ridge which dries in places, lies 9

er Lynda (72,000 dwt) moored stern-to at an SBM. Vessels miles SE of Ujung Pangkah. Lereng Tengah, lying 2 miles E of
berth port side-to. Pilotage is mandatory; the master of the Lereng Barat, is also a narrow ridge of hard sand, with least
Lynda acts as a pilot. depths of less then 5m.
Anchorage is possible 1 mile N or W of the SBM, clear of
3.39 Caution.—A submarine pipeline is laid on the W side of the

field installations. There are no facilities available at the termi- channel, which follows the general line of the approach from N
nal. of No.1 Buoy to Gresik. An additional submarine pipeline laid
Caution.—There is construction of an offshore pipeline in
3.39 on the W side of the channel extends WNW. A submarine pipe-
the Sidayu Saka Oil Field N of Ujung Pangkah. Vessels transit- line lies close W of the entrance and generally trends S follow-
ing S of the Poleng Oil Field should pass S of a dangerous ing the W side of the channel. A dangerous wreck lies on the
wreck, the position which is approximate, situated 1 mile E of W side of the channel, 3 miles S of Tanjung Sau (Tanjung Sa-
the S extremity of the restricted area of the oil field, and N of a wo). Numerous wrecks, best seen on the chart, lie in the North-
dangerous wreck reported in position 6°47.3'S, 112°57.7'E. ern approaches to Surabaya.
A former mined area, best seen on the chart, lies close to the

Selat Surabaya E entrance of the channel and borders the channel heading S.

3.40 Selat Suribaya separates the NE coast of Java from the 3.42 Gresik (7°09'S., 112°39'E.) (World Port Index No.
large island of Madura. This waterway is approximately 50 51120), which is under the Surabaya Port Authority, was for-
miles long and about 1 mile wide at its narrowest point. merly the main port in Selat Surabaya before the construction
The N entrance of Selat Surabaya is between Ujung Pangkah
3.40 of Tanjungperak. The port is situated on the western outskirts
and Tanjung Modung (6°55'S., 112°49'E.), the NW extremity of Surabaya. There are several old massive stone warehouses in
of Madura, 18 miles ESE of Ujung Pangkah. This area is al- the town.
most entirely occupied by an extensive shoal flat. Depths—Limitations.—The port consists of a small craft

The E entrance of Selat Surabaya is reached through Selat

3.40 and ferry harbor and six privately-operated facilities. The port
Madura and a buoyed channel that connects Selat Surabaya can accommodate vessels up to 60,000 dwt, with a maximum
and Selat Medura. loa of 200m and a maximum draft of 9.5m at HW. For more
Caution.—Areas within the approaches to Selat Surabaya
3.40 details on berths available in the port see the table titled
remain dangerous due to bottom mines. See Pub. 120, Sailing Gresik—Berthing Information.
Directions (Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia A conspicuous chimney, with red and white bands, stands

for details. along with industrial buildings, 0.5 mile WNW from the root
Several dangerous wrecks lie throughout Selat Surbaya and
3.40 of the pier. A small mole, which forms the N side of a boat har-
are best seen on the chart. Mariners are advised to transit the bor, 0.5 mile S of Dermaga Petrokimia, fronts Gresik.
area with caution. 3.42A new L-shaped pier was constructed 0.5 mile N of Pertam-
ina Wharf. Construction has been completed on a new pier and
Selat Surabaya—North Approach jetty approximately 1.5 miles NNW of Petrochemical Wharf.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Notification of arrival

3.41 Between Ujung Pangkah and Tanjung Sau (Tanjung should be sent 24 hours in advance.
Sawo), 14 miles SSE, the land is low with a few round-topped

Gresik—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Gresik Cement Terminal
Cement. Berthing length of 150m (in-
Cement Berth East 122m — — — —
cluding dolphins).
Cement Berth West 155m — — — — Cement.
JIIPE Manyar Port

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 91

Gresik—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Inner Jetty 1 — 14.0m — — 100,000 dwt Coal, Fertilizer, Grain, Container,
Breakbulk. Continuous berthing length
Inner Jetty 2 — 14.0m — — 100,000 dwt
of 570m.
Outer Jetty 1 — 15.0m — — 100,000 dwt Coal, Fertilizer, Grain, Container,
Breakbulk. Continuous berthing length
Outer Jetty 2 — 14.0m — — 100,000 dwt
of 600m.
PT Smelting Terminal
Fertilizer and copper. Berthing length
PTS Berth 120m 12.0m 200m — 35,000 dwt
of 300m (including dolphins).
Gresik Port Terminal
Dry Bulk & Log Jetty 53m 6.0m — — — Coal. By barge.
Chemicals, breakbulk, and multipur-
International Liquid
198m 9.0m — — — pose. Berthing length of 198m (includ-
Bulk Jetty
ing dolphins).
International Liquid Chemicals, breakbulk, and multipur-
149m 12.0m — — —
Bulk Jetty 02 pose.
Jetty 70 70m 6.0m — — — Breakbulk by barge.
Jetty 78 - 7.0m — — — By barge.
Nusantara Jetty 276m 6.0m — — — Breakbulk.
Petrokimia Gresik Terminal
Coal by barge. Berthing length of 140m
Coal Jetty 40m — — — —
(including dolphins).
Inner Berth (Middle) 252m — — — 30,000 dwt Fertilizer and breakbulk. Continuous
Inner Berth (North) 252m — — — 30,000 dwt berthing length of 504m.
Chemicals, LPG, fertilizer, breakbulk,
Inner Berth (South) 225m — — — 30,000 dwt multipurpose. Berthing length of 255m
(including dolphins).
Outer Berth (Middle) 275m — — — 60,000 dwt
Fertilizer, breakbulk, chemicals, multi-
Outer Berth (North) 275m — — — 60,000 dwt purpose. Continuous berthing length of
Outer Berth (South) 275m — — — 60,000 dwt
Siam Maspion Terminal
Chemical gases, chemicals, dirty prod-
ucts, and LPG. Berthing length of
Jetty 01 74m — 240m 10.5m 100,000 dwt
178m (including dolphins). Minimum
freeboard of 1m.
Chemicals and LPG. Berthing length of
Jetty 02 16m — 190m 10.5m 30,000 dwt 210m (including dolphins). Minimum
freeboard of 1m.
Chemicals. Berthing length of 110m
Jetty 03 15m — — — —
(including dolphins.)
Jetty 04 200m — — — — Breakbulk.
Wilmar Terminal
Wilmar Jetty 300m — — — — Fertilizer and breakbulk.

Pub. 163
92 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

Gresik—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Wilmar Nabaty Inner Fertilizer and breakbulk. Berthing
52m — — — —
Jetty length of 95m (including dolphins).
Chemicals, fertilizer, breakbulk, and
Wilmar Nabaty Jetty
204m — — — — multipurpose. Berthing length of 240m
(including dolphins).
Wilmar Nabaty Jetty Chemicals. Berthing length of 164m
— — — — —
02 (including dolphins).
Pertamina Hulu Energy West Terminal
DABN Jetty 50m 8.8m 135m 8.3m 10,500 dwt Chemicals and clean products.
Pertamina Lubricant Terminal
Clean products and dirty products,
Asphalt Jetty 40m 8.6m 100m 8.1m 5,000 dwt Berthing length of 192m (including
PLTU Gresik
Chemicals and clean products. Berth-
PLTU Jetty 53m 14.6m 150m 14.1m 16,000 dwt ing length of 300m (including dol-
PT. Karyalndah Alam Sejahtera Terminal
Oil Berth 350m — — — — Clean products and vegetable oils.

in an ENE direction, with three extending between Dermaga

PLTU Jetty and Tanjung Tanjungan and the remaining extend-
ing between Cement Wharf and Tanjung Tanjungan. Anchor-
age is prohibited in the vicinity of these cables.
A submarine pipeline, best seen on the chart, lies offshore

Ujung Pangkah with unlit platforms located 2.3 miles and 3.5
miles NE of Ujung Pangkah.
A dangerous wreck, which is unmarked, lies in the S approach

to Dermaga Semen, about 0.4 mile SE of the pier head. Another

dangerous wreck, best seen on the chart, lies in the channel close
NE of Lamong Bay. A third dangerous wreck, best seen on the
chart, lies on the E side of the channel 1.5 miles NW of Tanjung
Tanjungan. A new wharf is under construction adjacent to Tep-

3.43 Tanjung Semambung (7°11'S., 112°40'E.), 1.5 miles

SSE of Gresik, is the SE extremity of a promontory and rises in
Gunung Petukangan, 125m high, 1.8 miles W.
Between Tanjung Semambung and Tanjung-perak, 4.5 miles
Gresik Power Plant

SE, the coast recedes and forms a shallow, mud and sand filled
Regulations.—Ships are advised to maintain a strict piracy
watch and ant-piracy measures and report all attacks and suspi- Between Tanjung Modung and Ujung Piring (7°02'S.,
cious sightings to the local authorities and the IMB Piracy Re- 112°41'E.), 11 miles SW, the coast is low and wooded. There
porting Center. For IMB Piracy Reporting Center contact are several towns, the largest is Bangkalan.
information, see paragraph 3.1. Gunung Geger (7°02'S., 112°56'E.), 284m high, 11 miles E

Anchorage.—Designated anchorage areas are best seen on the

of Bangkalan, is a prominent, densely-wooded, and flat-topped
chart. hill, with light patches. Gunung Kampek, 138m high, 6.5 miles
Indonesian Marine Police has recommended ships to anchor
W of Gunung Geger, is less identifiable, and another hill, 64m
where they conduct patrol on the vicinity of 7°09S, 112°40'E. high, which is precipitous on its N side, rises 3.3 miles NW of
Caution.—Four submarine power cables cross the fairway
Gunung Geger, and is marked by light patches.
Karang Jamuang (6°56'S., 112°44'E.) lies close E of the

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 93

navigable channel, about 5.5 miles WSW of Tanjong Modung. 3,500 tons may proceed without a pilot.
A light, with a racon and beacon, is close NW of Karang One of the following signals should be displayed:

Jamuang. A training wall, awash at high water, extends 6.75 1. Pilot service flag—A blue flag with a star in its center.
miles SSW from Karang Jamuang to Ujung Piring. 2. Pennant 1 and flags DO.
Caution.—Numerous dangerous wrecks are found N and S
3.43 The pilot station, a prominent white building with an orange

of Karang Jamuang, as best seen on the chart. Works in prog- roof, stands on Karang Jamuang. Pilots are available 24 hours
ress have been reported (2010) in the fish trap area off of Tan- and board vessels about 4 miles NNE of the Pilot Station, in
jung Semambung. the vicinity of Lighted Buoy No. 5.
Regulations.—Deep-draft vessels must use a tug between

3.44 Ujung Piring (7°02'S., 112°41'E.) is the N extremity Lighted Buoy No. 5 (6°52'S., 112°45'E.) and the SSW end of
of a low island, 16m high near its center. The island is covered Lereng Tengah.
by paddy fields with several villages, and is separated from Signals.—There is a radio station at Karang Jamuang, and

Madura by fish ponds. the Surabaya Port Office may be contacted on VHF channel
From Ujung Piring, the coast trends 2.5 miles SSW to Tan-
3.44 16.
jung Bulu, then SSE 1.75 miles to Tanjung Junganyar. Overtaking or passing another vessel between Lighted Buoy

A dangerous wreck lies 2.5 miles WSW of Tanjung Jungan-

3.44 No. 5 and the SSW end of Lereng Tengah is not permitted, nor
yar. Van Drieen, a stone reef with a depth of 2.5m, is located is it permitted to overtake or pass another vessel between
near mid-channel 2.3 miles SW of Tanjung Junganyar. Lighted Buoy No. 8, moored 2.5 miles SW of Tanjung Jungan-
From Tanjung Junganyar, the S extremity of the low island,
3.44 yar, and Lighted Buoy No. 19, moored 1.75 miles SSW of Tan-
to Tanjung Tanjungan, 3.5 miles S, the coast is fronted by fish jung Kamal.
ponds. Tanjung Kamal is located 2.3 miles SE of Tanjung Tan- Anchorage.—Anchorage for vessels awaiting the pilot or

jungan. Tanjungperak is located across the strait, 1.5 miles S of tide, may be taken in an area about 6.5 miles NW of Tanjung
Tanjung Kamal. Modung, in 28m, mud. Foul ground is charted in the designat-
Along the coast, between Tanjung Modung and Ujung Pir-
3.44 ed anchorage area.
ing, the mud bank extends as much as 0.75 mile offshore. From The anchorage space in Tanjungperak roads is limited. Large

Tanjung Butu to Tanjung Tanjungan, mud and sand banks ex- vessels should enter Selat Surabaya only at such times as to in-
tend up to 1.75 miles offshore; along this stretch there are ma- sure that the roadstead is not reached in a strong E current.
ny fish traps. Directions.—The best time to enter the swept channel is pri-

From Tanjung Modung, the road follows the coast to the

3.44 or to slack water in Tanjungperak roadstead. During the North-
town of Bangkalan. A conspicuous white mosque stands in the west Monsoon, there is little difficulty in making the entrance.
vicinity of Sebaneh, about 6.5 miles SW of Tanjung Modung. During the Southeast Monsoon, especially in the morning, the
Two large rocks lie on the N side of the channel, 1.3 miles W
3.44 prevailing mist and haze frequently hide the coastal hills of Ja-
of Tanjung Kamal. Several dangerous wrecks lie in the ap- wa and Madura, but the coast can be approached until within a
proaches to Kamal. Pisang Reef, with a least depth of 1.2m, depth of 20.1m.
lies on the S side of the channel, 1.3 miles SW of the rocks, and Vessels approaching from W can obtain a position by bear-

is steep-to on its E side. ings on the hills SW of Ujung Pangkah, and those approaching
Winds—Weather.—During the Southeast Monsoon, the sea
3.44 from E can obtain a position by bearings on the hills of Madu-
breeze is N and commences about noon, decreasing toward ra.
evening. Near sunset the land breeze is from the S. It is fre- When the vessel’s position has been fixed, the swept channel

quently hazy in the early morning. should be approached from a position 2 miles NE of Lighted
During the Northwest Monsoon, the wind usually blows
3.44 Buoy No. 1, moored 10 miles NW of Tanjung Morong and a
strongly during the forenoon from NW and WNW. It remains course of 180° steered, about 6 miles, to the anchorage area or
from this direction throughout the day and then gradually to the pilot boarding area.
changes over to a light SW wind, 4 to 10 knots, at night. The buoys marking the channel over the bar are laid in a

Tides—Currents.—Currents throughout Selat Surabaya are

3.44 SSW direction from a position approximately 5 miles WNW of
tidal, but the Southeast Monsoon forces water up in the channel Tanjung Modung. These buoys are moved as necessary to con-
sufficiently to cause a noticeable strengthening of the N current form with the constant changes in depth and direction of the
and a weakening of the S current. channel.
The direction of the current is N and S, and the current runs
3.44 A range, bearing 200°, aligned on Mapia (6°59'S.,

twice daily in each direction. The N current may attain a rate of 112°42'E.), Ujung Piring, and Ujung Slempit should be fol-
2.5 knots. lowed until Lighted Buoy No. 11. Thereafter, follow the
Depths—Limitations.—It was reported, that the channel
3.44 marked channel. The channel buoys and lighted buoys are
across the bar was dredged to a minimum depth of 8.8m. marked in accordance with IALA Maritime Buoyage System
It was reported that the maximum draft permissible over the
3.44 (Region A).
bar was 8.5m, but the usual draft was 7.3m. Caution.—In the approach to Selat Surabaya and within the

Pilotage.—Pilotage for passage through Selat Surabaya is

3.44 strait, there are many dangerous and stranded wrecks which
compulsory for vessels of over 500 tons. Arrangements should may best be seen on the chart.
be made through the vessel’s agent or the harbormaster at least Depths in the N and NE approaches to Selat Surabaya may

48 hours in advance and repeated 24 hours before arrival. Un- be less than charted.
der certain circumstances, such as weather, vessels of less than A danger area, which extends from Ujang Pangkah E to the

Pub. 163
94 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

N coast of Madura, and then 10 miles N, is situated at the en- small reef lying 5.5 miles WNW of Zwaantjes Reef.
trance to Selat Surabaya. See Pub. 120, Sailing Directions Sirumpa (7°25'S., 113°04'E.), a steep-to rock, exhibiting a

(Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia for details. light, lies 4.5 miles NNW of Zwaantjes Reef.
The reef dries on its SE side. Manila, a steep-to drying rock,

Selat Surabaya—East Approach lies 6.5 miles NE of Sirumpa.

Pulau Kambing (7°18'S., 113°13'E.) lies on the N side of a

3.45 The E approach to Selat Surabaya is through Selat drying reef, about 5 miles off the S coast of Madura.
Madura and a buoyed channel that connects Selat Surabaya
and Selat Madura. The approach to Surabaya is through a 3.47 Karang Kleta (7°19'S., 112°52'E.) with a depth of
swept channel marked by a lighted buoy (7°23'S., 113°00'E.), 0.3m, stones and sand, is not marked by discoloration. The
then over a bar which extends from Kali Porong (7°32'S., reef, which seldom breaks, is about 3 miles off the Jawa coast,
112°51'E.), to a position on Madura 25 miles NE. 5 miles within the 5.5m line.
The least depth over the bar in the SE approach through Selat
3.45 The Tongue, a bank of very hard sand, which dries near its

Madura was reported to be 3.1m, soft mud. NW end, lies on the E side of the channel, 2 miles NE of the
The S coast of Madura, between Tanjung Batu Putih
3.45 village of Sukolilo.
(7°13'S., 113°09'E.), a steep rocky light-colored point, 12m Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents flow into the channel

high, and Tanjung Gumong, 11 miles WNW, is formed by a with a rising tide and outward on the falling tide. The times of
sandy beach for the first 3 miles, then by a drying reef. change are near the times of high and low water, but may be ir-
The most noticeable village along this coast is Kadungdung,
3.45 regular due to influence by the prevailing monsoon.
6.5 miles W of Tanjung Batu Putih, where the road and railroad In the vicinity of the outer lighted buoy, the rate of the cur-

reach the coast. rent is about 2 knots. In the vicinity of Surabaya roadstead, the
From Tanjung Gumong to Tebul, 8.5 miles WNW, the coast
3.45 current is about 4 knots and may exceed this considerably in
is low and fronted by a drying mud bank. Kesek, a town 4 the narrow parts of the channel.
miles W of Tebul, exhibits a light from a height of 23m, 0.5 Outside the fairway, on the banks and under the shore, the

mile SW of the town. current seldom exceeds 1 knot. The rate is stronger at spring
Behind this stretch of coast, there is a prominent bare range
3.45 tides than at neaps.
of hills about 5 miles inland which are useful when approach- Depths—Limitations.—The 20m curve, which lies up to

ing Surabaya from SE. 2.5 miles off the S coast of Madura and the same distance off
the coast of Jawa, crosses the SE entrance of Selat Surabaya in
3.46 Gunung Telok (7°07'S., 113°00'E.), 265m high, is a SW direction from a position S of Tanjung Batu Putih, to a
the E summit of this range, with Gunung Seleret, which has position near the mouth of Kali Porong.
four knobs close together, 3 miles W of it. Gunung Kemere, The SE entrance of Selat Surabaya is shallow. There was a

saddle-shaped and 205m high, stands at the W end of the least depth of 2.1m, soft mud, in the fairway over the bar.
range, 4.5 miles farther W. Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. The estimated time of ar-

The coast on the W side of the approach is low. Inland, the

3.46 rival should be radioed at least 24 hours in advance to Surabaya
low plain S of Surabaya has many villages standing amongst Radio Station.
paddy fields, and has no noticeable features. The boarding ground is in the vicinity of No. 1 Lighted Buoy

The entrance to Kali Porong is formed by a delta of low san-

3.46 (7°24'S., 112°57'E.). The pilot, sent from Surabaya by launch,
dy marshy islets. Within the entrance, the river is embanked will wait no more than 2 hours for a ship’s arrival.
through the fish ponds, extending for 6 miles. Inbound vessels can anchor seaward of the outer lighted

Between the entrance to Kali Porong and Tanjung Tamba-

3.46 buoy while awaiting the pilot, but may proceed to meet the pi-
hagung (7°27'S., 112°50'E.), 5.3 miles NNW, the coast is lot vessel between the outer lighted buoy and No. 1 Lighted
fronted by a drying bank. Behind the low, narrow, sandy coast, Buoy.
there are marshy islets backed by fish ponds. Vessels desiring to anchor should check Pub. 120, Sailing

At Sukolilo, 13 miles NNW, the coast is similar, with fish

3.46 Directions (Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia,
ponds extending 4.5 miles inland at the S end, decreasing to 1 for possible existence of mines.
mile inland at the N end. The village of Kedung, on the coast Regulations.—Overtaking or passing another vessel be-

about 1.75 miles NNW of Sukalilo, trends NW 1.5 miles to a tween the outer lighted buoy and Tanjungperak roadstead is not
point close E of the Naval Basin. permitted until No. 7 Lighted Buoy (7°11'S., 112°46'E.) has
Anchorage is prohibited in the vicinity of the submarine ca-
3.46 been passed.
ble which extends from shore, 0.75 mile NW of Kedung, in a Directions.—As soon as Zwaantjes Reef Light is sighted,

NNE direction to the S coast of Madura, 0.5 mile WSW of steer for the outer lighted buoy. Steer as necessary to clear Bura
Kessek Light. The landing places are marked by notice boards. and Sirumpa.
Karang Conkeh (Congkeh) (7°29'S., 113°11'E.), the E dan- A dangerous wreck is reported to lie approximately 1.5 miles

ger in the SE approach to Selat Surabaya, is a steep-to rock ESE of the outer buoy. From the outer lighted buoy, steer in a
with a depth of 0.9m. WSW direction for No. 1 Lighted Buoy, 3.3 miles distant.
Zwaantjes Reef (Karang Koko), 3.75 miles WNW of Karang
3.46 Vessels should not enter Tanjungperak via the E approach

Conken, consists of coral, rock, and sand, with an above-water without the use of a pilot, due to the existence of dangerous
sand cay on its W side. wrecks in the channel and the unreliability of aids to naviga-
A light is shown from a white tower. Bura, which dries, is a
3.46 tion.

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 95

Port of Tanjungperak (Surabaya) (7°12'S.,

3.47 length of 210m. The the channel width is 100m.
112°44'E.) The 2.8-mile long Suramadu Bridge, a fixed bridge with a

vertical clearance of 34m, spans the SE entrance of Selat Sura-

World Port Index No. 51130 baya in a general N-S direction between Sekarbungu and Tam-
3.48 Tanjungperak, situated on the S side of Selat Suraba- When passing under the Suramadu Bridge there is an admin-

ya, is second only in importance in Jawa to Tanjungpriok, the istrative change in the direction of buoyage markings.
port for Jakarta.
Pertamina Quays (Jambatan Minyak), lying just E of the en-

Port of Tanjungperak trance to the Naval Basin, is an oil-discharge pier. The depth at
the W end is 14.9m; the alongside depth at the E end is 17.2m.
http://www.maritimindo.com/PelabuhanIII/ The naval basin has depths ranging from 3.7 to 7.6m.
PelabuhanTgPerak.html Bogarsari Wharf (Government Oil Wharf), a dolphin berth

extending NNW from the W side of the entrance to Tanjung-

The town of Tanjungperak (Surabaya) stands on the banks of
perak Basin, has an alongside depth of 9m.
Kali Mas, which is navigable by small vessels. The old or low- In Tanjungperak Basin, the alongside depths at the wharves

er part of the town is situated between the entrance to the river range from 3.3 to 9m.
and a conspicuous tower on a government building (7°15'S., The Domestic Container Terminal and the International

112°44'E.); it contains the principal government and commer- Container Terminals, W of Tanjungperak Basin, have reported
cial buildings. The upper or new town lies S of the conspicuous depths alongside of 7.5m and 10.5m respectively. The berths lie
tower. along the end of a 0.6-mile long jetty. Caution is necessary when
Tanjungperak stands on the NE extremity of a low plain cov-
approaching the terminals as depths may differ from those
ered with villages standing amongst paddy fields. The plain ex- charted. The basin is comprised of five separate terminals, which
tends W for 25 miles to some moderately-high wooded hills, are named as Nilam, Berlian, Intan, Mirah, and Jamrud. A
and SSW to Gunung Ardjuna. passenger terminal is located on the Berlian Pier.
Tanjungperak, running from E to W, consists of the TSP
3.48 Berths for small ships and praus may also be found along the

Container Pier, the Tanjungperak Basin and the Naval Basin. banks of the Kali Mas at depths of 3 to 5m. For more details on
Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Tanjungperak roads
berths available in port see table titled Tanjungperak—Berth-
are mixed, with a predominating semi-diurnal character. The ing Information.
duration of slack water varies considerably. Aspect.—On the S coast of Madura, just over 1 mile E of

As a general rule, the stronger the stream, the shorter the pe-
Tanjung Kamal, a hospital serves as a prominent landmark.
riod of slack water and vice versa. Close inshore, the current The tower of the government building, situated 4.5 miles S of
changes direction 1 to 1.5 hours earlier than in the roadstead. Tanjung Kamal, is also prominent.
The consequence of the water piling up in the W part of Selat
A tower, 50m high, stands near the S side of the Naval Basin.

Madura is the same here as occurs in Selat Surabaya. During The harbormaster’s office and signal station are situated on the
the Southeast Monsoon, the W current in the roadstead is NE corner of Pangkalan Jamrud.
stronger on the average than the E current. Developmental work, in progress, is forecast to continue.

Depths—Limitations.—The maximum draft for vessels en-

3.48 Construction will include the building of new berths and facili-
tering the access channel to the port is 9.5m, with a maximum ties to accommodate expected traffic flow.

Tanjungperak—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
TTL Container Terminal
500m 10.5m 294m — 32.2m 65,038 dwt Containers and reefer.
450m 9.0m 215m — 30.4m 45,734 dwt Containers and reefer.
Jamrud Terminal
Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/
East Berth 200m — 335m — 39.7m 15,370 dwt rail. Continuous berthing
length of 1,200m.
Jamrud North Breakbulk. Continuous
800m 9.0m 230m 9.1m 38.0m 88,279 dwt
Berth berthing length of 1,200m.

Pub. 163
96 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

Tanjungperak—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Jamrud Ro-Ro
138m 7.5m 85m — 32.2m 18,686 dwt Ro-ro/lo-lo and breakbulk.
Jamrud South
800m 7.0m 200m 7.5m 40.3m 68,955 dwt Breakbulk.
Jamrud West
156m 6.0m 200m — 32.2m 81,541 dwt Breakbulk.
Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/
West Berth 200m — 335m — 39.7m 15,370 dwt rail. Continuous berthing
length of 1,200m.
Berlian Terminal
Containers, breakbulk, and
West 730m 8.2m 215m — 29.8m 38,122 dwt
Clean products, contain-
East 780m 9.7m 231m — 32.2m 42,004 dwt ers, breakbulk, multipur-
pose, and reefer.
Containers, breakbulk, and
North 140m 7.0m 177m — 32.2m 42,004 dwt
Nilam Terminal
Cement, containers, break-
East Berth 320m 8.0m 206m — 29.8m 33,891 dwt
bulk, and reefer.
Mirah Terminal
East Berth 320m 6.0m 162m — 25.6m 17,791 dwt Breakbulk.
South Berth 320m 6.0m 162m 25.6m 17,476 dwt Breakbulk.
Bogasari Terminal
Bogasari Bulk
243m 9.0m 230m — 36.9m 92,832 dwt Grain.
Dry Bulk Terminal
Dry Bulk Jetty 245m — 235m — 32.2m 84, 094 dwt Grain.
TPS Container Terminal
Wharf No. 1 250m 10.5m 294m — 40.0m 73,235 dwt
Wharf No. 2 250m 10.5m 294m — 40.0m 73,235 dwt Containers and reefer.
Continuous berthing
Wharf No. 3 250m 10.5m 294m — 40.0m 73,235 dwt length of 1,000m.
Wharf No. 4 250m 10.5m 290m — 45.0m 175,607 dwt
450m 7.5m 150m — 25.0m 15,428 dwt Containers and reefer.
Koarmatim Terminal
Clean products, breakbulk,
and multipurpose. Bunker-
ing wharf for Navy fleet.
Koarmatim Can be used in exceptional
438m 12.0m 122m — 16.5m 5,880 dwt
Pier circumstances by commer-
cial vessels with prior per-
mission of Harbor

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 97

Tanjungperak—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Intan Terminal
Clean products, breakbulk,
Intan Berth 170m — 69m — 21.8m 8,351 dwt
and multipurpose.
AKR Bunker Terminal
Clean products and dirty
10,000 dwt; products. Berthing length
AKR Jetty 17m 7.0m 125m 6.5m 25.0m
15,000t of 118m (including dol-
BBM Semampir Terminal
Aviation fuel, clean prod-
ucts (CPP), dirty prod-
East Jetty 20m — 200m — — 35,000 dwt ucts, and bunkers.
Berthing length of 220m
(including dolphins).
Aviation fuel, clean prod-
East Jetty ucts, and dirty products.
40m — 180m — — 35,000 dwt
(Outer) Berthing length of 245m
(including dolphins).
Pertamina LPG Deport Terminal
Closed. Clean products,
Gospier Jetty 106m 9.5m 180m 8.9m — 35,000 dwt dirty products, crude,
LPG, and bunkers.
Clean products, LPG, and
Bulk Liquid breakbulk. Berthing length
26m — 160m — 25.6m 23,333 dwt
Berth of 230m (including dol-
Perak Grati Power Plant
Power Plant 30,000 dwt;
— 18.0m 185m — — Clean products.
CBM 38,000t

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. The pilot station at Ka-

Tanjungperak—Contact Information
rang Jamuang is manned 24 hours. Pilotage is available for
tankers during daylight hours only, but is available 24 hours for 62-31-3291194
other vessels. The pilot boards near No. 5 Lighted Buoy. A har- 62-31-3291364
bor pilot is available if required and boards at the Inner Roads.
The pilot should be requested 24 hours in advance. Port Authority
The Port Administration provides seven tug boats, four pilot

boats, and five mooring boats.
Special pilots are required for the Naval Basin.
3.48 Telephone 62-31-3291994
A vessel requiring a harbor pilot should display the pilot ser-

vice flag or pennant 1 and flag R.

Contact Information.—See the table titled Tanjungperk—
Contact Information Facsimile 62-31-3293994
E-mail tu.perak@pp3.co.id
Tanjungperak—Contact Information
Terminal Petikemas Surabaya
VHF VHF channels 16, 20, and 22

Pub. 163
98 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

Tanjungperak—Contact Information harbormaster’s office:

Signal Meaning
A vessel must await the
62-31-3283267 Cone, point up
harbor pilot
62-31-3283268 Cylinder A vessel must anchor
62-31-3283269 Two cylinders, disposed ver-
A vessel must moor
62-31-3283270 tically

Facsimile 62-31-3291628 Firing practice is taking

Two red lights at the harbor-
place in the SE entrance to
E-mail cs@tsp.co.id master’s office
Selat Surabaya
Web site https://www.tsp.co.id
Berlian Jasa Terminal Anchorage.—Tanjungperak roadstead is bound on the W by

the meridian of Buffels and on the E by the meridian of the

62-31-3291596 beacon atop a hill, 85m high, 1.75 miles ENE of Tanjung Ka-
62-31-3291597 mal.
Telephone Anchorage areas for commercial vessels have been designat-

62-31-3287120 ed to the N and NW of Tanjungperak and are best seen on the

62-31-3287121 chart. Anchorage A, situated N of the Commercial Basin, has
depths of about 4 to 21m; however, numerous wrecks and
Facsimile 62-31-3291598 shoals are charted within this area.
E-mail info@bjtiport.co.id A naval anchorage has also been designated N of the Naval

Basin. This area is restricted and permission must be obtained

Web site https://www.bjtiport.co.id
from the harbormaster. Shoals, with depths of less than 1m,
Teluk Lamong Terminal and marked by No. 17 Lighted Buoy, lie in the N part of this
The roadstead normally affords safe anchorage in both mon-

62-81-13531222 soons, in depths of 20m, mud and sand. When strong winds
Telephone 62-81-55260000 and tidal stream combine, a vessel may occasionally drag.
The presence of foul ground and wrecks encumbers the an-

62-81-13252665 chorage areas and caution must be observed.

62-81-13521222 Vessels at anchor in the vicinity can be affected by the

stream setting out of Kali Mas and usually lie heading S.

E-mail terminal@teluklamong.co.id Anchorage may not be taken within about 0.2 mile of the

Web site https://www.teluklamong.co.id harbor entrance or Dermaga Jamrud.

Prohibited anchoring and fishing exists N of the mouth of

Pilotage Kali Mas, near the middle of the roadstead. Another prohibited
Call sign Surabaya Pilots (PKW) area lies in the SW extremity of the roadstead. The limits of
these areas may be seen on the chart.
VHF VHF channels 6, 8, and 12
Caution.—It has been reported that buoys and other aids to

Telephone 62-31-3294065 navigation in the approaches to Surabaya are missing or unreli-

able. Several prohibited areas, best seen on the chart, exist in
Vessel Traffic Service
the vicinity.
Call sign VTS Surabaya Numerous wrecks, best seen on the chart, lie in the ap-

VHF VHF channels 68 and 83 proaches and adjacent to the port. Mariners are advised to nav-
igate with caution in the area.
MMSI 005251570
Telephone 62-31-3291755 Madura—North and South Coasts
Facsimile 62-31-3291717 3.49 The N and S coasts of Madura are described in a
E-mail surabayaradio@yahoo.com clockwise direction from Tanjung Modung, the NW extremity
of the island to Tanjung Batu Putih, on the S coast of Madura.
Tugs The W extremity of the island has been described with the N
VHF VHF channels 10, 12, 14, and 16 approach to Selat Surabaya beginning in paragraph 3.40.
Madura has an undulating surface. The hills in the W part

Signals.—Special signals are used for vessels approaching

seldom exceed 244m, while those in the E range between
Tanjungperak and are displayed from the signal station at the 305m and 477m. The E end of the island is well cultivated but

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 99

the interior of the island is, to a great extent, barren. high, is a table-topped hill, which rises 9 miles E of Gunung
The S coast of Madura is irregular in contour and in the SE
3.49 Kumbang.
part, it is fronted by numerous off-lying islands and reefs.
There are no large ports but Teluk Sumenup, situated W of Pu- 3.51 Gunung Pola (Merangan) (6°56'S., 113°42'E.), 398m
lau Puteran, is of some importance. high, rises 8.5 miles E of Gunung Waru and is the highest peak
Caution.—An Entry Restricted Area exists off the NW
3.49 on the N coast of Madura. Gunung Podjok, 167m high, 4.5
shore of Madura between 5 miles NE of Tanjung Modung and miles ENE of Gunung Pola, appears as a small conical peak
1 mile NW of Labuan. The area is similar to that surrounding from W, but is difficult to distinguish from E.
Poleng Oil Field (see paragraph 3.38). Gunung Buruan, 285m high, 12 miles WNW of Tanjung La-

An unexploded depth charge is reported to lie on the N limit

3.49 pa, is an isolated peak with a slightly jagged summit. Gunung
of the area in approximate position 6°49'S, 112°55'E. Lapa, 2 miles NW of the same point, is a detached hill, 81m
An Entry Restricted Area, best seen on the chart, exists about
3.49 high.
20 miles E of the Poleng Oil Field. With the exception of a wreck lying 18 miles NNW of Pa-

A storage tanker (7°17'S., 113°21'E.), with a depth of 21.3m

3.49 songsongan, the N coast of Madura is clear of dangers. The
alongside, is permanently moored to an SBM, about 3.5 miles depths decrease gradually as the shore is approached.
NW of Labuan, within the charted restricted area. The 20m line lies up to 3.5 miles off the N coast and up to

A berthing master boards at the anchorage to assist berthing

3.49 6.5 miles off the NE coast. The mud bottom affords good hold-
of the vessel to the storage tanker, port side-to. Vessels are ing ground everywhere. Inside the 10m line, the mud is mixed
taken to berth during daylight hours only; tugs are available. with sand. There are several rocky patches close under the
The largest vessel loaded at this terminal was 250m long
3.49 shore rendering landing difficult, but at high water, the coast is
with a displacement of 105,000 dwt. accessible everywhere.
An anchorage is situated about 2 miles farther N. Dangerous
3.49 A reef, with above and below water rocks, extends 1 mile E

wrecks lies 0.5 mile and 1 mile SSW of the SBM, within the of Tanjung Lapa. A ridge of sand, with a least depth of 2.4m,
restricted area. lies with its S end 1.3 miles NNE of Tanjung Lapa, and extends
Tanjung Bulupandan (6°54'S., 112°51'E.), about 1 mile NE
3.49 2 miles NNW. The coast in this vicinity should not be ap-
of Tanjung Modung, is low and covered with shrubs. It can be proached within 2 miles.
identified by high trees standing about 0.3 mile ENE. It should be noted that irregular depths of less than 18.3m

Between Tanjung Bulupandan and the village of Ketapang,

3.49 extend 7 miles off Tanjung Lapa. An obstruction has been re-
26.5 miles E, there are many rocks along the steep coast. ported 7 miles NE of that point. A wreck, marked by a buoy,
Ketapang stands at the junction of the coastal road and the road lies 17.5 miles NNE of Tanjung Lapa.
heading S to Sampang, on the S coast of Madura. A waterfall From Tanjung Lapa, the coast trends in a WSW direction, 12

tumbles into the sea about 1.5 miles E of the village. miles to the village of Kalianget, which is on a point at the NE
The village of Pasongsongan (6°53'S., 113°40'E.) is situated
3.49 extremity of Teluk Sumenep.
on the coast, 21 miles E of Ketapang. It may be identified by a From Tanjung Lapa to the village of Langos (7°00'S.,

prominent dark red building. The village of Ambunten, 5 miles 114°00'E.), the coast is rock fringed, then to Kalianget, the
E of Pasongsongan, is remarkable for its stone buildings and coast is low, sandy, and marshy. A shallow bay lies between
the flat cultivated land in its vicinity. Tanjung Lapa and Kalianget, bound on the S by Pulau Puteran.
The bay has depths of less than 5.5m extending 1.5 miles E of

3.50 Tanjung Lapa (6°59'S., 114°07'E.), the E extremity a line joining Tanjung Lapa and Tanjung Sarotak. The E extrem-
of Madura, is a low promontory covered with coconut palms. It ity of Pulau Puteran is entered between these two points.
lies 23 miles E of Ambunten.
The coast of Madura, from Ketapang to Tanjung Lapa, is
3.50 3.52 Gili lyang (6°59'S., 114°11'E.) is a rocky island, 33m
straight and monotonous. Several villages are situated along high near its SW end, with steep cliffs on its E side, and a
this coast. clump of trees in the middle of its N part. The island is separat-
There are some prominent peaks inland along the N coast of
3.50 ed from Tanjung Lapa by Selat Gili Iyang, which is of little im-
Madura which provide landmarks. A range of hills run parallel portance as there are shoal patches with depths of 7.3 to 11m in
with the shore, about 2.5 miles inland, and gradually increase the fairway.
in height to the E. Pulau Puteran (7°05'S., 114°00'E.), separated from Madura

Gunung Bangsereh (6°56'S., 112°58'E.), 173m high, about

3.50 by the narrow Selat Kalianget, is wooded and rather steep-to on
9 miles ESE of Tanjung Modung, with a round-topped tree on its S side. The N side slopes downward toward the coast, which
the NW slope, is prominent from the E, close inshore. is low and marshy in places. A peak, 104m high, is located 2
Gunung Berukung (6°56'S., 113°07'E.), a bare, sloping hill,
3.50 miles E of the SW extremity. A peak, 130m high, is located
229m high, 8 miles E of Gunung Bangsereh, has an isolated 1.75 miles WNW of the SE end of the island.
stand of high trees on the summit. From Kalianget, the coast trends SSW 6 miles to Tanjung

Gunung Batu Putih, a conical hill, 191m high, is 5 miles E of

3.50 Tanjung, a low, rocky point covered with a thick strand of trees.
Gunung Berukung. The hill has a broad gap on the E side, and A conspicuous grove of trees, 104m high, stand on the E ex-
four detached groups of trees on the summit, which appear as tremity of a range of hills, in a position 1.5 miles NW of Tan-
two thick trees when seen from the W. jung Tanjung.
Gunung Kumbang (6°56'S., 113°24'E.) is a flat-topped hill,
3.50 Kalianget Road comprises Teluk Sumenep and the area S,

270m high, covered with vegetation. Gunung Waru, 389m enclosed by the N coast of Gili Genteng and lines drawn from

Pub. 163
100 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

the NW and NE extremities of that island to Tanjung Tanjung a shallow bay; the land here is wooded and has a fertile appear-
and Tanjung Padike (7°05'S., 113°56'E.), the SW extremity of ance.
Pulau Puteran, respectively. Many small villages stand along the shores of the bay and

Teluk Sumenep is entered between Tanjung Padike and Tanjung

3.52 several small rivers intersect the coast. The only river of any
Tanjung. Tanjung Padike, 3m high, has a round tree on its rocky importance is the Kali Bunder which flows 4.5 miles NE of
extremity that appears as an island when viewed from the E. Tanjung Padelegan.
Teluk Sumenep is usually filled by a bank of soft mud. The

depth over the entrance bar is 2.7m and gradually shoals to the 3.54 Gunung Tambuku (7°01'S., 113°38'E.), 471m high,
head of the bay. the highest peak on Madura, rises 17 miles WNW of Tanjung
Kali Saroka (Sokrok) enters the bay 2.75 miles NW of Tan-
3.52 Tanjung. Gunung Rompeng, 433m high, stands at the W end of
jung Tanjung. A bar which dries, fronts the river. Kali Maren- the ridge, 7 miles W of Gunung Tambuku, with Gunung Se-
gan has its origin near the town of Sumenep and discharges karan, 380m high, midway between. Gunning Pajudan, 449m
into the NW corner of the bay; its entrance is closed by a mud high, lies 0.75 mile W of Gunnung Tambuku.
bar. The coast between the two rivers is low and marshy, con- Except for these three peaks, a ridge to the S obscures most

sisting mainly of salt pans. of the N ridge.

The 11m line fronts the N shore of the bay to a distance of 4

3.53 Sumenep (7°00'S., 113°52'E.) stands on the banks of miles. A mud bank and shoal ground, defined by the 11m line,
the Kali Marengan, about 4 miles inland. lies up to 9 miles E of Tanjung Padelegan. Depths of 3.6 to
The village of Kalianget (7°35'S., 113°57'E.) (World Port
3.53 5.5m are found in the entrance of the Kali Bunder, as far as the
Index No. 51202) is situated on the N side of the narrows, harbor office, situated about 1 mile up river. However, the
which separates Pulau Puteran from Madura. There is a large channel through the drying bank of mud and sand, leading to
salt factory and power house at the NW end of the village. the river entrance, has a depth of only 0.3m.
A concrete wharf, 80m long, lies W of the factory. Another
3.53 There are several islands and dangers fronting this stretch of

concrete wharf, lying SE of the factory, is 100m long, with a coast.

depth of 1.0m alongside. Vessels up to 2,500 dwt, with a maxi- Karang Gemer (7°10'S., 113°56'E.) is a coral reef well

mum loa of 90m and a maximum draft of 5.0m, can be accom- marked by discoloration.
modated. Gili Genteng (7°12'S., 113°55'E.), 45m high, is 2.5 miles S

of Tanjung Tanjung. The SE extremity of the island rises to a

rocky point 25m high. The point is connected to the main is-
land by a low narrow neck which appears as two islands from a
distance. A light is displayed from a white metal framework
tower,12m high, on the edge of the reef, close off the W end of
the island.
Gili Lawak (7°12'S., 114°03'E.), 21m high, lies 5 miles E of

Gili Genteng. Two steep-to drying coral reefs lie 2 miles W of

Gili Lawak and a steep-to coral reef with a depth of 2.4m, lies
2 miles farther W.
An isolated patch with a depth of 13.7m was reported to lie 6

miles SSW of Gili Lawak.

3.55 Gili Raja (7°13'S., 113°47'E.), fringed by a reef, lies

4 miles W of Gili Genteng; it is well wooded, and fertile. The
island rises to a height of 54m near the middle of the S side and
Kalianget is marked by a light.

The harbormaster’s office stands close E of the concrete

3.53 Gili Gilingan, a reef fringed islet, 10m high, lies 2.5 miles

wharf; a mooring buoy lies mid-channel S of the same wharf. SW of the W extremity of Gili Raja. A reef, which dries 0.3m,
Tidal currents in the narrows of Kalinget set NE and SW, at-
3.53 lies 1.75 miles SSE of Gili Gilingan, and is plainly marked by
taining a rate of 4 knots at new and full moon. discoloration. A reef fringed islet, 0.6m high, lies 1.5 miles
A wreck lies in the channel N of Kalianget.
3.53 WNW of Gili Gilingan.
Pilotage is not available. Vessels should send their ETA to

their agent 10 days, 3 days, 48 hours, and 24 hours prior to ar- Gili Dua (7°15'S., 113°40'E.), with Gili Pandan 1 mile NE,

rival. lies on a reef with above and below-water rocks. Both islets are
There is anchorage and shelter in Kalianget Roads for ves-
3.53 about 0.6m high and covered by bushes.
sels of light draft, with local knowledge. Range lights lead to Takat Wedi is a coral reef, with a small white cay, that lies

the pier and anchorage off Kalianget. 2.5 miles WNW of Gili Dua.
From Tanjung Tanjung, the S coast of Madura trends in a
3.53 A reef similar to Takat Wedi, lies about 1 mile NW. Several

WSW direction, 22.5 miles to Tanjung Padelegan (7°15'S., dry rocks lie between this reef and the shore.
113°32'E.). Bunder Road lies off the entrance to Kali Bunder. The road

On this segment of the coast, the shoreline recedes and forms

3.53 affords safe anchorage during the Northwest Monsoon. The

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 101

recommended anchorage, in a depth of 7m, lies 4.75 miles NW Monsoon, vessels can anchor under the lee of Pulau Kambing,
of Gili Dua Light. previously described in paragraph 3.45.
During the Southeast Monsoon, there is a considerable sea in
3.55 From the mouth of Kali Sampang, the coast of Madura

the roadstead, making it unsafe for anchorage. trends W to the mouth of Kali Baliga, about 6 miles distance.
Vessels approaching the anchorage should pass between Gili
3.55 The coast is fronted by a low, narrow strip of sand and a

Gilingan and the islet 1.5 miles WNW or between Gili Gilin- steep-to sand spit, most of which dries, that extends 3 miles S
gan and Gila Raja. from the entrance to Kali Baliga. There are brown patches out-
Two prohibited areas, each with a radius of 2.5 miles, are
3.55 side the spit caused by the flow of the river.
centered about 3.5 miles SE of Gili Gilingan and 3.5 miles Tanjung Batu Putih, the W entrance point to Kali Baliga, has

WNW of Gili Dua, respectively. been described with the E approach to Selat Surabaya in para-
Two obstructions, 1.5 miles apart in an E and W direction,
3.55 graph 3.44.
were reported to lie about 6.5 miles SSE of Tanjung Padelegan.
Tanjung Padelegan, which is low and marshy, is not easily
Kali Porong to Tanjung Sedano
identified. The coast to Tanjung Batu Putih, 22 miles W, is
hilly. 3.56 The NE coast of Jawa, described here from W to E,
Between Tanjung Padelegan and the village of Tambakan
3.55 forms the S side of Selat Madura. The SE entrance to Surabaya
(7°13'S., 113°20'E.), 12 miles W, the coast is rock fringed from is approached through Selat Madura.
a position 3 miles W of Tanjung Padelegan. Camplong Light is The ports of importance on this coast are, Pasuruan Road,

shown near Tambakan. A small tank farm is located on the Pelabuhan Probolinggo, Besuki Road, and Panarukan Road.
coast close W of Camplong Light. There are several peaks on Jawa which provide good land-

marks and are also described in sequence from W to E.

From Kali Porong, the coast trends in a SE direction about 6

miles to Pasuruan Road. The coast is fronted by a chain of low,

narrow, sandy islets. Inland, there are fish ponds, also separated
by sandy islets; the paddy fields extend to the foothills of the
At the S end of the plain, extending S of Surabaya, is

Gunung Penanggungan (7°37'S., 112°37'E.), 1,653m high,

and conical shaped when viewed from the E. Gunung Ardjuno
rises to a height of 3,339m, 9 miles SSW of Gunung Penanggu-
ngan; from the E, it appears as a broad ridge with three sum-
mits differing little in height.
Fronting the outer islets, there is a drying bank of mud and

sand which extends 1 mile off Pasuruan. The 5.5m line lies up
to 2 miles offshore.

3.57 Pasuruan (7°37'S., 112°55'E.) stands on the banks of

the Kali Gembong, 27 miles SSE of Surabaya. A light, shown
from a white mast, 12m high, stands at the entrance on the E
side at Keli Gembong.
Camplong Light Pasuruan Road provides shelter during the Northwest Mon-

soon, but is open to N and E winds.

A mosque stands on the coast, 2 miles E of Tambakan, and a
3.55 During the Northwest Monsoon, communication with the

another mosque is situated on the coast, 2.5 miles W of the vil- shore is seldom interrupted, although it sometimes blows hard
lage. from the NW and SW. A shoal with a least depth of 3.7m, lies
Between Tambakan and the entrance to Kali Sampang, the
3.55 less than 1 mile N of the tide gauge hut.
coast is rock fringed. Anchorage may be obtained, in a depth of 9m, 2 miles NNE

A hill, 85m high, rises 3.5 miles WNW of Tambakan and has
3.55 of the disused lighthouse on the W side of the mouth at Kali
some trees on its NW slope. A tree that makes a good mark Gambong. Due to the proximity of Tanjungperak, the anchor-
stands on its SE slope. age is only used by coasters conducting local trade.
Kali Sampang, 4 miles W of Tambakan, enters the sea near
3.55 From Pasuruan, the coast trends ESE, 7 miles to Tanjung

the E end of the narrow strip of sand. The town of Sampang, Warangan (7°39'S., 113°01'E.), a low rounded point with tall
which is not visible from seaward, stands 1.5 miles above the trees that provide a good mark from the W; they are less clearly
entrance of the shallow river. defined from E. Fishponds front the coast, from Pasuruan 4.75
The only house visible from seaward is the harbormaster’s
3.55 miles E and up to 1.75 miles from it.
office, a white building with a red roof, situated on the W bank Fronting the fishponds, there is drying sand and a mud bank

of the entrance to the river. which extends 0.75 mile seaward. It is advisable to keep in
Anchorage can be taken, in 15 to 18m, mud, about 1.75
3.55 depths of not less than 22m when rounding Tanjung Warangan.
miles from shore, with the harbor office bearing 330° and a The coast trends 7 miles SE to Tanjung Taju, then 4 miles E

bare hillock E of the town bearing 023°. During the Southeast to Probolinggo; there are several villages along this section of

Pub. 163
102 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

the coast. A white stone pyramid stands 2 miles SE of Tanjung Ketapang.

Taju (7°43'S., 113°09'E.), and marks the SW boundary of
Pelabuhan Probolinggo. A similar pyramid marks the SE 3.59 Probolinggo (7°45'S., 113°13'E.) (World Port Index
boundary, 4.5 miles E. No. 51180) stands at the head of a small basin and is ap-
The inland mountains provide good landmarks when ap-
3.57 proached through a dredged channel, 610m long and 23m
proaching Probolinggo or when in transit of Selat Madura. wide. There is quayage for small craft around the inner and
outer basins and on both sides of the channel connecting the
3.58 Gunung Tengger (7°58'S., 112°57'E.), one of the two basins. Ships are loaded and discharged in Probolinggo
most remarkable volcanoes on Jawa, is located 18 miles SSW Roads, an open lighterage port.
of Tanjung Warangan. The central crater is lower than the sur- Vessels up to 35,000 dwt, with maximum draft of 7.4m, can

rounding peaks which vary in height from 2,295 to 2,780m. be handled at the anchorage.
Between Tanjung Warangan and Probolinggo, the summit of
3.58 Probolinggo Light, a white beacon 16m high, is situated NE

Gunung Mahameru may be seen appearing above the slopes of of the town.
Gunung Tengger. At the entrance to the canal leading to Probolinggo, a frame-

Gunung Argowulan (7°54'S., 112°58'E.), 2,725m high, is

3.58 work tower, 14m high, painted green, stands on the head of the
the NE peak of Gunung Tengger and Pundak Lembu, 2,635m W mole. A similar structure, painted red, stands on the head of
high, is the E peak of the same group. Gunung Pulsari, 1,450m the E mole.
high and Gunung Penawungan, 520m high, are located 8 miles Anchorage can be taken, in 12m, mud, with the harbor entrance

ESE and 13 miles ENE, respectively, from Pundak Lembu. open and the light bearing 180°, 0.5 mile. This anchorage is partly
Gunung Lamongan (7°59'S., 113°20'E.), which rises in two
3.58 sheltered from NE winds by Pulau Ketapang. Anchorage may also
peaks to a height of 1,670m, is an active volcano with smoke be taken 1 mile NW of the light.
constantly rising from it. This volcano is 16 miles SSE of At the N end of Probolinggo is an oblong basin, with

Probolinggo. wharves for praus and lighters. A channel, with a depth of 3m,
Gunung Hiyang rises rapidly from the S to a prominent sum-
3.58 leads between the two stone breakwaters. Within the basin is a
mit, Gunung Argopura (7°58'S., 113°34'E.). This peak is depth of 2.5m. Close to the head of the W breakwater is a
3,088m high and slopes down gradually to the N, with several wreck covered by 1.2m.
summits. Pilotage is compulsory. Vessels should send their ETA to

Gunung Loros (7°44'S., 113°35'E.) is a prominent cone,

3.58 their agent 10 days, 3 days, 48 hours, and 24 hours prior to
539m high. It is visible great distances, from E,W, and N. arrival.
Near the coast, there are some conspicuous hills that form
3.58 Vessels approaching Probolinggo Road from W, steer for

excellent landmarks when the mountain peaks are obscured. Gunung Glugu with the lighthouse bearing 141°, or another
Gunung Semongkrong (7°41'S., 113°01'E.), a ridge 84m
3.58 hill about 10.5 miles SSE, with the lighthouse bearing 158°.
high, is located close S of Tanjung Warangan. Gunung Tugel, a Both of these ranges lead W of Karang Katon.
conical hill 85m high, is located 5.5 miles SE of Gunung When approaching from E, vessels may pass on either side

Semongkrong. of Pulau Ketapang, or between that island and Karang Katon,

Gunung Glugu, 5 miles SE of Probolinggo, is 104m high.
3.58 depending on draft. Gunung Glugu, in range with the hill 5
There are trees on its top darker than the others. The lights of miles S, bearing 178°, leads E of Pulau Ketapang.
the sugar mills along the coast are visible at night. Caution.—A torpedo firing range extends 3 miles S and 2

Pulau Ketapang (7°41'S., 113°15'E.) is a low sparsely

3.58 miles E from the E extremity of Pulau Ketapang. Fishing is
wooded island, 12m high, lying in the N approach to prohibited in the area. When practice is taking place, a black
Probolinggo. A flagstaff stands on the E end of the island. Ka- cylinder above the national flag will be displayed by the firing
rang Katon, 2 miles SE of Pulau Ketapang, is a small patch of and recovery vessels. Similar signals are also displayed at the
sand, shells, and stones, with a depth of 7.9m. breakwater lighthouse and flagstaff on the E end of Pulau
Karang Nangkok and Karang Munira, with depths of 11.9
3.58 Ketapang. At night, a red light is shown at the lighthouse.
and 11m, respectively, lie between Karang Katon and Pulau

Probolinggo—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Tanjung Tembaga Terminal
STS Transhipment — — Transshipment, Fishing, Breakbulk. Draft 7.4m, 35,000 dwt.
Terminal Petikemas Semarang (TPKS)
Tanjung Tembaga Coal, Breakbulk.
294m —
Jetty North
Tanjung Tembaga Vegetable Oils, Coal, Breakbulk, Multipurpose.
294m —
Jetty South
Perak Grati Power Plant

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 103

Probolinggo—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Power Plant CBM — 18.0m Clean Products (CCP), LOA 185m, 30,000 dwt.

3.60 Tanjung Gerinting (Grinting) (Bedulan) (7°42'S., 114°. The reef will be cleared when Gunung Loros bears 180°.
113°29'E.) is a low, sandy, and steep-to point 16 miles E of Tanjung Ketah (7°43'S., 113°42'E.), the NE entrance point

Probolinggo. The point is hard to identify. The intervening to Besuki Road, is low, flat, rounded, and marshy. Kali Delu-
coast is low and covered with paddy fields. wang flows into the sea here.
The coast is fronted by a drying sand and mud bank which can
3.60 Between Tanjung Ketah and Tanjung Pasir Putih, about 6

be safely approached by sounding, except off Tanjung Gerinting. miles E, the coast is flat and wooded with high coconut palms.
At certain times of the year, the lights of the sugar factories,
3.60 The coastal bank extends 0.3 mile off Tanjung Pasir Putih.
on or near the coast, may be visible from seaward. The chimney of a sugar mill may be seen behind the palm

Tanjung Kraksaan lies 11 miles E of Probolinggo. The point

3.60 trees. From Tanjung Pasir Putih to Tanjung Pecaron, 3.3 miles
may be recognized by trees standing in the water at the mouth ENE, the coast is formed by the spurs of Gunung Ringgit; a
of the river. Tanjung Kraksaan extends N. narrow reef fringes this coast.
Kraksaan Road affords anchorage, in a depth of 18m, N of
3.60 Tanjung Pecaron (7°41'S., 113°52'E.), the W entrance point

Tanjung Kraksaan, bound by the parallel of Tanjung Gerinting of Panarukan Road, is formed by a conical hill 62m high,
and the meridians of 113°23.5'E and 113°26.5'E. Close to the which appears as an islet when seen from a distance.
coast forming its S boundary is a large warehouse with a zinc A tomb, surrounded by tall trees, stands on its summit.

From Tanjung Gerinting, the low coast continues for 4.5 miles E
3.60 3.62 Gunung Ringgit (7°43'S., 113°51'E.) is the W sum-
where the slope from Gunung Loros reaches the coast. Here, there mit of a range, which rises 3 miles within the coast, and has
is only a narrow strip of sandy beach, fronted by a drying reef, several steep peaks. Its highest summit is 1,250m.
which extends for 5.5 miles E to the village of Taman. Gunung Gunung Beser, 1,303m high, rises 5.5 miles SSW of Gunung

Temporah, 99m high, rises close W of the village. Ringgit and is one of several prominent peaks that rise E of
A measured distance marked by three pairs of beacons is es-
3.60 Gunung Argopuru. Gunung Malang, 250m high, stands 2.3
tablished on the coast. The W pair of beacons stand 3.5 miles miles ENE of Gunung Ringgit; Gunung Kukusan, 509m high,
ESE of Tanjung Gerinting. with a village on its summit, rises 1 mile S of Gunung Malang.
An ammunition dumping ground is situated about 4.5 miles
3.60 A prominent peak, 600m high, stands 0.75 mile SSW of

NE of Tanjung Gerinting (Grinting). Kukusan.

Karang Kerandji (Pulau Kerandji) (7°42'S., 113°35'E.), a Within the coast SE and ESE of Gunung Ringgit are some

steep-to coral patch with a depth of 2.4m, lies 0.75 mile N of mountains identifiable in clear weather.
the E pair of the measured distance beacons. Gunung Raung (8°07'S., 114°03'E.), 26 miles SSE of

Paiton (7°42'S., 113°35'E.) has a coal-fired power station Gunung Ringgit, is a volcano 3,332m high, with a large plateau
complex and jetties for discharging coal from barges and bulk on its summit. Gunung Raung last erupted March 10th-16th
carriers. The multipurpose terminal offers seven jetties which 2023. Gunung Merapi, at the E end of the range, is 2,800m
accommodate vessels up to 45,000 dwt with no draft restric- high and conical. Spurs descend from this mountain range to
tions. Selat Bali.
Gunung Ringgih (7°59'S., 114°13'E.), 1,995m, is the high-

3.61 Besuki (7°44'S., 113°41'E.) is the capital of the est summit of a mountain range N of Gunung Merapi.
residency. Vessels calling here must anchor in Besuki Road The two mountain ranges, of which Gunung Merapi and

which fronts the town between Gunung Temporah and Tanjung Gunung Ringgih are a part, form an almost circular ring of
Ketah, and is bound on the N by the parallel of the latter point, peaks around a table, covering an area of approximately 25
and on the W by the meridian of Gunung Temporah, and the square miles; this is known as Idjen Plateau.
coast. Gunung Baluran (7°50'S., 114°22'E.), 1,247m high, rises

A light, shown from a metal framework structure, black and

3.61 near the NE extremity of Jawa. Baluran forms the SW side of a
white bands, stands on the W bank of the Kali Besuki, N of Besu- crater that is broken down on its NE side.
ki. Close W of the crater are two peculiar reddish-brown knobs

A reddish banyan tree stands about 0.6 mile SSE of the light,
3.61 lying close together.
and two warehouses with red roofs stand close S of the tree. A
flagstaff stands 0.2 mile S and a sugar factory and chimney are 3.63 Panarukan (Pelabuhan Panarukan) (7°42'S.,
0.5 mile E, respectively, of the banyan tree. 113°56'E.) (World Port Index No. 51200) is situated on the low
Anchorage may be obtained, in a depth of 18m, 0.5 mile NW
3.61 coast, 1 mile E of the head of the bight, between the two points
of the light. that form Panarukan Road.
Vessels approaching Besuki Road from E should steer on
3.61 The port was reconstructed and extended to 597m from the

Gunung Temporah, bearing 242°, keeping in depths of 18.3m. old port. The draft alongside on the extended port is 5m.
Vessels from W, should pass well N of Karang Kerandji by The town stands on the banks of Kali Sampean, and may be

keeping the N point of Gunung Temporah bearing not less than easily identified from sea by the many zinc-roofed warehouses.

Pub. 163
104 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

A light, shown from a metal framework tower, 14m high,

3.63 The 18.3m line lies up to 1.5 miles offshore along this coast,

black and white bands, and a flagstaff E of it are difficult to but is charted only about 0.1 mile off Tanjung Jangkar.
identify. There is a short pier near the flagstaff and a longer Karang Putih (7°41'S., 114°10'E.), 2 miles offshore, 8.5

pier 365m SW. miles SE of Tanjung Pacenan, has a depth of 1.5m.

Foul ground lies 1.3 miles N of the light; Karang Jamun-
3.63 The town of Jangkarlor (7°43'S., 114°12'E.) lies at the head

gang (7°41.3'S., 113°55.5'E.), with a depth of 4.6m, lies 0.75 of a small bight, about 2 miles SW of Tanjung Jangkar. Sugar
miles NNE of the light. is exported from the road off Jangkar. There are two piers at the
Two more shoals, with depths of 2.1m and 3.3m, lie about
3.63 head of the bight; one is about 91m long.
0.6 mile N of the same light. A prominent warehouse with a zinc roof is situated in the

The mouth of Kali Sampean lies 0.75 mile NNE of the light,;
3.63 town and a sugar factory with a chimney stands 3 miles S of
a drying mud bank extends 0.75 mile N of the river. A beacon, Tanjung Jangkar.
0.3 mile ENE of Karang Jamungan, marks the W limit of this Anchorage may be obtained, in a depth of 15m, 1.3 miles N

mud bank. of the town. A 4.5m patch lies 1 mile NW of Jangkar; a 1.4m
Panarukan Road is bound by a line joining Tanjung Pecaron
3.63 patch lies 1 mile further W.
and Tanjung Paras on the N and the coast on the S. From April Tanjung Cotek (Tanjung Tjotek) (7°45'S., 114°19'E.) lies 5
to December, working cargo with lighters at the anchorages miles SE of Tanjung Jangkar. The coast between the two points
can be carried out without difficulty. is low and sandy, with marshy ground inland.
During the Northwest Monsoon, especially during January
3.63 Tanjung Lumut lies 3.75 miles E of Tanjung Cotek. There is

and February, there is a short sea so that lighters cannot be ful- a small group of tall trees on Tanjung Lumut, and Gunung Bal-
ly loaded, and may have difficulty in berthing alongside. uran rises 5.5 miles S of the point.
Pilotage is not compulsory. Vessels should send their ETA 48
3.63 Between Tanjung Cotek and Tanjung Lumut, a chain of islets

hours in advance. lies parallel with the coast about 0.5 mile offshore.
Anchorage for moderate size vessels may be taken, in a
3.63 Small local craft can obtain shelter within the narrow chan-

depth of 16m, 0.75 mile NW of the flagpole. Deep-draft ves- nel, which has depths of 7.3 to 12.8m.
sels should anchor farther seaward.
Vessels approaching Panarukan Road from E will clear the
3.63 3.65 Tanjung Sumbertboto (7°47'S., 114°26'E.) lies 4.75
reef fringing Tanjung Paras, by keeping the light bearing S of miles SE of Tanjung Lumut. Close NW of Tanjung Sumberba-
195°. It should be noted that the depths decrease sharply within tok, there are some above-water rocks.
the 20m line. A measured distance of 7,177m is established between Tan-

From Panarukan Road, the coast trends in a NE direction for

3.63 jung Lumut and Tanjung Sumberbatok and is marked by two
8.3 miles to Tanjung Pacenan, then SE about 30 miles to Tan- pairs of beacons. The NW pair stand 0.75 mile SE of Tanjung
jung Sedano. Lumut and the SE pair 1 mile SE of Tanjung Sumberbatok.
Kalbut Situbondo Terminal consists of the storage tanker
3.63 The running course is 124° and 304°, at a distance of 2.75
New Renown, which is 240,830 dwt, 319m long, and anchored miles from the coast.
about 4.2 miles W of Tanjung Pacenan in approximate position Tanjung Sedano (7°50'S., 114°28'E.), the NE extremity of

7°36.8'S, 113°58.2'E. Pilotage is compulsory and berthing is Jawa, is located 2.5 miles SE of Tanjung Sumberbatok. It may
done in daylight only. be identified by three steep-to precipitous rocky cliffs at the ex-
tremity of a spur from Gunung Baluran.
3.64 Tanjung Pacenan (7°36'S., 114°02'E.), 8 miles NE of Pulau Karangmas (Gosong Karangmas) (7°40'S.,
Panarukan, is a rounded steep-to point formed by low, narrow, 114°26'E.) lies 6 miles offshore, NE of Tanjung Lumut; it is the
sandy islets. The islets and fish ponds extend 1 mile S. Tanjung E of five reefs, partly dries, and has some bushes on it.
Pacenan Light stands at a height of 43m on the point. Discolored water extends 0.5 mile SW from the E reef, and

Kalbut Road is about midway between Tanjung Paras and

3.64 two reefs with depths of 8.8 to 11m, lie within 1.5 miles SW.
Tanjung Pacenan, and is used by the sugar factories in the vi- Reefs, with depths of 4.5m and 11m, lie 1 mile NW and 0.75
cinity for the shipment of sugar. mile N, respectively, of Pulau Karangmas. A light shown from
3.64From the W, the position of Kalbut can be identified by the an eight-sided metal tower, 16m high, is situated on Pulau Ka-
numerous praus always lying in the road, and the tall palm rangmas.
trees lining the coast, NE of Tanjung Paras. Anchorage may be obtained in the basin between the reefs,

From N and NW, a sugar factory, with a chimney, lies about

3.64 0.5 mile SW of the light, in a depth of 44m. This anchorage can
3 miles SE of Kalbut, and may be seen over the low land. be reached by steering a course of 072° with the light ahead.
From Tanjung Pacenan, the low sandy coast extends SE, 13
3.64 With good light, the edge of the reef can be avoided due to its
miles to Tanjung Jangkar, a low point covered with high trees. discoloration.

Paiton—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Paiton Power Plants Terminal
Berth Length 230m (including dolphins), 453m (Continu-
JP Jetty 205m —

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 105

Paiton—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
JP Materials Jetty 30m — Coal.
PEC Coal Jetty (E) 212m — Coal. Berth Length 254m (including dolphins) 508m contin-
PEC Coal Jetty (W) 210m —
Coal. Berth Length 254m (including dolphins) 508m contin-
PLN Jetty 205m —
Clean products (CPP), Breakbulk, Berth Length 184m (in-
PLN Oil Jetty 37m —
cluding dolphins).
PLN Jetty 180m — Coal.

Selat Madura current flows twice daily in each direction, at the change of the
tide. The tidal currents under the Jawa and Madura shores are
3.66 Selat Madura is the wide and deep strait between not as strong as in the middle of Selat Madura, the maximum
Madura on the N and the NE coast of Jawa on the S. Entry into rate being about 0.5 knot.
the strait from the E is through the Bali Sea or from NE, Caution.—Selat Madura is used extensively for naval exer-

through Selat Sapudi. Light-draft vessels may proceed from the cises. For the limits of these areas and for mined areas refer to
W end of Selat Madura to Tanjungperak, then N through Selat Pub. 120, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean
Surabaya. and Southeast Asia.
The N and S coast of Selat Madura have been described be-
3.66 Anchorage is prohibited in an area with a radius of 5 miles,

ginning in paragraph 3.55; the approach to Selat Surabaya centered about 12 miles E of Zwaantjes Reef (7°28'S.,
from the W extremity of Selat Madura has been described in 113°07'E.). An explosives dumping area, lies near the center of
paragraph 3.39. the prohibited anchorage area.
Winds—Weather.—The monsoons in Selat Madura are rel-
3.66 Unexploded depth charges lie, both within and outside the

atively weak, the Southeast Monsoon being stronger. The high limits, of the NE quadrant of the prohibited anchorage area.
land on both sides of the strait create land and sea breezes There is also an unexploded depth charge, charted 9.3 miles
which interfere with the steadiness of the monsoonal winds. NW of Tanjung Pacenan. All other known dangers in Selat
The Southeast Monsoon commences in April and blows
3.66 Madura have been discussed.
from an ESE direction until September. It is stronger and
steadier at night on the S side of the strait. The sea breeze op- Selat Sapudi
poses the Southeast Monsoon during the day to give light vari-
able winds. On the N side of the strait contrary conditions will 3.67 Selat Sapudi is a wide and deep channel that lies be-
produce steady winds by day and weak and variable winds at tween Gili Yang and Pulau Sapudi (7°08'S., 114°20'E.), 7.5
night. miles SE. The strait is used by vessels as passage from Singa-
The Northwest Monsoon, from W of WNW, is impeded by
3.66 pore to Australia, as well as those bound for Selat Madura and
the intervening mountains, but is more reliable in January and Selat Bali. The strait is prominent by radar.
February. During these months, the wind is more constant near Tembaga Reefs (7°07'S., 114°09'E.), a group of three reefs, lie

the Jawa coast in daytime and on the Madura side at night. on the W side of Selat Sapudi, 7.5 miles SSW of Gili Yang. The
A cloudless, but very hazy sky, is the prevailing feature of
3.66 NE reef of the group partially dries and has a stranded wreck on its
the Southeast Monsoon, when rain seldom falls. The wet sea- N side. The S reef, with a depth of 0.6m, lies 0.75 miles SSW and
son lasts from December to March, though thunder squalls are the W reef, which dries, lies 1.3 miles SW of the NE reef.
infrequent. There is a clear channel, with a depth of 11 to 16.5m, be-

Tides—Currents.—The horizontal movement of the water

3.66 tween Tembaga Reefs and Pulau Puteran, 3.75 miles to the W.
in Selat Madura is a mixture of monsoon currents and practi- Yacoba Elisabett, a coral rock. with a depth of 12m, lies 4.5

cally semi-diurnal tidal currents. miles SSE of Gili Yang; the rock is steep-to. An obstruction
In the vicinity of Zwaantjes Reef (7°28'S., 113°07'E.), the
3.66 was reported to lie 4 miles ENE of this coral rock.
latter predominates and near Gosong Karangmas (7°40'S., Tides—Currents.—The horizontal movement of water in

114°26'E.), the monsoon currents predominate. Selat Sapudi is a mixture of monsoonal current and tidal
Between these two positions the conditions are variable.
3.66 stream.
Vessels approaching the E entrance to Selat Surabaya will
3.66 There is no regular connection between the changes in the

find that the monsoon current is no longer perceptible and that horizontal and vertical movements of the water, but generally,
the tidal currents have increased considerably. In the vicinity of the flood tidal current appears to set S, and the ebb N.
Zwaances Reef, the average rate of the tidal current is 1 knot, During the Southeast Monsoon, the current sets N and in the

increasing to 1.5 knots at full and new moon and decreasing, Northwest Monsoon, S. When the current and tidal stream co-
toward the quarters, to about 0.5 knot. incide and are running together, they attain a rate of 2 knots.
The direction is E with the ebb and W with the flood. The
3.66 Caution.—Mined areas may exist in Selat Sapudi; for fur-

Pub. 163
106 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

Gayam Wharf and Cupola

ther information see Pub. 120, Sailing Directions (Planning The pier has a prominent red-roofed cupola on its head, and

Guide) for Southeast Asia. a light shown from a wooden mast, 12m high, stands nearby.
Submarines exercise frequently in an area bound by the par-
3.67 Tribung Light is shown from a white eight-sided framework

allels 7°14'S and 7°24'S, and between the meridians 114°20'E tower, 59m high, 5.5 miles NNW of Gayam. The village of Tri-
and 114°40'E. bung is situated about 1.3 miles SSE of the light. The island of
An explosives dumping ground, best seen on the chart, is
3.67 Pulau Sapudi is reef fringed.
centered 7 miles SW of the SW extremity of Pulau Sapudi and Anchorage may be taken in the Northwest Monsoon, in a depth

9 miles SSE of Yacoba Elisabett. of 35m, mud, 0.4 mile S of the pier at Gayam. During the South-
A gas pipeline, oriented 070°-250°, is located about 3 miles
3.67 east Monsoon, the preferred anchorage, in depths of 29 to 33m,
S of the explosive dumping ground. lies 0.5 mile W of Tribung Light. These anchorages are unsuitable
for a prolonged stay, and when the monsoon current and tidal cur-
Kepulauan Sapudi rents coincide, eddies and whirlpools may cause a foul anchor.
Pulau Payangan (6°58'S., 114°26'E.) is the farthest N of

3.68 Kepulauan Sapudi, on the E side of Selat Sapudi, con- this group. It lies on a steep-to reef, 7 miles NE of Pulau Sapu-
sists of 13 principal islands. The largest of the group is Pulau di. A patch, with a depth of 11m, is located 2.5 miles NNW of
Sapudi, with the others extending E 30 miles to Pulau Goagoa. Pulau Payangan.
With the exception of Pulau Sapudi and Pulau Raas, 4.5
3.68 Pulau Bulumanuk lies on a drying reef, 3.5 miles SE of Pu-

miles E, all the islands are low and flat. Some of the islands are lau Payangan. The reef, which is steep-to on its E and S sides,
inhabited and considerable trade is carried out by praus, princi- extends up to 1 mile offshore.
pally at the beginning and the end of the Southeast Monsoon.
Pulau Sapudi (7°08'S., 114°20'E.) rises to a height of 120m
3.68 3.69 Pulau Raas (7°09'S., 114°33'E.) lies 4 miles E of Pu-
in its SE part. The island lies 11 miles SE of Tanjung Lapa, the lau Sapudi. The island rises to a height of 25m in the W and
E extremity of Madura. There is a stone pier and flagstaff at 49m in the E. The middle part is low and when viewed from a
Gayam (7°10'S., 114°20'E.), the principal village on the is- distance, it appears as two islands.
land. The island is fringed by a steep-to drying reef on its S and W

Pub. 163
Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura 107

sides. A reef, which dries, extends 4.5 miles N. Pulau Sarok, separated from the E coast of Pulau Bawean by a foul channel
which is wooded and provides a good landmark, is located 1 mile 1.75 miles wide, is a thickly-wooded islet that rises to a height
within the N extremity of the drying reef. A detached reef, with a of 105m.
sand cay, lies 4 miles NE of the W extremity of Pulau Raas. Karang Bitian (Bitian) (5°52'S., 112°52'E.), the E of the
Koset (7°04'S., 114°29'E.), a reef with a least depth of 3.3m,
3.69 known dangers off this coast, is a narrow, elongated reef, with a
is located 4.5 miles N of NW extremity of Pulau Raas. The reef least depth of 5.8m. Karang Bungarang, an above-water rock,
is usually marked by discoloration. lies on an extensive reef, 5.5 miles W of Karang Bitian.
Reiger, a reef with a depth of 7m, lies 4 miles ENE of Koset,
3.69 Pulau Noko (5°53'S., 112°42'E.), a low brush-covered islet,

and is not marked by discoloration. lies off the SE coast of Pulau Bawean, 5 miles WSW of Karang
Selat Raas is a deep and clear channel that lies between Pulau
3.69 Bungarang and is fringed by a reef extending about 0.4 mile
Sapudi and Pulau Raas. The strait is seldom used by large ships as offshore. An 11m patch lies 3 miles SSE of Pulau Noko and an
the currents run at a greater rate than at Selat Sapudi. 8.5m patch lies 3.8 miles ESE of the same islet.
Pulau Tundu (Tonduk) (7°10'S., 114°40'E.) has a hill, 30m
3.69 There are numerous shoals lying off the E coast of Pulau

high, with a flat summit. The island lies on a drying reef, which Bawean, which may best be seen on the chart.
extends 2.75 miles NW from its N extremity. Tanjung Layar (5°52'S., 112°41'E.), 3.8 miles SW of Tan-
Three low reef-fringed islands lie between 5 miles N and
3.69 jung Klumpang, is the extremity of a peninsula 183m high,
3.75 miles NNE of Pulau Tonduk. They are, from N to E, Pulau connected to the island by a low isthmus. Tanjung Layar is bar-
Telango Air, Pulau Telango Tengah, and Pulau Telango Timur. ren and from a distance appears as an islet.
Pulau Goagoa (7°08'S., 114°46'E.) lies on the SE extremity
3.69 Tanjung Alangalang (5°52'S., 112°37'E.), 4 miles W of

of an extensive reef which extends 3 miles NW. Pulau Kamudi, Tanjung Layar, is the extremity of another peninsula, 70m
1 mile NE of Pulau Goagoa, is surrounded by a white sandy high, which appears as an islet when seen from seaward. There
beach. A light is situated on the E side of Pulau Kamudi. are some large above-water rocks on the coastal reef, which ex-
The channel that extends NW between the reefs of Pulau
3.69 tends 0.3 mile from the point.
Tundu and Pulau Goagoa is deep and clear of dangers, except
for a 14m patch, 1.75 miles SW of Pulau Goagoa. 3.72 Sangkapura Road (5°52'S., 112°37'E.) (World Port
Index No. 51110), is bound by the parallel of Tanjung Alang-
Pulau Bawean and Off-lying Islands alang on the S and the coast on the N, and between the meridi-
ans of Tanjung Alangalang and Tanjung Layar.
3.70 Pulau Bawean lies 60 miles N of Ujung Pangkah, the A stone pier, about 0.2 mile long, projects SSW from the

W entrance point of Selat Surabaya. The mountainous, wooded head of Sangkapura Road, close SW of the village of Sangka-
island rises to a height of 656m, near its center; it is surrounded pura. Sangkapura Light (5°43'S., 112°39.2'E.) is shown from a
by dangerous reefs. Parts of the S and NW coasts of the island white metal framework tower, which is reported to have a
are low, but elsewhere the mountain ridges reach the coast. height of 20m. A breakwater, about 0.2 mile long, is built
Gosong Gia lies 45 miles NE of Pulau Bawean. Masalembo-
3.70 across the reef S of the pier.
kecil and Masalembo-besar lie about 100 miles ENE of the Numerous reefs and dangers lie in the road. Timbul Reef,

same island and are described in paragraph 3.73. with a least depth of 1.8m, lies on the W side of the entrance
Tides—Currents.—In the vicinity of Pulau Bawean, generally,
3.70 range. Other charted dangers lie on both the E and W sides of
the flood current sets to the E and the ebb current sets to the W. the range.
The horizontal movement of the water is almost entirely due to the Tanjung Alangalang and Tanjung Layar are useful landmarks

monsoons. No greatest observed rate has been than 2 knots. as is Gunung Maloko, 0.75 mile NNE of the root of the pier.
Tanjung Mentigi (5°43'S., 112°41'E.), the N extremity of
3.70 A range, with lighted beacons in line bearing 000°, leads be-

Pulau Bawean, is 98m high, partly cultivated, and marked by a tween the dangers. The front beacon stands on the beach 1 mile
light. Tanjung Gebang lies 2.8 miles ESE of Tanjung Mentigi. WNW of the pier and the rear beacon is on a hill, 1 mile N.
The coast then trends 5.5 miles in a S direction to Tanjung
3.70 Anchorage may be obtained by large vessels in depths of 22

Klumpang. to 26m, 0.6 mile S of the pier. Small vessels may anchor on the
Reefs extend 9.5 miles from the E coast of Pulau Bawean,
3.70 range line 0.75 mile W of the pier head.
rendering the approach on this side dangerous. A wreck, best Continuous SE and SW winds raise a heavy swell in the

seen on the chart, lies 27 miles E of the S tip of Pulau Bawean. roadstead. A swell also sets in with winds between W and NW.
The shoals show little discoloration, and although the water
3.70 Camar Marine Terminal (6°18'S., 113°00'E.) (World Port

is quite clear, they are first seen only when the ship is right over Index No. 50972), stands about 33 miles SE of Pulau Bawean
them. The reefs that uncover do not show much discoloration in the Camar Oil Field; a restricted area surrounds the field.
when submerged. Two lighted oil production platforms stand in the E edge and
Karang Gosong (5°46'S., 112°51'E.) lies about 5.5 miles off
3.70 NE parts of the restricted area.
the E coast of Pulau Bawean. The reef is always covered, but Caution.—Best seen on chart, an obstruction lies 1.5 miles

has numerous heads just below the surface. S of the E platform. A dangerous unmarked wreck lies 14
The remains of a stranded wreck may be visible on the NE
3.70 miles S of the NE platform.
side of the reef. A 2.4m sandy patch lies 2 miles N of Karang
Gosong, and is the NE danger off the E side of Pulau Bawean. 3.73 Tanjung Gaang (5°51'S., 112°34'E.), the SW extrem-
ity of Pulau Bawean, 3.3 miles NW of Tanjung Alangalang, is
3.71 Gili (5°48'S., 112°46'E.), surrounded by reefs and a low bare rocky tongue of land. Inland of the point the land

Pub. 163
108 Sector 3. Jawa—North Coast and Madura

rises to a hill, 212m high. 1.75 miles WNW of Nusa, and a below-water rock lies 1 mile
3.73Tanjung Gili (5°48'S., 112°34'E.), the W extremity of the is- N of the same reference point.
land, lies 2.3 miles N of Tanjung Gaang. The densely-wooded The entire area should be avoided, although most of the shoals

point, 47m high, is easy to identify. can be seen in clear weather from a relatively short distance.
3.73Teluk Bangsal is entered between Tanjung Gili and a low Pulau Bila (Bila) (5°45'S., 112°36'E.), a wooded islet, 48m
point, 1 mile NNE. high, lies near the end of a coastal reef in a position 2.3 miles
3.73Anchorage, by vessels with local knowledge, is available in NNE of Tanjung Cina.
the bay during the Southeast Monsoon. Masalembo-Besar (5°33'S., 114°26'E.), about 100 miles

Tanjung Cina (Tjina) (5°47'S., 112°35'E.), 2.5 miles N of ENE of Pulau Bawean, is a small thickly wooded island, 197m
Tanjung Gili, is a wooded peninsula, 116m high, connected to high, surrounded by reefs. The reef, when covered, is usually
the main island by a very low, sandy isthmus. well marked by discoloration. The island was reported to be ra-
3.73From Tanjung Cina, the coast trends in a NE direction about dar conspicuous at a distance of 29 miles.
7 miles to Tanjung Mentigi, a point previously described in There is a small port on the N side of the island with a T-

paragraph 3.69. Promahan Bay lies on the W side of Tanjung head jetty, 472m long. There is a buoyed approach channel
Mentigi. through the reef that leads to the pier.
3.73Anchorage, with local knowledge, may be obtained in Pro- A light, shown from a metal framework tower with red and

mahan Bay, in depths of 15 to 20m. Care must be taken to white stripes, stands on the summit of the island. A dangerous
avoid a reef, with a depth of 4.5m, which extends 0.75 mile NE wreck lies about 6 miles WNW of the light. An ammunition
from the W entrance point of the bay. dumping ground exists 10 miles WNW of the light.
3.73Caution.—A 4.5m patch lies 4.75 miles WSW of Tanjung Masalembo-kecil (5°26'S., 114°26'E.), 4.3 miles N of Masa-

Alangalang. This patch is the farthest SW danger charted off lembo-Besar, is 79m high and fringed by a drying reef. The reef,
the W coast of Pulau Bawean. when covered, is usually well marked by discoloration. The reef
3.73A below water rock lies 0.75 mile SW of Tanjung Gili and a on the NW side of the island does not cover. An unused aluminum
12m patch lies 2 miles farther SW. A reef, with a below-water light stands on the S extremity of the island.
rock off its outer end, extends 1.3 miles NW from Tanjung Gi- A detached 4.6m patch lies 0.75 mile outside the fringing

li. reef off the SE side of the island, and is not marked by discol-
3.73A below-water rock lies in the middle of the entrance to oration.
Teluk Bangsal. Discolored water was reported, 31 miles W of Masalembo-

3.73Numerous wrecks lie in the waters between Pulau Bawean kecil. Discolored water was reported in 1981, 10 miles WSW
and the islands of Jawa and Madura. These wrecks can best be of Masalembo-kecil.
seen on the chart. Gosong Gia (Annie Florence Reef) (5°12'S., 113°17'E.), 47
3.73An oil rig lies as a dangerous wreck about 31 miles SE of miles NE of Pulau Bawean, is small in extent, and dries at low
Pulau Bawean. The wreck is marked by lighted buoys. water. When covered, the reef shows little discoloration, but
3.73Another dangerous wreck unmarked, lies 14 miles further S. sometimes breaks heavily.
A patch of 14.6m, gravel and sand, lies about 9 miles ENE of

3.74 Nusa (Noesa) (5°45'S., 112°32'E.), a high, bare rock, this reef. In clear weather, Pulau Bawean can be seen from the
is 2.5 miles WNW of Tanjung Cina. A reef, with a depth of vicinity of the reef. A wreck lies 16.5 miles SE of Gosong Gia.
0.9m, lies 1.3 miles SSW of Nusa. A 4.9m patch lies about

Pub. 163
Sector 4—Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

4.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 163



Plan.—This sector describes the S extremity of Sumatera,

4.0 104°33'E.) and Pulau Panaitan (6°35'S., 105°13'E.), N of the
the Selat Sunda, and the W and S coasts of Jawa, as far E as W end of Jawa, is about 52 miles wide. The charted features, at
Tanjung Bantenan (8°47'S., 114°32'E.). the entrance of the strait, are radar identifiable at a distance of
The descriptive sequence is N and S from Tanjung Serdang
4.0 35 miles. Vessels over 100,000 dwt do not use Selat Sunda.
(4°27'S., 105°54'E.) to Cukuh Balimbing (5°56'S., 4.2The S coast of Sumatera, which forms the N side of Selat
104°33'E.), then to the E, describing the S coast of Jawa. Sunda, slopes gently down to the sea. It is densely wooded and
has several high peaks inland. Several extensive indentations
General Remarks complete the S coast of Sumatera.
4.2The W coast of Jawa is not high, with a low coast over a
4.1 Winds—Weather.—The SE monsoons which prevail large portion of its length; it is also densely wooded.
between April and November bring good weather and clear 4.2Winds—Weather.—The Southeast Monsoon prevails from
skies. The winds near the coast are NE during the day shifting April to September, but does not attain any great degree of con-
to SW at night. stancy until August. It is particularly unsteady in the daytime
4.1December through March brings the NW monsoon with W and variable winds are common. In August and September, the
to NW, generally light winds. Periods of stronger winds are not monsoon blows strong and steady from SE and SSE, particu-
uncommon with squalls encountered near the coast. larly off the Jawa coast at night when the land breeze reinforces
4.1Rain is common between October and April. Much of the the monsoon.
heavy weather persists overnight over much of the sea. Visibil- 4.2The Northwest Monsoon arrives at the end of November.
ity is frequently limited in these storms. This results in WSW winds in December, W winds in January,
4.1Tides—Currents.—The flood current sets NE and the ebb and WNW winds in February.
current sets SW; both are weak. In the channel, the flood cur- 4.2Clouded skies and SW squalls are frequent, the later occur-
rent sets NE and may attain velocities of 4.8 knots during W ring during the Northwest Monsoon and accompanied by thun-
winds. der. The rainfall corresponds with the monsoons, the
4.1Between Terumbu Kalihat (Stroom Rock) (5°55’S, Northwest Monsoon months being the rainier. December and
105°49’E) and Kepulauan Sumur, tidal currents are very January have the greatest rainfall, with September the least.
strong, attaining a maximum rate of 6 knots; eddies and rips 4.2The state of the sea is generally rough. Heavy swells are not un-
may occur. common, particularly during the stronger period of the Northwest
4.1Along the NW and S shores of Pulau Singiang, the combined Monsoon, when the current is running counter to the prevailing
SW setting tidal and nontidal current is strong; E of Pulau wind. As a rule, the sea is calmest in March, July, and November.
Sangiang, typical tidal currents occur. 4.2Tides—Currents.—During the Northwest Monsoon, cur-
4.1Rips and whirlpools occur along the SW shore of Pulau rent direction varies through Selat Sunda. From April to Sep-
Sangiang. tember, the currents are SW to S at a rate of about 0.75 knots.
4.1Rips occur at Terumbu Gosal (Winsor Rock). From October to March, the currents are NE to N at the same
4.1Rips occur when tidal current speed exceeds 1 knot. rate. When the winds are from the NW through N to NNE, the
4.1Between Pulau Merak and the coast of Java, the current current sets S to SW at up to 1.3 knots.
speed does not exceed 2 knots. 4.2The tidal currents in Selat Sunda, when combined with the
4.1Near Kepulaun Seribu, the E current is always stronger than currents described above, are strong and mainly diurnal. Where
the W current; the speed does not exceed 2 knots. the strait broadens out, they decrease in rate rapidly and in the
4.1Regulations.—For information regarding designated Archi- Great Channel (6°23'S., 105°18'E.), are hardly appreciable.
pelagic Sea Lanes, as defined by the United Nations Conven- 4.2When the flow is strong to the SW, sharply defined tide rips
tion on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), passing through the are often met in the N entrance to the strait. With such a flow
Selat Sunda and the W Java Sea, see the Indonesia section of the rates are strong along the NW and S sides of Pulau Sang-
Pub. 120, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean ian (5°58'S., 105°51'E.), causing heavy tide rips and a whirl-
and Southeast Asia. pool in the bay on the SW side of the island. In the open Java
Sea near Kepulauan Seribu, there is little horizontal movement
Selat Sunda of the water except the monsoon current which never exceeds 2
knots. The E current is always stronger than the W current
4.2 Selat Sunda (Sunda Strait), between the W end of Ja- among the Kepulauan Seribu.
wa and the S coast of Sumatera, is the principal channel con- 4.2The monsoon currents begin earlier here, and attain their
necting the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean. greatest strength a month earlier than in adjacent waters. The
The NE entrance, between Ujung Kanggalan (Oedjoeng
4.2 W current predominates as early as March; it is strongest in
Kanggalan) (5°48'S., 105°48'E.) and Tanjung Pujut, the NW April and May. The E current becomes evident in November
extremity of Jawa, is nearly 15.5 miles wide. and is strongest in December; its rate is double that of the W
The SW entrance, between Cukuh Balimbing (5°56'S.,
4.2 current in April and May.

Pub. 163
114 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

4.2Regulations.—A traffic separation scheme, consisting of prosecution for any damage which may been caused from an-
two sets of traffic lanes separated by a precautionary area, ex- chorage.
ists between the SE part of Sumatera at Tanjung Tua (5°54.5'S., Mariners are warned that ferries cross Selat Sunda between

105°43.0'E.) and Pulau Sangiang. A single inshore traffic zone Bakauhuni (5°52'S., 105°45'E.) and ports on the N coast of Ja-
lies to the W of the traffic lanes. The scheme is IMO-adopted wa.
and Rule 10 of The International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea (1972) applies. Tanjung Serdang to Tanjung Tua
4.2Vessel Traffic Service.—SUNDAREP is in operation for the
control of shipping and is mandatory for all Indonesian vessels 4.3 The coast trends S from Tanjung Serdang (4°27'S.,
and strongly recommended for all foreign vessels. SUND- 105°54'E.) to Tanjung Tua (5°55'S., 105°43'E.) and except for
AREP broadcasts on VHF channels 22 and 68. a few hills in the S part, is low, flat, and swampy. Off-lying is-
4.2Southbound vessel reporting points are as, follows: lands in the S part of the coast constitute a possible danger for
1. Crossing latitude 05°45'S for ships from the N part of vessels in the area.
Jawa Sea. 4.3A bank of drying soft mud, 0.5 mile wide in places, extends
2. Crossing longitude 105°55'E for ships from the E part nearly the entire length of this coast, except off the outlets of
of Jawa Sea. several rivers and at other places marked by sandy beaches.
4.2Northbound vessel reporting points are, as follows: 4.3Outside this bank, the depths increase gradually seaward and
1. Crossing latitude 06°00'S for ships from the S part of good anchorage can be taken almost everywhere. The bottom
Sunda Strait is clay with a layer of mud.
2. Crossing longitude 105°43'E for ships from Lampung 4.3Tanjung Serdang (4°27'S., 105°54'E.), the northernmost
Bay. point of this sector, has a mud bank, which is reported to dry. It
4.2Anchorage.—Two emergency anchorages (South Emergency stretches 3 miles NNW and extends about 1 mile from the
and North Emergency), best seen on the chart, have been estab- coast.
lished within Selat Sunda. 4.3From Tanjung Serdang to Tanjung Bungin, about 6 miles S,
4.2Directions.—This area contains many exploratory and pro- the coast is marked by trees considerably higher than those to
ducing oil fields, which may or may not be marked or charted. the N or S.
Anchorage is prohibited except in designated areas. 4.3Tanjung Kenam (4°40'S., 105°55'E.), 12.5 miles S of Tan-
4.2A vessel approaching the strait from the N should proceed to jung Serdang, has depths of less than 7.3m, sand and mud, as
the S end of the swept channel in Selat Baur, and follow a track far as 13 miles offshore. Anchorage can be taken by vessels
defined by the following points: with local knowledge off the outlet of the Wai Seputih (Sungai
a. 5°16'S, 106°47'E (4 miles SE of Beting Raja). Seputih) (4°41'S., 105°53'E.).
b. 5°42'S, 106°41'E (13.5 miles NE of Pulau Payung). 4.3The recommended position is with Tanjung Keman bearing
c. 5°50'S, 106°34'E (1.5 miles SE of Pulau Payung). 331° and the river mouth bearing 304°, in a depth of 6m, soft
d. 5°50'S, 106°17'E (1.5 miles S of Pulau Tunda). mud, distance 4 miles. A bar across the outlet restricts entrance
e. 5°50'S, 106°02'E (3 miles N of Tanjung Pujut). to all but small craft.
f. 6°02'S, 105°51'E (3 miles NW of Tanjung Cikoneng). 4.3The coast between Tanjung Kenam and Tanjung Sekopong
g. From point f, proceed in a SW direction through Selat (Pulausekopong) (4°56'S., 105°54'E.) is about 16 miles long
Sunda. and marshy. Gosong Sekopong (Clifton Bank) (4°56'S.,
4.2Vessels approaching the strait from S should follow the di- 106°04'E.), a patch of hard sand with a least depth of 5m, lies
rections in a reverse order. Keep a lookout for traffic bound to nearly 9 miles E of Tanjung Pulausekopong. A buoy is moored
and from Jakarta, especially in Outer Channel. The least depth off the E side of Clifton Bank. This buoy has been reported
shown on the track is reported to be 19.8m. missing.
4.2Caution.—The area between the S coast of Sumatera and 4.3The coast between Tanjung Sekopong and Tanjung Penet
the extensive island group Kepulauan Seribu (5°29'S., (5°15'S., 105°52'E.), a distance of about 20 miles, is flat, thick-
106°31'E.), which fronts the approach to Selat Sunda from the ly wooded, and has no distinguishing features.
NE, contains a number of islands, reefs, rocks, and drying 4.3Tanjung Penet is a rounded point which cannot be identified
banks that must be considered when approaching Selat Sunda. except when close to the coast. A reef, with a depth less than
4.2A dangerous area due to mines, having a 3-mile radius, lies 1.8m, lies approximately 4 miles S of Tanjung Penet.
centered 3 miles SW of Kepulauan Segama (5°10'S., 4.3Gosong Syahbandar (Sjahbandar Bank) (5°05'S.,
106°06'E.), in position 5°12'S, 106°04'E. 106°00'E.) consists of a number of sandy ridges lying within 8
4.2Because of volcanic eruptions, the area between Pulau miles of the coast, about midway between Tanjung Sekopong
Rakata (Pulau Khakatau) (6°09'S., 105°26'E.) and Pulau Se- and Tanjung Penet. All lie within the 10m line.
besi (5°58'S., 105°29'E.), should be considered unsafe; only 4.3The coast between Tanjung Penet and Tanjung Sekampung
routes that will clear this area should be taken. The sea bottom (5°35'S., 105°49'E.), 20 miles S, is thickly wooded with high
in the vicinity of the islands is subject to change. See the re- trees, sometimes visible from 14 miles. Tanjung Sekampung is
marks on volcanic activity. difficult to distinguish from other positions, except those close
4.2Submarine gas and oil pipelines connect between various inshore S of it. Sungai Sekampung, one of the largest rivers in
platforms within a number of oil fields, and between the exist- this district, flows into the sea on the N side of the point. The
ing oil fields in the N approaches to Selat Sunda. least depth that can pass over a bar across the outlet is 0.6m. In-
4.2Vessels that are going to anchor in the area, run the risk of side the bar, the depths increase rapidly to 7m and 9m. Surf

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 115

usually marks the bar during the Southeast Monsoon. highest of Kepulauan Sumur, lies 1 mile NNE of Pulau Kan-
Anchorage can be taken by vessels with local knowledge off
4.3 dangbalak. It has three summits; the SW summit has an eleva-
the outlet of the river. In this position the outlet bears 247°, dis- tion of 211m and is very noticeable.
tant 2 miles, and a conspicuous tree of Pulau Mundu (5°41'S., 4.4Tanjung Tua (5°55'S., 105°43'E.) is located about 2 miles
105°50'E.) bears 188°. The depth is reported to be about 16m, WSW of the S extremity of Pulau Kandangbalak. It is a high,
mud. The rate of the tidal current at this anchorage is from rocky, and wooded point, joined to higher land behind, by a
about 1.5 to 2 knots. low bare ridge. Close off the point are depths of 73m.
4.4A light is shown on Tanjung Tua from a white metal frame-
4.4 Pulau Mundu (5°41'S., 105°50'E.), 6 miles S of Tan- work tower, 15m high.
jung Sekampung, is a coral island, covered with coconut trees 4.4Caution.—It is not advisable to proceed through the channel
and fringed by a reef, with some above-water rocks. The island between Kepulauan Sumur and the coast of Sumatera. Tidal
is marked by a light. currents of up to 3 knots cause strong eddies off the reefs.
4.4Kepulauan Seram (5°45'S., 105°48'E.) are three islets lying
near the coast, 3.75 miles SSW of Pulau Mundu. Islands and Dangers in the North Approach to
4.4Pulau Seram Besar, the N and largest islet, is covered with Selat Sunda
coconut trees.
4.4The E side is a swamp, with a few bare tree trunks. A coral 4.5 The main group of the Kepulauan Seribu islands ex-
patch, with a depth of about 10m, lies 1 mile E of this islet. Pu- tend in a N and S direction between the meridians of 106°30'E
lau Seram Besar is the only islet that can be seen from any dis- and 106°37'E. Vessels should not pass among them.
tance. All these islets lie within the 5m line. 4.5NW of the main group, near the usual route taken by vessels
4.4Small craft, with local knowledge, can find shelter between toward Selat Sunda from the N, is a smaller group consisting of
the islets and the coast, in depths of 1 or 2m, sand and mud. four islands and a number of reefs. This smaller group is sepa-
4.4Ujung Kanggalan (Oedjoeng Kanggalan) (5°48'S., rated from the main group by a channel with depths of 21.9 to
105°48'E.) is a low point, 3 miles S of Pulau Seram. The inter- 27.4m.
vening coast is low and weeded. From abreast this point, the 4.5The usual route taken by vessels bound for Selat Sunda from
mountain Gunung Rajabasa (Radjabasa) (5°47'S., 105°38'E.) the N, lies between Gosong Serdang (Brouwers Reefs) (Brou-
is prominent. This point is marked by a light close E. wer Banken) (5°05'S., 106°16'E.) and Pulau Jagautara (Jaga
4.4Pulau Kupiah (5°47'S., 105°48'E.), high and covered with Utara) (5°12'S., 106°28'E.).
vegetation, is located 0.5 mile N of Ujung Kanggalan and 0.5 4.5Pulau Jagautara (Jaga Utara) (Pulau Tuguan) lies about 36
mile offshore. miles off the coast of Sumatera, and about 50 miles N of the N
4.4Ujung Curam (Tanjung Sumur Batu) (5°50'S., 105°47'E.), 3 coast of Jawa. It is entirely covered with brushwood and high
miles SW of Ujung Kanggalan, is low-lying, but prominent trees, and can be seen at distances up to 14 miles. The island is
point due to a dense growth of trees formed by a spur running surrounded by a reef which partly dries. A light is shown from
E from the saddle-shaped hill, Gunung Panjang (Pantjong) the island. Pulau Jagautara is reported to give a good radar re-
(5°50'S., 105°46'E.), which is 222m high. From NE, a separate turn up to 20 miles.
summit appears just within the point and is visible 2 miles E of 4.5Anchorage has been prohibited in the area E of Pulau Jagau-
Pulau Mundu, an island 1.5 miles offshore and 10 miles NNE tara. The N extremity of an oil field lies 28 miles NW of Pulau
of Ujung Curam (Tanjung Sumur Batu). Jagautara.
4.4In addition to Gunung Panjang (Gunung Pantjong), Sepan, a 4.5Numerous dangerous wrecks and obstructions are charted up
conical hill, 207m high, 0.5 mile W of Gunung Panjang, and to 20 miles N to NE of Pulau Jagautara.
Chikur, 250m high with a round grass covered summit, 2 miles 4.5Gosong Serdang (Brouwers Reefs) (Brouwer Banken), lying
WSW of Gunung Panjang, are noticeable. 13 miles NW of Pulau Jagautara and marked by a light, are two
4.4Pulau-Pulau Sumur (Kepulauan Sumur) is a group of four is- coral patches, 0.2 mile apart in a N and S direction. At high
lands and a number of islets lying within 2.5 miles of the Su- water, only a few rocks are visible and there is a small patch of
matera coast between Ujung Curam (Tanjung Sumur Batu) and coral sand on the N patch. They are visible from a distance of 2
Tanjung Tua (5°55'S., 105°43'E.), about 5.75 miles SSW. miles.
4.4Most of the islands are high and densely wooded. The depths 4.5A dangerous wreck lies about 19 miles NNE of Brouwers
between the islands and reefs are variable; the bottom is rocky Reef.
and covered with sand.
4.4Tides—Currents.—During the Northwest Monsoon, the 4.6 Kepulauan Segama (Gebroeders) (Pulau Segamat)
NE current may attain a rate of 4.75 knots between the islands. (5°10'S., 106°06'E.), two reef-fringed islets, lie about 15 miles
It is advisable to give the islands a berth of 1.5 miles. off the coast of Sumatera, and about 21 miles W of Pulau
4.4Pulau Kandangbalak (5°53'S., 105°46'E.), the SW island, Jagautara (Jaga Utara). The islets are small and covered dense-
has two separate hills, the SW being higher; elsewhere the is- ly with high trees.
land is flat. 4.6A coral reef, which dries, fringes the islets. A coral patch,
4.4Pulau Panjurit (5°53'S., 105°47'E.), 0.75 mile ESE of the N with a depth of 0.6m, lies 0.3 mile S of the S islet. In the North-
end of Pulau Kandangbalak, has a ridge of hills 90m high west Monsoon, Kepulauan Segama can be seen from a distance
along its S side. A light is shown from the NE point of the is- of 20 miles. In the Southeast Monsoon, they are not visible un-
land; a racon is situated at the light. til much closer.
4.4Pulau Rimaubalak (5°52'S., 105°47'E.), the largest and 4.6Two wrecks, one with masts showing lie, respectively, 3.5

Pub. 163
116 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

miles NW and 3.75 miles NNW of the N extremity of Kepulau- 4.7Regulations.—Indonesian government regulations are
an Segama. strictly enforced. The Indonesian flag should be flown by day,
Karang Basa (Lynn Reef) (Lynn Bank) (5°12'S.,
4.6 throughout the vessel’s stay at the terminal. Port facilities are
106°12'E.), 6.3 miles ESE of Kepulauan Segama, is a coral reef not available, however, emergency medical services can be ar-
with a least depth of 0.6m. The reef, barely marked with rip- ranged.
ples and discoloration, can only be detected close in; it some- 4.7Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken within a 1 mile radius of
times breaks with a heavy E swell. position 5°26'50”S, 106°11'09”E, in a depth of 36m.
A depth of 12.8m was reported about 5.5 miles E of Karang

Basa. 4.8 Karang Kabung (Hajiwal), with a depth of 2.4m, lies

Layang-Layang (Swallow Bank) (5°18'S., 106°04'E.), with
4.6 about 3 miles E of Terumbu Urai (Arminia). Neither patch is
a depth of 7.9m and steep-to, is a coral patch lying 13 miles E marked by discoloration. The NW corner of the Sea Conserva-
of Tanjung Penet (5°15'S., 105°52'E.). tion Area is marked by a lighted buoy moored 0.2 miles E of
Batu Karang Pematan (5°24'S., 106°16'E.), a dangerous
4.6 Karang Hajiwal.
coral patch, lies in the fairway in a position about 16.5 miles 4.8Kepulauan Dua (Doea Eilanden) (Pulau Dua) (5°25'S.,
SW of Pulau Jagautara. The least depth is 3.7m. Only under fa- 106°28'E.), two islets, lie 12 miles E of Batu Karang Pematan.
vorable conditions is there discoloration in the immediate vi- They are thickly wooded with high trees and separated by a
cinity, and occasionally there are tide rips. Obstructions exist clear deep channel about 1 mile wide. Beronang, a patch with a
6.5 miles and 7.5 miles WNW of Batu Karang Pematan. depth of 2.4m, lies about 2.3 miles SW of the W Kepulauan
A National Park is established among Pulau-pulau Seribu
4.6 Dua (Doea Eilanden). It is not marked at high water.
(5°30'S., 106°30'E.). 4.8Gosong Rangat (5°28'S., 106°26'E.), an islet conspicuous
Oil fields in the N approaches to Selat Sunda are numerous.
4.6 by its high trees, lies about 1.75 miles S of Beronang. Karang
Each contains production platforms, pipelines, and mooring Rangat, with a depth of 0.9m, lies about 1 mile SE of Gosong
buoys. Most platforms and structures are lit. Mariners should nav- Rangat. It is marked by surf and discoloration, and breaks with
igate with caution in these areas, as some structures are unlit, un- any sea.
marked, or uncharted; submerged obstructions also exist. 4.8Two small steep-to stone banks lying midway between
Kepulauan Dua and Gosong Rangat, with depths of 2.5 and
4.7 Cinta Oil Terminal (5°27'S., 106°16'E.) (World Port 7.3m, respectively, are marked by ripples in a strong current. A
Index No. 50350) consists of numerous oil production plat- dangerous rock was reported 1.75 miles ESE of the two small
forms, pipelines, and mooring buoys. The area extends NNE stone banks.
and S of Batu Karang Pematan. Pipelines are laid from various 4.8Pulau Pebelokan (West Eiland) (5°29'S., 106°24'E.), 3
production platforms to a central gathering platform situated 3 miles WSW of Gosong Rangat, is a self-supporting offshore
miles SSW of Batu Karang Pematan. base. There are numerous buildings and installations on the is-
4.7Off-lying platforms are situated 17 miles NNE, 9 miles NE, land.
5 miles SE, and 9.5 miles SW of the central gathering platform; 4.8A wharf, with a large storage area on the S side of the island,
they are connected to it by pipeline. can accommodate coasters up to a 6m draft and 36m in length.
4.7The oil platforms in the area are well lighted at night. The The islet is visible from distances up to 13 miles.
SBMs are designed to handle vessels in the 55,000 dwt class. 4.8Coventry Reef, 1 mile SSW of Pulau Pabelokan, dries in
4.7There is a radio station at the terminal. Initial ETA should be patches at its N end. It is marked by discoloration and breaks
sent not less than 72 hours prior to arrival. Further ETA infor- with the least swell or sea.
mation should be sent 48 hours, 24 hours, 12 hours, and 4 4.8Pulau Jagung (Djagoeng) (5°29'S., 106°31'E.), 5 miles E of
hours if change of original ETA varies more than 1 hour. Gosong Rangat, is thickly covered by high trees. It is the east-
4.7When the vessel is 4 hours from the terminal, communica- ernmost island of Kepulauan Seribu covered by this sector.
tions on VHF channel 16 should be established.
4.7There are four lighted SBMs, in depths of about 21m. Tanjung Pontang to Tanjung Pujut
No. 1 Storage SBM is situated in position 5°25'40"S,
106°14'42"E. The storage barge Cinta Natomas, 143,000 dwt 4.9 This portion of the N coast of Jawa is generally low,
and 183m in length, is permanently moored to it and contains marshy, and thickly wooded, except for the mountains S of
the Terminal Administrative Offices. Tanjung Pujut (5°52'S., 106°02'E.). Pinang, a hill, 259m high,
No. 2 Storage SBM is moored in position 5°26'23"S, 11.5 miles SSE of Tanjung Pujut, and the islands off Teluk
106°13'45"E, 1.5 miles NW of the central platform. Banten (5°58'S., 106°11'E.) are the few prominent landmarks
No. 1 Export SBM is situated in position 5°25'25"S, along this stretch of coast.
106°14'09"E. Tankers load to a displacement between 20,000 Tanjung Pontang (5°56'S., 106°16'E.), about 7.5 miles S of

and 175,000 dwt, with a length between 160m and 325m. Pulau Tunda, was previously described in paragraph 3.2.
No. 2 Export SBM is moored 1 mile SW of No. 2 Storage Caution.—Nearly all the rivers flow into the sea with a con-

SBM, in position 5°27'30”S, 106°12'55”E. siderable amount of debris, therefore, vessels should keep in
4.7Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory within the terminal limits. depths over 11m when rounding these points.
The Mooring Master boards vessels in the anchorage area, and Teluk Banten, entered between Tanjung Pontang and Tan-

will advise on all operational matters within the terminal area. jung Kapo (5°56'S., 106°07'E.), 8.75 miles W, is of no impor-
Weather permitting, the terminal operates 24 hours. Vessels can tance for general shipping. The hilly land on the W side of the
berth in daylight only, but can unberth at any time. bay terminates in Gunung Santri, a prominent hill, 95m high,

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 117

with an isolated tree on its summit, 3 miles SSW of Tanjung mainland and Panjung coasts.
Kapo. By day, a vessel should steer S from the anchorage, keeping

4.9Tanjung Kapo is high and prominent; the remaining shores close to the fish traps off the coast of Panjang, and turn gradu-
of the bay are low, marshy, and fringed by a wide shallow mud ally to bring Tanjung Kapo ahead. On this heading, when 0.25
bank. Several islands lie in Teluk Banten, the largest being Pu- mile off the point, steer NW to close the wharf, but keeping
lau Pinjang (5°56'S., 106°09'E.). The roadstead off the river at clear of the a small black buoy that marks a sunken reef lying
the head of the bay is only suitable for small craft, due to con- between 0.2 and 0.3 mile off the wharf.
tinuous shoaling. From Tanjung Kapo, the coast trends about 4 miles NW to

Tanjung Piatu (5°53'S., 106°04'E.), a low point with a few

4.9Bojonegara (5°59'S., 106°7'S.) is situated on the W side of trees. Two low, wooded islands, about 0.2 mile offshore, lie
Banten Bay, approximately 65 miles NW of Jakarta. Originally about 1.5 miles SE of Tanjung Piatu.
devised to become a deep-water container and coal terminal Merak Oil Terminal, situated at Tanjung Piatu, consists of a

port, Bojonegara is in the final phase of its expected 12-year dolphin berth connected to the shore by a narrow bridge. The
completion plan (2014-2025). During this final phase, the con- largest vessel to berth was 32,000 tons.
tainer and general cargo terminals will be expanded and special Anchorage, in depths of 30 to 40m, lies 1 mile N to NE of

wharfs will be constructed. When complete, the port will con- the terminal.
sist of five terminals and is expected to accommodate vessels Berthing and unberthing is conducted at slack water due to

of up to 50,000 dwt, 270m in length, and with a draft of 12.7m. strong tidal currents. Mooring boats are available.
Berth information is given in the table titled Bojonegara— An obstruction, with a depth of 14.9m, lies 3.5 miles ENE of

Berth Information. Tanjung Piatu.

Tanjung Pujut (5°52'S., 106°02'E.), the NW extremity of

4.10 Guna Nusa (5°56'S., 106°06'E.) is close NW of Tanjung Jawa, is located about 2 miles W of Tanjung Piatu. It is a nar-
Kapo. There is an offshore fabrication yard with a wharf, 60m row tongue of land, 13m high.
long, parallel to the coast. Tugs and barges with a draft up to 4.8m Gunung Gede, 594m high, is a flat-topped summit, 3.3 miles

can berth alongside. Anchorage for small vessels, in depths of SSE of Tanjung Pujut. Gunung Batur, 553m high, is nearly 2.5
12.8m, lies off the coast between Pulau-pulau Kali. miles WSW of Gunung Gede. Gunung Pinang (6°04'S.,
Directions.—No attempt should be made to berth alongside
4.10 106°06'E.), a hill 259m, 11.5 miles SSE of Tanjung Pujut, is al-
the wharf at night, since there are numerous fish traps off the so a prominent landmark on this stretch of coast.

Bojonegara—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
PT. Samudra Marine Indonesia
No. 4 300m —
No. 5 500m —
Unloading steel plates. Bunkering available.
No. 6 300m —
No. 7 500m —
PT. Farika Steel
Steel Berth 55m — Steel products.
Offshore Rig Berth 90m — Mooring offshore rig “Raissa.”
PT. Cilegon Fabricators
Jetty No. 1 120m 7.0m Servicing fabrication yard and ro-ro.
PT. Gunanusa Utama Fabricators
Jetty No. 1 135m 7.5m
Servicing fabrication yard and general cargo.
Jetty No. 2 80m 7.0m
PT. Dok Pulo Ampel
No. 1 106m —
General cargo and dry bulk cargo.
No. 2 106m —
PT Gandasari Perkasa Mandiri
No. 1 100m — Berth CLOSED.

Pub. 163
118 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

Bojonegara—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
PT. Pacific Lubritama Indonesia
No. 1 50m — Lube oils.
PLTU Jawa 7
No. 1 292m — Project Heavy, Breakbulk.
No. 2 234m — Other.
PT Wilmar
No. 1 500m —
Grain, Breakbulk.
No. 2 438m —
Wilmar Serang Jetty — — Fishing, Breakbulk.

South Side of Selat Sunda ly 1 mile W of Tamposo Island.

Anchorage, protected from NE through SSW winds, can be

4.11 The coast between Tanjung Pujut and Tanjung Sekong taken about 0.75 mile NW of the Tamposo Island, in a depth of
is high and broken by steep points. Gosong Jawa (Java Rif), a 35m, mud and sand. Good holding characteristics are reported
small coral patch with a depth of 8.8m, lies about 0.6 mile off- here.
shore, W of Tanjung Sekong. Ripples appear when the current Pulau Merak (Merak Besar) (5°56'S., 105°59'E.), a wooded

is running at a rate of 1 to 2 knots; at times it is marked by dis- island, 66m high, lying a little less than 1.3 miles SSW of Tan-
coloration. jung Sekong, is fringed by a narrow coral reef which is steep-to
Suralaya (5°53'S., 106°02'E.) is situated along the coast N on its NW side.
of Merak. Suralaya Power Station is a sub-port of Merak. New Pulau Merak Kecil (5°56'S., 106°00'E.), 0.45 mile SE of

jetties have been established close SE of the port. Mariners are Pulau Merak and 0.15 mile offshore, is a low islet.
advised to navigate with caution in the area and contact the lo-
cal authorities for the latest information. 4.12 Tarembu (5°56.2'S., 105°59.5'E.), a rock with a
Merak Petroleum Base (5°55'S., 106°00'E.) is situated on depth of 1.1m, lies in the middle of the W side of the extensive
Tanjung Sekong. The terminal is used for the import of bulk reef, with depths of less than 10m, lying between Pulau Merak
ores. Equipment for offshore oil installations are fabricated and Pulau Merak Kecil. A 4.9m patch lies on this reef 0.1 mile
here. In addition, small tankers and LPG carriers also use the NNE of Tarembu. A shoal, with a depth of 5.5m, sand and
base. stones, lies close NE of Tarembu.
Vessels up to 2,000 dwt, 91.4m in length, and 4.5m draft, can
4.11 A dangerous wreck lies 0.15 mile NE of Tarembu.

berth alongside two small jetties. The jetties have a depth of Vessels may enter the roadstead from the S passing W of Pu-

5.5m alongside. Two mooring buoys, which can handle vessels lau Merak Kecil and then to either side of Tarembu; the E chan-
up to 20,00 dwt, are located in the bay S of Merak. nel has a depth of 10.6m while the W channel has a depth of
Pilotage is available from Merak.
4.11 10.8m.
Anchorage off the jetty, sheltered from NE to SSW, but oth-
4.11 The E channel is marked by lighted buoys and a beacon;

erwise exposed, can be obtained 0.4 mile NW of the jetty, in a these buoys are reported unreliable.
depth of 36m, with good holding ground. Tidal currents in the The W channel is marked by a lighted beacon. The current in

anchorage run NE and SW up to 2 knots. the strait is usually S, at a maximum rate of 2 knots
Caution.—A small coral patch, best seen on the chart, has a
4.11 The entrance to the roadstead, N of Pulau Merak, is

least charted depth of 8.9m and lies 0.7 mile W of the Merak narrowed by a bank which extends 137m from that island;
Petroleum Base. there is a 7.9m patch mid-channel.
The roadstead, in addition to offering shelter because of Pu-

Merak Mas Terminal (5°55.4'S., 105°59.6'E.) is a multi-

4.11 lau Merak and the breakwater-like reefs adjacent to Tarembu,
purpose terminal located 0.5 mile N of Merak. Merak Mas Ter- affords the only sheltered anchorage on the W coast of Jawa. It
minal is U-shaped and has three berths, with a charted depth of is comparatively free of swells, and the maximum rate of tidal
11m in the basin. currents is about 2 knots.
Pilotage is available 24 hours. The pilot boards approximate-

Merak—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Merak Bakauheni Ferry Terminal

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 119

Merak—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
No. 01 210m — — — — Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail.
Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail.
No. 02 98m — — — —
Berth length includes dolphins.
No. 03 160m — — — — —
Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail. Berth
No. 04 102m — — — —
length includes dolphins.
Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail. Berth
No. 05 140m — — — —
length includes dolphins.
Merak Mas Multipurpose Terminal
Container Quay 300m — — — — Containers and breakbulk.
Inner Berth 175m — — — —
North Pier Berth 335m — — — — Coal.
South Pier Berth 351m — — — —
PLTU Terminal
L Berth 305m — — — — Coal.
PT. Merak Energi Terminal
Coal. Berthing length of 125m (includ-
Dry Cargo Berth 74m — — — —
ing dolphins).
PT. Semen Indonesia Divisi Merak Terminal
Inner Berth 228m — — — —
Outer Berth 255m — — — —
Sulfindo Multipurpose Terminal
Chemical gases, chemicals, and LPG.
Sulfindo Jetty 140m 15.0m 200m 14.0m 35,000 dwt Berthing length of 282m (including dol-
Suralaya Power Station
Coal. Berthing length of 230m (includ-
Barge Berth 180m — — — 10,000 dwt
ing dolphins).
Panamax Coal
250m — — — —
Berth North
Continuous berthing length of 600m.
Panamax Coal
350m — — — 80,000 dwt
Berth South
Suralaya Pltu Oil 10.5-
200m — — — Clean products (CPP).
Jetty 12.8m
Arbee Tanker Terminal
Chemical gases and chemicals. Berthing
Jetty Arbee 11m 6.6m 100m 5.6m 5,000 dwt
length of 110m (including dolphins).
BASF Latexindo
Chemical gases. Berthing length of
Jetty Latexindo 15m 12.0m 160m 11.0m 10,000 dwt
180m (including dolphins).
Bumi Merak Terminal

Pub. 163
120 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

Merak—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Chemicals and dirty products (DPP).
Jetty BMT 14m 8.5m 180m 7.5m 15,000 dwt Berthing length of 212m (including dol-
Dover Terminal
Chemicals and bunkers. Berthing length
Jetty Dover 10m 8.0m 180m 7.0m 35,000 dwt
of 180m (including dolphins).
Merak Oil Terminal
Aviation fuel, clean products (CPP),
crude, and vegetable oils. Berthing
Jetty No 1 25m 20.0m 270m 17.0m 110,000 dwt length of 295m (including dolphins).
Maximum beam of 43m. Maximum dis-
placement of 132,000t.
Aviation fuel, clean products (CPP),
crude, and vegetable oils. Berthing
Jetty No 2 25m 19.0m 144m 16.0m 15,000 dwt
length of 174m (including dolphins).
Maximum displacement of 19,000t.
Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia Terminal
Chemical gases, chemicals, crude prod-
Jetty MCCI 24m 11.5m 170m 10.0m 20,000 dwt ucts. Berthing length of 215m (includ-
ing dolphins).
Pertamina Gas & LPG Tanjung Sekong Terminal
LPG. Berthing length of 191m (includ-
LPG Berth 30m — — — —
ing dolphins).
Pertamina Persero UPPDN III
Clean products (CPP), dirty products
Jetty No 1 15m 13.0m 105m 12.0m 6,500 dwt (DPP), and bunkers. Berth length of
290m (including dolphins).
Clean products (CPP), dirty products
Jetty No 2 15m 13.0m 120m 12.0m 36,000 dwt (DPP), and bunkers. Berthing length of
220m (including dolphins).
Clean products (CPP), bunkers. Berth-
Jetty No 3 17m 8.0m 80m — 1,000 dwt ing length of 57m (including dolphins).
For domestic use only.
Polychem Indonesia
Chemical gases, chemicals, and LPG.
Jetty Polychem 22m 12.0m 160m 11.0m 12,000 dwt Berthing length of 182m (including dol-
Polychem Lindo
PT. Polychem Chemicals, bunkers. Berthing length of
10m 12.0m 174m 11.0m 20,000 dwt
Lindo 190m (including dolphins).
PT Vopak Terminal Merak
Chemical gases, chemicals, clean prod-
Jetty No. 1 ucts (CPP), LPG, and bunkers. Berthing
22m 10.7m 180m 9.0m 30,000 dwt
Prointal length of 230m (including dolphins).
Maximum displacement of 40,000t.

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 121

Merak—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Chemicals and LPG. Berthing length of
Jetty No. 2
10m 9.5m 120m 7.0m 6,500 dwt 188m (including dolphins). Maximum
displacement of 21,000t.
PT. Baria Bulk Terminal
Clean products and dirty products,
Tanker Berth 15m —- — — — Berthing length of 208m (including dol-
Redeco Petrolin Utama, Merak Terminal
Chemical gases, chemicals, clean prod-
Jetty Redeco I 15m 14.0m — 13.0m 35,000 dwt ucts, LNG, and bunkers. Berthing length
of 200m (including dolphins).
Chemical gases, chemicals, clean prod-
Jetty Redeco II 15m 14.0m — 13.0m 35,000 dwt ucts, and LNG. Berthing length of 200m
(including dolphins).
Titan Berth (ex Chemical gases and LPG. Berthing
26m 9.5m 150m 8.0m 12,000 dwt
Peni Jetty) length of 200m (including dolphins).
Tomindomas Bulk Tank
Jetty TBT 25m 13.0m 150m 12.0m 15,000 dwt Chemical gases and chemicals.
UIC Terminal
Chemicals. Berthing length of 217m
North Pier 95m — — — 40,000 dwt (including dolphins). Under construc-
Chemicals. Berthing length of 215m
South Pier 87m — — — 40,000 dwt
(including dolphins).
Chemical gases, chemicals, and clean
products. Berthing length of 183m (in-
UIC Berth 10m 9.5m 170m 8.5m 20,000 dwt
cluding dolphins). Maximum beam of

4.13 Merak (Tanjung Sekong) (5°56'S., 106°00'E.) (World Pertamina terminal in Merak. During good weather, the pilot
Port Index No. 50935) is a village with a small harbor located boards 1.5 miles NNE of Pulau Ular in position 5°59.5'S,
E of Pulau Merak. A Pertamina terminal is located here in 105°55.5'E. During bad weather, the pilot boards inshore of
addition to a ferry terminal. There is a coastal radio station Brouwers Sand in position 5°58.5'S, 105°58.5'E.
situated at the village. Caution.—Gosong Serdang (Brouwers Sand) is a formation
Depths—Limitations.—The Merak area has a large number
4.13 of hard sand extending about 3 miles in a SW direction,
of small ports and private berths for ferries and general cargo. parallel to the coast from a position about 0.5 mile SW of the S
Approximately 40 terminals line the area for the steel, extremity of Pulau Merak. The least depth over this shoal,
petroleum, gas, and chemical industries. Berthing information 4.8m, is near the NE extremity.
is shown in the table titled Merak—Berthing Information. Jetty works are underway along the coast 2.5 miles S of

Pilotage.—Both good weather and bad weather boarding Merak.

areas have been designated for vessels mooring at the

Ciwandan—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
PT Pelindo 2 Terminal

Pub. 163
122 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

Ciwandan—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Chemicals, dirty products, cement, project.heavy,
steel products, breakbulk, bunkers, general cargo,
Berth 001 122m 9.0m 98m — 35,000 dwt
pipe, and food. Berthing length of 182m (including
Coal, ro/pax, project/heavy, steel products, break-
Berth 002 38m 6.0m 80m — — bulk, bunkers, and general cargo. Berth length of
86m (including dolphins).
Cement, coal, project.heavy, steel products, bun-
Berth 003 38m 7.0m 180m — — kers, and general cargo. Continuous berthing
length of 72m.
Berth 004 Chemicals, dirty products, and bunkers. Berthing
26m 9.0m 130m 8.0m 12,500 dwt
(Jetty CC) length of 182m (including dolphins)..
Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-pax con-
Berth 005A 402m 15.0m 220m 12.0m 70,000 dwt tainers, project/heavy, steel products, breakbulk,
multipurpose, bunkers, reefer, and general cargo.
Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-pax, proj-
Berth 005B 300m 16.0m 230m — 70,000 dwt ect/heavy, steel products, breakbulk, multipurpose,
bunkers, and general cargo.
Chemicals, clean products, cement, ro-pax, proj-
Berth 005C 300m 16.0m 230m — — ect/heavy, steel products, breakbulk, multipurpose,
bunkers, and general cargo.
Berth 006 25m 2.0m — — — Ro-ro/lo-lo and bunkers.
Cement, coal, breakbulk, bunkers, and general car-
Berth 007 38m 7.0m 112m — —

Pulau Ular (6°00'S., 105°56'E.) is a steep-to rock lying

4.13 Krakatau Steel Works (5°59.5'S., 105°58.7'E.) is the site of

about 5.75 miles SW of the S extremity of Pulau Merak. A a jetty extending 300m with a charted depth of 9m at its
shoal patch of 10.1m, lies 0.75 mile NE of Pulau Ular. A light terminus.
is shown from the island.
4.14 Cigading (6°01'S., 105°57'E.) (World Port Index No.
Cigading Port Authority 50925) is a port for the import of bulk iron ore, situated on the
W coast of Jawa, 1.75 miles E of Pulau Ular.

Cigading—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Cigading Terminal 1
Coal, grain, iron ore, scrap metal, sugar, steel prod-
No. 1-1 175m — 229m 15.0m 60,000 dwt ucts, and general/bulk cargo. Maximum beam
Coal, grain, iron ore, scrap metal, sugar, steel prod-
No. 1-2 175m — 200m 15.0m 60,000 dwt ucts, and general/bulk cargo. Maximum beam
Coal, fertilizer, grain, gypsum, iron ore, salt, sugar,
No. 1-3 270m 18.0m 275m 17.0m 60,000 dwt
and general/bulk cargo. Maximum beam 43.0m.

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 123

Cigading—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Coal, fertilizer, grain, gypsum, iron ore, salt, sugar,
No. 1-4 240m — 250m 20.0m and general/bulk cargo. Berthing length of 285m
(including dolphins). Maximum beam 32.0m.
Note.—Berths No. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and 1-4 have a continuous berthing length of 905m.
Coal, fertilizer, grain, gypsum, salt, sugar, and gen-
No. 1-5 122m — 229m 14.0m 25,000 dwt
eral/bulk cargo. Maximum beam 36.5m.
Coal, fertilizer, grain, gypsum, salt, sugar, and gen-
No. 1-6 121m — 200m 14.0m 25,000 dwt
eral/bulk cargo. Maximum beam 32.2m.
Coal, fertilizer, grain, gypsum, salt, sugar, and
No. 1-7 150m — 200m 12.0m 40,000 dwt
general/bulk cargo. Maximum beam 37m.
Note.—Berths No. 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, have a continuous berthing length of 543m
Coal, fertilizer, grain, gypsum, salt, sugar, and
No. 1-8 150m — 133m 10.0m 20,000 dwt
general/bulk cargo. Maximum beam 31m.
No. 2 240m — 235m 15.0m 70,000 dwt General/bulk cargo. Maximum beam 38m.
No. 3 170m — 101m 12.0m 30,000 dwt General/bulk cargo. Maximum beam 22m.
No. 4-1 95m — — 6.0m 10,000 dwt
General/bulk cargo. Barge berth.
No. 4-2 96m — — 6.0m 10,000 dwt
Semen Indonesia Cigading Terminal
Cement and bunkers. Berthing length of 592m (in-
No. 7 562m — 229m 12.0m 40,000 dwt
cluding dolphins).Maximum beam 37.2m.
Cigading Terminal II
Clean products, breakbulk, and bunkers.Maximum
No. 5 240m 9.0m 100m 8.0m 12,000 dwt
beam 18.8m.
Coal, iron ore, breakbulk, and bunkers. Berthing
No. 6 325m — 300m 21.0m length of 425m (including dolphins). Maximum
beam 50.0m.

Depths—Limitations.—A T-headed concrete jetty projects

4.14 sible by day, but unberthing is by day or night. At the tanker
300m from the shore, with the T-head orientated NE-SW. It is berth, berthing and unberthing is arranged during daylight on-
equipped with a conveyor for bulk handling of ore. The main ly. The ETA of a vessel, its draft, and any special requirements
berthing face on the seaward side of the T-head is 860m long, for discharging cargo should be communicated 48 hours in ad-
with a depth alongside of 18m. Three shore cranes are available. vance. Pilots board 1 mile E of Pulau Ular; for Capesize ves-
Vessels can use their own equipment for loading and unloading sels, pilots board at 6°01.5’S., 105°55.0’E.
Vessels up to 150,000 dwt, with a maximum length of 250m Anchorage.—Vessels waiting to berth should anchor about

and a maximum draft of 20m, can be accommodated. Berthing 0.75 mile off the port, in a depth of 20m. The tidal current sets
information is shown in the table titled Cigading—Berth NE to SW at rates between 3 to 4 knots, and a sufficient length
Information. of anchor chain should be used.
Pilotage.—Assistance in berthing may be requested from
Directions.—The port should be approached in daylight

the harbormaster at Merak, 5 miles NNE. Berthing is only pos- only, from a position about 0.5 mile S of Pulau Ular.

Anyer Terminal—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
PT Asahimas Chemical

Pub. 163
124 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

Anyer Terminal—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Salt, chemicals, multipurpose, and bun-
Asahimas Bulk
160m 12.0m 200m 10.0m 63,314 dwt kers. Berthing length of 290m (including
Chemical gases, chemicals, and LPG.
Jetty No 1 135m 11.0m 160m 10.0m 23,704 dwt Berthing length of 240m (including dol-
Chemicals and LPG. Berthing length of
Jetty No 2 25 — 100m — 4,771 dwt
110m (including dolphins).
Pt. Selago Makmur Plantation Terminal
Chemicals and vegetable oils. Berthing
Pier 1 30m — 142m — 16,298 dwt
length of 210m (including dolphins).
Bayer (Arco Chemical)
Closed. Chemical gases. Berthing length
Jetty Bayer 13m — 190m 10.0m 40,000 dwt
of 212m (including dolphins).
Chandra Asri (Tripolita)
Chemical gases, chemicals, clean prod-
Jetty A 40m 15.0m 260m 13.0m 119,456 dwt ucts, crude and LPG. Berthing length of
300m (including dolphins).
Clean products, chemical gases, chemi-
Jetty B — 12.0m 115m 8.0m 8,909 dwt cals, and LPG. Berthing length of 210m
(including dolphins).
Clean products, chemical gases, and LPG.
Jetty C 70m 8.3m 130m 7.0m 13,102 dwt Berthing length of 200m (including dol-

4.15 Ciwandan (6°01'S., 105°57'E.) is situated on the W is constantly growing.

coast of Java 0.5 mile SW of Cigading Ore Jetty. Ciwandan, Winds—Weather.—Both the berths are exposed to winds

also known as Banten Port, is a deep-water general purpose from SSW through W to NE, and even in calm weather, there is
port, serving as an overflow port for Tanjung Priok, consisting a continual swell from the NW. During most of the Northwest
of a general purpose berth, coal berths, a multipurpose berth, Monsoon period (November to March), the berths are
and a tanker berth. unusable.
Depths—Limitations.—Berthing information is shown in
4.15 Depths—Limitations.—An L-shape jetty extends 200m

the table titled Ciwandan—Berth Information. from the shore. The jetty head runs SW, with its seaward face
Ciwandan can accommodate vessels up to 70,000 dwt, with
4.15 forming No.1 Berth, 1,300m long, with depths of 11m
a maximum loa of 220m and a maximum draft of 12.0m. For alongside. It can accommodate a vessel of 22,000 dwt. A 2m
further information refer to the table titled Ciwandan—Berth draft clearance should be allowed for the swell conditions. A
Information. conveyor belt extends along the length of No. 1 Berth.
No. 2 Berth is orientated 078° to 258° on the seaward side of

4.16 Tanjung Leneng (6°01'S., 105°57'E.) is a point on the structure and is situated 90m NE of No.1 Berth. No. 2
the coast of Jawa, about 1.3 miles SE of Pulau Ular. Tanjung Berth is 25m long and accommodates vessels of 2,000 dwt.
Leneng is rocky and has a narrow fringe of reef. The coast near Petrochemical jetty A is a T-shaped jetty extending SW-NE.

Tanjung Leneng is hilly, unlike the level coast above and below This jetty lies 0.5 miles SW of the caustic soda jetty and is
it. A reef, with a depth of 4.6m, lies 0.2 mile N of Tanjung 120m long with depths of 13m alongside. Vessels should allow
Leneng. This reef is not easily recognized. a 2m clearance due to the swell.
Anyer Terminal (Asahimas Chemical Jetty) (6°02'S.,
4.16 Jetty B, close SW of jetty A, is 30m long with a depth of

105°56'E.), close SW of Tanjung Leneng, is used mainly for 12m alongside; vessels up to 3,000 dwt can be accommodated.
the handling of petrochemical products for the chemical plant Lighted berthing dolphins extend beyond these berths.

which together with the storage tanks occupies an area near the Jetty C is a single 70m long berth with a depth alongside of

root of the jetties. Chemical commodities are also exported. 8m; vessels up to 10,000 dwt can be accommodated.
This busy terminal handles considerable tonnage each year and Berthing dolphins stand on either end of the berths and

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 125

between them, accessible by catwalks. Tidal currents attain rates (5°58'S., 105°51'E.), which is visible in the haziest weather
up to 6 knots and run parallel along No. 1 Berth. Vessels during the Southeast Monsoon, and off the light on Tanjung
normally dock in daylight hours, but they may undock anytime. Cikoneng (Tanjung Tjikoneng).
Berthing information is shown in the table titled Anyer A good berth is 0.3 mile from the drying coastal reef, with

Terminal—Berth Information. the light on Tanjung Cikoneng bearing 230° and the summit of
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots from Merak are
4.16 Pulau Sangian bearing 320°. Small vessels can anchor, in a
available with 24 hours notice. Vessels should transmit their depth of 7 to 9m, in an inlet near Anyer-lor during the
ETA 24 hours before arrival through Cigading or Jakarta radio. Southeast Monsoon.
The pilots and the port authority operate on VHF channel 12. The coast trends about 4.3 miles SSW from Tanjung

Anchorage.—Anchorage, with good holding ground, lies

4.16 Cikoneng to Pasangteneng Road (6°08'S., 105°52'E.), a cove-
0.5 to 1 mile off No. 1 Berth. like roadstead off the entrance of a river.
Tanjung Cikoneng (Tanjung Tjikoneng) (6°04'S.,
4.16 Pasangteneng Road has sloping shores of sand, sheltered on

105°53'E.), about 5 miles SW of Tanjung Leneng, is low and the N side by a coral reef, where landing can be easily effected.
overgrown with brushwood. A light is shown on the point. A Pasang Tenang (Pasangtenang) (Catharina Rosten) (6°08'S.,

dangerous wreck was reported to lie 0.75 mile NW of Tanjung 105°51'E.), two above-water rocks, surrounded by a reef, lie in
Cikoneng. the entrance of Pasangteneng Road. They are visible from a
Caution.—An underwater volcano is reported to lie 5.3
4.16 distance of about 3 miles. Several reefs lie within 0.35 mile N
miles WNW of Tanjung Cikoneng. and NE of them. A few miles E of Pasangteneng Road are a
number of high peaks.
Gunung Gede (6°08'S., 105°56'E.), the highest and

southernmost peak, is about 4.5 miles E of the roadstead, and

attains a height of 744m.
The W coast of Jawa trends S, about 19 miles, from Tanjung

Cikoneng to Labuhan. Labuhan is a settlement, situated near

the mouth of a river, which flows out about 1.5 miles NNE of
Pulau Popole (6°24'S., 105°49'E.).
Small craft can pass in and out of the river at high water; a

blue flag is displayed if conditions are unfavorable.

A shoal, with a depth of 3m, lies 1 mile W of the mouth of

the river. Karang Kebua, a drying reef marked by breakers, lies

1 mile N of this shoal.
Pulau Popole, a low, sandy islet covered with vegetation, lies

1.5 miles SSW of Labuhan, and is easily recognized. A drying

rock lies 2.75 miles SSW of Pulau Popole, with a 0.9m patch
0.25 mile E of it. A shoal, with a depth of 1.5m, is located close
SSW of the drying rock.
Teluk Miskam (Teluk Lada) (6°28'S., 105°44'E.) indents the

W coast, between the shore abreast Pulau Popole and Tanjung

Lesung (6°29'S., 105°39'E.), about 10 miles SW.
Good anchorage can be taken in Teluk Lada during the

Southeast Monsoon.
Tanjung Lesung, marked by a light, is a wooded point with a

sandy beach. The land in the immediate vicinity of the point is

low and flat, and the point is low, except for a hillock, 14m
Between Tanjung Lesung and Tanjung Camara (Tanjung

Tjamara) (6°36'S., 105°37'E.), about 8.3 miles SSW, the coast

is rocky. Several hills are located close inland.
The coast trends SSW about 13 miles from Tanjung Lesung

to Tanjung Palagan (6°40'S., 105°34'E.). This section is

generally low and contains numerous coconut plantations and
Tanjong Cikoneng Light other cultivated lands.

4.17 Anyer-lor (Anjer-lor) (6°03'S., 105°55'E.) (World 4.18 Taluk Paraja (Salamadatang) (6°41'S., 105°28'E.) is
Port Index No. 50930) is a village 2.5 miles NE of Tanjung entered between Tanjung Palagan and Tanjung Alangalang
Cikoneng, identifiable by a hill, 60m high, near the coast N of (6°39'S., 105°22'E.), 12 miles W.
it. A prominent white chimney stands near the coast, NE of the The beach is separated from the S coast of Jawa by a low

hill. neck of land, 1 mile wide.

Anchorage off Anyer-lor is not easily found, but it can be
In the fairway entrance to the bay are depths of 42 to 46m,

approached by bearing of the summit of Pulau Sangian decreasing gradually to 14.6m E of Pulau-pulau Handeuleum

Pub. 163
126 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

(6°45'S., 105°26'E.), and to 4m near the land. In the Northwest miles SW of the NW extremity of Pulau Peucang. It is also the
Monsoon, the W and S shores of the bay, which are visited by S entrance point of the SW end of Selat Panaitan (Behouden
fishermen during the Southeast Monsoon, are unpopulated and Passage) forming a low, rocky point rising gradually.
marshy. The E shore consists largely of sandy beaches. A light, equipped with a racon, is shown from a 30m high

Teluk Slamadatang has not been completely surveyed.

4.18 white metal framework tower situated on the point.
Panter Reefs (Panter Riffen) lie in the middle of the entrance
4.18 Tanjung Guakolak (Tanjung Goeakolak), the SW point of the

to Teluk Slamadatang, about 5.75 miles E of Tanjung Alang-al- peninsula of Menanjung Ujung-Kulon, lies about 6 miles SSE
ang. They are usually marked by surf, with a least depth of of Tanjung Layar. Rocks, above and below-water, extend about
2.7m. 0.5 mile off the coast between the above two points.
Anchorage, with good holding ground, may be taken in
4.18 Tanjung Cangkuang (6°51'S., 105°16'E.), a little over 1.5

Teluk Slamadatang. Turbulent seas occur during the Southeast miles SE, is the southernmost point of the peninsula.
Monsoon and also during the Northwest Monsoon, when the Caution.—An explosives dumping ground lies 11 miles W

wind is from the N. of Tanjung Guakolak.

Landing can be effected NW of Pulau Handeuleum and on

several sandy beaches on the E shore of Teluk Slamadatang, Islands in the North and Northwest Part of Selat
during the Southeast Monsoon. Sunda
4.19 Teluk Peucang (Meeuwen Baai) (6°42'S., 105°18'E.) 4.20 Pulau Sangiang (5°58'S., 105°51'E.) is located in the
indents the NW side of the peninsula between Tanjung Senini, middle of the narrowest part of Selat Sunda, and is easily iden-
3 miles WSW of Tanjung Alangalang, and Tanjung Layar tified. Pulau Sangiang is designated a conservation area of flo-
(Tanjung Lajar) (6°45'S., 105°13'E.), about 8.5 miles SW. ra and fauna. From a distance it appears to consist of several
The shore of Teluk Peucang is low, densely wooded, and
4.19 islets. There are some hills along the SW side, the highest hav-
fringed by a narrow coral reef. ing an elevation of 153m; on the N side there is a plain.
Pulau Peucang (Meeuwen Eil) (6°44'S., 105°16'E.), in the S
4.19 The S extremity of the island is marked by a light.

part of the bay, has a prominent summit. It is densely wooded, The N and E coasts are fringed by a narrow reef; on the SE

and fringed by a coral reef, with three rocks lying off the side the reef projects 0.3 mile, and is often marked by heavy
islands steep NW point. surf. From the middle of the SW side, a reef extends 0.1 mile,
There is a narrow passage between Pulau Peucang and the
4.19 otherwise, this side is clear. A rock lies close off the W extrem-
mainland, but a reef lies in the N part. During a SW wind, hard ity of the island, and another off the S extremity. A spoil
squalls followed by sudden lulls are experienced in this chan- ground, best seen on the chart, is located 2 miles E. Mariners
nel. Small vessels, with local knowledge, can obtain good an- are advised to navigate with caution in the area.
chorage in this passage. A bank of sand, with depths of 13 to 36m, extends 7 miles SW

Pulau Panaitan (6°35'S., 105°13'E.), the largest island in

4.19 from Pulau Sangian, affording good anchorage. An underwater
Selat Sunda, lies about 7 miles NW of Tanjung Alangalang. It volcano is reported to lie 6.5 miles SSW of the island.
is hilly and densely wooded, except in its SW part. The coasts The SW current, which runs with great force along the NW

are reef-fringed. Gunung Raksa, the highest peak near the E and S sides of the island, causes heavy tide rips. An eddy,
coast, is 320m high and visible from all directions. The W end which sets strongly inshore, is formed in the bay on the SW
of Pulau Panaitan is low and hard to distinguish. side. The depths in the bay are irregular. Pulau Sangiang is a
The SW shore of Pulau Panaitan ends in a fringing reef,
4.19 good radar target up to 25 miles.
which dries. As far as 1.5 miles offshore the depths are less Trumbu Koliot (Kalihat) (Stroomklip) (5°55'S., 105°49'E.),

than 18.3m. A group of surf-marked rocks extends as far as 1 a rock above water and visible at 3 miles, lies nearly 2 miles
mile S from Tanjung Kanangjajar (Karangburung) (6°41'S., NNW of the W extremity of Pulau Sangian. The rock always
105°11'E.), the S extremity of the island. breaks.
The inner part of the extensive indentation in the SW shore
4.19 There is deep water on all sides at a distance of about 0.3

of the island has convenient depths for anchoring, but it is mile. South and W currents are strong around Terumbu Koliot
entirely open to the heavy S swell. and with opposing winds, there are tide rips and patches of dis-
The E side of the island, 1.5 miles S of Tanjung Parat, the N
4.19 colored water that sometimes create the impression that Ter-
extremity of the island, affords good anchorage in a depth of umbu Kalihat and Pulau Sangiang are connected by a ridge
24m, with Gunung Parat bearing 288°, and Gunung Raksa under water, which is not the case.
bearing 205°. This berth is 0.15 mile from the coastal reef. A current with a rate of 6 knots has been observed abreast

A conservation area surrounds the island. Entry restrictions

4.19 Terumbu Kalihat. A depth of 14.6m was reported 0.75 mile
are not known. However, vessels that give its headland a dis- ESE of the rock.
tance of about 2 miles wide, pass clear of the area. Pulau Tempurung (Tampurang) (5°54'S., 105°56'E.), a

Selat Panaitan (Prinsen Strait) (Behouden Passage), between

4.19 steep rock, 70m high and covered with vegetation, lies nearly 5
the S extremity of Pulau Panaitan and Tanjung Layar on Jawa, miles NE of Pulau Sangiang. The rock can be seen from dis-
is free of dangers. The Pulau Panaitan shore should not be tances up to 20 miles. The water is deep around the rock. A
approached within 1 mile because of rocks off its S extremity. light from which a racon transmits stands on the highest point
These dangers are marked by surf and vessels should use of Pulau Tampurang. The rock has been reported to be a good
extreme caution when navigating in this area. radar target at a distance of 15 miles.
Tanjung Layar (Tanjung Lajar) (6°45'S., 105°13'E.) is 2.5
4.19 Terumbu Gosal (Winsorklip) (Winsor Rock) (5°53'S.,

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 127

105°55'E.), about 1.5 miles NW of Pulau Tampurang, is a Pulau Sertung. Pulau Sebesi appears as a mountain with two
steep-to rock, with a least depth of 3.8m; it is marked by dis- peaks, the SW, 843m high, is the highest.
coloration and tide rips. Pulau Sebuku (5°54'S., 105°30'E.) is separated from Pulau

Sebesi to the SSW by a clear, deep channel about 1 mile wide.

Islands and Dangers on the North Side of Selat Pulau Sebuku is reef-fringed. A heavy surf often marks this
Sunda reef and there are a number of above-water rocks. A light is
shown from the N extremity of the island.
4.21 Pulau Rakata (Pulau Krakatau) (6°09'S., 105°26'E.), Caution.—Because of volcanic activity, the area between

an active volcano, is located in the middle of Selat Sunda, Pulau Rakata (Pulau Krakatau) and Pulau Sebesi, 10 miles N,
about 25 miles WSW of the S extremity of Pulau Sangiang. must be considered as unsafe and routes outside these islands
The highest part of Pulau Rakata culminates in a peak 813m should be taken by vessels.
high, falling steeply away to N to form an arc-shaped cliff A stranded wreck, in approximate position 6°12’S.,

which is actually a portion of a huge crater lying between Pu- 105°17’E., lies 7 miles WSW of Pulau Rakata. All vessels
lau Rakata and Pulau Sertung, to the NW. Pulau Rakata was re- should navigate with caution in this area.
ported to be a good radar target at a distance of 20 miles.
Volcanic activity has been observed on Rakata. It was report-
4.21 Northern Side of Selat Sunda
ed that the island had extended 0.5 mile E.
In the event of a threatened eruption on Pulau Rakata, Jakar-
4.21 4.22 Tanjung Tua (5°55'S., 105°43'E.), the southeastern-
ta radio station will broadcast the necessary warning in Indone- most point of Sumatera, has been previously described in para-
sian and English text. graph 4.4.
A light is shown from Tanjung Tua. From the W, the SW end

of Pulau Kandangbalak (5°53'S., 105°46'E.) appears to be

behind Tanjung Tua, when the latter bears less than 077°.
When Tanjung Tua bears 071°, the S end of Pulau Panjurit

(Hout Island) (5°53'S., 105°47'E.) comes into view. As both

these island extremities bear some resemblance to Tanjung
Tua, it is possible to mistake one of them for the point when
approaching from W. From E, Tanjung Tua is easily identified.
Terumbu Serdang (Batumandi) (5°53'S., 105°42'E.), 1.5

miles NW of Tanjung Tua, is a small islet, 2m high, which can

be seen from a distance of about 3 miles. There are depths of
30 to 50m close around it.
The steep coast trends about 8.5 miles W and NW from Tan-

jung Tua to Tanjung Kelapa (5°50'S., 105°36'E.).

Teluk Lampung
4.23 Teluk Lampung is the extensive indentation between
the middle and eastern peninsulas of this portion of the coast of
Sumatera. Its entrance, between Tanjung Kelapa to the E and
Tanjung Tikus (5°48'S., 105°13'E.) to the W, is about 23 miles
Teluk Lampung is available to deep-draft vessels. It is gener-

Pulau Rakata (Pulau Krakatau) ally steep-to on the E shore. Conspicuous mountains lie on the
W shore of Teluk Lampung. Spurs from these mountains de-
Pulau Sertung (6°05'S., 105°23'E.), about 3.5 miles NW of
4.21 scend to the coast forming a number of bays, with many good
Pulau Rakata (Pulau Krakatau), is also an active volcano. Pulau anchorages, on the W shore, although there are numerous dan-
Rakata-kecil (Lang Eiland), 1.75 miles N of Pulau Rakata, at- gers.
tains a height of 147m. A reef extends about 0.5 mile from the This shore is marshy in places and there are some large vil-

W shore of the island. lages, though seldom visible from seaward. During the North-
Between Pulau Rakata-kecil and Pulau Sebesi to the N, and
4.21 west Monsoon, safe anchorage can be taken in a number of
also as far as 5 miles NE of Pulau Rakata-kecil, there are a places off the W shore.
number of reefs which are the higher parts of an extensive bank Fishtraps may be encountered off the coasts of both sides of

formed during a major eruption of Pulau Rakata. The sea is re- Teluk Lampung.
ported to continually break on these reefs. It was reported that many fish traps and huts also extend to

Terumbu Mohammed Basir (Zeeklip) (Sea Rock) (5°58'S.,

4.21 the center of Taluk Lampung. Crossing the bay would require
105°23'E.), nearly 5 miles NNW of the N extremity of Pulau keeping as far S as the latitude of Medusa Reef.
Sertung, are two steep-to rocks, close together, which are visi- A naval exercise area occupies much of the SW part of the

ble from a considerable distance. bay; the limits can be best seen on the chart.
Pulau Sebesi (5°58'S., 105°29'E.) lies about 7 miles NE of

Pub. 163
128 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

4.24 Kepulauan Legundi, on the W side of the entrance to

Teluk Lampung, consist of six islands. Pulau Legundi (Pulau
Legoendi) (5°50'S., 105°14'E.), 343m high, is the largest of the
group. These islands are all densely wooded, hilly, and mostly
fringed by narrow reefs which are steep-to on the S sides. The
passages between the various islands are not recommended for
large vessels.
Anchorage may be taken by vessels, with local knowledge, in

either of two bays indenting the NW shore of Pulau Legundi.

Shelter is provided from the prevailing W and SE winds.
Selat Legundi (Straat Legoendi) (5°50'S., 105°12'E.) is the

channel trending NE between the coast of Sumatera and Pulau

Legundi into Teluk Lampung. This clear deep waterway is
used by vessels from the W proceeding to the head of Teluk Taharan Coal Terminal
Medusa (5°46'S., 105°16'E.), a coral reef, with a least depth
4.24 4.25 Kaliandak Road is the roadstead off the village Ka-
of 4.9m, lies off the NE entrance to Selat Legundi and 2 miles liandak (5°45'S., 105°36'E.) (World Port Index No. 50370). It
NE of Pulau Seserot. It is sometimes marked by discoloration affords anchorage, in a depth of 11.8m, mud, with the flagstaff
and ripples. It never breaks and is dangerous to navigation. at the root of the pier in line with the head of the pier, bearing
Pulau Serdang (5°49'S., 105°23'E.), a high, steep, and
4.24 112°.
brush-covered island, lies about 5 miles E of the E extremity of The coast between Kaliandak and Teluk Belantung (Loe-

Pulau Legundi. boek Anchorage) (5°42'S., 105°33'E.), 3.5 miles NW, is low
The intervening channel to the W is clear and deep. A light is
4.24 and fringed by a reef. Teluk Belantung is free of dangers but af-
shown from Pulau Serdang. fords no sheltered anchorage.
It was reported that a tall tower with a red top, similar to a ra-
4.24 Between Teluk Belantung and Panjung (Pandjang), nearly 19

dio tower, and several white buildings were seen on the island. miles NW, the coast is high and fringed by a steep-to coastal
Kepulauan Tiga (Pulau Tiga) (5°49'S., 105°33'E.), on the E
4.24 reef on which the sea breaks heavily in W winds.
side of the entrance of Teluk Lampung, about 4.3 miles WNW Taharan Coal Terminal (5°31'S., 105°20'E.) is situated 3

of Tanjung Kelapa, is a group of rocky islets. miles SSE of Panjang. The berth is 170m long, depth of 12m,
The NW islet is the largest and from its NW side a reef, usu-
4.24 and lies between dolphins, 240m apart.
ally marked by breakers, extends 0.25 mile offshore. A light is The largest vessel to use the berth was 40,000 dwt, with a

shown from the SE island of the group. length of 160m, a beam of 27m, and a draft of 8m.
Although vessels can pass on either side of Kepulauan Tiga,

there is a strong current in the vicinity. 4.26 Panjang (5°28'S., 105°19'E.) (World Port Index No.
The coast from Tanjung Kelapa (5°50'S., 105°36'E.), NW
4.24 50380) lies inshore of a natural breakwater of sand and coral,
and N to Kaliandak Road, a section 5.5 miles long, rises steadi- formed by an extension of the coastal reef on the NE side of the
ly to a conspicuous twin-peaked summit, Gunung Rajabasa head of Teluk Lampung. Panjang is the largest seaport on the S
(Radjabasa) (5°47'S., 105°38'E.). end of Sumatera. It has a coastal radio station.
Anchorage can be taken off the village Canti (Tijanti)
4.24 Depths—Limitations.—The depths are 12.2 to 15.8m in the

(5°48'S., 105°35'E.), about 3.5 miles S of Kaliandak Road, in a entrance of Panjang, and from 9 to 13m in the harbor. Berthing
depth of 14.9m, mud, with the S islet of Kepulauan Tiga (Pulau details are shown in the table titled Panjang—Berth Informa-
Tiga) bearing 236°. tion.

Panjang—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Panjang Port Terminal
A 182m 8.0m 160m — 15,000 dwt Breakbulk.
B 210m 8.4m 110m — 6,500 dwt Ro-pax and breakbulk.
Chemicals, dirty products, breakbulk, and
C1 140m 9.0m 75m — 2,500 dwt
Chemicals, dirty products, ro-pax, break-
C2 200m 9.0m — — —
bulk, and multipurpose.

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 129

Panjang—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
D 86m 9.0m — — —
Chemicals, dirty products, ro-ro/passen-
D1 200m 9.0m 200m — 28,000 dwt gers, breakbulk, and multipurpose. Con-
tinuous berthing length of 486m.
D2 200m 13.0m 200m 12.5m 28,000 dwt
Clean products, ro-pax, breakbulk, and
Dolphin Quay G — — — — — multipurpose. Berthing length of 125m
(including dolphins).
E 400m 13.0m — — — Containers.
G 150m 7.0m — — — Breakbulk.
Tarahan Coal Terminal
Coal. Waterline to hatch coaming height
Jetty 01 175m 16.0m 270m 15.0m 80,000 dwt (HW) of 15m. Berthing length of 300m
(including dolphins).
Coal. Berthing length of 433m (including
Jetty 02 290m 16.0m 433m — 210,000 dwt
Coal Barge
130m — — — 10,000 dwt Coal and transhipment by barge.
Tarahan Forest Product Terminal
Breakbulk. Berthing length of 276m (in-
PT Tel Berth 150m — — 14.0m 52,000 dwt
cluding dolphins).
Sebalang Thermal Power Station
Coal Berth 150m — — — — Coal.
Semen Padang Terminal
Cement. Berthing length of 162m (includ-
Cement Berth 50m — — — —
ing dolphins).
ISAB Terminal
Vegetable oils, breakbulk, and multipur-
ISAB Berth 303m 15.0m — 14.5m —
Pertamina Terminal
Chemicals, clean products, and dirty
Chemical Berth 23m — — — — products. Berthing length of 162m (in-
cluding dolphins).
Chemicals, clean products, crude, crude
Jetty 01 50m — 105m 8.0m 6,500 dwt
products, and LPG.
Chemicals, clean products, crude prod-
Jetty 02 36m — 160m 9.0m 17,000 dwt
ucts, and LPG.
SMART Refinery Terminal
No. 01 182m — — — — Vegetable oils. Berthing length of 540m
No. 02 37m — — — — (including dolphins).
Indocement Cement Terminal
Indocement Cement. Berthing length of 132m (includ-
16m — — — —
Berth ing dolphins).
PT Holcim Terminal

Pub. 163
130 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

Panjang—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Cement. Berthing length of 130m (includ-
Holcim Berth 20m — — — —
ing dolphins).

Ocean-going vessels can be berthed at two mooring buoys; Although Telukbetung has considerable frontage on Teluk

these moorings buoys are situated within the harbor in a depth Lampung, the port facilities are suitable only for native craft.
of 9m. Panjang serves as the port for Telukbetung.
A sea-island berth, with a depth of 12m alongside, was re-
4.26 Anchorage.—The small coastal vessels sometimes make

ported available inside the harbor. Tankers from 2,000 to use of Telukbetung, usually anchoring closely as possible to
18,000 dwt and from 80 to 150m long can be accommodated. Pulau Pasaran (5°28'S., 105°16'E.). The depths are less than
Berthing is restricted to daylight hours, but unberthing can be 11m, at distances closer than 0.25 mile to the island.
done at any time. The W shore of the head of Teluk Lampung between Teluk-

General cargo quays extend along the SE and NE sides of the

4.26 betung and Tanjung Tambikil (5°31'S., 105°16'E.), 4 miles S,
harbor. Berthing information is given in the table titled Pam- is encumbered with islets, reefs, and sand banks. Pulau Tangk-
jang—Berthing Information. il, 56m high, covered with coconut palms, lies 0.5 mile NE of
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilotage service is avail-
4.26 Tanjung Tambikil.
able 24 hours. Pilots require at least 6 hours notice for docking There is a clear passage between the reefs fringing Pulau

and 3 hours for undocking and shifting. Tangkil and the coast W.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Panjang— Pulau Kubur, 25m high, and Pulau Pasaran, a low reef-

Contact Information. fringed islet, lie close offshore 1.5 miles and 2.75 miles NNW,
respectively, of Pulau Tangkil.
Panjang—Contact Information
4.28 Pamunggutan (5°29'S., 105°16'E.) is a bank of sand,
Port Operations coral, and stones, which dries 1.2m about 0.75 mile NE of Pu-
Telephone 62-721-31146-49 lau Kubur. A number of reef patches lie within 0.5 mile of Pa-
Facsimile 62-721-31155
A light is shown from a red metal framework structure stand-

E-mail panjang@indonesiaport.co.id ing on a reef 0.6 mile ESE of Pulau Pasaran.

Between Tanjung Tambikil and Pulau Maitem (5°36'S.,
Web site http://www.panjangport.co.id

105°15'E.), a coastal section about 4.5 miles long, the W shore

Vessel Traffic Service is alternately hilly and marshy, and is fringed by coral to a dis-
Call sign VTS Panjang tance, in places, of 0.5 mile.
Pulau Tegal (5°34'S., 105°17'E.) lies about 2 miles NE of

VHF VHF channels 16, 20, and 22 Pulau Maitem. It attains a height of 117m and is entirely cov-
MMSI 005250013 ered with coconut trees.
A reef, with an above-water sand bank on its W side, lies be-

Telephone 62-721-31139 tween Pulau Tegal and the W coast; there is a narrow but deep
E-mail panjangvts@yahoo.com channel on either side of this reef.
Caution.—A prohibited anchorage area lies N of Pulau Te-

gal from 5°31’S., 105°15’E. to 5°35’S., 105°17’E.

Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken 1.5 miles SW of the

harbor entrance.
4.29 Pulau Kelagian, 281m high, lies about 2.3 miles S of
Directions.—Panjang is entered by way of a channel leading

Pulau Maitem. Teluk Ratai (Ratai Baai) (5°36'S., 105°13'E.),

in from NW around the N end of the natural breakwater. The
the largest and most important bay on the W side of Teluk
fairway is about 137m wide.
Lampung, indents the coast between these points. There is a
Caution.—Lighted buoys mark the N extremity of the natu-

clear channel on either side of Pulau Kelagian.

ral breakwater and the entrance to the harbor. A light is shown
The N entrance point of the bay lies 1.75 miles NNE of the N
from the NE extremity of this breakwater.

extremity of Pulau Kelagian. Pulau Kelagian lies 0.6 mile NE

Because of the existence of unlighted fishing stakes, dangerous

of the S entrance point of the bay.

to navigation, Panjang should be approached in daylight.
In the bay itself there are no dangers, except two drying reefs
Depths off the berths may vary from charted values. Contact


which lie within 0.5 mile of the NW extremity of Pulau Kela-

local sources prior to arrival for the latest information.
gian and which are always marked by discoloration.
Anchorage may be obtained off Piabung (Piapoeng)

4.27 Telukbetung (5°27'S., 105°16'E.) is a town on the NE (5°37'S., 105°10'E.), a village near the head of the bay, in a
side of the mouth of the Wai Kuripan River at the W side of the depth of 13m, 137m offshore. There is a small pier, suitable for
head of Teluk Lampung. It is located about 3.3 miles WNW of lighters, at Piabung.

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 131

Pulau Puhawang (Poehawang) (5°41'S., 105°13'E.), the

4.29 dle of the entrance of Teluk Semangka, is steep-to and densely
largest island in Teluk Lampung, lies about 1.5 miles S of Pu- wooded. It rises in its SE part to a height of 671m and appears
lau Kelagian. The passage N of the island presents no difficulty sharp from S or N. Except on the NE side, the island is fringed
to vessels with local knowledge. A reef, with a depth of 1.5m, by a steep-to bank. On the SE side of the island this bank ex-
lies in the N entrance to this channel, 0.5 mile NNW of the N tends 4 miles E, with depths of less than 30m. Anchorage can
extremity of Pulau Puhawang. be taken on this bank, and also off a village near the NW ex-
Pulau Puhawanglunik is connected to the E side of Pulau Pu-
4.29 tremity of the island.
hawang by a drying reef. A patch, with a depth of 11m, lies 1 The Teluk Semangka Oil terminal consists of two perma-

mile SSE of Pulau Puhawanglunik. nently-moored storage tankers in depths of 59m. The Energy
Teluk Punduh (Poendoeh Baai) is the area about 1 mile wide
4.29 Renown (VLCC), which stores gas, oil, and kerosene, is
between Pulau Puhawang and the shore of Teluk Lampung to moored 4 miles SW of Kotaagung.
the W, NW, and SW. The mainland shore is marshy and Tankers up to 390,000 dwt, with a maximum length of 375m

through its SW part flows the Wai Pundu, a river with a mud and 25m draft, can berth alongside the storage vessels. Port ra-
bank, which is continually extending off its outlet. dio at Kotaagung operates on VHF at all times.
Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots are embarked the same as in

4.30 Teluk Pedada (Pedada Baai) (5°45'S., 105°13'E.) is Panjang. Anchorage can be obtained in the vicinity of the tank-
the southernmost of a number of recesses in the W shore of ers in depths of 20 to 40m, good holding ground.
Teluk Lampung. Several islets lie in the entrance to, and within A mooring master, compulsory for vessels berthing along-

Teluk Pedada. Detached reefs in the bay, most of which lies in side a storage tanker, boards in the anchorage. Berthing is car-
the N part, are marked by surf. A reef, with a depth of 2.7m, ried out only in daylight, though vessels are occasionally
lies in about the middle of the entrance to Teluk Pedada. unberthed at night. Several tugs are available.
Anchorage is available on the W side of Ujung Cukucapah

(Pengrangan) (5°46'S., 105°12'E.), the S side of the entrance to 4.32 Teluk Kiluan (Kiloean) (5°46'S., 105°06'E.), on the
Teluk Pedada. Anchorage should be taken only by those pos- N side of Tanjung Tuntungkalik (5°48'S., 105°05'E.), affords a
sessing local knowledge. good anchorage at the E entrance to Teluk Semangka, although
Close SE of the S entrance to Teluk Pedada is Tanjung Ti-
4.30 there is little room to swing; vessels lie here sheltered from all
kus (5°48'S., 105°13'E.), the W entrance point of Teluk Lam- winds.
pung. Pulau Tuntungkalik, a steep, rocky islet lying 0.25 mile SW

Teluk Peper (Peper Baai) (5°48'S., 105°13'E.), entered be-

4.30 of Tanjung Tuntungkalik, the S entrance point, is a good land-
tween Tanjung Tikus and Tanjung Belantung, 1.5 miles WSW, mark. Pulau Kiluan (5°47'S., 105°06'E.) lies in the middle of
has a noticeable steep group of rocks in the middle, with some the entrance.
others close off its W shore. A coral reef, which dries, extends about 0.1 mile from the N

There is nearly always a turbulent sea in the bay, but when

4.30 shore of the bay. A small detached reef, which dries at the head
there is little swell, landing can be effected in a small cove with of the bay, is usually marked by discoloration.
a sandy beach N of Tanjung Belantung. Directions.—In entering the bay a vessel should pass S of

Tanjung Tuntungkalik (5°48'S., 105°05'E.) lies 6.5 miles

4.30 the rocks extending SW from Pulau Kiluan, and then proceed
W of Tanjung Belantung. The intervening coast is steep, inac- in mid-channel between that islet and the SE shore of the bay,
cessible, and offers no anchorage. and somewhat closely off a steep point E of Pulau Kiluan.
An anchorage position should be selected by eye, giving the

Teluk Semangka coral reef extending from the N shore of the bay a good berth.
Teluk Pegadungan, close N of Teluk Kiluan, is too exposed to
4.31 Teluk Semangka, the W indentation of the S coast of afford anchorage.
Sumatera, is entered between Tanjung Tuntungkalik and Tan- Pulau Hiu (Hioe) (5°45'S., 105°01'E.) is a rocky steep-sided

jung Cina (Ujung Cukuredak) (5°56'S., 104°44'E.), 23 miles island about 3.5 miles NW of Teluk Pegadungan. This wooded
WSW and is entirely open to SE winds. When these winds are island is a useful mark, and is visible up to 15 miles.
blowing, it affords anchorage in the N part. The bay extends Teluk Umbar (Teluk Oembar) (5°43'S., 104°58'E.), entered

nearly 34 miles in a NW direction from Tanjung Tuntungkalik. about 7 miles NW of Teluk Pegadungan, affords anchorage for
The E shore is steep and affords opportunity for anchorage,
4.31 small vessels with local knowledge. The bay is exposed to the S
in depths of 30 to 50m, 2 miles offshore. swell.
The W side is steep-to with depths of 30 to 50m within 0.5
4.31 Two steep rocky islets, covered with vegetation, lie close off-

mile. Local knowledge is advisable for vessels visiting any shore W of the entrance, and there are some above-water rocks on
port, village, or anchorage on either side of Teluk Semangka. both sides of the bay. The bay should be entered in mid-channel.
The mornings are often misty in the entrance area and it is
4.31 The village Umbar stands in the NE corner of the bay.
difficult to take bearings on the NE side of Teluk Semangka. Labuhan Tengor (Tengor Anchorage) (5°40'S., 104°54'E.),

The only prominent marks visible are the steep, rocky islets the indentation 5 miles NW of Teluk Umbar, is not desirable as
Pulau Hiu (Hioe) (5°45'S., 105°01'E.) and Pulau Tuntungka- an anchorage. Some drying rocks lie on the W side of the en-
lik (5°48'S., 105°05'E.). trance.
Gunung Tanggamus (5°26'S., 104°40'E.), at the head of
4.31 The coast, 19 miles NW of Labuhan Tengor, may be ap-

Teluk Semangka, is 2,101m high with a sharp cone. proached closely except for off Tanjung Badak (5°37'S.,
Pulau Tabuan (5°51'S., 104°51'E.), an island near the mid-
4.31 104°49'E.), 5.5 miles NW of Labuhan Tengor. A dangerous

Pub. 163
132 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

patch of coral, with a depth of 3.6m, not marked by discolor- and rugged points. This desolate barren coast has great depths
ation, lies 1.5 miles SW of Tanjung Badak. inshore. There are some bays and harbors which afford shelter
The village Kotaagung (5°30'S., 104°37'E.) is situated on
4.32 in both monsoons.
the beach at the head of Teluk Semangka, 14 miles NW of Tan- Jawa is relatively narrow; the prominent mountains on the is-
jung Badak. There is a pier at Kotaagung. A T-shaped oil jetty land serve as good landmarks for its S and N coasts. Some of
is close W of the original pier. the mountains can be identified up to 75 miles during the
Anchorage may be obtained, in a depth of 9m, mud and
4.32 Northwest Monsoon.
sand, 0.5 mile offshore SSW of the pier. Rocky patches lie in During the Southeast Monsoon these mountains are usually

positions relative to the pier, as follows: concealed by the hazy atmosphere, except occasionally in the
a. 0.3m—1 mile WSW. early morning.
b. 8.8m—slightly less than 1 mile SW. Heavy swells break unceasingly on all exposed points and

c. 15m—1.5 miles SE. roll into the bays and some harbors. There are a few harbors
A flagstaff behind the village is a useful mark.
4.32 which afford shelter during either monsoon. Cilacap (Tjilatjap)
At the head of Teluk Semangka, between Kotaagung and
4.32 is the most important port on the S coast of Jawa.
Tanjung Betung (Betoeng) (5°34'S., 104°33'E.), 5.5 miles Winds—Weather.—Southerly winds prevail along the S

SW, the land is low and marshy, but wooded with high trees. coast of Jawa during all months except January. The Southeast
Through the valley, formed between them by mountain ranges, Monsoon commences in April and lasts until September; the
flow several rivers. wind occasionally blows from the SSW or SW at this time.
In October the mean direction of the wind is S, in November

4.33 Betung (5°33'S., 104°33'E.), one of the largest villag- and December SSW, and in January WNW or NW.
es on the W shore of the bay, is situated on the N side of Tan- A retrograde motion begins in February, and in March winds

jung Betung. There is anchorage, in a depth of 31m, 0.15 mile from the SW occur. These winds sometimes shift to NW or SE.
offshore, with the village bearing 240°. Above-water rocks and This unsettled condition lasts until the latter half of April.
discolored water extend 0.1 mile offshore. Tides—Currents.—Currents run usually to the SE, being

Wainipah is a village about 2.75 miles SSE of Betung. Coral

4.33 strongest during the Northwest Monsoon and weak at other
reefs extend 0.5 mile offshore between the two villages. times. The vertical tide movement is mixed with a predomi-
Anchorage can be taken off Wainipah, in 20m. The anchor-
4.33 nantly semi-diurnal character.
age should be approached by sounding and having the low In general, the tidal currents set W on the rising tide and E on

point immediately N of the village bearing 316°. the falling tide.

A light is shown 0.75 miles N of the village.
4.33 Aspect.—Among the mountains in the W part of the S coast

Tanjung Gunungdalam (5°44'S., 104°39'E.) is a high point

4.33 of Jawa are Gunung Salak (6°43'S., 106°44'E.) 2,211m high,
10 miles SE of Wainipah. There is anchorage off Karangberak, with Gunung Halimun, 1,744m high, and Gunung Sanggabu-
a village on the S side of the point, in a depth of 33m, 0.3 mile wana, 1,919m high, 13 miles SW and 17.5 miles W, respective-
offshore. A light is shown from this point. ly.
Tanjung Batoeloenik (5°51'S., 104°43'E.) is a less than 7.5
4.33 Gunung Pangrango, 3,019m high and shaped like a truncated

miles SSE of Teluk Gunungdalam. cone, rises 14 miles ESE of Gunung Salak, with Gunung Gede,
Teluk Tampang (Tampang Baai) (5°52'S., 104°43'E.), en-
4.33 2,958m high, close SE. A white column of smoke is often seen
tered between Tanjung Batoeloenik and Ujung Cukuredak rising from the crater on the NW peak of Gunung Gede.
(Tanjung Cina) (5°56'S., 104°44'E.), 6 miles S, is entirely open Caution.—The S coast of Jawa, between Tanjung Guhakolak

to SE winds but affords good anchorage in a depth of 25m, (6°50'S., 105°15'E.) and Tanjung Sodong (6°52'S., 105°32'E.), is
sand, NE of Tampang, a village situated near the head of the similar in appearance, during hazy weather, to the coast NW, in-
bay. Teluk Cina, the W entrance to Teluk Semangka, is a low cluding Pulau Panaitan (6°35'S., 105°13'E.).
point which is well outlined when seen from seaward. The long narrow isthmus connecting Menanjung Ujung-kulon

The coast between Teluk Cina and Cukuh Balimbing (5°56'S.,

4.33 with the Jawa mainland has been mistaken at a distance for the en-
104°33'E.), 10.5 miles W, is reef-fringed. A light, equipped with a trance of Selat Panaitan (Prinsen Straat) (Behouden Passage).
racon, is shown from Cukuh Balimbing. Approaching this coast in
thick weather, when the land can not be seen, the soundings are a 4.35 Tanjung Cangkuang (Tanjung Tjankoeang) (6°51'S.,
good guide but it is advisable to keep in a depth of not less than 105°16'E.) is the southernmost point of Menanjung Ujung-ku-
40m. lon isthmus. A 388m peak rises just N of the point. This area
A reef, with a depth of 1.5m and marked by breakers, lies 1
4.33 should not be approached within 2 miles.
mile offshore and 2.75 miles ESE of Tanjung Rata (5°57'S., The coast between Tanjung Cangkuang and Ujung Sinini

104°35'E.), the southernmost point of Sumatera, located 2 (7°00'S., 106°21'E.), about 68 miles E, is fronted by a sandy
miles SE of Cukuh Balimbing. There is a patch, with a depth of beach upon which the sea breaks at all times. There are a few
8.8m, 0.5 mile SSW of Tanjung Rata. A patch, with a depth of scattered villages along the coast, and dune formations which
11m, lies 3 miles S of the same point, with depths of from 12.8 are subject to continuous change.
to 14.6m between it and the shore. Tanjung Tereleng (6°51'S., 105°25'E.), 9 miles E of Tan-

jung Cangkuang, is a 49m high reef fringed cape extending al-

Jawa—South Coast most 1 mile from the coast. A prominent tree is located in the
middle of Tanjung Terelung.
4.34 The S coast of Jawa is high and consists of steep rocks Tanjung Sodong (6°52'S., 105°32'E.), located about 7 miles

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 133

E of Tanjung Tereleng, is a sandy point backed by hills. should not be rounded from the E in depths of less than 37m.
Tanjung Panto (6°51'S., 105°54'E.) is the E end of a prom-
4.35 A 27m depth lies 8.3 miles WNW of Ujung Genteng.

ontory, 1.5 miles long, and is fronted by a drying reef which An inlet indents the coastal reef on the W side of the penin-

extends 0.25 mile offshore. sula. The inlet is narrow and has a fairway width of less than
Anchorage may be obtained during the Northwest Monsoon
4.35 91m at the entrance. A pier extends 125m in a S direction to
in the bay N of Tanjung Panto, in depths of 11 to 15m. The the edge of the sand bank on the W side of the inlet. There is a
holding ground is good, but a considerable swell frequently depth of 6.2m alongside. Two mooring buoys are moored E of
sets in round the point. the pier.
Tides—Currents.—A strong tidal current may be encoun-

Off-lying Islands tered off the inlet, but the rate has not been determined. The
maximum rate of the S current occurs at the time of semi-diur-
4.36 Pulau Deli (Klapper Eil) (7°01'S., 105°32'E.), an un- nal high water, and that of the N current at low water.
inhabited island, 48m high at its NW end, lies 7 miles S of Tan- A beacon stands on the neck of the peninsula at its head near

jung Sodongrand and is thickly wooded. A light surmounting a a prominent shed with a zinc roof. The W side of the inlet is
40m high white tower, is exhibited from the SW extremity of marked by a beacon and two piles, and the E side by a beacon.
the island. Anchorage may be taken, during the Southeast Monsoon, off

Pulau Tinjil (Pulau Tindjil) (Trouwers Eil), about 12 miles E

4.36 the entrance to the inlet, in a depth of 20m, 0.45 mile W of
of Pulau Deli, is similar in appearance to Pulau Deli. Between Ujung Genteng. It may also be taken farther seaward, in depths
these islands and the coast of Jawa, there is a bank with depths of 26 to 29m, but a heavy swell exists here.
of 22 to 55m, coarse sand and mud bottom. Directions.—Approaching from the W, steer for Ujung Gen-

From Tanjung Panto, the coast continues low and sandy and in
4.36 teng, bearing more than 090° and when the beacon at the head
its W part it is backed by sand dunes for 9 miles E, where a narrow of the inlet bears 029°, steer for it and pass between the bea-
drying reef extends 1 mile S from the coast. It then turns SE for 14 cons on either side, which leads to the pier.
miles to Ujung Karangtaraje (Karangtaradje) (6°57'S., The coast between Ujung Genteng and Teluk Cilauteureun

106°14'E.), and is mostly fringed by a drying reef. Anchorage may (Tjilauteureun) (7°40'S., 107°41'E.) is low, straight, and
be obtained by those with local knowledge in the bay close W of backed by sand dunes up to 84m high in the W and central
Ujung Karangtaraje, in depths of 11 to 16m, sand. parts.
Teluk Pelabuhan Ratu (Wijnkoops Baai), entered between
4.36 Between Teluk Cilauteureun and Ujung Madasari (7°47'S.,

Ujung Sinini (7°00'S., 106°21'E.), 7.5 miles ESE of Ujung 108°30'E.), the coast is low, wooded, cultivated, and backed by
Karangtaraje, and Ujung Karangterang, a point 10 miles SE, is low hills covered with rubber plantations. There appears to be
backed by steep wooded mountains. no off-lying dangers off the previously-mentioned stretch of
In Teluk Pelabuhan Ratu, rugged points project in places
4.36 coast, though reefs, on which the sea breaks with violence, ex-
from the shore with a few rocks close inshore. A stream flows tend up to about 0.5 mile from the prominent points. In every
into the sea at the head of the roadstead with the village of bay heavy surf rolls up to the white sandy beaches.
Pelabuhanratu (Cidadap) (6°59'S., 106°32'E.) at its entrance,
where there is a small T-head pier. Coastal vessels call during Teluk Penanjung
both monsoons.
Teluk Ciletuh (Teluk Tjiasem) (Zand Baai) (7°11'S.,
4.36 4.38 Tanjung Cimanggu (Tanjung Tjimanggu) (7°44'S.,
106°26'E.), just S of the larger bay, is small in extent and rela- 108°40'E.) is the S extremity of a small peninsula which sepa-
tively shallow. It provides good shelter during the Southeast rates Teluk Parigi from Teluk Citanduy (Teluk Maurits). These
Monsoon for vessels with local knowledge. bays collectively form Teluk Penanjung.
Castorklip (Karang Castor) is a small rock awash lying in the
4.36 Teluk Parigi offers good shelter during the Northwest Mon-

middle of the bay, 1.5 miles SSW of Ujung Karangragok, the N soon. Vessels can anchor, in 18m, with Ujung Citanduy bearing
entrance point of Teluk Ciletuh. It can only be identified when 199° and Tanjung Cimangu bearing 091°. During the Southeast
there is a swell. Monsoon, vessels can anchor in the E part of the bay, off the
Between Teluk Ciletuh and Ujung Genteng, there are several
4.36 small peninsula.
bights with white sandy beaches, separated by prominent Teluk Citanduy (Teluk Maurits) offers good shelter during

points formed by spurs from the hilly land behind. Vessels the Northwest Monsoon. Vessels can anchor, in 14 or 18m,
should give this part of the coast a berth of at least 1 mile, as with the SE side of the small peninsula bearing 186° and Tan-
above and below-water rocks lie up to 0.75 mile offshore. jung Besek (7°44'S., 108°47'E.) bearing 105°. The latter point
is the SW extremity of Nusa Kambangan, a long and narrow is-
4.37 Ujung Genteng (7°23'S., 106°24'E.), 12 miles S of land.
Teluk Ciletuh, is a low peninsula with tall trees; it is very con- Nusa Kambangan (7°44'S., 108°55'E.) is separated from

spicuous from the W. A sand bank, with numerous rocks, fring- the S coast of Jawa by very narrow channels. The W, S, and E
es the point and extends 0.4 mile S. sides of the island are steep and rocky. The channel N of the W
The S part of this sand bank is prolonged in a SSE direction
end of the island expands into a large lagoon, with general
for about 0.75 mile by a rocky ridge, with a depth of 6.9m at its depths of 0.9m and numerous drying patches. A light is shown
outer part. During the Southeast Monsoon there is heavy surf from a 32m white stone tower and a racon transmits from
on the outer end of the spit, but during the Northwest Monsoon Gunung Cimiring (Tjimiring) (7°47'S., 109°02'E.), the SE
there is hardly a ripple during calm weather. Ujung Genteng end of Nusa Kambangan.

Pub. 163
134 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

An offshore tanker terminal, consisting of an SBM and

4.38 semi-diurnal. Off the entrance to the inlet, there is an almost
marked by lighted buoys, is situated 4 miles SE of the light. A constant N stream. Along the axis of the channel, the current
submarine pipeline, marked by lighted buoys, connects the follows the line of the channel, but on both sides it passes over
terminal to the shore. the shoals.
The flood current sets SW over the hard sand bank and then

Teluk Penyu and Cilacap Inlet WSW. Because of the influence of the river Kali Donan, espe-
cially during the rainy season, the duration of the ebb is usually
4.39 Teluk Penyu (7°45'S., 109°04'E.) is an open bight be- longer than that of the flood.
tween Nusa Kambangan and Tanjung Karangbata (Tanjung
Karangboto) (7°46'S., 109°24'E.). During neap tides, the current is usually 0.5 to 1 knot. At

Approaching Teluk Penyu from S, Gunung Slamet (7°14'S.,

4.39 spring tides, this rate may increase to 2 to 4 knots and during
109°13'E.), 3,420m high, is an excellent landmark in clear the rainy season, the current has been known to attain a rate of
weather. It should be steered for bearing less than 011°, which 5 knots.
leads E of the 8.5m depths reported to lie 3.5 miles E and SW,
respectively, of Cimiring Light. A dangerous wreck was reported
(2005) to lie on the NE edge of this area.
Care should be taken that the isolated group of mountains N

of Tanjung Karangbata, the E entrance point to Teluk Penyu

which has the appearance of an island from a distance, should
not be mistaken for Nusa Kambangan.

The largest port on the S coast of Jawa, Cilacap is now


known as Tanjung Intan. Cilacap, entered between the E end of

Nusa Kambangan and the S coast of Jawa, is the most import-
ant harbor on this coast. It affords the best anchorage of this
stretch of coast and vessels can lie here in safety during both
Cilacap Inlet (7°45'S., 109°03'E.), the narrow channel to Ci-

lacap, leads along the NE side of Nusa Kambangan.

The town of Cilacap is situated on the N and E banks of Kali

Donan (7°44'S., 109°00'E.), close within the entrance to the in-

A dangerous wreck lies in position 7°47'S, 109°10'E.

Tanjung Intan (Cilacap) (7°44'S., 109°00'E.)

World Port Index No. 51220

4.40 Tanjung Intan is a port of call for coastal and foreign

shipping. There is a radio station at Cilacap. Extensive wharf-
age, with rail facilities, front the S, SW and W sides of the
town. Mobile cranes are available for working cargo. The chan-
nel to Cilacap has been dredged and widened. Aids to naviga-
tion have been adjusted to reflect the channel limits.
Winds—Weather.—A gentle land breeze from the W or

NW blows in during the morning hours. From the middle of

July until the beginning of October there are continuous E
winds which raise a high swell.
In August and September, these winds are accompanied by

heavy rains and frequent storms, with no W or land breeze at Cilacap Range Light
The climate cannot be considered healthful during the North-
Depths—Limitations.—The channel is reported to have a

west Monsoon. During the Southeast Monsoon, there are fresh minimum width of 200m from a position about 0.7 mile ENE
breezes. The heaviest rainfall occurs from October to January, of Tanjung Karangbolong to the W end of Pertamina Wharf;
at which time it rains during 20 days of each month. The driest this portion of the channel has dredged depths of 14.5 to
months are August and September, when rain falls about 11 12.1m.
days in each month. Heavy squalls, during the intermediate pe- Between Pertamina Wharf and the General Cargo Wharves

riod between monsoons, sometimes impedes the working of the channel narrows to a width of 80m with a depth of 8m, af-
cargo. ter which the depth reduces to 4.5m in the reach to Donan
Tides—Currents.—In Cilacap Inlet, the tide is mostly

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 135

The Crude Island Berth lies on the S side of the channel,

4.40 There are four berths situated on the E side of Kali Donan at

about 1 mile W of Tanjung Karangbolong. It consists of two the General Cargo Wharves, which can accommodate vessels
berths which can accommodate vessels up to 250m in length, up to 10,000 dwt, with a maximum length of 114m and a
100,000 dwt, with a maximum draft of 13m. maximum draft of 7m
There is a turning basin close N of Crude Island Berths and S
4.40 Pertamina Wharves (Area 60) lie in the upper reaches of the

of Lighted Buoy No.13. Donan river and consists of three T-head berths that can ac-
Pasir Besi Iron Ore Wharf lies on the N side of the channel,
4.40 commodate vessels 105m in length, 8,000 dwt, with depths
about 1.5 miles WNW of Tanjung Karangbolang. The T- from 5 to 7m alongside.
shaped wharf, with a 50m long concrete head, has a dolphin on Vessels dock port side-to, except at the Crude Island Berths,

each side. Vessels up to 186m long with a draft of 10.4m can where vessels are berthed bow upriver. Berthing information is
berth there. The Fort Jetty lies close NW. shown in the table titled Tanjung Intan—Berthing
Pertamina Pier (Area 70) lies on the N shore of the channel,
4.40 Information.
about 0.25 mile WNW of the Iron Ore Wharf. It consists of a Aspect.—A white metal framework light, 15m high, stands

triple-headed three-berth wharf, with a total length of 860m. 1 mile N of the iron ore piers. A prominent monument lies on
The wharf can accommodate tankers up to 35,000 dwt, with a the W side of Kali Jasa, 0.75 mile NW of the iron ore piers. A
maximum loa of 200m and a maximum draft of 10.5m. flagstaff and a monument lie close W of Tanjung Sodong
An inter-island piers lies halfway between the Pertamina
(7°44.5'S., 108°59.5'E.).
Pier and the junction of the Sapuregal and Donan rivers

Tanjung Intan—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
BUNTON Power Plant
Coal Jetty 215m — 189.8m — 32.2m 50,249 dwt Coal.
Holcim Terminal
Limestone by barge. Berthing
15m 4.0m — — — — length of 140m (including dol-
Pangan Mas Inti Persada Terminal
Grain. Berthing length of
Pangan Mas Dock 120m 10.0m — — — —
190m (including dolphins).
PLTU Karangkandri Power Plant
East Jetty 150m — — — — — Coal.
Coal. Berthing length of 235m
North Quay 183m — 106m — 25.0m 10,500 dwt
(including dolphins).
South Jetty — — — — — — Under construction.
Pupuk Sriwidjaja (PUSRI) Terminal
Pupuk Swiwijaya Fertilizer. Berthing length of
40m 11.5m — — — —
Jetty 150m (including dolphins).
Tanjung Intan Port Terminal
Wood chips, project/heavy,
Berth I 157m 11.0m — — — —
breakbulk, and livestock.
Berth II 134m 11.0m — — — — Breakbulk and livestock.
Coal, wood chips, and break-
Berth III 50m 11.0m — — — —
Berth IV 72m 10.0m — — — — Breakbulk.
Berth VI 120m 11.0m — — — — Coal, breakbulk, and livestock.
Coal Berth 70m 7.5m — — — — Coal and breakbulk.

Pub. 163
136 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

Tanjung Intan—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Coal and breakbulk by barge.
Wijayapura Berth 70m 7.0m — — — — Berthing length of102m (in-
cluding dolphins).
Area 70 Terminal
CIB 01 26m 17.0m Crude, dirty products, and bun-
250m 12.5m 39.9m 135,000 dwt kers. Berthing length of 380m
CIB 02 23m 17.0m (including dolphins).
Iron ore. Berthing length of
Iron Ore Jetty 10m 11.0m — 10.4m — —
360m (including dolphins).
Clean products, crude, dirty
products, and bunkers. Berth-
Jetty No.1 — 10.5m 200m 10.5m — 35,000 dwt
ing length of 203m (including
Clean products, dirty products,
Jetty No. 2 — 10.5m 200m 10.5m — 35,000 dwt and bunkers. Berthing length
of 290m (including dolphins).
Chemicals, clean products,
dirty products, and bunkers.
Jetty No. 3 — 12.0m 200m 10.5m — 35,000 dwt
Berth length of 150m (includ-
ing dolphins).
SBM — 30.0m 334m 24.0m — 300,000 dwt Crude and bunkers.
Area 60 Terminal
Aviation fuel, clean products,
Jetty No.1 184m 7.0m 85m 5.8m — 3,000 dwt
dirty products, and bunkers.
Dirty products, and bunkers.
Jetty No. 2 — 3.5m — — — — Berthing length of 122m (in-
cluding dolphins).
Aviation fuel, chemicals, clean
products, dirty products, LPG,
Jetty No. 3 25m 7.0m 105m 5.8m — 8,000 dwt
and bunkers. Berthing length
of 178m (including dolphins).
Aviation fuel, chemicals, clean
products, dirty products, LPG,
Jetty No. 4 34m 7.0m 105m 5.8m — 3,000 dwt
and bunkers. Berthing length
of 168m (including dolphins).
BBM Cilacap Terminal
Clean products, dirty products,
LPG, and bunkers. Berthing
Oil Jetty 15m — — — — —
length of 40m (including dol-

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels. Pilots are

4.40 mile ENE of Tanjung Karangbolong. Ships can communicate
available 24 hours for vessels up to 150m loa. Vessels over with the pilots on VHF.
150m in length are restricted to movements in daylight hours Regulations.—There is a time limit of 48 hours for report-

only. Request for pilot should be made 6 hours in advance and ing the arrival of foreign vessels and crew at PTK Cabang Cila-
3 hours before departure. Pilot boards in the following posi- cap (the Government terminal in Cilacap).
tions: (7°45’S, 109°03’E and 7°45’S, 109°04’E). The Appointment Letter or Notice of Vessel/Crew arrival

A vessel arriving at night should not make the signal for a pi-
4.40 should be provided to the agent at least two days (48 hours) in
lot until daybreak. The pilot usually meets vessels about 0.75 advance of arrival. Failure to comply will result in a heavy fine.

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 137

Signals.—Pilot signals are acknowledged by Cimiring

4.40 The entrance channel leads S of these patches and N of a

Light (7°47'S., 109°02'E.); the information is then telephoned narrow steep-to reef fringing the NE shore of Nusa Kamban-
to the pilot station at Cilacap. gan. Numerous wrecks lie in the inlet and harbor.
The dredged channel entered between Lighted Buoy No. 1

Cilacap—Pilot Answering Signals and Lighted Buoy No. 2 is moored less than a mile ENE of
Tanjung Karangbolong. A pilot embarks in this vicinity. The
Signal Meaning
channel is marked by lighted buoys (IALA Maritime Buoyage
Indonesian flag is hoisted The pilot is proceeding to System Region A) and three sets of lighted range beacons.
at the signal yard. board the vessel.
A ball, with two cones, 4.41 Tanjung Krangboto (Karangbata) (7°46'S.,
Vessel wait outside until 109°24'E.), the E entrance point to Teluk Penyu, is the S ex-
points up, vertically dis-
further notice. tremity of a steep and high promontory. The low land on either
posed below.
side renders it prominent. Heavy surf makes it impracticable to
Two cones, vertically dis- Vessel may enter without land on the promontory and, as uncharted rocks may exist
posed, bases together. a pilot. close inshore, it should be given a wide berth.
Pilot will not board ves- Kali Lukul enters the sea 14 miles E of Tanjung Karangbata.

A ball, with a cone, point sel outside; proceed into Cilicap Radiobeacon transmits from a structure on the E side of
up, below it. Cilacap Inlet without a the river.
pilot until one is met.
Tanjung Karangboto to Tanjung Bantenan
A black ball between two
Vessel cannot enter that
cones, points up, vertically 4.42 The entire coast between Tanjung Karangboto and
disposed. Teluk Pacitan (8°15'S., 111°05'E.), about 105 miles ESE, is
inaccessible because of heavy surf. The W part between Tan-
The pilot answering signals made by the light are given in
4.40 jung Karangboto and the entrance of Kali Opak (8°01'S.,
the accompanying table. It has been reported recently that the 110°17'E.), 54 miles ESE, consists of a low plain fronted by
signals from the lighthouse were difficult to see. sand dunes 9 to 16m high, behind which are numerous villages
Contact Information.—See the table titled Cilacap—Con-
4.40 and paddy fields.
tact Information. The E part of this stretch of coast is more mountainous, and

the coast is steep and desolate. Dangers, other than those chart-
Cilacap—Contact Information ed, may exist along this coast.
The only part of this coast which has been surveyed is E of
Port Authority

position 7°53'S, 110°01'E, to the entrance of Kali Opak

62-282-534651 (8°01'S., 110°17'E.), 16.5 miles ESE. Soundings off this
Telephone stretch of coast show that the 200m curve lies approximately 7
miles offshore, the bottom being very regular within this depth,
Facsimile 62-282-534653 but rising abruptly near the coast.
E-mail tgintan@pp3.co.id Off the entrance to Kali Opak, the 20m line lies approximately

1.5 miles offshore on either side of the entrance. The average

Agents (Pertamina) depth 3 miles offshore is 49m, but owing to the heavy swell it is
VHF VHF channel 19 inadvisable to approach the coast within 2 miles.
Pilots Teluk Pacitan (Patjitan) (8°15'S., 111°05'E.) is open to S winds

and sea. It is entered between Tanjung Karangsemanda and Tan-

VHF VHF channels 12, 14, 16, and 20 jung Ngamber (8°15'S., 111°06'E.), 1 mile E, and is difficult to
identify from a distance. Gunung Lawu (7°37'S., 111°12'E.)
Anchorage.—The outer anchorage, contained within a 1
4.40 3,265m, and Gunung Tulah 1,134m high lie; respectively, 38
square mile area, is centered 1.5 miles SE of Tanjung Karang- miles NNE and 15 miles N of Tanjung Ngamber.
bolong, in depths of 16 to 20m. Vessels also anchor between Another mountain, 729m high with a jagged summit which

the anchorage area and the point, away from the wreck lying is easily identified, rises 7 miles ENE of Tanjung Ngamber.
0.2 mile ESE of the point. Under favorable conditions, a beacon standing on the sum-

Caution.—Rivers discharge into the bay carrying out trees

4.40 mit of a hill 0.3 mile NE of Tanjung Ngamber, and another
and debris which cause discoloration of the water and dangers similar beacon about 0.6 mile N of Tanjung Karangsemanda,
to navigation. Anchoring and trawling is prohibited in the vi- can both be seen from a considerable distance.
cinity of the submarine pipeline, laid across the harbor near the A village, fronted by a small jetty suitable for boats, is situat-

Iron Ore Wharf. ed about 1.3 miles N of Tanjung Karangsemanda.

The 10m curve is located about 2 miles E of the E side of Ci-
4.40 The N shore of the bay is formed by a sandy beach with low

lacap. At this position the insular shelf is hard sand and shoals ground behind, but because of the heavy surf, it is impractica-
gradually to the shore. Two drying patches are located WNW ble to land.
of Ujung Karangbolong. Anchorage may be obtained, in a depth of about 13m, sand

Pub. 163
138 Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda

and clay, about 0.2 mile SE of this jetty at the village. 111°42'E.) consists of two high, needle rocks standing on a
Between Teluk Pacitan and Teluk Panggul (8°17'S.,
4.42 narrow reef which is usually covered by high breakers. Pulau
111°26'E.), 20 miles E, the coast is high, rocky, and unsur- Sekel, 0.4 mile S of Pulau Bababan, is an above-water rock and
veyed and should be given a wide berth. is usually marked by heavy breakers. A below-water rock lies
Teluk Panggul, open to the S and SW, is a port of call for coastal
4.42 0.6 mile W of Pulau Babadan.
vessels and only affords safe anchorage during the Southeast Pulau Batang (8°25'S., 111°45'E.), 2.5 miles ENE of Pulau

Monsoon. Bababan, is similar to Pulau Sekel.

Pacitan Power Station (8°16'S., 111°22'E), reported to be the
4.42 Pulau Solimo is the largest of a group of five rocky, wooded

largest coal-fired power station in Indonesia, has a 197m long bulk islets lying on foul ground, 0.6 mile E of Pulau Batang.
berth used for transferring coal. Vessels up to 174m loa, with a Pulau Tamengan (8°22'S., 111°47'E.) is the largest of three

maximum draft (HW) of 9.8m and a maximum beam of 27.5m, rocky, wooded islets lying close together on an area of foul
can be accommodated. ground.
Anchorage may be taken off the entrance to the river Kali
4.42 Pulau Sosari, 1 mile ENE of Pulau Tamengan, is the eastern-

Konang (8°17'S., 111°27'E.), in depths of 13 to 15m, but it is most danger in the approach to Teluk Prigi.
exposed to the heavy swell and landing is difficult. Teluk Segoro Wedi (8°21'S., 111°44'E.), with high moun-

It is preferable to anchor in Teluk Panggul (Djaketra Baai)

4.42 tains W and E, is the clearest and safest bay on the S coast of
(8°17'S., 111°27'E.), 23 miles farther E, in depths of 9 to 13m, Jawa. Within the entrance to Teluk Segoro Wedi, the depths de-
sand and clay. The bottom here rises gradually to a sandy crease regularly to 7.3m near its head, where there is good
beach where there are some warehouses. holding ground of mud, clay, and sand.
The bay is divided into a W and N arm. Labuan Damas

4.43 Pulau Konyelan (Konjelan) (8°17'S., 111°27'E.) is an (8°20'S., 111°42'E.) indents the W arm and Labuan Gangsa
islet 42m high off the S entrance point to Teluk Panggul. Pulau (8°19'S., 111°44'E.) the E side of the N arm. Several villages
Karangmalang lies 0.3 mile further S. Both islets are fringed stand along the shore of the latter bight.
with reefs, and vessels are cautioned not to pass between them Anchorage.—There is sheltered anchorage in Labuan Gang-

and the coast E. A group of islets and rocks lie 0.35 mile S of sa, in a depth of 26m, mud and clay, off the village of Pager
the E entrance point to Teluk Panggul. Gunung, 1 mile NE of Pulau Ngrembeng (8°19'S., 111°44'E.),
The coast between the E entrance point to Teluk Panggul and
4.43 a conical islet lying off the middle of the E side of the bay. Some
the W entrance point to Teluk Sumbreng (8°20'S., 111°33'E.), above-water rocks extend 0.2 mile SW from a village close NW
4.5 miles E, is indented, steep, wooded, and unsurveyed. of Pager Gunung. Anchorage is also available in the E part of the
Pulau Prendjono (8°22'S., 111°29'E.), with Pulau Panehan
4.43 head of Teluk Segoro Wedi, in depths of 5 to 11m.
1.5 miles ESE, are two prominent rocky islets about 2.5 miles Here, vessels should berth as close inshore as possible off the

off the S cost of Jawa. Because of the lack of soundings in the pier off the village at the head of Teluk Segoro Wedi. This an-
vicinity of the islets, caution should be exercised. chorage is sheltered from S and E winds, and landing can be
Teluk Sumbreng is entered between two rocky, wooded
4.43 easily effected. Anchorage in Labuan Damas and elsewhere off
points and the bay is free from dangers except for some rocks the W coast of Teluk Prigi is not safe.
and islets, which extend 0.75 mile SW from the E entrance Directions.—The recommended approach is SE, passing be-

point. tween Pulau Solimo and Pulau Tamengan. Soundings give no

Anchorage.—During the Southeast Monsoon, anchorage
4.43 warning of the approach to the dangers.
can be taken, in 11 to 18.3m, off a small bight, located about
0.5 mile N of the E entrance point. This anchorage, although 4.45 Teluk Gemek (Teluk Popoh) (8°17'S., 111°47'E.) is
somewhat sheltered from the prevailing monsoon, is exposed entered NE of Teluk Segoro Wedi. The shores of the bay are
to heavy S swells. rocky and very steep. The village of Popoh stands near the NE
Between the E entrance point of Teluk Sumbreng and Ujung
4.43 shore of the bay.
Siklopo (Siklapa) (8°22'S., 111°44'E.), the SW entrance point The entrance to Teluk Gemak is deep, and the depths de-

to Teluk Prigi, the coast is rocky and indented by several bays, crease gradually to 37m, 3 miles NE of the W entrance point.
which are steep, wooded, and afford no suitable anchorage. The E entrance point is a narrow steep-to rocky promontory.
This stretch of coast has not been surveyed and should be given The depths decrease to 13m near its head. The bay contains no
a wide berth. known dangers other than a reef which extends 0.3 mile E from
A light is situated on the SW entrance point of Teluk Segoro
4.43 W entrance point.
Wedi (Teluk Prigi) (8°21'S., 111°44'E.). Anchorage may be obtained by vessels with local knowledge

Pulau Sarah (8°23'S., 111°40'E.), a rocky islet with an

4.43 off Popoh, in a depth of 11m; the depths decrease gradually.
above-water rock between it and the coast, lies about 1 mile For those without local knowledge, anchorage is taken in a

offshore. A breaking rock lies 1 mile SSE of the islet. A break- depth of 20m. There are some shoals which have been reported
ing reef lies 2 miles SE of the islet. to be difficult to detect because of their lack of discoloration.
The N and W sides of Teluk Gemak are unsafe during the

Off-lying Islets Southeast Monsoon, and even the anchorages given above are
precarious in that monsoon.
4.44 Several islets, which serve as good landmarks, front
Teluk Segoro Wedi. They lie within 2.5 miles of the salient 4.46 Teluk Semrawang (Bumbun Bay) (8°17'S.,
points. Pulau Bababan (Pulau Sebabahan) (8°24'S., 111°51'E.), on the E side of Teluk Gemak is only calm when

Pub. 163
Sector 4. Jawa—South Coast and Selat Sunda 139

there are light or E winds. The entrance is deep and shoals wooded island, lies with its E extremity 4 miles SSE of Tan-
gradually to 5.5m at its head. jung Pelindu (8°24'S., 113°24'E.). The island rises to 326m
Between the above bay and Pulau Sempu (8°27'S.,
4.46 near its center. The channel between the island and the coast is
112°42'E.), 47 miles E, the area off the coast is unsurveyed. deep in the fairway, but without local knowledge it is inadvis-
The coast is generally high, wooded, and for a distance W of able to approach within 1 mile of Nusa Barung, as unknown
Pulau Sempu is fringed by a coral reef. Inland of the above dangers may exist.
stretch of coast there are many villages and rubber plantations. Anchorage.—The N side of Nusa Barung is less steep than

Pulau Sempu is a high, rocky, and desolate island. It is sepa-

4.46 the other sides, and is indented near its center by a small bay. A
rated from the mainland by a narrow channel about 0.1 mile vessel with local knowledge may take sheltered anchorage
wide. There is a least depth of 10.1m in the E entrance of the here, in a depth of 49m.
channel. The S side of Pulau Sempu is inaccessible. Between Tanjung Pelindu and a steep, wooded, rocky point

Anchorage.—Vessels with local knowledge may obtain safe

4.46 5.5 miles E, there is a bay with a sandy beach in its W and N
anchorage on the NW side of Pulau Sempu by proceeding parts, backed by low marshy ground. A village stands on the
through the channel from E. There is a pier on the NW side of NE side of the entrance to a small river, 1.75 miles ENE of
the island, with depths of 4.9 to 7m alongside. Within 12 miles Tanjung Pelindu. Anchorage may be obtained in the bay when
E of Pulau Sempu, the coast is indented by three small open conditions permit.
bays, but little is known of them. From the E entrance point of the bay described above, and a

Between the easternmost bay and Tanjung Pelindu (8°24'S.,

4.46 point 38 miles ESE, the coast is uninhabited except in its W
113°24'E.), about 28 miles E, the coast forms a bight, the W part. This part is rocky, high, covered with forest, and indented
part of which is rocky. Dangerous reefs are reported to extend with several bays which have not been surveyed.
off this part of the bight. The E part of this bight has a sandy Apart from the islets off the coast, all of which lie within 2

beach, blocked by sand hills. miles, there are no known dangers. Prominent mountains back
the coast.
From position 8°37'S, 114°05'E, the coast is formed by low,

wooded ground in its E part and then to Tanjung Capil

(8°38'S., 114°13'E.), where it is high, wooded, and rocky. In
the middle of the above sandy beach, the river Kali Baru
(8°37'S., 114°07'E.) enters the sea.

4.48 Teluk Grajagan (8°40'S., 114°15'E.) is entered be-

tween Tanjung Capil and Tanjung Purwo (8°44'S.,
114°20'E.), a low point 9m high, 9 miles SE. The former point
rises abruptly to a mountain 384m high.
The village of Grajagan stands at the NW corner of the bay,

at the mouth of the Segara Anak (8°36'S., 114°13'E.), but its

entrance is blocked by a drying sand bank.
Anchorage may be obtained in Teluk Grajagan, during the

SE monsoon, in depths of 15 to 26m.

The Blambangan Peninsula, a broad peninsula forming the

SE extremity of Jawa, extends 15 miles E from Tanjung Purwo,

and rises to 360m, 10 miles ENE of the point. The peninsula is
Gunung Semeru covered with forest and has no noticeable features.

Teluk Dampar (8°17'S., 113°05'E.), at the head of the bight,

4.46 4.49 Tanjung Bantenan (8°47'S., 114°32'E.) is the S pro-
has not been surveyed. Gunung Semeru rises 15 miles NW of jection of Semanjung Blambangan, which is covered with a
Teluk Dampar. Gunung Semeru’s latest eruption was April 5th- dense monotonous forest. The S and E sides of the peninsula
11th, 2023, a dense white-to-gray ash plume. are fringed by a drying reef up to 1 mile offshore. The sea
breaks heavily on this reef.
4.47 Nusa Barung (8°29'S., 113°20'E.), a large rocky

Pub. 163
Sector 5—Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

5.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).

Pub. 163


5.0Plan.—This sector describes the islands of Bali, Lombok, 3. In the narrows, during the transition months between
and Sumbawa with the straits adjoining them, and the off-lying the monsoons, the rate of either the N or S current does not
islands to the N. The arrangement is N through Selat Bali, then exceed 5.5 knots. The N current runs from about 4 hours 30
E covering the three islands, related straits, and off-lying is- minutes before to 2 hours 30 minutes after the moon’s upper
lands to the N. and lower transit, and the S current runs during the remain-
der of the period.
General Remarks 5.1As a general rule, the strongest currents can be expected in
the first week after full or new moon. During neap tides (first
5.1 Selat Bali (8°15'S., 114°26'E.), separating the E side week after the quarters) the rate never exceeds 3 knots.
of Jawa from Bali, is deep and is used mainly by coastal and 5.1Near Tanjung Sembulungan (8°27'S., 114°23'E.), the tidal
inter-island vessels. Banyuwangi (8°13'S., 114°23'E.), an im- currents start about 2 to 2 hours 30 minutes earlier than in the
portant shipping place, is situated on the W side of the strait, S narrows; near Banyuwangi (8°13'S., 114°23'E.) from 1 hour to
of the narrows. During the Southeast Monsoon, the weather is 1 hour 30 minutes earlier; and near Pulau Tabuan (8°03'S.,
hazy and the high mountains of Jawa and Bali can rarely be 114°28'E.) from 1 to 2 hours later. In the wider part of the strait
seen. the tidal currents usually occur later than close to the coast.
5.1Bali, the start of Nusa Tenggara, previously known as the 5.1The maximum rate of the current increases regularly as the
Lesser Sunda Islands, is mountainous through the main ridge narrows are approached. Under the N coast of Bali, E of Tan-
running from W to E in apparent continuation of the volcanic jung Pasir (8°06'S., 114°26'E.), the NW extremity of the is-
ridge through Jawa. Most of the spurs of the ridge approach the land, where the N current is setting through the strait, there is
N and NE coasts very closely and only occasionally does a nar- usually an eddy or the current is inappreciable.
row stretch of lowland remain. Southward of the ridge, the land 5.1The N current decreases in strength to the S of the narrows;
is low or slightly hilly with the exception of Bukit Badung and off Banyuwangi, the rate is about half that off Tanjung Pasir. In
the hills around Labuhan Amu (Labuan Amuk) (8°31'S., the S part of the strait, during the Northwest Monsoon, the cur-
115°32'E.). rent sets strongly to the E, toward Bukit Badung (8°48'S.,
5.1The coasts of Bali generally rise steeply from the sea, with 115°10'E.), a peninsula forming the S extremity of Bali.
great depths close to, so that there is anchorage inshore only. 5.1The currents near the shore are not as strong as those in the
Because the coast is entirely open, the only safe anchorage is middle of the strait. They sometimes run in a contrary direc-
off the E coast in the Northwest Monsoon and off the W coast tion.
in the Southeast Monsoon. 5.1Depths—Limitations.—Depths in Selat Bali range from 18
5.1Winds—Weather.—During the Southeast Monsoon, the to 188m with the majority of transiting depths between 25 and
wind is mostly from SSW to SE with a W current. From July to 75m. Depths are best seen on the chart and mariners are ad-
September, the wind can be very strong. In the Northwest vised to seek the most up-to-date depth information.
Monsoon, a vessel may be set strongly E, both by wind and 5.1Gosong Ratu (8°35'S., 114°39'E.), near the middle of the S
current. entrance of Selat Bali, has a least depth of 9.1m. This shoal
5.1Tides—Currents.—The character of the tidal current in Se- bank is about 1 mile in diameter and is not marked by discolor-
lat Bali is semidiurnal. The direction is affected by the mon- ation.
soon, with the Southeast Monsoon causing a constant S 5.1Bukit Badung (8°48'S., 115°10'E.), the peninsula forming
current, and the Northwest Monsoon causing a constant N cur- the S extremity of Bali, bears some resemblance to that of Se-
rent. The resultant current, due to the combined working of the manjung Blambangan (Blambangan Peninsula) (8°45'S.,
tides and the monsoons, is, as follows: 114°25'E.), the SE extremity of Jawa, when seen from S.
1. In the narrows of the N entrance, during the Southeast During the Southeast Monsoon, care must be taken not to mis-
Monsoon, the current flows nearly in a constant S direction. take Selat Badung (8°40'S., 115°22'E.) for Semanjung Blam-
It is strongest about 5 hours after the moon’s upper and lower bangan.
transit, with a maximum rate of 6 to 7 knots. From about 3
hours before until the moon’s transit, a weaker current sets N Selat Bali—West Side
with a maximum rate of 3.5 knots, although this may be re-
placed by an inconsistent current or even by a weak S current 5.2 Tanjung Bantenan (8°47'S., 114°32'E.), the S pro-
with a maximum rate of 2 knots. jection of Semanjung Blambangan, has been previously de-
2. In the narrows, during the Northwest Monsoon, the N scribed in paragraph 4.48
current is the stronger and flows for about 8 hours from The W side of the S part of Selat Bali, between Tanjung
about 6 hours before to 2 hours after the moon’s upper and Slokah (8°43'S., 114°36'E.) and Tanjung Sembulungan
lower transit. The maximum rate, from 6 to 7 knots, occurs (8°27'S., 114°23'E.), is formed by Semanjung Blambangan.
about 3 hours before the moon’s upper and lower transit. The coast is steep-to, with considerable depths close offshore.
During other periods there is a S current. Tanjung Kutjur (Tanjung Kucur), a wooded point 34m high,

Pub. 163
144 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

lies 4 miles NNW of Tanjung Slokah, and then WNW for 6 rection to those in the Outer Road, and may attain a rate of 2.5
miles to Tanjung Keben, another wooded point 56m high, the E knots.
entrance point to Teluk Banyubiru, the coast is high and wood- 5.3Depths of 18 to 20m are found in the Outer Road, and depths
ed. of between 7m and 13m are found in the Inner Road.
5.2Anchorage may be taken in Teluk Banyubiru, in a depth of 5.3New Bank, with a least depth of 6.7m, and marked on its N
37m, 0.5 mile off the head of the bay. Between the W entrance side by a lighted buoy, lies 0.25 mile E of the port office.
point to Teluk Banyubiru and Tanjung Sembulugan (8°27'S., 5.3Aspect.—Prominent objects in the approach to Banyuwangi
114°23'E.), the coast is wooded. Tanjung Sembulungan is the are a radio mast showing an obstruction light 0.5 mile WSW,
N extremity of a high peninsula and forms the E side of Teluk and a factory and chimney 0.75 mile N of the port office at
Pangpang, which indents the coast. The E shore of the bay is Banyuwangi.
fringed by a steep-to reef and fronted by a sandy beach. The 5.3Anchorage.—The Outer Road between Ommen Shoal and
head of the bay and the W shore are fronted by a partly drying New Bank affords good anchorage for moderate-sized vessels,
mudflat which occupies the greater part of the bay. in depths of 18 to 20m, but the bottom is uneven.
5.3Vessels making for the inner anchorage are advised to moor
5.2Sheltered anchorage may be taken in Teluk Pangpang at all as there is limited space. During the Northwest Monsoon, there
times. Depths decrease gradually from 18m in the fairway of is seldom any sea and communications with the shore can al-
the entrance, to 5.5m about 3 miles within. Between Teluk ways be maintained.
Pangpang and Tanjung Pakem (8°14'S., 114°23'E.), the coast 5.3Directions.—Banyuwangi is difficult to identify in the after-
is thickly wooded with a few openings for some scattered set- noon, when the sun is behind it, but mountains on Bali, 6 miles
tlements. A submarine power cable lies 3 miles N of Teluk E, provide a good mark. Vessels approaching the Outer Road
Panpang and runs NE across Selat Bali to the coast 2 miles N from S should avoid Bromo Rock and Parkem Reef, and pass
of Tanjung Pabawahan. mid-channel between Ommen Shoal and DeGroots Rock. Ves-
5.2Bromo Rock (8°16'S., 114°25'E.), with a least depth of sels approaching from N should pass E of Ommen Shoal in
11m, and Parkem Reef, with a least depth of 4.6m lie; respec- depths of not less than 27.4m. Due to the narrowness of the in-
tively, 2.25 and 1.25 miles SSE of Tanjung Pakem. ner anchorage, vessels entering or leaving this channel should
5.2Parkem Reef is marked by a beacon on its E side. From Tan- take care to proceed against the current.
jung Pakem to the town of Banyuwangi, 1.75 miles NNW, the 5.3Caution.—Due to changing conditions, vessels not having
coast is similar to that S of the point. the latest local knowledge are advised to seek the assistance of
the harbormaster. DeGroots Rock, with a least depth of 3.6m,
5.3 Banyuwangi (8°13'S., 114°23'E.) (World Port Index lies about 0.75 miles SE of the port office. Ommen Shoal, a
No. 51210), a lighterage port of some importance, consists of small coral patch with a depth of 4.8m, lies about 0.8 mile ENE
an Outer Road, Inner Road, and an Inner Harbor. The latter of DeGroots Rock.
consists of a shallow rectangular basin with sloping walls and
lighter jetties. The basin is connected to the town by rail and 5.3Ketapang (8°09'S., 114°24'E.) lies 4 miles N of Banyuwan-
road bridges. gi, with a low coast between. A ferry pier with service to Bali
5.3Winds—Weather.—The climate is hot and sultry due to is located at Ketapang. An area in which anchoring is prohibit-
Banyuwangi enclosed by lofty mountains to the W. During the ed due to the presence of submarine cables is situated between
Southeast Monsoon the temperatures are lower and the nights Ketapang and the NW side of Bali. A dangerous wreck lies 0.5
are somewhat cooler. mile SE of Ketapang.
5.3Tides—Currents.—Semidiurnal tides predominate. 5.3Depths—Limitations.—Berthing information is provided
5.3The direction of the tidal currents, near the Jawa coast, often in the table titled Ketapang—Berthing Information.
changes considerably earlier than farther out. The tidal currents
in the Inner Road often run more strongly and in a contrary di-

Ketapang—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
General Berths
Berth 13m — 54m — — Cement, Sand, Wood Chips, Breakbulk.
Dry Bulk 15m — 56m — — Breakbulk.
Floating Pontoon 38m — — — — Breakbulk.
Laman Mining
STS — — — — — Bauxite
PLTU Tembilok

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 145

Ketapang—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Berth 25m — — — — Wood Chips
PT.Alas Kusuma Terminal
East 46m — — — — Wood Chips, Breakbulk.
West 40m — — — — Wood Chips, Breakbulk.
PT.Garyber Link Group Terminal
Berth 30m — — — — Breakbulk.
Pertamina Sauk
East 21m — 96m — — DPP.
West 30m — — — — DPP, Fertilizer.
PLTD Ketapang KalBar
Berth 14m — — — — CPP.
SPBE Ketapang
LPG — — 40m — — LPG.

5.4 Tanjung Wangi (Meneng) (8°07'S., 114°24'E.), 5.4Depths—Limitations.—The port can accommodate vessels
located 5.5 miles N of Banyuwangi, has largely superseded up to 20,000 dwt, with a maximum draft of 12m and a maxi-
Banyuwangi as the main port for foreign vessels in the area. A mum loa of 190m. Berthing information is provided in the ta-
light is shown from the port. ble titled Tanjung Wangi—Berthing Information.
5.4The DMK jetty is 40m in length and can accommodate ves-
Port of Tanjung Wangi sels with a maximum draft of 6m. The jetty is used for the
http://www.maritimindo.com/PelabuhanIII/ transfer of liquid asphalt.

Tanjung Wangi—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
BSW Cement Terminal
Cement. Berth length 270m (including
BSW Cement Jetty 45m — — — —
Semen Indonesian Terminal
Cement, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail,
project/heavy, ready mix, and general
Cement Berth 35m 20.0m — — —
cargo. Berthing length of 182m (includ-
ing dolphins).
PUSRI Terminal
Chemicals, clean products, fertilizer,
Pusri Berth 72m 7.3m — — — and urea. Berth length 194m (including
Tanjung Wangi General Port Terminal

Pub. 163
146 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

Tanjung Wangi—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Berth 1 108m 12.0m — — — Chemicals, clean products, cement, fer-
Berth 2 108m 12.0m — — — tilizer, ro-ro/passengers, bunkers, gener-
al cargo, crude products, aggregates,
Berth 3 108m 12.0m — — — breakbulk, and reefer. Continuous berth-
Berth 4 108m 12.0m — — — ing length of 543m. Increased loa is per-
mitted if smaller/no vessel on adjacent
Berth 5 108m 12.0m — — — berth.
BBM Pertamina Tanjung Wangi Terminal
BBM Tanjung
25m 12.0m 190m — 18,000 dwt —
Wangi Berth
LPG Bosowa Banyuwangi Terminal
LPG. Berthing length of 200m (includ-
LPG Jetty 12m — — — 6,500 dwt
ing dolphins).
Summitama Asphalt Plant
Sumitama Asphalt Clean products. Berthing length of
40m 8.5m — 6.0m —
Jetty 179m (including dolphins).

located 1.5 miles N of Ketapang, in depths of 17 to 31m.

5.4This anchorage is free of strong tidal currents, but eddies ex-

5.5 Tanjung Bansering (8°04'S., 114°26'E.) lies 5 miles

N of Ketapang and is low and covered with coconut palms.
Tanjung Bansering Range Lights, in line bearing 005°, led
through the narrows at the N end of Selat Bali. The rear light is
a 20m high, white metal framework tower, situated 0.3 mile
WNW of Tanjung Bansering. The front light is shown from a
13m high white metal framework tower, lying 0.3 mile S of the
rear light. Between Tanjung Bansering and Tanjung Can-
diban (Jandiban) (Tjandiban) (7°53'S., 114°28'E.), 10.5 miles
N, the E coast of Jawa is fringed by reefs. The portion of the
coast abreast Pulau Tabuan (8°03'S., 114°28'E.), 3 miles N of
the narrows, is fronted by a broad coastal reef. Several drying
patches, covered with vegetation and resembling islands, are
Copyright 2004 Robin Tepera http://www.hadry.cz found on this reef. Many above and below-water detached reefs
Ketapang lie off this coast.
5.5Krokodil (7°57'S., 114°27'E.) is located about 3.5 miles S of
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 150gt
5.4 Tanjung Candiban. It is a steep-to rock marked by discolor-
and should be ordered at least 6 hours prior to arrival. Berthing ation, with a depth of 3m. Between Tanjung Candiban and
and unberthing are carried out during daylight only. Meneng Tanjung Sedano (7°50'S., 114°28'E.), 4.5 miles N, the coast is
Radio may also be contacted on VHF channels 8,12, 14 and 16. fringed by a narrow coral reef with several openings.
The agent should coordinate with the pilot 48 hours in advance. 5.5Gunung Baluran (7°51'S., 114°22'E.), located near the NE
Contact Information.—See the table titled Ketapang—
5.4 extremity of Jawa, forms a mountainous background about 5
Contact Information. miles W of Tanjung Sedano and was previously described in
paragraph 3.61.
Ketapang—Contact Information
Port Control
Selat Bali—East Side
VHF Channels 10, 12, 13, 14 and 16 5.6 Bukit Badung (8°48'S., 115°10'E.), a peninsula
forming the S extremity of Bali, is joined to that island by a
Telephone 62-333-31627
low sandy isthmus and forms the E entrance point to Selat Bali
at its S end.
5.4 Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken in Teluk Mana, 5.6Gunung Putung (8°49'S., 115°09'E.), 202m high near its

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Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 147

center, with another hill 213m high, 0.75 mile SSW of it, ap- taken, in 9m to 11m, sand, with the white stone pyramid bear-
pears lower than it actually is when compared to the high ing 034°. A prohibited anchorage area, shown on the chart, is
mountains in the N part of Bali. situated NW of the white pyramid.
The S coast of the peninsula is steep and wooded in places.
5.6 5.8Teluk Gilimanuk (8°09'S., 114°26'E.), located about 10.5
There are sandy beaches at the foot of the cliffs. The coastal miles NNE of Tjandikesuma, is suitable only for small craft
reef which dries, extends up to 0.4 mile offshore, and except with local knowledge and is a narrow reef-fringed inlet. A
for some rocks close inshore, there are no known dangers. wreck, in position 8°09'12"S, 114°25'58"E, lies off the islet
There is a heavy surf here. and is dangerous to navigation.
5.8Tanjung Pasir (8°06'S., 114°26'E.), the NW point of Bali,
5.6Tanjung Mebulu (8°50'S., 115°05'E.), the W extremity of located 3.5 miles N of Teluk Gilimanuk, is fronted by a narrow
Bukit Badung, has a white temple standing at an elevation of reef. A light is shown from the point.
5.6Between Tanjung Mebulu and Tanjung Tanjungan Bali—North Coast
(8°38'S., 115°06'E.), 11 miles N, the coast recedes to form a
bight, and this bay is named Pantai Barat. 5.9 The N coast of Bali between Tanjung Pasir and Tan-
5.6Pantai Barat is divided into two parts by a drying reef, which jung Bungkulan (8°03'S., 115°11'E.), about 45 miles E, af-
extends up to 0.75 mile offshore from the low isthmus connect- fords few suitable or safe anchorages.
ing Bukit Badung with Bali. The village of Jimbaran (Djim- 5.9The W part of this coast is high, and affords good landmarks
baran) (8°46'S., 115°11'E.) has two remarkable round-topped for approaching the island from the N. Between Tanjung Pasir
trees. and Tanjung Bedak (8°06'S., 114°29'E.), about 3.25 miles E,
the coast is steep-to and rises to the forest covered Gunung
5.7 Labuan Jimbaran (Djimbaran) (8°46'S., 115°09'E.), Prapatagung (8°08'S., 114°29'E.), 310m high. Pulau Menjan-
is located in the S part of the bight. Anchorage may be taken at gan, 70m high and wooded, lies 0.75 mile E of Tanjung Bedak.
Labuan Jimbaran, in a depth of 9m, hard sand, 1.5 miles W of Anchorages may be taken, with local knowledge, in the chan-
the two remarkable round-topped trees in Jimbaran. It is not nel between Pulau Menjangan and Bali. The reefs on both
advisable to proceed closer in due to heavy rollers. sides show discoloration.
5.7Seasonal swells from 1 to 2m can be experienced at anchor 5.9The main mountain ridge traversing the N side of the island
and caution is urged when taking barges alongside and with ac- may be divided into two parts. Gunung Sangiang (8°13'S.,
commodation ladders. 114°36'E.), at the W end of the W part of the ridge, rises to
5.7Up to 2 knots of current have been observed in the approach- 1,004m, with its highest summit Gunung Patas, 1,414m high,
es to Labuan Jimbaran. The current was negligible inside the 13 miles E. Gunung Merbuk (8°14'S., 114°39'E.), 1,346m
bay. high, lies between.
5.7When approaching Pantai Barat from the SW, there is a natu- 5.9Bukit Batukau (8°20'S., 115°06'E.), 2,276m high, is located
ral range by which to verify gyro error. The range is 083°T be- about 16.5 miles ESE of Gunung Patas. Bukit Batukau sepa-
tween Tanjung Mebula Light and Bukit Badung Light. The rates the W part of the mountain ridge from the E part. Bukit
westernmost of three charted airport control towers also makes Pohen, 2,069m high, about 3.75 miles NNE of Bukit Batukau,
for an excellent navigation aid. stands at the W end of the E part of the ridge.
5.7Pilotage is not required for vessels going to anchor in Pantai 5.9Gunung Batur (8°14'S., 115°23'E.), 1,717m high, is located
Barat. about 18 miles NE of Bukit Batukau, with its upper slopes cov-
5.7Launches utilize the Fleet Landing Pier located 2 miles E of ered with volcanic ash.
the anchorage. The 120m pier is made of wood and is 2.5m 5.9Gunung Agung (8°20'S., 115°30'E.) is a prominent volcanic
wide. cone, with a crater summit 3,105m high, and is the island’s
5.7Caution.—Vessels should anchor S of 8°45.7'S to stay clear highest peak. The uppermost slopes on the N and S sides of the
of the approach to the airport. mountain are covered by lava, but there are many buildings on
the SW slopes.
5.8 From Tanjung Tanjungan to Tanjung Pengambengan 5.9Gunung Abang (8°17'S., 115°26'E.) 2,153m high, rises
(8°24'S., 114°35'E.), about 34 miles WNW, the coast is flat with midway between Gunung Batur and Gunung Agung.
a low plain extending to the foot of the mountains. In some ar- 5.9Gunung Seraya (Seraja Mountains) (8°23'S., 115°40'E.),
eas, spurs from the mountain ridges run down close to the sea. 1,186m high, rises at the E end of the ridge traversing the is-
All dangers are contained within the 20m line which lies up to land, and is conical-shaped when seen from the E. On the N
1.5 miles offshore. A light is shown from a 33m high white side of Bali, spurs run down close to the N and NE coasts leav-
framework tower situated on Tanjung Pengambengan. ing only an occasional narrow strip of flat land. The range
5.8At Tanjung Pabuwahan (8°20'S., 114°31'E.), 5 miles NW, slopes down to the S and SW coasts.
the coast is fronted by shoals to a distance over 1 mile. Tanjung 5.9Bukit Badung (8°48'S., 115°10'E.), and a group of volcanic
Pabuwahan is the S extremity of a long, low, narrow peninsula. mountains lie WNW of Labuan Amuk (8°31'S., 115°32'E.) on
5.8Tjandikesuma (Candikesuma) (8°19'S., 114°31'E.) is a the SE coast. The lower slopes of the mountains SW and S of
small village situated just N of the narrow peninsula. A white Bukit Batukau, and S of Gunung Abang are densely covered
stone pyramid stands on a small hill near the village. The vil- with villages standing amongst paddy fields. The numerous
lage is surrounded by an extensive coconut plantation, which small rivers of the island frequently dry in the Southeast Mon-
can be seen from a distance of 4 to 6 miles. Anchorage can be soon.

Pub. 163
148 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

5.10 Teluk Trima (8°08'S., 114°32'E.) is entered between 9,099 dwt, with a maximum length of 210m and a maximum
Tanjung Bedak and Tanjung Pulaki (8°07'S., 114°35'E.), and beam of 27.99m, can be accommodated. A T-head pier, with a
its head is filled with reefs and foul ground. Both sides of the berthing length of 58m and an alongside depth of 14m, lies
head of the bay are steep and wooded. Anchorage may be tak- close SW of the jetty.
en, in about 40m, E of the N end of the drying reef in the center Anchorage.—The inlet is sheltered from the Northwest

of the bay. Such anchorage is not advised in July or August Monsoon by the reef on which Pulau Celukanbawang lies. An-
with a strong SSW wind, because movement between the reefs chorage should be taken in the entrance, in depths of 49 to
then becomes very difficult. 60m. Anchorages are available in the designated areas: Zone A
Teluk Pegametan (8°07'S., 114°36'E.) is entered between
5.10 (cargo and tankers), 8°11'18.6''S, 114°50'53.4''E., Zone B
Tanjung Pulaki and a mangrove-covered reef, 2 miles E. Reefs (emergency anchorage), 8°11'7.8''S, 114°50'35.4''E. There is a
extend up to 1.5 miles W from the E side of the bay, and the dangerous wreck reported (1985) located in the S of Zone A at
head of the bay is foul. Anchorage may be taken in the N part 8°11'25.2''S, 114°50'52.2''E.
of Teluk Pegametan, in depths of 18 to 29m, good holding Temukus Road, 9.5 miles E of Celukanbawang, is the best

ground. It is advisable to keep outside the charted 200m line roadstead on the N coast of Bali.
off this stretch of coast.
Tanjung Sendang (8°08'S., 114°39'E.) is a low point 3
5.10 5.11 Pulau Temukus (Pulau Kramat) (8°10'S., 114°59'E.),
miles ESE of Tanjung Pulaki. A prominent hill, 132m high, a steep-to reef-fringed island, lies about 0.2 mile N of
lies close S of Tanjung Sendang. Tanjung Gondol (8°09'S., Temukus (8°11'S., 114°59'E.). Temukus is one of the principal
114°43'E.), a steep point 52m high, lies 4.5 miles ESE of Tan- trading places in Bali.
jung Sendang. Anchorage.—The roadstead affords good anchorage in the

From Tanjung Gondol, the low coast to Pulau Celukan-

5.10 Southeast Monsoon, and good shelter in the Northwest Mon-
bawang (Pulau Tjelukandawang) (Celukan Bawang) (8°11'S., soon under the lee of Pulau Temukus, but there is barely suffi-
114°50'E.), 7.5 miles ESE, is covered with coconut palms. The cient space for two vessels. There is also anchorage, in a depth
island itself lies near the N edge of a drying reef which extends of 26m, in a narrow passage between Pulau Temukus and
about 0.3 mile SW to the W entrance point of the inlet SE. An- Temukus. In order to swing clear of the shoals on both sides,
other low island, on which there is a pillar, lies midway be- vessels should moor WSW and ENE.
tween Pulau Celukanbawang and the point. A shelving reef, Directions.—When approaching from W, care should be

the W edge of which is marked by a lighted beacon, extends taken to avoid the shoals lying within 0.75 mile of the coast be-
from position 8°11'S, 114°49'E, and is marked by discolor- tween Pengastulan (8°11'S., 114°56'E.) and Temukus. When
ation. A concrete wharf, 73m long, lies in the inlet. The wharf approaching from E, care must be taken to keep in a depth of
can accommodate vessels up to 6,706 dwt, with a maximum more than 18.3m, as the reef off Tanjung Sangeang (8°10'S.,
loa of 113m and a maximum beam of 16.0m. 115°00'E.), 1.25 miles NE of Temukus, is extending.
In the fairway of the entrance to the inlet, there are depths of
5.10 Buleleng Road (8°06'S., 115°06'E.), 7 miles NE of Temukus

17 to 30m. The shores are low and reef fringed. A detached Road, affords very bad anchorage, probably the poorest on the
reef, with a depth of 2.7m, lies in the middle of the inlet and is N coast of Bali. The bottom rises steeply in the roadstead from
marked by a beacon. the charted 200m line, approximately 0.5 mile offshore. A reef
lies in the NE part of the roadstead, about 0.9 mile WSW of
Tanjung Panurukan (8°05'S., 115°07'E.), a low palm-covered
point, and has a least depth of 1m. A beacon stands on the NW
side of the reef.

5.12 Buleleng (8°06'S., 115°06'E.), the suburb of Singara-

ja, 1 mile S, is connected by road with most parts of the island.
A light is shown from Buleleng, about 1.5 miles SW of Tan-
jung Panurukan. The port was closed to commercial traffic. All
traffic is now handled at Celukanbawang.
Anchorage.—The least unfavorable anchorage in the vicini-

ty of Buleleng is a depth of 35m, 0.2 mile WNW of Buleleng

Light. Care must be taken to avoid the foul patches in the vicin-
ity of this anchorage. Submarine cables exist 0.5 mile NE of
Buleleng Light.
Directions.—The NE anchorage should be approached,

steering 211° for Buleleng Light, which leads 183m E of a

Celukanbawang 3.4m patch, 0.2 mile NE of the previously-mentioned reef. It
should be remembered that the beacon stands on the NW side
At the head of the inlet there is a village with a remarkable
5.10 of the reef.
round-topped tree, 0.25 mile SW of its mosque. Range lights
lead E of the detached reef. 5.13 Tanjung Bungkunlan (8°03'S., 115°11'E.), a low
A jetty, situated on the W shore of the bay, has 160m of
5.10 stony point located about 6 miles NE of Buleleng, is the north-
berthing space with an alongside depth of 9.1m. Vessels up to ernmost point of Bali. The NE coast of Bali is less populated

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 149

than that W of Tanjung Bungkulan. Southeast of Tanjung buan Ambat.

Tekurenan (8°11'S., 115°29'E.), midway along this stretch of The coast from Tanjung Jambelo to Tanjung Ibus (8°22'S.,

coast, it is only sparsely populated. 115°42'E.), 2.25 miles SE, is steep and unapproachable. Gili
Numerous spurs from the mountains run down to the coast
5.13 Selang, close off the E extremity of Bali is a rock, 11m high,
with sandy beaches between. The charted 18.3m line lies very covered with vegetation and lies 2.25 miles SSE of Tanjung
close to the coast, and there are no known dangers outside it, ex- Ibus. A light, from which a racon transmits, is shown from Gili
cept for an 11m patch, 1.5 miles E of Tanjung Bungkulan. Be- Selang.
cause of the steepness of the bottom, there are few anchorages Between Gili Selang, the E extremity of Bali, and Tanjung

and practically no shelter in the Southeast Monsoon. Lokan (8°27'S., 115°39'E.), 5 miles SW, the coast continues to
Tides—Currents.—The N tidal currents from Selat Bali
5.13 be fringed by a narrow steep-to reef which dries. There are
and Selat Lombok (Straat Lombok) meet near Tanjung Gulah large rocks, especially off the high points.
(8°06'S., 115°20'E.), 10 miles ESE of Tanjung Bungkulan.
When a S current is setting through these two straits, there is a The village of Ujung (8°28'S., 115°38'E.), 6 miles SW of

W current abreast Tanjung Bungkulan, and E off Tanjung Ngis Gili Selang, is located on the bight between Tanjung Lokan and
(8°10'S., 115°27'E.), 8 miles ESE of Tanjung Gulah. Tanjung Data (8°28'S., 115°38'E.). The village is the port for
Karangasem (8°26'S., 115°37'E.), the chief town of the area.
Bali—East Coast Vessels anchor, in 29 to 45.7m, sand. The roadstead should not
be approached within a depth of 29m, as the bottom rises
5.14 From Tanjung Bungkulan (8°03'S., 115°11'E.) to steeply.
Tanjung Ibus (Tanjung Iboes) (8°22'S., 115°42'E.), 36 miles Tanjung Biasputih (8°30'S., 115°37'E.), 8.75 miles SW of

SE, many mountain spurs descend to the sea. Tanjung Batu Gili Selang, is steep-to, with a depth of 16.5m against the
(8°05'S., 115°16'E.), a low rocky point, lies 5 miles SE of Tan- shore. Biasputih village is situated in the 0.5 mile bight N of
jung Bungkulan; between is an open road 0.3 mile offshore Tanjung Biasputih, and may be recognized by warehouses with
with depths of 20.1m, soft mud and sand. zinc and red roofs.
To the W of Tanjung Saneh (8°05'S., 115°16'E.), a point
5.14 Anchorage, in 20.1m, sand and rocks, is afforded in the mid-

about 1 mile W of Tanjung Batu, is a sand beach and low ter- dle of the bight.
rain; eastward there are mountain spurs descending to the sea.
A conspicuous house, with a zinc roof, stands in the village of 5.15 Gili Biaha (8°30'S., 115°37'E.) is an islet about 0.25
Julah (Djoelah) (8°06'S., 115°19'E.), 2.5 miles ESE of Tan- mile offshore from Tanjung Biasputih. The channel in between
jung Batu. Between Tanjung Batu and Tanjung Ngis, 11 miles is deep and clear, but tidal currents run strongly through it.
ESE, the coast is backed by coconut plantations. Near the top of Gili Biaha is an opening connected by tunnel to
Tianjar Road (8°12'S., 115°30'E.), over 15 miles ESE of
5.14 the sea. The surf beating against the islet causes a fine mist
Tanjung Batu, is identified by its village, Tianjar, which lies at through this opening, giving the appearance of a column of
the foot of Gunung Abang (8°17'S., 115°26'E.). Noticeable smoke rising from a crater.
objects when approaching the roadstead are, a small temple at Tanjung Bugbug (8°31'S., 115°35'E.), a low steep point,

the NW end of the village, a large round-typed tree between lies 2 miles WSW of Tanjung Biasputih. Bugbug (8°30'S.,
Tanjung Tekurenan (8°11'S., 115°29'E.), 2 miles SE of Tan- 115°36'E.), an isolated coastal hill, rises to 298m 0.75 mile NE
jung Ngis, and a similar tree and a large house with a red roof of the point. A reef, which dries with some above-water rocks,
SE of the village. Two dark lava streams, devoid of vegetation, lies 0.5 mile SSW of Tanjung Bugbug.
lie 0.5 mile SE of the village. Gili Tepekong (8°32'S., 115°35'E.) rises steeply from the

Eddies are known to exist in Tianjar Road. Anchorage may

5.14 sea 1 mile S of Tanjung Bugbug, and is covered with tall grass.
be taken, in a depth of 36.6m, off Tainjar, W of a line drawn N Two large above-water rocks lie close off the N end of the islet.
from the bare hill, 231m high, 2 miles S of the village. From The passages between the reef and Gili Tepekong, and between
Tianjar Road to Labuhan Ambat, 12 miles SE, the coast is flat the reef and Tanjung Bugbug are clear of dangers, but should
but the slopes of Gunung Agung rise sharply behind it. only be attempted at slack water.
Labuhan Ambat is formed by a slight bend in the coast be-
5.14 Labuhan Amuk (8°31'S., 115°32'E.) is entered between

tween Tanjung Truna (Tanjung Troena) (8°20'S., 115°38'E.) Tanjung Bugbug and Tanjung Sari (8°32'S., 115°31'E.), 4.25
and Tanjung Jambelo (Tanjung Djambelo) (8°20'S., miles WSW. A light is shown from Tanjung Sari. Partially-
115°40'E.), 2.25 miles SE. Small craft anchor off the village, in protected anchorage is taken, in 42 to 49m, soft bottom, about
36.6 to 54.9m, but are unsheltered in both monsoons. The sea 0.5 to 0.75 mile NNE of the short spit, 0.25 mile N of Tanjung
breeze quickly raises a heavy surf. Sudden violent squalls can Sari. At springs the tidal current attains a rate of 4 knots.
be experienced night or day. Eddies are known to exist in La-

Labuan Amuk Terminal—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Pertamina TBBM Manggis Bali Terminal

Pub. 163
150 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

Labuan Amuk Terminal—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Chemicals, clean products, and crude
Jetty 01 20m 14.5m 180m 9.0m 35,000 dwt products. Berth ing length of 280m (in-
cluding dolphins)
Chemicals, clean products, and LPG.
Jetty 02 42m 14.5m — 9.0m 7,000 dwt Berthing length of 216m (including dol-
Chemicals, clean products, and LPG.
Jetty 03 16m — — — — Berthing length of 116m (including dol-
Jetty TT BBM Manggis — 35.0m 325m 10.0m 23,500 dwt Clean products.

Labuan Amuk Terminal (8°31'S., 115°32'E.) consists of a

5.15 115°15'E.), 2 miles N, are several buildings and coconut plan-
moored storage tanker and an anchorage area, which is about tations.
1.2 miles E of the storage tanker. Berthing is undertaken during Pabeansanur (Pabean Sanur) (8°40'S., 115°16'E.) is situat-

daylight hours only; unberthing may be done at any time. The ed on the beach at the head of the bight; close inland is Sanur.
depth alongside the tanker is 35m. Berthing information is The coastal reef fronting the shore, between Tanjung Serangan
shown in the table titled Labuan Amuk Terminal—Berthing and Sanur, gradually decreases in width and is backed by a
Information. white sandy beach. At Sanur, there is a channel running S
Teluk Padang (8°32'S., 115°31'E.) is a small bay on the SW
5.15 which is navigable by boats at high water between the reef and
of Tanjung Sari. The bay is nearly filled with a drying reef, the shore. In the N part of the bight the coastal reef is narrow
leaving only a narrow channel used by small craft. Range and backed by a dark, gray, sandy beach. The depths in the
lights, in line bearing 288°, lead into the bay. The village of bight decrease gradually towards the head, but they are irregu-
Padang is situated at the head of the bay. There is a wooden jet- lar within depths of 12.8m and there are some reefs.
ty, with flagstaff on its head, for small craft to berth alongside. Anchorage should not be taken in depths of less than 12.8m,

There is a stone mole about 200m long used for ferry service to nor with Tanjung Serangan bearing less than 187°.
Lombok. The Ferry Port Authority Terminal is comprised of During the Northwest Monsoon, there is little tidal current in

Dermaga 01 and Dermaga 02. These two berths are 16m long, the roadstead but in the Southeast Monsoon, the S current from
can accommodate vessels with a maximum draft of 5.0m, and Selat Badung (Straat Badoeng) (8°40'S., 115°22'E.) curves
support ro-ro/passenger operations. around the coast at a rate of up to 5 knots.
Anchorage may be taken close off Teluk Padang, about 0.2

mile SW of Tanjung Sari, in a depth of 49m, about 0.1 mile 5.17 Pantai Timur (8°45'S., 115°12'E.) is a bay with
from the 5.5m line. An obstruction consisting of an anchor and swampy shores lying between Tanjung Serangan and Tanjung
cable lies close to the above anchorage Benoa (8°45'S., 115°13'E.), 3.75 miles SW. Tanjung Benoa is
Caution.—An incident of piracy occurred at this anchorage
5.15 the N extremity of a peninsula jutting 2 miles N into Panti
in 2003. Vessels are urged to take precautions when passing the Timur; on the point is the village of Benoa. A drying coastal
above-mentioned area. reef, steep-to, fringes Tanjung Serangan to 0.75 miles and ex-
cept for two channels, extends solidly SW across the entrance
5.16 Tanjung Setra (8°34'S. 115°27'E.), about 4.5 miles SW to Pantai Timur. A lighted buoy is moored 0.5 mile E of Tan-
of Tanjung Sari, is a low sandspit marked by two tall trees and an jung Benoa.
above-water, darker colored rock. The village of Kusamba is situ- Pulau Serangan (8°44'S., 115°14'E.) lies across the entrance

ated close N of Tanjung Setra and is distinguished by sheds and a to Pantai Timur and is 1m high at its N end, where there is a vil-
long row of salt pans. The low coast continues as a dark gray san- lage. The red roof of a temple on the W side of the island and an-
dy beach, backed by villages standing amongst paddy fields to other temple on its SW side, are visible from seaward.
Tanjung Geling, 10 miles WSW of Tanjung Setra. The village of
Ketewal, 0.5 mile NW of Tanjung Geling, can be identified by 5.18 Benoa-Ujung (Ujung) (Benoa) (8°45'S., 115°13'E.)
three warehouses with zinc roofs and three high round-topped (World Port Index No. 51260), 0.75 mile W of Pulau Serangan
trees with white trunks. A river enters the sea near the village and on the N side of Benoa Channel, is the chief port of Bali. It is
has scoured an opening in the coastal reef, which provides a good formed by an artificial islet on the seaward side of a causeway,
landing place. on which there is a road extending across a drying reef to Den-
Sanur Road (8°40'S., 115°16'E.), about 3.5 miles SSW of
5.16 pasar (8°40'S., 115°13'E.).
Tanjung Geling, lies in a bight off the coast between Tanjung
Geling (8°23'S., 115°16'E.) and Tanjung Serangan (8°43'S., Port of Benoa
115°16'E.), a low wooded point with a white sand beach. Be-
tween Tanjung Serangan and the large village Sanur (8°40'S., http://benoa.pp3.co.id

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 151

Depths—Limitations.—Berthing information is shown in

5.18 Vessel Traffic Service.— Participation in the Lombok Strait

the table titled Benoa—Berth Information. Reporting System (LOMBOKREP) is mandatory for all
Benoa Channel (Alur Pelayaran Benua) penetrates a
5.18 Indonesian vessels and strongly recommended for all foreign
considerable distance through the drying reef in Panti Timur vessels. Reporting points have been established in the
and forms a natural harbor. The channel is reported to have following table titled LOMBOKREP Reporting Points. All
been dredged to a depth of 10m. required vessels should report via VHF channels 16 and 68
There is good radar presentation of the coastline approaching
5.18 when passing the reporting points below. The VTS contact
Benoa Channel. details are shown in the table titled Benoa—Contact
Tides—Currents.—Strong tidal currents, which are report-
5.18 Information.
ed to attain a rate of 5 knots at springs, set in and out of Benoa Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken outside the charted

Channel, and the channel N of Pulau Serangan. Strong tide rips 20m line in the open bight between Tanjung Serangan and Nu-
and eddies occur in Benoa Channel. During the period of max- sa Dua (8°48'S., 115°14'E.), about 5.5 miles S. There is often a
imum declination (0° to 6°), the tide appears to be semi-diur- heavy swell over the banks 1.75 miles NNE and 2 miles NE of
nal, turning about 30 minutes after the times of semi-diurnal Nusa Dua, when it is advisable to anchor between the banks
high and low water. and the coast.
Pilotage.—No pilot is required for the outer anchorage, but

pilotage is compulsory for Benoa Channel. The pilot boards off LOMBOKREP Reporting Points.
the entrance to the channel 2.5 miles E of Benoa. All move-
ment in the channel is prohibited at night after 1700 without Northbound Vessels TSS Lombok Strait
special permission. 8°54.65'S, 115°43.48'E
8°19.42'S, 115°53.96'E
Benoa—Contact Information
Southbound Vessels TSS Lombok Strait
8°18.29'S, 115°51.18'E
8°53.36'S, 115°39.02'E
Telephone 62-361-723352
62-361-723351 Northern Precautionary Area
8°26.53'S, 115°56.15'E (westbound)
E-mail benoa@pp3.co.id
8°24.94'S, 115°44.35'E (eastbound)
Call sign VTS Benoa Southern Precautionary Area
8°38.58'S, 115°51.82E (westbound)
VHF VHF channels 16, 67, and 68
Telephone 62-361-720292 8°37.40'S, 115°40.02'E (eastbound)

MMSI 005250014
E-mail benoavts@gmail.com

Benoa—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Benoa Terminal
Aggregates, others, cruise, ro-ro/lo-lo, con-
Kade Timur 338m 9.0m 268m — 8,530 dwt
tainer, breakbulk, bunkers, and reefer.
Terminal BBM Sanggaran
— Dirty products. Berthing length of 50m (in-
Asphalt Jetty 20m — 95.6m 4,226 dwt
cluding dolphins).
Pertamina Oil Terminal
Chemicals, clean products, crude products,
Benoa 20m 4.6m 109m — 7,271 dwt dirty products, and bunkers. Berthing
length of 45m (including dolphins).
Benoa LGN Terminals

Pub. 163
152 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

Benoa—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
FRU ‘Karunia Floating regasification unit used for the
144m — 151m — 12,493 dwt
Dewata’ STS transfer of LNG

During the Northwest Monsoon, a high swell almost

5.18 a predominating N current may be expected. There is insuffi-
breaking, sets over the banks and it is advisable to anchor in cient information available to give full particulars of the rate
Sanur Road (8°40'S., 115°16'E.). and direction of the tidal currents. In the narrows of Selat Lom-
Anchorage may also be taken off the entrance to the channel
5.18 bok, between Nusa Penida and Lombok, there are more power-
N of Pulau Serangan, in a depth of 18m, 1.5 miles S of Tanjung ful currents (up to 6 knots) than in the broader N part, where
Serangan. currents up to 3.5 knots can arise. Their direction is more clear-
Caution.—A 9.9m shoal patch, best seen on the chart, lies-
5.18 ly N or S than elsewhere. Counter currents may be felt in plac-
close WNW of the Benoa Channel entrance. es along both shores. Strong overfalls and eddies may be
encountered in both the S and N entrances to Selat Lombok at
5.19 Tanjung Benoa (8°45'S., 115°13'E.) lies at the NE any time.
extremity of Bukit Badung, forming the southernmost part of There is often a turbulent sea S of the narrows, and the tidal

Bali. currents are felt far outside. Considerable variations in the di-
Tanjung Gagar (8°50'S., 115°13'E.), about 5 miles S of
5.19 rections of the tidal currents may be expected NE of Selat Ba-
Tanjung Benoa, is relatively low with a drying reef fringing the dung, off Labuan Amuk and there are often eddies in
coast. Although the peninsula rises to Gunung Ingas (8°49'S., Ampenan Road (8°35'S., 116°03'E.). The tidal currents in Se-
115°09'E.), 201m high near its center, it appears lower than it lat Badung are semi-diurnal, but to the fact that its direction
actually is in comparison with the high mountains in the N part runs obliquely to the general S to N direction of Selat Lombok,
of Bali. and the curved shape of the channel, the character of the cur-
Bukit Badung Light is shown from the W summit of the pen-
5.19 rent is very complicated.
insula, about 3.75 miles E of its W extremity. Masts with red The tidal currents are also influenced by the monsoons in the

obstruction lights are situated 1.75 miles and 2.5 miles farther same manner as in Selat Lombok. The strongest current, with a
E. A radiobeacon is situated 3.5 miles SE of Bukit Badung maximum rate of 8 knots, occurs in the Southeast Monsoon,
Light. with the direction being between SW and S. The strongest cur-
rent in the opposite direction occurs in the Northwest Mon-
Selat Lombok soon, the maximum rate being between 4 to 5 knots.
About the time of the moon’s transit, the tidal current sets

5.20 Selat Lombok (Straat Lombok) (8°35'S., 115°45'E.), between N and NE (up to 4 knots) over a strip about 2.5 miles
between Bali and Lombok, is the most important strait for ves- wide along the Bali shore from Tanjung Serangan to near La-
sels proceeding from Australia to Singapore, China, and Japan, buhan Amuk. In the remainder of the strait, the predominate
and vice versa, owing to its width and ease of navigation. Su- current sets between S and SW, with strong whirling eddies be-
pertankers from the Persian Gulf, unable to pass through the tween the two apposing currents.
Straits of Malacca, use Selat Lombok. About 2 hours after the moon’s transit, the strip setting N to

The S entrance to the strait is divided into two parts by Nasu

5.20 NE narrows between Tanjung Serangan and Tanjung Sari
Penida (Noesa Besar) (8°44'S., 115°32'E.) and adjacent is- (8°32'S., 115°31'E.), but E of the meridian of Tanjung Sari it
lands, which lie W on a detached plateau of less than 183m. diverges to such an extent that between Tanjung Bugbug
The portion of the strait W of these islands is known as Selat (8°31'S., 115°35'E.) and Tanjung Krambitan (8°40'S.,
Badung (Straat Badoeng) (8°40'S., 115°22'E.). Selat Badung, 115°34'E.) the current sets NE toward Selat Lombok almost
5.75 miles wide between Bali and Nusa Penida and its adjacent throughout. At the same time there is a wide strip off Nusa
islands, is much traversed by local traffic. Selat Badung is deep Lembongan (8°40'S., 115°28'E.) with a N to NE current. To-
and clear of dangers. ward the middle of Selat Badung the S current (0.5 to 3 knots)
Winds—Weather.—In Selat Lombok, during the Southeast
5.20 causes strong, whirling eddies. About 4 hours after the moon’s
Monsoon, calm wind is frequent from sunrise to noon. At noon transit the current sets SW to S up to 4.5 knots. Eastward of
a fresh S wind arises, turning to SE on the Bali side and to Tanjung Setra (8°34'S., 115°27'E.) there is a rather broad
SSW on the Lombok side, blowing strong during the night. In countercurrent setting NE. Six hours after the moon’s transit
the Northwest Monsoon, the winds are generally from the NW. the SW to S current weakens to 2 knots, and the above men-
In the N approach to the strait, these winds are sometimes ac- tioned countercurrent is observed to start farther S in the strait,
companied by violent squalls and a high sea. at Tanjung Peranu (8°37'S., 115°19'E.).
Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in Selat Lombok
5.20 About 8 hours after the moon’s transit the SW to S current

have a semidiurnal character, but are influenced by the currents practically disappears and from the outer roadstead of Tanjung
N of the strait and in the Flores Sea. They are produced by the Benoa to near Labuan Amuk, there is a N to NE current with a
monsoons; therefore, in the Southeast Monsoon, a predominat- rate of 1 to 2 knots over a strip 4 miles wide along the Bali
ing S current may be expected and in the Northwest Monsoon, shore. Approximately 10 hours after the moon’s transit the cur-

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 153

rent over the whole strait sets N to NE. Within 3 miles of the In Selat Badung, the pattern of tidal currents is very com-

Bali shore there are eddies and patches of much weaker cur- plex. The stronger current (as much as 8 knots) sets SW and S
rent, and even S currents are observed. with the ebb when E winds predominate; with prevailing W
About the time of the moon’s transit, the tidal current sets
5.20 winds, the current sets N and NE with the flood and attains
between N and NE over a strip about 3 miles wide along the speeds of 4 to 6 knots. Frequently, a current about 2.5 mile
Bali shore from Tanjung Petanu to Tanjung Bugbug. In the re- wide sets NE along the Bali coast at the same time that a cur-
mainder of the strait there is a SW to S current (up to 5.5 knots) rent flows SW through the remainder of the strait; rips and ed-
with whirling eddies between the two opposing currents. dies occur along the boundary between these two opposing
About 2 hours after the moon’s transit the N to NE current currents.
practically disappears. Regulations.—A traffic separation scheme established in

Throughout the strait there is a SW to S current averaging

5.20 Selat Lombok consists of two precautionary areas joined by
3.5 knots, but reaching 8 knots for a short period. traffic lanes and a single inshore traffic zone to the E. The TSS
Approximately 3 to 4 hours after the moon’s transit there is
5.20 is IMO-adopted, and Rule 10 of The International Regulations
still a SW to S current which reaches an average of 4.5 knots. for Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972) applies. Vessels should
A maximum rate of 8 knots has also been observed during this be aware of crossing traffic in the vicinity of the precautionary
period, while sometimes an eddy runs under Nusa Lembongan areas.
shore, with eddies where the main stream and eddy meet. Vessel Traffic Service.— LOMBOKREP is in operation for

The SW to S current is always weaker under the Bali shore.

5.20 the control of shipping and is mandatory for all Indonesian ves-
About 8 hours after the moon’s transit, the SW current decreas- sels and strongly recommended for all foreign vessels.
es to about 2 knots. In the bight between Tanjung Setra and Caution.—Small fishing boats operate without lights at

Tanjung Serangan, slack water may be expected, while the cur- night; when a major vessel approaches, they display weak
rent may set NE across the entrance of Labuan Amuk. Approx- lights. These vessels sometimes fail to show up on the radar
imately 10 hours after the moon’s transit, the N to NE current screen. A depth of 95m exists on the E side of the S entrance in
(averaging 1.5 knots and reaching 3 knots) commences along position 8°52'S, 115°46'E. The currents in Selat Lombok are
the Bali shore as far S as Tanjung Petanu. noticeable far beyond the S end of the strait.
On the opposite side of the strait along Nusa Lembongan,

there is a SW to S current. In the remainder of the strait the cur- Nusa Penida
rent is more confused but the inclination towards a SW or S
current, which occurs in this area at the time of the moon’s 5.21 Nusa Penida (Noesa Besar) (8°44'S., 115°32'E.), the
transit, becomes more noticeable. In the neck of Selat Lombok, island between Selat Badung and Selat Lombok, has hills slop-
there is a S current (6 knots maximum) in the Southeast Mon- ing steeply to all coasts but the N. Mundi (8°44'S., 115°31'E.),
soon season, and a N current in the Northwest Monsoon sea- the summit of the island, 528m high with a round summit and a
son. Consideration should be given to these facts when tree, rises near the center of the island.
transiting these waters. Batu Abah (Batu Aba) (8°47'S., 115°38'E.), a rock covered

Local currents exist within Selat Lombok, as follows:

5.20 with vegetation, lies off the E extremity of Nusa Penida. It was
1. Strong tidal currents have been observed in the deep reported that Batu Abah is a good radar target at 5 miles.
passage between Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Penida. Tanung Bakung (Tanjung Sedihang) (8°49'S., 115°35'E.),

2. Strong and irregular tidal currents occur in the vicini- the S extremity of Nusa Penida, forms a cove on its N side. The
ty of Batu Abah, a rock near the E extremity of Nusa Penida. cove, which is the only landing place in the S part of the island,
3. In the anchorage off a cove, 0.5 mile NE of the SW has a narrow sand beach on which stands a temple. The cove is
end of Nusa Lambongan, the tidal currents are strong and ir- too encumbered with rocks for anchoring, and there are great
regular even during slack water within the cove. depths outside them. A light is shown from a gray metal frame-
4. In a position NE of Selat Badung, tidal currents work tower on Tanjung Bakung.
change direction frequently and many rips and eddies occur. Nusa Lembongan (8°40'S., 115°28'E.), lying close NW of

5. Eddies often occur in Ampenan Road. Nusa Penida and almost completely under coconut cultivation,
6. In Benoa Channel, the reversing tidal currents are is hilly in the SW and low in the NE. A light is shown from a
strong. East of the wharf at Benoa, the tidal currents are also white metal framework tower on Tanjung Taal (8°40'S.,
strong with the flood setting S and the ebb, N. 115°27'E.), the N extremity of the island. Vessels anchor, in 11
7. In the roadstead off Sanur, tidal currents are weak to 12.8m, coral and stone, off a foul cove 0.5 mile NE of Tan-
during the Northwest Monsoon. During the Southeast Mon- jung Sangiang, the SW extremity of Nusa Lembongan. The
soon, there is a strong set out of Selat Badung which turns cove is identified by a sand beach on which stands a temple
into the roadstead. and a broad crowned tree. Vessels must be careful not to be car-
8. Heavy rips occur frequently in the S entrance to Selat ried too fast toward the cove by the current.
Lombok and at times they resemble surf breaking over a reef Nusa Ceningan (Nusa Tjeningan) (8°42'S., 115°27'E.),

extending across the entrance. Speeds up to 6 knots have joined to the SE side of Nusa.
been observed in the narrow part of the strait between Nusa Lembongan by a drying reef, is hilly except for its NW cor-

Penida and Lombok. In the wider N part of the strait, the ner. The passage between Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Penida is
maximum speed is reported to be about 3.5 knots, and rips 0.5 mile wide and very deep, with steep shores on either side.
are observed at times. Rips usually occur in the strait when Because of strong tidal currents, navigation is difficult.
tidal currents reverse direction.

Pub. 163
154 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

Lombok—West Coast tered on the E side of Tanjung Bunutan (8°44'S., 116°02'E.),

a bluff which is easily identified. The E side of the entrance is
5.22 The SW extremity of Lombok lies over 36 miles E of low and sandy, and the remainder of the shore is alternatively
the S extremity of Bali. The 3,765m peak of Gunung Rinjani high and low, and fringed with mud banks with mangroves in
(8°25'S., 116°27'E.) is one of the highest and largest volcanoes places.
in the archipelago. It has four peaks in a circle and a fifth peak A light is shown on Tanjung Bunutan; another stands about

in the middle, from which smoke always rises. It is reported 0.75 miles W of Lembar.
that the peak can be seen for 80 miles in clear weather. S of The inner bay on the E side of the entrance is entered be-

Gunung Rinjani, the mountainous land descends regularly to a tween Tanjung Cemara (Tanjung Tjemara) (8°44'S.,
hilly, fertile country which again rises to a desolate range. 116°03'E.) and Tanjung Kubur, 0.5 mile SE, between the bank
Tanjung Batugendang (Tanjung Batoe Gendang) is a range
5.22 extending from them.
of mountains running along the S coast of the island. The high- The channel is marked by buoys and beacons. Shoal water

est elevation along this range is Gunung Mareje (8°46'S., with a depth of 4.5m extends W from Tanjung Kubur. The
116°08'E.), 740m high, about 48 miles SSW of Gunung Rin- buoys may not be in their charted positions. There is always
jani (8°25'S., 116°27'E.), the SW extremity of Lombok, is high calm water within the inner bay.
and steep, and has a prominent bare, perpendicular rock, Tides—Currents.—The tides are mixed but predominantly

shaped like a finger, 107m high. When seen from SW, this rock semidiurnal. The average range of diurnal spring tides is 1.2m
cannot be distinguished from the land behind. and of semi-diurnal spring tides is 0.9m.

The S part of the coast between Tanjung Batugendang and

5.22 5.24 Lembar (8°44'S., 116°04'E.) is situated at the head of
Tanjung Pandanan (8°43'S., 115°51'E.), 6.5 miles N, is steep an inlet leading from the E side of Labuhan Tereng Bay. Lem-
and desolate. Midway between the points, the shore rises sheer bar has superseded Ampenan, which lies 10 miles N, as the
from the sea in a white cliff, 444m high. main port for the area. The port also has a ferry terminal link-
The coast N of the white cliff is mainly flat with a sandy
5.22 ing the island with Bali.
beach, except for a steep part at the foot of a hill, 175m, with a Depths—Limitations.—The NE arm of the bay has a least

fairly prominent conical summit, 2 miles SW of Tanjung Pan- depth of 4.5m in the entrance, and 5.1m to 6.9m inside. The
danan. outer part of Labuhan Tereng Bay is clear with depths from
Between Tanjung Pandanan and Tanjung Bebera (8°43'S.,
5.22 22.8m in the entrance, to 13.7m 0.5 mile from the head.
115°52'E.), a low point with a sandy beach on its W side, and Berthing information is shown in the table titled Lembar—

then to Tanjung Gresak (8°43'S., 116°02'E.), 9.75 miles E, the Berth Information.
coast is indented, reef-fringed, backed by low ground, and en- Pilotage.—Pilotage is available.

cumbered with islets. Regulations.—Berthing and unberthing are carried out


Tanjung Gresak, W of the entrance to Labuhan Tereng Bay

5.22 during daylight hours only.
(Teluk Labuhantereng) (8°43'S., 116°03'E.), may be identified Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken at all times in Labu-

by an isolated hill 196m high, 0.6 mile S of the point. han Tereng Bay, particularly during the Southeast Monsoon.
During N winds, it is advisable to anchor in the inner bay E of
5.23 Labuhan Tereng Bay (Teluk Labuhantereng) is en- Tanjung Cemara. Local knowledge is required.

Lembar—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Size
East Landing Terminal
Barge Berth 100m 6.0m — — Coal by barge.
Dermaga Lokai 150m 4.0m — — Breakbulk.
Dermaga Nusantara I 162m 7.0m — — Containers and breakbulk.
Dermaga Pelra 40m 4.0m — — Ro-pax and breakbulk.
Gili Mas Cruise Terminal
Cruise vessels. Berth length 510m with
Cruise Berth 438m — — —
Lembar Cruise Terminal
Cruise vessels and ro-pax. Berthing length
Center Berth — — 61m —
of 92m (including dolphins).
Cruise vessels and ro-pax. Berthing length
East Berth — — 61m —
of 86m (including dolphins).

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 155

Lembar—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Size
West Berth — — 61m — Cruise vessels and ro-pax.
PT Indocement Terminal
Cement Berth 01 — — — — Cement.
Cement Berth 02 — — — — Cement.
PLTD Ampenan Terminal
CBM PLTD — 10.0m 140m 14,000 dwt Clean products.

Between the entrance of Labuhan Tereng Bay and the town

5.24 When approaching from the N, steer on the leading beacons

of Ampenan, 9.5 miles N, the coast is low and cultivated except in line, bearing 118° to the oil berth.
for Gunung Kawang (8°40'S., 116°05'E.) and the hills just N
of it. 5.27 The coast NW of Ampenan continues low for a dis-
tance of 3.25 miles and is covered with paddy fields. Then for
5.25 Medusa Reef (8°35'S., 116°03'E.), with a least depth 1.25 miles NW to Tanjung Santigi (8°30'S., 116°02'E.), there
of 3.9m, lies 1 mile WSW of Ampenan. A ridge, having several is a narrow strip of low land at the foot of the steep, wooded
5.5m patches, extends about 5 miles S of Medusa Reef and mountains.
then turns seaward. Between Tanjung Santigi and Tanjung Kecinan (Tanjung

Wilhelmina Reef (8°33'S., 116°04'E.), with a least depth of

5.25 Ketjinan) (8°34'S., 116°03'E.), 6 miles N, the coast is very
1.2m, lies about 1.25 miles NNW of Ampenan. Santigi Reef steep, mountainous, and wooded with spurs extending to the
(8°32'S., 116°02'E.), with a least depth of 1.5m, sand and coral, coast. Teluk Kombal, entered between Tanjung Kecinan and
lies about 3.25 miles NNW of Ampenan. Tanjung Sirah (Tanjung Sirrah) (8°22'S., 116°06'E.), is open
Ampenan Road (8°35'S., 116°03'E.) is bounded by the
5.25 to the Northwest Monsoon and has been reported to not always
meridian of Medusa Reef, the parallel of the S entrance to afford the most suitable anchorage.
Kokok Jangkok (Kokok Djangkok) (8°35'S., 116°04'E.), and Anchorage.—Three anchorage areas have been established

the roadstead boundary mark, 1 mile N of the river entrance. ans can be best seen on the chart. Vessel, Repair, and Quaran-
tine, are also available. Although Teluk Kombal is not always a
5.26 Ampenan (8°34'S., 116°04'E.) (World Port Index No. suitable anchorage in the Northwest Monsoon, sometimes
51280) was previously the principal trading center of Lombok during a stiff NW wind in Selat Lombok, a light wind exists
and is situated close N of the mouth of Kokok Jangkok. Be- from NNE and NE in the bay. When this occurs, there is a good
cause the river mouth is never dry, there is an especially active anchorage off the village of Baru (Baroe) (8°24'S., 116°06'E.),
small craft traffic during the Southeast Monsoon. in 18m, at the head of the bay, 2 miles S of Tanjung Sirah.
Two red mooring buoys, used by tankers, lie about 0.25 mile
5.26 Directions.—Due to the existence of a reef lying 1 mile N of

NW of the pier at Ampenan. A submarine pipeline extends Baru, with a depth of 3.7m, it is advisable to approach the an-
from shore to a position midway between the buoys. The end chorage of Baru from SW along the S shore of the bay.
of the flexible hose connected to the pipeline is marked by a
gray drum buoy. Anchorage is prohibited within a radius of Off-lying Islands
0.15 mile of the head of the pipeline. Currents in the roadstead
are limited and irregular. 5.28 Pulau Terawangan (Pulau Terewangan) (8°21'S.,
Mataram (8°35'S., 116°06'E.), the chief town of Lombok, is
5.26 116°02'E.) is the highest and westernmost of a chain of three
2 miles inland from Ampenan. A light is shown from Ampen- islands, extending 4.5 miles W from Tanjung Sirah (8°22'S.,
an, 0.3 mile N of the river mouth. 116°06'E.). Gili Meno and Gili Ayer (Gili Aer), the two other
Anchorage.—Ampenan Road affords safe anchorage during
5.26 islets between Pulau Terawangan and the point, are flat. All
the Southeast Monsoon and transition periods inside the line of three islets are covered with palm trees. The peak of Pulau Ter-
shoals extending S from Medusa Reef. During the Northwest awangan is considered to be a good radar target. A light is re-
Monsoon, when a blue flag is displayed from the flagstaff, com- ported to be shown from Terawangan Island.
munication with the shore is suspended. A reef, with a depth of 7m, lies 1 mile NE of Gili Meno.

Small craft then proceed to Labuhan Tereng to discharge cargo.

5.26 From there, a succession of detached reefs, with deep water be-
Deep draft vessels usually anchor 0.5 mile offshore, in depths of tween, extends E to the coast. A patch, with a depth of 0.5m,
16 to 18m. lies 2.25 miles NNE of Tanjung Sirah, and is plainly marked by
Directions.—When approaching Ampenan from the SW,
5.26 discoloration, although the other dangers are not visible. An-
pass outside the shoals fronting the coast S of the town, and ap- other group of detached reefs extend for 1.25 miles ESE from
proach the lighthouse bearing not less than 090°, which leads the 0.5m patch. Vessels without local knowledge should give
0.25 mile N of Medusa Reef; then anchor as convenient, or the islets and previously-mentioned dangers a wide berth.
proceed to the oil berth. Sorong Roadstead, of some importance as a shipping place

Pub. 163
156 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

for local products, lies midway between Tanjung Sirah and Lombok—East Coast
Tanjung Papak (8°19'S., 116°11'E.). The road is an indenta-
tion in the above and below-water reefs extending seaward 5.30 The E coast of Lombok, from Tanjung Bonde to Tan-
from the villages of Paloh (8°22'S., 116°08'E.) and Sorong jung Gali (8°34'S., 116°40'E.), 13 miles S, is generally low.
Jukung (8°21'S., 116°09'E.). The reefs serve as breakwaters The coast is backed by gently undulating hills which soon
and provide a quiet anchorage. merge inland with the Gunung Rinjani (8°25'S., 116°27'E.)
A beacon stands on the NE edge of a reef on the W side of
5.28 mountain complex. From Tanjung Bonde to Tanjung Gali, the
the roadstead, 0.75 mile W of Tembobor (8°22'S., 116°07'E.). coast is fronted by islands and dangers.
A beacon marks the W edge of the drying reef which extends Gili Petagan (8°25'S., 116°45'E.), covered with scrub and

from the same village. fringed by an above and below-water reef, lies 4.5 miles SSE
Directions.—Sorong Road is easily entered by vessels with
5.28 of Tanjung Bonde. A light is situated on the SE edge of the reef
local knowledge, aided by the beacons and a reef which dries, fringing the island. Anchorage may be taken, with local knowl-
located near the outer end of the spit extending N from Tembo- edge, 0.25 mile S of the light, in a depth of 31m, sheltered from
bor. A vessel can pass close E of the beacon, as it stands on the sea and swell.
edge of the reef. Vessels approaching from S, with local knowl- The Rotsige Islands (Karang Berbatu) (8°27'S., 116°44'E.),

edge, can pass E or W of Gili Ayer or between Gili Meno and lying within 1.5 miles SSW of Gili Petagan, consists of four is-
Pulau Terawangan. lets barely above water. Above and below-water reefs fringe
The passage between Gili Ayer and Gili Meno is normally
5.28 the islands.
used, steering 022° with Tanjung Mipah (8°26'S., 116°02'E.) Tanjung Prepe (8°27'S., 116°43'E.), 5.75 miles S of Tan-

astern. Having passed through the passage, alter course E with jung Bonde, lies W of the Rotsige Islands. Vessels using the
the N extremity of Pulau Terawangan astern bearing 252°, channel W of the Rotsige Islands and Gili Petangan should
which leads N of all dangers. A vessel, with local knowledge, pass E of the 4m and 7.3m shoals which lie S and SW, respec-
after passing between Gili Ayer and Gili Meno, can then round tively, of Tanjung Prepe, and then in mid-channel, which is
the former at a distance of 0.5 mile, and steer E, passing S of clear of dangers.
the outer dangers. Teluk Lombok (8°30'S., 116°40'E.), 3.5 miles SW of Tanjung

From Tanjung Sirah to Tanjung Papak (8°19'S., 116°11'E.),

5.28 Prepe, is of no importance to navigation as the entrance channel
6.5 miles ENE, the NW coast of Lombok is low with a rising has a depth of 0.6m. The islet of Gili Lebur (8°29'S.,
hinterland. The village of Ketapang (8°20'S., 116°01'E.) 116°41'E.), a bare sandy islet on the N side of a drying reef, lies
stands 1.5 miles S of Tanjung Papak. nearly 1 mile E of Tanjung Bonae, the S entrance point of Teluk
Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,
5.28 Lombok. Anchorage, in 20.1m, is afforded WNW of Gili Lebur,
in a depth of 18m, close offshore from Ketapang. The best ap- off the entrance of Teluk Lombok. A light is shown from Gile
proach is with the village bearing 150°. Lebur and Tanjung Bonae.
Tanjung Kajangan (8°30'S., 116°41'E.), 1.25 miles SE of

Lombok—North Coast Tanjung Bonae, is high and steep and has a conspicuous small
knob. The 230m high peak, 2.75 miles W, is an isolated hill
5.29 The N coast between Tanjung Papak and Tanjung with a prominent knob on it.
Sentigi (8°22'S., 116°43'E.), about 37 miles, is low in some Between Tanjung Gali and Labuhanhaji (Labuhanhadji), 10

places and in others, steep and rocky. Behind the coast there is miles SSE, the coast is low with steep sides in places. Inland,
a relatively narrow strip of undulating land gradually increas- the ground rises gradually to a low hilly plain. An isolated
ing to high summits. Because of great depths close to the coast, depth of 19.2m lies about 3 miles S of Tanjung Gali.
there are few anchorages and the few villages on this coast are
seldom visited. 5.31 Labuhanhaji (8°42'S., 116°34'E.) (World Port Index
Tanjung Agar Agar (8°13'S., 116°20'E.), low and incon-
5.29 No. 51290) can be readily identified from seaward by the chim-
spicuous, lies 10 miles NE of Tanjung Papak. Tidal currents ney of a rice mill. In the drying coastal reef off Labuhanhaji
from Selat Lombok are felt as far E as Tanjung Agar Agar. there is an opening to a basin marked by a beacon on the NE
Tanjung Beri (8°14'S., 116°28'E.), a precipitous point, lies 7.5 side, and two beacons on the SW side. There are depths of 0.3 to
miles E of Tanjung Agar Agar. 1.5m in the basin, which affords shelter to small craft.
Labuhanhaji Road, bounded by the arc of a circle, with a ra-

The NE end of Lombok is fronted by Gili Lawang (8°18'S.,

5.29 dius of 1 mile, centered on the flagstaff does not afford safe an-
116°42'E.) and Gili Sulat, two low brush covered islets. The W chorage during the Southeast Monsoon. A strong S wind blows
end of Gili Lawang lies 14 miles E of Tanjung Beri. Together, from about 0900 until late in the afternoon. A 5.4m patch lies
the islets are 5 miles in length and are separated from each oth- 1.25 miles NE of Labuhanhaji. Large vessels can take anchor-
er by a narrow, but deep channel. age E of Labuhanhaji, in a depth of 14.6m.
Selat Sungian (Sungian Strait) (8°19'S., 116°42'E.) sepa-
5.29 The shoal fringed coast from Labuhanhaji extends about

rates Gili Lawang and Gili Sulat from the NE side of Lombok. 4.75 miles SSW to Batu Belajar (8°46'S., 116°32'E.). The
Selat Sungian is safe and has a depth of 15.8m in the fairway, bight between Batu Belajar and Tanjung Ringgit, about 6.5
through which a mid-channel course may be steered. Tanjung miles SE, is encumbered by several reefs and shoals which dry
Bonde (8°21'S., 116°43'E.) is the NE extremity of Lombok. within the 20m curve. Ships without local knowledge should
not enter the area. The peninsula extending S from the isthmus
is a 67m high plateau with steep sides; it forms the SE end of

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 157

Lombok. 5.33 Teluk Blongas (8°53'S., 116°02'E.), which affords

The S coast of this peninsula is a whitish color. Tanjung
5.31 good anchorage, is entered between Tanjung Sara and a rugged
Ringgit Light is shown from 0.5 mile WSW of the point. tongue of land 3 miles W of Tanjung Sara. The bay narrows to
From Tanjung Ringgit (8°52'S., 116°36'E.) to Tanjung
5.31 a width of 1.75 miles and terminates in a E and W arm.
Sangula (8°55'S., 116°26'E.), 10.5 miles WSW, the coast com- Tanjung Pangga (8°55'S., 116°00'E.) lies 5 miles W of Tan-

prises the S shore of the large peninsula forming the SE of jung Sara. Three above-water rocks lie close E of this point.
Lombok. An unexamined inlet lies 4 miles E of Tanjung San- Sophia Louisa Rock, 1 mile S of Tanjung Pangga, is 3m high
gula. and steep-to. The channel between the islet and the point is
Gili Batu (8°57'S., 116°30'E.), a low, dark rock, lies 4 miles
5.31 clear of dangers in the fairway. Gili Sara, a rocky islet 76m
ESE of Tanjung Sangula, 1.5 miles offshore. Close SW of Gili high, lies in the middle of the entrance to Teluk Blongas, 1.75
Batu is a breaking rock, dry only at low water stand. A 14.6m miles W of Tanjung Sara.
ridge extends 0.3 mile SW from the breaking rock. Teluk Sepi (8°52'S., 116°03'E.), the E arm of Teluk Blongas,

Gili Melayu (Melaju) (8°56'S., 116°30'E.), a rocky islet with

5.31 shoals gradually from 16.5 to 5.5m, 0.5 mile from its head,
a level top, lies almost 0.75 mile NNE of Gili Batu, 0.25 mile which is fronted by a mud bank. On the S side of the entrance
off the drying reef at the entrance of the unexamined bay. to Teluk Sepi is Gili Lowang, a small islet about 24m high,
fringed by a reef. Teluk Sawar (8°5'S., 116°01'E.), the W arm
Lombok—South Coast of Teluk Blongas, is bordered by drying reefs and is suitable
only for small craft. A conspicuous green, pointed hill rises to
5.32 The S coast of Lombok is rocky and steep-to. It is in- 263m, 0.5 mile N of Teluk Sawar. A 3.3m shoal lies in Teluk
accessible except in a few places, because of the surf caused by Sawar, 1.25 miles W of Gili Lawang. Anchorage may be taken,
the heavy ocean swell. Though the hinterland is desolate and in a depth of 29m, in Teluk Blongas, or lesser depths in Teluk
lacking in landmarks, the coast is varied. It has many high, Sepi.
dark points between which are short sections of sand beach. Directions.—Pass either N or S of Sophia Louisa Rock

Occasionally there are conspicuous hilltops near the coast. (8°56'S., 116°00'E.). When S of the narrow tongue E of Tan-
Teluk Awang (Ekas Bay) (8°57'S., 116°26'E.) is entered be-
5.32 jung Pangga, keep the white beach of Teluk Sara behind Gili
tween Tanjung Sangula, steep and high, and Tanjung Bungku- Sara in order to clear the rock awash E of the tongue. The
lan (8°58'S., 116°23'E.), about 3.25 miles SW. Tanjung 263m hill on the N side of Teluk Sawar, in range 329° with
Bungkulan is the SE end of a peninsula, which on its S side, Tanjung Pengampus, leads to the entrance of Teluk Blongas.
rises vertically from the sea. The greater part of the W shore of From Tanjung Pangga to Tanjung Batu Gendang (Tanjung
the bay, between Tanjung Bungkulan and Tanjung Bariendi, Batoe Gendang) (8°50'S., 115°50'E.), the coast trends about
3.25 miles N, is steep. The S part of the E shore NNE of Tan- 10.5 miles WNW. Midway on this stretch of coast is a small
jung Sangula is similar to the W shore, and is of a whitish col- bay which affords anchorage.
or. The inner part of Teluk Awang is encumbered with reefs
and should be considered dangerous. Anchorage may be taken Selat Atlas
in the outer part of Teluk Awang, in a depth of 34.7m, mud, and
free from the ocean swell. 5.34 Selat Alas (Alas Strait), about 35 miles long, is en-
From Tanjung Bungkulan to Tanjung Tampa (8°55'S.,
5.32 tered between Tanjung Ringgit, the SE extremity of Lombok,
116°12'E.), 12 miles W, the coastline is steep and indented by and Tanjung Mangkun (9°01'S., 116°44'E.), the SW extremi-
several bays having sandy beaches. Teluk Gumbang, a bay on ty of Sumbawa. It separates Lombok from Sumbawa, and is
the W side of Tanjung Bungkulan peninsula, is reported inac- frequently used instead of Selat Lombok. It is preferable to all
cessible to ships. From Tanjung Tampa to Tanjung Sara passages between Nusa Tenggara (Lower Sunda Islands), as
(8°54'S., 116°04'E.), 7.25 miles W, the coast is indented by there are no dangers in it. The islands can be approached close-
Teluk Silungbelanak (Silung Belanak) and Teluk Pengantap. ly, and anchorage may be obtained under the coasts of Lombok
These bays are separated from each other by Tanjung Kaju and Sumbawa. Numerous prominent points and islands make it
Bele (8°53'S., 116°06'E.), 2.5 miles NE of Tanjung Sara. A easy to fix a vessel’s position.
small reef, with a depth of 3.3m, marked by ripples in a calm Winds—Weather.—In the Southeast Monsoon, the S wind

sea, lies 0.5 mile offshore, 1.75 mile W of Tanjung Tampa. blows strong in Selat Alas for the greater part of the day, but
subsides toward evening when the land breeze from Lombok
Tanjung Mareseh (8°52'S., 116°09'E.), a steep point on the
5.32 begins. In the Northwest Monsoon, variable and baffling S
E side of Teluk Silungbelanak, lies 2.75 miles E of Tanjung winds are often experienced in Selat Alas.
Kaju Bele. An above-water rock lies just off the drying reef Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in Selat Alas are

which fringes the point. semidiurnal, with the flood setting N and the ebb S similarly to
Gili Nusa (8°53'S., 116°09'E.), a wooded islet, lies about
5.32 Selat Bali and Selat Lombok. The currents are influenced by
0.75 mile WSW of Tanjung Mareseh. Vessels should not pass S the monsoons in the area N of Bali and Lombok, and in the
or E of Gili Nusa. An islet lies in the SW part of Teluk Pengan- Flores Sea. It is the strength of the Southeast Monsoon, a pre-
tap, 0.5 mile NE of Tanjung Sara. A flat above-water rock lies dominant S current may be expected in the Northwest Mon-
about 1 mile NE of the islet. soon, a predominant N current may be expected.
Anchorage.—Except in the change of monsoons, neither
5.32 With weak tides, the current may run continuously in one di-

bay affords good anchorage. Small craft are fairly protected in rection (as determined above), the tidal influence being notice-
the NE part of Teluk Silungbelanak, in a depth of 12.8m, sand. able only by periodic slackening of the rate. With strong tides,

Pub. 163
158 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

the tidal current and the monsoon current may balance each similarity of the peaks, the island offers few landmarks for off-
other, or may augment each other. The rate of the strong cur- shore navigation.
rents is usually 4 knots, but with maximum lunar effect, can The W half of Sumbawa is mostly a 600 to 1,000m high pla-

reach 5.5 knots. teau, on which there are higher ridges and peaks cut by deep
The strongest S current of the day can be expected 6 hours
5.34 depressions. The E half of the island, including the peninsula at
after the moon’s upper and lower transits. At the time of transit Teluk Saleh (8°34'S., 117°54'E.) on the N coast, has more iso-
(depending on the relative strengths of tidal and monsoon in- lated mountains and mountain groups which are largely com-
fluences), either a weak N current or slack water is experi- posed of extinct volcanoes.
enced; when the monsoon current predominates, a weak S Gunung Tambora (8°14'S., 117°58'E.), a volcanic moun-

current predominates. tain about 2,754m high, rises in the middle of the peninsula on
Along the Lombok E shore there is a countercurrent between
5.34 the NE side of Teluk Saleh, and is the highest mountain of
Tanjung Gali (8°34'S., 116°40'E.), and Tanjung Kuangwahe Sumbawa. This large crater on the SE side is 1.25 miles wide.
(8°45'S., 116°32'E.), 14 miles SSW. Last erupting in 1895, Gunung Tambora is believed to be the
In Labuhanhaji Road (8°42'S., 116°34'E.) it was observed
5.34 only active volcano on the island. Its chief advantage as a land-
that the N countercurrent runs from 6 hours before, to 1 hour mark is its comparative isolation.
before the moon’s transit, and the S countercurrent from 1 hour Tides—Currents.—There is no information in respect to

before, to 6 hours after the moon’s transits. Along the Sumba- the inshore currents along the S and N coasts of Sumbawa. It
wa shore, the currents are very weak and the direction is the may be significant that strong currents have not been reported.
same as the main current. At either end of the W and E coasts, the influence of the tidal
The monsoon influence appears only in the N part of Selat
5.34 currents in Selat Alas and Selat Sape (8°39'S., 119°18'E.)
Alas; the differences between currents in this part and the S should be considered. These currents are sometimes felt for
part are, as follows: great distances, especially S of the entrances.
1. North of Tanjung Gali, in the deep channel E of Tan- On the S coast of Sumbawa, rotary currents and countercurrents

jung Petagan (8°25'S., 116°45'E.), the strongest N currents have been observed near Selat Alas, near Teluk Talonan (9°07'S.,
of the day can be expected at the moon’s upper and lower 117°02'E.), Tano Gerantah (9°05'S., 117°09'E.), near the en-
transits. About 6 hours after these transits (depending on the trance points of Teluk Cempi (8°46'S., 118°21'E.), and the S point
relative strengths of the tidal and monsoon influence) there is of Teluk Waworada (8°44'S., 118°51'E.).
either a weak S current or slack water; if the monsoon’s in- On the N coast, a powerful current can arise in and out of the

fluence predominates, a weak N current occurs. entrances of Teluk Saleh (8°34'S., 117°54'E.).
2. West of the deep channel in the N part of the strait, be-
tween Tanjung Kayangan (Tanjung Kajangan) (8°30'S., Sumbawa—West Coast
116°41'E.) and Tanjung Gali, the currents run with some
strength 1 to 2 hours earlier, thus often causing an indraft to- 5.36 Tanjung Mangkun (9°01'S., 116°44'E.), bold and
ward the Lombok shore. steep-to, is the SW extremity of Sumbawa. The point is con-
3. East of the deep channel, close along the W side of spicuous for the 276m table mountain close N. This mountain,
Pulau Belang (8°33'S., 116°47'E.), and also S of that island, with lower hills NE, merges with the Sumbawa range. Three
there is little or no current and sometimes a countercurrent. small peaks are located on the S slope of the table mountain.
4. South of Tanjung Gali, the N current runs from 4 There is a light shown from the point.
hours before, to the times of the moon’s upper and lower The coast between Tanjung Mangkun and Tanjung Benete

transits. The S current then runs until 8 hours after the (8°53'S., 116°44'E.), about 8.25 miles N, has the same character
moon’s upper and lower transits. The maximum rate ob- throughout, lofty and broken, furrowed by dark ravines with
served was 3 knots for both N and S currents. The rate of the crags and steep sides, and sandy beaches in the bay.
S current increases to 4.5 knots only with maximum lunar ef- Tanjung Amat (8°58'S., 116°43'E.), 2.5 miles NW of Tan-

fect. The maximum rate of 5.5 knots, previously mentioned, jung Mangkun, can be identified by the light yellow rocks on
never occurs in the Northwest Monsoon in the S part of the its W side and by Olet Gekli, the 352m peak on its NE side.
strait. Tanjung Maloh (Tanjung Maluk) (8°55'S., 116°44'E.),

In the Northwest Monsoon, there is no countercurrent along

5.34 about 3.5 miles further N, may be seen from S to N and is easi-
the Lombok shore, but the current there is weaker and changes ly identified by the peculiar shape of a hill, 285m high. When
2 hours earlier than the main current. seen from W, this hill is not particularly prominent. The bay SE
Directions.—Approaching from S, Selat Alas may be identi-
5.34 of Tanjung Maloh affords anchorage, in a depth of 12m.
fied by the high plateau forming the SE part of Lombok and the Between Tanjung Maloh and Tanjung Benete lies the port of

high, rugged land of the SW part of Sumbawa. From N, Benete (8°53'S., 116°44'E.). The port lies on the S shore of the
Gunung Rinjani (8°25'S., 116°27'E.) and the high NW part of inlet. Depths decrease regularly from 33m in the entrance, to
Sumbawa are visible. 20m close off its head. A buoyed channel and range lights
mark the entrance. The port services a large copper mine locat-
Sumbawa ed inland.
Three berths make up the Benete Port Terminal, as follows:

5.35 Sumbawa is chiefly composed of volcanic, irregularly 1. The Concentrate Berth—220m long including dol-
formed, and moderately wooded mountains having a parched phins. The berth handles copper concentrate and breakbulk.
appearance during the Southeast Monsoon. Because of the Vessels up to 100,000 dwt, with a maximum loa of 200m and

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 159

Benete Port

a maximum draft (HW) of 14.0m, can be accommodated. of the bay, into which a river flows. The entrance to the river is
2. General Cargo Berth—160m long including dolphins filled with small, low islets and off it is an islet joined to the
with a depth alongside of 12.0m. The berth handles chemi- shore by a drying reef.
cals, LPG, ro-ro/lo-lo, containers, breakbulk, and multipur- Several villages stand on the banks of the river, 2.75 miles

pose cargo. and 3.5 miles SE of Tanjung Beru.

3. Jamuna Berth—78m long, with a depth alongside of Labuan Balat, at the head of the N part of the bay, is fronted by a

9m. The berth can accommodate a vessel with a maximum beach backed by a broad valley covered with coconut palms.
loa of 79.8m. The berth handles coal. Tanjung Balat is a prominent wooded point from which a reef,

A pilot is available and boards vessels approximately 2 miles

5.36 with a depth of 7.6m, extends 0.3 mile S.
SW of Tanjung Benete. Vessels anchor in the N part of Teluk Taliwang, off the vil-

From Tanjung Benete to Tanjung Djelengnja (Tanjung

5.36 lage of Labuan Balat. Although this anchorage is open to S
Jelengnya) (8°51'S., 116°46'E.), 2.5 miles NE, there is a low, winds, it has been observed that the swell is less troublesome
wooded strip of coast fronted by a drying reef, which extends here than S of Pulau Ponjung. A landing pier at the village ex-
up to 0.5 mile offshore. Then to Tanjung Beru (8°49'S., tends over the coastal reef.
116°47'E.), a steep-to point, 2 miles NE, the coast is bold and Teluk Kertasari (Kerta Sari Bay) (8°45'S., 116°46'E.) is en-

steep. tered between Tanjung Biri (8°46'S., 116°46'E.) and a point 1.5
miles NNW. On the N entrance point to Teluk Kertasari, is a
5.37 Teluk Taliwang (8°48'S., 116°47'E.) is entered be- most striking sugarloaf-shaped hill, 166m high. There is seldom
tween Tanjung Beru and Tanjung Balat, 2.5 miles N. Pulau any significant current within the entrance points of the bay.
Ponjung (Pulau Ponyung), in the S part of the bay, lies 1 mile Anchorage may be taken, in depths of 11 to 18m, sand and

ENE of Tanjung Beru. Tanjung Putuh Batu, a steep-to point 1.5 mud, in Teluk Kertasari, but S and SW winds quickly raise a
miles ENE of Tanjung Beru, at the foot of the steeply rising heavy swell.
Gunung Pulu Batu, 481m high, divides the bay into two parts. Pulau Sasasait (8°45'S., 116°43'E.), 44m high, covered with

There is a low valley with paddy fields at the head of the S part vegetation and steep-to, lies 2.75 miles W of the N entrance

Pub. 163
160 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

point to Teluk Kertasari. reef close within the 200m curve. With the exception of Pulau
Midway between the N entrance point to Teluk Kertasari and
5.37 Saringi, all the islands are covered with mangroves. A drying
Tanjung Belusun (8°40'S., 116°45'E.), the high, wooded, and boulder was reported to stand midway along the drying reef ex-
reef-fringed coast is broken by a low valley covered with palms. tending E from Pulau Kromo and affords a useful mark.
Pulau Sarong, 125m high, lies on the outer end of a drying reef A prominent sandy islet, Pulau Bedil (8°24'S., 117°04'E.),

which extends 1 mile W from the entrance to the valley. stands near the middle of a drying reef, about 1 mile S of Pulau
Pulau Dua (8°43'S., 116°44'E.), two small rock islets cov-
5.37 Kromo.
ered with vegetation, lies about 1.75 miles SW of Tanjung Be- Caution.—Caution must be exercised as it was reported that the

lusun. From Tanjung Belusun, the high, wooded, and reef- currents set obliquely across the channel towards the reef on
fringed coast extends 5.5 miles NNE to the S entrance point of which Pulau Bedil stands and the 4.9m patch, 0.6 mile W of it.
a wide bay. This bay is entered between its S entrance point
and Tanjung Labu Beru (Tanjung Tano) (8°31'S., 116°49'E.), Tanjung Labu Beru to Tanjung Perappat
4 miles NNE. The reef-fringed shore of the bay has a narrow
strip of low land behind it. Tanjung Labu Beru is a steep-to 5.39 For a distance of 6 miles ESE of Tanjung Labu Beru,
point which forms the NW extremity of a wooded hilly prom- the coast is wooded and rises inland to two mountains, 5 miles
ontory, rising to 133m high at its extremity. A light is shown SE and 6.75 miles ESE of the point. Then to the W entrance
from the point. point of Teluk Bungin, 5 miles ENE, it is low and covered with
woods, marshy land, and paddy fields.
5.38 Pulau Belang (8°33'S., 116°47'E.) lies at the SW end The entire stretch of coast is clear of dangers outside the

of a chain of uninhabited islands and reefs, extending ENE par- 5.5m curve, which lies fairly close, except in the vicinity of
allel to the coast of Sumbawa for 20 miles to Pulau Kromo Teluk Bungin where local knowledge and caution is advised.
(8°23'S., 117°05'E.). Eight islands are disposed around Tan- Teluk Labu Beru (8°32'S., 116°51'E.), a bight on the E side

jung Labu Beru. of Tanjung Labu Beru peninsula, is sheltered from N by Pulau
Pulau Paseran (8°31'S., 116°47'E.), 1.5 miles W of Tanjung
5.38 Kenawa, Pulau Namo, and Pulau Kalong. It affords good an-
Labu Beru, is flat and heavily vegetated as is Pulau Belang, chorage in depths of 11 to 22m. A village stands 7 miles E of
close SSW. Both islands lie on a shoal of less than 18.3m. Tanjung Labu Beru, where there are two small jetties.
Depths of less than 9.1m extend 1.75 miles SW from Pulau Teluk Bungin (Bungin Bay) (8°29'S., 117°00'E.) is entered

Belang. between its W entrance point, a low wooded point and Pulau
Closely joined by a drying reef to the NE end of Pulau
5.38 Kaun, on which there are several round-topped trees lying on
Belang is Pulau Songi, 70m high. This islet is rocky and is a the coastal reef, close off the E entrance point to the bay, 1.5
good landmark. miles NE.
Within 3.25 miles ENE of the peninsula are Pulau Kalong
5.38 Teluk Bungin is so encumbered with drying reefs as to be

(8°30'S., 116°52'E.) and Pulau Namo, both hilly. Pulau Kena- practically useless, except for small vessels with local knowl-
wa, 46m high, lies about 1 mile N of the Tanjung Labu Beru edge.
peninsula and is the highest island of the three. The coast between Pulau Burung (8°27'S., 117°02'E.) and

Pulau Genang and Pulau Ular lie within 1.75 miles NNW of
5.38 Teluk Bajo (Teluk Badjo) (8°25'S., 117°05'E.) is low and cov-
the peninsula. Both are small rocky islets, the former bare and ered with marshy ground and paddy fields interspersed with
the latter vegetated. coconut palms.
All the above islands form the SW group off the NW coast of
5.38 Teluk Bajo affords anchorage for small vessels, in depths of

Sumbawa. Pulau Pandjang (Pulau Panjang), 3 miles N of Pulau 6.7 to 11.8m, but its shores are reef-fringed.
Kalong, is fringed by a drying reef and covered with man- Between Teluk Bajo and Tanjung Perappat, 2.5 miles NE,

groves. It lies with its N side close within the 200m curve. the low coast is mostly covered with paddy fields and coconut
Pulau Saringi (8°26'S., 116°59'E.), 1 mile ENE of Pulau
5.38 Tanjung Perappat (8°22'S., 117°06'E.) is a low marshy

Pandjang, is separated from it by a narrow channel. There is a point with paddy fields inland. The coastal reef extends 0.5
5.9m patch in the middle of the channel; depths are consider- mile WSW from the point.
ably less than charted.
Pulau Saringi with Pulau Bungin Kelat, Pulau Airtawar (Pu-
Channels Off the Northwest Side of Sumbawa
lau Ayertawar), Pulau Demudang, and Pulau Kromo ENE of it,
form the NE groups of islands, and lie on an extensive drying

Badas—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Badas Port Terminal
APBN Berth 5m — — — — Ro-pax and breakbulk.

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 161

Badas—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
North Berth 96m — — 8.2m 10,040 dwt Dirty products, ro-pax, breakbulk, multipurpose,
and general cargo. Continuous berthing length of
South Berth 96m — — 8.2m 10,040 dwt 192m.
50m — — — —
East Berth Dirty products, ro-pax, breakbulk, and multipur-
Nusantara pose.
104m — — — —
West Berth
Pelra Berth 10m — — — — Breakbulk.
Badas BBM Terminal
Pertamina Clean products, dirty products, and bunkers. Berth-
48m 10.0m 120m — 6,000 dwt
Jetty length of 142m (including dolphins).

5.40 Directions.—Between the islands off the NW side of miles SE of Tanjung Sarokaja, affords good anchorage for
Sumbawa and Sumbawa itself, there is a good channel, with small vessels, in 7.8 to 11m, free from swells. The inlet is
anchorage almost everywhere. The channel may be entered by enclosed by low, wooded hills, and has an entrance 45m wide.
passing between Pulau Paseran and Pulau Ular, and then It is not discernible from seaward except from N. Vessels are
between Pulau Kenawa and Pulau Namo, passing close N of advised to keep close to the NW shore when entering.
the latter island and Pulau Kalong. Pass S of Pulau Belang,
taking care to avoid the spit extending SW from the island, and 5.42 Teluk Sumbawa (8°27'S., 117°23'E.) is entered off
then midway between Pulau Belang and Tanjung Labu Beru. Tanjung Batu Kuping (Tanjung Batoe Koeping) (8°28'S.,
From abreast the N side of Pulau Kalong, steer ENE for a
5.40 117°23'E.), 15 miles ESE of Tanjung Sarokaja.
position in mid-channel S of the E end of Pulau Pandjang. Here Aspect.—Approaching from N, good visual bearings can be

a vessel may alter course N and pass between Pulau Pandjang taken on Tanjung Batu Kuping and on the mouth of the Brang
and Pulau Saring, taking care to avoid the 5.9m patch in mid- Sumbawa (Sungai Soembawa), in the SE part of the bay. At or
channel. near low water, the mouth is seen as a sharp gully. It is
Vessels continuing ENE through the channel should be
5.40 prominent on radar.
careful of the reefs extending from Sumbawa shore, between Anchorage, with good holding ground, is afforded, in 54.9m

Teluk Bungin and Tanjung Perappat. Here a course nearer the with Tanjung Batu Kuping bearing 240°, 0.8 mile distant.
off-lying islands should be held. The passage N of the islet in Since Teluk Sumbawa is open, a vessel cannot be considered
mid-channel S of Pulau Kromo is recommended. It is clear of safe during the Northwest Monsoon.
dangers except for the 4.9m shoal in mid-channel between the
islet and Pulau Kromo. 5.43 Badas (8°28'S., 117°23'E.), the port for the town of
The low islets of Pulau Kaun (8°28'S., 117°00'E.) and
5.40 Sumbawa Besar (Soembawa) (8°30'S., 117°26'E.), situated 3
Pulau Burung (8°27'S., 117°02'E.) are useful marks when miles SE of Tanjung Batu Kuping, lies in a narrow inlet 0.5
navigating the ENE part of this channel. After passing the mile WNW of the point. A light is shown from the W entrance
previously-mentioned sandy islet and Pulau Bedil in mid- point of the inlet. The entrance has a depth of 26m in the fair-
channel, pass midway between the E end of Pulau Kromo and way and is marked on either side by a buoy which are lighted
Tanjung Perappat to sea. when a vessel is expected.
Depths—Limitations.—Berthing information is shown in

Sumbawa—North Coast the table titled Badas—Berthing Information.

5.41 Vessels navigating off the N coast of Sumbawa usual- Within the entrance to the inlet which is sheltered from the

ly steer along the parallel of 8°00'S. At this distance there are Southeast Monsoon, there are depths decreasing from 20.1 to
few remarkable landmarks. 5.5m. Because of a limited turning room, only vessels of less
Teluk Dalum (8°22'S., 117°08'E.) lies between Tanjung Per-
5.41 than 99m should enter the port.
appat and Tanjung Sarokaja (8°22'S., 117°10'E.), the NE en- Vessels should enter the inlet for Badas in daytime only. Ap-

trance point to Selat Alas, 3 miles E. The coast is low and proach the entrance from well offshore, steering 211° for two
fronted by coconut palms. range beacons, reported to stand at the head of the inlet, and
Anchorage may be taken, with local knowledge, 0.25 mile
5.41 then pass between the buoys at the entrance.
offshore in Teluk Dalum, in 37m, but it is open to swells. From Tanjung Limong (8°27'S., 117°24'E.), on the E side

Tanjung Sarokaja is steep-to with the charted 200m curve less of Teluk Sumbawa, the low, forest covered coast extends 3.75
than 0.5 mile offshore. The point is wooded and rises to a flat miles NNE to Tanjung Menangis (8°24'S., 117°26'E.), a low,
hill about 100m high. wooded steep-to point.
Anchorage.—A small inlet, the entrance to which lies 1.5

Pub. 163
162 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

Teluk Saleh Saleh and is entered between Tanjung Panda (8°09'S.,

117°40'E.) and Tanjung Brenti (8°09'S., 117°44'E.) on Sum-
5.44 Teluk Saleh (Saleh Baai) (8°28'S., 117°48'E.) ex- bawa. A 10.1m patch lies 0.5 mile SW of Tanjung Brenti, but
tends 45 miles ESE, penetrating to within 6 miles of the S coast elsewhere the strait is deep and clear of dangers. Tidal currents
of Sumbawa. The bay is seldom visited as there are no trading in Selat Batahai attain a rate of 2 knots.
centers of any importance. The NE side of the bay is steep-to Teluk Praya (8°25'S., 117°35'E.), close within Selat Saleh,

with depths ranging from over 183m in the outer part, to 5.4m has a least width of 0.5 mile between the fringing reefs and ex-
at the head. The SW side of the bay is fronted by islets and tends 4.75 miles S to its head. The S part of the bay broadens to
shoals. The islets, which can generally be approached closely, about 1 mile and affords good anchorage. Depths shoal regu-
are chiefly rocks covered with vegetation rising perpendicular- larly from about 50m in the entrance, to 12.8m at the head.
ly from deep water. Numerous villages are situated on the SW Care must be taken to avoid two shoals, with depths of 0.3m
side of the bay and at the head. and 0.9m, just outside the 10m curve on the E side of the head
Gunung Tambora (8°14'S., 117°58'E.), a volcanic
5.44 of the bay.
mountain rising in the middle of the peninsula, has been Teluk Tarata (Tarata Baai) (8°28'S., 117°42'E.), 7 miles SE

previously described in paragraph 5.34. of Teluk Praya, is entered between Pulau Dangar besar
(8°26'S., 117°40'E.) and Pulau Liang (Pulau Liang Maja)
Islands at the Entrance to Teluk Saleh (8°32'S., 117°41'E.) on the W, and Pulau Ngali (8°29'S.,
117°43'E.) on the E. Pulau Dangar-besar is conspicuous for the
5.45 Pulau Moyo (Pulau Mojo) (8°15'S., 117°33'E.), a 123m hillock on its N end. Teluk Tarata extends S between the
large island, lies across the entrance to Teluk Saleh. Selat Saleh above mentioned islands, and has its head S of Pulau Liang.
(Straat Saleh), at the S end of Pulau Moyo and Selat Batahai Anchorage, in 13.7 to 15m, mud, is taken off the wide mouth

(Straat Batahai), at the N end, are the deep and clear entrances of a river at the head of Teluk Tarata.
into Teluk Saleh. Directions.—Vessels having local knowledge can pass E of

Pulau Moyo is declared a Wildlife Reserve and the waters S

5.45 the drying reef off the SE side of Pulau Liang, and W of Kabo
of Moyo are to be a National Sea Park. (8°32'S., 117°42'E.), a high sharp-pointed islet in mid-channel
Pulau Medang (8°08'S., 117°24'E.), 4.75 miles NW of Pu-
5.45 off the SE end of Pulau Liang. A 5.5m patch between the islet
lau Moyo, is the outer island in the approach to Teluk Saleh. It and the point may be passed on either side. The S extremity of
is separated from Pulau Moyo by a deep and clear channel in Pulau Liang should be passed fairly closely, and then course
which no strong currents have been reported. may be altered for the anchorage by steering for the river en-
Tanjung Utara (Tanjung Oetara), the W end of the island, has
5.45 trance at the head of the bay. Take care to avoid the shoals, with
shoal patches as far as 1.25 miles SW. depths of 1.2m and 3m, which lie 0.6 mile SW of and the same
Several detached reefs, with depths of 4.5 to 7m, lie within 1
5.45 distance SSW of the S extremity of Pulau Liang.
mile of the N coast, and a small islet on a drying reef lies 0.4 The portion of Teluk Tarata lying SE and S of the SE end of

mile N of Tanjung Timor, the E extremity of the island. Vessels Pulau Liang is foul. Between Pulau Ngali and Pulau Raki (Pu-
passing N of Pulau Medang should keep outside the 200m lau Rakiet) (8°37'S., 117°58'E.), 11.25 miles ESE, the SW
curve. A light is shown from the N central part of Pulau Med- shore of Teluk Saleh forms a broad bight studded with islets
ang. It was reported that Pulau Medang was a good radar target and shoals, and bordered by numerous villages. The shores of
at 18 miles. the bight are indented by small bays.
Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,

off the N coast of Pulau Medang where the depths decrease 5.47 Karang Raba (Aart van Nes) (8°32'S., 117°53'E.),
gradually within the 40m curve. which dries and lies close to the charted 200m curve, is 6.5
Pulau Satonda (8°06'S., 117°45'E.), 4.5 miles NE of Pulau
5.45 miles ENE of the SE extremity of Pulau Ngali. When covered,
Moyo, lies 1.25 miles off the Sumbawa coast at the NE end of it is plainly marked by discoloration. A shoal, with a depth of
Selat Batahai. The island is saddle-shaped, 312m high, and 0.3m not marked by discoloration, lies 2.25 miles E of Karang
densely overgrown. Raba. A steep-to reef, which dries, lies 1.75 miles farther E.
Extending for 7 miles SE from Pulau Ngali are the islands

5.46 Selat Saleh (Straat Saleh), a clear channel between Pulau Tengar, Pulau Kelapang (Pulau Katapang), Pulau Dom-
the S end of Pulau Moyo and the Sumbawa coast, has a least po, and Pulau Taikebo (Pulau Taikabo). These islands are hilly
width of 1.25 miles. A 2 knot current in either direction may be and high, except for Pulau Kelapang.
found in the strait. The strait has steep shores on either side, ex- Pulau Tengar is joined to Pulau Ngali by a drying reef. The

cept for part of the S shore 3 miles ESE of Tanjung Menangis channel between Pulau Tengar and Pulau Kelapang is deep and
(8°24'S., 117°26'E.), where three rivers enter the strait through clear. Pulau Dompo, the highest island, is conspicuous for a
a mangrove swamp. Here, the 20m curve lies 0.5 mile offshore. saddle ridge, 253m high. The channel between Pulau Dompo
When passing through the strait it is preferable to favor the and Pulau Kelapang is narrowed by a drying reef projecting
shore of Pulau Moyo, which is steep-to. from Pulau Kelapang. A fragmented drying reef named Gan-
Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,
5.46 teng (8°36'S., 117°50'E.) extends 1 mile SSE from Pulau Dom-
0.5 mile W of the entrance to the three rivers on the S shore. po.
Care should be taking to avoid a 5.9m patch which lies just Pulau Taikebo, 2 miles ESE of Pulau Dompo, has a 2.7m

within the 20m curve. shoal 0.75 mile S. The channel between Pulau Taikebo and Pu-
Selat Batahai (Straat Batahai) forms the N entrance to Teluk
5.46 lau Dompo is deep and clear, except for Ganteng reef on the W

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 163

side. A wide, clear passage separates Pulau Taikebo and Pulau Teluk Sanggar (Dompo Bay) (8°19'S., 118°19'E.) is entered

Raki, about 4.75 miles E. The coast of Teluk Saleh, W of Pulau between Tanjung Piun (Pieon) and Tanjung Propa (8°18'S.,
Dompo, extending S for about 7.5 miles, then 12 miles E, is en- 118°23'E.), 6.75 miles ENE.
cumbered with numerous dangers. Local knowledge is re- Tanjung Matompo (8°22'S., 118°19'E.) lies 3.25 miles SE

quired when entering any of the various bights and bays of Tanjung Piun. The best anchorage in Teluk Sanggar, in 29m,
indenting this coast. mud, lies in the bight close SW of Tanjung Matompo, off the
Pulau Raki (Pulau Rakiet) (8°37'S., 117°58'E.), deeply in-
5.47 mouth of the Sungai Kambu (8°23'S., 118°19'E.).
dented by small bays, lies a little over 1 mile off the S shore of From Tanjung Juli to Tanjung Paropa (8°18'S., 118°39'E.),

Teluk Saleh. A small, detached, drying reef, usually marked by 11.5 miles E, the ridge of several mountain peaks extends to
discoloration when covered, lies 2 miles N of Pulau Raki. Scat- the coast.
tered above and below-water dangers extend 7 miles ENE from
the island. Tanjung Wonto (8°20'S., 118°41'E.), 3 miles SE of Tanjung

Pulau Bakau (8°42'S., 118°01'E.), a flat bush-covered islet,

5.47 Paropa, is the W entrance point of Teluk Bima.
lies in mid-channel between Pulau Raki and the S shore of Teluk Bima, entered between Tanjung Wonto and Tanjung

Teluk Saleh. Other dangers lie in this narrow channel. Batuputih (Tanjung Batoe Poetih) (8°21'S., 118°44'E.), 3
miles ESE, extends 13 miles S. The bay lies between high,
5.48 Teluk Bangko Lua (8°40'S., 118°12'E.), entered 11 hilly land and affords secure anchorage.
miles E of Pulau Raki, is on the E side of the head of Teluk About 4 miles S of Tanjung Wonto, the bay narrows to a

Saleh. The islets of Pulau Besar and Pulau Wakakos, plus least width of 0.3 mile, and the channel becomes somewhat
smaller islets, comprise the N and E sides of the bay. Vessels winding for 1.5 miles.
must pass close to Tanjung Pekat (8°40'S., 118°11'E.), the W The bay then widens again and remains so almost to it head.

entrance point of the bay, to avoid a 0.9m shoal, 1 mile N of the The port of Bima is situated on the E side of Teluk Bima, 2.5
point. miles S of the narrows.
Gunung Rumah (8°35'S., 118°16'E.), a hill 256m high, is

located on the N side of the head of Teluk Saleh. 5.50 Bima (8°27'S., 118°43'E.) is the principal port serving
The hill is the S end of a ridge which, because of its even
5.48 eastern Sumbawa. The town is actually a collection of villages
crest, resembles the roof of a house. built on a plain through which the Sungai Romo (8°27'S.,
Teluk Kempang (8°34'S., 118°14'E.) is entered between the
5.48 118°43'E.) flows.
point on which Gunung Rumah is located and Tanjung Kessi A causeway extending over the tide flat at Bima has a T-head

(8°34'S., 118°12'E.), 3 miles WNW. about 68m long. Small craft and lighters up to 50m in length
An islet lies close off a small projection at the head of the
5.48 can berth alongside, in a depth of 3m. Ocean-going vessels an-
bay. A dangerous sunken rock lies close SE of the islet. A 5.9m chor off the pier where coastal vessels and lighters are worked
patch lies 0.5 mile SE of the same islet. alongside.
Sapudu (8°36'S., 118°12'E.), a brush covered rock on a de-
5.48 Winds—Weather.—During the Southeast Monsoon, very

tached drying reef, lies 1.5 miles S of Tanjung Kessi. strong S winds accompanied by heavy squalls sometimes blow
Anchorage may be taken in Teluk Kempang, in a depth of
5.48 continuously for many days. The land and sea breezes are usu-
8m, 0.5 mile S of the head of the bay. ally regular in both monsoons; the Southeast Monsoon blows
Tanjung Paranggawu (8°30'S., 118°07'E.) lies about 7.75
5.48 directly out through the entrance, and the Northwest Monsoon
miles NW of Tanjung Kessi; 4 miles SSW of the point is a de- blows directly in.
tached drying reef. The E shore of Teluk Saleh, from Tanjung Tides—Currents.—No significant currents have been noted

Paranggawu to the SE entrance point of Selat Batahai, 30 miles in Teluk Bima.

NW, is steep-to and affords no anchorage. The only danger off Depths—Limitations.—Depths in Teluk Bima, from its en-

this shore is a 1.8m shoal head lying 9.5 miles WNW of Tan- trance to the S end of the narrows, are 45m or more. Fairway
jung Paranggawu, 0.5 mile offshore. depths shoal regularly from 45 to 11m at the head. Berthing in-
formation is shown in the table titled Bima—Berthing Infor-
5.49 The coast from Tanjung Brenti (8°09'S., 117°44'E.) mation.
to Tanjung Katupa (Tanjung Katoepa) (8°08'S., 118°09'E.) Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken almost anywhere in

trends 25 miles E. The volcano Gunung Tambora dominates the inner part of Teluk Bima, in depths of 12 to 33m. The
this coast. A local magnetic anomaly has been reported off the bottom is sand and mud. Off Bima, vessels usually anchor
N coast of Pulau Sumbawa in the vicinity of Gunung Tambora. between Pulau Kambing (8°27'S., 118°42'E.) and the
Caution should be exercised when navigating along this coast. entrance to the Sungai Romo, in depths of 16 to 18m.
From Tanjung Katupa to Tanjung Juli (Tanjung Djoeli)
5.49 Caution.—Anchoring within the bay between parallels of

(8°15'S., 118°28'E.), 20 miles ESE, the coast indents in a wide 8°25'00''S and 8°26'30"S is dangerous because of possible
bight. Teluk Motitoi (Moti Toi) (8°19'S., 118°16'E.) is located mines.
close W of Tanjung Piun (Tanjung Pioen) (8°20'S.,
118°16'E.), a high rocky point, 14 miles SE of Tanjung Katupa. 5.51 From Tanjung Batuputih to Tanjung Naru (Tanjung
A shoal ridge extending more than 1 mile NW to SE fronts the Naroe) (8°19'S., 119°00'E.), the NE extremity of Sumbawa, the
bay, but a deep clear channel exists at either end of the ridge. coast is low, flat, and edged by tall trees. Tanjung Naru Light
Anchorage is taken inside the ridge, in 25.6 to 29m, sand and
5.49 stands at a height of 44m on the point.
mud. Doro Maria (8°29'S., 118°56'E.) about 1,479m high, 11.5

Pub. 163
164 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

miles SSW of Tanjung Naru, but it is obscured from N by a miles W of Tanjung Naru, in the entrance to a grassy valley be-
high spur extending from it. The only village on this stretch of tween two high ridges extending from Doro Maria.
coast lies at the head of Teluk Wera (8°18'S., 118°56'E.), 4.75

Bima—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
KSOP Bima Terminal
KSOP East Berth 50m — — — — Ro/pax and breakbulk.
KSOP West Berth 50m — — — — Ro/pax and breakbulk.
PT Pelindo III Terminal
Ro/paxand breakbulk Berthing length
Nusantara Berth 192m 6.0m 89m — 6,500 dwt
of 62m (including dolphins).
Pertamina Terminal
MBM Pertamina — 10.0m 80m 6.5m 3,500 dwt Dirty products.

The village is not visible from seaward, but a row of palm

5.51 Flores, Sumba, and Timor. Sape was once an entry point for
trees stands behind it and indicate its position. Two above- Komodo, but this is no longer the case.
water rocks lie on the coastal reef extending from the W Nisa Tosso (8°34'S., 119°02'E.), the northernmost of these

entrance point to Teluk Wera. The W and larger is 9m high. dangers, is steep-to on its N side. A 4.6m patch lies about 0.3
The E entrance point is rocky, but there is a sandy beach mile E of this islet. A stone causeway, about 0.3 mile long, is
between the points. situated at the head of a river, 1.5 miles SSW of Toro Naga Nu-
Anchorage may be taken, by a vessel with local knowledge,
5.51 ri. Toro Naga Nuri Light is shown from the point.
E or W of the entrance to a small river which flows into the
head of the bay, in a depth of 18m. The W entrance is prefera-
ble, as the 9.1m and 20m curves are farther apart.
Pulau Sangeang (8°10'S., 119°05'E.), an active volcanic

island whose slopes descend to the sea, lies 4 miles NNE of

Tanjung Naru. The intervening channel is deep and clear. A
light is shown from the N side of the island.

Sumbawa—East Coast
5.52 From Tanjung Naru to Tanjung Wamba (8°31'S.,
119°03'E.), the coast trends SSE 12 miles. The mountainous
land lies a few miles back of this coastal stretch. The only
recognizable peak is the blunt mountain Doro Maria, 8 miles
W of Tanjung Wamba. This is the highest elevation in the vi-
Between Tanjung Wamba and Tano Mabala (Toro Ma-

balang) (8°33'S., 119°10'E.), 7.25 miles ESE, the coast forms a

bight which extends 7.75 miles SSW. The W side of the bight
is mostly low and flat. Courtesy of http://www.agrisoft-systems.de/kawasaki
Toro Naga Nuri (8°33'S., 119°02'E.), 3 miles SW of Tan-
5.52 The ferry to Flores berthed at the port of Sape, Sumbawa
jung Wamba, is the E termination of a ridge running through
the flat land. A light is shown from the point. Nisa Sani, about Anchorage may be obtained in Teluk Sape, N of Nisa Tosso.

1 mile ESE of Toro Naga Nuri, is a 143m high island, steep-to Small vessels can anchor SW of this islet off the head of the
on its E side. The island is easily seen against the Sumbawa causeway.
coast. Between Pulau Radeh (8°36'S., 119°03'E.) and Toro Gadu

(Tano Gadu) (8°36'S., 119°07'E.), 4.5 miles E, there is a large

5.53 Teluk Sape (8°33'S., 119°02'E.) is entered between bay fronted by a wide sandy beach, except on its W side where
Toro Naga Nuri and the N end of Nisa Sanai. The S entrance of it is mud. The W part of the bay is backed by a wooded ridge
the bay is obstructed by islets and drying shoals, extending which extends N from the hill in the SW part of the bay. Loh
from the SW side of Nisa Sanai to the Sumbawa coast. Latoh, an inlet, lies 2.5 miles SSE of Tano Gadu, but it is too
This small fishing village is routinely visited by inter-island
encumbered with reefs to be recommended as an anchorage. A
trading vessels and also has an established ferry service to drying sand bank, marked by surf and discoloration when cov-

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 165

ered, lies 1.5 miles SW of Taro Gadu. tween Tanjung Rano and Toro Rata (8°45'S., 119°09'E.), 2.75
Anchorage may be taken between the 20m and 40m curves in
5.53 miles WSW, the coast is steep-to and wooded.
the bay W of the reefs and banks off Loh Latoh. Between Taro
Gadu and Tano Mabala (Toro Mabalang), 4 miles NE, the coast Selat Sape
is indented by several inlets which are mostly encumbered by
drying banks. Tano Mabala is the N extremity of a peninsula 5.56 Selat Sape (Straat Sape) (8°39'S., 119°18'E.), be-
forming the E side of the bight between it and Tanjung Wamba. tween Sumbawa and Pulau Komodo, 11.5 miles E, is the usual
route taken when proceeding from Selat Sumba (Straat Soem-
Off-lying Islands ba) to the Flores Sea, and vice versa. The N part of Selat Sape
is divided into two branches by Pulau Banta (Gila Banta)
5.54 Pulau Sentodo (Sentodo) (8°33'S., 119°11'E.), 0.75 (8°26'S., 119°18'E.). The main route lies E of Pulau Kelapa
mile NE of Tano Mabala, is 60m high and separated from the (8°40'S., 119°14'E.), then between Pulau Sentodo (8°33'S.,
coast by a deep clear channel. Close W of Pulau Sentodo is an 119°11'E.) and Pulau Barsu Panda (Barsoe Panda), 3 miles E,
islet equally steep, but much worn by the sea. Two rocks, 6m and then W or E of Pulau Sangeang.
high, lie about 0.3 mile E of Pulau Sentodo. At times, there are The passage E of Pulau Banta and Pulau Komodo is seldom

heavy tide rips in the channel between Pulau Sentodo and the used. The depths are great, the tidal currents strong, and there is
mainland, extending far into Selat Sape. less opportunity for anchoring off the W side of Pulau Komodo
Pulau Matagateh (Mata Gateh) (8°34'S., 119°12'E.), 75m
5.54 than off Sumbawa, especially in the Northwest Monsoon.
high, lies across the entrance to Labuan Jati (Labuan Djati), Winds—Weather.—The Southeast Monsoon lasts from April

about 1.25 miles SE of Tano Mabala. The island rises steeply to October and is strongest in July and August. During these
from the sea, is covered with grass, and reef-fringed with some months, S to SE winds blow continuously causing a high S swell
sandy beaches in the bays on the E and W sides. and turbulent sea, especially when wind and current oppose each
Anchorage, free from tide rips, is situated in the S part of La-
5.54 other. In November and December, the two transition months,
buan Jati, in depths of 18 to 37m. If entering by the S entrance the sea is comparatively calm. In the Northwest Monsoon there
between Tano Wadudali (Toro Wadoe Dali) (8°35'S., is also a S sea swell. The change from this monsoon to the
119°11'E.) and Pulau Matagateh, 0.4 mile NE, it is preferable to Southeast Monsoon is not particularly notable.
pass W of a 2.7m shoal lying 0.5 mile S of the island. Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in Selat Sape are semi-

diurnal and are only slightly affected by the monsoon drift in the
Pulau Kelapa (8°40'S., 119°14'E.), rises to about 429m high in
5.54 Flores Sea. The tidal currents are weakest about 5 days after the
its center. The coast on all sides is indented with bays, and a dry- quarter moons, the maximum N and S currents averaging 3 knots.
ing reef extends 0.75 mile from its E side. Two lights, in line bear- Very strong tidal currents with a maximum rate of 4 to 6 knots oc-
ing 172°, are shown from Pulau Kelapa, marking the main channel cur from 2 to 5 days after the full and new moon.
of Selat Sape. It passes between Palau Matagateh and Pulau Bar- When the moon’s greatest declination occurs during this peri-

su Panda (Barsoe Panda) (8°32'S., 119°14'E.), about 3 miles NE od, a rate of 8 to 10 knots may be expected; although, during the
of the N extremity of Pulau Matagateh. Pulau Ilus (Iloes), a rocky Northwest Monsoon this only applies to the N current, and
islet 39m high, lies 1 mile SW of Pulau Kelapa. A steep-to ridge, during the Southeast Monsoon only to the S current.
with a least depth of 10.1m, lies between Pulau Ilus and Pulau Ke- Near Pulau Sentodo (8°33'S., 119°11'E.), there are fre-

lapa. Because there are heavy rollers and tide rips over this ridge, quently strong tide rips and whirlpools which seriously affect
vessels using the channel between Pulau Kelapa and Sumbawa vessel steerage.
should pass W of Pulau Ilus. In the large bight between Pulau Langkoi and Toro Letuhoh,

6.25 miles N, there is frequently an eddy under the shore of Pulau

5.55 Labuan Botu (Laboean Botoe) (8°38'S., 119°11'E.) is Komodo. During the Northwest Monsoon, from about 4 hours be-
entered 3.25 miles S of Pulau Matagateh, between Tano Botu fore, to 1 hour after the moon’s upper and lower meridian transits,
(Tanjung Botoe) (8°39'S., 119°11'E.) and a narrow, wooded point, there is a N current which was reported to attain a rate of 2 knots
1 mile NE. A low, rocky islet lies 0.3 mile SE of the N entrance with strong tide rips and eddies. For the remainder of the time the
point of the bay. current is S. Under the coast of Sumbawa, in the N part of the
A similar islet lies 0.6 mile NNE of the same point. A reef,
5.55 strait, the current turns about 1 hour later.
with depths of less than 8.5m, extends 1 mile ENE from Tano During the Southeast Monsoon, from about 3.5 hours before,

Botu. This danger is often marked by breakers. to 1.5 hours after the moon’s upper and lower meridian transits,
From Tano Botu to Tanjung Rata (8°42'S., 119°11'E.), about
5.55 the current is N. For the remainder of the time the current is S.
3 miles S, the coast continues high, wooded, and reef-fringed.
Small vessels obtain good anchorage in the cove on the N side of Islands and Dangers in Selat Sape
an unnamed rocky islet about 0.5 mile N of Tanjung Rata.
A rocky islet, with an above-water rock off its E side, lies 1.25
5.55 5.57 Pulau Sapekah (Sapekah) (8°33'S., 119°16'E.), 76m
miles ESE of Tanjung Rata. Between Tanjung Rata and Tanjung high, is the most useful landmark in the middle of the main
Rano (Toro Rano), 1.5 miles S, there is a small reef-fringed bay. route through Selat Sape. The island has the appearance of a
Tanjung Rano may be identified by a conical hill, 233m high, in- wedge with the low end lying N, the flat upper side overgrown
side the point. An arched rock, 8m high, with two above-water with reeds, and the bare S side rising steeply from the sea. A
rocks close to it, lies close E of the point. Two rocks, which dry large rock, 6m high, stands on the drying reef close to its NW
and usually marked by surf, lie close SE of the arched rock. Be- side. There are great depths around Pulau Sapekah.

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166 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

Courtesy of Earth Sciences and Image

Selat Sape as viewed from the Space Shuttle

Tukoh Mapinka (8°33'S., 119°15'E.), 15.2m high, 1.5 miles

5.57 bare gray rock, 11m high on its S and N sides, lying 1 mile NW
W of Pulau Sapekah, are two rocks separated by a narrow, of Pulau Mapinka. A shoal ridge, with a least depth of 4.9m at
shoal channel. These rocks are flat on top, covered with reeds, its outer end, extends nearly 0.3 mile N from Pulau Barsu Pan-
steep-to, and may be passed close, allowing for the strong tidal da, and the depths around it are irregular.
currents. A 12.8m patch, the position of which is approximate, Barsu Menyerih (Barsoe Menjerih) (8°31'S., 119°15'E.),

lies 1.5 miles W of Tukoh Mapinka. There are heavy tide rips 1.75 miles NE of Pulau Barsu Panda, is a small rock awash.
over this patch. Because this rock is never marked by breakers, and there are
Pulau Barsu Panda (Barsoe Panda) (8°32'S., 119°14'E.) is a
5.57 only tide rips during the strength of the tidal currents, it consti-

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Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 167

tutes a serious danger. a narrow steep-to reef.

Barsu Basso (Barsoe Basso) (8°29'S., 119°15'E.), 1.5 miles
5.57 Tukoh Lehok Gebah (8°34'S., 119°23'E.), 3 miles WSW of

N of Barsu Menyerih, consists of a mass of rocks a few meters Toro Lehok Boi, consists of two islets on a drying reef. A bank,
above water on which the sea breaks heavily. Shoal water sur- with a depth of 37m, lies near the 200m curve, 1 mile W of Tu-
rounding the rocks has a diameter of about 0.25 mile. koh Lehok Gebah.
Pulau Banta (Gila Banta) (8°26'S., 119°18'E.) is mountain-
5.57 Overfalls marking this bank gives it the appearance of a serious

ous, uninhabited, and mostly covered with reeds. The highest danger. Tukoh Seri Kaja, 1 mile NE of Tukoh Lehok Gebah, is a
part of the island, 1.5 miles SSW of Tano Oiungke (Toro Oi steep-to islet covered with reeds and 41m high. Tukoh Seri Kaja
Uengke), the NE extremity, is 369m high. Three hills on the resembles Tukoh Lehok Gebah, but is larger and higher.
NW peninsula of Pulau Banta are easy to identify from W. The Tanjung Saloka (8°35'S., 119°22'E.), midway on the W

large bay on the N side of the island is too deep for anchorage. coast of Pulau Komodo, is a high, steep point. A steep-to rock,
Lubuan Gili Banta (8°27'S., 119°19'E.), the largest bay on
5.57 awash but seldom breaking, lies 1 mile NNE of Tanjung Saloka.
the S side of Pulau Banta, is clear of dangers, but narrows to a Toro Letuhoh (8°37'S., 119°23'E.), 2.75 miles S of Tanjung

width of about 0.4 mile at its head. Depths in the bay decrease Saloka, is high and from N or S appears as a sugarloaf.
from 53m at the entrance, to 7m at its head. Nisa Leme (8°37'S., 119°21'E.), 2 miles WNW of Toro

Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge, on

5.57 Letuhoh, is a rugged rock, 40m high, and can be passed close-
the W side of Labuan Gili Banta, NE of the W entrance point. to. Labuan Letuhoh lies E of Toro Letuhoh and is the only an-
Caution.—A large reef, with a least depth of 4m, lies about
5.57 chorage S of Tanjung Saloka.
1 mile NNE of the NE extremity of Pulau Banta. The reef is A steep rocky islet, covered with vegetation, lies on the wide

normally marked by strong tidal eddies, except at slack water. bank extending 0.4 mile N from the E entrance point of the
bay. At the head of the bay is a sandy beach. Ships seldom lie
Pulau Komodo quietly in Labuan Letuhoh.
Between Toro Letuhoh and the SW extremity of Pulau Ko-

5.58 The E side of Selat Sape is formed by the W coast of modo, 6 miles S, the coast is high and steep. The S end of the
Pulau Komodo (8°35'S., 119°27'E.), a mountainous island al- range traversing the island, 519m high, rises 3 miles NE of the
most entirely covered with forest. A ridge of mountains traverses SW extremity of Pulau Komodo.
Pulau Komodo from N to S, but there are no distinctive peaks Pulau Langkoi (Langkoi) (8°44'S., 119°23'E.), close off the

anywhere that can be used by vessels as a landmark. SW extremity of Pulau Komodo, to which it is joined by a reef,
Toro Beru (Batu Montjo) (8°26'S., 119°26'E.), the NW ex-
5.58 is a steep bare islet rising to a narrow prominent ridge. The is-
tremity of Pulau Komodo, is a steep wooded point. Two bare let is a good landmark for vessels approaching Selat Sape from
rocks lie on the coastal reef close W of this point. Relatively S. Above-water rocks, extend 0.2 mile S from Pulau Langkoi.
strong currents may be encountered off this point.
Lehok Boko (8°29'S., 119°26'E.), entered between a point
Sumbawa—South Coast
about 1.75 miles S of Toro Beru, and Toro Lehok Boi, 2 miles
farther SW, has limited anchorage area. The head of Lehok 5.60 From Toro Rata (8°45'S., 119°09'E.) to Tporo Jam-
Boko is constricted by a broad drying reef which fringes the N pang (Tano Jampa) (8°45'S., 118°59'E.), 9.5 miles W, the coast
shore. is mainly steep and rocky with an occasional sand beach.
Vessels can anchor, in depths of 18 to 26m, close W of a
5.58 A light is shown from Toro Jampang. Tano Baku (Toro Ba-

point on the S side of Lehok Boko, 1.75 miles ENE of Toro Le- koe), 2.5 miles E of Tano Jampa, is marked by a 359m high hill
hok Boi. Toro Lehok Boi is the extremity of a high tongue of close NE. Seen from ESE, the hill is conical, but from S it is
land separating Lehok Boko from Lehok Boi (8°31'S., tabular with the SE edge higher.
119°26'E.), the next bay S. Teluk Waworada (Waworada Baai) (8°46'S., 118°58'E.) is

Tukoh Lehok Boi, two islets covered with vegetation and

5.58 entered between Tano Jampa (Toro Djampang) and Tano Sido
some rocks above-water, lie on a drying reef in the middle of (Toro Sido) (8°47'S., 118°58'E.), about 2.75 miles SSW. The
the entrance to Lehok Boi, 1 mile S of Toro Lehok Boi. bay extends 16 miles W from its entrance and affords anchor-
Anchorage may be taken off the head of Lehok Boi, S of a
5.58 age throughout. The bay is backed by mountains with flat land
projecting point which divides the head into two parts outside generally at the foot of the slopes.
the 20m curve. Tides—Currents.—No currents of any significance are re-

ported in Teluk Waworada. The possibility of a crosscurrent in

Off-lying Islets front of the entrance must be allowed for.
Depths—Limitations.—Teluk Waworada has general

5.59 Several offshore dangers lie W of Toro Lehok Boi, the depths from 36.6 to 54.9m within 5 miles of the head. The 20m
outermost being Tukoh Gili Banta, 4 miles W. This sharp, bare curve lies about 1.25 miles from the head and less than 1 mile
rock, which rises steeply from the sea has three peaks 60m from the other shore. Close within the curve are numerous dan-
high. Seen from SW, the peaks are exactly in line. A little over gers. The S and N coasts are indented by bights forming sever-
1 mile NNW of Tukoh Gili Banta is a small dangerous rock al bays encumbered by drying shoals. Offshore islands, shoals,
usually visible. The surf on this rock cannot be distinguished and various other dangers lie within Teluk Waworada. Nisa
from the usual tide rips in Selat Sape. Bea and Nisa Dorah islands lie; respectively, 8.75 mile and 11
Luluh Tare (8°31'S., 119°22'E.), 1.5 miles SE of the S ex-
5.59 miles W of Tano Jampa.
tremity of Tukoh Gili Banta, is a 21m high pinnacle fringed by Directions.—For standing into the bay, the S end of Nisa

Pub. 163
168 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

Bea in range, bearing 279°, with the N end of Nisa Dorah is a miles W forming the broad bight Teluk Lampui (Lamar)
good mark. In clear weather, Doro Simposai (8°43'S., (9°03'S., 117°13'E.). At the head of this bay are several
118°42'E.), 416m high, will be seen on this bearing and when streams. The shore of Teluk Lampui consists of an uninterrupt-
passing, Toro Pangkajarat (8°46'S., 118°55'E.) should not be ed sand beach, fronted by a drying reef, lying at the foot of
opened S of Nisa Dorah. Nisa Bea can be passed on either side, mountains covered with low vegetation.
but if proceeding N of the island, care must be taken to avoid Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,

the 3.7m reef near mid-channel. off the common entrance to the rivers. A rock, visible 5 miles
from the W, lies close off Tano Garantah.
5.61 Tanjung Langundu (Toro Langoedoe) (8°49'S., Between Tano Garantah and Tanjung Mangkun (9°01'S.,

118°59'E.), 1.75 miles SSE of Tano Sido, is conspicuous for 116°44'E.), the coast trends 26 miles W.
three sharp peaks, each higher than the previous when pro- Tanjung Moneh (Talonan) (9°06'S., 117°02'E.), a low point

gressing inland. From Tanjung Langundu to Tanjung Doro where a tongue of land projects across a small bay, lies about
(Toro Doro) (8°53'S., 118°29'E.), a steep and rocky point locat- 7.5 miles W of Tano Garantah. The coast between Tanjung Tal-
ed 29 miles W of Tanjung Langundu, the coast indents 3.5 onan and Tanjung Mangkun, 18.5 miles WNW, is comprised of
miles N in the form of a long bight. a sandy beach fringed by a drying reef and backed by a narrow
Doro Rasa (8°48'S., 118°43'E.), 15 miles W of Tanjung La-
5.61 strip of palms.
ngundu, is a prominent bare mountain, 431m high. From E, it
is conical-shaped with a dome-shaped summit of a ridge, and Off-lying Dangers to the North
from W appears as an isolated half-sphere.
Teluk Cempi (Tjempi Baai) (8°46'S., 118°21'E.), entered be-
5.61 5.63 The sea area N of Bali, Lomok, and Sumbawa, as far
tween Tanjung Doro and Tanjung Baru (Tanjung Baroe), 19.5 as the parallel 5°S, consists of several island atolls along with
miles W, extends 17 miles NE and is backed on either side by islets, shoals, reefs, and accompanying dangers. There are sev-
high land, except at its head. The E shore of Teluk Cempi, be- eral extensive detached shoal banks, notably Kepulauan Ten-
tween Tanjung Doro and Toro Huu (8°47'S., 118°24'E.), 8 gah (7°30'S., 117°29'E.) and Kepulauan Liukang Tenggaya
miles NW, is steep, wooded, and fringed by a drying reef. Toro (6°33'S., 118°48'E.) and the unnamed bank on which stands
Huu is the SW extremity of a low sandy point covered with pad- Pulau Kalukalukuang (5°12'S., 117°40'E.), together with
dy fields. Batu Kurung Buha (Batoe Koeroeng Boeha), a reef several smaller banks in the area embraced by these three. All
with depths of less than 5.5m, extends 2.25 miles WNW from these banks appear to lie on a shelf with depths of less than
Toro Huu, and forms a breakwater across the entrance to the bay. 550m. In addition to these banks, there are some isolated small
There are some rocks awash near the outer edges of the reef,
5.61 shoals and islets rising abruptly from deep water.
and depths are very irregular up to the 20m curve. Kepulauan Kangean (7°03'S., 115°00'E.) consists of one

Though surf usually marks the reefs, it does not indicate the
5.61 large island and several smaller ones, with numerous islets sur-
edge. rounding and between them. These islands are only important to
Good anchorage is afforded along the W side of Teluk Cem-
5.61 navigation as landmarks. The sea area N of the larger islands of
pi. Good anchorage, sheltered from the swell, may be taken N the groups, as far as the parallel 6°20'S, is studded with reefs and
of Batu Kurung Buha. dangers. Navigation in this area is inadvisable.
Caution.—Because of the muddy state of the water, caused
5.61 Karang Takat (7°03'S., 115°00'E.), a large steep-to reef

by numerous small rivers flowing into the bay, the reef is sel- marked on its W edge by a light, lies 12 miles WSW of the W ex-
dom marked by discoloration. Tidal currents in and out of the tremity of Pulau Kangean (6°55'S., 115°20'E.). The tidal currents
bay are fairly strong, but precise information is lacking. are irregular and set strongly along the W and E points of the reef.
The reef is plainly marked by discoloration, when covered.
5.62 Between Tanjung Baru (8°53'S., 118°10'E.) and Tan- The passage between the W extremity of Karang Takat and

jung Mata, 15 miles WSW, is Teluk Tiro (Telok Baroe) the shoal ground about 11 miles SW, is deep and clear, except
(8°52'S., 118°04'E.). The head of the bay and the E side are for a shoal with a 5.5m depth, about 1 mile W of Karang Takat.
formed by sandy beaches backed by palm trees. The E entrance Pulau Kangean, the largest island of the group, is densely
point of the bay is Tanjung Baru, with the bay extending 8.75 wooded and consists of coral lime heaved up by volcanic ac-
miles W. tion. The greater part of the N coast is mountainous.
Anchorage may be obtained in the NE part of Teluk Tiro
5.62 Tanjung Tinggi (6°50'S., 115°13'E.), the NW extremity of the

during the Southeast Monsoon, and in the change of monsoons, island, is high, wooded, and visible for 24 to 28 miles. Teluk
in a depth of 37m. Ketapang, which indents the coast just S of this point, is the only
The coast between Tanjung Mata and Tanjung Sebu (Seboe)
5.62 anchorage of importance. It is entered between Pulau Mamburit
(9°03'S., 117°20'E.), a steep point about 35 miles WSW, is (6°51'S., 115°13'E.), where a light is located, and Tanjung Batu
identified by several bays with sandy beaches and many rivers Teteh, 2.75 miles SSW. The N side of the bay is formed by a hilly
fronted by drying reefs. promontory terminating in Tanjung Batu Guluk.
Unter Satong (Satong) (8°52'S., 117°46'E.), about 430m
5.62 Anchorage may be obtained, in depths of 13 to 15m, hard

high, lies about 9.5 miles WNW of Tanjung Mata. clay, about 0.2 mile ESE of Tanjung Batu Guluk.
When seen from S, it shows a number of peaks. A hill, 346m
5.62 Takat Patokanan (6°51'S., 115°14'E.) consists of three dry-

high, prominent for its conical shape when viewed from S or E, ing reefs. Takat Luar and Takat Takat, two other drying reefs,
is located about 9 miles, bearing 238° from Unter Satong. separated by a narrow foul channel, lie 0.4 mile E and 0.7 mile
From Tanjung Sebu to Tano Garantah, the coast trends 11.5
5.62 SE, respectively, of Takat Patokanan.

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 169

This channel, which has a depth of 0.9m, leads to Kalisang-

5.63 coastal reef extends about 0.3 mile farther S than charted.
ka (6°51'S., 115°15'E.) pier, 1.5 miles SE of Tanjung Batu Gu- Pulau Saseel (7°05'S., 115°45'E.), near the NW end of the

luk. A light is shown from the head of the pier. reef fringing Pulau Sapanjang, has a village on its E side and
Anchorage may be obtained, in depths of 5.7 to 7m, soft
5.63 some scattered trees. Pulau Seridi-kecil and Pulau Seridi-besar,
clay, 0.2 mile W of the W end of Takat Takat. The S coast of 2.5 miles and 4 miles NE of Pulau Saseel, are wooded and un-
Pulau Kangean is low and indented with many bays and inlets, inhabited.
all encumbered with islets and reefs. Teluk Hekla and Teluk Pulau Sakala (6°57'S., 116°15'E.), 12 miles ENE of the NE

Gedeh, with its entrance 5 miles SE, are of no importance. point of Pulau Sepanjang, is the E of Kepulauan Kangean, and
although low, it has some tall trees which are visible from
5.64 Pulau Saubi (7°00'S., 115°26'E.) and Pulau Sabunting, about 17 miles. The island is fringed by a steep-to reef, the NE
both of which are low, lie 6.5 and 11 miles E of the entrance to edge of which is covered with vegetation, giving it the appear-
Teluk Gedeh. Anchorage may be taken, with local knowledge, N ance of a detached island when seen from W.
of Pulau Saubi, in depths of 20 to 33m, mud. A light is shown from a white metal framework tower on the

Pulau Paliat (6°58'S., 115°36'E.) is separated from Pulau

5.64 E side of Pulau Sakala.
Kangean by a narrow channel. A ridge of hills extends the Caution.—The sea area N of the larger islands of Kepulauan

length of the island, rising to its highest summit of 143m near Kangean, as far as the parallel 6°20'S, is studded with reefs and
its NW end. dangers.
Pulau Sapankur (7°00'S., 115°31'E.) and Pulau Saur lie 2
5.64 There is deep water between these dangers, but few marks

miles off the S side of Pulau Paliat, and are high in the middle are available for avoiding them and navigating in this area is in-
and cultivated. Pulau Saebus, 1 mile E of Pulau Saur, is cov- advisable.
ered with coconut palms, inhabited, and cultivated. A rock, with a depth of less than 2m, has been reported to lie

Pulau Sapeken (7°00'S., 115°42'E.), next in importance to

5.64 about 25 miles S of the light on Pulau Sakala.
Pulau Kangean, lies 1 mile E of Pulau Paliat with some zinc-
roofed houses near its S end. Pulau Parappo lies in the channel. 5.66 Pulau Araan (6°29'S., 115°45'E.), the largest of the
The latter is covered with mangroves and apparently uninhabit- many islets, has high trees. All the islets in the area are uninhab-
ed. ited, but are temporarily occupied by fishermen at times.
Pulau Bangkan (7°01'S., 115°41'E.), 0.5 mile S of Pulau
5.64 Pulau Aluan, 9 miles S of Pulau Araan, has three round-

Paroppo, is reef fringed and mangrove covered. Anchorage topped trees.

may be taken off the SE side of Pulau Sapeken, in a depth of Pulau Igangan (Pulau Patjar) (6°40'S., 115°38'E.), 5 miles

11m. Caution is necessary in order to avoid the numerous SW, has two tall trees, and Pulau Segentoh, 1.75 miles SE of
shoals and mud flats. The area has not been completely sur- the same islet, has a slender row of casuarenas. All the above
veyed. islets, which lie on drying reefs, are visible in clear weather
Pulau Silarangan (6°56'S., 115°38'E.), 2 miles N of Pulau
5.64 from 13 miles.
Paliat, with some scattered trees, lies on the W end of an exten- Pulau Miongan (6°43'S., 115°39'E.), lying 6 miles SSW of

sive reef. Pulau Aluan, has a remarkable tree, and Pulau Timunan, which
Pulau Satabo (6°58'S., 115°42'E.), 4.5 miles ESE of Pulau
5.64 lies 10.5 miles WNW of Pulau Aluan, is covered with low veg-
Silarangan, is wooded and lies on the W end of an extensive etation. Both islets are reef-fringed, and visible from between 7
reef, on the E end is Pulau Sidulang-kecil (Pulau Sedulang-ket- miles and 8 miles.
jil). The latter has a small high point with clumps of man-
groves on the reefs. Pulau Sidulang-besar (Pulau Sedulang-be- 5.67 Pulau Bunginnjampur (6°36'S., 115°30'E.), 3 miles
sar), lies about 1.25 miles NE of Pulau Sidulang-kecil. SSW of Pulau Timunan, is a reef fringed, sand cay covered
Pulau Saular (6°56'S., 115°44'E.), about 2.5 miles W of Pu-
5.64 with vegetation, visible at 6 miles.
lau Sidulang-besar, lies on the SE end of a reef. A hospital with Gosong Balam (6°25'S., 115°13'E.), with a depth of 2.1m,

a red roof is situated on Pulau Saular. lies about 31 miles W of Pulau Araan. An 11m patch lies 6
Pulau Pagerungan-kecil (6°57'S., 115°52'E.), located about
5.64 miles WNW, an 11.9m patch lies 10.5 miles SW, and a drying
4.25 miles E of Pulau Sidulang-besar, is densely covered with rock lies 10 miles SE; respectively, of Gosong Balam. These
coconut palms. Pulau Pagerungan-besar, 1 mile E, is cultivated are the known NW dangers in the area. In the NE part of the ar-
in the W part and wooded on its E. ea is Kwong Eng Reef (6°32'S., 116°07'E.), with a least depth
Caution.—A gas field, which consists of an offshore plat-
5.64 of 1.2m. Breakers were reported to lie 17 miles NNW of
form, lies 2 miles E of Pulau Pagerungan-besar. Pagerungan Kwong Eng Reef and a 6.9m patch lies 9 miles to the ENE.
Marine Terminal consists of an SBM lying 2 miles S of the Sibbalds Bank (5°45'S., 117°05'E.), lying about 73 miles

platform and an anchorage area for waiting ships lying 2 miles NE of Kwong Eng Reef, has a least depth of 7.6m. It lies at the
S of the SBM. SW end of an extensive coral bank.
Tankers up to 125,000 dwt can be handled. A depth of 7m
5.64 Tide rips have also been observed from 6 miles SW, to 6

was reported to lie 3 miles E of the SBM. miles SE of the bank. A light is shown from a black metal
framework tower on the NE side of the bank.
5.65 Pulau Sepanjang (Pulau Sapanjang) (7°10'S., The SW end of a large bank, with charted depths of less than

115°50'E.), the SE and second largest island of Kepulauan 183m, lies 10 miles ESE of Sibbalds Bank, and extends about
Kangean, is low and wooded. A fishing village stands on the 63 miles NE. There are several islands and dangers in the E and
NE extremity of the island. It has been reported that the S NW part of this bank. A bank of coral, with depths of 11m, lies

Pub. 163
170 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

15 miles SE of Sibbalds Bank. palms. It was reported as a good radar target at 13 miles.
Karang Bankauluang (5°50'S., 118°28'E.), with a least

5.68 Pulau Kalukalukuang (5°12'S., 117°40'E.), 59m depth of 9.6m, lies 19 miles S of Pulau Dewakang-cadi and is
high and covered with coconut palms, stands on the NW side steep-to.
of the bank about 48 miles NE of Sibbalds Banks. It was re- De Greve Shoal (5°58'S., 118°26'E.), slightly discolored

ported to be radar conspicuous at 24 miles, and is visible at and with a least depth of 11m, sand and stones, lies about 6
least 12 miles in clear weather. A coral reef fringes the island. miles SW of the S extremity of Karang Bankauluang.
A light is shown from the N extremity of Pulau Kalukaluku- Taka Rewataya (6°05'S., 118°54'E.), 19 miles W of De-

ang, and a racon transmits from the light. A shoal, with a depth Greve Shoal, is an atoll-shaped coral reef, the edge of which
of 12.2m, was reported to lie 9 miles S of the S extremity of dries except in one part of the SW side, where there is a chan-
Palau Kalukalukung. nel with depths of 2 to 4m giving access to a deep basin. A
Pulau Butongbutongan, the N and smaller island, lies 16
5.68 light is shown from a 23m white, eight-sided metal tower with
miles NE of Pulau Kalukalukuang on an extensive drying reef. red stripes on the SW edge of the bank. Kepulauan Liukang
It is covered with banana trees and uninhabited. Tenggaya (Kepulauan Tenggaya) (Pulau Pulau Sabalana) and
Pulau Doangdoangan-kecil (5°15'S., 117°53'E.), about
5.68 Kepulauan Tengah, two island groups between the parallels
33m high and covered with coconut palms, lies 13 miles ESE 7°50'S and 6°30'S, extend about 130 miles NE. Both main
of Pulau Kalukalukuang and is fringed by a drying reef. Pulau groups are divided into two lesser groups lying on separate
Doangdoangan-besar, visible 12 miles in clear weather, lies atolls NE and SW of each other. At the SW end of Kepulauan
about 5 miles SSE of Pulau Doangdoangan-kecil. It is fringed Tengah are Sekunci (Sakuntji) and Pulau Sadapur, both of
by a drying reef. The island has been reported to lie 2 miles which lie on the same atoll. Separating the four main atolls, on
NW of its charted position. which these islands and reefs lie, are wide channels with
Doangdoangan Besar Light (5°24.8'S., 117°56.8'E.) is
5.68 depths of over 183m that may be safely navigated by day. The
shown at a height of 41m. islands are seldom visited, except for small craft collecting co-
Pulau Marasende (5°07'S., 118°09'E.), about 29m high, 15
5.68 pra or during the fishing season.
miles ESE of Pulau Butongbutongan, may be identified by a The large islands of the groups have a peculiar formation in

group of high casuarinas on its N end, visible 16 miles in clear that the seaward side consists of a ridge of reefs, 45 to 91m
weather. Elsewhere, the island is covered with coconut palms wide, thickly covered with vegetation.
and a village stands on its W side. Karang Marasende, about 6 The main island lies behind this ridge of reef, and the inter-

miles SSW of Pulau Marasende, is a steep-to drying coral reef vening reef either dries or is below-water. In some islands the
of small extent. formation is very pronounced and in others, the growth of the
Laars Bank, consisting of three isolated coral reefs covered
5.68 coral reef is in its early stages.
with fine white sand, rises steeply from great depths. The N Tides—Currents.—Over the atolls on which Kepulauan Li-

end of the N reef lies 23 miles SE of Pulau Marasende. ukang Tenggaya and Kepulauan Tengah lie, and the channels
Pulau Dewakang-lompo (5°24'S., 118°26'E.) and Pulau
5.68 between them, the tidal currents only appear appreciable in that
Dewakang-cadi (5°30'S., 118°28'E.), both about 29m high and they strengthen the monsoon current, when both are running in
covered with coconut trees, lie on the N reef. Pulau Dewakang- the same direction, and weaken it when in opposition. A rate of
lompo is visible in clear weather for 13 to 14 miles and Pulau 1 to 2 knots over the atolls is not exceptional. The combined
Dewakang-cadi for 12 to 13 miles. The reef on which Pulau current is usually strongest along the E and SE edges of the
Dewakang-lompo lies forms a funnel-shaped opening on the S atolls, in some places attaining a rate of 2 to 3 knots for about 1
side, where small vessels with local knowledge can obtain hour, with whirlpools and heavy tide rips. Although the same
good anchorage. peculiarity is sometimes observed along the W and NW edges
The channel leading into the S side of the island is encum-
5.68 of the atolls, it does not occur in so marked a degree. It is al-
bered with many shoals and drying rocks. A light is shown on a ways advisable for passing vessels to give the edges of the
30m high white metal framework tower from the N end of the atolls a wide berth.
island; a radiobeacon transmits from it.
Bone Laisi (5°55'S., 118°12'E.), the S reef, has a least depth
5.68 5.70 Pulau Jailamu (Djailamu) (6°33'S., 118°48'E.), at
of 10.5m on a ridge along the NW part of the reef. the NE end of the atoll, lies about 29 miles SSW of Taku Re-
Pisani Bank (6°07'S., 118°17'E.), with a least depth of 20m,
5.68 wataya (6°05'S., 118°54'E.). The majority of the islands of this
lies near the S end of Bone Laisi, 43 miles SSW of Pulau De- atoll lie on its NE and SE edges. About 5 miles off the W edge
wakang-lompo. A detached shoal, with a depth of 13.1m, was are two detached islets and two detached reefs. Between Pulau
found close E of the S end of Pisani Bank. Jailamu and Pulau Lilikang (6°48'S., 119°11'E.), about 27
Bone Pute (5°43'S., 118°18'E.), the middle reef, is separated
5.68 miles SE, the atoll is formed by a chain of islets.
from Bone Laisi by a deep channel, 2 miles wide. There is a least There is a village standing among palm trees in the middle of

depth of 5.8m over the N end of Bone Pute. In the channel be- Pulau Sabaru (6°35'S., 118°50'E.), located 3 miles SE of Pu-
tween Bone Laisi and Bone Pute, a 5m patch lies 2 miles NE of lau Jailamu. Another village on the SW side of Pulau Baloba-
the N end of Bone Pute; although, it has been reported that less loang-besar lies 1.5 miles farther SE.
water exists in this area. A strong current causes rips and overfalls. Dog Reefs (6°44'S., 118°50'E.), with a least depth of 6.4m, SW

end lies 9 miles SSW of Pulau Balobaloang-besar. Numerous

5.69 Pulau Banka Oeluang (5°30'S., 118°38'E.), 10.5 patches, with a least depth of 7.6m, and a below-water rock at their
miles E of Pulau Dewakang-cadi, is partly covered with coconut SW end, extend 14 miles SW from Dog Reefs.

Pub. 163
Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits 171

Pulau Banawaya (6°50'S., 119°12'E.), marked by a light,

5.70 Pulau Lamuruang (7°18'S., 118°06'E.), the southernmost

lies on the E extremity of the atoll with Pulau Lilikang, 2 miles island of the atoll, lies about 7.5 miles SE of Pulau Tokohbatu.
N, on the E end of a drying reef. There is a noticeable tree on Pulau Lamuruang.
Pulau Sabalana (6°51'S., 119°07'E.), the largest island on
5.70 An extensive steep-to bank, with a least depth of 10.1m on

the atoll, lies near the middle of the large drying reef, 4 miles its W edge, lies 23 miles SSE of Pulau Lamuruang.
WSW of Pulau Banawaya, and is covered with mangroves on The bank is marked by heavy rips and the bottom, sand and

its SE side. Pulau Santigiang lies 2.75 miles SW of Pulau Saba- coral, is visible in many places.
lana on the SW end of a large reef.
5.74 Kepulauan Tengah stands on an atoll which rises very
5.71 Pulau Sanana-besar (6°50'S., 119°02'E.) lies 5 miles steeply from the sea on all sides. The E extremity lies about 15
WNW of Pulau Sabalana, while Pulau Soroabu (6°55'S., miles SSW of Pulau Lamuruang. The charted 200m curve
119°02'E.) lies 5 miles SW of the same island. around the atoll is clearly defined.
Pulau Meong (6°51'S., 119°00'E.), a small sand cay, lies 6
5.71 Except at the E end where there are numerous reefs, the atoll

miles W of Pulau Sabalana with Pulau Matalang (6°52'S., can be easily navigated. The passages between the islets are
118°58'E.), 1.25 miles WSW. Between Pulau Matalang and mostly deep and clear of dangers, and the reefs are clearly
Pulau Sarege (7°04'S., 118°39'E.), the southernmost islands of marked by discoloration; patches, with depths of 12.8 to
the group, are Pulau Balaohong (6°53'S., 118°55'E.), Pulau 16.5m, are so plain that they give the impression of much less
Manukang (6°56'S., 118°52'E.), and Pulau Sadulang water. The islets on this atoll are about 29m high, sandy, and
(6°58'S., 118°49'E.), with apparently clear channels between. covered with coconut palms except where otherwise stated. All
Anchorage may be taken in an emergency in a basin, with
5.71 of them stand on drying reefs.
depths of 7.3 to 16.4m, sand, enclosed by shoal water extend- Karang Satunggul (7°32'S., 118°00'E.), the E extremity of

ing between Pulau Sanana-kecil (6°49'S., 119°01'E.), Pulau the atoll, is formed by three sand cays on the NE side of the
Sanana-besar, Pulau Santigiang, and Pulau Soroabu (Pulau reef, with sand cays on its SE and SW edges. Several reefs lie
Suruabu), SE of Pulau Meong. This anchorage affords shelter between Karang Satunggul and Pulau Sapinggang, 8 miles
to vessels with local knowledge. WNW. Foul ground extends from Karang Satunggul almost to
Directions.—The basin is entered from W, passing either N or
5.71 Pulau Satunggul (7°32'S., 117°53'E.), 6 miles W, and a reef
S of Pulau Meong’s fringing, drying reef. During the Northwest extends for 7 miles WNW.
Monsoon, it is advisable to take the passage between Pulau Mat- Pulau Aloang (7°23'S., 117°48'E.) lies in the middle of the

alang and Pulau Meong, thus passing S of Pulau Meong and over NE side of the atoll, 4.5 miles WNW of Pulau Sapinggang. Pu-
a 7.3m stony ridge. In the Southeast Monsoon, vessels can pass N lau Tampaang, a sand cay, lies about 3.5 miles WNW of Pulau
of Pulau Meong, where a least depth over the ridge is 5.9m. Aloang.
Between Pulau Tampaang and Pulau Sadujung (Pulau Sau-

5.72 Pulau Pelokang (7°11'S., 118°25'E.), comprised of jung) (7°21'S., 117°32'E.), 12.5 miles W, there is a large drying
three islets, lies at the E end of the atoll. There is a light on the reef from which foul ground extends nearly 3 miles S.
islet. Pulau Sadujung lies in the middle of the N side of the atoll.

Pulau Sapuka-besar (7°04'S., 118°11'E.), the largest island

5.72 Sand cays lie 4 miles SE and 7.75 miles SSE, respectively, of
of the group, lies about 15 miles WNW of Pulau Pelokang with a Pulau Sadujung.
chain of reefs between. It lies near the SE end of an extensive Pulau Marabatuang (7°29'S., 117°29'E.), 9 miles SSW of

reef in the middle of the N side of the atoll. Pulau Sambardjaga Pulau Sadujung, is a low sandy islet covered with palm trees
and Pulau Sambargigitang lie; respectively, on this chain of reefs and mangroves on its E side. This islet is exceptional in its for-
about 3 miles ESE of and 7 miles SE of Pulau Sapuka-besar. mation as the outlying ridge lies on its E side of the islet, in-
Pulau Sapuka-kecil (7°07'S., 118°10'E.), close S of Pulau
5.72 stead of the seaward side.
Sapuka-besar, lies on the NE part of a 5 mile long drying reef.
Numerous reefs extend W from this drying reef. Anchorage 5.75 Pulau Sailus-besar (7°28'S., 117°26'E.) lies 2.25
may be taken S of the edge of the reef fringing Pulau Sapuka- miles SW of Pulau Marabatuang and is 59m high.
besar, in depths of 37 to 55m. Villages stand on the E and W sides of the island, where

Directions.—Pass S of Pulau Sambardjaga, steering for Pu-

5.72 fresh water wells exist. Anchorage may be obtained by vessels
lau Sapuka-kecil, bearing 258°. When the W extremity of Pu- with local knowledge either E or SW of Pulau Sailus-besar,
lau Sapuka-besar bears 305°, steer for it and the anchorage. outside the 20m curve.
The passage between the reefs, on which Pulau Sapuka-be-
5.72 Directions.—From N, pass between Pulau Sailus-besar and

sar and Pulau Sapuka-kecil stand, may be used by vessels with Pulau Satengar (7°32'S., 117°20'E.), 5.5 miles W, if proceeding
local knowledge. to the SW anchorage.
If proceeding to the E anchorage, pass between Pulau Sailus-be-

5.73 Pulau Kambanglamari (7°04'S., 118°00'E.) lies near sar and Pulau Marabatuang. From S, steer for the W extremity of
the NW end of the atoll with Pulau Tinggalungang 3 miles NE. Pulau Sailus-besar, bearing between 005° and 015°. This approach
The W side of the atoll, between Pulau Kambanglamari and leads in a least depth of 16.5m over a sandy ridge between Pulau
Pulau Tokohbatu (7°13'S., 118°01'E.), 9 miles S, is free of Sailus-kecil (7°35'S., 117°27'E.), close SW of Pulau Sailus-besar,
dangers except for a 4.6m patch, located 2.5 miles SSW of Pu- and the drying reef 5 miles W. From E, steer 270° for the S ex-
lau Kambanflamari. A ridge, with a least depth of 5.4m, ex- tremity of Pulau Sailus-besar, which leads to the E anchorage.
tends 5 miles S from Pulau Tokohbatu. Pulau Satengar (7°32'S., 117°20'E.), the W islet of the main

Pub. 163
172 Sector 5. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and Adjacent Straits

atoll, lies about 5.5 miles W of Pulau Sailus-besar, with a vil- extends along the E side of the atoll.
lage on its E end.
Pulau Kapoposangbali (7°30'S., 117°11'E.), 5.5 miles
5.75 5.77 Sekunci (Sekuntji) (7°51'S., 117°12'E.), a reef, lies on
WNW of Pulau Satengar, is the W island of the group and lies the S side of the atoll and consists of a steep-to reef and coral sand,
on the SE end of a detached atoll. A tall tree stands in the mid- the latter always above-water. A lighthouse situated on the E part
dle of the island and is prominent, except from N. A light is of Sekunci Reef was reported to be a radar target at 6 miles.
shown from the NW side of the island. Anchorage.—The W side of Sekunci may be approached

The passage between this atoll and the main atoll is very
5.75 cautiously, and anchorage may be obtained, in depths of 29 to
deep and clear of dangers. It cannot be recommended because 55m, sand and coral.
it is comparatively narrow and the tidal currents are strong. Directions.—Having passed through Selat Bali, Selat Lom-

bok, or Selat Alas, a vessel may proceed through several chan-

5.76 Karang Kapoposangbali (7°36'S., 117°12'E.), 5.5 nels heading N. Passing between Kepulauan Kangean and
miles S of Pulau Kapoposangbali, is a sand cay. Another sand Kepulauan Tengah, keep W of Sibbalds Banks and Pulau Ka-
cay and a large drying reef lie about 3.25 miles and 8 miles E lukalukuang (5°12'S., 117°40'E.), then NE about 110 miles
of Karang Kapoposangbali. The N side of a reef, an enclosed and N into the E side of Makassar Strait.
atoll, very steep-to on its outer side, lies about 9 miles S of Ka- The channel between the bank on which Pulau Kalukaluku-

rang Kapoposangbali. ang and adjacent islands lie and Laars Banks, 18 miles ESE, is
On the N edge of the atoll are drying reefs. A sandy islet,
5.76 used by vessels proceeding N along the E side of Makassar
about 29m high and covered with vegetation, lies on the E end Strait.
of the W reef. A disused lighthouse stands on the W end of the The channel between Laars Banks and Taka Rewataya

W reef. The central reef dries. On the E reef, there are three (6°05'S., 118°54'E.), 38 miles E of their S end, is frequently
low sandy islets covered with vegetation. From the E islet, Pu- used by vessels proceeding between Surabaya (7°12'S.,
lau Sadapur (7°46'S., 117°13'E.), a ridge of below-water coral 112°44'E.) and Ujung Pandang (5°08'S., 119°24'E.).

Pub. 163
Sector 6—Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

6.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 163



6.0Plan.—This sector describes Pulau Sumba, Flores, Pulau of Pulau Sumbawa. Except for its S side, the island is generally
Lomblen, Kepulauan Alor, Timor, and Pulau Wetar together low along the coast and mountainous farther inland. In the N
with the adjacent islands and straits. The descriptive sequence central part the island rises to a height of almost 914m; in the
is from W to E. Pulau Tana Jampea, Kepulauan Macan, and ad- SE part the elevation is a little over 1,219m. Volcanic activity
jacent islands which lie N of the central and E parts of Flores has never been observed.
are described in an E to W direction. 6.2The central and E parts of Pulau Sumba are almost all bare
tableland, cut by rocky ravines. The W part of the island is hill-
General Remarks ier and has more vegetation.
6.2The numerous rivers consist of shallow streams of no navi-
6.1 Nusa Tenggara, previously known as the Lesser Sun- gational importance. In the river valleys of central Pulau Sum-
da Islands, extend about 750 miles E from Jawa to Timor. The ba, there are a few small villages situated at great distances
principal islands of the chain described in this sector consist of from each other.
Flores, Pulau Solor, Pulau Lomblen, Pulau Pantar, and Pulau 6.2The only useful landmark on the N shore is the 445m high
Alor plus their dependent islets. The islands of Pulau Sumba, projection of high land that terminates in Tanjung Sasar.
Pulau Sawu, Pulau Roti, and Timor lie S of the chain but are an 6.2Visible landmarks along the S shore are the mountains just N
integral part of the Lesser Sunda Group. of the S extremity of the island, especially the highest point, lo-
6.1The primary physical feature of the principal chain of islands cated 18 miles NW of the southernmost point.
is a line of volcanic ridges running from end to end. The W end 6.2The mountains have been reported to be identifiable by radar
of the chain has the highest elevations with lesser elevations at 12 miles.
along the E end of the chain. Pulau Sumba, Pulau Sawu, and 6.2Winds—Weather.—The climate of Pulau Sumba is very
Pulau Roti are off the main volcanic line. The island of Timor, healthful and there is little sickness reported among the inhabi-
differing considerably in physical aspect from the rest of the tants.
group, is traversed by a series of mountains seldom rising high- 6.2The average daytime temperature is in the 26° to 32°C range.
er than 1,829 to 2,134m. November is the hottest month, with the temperature frequent-
6.1Selat Linta, between Pulau Komodo and Pulau Rintja, is sel- ly reaching 35°C. From mid-June to August, the nights are
dom used. Selat Molo, between the latter island and Flores, is cool and the temperature seldom exceeds 15°C.
navigable only by small craft because of the currents in its nar- 6.2The average rainfall is 800mm. The wettest months are January
rowest part. Selat Flores, at the E end of Flores, is deep and and February, with a total of 240mm. During the Northwest Mon-
clear. soon, in February, the rivers become swollen.
6.1The islands which lie between Flores and the S end of Sulawe- 6.2From June to October, it seldom rains near Waingapu
si to the N, and which are described in this sector have no ports (9°38'S., 120°16'E.), on the N coast, and the land in this district
of importance and are usually only frequented by small inter-is- becomes dry and withered.
land coasters. Exposed anchorage is provided in the vicinity of 6.2Tides—Currents.—The direction of the current depends on
some of these islands. the monsoons. From April to October, the current is W and
6.1Winds—Weather.—The general characteristics of the from December to March, it is E. In November the currents are
weather, which prevails in the area covered by this sector, have generally SE or SW.
been previously described in paragraph 5.1. The climate of Pu- 6.2Depths—Limitations.—The 200m curve lies about 3.5
lau Sumba is pleasant with temperatures averaging between miles off the N coast of Pulau Sumba, broadening to 6.5 miles
26°C and 32°C. Flores has a dry climate. off the E end, and 9 miles off the S part (but only 1.5 miles off
6.1Tides—Currents.—In the Flores Sea the currents set W the outlying islands along this part). From there to Tanjung
during the Southeast Monsoon and E during the Northwest Karosso, the curve lies about 4.5 miles from the shore. All dan-
Monsoon. Both of currents are, on the average, stronger than gers are contained within the 200m curve. Selat Sumba is deep
those in the Java Sea, with the E current somewhat stronger and clear.
than the W current. Maximum rates of 2.5 knots or more have 6.2Caution.—This area is subject to intense volcanic activity,
been recorded. and the possibility of underwater eruptions leading to great
6.1The tidal currents in the straits will be discussed along with a depth changes cannot be excluded.
general description of the straits.
6.1Regulations.—For information regarding designated Archi- Pulau Sumba—North Coast
pelagic Sea Lanes, as defined by the United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), passing through the Savu 6.3 Tanjung Karosso (9°33'S., 118°56'E.), the W extremi-
Sea, see the Indonesia section of Pub. 120, Sailing Directions ty of Pulau Sumba, is low, sandy, and fringed by a narrow drying
(Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia. reef. The coast extends 65 miles ENE to Tanjung Sasar. Between
Tanjung Karosso and Teluk Waikalo, about 21 miles NE, the
6.2 Pulau Sumba (9°40'S., 120°00'E.) lies 35 miles SE hinterland appears as a horizontal ridge sloping to the W. The

Pub. 163
176 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

only landmark along this section of coast is the dark forest locat- high. The current around the point is strong at times.
ed E of Tanjung Karosso on a higher ridge. Sandy beaches are
found in places along this section of coast. Pulau Sumba—Northeast Coast
6.3A village and a noticeable sandy beach are located about 4
miles NNE of Tanjung Karosso. 6.5 The NE Coast of Pulau Sumba has no marks for off-
6.3Tanjung Suma (9°26'S., 119°02'E.), 10 miles NE of Tanjung shore navigation, except for the projecting Tanjung Ngaroe
Karosso, barely projects from the coast, but may be recognized Roehoe (Tanjung Laundi) (9°28'S., 120°12'E.) and Tanjung
by two houses rising over a ridge just behind the beach. Batuatu (9°37'S., 120°29'E.). With the exception of a few
6.3Anchorage may be taken, with local knowledge, in a depth rocky parts, the coast is predominantly sandy beach fronting a
of 27m, sand and coral, with the E house in range 156° and a plain with high trees. Behind the wooded section are terraced
coconut palm on the beach N of Tanjung Suma. hills with grassy plains.
6.3A current up to 1.5 knots has been observed off the village. 6.5From Tanjung Sasar, the coast extends 18.5 miles SE to Tan-
6.3Teluk Waikelo (9°22'S., 119°14'E.), a small bay, is located 12 jung Ngaroe Roehoe. Midway along this section of coast lies the
miles ENE of Tanjung Suma. A mountain, 5.75 miles S of the mouth of the Sungai Kadessa. About 2.5 miles upstream, the riv-
bay head, is easily recognized by its saddle shape. A shed with er flows through a cleft in the rocks which is visible from sea-
an iron roof stands on the offshore side of the light in Teluk ward.
Waikelo, and a mosque stands about 0.25 mile E of the light 6.5The shore of this coastal stretch is fringed by a narrow, dry-
structure. The light is shown only when a vessel is expected. ing reef broken only at the mouths of two existing rivers, 7
6.3Anchorage, reported to be safe during the Southeast Mon- miles apart, by drying sand flats. Depths within the 200m curve
soon, can be taken in Teluk Waikelo, in a depth of 52m, with are very irregular and anchoring is not recommended.
the light bearing 161° and the points on the E side of the bay in 6.5Tanjung Ngaroe Roehoe, lying 18.5 miles SE of Tanjung Sa-
range, bearing 066°. A moderate current may be found off the sar, is a low point backed close inland by a hill, 130m high.
bay, but none inside. This hill is the N end of a steep, crumbling limestone wall
6.3Tanjung Nanga Amba (9°21'S., 119°18'E.), low and wood- forming the edge of a plateau. A very strong current, some-
ed, lies 5 miles E of Teluk Waikelo. The coast between Tanjung times causing eddies, sets around this point.
Nanga Amba and Tanjung Karendi, a low sandy point 7 miles Teluk Nangamesi (Nangamesi Bay) (9°37'S., 120°20'E.) is
E, is fronted by mangroves and sandy beaches. entered between Tanjung Ngaroe Roehoe and Tanjung Batuata,
6.3Tanjung Batoembaba, a low rocky point 4 miles E of Tan- a sandy point covered with vegetation, 19 miles SE. A small
jung Karendi (9°22'S., 119°25'E.), and the low sandy Tanjung projection divides the head of the bay into two parts, with
Laramampa, 5.5 miles farther E, are the E and W entrance Waingapu Road (9°38.0'S., 120°15.5'E.) lying to the W and
points of a bight with the village of Memboro at its head. A Teluk Kambaniru to the E. Kali Kambera, the largest of several
conspicuous white sandy beach lies along the E side of the streams, flows into the head of Teluk Kambaniru. Waingapu
bight. Road is the principal shipping place on Pulau Sumba.
6.5The 200m curve lies up to 1.25 miles off the W side of Teluk
6.4 Tanjung Wanda (Tanjung Terapa) (9°21'S., Nangamesi and up to 3.25 miles off the S side. Depths through-
119°38'E.), about 4 miles ENE of Tanjung Laramampa, is out the entire area are irregular. A steep-to drying reef fringes the
rocky and covered with vegetation, but is not high. The point is S side of the bay up to 0.5 mile offshore and extends up to the
hollowed out below the high water line. A sandy beach lies be- same distance off the head of the bay in Waingapu Road. The
tween this point and Tanjung Palmedo, about 8 miles ESE. fringing reef on the W side of the bay is narrow. The only dan-
This latter point is the rocky spur of a plateau, bordering the gers in Teluk Nangamesi exist in Waingapu Road. Strong cur-
valley of a stream with the village of Palmedo on its E bank. rents exist off the approaches to the bay but are barely
6.4Lena (Palindi Mutu), a wooded peak 396m high, stands 4 perceptible within its limits.
miles S of Palmedo. It can be seen from offshore when off the 6.5Between Tanjung Laundi and Tanjung Mandulung, about 4.5
coast between Tanjung Terapa and Tanjung Sasar, about 12 miles SSE, the shore on the W side of the bay is rocky and bor-
miles NE. A 622m peak, about 5.5 miles WSW of Lena, can al- dered by sandy beaches. Between Tanjung Mandulung and the
so be seen along this section of coast. The peak is the W end of village of Utaleumbu (9°35'S., 120°14'E.), the sandy shore is
a ridge which slopes to a plateau farther W. bordered by mangroves.
6.4Anchorage can be taken off the village of Palmedo, in a 6.5The sudden change from mangroves to sandy beach at the
depth of 29m, sand and stone. The village should be in range, otherwise inconspicuous Utaleumbu provides a good land-
bearing 165°, with the first steep part of the coast W of the mark. Anchorage can be taken off the sandy beach S of the vil-
mouth of the river. A 2.5 knot current is sometimes felt at this lage, in depths of 35 to 46m, sand and coral. A prominent
anchorage. white patch is visible on the face of the outer end of the table-
Tanjung Wainde (Tanjung Ratuwolu) (9°21'S., 119°51'E.), land behind Utaleumba.
5 miles ENE of Tanjung Palmedo, is composed of steep, but 6.5Between Tanjung Batuata and Tanjung Djumbu, about 4.5
not high, white colored rocks. A conspicuous broad-topped miles WSW, the low sandy shore is backed by trees. Between
tree stands on the coastal reef at the point. this latter point and Waingapu Road the muddy shore is
6.4Tanjung Sasar (9°17'S., 119°56'E.), the N point of Pulau marked by mangroves.
Sumba, is a spur of the mountain plateau to the south. Tanjung 6.5Waingapu Road, at the head of Teluk Nangamesi, is the gener-
Sasar Light stands at a height of 85m on the point. Slides on al area between Tanjung Tai Manuk (9°37'S., 120°15'E.), 2.5
the W side of the point have produced vertical walls 30 to 39m miles S of the village of Utaleumbu, and Tanjung Atu (9°38'S.,

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Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 177

120°16'E.), about 1.3 miles farther SSE. The coast between Tanjung Batuata (9°37'S., 120°29'E.),

6.5 miles ENE of Tanjung Sudu, and Melolo Village, about 20

6.6 Waingapu (9°38'S., 120°16'E.) (World Port Index No. miles SE, consists of an unbroken sandy beach backed by high
51350) is the only town on Pulau Sumba and is the administrative land a short distance inland. Anchorage can be taken anywhere
center for the island. A stone pier fronting the village has a depth along this coast between Tanjung Batuata and Melolo Village.
of 2.1m alongside. A flagstaff stands at the inner end of this pier. Tanjung Tuak (9°43'S., 120°36'E.), 10.5 miles SE of Tan-

A light is shown from a white framework tower at Waingapu. jung Batuata, is a flat point covered with grass and has two
There are lighted beacons and leading marks. groups of coconut palms.
6.6Tides—Currents.—The tides at Waingapu are mixed, but
predominantly semidiurnal. Spring tides rise 2.5m and neaps 6.7Tanjung Petawang (9°48'S., 120°38'E.), 4.25 miles farther
rise 0.8m. SSE, is wooded and fairly prominent. The village of Petawang
6.6Depths—Limitations.—Berthing information is shown in stands in the trees, 0.5 mile SSW of the point.
the table titled Waingapu—Berth Information. 6.7Melolo Road (9°53'S., 120°40'E.), with Melolo Village
6.6A 274m wide swept channel leads into the inner road between along the shore, lies 6 miles SSE of Tanjung Petawang. A
the drying reefs. Depths range from 11 to 32m. Both arms, which mosque and a long house, with a zinc roof, in the village are
make up the inner road, have depths of 12m or more. visible from the roadstead.
6.6A 2.7m reef, marked by a beacon, lies 0.3 mile E of Tanjung 6.7Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 33m,
Tai Manuk. A detached, 1.8m, sunken rock lies 0.15 mile mud and sand, NE of the mosque. It is not advisable to anchor
NNW of the beacon and a 9m coral head, unmarked by discol- close in because the bottom rises very steeply near the coastal
oration, lies 0.2 mile E of the beacon. reef which extends up to 0.25 mile offshore.
6.6A drying reef extends 0.32 mile N from Tanjung Atu; a de- 6.7The coast between Melolo Village and Tanjung Undu, about
tached 0.9m patch lies close N of its N end. A drying reef, 17.5 miles SE, continues sandy as far as Tanjung Rendi, about
which forms the W side of the inner road, extends 0.25 mile 2 miles SE of Melolo Village, and then changes to a muddy
from the shore S of Tanjung Tai Manuk. coast bordered by mangroves.
6.6Aspect.—Two white stone beacons, in range bearing 188°, 6.7There are reports of no suitable anchorage being provided
lead down the centerline of the swept channel and into the in- along this section of coast because of the steep bottom.
ner road. 6.7Caution.—It has been reported (1994) that the village,
6.6Anchorage.—The best anchorage lies just within the en- mosque, and long house are not visible.
trance of the inner road, in a depth of 28m, mud and sand, 0.3
mile WNW of Tanjung Atu. Small vessels can anchor closer in 6.8 Tanjung Wara Djangga (9°55'S., 120°45'E.), about
at the entrance of either arm of the inner road in a depth of 5.75 miles SE of Melolo Village, is wooded and inconspicuous.
22m. The W arm has more room but the bottom is hard, where- There are occasional fishing huts along the coast, with small
as, the bottom in the E arm is stiff mud. Several lighters are craft lying off the coast in a small bight midway along this
available for working cargo at the anchorages. An embedded stretch. Tanjung Tapi (Tanjung Tapil), 2.5 miles SE of Tanjung
anchor on the N end of the reef, between the two arms, can be Wara Djangga, is a rocky, wooded point with rocks on the coast-
used as a bollard. al reef fronting it.
6.8A village, about 4 miles SE of Tanjung Tapi, is inhabited by
6.7 Teluk Kambaniru is entered between Tanjung Pasia fishermen; the high roofs of some houses can be sighted.
Manuk (9°39'S., 120°19'E.) and Tanjung Sudu, 3 miles to the Tanjung Undu (Tanjung Oendoe) (10°05'S., 120°51'E.),
E. Kali Kambera, the principal river of Pulau Sumba, enters the which lies 9 miles SSE of Tanjung Tapi, is the E extremity of
head of this bay but its mouth is fouled by drying sand bars. Pulau Sumba. This low sandy point has the mouth of a river on
Depths in Teluk Kambaniru are irregular, but anchorage can be its N side which is entered by small craft at high water. Tanjung
taken off the river mouth, in a depth of about 45.7m. Undu Light stands at a height of 42m on the point.

Waingapu—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Waingapu Dry Cargo Terminal
Small foreign and inter-island vessels
Old PELRA Wharf 93m 5.0-7.0m — 6.0m —
and ro-ro,
Nusantara Wharf 150m 11.0m — 10.0m 6,000 dwt Inter island/passenger service vessels.
New PELRA Wharf 70m — — — — Small foreign and inter-island vessels
PELNI Ro-Ro Wharf 9m — — — — Passenger ferries.
Waingapu Oil Terminal
No. 3 180m 9.1m 120m 7.3m 6,000 dwt Oil products.

Pub. 163
178 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)


6.8A coral ridge runs parallel with the coast, 2.75 miles E of this section of coast.
Tanjung Undu, for a distance of 5 miles. With the exception of 6.9There are no completely sheltered anchorages along this
a 6m patch, 3.5 miles NE of the point, which is only slightly coast, but some protection from the sea may be obtained in the
marked by discoloration, there are depths of 10.3 to 11.9m over bights E of Tanjung Warumanggit and E of Tanjung Watuparo-
this ridge. nu. There is, however, no shelter from the Southeast Monsoon,
6.8Anchorage may be taken in both monsoons from between which may blow in with considerable force, especially in May
the ridge and the coastal reef, in depths of 20 to 29m. and June. During these months the local coastal trade, which is
6.8Caution.—Wrecks lie 5 miles N and 3.5 miles NNE of the fairly considerable, is suspended.
light; an underwater rock lies 5.5 miles NNE of the Tanjung 6.9Shelter may be obtained during the Northwest Monsoon, but
Undu Light. a SW swell can be occasionally troublesome. Shelter is provid-
ed SW of Tanjung Watuparonu (10°15'S., 120°31'E.), and to
Pulau Sumba—Southeast Coast a lesser degree, off the entrance of the Luku Waikoka, 1.5
miles NE and E of Tanjung Warumanggit (10°15'S.,
6.9 The coast between Tanjung Undu and Tanjung Ngun- 120°37'E.).
ju (Tanjung Ngoendjoe), about 28 miles WSW, consists of a Tanjung Waradjangga (Tanjung Nangu Wara) (10°14'S.,
coastal reef extending up to nearly 0.75 mile offshore, broken 120°41'E.) is low, flat, bare, and rocky. A coral reef lies about 1
in a few places by sandy beaches. mile S of the point and extends about 1.25 miles to the NE and
Extensive grass-covered, sparsely wooded, plains lie behind
6.9 parallel to the coast. The reef has general depths of 6.7m or
the beaches. The terraced interior is fronted along its seaward more and a least depth of 2.1m near its center. At times the reef
side by high cliffs. With the exception of the land in the vicini- is plainly marked by discoloration but at other times the whole
ty of Tanjung Ngunju, there are no distinctive features along area is discolored by river water. With a heavy swell, the sea

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Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 179

often breaks over the shoal part of the reef. A shorter coral reef, with a prominent pillar rock 0.2 mile S of its W extremity. The
with a least depth of 7.9m, lies about 1 mile W. reef breaks heavily.
Tanjung Warumanggit (Tanjung Ngaru Mangeh) (10°15'S., Pulau Kotak (10°19'S., 120°10'E.), which stands on the W

120°37'E.), which lies 4 miles WSW of Tanjung Waradjangga, edge of Pulau Halura’s drying reef, is a 66m high dome with
provides partially protected anchorage during the Northwest sunken rocks close off its NW side.
Monsoon in the 3 mile wide bight on its E side. A landing Pulau Mangkudu (Pulau Mangoedoe) (10°20'S.,
place is located at an indentation lying at the W end of a drying 120°07'E.), 2.75 miles W of Pulau Halura, is fairly low and has
coastal reef projecting 0.75 mile from the shore in the vicinity a sandy beach on all sides. A drying reef, which breaks heavily,
of Tanjung Warumanggit. Heavy SW swells break on both fringes the S and W sides of Pulau Mangkudu. A light is shown
sides of this indentation. from the SSW end of the island.
Eddies and weak rotary currents have been observed around

6.10 Tanjung Watuparonu (Tanjung Watu Perono) these islands. A strong current frequently runs between Pulau
(10°15'S., 120°31'E.) is a small projection at the head of the Mangkudu and the W end of Pulau Halura’s fringing reef.
wide bight between Tanjung Warumanggit and Tanjung Ngun-
ju. Tanjung Watuparonu is conspicuous for its white cliffs and 6.12 From Tanjung Ngunju, the coast extends about 29
its low, fairly level hills marked by tall reeds and a few groves. miles NW to Tanjung Malanggu. Tanjung Karera (Tanjung
These hills are joined to the higher land to the NW by a some- Woenoe), 10 miles WNW of Tanjung Ngunju, is rocky and
what lower ridge. These cliffs, which are first seen at Tanjung steep and fronted by two high rocks which stand close off-
Watuparonu, extend an additional 2 miles to the W. shore.
Vessels anchor, with some protection, in the bights on either
6.10 Tanjung Lawitu (Tanjung Lewitu) (10°10'S., 120°05'E.),
side of Tanjung Watuparonu according to the wind. The E which consists of red rock and is sparsely wooded. Two adja-
bight is clear and slopes evenly but the W bight is fouled by cent hills, 72m and 192m high, rise close behind the point.
coral reefs which break at LW. Two reefs, with depths of 3m The coast between Tanjung Lawitu and Tanjung Melangu is

and 4.9m, lie 2 miles S of Tanjung Watuparonu just within the mostly bare and rises gradually from the shore where a contin-
20m curve. An 8.5m patch lies 1 mile SE of the same point. uous surf breaks.
Tanjung Ngunju (Tanjung Ngoendjoe) (10°19'S., Tanjung Melangu (Tanjung Malanggu) (10°07'S.,
120°27'E.), the S extremity of Pulau Sumba, consists of a 120°01'E.), with a ridge behind it, is one of the best landmarks
mountain spur ending in a prominent steep cape with a 46m for navigation along this coast. The point consists of rock con-
high hill on its outer end. A group of high white rocks stand nected by a narrow crest to the dark rocky land behind it, which
close E of the neck of the cape, which partly covers at HW. The rises steeply to an elevation of almost 488m.
mountain spur rises 1.25 miles N of the cape to an elevation of Between Tanjung Melangu and Tanjung Laikameni, about

473m. 30.5 miles WNW, the mountains provide no landmarks except

The currents must be taken into account when rounding Tan-
6.10 for an occasional coastal hill. The 335m hill, 6.25 miles N of
jung Ngunju, eddies and rotary currents have been observed Tanjung Malanggu, has an almost bare top.
close S of the point. Tanjung Laparoeno (Tanjung Watuparunu) (10°00'S.,
119°57'E.) is fronted by three sharp pillar rocks close offshore.
Pulau Sumba—Southwest Coast The needle-shaped rock of the group is conspicuous.
Teluk Malikaba (9°58'S., 119°57'E.) and Teluk Mambang

6.11 For passing vessels, the rather conspicuous hilltop and (Lamombang Bay), two bays entered about 1 and 4 miles NW
the off-lying islands of the coastal area SE of Tanjung Ma- of Tanjung Laparoeno, provide the best anchorage on the SW
langgu (10°07'S., 120°01'E.) provide good landmarks. The coast of Pulau Sumba. In the Southeast Monsoon, protected an-
coastal hills to the NW of this point present no prominent fea- chorage can be taken on the SE sides of both bays which are
tures as far W as the W end of Pulau Sumba. The land in the in- sheltered by the fringing reefs. In the Northwest Monsoon,
terior, although rising to heights of almost 914m, remains fairly calm anchorage can sometimes be taken in Teluk Malikaba.
regular with no prominent outstanding ridges or peaks. The coast between the above bays consists of steep moder-

Although the depths provide anchorage almost anywhere

6.11 ately-high limestone hills fronted in places by sandy beaches
along the coast to vessels with local knowledge, they are not and an occasional white cliff.
completely protected from the continual heavy swell. Depths—Limitations.—Depths within both bays are about

The current generally sets parallel with the coast with the
6.11 10m or more. The 10m curve lies close off the head of Teluk
prevailing monsoon at a maximum rate of 1.5 knots. Malikaba, but lies 0.3 mile off the head of Teluk Mambang. A
Pulau Halura, Pulau Kotak, and Pulau Mangkudu are a group
6.11 depth of 4.9m lies a little more than 0.5 mile W of the E en-
of three islands which lie from 3 to 6.5 miles offshore midway trance point of Teluk Mambang. Depths of less than 10m ex-
between Tanjung Ngunju and Tanjung Malanggu, about 29 miles tend 0.3 mile NW from this patch.
WNW. The first two islands mentioned are joined by a drying Directions.—To enter Teluk Malikaba, steer 038° for the

reef. All of the islands are uninhabited. 506m hill, 4 miles NE of the bay. A conspicuous tree stands on
Pulau Halura (Lahalura) (10°19'S., 120°12'E.), the eastern- this round hill. To enter Teluk Mambang, favor the W side of
most and largest of the off-lying islands, lies about 14.5 miles the bay to avoid the 4.9m shoal off the E entrance point.
W of Tanjung Ngunju. This rocky island is covered with reeds
and palm trees and rises to a height of 318m near its E end. 6.13 Teluk Kakadu (9°56'S., 119°57'E.), an open bay with
A reef extends 0.5 mile from the S and W shores of the island,
6.11 moderate depths, lies 1.5 miles NW of Teluk Mambang. The S

Pub. 163
180 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

entrance point consists of bare rock with a flat rock close W of Some large rocks are reported to lie on the coastal reef close

it. Anchorage is not advisable within the bay because of the off the point.
poor protection. Tanjung Waibuku (9°40'S., 119°02'E.), lying 11.5 miles

Tanjung Nonguwawi (Tanjung Ngungu Wawi) (9°55'S., NW of Tanjung Mamba, is a prominent point rising steeply
119°47'E.) is 204m high and has a T-shaped peninsula extend- from the sea to a bare flat summit. The sandy coast between
ing a short distance S. A bight, partially protected from the W this latter point and Tanjung Waiselai (9°37'S., 119°00'E.), 3
by a series of islets and rocks extending seaward, lies on the W miles to the NW, is densely wooded.
side of the point. In favorable weather, vessels can anchor on Several small villages stand among the trees between Tan-

either side of the outer rock, in a depth of 27.4m. jung Waiselai and Tanjung Karosso (9°34'S., 118°55'E.),
Watu Sipu (9°51'S., 119°42'E.), a wooded islet, 90m high,
6.13 about 5 miles to the NW.
lies 7 miles NW of Tanjung Nonguwawi and is joined to the When approaching Tanjung Karosso from the W, the summit

mainland by a drying reef. Tanjung Lamarongi (Tanjung Ma- of a mountain 735m high, about 24 miles E will be seen as a
rongi), 2 miles farther NW, is a fairly steep, rocky point cov- half-sphere rising above the long uniform ridge which de-
ered with tall grass. scends gradually towards the sea. On closer approach, the low
Teluk Lasipu (Sipu Bay) (9°48'S., 119°40'E.) is entered be- sandy wooded point of Tanjung Karosso can be identified to-
tween Tanjung Lamarongi and the low, sandy Tanjung (Lahike- gether with the dark wood on a ridge of hills 2.5 miles E.
meme) Laikameni, 3.75 miles NW. The bay has moderate Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, by vessels with local

depths, especially in its N part, and is clear of dangers except knowledge, in depths of 20 to 27m, sand, with the S extremity
close off its shores. Some protection is provided in the North- of the rocky N entrance point of the stream in range, bearing
west Monsoon. A black, almost perpendicular cliff, which 065° with the N house in the village close N of Tanjung Waise-
stands along the middle part of the E shore is conspicuous. lai. On this bearing, the S extremity of the entrance of the
stream appears as a detached rock. It is not advisable to anchor
6.14 Teluk Sendikari (9°47'S., 119°37'E.) is entered be- closer in because of the S swell.
tween Tanjung Laikameni and Tanjung Ta Atu (9°47'S., The tidal current in the road sets parallel with the coast at a

119°36'E.), 2 miles NW. The higher outer end of the latter rate of 0.75 knot.
point is flat and bare except for a few trees.
Depths within the bay decrease gradually toward the shore,
Islands and Straits between Pulau Komodo and
but above and below-water rocks extend up to 0.25 mile off Flores
both sides. A detached 6.7m patch lies about 0.75 mile SE of
Tanjung Ta Atu. 6.16 Pulau Rinca, between Pulau Komodo and Flores, is
The holding ground in Teluk Sendikari is good, but no pro-
6.14 similar in appearance to Pulau Komodo and is also uninhabited,
tection is provided from the SW swell. except for a village on the NE extremity. The island is mountain-
Between Tanjung Ta Atu and Tanjung Mambang (9°45'S.,
6.14 ous and densely wooded over most of its area. Doro Radja, in the
119°11'E.), about 24.5 miles W, the coast is free from dangers island’s NE part, is 351m high and prominent when viewed from
about 1 mile offshore and may be approached closely. The the N or South. A conservation area has been established (2003)
swell breaks continuously on the coastal reef and the line of in the waters between Pulau Komodo and Flores and can best be
breakers is visible at night. viewed on the chart. Certain restrictions may apply. For further
The coast between Tanjung Ta Atu and Tanjung Meloku,
6.14 information, contact the Indonesian Department of Forestry.
about 3.75 miles W, is indented by two small coves. A high islet Tides—Currents.—Selat Lintah, between Pulau Komodo

with a conspicuous cone of rocks stands on the E side of the E and Pulau Rinca, is little or never used because of strong, little
cove, but is not visible from all directions. A dark rock with a flat known currents. Three main channels lead among the islands N
top lies at the W entrance of the W cove and is conspicuous from of Pulau Rinca into the S and wider part of the strait.
the W. Another small cove lies 2 miles W of Tanjung Meloku. Selat Molo, between Pulau Rinca and Flores, is navigable only

by small craft because of the strong currents in its narrowest part.

6.15 Tanjung Rua (9°48'S., 119°28'E.), which lies 7.5 The tidal currents in the N approach to Selat Lintah divide

miles WSW of Tanjung Meloku, is the S end of a short blunt into two parts, one part setting W along the N coast of Pulau
peninsula. Fair anchorage is provided in the bight between the Komodo and the other E along the N coast of Flores. The nu-
points because of the moderate swell. merous islets lying in the N part of the strait affect the general
Vessels anchor, in a depth of 18m, off a small stream flowing
6.15 direction of the currents causing whirlpools, eddies, and tide
into the head of the bay. A few pointed roofs projected above rips N of Pulau Rinca.
the tree tops are the only parts of the houses of the villages The tidal currents are semidiurnal and although very strong

which stand on the hills behind the peninsula, which can be at the narrows in the N end of the strait, they are much weaker
seen from seaward. immediately N of the narrows and in the S and wider part of
Tanjung Watubolo (Tanjung Watoembolo) (9°46'S., the strait.
119°20'E.), the S end of a fairly low, broad spur of the hills be- The maximum rate of current in Selat Molo is unknown, but

hind it, lies 5 miles WNW of Tanjung Rua. a current of more than 5 knots was observed during a period of
Tanjung Mamba (Tanjung Mambang) (9°45'S., 119°11'E.), neap tides. The maximum rate at springs is not known. It is ad-
8 miles W of Tanjung Watubolo, is the steep S side of a con- visable to wait for the short periods of slack water before at-
spicuous short peninsula, almost bare of vegetation, which tempting to pass through the narrows.
slopes gradually to the sea. Depths—Limitations.—The three channels leading among

Pub. 163
Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 181

the islands N of Pulau Rinca, then to the S and into Selat Lin- The S coast of Pulau Komodo is steep and subject to a heavy

tah, have depths of more than 36.6m, but numerous dangers lie sea, particularly during the Southeast Monsoon. This coast
on either side of the recommended tracks. The S part of the consists mostly of a large open bight with the island of Pulau
strait is deep and mostly clear. Tala in its E part.
Along the E coast of Pulau Komodo, a maximum velocity of
6.16 Caution.—A dangerous pinnacle rock, which covers and

6 knots was observed during both the N and S currents. A ve- uncovers between the swells, lies about 1.5 miles S of the SW
locity of 9 knots was observed S of the narrows between Pulau extremity of Pulau Komodo. Depths of more than 100m lie all
Padar and Pulau Rinca. around this pinnacle rock.
Little information can be given about the changes in tidal

currents. In the narrows between Pulau Padar and Pulau Rinca, 6.19 Pulau Langkoi (8°44'S., 119°23'E.), close off the S
a S current with a velocity of 4 knots was observed to change extremity of Pulau Komodo, has been previously described in
to a 4 knot N current within a time period of 30 minutes. It was paragraph 5.58.
also observed that when the S current was running strongly W Pulau Tala (8°45'S., 119°26'E.) lies 0.3 mile off Pulau Ko-

of Pulau Padar, there was a strong eddy N through Loho Kar- modo. This partially brush-covered island has four summits,
bau (Lehok Karbau) (8°40'S., 119°38'E.). the highest rising to an elevation of 299m. All sides of the is-
Anchorage.—Anchorages are available on both sides of Se-
6.16 land are steep with the exception of its N side which has a gen-
lat Lintah and in the S part of Selat Molo. tle slope. A cone with a white sand beach lies on the S side. An
above-water rock lies off the W entrance point of the cove.
Pulau Komodo—North Coast Anchorage can be taken in a basin formed between Pulau Ta-

la, the Pulau Komodo shore, and four rocks about 0.75 mile
6.17 This coast is mountainous and except for the NW side NW of Pulau Tala. Vessels lie sheltered here, in a depth of
of the NW peninsula, the coast and its points offer no land- 44m, black sand and coral.
marks. The islets off the NE end of Pulau Komodo are conspic- The peninsula forming the SE extremity of Pulau Komodo is

uous. narrow, high, and steep, with a 251m high hill shaped like a
Toro Beru (8°26'S., 119°26'E.) is the NW extremity of Pu-
6.17 box near its E end. A high rock, fringed by a drying reef, lies
lau Komodo and is a steep grassy point. Two bare rocks stand about 0.75 mile E of the E end of the peninsula, but the inter-
on a drying reef close off this point. Fairly strong currents may vening channel is clear. A drying reef extends a short distance
be encountered off Toro Beru. Teluk Beru (Loho Batumont- off the middle part of the S side of the peninsula.
jong) is entered about 1 mile E of Toro Beru. Teluk Beru pro-
vides anchorage, in 54.9m, sand. Though the bottom rises Selat Lintah
evenly, the 40m curve lies from 0.1 to 0.3 mile offshore. 6.20 Selat Lintah (8°37'S., 119°35'E.), connecting Selat
Teluk Gili Lawa (8°28'S., 119°31'E.) is separated from
6.17 Sumba and the Flores Sea, passes along the E side of Pulau Ko-
Teluk Beru by a high peninsula which rises from 237m, near its modo. The S entrance of the strait is wide and clear in the fair-
N end, to 423m 2 miles farther N. The E side of the bay is way, but the N entrance is fouled in places by rocks, shoals,
formed by the islands of Gili Lawalaut and Gili Lawadarat. and islands which cause irregular currents. For this reason the
Teluk Gili Lawa has three bights at its head. strait is rarely used.
Loho Tala (8°29'S., 119°31'E.), the middle bight, can be rec-
6.17 The shores bordering Selat Lintah will be described in the

ognized by its E entrance point which resembles the back of an following order:
elephant. The bight has a white sand beach and provides good 1. The E coast of Pulau Komodo.
anchorage, in 40 to 45.7m, sand, with the S point of Gili La- 2. Pulau Padar.
wadarat in range, bearing 080° with the E entrance point of the 3. Pulau Rinca.
bight. 4. The islets N of Pulau Rinca.
5. The NW coast of Flores.
6.18 Gili Lawadarat (8°28'S., 119°33'E.), the S island on
the E side of Teluk Gili Lawa, is separated from Pulau Komodo Palau Komodo—East Coast
by a narrow 11m passage and from Gili Lawalaut by a narrow-
er 9m passage. Gili Lawadarat rises to a plateau with lower 6.21 From the unnamed NE point of Pulau Komodo to
land and several peaks to the N. Toro Kuning, 6.5 miles to the S, the coast is fairly steep. The
Gili Lawalaut (8°27'S., 119°35'E.), the N island, is divided
6.18 two Pulau Bugies (Bugies Islands) off the NE point are sepa-
into two parts by a low isthmus. The E part has two peaks of al- rated from each other and from Pulau Komodo by clear chan-
most equal heights. The W part consists of lower hills with sev- nels marked by strong currents. These islands have high, sharp
eral pointed peaks. summits covered with reeds.
Pulau Toko Toko (8°25'S., 119°34'E.), about 2 miles N of
6.18 West of Pulau Bugies the coast of Pulau Komodo is marked

Gili Lawalaut, is a small islet of raised coral. It has three sum- by occasional sandy beaches, but farther S it is overgrown with
mits, with the middle rising to a height of 26m. mangroves. South of these two islands numerous reefs front the
A coral shoal, with a depth of 3m, lies 1.25 miles S of Pulau
6.18 coast of Pulau Komodo up to 2 miles offshore.
Toko Toko. Midway between this shoal and Gili Lawalaut is a A rock, 6.1m high and surrounded by a drying reef for a

rock awash. short distance, lies 1.3 miles E of the N end of Tambunan
The E coast of Pulau Komodo is described in paragraph
6.18 Singkala (8°33'S., 119°36'E.).
6.21. Toro Kuning (8°36'S., 119°35'E.), which is the outer end of

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182 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

a gradually sloping mountain spur, rises inland to a prominent tween Selat Lintah on the W and Selat Molo (described later in
hill, 314m high, whose summit consists of several sharp crests. paragraph 6.31) on the E, is a mountainous island and densely
Three above-water rocks lie on a small drying reef about 0.5
6.21 wooded in its S part. The N coast is divided into two parts by
mile SSE of the point. The intervening passage is clear. Lehok Kima.
From Toro Kuning to the SE end of Pulau Komodo, the coast
6.21 Toro Nggikok (8°36'S., 119°37'E.), the NW extremity of

and its off-lying islands are generally steep and rocky. Pulau Pulau Rinca, is steep and rises to a grass-covered hill, 249m
Punya lies close off Toro Liang, the NE entrance point of Teluk high, about 1.5 miles SE.
Slawi which is a fairly large bay to the W. A 2.4m patch lies in Loho Karbau (8°40'S., 119°38'E.), a large bight, is entered

the intervening channel. between Sarai, a bright red island 1.5 miles S of Toro Nggikok
Pulau Lawang (8°37'S., 119°32'E.), a smaller islet, lies al-
6.21 and Toro Gongge, 2.75 miles S of Sarai.
most 0.5 mile S of Pulau Punya; the intervening channel is The hilly coast behind the bight descends in a whitish-yellow

clear. A small islet lies close off the S side of Pulau Punya, and slope to a narrow sandy beach.
two rocks awash lie within 0.3 mile E of the E side of the same Lehok Ginggo (Loho Ginggo) (8°41'S., 119°39'E.), entered

island. between Toro Gongge and Toro Mbarata, 1.75 miles SSW, pro-
vides the best anchorage on the W coast of Pulau Rinca. No
6.22 Teluk Slawi (8°36'S., 119°31'E.), entered between current is found in this bay. The shores of Lehok Ginggo are ir-
Toro Liang and Toro Lawi, about 1.5 miles WSW, is divided regular and some islets lie in its N part. A drying rock, some-
into two deep bays, one to the NE and the other to the SW. times breaking but showing no discoloration, lies 0.5 mile W
There are no currents within Teluk Slawi, but the cross currents of Toro Mbarata. Sunken and awash rocks, not marked by dis-
at the entrance must be allowed for when entering or departing. coloration but breaking at times, lie up to 0.25 mile off Toro
Soro Lia (8°35'S., 119°31'E.), which indents the NE side of
6.22 Propa, a light green rocky point 1.75 miles SSW of Toro
Teluk Slawi, is deep and clear except for a 0.9m patch on its E Mbarata.
side, 0.75 mile N of Toro Liang.
Soro Go (Soro Masangga) (8°36'S., 119°28'E.), which in- 6.25 Toro Taa (8°48'S., 119°37'E.), the SW extremity of
dents the SW side of Teluk Slawi, is bordered by mangroves Pulau Rinca, has two above-water rocks plus several rocks
along its shores and, with the exception of two islets in its cen- awash lying up to 0.2 mile offshore.
tral part. It is deep and clear seaward of the shore reef. The The S coast of Pulau Rinca is vegetated and marked by verti-

peninsula forming the E side of the bay terminates in Toro La- cal cliffs separated by narrow sandy beaches.
wi, the rocky SW entrance point of Teluk Slawi. Loho Uadadasami (8°47'S., 119°39'E.), the large bay in-

Between Toro Lawi and the SE extremity of Pulau Komodo,

6.22 denting the S coast of Pulau Rinca, is obstructed in its central
about 7.5 miles SSW, the coast is high and steep, indented by part by Nusa Kode, an irregular-shaped island.
several small bays and fronted by a very narrow coastal reef. A rock, awash, not marked by discoloration, lies about 0.3

Teluk Logo, an open bay entered 3 miles SSW of Toro Lawi, mile W of the drying reef which lies off the N point of the is-
provides anchorage as does Loho Sera, the bight near the S end land.
of this coast. The best anchorage can be found at the head of the E arm of

Pulau Ndihang (8°39'S., 119°30'E.), a steep-to 96m high islet

6.22 the two bights at the head of Loho Uadadasami, S of a white
molded in the shape of a sugarloaf, stands 2 miles S of Toro La- sandy beach. Because the rock awash mentioned above is in-
wi. Pulau Logo, 105m high, stands 2.5 miles SW of this islet and visible at high water, it is advisable to approach this anchorage
has a conspicuous clear white stone wall on its NE side. through the E arm.
From Toro Nta Ulah (8°48'S., 119°41'E.), the SE extremity

Pulau Padar of Pulau Rinca, the coast extends 5 mile NNE to Toro Walu
and is indented by a number of small bays.
6.23 Pulau Padar (8°39'S., 119°35'E.), a reed-covered is- Toro Sie, about 1 mile S of Toro Walu, is conspicuous for its

land, divides Selat Lintah into a main W channel and a narrow reddish-brown color and for a cave which pierces the point in a
E channel. A 269m pyramidal hill in the NE part of the island SW to NE direction. A rock awash close E of the point is not
is the most conspicuous summit of three hills which stand on always marked by breakers or discoloration.
the island. Toro Amarau (8°46'S., 119°44'E.), 0.5 mile NNE of Toro

Several islets lie close off the SW end of Pulau Padar. Pulau
6.23 Sie, is conspicuous for a natural bridge of rock standing on the
Padar-ketjil, 129m high, somewhat conical and sparsely vege- extension of the point. Loho Baru, entered between Toro Ton-
tated, is the largest of these islets. gkir and Toro Tanturi, 3 miles NNE, provides anchorage for
Pulau Sarang, a rock 0.75 mile SW of Pulau Padar-ketjil, is
6.23 large vessels free of the current.
29m high. Other dangers lie within 0.5 mile of the NW and SW
coasts of Pulau Padar. 6.26 Pulau Muang (8°42'S., 119°46'E.), a small narrow is-
Pulau Payung (8°40'S., 119°37'E.) lies in mid-channel be-
6.23 land, lies with its N end 1.25 miles E of Toro Tanturi. A steep-
tween Pulau Padar and Pulau Rinca, about 1.5 miles SE of the to shoal extends more than 0.5 mile E from the middle of the E
pyramidal hill on Pulau Padar. side of the island.
Salah Karontong (8°40'S., 119°46'E.), a bight between

Pulau Rinca Toro Tanturi and Toro Waitimbang, 4 miles NE, is marked by a
white sandy beach. The island Nusa Rohbong (Nuha
6.24 Pulau Rinca (Pulau Rintja) (8°43'S., 119°41'E.), be- Rohbang), which stands near the N end of the bight, lies 0.5

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Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 183

mile offshore. Nusa Kampas lies close off the N shore of Salah 2.25 miles SW of Pulau Sabayur-besar, rises to a height of
Karontong, almost 0.5 mile NE of Nusa Rohbong. This islet is 120m. A reef, the inner half drying and the outer half having
low, has rocky shores, and is covered with vegetation. depths ranging from 1.8 to 4.7m, extends almost 1.25 miles NE
Toro Waitimbang (8°39'S., 119°48'E.) is the SW entrance
6.26 from the island.
point and Toro Salah Molo, NNW of Toro Waitimbang, is the Pulau Kanawa (8°30'S., 119°46'E.) has a plateau covered

NW entrance point of the narrows leading through Selat Molo. with reeds and is 91m high on its N part. The N coast is rocky,
The coast between Toro Selah Melo and Toro Gindang, 4.5
6.26 but the S half of the island consists of low bush-covered land
miles W, is high, wooded, and fringed by a reef. fringed by a sandy beach.
Loho Binga (8°38'S., 119°43'E.) is a reef encumbered bay
6.26 Pulau Misa (8°32'S., 119°45'E.), a low inhabited islet, lies 1

lying 2.75 miles W of Toro Selah Molo. Pulau Gindang, a high miles SSW of Pulau Kanawa. Numerous islets and reefs lie be-
steep-to island, lies 0.5 mile N of Toro Gindang. tween this islet and Pulau Sabayur besar to the NW. Drying
Loho Buaja, a small bay encumbered by reefs and islets, is
6.26 reefs lie within 1 mile E and SW of Pulau Misa.
entered between Toro Gindang and Toro Pondo, 2 miles SW.
Loho Kima (8°39'S., 119°41'E.), a deep bay entered be-
6.26 6.29 Pulau Pungu-besar (8°31'S., 119°48'E.) and Pulau
tween Toro Pondo and Toro Kaloh, about 2 miles NW, extends Pungu-kecil, its adjacent smaller islet to the N, lie on a drying
about 4 miles S to its head. Three small detached heads lie off reef which terminates 0.25 mile NE of the smaller islet. The
the W side of the bay. The southernmost and outermost of NW coast of the larger islet is steep, broken, and has a whitish-
these dangers, which has a least depth of 0.9m, lies about 0.75 yellow cast. A series of shoals, with depths of less than 11m,
mile offshore. extends 1.5 miles N from a position about 1 mile N of the
Anchorage can be taken in Loho Kima over a muddy bottom
6.26 smaller islet. A steep-to, 2.7m coral patch lies 3.5 miles N of
out of the influence of the current. the same islet.
The coast between Toro Kaloh and Toro Nggikok, 3 miles
6.26 Pulau Bangkau (8°33'S., 119°47'E.) and Pulau Kukusan lie

W, is fronted near its E end by steep-to above and below-water on the same drying reef, about 1 mile S of Pulau Pungu-besar.
rocks which extend up to 1.25 miles N from the shore. Patches of drying reef lie S of the two islets and still farther S,
are the islets lying in the N entrance of Selat Molo.
Islets North of Pulau Rinca Pulau Papagaran-besar (8°34'S., 119°48'E.) and the small-

er Pulau Papagaran-kecil, 1 mile to the E, lie on drying reefs

6.27 The numerous islets which lie N of Pulau Rinca are and form the S side of the channel which passes S of Pulau Sa-
mostly reed-covered with occasional trees and bushes. Because bayur-besar and its adjacent islets.
of the very strong and irregular currents which set through the Pulau Panikia (8°35'S., 119°45'E.), 0.75 mile SE of Pulau

passages between these islets, they are rarely used by general Papagaran-kecil, lies on the NE edge of an extensive drying
shipping. The strong set, to and from the narrows of Selat Lin- reef. A 4.9m coral patch lies in mid-channel between the dry-
tah and Selat Molo, is felt S and SW of Pulau Pungu-besar ing reef and the coastal reef off the N coast of Pulau Rinca. Nu-
(8°31'S., 119°48'E.). sa Pimpe and Nusa Kaaba lie within 1 mile SE of Pulau
Pulau Siaba-besar (8°32'S., 119°39'E.), 3.5 miles NE of the
6.27 Panikia. The latter islet is mangrove-covered and stands on the
NW extremity of Pulau Rinca, consists of coral with a N-S N end of a drying reef. An above-water rock lies 0.25 mile NE
ridge rising to a height of 137m. The island coastal reef is nar- of Nusa Pimpe.
row, except on the N side, where it extends about 0.5 mile off- Pulau Tengah-besar and the smaller Pulau Tengah-kecil lie

shore. Pulau Siaba-kecil, reef-covered, lies close W of the on the same drying reef about 0.5 mile W of Pulau Papagaran-
larger islet and is separated from it by a 7.3m channel. besar. The conical summit on the larger islet rises to a height of
Pulau Tatawa (8°31'S., 119°39'E.), a reed-covered island
6.27 140m. An above-water rock lies about 0.25 mile off the W side
about 1 mile NNW of Pulau Siaba-besar, rises to a height of of the larger islet. A trio of islets lie within 1 mile SE of Pulau
93m and is steep on its N and W sides. A drying reef extends Papagaran-kecil and a submerged rock, with a depth of 0.5m,
0.3 mile from its S side. A 27m high sugarloaf shaped rock lies lies 0.25 mile S of the southernmost of these three.
0.75 mile SW of Pulau Tatawa.
Pulau Mauan (8°33'S., 119°38'E.), a scrub-covered island,
Selat Lintah
lies 1 mile W of the SW point of Pulau Siaba-besar and is
topped by three peaks. The tallest peak rises to a height of 38m. 6.30 Three main channels lead through the islands N of Pu-
A bank, with depths of less than 20m, extends 0.5 mile S and lau Rinca into the S and wider part of Selat Lintah. In follow-
SE. ing these directions ample allowance should be made for the
effects of the currents on steering.
6.28 Pulau Sabayur-besar (8°30'S., 119°44'E.), a partial- The first channel passes W of Pulau Tatawa and Pulau Mau-

ly reed-covered island about 3.25 miles NE of Pulau Siaba-be- an. Approaching from the N, the three peaks on Pulau Padar
sar, lies with several smaller islets on a submarine plateau over will be visible and the most conspicuous of these, the pyrami-
which the general depths are about 36.6m or less. Deep gullies dal peak in the E part, should be steered for on a course of
separate many of the islets. 194°. This course leads E of the 6.1m high rock in mid-chan-
Pulau Sabayur-kecil (8°31'S., 119°42'E.), 60m high, lies
6.28 nel, and E of the 2.1m coral patch farther to the S. Both these
close off the SW side of the larger island and is separated from dangers will be safely passed when the S point of Pulau Siaba-
it by a narrow deep channel. besar is in range with Mandjaga Peak (8°34'S., 119°50'E.) on
Pulau Mengjatan (Pulau Mangiatan) (8°33'S., 119°41'E.), the NW coast of Flores.

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184 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

The second main channel leads from the N between Pulau

6.30 proceeding E of Gili Mota, the dangerous drying rock lying
Siaba-besar and Pulau Mangiatan. There are no dangers on this midway between the NE point of Gili Mota and the Flores
route except for the rocks off the N coast of Pulau Rinca, W of shore must be avoided.
the entrance of Loho Kima. These rocks are cleared to the N by In order to clear this rock, bring Doro Tumbuh, the 187.5m

steering 250° with the SE point of Pulau Pungu-besar in range, peak on Pulau Rinca, in range bearing 331° with the opening
bearing 070° astern, with the saddle of Flores to the ENE. This between Nusa Baleh and the saddle-shaped islet close W,
range is the lower end of the third main channel. which leads 0.32 mile W of the rock.
The third main channel leads from the N, passing E of Pulau
6.30 Having cleared this rock, course should then be altered to the

Kanawa. Steer 145° with the saddle on Pulau Pungu-kecil in NW passing N of Gili Mota.
range with the previously-mentioned Mandjaga Peak. When The narrows of Selat Molo may be navigated by eye but only

the SW peak of Gili Lawalaut (8°27'S., 119°35'E.) is in range, at slack water. Pulau Muleng and Tukoh Selat Molo may be
bearing 285°, with the S point of Pulau Kanawa, alter course to passed on the E side, as there is more room E of the latter
195°. Avoid the 11m patch in mid-channel W of Pulau Pungu- rocks. From the N end of the narrows, steer NW and when the
besar, and the 4.9m projection off the SW point of the same is- W sides of Pulau Pungu-besar and Pulau Bangkau are in range
land. When the SW point of Pulau Pungu-besar is in range, bearing 002°, steer for them passing W of Pulau Nisa Purung
bearing 070° astern with the saddle on Flores, steer 250°on that and Pulau Gadoh.
range to the entrance of the broader, S part of Selat Lintah.
The channel between Pulau Padar and Pulau Rinca is not
6.32 A mountain chain, attaining a height in excess of
Selat Molo 2,377m in the W part, traverses the middle of Flores from W to
E. From both sides of the chain, ridges run N and S forming
6.31 Selat Molo (8°37'S., 119°49'E.), connecting Selat steep promontories. The W part of the island has no volcanoes,
Sumba with the Flores Sea, passes along the E coast of Pulau but the E part, especially near the E and S coasts, has numerous
Rinca and along the SW coast of Flores. As previously stated, volcanoes, some still active. Many rivers discharge along the N
the strait can only be used by small well-powered craft because and S coasts but none are of any use to commercial shipping.
of the strong currents in its narrowest part. Only a few are navigable near their entrance by small craft at
Gilimota (8°48'S., 119°48'E.), an island in the S entrance of
6.31 high water. During the rainy season, they are not navigable
the strait, is the major landfall for Selat Molo from the S. This higher up because of the strong currents, and in the dry season
island has three peaks, the highest attaining an elevation of they are too shallow or dry completely.
449m, and is easily sighted because of its sharp outline. A con- Toro Waturamba (8°26'S., 119°52'E.) is the steep rounded

servation area has been established (2003) in the waters sur- NW extremity of a hilly grass-covered peninsula showing two
rounding Gilimota and can best be viewed on the chart. Certain summits from a W and E direction; the S summit rises to a
restrictions may apply. For further information contact the In- height of 216m.
donesian Department of Forestry. A bare dark rock, 24m high, resembling a lion lying down

Both shores of the broad S part of Selat Molo are marked by

6.31 with its head W, lies 1 mile SW of Toro Waturamba. A lighted
a succession of sharp, high points generally covered with tall bouy lies 3.5 miles WSW of Toro Waturamba.
reeds. Muddy mangrove-covered bights lie in between. A Pulau Seraya-besar (8°23'S., 119°52'E.) lies 1.75 miles N

prominent exception is the bight at Salah Karontong on Pulau of Toro Waturamba, and has three summits. The W and highest
Rinca at the entrance of the narrows leading through Selat Mo- summit rises to a height of 187m. The coast of the island is
lo. This bight has a white sandy beach visible for a great dis- steep and rocky with occasional sandy beaches. The coastal
tance. In general, the bays on either shore can provide reef is steep-to and shoals lie within 1 mile of the NE extremity
anchorage according to their size. of the island.
A dangerous drying rock lies in mid-channel between Toro
6.31 Pulau Seraya-kecil (8°24'S., 119°52'E.), between the above

Kembang, the NE extremity of Gili Mota, and the coast of island and the coast of Flores, is low, wooded, and fringed by a
Flores to the NE. This rock seldom breaks and never shows any steep-to drying reef.
discoloration. There is a large area SW of Pulau Seraya-besar and W of Pu-

Selat Molo Narrows are entered between Toro Waitimbang

6.31 lau Seraya-kecil, with depths of 35 to 55m, mud and sand,
and the Flores coast close N of Linteh village. The shores are which provides good anchorage that is sheltered from the
uninhabited and alternately rocky and muddy. Pulau Muleng, Southeast Monsoon.
about 0.5 mile N of Toro Waitimbang, consists of two large Pulau Sabolan-besar (8°23'S., 119°49'E.) and Pulau Sabo-

mid-channel growth-covered rocks lying close together in a N- lan-kecil lie W of Pulau Seraya-besar, and are separated from it
S direction. A 0.9m shoal extends 160m S from the S rock. by a deep clear passage, 1.5 miles wide.
Tukoh Selat Molo, an island about 1.25 miles N of Pulau
6.31 All of the coasts of the larger island are rocky, except its SE

Muleng, consists of a single clump of vegetated rocks. The nar- extremity which has a sandy beach. Both islands are fringed by
rowest part of the passage is found close S of Tukoh Selat Mo- a narrow steep-to reef.
lo. Pulau Sabolan-kecil is marked by a light.

Directions.—When approaching from the S, Gili Mota, the

6.31 The coast between Toro Waturamba and Pulau Boasala

landfall island, is readily identified. The channel which passes (8°36'S., 119°47'E.), about 10.75 miles SSW, is indented by a
W of this island, being wide and danger free, is preferred. If large bight in its N part. Pulau Boasala is the NE entrance point

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Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 185

to the narrows of Selat Molo.

Pulau Tobolon (Pulau Tebolon) (8°29'S., 119°50'E.), Pulau Si-
turi, Pulau Tenga, and Pulau Bajo, with the exception of Pulau To-
bolon, are connected by the same drying reef and extend from W
to E in that order. Pulau Tobolon, the westernmost island, is reed-
covered and has a coconut plantation on its S side. Two small is-
lets lie in the passage which separate Pulau Tobolon from Pulau
Situri to the SE. This passage is not recommended because of the
strong currents which set through it.
Pulau Situri (Pulau Kokotoan) (8°29'S., 119°51'E.), which
rises to a height of 90m, has a dangerous drying rock close off
its SW end.

6.33 Pulau Tenga (8°29'S., 119°51'E.) is topped by three

summits, the N and E, 122m high, have conspicuous yellow
Pulau Bajo (Pulau Badjo) (8°29'S., 119°52'E.), 97m high on
its N side, has a village on its NE extremity.
Labuhanbajo is the S part of the channel between Pulau Bajo

Courtesy of http://www.agrisoft-systems.de/kawasaki
and the coast of Flores to the E. The roadstead is free from dan-
ger but there are shoals in the approaches. In the S approach, a Entering the harbor of Lahuhanbajo by boat.
sunken coral rock which is seldom marked by discoloration, lies Pulau Boasala (8°36'S., 119°47'E.), covered by vegetation,

0.75 mile S of the low, sandy point at the NW end of the village rises to two round peaks each about 156m high; together these
of Labuhanbajo. A sunken rock lies close off the stone pier front- peaks form a flat-topped plateau. A conspicuous, bare reddish
ing the village. In the N approaches, a 4m patch lies in mid- patch is located on the SW side of the islet. The islet is also the
channel, 0.25 mile N of the same low sandy point reducing the NW entrance point to the narrows of Selat Molo.
navigable channel to a width of barely 91m. Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken almost anywhere off

Confined anchorage can be taken, in depths of 16 to 18m,

this part of the coast of Flores. The best position lies in the
mud, 0.25 mile SSW of the above low, sandy point. bight formed by Pulau Boasala, Pulau Gadoh, and the coast of
The currents never exceed a rate of 0.5 knot in the roadstead.
Flores. Good anchorage can also be taken in the bight at the
Labuhanbajo (Labuhan Bajo) (8°29'S., 119°53'E.) is a large NE end of Pulau Rinca, which has Rinca Village at its head. In
village of some importance as a place of export. A 39.5m long the more open area W and N of Pulau Boasala, the current is
pier extends from the shore abreast of the village, but is avail- never too strong for a vessel to anchor while awaiting for slack
able only to launches. A flagstaff stands on the beach, but it is water in Selat Molo.
difficult to identify unless a flag is displayed from it. A con- Selat Molo and the narrows of Selat Molo have been previ-

spicuous white tomb stands N of the village. The port is now ously described in paragraph 6.31 as part of Pulau Rinca.
the starting point for trips to Pulau Komodo and Pulau Rinca.
The coast between Labuhanbajo and Pade Village, about 1
6.33 6.35 Toro Wairii (8°40'S., 119°48'E.), lying 9 miles S of
mile to the S, is steep-to about 0.25 mile offshore. Between this Pulau Boasala, is the SE entrance point to the narrows of Selat
village and Toro Batuputih, about 3.5 miles SW, the coast is Molo. A shoal of sand and stone, marked by discoloration at
bordered by coconut trees and houses. low tide, with a depth of 5.5m, lies 0.35 mile N of Toro Wairii.
Toro Batuputih (8°32'S., 119°51'E.), a steep protruding
6.33 A 7.6m shoal, not marked by discoloration, lies 0.25 mile

white point, 75m high, has a white sand beach on either side further N.
and is conspicuous. Anchorage.—Anchorage can be obtained NE of the point,

Pulau Mandjaga, which appears as a high cape from the W

6.33 in depths of 10 to 12m. Toro Ladjar, a bare rocky point 18m
and NW, is joined by a drying reef to a point about 1 mile high, lies 1.25 miles SSW of Toro Wairii.
WSW of Toro Batuputih. From any distance to the S, the point looks like an islet.

The coast between Pulau Mandjaga and the narrows of Selat

6.33 Ini Tengah (8°42'S., 119°48'E.), a rock on the extremity of a

Molo is mostly marshy with occasional rocky areas. drying reef, lies 1 mile S of Toro Ladjar.
Pulau Kelor (8°33'S., 119°49'E.), lightly vegetated and con-
6.33 This rock is 18m high and stands out prominently against the

spicuous for its 60m hill, lies 1 mile WSW of Pulau Mandjaga. beach behind it.
Loho Kenupur (8°45'S., 119°48'E.) is a small bay lying

6.34 Pulau Gadoh (8°35'S., 119°48'E.) lies close offshore 2.75 miles S of Ini Tengah. A conspicuous rectangular rock,
on the coastal reef, 2 miles SSW of Pulau Kelor. Pulau Gadoh 18m high, is the outer rock fringing the S entrance point of the
is hilly with a marshy coast, except on its rocky W extremity bay. The N point of the bay drops sheer to the sea. Loho Rase is
and on which there are some above-water rocks on the fringing entered about 1 mile N of Loho Kenupur.
drying reef. Numerous islands, rocks, and shoals lie in the channel be-

A steep-to, partially drying reef, which is not always marked

6.34 tween Gili Mota and the coast of Flores.
by discoloration, lies about 0.75 mile NNE of the 4.9m patch, Toro Keritaku is a small, bare, cliffy, promontory lying 2

about 0.25 mile NW of the W end of Pulau Gadoh. miles E of Gili Mota. The point rises to a 549m high mountain

Pub. 163
186 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

2.25 miles NNE. chor, in a depth of 45.7m, in the middle of a small bay that indents
Tanjung Keritamese, lying 4.75 miles SE of Toro Keritaku, is
6.35 the E side of the peninsula forming Tanjung Keritamese.
the SW end of Flores. Toro Lomo (8°50'S., 120°19'E.), low and tree-covered, is

fronted by sandy beach. Pegunungan Todo (Munti Mountains),

Flores—South Coast a high lofty chain, lie to the N of Toro Lomo.
Pulau Mules, which has been previously described in para-

6.36 Tanjung Keritamese (Toro Kerita) (8°52'S., graph 6.36, is almost completely surrounded by a sandy beach,
119°55'E.) is the broad end of a peninsula having several small and in a few places fringed by a narrow reef. The channel be-
projections. A hill on the peninsula rises to a height of 408m tween this island and the mainland coast is deep and clear, but
and from any distance to the E or W appears as an island. The strong currents run through it.
sides of the point are rough, bare and steep, and in places pre- Anchorage can be taken, in depths of 40 to 55m, off the NW

cipitous. side of the island; however, tidal currents in this anchorage

The W part of the S coast of Flores from some distance off-
6.36 sometimes attain a speed of 3 knots.
shore appears as desolate irregularly-shaped mountain terrain Between Toro Lomo and Toro Watu Ipu (8°50'S.,

with only an occasional area of coastal lowland. Large parts of 120°37'E.), about 18 miles to the E, the coast is slightly indent-
the island are covered with reeds and sparsely covered with ed by a wide bight whose shores are flat, tree-covered, and
trees. backed by rising ground. Two small villages are situated at the
This part of the coast is partially protected by the high island
6.36 NW and NE corners of the bight. The coast, in the vicinity of
of Pulau Sumba, but even a slight sea raises a surf along the the former, appears as a high wall fronted by a sandy beach.
coast. Teluk Aimere (8°52'S., 120°50'E.), entered between Toro

Pulau Mules (8°54'S., 120°18'E.) is a prominent landmark

6.36 Atuoto (Tanjung Saukemeh) (8°53'S., 120°47'E.) and Toro
along this part of the S coast. This island is hilly, mostly barren, Wai Waru, a low point about 6 miles to the E, is deep through-
and is conspicuous for the columnar peak in its SW part. out. The former point is steep, broken, and strikingly white.
The volcanic cone of Gunung Inerie, about 40 miles E of Pu-
6.36 The W side of the bay is steep and rocky, whereas the N side
lau Mules, is another good landmark. rises gradually inland. A long chain of mountains backs the E
The S coast of Flores, E of Gunung Inerie as viewed from
6.36 shore of the bay.
the Savu Sea, is a rugged high mountainous area. The only low Gunung Inerie (8°53'S., 120°59'E.) is a remarkably sym-

section of coast found along this stretch can be found in the ar- metrical volcanic cone standing isolated by valleys and clefts
ea NE of Teluk Paga, about 73 miles E of Ineri, where Flores is from the peaks to the N. This cone is visible for a great dis-
only 6 to 7 miles wide. tance seaward and is a valuable aid to navigators.
The 200m curve never extends more than 2.5 miles off the S
6.36 There is little or no current in the middle of Teluk Aimere,

coast of Flores. Beyond 200m, the coast is entirely clear of but strong currents are sometimes found along the shores.
dangers. Anchorage can be taken off the mouth of a river, at the head

Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents along the S coast of

6.36 of the bay, in a depth of 49m, off the village of Aimere, SW of
Flores are semidiurnal and weak, and approximately parallel the the zinc-roofed customs shed.
shore. From November to March, the W current was observed to From Toro Wai Waru, the coast is boarded by the base of

be stronger than the E current but never stronger than 1.5 knots. Gunung Inerie as far as Ngaru Bere (8°57'S., 121°00'E.), the S
A current of 2 to 3 knots may be encountered in the channel be- point of Flores, about 8.5 miles SE. Between the latter point
tween Pulau Mules and the shore. Currents greater than 1.5 and Ngalu Tangi (Ngaru Dai), about 19 miles ENE, the coast is
knots are also found at the S entrance of Selat Flores at the E end indented by a large bight backed by steep mountains with culti-
of the island. vated slopes.
Toward the middle of Selat Sumba and the Savu Sea, the

monsoonal current is the predominate set. As far as is known, 6.38 Teluk Ende (8°50'S., 121°31'E.), entered between Nga-
the W set is stronger than the E. It is probable that there is a ru Dai on the W and Tanjung Ija on the E, is surrounded by hilly
regular and constant W ocean current in these open areas. land with higher mountains lying farther inland. The peninsula
From Tanjung Keritamese on Toro Lomo, 25 miles to the E,
6.36 separating this bay from Teluk Ipi to the E, has an active volcano
the coast gradually changes from a steep, rugged, wooded area in its S part. This volcano rises to a height of 669m and is cov-
to regular flat ridges covered with reeds. These ridges slope ered with sulfur and ashes from frequent eruptions. It has an ac-
seaward, usually terminating in 20m high bluffs which are of- tive crater on its S side.
ten carved into grottoes and odd projections by the sea. The massive Keli Kotto (Ngakroe Tangi) has steep spurs and

forms the W side of the larger bay. The spurs rise steeply from
6.37 Teluk Nangalili (Nangaele Bay) (8°48'S., 120°09'E.) the sea to a height of 1,407m. A prominent mass of grass-cov-
is the wide bight between Tanjung Keritamese and Toro Repi. ered rocks stands near the coast, SE of Keli Kotto.
Nangalili, a small village, stands 0.5 mile within the mouth of a The N shore of Teluk Ende consists of a limestone formation

small river which flows into the head of the bay. A drying bank with some prominent white and gray patches. Ende, a village
obstructs the mouth of the river. of some importance, stands in the NE corner of the bay.
Tangi, a village built on the seaward side of a high, steep
6.37 Pulau Ende (Pulau Nosea) (8°52'S., 121°32'E.), which lies
ridge, is situated about 3 miles inland of Nangalili. near the center of Teluk Ende and 2.5 miles offshore, consists
Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 43m, off the drying bank
6.37 of two mountains joined by a fairly low, narrow ridge. The S
fronting the river. During the Northwest Monsoon, vessels can an- and higher mountain of the two is 472m high and prominent.

Pub. 163
Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 187

Several villages are situated on the island.

6.39 Ende (Endeh) (8°50'S., 121°39'E.) (World Port Index

No. 51340), a small village standing in the NE corner of the bay,
is the seat of a government official. The village can be recog-
nized by a white building with a dark roof, and by a building
with a red roof, both near the shore W of the pier. A light, 43m
high, stands in position 8°50.7'S, 121°38.6'E.
The Ende Terminal Pier, which extends from the shore

abreast the village, is 180m long with a depth of 5m alongside.

The Port of IPPI has two berths. No. 1 is 75m long, with an

depths alongside depth of 7m, and accommodates fast ferries

and ro-ro/lo-lo vessels. No. 2 is 135m long and accommodates
ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, containers, and breakbulk.
Pertamina Oil Berth, consisting of an island with two moor-

ing buoys, has a length of 15m and depth of 7.2m and may ac-
cept vessels up to 10,532 dwt, with a length over all of 128m.
Berth length 33m (including dolphins).
The 40m curve lies about 0.15 mile offshore off Ende. Pilots

are available but not compulsory. Anchorage can be taken, in Courtesy of http://www.stefan.wg-kunterbunt.de/gallery/ende_boat
depths of 55 to 66m, 0.25 mile NW of the pier. During the Port of Ende
Southeast Monsoon, a moderate swell sets into the bay espe-
cially in the afternoon.
Teluk Ipi (8°52'S., 121°41'E.), entered close E of Tanjung

Ija, is marked by a light at its head. During the Northwest Mon-

soon, it is better to anchor in Teluk Ipi, about 0.25 mile of Ipi
Village (8°51'S., 121°40'E.), in a depth of about 54.9m. Care
must be taken not to anchor too close to the coastal reef to the
N. Ipi Ende Light is shown from a a white lighthouse, 20m
high, lying close NW of the T-jetty.
The coast E of Teluk Ipi is high and steep and is formed by

the spurs of the sharp mountain ridges.

Courtesy of http://www.stefan.wg-kunterbunt.de/gallery/ende_boat
Ende—Pertamina Oil Berth
chorage during either monsoon.
Ngalu Ljukate (Ngaru Itju Kate) (8°48'S., 122°00'E.), a
cliffy perforated point, lies about 6 miles ENE of Teluk Mbuli.
A village stands on the banks of a river which discharges close
W of the point. A rocky islet stands in a small bight close E of
the point. A prominent light green hill, 308m high, stands close
to the coast at the head of this bight.

Courtesy of http://www.stefan.wg-kunterbunt.de/gallery/ende_boat 6.40 Teluk Paga (8°45'S., 122°07'E.), a deep open bay,
Ende from pier head facing town lies centered about 8 miles NE of Ngalu Ljukate. A conspicu-
ous peak with a flat summit, 1,446m high, rises about 6.5 miles
Teluk Mbuli (8°50'S., 121°53'E.), an open bight backed by a
N of the head of the bay. Two large villages, fronted by reefs
broad well-cultivated strip of land fronting the coastal moun- which extend about 0.5 mile offshore, stand near the shore on
tains, is very deep. A reddish-colored dome-shaped hill, 704m the W side of the bay. A village, consisting of a few houses and
high, forms the E point of the bay. Some dangers lie up to 0.75 a mission, stands in the NE part of the bay.
mile offshore E of this point. The bay does not afford safe an- Anchorage can be taken off this village, in a depth of 58m.

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188 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

Fair shelter is provided during the Southeast Monsoon. 29m high with a sandy beach on its S side, lies 7.5 mile N of
Sika Besar (8°45'S., 122°12'E.) and Tanjung Wokar, a point
6.40 Tanjung Matandu. The N side of the islet is rocky. The island
about 1.25 miles to the E, form a long, flat plain backed by lies on the W end of a reef which extends 1.75 miles E. The
steep mountains. A church stands in a village on this plain. The reef dries entirely at LW in April and November. Sand cays lie
spire and zinc roof of the church are visible from the offing. A off the W side of the islet, midway along the N side and on the
number of sheds stand near the shore and a reef extends about E end of the reef.
0.25 mile offshore. The S side of the reef is almost steep-to, but irregular depths

Ngaru Baluk, a steep, rocky point about 80m high, lies about
6.40 extend 1.5 miles NW of the N side of the reef. The channel be-
4.25 miles E of Tanjung Wokar. tween Pulau Serbete and the E coast of Flores is deep and clear
Ngaru Kelahi (8°42'S., 122°32'E.), about 16 miles E, is the
6.40 of dangers. Tanjung Serbete Light is shown from a beacon near
extremity of a steep mountain ridge and can be recognized the point.
from the offing by two vertical patches of white rocks, one Between Kari-Wutun and Tanjung Kopondei (8°04'S.,

above the other. The bight between this point and Ngaru Kuar, 122°52'E.), about 7.5 miles NW, the coast is rocky and steep
about 6 miles to the NE, is bordered by a sandy beach. with all dangers lying within 0.5 mile offshore.
Tanjung Tuak (8°38'S., 122°43'E.), about 12 miles ENE of

Nagaru Kelahi, has a prominent, bare hill, 138m high. An ob- Flores—North Coast
long reef, with a least depth of 1.5m, lies centered about 2
miles W of this point and 1 mile offshore. 6.42 Toro Waturamba (8°26'S., 119°52'E.), the NW ex-
The coast to the E of Tanjung Tuak is surmounted by Ili Le-
6.40 tremity of Flores, has been previously described in paragraph
wotobi-perempuan (8°33'S., 122°47'E.), consisting of two ac- 6.32.
tive volcanoes. The highest volcano is 1,704m. The N coast of Flores, E of Toro Waturamba, is very irregu-

Tanjung Lirang (Tanjung Lerang) (8°37'S., 122°47'E.), the lar with numerous projecting points and inlets. The coast rises
E of two rocky points, lies about 3.5 miles NE of Tanjung Tu- steeply to the high mountains in the interior. The central moun-
ak. Tanjung Lirang is reported to be prominent. The coast be- tains of Flores can be seen far inland.
tween the points is indented by two bays separated by a Many of the bays provide good anchorage during the mon-

mountainous promontory. soons, with some providing shelter from both monsoons.
Detached dangers lie up to 6 miles off the projecting points

6.41 Larantuka (8°21'S., 122°59'E.) (World Port Index along the N coast. All of these dangers lie within the 200m
No. 51330) is situated about 17 miles NE of Tanjung Lerang. curve, except Gosong Boni (8°22'S., 122°14'E.) and Pasir La-
It is the district capital of East Flores and the site of an original yaran (Angelica Bank), both described later in paragraph 6.52
17th century Portuguese mission. and paragraph 6.49, respectively.
A pier, 46m long, which can be used as a landing place but not
6.41 The currents off the N coast of Flores usually follow the di-

for vessels to berth alongside, fronts the village. The custom rection of the prevailing monsoon, at a rate of 1 knot.
house is situated on the pier with a flagstaff at its root. Teluk Rangko (8°27'S., 119°55'E.), whose E boundary is

The Ferry Berth, 206m in length, accommodates fast ferries.

6.41 Toro Waturamba and Teluk Boleh, lying just to the E of Teluk
The General Cargo Berth, 122m in length, accommodates break- Rangko, are separated from each other by Toro Boleng, a steep
bulk vessels with a maximum draft of 5.8m. The Larantuka Oil point 186m high. These bays are of little navigational impor-
Terminal Berth No. 1 is 15m long with a depth of 8.6m along- tance because of the dangers in their approaches.
side and can accommodate vessels up to 1,500 dwt with a maxi- Teluk Terang (8°24'S., 120°07'E.), with an entrance 0.3

mum LOA of 65m. mile wide, is deep and clear in its outer part. The entrance lies
A long barrack stands about 1.5 miles W of Laurantuka
6.41 between the reefs extending N from Toro Tjarmi (8°21'S.,
Light (8°20'S., 122°59'E.), 0.2 mile NE of the church. 120°07'E.) on the E side, and those extending N from Toro Le-
Small ferries run between Larantuka, Pualu Solor, and Pulau
hok Tjamba. The latter point stands 3.3 miles E of Toro Ponti-
Andonara. anah (8°23'S., 120°02'E.).
Anchorage may be taken, in a depth 29m, 0.2 mile off the
Three inlets, of little importance to shipping, indent the W

pier or for a distance of 0.6 mile, NE of this berth. side of the bay.
Larantuka Terminal (8°20'S., 122°55'E.) is situated on the W
6.41 Anchorage can be taken in the outer part of the bay, in con-

side of Teluk Oka, approximately 0.5 miles S of the village of venient depths over a bottom of mud.
Oka. The facility is owned and operated by Pertamina and han- Nusa Longgo (Nusa Longos) (8°21'S., 120°08'E.) is a low,
dles petroleum products. Vessels with lengths up to 65m and stony, wooded island with a marshy coast lying close N of Toro
1,500 dwt have been accommodated. A depth of 6m alongside Tengkel (Toro Tjarmi).
has been reported. A chain of reefs, separated from the reefs fringing Nusa Lon-

Between Larantuka and Tanjung Matangdu (8°17'S.,

6.41 gos by the deep channel leading to Teluk Terang, extends 3
123°01'E.), about 4.5 miles NNE, the coast slopes gradually miles NE from Toro Lehok Tjambi, and then 8 miles W, just
upward and is mostly wooded with palms. Sandy beaches front within the 200m curve.
the coast. Teluk Levilia (8°22'S., 120°10'E.) lies between Nusa Lon-

From Tanjung Matangdu to Tanjung Karangwutun

gos and the coast to the S and SE. The entrance is 0.4 mile
(8°08'S., 122°58'E.), about 9.25 miles NNW, the coast is wide between the reef fronting the NE side of Nusa Longos,
mountainous and fringed by a narrow reef. and the reef extending from the coast to the E.
Nusa Berlang (Pulau Serbete) (8°09'S., 123°01'E.), an islet
Anchorage.—Vessels can anchor in Teluk Levilia. Good an-

Pub. 163
Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 189

chorage can be taken, in a depth of 40m, mud, S of the E point of Pulau Untelue.
of Nusa Longos. Teluk Riung (Rioeng Bay) (8°23'S., 121°02'E.) is a large,

Between Tanjung Peta Bari (8°18'S., 120°12'E.) and Tan-

6.42 reef-strewn bay lying between Pulau Untelue on the W side
jung Besi, about 14.5 miles ENE, the coast is fringed by a nar- and Pulau Ruton and Pulau Tangril, both lying on a drying reef,
row reef and backed by high mountains. on the W side.
The former point, which is low and sandy, has a white sandy
6.42 Batu Kolong lies on the reef extending 0.5 mile from the E

patch, always above-water, on the reef to the W of it. side of Pulau Untelue.
Between Batu Kolong and a point 4.75 miles ESE, the coast

6.43 Tanjung Besi (8°14'S., 120°25'E.), marked by a light, is fronted by bare and rocky islets and reefs, the latter extend-
is the extremity of a very prominent plateau rising to a height ing up to 0.75 mile offshore. Some of these islets off Teluk Ri-
of 392m. ung are good landmarks.
Between this point and Tanjung Kurungbaja, about 10 miles
6.43 Riung Village (8°26'S., 121°01'E.) stands on the crest of a

to the E, the coast is indented by two rather small bays. hill, 564m high, about 2.25 miles inland.
Teluk Reo (8°16'S., 120°30'E.) is entered between the E side
6.43 Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in Teluk Riung in the

of the promontory terminating in Tanjung Besi and a low point outer roadstead, in a depth of 51m, about 0.75 mile ESE of Batu
about 4.75 miles to the SE. Kolong. Small vessels can anchor in the inner roadstead, in a
Reo Light (8°17'S., 120°27'E.) stands on the E side of Tan-
6.43 depth of 27m, mud, about 1.5 miles S of Batu Kolong, but the
jung Besi. The W shore of the bay as far as Toro Kedindi, a low space is confined. Good shelter is provided in both roadsteads
rocky point 2.5 miles SSE of Tanjung Besi, rises steeply to the during the monsoons.
plateau on the promontory and is bordered by a sandy beach. Directions.—Vessels approaching from the W should steer

Saddle Mountain (Zadelberg), a prominent 1239m high moun- 146° for Pulau Ruton. When Pulau Pata bears 201°and is open
tain, lies 11 miles S of the head of Teluk Reo. E of Riung Village, steer for it on that bearing to the outer an-
Kedindi Village (8°17'S., 120°27'E.) lies at the head of Teluk
6.43 chorage. If anchoring in the inner roadstead, continue on this
Kedindi and is fronted by a pier in ruins which extends across the course until Pulau Babajie (8°24'S., 121°01'E.) bears 230°,
coastal reef. Several rocks and a stranded wreck lie off the pier. then steer by eye between the drying reefs, which are marked
Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 22m, mud, off the pier
6.43 by discoloration extending from Pulau Pata, and Pulau Lainja-
at Kedindi and in a depth of 45.7m, SE of Kedindi. wa, almost 0.5 mile NNW.
Teluk Linggeh (8°16'S., 120°34'E.) is entered between Toro
6.43 When approaching from the E, Pulau Dua should not bear

Lubu (8°16'S., 120°32'E.) and Tanjung Kurungbaja, 4 miles to more than 270°, and when Pulau Pata bears 201°, proceed as
the ENE, and provides the best anchorage for large vessels previously directed.
along this part of the coast. The head of the bay is low, marshy,
and intersected by several small rivers. Vessels can anchor, in 6.45 Tanjung Torieng (8°25'S., 121°09'E.), which lies 7
depths of 43.8 to 54.9m, mud, in the SE part of the bay. miles E of Teluk Riung, is the relatively low, rocky end of a
Tanjung Kurungbaja (8°15'S., 120°36'E.), a steep, rocky point
6.43 narrow hillcrest sloping from SE to the NW.
with a 205m round-topped hill, 0.5 mile S, is the termination of a Between Tanjung Torieng and Tanjung Nbai (8°30'S.,

ridge descending from the mountain range inland. Between this 121°18'E.), about 10 miles ESE, the tree-covered coast is low
point and Toro Barat, 8.5 miles SE, the coast is steep and wooded for the most part. Spurs descend to the coast from Gunung
with occasional sand beaches and marshy strips. Wangka, about 6 miles SSW of Tanjung Torieng.
Labuhan Pota (8°20'S., 120°45'E.), a small open bay
6.43 This prominent mountain rises to a height of 1,126m and is

fringed by a drying reef, is entered between Toro Barat and the summit of a high ridge extending to the NW. A prominent
Toro Lari, about 2.75 miles ESE. A sandy beach, intersected by rocky rugged hill, 256m high, stands near the coast about 4.5
several streams, forms the shores of the bay. miles W of Tanjung Nbai. A light is shown from the coast 2.25
Toro Roto (8°20'S., 120°48'E.), which stands about 3 miles
6.43 miles SSE of Tanjung Nbai.
E of Toro Lari, consists of a broad mountain spur with a light The 200m curve parallels the coast about 3 miles offshore. A

brown color. Olifantsberg (Golo Watupuh), 1,145m high, bare, long ridge of reefs, which continue to the E as far as a peninsu-
and resembling an elephant, rises 8 miles S of the same point. la about 19 miles E of Tanjung Nbai, lies close within this
Toro Padang (8°20'S., 120°59'E.), about 13 miles E of Toro
6.43 curve. The best passage through the outer reefs lies W of Pasir
Roto, is the NE extremity of a partly wooded peninsula form- Rita (8°26'S., 121°18'E.) with the 256m hill, about 4.5 miles
ing the W side of Teluk Damu, and which is connected to the W of Tanjung Nbai, bearing 231°. Pasir Rita consists of a large
mainland by a low narrow isthmus about 0.5 mile wide. The sand bank with some low trees, which is surrounded by a dry-
peninsula rises to a height of 209m about 0.75 mile WSW of ing reef.
Toro Pedang. Between Tanjung Nbai and Tanjung Lambo (8°26'S.,

121°22'E.), about 6 miles SE, the coast is low and marshy. An

6.44 Teluk Damu (8°22'S., 120°59'E.) is deep, clear of extensive plain lies inland along this stretch of coast. Mara-
dangers, and provides sheltered anchorage, but in considerable pokot (8°31'S., 121°20'E) is a small port 3 miles NW of Tan-
depths. The E side of the inlet is fouled by reefs which extend jung Lambo. The Main Jetty, 157m in length, handles dirty
1.25 miles from the N side of Pulau Untelue (8°23'S., products (DPP), cement, breakbulk, and bulk cargo.
121°01'E.), leaving an entrance 0.2 mile wide between them Several deep bays, separated by prominent points, indent the

and the reefs extending from the E side of Toro Padang. Un- coast between Tanjung Lambo and Ngalu Pola Boko (Tanjung
named islets lie on the drying reefs extending from the N side Karterbileh), about 16.25 miles ENE. The 200m curve fronts the

Pub. 163
190 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

projecting points up to 2.5 miles offshore. Just within this curve Teluk Nangarujeng (Nanga Roedjong Bay) (8°30'S.,

lies the chain of reefs previously mentioned. Other dangers lie in 121°41'E.), 3 mile SE of Tanjung Lolakota, is entered between an
the immediate approaches to and within these bays. unnamed point and a reef-fringed point, about 3 miles to the E. It
is deep and clear, but exposed to both monsoons. Fair weather an-
6.46 Teluk Todo (8°34'S., 121°26'E.), a small exposed chorage can be taken, in depths of 27 to 45m, mud, about 0.5 mile
bight, is entered between a conspicuous white limestone point, offshore.
located 1.5 miles ESE of Tanjung Lambo, and Tanjung Todo, a Teluk Mausambi (8°29'S., 121°48'E.) is entered between

steep, rocky, and grass-covered point lying 3.5 miles to the E. Tanjung Mausambi and Ngalu Bu (8°29'S., 121°50'E.), about
A mountain with a broad summit, 416m high, stands about 1 3.5 miles ENE. It provides some shelter from both monsoons.
mile S of this latter point. A sharp peak, 569m high, stands A ridge of reefs, just within the 200m curve, fronts the entering
2.25 miles SSE of the same point. points. A small reef, with a depth of 4.9m, lies 0.6 mile E of
The head of the bay consists of a marshy lagoon, with a steep
6.46 Tanjung Mausambi.
rocky islet lying in the entrance. Two large rocks lie on the dry- Another reef, with a depth of 0.9m, is 0.4 mile farther E.

ing reef fringing the W entrance point of the bay. When the reefs are plainly marked by discoloration, vessels
Teluk Todo provides fair anchorage, especially during the
6.46 with local knowledge can pass between a reef with a depth of
Northwest Monsoon, because it is somewhat protected from 5.5m, 1.25 miles NNE of Tanjung Mausambi, and a shallower
the sea by numerous reefs. The anchorage is difficult to reach and larger reef farther E.
and should only be attempted by small vessels with local Anchorage.—Anchorage may be obtained by vessels with

knowledge, and then only under the most favorable conditions. local knowledge, in a depth of 37m, mud, 0.3 mile SE of Tan-
Teluk Sindeh (Tjiendeh Bay) (8°34'S., 121°31'E.), entered
6.46 jung Mausambi.
E of Tanjung Sindeh and located 2.5 miles ESE of Tanjung To-
do, provides anchorage during both monsoons. Pulau Sindeh 6.48 Teluk Dondo (Dondo Bay) (8°29'S., 121°53'E.) is the
(Tjiendeh), a rocky islet 89m high, is separated from Tanjung wide and open bight which lies between Ngalu Bu and Tanjung
Sindeh by a narrow passage. A reef, with a depth of 1.8m, lies Batuboga. The former point must not be approached closer
in the middle of the entrance to the bay. Other reefs and dan- than 1 mile due to the reef in its vicinity, Dondo village lies 5
gers lie within 1.5 miles NNW of Tanjung Kaburia, which lies miles E of Ngalu Bu.
about 2 miles E of Tanjung Sindeh. Vessels can anchor, in a depth of 46m, mud, to the W of the

Anchorage.—Teluk Sindeh is more spacious than Teluk To-

6.46 village about 0.3 mile offshore.
do, and although more open to N winds, affords safe anchorage Tanjung Batuboga (8°26'S., 121°57'E.) is the rugged N ex-

to vessels with local knowledge. tremity of a grass-covered rocky peninsula. The largest of two
Directions.—Steer for the limestone point 0.5 mile S of Tan-
6.46 small islets which stand off the point has a few trees on its
jung Kaburia, bearing 174°, which leads 0.7 mile E of a drying summit. The coastal reef extends 0.25 mile off these islets and
sand bank, 2.75 miles N of Pulau Sindeh. has some prominent above-water rocks at its seaward end.
Continue on this course until the N side of the islet is in
6.46 Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 73m, with

range, bearing 276°, with Tanjung Todo. Then proceed into the local knowledge, in a small inlet 0.5 mile S of Tanjung Batuboga.
bay passing W of the reefs lying off the E entrance.
6.49 Tanjung Batumanuk (8°26'S., 122°02'E.) is the out-
6.47 Ngalu Pola Boko (Tanjung Karterbileh) (8°28'S., er end of a bold, high, and grass-covered promontory. A reef,
121°37'E.), 9 miles NE of Teluk Sindeh and marked by a light with a depth of 6.7m, lies 0.25 mile WNW from the point.
shown at an elevation of 127m, and Tanjung Lolakota, 1.75 A foul bay lies between this point and Tanjung Nanga Delan,

miles further E, are the N and NE points of a rugged peninsula. about 7 miles SE.
Between the latter point and Tanjung Batuboga, about 19 miles Ili Kimang (Kimangboleng) (8°37'S., 122°07'E.), a promi-
to the E, the coast is indented by some wide, open bays. In sev- nent flat summit 1,446m high, stands at the E end of a high
eral places the mountains recede inland, leaving fairly broad range of mountains which back this coast.
plains fronted by sandy beaches. Pulau Sukur (8°07'S., 122°08'E.), lying 20 miles NNE of

The 200m curve lies up to 1.5 miles off the salient points. A
6.47 Tanjung Batumanuk, has a conspicuous summit 264m high on
chain of reefs extends along the 200m curve, except to the N of its NE side. In the SW part of the island there is a hill, 86m
Teluk Nangarujeng. These reefs increase in number as Tanjung high, and N of this hill Pulau Sukur is low and flat. A rock,
Batuboga is approached. with a lone tree, stands close off the E shore of the island.
Pulau Palu (8°20'S., 121°43'E.) lies 8.5 miles NNE of Nga-
6.47 A narrow ridge, with depths of 26 to 47m, extends about 0.75

lu Pola Boko and is 889m high. The 200m curve is never more mile N from the W part of the island. Here vessels with local
than 0.3 mile offshore. A steep mountain ridge exists on the knowledge may take anchorage 0.75 mile N of the 86m high hill.
NW part of the island. Pasir Layaran (Angelica Bank) (7°46'S., 122°18'E.), an
Labuan Bokko, a small open bight, indents the NW coast
6.47 atoll plainly marked by discoloration lying 22 mile NE of Pu-
close S of this ridge. Small vessels, with local knowledge, can lau Sukur, is divided into two basins.
anchor off the N coast about 0.15 mile NW of Mage and 0.1 The reef dividing the lagoon into two parts, runs in a WNW

mile off the coastal reef, in depths of 54.8 to 73.2m. and opposite direction and has some very conspicuous, large,
Caution.—Caution is advised because the bottom is steep. It
drying brown rocks in the middle. Some drying patches lie on
is advisable to run a hawser to the shore. the outer edge of the outside reef.
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken by small vessels with

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Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 191

local knowledge, in depths of 44 to 60m, by passing over the small islets lie close off the SE end of the island.
reefs close NE of the sand cay on the W extremity of the atoll Detached reefs are reported to lie up to 2 miles E of this end

in the W basin. A radar conspicuous wreck was reported on the of the island.
NW corner of the reef. Pulau Dambilah (8°28'S., 122°26'E.) is irregular, hilly, and

219m high. Pulau Parmahan with a settlement on it, lies close

Teluk Maumere N of this island.
Pangah Batang (8°29'S., 122°28'E.), a small islet with a set-

6.50 Teluk Maumere (8°35'S., 122°18'E.), entered be- tlement on it, lies SE of Pulau Dambilah at the SE end of the
tween Tanjung Titir (8°36'S., 122°13'E.) and Tanjung shoal plateau.
Pogong (8°37'S., 122°20'E.), 7.25 miles to the E, is exposed to Pulau Babi (8°26'S., 122°30'E.), lying in the NE approach

NW winds. The shores of the bay are mostly low and sandy, to Selat Pangabatang, is 351m high, wooded, steep, and reef-
and backed by a broad plain extending some distance inland. fringed.
The coastal reef is narrow, but in places detached reefs lie 0.5 Pulau Pamana-besar (8°22'S., 122°18'E.) and Pulau Pama-

mile offshore. na-kecil stand close together on the same reef, 4.75 miles NW
Caution.—During the months of June, July, and August
6.50 of Pulau Besar. The 200m curve lies close to the edge of the
strong winds lasting many days sweep down from between the reef surrounding the islands.
mountains that back Teluk Maumere. Gosong Boni (8°22'S., 122°14'E.), 2.25 miles SW of Pulau

All of the known dangers are contained within the 200m

6.50 Pamana-besar, is an atoll which dries in places with depths of
curve, which lies up to 0.75 mile offshore. The approaches to 37 to 84m, white clay, inside the lagoon. An opening 0.15 mile
Maumere Road are clear, but a number of reefs lie on either wide on the E side of the atoll leads into the lagoon. The S side
side of the approach to Geliting Road close E. There is a break of the atoll is marked by a light.
in the coastal reef off Maumere, but the bottom rises very The coast between Tanjung Darat and Tanjung Bela, about 17

steeply. miles ENE, is irregular and for the most part steep-to. The Nan-
ga Gite, the principal river in the NE part of Flores discharges
6.51 Maumere (8°37'S., 122°13'E.) (World Port Index No. through a broad valley about 4.5 miles NE of Tanjung Darat.
51320), the seat of a government official, is a small agriculture Anchorage can be taken W of the river mouth, about 0.2 mile

export center and is frequented by small inter-island vessels. offshore, in depths of 37 to 55m, mud and sand.
Depths—Limitations.—The port consists of three berths, as
6.51 Tanjung Watu Wulan (8°24'S., 122°36'E.), 9 miles NE of

follows: Tanjung Darat, and Tanjung Bokan, about 1.75 miles further
Berth No. 1, 60m long, can accommodate vessels up to 3,500
6.51 NE, are both high and rocky points and should not be ap-
dwt, with a maximum length of 45m and a maximum draft of proached within 0.75 mile to avoid the coastal reef.
Berth No. 2, 60m long, can accommodate vessels with a
6.51 6.53 Teluk Waiprung (8°21'S., 122°46'E.), a small bay,
maximum length of 60m and a maximum draft of 9m. provides anchorage, in depths of 37 to 73m, in its central part
Berth No. 3, 60m long, can accommodate vessels with a
6.51 about 0.35 mile offshore. The bottom is steep and irregular.
maximum draft of 9m. The coast between Tanjung Bela and Tanjung Batoe Pajo-

The BBM Maumere Terminal Pertamina Oil Berth, with a

6.51 eng, about 8.25 miles N, is indented by Teluk Hading, a deep
berthing length of 162m including dolphins, can accommodate and spacious bay. The S shore is bordered by high, steep,
vessels up to 6,500 dwt with a maximum length of 130m. A mountain land. Gunung Kumarodo, with two high rounded
stranded wreck lies close off the head of the pier. summits of almost equal height, stands near the head of Teluk
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be obtained, in a depth of
6.51 Hading.
30m, mud and sand, 91m off Maumere where the bottom rising Gunung Nubi (8°07'S., 122°51'E.), on the N side of the bay,

steeply. Several small lighters are available to handle cargo at has two summits separated by a shallow saddle. The N and
the anchorage. Geliting, 5 miles E, has no facilities for han- highest peak rises to a height of 747m.
dling vessels. The bay is very deep and clear except for some small de-

Caution.—A conservation area as best seen on the chart, has

6.51 tached reefs lying close offshore. The 200m curve follows the
been established NW of Maumere. trend of the coast about 0.5 mile offshore in places.
Between Tanjung Pogong (8°37'S., 122°20'E.), 3 miles NE
6.51 Small vessels can anchor NW of a reef-fringed inlet in the

of Geliting, and Tanjung Darat (8°30'S., 122°29'E.), about NE corner of the bay, in a depth of 46m, 0.15 mile off the
11.5 miles NE, the low coast is mostly tree-covered. The latter coastal reef.
point is low, but close inland the terrain rises to four hills, the N Tanjung Batoe Pajoeng (Tanjung Watupayung) (8°14'S.,
hill being covered with reeds and a few trees. Small inlets with 122°44'E.) is low and tree-covered. The coast between this
villages at their heads, indent the SE and E parts of this section point and Tanjung Kopondie, about 13 miles NE, is well culti-
of coast. vated and has a few scattered villages.
Small vessels with local knowledge can anchor very close to

6.52 Pulau Besar (8°28'S., 122°22'E.), Pulau Damhilah, shore on either side of Tanjung Gedong, a high, rocky, small
and Pangah Batang lie close together on a shoal plateau, which peninsula, about 1.5 miles WSW of Tanjung Kopondei. There
is separated from the rounded peninsula forming Tanjung Da- are depths of 46 to 55m, but swinging room is limited.
rat, by Selat Pangabatang, a deep, clear strait. Pulau Besar is Tanjung Kopondei (Flores Head) (8°04'S., 122°52'E.) is a
high, steep, and wooded with some villages on its slopes. Two high, steep promontory with its E side bordered by a bare,

Pub. 163
192 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

rocky wall, dropping almost perpendicularly into the sea. A water, especially during springs, is of short duration.
prominent flat rock lies close off the point. Magnetic distur- Strong currents run through Selat Larantuka and low-pow-

bances have been reported off the point. ered vessels are advised not to navigate this strait. Other ves-
sels must use great caution.
Straits and Islands between Flores and Pulau The N current in Selat Lewotobi begins 1 hour after the rising

Lomblen and setting of the new moon. The maximum rate is 5 knots and is
strongest between Nuha Lobetobi (8°36'S., 122°51'E.) and the
6.54 Kepulauan Solor (8°29'S., 123°21'E.), consisting of coast of Flores.
Pulau Adunara, Pulau Solor, and Pulau Lomblen belongs to the In Selat Solor the tidal currents set E on the rising tide and W

residency of Timor and are well populated. Agriculture is the on the falling tide, at a rate of 1 to 1.5 knots. The direction and
principal industry of the islands because of the very fertile soil. strength of this current is greatly affected by the currents in Se-
Numerous coconut plantations are scattered throughout the is- lat Flores, Selat Boleng, and Selat Lamakera at that time.
lands. In Selat Boleng and Selat Lamakera the horizontal tidal

The W side of Pulau Adunara and Pulau Solor are separated

6.54 movement is of a semidiurnal nature and can be very strong.
from the E side of Flores by Selat Flores, which is variable in Limited observations indicate that the NE current in Selat Bo-
width and clear of dangers. leng can be expected to occur from 2 to 3 hours before to 2 to 3
Selat Larantuka (Larantuka Narrows), the N entrance of Se-
6.54 hours after the moon’s passage, and usually earlier in Selat La-
lat Flores, lies between the E end of Flores and the SW side of makera.
Pulau Adunara, and has a minimum width of 0.2 mile between The SW current commences from 3 to 4 hours after the

the 20m curves. moon’s transit to 9 to 10 hours after transit. The tidal currents
Selat Lewotobi, the S entrance of Selat Flores, separates the
6.54 are strongest at the narrow N entrance and near the S entrance.
SW side of Pulau Solor from the SE end of Flores. This en- During springs, the current could possibly attain a rate of 7
trance has a width of 1.75 miles and is deep and clear. knots. A rate of 5.5 knots has been observed 2 days after
Selat Boleng separates the NE end of Pulau Adunara from
6.54 springs.
the NW end of Pulau Lomblen. Selat Lamakera separates the E In Selat Lamakera the tidal currents are very strong. A maxi-

end of Pulau Solor from the SW side of Pulau Lomblen. These mum rate of 7 knots has been reported. Limited observations indi-
straits are deep and clear, but exposed to seas and swells. An- cate that the NE current occurs from 2 to 3 hours before to 2 to 3
chorage is impracticable in Selat Boleng. hours after the transit of the moon.
Pulau Komba (7°48'S., 123°35'E.), 26 miles N of the N
6.54 The SW current occurs from 3 to 4 hours after to 9 to 10

coast of Pulau Lomblen, is about 2 miles in diameter with an hours after transit.
active volcano, 748m high, in its S part. The island serves as an Directions.—Vessels approaching Selat Larantuka (Larantu-

excellent landmark for vessels approaching Selat Flores or Se- ka Narrows) from the N should bring Tanjung Serbete
lat Boleng from the N. It was reported to be a good radar target (8°19'S., 123°01'E.) in range with Tanjung Udang (8°20'S.,
at 40 miles. 123°01'E.), bearing 204°. When the church at Wureh (Wuri)
(8°18'S., 123°02'E.) bears 114°, the course should be altered
6.55 Nusa Belang (Pulau Serbete) (8°09'S., 123°01'E.), a more to the S and a mid-channel course steered through the
small oblong-shaped islet 8.5 miles NW of Pulau Adunara, is narrows into the wide part of Selat Flores. Approaching from
surrounded by a reef which extends 1.75 miles ESE and 1 mile the S, vessels should have little difficulty as many good land-
NW. It partly dries at low water during April and November. A marks exist.
light is shown near the W end of the reef. Two sand banks lie
on this reef. The E bank, near the edge of the reef, is reported 6.56 Pulau Adunara (Adonara) (8°09'S., 123°12'E.), a
no longer visible above water. large and mountainous island, forms the E side of Selat Laran-
Tides—Currents.—The tides in all the main straits in this
6.55 tuka.
area are mixed, but are predominately of a semidiurnal nature. Between Tanjung Sanganyiwutun (8°14'S., 123°09'E.), the

The lowest level is reached in April and November. NW projection of the island, and Tanjung Horongwutun, 3
The horizontal tidal movement in Selat Flores is of a semidi-
6.55 miles to the E, the coast forms an open, reef-fringed, and foul
urnal nature with the current turning somewhere about the time bight. The former point consists of a low ridge extending some
of the moon’s transit, and from 6 to 8 hours later. distance offshore and rises almost perpendicularly from the
From 2 to 6 hours after the moon’s transit, the S current is
6.55 sea.
very strong with the maximum velocity occurring during the Teluk Sagu, a small reef-fringed bay, is entered between

5th or 6th hour. The N current is strongest from 4 hours before Tanjung Saguwutun (8°14'S., 123°13'E.) and Tanjung Koli
the moon’s transit to about the time of transit. Kedehwutun, about 1.3 miles E. The bay provides good shelter
The greatest velocity occurs about 3 to 4 days after full and
6.55 to small vessels. Sagu, a village, stands along the SW shore
changes. The S current may then attain a rate of 8 to 11 knots, and can be identified by a stone building with a zinc roof. A
and the N current a rate of 6 knots. The least velocity occurs flagstaff stands in front of the building and a conspicuous shed
about 3 to 4 days after the moon’s quarter phases, when both N stands to the E. A white stone pyramid stands at the head of the
and S currents attain a maximum rate of 3.5 knots. Only very bay. A rounded hill rises SW of the pyramid.
weak tidal currents are found in the wide part of the strait. Several detached shoal patches with depths of 5.5 to 9m lie

The current in Selat Larantuka sets N about 1 hour after the

6.55 between 0.75 mile E and 1.75 miles ENE of Tanjung Saguwu-
rising and setting of the moon, the S current 6 hours later. Slack tun. Several other shoal patches, with depths of 3.5m and less,

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Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 193

lie in the S half of the bay. tered between Tanjung Tuwak and Tanjung Waiwewang
Small vessels with local knowledge can enter the bay by
6.56 (Tanjung Waiwowang) (8°22'S., 123°23'E.), has moderate
steering 176° for the white pyramid, and anchor when Tanjung depths and is largely clear of dangers.
Koli Kedehwutun bears 062°. This position has a depth of Lewoleba (8°22'S., 123° 24'E) is a small port which can ac-

43.9m, sand, and lies about 0.15 mile off the reefs on either commodate vessels with a maximum draft of 5.8m. The port
side. Smaller craft can anchor farther in, according to draft. handles breakbulk, containers, dry bulk, passengers, and liquid
Caution.—It was reported (1996) that the flagstaff was dam-
6.56 cargo. Three berths include a dry cargo berth, 170m long, a
aged and difficult to see and that the stone pyramid no longer passenger berth, 60m long, and the PT Karimsa Persada Ener-
existed. gy Berth, 27m long (including dolphins).
Between Tanjung Geleko (8°21'S., 123°27'E.), which can

6.57 Between Tanjung Koli Kedehwutun and Tanjung be identified by the high trees, and Tanjung Waiwewang, 3
Wurgobin (8°16'S., 123°20'E.), about 6.5 miles ESE, the coast miles WSW, the coast is low and wooded.
is fronted by reefs and dangers to a distance of 2 miles off- Most of the dangers lie within the 20m curve which fronts

shore. Mokko, a village built on piles over the water, stands the shores of the bay to a distance of 1 mile.
about 1 mile W of Tanjung Wurgobin.
Pulau Watupeni (Watu Peni) (8°14'S., 123°19'E.) and Pulau 6.59 Awalolong Reef (8°22'S., 123°25'E.), consisting of
Kroko lie about 2 miles N of Tanjung Wurgobin on an exten- coral sand, part of which dries at half tide, lies within the a
sive reef which partly dries. On the S side of the reef there is a 20m curve in the S part of the bay.
conspicuous drying patch of white sand. Anchorage may be obtained midway between Awalolong

Tanjung Wurgobin, the NE extremity of Pulau Adunara, is a

6.57 Reef and the reef extending from Tanjung Geleko, in a depth of
low, thickly wooded point fringed with mangroves. 15m, sand and coral.
Ili Boleng (Boling) (8°21'S., 123°15'E.), an active volcano The NW side of Selat Lamakera (8°28'S., 123°12'E.) is

about 1,689m high with a large crater opening on its NW side, formed by the S coast of Pulau Adunara between Tanjung
occupies the entire SE part of Pulau Adunara. It is prominent Watuwoka, the SE extremity of the island, and Tanjung Anab-
from all directions. urakawutun (8°24'S., 123°14'E.), 4 miles W, thence to the SE
coast of Pulau Solor.
Selat Boleng and Selat Lamakera The W side of Selat Lamakera, the SE coast of Pulau Solor,

6.58 Selat Boleng and Selat Lamakera provide a spacious, between Tanjung Mottong (Tanjung Motong) (8°26'S.,
deep, and almost clear passage from Flores Sea to the Savu Sea 123°10'E.) and Tanjung Kelette (Tanjung Kelete), about 2
(Sawu Sea), Pulau Adunara, and Pulau Solar on the W side, miles SSW, is very steep and rocky. Between Tanjung Kelette
with Pulau Lomblen to the E. The straits are somewhat ex- and Tanjung Tobi (8°30'S., 123°04'E.), 5 miles SW, the coast
posed to seas and swells during the latter part of October, and is steep and rocky and indented by a wide bight.
the months of November and December. Strong tidal currents The SE side of Selat Lamakera, from Tanjung Waiwewang

prevail. For these reasons, Selat Flores is preferable, although (8°22'S., 123°23'E.) to Tanjung Lowukuma, about 4 miles SW,
Selat Larantuka, owing to its less width and stronger tidal cur- the coast is formed by some rocky points with low, wooded
rents, is more difficult to navigate than Selat Boleng. hills inland.
Stiff SW winds prevail in Selat Boleng and Selat Lamakera,
6.58 A mountain, about 357m high, rises 1.5 miles S of Tanjung

from the latter half of October through the months of Novem- Lowukuma which from W, appears as a wide ridge with two
ber and December. clumps of trees, and from N as a sharp peak.
Selat Boleng (8°17'S., 123°21'E.) is the W side of the strait is

formed by the E coast of Pulau Adunara, between Tanjung Wur- 6.60 Tanjung Mitawutun (8°26'S., 123°19'E.), a rocky
gobin (8°16'S., 123°20'E.) and Tanjung Watuwoko (8°23'S., point formed by a steep ridge covered with reeds, lies about
123°17'E.), 8 miles SSW. A village, Pasar Waiwuri, stands 2.5 2.75 miles SW of Tanjung Lowukuma. Between Tanjung Mi-
miles SW of Tanjung Wurgobin, and between them the coast is tanwutun and Tanjung Waikrong (8°28'S., 123°17'E.), 2.5
reef-fringed and wooded. A sandy beach is found between Pasar miles SW, the coastal reef, part of which dries, extends up to
Waiwuri and Tanjung Deriwutun, a little over 3 miles S. 0.5 mile offshore. This stretch of coast is wooded and rises
From Tanjung Deriwutun, the coast to Tanjung Watuwoko
6.58 gradually inland to a wooded mountain, about 819m high, 4.75
about 2.5 miles S, consists of rocky points with off-lying rocks miles SE of Tanjung Mitanwutun.
and small islets with sandy beaches between them. Ili Mingar (8°31'S., 123°17'E.), about 1,020m high, rises

The low, narrow peninsula that forms the E side of the entrance
6.58 2.75 miles S of Tanjung Waikrong. Between it and the 589m
of Selat Boleng is fringed by a drying reef on its channel side. high summit on the SW extremity of Pulau Lomblen, is a low
Tanjung Wajau (8°15'S., 123°25'E.), the NE entrance point to plain.
Selat Boleng, 5 miles NE of Tanjung Tuwak (Tanjung Tuak) Between Tanjung Waikrong and Tanjung Liangmah (Tan-

(8°18'S., 123°21'E.), is formed by a spur from an isolated hill jung Liangmeah) (8°31'S., 123°13'E.), a rocky point about 5
150m high, 1 mile S of the point. A light is situated on the point. miles to the SW, the coast is sparsely wooded and fronted by a
The coast between Tanjung Waiau and Tanjung Tuwak is
6.58 drying reef.
low and covered with mangroves, with irregular sandy beaches. Tanjung Suba (8°33'S., 123°13'E.), the SW extremity of

A reef which almost dries, extends up to 0.6 mile from this Pulau Lomblen and the SE entrance point of Selat Lamakera, is
stretch of coast. a steep-to point which rises to a wooded hill, 241m, 0.5 mile N
Teluk Lebaleba (Lewoleba One) (8°20'S., 123°25'E.), en- of the point.

Pub. 163
194 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

The hill is the S extremity of a ridge which rises to a steep,

6.60 roof of a mosque, a flagstaff, the road leading from the beach
rocky mounting (Lama Imu), about 585m high, with two peaks and some graves on the point NW of the village are readily iden-
1.5 miles NNW. tified.
Pulau Suangi (Soangi) (8°34'S., 123°14'E.), a little over Anchorage.—Anchorage may be obtained in Pelabuhan La-

0.75 mile S of Tanjung Suba, is about 55m high, rocky and al- makera, out of the strength of the tidal currents, in depths of 20
most bare. There is a clear passage between Pulau Suangi and to 22m, 0.2 mile offshore, N of Tanjung Motang. The 5.5m
the coast of Pulau Lomblen, but the tidal currents are strong curve lies 0.1 mile off the village of Lamakera with foul
during spring tides. ground between.

Pulau Adunara—South Coast Pulau Solor—South and East Coasts

6.61 Between Tanjung Wotang (8°25'S., 123°00'E.) and 6.63 Between Matang Wutun (Tanjung Lawawolo)
Tanjung Werang (Tanjung Werawutun), a low, prominent, (8°37'S., 122°53'E.), the SW extremity of Pulau Solor and Wu-
wooded point 3.5 miles E, the coast is indented with small tun Tauk (Tanjung Tauk), 1.25 miles E, there is a sandy beach.
bays. In Teluk Bani Ona, the E bay, there are warm springs on Then to Tanjung Samatanyi (Samatanyiwutun) (8°34'S.,
the drying reef, and when covered, steam can be seen rising 122°57'E.), a low, bare, rocky point with some rocks off it, 4
from them. miles NE, the coast is steep and rocky, rising inland steeply to Ili
From Tanjung Werang (Werawutun) to 4.25 miles ENE, the
6.61 Berapun (Berapun) (8°35'S., 122°55'E.).
coast is low and wooded, the land behind rising to the main From Tanjung Samatanyi to Tanjung Lamanuk (8°30'S.,

ridge in the island which extends ENE from Tanjung Wotang. 123°00'E.), 5.25 miles NE, the coast is fronted by a drying reef
The summits of this range cannot be seen from this coast. with a sandy beach behind it.
There are occasional sandy beaches varied by rocks and trees Anchorage may be taken between Tanjung Samatanyi and

growing down to the water’s edge. Tanjung Lianwutun (8°32'S., 122°58'E.), 2.25 miles NNE,
Anchorage may be obtained almost anywhere along the S
6.61 bearing in mind that the coastal reef extends some distance off-
coast of Pulau Adunara, in depths of 27 to 55m at a convenient shore.
distance offshore. Between Tanjung Lamanuk and Tanjung Tobi (8°30'S.,

Between Tanjung Warangwutun (8°24'S., 123°10'E.) and

6.61 123°04'E.), 3.75 miles E, the coast recedes to form a bight with
Tanjung Ana-burakawutun (8°24'S., 123°14'E.), 3.5 miles E, a long, sandy beach at its head.
a bight is formed in the coast which is fringed by a sandy
beach. Tanjung Ana-burakawutun can be identified from W or Pulau Lomblen—Southeast Coast
E by a ridge of black rocks extending from it, and should be
given a berth of at least 0.2 mile. 6.64 Atu One (Telok Atu) (8°33'S., 123°15'E.) is entered
From Tanjung Ana-burakawutun to Tanjung Watuwoka
6.61 close E of Tanjung Suba. There is a sandy beach along the
(8°23'S., 123°17'E.), the SE extremity of Pulau Adunara, about greater part of the bay; a prominent group of black rocks lie
3.5 miles E, the coast is backed by the wooded slopes of Ili Bo- close off the E side.
leng. Anchorage, with shelter from the Northwest Monsoon, may

be taken, in depths of 11 to 16m, in Atu One.

Pulau Solor—North Coast Tanjung Konga (Tanjung Nubi) (8°33'S., 123°18'E.) lies 4.5
miles E of Tanjung Suba and rises steeply to 91m high. Atawai
6.62 The entire N coast of Pulau Solor is sandy, stony, and in- One (Telok Atawai) is entered between Tanjung Konga and
terspersed with trees. Behind the coast is Ili Watuom (Keriwatu) Tanjung Beloppo (8°34'S., 123°21'E.), 3.5 miles ESE. The W
(8°28'S., 122°59'E.), 890m high, and the range extending ENE shore, which has a sandy beach fronted by a narrow reef, rises
from Ili Lewuung (Lewuung), 882m high, to Tanjung Motang to Ili Mingar (Mingar). At the head of the bay there is a sandy
(Mottong), the NE extremity of the island. beach with several villages nearby.
Anchorage may be obtained almost everywhere off the N
6.62 Ili Labalekang (Lamararap) (8°33'S., 123°23'E.), about
coast of Pulau Solor, in reported depths of 37 to 64m. 1,644m high, rises 2 miles NE of Tanjung Beloppo. This
Pamakayu (Pamakaju), a village at the head of a small bay,
6.62 mountain, which is prominent when seen from NW or SE,
lies about 1 mile E of Tanjung Kalikawutun (8°26'S., shows a sharp summit.
122°59'E.), the NW extremity of Pulau Solor.
Lewahajong (Lawayong) (8°26'S., 123°04'E.), a village ly- 6.65 Tanjung Wolo Wutun (8°35'S., 123°24'E.), the S ex-
ing about 1.75 miles E of Tanjung Lewokahawutun, contains tremity of Pulau Lomblen, is formed by the long ridge from Ili
the ruins of an old fort. Menanga (Mananga) village lies 1 mile Labale-kang which ends in a narrow plateau rising sharply out
farther E. This village stands on a plateau descending steeply of the sea to 37m high.
on the E side to a narrow inlet at the head of which there is a Labala One (Labala Bay) (8°33'S., 123°29'E.) is entered be-
small river which enters the sea through a cleft. The coast E of tween Tanjung Lolowutun, about 2 miles ENE of Tanjung Wo-
the inlet is mostly covered with reeds and rises inland to the lo Wutun, and Tanjung Atande (Tanjung Atadei), 7 miles E. A
mountain ridges. light beacon, 30m in height, has been established (2003) on
Pelabuhan Lamakera (8°27'S., 123°10'E.) is situated close W
6.62 Tanjung Atadei. The bay is entirely surrounded by high moun-
of Tanjung Mottong, the NW point of Pulau Solor, Lamakera, a tains which descend fairly steeply to the shores of the bay.
village, stands on a wide sandy beach W of the point. The red Anchorage.—Because of the great depths, anchorage can be

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Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 195

taken in the two inlets on either side of Tanjung Lewowutun the strong tidal currents setting along this coast. The maximum
(8°32'S., 123°28'E.) near the W end of the head of the bay. An- rate observed at the anchorage was 2 knots, generally setting in
chorage may be taken in the W inlet, in a depth of 46m, coarse a NE direction as there is usually an eddy here when there is a
sand and stones, 0.75 mile WSW of Tanjung Lewowutun. S current in the adjacent strait.
During November and December, with the prevailing SW
6.65 Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local

winds, this is the best anchorage and landing is easier. Also, knowledge, in a depth of 64m, sand, in the bay between Me-
anchorage may be taken off the sandy beach E of Labala lang Wutun and Tanjung Wapue.
(8°31'S., 123°29'E.) in a depth of 44m, mud and sand, 0.4 mile Tanjung Bao Belewang (8°17'S., 123°52'E.) is a low, wooded

SE of the flagstaff at Labala, 0.15 mile offshore. point 1.75 miles ENE of Tanjung Wapue. A rock, covered with
vegetation, lies close off Tanjung Bao Belewang.
6.66 Between Tanjung Atande and Tanjung Penutun, From Tanjung Bao Belewang to Tanjung Leur (8°15'S.,

formed by a rocky spur from the mountains inland, 2 miles NE, 123°55'E.), the NE extremity of Pulau Lomblen, the coast is
there is a sandy beach fronting the central part of this stretch of low with a few wooded hills lying some distance inland.
Three volcanic islets have been reported within a radius of 3
Pulau Lomblen—North Coast
miles from Tanjung Penutun. In 1974 and 1993, volcanic activ-
ity was experienced. Mariners should give this area a wide 6.69 Between Tanjung Wai Au (8°15'S., 123°25'E.), the
berth. NW extremity of Pulau Lomblen, and Tanjung Munuwutun,
From Tanjung Penutun to Tanjung Paugora (Tanjung Pan
6.66 1.75 miles SE, the coast forms a bay entirely obstructed by
Gorawutun) (8°30'S., 123°35'E.), 2.75 miles N, the coast is reefs. The shore is fronted by mangroves.
fronted by groups of above-water rocks lying close offshore. Tanjung Munuwutun (Tanjung Munu) (8°16'S., 123°26'E.)
A prominent mountain, about 1,063m high, stands 1.5 miles
6.66 is a prominent rocky point with white, vertical cliffs, and is the
SW of Tanjung Paugora. extremity of a hilly, wooded ridge. Between Tanjung Munuwu-
The E side of the mountain is almost vertical, and when seen
6.66 tun and Lewobela, 2 miles E, the mangroves cease and the
from NE shows four sharp peaks. Volcanic activity was report- coast is formed by a sandy beach.
ed on the E side of the mountain. Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken 0.2 mile offshore of

Lewobela, with Tanjung Wai Au in line with the S end of Pu-

6.67 Waiteba One (8°37'S., 123°38'E.) is entered between lau Watupeni (8°14'S., 123°19'E.), bearing 282° astern, in
Tanjung Paugora and Batularang Wutun (Tanjung Belu Galeh), depths of 42 to 55m, coral. It is essential that vessels anchor
a steep, wooded point formed by a spur from the mountains in- exactly on this alignment, as a small ridge with moderate
land, 7 miles NE. The bay is backed by steep mountains, but depths extends from a rocky point immediately N of the vil-
there are no prominent summits. The depths in Waiteba One lage. The bottom is fairly steep and the ridge is narrow.
are considerable, and the bottom slopes steeply near the shore. Ili Lewotolo (Lewotolo) (8°16'S., 123°30'E.), about 1,450m
Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local knowledge in
6.67 high, 2 miles E of Lewobela, is an active volcano with smoke
the N part of the bay S of Tanjung Tepiwutun, in about 51m, and sulphur continually rising from it. The mountain has a
sand, about 0.2 mile offshore. broad summit, the highest part being on the SE side, which is
Gelugala Wutun (Tanjung Komiwutun) (8°26'S., covered with ashes and shows some yellowish-green strips.
123°41'E.), a prominent steep wooded point formed by a spur Between Lewobela and Tanjung Watumanuk (8°14'S.,

from the mountains inland, lies 1.5 miles E of Batularang Wu- 123°31'E.), 3.5 miles NE, the coast is steep and rocky, and then
tun. There is a prominent tree on Gelugala Wutun. Foul to Tanjung Horegala (Tanjung Horegalawutun) (8°15'S.,
ground, on which there are some groups of above-water rocks, 123°34'E.), 2.5 miles E, there is a low flat strip of land fronted
extends 0.3 mile offshore in places between these points. by a broad sandy beach.
From Gelugala Wutun to Tanjung Nanga Lebang (8°24'S.,
6.67 The bay between Tanjung Horegala and Bajak Wutun (Tan-

123°42'E.), 2.5 miles NE, the coast is rocky. A mountain, 587m jung Bachatanwutun) (8°13'S., 123°36'E.), a low, flat, rocky
high, rises 1.75 miles NW of Tanjung Nanga Lebang. point with few trees 3 miles NE, is divided into two parts by
Atanila (Ata Nila) (8°19'S., 123°45'E.), the only large vil- the Niera Peninsula on its E side. Lewolein (Lewaling), a vil-
lage on the coast of Pulau Lomblen between Gelugala Wutun lage, stands 4.5 miles SSE of Bajak Wutun.
and the NE extremity of the island, stands about 6 miles NNE Lewolein Laleng, on the E side of the outer part of the bay, is

of Tanjung Nanga Lebang. entered between Bajak Wutun (Tanjung Bachatanwutun) and
Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local knowledge off
6.67 Tanjung Nuhanera (Tanjung Pukawutun), the NW extremity of
Atanila. the Neira Peninsula, 4.5 miles SSW.
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken during the Southeast

6.68 Melang Wutun (Tanjung Belkodi) (8°17'S., Monsoon off Lewolein, in a depth of 37m, 0.2 mile W of the
123°47'E.) lies about 2.75 miles NE of Atanila. The coast be- village.
tween is low, wooded and fringed by a narrow reef. Between
Melang Wutun and Tanjung Wapue (Tanjung Batu Merah) 6.70 Waienga One, entered between Tanjung Bogowutun
(8°17'S., 123°50'E.), 3 miles E, there is a bay with a sandy (8°17'S., 123°33'E.) and Tanjung Nuhanera, a little over 1.75
beach fringed by a reef; inland there are low, wooded hills. miles E, is clear of dangers except in the SW part where the
Tides—Currents.—The bottom in the bay between Melang
6.68 coastal reef is more pronounced and there are some detached
Wutun and Tanjung Wapue is not steep and vessels lie out of dangers close to the shore. Waienga One affords good shelter

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196 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

in both monsoons. sometimes be very powerful and are of a semidiurnal nature;

From abreast the village, 3 miles SSW of Tanjung Bogowu-
6.70 they follow the direction of the strait. During the Southeast
tun, a drying tongue extends in a S direction and is extended Monsoon, the SW current is stronger and remains longer than
farther S by a small reef. There is a good but confined anchor- the NE currents. It was recorded that the SW current prevailed
age W of the drying tongue. On the S shore of the bay anchor- from 2 to 9 hours after the moon’s transit, and the NE current
age may be obtained off Hadakewa (Pasar Hadakewa) for the remainder. During the Northwest Monsoon, the NE cur-
(8°22'S., 123°33'E.), in depths of 37 to 46m, 0.4 mile offshore. rent is probably stronger and remains longer than the SW cur-
The coast of the hilly peninsula E of Lewolein Laleng is
6.70 rent.
readily distinguished from both W or E. Spring tide appears to fall 2 to 3 days after the full moon and

The peninsula, covered with reeds and occasional small

6.70 new moon, and neaps 2 to 3 days after the quarters. Currents
groups of trees, is a prominent part of this coast. Tanjung during spring tides may average 5 to 6 knots.
Menapawutun, the NE extremity of the peninsula and the W In the N part of the strait the strength of the current is consid-

entrance point to Balaurin Laleng (Telok Balurin), is a steep erably less than in the S part, except close off Tanjung Leur,
point lying 3.25 miles E of Bajak Wutun (Tanjung Bachatan- where a current of 5 knots was observed. In the narrows between
wutun). Pulau Pantar and Pulau Marisa, a current of 8 knots was record-
Balaurin Laleng is of little importance as the depths in the
6.70 ed.
greater part of the bay are too deep for anchorage. The only an- Tidal rips and eddies have been reported midway between

chorage is in the SW part of the bay. Pulau Rusa and Pulau Lomblen, and between Pulau Lapan
Anchorage.—Small vessels may anchor 0.2 mile ENE of
6.70 (8°14'S., 124°02'E.) and Tanjung Leur.
Tanjung Parakawutun (8°15'S., 123°39'E.), 1.25 miles S of
Tanjung Menapawutun, in a depth of 27m, mud. An above-wa- 6.73 Pulau Lapang (Lapan) (8°14'S., 124°02'E.) and Pu-
ter sand cay lies on the S end of a drying reef, 1.5 miles ESE of lau Batang (Batang), 1.75 miles apart, lie in the middle of the
Tanjung Parakawutun. Vessels approaching this anchorage be- N approach to Selat Alor. Pulau Lapang, marked by a light on
tween the reefs should navigate by eye and soundings. its NW extremity, is a low island with a prominent tree on its
The coast between Tanjung Uho (8°13'S., 123°42'E.),
6.70 W side. A drying reef, with an above water sand cay on its NW
which is marked by a light, and Tanjung Pau, 5 miles NE, is extremity, extends 2.5 miles NNE from the N extremity of Pu-
mostly formed by ridges descending from the mountains S. lau Lapang. Eastward, Pulau Batang is about 258m high, light
Moderately strong tidal currents set around Tanjung Pau, but
6.70 green in color, and easily identified. Its W and E extremities
elsewhere along the N coast of Pulau Lomblen the tidal cur- are low and from a distance the island appears like a needle.
rents are weak. Pulau Rusa, in the middle of the SW entrance to Selat Alor,

Between Tanjung Pau (8°11'S., 123°46'E.) and Tanjung Leur

6.70 can be easily identified from the S and lies 8.5 miles ENE of Ge-
(Tanjung Leoer), a little over 10 miles SE, occasional rocky spurs lugala Wutun (Tanjung Komiwutun) (8°26'S., 123°41'E.). Watu
descend to the sea with the last 2.5 miles stretch, an uninterrupted Balu, a prominent rocky islet, 27m high and covered with vege-
sandy beach backed by trees with low hills inland. tation, lies 0.5 mile off the W coast of Pulau Rusa.
Pulau Marisa, lying 4 miles E of the NE side of Pulau Rusa,

Selat Alor rises to a flat summit, 193m high. Pulau Marisa fronts the coast
of Pulau Pantar, separated by a narrow channel suitable only
6.71 Selat Alor (Straat Alor) (8°20'S., 123°50'E.), between for small craft.
the N part of Pulau Lomblen on the NW side and Pulau Pantar Pulau Kambing, about 98m high on its NE part, lies 2.5

(Pantar) on the SE side, is sometimes used by vessels during miles SE of Pulau Rusa. The island is fairly low with a rocky
passage between Australia and Japan. coast, occasionally interrupted by sandy beaches.
Selat Alor has not been surveyed outside the coastal 200m
6.71 Selat Ambeang, which lies between Pulau Kambing and

curve. In recent years, deep draft ore carriers passing between Tanjung Soyang (Tanjung Sojang) (8°27'S., 123°55'E.), the
Australia and Japan have used this strait, and the least depth re- SW extremity of Pulau Pantar (Pantar), 1.5 miles ESE, can be
ported was 150m located in the main fairway, 2.5 miles W of used by vessels approaching Selat Alor from the SE.
Tanjung Kibingi (8°23'S., 123°48'E.) on the W coast of Pulau Tidal currents in Selat Ambeang are strong and irregular.

Rusa (Roesa) (8°23'S., 123°49'E.). The SE side of Selat Alor between Tanjung Soyang, a high

Caution.—This area is subject to intense volcanic activity,

6.71 rocky point, and Tanjung Oleh Matang, a rocky point, 3 miles
and the possibility of underwater eruptions leading to great NNE, the coast is low and covered with mangroves rising in-
depth changes cannot be excluded. The least known depth in land to the mountain, Wili.
the SE approach is an 8m patch midway between Pulau Rusa Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local knowledge, in

and Pulau Kambing (Kambing), 2.5 miles ESE. a depth of 20m, with just sufficient room to swing, in Teluk
Wolu (Teluk Woloe), an inlet in the coastal reef about 1.75
6.72 On the NW side of Selat Alor, Ili Ujolewung miles S of Tanjung Oleh Matang.
(Kedang) (8°13'S., 123°47'E.) 1,553m high, forms an excellent Directions.—Entering Teluk Wolu at low water presents no

landmark. difficulty, as the coastal reef is then dry. At high water, steer for
On the SE side of Selat Alor, a 444m high plateau on the SW
6.72 the entrance to a river at the head of the inlet where there is a
extremity of Pulau Pantar is prominent from S or N, and when small prominent patch of trees, bearing 080°.
seen from the Savu Sea appears as an island. Between Tanjung Oleh Matang and Kayian (Kajian), a vil-

Tides—Currents.—In Selat Alor, the tidal currents can

6.72 lage 1.5 miles NNE, the coast is similar to that S of Tanjung

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Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 197

Oleh Matang. From Kayian to Nuha Wutun (Noeha Wutun), Watu Ile, forms the NW entrance point to a large bay. This bay
6.5 miles NE, the coast is low and covered with mangroves. has great depths except on the E side where two banks extend
Several villages lie between the two points. Inland, the land ris- from it. Another bay lies between Tanjung Delaki (Tanjung
es to a 936m high mountain, 3.5 miles S of Nuha Wutun. Boda) (8°33'S., 124°04'E.), the S extremity of the island, and
Tanjung Debi (8°27'S., 124°02'E.), about 5.75 miles N.
Pulau Pantar—North Part of Northwest Coast A prominent double peak, about 938m high, rises 1.25 miles

NE of Tanjung Delaki. Gunung Topaki (Dlaki Dlama), an ac-

6.74 Teluk Blang Merang (8°20'S., 124°07'E.) is entered tive volcano, about 1,365m high, the highest summit in Pulau
between Tanjung Nuha and Tanjung Moang (8°18'S., Pantar, rises 2 miles farther NE.
124°10'E.), a rocky point 6.5 miles E. It indents the coast for 5 Gunung Topak, is steep on its SW side, but on its NE side a

miles and terminates in an inner bay, which may be entered thickly wooded ridge extends 2.5 miles NE terminating in a
through a 0.15 mile wide opening between the coral reefs. mountain about 810m high. Between Tanjung Delaki and Tan-
The village of Blangmerang (Blang Merang), where the
6.74 jung Botaamin (Tanjung Bota Amin) (8°33'S., 124°07'E.), a
chief administrator of the S part of the island resides, stands on prominent rocky point, 3.5 miles E, the coast is steep and
the W side of the bay, 4 miles SSE of Nuha Wutun. From Bara- rocky.
nusa, the main town and seaport for W Pantar, located just in
front of tiny Kura Island, daily ferry connects with Kalabahi. Selat Pantar
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local

knowledge, in a depth of 39m, mud and sand, in the inner bay. 6.77 Selat Pantar (Straat Pantar) (8°20'S., 124°20'E.), lying
Directions.—When the reefs are visible, there is no difficulty
6.74 between Pulau Pantar and Pulau Alor, about 5 miles E, is little
entering the inner bay. The E side of Pulau Kura (Koera), an is- used by international traffic.
land in the inner bay S of Blangmerang, in range with the sum- It is clear, as the islands within the strait rise steeply out of

mit of Gunung Topaki (Dlaki Dlama), at the S extremity of the the water. The strait is easily recognized from the N by the high
island when not hidden by clouds, bearing 178°, leads between islands of Pulau Pura (Poera) and Pulau Reta, and from the S
the reefs on either side of the entrance to the inner bay, then to by Pulau Treweg (Treweg).
the anchorage. Sometimes the edges of the coastal reefs are The best channel appears to be between the islands in the N

marked by beacons placed by the local inhabitants. part of the strait and the coast of Pulau Alor, and on either side
of Pulau Treweg.
6.75 Kabir (8°15'S., 124°13'E.), the most important vil- Anchorage off the E coast of Pulau Pantar is not recom-

lage in Pulau Pantar, lies on a narrow plain 3.5 miles NE of mended; Teluk Kalabahi (Kebola Baai) (8°15'S., 124°29'E.)
Tanjung Moang. The village is easily identified from seaward affords the only anchorage.
by some houses on the beach. In the 1990’s, a laden bulk carrier of 41,556 gt, with a length

The coastal reef extends 0.2 mile offshore S and N of Kabir,

6.75 of 179m and a draft of 13m, steamed through Selat Pantar from
but off the village the reef is very narrow. A below-water reef N to S, passing W of Pulau Ternate and Pulau Reta, and E of
extends 0.8 mile N from a position 0.8 mile SW of Kabir. The Pulau Pura. During this passage, no strong tidal currents were
basin off the village is entered from N through a passage 0.2 encountered in the strait.
mile wide between the N end of the below-water reef and the Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents through Selat Pantar

coastal reef E. The only danger in the basin is a 4.9m patch ly- sometimes display sharp irregularities, stronger than those in
ing 0.3 mile W of the village. There is a also a deep passage 0.1 the W straits. The tidal currents are of a semidiurnal character.
mile from its N end. During the Southeast Monsoon, the S current predominates

Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local

6.75 more in strength than in duration. Sometimes during the period
knowledge, in a depth of 46m, in the basin of Kabir. that the N current should be running, especially from about 2 to
Directions.—Steer 158° for a buoy which marks the outer
6.75 3 days after the quarters, a phenomenon known as “Ajar Gun-
end of the coastal reef on the E side of the entrance to the basin dah” (uncertain water) occurs, owing to the N current being un-
off Kabir. Then pass W of the buoy and steer 180° for the an- able to overcome the Southeast Monsoon current.
chorage. During the Northwest Monsoon, which appears to have little

From Kabir to Tanjung Dola (8°12'S., 124°15'E.), 4.5 miles

6.75 influence on the currents, the rate of the current was observed
NNE, and then 1.5 miles farther NNE, the coast is almost entire- not to exceed 4 knots in either direction.
ly covered with mangroves occasionally interrupted by a sandy Heavy tide rips, especially with a strong tidal current, are

beach, and fringed by a steep-to drying reef. Tanjung Muna found between Pulau Pura (8°18'S., 124°21'E.) and the en-
(8°11'S., 124°19'E.), a low point, stands about 4.25 miles ENE trance to Teluk Kalabahi on the W coast of Pulau Alor.
of Tanjung Dola, and is the NE extremity of the island.
6.78 Pulau Ternate (Ternate) (8°11'S., 124°22'E.), in the
Pulau Pantar—South Coast N entrance of the strait, is small, low and uninhabited.
Pulau Reta (Reta) (8°13'S., 124°22'E.) lies in the middle of
6.76 Between Tanjung Soyang (8°27'S., 123°55'E.) and a the N end of Selat Pantar. Pulau Pura (Pura), with a high dou-
prominent point 78m high, 1.75 miles SE, the coast is rock- ble peak, lies about 3 miles SSW of Pulau Reta.
fringed, and rises inland to the mountain Wili. Pulau Treweg (Treweg) (8°29'S., 124°17'E.), in the S en-
Watu Ile, a rocky islet, lies close off the prominent point.
6.76 trance of the strait, is 398m high. There is a sandy beach with
Tanjung Ikangkutong (8°27'S., 123°57'E.), 0.5 mile ENE of large detached rocks on the S side of the island.

Pub. 163
198 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

There is a mosque with a prominent dome on the N side of

6.78 Anchorage.—Although the bottom is steep, anchorage may

Pulau Treweg. be taken off most villages, by vessels with local knowledge,
The W side of Selat Pantar is formed by the E coast of Pulau
6.78 depths of 40 to 51m, 0.2 to 0.3 mile offshore.
Pantar. The steep and wooded coast, extending from Tanjung Caution.—Volcanic activity has been reported (1993) in po-

Bota Amin (8°33'S., 124°07'E.), a prominent rocky point, to sition 8°32'S, 123°35'E, about 10.5 miles ESE of Tanjung Mar-
Tanjung Muna (8°11'S., 124°19'E.), 25 miles NE, is occasion- geta.
ally broken by a rocky point. A single beach is on the SE side
of Tanjung Muna. The Regional Government of Alor—East Nusa
The E side of Selat Pantar is formed by the W coast of Pulau
Alor between Tanjung Artwoli (Tanjung Matari) (8°08'S.,
124°29'E.), the NE entrance point of the strait, and the high http://www.alor-island.com
coast 2 miles SW. From Tanjung Artwoli to Tanjung Kumba
(Tanjung Koemba), about 10 miles SSW, the coast is low and Pulau Alor—East Coast
covered with mangroves.
Pulau Kumba (Koemba) (8°16'S., 124°24'E.), 70m high, 6.81 From Tanjung Lisomu (Laisoemboe) to Tanjung Ma-
lies close W of Tanjung Kumba. The narrow channel between namoni (8°09'S., 125°06'E.), 10.5 miles N, the coast is clear of
Pulau Kumba and Tanjung Kumba is unsafe because of drying dangers and can be approached fairly closely, but the tidal cur-
rocks and strong tidal currents. rents are strong and irregular. A lighted beacon, 30m in height,
Teluk Kebola (8°15'S., 124°28'E.), entered between Tan-
has been established (2003) at Tanjung Manamoni.
jung Kumba and Tanjung Tobikumong (Tanjung Jalono) The mouth of a river, about 1.5 miles N of Tanjung Lisomu,

(8°18'S., 124°24'E.), 1 mile S, is deep and clear of dangers. can be recognized by a small group of trees.
The shores of the outer part of the bay are steep, but at the
Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local knowledge,

head, the land descends to the low plain connecting the peninsu- 0.15 mile off the mouth of this river, in 49m, sand, with the
la forming the NW part of Pulau Alor to the main part of the is- small group of trees, bearing 270°. This is the only anchorage
land. off the E coast of the island.
A prominent mountain, 612m high, stands about 4.5 miles E

of Tanjung Kumba, on the S side of the bay. Pulau Alor—North Coast

Alor Kechil, a village, stands 0.5 mile N of Tanjung Kumba

and may be identified by its mosque. Between Alor Kechil and 6.82 The mountains within the N coast of Pulau Alor are
Dulolong (Doelolong), another village about 2.5 miles NE, rocky and high with few noticeable summits.
there are three other villages. The peninsula forming the NW part of the island appears

Anchorage may be taken, in a depth of 33m, 0.1 mile off-

separated when seen from seaward.
shore S of Dulolong. The coast between Tanjung Artwoli (8°08'S., 124°29'E.)

until near Tanjung Sika, 7 miles E, is high and rocky.

6.79 Kalabahi (8°12'S., 124°31'E.) (World Port Index No. A point about 1 mile E of Tanjung Artwoli is conspicuous

51370), 4.5 miles ENE of Dulolong, has a landing pier for boats because of its white color. A group of trees stand on the coastal
during midday hours. The town serves as the capital of Alor. The reef, 2 miles W of Tanjung Sika.
ferry terminal has two berths. The general cargo terminal has Pulau Nuhabeng (Sika) (8°07'S., 124°37'E.), a low islet

one 40m-long berth. Anchorage may be taken by vessels with lo- covered with shrubs, lies on the coastal reef which extends 1
cal knowledge off Kalabahi, in a depth of 20m, sand, 0.2 mile mile NE from Tanjung Sika (8°08'S., 124°36'E.). Teluk Ben-
offshore. lelang (8°10'S., 124°38'E.), entered between Tanjung Sika and
From Tanjung Jalono (8°18'S., 124°24'E.) to Tanjung
6.79 Tanjung Likuwatang (Likiewatang) (8°10'S., 124°40'E.), 4
Karatkuip (Tanjung Karat Koeip) (8°25'S., 124°20'E.), the miles SE, is foul on its W side.
SW extremity of Pulau Alor, 8.5 miles SW, the coast is steep Elsewhere, the depths are too great for anchorage. The N

and affords no anchorage. coast of Pulau Alor, E of Tanjung Likuwatang, is high and
Tanjung Margeta (Tanjung Marget) (8°28'S., 124°25'E.), steep over its greater part.
the S extremity of the island, lies about 5.25 miles ESE of Tan-
jung Karatkuip. A prominent mountain rises about 992m high, Ombai Strait
4.25 miles N of Tanjung Margeta.
Tapal, another prominent mountain 1,036m high, stands on a
6.79 6.83 Ombai Strait (8°40'S., 124°40'E.), a wide deep pas-
ridge 8 miles NNE of Tanjung Margeta. Anchorage may be sage, lies between Pulau Alor and the NW coast of Timor.
taken in a bay on the W side of Tanjung Margeta. Tides—Currents.—During the Southeast Monsoon, there is

generally a current setting in a W to SW direction, and in the

Pulau Alor—South Coast Northwest Monsoon, in an E to NE direction. The maximum
rate of the current in the strait was 3 knots and occurred in June
6.80 Between Tanjung Margeta and Tanjung Lisomu with a SW current. Strong tide rips have been reported up to 15
(Tanjung Laisoemboe) (8°19'S., 125°08'E.), the SE extremity miles NE of the NE point of Pulau Alor.
of Pulau Alor, 44 miles ENE, there are no off-lying dangers Caution.—A large conservation area has been established in

and the coast can be closely approached. the Ombai Straight around Pulau Panter and Pulau Alor. The
A light is shown from Tanjung Lisome, at a height of 60m.
conservation area can best be seen on the chart.

Pub. 163
Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 199

Kambing (Pulau Atauro) (8°15'S., 125°34'E.), lying about

6.83 coast.
22 miles E of Pulau Alor with its steep coasts, can be The S coast of Pulau Wetar can be approached closely, bear-

approached very closely. The coasts are barren and have a ing in mind the tide rips off the SE and SW points of Pulau
rugged appearance. In general, the coast is exceedingly steep- Wetar.
to all around, with the exception of the E coast consisting Teluk Sau (Saoe Bay) lies about 3.75 miles NW of Eden Tu-

alternatively of sandy beaches and rocky points. tun. Ilwaki (7°56'S., 126°26'E.), the principal village of Pulau
Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local knowledge off
6.83 Wetar, stands a short distance inland. A shed and several hous-
Mau Meta (8°16'S., 125°36'E.), in a depth of 37m, sand and es stand on the shingle beach fronting Ilwaki.
stones, 0.5 mile ESE of the government official’s house at Mau There is a sheltered anchorage in the Northwest Monsoon, and

Meta. also with SE winds, in a depth of 55m, 0.2 mile S of Ilwaki. This
Pulau Liran (8°00'S., 125°45'E.) lies 7 miles NE of Kamb-
6.83 anchorage is the only good anchorage off Pulau Wetar.
ing and is a wooded mountainous island rising to 430m in its The remainder of the coast, about 37 miles W to Pibia Tutun,

central part. A light marking the S extremity of the island, is composed of sand and shingle beaches, alternated by rocky
shown at an elevation of 82m. points, backed by mountains.
It was reported that the coastal reef extending S from the is-
6.83 Pulau Kisar (Kisar) (8°01'S., 127°12'E.) lies a little over 25
land had shoaled considerably, and that it consisted of a steep- miles SE of the E extremity of Pulau Wetar. The coasts, which
to bank of sand and coral, 0.5 mile wide, with rocks over which rise steeply from the sea, consists of bare coral lime broken in
the sea breaks at LW. The bank extends 2.5 miles S of Pulau places where small streams empty into the sea.
Liran, and a least depth of 3.7m with below-water rocks, was Anchorage.—Anchorage is available off the SW side of the is-

found on the bank. land in an open roadstead off Pantai Wonreli (8°05'S.,
Strong tide rips frequently occur on the S end of the bank.
6.83 127°08'E.). It may be taken in Pantai Wonreli roads, in depths of
Karang Nautilis (7°56'S., 125°44'E.) lies 1.25 miles N of
6.83 29 to 40m, coral and stones, about 137m NW of a white pyramid
Pulau Liran and nearly dries. There is a clear passage between on the S shore of the bight. Further offshore, the bottom is so steep
Karang Nautilis and Pulau Liran, but the N extremity of the is- that there would be danger of dragging the anchor.
land should be given a berth of at least 0.5 mile. Sudden squalls make this anchorage dangerous and during

In the Southeast Monsoon, vessels with local knowledge

6.83 the Northwest Monsoon, the anchorage is unsafe and commu-
may anchorage, in a depth of 60m, sand, W of the light, 0.2 nication with the shore is broken. Tidal currents in the anchor-
mile off the coastal reef. age set NNE and SSW. During the Northwest Monsoon,
Selat Liran, 1.5 miles wide, between Pulau Liran and the SW
6.83 landings are made at Jawallan (Djawallan) (8°05'S.,
extremity of Pulau Wetar, is clear of dangers, but should not be 127°13'E.) on the E side of the island.
attempted because of the strong currents. A current of 3 knots
was observed. Wetar Strait
6.84 Pulau Wetar (7°49'S., 126°14'E.) is a rugged moun- 6.85 Wetar Strait (8°14'S., 126°16'E.), the wide passage
tainous island which rises in its W part to a summit 1,355m high, between the S coast of Pulau Wetar and the N coast of Timor is
15 miles NE of Pibia Tutun (8°01'S., 125°48'E.), the SW ex- used regularly by local shipping and also by vessels proceeding
tremity. All coasts of Pulau Wetar are high, steep, and inhospita- between Jawa and Australia, and between Singapore and Aus-
ble; there are practically no anchorages. tralia. Vessels on the latter two routes pass N of Pulau Adunara,
The W coast of Pulau Wetar is alternately steep and sloping,
6.84 Pulau Lomblen, Pulau Pantar, and Pulau Alor by following the
becoming steeper to the N. Pulau Reong (Reong), off the NW parallel of 8°S. Vessels on these two routes usually enter the
extremity of the island, is a good landmark, and is separated strait from the NW by passing between Pulau Atauro (Kamb-
from Pulau Wetar by a deep and clear channel. Strong currents ing) and Pulau Liran (Liran), 7 miles NE, and depart E between
are encountered at times. Pulau Kisar and the E extremity of Timor, about 14 miles S.
The N coast of Pulau Wetar is steep and rocky almost
6.84 There are no known dangers in Wetar Strait outside the

throughout. There are numerous small bays, but few of them charted 200m curve surrounding the adjacent islands.
afford anchorage. Caution is required because of Sumatra Shoal (8°07'S.,

Nila Tutun (Nila Toetoen) (7°33'S., 126°37'E.), the N ex- 125°57'E.), charted 13.25 miles ESE of Pulau Liran Light. The
tremity of the island, is an extremity of a bold headland which position of the shoal and the depth are doubtful, but strong dis-
can be identified from E or W. coloration and a sounding of 25m was obtained.
The E coast of Pulau Wetar, between Tujau Tutun (7°32'S.,
6.84 Currents in Wetar Strait are not well known and are probably

126°38'E.) and Hatuloi Tutun, about 12 miles ESE, has heavy similar to those in Ombai Strait, seldom exceeding 0.5 knot.
swells and breakers during both monsoons. Between Hatuloi
Tutun and Iskanawatu Tutun (7°45'S., 126°50'E.), the SE ex- Timor
tremity of the island, 6 miles S, the coast is steep-to with sever-
al villages. There are strong tidal currents, eddies, and 6.86 Timor is a large mountainous island with ranges sel-
whirlpools off the coast between Hatuloi Tutun and Iskanawatu dom rising higher than 1,829 to 2,134m. A range of mountains
Tutun. lying near the middle of the island are the highest.
Between Iskanawatu Tutun and Eden Tutun (7°58'S.,
6.84 Fatamailau (8°55'S., 125°29'E.) rises to 2,920m high. These

126°28'E.), 25 miles SW, the coast forms a wide bight and is high peaks in the middle of the island are often covered with
steep-to. There are tide rips and eddies along this part of the clouds. The N coast of Timor has numerous peaks which pro-

Pub. 163
200 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

vide landmarks, but they are generally only useful during the
Southeast Monsoon.
Waters along the SE coast of Timor, between the mouth of

Mota Masin (9°28'S., 125°05'E.) and Pulau Jaco (8°26'S.,

127°20'E.), and the adjacent sea area out to 12 miles offshore,
are prohibited to all non-Indonesian vessels.
The N coast of Timor is mountainous, especially the W part

between Tanjung Parimbala (8°39'S., 125°07'E.) and Tan-

jung Suba (Tanjung Soebang), 52 miles E. Here the mountains
rise steeply from the sea, except for a low plain midway be-
tween these two points at Dili (Dilly), the most important place
on this coast. The NE end of Timor is occupied by a fairly
high, flat ridge of mountains, terminating in an almost perpen-
dicular cliff 1 mile within Tanjung Sevivara (8°23'S.,
127°18'E.), the NE extremity of Timor.
There are numerous villages along this coast, many of which

contain large mission houses and churches. Some of the houses

are built to resemble forts and give a picturesque appearance as
well as affording good landmarks when navigating within a Dili—Main Cargo Wharf
few miles of the coast.
Maubara (8°37'S., 125°12'E.), a village about 5 miles ENE of
causeway 300m in length extends to a T-headed berth, with a
Tanjung Parimbala, can be readily distinguished from seaward charted depth of 13m alongside. A wreck was reported (2003)
by a small church and a house with high walls, standing close to to lie 170m due E of the pier head.
the sea. The residence of the military commandant, situated on Contact Information.—See the table titled Dili—Contact

the summit of a hill, is prominent. Information.

Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents off Maubara cause strong

eddies and may cause a vessel to swing and foul its anchors. Dili—Contact Information
Anchorage.—Vessels, with local knowledge, can anchor

temporarily, in 49m, with a point about 1.5 miles WSW of the
village in line with a rock close W of Maubara. VHF VHF channels 16 and 68
Tanjung Palila (Tanjung Sia Ria), 10.5 miles E of Maubara,
is a high, rocky spur formed from the mountain behind it. A
coastal reef, extending up to 0.5 mile offshore, begins at a point Telephone 670-7731-3761
3.5 miles E of Tanjung Palila and continues unbroken for 3.5 670-7732-2411
miles in an E direction until Tanjung Mau Duki.
Tanjung Mau Duki (8°32'S., 125°32'E.), a low muddy
Anchorage.—Ten outer designated anchorages (DH01-


point, contains the mouth of a small river. For a distance 1 mile

DH10) have been established N of Dili.
E of the river there is a white, sandy beach which is free of
6.88 Tanjung Laquebada (8°32'S., 125°34'E.) is the NW
entrance point to Dili. A conspicuous light, which sits on a
6.87 Dili (Dilly) (8°32'S., 125°35'E.) on the N coast of East
17m high metal framework tower with a white stone base and
Timor is situated on a low plain at the head of a bay between
blue bands, stands on the point. A large religious statue is
Tanjung Mau Duki and Tanjung Fatu Cama (Tanjung Fatoe Ka-
visible during daylight hours to the E of Mount Fatocoma. A
ma), a salient point 1.75 miles SE. The inner roadstead is shel-
large warehouse on the wharf, 0.4 mile SE of Tanjung
tered by reefs, which dry, extending from the shore at each end
Laquebada, was reported to be conspicuous from seaward. The
of the town and a large detached reef between them.
former Governor’s palace stands close SE of the wharf. A
Between January and April heavy rains may occur limiting
conspicuous customs house stands 0.3 mile E of the former

visibility. During the Northwest Monsoon, which occurs Governor’s palace; midway between them is a stone jetty.
between December and March, strong winds may be
A compulsory pilot is available at Dili.

encountered sometimes reaching gale force.

The outer anchorage for general cargo vessels lies N and NW

The mean maximum range of tide for Dili is 1.6m.


of Tanjung Laquebada. Caution is necessary as foul ground lies

Two channels pass through the reef to give access to the

in the E section of the anchorage and dangerous wrecks lie 0.7

harbor. The W channel, with a least depth of 14.5m, is marked
mile WNW and 1.1 miles NE of Tanjung Laquebada. Anchorage
by range lights and leads into the harbor. may also be obtained in the inner road, clear of the reefs, in a
The main cargo wharf, of concrete construction, is 285m in
depth of 20m. Vessels can anchor as convenient or proceed

length, with a depth of 7.0m alongside. A vessel of 140m in alongside the wharf however the best time to anchor is in day-
length with a draft of 7.2m has berthed alongside. A ferry light at low tide when coral heads are visible.
terminal lies at the head of harbor, with depths alongside
ranging from 2 to 7m. 6.89 From Tanjung Fatu Cama (8°32'S., 125°36'E.) to
The Dili Oil Depot lies 1.5 miles W of town. A stone

Pub. 163
Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 201

Tanjung Fatu Lana (8°29'S., 125°51'E.), 15 miles E, the coast 6.93 Pulau Jaco (Yaco) (8°26'S., 127°20'E.), a flat wood-
is fringed by an irregular reef. An above-water rock lies close ed island marked by a light, lies close off Tanjung Sevivara, the
to the coast, 0.5 mile W of Tanjung Fatu Lana. E extremity of Timor.
Between Tanjung Fatu Lana and Tanjung Subang (Tanjung
6.89 It was reported that Pulau Jaco is a good radar target at 9

Subao) (8°29'S., 125°59'E.), 7.75 miles E, the coast rises steep- miles. Light-colored smooth water, breaking at the outer edges,
ly. was reported to extend 2.5 miles S and E from Pulau Jaco. A
Manatutu (Manatoetoe) (8°31'S., 126°01'E.), about 3.5 depth of 14.3m was reported (1997) to lie about 11 miles NE of
miles SE of Tanjung Subang, is a fairly important place. It can Pulau Jaco.
easily be identified by a white church with two towers and Selat Jaco is a 0.3 mile-wide clear channel between the NE

some houses on a hill. Range lights are occasionally shown at extremity of Timor and Pulau Jaco, which may be safely navi-
Manatutu. gated by steering a mid-channel course. Tidal currents may at-
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local
6.89 tain 4 knots. There are whirlpools at both entrances to the
knowledge, in 55m, but the bottom is soft mud and the holding strait.
ground is not good. The coast from Tanjung Sevivara to Tanjung Lore (Tanjung

Soeloro) (8°41'S., 127°01'E.), 24 miles SW, is rocky with the

6.90 The coast between Manatutu and Tanjung Bigono last few miles fringed by a sandy beach.
(8°26'S., 126°22'E.), 21 miles ENE, is hilly. Tanjung Bandura, Lore (Suloro) (8°39'S., 127°01'E.), the center of the timber
about 3 miles E of Tanjung Bigono, is high and steep as is the trade, stands 2.25 miles N of Tanjung Lore. The landing place
coast between these two points, and it is a good landmark from E for the center is at a village 1.5 miles W of the point. The con-
or W. spicuous house of the manager of the sawmills, elevation 12m,
Baucau (Vila Salazar) (8°27'S., 126°30'E.), the largest town is situated NW of Tanjung Lore.
on this stretch of coast, stands 3.5 miles SSE of Tanjung Ban- A channel, 0.5 mile wide, leads through the wide coastal reef

dura, at an elevation of 319m. to the landing place, which is sheltered in both monsoons. Two
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local
6.90 pillars near the beach, in range 350°, lead through the middle
knowledge off the roadstead leading to the town, in a depth of of the channel.
40m, coral, where vessels will swing clear of the narrow coast- Anchorage may be taken, in 18m, SSE of the pillars in range.

al reef and lie well in both monsoons. A noticeable group of

rocks lies close offshore, 1.75 miles W of the anchorage. 6.94 The coast between Tanjung Lore and Tanjung Beaco
(Tanjung Beaso) (8°57'S., 126°28'E.) is hilly with high moun-
6.91 Between Baucau and Tanjung Chater (Ponta Chater) tains inland.
(8°20'S., 127°00'E.), about 32 miles E, the coast is fairly low, Elomar (8°45'S., 126°46'E.), a village, stands on the shore

rising gradually to the mountains inland. of a small bay about 15 miles WSW of Tanjung Lore. A reef
Anchorage can be taken off Nova Zazara (Koen) (8°22'S.,
6.91 which dries, extends from the E shore but off the village there
127°04'E.), a little over 4 miles SE of Tanjung Chater, by ves- is a broad, sandy beach where good landing can be affected.
sels with local knowledge, in a depth of 46m, stony bottom. Two pillars in range, bearing 026°, lead to the anchorage, in
The anchorage itself is a small natural harbor formed by an 7m.
opening in the coastal reef. It is available to vessels up to 2,000 Tanjung Roro Ai (8°48'S., 126°37'E.) is a high, rocky point

gt and offers protection during the Northwest Monsoon. The formed by a spur from the mountain N, located 10 miles WSW
entrance is about 0.1 mile wide and is easy to approach. of Elomar.
From Nova Zazara, the coast extends 7 miles E to Tanjung
6.91 Aliambata (8°47'S., 126°36'E.), close W of Tanjung Roro

Hero (Punta Hero) (8°20'S., 127°11'E.). The coast between Ai, can be identified by a large pyramid.
Tanjung Hero and Tanjung Sevivara (Punta Sevivara), 7.5 Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken in a depth of 18m,

miles SE, is fronted by steep-to cliffs. SE of the pyramid. The depth is reported to be 37m, 0.75 mile
offshore, and 16m, 0.45 mile offshore.
Timor—Southeast Coast
6.95 Tanjung Beaco, 11 miles SSW of Aliambata, is a low
6.92 Caution.—Non-Indonesian vessels are prohibited point. Beaco, a village, stands 1.5 miles W of Tanjung Beaco,
from entering waters within 12 miles of the SE coast of Timor and may be identified by the custom house and a white pillar.
between the meridians of 125°05'E and 127°21'E. Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,

The SE coast may be approached fairly closely throughout, in a convenient depth off Beaco, SSW of the white pillar. In the
as there are no off-lying dangers other than Beatrice Reefs Southeast Monsoon, there is a heavy swell.
(10°31'S., 123°36'E.) in Selat Roti (Roti Strait). There are no Tanjung Luca (Tanjung Loeka), a low, marshy, and reef-

bays or harbors which afford shelter in the Southeast Monsoon. fringed point, lies about 10.5 miles W of Tanjung Beaco.
Nearly all the rivers are inaccessible in the dry season, and Two large rivers enter the sea through deltas of mangroves,

even in the Northwest Monsoon there is frequently a heavy surf 14 and 23.5 miles WSW of Tanjung Luca, the coast between
so that landing is difficult. being a low plain.
The action of the surf on the soft white rocks near the coast

causes a white discoloration of the sea. Patches of this discol- Tanjung Metibot (Tanjung Meti Boot) (9°09'S., 125°49'E.)
oration are carried by the current for miles seaward. is located 30.5 miles WSW of Tanjung Luca.
The coast between Tanjung Metibot and Tanjung Manema-

Pub. 163
202 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

ra (Tanjung Lalete) (9°12'S., 125°42'E.), about 7.5 miles Timor—West Coast

WSW, is reef-fringed in places.
Tanjung Suai (9°21'S., 125°16'E.) is reef-fringed, lies about
6.95 6.98 Pulau Semau (10°14'S., 123°23'E.), a large hilly is-
27 miles WSW of Tanjung Manemara, and has a village on its land with Tanjung Uloimi (10°20'S., 123°24'E.), its steep SE
point. extremity, lies 3.25 miles WNW of Tanjung Oisina. The island,
Tanjung Tafara (9°25'S., 125°12'E.), 5.5 miles SW of Tan-
6.95 reef-fringed, has no remarkable summits but rises to about
jung Suai, is a low point which can be identified by some casu- 189m in its N part. A light is shown 1 mile SW of Tanjung
arino trees, and terminates in a bank of shingle. Kurong, the N extremity of the island.
From Tanjung Tafara to Tanjung Wetoh (Tanjung We Toh)

(9°38'S., 124°53'E.), 19 miles SW, there is a slight indentation 6.99 Hansisi (10°11'S., 123°30'E.), close W of Tanjung
in the coast. Hansisi, the NE extremity of Pulau Semau, is a coaling station
for Government vessels only. Landing can be affected at all
6.96 Tanjung Batu Merah (Tanjung Menu) (9°52'S., times at the steps of a stone pier fronting the village. There was
124°45'E.) is a steep, rocky point, formed by a spur from the a depth of 2.1m at the steps and 3.4m alongside the pierhead.
mountains, 19.5 miles SW of Tanjung Wetoh. A wide, low Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents and very strong tide rips,

plain extends between the two. Tanjung Noiloetuke, the NE en- especially off Tanjung Upeoh (10°14'S., 123°19'E.), make
trance point to Teluk Kalbano, lies 13 miles SW of Tanjung traffic inadvisable along the W coast of Pulau Semau.
Batu Merah. The intervening coast consists of high cliffs on Anchorage.—A small vessel can anchor in Hansisi Road, in a

which there are remarkable red and white patches. depth of 7m, S of a water tank seen between two coaling sheds.
Teluk Kalbano (10°02'S., 124°33'E.) is backed by high
6.96 Large vessels should not anchor in a depth of less than 33m,

mountains. It has a shore consisting of a steep, inclining beach as the depths decrease rapidly towards the shore.
of stones except in the S part, where there is a narrow coastal
reef, which dries. 6.100 Selat Semau (10°16'S., 123°27'E.) lies between Pulau
Semau and the SW part of the W coast of Timor, and is deep
Kalbano (10°02'S., 124°32'E.), a village, stands 0.35 mile
6.96 and free from dangers in the fairway. The safest course through
inland behind groves of palm trees on the W shore of the bay. the strait is mid-channel. Depths in the vicinity of Selat Semau
There is a noticeable mass of rock on the beach at the N end of has been reported to be less than charted.
the palm trees. Tides—Currents.—Strong currents run through the strait,

Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local

6.96 but the S current does not continue as long as the N. The cur-
knowledge, 0.3 mile E of the N end of a drying reef, in depths rent is seldom stronger than 3 knots.
of 20 to 60m. There is a good landing place immediately N of Anchorage.—Specific anchorage areas (A-F) have been es-

the coastal reef. tablished in Selat Semau W of Tenau, refer to the chart for spe-
cific anchorage areas.
6.97 The coast between Teluk Kalbano and Tanjung Batu- The W coast of Timor lies between Tanjung Oisina, the SW

putih (Tanjung Batoe Poetih) (10°13'S., 124°05'E.) trends 30 extremity, and Tanjung Gumuk (Goemoek) (9°30'S.,
miles WSW. Tanjung Batuputih is a prominent, steep, white 123°48'E.), the W extremity of Timor, 55 miles NNE. A light
rocky cliff, 50m high and easy to identify from E. Immediately house, 40m in height, has been established (2003) at Tanjung
NE of Tanjung Batuputih is Teluk Noilmina (Noilmina Bay) Gumuk. Irregular tidal currents and tide rips are found off nearly
which has a wide sandy shore over the greater part of its head. all the salient points, which should be given a wide berth.
Anchorage may be taken in the Northwest Monsoon, by ves-
6.97 Between Tanjung Oisina and Tanjung Lelendo (Tanjung Lelin-

sels with local knowledge, in the W part of the bight, in depths do) (10°14'S., 123°29'E.), 8 miles N, the W coast should be given
of 5 to 9m. In the Southeast Monsoon, the shore should not be a wide berth as the depths outside the coastal reef are irregular, and
approached closely. a turbulent sea and tide rips make steering difficult.
From Tanjung Batuputih to Tanjung Oisina (10°21'S.,

123°27'E.), the SW extremity of Timor, the coast trends about 6.101 Tenau (10°12'S., 123°32'E.) is situated in the NE part of
38 miles WSW. Tanjung Oisina should be given a wide berth as a bight, lying between Tanjung Lelendo and Tanjung Fanot (Tan-
the sea and tide rips make steering difficult. The point is jung Tenau) (10°11'S., 123°32'E.), 3.25 miles NE. Tenau has su-
marked by a light. perseded Kupang as the major loading port for the area. Kupang,
Tanjung Mali (10°22'S., 123°36'E.), a narrow rocky point
6.97 located about 3.75 miles NE, is less favorable during the North-
about 9.25 miles E of Tanjung Oisina, should be given a berth west Monsoon. A light is shown at the root of the pier at Tenau.
of 1 mile because of a shoal spit extending from it. Tenau harbor comprises a rectangular basin with wharfs ex-

tending from the sides. Berthing information is found in the ta-

ble titled Tenau—Berth Information.

Tenau—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Bolok Power Plant Terminal

Pub. 163
Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 203

Tenau—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Coal by barge. Berthing length of 162m
Bolok Berth 90m — — — —
(including dolphins).
PT ASPD Kupang Terminal
Fast ferries. Berthing length of 40m (in-
Passenger Berth East 8m — — — —
cluding dolphins).
Passenger Berth North 5m — — — — Fast ferries.
Fast ferries. Berthing length of 40m (in-
Passenger Berth West 8m — — — —
cluding dolphins).
Tenau Kupang Container Terminal
A-Multiguna Berth 237m 14.0m — — — Containers and reefer.
Tenau Kupang Port Terminal
B-Nusantara Berth 136m 12.0m — — — Ro/pax and breakbulk.
C-Lokal Berth 212m 10.0m — — — Breakbulk.
Cargo Dock 110m — — — — Breakbulk.
D-Multipurpose Berth 100m 15.0m — — — Fast ferries and breakbulk
Pertamina TBBM Tenau Kupang Terminal
Chemicals, clean products, and bunkers.
Oil Jetty 15m 10.0m 242m 9.6m 17,500 dwt Berthing length of 242m (including dol-

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory.
6.101 Depths in the vicinity of Teluk Kupang are reported less than
Regulations.—Vessels should send their ETA 3 hours prior
6.101 charted.
to arrival.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Tenau—Con-
6.101 6.102 Kupang (10°10'S., 123°35'E.) lies on the S side of
tact Information. Teluk Kupang and within the entrance of the Sungai Kupang.
A concrete pier, 55m long, is part of the seawall which extends
Tenau—Contact Information NNW from the harbor entrance.
A light is shown from a 13m, white metal framework tower
Port Authority

on the W entrance point of the river at Kupang. Another light is

62-380-890030 occasionally shown on the head of a pier extending from the E
Telephone entrance of the river.
Anchorage.—Anchorage is available during the Southeast

Facsimile 62-380-890072 Monsoon, in a depth of 18m, 0.25 mile NW of the light on the
E-mail kupang@pp3.co.id W entrance of the river.
An area of foul ground lies close E of this anchorage. In the

Web site http://www.pp3.co.id Northwest Monsoon, it is better to anchor farther out, in a

Harbor Master depth of 33m.
Between Tanjung Pakulak and Tanjung Gumuk (9°30'S.,

Telephone 62-380-21289 123°48'E.), the NW extremity of Timor about 35 miles NNE,

Pilot the coast is steep and rocky with an occasional sandy beach.
Because of irregular currents and tide rips off this section of

Call sign Kupang Radio (PKK)

coast, vessels should not approach Tanjung Gumuk within 1
VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and16 mile. An explosives dumping ground lies about 21 miles NW
of Tanjung Pakulak.
Anchorage.—The recommended anchorage is 0.2 mile NW
6.101 The NW coast of Timor, between Tanjung Gumuk and Tan-

of the head of the pier. jung Parimbala, 95 miles NE, is mountainous over its greater
Teluk Kupang (10°06'S., 123°40'E.) is entered between
part, but occasionally broken by lower, hilly land.
Tanjung Tenau and Tanjung Pakular (Tanjung Pakoelak)
(10°02'S., 123°35'E.), a sandy wooded point 9 miles NNE. 6.103 Atapupu (Atapoepoe) (9°00'S., 124°52'E.) (World

Pub. 163
204 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

Port Index No. 51400), about 70 miles NE of Tanjung Gumuk, rising near the middle of the S side of the island to a height of
lies at the head of a narrow inlet in the coastal reef which proj- 429m. The island is also surrounded by a coastal reef which is
ects about 0.5 mile from the shore. fairly broad in places. Outside this reef the depths generally in-
The port is situated on the E side of the mouth of a river and
6.103 crease rapidly, and in some places off the S coast the 200m
is marked by a light. There is a narrow 137m wide but deep curve is only 0.5 mile offshore.
passage through the reef, widening out to a basin about 0.3m The E coast, between Tanjung Pukuatu (Tanjung Poe-

wide with depths of 5.8 to 14.6m forming the inner roadstead. koeatoe) (10°26'S., 123°22'E.), low and sandy, and Tanjung
A cargo quay, 102m long, handles containers, fishing vessels, Piakokoli (Tanjung Mepe) (10°39'S., 123°25'E.), about 14
and breakbulk cargo. The Cargo Jetty, 70m long, handles ro/ro miles S, has few landmarks.
passengers and breakbulk. The Fuel Jetty, with a berthing Pulau Usu (Usu) (10°30'S., 123°25'E.), a hilly island, about
length of 33m long including dolphins, handles clean products. 5.5 miles SE of Tanjung Pukuatu, is difficult to identify from
Anchorage.—Vessels can anchor in the inner roadstead W
6.103 the main island and is separated from it by a narrow strait.
of the range line, in 7 to 13m. Because of the restricted space, it Teluk Pepela (10°35'S., 123°25'E.) is entered between Tan-

is advisable to moor. jung Liudese, the S extremity of Pulau Usu, and Tanjung Lia-
During the Southeast Monsoon, anchorage may be obtained
6.103 kokoli (Tanjung Batuisi) (10°37'S., 123°25'E.), a little over 3
outside the coastal reef on the range line, in depths of 55 to miles SSE. The bay is encumbered by dangerous shoal patches
73m. and the depths are very irregular. Exercise caution when enter-
Directions.—Steer 164° with the white monument in range
6.103 ing the bay.
with the highest point of the E side of a prominent mountain Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken in an inlet in the

cliff, located less than 2 miles SSE of Atapupu. coastal reef on the S side of the entrance to Teluk Pepela, in
24m, sheltered from W winds.
6.104 The coast between Atapupu and Batu Gadeh Directions.—For the approach to Teluk Pepela, steer 221°

(8°57'S., 124°58'E.), 7.5 miles ENE, is formed by a wooded for Lakimola (10°40'S., 123°21'E.), 273m high, and anchor
plain, fronted by mangroves, with an occasional sandy beach. when Batu Luak, a large rock on the drying coastal reef, 1.5
Tanjung Fatu Sue (Tanjung Fatoe Soe) (8°52'S., 125°00'E.) miles WNW of Tanjung Liakokoli (Tanjung Batuisi) is in range
lies about 5.5 miles NNE of Batu Gadeh. with a flat hill at the head of the bay, bearing 274°.
Tanjung Fatu Bero (8°41'S., 125°06'E.), is a rocky point 12

miles NNE. Here, the coast recedes to form a bight. It was re- 6.107 The coast trends 2.75 miles S from Tanjung Liakokoli
ported that the coastal reef, for a distance of 3 miles S of Tan- to Tanjung Piakokoli, the E extremity of Pulau Roti. Then to
jung Fatu Bero, had extended about 2 miles to the W. Tanjung Poeleh (10°50'S., 123°13'E.), a low rocky point about
Tanjung Parimbala (8°39'S., 125°07'E.), 3.5 miles N of
6.104 16 miles SW, the coast is low and rocky in places with the land
Tanjung Fatu Bero, is one of several rocky points of a high rising steeply inland.
rounded part of the coast. From Tanjung Pondalaun to Pulau Lai, about 10 miles WSW,

the coast is high and steep with the depths too great for anchor-
Selat Roti ing.
Teluk Buka (Boeka Bay), indenting the coast between Tan-

6.105 This strait, lying between the S extremity of Timor jung Manulaluk (10°52'S., 123°01'E.), a steep point and Tan-
and Pulau Roti, about 6.5 miles SW, is deep and clear except jung Makar (10°55'S., 122°58'E.), 3.75 miles SW, is fringed
for a narrow coral bank 2.25 mile miles SSW of Tanjung Oisi- on its N and W sides by a broad bank of sand and coral.
na, the SW extremity of Timor. The coral bank has a least Pulau Tua (10°53'S., 123°03'E.), a small islet with a white

depth of 16.5m, and it is advisable to give it a berth of 3 miles, stone pyramid, lies about 1.5 miles W of Tanjung Manulaluk.
for it has been reported that depths are less than charted. Pulau Lai (10°52'S., 123°04'E.), an islet off the N entrance

Beatrice Reefs (10°31'S., 123°36'E.), about 12.5 miles SE

6.105 of Teluk Buka, is fringed by a drying reef. A few rocks on the S
of Tanjung Oisina, consists of two coral reefs, 2.25 miles apart, side of a large reef lie about 1 mile SW of Pulau Lai. Pulau
with deep water between. The E reef has a least depth of 5.5m Landu (Landoe) at its W end lies close off the S entrance of
and the W has 7.3m. They are usually recognized by their dis- Teluk Buka.
coloration, surf, and tide rips. The S sides of the reefs are Nusa Manuk (Manoek) (10°55'S., 123°00'E.) lies on a dry-
steep-to. ing reef connected to Tanjung Makar. Several conspicuous low
Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in the strait may run
6.105 and bare islets and rocks lie on a reef extending E from Nusa
with some strength, and there is frequently a turbulent sea in Manuk. The outermost rock, about 2 miles E of the SE extrem-
the E part. ity of Nusa Manuk, is especially conspicuous.
Anchorage, if necessary, can be taken off the N side of either
6.105 It was reported that Nusa Manuk is a good radar target at 21

reef, in 20m. miles.

A rock with less than 1.8m depth lies about 2.5 miles N of
6.105 In the middle of Teluk Buka are two large drying reefs.

the E reef. North of these reefs is an extensive basin with anchorage, in

20m, mud and sand. The entrance of this basin is about 0.3
Pulau Roti mile wide between the N side of the E drying reef and the edge
of the drying shore bank. Local knowledge is necessary.
6.106 Pulau Roti (10°45'S., 123°09'E.), whose NE extremi- In approaching the anchorage, proceed between the reefs ex-

ty lies 6.5 miles SW of Timor across Selat Roti, is a hilly island tending from Nusa Manuk and the rocks on the S side of a

Pub. 163
Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands) 205

large reef, 2 miles SE of Tanjung Manulaluk. Steer course 312° about 10.5 miles NE, is mostly sandy with a few rocky parts.
on the white stone pyramid standing on Pulau Tua. Change
course sharply to N when the S side of the large reef SW of Pu- 6.110 Seba (10°29'S., 121°51'E.) is a village not easily rec-
lau Lai is in range with the S point of Pulau Lai. When the S ognized from the sea. A light is shown from Seba.
point of Pulau Lai bears 090° alter course quickly to 270°, and When approaching Seba during the day, a 9m high white

anchor, in 20m, when the white stone pyramid bears 337°. stone pyramid standing close SW of the light structure will be
sighted. The pyramid is difficult to recognize because of a
Islands and Dangers off the West Coast white building behind it.
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken during the Southeast

6.108 Pulau Dana (11°00'S., 122°53'E.), close S of Tanjung Monsoon, in a depth of 12m, mud and sand, 0.4 mile NW of the
Bua (Tanjung Boa), is a rocky, uninhabited island. A light bea- light structure. A patch which dries, lies 0.15 mile SE of this po-
con, 30m in height, has been established (2003) on the island. sition and when approaching the anchorage the bottom rises very
Pulau Helihana (Haliana), 1 mile NE of Pulau Dana, is a steep, steeply. In the Northwest Monsoon, it is better to anchor farther
rocky islet. South of Pulau Dana there is a heavy swell and a out, in a depth of 35m, at least 0.75 mile offshore.
turbulent sea at all times.
Pulau Ndao (Ndao) (10°49'S., 122°40'E.), Pulau Nuse (No- 6.111 North of Seba, the empties into the sea about 2.75
ese), and Doo all lie inside the 200m curve off the W coast of miles WSW of Kali Menia (Kali Mehia) Tanjung Aimau
Pulau Roti. If passing between these islands from the S, it is (10°26'S., 121°52'E.), the N point of the island. A sandy beach
advisable to pass E of Doo and then between Pulau Ndao and at the river mouth affords a good landing place. A light is
Pulau Nuse. A light, 40m in height, stands on Dao Besar Is- shown close E of the mouth of Kali Menia.
land (Ndao) (10°48.47'S., 122°49.35'E.). There is a remarkable cliff formed of grayish-green masses

There is usually heavy surf on the coastal reef fringing these

6.108 of rock 1 mile W of Tanjung Niuwudu (Tanjung Nioewoedoe)
islands and tidal currents among these islands can reach speeds (10°27'S., 122°00'E.).
of up to 3 knots. Anchorage may be obtained during the Northwest Monsoon

On the NW coast from Tanjung Tongga (Tanjung Tonga)

6.108 between Tanjung Bali (10°28'S., 122°00'E.) and Tanjung Lie
(10°47'S., 122°49'E.) to Baa (10°44'S., 123°03'E.), a village Geta (10°33'S., 121°59'E.), but the coastal reef extends as
14.5 miles ENE, the coast is fringed by a reef which extends 1 much as 0.8 mile offshore near Tanjung Bali. A light, 40m in
mile offshore in places. The coast is low and covered with height, stands on Tanjung Lie Geta. During the Northwest
mangroves. Monsoon, anchorage may be taken by vessels with local
Baa Road (10°43'S., 123°03'E.) fronts Baa, the principal vil-
6.108 knowledge, in a depth of 33m, SW of Tanjung Lie Geta.
lage on Pulau Roti. The roadstead is entirely open to W and The coastal reef, S of Tanjung Lie Geta, is interspersed with

NW winds. A light is shown from a white metal framework rock and sandy beaches with occasional rocks on the coastal
tower on the beach. Another light is occasionally shown from reef itself.
the head of a pier, 0.1 mile further E. Selat Raijua (Rai Djoea Strait) lies between Pulau Sawu and

Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken during the Southeast

6.108 Pulau Raijua, 3.5 miles WSW, and is deep and clear of danger
Monsoon, in 20 to 26m, mud and sand, with the light structure in the fairway.
bearing 147°, distant about 0.45 mile.
6.112 Pulau Raijua (10°36'S., 121°39'E.), separated from
6.109 Tanjung Unggae (Tanjung Oenggae) (10°36'S., Pulau Sawu by Selat Raijua, is inhabited and cultivated. There
123°12'E.), 12 miles NE of Baa, is the S entrance for Teluk Ko- are no good anchorages off the S coast of Pulau Raijua. An-
robafo (Korobafo Bay). The N entrance is 0.8 mile farther NE, chorage may be taken during the Southeast Monsoon by ves-
with both entrance points reef-fringed and mangrove-covered, sels with local knowledge 0.5 mile N of Tanjung Wuimahi
making Teluk Korobafo difficult to identify. The current in the (10°38'S., 121°31'E.), the W extremity of Pulau Raijua, in a
entrance to the bay can be very strong during high tides. Be- depth of 35m, sand and coral. This anchorage is sheltered from
cause of the current in the entrance to Teluk Korobafo, it is on- E winds.
ly navigable by small vessels. Over a small part of W end of A prominent sugarloaf-shaped hill, 60m high, rises 0.5 mile

Teluk Korobafo there are depths of over 9.1m, but elsewhere it SW of Tanjung Meranga (10°36'S., 121°33'E.), the NW ex-
is shoal. tremity of the island. The highest hill, lies near the middle of
The coast between Teluk Korobafo and Tanjung Pukuatu, the
6.109 the island and is 165m high.
NE extremity of Pulau Roti, is low and wooded with occasional Pulau Dana (Dana) (10°50'S., 121°17'E.), 18 miles SW of
rocky cliffs, the entire coast being fronted by a drying reef. Pulau Raijua, is a small island partly covered with low timber
Pulau Sawu (Sawu) (10°31'S., 121°55'E.) lies 51 miles and uninhabited. The W and highest part of the island rises to a
WNW of Pulau Roti and is a hilly island. The highest peak on rocky plateau, 36m high. A prominent rock, 34m high, lies on
the island, Raipiga (Rai Piga) (10°34'S., 121°48'E.), 342m the N side of the island.
high, lies about 8 miles E of Tanjung Mesera (Tanjung Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local knowledge, in

Mesara) (10°34'S., 121°41'E.), the W extremity of the island. a depth of 29m, N of the prominent high rock.
Lights are often seen along the coasts of the island; these lights
are torches used by the inhabitants of the island engaged in Islands Lying North of the East and Central
The NW coast of Pulau Sawu, from Tanjung Mesera to Seba,

Pub. 163
206 Sector 6. Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands)

Parts of Flores In the channels between these islands the tidal current runs N

with the rising tide and S with the falling tide.

6.113 Pulau Kauna (Kaoena) (7°26'S., 122°05'E.), over 22
miles NW of Pasir Layaran, is a wooded coral islet and unin- 6.115 Pulau Bone Rate (Bone Rate) (7°21'S., 121°07'E.), 9
habited. A small sandflat lies on the drying SE edge of the miles NW of Taka Bassi (Marianne Reef), is wooded with co-
fringing coastal reef. conut palms to the S and has the highest of three flat hills near
Pulau Kakabia (Kakabia) (6°54'S., 122°13'E.), 32 miles the N end of the island. Bone Rate Light is shown from the SW
NNE of Pulau Kauna, is high, rocky, wooded, and uninhabited. side of the island.
Numerous seabirds and rats live on the island, and some of the Pulau Kalao (7°18'S., 120°56'E.) lies W of Pulau Bone Rate

trees and rocks are white with guano. The island is fringed by a and separated by a deep channel 1.75 miles wide.
drying coral reef which extends 1.25 miles ESE, and contains a The elevation of the island is higher at its E and W extremi-

deep inaccessible basin. A detached reef which dries lies off ties than in the middle.
the NE side of the reef, and is separated it by a narrow, deep Anchorage may be taken off Beru, a village on the E side of

channel. the island, in a depth of 69m. In the Northwest Monsoon, ves-

Pulau Madu (Madoe) (7°30'S., 121°46'E.), 17 miles WSW sels lie here safer than off Pulau Bone Rate.
of Pulau Kauna, has several detached reefs lying near the
coastal reef inside the 200m curve. Pulau Tanajampea (Tana Djampea) (7°08'S., 120°46'E.),
Pulau Kalaotoa (Kalao Toa) (7°23'S., 121°48'E.), 3 miles N lies about 8.75 miles N of the W extremity of Pulau Kalao. The
of Pulau Madu, are separated by a deep passage. Pulau Ka- island is high, rugged, and broken on the W side, off which lie
laotoa is the most important and densely populated island of many smaller islands.
this group. The village Gorau Upa (7°25'S., 121°45'E.) is situ- On the bank which extends 12 miles W from the W coast of

ated on the SW side. Pulau Tanajampea, there are a number of small heads of coral.
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local
6.113 They are usually marked by discoloration, although the water
knowledge off Gorau Upa, close N of a 6.7m patch SW of the is so clear that the bottom can plainly be seen at a depth of
village. Anchorage may also be taken close to the coastal reef 9.1m. Vessels passing the bank should keep outside the 200m
extending from the SE, E, and N sides of Pulau Kalaotoa. curve.
Taka Lambaena (7°16'S., 121°40'E.), an extensive steep-to
6.113 Tides—Currents.—During the Southeast Monsoon, when

reef, lies 3.5 miles NW of Pulau Kalaotoa from which it is sep- passing W of this bank, a W current attaining a rate of 2.25
arated by a deep channel. knots has been observed.
Pulau Karompa Lompo (Karompa Lompo) (7°17'S., Taka Kapalle (7°07'S., 120°25'E.) are extensive reefs,

121°46'E.) and Pulau Karompa Cadi (Karompa Tjadi) lie on which show discoloration, at the SW corner of the bank. The
the SE and NE end of Taka Lambaena. least depth on this reef is 3.7m.
Taka Lambaena extends 16 miles WNW from Pulau Karompa

Lompo, and close within its extremity is a prominent above-wa- 6.116 Karangsane (Sane Sane Reef) (6°58'S., 120°27'E.),
ter rock. A steep-to reef and a small coral islet lie, 1 and 2.5 NW of the bank and outside the 200m curve, is a reef of sand,
miles NW; respectively, of the W extremity of Tara Lambaena. coral, and stones which partly dries, and has two above-water
sand cays on its NE side.
6.114 Kaju Pangang (7°28'S., 121°25'E.), 18.5 miles W of Three islets lie on the bank between Pulau Kayuadi (Kajoe

Pulau Mudu, consists of two small rocky islets covered with Adi) (6°48'S., 120°48'E.) and the N coast of Pulau Tana-
vegetation, and visible 10 miles in clear weather lying on the S jampea.
side of a reef. Pulau Kauna (Taoena) (6°53'S., 120°47'E.) lies on the E
Taka Bassi (Marianne Reef) (7°31'S., 121°13'E.), a drying side of a reef, 1 mile S of Pulau Kayuadi, and is a small wood-
reef, lies 11.5 miles WSW of Kaju Pangang. Some detached ed island.
dangers, which are scarcely visible by discoloration, lie within Pulau Panjang (Pandjang) (6°58'S., 120°47'E.), 4.5 miles S
the 200m curve S and SE of Taka Bassi. of Pulau Kayuadi, is a small sand island covered with coconut
Kepulauan Bone Rate, a large group of coral islands under
6.114 palms lying on the SE end of a drying reef. There are strong
formation, occupy a large area between the N extremity of the eddies 2 miles NNE of the island.
reef Taka Lambaena, and Ujung Apatana (Tanjung Apatana)
(6°30'S., 120°29'E.), the S extremity of Pulau Salayar (Pulau 6.117 Pulau Batu (Batoe) (7°02'S., 120°45'E.), with a rock
Selayar). These islands are mostly uninhabited and are only close S of it, lies 4 miles SSW of Pulau Panjang.
visited regularly by local trading vessels. The ordinary naviga- Pulau Pulasi (Poelasi) (6°41'S., 120°26'E.), about 20 miles

tion routes lie far outside the archipelago. NNW of Pulau Tanajampea, and Pulau Tambolongang (Tamb-
The passages across and along the barrier reef inside the
6.114 ulongang), 1.5 miles N of Pulau Pulasi, lie on the E side of an
200m curve can be navigated by sight. The large reefs are near- extensive bank, steep-to near the 200m curve, consisting of
ly always marked by discoloration when covered, but such is sand, coral, and rocks. Shoal patches on this bank can easily be
not the case with the smaller reefs. The difference in appear- seen as the water is so clear that the bottom can easily be seen
ance at HW, when all the reefs are practically covered, and at at a depth of 20m. The water over the N part of the bank is re-
LW when the reefs are dry, is very conspicuous. ported to be discolored.

Pub. 163
Sector 7—Sulawesi—West and North Coasts

7.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).

Pub. 163


Plan.—This sector describes the W coast of Sulawesi from

7.0 termed the dry season.
Tanjung Lassa W about 60 miles to Tanjung Pepe, then N 7.1In the N part of the W peninsula, the force of the wind is still
about 430 miles to Ujung Malangka. From Ujung Malangka, less. The monsoons from N and SSW are variable and depend
the coast trends in a general E direction about 255 miles to to a great extent on the strength of the wind circulation in the
Tanjung Utara, the N extremity of Sulawesi. Celebes Sea and the Java Sea. The seasons are not well defined
The coastal description is from E to W along the SW penin-
7.0 and much rain occurs.
sula then N along the W coast, then from W to E along the N 7.1In May, the SSW winds commence. These veer occasionally
peninsula of the island. Then off-lying islands and dangers are to W and NW, and are more or less variable and unsteady. The
described with their respective coastal areas. monsoon is at its height from June to September, and SW
winds prevail both day and night.
General Remarks 7.1In October, the monsoon decreases in force and is lowest in
November, the wind sometimes veering to the N and NE. In
7.1 The best known and most important of the Sulawesi December the general direction is NW, in January N, and in
peninsulas is the SW, which has Makassar Strait to the W and February NNE winds blow with some steadiness, decreasing in
Teluk Bone to the E. A chain of mountains runs through the April when calms and variable breezes can be expected.
peninsula and rises to a height of about 2,896m in the S and 7.1There is less cloudiness in the N than in the S part of the pen-
about 3,440m in the N. insula, but rain is heavier and more continuous. The rainy sea-
7.1The N peninsula is about 260 miles in length and never ex- son is from November to March, and the dry season from July
ceeds 60 miles in breadth. A range of mountains run through it, to September. Squalls and thunderstorms are rare, but mist oc-
the general height being about 610m, while some peaks rise to curs.
over 1,829m. The entire peninsula is rugged and mountainous. 7.1In the Celebes Sea, along the N coast of the W peninsula, the
The NE extremity is a highly cultivated and fertile district. A Southeast Monsoon prevails from the second half of May to
large part of this district is a plateau from 762 to 914m. October, and a Northnortheast Monsoon from December to
7.1The only port of importance along these coasts is Ujungpan- April, but neither have great constancy or great force.
dang (formerly known as Makassar), near the SW extremity of 7.1Near the Sulawesi coast, the land and sea breezes have an in-
the SW peninsula. It is the chief shipping point for Sulawesi. fluence on the monsoons so that the Southeast Monsoon is
7.1Winds—Weather.—The monsoons in Makassar Strait are more constant and stronger by night, while the Northnortheast
not as marked and are weaker than those in the Java Sea. Near Monsoon is stronger by day. April and October are the months
the shores of Sulawesi, the land and sea breezes blow through- of the monsoon change. In general, the monsoons have a more
out the whole year. characteristic course toward the E.
7.1The local topographical features and direction of the coast 7.1Rain falls all year around, though not in great quantities. The
may greatly influence the force and direction of the wind then most rain falls in January, the least in September. Further E, the
blowing in the strait. Land breezes can be expected between contrast between seasons is greater. Hard squalls are relatively
about 1900 and 0700 and sea breezes from 1000 to 1700. rare, but they reach the N coast of Sulawesi particularly when
Where the monsoon is strong on a lee shore, the land breeze the Southeast Monsoon is at its strongest, and the land breeze
may not occur. is paired with hard squalls and thunderstorms.
7.1Along the W coast of Sulawesi, the Southeast Monsoon sets 7.1November and December are the months in which a hard
in over the S part in April blowing from NE to SE. Calms and wind (Barat) is most common. This wind, during the North
NW winds are sometimes felt. This unsettled weather lasts un- Monsoon, rises to about 30 knots and because of the accompa-
til June, when the wind begins to blow with some regularity nying state of the sea surf makes communication with the shore
from SE, occasionally shifting to the SW. These winds will and open roadsteads of N Sulawesi temporarily impossible.
bring in a swell and blowing in opposition to the prevailing S 7.1Tides—Currents.—A S or SW current occurs within the
currents, produce a short and troubled sea. open part of Makassar Strait throughout the year. It is some-
7.1In September and October there is a decrease in wind and times stronger along the Sulawesi coast. The average rate is
sea and changing through S and W. Winds blow from W in No- about 0.75 knot, varying somewhat in different months. A
vember, and in December from SW to NW. These winds can- maximum rate of 3 knots during the Southeast Monsoon has
not be relied upon. been recorded.
7.1Squalls and thunderstorms occur in December. The North- 7.1In the S part of Makassar Strait, the direction of the S current
west Monsoon is at its height in January and blows from the is influenced by the prevailing monsoon. From June to Septem-
NW. The heavy squalls, with much rain and heavy seas, begin ber, the current is SW and passes into the W current of the Java
to abate in February. Light breezes from NW to NE and E oc- Sea. From November to March, the current is SE and passes in-
cur in March. to the E current of the Java and Flores Seas. April and May are
7.1December to March are considered the rainy months, but months of transition and the current along the Sulawesi coast
there are showers at all other times. July to August can be turns SE. During the transition month of October, the current

Pub. 163
210 Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts

turns SW and W. sists till March or April, and the rate decreases to 0.25 knot.
7.1Little is known of the currents along the N coast of Sulawesi 7.2Weather conditions on either side of Selat Salayar often
as no systematic observations have been made. show striking contrasts. During the Northwest Monsoon, rain
7.1From numerous previous reports, the currents along this may occur on the W side of the strait while on the E side, it is
coast appear to be irregular and fairly strong. In the month of fine.
June, during the first quarter of the moon, a current with a rate 7.2In May, June, and July rainy weather and a high sea on the E
of 2.25 to 3 knots was observed setting onto the coast in an side will suddenly change over to calm weather on the W side.
ESE direction. The current probably sets E along the N coast
throughout the year. Its mean rate is probably less than 1 knot, Pulau Salayar—West Coast
except during the Northwest Monsoon, when it may exceed 3
knot on rare occasions. 7.3 Pulau Salayar (6°08'S., 120°30'E.), separated from
7.1Regulations.—For information regarding designated Archi- Tanjung Lassa by Selat Salayar, is about 44 miles long N and
pelagic Sea Lanes, as defined by the United Nations Conven- S, and is traversed throughout by a mountain chain that runs
tion on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), passing through the along the E coast and slopes gradually to the flat stretch of
Makassar Strait, see the Indonesia section of Pub. 120, Sailing coast on the W side.
Directions (Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia. 7.3Tanjung Sangkulungan (Tanjung Matainyi), the N extremity
7.1Caution.—The possibility of mines exist in the area de- of Pulau Salayar, rises to a plateau 117m high and is separated
scribed in this sector. from the higher land S by a deep saddle, which when seen from
a distance E or W, has the appearance of an island and it is
West Peninsula—Off-lying Islands and Dangers sometimes mistaken for Pulau Pasitanete.
7.3About 6 miles S of Tanjung Sangkulungan, a plateau rises
7.2 Selat Salayar is about 9 miles wide between Tanjung steeply to a height of 341m and has a square wood on its N
Lassa and Pulau Salayar. The most used part of the strait is 3 edge.
miles wide with depths of 366 to 732m, which quickly deepens 7.3The coast between Tanjung Sangkulungan and Balangnipa
E to 2,196m. (Batangmata) (5°56'S., 120°27'E.), 10 miles S, is bordered by a
7.2Pulau Liukanglu (North Island) (5°39'S., 120°26'E.), 2 drying reef that extends about 0.25 mile offshore.
miles SW of Tanjung Lassa, is wooded on the N and E coast. 7.3From Balangnipa to Barugeja, a village 6 miles S, then to
Anchorage may be obtained off the SW coast, in depths of 15 Benteng 5.25 miles farther S, the coast is high but there are no
to 26m, sand. Vessels can also anchor off the W side of the is- conspicuous summits. There is a prominent cleft in the hilly
land, in 20m, with some shelter from wind and sea. land 1 mile N of Barugeja, and 1 mile NE of the cleft there is a
7.2Currents in the W anchorage sets WNW and attain a rate of 2 conspicuous tree charted.
to 3 knots. 7.3During the Southeast Monsoon, numerous praus are usually
7.2Pulau Sarontang, 42m high and nearly in the middle of the seen lying near the coastal reef off Balangnipa, and there is
strait, is rocky and slightly wooded. There is a surrounding considerable local traffic between the village and Sulawesi and
reef, and on the S side the 10m curve is 0.3 mile from shore. also to points S.
Pulau Pasitanete (South Island) is 59m high, and except on the
N side which can be closely approached, is fringed by a reef. 7.4 Benteng (6°07'S., 120°28'E.),a large village and the
7.2A light shown from a white iron framework tower, 20m high, headquarters of a government official, stands 2 miles SE of
stands on the N side of the island. Tanjung Baruya, the N extremity of Pulau Pasi. There is a flag-
7.2The channel between Pulau Pasitanete and Pulau Salayar is 1 staff at the N end of the village and a boat pier which can only
mile wide, but is reduced by reefs from both sides to less than be reached at high water.
0.25 mile in width. Tidal currents in the passage are violent and 7.4A mosque stands 0.3 mile E of the pier and a warehouse with
irregular and render it unfit for any but small vessels. a zinc roof stands 0.3 mile S of the pier, both are excellent
7.2Taka Boloh (Mansfield Shoal) (5°48'S., 120°13'E.), about landmarks.
15 miles SW of Pulau Liukanglu, is of coral and sand and has a 7.4Benteng Road is bound by a line drawn from Tanjung
least depth of 6.7m. Baraya (Tanjung Baroeja) to the flagstaff at Benteng, then in a
7.2Quirk Reef is located about 5.25 miles WNW of Taka Boloh. 259° direction to Pulau Pasi.
When seen, it is marked by brown discolored water, with 7.4Anchorage may be taken 0.25 mile W of Benteng, in depths
waves breaking and tide rips around it. of 12 to 15m. Strong W winds quickly raise a sea, and commu-
7.2Taka Rangkap, 9 miles W of Pulau Liukanglu, is formed of nication with the shore is difficult.
coral, sand, and stone. The least depth over the reef is 4.5m, 7.4Directions.—When bound for Benting from the N, steer
with 18.3 to 37m around it. 139° for an isolated zinc shed 0.4 mile S of the flagstaff at Be-
7.2Tides—Currents.—Through all the passages in Selat Sala- ning, which leads between a 4.2m patch 0.3 mile NE and a
yar, strong currents causing whirlpools are frequently experi- 4.9m patch 1.25 miles N of Tanjung Baruya (6°06'S.,
enced, and when wind and current are opposed to each other, 120°26'E.).
overfalls resembling surf are raised. There is often a strong ed- 7.4When Tanjung Baruya bears 250°, change course to 180°
dy under the coast of Sulawesi. which leads midway between Tanjung Baruya and a below-wa-
7.2From May to September, at the height of the Southeast Mon- ter reef with a depth of 1.5m, 0.7 mile E of Tanjung Baruya.
soon, there is a constant SW stream with a rate of 1 knot. At 7.4When the flagstaff at Benteng bears 109°, change course and
the decline of this monsoon, it takes an E direction which per- steer for the middle of Benteng which leads between a 1.0m

Pub. 163
Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts 211

patch 1 mile SE of Tanjung Baruya, and a 2.7m patch 0.6 mile rapu.
further N. 7.5Anchorage may be obtained by vessels with local knowl-
edge, about 0.3 mile W of Pulau Guang, in 27 to 37m, sand.
7.5 Pulau Pasi (Varkens) (6°09'S., 120°25'E.) lies parallel to 7.5The channel within Pulau Guang and Pulau Malimbu is only
the W coast of Pulau Salayar, and is about 6 miles long. It is about suitable for praus.
2 miles wide at the S end where it rises in a line of hills to a height 7.5The islands S of Pulau Salayar lie on a large steep-to bank
of 96m. The N end of the island is low and covered with coconut near the 200m curve, and consist of sand, coral, and stones.
trees. A hilly ridge rises to 57m, 1.25 miles to the S. The water is very clear; the bottom can be easily seen in 20m.
7.5The coastal reef around Pulau Pasi extends up to 0.6 mile on 7.5Pulau Bahuluang (Bahoeloeang) (6°29'S., 120°26'E.), the
the S and W sides, but extends 1.25 miles NW from Tanjung farthest N of this group of islands, is located 3.75 miles NW of
Baruya. Ujung Apatana. The island rises to a height of 72m, and is con-
7.5There is a channel between Pulau Pasi and Pulau Salayar that spicuous. A reef which dries, extends 1.25 miles N from the is-
is about 1.25 miles in width at the N end, and is contracted to a land.
width of 183m at the S end which is known as Padang Nar- 7.5The passage between Pulau Bahuluang and the S extremity
rows. of Pulau Salayar, 2.75 miles E, is deep and safe.
7.5The S entrance is also obstructed by fishing stakes. Only 7.5Badjan Lamberreh (Bajan Lamberreh) is a narrow ridge with
small light-draft vessels should attempt to pass through the nar- a least depth of 3.3m, which extends S from Pulau Bahuluang
rows. to Pulau Tambolongang.
7.5A 4.9m coral patch lies in the N entrance, about 1.25 miles N 7.5With careful sounding, little sea, and a clear sight of the
of Tanjung Baruya. reefs, small vessels may pass over this ridge, taking care to
7.5A 4.2m coral patch and a 1.5m coral patch lie 0.3 mile NE avoid the central part.
and 0.5 mile E, respectively, of Tanjung Baruya. A coral patch 7.5Tides—Currents.—Currents with a rate of 2 knots have
with a least depth of 2.7m lies close S of the 1.5m patch de- been observed over Badjan Lamberreh.
scribed above. All of these patches are surrounded by deep wa- 7.5Tidal currents between Pulau Bahuluang and the S extremity
ter. of Pulau Salayar, a NW stream, sometimes attain a rate of 3
7.5Tidal currents in the channel between Pulau Pasi and Pulau knots. During May, June, and July, the SE current is not strong.
Salayar are weak. 7.5Pulau Tambolongang, with a 221m hill in the N part, is a
7.5Whale Reef (Welvisch) (6°05'S., 120°20'E.) consists of good landmark from all directions. The administrative head-
three detached groups of shoals 3 to 7.6m deep. The 7.6m quarters are in the village of Taloh, on the E coast.
shoal lies 7.75 miles WNW of Tanjung Baruya near the 200m 7.5Pulau Pulasi (Poelasi) has a conspicuous steep hill, 227m
curve, and is steep-to on the W side. The reefs are steep and re- high on the N side, tailing off to the S with a series of pointed
ported visible at about 2 to 2.25 miles. hills gradually decreasing in height. Pulau Pulasi, the farthest S
7.5From Whale Reef, the charted 200m curve extends S 16 of this group of islands, lies 10 miles SSW of Ujang Apatana.
miles, then turns NE toward the coast to a position about 2.25 7.5Nambolaki (6°42'S., 120°17'E.), a small wooded islet lying
miles offshore near Layolo Bay. on the SW point of the bank, is located 9 miles W of Pulau Pu-
7.5Padang (6°11'S., 120°26'E.) is located 4.25 miles SSW of lasi; the islet is marked by a light. There are several shoal
Benting and is situated on the E side of the passage described patches on the bank which may best be seen on the chart. There
above. is a 1.2m patch, close within the 200m line, located 7 miles N
7.5The coast between Padang and Ujung Apatana, 20 miles far- of Nambolaki.
ther S, is high as far as Layolo Bay, then it gradually descends
to Ujung Apatana, a low spit running far out to sea and ending Sulawesi—West Coast
in a sand bank. The sand bank is fringed by a reef which ex-
tends 0.75 mile offshore and is steep-to. 7.6 Tanjung Lassa (Tanjung Laso) (5°37'S., 120°29'E.),
7.5Ujung Dodaija (Tanjung Batu Kallong) (6°16'S., is the SE extremity of the W peninsula of Sulawesi. From Tan-
120°27'E.), located 5.25 miles S of Padang, is the N entrance jung Lassa to Tanjung Pepe, about 60 miles W, the coast forms
point of Layolo Bay. Tanjung Batu Putih, 2.75 miles SE of a few bays and is backed by some conspicuous mountains.
Ujung Dodaija, is the S entrance point of Layolo Bay. 7.6In the E part, one of the most conspicuous mountains is
7.5Tanjung Batu Putih is a high, white sandstone point which is Slangenberg (5°29'S., 120°10'E.), 423m high, located about
conspicuous with the sun shining on it. A reef extends 2 miles 20 miles WNW of Tanjung Lassa.
W from the point. 7.6The highest and most conspicuous of these mountains is
7.5Ujung Batukurapu (Tanjung Batoe Kerapo), 5 miles SSW of Gunung Lompobatang (Lompo Batang), 2,900m high, located
Tanjung Batu Putih, is a steep and rocky point. 11 miles inland, 16 miles NW of Slangenberg. Vessels ap-
7.5Ujung Apatana (Tanjung Apatana) is located 7 miles SSE of proaching the SW coast of Sulawesi under favorable conditions
Ujung Batukurapu. will sight Gunung Lomobatang long before the off-lying is-
7.5Bylandt Reef (6°18'S., 120°24'E.), with a least depth of lands and low wooded coast are visible.
1.2m, lies 3.75 miles WSW of Ujung Dodaija. A 4.8m patch, 7.6The mountains SW of Gunung Lompobatang are of little use
lying 1.25 miles WNW of this reef, is only slightly marked by for navigation at any distance, because the various peaks are
discoloration. not easily identified.
7.5Pulau Guang (Goeang), 57m high, and Pulau Malimbu, 66m 7.6The coast from Tanjung Lassa to Bulukumba (5°34'S.,
high, lie 2 and 3.25 miles, respectively, N of Ujung Batuku- 120°11'E.), about 17 miles W, is generally low and the depths

Pub. 163
212 Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts

off it are irregular. The coast between these two positions re- 7.7Teluk Laikang is 4 miles wide between Ujung Kasimatim-
cedes and forms Teluk Birangkeke. There is good anchorage in powa (Udjung Kasi Matimpowa), its SE entrance point 6 miles
Teluk Birangkeke, in 26m, with shelter in both monsoons. WNW of Ujung Kayuleleng, and Ujung Pepe, the NW en-
Bulukumba, a large village at the mouth of Sungai Teko, is
7.6 trance point. Both entrance points are low, sandy, and fringed
easily recognized by the light shown from a white metal frame- by a drying reef. A dangerous wreck, with a least depth of 4m,
work tower, 24m high 0.3 mile SW of the river entrance. An- lies about 2 miles SW of Ujung Pepe.
chorage may be taken E of the light; however, vessels do not lie
well here as a heavy surf quickly rises off the entrance. A better 7.8 Karampuang (5°35'S., 119°33'E.), a hill 114m high,
anchorage is situated about 1 mile SW of the lighthouse where is located close inland on the NE shore of the bay.
communication with the shore is easier and there is no trouble 7.8Tanjung Puntondo is low and thickly covered with dark
with breakers. trees. It lies within the W entrance of Teluk Laikang, 1 mile N
Bonthain, 15 miles W of Bulukumba, extends for a consider-
7.6 of Ujung Pepe.
able distance along the coast at the foot of the mountains and is 7.8To enter Teluk Laikang, steer on Karampuang, bearing 038°.
an administrative headquarters. There is a waterfall, 79m high, This leads clear of the entrance reefs. Anchorage may be taken
in the vicinity of the village, and a conspicuous bare hill stands either SE or NE of Tanjung Puntondo.
1.25 miles WNW of Bonthain. A flagstaff is situated on the 7.8Ujung Pepe (5°37'S., 119°28'E.) is low and not conspicu-
principal building in the village. A small landing pier is situat- ous, but a point 2.25 miles NW may be identified by two dark
ed near the flagstaff. Bonthain Road is bound within the limit rocks which show well against the sandy shore.
of a circle with a 1 mile radius, measured from the flagstaff. 7.8The coast between Ujung Pepe and Ujungpandang, 30 miles
Anchorage may be taken in the road, in depths of 7 to 9m, good N, is low with few noticeable landmarks.
holding ground, 0.8 mile SW of the flagstaff. The anchorage is 7.8From Ujung Pepe to Ujung Salisingang (Udjung Djam-
safe in the Northwest Monsoon, but the swell is felt until close batang I Meong), 4.25 miles NNW, the coast is covered with
inshore. In the Southeast Monsoon, there is often a heavy swell tall trees that grow close to the water. The ridge inland is not
and with S winds boats have considerable difficulty proceeding wooded.
alongside the boat pier. 7.8Ujung Parapa (5°25'S., 119°22'E.) is located 8.25 miles
Between Bonthain and Jeneponto (Djeneponto), 17 miles
7.6 NNW of Ujung Salisingang. The low coast between the two
SW, the coast is covered with paddy fields and coconut palms. points is reported to be mostly fronted by fish ponds.
Tanjung Petang, 9 miles SW of Bonthain, is low and Tanjung 7.8Takalar, a large village, is situated about 1 mile inland, 5
Bulu Bulu, 5 miles farther SW, is an inconspicuous rounded miles N of Ujung Salisingang.
point. Between Bonthain and Tanjung Petang there are several 7.8From Ujung Pepe to Ujung Parapa, the 11m curve lies from
shoal patches with irregular depths, within 2.25 miles of the 1 to 2.25 miles offshore.
shore. 7.8Taka Luwara (Taka Loewara) (5°37'S., 119°23'E.), a small
sand and coral patch with a depth of 6.7m, lies 5.25 miles W of
7.7 Jeneponto (5°42'S., 119°43'E.), the seat of a govern- Ujung Pepe. Manrantusang, a shoal area with a least depth of
ment official, lies at the entrance of a river of the same name. 6.7m, lies 3.25 miles N of Taka Luwara. This shoal, which is
Jeneponto is not easy to identify from seaward, but in clear not marked by discoloration, may be passed on either side, but
weather steer for the high mountain Maya (Maja), located 15 a dangerous wreck lies 1.25 miles E of the shoal.
miles WSW of Gunung Lompobatang, on course 356°. 7.8Malambeang, with a least depth of 2.1m, lies 2 miles S of
7.7Temporary anchorage may be obtained, depending on the Ujung Parapa. There are several shoals around it.
weather, outside the 5.5m line off Jeneponto.
7.7A danger area exists S of Jeneponto. Its limits may be seen 7.9 Selat Tanakeke (5°30'S., 119°21'E.) is bound on the
on the chart. E by the coast of Sulawesi between Ujung Salisingang and
7.7From Jeneponto, the coast trends in a WNW direction about Ujung Parapa, and on the W by Pulau Tanakeke. The strait is
5 miles to Tanjung Kayuleleng (Tanjung Kajoeleleng), a low, about 1.25 miles wide at the N end between the shoals in the
shrub covered point. It is advisable not to approach the coast at vicinity of Malambeang and Pulau Tanakeke, and is about 5
this point within 1.25 miles, as the depth S and W of it are ir- miles wide at the S entrance, although it is partly blocked there
regular. by Manrantusang. The depths in the strait vary from 10.4 to
7.7Teluk Malasoro is entered between Ujung Kayuleleng and 25m. Tidal currents set in the general direction of the fairway
Ujung Mangasa, 4.25 miles WNW. The bay is 2.25 miles wide and are sometimes very strong.
and offers secure anchorage in both monsoons. Caution.—A dangerous wreck, best seen on the chart, lies

7.7Pulau Libukang, off the W side of the entrance, is reef 1.8 miles NE of Tanakeke Light.
fringed. On the NE shore of the bay, Cinnong (Tjinnong), a hill
115m high with two white patches at the base, is conspicuous. 7.10 Pulau Tanakeke (5°30'S., 119°17'E.) is a low thick-
Bulu Pinka, 615m high, is located 6.25 miles N of Cinnong. ly-overgrown island covered in parts with high trees. There is
Bulu Pinka has steep slopes and a rugged outline. When an extensive growth of scrub on the coastal reef which dries.
viewed from the S or SE, it shows two vertical clefts in the When covered, the reef is marked by discoloration. A light is
summit. Sibukang is a 204m rounded hill, thickly wooded with shown from the S coast of the island.
dark trees, lying 5 miles SSW of Bulu Pinka. Owing to this growth, the points of the island should not be

7.7The bay may be approached with Bulu Pinka and Sibukang used for bearings. The island can usually be seen from a dis-
in line, bearing 021°, and entered with Cinnong, bearing 048°. tance of 10 miles. A dangerous wreck lies approximately 6.75

Pub. 163
Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts 213

miles S of the island. 16.5m. This is the main entrance channel to Ujungpandang. A
The village of Kalukan on the SW side, and Tompotana on
7.10 small islet located on the E side of the reef is marked by the
the E side are hidden by coconut palms. Tanakeke Light is buildings of the quarantine station.
shown from a white beacon standing on a reef close NE of Karang Utama, with a least depth of 3.4m, lies 0.25 mile S of

Tompotana. Pulau Laelae Kecil; a spoil ground lies 0.15 mile farther SW.
Pulau Bauluwang (Pulau Baoeloeang) is separated from the
7.10 Taka Baku (Bakoe) (5°08'S., 119°21'E.), 2 miles WNW of

NW side of Pulau Tanakeke by a channel about 1 mile wide. Pulau Laelae Besar, is a small reef with a depth of 0.9m. The
This channel should not be used. Pulau Satanga, which has reef is seldom marked by discoloration.
some high coconut palms, lies NW of Pulau Bauluwang. It is
separated from Palau Bauluwang by a narrow shoal channel. Ujungpandang (Makassar) (5°08'S., 119°24'E.)
Pulau Dayangdayangan (Dajangdajangan) (5°24'S.,

119°11'E.) lies 2.75 miles NW of Pulau Satanga. The island is World Port Index No. 52320
nearly surrounded by a drying reef, except on its NE side. A
channel with a depth of 21.6m lies between the two islands. It 7.12 Ujungpandang is an open roadstead and the most im-
is frequently used by vessels approaching Ujungpandang portant port on the W coast of Sulawesi. It consists of a city, a
(Makassar) from SW. basin for small vessels, and berthing facilities for large ships.
A light, shown from a white metal framework tower, 30m
7.10 An outer anchorage for large vessels lies W of the breakwaters.
high, stands on the SE side of the island.
A shallow area, with a least depth of 17.2m, lies 4 miles
7.10 Indonesia Port Corporation IV
ENE of Pulau Dayangdayangan.
Taka Gosseya (5°23'S., 118°59'E.) covers a large area and
has a least depth of 4.5m. It lies 12 miles W of Pulau Dayang-
dayangan and is generally marked by discoloration. Winds—Weather.—In the approach to Ujungpandang

Ponto Pontopontowang, a small shoal with a depth of 5.8m,

7.10 during the Southeast Monsoon, the sea breeze sets in at about
lies 4.75 miles SE of Taka Gosseya and is not marked by dis- 1000 and often blows with considerable strength from the SSW
coloration. A light stands on the E side of this shoal. to SW.
Taka Patapa (5°29'S., 119°06'E.), with a least depth of
7.10 The land wind is less and sets in between 1800 and 1900

9.5m, lies 10 mile SE of Taka Gosseya on the S end of a bank from SSE to E; it is often strongest about sunrise. Ujungpan-
with a least depth of 18.3m. dang is approximately at the boundary of the dry E winds
Taka Dange, with a least depth of 10.3m, lies 5.25 miles ESE
7.10 known as Brubu, which at times blow down from the moun-
of Taka Patapa. tains.
Between Ujung Parapa and the delta of Jene Berang (Djene
7.10 They may dominate the sea breeze and extend 4 or 5 miles off-

Berang), about 16 miles N, there are few landmarks. Pulau shore, setting in unexpectedly and with gusts accompanied by ha-
Sangrobengi, a small island lying on the coastal reef 6 miles N zy weather.
of Ujung Parapa, is a good landmark from N or S, but from the In the Northwest Monsoon, which sets in about December with

W it is difficult to distinguish. squalls and much rain, the wind is from W to NNW. The land
breeze is seldom felt and only in a direction S of E.
7.11 Taka Bubuyang (Boeboejang) (5°11'S., 119°22'E.) is Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Pelabuhan Ujungpan-

a stony patch with a least depth of 5.7m located 1.25 miles W dang have only a slight influence on the monsoon current. It
of the delta of Jene Berang. Taka Pinjing (Taka Pindjing), a be- was found from a 4-day observation towards the end of March,
low-water rock, lies 0.25 mile NW of Jene Berang. during the Northwest Monsoon, that the duration of the N cur-
Pulau Laelae Besar (Pulau Laelae) (5°08'S., 119°23'E.) is
7.11 rent against the S current was just over half of that of the S cur-
an artificial island lying on a reef which partly dries. A break- rent at this period of the year.
water, about 0.3 mile in length, extends NNW from the island. The rate of the S current was 1 to 1.25 knots, while that of

This island, which is located 3.25 miles NNE of Taka Bubuy- the N current was very weak.
ang, lies within the harbor limits of Ujungpandang. In Pelabuhan Ujungpandang the current generally runs S in

Pulau Laelae Kecil (Pulau Laelae Tjadi) (Pulau Laelae Cadi)

7.11 the strength of the Northwest Monsoon and N in the Southeast
is a bare sand flat, surrounded by a reef which only dries near Monsoon. When Jene Berang is in flood there is a N current in
its E end at the lowest tides. This reef, which lies close NNE of the roadstead, while outside the reefs the current is setting S.
Pulau Laelae Besar, has a breakwater which is about 0.6 mile The average tidal range is 0.3 to 1m.
in length and lies in a NNE to SSW direction. Depths—Limitations.—Depths less than charted exist

Gosong Boni is separated from the breakwater on Pulau Lae-

7.11 within the approaches to and in the port of Ujungpandang.
lae Kecil by a channel, 183m wide, with depths of 12.8 to

Ujungpandang—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft
Makassar Container Terminal

Pub. 163
214 Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts

Ujungpandang—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft
9.0-12.0m Grain, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/
No. 1 175m — 10.0m
(MLWS) rail, and breakbulk.
No. 2 9.0-12.0m — 10.0m Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail,

No. 3 (MLWS) — 10.0m containers, breakbulk, and reefer.
9.0-12.0m Ro-ro/lo-lo, containers, breakbulk,
No. 4 — — 10.0m
(MLWS) and reefer.
No. 5 — — 10.0m
9.0-12.0m Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail,
No. 6 — — 10.0m
(MLWS) containers, breakbulk, andreefer.
No. 7 160m — 10.0m
Note.—Berths No. 1-7 have a continuous berth length 850m.
Makassar New Port
North Berth — — — — Containers. Continuous berthing
South Berth — — — — length of 362m.
Soekarno Terminal
Dermaga 100 145m 12.0m — 9.0m Grain, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Clean products, breakbulk, and
Dermaga 101 315m 12.0m — —
Dermaga 102 245m 12.0m — — Cement, breakbulk, and bunkers.
Dermaga 103 — 12.0m — —
Ro/pax, ro-ro/lo-lo, containers,
Dermaga 104 — 12.0m — — breakbulk, and bunkers. Continuous
berthing length of 650m.
Dermaga 105 — 12.0m — —
Makassar (UJU)-Petamina oil W
Aviation fuel, clean products, LPG,
Oil Jetty No. 1 30m 9.0m 160m — and bunkers. Berthing length of 70m
(including dolphins).
Clean products, dirty products, LPG,
Oil Jetty No. 2 15m 8.0m 160m — and bunkers. Berthing length of 32m
(including dolphins).
Note.—Vessels up to 18,000 dwt can be accommodated when using the total brthing length of Oil Jetty No. 1
and Oil Jetty No. 2. Vessels up to 3,500 dwt, with a maximum loa of 90m can be accommodated when using
a single jetty.

Berth information is shown in the table titled

7.12 1800, but in exceptional circumstances a vessel may leave as
Ujungpandang—Berth Information. late as 2400.
The S entrance to the harbor lies between Ujungpandang
7.12 Signals.—The following signals must be shown until the pi-

Light and a reef 0.6 mile NW. lot is on board or until an answering signal has been made.
Aspect.—A white grain silo, 54m high, stands near the grain
7.12 Vessels arriving at night, but not wishing to enter, shall show
wharf and the radio towers, 1.75 miles SSE of Tanjung Pandan, the pilot signal at daybreak.
provide a conspicuous landmark. During the day, the following signals are applicable:

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory except for exempted

7.12 1. The national flag, surrounded by a white border, dis-
vessels. Pilots embark at the E end of the swept channel, close played at the foremast head.
N of the N breakwater. 2. The pilot signal UC of the International Code of sig-
A vessel should send her ETA to Ujungpandang Radio
7.12 nals.
station, 36 hours to 48 hours beforehand. The pilot station can 3. Flag G of the International Code of Signals.
also be contacted by radio. Normal pilot hours are 0600 to 4. The distant signal, consisting of a cone point up, with

Pub. 163
Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts 215

two balls above.

Ujungpandang—Lookout Station Answering Signals

Day signal Night signal Meaning
A black cylinder A rocket The vessel has been observed.
The company or the national flag, or
A red light The pilot is proceeding to the vessel.
the vessel’s name signal
Three lights, vertically disposed, with
A ball, with two cones, points up,
the upper one red and the other two The pilot is proceeding to the vessel.
vertically disposed below it
Two cones vertically disposed, bases Pilot not available; vessel may enter
A white light above a green light
together without a pilot.
Pilot not available; vessel may enter
A ball with a cone below it, point up A red light above a white light
without a pilot.

During the night, the following signals are applicable:

7.12 dangers that lie near a recommended channel will be discussed,
1. A blue light every 15 minutes. the other many dangers may best be seen on the chart. The
2. A bright white light flashed or shown just above the channels which provide access to Ujungpandang are described
bulwarks at frequent intervals for 1 minute. in the following order:
3. The signal by G lamp. 1. South Channel.
The answering signals made by the lookout station at Ujung-
7.12 2. Swept Channel.
pandang are given in the accompanying table. 3. West Channel.
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken in the outer anchor-
7.12 4. Hoven Channel.
age, 0.25 mile W of the breakwaters, in depths of 17.4 to 23m. 5. North Channel.
The embarking/disembarking of passengers or loading/unload- Pulau-pulau Sangkarang is an extensive area encumbered

ing cargo is prohibited in this anchorage. with coral islands, rocks, and banks which stand on a flat off
The anchorage between the town and the line of coral reefs
7.12 the SW coast of Sulawesi. The banks and dangers extend about
W is protected and the holding ground is good, in depths of 82 miles in a N to S direction, and at their widest part, are 35
12.8 to 18.3m. After the request is approved by the local au- miles offshore. A great part of the outer edge is formed by a
thority, vessels may anchor within the breakwater in depths of raised ridge of coral, which slopes abruptly into charted depths
16m or less. of over 200m.Under favorable conditions it is plainly marked
Directions.—Description of the approach channels to
7.12 by discoloration.
Ujungpandang are given in subsequent paragraphs. The formation of the numerous islets and reefs in Pulau-pu-

Caution.—A detached shoal, with depths of 2.7 to 3.6m, lies

7.12 lau Sangkarang is not constant, reefs grow into islets and islets
0.25 mile SSE of the sand flat on Pulau Laelae Kecil. A patch disappear.
of coral exists in an area about 1 mile N of the Oil Wharf Naval Shoals that were of no danger to shipping during the survey

Depot. A dangerous wreck lies close W of Pulau Laelae Besar may have since reformed. Without local knowledge vessels
breakwater. A dangerous historic wreck, best seen on the chart, should adhere strictly to the swept channel through the archi-
lies 0.5 mile SSE of Taka Bako. A submarine gas pipeline lies pelago.
close N of Ujung Kasirukang and extends W over 2 miles off- The only known danger outside the 200m curve in this part is

shore. Taka Bakang (4°58'S., 118°32'E.). This reef dries and can be
It was reported that the channel S of the breakwater has not
7.12 seen at a distance of 5 miles at low water; it is marked by a
been dredged for many years and is blocked by fishing stakes. light.
Extensive port developments have taken place within Ujung-
7.12 Winds—Weather.—In Pulau-pulau Sangkarang, a South-

pandang. Changes to coastline, new piers, and land reclamation east Monsoon and a Northwest Monsoon prevails. In July, Au-
have taken place within the area close S of Hatta Container gust, and September, the “Brubu” or mountain wind is met.
Terminal. A container terminal has been constructed extending The approach of these squalls, which usually come in the fore-
1 mile off the shore oriented to the NW has been constructed noon, is generally marked by a heavy sky and the land becomes
about 2 miles N of the port. A works in progress (2020) area very indistinct. Frequently this wind sets in unexpectedly, the
has been established, to the S of the New Container Terminal only sign of its arrival being a rippling of the water.
centered on position 5°05'58.2''S, 119°24'59.4''E. In the S part of the archipelago, the hazy SE wind is called

Pulau-pulau Sangkarang (Pulau-pulau Pabbir- In October, the wind varies from SW to SE in the daytime

ing) (Spermonde Archipelago) and at night from SE to E. In November, it is very changeable,

coming from all points. In December, January, February, and
7.13 The banks, rocks, and islands that comprise Pulau-pu- March, the Northwest Monsoon prevails, but blows with less
lau Sangkarang are described in a S to N direction. Only those force than the Southeast Monsoon, especially at night when

Pub. 163
216 Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts

opposed to land breezes. A light is shown from a 17m high framework tower on the W

Tides—Currents.—Within Pulau-pulau Sangkarang, there

7.13 side of the island. A dangerous wreck lies 3 miles N of the
is no tidal current. Depending on the state of weather, a current light.
toward the N or S may be expected. Pulau Kudingarengkeke (5°06'S., 119°17'E.) lies on the

Current along the outer edge of the bank sometimes causes

7.13 NE side of a drying reef, 2.75 miles NNE of Pulau Kuding-
heavy ripples, often having the appearance of breakers. arenglompo.
Caution.—The buoys in this approach to Ujungpandang are

7.14 South Channel to Ujungpandang.—South Channel reported to be unreliable. A dangerous wreck lies near the en-
comprises the wide channel which is clear of dangers, and trance to the swept channel.
leads N of Pulau Dayangdayangan and Selat Tanakeke.
This channel can be entered from the S through Selat
7.14 7.15 West Channel to Ujungpandang.—Pulau Lanyu-
Tanakeke, from the SW by passing between Pulau Dayang- kang (4°59'S., 119°04'E.) lies 3.25 miles NNW of Pulau Lang-
dayangan and Pulau Satanga, and from the W by passing N of kai. The island, which is covered with palms, is visible 11
Taka Gosseya and Pulau Dayangdayangan. miles in clear weather and is marked by a light. It lies close
The passage N of Taka Gosseya and Pulau Dayangdayangan
7.14 within the charted 200m curve. On the edge of the bank the
is generally used both day and night by large vessels proceed- bottom may be seen in 20m, and a W current will cause heavy
ing to and from Ujungpandang. rips having the appearance of breakers.
Between Pulau Dewakang-lompo (5°24'S., 118°26'E.) and
7.14 In approaching the W passage from N or NW, the high trees

Pulau Dayangdayangan, a S current with a rate of 2 knots is on Pulau Langkai must not bear more than 137° until ready to
sometimes experienced, even during the strength of the South- turn E into the recommended tracks.
east Monsoon. A vessel approaching from W should obtain a The navigation of the W channel, once inside the entrance, is

bearing on Pulau Dayangdayangan, which is usually visible not difficult as the islets on either side form fairly good land-
from 10 miles. marks and careful sounding gives warning of the approach to
Bone Pinjing (5°19'S., 119°13'E.), with a least charted depth
7.14 some of the dangers in the W part of this route.
of 5.8m, lies on the W side of the S approach channel, 5 miles The channel N of Pulau Lanyukang has the greater depth, but

NNE of Pulau Dayangdayangan. Bone Lure (Loere) with a vessels must be guided through it by eye.
least depth of 10m, Bone Kaluku (Kaloekoe) with a least depth Pulau Sarappo (4°53'S., 119°16'E.), which has a noticeable

of 8.2m, and Bone Pamalompo with a least depth of 8.2m lie 2 tree in the middle, lies 12.75 miles ENE of Pulau Lanyukang.
miles NW, 4 and 6.75 miles N, respectively, of Bone Pinjing. When the islet is seen and kept on a bearing of 070°, it leads
The channel which leads to Unjung Pandang is entered be- through the greatest depth. When the W extremity of Pulau
tween Bone Malonjo and Taka Sandkarang. Lanyukang bears 180°, course may be gradually altered S to
Bone Malonjo (5°14'S., 119°06'E.), lying 8.25 miles NW of
7.14 pass 1.25 miles E of this island. As soon as Pulau Kudingaren-
Bone Pinjing, is a shoal with a least depth of 7.6m, and is 0.3 glompo bears 131°, steer for it. This leads to a position 0.3 mile
miles NW of Taka Sangkarang. Taka Sangkarang is a chain of N of Batunai Balo (5°04'S., 119°10'E.), a shoal patch with a
reefs extending 20 miles NNW from its S end. least depth of 9m, located 5 miles SE of Pulau Langkai. Then
Pulau Langkai (5°02'S., 119°05'E.) lies on a drying reef
7.14 follow the directions stated below for vessels entering S of Pu-
midway along this chain of reefs, and is reported to be a good lau Lanjukang.
radar target when approaching from the W. Pulau Lumulumu (4°59'S., 119°13'E.) and Pulau Badi, 4.25

The buoyed channel is entered about 3.25 miles WNW of

7.14 miles farther E, form a range bearing 084° which may be
Bone Malonjo. The 1 mile wide channel leads ENE and passes steered to enter the channel S of Pulau Lanjukang.
N of Bone Pamalompo and Bone Pamakeke. When the W extremity of Pulau Langkai bears 180°, steer

The channel narrows to a width of 0.25 mile and turns NE,

7.14 for Pulau Kudingarenglompo bearing 131°, as previously di-
passing E of Bone Pute (Bone Poete), and W of Pulau Kuding- rected.
arenglompo (Koedingareng Lompo). When the E side of Pulau Lumulumu is in line with the high

Keeping well clear of the reef, which is reported to be ex-

7.14 tree on Pulau Sarappo, bearing 028°, steer for Pulau Kuding-
tending S, steer E passing S of Pulau Kudingarengkeke, then to arengkeke on course 110°. This leads between Batunai Balo
Ujungpandang. and Siborong, a shoal patch with a least depth of 8m, that lies 1
Another section of swept channel leads ENE, also passing N
7.14 mile NE.
of Bone Palalompo and Bone Pamakeke and S of Pulau Kud- When Pulau Kudingarenglompo bears 142°, steer 124° until

ingarenglompo, turning NE to pass between Pulau Kuding- the NW side of Pulau Kudingarengkeke is in line with the SE
arenglompo and Pulau Samalona, then turning E to pass N of side of Pulau Barangkeke, a high wooded islet lying 2.25 miles
Pulau Samalona, then to Ujungpandang. NE, and the E side of Pulau Kudingarenglompo bears 189°.
Bone Pamakeke (5°12'S., 119°13'E.), with a least depth of
7.14 Then steer 104° to pass S of Pulau Laelae Besar or steer 090°
8.2m, lies 1.25 miles NE of Bone Pamalompo. to pass N of Pulau Laelae Kecil to Ujungpandang.
Bone Pute, with a least charted depth of 3.5m, lies 1.25 miles
7.14 Caution.—Vessels with drafts in excess of 4.9m are advised

NNW of Bone Pamakeke. to avoid using the West Channel.

Pulau Kudingarenglompo, a low heavily wooded island, lies

4 miles NE of Bone Pamakeke. The island is visible 14 miles in 7.16 Hoven Channel to Ujungpandang.—Between the N
clear weather. A fringing reef extends 0.25 mile from its N and end of Taka Sangkarang and Pulau Kapoposang (4°42'S.,
W sides, and 0.75 mile from its S side. 118°57'E.), about 10 miles NNW, a chain of reefs are reported

Pub. 163
Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts 217

to lie close inside the charted 200m curve. pelago, is little more than a sand cay.
Pulau Kapoposang, a long narrow island planted with coco-
7.16 Pankamandra (4°17'S., 119°17'E.), a shoal patch 11 miles

nut trees, is located on an extensive drying reef. A light is NNE of Karangan, is the N extremity of the known reef. Pank-
shown from a 33m high framework tower; a racon also trans- amandra Light is shown from a 15m high beacon, situated 7
mits from there, on the W extremity of the island. This island is miles NE of Taka Bulango (4°22'S., 119°12'E.), which is the
important to vessels proceeding through the E side of Makassar NW extremity of the known reef.
Strait, outside of the archipelago. A rock, whose charted position is approximate, lies outside

Papandangang, 1.25 miles SE of Pulau Kapoposang, is low

7.16 the 200m curve, 8.25 miles N of Karangan. There is another
but owing to the high trees on it, is visible 10 miles in clear rock that lies about 8 miles N of Karangan.
weather. Pulau Kondongbali, 4.75 miles E of Papandangang, is
located on a drying reef. A long ridge, which dries in places, 7.18 North Channel to Ujungpandang.—North Channel
lies between these two islets. to Ujungpandang leads in a generally S direction, no more than
Pulau Tambakulu (4°44'S., 119°03'E.), 1 mile S of Pulau
7.16 2.25 miles offshore. The channel, which is marked by beacons,
Kondongbali, is covered with low scrub. Taka Luwar, a drying has a least depth of 5.5m, but the depths in the channel vary be-
reef with a small sand cay, lies 3.25 miles SW of Pulau Tamba- tween 7.6m and 18.3m.
kulu. The NW portion of Kepulauan Pabbiring has not been fully

The navigation of Hoven Channel presents no difficulties as

7.16 examined. It is suggested that vessels making for this passage
the channel has a least depth of 20m, wide, and has good marks from NW must not approach the entrance unless a reliable po-
for fixing the position of a vessel. sition has been obtained well outside the 200m curve. Vessels
The usual entrance channel for deep draft vessels lies SW of
7.16 should possess local knowledge and have the sun in a position
Pulau Kapoposang. Small vessels may also enter E of Papan- favorable for seeing discoloration before attempting to navi-
dangang. gate North Channel.
To enter the channel SW of Pulau Kapoposang, steer for the
7.16 Pulau Panikiang (4°21'S., 119°36'E.) is a low, wooded is-

N extremity of Pulau Papandangang in line with the S extremi- land lying 1 mile W of the Sulawesi coast. The N entrance to
ty of Pulau Kondongbali, bearing 089°. the channel lies between a number of reefs extending 1.25
When the W extremity of Pulau Kapoposang bears 000°, al-
7.16 miles W from this island and Tomisa, a reef with a depth of
ter course to 112°, passing S of Papandangang. 3.7m, 3 miles W. This reef is marked by a beacon.
A vessel with local knowledge entering the channel E of Pa-
7.16 In approaching North Channel, steer 179° for a position

pandangang, passes about 0.35 mile E of that islet on a course about 0.75 mile E of the beacon on Tomisa. Then make good
of 180°, which leads over a shoal patch with a least charted course 197° for 8 miles to a position 0.6 mile E of Labutung
depth of 8.2m. When the W point of Pulau Kapoposang comes (Laboetoeng), a reef which mostly dries. A stranded wreck is
in range with the NE point of Papandangang, bearing 306° situated on the N side of the reef. Angin Bau Laut (Angin Baoe
astern, keep this alignment until the drying sand flat on the reef Laoet), below-water, lies 4.25 miles S of Tomisa and is the
extending NW from Pulau Tambakulu is in line, bearing 056° nearest reef to the track on the E side.
with Pulau Pamangangang, 4.75 miles NE. Then course is al- When abreast Labutung (Laboetoeng) (4°29'S., 119°30'E.),

tered to 112° and meets the track recommended to pass SW of and with the thickly-wooded Pulau Puteanging (Pulau Poete-
Pulau Kapoposang. anging) close under the Sulawesi coast, bearing 104°, steer
When the W extremities of Pulau Kondongbali and Pulau
7.16 212°.
Tambakulu are in line, bearing 000°, alter course to 118° for With Batu Pankaya (Batu Pankaja) (4°36'S., 119°24'E.), a

Pulau Sarappo. This course leads to the narrowest part of the 1.2m shoal patch bearing 284°, 2 miles, the charted channel di-
passage, between Taka Tengah Tengah (4°50'S., 119°08'E.), a vides. The E channel of these two is described here.
shoal patch reportedly extending N with a least depth of 3.1m, From a position ESE of Batu Pankaya with Pulau Sakoala

and a shoal with a least depth of 4.7m, located about 0.75 mile (4°40'S., 119°30'E.), a palm covered islet 5 miles, bearing 130°
NNE. In this area attention should be paid to the current which or Bulu Tanette, bearing 088°, make good course 185°.
may be setting across the track. When the opening between Pu- Pulau Sabutan (Sabutang) (4°45'S., 119°26'E.) lies on the

lau Kondongbali and Pulau Tambakulu bears 319°, make good W side of the above track. The beacon about 2.25 miles N of
course 139° until Pulau Sarappo bears 090°, course is then al- Pulau Sabutan, in line with the W side of Laya (Laja), a wood-
tered to 146°; Pulau Kondongbali and Pulau Tambakulu disap- ed islet about 4 miles S of Pulau Sabutan, forms a good range
pear from sight here. for the 185° leg described above.
As soon as Pulau Salemo, 4 miles NNE of Pulau Sabutan,

7.17 Kassi (4°54'S., 119°10'E.) is located on the W side of bears 107°, a beacon on a reef 1.25 miles SSE of Pulau Sabu-
the track and a 9m patch lies on the E side of the track. tan, and a beacon situated 3.75 miles farther S, should be
When Pulau Lumulumu and Pulau Lanjukang form a range,
7.17 brought into line, bearing 174°. When abreast the S extremity
bearing 268°, steer for the SW side of Pulau Barangkeke, 8.75 of Pulau Sabutan, course is changed to 180°. This course leads
miles SSE, bearing 150°. When the S extremity of Pulau Ba- through a channel 0.2 mile wide between steep-to reefs.
ranglompo (5°03'S., 119°20'E.) bears 090°, alter course to When through this narrow channel and the NE extremity of

126°, steering between Pulau Baranglompo and Pulau Ba- Pulau Bankobankoang (4°47'S., 119°26'E.), is in line with
rangkeke. This course will lead to the channel N of Pulau Lae- the W extremity of Pulau Sabutan, bearing 341°; steer 161°,
lae Kecil. keeping the 341° range astern.
Karangan (4°26'S., 119°12'E.), the NW island of the archi-
7.17 When the beacon on the W reef of Taka Tallu, 4 miles SSE

Pub. 163
218 Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts

of Pulau Bankobankoang, bears 181°, steer for it. A 15.9m patch lies 2.25 miles S of Bone Lola in the center of

The beacon on Taka Tallu stands about 35m inside the W

7.18 the mine-swept channel.
reef and should be left 0.2 mile to the E. Then bring it astern, Between Ujungpandang and Ujung Panreng (4°21'S.,

bearing 001°, and steer 181° until the beacon on Batu Lua 119°37'E.) about 49 miles N, there is a densely-populated, cul-
(4°59'S., 119°27'E.), 9 miles S of Taka Tallu is sighted. When tivated, and wooded strip of land backing the coast, 10 miles
about 0.2 mile N of the beacon on Batu Lua, alter course to wide at the S end and decreasing to 1 mile wide at the N end.
pass NW of it on a SW course. It will often be more convenient Behind this coastal strip there is a range of high mountains.
to pass S of Batu Lua, especially with good visibility and a S The whole stretch of coast is fronted by a bank of varying

current. width, which is wider in the S part. Several reefs, sand banks,
After passing the beacon on Batu Lau, bring it astern bearing
7.18 and islets lie on or near this coast. Some of the reefs and islets
032°, and keep the beacon on this bearing until the stone bea- have previously been discussed with the channels through the
con on Gosong Barimbaringang, 4.25 miles SSW of Batu Lua, archipelago. This stretch of coast is of no importance to gener-
bears 182°, then course should be altered to 173°. al shipping and is not described in detail.
Garongkong (4°22'S., 119°37'E.), a port situated on the W
7.18 Between Ujungpandang and Pulau Kuricaddi, 6.25 miles

coast of Sulawesi on the Makassar Strait, lies 1.5 miles SE of NNE, the coast is low and swampy except at the N entrance
Panikiang and 21 miles S of Parepare. The port mainly handles point of Jene Tello (Djene Tello), 3 miles ENE of Ujungpan-
fuel oil, dry cargo, breakbulk, and passengers and can accom- dang.
modate a maximum draft of 13.0m. The Bosowa Cement Ter-
minal consists of five piers ranging from 18m to 146m in 7.20 Pulau Kuricaddi (5°02'S., 119°28'E.), a rocky islet
length including dolphins and handles cement and clinker. A separated from the coast by a creek, has a conspicuous tree lo-
Ferry Terminal has a 135m long quay for ro-ro/passengers. The cated on its W coast. Pateene (Boeloe Karampoeang), a sharp
Garongkong Sea Port’s inner berth is 210m long and handles conical peak 2.25 miles SSE of Pulau Kuricaddi, also has a
coal and breakbulk; the outer berth is 250m long and handles conspicuous tree.
cement and breakbulk. The oil jetty at PT Multi Trading Prata- Tanjung Kasi, 4 miles NNE of Pulau Kuricaddi, is the N en-

ma is 256m long including dolphins, handles clean products trance of a small, shallow river. The point is marked by a coco-
(CPP), and can accommodate a maximum draft (HW) of nut grove.
11.6m. Sungai Binangasangkarang, the deepest river along this

coast, is entered 4.25 miles N of Tanjung Kasi. Its entrance is

7.19 Pulau Balang-cadi (Pulau Balang-tjadi) (4°57'S., fronted by a sand bar, through which there is a channel with a
119°25'E.), a wooded island located 3 miles NW of Batu Lua, depth of 1.4m.
should be kept well open W of Mauang, a small islet 1 mile Between Tanjung Kasi and Tanjung Tua, 12 miles N, in addi-

SSE of Pulau Balang-cadi, while on the 173° track. tion to Sungai Binangasangkarang, there are several other riv-
The beacon on Gosong Barimbaringang may be passed at a
7.19 ers that empty into the sea. Bulu Bulu, a wooded hill with high
distance of 0.3 mile, and when bearing about 270°, alter course trees visible 12 miles, is located on the coast 8 miles N of Tan-
to 210°. Past Gosong Barimbaringang, the depths gradually de- jung Kasi. The hill appears as an island when seen from off-
crease to 6.4m over a ridge of mud and sand extending from shore.
the Sulawesi coast. Bungoro Peak is located 2 miles NE of Bulu Bulu. It is in the

When Bone Malalaya (Bone Malalaja) (5°05'S., 119°24'E.),

7.19 W part of a mountain range that extends toward the E.
1.75 miles SSW of Gosong Barimbaringang, is abeam, alter Biringkasi (4°49'S., 119°29'E.), 3 miles S of Tanjung Tua, is

course to 202°, passing E of Gosong Trabanusu and Gosong a special harbor for loading Tonasa cement and coal. The port
Panyoa (Gosong Panjoa) in depths of 11 to 20.1m, then steer can accommodate vessels up to 15,000 dwt with a maximum
for the roadstead. Gosong Trabanusu lies 1 mile and Gosong draft of 12.4m. The PLTU Semen Tonasa Terminal consists of
Panyoa lies 1.75 miles SSW; respectively, of Bone Malalaya. four berths, as follows:
An alternative route to Ujungpandang from the vicinity of
7.19 1. East Berth, 570m long, handles cement and break-
Taka Tallu, following deeper water than the previously de- bulk.
scribed route, was surveyed many years ago. From a position 2. East Loading Berth, 120m long, handles coal by
0.6 mile N of the beacon on Taka Tallu, steer 225° for 3.75 barge.
miles to a position 1 mile SE of the S point of Pulau Karan- 3. West Berth, 570m long, handles cement and break-
rang (4°52'S., 119°23'E.). A 5.9m patch lies 0.6 mile W of this bulk.
position. Then steer course 208° for 5.75 miles, passing about 4. West Loading Berth, 120m long, handles coal by
1.25 mile SE of the lighted beacon (port hand) shown from a barge.
mast 15m high on the N side of Batu Bajangang, about 1 mile A pilot is available.

ESE of Gosong Podang Keke. A drying reef lies 3.25 miles Tanjung Kasikebo (Tanjung Kassikkebok) (4°42'S.,

SSE of Pulau Karanrang and 0.6 mile WNW of Batu Posienja, 119°31'E.), 4 miles NNE of Tanjung Tua, is rocky. Bulu Ta-
a drying reef. When 0.25 mile NW of the lighted beacon mark- nette, 510m high with a sharp summit, rises 10 miles NE of
ing Bone Penambungang, a small 4.9m patch, alter course to Tanjung Kasikebo. Tanjung Lajari (Tanjung Ladjar) is located
186° for 5.75 miles, passing about 0.4 mile E of Padjenekang 17.25 miles N of Tanjung Kasikebo. Sumpangbinangae is a
Keke, a patch of drying reef. When midway between Pulau town standing at the mouth of a river, 1 mile NE of Tanjung
Baranglompo (5°03'S., 119°20'E.) and Bone Lola, a patch of Lajari.
drying reef 1.25 miles E, steer SSE for Ujungpandang. Ujung Panreng, located 5.25 miles NNE of Tanjung Lajari, is

Pub. 163
Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts 219

fronted by Pulau Panikiang, an island previously discussed in 3. The Longtagne Berth is 35m long with a depth along-
paragraph 7.18. side of 5.0m.
4. The Suppa Berth is 30m long with a depth alongside
7.21 Between Ujung Panreng and Tanjung Bulo the coast of 8.0m.
trends in a generally N direction for about 50 miles, then in a The Parpare Oil Terminal Pertamina Berth is 55m long with

W direction for 30 miles to Tanjung Rangasa. There are some a depth alongside of 8.1m and can accommodate vessels up to
isolated peaks of importance which will be described. The 6,000 dwt with a maximum loa of 120m.
200m curve lies from 0.25 mile to 5 miles offshore along this Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 150 gt

coast. and should be requested via the Harbor Master. Pilots board at
Between Ujung Panreng and Tanjung Pakangsiponge, 7
7.21 Batu Laubang Lighted Buoy. A port radio station exists at
miles NNW, the coast is hilly and indented by numerous small Parepare.
bays. 7.23Aspect.—A light is shown from shore about 0.25 mile S of
From Tanjung Pakangsiponge (4°14'S., 119°36'E.) to Tan-
7.21 Parepare.
jung Tonrangang, 11 miles N, the coast is hilly and indented by Anchorage.—A good sheltered anchorage exists about 0.75

small bays, with no dangers charted outside the 200m curve. mile SW of Parepare, in a depth of 20m.
Bulu Kerikeri, a conspicuous peak 769m high, rises 6 miles
7.21 Directions.—From the S, steer for Tanjung Lero in line with

E of Tanjung Pakangsiponge. Batu Tolong (Keghoek), 285m the hill on the W side of the narrows, bearing 019°. Then pass
high, rises 1.75 miles SSE of Tanjung Tonrangang. It is steep 0.3 mile E of the light, S of the cape. The reef is marked by dis-
on its E and SE side, but slopes gradually on its NW side. Batu coloration. Steer 015° until the E entrance point, Teluk Supa,
Kiki (Batoe Kiki), 1.25 miles E of Tanjung Tonrangang, is fair- bears 029°, then steer for it. This is the safe course to the an-
ly conspicuous and can be recognized by the small crown- chorage.
topped trees on its summit. From the N, a vessel will remain in deep water by keeping

Pulau Baki (4°09'S., 119°36'E.) in line with Bulu Alipang

7.22 Tanjung Tonrangang (4°03'S., 119°37'E.), the E en- (Boeloe Alipang), bearing 160°. The W side of the coastal reef
trance of Teluk Parepare (Parepare Baai), is low with shoal wa- extending from Tanjung Lero is not marked by discoloration.
ter extending about 0.4 mile offshore. A shoal patch with a When Batu Kiki bears 090°, steer for it until Tanjung Lero is in
depth of 15.8m, lies 0.6 mile WSW of Tanjung Tonrangang. line 019° with the hill on the W side of the narrows, then steer
Tanjung Lero, the W entrance point to Teluk Parepare, lying
7.22 NNE to pass not less than 0.3 mile E of Tanjung Lero.
1.25 miles WNW of Tanjung Tonrangang, is a low reef-fringed
point covered mostly with trees, forming the S end of a penin- 7.24 The coast N of Tanjung Lero is low and covered with
sula. A light is shown from an 8m white metal tower painted vegetation. Batu Manarang, 133m high, is a conical hill that
with red and white bands situated on the S edge off the reef, lies 11 miles NNE of Tanjung Lero.
about 0.3 mile S of Tanjung Lero. Tanjung Salipolo (3°43'S., 119°26'E.), the S entrance point

Teluk Parepare is divided into two parts by a narrow passage.

7.22 of the delta of Sungai Sadang, lies 21 miles NNW of Tanjung
The inner bay is known as Teluk Supa (Soepa Baai). Depths in Lero and is covered with tall trees. Batu Paletiang, a conical
the outer part of the bay vary from 16 to 54m. Depths in the E hill 156m high, rises 12 miles ESE of Tanjung Salipolo.
part of the inner bay vary between 5.7 and 12.5m. The W part Tanjung Babana, 2 miles N of Tanjung Salipolo, is the N en-

in the inner bay is shallow and encumbered with islets. Tidal trance point to the delta of Sungai Sadang. The delta of this
currents may attain 2 knots in the narrow passage between the large river is covered with trees and swamp land. Its main en-
inner and outer bays. trance, which is obstructed by a low island, lies close to Tan-
The bay is used as a port-of-call for cruise liners and for ex-
7.22 jung Salipolo.
port of livestock. A terminal is planned for construction. Anchorage may be obtained, by vessels with local knowl-

edge, off the N and S entrance of Sungai Sadang.

7.23 Parepare (4°01'S., 119°37'E.) (World Port Index No.
52297) is a port of call situated within the entrance of Teluk 7.25 Teluk Mandar (Golf Van Mandar) (3°37'S.,
Parepare. The village, situated on the E side of the narrows, is 119°16'E.) is entered between Tanjung Paria and Tanjung Ran-
an administrative center. Parepare is used as a port of call for gasa (Cape Mandar), 31 miles WNW. Teluk Mandar is backed
cruise liners and for the export of livestock. by several conspicuous mountains. Bulu Tirasa, 960m high,
rises 11.25 miles ENE of Tanjung Paria. It is sometimes visible
Port of Parepare 24 miles and the higher mountain land begins to approach the
coast from this peak.
http://www.portina4.go.id/pare2.htm Tanjung Kajoeangin (Tanjung Kajuangingge) (3°36'S.,

119°29'E.), 5 miles N of Tanjung Paria, may be identified by a

Depths—Limitations.—The Parepare Dry Terminal con-
7.23 group of high trees and a single outstanding tree.
sists of four berths, as follows: Pajalele (Padjalele), a large village, stands on the coast 6

1. The Nusantara Berth is 280m long with a depth along- miles N of Tanjung Kajoeangin. Bulu Letta (Boentoe Letta),
side of 12.0m. It handles general cargo, ferries, ro-ro, bulk, 1,600m high, rises 7 miles ENE of Pajalele. Bulu Puang
and container cargo. (Boentoe Poeang), 1,091m high and Bulu Pusu (Boentoe Poe-
2. The Cappa Ujang Berth is 134m long with a depth soe), 1,230m high, lie 3.25 and 6 miles NNW, respectively, of
alongside of 6.0m. It handles general cargo. Pajalele. Bulu Pusu is saddle shaped and is more prominent

Pub. 163
220 Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts

from S than W; its NW peak is highest. The village of Majene (Madjene) is situated at the head of

Pasi Tangan (3°37'S., 119°26'E.), with a depth of 0.3m, lies

7.25 the bay, on the E bank of a river which enters the sea here. A
2.75 miles W of Tanjung Kajoeangin and is seldom marked by light is shown from a 6m high white metal tower on the pier
discoloration. A 0.9m patch lies 1.25 miles SSW of Pasi Tan- head at Majene.
gan, and a drying patch lies 1 mile further to the SW. The roadstead is sheltered from W winds and there is an-

Several reefs, including Mencerai (Mentjerai) with a depth

7.25 chorage, in 27 to 31m, sand, in a break off the village; however,
of 2.1m, 3 miles SW of Pajalele, lie within a line joining Tan- there is only room for one small vessel. Ships may anchor SE
jung Kajuangin and Pulau Batuwae (Pulau Batoae), 10 miles of this position, on the edge of the reef, in depths of over 37m.
NNW. Unless thoroughly familiar, this part of the bay should A reef extends about 0.35 mile offshore from a point on the W
be avoided. side of the river.

7.26 Polewali Road (3°28'S., 119°20'E.) is entered be- 7.27 Tanjung Rangasa (Cape Mandar) (3°35'S.,
tween Pulau Batuwae and Tanjung Lakolako, 5 miles WNW. 118°56'E.), low and covered with coconut palms, rises gradual-
Polewali Light stands at a height of 14m in position 3°26.4'S, ly to a mountain range which can be seen for a considerable
119°20.4'E. Pulau Battowae, a prominent wooded island 96m distance. Rangas is a small village situated on the SW side of
high, lies close offshore 7 miles WNW of Pajalele. Pulau Bat- the point. Taka Sitodong extends 0.35 mile S of this point. A
towae has a drying reef which extends 0.75 mile from its S side light is shown from a 21m white metal framework tower; a
and 2.25 miles from the W side. A beacon stands on the W end racon and radiobeacon transmit from the light, which is situat-
of this reef, and another beacon stands on the E end of a de- ed on the W side of the point. The 200m curve lies 0.6 mile off-
tached, extensive drying reef 0.75 mile W. Other detached shore.
reefs, which may be seen on the chart, lie within this line of The coast between Tanjung Rangasa and Tanjung Lereh, 95

reefs. miles N, has high land approaching it fairly closely, but the
Polewali Road is bounded by the arc of a circle, with a radius
7.26 points are low. There are few prominent features among the
of 1.1 mile from the flagstaff at Polewali, a village 2.25 miles mountainous hinterland along this stretch of coast. The charted
NNW of Pulau Batuwae. 200m curve lies close to this coast with no dangers outside it.
To enter the passage that leads to Polewali Road, steer for
7.26 Pambauang Road (Pambaoeang Road) lies in a small bay 5

Pulau Batuwae in line with Bulu Puang, bearing 073°, until miles N of Tanjung Rangasa. It affords sheltered anchorage
Bulu Saluwatan (Bulu Saloewatan), 7 miles N of Pulau Batu- within the high rocky points in the Southeast Monsoon. The
wae, bears 021°; the latter bearing leads between the reefs at best anchorage is in the S part of the bay, in depths of 21 to
the entrance to the bay. Inside the bay, course may be set as 31m, soft mud. A conspicuous house is situated N of the vil-
prudent, for the anchorage off the village of Polewali or for an- lage.
chorage in the W part of the bay, in about 18.3m of water, mud, Anchorage is available off the villages of Binanga and Cinra-

and sand. na (Tjenrana), situated in bights about 9 and 11 miles, respec-

Tanjung Buku (Tanjung Boekoe) (3°30'S., 119°12'E.), 9.25
7.26 tively, N of Pambauang Road. The anchorage off Binanga is in
miles W of Pulau Batuwae, is one of the three points which are about 37m. The reef N of this bight dries out about 0.3 mile,
conspicuous and lie between Pulau Batuwae and Tanjung Ran- and coming from N, the anchorage must not be steered for until
gasa. Buku (Boekoe), a village, stands 0.25 mile NE of Tan- Binanga bears 090°. The anchorage off Cinrana, in 29 to 33m,
jung Buku. Bulu Tenggelang, a summit 660m high, rises 13 mud, is in the S part of the bay E of Pulau Taimanu (Pulau
miles N of Tanjung Buku. Taimanoek), and affords some protection in the Northwest
Tanjung Labuang (Tanjung Laboehan) is a steep, rocky point
7.26 Monsoon.
5.25 miles WSW of Tanjung Baku. Lapu (Lapoe) stands on the Pulau Taimanu (3°19'S., 118°51'E.), about 30m high and

W side of the entrance to a river, about 1.75 miles NE of Tan- wooded, is conspicuous. The N part of the island should not
jung Labuang. bear more than 272° from the anchorage. In the center of the
Temporary anchorage may be taken in a small bay E of the
7.26 bay, N of the island, are two reefs with a least depth of 9m.
river’s mouth, or about 0.3 mile offshore in a depth of 16m, SE
of Lapu. 7.28 Tanjung Ongkona (3°05'S., 118°47'E.), 15 miles
Tanjung Karama lies 4.25 miles W of Tanjung Labuang and
7.26 NNW of Cinrana, is the low extremity of a high and well de-
Tanjung Bauru (Tanjung Baoeroeng), a low point covered with fined peninsula covered with trees which stand in the water at
high trees, lies 4 miles SW of Tanjung Karama. high tide. In the small bay E of Tanjung Ongkona there is an-
Sungai Mandar enters the sea 1 mile W of Tanjung Karama.
7.26 chorage, in 29 to 35m, sand, about 0.2 mile offshore.
The town of Para stands on the W side of the entrance to Sungai Teluk Lebani is entered between Tanjung Ongkona and Tan-

Mandar. A bank extends 1 mile S from the shore on the E side of jung Kai (Tanjung Dongkait), 13 miles N. In this bay the 200m
the river entrance. Close S of the bank is a below-water coral pin- curve runs close to the shore and affords little opportunity for
nacle and a drying rock. Small vessels anchor, in a depth of 7m, anchoring.
mud and sand, close S of the pinnacle rock, 1.1 miles SSE of the Tanjung Kai is low and covered with mangroves. A reef,

entrance to Sungai Mandar. The holding ground is bad and in a which dries, extends approximately 1.25 miles SSW of the
Southeast Monsoon, the anchorage is often untenable. point and is usually marked by discoloration. This reef was re-
Majene Road (Madjene Road) is entered between Tanjung
7.26 ported earlier to be extending.
Bauru and Tanjung Rangasa, 3.75 miles W. The roadstead lies The coast from Tanjung Kai to Tanjung Rangas (Kaap Wil-

at the head of the bay. liam), 15 miles NNE, is high, steep, and fronted by a narrow reef.

Pub. 163
Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts 221

Tanjung Rangas is low, but rises to high land within. 7.31 Tanjung Memanjing (Tanjung Memandjing)
A light is shown from a white metal framework tower, 21m
7.28 (1°39'S., 119°17'E.) lies 2 miles N of Tanjung Cinoka. The
high, which stands 0.9 mile SW of the point. coastal reef extends 1.25 miles N from Tanjung Memanjing. A
Teluk Mamuju (2°36'S., 118°54'E.) is entered immediately E
7.28 similar reef extends 0.25 mile N from a point 0.75 mile NE of
of Tanjung Rangas and is divided into two parts by Pulau Mamuju Tanjung Memanjing. Anchorage, protected by the above reefs,
(Mamoedjoe), a high and thickly wooded island not easily seen is available off the village of Doda, situated 1.25 miles NE of
from N or NW. The passage between the S extremity of Pulau Tanjung Memanjing.
Mamuju and the shore is not recommended for large vessels. A Sungai Lariang enters the sea about 14 miles N of Tanjung

large drying reef, with a small tree 0.2 mile from its S end, lies be- Memanjing and can be identified by the conspicuous hill, 6.25
tween Pulau Mamuju and the shore to the S. Several villages line miles NE of its mouth. The coast is low, sandy, and wooded in
the S shore of the bay. Mamuju, the seat of the administrative au- this vicinity. The coastal bank, S of the river entrance, is steep-
thority, is the largest village. to and vessels should keep outside the charted 20m curve. A
Anchorage may be taken NW of Mamuju.
7.28 reef, which nearly dries, lies on this bank 2 miles SW of the en-
Teluk Mamuju was reported to be closed to foreign shipping.
7.28 trance to the river.
Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,

7.29 Tanjung Mamuan (Tanjung Mamoean) (2°35'S., 0.6 mile W of the river’s entrance.
119°00'E.), a reef-fringed point, lies 11.25 miles ENE of Tan- Tanjung Pasangkayu (Tanjung Passangkajoe) (1°10'S.,

jung Rangas. A detached reef, which dries, lies 1.25 miles NW 119°20'E.), marked by a light, is a low point located 15 miles N
of Tanjung Mamuan. of Sungai Lariang. The coastal reef dries for a distance of 0.4
Tanjung Kaluku (Tanjung Kaloekoe) lies 5 miles NNE of
mile NW of the point.
Tanjung Mamuan, and Pulau Bekangkeng (Topisee) (Liutang) Teluk Pasangkayu (Pasangkajoe Baai) is entered between

lies 5.25 miles ENE of Tanjung Kaluku. Pulau Bekangkeng, Tanjung Pasangkayu and Tanjung Baku (Tanjung Bakoe), 3.25
75m high, is a thickly-wooded prominent island. miles NE. The reef-filled bay provides anchorage, protected
Sampaga (2°18'S., 119°08'E.), a village with a prominent
from E winds, close off its S shore, in 18m.
mosque, stands 10 miles N of Pulau Bekangkeng. Sungai Kara-
ma enters the sea close N of the village. Anchorage may be Tanjung Baku (Tanjung Bakau) (1°8'S., 119°23'E.) consists

of a passenger terminal and a palm oil terminal. The passenger

taken, by vessels with local knowledge, off the entrance to
Sungai Karama. terminal has a berth 80m long. PT Tanjung Sarana Lestari, the
palm oil terminal, has three berths for handling palm oil. as fol-
The village of Buding Buding (Boeding Boeding) is situated

on a river of the same name, 14 miles N of Sungai Karama.
1. Berth 1 is 99m long and can accommodate vessels up
Anchorage may be temporarily taken, by vessels with local
to 19,950 dwt/13,222 gt, with a maximum loa of 160.5m and
knowledge, off a projecting part of the coastal reef, 0.25 mile
a maximum beam of 23.0m.
off the entrance to the river, in a depth of 26m. The depths off
2. Berth 2 is 90m long.
the entrance are too deep for anchoring.
3. Berth 3 is 60m long.
Tanjung Lereh (Tanjung Lalereh) (2°00'S., 119°12'E.), 4.75

miles N of Buding Buding, is low and covered with trees stand-

7.32 Tanjung Karang (0°38'S., 119°44'E.) is a high rect-
ing in water.
angular, broad spit of land located 36 miles NE of Tanjung Ba-
Between Tanjung Lereh and Tanjung Pasangkayu, 50 miles

ku. A 103m hill is located at the NW extremity of this spit of

N, the appearance of the coast is similar to that S, but there are
land and is easily recognized from sea.
more prominent summits near the coast and some of the points
are more noticeable. A light is shown from a 21m high white metal framework

tower standing on the slopes of the hill, 0.25 mile W of the

From Tanjung Pasangkayu to Tanjung Karang, 40 miles far-

ther NE, the high land approaches close to the coast, but the
points are low with trees standing in the water. A strip of hilly The only landmarks on this stretch of coast are Loli, 2,046m

high, and a 1,089m peak, located 15 miles SSE and 7 miles

land, which gradually becomes more narrow toward its N end,
lies between the high mountains and the coast. There are only a SSW; respectively, from Tanjung Karang.
few villages between Tanjung Pasangkayu and Tanjung Ka- Tanjung Balesa (Tanjung Towali), located 6 miles SW of

Tanjung Karang, can only be identified when close to the coast.

There is a noticeable tower on the seaward side of the point.
7.30 Pulau Tobintah (1°56'S., 119°20'E.), a conspicuous Towali lies 1.25 miles NW of Tanjung Balesa and consists of

two sand cays, barely marked by discoloration when covered.

island 148m high and thickly wooded, is located close offshore
7.25 miles ENE of Tanjung Lereh. There is anchorage for ves- There are several charted shoal patches between Towali and

sels with local knowledge, in 26m, mud, 0.35 mile W of Pulau Tanjung Karang, 6.25 miles NE. Vessels should not pass be-
tween these dangers and the coast.
Tobintah. There are numerous detached coral reefs, all steep-to
and seldom marked by discoloration, lying within the charted Teluk Palu (Paloe Baii) (0°45'S., 119°49'E.) is entered be-

200m curve between Pulau Tobintah and Tanjung Cinoka, 15 tween Tanjung Karang and Tanjung Towayo (Towajo), 4 miles
miles N. NE. The depths in the bay are great and there is anchorage only
Tanjung Cinoka (Tanjung Tjenoki) (1°41'S., 119°17'E.) ris-
in the slightly indented bays on either side, and off the village
es steeply to a round hill covered with trees. of Palu, situated at the head of the bay, 16 miles SSE of Tan-
The coastal reef extends 1 mile W from the point.
jung Karang. The W side of the bay runs steeply up from the

Pub. 163
222 Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts

sea. The hills, which are near the coast, increase in height from Loliodi Oil Terminal (0°47'S., 119°48'E.), a small tanker

the summit on Tanjung Karang to Loli. On the E side there is a terminal, capable of accommodating vessels up to 6,000 dwt
hilly belt of land about 3 miles wide, which merges into the with a maximum loa of 120m and a maximum draft of
mountain ranges beyond that rise to a height of 1,829 to 6.5m,lies 1.5 miles N of Loliogeh. The Loliodi Berth 54m long
2,134m. At the head of the bay, rice fields on a plain that rises including dolphins, has a depth alongside of 7.4m and handles
slowly, stretch far into the interior. clean products.
Between Palu and the village of Wani, on the E side of the

7.33 Donggala (0°40'S., 119°45'E.) (World Port Index bay, 11.25 miles N, there are two anchorages for small vessels.
No. 52350) stands on the W bank of Teluk Palu, 1.25 miles One anchorage is off the village of Mamboro, 5.25 miles N of
SSE of Tanjung Karang. The village is the site of an adminis- Palu, in a depth of 27m, mud and sand, and the other is off Pan-
trative headquarters. The customs house is the largest building teluan, about 5.25 miles N of Mamboro. The anchorage here is
in the village. A large warehouse stands 0.15 mile SE of a in 35m, sand and stones.
wharf that is about 20m long. At Wani (0°41'S., 119°50'E.), there is anchorage, in 49m,

sand, coral, and stones, with the beacon situated SE of the vil-
lage bearing 085° and a beacon W of the village bearing 334°.

7.35 Pantoloan (0°42'S., 119°51'E.) (World Port Index

No. 52330) lies at the head of a small bay on the E shore of
Teluk Palu. The port consists of a roadstead anchorage with
cargo being loaded and discharged alongside using lighters or
barges. The Pantoloan Container Terminal and Pelindo IV Ter-
minal share a continuous berthing length of 438m. Pier 1,
250m long with a depth alongside of 8.4m, is used for fast fer-
ries, ro-ro passengers/vehicles, rail, containers, project/heavy
cargo, steel products, and breakbulk. Pier 2, 188m long with a
depth alongside of 8.6m. Pier 2 handles clean products (CPP),
ro-ro/passengers, containers, breakbulk, and bunkers.
The maximum draft allowed in the port is 9.5m. vessels up
to 20,000 dwt, with a maximum length of 160m and a maxi-
mum draft of 10m, can be accommodated at the anchorage.
7.33 Donggala Pilotage is available.

Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 2,500 dwt, with a


Port of Pantoloan
maximum draft of 6.0m, can be accommodated. The Port of
Donggala has two berths. Berth 01 is 50m long and handles ce- http://www.portina4.go.id/pantol.htm
ment and breakbulk. Berth 02 is 38m long and handles break-
Pilotage.—Pilotage is not compulsory. Vessels should send

their ETA to their agent 10 days, 3 days, 48 hours, and 24 hours

prior to arrival.
Anchorage.—Anchorage is available, in 32m, about 0.2

mile offshore, with a hill SW of the village bearing about 240°.

A less desirable anchorage is in 44m, with the center of the vil-
lage bearing between 204° and 261°, the bank here is quite
steep. Small craft can anchor in 20m off the middle of the river.
It should be noted there is foul ground charted near the anchor-

7.34 Teluk Kabungakodi is a reef-filled basin that lies 2

miles S of Donggala. There are two deep basins which are ac-
cessible to small vessels with local knowledge.
Palu (Paloe) is a large village on the W bank of a river at the

head of Teluk Palu. Shoal water extends about 0.7 mile off-
shore W of the village. The usual anchorage is in the E side of
the bight near the landing stage situated on the coast, about 1
mile NE of Palu.
Loliogeh (0°48'S., 119°49'E.), 5 miles N of Palu, is a tanker

terminal. It contains a 50m long wharf which has depths of 7 to

8m alongside. Vessels up to 10,000 dwt can be accommodated. Between Tanjung Towajo and Tanjung Manimbaya, 38 miles

NNE, the coast is steep and sparsely wooded. The high moun-

Pub. 163
Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts 223

tains in the interior are visible from a great distance in clear From Tanjung Dampelas to Tanjung Bagimpuang, 8.25

weather, but have no prominent summits. miles NE, the coast recedes 6 miles E and forms a deep bay.
Tanjung Labea (0°09'S., 119°48'E.), 27 miles N of Tanjung
7.35 The village of Sirua (Siroea) is situated on the S shore of the
Towaja, is a prominent point that rises to a height of 351m a bay, 6 miles E of Tanjung Dampelas.
short distance inland. Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,

Labuhan Labea (Labea Anchorage), entered NW of Tanjung

7.35 in depths of 29 to 46m, 0.2 mile, N of Sirua.
Labea, affords good anchorage, in 55 to 73m, sand. Tanjung Bagimpuang (Tanjung Bagimpoeang) (0°20'N.,

Batu Mekaja (Mekadja), a coral reef which dries and is usu-

7.35 119°51'E.) is formed by coral rocks, 61m high.
ally marked by discoloration, lies about 0.25 mile offshore, 3 Tanjung Siraru (Tanjung Siraroe) lies 6 miles N of Tanjung

miles W of Tanjung Labea. A 10.5m patch lies outside the Bagimpuang, and close N of this point, a ridge of dead coral
200m curve, 3.25 miles SW of Tanjung Labea. runs parallel with the coast forming a natural breakwater. A
large part of the land behind covers at high water. Tanjung So-
7.36 Tanjung Manimbaya (Tandjoeng Manimbaja) sopan lies 3 miles N of Tanjung Siraru.
(0°00'N., 119°36'E.), 15 miles NW of Tanjung Labea, is the Pulau Pangalasian lies close off Tanjung Sosopan, and al-

NW extremity of a high rocky peninsula. A light is shown from though it is 162m high and wooded, it is difficult to distinguish
a height of 50m, close E of the point. from the mainland. Pulau Maputi, 171m high, lies 2 miles NW
The SW coast of the peninsula terminating in Tanjung Ma-
7.36 of Pulau Pangalasian, and like that island, it is steep-to and
nimbaya should not be approached nearer than 1 mile. covered with tall trees. Pulau Maputi may be seen at a distance
Teluk Beleisang (Balesang Baii) is entered between Tanjung
7.36 of 25 miles.
Manimbaya and Tanjung Bau (Tanjung Baoe), 3.75 miles
ENE. Anchorage, in a depth of 49 to 55m, sand, may be taken 7.39 Pulau Tuguan (Nordwachter) (0°35'N., 119°48'E.),
off the village of Popodi that lies at the head of the bay. an islet 111m high, lies 4.25 miles NW of Pulau Maputi. A
Pasie Perombian, 2.75 miles WNW of Tanjung Manimbaya,
7.36 light, from which a racon transmits, shown from a white metal
is a steep-to coral reef which dries. When covered it is usually framework tower, 30m high, is located on the summit of the is-
marked by discoloration. let. Anchorage may be obtained, by vessels with local knowl-
edge, on a ridge with depths of 14 to 18m which extends 1 mile
7.37 Pulau Pasoso (Zuidwachter) (0°06'N., 119°37'E.), S from the islet.
5.25 miles N of Tanjung Manimbaya, is a densely-wooded is- Between Tanjung Sosopan and Tanjung Bou, 13 miles NE,

land, 108m high, visible about 24 miles. the coast forms a bight that is low, swampy, and covered with
The fringing reef extends 0.75 mile from the S side of the is-
7.37 mangroves along the S shore, while the E shore has a sandy
land. Anchorage may be taken with local knowledge in a basin beach. Tanjung Bou is low with some brushwood. The high
on the S side of the island, in depths of 46 to 55m. mountains E and SE of Tanjung Bou have been described.
Teluk Tambu (Bocht Van Tamboe), a deep bay encumbered
7.37 Pasie Bangilongan is a drying coral reef that lies 4 miles

by eight small islets, is entered between Tanjung Bau and Tan- NNE of Tanjung Sosopan. The reef does not show discolor-
jung Dampelas, a low sandy point, 13 miles NNE. Bukit Bale- ation when submerged. Several reefs which dry lie in the bight,
sang, 675m high, and Bukit Pomalulu (Pomaloeloe) 558m 2 to 3 miles ENE of Tanjung Sosopan.
high, 4 miles and 8.75 miles, respectively, SE of Tanjung Bau. Tanjung Bogoang (0°43'N., 120°03'E.), 3.25 miles NNE of

Pulau Laut (Pulau Laoet), 89m high, the N islet of the group
7.37 Tanjung Bou, is a steep, rocky point which can be seen from
located in Teluk Tambu, lies 7.25 miles SE of Tanjung Bau. the vicinity of Pulau Maputi.
The islet lies on a detached reef which mostly dries. The other Pasie Bau, 1 mile NW of Tanjung Bou, dries and is marked

islets of the group are separated from Pulau Laut by a channel by discoloration when covered.
0.25 mile wide and are on a steep-to drying reef. Pulau Taring is a steep, wooded islet lying close offshore,

Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken, in a depth of 55m,

7.37 1.75 miles NE of Tanjung Bogoang. The islet can be passed
off the village of Pomalulu (Pomaloeloe), 4 miles SW of Pulau safely at a distance of 0.25 mile on its W side, but the passage
Laut, and, in a depth of 35 to 46m, in a small bay off the village on the E side, through which a strong current sets, has a depth
of Sibayu (Sibajoe), 8.25 miles NE of the same islet. of 4.9m.
Caution.—Several isolated coral reefs are charted along the
7.37 Teluk Dampal is a large bight that lies between Pulau Taring

E shore of the bay, from the village of Seweili to Sibayu, 6.75 and Pulau Lingayang (Pulau Lingajang), 18 miles NE. The
miles NNW. bight is full of dangerous reefs, and vessels should not pass E
of the curve joining these two islets.
7.38 Tanjung Dampelas (0°13'N., 119°46'E.), 8.25 miles The outer reefs along the 200m curve in Teluk Dampal are

NW of Sibayu, rises from its sandy shores to a hill 1.25 miles Pasie Dongalan, a reef of white sand always above water, Pasie
E. Seranga, a 1.5m patch and, Pasie Siokan, awash at LW, which
The coast from Tanjung Dampelas trends in a general NNE
7.38 lie 6.25, 10.25, and 13 miles NE, respectively, from Pulau Tar-
direction for 56 miles to Tanjung Dondo, then NE 37 miles to ing.
Ujung Malangka, the NW extremity of Sulawesi. The coast is Pulau Lingayang is a low coral island lying on a broad dry-

mountainous with dense vegetation. There are many islets and ing reef which shows discoloration. The island is visible 14
drying reefs in the deep inlets. There are numerous conspicu- miles, but should not be approached nearer than 3 miles be-
ous mountain peaks along this stretch of coast, and N of lati- cause of a strong current that frequently runs past it.
tude 0°25'N are some of the highest peaks in Sulawesi.

Pub. 163
224 Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts

7.40 Tanjung Dondo (1°00'N., 120°17'E.) is 18m high and Teluk Pagalungian, in the SE corner of Teluk Dondo, is en-

from the E, appears as a low sandy point with hills rising a tered 4.25 miles ESE of Tanjung Ogogili.
short distance within. A prominent peak, 465m high, rises 3.25 The W entrance point can be passed close-to, but the coastal

miles S of Tanjung Dondo. Tanjung Bobanci (Tanjung Boban- reef that surrounds the entire bay extends from the E entrance
tiji), 4.25 miles E of Tanjung Dondo, is marked by a noticeable point to within 0.2 mile of the W entrance. There are depths of
hillock. A small reef, with a depth of 3.9m, lies 1 mile W of 20m in this entrance. By steering near the W entrance point on
Tanjung Bobanci and is usually marked by tide rips. A 1.2m a SW course, there is anchorage in a basin about 0.25 mile in
patch lies 2.25 miles NW of Tanjung Bobanci. diameter, in 33 to 51m, mud.
Pulau Simatang, 2 miles NE of Tanjung Bobanci, is a large
7.40 The E coast of Teluk Dondo, from Teluk Pagalungian N to

thickly wooded and hilly island that rises to a height of 303m Tanjung Pangaluang, 11 miles NNE, provides no suitable an-
in its S part. chorages.
The island can be seen from a considerable distance and af-

fords a good landmark. The drying reef that fringes the island 7.42 Tanjung Pangaluang (0°57'N., 120°39'E.), 11 miles
is steep-to. On its W side are four detached reefs. Pulau Tam- N of Teluk Pagalungian, is a steep spur of a mountain ridge.
palekang, 0.35 mile S of Pulau Simatang, is a low island lying The high mountains NE of the point are often obscured by
close within the E edge of a drying reef which extends SW and clouds, but the sharp conical cone 891m high, 19 miles ENE, is
W for about 0.6 mile. sometimes visible from a great distance. Batu Dako, 2,304m
Pulau Taidun, 0.4 mile ESE of Tanjung Bobanci, is covered
7.40 high, the highest peak, rises 4 miles NNW of the 891m cone,
with vegetation and lies on the SE part of a drying reef. and N of Dako the range decreases in height. The coast has
Directions.—There is a clear channel both N and S of Pulau
7.40 deep inlets enclosed by partly drying coastal reefs. The coastal
Tampalekang. reef extends up to 1 mile offshore along this coast.
From W, when making for the channel N of Pulau Tam-
7.40 Pulau Tingi Langa (Pulau Tengelanga) (1°01'N.,

palekang, after passing N of the reef with a depth of 1.2m, ly- 120°44'E.), is a thickly-wooded island with a conspicuous
ing 2.25 miles NE of Tanjung Dondo which is marked by 216m high peak in its NE part. It is located on the coastal reef 6
discoloration, steer for the S extremity of Pulau Simatang, miles NE of Tanjung Pangaluang.
bearing 089°. When the SE extremity of Pulau Tampalekang Teluk Pulias is formed between the S and SE coasts of Pulau

bears 180°, a slightly more S course may be steered through Tinga Linga and the coast of Sulawesi. The bay is entered be-
the channel. tween the coastal reef off the E end of the island and the coastal
From W, when making for the channel S of Pulau Tam-
7.40 reef off the mainland, about 0.2 mile farther E. A coral patch
palekang, it is advisable to pass well N of the 1.2m reef, de- which uncovers, lies in mid-channel 0.5 mile NNE of the E ex-
scribed above. Then steer a more S course for Tanjung tremity of the island. Other dangers are charted from NNW to
Bobanci, with Pulau Taidun well open NE. A mid-channel NE from Pulau Tingi Langa.
course should then be steered between the point and Pulau A mid-channel course in a SSW direction will lead to an an-

Tampalekang. chorage, with a depth of 33m, mud, 0.6 mile within the en-
Tide rips, up to a distance of 0.3 mile NE of Tanjung Boban-
7.40 trance.
ci, often give the impression that the coastal reef extends far- Pulau Kabetan, a wooded island, lies 2 miles NW of Pulau

ther than is actually the case. Tengelanga, and is separated from it by a deep channel clear of
dangers. The island rises to a height of 174m in the S part, but a
7.41 Teluk Dondo (0°54'N., 120°30'E.) is entered between flat part near the middle gives it an appearance of two islands
Tanjung Bobanci and Tanjung Pangaluang, 17.25 miles ESE. when seen from the channel S of Pulau Simatang. There are is-
The 200m line lies close off the W coast, but from the S and E lets and shoal water that extends 4 miles NE from Pulau
coasts, the line extends offshore from 1 to 5 miles. Kabetan. The passage among these dangers is unsafe.
Teluk Santigi, immediately S of Tanjung Bobanci, affords
7.41 The coast between Teluk Pulias and Tanjung Tolitoli, a low

anchorage in all conditions, in depths of 29 to 37m, 0.25 mile point covered with mangroves, 3.75 miles NE, is fringed by a
off the head of the bay. The approach lies S of Pulau Taidun, wide reef with some detached reefs outside it.
but the bay should only be entered at LW when the coastal reef
is plainly visible. 7.43 Teluk Tolitoli (Bali Van Toli Toli) (1°03'N.,
Batu Banga, about 4 miles S of Tanjung Bobanci, is conspic-
7.41 120°48'E.) is entered between Tanjung Tolitoli and Tanjung
uous from the N. Labuan Dedeh, a steep rocky point 1.25 miles NE. Labuan De-
Teluk Bananga lies in the SW corner of Teluk Dondo, and is
7.41 deh Light is shown from the point. The bay is free of dangers
bound on the E by a hilly tongue of land terminating in Tan- but the depths decrease rapidly within the charted 20m curve.
jung Senyangang (Tanjung Senjangang). The shore is mostly fronted by a sandy beach which dries up to
The W and S shores of this bay are low and sandy, and the E
7.41 0.2 mile offshore. Nalu (Naloe), the administrative headquar-
shore is rocky. Anchorage can be taken about 0.25 mile off the ters, is situated on the S shore and Baru (Tolitoli), is situated on
W shore of the bay, in 69m, with a point S of Batu Banga bear- the E shore where a pier suitable for light craft.
ing 012° and Tanjung Senyangang bearing 080°. A light is shown and a racon transmits from the pier head at

Tanjung Ogogili (0°48'N., 120°30'E.), on the S shore of the

7.41 the N end of the bay. The wooden pier is 38m long, with a
Teluk Dondo, lies 9 miles SE of Tanjung Senyangang. Pasie depth of 5.5m alongside. The Ferry Terminal is 60m long han-
Beluwah, which dries and is marked by discoloration when dles passenger/fast ferries and ro-ro.
covered, lies 2 miles N of Tanjung Ogogili. Anchorage may be taken, in 30 to 32m, mud, good holding

Pub. 163
Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts 225

pass W of Pulau Kapas, which lies 1 mile E of the S extremity

of Pasie Silando keeping on the reef side. The two islets of
Kepulauan Silando must be in line before rounding Ujung Ma-
langka (Tanjung Arus). A current of 1 to 2 knots sometimes
runs through the strait, and frequently there is a short turbulent
sea outside the N entrance. Anchorage, in 27 to 31m, sand, can
be taken in the bight NE of the reef-fringed Pulau Kapas.

Sulawesi—North Coast
7.45 This part of the sector describes the N coast of the is-
land from W to E. The bays, islands, and dangers are described
within the text in the appropriate section of the coast.
The N coast of Sulawesi, between Tanjung Malangka (Tan-

jung Arus) and Tanjung Utara, about 255 miles E, is generally

high and most of the capes are formed by the spurs from high
mountains which rise a short distance inland along the hilly
coast. There is often narrow and bright sand beaches between
the dark points of land. The coast is steep-to and can be ap-
proached closely, although numerous reefs lie within the 200m
curve off the central part of this coast. These reefs are nearly
Courtesy of http://www.infokom-sulteng.go.id always marked by discoloration and there are sufficient promi-
A mosque at Tolitoli nent points for fixing a vessel’s position.
Tanjung Arus (1°20'N., 120°49'E.) is a prominent, rocky

ground, W of Baru. bluff bordered by a coral ledge about 0.2 mile wide.
Pulau Latungan, 159m high and marked by a light, lies in the
7.43 Close S of the point the land rises to Batu Sikala, 570m high.

entrance to Teluk Tolitoli. The passages both N and S of Pulau From Tanjung Malangka the coast trends in a general E di-

Latungan are safe for entering the bay, but when visibility is rection 40 miles to Tanjung Kandi. There are several bays
poor, the N passage should be used. A 7.6m patch lies 0.4 mile formed in this sector. The coast is high, with many conspicuous
SE of Pulau Latungan. summits rising a short distance inland, that afford good bearing
From Tanjung Labuan Dedeh, the coast 16 miles N to Ujung
7.43 points.
Malangka is high with rocky points and shallow bays between Lingadang, a large village, stands on the S side of a basin in

with sandy beaches. Pulau Tende, joined to the mainland by a the coastal reef. It is entered by a narrow passage, 3.25 miles E
partly drying reef, lies 7 miles N of Tanjung Labuan Dedeh. of the point.
The islet is 53m high and shows well against its dark back- Anchorage with shelter may be obtained at all times, in

ground. depths of 7 to 15m, inside the basin. Vessels can safely enter
There are no dangers inshore along this stretch of coast, but a
7.43 when the reefs are clearly visible.
ridge of reefs, most of which dry, runs offshore at about 5 miles
distance with depths of 25 to 92m between them and the shore. 7.46 Pulau Dolangan, 5 miles ENE of Tanjung Arus, is a
Tanjung Kekoh (1°07'N., 120°47'E.), 3.5 miles N of Tan-
flat, thickly wooded island 45m high, lying on a broad steep-to
jung Labuan Dedeh, is a rocky point rising to a hill 171m high. coastal reef that extends 1 mile from the coast. The island is
A light is shown from a fuel depot situated 1 mile NNE of Tan- visible about 16 miles and is conspicuous from E and W.
jung Kekoh. Teluk Belonligun (Baai Van Belonligoen) is entered between

the N end of the peninsula extending NE from Lingadang and

7.44 Pasie Bulu Mata (1°09'N., 120°37'E.), 4.25 miles N Tanjung Bonto, a low point 2.25 miles E.
of the N extremity of Pulau Kabetan, is a drying reef on which On the W side of the entrance there is a prominent hill with a

there is a rock awash. This reef is the SW danger in the line of summit. The E side of the bay is low and covered with man-
reefs discussed above. They run in a NE direction terminating groves. The S shore of the bay is hilly and densely wooded.
in Kepulauan Silando on the N extremity of Pasie Silando. A The village of Belonligun (Belonlioh) (Loalalang) is situated
light is shown and a racon transmits from a white metal frame- on a point on the E shore, 1.75 miles SW of Tanjung Bonto.
work tower, 25m high, situated on an islet at the NE extremity The entrance to the bay, between the drying reefs projecting

of Pasie Silando. from each shore, is about 0.35 mile wide. A 9m patch lies in
Reference to the chart will show the location of the dangers
the middle of the entrance channel. A 3.5m patch lies 0.25
in this area. miles to the N.
There is good anchorage, in 38 to 46m, sand, about 0.35 mile

Selat Kapas (1°19'N., 120°48'E.), lying between Pasie Si-


WNW of Belonligun. Small vessels may anchor, in 20m, mud,

lando and the coast, is safe and navigable with a least width of S of the village.
0.25 mile. There is a shoal patch, with a least depth of 5m, The coast between Tanjung Bonto and Tanjung Mantok

charted 2 miles S of the light. (1°19'N., 121°05'E.), a cape rising steeply out of the sea 8.25
Vessels entering the strait from the S, steer course 006° and

miles E, is high, rocky, and may be identified by yellow patch-

Pub. 163
226 Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts

es among the trees covering it. There are no off-lying dangers between Buol and Teluk Luo-

Pulau Diuleh, 4.25 miles E of Tanjung Bonto, is a flat rock

7.46 kodoka, but several reefs lie within the 200m curve which runs
surrounded by a coral reef that nearly covers at high water. Be- less than 3 miles from the coast at its furthest point.
tween the islet and the coast there is a clear passage 0.25 mile
wide with a depth of 26m. 7.48 Pulau Bokki (1°06'N., 121°49'E.) and Pulau Raja
Pulau Pinjan (Pulau Pindjan), a group of rocky islets, lies in
7.46 (Pulau Radja) are two low islets, covered with vegetation and
the mouth of Teluk Pinjan (Pindjan), 1 mile W of Tanjung surrounded by reefs, that lie from 7 to 9 miles ENE, respective-
Mantok. ly, of Teluk Luokodoka.
Anchorage may be taken in Teluk Pinjan, S of the islets near the
7.46 The water between Teluk Luokodoka and Pulau Bokki is en-

village of Pinjan or close E of the islets, depending on the wind. cumbered with dangers.
The coast between Tanjung Mantok and Tanjung Dutuno, 16
7.46 Karang Belanda, a drying rock surrounded by a reef, lies 3

miles ESE, is generally low and flat in the W part, then 4.25 miles ESE of Pulau Raja.
miles WSW of Tanjung Dutuno, it starts rising to that cliffy From Tanjung Kanjai (1°06'N., 121°56'E.) to Tanjung

point. Sumalata, 31 miles ESE, the coast line is indented by many

Teluk Busak is entered between Tanjung Dutono and Tan-
7.46 small inlets and bays, separated by high points projecting far
jung Kano (1°16'N., 121°22'E.). into the sea.
Pulau Busak, a rocky islet, 75m high, is steep-to. The islet,
7.46 The village of Paleleh is situated on the W shore of a bay, 3

located 1.25 miles ENE of Tanjung Dutuno, is difficult to iden- miles SSE of Tanjung Kanjai. The E entrance point of the bay,
tify against the dark background. Tanjung Lobu, lies 8 miles ESE of Tanjung Kanjai. A danger
Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,
7.46 area, best seen on the chart, is situated offshore in this area.
in depths of 23 to 27m, 0.9 mile SW of Pulau Busak. Vessels Within the 200m curve along this coast, the depths decrease

should always approach the anchorage by passing W of Pulau rapidly and the bottom is irregular. The reefs and islets within
Busak. the 200m curve are best seen on the chart.
Tanjung Kramat, 5.25 miles NE of Tanjung Kano, is the W

extremity of a high peninsula, and Tanjung Kandi (1°19'N., 7.49 Karang Bulolio (1°08'N., 122°22'E.), a steep-to reef
121°28'E.), 2 miles E of Tanjung Kramat, is the NE extremity of sand and coral which dries, lies outside the 200m curve,
of the same peninsula. Tanjung Kandi Light is shown from a 7.75 miles NW of Tanjung Sumalata. Karang Buliogut, a reef
height of 120m. similar to Karang Bulolio, is marked by a light, and lies 2 miles
The peninsula appears as an island when seen from a dis-
7.46 E of that reef. These two reefs are the only dangers outside the
tance W and the 471m summit is easily seen from the E. charted 200m curve N of Sulawesi.
The coast between Tanjung Kano and Tanjung Kramat is steep-
7.46 Tanjung Dulang lies 48 miles E of Tanjung Sumalata. The

to. A reef, with a charted depth of 1.2m, lies close within the 200m coast is indented and there are numerous off-lying dangers.
curve. Its W extremity lies 0.75 mile NE from Pulau Busak. The 200m curve lies up to 10 miles offshore, but there are
patches which dry, close within this line; there are no charted
7.47 From Tanjung Kandi the coast extends in an ESE di- dangers outside this depth.
rection 62 miles to Tanjung Sumalata, a point that rises to a hill The village of Sumalata lies 4.25 miles SE of Tanjung Sumala-

306m high, and is fringed by a steep-to reef. The coast is ta. Pulau Ulawa, a low islet, lies 1.25 miles N of Sumalata and Pu-
backed by the Paleleh Mountains which parallel the shore and lau Duyonumo (Pulau Dujonumo), a wooded islet, lies 0.75 mile
rise to a height of 2,300m, 30 miles SE of Tanjung Kandi. ENE of Sumalata. Pulau Duyonumo and a drying reef close SE of
The 200m curve lies as close as 0.75 mile offshore along this
7.47 its E extremity protect the road off Sumalata. A shoal patch is
coast and as much as 5 miles in other places. There are several charted 1 mile NE of Pulau Duyonumo.
charted islets and reefs within the 200m curve, and there are Anchorage may be taken close under the S coast of Pulau

two reefs charted outside of this line. Duyonumo, in 31m, with a hawser to the shore. This anchorage
Teluk Bilang, a bay lying 4.75 miles S of Tanjung Kandi, is
7.47 provides protection in the Northwest Monsoon.
almost entirely filled by a bank which dries. Teluk Kuandang, lying between Tanjung Dondo, located 7

Leok, a village and an administrative headquarters, stands

7.47 miles ESE of Sumalata, and Tanjung Besar, a high point 19
7.25 miles S of Tanjung Kandi. Buol, 2 miles S of Leok, is also miles E of Tanjung Dondo, is full of islets and reefs; the reefs
an administrative headquarters. are generally marked by discoloration.
Anchorage may be taken, in 56m, 0.25 mile offshore of these
7.47 Laimula Reef (1°03'N., 122°40'E.), with a depth of 5.8m,

villages. It is not advisable to approach in less than 28m, as the lies close inside the charted 200m curve, 5 miles NNE of Tan-
depths decrease rapidly. Both anchorages are unsafe during E jung Dondo.
winds. Pulau Motuo, an island 263m high, lies 3 miles NNE of Tan-

Karang Pantuluta, with a depth of 10m, lies within the 200m

7.47 jung Dondo. Foul ground extends 1 mile from the SW to the
curve, 1.25 miles SE of Tanjung Kandi. NW sides of the island. A reef, with a depth of 4.9m, lies 3.75
The coast between Buol and Tanjung Kanjai (Tanjung Kand-
7.47 miles E of Pulau Motuo and Karang Montrado, with a depth of
jai), 30 miles E, is generally high. Teluk Lokodidi and Teluk 5.8m, lies 1.75 miles farther E.
Luokodoka are two small inlets that lie about midway between Karang Haarlemnermeer (1°02'N., 122°50'E.), an exten-

Buol and Tanjung Kanjai. Close to the coast between these two sive shoal with a least depth of 2.7m, lies 12 miles ENE of Tan-
bays there is a wooded hill, 135m high, that affords a good jung Dondo, close within the 200m curve. It is the N danger off
landmark. Teluk Kuandang.

Pub. 163
Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts 227

Pulau Huha, a hilly islet resembling a whale, lies 1.75 miles

7.49 some high peaks, extends 28 miles E to Tanjung Batu. The
N of Tanjung Besar. A reef, on which there are some above- shore is less indented than that close W or toward the E. The
water rocks, lies midway between the islet and the point. The 200m curve lies up to 10 miles offshore in places, and there are
islet is a good landmark when approaching Teluk Kuandang. some shoal patches close within this line. A danger area, which
Pulau Hulawa lies on the SE side of a drying reef, 3 miles W
7.49 may best be seen on the chart, lies off Tanjung Dulang.
of Tanjung Besar. A light is displayed from a 25m high white Labuan Broko is a small bay entered about 2 miles SSE of

metal framework tower on a white painted rock located on the Tanjung Dulang. This bay affords anchorage SSE of the rocky
NE side of the islet. N point of the bay, but is unprotected from E and N winds.
Pulau Otangala, 7.25 miles SE of Pulau Motuo, is the largest
7.49 Bolaangitam (0°55'N., 123°19'E.), a village in which there

island in Teluk Kuandang. Pulau Payunga (Pulau Pajunga) lies is a flagstaff, stands 3.25 miles E of Labuan Broko.
on a drying reef 3.25 miles E of Pulau Otangala. Each of these A mountain peak with a height of 1,921m, rises 12 miles S

islands are surrounded by drying reefs with rocks on them. The of Bolaangitam.
many reefs and rocks in this bay, not described in detail, may A shoal patch, with a depth of 5.8m, lies 2 miles N of Bo-

be seen on the chart. laangitam and a patch, with a depth of 1.2m, lies near the 200m
Anggrek (0°52'S., 122°48'E.), a small dry cargo port close S
7.49 curve, 4 miles farther NNE. A 4.5m patch lies 1 mile E of the
of Pulau Otangala, is located in Ilangate Village. Port Anggrek 1.2m patch.
consists of a North Quay and a South Quay each with a contin-
uous berthing length of 303m and a depth alongside of 9.0m. 7.52 Tanjung Bokabak (0°55'N., 123°27'E.), located 8
The port handles coal,containers breakbulk, and bunkers. miles E of Bolaangitam, rises to a height of 294m, 1.25 miles
7.50 Kuandang (0°51'N., 122°55'E.) is an open roadstead Pulau Alanga, two reefs which dry, lie 2.25 miles N of Tan-

anchorage situated in the SE part of Teluk Kuandang. The vil- jung Bokabak. Buntong, with a depth of 3m, lies 2 miles E of
lage is situated S of the anchorage and cannot be seen from the Pulau Alanga.
roadstead. The Sungai Sangkup enters the sea 8 miles E of Tanjung

The usual anchorage is on the E side of Pulau Payunga, in 11

7.50 Bokabak.
to 22m, mud; it is safe in both monsoons. Tanjung Batu (0°53'N., 123°43'E.) lies 7 miles E of the en-

Directions.—From W, vessels may pass either N or S of Pu-

7.50 trance to Sungai Sangkup. The land rises to a height of 941m,
lau Motuo and then N of Pulau Otangala and Pulau Payunga, 3.75 miles S of Tanjung Batu. A rock awash lies 0.25 mile NW
then to the anchorage. of Tanjung Batu, and a similar rock lies 0.75 mile ENE of the
From E, the passage to the anchorage is between Pulau Huha
7.50 same point.
and Pulau Hulawa and then S to the anchorage. Tanjung Lainpangi lies 41 miles ENE of Tanjung Batu. A

Vessels must bear in mind the many shoals, some with less
7.50 few bays along this coast that provide an anchorage.
than 0.6m of water, lie in the bay. The mountains rise a short distance inland and the 200m

The coast between Tanjung Besar (0°58'N., 122°56'E.) and

7.50 curve lies from about 5 miles offshore at Tanjung Batu, and
Tanjung Dulang, 18 miles E, is indented; there are numerous closes to 1 mile off Tanjung Lainpangi.
off-lying dangers.
Teluk Himana (Teluk Imana), confined by a bank of sand,
7.50 7.53 Teluk Domisil (0°51'N., 123°45'E.) is entered close
mud, and stones which partly dries and occupies the whole in- SE of Tanjung Batu. The reef-fringed bay is protected on the E
ner part of the bay, is located 9 miles ESE of Tanjung Besar. by a peninsula that extends 1.25 miles NNW from the shore.
Anchorage may be taken in the bay, in 9 to 13m.
7.50 Anchorage, with shelter from all winds but those from NNW

Teluk Buku, about 4 miles E of Teluk Himana, is entirely

7.50 to N, may be taken in the inner part of Teluk Domisil.
open to NW winds and is unsafe during the Northwest Mon- Care must be taken to avoid the drying reef that lies 0.25

soon. mile S of the NW extremity of the peninsula.

Tanjung Belongkoh is the E entrance point to Teluk Buku. Tan-
7.50 Pulu Tiqa are three wooded islets surrounded by partly drying

jung Dulang lies 5.25 miles E of Tanjung Belongkoh. Two miles reefs that lie 1.25 miles offshore, 3 miles ENE of Teluk Domisil.
SSW of Tanjung Dulang, the land rises to a height of 608m. The middle islet, the highest of the group, is 112m high.
The coastal water from Tanjung Besar to Tanjung Dulang is
7.50 Teluk Bolaanguki, about 7 miles E of Pulu Tiga, affords

steep-to. The 200m curve lies up to 7.25 miles offshore, and sheltered anchorage under all conditions. The general depths in
there are many steep-to reefs in this area. the bay are 18 to 29m. An islet covered with vegetation lies off
Pulau Bangkil (1°03'N., 123°06'E.), a low, wooded islet with
7.50 the NE entrance to the bay, and a detached drying reef lies
a white sandy beach, lies on the SW end of a drying reef, close about 0.75 mile SSE of the islet. Inside Teluk Bolaanguki lies
inside the 200m curve, 11 miles NE of Tanjung Besar. Karang Labuan Uki (0°51'N., 123°56'E.) a small port handling asphalt
Longugu, with a depth of 4.9m, lies 3 miles E of Pulau Bangkil. and dry bulk. The PT Maesa Nugraha berth is 100m in length
Karang Java, with a depth of 3m, lies 3 miles NW of Tanjung
7.50 and handles dirty products (DPP) and bulk cargo.
Belongkoh. Pulau Molosso (Molosso) (0°55'N., 123°58'E.) is a hilly is-

It should be noted by vessel transiting the N coast of Sulawe-

7.50 let lying 2 miles offshore, 4 miles NE of Teluk Bolaanguki.
si that not all shoal areas are described in this sector, and refer- Lombangin, a large village, stands close SE of a point, 7

ence to the appropriate chart should be made. miles E of Pulau Molosso. Anchorage may be taken offshore
from Lombangin, in a depth of 55m, NNE of the flagstaff, in
7.51 From Tanjung Dulang, the coast which is backed by line with a custom shed farther inland. The PT Sulenco Bohu-

Pub. 163
228 Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts

sami Cement Terminal, currently under construction, consists ruary when heavy rain squalls blow from the NW; it is often
of a 395m-long cement jetty that will accommodate vessels up unsafe. During other months of the year it is squally, particular-
to 30,000 dwt. ly in the evenings after the land breeze sets in. September and
Between Pulau Molosso and Tanjung Nonapang, 17 miles
7.53 October are the best months.
NE, there are several conspicuous hills; Ompu, 215m high, 3
miles SSW of Lombangin; Banka, 172m high, close NE of
Ompu; and Mariri, 469m high, 6 miles ENE of Lombangin.
Bolaang Mongondou, a village 3.25 miles ENE of Lom-

bangin, has coconut plantations E of it.

Anchorage may be taken off the village, in depths of 29 to

35m, 0.3 mile offshore; with W winds a sea is quickly raised.

From a position 1.25 miles N of Bolaang Mongondou, a line of
reefs, some of which partly dry, run parallel NE with the coast
for 4 miles. Vessels without local knowledge should pass out-
side the reefs.
The coast between Bolaang Mongondou and Tanjung Lain-

pangi, 16 miles NE, is hilly except near Tanjung Nonapang

where Sungai Poigar flows through a low plain. Anchorage can
be taken off the mouth of Sungai Poigar, in 55 to 65m, about
0.2 mile offshore.

7.54 Tanjung Lainpangi (1°10'N., 124°20'E.) is a steep-to

point. Between Tanjung Lainpangi and Tanjung Kelapa, 23 With permission of Remko Fortgens
miles NE, the coast is indented by Teluk Amurang. Manado
Teluk Amurang is entered between Tanjung Walintau, 5

miles NE of Tanjung Lainpangi, and Pulau Tetapaan, 8 miles Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken, in 55m, 0.4 mile

farther NE. offshore N of Manado. The area is foul with lost anchors and
Amurang (1°13'N., 124°33'E), a large village, lies on the SE
7.54 chains, and it has been reported that most large vessels remain
corner of Teluk Amurang, 7.25 miles SSW of Pulau Tetapaan. underway due to the numerous patches of foul ground.
It is an administrative district. The church gable and spire are
prominent objects in the village. The port handles dry cargo, 7.55 Manado (Menado) (1°30'N., 124°50'E.) (World Port
breakbulk, and bulk liquid cargo. The Coal Pier, 83m in length, Index No. 52040) is situated on the E shore of Teluk Manado
handles coal and breakbulk. The Oil Berth, 30m in length, and lies on both banks of Salo Manado, which empties into the
148m including dolphins, handles clean products (CPP) and bay. The town is the administrative headquarters of the district.
vegetable oils. A mole extends from the N entrance of the river and a short
The best anchorage, in 69m, sand, lies about 183m from the
7.54 mole projects from the S entrance. Lights are shown from the
beach with the flagstaff of an old fort bearing 148°. Pelabuhan seaward extremity of each mole. A basin on the S side of the
Luak, located on the N shore of Teluk Amurang, affords shelter river provides 223m of wharves with alongside depths of 0.5 to
for small vessels during the Northwest Monsoon. 1m. There is also a ferry pier.
Pulau Tetapaan (1°18'N., 124°30'E.), a low thickly-wooded
Tanjung Tokabene (1°29'N., 124°50'E.) is located 0.75 mile

island, lies on the coastal reef, 1 mile offshore. Close E of the SW of Manado Light, near the entrance to the Manado River.
island there is an inlet that affords shelter for small vessels Karang Tokabene, which dries, lies 0.2 mile WNW of the Tan-
during the Northwest Monsoon. jung Tokabene. There are two mooring buoys for tankers to
The coast between Pulau Tetapaan and Tanjung Kelapa, 10
discharge oil, SSW of Tanjung Tokabene. Pilotage is not com-
miles NE, is fringed by a broad coastal reef extending nearly 2 pulsory.
miles offshore. This stretch of coast should not be approached The coast between Tanjung Pisok and Tanjung Utara, 15.5

within 3 miles. miles NE, is low and covered with mangroves to the water’s
Teluk Tanahwangko, entered close E of Tanjung Kelapa, has
edge. It is broken by several creeks, and is bordered by a gener-
a narrow coastal reef except off the village of Tanahwangko. ally narrow reef. The charted 200m curve lies close offshore
along this stretch of coast.
Tanjung Kalasei (Tanjung Mandolang) (1°27'N., 124°44'E.)
Kima, a village, stands at the head of a bay, 4 miles NE of

lies 7.75 miles ENE of Tanjung Kelapa. Gunung Lokon, an ac-


Tanjung Pisok. Landing can be made here when it is impracti-

tive volcano with four summits, the S one 1,584m high, rises 5
cable at Manado.
miles S of Tanjung Kalasei.
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken with shelter from
Teluk Manado, entered between Tanjung Kalasei and Tan-

NW winds, by vessels with local knowledge, off Kima, in a


jung Pisok, 8 miles NNE, is fringed by a narrow coastal reef

depth of 29m, or inside the reefs, in a depth of 42m.
except off Tanjung Pisok, where it projects 0.4 mile W. This
Anchorage may also be taken in Teluk Kora Kora, 10 miles
part of the reef is steep-to and the greater part of it dries.

NE of Kima, with good shelter, in a depth of 35m. A reef

Although Teluk Manado is spacious and free from dangers,
which dries, extends from both entrance points of Teluk Kora

the road is never calm and during December, January, and Feb-
Kora, leaving a passage 91m wide.

Pub. 163
Sector 7. Sulawesi—West and North Coasts 229

Off-lying Islands hage. An explosives dumping ground lies 6 miles W of Pulau

Manadotua. Pulau Buenaken, 1 mile E of Pulau Manadotua, is
7.56 Pulau Nain-besar (1°47'N., 124°47'E.), lying about low but gradually rises to a round-topped hill 110m high in its
11 miles WNW of Tanjung Utara, appears saddle shaped when W part. The S extremity of the island lies 2 miles NW of Tan-
seen from E or W. The N summit, 192m high, is the highest jung Pisok. Pulau Siladong, 1 mile E of Pulau Buenaken, is low
peak. Pulau Nain-kecil, a wooded islet 35m high, lies on the and nearly covered with coconut trees.
coral reef E of Pulau Nain-besar. All the islands mentioned above are covered by coconut plants

Pulau Mantehage, 2.5 miles SSW of Pulau Nain-besar, is flat

7.56 and they are reserved for the conservation of flora and fauna.
and wooded; the fringing reef extends about 1.5 miles. The islands are also surrounded by a marine reserve best seen

Pulau Manadotua, a very steep, circular island, rising to a

7.56 on the chart.
height of 822m in the form of a truncated cone having the ap- The channels between these islands are deep and clear.

pearance of a volcano, is located 4 miles SSW of Pulau Mante-

Pub. 163
Sector 8—Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

8.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).

Pub. 163


8.0Plan.—This sector describes the E coast of Sulawesi from WNW and is at its height in January with heavy squalls. In
Tanjung Utara, the N extremity of the island SSW to Tanjung February and March unsteady winds will blow between SW
Lassa and includes the W islands of Kepulauan Sula, Kepulau- and N. The land wind is seldom felt at this season.
an Tukangbesi, and the E coast of Pulau Selayar. Rain is most abundant in December and January, lessening in

8.0The general description is from N to S and follows the gener- February and March. At coast stations the rainy period will last
al coastline in the various bays, of which the most prominent until June.
are Teluk Tomini, Teluk Tolo, and Teluk Bone. In the Southeast Monsoon, the sky is hazy, particularly in

August and September. During the Northwest Monsoon, it is

General Remarks generally overcast and bright periods only occur toward the
end of the W winds.
8.1 The E peninsula of Sulawesi separating Teluk Tomini Tides—Currents.—Currents in the Molucca Sea set in a

and Teluk Tolo is the least known of all the peninsulas of Sulawe- predominantly NE direction during the year at a rate of 1 knot
si. A chain of islands consisting of Kepulauan Banggi and Kepu- during the Northwest Monsoon, and about 0.75 knot during the
lauan Sula extends about 200 miles E from the peninsula. Southeast Monsoon. The currents in Teluk Tomini are thought
8.1The SE coast of the Sulawesi is formed by the SE peninsula to be weak.
of the island which separates Teluk Tolo from Teluk Bone. At A high swell can develop with N winds, and during the

its extremity is Pulau Butung and a group of islands known as Southeast Monsoon, especially in July and September, high
Kepulauan Tukangbesi. All of these islands are mountainous seas frequently occur.
and little known. In the Banda Sea, during the Northwest Monsoon, a strong

8.1The SW peninsula, roughly parallel to the SE peninsula, sep- current runs to the NE while during the Southeast Monsoon,
arates Teluk Bone and the Makassar Straits. Several islands lie this current runs to the SW. Both flow at an average rate of 1
off the S end of this peninsula. knot, and at rare intervals may be greater than 3 knots. Tidal
8.1Mountain ranges run through both the SE and SW peninsula currents, near the coast and narrow passages, will run 1 to 2
and there are a few conspicuous peaks. knots.
8.1Bitung, the port of most importance, stands at the S end of Caution.—The aids to navigation from Selat Riau to Pulau

Selat Lembeh. In the bays and coves of the peninsulas there are Bangka are reported to be unreliable. They may be missing,
some which afford shelter during the monsoons. unlit or out of position.
8.1Winds—Weather.—In the N entrance of the Molucca Sea
the monsoons are powerful and constant. They blow chiefly Tanjung Utara to Tanjung Tombulilatu
from the N and S. The Southeast Monsoon prevails from June
to November and the Northwest Monsoon blowing from N to 8.2 The coast between Tanjung Utara (1°45'N.,
NE prevails from December through April. The Southeast 124°59'E.) and Tanjung Pulisan, 12 miles ESE, forming the S
Monsoon is somewhat more powerful and regular than the oth- side of Selat Bangka, is low and of little importance to naviga-
er, but a force of more than 6 has not been reported. tion. The islands forming the N side of the strait are hilly and
8.1Hard gusts of wind are rare in the S part of this entrance. heavily wooded.
Rain falls all year round with the greatest in June, July, and 8.2The coast between Tanjung Pulisan and Tanjung Flesko, 85
January and the least in February, March, September, and Oc- miles SSW, is steep-to with the spurs of high land standing
tober. fairly close to the sea, forming conspicuous points along the
8.1On the SE coast of Sulawesi the monsoons are powerful and entire coast. Tanjung Utara, the NE extremity of Sulawesi, is
regular. The Southeast Monsoon prevails from May through wedge shaped when seen from W or E, and rises gradually to
October, and the Northwest Monsoon from December through the hilly land within.
March. The Southeast Monsoon is more constant and powerful 8.2Gunung Kalabat (1°27'N., 125°00'E.) is a conspicuous cone
than the other, but seldom is a wind force greater than 5, and standing by itself, rising to a height of 2,022m, 19 miles S of
then during the Northwest Monsoon. Tanjung Utara. The peak, which rises from a low base, is visible
8.1The sky is frequently covered and haze is most common in 60 miles in clear weather. Gunung Suasudara, 1,365m high, rises
the latter part of the Southeast Monsoon. Rain squalls occur all 9 miles ENE of Gunung Kalabat and Gunung Batu Angus, rises
year round with hard squalls most frequent in December and to a height of 1,134m, 2 miles N of Gunung Suasudara.
January. Thunderstorms occur most often during April and No- 8.2During the Southeast Monsoon, these mountains are general-
vember which are the months of the change of the monsoon. ly visible in the early morning, but are frequently hidden by
8.1The monsoons on the S coast of Sulawesi blow with much 0800. Gunung Kalabat often remains clear while the mountains
steadiness, especially the E which begins in the end of April, E were covered.
and blow strongly until October, from ESE by day, and under 8.2From Gunung Kalabat to Gunung Kaweng, a densely-wood-
the influence of the land wind, ENE at night. ed ridge 20 miles SSW, attaining a height of 1,179m, parallels
8.1The Northwest Monsoon commences in December from the coast about 5 miles inland.

Pub. 163
234 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

Numerous spurs approach the coast from this ridge. South-

8.2 deepest water. When W of the W extremity of Pulau Bangka,
ward of the high volcanic group formed by Gunung Sempo, steer as required to the desired destination.
Gunung Soputan, Gunung Kawatak, and Gunung Manim- 8.3A danger area includes Selat Bangka and the surrounding is-
porok, 10 miles WSW of Gunung Kaweng, is a low plain ex- lands. For further information, see Pub. 120, Sailing Directions
tending to the coast. (Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia.
From a position 24 miles N of Tanjung Flesko (0°28'N.,
8.2 8.3The coast between Tanjung Pulisan and Tanjung Batuangas
124°30'E.), the mountains are closer to the coast. Some of the (1°30'N., 125°15'E.), the N entrance of Selat Lembeh, 12 miles
more conspicuous peaks are Pegunungan Mata Mata, 1,195m SSE, consists of long steep beaches of coarse, black volcanic
high, 24 miles NNE of Tanjung Flesko, and Gunung Ambang, sand in the N part. In the S part it is low, rocky, and thickly
1,823m high, 18 miles SW of Pegunungan Mata Mata. wooded rising continuously to the summit of Gunung Batu An-
During the Southeast Monsoon, mountains above 914m are
8.2 gus. There is heavy surf with a N or NE swell.
hidden in clouds from about 0800 for the rest of the day. 8.3Pulau Mogogimbun, 5 miles SSW of Tanjung Pulisan, is a
The 183m curve, from a position close N of Tanjung Utara,
8.2 small wooded conical island, 50m high, which lies 1 mile off-
encompasses the islands that form the N side of Selat Bangka, shore. A reef extends from the N side of the island. There are
then approaches the coast again at Tanjung Pulisan. From Tan- two rocks on the reef which show at HW. The sea breaks heav-
jung Pulisan the curve follows the coast and encompasses Pu- ily on these rocks with the least sea or swell.
lau Lembeh, and from this island it is from less than 0.5 mile to 8.3Anchorage, sheltered from S winds, is available in the bay W
5.5 miles offshore with many dangers within the curve. There of Pulau Mogogimbun, in a depth of 25m, with that island
are no known dangers outside the 183m curve. bearing 093° and the white topped rock off Tanjung Pulisan,
bearing 022°.
8.3 Selat Bangka (1°45'N., 125°05'E.) lies between the
NE coast of Sulawesi and a group of islands to the N. The prin- 8.4 Tanjung Pulisan (1°41'N., 125°10'E.) is a bold point
cipal islands in this group are Pulau Bangka, Pulau Talisei, and with boulders off it and a narrow fringe of coral. From the cape
Pulau Gangga. the land rises abruptly to a high tableland, 277m high, 1 mile
8.3On the S side of the strait, from Tanjung Utara to Tanjung long and thickly wooded. It is easily distinguished from all
Pulisan, 12 miles distant, the coast recedes and forms a bay. sides by its square, boxlike aspect. A sharp pointed rock, 9.1m
Pulau Tamperong is a low island lying close offshore in the W high with a white top, lies close off the E side of Tanjung Pu-
part of the bay. Likupang is a small village SE of Pulau Tam- lisan.
perong. 8.4Pulau Gangga (1°47'N., 125°03'E.), about 101m high, lies
8.3There is anchorage in the road N of Likupang with the point in Selat Bangka 4 miles ENE of Tanjung Utara.
N of Pulau Tamperong, bearing 314°, and the middle of the vil- 8.4Pulau Lehaga lies on a reef close W of the S extremity of Pu-
lage, bearing 200°, in depths of 10.9 to 14m. This anchorage lau Gangga and Pulau Tindila lies close N of Pulau Gangga.
affords good shelter during the Southeast Monsoon. Smaller Pulau Talisei, which rises to a height of 359m near its center, is
vessels can anchor closer in but care should be taken to remain the farthest N of this group of islands.
N of the line of a black pyramidal rock, lying close off the 8.4It is separated from Pulau Tindila by a channel about 0.2
point about 3.5 miles W of Tanjung Pulisan and the first point mile wide and with depths of 14.6 to 27m. Tanjung Arus, the N
E of Likupang. point of the island is a bold steep-to cliff with large broken
8.3Vessels approaching the roadstead should take care to avoid rocks at its base. A light, from which a radiobeacon and a racon
the charted shoals. Only vessels with local knowledge should transmit, is shown from a 20m high white framework tower on
approach the road, and only then under the most favorable con- the point.
ditions. The maximum authorized draft for the transit on the 8.4The S end of the island is low. Pulau Kinabohutan lies close
recommended Selat Bangka route is 9.0m. off the E side of the island, 3 miles NE of its S extremity. Tal-
8.3Directions.—From W, Tanjung Utara may be passed at a isei Road lies between the S extremity of Pulau Talisei and Pu-
distance of 0.25 mile, and then a course of 097° is steered, lau Kinabohutan. There is anchorage available, in 18m,
keeping the S end of Pulau Nain-besar just touching Tanjung between the head of a mole fronting the village and an 8m
Utara astern. When the NE extremity of Pulau Talisei and the patch 0.3 mile SE of the mole. The water SW of Pulau Kinabo-
W extremity of Pulau Bangka are in range, a SE course may hutan is foul with shoal patches.
then be steered to pass 0.25 mile from Tanjung Pulisan.
8.3From E, pass at least 0.25 mile N of Tanjung Pulisan and 8.5 Pulau Bangka (1°48'N., 125°09'E.) is 353m high and
steer for the gap between Pulau Gangga and Pulau Tindila until of irregular contours. Batu Kapal, a rock 4.3m high rises 0.2
the NE extremity of Pulau Talisei and the W extremity of Pulau mile N of the low, mangrove covered N point of the island.
Bangka are in range, then steer 277° with the S tangent of Pu- Tanjung Batu Gosoh, the E point of the island, is a sharp, coni-
lau Nain-besar just touching Tanjung Utara. When S of the S cal hill 81m high, joined to the island by a low neck of land. To
extremity of Pulau Gangga, steer to pass 0.25 mile N of Punal the NE, the point ends in a succession of sharp needle rocks
Utara. which are surrounded by water, and are 4.6 to 6.1m high. Off
8.3To pass through the channel between Pulau Bangka and Pu- the point 1.5 miles S there are some above-water rocks.
lau Kinabohutan, the W extremity of Pulau Bangka should be Jiko Sago (Djiko Sago) is a bight on the SE coast of Pulau

steered for on course 180°, taking care not to stand into less Bangka where there is anchorage, in 37m, 0.5 mile from shore.
than 18.3m until the S extremity of Pulau Kinabohutan bears The S side of this bight is formed by a narrow tongue of land
267°. A course of 219° then leads through the channel in the with an extensive reef projecting to the S, on which there is an

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 235

islet and several rocks above water which the sea breaks Compenie, is reef-fringed for a distance of 4 miles, then rela-
against. tively steep-to, its N extremity.
8.5The S point of Pulau Bangka is a low, cliffy point that rises 8.6Selat Lembeh (1°28'N., 125°12'E.) is a narrow, somewhat
to a conical hill, 81m high. There are heavy tide rips off the intricate strait that is bound on the E by Pulau Lembeh and on
point. The W coast of the island is low and fringed by coral ex- the W by the mainland. In the middle of the strait there are two
tending about 0.1 mile offshore. The W extremity of the island islets and an above-water rock encircled by reefs with a chan-
is a low, dark, red cliff with trees. nel on either side. The channel W of the islets and rocks is the
best because it is straight and the reef shows clear discolor-
8.6 Pulau Lembeh (1°29'N., 125°14'E.) is a densely- ation. The strait has been swept to a controlling depth of 11m;
wooded island that forms the E side of Selat Lembeh. The is- however, a 6.4m patch lies outside the swept channel, 0.5 mile
land rises to a height of 477m in its SW part. The E coast of the WSW of the S islet in the narrows. The passage through the
island is cliffy and steep-to, and the N end, with a well-wooded strait is only recommended for vessels less than 100.5m in
range of hills, is narrow and precipitous on both sides. The N length. An overhead cable, with a maximum vertical clearance
end of the island consists of large masses of vegetation-covered of 45m, spans Selat Lembeh WNW and E of Pulau Serena Be-
black and red rocks, and the NE point of the island is a wedge sar 1°27'38.4''N, 125°13'58.2''E.
shaped cliff about 61m high. White guano-covered rocks ex- 8.6Tidal currents in Selat Lembeh are semidiurnal and in the
tend about 0.4 mile N of the point. The sea always breaks on narrowest parts, attain a rate of 3 to 4 knots. The current sets N
these rocks. near the time of HW and S near LW. The current S of the islets,
8.6Pulau Susulina, about 37m high, lies close off the SE point at the entrance to the narrows, is small under Pulau Lembeh
of Pulau Lembeh. Pulau Dua lies about midway along the S and sometimes there is an eddy.
coast and has two peaks, the highest one being 94m. This islet
is steep-to on all sides except the S which has a shoal that ex- 8.7 Bitung (1°26'N., 125°11'E.) (World Port Index No.
tends almost 0.25 mile off it. An explosives dumping ground 52065), a deep-water port, is situated on the Sulawesi coast N
lies 12 miles SE of Pulau Susulina. of Tanjung Labuan Compenie.
8.6The S point of Pulau Lembeh is formed by a narrow, hilly 8.7Tides—Currents.—The flood tide sets E and the ebb W,
tongue of land. The S coast is bordered by an extensive drying both running parallel to the wharf with a rate of 1 to 2 knots.
reef which extends almost 0.5 mile SW of the S extremity. Ships are always berthed against the current.
8.6Pulau Sandy (1°23'N., 125°10'E.) lies on a reef, 0.7 mile W 8.7Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 60,000 dwt, with a
of the S extremity of Pulau Lembeh. A light shown from a maximum loa of 231m and a maximum draft of 12.0m, can be
white metal framework tower with red bands stands on the is- accommodated.
land. 8.7Berth information is shown in the table titled Bitung—
8.6Tanjung Labuan Compenie, 3 miles NE of Pulau Sandy, is Berth Information.
the E entrance point of the S end of Selat rocks at its base. A 8.7Pilotage.—Pilotage is required and may be arranged via
light, from which a radiobeacon and a racon transmit, is shown Coastal Radio Station Bitung (call sign PKM). A 24-hour ETA
from a 20m high white framework tower on the stands on the is required. Pilots embark about 0.5 mile W of Tanjung Labuan
point. The coast of Pulau Lembeh, NE of Tanjung Labuan Compenie.

Bitung—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
ASDP Ferry Terminal
Ro/pax. Berthing length of 62m
North Jetty — — 62m — —
(including dolphins).
Ro/pax. Berthing length of 62m
South Jetty — — — — —
(including dolphins).
Bitung Container Terminal
Berth IX 189m 10.0m 231m — — Containers. Continuous berthing
Berth VIII 189m 10.0m 215m — — length of 378m.
Berth X 364m 10.0m 231m — — Containers.
Samudera Bitung Terminal
No. 01 196m 7.5-9.8m 146m 5.0m — Breakbulk.
No. 02 236m 10.2-10.5m 195m — — Breakbulk.
No. 03 170m 8.9-10.1m 182m — — Containers and breakbulk.

Pub. 163
236 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

Bitung—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
No. 04 144m 7.2-7.4m 115m — — Containers and breakbulk.
Tonasa Cement Terminal
Cement. Berthing length of 130m
Cement Berth 30m — 122m — —
(including dolphins).
Bimoli Terminal
Vegetable oils, multipurpose, and
No. 01 13m — — — —
Chemicals, vegetable oils,
No. 02 32m — 147m — —
multipurpose, and breakbulk.
Bitung Asphalt Terminal
Dirty products, asphalt, and fishing
Cargo Quay 206m — — — —
Madidir Terminal
East Berth — — — — — Vegetable oils and breakbulk
West Berth — — 74m — — Vegetable oils and breakbulk
PT Multi Nabati Sulawesi Terminal
Anchorage Area — — 117m — — Chemicals and vegetable oils.
Chemicals, vegetable oils, and
Multi Nabati Berth 86m — 195m — — breakbulk. Berthing length of 253m
(including dolphins).
AKR Bitung Tank Terminal
Berth length 153m (including
AKR Bitung Berth 92m — 127m — —
Gasmindo Utama Terminal
East Berth — — 65m — — LPG.
West Berth — — — — — LPG.
Pertamina Fuel Bitung Terminal
Chemicals, clean products, and bun-
Jetty 1 15m 10.0m 158m 7.3m 17,000 dwt kers. Berthing length of 186m (in-
cluding dolphins).
Clean products, vegetable oils, and
Jetty II — 3.0m 119m — 1,000 dwt bunkers. Berthing of length 130m
(including dolphins).

8.7Anchorage.—The recommended anchorage is 1.25 miles give the point a wide berth. Good anchorage lies close NE of
WSW of Tanjung Labuan Companie, in a depth of 53m. Ships Tanjung Merah, in depths of 56 to 72m.
awaiting berth can also anchor 1 mile ENE of the same point, 8.8Kema (1°22'N., 125°05'E.) is a village situated on a plain at
in a depth of 37m. the foot of Gunung Kalabat. Numerous palms along the beach
8.7Caution.—The water in the vicinity of Bitung is filled with indicate the position of Kema, which is not easily seen from
numerous fishing boats with no lights. Approaching or sailing seaward. The roadstead off Kema affords good anchorage, in
at night should not be attempted. depths of 9 to 20m, throughout the year. At Kema, the S wind
of the Southeast Monsoon is said to frequently hinder shipping.
8.8 Tanjung Merah (1°24'N., 125°07'E.) is located on 8.8Landing can always be obtained on the S side of the road-
the Sulawesi coast, 2.75 miles W of Pulau Sandy. This point, stead, even when this is impracticable elsewhere due to a heavy
which is the S entrance of Selat Lembeh, has shoals with swell. Under favorable conditions the most convenient landing
depths of 1.2m that lie nearly 0.5 mile S of it. Vessels should place is at the village.

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 237

The coast between Kema and Pulau Bentenan, 25 miles

8.8 Pulau Kumeke (0°48'N., 124°40'E.), a rocky thickly-wood-

SSW, is low and monotonous, and is fronted by a drying reef ed island, lies 0.25 mile offshore 4 miles SW of Totok. A low
projecting 0.1 to 0.15 mile except immediately S of Kema rock covered with vegetation lies near the center of an exten-
where it is 0.3 mile broad. The only villages on this part of the sive reef with a depth of 4.9m, about 0.8 mile E of Pulau
coast are Rimbua, 23 miles SSW of Kema, and Bentenan, 2 Kumeke. Kotabuna, a large village with a flagstaff, is situated
miles farther SW. There is good anchorage 0.5 mile SE of the on the coast W of Pulau Kumeke. A small pier projects from
village of Bentenan. Lilang Light is shown from a headland the coast near the flagstaff. There is a lighted beacon at Ko-
about 2.5 miles S of Kema. tabuna. Pulau Bambajanon, 1.5 miles S of Pulau Kumeke, is
Caution.—Submarine cable lies close to Kema extend 6
8.8 separated from the coast by a clear channel about 1 mile wide.
miles offshore in a ESE direction. In the small bight off the village of Telaga, 3 miles SSE of

Pulau Bambajanon, there is anchorage, in 37 to 42m, about

8.9 Pulau Bentenan (0°58'N., 124°54'E.), 135m high and 0.25 mile offshore. A rock, awash, lies on the coastal reef off
saddle-shaped, lies on a reef extending from the coast 2 miles Telaga.
SSE of Bentenan. Four steep-to rocks lie close off the E side of
the island. Pulau Pakolor, 2 miles E of Pulau Bentenan, is 66m 8.11 Tanjung Salimburung (0°43'N., 124°38'E.) is locat-
high, marked by a light, and sparsely covered with vegetation. ed on the S side of the above bight 0.75 mile from Telaga. Jiko
A rock with a depth of 0.9m, lies 0.2 mile S of Pulau Pakolor, Bulutaya (Djiko Buluntaja), 7 miles SSW of Tanjung Salimbu-
and in any swell or sea there are heavy rollers over it. In calm rung, affords calm anchorage for vessels with local knowledge
weather its position is indicated by rippling. Pulau Punten lies in 26m off the village of Molobog.
1.5 miles SW of Pulau Bentenan. Two small islets or rocks lie Kepulauan Laga, two small rock islets, lie close off a point of

between these two islands. A 2.1m patch lies close offshore 1.5 land 3.5 miles SSE of Jiko Bulutaya. On the W side of the is-
miles W of Pulau Punten. lets there is a bay, which is deep and clear of dangers and
8.9The coast between Pulau Bentenan and Tanjung Flesko, 39 which a river enters the sea. Nuangan, a village, stands 1 mile
miles SW, is generally low and forested. It is indented by nu- up this river. Vessels with local knowledge may anchor 0.25
merous bays and there are several off-lying islands. mile off the mouth of the river, in a depth of 26m.
8.9Belang Roadstead lies off the village of Belang (0°56'N., Jiko Matabulu (Djiko Matabulu), 4 miles SW of Kepulauan

124°47'E.), about 7 miles WSW of Pulau Bentenan. The vil- Laga, and Jiko Houjoh (Djiko Houjoh), a short distance farther
lage is large. A few white houses with zinc roofs can be seen at S, only afford anchorage close offshore for vessels with local
a great distance. knowledge.
8.9Landing can be effected on the beach fronting the village, or
in conditions of swell, 0.25 mile SSW of it. A lighted beacon is 8.12 Tanjung Flesko (0°28'N., 124°30'E.) is high, rocky,
shown from Belang. and there is frequently a strong current and surf near the point.
8.9Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken from 0.2 to 0.3 mile A small, but remarkable peak 633m high, rises 2.5 miles NW
offshore, in depths of 18 to 37m, SE of Belang, but the holding of Tanjung Flesko. A drying reef lies 0.45 mile E of the point.
ground is poor. Numerous fishing nets with floats are often laid A 6.7m patch lies about 2.25 miles SSW of Tanjung Flesko,
in this vicinity. and a 10.9m patch lies close E of the 6.7m patch.
8.9Tanjung Mangkit (0°55'N., 124°47'E.) is the S entrance From Tanjung Flesko the coast trends WSW 14 miles to Tan-

point to Belang Roadstead. Pulau Tulang and Pulau Hogow are jung Binarahan. The intervening shore is indented by numer-
two rocky islets that lie 2 and 3 miles, respectively, SSW of ous bays which may provide anchorage.
Tanjung Mangkit. Pulau Pondang lies 1.25 miles offshore, 3 miles SW of Tan-

jung Flesko. A reef, with two above-water rocks and a least

8.10 Teluk Totok (0°52'N., 124°43'E.) (World Port Index depth of 3.7m, extends about 0.5 mile SW of the islet. A light,
No. 52080), which is fronted by Pulau Tulang and Pulau Hogow, shown from a white metal framework tower 22m high, stands
is protected on the S by a tongue of land that extends 2.75 miles on the SW slope of the islet.
NE from the mainland, in a position 4 miles SW of Pulau Hog- Anchorage.—Anchorage, in 37m, sheltered from all winds, is

ow. This bay affords spacious and sheltered anchorage in both available in the bight W of Tanjung Flesko. The bight that lies
monsoons. It can be entered by passing either N or S of Pulau WNW of Pulau Pondang provides sheltered anchorage from all
Hogow. The passage N of Pulau Hogow should not be attempted but E winds, 0.45 mile off the head of the bight, in 40m.
without due caution as two banks, the outer with a depth of 11m,
extend nearly 0.75 mile SW from Pulau Tulang. 8.13 Kepulauan Batutolu are two islets lying 7 miles W of
A saddle-shaped islet lies close to the N shore of the bay, 1.5
8.10 Pulau Pondang. The N is joined to the coast by a drying reef and
miles W of Pulau Hogow, with two above-water rocks on a reef the S is surrounded by a drying reef. Tobajangan, a village,
close NW of it. stands on the NE shore of a bay immediately E of Tanjung Bina-
Totok, a village on the W shore of the bay, with Ratotok, an-
8.10 rahan.
other village close NW of it, are of little importance; although, Tanjung Tolu (0°22'N., 124°13'E.), 4 miles W of Tanjung

there are several large warehouses and a loading pier about Binarahan, is marked by a round hummock on the end. Tan-
30.5m long belonging to the mining company. jung Panango lies 10.5 miles W of Tanjung Tolu. The 200m
Anchorage may be taken E of the pier, in depths of 20 to
8.10 curve closes to 0.75 mile along this coast and there are several
29m. The water in the anchorage is usually discolored, so that detached reefs, some of them dry, that lie close within this line.
the edge of the coastal reef is not always visible. Close W of Tanjung Panango are two reefs which dry. A 1.8m

Pub. 163
238 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

patch lies 3 miles W of Tanjung Panango. and the reefs discolored.

Tanjung Salongon, about 5 miles W of Tanjung Panango, is

low but can be recognized from the E by the roof of a large 8.15 Between Tanjung Tombulilatu and Teluk Limba
storage shed. A river enters the sea immediately E of the point. (0°29'N., 122°31'E.), the mountains rise steeply from the sea
Anchorage may be taken, in a depth of 24m inside a 4.6m with only an occasional coastal reef.
patch, 0.5 mile E of the mouth of the river, about 0.2 mile off- The coast between Teluk Limba and Tanjung Panjung (Tan-

shore. jung Pandjang), 45 miles W, provides some good landmarks in

Tanjung Tombulilatu (0°18'N., 123°20'E.), 39 miles W of
8.13 the mountain peaks. Gunung Tiolo (Tiolo), 17 miles WNW of
Tanjung Salongon, is the N entrance point of Teluk Tomini. It Teluk Limba, is the highest summit of a long range and has a
is located at the foot of a mountain range, Pegunungan Sinan- double peak, 1,015m high. Gunung Dulantangan, 555m, 15
daka, and the coast in this vicinity is steep-to with a coastal miles WSW of Gunung Tiolo, is the highest summit of a ridge
reef here and there. running about 2 miles from the coast.

Teluk Tomini Gunung Oleonuhe (Olionuhe) (0°35'N., 121°50'E.), 11


miles NNE of Tanjung Panjang, is 701m high. This peak stands

8.14 Teluk Tomini lies W of a line joining Tanjung Tombu- by itself and is particularly conspicuous. Further W, between
lilatu and Tanjung Pangkalaseang, 60 miles S. Tanjung Panjang and Tanjung Tolosiadje, about 22 miles, the
In general, the depths in the gulf are over 1,829m. The gulf is
8.14 mountains approach the coast. Gunung Ulota, 14 miles WNW
surrounded by high mountain land with low plains in front, ex- of Gunung Oleonuhe, 884m high, and Gunung Beau, 721m
cept where there is a barrier reef when the mountains generally high, 6.5 miles SW of Gunung Ulota, are conspicuous.
approach the coast. North of the bight that lies W of Tanjung Tolosaije, there are

On the N shore between Tanjung Tombulilatu and Teluk

8.14 three conspicuous peaks: Gunung Dingki 333m high, Gunung
Limba, 50 miles WNW, the mountains rise abruptly from the Boloo 836m high, and Gunung Salumpengu (Salumpengu)
sea. The charted 183m curve lies close offshore and there are 696m high which rise 4 miles N, 11 miles WNW, and 18 miles
no dangers outside it. Between a position 5 miles W of Teluk WNW, respectively, of Tanjung Tolosiadje.
Limba and Tanjung Pelasa, 120 miles W, the charted 183m The mountains from Tanjung Sempinit (0°24'N.,

curve lies farther offshore, and a barrier reef with numerous is- 121°04'E.), 23 miles W of Tanjung Tolosaidje, to Tanjung Pe-
lets, fronts the shore close within it. Along the W half of this lasa, 39 miles WNW, form a long arched chain that reaches a
stretch of coast there are several steep-to dangers outside the height of 2,443m, but has no conspicuous peaks. In this moun-
183m curve. tain range, Gunung Santigi 306m high, lies near the coast 9
The head of Teluk Tomino, between Tanjung Pelasa and Tan-
8.14 miles W of Tanjung Sempinit and is visible from all directions.
jung Sausu, 90 miles S, is fronted by barrier reefs in many Gunung Bosago (Bosago) 1,347m high, rises 19 miles NW of
places within the 183m curve. Gunung Santigi and is easily recognized.
On the S shore, between Tanjung Sausu and Tanjung Batuhi-

tam, 135 miles ENE, the depths are great close along the shore. Teluk Tomini—North Coast
Generally, the hills within this shore rise steeply from the sea
while the interior consists of high land and mountains near the 8.16 Teluk Gorontalo (0°30'N., 123°03'E.) lies at the
coast. Kepulauan Togian extend NW from Tanjung Batuhitan mouth of three rivers, 21 miles NW of Tanjung Tombulilatu.
and cover an extensive area in the S part of the bay. On both sides of the river are steep mountain ridges with a
Winds—Weather.—The monsoons within the bay are weak
8.14 wide plain between them at the junction of the rivers. The
and variable. The Northwest Monsoon lasts from December to mouth of the river is quite deep and about 0.3 mile inside the
April blowing between NW and N, and the Southeast Mon- depths suddenly decrease.
soon, from May to October blowing from SSE to SSW. Gorontalo (0°30'N., 123°03'E.) (World Port Index No.
Prolonged strong winds are rare and rain squalls infrequent.
8.14 52090), the principal trading place for Teluk Tomini, is situated
Showers occur at any time of the year but there are no regular on the low tongue of land at the junction of Sungai Bolango
wet and dry seasons. Land and sea breezes are a regular fea- and Sungai Bone, the principal tributaries of Sungai Gorontalo.
ture. At times over the N part of Teluk Tomini visibility is re- Mainly a lighterage port, exporting copra, it is also a ferry port
duced by a thick haze. and oil terminal. Gerontalo Light is shown from the E entrance
Tides—Currents.—During the Southeast Monsoon, a cur-
8.14 point of the roadstead.
rent was observed N and NE of Kepulauan Togian, running Winds—Weather.—In July and August a strong wind from

with some strength in a NE direction along the coast in the vi- seaward blows during the day causing a heavy sea. During
cinity of Tanjung Flesko. At the same time a W current was ob- night, with the land breeze, the sea remains calm. In the North-
served along the N shore of the bay as far W as Teluk west Monsoon, heavy squalls from seaward may occur unex-
Gorontalo. Tidal currents are scarcely noticeable. pectedly. Other than the squalls, there is a land breeze which is
Aspect.—There are several conspicuous mountain peaks
8.14 stronger at night.
along this coast but, as with those farther E, during the South- Depths—Limitations.—Within the river are two quays able

east Monsoon, the mountains over 914m are obscured by to accommodate vessels up to 5,000 dwt with a maximum draft
clouds from 0800 for the rest of the day. Even though the of 5.0m. One quay is 120m long, with a depth of 10m along-
mountains are close to the coast, it is not always easy to distin- side, and is used for container handling and passengers. The
guish the summits. On this coast the points of land are defined second pier is 59m long, with a depth of 7m alongside and is

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 239

used for general cargo. Pulau Mohupombodaa bears 191°, the harbor may be steered
for or a course taken SW into the inner passage.
Pertamina Oil Terminal consists of a single, angled, T-head
8.16 Pilots for Tilamuta can be obtained at Gorontalo.

jetty extending 100m SE from the shore with a depth of 8m at A light is shown from a beacon at Tilamuta.

the head. It has a berthing length is 60m and can accommodate Some of the more prominent islets along the barrier reef are

vessel up to 6,5000 dwt with a maximum draft of 5.0mt. A dol- Pulau Mopingulo (0°27'N., 122°19'E.), Pulau Telefoa, and
phin lies off the N end of the jetty. Pulau Montuli which lie 1.5, 3.25, and 7.5 miles, respectively,
Pilotage.—Pilotage is not required, but pilots are available
8.16 WSW of Pulau Mohupombodaa.
and board vessels about 0.3 mile SSW of the light. Farther W on the barrier reef, Pulau Bitila lies 6.25 miles

Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken outside the bay, in

8.16 WSW of Pulau Montuli, and Pulau Lahei lies 10 miles W of
about 80m, mud, about 0.1 mile outside the 10m line with the Pulau Bitila.
light structure bearing 040°. An obstruction lies in the middle The inner passage between Teluk Tilamuta and Tanjung Bu-

of the bay about 0.2 mile NW of the light. looliho, about 13 miles W, can be easily navigated. The various
reefs within the barrier are all marked by discoloration, and
8.17 Teluk Pagujaman (0°29'N., 122°40'E.) lies 22 miles there are numerous landmarks. There are some passages
W of Gorontalo. It has depths of over 549m in its middle. The through the barrier reef, through which some villages can be
village of Bilatu is situated at the head of the bay. Teluk Bobaa, reached directly.
entered 5 miles W of Teluk Pagujaman, has a narrow entrance
0.2 mile wide between the reefs extending from either side, but 8.18 Batumoito (0°29'N., 122°18'E.), a village, stands at
the reefs are clearly marked by discoloration. The village of the head of a small bay, 3 miles W of Teluk Tilamuta and N of
Bobaa is situated at the head of the bay. the passage between Pulau Mopingulo and Pulau Telefoa.
Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,
8.17 There is a reef about 0.7 mile E of Pulau Telefoa with a depth
in a depth of 40m, in Teluk Bobaa. of 4.8m on its W extremity. There are patches of 1 and 1.2m,
Teluk Limba, close W of Teluk Bobaa, is divided into two
8.17 1.75 and 2 miles, respectively, NE of Pulau Telefoa.
parts by Pulau Limba, a densely-wooded high island. The en- Tapadaa, a small village 5.5 miles W of Batumoito, can be

trance into the E bay is only 0.2 mile wide between the reefs reached through an entrance in the barrier reef W of Pulau
projecting from the island and from a point of land on the E Montuli, on a course of 358°, with a group of casuarina trees
shore. There is good anchorage in the E bay, in a depth of 40m, W of the village used as an approach mark. This course leads
but it is not sheltered during the Southeast Monsoon. between a 7.9m patch just inside the barrier reef on the E, and a
Teluk Dulupi is entered between a point 3.5 miles W of Pulau
8.17 3.4m patch on the W. Both patches, marked by discoloration,
Limba, and Pulau Dulupi, a high island with two hills, 0.6 mile cause heavy tide rips.
farther W. The bay offers little shelter for large vessels. Anchorage, in a depth of not less than 27m, can be taken off

The coast between Tilamuta (0°30'N., 122°20'E.), 6 miles

8.17 Tapadaa.
W of Teluk Dulupi and Tanjung Panjang, about 34 miles far- Tanjung Bulooliho (0°28'N., 122°08'E.) is a conspicuous

ther W, provides good landmarks for vessels navigating outside point with a hill, 64m high, about 4 miles WSW of Tapada.
the barrier reefs. Bumbulan (Pentadoe), a village about 4.5 miles WNW of

Along this stretch of coast a barrier of islands and reefs lie just
8.17 Tanjung Bulooliho, has a prominent warehouse with a zinc
within the 183m curve which is from 1.5 to 5.5 miles offshore. Be- roof, which is visible from well out to sea. The anchorage off
tween this barrier and the islands and reefs under the coast is a the village may be reached by crossing the barrier reef E of Pu-
broad passage with a few isolated reefs which are easily avoided. lau Bitila. Cross the barrier reef with the beacon on the W side
The depths in this channel vary from 22 to 55m and occasionally a of Bumbulan in line with the 555m high peak, 2.25 miles NW,
little more. Anchorage can be found everywhere. bearing 322°. This course leads E of a beacon marking the reef
Tilamuta lies on the NW shore of Teluk Tilamuta. A coastal
8.17 extending SE from Pulau Bitila.
reef extends about 0.7 mile S of the SW entrance point of Teluk This reef was reported to extend about 61m SE of the bea-

Tilamuta. There are two islets on the reef, and the islet 0.21 con. The reefs on both sides show clearly, and the bottom in the
mile SW of the entrance point serves as a good mark when en- channel can be seen, indicating the continuation of the two
tering the bay. The largest islet on the coastal reef extending S reefs.
from the SW entrance point of the bay, lies about 0.5 mile S of Continue on course passing close SW of a beacon situated

that point, and when entering the channel that leads W inside 2.5 miles NNW of Pulau Bitila, which marks a shoal with a
the offlying reef, this islet must be passed on its S side. There is depth of 5.8m. Farther inside and directly on this course is a
shoal water and reefs off the NE entrance of the bay and a reef shoal with a depth of 4.3m, marked by a beacon. A reef, with a
extends about 0.7 mile NE from Pulau Mohupombodaa, an is- depth of 0.3m, lies 0.3 mile SE of Bumbulan and is marked by
land that lies 1.25 miles S of the bay’s SW entrance point. The a beacon. There are many other dangers E of the alignment of
E end of Pulau Mohupombodaa is a conspicuous yellow rocky the beacon and the peak. The reefs are barely marked by dis-
point. coloration due to the muddy water.
To enter Teluk Tilamuta, bring the islet close SW of the
8.17 Anchorage may be taken, in a depth of 16m, 0.75 mile SE of

bay’s SW entrance point in line with a peak 6.25 miles W of the beacon that stands on the W side of Bumbulan.
Tilamuta, bearing 275°. This course will lead between the reef Pilots are available in the village.

extending NE of Pulau Mohupombodaa, and a 4.8m patch that

lies off the NE entrance point of the bay. When the E point of 8.19 Tanjung Tamboo (0°27'N., 121°58'E.) is a point lo-

Pub. 163
240 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

cated 6 miles WSW of Bumbulan. There are two small islets Off-lying Islets and Dangers
that lie within 0.5 mile S and SW of Tanjung Tamboo. Marisa,
a village 2.5 miles W of Tanjung Tamboo at the entrance to a 8.22 There are several known dangers lying outside the
river, is prominent. 183m curve. These dangers lie on plateaus and are separated
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken S of the entrance to
8.19 by deep water. Pulau Panabean (0°17'N., 121°15'E.), the far-
the river, in a depth of 21m, mud, about 0.4 mile offshore with thest S of these islets is marked by a light and lies on the NE
a prominent galvanized metal warehouse bearing 358°. The an- end of a large reef, 10 miles SSE of Tanjung Tuladengg. The
chorage may be approached by passing about 1 mile W of Pu- reef extends 2 miles SSW from the islet, then bends W for 4
lau Lanhei on a course of 000° with Marisa ahead. When the miles. Some parts of the reef dry, and on the other parts there
two islets off Tanjung Tamboo are in line, course should be al- are depths of less than a meter. Pulau Maluangi, 1.5 miles N of
tered for the anchorage. Pulau Panabean, is surrounded by a reef that is steep-to except
on the SW side. A large reef extends N from a position 2.5
8.20 Tanjung Panjang (0°24'N., 121°48'E.) is low and can miles W of Pulau Maluangi.
be distinguished by a clump of casuarinas. A drying reef, A high, bare sand flat lies 1 mile SE of Pulau Dulangka.

which is always visible, lies 1.5 miles SE of Tanjung Panjang.

The coast E of the point is low, marshy, and grown up in man- 8.23 Moutong (0°27'N., 121°14'E.) is the only village of
groves. importance along this stretch of coast. The village can be rec-
Between Tanjung Panjang and Tanjung Tolosiadje (Tanjung
8.20 ognized by the numerous houses and by a small mosque. A
Tolosiaje) (0°28'N., 121°26'E.), 22 miles W, a bight encum- light is shown at the mouth of a small river.
bered with islets and reefs is formed in the N shore of Teluk The entrance to the anchorage off Moutong leads E of Pulau

Tomini. Along the shore of the bight is a narrow, marshy strip Maluangi and W of Pulau Lalaiyo. A reef, with a least depth of
of land with mountains rising abruptly behind. Some of the 1.2m, lies 0.5 mile N of Pulau Lalaiyo. The reefs to the W
more prominent mountains have been discussed. show poor discoloration.
Pulau Puntu, 271m high, lying about 7.5 miles NW of Tanjung
8.20 Anchorage can be taken, in 20 to 29m, S of Moutong, keep-

Panjang, is conspicuous from the E and W. The remaining islets ing clear of the numerous reefs.
in the bight are low and covered with vegetation. There are no There is a jetty at Moutong for discharging oil products with

known dangers outside the 183m curve along this coast. a depth alongside of 6.4m. Vessels up to 700 dwt and 60m long
Papajato (Papayato) (0°29'N., 121°28'E.), the most import-
8.20 can berth. A light is shown near the base of the jetty.
ant village on this bight, lies 2 miles ENE of Tanjung Tolosiaje.
The roofs of the buildings in the village can be seen from sea- Tanjung Santigi (0°23'N., 120°54'E.) lies about 15 miles W

ward. A pilot can be obtained at Gorontala. of Tanjung Tuladengg. From Tanjung Tuladengg to Tanjung
There are two passages through the barrier reef to the an-
8.20 Sempinit, 5 miles W, the coast is low with sand beaches, then it
chorage of Papajato. The E passage is close E of a beacon that is grown over with mangroves to Tanjung Santigi.
marks a detached 3m patch, about 0.5 mile NE of Pulau Sadaa Mogogondo is a village at the head of a bight, 6 miles WNW

(Sadaa) (0°26'N., 121°31'E.); steer course 316°. The other pas- of Tanjung Sempinit. A steep rocky hill, 31m high with a rosy
sage, with Gunung Dingki bearing 348°, leads through the bar- color, is located on the coast SW of Mogogondo, and two
rier about 1.25 miles W of Pulau Sadu (Sadu), an islet about 131m peaks are located behind Mogogondo. Neither the hill or
0.75 mile W of Pulau Sadaa. Anchorage can be taken, in a the two peaks are charted.
depth of about 22m, sand, S of the village. Pulau Sama (Sama) is an islet lying on a reef 5 miles SSE of

Tanjung Santigi. The approach to the anchorage off Mogogon-

8.21 Tanjung Tuladengg (0°25'N., 121°09'E.) is located do through the barrier reef can be made with the rose-colored
18 miles W of Tanjung Tolosiadje. The intervening coast has peak SW of Mogogondo in line with the of the two 131m peaks
spurs of the mountains closely approaching the coast as far W bearing 039°. This passage is NW of Pulau Sama, leading be-
as Moutong, about 12 miles W of Tanjung Tolosiaje, then to tween two reefs which dry and are plainly marked by discolor-
Tanjung Tuladengg, the coast is low. Tanjung Tuladengg is lo- ation when covered.
cated at the mouth of a river, and the village of Tuladengg is Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 20m, S of Mogogon-

situated upstream. do.

Anchorage can be taken, in about 29m, E of the mouth of the
8.21 The inner passage between Tanjung Tuladengg and Mogo-

river. The approach to the anchorage presents no difficulty as gondo is not recommended since unknown dangers may exist.
the reefs near the 183m curve show discoloration. The area Numerous dangers lie off the coast between Tanjung Santigi

within the 183m curve is full of islets and reefs; all of them and Tanjung Pelasa, 29 miles W. The charted 183m curve does
show discoloration. Pulau Ilosangi and Pulau Iloluta (Iloluta) not sharply define the outer limits of the reefs as is generally
lie on the edge of the barrier reef, 3 miles S and 3.5 miles SSW, the case throughout Teluk Tomini.
respectively, of Tanjung Tolosiaje. Pulau Dulangka lies close Vessels without local knowledge are advised to keep outside

within the barrier reef, 6 miles SW of Pulau Iloluta and Pulau the charted 183m curve. At night keep S of the parallel 0°10'N.
Lalaijo (Lalaijo) lies close within the 183m curve, 2 miles Coral islets and reefs lie along and inside the edge of the

SSW of Moutong. 183m curve and are plainly marked by discoloration.

The islets are all low coral islets with trees and are visible at

distances up to 13 miles.
Pulua Olua (0°22'N., 120°49'E.), the largest of these islets,

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 241

lies about 5.5 miles WSW of Tanjung Santigi. chart.

Pulau Saluton (Saluton) lies 10 miles WSW of Pulau Olua,

and Pulau Giombang (Giombang) lies 4.5 miles NNW of Pulau 8.26 Kasimbar (0°09'S., 120°02'E.) is a small village on
Saluton. These three islets make good landmarks. the coast 7.5 miles SSW of Tanjung Sene.
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with lo-

Off-lying Dangers cal knowledge, in a depth of 44m, E of the village. A large dry-
ing reef lies S of the anchorage, 0.3 mile offshore, and a 3m
8.24 There are several known dangers outside the 183m patch lies 1.5 miles E of the village. The approach to the an-
curve, and the danger farthest E is a reef which dries, lying chorage should be made from S by steering for the point 2
about 2.5 miles SSE of Pulau Olua. A small drying reef lies miles N of Kasimbar, bearing 342°.
about 5 miles ESE of Pulau Saluton and a 1.8m patch lies 1.75 The W shore of Teluk Tomini, from Kasimbar to Loji (Lodji),

miles S of this drying reef. Reefs lie about 1.25 miles ESE and 41 miles SSE, is of little importance and the few anchorages are
3.5 miles E of Pulau Saluton. A large reef, with several drying only visited by small vessels operating in the gulf.
patches, lies about 4 miles W of Pulau Giombang, and between There is no barrier reef along the 183m curve off this stretch

this reef and Pulau Saluton there are three other reefs. A 4m of coast, but numerous detached reefs lie within this depth.
patch lies about 0.75 mile SW of Pulau Giombang. Tanjung Turibulu, about 9 miles S of Kasimbar, is sharply

Raaf Reef (Passi Raaf), with a depth of 0.2m, is steep-to and

8.24 defined against the high mountains inland.
marked by discoloration. It lies 5.5 miles S of Tanjung Pelasa. Vessels anchor about 0.15 mile from shore, steering for the

Tomini (0°30'N., 120°33'E.) consists of a number of small vil-

8.24 mouth of a small river, S of the point, on a bearing of 235°.
lages situated on a plain about 4 miles wide. The houses of the There is better anchorage in the small bight N of the point.
village, except for a few near the beach, are obscured by coconut Ampibabo (0°28'S., 120°04'E.), a village about 10 miles S

trees. A small landing pier is situated at the village and a con- of Tanjung Turibulu, is situated on the S side of a point which
spicuous warehouse is situated about 10.4 mile E. A drying reef, has Pulau Dongkala (Dongkala), a wooded islet, lying off it.
not marked by discoloration, and a 2.4m patch, lie 0.4 mile SE The islet forms a good mark and are visible from a distance of
and 0.27 mile S, respectively, of the pier. A lighted beacon 10 miles.
stands near the head of the pier. Anchorage can be taken, in 49m, Within the 183m curve, which lies 2 miles off, are a number

W of the above dangers with the pier bearing NNE. of reefs which dry.
Labua Sore, 12 miles S of Ampibabo, is a basin formed in a

Teluk Tomini—Head coastal reef affording a safe and sheltered anchorage for small
vessels. The entrance is about 91m wide, with a depth of 5.5m
8.25 From Tanjung Pelasa the coast at the head of the bay between the edges of the drying reef and increasing to 18.3m
trends in a general S direction about 90 miles to Tanjung Sau- inside.
su (0°59'S., 120°30'E.), a low point that is recognizable by the A conspicuous, bare, yellowish colored hill, 270m high, is

tall trees that stand on it. located close W of the basin.

Kabu Kabu (Siteo) (0°15'N., 120°11'E.) is a small village

situated 19 miles SW of Tanjung Pelasa. There are few con- 8.27 Pelabuhan Parigi (Parigi Road) (0°49'S., 120°11'E.)
spicuous landmarks along this coast. A dark clump of trees at is the roadstead that lies off the village of Loji (Lodji). The ru-
Tinombo, 9.5 miles SW of Tanjung Pelasa is easily recognized. ins of an old fort stand here. Parigi, a small village, stands on
It appears as an islet when seen at a distance. A dark hill, 54m the shore 4 miles SW of the light structure, and is visible from
high, close to the coast, rises from a position 4 miles NNE of seaward.
Kabu Kabu. A T-head pier, with a depth of 1.5m alongside, is situated

The 183m curve lies 1 mile off the shore at Tinombo, and
8.25 here and a conspicuous warehouse stands close N of the pier.
there are no known dangers outside this line. There is a jetty for the discharge of oil products with an

There is a pier at the village of Tinombo, an administrative

8.25 alongside depth of 7.2m. Vessels up to 700 dwt and 60m long
headquarters, and nearby is a conspicuous warehouse. Anchor- can berth.
age may be taken, in a depth of 73m, 0.5 mile S of the pier. The The bottom in Pelabuan Parigi is quite steep, leaving little

inshore reefs in the vicinity of the anchorage are reported to anchoring space in the road. Vessels with little knowledge of
show well. the area should approach from outside the 183m curve.
The coast between Kabu Kabu and Kasimbar, a village 25
8.25 The coast between Loji and Tanjung Sausu, 24 miles SE, pro-

miles SSW, has no prominent landmarks inland. The coast S of vides no landmarks with the exception of Gunung Pondindilisa
Kabu Kabu to Tanjung Lemo, a low flat point 7.5 miles SSW, (Pondindilisa), which rises to a height of 401m, 5 miles W of Tan-
is generally high. A conspicuous warehouse is situated about 2 jung Sausu. This peak is conspicuous from the NW.
miles SW of Tanjung Lemo. Tanjung Makatata and Tanjung Pondindilisa are located 3

Tanjung Sene (0°02'S., 120°05'E.), 10 miles S of Tanjung

8.25 miles SSE and 15 miles SE, respectively, of Loji. These two
Lemo, when seen from N or S, is a prominent point covered points are low, but they can be recognized by tall trees.
with trees of moderate height. A light is shown from Marisa, The 183m curve extends from 3 to 5 miles offshore from

close S of Kabu Kabu. Tanjung Makatata and Tanjung Pondindilisa. Along and inside
A barrier reef lies close inside the 183m curve along this part
8.25 this line are reefs and shoals which discolor.
of the coast, but there are no charted dangers outside. There are few wide openings in the barrier reef.

The charted dangers of the barrier reef may be seen on the

8.25 A small drying reef lies 4.5 miles N of Tanjung Sausu. A

Pub. 163
242 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

0.5m patch lies 0.5 mile WNW of the drying reef. route from Gonontalo, on the N, to the S shore of Teluk Tomi-
ni, S of Kepulauan Togian. The strait is about 1.5 miles wide
Teluk Tomini—South Coast and passes between a 5.8m patch on the N side, and a plateau
that extends 7 miles NW from Pulau Puah, on the S side. A
8.28 The coast between Tanjung Pangkalaseang and Tan- light is shown from a black metal beacon standing on a drying
jung Anau (0°34'S., 123°03'E.), a low point 25 miles WNW, is reef on the S side of the strait. Tide rips are frequently seen in
generally high and steep with several isolated mountains in- Selat Walea.
Gunung Tompotiga, a massive mountain plateau, 1,590m
8.28 8.30 Pulau Waleabahi (0°15'S., 122°18'E.) is a long, hilly
high, rises 8 miles SSE of Tanjung Anau. island that lies on the N side of the Selat Walea. Its coasts are
The 183m curve lies from 1 to 4.5 miles offshore along this
8.28 steep and there are five peaks on the island which are useful for
stretch of coast. There are no known dangers outside this line. fixing a vessel’s position. The highest summit, 448m high, ris-
Tanjung Lonsio (0°39'S., 123°25'E.), 4 miles NNW of Tan-
8.28 es 1.75 miles S of Tanjung Komali.
jung Pangkalaseang, rises perpendicularly from the sea. A reef Tanjung Kramat, about 2.75 miles ESE of Tanjung Komali,

lies 1 mile offshore midway between these two points. is a rocky peninsula with two hillocks. A bay that affords an-
Pulau Ampat, a group of four low coral islets, lies near the
8.28 chorage lies on the W side of this peninsula. A ridge, with a
coast, 3.5 miles NW of Tanjung Lonsio. Three of the islets are depth of 5.8m over the outer end and less water inside, extends
covered with vegetation and may be seen from some distance. 0.5 mile E from the W entrance of this bay, and a rocky islet
Boalemo, a small village, stands on the W side of a bight, 16
8.28 lies on the ridge 0.2 mile from its outer extremity. A 3.4m
miles WNW of Tanjung Lonsio. patch, marked by discoloration, lies in the entrance of the bay
Anchorage may be taken off this village, in 16 to 18m, with a
8.28 about 0.5 mile NW of Tanjung Kramat.
prominent hillock about 1 mile S of the head of the bight, bear- Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge, just

ing 180°. within the entrance to the bay, in a depth of 46m, mud and sand.
Pulau Mantawatudaa (0°31'S., 123°06'E.), 4 miles NE of
8.28 Pulau Waleakodi (0°15'S., 122°11'E.) lies on the W side of

Tanjung Anau, is a low islet covered with vegetation that lies a deep strait that separates it from Pulau Waleabahi. This is-
close inside the 183m curve. A smaller islet lies midway be- land, which is hilly, rises to a height of 397m on its SW side.
tween this islet and the mainland. The strait between Pulau Waleakodi and Pulau Waleabahi is

Pulau Sendiri (0°29'S., 122°56'E.), a vegetation covered is-

8.28 deep throughout and there are many landmarks for fixing a ves-
let, lies about 8.75 miles NW of Tanjung Anau. sel’s position. This passage should only be used by vessels
From Tanjung Anua to Tanjung Batu Hitam (Tanjung Batuhi-
8.28 with local knowledge.
tam), 21 miles WSW, the coast continues high and steep. The E Pulau Taoleh and Pulau Malingi lie 1.5 and 3 miles W; re-

extremity of a small peninsula lies 6.5 miles WSW of Tanjung spectively, of Pulau Waleakodi. A wide coastal reef surrounds
Anau, and on its NW extremity there is a prominent dark-colored the island. The N coast of Pulau Malingi is steep and rocky
hill, 90m high. A sharp peak, 549m high, rises 4 miles S. with some small beaches. Pulau Langkara (Langkara), a hilly
The 183m curve lies 16 miles offshore N of Tanjung Batu
8.28 island 142m high, lies 0.75 miles SW of Pulau Malingi.
Hitam. There are several charted reefs on and within the 183m
curve. A 9m shoal lies 1 mile outside this line about 13.5 miles 8.31 Pulau Talatakan (0°21'S., 122°06'E.) is a hilly island
NNE of Tanjung Batu Hitam. separated from the SE extremity of Pulau Malingi by a channel
Vessels bound for Teluk Poh from the E may cross the 183m
8.28 0.75 miles wide. The rocky points along the E coast of the
curve about 5.5 miles W of Pulau Sendiri, on a course of 220°, island are easily recognized by the islets lying off them. Three
and cross the 183m curve again about 2.5 miles W of Tanjung islets lie on a drying reef close N of Tanjung Uting, the SE
Batuhitam. Only vessels with local knowledge should attempt extremity of the island, and another islet which is a useful mark
this passage. lies 1 mile farther NE. Pulau Towoh, a small islet, lies off E
central part of the island.
Kepulauan Togian The passage E of Pulau Talatakan can be used with safety.

From S, the 183m curve is crossed through an opening in the

8.29 Kepulauan Togian are a group of islands that front the barrier reef about 3.5 miles ESE of Tanjung Uting with Pulau
S coast of Teluk Tomini. They lie with their W extremity 67 Towoh just open SW of the E extremity of Pulau Malingi,
miles W of Tanjung Batuhitam, extending 43 miles ENE and bearing 330°. This leads between two drying reefs near the
then SE to Tanjung Batu Hitam. 183m curve. When the NW extremity of the islet 1 mile NNE of
The principal islands from E to W are Pulau Puah, Pulau
8.29 Tanjung Uting is in line with the SE extremity of the three islets
Waleabahi, Pulau Waleakodi, Pulau Talatakan, Pulau Togian, 0.3 mile NE of Tanjung Uting bearing 209°, steer 000° for 3.25
Pulau Batudaka, and Pulau Unauna. miles. Pass 0.6 mile W of a small drying reef, lying 3 miles SE
Pulau Puah (0°30'S., 122°34'E.) lies 12 miles NNW of Tan-
8.29 of Pulau Towoh and 0.25 mile E of a similar reef lying 2 miles
jung Batu Hitam. It is a hilly island with the highest part at the SSE of the same islet. These reefs are usually marked by
SW extremity. The water between Pulau Puah and Tanjung Batu discoloration. A 4.9m patch lies 1.5 miles E of Pulau Towoh. As
Hitam is encumbered with numerous reefs and small islets. soon as the SW extremity of Pulau Taoleh is in line with the NE
Anchorage may be taken off the SE coast of Pulau Puah, in a
8.29 extremity of Pulau Malingi, bearing 316°, steer this course and
basin in the coastal reef, in a depth of 29m. then proceed N, passing on either side of Pulau Taoleh.
Selat Walea (0°25'S., 122°25'E.), a deep strait, is the usual
8.29 Pulau Togian (0°23'S., 121°57'E.), the middle of three is-

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 243

Copyright Remko Fortgens

Panoramic view of Pagimana

lands, rises to a height of 542m. The N coast of the island is bearing 135°. This course is held until the palms on the SW
high, precipitous, and rocky. Numerous islets and dangers lie point of Pulau Kadidi are abeam, then alter course to 123°,
off the coast. Teluk Kilat (Kilat Bay), in the W part of the N passing N of a 7m patch lying about 0.5 mile NW of the N bea-
coast, affords spacious anchorage for vessels with local knowl- con. When the N beacon is in line with the SE side of Pulau
edge, in depths of 40 to 49m. Reefs project from each entrance Pohon Ndongo, bearing 226°, vessels can then head for the an-
point, reducing the width. chorage off the village.
Teluk Togian (Togian Bay), on the S side of Pulau Togian, is
8.31 Vessels can anchor, in 20m, when the S beacon is in line with

a narrow inlet that can be entered by vessels with local knowl- the conspicuous group of rocks NW of Pulau Pohon Ndongo,
edge. The drying areas on each side of the channel are marked bearing 287°.
by discoloration. Anchorage can be taken, in 16m, off the vil-
lage that lies at the head of the bay. Off-lying Island and Dangers
Pulau Mogo besar (Mogo Besar) lies on a reef extending 1

mile SE of the W entrance to Teluk Togian. A 1.5m patch, 8.33 Pulau Taupan, 2 miles SW of Pulau Batudaka, is a
barely marked by discoloration, lies about 0.5 mile S of the E densely wooded island 83m high, surrounded by a drying coral
extremity of Pulau Mogo besar. reef.
To enter Teluk Togian, steer for the SW extremity of Pulau
8.31 The only known dangers lying outside the 183m curve N and

Mogo besar on the heading of 019°, then round the S side of W of the main group are two atolls. Pasir Tengah (Karang Ten-
that islet. Alter course to pass along the NE side of Pulau Mogo gah), an atoll whose edges dry, lies 4 miles off the NW coast of
besar between the reefs on either side. Pulau Batudaka. An atoll, whose edges also dry, lies 1.5 miles
When abreast the N point of Pulau Mogo besar, vessels may
8.31 E of Karang Tengah.
steer NW on the conspicuous high point on the E side of the Pulau Unauna (0°10'S., 121°38'E.), which lies 17 miles

bay, then mid-channel to the anchorage. NW of Pulau Togian, is steep-to and covered with vegetation.
In July 1983, the volcano on Pulau Unauna erupted.
8.32 Pulau Batudaka (0°30'S., 121°47'E.) lies close W of The charted 183m curve lies close off the island. The only

Pulau Tagian and is separated from that island by a narrow dangers are a reef, with a depth of 2.4m, lying 1 mile SSE of
channel. The island is hilly but has no conspicuous landmarks. Unauna, a village on the NE coast, and some reefs in the road-
On the N and W coasts, the barrier reefs run from 1.5 to 3 stead off the village.
miles from the coast, with several drying places of sand and A reef, which dries, extends SE from the N end of Unauna,

coral. The S side of the island rises steeply out of the sea and and two detached reefs, with depths of less than 1m, lie within
forms a large bight. The 183m curve runs about 0.5 mile 0.2 mile of the shore off the S end of the village.
offshore. Unauna is the administrative headquarters for the whole of

Batudaka, a village on the N extremity of the island, is a col-

8.32 Kepulauan Togian. There is a small pier near the flagstaff at the
lecting point for the many coconut plantations on the island. N end of the village.
The passage to the anchorage off Batudaka lies between Pu-
8.32 An area within 3 miles of the coast surrounding Pulau Unau-

lau Pohon Ndongo (Pohon Ndongo), a hilly island 2 miles na has been declared a closed and prohibited area. A light is
WNW of Batudaka and Pulau Kadidi (Kadidi), a steep rocky shown from the NE extremity of the island.
island close off the NW coast of Pulau Togian. A conspicuous The S coast of Teluk Tomini, W of Tanjung Batu Hitam,

group of rocks is located on the NW side of a drying reef 1.5 (0°40'S., 122°43'E.) is a low spur extending from a hill 214m
miles NW of Pulau Pohon Ndongo. Two hilly islets lie 0.5 mile high, standing a short distance within the point.
NW of Palau Kadidi and another islet, conspicuous when seen Teluk Poh, entered S of Tanjung Batu Hitam, is surrounded

from the NW, lies about 1.25 miles NE of the two hilly islets. A on all sides by high mountains. The N side of the bay is steep-
1.8m patch lies 2 miles ENE of Pulau Pohon Ndongo. The to, but on the S side the 183m curve lies up to 2 miles offshore.
patch is marked by a beacon, and a beacon marks the N ex- Several reefs, with a least depth of 0.9m, lie on the 183m curve
tremity of a reef extending N from Batudaka. N of the village of Dindinga.
To approach the anchorage off Batudaka, cross the 183m
8.32 The NW of these reefs is marked by a beacon. This village

curve 2.5 miles N of Pulau Pohon Ndongo with the N beacon lies S of Tanjung Batu Hitam.

Pub. 163
244 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

8.34 Pagimana (0°47'S., 122°39'E.) (World Port Index No. belombang.

52180), about 6.5 miles W of Dindinga, is a village on the S
side of an inaccessible lagoon. It is an important trading center. 8.35 Tanjung Api (0°48'S., 121°39'E.), marked by a light, is
A fishing village, built on piles, is situated on the N entrance to the first distinctive feature of land W of Teluk Poh. The land
a basin in the coastal reef off the village. within the point rises to a flat summit 555m high, with a wide
Vessels remaining a short time, anchor within the reefs, in a
8.34 low strip of land between the summit and the mountains inland.
depth of 46m, or, in a depth of 55m, 0.6 mile NE of the stone Labuan Blanda (0°51'S., 121°34'E.), on the W side of the

pier at Pagimana. Sheltered but confined anchorage may be low land S of Tanjung Api, affords anchorage to vessels with
taken in the basin in the coral reef. local knowledge close to the shore E of Ampana, a village, in a
A light is shown near the base of a small pier. A ferry berth,
8.34 depth of 55m. There is a lighted beacon at Ampana.
60m long including dolphins, is used by fast ferries. The As- There is an oil jetty at Ampana with a depth alongside of 7m.

phalt Terminal has a 130m long berth for dirty products han- It can handle vessels up to 1,200 dwt and 70m long.
dling. The S shore of Teluk Tomini between Tanjung Api and Tan-

The coast W of Pagimana to Tanjung Api, about 60 miles

8.34 jung Sausu, 70 miles W, forms a wide bay generally known as
distant, is hilly with mountains rising a short distance inland. Teluk Poso. The shores of the bay are mostly steep with several
Gunung Abasong (0°48'S., 122°25'E.) rises to a height of
8.34 prominent summits.
780m, 14 miles W of Pagimana. This peak is the only import- On the E side of the bay a dome shaped hill, 237m high, rises

ant landmark on this coast. near the village of Bongka, 20 miles SW of Tanjung Api. A
The only known dangers outside the 183m curve along this
8.34 prominent mountain, Kandela, is a steep, rocky wall in the
part of the coast are Karang Kabini (0°48'S., 122°06'E.), a mountains immediately behind the narrow strip of land on
small reef which dries, lying midway between Pagimana and which the villages stand, about 19 miles SW of Bongka.
Tanjung Api, and 3.5 miles WNW of Bunta is a village and Pu- Gunung Untu Jowi (1°22'S., 121°11'E.) rises to a sharp

lau Bukabuka (0°45'S., 121°45'E.), a heavily-wooded island peak, 1,002m high, 2.5 miles inland, about 7 miles SW of Kan-
that rises to a height of 135m, 7 miles NE of Tanjung Api. The dela. Along the S shore of the bay the high mountains inland
island is marked by a light. appear as a single continuous mountain ridge with a flat upper
surface. Gunung Tongku (Tongku), 654m high, 22 miles WSW
of Untu Jowi, is the farthest E of three peaks, and Gunung Leb-
anu (Lebanu), 450m high, 5 miles SW of Gunung Tongku, is in
the form of a beehive. These peaks are conspicuous at a dis-
tance of 40 miles.
A small isolated reef with a least depth of 0.9m, lies 1 mile

offshore about 36 miles SW of Tanjung Api.

Karang Lalanga (1°02'S., 120°41'E.) is a large drying reef,

always marked by discoloration, lying 10 miles ESE of Tan-

jung Sausu. It is steep-to except on its E side where there are
three small drying reefs and a 2.4m patch. Another small reef
lies 1 mile S of Karang Lalanga.
Haarlemmermeer (Karang Laut) (0°46'S., 120°55'E.), 28

miles NE of Tanjung Sausu, is a coral reef which partly dries,

marked by surf and discoloration when covered. A shoal, with
a least depth of 4.9m, lies 3 miles NNW of Karang Laut.

8.36 Todjo (Tojo), a village 34 miles SW of Labuan Blan-

da, lies on the S bank of a river. An administrative building
Copyright 2002 by Ned Lenihan stands in the middle of Todjo, and close to it is a mosque. An-
Pagimana Ferry Berth chorage may be taken off the village of Todjo, in a depth of
27m. Kandela is a good landmark in approaching the anchor-
Bunta (0°50'S., 122°09'E.), an important place for the trad-
8.34 age.
ing of copra and forest products, is situated on the N side of a Banano, a small village, lies at the head of a bight 5 miles

small bay, 30 miles W of Pagimana. Pulau Paniki (Paniki), ly- SSW of Todjo.
ing on a drying reef, is a good mark in the approach to the an- Anchorage may be taken about 0.25 mile NW of the village,

chorage. There is a lighted beacon on the NE side of the bay. in depths of 26 to 31m. A detached reef, which dries, lies about
Anchorage may be taken, in a depth of 55m, 0.1 mile off the
8.34 0.4 mile NNW of Banano.
pier at Bunta. Tanjung Lemo (1°24'S., 121°02'E.), lying 7.5 miles SW of

There are three villages that lie on the shore of the bight be-
8.34 Banano, is a low point fringed by a reef which extends 0.5 mile
tween Bunta and Tanjung Api, 30 miles W. Tobelombang, Bal- N. On the N edge of the reef there is a rock which dries. A reef
ingara, and Sabo lie 12 miles SW, 20 miles, and 23 miles filled bight lies E of Tanjung Lemo, and a barrier reef fronts the
WSW; respectively, of Bunta. They are occasionally visited by point along the 183m curve.
small vessels, but the anchorages are so near the shore that Tanjung Karawasa, a rocky point, lies 12 miles WNW of

hawsers to the shore are necessary. There is a small pier at To- Tanjung Lemo and Tanjung Tabawo, 2.75 miles farther W. Tan-

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 245

jung Putia, 2.5 miles SW of Tanjung Tabawo, is the NE en- 48 hours, and 24 hours prior to arrival stating arrival draft and
trance point of a small bay where the village of Poso lies. last port of call.
Tanjung Pemandingi, the W entrance point of the bay, lies 1.75
miles SW of Tanjung Putia. Kepulauan Sula and Kepulauan Banggai
8.38 These island groups lie off the E coast of Sulawesi, S
and SE of Tanjung Pangkalaseang. The island groups are de-
scribed from E to W and from N to S.
The islands are bound on the N by the Molucca Sea and on

the S by the Banda Sea. The W islands of Kepulauan Bangaai

are separated from Sulawesi by Selat Peleng.
Kepulauan Sula comprises three large islands of Pulau Man-

goli (Mangole), Pulau Sanana (Sanana), and Pulau Taliaboe

(Taliabu), with a number of smaller islands. These islands are
high, bold, fertile, and thickly wooded. The NW extremity of
Pulau Taliaboe lies about 70 miles SE of Tanjung Pangkalase-
ang on Sulawesi.
Pulau Taliaboe and Selat Capalulu are described in this vol-

ume. For the islands that lie E of Selat Capalulu, see Pub. 164,
Sailing Directions (Enroute) New Guinea.
Kepulauan Banggai (Banggai Archipelago), separated from

Copyright Remko Fortgens Kepulauan Sula by Selat Salue Timpaus (Greyhound Strait),
The Sungai Poso includes Pulau Peleng and the island to its SE and S.
Pulau Peleng is separated from Sulawesi on its W and N

8.37 Poso (1°22'S., 120°45'E.) (World Port Index No. sides by Selat Peleng. Pulau Peleng is a mountainous and
52140), the seat of a civil administrator, is situated on the E thickly wooded island with an irregular outline forming many
bank of the Sungai Poso. The road off Poso is entirely exposed bays.
to N winds. When coming from the N, a conical peak 558m high in the E

The oil jetty at Poso has a berthing length of 170m including part of the island, is conspicuous. Pulau Sago (Sago), the
dolphins, with an alongside depth of 5.6m. It can handle ves- southernmost island of the group, is an excellent mark for ap-
sels 70 to 130m long and 1,200 to 6,500 dwt. A light is shown proaching Kepulauan Banggai from the SW and from the SE,
near the foot of the jetty. the islands at the S entrance of Selat Salue Timpaus provide
The Barge Jetty, with a berthing length of 102m long includ- more than enough landmarks for the approach.
ing dolphins, accommodates barges. The General Cargo Quay Pulau Taliaboe (1°50'S., 124°50'E.), is separated from Pu-

is 100m long and handles general cargo. lau Mangoli on the E, by Selat Capalulu (Tjapaloeloe Strait).
The depths from shore rapidly increase and vessels should
8.37 The N coast of Pulau Taliaboe extends from Tanjung Fatoe-

anchor, in a depth of 69m, 0.25 mile N of the entrance of the koemboe (Tanjung Fatukumbu) (1°47'S., 125°19'E.) to Tan-
river. Current sometimes sets out strongly from the river. jung Marikasoe (Tanjung Marikasu), 56 miles W. This coast
Mapane, a village about 5 miles SW of Poso, is conspicuous
8.37 has numerous spurs running down to the sea from the mountain
from seaward. The anchorage, in 60m, lies 0.2 mile NE of a and hills making the coast tolerably high.
prominent tree near the village. The depths decrease rapidly to- Except near the E end of the N coast, the 183m curve lies be-

ward shore. tween 4 miles and 7 miles offshore. The depths within this line
Teluk Tambarana, on the W coast of Teluk Poso, is seldom
8.37 are irregular, with a number of shoal heads and some islands.
visited. The bay is fronted by a barrier reef and one of the reefs, Unless necessary, vessels passing this coast should keep out-
lying 2.5 miles SE of Tanjung Tambarana (1°11'S., side the 200m curve.
120°35'E.), with a depth of 0.3m, is marked by a beacon. There
is an oil jetty at Poso with an alongside depth of 5.6m. It can 8.39 Pelabuhan Tubang (1°45'S., 125°06'E.) provides an
handle vessels 70 to 130m long and 1,200 to 6,500 dwt. A light anchorage that also serves as the loading berth for small ves-
is shown near the foot of the jetty. sels. The bay is entered during daylight hours and local knowl-
The depths from shore rapidly increase and vessels should
8.37 edge is essential.
anchor, in a depth of 69m, 0.25 mile N of the entrance of the From Tanjung Fatoekoemboe to Tanjung Pohonbatoe (Tan-

river. Current sometimes sets out strongly from the river. jung Pohonbatu), 13 miles WNW, the coast is indented by three
Teluk Tambu, 9 miles NNW of Tanjung Tambarana, is easily
8.37 bays where anchorage can be taken in the South Monsoon. The
recognized by a white sandy beach on its N side. two E bays, 2 miles and 7 miles WNW of Tanjung Fatoekoem-
Anchorage is available, in a depth of 31m, in the entrance of
8.37 boe, provide anchorage in the Northwest Monsoon.
the bay. The coast from Tanjung Pohonbatoe to Tanjung Laoe (Tan-

Tanjung Sausu lies 3.25 miles NNW of the N entrance point

8.37 jung Lau), 15 miles W, is also indented with several bays. At
to Teluk Tambu. Tanjung Marikasoe, 29 miles farther W, the coast is made up of
Pilotage.—Pilotage is not compulsory, however vessels
8.37 dunes covered with some vegetation and bordered by a sandy
should send their ETA through Jakarta radio 10 days, 3 days, beach. Anchorage can be taken almost anywhere along this

Pub. 163
246 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

part of the coast during the Southeast Monsoon. miles S of Tanjung Keya, and Pulau Deloema (Deluma) lies 2.5
miles farther S. Pulau Limbo lies 2 miles W of Pulau Mangga.
The area enclosing Pulau Deloema, Pulau Limbo, the chain of
The S coast of Pulau Taliaboe extends from Tanjung Ndo-
8.39 islands NE, and the bank that extends 4 miles W of Tanjung
loedeoe (Tanjung Ndoludeu) (1°54'S., 125°19'E.), the SE ex- Marikasoe have not been throughly examined.
tremity of the island, to Tanjung Merah, 56 miles distant, the Pulau Kramat (1°54'S., 124°20'E.) lies close offshore 4

SW extremity. Tanjung Ndoloedeoe is low and sandy with hills miles S of Pulau Deloema and is easily recognized. Tanjung
rising close within. Merah lies 8 miles SSE of Pulau Kramat.
In the bights on either side of Tanjung Kasika, a rocky point

13 miles W of Tanjung Ndoloedeoe, the shores are sandy Off-lying Islands

beaches. A conspicuous hill, 353m high, is located 1 mile N of
Tanjung Kasika and a conspicuous hill, 242m high, is located 1 8.41 Pulau Masoni (1°45'S., 124°10'E.) is a low island ly-
mile inland, 5.5 miles ENE of Tanjung Kasika. ing 14.5 miles WSW of Tanjung Marikasoe. The passage be-
tween this island and Pulau Limbo, 6 miles E, is unsafe due to
8.40 Tanjung Kona (1°56'S., 125°01'E.), 6 miles SW of a reef with a depth of 4.6m, 2.5 miles E of Pulau Masoni, and
Tanjung Kasika, is the W entrance of the bight that lies be- two 4m patches within 2.5 miles of Pulau Limbo.
tween the two points. Mantarara, a small village, lies at the Pulau Sekoe (Seku), close NW of Tanjung Merah, 505m

head of the bight. high, has a conical shape like a volcano and is prominent. Pu-
The coast W of Tanjung Kona to Tanjung Pastoeri (Tanjung
8.40 lau Kano, lying close SE of Pulau Seku and 0.5 mile SW of
Pasturi), 7 miles distant, is low and sandy with the hills ap- Tanjung Merah, is 218m high. The channel between these two
proaching nearer the coast. A hill, 429m high, rises 1 mile N of islands is only navigable by small vessels with local knowl-
Tanjung Pastoeri. edge.
In the bight between Tanjung Pastoeri and Tanjung Wojo, 12
8.40 Selat Boki (Boki Strait), between Tanjung Merah and the

miles WSW, there is a sandy beach interrupted in places by riv- two islands close W, is a narrow channel navigable by vessels
ulets during the rainy season. Pulau Wojo, a small islet about of moderate size with local knowledge; a strong current some-
20m high, lies close to the coast 1 mile E of Tanjung Wojo. The times runs through it.
islet is conspicuous from the E and W. A 4.9m patch and a
4.3m patch lie 0.75 mile ENE and 0.5 mile NE, respectively, of 8.42 Selat Capalulu (Tjapaloeloe Strait) (1°50'S.,
Pulau Wojo. 125°19'E.) is a narrow passage separating Pulau Taliaboe on
Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,
8.40 the W, and Pulau Mangoli. This passage, which runs in a N and
in a bight immediately NE of Pulau Wojo, in a depth of 29m. S direction, is narrowest at the S entrance. The N entrance of
Care must be taken to avoid the patches described above. the strait lies between Tanjung Fatoekoemboe and Tanjung
Kawaloe (Kawalu), a large village 9 miles WSW of Pulau
8.40 Wayteya (Tanjung Wajteja), a rocky point 2.25 miles E. The S
Wojo, is a local administrative headquarters. A hill 1.5 miles W entrance lies between Tanjung Ndoloedeoe and Tanjung Sa-
of Kawaloe can be easily recognized as there are some reddish komata, a low, tree covered point, 2 miles E.
patches of rock. The depths in the strait are generally over 16.5m and it can

Tanjung Bo, 4 miles W of Kawalu, is a rocky point of red-

8.40 be navigated by large vessels. A 1.2m patch lies close to the E
dish-brown color. shore about 3.25 miles within the N entrance. A 2.1m patch
Tanjung Merah, the SW extremity of Pulau Taliaboe, is pre-
8.40 lies close off the W shore and a 5.8m patch off the E coast, lie
cipitous and of a brownish color. about 1.25 miles WNW and 1.25 miles NW; respectively, of
The S coast of Pulau Taliaboe has no charted dangers outside
8.40 Tanjung Sakomata.
the 183m curve which lies from 0.5 mile to 3 miles offshore. Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in the strait are of

The W coast of Pulau Taliaboe, from Tanjung Marikasoe

8.40 mixed character, but are predominantly semidiurnal. The maxi-
(1°40'S., 124°24'E.) on the N, extends 22 miles S to Tanjung mum rate of the S current may reach 6 knots during the semid-
Merah. This coast, when seen from the N or S, appears as a iurnal spring tides, and when the maximum rate of the N
monotonous tableland without any remarkable features. Ridges diurnal and semidiurnal tides fall together a rate of 9.5 knots
descend to the coast. may be expected. These two tides fall together in May and June
Tides—Currents.—A strong current, often exceeding a rate
8.40 and in November and December during semidiurnal spring
of 3 knots in the channels between the islands, is experienced tides. During semidiurnal neap tides, the currents in either di-
off the W coast. This current is caused mostly by those in the rection will not exceed 3 knots.
Molucca Sea and the Banda Sea. The predominant direction of In the middle and south parts of the strait there are heavy tide

the current is S. rips and eddies when the tidal currents are strong.
The 183m curve lies about 25 miles NW of Tanjung Mari-
8.40 Vessels which enter the strait from the N should pass mid-

kasoe and closes to about 3.5 miles off Tanjung Merah. Within way in the entrance and proceed southward favoring the E side.
this line there are numerous banks, shoals, and islands which When about 3 miles within the entrance, pass 0.14 mile off the
may best be seen on the chart. W coast, then parallel the W side of the strait, then pass about
From Tanjung Marikasoe the coast trends 1.75 miles SSW to
8.40 mid-channel through the S entrance.
Tanjung Keja (Tanjung Keya). This area is low and not easily From the S vessels should steer for mid-channel and proceed

identified. Pulau Manggoa (Manggoa) lies close offshore 5 through the strait by reversing the directions given above.

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 247

Selat Salue Timpaus

8.43 Selat Salue Timpaus (Greyhound Strait) lies between
Kepulauan Sula and Kepulauan Banggai, and is deep and clear
of dangers in the fairway. In the N entrance of the strait it is di-
vided by an extensive steep-to bank, defined by the 183m
curve, that is about 3 miles wide and 17 miles long running in a
N and S direction. This bank has a least depth of 10.9m.
Tides—Currents.—The drift currents in the Molucca Sea

and the Banda Sea indicate that either a N or S current may be

expected, but it is impossible to state how far tidal influence
reaches here. The current sets NNE through the strait through-
out the year. A rate of 2 to 3 knots has been observed.
The E side of Selat Tempaus, Pulau Tempau (Pulau Timpa-

us) (1°51'S., 124°00'E.), 25 miles SW of the NW extremity of

Pulau Taliaboe, is a wooded islet rising to a height of 143m
near its center. An isolated hill, 88m high, is located in the N
part of the island. The S part is lower with a sandy coast. Permission granted by Jerome Doucet http://www.wallacea-divecruise.com
A ridge, with depths of less than 14.6m and a least depth of
3.9m, extends 10.5 miles SSE of Pulau Tempau.
A 10m patch lies 9.5 miles SSE of Pulau Tempau. Vessels
8.43 off the SE side of Pulau Peleng. The E coast of the island is
crossing this ridge are cautioned to keep 1.5 miles S of Pulau high and rocky. Pulau Potil Besar, 133m high, is a conspicuous
Tempau where there is a least depth of 14m. islet lying close E of the N extremity of Pulau Banggai. The
The W coast of Pulau Taliabu, seen from Selat Salue Timpa-
8.43 rest of the island is low with a rocky coast.
us, appears as a high tableland without any noticeable features. Teluk Lambako (Lambako Bay) lies on the W side of Tanjung

Pulau Kano and Pulau Seku are useful landmarks when ap- Bandana Olipatan, about 7.5 miles SSE of the N extremity of
proaching the strait from S. Pulau Banggai. This bay affords sheltered anchorage during the
Southeast Monsoon, in the S part of the bay, in about 40m.
Kepulauan Banggai The W coast of Pulau Baggai is low, as are the off-lying

islands to the W. To-ulon Besar (To-eolon Besar) and To-ulon

8.44 The islands, dangers, and shoals that comprise Kepu- Kecil (To-eolon Ketjil) lie close off the NW side of the island,
lauan Banggai are described in a clockwise manner from the 4.5 miles SSW of its N extremity. Pulau Bakakang (Bakakang
NE extremity of Pulau Peleng. The straits, currents, and sug- Eilanden), two islands lying close together about 0.5 mile SW
gested approaches are described in the order of occurrence. of To-ulon Kecil, lie at the SE entrance of Selat Kalumbangan.
Pulau Peleng (1°20'S., 123°10'E.), on the NW side of Kepu-
8.44 Banggai (1°32'S., 123°29'E.), the principal village of Kepu-

lauan Banggai, is thickly wooded and mountainous. The island laun Banggai, stands at the head of Teluk Banggai, 2.5 miles
is deeply indented by a bay on its N side and two bays on the S ESE of Pulau Bakakang. A mosque, with a high roof, is con-
to within a few miles of each other, and nearly divide the island spicuous from a considerable distance.
into three parts. Anchorage can be taken, in 12.8m, with a landing pier in line

Tanjung Pemali (1°17'S., 123°34'E.), the NE extremity of

8.44 with the mosque, bearing 100°. A 6.7m patch lies about 4.5
Pulau Peleng, rises almost vertically from the sea and is easily miles WSW of Pulau Bakakang.
recognized by a large rock which lies close off it. A light is There is a jetty for the discharge of oil products, with a depth

shown at an elevation of 44m from a tower on the N extremity alongside of 6m. Vessels up to 900 dwt and 65m in length may
of Pulau Wowoni. berth.
The E coast of Pulau Peleng is free of dangers except for a

rocky islet NE of Sambiut (Sambioet), a village situated on the 8.46 Pulau Bandang (Bandang Eilanden) (1°41'S.,
coast 8 miles S of Tanjung Pemali. Both Sambiut and Kamotokan, 123°27'E.), two low islands, lie off the SW side of Pulau Bang-
a village 3 miles N of Sambiut, are visible from seaward. Anchor- gai, 6 miles SSW of Banggai. Pulau Kenau lies close off the S
age can be taken off Sambiut, in 37m, SSW of the islet. coast of Pulau Banggai, 5 miles SE of Pulau Bandang.
Selat Kalumbangan (Kaloembangan Strait), a safe passage
8.44 Besar Salue (Great Saloee) (1°57'S., 123°49'E.) along with

that separates Pulau Peleng and Pulau Banggai, is the principal Kecil Salue (Little Saloee), close SSE, lie on the W side of Se-
route for vessels from the Molucca Sea to the village of Banggai lat Salue Timpaus at the SE end of the plateau on which Kepu-
on the W coast of Pulau Banggai. There is a strong current lauan Banggai lies.
through the strait of 4 to 7 knots running either NE or SW. These islands when viewed from the NE, E, and SE appear

Kalumbangan (Kaloembangan), a village on the N side of the

8.44 as a single high ridge with sharp peaks. Besar Salue rises to an
strait, 5.5 miles SW of Sambuit, stands on the coastal reef. On the elevation of 464m; Kecil Salue rises to an elevation of 311m.
edge of the drying area in front of the village is a sandflat. There is Pulau Belangan (Belangan) rises steeply from the sea to a

temporary anchorage, in 20m, ESE of this flat. height of 166m, close W of the N extremity of Besar Salue.
Another steep-to, rocky, and wooded islet lies 1.25 miles SE of
8.45 Pulau Banggai (1°36'S., 123°31'E.) lies 1.75 miles the same point.

Pub. 163
248 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

A low wooded islet is located 0.5 mile NE of Kecil Salue, in

Pulau Peleng—West Coast
the E entrance of the passage between Besar-Salue and Kecil
Salue. Southeast and S of Kecil Salue there are large drying 8.48 From Tanjung Kembani, the coast trends NW 9 miles,
reefs and low islets. then 19 miles to Tanjung Batu Putih, the island’s NW extremi-
Between Besar Salue, Kecil Salue, and Pulau Sago (Sago)
8.46 ty.
(2°12'S., 123°10'E.), 42 miles WSW, there are numerous islets The W coast of Pulau Peleng is mountainous, but the sum-

and reefs. Some of these islets and reefs are separated by nar- mits are difficult to identify. The 183m curve lies 3.25 miles
row channels of 183m. Pulau Sago, about 131m high, lies on a SW of Tanjung Kembani, but closes to 0.2 mile off the W coast
drying reef which shows discoloration. There are some islets 16 miles farther N. There are several islands and shoal areas
on the S part of the reef. within the 183m curve along the SW coast.
Karang Vesuvius (Vesuvius Reef) (2°06'S., 122°53'E.), the
8.46 Pulau Lesampuang (Lesampoeang) (1°30'S., 122°44'E.) is

farthest W of three large steep-to drying reefs, lies about 17 a conspicuous islet surrounded by a steep, drying coral reef.
miles WNW of Pulau Sago. The other two drying reefs lie 9 The islet lies 3 miles offshore, 10.75 miles NW of Tanjung
miles ENE and 3 miles SE, respectively, of Karang Vesuvius. Kembani.
A small house, whose charted position is approximate,
8.46 Karang Thames, marked by a light and lying nearly in the

stands on the latter reef. All of these reefs show discoloration. middle of Selat Peleng, 6.5 miles SW of Pulau Lesampuang, is
Pulau Bangkoeloe (Pulau Bankulu) (1°50'S., 123°06'E.), 14
8.46 an oval-shaped steep-to coral reef which partly dries at low wa-
miles NNE of Karang Vesuvius, rises to a height of 693m near ter. When covered, it is marked by surf and a light green color-
its middle. Pulau Labobo, another wooded island, lies 7 miles ation.
E of Pulau Bangkoeloe. The reef has two deep basins in its center. Pulau Makailu

Pulau Bongko (Bongko), a low wooded islet surrounded by a

8.46 (Makailu) is an islet, partly wooded with tall trees, and sur-
drying reef that discolors, is located 2.25 miles N of Pulau rounded by a large dry reef. The islet lies 3.5 miles offshore, 9
Bangkoeloe. miles N of Pulau Lesampuang.
A bank, with a least depth of 3.7m, extends 3 miles N from

Pulau Bongko. A 6.7m patch lies 5.75 miles ESE of Pulau Pulau Peleng—North Coast
Vessels approaching Banggai from the W should steer to
8.46 8.49 Tanjung Batu Putih (1°11'S., 122°55'E.) is a steep
pass about midway between the N extremity of Pulau Bangku- point with two white rocky patches. The N coast, like the W
lu and Pulau Bongko. When the vessel is directly S of Pulau coast of Pulau Peleng, is mountainous. The coast is steep out-
Bongko, steer for Banggai passing N of Pulau Labobo. side the bays and should not be approached too closely.
Tanjung Bakalinga (1°09'S., 123°12'E.), a low, coconut

Pulau Peleng—South Coast palm covered point 17 miles E of Tanjung Batu Putih, is the
NW entrance point of Teluk Bangkalan.
8.47 Tanjung Kembani (1°36'S., 122°53'E.), the SW ex- Teluk Bangkalan is entered between Tanjung Bakalinga and

tremity of Pulau Peleng, is a low spur rising to the mountains a point 11.5 miles ESE. The bay affords good anchorage
to the N. The point is marked by a light. Several reefs and dan- throughout.
gers lie within a radius of 5 miles of Tanjung Kembani. Pulau Bangkalan Pauno (North Bangkalan) (1°10'S.,

Teluk Peleng (Peleng Bay), entered between Tanjung Kem-

8.47 123°17'E.), a moderately-high and densely-wooded island, lies
bani and Tanjung Patipakaman, 13 miles E, is free of dangers in the middle of the entrance of the bay.
except near the coast. Pulau Tetapen, 107m high, is located at Pulau Bangkalan (South Bangkalan), also densely wooded

the head of the bay and can be seen for a considerable distance but low and flat, lies S of Pulau Bangkalan Pauno. The two is-
as can the villages that are in the N part. Lolantang, on the W lands are separated by a deep channel free of dangers, but it is
shore 13 miles NNE of Tanjung Kembani, is the principal vil- not recommended because of strong currents.
lage in the bay. The passage either on the E or W side of the above two is-

The large dry areas and danger areas that lie off the entrance
8.47 lands is clear of dangers. A 12m patch in the N part of the E
of Teluk Peleng show discoloration when submerged. channel is usually marked by discoloration.
Teluk Mesamat (Mesamat Bay) (Paisoeloenoe Baai) is en-
8.47 A group of islands lie near the SW shore of the bay.

tered E of a point that lies 9.5 miles ESE of the E entrance of On the E shore of the bay, the villages of Lamobuang and

Teluk Peleng. The two bays are separated by a peninsula that Salakau lie 7 and 8 miles SSW, respectively, of the entrance. A
rises to a conspicuous summit 306m high, near its SE extremi- zinc roofed building in Salakau affords a good landmark. The
ty. coastal reef in the vicinity of Salakau extends 0.65 mile NW
Teluk Mesamat is obstructed with several shoals in its NE
8.47 and is steep-to.
part. The many shoals along the N and W sides show discolor- A dome-shaped mountain, 456m high, rises at the head of

ation. Liang, the principal village in the bay, lies in an inlet on the bay. A prominent peak, 558m high, rises 4 miles ESE of
the W coast, 5.5 miles within the entrance. Pulau Bobo (Bobo), Lamobuang.
a conspicuous rocky islet, lies off the S coast about midway of Tides—Currents.—The currents in the strait run either N

the peninsula separating the two bays. and E or S and W.

The currents to the N and E are more frequent and stronger,

sometimes attaining a rate of 2 to 3 knots. In the NE entrance,

the tidal currents may attain a rate of 4 knots under the shore of

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 249

Pulau Peleng. The 183m curve runs close to the Sulawesi coast from Tan-

During the night, the strait is often calm and free of wind.
8.49 jung Pangkalaseang to the S part of Selat Peleng, then it gradu-
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken about 0.4 mile N of
8.49 ally extends offshore. Innumerable reefs lie inside this line
Salakau, in a depth of 33m. from 1°33'S to the entrance of Teluk Tomori.
Teluk Lelomping (Lelomping Bay) is entered 1.5 miles E of
8.49 These reefs are generally marked by discoloration and the

the E entrance of Teluk Bangkalan. water is clear, but the utmost caution must be exercised when
The E entrance of the bay is a low point covered with coco-
8.49 navigating in this vicinity.
nut palms, 2 miles farther ESE. An island close off the W en- From Teluk Tomori S to Nederburgh, the 183m curve lies

trance of the bay is conspicuous. from 2 to 6 miles offshore. The reefs inside this line also show
A bank, with a least depth of 11m, lies 1 mile N of this is-
8.49 good discoloration.
land. The bank can be distinguished by its light green discolor- Tanjung Talabu (0°46'S., 123°27'E.), 4 miles S of Tanjung

ation and often by tide rips. Pangkalaseang, rises perpendicularly from the sea. Karang
Anchorage may be taken in the bay, except during N winds,
8.49 Tetek (Batu Tetek) are two drying reefs close N of Tanjung Ta-
in depths of 15 to 16m, 0.65 mile ENE of two rocky islets at labu. The heavy breakers over these reefs can be seen from a
the head of the bay. The depths decrease rapidly S of this posi- great distance. Pulau Dua are two islets lying close off the
tion. The bay may be entered steering for the houses of Luwuk- coast, 3 miles S of Tanjung Talabu. The N islet, which is larger,
sago, a village at the head of the bay. is about 99m high and has a sandy beach on its N side. A partly
Tanjung Pemali, rising almost vertically from the sea and
8.49 drying reef lies 0.2 mile N of the sandy beach.
readily identifiable by a large above-water rock, is the NE ex- Belantak (0°52'S., 123°24'E.), a large village, lies in a bight

tremity of Pulau Peleng and lies 7.5 miles ESE of the entrance 4.5 miles SW of Pulau Dua and close SW of a bluff point
of Teluk Lelomping. fringed by a reef. There are some noticeable white rocks 0.5
Selat Peleng lies between the N and W coasts of Pulau
8.49 mile S of the village. At the N end of the village there are some
Peleng on the E, and the coast of Sulawesi between Tanjung prominent warehouses and at the S end there is a mosque with
Botok and Tanjung Menahakeh, on the N and W sides. The a dome.
strait is deep and almost free of dangers. The dangers on the E Anchorage may be taken S of the bluff point, in depths of 20

side of the strait have been discussed with the W coast of Pulau to 29m, mud and sand. With winds from seaward, there is fre-
Peleng. This channel is the usual route for vessels to and from quently a long swell rendering landing impracticable.
Teluk Tomini, and the E coast of Sulawesi farther S. Tanjung Dongolala is a high, steep point located 5 miles S of

Belantak. A 4.9m reef lies inside the 183m curve, 3 miles S of

Sulawesi—Tanjung Pangkalaseang to Tanjung Tanjung Dongolala.
Nederburgh Teluk Tolo (Golf Van Tolo) (2°20'S., 122°30'E.), a body of

water that lies SW of Kepulauan Bangai , is bound on the W by

8.50 The coast S of Tanjung Pangkalaseang (0°42'S., the E coast of Sulawesi. The bay is entered from the N through
123°27'E.) to Tanjung Botok, 21 miles SSE and along the W Selat Peleng; the SE entrance is from the Banda Sea. Teluk To-
side of Selat Peleng to Tanjung Maoloh, 44 miles farther lo is about 63 miles wide between Pulau Sago on the NE and
WSW, is for the most part high with mountains close inland. Tanjung Nederburgh to the SW.
The mountains that lie W of Tanjung Pangkalaseang and Tan-
jung Botok are generally hidden by clouds, but the high steep 8.51 Tanjung Botok (1°03'S., 123°20'E.), 7 miles SSW of
points along the coast provide useful landmarks. Tanjung Dongolala and Tanjung Sentigi, 3.5 miles W of Tan-
South of Tanjung Maoloh the coast is low for about 32 miles,
8.50 jung Botok, mark the NE entrance of Selat Peleng. Teluk La-
then the mountains approach the coast again. A conspicuous mala is a large bay whose entrance is located about 13 miles
summit, 1,698m high, is located 20 miles WNW of Tanjung NW of Tanjung Sentigi. There are depths of 20 to 51m in the
Menahakeh. A mountain range 25 miles WSW of this conspic- bay. A shoal with a depth of 1.8m lies in the middle of the en-
uous peak, running in a SSE and NNW direction, is easily rec- trance. This reef is scarcely marked by discoloration.
ognized. The northern and highest summit attains a height of Teluk Arjuno (Teluk Ardjuno) is a narrow inlet entered 3

2,629m. miles W of Teluk Lamala. The entrance is almost closed by a

The coast S of Teluk Tomori (Tomori Baai) to Tanjung Ned-
8.50 reef with four islets on it, but there is a deep, narrow passage
erburgh has a few conspicuous peaks that run close along the on either side.
coast. Luwuk (0°57'S., 122°48'E.) (World Port Index No. 52220),

Luwuk—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Luwuk Multipurpose Terminal
Cement, Fast Ferry, Container,
Main Jetty 154m — 119m 8m 7,121 DWT
Breakbulk, Agri products.
Pelabuhan Tangkiang Terminal

Pub. 163
250 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

Luwuk—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Container 100m — 149m — 12,408 DWT Containers.
PT Donggi Senoro LNG (DSLNG)
LNG. Berth Length 385m (Incl.
LNG 33m — 290m 11m 86,455 DWT
PT Pertamina EP
Berth Length 180m (Incl. Dolphins),
Tanker — 6.3m 130m — 6,500 DWT
Clean Products (CPP).

a village, stands on the shore close N of Tanjung Tumbuk. It is

an administrative center and an important collecting place for
copra and forest products. The port has scheduled arrivals and
departures of intercoastal vessels and periodic visits by foreign
Ferries running between Makassar and Bitung use the main

pier in Luwuk. This 100m pier is T-shaped with a depth of 6m

alongside and is located close E of the town.
There is a 30m long concrete wharf used by local fishing

boats with a depth of 1.5m alongside.

The Pertamina Oil complex in Luwuk has a jetty, 130m long,

with a depth alongside of 6.3m. It can accommodate vessels up

to 6,500 dwt and 130m long. Berthing allowed during daylight
hours only. Pertamina Light (0°56.5'S., 122°48.7'E.) is shown
from a height of 10m, 1 mile NE of Tanjung Tumbuk.

Copyright 2002 by Ned Lenihan


agent 10 days, 3 days, 48 hours, and 24 hours prior to arrival.

Pilotage is not available.

8.52 Mendono (1°08'S., 122°42'E.), a village 12 miles

SSW of Luwuk, stands partly on the coast near a river and part-
ly on a plateau formed by a ridge from the mountains. This pla-
teau has conspicuous light green patches.
Anchorage may be taken, in a depth of 40m, SW of the vil-

lage, 0.2 mile offshore.

Luk, a village, lies at the head of a small deep bay immediately

NW of Tanjung Batui, 12 miles SSW of Mendono. Anchorage is

available in 44m, about 0.15 mile SE of the village.
Copyright 2002 by Ned Lenihan The coast S of Tanjung Batui is low for a distance of about

Luwuk 35 miles, where the mountains approach the coast again. A bar-
rier reef lies along the 183m curve from a position S of Tan-
Berthing is done during daylight hours.
8.51 jung Menahakeh, across the entrance of Teluk Tomori, to
The open road off Luwuk provides good anchorage about 0.3
8.51 where it approaches the coast again SE of Teluk Tomori.
mile offshore, in a depth of 45m. The anchorage should be ap- Tanjung Menahakeh (1°30'S., 122°23'E.), a low point

proached with the cleft in the mountains behind the village, which is the SW entrance of Selat Peleng, lies 16 miles SW of
bearing 315°. Tanjung Batui. Tanjung Donggi, also a low point, is located 10
When a vessel is expected at Luwuk, a light is shown at a
8.51 miles SW of Tanjung Menahakeh. The village of Donggi is sit-
height of 15m, from the N end of the village. uated on the bank of a small river that enters the sea, close N of
Vessels should send their ETA, stating arrival draft, to their
8.51 Tanjung Donggi.
Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 251

Copyright 2002 by Ned Lenihan Copyright 2002 by Ned Lenihan

Luwuk Luwuk—Red and white tower and the Luwuk Mosque

The terminal consists of the FSO Raisis, berthed at a barge ly-

ing alongside a jetty. The jetty is on the N end of a reclaimed
atoll, which is 400m in length and 200m wide, linking the flare
stack with the FSO jetty. The FSO is oriented 215°-035°. It is
reported (2023) that the terminal has been temporarily closed
since 2016. Information is retained should the status of the ter-
minal change.
Depths—Limitations.—The least depth alongside the ter-

minal is 18m. Vessels up to 36,000 dwt, with a maximum loa

of 180m and a maximum draft of 12.5m, can be accommodat-
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots should be request-

ed at least 2 hours prior to arrival. The pilot will board 2 to 3

miles SE of the terminal, near position 1°51'S, 122°01'E..
Regulations.—Main engines must be maintained ready for

immediate departure in the event of an emergency. Disposal of

oily waste or refuse overboard is prohibited.

Teluk Tomori
Copyright 2002 by Ned Lenihan
Luwuk range marker 8.53 Teluk Tomori (Tomori Baai) is entered between Tan-
jung Bea (1°58'S., 121°38'E.) and Tanjung Bahuembelu (Tan-
in depths of 18 to 22m E of Donggi, 0.5 mile offshore. jung Bahoembeloe), 13.5 miles SSE. There are several dangers
The village of Bua Buang (Boea Boeang) is situated in a
in the bay which has general depths of 37 to 62m. Inside the
bight about 14 miles WSW of Tanjung Donggi. A river enters bay are several smaller bays, the principal ones being Teluk
the sea about 1.5 miles SW of Bua Buang. Tambayoli (Tambajoli Baai) at the head and Teluk Lambolo
Tanjung Damari (1°41'S., 121°56'E.) is a high point 8 miles
(Lambolo Baai) on the SW side. The water in these two bays is
SW of Bua Buang. The coast between these points is high. The exceptionally clear.
reefs in this area may be seen on the chart. The shores of the bay and the islands within the bay are

The coast between Tanjung Damari and the village of Tiron-

sparsely inhabited. The land on either side of the entrance is
gan, 8.5 miles SW, is steep, rocky, and forms several bays. A low, but elsewhere in the bay it is mountainous except at the
few islets lie on the coastal reef. South of Tirongan to Tanjung head of Teluk Tambayoli.
Bea, 16 miles distant, the coast is low, swampy, and inaccessi- The largest island in the bay rises to a height of 602m and

ble. The principal village along this stretch is Tukala (Toekala), lies in the entrance of Teluk Tambayoli. Essentially, the several
3.5 miles SSW of Tirongan, which can be recognized by its islands in Teluk Tomori may be divided into two main groups.
flagstaff. One group in the outer part stretches across the bay in an E and
Tiaka Marine Terminal (1°49'S., 121°59'E.) is an offshore
W direction. The other group runs in a N and S direction and
facility for the production, storage and off-loading of crude oil. divides Teluk Lambolo into two parts.

Pub. 163
252 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

Tanjung Onematubu (Tanjung Onematoeboe) (1°57'S.,

8.53 Tanjung Lingkobu (Tanjung Lingkoboe) (2°03'S.,

121°33'E.), 3 miles W of Tanjung Bea, is also low. A light is 121°32'E.) is located on the S shore of Teluk Tomori, 3 miles
shown from a 16m high black and white banded tower on Tan- SE of the mouth of Sungai La. The bight formed between Tan-
jung Mposo, 2 miles W of Tanjung Onematubu. Good anchor- jung Lingkobu and Tonjung Bahumbelu, 12 miles SE, is free of
age is found near the edge of the bank off the mouth of a small dangers except for a drying reef, 0.75 mile W of Tanjung Ba-
river, 5.75 miles NW of Tanjung Onematubu. humbelu.
In Teluk Tambayoli there is anchorage, in 18.3 to 22m, at a
8.53 Tanjung Dongkala (2°18'S., 121°49'E.) lies 11.5 miles SE

suitable distance from the mouth of the Sungai Bayoli (Sungai of Tanjung Bahumbelu. South of the point there are a few con-
Bajoli). This river enters the bay in its N extremity. spicuous peaks, and the 183m curve lies close to the coast to
Teluk Lambolo is entered between a point 6 miles SSE of Sun-
8.53 Tanjung Losoni, 26 miles SSE. The isolated reefs within the
gai Bayoli (1°53'S., 121°21'E.) and a point 2.5 miles further SE. 183m curve show good discoloration.
Vessels can anchor off Wosu (Wosoe), a village about 3.5

8.54 Kolonodale (1°59'S., 121°20'E.) (World Port Index miles S of Tanjung Dongkala, in 18 to 22m, with the middle of
No. 52230), a village situated on the W side of Teluk Lambolo, the village bearing 225°, taking care to avoid four drying reefs
5 miles within its entrance, is an administrative district. and rocks lying 0.4 mile E of the village.
There is a pier which is suitable for boats at all times. A

prominent white customs house stands close N and the village 8.55 Bungku (2°33'S., 121°58'E.), a village with consider-
is marked by a light. able trade in forest products and an administrative center, lying
The Kolonodale Dry Terminal, a general cargo quay 149m in
8.54 13.5 miles SE of Wosu, may be identified at a great distance by
length with an alongside depth of 4.3m, is used for general car- Gunung Kondeh (Kondeh), 576m high, 1.5 miles inland. The
go and ferries. The Kolonodale Oil Terminal consists of the village of Bungku is hidden by coconut palms. There is a stone
Pertamina Oil Jetty, 156m long with alongside depths of 6.4 to pier extending NE from the shore. There is a break in the barri-
7.6m, can accommodate vessels up to 900 dwt, with a maxi- er reef, about 0.3 mile wide, NE of the pier. The reefs are steep-
mum loa ofand a maximum draft of 6.5m. to and the small detached 2.1m patch on the N side of the reef
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local
8.54 is not easily seen.
knowledge, 0.15 mile E of the pier, in depths of 11 to 13m. Anchorage, open to E and S winds, is available, in 29 to

Directions.—To approach Kolonodale from the N, a vessel

8.54 44m, NE of the head of the pier.
will cross the 183m curve close N of a beacon standing on the Losoni, a small village, lies in a small bight about 5.25 miles

N end of a reef (1°57.6'S., 121°51.8'E.), 14 miles E of Tanjung SSE of Bungku. Only a few houses are visible from seaward.
Bea. Bring this beacon astern, bearing 080°, until an uncharted Two large detached reefs, which dry in places, run parallel to
hill, 180m high, located on the coast 2.5 miles NW of Tanjung the coast NE of Losoni. The reefs, which lie about 1 mile off-
Lingkobu is sighted on bearing 260°, which is the course to be shore, have a deep passage between them about 0.4 mile wide.
steered. There is good anchorage, in 29m as far S as possible in the
When the summit of an islet 9 miles NW of Tanjung Lingko-
8.54 bight between the reefs and the shore.
bu bears 282°, steer that course. When the small islet charted
1.5 miles offshore, 7 miles WNW of Tanjung Bea, is in range 8.56 Tanjung Losoni (2°40'S., 122°02'E.), 3.75 miles SSE
with the middle of the large island that fronts Teluk Tambayoli, of Losoni, is steep, rocky, and can be identified by three hills,
steer NW on that mark. When near the small islet, the front the highest with an elevation of 214m. A reef, which dries, ex-
mark above, pass E and then bring the islet on the coastal reef tends from the coast for 2 miles NW of the point. The point is
off the NE point of the large island above, in range with the marked by a light.
projecting point about 3.25 miles SE, bearing 312°. Continue In the bight between Tanjung Losoni and Tanjung Laroga, 9.5

on the last mark until the NE point of the large islet in the miles SSE, there is a strip of land along the coast. The mountains
mouth of Teluk Lambolo bears 265°, then steer for Teluk Lam- lie a short distance inland. Two large villages lie close SW of Tan-
bolo on that mark. Steer for the anchorage off Kolonodale by jung Losoni near the entrance to a cleft in the mountains.
passing E of the island group that divides Teluk Lambolo. Anchorage may be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,

Vessels that approach the bay from S steer a course parallel

8.54 off these villages, in 50m.
to the coast until abeam of Tanjung Dongkala, 12 miles SE of Tanjung Lalompa lies 8.5 miles SE of Tanjung Laroga.

Tanjung Bahumbelu. When Tanjung Bea bears 320°, steer that Steep-to reefs lie close within the 183m curve E of Tanjung

course taking due note of the reefs until the 282° mark de- Laroga. Pulau Alangalang (Alangalang) lies on the coastal reef
scribed above comes in range, then proceed as previously de- that extends SE from Tanjung Laroga.
scribed. A drying reef lies close inside the charted 183m curve, 2

The Sungai La, one of the largest rivers in central Sulawesi,

8.54 miles NE of Tanjung Lalompa, and a reef awash lies 1.75 miles
discharges into the mouth of Teluk Tomori, 9 miles SE of the E ENE of the same point, outside the 183m curve.
entrance point of Teluk Lambolo. The N arm of the river has Tanjung Nederburgh lies 5 miles SE of Tanjung Lalompa.

depths of 1.5 to 1.8m. Reefs with depths of 0.9 to 3m lie off the coast between these

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 253

two points.

Bahodopui—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
PT SMI Sulawesi Mining Investment
Nickel Main Wharf 192m — Bulk cargo, nickel 30,000 DWT
South 01 88m — Bulk cargo, nickel 5,000 DWT
South 02 36m — Bulk cargo, nickel 5,000 DWT
South 03 38m — Bulk cargo, nickel 5,000 DWT
South 04 46m — Bulk cargo, nickel 5,000 DWT
North Wharf 270m — Bulk cargo, nickel 100,000 DWT

8.57 Bahodopi (2°48'S., 122°09'E.) services the adjacent running through it.
Morowali Industrial Park. The port exports nickel and steel The coast of Sulawesi in the vicinity of the strait has no land-

products while imports consist of mainly coal and various marks of importance, except a white patch W of Tanjung Sal-
types of ore. abangka (3°03'S., 122°17'E.). The points along the strait are
Depths—Limitations.—The IMIP Terminal has a total
8.57 generally low and marked by tall vegetation.
berthing length of 720m including dolphins; depths alongside The barrier reef discolors along the W side of the N entrance

are 13 to 20m. A maximum draft of 16m can be accommodat- to the strait. A drying patch lies on this reef in a position about
ed. 3.5 miles SSW of Tanjung Nederburgh.
Nickle Main Wharf lies close S and has a total length of
8.57 Kepulauan Salabangka (Salabangka Islands) (Salabangka

160m; depths of about 8.5 to 10m alongside. Eilanden) (3°04'S., 122°28'E.), a chain of islands, extends
Berth 1 lies close SE of Nickle Main Wharf and has a length
8.57 about 21 miles ESE from a position about 4.5 miles S of Tan-
of 100m with depths of about 5 to 8.5m alongside. It is mainly jung Nederburgh. These islands are low and covered with
used by barges. shrubs, except for a conspicuous 202m hill on the S side of Pu-
Three other berths situated S of Berth 1 are suitable for small
8.57 lau Umbele (Oembele Island) (3°04'S., 122°30'E.). All the is-
vessels. lands are fringed by a drying reef with many detached reefs
Cargo is also worked at anchorage by barges in an area in the
8.57 inside the 183m curve.
vicinity of 2°47.3'S, 122°09.6'E. There is a deep passage through the middle of the group be-

Bahodopi Harbor lies in a small bay SE of Tanjung Laroga.

8.57 tween Palau Umbele and Pulau Bunginkela (Boenginkela),
The harbor consists of a T-shaped jetty aligned NNW/SSE ex- about 2.25 miles W. Karang Karel (Karel Bank), a reef which
tending about 50m from the W shore of the bay. South of the dries, lies in the SW entrance to this passage. There are numer-
jetty several berths line the W shore and head of the bay. Other ous shoal patches in the NE approach. This passage can only
berths lie on the E side of the bay. Development reclamation be used when the reefs are clearly marked by discoloration and
works are in progress (2019) centered on 2°48.7'S, 122°09.6'E. the tidal currents are not strong.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is available 24 hours. Pilots board in the
8.57 Kepulauan Sinoa (Sainoa Islands), the SE group, consists of

vicinity of 2°46.29'S., 122°10.5'E. a few low islands and several rocks, some of which are partly
Caution.— Use caution transiting to the approach as there
8.57 covered with vegetation. The whole area shows discoloration,
are a series of shoals E of Tanjung Laroga, with a least depth of the light green color being visible at a great distance. A con-
1m, extending NE from the bay, marked by a lighted beacon. spicuous tree stands on the S part of the island.

Southeast Coast—Tanjung Nederburgh to Roode 8.59 Pulau Togomogolo (Togomogolo) (3°13'S.,

Hoek 122°38'E.), low, well-wooded, and marked by a large tree, lies
about 4 miles SE of Kepulauan Salabangka.
8.58 Tanjung Nederburgh (2°55'S., 122°19'E.) is a high, A reef projects about 0.3 mile W from Pulau Papado (Pad-

steep promontory that forms the NW entrance of Selat Sala- abale) (3°01'S., 122°20'E.).
bangka (Salabangka Strait). A reef, with a depth of 4m, lies about 5.5 miles WNW of

Karang Bantam (Bantam Reef), with a depth of 3.2m, lies

8.58 Tanjung Baja (Tanjung Baya) (3°08'S., 122°25'E.). A de-
about 2.5 miles NNE of Tanjung Nederburgh. A shoal, with a tached reef lies about 1 mile NE of Tanjung Baja.
depth of 0.9m, lies about 2.5 miles N of the same cape. General Pel Reef, consisting of two rocky heads, with a least

Batu Manu (Batoe Manoe), a rock covered with vegetation,

8.58 depth of 0.9m, lies about 2 miles NE of Tanjung Tapaulama
lies close off Tanjung Nederburgh. (Tanjung Tapoaoeloeno) (3°11'S., 122°29'E.).
Selat Salabangka (Salabangka Strait) (3°04'S., 122°20'E.)
8.58 Karang Adder (Adder Reef), with a least depth of 4.5m, lies

is a deep strait lying between Kepulauan Salabangka (Sala- in the S fairway, about 2 miles E of Tanjung Tapaulama. This
bangka Islands) and the Sulawesi (Celebes) coast. The N en- reef is seldom marked by discoloration.
trance narrows to about 0.4 mile and has strong tidal currents Directions.—Approaching Selat Salabangka from the N,

Pub. 163
254 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

bring the white patch W of Tanjung Salabangka in line with the NW, respectively, of Gosong Utara.
beacon W of Pulau Papado, bearing 216.5°. The beacon can be A reef, with a depth of 0.9m, lies about 3.5 miles WNW of

rounded within 100m. the same bank.

Hold this course until Pulau Hondor, an island lying on a reef
8.59 Gosong Selatan (South Bank) (3°26'S., 122°30'E.), about

about 3 miles SSE of Pulau Papado, bears 107°, then bring 5.75 miles ESE of the N extremity of Pulau Labengke, is 1.5
Tanjung Baja in line, bearing 120°, with Tanjung Nonna (Tan- miles long with a small sand shoal near its N end, partly dry at
jung Togotonona). high water.
This course passes S of the buoy marking the 4.1m patch ly-
8.59 Karang Serdang (Serdang Reef) (3°24'S., 122°32'E.), with

ing in mid-channel and should not be approached within 100m. many rocks awash, lies about 2 miles NE of Gosong Selatan.
Alter course E, taking care not to pass within 27m of the bea- Pulau De Haan (3°29'S., 122°29'E.), about 144m high and

con off Tanjung Baja. marked by a light, lies about 1 mile E of Pulau Labengke. A
General Pel Reef is easily passed N on a course of 120° by
8.59 detached reef, with a least depth of 0.9m, lies about 1.5 miles E
keeping Pulau Hondor bearing 300° astern. of Pulau De Haan.
When the summit of Pulau De Haan (De Haan) (3°29'S.,
8.59 North Reef (Noord Rif) (3°32'S., 122°30'E.), with a least

122°29'E.) is in range with the E side of the western Pulau depth of 2.7m, lies about 2.5 miles SSE of Pulau De Haan.
Dua, bearing 188°, course can be shaped more to the S in order Karang Selatan (South Reef) (3°46'S., 122°31'E.), with a

to clear Pulau Togomogolo. least depth of 1.8m, lies about 4.75 miles E of Tanjung Sawah
Only vessels with local knowledge should attempt the pas-
8.59 (Tanjung Sawa) (3°45'S., 122°27'E.). It is not marked by dis-
sage W of General Pel Reef and Adder Reef. coloration. A charted depth of 12.8m, best seen on chart, lies
about 3 miles S of Karang Selatan.
8.60 Teluk Tampakura (3°12'S., 122°27'E.), located S of Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the bay

Tanjung Tapaulama, is encumbered with numerous reefs, some between Tanjung Sawah and Tanjung Teipa (Tanjung Taipa),
of which dry. about 3.5 miles WNW. Vessels must exercise caution in this ar-
The coast S of Teluk Tampakura is broken and forms three
8.60 ea because of the poor visibility of the reefs.
bays, Teluk Matarape (Matarape Bay), Teluk Dalam (Telok A well protected anchorage, with depths of about 14.6m to

Dalam), and Teluk Lasolo (Lasolo Bay). 28m, was reported to lie in the N part of Teluk Lasolo (Lasolo
The most conspicuous mountains near the coast are the
8.60 Bay), S of the Sungai Lasolo delta.
peaks on Pulau Labengke, Pulau Bahulu (Bahoeloe), and the
mountain tops close to the coast S of Teluk Lasolo. 8.62 Pulau Manui (Pulau Manuei) (3°36'S., 123°08'E.) is
The only river of importance on this part of the coast is the
8.60 the southernmost of a group of islands and reefs extending NW
Sungai Lasolo (Lasolo River) (3°34'S., 122°14'E.) which dis- and W to Pulau Dua. It is rocky and steep-to except on its N
charges with three mouths abreast Pulau Bahulu. and NW sides. Ulunambu (Oeloenamboe), situated on the N
Pulau Labengke (Labengke) (3°27'S., 122°26'E.), 715m
8.60 coast, is the only village on the island. A barrier reef fronts the
high, lies off the high peninsula separating Telok Dalam and central part of the N coast with its outer edge about 1 mile off-
Teluk Matarape. shore. There is an opening 0.2 mile wide in the barrier reef off
Selat Labengke (Labengke Strait), 1 mile wide, separates the
8.60 Ulunambu. A light is shown from the SE extremity of Pulau
island from the peninsula. The sides of the strait rise steeply Manui.
from the sea. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage off the vil-

Three large and several small islands, with several reefs in

8.60 lage of Ulunambu close inside the opening in the barrier reef,
the vicinity, lie in Teluk Matarape. in depths of 46m to 55m. Vessels must exercise caution to
Caution.—A large number of reefs have been reported in
8.60 avoid a reef, with a depth of 4.9m, in the middle of the open-
the three bays mentioned above. ing.
Karang Pangadjarang (Karang Pangajarang), a horseshoe-

Off-lying Dangers shaped reef, lies about 24 miles WNW of Pulau Manui.
Padea Ketjil (Pulau Padea Kecil) (3°33'S., 123°02'E.) and

8.61 Pulau Dua (Poeloe Doea) (3°16'S., 122°31'E.), two Padea Besar (Pulau Padea Besar) are low partly-wooded islets
low islets 2 miles apart and covered with trees, lie on detached lying on reefs about 2.5 miles NW of Pulau Manui.
drying reefs about 5.5 miles SSE of Tanjung Tapaulama. Pulau Kokoila (Kokoila) (3°29'S., 122°54'E.) is low and

Karang Hinder Utara (North Hinder) (3°16'S., 122°28'E.),

8.61 covered with shrubs. Pulau Loenasoealoe (Pulau Lunasualu)
with a least depth of 0.5m, lies about 5 miles SSW of Tanjung (Loenas Waloe), located 4.5 miles NE of Pulau Kokoila, is low
Tapaulama. and thickly timbered. Pulau Samaringa (Samaringa), located
Karang Hinder Selatan (South Hinder) (3°18'S.,
8.61 about 8 miles NW of Pulau Kokoila, is low, wooded, and
122°30'E.), a small drying reef, lies 2.5 miles E of Pulau Van stands on the N end of a drying reef.
Leeuwen, a conspicuous island off the NE entrance of Teluk Pulau Tiga (Poeloe Tiga) (3°23'S., 122°36'E.), a group of

Matarape. The reef is marked by a beacon. three islets, lies on drying reefs about 1 mile apart.
A reef, which dries, and a rock awash lie about 1.25 miles
8.61 Directions.—Vessels proceeding from a position in the S en-

and 1 mile SE, respectively, of Karang Hinder Selatan. trance to Selat Salabangka with the summit of Pulau De Haan
Gosong Utara (North Bank) (3°23'S., 122°30'E.), a small
8.61 in line with the E side of the W Pulau Dua, bearing 188°,
drying reef with stones, lies about 5 miles E of the N extremity should steer a course of between 203° and 210° in order to pass
of Pulau Labengke. Two reefs awash lie about 1.5 and 4 miles at least 50m W of the beacon marking Karang Hinder Selatan

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 255

(South Hinder). Then alter course to about 173° to pass at least icant rainfall during both monsoon seasons with the wettest
100m E of the beacon marking Gosong Utara (North Bank), month being June. Visibility may be restricted during these
then alter course to pass at least 77m E of the beacon marking heavy rains; mariners should not attempt to enter the narrow
Gosong Selatan (South Bank). When the beacon marking channel leading to Teluk Kendari unless the passage is clear.
Gosong Selatan is in line astern with the E point of Pulau Van Mariners should seek the guidance of the pilot.
Leeuwen, this bearing is followed until a course can be The beacons marking the channel leading into Teluk Kendari

changed for Tanjung Nipanipa. may be missing or damaged, and the reefs which they mark
Caution.—All the islets in the previously-mentioned chain are
8.62 have extended. The least depth in the approach channel is
low; on many of the drying reefs are sand cays which only cover at 9.0m. A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 19m, spans the
HW. During the Southeast Monsoon, there is a heavy surf. channel S of Kendari. The mean maximum tidal range is about
Vessels should avoid the area in which this chain of islets lies
8.62 1.4m with a mean minimum range of about 0.8m. Vessels with-
due to the numerous dangers and uncertain tidal currents. out local knowledge should not attempt to use this channel.
A flagstaff stands on the W side of Pulau Bungkutoko, from

8.63 Tanjung Nipanipa (3°54'S., 122°40'E.) is a very con- which a cone or ball is displayed when a vessel is sighted.
spicuous steep point on the coast of Sulawesi. The coast in the Kendari, a large village and an administrative center, stands

vicinity of the point curves S and W forming a funnel-shaped on the W side of an inlet in the N shore of the bay near the en-
bay with Pulau Boengkoetoko (Pulau Bungkutoko) lying in the trance. The S shore of the bay opposite Kendari should be giv-
inner part. en a wide berth as reefs extend about 0.2 mile offshore.
Pulau Bakori (Bakori), lying on the NW side of a large de-
8.63 Nusantara, a 270m long berth with an alongside depth of 9.0m,
tached reef, 2.5 miles S of Tanjung Nipanipa, does not show up used for ferries, general cargo, and containers. The Cargo Jetty
plainly against the land. is 110m long, with an alongside depth of 9.0m, and handles
Pulau Saponda Utara (North Saponda) (3°53'S.,
8.63 general cargo. The Pertaminal Oil Terminal consists of an Oil
122°49'E.), lying on a detached bank about 9.25 miles E of Jetty, 170m long, with an alongside depth of 6.9m, and used for
Tanjung Nipanipa, is low and covered with high trees. handling petroleum products; it can accommodate vessels up to
A reef runs about 3 miles W and 1 mile E of the island. A
8.63 6,000 dwt with a maximum loa of 120m.
channel, about 3.5 miles wide, lies between this reef and the Pilotage.—Pilotage is available but is not compulsory. Ves-

coastal reef extending from Tanjung Nipanipa. A bank, with a sels should send ETA messages 10 days, 3 days, 48 hours, and
least depth of 4.5m, extends 3.5 miles W of Pulau Soponda 24 hours prior to arrival to the local agent, stating arrival draft
Utara. and whether a pilot is required. The pilot boards, as follows:
1. In the anchorage S of Tanjung Cabi.
Sappa Djambi Bank (Sappa Jamba) (3°59'S., 122°41'E.),
8.63 2. East of the entrance passage leading into Teluk Kend-
about 5 miles S of Tanjung Nipanipa, is about 2.5 miles in ari.
length, the W part of which dries. A lighted beacon stands on Anchorage.—Vessels with local knowledge can take an-

the N edge of the reef. chorage in the swept area bounded by the meridians of
Middle Saponda (Pulau Middle Saponda) (3°59'S.,
8.63 122°34'20"E, and 122°36'33"E, off Kendari, in depths of 15m
122°46'E.) lies near the W end of a large reef extending about to 18m, soft mud.
1.5 miles W and 3 miles E of the island. It is low with several Anchoring and fishing are prohibited within 0.1 mile of a

large trees. A light marks the island. line indicated by notice boards which mark the landing places
Karang Lingoro (Lingoro Reef), with a least depth of 6.9m,
8.63 of a telephone cable laid across the entrance of the bay, about
lies about 3 miles E of Pulau Middle Saponda. 0.5 mile W of Pulau Bungkutoko.
Pulau Saponda Selatan (South Saponda) (4°02'S.,

122°46'E.), located 1 mile N of Tanjung Laonti, is a low islet 8.65 Teluk Wawosungu (Staring Bay) (4°05'S.,
covered with high trees. A small reef that dries lies 0.2 mile 122°44'E.) is entered between Tanjung Wowobatu (Tanjung
WSW of Pulau Saponda Selatan. The fringing reef extends Wowobatoe) (4°02'S., 122°40'E.) and Tanjung Laonti, about 6
about 0.2 mile NE and N from the islet. miles ESE. The bay is of little importance to shipping. It is
Karang Puluhari (Poeloehari Banks) (4°01'S., 122°45'E.),
8.63 backed by high, partly inaccessible mountainous land, and ex-
4 miles long E and W and drying in places, lies midway be- cept in the SW corner, it is sparsely inhabited. The shores of
tween Pulau Middle Saponda and Pulau Saponda Selatan. the bay are fronted by a broad coastal reef and there are several
Caution.—Numerous dangers and obstructions have been
8.63 shoals and drying rocks in the bay.
reported in the channel between Pulau Saponda Selatan and the Pulau Wawosungu (Pulau Wawasoengoe), the largest of sev-

mainland, and across the channel between Palau Saponda Sela- eral islets along the shore of Teluk Wawosungu, lies 4.5 miles
tan and Karang Puluhari. They also lie E of the S end of Sappa SW of Tanjung Laonti and is joined to the coast by a drying
Djambi Bank. reef.
Vessels can take anchorage anywhere in the bay. Good an-

8.64 Teluk Kendari (Kendari Bay) (3°58'S., 122°35'E.) chorage exists off a small bay S of Pulau Wawosungu.
(World Port Index No. 52240), is a bay where the N passage Moramu Telok (Teluk Moramu) is an inlet which indents the

leading into it, is about 137m wide at its narrowest point. In- coast about 2 miles in the SW part of Teluk Wawosungu.
side the entrance the bay gradually widens, but a broad mud Depths of 11.5 to 26m are found in the inlet.
bank fills the inner part. Tidal currents in the bay and its ap- Three reefs, one of which dries, lie in mid-channel close in-

proaches are strong at times. Teluk Kendari experiences signif- side the entrance.

Pub. 163
256 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

Directions.—From Selat Wowoni, pass S of South Saponda

8.65 take anchorage off Kiakia, protected from the Northwest Mon-
and the detached reef SW of it. Then the S channel should be en- soon.
tered by the passage between the SW side of Karang Puluhari Tanjung Wowoni, the S extremity of Pulau Wowoni, lying

and the detached reef marked by a beacon SW of it. The hill 12.5 miles SW of Tanjung Watutembatu, is rocky.
(Kendari Heuvel), 2.25 miles NW of Tanjung Wowobatu, is a Vessels can take anchorage in the bight NE of Tanjung

useful mark to steer for until this beacon is sighted. Wowoni.

When within the channel entrance, alter course and pass be-
8.65 A shoal, with a depth of 4.9m, lies close offshore from the

tween the beacons on the NE side of Sappa Djambi Bank and E head of the bight, about 3 miles NE of the point.
of the beacon on the detached reef on the opposite side of the Taka Langgara (Taka Langara) (3°59'S., 122°59'E.), an ex-

channel. The beacon on the detached reef can then be rounded, tensive drying reef, lies about 2.5 miles W of Tanjung Pamali.
and course changed for the entrance to Teluk Kendari, when East Bank (Gosong Timor), located 1.5 miles SW of Taka

the hill (Kendari Heuvel) comes into line with a mountain, 3 Langgara, consists of several isolated patches with a least
miles SW, bearing 219°. depth of 4m.
A swept channel from the E leads to the entrance to Teluk
8.65 Middle Bank (Midden Bank) (Gosong Middle) (4°00'S.,

Kendari, the center line of which is joined by the following po- 122°54'E.), located about 7 miles W of Tanjung Pamali, is
sitions: steep-to on all sides with a least reported depth of 4.5m.
a. 3°58'03"S, 122°40'57"E. West Bank (Gosong Barat) (4°00'S., 122°52'E.), located

b. 3°58'30"S, 122°37'35"E. about 9.5 miles W of Tanjung Pamali, is steep-to with least
c. 3°58'20"S, 122°36'35"E. depth of about 4.5m over its W end.
The width between point 1 and point 2 is 0.5 mile; the width
8.65 Selat Wowoni (Wowoni Strait) (4°06'S., 122°54'E.) is locat-

between point 2 and point 3 is 0.3 mile. ed between Pulau Wowoni and the Sulawesi coast. The strait is
From N, steer for the E side of Middle Saponda in line with
8.65 obstructed by reefs, especially on the E side of the S part which
the W side of Pulau Saponda Selatan, bearing 169°, which is unsafe for navigation. The reefs show poor discoloration.
leads 5 miles E of Tanjung Nipanipa, which is steep and prom- Tidal currents have been reported to attain a rate of 3 knots.

inent. As soon as Pulau Bakori bears 250°, course should be al- Caution.—The beacons marking certain dangers in Selat

tered for the entrance to the N channel, passing not less than Wowoni are not being maintained due to the mined area. The
0.1 mile NW of the beacon marking the N extremity of Sappa strait was reported to be closed to navigation.
Djambi Bank. A danger area exists in the N entrance of Selat Wowoni.

In the narrow N passage leading to Teluk Kendari, keep in


mid-channel to avoid the coastal reef extending from each side, 8.67 North Tjampada (Pulau Campada Utara) and South
passing between the beacon and lighted beacon marking each Tjampada (Pulau Campada Selatan) are two low, wooded is-
side. lands lying 7 and 9 miles SSE, respectively, of Tanjung Toro
When approaching the sharp bend by the flagstaff on the W
8.65 Pemali (4°03'S., 122°50'E.). North Tjampada consists of two
side of Pulau Boengkoetoko, a blast on the siren or whistle parts lying close together on a drying reef. These islands are
should be sounded as it is impossible to see if a vessel is ap- surrounded by a very steep reef, narrow on the W sides.
proaching from the opposite direction. Two Brothers (4°08'S., 122°53'E.) are two rocks, 15m high

and covered with vegetation, lying on the coastal reef about 0.6
8.66 Pulau Wowoni (Wowoni) (4°07'S., 123°06'E.), a mile N of Pulau Campada Utara.
wooded island high in its SE part, is separated from the coast North Reef (Karang Utara) (4°05'S., 122°54'E.), a small reef

of Sulawesi by Selat Wowoni. The SE and W coasts are only with a least depth of 4.8m, lies in mid-channel of Selat
sparsely inhabited, but there are several villages along its N Wowoni, about 3 miles NE of Two Brothers.
coast. The NW coast is lower with a plain running some dis- Ujung Curam (Tanjung Steile) (4°14'S., 122°55'E.), located

tance inland. on the Sulawesi coast about 2.75 miles S of South Tjampada,
Tanjung Pamali, the N extremity of the island, is marked by a
8.66 can readily be identified from N and S by the two rounded
light. It is partly rocky and terminates in a shoal, with a least summits standing behind it.
depth of 1.8m, extending about 0.5 mile offshore. Batu Tinggi (High Rock), lying about 1 mile S of Ujung

Tanjung Dongkalaja (Tanjung Dongkalaya), a low point cov-

8.66 Curam on the edge of the coastal reef, is a good landmark for
ered with mangroves, lies 7.75 miles ESE of Tanjung Pamali. navigating the strait.
A prominent hill, 471m high, stands about 2 miles S of this Barat Tweeling (West Tweeling) (Karang Iris) (4°13'S.,

point. 122°55'E.), consisting of two coral heads about 0.1 mile apart
Vessels can take anchorage in the bight between Tanjung
8.66 with a least depth of 3.4m, lies in the fairway about 1.5 miles
Pamali and Tanjung Dongkalaya. NNE of Ujung Curam.
Tanjung Watutembatu (Tanjung Watoetembatoe), a rocky
8.66 The numerous dangers in the strait E of Barat Tweeling may

point located 8.75 miles SE of Tanjung Dongkalaja, forms the best be seen on the chart.
E extremity of Pulau Wowoni and is marked by a light. Ujung Merah (Roode Hoek) (4°20'S., 122°54'E.), about

Vessels can take anchorage during the Northwest Monsoon

8.66 5.75 miles S of Ujung Curam, is a steep, bare, rocky cape of
off Dimba and Ladianta (Ladianti), two villages, situated close reddish color.
together about 3.75 miles NW of Tanjung Watutembatu. Directions.—Vessels proceeding from a position on the in-

Kiakia (Kekea), a village, is situated at the head of a small

8.66 ner route should pass W of North Reef and steer SSE until the
bay about 4.75 miles SW of Tanjung Watutembatu. Vessels can extremity of Ujung Merah is in range with the W side of Batu

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 257

Tinggi, bearing 183°. This range will lead close E of the bea- grove-fringed and the only inhabited island; Pulau North
con marking the reef SE of South Tjampada and about 0.1 mile Lintea, low, wooded, and mostly mangrove-fringed, off which
W of the beacon marking Barat Tweeling. These reefs are gen- there are three other low islets; and Pulau Hoga. All the islands
erally discolored. in the group lie on the same reef; the outer edge is steep-to.
The passage between the Sulawesi coast, North Tjampada,
8.67 Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage W of an

and South Tjampada is safe and clear of dangers. Vessels opening in the reef between Pulau Kaledupa and Pulau Hoga.
should steer a mid-channel course in a least depth of 24m. The A drying reef lies in the middle of the opening of the reef. The
narrowest part of the channel at the N entrance is about 302m passage lies between the drying reef and the discoloring coastal
across. In the Northwest Monsoon, violent squalls sometimes reef of Pulau Hoga. The least depth in this passage, which nar-
blow suddenly from the mountains of Sulawesi and may com- rows to 45m at the E end, is about 6.7m.
pletely obscure the land. In such weather this channel is not Vessels entering this opening in the reef will find good an-

recommended. chorage in a deep basin close inside, in a depth of 26m.

Approaching the S entrance of Selat Wowoni from eastward,
8.67 A rock, which dries, lies about 0.45 mile E of the drying reef

Batu Tinggi should be steered for bearing N of 227° until the in the opening. A strong current sets through the opening in the
highest part of North Tjampada bears 339°, then on the leading reef.
mark, bearing 183°.
Tidal currents set N and S through Selat Wowoni, and may
8.67 8.69 Pulau Tomea (5°45'S., 123°56'E.), lying about 9
attain a rate of 3 knots. There is practically no period of slack miles SE of Pulau Kaledupa, is high, wooded, and the fringing
water except at neap tides, and even then it is only of short du- reef is steep-to.
ration. Pulau Tolandono, lying on the SW side of the drying coastal

reef around Pulau Tomea, is low, with steep sandy coasts, and a
Sulawesi—Southeast Coast—Off-lying Islands sandy beach near the SW extremity.
Pulau South Lintea, S of Pulau Tomea, is high and lies on the

8.68 Kepulauan Tukangbesi (Toekang Besi Islands) NE extremity of a large atoll. Pulau Tokobao, a sand cay cov-
(Kepulauan Wakatohi) (5°30'S., 123°40'E.) are the SE group of ered with vegetation, lies on the NW extremity of the same
islands belonging to Sulawesi, and consist of a great number of atoll. There is a deep passage 10.4 mile wide between Pulau
islands with many groups lying together on the same reef. South Lintea and Pulau Tomea with a strong current running
The Kepulauan Tukangbesi are surrounded by a steep-to
8.68 through it.
reef, which generally shows good discoloration. Deep water Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage S of Oe-

exists between all the islands and atolls which make up the skoe (Usku) Village on the S coast of Pulau Tomea, in a depth
group. Some of the atolls can be seen from a great distance be- of 33m. This anchorage lies midway between two shoals, with
cause of the clear, green discoloration marking the reefs. depths of 12.8m, lying 0.35 mile S of the pier and close to the
Pulau Wangiwangi (Pulau Wangi Wangi) (5°18'S.,
8.68 coastal reef. There are several reefs, with depths of 3 to 4.8m,
123°34'E.) is hilly and is fringed by a steep-to drying reef in lying E and W of the 12.8m shoals.
the NW part of Kepulauan Tukangbesi. The reef is usually Small vessels can take anchorage in a bight in the coastal

marked by discoloration when covered. Several islands lie on reef about 0.5 mile N of Pulau Tolandono. A reef, with a depth
this reef, the largest being Pulau Kambode and Pulau Kamp- of 2.1m and seldom marked by discoloration, lies in the middle
enaoene (Pulau Komponaone). Pulau Wangiwangi and Pulau of the bight.
Kambode are inhabited. Pulau Kampenaoene is low and mostly Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage under fa-

fringed with mangroves. vorable conditions off the broad coastal reef extending from
Pulau Timor and Pulau Soemanga, both mangrove-covered
8.68 the NW coast of Pulau Tomea with the N extremity of Pulau
islands, lie on the reef between Pulau Kampenaoene and Pulau Tomea, bearing 097°, and the W side bearing 172°, in a depth
Wangiwangi. A drying reef lies 2 miles E of Pulau Timor; 4m of 51m. Vessels must exercise caution because of the irregular
and 6.5m patches lie 1 mile NNE of Pulau Timor. edge of the coastal reef and some detached reefs, with depths
A light, shown from a 21m white metal framework tower,
8.68 of 3m, near it.
marks the NW extremity of Pulau Wangiwangi. Pulau Binongko (5°56'S., 124°00'E.), consisting of raised

Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in Teluk

8.68 coral terraces, lies in the SE part of Kepulauan Tukangbesi, 7.5
Wanji (Wandji Bay) (Wantji Baai), a bight formed between Pu- miles S of the E end of Pulau Tomea. The N part is higher than
lau Wangiwangi and Pulau Kambode. Vessels anchor off the the S, and there is a depression between the two ends. The inte-
long stone pier extending across the coastal reef S of Mendati rior of the island is wasteland. Popalia, near the middle of the
(Mandati) village, in depths of 46 to 55m, coral. The depths are W coast, is the main village.
very irregular. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage inside the

The tidal currents in Teluk Wanji run in a NW and SE direc-

8.68 barrier reef off the village of Palahidu (Palahidoe) on the N
tion. The rate seldom exceeds 0.5 knot. A rate of 2 to 3 knots coast of the island. The entrance into the basin is about 91m
has been observed at the anchorage when the coastal reef was wide, with a least depth of about 22m. Depths in the basin are
uncovering, but this only lasted a short time. about 29 to 37m.
Pulau Kaledupa (Pulau Kaledoepa) (Pulau Kaledoapa)

(5°32'S., 123°46'E.), the largest and highest of a group of is- 8.70 Pulau Roendoema (Pulau Runduma) (5°21'S.,
lands, is located about 7 miles SE of Pulau Wangiwangi. 124°21'E.), the NE island of the Kepulauan Tukangbesi, is 32
This group consists of the islands of Pulau Kaledupa, man-
8.68 miles NE of Pulau Tomea and lies with Pulau Anano on a long,

Pub. 163
258 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

narrow reef extending about 6 miles in a NW and SE direction. as far as the island at the head of the bay. A rock lies on the
Pulau Roendoema is high, wooded, and inhabited. coastal reef near the SE point of Pulau Pombelaa.
Karang Roendoema (Karang Runduma) (5°24'S.,
8.70 Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the bight

124°25'E.), located 4.5 miles SE of Pulau Roendoema, dries W of Pulau Pombelaa. When approaching this anchorage ves-
and is marked by discoloration when covered. sels should exercise caution to avoid 2.2m and 5.4m reefs lying
Karang Kapotta (5°31'S., 123°25'E.), a large atoll, lies
8.70 about 3 and 2.5 miles, respectively, S of Latambera (4°50'S.,
about 8.5 miles SW of Pulau Kambode. The anchorage in Ka- 123°00'E.). A reef, with a depth of 2.7m, lies about 1 mile S of
rang Kapotta is reached by one of the passages on the NW end the W point of Pulau Pombelaa. These reefs are only slightly
of the reef. The northernmost entrance, with a least depth of marked by discoloration.
6.7m, is recommended. Laweloa Baai (Telok Kaloekoe) (Teluk Lawelu), 18 miles S

Karang Kaledoepa (Kaledupa) (5°45'S., 123°41'E.), a large

8.70 of Latambera, is entered between Tanjung Tomara (5°08'S.,
atoll, is located about 16 miles SE of Pulau Kambode. There 123°02'E.) and a point about 4 miles W. It is deep and clear of
are two entrances at the SE end with depths of 16m in the fair- dangers except in the SE part, where the coastal reef extends up
way. to 0.75 mile offshore. The SE side and head of the bay are
A deep passage about 2 miles wide lies between Karang Ka-
8.70 fronted by mangroves.
potta and Karang Kaledoepa. Telok Kamaroe (Kamaru Bay) (5°11'S., 123°04'E.) is en-

Karang Koka (6°04'S., 124°22'E.), an atoll, lies about 15

8.70 tered about 3.5 miles SE of Tanjung Tomara. A reef, with a
miles E of Pulau Binongko. It has three entrances, two on its S depth of 1.3m, lies 0.13m outside the coastal reef on the W side
side and one on its NE side. The NE entrance, which has a least of the entrance.
depth of 5.5m in the fairway, is the best, but it should be Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage off Kama-

marked by beacons before entering. roe (Kamaru), a village on the NW side of Telok Kamaroe, in a
Moro Maho (6°07'S., 124°37'E.), located about 13 miles E
8.70 depth of 55m.
of Karang Koka, is a thickly wooded sand bank on a drying The coastal reef, between Laweloa Baai and Telok Kamaroe,

reef. It is marked by a light. lies up to 2 miles offshore. The coastal reef between Telok Ka-
Karang Koro Maha (5°45'S., 124°11'E.), an atoll about 9
8.70 maroe and Tanjung Kasolanatombi (Tanjung Kassolana-toem-
miles E of Pulau Tomea, has two narrow entrances on the N bi), 11 miles SE, is difficult to see after heavy rains due to
side which are accessible only by small craft. muddy water.
Pulau Ndaa (5°39'S., 124°03'E.) lies on the W side of a cor-
8.70 Tanjung Kasolanatombi is marked by a light.

al reef which dries, about 6.5 miles NE of Pulau Tomea. The

islet is reported to be a radar target at 12 miles. 8.73 Pasarwadjo Bay (Wollowa Bay) (Teluk Pasarwadjo)
Pulau Kenti Ole (5°43'S., 124°29'E.), located 29 miles E of
8.70 (5°28'S., 122°53'E.) (World Port Index No. 52250), located in
Pulau Tomea, is formed of raised coral and is reef-fringed. the middle of the SE coast of Pulau Butung, 23.5 miles SW of
Pulau Tjowo Tjowo (5°48''S., 124°20'E.), located about 20
8.70 Tanjung Kassolanatoembi, is entered between Tanjung Laran-
miles E of Pulau Tomea, is similar to Pulau Kenti Ole. ka and Tanjung Kondowa, about 8.25 miles SW. Tanjung
Kondawa is marked by a light. It is deep and clear of dangers.
8.71 Pulau Butung (Pulau Boeton) (Pulau Buton) (Pulau A good and sheltered anchorage is found in the SW part of the
Boetoeng) (5°00'S., 122°54'E.), a large island located off the bay. A T-head pier, with a reported depth of 8.5m alongside,
SE coast of Sulawesi, is separated from Kepulauan Tukangbesi projects S from the shore in this part of the bay.
by a deep passage. Vessels can take anchorage in a position ESE of the pier, in a

The mountains of E Pulau Butung are not conspicuous and

8.71 depth of 29m.
difficult to distinguish at a distance. On the S coast of the island Teluk Sampolawa and Teluk Nalandi (5°40'S., 122°45'E.)

the middle of three high spits of land is very conspicuous. are two bays formed between the three fairly high tongues of
Tanjung Butung (Tanjung Buton) (Tanjung Boeton) (Tan-
8.71 land extending from the S coast of Pulau Butung. A very con-
jung Boetoeng), the N extremity of the island, lies about 7 spicuous pyramidal hill, about 473m high, stands on the end of
miles S of the S extremity of Pulau Wowoni. the middle tongue of land. The bays have considerable depths
Tanjung Lakansai (Tanjung Lakantjai), a rocky point, lies
8.71 and the shores are steep-to.
about 8 miles SSE of Tanjung Butung. A conspicuous conical Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in Teluk

summit, 555m high, lies about 2.5 miles S of Tanjung Lakan- Sampolawa off the villages on the W shore, in depths of 33 to
sai. This peak is very conspicuous from the N and S but loses 49m. A bank of sand and mud, which dries, extends about 0.45
its sharp character when some distance from the coast. mile from the head of the bay.
Teluk Lelamu (Lelamoe Baai) (4°39'S., 123°12'E.), 10
8.71 Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage at the head

miles SSE of Tanjung Lakansai, is entered either N or S of Pu- of Teluk Nalandi, close to the coastal reef, in a depth of 55m.
lau Lelamoe (Lelamu), an islet lying across the entrance. This There are strong tidal currents along the S coast of Pulau Bu-

islet is mangrove-covered and fringed by a reef which dries. tung. Strong eddies are found off the three tongues of land. A
Teluk Lelamu has not been adequately surveyed. circular current runs in the bays.
Pulau Hagedis (Pulau Batoeata) (6°12'S., 122°41'E.), about

8.72 Tanjung Goram (4°52'S., 123°12'E.) lies 13.5 miles 30 miles S of Pulau Butung, is 193m high. The W and S sides
S of Teluk Lelamu. are steep, the N more sloping, while the E consists of a long
Telok Koro (Koro Baai) (4°50'S., 123°09'E.), is entered
8.72 sandy point covered with coconut trees.
close W of Tanjung Goram. It can be entered without difficulty There are two villages and some scattered houses on the is-

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 259

land. Except off the E point, the surrounding coastal reef is nar- the coast of Pulau Muna is fringed by a wide reef, and there are
row and steep-to. a number of detached reefs lying within 1.5 miles from the
The only anchorage is in a bight on the N side of the island,
8.73 shore.
where a ridge with depths of less than 18.3m, runs about 0.15 Raha (4°51'S., 122°44'E.) (World Port Index No. 52270), a

mile outside the coastal reef, enclosing a basin with depths of 37 large village, is an administrative center and shipping place for
to 44m. During the Northwest Monsoon, small vessels can cross timber and forest products. The houses of Raha and a large gal-
the ridge and anchor in the basin. In the Southeast Monsoon, vanized roof are visible from a considerable distance.
vessels lie better outside the ridge. The bottom is rocky and un- A pier, with a flagstaff near its inner end, extends across the

even. There is always the risk of losing the anchor. coastal reef from Raha.
A drying reef lies about 4 miles S of the E end of Pulau Ha-
8.73 A light is shown from a point 0.65 mile E of the pier.

gedis. There are several detached reefs in the roadstead. The outer

reef, with a depth of 0.9m, lies 0.6 mile ESE of the pier.
8.74 Selat Butung (Buton Strait) (Boetoeng Strait) Small vessels can take anchorage N of the detached reefs in a

(Boeton Strait) (5°00'S., 122°45'E.), lying between the E coast depth of 7m.
of Pulau Muna and the W coast of Pulau Butung, is the usual There is an oil jetty for the discharge of kerosene at Raha,

coastal route taken by vessels proceeding to and from Selat Se- with a depth alongside of 5 to 6m. Vessels up to 1,200 dwt and
layar (Straat Salajar) (5°42'S., 120°30'E.). The land on both 70m long can berth.
sides is high and wooded.
Depths in the strait are very irregular. In North Narrows they
8.74 8.76 North Narrows (4°56'S., 122°48'E.), on the E shore,
vary from 37 to 91m. In the deep basin between North Narrows is high and densely wooded. Pulau Bakealo (Pulau Puning) and
and South Narrows there are depths of over 366m, and in the S Pulau Munante (Lebutan Island), marked by a light on its W
part of the strait, 18.3 to 92m. side, are low and wooded. Pulau Lebutan is fringed by a reef
Winds—Weather.—In the Southeast Monsoon, from June to
8.74 with a high rock on its NW side. Pulau Kaholipana (Pulau Ka-
September, the winds generally blow from SE with more or less holifana) is covered with tall trees and can be seen at a great
force after 1000 and then become lighter after about 1600. In distance because of the bare white trunks of dead trees.
some parts of the strait, where the land is high on the Pulau Bu- The W shore of North Narrows is high and steep.

tung side, particularly in South Narrows, violent squalls occur. In Anchorage can be taken in Teluk Lohia (Lohia Bay) immedi-

June, July, and August storms and rains are sometimes experi- ately NW of Tanjung Haai (Haai Point) (4°54'S., 122°46'E.).
enced. In these months the air is clearer than usual, but in Sep- A shoal, with a depth of 5.5m, lies about 0.2 mile NE of Tan-
tember the wind falls light with a dense haze over the whole jung Haai. Pulau Lima (Lima Islands) consists of six large
strait. In September and October there is sometimes rain and rocks lying about 1 mile SE of Tanjung Haai. Two of the rocks
squally weather over the N part, but fine at the same time in the are covered with vegetation and appear as one islet when seen
S, the wind then blowing between NE and SE, occasionally ex- from the N or S. Pulau Dua (Dua Islands), two islets, lie on a
tending to N and S. During the Northwest Monsoon, the winds detached reef with a least depth of 0.9m, in a position about 1.5
vary between W and N, but there is little rain. miles SE of Tanjung Haai. Karang Banka (Banka Reef), with a
Tides—Currents.—In both entrances the tidal current sets
8.74 depth of 4.9m, lies about 2.25 miles SE of Tanjung Haai. Ka-
into the strait during flood and out during ebb. There is practi- rang Bali (Bali Reef), with a depth of 4.5m, lies about 3 miles
cally no period of slack water. Due to the strong tidal currents SSE of the same point. A reef, with a depth of 10m, lies about
striking the shores, whirlpools and eddies are found throughout 0.5 mile ENE of Karang Bali.
South Narrows, and great care should be taken when passing
through the strait. The tidal current sets towards the Pulau Mu- Strait Between North Narrows and South Nar-
na shore. The rate of the tidal current in the wider part of the rows
strait is 1 to 3 knots. The maximum rate, 5 knots at springs, oc-
curs in South Narrows. 8.77 Tanjung Tampunabale (Tanjong Tampenan Bale)
(5°03'S., 122°45'E.), the extremity of the low spit of land on
Selat Butung—North Part the E shore, is fringed by a coastal reef which usually discol-
8.75 The N coast of Pulau Butung, between Tanjung Bu- Vessels can take anchorage off this cape, in depths of 14.6 to

tung and Pulau Labuan Blanda (Laboeang Belanda), 9.25 miles 18m.
WSW, is very high and steep. Gosong Kulaga, lying about 2.5 miles SSW of Tanjung Tam-

Pulau Labuan Blanda is a high, thickly wooded island. It is

8.75 punabale, consists of several sand bars and rocks which discol-
fringed by a reef extending about 0.2 mile from the N side of or when submerged. Two sand bars, which dry, lie at the S end
the island. Two above-water rocks lie on this part of the reef. of this shoal. Due to their color, these sandbars are visible for
Vessels can take anchorage about 0.5 mile SW of Pulau La-
8.75 some distance.
buan Blanda, in depths of 15 to 18m. A conspicuous round-topped tree stands on the side of a

The E shore of the strait, between Pulau Labuan Blanda and

8.75 sloping hill, about 2 miles N of Tanjung Umbulu Suan (Tan-
Tanjung Gornea (4°51'S., 122°50'E.), is low with trees and jung Kambolosua), and is visible from S. The coast N of Tan-
mangroves growing to the water’s edge. A small river discharg- jung Kambolosua is high and steep.
es off Tanjung Gornea and discolored water extends for a con- Pulau Pendek (Pendek Island) (5°13'S., 122°44'E.) and Pu-

siderable distance into the strait. Low and wooded, this part of lau Pegate (Pulau Panjang), about 1.75 miles SSW, are both

Pub. 163
260 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

low and wooded islands. parallel to the shore, and between these there is an area of ir-
The W shore of the basin between Tanjung Leibora
8.77 regular currents.
(4°59'S., 122°46'E.) and Tanjung Kemba, about 19 miles SSW, A swept channel 0.5 mile wide, joined by the following posi-

is high and steep. tions, leads from the South Narrows to the S entrance of Selat
Teluk Kemba (Kemba Bay) (5°15'S., 122°37'E.), entered
8.77 Butung:
between Tanjung Mata Ajer (Tanjung Matanuwe) and Tanjung a. 5°26'35"S, 122°36'22"E.
Kemba, about 4 miles S, indents the coast about 3 miles. A b. 5°23'51"S, 122°37'16"E.
conspicuous wooded hill, well defined against the bare back- c. 5°21'52"S, 122°38'22"E.
ground, stands 4.75 miles NNW of Tanjung Mata Ajer, and is Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots for the South

plainly visible from N or S. Channel board in position 5°31'32.4''S, 122°33'12.0''E; pilots

South Narrows (5°21'S., 122°39'E.), on the E shore be-
8.77 for the West Channel board in position 5°27'36.0''S,
tween Tanjung Kalankangan and Tanjung Papremkama, about 122°31'54.0''E.
4.5 miles SSW, is high and steep. Batu Sori, composed of yel- Anchorage.—Vessels can take anchorage E of the mouth of

low sandstone, lies close S of Tanjung Batu Sori about 0.75 Kali Baubau, about 0.5 mile E of Tanjung Kaubula, in depths
mile S of Tanjung Kalankangan. of 12 to 45m. Due to the variable nature of the currents, vessels
Pulau Batu Kapal, abreast of Tanjung Kalankangan, is steep
8.77 should moor to avoid collision when swinging at slack water.
with a flagstaff on it. Designated anchorage details are shown in the table titled Bu-
Batu Sori Light (5°20.9'S., 122°39.7'E.) is shown from a
8.77 ton—Anchorages.
height of 25m.
The coast between Tanjung Papremkama and Tanjung Kau-

bula (Tanjung Koubula), about 3.25 miles SSW, forms a large
circular bay in which lies Pulau MaKassar (Makasser Island). Anchorage Position Depths
The island is heavily wooded in the S half. General Cargo 5°26'55.2''S, 122°37'51.0''E 31-34m
Tanjung Barutu (5°22'S., 122°38'E.), located on the W side

of the narrows, is a low wooded point sharply defined when Passenger 5°27'03.6''S, 122°37'42.0''E 35-37m
seen against the opposite shore. The coast N of this point is Vessels
high and steep. Tanjung Kalandria, about 1.5 miles SW of Tan- Emergency 5°27'03.6''S, 122°37'58.2''E 33m
jung Barutu, is low and wooded. A reef extends about 0.4 mile
SW from the point. Vessels can take anchorage off this point, Reserve 5°26'55.2''S, 122°38'07.2''E 32m
in a depth of 18.3m. 5°27'07.2''S, 122°35'52.8''E 6-13m
The coast between Tanjung Baru Baru Koma (5°25'S.,
Small Vessels
5°27'20.4''S, 122°37'18.6''E 6-13m
122°36'E.) and Tanjung Pangela, about 2 miles SSW, is low
with a reef extending about 0.5 mile offshore.
Directions.—Vessels coming from the N should approach

8.78 Buton (Baubau) (Boetoeng) (5°28'S., 122°37'E.) the North Narrows with the E point of Pulau Kaholifana in
(World Port Index No. 52260), the most important town in Se- range with Mount Lambolo (5°05'S., 122°48'E.), bearing
lat Butung, is situated about 0.5 mile E of Tanjung Kaubula. A 178°. This course leads E of Karang Banka (4°55'S.,
stone breakwater is built over the coastal reef. The Murhum 122°47'E.). After passing Karang Banka, alter course to 200°
Terminal has a 180m long pier connected to shore by two passing midway between Pulau Kaholifana and the Muna
causeways. A second pier extends 150m from the shore close coast. When the S side of Pulau Kaholifana bears 090°, change
W. course to 225° until Tanjung Tampunabale is in range with
The BBM Pertamina Baubau Transit Terminal consists of Lombolo, bearing 100°.
two jetties handling dirty products; as follows: A course of 194°, with the center peak of Three Hills

1. Jetty 01, with a berthing length of 166m including (4°57'S., 122°45'E.) bearing 014° astern, will lead through the
dolphins, can accommodate vessels up to 35,000 dwt, with a strait between North and South Narrows.
maximum draft (HW) of 17.0m and a maximum loa of Vessels transiting the South Narrows from N should run it keep-

200m. ing in mid-channel until the point of land SE of Tanjung Paprem-

2. Jetty 02, with a berthing length of 234m long kama shows clear of the latter, then alter course to 187° with the
including dolphins, can accommodate vessels up to 6,500 mosque and flagstaff S of Baubau on that bearing.
dwt, with a maximum draft (HW) of 10.0m and a maximum When the middle of Pulau Makassar bears 066°, alter course to

loa of 120m. 246°.

The Pertamina Lama Kota Terminal has an Oil Berth, 46m
long with a depth alongside of 6.4m, that handles dirty prod- 8.79 Selat Masirir (Massiri Strait) (5°35'S., 122°33'E.) sepa-
ucts and has a maximum loa of 120m and 6,000dwt. rates Pulau Kadatuang (Pulau Kadatoeang), Pulau Lewutokidi
The old palace and prominent white mosque with a flagstaff
8.78 (Lewoeto Kidi), and Pulau Siumpu (Pulau Sioempoe) on the W
stand about 1 mile S of Baubau. side from the SW side of Pulau Butung.
The coastal reef fronting Baubau was reported to be extend-
8.78 The strait is deep and clear of dangers except for a small reef,

ing. generally marked by discoloration, with a depth of 0.3m, lying

In the outer roadstead the current sets in the direction of the
8.78 about midway between the NE extremity of Pulau Kadatuang and
strait. Close inshore there is a countercurrent setting almost Pulau Butung.

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 261

Pulau Siumpu (Pulau Sioempoe) (5°40'S., 122°30'E.) has a

8.79 Groot Tobea, the largest of Kepulauan Tobea in the E entrance
flat summit, 290m high, near its center from which a long spur to the strait, and the majority of the islands in the S entrance.
runs SW, with a hill on the outer end appearing as a separate is- Kepulauan Tobea divides the E entrance of Selat Tiworo into
land from a distance. Batu Popalia, a group of rocks partly two parts, all of which lie on a drying reef.
above water, lie off Tanjung Massiga which is marked by a The N coast of Pulau Muna between Tanjung Tiworo

light and is the SW extremity of Pulau Siumpu. Passina Tonga- (4°45'S., 122°23'E.) and Tanjung Lambiko, the NE extremity
li, with a depth of 4.5m, lies 1 mile SW of Tanjung Tolando, of the island, about 22.5 miles ENE, is mangrove-covered and
the NW extremity of Pulau Siumpu, and is not marked by dis- practically uninhabited. Due to the numerous reefs, the coast
coloration. Vessels can take anchorage off Tanjung Tolando, in between Tanjung Tiworo and Tanjung Bakuku (Tanjung Ba-
a depth of 44m. koekoe), about 15 miles NE, should not be approached.
Pulau Lewutokidi (Lewoeto Kidi) (5°36'S., 122°30'E.), lo-

cated about 1.5 miles N of Pulau Siumpu, has a small hill in the 8.82 Pulau Tembako (4°54'S., 122°03'E.), located about
middle of the island. The NE part of the island is low and cov- 0.75 mile E of Tanjung Pandan, is separated from the mainland
ered with grass and trees. by a clear channel, with a least depth of 8.5m in the fairway.
Pulau Kadatuang (Pulau Kadatoeang) (5°33'S., 122°30'E.),
8.79 Vessels can take anchorage in the channel between Pulau

located about 1.75 miles N of Pulau Lewutokidi, is high and Tembako and the mainland.
marked on its NE extremity by a light. There is a village on the W side of the island, and a collect-

Vessels can take anchorage off the W coast of Pulau Kadatu-

8.79 ing place for forest products with a small wooden pier on the N
ang in a position W of the N of two detached rocks on the point. Laora, a village, lies on the Sulawesi shore N of Pulau
coastal reef, in depths of 40 to 46m. This area lies only 0.4 mile Tembako.
from the charted 183m curve. Batu Mandi, a rock 5m high, lies about 1 mile SE of Pulau

Vessels can also anchor off the E coast of Pulau Kadatuang

8.79 Tembako.
about 2 miles S of Banapungi (Banabungi), the NE point of the Little is known concerning the currents in Selat Tiworo other

island, in a depth of 12.8m. than they run either W and S or N and E. In Teluk Lahia (Laea
Bay), just within the E entrance and in the passages on either
8.80 Pulau Muna (Muna Island) (5°00'S., 122°30'E.), ly- side of Kepulauan Tobea, there is sometimes a tidal current for
ing W of Pulau Butung and forming the W side of Selat Bu- 24 hours in one direction. The maximum velocity is about 2
tung, is generally low except in its SE extremity and is covered knots except possibly in the narrower passages.
with forest. The W and N coasts are generally covered with The N part of the W coast of Pulau Muna between Tanjung

mangroves. The S part of its W coast and the E coast are inhab- Nabottiebitte (5°03'S., 122°23'E.) and Tanjung Mapauti (Tan-
ited. jung Mapanti), about 16 miles N, is covered with mangroves
The S coast of Pulau Muna is indented by three bays.
8.80 and uninhabited. Numerous reefs and rocks front this stretch of
Teluk Wambololi (Wambololi Bay) (5°23'S., 122°23'E.),
8.80 coast extending up to 16 miles offshore.
the W of these bays, is shoal and of little use except for small The coast between Tanjung Mapauti and Tanjung Tiworo,

craft. about 6 miles NE, is low and mangrove-covered. Kepulauan

Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the outer
8.80 Tiworo, composed of several islands and reefs, extends about
part of Teluk Wambololi, in depths over 37m. The reefs in the 11 miles N from Tanjung Tiworo.
inner part of the bay do not show up well because of the red- Vessels without local knowledge should not attempt to pro-

dish-brown color of the water. ceed through Selat Tiworo. Vessels are cautioned that naviga-
Teluk Lasongko (Lasongko Bay) (5°23'S., 122°31'E.), the
8.80 tional aids in Selat Tiworo may be damaged or missing.
middle bay, is obstructed by a rocky reef, with depths of 4.6 to A danger area blocks the entrance of Selat Tiworo in the vi-

6.7m, lying between the entrance points. Inside the bay there cinity of Groot Tobea. Another danger area exists about 25
are depths of 18 to 22m in the fairway extending nearly 5 miles miles W of Groot Tobea.
towards the head.
Karang Kaunto, rock covered with vegetation, lies on the
8.80 8.83 Pulau Kabaena (5°17'S., 121°55'E.) is a steep moun-
coastal reef on the W side of the bay, about 4 miles NNE of tainous island, lying about 13 miles W of Pulau Muna. Gunung
Tanjong Inulu (5°24'S., 122°28'E.). Two smaller rocks lie un- Sambapolulu (Sabanpololu), the highest peak, stands in the
der 0.45 mile N of Karang Kaunto. The barrier reef can be middle of the island. It appears as a cone from the S, and as a
crossed with the W of these two rocks showing between Ka- round summit with a cleft from the W. The NW part of the is-
rang Kaunto and the W shore of the bay. The greatest depth is land is low. Gunung Batusangia, 6 miles NW of Guning Sam-
found with the E rock in range with the W side of Karang bapolulu, is a very conspicuous mountain with five peaks, but
Kaunto, bearing 004°. This range leads very close E of a 4.6m only 2 or 3 are visible.
patch on the reef at the entrance. Tanjung Koku (Tanjung Kokoe) (5°30'S., 121°57'E.), the S

extremity of Pulau Kabaena, is a low promontory from which

8.81 Teluk Nambo (Nambo Bay) (5°25'S., 122°34'E.), the the coastal reef extends 0.6 mile. The S half of the W coast, as
E part of the three bays, affords good anchorage. far N as Tanjung Malate (5°17'S., 121°48'E.), is fronted by a
Selat Tiworo (Tioro Strait) (4°33'S., 122°30'E.) lies between
8.81 ridge of reefs lying from 1 to 3 miles offshore.
the N coast of Pulau Muna and the coast of Sulawesi. It is an Pulau Sagori (Pulau Sogori), an inhabited island about 4

area of countless islands, reefs, and rocks. The reefs and rocks miles SSW of Tanjung Malate, lies on the N end of a large
are steep-to and discolored. All the islands are low except atoll-shaped reef. A large area of the reef dries. The lagoon can

Pub. 163
262 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

be safely entered through a passage on the E side over a depth tween the reef fringing Pulau Pasudu and the reef extending
of 5.8m. The reef is marked by clear green discoloration when 1.25 miles from the mainland.
Pulau Mataha, a low flat island, lies near the S end of the
8.83 8.85 Teluk Bone (Golf Van Bone) (4°00'S., 120°45'E.),
drying reef fronting the N part of the W coast of Pulau Kabae- separating the two S peninsulas of Sulawesi, is entered be-
na, and 1 mile W of Tanjung Malate. This reef extends between tween Tanjung Boengikalo (4°51'S., 121°41'E.) and Tanjung
0.5 mile and 1.75 miles offshore. Lassa, about 87 miles WSW. Numerous reefs lie within the
Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in Teluk
8.83 183m curve off the S part of the W shore.
Pising (Pising Bay) (5°05'S., 121°56'E.) located on the N coast The E coast of Teluk Bone is sparsely inhabited and backed

of Pulau Kabaena. The W side of the bay is foul. by wooded mountains. The head of the bay is low and fringed
Teluk Lingora (Lingora Bay), located on the NE side of the
8.83 by mangroves. There are several wooded hills standing inland.
island, is clear of dangers in the S part outside the 20m curve. The area is sparsely populated except at its extreme head. The
The N part of the bay is reported to contain a few reefs. W coast is densely populated and generally low.
Passi Pandolangi, a sand bank with drying rocks, lies about 4
8.83 Winds—Weather.—The following particulars of winds and

miles offshore NE of Teluk Lingora. weather were gathered from observation made during the sur-
vey of Teluk Bone.
Pulau Dahudahu (5°13'S., 122°05'E.), a small islet, is sepa-
8.83 In the S part of the W side, from February to April, rain and

rated from Pulau Kabaena by a deep channel about 0.15 mile showers occurred for 28 out of 78 days observations.
wide. On the W side there is a 5.8m patch. The sky was always cloudy, especially in the daytime. The

Teluk Tallabassi (5°15'S., 122°04'E.), located close S of

8.83 clouds came up with the sea wind in the forenoon, packed in
Tanjung Tallabassi, a very steep point, has in its S part Pulau dark masses against Gunung Lompobatang (5°22'S.,
Damalawa-Besar, 290m high. A shoal, with a depth of 0.9m, 119°56'E.), and burst into rain in the afternoon.
lies about 0.75 mile SSE of Tanjung Tallabassi. Farther N during December and January, the wind was most-

Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in Teluk

8.83 ly W and NW, quickly raising a troubled sea in the daytime. At
Tallabassi, in a depth of 16.4m. the head of Teluk Bone, during July, the wind was weaker and
Pulau Damalawa Besar is separated from Pulau Kabaena by
8.83 the sea calm.
a channel with a depth of 4.6m. Care should be taken to avoid On the E side of Teluk Bone there appears to be a quite a bit

the 2.7m patch lying in the middle of the S entrance. of rain during the Southeast Monsoon. At the end of April and
Pulau Damalawa Ketjil, located about 0.75 mile S of Pulau
8.83 during May, at the entrance to Teluk Bone, the Southeast Mon-
Damalawa Besar, is separated from the coastal reef extending soon blew freshly, with squalls, much rain, swells, and seas.
from Pulau Kabaena by a narrow channel, with depths of 7.6m. Farther N the wind was less, but the rain greater. June and July
Pulau Telaga Besar and Pulau Telaga Ketjil lie off the S coast
8.83 were very unsettled with winds from the SE, but sometimes
of Pulau Kabaena and are separated from it by a clear channel blowing from W for several days. In August, the rain gradually
with depths of 10.3 to 21.9m in mid-channel. Pulau Telaga Be- ceased and the weather became more settled.
sar is low on the W side, but rises to a plateau of 148m in the E Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Teluk Bone seem to be

part. A rock, which dries, lies 0.6 mile W of the extremity of very insignificant and weak, except at the mouths of the large
the island. Pulau Telaga Ketjil is 138m high and has a small rivers. The direction of the current S of Teluk Bone is in accor-
village on the NW side. dance with the monsoons, being W from June to October and E
Vessels can take anchorage off the N coast of Pulau Telaga
8.83 from December to May.
Ketjil, in a depth of 49m. All the reefs, which dry, lying near the 183m curve are well

marked by discoloration and often break in the Southeast Mon-

8.84 Selat Muna (5°15'S., 122°08'E.), the S approach to soon.
Selat Tiworo, lies between the E coast of Pulau Kabaena and A local magnetic anomaly has been reported off Teluk Bone

the S part of the W coast of Pulau Muna. (4°00'S., 120°45'E.), 14 miles W of Tanjung Lassa (5°37'S.,
The E half of the N part of the strait is encumbered with
8.84 120°29'E.).
reefs and shoals. Navigation in this area is not advised except Caution.—There are a great number of uncharted shoals and

with local knowledge. The flood current sets N and the ebb S reefs in this vicinity and it is advisable to navigate with caution.
through the strait, but seldom exceed 2 knots.
Selat Poleang (4°58'S., 121°57'E.), the W approach to Selat
8.84 8.86 Tanjung Boengikalo (4°51'S., 121°41'E.), the E en-
Tiworo, is bounded on the S side by the N coast of Pulau Ka- trance point of the bay, is low and rounded with some scattered
baena and on the N side by the Sulawesi coast. tall trees. A detached drying reef with irregular depths and well
The strait is clear of dangers except for a large reef of sand
8.84 marked by discoloration, lies 1.25 miles S of the point. The
and stones, with a least depth of 10m, lying in the middle of the coastal reef projects 2 miles SW of the point. A small shoal,
strait, about 4 miles N of Tanjung Magina (5°04'S., with a depth 4.1m, lies about 5 miles ESE of Tanjung Boengi-
121°58'E.). The flood current sets E and the ebb W through the kalo. The coast forms a wide bight with irregular depths E of
strait. the point.
Pulau Pasudu (4°55'S., 121°57'E.), located S of Pelabuhan
8.84 The E coast of Teluk Bone between Tanjung Boengikalo and

Lemmu, can be recognized from a great distance by a large tree Tanjung Ponopono, about 16.5 miles NW, is fronted by a wide,
projecting above the shrubs which cover the islet. drying coastal reef. The reef is discolored for about 5 miles
A channel clear of dangers, with a depth of 10.9m, lies be-
8.84 NW of Tanjung Boengikalo.

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 263

Karang Sopang (Sopang), a small, dangerous steep-to reef

8.86 extends 0.5 mile from the SW point. A bare rock lies on the reef
with a depth of 0.9m, lies outside the 183m curve about 9 miles projecting from the SE point of the island. Pulau Idju lies close off
WSW of Tanjung Boengikalo. The reef is marked by discolor- the N extremity. Pulau Lemo lies 0.35 mile off the E point of Pu-
ation and a heavy surf. lau Padamarang, and is fringed by a drying reef. The passage be-
Teluk Paria (4°48'S., 121°38'E.), located about 5 miles NW tween Pulau Lemo and Pulau Padamarang is deep, narrow, and not
of Tanjung Boengikalo, is 0.3 mile wide between the coastal recommended because of the strong current. Karang Padamarang,
reefs on either side of the entrance. about 1.5 miles NNW of Pulau Idju, is a round coral reef of about
Vessels of moderate size can take anchorage in Teluk Paria,
8.86 0.2 mile diameter and dry at LW.
in depths of 14.6 to 29m, sand.
Vessels entering the bay should keep fairly close to the W
8.86 8.88 Pulau Lambasina-Besar (4°05'S., 121°21'E.), a high
entrance point, which is covered with mangroves. The coastal island with two summits forming a saddle, lies about 0.5 mile
reef SW of this point is dangerous and it frequently shows very from the NW extremity of Pulau Padamarang.
poor discoloration, as the water is very muddy. The NW peak is 321m high. The island is surrounded by a

Pulau Basa (4°50'S., 121°30'E.) is a small, low, and thickly-

8.86 coastal reef, except on the SW side. The reef projects about 0.7
wooded island lying about 10.5 miles W of Tanjung Boengika- mile from the N point in a sharp spit, with deep water immedi-
lo on the N end of a large drying reef. This reef extends about 2 ately outside. The passage between this island and Pulau Pad-
miles SE, 1.5 miles W, and 0.3 mile N. amarang is almost closed.
Karang Boisebola, about 2 miles NW of Pulau Basa, is
8.86 Pulau Lambasina-Ketjil, a low island, lies about 1 mile W of

steep-to and dries in several places. Pulau Lambasina-Besar. A light is shown at a height of 60m from
Karang Lamoeloe (Lamulu), about 1 mile NW of Karang
8.86 the SW point of the island. The highest summit, 99m high, stands
Boisebola, is a very steep reef with a white sand cay in its N in the SW part of the island. The passage between the Kepulauan
part, which dries 1.8m at lowest tide. Lambasina is about 0.9 mile wide and clear in mid-channel.
The coast between Tanjung Ponopono and Tanjung Pakar, 27
8.86 Pulau Maniang (4°12'S., 121°29'E.), 222m high, lies 3

miles N, is hilly and fringed by a reef which dries, extending miles NW of Tanjung Pakar. Pulau Buija and Pulau Limaei are
0.75 mile offshore in the vicinity of Tanjung Tanggetada, about connected to the N side of Pulau Maniang by a drying reef. Nu-
6 miles S of Tanjung Pakar. merous shoals lie between Pulau Maniang and the coast SE.
A number of small reefs, with a depth of 1 to 9m, lie within
8.86 Pomalaa (4°10'S., 121°36'E.) (World Port Index No. 52295),

the 183m curve at distances of 1 to 3 miles offshore. Three dry- a large trading village, is situated about 6 miles NE of Tanjung
ing reefs lie within 2 miles of the coast and 4.5 miles N of Tan- Pakar. Pomalaa is also an anchorage port for the export of nickel
jung Towari. To the S of these reefs, a small white sand cay ore. Vessels load from barges at the anchorage. There is a pier of
plainly shows at low water. concrete construction, providing alongside berths for vessels not
The mouth of the Kali Oko Oko, which is a landing place for
8.86 more than 135m long, with a draft of 5m at the NE side and 7m
timber, lies about 3 miles N of Tanjung Tangkedata. Depths of at the SW side. A conspicuous chimney, 45m high, stands 1 mile
less than 1.5m extend 1 mile seaward from the river mouth. S of Pomalaa.
Shoals, with depths of 4.1m and 6m lie about 3 miles WNW Pilotage.—Pilotage is not compulsory. However, due to un-

and NNW, respectively, of the river mouth. cleared waters, it is advisable that vessels calling for the first
Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage on the S
8.86 time at Pomalaa use a pilot. A tug meets vessels 1.5m W of
side of the small bay immediately N of Tanjung Towari, in a Tanjung Pakar where officials board and the tug leads vessels
depth of 37m, mud. This anchorage is 0.1 mile from the coastal to the anchorage.
reef with Tanjung Towari, bearing 199°. Vessels with local Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken by vessels with local

knowledge can also take anchorage close N of the mouth of the knowledge off Pomalaa.
Sungai Towari, located about 1.25 miles N of Tanjung Towari,
in a depth of 20m, mud, with Tanjung Towari, bearing 175°. 8.89 Kolaka (4°03'S., 121°35'E.), a large village and col-
lecting point for forest products, stands at the head of Teluk
8.87 Teluk Mekongga (Bingkoka Bay) (4°08'S., Mekongga. A stone pier, about 0.2 mile long, with a depth of
121°30'E.) is entered between Tanjung Pakar and Tanjung 0.9m at its head, is situated off the village.
Konaweha, about 19 miles NW. The S part of the bay is practi- Kolaka Light (4°03.2'S., 121°36.4'E.) is shown 1 mile E of

cally inaccessible because of the numerous reefs and shoals. the village.
Several islands lie across the entrance. There is a jetty for handling oil products with a depth of 8m.

An area off Tanjung Pakar was swept to 11.4m. An anchor-

8.87 Vessels up to 6,000 dwt and 120m long can berth.
age lies at the NE end of this area. Reefs, with depths of less Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage about 0.5

than 2m, lie close to all but the SW side of the area; all are mile SW of the pier at Kolaka, in a depth of 29m.
marked by beacons. Karang Kolaka lies N of the anchorage off Kolaka, about 0.5

Pulau Padamarang (4°07'S., 121°25'E.), the largest of the

8.87 mile offshore, and is about 0.3 mile long and 0.1 mile wide,
islands in the middle of the entrance to Teluk Mekongga, is drying in parts.
rugged and mountainous with numerous small bays. The high- A dangerous reef lies about midway between Karang Kolaka

est summit, near the center of the island, rises to a height of and the shore E at Kolaka.
702m. The island is generally surrounded by a steep-to reef. Directions.—Vessels approaching Teluk Mekongga from

The W side is clear except off the points. the S should steer 000° for the summit of Pulau Padamarang,
Pulau Lima, a small islet about 72m high, lies on the reef which
8.87 passing outside of all dangers. Steer for Palau Lambasina-Be-

Pub. 163
264 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

under favorable circumstances.

The reefs lie just within the 183m curve, about 8.5 miles W

of Tanjung Ladongi. The NW reef has a depth of 1.5m and the

SE, a depth of 0.3m. The ridge between the two reefs has a
least depth of 16m.
The westernmost reef lies about 10.5 miles WSW of Tanjung

Lariko. The reef is narrow, semicircular with the opening to the

E, and partly dries.
The coast between Tanjung Batoe Laki, located about 6.5

miles NW of Tanjung Lariko, and Tanjung Toli Toli, about 18

miles NW, is fringed by a ridge of drying coral reefs extending
up to 4 miles offshore.
Teluk Labuandata, a small bay located about 2 miles S of

Tanjung Tabako (3°25'S., 120°52'E.), provides good anchor-

age, in a depth of 37m for a single ship.

Teluk Bone—West Coast—Tanjung Lassa to

Tanjung Jene
Kolaka 8.91 From Tanjung Lassa (5°37'S., 120°29'E.), the SW en-
trance point of Teluk Bone, the coast trends in a N direction 142
sar when sighted, and later the SW summit of Palau Lambasina miles to Tanjung Jene. This coast is densely populated, generally
Ketjil, taking care to keep the latter bearing N of 332°. Then low, and in its central part there are large areas of paddy fields.
pass in mid-channel between these two islands, making good a Tanjung Laboe (Tanjung Labu) (5°22'S., 120°25'E.) is a

course of 034°. high point that is prominent due to its white rock formation, lo-
When the N point of Pulau Lambasina Ketjil bears 250°, the
8.89 cated 17.5 miles NNW of Tanjung Lassa.
beacon on Karang Padamarang may be steered for, leaving it to The coast in this area is high, steep, and can be approached

port, then change course to pass between Karang Mekongga, closely, but there is no safe anchorage.
located about 1.75 miles WSW of Kolaka, and Karang Kolaka. Kadjang (Kajang), an administrative headquarters, is situated

The SE summit of Palau Lambasina-Besar in range, bearing in a small bight about 3 miles WNW of Tanjung Laboe.
262°, with the sharp hillock on the NE slope of the NW summit There is a stone pier on the S side of the bight, but the bottom is

of Pulau Padamarang, leads between these two reefs. too steep for anchoring. The most suitable anchorage is in the NW
Vessels approaching from W should steer 090° for the sum-
8.89 corner of the bight, in not less than 27m, NNW of the stone pier.
mit of Pulau Padamarang to pass well clear of Karang Rosa Between Tanjung Laboe and Tanjung Tippoeloewe (Tanjung

Marie, located about 10.25 miles W of Pulau Lambasina Ketjil. Tippuluwe), 52 miles N, the charted 183m curve turns 31 miles
There is a depth of only a few meters over this reef, which NE to Karang Limpogeh (4°56'S., 120°45'E.), marked by a
breaks heavily. Karang Tamboli lies about 5 miles NW of Ka- light, on which there is a sand cay. This reef is noticeable, but
rang Rosa Marie. The reef dries and is plainly visible because the sand cay only shows over a small part at HW. From this
of the surf. Shoal water, with a patch that nearly dries, extends reef the charted 183m curve turns NW for a distance of 32.5
about 1 mile to the S. miles to a position 4 miles E of Tanjung Tippoeloewe, enclos-
ing some islands and a large foul ground, which is steep-to on
8.90 Tanjung Ladongi (3°55'S., 121°15'E.), located 22 its outer edge.
miles NW of Koloka, is steep and conspicuous from the W. Pu- A shoal, with a depth of 6.7m, has been reported to lie about

lau Tjampea lies about 1 mile W of this point. 3.5 miles SE of Karang Limpogeh.
Teluk Paopao (Paopao Bay), located close SE of Tanjung
8.90 Between Tanjung Laboe and Tanjung Kopang, 10 miles

Ladongi, is open to SW and S seas. A steep coastal reef ex- NNW, the coast rises steeply to hills about 122m high, then be-
tends about 0.4 mile from the E shore of the bay. A shoal, with gins a stretch of low land to Tanjung Ancu (Tanjung Antjoe),
a depth of 0.3m, lies in the NW part of the bay, about 0.4 mile about 9 miles farther N.
offshore. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage on
the E side of Teluk Paopao. 8.92 Gunung Sinjai (Gunung Sindjai) (5°05'S., 120°12'E.)
Lariko Bay (Teluk Woimenda) (3°51'S., 121°14'E.) is en-
8.90 rises to a height of 263m, 6 miles SW of Tanjung Ancu. This
tered between Tanjung Waminda, lying 3.25 miles N of Tan- peak is the only good landmark along this part of the coast.
jung Ladongi, and Tanjung Lariko, about 4 miles NW. Karang Melambiri (Melambiri) (5°14'S., 120°26'E.), a dry-

Pulau Laburoko (Laboeroko), 122m high, lies about 0.5 mile

8.90 ing reef that is steep-to on its E side, lies 5.5 miles NNE of
W of Tanjung Waminda. The shores of the bay are edged by a Tanjung Laboe. A 7m patch lies close S of Karang Melambiri.
narrow steep-to reef. Karang Malamala (Malamala), a reef which partly dries, lies
Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the S
8.90 1.75 miles W of Karang Melambiri.
part of Teluk Waminda, in a depth of 37m. Pulau Bulunrue (Boeloenroee) (5°07'S., 120°24'E.), 7 miles

Karang Dungi (Dungi Reefs) (Doengi Riffen) (3°57'S.,

8.90 NW of Karang Malamala, is a conspicuous island that rises to a
121°06'E.) are two small shoals visible a considerable distance height of 252m. A reef which dries, lies 2 miles S of Pulau Bu-

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 265

lunrue and is marked by a beacon.

Another reef, with a depth of 5.5m, lies 3 miles SW of Pulau

Bulunrue. An island about 4.5 miles NNE of Pulau Bulunrue

appears as a saddle when seen from the N or S.
Caution.—There are a great number of shoals and reefs in

this vicinity, and it is advisable to use the greatest care in navi-

gating here.

8.93 Sindjai (Sinjai) (5°08'S., 120°15'E.), an administra-

tive center, is situated on Sungai Sindjai, 2 miles within its en-
trance, about 6 miles SSW of Tanjung Ancu. There is good
anchorage, in a depth of 20.1m, with the mouth of a river, 2.5
miles NE of Sindjai, bearing 292°, at least 1 mile offshore. An-
chorage may be taken closer in off the mouth of the river in not
less than 9.1m.
The bank off the river mouth is steep-to and deep draft ves-

sels should not approach inside the 20m curve.

To approach the anchorage from the S, vessels when abeam
Tanjung Laboe, about 1 mile distant, make good course 354°
for Pulau Bulunrue.
When about 3 miles S of Pulau Bulunrue, steer for the an-

chorage with Gunung Sindjai bearing 297°. Anchor when Pu-

lau Beloppo, 1 mile NE of Tanjung Ancu, bears 006° and the
river mouth bears 292°.
Tanjung Salangketo (4°50'S., 120°23'E.) lies 13.5 miles N

of Tanjung Ancu, and Tanjung Patiro lies 12 miles farther

NNE. Gunung Meru (Meroe) rises to a height of 199m, 2 miles
inland, about 7 miles NNW of Tanjung Ancu and Gunung Pa-
congi (Patjongi) rises to a height of 749m, 8 miles NW of
Gunung Meru.
From the mouth of Sungai Sindjai to Tanjung Ancu there is a

low strip of marshy land, 1 mile wide along the coast. From
Tanjung Ancu to a position on the coast E of Gunung Meru, the
coast becomes undulating.
From this point to Tanjung Patiro, there is a wide plain along

the coast. The land within rises to spurs from isolated summits. Badioa
Gunung Cinnung (Tjinnoeng), 256m high with a flat summit,
rises 7 miles WSW of Tanjung Patiro and Gunung Damara poeloewe and another reef which dries, lies about 2 miles farther
(Damara), 152m high, conical, covered with tall trees, lies 3.5 SE. This latter reef is marked by a lighted beacon.
miles WNW of Tanjung Patiro. Directions.—From the anchorage off Sindjai, steer course

The coast, between Tanjung Ancu and Tanjung Patiro, is

8.93 029°, rounding a beacon situated on the E side of a reef, 2
edged by a broad drying reef covered with a layer of mud. A miles SSE of Tanjung Ancu. When close E of the beacon, steer
small rocky islet lies on the reef 5.5 miles N of Tanjung Ancu. for the islet 5 miles N of Pulau Beloppo until Pulau Beloppo
Between Tanjung Patiro and Tanjung Tippoeloewe, 11 miles
8.93 bears 312°. Alter course to the NE to pass W of the beacon on
NNW, the coastal appearance changes considerably. the NW side of Karang Tenghai (Tenghai), a reef lying about
There are large villages with coconut groves interspersed
8.93 5.5 miles S of Tanjung Salangketo. When Gunung Cinnung
with vast stretches of cultivated land. bears 316°, the course is 003°.
This course leaves a beacon, 3.5 miles S of Tanjung Patiro,

8.94 Badioa (Bajowe) (Bajoa) (Bone) (4°33'S., 120°23'E.), on the port hand and a beacon, 1.5 miles E of Tanjung Patiro,
a town about 7.5 miles NNW of Tanjung Patiro, has a long pier on the starboard hand. From abreast Tanjung Patiro the course
which dries at low water. The port has daily ferry service. The is 342°. This course passes over a 7m patch, 2 miles NNE of
roadstead within the 10m line, about 3 miles offshore, is thick- Tanjung Patiro. When the vessel is about 2 miles S of Karang
ly studded with coral heads. Torea a W course may be steered for the anchorage off Badioa,
Totopele Light (4°32'S., 120°28'E.) is shown from the reef
8.94 passing about 0.75 mile N of the beacon situated 2.75 miles
about 4 miles ENE of the pier. ESE of the pier head.
Reefs, with a least depth of 0.9m, lie about 4.5 miles ESE of
8.94 For vessels continuing N, when about 1.75 miles S of Ka-

the pier head at Badioa. A beacon stands on the N reef. A reef rang Torea, course may be altered to the NE passing about 0.75
which dries, also marked by a beacon, lies 2.75 miles ESE of the mile N of a drying reef and S of a beacon marking the E ex-
pier head and a 4.5m patch lies 0.5 mile E of this beacon. Karang tremity of Karang Torea. When clear of the beacon, steer a
Torea (Torea), a drying reef, lies 2.5 miles SE of Tanjung Tip- course as required for desired destination.

Pub. 163
266 Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts

Uncharted dangers may exist along this suggested route and

8.94 bua, 198m high.
local knowledge is essential.
Tanjung Tippoeloewe (Tanjung Tippuluwe) (4°29'S.,
8.94 8.97 Tanjung Jene (Tanjung Djenemedjai) (3°15'S.,
120°23'E.) is a high rocky promontory 4.5 miles N of Badioa. 120°25'E.) is a low point of land with a reef that dries extend-
It appears as an island from the E and N. The coast, to a point ing NE. A light marks the NE extremity of the reef.
2.75 miles NW, is high with some tall trees which are particu- The coast between Tanjung Jene and Palopo, a town about

larly noticeable from the N. The coast to a river delta 6 miles 20.5 miles NNW, is low and marshy.
farther N is low, mainly fronted by mangroves, and backed by a An obstruction lies 2 miles NE of Tanjung Bua (Tanjung

wooded and paddy field-covered plain. Boea) (3°03'S., 120°15'E.).

Karang Bali (Bali Riffen) (3°10'S., 120°36'E.), a group of

8.95 Palima (4°20'S., 120°22'E.) (World Port Index No. drying reefs, lies near the edge of the 183m curve in a position
52290) is an important trading place situated 2 miles above the about 12 miles ENE of Tanjung Jene. Karang Naber (Naber
river’s entrance. There is a customs officer and a port captain in Riffen), a group of drying reefs, is located about 10 miles NNE
the village. of Tanjung Jene. Karang Bron (Bron Rif), a drying reef, lies
In the Northwest Monsoon there is good anchorage, in 9 to
8.95 about 9 miles N of Tanjung Jene.
11m, off the central mouth of the river delta. The mouths of the The sea is discolored by the rivers in this area. After heavy

river can only be seen when close under the coast, but Gunung rains, thick tree trunks are carried far out to sea.
Tafelberg (Tafelberg), about 9 miles W, is a useful guide. An 11m patch was reported 4 miles NNE of Tanjung Jene.

In the approach to the anchorage, vessels should pass S of

8.95 Tanjung Jene should be given a wide berth as a constant E

Karang Tobako (Tobako), lying about 3.5 miles ESE of the riv- current has been reported in the vicinity of Karang Bron.
er delta. The reef is marked by a beacon. The beacon should be Teluk Palopo (Palopo Bay) (2°59'S., 120°13'E.), located in

passed not less than 0.3 mile distant, taking care to avoid a the NW corner of the head of Teluk Bone, is surrounded by
5.8m patch lying 1.5 miles SE. mountains decreasing in height to the E.
Tanjung Lokoloko (3°44'S., 120°26'E.) lies 36 miles N of
8.95 Pulau Libukan, a rocky islet about 62m high, lies on the

Palima. The intervening coast between these two points is a broad bank extending from the N side of the bay and stands out
mud bank, occasionally mixed with coral, which dries 1 to 2 clearly against the background.
miles offshore. The large town of Palopo, consisting of a collection of vil-

Numerous reefs lie within the charted 183m curve. It is possible

8.95 lages, is situated on both banks of a river. There is a doctor and
more may exist than is shown on the chart. By keeping E of a hospital at Palopo.
120°32'E, vessels will pass outside these dangers. Only those ly- A stone breakwater, exhibiting a light, extends about 0.9

ing near the charted 183m curve can be plainly seen. There are fre- mile ENE from the shore near the mouth of the river.
quently areas of false discoloration outside this curve. There is a tower on the head of the breakwater. A small con-

crete pier, 57.5m long with a depth of 7m alongside, lies close

8.96 From Palima to Tanjung Lokoloko there are a few vil- to the breakwater. The Port of Tanjung Ringgit Palopo Termi-
lages on the coast, which is low, fronted by mangroves, and nal has an inner berth 538m long and an outer berth 208m long,
backed by a wide plain covered with paddy fields. including dolphins; both have a depth alongside of 7.0m and
There are no distinctive features on or within the coast ex-
8.96 handle cruise vessels and breakbulk. The PT Panca Usaha Ter-
cept a large tree 3.25 miles SSW of Tanjung Lokoloko. minal has an anchorage area for breakbulk cargo with a maxi-
Tanjung Lokoloko and Tanjung Siwa, about 3 miles N, are
8.96 mum vessel draft (HW) of 9.8m and a General Cargo Berth,
low and wooded. with a depth of 7.0m, for breakbulk cargo. The PT Pertamina
Between Tanjung Siwa (3°41'S., 120°26'E.) and Tanjung
8.96 Deport Palopo Terminal Oil Berth is 40m long and handles
Jene, about 26 miles N, the 183m curve lies close to the shore. chemicals and clean products (CPP).
From a position about 1 mile E of Tanjung Siwa, the 183m A dangerous wreck, the position of which is approximate,

curve gradually edges away to about 5 miles E of Tanjung lies about 1 mile E of the head of the breakwater.
Jene, then turns NE and E across Teluk Bone. There are several reefs in the bay which are not marked by

Pasi Belongka (3°32'S., 120°26'E.) lies near the 183m curve,

8.96 discoloration. Batu Labue, a reef in the S part of the bay, lies
9 miles N of Tanjung Siwa. Karang Lamunre (Lamoenre), with a about 2.25 miles NNW of Tanjung Bua. A 0.4m patch lies 1.75
depth of 3.5m, lies 8 miles NNE of Pasi Belongka. miles SSE of Batu Labue.
Anchorage.—Anchorage may be taken N of Tanjung Siwa, in a
8.96 Vessels can take anchorage about 0.5 mile ENE of the stone

depth of 9.1m. Anchorage may also be taken off Tanjung Polo, 9.5 breakwater, in a depth of 11m. Smaller vessels can anchor clos-
miles N of Tanjung Siwa, in a depth of 18.3m. The anchorage off er inshore, in a depth of 7m. The holding ground is good.
Tanjung Polo should be approached N of Pasi Belongka. The coast between Teluk Palopo and Teluk Usu, about 50

The head of Teluk Bone, between Tanjung Jene and Tanjung

8.96 miles NE, is low with a drying bank of mud and sand. There
Tobaku, about 28.5 miles ESE, is encumbered with reefs in its are occasional coral reefs, extending offshore about 0.75 mile,
E part, inside the 183m curve. The land is low and flat in the along the entire coast. The water is murky and muddy from 4
NW part, the mouths of the streams affording the only land- to 5 miles from the coast.
marks. In the N part, ridges from the massive Pegunungan Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in a posi-

Tambuke approach the coast. tion E of the reefs off the mouth of the Sungai Wotu (Sungai
The low plain E has several scattered hills, the most notice-
8.96 Wotoe) (2°38'S., 120°48'E.). It is approached by steering for a
able being Maliowo, with a sharp peak 401m high, and Kram- conspicuous clump of trees near the mouth, bearing 326°. The

Pub. 163
Sector 8. Sulawesi—South and East Coasts 267

channel is marked on either side by beacons. There is a small mouth of the Sungai Usu, in a depth of not less than 20m.
drying reef S of the channel. The large village of Wotu is situ- There is a choppy and difficult sea with the river in flood and
ated about 2 miles upriver. the wind from seaward.
Teluk Usu (Oesoe Baai) (2°40'S., 121°02'E.) lies in the NE
8.97 The coast between Tanjung Bulupulu and Tanjung Tabako,

corner of Teluk Bone. The E side of the bay is foul. The middle about 38 miles S, forms numerous small bays of little importance.
of the bay is free of dangers with depths of 28 to 37m. The Except for the reefs, there is deep water until close inshore.

Sungai Usu discharges in the N part of the bay. The coast between Teluk Usu and Pulau Sapiri (3°02'S.,

Pulau Bulubulu lies 0.4 mile W of Tanjung Bulubulu

8.97 121°03'E.) is high with a mountain ridge close to the shore.
(2°48'S., 120°59'E.), the S entrance point of the bay. The channel The coast is sparsely populated and Lelewau (Lelewaoe), situ-
between the island and the point is about 0.3 mile wide and safe. ated 13.5 miles SSE of Tanjung Bulubulu, is the only village of
Malili, a large and important village, is a collecting place for
8.97 any importance.
forest products and the seat of a civil administrator. It lies up- The coast between Pulau Sapiri and Tanjung Tabako is low and

river on the Sungai Malili, about 3 miles above its junction more populated, the high mountains lying some distance inland.
with the Sungai Usu. The Mangkasa Point Terminal consists of Caution.—A large number of coral reefs, mostly drying and

two berths, as follows: of small circumference, lie close to the 183m curve. Naviga-
1. The Mangkasa Oil Jetty, with a berthing length of tion in this part of Teluk Bone should be avoided.
105m including dolphins, has a depth alongside of 6.0m and
handles clean products. Vessels up to 16,000 dwt, with a 8.99 The E coast of Pulau Selajar lies 9 miles S of Tanjung
maximum loa of 150m and a maximum beam of 15.5m, can Lassa, the SW entrance point of Teluk Bone, and is separated
be accommodated150m. from that point by Selat Selajar.
2. The MBM Mangkasa Oil berth handles clean prod- The mountains rise almost vertically from the sea giving the

ucts and dirty products. Vessels up to 20,000 dwt, with a coast a rocky aspect with a few interruptions by sandy beaches.
maximum loa of 180m, a maximum drqft (HW) of 9.4m, and
a maximum beam of 21m, can be accommodated150m. Gunung Barugaiya (Baroegaija) (6°02'S., 120°33'E.), the

highest peak on the island, rises to 696m about 16 miles S of

8.98 Mangkasa Oil Terminal (2°44'S., 121°04'E.) (World the island’s N extremity. There are other charted peaks on the
Port Index No. 52235) is about 8 miles ENE of Pulau Bulu-bu- island which may be seen in the offing.
lu. A system of Four Buoy Moorings (FBMS) can accommo- The bottom near the coast is steep except near Ujung Apata-

date tankers up to 20,000 dwt. Maximum draft is about 9.4m, na, at the S extremity of the island, where the emerging spots
with an overall length of 180m. Advanced notice of arrival of coral and rocks are reported to be very narrow, and are en-
must be given 72 hours prior to arrival and confirmed or tirely absent along the middle of the island.
amended 48 hours and 24 hours prior to arrival. Navigation along the coast is easy but should not be attempt-

A shoal, with a depth of 0.9m, lies S of the entrance to Sun-

8.98 ed in the Southeast Monsoon.
gai Usu leaving a channel on either side. Anchorage along the coast is not recommended because of

Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage off the

8.98 the steep bottom and the extreme difficulty of approach.

Pub. 163
Sector 9—Borneo—South and East Coasts

9.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).

Pub. 163


9.0Plan.—This sector describes the S coast of Borneo between sea breezes blow throughout the whole year. The local topo-
Tanjung Sambar and the S end of Pulau Laut, about 360 miles graphical features and direction of the coast may greatly influ-
to the ESE, and the E coast of Borneo between the S end of Pu- ence the force and direction of the wind in the strait.
lau Laut to the mouths of the Sesayap, about 520 miles to the 9.1Land breezes can be expected between about 1900 to 0700;
N. The descriptive sequence is ESE and then N. sea breezes occur from 1000 to 1700.
9.1Where the monsoon is strong on a lee shore, the land breeze
General Remarks may not occur.
9.1The Southeast Monsoon sets in over the S part of the strait in
9.1 The S coast of Borneo, between Tanjung Sambar and April, blowing from the NE to SE. Calms and NW winds are
Pulau Laut, is densely overgrown with forests of moderate sometimes felt. This unsettled weather lasts until June, when
height. There are few distinctive landmarks, but at the river the wind begins to blow with some regularity from SE, occa-
mouths the trees are taller. Banjarmasin is the most important sionally shifting to the SW. At night during June, the wind is
shipping place along this coast. mostly E to SE, but it also blows from the S and SW. These
9.1Pulau Laut, a rather large island separated from the SE coast winds will bring in a swell and, blowing in opposition to the
of Borneo by Selat Laut, is mountainous in its N part and hilly prevailing S currents, produce a short and troubled sea.
in its S part. The strait is very narrow in parts and should only 9.1In September and October there is a decrease in wind and
be used by vessels with local knowledge. Stagen, a lumber sea, and changing to S and W in November, and in December
port, and Kotabaru, a shipping place of some importance, are from SW to NW. These winds cannot be relied upon.
situated near the NW end of the island. 9.1The Northwest Monsoon is at its height in January and blows
9.1The S part of Makassar Strait is partly obstructed by numer- from the NW. Heavy squalls, rain, and heavy seas occur and
ous islands and dangers. Borneo Bank projects far into the then begin to abate in February. Light breezes from NW to NE
strait and encloses numerous islands, reefs, and dangers. Be- and E occur in March.
tween the E edge of the bank and Pulau-pulau Sangkarang (Pu- 9.1December to March are considered the rainy months, but
lau-pulau Pabbiring) (Spermonde Archipelago), described there are showers in all other months. July to September can be
beginning in paragraph 7.13, are a number of isolated coral termed the dry season. Squalls and thunderstorms occur in De-
banks rising abruptly from great depths, with raised ridges and cember.
islands on the N and E edges. 9.1In the N part of the strait the force of the wind is less.
9.1The E coast of Borneo between Pulau Laut and the entrance 9.1The monsoons from N and SSW are variable and depend on
of the Makassar Strait to the N is low, marshy, and covered the strength of the wind circulation in the Celebes Sea and the
with dense vegetation. Numerous rivers, some with large deltas Java Sea. The seasons are not well defined and plenty of rain
and bays, indent parts of the coast. occurs.
9.1There are few landmarks, as the coastal hills usually stand 9.1The SSW winds commence in May. These veer occasionally
about 6 miles or more inland. Balikpapan and Lingkas are the to W and NW and are variable and unsteady. The monsoon is at
most important deep-water ports on this coast. Makassar Strait, its height from June to September, and SSW winds prevail both
the main route for shipping, passes between the E coast of Bor- day and night.
neo and the W coast of Sulawesi to the E. Between the paral- 9.1In October, the monsoon decreases in force and is lowest in
lels of 2° and 3° in the S latitude, the strait is separated into two November, the wind sometimes veering to the N and NE. In
channels by the Little Paternaster Islands. The W channel is 10 December the general direction is NW, in January N, and in
miles wide and frequented. There are numerous dangers in this February NNE winds blow, decreasing in April when calms
channel and moderate depths are found along the Borneo coast. and variable breezes can be expected.
The E channel, between the 183m curves, has a least width of 9.1There is less cloudiness in the N than in the S part of the
22 miles and is extremely deep. This channel is extensively strait, but rain is heavier and more continuous.
used by all classes of vessels. 9.1Rainfall is greater on the Borneo side than on the Sulawesi
9.1Winds—Weather.—In that part of the Java Sea which lies side of the strait.
off the S coast of Borneo, the winds will blow for 7 months 9.1The rainy season is from November to March, and the dry
from April to November, from E in the center of the sea, and season from July to September. Squalls and thunderstorms are
ESE to SE over the E portions. The Northwest Monsoon, blow- rare, but mist occurs.
ing from WNW to W, is stronger in force than the Southeast 9.1Tides—Currents.—The current along the S coast of Borneo
Monsoon and lasts from December to March. is a mixture of tidal and monsoon currents. At HW, the tidal
9.1Thunderstorms and squalls may be encountered during the current sets W; near LW it sets E.
change of seasons. 9.1During the Northwest Monsoon, a predominating E current
9.1Along the E coast of Borneo in Makassar Strait, the monsoons can be expected; during the Southeast Monsoon, there is a W
are markedly weaker than those in the Java Sea off the S coast of current. The monsoon current seldom appears to exceed a rate
Borneo. Near the shores of Borneo and Sulawesi the land and of 1 knot.

Pub. 163
272 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

9.1Between the numerous detached sand ridges, extending varying somewhat in different months. A maximum rate of 2
more than 30 miles S from Tanjung Sambar, the currents some- knots has been recorded.
times attain rates of 2 to 3 knots with overfalls. 9.1A constant N current has been reported in the bight S of
9.1In the various bays into which the large rivers discharge, the Tandjung Mangkalihat along the Borneo coast with a rate of
usual direction of the currents is naturally altered, and the rate 0.5 knots. Just outside this current the usual S current may by
of the current setting in or out averages from 1 to 1.5 knots. In running at a greater rate. The influence of the tidal currents are
the channels between the banks and close off the points, as well felt along the Borneo coast.
as in the mouths of the rivers, the currents may attain a rate of 3 9.1Experienced pilots state that during the Southeast Monsoon
knots. (April to October), the current runs N along the whole of the E
9.1The tides on the S coast of Borneo are nearly always diurnal, coast of Borneo as far as Tandjung Mangkalihat, where it turn
but a second tide of very small range sometimes occurs. In No- SE and S to joins the usual S current.
vember, December, and January the highest tides were ob- 9.1When the Southeast Monsoon is, or has been strong, the N set
served, and the lowest in July and August. off the entrance of Teluk Balikpapan attains a rate of 1.5 to 2
9.1The tides in Makassar Strait are mixed with a predominating knots, while the S set off Pulau Balahalangan, the outer island of
semidiurnal character, except in the SE part of the strait where the Little Paternoster Island, has been observed to attain a rate of
the tides occur at nearly the same time for several days. 2 knots. Vessels crossing the strait from Teluk Balikpapan to the
9.1Along the Borneo coast this phenomenon is most noticeable Sulawesi coast during the Southeast Monsoon may experience a
in the S part of the strait and on the Sulaweal coast in the N part N set for a distance of 75 miles from the coast of Borneo, and
of the strait. then a S set for the rest of the passage.
9.1In the S part of the strait the flood sets N and the ebb to the S. 9.1In the S part of the strait the direction of the S current is in-
In the area between the 20m curve between Kepulauan Masali- fluenced by the prevailing monsoon. From June to September
na and Little Paternoster Island, the currents are weak and do the current is SW and passes into the W current of the Java Sea.
not greatly affect the usual S current. From November to March the current is SE and passes into the
9.1The S or SW current is usually met within the open part of E current of the Java Sea and the Flores Sea. April and May are
Makassar Strait throughout the year. It is sometimes, but not al- months of transition, with the current in the W part of the strait
ways, stronger on the E side of the strait, toward the Sulawesi turning SW as it emerges, while the part towards the Sulawesi
coast. The average rate for the whole year is about 0.5 knots, shore turns SE.

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 273

During the transition month of October, the whole of the

9.1 are usually 3.7 to 5.5m.
emerging current turns SW and W. After a continuous wind, 9.2Due to no safe passages between these banks, vessels are ad-
the surface drift is considerable and sometimes appears as a re- vised to pass well S out of sight of land.
versal of the prevailing set. As the wind slackens, however, the 9.2Gosong Aling (Fox Banks) (3°35'S., 110°15'E.), the south-
normal current is resumed with somewhat increased rate, ac- ernmost of these dangers, are not marked by surf, but there are
celerated or retarded by the tidal currents. strong rips and breaking waves with seas of any size.
In the Celebes Sea during the Southeast Monsoon drift, cur-
9.1 9.2The shallowest part of Gosong Aling lies in the NW end of
rents from E will cause a gyrating motion which increases the the shoal, 32 miles SSW of Tanjung Sambar, and has a least
S set on the W side of the island and gives an E current along depth of 3m. A light is shown on Gosong Aling.
the N shore of the Sulaweal. 9.2Caution.—Gosong Aling Light and its associated banks have
Regulations.—For information regarding designated Archi-
9.1 been reported (1994) to lie 2 miles ENE of charted positions.
pelagic Sea Lanes, as defined by the United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), passing through Makassar 9.3 Gosong Djelai (Clemencia Bank) (3°23'S.,
Strait, see the Indonesia section of Pub. 120, Sailing Directions 110°08'E.), about 25 miles SSW of Tanjung Sambar, has a least
(Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia. depth of 0.3m and almost always breaks.
Ships are advised to maintain a strict piracy watch and ant-
9.1 9.3Aruba Banks (Gosong Aruba) (3°28'S., 110°11'E.), be-
piracy measures and report all attacks and suspicious sightings tween Gosong Djelai and Gosong Aling, consist of two narrow
to the local authorities and the IMB Piracy Reporting Center. banks of hard sand with a least depth of 3m. They are almost
always marked by tide rips.
IMB Piracy Reporting Center 9.3A ridge, stretching 13 miles in a NW-SE direction, lies with
its center 15 miles WSW of these banks. The depths of 7.8m
Telephone 603-2031-0014 (Helpline—24 hours) mark near the center of the ridge, and 16.5m at its extremities.
Mariners are advised to give the area a wide berth.
Facsimile 603-2078-5769 (24 hours)
9.3A shoal patch, with a depth of 16.5m, lies 28 miles W of
imbk@icc-ccs.org Gosong Aling Light. Another shoal patch, with a depth of
E-mail 11.5m, was reported to lie 14 miles NNW of the light.
piracy@icc-ccs.org 9.3A shoal patch, with a depth of 16.5m, lies 28 miles W of
Gosong Aling Light.
9.1Caution.—Great caution must be exercised in approaching 9.3An obstruction and shoal, with depths of 14.5m, lie 30 miles
the S coast of Borneo and Makassar Strait, due to the numerous SSE from Gosong Aling Light.
dangers. Vessels should pass well S of the sand ridges which 9.3Kepulauan Karimunjawa (5°50'S., 110°20'E.) and the dan-
extend more than 42 miles S from Tanjung Sambar. gers to the NE have been previously described in paragraph
9.1It has been reported that submarine pipelines lie in the vicin- 3.28. Pulau Bawean has been previously described in para-
ity of (0°58.5'S., 117°09.2'E.). graph 3.69. Masalembo-Besar, Masalembo-kecil, and Gosong
9.1During the Northwest Monsoon, the discharge from the riv- Gia (Annie Florence Reef) have been previously described in
ers is great. Discolored water, edged with a streak of foam, is paragraph 3.73.
often seen 30 to 40 miles offshore. 9.3The coast between Tanjung Sambar and Tanjung Puting, 97
9.1Fishermen frequent the waters off the SE coast of Borneo. miles ESE of Tanjung Sambar, is indented by a number of
9.1Muddy water extends from 8 to 9 miles off the E coast of shoals and unimportant bays. There are no prominent land-
Borneo so that reefs can seldom be identified by discoloration. marks between the latter point and Tanjung Siamok, 61 miles
During the rainy season this muddy water may extend 12 miles further E.
out to sea, and beyond that distance the only dangers readily 9.3Teluk Airhitam (2°55'S., 110°30'E.) is a shallow bay en-
seen are composed of light-colored coral or when white sand is tered between Tanjung Sambar and Tanjung Lumpur, a low
found among the heads. muddy point 22 miles E.
9.3There are some trees along the beach and the land behind the
Tanjung Sambar to Tanjung Selatan beach is marshy and heavily forested. A hill, 62m high with a
prominent round-topped tree on its summit, stands at the head
9.2 Tanjung Sambar (3°00'S., 110°19'E.) is a sharp, of the bay.
rocky tree-covered point. Due W of the S extremity of this
point stands a prominent, forked tree which looms above the 9.4 Batu Mogung (2°57'S., 110°29'E.), a coral reef al-
other trees and is visible about 13 miles. Numerous above-wa- most submerged at HW, lies near the middle of the bay. Batu
ter rocks lie off the point, and three rocks awash lie about 1.25 Bramil, a rock with a least depth of 0.6m, lies about 1.5 miles
miles S, with a similar rock about the same distance W. An SW of this reef.
above-water rock lies about 2.75 miles NE of the same point 9.4A current, with a rate of 2 knots or more, is sometimes expe-
and 0.6 mile offshore. rienced in the outer part of the bay and around Tanjung Lum-
9.2For a distance of about 42 miles S of Tanjung Sambar, suc- pur. This current is mostly affected by the monsoon.
cessive ridges of long narrow sand banks, with deep channels 9.4Between Tanjung Lumpur and Tanjung Selaka, 18 miles E,
intervening, extend approximately parallel to the coast. Some the coast is indented by a shallow bight with sandy beaches and
patches, with depths of 13 to 18.5m, lie between these dangers backed by heavy vegetation.
and 4°00'S. The depths over the shallowest parts of these banks 9.4A shallow river, which flows into the NW corner of this

Pub. 163
274 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

bight, has a trading post on the left bank at the river mouth. Su- of the river and change every 6 hours. The duration of the ebb
kamara, about 35 miles upriver, is the seat of a government of- increases as the river is ascended. An ebb current of 3 knots
ficial. The customs office stands just below the village. and a flood current of 2 knots has been observed abreast Tan-
9.4Selaka Bank (3°10'S., 110°54'E.), with depths of 1.2 to jung Kluang; however, the rates are somewhat less. A current
4.6m, coral and sand, with a drying patch, extends 15 miles with a rate of more than 2 knots sometimes flows around Tan-
SSW from a position close W of Tanjung Selaka. jung Puting.
9.4Vessels should not round this bank in depths of less than Depths—Limitations.—The 5.5m curve lies almost 3 miles

18.3m. A patch, with a depth of 6.7m, lies about 2 miles SE of S of the rounded point forming Tanjung Puting and about 9.5
the S end of this bank. Currents may set irregularly across this miles S of Tanjung Pengujan.
bank at rates of up to 2 knots. Depths of 5.5 to 9.1m are found in the middle of the outer

9.4Between Tanjung Selaka and Tanjung Pengujan, 35.5 miles part of the bay. The least depth over the bar at the entrance to
E, the coast is indented by Teluk Kotawaringin, a shallow bay the Sungai Kumai, E of Tanjung Pandan, is 2.1m.
of no commercial importance. Some tall trees stand on the lat- The deepest part of the entrance, which is on the W side near

ter point and close E, the land rises steeply to a 55.5m hill Tanjung Kluang, is obstructed in places by shoals.
which forms a good landmark. Inside the entrance the river deepens and off the village of

9.4A light is shown from a red lighted beacon on the W side of the Kumai, 13 miles above the entrance, there is a depth of 11m.
river entrance, 0.5 mile S of Tanjung Putri (2°55'S., 111°23'E.). The river is navigable up to 15 miles above Kumai by vessels
9.4The Sungai Waringin, a shallow river, flows into the NE part capable of crossing the bar.
of the bay. A conspicuous grove of trees stands in a small vil- Berasbasah Banks, on the W side of the bay, have been pre-

lage on the E side of the river entrance. viously described in paragraph 9.4. A reef, about 91m in length
9.4The coast between Tanjung Selaka and the river mouth con- and having a least depth of 1.8m, lies about 6.75 miles SE of
sists of sandy beaches alternating with somewhat high areas of Tanjung Pengujan and is marked by a beacon.
white clay steeply sloped toward the sea. Many coconut trees Sangora Banks (3°14'S., 111°41'E.) and Sapagar Bank are

grow along this coast and about 5 miles E of Tanjung Selaka, the principal dangers on the E side of the bay. Sangora Banks
there is a prominent tree standing on a hill. has three drying patches with bare islets on the N two. These
9.4The coast between the river mouth and Tanjung Pengujan banks change in shape but their position remains constant. A
consists of a strip of bright, white sandy beach with hilly land 2.7m rocky shoal, located W of the S part of Sangora Banks, is
behind it. This hilly land is visible for about 18 miles. marked by a lighted beacon.
9.4A shoal flat, defined by the 5.5m curve, extends 9.5 miles S Sapagar Bank (3°08'S., 111°46'E.) has depths of 0.9 to

from Tanjung Pengujan. A few 4.6 to 5.5m patches lie W of the 1.8m and a drying patch. A circular area, with a least depth of
outer end of this flat. Berasbasah Banks, consisting of some 0.5m, lies NE of Sapagar Bank. Numerous shoal patches, with
low, white sand banks which are not readily seen, lie on the N depths of 0.9 to 4.6m, lie between the two banks. These banks
part of this flat. A light stands about 4.5 miles S of Tanjung seldom show discoloration.
Pengujan. Two rocks, with depths of less than 1.8m, lie about 2 miles

9.4A shoal, with a depth of less than 1.8m, coral and stones, lies W of the northernmost islet on Sangora Banks.
about 4.75 miles SE of Tanjung Pengujan. Less water than charted was reported to exist about 5.5 miles

9.4Anchorage can be taken off the mouth of the Sungai War- NW of Tanjung Puting. The drying reef fringing Tanjung Pan-
ingin, in depths of 6.4 to 7.3m, mud. dan has been reported to be extending to the SSE.
A drying bank and a rock, with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies

Teluk Kumai almost in the middle of the river entrance about 1.25 miles NE
of Tanjung Kluang.
9.5 Tanjung Puting (3°31'S., 111°46'E.), the SE entrance Anchorage can be taken, in depths of 7.3 to 11m, mud, in the

point of the bay is low, grass covered and marked by a light. outer part of the bay.
The point can be recognized because its vegetation is of a light-
er green color and lower than the high trees to the N and E. A 9.6 Kumai (2°45'S., 111°43'E.) (World Port Index No.
tall group of trees S of Teluk Kramat are conspicuous and ap- 51920), a small river port, is the seat of a government official. A
pear as an island from the offing. The E shore to the N is most- landing pier at the custom house has a depth of 5.5m alongside.
ly mud. Vessels with local knowledge can anchor abreast of the flagstaff,
9.5The W shore of the bay, between Tanjung Pengujan and Tan- in a depth of 11m. Here the river is 0.35 mile wide.The maxi-
jung Pandan, consists of a narrow sandy beach topped by high mum draft allowed within the port is 6.0m.
trees. A clump of two conspicuous trees stands about 1.5 miles Kumai Port Terminal consists of two berths. The Kumai

W of Tanjung Pandan. Tanjung Kluang terminates in a long Berth is 102m long and handles breakbulk cargo. The Pangli-
sandy spit almost covered at HW. ma Utar Berth, is 154m long and handles ro-ro/passengers and
9.5Some trees stand at its outer end. The Sungai Kumai, which breakbulk cargo.
flows out E of the last-named points, has some commercial impor- The Pelindo III Container Terminal has a berthing length of

tance. A dangerous wreck lies 32 miles SSW of the point. 170m, including dolphins, and handles containers and break-
9.5Tides—Currents.—The tides in Teluk Kumai are mixed but bulk cargo. The Pt Sarana Sampit Mentaya Utama has a berth-
mostly diurnal. The range is 1.1m at springs and 0.15m at ing length of 105m long, including dolphins, and handles of
neaps. The semidiurnal range is 0.6m at springs and 0.15m at dirty products.
neaps. The tidal currents are mostly semidiurnal at the mouth Tidal signals are displayed at the landing pier. A red flag in-

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 275

dicates flood tide; the “P” flag indicates ebb tide. than 5.5m and lying as much as 6.5 miles off this stretch of
coast, is reported to be extending seaward.

9.7 Tanjung Bandaran (3°08'S., 113°02'E.) is the NE

extremity of a narrow tongue of land from which a drying sand
bank extends 0.75 mile NE. A narrow spit, with a depth of
0.9m, extends 2.75 mile NE of the sand bank. Tanjung Banda-
ran Light, shown from a white framework tower, is situated in
position 3°10.1'S, 113°00.4'E.
Teluk Sampit (3°13'S., 113°08'E.), a bay encumbered by

mud flats, is entered close E of Tanjung Bandaran. Ujungban-

daran Light, a white beacon, 40m in height, lies close SW of
Tanjung Bandaran. The Sungai Sampit, which discharges into
the head of this bay, leads inland to small river ports.

9.7In the channel through the bar off the entrance there is a least
depth of 2.1m which increases to a depth of at least 5m within
the river. There is a least depth of about 1.5m over the bar, with
depths of less than 1m close W of the recommended route; an
inner bar, 10 miles upriver, has similar depths. The Sampit ap-
proach channel has a reported (2021) least depth of 4.5m.
9.7A depth of 2.4m is found near the inner bar located near the
River scene at Kumai, Kalimantan. town of Basseri, about 10 miles inland. Elsewhere, a depth of
4.9m can be carried to Sampit, about 35 miles upriver.
9.7The tides at the mouth of the Sungai Sampit are mixed but
mostly diurnal. Semidiurnal tides rise 1.2m at springs and 0.7m
at neaps. Diurnal tides rise 1.8m at springs and 0.6m at neaps.
9.7Anchorage.—See the table titled Sampit Anchorages.

Sampit Anchorages
Anchorage Position
Teluk Sampit
Transhipment 3°09'06.0''S, 113°06'03.0''E
Waiting 3°06'10.8''S, 113°03'31.2''E
Sungai Sampit
CPO and cargo 2°44'21.0''S, 112°55'09.6''E
Cargo and BBM 2°32'10.2''S, 112°58'06.0''E
Repair 2°31'33.0''S, 112°58'06.0''E
Emergency 2°31'28.2''S, 112°58'11.4''E
Between Tanjung Puting and Tanjung Siamok, about 48

miles ENE, the coast is indented by a shallow bay of no impor- 9.7Caution.—The approach to the Sungai Sampit is extremely
tance. The 10m curve extends about 12 miles offshore and en- hazardous due to shifting shoals and sand bars as well as
closes numerous shoals. sunken vessels. Vessels without local knowledge should not
The Sungai Pembuang (3°26'S., 112°34'E.), marked by
9.6 attempt to approach or enter the river without a pilot.
high trees on its entrance points, discharges close E of Tanjung
Siamok. During the Southeast Monsoon, there is a heavy swell 9.8 Sampit (2°31'S., 113°00'E.) (World Port Index No.
on the bar. 51910), the headquarters of a government official, is an import-
Kumai (Kuala Pembuang), which stands on the W bank, is
9.6 ant river port. An extensive export trade is carried on and the port
the principal town. A flagstaff stands close N of the town. is known as the largest timber port in Kalimantan.
A dangerous wreck lies 24 miles and 30 miles S of Tanjung
9.6 Depths—Limitations.—Berthing details are shown in the
Siamok. table titled Sampit—Berth Information.
Between Tanjung Buaja, the E entrance of the Sungai Pem-
9.6 9.8Pilotage.—Pilotage is not compulsory. Vessels should send
buang and Tanjung Bandaran, about 33.5 miles NE, the coast is their ETA to their agent 10 days, 3 days, 48 hours, and 24 hours
fronted by a sandy beach backed by heavy vegetation. prior to arrival.
Caution.—The coastal bank in this area, with depths of less
9.6 9.8Signals.—Tidal signals are displayed from the jetties at

Pub. 163
276 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

Sampit. NW of the flat rock.

9.9Anchorage.—The anchorages in the outer parts of the two
Sampit—Tidal Signals bays provide good holding ground, but little protection from
the Southeast Monsoon. Vessels without local knowledge
Signal Meaning should not anchor in the inner part of Teluk Sampit.
Red flag Flood tide 9.9Vessels should keep in depths of over 9.1m in approaching
either bay.
White flag Ebb tide
No flag Slack water 9.9Between Tanjung Malatayur and Tanjung Burung, 56 miles
ESE, the coast is low, marshy, and intersected by three rather
9.8Tanjung Bakai (3°17'S., 113°21'E.), the SE extremity of a large rivers. There are no natural landmarks, except near the
low peninsula, lies 21 miles SE of Tanjung Bandaran. river mouths, where the trees are higher and closer together.
9.8The Sungai Mendawai discharges along the E side of this Tanjung Damaran, the E entrance point of the Sungai Kahayan,
peninsula. can be recognized by its high dark trees. Tanjung Tawas and
9.8Pegatan, at the mouth of the Sungai Mendawai, and Mendawai, Tanjung Pematang, the W and E entrance points to the Sungai
situated 19 miles upstream, are river ports of some importance. Murung, have higher trees standing on them than those in the
9.8The tides at the mouth of the river are mixed but mostly diur- surrounding area.
nal. Semidiurnal tides rise 1m at springs and 0.6m at neaps. Di- 9.9Malatayur Bank (3°48'S., 113°36'E.), with depths of 0.9 to
urnal tides rise 2m at springs and 0.6m at neaps. 5.5m, extends about 30 miles S from Tanjung Malatayur. The
9.8Caution.—The approach to the Sungai Mendawai is subject 10m curve lies about 40 miles S of the point. A wreck is reported
to frequent change. Vessels without local knowledge should in a position about 32.5 miles SW of Tanjung Malatayur.
not approach or enter the river without the services of a pilot. 9.9Between Tanjung Burung and Tanjung Selatan, about 37.5
9.8A heavy surf is experienced at the mouth of the river during miles to the S, the coast is overgrown by tall trees and is inter-
the Southeast Monsoon. sected by a number of small, shallow rivers.
9.9Pulau Datu, rocky and wooded, stands close offshore about 7
9.9 Teluk Sebangan (3°18'S., 113°30'E.), another shal- miles N of Tanjung Selatan. It is about 30.5m high to the tops
low bay, is entered close E of Teluk Sampit between Tanjung of the trees and has a tomb on its summit.
Bakai and Tanjung Malatayur, about 18 miles SE. Pulau Dam- 9.9A prominent white house, about 13 miles N of the islet,
ar, a small island marked by high trees on its S side, stands stands on a steep red-colored bluff.
close E of the entrance of this river and is a good landmark for
vessels approaching both bays. 9.10 Pandan Hill (4°04'S., 114°38'E.), 94.5m high, stands
9.9Shoal ground, parts of which dry, extends 6.5 miles S from close inland abreast of Pulau Datu. The Bira Mountains, which
Tanjung Bakai. Batu Mandi, the highest of a group of conspic- serve as a good landmark, stand NE of this hill and rise to a
uous yellow-gray, pointed rocks, lies about 6.5 miles SE of the 356m high summit. Gunung Tunggah, about 4 miles NE of
same point. Pulau Buaja, about 1 mile NE of Batu Mandi, con- Tanjung Selatan, is 102m high. Gunung Djadjaran has a flat
sists of a large, bare flat rock. Several rocks awash lie about 2 crest running E and W.
miles NE of this rock. A rock awash, at LW, lies about 0.5 mile Gunung Karamaian is conical and pointed.

Sampit—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Sampit Terminal
Fast ferries, breakbulk, and bulk cargo.
Passenger Wharf 316m 5.0m — — — The passenger terminal can accommo-
date 1,000 persons.
Bagendang Terminal
Dermaga CPO II 141m 6.5m — — — —
Dermaga CPO I 100m 6.5m — — — —
Dock Multipurpose I 120m 6.5m — — — —
Dock Multipurpose II 120m 6.5m — 5.6m — —
Pertamina Terminal
Clean products. Berthing length of
Dolphin Berth 15m 6.5m 90m — 35,000 dwt
132m (including dolphins).

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 277

Shoal ground, defined by the 5.5m curve, extends from 5.25 to 8

9.10 ated about 18 miles upriver.
miles off the mouths of the three rivers. The same curve lies up to The Sungai Murung, entered about 10 miles E of the Sungai

3.75 miles off the coast between Tanjung Burung and Tanjung Se- Kahajan, has a very shoal bar and the depths in the entrance are
latan. Most of the dangers are contained within this curve. subject to change.
Pinting Belayang, a drying rock, lies close outside this curve,
9.10 The charted depths cannot always be relied on due to silting.

about 13.25 miles N of Tanjung Selatan. A 8.7m patch lies The depth over the bar is 1m at LWS and 2.4m at mean level.
about 7.5 miles NNW of this rock. The depths increase as the river is ascended. Vessels with a
The Sungai Kahayan (3°30'S., 114°04'E.), entered about 30
9.10 draft of 3.4m can enter the river at HWS.
miles E of Tanjung Malatayur, is shallow and available only to Kuala Kapuas, 26 miles upriver, is the seat of a government

small vessels with local knowledge. Its mouth cannot readily administrator. A flagstaff is situated close S of the town. The
be seen from seaward because of a river bend just within the Sungai Pulau Petak, a 31-mile long, 0.2-mile wide waterway,
entrance, marked by a lighted beacon 5 miles SE of Tanjung connects the Sungai Murung with the Sungai Barito. Vessels
Sangaing. Another lighted beacon is situated 5 miles SSE of up to 49m long, with a draft of 3.6m, can be accommodated.
the same point. The Sungai Barito (3°32'S., 114°30'E.), about 400 miles

The depth over the bar is 1.8m at LW springs and 3.3m at

9.10 long, is the largest and most frequented river on the S coast of
mean level. These depths increase as the river is ascended. It Borneo. The Sungai Martapura flows into the E side of the river
has been reported that vessels with a draft of 2.7 to 3m can nav- about 10 miles above the entrance and leads to Banjarmasin.
igate as far as Panhandut, about 80 miles upriver. The outer ap- Caution.—A dangerous wreck is in position (3°35.46'S.,

proach to the river is buoyed. 114°29.06'E.).

The tides are mixed, but are mostly diurnal. Diurnal tides rise

2.1m at springs and 0.6m at neaps. Semidiurnal tides rise 1m at Banjarmasin (3°20'S., 114°35'E.)
springs and 0.7m at neaps. The ebb in the entrance channel can
attain a rate of 3.5 knots and the flood a rate of 2 knots. World Port Index No. 51890
Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 500 gt bound for

Pulang Pisau; it is not compulsory for vessels bound for Pa- 9.11 Banjarmasin, which stands on both sides of the Sun-
langkaraya. Pilots are provided from Banjarmasin, where the gai Martapura, is one of the most important trading centers in
pilot boards W of the fairway lighted buoy, in the approaches Borneo. The town and surrounding area is subject to frequent
to Sungai Barito in position 3°40.0'S, 114°28.4'E.. flooding. Banjarmasin is the center of an extensive system of
A custom house with a flagstaff and a landing pier is situated
9.10 canals and waterways through which a large volume of trade is
about 6 miles above the river entrance. Pangkoh Village is situ- carried out.

Banjarmasin—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Gresik Portland Cement Terminal
Cement. Berthing length of 124m
Cement Berth — — 119m 6.3m 5,000 dwt
(including dolphins).
Trisakti Port Terminal
Containers and reefer. Continuous
Container Dock No. 1 218m 7.0m 134m 6.2m —
berthing length of 436m.
Container Dock No. 2 240m 7.0m 129m 6.2m — Containers and reefer. Continuous
Container Dock No. 3 361m 7.0m 127m 6.3m — berthing length of 601m.
Breakbulk. Continuous berthing
General Cargo Dock 218m 7.0m 134m 6.2m —
length of 436m.
Passenger Berth 90m 7.0m 134m 6.3m — Fast ferry. Ro-pax.
BBM Banjarmasin Terminal
Chemicals, crude products, and
Berth I 25m 6.4m 90m 3.8m 3,500 dwt dirty products. Berthing length of
133m (including dolphins).
Chemicals, crude products, and
Berth II (Coastal) 25m 6.1m 109m 4.7m —
dirty products.

Pub. 163
278 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

Banjarmasin—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Chemicals, crude products, and
Berth III 15m 6.0m 109m 4.8m — dirty products. Berthing length of
138m (including dolphins).
Dirty products and asphalt. Berth-
Asphalt Jetty 12m — — — — ing length of 33m (including dol-

The port of Banjarmasin has two harbor areas. Trisakti

9.11 crossing the bar can proceed 150 miles upriver and will have
Wharf, the new port, is situated 12.5 miles upstream from the adequate depths for reaching Banjarmasin.
entrance to the Sungai Barito. The old port area is situated 4 Trisakti Wharf, the new port for Banjarmasin, stands on the

miles upstream from where the Sungai Martupara enters the E bank of the Sungai Barito, 2.25 miles above the entrance of
Sungai Barito. the Sungai Martapura. The wharf is 320m long and has a least
Modern alongside berthing facilities are provided for all
9.11 depth of 9m alongside. A T-shaped oil jetty 20m long, with a
classes of ocean-going vessels capable of crossing the bar. depth alongside of 9m, stands N of Trisakti wharf.
There are several piers and wharves at Banjarmasin, known

as the old port, where coastal vessels load and discharge cargo.
Martapura (Commercial) Wharf No. 1 and No. 2 are situated

near the customhouse. Lengths are reported to be 425m and

140m, respectively, with a depth of 5m alongside both.
Aspect.—Between the entrance to the Sungai Barito, to

abreast of the entrance to the Sungai Martapura, 10 miles up-

stream, the W bank of the river is low, wooded, marshy, and
sparsely inhabited. The E bank is fronted by coconuts, densely
populated, and covered with paddy fields.
Tanjung Pulatan Light, a hut painted with black and white

checks, stands on the E bank of the Sungai Barito, 4.5 miles N

of Tanjung Burung.
Tanjung Telan Light, a 6.3m high red wooden structure,

stands on the W bank of the river, which is about 1.5 miles

Port of Banjarmasin NNW of Tanjung Pulatan Light.
A prominent customhouse and signal station lie on the S

Tides—Currents.—Tides in this area appear to be of a

9.11 bank of the entrance to Sungal Martapura. Three prominent
mixed, semi-diurnal, and diurnal nature, although the latter aluminum-painted oil tanks lie near the oil jetty.
prevails. Springs rise 2.1m and neaps rise 0.6m. In the ap- Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots board in the an-

proach to the river from the E and S, a strong current may flow chorage area.
around Tanjung Selatan. In general, the flood sets in a NNE di- Signals.—Tide signals are displayed at the downstream end

rection and changes to the ENE with an increase in rate at of the Commercial Wharf, by day, as follows:
spring tides. The ebb usually sets in a SSW to W direction with
currents being diurnal. Signal Meaning
The river current on the bar and at the river mouth changes
direction during periods up to 2 hours after HW and LW. At A cylinder having a cone, point
neap tide, about 3 days before the quarter moon, the ebb cur- up, above and a cone, point Slack water
rent flows out for 16 hours continuously and the flood current down, below
flows inward for 6 to 8 hours. The rate of the current is 4 knots A cylinder, above which is a
at the moon’s greatest declination. The flood seldom seems to Flood current
cone, point up
be stronger than 2.5 knots.
The ebb is stronger than the flood but only attains a rate in A cylinder, above which are
Strong flood current
excess of 2 knots during the rainy season. The times of HW two cones, points up
and LW at Banjarmasin occur 2 hours 30 minutes later than on A cylinder, below which is a
the bar. Ebb current
cone, point down
Depths—Limitations.—The bar is silting excessively and con-

tinuous dredging is necessary to keep the least depth at 4m. A cylinder, below which are
Strong ebb current
Vessels up to 5,000 dwt, with a maximum length of 200m
two cones, points downward
and a maximum draft of 6m, can be accommodated at the new
port complex on the Sungai Barito. Vessels whose draft permits 9.11 The following signals, displayed by a vessel, will be repeat-

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 279

Banjarmasin Pilot Station

ed from the flagstaff to the harbor office: “You must remain where you are,” may be displayed from the
previously-mentioned signal station.
Signal Meaning Contact Information.—See the table titled Banjarmasin—

Contact Information.
One red light over one
I require medical assistance
white light
Banjarmasin—Contact Information
Three lights, in form of a Port
triangle, with the upper
I require police assistance Telephone 62-511-3365866
light being white and the
lower lights being red Facsimile 62-511-3352552
E-mail tu.banjarmasin@pp3.co.id
Signals are displayed from the signal station on the S side of

the entrance to the Sungai Martapura for inbound vessels, from Vessel Traffic Service
the flagstaff on the downstream end of the Commercial Wharf,
Call sign VTS Banjarmasin
and from the flagstaff near the harbor office at Banjarmasin for
outbound vessels, as follows: VHF VHF channels 68 and 83
MMSI 005251520
Day signal Night signal Meaning
Telephone 62-511-4368454
One red ball One red light Passage prohibited
Facsimile 62-511-4423328
One white cone One white light Passage permitted
E-mail banjarmasinradio@yahoo.co.id
One white trian- One white light
Ships must wait for
gle over one red over one red
above signals Anchorage.—The area seaward of the outer lighted buoy
ball light 9.11

provides anchorage for vessels awaiting HW. The holding

Vessel lying along- ground is good but this position is exposed to the Northwest
One red ball be- side the Commercial Monsoon.
low one white — Wharf may proceed; Anchorage is prohibited in the entrance channel of the river.

cone passage prohibited for Vessels sometimes anchor in the river off the mouth of the Sun-
other vessels gai Martapura to await orders or quarantine inspections.
Directions.—Steer to pass close to the outer lighted buoy,

9.11 In addition, the International Code Flag Signal “IL” meaning moored 7.5 miles SSW of Tanjung Burung. Cross the bar on

Pub. 163
280 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

the alignment of the range lights, bearing approximately strong inshore set has been experienced in the vicinity of Tan-
028.5°. jung Selatan and vessels are advised to give it a wide berth.
When the bar has been crossed, steer for Tanjung Pulatan
9.11 Mines exist in a charted area extending about 12 miles S

Light, bearing about 022°, and when Tanjung Pedadatua bears from Tanjung Selatan.
270°, steer for the W extremity of Pulau Tempurung Besar un- Between Tanjung Selatan and Tanjung Petang, about 88

til Tanjung Pulatan is abeam. Fish stakes mark the E limit of miles NE, the coast is low, flat, marshy, and covered with high
the channel, and then the chart is the best guide. trees. Far inland, the Pegunungan Meratus run almost parallel
At night, follow the above directions until NW of the rear
9.11 with the coast. During the Southeast Monsoon, this range is
leading lighted beacon. When Tanjung Telan Light bears 000°, visible for a considerable distance but during the Northwest
this light should be kept a little on the port bow. Above Tanjung Monsoon, there is much haze. During the change of seasons,
Telan the channel follows the W bank of the river. the summits show up through the clouds.
The Sungai Martapura is narrow and winding and is fre-
9.11 A grove of trees near Kampung Salamati, about 4 miles W of

quented by heavy local traffic. Vessels bound for Banjarmasin Tanjung Petang, is prominent. A small white mosque, which
should not attempt to navigate with a flood tide. serves as a good landmark under favorable conditions, stands
Vessels wishing to secure alongside the pier at Banjarmasin
9.11 on the W side of Kampung Pedjalan, about 1 mile E of Kam-
during the ebb are advised to turn at a distance of 150 to 250m pung Pedjalan. There are no ports of importance and vessels
downstream from the pier. These limits are marked by boards should keep in depths of over 14.6m in passing along this
on the right bank of the river. coast.
The Sungai Martapura is closed to traffic from 1800 to 0600.
9.11 A number of small rivers discharge along this coast. There

Caution.—Uncharted shoals, with depths of 5.5 to 11m, are

9.11 are few landmarks, but vessels some distance offshore will
reported to lie in the approaches to the Sungai Barito, N of 4°S. sight Kepulaun Marabatua (Moresses Islands) (4°23'S.,
The bar and river channels are subject to frequent shifting. 115°48'E.) soon after rounding Tanjung Selatan.
Tree trunks and floating debris come down the river, espe-
Between Tanjung Petang and Tanjung Dewa, the coast is low,

cially during the rainy season. Vessels rounding Tanjung Sela- densely wooded, and intersected by a number of small rivers.
tan often experience a heavy beam sea during the Northwest This coast forms the W side of Selat Laut. Vessels approaching
Monsoon. this passage will sight the high peaks of Pulau Laut.
Depths—Limitations.—The 10m curve lies up to 7 miles

Tanjung Selatan to Tanjung Dewa off this section of coast and about 6 miles off the narrow SW
entrance of Selat Laut. Some patches, with depths of 3.7 to
9.12 Tanjung Selatan (4°10'S., 114°39'E.), low but notice- 5.5m and some drying rocks and reefs, lie within this curve.
able from a distance because of the high vegetation, is the Vessels should keep in depths over 14.6m when passing along
southernmost point of Borneo. A light is shown and a radiobe- this coast and avoid an 8.2m patch located about 11.5 miles E
acon transmits from a 30m high white metal framework tower. of Tanjung Selatan.
Regulations.—Ships are advised to maintain a strict piracy

watch and ant-piracy measures and report all attacks and suspi-
cious sightings to the local authorities and the IMB Piracy Re-
porting Center.

IMB Piracy Reporting Center

Telephone 603-2031-0014 (Helpline—24 hours)
Facsimile 603-2078-5769 (24 hours)

Anchorage.—Designated anchorage areas are best seen on the


chart. Piracy incidents have occurred while vessels were at an-

chorage. Mariners are urged to exercise caution.
Indonesian Marine Police has recommended ships to anchor

where they conduct patrol on the vicinity of 4°41.30’S,

114°28'E (Taboneo, 32 miles SSW of Tanjung Selatan).
Caution.—A rectangular-shaped Danger Area, best seen on

the chart, extends 5 miles E and W of Tanjung Selatan to a dis-

tance of 12 miles off shore. A wreck is reported (2004) to lie 5
miles SE of Tanjung Selatan within the Danger Area. Danger-
Courtesy of Earth Sciences and Image Analysis, NASA
ous wrecks lie 33 miles ENE, 41 miles ENE, and 46 miles E of
Tanjung Selatan as viewed from the Space Shuttle Tanjung Selatan. All these wrecks lie within 20 miles of the
9.12 The 10m curve to the S lies almost 2 miles from the coast. A coast.

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 281

Off-lying Islands and Dangers main island, rise to a fairly regular cone and are heavily wood-
ed. A sandy beach is found on the E side of the island, and also
9.13 Arends Eiland (Pulau Keramian) (5°04'S., on the N side of North Islet, the N islet of the group.
114°36'E.), 52 miles S of Tanjung Selatan, is a hilly island with Pulau Sambargalang (The Brothers) (4°24'S., 116°10'E.),

a greatest height of 93m. It has been reported that the high trees lies about 20 miles E of the Kepulauan Marabatua group, and
on its S end make the island appear as two islands from the off- consists of two rocks covered with vegetation and joined by a
ing. A wide reef surrounds the island. nearly drying reef of sand and coral. From a distance they ap-
The reef extends 2 miles from the SE side and 1 mile from
9.13 pear as three islets, as the S rock has two summits. The N sum-
the NW side of the island, and is usually marked by discolor- mit is 45m high. A light is shown from a 30m high white metal
ation when covered. The reef has been reported to be extending framework tower on the S rock.
to the SE. A small islet lies on the S side of this reef, and sever- Birah Birahan (Dwaalder Island) (4°14'S., 116°07'E.), 63m

al detached reefs lie close off the fringing reef. Discolored wa- high, narrow, wooded, reef-fringed, and marked by a light, lies
ter, giving the impression of reefs, may be seen at some about 11 miles NNW of Pulau Sambargalang. The island is vis-
distance from the island. ible 15 miles. The island appears saddle-shaped when viewed
Pulau Keramian Light is shown from the N extremity of the
9.13 from the S. A shoal, with a least depth of 10m, lies centered
island. about 2.5 miles NE of the island. Georges Bank, with a least
A dangerous wreck lies approximately 12 miles NNE of the
9.13 depth of 8.2m, lies about 6 miles E of the island.
N extremity of Pulau Keramian. Another dangerous wreck lies
22 miles SSW of the same position. 9.16 Pulau Laut (3°40'S., 116°10'E.) is an island separat-
The tidal currents in the vicinity of Pulau Keramian attain a
9.13 ed from the SE coast of Kalimantan by Selat Laut. The S part
rate of 1.5 knots, raising a confused sea near the S end of the of this island is hilly and the N part is mountainous rising to a
island during the Southeast Monsoon. Tide rips also occur off height of 710m. The island is densely wooded and the coast is
the SE side of the island. fringed by a broad drying reef.
Gunung Sebatung (3°17'S., 116°15'E.), a high range, forms

9.14 Karang Selatan (Janssens Reef) (4°36'S., 114°25'E.), the N part of the island and rises to North Summit, a 710m high
small in extent and having a least depth of 3.2m, lies about 30 peak about 4 miles S of the N extremity of the island. The
miles SW of Tanjung Selatan. It is only slightly marked by dis- 450m and 235m peaks are prominent from the NE and E be-
coloration. cause of their conical shape. The S peak attains a height of
Duand Shoal, the position of which is doubtful, has a report-
9.14 679m. A prominent black hill, which shows plainly against the
ed depth of 6.9m and is charted in position 4°30'S, 114°49'E, surrounding green country, stands close SW of the NE end of
22 miles SSE of Tanjung Selatan. the island. The hill is 87m high.
Kepulauan Laut Kecil (4°45'S., 115°47'E.) is a group of
9.14 Gunung Sejaka (3°30'S., 116°11'E.) is an isolated peak

three islands and some islets lying about 65 miles SSW of Tan- 208m high. Gunung Sumbawa, standing in the middle of the E
jung Petang. All of the islands are high, rocky, and densely part of the island, is 521m high and surrounded by a chain of
wooded. hills. Flat Hill, 337m high, is conspicuous.
Pulau Kalamban, the SW island of the group, is 305m high
9.14 The 95m hill on the beach N of Tanjung Lalak (3°59'S.,

and has some detached rocks off its S end; otherwise, it can be 116°12'E.) is steep and has a round-topped tree on its summit.
approached closely. The island is uninhabited. The 119m peak, the central of the three hills N of the above
Pulau Matasiri (4°48'S., 115°48'E.), the middle island of
9.14 hill, is very sharp in form.
the group, is 420m high, and is uninhabited. Gunung Sebakau has three small peaks, the summit of which

Pulau Tjondong is an islet which stands 0.4 mile off the SE side
9.14 attains a height of 243m. It is covered by a darkly covered for-
of Pulau Matasiri. An islet lies 0.75 mile N and another islet, 48m est above which, when viewed from E or W, a tree projects like
high, lies close offshore, 1.25 miles NE of the SW extremity of the a broom. The S slope in contrast to the surrounding area is
island. Telok Sungei, on the NE side of Pulau Matasiri, provides somewhat bare and is strewn with very large rocks, which from
safe anchorage in both monsoons, in depths of 11 to 27m. There is a distance have the appearance of a large village. A 189m hill,
anchorage for small craft inside two detached reefs, with depths of with a small dark tree on its summit, stands NE of this hill.
1.5m, which are not marked by discoloration. The Palopalo Mountains (3°32'S., 116°02'E.) stand near the

middle of the W side of the island. When viewed from the SW,
9.15 Pulau Pamalikan (4°45'S., 115°52'E.), with two they clearly show five small peaks. Gunung Djambangan, the
above-water rocks close S, lies 1.25 miles E of the NE extrem- summit of this range, is 484m high and quite conspicuous. It is
ity of Pulau Matasiri, and Pulau Kunjit lies 1.75 miles SE of conical with a double peak standing N and S of it.
the same point. There is a clear passage between the two islets Tjapee, a round hill 162m high, has dark woods on its top.

and Pulau Matasiri. Discolored water was reported to lie 0.5 Gunung Labatan is prominent because of a tall conspicuous
mile SE of Pulau Pamalikan. tree on the thinly covered peak at the S end. The hills to the N
Pulau Kadapongan (4°42'S., 115°43'E.), the N island of the
9.15 can be distinguished by their lighter green vegetation.
group is 285m high. A village stands on the NE extremity of Pulau Kunyit (4°06'S., 116°03'E.), a wooded islet, lies 1.5

the island. miles S of the SW extremity of Pulau Laut and is connected to

Kepulauan Marabatua (4°22'S., 115°48'E.) consists of one
9.15 it by a drying reef. The S end of the islet rises steeply from the
island, three small islets, and three rocks, all above-water and sea to a height of 74m. The center rises to a conical hill, 140m
rocky to the water’s edge. The slopes of Pulau Marabatua, the high. A light is shown from a 13m high white metal tower on

Pub. 163
282 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

this summit. tween this reef and the N end of the island has strong currents.
A shoal, with a depth of 5.5m, lies about 1.25 miles ESE of
9.16 Pulau Manti, reef-fringed and covered with coconut palms,
the S end of the islet. An extensive bank, covered to 18.3m, lies stands in the N entrance of the strait, 2 miles W of Tanjung
centered about 4 miles W of the islet. Mangkok.

9.17 Tanjung Layar (Lojar) (4°05'S., 116°05'E.), 3 miles 9.19 Kepulauan Sambergelap (3°40'S., 116°36'E.) con-
E of Pulau Kunyit, is low and marked by dense vegetation. Be- sists of a group of four islets and some rocks all lying on the
tween this point and Tanjung Lalak, 9 miles NE, a densely same drying reef. The largest islet is 0.2 mile long and has a
wooded point, there are two shallow bights. Tanjung Seloka, 7 light shown on its W side from a 14m high white metal frame-
miles NE of Tanjung Lalak, is rocky covered with high trees work tower. A prominent tree is also visible from a great dis-
and prominent. Two shallow bights lie between this point and tance when viewed from the NW or SE.
Tanjung Lalak. This group of islets has been reported to be a good radar tar-

The 20m curve lies up to 7 miles off this coast and encloses a
9.17 get up to 8 miles.
number of small islets. Numerous rocks and dangers lie within An 11m patch, showing no discoloration, is charted 9 miles

the 10m curve. E of the light on Kepulauan Sambergelap, and there may be
Pulau Karajaan (4°06'S., 116°12'E.), 6.5 miles E of Tan-
9.17 other shoals in the vicinity. A 10.9m patch was reported to lie
jung Lojar, is 102m high and has a broad summit. A conspicu- about 32 miles E of Kepulauan Sambergelap. An 8.8m shoal,
ous round-topped tree stands on the NW point of the island. about 0.2 mile wide and 0.25 mile long, was reported to lie
The S and E sides of the island are rocky, but there is a narrow, about 27 miles NE of the same light. A dangerous wreck,
sandy beach on the N and W sides. A small sandy islet stands marked by a buoy, lies about 5 miles WSW of the light on
on the NW side of the reef. Kepulauan Sambergelap; caution is necessary as this buoy has
Pulau Karumputan (4°03'S., 116°10'E.), 2.5 miles NW of
9.17 been reported off station. Another dangerous wreck, which is
Pulau Karajaan, has three small peaks, the SW being the low- unmarked, lies 11.25 miles N of the island.
est, and the NE the highest, which is 146m high. The NW side On the W coast of Pulau Laut between Pulau Kunyit and

is flat, reef-fringed, and joined to the shore by foul ground. Tanjung Kahidupan, about 10 miles to the N, the coast rises
The passage between Pulau Karajaan and Pulau Karumputan
9.17 steeply to the previously-described range of hills, and is front-
is free from dangers. ed by a sandy beach.
Pulau Anakkarajaan (Knoop Island) (4°05'S., 116°15'E.),
9.17 The latter point is low and densely covered by high trees.

lying 2 miles E of Pulau Karajaan, is a rocky islet covered with Numerous rocks lie on the fringing reef, including Pulau
vegetation. A round-topped tree, 30m high, stands on the islet. Tokong, which has the appearance of two islets.
A drying rock lies 91m off the SW side of the islet. The summit of Gunung Semiaran, bearing 000°, leads about

1.25 miles W of the outer edge of the fringing reef.

9.18 Pulau Kerisian (4°02'S., 116°12'E.), 1.5 miles NE of Between Tanjung Kahidupan and Tanjung Karambu, 3.5

Pulau Karumputan, is about 143m high and has a tree standing miles N, the coast is bordered by a wide drying reef.
on its conical summit. The E and W ends of the island are The latter point is densely wooded. Between this point and

rocky and steep. The NW side of the island is low, sandy, and is Sekojang Village there is a narrow, sandy beach, fronted by a
joined to the shore by foul ground. mud bank. A few huts are visible in the village and there is a
On the E coast of Pulau Laut between Tanjung Seloka and
9.18 prominent, isolated house near the N entrance point of a small
Tanjung Alangalang, 11.5 miles N, the coast is indented by a river which flows out near the village. A group of trees on the
shoal, reef-fringed bay. The latter point is formed by a promi- same side of the river shows up dark against the background.
nent hill 61.9m high. Pulau Serudung, which is not visible Tanjung Lauran (3°44'S., 116°01'E.), 8 miles N of Tanjung

from seaward, stands in the S part of this bay. Tanjung Teru- Karambu, is formed by a salient rocky hill covered with tall
dung, which forms the N point of this island, appears as a sepa- straight trees with white trunks. This hill is 81m high and can
rate islet with a group of dead trees to the S of it. be seen for a great distance.
Pulau Sebuku (3°32'S., 116°22'E.) is densely wooded.
9.18 Between Tanjung Lauran and Tanjung Semisir, 3 miles

Gunung Saung, 206m high, with some white cliffs to the N, NNE, there are some small islets and rocks on the coastal reef.
and South Hill, 140m high, are all prominent. One of these, just N of the former point, is quite prominent be-
Tanjung Mangkok, the NE end of the island, is marked by a
9.18 cause of its light brown color and grayish top. Tanjung Semisir
light and by a grove with one tree somewhat higher than the is rocky and densely wooded.
rest. Selat Sebuku, a strait of little importance to shipping, is Tanjung Kiwi, a low rocky point that marks the SE entrance

shoal and fouled by dangers. Pulau Kapak, 1 mile N of Tanjung to Selat Laut, lies 2.75 miles N of Tanjung Semisir.
Alangalang, and Pulau Aur, lying 1.25 miles S of the S extrem-
ity of Pulau Sebuku, are reef-fringed islets standing in the S en- 9.20 Selat Laut (3°40'S., 115°58'E.), the strait which sepa-
trance of the strait. The former is surrounded by a broad strip rates Pulau Laut from the mainland, is narrow and tortuous.
of sand. The latter is covered with dense vegetation and rises to The S entrance is considerably narrowed by two large sand
a fairly regular cone, 85m high. The channel between Pulau banks and a number of smaller ones which are intersected by
Aur and Pulau Sebuku is foul. The N part of the strait is filled three channels. The W channel is the best and is the one most
by a large mud bank. used. The NE entrance is wider, and except for some charted
Pulau Gosongmangkok (3°20'S., 116°25'E.), 1.5 miles
9.18 wrecks, is clear of dangers.
from the N point of the island, is a drying reef. The passage be- Depths of 4.6 to 7.6m exist in the fairways of the strait.

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 283

Setagin and Kotabaru, on the NW coast of Pulau Laut, are

9.20 ers with local knowledge. Vessels up to 49m in length can turn
shipping places of some importance. off the pier near the village of Pegatan, 4.5 miles upstream. A
Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Selat Laut set N or S,
9.20 report states that the channel cannot be entered from Pulau
but it is impossible to predict the direction of the current be- Laut because of shallow water and fishing stakes in the ap-
forehand. proach. A waterway leads into the river from the S and W of
As a rule, the maximum rate of 1.5 to 2.5 knots seems to oc-
9.20 the above village.
cur shortly after the changes in the vertical movement of the Between Tanjung Kramat and Tanjung Kersikputih, about 5

water. It often happens that the direction of the current in the N miles to the N, the coast is fronted by Kramat Bank. The Sun-
part of the strait is opposite to that in the S part. gai Merah discharges close N of the latter point.
Caution.—Danger areas exist in the NE and SW entrances
9.20 The Sungai Batulitjin, shallow and narrow, discharges abreast

of Selat Laut. A swept channel leads through the NE entrance of Pulau Suwangi, about 2.25 miles farther N. Batulitjin, a large
of the swept area W of Pulau Laut. village, stands on the S side of the mouth of the river. A wire ca-
It was reported (2002) that the approach to Selat Laut from
9.20 ble ferry crosses the river just above the village.
the N by night is difficult due to numerous shore lights, and al- Between the mouth of this river and Tanjung Langadel, 11

so because the North Pulau Laut Coal Terminal North jetty miles NNE, the coast is intersected by numerous small rivers
protrudes into the channel. and marked by a few villages. The latter point is low and cov-
Many islands and dangers exist in the channel of Selat Laut.
9.20 ered with dense vegetation.
These are described from S to N. Tanjung Dewa (3°08'S., 116°16'E.), a low coconut-covered

point lying 9.5 miles NE of Tanjung Langadei is the NW en-

9.21 Kramat Bank (3°32'S., 116°00'E.), parts of which trance point of Selat Laut. Between Tanjung Langadei and Tan-
dry, has a channel on either side. The E channel is recommend- jung Dewa is a bay entirely occupied by a drying mud bank.
Pulau Suwangi, 158m high, is covered with high trees, some
9.21 9.23 The Pulau Laut coast forming the SE side of the strait
of which grow in the water. The N and S sides of the island are is high, but in the narrows it becomes low and has dense vege-
shelving and its S end is rocky. A light is shown about 0.5 mile tation to the water’s edge.
N of the S end of the island. Pulau Anak Suwangi, a thickly- Tanjung Kiwi (3°39'S., 116°00'E.), the SE entrance point to

covered islet, lies close off the E side of the larger islet. A dry- Selat Laut, is a rocky salient point with a prominent white
ing rock lies on a projecting bank off the E side of the islet. house close E of it. The coast here rises to the highland of the
Suwangi Bank, an extensive area of foul ground, extends
9.21 Palopalo Mountains. The shore is rocky near the foot of
from the coast of Pulau Laut abreast Pulau Suwangi. The Gunung Semiaran. A wreck was reported (2020), best seen on
depths in the channel leading between this bank and Pulau Su- the chart, 1 mile SE of Tanjung Kiwi.
wangi are very irregular, and in spite of close and careful Between Tanjung Serdang (3°29'S., 116°02'E.) and Tan-

soundings. jung Ayun, 12 miles NNE, the coast is intersected by many

Pulau Tampakan, connected to Pulau Suwangi by a shoal
9.21 small rivers and marked by some scattered villages. Selukutan
sand flat, is low and densely wooded. Two prominent trees is visible from the strait. The latter point is low and marked by
stand along the S shore. A dangerous drying rock lies on the E dense vegetation.
side of the channel abreast Pulau Tampakan. Between Tanjung Ayun and Tanjung Kemuning, 9.5 miles

Gosong Payung is a large sand bank, parts of which dry.

9.21 NE, the coast is intersected by many small rivers. Between
There is a good channel on each side of the bank but the E
9.21 Tanjung Kemuning and Tanjung Pemancingan, 1.5 miles E, the
channel is preferable. coast is indented by a shallow reef-fringed bight. A light is
On the W side of Selat Laut the Borneo side of the strait,
9.21 shown from the point.
consists mainly of low, densely wooded land with some high A conspicuous black hill, 87m high, stands 0.75 mile SSW

trees. of Tanjung Pemancingan and is plainly visible among the sur-

rounding bright green country.
9.22 Tanjung Petang (3°37'S., 116°58'E.), the SW en-
trance point to Selat Laut, is low. A light is shown from a 19m 9.24 Kotabaru (3°14'S., 116°13'E.) (World Port Index No.
high white metal framework tower situated on the point. 51860), the most important port in Selat Laut, stands on the
Between Tanjung Petang and Tanjung Kramat, 3.5 miles
9.22 NW coast of Pulau Laut about 3 miles within the N entrance of
NNE, fish stakes border the shore. The Sungai Kusan (Sungai the strait. A government official resides in the town.
Pegatan) discharges along the N side of Tanjung Kramat. A Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 150,000 dwt, with a

conspicuous white house also stands 0.75 mile SSW of Tan- maximum draft of18.0m and a maximum loa of 320m, can be
jung Kramat. accommodated. For additional details see table titled Kotaba-
The Sungai Kusan is reported to be navigable by small coast-
9.22 ru—Berth Information.

Kotabaru—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Indocement Terminal

Pub. 163
284 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

Kotabaru—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Containers. Berthing length of 84m
Container Berth 27m — — — — —
(including dolphins).
East Berth 170m — — — — — Aggregates, cement, containers, and
readymix. Berthing length of 446m in-
West Berth 170m — — — — —
cluding dolphins.
North Pulau Laut Coal Terminal (NPLCT)
Coal. Berthing length 388m (including
Coal Berth No. 01 243m 18.0m 320m 14.0m 47m 150,000 dwt dolphins). Waterline to hatch coaming
height (HW) of 17.0m.
Coal Berth No. 02 — Coal. Continuous berthing length of
— — — 14.0m —
Ro-Ro Berth 26m — — 14.0m — — Ro-ro/lo-lo.
Tanjung Pemancingan Anchorage Terminal
Pemancingan — — 320m 10.0m 47m 150,000 dwt Coal.
Tanjung Sabau Anchorage Terminal
Tanjung Sabau
— — — — — — —
Stagen Terminal
Chemicals, clean products, vegetable
Stagen Berth I 90m 8.0m — — — —
oils, coal, and general cargo.
Stagen Berth II 26m 8.0m — — — — Clean products, vegetable oils, coal,
ro/pax, and general cargo. Berthing
Stagen Berth III 26m 8.0m — — — — length 82m (including dolphins).
AKR Stagen Terminal
Chemicals, clean products, crude prod-
AKR Stagen
25m 12.0m 222m — 35m 50,000 dwt ucts, and bunkers. Berthing length of
Liquid Berth
245m (including dolphins).
BBM Terminal
Clean products, Berthing length of
East Jetty 21m 7.0m 130m — — 6,500 dwt
250m (including dolphins).
Clean products. Berthing length of
West Jetty 16m — — — — —
163m (including dolphins).
Golden Hope Nusantara Terminal
Chemicals and vegetable oils. Berthing
Oil Jetty 20m — 130m — — 6,500 dwt
length of 246m (including dolphins).
PT Smart TBK Terminal
Vegetable oils. Continuous berthing
Inner Jetty 5m — — — — —
length of 94m.
Vegetable oils. Continuous berthing
Smart Jetty 122m — — — — —
length of 436m.

Vessels approach the facility through Northeast Channel;

9.24 minimum depth of 18.4m over a width of 400m.
departure is made through Southeast Channel, which has a Heavy traffic may be encountered in the approaches,

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 285

including fishing vessels and coal barges. e. 2.7 miles, 243° from Balingkar Light
f. 5.9 miles, 238.5° from the same light
The channel between Point a and Point b is 1 mile wide; the

remainder of the channel is 0.6 mile wide.

Caution.— The pier has been reported to be in bad condi-

tion but is in operation. Extreme caution is advised when berth-

ing alongside.
A ship wreck has been reported lying in the vicinity of

3°17'.42S., 116°06'.67E.

Makassar Strait—South Entrance

9.26 Borneo Bank, which extends far into Makassar Strait
from the SE part of Borneo, encloses in its N part the Little
Paternoster Islands (2°22'S., 117°34'E.) and in the S part the
Kepulauan Masalima (5°04'S., 117°04'E.).
That part of the bank S of 3°S contains few islands, but many

coral heads. The latter are usually of small extent and rise
abruptly from the bottom.
Between the E edge of Borneo Bank and Spermonde Archi-

pelago, a number of isolated coral banks rise abruptly from

North Pulau Laut Coal Terminal great depths. Raised ridges and islets are found on the N and E
edges of these banks.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is not compulsory for vessels entering
9.24 Most of the islets are inhabited. These islets are a part of the

Kotabaru Port but is available. Pilotage is compulsory for ves- residency of the Sulawesi and are governed by a native chief
sels entering the North Pulau Laut Coal Terminal. Pilots should who resides on Pulau Dewakang-lompo, the N islet on Laars
be ordered via the local agent. The pilot boards in the anchor- Bank.
age area 2 miles E of Tanjung Pemancingan. Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents, which flow N or S close

to Pulau Laut, must be taken into account. Wind drift currents

9.25 Stagen (Setagen) (3°17'S., 116°09'E.) (World Port In- prevail farther out and in the vicinity of the Kepulauan Masali-
dex No. 51870), situated about 4 miles SW of Kotabaru. ma. There is sometimes a rate of 1.5 knots. Tides are mostly di-
It has a T-head, with depths of 3.7 to 6.1m alongside, with a
9.25 urnal and of small range.
dolphin off each end.
Tides—Currents.—Tide and current signals are displayed
9.25 9.27 Kepulauan Masalima (5°04'S., 117°04'E.) consists
from the pier to aid berthing vessels. A red flag indicates a NE of a group of five, low, wooded islets covering an area of about
current, a blue or black flag indicates a SW current, and a white 6 miles in length in a N and S direction, and 4 miles in width in
flag indicates slack water. an E and W direction.
Aspect.—Some of the islands and shoals within the strait are
9.25 Pulau Masalima (5°03'S., 117°03'E.), the W and the highest

marked by beacons and buoys which are moved as necessary to of the Masalima Islands, is covered with tall trees. The fringing
indicate the best water through the various reaches of the chan- reef is narrowest on the E side, and the stones along the N edge
nels. cover only at HW. The fringing reef is reported to be extending
A light on Gunung Balingkar, NE of Kotabaru, and the light
9.25 to the SW.
on Tanjung Pemancingan are in range 257° and 077°. Pulau Sabaru (5°06'S., 117°03'E.), the largest and southern-

Anchorage.—Good anchorage can be taken in Selat Laut

most island, is about 1 mile long and densely wooded with tall
except in the narrows where the bottom is rocky and uneven. trees. Pulau Sabaru Light is shown at a height of 43m from the
Small vessels can anchor about 0.2 mile off the pier at Ko-
SE extremity of the island. The fringing reef, which lies close
tabaru, in a depth of 9.1m. A swell sets up in the roadstead offshore along the N side, lies about 0.5 mile off the other sides.
during the Southeast Monsoon. The reef is reported to be extending in a WNW direction. A
Directions.—When approaching the NE entrance to Selat
raised ridge of stones stands along the outer edge of the reef. The
Laut from the E, Tanjung Pemancingan Light and Balingkar island is visible at a distance of 15 miles and was reported to be
Light should not be brought into line bearing less than 257°. radar conspicuous at 23 miles. The other islets of the group are
This course leads 0.75 mile S of a dangerous wreck, with its
lower and treeless. Each islet is reef-fringed and separated from
mast above water, which lies 3 miles ENE of Tanjung Pemant- the others by deep passages. Strong currents run through these
jingan. passages. In the passage between Pulau Sabaru and Pulau Ma-
Selat Laut is entered through a swept channel at its NE end,
salima, the current may attain a rate of 2.5 knots.
the centerline of which is joined by the following positions: Numerous shoal patches, with depths of 4.9 to 11m, lie with-

a. 8.7 miles, 081° from Tanjung Pemancingan Light in the curve between Pulau Sabaru and Aurora Bank, about 22
b. 1.4 miles, 077° from the same light miles SSW. Trinidad Reef, with a least depth of 4.8m, is locat-
c. 1.3 miles, 357.5° from the same light ed 2 miles SSW of the above islet. Aurora Bank has a least
d. 1.9 miles, 319.5° from the same light depth of 7.6m. Many shoal patches, with depths of 11 to

Pub. 163
286 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

27.4m, have been reported to exist along the 200m curve be- mountains in the interior, which attain heights of over 1,829m,
tween Aurora Bank and Pulau Sakala (6°57'S., 116°15'E.). are visible from the offing.
A bank, with a depth of 15.8m, was reported to lie about 32
9.27 Tides—Currents.—Strong currents set in or out of the bays

miles WSW of Trinidad Reef. A depth of 20.1m lies about 1.5 and rivers along this coast. Between Tanjung Dewa and Tan-
miles farther WSW. jung Aur, at distances up to 10 to 12 miles offshore, the N cur-
A shoal bank, with a depth of 17.4m, was reported about 32
9.27 rents had a preponderance of two to one during the month of
miles WSW of Aurora Bank. Depths of 17m and 11m were re- May. The direction varied from N to NW. The rate did not ex-
ported to lie 16 miles WSW and 30 miles NW, respectively, of ceed 0.75 knot. In July the currents set mostly N to NE. The
Pulau Sabaru. maximum rate was 1.75 knots for N and 1.5 knots for S cur-
Further isolated shoals have been reported up to 20 miles N
9.27 rents. The average rate was 0.5 knot.
of the former depth and NW of the latter depth. During the first half of August, the directions varied from

NE and SW. The maximum rate was 1.75 knots for N and 1.5
9.28 Laurel Reefs (4°40'S., 117°04'E.), consisting of nu- knots for S currents. During the latter part of this month, the
merous shoal patches with deep water between, lie between maximum rate was 0.75 knot.
Kepulauan Masalima and Martaban Bank (4°11'S., During September, a SE current prevailed but later there

117°03'E.). These dangers lie mostly from 3 to 15 miles within were SSE and S currents. The maximum rate was 1 knot.
the 200m curve and have depths of 3.7 to 11m. Patches, with The currents between Laurel Reefs and the Little Paternoster

depths of 9.1m or less, are usually marked by discoloration. Islands is determined by the wind direction. During the North-
Karang Suling Light is shown from a 13m high beacon stand- west Monsoon, S currents prevail. During the Southeast Mon-
ing on the reef. soon, which blows mostly from a SSE direction, the main
Lari Larian (3°31'S., 117°28'E.), 46 miles NNE of Marta-
9.28 direction of the current is NW. The maximum rate is 1.5 knots.
ban Bank, is a small reef-fringed islet about 0.2 mile long. The Numerous dangers lie within the 10m curve which lies from

islet is covered with small trees and bushes. A light is shown 2.5 to 7 miles off this coast. A group of reefs and shoal patches
from the islet. A reef, about 0.3 mile wide with a least depth of lie outside the 20m curve, between it and the Little Paternoster
8.5m, lies 6.5 miles SSW of the islet. Islands to the E. In addition, the silt-laden water from the rivers
A 6.1m patch lies 5 miles W of this reef. These dangers are
9.28 causes a turbulent sea far offshore, so reefs are seldom sighted
not easily seen. Some dangers, with depths of 10.9 to 20.1m, by discoloration.
have been reported to lie between the reef and Martaban Bank. Karang Grogot (Addington Reef) (2°44'S., 116°46'E.), dark

A depth of 13m was reported to be 19 miles NE of the islet.

9.28 coral and stones, has a least depth of 0.9m. A 0.9m patch lies
Pulau Takatalu (3°04'S., 117°42'E.) is a small islet of dead
9.28 20 miles ESE.
coral standing on a submerged reef. It is about 3m high and can The reef is not marked by discoloration, but in a very calm

be seen from a distance of 5 miles. The formation is subject to sea it is marked by slight ripples. The light shown from the reef
change according to the monsoon. It was reported that the islet has been reported extinguished.
has been covered at HW. An 11.9m coral patch lies 8 miles
ENE of the islet. 9.30 Karang Kendang Kecil (Cora Reef) (2°29'S.,
A depth of 13m was reported 13 miles S of Pulau Takatalu.
9.28 116°53'E.), a coral reef marked by dangerous heads just below
A lighted beacon is shown from the islet. the surface at LW, lies about 16 miles NNE of Karang Grogot.
Gosong Union, with a depth of 12.6m, lies 37.5 miles E of
9.28 Karang Kendang Besar (Blenheim Reefs) (2°27'S.,

Pulau Takatalu. 116°51'E.), which are made up of several separate parts with
Pulau Lumulumu (2°56'S., 117°42'E.) is a small sand bank
9.28 depths of 3.7 to 7.9m, with deeper water in between, lie close
standing on a submerged reef which dries in places and is visi- N of Karang Kendang Kecil. The shallowest part, near the mid-
ble for 6 miles in clear weather. An 11m coral patch lies about dle of the reef, is almost awash at LW.
15 miles E of Pulau Lumulumu. Karang Gong (Coral Bank) (2°27'S., 116°47'E.), marked by

Coral Reef (2°50'S., 117°04'E.), with a least depth of 0.9m,

9.28 dangerous submerged heads, lies about 3.5 miles W of Karang
lies 30 miles WNW of Pulau Lumulumu. It is not marked by Kendang Besar and is sometimes marked by discoloration.
surf or discoloration but is marked by a lighted beacon. Karang Gender (Anna Reefs) (2°25'S., 116°55'E.), two

drying coral heads with a depth of 5.7m in between, lie cen-

Tanjung Dewa to Tanjung Aru tered about 3.5 miles NE of Karang Kendang Besar. A de-
tached coral patch with a dangerous submerged head lies about
9.29 Tanjung Dewa (3°08'S., 116°16'E.), the NW entrance 1 mile E of Karang Gender. A similar patch was reported to lie
point to Selat Laut, has been previously descrubed in paragraph about 3 miles ENE of the N drying patch on Karang Gender.
9.22. Karang Tifa (Cecil Reefs) (2°22'S., 116°54'E.) consist of a

Between Tanjung Dewa and Tanjung Aru, about 61 miles

9.29 number of shoal patches with deep water in between. The larg-
NNE, the coast is low, marshy, and for the most part covered est patch, which uncovers, stands about 2.5 miles NW of the N
with vegetation. Teluk Klumpaug and Teluk Pamukan, two drying patch on Karang Gender. It is circular in shape and
rather unimportant bays, indent this coast. about 0.5 mile in diameter. The channel E of Karang Gender
Both bays are frequented by coastal shipping because of the
9.29 and Karang Tifa and between these reefs and the Little Pater-
coal mines on Pulau Nangka and Gunung Batu Besar. noster Islands to the E, is 6 miles wide but care should be taken
Some 6 or 7 miles inland between the two bays, a range of
9.29 to avoid the two previously-mentioned coral patches lying E
prominent hills run parallel with the coast. In fine weather, the and ENE of Karang Gender.

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 287

Karang Suling (Hercules Reef) (2°22'S., 116°43'E.), which

Teluk Pamukan
consists of coral with sand and stone, lies about 6.5 miles NW
of Karang Gong. A circular part, about 0.1 mile in diameter 9.33 Teluk Pamukan (2°35'S., 116°28'E.), entered be-
dries and a portion of this area is above HW. Karang Suling tween Tanjung Samalantakan and Tanjung Pamukan, about 4
Light is shown from a 13m high beacon, stands on the reef. miles to the E, is irregular in shape and has several rivers dis-
Karang Saron (September Reef) (2°17'S., 116°49'E.), about
9.30 charging into it. The bay shores are low, muddy, and overgrown
2.75 miles long in a N to S direction, lies with its S end about with mangroves except for a rocky portion midway between
6.6 miles ENE of Karang Suling. A drying patch lies near the Tanjung Samalantakan and Tanjung Kersik Hitam, about 3.75
center of the reef and several coral heads with shoal depths lie miles to the WNW.
within the limits of the reef. The former point is formed by a sandy beach and a village,

Two detached coral patches, with depths of 11m and 8.9m,

9.30 built mostly over the water, standing close W of it. A white
lie 2.5 miles and 4.25 miles S, of Karang Saron. customhouse stands on the former point. The Sungai Sampana-
Vessels usually pass W of Hercules Reef, E of Aru Bank,
9.30 hang, which is navigable by small vessels, flows out along the
and W of the wreck which lies 6 miles ENE of Aru Bank. W side of Tanjung Kersik Hitam.
The N side of the entrance between Tanjung Pamukan and

Teluk Klumpang Tanjung Sapada-ketcil is steep and covered with tall trees.
From the offing it appears as an island. Tanjung Merah, about
9.31 Teluk Klumpang (3°05'S., 116°18'E.), entered be- 2.25 miles ENE of Tanjung Pamukan, can be identified by the
tween Tanjung Dewa and Tanjung Berlajar about 7.25 miles to conspicuous red rocks forming it.
the N, is irregular in shape and has several shallow rivers dis- The N side of the entrance of the bay has been reported to be

charging into it. A village, with a flagstaff and a prominent a good radar target up to 16 miles.
mosque, stands on the SE side of Tanjung Batu, about 3.25 A large village on the right bank of the Sungai Tjengal

miles to the W of Tanjung Berlajar. Another village stands at stands about 1 mile upriver. The entrance of this river lies about
the mouth of the Sungai Terusan. Some coal mining facilities 6.25 miles NW of Tanjung Pamukan.
are situated on Pulau Nangka. Tides—Currents.—The tides are mixed but predominantly

Tides—Currents.—The tides are mostly semidiurnal. The

9.31 semidiurnal. The semidiurnal range is 1m at springs and 0.4m
semidiurnal range is 1.9m at springs and negligible at neaps. at neaps. The diurnal range is 1m at springs and 0.1m at neaps.
The diurnal range is 0.9m at springs and 0.3m at neaps. The currents set across the entrance of the bay. Within the

After heavy rains, currents of 1.5 to 2 knots flow out of the

9.31 bay there are strong tidal currents which flow very strongly
bay. Strong currents run through the narrow passages between around the S entrance point. The maximum rate is 1.5 knots. A
the islands in the S entrance of the bay. maximum rate of 2.5 knots sometimes occurs in the Sungai
Four small islands stand on the S side of the entrance of the
9.31 Sampanahang.
bay. Pulau Nangka, the largest, is 58m high and is the site of Depths—Limitations.—A depth of 3.9m exists over the bar.

some coal mines. Pulau Pabuan, the outermost, is 42m high This depth can be carried at all times through the channel in-
and reef fringed. A small islet stands about 0.5 mile NW of the side the bay between the mud banks on either side.
summit of Pulau Pabuan. A rock awash at LW lies on the S side A wide bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends up to

of the channel about 0.75 mile N of Pulau Pabuan. 7.5 miles off the entrance points. A number of small patches,
The shore bank, as defined by the 5.5m curve, extends about
9.31 with depths of 2.7 to 5m, lie in the entrance.
8 miles ESE from the N entrance point of the bay. These dangers lie from 1.25 to 2.25 miles SSE of Tanjung

Gosong Karbau, a group of reefs that dry at half tide, stand

9.31 Pamukan and consist of stones, sand, and mud.
on this bank about 1.5 miles SSE of Tanjung Berlajar. Some A danger area, with a diameter of 1.5 miles, is centered on a

shoal patches with depths of 3.7 to 5m lie on the N side of the dangerous wreck with mast and funnel showing lying about
channel to the S of these dangers. 4.25 miles ESE of Tanjung Pamukan.
A drying rock lies near the edge of the shoal bank extending

9.32 Batu Timbal (3°01'S., 116°12'E.), a dangerous rock, from the N shore, about 2.25 miles N of Tanjung Samalan-
awash, lies about 1 mile SSW of Tanjung Batu. A reef, with a takan.
depth of less than 1.8m, lies close off this point. Parak, a small islet, lies close offshore about 2.5 miles WNW

The main channel into the bay leads between these dangers
9.32 of the above point. A shoal, with depths of less than 1.8m, lies
over a depth of 22m. Elsewhere in the channel leading into the about 1 mile N of this islet.
bay, the depths are 9.1m and more. The bottom in the outer bay Caution.—Tanjung Samalantakan is reported to be extend-

is of mud, sand, and small stones. Mud and sand is found in the ing seaward. Uncharted dangers may exist in this area.
inner bay.
Directions.—There are no suitable marks for entering the
9.32 9.34 Gunung Batu Besar (2°37'S., 116°18'E.) (World Port
bay. The channel is unmarked and the shoals are not marked by Index No. 51850) lies on the E bank of the Sungai Sampanah-
discoloration. ang. This is a coal mining settlement. A 24m long pier extends
Between Tanjung Berlajar and Tanjung Samalantakan, the W
9.32 from the shore abreast the town. Vessels can anchor off the
entrance point of Teluk Pamukau, about 27 miles to the N, the pier, in a depth of 9.1m.
low coast is backed by hills. All coastal dangers are contained Directions.—The channel in Teluk Pamukan is easily navi-

within the 9.1m curve which lies up to 7.5 miles off the en- gated if the navigational aids are in place.
trances of the two bays.

Pub. 163
288 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

A vessel should approach to a position about 5.5 miles, bear-

9.34 deep part of Makassar Strait can be felt near and along the out-
ing 127° from Tanjung Pamukan and then proceed W toward er side of the 200m curve. It is marked by rips and overfalls
the outer red beacon. When about 0.4 mile from this beacon when the current sets with any strength. They are more pro-
course can be altered to the NNW to enter the channel. Care nounced during the Northwest Monsoon. The currents run
should be taken not to bring the above beacon to bear less than through the deep channels between the reefs at a considerable
285° before entering the channel because of a 3.2m patch rate at times and are quite variable.
which lies close N of the approach. Caution.—Vessels without local knowledge should not at-

The coast between Tanjung Sapada-ketcil and Tanjung Aru,

9.34 tempt to pass between these dangers.
about 22.5 miles NNE, continues low and muddy and is covered
with trees. The N part of the latter point is sandy and has some Outer Chain of Islets and Reefs
coconut trees on it. A small village stands on its W side.
The shoreline in the vicinity of Tanjung Aru has been report-
9.34 9.36 Pulau Balabalangan (2°32'S., 117°57'E.), the SE is-
ed to be a good radar target up to 11 miles. let of the group, is almost 0.3 mile long, covered with tall trees,
The 5.5m curve fronts this coast at a distance of 3 miles. Ri-
9.34 and serves as a distinct landmark. The island, which is teardrop
ouw Reefs lie within this curve about midway between the in shape, protrudes from a coral sand reef which is about 3
above points. The N reef, which dries, lies about 11.5 miles times the size of the island. Breakers are noticeable when ap-
NNE of Tanjung Sapada-Ketcil. proaching the island from any direction. There is also a distin-
Aru Bank (2°15'S., 116°40'E.), located 7.5 miles SSE of
9.34 guishable discoloration of the water around the reef.
Tanjung Aru, consists of three detached drying reefs of stone Distinguishing the island from others in the area is its 40m high
and coral, covered with mud and sand. The S reef consists of white metal framework light, which is visible up to 18 miles on
two drying parts lying close together. The NW part of the W the N side of the island. It stands noticeably above the treetops.
reef is covered with fine white sand and only covers at HWS. It has been reported that this island is a good radar target up to
Two 5.5m patches lie about 2.5 miles N of Aru Bank Light and 14 miles away.
a dangerous wreck lies 6 miles NE. Union Bank (3°02'S., 118°20'E.), located SE of the Little

It has been reported that Aru Bank Light, a 28m high black met-
9.34 Paternoster Islands and near the E edge of Great Borneo Bank,
al framework tower with a white stripe, is a good radar target up to is small and has a least depth of 12.6m.
11 miles. A stranded wreck on the E side of Aru Bank has been re- Heavy breakers were reported close N of Union Bank.

ported to be a good radar target at the same distance. The water in this area is very clear so that depths of up to

18.3m may appear as dangers.

The Little Paternoster Islands A narrow ridge, with depths of 8.2 to 11.9m, extends 7.5

miles SE from a position 7 miles SE of Pulau Balabalangan.

9.35 The Little Paternoster Islands (Kepulauan Balangan) Semarang Shoal, with a depth of 5.7m, lies at the SE end of the
lie between the parallels of 2°00'S and 2°44'S, and between the ridge. Depths of 11 to 36.6m are found along the edge of the
meridians of 117°00'E and 118°08'E, and consist of several bank between Semarang Shoal and Union Bank. A bank, con-
groups of islets and reefs lying on the NE edge of Great Borneo sisting of a 14.6m patch and a 13.7m patch about 0.75 mile
Bank. Large quantities of dried fish and related products are apart in a NNE-WSW direction, lies about 17 miles SE of Pu-
exported. lau Balabalangan. An extensive bank, with a least depth of
The islets are formed of coral and sand, and covered with
9.35 17m, lies 3 miles NE of Semarang Shoal.
driftwood and other debris. Vegetation is found on most of the Djaitan Shoal (2°33'S., 117°58'E.), a reef which uncovers at

islets, and trees up to 54.9m high are found on the larger islets. half tide, stands on a ledge of foul ground which extends about
A chain of reefs, drying in many places, is found along the
9.35 4 miles SE from Pulau Balabalangan.
NE edge of Borneo Bank. This chain rises steeply from depths
where no bottom has been found at 183m. 9.37 Pulau Kabaladua (2°30'S., 117°54'E.), partly covered
Many small islets are found on these reefs. This chain has lit-
9.35 with grass and brushwood, stands near the NW end of a partly
tle width and has deep water between it and the inner reefs. drying reef which extends almost 4 miles NW from a position
A group of islets and reefs, lying from 9 to 17 miles within
9.35 about 0.5 mile NW of Pulau Balabalangan. The islet has some
the above chain, forms an irregular line roughly parallel to that tall trees. Two above-water sand banks stand on the S part of this
chain. Between the two there are depths of 29.3 to 54.9m, coral reef. The passage between the reef and Pulau Balabalangan is al-
bottom, and occasionally sand and shells. Southward of this most closed by an inner ridge of shoal ground.
group the bottom consists of sand and shells, and growing coral Pulau Seturian (2°16'S., 117°40'E.), about 19 miles NW of

is found in some places. Pulau Kalaladua, is small and densely wooded and can be seen
A double row of reefs, which extend N and S and which part-
9.35 for a distance of 16 miles. Breakers are noticeable when ap-
ly dry, lie W of this inner group. The channel, between the W proaching from any direction. There is also a distinguishable
row of reefs on one side and Karang Gender (Anna Reefs) and discoloration of the water surrounding the reef. A grass-cov-
Karang Tifa (Cecil Reefs) on the other side, has been previous- ered sand bank lies about 11 miles SE of Pulau Seturiar. A light
ly described in paragraph 9.30. Pulau Sangai (Pulau Sanga) is shown from the N shore of the island.
(2°14'S., 117°08'E.) lies about in the middle of the E row of Several partly drying reefs, with narrow gullies of deep wa-

reefs. ter, lie between the sand bank and the islet. Reefs and shoal
Tides—Currents.—The currents in this area are mostly
9.35 ground extend 5 miles SE from the sand bank. A number of
wind drifts. The influence of the S setting currents through the drying reefs and shoals lie up to 7 miles NW and 9 miles W of

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 289

Pulau Seturiar. small islet, stands near the NE end of a triangular area of foul
Pulau Sebangkatan (2°13'S., 117°25'E.), a small islet, is
9.37 ground which extends 4 miles SW and then 5 miles NW from
thickly wooded with coconut trees and is generally visible at the islet. Some trees rise to a height of 30.5m on the islet. Pulau
13 miles. The E side of the islet is steep-to. Samataha, located 3 miles W of this islet, stands near the NW
Reefs and shoals extend 1.75 miles S and 3 miles NNW from
9.37 edge of this foul ground. It is wooded and visible for a distance
the islet. of 16 miles.
Pulau Ambungi (2°04'S., 117°16'E.), marked by a light and
9.37 Pulau Kamarian-besar (2°22'S., 117°17'E.) and Pulau Ka-

located 12 miles NW of Pulau Sebangkatan, is a drying reef; a marian-ketcil are two small islets standing on a shoal bank that
very small portion is always dry. Shoals, with depths of 4.6 to extends 2.75 miles N from a position about 5.25 miles NNW of
11.9m, lie up to 3 miles NW of Pulau Ambungi and between Pulau Samataha. The larger islet is covered with high trees;
that reef and Pulau Sebangkatan. whereas, the smaller islet has only one tree.
Pulau Saboyan (Sabojan) (2°21'S., 117°19'E.), located 3

Inner Islets and Reefs miles E of Pulau Kamarian-besar, has a clump of trees on its N
part which attain a height of 55m.
9.38 Karang Gamelan (Byron Reef) (2°34'S., 117°48'E.) Pulau Salingsingan (2°19'S., 117°14'E.), lying 3.25 miles

is about 0.4 mile in diameter. On it is a small sand bank which NW of Pulau Kamarian-ketjil, is small and surrounded by foul
always drys and is overgrown with small shrubs. Discolored ground. A small reef, part of which is always above water, lies
water, marked by tide rips, was reported to lie from 1 to 6 miles 2 miles N of the islet. Reefs and foul ground extend up to 17.5
W of Buron Reef. A small detached reef which dries at LW, miles NNW from the islet.
marked by discoloration and tide rips when covered, lies about A double row of reefs which extend N and S and which part-

1 mile NW of the same islet, and a reef, with a depth of 0.9m, ly dry lie W of the inner islets and reefs of the Little Paternos-
lies E of Buron Reef about 4 miles W of Pulau Balabalangan. ter Islands. This area is about 30 miles long, N and S, and 15
Pulau Seloang (2°27'S., 117°40'E.), located about 11.5
miles wide in an E and W direction. Some of these reefs never
miles NW of Buron Reef, is fringed by a narrow reef. The cover.
wooded islet is about 0.5 mile long. The trees are not as high as Pulau Sangai (Pulau Sanga) (2°14'S., 117°08'E.), lying 7

those on the other islets. Sunken coral heads lie within 1 mile miles NW of Pulau Salingsingan, is partly covered with brush-
N and S of this islet. wood and has one small tree that is visible from a distance of 8
A steep-to reef, almost awash and 0.5 mile long, lies 6 miles
ESE of the islet. A shoal, with a least depth of 6.7m, lies about
1.75 miles NNE of the islet. A 2.7m patch lies 5 miles NE of 9.40 Karang Unarang (2°29'S., 117°03'E.), the southern-
the islet. most danger of the group lying 16 miles SSW of Pulau Sangai,
is nearly always dry. A large reef, which dries in parts lies 8
Pulau Pinaat (2°25'S., 117°35'E.) stands on the N end of a
miles W. A stranded wreck lies 4 miles N.

narrow reef about 4 miles NW of Pulau Seloang. Two tall trees

Vessels can anchor anywhere on the bank in suitable depths

which stand on the islet are higher than the others. Detached
over a coral and sand bottom. The water usually deepens ap-
reefs lie up to 3 miles NE and 1.75 miles SW of the islet. A
proaching the reefs which are steep-to.
small sand bank, nearly always visible, lies on one of these
Only vessels having local knowledge should attempt to pass

between these dangers, and then only under the most favorable
Pulau Melambir (2°27'S., 117°33'E.), small in extent and
of conditions. Such vessels should be on the alert for charted
densely wooded, stands near the middle of a narrow ledge of and uncharted dangers.
reef and foul ground that extends 3.5 miles SW from a position Directions.—From the SW vessels should steer 045° with

2 miles W of Pulau Pinaat. A tall tree near its center can be the high trees on Pulau Samataha ahead and then pass 2 miles
seen from a distance of 16 miles. A sand bank, always above- W of that islet. They should then steer to pass E of Pulau Sabo-
water, lies on the S end of the reef. jan. A NE course should then be steered passing out through
Pulau Lamudaan-ketcil (2°27'S., 117°30'E.) and Pulau La-
the 6-mile wide passage SE of Pulau Sebangkatan.
mudaan-besar stand about 0.75 mile apart on parallel reefs, From the N vessels may follow the reverse of the above di-

about 3.25 and 4 miles W of Pulau Melambir. These islets lie rections. The reefs and dangers extending W from Pulau Se-
near the NE end of a group of reefs that extends 5 miles SW. turian can be avoided by keeping Pulau Lamadaan-besar
The larger islet is covered with tall trees. The smaller islet is bearing less than 193°. These dangers are hard to identify when
wooded. submerged.
Pulau Semanga-ketcil (2°25'S., 117°24'E.) stands near the
9.38 From the NE a passage, about 1 mile wide, leads between

center of a narrow ridge of foul ground that extends 4.5 miles Pulau Seturian and the large drying reef to the NW. At half-
N from a position 4 miles W of Pulau Lamudaan-besar. The is- tide, a small sand bank near the E edge of the reef is visible.
land is low with one small tree. Depths of 29.3 to 34.7m exist in the passage.
Semanga-besar, located 1 mile SW of the smaller islet, is
From the E a passage, about 3 miles wide, leads between the

covered with tall trees, one of which is considerably taller than reef enclosing Pulau Kabaladua and the reefs and dangers to
the others. Foul ground extends almost 2 miles S from this is- the NW. The high trees on the S part of Pulau Seloang and the
let. light structure on Pulau Balabalangan can usually be seen and
used as landmarks.
9.39 Pulau Poong Poong (2°28'S., 117°23'E.), a very Caution.—The passage between Semarang Shoal and Pulau

Pub. 163
290 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

Balabalangan should not be used due to the lack of available and breakbulk, and can accommodate vessels up to 60,000 dwt,
landmarks. with a maximum loa of 160m, a maximum draft (HW) of
A wide berth should be given to Kepulauan Balangan when
9.40 11.0m, and a maximum beam of 24m. Barge Berth No. 02 and
passing E or N of them, because of the prevailing S current out- 03 handle coal. Barge Berth No. 3 has a depth of 8.0m and uses
side the charted 200m curve. barge and tug services.
Pilotage is compulsory and is available during daylight hours

Tanjung Aru to Tanjung Mangkalihat only. The pilot boards at Entrance Lighted Buoy and should be
requested from the harbormaster, via the agent, at least 24
9.41 Tanjung Aru (2°10'S., 116°35'E.) is sandy at its N hours prior to arrival at Entrance Lighted Buoy.
point and has some coconut trees on it. A small fishing village
stands on the W side of the point. The 20m curve fronts the 9.43 Teluk Adang (1°43'S., 116°28'E.), entered between
point about 10 miles offshore. Keep a safe distance to avoid a Tanjung Mandu and Tanjung Maruat, 12 miles NE, is a broad
dangerous wreck, marked by a lighted buoy, lying 6 miles NE estuary which indents the coast up to 15 miles.
of Aru Bank. This lighted buoy was reported missing. Some fairly important rivers intersect the low shores of this
Between Tanjung Aru and Tanjung Giling, about 11 miles
9.41 estuary. Taluk Adang Light is shown from a white tower situat-
NW, the coast is very low and intersected by a number of riv- ed 1.5 miles NE of Tanjung Mandu. A fairway lighted buoy al-
ers. Drying reefs and other dangers lie within the 5.5m curve, so indicating the seaward end of the bay, from its center, is
which lies up to 8.5 miles offshore in places. moored 12 miles NE of Tanjung Mandu.
Teluk Apar (2°04'S., 116°28'E.), is the estuary for two large
9.41 Pasirmajang, a large village, stands on the left bank of the

rivers which flow out close S of Tanjung Giling. The outer bar Sungai Kuaro, 15 miles W of Tanjung Mandu.
has depths of 5.5m and less. A mud bank, 2.75 miles wide in places, lies along the N

There is an area in the middle part of the entrance with

9.41 shore of the estuary. A 5m patch lies about 4.25 miles NE of
depths of 5.5 to 11m. Within this area, the depths decrease Tanjung Mandu.
sharply and the stream is only navigable by small craft. An ebb The channel leading into the river has a reported least depth

current of 2 knots is felt between the 9.1m and 18.3m curves of about 5m (2022). The channel leading into the river has a
during the rainy season. depth of 4.6 to 9.1m in the fairway leading along the S shore.
Taluk Apar Lighted Beacon (2°03'S., 116°33'E.) stands on
9.41 The entrances of the rivers for the most part are blocked by
a red metal framework in the entrance to the bay. mud banks. Vessels having local knowledge and a draft of
The Sungai Pasir (1°52'S., 116°26'E.) enters the sea 9.5
9.41 5.5m can proceed as far as Pasirmajang.
miles NNW of Tanjung Giling. Vessels having drafts of 4.9 and 3.4m, respectively, can reach

the mouths of the Sungai Samunta and the Sungai Adang, but a
9.42 Karangan Reef (1°55'S., 116°33'E.), Batu Meha pilot should be used.
Reef, Palambu Reef, and Anyirsabon Reef, all partly drying, lie Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory, but is available during

within the 9.1m curve in the SE approach to the river. A 7.8m daylight hours only. Vessels should send a request for pilotage
patch lies about 1.75 miles E of the beacon marking Karangan and their ETA to the harbormaster via their agent 24 hours pri-
Reef. or to arriving at Fairway Lighted Buoy. The pilot boards 2
The entrance buoy is moored about 7 miles E of Tanjung
9.42 miles S of Fairway Lighted Buoy.
Teriti, the S entrance point of the river. The entrance channel is Anchorage.—Small craft with local knowledge can anchor

marked by navigational aids but is suitable only for light-draft within the river mouths. The estuary itself is open to E winds
craft. and seas. Strong currents have been reported at times within
Tanjung Mandu (1°46'S., 116°27'E.), lying 6.5 miles NNE
9.42 the estuary and its approaches.
of the Sungai Pasir, is covered with mangroves and is the S en- Between Tanjung Maruat and Tanjung Jumalai, 19 miles NE,

trance point to Teluk Adang. the coast is low and muddy. All dangers are contained within the
A dangerous wreck, with its masts visible, lies 4.75 miles E
9.42 10m curve which lies up to 3.5 miles offshore. Several drying
of Tanjung Mandu. Another dangerous wreck lies 3.75 miles reefs lie within this curve to the S and SE of the latter point.
further E. A light is shown about 1.75 miles NE of the point. Tanjung Jumalai is the S entrance point to Teluk Balikpapan.

Tanah Merah Coal Terminal(1°49'S., 116°09'E.) stands 18

9.42 Indonesian Marine Police have recommended ships to an-

miles W of Tanjung Mandu. The mean tidal range is 2.6m at chor where they conduct patrol on the vicinity of 1°40'S,
springs and 1.5m at neaps. The berth is 230m long, with an 116°40'E.
alongside depths of 11m. Caution.—Offshore oil rig platforms are situated in Sepin-

Vessels up to 160m long, with a maximum beam of 24m,

9.42 gan Oil Field, 10.5 miles SE, and in Yakin Oil Field, 2 miles E
have been accommodated. The depth in the channel, which is of Tanjung Jumelai. Additional platforms have been estab-
120m wide, is 8m; the turning basin has a depth of 8.5m. The lished (2001) in the vicinity of both oil fields. Gas and oil pipe-
approach channel is marked by lighted buoys. lines connect these fields and the shore, landing 3.5 miles
The Adang Bay STS Anchorage consists of the STS Coal
9.42 WSW of Tanjung Jumelai. Anchoring is prohibited within 0.5
Transhipment Area which handles coal and breakbulk. Vessels mile of these pipelines. Entry is prohibited in an area extending
up to 15,000 dwt, with a maximum draft (HW) of 29.0m and a from the E side of the Sepingan Oil Field and W to the Lawi-
maximum beam of 45m, can be accommodated. Lawi Oil Terminal anchorage.
The Tanah Merah Coal Terminal (TMCT) consists of three

barge berths. Barge Berth No. 01 is 230m long, handles coal 9.44 Teluk Balikpapan (1°20'S., 116°49'E.), entered be-

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 291

tween Tanjung Jumalai and Tanjung Tokong, about 5.25 miles Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 135,000 dwt, with a

NNE, is the deep and spacious estuary of several rivers. It ex- maximum length of 290m and a maximum draft of 18m, can be
tends 12 miles inland in a N direction to the Sungai Semoi. The accommodated. Vessels must be at least 15,000 dwt, with a
Sungai Sepaku enters the river 5 miles farther N. minimum length of 145m. A depth of 21.3m is reported at the
Balikpapan, the site of an oil refinery, stands along the E
9.44 SBM. Vessels are berthed during daylight hours only; unberth-
shore of the estuary close N and E of Tanjung Tokong. ing is possible during darkness.
Caution.—Incidents of piracy have occurred while ships

were at anchor in Lawi-Lawi.

Balikpapan (1°16'S., 116°49'E.)

World Port Index No. 51840

9.45 Balikpapan, the site of a large refinery, stands N and E

of Gunung Tokong. The office of the port captain stands on the
side of a hill to the E of Gunung Tokong.
The harbor office and customs office are situated near the site

of the old Government Jetty. The office of the superintendent of

pilotage for the E coast of Borneo is situated in this area. Ample,
modern alongside berthing facilities are provided for both cargo
and tanker vessels. Balikpapan is a first port of entry.
Tides—Currents.—The tides are mixed but are mostly of a

semidiurnal nature. The semidiurnal rise at springs is about

2.6m and is about 1.5m at neaps. The diurnal range is about
Balikpapan 0.5m at springs with the neap range negligible.
The tidal currents set in a N to S direction with the S current

Lawi-Lawi Oil Terminal (1°27'S., 116°45'E.) (World Port In-

9.44 the stronger of the two. The maximum rate of the S current has
dex No. 51845) is a lighted SBM situated about 6 miles S of been known to reach 3 knots. During the rainy season the ebb
Tanjung Jumalai. The terminal is approached from the E through current usually prevails. The change of direction usually occurs
a wire-swept channel, 21.3m deep. There is an anchorage for at about HW and LW. A strong current sets between Pulau
tankers about 2 miles E of the terminal. A Mooring Master will Tokong and the coast to the E.
board in the anchorage area. Night berthing is permitted only The flood current sets away from the piers and the ebb sets

when conditions are favorable. The vessel’s ETA should be sent toward them. Vessels approaching the piers should take into ac-
72 hours in advance via Balikpapan Coast Radio Station, and count the currents when berthing. The approach to the piers
confirmed 48 hours and 24 hours before arrival. should be made on the flood or at slack water.

Balikpapan—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Balikpapan Coal Terminal
Coal and bunkers. Berthing length of 350m
Export Jetty 235m 17.0m 300m 13.0m 160,000 dwt
(including dolphins).
Unloading Jetty 330m — 225m — 73,852 dwt Coal and bunkers.
Pt. Kaltim Kariangau Terminal
Container Berth 270m 14.0m 268m — 51,870 dwt Container, bunkers, and reefer.
Semayang Terminal
Ro/pax, PCC, breakbulk, containers, steel
No. 1-3 — 13.0m 165m — 15,000 dwt products, others, livestock, and bunkers.
Continuous berthing length of 194m.
Ro/pax, PCC, breakbulk, containers, steel
No. 4-5 — 13.0m 165m — 12,740 dwt products, others, livestock, and bunkers.
Continuous berthing length of 137m.

Pub. 163
292 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

Balikpapan—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Ro/pax, PCC, breakbulk, containers, steel
products, others, livestock, project/heavy,
No. 6-8 — 13.0m 165m — 19,950 dwt
and bunkers. Continuous berthing length of
Tanjung Batu Marine Terminal
Project/heavy, steel products, breakbulk,
Outer Quay 188m 8.0m 168m — 19,381 dwt
offshore, and bunkers.
Balikpapan Refinery Unit V Terminal
STS Operations — 24.0m — — — —
Under construction. Chemicals, breakbulk,
Sulfur Jetty — — 144m — 16,989 dwt
multipurpose, and bunkers.
Clean products, crude, dirty products, and
Wharf No. 1 — 9.0m 190m 8.5m 35,000 dwt bunkers. Continuous berthing length of
Aviation fuel, clean products, crude, dirty
Wharf No. 2 — 12.0m 190m 11.5m 46,092 dwt products, and bunkers. Continuous berthing
length of 298m.
Aviation fuel, clean products, dirty prod-
Wharf No. 3 47m 12.0m 190m 11.5m 35,000 dwt ucts, bunkers, and LPG. Berthing length of
200m (including dolphins).
Aviation fuel, clean products, dirty prod-
Wharf No. 4 46m 12.0m 190m 11.5m 35,000 dwt ucts, bunkers. Berthing length of 178m (in-
cluding dolphins).
Aviation fuel, clean products, crude, dirty
Wharf No. 5 47m 12.0m 190m 11.5m 50,215 dwt products, and bunkers. Berthing length of
198m (including dolphins).
Clean products, crude, dirty products, bun-
Wharf No. 5b (outer
30m 12.6m 190m 12.0m 46,986 dwt kers. Berthing length of 202m (including
Clean products, crude, dirty products, and
Wharf No. 5c (outer
30m 10.5m 190m — 46,986 dwt bunkers. Berthing length of 200m (includ-
ing dolphins).
Kutai Refinery Nusantara
Chemicals, vegetables oils, and bunkers.
Tanker Jetty 116m — 184m — 50,000 dwt Berthing length of 196m (including dol-
Chemicals, vegetable oils, wood chips,
Woodchip Berth 198m — 215m — 70,475 dwt multipurpose and bunkers. Berthing length
of 275m (including dolphins).
PT Dermaga Kencana Indonesia Terminal
Chemicals, clean products. Berthing length
Oil Jetty 13m — 189m — 51,678 dwt
of 170m (including dolphins).
PT Wilmar Nabati Terminal
Vegetable oils. Berthing length of 276m (in-
Wilmar Jetty 153m — 185m — 49,999 dwt
cluding dolphins).

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 293

Depths—Limitations.—The times of entering or departing

9.45 should anchor in the vicinity of the sea buoy and give their call
the harbor are governed by the depth of water over the bar and sign to the signal station.
in the swept channel. The channel was dredged to 13m over a Vessels leaving should order a pilot at least 6 hours prior to

width of 150m. The maximum size of ships permitted to use departure; when leaving between 0600 and 1200 request
the port is 240m, with a draft of 11m. In the inner roadstead off should be made prior to 2000 the preceding day.
the oil refinery, there were depths of 11 to 16.5m. Vessels hav-
In order to make the harbor before dark a vessel should ar-
ing a length of 259m and a draft of 8.5m could berth at the oil

piers. A report states that vessels drawing up to 11.4m could rive at the pilot boarding position not later than 1600. If a ves-
sel’s draft exceeds 7m this information should be mentioned in
berth alongside the oil berths. Vessels drawing up to 10.5m
were allowed to depart from these oil berths. the request for a pilot.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Balikpapan—
General Wharf, 0.2 mile N of Gunung Tokong Light, is

Contact Information.
194m long, with a depth of 7m alongside.
Regulations.—Vessels with drafts exceeding 8.8m, when
There are eight tanker berths, located at Pier No. 1 through


between Lighted Buoy 1 and Lighted Buoy 10 must exhibit

Pier No. 5, and Pier No.5A through Pier No.5C. Three dry car-
two black balls by day or two red lights at night.
go berths are located at Pier No. 6, Pier No. 7, and Pier No. 7A.
Two utility berths, including at lighter pier, are located at Pier
No. 8 and Pier No. 9. Balikpapan—Contact Information
Depths alongside the tanker berths vary between 5m at Pier
Port Authority
No. 5A, for a tanker of up to 5,000 dwt, to a depth of 12m at
Pier No. 2, for vessels up to 35,000 dwt displacement and 62-542-737457
195m in length. 62-542-422246
Dry cargo berths Located at Pier No. 6 and Pier No. 7 have

Facsimile 62-542-731227
depths of 12m alongside for vessels of 35,000 dwt and a length
of 213m. E-mail pelindobpp4@plasa.com
Balikpapan Coal Terminal has a wharf, 235m long, with a

least depth of 15m alongside. A turning basin off the wharf has
a depth of 20m. A channel leading to the wharf is 150m wide, Telephone 62-542-422096
with a depth of 13m. Vessels up to 80,000 dwt can be accom- PT Kaltim Kariangau Terminal
9.45Vessels of moderate draft berth at the oil piers on a N head- 62-852-48898504
ing and when leaving, can safely pass E and N of the reef 0.25 62-811-5377087
mile offshore. Deep-draft vessels berthing at Pier No. 6 or Pier
No. 7 should berth port side-to. E-mail admin@kariangauterminal.co.id
More berthing details can be seen in the table titled Balikpa-
Web site http://www.kariangauterminal.co.id
pan—Berthing Information.
Aspect.—Gunung Beratus (1°01'S., 116°20'E.), 1227m
high, can be seen from a considerable distance in clear weather. VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 16
On bearings S of W, the peak appears to be an irregularly-
Telephone 62-542-411930
shaped trapezoid, and on bearings N of W, it appears conical in
shape. Gunung Konut, 1,050m high, stands 6 miles SW of Vessel Traffic Service
Gunung Beratus.
Call sign VTS Balikpapan
Gunung Tokong (Tokong Hill), 90m high, stands close E of

Tanjung Tokong and is prominent because of its conical shape. VHF VHF channels 67 and 68
There is a yellowish scar on a hill 1.5 miles ENE of Gunung MMSI 005250009
Tokong, but only the top of the scar is visible from a distance.
The yellow hangar of the airport, situated 5.5 miles E of Balik- Telephone 62-542-735333
papan, is prominent as well as a building of similar color close Facsimile 62-542-749190
to it.
White oil tanks can be seen during the daylight hours. At
E-mail vtsllbalikpapan@gmail.com
night, the loom of the lights at the oil refinery can be seen for a
considerable distance. In case two vessels approach this section of the channel from

A prominent hotel is situated 1.5 miles E of Gunung Tokong.

9.45 opposite directions the vessel entering from seaward will have
A flare 1.5 miles NNE of Gunung Tokong is reported to be vis- the right of way.
ible at night for 20 miles. Vessels secured to the piers or at the mooring buoys must

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. They board near the out-

9.45 keep a wire tow rope ready on the offshore side at all times.
er lighted buoy; a berthing pilot boards about 1 mile SW of Signals.—There is a signal station situated on Gunung

Gunung Tokong. Vessels with drafts over 11.5m are only Tokong. In the event of failure of the main light, two horizontal
berthed during daylight hours. white lights are shown from the signal station.
Request for a pilot should be made via the radio station or to
9.45 When a vessel is sighted, a black drum is displayed at the

the signal station on Gunung Tokong. Vessels arriving at night yardarm of the flagstaff at the signal station; a black drum on

Pub. 163
294 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

each yardarm indicates two vessels have been sighted. These Between Tanjung Tokong and Tanjung Tambangongot, the

signals are taken down when the vessel or vessels have passed 10m curve is parallel with and about 3 to 5 miles off the coast.
the signal station. Within this curve the depths decrease gradually over a bottom
Vessels arriving at night should anchor in the vicinity of the out-
9.45 of mostly mud.
er lighted buoy and signal the vessel’s name to the signal station.
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in the middle of the
9.45 9.47 Senipah Oil Terminal (1°03'S., 117°13'E.) (World
roadstead off the town, in depths of 11 to 22m. A number of moor- Port Index No. 51830) consists of a lighted SBM at the sea-
ing buoys and hauling off buoys are situated near the piers. ward end of a pipeline extending 5.75 miles SE from the shore,
Vessels awaiting a pilot can anchor about 2 miles SE of the
9.45 about 3 miles SW of the village of Senipah. The terminal is
swept channel entrance. used for loading crude oil by tankers.
Anchorage is prohibited in the vicinity of the submarine
9.45 Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 150,000 dwt may be

pipeline which extends from the shore close N of Pier 8 to the accepted on a partial-cargo first port-of-call basis, with dis-
opposite shore. Numerous incidents of piracy and robbery con- placement equal to a fully laden 125,000 dwt tanker.
tinue to be reported (2003) at Balikpapan Anchorage and on Vessels smaller than 50,000 dwt may be accepted under ex-

the adjacent waters. Mariners should take appropriate precau- ceptional circumstances. The absolute minimum size of vessels
tions while at anchor awaiting a berth and when transiting the allowed is 32,000 dwt and length overall of 195m.
above-mentioned area. Pilotage.—There are no pilots, but a mooring master boards

Indonesian Marine Police has recommended ships to anchor

9.45 at the sea anchorage within 2 miles of position 1°05.60'S,
where they conduct patrol on the vicinity of 1°22'S, 116°53'E. 117°13.10'E.
Caution.—Many submerged and stranded wrecks lie in the
9.45 Regulations.—The ETA for Senipah Oil Terminal should be

approach to and within Teluk Balikpapan. Some of these sent 72 hours, 48 hours, and 24 hours prior to arrival through
wrecks are marked by buoys and some have masts and funnels Pertamina Coast Radio Stations at Jakarta, Merak, or Balikpa-
showing. All of the wrecks and obstructions are charted but pan. There is a port radio station at the terminal.
caution is necessary when passing them. It was reported that Berthing takes place in daylight only; unberthing by day or

the navigation aids and a wreck in the approaches to Balikpa- night.

pan are not as charted. Vessels under 60,000 dwt arriving at the terminal should

The buoyage in the approach channel and within the harbor

9.45 have a draft forward of 5m and a draft aft of 8m.
should not be relied on. Caution is necessary when approach- Vessels over 60,000 dwt should have a draft forward of 7m

ing Balikpapan because of the heavy refraction encountered at and a draft aft of 9m.
various times of the day. It has been reported that numerous Anchorage.—An anchorage area, 2 miles in diameter, is sit-

small fishing boats lie in the vicinity of the sea buoy. Fishing uated about 3 miles SE of the SBM.
stakes are widespread, especially in depths of less than 20m. Another pipeline, which joins the terminal pipeline about

Their positions are frequently changed. halfway between the SBM and the shore, extends E about 19
A restricted area, 2 miles wide with a submerged oil pipeline
9.45 miles. This pipeline ends in a Restricted Area.
in its middle and two loading platforms near its outer end, ex- Anchoring is prohibited within 0.75 mile of the pipelines.

tends 13.25 miles ESE from the shore, about 3.5 miles WSW Indonesian Marine Police have recommended ships to an-

of Tanjung Jumalai. Vessels are prohibited from anchoring or chor where they conduct patrol on the vicinity of 1°09S,
passing through this area. 117°13'E.
It is recommended, because of the unreliability of aids and
9.45 Caution.—A wreck is reported (2004) to lie on the 50m

the danger of drifting mines, that the approach to Balikpapan curve, 9 miles SE of the Senipah Oil Terminal SBM. Another
be made only during daylight hours. Vessels not possessing lo- wreck is reported (2005) to lie approximately 2.7 miles ESE of
cal knowledge should not attempt to enter the swept channel the Senipah Oil Terminal SBM.
without a pilot aboard. There have been many buoys and beacons established, some

Tankers should enter with clean water ballast because the

9.45 lighted, in the vicinity of the Senipah Oil Terminal, the Senipah
winds are strong at times. Processing complex and approaches to Maura Pegah. Lighted
oil platforms and submerged well heads have also been estab-
9.46 The coast between Tanjung Tokong and Tanjung Tam- lished. Navigate with caution and consult local authorities for
bangongot, about 35 miles NE, is somewhat higher than that to the most recent information.
the S of Teluk Balikpapan. A sandy beach fronts some tall trees
which stand on the hills backing the shore. Sungai Mahakam Delta
Tangjung Lamaru (Manggar) (1°11'S., 117°00'E.), 13.5

miles ENE of Gunung Tokong, turns N to Sembodjalama. Tan- 9.48 Tanjung Timbangongot (0°55'S., 117°15'E.), the
jung Manggar Light is shown, and a radiobeacon transmits SW entrance point of the delta, is low but can be identified by a
from a height of 43m, 2.5 miles SW of the point. Eight miles group of tall trees about 0.75 mile within its extremity. A
NE of the point, Tanjung Tanahmerah can be identified by a stranded wreck lies 0.5 mile SE of this point.
small, steep hill of red sand standing near it. The sandy beach The Sungai Mahakam (Kutei) (0°35'S., 117°17'E.), the

terminates at the settlement of Senipah and the shore to the N most important river on the E coast of Borneo, is navigable by
becomes low and marshy. small vessels with local knowledge as far as Muara Pahu, a vil-
Sembodjalama (1°02'S., 117°07'E.), a small oil refinery set-
9.46 lage about 150 miles upriver from Samerinda. The latter vil-
tlement, stands 10.75 miles SW of Tanjung Tambangongot. lage is an important river port.

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 295

Between Tanjung Tambangongot and Tanjung Marangkayu,

9.48 The tidal currents in the Muara Bayor are semidiurnal. The

about 43 miles NNE, the coast is formed by a wide delta inter- change in direction of the current near Pulau Nubi occurs from
sected by four main channels and numerous small connecting 30 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes after H and LW. The maxi-
passages. The outer shores of the islands forming the delta are mum rate is 2 knots, but this may be higher due to flooding. In
low, swampy, and covered with stunted trees. the mouth of the Muara Bayor the ebb current prevails because
Muara Pegah, Muara Bekapai, and Muara Bayor are the
9.48 of the water discharged by the river. This influence is greater
three main channels leading across the delta to the Sungai Ma- farther upstream. The currents in the Muara Berau are of a
hakam. Muara Jawa, the W channel, has a very shallow outer semidiurnal character. The flood current starts 1 hour after LW
bar; however, it becomes the main channel N of its intersection and the ebb current starts 1 hour after HW. The flood current is
with the Muara Pegah. Muara Berau, the N channel, is foul in strongest and can attain a rate of 2.5 knots.
its approach and shallow in its entrance. Aspect.—It is reported that flaming gases on the N banks of

Depths—Limitations.—A restricted area, with two oil pro-

9.48 the Sungai Mahakam, abreast the mouth of the Sungai Sanga
duction platforms in its E part, centered about 16.5 miles ESE Sanga (0°34'S., 117°16'E.), are visible from the offing and
of Tanjung Tambangongot. serve as good marks for making the approach to the Muara
A fringing bank about 3 to 7 miles wide extends offshore
9.48 Pegah, the entrance of which is marked by lights and buoys.
from the islands which lie within the limits of the delta. This With the exception of Muara Pegah Light (0°51.6'S.,

bank dries in many places and drops off sharply to depths of 117°17.8'E.), situated on SE shore of Pulan Bukuan, landmarks
9.1m and then 18.3m along its outer edge. The various chan- are not easily recognizable in the approaches to the channels.
nels leading through this bank have depths of up to 2.1m. Tanjung Pemarung (0°53'S., 117°26'E.) can be identified

Tide gauges, graduated in decimeters and giving the depths

9.48 by tall trees with a wide opening on the N side. This point and
on the shallowest part of the outer bar of the Muara Pegah, the tree-covered Pulau Data serve as useful marks for vessels
stand 4.75 miles SSW and 4.5 miles NNW of Tanjung Para- approaching the Sungai Bekapai.
parangatan (0°55'S., 117°20'E.). Bekapai Oil Field, is situated 7 miles SE of Tanjung Pemarung,

A tide gauge for departing vessels stands about 1.75 miles

9.48 11.25 miles E of Tanjung Timbangongot. A flare, numerous light-
NNW of Tanjung Pemarung (0°53'S., 117°26'E.). ed structures, unlit objects, and below-water obstructions exist in
The gauge indicates the depths in meters on the outer bar
9.48 the field which is an Entry Restricted Area.
channel of the Muara Bekapai. Bekapai Offshore Terminal (1°01'S., 117°29'E.) is situated

Tides—Currents.—In the Muara Jawa, the maximum

9.48 14.5 miles SE of Muara Pegah Light. Vessels load oil alongside
spring rise of the tide is about 1.6m and the maximum rise of a hulk of 35,000 dwt, which is moored to an SBM and fitted
the neap tide is 0.5m. In the Muara Pegah, the tide is mixed but with a radar reflector.
predominately semidiurnal. The average spring range of the There is a port radio station at the terminal.

semidiurnal tides is 1.6m; the range of the neaps is about 0.1m. Pilotage.—A mooring master boards at the anchorage. The

The average spring range of the diurnal tides is 0.8m; the neap minimum size tanker acceptable is 17,000 dwt; the maximum
range is 0.1m. size tanker acceptable is 80,000 dwt, if the vessel is not longer
The mean tidal range in the entrance of the Muara Bayor
9.48 than 295m.
near Pulau Nubi is 1.4m; the spring range is 2m. The ETA at the anchorage should be radioed to Balikpapan

For a considerable distance outside the delta there is either

9.48 Radio Station 72 hours, 48 hours, and 24 hours prior to arrival,
an inset or a strong outset of the current. Outside the influence amending or confirming this as necessary.
of the delta the constant S current setting through Makassar Anchorage.—An anchorage area, with a radius of 2 miles, is

Strait is felt. centered at position 1°03'S, 117°31'E.

Tidal currents of up to 2.5 knots at ebb and 2 knots at flood
9.48 Caution.—A lookout for floating logs should be kept in this

were experienced in Muara Jawa during the months of Septem- vicinity.

ber through December. During the rainy season and at neap
tide, the ebb current prevails. Near the outer bars of the Muara 9.49 Tanjung Bayor (0°44'S., 117°37'E.) is a well-defined
Pegah and the Muara Bekapai, the tidal currents set mostly in point. A grove of high trees, which appear from the offing as an
an E direction. At a position about 5 miles of Tanjung Tamban- islet, stand near a village situated on the S side of the Muara
gongot, the tidal currents vary between E and SE with an aver- Bayor, about 7 miles W of Tanjung Bayor.
age rate of 0.5 knot. At a position about 6 miles E of Tanjung Tanjung Sisi (0°31'S., 117°35'E.) can be identified by a con-

Paraparangatan, the tidal currents vary between SE and NE spicuous group of trees. A similar group of trees stands on the
with an average rate of 1.5 knots. At a position about 5 miles E side of Muara Berau in the vicinity of Tanjung Lerung
SE of Tanjung Pemarung, the tidal currents vary between SE (0°21'S., 117°33'E.). The hill on Pulau Tunu is prominent from
and NE and have an average rate of 1.5 knots. the SE.
The tidal currents in the Muara Pegah are semidiurnal.
9.48 Aspect.—Muara Pegah Light (0°51.6'S., 117°17.8'E.) is

During spring tide the maximum rate at ebb is 3.5 knots and at shown from the SE shore of Pulan Bukuan. A lighted buoy
flood 2.5 knots. During the rainy season, the ebb current may (safe water) is moored on the seaward side of the bar, 4.5 miles
be stronger. At spring tides the current changes its directions S of Tanjung Pegah, and pilots board vessels in the vicinity. A
from 30 minutes to 1 hour after the times of HW and LW. At dangerous wreck lying 5 miles S of Tanjung Pegah is marked
neap tides the ebb current predominates. The flood current sets on its E side by a buoy; the buoy was reported missing.
NW and the ebb current sets SE. The current, especially on the Three pairs of lighted beacons lead into Pegah channel from

bar, frequently sets across the channel. its entrance to close E of Pegah Light. The southernmost lead-

Pub. 163
296 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

ing lighted beacon, which contains a racon, is situated 1 mile It has been reported that the flares on the N bank of the Sun-

WNW of the safe water lighted buoy. Approximately 1.5 miles gai Mahakam opposite Tanjung Ruwana (0°35'S., 117°17'E.)
S of the same buoy, a submarine oil pipeline runs 19 miles al- are visible from the offing, and if kept bearing 354°, lead to the
most E to W from the center of Bekpai Oil Field, W to 2.75 outer buoys at the entrance of the Muara Pegah. It should be
miles NW of Senipah Oil Terminal. noted that the distance from the flares is great and that the bear-
Anchoring is prohibited within 0.75 mile of the pipeline.
9.49 ing will change very slowly.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for the Muara Djawa, the
9.49 Caution.—The tidal currents, especially on the bar, fre-

Muara Pegah, the Muara Bekapai, and the Muara Bayor, except quently set across the channel.
for certain exceptions. Pilot vessels are not on station. The pilots
are qualified to take vessels up the Sungai Sanga Sanga and the 9.51 Muara Bekapai (0°53'S., 117°27'E.) can be entered
Sungai Mahakam above Samarinda as far as Sebula. by vessels at HW with a draft not exceeding 3m. The passage,
The pilot for inbound vessels should be requested by radio
9.49 which is entered through the Sungai Bagusan joins the Muara
through their agent from the harbor master. The pilot will Jawa off the W entrance of Kleine Kali.
board vessels close outside the lighted buoy at the outer en- A shoal, with a depth of 2.4m, was reported 9 miles ESE of

trance of Muara Pegah. The pilot also boards vessels in the an- Tanjung Pemarung. The outer bar has a reported depth of 2.7m
chorage area centered on position 1°03'S, 117° 31'E. and the inner bar, located 3 miles N of Tanjung Pemarung, has
Pilotage at night is only permitted for certain vessels.
9.49 a depth of 1.5m, hard sand.
In case the pilot is unable to board the vessels outside the bar
9.49 The S part of the Sungai Bagusan is fairly straight but the N

of the Muara Pegah, the pilot boat will show a white light and part is narrow and winding. The channels are unmarked and
will lead the vessel across the bar. The pilot will then board should only be attempted by small craft with local knowledge.
about 3.75 miles N of the outer tide-gauge beacon. Caution is necessary when rounding the unnamed point,

Anchorage.—An anchorage W of the entrance to Muara

9.49 about 2.6 miles N of Tanjung Pemarung, because the ebb sets E
Pegah is bound by lines joining the following positions: and the flood to the W. Signal posts stand at the entrance of the
a. 0°58.87'S, 117°14.57'E. narrows and at the junction of the Sungai Bagusan and Muara
b. 0°58.87'S, 117°18.54'E. Bekapai.
c. 0°59.58'S, 117°18.54'E. Muara Bayor (0°43'S., 117°34'E.) should only be entered

d. 0°59.58'S, 117°14.57'E. by vessels with local knowledge. Pilotage is compulsory. The

Caution.—The water of the delta channels and surrounding
9.49 bar channel is unmarked and the entrance is difficult to discern.
coast are always muddy, and in the rainy season trees and large There is a depth of 3.3m over the outer bar and 2.4m over the

patches of vegetation are carried out to sea. These sometimes inner bar. An obstruction is reported to lie in the channel to the
resemble islands or praus under sail. Vessels should keep well N of Pulau Nubi.
outside the 18.3m curve in rounding the delta. The main channel leads N of Pulau Nubi and extends in a

The passages over the bars and through the delta channels
9.49 NW direction for 4.75 miles to the entrance of the Trusan
are subject to change and are only marked in places. Local Klambu, which can be identified by the small but prominent is-
knowledge is necessary and pilotage is compulsory. let standing at its entrance.
A star-shaped Prohibited Area, enclosed by a star-shaped
9.49 Here, the passage known as Kleine Kali turns sharply to the

Restricted Area, lies just off the bar and main channel entrance S and is narrow and tortuous for about 5 miles. Traffic signal
of the Muara Pegah and can be best seen on the chart. A dan- posts are reported to stand at each end of the narrows.
gerous wreck, best seen on the chart, lies approximately 0.6 At the W end of Kleine Kali, the main channel, having been

mile due S of the southernmost reaches of the Restricted Area. joined by the Muara Bekapai, widens and trends in a NW di-
This wreck lies just S of the 50m curve. rection to its junction with the Muara Jawa. Pulau Tungku Ka-
Additionally, in the Peciko Prohibited Area and the Bekapai
9.49 ju, covered with high trees, stands in midriver about 2 miles
Prohibited Area, both of which are marked by lighted buoys, NW of the W entrance of Kleine Kali. The channel passes E of
entering, navigating, and anchoring are prohibited. Mariners this islet.
are advised to exercise caution when navigating in these areas Muara Berau (0°16'S., 117°32'E.) is unmarked and has

and consult local authorities for the most recent information. dangerous reefs N of the entrance. It is suitable only for small
craft with local knowledge. Pilotage is not available.
9.50 Muara Jawa (0°54'S., 117°15'E.), the W passage, is Muara Berau Light (0°20.2'S., 117°29.7'E.) is shown from

unmarked and suitable only for prau traffic. The charted depths a white beacon standing close NE of Tanjung Panyilatan.
are unreliable. The inner bar at Pulau Tjerotjok and the strong
currents hinder passage by vessels of any size. The channel is Main Channels North and West
about 25 miles long from the outer bar to its junction with the
main stream. The Sungai Dondang, which is spanned by a 9.52 Tanjung Dewa (0°37'S., 117°18'E.), a fairly sharp
bridge, flows into the Muara Jawa about 6 miles N of Tanjung point fronted by a mud bank, stands at the intersection of the
Tambangongot. It is navigable by small craft for a distance of 4 Muara Jawa and Muara Bayor.
miles above the entrance. Between this point and Tanjung Muara Berau, the channel

Muara Pegah (0°55'S., 117°18'E.) has been dredged in

9.50 widens and intersects the main part of the Sungai Mahakam.
2019. The channel over the bar is marked. There was a least The Sungai Sanga Sanga, an important waterway, flows into
depth of 2.3m over the bar. The Muara Pegah joins the Muara the wide channel about 1 mile S of Tanjung Muara Berau. The
Jawa to the N of Pulau Kerbau. Muara Berau intersects the main channel to the N of the latter

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 297

point. Sungaimariam, just W of the inner entrance of the Muara to an oil settlement. The channel is marked and a flagstaff
Berau, is the site of an oil establishment. stands near the inner S entrance point. Loading wharves for
From Tanjung Muara Berau (0°35'S., 117°17'E.) subma-
9.52 small vessels are situated at the settlement.
rine pipelines extend 2.5 miles E in Berau channel and 1.5 Sungaimariam (0°35'S., 117°18'E.), an oil-shipping settle-

miles SE in Jawa channel; the limits of the areas are marked by ment, can be identified by its tanks and oil derricks.
lighted buoys. Anchoring and dredging are prohibited in the ar- There are also some buildings and small piers. Some drilling

ea. towers stand on Tanjung Muara Berau and Tanjung Sanga San-
Tides—Currents.—The time of HW and LW from the sea to
9.52 ga. These towers are lighted at night.
Tanjung Dewa, occurs 30 minutes later for each 8 miles. The tides A rocky patch, with a depth of 3m, lies 0.2 mile S of the

off Tanjung Dewa are mixed, but predominantly semidiurnal. The piers and is marked on its W side by a buoy. Vessels should
average spring range of the semidiurnal tides is 1.6m; the average pass S of the buoy. Another rocky patch, with a depth of 4m,
neap range is 0.4m. The average spring range of the diurnal tide is lies 0.17 mile NE of the 3m patch. There are also some rocks,
0.6m; the average neap range is negligible. with a depth of 3.7m, 0.2 mile off the piers.
The tides between Sungaimariam and Samarinda are mixed,
9.52 Between Sungaimariam and Samarinda, the Sungai Ma-

but predominately semidiurnal. The average spring range of hakam is wide and deep. Three small islets stand in the river
the semidiurnal tide is 1.3m; the average neap range is 0.3m. between these two places.
The average spring range of the diurnal tide is 0.9m; the aver- Anchorage.—Anchorage is prohibited S of Sungaimariam

age neap range is 0.3m. between two lighted buoys marking a submarine power cable,
A tide gauge, marked in centimeters, stands near the harbor
9.52 and in an area 1.25 miles above Sungaimariam; the outer limits
office at Samarinda. The readings of the gauge must be de- of the area is marked by beacons.
creased by 15cm to obtain the exact level of water above chart
datum. 9.53 Samarinda (0°31'S., 117°09'E.) (World Port Index No.
At Samarinda, HW occurs simultaneously with Muara Jawa
9.52 51820) is located some 30 miles from the mouth of the Sungai
and low occurs about 1 hour later. The spring range is from 1.1 Kutei. This timber port is the seat of a government administrator
to 1.5m. It is highest from February to May and lowest from and lines both banks of the river for 2.5 miles. The town is one of
July to October, but it depends on the volume of water dis- the principal trading center on the E coast of Borneo. The residen-
charged from the river. tial section stands along the N bank; whereas, the S bank is bor-
Strong currents are encountered around Tanjung Dewa. A
9.52 dered by houses on rafts.
counter current flows close along the shore. During the months A rock, with a depth of 2.4m, lies near the N bank close E of

of July to October, the flood is frequently apparent at Samarin- the flagstaff at Samarinda. With the exception of this rock there
da, making it advisable for vessels to anchor far enough from is deep water alongside the N bank.
the shore to allow for swinging. A bank, with a depth of less than 4.6m, extends almost into

In other months only the ebb is experienced. Day and night

9.52 mid-river from the S bank of the river, 0.25 mile SW of the
current signals are displayed from the main pier. flagstaff. A small detached bank, with a depth of 4.9m, lies
A shoal flat extends almost 0.6 mile SE from Tanjung Sanga
9.52 close off the opposite bank, 1 mile SW of the flagstaff.
Sanga. A wreck lies S of this point. The channel into the Sungai A wreck marked by a lighted buoy situated 2.5 miles SE of

Sanga Sanga leads between this flat and the S side of the entrance the flagstaff.
of the river, and between the wreck and the same shore. Several submarine cables cross the river 0.25 mile below the

Aspect.—A number of lighted and unlighted beacons are

9.52 flagstaff at Samarinda. Notice boards mark the landing places
found along the shores of the channel between Tanjung Dewa and anchorage is prohibited in their vicinity.
and Sungaimariam. Some of these beacons mark prohibited an- Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up o 94,225 dwt, with a

chorage areas. maximum loa of 223m, maximum draft of 6.0m and a maxi-
The Sungai Sanga Sanga (0°34'S., 117°16'E.) is navigable
9.52 mum beam of 42.5m, can be accommodated.For additional de-
by small vessels with local knowledge for a distance of 4 miles tails see table titled Samarinda—Berth Information.

Samarinda—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Beam Size Draft
Adimitra Baratama Nusantara Terminal
Coal by barge. Berthing length of
Coal Berth (N) — — — — — —
150m (including dolphins).
Coal Berth (S) Coal by barge. Berthing length of
— — — — — —
140m (including dolphins).
Anugerah Bara Kaltim Terminal

Pub. 163
298 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

Samarinda—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Beam Size Draft
Coal and transhipment by barge.
Coal Berth — — — — — — Berthing length of 62m (includ-
ing dolphins).
Bukit Baiduri Energi Terminal
Coal Berth (E) — — — — — — Coal and transhipment by barge.
Coal Berth (W) — — — — — — Coal and transhipment by barge.
Indocement Terminal
Cement Berth 92m — 117m 18.8m 8,581 dwt — Cement.
Kalimanis Terminal
General Cargo
40m — — — — — Breakbulk
Kayu Alam Perkasa Raya Termianl
Timber Berth 36m — — — 5,000 dwt — Closed.
Muara Berau Anchorage Terminal
Muara Berau
— — — — — — Breakbulk
Muara Jawa Anchorage Terminal
Muara Jawa
— — — — — — Breakbulk
PT Punj Llyod Terminal
PT Punj Llyod Closed. Project/heavy cargo and
— — — — — —
Berth steel products.
PT Syam Surya Mandiri Terminal
PT Syam
Surya Mandiri 14m — — — — — Closed. Frozen seafood.
Samarinda Logistic Hub Terminal
No. 01 50m 87m 14m 3,098 dwt 7.0m Fertilizer and steel products.
No. 02 28m 78m 20m 4,608 dwt 12.0m Fertilizer and steel products.
No. 03 — — 90m 17.6m 6,565 dwt 7.0m Fertilizer and steel products.
Samarinda Port Terminal
5.0- 94,225 Ro/pax, ro-ro/lo-lo, and
No. 01 233m 272m 42.6m —
7.9m dwt containers.
No. 02 95m 264m 19.2m 9,762 dwt — Ro/pax and containers.
No. 03 103m 293m 15.6m 5,374 dwt — Ro/pax and containers.
Semen Bosowa Terminal
Cement. Berthing length of 104m
Cement Berth 30m — 93m 15.6m 5,365 dwt —
(including dolphins).

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 299

Samarinda—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Beam Size Draft
TPK Palaran Container Terminal
270m — 128m 21.8m 9,400 dwt 6.0m Container and reefer.
Wana Hijau Pesaguan Terminal
Timber Berth 24m — — — — — By barge.
Palaran Terminal
Clean products and cement.
56m — 112m 24m 8,397 dwt — Berthing length of 70m (includ-
ing dolphins).
Sarana Abadi Lestari Terminal
Chemicals and breakbulk. Berth-
No. 01 25m — 95m 14.6m 6,000 dwt — ing length of 70m(including dol-
Chemicals and clean products.
No. 02 — — — — — — Berthing length of 48m (includ-
ing dolphins).
Chemicals and clean products.
No. 03 — — 88m 21.9m 6,624 dwt — Berthing length of 70m (includ-
ing dolphins).
Chemicals, clean products, and
No. 04 45m — 95m 21.9m 6,624 dwt — breakbulk. Berthing length of
140m (including dolphins).
AKR Corporindo Palaran Terminal
Clean products. Berthing length
No. 01 15m — — — — —
of 40m (including dolphins).
Clean products. Berthing length
No. 02 42m — 39m 10.0m — —
of 86m (including dolphins).
Clean products. Berthing length
No. 03 40m — — — — —
of 85m (including dolphins).
Astiku Sakti Terminal
Clean products. Berthing length
No. 01 20m — — — — —
77m (including dolphins).
Clean products. Berthing length
No. 02 20m — 90m 24m 4,998 dwt —
of 73m (including dolphins).
Lakosta Indah Terminal
Lakosta Berth 10m — — — — — Chemicals by barge.
Pertamina Samarinda Terminal
5.0- Clean products. Berthing length
Oil Jetty 01 15m 100m — 5,000 dwt —
7.0m of 42m (including dolphins).
Oil Jetty 02 28m — 42m 9.1m — — Clean products by barge.
Pro Tank Terminal
Tanker Berth 20m — 90m 24m 4,998 dwt — By barge.
Sarana Aspal Nusantara Terminal

Pub. 163
300 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

Samarinda—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Beam Size Draft
Dirty products. Berthing length
SAN Berth — — 106m 24m 8,397 dwt —
of 80m (including dolphins).

Pilotage.—The pilot boards in the following positions:

9.53 the coal pier. Signals, identical to those displayed at Samarin-
1. In the vicinity of Fairway Lighted Beacon (0°59.6'S, da, are displayed at Loakula.
117°20.4'E) in Muara Pegah. Tenggarong, a fairly large village, stands on the right bank close

2. In the anchorage area centered on position 1°03'S, upriver from Pulau Tenggarong. A submarine cable, marked by
117°31'E. warning boards on both banks, crosses the river here.
Signals.—The following tidal current signals are displayed
9.53 A pier, which can accommodate vessels up to 79m long,

from one of the Government Piers at Samarinda: stands along the left bank of the river at Lua Bukit.
There is a depth of 2m alongside the pier.

Day signal Night signal Meaning Sebulu (0°17'S., 116°59'E.), 44 miles above Samarinda, is a

trading place for forest products.

A cylinder, with a A vessel, with a draft of 3.7m, can ascend the Sungai Ma-
Three white lights, 9.54

cone, point up, hakam at the lowest water level as far as Long Iram, 220 miles
disposed horizon- Slack water
above and a cone, above Samarinda. Vessels without local knowledge should ob-
point down, below tain instructions from the harbor master at Samarinda.
Three white lights, The coast between Tanjung Marangkayu (0°13'S.,

A cylinder, with a 117°26'E.), which forms the N point of the delta of the Sungai
disposed in the
cone point up, be- Flood current Mahakam and Tanjung Santan, about 12.5 miles to the NNE, is
form of a triangle,
low low and flat. The latter point can be identified by a row of casu-
point up
arina trees. A small river flows out near the point.
Three white lights, Attaka Oil Field lies 12 miles SE of Tanjung Santan. Within
A cylinder, with a 9.54

disposed in the the oil field there are several oil production platforms, exhibit-
cone point down, Ebb current
form of a triangle, ing lights, and a conspicuous flare.
point up The charted area within approximately 2 miles of the oil

platforms and 1 mile of the submarine pipelines is a restricted

Caution.—Piracy and thievery has been reported (2002) at
9.53 area and anchoring is prohibited. Unauthorized navigation
Samarinda anchorage and in the adjacent waters. All vessels within 0.25 mile of an oil platform is prohibited.
should navigate with caution in this area. Oil and gas pipelines are laid from the oil field to the shore,

5.5 miles SSW of Tanjung Santan, at the entrance to a canal that

The Sungai Mahakam Upriver from Samarinda leads to Samarinda. A lighted beacon stands at each side of the
work boat canal entrance. The channel leading to the canal en-
9.54 Between Samarinda and Tenggarong, about 22 miles trance is marked by Lighted Buoy No. 15 and Lighted Buoy No.
upriver, the stream is about 0.3 to 0.4 mile wide, except near 18. Lighted Buoy No. 18 is moored 0.75 mile E of the canal en-
the bends where it sometimes narrows to a width of 0.15 mile. trance. A patch of drying reef, marked by Lighted Beacon No.
The banks are steep and fronted by depths of 7.3 to 54.9m. 16, stands 1.5 miles ESE of the canal entrance. A coral shoal,
The flood current has been encountered as far upriver as Se-
9.54 with a depth of 5.9m, lies 1 mile E of the drying reef.
bulu. Anchorage.—Indonesian Marine Police have recommended

There are many dangers, most of which are shown on the

9.54 ships to anchor where they conduct patrol on the vicinity of
chart and are marked by warning boards on the river banks. 0°017S, 117°36'E.
A large sawmill stands on the E point of the mouth of a small
9.54 Caution.—Less water than charted is reported 1.25 miles

stream about 0.5 mile above Samarinda. A pier, 46m long, with ENE of Santan oil terminal.
a depth of 3.2m alongside, stands 0.75 mile above Samarinda.
Another pier, 20m long with a depth of 8.5m alongside, stands 9.55 Santan Oil Terminal (0°06'N., 117°32'E.) (World
close N of the mouth of the Sungai Mangles. Port Index No. 51815), with numerous platforms, wells, moor-
Several submarine cables cross the river between Samarinda
9.54 ing buoys, pipelines, and an approach channel marked by light-
and Sebulu. The landing places on the banks are marked by ed buoys, is situated between Tanjung Marangkayu and
warning boards. Tanjung Santan.
A coal pier, 60m long with a depth of 4m, is situated at
9.54 Additional platforms and pipelines extend N along the coast

Loakula, a village of some size. The pier is the shipping place for about 11 miles above Tanjung Santan. Anchoring is prohib-
for the nearby coal mines. Four hatches can be loaded ited within 1 mile of the platforms and pipelines. Vessels in-
simultaneously at a total rate of 400 tons per hour. bound to the anchorage area, which lies centered about 5.25
A cargo pier, 58m long with a depth of 4.5m alongside, to-
9.54 miles SE of Tanjung Santan, should keep to the N of the ap-
gether with a 42m long pontoon pier, are situated upriver from proach channel lighted buoys. The facility can handle tankers

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 301

up to 120,000 dwt, with a maximum length of 275m and a HW.

maximum draft of 25m. Kepulauan Keringdingan, the principal group of islets, lie 7

Gas LPG Platform, marked by a light, is situated 1.75 miles

9.55 miles NNE of Tanjung Santan and are visible for a distance of
WNW of the terminal. Vessels up to 5,000 dwt, with an overall 12 to 14 miles. Barat Basa, a white coral islet with some trees,
length between 60 and 110m and draft of 7.0m, are permitted lies about 1.5 miles S of this group of islets.
to berth and load propane. The depth alongside this berth is Bontang, a village built on piles, lies 9.5 miles N of Tanjung

11.6m. Santan. Kepulauan Agar-Agar lies on the coastal reef on the S

SMB No 1 has a depth of 28.0m and is used for handling
9.55 side of the approach to this village, about 3 miles NW of the
crude, chemicals, clean products, and dirty products. Vessels outer islet of Kepulauan Keringingan. Badak-Badak lies 1.25
up to 125,000 dwt, with a maximum loa of 275m, a maximum miles farther NW.
draft of 18m, and a maximum beam of 76.2m, can be accom- The village can be reached through a channel between Kepu-

modated. lauan Agar-Agar and Badak-Badak. Karang Segajah, a de-

The ETA should be sent to the terminal 72 hours, 48 hours,
9.55 tached reef, lies on the N side of this channel. The channels S
and 24 hours prior to arrival. Vessels should contact “Santan and W of this reef both have depths of over 20m and are
Control” on VHF channel 9 or 16 for mooring or anchoring in- marked by beacons. It is advisable to use these channels only at
structions. There is a depth of 28m in the vicinity of the moor- LW, when the edges of the reefs can be seen, and to keep to the
ing buoy. N side of the channel as there are shoals extending up to 0.3
Pilotage by a Mooring Master is compulsory. Vessels berth
9.55 mile off the reef on the S side.
between 0600 and 1800. Berthing may be allowed at night with Anchorage can be taken by vessels with local knowledge

permission of the harbormaster. The pilot will board in the an- along the S side of the detached reef, in a depth of 27m, soft
chorage area at position 0°06'S, 117°34'E. mud. An anchorage area, with a radius of 0.5 mile, has been es-
Prohibited and restricted areas, best seen on the chart, lie in
9.55 tablished (2005) 1 mile E of Karang Segajah, close N of the
the area. All vessels should navigate with caution. outer approach channel to Lhotuan harbor.
The inner part of the channel terminates in a basin in which

Santan Oil Terminal—Contact Info there are depths of 7 to 9m, 0.25 mile off Bontang.
Alur Pelayaran Bontang is entered between Beras Basah and

Terminal the coastal reef N of Tanjung Meranggas; this leads to Bontang

Call sign Santan Control Terminal.
Bontang Coal Terminal (0°02'N., 117°31'E.) extends about

VHF VHF channels 9 and 16

1 mile ENE from a position just N of Tanjung Meranggas. The
Telephone 62-542-548100 berth was reported (1997) to have 14.5m of water alongside.
Range lights mark the approach to the jetty.
Facsimile 62-542-548210
E mail stnmo@unocal.com 9.57 Bontang LNG Terminal (0°06'N., 117°29'E.) (World
Pilots Port Index No. 51811) consists of two facilities. LNG Terminal
I is fronted by a T-headed concrete wharf, about 450m in
62-542-548107 length, with catwalks extending from each end. A depth of
Telephone 14m alongside the wharf was reported and vessels up to
100,000 dwt and a maximum length of 300m can use the berth.
stnmmaster@unocal.com LNG/LPG Terminal II consists of a similar jetty to Terminal I,
stnmarine@unocal.com with mooring dolphins extending from each end. The approach
to this terminal is dredged to a depth of 14m, and the turning
basin, with a diameter of 750m, lies SSW of it. The basin is al-
9.56 Attaka Reef (0°08'S., 117°52'E.) is an extensive coral so dredged to the same depth.
patch with a least depth of 10m. It lies 21 miles ESE of Tan- Two general cargo berths are situated in a basin close N of

jung Santan, outside the charted 200m curve. the terminal. One berth is 300m long, with alongside depths of
Between Tanjung Santan and Tanjung Sengata, about 26
9.56 8.5m; the other is 50m long with depths of 3m alongside.
miles NNE, the coast up to 3 or more miles offshore, is foul, Conspicuous landmarks from sea include the installations at

lined with reefs, and densely wooded islets, usually flooded at the terminal and four large white tanks.

Bontang—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Bontang Coal Terminal
Coal. Berthing length of 375m (in-
Coal Berth — — 250m 13.5m 43.0m 95,000 dwt
cluding dolphins).
Loktuan Terminal

Pub. 163
302 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

Bontang—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
General Cargo East
100m — 112m — — 6,000 gt
General Cargo North Ro/pax, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/
110m — 109m — — —
Berth rail, breakbulk, and general cargo.
General Cargo West
100m — 97m — — 6,000 gt
Pupuk Kaltim Terminal
Coal Berth 176m — — — — — Coal
Pier I (Construction
122m 5.0m 80m 4.0m — 2,000 dwt Breakbulk.
Jetty) North
Pier I (Construction
170m 5.0m 80m 4.0m — 2,000 dwt Breakbulk.
Jetty) South
Pier I (Construction
160m 5.0m 80m 4.0m — 2,000 dwt Breakbulk.
Jetty) West
Pier II (Production
300m — 190m 13.0m — 40,000 dwt Fertilizer.
Pier III (Tursina Jetty) 270m 9.0m 200m 8.0m — 20,000 dwt Breakbulk.
Quadrant Arm Loader Fertilizer. Berthing length of 245m
— 13.5m 200m 12.0m — 40,000 dwt
Dock (including dolphins).
Bontang Tanker Terminal
LNG. Berthing length of 425m (in-
LNG Loading Dock
32m 14.0m 300m 12.6m 50.0m 135,000 dwt cluding dolphins). Gas capacity
LNG and LPG. Berthing length of
LNG/LPG Loading
55m 14.8m 255m 12.6m 40.0m 100,000 dwt 490m (including dolphins). Gas ca-
Dock #2
pacity 133,000m3.
LNG and LPG. Berthing length of
LNG/LPG Loading
49m 14.8m 300m 12.6m 50.0m — 367m (including dolphins). Gas ca-
Dock #3
pacity 145,000m3.
Bontang Palm Oil Terminal
Vegetable oils. Berthing length of
Palm Oil Berth N — — 150m — 24.2m 19,854 dwt
175m (including dolphins).
Vegetable oils. Berthing length of
Palm Oil Berth S — — 152m — 25.2m 20,000 dwt
175m (including dolphins).
KMI Terminal
Chemicals. Berthing length of
Dermaga KMI — 11.5m 175m 11.0m — 30,000 dwt
206m (including dolphins).
KPA Terminal
LPG. Berthing length of 300m (in-
Dermaga KPA 20m 13.0m 225m — 34.0m 55,000 dwt
cluding dolphins).
KPI Terminal
LPG. Berthing length of 235m (in-
Dermaga KPI 20m 12.0m 210m — 34.0m 40,000 dwt
cluding dolphins).

9.57 The channel is 0.5 mile wide at the entrance narrowing to 0.25 mile before reaching the terminal. The channel has been

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 303

reported dredged and swept to at least depth of 13.6m.he table . miles SW of Tanjung Sangata. This pipeline supplies the Ma-
The centerline of the fairway is marked by four sets of range
9.57 rine Export Terminal where tankers up to 36,500 dwt with a
lights which lead from the vicinity of the outer lighted buoy to length of 220m berth to load crude oil.
within 0.5 mile of the terminal. Tankers secure to four mooring buoys in a depth of 21m.

The front lights of the first and fourth pair are painted with
9.57 Berthings take place in daylight only; unberthings may be con-
red and white bands; those of the second and third pair are ducted any time.
painted with black and white bands. All rear lights are painted Vessels waiting to berth may anchor about 3 miles SE of the

white. These range lights, in line, bear, as follows: terminal, where a mooring master embarks.

First pair 310°

Second pair 337°
Third pair 307°
Fourth pair 269°

The Kaltim Fertilizer Complex is situated in Lhotuan Harbor


at the head of an inlet, 5 miles N of Bontang LNG Terminal.

The loading berth, about 200m long, has a charted depth of
The channel is 0.15 mile wide, narrowing to 91m at the inner

end. Depths are 22 to 30m in the outer part of the channel, re-
ducing to about 10m at the inner end.
Three sets of range lights mark the centerline of the channel

that leads to the loading dock at the fertilizer plant. The leading
range beacons to the berth bear, as follows:
Bontang LNG Terminal—Berth No. 3
First pair 284°
Second pair 328°
Third pair 296°

A navigable channel marked by lighted buoys leads into


Teluk Selangan, a small bay lying S of Bontang. The channel is

marked by range lights bearing 304°.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Pilot boards at the fair-

way lighted buoy in position (00°02.1'N, 117°34.2'E) Pilotage

is available 24 hours but should be requested 6 hours prior to
A reef, with a depth of 3m, lies about 10.75 miles NE of the

outer islet of the Kepulauan Keringingan Group. A 6.4m patch

lies 1 mile W of this reef. A reef, which dries at LW, lies 12.5
miles N of the above islet. Shoal patches, with depths of 0.9 to
6.4m, lie within 0.5 mile E, N, and W of this reef.
Sangata Reef (0°20'N., 117°43'E.), marked by a light, lies out-

side the 200m curve about 7 miles SE of Tanjung Sangata.

The reef consists of two parts; the S part dries at LW. A least

depth of 4.8m is found on the N part. The reef is steep-to on its

E side and can be identified by discolored water and rips. Courtesy of UNOCAL Indonesia
A small detached reef, with a swept depth of 2.1m, lies 2
9.57 Bontang Harbor
miles NW of Sangata Reef.
Teluk Lombok (0°23'N., 117°35'E.), a reef-fringed islet lo-
9.58 Tanjung Bara Coal Terminal (0°32'N., 117°39'E.)
cated about 2 miles W of Tanjung Sangata, can be identified (World Port Index No. 52100) lies about 9.5 miles NE of Tan-
from the vicinity of Sangata Reef. jung Sangata. The approaches to the terminal are marked by
Anchorage can be taken off the entrance, in a depth of 7m,
lighted beacons positioned approximately 7 miles E and 5.5
between the coast and the N reef of two drying reefs, which lie miles ESE of the terminal.
2 miles SSW of Tanjung Sangata. Strong currents are felt at Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents at the berth run approxi-

spring tides within the inlet but the currents seldom exceed 1 mately N-S, with a maximum velocity of 1 knot. The tidal
knot at the anchorage. range at springs is about 2.5m.
A submarine pipeline extends 1 mile ESE from the coast, 3
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. The pilot boards either

Pub. 163
304 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

10 miles ENE or 9 miles ESE of the terminal. reef lies 4 miles W of the S point of the island. A 6.7m shoal
Vessels should contact the port authority on VHF channel 16 at
9.58 lies close W of this drying reef.
least 2 hours before arrival at the pilot boarding area. Vessels are Pulau Miang-kecil (0°47'N., 118°03'E.) lies 0.75 mile E of

notified of the boarding place prior to their arrival. the W entrance point to Teluk Sangkulirang. The islet is over-
Allowable maximum draft on arrival is 22m; in the event of ex-
9.58 grown with mangroves, and covers at HW. A lighted beacon,
ceeding this height above water line, vessels should notify the Ma- with a pile close E of it, is situated 2 miles E of Pulau
rine Superintendent for possible allowance prior to arrival. Miangkecil.
Depths—Limitations.—Vessels with a maximum length of
9.58 Anchorage can be taken off the N side of the island, in

300m and a beam of 50m can be accommodated. The depth depths of 22 to 23.8m, mud, 0.25 mile from the reef in the line
alongside the terminal is 17m; depths in the channel range of direction of the pier, which will bear about 172°. This an-
from 18 to 22m. There is a turning basin, with a radius of chorage should be approached from the E.
500m, which lies off of the berth. A settlement stands at the head of a small basin on the N side

Vessels are required to have an underkeel clearance of 0.75m

9.58 of the island. A pier is situated off the settlement.
at the berth and 1.25m when sailing. Vessels berth starboard Only small craft with local knowledge should attempt to en-

side-to at the dock. ter the basin.

Two tugs are allocated to assist berthing and sailing of all

vessels. 9.61 Teluk Sangkulirang (0°49'N., 118°07'E.), entered

Caution.—A coral reef, located in position 0°30'N,
9.58 between Pulau Miangkecil and Tanjung Pager, is the outer es-
117°14'E, is marked by a lighted beacon. There are many iso- tuary of the Sungai Sangkulirang. The W shore of the bay is
lated shallow areas marked by lighted beacons between the pi- low and covered with tall trees.
lot boarding area and the berth. Tanjung Tanah Merah, about midway along the W shore, is

A new pier lies close N of the Tanjung Bara Coal Terminal.

9.58 prominent and has a rocky port with some huts nearby.
The E shore of the bay is hilly and densely wooded. There

9.59 Between Tanjung Sengata and Pulau Miangkecil are prominent hills on Tanjung Batu, about 5 miles NNE of
(0°47'N., 118°03'E.), 37 miles NE, the coast is intersected by a Tanjung Tanah Merah, and on the small peninsula about 4.75
number of small, shallow rivers. miles to the NW.
Tanjung Bungalun (0°38'N., 117°43'E.), about 15.25 miles
9.59 Tides—Current.—The tides are mixed but mostly of a

NNE, can be recognized at a distance of 2 miles by the trees semidiurnal nature. The semidiurnal range at springs averages
which stand S of it. about 1.6m, and the range at neaps is about 0.3m. The diurnal
Caution.—Almost the entire stretch of coast between Tan-
9.59 range at springs averages about 0.7m and the range at neaps is
jung Sengata and Teluk Golok, about 27 miles to the NE, is negligible. During the period from December through Febru-
foul within the 20m curve. Because of the many coral reefs ly- ary, springs rise 2.4m and the neaps 1.2m at Pulau Miang-be-
ing close within the 200m curve, some with depths as shallow sar. The evening tide was higher than the morning tide.
as 0.9m, passing vessel should not approach the coast within a A NE current of about 0.5 knot is usually experienced in the

distance of 14 or 15 miles. approach to the bay. The tidal currents in the outer part of the
At this distance the trees on the coast can be seen in clear
9.59 bay are usually weak.
weather as well as Gunung Sekaret, about 7 miles WNW of Depths—Limitations.—The 20m curve lies between the E

Teluk Golok. The mountain peak is a good landmark. side of Pulau Miang-besar and a position close off Tanjung
Pager. The least depth in the channel leading into the bay was
9.60 Midway between Tanjung Sengata and Tanjung Bun- reported to be 5.8m on the bar, about 3.5 miles NE of the above
galun, there is an isolated hill 173m high, and Batuta Light is island.
shown on its eastern slopes. An extensive mud bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, lies

Several detached reefs lie within the 200m curve, about 6 to

9.60 up to 5.75 miles off the E shore of the bay between Tanjung
8 miles SSE of Tanjung Bungalun. The N reef has a depth of Batu and Tanjung Pager. The W edge of this bank forms the E
0.9m, the middle reef a depth of 3m, and the S reef a depth of side of the outer part of the channel.
1.5m. A detached reef, with a least depth of 1.5m, lies about 7 Numerous reefs, islands, and mud banks can be found in the

miles NE of Tanjung Sengata. This danger is marked by discol- bay. Pulau Miang-ketcil is a low mangrove-covered island, sepa-
oration. A reef, with a depth of 0.9m, lies about 7 miles ESE of rated from the W entrance point of the bay by a narrow intricate
Tanjung Bungalun. channel. Foul ground extends 2 miles E from the island.
Numerous other dangers lie within the 20m curve.
9.60 An extensive bank of mud and stones, the greater part dry-

Teluk Golok (0°49'N., 117°54'E.), a small shoal bay, indents

9.60 ing, fronts the W side of the river entrance. Pulau Rending, Pu-
the N part of this coast. A rock, with a depth of 1.8m, lies about lau Sirrih, and Pulau Senumpa stand on this bank. Muara
midway between the entrance points. Suwalang, foul at both ends, separates this bank from the shore
Anchorage can be taken, in depths of 11 to 18.3m, in the en-
9.60 to the W.
trance of this bay. Pulau Rending is low, but prominent, and is divided into two

Pulau Miang-besar (0°44'N., 118°01'E.), a densely-wooded

9.60 parts by a drying creek. The N part of the island is swampy; the
coral island, is surrounded by a belt of mangroves and fringed S part is bordered by a white, sandy beach about 2.1m high.
by a drying reef. Some coconut trees stand in the middle of the island. Two

This prominent island is 85m high. Reefs and shoals lie up to

9.60 settlements are situated on the island. Pulau Sirrih is a red,
3.5 miles WNW and W of the N point of the island. A drying rocky islet covered with vegetation. Pulau Senumpa, the largest

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 305

island, is swampy in its S part; whereas, the N part is hilly with former point is high and backed by a prominent range. Reefs
some coconut trees. and shoals border part of the bay shores and extend up to 0.75
A shoal spit, defined by the 5.5m curve, extends about 2.25
9.61 mile off in places. A 7.9m shoal and a 5.5m shoal lie 2.75 miles
miles SSE from a position about 0.75 mile E of the S end of and 3.25 miles WSW of Tanjung Pulu Setebah. A small wood-
Pulau Rending. A small drying patch lies on the N end of this ed islet stands close offshore in the small bight close E of the
spit. above point.
Pulau Badjo and Pulau Antung stand on the drying mud
9.61 The 200m curve lies fairly close offshore between Tanjung

bank extending from the E shore of the bay, close N of Tanjung Pager and Tanjung Labuanbini; however, it lies up 6.5 miles off
Batu. the head of Teluk Bakong.
A conspicuous small rocky islet, with some bushes, stands 1

mile WNW of Tanjung Batu. The islet is surrounded by a dry- 9.64 Pulau Birah Birahan (0°41'N., 118°28'E.), the outer
ing bank of mud and stones, but is steep-to on its W side. danger is marked by a light, stands 9 miles SE of Tanjung Pager.
The principal dangers which lie on the sides of the channel
9.61 The islet is fringed by a partly drying reef. The center of the islet is
leading into the bay are marked by colored beacons and one grown over with trees, 42.7m high. A belt of mangroves stands
buoy. along its shores. A 6.7m patch lies 2.5 miles S of Tanjung Pager.
The outer beacon, which exhibits a light that is painted
9.61 Johanna Antonia (0°44'N., 118°34'E.), a small steep-to

black, stands on the E edge of the foul ground which extends E shoal with a least depth of 5.8m, lies 5.5 miles ENE of Pulau
from Pulau Miang-ketcil. Birah Birahan. The water over it is discolored.
Steer for the lighted beacon 1.75 miles E of Pulau Miang Ke-
9.61 A narrow reef, with some small islets, fringes the coast to the

cil, in line with Tanjung Tanah Merah, bearing 324°. Unless W of Tanjung Labuanbini.
proceeding to the anchorage off Pulau Miang Besar, vessels Between Tanjung Labuanbini and Tanjung Mangkalihat,

should not proceed W of this line. about 19 miles NE, the low coast is backed by some hills. The
Steer a N course to pass 1 mile E of the lighted beacon.
9.61 coast is fairly steep-to with some small islets lying on the nar-
When the lighted beacon bears 250°, steer about 335° over the row coastal reef. A reef, with a least depth of 4.5m, lies about
outer bar. When past the bar the beacons are a sufficient guide, 0.5 mile NE of Tanjung Jaran Jaran, which lies about 3 miles
passing W of the beacon 1 mile E Pulau Sirrah. NE of Tanjung Labuanbini. Teluk Sandaran provides anchor-
age in its N part, in depths of 14.6 to 18m.
9.62 Benoa Baru (Sangkulirang) (0°59'N., 117°58'E.) Some protection is provided from NE winds.

(World Port Index No. 51810), the seat of a local administrator,

stands on the SE side of Pulau Sinkuang. A small pier, with a Tanjung Mangkalihat to Tanjung Ahus
depth of 5.2m alongside its head, extends from the shore
abreast of the settlement. 9.65 Tanjung Mangkalihat (1°01'N., 119°00'E.), the E
Strong currents are experienced in the vicinity of the pier.
9.62 extremity of Borneo, is the seaward termination of a mountain
The ebb, which may attain a rate of 3.25 knots, sets towards the ridge that extends well into the interior. The extremity of the
pier. The flood sets off the pier. cape is low, overgrown with mangroves, and fringed by a nar-
Sampajau, an oil settlement, stands on the W side of the river,
9.62 row steep-to reef.
about 11 miles above Benoa Baru. The tidal currents between The coast becomes rocky about 2 miles W of the NE extrem-

Benoa Baru and Sampajau attain a rate of 3 to 3.5 knots. ity of the cape. The point can be rounded safely at a distance of
Vessels drawing up to 6.1m can reach Benoa Baru at all stag-
9.62 1 mile. Sudden squalls are liable to sweep down from the
es of the tide. Depths in the river between Benoa Baru and mountains in the vicinity.
Sampajau range between 2.6m and 5m. Depths of 2.7 to 5.9m Tanjung Mangkalihat Light, a white metal framework tower,

are found above Sampajau, but the channel is very narrow. 32m high, stands 2 miles S of the point. A racon transmits from
the light.
9.63 Tanjung Pager (Pagger) (0°49'N., 118°23'E.), lying A shoal, with a depth of 20.1m, and a wreck, lie 10 miles NE

20 miles E of Pulau Miangkecil, is the E entrance point to and 29 miles NNE, respectively, of Tanjung Mangkalihat.
Teluk Sangkulirang and is formed by a hilly ridge with a strip Gunung Mangkalihat (1°01'N., 118°57'E.), 330m high, ris-

of low mangroves at its base. The point is steep-to a short dis- es about 2.75 miles WSW of the cape and is difficult to discern
tance offshore. Between this point and Tanjung Labuanbini, because of the other hills in the vicinity. Gunung Antu, 750m
about 26 miles to the E, the coast is indented by two open bays. high, stands about 7.25 miles W of Tanjung Mangkalihat and is
Teluk Menumbar (0°49'N., 118°27'E.), the W bay, lies
9.63 fairly prominent from the N. Its W side is steep and has a cone
close E of Tanjung Pager and is mostly filled by a bank of mud near it.
and sand. A small shallow river, navigable only by small craft, Tanjung Mangkalihat has been reported to be a good radar

discharges into its NE part. target up to 20 miles. The land in the vicinity of Tanjung
Anchorage can be taken in the W part of the bay, in a depth
9.63 Mangkalihat has been sighted by radar in excess of 40 miles.
of 14m, with Pulau Birah Birahan bearing 157° and Tanjung The constant S current in the vicinity of Tanjung Mangkali-

Pager bearing 259°. hat is sometimes very strong.

Teluk Bakong (0°50'N., 118°40'E.), entered between Tan-
9.63 Between Tanjung Mangkalihat and Tanjung Batu, about 94

jung Menumbar and Tanjung Pulu Setebah, about 6.25 miles miles to the NW, the low coast is overgrown with mangroves,
ESE, is fronted by a tongue of relatively moderate depths. The except to the SE of Teluk Suleman near Tanjung Dumaring,
latter point is low and covered with mangroves; whereas, the where it becomes rocky.

Pub. 163
306 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

The Sungai Berau, suitable only for small vessels, discharges

9.65 part than in other parts of the Borneo coast. South winds prevail
through an extensive delta on the N part of this coast. from July to October; N winds prevail from December to May.
Tanjungredeb (2°10'N., 117°29'E.), located at the junction
9.65 The average direction of the wind in July is SSE during the day-
of the Sungai Kelai and the Sungai Segah and described in time; in August, SE; and in September, SSW. At nights, during
paragraph 9.80, is the site of a river port of some importance. these three months, the average direction is SSW.
Between Tanjung Batu and the S entrance of the Muara Sel-
9.65 Slight variable winds, with frequent calms, occur in October

or, the low coast is mostly covered with trees. Tanjung Tanah- and November and also in May and June.
guning is the only rocky point along this coast. The Northwest Monsoon is considered the wet season, and

The coast between the mouth of the Muara Selor and Tan-
9.65 the Southeast Monsoon the dry season. Rains are abundant at
jung Ahus is intersected by the vast delta of the Sungai Sesay- all times and sudden squalls occur frequently. Cloudiness is
ap and many smaller rivers. more marked by day.
The low shores are not always seen against the mountainous
9.65 In the delta of Sungai Sesayap, land and sea breezes are not

background. The latter point is covered with tall trees. noticeable and there are no regular monsoons. East and NE
Lingkas, an oil-shipping port of some importance, stands on
9.65 winds are prevalent from December to April. Frequent rain,
the SW side of the Pulau Tarakan in the estuary of the Sungai squalls, and bad weather occur during the months. Westerly
Sesayap. winds are more usual from July to October, and are accompa-
Pegunungan Kaniungan, 780m high, stands 14 miles WNW
9.65 nied by frequent rain storms. The remaining months of the year
of Tanjung Mangkalihat. This mountain range consists of two are changeable. The rainfall is heavy, seldom a week passing
peaks standing close together in its E part. The highest peak is without rain.
conical in shape. Between Tanjung Mangkalihat and Tanjung Batu, the 200m

A range of hills, with peaks attaining heights of 360m and

9.65 curve lies up to 30 miles offshore and encloses numerous is-
375m, stands 21.5 miles NW of Pegunungan Kaniungan. lands, reefs, and other dangers. Between the latter point and
Tanjung Ahus, about 93 miles NNW, the same curve lies up to
9.66 Gunung Briun (1°20'N., 117°55'E.) has two summits 35 miles off the islands lying in the estuary of the Sungai Ses-
900m and 930m high. This range projects well above the sur- ayap.
rounding hills. A prominent 689m peak stands 25 miles ESE of Between Tanjung Mangkalihat and Tanjung Giring Giring,

Gunung Briun. the coast is backed by mountains, fringed by a narrow steep-to

The Limestone Mountains (1°34'N., 117°50'E.), located N
9.66 reef, and indented by two small bays. The latter point is low,
of Gunung Briun, are a long ridge running parallel with the but is prominent from the N.
coast. The NW part of the ridge attains a height of 1,110m. Teluk Sumbang (1°05'N., 118°51'E.), entered 9 miles

Near the coast, and between this range and Tanjung Dumar-
9.66 WNW of Tanjung Mankaliat, is fringed by a narrow steep-to
ing, is a range of hills attaining a height of 180m in its N and S reef, the 200m curve never lying more than 0.5 mile offshore.
parts and 240m in its middle part. Gunung Antu, which stands SE of the head of the bay, has been
Sugarloaf Mountain (1°51'N., 117°45'E.), 525m high, is
9.66 previously described in paragraph 9.65. Anchorage can be tak-
the most prominent peak of a range of hills which lie N of the en off the mouth of a small stream in the SW corner of the bay.
Limestone Mountains. Some houses stand in the vicinity.
Gunung Suwaran (1°45'N., 117°35'E.), a broad-topped
9.66 Teluk Suleman (1°10'N., 118°46'E.), a narrow reef-fringed

mountain of peculiar shape, rises to a height of 1,239m. This inlet, is protected to the E by Pulau Singenting Besar and Pulau
peak appears isolated when viewed from the NE. Singenting Kecil, two high, densely wooded islands lying in
Pegunungan Inaran and Pegunungan Niupa are two promi-
9.66 the entrance of the bay. The reefs on both sides of the entrance
nent ranges. The first range has a very rugged crest and rises to extend well offshore, but there is a narrow passage in between
a height of 945m. There are no conspicuous peaks. The last has with a depth of 10m and a deep hole within a depth of 42m.
three lofty, conspicuous summits in the shapes of blunt cones, Small vessels with local knowledge can anchor, in depths of 11
rising to a height of 1,380m. to 16m, mud.
Gunung Samiroa, a dome-shaped isolated hill, 102m high,
9.66 Entry should only be made at LW when the reefs are clearly

stands close to the coast near the entrance of the Muara Pantai. visible.
Gunung Padai (1°58'N., 117°47'E.), standing near the N
9.66 A large circular bank, marked by reefs, shoals, and other

end of a ridge located S of the above hill, is 345m high and can dangers, lies 9.5 miles off the N part of this coast. A narrow,
be seen from the vicinity of Karang Malalungan. Gunung Sim- but very deep channel, separates this bank from the coast.
rut, 210m high and prominent, stands 2 miles inland, about 11
miles SSE of Gunung Samiroa. 9.68 Pulau Kaniungan-besar (1°07'N., 118°51'E.), at the
S end of this bank, is wooded, the tree tops being 72m above
9.67 Gunung Kegelberg (2°37'N., 117°24'E.) and Gunung water. The islet is surrounded by reefs on all except its SW
Zadelberg, located S of the delta of the Sungai Sesayap, are side, where a deep gully separates it from the coast.
prominent from the offing. Pegunungan Salinbatu and Pe- A settlement stands on the W side of the islet. Pulau Kaniun-

gunungan Bulungan, standing to the SW of the above delta, gan-ketcil to the NE, is small, low, and partly covered with
can usually be seen. Gunung Sekata, 450m high and promi- trees.
nent, stands 21.5 miles W of Lingkas. Depths of less than 10.9m extend up to 6 miles NW of Pulau

Winds—Weather.—Regular monsoons, as well as land and

9.67 Kaniungan-ketcil. This islet is also visible up to 10 miles away
sea breezes, are less distinctly marked in the area covered by this in clear weather.

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 307

Anchorage can be taken, in depths of 10.9 to 12.8m, sand,

9.68 lies the same distance E of this islet. A 4.6m patch lies about
off the W side of Pulau Kaniungan-ketcil. Some protection is midway between Taka Lintjang and Taka Sangalan. A 4.9m
provided from NE winds and seas. patch, with a 10m patch about 1.5 miles NE, lies about 9 miles
Diurnal and semidiurnal tides occur at Pulau Tanjungbua-
9.68 NE of the islet. It is generally marked by discoloration, but
jabuaja from March through July. The greater range of the lat- there are numerous patches of false discolorations.
ter was 2.7 to 3m while the lesser range was 0.6 to 1.2m. Single Karang Besar (1°35'N., 118°30'E.), separated from the

tides only ranged from 0.3 to 0.9m. coastal reef by a narrow deep channel, is a drying reef of consid-
Between Tanjung Giring Giring (1°11'N., 118°46'E.), 2
9.68 erable size. Its N part is broken and some detached patches lie up
miles N of Teluk Suleman, and Tanjung Kalidakkan, about 16 to 2 miles seaward of its edge. Northward of Karang Besar,
miles NW, the coast is low and swampy, a great portion cover- along and near the meridian of 118°30'E and to the E, there is a
ing at HW. constant S current which bends to the SSE to the S of Karang
The coast between Tanjung Semuntai, 11.5 miles NW of
9.68 Malalungan. Close along the outer edge of Karang Besar, as well
Tanjung Kalidakkan, and Tanjung Dumaring, about 18 miles as along the S side of that reef, and along the reefs to the E, a
further NW, is low and intersected by a number of small constant SSE to SE current occurs with an average rate of 1 knot.
streams. The latter point is high and rocky, being formed by a The rate sometimes decreases to 0.5 knot and sometimes in-
spur of the coastal hills. creases to 2.5 knots. Pulau Blikkukup, a small islet with trees
Pulau Tandjungbuajabuaja (Buaya Buaya) (1°25'N.,
9.68 visible 14 miles, stands on the SE part of this reef.
118°30'E.), a fairly large island lying in a bay between Tanjung A drying rock lies about 4 miles E of this rock. This danger

Kalindakkan and Tanjung Semuntai, is separated from the lies on a ridge which connects Karang Besar with Karang
coast by a narrow foul channel. The limits of the island are not Daengalahan. This ridge is very steep on its N side, with depths
easily defined due mangroves on the reef. A large tree stands in of over 183m lying close off its edge.
the center of the island. Depths of 22 to 36.6m lie along its S edge.

A small village on piles stands on the NW end of the island.

9.68 A shoal, with a least depth of 3m, lies about 2.5 miles NE of

The N and E sides of the island are fringed by a drying reef the beacon on the N part of Karang Besar. A detached patch,
which extends up to 2.5 miles offshore. with a least depth of 7m, lies 1.5 miles ENE of the same bea-
Anchorage can be taken, by vessels with local knowledge,
9.68 con. A light is shown on Karang Besar 6.2 miles off the bea-
about 0.75 mile W of the village. The approach should only be con.
made at LW when the edges of the reefs are clearly visible. Karang Daengalahan (1°31'N., 118°48'E.), located 9

Pulau Ulaban (1°24'N., 118°32'E.), a small islet standing on

9.68 miles E of Pulau Blikkukup, is a large reef usually marked by
the drying reef fringing the SE side of the above island, has a discoloration when covered. A 4.9m patch lies 2 miles S of this
few huts standing on a white sandy beach. A grove of coconut reef.
trees stand on the islet. Two shoals of 5.7m, rock, lie 5 and 6 Pulau Bilangbilangan (1°34'N., 118°57'E.) marked by a

miles E of the islet. light, and Pulau Mataha are two wooded, coral islets lying on
Pulau Manimbora (1°28'N., 118°32'E.), a coral reef-
9.68 the outer end of the N side of the large bank. Pulau Mataha is
fringed islet, is covered with coconut trees. A foul passage sep- separated from Karang Daengalahan by a channel 10 to 15.8m
arates the islet from the drying reef fringing the NE side of Pu- deep. Both islets are bordered by a fringing reef which is nar-
lau Tanjungbuajabuaja. A deep passage leads NE and N of the row and steep-to on its NW side. On a clear day the islets are
islet, and between it and Karang Besar. visible from a distance of 13 of 14 miles.
Several detached patches, with depths of 9.1 to 11m, lie in
9.68 Most of the fringing reef dries and detached patches lie from

the immediate vicinity of these shoals. 0.5 to 1 mile off its SE side. The channel between the islets has
The current in the vicinity of Pulau Manimbora usually sets
9.68 depths of 7.6 to 16.5m in the fairway. Pulau Bilangbilangan has
in a SE to ESE direction. A rate of 2.5 knots has been reported. been reported to be a good radar target to 16 miles.
Caution.—The area between the Kaniungan Islands and Ka-

Karang Besar and Dangers to the East and rang Besar has very irregular depths. Most of the reefs that are
Southeast dangerous to shipping lie close to a line joining Pulau Kaniun-
gan-ketjil and Pulau Balikkukup, but E of this line there are
9.69 A bank, defined by the 91.4m curve, extends up to 28 several patches with depths of 4.9 to 18.3m.
miles offshore between Tanjung Giring Giring and Tanjung
Dumaring. Karang Besar and other drying reefs form the N 9.70 Between Tanjung Dumaring (1°38'N., 118°10'E.)
edge of this bank. Numerous detached reefs and shoals lie be- and Tanjung Perupu, about 10.75 miles NW, the coast has a
tween these reefs and the circular bank enclosing the Kaniun- uniform appearance. The latter point is low but conspicuous. A
gan Islands. small river flows out through two mouths, one to the S and the
Taka Sangalan (1°19'N., 118°46'E.), 7.5 miles N of Tanjung
9.69 other to the W of the point. The latter mouth has a small wood-
Giring Giring, is a reef with a depth of less than 4.8m. The reef ed islet in its entrance.
has a small drying part on its SW side. Directions.—Navigating without local knowledge and

Two detached 10.1m patches lie 3 miles and 4 miles E of the

9.69 during the night or in thick weather vessels should set course a
beacon which marks the reef. prudent distance off Tanjung Mangkalihat in order to pass 2
Taka Lintjang (Lincang) (1°25'N., 118°42'E.) consists of a
9.69 miles or more E of the reef surrounding Pulau Bilangbilangan.
chain of reefs with deep water between them. A least depth of If the weather is sufficiently clear, vessels may pass over the
4.9m lies about 9 miles ENE of Pulau Ulaban. A 0.6m patch narrow ledge between Pulau Mataha and Karang Daengalahan,

Pub. 163
308 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

in depths of 10 to 16.5m. from the reef about 2 miles SE of the island. Pulau Nunakan con-
Vessels with local knowledge can pass E of Pulau Kaniun-
9.70 sists of bare coral, but is 6.1 to 9.1m high. Several small islets
gan-ketcil and Taka Sangalan, and then E of Karang Besar, and stand on the E side of the reef, to the S of Tanjung Bahaba.
then between it and the drying rock which lies 4 miles E of Pu- Pulau Maratua is steep-to and in many places broken through by

lau Balikkukup. the sea. The bottom near the reef is coral and at some distance to
Vessels bound for the passage between Karang Besar and the
9.70 the E, it is black sand and to the W, it is composed of mud.
coastal reef may pass E of Pulau Kaniungan-ketcil, W of Taka Pulau Maratua has been reported to be a good radar target up

Sangalan and Taka Lintjang, close NE of the reef surrounding to 23 miles.

Pulau Manimbora, and then in mid-channel through the pas- Anchorage.—A pass through the reef S of Tanjung Bahaba

sage. An inner route leads between the bank surrounding the can be used by vessels up to 52m in length with local knowl-
Kaniungan Islands and the coast, then outside the 10m curve to edge. These vessels can enter under favorable conditions of
a position E and NE of the reef surrounding Pulau Manimbora. light. The outer part of the reef runs in a WSW direction and its
These passages should only be attempted by vessels with local inner part in a W direction. There are depths of 16.5 to 21.9m
knowledge and then only under the most favorable conditions in the entrance, shoaling to depths of 7.3m off Tanjung Bahaba.
because of the numerous detached dangers in this area. The inner part of the opening is wider and deeper.
Caution.—There is very little reef discoloration because of
9.70 Anchorage can be taken here, in depths of 11 to 12.8m. A

the muddy river discharge. Vessels should keep well outside short sea is sometimes experienced in the entrance, which is
the 91.4m curve when passing along this coast. Landmarks are caused by the SE current. Strong tidal currents are sometimes
few and the edge of the coastal bank is so steep-to it gives no felt in the passage.
warning of its proximity by soundings. Anchorage can be taken W of Tanjung Dewatta, in depths of

Between Tanjung Perupu and Tanjung Batu, about 30.5 miles

9.70 45.7 to 54.9m, at a convenient distance from the reef. Westerly
to the N, the coast is indented by the vast delta of the Sungai Be- or NW winds quickly raise a sea.
rau. Between the latter point and Tanjung Karangtigau, the coast
is low and sandy, and in some places marshy. A vast complex of 9.73 Pulau Kakaban (2°09'N., 118°32'E.), a closed atoll
reefs extends up to 9 miles off this coast. lying SW of Pulau Maratua, consists of raised coral reefs with
coconut trees standing along its shores. The atoll rises to a
Islands and Dangers in the Approach to the Sun- height of 90m near S its end. Two settlements stand on the
gai Berau atoll, one on the W side and the other on the S coast.
The prevailing SE current sets across and near the SE end of

9.71 Muaras Reef (1°50'N., 118°54'E.), a large drying la- Pulau Maratua. A strong N countercurrent sometimes is felt
goon-type reef, lies well offshore in the SE approach to the along the SW edge of the reef. The constant SE current some-
Sungai Berau. The reef is steep-to on all sides, except the S times runs past Pulau Kakaban at a rate of 2.5 knots.
end, and has depths of over 183m close offshore. Karang Malalungan (1°55'N., 118°27'E.), a triangular-shaped

Pulau Sambit (1°46'N., 119°02'E.), a small sand bank lying

9.71 drying reef lying 14 miles SW of Pulau Kakaban, is steep-to on all
at the SE end of the reef above, is overgrown with low trees. but its S side. A light is shown and a racon transmits from an 8m
Pulau Sambit Light is a 31m high white metal framework tow- high, red metal framework tower situated on the N side of the reef.
er with a black top and has been reported to be a good radar tar- A 17.7m shoal lies 6 miles N of the light.
get up to 13 miles A SE current flows on either side of Karang Malalungan; on the

Pulau Balambangan (1°47'N., 119°00'E.), about 2.5 miles

9.71 E side of the reef it is stronger than that on the W side. At times
W of Pulau Sambit, is higher and can be seen up to 11 miles. there is a countercurrent running N along the W side of the reef.
Karang Gosungan, standing near the N end of Muaras Reef, is The ebb current, which flows out of the Muara Pantai in an ESE
a drying sand bank and is marked on its W side by a light. A direction, sometimes is noticeable as far E as this reef.
reef, with a depth of 2.4m, lies close S of this sand bank. De-
tached shoals, with depths of 4.6 to 7.1m, lie up to 3.5 miles SE 9.74 Pulau Sangalakki (2°06'N., 118°24'E.), which stands
of the SW end of Muaras Reef. 7 miles SW of Pulau Kakaban, is a small coral islet fringed by
Anchorage may be taken S of Pulau Sambit and Pulau Bal-
9.71 a steep-to reef and topped by trees visible for 14 miles. The
ambangan, but care should be taken to avoid a reef with a least reef extends 0.6 mile from the E side of the island. Sangalakki
depth of 2.1m, close S of Pulau Balambangan. The passage be- Light is shown from a rock, close SE of the island.
tween the islets should not be attempted, as a 4.9m patch lies in There is a constant SE current in the vicinity of Pulau San-

mid-channel. galakki, but it may be affected by the strong current flowing

out of the delta of the Sungai Berau. This current passes on
9.72 Pulau Maratua (2°15'N., 118°37'E.), a V-shaped both sides of the island.
atoll reef, lies in the approach to the Sungai Berau. It consists A chain of reefs, steep-to on their NE side, extends about 32

mostly of broken coral. The highest part, 120m, is located near miles NW from a position about 3 miles WSW of Pulau San-
the middle of the W side. In clear weather, the highest part can galakki.
be seen from a distance of about 25 miles. Tanjung Bolitu- Karang Buliulin (2°06'N., 118°20'E.), a large drying reef,

watan Light stands on the N extremity of the island. forms the S end of the above chain. The S end of this reef
Three islets and numerous scattered stones are found near the
9.72 should not be approached too closely during the flood, because
SE end of the reef. Pulau Bakungan, the southernmost, is covered as soon as the reef covers, a counter current sets N toward and
with small trees and is visible for about 10 miles. A light is shown over it. The S point of the reef can be cleared by keeping the N

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 309

point of Pulau Kakaban in range, bearing 057° with the SE end end of Pulau Panjang.
of Pulau Sangalakki.
Delta of the Sungai Berau
9.75 Pulau Samama (2°08'N., 118°20'E.), a tree-covered
islet, stands on a drying reef. The islet is almost entirely cov- 9.77 Tanjung Perupu (1°47'N., 118°04'E.), the S entrance
ered at HW and has a small part close N which appears as a de- point of the delta, is low but conspicuous. An extensive estuary,
tached islet. The high trees on Pulau Samama are visible for 12 formed by numerous islands, lies between Tanjung Perupu and
miles. Tanjung Batu, 31 miles N.
Karang Pinaka (2°11'N., 118°19'E.), separated from the
9.75 The islands are mostly low and have no prominent features.

reef surrounding Pulau Samama by a channel with a least depth The delta channels between the islands are suitable only for
of 3m, appears as a white sandy beach and is completely cov- small vessels with local knowledge. The principal channel of
ered at HWS. approach leads through Muara Guntung and then through the
Karang Masimbung (2°14'N., 118°17'E.), separated from
9.75 upper reaches of the Muara Garura and Muara Tidung. There
Pulau Samama by a channel with a least depth of 3m, is a large are also navigable approaches through Muara Pantai and
reef, the greater part of which dries. A light is on the NW side Muara Tidung; these are seldom used.
of the reef. Gunung Padai and the dome-shaped Gunung Samiroa, both

Karang Tababinga (2°15'N., 118°14'E.), separated from the

9.75 previously described in paragraph 9.66, serve as useful marks
NW side of Karang Masimbung by a deep, clear passage, seldom in approaching the delta. The former, bearing 280°, leads to a
dries. The passage is navigable when the reefs are seen, particular- position ESE of the outer approach buoy. Tanjung Birai, the N
ly at LW. Shoal depths, defined by the 20m curve, extend about entrance point of the Muara Pantai, is covered with isolated tall
0.75 mile NW from the NW side of the visible edge of the reef. A trees which stand out from the dense vegetation.
shoal, with a least depth of 2.4m, and a 6.7m patch about 0.5 mile Tides—Currents.—In the Sungai Berau, the ebb and flood

S of it, lies 9 miles W of Pulau Samama. currents run for 7 and 5 hours, respectively. The ebb current
commences about the time of HW and the flood current starts 1
9.76 Pulau Derawan (2°17'N., 118°14'E.) is a low culti- hour 30 minutes after LW. The ebb has a rate of about 3 knots
vated coral island with a few tall trees, visible 14 to 16 miles in at springs and 1.5 knots at neaps.
clear weather. Derawan Passage, the channel S of the reef en- The flood has a rate of 2 knots at springs and 1 knot at neaps.

closing this island, is used by vessels approaching the Sungai Depths—Limitations.—The least depths at mean water lev-

Berau from the E. el, which is 1.8m above LWS tides, in the principal arms of the
The passage between the N edge of the island reef and the
9.76 delta up to the village of Sokan (Sokkan) (2°11'N., 117°41'E.),
coral flats SE of Pulau Panjang, should only be entered near on the S bank of the entrance to the Sungai Berau, where the
LW, when the reefs are visible and with the sun behind. arms of the delta unite, are, as follows:
Anchorage can be taken in either channel, in a depth of

43.9m. From November to May, vessels should anchor S of the Location Description Depth
island and N of it during the other months. Beacons mark the S
Channel through outer
and N sides of Derawan Passage. Muara Pantai 5.2m
Tides—Currents.—In the vicinity of Pulau Derawan, the

tides are almost entirely semidiurnal. There is a slight diurnal Bar close W of Pulau
Muara Pantai 1.0m
tide. In July and August, the morning tide is higher and in No- Sodong Besar dries
vember and December, the evening tide is higher. Springs, Channel through outer
which occur 2 or 3 days after a full and new moon, rise 2.1 to Muara Guntung 3.4m
2.7m; neaps rise 0.9 to 1.2m.
Semidiurnal tides occur in the delta of the Sungai Sesajap.
Muara Guntung River arm 4.0m
There is a rise of 3.3 to 3.6m at springs, and 0.9 to 1.2m at neaps. Bar SE of Pulau Sodong
Between Pulau Derawan and the coast, the flood current sets Muara Garora 3.5m
S and the ebb N. A tidal current of 2 knots has been experi-
enced in Derawan Passage. Channel through outer
Muara Tidung 5.5m
Pilotage.—Pilotage or other assistance can be obtained upon
request to the resident chief. Bar S of Pulau
Pulau Panjang (2°22'N., 118°12'E.), covered with vegeta- Muara Tiding 0.9m
tion and visible 16 miles because of the tall trees, stands on the
SE side of a vast complex of reefs which front the coast to a Channel E of Pulau
Muara Tidung 0.9m
distance of 9 miles NE of Tanjung Batu. The greater part of the Badakbadak
reef floods at HW. A small rocky islet lies off the NW side of Between Muara Garora
the island. Panjang Light is shown from the NE point of the is- Muara Tidun and Sokan (Sokkan) on 3.7m
land. The large reef enclosing Pulau Panjang dries over a great the bar N of Pulau Baru
part at LW and can usually be seen.
Bar N of Sokan Dredged channel 4.5m
Rabu Rabu (2°20'N., 118°07'E.), a small wooded islet, is

partially flooded at HW. The tall trees on the islet are visible
for 14 miles. This islet stands about 5.5 miles WSW of the S 9.77 Between the outer and inner buoys, in the outer part of

Pub. 163
310 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

Muara Guntung, the tidal currents flow in the direction of the channel, is hard to identify from the offing. Its outer part is
channel; between the inner buoy and the narrow entrance N of buoyed and is about 12.5 miles long.
the E end of Pulau Guntung, the flood sets WNW and the ebb
ESE. Muara Pantai—Contact Information
A tide gauge stands just above Sokan.

Elsewhere, a least depth of 4.9m can be expected at mean sea

level in the main channel through Muara Guntung, and then Call sign LATI Radio (PKO-22)
through the upper reaches of Muara Garora and Muara Tidung VHF VHF channel 71
up to Sokan (Sokkan).
Harbormaster (PSO)
A vessel with a draft of 4.9m can safely reach Tanjungredeb
(Tanjung Redeb), located at the junction of the Sungai Kelai Telephone
and the Sungai Segah (Makam River), 12 miles W of Sokan, 62-812-922-6018 (mobile)
and then through the Sungai Segah to Telukbayur, 4.5 miles Pilots
farther W, at HW. The channels of the Muara Pantai and Muara
Guntung are marked by buoys, beacons, and lights. VHF VHF channel 71
Caution.—Exploration and drilling operations occasionally
take place in the Sungai Berau delta area and numerous uncharted
buoys may be encountered in the vicinity. There is very little dis- 62-554-23401 (extension 231)
coloration because of the murky waters in the delta of the Sungai 62-881-594-619 (mobile)
Berau, and there are but few prominent land features.
Facsimile 62-554-21160
Vessels approaching the delta should keep well outside the

20m curve until the buoys or beacons have been identified. E-mail hasanul.batubara@beraucoal.co.id

9.78 Muara Pantai (1°57'N., 118°00'E.), the principal en- The entrance lies between the E end of Pulau Guntung and

trance to the Sungai Berau delta, comprises a facility for multi- Tanjung Binkar, 2.75 miles NE. The narrow channel then leads
ple offshore loading and discharge of bulk cargo vessels. The S between the N side of this island and the S side of Pulau
channel, is deep in its outer part, but is seldom used because of Lalawan, and is only 0.1 mile wide in places.
less favorable conditions farther in. Pantai Light is situated on The upper reach leads between the W side of the latter island

the N shore, 4 miles WSW of Tanjung Birai. A lighted buoy is and the E side of Pulau Sodang-besar to its intersection with
moored in the outer approaches, 13 miles ESE of the entrance the Muara Tidung. Here, the channel turns to the W and lies
in position 1°56.0'N, 118° 05.5'E. close off the N or left bank for about 3 miles or until abreast the
Pilotage is compulsory and available 24 hours. Pilot board- E end of Pulau Baru. Shoals, with a least depth of 0.6m, lie 13
ing location is 1°56.0'N, 118°14.0'E. miles E of Tanjung Bingkar.
Kertas Nusantara (2°01.41'N., 177°45.32'E), a bleached craft
9.78 Pulau Baru, about 0.75 mile long, is a narrow, wooded islet

pulp mill, is one of the largest pulp mills in SE Asia. There is lying close off the N side of Pulau Telassau. The fairway
one 150m long jetty used to export the mill products. abreast this islet passes S of a rock located about midriver.
The outer channel is 12 miles long and partly marked. Be-
9.78 Depths of 0.3 to 0.6m exist over this rock.
tween the inner entrance points, Tanjung Buasin and Tanjung From abreast the W end of Pulau Baru, the fairway lies about

Birai, the channel narrows to a width of 0.3 mile and extends in 0.2 mile from the N or left bank until a position with the W end
a W direction for 12 miles, then turns N for another 8 miles to of Pulau Telassau, bearing 180°, is reached. Sokan Bar lies W
its intersection with the Muara Tidung and the Sungai Berau, of this position.
NW of Pulau Sodang-besar. The inner part of Muara Guntung is marked by beacons or

Two bars, with depths of 1.5 to 1.8m, are found in this

9.78 buoys. Some of the beacons are fitted with reflectors.
stretch. Vessels with a draft of 4m can reach these bars, but Muara Tidung (2°10'N., 118°00'E.), the N entrance chan-

must wait for HW before attempting to cross them. nel, is entered about 1 mile S of Tanjung Ulingan. This sandy
The PT Berau Coal Anchorage (1°59'N., 118°08'E.) is lo-
9.78 point, which is surrounded by swampy land, is fairly prominent
cated at Muara Pantai, has a depth of 20m, and can accommo- when viewed from the E. A village, with a coconut plantation
date vessels up to 150,000 tons. Barges are loaded at the close by, stands near the point.
Suaran barge-loading facility, which stockpiles coal from the The outer part of the channel is unmarked, subject to change,

Binungan Mine located 20 miles inland. and is seldom used.

All vessels entering or leaving the coal anchorage must re-
9.78 A depth of 2.6m is reported to exist on the bar. The inner part

port on VHF channel 71 or 16. Inbound vessels must provide of the channel, W of its junction with the Muara Garura, is de-
an entry report stating the vessel’s name, call sign, gt, nrt, num- scribed with the Muara Guntung.
ber of crew members, date and time of arrival, and position.
Outbound vessels must provide an exit report stating: the ves- The Sungai Berau
sel’s name, call sign, and date and time of departure.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Muara Pan-
9.78 9.79 The Sungai Berau (2°10'N., 117°42'E.), the main riv-
tai—Contact Information. er W of Sokan Bar, extends in a general W direction for 15
Muara Guntung (2°07'N., 118°00'E), the recommended
9.78 miles to Tanjungredeb, where it divides into two branches, the

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 311

Sungai Makam (Sungai Makam) continuing in a W direction Commercial Wharf, which fronts the settlement, has a berth-

and the Sungai Kelai in a S direction. ing length of 274m with depths of 7.3 to 9.1m alongside. Ce-
A shallow flat, which almost dries, blocks the channel about
9.79 ment Wharf is 96m long with a depth of 8.2m alongside. The
7 miles above Sokan Bar. The channel here leads through coal berth, 30m long, has depths of 6.4 to 7m alongside. Other
Kleine Kali, which passes E and S of Pulau Sapinang-besar. small berthing facilities are available.
This channel is very narrow and winding, but small vessels Vessels approaching the wharves at slack water or during the

with local knowledge can pass through it. flood must turn in the river and then approach the berths as
The navigable channel between Sokan and Tanjungredeb is
9.79 closely parallel as possible.
marked by buoys and beacons.
Caution.—For many years, a number of buoys and beacons

have been reported missing. A further report, confirmed that some

buoys and beacons in the approach and in the river were missing.

9.80 Tanjungredeb (Tanjung Redub) (2°10'N., 117°29'E.)

(World Port Index No. 51800), a river port of some importance,
stands at the junction of the Sungai Makam and the Sungai Ke-
lai. The residence of a government official stands on the right
bank of the Sungai Makam. The customs house stands close
NNE of this residence.
The Government Wharf, 49m long with a depth of 4.9m

alongside, fronts the customs house. The current often sets for
the Government Wharf. There are also some smaller wharves
at the junction of the Sungai Kelai and Sungai Makam.
Tanjung Redeb Harbor contains North Quay and South

Quay, with a continuous berth length of 182m handling con-

tainers and breakbulk cargo.
The Sungai Berau at Tanjungredeb
Sungai Berau—Current Signals.
9.81 Between Tanjung Batu (2°18'N., 118°05'E.) and
Day signal Night signal Meaning Tanjung Sepikat, about 32 miles NW, the coast is low and for
A cylinder, with a the most part covered with trees and backed by hilly land. Be-
cone, point up, Three white lights, tween the latter point and Pulau Dua, about 23 miles farther
above it, and a disposed horizontal- Slack water NW, the coast is intersected by the vast delta of the Sungai
cone, point down, ly Kayan (Sungai Bulungan). There is a noticeable point near the
below it settlement of Datu Mahuta, which stands at the mouth of a
small stream about 18 miles NW of Tanjung Batu. Here the
A cylinder, with a Three white lights, forests are replaced by rice fields. Tanjung Tanahkuning, about
cone, point up, disposed in a trian- Flood current 6.75 miles farther NW, is the only rocky point in this area.
above it gle, point up On the near approach to the delta of the Sungai Kayan, Pulau

A cylinder, with Baru, covered with tall trees and located off the NW end of Pu-
Strong flood lau Pekin, can be seen over the low Pulau Mening. Pulau
two cones, points —
current Makapan has some tall trees on its N side.
up, above it
Pulau Dua has some high vegetation on it.

A cylinder, with a Three white lights, Vessels approaching the delta from the S can see the isolated

cone, point down, disposed in a trian- Ebb current square-topped Gunung Surawan and Pegunungan Njapa. The
below it gle, point down latter has three lofty peaks of about equal height. Gunung Za-
delberg and Gunung Kegelberg to the SW are prominent. Pe-
Vessels not going alongside should anchor near the right
9.80 gunungan Bulungan and Pegunungan Salinbatu are visible to
bank abeam of a mosque in order to leave the channel clear. the W.
The Sungai Makam (Sungai Segah) (2°09'N., 117°30'E.) is
9.80 The vast chain of reefs fronting Tanjung Batu has been previ-

navigable by small vessels with local knowledge as far as its ously described above.
junction with the Sungai Sidung, 22 miles above Tanjungredeb. The 5.5m curve fronting the delta lies up to 12.5 miles off

A depth of 3m can be carried. the islands forming the delta. Outside this curve, the water
The Sungai Kelai (2°09'N., 117°30'E.) is navigable by ves-
9.80 deepens rapidly to depths of over 18.3m. Within the 91.4m
sels with a draft of 3m as far S as the village of Lepithumbak, curve, the bottom consists of mud. Outside this curve it con-
23 miles above Tanjungredeb. sists of black sand, and toward the 200m curve the black sand
Telukbajur, a coal exporting place, stands on the S bank of
9.80 is mixed with small shells and coral.
the Sungai Makam, about 5 miles above Tanjungredeb. Balik Taba (2°35'N., 118°00'E.), a partly-drying shoal, sepa-

Current signals are displayed in the table titled Sungai Be-

9.80 rated from the NW end of the reef extending from Pulau Pand-
rau—Current Signals. jung by a 5.75 mile wide channel with a 3m patch in its mid-part,

Pub. 163
312 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

has a depth of 5.5m in its N part and dries in its S part. Pilotage.—Pilots can be obtained at Lingkas. Because local

Several reefs, with depths of less than 1.8m, lie within the
9.81 knowledge or the service of a pilot is necessary for entering the
20m curve fronting the coast between the settlement of Datu Muara Makapan, no written directions will be given.
Mahuta and Tanjung Tanahkuning.
9.84 Tanjung Selor (2°50'N., 117°22'E.) (World Port In-
The Sungai Kayan dex No. 51790), a river port of some importance, is the admin-
istrative headquarters of the local district. Coal is exported
9.82 Muara Selor (2°48'N., 117°42'E.), the S channel, has from the mines in the vicinity.
shallow depths over the outer bar, is unmarked, and can only be The Government Pier at the settlement has a depth of 3.4m

used by small vessels with local knowledge at HW. Muara alongside. The ebb current attains a rate of 2 knots at springs,
Klambu, Muara Biwan, and Muara Pekin, the middle channels, while the flood current is weak.
all have shallow depths and are available only to small craft
with local knowledge. The Sungai Sesayap
Muara Makapan (3°03'N., 117°41'E.), the N passage, is the

only channel of any importance to shipping in the delta. It is 9.85 Between Pulau Dua (3°04'N., 117°37'E.) and Tan-
connected to the main river by the Sungai Temenggah, and jung Ahus, about 46 miles NNE, the coast is intersected by the
with the Sungai Salimbatu by the Sungai Kubil. The Sungai broad delta of the Sungai Sesayap which is formed by a large
Temenggah is very narrow and winding. A bar of hard ground, number of small islands. Three main passages intersect these
having a depth of 1.7m, is found at its junction with the main islands and provide access to the sea. The coast NW of Pulau
river. It has been reported that there is a bar channel with a Dua is indented by a large shoal bay. Muara Salimbatu, a shoal
depth of 3.7m here. unmarked channel, leads through the S part of this bay into the
Sungai Salimbatu.
9.83 Near Tanjung Selor (2°50'N., 117°22'E.), the Sungai An unmarked channel, the Muara Sekata, leads through the S

Kayan, which rises in the interior mountains, divides into three side of the inner part of the bay into the Sungai Sekata. It is re-
main branches, connected by many cross channels, thus form- ported that the channel can be navigated by vessels with a draft
ing a considerable delta with low shores. Trusan Bulungan, a of up to 3.7m for a distance of about 6 miles.
connecting passage, joins this junction with the Sungai Salim- The three principal mouths, named Muara Batagau, Muara

batu to the N. Sebawang, and Muara Serban, lead into Sesayap Selatan, Ses-
Tides—Currents.—Currents in the entrances of the delta
9.83 ayap Tengah, and Sesayap Utara. The latter channels lead into
are almost entirely semidiurnal, the flood running for about 5 the Sungai Sesayap, N of the NW end of Pulau Bangkadulisbe-
hours 30 minutes and the ebb for about 7 hours. The flood be- sar.
gins about 1 hour after the time of LW, and attains a maximum Aspect.—The coast is low and flat, the only recognizable

rate of 1.5 knots at springs. points from seaward being Pulau Menulun, Pulau Tarakan, Pu-
The ebb begins at the time of HW, and attains a maximum
9.83 lau Bunyu, and the hills on Pulau Mandul. A war memorial
rate of 2.5 knots. At neaps these rates are 1 knot and 2 knots. NW of Lingkas has been reported to be a good landmark.
These particulars may be considerably influenced by the condi- A gas flare, which stands 1 mile N of the S end of Pulau

tions in the upper reaches of the Sungai Kayan, especially in Bunyu, burns constantly and has been reported to be visible up
May or October when floods are liable to occur. to 27 miles seaward. The loom of this flare has been reported
Off the entrance of the Muara Makapan, the flood sets in a
9.83 sighted at a distance of 60 miles.
WNW direction and the ebb in the opposite direction. In the Kaletiak, a small islet topped by some high trees, stands 4.5

Sungai Temenggah, the ebb sets N and occurs 1 hour later than miles S of Pulau Tarakan. It serves as a good landmark for ves-
in the Muara Makapan. The flood sets S and at about the same sels approaching the Muara Salimbatu.
time as in the Muara Makapan. The off-lying shoals fronting the delta have been previously

The changes of direction in both currents are to correspond

9.83 described. The 20m curve lies up to 18 miles off the islands
with the changes in the vertical movement of the water at that form the delta. From Tanjung Batu and the shoal area
Ujung Steile, at the S entrance of the Sungai Temenggah. about 1.5 miles S of this point, this curve extends in an E direc-
Tide and current signals, similar to those displayed at Teluk-
9.83 tion for 15 miles and then turns sharply to the N and S leaving
bajur, are displayed from the government pier at Tanjung Selar a deep fairway in between. This fairway leads to the oil port at
by day, and when a vessel is expected, by night. Lingkas Road.
Depths—Limitations.—Vessels of 3.4m draft can reach Tan-
9.83 Numerous mud banks, reefs, and detached dangers lie within

jung Selor via Muara Makapan, the Sungai Temenggah, and the the 20m curve.
Sungai Kayan at all times. Such vessels must wait for high tide be-
fore crossing the bar off the S end of the Sungai Temenggah. 9.86 Gosong Menulun (Menulun) (3°13'N., 117°38'E.),
Vessels drawing 4m, from 4 days before to 4 days after springs,
9.83 marked by a beacon which lies on a detached drying shoal
can reach the above port. Depths of from 3 to 4.6m, have been re- about 1.5 miles S of Tanjung Batu, has been reported to have
ported to be found in the roadstead at Tanjung Selor. disappeared. Deep channels lead N and S of this shoal.
It has been reported that considerable shoaling has taken
9.83 Depths of 1.5m and less lie within 1 mile S of Tanjung Arang,

place in the delta area. the S point of Pulau Bunyu, and from this position similar depths
Only small vessels with local knowledge should attempt to
9.83 extend almost 4 miles NW along the SW side of the island.
enter any of the channels. Johanna Reef (3°23'N., 117°54'E.), with a least depth of

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 313

0.9m, lies about 4 miles S of Tanjung Arang and on the S side ayap. The ebb currents attain a rate of more than 3 knots after a
of the channel leading to the pipeline berth at the SW end of heavy rainfall. Strong NE and SE sets have been experienced in
Pulau Bunyu. The reef is steep-to and shows no discoloration. making the approach. A constant S set occurs well offshore of
Kruys Reef (3°25'N., 117°55'E.), a 4.1m patch, lies 3.5
9.86 the delta.
miles ESE of Tanjung Arang. This reef shows no discoloration, East of Gosong Menulun, the flood current sets strongly to

but is marked at times by a few ripples. the N and the ebb sets to the S.
A shoal, with a least depth of 5.9m, lies about 21 miles E of
9.86 In the roadstead, currents may reach a speed of 4 knots.

the SE end of Pulau Bunyu. The position is approximate. Drifting trees are carried downstream by the ebb current.
A 15.5m bank (position approximate) lies 36.5 miles E of
9.86 Depths—Limitations.—A swept channel, clear for all types

the S end of Pulau Tarakan. of surface vessels, leads into Lingkas Road. The centerline of
A 7.8m shoal lies about 18.25 miles ESE of the light struc-
9.86 the channel is joined by the following points, with a bearing
ture on Tanjung Arang. and distance from Tanjung Batu:
a. 090°, distant 11.1 miles.
9.87 Lingkas Road (Tarakan) (3°17'N., 117°36'E.) (World b. 098°, distant 3.6 miles.
Port Index No. 51780), an oil-exporting port, is situated on the c. 228.5°, distant 1.0 mile.
SW side of Pulau Tarakan. Tarakan, the headquarters of an oil d. 274.5°, distant 2.8 miles.
refinery, is situated about 2 miles inland and is connected with e. 300.5°, distant 3.6 miles.
Lingkas by a good road. Ample berthing facilities are available The channel between Point a and Point b is 1 mile wide; the

for any vessel capable of entering the port. remainder of the channel to the roadstead is 0.5 mile wide.
The port is centered on the head of the oil jetty containing
9.87 Berthing details are shown in table titled Tarakan—Berth

two jetties and a pier. The pier is 0.5 mile NW of the oil jetty. Information.
The general cargo jetty is situated 3.75 miles NW of Tanjung Vessels can safely lie alongside these piers throughout the

Batu and the oil jetty is 0.32 mile farther NW. year. From July to December, when strong W winds or squalls
Lingkas Road is a first port of entry and has a coast radio sta-
9.87 may be expected, it is advisable to let go the port anchor.
tion. Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. Sea pilots are available

Tides—Currents.—Offshore of Pulau Tarakan and Pulau

9.87 during daylight only; the harbor pilot is available from 0600 to
Bunyu, the current flows in a constant SSW or SW direction at 1800. Vessels arriving outside these hours anchor off the
a rate of 0.5 knot during the flood tide and 2 knots with the ebb. berths. Vessels may depart up to 2130.
Strong currents are experienced in the delta of the Sungai Ses-

Tarakan—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Port Tarakan
Cargo Jetty 250m — — — — Ro/pax and general cargo.
Container Jetty 130m — — — — Ro/pax, containers, and general cargo.
Tarakan Island Lightering
— — — — — Coal and iron ore.
Anchorage STS
Tanjung Bato Anchorage Terminal
A STS — — — — — Coal.
B STS — — — — — Coal.
Tanjung Pasir Anchorage Terminal
A STS 64m — — — — Coal and transhipment.
B STS — — — — — Coal.
C STS — — — — — Coal.
PT Pertamina Tanker Terminal
Aviation fuel and clean products.
Pertamina Jetty — 7.0m 130m 5.5m 6,000 dwt Berthing length of 202m (including
Tarakan MBM — 18.5m 230m — 55,000 dwt Crude.

Pub. 163
314 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

Vessels bound for Lingkas Road should give 72 hours, 48

9.87 extends 1.5 miles S from the shore. A buoy marks the outer end of
hours, and 24 hours notice of their estimated time of arrival and the pipeline, and there are two pairs of mooring buoys where tank-
include their draft and the total amount of cargo aboard. ers of 21,000 dwt and 175m in length have berthed. Mooring oper-
An unlicensed pilot is available for berthing at Bunyu off-
9.87 ations begin at the start of the ebb; unmooring operations begin at
shore oil berth. A vessel must give its estimated time of arrival the first daylight slack water after completion. The pilot remains
to the local harbor authorities at least 4 days prior to arrival. aboard during the loading operation.
The pilot boards about 1.5 miles S of Tanjung Arang. In the vicinity of the pipeline is a platform with a depth of

Anchorage.—Safe anchorage is provided, in depths of 10.1

9.87 about 14.5m alongside. Tankers up to 30,000 dwt and 185m
to 14.6m off the piers. Because of floating obstructions, strong length overall can secure here to load methanol.
currents, and heavy squalls it is advisable to veer a good length Tides—Currents.—A S current E of meridian 118°E is

of chain. Vessels bunkering anchor about 1.5 miles from the oil sometimes influenced by currents mainly following the direc-
or commercial piers. Vessels working cargo into lighter anchor tion of the channels W of 118°E. Through this influence, the
1 to 2 miles S of the oil pier in depths of 14.6m or greater. current may attain a rate exceeding 4 knots, especially the out-
Anchorage can be taken in a depth of 14.6m about 1.75 miles
9.87 going current.
WSW of Tanjung Arang on the S end of Pulau Bunyu, but cau- There is a T-head pier 1 mile NW of the oil berth. The berth

tion is necessary to avoid the 8.2m patch N of this position. should be approached through the buoyed channel.
Directions.—Vessels bound for Lingkas Road should steer
9.87 A shoal, with a depth of 1.5m, marked by a buoy on the SW

for the outer lighted buoy moored 15 miles E of Tanjung Batu. side, lies 1.5 miles W of the pier. A dangerous wreck lies about
From this lighted buoy, pass S of the dangerous wreck 13.25 6.25 miles WNW of Karang Banda.
miles E of the same point and enter the swept channel steering For additional details see the table titled Bunyu—Berth In-

267° for the lighted range beacons which stand on the NW end formation.
of the drying shoal about 1.75 miles SW of Tanjung Batu. A swept area lies on the SW side of Pulau Bunyu. Another

When Tanjung Mengatju bears 331°, alter course to 294°. swept channel, 0.27 mile wide, leads into Muara Sabawang
When the head of the general cargo jetty bears 347.5°, alter (3°30'N., 117°40'E.). Its centerline joins the following
course and steer for it, this leads to Lingkas Roads and the pier. positions:
Caution.—Less water than charted has been reported to ex-
9.87 a. 3°26'10”N, 117°50'00”E.
ist in the approach to the entrance channel leading to Tarakan b. 3°26'10”N, 117°43'00”E.
Roadstead. c. 3°30'00”N, 117°39'20”E.
Vessels are cautioned not to navigate in Tarakan Roadstead

in the area N of the parallel of 3°17'15”S, because of obstruc- 9.89 Sesayap Selatan (3°29'N., 117°20'E.) can be ap-
tions. proached through the channel leading S of Pulau Bunyu and
Care should be taken in navigating the channel between Pu-
9.87 then through the channel leading S of Pulau Bangkudulis-be-
lau Tarakan and the shoals about 1.5 miles to the S because of sar. It then curves around the W side of the latter island and
the set of the currents toward these shoals at LW. unites with the main river. Four small islets are located off the
S side of the same island. A considerable mud bank lines the S
Pulau Bunyu shore of the channel. A number of waterways intersect this
shore. From abreast Tanjung Djuata, the Tarakan shore must be
9.88 About 0.75 mile W of Tanjung Arang (3°28'N., held closely in order to keep clear of the bank extending out
117°52'E.) (World Port Index No. 51770), a submarine pipeline from the E shore of Pulau Bangkudulis-besar.

Bunyu—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Size
Bunyu Island Terminal
Outer Jetty 107m — 79m 2,100 dwt Dry cargo and passengers.
Inner Jetty (N) 40m — 77m 2,257 dwt Ro-ro and passengers.
Inner Jetty (S) 30m — 79m 2,100 dwt Ro-ro and passengers.
PT Garda Tujuh Buana Terminal
Garda Tujuh Buana Jetty 10m — — — Coal. 28m (including dolphins).
PT Adani Global Terminal
Adani Jetty (Ex Lamindo Jetty) 15m — — — Coal.
Bunyu Anchorage STS — — 189m 56,745 dwt Bulk carrier vessels, Breakbulk.
Bunyu Terminal

Pub. 163
Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts 315

Bunyu—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Size
Pertamina North CBM — 15.3m 183m 46,986 dwt Crude oil.
Chemicals. Berth length 273m
Pertamina Platform 34m 14.5m 185m 30,000 dwt
(including dolphins)
Dermaga TPI Terminal
Dermaga TPI Berth 24m — — — —

The Sungai Teladan (3°27'N., 117°20'E.), which is entered

9.89 row, but deep passage between Pulau Tembagan and Pulau Ba-
S of Tanjung Tiram, has a width of about 0.35 mile and depths ru. A bank, with a least depth of 3m, fronts the E end of this
of 6.9 to 9.1m as far as the junction of the Sungai Bu kit passage. The entrance channel is marked by a pair of beacons
Pondak, 4 miles upriver. Coastal vessels sometimes proceed as in range 241°, which stand on the SE end of Pulau Tembagan.
far as this junction. After it joins the Muara Sebawang and the Muara Serban, near

Muara Batagau (Straat Batagau) (3°22'N., 117°31'E.), the S

9.89 the W end of Pulau Baru, Sesayap Utara runs along the N shore,
channel leading into the Sesayap Selatan between Pulau Tara- passing N of Pulau Tipus. Abeam of the N extremity of Pulau
kan and Pulau Payau, is dangerous to navigation due to ob- Bangkudulis-ketcil, the channel crosses over and leads along the
structions N of 3°17'15”N. N shore of that island, between it and Pulau Tigor. The channel
then leads N of Pulau Bahap and over the bar and into the main
9.90 Sesayap Tengah (3°30'N., 117°31'E.) flows between river. Beacons mark the channel of the Sesayap Utara.
Pulau Tibi and Pulau Bangkudulis-besar, and then between the Directions.—Vessels may approach the Muara Sebawang

latter island and Pulau Bangkudulis-kecil to the junction with through the channel leading about 1.5 miles S of the S end of
the main river. From a position about 1.5 miles S of the S end Pulau Bunyu, and then through the approach channels leading
of Pulau Bunyu, vessels should steer 270° until the W side of to the Sesayap Tengah. When the S high point on the E coast of
that island bears 360°. Pulau Tarakan is closed behind the middle point of the coast, a
Vessels should then steer direct for Tanjung Tibi (3°29'N.,
9.90 course of 008° is made good, passing between the bank extend-
117°37'E.), passing S of the dangers lying between Pulau Tibi and ing E from Pulau Tibi and then S of the banks between that is-
Pulau Bunyu. Caution is necessary to avoid a 5.5m patch which land and Pulau Bunyu.
lies close N of the latter track, about 3.5 miles WSW of the S end Vessels then turn into the Muara Sebawang, when open, and

of Pulau Bunyu. This danger is marked by a red buoy. steer a mid-channel course, first keeping over to the Pulau Tibi
With local knowledge, steer to pass between Johanna Reef
9.90 shore and then crossing over to the Pulau Baru shore, when
and Adat Reef to the S, passing N of the extensive bank pro- clear of the bank that extends from the W side of Pulau Batok.
jecting E from Pulau Tarakan. Less water than charted has been reported to exist in Muara Se-
A mid-channel course should be steered when the passage be-
9.90 bawang.
tween Pulau Tibi and Pulau Tarakan is entirely open, making for
the entrance of the Sesayap Tengah when just W of Djuanta Hill When Pulau Tiga is wholly open from Pulau Bangkudulis-

on the NW end of Pulau Tarakan. The W entrance point should be ketcil, cross over to the S shore, passing S of Pulau Tiga and N
steered for, being careful to clear the bank fronting the E side of of Pulau Bahap, and then across the bar leading into the main
Pulau Bangkudulis-besar and the bank fronting the mouth of the river.
Sungai Tibi. A mid-channel course should then be steered until Vessels may approach the Muara Serban by keeping outside

abeam of the islands S of Pulau Bangkudulis-ketcil, at which time the 20m curve until Tanjung Utara, the N point of Pulau Bunyu
the S shore should be favored. is identified.
A 5.5m patch lies close off the SW end of the above island.
9.90 A course of 270° should then be steered with that point

Vessels should cross over and pass between the patch and the ahead. Course should be altered to 278° when Tanjung Arang,
island. Vessels should then pass E and N of Pulau Bahap and the S point of the island, bears 223°.
over the bar, which has a least depth of 2.7m, 1.25 miles W of Depths of 5.5 to 6.7m are found along this range. When

Pulau Bahap. abeam of Tanjung Atara, make good a course of 263°.

When abeam of the E point of Pulau Baru, course should be al-

9.91 Sesayap Utara (3°37'N., 117°24'E.) is divided into tered to 272°, steering for the narrow channel between Pulau Baru
two mouths by the Pulau Baru. Muara Sebawang, the S mouth, and Pulau Tembangan, when it is open. The bar over the entrance
is entered between this island and the banks extending SE, on of this channel has a depth of 3m. The remainder of the channel is
the N, and Pulau Tibi, on the S. Muara Serban flows between clear. The S side of the channel must be held at the W entrance of
Pulau Baru and Pulau Bangkudulis-ketcil, on the S, and Pulau the narrow channel. Vessels then cross over to the N shore of the
Mandul, Pulau Tembagan, and the main coast, on the N. A Sesayap Utara and proceed as previously directed.
large bank, that extends E from the E side of Pulau Mandul,
forms the N side of the outer part of Muara Serban. 9.92 The Sungai Sesayap (3°36'N., 117°14'E.) is formed
Muara Serban unites with the Sesayap Utara through the nar-
9.91 by several streams rising in the mountains of central Borneo.

Pub. 163
316 Sector 9. Borneo—South and East Coasts

Several large villages stand along the banks of this river which which flows out N of Pulau Mandul, is fronted by a shallow,
is fairly wide, deep, and mostly clear. Just above its junction unmarked bank and is suitable only for small craft with local
with the delta channels, Pulau Belanak (3°37'N., 117°11'E.) knowledge. The S branch flows into the Muara Serban via the
lies along the right bank with a drying bank to the N. Farther connecting channels of Trusan Gelagan and Muara Ledung.
upriver there are numerous islands, islets, and banks. The depths in the Sungai Sembakung as far as Tagol, a vil-

Depths of 5.5 to 16.5m are found in the river as far as Sesay-

9.92 lage 56 miles above the mouth of the river, vary between 2.4 to
ap. 3m.
The Sungai Sembakung (3°44'N., 117°48'E.), just N of
9.92 Tanjung Ahus (3°48'N., 117°50'E.) is low, flat, and covered

Muara Serban, reaches the sea by two branches. The N branch, with short trees.

Pub. 163
Sector 10—Borneo—Northeast Coast

Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).


Pub. 163


Plan.—This sector describes the NE coast of Borneo from

10.0 For a detailed description of local currents which may be en-

Tanjung Ahus to Sandakan Harbor, and then NW to Tanjong countered, refer to the principal description of that part of the
Sempang Mangayau and includes Pulau Banggi. The geo- coast which they affect.
graphical sequence is NE and NW.
10.2 Sibuko Bay (4°00'N., 118°20'E.) comprises part of
General Remarks the E coast of Borneo between the E extremity of Pulau Man-
dul (3°42'N., 117°49'E.) and the E extremity of Pulau Bum
10.1 Between Tanjung Ahus (3°48'N., 117°50'E.) and Pu- Bum, about 71 miles NE. The bay covers a vast area and there
lau Bum Bum (4°28'N., 118°41'E.), about 65 miles NE and are many channels leading through its reef obstructed waters.
then 58 miles farther NE to Dent Haven (5°16'N., 119°16'E.), Numerous rivers discharge into this bay, but most of them are
the coast is indented by Teluk Sibuko (4°00'N., 118°20'E.) and fronted by mud banks and flats and are available only to small
Darvel Bay (4°45'N., 118°35'E.), both containing some small craft.
ports of importance to shipping. The mountain ranges on the N side of Sibuko Bay center in

The land bordering both bays is high, rugged, and fronted by

10.1 Mount Magdalena (4°30'N., 117°55'E.), 1,347m high and
numerous islands, rocks, and other dangers. Near Dent Haven, densely wooded. It appears as a sharp peak from all directions.
the land on the NE side of Darvel Bay becomes low and dense- A high range of peaks, forming a backbone, extends in a

ly wooded. Some hills of moderate height rise close W of Dent general SSE direction for 15 miles from Mount Magdalena,
Haven. terminating in Chinaga Timor, 424m high, 1.75 miles NNW of
The coast between Dent Haven and Sandakan Harbor
10.1 Batu Tinagat (4°13'N., 117°59'E.).
(5°49'N., 118°08'E.), about 75 miles to the NW, continues very Several very conspicuous peaks stand on this range, includ-

low and is covered with dense jungle and high trees. A few ing Mount Lucia, 1,241m high; Maria Peak, 1,122m high;
scattered hills of moderate height rise inland. Mount Andrassy, 671m high; and Mount Putri, 311m high,
Sandakan (5°49'N., 118°08'E.), the chief port on the NE
10.1 which stands on a spur of this range about 1 mile S of Cinaga
coast of Borneo, stands on the N shore and is available to Timor and close to the coast.
ocean-going vessels. Extensive trade is carried out with other A secondary range of lower elevations branches off from

ports throughout the Far East. For further information, see Mount Lucia and extends to the E, eventually terminating in
paragraph 10.61. Mount Wullerstorf, 13.5 miles ESE of Mount Magdalena. To
The coast between Sandakan and Tanjong Naruntong
10.1 the W, it forms a high ridge which curves to the S and termi-
(7°01'N., 117°09'E.), about 93 miles NW, is indented by sever- nates in Mount Kukusan, about 1.75 miles N of Tawau. Three
al large bays and fronted by numerous above and below-water other conspicuous elevations are found on this ridge.
dangers that extend up to 21 miles and more offshore in places. The first of these elevations, which stands 3.5 miles SW of

Inland, some of the high peaks are conspicuous and serve as Mount Lucia, consists of a high saddle with two conspicuous
useful navigational landmarks. There are no ports of commer- peaks, 814m and 805m high. Table Mountain, 604m high,
cial importance for ocean-going vessels along this section of stands about midway between Mount Magdalena and Mount
coast. Kukusan and is perfectly flat-topped. A spur extends in a NW
Winds—Weather.—For a description of the general weath-
10.1 direction from Table Mountain for about 3.75 miles terminat-
er conditions which may be encountered in the area described ing in Tiger Hill, a prominent peak about 472m high. Mount
in this sector, refer to the weather in paragraph 9.1. Gemok, a large flat-topped peak about 428m high, stands 2
Tides—Currents.—As a general rule, the currents encoun-
10.1 miles N of Mount Kukusan.
tered off the NE coast of Borneo are affected by the flow of Lesser spurs also branch away from Mount Magdalena in a

water in the Celebes Sea which is initially directed towards NW and NE direction.
Makassar Strait.
This flow divides as it approaches the strait. One branch con-
10.1 10.3 Mount Wullerstorf (4°27'N., 118°09'E.), 762m high
tinues into the strait, where it is joined on its W flank by a cur- with a conical summit, is one of the most conspicuous peaks on
rent which sets S along the N part of the E and NE coasts of the N side of Sibuko Bay. It slopes steeply on its E side to the
Borneo; the other branch recurves to set E along the N coast of plains below, but a range of mountains from 645 to 512m high,
Sulawesi. The S current is replaced in April by a N current, stretches NNW from it. The latter elevations stand 5.25 miles
which is a recurved branch from the main SW current of the from Mount Wullerstorf and rise to a conspicuous, sharp cone.
Celebes Sea. A densely wooded valley, 7 miles wide, lies between this range
The constancy of the SW and E current is high, but that of
10.1 and the low spurs of the mountains to the E. The Sungai
the S current or N current off the E and NE coasts of Borneo is Kalumpang rises in this valley.
only moderate or even low. The principal landmarks on the N side of Sibuko Bay are

The mean rates of the SW and E currents lie in the range of 1

10.1 easily identified. The summits of the highest peaks, such as
to 1.5 knots, while that of the other currents is less than 1 knot. Mount Magdalena, Mount Lucia, and Maria Peak, are often

Pub. 163
320 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

obscured by clouds, but those of lower elevations are usually range of the terminal to receive berthing or anchoring instruc-
visible. tions.
Quoin Hill (4°25'N., 118°01'E.), 600m high, stands 4.25
10.3 Vessels berthing alongside the storage tanker will then shift

miles ESE of Maria Peak, and shows up conspicuously on the to walkie-talkies to communicate with the mooring master.
plain E of the main ridge running S from Mount Magdalena. The Sungai Sebuku (4°04'N., 117°29'E.), which is entered

A range of hills, which reach a highest elevation of 424m,

10.3 about 26 miles NW of Tanjung Ahus, leads to the village of Se-
stands close N of Batu Tinagat. The N slope of these hills are buku, about 46 miles above its entrance. Small craft with local
steep and appears isolated from the E. Gunong Batu Chinaga, knowledge can reach this village.
the northernmost and highest of this range, stands about 2 The approach to the Sungai Sebuku from the SE lies between

miles NNW of Batu Tinagat. Mount Andrassy, a rounded sum- Pulau Nunukan Timur on the N and Pulau Ahus, Pulau Bukat,
mit on the main range mentioned above, is the first prominent and Pulau Itai on the S.
peak N of these hills.
Mount Putri, 311m high, is a spur of the Batu Tinagat range
10.3 10.6 Pulau Nunukan Timur (4°03'N., 117°41'E.) is 266m
and stands close to the coast, about 1 mile NW of this point. high near its SE side and densely wooded. A dangerous wreck
Mount Kukusan, 223m high, stands 1.75 miles N of Tawau
10.3 lies about 6.25 miles WNW of Karang Banda. Close W of the
and is a very conspicuous, pyramidal-shaped hill which is easi- N extremity of the island is a rock above-water. Two rocks
ly identified. awash lie about 1.25 miles SW of this rock and a sunken rock
lies about 0.5 mile farther SW.
Pulau Ahus to Batu Tinagat Nunukan (4°05'N., 117°37'E.) is an anchorage port special-

izing in the export of cut lumber and logs. It also handles gen-
10.4 Pulau Ahus (3°50'N., 117°48'E.) is low and heavily eral imports and has a regular passenger service.
wooded. Tanjung Ahus, the SE point of the island, has been Tides—Currents.—The flood current sets SW at the an-

previously described in paragraph 9.92. chorage; the ebb current sets NE.
The coast between Pulau Ahus and Batu Tinagat, about 27
10.4 Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 30,000 dwt, with a

miles NNE, is indented by several rivers in its SW part and by maximum loa of 100m loa and a maximum draft (LW) of
Cowie Harbor in its NW part. Several large islands lie in the 12.0m, can be accommodated. A T-head pier is 60m in length
approaches to these rivers and Cowie Harbor. Vessels frequent with a depth alongside of 6.0m. Two wharfs, both 100m in
this harbor to load lumber. Tawau stands on the N side of the length, have depths alongside of 7.0 to 15.0m and can accom-
entrance of this harbor. modate vessels up to 30,000 dwt and a maximum draft of
Banda Reef (3°50'N., 118°01'E.), a coral formation with a
10.4 12.0m.
least depth of 1.2m, does not show discoloration and lies 11 Aspect.—Some buildings stand in the vicinity. of the piers

miles SE of Tanjung Ahus; it is marked close SE by a lighted Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 250 dwt.

beacon. A sunken rock, with a least depth of 4.9m, lies about A pilot can be obtained for Pulau Nunukan Timur from the har-
21 miles ENE of the same point. The existence of this rock is bormaster at Tarakan, provided 24 hours advance notice is giv-
doubtful. en. The pilot boards at the outer buoy moored at the E end of
A depth of 22m was reported to lie 15.5 miles ESE of Tan-
10.4 the swept channel leading to Lingkas Road (Tarakan) (see
jung Ahus. Less water than charted was reported to exist in this paragraph 9.87).
area between the 36.6m and 54.9m curves. A dangerous wreck Anchorage.—Good anchorages lie in the channel between

lies about 6.25 miles WNW of Karang Banda. Pulau Nunukan Timur and Pulau Sebatik, with a depth of 10 to
16m, mud. A Quarantine anchorage has been established in the
10.5 Sibuko Bay Marine Tanker Terminal (3°51.0'N., channel as best seen on the chart.
118°06.5'E.), which consists of an anchored storage tanker Directions.—The channel leading to the entrance of the

used to load oil on visiting tankers, lies about 5.75 miles ENE Sungai Sebuku leads in a NW direction from its entrance be-
of Karang Banda. tween the N side of the tongue of water fronting the N and NE
The area within a 0.65-mile radius of this position is a re-
10.5 sides of Pulau Ahus, and the S side of the shoal spit which ex-
stricted area and the anchoring of vessels other than the storage tends 13 miles E from the S point of Pulau Nunukan Timur.
tanker is strictly prohibited. This area must not be entered The entrance is about 4.5 miles wide between the fringing dan-
without a mooring master on board. gers and has a least depth of 6.7m. Between the S end of Pulau
Pilotage is compulsory; the pilot boards in the vicinity of po-
10.5 Nunukan Timur and Pulau Bukat to the S, the channel is 2.5
sition 3°55.2'N, 188°05.8'E. Mariners must not enter the re- miles wide and has a least depth of 10m. Between Pulau Nu-
stricted area centered on the storage tanker without a pilot on nukan Timur and Pulau Itai, the channel is 2 miles wide and
board. has a least depth of 5.5m. Elsewhere the depths range from 7.3
Vessels required to anchor must do so in an area 3 miles long
10.5 to 13m.
and 2 miles wide, in depths of 36 to 55m, which lies centered
about 4.5 miles N of the storage tanker. 10.7 The mouth of the Sungai Sebuku is fronted by Pulau
Inbound vessels are required to give Sibuko Bay Marine Ter-
10.5 Senelak, a narrow island with three hills which can be seen
minal 72 hours advance notice of their ETA at the terminal. over the surrounding low islands; the N hill is 60m high and
Additional notice should be given 24 hours and 12 hours prior the S hill 105m high. Banks, which dry at LW, extend 0.25 mile
to arrival. SW and W from the island.
Vessels are advised to use VHF channel 16 when within
10.5 Sikapal and Pelanduk are steep-to wooded rocks lying 0.75

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 321

mile NE and close S, respectively, of Tanjung Tidung Salang the mouth of the Sungai Serudong is intricate and has a least
(4°05'N., 117°28'E.), the NW entrance point of the river. Tem- depth of 2.1m N of the N end of Pulau Nunukan Timur. The
balan, a similar rock, lies close S of Pulau Sinelak. channel between Pulau Sebatik and Pulau Sedam, a small tri-
The channel lying to the SE of the island appears to be deep,
10.7 angular islet close off the NW extremity of Pulau Sebatik, is
while that to the NW has a least depth of 6.4m. only 0.15 mile wide but has a least depth of 7.6m.
A tidal bore which occurs from about 3 days before to 3 days
10.7 A channel 2 miles wide, with a least depth of 3m at its S end,

after spring tides, takes place above the village of Pangeran lies between the NW side of Pulau Nunukan Timur and Pulau
Anam, 32 miles upstream. The advance of the wave, which is Tinabasan, a small island on the NE side of the common en-
about 0.9m high, is rapid and generally does considerable dam- trance of the Sungai Sibakis and the Sungai Sebuku. This small
age to small craft. The flood and the ebb run at a rate of 3.5 island is separated from the main coast by Trusan Tinabassan,
knots at springs. a narrow channel 0.35 mile with a depth of 1.5m at its N and S
Sebuku Village stands about 46 miles from the entrance and
10.7 ends. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.
is accessible to small craft with local knowledge.
The Sungai Itai and the Sungai Ahus join one another between
10.7 10.9 The Sungai Serudong, a narrow winding river, sepa-
the NW end of Pulau Ahus and the SE side of Pulau Bukat. rates the S side of Pulau Simandalan from the mainland to the
The Sungai Itai flows W and NW and connects with the Sun-
10.7 SW, and is connected to the Sungai Simandalan to the N by
gai Sebuku about 3.25 miles above Pulau Sinelak. A shallow Trusan Merlin, a narrow, twisting passage which passes W of
bar, clear of rocks, lies at the junction of the Sunga iItai and the the island. The river is entered between Doris Point, the S ex-
Sungai Ahus. The land bordering these rivers is swampy and tremity of Pulau Simandalan and Monk Point, 0.75 mile to the
wooded. SW. It extends in a general NW direction for about 4 miles as
The Sungai Simangaris and the Sungai Sebakis discharge
10.7 far as the entrance of the Trusan Merlin, and then curves to the
through a common mouth, about 4 miles WNW of Tanjung Ti- SW for almost 2 miles. Here it resumes its NW direction for
dung Salang. Neither river is of any importance. about 1 mile to Merlin Point, which lies on the S shore of the
The Sungai Serudong (4°13'N., 117°36'E.), a narrow wind-
10.7 river. The river at this point is less than 0.15 mile wide and ves-
ing river used by small craft with local knowledge, is ap- sels of any size should not proceed upstream any further than
proached from the SE between the SW side of Pulau Sebatik this point.
and the NE side of Pulau Nunukan Timur. A channel about 1 to The navigation of the river presents no difficulty as far as

2 miles wide, with a least depth reported to be 3.6m, separates Merlin Point, and the currents seldom exceed a rate of 1 knot.
the two islands. There is a least depth of 6.7m on Entry Flat which fronts the
entrance of the river between Doris and Monk Points. A least
10.8 Makasser Banks (3°59'N., 117°57'E.), lying 4.25 to depth of 8.2m is found on Watson Ridge which crosses the riv-
5.25 miles SSE of Stone Point (Steenenhoek), the SE extremity er about 1 mile below Merlin Point. The mangrove-covered
of Pulau Sebatik, are the main dangers on the N side of the SE banks are generally steep-to.
approach to the Sungai Serudong. Directions.—When entering the Sungai Serudong, Doris

The W end of this bank lies 4.25 miles S of Stone Point and
10.8 Point should be passed about 0.2 mile to the S in order to avoid
consists of an elongated shoal with two parts awash. Duke Bank, a shoal with depths of less than 0.5m, which ex-
Shoal depths of less than 11m extend 3.25 miles E from the
10.8 tends about 0.3 mile ENE from Monk Point. The tangent of the
E extremity of these shoals. The easternmost part of this shoal land on the NE side of Harvey Reach, almost 2 miles WNW of
lies 9.25 miles SE of Stone Point. Doris Point, in range, bearing 301° with Junction Point 3.5
Padang Bank (4°02'N., 117°56'E.), a shoal with a depth of
10.8 miles NW of Monk Point, leads close NE of Duke Bank as de-
0.9m and on which the sea breaks, lies 2 miles SSE of Stone fined by the 5.5m curve.
Point. When Doris Point comes in range, bearing 054° with Tan-

The channel between Makassar Banks and Padang Bank has

10.8 jong Agas (4°15'N., 117°39'E.), Duke Point will have been
depths of 9.1 to 12.8m. The W part has not been examined and safely passed. Course should now be altered a little to the W
it would be imprudent to pass through it. and a mid-channel course maintained as the vessel proceeds up
Unarang Rock (4°00'N., 118°04'E.), which dries 0.3m and
10.8 river. Moderate size vessels should not proceed beyond Junc-
is steep-to, lies 10 miles ESE of Stone Point. tion Point, about 3.5 miles NW of Monk Point, where swinging
A detached 4.6m patch lies 1.5 miles SSE of a red cliff on
10.8 room will be found if anchored, in a depth of 16.5m, about 0.35
the S extremity of Pulau Sebatik. mile E of that point.
A shoal spit, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends 13 miles
10.8 A vessel has anchored in mid-channel about 0.2 mile NW of

E from the S point of Pulau Nunukan Timur, and 10.75 miles Merlin Point, where sufficient swinging room was found.
SE from the E point of the island. This spit constitutes the main
danger on the S side of the approach to the Sungai Serudong. 10.10 Trusan Merlin (4°16'N., 117°33'E.), a narrow, tortu-
The entrance to the main channel, which has a least depth of
10.8 ous passage about 4 miles long, lies to the W of Pulau Siman-
11m, lies between Makassar Banks and the shoal spit extend- dalan and joins the Sungai Simandalan with the Sungai
ing E from the S point of Pulau Nunukan Timur. This channel Serudong. This passage has a least depth of 9.6m in the fairway
extends 18.5 miles NW from its entrance to a point abreast the near its S end. Tidal currents do not exceed 1 knot.
N point of Pulau Nunukan Timur. A least depth of 7.9m exists Clarke Creek (4°19'N., 117°32'E.), of no commercial im-

in the fairway. portance, discharges into the Trusan Merlin and the Sungai Si-
The channel between the S end of Pulau Nunukan Timur and
10.8 mandalan close SW of Caution Point. Only launches can be

Pub. 163
322 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

accommodated because of its extreme narrowness. through the entrance of the Sungai Simandalan. Coal Mine
Directions.—Vessels entering the Trusan Merlin from the Sun-
10.10 Reach Channel is about 0.62 mile wide between this bank and
gai Simandalan should pass Caution Point close offshore so as to the NW shore of Pulau Sebatik.
avoid the flats extending from the opposite shore. The sharp turn The shoals which border Grassy Point, Adolphy Point, and

at the point makes a rapid course change necessary. Vessels should Agas Point vary considerably during the year because of the
then maintain a mid-channel course and after passing the narrow- silt brought down by the heavy rains.
est part of the Trusan Merlin at Herald Point, about 2.25 miles be-
low Caution Point, care should be taken not to mistake the 10.12 Drake Bank (4°13'N., 117°36'E.), a hard, clay shoal
entrance of Deceive Creek for the main channel. with a least depth of 6m, lies mid-channel near the SW end of
The Sungai Simandalan (4°16'N., 117°39'E.), a narrow riv-
10.10 Coal Mine Reach. Depths of over 10m lie W of this bank.
er, extends about 7 miles in a general WNW direction to Cau- An abandoned coal depot and disused pier are situated on the

tion Point at the NW end of Pulau Simandalan. SE side of Coal Mine Reach, 3 miles SW of Grassy Point.
This river, which separates the N side of Pulau Simandalan
10.10 A beacon, 0.45 mile E of Adolphy Point, lies in range, bear-

from the mainland, is connected to the Sungai Serudong by a ing 264° with the light shown on Adolphy Point.
narrow passage known as the Trusan Merlin. Tides—Currents.—In Coal Mine Reach, the ebb starts 1

The shores of the river are bordered by mangroves and are

10.10 hour after HW by the shore and attains a maximum rate of 2.5
generally steep-to. No difficulty will be experienced in pro- knots at springs. The flood begins about 1 hour 15 minutes af-
ceeding as far as Rendezvous Point, on the N shore about 6.25 ter LW by the shore and attains a maximum rate of 2.75 knots
miles above the entrance. The least depth in this reach is 6.7m, at springs. Both the ebb and the flood set at a rate of 3.5 knots
on the S side of Reyne Reach, 0.75 mile WNW of Griffin off Grassy Point and over Drake Bank at times.
Point. The tidal currents do not exceed a rate of 1 knot. Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken about 0.2 mile N of

Directions.—To enter the river, steer 290° for the extremity

10.10 the pier and about 0.2 mile offshore, in a depth of 12.8m.
of the land on the S bank, about 0.5 mile W of Griffith Point. Smaller vessels can anchor closer in.
This course leads about midway between the dangers off Vessels loading timber in Wallace Bay usually anchor oppo-

Llewellyn Bank, to the SE of Griffith Point, and those close off site the timber ponds, in depths of 14.6 to 16.5m, 0.15 mile off-
Adolphy Point. After passing Adolphy Point, alter course to shore. The anchorage is sometimes subject to severe squalls
the N as Griffith Point is approached, in order to maintain a blowing down Coal Mine Reach.
mid-channel course which should be carried through the river. Directions.—Vessels approaching from the E should pass

A vessel of moderate size will find just enough room to swing about 1.5 miles off the N shore of Pulau Sebatik. When the
if anchored, in a depth of 18m, in the middle of Long Reach, lighted beacons in the vicinity of Adolphy Point come in range,
where the river banks are about 0.15 mile apart. bearing 264°, course should be altered to that bearing until the
Care should be taken when rounding Adolphy Point, because
10.10 conspicuous sawmill or its light at Wallace Bay bears 214°.
the ebb at springs sets rapidly around it. Then steer WSW to bring the Coal Mine Reach Light to bear
Coal Mine Reach (4°15'N., 117°39'E.) lies with its N en-
10.10 222°, and then steer that bearing until the anchorage.
trance between Grassy Point and Adolphy Point, about 1 mile to
the NW, and extends SW between the NW side of Pulau Sebatik 10.13 Pulau Sebatik (4°10'N., 117°47'E.), a large island
and the E side of Pulau Simandalan. The reach has a least width which lies on the S side of the channel leading to Tawau and
of 0.5 mile at its N entrance, but narrows to a width of about 0.2 Cowie Harbor, is about 20 miles in length and has a maximum
mile at its SW end. Lights are shown from Adolphy Point and in width of 8 miles.
Coal Mine Reach, 1.5 miles SW of Agas Point. The channel separating this island from the mainland to the

N is 3.5 to 5 miles wide; whereas, the channel to the W is only

10.11 Wallace Bay (4°15'N., 117°39'E.), a timber-loading 0.5 mile wide.
center, is a shallow indentation located on the NW side of Pu- A range of densely-wooded hills traverses the island

lau Sebatik, about 1 mile SW of Grassy Point. A wooden, T- throughout its length. Mount Antoinette, the summit of this
head jetty, with a depth of 6.1m alongside, extends from the range, rises to a height of 472m near the center of the island.
shore in the vicinity of the powerhouse chimney. Lighters are Cornelis Peak, 168m high, stands near the E end of the island
available to work cargo. and serves as a good landmark for vessels approaching Tawau
Pilot Bank, a shoal with depths of less than 5.5m at its outer
10.11 and Cowie Harbor from the E and S.
end, extends about 4.5 miles ENE from Adolphy Point. Shoal The boundary line between the Malaysian and Indonesian

water, as defined by the 11m curve, extends about 1.25 miles territories passes through the middle of the island on the paral-
farther E. Both this bank and the bank extending from Grassy lel of 4°10'N. Boundary beacons mark the E and W coasts of
Point are steep-to. Soundings give little warning, especially be- the island where the line cuts the coasts.
tween Grassy Point and Adolphy Point, where the navigable Pulau Sebatik East Light (4°09.9'N., 117°53.92'E), on the

channel is about 0.5 mile wide. NE side of the island, is shown from a 40m high white tower.
Llewellyn Bank (4°16'N., 117°39'E.), an extensive mud flat
10.11 The E side of Pulau Sebatik, between Stone Point (4°04'N.,

which dries in places, extends from the E end of Pulau Siman- 117°55'E.) and East Point, about 3.75 miles to the N, is bor-
dalan between Griffith Point and Tanjong Agas. The bank ex- dered by a sandy beach backed by conspicuous red cliffs. The
tends 1 mile NE from Tanjong Agas and the same distance country inland is low and densely wooded.
ESE from Griffith Point, leaving a channel between its N edge A reef of sand and coral, which dries 0.3m, lies 1.75 miles

and Adolphy Point about 0.15 mile wide. This channel leads SE of Stone Point. Padang Bank, Makassar Banks, and Una-

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 323

rang Rock, which lie SE and ESE of Stone Point, have been The beacon which marks it is difficult to make out when

previously described in paragraph 10.8. bearing between N and W because of the dark coastal back-
Dutch Spit (4°04'N., 118°01'E.) is the E extremity of a shoal
10.13 ground. The beacon is equipped with a radar reflector.
which extends about 5.75 miles E from Stone Point and the The beacon was reported destroyed and replaced by a lighted

coast to the N of it. A detached shoal, with depths of less than buoy. This rock marks the turning point between the SW ap-
5.5m, lies at the E end of Dutch Spit. Another detached shoal, proach to Friedrich Haven and the channel leading to Tawau
with a depth of 4.9m, lies 1.5 miles NNW of the extremity of and Cowie Harbor.
the spit. Batu Tinagat (4°13'N., 117°59'E.), a small mushroom-

East Point (4°08'N., 117°55'E.) is backed by high casuarina

10.13 shaped rock, 4.6m high, stands close to the coast off a point
trees and fronted by a drying sand and mud flat which extends formed by a spur of the Batu Tinagat Hills.
1.5 miles E from the point. A drying sand bank lies about 1.75 Swirl Patch (4°12'N., 117°57'E.), with a depth of 3.6m, lies

miles N of East Point and is steep-on its outer edge. 2 miles WSW of Batu Tinagat, and almost 0.5 mile outside the
Tanjong Saima (4°11'N., 117°53'E.), low and bordered by
10.13 10m curve fronting the shore. It is easily made out because of
mangroves, lies about 4.25 miles NW of East Point and is not the swirls and eddies.
easily identified. A detached sand bank lies about 0.5 mile N of Between the point 1 mile W of Batu Tinagat and the entrance

the point and dries 1.2m. A 6.1m patch lies close W of the sand of the Sungai Tawau 4.75 miles to the W, the coast is bordered
bank. by a shallow bay which is fringed by mud flats which extend
A shoal bank, as defined by the 11m curve, extends irregu-
10.13 from 0.25 to 0.75 mile offshore.
larly SE from Tanjong Saima to a position about 2.5 miles N of The coast between the entrance of the Sungai Tawau and the

Unarang Rock, and then in a general WSW direction to a posi- port of Tawau, about 1.25 miles to the W, is bordered by plan-
tion about 4 miles SW of Stone Point. tations and fronted by a drying bank of mud and sand which
Caution.—Vessels approaching Tawau or Cowie Harbor
10.13 extends from 0.1 to 0.4 mile offshore.
from the S should be careful in passing Unarang Rock and the
E end of the 11m curve off Dutch Spit, especially when the tide 10.15 Tawau (4°15'N., 117°53'E.) (World Port Index No.
is flooding. 51586) an export center of some importance, extends along the
The tidal currents off the E end of Palau Sebatik set NW at
10.13 shore from Tawau Point for about 1 mile on the N side of the
1.25 knots and SE at 1.5 knots. entrance of Cowie Harbor. Tawau is a first port of entry.
A shoal patch with a depth of 0.9m lies 2 miles WSW of Ba-

tu Tinagat.
The coast between Tanjong Saima and Prescott Point, about
Tawau, Sabah Authority Home Page
7 miles to the WNW, is bordered by a slight indentation with http://www.suriagroupcom.my/spsb/ports/tawau-
shallow depths. port
The coast then extends 6.5 miles W to Grassy Point, the NW

tip of the island.

Tides—Currents.—The spring range of the tide off Tawau

10.14 Grassy Point (4°16'N., 117°40'E.), the NW extremity government pier is about 2.1m. At springs, the flood may attain
of Pulau Sebatik located 13.5 miles WNW of Tanjung Saima, a maximum rate of 1.75 knots about 45 minutes after LW. The
is fairly conspicuous being the only solid ground on the N ebb starts 30 minutes after HW, with a maximum rate of 2.75
coast of Pulau Sebatik, and appears as a grassy opening of flat knots. The direction and speed of tidal currents may be affected
land bordered by low clay cliffs. by freshets.
A shoal, with shallow depths, lies off this point and then ex-
10.14 The average direction of the flood is 308°, which is 9° differ-

tends about 1 mile to the E as a narrow spit. ent from the 119° to 229° alignment of the government pier. A
A channel, with a least depth of 10.3m, passes to the N of
vessel stemming the flood and berthing 1 hour 30 minutes after
this spit and connects Cowie Harbor with Coal Mine Reach to LWS will be likely to find a component of the current equal to
the South. almost 0.5 knot setting on to the pier.
The channel leading to Tawau and Cowie Harbor to the W is
The average direction of the ebb is 131°, which is 12° differ-

entered between Unarang Rock and Hand Rock, about 9.75 ent from the pier alignment. A vessel stemming the ebb and
miles to the NE. berthing 2 hours after HW will be likely to find a component of
The NE side of the channel is bordered by an area of shoal
the current equal to more than 0.5 knot setting off the pier,
ground which extends about 8.5 miles SE from Batu Tinagat. though eddies may occur in this area. Maximum current condi-
The SW side of the channel is bordered by a similar shoal
tions, such as those described in the above examples, are com-
that extends 9.25 miles E and 5.75 miles NE from Stone Point. paratively rare. A neap range as little as 0.9m may occur; at
The channel has a least width of about 5 miles at its outer end which time the current may be barely appreciable. With a neap
and narrows to a width of about 2.75 miles between Tawau and range of 1.5m, a maximum flood rate of 1 knot and an ebb rate
Tanjong Saima, the NE extremity of Pulau Sebatik. of 1.25 knots may be expected.
The channel has a least depth of 11.9m and is generally free
South of English Spit, the flood sets WNW at a rate of 0.5

from dangers, except for a 11m patch lying 7.75 miles WNW knot and the ebb sets ESE at a rate of 0.75 knot.
of Hand Rock. Depths—Limitations.—With the exception of the dangers

Hand Rock (4°08'N., 118°10'E.), just awash, consists of

mentioned below, depths in the approach to Tawau range from
rock on a small coral bank about 0.1 mile long and 91m wide. 36.6m in the channel, to depths of less than 18.3m in the ap-

Pub. 163
324 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

Wicks Rock (4°15'N., 117°52'E.), awash and marked by a


light, lies about 0.7 mile NW of Tawau Point. A 9.7m shoal lies
0.45 mile SSE of Wicks Rock. There have been reports that
material from the reclamation works at the oil jetty off Tanjung
Batu was being dumped in an area about 3.5 miles SW of
Wicks Rock.
Two general cargo wharfs project approximately 100m SW

from the shore at Tanjong Tawau.

The NW wharf, also called the Main Wharf, has two access

piers and is 460m in length. Depths range from 5 to 10m along-

side. Vessels up to 16,000 dwt can be accepted
The SE wharf, also known as the Old Wharf, is 200m in

length and has a single access pier. The depth alongside is re-
ported to be 7.5m. Mooring dolphins stand off each end of the
SE wharf. Vessels up to 10,000 dwt can be accepted
A jetty extends 0.15 mile W from the Malaysian Naval Base,

about 0.65 mile NNW of Tawau Point in the immediate vicini-

Courtesy of Google ty of Wicks Rock.
Tawau Port SPA Jetty, used for handling bulk palm oil, is situated about

1.65 miles NW of Tawau Point and extends to a length of 975m

proach to the principal berthing facility. in a SW direction from the shore. The face of the jetty is 75m
Moysey Shoals (4°14'N., 117°54'E.), with a least swept
10.15 long with a breasting dolphin off each end. A controlling depth
depth of 2.7m, lies about 0.75 mile SSW of the S entrance of 9.75m was reported alongside, and vessels up to 20,000 dwt
point of the Sungai Tawau and about 0.25 mile off the 11m can be accepted.
curve fronting the shore. There is a area of land, reclaimed for industrial use, which

Harbor Shoals (4°14'N., 117°53'E.) consists of several

10.15 extends 0.3 to 0.8 mile E from Tanjong Tawau. Further land
patches with depths of 6.7 to 10.1m which lie about 0.75 mile has been reclaimed close W of Kuala Tawau.
NW of Moysey Shoals.

Tawau—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Nunukan Ferry Terminal
E Jetty 20m — — — — Fast ferry.
West Pier 20m — — — — Fast ferry.
Tawau Ferry Terminal
Inner Jetty A 30m — — — — Fast ferry.
Inner Jetty B 30m — — — — Fast ferry.
Inner Jetty C 30m — — — — Fast ferry.
Inner Jetty D 30m — — — — Fast ferry.
Outer Jetty A 30m — — — — Fast ferry.
Outer Jetty B 30m — — — — Fast ferry.
Outer Jetty C 30m — — — — Fast ferry.
Outer Jetty D 30m — — — — Fast ferry.
Tawau Terminal
Berth 01 100m 6.0m — — 10,000 dwt Breakbulk. Berthing length of 265m (in-
cluding dolphins). Continuous berthing
Berth 02 100m 6.0m — — 10,000 dwt length of 200m.
Berth 03 100m 9.0m — — 16,000 dwt
Containers, breakbulk, and reefer. Con-
Berth 04 100m 9.0m — — 16,000 dwt
tinuous berthing length of 302m.
Berth 05 102m 9.0m — — 16,000 dwt

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 325

Tawau—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Berth 06 75m 5.4m — — 16,000 dwt Containers, reefer, and breakbulk. Con-
Berth 07 75m 5.4m — — 16,000 dwt tinuous berthing length of 150m.
Tanjung Batu Oil Terminal
Clean products, LPG, vegetable oils, and
Tanjung Batu Oil Jetty 20m 9.7m 200m 9.0m 30,000 dwt. bunkers. Berthing length of 320m (in-
cluding dolphins).

Aspect.—Vessels approaching from the E or SE and bound

10.15 and 2200, provided advance notice of arrival is given.
for Tawau or Cowie Harbor, should have no trouble identifying Anchorage.—The immediate approaches to Tawau and

Cornelis Peak and Mount Antoinette on Pulau Sebatik. Both of Cowie Harbor offer spacious anchorage areas for large deep-
these peaks are good landmarks. On the N side of the approach, draft vessels. There are depths of 12.8m and greater in the ap-
Mount Putri, 311m high about 1 mile WNW of Batu Tinagat, proaches and depths of 7.3 to 33m in Cowie Harbor.
and Mount Kukusan, 222m high about 2 miles NNW of Tawau, The positions of the quarantine anchorage (2 miles SE of

are useful marks. Tawau), the explosives anchorage (2 miles SW of Tawau), and
Upon closer approach, the buildings in the town and the nu-
10.15 the petroleum anchorage (1.5 miles NW of Tawau) may best be
merous plantations will be made out. seen on the chart.
Kuala Tawau enters the sea about 4.75 miles W of Batu Ti-
10.15 Anchorage is prohibited within 0.3 mile of the NW and SE

naget. A number of high buildings stand within the port area on wharfs.
the reclaimed land W of Kuala Tawau. A conspicuous building Directions.—Vessels approaching Tawau or Cowie Harbor

stands 0.8 mile W of Kuala Tawau. from the SE should give Unarang Rock and the outer tip of the
A conspicuous domed building stands 0.75 mile NNW of
10.15 shoal area, about 2.5 miles N, a wide berth when passing.
Harbor Shoals. When Mount Kukusan, bearing 297°, is well clear SW of
Conspicuous radio towers are situated 2.5 miles ESE and 1.5
10.15 Mount Putri, steer 287°. To avoid Swirl Patch care should be
miles NW of Mount Kukusan, and 4.5 miles WNW of the light taken to bring Mount Kukusan to bear more than 312° by the
on Batu Tinagat. time Mount Putri is abeam.
A shoal with a depth of 10.3m was reported 2 miles S of the
10.15 The danger will be passed when Saddle Hill (4°18'N.,

Government Wharf at Tawau. 118°11'E.) is lost behind Batu Tinagat.

Pilotage.—A pilot is available to assist in berthing vessels
10.15 When Mount Kukasan bears 357° W of Tawau Point, course

between 0600 and 1800; 48 hours notice should be given. should then be altered to this bearing, which leads to the an-
Contact Information.—See the table titled Tawau—Con-
10.15 chorage and clear of Moysey Shoals and Harbor Shoals.
tact Information.
10.16 Cowie Harbor (4°17'N., 117°46'E.), a broad expanse
Tawau—Contact Information of water, lies W of an imaginary line extending between Tawau
and Tanjong Saima. Mangroves line the shores of the numer-
Port Authority ous creeks and rivers which intersect the shallow delta at its
Call sign Marine Control head, with Kalabakang being the principal river.
The harbor has been surveyed as far as the limits of naviga-

VHF VHF channels 12 and 16

tion, about 12 miles above Tawau; above this limit the harbor is
Telephone 60-89-773700 fouled by numerous mud flats intersected by deep but intricate
channels leading to the various rivers. Both shores of the har-
Facsimile 60-89-761808
bor are lined by mangroves fronted by extensive mud flats and
E-mail subardjoe@spsb.com.my present no distinguishing features.
Web site http://www.spsb.com.my/?q=ports/tawau- The depths within the harbor are regular over a bottom of

port-0 soft mud. Depths in the central part of the harbor range from
12.8 to 14.6m.
Pilots From Tawau, the N coast of the harbor extends in a general

VHF VHF channel 16 WNW direction for 12 miles (the limits of the survey) and is
broken by numerous small creeks and rivers.
Telephone 60-89-773510 The principal river is the Sungai Merutai, which discharges

about 7 miles WNW of Tawau. Only small local craft can be

Regulations.—Vessels entering Cowie Harbor for the pur-
10.15 accommodated.
pose of proceeding to Wallace Bay must anchor 0.5 to 1 mile S Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in depths of 12.8 to

of Tawau, in 27.4 to 34.7m, for clearance by customs and im- 14.6m, about 0.5 mile SW of Heherr Point. Vessels use this an-
migration authorities. Vessels will be cleared between 0600 chorage to load timber.

Pub. 163
326 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

It was reported that the coast between Morrell Bluff and He-
10.16 10.19 Lehnert Reef (4°15'N., 118°15'E.), a sand and coral
herr Point had extended seaward about 0.4 mile. patch which dries 0.6m near its S end, lies 3 miles N of Egeria
Shoal. Discolored water exists in the vicinity of the drying part
Batu Tinagat to Friedrich Haven of this reef.
Chance Rock (4°14'N., 118°18'E.), a steep-to detached cor-

10.17 The coast between Batu Tinagat, previously described al head with a least depth of 2.5m, lies 2.75 miles ENE of Ege-
in paragraph 10.14, and Friedrich Haven, about 24.5 miles to ria Shoal.
the E, is backed by dense jungle growth with some high moun- Caution.—Egeria Shoal, Heel Reef, Chance Rock, and Leh-

tain ranges and peaks rising inland. The Sungai Balung and the nert Reef are all difficult to make out because of the muddy
Sungai Kalumpang, two small rivers of little or no commercial water in their vicinity.
importance, discharge along this section of coast. A large area
of shoal ground extends about 8.5 miles SE from Batu Tinagat, 10.20 Friedrich Reef (4°14'N., 118°21'E.), a small de-
turns abruptly to the N, and then E to a position about 4.5 miles tached coral reef with a sand cay on its N side which dries 2m,
SE of the entrance of the Sungai Kalumpang and borders the N lies about 0.65 mile ENE of Chance Rock.
side of Friedrich Haven. Seaward of this shoal and parallel to Erzherzog Reef (4°15'N., 118°23'E.), a detached reef with a

it, a chain of off-lying dangers extends NE and borders the S sand cay that dries 1.8m on its N side, lies 2 miles E of Fried-
side of the SW approach to Friedrich Haven. rich Reef. The coast between Batu Tinagat and the entrance of
Depths—Limitations.—The shoal bank, defined by the
10.17 the Sungai Balung, about 12 miles ENE, is low and fronted by
11m curve, which extends 8.5 miles SE from Batu Tinagat and a mud flat which extends up to 0.5 mile offshore.
then extends N to a position about 3 miles S of the entrance of The Sungai Apas, a small shallow river, discharges about 5

the Sungai Balung, has depths of less than 11m and in many miles ENE of Batu Tinagat.
places has depths of 5.5m and less. The Sungai Balung (4°18'N., 118°10'E.), a narrow, winding

English Spit (4°12'N., 118°08'E.), with depths of less than 5.5m,

10.17 river fronted by a drying mud flat, is available only to small
lies on this shoal bank with its SE end about 5.5 miles SSW of the craft with local knowledge. Saddle Hill, which rises to a height
entrance of the Sungai Balung. Its inner part fringes the coast be- of 101m on its E side and 137m on its W side, stands on the E
tween the Sungai Balung and Batu Tinagat. The shoal water to the side of the entrance of this river. The two summits of this hill
N of English Spit has been reported to be extending to the E. A are about 1.25 miles apart.
patch 2.7m lies 2 miles SW of English Spit. The coast between the Sungai Balung and the Sungai

Hand Rock, which lies about 12 miles SE of Batu Tinagat,

10.17 Kalumpang, about 10 miles to the ENE, continues low and is
has been previously described in paragraph 10.14. A detached bordered by mangroves. Shoal ground, as defined by about the
shoal, with a least depth of 0.3m, sand and coral, lies 3 miles 10m curve, extends from 2.5 to 5 miles offshore along this sec-
NNE of Hand Rock. tion of coast.
The Sungai Kalumpang (4°20'N., 118°20'E.) is obstructed
10.18 Darby Bank (4°07'N., 118°13'E.), a coral bank with a by a bar with depths of not more than 0.9 to 1.2m. Within the
least depth of 11m, lies about 3.25 miles SE of Hand Rock and river, the depths range from 2.7 to 11m. On entering, it appears
is the outermost danger in the SW approach to Friedrich Hav- as a fine broad river with two branches passing on either side of
en. Mount Kukusan, bearing 300° and kept well open SW of a long narrow island. Only small craft with local knowledge
Mount Putri, leads SW of Hand Rock and Darby Bank. can be accommodated.
Alert Patches (4°09'N., 118°15'E.), which consist of three
10.18 Pulau Kalumpang, 85m high and densely wooded, stands at

coral patches with a least depth of 7m over each one, extend the mouth of the river and is bordered by two channels with the
1.5 to 4.5 miles NNE of Darby Bank. Vessels are cautioned not E channel of the two being the preferred entrance. The W
to cross Darby Bank or Alert Patches because depths less than channel almost dries. A small village stands on the N side of
charted may exist. the island.
Roach Reefs (4°10'N., 118°18'E.), two detached reefs 0.25

mile apart, lie within the limits of a narrow shoal located about 10.21 Friedrich Haven (4°16'N., 118°24'E.) lies between
1 mile ENE of the N Alert Patch. The NE reef dries 0.9m. A the shore bank to the N and Friedrich, Erzherzog, and Horn
detached coral patch, with a least depth of 7m, lies about 1.25 Reefs to the S and E. The least width of almost 1 mile lies be-
miles NE of the larger reef. tween the 10m curve fronting the W horn of the Ligitan Reefs.
This horn can generally be made out. Depths in the haven
Egeria Shoal (4°12'N., 118°15'E.), a small coral patch with
10.18 range from 11 to 33m.
a least depth of 3.5m, lies 3.25 miles NW of Roach Reef. It lies Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of about

on the NW side of the fairway to Friedrich Haven, and has a 11m, mud, with the NW extremity of Pulau Silungan, about
clear passage 3 miles wide between it and the Roach Reefs. 5.75 miles E of the SE end of Pulau Kalumpang, in range,
A small narrow reef, almost awash, lies 0.75 mile NNE of
10.18 bearing 055°, with Mount Conner (4°24'N., 118°34'E.), and
Egeria Shoal. Pulau Kalumpang, bearing 324°.
Heel Reef (4°14'N., 118°14'E.), a small coral and mud patch
10.18 The flood sets S and W through Friedrich Haven and the ebb

which dries 0.6m, lies about 0.5 mile NNW of Egeria Shoal. to the N and E at a rate of 0.75 knot.
The reef is marked by a light shown from a 6m metal tower. It Directions.—The outer route from Friedrich Haven passes

was reported that the beacon was destroyed and had been re- SE of Chance Rock and Egeria Shoal, and between Alert
placed by a lighted buoy. Patches and Hand Rock. After passing close NW of Friedrich

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Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 327

Reef vessels should keep the N extremity of Pulau Silungan in shoal, with a least depth of 5.5m, obstructs the central part of
range, bearing 055° with Mount Conner astern. This course this passage. A detached shoal, with a least depth of 7.9m, lies
leads between the above dangers, and 0.75 mile SE of the light- on the E side of this passage. The deepest part of the passage,
ed beacon on Hand Rock, which marks the turning point for which is a little more than 0.5 mile wide, lies between these
Tawau. two shoals and carries a depth of 12 to 14m.
From a position about 0.5 mile N of Friedrich Reef, after the
10.21 Collins Patch (4°16'N., 118°36'E.), a detached shoal with a

sand cay on it has been sighted, steer 265° which will lead least depth of 4.9m on its S part, lies about 1.5 miles N of the
about 0.6 mile S of the beacon on Lehnert Reef, and the same center of Mabul Passage. A small 11m patch lies about 0.5
distance N of the light structure on Heel Reef. When the W mile E of the S end of Collins Patch, and a similar patch, with a
summit of Saddle Hill bears 345°, alter course to 210° which least depth of 8m, lies about the same distance SE of the same
will lead 1 mile NW of the 0.3m shoal lying 3 miles NNE of end. Vessels should not cross these shoals because the depths
the light structure on Hand Rock, then about 0.25 mile SE of are uneven and it is possible that other shallow patches may ex-
the elbow of the 11m curve off English Spit, and 1.25 miles ist.
NW of the light structure on Hand Rock. Mount Sedungal (4°38'N., 118°34'E.) in range 356° with

Hand Rock and the 0.3m shoal are considered dangerous along
10.21 the W extremity of Pulau Sipanggau on the W side of Creagh
this route and great caution should be observed when passing Reef, leads to the W of Collins Patch and through Mabul Pas-
them. Soundings should give warning if the SE edge of English sage.
Spit is being approached too closely. If depths of 12.8 to 14.6m are
maintained, a vessel will pass a safe distance off this spit. 10.24 Ligitan Group (4°14'N., 118°45'E.) consists of a
Directions for entering the main channel leading to Tawau
10.21 group of islets and reefs which extend 18 miles E from Mabul
are given under the principal description of that port. Passage and form part of the S side of Ligitan Channel. The E
part of the Ligitan Reefs also borders the S side of this channel.
Friedrich Haven to Pulau Bum Bum Mabul Reef (4°14'N., 118°38'E.), the W reef of the Ligitan
Group, borders the E side of Mabul Passage.
10.22 The coast between Friedrich Haven and Pulau Bum Pulau Mabul, a small and densely wooded islet, 49m high,
Bum, about 17 miles NE, is bordered by densely wooded hills, stands on the N side of this reef.
ranges, and indented by a few shallow inlets. Three detached patches, with depths of 10.9m and less, lie

Terusan Tando Bulong, the passage entered about 9.5 miles

10.22 within 0.75 mile NE through N to NNW of the SE end of the
NE of Friedrich Haven, leads between the mainland and the island.
large reefs and shoals which lie to the S and SW of the S side Pulau Kapalai (4°13'N., 118°41'E.), a small narrow bush-

of Pulau Bum Bum. Semporna, the only port of any impor- covered islet 12m high, on the NE side of a detached reef,
tance, is situated on the W side of this passage to the W of the which lies with its NW end about 2.5 miles SE of Pulau Mabul.
NW extremity of Pulau Bum Bum. A narrow channel about 0.25 mile wide, with a least depth of
The Ligitan Reefs and the Ligitan Group of reefs and shoals
10.22 11m in the fairway, lies between the shoals extending SE from
extend up to 30 miles E from Friedrich Haven. Narrow passag- Mabul Reef and NW from Pulau Kapalai.
es separate some of the dangers. Ligitan Channel, wide, deep, Vessels are advised not to use this channel because of the

and clear of dangers in the fairway separates these two groups shallow depths which fringe its sides. Mabul Passage should be
from Creagh Reef and Beaufort Reef to the N. These latter two used instead.
dangers are separated by a narrow channel known as Silapag Cust Reef (4°17'N., 118°43'E.), awash at LW, lies on the

Passage. NW part of a shoal bank 3 miles long and 1.5 miles wide which
Ligitan Reefs (4°15'N., 118°30'E.) consist of a group of
10.22 lies centered 4 miles NE of Pulau Kapalai. A larger reef lies to
reefs, some of which dry or are awash at LW, which extend the SE of Cust Reef and is separated from it by a narrow shal-
about 6.5 miles E from Horn Reef, the westernmost danger. low channel. The channel E of this reef, between it and a pro-
The N side of these reefs is fringed by moderate depths, where- jecting spur of the main reef about 2 miles to the E, has been
as their S sides are steep-to close offshore. examined in a very general way and although no shoal patches
were found, vessels are advised not to use it. A light is shown
10.23 Horn Reef (4°15'N., 118°26'E.), L-shaped and the on the N edge of the N reef.
westernmost danger of Ligitan Reefs, is separated from Er- Pulau Danawan (4°18'N., 118°51'E.), a high, wooded, and

zherzog Reef to the W by a deep channel about 0.5 mile wide. flat-topped island, stands at the N end of the largest reef in the
A detached reef lies on the W side of this channel about 0.5 Ligitan Group about 11.5 miles NE of Pulau Kapalai. A cliff,
mile NNE of the E end of Erzherzog Reef. A detached 6m 17m high, stands on its E point and its N point is of the same
patch lies almost 1 mile ESE of the light on the NW end of height. A village is situated on the W side of the island.
Horn Reef.
A narrow channel, with a least depth of 12.8m in mid-chan-
10.23 10.25 Pulau Si Amil (4°19'N., 118°52'E.), densely wooded
nel, separates the E part of Horn Reef from the dangers to the and high, stands 0.5 miles NE of Pulau Danawan and is the site
E. of a canning factory. A bay lies between the two islands. A
The two E reefs lie on a shoal bank which extends from the
10.23 deep passage, about 0.2 mile wide, enters this bay from the N
above channel to Mabul Passage about 8.25 miles to the E. and a similar passage enters from the SE.
Mabul Passage is about 3.5 miles wide between the eastern-
10.23 A light is shown from an 11m high metal framework tower.

most reef of the Ligitan Reefs and Mabul Reef to the E. A Protected anchorage can be taken within this bay, in a depth

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328 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

of 29m, about 0.15 mile off the shore of Pulau Danawan. about 6 miles long and has a greatest width of 4 miles.
The main body of the large reef extends 10.5 miles SSE from
10.25 Pulau Omadel (4°25'N., 118°45'E.), low, wooded, and 46m

Pulau Danawan, then extends in a gentle curve for 8.5 miles to high to the tops of the trees, stands on the NE side of this reef.
the W to the SW extremity, and then irregularly NNE back to A village stands on the NW side of the islet.
the point of origin. Three shoals lie off the NE side of Beaufort Reef. The N

In coasting along the E side of this reef, care should be taken

10.25 patch, with a least depth of 5.5m, lies 2 miles E of the E ex-
not to approach too closely because considerably less water tremity of Pulau Omadel. The S patch, with a least depth of
than charted has been reported to exist about midway along 6m, lies 1.75 miles SE of the same point. A 9m patch lies close
this side within the 200m curve which extends up to 2 miles N of this latter patch.
Heavy overfalls and tide rips are usually encountered off this
10.25 10.27 Creagh Reef (4°20'N., 118°37'E.), an extensive flat
side of the reef. The water in this area is also considerably dis- of sand and coral which dries in patches, extends about 5.5
colored. miles S and 7.5 miles SW from the SW point of Pulau Bum
Pulau Ligitan (4°10'N., 118°53'E.), 9.1m high and partially
10.25 Bum. Pulau Menampilik, 105m high, lies SW of the SW point
bush-covered, stands on the S part of the main reef about 8.5 of Pulau Bum Bum. Pulau Nusatongga, with two hills 126m
miles S of Pulau Danawan. A detached 4.9m patch lies about and 111m high, stands 1 mile NE of the above islet, and Pulau
2.25 miles S of Pulau Ligitan and 0.5 mile S of the 11m curve Sipanggau, 119m high, stands almost 0.5 mile NE of the latter
fronting the main reef. islet.
Great care should be taken when approaching this end of the
10.25 A wooded islet, 24m high, stands near the center of the reef

reef to be certain of the position because the currents run at a about 1.75 miles SSE of the SW point of Pulau Bum Bum.
rate of 2 to 3 knots raising heavy overfalls and whirlpools. Silapag Passage (4°20'N., 118°41'E.), a narrow winding

Foul ground with shallow depths extends 2.5 miles W from

10.25 passage, with a least depth of 12m, lies between Creagh Reef
the SW end of the main reef. The channel between this foul on the W, Beaufort Reef on the E, and Pulau Bum Bum to the
ground and the reef extending 1.25 miles SSE from Pulau N. The passage in its S part has a navigable width of about 0.25
Kapalai is almost 1.5 miles wide, but is obstructed in its middle mile up to a distance of 4 miles above the entrance, and widens
part by a detached 9m patch. out to a width of about 0.6 mile for the remaining distance until
This channel has not been closely examined and less water
10.25 the NE entrance is cleared. Within the passage, the flood sets to
than charted may exist. the S and W and the ebb to the N and E. During springs the
currents run at a considerable rate.
10.26 Pulau Sipadan (4°07'N., 118°38'E.), a small wooded Anchorage.—Anchorage has been taken in the N part of this

islet 50m high to the tops of the trees, stands on the NW side of passage about 0.15 mile N of the village on Pulau Omadel, but
a steep-to reef that lies 7.5 miles S of Pulau Mabul. The islet this anchorage is not recommended because the currents are
has been reported to be a good radar target up to 18 miles. strong and the swinging room is restricted.
A light, with a racon, is shown from a 22m high metal frame-

work tower situated on the fringing reef close S of the island. 10.28 The low coast, between Tanjong Nagos on the mainland
Ligitan Channel (4°18'N., 118°40'E.), which lies between
10.26 to the N of Friedrich Haven, and Tanjong Tutup about 8.5 miles
the Ligitan Group and the Ligitan Reefs to the S and Beaufort ENE, is fringed by a shoal bank with depths of 11m and less. The
Reef and Creagh Reef to the N, is 18 miles long in an E and W bank extends about 2.5 miles offshore from Tanjung Nagos, but
direction and varies in width from 6 miles abreast of Pulau Si closes the coast in the vicinity of Tanjong Tutup.
Amil to 1.5 miles at its W entrance between Pulau Gusungan, Pulau Gusungan (4°18'N., 118°33'E.), a small, low sand

and the E reef for the Ligitan Reefs. cay 1m high and partially bush covered, stands on the NW ex-
The general depths in the E part range from 20 to 25.6m,
10.26 tremity of a drying reef which lies about 1.75 miles SW of the
with patches of 11 to 18.3m. Farther to the W are depths of 33 SW extremity of Pulau Menampilik.
to 36.6m. With the exception of Collins Patch, no other dan- Pulau Silungan (4°19'N., 118°27'E.), a small wooded islet
gers are known to exist in the channel seaward of the fringing 52m high, stands 2.5 miles ESE of Tanjong Nagos. Immediately
dangers along the edges of the reefs. However, the depths N N of Tanjong Nagos there is a wooded range of hills from 256 to
and NW of Pulau Mabul are very uneven up to 2.5 miles off- 366m high, and 6.25 miles NNW of the point is Mount Pock,
shore. Vessels should keep N of this uneven ground when pass- 567m high, the W peak of a range extending to the NE.
ing Pulau Mabul. This range is separated from the wooded range to the S by a

The flood current in Ligitan Channel sets to the S and W and

10.26 deep valley. Mount Pock is the summit of the ranges on the E
the ebb to the N and E at a rate of 1 knot at springs. side of the valley of the Sungai Kalumpang. Double Hill, with
Webb Shoal (4°24'N., 118°52'E.), lying off the NE side of
10.26 two summits of almost equal height, rises about 5.5 miles NNE
the approach to Ligitan Channel about 5.5 miles N of Pulau Si of Tanjong Nagos. Mount Conner, a densely-wooded peak
Amil, has a least depth of 9m. The shoal has not been closely 390m high, stands about 3.5 miles NNE of Tanjong Tutup and
examined and vessels are advised not to pass over this shoal is a good mark for vessels approaching from the SW.
because lesser depths may exist.
A detached 11m patch lies about 6 miles SW of Webb Shoal.
10.26 10.29 Trusan Tando Bulong (Treacher) (4°20'N.,
Beaufort Reef (4°23'N., 118°44'E.), sand and coral and dry-
10.26 118°33'E.), a narrow winding strait, is entered between Tan-
ing in patches, lies S of the E part of Pulau Bum Bum and is jong Tutup and the SW side of Creagh Reef to the E, and ex-
separated from it by the NE part of Silapag Passage. The reef is tends about 8.5 miles NE and then extends 5 miles NNW to the

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 329

N entrance off the NW extremity of Pulau Bum Bum. The mile beyond the edge of that part of the reef.
strait is about 0.5 mile wide in its S part, but contracts to a Having passed the bend, course should be altered to the

width of less than 0.25 mile in its N part. NNW and a mid-channel course maintained, passing about 0.2
The least depth in the fairway near the S entrance is 12m in-
10.29 mile SW of Daisy Islet, and 91m off the head of the pier at
creasing gradually to a depth of 14.3m in the N entrance. A Semporna.
shallow bank, with depths of 9.1m and less, extends more than Having cleared the pier, course should be altered to 350°

half way across the fairway from the E side of the N entrance. with the outer end of the pier bearing 170° astern.
The tidal current sets through this strait with considerable
10.29 This course will clear the 9.1m shoal bank extending into the

strength at times and the edges of the reefs are difficult to make channel NW of the NW extremity of Pulau Bum Bum.
out. Numerous small fishing stakes are placed along the chan- When the N extremity of Pulau Bum Bum bears 104°, course

nel edges, but they are frequently moved and do not always should be altered to 012° with Lok Bakong Hill (4°26'N.,
mark the outer limits of the reefs. 118°36'E.) kept bearing 192° astern.
A detached 4.9m depth lies on the E side of the N entrance
10.29 This course clears the 4.9m depth which lies about 1.5 miles

about 1.5 miles NNW of the NW extremity of Pulau Bum NNW of the NW extremity of Pulau Bum Bum.
Bum. Having cleared this danger, course should then be altered as

Pulau Sipanggua, Pulau Nusatongga, and Pulau Menampilik

10.29 necessary in order to pass between Pulau Larapan (4°34'N.,
are the islands standing along the outer edge of the SW part of 118°36'E.) and the reef extending N from Pulau Sabangkat to
Creagh Reef, which has been previously described in para- the E and proceed to the N into Darvel Bay.
graph 10.27. The W side of Pulau Bum Bum, which forms the
E side of the N part of the strait, is densely wooded and cliffy 10.30 Semporna (4°29'N., 118°37'E.), a small fish and tim-
and is fringed by a shore bank about 0.25 mile wide. Daisy Is- ber-exporting center, stands on the W bank of the strait about
let stands near the edge of this bank about 2.25 miles S of the 1.5 miles within the N entrance.
NW extremity of Pulau Bum Bum. About 0.25 mile SE of the settlement, a coral causeway ex-

The W side of the strait N of Tanjong Tutup is indented by

10.29 tends in a NE direction across the reef to deep water.
four shallow inlets of no importance and backed by high hills A concrete pier, 46m in length and 12m wide, with a least

up to 8.5 miles NE, and then backed by low coastal plains for depth of 9m alongside, stands at the head of the causeway.
the remaining distance. Mount Conner, which has been previ- Pilotage.—Pilots are not available.

ously described in paragraph 10.28, stands along this stretch of Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken about 0.2 mile off the

coast about 3.5 miles NNE of Tanjon Tutup and Hood Hill, reefs off Semporna. The holding ground is mud and sand over
160m high, stands 3 miles farther NE. coral.
Lighted and unlighted beacons are placed on the reefs on
10.29 Vessels loading timber usually anchor SW of Pulau Harapin.

both sides of the strait to mark the channel sides. Vessels having explosives on board must not anchor in Tru-

Tides—Currents.—The mean range of the tide is 1.1m and

10.29 san Tando Bulong S of 4°30'N. Also, vessels must not anchor
the spring range is 1.6m. in the approach fairway.
In Trusan Tando Bulong, the flood sets to the S and the ebb
10.29 Vessels with dangerous petroleum on board must not anchor

to the N at a rate of 3 to 4 knots at springs. The currents are within 305m of the piers.
strongest in the narrow N part of the strait between Pulau Bum
Bum and the coast to the W. These rates are subject to change 10.31 Pulau Bum Bum (4°28'N., 118°41'E.), roughly trian-
at various seasons of the year. gular in shape, densely-wooded, and 46 to 52m high to the tree
Directions.—Vessels approaching from the S and entering
10.29 tops, forms the E side of Terusan Tando Bulong and the N side
the S end of the strait from Ligitan Channel may pass between of Silapag Passage.
Pulau Gusungan Reef and the SW extremity of Creagh Reef. The N coast of the island extends about 8.5 miles ESE to

The channel is about 0.5 mile wide but the edges of the reefs Tanjong Pantau Pantau and is fringed by a drying sand and cor-
are not always visible. Vessels using this channel should bring al reef which extends about 1.35 miles offshore.
the N summit of Double Hill in range, bearing 309° with the W Some small islets lie within the limits of this reef.

extremity of Tanjong Tutup which leads between Gusungan Several small villages line the shore along this section of

and Creagh Reefs. coast.

Vessels approaching from the SW should keep the NW ex-
10.29 The S coast between Tanjong Pantau Pantau and the SW ex-

tremity of Pulau Menampilik in range, bearing 066° with the tremity of the island about 7 miles WSW, is fringed by a reef
SE extremity of Pulau Nusatongga which leads NW of Pulau which forms the N and W sides of Silapag Passage.
Gusungan Reef and into the S entrance of the strait.
The S part of the strait, being wider and well marked by bea-
Islands and Dangers East and North of Pulau
cons on the reefs, a mid-channel course should be followed for Bum Bum
about 8 miles to the NE at which place the channel then turns
to the NNW. 10.32 Pasalat Reef (4°30'N., 118°44'E.), awash, lies near
The only known dangers outside the reefs on either side of
10.29 the middle of a long narrow shoal 3 miles long, which lies with
the channel are two small coral patches. its E end 2.75 miles N of Tanjong Pantau Pantau. A deep 0.75
The E side patch lies NW of Pulau Sipanggau and 0.2 mile
10.29 mile wide channel lies between this reef and the reef fringing
beyond the edge of the reef. Pulau Bum Bum.
The other lies W of the S part of Pulau Nusatongga and 0.15
10.29 Bulipatuid Shoal (4°29'N., 118°47'E.), with a least depth of

Pub. 163
330 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

7.9m in its central part, lies about 2.75 miles NE of Tanjong haydulong.
Pantau Pantau. Vessels should not attempt to cross this shoal Pulau Sabangkat (4°34'N., 118°40'E.), a small island 49m

because less water than charted may exist. high to the top of the trees, lies about 3.75 miles SW of Pulau
Baturua Reef (4°31'N., 118°49'E.), which dries, lies within
10.32 Tatagan. This island stands at the SW end of a reef which ex-
the limits of a shoal about 4 miles long which lies with its S tends 3 miles E and 4.5 miles NNW. This reef encloses a foul
end about 5.5 miles ENE of Tanjong Pantau Pantau. Tidal cur- shallow lagoon with no entrances leading into it.
rents run strongly round the reef. A deep channel separates this Pulau Salakan (4°34'N., 118°42'E.), 73m high and wooded,

reef from Bulipatuid Shoal. stands 1.5 miles SW of Pulau Tatagan and within the limits of
Pulau Kulapuan (4°32'N., 118°51'E.), a flat-topped island,
10.32 the same reef.
39m high to the tops of the trees, stands 7 miles NE of Tanjong Pulau Maiga (4°36'N., 118°41'E.), 38m high, stands on the

Pantau Pantau and on the N part of a reef that extends about 2.5 S and W sides of a narrow reef 1.5 miles long, which lies with
miles SSE from the island. This reef uncovers in patches. A its S end about 1.25 miles N of Pulau Salakan. A narrow, deep,
small drying sand cay lies near the S end of the reef. The reef is clear passage lies to the E of the reefs surrounding Pulau Maiga
steep-to on all except its S side from which depths of less than and Pulau Salakan, and to the W of the reefs surrounding Pulau
18.3m extend about 0.75 mile. Clear deep channels pass on ei- Gaya.
ther side of this reef.
Pulau Gaya and Pulau Bahadulong, two high densely-wood-
10.32 10.34 Pulau Sibuan (4°39'N., 118°40'E.), 460m high to the
ed islands standing on the same reef and almost joined, are the tops of the trees, stands on the S end of a reef about 0.75 mile
most conspicuous landmarks seen when approaching Darvel long which lies with its S extremity about 5 miles N of Pulau
Bay from the S. Together they form a crescent 4 miles wide be- Sabangkat.
tween the horns. These islands together with Pulau Timbun Two high prominent trees stand close together on the center

Mata, which lies close off the coast about 8 miles to the W, are of the island and are useful landmarks. Clear deep channels
visible from the N part of Sibuku Bay over the low islands to pass on all sides of this reef and island. Magnetic compass vari-
the S. ations up to 20° were reported observed 0.3 mile W of Pulau
Pulau Bohaydulong (4°36'N., 118°47'E.), which stands 8
10.32 Sibuan.
miles N of Tanjong Pantau Pantau, forms the E horn of the Church Reef (4°41'N., 118°39'E.), awash and about 1.5

crescent and rises to a height of 366m. A radio mast and a sin- miles long and 1 mile wide, lies with its S extremity 1.25 miles
gle tree stand on this conspicuous peak. NW of Pulau Sibuan.
Pulau Gaya (4°37'N., 118°45'E.), lying with its E extremity
10.32 Tides—Currents.—The currents run very strongly around

close W of the NW point of Pulau Bohaydulong, extends 2.25 and between these islands and reefs. Generally speaking, the
miles WNW and then 2.25 miles SW. The SW part of this is- ebb sets to the N and E and the flood to the S and W at a rate of
land rises to a height of 469m with two slightly lower peaks 1 to 1.25 knots.
close to it. From the N and E these peaks present a remarkable Directions.—The NE extremity of Pulau Sabangkat in

outline. The E part of Pulau Gaya terminates in a conspicuous range, bearing 297° with Mount Tannaballu leads NE of Buli-
peak, 378m high. The low land between the E and W parts of patuid Shoal and Pasalat Reef and between them and Baturua
the island makes the island appear as two from some direc- Reef.
tions. A shoal, foul lagoon, enclosed by the island reef, lies Richards Reef (4°44'N., 118°43'E.), lying centered about 6

close off the NW part of the island. miles NE of Pulau Sibuan, consists of a group of partly drying
reefs separated by narrow channels. The reefs are steep-to on
10.33 Pulau Tatagan (4°36'N., 118°43'E.), 97m high and par- all except their NW and NE sides.
tially cleared near its summit, stands close S of the SW point of Freemante Shoal (4°44'N., 118°46'E.), an irregularly-

Pulau Gaya. A village stands on the N side of the island. shaped bank with a least depth on its S part, lies about 2 miles
Detached reefs and foul ground extend 2.25 miles SW from
10.33 ENE of Richards Reef and is steep-to on all sides.
the S side of Pulau Bohaydulong and 2.5 miles NW forming a Pulau Mantabuan (4°38'N., 118°47'E.), a small bell-shaped

protected lagoon on the S side of the crescent formed by the islet about 30m high to the top of the trees, lies 1.5 miles NE of
two islands. The inner part of this lagoon is fairly clear with the E end of Pulau Gaya. A triangular-shaped reef, enclosing a
depths of 12.8 to 23m being found in the middle part. The en- lagoon, extends 1.5 miles NW from the islet.
trance of the lagoon lies S of Pulau Tatagan and is less than 0.1 A reef, topped by a drying sand bank, extends 1.75 miles N

mile wide with a least depth of 6.4m in the fairway. Less water from a position about 2.35 miles ESE of Pulau Mantabuan. The
than charted in the fairway has been reported. There are no aids reef is steep-to on all except its S side, from which a shoal ex-
to assist in entering and only vessels with local knowledge tends 0.5 mile to the S. A least depth of 7.3m lies near the S
should attempt it. edge of this shoal.
Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of about 18m, sand, E of
10.33 Pulau Pom Pom (4°36'N., 118°52'E.), a small, wooded, and

the village on the N side of Pulau Tatagan. Anchorage can also circular islet, 24m high to the tops of the trees, stands 4.5 miles
be taken outside the lagoon in a similar depth with Pulau Tata- SE of Pulau Mantabuan. A narrow steep-to reef surrounds this
gan bearing 036°, distant 0.5 mile, but strong currents are expe- islet.
Clear deep channels surround this group of reefs and islands,
10.33 10.35 Pulau Pandanan (Pulau Kapale) (4°35'N.,
but care should be taken to clear the shoal, with a least depth of 118°55'E.), wooded and about 15m high to the tops of the
8.2m, which lies about 1.5 miles NE of the N end of Pulau Bo- trees, stands on the SW side of a reef almost 1 mile long which

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 331

lies with its N end about 3 miles ESE of Pulau Pom Pom. A al reefs in the W and S parts of the bay.
bush-covered islet stands on a drying sand spit which extends Several rivers discharge into the bay, but none have any com-

0.25 mile N from the island. A shallow bank joins this reef mercial value to ocean-going vessels.
with the N extremity of a reef about 0.65 mile to the S. The hills on the N side are densely wooded and mostly low

Pulau Timba Timba (4°33'N., 118°55'E.), a small wooded

10.35 and undulating, of uniform height, presenting but few definite
islet about 10m high, lies near the N end of a narrow steep-to features, and terminate in the Bagahak Range midway along
reef about 7 miles long which lies close S of the reef on which the coast. The S side is also thickly wooded with mountainous
Pulau Pandanan stands. A drying sand bank extends 0.5 mile S ranges some distance inland, but these are generally more re-
from this islet. markable in shape and more easily identified than those on the
Pulau Bohayan, 36m high and densely wooded, lies near the
10.35 N shore.
S end of the same reef on which Pulau Timba Timba stands. Most prominent among them are Mount Madai and

Two small detached shoal patches, with depths of 11.6m and

10.35 Sinalong; on a clear day Mount Silam, at the head of the bay,
14.6m, lie about 8.5 miles ENE of Pulau Bohayan. towers above all others in the vicinity.
Pulau Mataking (4°34'N., 118°57'E.) and Pulau Mataking
10.35 Of the islands in the bay, Timbun Mata separated from the

Kechil stand on the W side of a narrow steep-to reef which ex- mainland by a narrow channel, is by far the largest and Mount
tends 2.5 miles N from a position 2 miles ENE of the S end of Tannabalu, with its sharp summit, is an excellent landmark. Pu-
Pulau Timba Timba. The E side of this reef forms the W side of lau Gaya, farther to the E, stands well out from the land, and is
Alice Channel and a deep channel, 1.5 miles wide lies between so remarkably shaped it is easily identified from most direc-
this reef and the reefs to the W and SW. tions.
Pulau Mataking is wooded and 24m high to the tops of the

trees, while Pulau Mataking Kechil is only 15m high. Pulau Bum Bum to Pulau Timbun Mata
A narrow, drying sand ridge joins the two islands.

Alice Channel (4°35'N., 119°00'E.), the S entrance leading

10.35 10.38 Pulau Timbun Mata (4°39'N., 118°25'E.), mountain-
into Darvel Bay to the N, is a deep passage about 6.25 miles ous, densely wooded, and the largest island on the S side of
wide at its narrowest part. It connects Darvel Bay with the N Darvel Bay, extends 16.25 miles W from Tanjong Sidungal, its
side of Sibuku Bay, and separates the islands and reefs to the W E extremity, located about 8.25 miles NNW of the NW extrem-
from the islands and reefs which lie near the W extremity of ity of Pulau Bum Bum, and has an extreme width of 5.75
the Sulu Archipelago. These dangers are described in Pub. 162, miles. It rises from a low W point to Mount Tannaballu near its
Sailing Directions (Enroute) Philippine Islands. center. This sharp conspicuous conical peak rises to a height of
620m. At the E extremity of the island Gunung Sedungal rises
10.36 Bajapa Reef (Sikorong Reef) (4°41'N., 119°05'E.), to a height of 489m and is also conspicuous.
which marks the E side of Alice Channel, extends NNE 9 miles The N side of the island is very irregular and is fronted by

from a position 6.75 miles E of Pulau Mataking Kechil. The reefs and dangers. Its S side is separated from the mainland by
reef dries in places and encloses a lagoon in the center which is a shallow passage known as Trusan Sigalong.
entered from the SW side. The reef is steep-to on all but its N The fringing shore reef extends about 0.32 mile E of Tanjong

side, which is marked by shoal water for a short distance. Sidungal and then curves in a convex curve to Tanjong Timbun
Panguan Islet (Maranas Islet) (4°43'N., 119°02'E.), a small,
10.36 Mata, which lies 3.25 miles SW of Tanjong Sidungal. Two low
wooded islet 23m high, stands on the S half of a narrow steep- islets stand near the SW side of this fringing reef.
to reef which lies about 8.75 miles NE of Pulau Mataking Ke- Pulau Larapan (4°34'N., 118°36'E.), about 61m high to the

chil. A shoal, with a least depth of 9.1m, extends 0.2 mile N tops of the trees on its SW part and wooded, stands 3.5 miles
and SW from this reef. NNW of the NW extremity of Pulau Bum Bum. The interven-
Alice Reef (4°45'N., 119°04'E.), which encloses a lagoon
10.36 ing channel is deep and clear seaward of the fringing dangers.
and is 5.5 miles long, lies with its S end about 1.25 miles SE of A village stands on the W side of the island.
Panguan Islet. The reef is steep-to on all except its NE point, Pulau Silawa (4°33'N., 118°33'E.), which lies almost 1 mile

which is bordered by a shoal, which extends about 0.5 mile off- W of Pulau Larapan and is separated from it by a narrow chan-
shore. Alice Reef bares in spots at LW. nel about 0.3 mile wide, is flat-topped and wooded with a con-
In Alice Channel tidal currents are strong, especially in the
10.36 spicuous hill, 110m high, near its SW end. The channel
vicinity of Panguan Island and Bajapa Reef and set straight between Pulau Silawa and the mainland is 0.5 mile wide and
through the channel between the steep-to edges of Alice Reef between Pulau Silawa and another island W of it nearly 1 mile
and Bajapa Reef. The flood sets S and W and the ebb to the N wide, with a least depth of 6.1m in the fairway. Depths of less
and E at a maximum rate of 2 to 2.5 knots. than 5.5m extend 0.3 to 0.8 mile off this last island. To keep in
the greatest depths, the SW point of Pulau Silawa should be
10.37 Darvel Bay (4°48'N., 118°47'E.) is located on the S rounded at a distance of about 0.2 mile.
side of the peninsula of which Tanjong Unsang is the NE ex- A shoal, with a least depth of 5.9m, lies in the entrance of the

tremity and is entered between Tanjong Labian and the islands channel between Pulau Silawa and the shore reef fronting the
and reefs to the W of Alice Channel. SE side of Pulau Timbun Mata.
The N shore of the bay, W of Tanjong Labian, is clear of off-
10.37 Vessels should pass to the S of the above shoal which is lo-

lying dangers except Howard Shoal, a 4.1m patch about 35 cated about 2.5 miles ENE of Tanjong Timbun Mata.
miles WSW of Tanjong Labian, and Kinabalu Shoal, a 4.9m The SE extremity of an high islet located about 0.75 mile

patch 6.75 miles farther W; there are numerous islands and cor- SW of Tanjong Timbun Mata, in range bearing 252° with the

Pub. 163
332 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

SE extremity of a wooded island 2.25 miles WSW, leads S of Vessels are advised not to pass S of Pulau Balusuan because

this shoal and through the fairway into Trusan Sigalong. the coast of Timbun Mata to the W and NW of this islet is
A rock, with a depth of 0.9m, lies 0.5 mile SW of the SW ex-
10.38 fronted by dangers which lie up to 1.5 miles offshore.
tremity of Pulau Silawa. Pulau Batik (4°43'N., 118°27'E.), 245m high to the tops of

Trusan Sigalong (4°34'N., 118°31'E.), a narrow shallow tortu-

10.38 the trees, is separated from the N point to Pulau Timbun Mata
ous channel, separates Pulau Timbun Mata from the mainland to by a narrow channel with a depth of 3.7m in the fairway.
the S. It has a least width of 0.65 mile and is navigable only by Pulau Batik Kulambu, 249m high to the tops of the trees,

small craft with local knowledge. A mud bank, with a depth of densely wooded and steep-to, stands with its E end close off
2.4m, extends across the channel near its midpoint. the NW coast of Pulau Timbun Mata.
Anchorage can be taken by vessels, in a depth of 23.8m, at

10.39 Tanjong Timbun Mata (4°35'N., 118°33'E.) is the head of the bay, formed by the S side of Pulau Batik Ku-
formed by a spur that extends S from the mountains on the E lambu and the coast of Timbun Mata to the S and E.
side of Pulau Timbun Mata. The S end of the point is fringed This bay, which is 2.25 miles wide at its entrance, extends

by a shoal which extends about 0.25 mile offshore. A small 3.25 miles E to its head and is clear of dangers except along its
foul bay lies W of the point. S side. Hambly Reef, drying 0.9m, lies almost in the middle of
A long narrow reef fronts this bay and extends 2.5 miles
10.39 the entrance of this bay. A rock, 1.8m high, stands close E of
WNW from a position 0.5 mile SW of Tanjong Timbun Mata. the N part of this reef. Vessels entering this bay should pass be-
A small islet stands on the E end of this reef and a similar islet tween this rock and the coast of Pulau Batik Kulambu to the
stands near the center of the reef. NE.
Two wooded islets, 72 and 117m high, lie 2 and 3.5 miles
10.39 An islet, 64m high to the tops of the trees, stands almost 1

NNW of the SW extremity of Pulau Silawa. mile S of Hamby Reef and close N of the coast of Timbun Ma-
Trusan Sigalong entrance channel passes S of the above long
10.39 ta. Two detached reefs lie near the parallel of this islet and
reef and then between the two islets, at which point it shoals within 1 mile W of it.
rapidly to a least depth of 2.7m.
The Sungai Sigalong discharges into the SE part of Trusan
Islands and Dangers North and Northwest of Pu-
Sigalong about 3.5 miles SW of Pulau Silawa, but has no com- lau Timbun Mata
mercial value.
Pyramid Hill, conspicuous and 314m high, stands close to
10.39 10.41 Pulau Adal (4°45'N., 118°31'E.), a conspicuous
the coast about midway along the S shore of Trusan Sigalong. wooded conical island 110m high, stands 2.75 miles NE of the
It is the N peak of an isolated range of hills which stand on the E end of Pulau Batik. A drying sand spit extends about 0.25
peninsula E of the Sungai Sipit. mile SW from the S point of this reef-fringed island. A de-
The Sungai Sipit discharges along the S side of Trusan Siga-
10.39 tached shoal, with a least depth of 11.9m on its E part, lies 1
long, close W of Pyramid Hill. This shallow river is navigable mile NNE of the N end of the island. A detached 14.6m patch
only by small boats. lies about 1.75 miles SSE of the SW extremity of Pulau Adal.
Anchorage.—A vessel has anchored, in a depth of 21.9m,
10.39 Bakuhang (4°45'N., 118°29'E.), Bakungan, and Gatahan are

with Tanjong Timbun Mata bearing 267°, distant 0.5 mile. A three small islets lying on reefs that are almost joined. These
vessel might anchor out of the strength of the current, in a islets extend 1.5 miles WNW from a position 1.5 miles WNW
depth of 11 to 12.8m, with the S extremity of Tanjong Timbun of Pulau Adal. Bakuhang, 87m high, is the E islet and the larg-
Mata bearing 079°, distance 0.5 mile, by passing between the est of the three.
shoal water off the point and the reef fringing the small islet Pulau Tabawan (4°48'N., 118°23'E.), the largest of a group

0.75 mile SW. This anchorage has not been closely examined. of thickly wooded islands standing in the SW part of Darvel
The tidal current through the E entrance of the Trusan Siga-
10.39 Bay, lies with its E end about 4.5 miles NW of the N end of Pu-
long sets NE at a rate of 0.75 knot during the ebb and SW lau Batik. Being higher than the other islands of the group and
during the flood, at a rate of 1 knot. standing well offshore, it may be easily identified when ap-
Between Tanjong Sidungal and the N point of the island,
10.39 proaching from the E. The W peak of two, which stands near
about 8.75 miles WNW, the N coast is deeply indented by reef- the center of the island, is 275m high and shows up well from
fringed bays which are encumbered by reefs and other dangers. all directions.
As the approaches to these bays are foul, vessels should not ap- A small bay, with depths of 23.8 to 36.6m in its center, lies

proach this coast in a depth of less than 40m. between two promontories near the middle of the S side of the
island. The head of the bay is foul.
10.40 Pulau Balusuan (4°41'N., 118°32'E.), a small islet Pulau Silumpat (4°46'N., 118°23'E.), 168m high and wooded,

18m high with a light green treeless summit, stands 1.5 miles stands close S of Pulau Tabawan and is almost divided into two
offshore about 4 miles NW of Tanjong Sidungal. Foul ground parts. Both parts are joined by a narrow peninsula.
extends up to 0.7 mile offshore from all sides of the islet, and Learmouth Reef (4°44'N., 118°25'E.), dries 0.3m, lies 2

then extends in a SE direction for 3.75 miles toward Tanjong miles SE of Pulau Silumpat.
Sidungal. An 18.3m patch lies 1 mile N of the islet and a 14.6m Pudsey Reefs (4°45'N., 118°21'E.), two drying reefs 1.5

shoal lies 2.25 miles NNW of it. miles apart, lie centered about 2.65 miles W of Pulau Silumpat.
Pulau Tatagan Tatagan (4°40'N., 118°33'E.), 76m high,
10.40 Dawson Rock (4°45'N., 118°20'E.), a pinnacle with a depth

stands S of Pulau Balusuan and is joined to Pulau Timbun Mata of 1.8m, lies 3 miles WSW of the W end of Pulau Silumpat.
by a narrow drying sand ridge. Pulau Bohayan (4°48'N., 118°19'E.), the timber loading site

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 333

for the port of Lahad Datu, is a small triangular-shaped island in the area S of 4°50'N. Also, use caution W of 118°26'E. Un-
238m high to the tree tops and densely wooded, standing 2 charted reefs exists in the area.
miles W of Pulau Tabawan. From the W entrance point of Trusan Sigalong, which lies 1

Pulau Malundangan, 101m high to the tops of the trees,

10.41 mile W of the W extremity of Pulau Timbun Mata, the coast
stands 0.2 mile S of Pulau Bohayan and is separated from it by extends NW for about 7 miles to the mouth of the Sungai Ma-
a narrow foul passage. Pulau Tanah, 120m high, stands 0.75 dai. The irregular coastline is bordered by mangroves and
mile SW of the SW end of Pulau Bohayan. A long narrow reef fringed by reefs and foul ground which extend up to 0.75 mile
lies in the passage between Pulau Bohayan and Pulau Tanah, offshore. Many reefs lie off this section of coast.
and a 8.5m patch lies close off the NW end of Pulau Bohayan.
Pulau Majinkil (4°47'N., 118°18'E.), 131m high, is a narrow
10.41 10.43 Merrett Reefs (4°41'N., 118°18'E.) lie at the N end of
island which stands about 0.5 mile S of Pulau Malundangan. a chain of reefs and shoals which extend about 2.5 miles N
Two small islets lie close S and W of Pulau Majinkil. from the W entrance point of Trusan Sigalong. Detached
The offices of this loading site are situated at the SW end of
10.41 shoals, with depths of 3.9 to 5.7m, lie within 0.85 mile E and
Pulau Bohayan. Customs officials board at the anchorage. Ves- 0.45 mile N of the N end of Merrett Reefs. A detached 1.2m
sels loading timber use the anchorage between Pulau Tanah patch lies E of the Merrett Reefs, about 1.75 miles N of the W
and Pulau Malundangan during the Northwest Monsoon, and entrance point of Trusan Sigalong.
W of Pulau Bohayan during the Southeast Monsoon. Vessels A 2.4m depth lies about 0.5 mile S of the latter depth.

anchor, in depths of 40.2 to 49.4m, in the former anchorage. Greep Reefs (4°42'N., 118°15'E.), several in number, lie

Beacons in range, bearing 326°, stand on the SW end of Pu-

10.41 from about 1 to 2.25 miles offshore, 4.75 miles NW of the W
lau Bohayan and yellow range beacons stand close ENE of the extremity of Pulau Timbun Mata.
same point. These ranges indicate the anchorages. Lloyd Reefs (4°42'N., 118°16'E.) consist of two groups of

drying reefs and shoals about 137m apart which lie 0.75 mile
10.42 There are three passages leading into the S anchorage; SE of Greep Reefs.
the E passage leads E of Pulau Bohayan and then between Pu- Beacons mark some of the numerous reefs and dangers

lau Malundungan and Pulau Majinkil; the W passage leads W which lie between Merrett and Lloyd Reefs and the coast.
of Pulau Bohayan and then between the SW end of Pulau Bo-
hayan and the narrow reef to the SW; the third passage leads S 10.44 Mostyn (Kunak) (4°41'N., 118°15'E.), a small village
of Pulau Tanah. and export center, stands on the coast about 3.5 miles NW of
Pulau Maganting (4°49'N., 118°17'E.), the W island of this
10.42 the W entrance point of Trusan Sigalong.
group, is topped by two hills of almost equal height and stands Depths—Limitations.—Kunak Oil Jetty consists of three

1 mile WNW of Pulau Bohayan. A small reef awash lies about jetties. The Cargo Jetty has a depth alongside of 11.0m, han-
0.3 mile S of the middle part of the S coast of the island. dles general cargo, and can accommodate vessel up to 28,000
Little Reef (4°51'N., 118°16'E.), about 0.65 mile in extent
10.42 dwt. New Jetty East and New Jetty West both handle vegetable
and dries, lies centered about 1.75 miles NNW of Pulau Ma- oils and crude palm oil, the piers have a length of 16m, LOA of
ganting. 246m and can accommodate vessels up to 45,000 dwt with a
A chain of small coral reefs, which almost dry, lie between
10.42 maximum draft (HW) of 17.0m.
the above islands and the coast, and extend to the NW for about Pilotage.—Pilotage is not compulsory but is recommended.

7.25 miles from a position about 3 miles W of Pulau Batik Ku- Vessels proceeding to Mostyn from foreign ports are required
lambu. Deep channels pass in between these reefs. to proceed to Lahad Datu for clearance and board a pilot.
Walton Reef (4°42'N., 118°21'E.), the southeastern most
10.42 Coastwise vessels board a pilot at Pulau Bohihan. Pilots are al-
reef of this chain, lies 3 miles W of Pulau Batik Kulambu. so available at Sandakan. A daylight arrival is recommended.
McKinlay Reef, composed of drying coral at its NE end and
10.42 Directions.—Mostyn should be approached from the NE on

drying sand at its SW end, lies 1.75 miles NW of Walton Reef. a course of 212°, passing the NW point of Pulau Tabawan at a
Rashleigh Reefs, composed of drying coral, lie 2.25 miles far- distance of 0.5 mile and then 1 mile NW of the beacon marking
ther NW. Reefs and shoals extend about 0.75 mile E from this Dawson Rock.
latter reef. This course will lead 1 mile NW of the beacon marking

Normanhurst Reef (4°45'N., 118°18'E.), crescent shaped

10.42 Dawson Rock, 1 mile NW of the bacon marking McKinley
and drying, lies about 1.5 miles NE of Rashleigh Reefs and Reefs, and 0.8 mile NW of the N end of Merrett Reefs.
Sheppard Reef, with a small drying pinnacle, lies 1.25 miles W When the beacon on the SW extremity of Lloyd Reefs bears

of the same reefs. 275°, course should be altered to 228° in order to clear Batt
Lawler Reef (4°47'N., 118°15'E.), the NW reef of the chain,
10.42 Reef and Michael Shoal and pass midway between James and
is a small steep-to drying coral ridge lying 2 miles NW of Collins Reefs. The S end of James Reef should be rounded at a
Sheppard Reef. distance of not less than 0.15 mile, and when the timber derrick
The W extremities of Pulau Tanah and Pulau Maganting in
10.42 on the old jetty at Mostyn bears 305°, it should be steered for
range, bearing 343°, lead very close W of Normanhurst Reef on that bearing.
and E of Sheppard and Rashleigh Reefs.
Nichols Reef (4°49'N., 118°14'E.), a small coral patch al-
10.42 10.45 The Sungai Madai, a shallow river fronted by a mud
most awash, lies about 2 miles WSW of the NW extremity of bank, discharges about 3.75 miles NW of Mostyn. A small islet
Pulau Maganting. lies 0.75 mile E of the entrance at the end of a drying mud and
Caution.—Mariners are advised to exercise extreme caution
10.42 sand spit. A broad spit of reef extends 0.75 mile N from the is-

Pub. 163
334 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

let. A small detached reef lies about 0.65 mile E of the E end of

Pulau Tagabua (4°46'N., 118°14'E.), a small islet, stands

10.45 the island.
2.25 miles NNE of the above islet and 2 miles offshore. Foul
ground lies within 0.5 mile WNW, 1 mile SE and 1.25 miles 10.47 Silam Harbor (4°57'N., 118°14'E.) lies in the NW
SW of Pulau Tagabua. The passage between this islet and the part of Darvel Bay between Tanjong Batu and the W end of Pu-
coast is foul. lau Sakar about 6.75 miles ENE.
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 16.5m,
10.45 Several channels lead into the harbor through the reefs which

mud, with Pulau Tagabua bearing 047°, distance 1.25 miles. lie across the entrance but the main channel, about 0.75 mile
wide, leads between Pulau Kalungan and Misanmisan Reef in
Head of Darvel Bay the middle of the chain. A boat channel marked by stakes leads
to the old pier at Silam Village.
10.46 The coast between the mouth of the Sungai Madai and The shores are irregular and fronted by reefs and islands

Tanjong Batai, 7 miles NNW, is intersected by two salt water within almost 1 mile of the coast. Pulau Baik, near the middle
creeks. A ridge of coastal hills, from 87 to 120m high, runs of the harbor, and the Saddle Islands to the SW of it, protect the
parallel to the coast for 2 miles from the N entrance point of the anchorage off Silam. The harbor depths are very irregular and
Sungai Madai. This ridge assists in identifying the river en- range from over 36.6m at the entrance to about 18.3m at the
trance. anchorage.
Lubock Sabahan (4°52'N., 118°09'E.), entered between
10.46 Aspect.—Mount Silam, a flat-topped wooded mountain,

Tanjong Batai and Tanjong Bangkuruan, about 2.5 miles to the 890m high, stands about 2.5 miles E of Silam Pier and is con-
N, penetrates the coast for about 2 miles to the W and provides spicuous as the highest mountains in that vicinity. It stands up
anchorage, in depths of 9 to 14.6m, mud. boldly, being separated from the other mountains W and S of it
Tanjong Batai, the S entrance point, is low and mangrove
10.46 by a deep valley, and slopes steeply to the NE. The ridge rises
covered and fronted by a drying spit which extends about 0.75 again to Mount Mark and continues to the E as a coastal range
mile to the NNE. The outer edge of the spit is steep-to. The with a gradually diminishing altitude.
Sungai Tingkayu, a small shallow river discharges close S of Mount Mark, with a well-defined summit, 466m high, stands

the point. about 1.5 miles NW of Silam Pier and about 2 miles NE of
The S and W sides of the bay are shallow with depths of
10.46 Mount Silam. It is easily identified as the first summit showing
5.5m lying up to 1 mile offshore in places. The shores of the on the skyline NE of Mount Silam, and has a long spur extend-
bay are fringed by an extensive mud flat. Several small rivers ing down toward Silam.
flow into the bay but none have any commercial importance. Tanjong Batu, the S point of Silam Harbor, is the E extremity

Moorhen Reefs (4°52'N., 118°12'E.) consist of a line of four

10.46 of a low range of coastal hills and is conspicuous.
small reefs which lie centered about 2.75 miles NE of Tanjong Adams Reef, small in extent, lies awash at LW about 2.5

Batai. miles SE of Pulau Saranga. A small drying sand bank lies at its
The summit of Tanjong Bangkuruan in range, bearing 301°,
10.46 E end.
with the W Stewart Peak leads SW of Moorhen Reefs. Wanderer Reef, awash at HW, lies about 0.5 mile ENE of

The summit of Pulau Baik (4°57'N., 118°15'E.), bearing

10.46 Adams Reef. The reef is about 0.5 mile long and 0.2 mile wide.
038°, and well open SE of Giffard Islet, leads close SE of these
reefs. 10.48 Gusong Dilaut (4°55'N., 118°15'E.), a narrow reef
The coast between Tanjong Bangkuruan and Tanjong Batu,
10.46 about 0.3 mile long and awash at LW, lies about 0.5 mile NNE
about 3.5 miles NE, is fronted by many small detached reefs of Wanderer Reef. The passage between this reef and Pulau
extending about 2.5 miles offshore. Kalung Kalungun is clear.
Tanjong Bangkuruan may be identified by a conspicuous
10.46 Pulau Kalung Kalungun, a small islet with a round top 44m

small knoll, 79m high near its extremity, and by the conspicu- high stands on a small reef about 0.5 mile E of Gusung Dilaut.
ous Stewart Peaks, 460m and 491m high, rising 3.75 and 4.5 A light is shown from a metal framework tower on the islet.
miles, respectively, WNW of it. Kissing Hill, which stands on the N shore about 1.75 miles N

Kiddle Reefs (4°54'N., 118°12'E.) consists of two narrow

10.46 of Pulau Baik, in range 356° with the E extremity of this island,
drying reefs separated by shallow water. The reefs extend leads between Gusung Dilaut and Pulau Kalungan.
WNW 0.7 mile from a position about 1.75 miles SSE of Tan- Misanmisan Reef (4°56'N., 118°16'E.), awash and some-

jong Batu. Foul ground extends S from the S side of the E reef times difficult to see, lies about 0.9 mile NNE of Pulau Kalun-
for about 0.12 mile and a 6.1m patch lies about 0.15 mile N of gan. A reef, awash at LW, lies about 0.5 mile ENE of
it. A 11m patch lies close off the E side of the E reef. Misanmisan Reef and from it, reefs and foul ground extend
Mount Mark (4°59'N., 118°11'E.), bearing 338° in line with
10.46 1.65 miles ENE to the SW extremity of Pulau Sakar. Pulau
the W extremity of Pulau Sagai, leads E of Kiddle Reefs. Baik, near the middle of Silam Harbor, stands 1.65 miles NNW
Pulau Saranga (4°55'N., 118°12'E.), which lies close E of
10.46 of Pulau Kalung Kalungan. This island is thickly wooded and
Tanjong Batu, consists of two wooded hills joined by a narrow has a conspicuous conical summit 114m high near its E end.
strip of mangroves. The N hill is 52m high and the S hill is White Rocks, just above water at high tide, lie at the outer

76m high. The S side of the island is fringed by a reef which end of a narrow tongue of reefs that extend 0.4 mile NW from
extends about 0.25 mile offshore. the island. A light is shown at the end of this reef.
The passage between this island and the point to the W is re-
10.46 Vessels loading lumber may anchor W of Pulau Baik.

ported to be foul. The NE extremity of Pulau Baik is fringed by a reef that ex-

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 335

tends about 0.12 mile to the N. A narrow detached reef, sepa- side, will accommodate vessels up to 500 dwt. Larger vessels
rated from the fringing reef by a narrow, deep channel, lies anchor W of Woodhall Reefs to work cargo into barges.
over 0.1 mile N and extends 0.2 mile farther N. The coast between Soai Soaium Bay and the W extremity of

Woodhall Reefs (4°58'N., 118°15'E.), two detached drying

10.48 Pulau Sakar, about 4 miles ESE, is indented in its E half by a
patches, lie 0.65 mile N of Pulau Baik. A deep channel, 0.25 shallow bay that extends 1 mile inland.
mile wide, lies between these reefs and the detached reef N of Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken about 0.5 mile SE of

Pulau Baik. the pier at Silam, in depths of about 13 to 15m, sand and coral.
The SW end of Pulau Baik, in range 299° with Mount Mark,
10.48 The anchorage should be used only by small and medium sized
leads SW of Misanmisan Reef. The NE end of Pulau Baik, in vessels as it lies over a very uneven bottom and is fouled by
range 296° with Mount Mark, leads between Misanmisan Reef three 5.5m coral heads to the S and E and by Holmes Rock,
and the reefs E of it. with a depth of 4.6m, lying 0.5 mile N of the N end of Pulau
Wise Hill, 140m high, about 1 mile NE of Silam Pier, in
10.48 Sumabun.
range 290° with Mount Mark, leads between Woodhall Reefs Good bearings can be taken at this anchorage, which has

and the narrow detached reef N of Pulau Baik. limited swinging room.
Larger vessels should anchor outside these patches, lying on

10.49 The Saddle Islands (4°56'N., 118°14'E.) consist of the irregular shore reef fronting Silam, in depths of 27 to 29m.
six wooded islands extending 2.25 miles in a NW direction Good anchorage can be taken, in depths of 33 to 36.6m,

from a position about 1.5 miles W of Pulau Kalung Kalungun. close N of the reef extending NW from Pulau Baik and W of
Giffard Islet, 37m high and the E islet of the chain, stands
10.49 Woodhall Reefs.
1.5 miles W of Pulau Kalung Kalungun and is fringed by a nar- Sheltered anchorage can be taken, in depths of 14.6 to

row reef. The reef on the NW side of the islet extends 0.25 mile 18.3m, mud, in the bight on the N side of Tanjung Batu with
WNW to the S side of Pulau Tabauwan. A small islet lies about the N extremity of that point bearing 154°, distance 0.5 mile.
midway between these two islands. Directions.—The anchorage off Silam may be approached

Pulau Laila (Pulau Tabauwan) (4°56'N., 118°14'E.) rises to

10.49 by passing on either the N or S sides of the Saddle Islands. The
a 93m summit near its center and a 53m hill near its N end. approach from the E passing to the N of the Saddle Islands is
Powers Spit, a coral ledge with a least depth of 1.8m, extends clear of dangers after passing in between Pulau Kalungan and
about 0.35 mile NNW from the N extremity of the island. Misanmisan Reef, but Power Spit must be given a wide berth.
The W extremity of the island is joined to the SE extremity
10.49 The passage from the S, between Pulau Sagai and Pulau Saran-
of Pulau Sumabun to the WNW by a reef. Pulau Nipa Nipa, a ga, and then between Pulau Sagai and the coast is clear but nar-
small islet 61m high, lies on this reef about midway between row.
the two islands. Pulau Sumabun, 85m high, is about 0.5 mile Vessels approaching Silam from the E should pass at least 2

long and 0.25 mile wide. miles off the Darvel Peninsula and then steer for Pulau Kalun-
Pulau Sagai, 59m high and the W island of this chain, stands
10.49 gan. After passing 0.3 mile N of Pulau Kalungan, vessels
on a reef that is separated from the reef fringing the W side of should then steer 305° for Mount Mark until the N extremity of
Pulau Sumabun by a very narrow passage. Pulau Baik is in range 095° with the S extremity of the S islet
The W end of Pulau Sumabun in range, bearing 330° with
10.49 lying off the SW end of Pulau Sakar.
Mount Mark, leads SW of Adams Reef. Vessels should then keep this range dead astern until the W

The E extremity of Giffard Islet, in range 024° with the NW

10.49 extremity of Pulau Sagai is in range, bearing 199° with the E
point of Pulau Baik, leads W of Adams Reef. extremity of the S part of Pulau Saranga, at which time anchor-
Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents off Silam Harbor are
10.49 age should be taken. This range clears Holmes Rock by about
very weak and appear to turn about at HW and LW by the 0.1 mile and leads to the inner anchorage for small and medi-
shore. um-sized vessels.
Vessels approaching Silam from the S should pass about 1

Silam Harbor—West and North Shores mile SW of Adams Reef, bringing the W extremity of Pulau
Sagai in range 338° with Mount Mark and steering for it. This
10.50 From Tanjong Batu, the W entrance point of Silam course leads about 0.25 mile E of the small detached reef lying
Harbor, the coast extends in a general NE direction for 3.75 off Pulau Saranga. Pulau Sagai should then be rounded about
miles to the W entrance point of Soai Soaium Bay. The coast 0.1 to 0.2 mile off after which they should bring the W extrem-
between these two points is indented, irregular, and fronted by ity of Pulau Sagai in range, bearing 205° with the summit of
reefs and foul ground up to 1 mile offshore. The settlement of the S hill on Pulau Saranga. Course should then be altered to
Silam is situated along this section of coast about 2 miles NNE this range dead astern up to the anchorage, passing between the
of Tanjong Batu. two W patches of depths of 7.3m.
Soai Soaium Bay (4°58'N., 118°14'E.) is entered about 2.25

miles NE of Silam through an entrance about 0.45 mile wide Darvel Bay—North Side
with depths of 12.8 to 14.6m.
The W side of the bay is very irregular and has two shallow
10.50 10.51 Lahad Datu Harbor (5°00'N., 118°23'E.) is entered
finger-like arms at the head. Foul ground extends about 0.5 between the E extremity of Pulau Sakar and the W coast of the
mile S from the W entrance point. A 4.6m patch lies in the en- Darvel Peninsula, about 4 miles to the E and recedes about 5.5
trance of the bay. miles WNW to its head. The depths in the approach are deep
A small jetty in Soai Soaium Bay, with a depth of 1m along-
10.50 and clear seaward of the coastal reefs and range from 25.6 to

Pub. 163
336 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

40.2m. From WNW of the entrance, which has depths of 18.3 miles. A narrow shallow channel less than 0.1 mile wide sepa-
to 34.7m, the depths decrease gradually toward the head of the rates its W side from the mainland.
bay, which has a depth of 9.1m at the anchorage 0.25 mile off The S coast of the island is straight and fringed by a very

the pier head. This major port in the area has two small anchor- narrow steep-to reef. The small islets off its SW end have been
ages and maximum vessel size includes loa 308m, draft 20m, previously described. Pulau Sakar has been reported a good ra-
and 100,000dwt. For berthing details see table titled Lahad dar target at distances up to 21 miles.
Datu—Berth Information. Crook Reef (Terumbu Sakar) (4°47'N., 118°20'E.), which

Pulau Sakar (4°58'N., 118°20'E.), a densely-wooded and ir-

10.51 dries, lies 3.25 miles WSW of the E end of Pulau Sakar and 0.7
regularly-shaped island, rises near the center of its S side to a mile offshore. A small detached reef lies about 0.7 mile W of
conspicuous knob, 218m high. It extends 5 miles in a WSW di- Crook Reef and some small islets lie within 1 mile farther W.
rection from its E end and has a greatest width of about 2.4

Lahad Datu—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
POIC Container Terminal
Container Berth 308m — 308m 15.0m 65,000 dwt Container and reefer.
POIC Dry Bulk Terminal
No. 01 188m — — 12.8m 30,000 dwt Fertilizer and breakbulk.
No. 02 138m — — 10.8m 10,000 dwt Fertilizer and breakbulk.
No. 03 188m — — 12.8m 30,000 dwt Fertilizer and breakbulk.
No. 04 138m — — 10.8m 10,000 dwt Fertilizer and breakbulk.
Lahad Datu Port Terminal
North Berth 172m — 100m — 15,000 dwt Breakbulk.
Chemicals and vegetable oils.
Oil Berth 110m 10.3m 200m — 10,000 dwt Berthing length of 295m (including
South Berth 194m 10.0m 200m — 30.000 dwt Breakbulk.
West Berth 104m — — — — Breakbulk
Asphalt Terminal
Dirty products. Berthing length of
Berth 32m — — — —
146m (including dolphins).
Felda Wilayah Sahabat Terminal
Jetty 01 76m — — — — Vegetable oils.
Vegetable oils. Berthing length of
Jetty 02 — — 180m — 20,000 dwt
160m (including dolphins).
Kwantas Refinery Terminal
Vegetable oils. Berthing length of
Kwantas Berth 30m 10m 180m — 30,000 dwt
226m (including dolphins).
POIC Liquid Bulk Terminal
Vegetable oils. Berthing length of
No. 01 — — 274m 20.0m 100,000 dwt
300m (including dolphins).
Vegetable oils. Berthing length of
No. 02 — — — 20.0m 100,000 dwt
300m (including dolphins).
Under construction. Vegetable oils.
No. 03 — — — 12.0m 20,000 dwt Berthing length of 195m (including

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 337

Lahad Datu—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Vegetable oils. Berthing length of
No. 04 — — — 12.0m 20,000 dwt
195m (including dolphins).
No. 05 — — — 12.0m 3,000 dwt Under construction. Vegetable oils.
No. 06 — — — 12.0m 6,000 dwt Under construction. Vegetable oils.
No. 07 — — — 12.0m 3,000 dwt Under construction. Vegetable oils.

The N coast of the island is irregular and indented in several

10.51 of Armstrong Reef and 0.5 mile SW of the shore bank fronting
places by narrow shoal inlets. Some inlets lie close offshore the coast. Both Pulau Adal and the SW peak of Gunung Sidun-
along this side of the island. The NE extremity of the island gal, 8 miles SW, show as sharp well-defined summits.
slopes steeply down to a low point from which a reef extends E The coast between the river delta and the settlement of La-

for 0.75 mile. The edge of this reef cannot always be seen and had Datu, about 8 miles WNW, is fronted by detached reefs
vessels rounding it are advised to exercise caution. A light is which lie within 1 mile from the shores. From Lahad Datu, for
shown at the end of the reef. a distance of about 3 miles S, the coast is fringed by mangroves
Halloran Reef (Terumbu Belasu) (4°59'N., 118°21'E.), ly-
10.51 and fronted by shoal water up to a distance of over 1 mile.
ing about 0.32 mile off the center of the N coast of the island
and about 0.5 mile WNW of the NE point of the island, is a 10.53 Lahad Datu (5°01'N., 118°19'E.) (World Port Index
small, drying reef. Shoal water extends for a short distance off No. 51730), a small coastal settlement, is the headquarters of
its NE side. the District Office and also the tobacco company.
Directions.—The summit of Pulau Adal (4°45'N.,

118°31'E.), in range bearing 153°, astern, with the SW peak of Sabah Ports Authority Home Page
Gunung Sedongal, just clears the edge of the reef off the NE
end of Pulau Sakar, and Pulau Adal must be brought slightly to http://www.infosabah.com.my/spa
the SW of this peak before rounding the reef.
The NE extremity of Pulau Sakar, in range bearing 124° with
Tides—Currents.—The water at Lahad Datu is usually sta-


Tanjong Melandong, leads about 0.25 mile NE of Halloran

tionary, but a very slight E current is experienced at times. The
range of spring tides is 1.8m.
Depths—Limitations.—A coral mole extends 0.17 mile SE

from the SW corner of Lahad Datu. Government Wharf and the

customs shed are situated at the seaward end of the mole. The
wharf is 96m long, 17m wide at the head, and has a least depth
of 4.6m alongside.
Contact Information.—See tha table titled Lahad Datu—
Contact Information.

Lahad Datu—Contact Information

Port Authority
VHF VHF channels 12, 14, and 16
Telephone 60-89-889722
Facsimile 60-89-882749
Courtesy of Google E-mail clarence@spsb.com.my
Lahad Datu
Web site
10.52 The W coast of the Darvel Peninsula, between Tan- datu-port-0
jong Melandong and the delta of two small rivers about 2.5
miles NNW, is fringed by a bank which extends up to 1.5 miles Sabah Port Authority Wharf, situated about 2 miles E of the

offshore in places. town, is an L-shaped jetty extending S from the shore. The
Armstrong Reef (4°56'N., 118°26'E.), which dries 1.5m,
berthing face is 91m long and 12m wide, with an alongside
lies outside this bank about 2.25 miles WNW of Tanjong depth of 9.75m, and is aligned in an E-W direction. Mooring
Melandong. dolphins are situated off each end of the wharf. The maximum
Directions.—The summit of Pulau Adal in range, bearing
size of vessels which may be accepted is 25,000 dwt.
153° with the SW peak of Gunung Sedongal leads 0.5 mile SW Port development and land reclamation is taking place to the

Pub. 163
338 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

E of the SPA Wharf. 10.4m, lies almost 1.25 miles SSE of Tanjong Tambak.
Three drying reefs extend from 0.5 to 1.5 miles SE from the
10.53 Tambak Reef, which dries 0.6m, lies 0.5 mile SE of Tanjong

head of the pier at Lahad Datu. These steep-to reefs are bor- Tambak.
dered by depths of 9 to 12.8m. Kinabalu Shoal, with a least depth of 4.9m, lies 3.25 miles

The N reef is named Gosungan, the center and largest reef is

10.53 ESE of Shoal Point.
Voorwyk, and the S reef is named Tinggeri. Navigational aids Kennedy Bay may be entered by bringing the 102m summit,

mark all of these dangers. A coral patch named Bershesherk located about 2.5 miles NNE of Shoal Point, to bear 312° and
lies between Gosungan Reef and the shore to the N of it. A steering for it. This course will lead 0.5 mile SW of Turner
navigational aid also marks this danger. Patch and to the anchorage. Shoal Point bears 235°, with the W
Gray Reef (5°01'N., 118°20'E.), a small coral patch, with a
10.53 extremity of Pulau Tabauwan just open SE of it, from this posi-
least depth of 5.5m close to its edge, lies about 0.5 mile S of tion.
the pierhead. A beacon marks this danger. Along the N shore of the bay the flood sets to the W and the

Pilotage.—Pilots are available; however, 24-hour advance

10.53 ebb to the E at a rate of about 1 knot at springs. The current ap-
notice is required. The pilot boat is equipped with VHF radio- pears to turn at about the time of HW and LW by the shore.
telephone. Everest Bay (4°57'N., 118°34'E.), a small inlet to the E of

Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken by vessels up to 91m

10.53 Kennedy Bay, is entered between Tanjong Tambak and Tan-
in length between Gray Reef and Gosungan Reef, in a depth of jong Bakapit. Numerous shoals and reefs foul the entrance,
9.1m, mud, with the light structure on the pier bearing 325°, some of which dry at LW.
and Gray Reef Beacon bearing 215°. Larger vessels can an- Bakapit (4°57'N., 118°35'E.), situated on the W shore of

chor, in a depth of 11m, with the same light bearing 333° and Basilan Bay, just E of Everest Bay, is a timber loading port. A
Tinggeri Reef Beacon bearing 080°. small, narrow pier is situated at Bakapit.
Anchorage can be taken N of Pulau Sekar, in depths of 12.8
10.53 A beacon stands on the drying reef about 0.3 mile E of Tan-

to 25m, good holding ground. jong Bakapit. This beacon, bearing 000°, leads between Bran-
Anchorage is prohibited to vessels carrying explosives or
10.53 tian Reef and Ireton Patch, lying about 0.5 mile SSE and 0.75
dangerous petroleum products in the approach fairway, or mile SE, respectively, of Tanjong Bakapit. A beacon marks the
within 0.7 mile of the pier head. SE end of Brantian Reef.
Directions.—After passing about 0.25 mile NE of Halloran
10.53 Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken about 1 mile S or

Reef, vessels should steer WNW to pass W of Tinggeri Reef. 1.25 miles SW of Tanjong Bakapit. Anchorage is prohibited in
When the S mast of the two radio masts at Lahad Datu is in the approach fairway or within 0.65 mile of the beacon which
range, bearing 326° with the light structure on the pier, course stands on a point on the E side of Basilan Bay, to vessels carry-
should be changed to the NW to the anchorage. ing explosives or dangerous petroleum. A pilot is available and
can usually be boarded in the vicinity of Turner Patch. Several
Tanjong Melandong to Tanjong Labian tugs are available for hauling logs.
The coast between Tanjong Bakapit and Tanjong Membatu

10.54 The coast between Tanjong Melandong and Shoal (Bagahak Point), about 4 miles ESE, is fringed by reefs and
Point, the SE extremity of the Darvel Peninsula, about 2.75 shoals which extend up to about 0.75 mile offshore in places.
miles to the E continues low and is marked by trees, 30 to 35m This latter point is low and covered with mangroves. A light is
high. shown from an 11m high white metal framework tower situat-
The S side of the peninsula is fronted by shallow water ex-
10.54 ed on an 82m hill, 1 mile WNW of Tanjong Membatu. A con-
tending almost 1 mile S. Depths decrease rapidly from 20 to spicuous spur, 159m high, runs in a S direction to within 1.25
5.5m SE of Shoal Point. Vessels should give this area a wide miles E of the point. This spur is prominent when viewed from
berth because the soundings give little warning. the E or W, and a summit, 289m high and 1 mile inland, forms
The E coast of the peninsula extends about 3 miles NE from
10.54 an easily identified landmark from those directions but not
Shoal Point to the head of Kennedy Bay and continues low and from the S because of the higher land behind it.
swampy and is densely wooded.
Kennedy Bay (4°57'N., 118°33'E.), a small partially-exam-
10.54 10.55 Howard Shoal (4°54'N., 118°40'E.), a narrow steep-
ined inlet, appears to provide good anchorage, in a depth of to coral shoal with a least depth of 4.3m, lies 2.5 miles SE of
18m, mud, about 0.65 mile from its head. Tanjong Membatu.
The E side of the bay is formed by a reef that extends about
10.54 A bank, with a depth of 22m, lies 0.75 mile SW of Howard

0.5 mile SSW from Tanjong Tambak the E entrance point of Shoal.
the bay. The coast between Tanjong Membatu and Tanjong Tungku,

The W side of the bay is formed by a mud flat, parts of

10.54 about 13.5 miles to the E, continues high, mountainous, and
which dry, that extends about 1.5 miles E and NE from Shoal steep-to within a short distance offshore. Several small rivers
Point. flow into the sea along this stretch of coast.
The bay is about 0.75 mile wide at its entrance. Several de-
10.54 A light is shown from a 23m high white metal framework

tached reefs lie in the NE corner of the bay close to the fringing tower situated on Tanjong Tungku.
reef. To the W of Tanjong Tungku, which is low, the land rises to

Turner Patch (4°56'N., 118°35'E.), a small coral shoal with

10.54 the Bagahak Range, the spurs from which slope steeply to the
a depth of 12.8m, lies 1.5 miles SE of Tanjong Tambak. coast.
Websper Patch (4°56'N., 118°34'E.), with a least depth of
10.54 Mount Bagahak (5°03'N., 118°46'E.), 835m high, standing

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 339

7 miles WNW of Tanjong Tungku, is the summit of this range. Mangrove Point, the S entrance point, is the N extremity of

North of Tanjung Tungku, there is a well-defined ridge of roll- an island covered by mangroves lying close offshore. The is-
ing hills, 120 to 155m high, lying about 1.5 miles inland. The land is fringed by a narrow reef on its E and N sides.
Sungai Tungku, a shallow river of no importance, flows into In Dent Haven the current begins to set to the N 3 hours be-

the sea close W of the point. A village stands on its E bank fore HW and to the S 3 hours before LW. It appears probable
about 0.75 mile within the entrance. that this is an eddy.
A drying mud flat extends almost 0.5 mile S from the point
10.55 Caution.—Hull Rock, located about 1.5 miles NE of Reef

and shoal water extends 0.25 mile farther S, falling steeply into Point, has a least depth of 1.2m and breaks at times. The rock
a depth of 25.6m. As this shoal does not show clearly because lies on a long narrow bank of hard sand, with depths of 1.8 to
of the discoloration of the river water, vessels should keep out- 9.1m, that stretches almost 1.25 miles N and 1 mile S.
side the 30m curve when passing. A sand bank, awash, extends about 0.32 mile N from a posi-

The coast between Tanjong Tungku and Tanjong Labian,

10.55 tion about 0.3 mile ENE of Reef Point, and has a greatest width
about 23 miles ENE, remains high for about 12.5 miles and of about 0.13 mile. A shoal patch, with a least depth of 4.8m,
then becomes low and densely wooded for the remaining dis- lies close N of this sand bank.
tance. With the exception of a narrow fringing reef bordering A 7.6m patch lies 1 mile ENE of Reef Point.

the coast, there are no off-lying dangers. Between the sand bank and the N tongue of the shoal area

Tolibas Village stands at the mouth of a small stream about

10.55 surrounding Hull Rock, there is a channel 0.5 mile wide with
midway between Tanjong Tungku and a red cliff about 10 depths of 11 to 12.8m. This channel is not recommended be-
miles to the ENE. Telok Sabahat, a small river, discharges cause it is fouled by a sandy patch with a least depth of 5.5m,
about 1 mile ENE of this red cliff. A rounded point, which can which lies 1.5 miles NNE of Reef Point. The depths are irregu-
be identified by the prominent high trees, stands close E of the lar and numerous 6.4 to 7.3m patches exist.
river and a similar point stands 7.5 miles farther ENE. Hardy Patch, a coral shoal with a depth of 5.5m, lies to the

The tidal currents on the E end of the N shore of Darvel Bay

10.55 SE of Hull Rock and is located about 2.75 miles ESE of Reef
are weak and run about 1 knot at springs, with the flood to the Point. Strong tide rips mark it and discolored water is usually
W and the ebb to the E. formed. This shoal is not only a danger to vessels approaching
Tanjong Labian (5°09'N., 119°13'E.) is low and difficult to
10.55 Dent Haven, but also to vessels passing along the coast at night
identify. A light is shown from a white metal framework tower. or in thick weather. It may be avoided by passing E of the
Caution.—A dangerous wreck lies about 1 mile SSW of the
10.55 36.6m curve.
mouth of Telok Sabahat. There are several 4.8 to 5.5m patches lying within 0.8 mile N

of Mangrove Point.
Tanjong Labian to Sandakan Harbor
10.57 The coast from Reef Point extends N and NW in a
10.56 The coast between Tanjong Labian and Dent Haven, gentle curve for 10 miles to Tanjong Unsang, and then WNW
about 7.5 miles NNE, consists of a hard sandy beach backed by for 3.25 miles to Pulau Tambisan. This section of coast is low,
jungle which becomes swampy as Dent Haven is approached. swampy, covered with jungle growth, and fringed by a narrow
Between Dent Haven and Tanjong Labian, the currents run
10.56 strip of steep-to coral.
strongly from 1.5 to 3 knots at times with the flood setting to Pulau Tambisan (5°28'N., 119°07'E.) rises to a uniform

the S and the ebb to the N, but the currents are extremely vari- height of 18 to 21m with the top of the trees on the unclear por-
able in strength and there is no certainty as to their direction. tion about 61m high. The island is fringed by a coral reef along
Occasionally the current was observed to run strongly in one its shores which is about 0.75 mile wide in places. A narrow
direction for one or two days and then in the opposite direction channel, available only to small boats, lies between the island
for one day for no apparent reason. At other times the currents and the mainland. The W end of the island is easily made out
changed at about high and LW by the shore. from seaward during the day, but the E end is low and hard to
Dent Haven (5°16'N., 119°15'E.), a small bay which slightly
10.56 identify.
indents the coast and which is partially protected to the NE by Between Dent Haven and Pulau Tambisan, the tidal currents

Hull Rock, is entered between Mangrove Point and Reef Point run at a rate of 2 to 3 knots with the flood to the S and the ebb
about 2 miles to the N. The bay is generally free from dangers to the N.
and provides good anchorage during the Southwest Monsoon, Tangusu Bay (5°27'N., 119°03'E.), a shallow bight formed

in depths of 6.1 to 7.3m, sand and mud. A slight swell some- by the receding coast and protected to the NE by Pulau Tam-
times sets into the bay. The S part of the bay close inshore is bisan, lies SW of the island. A rock, with a depth of 1.2m, lies
foul. The whole shoreline of the bay is the barrier of a great in the bay about 1 mile SW of the SW end of Pulau Tambisan.
swamp. A coral reef, with a least depth of 0.9m, lies about 2.75 miles
Vessels should pass in between the S end of the shoal ground
10.56 W of the SW extremity of Pulau Tambisan.
surrounding Hull Rock and Hardy Patch. The extremity of the
coast S of Mangrove Point should not be brought to bear less Off-lying Dangers and Banks
than 217°, until the S end of the long sandy beach in the bay N
of Alfred Point bears 255°. Vessels may then steer for a conve- 10.58 Rene Shoal (5°30'N., 119°09'E.), with a least known
nient anchorage. depth of 3.7m, coral and sand, extends NW for about 4.25
Reef Point, the N entrance point of the bay is fringed by a
10.56 miles from a position about 3 miles ENE of Pulau Tambisan.
reef that extends about 137m from it. Gem Reef (5°35'N., 119°08'E.), coral and sand and with a

Pub. 163
340 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

least depth of 0.9m, lies to the N of Rene Shoal about 7.75 small craft with local knowledge.
miles N of the E end of Pulau Tambisan. The coast between the Kuala Segama and the Kuala

From Gem Reef SE to Sibutu Passage, frequent and sharply-

10.58 Kinabatangan Besar, about 14 miles to the NW, is jungle cov-
defined tide rips occur which have the appearance of shoal wa- ered and bordered by grass and bushes.
Magpie Bank (5°45'N., 119°05'E.), with a least depth of
10.58 10.60 The Sungai Kinabatangan (5°39'N., 118°37'E.),
16.5m on its SW side, is an extensive bank of rotten coral which discharges through the Kuala Kinabatangan Besar, has
which lies centered about 17.25 miles N of Pulau Tambisan. depths of 6.7 to 9m, is 0.6 mile wide at the entrance, and front-
A 9m patch was reported to lie about 1.5 miles W of the
10.58 ed by a bar that extends 3.5 miles offshore. The bar has a depth
16.5m head on Magpie Bank. A 9.6m depth was reported to lie of 2.7m at LWS Vessels not having local knowledge and draw-
outside the bank about 5 miles NE of the 16.5m head. ing more than 2.4m should not attempt to cross the bar because
A patch with a depth of 9.6m was reported to lie about 1.5
10.58 the tides are greatly influenced by the winds, making the time
miles NE of Magpie Bank in the fairway between Magpie and of HW uncertain.
Sandy Bank. Driftwood Point (5°39'N., 118°37'E.), the E entrance point,
Sunday Bank (5°49'N., 119°09'E.), with a least depth of
10.58 is a wooded, sharp, and well-defined projection. A light is situ-
11.9m near its W side, lies about 20 miles N of Pulau Tam- ated on the W entrance point from a white metal framework
bisan. tower with red bands.
Normanby Bank (5°48'N., 119°13'E.), a shoal coral bank
10.58 From the entrance the river extends SW and then S for 5

with a least depth of 11m, lies centered about 21 miles NNE of miles to Dewhurst Bay, where there are depths from 1.8 to
Pulau Tambisan. 10.9m. The main branch of the river turns W about 5 miles
Sentry Bank (5°42'N., 119°19'E.), with a least depth of
10.58 from the entrance and becomes narrow. Some settlements and
12.8m, lies about 17 miles NE of the E end of Pulau Tambisan rubber plantations stand along the river banks farther upstream.
and consists of coral and sand formation. Royalist Rock (5°43'N., 118°40'E.), with a least depth of

Tides—Currents.—During two days on Sentry Bank, in the

10.58 1.8m, coral near its SW end and steep-to, lies 4.75 miles NNE
month of August, the current was observed to set almost con- of Driftwood Point.
stantly between NE and SE, varying from 0.25 to 1.5 knots. Nymphe Reef (5°44'N., 118°40'E.), about 0.75 mile in ex-

The tidal currents appeared to exercise a marked influence on tent with a least depth of 0.3m, coral and sand, lies 6 miles
the strength and direction of the current. The flood was ob- NNE of Driftwood Point. The discolored water from the river
served to set to the S and the ebb to the N. extends as far N as this reef. The reef is seldom seen but it is
marked by a slight ripple and breaks in heavy weather. Patches
10.59 Talantam Shoal (5°42'N., 119°28'E.), with a least with depths of 10.3m and 12.8m lie between Nymphe Reef and
charted depth of 9.1m, lies about 23.25 miles NE of Pulau Royalist Rock.
Tambisan. Deep draft vessels should avoid this shoal because a Pegasus Reef (5°46'N., 118°50'E.), 14 miles NE of Drift-

depth of 7.9m was reported. Less depths than charted may exist wood Point, has a least depth of 0.9m and is composed of live
over this shoal. coral with patches of sand. The discolored water over this reef
When the wind and tide are in opposition, heavy tide rips
10.59 can be seen from aloft. Pegasus Reef Lighted Beacon stands on
form over this shoal and resemble broken water. the N side of the reef.
A shoal patch with a least depth of 6.7m was reported to lie

about 20.5 miles NE of the E extremity of Pulau Tambisan. 10.61 Benrinnes Reef (4°51'N., 118°45'E.), with a least
A shoal, with a least depth of 9.1m, was reported to lie about
10.59 depth of 8.2m, lies 7 miles NW of Pegasus Reef. A lighted bea-
33 miles NW of Talantam Bank and 40 miles N of the E end of con has been added in vicinity of this reef. A 2.1m patch lies
Pulau Tambisan. 0.5 mile W of Benrinnes Reef. Caution should be exercised
An unexamined area, with a least known depth of 19.2m, is
10.59 when navigating in the vicinity of Pegasus Reef, because nu-
located about 10 miles SE of Talantam Bank; a depth of 13m merous other dangerous shoals have been reported.
was reported (1993) to lie 8 miles SSE of the bank. The coast between the Sungai Rinabatangan and Tanjong

The coast between Pulau Tambisan and the Kuala Maruap,

10.59 Aru, the E entrance point of Sandakan Harbor about 30 miles
about 9.75 miles to the W, continues low and swampy. The WNW, is bordered by shoal ground which lies up to 8 miles
mouth of this river is about 0.75 miles wide, with depths of 5 to offshore in places. Several small rivers and streams discharge
9m in the entrance. There is a least depth of 1.8m over the bar along this section of coast which remains low, swampy, and
which extends 3.25 miles offshore from the entrance. densely covered by jungle growth.
Caution.—Caution is necessary crossing the bar as the sea
10.59 Aspect.—About 20 miles SE of Tanjong Aru and 11 miles

breaks during SE winds. Evans Island lies about 3 miles S of from the coast are the Kinabatangan Hills, 293m high. These
the entrance where the river divides into several branches. hills appear from seaward as a long range with a slight peak.
The Kuala Segama, which lies about 9.25 miles WNW of the
10.59 Confusion Hill, about 4.5 miles SE of the Kinabatangan Hills,
Kuala Maruap, is about 0.5 mile wide at the entrance and has a shows as a round top when seen from the NE. Aguia Peak,
depth of about 4.3m. A shallow flat, over which there is a depth which stands about midway between Confusion Hill and the
of 3.3m at HWS, extends about 3 miles offshore from the coast to the NE, is 194m high and from the E appears as a dou-
mouth. An island stands 2 miles inside the entrance and to the ble cone. Notch Hill, about 10 miles ESE of Confusion Hill
S the river splits up into several creeks. The river is fouled by and 8.5 miles from the coast, is 245m high and is the most con-
shifting sand bars and other dangers, and is available only to spicuous hill in the vicinity of the Sungai Kinabatangan. It has

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 341

a sharp steep fall near its summit.

Mount Hatton (5°15'N., 118°42'E.), 606m high and stand-

ing about 16 miles SSE of Notch Hill, is the most conspicuous

mountain on the coast, appearing as a sharp peak from all di-
rections. Ragged Hill, 444m high, stands 7 miles W of Mount
Hatton and appears as two cone-shaped hills when viewed
from the E.
Mount Bagahak, previously described in paragraph 10.54,

stands 12.5 miles SSE of Mount Hatton.

Sandakan (5°49'N., 118°08'E.)

World Port Index No. 51720

10.62 Sandakan, the principal port on the NE coast of Bor-

neo, stands on the NW side of Sandakan Harbor about 0.75
mile SW of Tanjong Papat. Ample, modern alongside berthing
facilities are provided for cargo and tanker vessels. Sandakan is Sandakan Port
a first port of entry. It comprises the area lying between the in-
dented coast extending in a general SW direction from Tanjong 20m high, white metal framework tower situated near the sum-
Papat, and the low land extending S from Tanjong Aru, the mit of the N hill.
broad point lying 2 miles ESE. Pulau Bai, an island 96m high, The harbor extends S and W from Pulau Bai for about 15

lies about 4 miles SSW of Tanjong Papat and forms the S part miles from the entrance, but the only part accurately surveyed
of the harbor. is that part N of Pulau Bai and the N approach to Sapagaya
Bay, located on the S shore 9 miles S of Tanjong Aru.
The harbor entrance lies between the SE side of Pulau Berh-

The NW side of the harbor extends SW from Tanjong Papat


ala and Tanjong Aru about 1.5 miles SE. The width of the en- for about 1 mile to the principal cargo wharf.
trance between the 11m curves is about 1 mile. Between this wharf and Pavitt Point, 3 miles to the SW, there is

an extensive bight fouled by Allard Bank. The area to the SW and

S of Pavitt Point has not been fully examined. Two T-head piers
and an island wharf extend from the shore at Pavitt Point.
Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents change at the time of

high and LW. The maximum flood current is 1.5 knots and the
maximum ebb current is 2 knots.
Alongside the wharf, the current frequently sets in a reverse

direction to the harbor. Swells enter the harbor only when the
Northeast Monsoon blows strongly.
Depths—Limitations.—The approach to the entrance of

Sandakan Harbor is fronted by a large shoal area which ex-

tends up to 8.5 miles N from Tanjong Aru. Depths over the out-
er part range from 6.7 to 11m up to a position 3.5 miles N of
Tanjong Aru. Less water than charted has been reported in this
area. From this position the depths increase to the S to depths
of 23 to 27m through the entrance and depths of 14 to 17m off
Sandakan the wharf at Sandakan.
Atjeh Rock, with a depth of 4.2m, lies about 0.65 mile ESE

Pulau Berhala extends about 2 miles N from its S end, locat-

of the wharf at Sandakan.
ed 1 mile NE of Tanjong Papat and is about 0.6 mile wide. The An obstruction, with a depth of 7.6m, lies about 0.1 mile S of

N part of the island is low and very narrow. Its S part rises to the SW end of the wharf. A foul area, with a depth of 7.9m, lies
two conspicuous hills of almost equal height which slope grad- 0.1 mile E of this obstruction.
ually to the W. The E face of the N hill is marked by two white A depth of 8.2m exists about 0.5 mile E of Pavitt Point. A

streaks running from top to bottom. A light is shown from a 9.4m spot lies 0.43 mile SE of Pavitt Point.

Sandakan—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Main Wharf Terminal

Pub. 163
342 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

Sandakan—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, container, break-
01 213m 11.0m 199m — 20,000 dwt
bulk, and reefer.
03 76m 6.0m — — 5,000 dwt Ro/pax and breakbulk.
04 164m 9.0m 190m — 8,500 dwt Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail and breakbulk.
2A (Outer) 281m 10.0m 172m — — Berthing length of 300m (including dolphins).
Breakbulk. Berthing length of 280m (including
2B (Inner) 261m 6.0m 160m — 8,500 dwt
Karamunting Bulk Oil Terminal
Clean products and bunkers. Berthing length of
Oil Jetty 14m 9.0m 145m — 30,000 dwt
216m (including dolphins).
Karamunting Palm Oil Terminal
Vegetable oils and bunkers. Berthing length of
Inner Jetty 16m 10.3m 105m — 8,000 dwt
130m (including dolphins).
Vegetable oils and bunkers. Berthing length of
Outer Berth 15m 11.14m 184m — 30,000 dwt
200m (including dolphins).
Mowtas Oil Terminal
Mowtas Oil Vegetable oils. Berthing length of 170m (includ-
32m 9.0m 190m 12.0m 20,000 dwt
Jetty ing dolphins).
Sawit Bulkes Terminal
Oil Jetty 12m — 128.6m — — Berthing length of 195m (including dolphins).
Shell Oil Deport Terminal
Shell Oil Clean products, dirty products, and bunkers.
11m 9.0m — — 20,000 dwt
Jetty Berthing length of 137m (including dolphins).

Elton Bank, an extensive area of shoal water, extends almost

10.62 Bukit Mekarah and are very conspicuous.
1.75 miles NE from Pulau Bai. The N limit of this shoal area, Pilotage.—Pilotage is not compulsory, but is available 24

defined by the 11m curve, lies about 1.5 miles SSE of the hours. The Harbor Master acts as pilot. A private pilot may be
wharf at Sandakan. flown in from Kota Kinabalu. Prior notice of at least 24 hours
A rock, 0.6m high and marked by a beacon, stands near the E
10.62 is required. Port operating hours are from 0730 to 2200. Work
extremity of the rocks bordering the channel to the E of Pulau Bai. beyond these hours is subject to prior arrangement and approv-
Borneo Rock, with a depth of 1.2m, lies on the E side of the
10.62 al.
same channel about 2 miles S of the above mentioned beacon. Regulations.—All vessels carrying cargo must load and dis-

Sandakan Wharf (Government Wharf) is 229m long. There

10.62 charge cargo at Sandakan Wharf unless written permission to
were depths of 5.8m alongside the length of the wharf. A do so elsewhere has been obtained from the Superintendent of
dolphin stands almost 30.4m off each end of the wharf. Customs. Berthing at the Pavitt Point Oil Jetties is forbidden
after 1900. Unberthing may take place at night only by prior
Considerable reclamation work has been carried out in the

vicinity of Sandakan Wharf.
Signals.—During daylight hours a continuous watch is
Sandakan Port, an island wharf, is situated E of the oil jet-


maintained by the signal station on the E end of the Custom

ties. The wharf is connected to the shore by two access bridges.
House. The International Code of Signals is used. Tide signals
This wharf has several berths, two which are currently under
are displayed at the signal station, as follows:
construction. Berth information is shown in the table titled
Sandakan—Berth Information.
Aspect.—The N shore of the harbor rises to many summits
Signal Meaning
conspicuous from seaward. Bukit Mekarah, 255m high, is the Cone, point up Ebb current
highest of these summits and rises about 2.25 miles W of
Tanjong Papat. These hills slope gradually on their N and W Cone, point down Flood current
sides and are generally steep-to on their S and E sides. Two Ball Slack water
radio masts are reported to stand close NW of the summit of

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 343

The berthing flag may also be displayed on the wharf to indicate

10.62 jong Papat.
the position of the bow and/or stern at the berth allocated.
Labuk Bay (6°07'N., 117°50'E.), entered between Tanjong

Pisau and Tanjong Niug, the S point of Pulau Pura Pura about
Pennant No. Berth 19.5 miles NE, is fouled by numerous sand banks over most of
0 Anchorage its area. A narrow channel leads to the Bongaya River on the
NW side and another channel on the SE side provides passage
1 Sandakan Wharf, inner side
to the Kuala Labuk in the SW corner of the bay.
2 Sandakan Wharf, outer side, E berth These channels are used only by small boats with local

3 Sandakan Wharf, outer side, W berth knowledge. The W and SE sides of the bay are densely wooded
and the shores are fringed by islets and rocks which extend
4 Small boat jetty some distance offshore. The N part of Pulau Torongohok,
9 Pavitt Point Oil Jetties which stands in the SW part of the bay about 17 miles W of
Tanjong Pisau, is covered with trees, 43m high, and is conspic-
uous when approaching from the NE.
Contact Information.—See the table titled Sandakan—

Contact Information. 10.64 Tanjong Niug (6°15'N., 117°43'E.) is a well-defined

point covered with trees about 43m high. Quoin Hill and Flat
Sandakan—Contact Information Hill, 198 and 192m high, respectively, stand about 8 miles NW
Port Authority of the point.
Some low islets, which are merely clumps of mangroves on

VHF VHF channels 12 and 16 the fringing reef, extend about 0.75 mile N and 2.25 miles E
Telephone 60-89-612411 from Tanjong Pisau. Pulau Kawan (Bankawan), about 31m
high to the tops of the trees, lies outside this fringing reef about
Facsimile 60-89-612975 1.5 miles NE of Tanjong Pisau.
E-mail raiman.ali@spsb.com.my Pulau Tikus, a wooded pyramidal-shaped island 56m high to

the tops of the trees, lies about 1 mile WNW of Tanjong Pisau.
Web site A rock that dries 2.4m stands 0.5 mile N of this island.
Pulau Gusong, a small sandy, treeless islet, lies at the NE end

of a large sand bank near the middle of the bay about 10 miles
Anchorage.—The most convenient anchorage lies about 0.3
W of Tanjong Pisau.
mile S of Sandakan Wharf, in depths of 12.8 to 16.5m. A chain of islets, which Pulau Torongohok is the northern-

Vessels loading timber are required to anchor, in a depth of

most, lies in the SW part of the bay.
9.1m, in the vicinity of the black and white buoy situated about Tides—Currents.—The maximum rate of the ebb observed

1.25 miles SW of Sandakan Wharf. in Kuala Labuk was 3 knots. The tidal influence is felt for a
The quarantine anchorage lies on the E side of the harbor
distance of about 20 miles from the entrance. In the N part of
with its center almost 2 miles E of the Sandakan Wharf. Labuk Bay the flood sets WSW and the ebb ENE at a rate of 1
The explosives anchorage lies close SW of the quarantine
knot at springs. The ebb is the stronger and tends to run for lon-
anchorage. ger than the flood.
Anchorage is prohibited within an arc of a circle extending
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in the N part of La-

about 610m from Sandakan Wharf. buk Bay, almost 1 mile SE of Tanjong Niug, in a depth of
Directions.—Vessels approaching Sandakan, after passing
5.5m. A vessel should approach from the E with Tanjong Niug
between Taganak Island and Taganak Patches, should steer for bearing 260°, which leads over a least depth of 6.4m, between
the approach lighted buoy moored about 9.5 miles NE of the S the two detached shoals with depths of 4.6m and 5.5m which
extremity of Pulau Berhala. Having passed the buoy close-to, lie 5.5 miles ENE and 6.5 miles E, respectively, of the point.
steer 218° for the S extremity of Pulau Berhala. This leads When about 4 miles E of Tanjong Niug, course should be al-
across the bar in a least depth of 7.3m. tered WSW for the anchorage.
When the bar has been crossed and depths of 9.8 to 11m are
Caution.—A vessel drawing more than 4.5m should ap-

sounded, course should be altered a little to the S and pass proach the anchorage only at HW because of the difficulty of
about 0.5 mile E of the S extremity of Pulau Berhala and then accurately determining the vessel’s position.
to the anchorage taking care to avoid Atjeh Rock.
10.65 Off-lying dangers.—The following islands, which lie
Sandakan to Marchesa Bay in the NE and N approach to Sandakan Harbor, are known col-
lectively as the Turtle Islands.
10.63 The coast between Tanjong Papat, the W entrance Gubbins Rock (6°03'N., 118°12'E.), with a depth of 2.1m

point to Sandakan and Tanjong Pisau, about 15.75 miles NE, is and steep-to, lies about 10.75 miles NNE of the N end of Pulau
low, densely wooded, and intersected by numerous small riv- Berhala. A 3.7m patch, marked by a lighted beacon, lies about
ers. A large shoal area, defined by the 10m curve, extends up to 0.3 mile S of Gubbins Rock. A coral patch, with a depth of
6.75 miles off the N half of this section of coast. Two low, 2.7m, lies 2.5 miles SW of Gubbins Rock.
wooded islands stand on this shoal about 4 miles NNW of Tan- Taganak Island (6°05'N., 118°19'E.) lies about 20 miles E

Pub. 163
344 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

of Tanjong Pisau and rises to a height of 137m. A fringing reef 2 miles WNW of Great Bakkungaan Island.
extends up to 0.5 mile offshore in places. Johnston Rock (6°13'N., 118°11'E.), a shoal with a least

An abandoned lighthouse tower stands on the summit of the

10.65 depth of 2.4m, lies 2.25 miles NE of Langaan Island. Several
island. shoal patches, with depths of less than 11m, extend W from
Taganak Patches (6°06'N., 118°15'E.), with depths of 8.2 to
10.65 Johnston Rock. A 8.5m patch lies 1.25 miles E of the rock.
16.5m, lie with their shallowest part 4.5 miles WNW of the Several patches, with depths of 6.1 to 18.3m, lie centered

summit of Taganak Island. Tide rips are occasionally seen in about 3 miles NNE of Langaan Island.
the vicinity. A coral patch, with a least depth of 8.5m, lies about 4.5 miles

A 7.9m patch lies 6.5 miles WNW of Taganak Island.

10.65 ESE of Langaan Island. A 15.8m patch lies about 1 mile N of
Baguan Island (6°05'N., 118°27'E.), 70m high and densely
10.65 this coral patch.
wooded, is located about 7.75 miles ENE of Taganak Island Lihiman Island (6°14'N., 118°04'E.), about 67m high to the

and is surrounded by a coral reef that extends 0.75 mile off- tops of the trees and densely wooded, lies about 4.75 miles
shore in places. Shoal depths extend about 2.25 miles ENE WNW of Langaan Island. An islet, about 20m high to the tops
from the N extremity of the island. A pinnacle rock, with a of the trees, lies on the outer edge of a reef which extends
depth of 5.5m, lies 2 miles NW of Baguan Island. about 0.75 mile NE of the island.
Laurel Rock, 1.6m high, stands 3.25 miles NNE of Baguan
10.65 Boaan Island (6°17'N., 118°05'E.), 78m high to the tops of

Island. The channel between Baguan Island and Laurel Rock is the trees and conspicuous, stands almost 3 miles N of Lihiman
reported to be clear, but it is not recommended. Island. A shoal, with a least depth of 4.3m, lies about 1.75
Clotilde Rock (6°14'N., 118°23'E.), a small coral reef 0.6m
10.65 miles ESE of Boaan Island.
high and steep-to, lies about 9.5 miles NNE of Taganak Island. Lihiman Island and Boaan Island are mud volcanoes. Lihi-

A 3.3m shoal lies 0.5 mile SW of Clotilde Rock. man Island was reported active a half century ago.
Powell Shoal (6°18'N., 118°06'E.), with a least depth of
10.66 Pulau Libaran (6°07'N., 118°01'E.), 43m high and 7.6m, lies about 1.5 miles NE of Boaan Island.
wooded, lies 3.25 miles NE of Tanjong Pisau. A coral reef ex- Sibaung Island (6°18'N., 118°00'E.), about 12m high to the

tends 1.25 miles E from the island and 0.75 mile W from the tops of the trees, stands 4 miles WNW of Boaan Island. Glen
island. Black Rock and White Rock, both above-water, lie on Shoal, with a least depth of 9.1m, lies 2 miles NNE of Sibaung
the E reef and Pulau Bonting, which exhibits a light, and Tree Island.
Rock, also above water, lie on the W reef. Flying Fish Rock (6°17'N., 118°08'E.), with a least depth of

Pulau Gulisaan (Gulisan) (6°09'N., 118°03'E.), an islet with

10.66 2.7m and steep-to, lies 2.5 miles E of Boaan Island.
a conspicuous clump of trees 23m high, stands on the S edge of
a coral reef 2 miles NE of Pulau Libaran. 10.68 The coast between Tanjong Niug and Tanjong Sesip,
Pulau Silingaan (6°10'N., 118°04'E.), about 31m high to the
10.66 about 11.5 miles to the N, is broken by several shallow rivers
tops of the trees, lies about 1.5 miles N of Pulau Gulisaan. The and creeks, and bordered by shoal ground which extends up to
islet is coral fringed and foul ground extends 0.75 mile NW 10.5 miles off the former point and 2 miles off the latter point.
from it. A light is shown on the S end of the island from a From Tanjong Sesip, the coast extends about 18 miles NW to
white metal framework tower with red bands. Tanjong Semangut and is fringed by reefs which extend up to
Turtle Rock (6°12'N., 118°03'E.), with a least depth of
10.66 2.5 miles offshore in places.
3.3m, lies 2 miles NNW of Pulau Silingaan. Several shallow rivers and streams discharge along this sec-

Regulations.—Pulau Penyu Marine Park extends from Pu-

10.66 tion of coast, which is bordered by a low sandy beach.
lau Gulisan to Pulau Bakungaan Kecil 5 miles E and includes Marchesa Bay (6°40'N., 117°34'E.) lies between the chain

Pulau Silingaan and the extensive reef 1 mile to the E. The lim- of reefs extending NE from the coast for 9.5 miles to Pulau Bil-
its of the park are best seen on the chart. Special permission lean, and the chain of reefs extending NE for 7.5 miles from
from the Director of Sabah Parks is required before entry or Tanjong Taroh to Pulau Leonan. This latter point marks the SE
transit. point of Pulau Jambongan.
Between these chains of reefs, the bay ranges in width from

10.67 Great Bakkungaan (Bakungaan) (6°11'N., 10 to 12 miles with depths in the entrance of 18.3 to 31m, mud
118°07'E.) and Pulau Bakkungaan Kechil, two wooded islands and shells, decreasing gradually SW to the shore. The shore of
fringed by coral reefs, are about 44m and 31m high to the tops the bay is fringed by drying sand banks and reefs which extend
of the trees. These islands lie 3.5 miles ENE and 3 miles E, re- from 0.5 to 2.75 miles offshore.
spectively, of Pulau Silingaan. Numerous reefs lie within the bay, but the approach entered

Shoals and reefs lie between Pulau Silingaan and Great Bak-
10.67 between Tanjong Semangut and Tanjong Taroh is free from
kungaan and up to 2 miles NW of Great Bakkungaan. dangers.
Langaan Island (6°12'N., 118°09'E.), about 27m high to the
10.67 Claire Rock (6°41'N., 117°37'E.), with a least depth of

tops of the trees, stands 1.75 miles NE of Great Bakkungaan Is- 2.4m, lies 7.5 miles NE of Tanjong Semangut.
land. The island is fringed by a reef that extends 1 mile NW Green Patches (6°40'N., 117°40'E.), with a least depth of

and N, 1.25 miles NE, and 0.5 mile SE from it. 1.3m, consists of a group of four detached coral heads, the S
An above-water sand bank lies about 0.5 mile from the islet
10.67 reef of which dries, which lie about 8 miles ENE of Tanjong
on the E edge of the reef. Semangut.
The passage between Great Bakkungaan and Langaan Island
10.67 March Reef (6°38'N., 117°37'E.), which dries about 0.3m

is fouled by reefs and shoals. Three reefs and shoals lie within and which is surrounded by dangers with depths less than

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 345

1.6m, lies about 5.5 miles E of Tanjong Semangut. Sealark, 10.71 Pulau Leonan (6°44'N., 117°37'E.), a small drying
which dries 0.3m, lies about 1.5 miles SW of March Reef. sand cay, lies about 7.5 miles NE of Tanjong Taroh and about
0.75 mile within the NE end of an extensive chain of reefs
Off-lying Dangers and Islands which extend 8 miles NE from the E side of Pulau Jambon-
gan (6°41'N., 117°27'E.). Numerous shoals, the positions of
10.69 Kestrel Shoal (6°30'N., 117°59'E.), with a least depth which may best be seen on the chart, extend up to 5 miles NW
of 2.4m, lies about 15.5 miles ENE of Tanjong Sesip. from Pulau Leonan.
Kechil Reef (6°35'N., 118°01'E.), a coral patch with a least
10.69 Pole Reef (6°46'N., 117°40'E.), a small drying atoll, lies

depth of 5.5m, lies about 19 miles NE of Tanjong Sesip. about 2.75 miles ENE of Pulau Leonan. A clear channel, about
Miller Rock (6°34'N., 117°59'E.), with a least depth of
10.69 2 miles wide, lies between this reef and the dangers fringing
7.9m, lies about 1.25 miles WSW of Kechil Reef. A detached Pulau Leonan. Two detached reefs, with depths of 2.4m and
coral head, with a depth of 9.4m, lies about 2 miles NE of the 1.8m, lie 1 and 1.5 miles, respectively, NE of Pole Reef.
rock. Pole Reef Lighted Beacon stands on the W side of the reef. It

DeCourcy Dangers (6°34'N., 117°56'E.), with depths of 4.1

10.69 was reported that the lighted beacon was replaced by a lighted
to 17.6m, lie from 2 to 5 miles N of Pulau Lankayan. buoy.
Pulau Lankayan (6°30'N., 117°55'E.), an islet about 34m
10.69 Dingle Rock (6°47'N., 117°36'E.), with a least depth of

high to the tops of the trees, lies about 11.75 miles NE of Tan- 7.6m, lies about 3.5 miles NW of the beacon, reported de-
jong Sesip. Numerous dangers, with depths of 1.6 to 11m, lie stroyed, marking Pole Reef. John Rock, with a similar depth,
within 1.5 miles E and W, and 1 mile N of the island. lies about 1.3 miles farther NW. A detached coral patch, with a
Cranefield Dangers (6°26'N., 117°50'E.) consists of a large
10.69 least depth of 10m, lies 0.5 mile SSW of this latter rock.
number of shoals with depths of less than 1.8m in places, lying Sandy Cay is located W of Sandy Island. A beacon stands

midway between Pulau Lankayan and Tanjong Sesip. 0.1 mile SW and Sandy Cay West Lighted Beacon stands on
the S side of this patch. The light was reported extinguished.
10.70 Pulau Billean (6°37'N., 117°46'E.), about 11m high Sandy Island (6°49'N., 117°37'E.), a small sand atoll 1.6m

and marked by a few bushes, lies about 11.5 miles NNE of high, stands 5 miles N of Pulau Leonan. A chain of shoals,
Tanjong Sesip. A cay lies about 0.25 mile SE. Pulau Billean is with depths of 7.3 to 18.3m, extends 3.25 miles NE from a po-
surrounded by coral reefs and dangers which extend about 4 sition about 0.5 mile SE of Sandy Island.
miles NE, 1.5 miles E, and 3.5 miles W. Similar dangers lie be- Some shoal patches lie within 0.5 mile SW and 0.6 mile W

tween this island and the coast, about 9.5 miles SW. Some of of Sandy Island.
these reefs are marked. Harrison Reef (6°50'N., 117°34'E.), a coral reef with a least

Pulau Tegipil (6°33'N., 117°43'E.), a densely wooded and

10.70 depth of 0.6m, lies about 2.5 miles WNW of Sandy Island. It is
conspicuous islet about 27m high to the tops of the trees, lies marked on its S side by a beacon. The beacon was reported de-
on this chain of reefs about midway between Pulau Billean and stroyed.
the coast. Caution.—Numerous dangers lie between John Rock and

Bankuruan Cays (6°32'N., 117°41'E.), two small wooded

10.70 Dingle Rock, and the coast of Pulau Jambongan, 7.5 miles SW.
islets about 11 and 20m high to the tops of the trees, lie on this Inshore navigation is possible with caution, noting that dirty
chain about 2 miles SW of Pulau Tegipil. water may make the shoals invisible.
Harcourt Reef, Chambers Reef, and Mitchell Rocks, togeth-

er with numerous patches with depths of 9.1m and less, lie be- 10.72 Pulau Sipindung (6°52'N., 117°33'E.), a sand cay
tween the chains of reefs extending SW from Pulau Lankayan about 0.6m high and covered at HW, stands on the W side of a
and Pulau Billean to the coast. The positions of these dangers reef about 1.32 miles in extent, which lies 4 miles NW of San-
can best be seen on the chart. dy Island. A group of shoals, some uncovering, lie up to 2.5
Billean South Dangers (6°40'N., 117°53'E.) consist of a
10.70 miles N and NE and 0.5 mile S of the island.
group of coral reefs lying from 7 to 11 miles ENE of Pulau Gibson Reef (6°51'N., 117°32'E.), which uncovers, lies on

Bilean. They consist of Ground Rock, a 3.3m patch about 7.5 the W side of a shoal 0.5 mile in extent, which lies about 1.3
miles NE of Pulau Bilean; Sunbeam Rock, with a depth of miles SW of Pulau Sipindung.
2.7m, about 7 miles ENE of Pulau Bilean, with Irene Rock, a A large number of shoals and reefs, some of which uncover

3.3m patch about 1.5 miles farther in the same direction; Pak- and others marked by cays, extend up to 4.5 miles W through
nam Shoal, with a depth of 5.5m, about 3.5 miles E of Irene 7.75 miles SW of Gibson Reef.
Rock; and an 8.2m patch lying about 1.75 miles SSW of it. Gibson Reef Lighted Beacon stands on a patch lying 1 mile

All of these shoals are steep-to and less water than charted
10.70 ESE of the reef. The lighted beacon was missing and was re-
may exist. The recommended track shown on the chart has placed by a (starboard hand) lighted buoy.
been followed with safety, but vessels are advised to use cau- Dampier Rock (6°52'N., 117°32'E.), a 4.9m coral patch

tion when navigating in the vicinity of these dangers. with an 8.2m patch 0.32 mile SW of it, lies almost 1.5 miles W
Billean North Dangers (6°46'N., 117°45'E.), a group of cor-
10.70 of Pulau Sipindung.
al reefs with a least known depth of 0.9m, lie centered about An area, measuring about 20 miles wide from W to E and 14

9.25 miles N of Pulau Bilean. These dangers have not been miles long in a N and S direction, lies centered in position
completely examined and should be avoided. 6°56'N, 117°50'E, about 17.5 miles ENE of Pulau Sipindung.
Sedgeman Rocks (6°43'N., 117°44'E.), with a least depth of
10.70 Numerous reefs, with depths of 1.6 to 3.7m, are reported to lie
8.2m, lie about 6.5 miles NNW of Pulau Bilean. within this area, which may best be seen on the chart. This area

Pub. 163
346 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

has not been surveyed and vessels are cautioned not to enter it. about midway between two low cliffs 2 miles apart. The SW
Numerous detached shoals and reefs lie between this foul
10.72 cliff is red colored.
ground and Bilean South Dangers and Bilean North Dangers to The E side of the island is bordered by mangroves and a

the S, and between this area and Sandy Island and Pulau Sip- clump of trees, 61m high, which stand close inland about 3
indung to the SW, and to Malawali Eastern Dangers about 11 miles NNW of Tanjong Taroh. In the vicinity of Tanjong Land-
miles W of the NW side of this area. ung Hayang, the NE point of the island, the coast becomes
cliffy and rises to a height of 52m.
10.73 Pudsey Dawson Dangers (7°03'N., 117°46'E.) are a The channel to the logging settlement is about 0.32 mile

group of shoals which border the NW and N sides of this un- wide with depths of 7.3 to 18.3m. The S side of the channel is
surveyed area. The W patch has a least depth of 4.6m and the marked by beacons and a buoy moored 2.5 miles WSW of
remaining patches, which extend about 17.5 miles ENE from Claire Rock that marks the W end of the bar. The bar, with a
this patch, have depths of 4.6 to 18.3m. least reported depth of 4.6m and 2 miles wide, fronts the en-
Numerous shoal patches, with depths of 11m and less, lie
10.73 trance of the channel which leads along the SE side of Pulau
within 8 miles N, NW, and WNW of Pudsey Dawson Dangers. Jambongan as far as the red cliff; beyond this position the
Muligi Patches (6°56'N., 118°02'E.) consist of a group of
10.73 channel appears to shoal.
shoals, with depths of 8.2 to 18.3m, which lie close off the A black and white checkered buoy is moored about 6.5 miles

middle of the side of the unsurveyed area. WSW of Claire Rock. Shallow depths lie to the S of this chan-
Monmouth Shoals (6°42'N., 118°07'E.) lie about 11 miles
10.73 nel. About 5 miles SSW of Tanjong Semangut and S of this ex-
SE of the unsurveyed area. They consist of a group of five de- tensive area of shoal ground lies the estuary of the Sungai
tached shoals with depths of about 4 to 8m and deep water be- Paitan, a small river. Three small islands lie in this estuary and
tween. about 4 miles to the W is a larger wooded island. The coast and
Meander Patch (7°10'N., 117°37'E.), about 1 mile long and
10.73 the waters lying to the W of this extensive shoal have only been
narrow with a least depth of 3m near its center, lies about 10.5 partially examined.
miles NNW of the 4.6m patch on the W end of Pudsey Dawson The N coast of the island between Tanjong Landung Taroh

Dangers. and Tanjong Buli Gantungan (Northwest Bluff), the NW point

Numerous shoals lie within 15 miles radius of Meander
10.73 of the island, is bordered by cliffs about 6 to 15m high. The N
Patch. A 5.9m shoal was reported to lie 4.5 miles SE of Mean- point of the island rises to a hill about 0.75 mile within the
der Patch. point.
Tides—Currents.—Off the coast between Malawali Channel

and Sandakan Harbor, no regular tidal current was perceptible, 10.75 Tanjong Buli Gantungan (Northwest Bluff)
but when the Northeast Monsoon blew steadily there appeared to (6°44'N., 117°23'E.), 156m high, and Southwest Bluff, 140m
be a constant set that tended to flow to the NW. high, lying about 5.5 miles SW, are prominent headlands on the
Directions.—From Sandakan Harbor to Malawali Channel
10.73 W side of the island. An inlet lies between these headlands and
are generally followed by the deep draft vessels as guided by penetrates the island in an ESE direction for over 3 miles. The
recommended trackline shown on the charts. The NE coast of entrance of the inlet is 1.5 miles wide with a least depth of
Borneo, from Sandakan Harbor to Marchesa Bay, Pulau Jam- 3.7m The shores and the low head of the inlet are wooded.
bongan, and then to Maliwali Channel, is generally low, dense- The W shore of Pulau Jambongan appears to be clear, but the

ly-wooded, and intersected by many streams and rivers. water is shallow. A drying sand patch and a reef lie a little less
For a considerable distance, the coast is fronted by numerous
10.73 than 2.5 miles WSW of Tanjong Buli Gantungan.
coral reefs and a good lookout from aloft should be exercised. Reefs and other dangers extend about 5.5 miles N and NE

This passage is best made with the sun overhead or astern.

10.73 from the NE coast of Pulau Jambongan and about 8 miles to
Caution.—The recommended track has been followed with
10.73 the E. On these reefs are many sand cays, two of which are es-
safety, but there may be less water than charted on some of the pecially conspicuous.
shoals and other uncharted dangers may exist. Pulau Bunkuduan, 21m high and tree covered, stands 1.75

It should be borne in mind that no reliance can be placed on

10.73 miles NNW of the NE point of the island, and Pulau Kalan-
the positions of the sand cays which have no vegetation on gaan, 3m high and bush covered, stands 2.25 miles NE of the
them. same point.
The action of the sea frequently causes them to shift consid-
10.73 Reefs and foul ground extend 2.25 miles ENE from this lat-

erably and even disappear. The beacons are often difficult to ter cay.
make out. A danger area, 4 miles in diameter, is centered around a

point 2 miles N of Tanjung Limau.

Marchesa Bay to Tanjong Inaruntong The E side of the island, as far S as Tanjong Taroh, is fringed

by reefs and foul ground which extend up to 2.5 miles offshore

10.74 Pulau Jembongan (6°41'N., 117°27'E.), which lies in places.
with Tanjong Taroh its SE extremity about 2.5 miles NNW of The coast between Tanjong Landung Hayan and Tanjong

Tanjong Semangut, is about 7.5 miles long and 11 miles wide Layang Layang, about 17.25 miles NW, is indented by Paitan
and densely wooded. Its SW part is separated from the main- Bay, a large expanse of shoal water, most of which has not
land to the S by a shallow unexamined channel about 0.75 mile been examined. Numerous reefs, some drying and marked by
wide. islands and islets, lie scattered throughout the bay especially
The village of Jembongan stands on the SE side of the island
10.74 across the entrance. Depths in the bay range from 11m across

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 347

the entrance to depths of 1.6m and less in its inner reaches. Pulau Kukuban (6°56'N., 117°24'E.), covered with trees

Pulau Landayang (Bush Island) (6°48'N., 117°21'E.), a

10.75 about 26m high, lies about 2 miles NNW of Sky Rock. A rock,
sandy bush-covered cay about 6m high, lies near the middle of awash, lies 1.25 miles SSE of Pulau Kukuban. Lubani Rock,
a reef, 7.75 miles WNW of Tanjong Landung Hayang. Pulau marked by a lighted beacon, lies 2.5 miles SSW of Pulau
Musa, densely wooded, lies on a similar reef about 4.5 miles Kukuban.
farther WNW. Two additional small islets lie about 0.5 mile S Mosquito Rock (6°58'N., 117°29'E.), with a least depth of

of the S end of Pulau Musa. 0.9m, lies almost 2.5 miles NE of Pulau Tibakan.
Benkoka (6°53'N., 117°13'E.), a prominent wooded hill

179m high, stands 4.5 miles SSW of Tanjong Layang Layang. 10.78 Pulau Buaning (6°59'N., 117°30'E.), a sand cay, lies
The coast between Tanjong Layang Layang and Tanjong
10.75 on the S edge of a reef about 1.5 miles long in an E and W di-
Naruntong, about 7.25 miles NW, is bordered by reefs and foul rection, which lies about 1 mile N of Mosquito Rock. A de-
ground which extend up to 3 miles offshore in places, as de- tached 1.8m patch lies about midway between this rock and the
fined by the 10m curve. Some of these reefs are marked by reef.
cays and islands. Pulau Tamboulian (6°58'N., 117°28'E.), about 21m high to

Pulau Membatuaan (Tree Rock) (6°57'N., 117°15'E.),

10.75 the tree tops and surrounded by a reef, lies 2.25 miles N of Pu-
small in extent and 6.4m high, lies on the coastal reef almost lau Tibakan. A large number of detached coral reefs, some of
0.5 mile NE of Tanjong Layang Layang. which uncover at LW lie up to 7.5 miles WNW of Pulau Tam-
10.76 Pulau Mandidarah (Mandiralla) (6°56'N., Pulau Malawali (7°03'N., 117°18'E.), about 169m high in

117°20'E.), a palm-covered island about 26m high to the tops its NW part, lies with Tanjong Tobo its S extremity, about 5.25
of the trees, lies about 4.75 miles ESE of Tanjong Layang miles NE of Tanjong Layang Layang. Pulau Mati and Pulau
Layang. It lies on a coral reef which extends about 0.7 mile Tanjong lie off the NW and N sides of the island. The island is
from its N side and 1 mile ENE from its E side. fringed by a reef which extends almost 1 mile offshore NE, N,
Numerous scattered sunken and drying reefs lie from 2 miles
10.76 and NW and about 0.5 mile from the S and SW sides.
E to 5 miles SSE of Pulau Mandidarah. Pulau Malawali is sparsely populated, the main village being

Fly Rock (6°58'N., 117°18'E.), drying, lies about 3.5 miles

10.76 at the N end of Pulau Tanjong.
NE of Tanjong Layang Layang. Numerous drying coral reefs Two shoals, with depths of 3m and 4.3m, lie about 1.25

lie up to 1 mile S of Fly Rock and between it and Tanjong miles and 1.75 miles WNW of the N extremity of Pulau Tan-
Layang Layang. Pulau Nangka lies near the edge of the coastal jong.
reef about 2.25 miles W of Fly Rock. A sand cay lies on a reef about 0.6 mile NE of Pulau Tanjong.

Passage Reef (6°59'N., 117°17'E.), awash, lies about 1.5

10.76 This reef extends, with drying patches, about 2.5 miles to the E.
miles NE of Pulau Nangka. A small drying coral reef lies about Another drying reef lies about 2 miles NNE of the E end of Pu-
2.75 miles E of Passage Reef. lau Malawali, and two reefs lie within 1 mile WNW of it. A spit
Passage Reef Lighted Beacon stands on the N side of the
10.76 of coral, which dries in places, extends ENE from the E end of
reef. A drying reef, marked by a beacon (port hand), lies 2.75 Pulau Malawali for about 2.5 miles. There is an islet, 9.1m high,
miles E of Passage Reef. and a sand cay, 0.6m high, on the coral spit close to the E end of
Pulau Lakataan (6°59'N., 117°12'E.), about 3.5 miles SE of
10.76 Pulau Malawali. Two other reefs, the N of which dries at its NE
Tanjong Naruntong, is bordered on its NE side by a red cliff end, lie from 1 mile to 2.25 miles farther ENE.
11m high. A reef extends about 0.75 mile from its E side. Malawali Eastern Dangers (7°01'N., 117°27'E.) comprise a

large number of detached reefs and shoals which extend up to

Off-lying Islands and Dangers 12 miles between ENE and SE from Pulau Malawali. No vessel
should attempt to navigate through these dangers.
10.77 Pulau Tigabu (6°53'N., 117°28'E.), 61m high to the Drying reefs extend for 1.75 miles ENE from the 0.6m sand

treetops on the NW end and 52m high to the treetops on the SE cay located about 0.75 mile E of the E end of Pulau Malawali.
end, lies on the S part of a drying reef about 4.5 miles NW of Two extensive reefs, the NE ends of which dry, lie about 2.75
Pulau Sipindung. A 12m high metal framework tower stands and 4.5 miles, respectively, ENE of the above sand cay. About
on the summit of the island. Detached reefs, marked by several 6.75 miles ENE of the above sand cay and NW of Straggler Is-
sand cays, extend about 3.5 miles ENE and 3 miles NE from land, there is a reef with a depth of 2.1m.
the NE extremity of the island.
Pulau Tibakan (6°56'N., 117°28'E.), bush covered and 3m
10.77 10.79 Straggler Island (7°05'N., 117°29'E.), 6m high and
high, lies about 2.32 miles N of Pulau Tigabu. Foul ground ex- wooded, lies 8.25 miles ENE of the E extremity of Pulau Mala-
tends about 0.5 mile SW from the island and up to 1.25 miles wali. The reef on which the island stands extends about 1 mile
NE. Two detached drying coral reefs lie centered about 2 miles E and about 0.5 mile SW.
NW of Pulau Tibakan. A reef, with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies 1.25 miles SE of

Sky Rock (6°54'N., 117°25'E.), awash, lies 3.25 miles

10.77 Straggler Island. Another reef, with a similar depth, lies 2
WNW of Pulau Tigabu and is marked by a lighted beacon. Sev- miles SE of the same island; 0.5 mile ENE of the latter reef is a
eral detached shoals and reefs lie within about 1.3 miles ENE, 5.8m coral patch. Other dangers of the group, which may best
2 miles NE, and 2 miles NNE of this rock. Merlin Rock, with a be seen on the chart, extend 7 miles farther S.
depth of 2.1m and dark colored, lies near the center of this foul Fairway Shoal (7°07'N., 117°30'E.), with a rock awash on

ground, 1 mile NE of Sky Rock. its S side, lies 2.75 miles NE of Straggler Island. The channel

Pub. 163
348 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

between this shoal and the E end of Southeast Banggi Dangers ed and hilly island, is separated from Tanjong Naruntong by
to the NW is 3 miles wide and deep. Banggi Channel. Tanjong Kammaung, the S extremity of Pulau
A steep-to 5.8m patch lies 1.5 miles E of Fairway Shoal, and
10.79 Banggi, lies 7 miles NNW of Tanjong Naruntong.
3.5 miles to the NE there is a 12.8m patch. A 7.3m shoal was Pulau Banggi is fringed by a reef. The SE coast is fronted by

reported to lie 1 mile SW of the 12.8m patch. several smaller islands with deep channels between them. Off
South Channel Dangers (7°06'N., 117°11'E.) consist of nu-
10.79 the NE side of the island there are numerous islets and dangers
merous coral shoals lying to the W of Pulau Malawali and on which lie within 5.5 miles of the coast. A reef extends about
the S side of Banggi South Channel. The westernmost patch 0.5 mile off the NW side of the island, and the water is foul to a
dries 0.6m and lies 6.5 miles W of Pulau Mati, an island off the distance of about 1 mile. Between Mayangit Point, the W ex-
NW extremity of Pulau Malawali. tremity of the island, and Tanjong Kammaung (Kalutan Point),
A 7.6m patch extends into the fairway of Banggi South
10.79 11.5 miles S, the coast is slightly irregular and has numerous
Channel about 0.75 mile NE of the 0.6m drying patch. The NE sunken rocks and dangers lying up to 1.25 miles off the pro-
shoal, which dries at its S end, lies 3 miles NW of Pulau Mati. jecting points. Islands and dangers extend 4.5 miles WSW
The S shoal, with a depth of 1.5m, lies 4 miles W of the same from Tanjong Kammaung.
island. 10.81

There is a channel leading from Banggi South Channel to


Malawali Channel to the S, passing between South Channel

Dangers and Egeria Rocks to the W and Pulau Malawali to the
E, but there is a 6.1m patch at the S end about 1.25 miles SSE
of Egeria Rocks.
There are numerous underwater rocks in the vicinity north of

7˝00'N and east of 117°30'E.

10.80 Egeria Rocks (7°03'N., 117°13'E.), with a depth of

0.6m and steep-to, lies 2.5 miles SW of Pulau Mali. A shoal
patch, with a least depth of 1.2m and marked by a light, lies
about 1.25 miles W of the rocks. The light was reported extin-
guished. An 8.2m patch lies 0.5 mile NW Egeria Rock.
Malawali Channel (7°00'N., 117°17'E.) NW entrance lies

between the dangers fronting the N and NE coasts of Sabah

(North Borneo) to the S and Pulau Malawali and the dangers to
the W of it, on the N side. This channel leads SE to Sandakan
Harbor through the islands, shoals, and reefs previously de- Karakit Village, Pulau Banggi
Directions.—Vessels approaching Malawali Channel NW

entrance should follow the recommended tracks as shown on

the chart as far SE as Passage Reef. After passing NE of this
reef at a distance of about 0.75 mile, keep the right extremity of
Pulau Kukuban in range, bearing 121° with the summit of Pu-
lau Tigabu; this is a good mark and is easily picked up.
When about 0.75 mile distance from Pulau Kukuban, alter

course S to pass between the foul ground lying to the SE of Pu-

lau Mandidarah and the reefs lying between Pulau Kukuban
and Pulau Tigabu. When about 4 miles WSW of the NW sum-
mit of Pulau Tigabu, alter course to about 095° and steer for
Pulau Sipindung. The reverse of these directions is followed by
vessels bound NW.
Tanjong Naruntong (7°01'N., 117°09'E.) is the N extremity

of a peninsula which extends N for about 23 miles between

Paitan Bay on the E, and Marudu Bay on the W. The NE side
of Tanjung Naruntong, toward Malawali Channel, is fringed by
a bank on which there are numerous reefs and rocks, sunken
and awash, extending 2.5 miles offshore. Courtesy of http://www.BorneoWetnWild.com
Caution.—A stranded wreck has been reported (2014) W of
Karakit Village, Pulau Banggi—Main Dock
Tanjung Naruntong at position 7°02'27.0''N, 117°07'15.6''E.
10.82 Bukit Banggi (Banguey Peak) (7°17'N., 117°06'E.),
Pulau Banggi—Islands and Channels North of 528m high, is a prominent peak that stands near the NW ex-
Borneo tremity of Pulau Banggi. When viewed from NE or SW, the
apex appears as a nipple, but from other directions the nipple
10.81 Pulau Banggi (7°14'N., 117°10'E.), a densely wood- shape becomes less apparent and the summit assumes a more

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 349

rounded form. A range of hills extends E for 6 miles and termi- should be followed.
nates in East Hill. The dangers lying N, NE, and E of Mangsi Great Reef are

A peak 328m high, then a range of smaller hills extends

10.82 described in Pub. 162, Sailing Directions (Enroute) Philippine
about 3 miles N and terminates in North Hill near the coast, Islands.
which Tanjong Samarang (Samarang Point) (7°21'N.,
117°09'E.) lies 5 miles WSW of the N extremity of Pulau 10.85 Southeast Banggi Dangers (7°07'N., 117°24'E.) are
Banggi. The coast between these two points is indented by two an extensive group of reefs and shoals, drying in parts and
small bays. The W bay is fringed by reefs to a distance of 0.2 steep-to on its S side, that lie about 6 miles off the SE coast of
mile and has a sandy beach at its head. Pulau Banggi. The water between these dangers, N to Banggi
Vessels can anchor, in 7.3m, in the entrance of this bay.
10.82 Outer Northeast Reefs, is encumbered by many dangers which
The E bay is foul and has a small islet in its entrance.
10.82 may best be seen on the chart.
Carrington Reefs, a large mass of drying reefs, lie on the N

10.83 Mangsi Great Reef (Mangsee Great Reef) (7°29'N., side of Banggi South Channel, about 2 miles W of Southeast
117°14'E.) lies 5.5 miles N of the N extremity of Pulau Banggi. Banggi Dangers.
It lies on the N side of Main Channel and separates that chan- Pulau Balak (7°08'N., 117°08'E.) reaches a height of 88m in

nel from Mangsi Channel (Mangsee Channel). its W part. The island lies close off the SE coast of Pulau Bang-
The reef is mostly covered at HW, but there is usually a sand
10.83 gi, about 4.25 miles W of Carrington Reefs.
cay on some part of it awash. Several lighted beacons were Pulau Patanunan (Patanunam) (7°06'N., 117°05'E.) lies

added to the northeastern corner of the reef between Mangsee 0.75 mile E of the S extremity of Pulau Banggi. The island ris-
Channel. At LW the reef dries 1.4m and presents a vast ex- es to a height of 99m near its S end. Shoal water extends 0.2
panse of coral and sand, with lagoons here and there. A shoal mile S and 0.45 mile SW of the island.
spit, defined by about the 20m curve extends about 2 miles Pulau Maliangin Kechil (7°05'N., 117°01'E.), 47m high,

WSW from the W edge of the reef. A pinnacle rock, with a lies on the S side of the foul ground that extends 4.25 miles
depth of 9.1m, lies close off the E extremity of the reef. A WSW from Tanjong Kammaung. Pulau Maliangin Besar,
16.4m patch was reported in the fairway, about 2.75 miles SW 123m high, is located on the foul ground 1 mile NE of Pulau
off the E extremity of the reef. A 15m patch was reported Maliangin Kechil.
(1995) in the fairway, about 2.8 miles SW of the E extremity of Pulau Langisan, 9m high, is located on foul ground 1.75

Mangsi Great Reef. miles WNW of Tanjong Kammaung.

Pulau Balambangan (7°16'N., 116°56'E.), a large irregular-

10.84 Black Watch Rock (7°26'N., 117°17'E.), a sunken ly-shaped island, is located 2.25 miles W of Pulau Banggi and is
danger, lies on the S side of Main Channel about 5.5 miles NE separated from that island by Banggi West Channel. The N por-
of the N extremity of Pulau Banggi. The area between Black tion of the island is flat and densely wooded with high trees, and
Watch Rock and Pulau Banggi is fouled by shoals, reefs, and the S part is hilly and attains a height of 134m.
small islets whose positions are charted. Tanjung Siagut, the N extremity of the island is fringed by

Banggi Outer Northeast Reefs (Banguey Outer Northeast

10.84 reefs and dangers to a distance of 2.5 miles W and 1.5 miles N.
Reefs) (7°23'N., 117°21'E.), a group of reefs and shoals, parts Detached patches, with depths of 11.3 to 14.6m, lie up to 4.5
of which dry, extend 4.5 miles SE from a position 2.25 miles miles NNE of the point. Siagut Shoal, consisting of a number
SE of Black Watch Rock. of coral heads with depths of 1.8 to 7.3m, and one coral head
Mangsee Channel separates Mangsi Great Reef from North
10.84 awash, extends 2 miles SW from a position about 1.5 miles W
Mangsee Island and South Mangsee Island. This channel is sel- of the N extremity of Pulau Balambangan.
dom used and should be attempted only by vessels with local The E coast of Pulau Balambangan is indented by North and

knowledge and only under the most favorable of conditions. South Harbors. North Harbor is entered between Tanjong
Several lighted beacons have been placed on the northeastern Batang (Battang Point), located 5 miles S of the N extremity of
edge of the reef. the island and Tanjong Sempriok (Saparoak Point), 3 miles far-
Main Channel (7°26'N., 117°14'E.) passes between Mangsi
10.84 ther SSW. The entrance channel is about 0.5 mile wide be-
Great Reef on the N and Black Watch Rock on the S. This tween the reefs fringing the above points. A reef awash lies 1
channel is 5.5 miles wide, but the navigable width is reduced to mile W of Tanjong Batang. A reef extends NNE from Tanjong
1.5 miles between the charted 18m lines on either side. Sempriok to a position 0.5 mile S of the above reef that is
This channel is sometimes used by vessels coming from the
10.84 awash. Depths of 12.8 to 18.3m are found in the outer part of
SW and bound through Balabac Strait during the Northeast the harbor, but vessels are cautioned against entering unless the
Monsoon. Such vessels should steer a course of 124° for a po- reefs are clearly visible. A dangerous submerged rock, best
sition, with the N extremity of Pulau Balambangan, bearing seen on the chart, lies 2 miles S of Tanjung Periok.
234°, distant about 5.75 miles. Then a course of 080° should be Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in 18m, in a position

steered to a position about 0.75 mile S of the S edge of Mangsi about 0.35 mile W of the above mentioned awash reef. In this
Great Reef, then a mid-channel course should be steered, pass- position Tanjong Batang bears 083° and Tanjong Sempriok
ing 2 miles S of South Mangsee Island, then as required. bears 204°. South Harbor is entered N of Tanjong Raha (Raha
Vessels coming from the Sulu Sea should steer for South
10.84 Point), which is located 5.5 miles SW of Tanjong Sempriok.
Mangsee Island on a course of 272°. When about 5 miles from Foul ground extends 2 miles E and 0.5 mile S from the N en-
the island the course should be altered so as to pass about 2 trance point of South Harbor and reefs which dry extend 0.5
miles S of it. Then a reverse of the directions given above mile E of Tanjong Raha.

Pub. 163
350 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

The entire SE coast of Pulau Balambangan is fronted by

10.85 2.5 miles to Ten Foot Rock. A light is shown on Outer Shoal.
reefs whose positions are charted. Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Banggi South Channel

Banggi West Channel (Selat Banggi Barat) is encumbered by

10.85 are weak but currents up to one knot in velocity have been ex-
foul ground. perienced.
Directions.—This channel connects the South China Sea

10.86 Pulau Tiga (7°20'N., 117°03'E.), a low wooded islet, with the Sulu Sea and is used primarily by coasting vessels
located about 2.75 miles ESE of the N extremity of Pulau Bal- rounding the N end of Borneo. The channel is intricate and re-
ambangan, stands near the middle of a steep-to reef that ex- quires local knowledge. The channels N of Pulau Banggi are
tends 1 mile N and 1 mile SE from the islet. The channel W of considered safer and easier to navigate.
Pulau Tiga should only be used by small vessels with local The best time for proceeding through the channel from the

knowledge and only then if the dangers are clearly discernible. W is during the afternoon with the sun overhead or astern, at
Rifleman Rock, a small coral patch with a depth of 2.7m, lies
10.86 which time reefs and dangers are easier to identify.
1.75 miles ESE of Pulau Tiga. Labuan Rock, with a depth of Vessels having rounded Pulau Kalampunian, which is

2.7m, lies 2 miles SSE of Pulau Tiga. marked by a light and will be discussed later, at a distance of
A shoal, with a depth of 3.6m, has been reported to extend
10.86 2.5 miles, should steer 098° to pass about 1 mile N of Outer
NE from the rock to a position about 0.25 mile NW of Rifle- Shoal Light and 1.25 miles S of Pulau Maliangin Kechil. When
man Rock. the summit of Pulau Maliangin Kechil bears 341°, course
Half Channel Patch (7°13'N., 117°01'E.) has a depth of
10.86 should be altered to 061° to pass 1.25 miles SE of Tanjong
0.9m, breaks at times, and lies near the middle of the fairway in Kammaung. About 2.5 miles E of Tanjong Kammaung course
a position 2 miles SE of Tanjong Sempriok. should be slowly altered to 085°, which will lead midway be-
The channel between it and the reef fringing Pulau Banggi is
10.86 tween Carrington Reefs on the N, and the dangers that lie N of
about 2.5 miles wide and has depths of 24m in the fairway. Pulau Malawali on the S. When the N extremity of Pulau Mal-
Vessels entering Banggi West Channel from the N should
10.86 awali bears 180°, about 2.5 miles, a course of 110° should be
pass W of Rifleman Rock, and between the shoal extending steered for about 5.25 miles, at which time the E extremity of
NE from Labuan Rock and the reef that extends from Pulau Ti- Pulau Malawali will bear 222° about 3 miles distance, thence a
ga. After having passed W of the rock, the course should pass course of 068° should be steered. This course leads SE of
about 0.5 mile off Manyangit Point, lying S of Labuan Rock, Southeast Banggi Dangers and about 1 mile N of Fairway
then from 1 to 1.5 miles off the coast of Pulau Banggi, passing Shoal, and then into the Sulu Sea.
E of Half Channel Patch. Having passed the patch, course
should be altered as required. Tanjong Naruntong to Tanjong Sempang Manga-
Vessels coming from the W should round the S extremity of
Pulau Balambangan at a distance of about 2 miles, then keep
that point on a bearing of more than 261° in shaping a course to 10.88 From Tanjong Naruntong, the coast, which is indent-
pass well E of Half Channel Patch. ed by two bays, trends 9 miles SW to Cape Mafsie (6°56'N.,
When clear of that danger, vessels should follow the reverse
10.86 117°01'E.), which is 15m high. There are conspicuous white
of the directions given above. cliffs close NE of the cape.
The Sungai Tigatarok enters the sea through a shoal reef-

10.87 Banggi South Channel (Selat Banggi Selatan) filled bay 2 miles SW of Tanjong Naruntong.
(7°07'N., 117°10'E.) is bound on the N side by Pulau Balam- Pulau Sapirak (6°59'N., 117°03'E.) lies on the edge of the

bangan and Pulau Banggi. The N coast of Borneo and adjacent coastal reef 6 miles WSW of Tanjong Naruntong and 0.25 mile
dangers form the S side of the channel. offshore. The perimeter of this thickly wooded island is sur-
The dangers that form the S side of Banggi South Channel
10.87 mounted by steep cliffs about 15m and rises to an elevation of
lying N, NE, and E of Tanjong Naruntong have been previous- 34m to the tops of the coconut trees which stand on it.
ly described in paragraph 10.82. Due to the dangers of coral reefs and rocks lying within a 4

Petrel Shoals (7°04'N., 117°07'E.) is a group of shoals that

10.87 mile radius of the island, vessels should not pass between the
range in depth from 3 to 8.5m, which extends about 1.25 miles island and Outer Shoal Light, 5 miles NW.
WSW from a position 4 miles NNW of Tanjong Naruntong. A From Pulau Sapirak, the coast trends 1 mile S to the entrance

light is situated on the E end of the shoal area. Ten Foot Rock, of the inlet leading to the Sungai Melobong. Both entrance
with a depth of 3m, lies 0.75 mile SW of Petrel Shoals. There points of the inlet are fringed by reefs which reduce the width
are heavy tide rips over a shoal, with a depth of 4.9m, about 0.5 of the channel to about 0.6 mile. The head of the inlet is en-
mile S of Ten Foot Rock. cumbered by mud banks, which leave a narrow channel toward
North Borneo Dangers, an extensive bank with drying rocks,
10.87 the NE shore with charted depths of 2.7 to 5.5m.
lies about midway between Ten Foot Rock and Tanjong Narun- Tanjong Berungus, the W entrance point of the above-de-

tong. scribed inlet, is located 1 mile N of Cape Mafsie. A reef ex-

Outer Shoal (7°02'N., 117°00'E.), which is bordered on its
10.87 tends 1 mile N and 0.75 mile W of the point.
E and S sides by drying patches, lies on the S side of the W en- Marudu Bay (6°58'N., 116°56'E.), into which the Sungai

trance of the channel about 2.5 miles SSW of Pulau Mali- Bandau (Marudu River) flows, is entered between Cape Mafsie
angin Kechil (7°04.5'N., 117°01.5'E.). It is the largest and and Tanjong Sempang Mangayau, 18 miles WNW. This bay is
farthest NW of the Northwest Borneo Dangers. The shoals in about 25 miles long in a general N and S direction and has gen-
this area extend E about 4.5 miles from Outer Shoal, then NE eral depths of 11 to 33m. Several rivers, which shift their chan-

Pub. 163
Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast 351

nel after each rainy season, flow into this bay. coral patches which almost dry, lie 3 to 4 miles NE of Pulau
From Cape Mafsie, which is fringed by a reef that extends
10.88 Matunggang. The outer patch, with a depth of 3.2m, lies 2
0.5 mile W, the coast trends in a S direction, 2.5 miles to Tan- miles offshore.
jong Perawan, which is 17m high and may be identified by its Pirate Point (6°46'N., 116°51'E.), low and mangrove cov-

red cliffs. ered, lies 4.5 miles N of the N Brandon Reef. A sand spit ex-
The Sungai Telaga (6°50'N., 117°02'E.), the largest river
10.88 tends about 0.5 mile E and 0.5 mile N of this point.
flowing into Marudu Bay, is about 0.4 mile wide but decreases Matunggong, a conspicuous wooded hill 389m high, lies 6

inside. The channel leading into the river’s entrance is about miles SW of Pirate Point.
1m deep over the bar, but boats of 2.5m draft can ascend the Pulau Limau Limauan (6°50'N., 116°52'E.), a triangular-

river at HW for a distance of about 12 miles. Pulau Bengkoka, shaped island about 19.8m high, is joined to the coast at LW
8m high to the tops of the trees, is located in the mouth of the and lies 3 miles N of Pirate Point. A drying reef extends about
river at the S end of a sand spit extending 1.5 miles off the 0.5 mile ESE and S from the island. A 3m patch lies 1.32 miles
mainland. NE of the island and is marked by a beacon.
The Sungai Taka flows out into the bay about 3.25 miles SW
10.88 Between Pulau Limau Limauan and Tanjong Tigasamil, the

of the mouth of the Sungai Telega. Zebra Reefs are several cor- S entrance point to Kudat Harbor, about 1.75 miles NNW, the
al patches, one of which dries, lying within about the 20m coast is indented by a bay with depths of 14.6 to 18.3m.
curve fronting the shore about 2 miles SW of the mouth of the Kudat Harbor (6°52'N., 116°50'E.) is 1.25 miles wide be-

Sungai Taka. A patch, with a depth of 1.2m, lies near the mid- tween Tanjong Tigasamil and the reclaimed land which has ab-
dle of the bay about 2.75 miles W of Zebra Reefs and Barraut sorbed Tanjung Bornugas. Depths in the entrance range from
Reef, a rocky shoal with a least depth of 1.2m, lies on a coral 11 to 16.5m, shoaling gradually toward the bay head.
patch near the middle of the bay 1.25 miles SSW of the 1.2m A shallow bay lies on the N side of the harbor between a point

patch above. located about 0.5 mile W of Tanjung Bornugus and Egeria Bluff,
about 1.25 miles farther W. Low overhead telegraph wires cross
10.89 Mempakad (6°41'N., 116°57'E.) is a small village the entrance of a river in the NW part of this bay.
situated 5 miles SSW of the mouth of the Sungai Taka. Powell The three bays, which lie in the inner reaches of the harbor to

Rock, with a least depth of less than 1.8m, lies 0.75 mile N of the W, are shallow and fouled by numerous flats and shoals.
Mempakad. Good anchorage for small vessels, in a depth of
12.8m, mud, is found 0.35 mile NW of the village. 10.91 Kudat (6°53'N., 116°51'E.) (World Port Index No.
From Mempakad to Tanjong Batu, 7.5 miles SW, the coast is
10.89 51710), a small town, is situated on the N point of the entrance
fringed with a reef of sand and coral and foul ground to a dis- of the harbor. The town is built on the flat land N and W of
tance of 1 mile offshore. Hills up to 265m high lie within 1 Tanjong Bornugus and was once the capital of North Borneo.
mile of the coast, and a peak, with a height of 692m, lies 5 Kudat’s importance has decreased in the advent of the road
miles SE of Tanjong Batu. system linking it to Kota Kinabalu. Timber and wood products
The Sungai Taritipan enters the bay 2 miles S of Tanjong Ba-
10.89 are the major exports.
tu. From the Sungai Taritipan, the head of Marudu Bay trends Winds—Weather.—The dry time of year is from April to

W 5 miles to the Sungai Bandau (Marudu River), which enters October. Fever is most prevalent during this time.
the bay in its SW extremity. The coast between these rivers is Strong NE winds with heavy rain usually occur during De-

covered with dense mangroves. mud banks, which dry from 0.3 cember and January.
to 0.6m, front the shore. Tides—Currents.—Tidal heights above datum of soundings

The channel leading to the entrance of the Sungai Bandau

10.89 are: MHHW, 1.7m; MLHW, 1.2m; MHLW, 1.2m; and MLLW,
has a least depth of 0.5m and follows a general WSW direction 0.5m.
for about 3 miles, between extensive mud banks. Small boats The tidal currents are weak, the maximum observed was

of 2m draft can ascend the river for about 1.5 miles at HW, but about 0.5 knot.
the channel must be marked by beacons. Depths—Limitations.—Sandilands Rocks, with a depth of

Vessels with a draft of 6.1m may anchor, in 9.4m, mud, with

10.89 2.1m, lies in the middle of the entrance to Kudat Harbor, 0.75
Tanjong Batu bearing 060° about 1 mile and those with less mile ESE of Gueritz Rock.
draft may anchor further S. Vessels with a draft of 4.5m may Witti Rocks, two in number with least depths of 1.8m, lie

anchor, in 6.4m, mud, off the entrance of the Sungai Bandau, close N of Sandilands Rock. A 5.5m patch lies close N of each
with the S extremity of Tanjong Batu, bearing 104° at a dis- rock.
tance of 2.5 miles. Deeper draft vessels should anchor about Tigasamil Spit, which dries, extends about 0.4 mile NE from

0.3 mile NE of this anchorage, in 10 to 11m, with the S extrem- Tanjong Tigasamil. An islet, 6.1m high, lies close off Tanjong
ity of Tanjong Batu bearing 115°, distant 2.25 miles. Tigasamil. Tern Rock, 1.2m high, lies on a drying reef which
From the Sungai Bandau, the shore is fringed by mangroves
10.89 extends 0.25 mile N from Tanjong Tigasamil.
and extensive flats as far N as abeam of Pulau Matunggong, Gueritz Rock, with a depth of 0.6m, lies 0.3 mile SE of the

about 4.5 miles distant. Pulau Matunggong is about 5.5m high Government Pier, close off the reclaimed land and is marked
and consists of a small mound surrounded by low rocks, man- by a light. Datum Rock, covered only at the highest spring
groves, and is connected with the Sungai Matunggong to the W tides, dries 2.1m and lies 0.2 mile WNW of the Government
by a drying sand bank. Wharf.
A rock, with a least depth of 1.8m, lies in the middle of the

10.90 Brandon Reefs (6°42'N., 116°50'E.), several large harbor about 0.75 mile WSW of Datum Rock. An overhead ca-

Pub. 163
352 Sector 10. Borneo—Northeast Coast

ble crosses the bay between a point 0.1 mile N of Government Signals denoting the state of the current alongside

Wharf and Residency Point. Government Wharf are displayed, as follows:

Government Wharf, an open-pile pier, extends 99m SSW

from the shore, about 0.4 mile E of Residency Point, and then
Signal Meaning
102m SW. The W side (outer) berth is 114m long (148m in-
cluding dolphins) with a depth alongside of 6.4m. The E side Cone, point up Ebb current
(inner) berth is 94m long (128m including dolphins) with a Cone, point down Flood current
depth alongside of 6.2m. Breakbulk, general cargo, and forest
products are handled by both piers. Vessels up to 4,000 dwt Ball Slack water
with a maximum loa of 114m can be accommodated.
A ro-ro berth, 38m long, handles fast ferry and ro-pax with a

Anchorage.—Anchorage is recommended, in a depth of


maximum of 1,000 dwt and varying water depths of 3.0-4.0m. 11.9m, about 0.75 mile ESE of Gueritz Rock, with the
Aspect.—Conspicuous objects which mark the approach to

conspicuous radio tower, in range bearing 354° with Gueritz

Kudat Harbor are the Government Pier, the radio tower, Gue- Rock, and Sandilands Rock Lighted Beacon bearing 085° or
ritz Rock Lighted Beacon, Sandilands Rock Lighted Beacon, nearer the town if draft permits.
and a water tower 0.75 mile NNW of Gueritz Rock Lighted Anchorage is prohibited within 0.3 mile of the head of Gov-

Beacon. ernment Wharf. No vessel carrying explosives or dangerous

petroleum is permitted to anchor in the approach fairway or
Pilotage.—Vessels desiring a pilot should give at least 24
within 0.65 mile of the head of Government Wharf.

hours notice prior to arrival. Pilots normally board within the

harbor limits. 10.92 Between the N entrance point of Kudat Harbor and
Signals.—Berthing signals are indicated by two hoists; the
Tanjong Kapor, 1 mile NNW, the land has been reclaimed and

vessel’s call sign and by a red and white checkered flag above a small boat marina has been constructed. Coral shoals, with
the International Code pennant, as shown in the table titled Ku- depths of 3.7m and 5.5m, lie close E of the reclaimed land.
dat—Berthing Signals.
From Tanjong Kapor to Tanjong Tajau, 4.5 miles NNW, the

coast is foul for a distance of 0.5 mile offshore. The Sungai

Kudat—Berthing Signals Agong Agong flows into the bay 2.75 miles NNW of Tanjong
Pennant No. Berth Kapor.
Tanjung Agong Agong lies 0.5 mile NNE of this river; Tan-

0 Anchor jong Tajau lies 1.5 miles NNW of Tanjong Agong Agong.
1 Government Wharf—seaward face Tanjong Sempang Mangayau (7°02'N., 116°45'E.), the N

2 Government Wharf—inside face extremity of Borneo lying NW of Tanjong Tajau, is also the
NW entrance point to Marudu Bay. The point is readily distin-
1. A vessel should acknowledge the berthing signal guished by its grassy bluff and by Pulau Kalampunian, which
with the Answering Pennant. The hoist at “half-mast” lies about 1 mile N of it. Low hills rise from the NW side of the
indicates that the vessel should prepare to move, but bay to an elevation over 183m.
should not get underway until the hoist is “close-up.” Melau Besar (6°47'N., 116°50'E.), about 17 miles SSE of Tan-

2. Red and white checkered flags are displayed on jong Sempang Mangayau, is a conspicuous hill with a bare flat
the wharf to indicate the position of the bow and/or summit 207m high. Matunggong, 414m high, is a thickly-wooded
stern of the vessel at the berth indicated. conspicuous peak located 5 miles SW of Melau Besar.
3. International Code flag “B” is displayed on the
opposite yardarm to the berthing signal when a vessel
loaded with inflammable or dangerous cargo is
berthing or unberthing.

Pub. 163
Sector 11—Borneo—Northwest Coast

11.0 Additional chart coverage may be found in NGA/DLIS Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products (Unlimited Distribution).
Pub. 163



Plan.—This sector describes the NW coast of Borneo, from

11.0 have caused stranding of vessels on either side of the passage.
Tanjong Datu to Tanjong Naruntong, and includes South and There are numerous wrecks in the waters along the Indone-

North Luconia Shoals. The geographical sequence is NE. sian boarder between Sarawak and Brunei, which are best seen
on the chart. Mariners should use caution.
Winds—Weather.—Along the W and NW coastal areas of

General Remarks Borneo, which is N of the equator, the winds blowing from N
directions, November to April, and from S directions, May to
11.1 The NW coast of Borneo, from Tanjong Datu to Tan- October, are usually referred to as the Northeast Monsoon and
jong Sempang Mangayau, which lies about 413 miles NE of the Southwest Monsoon. From November to April, N winds
Tanjong Datu, consists of Sarawak, Brunei, and a part of Sa- predominate and from May to October the prevailing winds are
bah. from the S. Land and sea breezes are effective throughout the
The coast is fairly regular, but is indented by two large bays.
11.1 year, modifying the prevailing flow to the extent where both N
The larger of these bays is located between Tanjong Datu and and S winds tend to become W by day and E by night. Both
Tanjong Sirik, a point about 110 miles to the ENE. The other is monsoons are characterized by cloudy skies with but few clear
Brunei Bay, located about 145 miles SW of Tanjong Sampan- days. Light rain squalls are characteristic of the Northeast
mangio. Monsoon season, while thunderstorms and heavy rain squalls
Much of the coast is fronted by tidal mud or sand flats, but is
11.1 are experienced during the S wind flow.
fairly free of fringing reef. Approaches to the coast are fouled In the low latitudes in this part of the Pacific Ocean, gales

in some places by detached shoals and coral reefs. appear to be infrequent; at least they are rarely recorded. Near
A number of rivers discharge into the sea along this section
11.1 the Equator, however, gales have been known to read force 10
of coast, with many of them being navigable for some distance or higher from some E direction. Among the records for in-
inland by small craft. stance, a SE gale of force 12 hurricane intensity was recorded
Much of the coastal land is low, but about 25 miles inland a
11.1 in April within the ocean area 0° to 5°N, 115°E to 120°E. This
mountain range extends in a NE direction and terminates at was not classed as a typhoon wind since cyclonic depressions
Mount Kinabalu, which rises to a height of 4,100m. do not form so near the equator in these longitudes.
Labuan, which stands near the entrance of Brunei Bay, is the
11.1 Along the N coast of Borneo, one of the few land areas that

only island of any importance or size along the NW coast of had a record of gales, it appeared that the incident was low or
Borneo. nonexistent. It is possible that the gales and squalls, during
Kuching, Miri, Brunei, Kota Kinabalu, Kudat, and Victoria
11.1 which higher velocities occurred, were sometimes of brief du-
are the principal towns on or near the coast. ration and some may have escaped recording.
A number of gas and oil fields have been established off the
11.1 Waterspouts and small whirlwinds, also known as winds-

NW coast of Borneo. They include the Bakau, Baram, Baronia, pouts, occur occasionally throughout this area and are most
Betty, Champion, Gannet, Kinabalu, Maharaja, Maspie, and frequent during December or January. In these whirls the wind
Samarang gas and oil fields to name a few. These fields are best may attain velocities of 45 miles per hour over land and 55
viewed on the chart. These fields contain numerous structures, miles per hour over the sea.
most of which exhibit lights. They also contain below-water Tropical cyclones are rarely experienced in an area within 5°

obstructions, some of which may be marked by buoys. As to 8° of the Equator and thus that part of Borneo described in
these features are not all charted, special caution should be ex- this sector can be expected to be free of these cyclonic storms.
ercised by vessels navigating in their vicinity. So far as is known, the first typhoon recorded over Borneo, oc-
Oil and gas pipelines are laid between the various platforms
11.1 curred on the NE coast in 1904. This storm was very destruc-
and fields, and also from them to collecting stations ashore. tive and destroyed numerous plantations and other properties.
Gas pipelines contain flammable natural gas at high pressure. In December 1892, a similar storm passed about 60 miles N

A vessel damaging a pipe could face an immediate fire hazard. of the N part of Borneo; on other occasions, they have occurred
Mariners are strongly advised not to anchor or trawl near
11.1 S of the Philippines and at these times the coasts of N Borneo
these pipelines. Pipelines are not always buried and may effec- and adjacent waters have experienced high winds and swells.
tively reduce the charted depth by as much as 2m. In a study based on ships observations, and published by the

Mobile oil drilling rigs may be encountered off the NW coast

11.1 Netherlands Meteorological Institute, there is no record of any
of Borneo, between the 200m curve and the coast. When on lo- typhoon having occurred S of 8°N, latitude during the year
cation, a rig’s moorings may extend 610m and will be marked 1910 through 1935.
by unlighted yellow buoys. At night, the rigs will display work- Temperatures remain equable throughout this area with

ing lights. marked uniformity from day to day and month to month. The
Off the NW coast of Borneo and in Palawan Passage, be-
11.1 noteworthy variations occur with evaluation, the lowlands be-
tween the parallels of 2°N, 11°N, currents may set in any direc- ing consistently warm and sultry while the mountain elevations
tion throughout the year with rates up to 1 knot or more and offer a comfortable, bracing climate.

Pub. 163
356 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

At Labuan, an island off the NW coast of Borneo, the tem-

11.1 structures exhibit lights, especially the platforms. Since not all
peratures average 26.7°C from September through March, but features are charted or marked, mariners are cautioned to exer-
there are daily extremes of 35.6°C in May and 15.6°C in April cise special care when navigating in these waters.
and June. Fishing stakes exist in the area covered by this sector, partic-

In general, rainfall is heavy over the area and occurs at all lo-
11.1 ularly in depths of less than 10m, and their positions are fre-
cations every month of the year. Large variations occur from quently changed.
year to year and most of the heavy downpours are confined to a
limited area. The heaviest falls occur when the monsoon meets Tanjong Datu to the Sungai Sarawak
a mountain range close to the coastline. The monthly rainfall at
all the stations along the NW coast of Borneo are consistently 11.2 Tanjong Datu (2°05'N., 109°39'E.), rugged and pre-
high with the N coast being relatively dry during the Southwest cipitous, is the termination of a mountainous peninsula and has
Monsoon because of the extensive shelter formed by the moun- been previously described in paragraph 1.64.
tains inland. In general, September and October are the months Niger Bank (Permatang Naga) (2°09'N., 109°39'E.), with a
with the heaviest rainfall whereas the months of January last depth of 7.9m, lies 4.5 miles N of Tanjong Datu and was
through March are the months with the least fall. previously described in paragraph 1.65.
Mean cloud amount in the tropical zone varies little from day
11.1 From Tanjong Datu, the coast of Sarawak extends 6 miles

to day or from month to month. On land near the coast, howev- SSE to Tanjong Serabang (Pirate Point) and then about 20
er, there is a marked increase during the morning and massive miles S and SE to the entrance of the Batang Kayan.
cumulonimbus cloud accumulates in the afternoon and exten- A drying rock lies 0.5 mile offshore, about 1.75 miles SSE of

sive thunder activity occurs during the evening; most of these Tanjong Datu. This rock lies at the outer end of a foul spit that
clouds disperse overnight. The diurnal range of cloud amount extends from the shore in a NNE direction for about 1 mile.
is reversed over the sea, with clear areas during the day and a Between the extremity of this spit and Tanjong Serabang, the

gradual increase during the night to a maximum around dawn; coast is fringed by rocks that extend up to 0.5 mile offshore.
some of this cloud may spread inland with onshore winds. Pulau Datu, an islet 37m high, stands close offshore about

Borneo has more thunderstorms than any other region in the

11.1 1.5 miles SSW of Tanjong Serabang.
World. Many places inland experience two out of three days of Telok Serabang (1°59'N., 109°39'E.), a small bay lying be-

heavy atmospheric turbulence that product many lightning tween Pulau Datu and Tanjong Serabang, is shallow and rock-
strikes. Coastal weather stations are reporting significant storm strewn.
activity on one out of every three days. Some of the more vio- Pulau Serabang (Pulau Kera), an islet 16m high, stands in the

lent storms cause considerable havoc with severe squalls and entrance of Telok Serabang about 0.8 mile SSE of Tanjong Ser-
torrential rain. Most of these thunderstorms occur between abang.
May and September. Between Pulau Datu and Tanjong Balinsha (Kelapa Empat),

Tides—Currents.—Tides are mainly diurnal throughout

11.1 a point about 5.25 miles SSE, shoal water with depths of less
this area but off the coast of Brunei there are stretches of coast than 5.5m extends up to 2 miles offshore. The N half of this
where there is seldom more than one tide a day. The average shoal area is foul and marked by some above-water rocks.
rise of the tide range from 1 to 1.5m. From Tanjong Balinsah to Tanjong Batu, a point about 11.5

In the vicinity of the offshore reef there are local tidal cur-
11.1 miles ESE, the coast is fronted by shoal water with depths of
rents which set onto and away from the reefs on all sides. In the less than 5.5m, which extends 0.5 to 1.4 miles offshore.
narrow channel through the reefs these currents attain greater A rock, which dries 2.1m, lies near the edge of the shoal wa-

rates, but generally they are weak and during the strength of the ter about 0.6 mile N of Tanjong Batu.
seasonal currents they may be inappreciable. Pulau Talang Talang Besar (1°55'N., 109°47'E.), 113m

As a general rule the current along the coast described in this

11.1 high, lies about 6 miles ENE of Tanjong Balinsah.
sector sets SW from January through March and September Shoal water, with a depth of less than 1.8m, extends a short

and sets in the opposite direction during the other months. distance S of a sandy beach on the E side of this island.
Over the greater part of the area the currents are generally

weak, setting at a velocity of less than 0.5 knots. During the 11.3 Pulau Talang Talang Kechil (1°53'N., 109°46'E.), an
months when the monsoons are fully developed (July, August, islet 78m high, lies about 1 mile SSW of Pulau Talang Talang
December to February) the mean rate increase to between 0.5 Besar.
to 1 knots. Currents up to 2 knots may be experienced at times Both of the above islands are turtle sanctuaries and have

in any part of the area in any month and on rare occasions the caretakers living on them.
current may increase up to 3 knots. Turtle Rock, which dries 3.6m, lies 1 mile SSW of Pulau

Aspect.—Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) are in

11.1 Talang Talang Kechil.
place at lights in the anchorage areas from Tanjung Baram to The mouths of the Sungai Sirru Besar and the Sungai Se-

Tanjung Datu. They are best seen on the chart. matan lie 2.5 miles SE and 7.33 miles ESE of Tanjong Balin-
Caution.—Numerous oil fields and gas fields exist off the
11.1 sah. Neither river is of much importance to shipping.
coasts of Sarawak, Brunei, and Sabah. Prominent oilfields and The entrance channel leading into the latter river has a least

platforms has been reported, including; Samarang Oilfield, Ke- reported depth of 0.6m on the alignment of the entrance range
tam Oilfield, Tembungo Oil Terminal. Each field contains clus- and leads between two drying sand spits.
ters of installations, lighted and unlighted, permanent and The channel is subject to change, particularly during the

movable, awash and submerged structures. However, most Northeast Monsoon, and entry should not be attempted without

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 357

local knowledge. The average rise of the tide is about 0.6m. island 207m high, stands 5 miles NE of Pulau Sampadi. Its SE
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken by vessels up to
11.3 and S sides are fringed by foul ground; whereas, its other sides
30.5m in length, in depths of 5.5m within the bar, but it is ex- are steep-to and clear. A small plantation lies on its SE side.
posed to the Northeast Monsoon. Pulau Satang Kechil (1°46'N., 110°09'E.), a densely wood-

Lighted beacons, in range bearing 205.3°, lead over the bar

11.3 ed islet, lies 1.3 miles S of the above island. It is fringed by a
and through the entrance of the river but they do not always in- reef which extends 0.5 mile from its S side. An artificial reef
dicate the best water. has been established as a fish breeding ground, about 8 miles
A radio mast stands about 0.3 mile S of the W entrance point
11.3 NNE of Pulau Satang Besar.
of the river. Other fish reefs lie 2.5 miles NNW, and 2 miles NE of Pulau

Sematan (1°49'N., 109°47'E.), the westernmost port in Sar-

11.3 Satung Besar. Artificial reefs of used tires are piled in these ar-
awak, is the site of a government station. All cargo is lightered eas, and mariners are requested to avoid them.
to the offshore anchorage. All operations cease during the Pulau Tukong Ara and Pulau Tukong Banun, both small in

Northeast Monsoon. extent, lie 1.5 miles E and 2 miles SE of Pulau Satang Kechil.
Some small jetties, for the use of small local craft, lie on the
11.3 The above-described islands lie near the outer edge of the shoal
W bank of the river about 0.3 mile above the entrance. water, with depths of less than 7.3m, which extends about 4.5
Vessels loading from Sematan should anchor in an area 2
11.3 miles N from the low coast.
miles in extent, which lies with its center about 3.32 miles ESE
of Pulau Talang Talang Kechil. Vessels should not anchor W of 11.6 Batu Samarang (Cruizer Rock) (1°52'N., 110°21'E.),
109°48.6'E, the W limit of the area. There are no restrictions on awash, lies about 12 miles ENE of Pulau Satang Besar.
light-draft vessels anchoring S of the area. During bad weather or with a heavy swell, this rock breaks;

A mooring buoy lies 1.4 miles SW of the E entrance point of

11.3 at such times it should be given a wide berth. Tanjong Buloh
the river. There are also several small moorings for lighters. and Tanjong Embang, two points located on the E side of the
Tanjong Pelandek (Baugh Point) lies 2.32 miles SE of Tan-
11.3 Tanjong Sipang Peninsula, in range bearing 171°, leads about
jong Batu. A rock, with a depth of 0.4m, lies 0.3 miles E of 0.62 mile W of Batu Samarang, and a tangent on the W side of
Tanjong Pelandek. Tanjong Sipang, in range bearing about 212° with Gunung
The Sungai Sekambal, of little importance, enters the sea
11.3 Serapi, leads about 0.3 mile E of it. At night, Tanjong Po Light,
about 1 mile SSW of Tanjong Pelandek. bearing not less than 132°, will lead N of Batu Samarang.
Two dangerous wrecks lie about 10.5 miles NW of Tanjong

11.4 Batu Lundu (Batu Mandi) (1°44'N., 109°56'E.), Sipang; they are each marked on their N side by a lighted buoy.
which dries 4m, lies 3.32 miles ESE of Tanjong Pelandek. A Two additional wrecks, with depths of 22 and 21m, lie approx-
light is shown from the NE side of the bank. imately 11 miles N of Tanjong Sipang but are not marked by
The Sungai Lundu entrance lies between Tanjong Bandang
11.4 buoys. This area of wrecks should be given a wide berth on its
and Tanjong Sireh, located 2 miles SW and 1.5 miles SSE, re- N side.
spectively, of Batu Mandi. A shallow channel runs through a A stranded wreck, the position of which is approximate, lies

drying sand bank which extends 1.5 miles seaward of the river 6 miles W of Tanjong Sipang. A light is shown from the wreck.
entrance. A dangerous wreck, which dries, is situated 1.5 miles W of

There is a depth of 0.3m on the bar of the Sungai Mandi, but

11.4 Tanjong Sipang. A lighted buoy lies 183m NNW of it.
passage should only be attempted by vessels with local knowl- The Sungai Rambungan (1°42'N., 110°08'E.) and the Sun-

edge. The channel is entered 2 miles E of Batu Mandi and is gai Rayu have a common entrance lying 3.5 miles SE of Pulau
marked by piles. Sampadi. A bar, with a depth of 0.3m, lies 1 mile N of the en-
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory.
11.4 trance.Within the bar the depths increase to 9.8m abreast the
11.5 The town of Lundu (1°41'N., 109°51'E.) stands on The Sungai Sibu Laut (1°42'N., 110°12'E.) lies 7 miles ESE

the left bank of the river 12 miles above the entrance. Three of Pulau Sampadi. A bar, with depths from 0.3 to 1.2m, ob-
small wharves front the town along the river bank. The limiting structs the entrance 1 to 2 miles offshore.
dimensions at Lundu are a length of 48m, a beam of 10m, a
draft of 2.4m, and up to 700 gt. Approaches to the Sungai Sarawak
The Sungai Sampadi (1°41'N., 109°58'E.) discharges

through two entrances 2.5 miles SSW and 3.5 miles SE of Batu 11.7 Tanjong Sipang (1°48'N., 110°20'E.), marked by a
Mandi. The W entrance can be approached through the channel light, is the N extremity of a mountainous peninsula which
to the Sungai Lundu. The E entrance is fouled by drying sand projects N from the mainland. It may be identified from the E
banks. or W by two remarkable sugarloaf peaks, which are prominent
A group of fairly high mountains lies NW of Lundu, about 4
11.5 from these directions. The northernmost peak, known as The
miles SW of Tanjong Pelandek. Gunung Perigi, with an eleva- Pouce, is 515m high and conspicuous. Gunung Santubong,
tion of 909m, is the highest. 844m high and the S peak, stands 4 miles S of Tanjong Sipang
Pulau Sampadi (1°44'N., 110°05'E.), 122m high, lies about
11.5 near the S end of the peninsula. A dangerous wreck lies 14
1.3 miles offshore and 9 miles E of Batu Lundu. Rocks and miles N of Tanjong Sipang. A lighted buoy marks close N of
foul ground extend 0.3 mile from the W side of the island. The two dangerous wrecks, 11 miles NNW of the same point. A
N above-water rock is 3m high. dangerous wreck lies 14 miles ENE of the point. Another
Pulau Satang Besar (1°47'N., 110°10'E.), a densely wooded
11.5 wreck lies 4 miles SW of Tanjong Sipang and is marked by a

Pub. 163
358 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

lighted buoy. dry 1.2m, lie about 0.3 mile SW of the same point.
Gunung Serapi (1°34'N., 110°12'E.), which rises to a very
11.7 Pulau Kra (1°42'N., 110°18'E.), a small islet, lies on the S

sharp peak 911m high, stands about 12 miles SW of Gunung side of the entrance channel about 1 mile SSW of Tanjong Ba-
Santubong. Close W and at a slightly lesser elevation, stands a tuboya and is joined to the coast to the SE of it by a chain of
lump resembling a castle which is not visible E of Gunung rocks. This islet is rather difficult to distinguish from seaward.
Santubong. A conspicuous radio mast stands on the summit.
The Sungai Sarawak (1°43'N., 110°17'E.) has two naviga-
11.7 11.9 Terumbu Salak (Rainbow Reef) (1°42'N.,
ble entrances; Santubong is entered close W of Tanjong Si- 110°18'E.), which dries, lies 0.35 mile NNW of Pulau Kra.
pang, while Muara Tebas is entered close E of Tanjong Po, The bar of the Sungai Santubong has a depth of 1.8m. Its

12.5 miles ESE. The latter entrance is the one most generally outer 5.5m edge lies about 6 miles NNW of Pulau Kra. This
used. bar is possibly subject to change because of its sandy nature
Kuching, the capital of the State of Sarawak, stands on both
11.7 and because of the freshets that occur. It should not be attempt-
banks of the river 20 miles above the entrance of either branch. ed without local knowledge.
Vessels up to 175m in length, with a draft of 7.6m, can reach
11.7 During the Northeast Monsoon, this entrance is not practica-

the anchorage off Kampong Sejinkat, 6 miles above Muara Te- ble because of the heavy swell on the bar. Inside the bar the
bas. Vessels up to 100m long, with a draft of 5.2m, can reach depths increase rapidly, but there are several dangers between
Tanah Puteh Wharf, 2 miles below Kuching. its entrance and its junction with the Sungai Sarawak.
Dense early morning fog over the river is frequent, especial-
11.7 Local knowledge is essential for vessels proceeding beyond

ly after heavy rain during the previous night. Normally the fog Tanjong Batuboya.
lifts 2 to 2.5 hours after sunrise. Tides—Currents.—The flood sets E across the bar and the

Another peninsula, which projects in a NNE direction from

11.7 ebb to the W. In the entrance of the river the flood sets toward
the mainland for a distance of about 6 miles, is located about Royalist Rock. Close inside the river entrance the strength of
10.5 miles ESE of the Tanjong Sipang Peninsula. both the flood and the ebb is increased.
Pulau Lakei (1°45'N., 110°30'E.), a small islet, lies close off
11.7 There are usually two tides a day with the tidal range being

the N extremity of the above peninsula. A small rock, with a 1.5 to 3.3m.
tide gauge hut, stands close S of this islet. The bay between the At the entrance of the Muara Tebas springs rise about 4.2m

two peninsulas has shallow depths and dries in patches near its and the neaps about 3.4m.
head. Pulau Lakei has been reported to be a good radar target at Directions.—When approaching Santubong Entrance from

25 miles. the W, steer 131° for the peak of Gunung Santubong until Tan-
jong Sipang bears 072°, then steer 162° on the leading lights
11.8 Tanjong Po (1°44'N., 110°31'E.), the E extremity of situated about 0.3 mile S of Pulau Kra. This course leads over
the Pulau Lakei Peninsula, is located about 2 miles SE of the the bar in a least depth of 1.8m. A wreck lies 4 miles SSW of
peninsula’s N end. There is a white streak near the E end of the Tanjung Sipang.
point. Shoal water, with depths of less than 7.3m, extends al- When Tanjong Batuboya bears 103°, alter course gradually

most 0.5 mile offshore between Tanjong Po and the N extremi- to the E and steer between the point and Batuan Kera. If enter-
ty of the peninsula. ing with the flood, care should be taken to alter course in ample
Aspects.—A light is shown from a 18m aluminum pyramidal
11.8 time to avoid being set onto these rocks and the rocks SW of it.
tower, 0.15 mile W of Tanjong Po. Batu Mandi (White Rock), As local knowledge is essential for proceeding above Tan-

2m high, lies near the SE end of this shoal water about 0.5 mile jong Batuboya, no further directions are given.
N of Tanjong Po, and drying rocks extend a short distance SE
from it. 11.10 The entrance to Muara Tebas provides the most gen-
Caution.—Numerous dangerous wrecks has been reported
11.8 erally used entry to the Sungai Sarawak which leads to Kuch-
within 10 miles offshore of Tanjong Po as best seen on chart. ing. The entrance lies about 1 mile E of Tanjong Po. There is
Shoal water, with depths of less than 7.3m, extends from 3.5
11.8 an outer and inner bar.
to 5 miles offshore between Pulau Satang Kechil and Tanjong Tanjong Selabat (1°40'N., 110°29'E.) lies 3.5 miles SW of

Sipang. From Tanjong Sipang, the coast extends SSW for Tanjong Po. A bay which lies in between is fronted by a mud
about 4.5 miles to Tanjong Tambak. and sand shoal extending 1.5 miles to the E and dries up to
Foul ground extends up to 0.5 mile off this section of coast.
11.8 3.6m.
Shoal water, with depths of less than 1.8m, extends in a WNW An islet, 34m high, lies close off Tanjong Selabat. Two other

direction for about 1.5 miles, from Telok Penyok, a small bay islets, both about 15m high to the tops of the trees, lie 0.2 mile
located about 3 miles SSW of Tanjong Sipang. Two detached SSE of Tanjong Selabat. Batu Menaul (Rocky Islet), 3m high,
1.8m patches lie 0.5 mile and 1.3 miles WNW of the W ex- lies 0.5 mile SSE of the same point.
tremity of this shoal water. These patches lie on either side of Tanjong Muara Tebas (1°39'N., 110°30'E.) lies 1.5 miles S

the fairway across the bar. of Tanjong Selabat. A small drying bay lies in between.
Between Tanjong Tambak and Tanjong Batuboya, which is
11.8 Gunung Ayer, 116m high, is the N hill on the above point.

located about 1.5 miles SSE, the coast recedes forming a bay The beacon which stands on it is difficult to distinguish from
that dries almost 0.3 mile from its head. seaward.
Batuan Tambak (Nap Rocks) (1°43'N., 110°18'E.), which
11.8 A rock, 3.7m high, lies close NNW of Tanjong Muara Tebas.

dry 1.2m, lie 1 mile NW of Tanjong Batuboya. Caution.—It has been reported (1998) that a rock, with a

Batuan Kera (Royalist Rocks) (1°43'N., 110°18'E.), which

11.8 depth of less than 0.2m, lies close NW of the Muara Tebas En-

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 359

trance range line, less than 0.7 mile ESE of Tanjung Muara Te- Point. A rock, with a depth of 4.3m and marked by No. 10
bas. Lighted Buoy, lies 0.5 mile N of Tanjong Renard. A light is
shown from No. 3 Lighted Beacon standing on Tanjong Re-
11.11 Beting Matong (1°44'N., 110°33'E.), a sandy spit nard.
with depths less than 5m at its N end and drying to the S, lies A submarine pipeline crosses the river in an ESE direction

on the E side of the entrance in the N and S direction with its N from Tanjong Renard.
end about 1.5 miles NE of Tanjong Po. Bukit Sejinkat, 85m high, stands 1.3 miles W of Tanjong Re-

The outer bar, which is composed of hard sand, lies about 2

11.11 nard. Kampong Sejinkat, where there is a small pier, lies at the
miles SE of Tanjong Po and 0.5 mile NW of the outer align- foot of this hill.
ment of the entrance range. There was a depth of 5.2m over the Beting Tanju, a shoal with a least reported depth of 2.7m,

outer bar. The least depth over Beting Matong, on the align- lies in the middle of the river S of Tanjong Renard and extends
ment of the outer entrance range, was 4.6m. about 0.8 mile to the W. It is marked by No. 11 Lighted Buoy.
Caution.—During the Northeast Monsoon, an underwater
11.11 The entrance of the Loba Batu Blat lies between Tanjong

clearance of at least 2m should be allowed when crossing the Sedap and Tanjong Buaya 0.2 mile SW.
outer bar because of the swell. Tanjong Bakau lies 1 mile W of Tanjong Sedap; Batu Blat

Reach lies in between. A bank, with depths of less than 1.8m,

11.12 Tanjong Embang (1°38'N., 110°31'E.) comprises the lies in this reach and extends 0.2 mile from the S bank. Another
coastal area on the S side of the river about 1 mile SE of Tan- bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends 0.3 mile off the
jong Muara Tebas. A drying spit extends almost 1 mile NE NW bank between Tanjong Batau and Pending Point.
from Tanjong Embang. Caution.—It has been reported (1998) that power lines, with

The inner bar is formed 1 mile E of Tanjong Muara Tebas.

11.12 an estimated vertical clearance of 61m, cross the Sungai Sar-
There was a depth of 4.6m on the range line leading over this awak in the vicinity of Tanjung Bako. Overhead power cables,
bar. with a vertical clearance of 45m, cross the channel close W of
Muara Tebas Entrance No. 1 Lighted Beacons, in range bear-
11.12 Sejingkat Marine Terminal. It has been reported there is a
ing 209.5°, lead across the outer bar. Muara Tebas Entrance bridge under construction close W.
No. 2 Lighted Beacons, in range bearing 247.33°, lead across
the inner bar. The channel between the outer and inner bars, 11.13 Kuching (Sejingkat) (1°34'N., 110°21'E.) (World
and the channel leading to Tanjong Pending is marked by num- Port Index No. 51560), the main commercial port and capital
bered lighted buoys. of the State of Sarawak, stands on the S bank of the Sungai Sar-
A detached 3.4m patch lies 0.5 mile ESE of Tanjong Muara
11.12 awak, about 22 miles above the entrance.
Tebas and 137m NW of the alignment of the range leading The principal government buildings and the commercial fa-

across the inner bar. cilities are situated near the center of the Main Bazaar, which
Anchorage—Anchorage can be taken about 1.5 miles N of
11.12 extends along the riverfront behind the wharves and warehous-
Tanjong Po, in depths of 9m, by vessels waiting for the tide to es. Kuching is a first port of entry.
enter the river, Tides—Currents.—Tidal heights above datum soundings

McDougall Point (1°37'N., 110°27'E.) lies on the S bank of

11.12 are:
the Sungai Sarawak, 3 miles WSW of the inner bar. The river
then follows a winding course to North Junction Point where it MHWS 4.8m
joins the Santubong branch.
Kampong Muara Tebas lies on the N bank 0.3 mile WSW of
MHWN 4.1m
Tanjong Muara Tebas. A drying jetty is situated here. MLWN 1.6m
Tanjong Batu (1°38'N., 110°28'E.) lies on the N bank about

2.3 miles WSW of Tanjong Muara Tebas. MLLW 1.1m

Batu Jernang (Belcher Rocks), marked by No. 9 Lighted

Buoy moored close E, with a depth of 0.2m, lie 0.5 mile SW of The ebb sets out of the Sungai Kuap at a rate of 2 to 3 knots,

Tanjong Batu. A notice board stands on the NW bank of the and the flood sets in at a rate of 1.5 to 2 knots. Off Kuching, the
river abreast of these rocks. ebb runs at a rate up to 3 knots at springs, but after a heavy rain
A bar, with depths of 5.5m or less, lies 0.5 mile S of McDou-
11.12 it almost doubles this rate in the narrows. The flood off Kuch-
gall Point. ing may attain a rate up to 1.32 knots. There is only a short pe-
Tanjong Renard (Renard Point) (1°35'N., 110°27'E.), on
11.12 riod of slack water in the river.
the W bank of the river, lies about 1.3 miles S of McDougall

Kuching—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
CMS Cement Terminal
Cement and clinker. Berthing length of 177m (in-
Main Jetty 105m — — 7.5m 7,000 dwt
cluding dolphins).

Pub. 163
360 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Kuching—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Cement. Berthing length of 94m (including dol-
Service Jetty 18m — — — —
Kuching Sejingkat Power Corporations Terminal
Coal Jetty 90m — — — — Coal.
Pending Terminal
1 — 8.5m 175m 7.5m 12,500 dwt
Bunkers, general cargo, and bulk cargo. Continuous
2 — 8.5m 175m 7.5m 12,500 dwt
berthing length of 285m.
3 — 8.5m 175m 7.5m 12,500 dwt
4 — 8.5m 175m 7.5m 12,500 dwt
Bunkers, general, and bulk cargo. Continuous berth-
5 — 8.5m 175m 7.5m 12,500 dwt
ing length of 350m.
6 — 8.5m 175m 7.5m 12,500 dwt
Ro-ro Berth — 8.5m — — — Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail and bunkers.
Sejingkat Terminal
Main Pier 125m — 95m 5.2m 6,000 dwt Grain, containers, and reefer.
Senari Terminal
Container Containers, bunkers, and reefer. Berth pocket width
635m 11.0m 200m 7.5m 20,000 dwt
Wharf of 45m.
Tanah Puteh
Poh Kwong
— 2.8m — — — Damaged. Project/heavy cargo.
Tanah Puteh Damaged. Ro-ro/lo-lo. Berthing length of 285m (in-
244m — 95m 5.2m 6,000 dwt
Wharf cluding dolphins). Ro-ro ramp 95m in length.
Hexachem Chemicals Terminal
Chemicals and project/heavy cargo. Berthing length
Jetty 46m — — — —
of 97m (including dolphins).
Biawak Oil Terminal
BOJ 1 48m 6.7m 110m 6.4m 9,144 dwt Closed. Vegetable oils.
BOJ 2 45m 6.7m 110m 6.4m 8,000 dwt Closed. Vegetable oils.
Senari Synergy Terminal
Chemicals, clean products, and crude. Berthing
North Berth 30m — — — —
length of 192m (including dolphins).
South Berth 30m — — — — LPG. Berthing length of 140m (including dolphins).

When the height of HW at Pulau Lakei exceeds 4.7m, the

11.13 (1997) that the river has been dredged and depths may be
flood continues to run at Kuching for 1 hour. In the entrances greater than charted.
of the Sungai Sarawak, the rates of the currents are about 0.5 of A causeway has been constructed across Turnabout Reach

those off Kuching. The tidal currents meet and separate near about 0.7 mile above Tanjong Pending. Vessels no longer tran-
North Junction Point. sit Turnabout Reach. Vessels now access Prima Donna Reach
Depths—Limitations.—The Sungai Sarawak above Tan-
11.13 and points further upstream through the lock in the Sungai
jong Pending passes through Turnabout Reach, Prima Donna Sarawak Barrage (1°34.4'N., 110°24.3'E.) about 1.3 miles
Reach, Horseshoe Reach, and Town Reach to Kuching. Ves- NE of Tanjong Pending.
sels, with a draft of 5.2m, can navigate these reaches as far as For additional details see table titled Kuching—Berth In-

Tanah Puteh Wharf, 2 miles below Kuching. Vessels of lesser formation.

draft can reach the berths at Kuching. It has been reported A road bridge, with a vertical clearance of 6.1m and a navi-

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 361

1. No vessels exceeding 80 nrt shall be underway in the

Sungai Sarawak above Pending Point between the hours of
1930 and 0500 without the permission of the Director of Ma-
2. Powered vessels approaching Prima Donna and Dido
Rocks, located about 1.3 and 3.5 miles, respectively, above
North Junction Point, and when approaching a bend, shall
give one prolonged blast on the whistle or siren.
3. Powered vessels exceeding 80 nrt may not overtake or
pass another vessel in the Sungai Sarawak upstream of a
point 0.5 mile E of Bintawak Rocks.
4. All vessels over 40 gt are required to anchor in the ex-
amination area off Kampong Sejinkat or if carrying danger-
ous goods in the explosives and dangerous cargo anchorage,
and report their arrival to the Marine Signal Station at Pend-
ing; they must not proceed any further until permission has
been granted.
5. Vessels transiting the Sungai Sarawak Barrage must
contact “Kuching Barrage” on VHF channel 61 at least 1
Image by Michael Lo http://www.ibanorum.netfirms.com hour prior to arrival and must monitor VHF channel 61 until
City of Kuching on the Sungai Sarawak being instructed by Kuching Barrage to enter the ship lock.
The maximum vessel dimensions allowed in the ship lock

are, as follows:

Ship Lock Maximum Vessel

Length 95m
Width 23m
Draft (HW) 5.2m
Draft (LW) 3.5m
Air Draft 12m

Vessel speed in the shiplock is limited to a maximum speed


of 0.4 knot.
Anchorage.—Anchorage for three vessels up to 11,000 dwt,

170m in length with a draft of 7.6m, can be taken off Kampong

Sejinkat. Beacons stand on the banks to assist in the selection
of a berth.
Kuching—Brooke Dockyard This anchorage is a main timber-loading point; loading con-

tinues throughout the year. Vessels are not permitted to anchor

gable width of 65m, spans the Sungai Sarawak between War- off Pending Point.
ren Point Wharf and Tanah Puteh Wharf. An explosive and dangerous cargo anchorage extends 0.5

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory but berthing is done

11.13 mile upriver from Tanjong Bako. Its limits are marked by bea-
during daylight hours only. The vessel’s ETA should be sent 36 cons. This anchorage space is suitable for one vessel only with
hours in advance; pilots should be requested 24 hours in ad- a length not exceeding 100m.
vance An examination anchorage has been established off Tanjong

Vessels are required to report to the Marine Signal Station at

11.13 Sejinkat. Its limits are marked by beacons.
least 2 hours before arrival and are to maintain a continuous lis- Vessels are recommended to anchor in the N half of the area.

tening watch for pilotage and boarding information. Shallow draft vessels should anchor as close to the N bank of
The pilot boards 1 mile NE of the light on Tanjong Po.
11.13 the river as practicable.
During the Northeast Monsoon (October through March), the A temporary examination anchorage is established on the E

pilot boards at the intersection of the Tanjong Embang and Se- side of the bend in the river, opposite Tanjong Renard, between
nari range lines. latitudes 1°35.05'N and 1°36.6'N.
Aspect.—Several silver painted oil tanks stand on the sum-
11.13 Anchorage is prohibited between Lighted Buoy No. 11 and

mit of Bukit Biawak, about 0.5 mile WNW of Tanjong Pend- the NE limit of the explosives and dangerous cargo anchorage,
ing. except for vessels loading logs under pilotage and vessels of
Regulations.—The following are extracts from the shipping
11.13 less than 4m draft may be allowed anchorage at Beting Tanju.
regulations: A stranded wreck lies in the SW of the dangerous cargo an-

Pub. 163
362 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

chorage. strong, reaching a spring rate of 3.5 knots in the entrance and 5
Anchoring and fishing are prohibited between the explosives
11.13 knots off Simunjan. Numerous fish traps exist in the mouth of
and dangerous cargo anchorage and the entrances of the Sungai the river.
Kuap and Turnabout Reach. The SW limit of the area is Simunjan (1°24'N., 110°45'E.), a small town standing on

marked by beacons. the E bank of the river, is fronted by a wharf.

Anchorage is prohibited in Turnabout Reach, except in an
11.13 From Tanjong Melaban, the coast extends in an ESE direc-

emergency; at such time the Director of Marine should be noti- tion for about 9.5 miles to the mouth of the Sungai Sebuyau,
fied immediately. which discharges on the W side of the mouth of the Batang
Anchorage is prohibited in the channel between the channel
11.13 Lupar. Gunung Silabu, 436m high, and Gunung Berdiri, 412m
mark opposite Warren Point and Brooks Dockyard, except in high, standing 5.32 miles and 8 miles SE of Tanjong Melaban
an emergency; at such time the Director of Marine should be are useful landmarks.
notified immediately. Sebuyau Village (1°31'N., 110°55'E.) stands near the coast

Directions.—When approaching Muara Tebas entrance

11.13 about 9 miles ESE of Tanjong Melaban at the mouth of the
from the W, pass on either side of Batu Samarang, but if pass- Sungai Sebuyau. Two wharves, both concrete, one with 2.7m
ing to the S the spit extending 0.5 mile NE from Tanjong Buloh alongside and the other with 1.2m alongside, are situated
should be given a wide berth. In the early morning, the mist abreast of the town.
and fog banks may reduce visibility. A soft mud bar, with a depth of 1.2m, crosses the entrance of

After rounding Pulau Lakei, steer to pass 1 mile E of Tan-

11.13 the Sungai Sebuyau.
jong Po, then steer to cross the middle of the outer bar. When A large amount of stone is quarried locally and shipped from

the lighthouse bears 304°, distance 2 miles, keep the outer this port. Vessels up to 63m in length, with a draft of 5m, have
lighted beacons in range, bearing 209.5° until the inner lighted used the port.
beacons are in range bearing 247.3°. Keep on the alignment of Bukit Sebuyau (1°31'N., 110°56'E.), 168m high to the tops

this inner range which leads over the inner bar in a least depth of the trees, stands 0.3 mile S of Sebuyau Village. A hill, 125m
of 4.6m. high to the tops of the trees, stands 1 mile W of Bukit Sebuyau
To reach Kuching on one flood tide from the anchorage N of
11.13 and Bukit Bruang, 375m high to the tops of the trees, stands
Tanjong Po, it is necessary to leave 3 hours before HW. It is ad- 2.5 miles WSW of Bukit Sebuyau.
visable to arrive at Kuching 1 hour before HW if going along- Pulau Burong (1°38'N., 110°48'E.), an islet about 105m

side the wharves, because the turn can only be made on the high to the tops of the trees and marked by a light, stands 3.32
flood. miles NNE of Tanjong Melaban. A rock, 26m high, lies close
Caution.—A good lookout must be kept for small tugs tow-
11.13 NW off the island. Shoal water extends up to 6.5 miles N from
ing lumber rafts in the lower reaches of the river. this islet.
Considerable amounts of debris and large tree trunks may be
11.13 The E entrance point of the Batang Lupar is located about

encountered and should be given a wide berth if possible. 5.5 miles NE of the 125m hill near Sebuyau Village.
When approaching the wharves, the whistle or siren should be Batang Lupar (1°31'N., 110°59'E.) is entered between the

sounded at frequent intervals to clear the numerous small craft mouth of the Sungai Sebuyan and the above point.
and ferries out of the way. Triso Darat, 119m high to the tops of the trees, stands on the

A submarine cable crosses the river between Fort Maigherita

11.13 E bank of the river, about 3 miles S of the E entrance point.
and the opposite shore about 2 miles W of Warren Point. Each
end is marked by a notice board. A pipeline crosses the river E 11.15 Pulau Triso (1°31'N., 110°59'E.), an islet 92m high
of this cable. Similarly marked submarine cable crosses the riv- to the tops of the trees, lies 0.5 mile WSW of Triso Darat. A
er about 1 mile W of Warren Point. rock, with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies 183m ENE of the is-
let, and a 3m patch lies 0.13 mile NW of Pulau Triso.
The Sungai Sarawak to Tanjong Sirik The bar, which consists of very soft mud and has a least

depth of 1.8m, lies with its outer end about 18 miles NW of Pu-
11.14 From the E extremity of Tanjong Embang, 5.5 miles S lau Triso. An obstruction lies on the bar about 3.3 miles NE of
of Tanjong Po, the coast extends S for about 3 miles to the Pulau Burong. The depths are reported to be greater and the
mouth of the Batang Samarahan, and then in an E direction for bottom softer on the SW part of the bar than on its NE part.
about 11 miles to the entrance of the Batang Sadong. Shoal wa- At the entrance of the river the flood and ebb begin about 1

ter, with depths of 7.3m and less, extends in a N direction from hour 50 minutes after LW and HW at Pulau Satang. The mean
this section of coast for a distance of 7 to 10 miles. Drying flats velocity of the flood is about 2.5 knots at springs and about 3.5
extend from 1 to 2 miles offshore. Numerous fishing stakes ex- knots at ebb.
ist within 3 miles of the coast. Pilotage.—Pilots for Batang Lupar and Batang Saribas can

Batang Sadong (1°34'N., 110°44'E.), which has an entrance

11.14 be arranged through Kuching. The pilot for Batang Lupar will
about 2.5 miles wide, lies between Tanjong Piling (Tanjong board 1 mile NE of Tanjong Po Light. In bad weather pilots
Stok) on its W side and Tanjong Melaban on its E side. An ex- board E of Tanjong Muara Tebas.
tensive bar of soft mud, with a least depth of 0.6m in its center, Vessels, with a draft up to 5m, have entered the Batang

lies across the entrance. After crossing the bar there are no Lupar at high tide.
known dangers in the river from its mouth to its junction with The coast from the E entrance point of the Batang Lupar ex-

the Simunjan branch about 20 miles upstream, but a tidal bore tends NNE for about 6 miles to Tanjong Edit (Tanjong Riong),
occurs in the river at spring tides. Tidal currents in the river are the W entrance point of the Batang Saribas. Maludam Village

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 363

stands on this point. Tanjong Batang Marow (Tanjong Batang two shoals and 6 miles NW of Tanjong Batang Marow, dries
Marau), the E entrance point of the Batang Saribas, is located 2.4m.
about 6.5 miles NNE of Tanjong Edit. Breakers were reported NW of Pasir Lomba-lomba at LW

Directions.—To enter the river from the NW, steer 160° for
11.15 and shoal water appeared to extend for several miles in that di-
Pulau Burong and pass NE of it. Then steer toward the SW side rection.
of the entrance and pass SW of Pulau Triso. The channel to the Tanjong Paloh (1°47'N., 111°06'E.), the S entrance point of

E of this islet is subject to strong eddies. the Sungai Krian, lies 2 miles NE of Tanjong Batang Marow.
Caution.—A large number of fishing stakes exist in the ap-
11.15 Tanjong Kabong, the N entrance point, lies about 0.5 mile far-
proach to Batang Lupar. The seaward ends of these stakes are ther NE. A conspicuous casuarina tree stands 0.3 mile NW of
of solid construction and care must be taken to avoid them. Tanjong Kabong.
The Batang Lupar, from Pulau Teriso to its junction with the
11.15 The drying part of Kabong Sand, which lies on the W side of

Sungai Lingga, about 14 miles upstream, has depths of 3.7 to the entrance channel, extends 3.32 miles from Tanjong Batang
7.9m. It flows through a dense jungle consisting mostly of Marow. Kuala Kabong, the entrance of the Sungai Krian, lies
mangroves and palm trees. close N of Kabong Sand.
Navigation is hampered by tidal bores in the Batang Lupar
11.15 A shoal, with a depth of 1.2m, lies about 3.2 miles NNW of

and the Sungai Lingga. The largest bores occur 3 days after full Tanjong Kabong. A stake stood on this shoal. A spit, with
and new moon;, those occurring after the new moon are great- depths of less than 1.8m, extends from Tanjong Kabong to a
er. The largest bores are usually first sighted just below Pulau position 0.5 mile E of the S end of the above shoal.
Seduku, an islet mid-channel about 25 miles upriver from the Lighted range beacons are situated about 2 miles NE and 4

mouth of the river, and travel about 40 miles farther upriver. miles NNE, respectively, of Tanjong Batang Marow. These
At times of very LW these bores have reached as far as 50
11.15 ranges, which should be used only E of Betang Maraw, lead in-
miles upriver from Pulau Seduku. In the large bores it is report- to the Sungai Krian. These beacons are moved as necessary to
ed that the advancing wave attains a height of 2m when about 3 conform to the changes in the channel. A depth of 1.5m could
miles upriver from Pulau Seduku, and the speed of advance, be entered into the river on the alignment of the above range.
which is dependent on the configuration of the river bed, is es- Kabong, a fishing village and government station, is situated

timated to be about 10 knots at Simanggang, which is situated just inside the entrance on the N side of the river. A radio mast
about 19 miles upriver from Pulau Seduku. stands close S of the village.
The Sunagi Seblok, about 2.3 miles above Tanjong Kabong,

11.16 Simanggang, 44 miles upstream from the river mouth, has depths of 1.8 to 11.9m in the fairway for about 11.5 miles
has a wharf, a jetty, and a concrete ramp for use of bow-door above its mouth.
landing craft. Vessels up to 36m and drawing up to 2m have en- In the entrance of the Sungai Krian the ebb attains a rate of

tered the port, but it was necessary to utilize the flood tide in about 4.5 knots at springs and a rate of 4 knots at floods. In the
proceeding upriver. deep channel on either side of Beting Marau the ebb sets N at a
Batang Saribas (1°43'N., 111°04'E.), entered between the
11.16 rate of 3.5 knots at springs, while the flood sets S at a rate of
two previously-mentioned points, is fronted by a bar which has about 3 knots.
a depth of 3m and a tidal range of up to 5.8m. Inside the bar the
depths increase to 9.7m in the fairway. There is a minimum 11.18 From Tanjong Batang Marow, the coast extends in a
depth of 6.1m in the fairway from Pusa to Manggut. The tidal NNE direction for about 21 miles to Tanjong Selalang, the S
currents in the river are strong. entrance point of the Kuala Rajang. The land in the vicinity of
The Batang Saribas is over 100 miles long. Vessels with a
11.16 this point is very low and densely wooded.
draft of 1.5m can ascend to Betong, about 50 miles above the Tanjong Jerijeh (2°09'N., 110°11'E.), the N entrance point

entrance. of the Kuala Rajang, is located about 4.5 miles NNW of Tan-
jong Selalang, and the Batang Rajang is entered between these
11.17 Maludam Spit (1°42'N., 111°02'E.), a drying mud two points. A light is shown from a 37m high white metal
bank, extends about 3.3 miles NW from Tanjong Edit, the W framework tower standing 0.4 mile SSE of Tanjong Jerijeh. A
entrance point of the river. wreck, with a depth of 3.3m and marked by a buoy, lies 3 miles
Depths of less than 9.1m extend in a NW direction from the
11.17 SW of Tanjong Jerijeh; another wreck, with a depth of 5.9m,
mouth of the Batang Saribas for about 15 miles. Shoal water, lies 2 miles W of the same point. Another wreck, marked by a
with depths of 5.5m and less, extends about 11 miles N and light, lies 7.5 miles SSE of Tanjong Jerijeh.
NW from Tanjong Batang Marow. A drying sand bank extends Batang Rajang (2°08'N., 111°13'E.) is navigable by vessels

almost 2.3 miles N from this point. drawing 4m as far as Sibu, 70 miles above its mouth. There are
A bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends 12 miles NW
11.17 two difficult bends between Sarikei, 27 miles above the en-
and W from Tanjong Batang Marow. trance, and Sibu. One is at the junction of the Maura Payang,
Three narrow shoals lie on this bank as follows: Pasir Dua
11.17 4.5 miles above Sarikei, and the other is at the junction of
Blas, which dries 0.3m at its S end, lies 7 miles NW of Tanjong Batang Lebaan, 19.5 miles above Sarikeu. The latter needs care
Batang Marow and extends 6 miles NNW. and should not be attempted during the ebb. Because of shoal-
Beting Maro (Beting Marau), which lies 2 miles NW of Tan-
11.17 ing in the vicinity of this bend, the size of the vessels using the
jong Batang Marow, dries 2.1m in its S part and extends 7.5 Batang Rajang as far as Sibu was limited to 61m in length with
miles N. a draft of 4m. Additional shoaling has taken place.
Pasir Lomba-lomba, which lies midway between the above
11.17 Vessels up to 8.8m draft have crossed the bar at the entrance

Pub. 163
364 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Fairway Lighted Buoy.

At Lighted Buoy No. 1, the ebb attains a rate of 3.5 knots

and the flood a rate of 1.33 knots.

Pilotage.—Government pilots are boarded in a position be-

tween Lighted Buoy No. 2 and Lighted Buoy No. 4; other posi-
tions may be used if notified in the ETA message.
A request for their services should be made to “Shipping Si-

bu” and repeated to “Shipping Sarikei.” The message should

mention “Rajang Channel,” and 24 hours notice is required.
The pilot launch is equipped with radiotelephones.
A full time pilot is stationed at Sarikei, and the services of

Typical “Express Boat” plying the Sungai Rajang. the Marine Officer, Sibu, are also available; at least 24 hours
advance notice must be given to Sarikei and Sibu. Vessels
of the Kuala Rajang, but this draft will only permit access to should not proceed above the anchorage off Rajang without a
the deep-water anchorage at Tanjong Mani. Vessels of up to pilot aboard because local knowledge is essential.
2,000 gt proceed to Sarikei and Binatang, 11 miles above Sa- Kuala Rajang should be approached with Loba Ketan Light

rikeu. A bar, 3 miles below Sarikei, limits the draft of vessels bearing 123°, passing close S of Fairway Lighted Buoy and N
proceeding to Sarikei to 7m. Light-draft power vessels can pro- of Lighted Buoy No. 1. A course can then be shaped for the pi-
ceed to Kapit, 90 miles above Sibu, which has been reached by lot boarding area.
a vessel 61m in length with a draft of 4.3m. The town of Rajang (2°09'N., 111°15'E.) stands on the N

The route to Sibu via the Kuala Rajang entrance is generally

11.18 bank of the river about 5 miles E of the entrance and is fronted
used by smaller vessels trading from Singapore. Larger vessels by a small jetty. A conspicuous sawmill stands close W of the
normally use the Kuala Paloh entrance. town.
Tanjong Jerijeh Light, previously described, shows up well
11.18 A jetty with a loading arm extends about 0.15 mile SSW

in the afternoon but is difficult to make out when the sun is in from the sawmill. Mooring buoys lie E and W of the head of
the E. The motor house, with an aluminum roof close to the the jetty. Three jetties for small craft are situated close W of the
lighthouse, shows up well and may be used for bearings with- sawmill jetty.
out appreciable error. A stranded wreck lies on the S side of the channel, 0.8 mile

Karang Jerijeh, also marked by a light, stands 2 miles SE of

11.18 SSW of the conspicuous sawmill. It is marked on its E side by
Tanjong Jerijeh. a lighted buoy.
Anchorage.—A dangerous cargo anchorage is centered at
11.18 Caution.—At LW on a calm day, a ascend of about 0.45m

about (2°08.3'N., 111°16'E.) and can be seen on the chart. has been observed on the bar. Depths are subject to consider-
Caution.—An overhead power line with vertical clearance
11.18 able change and great care should be used when navigating
unknown is reported (2014) to cross upstream 3 miles from Si- through this area. During the Northeast Monsoon (October to
bu. March), an under keel clearance of 2m is recommended when
Kuala Rajang is obstructed by shoals, which as defined by
11.18 crossing the bar.
the 5.5m curve, extend up to 6 miles offshore to form a bar. A
channel, with a least charted depth of 5.8m, leads across this 11.20 Tanjong Sebubal (2°07'N., 111°19'E.), on the N bank
bar into depths of 11m. Numerous wrecks, best seen on the of the river, lies about 5 miles ESE of Rajang.
chart, lie in the approaches to Kuala Rajang. A dangerous Middle Bank (2°07'N., 111°19'E.), which consists of a

wreck lies approximately 6 miles WSW of Tanjong Jeriyeh. group of drying mud banks, extends about 1.3 miles WNW
Bohari Bank (2°09'N., 111°06'E.), with a least depth of
11.18 from a position about 0.3 mile WSW of Tanjong Sebubal.
2.1m, lies on the N side of the channel 2.3 miles W of Tanjong Tanjong Mani (Tanjung Manis) (2°09'N., 111°21'E.) lies on

Jerijeh. the S bank of the river about 2.5 miles NNE of Tanjong Sebub-
11.19 Wong Sands (2°06'N., 111°11'E.), which dry up into Mani Bank, which dries 1.5m, lies with its SW end about 1

4.3m, lie on the S side of the channel and extend 3 miles WNW mile SW of Tanjong Mani. It stands on a spit, with depths of
from Tanjong Selalang. A depth of 2.7m lies almost 0.5 mile less than 5.5m, which extends about 0.3 mile off the bank of
SW of the channel 6 miles WNW of the same point. the river between Tanjong Mani and the small stream close S.
Fairway Lighted Buoy is moored at the entrance of the chan-
11.19 Tides—Currents.—The tides at Rajang are semidiurnal, the

nel, 5.5 miles W of Tanjong Jerijeh. A stranded wreck which average spring range being about 3.4m.
dries 1.2m, lies on Wong Sand, 2.5 miles WNW of Tanjong Se- The mean tidal range at Sibu is 2.7m. However, actual levels

lalang Light. Another wreck, with a depth of 3.5m, lies about vary with the fresh water flow in the river and at times of flood
5.3 miles WNW of the same point. Another stranded wreck may rise 1.8 to 2.4m above predicted levels.
that dries 1m, lies about 4.3 miles farther W on the edge of The flood at Rajang commences about 5 hours before HW

Wong Sand. and has a velocity of about 3 knots. The ebb commences about
Dangerous wrecks lie about 2.5 and 5.3 miles WNW of Tan-
11.19 1 hour after HW and has a velocity of about 3.3 knots. The ve-
jong Selalang. locity of the current alongside the wharf at Sibu is reported to
Tides—Currents.—At springs, the N current attains a rate
11.19 be about 0.5 knot.
of 2 knots and the S current a rate of 1.5 knots in the vicinity of Depths—Limitations.—Vessels up to 3,200 dwt, with a

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 365

maximum loa of185m loa and a maximum draft of 10.0m, can Caution.—A stranded wreck, from which a light is shown,

be accommodatedt. lies on the N side of the fairway 1.5 miles N of Tanjong Pasir.
Tanjung Manis Integrated Port consists of a 303m long main

quay with a depth alongside of 11.0m. The quay handles con- 11.22 Beting Osman (2°27'N., 111°13'E.), which dries
tainers, breakbulk, multipurpose, and reefer cargo. 0.9m, lies on the S side of Kuala Paloh 1.5 miles NW of Tan-
Tanjung Manis Oil Terminal has two berths, both 25m long,
11.20 jong Pasir. Depths of less than 1.8m extend 1.5 miles W from
each with a depth of 12.0m alongside. Each berth has a berth- it.
ing length of 200m including dolphins. The berths handle Beting Mapal, Beting Timon, and Beting Bagus are three of

chemicals, clean products (CPP), vegetable oils, and general several banks, which dry up to 2.8m, lying on the N side of the
cargo. fairway from 1 to 5.5 miles NW of Tanjong Sedi. Depths of
Anchorage.—The best anchorage for small vessels lies in
11.20 less than 1m extend 3 miles farther NW.
mid-channel off Rajang, in depths of 9 to 12.8m, mud. Al- The approach channel is marked by two pairs of lighted

though the holding ground is good, the tidal currents are strong buoys and passes S of a stranded wreck, marked by a light, ly-
and the frequent squalls are heavy. Vessels are advised to veer ing 1.5 miles NNW of Tanjong Pasir.
an ample scope of chain. At springs, the tidal current at the outer end of the approach

Anchorage for deep-water vessels exists off Tanjong Mani. It

11.20 channel runs N or S at a rate up to 2 knots. In the channel, the
can accommodate up to ten vessels at the same time, six up to ebb current is 3.5 knots and the flood current is 1.8 knots.
150m long and four between 90m and 120m in length; the While in the approach channel, care should be taken to avoid

holding ground is good. being set N on the ebb tide.

The best anchorage lies from 0.25 to 0.35 mile S of the no-
11.20 Anchorage for vessels awaiting a pilot is located at position

tice board about 0.65 mile N of Tanjong Mani. This anchorage 2°30'N, 111°09'E. If the bar is crossed, there is good anchorage
is used by vessels loading timber whose size is only limited to 0.3 mile S of Tanjong Sedi.
those which can cross the bar. Pilotage.—Government pilots are normally boarded off Tan-

jong Sedi. Request for their services should be made to “Ship-

11.21 North Jerijeh Sands (2°14'N., 111°10'E.), an exten- ping Sibu.” The message should mention Paloh Channel. A
sive bank which dries in patches, extends 4.5 miles NNW from prior notice of 24 hours is required. If the pilot is required to
Tanjong Jerijeh. board outside the bar, this should be stated in the message.
Kuala Belawai (2°14'N., 111°09'E.), which can only be en-
11.21 In 1994, the least depth across the bar was 2m. Strong cross

tered by small craft with local knowledge, lies between Tan- currents, tidal currents and swell necessitate caution when en-
jong Jerijeh and Tanjong Manat, about 4.5 miles NNE. This tering especially during the Northeast Monsoon.
entrance leads into the Batang Belawl which connects with the As local knowledge is necessary to navigate the river no fur-

Batang Rajang, and also with the Batang Paloh. ther directions will be given.
The entrance channel was found to lie 0.5 mile S of its chart-
11.21 Two pairs of lighted beacons in range bearing 082.5° to

ed position. A depth of 2.3m could be carried over the bar in a 262.5°, stand at the junction of the Batang Paloh with the
position about 3.3 miles WSW of Tanjong Manat. From this Muara Seredeng, about 12 miles upriver from Tanjong Sedi.
position the channel leads 090° to a position about 1.3 miles These ranges indicate the fairway over the bar in a depth of
SSW of the point. 3.7m.
Approaching from the W, Tanjong Manat appears first as a

line of trees with its S end considerably darker and denser than 11.23 Sarikei (2°08'N., 111°32'E.) (World Port Index No.
its other end. It forms a good landmark. 51583), a small river port, lies on the S bank of the river about
Manat Spit, which dries from 0.3 to 1.5m, extends 3 miles W
11.21 27 miles above the mouth of the Batang Rajang. Vessels up to
from Tanjong Manat. 3,000 gt, 79m in length, and a draft of 7.6m can be accommo-
Kuala Paloh (2°26'N., 111°17'E.), the mouth of the Batang
11.21 dated.
Paloh, is entered between Tanjong Pasir, about 17.5 miles NNE The main wharf at the port consists of a T-shaped structure

of Tanjong Jerijeh, and Tanjong Sedi. A bar, with depths of less with a berthing face 146m in length and a depth of 7.6m along-
than 2m, fronts Kuala Paloh between 1.5 and 9 miles NW of side. Container,s breakbulk, and general cargo are handled.
Tanjong Pasir. The bar is shallower than that fronting Kuala There is also a concrete pontoon, 30.5m in length, with a

Rajang, but once crossed the river to Sibu via Muara Seredeng, depth of 3m alongside. Two pontoons for launches with depths
Loba Semah, and Lebaan is easier to navigate and has fewer of 2.7m alongside are also available. A small jetty with shallow
dangers. depths alongside is also available for launches.
This entrance is used almost exclusively by ocean-going ves-
11.21 A submarine water pipeline crosses the river in a N to S di-

sels. The services of a pilot are recommended as he has knowl- rection 0.45 mile NW of the mouth of the Sungai Sarikei. An-
edge of other ship movements in the river. other submarine pipeline crosses the Kuala Rajang
When the channel was opened, larger vessels have been able
11.21 approximately 2 miles W of Sarikei. A wreck, with a depth of
to reach Sibu. The limits imposed, 36 years ago, were drafts of 5.5m over, it lies approximately 2 miles N of Sarikei.
6.1m in summer and 5.2m during the Northeast Monsoon (Oc- Binatang (Bintangor) (2°10'N., 111°38'E.), about 11 miles

tober to March); although, 5.5m is occasionally acceptable at upriver from Sarikei, is a small river port of some commercial
HW springs and after prior consultation with the pilotage au- importance.
thorities. Length is limited to 152m. These limits are revised The main concrete wharf at the port is 49m long with a depth

from time to time. of 4.6m alongside. Vessels up to 2,500 gt can be accommodat-

Pub. 163
366 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

ed. Two short jetties with depths of 2.1m and 3.7m are also
Tide signals are displayed, as follows:

Signal Meaning
Flag E Ebb tide
Flag F Flood tide
Flag S Slack water

11.24 Sibu (2°17'N., 111°49'E.) (World Port Index No.

51580), situated about 70 miles upriver from the mouth of the
Batang Rajang, is one of the principal ports of Sarawak and the
residence of a government official.
The town stands on a small island that lies near the conflu-
ence of the Batang Rajang and the Batang Igan. It is separated
from the mainland by a small creek. Most of the principal of-
fices are situated near the SE end of the town.
Depths—Limitations.—There are several wharves at Sibu.

Main (Commercial) Wharf is 448m long with a depth of 8.5

alongside and used for general cargo and container traffic, can
accommodate vessels up to 10,000 gt.
Within 0.3 mile SE of Main Wharf are four wharves, from

60 to 80m in length, with depths from 3.4 to 7.6m alongside. Crowded waterfront at Sibu
The largest vessel to have used the port was of 7,372 gt and

the deepest laden had a draft of 7.1m. way lighted bouy if requested.
There are several floating wharves for launches.
2. Kuala Rajang (2°07.70'N, 111°05'E), or at another po-
Bukit Lima Wharf is 23m long with a depth of 4m alongside.
sition if notified in the ETA message.
A depth of 4.9m exists about 0.1 mile NNW of this wharf. A Contact Information.—See the table titled Sibu—Contact

wreck, with a depth of 0.4m, lies about 300m SSW of Bukit Li- Information.
ma Wharf.
Sungai Merah Oil Depot stands on the E bank of the Batang
Sibu—Contact Information
Igan, 2.33 miles N of Sibu. There is a T-head wharf at the de- Port Operations
pot, 49m long, with a depth of 4.6m alongside. Vessels up to
2,000 dwt, with a maximum loa of 74m and a maximum draft VHF VHF channels 16 and 18
of 7.4m, can be accommodated. Small tankers up to 2,000 gt RT Freq 2182 kHz
and 74m in length can berth alongside. Vessels should turn 0.5
mile above the wharf and berth port side-to, using an anchor. 60-84-319-009
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for tankers and foreign
vessels and recommended for all others. Notice of ETA should
be given 24 hours prior to expected arrival and should indicate Facsimile 60-84-318-754
which channel will be used. E-mail rpa@rajangport.gov.my
Pilots board on the following positions:

Web site http://www.rajangport.gov.my

1. Kuala Paloh (2°25.51'N, 111°17.93'E), or at the fair-

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 367

Anchorage.—Anchorage for vessels waiting for the tide or

11.24 Kuala Bruit (2°47'N., 111°22'E.) and Kuala Matu are locat-

pilot can be obtained WNW of Tanjung Sedi, in the vicinity of ed close E of Tanjong Sirik and are the two mouths of the
02°30' N., 111°40'E., in depths of 8.5m. Depths of 11m may be Muara Lasa, a large river that extends in a general S direction
obtained about 1 mile ENE of Tanjung Pendam (2°17'N., and joins the Batang Paloh, about 24 miles SSE of Tanjong Sir-
111°40'E.). ik.
Anchorage is prohibited SE of the entrance of the Batang Ig-
11.24 Both river mouths are separated by Pulau Patok, a pear-

an. shaped island about 2 miles long. Pasir Jungau, a drying shoal,
There is restricted anchorage for loading and discharging of
11.24 extends about 2.3 miles NNE from the N end of the island. A
dangerous cargo other than petroleum off the NE side of Pulau bank, with less than 1.8m, extends 6 miles N.
Kerto, which lies directly opposite Sibu. Kuala Bruit had a least depth of 1.2m over the bar, which lies

from 4.5 to 5.5 miles NNW of Pulau Patok. This channel is

11.25 Tanjong Sirik (2°47'N., 111°19'E.), the low and subject to change and should not be attempted, especially after
densely-wooded W entrance point of Muara Lasa, lies about 21 the Northeast Monsoon.
miles N of Kuala Paloh. The intervening coast is low and cov-
ered by jungle growth. It has been reported that the light, a 38m 11.27 Pasir Dua Belas (2°48'N., 111°26'E.), a narrow sand
high metal framework tower standing 0.6 mile SW of the N ex- spit with depths of less than 1.8m and which dries in places,
tremity of Tanjong Sirik, was difficult to see by day from the extends from 3 to 6 miles N of Tanjong Jol, the E entrance
W because of the trees. point of the Muara Lassa.
The coastline in the vicinity of Tanjong Sirik was reported to
11.25 Tides—Currents.—There are tide rips and overfalls over

be extending NW and N. the shoals in the entrance of the Muara Lasa. The current runs
A bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, lies from 3 to 5 miles
11.25 strongly through the channels reaching a rate of 4 knots on the
offshore between Kuala Paloh and Tanjong Sirik. ebb after rains, close E of Pulau Patok.
Drying flats extend almost 4 miles NNW from Tanjong Sirik
11.25 Depths—Limitations.—The main entrance of the Muara

Light; the bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends 7 miles Lassa lies between Pasir Dua Belas and Pasir Jungau, and E of
N of the light. A visible wreck lies 3 miles W of the light. A Pulau Patok. Two detached patches, with depths of 3.9m and
drying bank is situated 5 miles E of Tanjong Sirik Light; a 3.6m, lie in the entrance 1.5 miles NE and 1.32 miles ENE, re-
stranded wreck is located 1 mile beyond the drying bank. spectively, of the N end of Pulau Patok.
Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents in the offing set NE
11.25 A least depth of 3.4m could be carried over the bar of the

and SW, but inshore they follow more closely the trend of the main entrance, which lies 6.5 miles NNE of Pulau Patok.
coast. West of Tanjong Sirik the currents set N and S at a rate Numerous detached shoals consisting of stiff clay and rotting

of from 2 to 3 knots; E of the point the currents set E and W. vegetable matter, with depths of 2.1 to 4.9m, lie 0.3 mile E of
There are tide rips and overfalls near the shoals off the point
11.25 Pulau Patok. These can be avoided by passing close E of the is-
especially with the N and E setting currents. land where depths of 4.9m exist about 0.2 mile offshore.
There is considerable indraft with the NE setting current into
11.25 Directions.—When close S of the bar, pass close W of a row

the rivers between the Sungai Sarawak and Tanjong Sirik. of fish traps on a course of 190°. Then pass about 0.3 mile E of
Caution.—Dangerous wrecks, best seen on the chart, lie 5.5
11.25 Pasir Jungau and 0.4 mile E of Pulau Patok.
miles E and 10 miles N of Tanjong Sirik. Another dangerous The above fish traps stood about 8.3 miles N of Tanjong Jol,

wreck lies 25 miles NNE of the same point. And yet another but they are subject to be moved or destroyed.
dangerous wreck lies 55 miles NNE of Tanjong Sirik. These Muara Lasa is clear of dangers on its W side when S of Pu-

wrecks can best be seen on the chart. lau Patok.

A dangerous wreck, the position of which is approximate,

was reported to lie about 67 miles NNW of Tanjong Sirik. 11.28 Batang Igan (2°51'N., 111°39'E.) is entered E of Tan-
Dangerous wrecks lie in positions approximately 4 miles
11.25 jong Budu, about 19.5 miles ENE of Tanjong Sirik. The light-
NE, and 15.5 miles WSW, and an unsurveyed wreck with a house which stands on Tanjong Budu was reported difficult to
depth of 25m lie 34 miles NNW of Tanjong Sirik. A shoal see from the NW by day. A dangerous wreck lies 1.5 miles N
sounding a depth of 20m was reported to exist 25 miles N of of Tanjong Budu.
the same point. Wrecks, with depths of from 0.2 to 0.5m, lie in the outer part

of Kuala Igan. The approach channel over the bar is subject to

Tanjong Sirik to Tanjong Kidurong frequent change. Leading lights with an alignment of 188°
stand 0.5 mile WNW of the light, close NE of which depths in-
11.26 From Tanjong Sirik, the coast extends in an ENE di- crease.
rection for about 110 miles to Tanjong Kidurong. Between It has been reported that there are depths of 3.7 to 22m for 60

Tanjong Sirik and the entrance of the Batang Balingian, which miles upriver to the junction of Batang Igan with Batang Ra-
lies about 32 miles WSW of Tanjong Kidurong, the coast is jang at Sibu. The channel has not been fully surveyed but ves-
low and wooded. A mud bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, sels with a draft of up to 2.7m use the river regularly.
extends from this section of the coast for a distance of about Igan Village stands on the E bank of the river 3 miles above

2.5 miles. This mud bank has not been closely examined. the entrance.
About 8 miles SE of the mouth of the Batang Balingian there is Kuala Oya (2°53'N., 111°52'E.), the mouth of the Batang

a range of hills that extends in a SE direction. Table Hill is the Oya, lies 13.5 miles E of Tanjong Budu. A clump of trees, 61m
most prominent peak of the group. high to the tree tops, stand 3.5 miles W of Kuala Oya and are

Pub. 163
368 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

prominent when viewed from the N and E. A dangerous wreck Batang Mukah. Several other rivers, including Batang Balin-
lies 28 miles N of Kuala Oya. gian and Batang Tatau, discharge into the sea between these
A light is shown from the W bank of the entrance to Batang
11.28 two rivers but none is of any importance to shipping.
Oya. A beacon stands S of the light. In line, bearing 190°, the Bukit Setiam, 639m high to the tops of the trees, standing

light and the beacon lead across the bar. 14.32 miles SW of Kuala Bintula, has a conspicuous summit
Drying sand banks extend 0.3 mile NE from the W entrance
11.28 and is a useful mark. Bukit Buan, 630m high to the tops of the
point and 0.3 mile NNW from the E entrance point. In 1981, a trees, stands about 3.3 miles S of Bukit Setiam.
bar with a least depth of 0.3m lay between N extremities of Bukit Ujan, 315m high to the tops of the trees, stands 10.5

these sand banks. The bar is subject to change. miles ENE of Bukit Setiam. A dangerous wreck lies about 7.3
The channel across the bar and into Batang Oya is marked by
11.28 miles NW of Kuala Bintulu.
stakes and could be approached years ago, with a white beacon Bukit Nyabau (3°13'N., 113°05'E.), 220m high to the tops

0.65 mile W of the light, bearing 247° ahead. It has been re- of the trees, standing 3.5 miles ENE of Kuala Bintulu is the
ported that vessels with draft of 1.8m can navigate this river as highest and most prominent hill in the vicinity. A conspicuous
far as Kekan Village, 17 miles above the entrance. radio tower, 277m high and marked by an obstruction light,
Oya Village stands close within the river entrance.
11.28 stands 0.3 mile ENE of Bukit Nyabau. A radio tower stands on
the W bank of the river opposite Bintulu.
11.29 Kuala Mukah (2°55'N., 112°05'E.), the mouth of Tanjong Batu (3°12'N., 113°02'E.), which is fringed by dry-

Batang Mukah, is located 13.5 miles E of Kuala Oya. A narrow ing rocks, lies 1.5 miles NE of Kuala Bintulu. Bukit Jepak,
sand bank fringes the intervening coast. The several small riv- 79m high to the tops of the trees, stands on the SW side of Ban-
ers which discharge along this section of coast have no com- tang Kemena, about 1.3 miles from its entrance. A conspicuous
mercial importance. radio tower stands near its summit.
Drying sand banks extended 0.3 mile NNW from both en-
11.29 In rainy weather, discolored water from the Batang Kemena

trance points of Batang Mukah. A depth of 0.2m could be car- extends several miles offshore. Large tree trunks are carried
ried between their extremities. The range leads across the outer down by the river and may be a danger to navigation. From the
part of the E sand bank, which just dries. vicinity of the Fairway Lighted Buoy (safe water) (3°13'N.,
Dangerous wrecks lie 2 miles and 3.5 miles N of the en-
11.29 113°01'E.) the channel is marked by lighted buoys, the posi-
trance. tions of which may change due to silting. Multiple wrecks lie
Vessels at anchor have loaded logs off Kuala Mukah, but the
11.29 in the approaches to Batang Kemena.
anchorage is exposed to the Northeast Monsoon. Depths of less than 5.5m extend about 1.3 miles NW from

A light stands on the W bank of the river about 0.5 mile with
11.29 Kuala Bintulu.
the entrance. The stakes which mark the fairway across the bar A bar lies about 1 mile from the river entrance. It has been

are moved as necessary. reported to be very unstable and mariners not having recent lo-
Signals.—Tide and depth signals are displayed from the rear
11.29 cal knowledge were advised to obtain pilotage assistance. The
range beacon on the E and W yardarms, as follows: shoal water on each side of the channel over the bar breaks.
Kuala Bintulu Lighted Range Beacons, standing on the E

Signal Meaning side of the entrance are in line bearing 098.5°. The front light is
moved to indicate the deepest channel.
One white ball Flood tide A wreck lies 0.6 mile NW and a stranded wreck 0.35 mile

One red ball Ebb tide NNW of the front light structure.
The stranded wreck of a steel lighter, from which a light is

Three white balls 2.1m or more on the bar shown, lies 0.5 mile WNW of the same light structure and
Two white balls 1.8m on the bar close N of the leading line.
Numerous wrecks, best seen on the chart, lie in the ap-

One white ball 0.5m on the bar proaches to Kuala Bintulu. The area should be navigated with
Less than 1.5m on the caution.
No signal A drying mud bank extends about 0.5 mile NW from the W
bar 11.30

entrance point of the Kuala Bintulu. A drying sand bank ex-

Note.—At night, red and white lights are
tends 0.7 mile NW from the E entrance point. Rocks, which
displayed in lieu of the red and white balls.
dry 1.2m and 0.3m, lie 0.15 mile and 0.3 mile S of Tanjong Ba-
Mukah (2°54'N., 112°06'E.) stands on the W bank of the
11.29 Tides—Currents.—The flow in the river and immediate ap-

river. A radio mast stands at Mukah close WSW of the rear proaches is mainly due to the ebb in the surface layer. The
range beacon. maximum rate is 1.5 knots and the maximum ebb flow of 2.5
Government Jetty, with a depth of 5.5m alongside, stands on
11.29 knots occurs midway between HHW at Miri and the following
the W bank of the river 0.5 mile within the entrance. A short LLW. The maximum flood rate of 0.3 knot occurs midway be-
commercial wharf, with shallow depths alongside, stands 0.2 tween LLW at Miri and the following HHW.
mile further upriver. In the immediate approaches, the ebb underwater is apparent

in the movement of floating debris, but there is little movement

11.30 Kuala Bintulu (3°11'N., 113°02'E.), the mouth of below a depth of 0.3m.
Batang Kemena, lies about 58 miles ENE of the mouth of Signals.—Tidal signals are shown from the NE yardarm of

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 369

the rear leading light structure at the river entrance. One white North Shoal.
ball represents the flood tide and one red ball for the ebb tide. Another shoal, with a depth of 26.5m, was reported to lie 1

Depths signals are shown from the SW yardarm of the rear

11.30 mile E of the 21.5m shoal. A shoal with a depth of 17.6m, was
leading light, as follows: reported to lie 0.5 mile S of the 21.5m shoal. A 25m shoal lies
14 miles NW of Acis South Shoal.
Signal Meaning Acis South Shoal, a ridge of coral extending for 2.32 miles in

a NE and SW direction, lies 7 miles SSE of the N shoal. The

Three white balls 2.4m on the bar least depth over this ridge is 9.1m near its center.
Two white balls 1.8m on the bar Marie Shoal (Beting Tatau) (3°41'N., 112°48'E.), with a

least depth of 12.5m, lies about 29 miles NNW of Tanjong

One white ball 1.2m on the bar Kidurong. An obstruction, whose position is approximate, is
No signal Less than 1.2m on the bar charted 6.5 miles SSE of Marie Shoal.
Ruth Shoals (Beting Kidurong) (3°44'N., 112°55'E.), three

Note.—At night, red and white lights are displayed in detached patches, lie between 6 miles and 8 miles ENE of Ma-
lieu of the red and white balls. rie Shoal. The E patch has a least depth of 10.7m. The other
two patches have depths of 12.8m and 13.4m.
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 7.3m,
11.30 Isobel Shoals (Beting Jepat) (3°50'N., 112°48'E.), which

good holding ground, about 2.3 miles NW of the front range consist of a coral ridge extending in a NE and SW direction,
beacon. with a depth of 12.5m, and a shoal, with a depth of 11m, lie 10
and 14 miles, respectively, NW of Ruth Shoals.
11.31 Bintulu (3°10'N., 113°02'E.) stands on the E bank of Madalene Shoals (Beting Bintulo) (3°50'N., 112°47'E.), a

the river about 0.3 mile within the entrance. The principal large group of detached coral patches, extend about 6 miles
berthing facility is 49m long, with depths of 0.8 to 1.3m along- NNE to 15 miles N of the N end of Ruth Shoals. There is a
side. least depth of 10.4m at the S end of this shoal.
Batang Kemena is navigable by any vessel with local knowl-
11.31 Patricia Shoals (Beting Nyabau) (3°38'N., 113°03'E.), with

edge that can cross the bar, as far as Tubau, 50 miles upriver. A a least depth of 9.1m, lies about 22 miles N of Tanjong
bridge, with a vertical clearance of 11.8m, crosses the river Kidurong. Shoal patches, with depths of 13.7 to 18.3m, lie be-
about 3.5 miles upstream from the above-mentioned berthing tween this shoal and the 20m curve fronting the coast.
facility. The width of the navigation channel between the piers Wilson Shoal (Beting Nyalau) (3°47'N., 113°04'E.), with a

is 37m. depth of 15.2m, lies about 8.5 miles N of Patricia Shoal.

A shoal, with depths of 10 to 11m, lies 10.5 miles NE of

Kuala Mukah. Its limits have not been defined. Depths of 11.9 11.33 Christine Shoals (Beting Suai) (3°51'N., 113°02'E.),
and 11m lie 12 miles ENE and 13.5 miles E, respectively, of with the shallowest part having a depth of 10.4m, lie about 3.5
the above shoal, but they have not been examined. miles NW of Wilson Shoal. A dangerous wreck, whose posi-
Lydie Shoal (Beting Mukah) (3°51'N., 112°03'E.), a small
11.31 tion is approximate, lies 4 miles NNW of Christine Shoals.
coral patch with a depth of 34.7m, lies about 71 miles NW of Cochrane Bank (Permatang Payong) (3°49'N., 113°15'E.),

Tanjong Kidurong. having general depths of 15.5 to 18.3m, lies about 10 miles
Parsons Shoal (Beting Tugau) (3°54'N., 112°15'E.), with a
11.31 NW of Tanjong Payong. The bank is about 11 miles long in a
depth of 20m, lies 12.32 miles ENE of Lydie Shoal. James NE and SW direction.
Shoal (Beting Serupai), Beting Serupai, with a depth of 22m, Elizabeth Shoals (Beting Bungai) (3°55'N., 113°10'E.), four

lies 15 miles NE of the same shoal. attached coral patches with a least depth of about 9.7m, lie
Caution.—Lighted and unlighted production platforms are
11.31 about 18 miles to the NW of Tanjong Payong.
located in the vicinity of Lydie Shoal and Parsons Shoal and Kenneth Bank (Permatang Mashor) (3°58'N., 113°22'E.)

can best be seen on the chart. lies about 14 miles N of Tanjong Payong and has a least depth
During the Northeast Monsoon (October to March), a dis-
11.31 of 22m.
tinct line of tide rips may be seen in the vicinity, particularly W Ursula Shoals (Beting Niah) (3°58'N., 113°32'E.), a group

of Lydie and Parsons Shoals. Beting Tugau is marked by Bet- of three shoals with depths of 3.7m, 8.5m, and 10.4m, lie be-
ing Tugau Lighted Buoy. A shoal, with two heads having tween 12 and 15 miles NE of Tanjong Payong and 6 to 7 miles
depths of 21m and 22m, lies 13 miles SSE of Parsons Shoal. offshore. The NE and shallowest is steep-to and should be giv-
Beting Safri (3°34'N., 112°21'E.), a coral shoal with a depth
11.31 en a wide berth.
of 16m, lies 6.5 miles farther S. An offshore oil well with a lighted platform (3°36'N.,

A dangerous wreck lies 19.5 miles SSW, and an obstruction

11.31 112°23'E.) is situated 4 miles NE of Beting Safri shoal. A pipe-
lies 10 miles WSW of Beting Tugau. An obstruction, with a line leads 10 miles SSW to Bayan Oil Field platforms. From
depth of 22m, the remains of an abandoned oil well, lies 21 Bayan Oil Field, the pipeline continues 28 miles SSE to Tama-
miles S of Parsons Shoal. na-B Oil Field platforms.
Offshore production platforms of Tamana-A Oil Field and

11.32 Acis North Shoal (Beting Liku Utara) (3°46'N., Tamana-B Oil Field lie 21 miles and 15 miles W, respectively,
112°38'E.), with a depth of 16.2m, lies 39 miles NW of Tan- of Tanjong Kidurong. An oil pipeline is laid from Temana-A
jong Kidurong. Two detached shoals with depths of 16.1 and Oil Field to Temana-B Oil Field, then to the shore 1.5 miles NE
21.5m, were reported to lie 6.5 miles and 9.5 miles NW of Acis of Tanjong Kidurong. The West Patricia Oil Field lies in posi-

Pub. 163
370 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

tion 3°34'N, 112°49'E. from a position 9 miles NW of Tanjong Payong to the harbor
A gas pipeline from the central Luconia Gas Field lands 2
11.33 limits.
miles NE of Tanjong Kidurong. The terminal can accept tankers up to 320,000 dwt, with a

Caution.—Numerous lighted production platforms are lo-

11.33 length of up to 305m and a sailing draft of 15.9m. The pilot
cated in the vicinity of West Patricia Oilfield and can best be and berthing master board at the pilot boarding area at the inner
seen on the chart. end of the traffic separation scheme.
Anchorage.—Anchorage have been established for general

Tanjong Kidurong to Tanjong Baram cargo vessels, vessels waiting to enter, LNG carriers, tankers
and vessels carrying explosives. Their limits are best seen on
11.34 Tanjong Kidurong (3°16'N., 113°03'E.) is located the chart. Advanced notice should be given 72 hours before ar-
about 5.5 miles NNE of Kuala Bintulu. This point forms the N rival and then confirmed 6 hours and 3 hours before arrival.
extremity of Telok Plan, a small bay that indents the coast for The use of a tug to assist with berthing and unberthing is com-
about 1.5 miles. A lighthouse stands about 10.2 mile ENE of pulsory.
Tanjong Kidurong.
Sheltered anchorage for small vessels may be taken during
Bintulu Port (3°16'N., 113°04'E.)
the Northeast Monsoon, in a depth of 5m, 0.3 mile SSE of Tan-
jong Kidurong. World Port Index No. 51585

Bintulu Offshore Terminal (3°20'N., 113°01'E.), consisting

11.34 11.35 Bintulu Port is situated on the S side of Tanjong
of a tanker mooring from which a light is shown, lies 4.5 miles Kidurong and contains an outer and an inner harbor. Extensive
NW of Tanjong Kidurong. An oil pipeline is laid from the development of the port facilities, including a new S approach
shore 4.5 miles NE of the same point to the tanker mooring. channel, has taking place (2002). The Port Authority should be
A recommended deep water track for deep draft vessels
11.34 consulted for the latest information.
leads approximately 50 miles SE from a position 3 miles SW The outer harbor facilitates LNG, LPG, and ammonia carri-

of Parsons Shoal (Beting Tugau) to Bintulu Harbor limits. An- ers. The inner harbor is for general cargo vessels. The port ex-
other deep water track leads about 23 miles SW and then SSW ports liquefied natural gas (LNG), palm oil, and fertilizers.

Bintulu—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Bintulu International Container Terminal (BICT)
No. 04 225m 14.0m 221m 12.5m 32.26m 37,882 dwt Containers and reefer. Continu-
No. 05 225m 14.0m 215m 12.5m 32.8m 38,012 dwt ous berthing length of 450m.
General Cargo Terminal
No. 01 171m 10.5m 119m 10.0m 21.2m 12,970 dwt
Containers, and breakbulk. Con-
No. 02 171m 10.5m 170m 10.0m 27.0m 29,828 dwt
tinuous berthing length of 514m.
No. 03 172m 10.5m 116m 10.0m 19.6m 11,982 dwt
Asean Bintulu Fertilizer (ABF) Bulk Cargo Terminal
LPG, fertilizer, ro-ro freight, and
Bulk Cargo Wharf 270m 13.5m 184m 12.0m 30.6m 38,206 dwt
Multipurpose Terminal
No. 06 200m 14.0m 188m — 31.0m 55,000 dwt
No. 07 200m 14.0m 199m — 32.26m 58,444 dwt Vegetable oils, cement, wood
chips, breakbulk, palm oil, dry
No. 08 200m 14.0m 203m — 37.2m 61,664 dwt
bulk, and general cargo. Contin-
No. 09 200m 14.0m 199m — 32.26m 61,684 dwt uous berthing length of 1,000m.
No. 10 200m 14.0m 199m — 32.26m 63,413 dwt
Bintulu Terminal
Dirty products, LNG, and bun-
kers. Berth length 315m (includ-
LNG No. 01 124m 15.0m 276m 12.5m 43.4m 76,144 dwt
ing dolphins). Maximum
displacement of 105,002t.

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 371

Bintulu—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Beam Size
Dirty products, LNG, and bun-
kers. Berthing length of 340m
LNG No. 02 120m 15.0m 292m 12.5m 46.4m 87,159 dwt
(including dolphins). Maximum
displacement of 120,459t.
Dirty products, LNG, and bun-
kers. Berthing length of 323m
LNG No. 03 122m 15.0m 290m 12.5m 49.0m 90,494 dwt
(including dolphins). Maximum
displacement of 124,137t.
Crude. Maximum displacement
SBM B1 — 18.0m 269m 15.0m 44.0m 151,736 dwt
of 174,091t.
Clean products and bunkers.
SBM B2 — 18.9m 243m 15.8m 42.0m 104,556 dwt Maximum displacement of
Liquid Bulk Shell/Petronas-1st Inner Harbor
Chemicals, dirty products, and
BPA Petroleum bunkers. Berthing length of
Jetty—North 45m 11.0m 128m — 20.4m 13,052 dwt 266m (including dolphins).
Berth Maximum displacement
Chemicals, dirty products, and
BPA Petroleum bunkers. Berthing length of
Jetty—South 45m 11.0m 119m — 20.0m 9,915 dwt 266m (including dolphins).
Berth Maximum displacement
LPG Sarawak
LPG and bunkers. Berthing
Shell/Petronas 30m 11.0m 230m — — 51,000 dwt length of 290m (including dol-
Palm Oil Terminal-2nd Inner Harbor
Chemicals, clean products, veg-
etable oils, and bunkers. Berth-
Palm Oil Northern
30m 14.0m 183m 11.0m 32.2m 49,949 dwt ing length of 230m (including
1 (PON 1)
dolphins). Maximum displace-
ment 61,2132t.
Chemicals, vegetable oils, and
Palm Oil Northern
65m 10.0m 120m — — 10,000 dwt bunkers. Berthing length of
2 (PON 2)
105m (including dolphins).
Chemicals, clean products, veg-
etable oils, and bunkers. Berth-
Palm Oil Southern
66m 14.0m 184m 11.0m 35.0m 50,844 dwt ing length of 230m (including
dolphins). Maximum displace-
ment 62,831t.
Chemicals, clean products,
crude, and bunkers. Berthing
SMDS Jetty 1 25m 13.0m 85m 11.0m 14.7m 2,954 dwt length of 175m (including dol-
phins). Maximum displacement

Pub. 163
372 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Port of Bintulu in Central Sarawak Region, Borneo in Malaysia

A major industrial development is in progress, and Bintulu


port is expected to become the export capital of East Malaysia.

Bintulu Port, an all-weather-deep sea port, is East Malaysia’s
largest container port and currently one of the largest LNG ex-
port terminals in the world (2020).
The harbor limit is defined by the arc of a circle drawn with a

radius of 10 miles centered on Tanjong Kidurong.

A Traffic Separation Scheme is established in the outer ap-

proach from the harbor limit to 4 miles inward, NW of Tanjong

Kidurong. It was submitted for approval by IMO.
Depths—Limitations.—The harbor can accommodate ves-

sels up to 80,000 dwt, with a maximum loa of 300m, a maxi-

mum beam of 50m, and a maximum draft of 12.5m. Offshore
vessels up to 350,000 dwt, with a maximum loa of 380m, a
maximum beam of 180m, and a maximum draft of 15,8m, can LNG Jetty—Bintulu
be accommodated.
For additional details see table titled Bintulu—Berth Infor-
Gunong Subis. From this position they extend again toward the
mation. coast in the vicinity of Tanjong Batu. It is difficult to identify
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 25m in
individual summits along this coast.
length entering or leaving the port limits. Services are available A number of rivers discharge into the sea along this section

24 hours. Pilots board at 5 miles WNW of Tanjong Kidurong, of coast, the most important being Batang Suai, Batang Niah,
near the inner end of the traffic separation scheme. and the Sungai Sibuti, about 26, 10, and 8 miles, respectively,
Anchorage.—Anchoring is prohibited within the harbor
SW of Tanjong Batu.
limit except in the designated areas that are for general cargo Any craft which can cross the bars can navigate the rivers

vessels, vessels waiting, LNG carriers, tankers, and vessels car- without much difficulty, and they are extensively used for trade
rying explosives. The limits of these anchorages are portrayed and communication by small coastal craft with local knowl-
on the charts. edge.
Caution.—A dangerous wreck lies in the General Cargo
The river entrances are difficult to make out from seaward,

Anchorage, 4.8 miles WSW of the Fairway Buoy, moored 4.5 the range beacons leading over the bars are, in most cases, the
miles W of Tanjong Kidurong. only indication of their positions. All have shallow bars, and
Several offshore submarine cables, best seen on the chart,
the best crossing is usually indicated by stakes or range bea-
extend from Bintulu and run towards Mira and then N of Tan- cons, or both. In some cases lights are shown when vessels are
jong Batu. expected. The depths and channels are constantly changing and
entry should not be attempted without local knowledge.
11.36 Tanjong Batu (4°06'N., 113°48'E.) lies 68 miles NE On the ebb, and particularly after heavy rain, a surface layer

of Tanjong Kidurong. This section of coast is low and feature- of river water extends a considerable distance seaward from the
less, but densely wooded with the trees extending to the HW rivers. Much debris is brought down, which includes large logs,
line in most places. Gunong Subis, 413m high, which stands and may constitute a danger to navigation. These may be en-
18.5 miles S of Tanjong Batu, is the only natural feature which countered at any distance offshore. Off the mouths of the
is readily identifiable. Batang Niah and the Sungai Sibuti, the line of discolored water
The coast is flanked by a series of gently rising ridges, 305m
11.36 was encountered 10 miles offshore.
high in places, which gradually diverge from the shore towards Patches of discolored water often give the impression of

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 373

shallow water, and by contrast, there is rarely any visual indi- N of the 3.4m shoal.
cation of the off-lying shoals until the vessel is right over them. The bar at Kuala Similajau consists of hard sand over rock,

After heavy weather, sand in suspension is found all along

11.36 with a depth of 0.3m.
the coast up to a considerable distance offshore, and this again Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken S of the parallel of

gives the impression of shallow water. White Rock, in depths of 10 to 11m. The bottom consists of
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken anywhere along this
11.36 soft gray mud, good holding ground.
coast, provided charted shoals are avoided; the holding ground Directions.—When approaching Kuala Similajau, keep out-

is generally good. The general nature of the bottom is soft gray side about the 20m curve until due W of Kuala Similajau and
mud and sand, while the rocky shoals are covered with coral then steer for the mouth of the river. Local knowledge is neces-
and sand. sary for entering the river.
Fishing boats will be met along this section of coast, but no
11.36 The ebb at the river entrance may increase from a normal

fish stakes will be encountered. maximum of 2 knots to as much as 4 knots after heavy rains.
Caution.—When navigating on this coast between Tanjong
11.36 There is an abandoned lumber camp about 0.5 mile upriver
Kidurong and Tanjong Lobang it is recommended to stay in which is fronted by a jetty, with a depth of 3.7m alongside.
depths more than 18.3m, taking care to avoid the off-lying
shoals and dangers. 11.38 Wiser Bay (Telukan Tubau) (Samalaju) (3°35'N.,
Oil drilling rigs may be encountered along this section of
11.36 113°19'E.), shallow and 1 mile wide, lies 2 miles NE of Tan-
coast. Some rigs are situated several miles offshore. jong Similajau. The intervening coast is fronted by rocky
ledges extending up to 0.2 mile offshore and backed by low
11.37 Kuala Similajau (3°32'N., 113°18'E.) lies about 20 sandstone cliffs. The port of Samalaju is a developing, pur-
miles NE of Tanjong Kidurong, and is an open bight protected pose-built port catering primarily to the energy-intensive in-
on its N side by Tanjong Similajau and the coast to the SE. The dustries located at the Samalaju Industrial Park. The initial
Sungai Similajau discharges into the head of this bight. phase and Phase 1 are mainly complete, which include eight
Stag Point is the S entrance point of Kuala Similajau. A rock,
11.37 operational berths. Additional details are shown in the table ti-
with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies about 1.1 miles SW of Stag tled Samalaju—Berth Information.
Point. An isolated rock, with a depth of 1.8m, lies 0.2 mile offshore

Tanjong Similajau, the N entrance point of Kuala Similajau,

11.37 in the middle of the bay.
about 1.3 miles NNW of Stag Point, is fringed by rocky ledges Tanjong Bregum (3°38'N., 113°22'E.) lies 4.5 miles NE of

which extend 0.3 mile offshore. Wiser Bay. Hills, up to 150m high to the tops of the trees, stand
A drying rocky ledge extends 0.2 mile offshore from a posi-
11.37 within 2 miles of the intervening coast.
tion 0.35 mile N of Stag Point. White Rock (Batuan Putih), The Sungai Nyalau enters the sea 1 mile NE of Tanjong

which dries 0.9m and constitutes the chief danger when enter- Bregum but has no commercial value. A small village stands
ing the river, lies 0.15 mile WSW of this ledge. The drying spit on the S bank of the river near the entrance.
extending NW from Stag Point almost extends to White Rock. Tanjong Payong (3°44'N., 113°25'E.), low and rocky, stands 7

The intervening ground is foul. miles NE of Tanjong Bregum. It is low and consists of rocky out-
Basket Rock (Batuan Bakal) and Horn Rock (Batuan Tan-
11.37 crops and ledges. A rock, which dries 1.2m, lies 1.5 miles NE of
dok), with depths of less than 1.8m and on which the sea some- Tanjong Payong and 0.4 mile offshore. A light is shown from a 9m
times breaks, lie about 1.3 miles WNW and 1.5 miles W, high white metal mast situated on Tanjong Payong.
respectively, of Stag Point. Kuala Suai (3°48'N., 113°29'E.), the mouth of Batang Suai,

James Reef (Terumbu Subis) (3°32'N., 113°15'E.), with a depth

11.37 lies 5.5 miles NE of Tanjong Payong. The least depth over the
of 5.5m, lies 2 miles WSW of Tanjong Similajau. Mark Reef (Ter- bar was reported to be 0.8m. Lighted range beacons lead up to
umbu Pandan), with a depth of 4.9m, lies 1.32 miles W of the the river entrance, but the channel markings should be used for
point. A 10.4m rocky patch lies about 0.6 mile farther W. crossing the bar.
Jonah Shoal (Beting Semilajau) (3°33'N., 113°16'E.), with a
11.37 The outer anchorage, 3.5 miles off Kuala Suai, is generally

depth of 6.4m, coral, lies 1.5 miles WNW of Tanjong Simila- used by vessels loading logs.
jau. A 7.3m patch lies 0.5 mile WSW of this shoal. Caution.—Caution should be observed in the event of

Inner Shoals (Beting Dalam) are an area of foul ground, with

11.37 sudden wind squalls from the W.
many sunken rocks, which lie within 0.6 mile of Tanjong Simi- Only shallow draft local craft can enter the river and proceed

lajau; a rock shoal, with a least depth of 3.4m, extends up to 1 to Suai, about 13 miles upriver.
mile NW from this point. A detached 5.2m patch lies 0.3 mile

Samalaju—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Beam Size
Samalaju Industrial Park

Pub. 163
374 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Samalaju—Berth Information
Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Beam Size
W1 250m 13.5m 199m 32.26m 50,000dwt
W2 210m 13.5m 199m 32.26m 50,000 dwt Alumina, others, project/heavy, breakbulk, and
W3 210m 13.5m 199m 32.26m 50,000 dwt bunkers. Continuous berth length 880m.
W4 210m 13.5m 197m 32.26m 50,000 dwt
Containers, project/heavy, cargo steel products,
W5 160m 7.0m 127m 21.2m 8,000 dwt breakbulk, and bunkers. Continuous berth length
Project/heavy cargo, steel products, breakbulk, and
W6 160m 7.0m 104m 20.0m 8,000 dwt
bunkers. Continuous berth length 320m.
W8 230m 11.0m 179m 31.0m 20,000 dwt Steel products, breakbulk, and bunkers.

11.39 Gunong Subis (3°48'N., 113°47'E.), 413m high, cliffs up to 24m high extending 4 miles along the coast. They
stands 22 miles ENE of Tanjong Payong. This peak is very are conspicuous from seaward but when the sun is high there
conspicuous and can be seen for a great distance offshore. It is are no prominent points for position fixing. The land above the
easily made out because of the white patches on its seaward cliffs rises steeply and forms a series of hills which rise gradu-
side. ally and extend NE toward Bukit Lambir, 464m high, about 13
The coast from Tanjong Payong, almost to Tanjong Batu, is
11.39 miles ENE of Tanjong Batu. This peak is very conspicuous.
low, featureless, and bordered by a sandy beach for the whole
distance. 11.40 Tanjong Lobang (4°22'N., 113°57'E.), 18 miles NE
Kuala Niah (3°58'N., 113°42'E.), the mouth of Batang Niah,
11.39 of Tanjong Batu, has yellow cliffs, 30m high. Between these
enters the sea 16 miles NE of Kuala Suai. The bar of this river points the coast is covered with dense jungle.
had a least reported depth of 0.4m. A clump of very high trees, Two conspicuous framework radio towers stand 0.5 mile and

close NE of Kuala Niah, is a good guide to the position of the 0.65 mile E, respectively, of Tanjong Lobang. A light is shown
river mouth. from an 18m high gray metal framework tower on Tanjong Lo-
The outer anchorage, 3.5 miles off Kuala Niah, has a depth
11.39 bang.
of 9m and is usually used by vessels to load logs. Siwa Shoal (4°16'N., 113°49'E.), with a depth of 5.2m, cor-

A pair of lighted beacons, in range bearing 125°, indicate the

11.39 al, lies 10.5 miles SW of Tanjong Lobang. Two patches, with
best channel across the bar. The rear day mark should be left depths of 8.2 and 10.1m, lie within 1.5 miles NNE of this
open, left of the front day mark, about one-third the width of shoal.
the triangle; the channel is unmarked. A small area of foul ground lies about 2.3 miles WSW of the

The unmarked channel from the SW can be used by vessels

11.39 5.2m shoal. It was formerly the site of an oil drilling platform.
with local knowledge, in about the same depth, but there is no A few pipes extend up to 1.5m above the sea bed in this posi-
range to steer on. A sand spit, marked at its outer end by a tion.
stake, extends from the S bank of the entrance. A stranded A shoal, with a depth of 2.1m, lies 4 miles WSW of Tanjong

wreck lies off the entrance to Kuala Niah. Lobang and a 2.7m patch lies 2.5 miles SW of the same point.
The river is navigable, by small craft with a draft of 1.8m, as
11.39 Less than charted depths were reported between these two
far as Subis about 14 miles above the entrance. shoals. A detached 11m patch lies 4.5 miles W of Tanjong Lo-
Kuala Sibuti (3°59'N., 113°43'E.), the mouth of the Batang
11.39 bang. Less water than charted has been reported to exist in this
Sibuti, lies 2 miles NE of Kuala Niah. The bar across the en- area.
trance had a least depth of 0.2m. A clump of very high trees A 17.7m coral patch lies 32 miles WNW of Tanjong Batu.

close N of Kuala Sibuti is a good guide to the position of the An 18.3m bank lies 9 miles NE of this patch.
river mouth. Takau Shoal, with a depth of 20m, lies 13.5 miles WNW of

The outer anchorage, 3.5 miles offshore, has a depth of 9m

11.39 Tanjong Lobang.
and is usually used by vessels to load logs. Tides—Currents.—In the month of May, a WNW current is

A pair of lighted beacons in range lead up to the approach,

11.39 generally found offshore with a velocity of 1 knot. Close in-
but the channel markings should be used to enter the river. shore the current sets SW.
Only small craft with a draft of 1.5m can enter the river.

Fish Aggregating Devices have been reported to be moored

Miri (4°32'N., 113°58'E.)
about 4 miles offshore between Kuala Sibuti and Kuala Bakam.
The positions of these devices are not charted. World Port Index No. 51590
Tanjong Batu (4°06'N., 113°48'E.) lies 8 miles NE of Kuala

Sibuti. In this vicinity the coast is bordered by white limestone 11.41 Miri Roads is an open roadstead in a shallow bay con-

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 375

tained within Tanjong Baram, 13 miles to the N, and Tanjong Berth, has a depth alongside of 20m and handles crude prod-
Lobang, 2.5 miles to the S. Miri, one of the principal towns in ucts and can accommodate vessels up to 125,000 dwt, with a
Sarawak, lies on the SE side of the Sungai Miri, discharging at maximum loa of 335m and a maximum draft of 17m draft.
2.5 miles NNE of Tanjong Lobang. The town of Lutong lies 4 There are also two small privately-owned jetties.
miles N, with offshore Lutong Oil Field lying 8 miles NW of it. Aspect.—A range of coastal hills, 91m high, extends 4 miles

Miri includes the offshore loading berths at Lutong which

11.41 NNE from Tanjong Lobang. North of this range, the land is
serve the Sarawak Oil Field and the Brunei Oil Field. low and densely wooded. A conspicuous tower stands 3 miles
Tides—Currents.—During the Southwest Monsoon, the
11.41 NE of Tanjong Lobang.
offshore current sets steadily along the coast between Miri and The oil tanks at Lutong, 7.3 miles NNE of Tanjong Lobang

Tanjong Baram to the N. Light, are conspicuous. The oil tanks at Miri are prominent. At
night, the lights at the oil works are very prominent.
A radio tower, 67m high, stands 5.5 miles NNE of Tanjong

Two conspicuous flares are occasionally visible in the vicini-

ty of Lutong.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels using the oil-

ing berths off Lutong. The berthing master and assistant, who
are stationed at Miri, will board in the anchorage area at posi-
tion 4°25.3'N, 113°54.0'E. Berthing may be carried out both by
day and night. A mooring launch is provided for berthing and
unberthing; unberthing may be carried out without a berthing
master. At least 24 hours notice is required. Messages should
be sent through Radio Kuching.
Regulations.—Port of Miri Regulations copies may be ob-

tained from the pilot when he boards.

Vessels entering the channel shall give way to vessels leav-

ing the entrance allowing safe navigation in the center of the

Miri from N Vessels are required to establish communications on VHF

channel 16 prior to leaving or entering the channel

The currents are usually weak within 5 miles of the coast and
11.41 Vessels for loading should anchor off Miri to embark a pilot

the rate experienced was 0.5 knot, with rates of up to 2.5 knots who will take them to the moorings off Lutong. The pilot will
being reported. provide mooring wires, a launch, and a gang of men to assist in
Depths—Limitations.—Between Tanjong Lobang and Lu-
11.41 mooring.
tong, depths of less than 5.5m extend about 1.3 miles offshore; Under no circumstances should a vessel anchor off Lutong

a depth of less than 11m extends up to 3 miles offshore. unless in charge of a pilot.
Wrecks, with depths of 5.3m and 3.4m, lie 3 miles NW and Vessels for quarantine should anchor as close to the mouth of

about 1.3 miles NNW of Tanjong Lobang. A stranded wreck, the Sungai Miri as safety permits.
marked by a light, lies 0.7 mile WNW of the entrance to the Vessels with immigrants should anchor 3.5 miles NNW of

Sungai Miri. Tanjong Lobang and 2 miles offshore.

A bar with a depth of about 0.3m extended across the en-
11.41 Vessels entering the Sungai Miri must call at the Immigra-

trance of the Sungai Miri. There is always a surf on the bar and tion Wharf for inspection, unless proceeding to the Customs
a dangerous sea at times. Normally there is no swell in the off- Wharf.
ing during the Southwest Monsoon. Vessels entering the channel shall give way to vessels depart-

A cable-operated ferry connects Miri with the W bank of the

11.41 ing the entrance in such a manner to allow safe navigation in
river. All vessels should proceed at a moderate speed within the the middle of the channel.
river, and when approaching the ferry to ascertain that it has Prior to entering or leaving the channel vessels are required

reached one of the terminals before passing over the cable. to establish communications on VHF channel 16.
Customs Wharf, 44m long with a depth of 0.9m alongside,
11.41 Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken in a depth of 9m, 3

lies on the E bank of the river. miles NNW of Tanjong Lobang. Loading and discharging of
Immigration Wharf is 61m long with a depth of 2.1m along-
11.41 cargo is done by lighters from 25 to 150 tons capacity.
side. Vessels intending to proceed to the single point oil mooring

Coastal Wharf is 62m long, with a depth of 2.1m alongside.

11.41 berths off Lutong should await the berthing master, clear of the
The MPA Terminal, a 390m long wharf with an alongside
11.41 cautionary area, in the anchorage bounded by lines joining the
depth of 5.0m, handles container, project/heavy cargo, break- following positions:
bulk, bunkers, and reefer. Vessels up to 1,500 dwt or 2,700 gt, a. 4°23.7'N, 113°53.0'E.
with a maximum loa of 65m and a maximum beam of 15m, can b. 4°23.7'N, 113°55.0'E.
be accommodated.Maximum vessel size is 65m loa, beam c. 4°25.7'N, 113°55.0'E.
15m, 1,500dwt and 2,700gt. d. 4°25.7'N, 113°53.0'E.
Miri Cude Oil Terminal (MCOT), consisting of SMB No. 5
11.41 When at anchor off Miri, even in a gale with high seas, ves-

Pub. 163
376 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

sels always lie head to the current with the swell on the beam. 11.44 Betty Oil Field (4°37'N., 113°37'E.) is situated 20
Swell often restricts work on the landside only. miles W of Tanjong Baram (4°36'N., 113°58'E.).
Lighters can be provided for vessels handling cargo at the
11.41 Bokor Oil Field (4°33'N., 113°37'E.) lies 4 miles SSW of

offshore anchorage area. Betty Oil Field. Each field contains lighted production plat-
Directions.—When approaching Miri in thick weather and
11.41 forms. A pipeline runs from these platforms NNE to Betty Oil
if unable to reach either anchorage, vessels are advised to an- Field, another continues NE to Baronia Oil Field, while a third
chor further W, in depths of 18.3 to 22m, rather than remain pipeline leads E to Bakau Oil Field.
underway. A pipeline also connects between Bakau Oil Field and Betty

When approaching the inner anchorage from the W, steer for

11.41 Oil Fields. One platform stands 3 miles S of the main group.
the oil tanks at Miri, bearing 115°. In reduced visibility, keep in Caution.—Vessels navigating in the vicinity of these oil

depths greater than 22m until Tanjong Lobang is sighted. At well structures should exercise caution and avoid anchoring
night, the oil tanks at Miri usually show up well. near the pipeline.
The bar at the entrance of the Sungai Miri changes frequent-
11.41 Tanjong Baram lies on the N side of Kuala Baram, the en-

ly and should only be crossed by vessels having small under- trance of the Batang Baram, 14 miles N of Tanjong Lobang.
keel clearance and local knowledge. Channel changes are The light which stands on the point, a gray metal framework
published in local Notice to Mariners. tower, is difficult to make out from the N and W unless the sun
Caution.—Two pairs of portable lighted range beacons
11.41 is shining on it. A beacon stands about.2 mile WNW of the
stand on the S side of the entrance of the Sungai Miri. This side light
of the entrance had extended to the NW. These beacons are A radio mast, from which red lights are shown, stands on the

moved over a wide area to meet frequent changes in the chan- S side of the entrance to Batang Baram.
nel and only indicate the approximate line of the fairway across Tanjong Baram has been reported to be a good radar target at

the bar. Only the outer pair of range lights were reported in use. 15 miles and was reported to be identifiable with charted fea-
The best time to cross the bar is at HW. Vessels are advised to tures at 12 miles.
use a tug. Discolored water, in which large floating logs and other de-

bris may be found, extends from 4 to 8 miles seaward from the

11.42 Takau Oil Field (4°25'N., 113°43'E.) is situated mouth of the Batang Baram. The line of demarcation is usually
about 15 miles WNW of a pipeline. The pipeline connects very conspicuous.
Takau Oil Field and Siwa Oil Field. A dangerous wreck, A bank, with depths of less than 11m, extends 4 miles W and

marked by a lighted buoy close W, lies about 4 miles ESE of 5.5 miles N of Tanjong Baram. Depths of less than 1.3m extend
Takau Oil Field. about 2.3 miles WNW of Tanjong Baram; depths of less than
Siwa Oil Field (4°18'N., 113°48'E.) is situated about 8 miles
11.42 5.5m extend about 3.3 miles NW of the point. A sandpit ex-
SE of Tukau Oil Field. Within the field are platforms from tends about 2.3 miles WNW from Tanjong Baram, and is
which lights are shown. marked by several drying patches. The NW drying patch was
An oil pipeline extends 18 miles NW from the W part of
11.42 reported to have extended SW. Two dangerous wrecks lie 4
West Lutong Oil Field to Baronia Oil Field (4°45'N., miles NNE and 5 miles NW of the lighthouse on Tanjong
113°45'E.), with a connection through Bakau Oil Field Baram.
(4°34'N., 113°50'E.), situated 6.5 miles NW of Lutong Light. Numerous dangerous wrecks, some of which are marked by

lights, lie on the bar as far as 2 miles W and about 3.3 miles
11.43 Lutong (4°28'N., 114°00'E.) (World Port Index No. WNW of the river mouth.
51600) stands at the entrance of the Sungai Lutong, 7 miles
NNE of Tanjong Lubong. 11.45 Baram Oil Field (4°40'N., 113°56'E.) spreads about
West Lutong Oil Field (4°30'N., 113°54'E.) lies in an off-
11.43 5.5 miles from E to W and two pipelines connect between the
shore area, 7 miles W of Lutong. two groups. A pipeline extends from less than 1 mile E of Tan-
Three SBMs, numbered 1, 3, and 5, lie 3 miles W, 3 miles
11.43 jong Baram Light; leading from shore 8 miles NNW to an off-
WNW, and 6 miles WSW, respectively, of Lutong. Longer ves- shore platform situated on the E group of Baram Oil Field.
sels of 125,000 dwt and a draft of 17m can be accommodated From the W group, a pipeline leads about 9 miles WNW to
on No. 5 SBM, from which a submarine pipeline runs E to the Baronia Oil Field and another (gas pipeline) leads 11 miles
shore. SSE to West Lutong Oil Field.
The SBMs are lighted. The vessel’s radio must not be used
11.43 Five lighted well heads stand 1.5 miles N of the SW extrem-

when moored to the SBMs. ity of the above pipeline. A platform is situated 18 miles W of
Monsoon winds may cause interruptions to loading and ves-
11.43 Tanjong Baram.
sels may have to vacate their berths at short notice. There are New platforms and underwater pipelines may not be charted

no tugs available. in this area. Mariners should use caution when transiting this
Caution.—Special attention should be exercised by mari-
11.43 area.
ners navigating in the area where very large crude carriers ma- Currents N of Tanjong Baram set NE and ENE. In the vicini-

neuver under constraint conditions in the vicinity of the oil ty of Tanjong Baram the current appears to be principally influ-
fields and in the offing of Lutong. Mariners are cautioned enced by the winds.
against anchoring in the area due to existing pipelines; some Directions.—When approaching Tanjong Baram from the

may be uncharted. N, a berth of at least 6 miles should be given to the point. For
directions to the S, refer to the information found under Miri.

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 377

The area E of Tanjong Baram should be avoided because of

11.45 lie about 3.3 miles NE of Herald Reef.
the numerous platforms and pipelines which exist. Richmond Reef, with a least known depth of 3.6m near its

Vessels loading logs during the Northeast Monsoon are ad-

11.45 center, lies 2.5 miles NE of Luconia Breakers. It consists of a
vised to anchor about 4 miles SW of Tanjong Baram, in a depth ridge about 2 miles long.
of 9.1m. Comus Shoal, with least depth of 8.2m, lies about 13 miles E

of the N part of South Luconia Shoals.

11.46 Batang Baram (4°35'N., 113°58'E.) is entered Connell Reef, with a least depth of 1.8m, lies about 6.5 miles

through a bar which obstructs the Kuala Baram. This bar has a NW of Richmond Reef. A 16.5m patch lies 4 miles E and a
depth of 0.9m but it is subject to change. Vessels with a draft of 5.5m patch 2 miles S of Connell Reef. A stranded wreck lies on
2m and local knowledge can enter the river at HW in good the SW edge of this reef.
weather. A radio mast stands on the S side of the entrance to The area within the various reefs which comprise South Lu-

Batang Baram. conia Shoals has not been examined and there may be other
A stranded wreck, marked by a light, lies about 2.7 miles W
11.46 reefs in this vicinity.
of Tanjong Baram. Other stranded wrecks are best seen on the
chart. 11.48 Central Luconia Gas Field (5°02'N., 112°40'E.) is
Depths over the bar at Kuala Baram are reported to shoal af-
11.46 situated 68 miles NNW of Tanjong Kidurong. Gas pipelines
ter the river has been low for a time particularly during the lead from numerous lighted platforms in the gas field to shore
Northeast Monsoon (October to March), but deepen again after landings 2 miles NE of Tanjong Kidurong. From Central Luco-
heavy rain inland. Logs may be found stranded on the bar. nia Gas Field gas pipelines connect to a lighted platform situat-
Tanjong Baram Light, bearing 105°, indicated the deepest
11.46 ed 24 miles NNW and to another platform that lies 29 miles
water on the bar. NW; a third gas pipeline extends ENE to Baronia Oil Field
The shore on both sides of the entrance to the Batang Baram
11.46 (4°45'N., 113°45'E.). Vessels should avoid anchoring within 1
is covered with logs and stranded trees. Large quantities of tim- mile of the pipelines.
ber are trapped on the upriver side of each jetty in the river. The North Luconia Shoals (5°30'N., 112°34'E.) consist of group

entrance is difficult and should not to be attempted without lo- of shoals and reefs which lie between 92 and 120 miles NW of
cal knowledge. Tanjong Baram, and from 14 to 50 miles N of South Luconia
During a survey of the river, the flood was never observed,
11.46 Shoals. They were partially examined many years ago and no
but the ebb attained a rate of 3 knots. After heavy rains the ebb safe passages were found between them. The channel between
may attain considerably greater rates. South and North Luconia Shoals and the area W of North Lu-
Batang Baram is navigable for about 106 miles by vessels
11.46 conia Shoals have not been examined.
that can cross the bar. Hayes Reef (5°22'N., 112°36'E.), the S of the North Luconia

Anchorage is prohibited in the vicinity of a pipeline and sub-

11.46 Shoals, is a small steep-to drying reef which breaks heavily in
marine cable crossing about 1 mile above the entrance. all kinds of weather. A shoal head lies about 2.7 miles E of
A ferry crosses the river about 0.8 mile above the river en-
11.46 Hayes Reef.
trance. Government Jetty, 27.5m long with a depth of 2.7m Seahorse Breakers, with depths of less than 2m, are steep-to

alongside, lies on the S side of the river close upriver of the fer- on their E side. They lie about 10 miles NNW of Hayes Reef.
ry landing. A small drying patch, which breaks heavily, lies 2 miles W of
Marudi, a government station and the principal town of the
11.46 Seahorse Breakers and a detached coral reef lies close S.
district, is fronted by a wharf 22m long with a depth of 6.1m Tripp Reef (5°29'N., 112°30'E.), with a least depth of 3.7m,

alongside. Several small jetties used by launches are available. lies 8 miles NW of Hayes Reef.
Moody Reef (5°35'N., 112°23'E.), with a depth of 7.3m, lies

Off-lying Shoals and Dangers 20 miles NW of Hayes Reef. Two dangerous reefs lie between
Tripp and Moody Reefs and a 12.2m patch with a small reef
11.47 South Luconia Shoals (5°04'N., 112°38'E.), consist- close W of it, lies 3 miles NE of Moody Reef.
ing of a group of coral reefs, lie about 85 miles WNW of Tan- Hardie Reef (5°56'N., 112°32'E.), with a least depth of

jong Baram. The group is steep-to, breaks in places, and can 5.1m, extends between 15 and 19 miles NNE from Moody
usually be seen from aloft. Reef. Another reef extends 8 miles S from the S end of Hardie
Herald Reef (4°59'N., 112°37'E.) the S of the South Luco-
11.47 Reef and has a depth of 5.4m. An unexamined dangerous reef
nia Shoals, is a small coral head about 0.4 mile in diameter. It lies 10 miles ENE of Moody Reef.
lies about 86 miles WNW of Tanjong Baram. Buck Reef (5°52'N., 112°34'E.), with a least depth of 4.9m,

Depths of less than 2m exist on the head, with depths of

11.47 lies about 15 miles NE of Moody Reef.
about 55m near its center. This steep-to reef gives very little in- Aitken Reef (5°42'N., 112°33'E.), with a depth of 9.4m, lies

dication of its presence. A rock, with a shoal depth of 4.6m, 4 miles N of Buck Reef.
lies approximately 11.5 miles SW of Herald Reef. Friendship Shoal (5°57'N., 112°33'E.), the N of the North

Stigant Reef (5°02'N., 112°29'E.), located about 9 miles

11.47 Luconia Shoals, has a least depth of 8.2m, but less depths may
WNW of Herald Reef, is horseshoe shaped, and has general exist. This shoal lies about 26 miles N of Seahorse Breakers.
depths of 4.6 to 11m. A 4.6m patch lies near the NW extremity Friendship Shoal has been reported to lie 3 miles W of its
of this reef. charted position.
Luconia Breakers, dry and on which the sea breaks heavily,

Pub. 163
378 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Dangers Northeast of North Luconia Shoals unlit obstructions exist up to 25 miles offshore between Tan-
jong Baram and Champion Shoals (5°12'N., 114°45'E.), and
11.49 Louisa Reef (6°20'N., 113°14'E.), a steep-to coral between Tanjong Baram and a position 15 miles E of Seria.
reef about 1m high, is located 113 miles NNW of Tanjong Within this area are Fairley-Baram Oil Field, Gannet Oil Field,
Baram. Fairley Oil Field, Southwest Ampa Oil Field, and Tali Oil Field
Caution.—A dangerous ground is known to abound within
11.49 (Seria Oil Field). At night, the wellheads and surface obstruc-
an area bound by lines joining the following positions: tions exhibit lights. The production platforms are brightly illu-
a. 7°33'N, 115°25'E. minated. The W platform on the Fairley Oil Field is fitted with
b. 10°25'N, 117°50'E. a racon.
c. 12°00'N, 117°50'E. Oil and gas pipelines link within and between the oil fields.

d. 12°00'N, 114°50'E. Vessels should avoid anchoring and trawling near the pipelines.
e. 8°40'N, 111°30'E. A vessel damaging a pipe could face an immediate fire hazard.
f. 7°33'N, 111°30'E. In addition to the 0.27 mile radius around a structure, Brunei

Vessels are cautioned not to pass through this area.

11.49 has declared Safety Zones up to 1.37 miles from the charted
offshore platforms in the following areas:
11.50 Royal Charlotte Reef (6°57'N., 113°36'E.), which is
almost rectangular in shape, is located about 42 miles NNE of Area Location
Louisa Reef. Several boulders, 0.6 to 1.2m high, lie near its SE
side and some rocks awash lie on its NE side. An area of sunk- Champion Oil Field 5°13'N, 114°45'E.
en dangers extends about 8 miles NNE from this reef and it Magpie Oil Field 5°06'N, 114°27'E.
was reported that it extends NW and SE. Breakers were ob-
served over this reef. Fairley Oil Field 4°57'N, 114°06'E.
Swallow Reef (7°24'N., 113°49'E.), located about 27 miles
Southwest Ampa Oil Field 4°44'N, 114°09'E.
NNE of Royal Charlotte Reef, consists of a shallow basin sur-
rounded by a narrow belt of coral. Several rocks, 1.5 to 3m Fairley-Baram Oil Field 4°48'N, 113°58'E.
high, lie near its E end and there are also several above-water
rocks near its SE side. A stranded wreck lies near the W end of Mobile oil drilling rigs may be encountered off the NW

the reef. The rocks at the E end of the reef are plainly visible. coasts of Sarawak, Brunei, and Sabah, between 200m contour
The entire reef is marked by breakers and was reported to be and the shore. When on location, moorings extend 0.33 mile
larger in area than charted. from the rigs and are usually marked by unlit buoys (yellow).
Swallow Reef has been reported to be a good radar target at
11.50 At night, the rigs display working lights. When under tow, the
9 miles. rigs display the proper lights.
Dallas Reef (7°38'N., 113°51'E.), which dries, lies 5 miles
11.50 Vessels should give a wide berth to these structures. If re-

W of Ardasier Reef. The reef entirely encloses a small lagoon, quired to navigate in their vicinity, it is advised to reduce to a
probably accessible to boats at HW. safe speed and proceed with caution.
Anchorage is not available in the area. A shoal, with a depth

of 16.5m, exists in position 7°35'N, 114°39'E, about 18 miles 11.53 Bukit Ambok (4°49'N., 114°40'E.), a high hill,
SE of Ardasier Bank. A bank, with a depth of 82m, lies 24 stands near the N bank of the Sungai Tutong about 4.5 miles
miles farther SSE. ENE of its entrance. This hill is fairly conspicuous in contrast
Ardasier Bank (7°45'N., 114°14'E.), which has a least depth
11.50 to the densely-wooded country which surrounds it.
of 3.7m, lies 14 miles NE of Swallow Reef but has not been Gunung Mulu, one of the highest mountains in this part of

fully examined. This bank is about 20 miles long. Borneo, stands 68 miles ESE of Tanjong Baram. This conical-
shaped mountain has a slightly-flattened top and rises to a
Tanjong Baram to Brunei Bay height of 2,407m. Several sharp-pointed conical peaks stand to
the E.
11.51 From Tanjong Baram, the coast extends in an E direc- The Sungai Belait (4°35'N., 114°11'E.), whose banks are al-

tion for about 12 miles to the mouth of the Sungai Belait, and most always flooded, had a depth of 0.6m on the entrance
then in an ENE and NE direction for about 28 miles to the range over the bar. Within the entrance there are general depths
mouth of the Sungai Tutong. This sector of coast is low, dense- of 3.5m but the channel is obstructed by snags embedded in the
ly wooded, and intersected by numerous creeks. Shoal water, mud. Only small craft can be accommodated within the river.
with depths of less than 5.5m, extends from 1 to 2 miles off- Kuala Belait (4°35'N., 114°11'E.), a town which has been

shore. developed as the headquarters of Seria Oil Field, stands on the

Aspect.—Bukit Teraja (Mount Scott), a conspicuous isolat-
11.51 E bank of the river just within the entrance.
ed whale-backed mountain, 416m high, stands about 33 miles A pair of range beacons, which indicate the best water over

ESE of Tanjong Baram. the bar, stand on the W side of the entrance of the river. These
beacons are liable to be moved without notice.
Offshore Drilling Operations A least depth of 0.7m at LW over the bar was reported to ex-

ist on the leading line. Waves break over the bar during onshore
11.52 Numerous production platforms, oil and gas pipe- winds causing dangerous crossings for small craft.
lines, drilling and associated structures, gas vents, and other Two wharves, one 0.17 mile long with a depth of 2.4m

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 379

alongside, are situated about 0.3 mile within the bar. A govern- trance 20 miles ENE of Seria. There was a depth of 0.6m over
ment wharf, 91m long with a depth of 0.6m alongside, lies the bar, but it is continually shifting. A light is shown from the
abreast the town 1 mile farther upriver. SW extremity of the spit of land forming the N bank of the riv-
er mouth.
11.54 Seria Oil-Loading Terminal (4°37'N., 114°19'E.) Vessels able to cross the bar can ascend to Dixon Reach

(World Port Index No. 51645) is an open bay sea port situated about 14 miles upriver.
21.5 miles ENE of Tanjong Baram Light. Tutong Village stands on the N bank of the river 6 miles

Depths—Limitations.—There are five piers at Seria. The E

11.54 above the entrance. A customs house is situated in the village.
pier is 251m long.
Two SBMs are moored 6 miles N of Seria and are fitted with
11.54 Off-lying Dangers
two floating hose strings. Maximum permissible drafts are
18.9m at mooring No. 1 and 17.4m at mooring No. 2. 11.56 Brock Patch (4°46'N., 114°30'E.), with a depth of
Aspect.—Bukit Tunggulian, 128m high, stands 12 miles
11.54 3.7m, lies 5 miles W of the mouth of the Sungai Tutong and 3
ENE of Seria. Bukit Tuan, 113m high, stands 1.3 miles farther miles offshore. An extraction area, marked by yellow special
NE. lighted buoys has been established in the vicinity. Two addi-
Bukit Ambok, 76m high and covered with low scrub, lies
11.54 tional yellow special lighted buoys mark artificial reefs in the
near the N bank of the Sungai Tutong, 4.5 miles ENE of its en- area. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution.
trance. It is fairly prominent in contrast to the densely-wooded Browne Patch (4°54'N., 114°18'E.), with a depth of 5.4m,

country which surrounds it. lies 17 miles N of Seria.

The “gushers” of Seria Oil Field, which resemble pylons and
11.54 Chearnley Shoal (4°51'N., 114°19'E.), with a depth of

are prominent, stand about 2 miles E of the village of Seria. 5.2m, lies 3.5 miles SSE of Browne Patch.
Lighted drilling platforms lie up to 3.32 miles NE of Seria. Fairley Patches (4°56'N., 114°20'E.), a narrow shoal ridge

Near Seria, several bright flares are visible up to 50 miles dis- with a least depth of 6.4m, lies 4 miles N of Chearnley Shoal.
tant on a clear night Porter Patch (4°54'N., 114°24'E.), with a depth of 11m, lies

Pilotage.—A berthing master boards vessels bound for the

11.54 5.5 miles NE of Chearnley Shoal.
SBM or LNG jetty off Kampong Lamut in the appropriate an- Ampa Patches, marked by a light, lie from 1.5 miles to 5

chorage area. miles ENE of Fairley Patches. The light was reported extin-
Regulations.—There is a port radio station at Seria Oil
11.54 guished.
Loading Terminal. Vessels should transmit their ETA 72 hours Magpie Rock (4°57'N., 114°22'E.), a patch with a least

and confirm 24 hours in advance. depth of 4.6m, lies on the shallowest part of these shoals. There
Anchorage.—Extreme caution should be exercised when
11.54 are several other patches with depths of less than 9m.
navigating in this area. Vessels should anchor only in the fol- Several shoals, with depths of 9 to 18m, lie within 1 mile W

lowing quarantine areas which are indicated on the chart: and 1.5 miles SW of Ampa Patches.
1. ALFA—2.5 miles NE of the Sungai Belait—for ves- An ammunition dumping ground lies centered about 39

sels using the port. miles NNW of Ampa Patches and is bounded by lines joining
2. BRAVO—9 miles N of Seria—for vessels using the the following positions:
mooring buoys. a. 5°25'N, 114°00'E.
3. CHARLIE—10 miles NE of Seria—for vessels using b. 5°25'N, 114°16'E.
the LNG Jetty. c. 5°40'N, 114°16'E.
Anchorage is available for vessels calling at the SBMs N of
11.54 d. 5°40'N, 114°00'E.
Seria. A patch, with a depth of 4.9m, lies (between the SBMs From the entrance of the Sungai Tutong, the coast extends

and the shore) about 3.3 miles N of the piers at Seria. Anchor- about 19 miles NE to Brunei Cliffs, which are about 24 to 27m
age is available for vessels calling at the LNG jetty at Kam- high and consist of white sand and short grass.
pong Lamut.
11.57 Pulau Punyit (4°58'N., 114°51'E.), an islet 18.3m
11.55 A liquid natural gas (LNG) jetty, 9.5 miles ENE of high, lies about 0.5 mile NW of Tanjong Punyit, a point of land
Seria and close NW of Kampong Lamut (4°40'N., 114°28'E.), close E of Brunei Cliffs. This islet is almost joined to the point
extends 2.5 miles NNW from the coast. by a rocky ridge. A rock, awash, lies about 0.2 mile NW of the
Dolphins stand 91m E and W of the jetty head. Three moor-
11.55 islet.
ing buoys are laid in an arc 0.25 mile to seaward and a buoy is The coast between the Sungai Tutong and Pulau Punyit is

moored about 0.3 mile ENE of the jetty head. sandy and backed by dull reddish cliffs about 12 to 18m high.
The depth alongside is about 9m. Tankers normally berth
11.55 High casuarina trees stand on some of the beaches and near the
stern to the jetty head, using the dolphins for stern moorings. mouths of the small rivers.
Bow ropes are secured to the mooring buoys. The berth is not Binturan Firing Range and Bukit Agok Firing Range lie be-

tenable in all weathers. Vessels may approach the berth from tween the Sungai Tutong entrance and Tanjung Pungit, 19
either E or W. miles NE. The range extends approximately 8 miles offshore.
A wreck, with a least depth of 17.6m, lies about 1.3 miles
11.55 The Binturan Firing Range limit is marked by Lighted Beacon
NW of the head of the LNG jetty. A 4m patch lies about 2 B1 (4°53'N., 114°40'E.), at the SW extremity, and Lighted
miles SW of the jetty head. Beacon B2, situated about 5.5 miles ENE, marking the NE ex-
The Sungai Tutong (4°47'N., 114°36'E.) lies with its en-
11.55 tremity. The ranges are best viewed on the chart.

Pub. 163
380 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Caution.—Mariners are advised to exercise caution in this

11.57 Rock; and Silk Rock, with a depth of 9.1m, lies 2.5 miles NE
area. No restrictions are placed on the right to transit the firing of Nankivell Rock.
practice areas. Red flags or red lights are displayed to warn that Littledale Shoal (5°06'N., 114°46'E.), with a depth of 7.6m

the areas are in use. coral, lies 9 miles NNW of Pulau Punyit. Colombo Shoal, with
The extensive firing practice areas are operated using a clear
11.57 a depth of 7.3m, lies 7 miles farther NNW.
range procedure. Exercises and firings only take place when Champion Shoals, consisting of two groups of shoal heads,

the areas are considered to be clear of all shipping. Details of lie 13 miles NNW of Pulau Punyit and extend 2 miles N. The S
firing are promulgated in the Brunei Darussalam Notices to group has a depth of 6.4m, and the N group has a least depth of
Mariners. 8.2m.
Champion Oil Field (5°14'N., 114°45'E.), production plat-

Brunei Cliffs to Brunei Bluff forms and well heads, from which lights are displayed, are situ-
ated between 1 and 2 miles NNW of the N group of Champion
11.58 From Brunei Cliffs, the coast extends 14 miles ENE Shoals. An underwater wellhead, with a depth of 27m, is situ-
to Brunei Bluff where the cliffs are 11m high and the tops of ated 3.5 miles NNW of the N group of the Champion Shoals.
trees are 30m high. Shoal water, with depths of less than 5.5m, Numerous oil structures and pipelines exist in the vicinity of
extends about 0.5 to 1.5 miles from the coast between the Sun- Colombo Shoal and Champion Shoal. Mariners should avoid
gai Tutong and Brunei Bluff. the area if possible. Mariners required to enter the area should
Aspect.—Bukit Menteri Kedayo (Woody Peak), 138m high
11.58 navigate with extreme caution and should only anchor within
and located about 2.3 miles SW of Brunei Cliffs, is the highest the charted anchorages. The platforms which stand in this area
peak of a range of hills, 76 to 138m high, which parallels the have been reported to be radar conspicuous. One of the struc-
coast about 1 mile inland. tures in the oil field is fitted with a racon.
Bukit Sabandar (Jerudung) (4°56'N., 114°51'E.), a grassy
11.58 Two Fathom Rock (5°06'N., 114°58'E.), with a depth of

ridge with numerous indistinguishable sharp peaks from 119 to 3m, coral, lies about 6.3 miles WNW of Brunei Bluff. A 4.6m
143m high, extends 4 miles S from Brunei Cliffs. Close E of patch lies 1 mile WNW of this rock. A detached 9.1m patch
this ridge the coastal range of hills, 61 to 109m high and dense- lies 0.3 mile N of the same rock.
ly wooded, stretches ENE to Brunei Bluff. A dangerous wreck lies 5.5 miles SW of Two Fathom Rock

Bukit Cowie (5°02'N., 115°03'E.), more than 61m high,

11.58 and another dangerous wreck, whose position is approximate,
stands 0.3 mile S of Brunei Bluff. lies 1.5 miles SSW of Two Fathom Rock.

Off-lying Dangers Approaches to Brunei Bay

11.59 Victoria Patches (4°55'N., 114°39'E.), consisting of a 11.61 The entrance of Brunei Bay lies between Brunei Bluff
number of coral shoals with depths of less than 5.5m, lies from and Tanjon Klias, 23 miles NE. The islands of the Labuan
3 to 4.5 miles offshore. The shallowest patch, with a depth of Group, of which Pulau Labuan is the largest, stretch across the
2.7m, lies 8.32 miles NNE of the entrance of the Sungai Tu- entrance and divide it into two channels, one S and one E of
tong. A submarine gas pipeline runs from Victoria Patches SE these islands. The channel E of the islands is known as East
directly to shore. Channel.
Scout Patches (4°56'N., 114°38'E.) consist of two shoals:
11.59 Pulau Labuan (5°20'N., 115°13'E.) lies 13.5 miles NNE of

Scout Rock (4°56'N., 114°39'E.), with a depth of less than Brunei Bluff and 4.5 miles W of Tanjong Klias. This densely
1.8m, lies on the SE shoal 10 miles NNE of the entrance of the wooded island is roughly triangular in shape and rises to the
Sungai Tutong; the NW shoal, with a depth of 6.4m, lies 1.5 height of 102m in its N part. Most of the S part of the island is
miles NW of Scout Rock. low, marshy, and intersected by streams. When viewed from
Cunningham Patch (4°59'N., 114°38'E.), with a depth of
11.59 the N, the island appears as two peaks. The port limit has been
6.4m, lies about 3.3 miles NW of Scout Rock. Blunt Rock, resized and is best seen on the chart.
with a depth of 4.6m, lies 2.32 miles NNE of Scout Rock. Tanjong Kubong (Bethune Head) (5°24'N., 115°15'E.), the

Brunei Patches (5°01'N., 114°42'E.) consist of several

11.59 N end of the island, is 6m high. Foul ground, with rocks awash
shoals with depths of less than 5.5m. The shallowest spot, a and on which the sea occasionally breaks, extends 2 miles N
rock with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies on the northeastern from the island. A light is shown from a 24m high white metal
most patch, 7.5 miles WNW of Pulau Punyit. framework tower.
A dangerous wreck lies 1 mile SW of this rock. Another
11.59 Tanjong Layang Layangan (5°21'N., 115°12'E.), a cliffy

wreck, with a depth of 11m, lies 2 miles WNW of the rock. headland 24m high, lies 4.32 miles SW of Tanjong Kubong. A
Amcotts Rock (5°02'N., 114°37'E.), with a depth of 8.2m,
11.59 prominent islet, 9.1m high, lies 0.5 mile SW of the headland.
lies 14 miles WNW of Pulau Punyit. A 10.1m patch lies 2.3 Tanjong Punei (5°15'N., 115°10'E.), the SW extremity of

miles ESE of this rock and a 11m patch lies the same distance Pulau Labuan, lies 6.5 miles SSW of Tanjong Layang Layan-
E of the same rock. gan.
The W coast of Pulau Labuan consists of sandy beaches

11.60 Iron Duke Shoals (5°06'N., 114°38'E.) consist of fronted by rocks and coral reefs which extend from 0.5 to 1
three distinct shoals: Otterspool Rock, the southernmost, with a mile offshore.
depth of 4m, lies 13 miles NW of Pulau Punyit; Nankivell A range of hills rising to an elevation of 102m and grass-cov-

Rock, with a depth of 8.2m, lies 2 miles NW of Otterspool ered, runs parallel to the coast between Tanjong Kubong and

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 381

These shoals and dangers are all steep-to. Others may exist

and great caution should be exercised when navigating in these

Other shoals lie 15 miles N and NW of Tanjong Kubong.

Islands and Dangers Southwest of Pulau Labuan

11.64 Pulau Keraman (5°14'N., 115°08'E.), 58m high to
the tops of the trees, lies 2 miles SW of Tanjong Punei, from
which it is separated by Keraman Channel. The island is most-
ly fringed by drying reefs and foul ground extends up to 0.5
mile offshore in places. A light is shown from a 15m high
white tower with a red cupola situated on the summit of Pulau
A wreck, with a least depth of 2m, lies 3.3 miles WSW of the

Undaunted Rock (5°14'N., 115°08'E.), with a depth of

3.7m, coral, lies in mid-channel between Tanjong Punei and

Approaches to Brunei Bay from South China Sea Pulau Keraman.
Keraman Channel should only be used by those with local

Tanjong Layang Layangan. A densely wooded range of hills knowledge. Undaunted Rock is unmarked.
extends NE from Tanjong Punei. Bukit Kalam, 83m high and Pulau Rusukan Kecil (5°12'N., 115°09'E.), 46m high, lies 1

on which the tops of the trees attain an elevation of 90m, is the mile SSE of Pulau Keraman. A reef, with depths of less than
northernmost and highest hill of the range; it stands 5 miles NE 1.8m, extends about 1 mile SE from this islet.
of Tanjong Punei. Bukit Timbalai, 71m high with a single tree Pulau Keraman and Pulau Rusukan Kecil lie on an extensive

on its summit, stands 2.5 miles NE of Tanjong Punei. bank, with depths of less than 5.5m.
Rocky reefs, some above-water, extend 0.3 mile from Tan-
11.61 A reef, which dries 0.9m, lies 1.5 miles W of Pulau Rusukan

jong Punei. A wreck, with a depth of 18m and whose position Kecil.
is approximate, lies 9.5 miles of Tanjong Punei. A detached 8.5m shoal lies 0.5 mile ESE of the SE extremity

of Pulau Keraman.
11.62 Labuan Offshore Terminal (5°16'N., 115°07'E.),
can accommodate tankers up to 230,000 dwt and 22.5m draft at 11.65 Pulau Rusukan Besar (5°11'N., 115°08'E.), marked
the SBM, which moored about 2.3 miles WNW of Tanjung by a prominent clump of trees, lies 0.3 mile SSW of Pulau Ru-
Pandan. The least depth in the maneuvering area is 25.6m. sukan Kecil. Rocks and reefs surround this islet; a low rock lies
Submarine oil pipelines extend from the terminal to the buoy 0.3 mile SSW of its SW extremity.
and to Samarang Bank (5°35'N., 114°55'E.). A shoal, with a depth of 2.7m, lies 1 mile ESE of Pulau Ru-

Another pipeline connects Labuan Shore Terminal to Barton

11.62 sukan Besar; an 8.2m patch lies a close S of this shoal.
Oil Field (6°50'N., 116°20'E.), leading through; South Furious A shoal, with a depth of 6.7m, lies about 1.3 miles WSW of

Oil Field, Saint Joseph Oil Field, Erb West Oil Field, and Ke- Pulau Rusukan Besar. A 6.7m coral patch lies 1.32 miles S of
tam Oil Field (6°06'N., 115°36'E.). this island.
A vessel bound for the SBM should radio her ETA to “Cros-
11.62 Barat Banks (5°10'N., 115°06'E.) are two shoals consisting

field, Labuan,” via Singapore Coast Radio Station, at least 48 of coral and sand. The NE bank, with a depth of 4.1m, lies 3
hours in advance. There is a port radio station at the oil termi- miles SW of Pulau Keraman. The SW bank, with a depth of
nal. Vessels must not use their main radio when berthed at the 4.6m, lies 0.3 mile farther SW.
SBM. Barat Banks are separated from Pulau Rusukan Besar by a

A tanker anchorage area, 2 miles in diameter, is established

11.62 channel, with a least depth of 6.7m in the fairway, but this
with its center 5.32 miles W of Tanjong Punei. A berthing mas- channel should not be attempted without local knowledge.
ter boards at the anchorage. Berthing is carried out 24 hours. Two wrecks, with least depths of 11.9 and 12.8m, respective-

There are no facilities at the terminal. ly, lie 1 mile SSW and 1 mile SW of the SW bank.
Caution.—Numerous fairly shoal patches lie within an area
11.62 Abana Rock (5°06'N., 115°04'E.), with a depth of 5.5m cor-

extending 12 miles WNW to 12 miles NW of Bethune Head. al, lies on the S side of the channel about 3.3 miles N of Brunei
Bluff. A buoy lies close NW of the rock.
11.63 Glayzer Rock (5°27'N., 115°04'E.), with a depth of Pelong Rocks (Palau Pelong-Pelongan Island) (5°05'N.,

9.1m, coral, lies 12 miles WNW of Tanjong Kubong. 115°03'E.) are a group of sandstone rocks which lie 2 miles N
Four Fathom Patches (5°27'N., 115°13'E.), consisting of
11.63 of Brunei Bluff. The largest rock is 12m high. Coral reefs ex-
several small shoals with a least depth of 7.3m, lie about 3.3 tend 0.3 mile N and 91m SW from the highest rock.
miles NW of Tanjong Kubong. Depths of less than 3m extend 0.37 mile N and 0.27 mile SE

A shoal, with a least depth of 3.7m, lies 3.5 miles W of Tan-

11.63 from the rock. A marine farm, best seen on the chart, lies close
jong Kubong. Other shoal patches lie within about 1 mile of WNW.
this least depth. A light is shown from a 12m high aluminum framework tow-

Pub. 163
382 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

er situated on the S summit of Pelong Rocks. Pulau Labuan—East Side

Both Pelong Rocks and Brunei Bluff are prominent when

viewed from the outer bar at Muara. 11.67 Kubong Bluff (Coal Point) (5°23'N., 115°15'E.) lies
Directions.—When approaching Brunei Bay from the W, 0.5 mile SE of Tanjong Kubong. The remains of a pier lie near
the off-lying dangers E of Tanjong Baram should be given a the bluff and a conspicuous chimney stands 0.5 mile WSW.
wide berth and the channel S of Barat Banks should be ap- Foul rocky ground, some of which dries, extends 2 miles

proached on a course of 120°. Then steer to pass between Barat NNE of the bay between Tanjong Kubong and Kubong Bluff.
Banks Lighted Buoy and Abana Rock on an E course. Bukit Tanjong Aru stands 2.5 miles S of Kubong Bluff.

Menteri Kedayao (Woody Peak), Bukit Tempayang Pisang, Tanjong Taras (Collier Head) (5°17'N., 115°16'E.), wooded

and Pulau Keraman can easily be identified. and bordered by cliffs, stands 5.32 miles S of Kubong Bluff. A
In thick weather keep in depths of more than 46m to ensure
11.65 bank, with depths of less than 5.5m on which there are some
passing outside all dangers. Vessels working against the mon- rocky ledges which dry, extends up to 1.5 miles offshore be-
soons will find the tidal currents more regular inshore, but with tween them. Several detached shoals exist near the E edge of
the E current they should guard against the set into the several the bank.
coastal rivers. Drying ledges extend 0.1 mile from Tanjong Taras; some be-

low-water rocks lie up to 0.1 mile further offshore.

Pulau Labuan—South Coast A shoal, with a depth of 7.6m, lies 0.3 mile E of Buoy G,

which stands about 1.3 miles NE of Tanjong Taras.

11.66 Richardson Point (5°15'N., 115°10'E.) lies 0.5 mile East Channel lies between Tanjong Kubong and Tanjong

ESE of Tanjong Punei. Toulak on the mainland about 8.5 miles ENE. It has a least
A detached shoal, with depths of 10.1 to 11m, lies between
11.66 depth in the fairway of 9.1m.
0.3 and 1.32 miles S of Richardson Point. Tanjong Sakat (5°23'N., 115°22'E.), a thickly wooded

Pulau Burong (5°14'N., 115°11'E.), which is bare, lies 1.5

point, lies 2 miles SW of Tanjong Toulak. Foul ground extends
miles ESE of Richardson Point and close within the edge of a from 0.3 to 1 mile offshore between them. A shoal, with a
bank. It has been reported to be only about 3m high, a large depth of 3.2m, lies about 1.3 miles N of Tanjong Sakat. A dry-
quantity of material for reclamation having been taken from it. ing rock lies almost 1 mile NW of this point.
An obstruction, with a depth of 6.4m, lies about 1.3 miles
A hill, 133m high to the tops of the trees, stands about 2.3

ENE of Pulau Burong. A detached 9.1m patch lies about 0.3 miles E of Tanjong Sakat.
mile SSW of the islet. Pulau Lambidan (Lubidan) (5°23'N., 115°21'E.), covered

with trees, the tops of which are 37m high, stands 0.4 mile W
Tanjong Rancha Rancha (Hamilton Point) (5°15'N.,

of Tanjong Sakat. Both the islet and the point are difficult to
115°14'E.), now within an area of reclaimed land which rises make out from the W.
abruptly to a hill 34m high, is located 4.3 miles E of Richard-
Tanjong Liba (Liba Point) is located 2.5 miles S of Tanjong

son Point; the bay which lies in between the two points is
Sakat. A hill, 113m high, stands 0.5 mile E of the point.
fouled by numerous rocks and banks which extend 0.5 mile
A submarine cable area nearly a mile wide crosses East

outside a line joining the entrance points.

Channel from about 1.5 miles S of Kubong Bluff, to 1 mile S
The three small rivers which discharge into the head of the

of Tanjong Sakat. Anchoring within this area is prohibited.

bay have no commercial value.
Tanjong Klias (5°18'N., 115°21'E.), marked by a flagstaff, a

Pulau Enoe (5°15'N., 115°14'E.), once an island, is now

village, and some trees, stands 3.3 miles SSW of Tanjong Liba.
connected to the shore by reclaimed land which forms a penin-
sula extending 0.9 mile SSE from Tanjong Rancha Rancha. 11.68 Pulau Daat (5°16'N., 115°19'E.) lies on the coastal
A flour mill, which is prominent and from whose highest
bank about 1.3 miles SW of Tanjong Klias. That part of the
point an obstruction light is shown, stands on the SE point of coastal bank extending 4 miles N from Pulau Daat is known as
the peninsula. Eastern Bank.
A rock, with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies 1.5 miles SW of
The island is separated from Tanjong Klias by a channel with

Pulau Enoe. There are many other outcrops of drying rocks be- a least depth of 1.8m. Several rocks, with drying heights be-
tween this island and Tanjong Rancha Rancha. tween 0.1 and 2.1m, lie close N of Pulau Daat and are best seen
Outer Shoal (5°15'N., 115°15'E.), a coral patch with a least
11.66 on the chart. The island is covered over most of its area by co-
depth of 0.6m, lies about 1.3 miles E of Hamilton Point and is conut trees, but other parts are densely wooded.
marked by a lighted buoy. The coastal bank continues in a WSW direction for an addi-

Harbor Shoal, with a least depth of 2m, coral, lies 1 mile

11.66 tional 2 miles. Two rocks, 2m and 4m high, lie 0.3 mile NE of
ENE of Tanjong Rancha Rancha. the SW extremity of Pulau Daat. Two other above-water rocks
Trident Shoal (5°14'N., 115°14'E.), with a least depth of
lie 0.5 mile WSW and 1 mile SW of the same point. Other
1.2m, lies 2.5 miles E Pulau Burong. Several patches, the shal- rocks, some of which dry, lie on the bank between Pulau Daat
lowest of which has a depth of 3.7m, lie 0.2 mile WSW of Tri- and Pulau Papan.
dent Shoal. A rock, with a depth of less than 2m, lies about 0.8 Pulau Papan (5°15'N., 115°16'E.), located 2.32 miles WSW

mile W of Trident Shoal. A tangent on the NW side of Pulau of Pulau Daat, is flat and wooded. The tallest tree on the E end
Daat, in range about 054° with the SE extremity of Pulau Pa- of the island is 33m high. The lighthouse, a white framework
pan, leads SE of Trident Shoal. tower near the W end of the island, is not easily made out from
the NNE until close to the lighted buoy which stands about 1.3

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 383

miles NE of Tanjong Taras. The light is obscured by trees from Taras astern.
the ENE and the SW. This course leads between Outer Shoal and Pulau Papan into

Pulau Papan is fringed by a reef which extends up to 0.3 mile

11.68 Brunei Bay.
offshore. Between this reef and the bank which extends WSW The route passing N of Outer Shoal and then between Enoe

from Pulau Daat, there is a narrow channel with a least depth of Beacon and Outer Shoal may also be followed, but it is less
7.6m in the fairway. This channel is recommended only for convenient than the former.
small local craft.
Caution.—A dangerous wreck was reported to lie approxi-
Victoria (Labuan Port) (5°17'N., 115°14'E.)
mately 0.5 mile SW of Pulau Papan.
World Port Index No. 51680
Tanjong Bendera (Ramsay Point) (5°16'N., 115°15'E.), on

the SE side of Pulau Labuan, is located 1.32 miles SW of Tan- 11.69 Victoria, a free port, is the only harbor on Pulau La-
jong Taras. The coastal bank, with depths of less than 5m and buan. Victoria is the principal town and a transshipment port
which is marked by some drying reefs, extends 0.3 mile off- for Brunei Bay area, and also functions as an extension port for
shore between these points. Kuala Baram.
Directions.—The following directions should be used with The harbor, which is sheltered from both monsoons, is en-

caution. Pass between Samarang Bank and Vernon Bank. This tered between Tanjong Rancha Rancha and Tanjong Bendera.
channel is 4.5 miles wide with depths of more than 18.3m. Fu- Depths in the entrance range from 8 to 11m and decrease grad-
ry Rocks, on the S part of Vernon Bank, are usually marked by ually toward its head. A vessel with a draft of 9.4m has entered
breakers and these are the only visible means of identifying the harbor without difficulty.
this shoal. Pass S of Mackenzie-Grieve Shoals and NE of Four A channel had been dredged to 18m between a position 2.5

Fathoms Patches. miles SSW of Pulau Papan to the Iron Ore Jetty.
Medium-draft vessels should pass between Jahat Shoals and
11.68 The entrance to the dredged channel is marked by a safe wa-

Pine Point Shoals, and then W of Iris Shoals. ter lighted buoy. The channel is followed between the lighted
From a position W of Iris Shoals, steer a S course to pass 2.5
11.68 buoys into the harbor.
miles E of Kubong Bluff. Then steer through East Channel on Winds—Weather.—The Northeast Monsoon prevails from

course of about 185° to pass 0.4 mile E of the lighted buoy; December through April. The Southwest Monsoon prevails
there are depths of 7m at a distance closer. Then steer for the E from the middle of May to the middle of October.
extremity of Pulau Papan, bearing 202°, passing 0.35 mile ESE Tides—Currents.—The tidal heights above datum sound-

of the beacons standing on 5m contour. ings are, as follows:

When Outer Shoal Light bears 230°, steer for it on that bear-

ing until Lighted Beacon No. 3 bears 300°, at which time MHHW 2.2m
course may be set to enter the harbor between Harbor Shoal
and Tanjong Bendera. MLHW 1.6m
Remain on course 230° (see above) with Outer Shoal Light
MHLW 1.4m
ahead, until Lighted Beacon No. 4 bears 013°, at which time
MLLW 0.8m
course should be altered to 193° to keep it open of Tanjong

Victoria (Labuan Port)—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Antara Steel Mills Terminal
Iron ore and breakbulk. Con-
Iron Ore Jetty 218m 18.0m 238m — 150,000 dwt tinuous berthing length of
Labuan Ferry Terminal
Ro-Ro Berth 20m — — — — Ro/pax.
Labuan International Ferry Terminal
Inner East Passenger A Berth 20m — — — — Fast ferry.
Inner East Passenger B Berth 22m — — — — Fast ferry.
Inner West Passenger Berth 58m — — — — Fast ferry.
Outer East Passenger A Berth 20m — — — — Fast ferry.
Outer East Passenger B Berth 22m — — — — Fast ferry.

Pub. 163
384 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Victoria (Labuan Port)—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Outer West Passenger Berth 66m — — — — Fast ferry.
Labuan Liberty Port Terminal
Liberty Inner Jetty 01 122m — — 8.54m 16,000 dwt Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/
Liberty Inner Jetty 02 122m — — 8.54m 16,000 dwt rail, containers, breakbulk,
and reefer. Continuous berth-
Liberty Outer Jetty 01 122m 8.68m — 8.54m 16,000 dwt ing length of 244m (310m in-
Liberty Outer Jetty 02 122m — — 8.54m 16,000 dwt cluding dolphins).
Sabah Flour & Feed Mills Terminal
Grain, breakbulk, and wheat.
Flour Jetty 92m — — — — Berthing length of 240m
(including dolphins).
Asian Supply Base Labuan Terminal
Chemicals, clean products,
ro-ro/lo-lo, breakbulk, and
Asian Supply Base Jetty 120m 8.0m — — 6,000 dwt
bunkers. Berthing length of
154m (including dolphins).
Steel products, breakbulk,
East Wharf 155m — — — —
and bunkers.
Chemicals, project/heavy
Quay Wharf 170m — — — — cargo, breakbulk, and bun-
Labuan Crude Oil Terminal (LCOT)
Single Buoy Mooring — 21.95m 370m 18.9m 350,000 dwt Crude.
Labuan Terminal
Clean products and bunkers.
Shell Jetty 54m 9.45m — — 6,000 dwt Berthing length of 212m (in-
cluding dolphins).
Petronas LNG Ltd (PLL) Terminal
LNG STS — 23.5m — — — LNG.
Petronas Methanol Labuan 1 Terminal (PML1)
Aviation fuel, chemicals, and
PML1 Inner Jetty 35m — — — —
clean products.
Aviation fuel, chemicals, and
clean products. Berthing
PML1 Outer Jetty 28m 12.0m 180m 10.8m 43,000 dwt
length of 232m (including
Petronas Methanol Labuan 2 Terminal (PML2)
Aviation fuel, chemicals, and
clean products. Berthing
PML2 Inner Jetty 22m — — — —
length of 140m (including
Aviation fuel, chemicals, and
clean products. Berthing
PML2 Outer Jetty 52m — — — —
length of 220m (including

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 385

The tidal currents in Victoria Harbor have a rate of 0.5 to 1

11.69 Vessels requiring a pilot should notify the harbor master

knot; the flood sets NW and the ebb SE. through Kota Kinabalu Radio. The pilot usually boards off Pu-
Depths—Limitations.—Depths in the entrance range from
11.69 lau Papan. The pilot launch is equipped with VHF radiotele-
8 to 11m shoaling gradually to a depth of 6m in the area off the phones.
berths. The S and W parts of the harbor as well as the inner Regulations.—Mariners should note that no vessels can en-

reaches are bordered by shallow depths and drying mud banks. ter or transit the Laid-Up Vessels Anchorage without the prior
Berthing details are shown in the table titled Victoria
11.69 written permission of the Director of Ports and Harbors.
(Labuan Port—Berth Information. Signals.—A signal station is situated on the roof of the Ma-

rine Office, near the inner end of Liberty Wharf about 0.7 mile
WNW of Tanjong Bendera.
Tidal and berthing signals are displayed from a flagstaff at

the signal station, as follows:

Signal Meaning
Cone, point up Ebb current
Cone, point down Flood current
Ball Slack water

Berths to which vessels are assigned are indicated by two


hoists; the vessels signal letters and by a red and white check-
Labuan Island—Ports and Approach ered flag superior to the International Code pennant.

0 Anchor
1 Esso Wharf
2 Landing Craft Wharf
3 Victoria Wharf
4 Liberty Wharf (inside face)
5 Liberty Wharf (seaward face)
6 New Liberty Wharf (inside face)
7 New Liberty Wharf (seaward face)
New Liberty Wharf
8 Brown and Root Wharf
Aspects.—From a position 0.7 mile NE of Trident Shoal, the
9 Shell Wharf
W shore of the harbor consists of reclaimed land. A village
built on stilts stands on a drying bank close N of the reclaimed 1. A vessel should acknowledge the berthing
area opposite the town of Victoria. signal with the Answering Pennant. The hoist at
Outer Shoal, a 0.6m coral patch marked by a light, lies 1
“half mast” indicates that the vessel should
mile NE of the S extremity of the reclaimed land on the W side prepare to move, but should not get under way
of the entrance. until the hoist is “close up.”
A beacon stands on the NE side of the coastal bank about 0.5
11.69 2. Red and white checkered flags are displayed
mile NNW of Outer Shoal. on the wharf to indicate the position of bow and/or
Harbor Shoal Lighted Beacon stands on the N part of the
stern of vessel on the berth allocated.
Harbor Shoal, a coral shoal with a least depth of 2m, which lies
3. International Code Flag “B” is displayed on
0.6 mile NNW of Outer Shoal.
the opposite yardarm to the berthing signal when a
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels entering and

vessel loaded with inflammable or dangerous

leaving the Laid-Up Vessels Anchorage at Brunei Bay. Berth-
cargo is berthing or unberthing.
ing Masters for the iron ore and methanol jetties are provided
by Sabah Gas Industries. Pilotage is not compulsory for vessels
entering and using Liberty Wharf but the harbormaster under- Anchorage.—Vessels should anchor if the harbor is con-

takes these duties on request. Vessels normally berth between gested, in suitable depths, clear of the fairway to the inner part
0600 and 1800 and unberth at any hour by day or night, provid- of the harbor with open hawse to the SW.
ed prior notice is given. A prohibited anchorage area exists within 0.33 mile of the

Pub. 163
386 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

SE head of New Liberty Wharf. Lumut—Contact Information

The positions of the explosive, quarantine, and petroleum an-

chorages can best be seen on the chart. 673-3-378-119

Directions.—When approaching from the W and having
673-3-378-222 (Emergency)
passed S of Barat Banks, steer 045° for Pulau Papan until Har-
bor Shoal Lighted Beacon is in range 007° with the center of Facsimile 673-3-378-378
the Shell Wharf. Then maintain these marks in range until the Brunei Shell Radio
beacon lying 0.5 mile WNW of Outer Shoal bears 277°, at
Call sign Brunei Shell Radio (V8L1)
which time course may be set as necessary for the anchorage or
the allocated berth. VHF VHF channels 16 and 19
If preferred, a vessel may steer for Pulau Papan Light until
RT Frequency 4028 kHz

Outer Shoal Light and Harbor Shoal Lighted Beacon are in

range, bearing 342°. Then steer 013° with Lighted Beacon No. Operators
3 just open of the right tangent of Tanjong Taras, passing mid- Telephone 673-3-236901-912
way between Outer Shoal and Pulau Papan, and then into the
harbor. Facsimile 673-3-236749
It was reported that Outer Shoal Light and Harbor Shoal
E-mail enquiry@bruneilng.com
Light were difficult to distinguish because of the glare of car
headlights. Web site http://www.bruneilng.com
Caution.—Foul ground with numerous submerged objects,
indicated on the chart, lies in an area between a position 0.5
mile W of Harbor Shoal and the coastal bank. Caution should Call sign Lumut Pilot
be observed when anchoring in this area. VHF VHF channels 16 and 73
Telex 809-3313 (BSPVSLA BU3313)
Brunei Bay—West Side
673-8-718-5442 (Duty Pilot)
11.70 Lumut (4°43'N., 114°27'E.), is located on the W Bru- Telephone
nei coastline about 2.5 miles offshore of Lumut town.
Winds—Weather.—Prevailing winds are from the NE be-
11.70 673-3-374-973
tween December and March, turning SW from June until Octo- Facsimile
ber. The area is affected by squalls associated with
occasionally severe thunderstorms, causing wind gusts as high Tugs and Mooring
as 75 knots, accompanied by torrential rains. VHF VHF channels 15, 16, and 73
Depths—Limitations.—There are offshore berths for LNG

and methanol. The port can accommodate vessels up to 46,000

Anchorage.—Vessels should anchor at anchorage ‘C’ locat-
dwt, with a maximum length of 290m, a maximum draft of

11.6m, and a maximum beam of 50m. There is an open unpro- ed 3 miles N of the terminal, as best seen on the chart.
tected sea berth without breakwaters, for dry cargo and tanker Caution.—Extreme caution should be taken during naviga-

tion in this area due to numerous platforms, drilling rigs, sup-

vessels. Berthing will be canceled on winds exceeding 20 knots
and seas exceeding 2m during the daytime. During the night- port vessels and barges under tow reported in the area.
time winds cannot exceed 15 knots or seas 1.5m or berthing Lumut Terminal BEDB SBM (4°47'N., 114°28'E.), is a sub

port of Lumut. This SBM is equipped with a Racon.

will not be allowed.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels. Pilot

11.71 Bukit Selila (4°55'N., 114°58'E.), a sharp peak 195m

(called berthing master) boards the vessel 2 miles N of the ter-
high with a solitary tree, stands 10 miles SW of Brunei Bluff.
minal. Tugs are available. Pilots should be contacted 12 hours
The hill is the summit of a ridge which extends NE and SW.
before expected arrival at the pilot boarding area.
Jaja Ridge (4°56'N., 115°00'E.), steep and heavily wooded
ETA should be advised to BLNG (Brunei Liquified National


except for occasional clearings, lies close E of and parallel

Gas) and agents by telex 72 and 24 hours before expected ar-
with the ridge extending from Bukit Selila. Jajak Ridge, which
rival. When within range of the port, vessels should contact Lu-
attains an elevation of 164m, terminates 3.3 miles SW of Bru-
mut Control on VHF channel 73 to confirm ETA.
nei Bluff.
Contact Information.—The terminal can be contacted, as

follows: Bukit Buang Sakar (4°51'N., 114°57'E.), a sharp peak,


234m high, and Bukit Say, 218m high and rounded, are two
prominent wooded hills standing 3.3 miles SSW of Bukit Seli-
Lumut—Contact Information la.
Terminal Bukit Tempayang Pisang (5°01'N., 115°03'E.), 165m high

with a small beacon on its summit, which is prominent when

Call sign Lumut Control seen from Muara Outer Bar, stands about 2.3 miles SSW of
VHF VHF channels 16 and 73 Brunei Bluff.
Tanjong Pelompong (5°02'N., 115°07'E.), the NW entrance

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 387

point of the Sungai Brunei, lies on the S side of the entrance of island, lies 2.32 miles WNW of Tanjong Kramati. The coast in
Brunei Bay, 4 miles E of Brunei Bluff. This sandy point is cov- between is fringed by mangroves.
ered with driftwood and is almost awash at HWS. The point Tanjong Bowong lies 2.5 miles W of Ujong Sapoh. The

extends E at a rate of 30m a year. coast in between is fringed by a mud and sand bank. A drying
Caution.—Dead trees and logs may be encountered for a
11.71 bank extends 183m offshore from Tanjong Bowong. Passage S
considerable distance from this coast. After heavy rains in the of the island is obstructed by Muara Bar.
interior, miniature islands of trees and earth float down the riv-
ers and eventually find their way out to sea. Muara (5°02'N., 115°04'E.)
11.72 A compact grove of trees, 18 to 37m high, extends W 11.74 Muara is a modern port located at Brunei Bay to the N
from Tanjong Pelompong for about 1.3 miles; farther W, the of Sarawak and S of Sabah.
low coast is covered by trees 18m high.
Muara Spit, composed of sand, extends about 3.3 miles ENE
Muara Container Terminal, Brunei
from Tanjong Pelompong. The spit is awash for about 1.3
miles E from the point, but from there the depths increase to http://www.psamuara.com.bn/default.htm
4.3m at its outer end which is usually marked by tide rips.
Tanjong Trusan (4°58'N., 115°11'E.), the SE entrance point
Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents set strongly across

of the Sungai Brunei, is low and tree-covered. This point, the entrance of the deep-water channel. Within the shelter of
which lies 6.5 miles SE of Tanjong Pelompong is the NW ex- the W breakwater, both the ebb and the flood set in the direc-
tremity of a promontory of the mainland. tion of the channel. At springs a rate of 2 knots has been ob-
Tanjong Gosok lies 0.5 mile E of Tanjong Trusan and Tan-
11.72 served when the ebb is running. The flood seldom exceeds 1
jong Perepat (Tanjong Sundar) lies 1.5 miles E of the same knot.
point. Pulau Sunda lies close W of this latter point. Tidal heights above datum soundings are, as follows:

11.73 Sunda Spit (4°59'N., 115°11'E.), which dries, ex- MHHW 2.0m
tends 2.5 miles NW from Tanjong Trusan. Sunda Bank, with
depths of less than 5.5m, extends 5.5 miles NNE from Sunda MLHW 1.5m
Spit. MLLW 0.7m
Batang Trusan, a shallow river available only to small boats,

is entered close SW of Tanjong Trusan. MHLW 1.4m

Pulau Alang (4°57'N., 115°11'E.), a small islet 24m high,

lies 0.3 mile SSW of Tanjong Trusan. It is advisable to enter and leave Muara Harbor at slack water

The Sungai Brunei is entered from NE between Maura Spit

because of the strong currents; the strongest currents occur
and Sunda Bank, crossing Muara Outer Bar through a channel from 2 hours before HW until HW, and from LW until 1 hour
about 2.5 miles wide. after LW.
A patch with a least charted depth of 4.9m lay in the middle
Depths—Limitations.—The port facilities are situated at

of the outer bar, about 3.3 miles E of Tanjong Pelompong. By Brooketon on the NW side of the harbor. The harbor has depths
passing E and then S of the 4.9m patch, a vessel should be able of 5.5 to 15m, mud, and is completely sheltered.
to carry a depth of 6.7m across the bar over a width of about The port facilities were able to accommodate all coastal and

0.3 mile. ocean-going shipping operations formerly carried out by the

Within the outer bar depths increase to over 14m off Ujong
11.73 port of Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei Harbor).
Sapoh, where the channel is about 1.3 miles wide. The port control are giving berthing priority to mother and

The passage across the bar is considered to be safe for ves-

feeder vessels having fixed day sailing schedules.
sels with a draft of 6.1m in clear weather at 0.3 flood. Deeper The entrance of the dredged channel leading into Muara Har-

draft vessels should not attempt to enter unless the shoals have bor lies about 2.75 miles ENE of Brunei Bluff (5°03'N.,
been previously buoyed. 115°03'E.).
Pulau Muara Besar (5°00'N., 115°07'E.), which shelters
11.73 Muara Harbor can be approached as follows: From the NE

Muara Harbor from the E, lies 2 miles S of Tanjong Pelom- through the deep-water channel, cut through Muara Spit which
pong, from which it is separated by Anson Passage. The flat is the principal entrance; from the E through Anson Passage
marshy island is wooded in places, with the tops of the trees up between Muara Spit and Pulau Muara Besar; from the SE by
to 30m high. passing S of Pulau Muara Besar and crossing Muara Bar.
Ujong Sapoh (5°00'N., 115°08'E.), the E end of Pulau
Muara Bar lies between the S side of Pulau Muara Besar and

Muara Besar, lies 3 miles S of Tanjong Pelompong. Ujong the N end of Rambler Banks, 0.3 mile to the S. Vessels up to
Sapoh Light is shown from a silver metal framework tower sit- 5m draft can use this approach.
uated on the point. Muara Bar, lying 0.2 mile S of Tanjong Bowong, had a depth

Tanjong Kramati (Tanjong Keramut) lies 1 mile NNW of

of 3.4m, soft mud. A vessel crossed the bar four times at HW
Ujong Sapoh. The intervening coast is bordered by a bank, and did not sound a depth of less than 3.4m reduced to chart
with depths of less than 1.8m, which extends 3.32 miles NE datum.
from Pulau Muara Besar. The inner part of the bank dries. The sides of the channel leading across Muara Bar are

Ledong Point (5°01'N., 115°04'E.), the NW extremity of the


Pub. 163
388 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Istana Nurul Iman—Brunei Palace in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei River in the background towards Brunei Bay

Muara Harbor with Pulau Muara Besar and Brunei Bay on the background

marked by beacons, some of which are lighted.

Muara—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Cement Terminal
Cement, clinker, and gypsum. Berthing length of 230m (including dol-
Cement Jetty 102m 8.0m
Muara Container Terminal
Container Berth 250m 12.5m Containers and reefer.
Serasa Passenger Ferry Terminal
Ferry Jetty — — Fast ferry.

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 389

Muara—Berth Information
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Passenger/Vehicle Ferry Jetty 54m 5.0m Ro/pax and ro-ro/lo-lo.
BSP STL Muara Supply Base Terminal
Muara Supply Base Jetty 120m 7.5m Chemicals, multipurpose, bunkers, and bentonites.
Muara Conventional Terminal
Dirty products, cruise vessels, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, break-
Conventional Berth 01 203m 12.5m bulk, multipurpose, and livestock. Continuous berthing length (with
Berth 02 and Berth 03) of 611m.
Conventional Berth 02 203m 12.5m Cruise vessels, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, breakbulk, and live-
Conventional Berth 03 203m 12.5m stock. Continuous berthing length (with Berth 01) of 611m.
Brunei Shell Marketing (BSM) Terminal
Chemicals, dirty products, and bunkers. Berthing length of 72m (in-
Shell Jetty 18m 7.5m
cluding dolphins).
Hengyi Terminal
Chemicals. Berthing length of 230m (including dolphins). Maximum
East Berth 76m —
loa 238m. Maximum draft (HW) 10.0m.
Petrochemical East Berth 120m —
Chemicals, Maximum draft (HW) 10.0m
Petrochemical West Berth 236m —
Chemicals. Berthing length of 230m (including dolphins). Maximum
West Berth 76m —
loa 238m. Maximum draft (HW) 10.0m.
PMB Petrochemical Terminal
North Berth 96m —
Chemicals. Maximum loa 238m. Maximum draft (HW) 10.0m.
South Berth 96m —

Muara Port Wharf is about 0.2 mile long with a depth of 9m

11.74 an angle of about 165°. The E face is connected to the shore by
alongside. It is divided into five equal sections numbered 1 to 5 reclaimed land and is 90m in length. The W face lies on the
from the SW end. There are three berths: a container berth outer side of an arm extending about 0.11 mile WSW. There
152m long but with no container crane; a general cargo berth are depths of 4 to 5.5m alongside. A new fuel terminal has
183m long; and a sand and gravel berth 93m long. been reported located across a cruise ship terminal.
Muara Jetty, situated near the SW corner of Muara Port
11.74 A small L-shaped jetty and ramp lie about 87m W of the

Wharf, has a pontoon at its head for berthing fishing boats and WSW end of the Naval Base Jetty.
small craft. The area 0.5 mile SSW of this jetty was being re- See the table titled Muara—Berthing Information for lat-

claimed. est details on details on berthing accommodations.

A ramp for landing craft exists in the bight between the
11.74 Aspect.—A radio tower, about 24m high, stands 0.3 mile

above jetty and wharf. SSW of Brunei Bluff.

A T-shaped jetty extends 180m SE from a position 250m NE
11.74 Lighted beacons, in range bearing about 209°, lead through

of the NE spur of Maura Port Wharf. There are depths of 8.5m this channel and into the harbor.
alongside. A dolphin stands midway between this jetty and the Lighted beacons and buoys mark the sides of the channel and

Shell Jetty. the deep water area within the harbor.

Shell Jetty lies 0.3 mile NE of the NE spur of Muara Port

Wharf. The jetty extends 150m SE from the shore and has two Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for merchant vessels over

breasting dolphins at its head. It is planned to dredge the head 46m in length using the deep water entrance channel. Pilots are
to a depth of 9m. The berthing face is 67m long. A tank farm boarded in position 5°04.65'N, 115°06.48'E. Pilots can be con-
stands at the root of this jetty. tacted on VHF channel 8.
Ocean Inchcape Supply Base Jetty is situated 183m NE of
11.74 Requests for pilots should be made to the Director of Ma-

Shell Jetty. There are depths of 6.1m alongside the face of this rine, Serasa Muara, Brunei Darussalam at least 24 hours in ad-
jetty. A radio mast, marked by red obstruction lights, lies about vance.
0.12 mile NNW of this jetty. Contact Information.—See the table titled Muara—Con-

The Naval Base Jetty is situated about 0.3 mile NE of the NE

11.74 tact Information.
spur of Muara Port Wharf. The jetty has two faces which form Regulations.—Entry into the Deep Water Channel (NE ap-

Pub. 163
390 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

position of 9 miles E of Pelong Rocks, when the NE extremity

of Pulau Rusukan Besar is in line with the W extremity of Pu-
lau Kuraman, bearing 332°. From this position, steer 175° for 1
mile with Pulau Burong nearly astern. Pulau Rusukan Besar
should be kept bearing less than 337°.
When Tanjong Trusan Light bears 189°, steer for it on that

bearing, which leads about 0.5 mile E of the shallowest part of

the outer bar. When Tanjong Sapo Light bears 243°, steer for it
on that bearing until it is distant about 1.5 miles, at which time
course should be altered for Tanjong Sapo Quarantine Anchor-
age or for the SE entrance of Muara Harbor.
The sand knolls on the Outer Bar, on the W side, and Sunda

Bank on the E side, may also be avoided by keeping the angle

between Bukit Tempayang Pisang and the summit of Pelong
USS Spruance docked at Port of Muara, Brunei Rocks between 024.5° and 025° until Tanjong Sapo Light
bears 243°.
proach) is controlled to prevent vessels from entering the chan- Muara Bar should be approached with Muara Bar Lighted

nel from opposite directions at the same time. This control is Beacon No. 27 bearing 277°. When about 0.3 mile from this
exercised by signals from the port signal station and mast situ- light structure, Bukit Tempayang Bisang should be steered for
ated on Maura Spit near the root of the W training wall. bearing 294°. Pass N of Muara Bar Lighted Beacon No. 27 and
alter course slowly to starboard to 300°, with Muara Bar Light-
Muara—Contact Information ed Beacon No. 26 bearing 120° astern. When Muara Jetty, near
the SW corner of Muara Port Wharf bears 356°, steer 345° for
Port Operations the wharf or deep water anchorage.
Call sign Muara Harbour (V8L3) Caution.—After heavy rains numerous logs creating float-

ing islands drift downstream into the harbor and sometimes

VHF VHF channel 16 cause heavy damage to small craft. Mariners are cautioned that
RT Frequency 2182 kHz passage through the channel is strictly controlled during dredg-
ing operations. The center line of the dredged channel lies ap-
Telephone 673-2770270 proximately 137m W and 320m E of the training wall.
Facsimile 673-2770293
Pilots The Sungai Brunei and Approaches
VHF VHF channels 8 and 16 11.75 Pulau Badu Kang (4°59'N., 115°04'E.), 32m high to
the tops of the trees, densely wooded, and surrounded by
Facsimile 673-2-772-717
swamps, lies on the W side of the estuary 4 miles WSW of
Pilot Vessel and Tugs Tanjong Sapo. This island lies in the SE approach to a bay, al-
VHF VHF channel 8 most all of which dries. Only small boats can navigate within
this section of the bay. A causeway has been constructed W of
Muara Bar and 1 mile NE of Pulau Badu Kang.
Anchorage.—The deep water quarantine anchorage within
Oyster Rocks, 1m high, lie on the coastal bank 0.5 mile SW

Muara harbor is situated between about 0.2 mile and 0.75 mile of Pulau Badu Kang.
SSW of the SW end of Muara Port Wharf. Two anchors should Brunei Channel (4°59'N., 115°05'E.) is entered close SE of

be used because of the restricted swinging room. Muara Bar and then leads SW for 4 miles to abeam of Kaing-
Tanjong Sapo Quarantine Anchorage lies almost 1 mile S of
arin. This section ranges from 0.1 to 0.2 mile wide and has a
Tanjong Sapo Light, in a depth of 10.7m. This is also the quar- least depth of 5.5m. Vessels drawing 5.5m can proceed as far as
antine anchorage for vessels proceeding to Tanjong Salirong this spit, but except in an emergency, it is recommended that
Anchorage. vessels drawing more than 4.6m should not proceed beyond the
Directions.—When entering Brunei Bay from the W, pass
anchorage off Ujong Sapoh.
either between Abana Rock and Barat Banks, or between Two beacons in range, bearing about 51.5° astern, lead

Abana Rock and Pelong Rocks. through the NE part of Brunei Channel. The beacons stand in a
When the pilot is boarded, proceed to a position about 140m
clearing, but because of the surrounding trees are visible only
E of Lighted Beacon No. 1 West on a heading of 210°. Then over a limited arc.
proceed through the dredged channel, keeping strictly to the Rambler Banks (4°58'N., 115°06'E.), which mostly dry and

range lights in line, bearing about 209°. Mariners are cautioned which stand on the E side of the channel, extend 7 miles NE
that passage through this channel is strictly controlled during from Tanjong Semastra.
dredging operations. The course should be altered to 246°
when Buoy No. 7W is abeam, for Muara Port Wharf or the an- 11.76 Tanjong Kindana (Tanjong Semastra) (4°55'N.,
chorage. 115°01'E.), the N extremity of Pulau Berambang and the E en-
If entering the Sungai Brunei E of Muara Spit, make for a
try point of the Sungai Brunei, lies 4 miles SSW of Pulau Badu

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 391

Kang. It may be identified by Bukit Kindana, 157m high to the S of Lighted Beacon No. 40. This anchorage should be used by
top of a conspicuous clump of trees, standing 0.8 mile SSW of a vessel waiting to anchor off the town or waiting to go along-
the point. The hill is densely wooded. side Bandar Seri Begawan Wharf.
Pulau Kingaran (4°57'N., 115°01'E.), densely wooded and
11.76 Good anchorage has been reported, in a depth of 13m, off the

37m high to the tops of the trees, lies 2.5 miles SW of Pulau entrance of the Sungai Meragang, at the W end of the town
Badu Kang. A narrow deep channel separates the island from with sufficient room for a vessel, 52m in length to swing.
the mainland. A vessel has anchored, in a depth of 11m, in the fairway

Kaingarin (4°57'N., 115°02'E.), which dries, extends almost

11.76 about 183m E of Bandar Seri Begawan Wharf.
1 mile ENE from the N end of the island. Some prominent
rocks lie close off the S end of the island. 11.78 Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei) (4°53'N., 114°56'E.)
(World Port Index No. 51630), the capital of the State of Brunei,
11.77 Pulau Chermin (Pulau Churmin) (4°56'N., stands at a bend in the river about 9 miles above its entrance. The
115°01'E.), 33m high to the tops of the trees, lies 0.6 mile S of old town is built on mud flats in the river, the houses standing on
Pulau Kingaran. The island is densely wooded. piles in 0.9 to 1.2m of water. The new town, which contains the
Brunei Inner Bar extends from Kaingarin to Pulau Chermin
11.77 government buildings, stands on the N bank of the river. The Brit-
and forms the principal obstruction in the approach to the Port ish High Commissioner and the Sultan of the State of Brunei re-
of Bandar Seri Begawan. The principal shoals which make up side in the town.
this bar are: Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents in Brunei Channel

North Bar Bank, with a depth of 0.6m, lies 0.5 mile E of Pu-
11.77 abeam of Muara Bar sometimes set across the fairway; in the
lau Kingaran; South Bar Bank, with a depth of 0.3m, 183m far- remainder of this channel they set up and down the fairway.
ther E; Barrier Bar, which almost crosses the channel close SW In Simpson Channel, the flood has a rate of 2 knots and the

of the two banks, has a depth of 0.3m. There was a clear boat ebb a rate of about 3 knots.
passage leading W from the vicinity of South Bar Bank Light- Depths—Limitations.—The Sungai Brunei, between Cher-

ed Beacon No. 30 over the central part with depths of 1.8m. A min Rock and Lighted Beacon No. 35, about 4 miles SW has a
1.2m patch lies on the S side of the passage 183m W of South depth of 5.5m and the fairway favors the W bank. In the vicini-
Bar Bank Lighted Beacon No. 30. Simpson Channel, which ty of this lighted beacon, the channel trends to the SE and then
leads over Brunei Inner Bar, lies between North Bar and South SW to the W bank again in the vicinity of Lighted Beacon No.
Bar Banks, has a least depth of 2.1m and a width of 183m in 36. About 1 mile SW of this latter beacon, the channel gradual-
the fairway. ly turns at Lighted Beacon No. 37 to pass E and then S of Pu-
Chermin Rock (4°56'N., 115°01'E.), lies 183m NW of the
11.77 lau Sibungor (4°52'N., 114°57'E.). The channel then turns N
N end of Pulau Chermin. A beacon marks this danger. and leads into the port area fronting the town of Bandar Seri
Vessels not intending to cross Brunei Inner Bar can anchor,
11.77 Begawan. The channel W of Pulau Sibungor becomes narrow
in a depth of 6m, about 1 mile E of the N end of Pulau Kinga- and shoals to depths of 3.7m close to Lighted Beacon No. 39.
ran, with Pulau Chermin Light bearing 227°. Farther N, the fairway deepens again to depths of 5.5m, and to
Anchorage.—The quarantine anchorage lies about 0.3 mile
11.77 depths of 9.1m and more off the town.

Bandar Seri Begawan

Pub. 163
392 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Bandar Seri Begawan Wharf, of modern concrete

11.78 Kindana. Pulau Pepatan, the N islet, is flat and densely wood-
construction, is 222m in length with depths of 4.9 to 5.8m ed. Pulau Baru Baru is also flat and wooded, except on the S
alongside; the passenger pier is 38m long. Six lighters are side, where a bare hill rises to a height of 33m. Embankment
available, but about 1 week notice is required for their use. construction works are taking place on Pulau Pepatan. Mari-
An oil wharf, 9m in length with two mooring dolphins and
11.78 ners must keep at least 100m clear of any construction works.
depths of 1.8 to 5.8m alongside, lies 0.5 mile downstream. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution and to contact
the Local Port Authority for the latest information. For further
Pilotage.—Pilots for the Sungai Brunei are available on ap-
11.78 information see http://www.marine.gov.bn.
plication to the Marine Office, Bandar Seri Bagawan. Pulau Berbunot, 0.4 mile SE of Pulau Baru Baru, has two

Regulations.—Only the following vessels are permitted to

11.78 summits joined by low land. The NE summit is wooded and the
proceed to the port of Bandar Seri Beagawan: SE summit is scrub covered and has two conspicuous trees.
1. Small wooden coasters, operating within Brunei Bay, Pulau Lelipan and Pulau Selamok, two small islets, lie SE of

not exceeding 24m in length and 50 gt. Pulau Berbunot.

2. Vessels proceeding to the Shell Oil Depot at Kam- The Sungai Temburong Entrance (4°49'N., 115°03'E.) lies

pong Subok. 5 miles SSW of Tanjong Lumba Lumba. The E shore of the es-
3. Tugs and lighters carrying stone aggregates. tuary in this vicinity is composed of mangrove swamps, inter-
4. Passenger ferries operating between ports in Brunei sected by numerous unimportant rivers which are difficult to
Bay. identify from offshore.
5. Ships under tow are not permitted to navigate the Sun- Sungai Temburong leads generally SSW from the vicinity of

gai Brunei. Tanjung Lumba-Lumba (4°53.35'N., 115°06.03E), then under

Signals.—Berthing signals are displayed from the Customs
11.78 the Temburong Bridge to several tributaries.
Station Check flagstaff at the head of the pier, 0.3 mile N of Batang Limbang is entered from Sungai Temburong imme-

Pulau Sibungor, as follows: diately E of Tanjung Tobu-Tobu (4°51'10.2''N.,

115°03'18.6''E), where there is a small anchorage port. The riv-
Berthing Signals er is 122 miles long, marked by stakes, and is navigable by ves-
sels of 2.5m draft only as far as Bandar Limbang, 8 miles
Day signal One black ball above its entrance. Local knowledge is essential beyond the an-
Night signal One red light chorage off Tanjung Lumba-Lumba. The vertical clearance un-
der Temburong Bridge (paragraph 11.76), spanning the Eastern
A vessel may proceed alongside Bundar Seri Begawan
Channel, is 31.4m. The navigable passage under the bridge is
Wharf when the signals are hauled down. marked by lighted beacons and is 175m wide.
A red over white horizontally halved pennant is displayed at
Pulau Kitang (4°53'N., 115°06'E.), covered with man-

the upstream end of the wharf as an indication of the direction groves, lies 0.6 mile S of Tanjong Lumba Lumba.
to lay the ship’s head in order to come alongside against the The mouths of the Sungai Limbang and the Sungai Pandaru-

current. an lie on the W side of the estuary between Pulau Berbunot and
Anchorage.—The quarantine anchorage lies about 0.3 mile
the Sungai Temburong. Sungai Limbang is entered close N of
S of Lighted Beacon No. 40. This anchorage should be used by Tanjong Tobu-Tobu (4°51'N., 115°01'E.) which lies 1.33
a vessel waiting to anchor off the town or waiting to go along- miles SSW of the S extremity of Pulau Burbunot. The river can
side Bandar Seri Begawan Wharf. be navigated by vessels of 3m draft as far as Limbang, 8 miles
Good anchorage has been reported, in a depth of 13m, off the
above its entrance.
entrance of the Sungai Meragang at the W end of the town, A narrow channel, 0.4 mile wide between the 2m contours,

with sufficient room for a vessel, 52m in length to swing. leads from a position 0.5 mile NW of Tanjong Lumba Lumba
A vessel has anchored, in a depth of 11m, in the fairway
to a bar 3.5 miles SW; this channel also leads to the entrance of
about 183m E of Bandar Seri Begawan Wharf. the Sungai Temburong and the Sungai Pandaruan.
Caution.—Local knowledge is essential to make passage
A lighted buoy is moored about 1.3 miles E of Tanjong To-

from Brunei Inner Bar WSW through Simpson Channel and bu-Tobu and marks the starboard side of the entrance of the
through the Sungai Brunei. Sungai Limbang. This buoy is shifted as the channel changes.
No vessel should enter the channel S of Simpson Channel if
The channel across the bar had a depth of 0.6m. Beacons

there is any likelihood of having to pass another vessel. mark the channel sides.
Within the bar, there are depths of 2 to 27m in the Sungai

11.79 The approach to the Sungai Limbang, S of Ujong Limbang as far as Limbang, where the channel is obstructed by
Sapoh, is by a straight channel about 5.3 miles in length to a some sunken rocks, over which there are strong eddies. Above
position about 1.3 miles NNW of Tanjong Lumba Lumba these rocks there are depths of 3.7 to 7.3m. There are very
(4°53'N., 115°06'E.). strong eddies at the sharp river bend, just below Limbang.
This channel, separated from Brunei Channel by Rambler
Anchorage.—Anchorage for ocean-going vessels can be

Banks, has a depth in the fairway of 9.4m over a width of taken, in a depth of 8m, about 1.3 miles NNW of Tanjong
183m, and of more than 7.3m over a width of 0.5 mile. Lumba Lumba and 5 miles NE of the bar.
Pulau Pepatan (4°55'N., 115°03'E.) and Pulau Baru Baru
Vessels loading logs at Tanjong Lumba Lumba anchor 0.3

lie on the inner part of Rambler Banks, 1.5 miles E of Bukit mile SW of the point.
The quarantine anchorage lies 0.9 mile S of Ujong Sapoh.

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 393

Directions.—From Ujong Sapoh, steer SSW through the ap-

11.79 From here a depth of about 2m can be carried up the Sungai
proach channel, whose limits are usually marked by large fish Pandaruan to a position abeam of Bukit Terumi, which is con-
traps, to a position 0.5 mile NW of Tanjong Lumba Lumba. No nected by road with Limbang. The Sungai Pandaruan, which
vessel should proceed beyond this point without local knowl- runs for 30 miles S from its entrance, is navigable by small
edge. Inquiries regarding pilots for the Sungai Limbang should craft with a draft of 1.2m for 9 miles above its entrance.
be made to the Director of Marine, Kuching. The Sungai Temburong is entered 0.8 mile E of the N end of

The river brings down quantities of lumber and a good look-

11.79 Pulau Siarau. There is a depth of 2.7m in the approach from
out must be kept for stranded trees. abeam of Tanjong Tobu-Tobu as far as the entrance.
Above this position there are depths of 1.8 to 9.1m for a dis-

11.80 Limbang (4°48'N., 115°05'E.), a small river port with tance of 7 miles. The river is navigable by small craft, with a
a main export of timber, stands on the E bank of the Sungai draft of 1.2m as far as Bangar, 8 miles above the entrance.
Limbang, about 7 miles above the entrance. Lawas lies close
upriver. Berthing details can be seen in the table titled Lim- Brunei Bay—East Side
bang—Berth Information.
11.81 Between Tanjong Lumba Lumba (4°53'N.,
Limbang—Berth Information 115°06'E.) and Tanjong Perepat (Tanjong Sunda) (4°58'N.,
115°12'E.), the coast is composed of mangrove swamps and
Berth Length Depth Remarks backed by tall trees. The coast is intersected by numerous riv-
Limbang Terminal ers and is entirely devoid of landmarks.
Between Tanjong Sunda and Tanjong Mengalong, 15 miles

New Custom Wharf 24m 2.3m Breakbulk.

ENE, the area has not been fully surveyed.
Commercial Wharf — — Breakbulk. Caution.—Floating logs and other debris, brought down by the

rivers, may be encountered in the bay especially after heavy rains.

Main Bazaar Wharf — — Breakbulk.
Fish havens are present NNE of Sarawak in position 5°00.2'N.,
Custom Pontoon — — Breakbulk. 115°15.6'E and 5°00.7'N., 115°25.7'E.
Lawas Terminal
11.82 Bukit Sari (4°56'N., 115°23'E.), a small peninsula,
Commercial Wharf 22m 2.4m Breakbulk. 140m high and conspicuous, lies 10 miles E of Tanjong
New Custom Wharf — — Breakbulk. Perepat. Several small rivers flow into the bay which lies in be-
tween. The peninsula is sometimes difficult to make out be-
Pontoon Berth — — Breakbulk. cause of the higher land behind it.
Bukit Selingai, 740m high, is located 10 miles SSW of Bukit

The Sungai Pandaruan (4°49'N., 115°02'E.) is entered 0.4

Sari. Bukit Batanga, 1,777m high, stands 16 miles ESE of
mile W of the N end of Pulau Siarau, 2.3 miles SSE of Tanjong Bukit Sari, a high range of mountains extends 10 miles NNE
Tubu-Tubu. and W, and 21 miles SW from this peak.
Kampong Rangau, from which a boat channel leads W into
Batang Lawas (4°58'N., 115°25'E.), entered 2 miles NE of

the Sungai Limbang, lies on the W side of the entrance. A Bukit Sari, is available only to small craft.
depth of about 0.3m can be carried through this channel. Open anchorage can be taken by ocean vessels when loading

timber about 1.5 miles E of the river entrance, in a depth of

A lighted buoy lies at the outer end of the channel leading

across the flats to Batang Lawas. The buoy is moved as neces-

sary to conform to changes in the channel. Vessels should pass
NE of this buoy.
There was a depth of 0.5m over the bar at the entrance of the

river. The channel is marked by stakes which are moved as nec-

essary to conform with changes in the channel.
There is a customs wharf at Kuala Lawas village on the SW

bank of the river 1 mile within the entrance.

Lawas, the principal town, is situated 11 miles above the riv-

er entrance. The Customs Wharf at Lawas is 20m long, with

depths of 0.3 to 1.2m alongside.

11.83 Tanjong Mangalong (5°01'N., 115°28'E.) stands 6

miles NE of Bukit Sari.
The Sungai Mangalong, which is navigable only by small

Courtesy of Google boats, discharges close S of this point. A village stands on the
Limbang right bank of the river, 0.5 mile within the entrance.
From abeam Tanjong Tobu-Tobu to the S end of Pulau Si-
11.83 Bukit Suai (4°58'N., 115°28'E.), 166m high and conspicu-
arau, a depth of 2.7m can be carried in the Sungai Pandaruan.

Pub. 163
394 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

ous, stands 2.3 miles S of Tanjong Mangalong. The Sungai Lukutan enters the bay close to the S entrance

Tanjong Marintaman (5°04'N., 115°32'E.) lies 5.5 miles

11.83 point of Padas Bay.
NE of Tanjong Mangalong. A bay and a few rocky promonto- A peak, 329m high, rises 4 miles E of the S entrance point of

ries lie in between the two points. Padas Bay; a 181m high hill stands 1 mile NNW.
A jetty 120m long, 30m wide, approached via a bridge 300m

long, extends WNW across the 11m depth contour 1,183m 11.85 Tanjong Batu Batu (5°11'N., 115°34'E.) lies 6.5
WSW of Tanjong Sebuboh. It serves a pulp and paper mill and miles N of the mouth of the Sungai Sipitang. The Sungai Padas
can accommodate vessels up to 15,000 dwt. channel, which runs close NW of Tanjong Batu Batu to
A rubble jetty extends NW to the 5.5m depth contour from a
11.83 Weston, was reported to have a depth of 1.8m at the entrance
position 0.2 mile SSW of Tanjong Sububoh. and 1.5m on the bar near Weston. The bar at the entrance of the
A rock, 5m high, lies close W of Tanjong Sebuboh and a
11.83 Sungai Padas was reported to have extended 0.5 mile seaward.
reef, which dries 2.7m, lies close N of the same point. The channel within the river is marked by beacons and a

black conical buoy marks the entrance. The beacons are often
Off-lying Dangers destroyed by log rafts.
Weston (5°13'N., 115°36'E.), a small town and river port,

11.84 Takat Besar (5°04'N., 115°30'E.), a group of rocks lies on the SE side of Padas Bay 2.5 miles NE of Tanjong Batu
with a least depth of 0.9m, lies 1.33 miles WSW of Tanjong Batu. A small jetty, 12m long, extends from the shore abreast
Marintaman. Several other rocks lie between Takat Besar and of the town.
the shore. The least depth on these is 2.4m. The Sungai Padas, about 100 miles long, lies on the N side of

Takat Kahar, with a depth of 10.3m, lies 1.33 miles WSW of

11.84 Padas Bay, but is available only to small craft.
Tanjong Marintaman. Tanjong Klias (5°18'N., 115°21'E.) is located 15 miles NW

Passage between these rocks and the coast is possible, but

11.84 of Padas Bay. The trees in the vicinity of the point are 27m
because the dangers are unmarked, it should not be attempted. high, whereas the land to the SE is low and flat.
Takat Ludin (5°04'N., 115°31'E.), a 5.1m rocky patch, and
11.84 A large anchorage for laid-up vessels extends from S of Pu-

Takat Daim, a rock with a depth of 2.4m, lie about 1 mile E and lau Papan to Padas Bay. Anchoring is prohibited within 0.27
ESE of Takat Besar. mile of the submarine pipeline passing about 4.3 miles S of
Takal Mengal (5°05'N., 115°32'E.), a rocky ledge with a
11.84 Tanjong Klias.
depth of 2.7m, lies between 0.2 mile and 0.35 mile N of Tan- A detached 11m sandy patch lies 4.5 miles S of Tanjong

jong Marintaman. Klias and clear of the coastal bank, which lies 4.3 miles SSE of
Two unimportant rivers discharge at the head of Telok Batu
11.84 the point.
Bedara, about 0.4 mile SE of Tanjong Marintaman.
A peak, 256m high, 3.3 miles SSE of Tanjong Marintaman,
11.84 The Sungai Klias (5°17'N., 115°22'E.) is entered 1.3 miles E

is the highest point of a range of hills which extend W from of Tanjong Klias. A flat, which dries 0.9m, obstructs the en-
Croker Range, running about 18 miles parallel to the coast. trance and divides the channel into two arms. Three small tree-
Sipitang (5°3'N., 115°31'E.) is a village stands at the mouth
11.84 covered islets lie on the flat.
of the Sungai Sipitang, a small river available only to small The main approach channel lies close S of Tanjong Klias and

boats, about 1.3 miles NE of Tanjong Marintaman. A bridge can be reached by passing through the channel close E of Pulau
spans the river a short distance above the entrance. The maxi- Daat, which stands 1.3 miles SW of Tanjong Klias.
mum allowable draft within the port is 13.0m. There is a depth of 1.8m over the bar and the same depth can

Sabah Forest Industries consists of North Jetty and a South

11.84 be carried for several miles within the entrance.
Jetty, which handle bulk cargo. Each berth is 160m in length In the S approach channel, E of Pulau Sarangtiong, there is a

and can accommodate vessels up to 15,000 dwt. The Sabah depth of 0.3m. Two beacons mark this channel NE of Pulau Sa-
Ammonia Urea (Samur) Terminal consists of East Jetty and
11.84 rangtiong.
West Jetty; both are 440m long with a depth alongside of A village stands on the S side of Tanjong Klias and a village

13.0m and handle bulk cargo and chemicals. stands within the river entrance about 1.3 miles to the ENE.
Good anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 11m, mud, 0.3
11.84 Two jetties and a flagstaff are situated in the village S of Tan-
mile offshore. The river should be approached with the en- jong Klias.
trance bearing 110° and anchor when Tanjong Marintaman
bears 200°. Tanjong Toulak to Tanjong Nosong
The coast between the mouth of the Sungai Sipitang and the

S entrance point of Padas Bay, 3.5 miles N, is low and fringed 11.86 From Tanjong Toulak (5°25'N., 115°23'E.), lying 8.5
with trees. The drying coastal bank extends from 0.2 to 0.5 miles ENE of Tanjong Kubong (Bethune Head), the W en-
mile offshore and depths of less than 5.5m extend from 0.4 trance to Brunei Bay, the coast extends regularly NE for about
mile offshore in the S part to 1.3 miles offshore in the N part. 18 miles to Tanjong Nosong without any pronounced indenta-
It was reported that this coastal bank was extending S and W
11.84 tion or projection. From a position about 3.5 miles NE of Tan-
and that patches, with depths of 0.4 and 4.5m, lay 1.3 miles jong Toulak to Pine Point, about 6.5 miles farther in the same
WNW and 1.3 miles SW, respectively, of the mouth of the Sun- direction, the coast rises to a range of hills, the highest eleva-
gai Lukutan. tion being a conspicuous 162m peak near the SW end of the
Padas Bay (5°10'N., 115°32'E.), fouled by sand and mud
11.84 range. Bukit (Nosong) Bantayan, 110m high, stands 1.5 miles
flats which dry, lies in the NE part of Brunei Bay. S of Tanjong Nosong. A densely wooded range extends 2.3

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 395

miles SW from this hill.

The coastal bank, with depths of less than 11m, extends from

0.3 to 2 miles offshore between Tanjong Toulak and Tanjong

Nosong. Many detached shoals, with depths from 1.8 to 5.5m,
exist on this bank. Several spits, with depths of less than 5.5m,
extend as far as the 11m curve.
A rock, with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies on a spit 3.3

miles NE of Tanjong Toulak. Sunken and drying rocks, one of

which dries 1.5m, extend up to 0.4 mile offshore between 1.3
miles SW and 1 mile NE of Pine Point.
A spit, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends 1.5 miles N

from Tanjong Nosong. Many above and below-water rocks ex-

ist on this spit.
Tangut Rock, 9m high, and Cake Rock, 7m high lie, respec-

tively, 10.2 mile N and 0.2 mile NNE of Tanjong Nosong. A

4.6m patch lies 2 miles NNE of this point.
There are depths of less than 11m up to 3 miles NNE of Tan-

jong Nosong.
Caution.—The sea off this coast is usually very discolored
11.86 Production platform in Samarang Oil Field
and the shoals, even with good light, are difficult to make out.
with radar reflectors.
11.87 Iris Shoals (5°30'N., 115°23'E.) consist of several
shoal patches, with a least depth of 3.7m, lying 3.5 to 6 miles N 11.89 Vernon Bank (5°46'N., 115°03'E.), with depths of
of Tanjong Toulak. The two N patches each have a depth of less than 11m, lies 5 miles NE of Samarang Bank and between
5.5m. 22 and 29 miles NW of Tanjong Kubong; the bank extends
Several shoals, with depths of 2.7 to 8.7m, lie between Iris
11.87 12.5 miles in a NE and SW direction.
Shoals and Tanjong Toulak. The S shoal lies 1.5 miles N of the Two patches, with depths of 5 and 5.5m lie on the bank 1.3

point and is the shallowest. miles and 0.3 mile, SW of the N end, respectively, of Vernon
Pine Point Shoals (5°31'N., 115°27'E.), with depths of less
11.87 Bank. Currents in the vicinity of Vernon Bank are uncertain.
than 5.5m, extend 4.5 miles NW from a position 3 miles SW of Fury Rocks (5°43'N., 115°02'E.), consisting of several coral

Pine Point. A coral patch, with a depth of 0.3m, lies 4.5 miles heads, some awash, lie on the S part of Vernon Bank. The sea
WNW of Pine Point. seldom breaks over these rocks in calm weather.
Nosong Patch (5°39'N., 115°33'E.), with a depth of 6.4m,
Several passages, with depths of more than 11m, run into the

lies 2.3 miles WNW of Tanjong Nosong. Several patches, with large area between Fury Rocks and the NW dangers of Vernon
depths of 5.5 to 6.4m, lie between Nosong Patch and the coast- Bank.
al bank to the SE. Local knowledge is necessary for the use of these passages.

Haselfoot Patches (5°28'N., 114°57'E.), consisting of two

Vernon Bank has not been completely examined and less wa-

coral shoals each with a depth of 7.3m, lie 0.5 mile apart 19 ter than charted may exist.
miles WNW of Tanjong Kubong (5°24'N., 115°15'E.). Hankin Shoal (5°48'N., 115°11'E.), coral and sand, lies 4.5

Samarang Bank (5°35'N., 114°55'E.), consisting of dead

miles E of the N part of Vernon Shoal. The shoal is 0.5 mile in
coral and sandy patches, has general depths of less than 11m, extent with a least depth of 10.1m.
and a least depth of 6.4m. It lies between 21 and 26 miles A 14.6m coral patch lies about 3.3 miles WSW of Hankin

WNW of Tanjong Kubong. An obstruction with a depth of Shoal.

2.4m, was reported on the SW extremity of Samarang Bank; its Mackenzie-Grieve Shoals (5°35'N., 115°11'E.), consisting

position is approximate. of three shoals with depths of 7.8, 8.7, and 10.1m lie between
Caution.—Less water than charted has been reported (1997)
11 and 13.5 miles NNW of Tanjong Kubong.
on and in the vicinity of Samarang Bank. A shoal, with a depth of 10.5m, and two shoals, each with a

depth of 12.8m, lie between the above shoals and Gordon

11.88 Samarang Oil Field (5°37'N., 114°53'E.) is situated Patches.
in the area of Samarang Bank. Within the oil field there are ma- Gordon Patches (5°36'N., 115°15'E.) consist of several

ny production platforms, wellheads, and other structures. Sub- shoals with depths of less than 11m. The shallowest spot, with
marine oil and gas pipelines are laid from a wellhead standing a depth of 6.9m, lies 14.5 miles NW of Tanjong Toulak. The
on the NW side of the bank to the oil terminal near Tanjong Pu- maximum reported current is 0.5 knot.
nei. A small mud area, with a depth of 117m and marked by sul-

Fish Aggregating Devices, contained in steel boxes, may be

11.88 fur and hydrogen bubbles, lies in the middle of Gordon Patches
encountered moored within an area triangular in shape. The 0.3 mile E of the shallowest spot.
base of the area lies between the ammunition dumping ground Three patches, with depths of 12.8m, 14.6m, and 16.5m lie 2

(5°30'N., 114°10'E) and Louisa Reef 70 miles NW; the apex miles ESE of the shallowest part of Gordon Patches.
lies at position 7°10'N, 115°30'E. The perimeter is patrolled Between Gordon Patches and Fury Rocks, 14 miles NW,

and the devices are marked by red flags and some are fitted there are many detached shoals and patches with depths of 8.7

Pub. 163
396 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

to 18.3m, whose positions can best be seen on the chart. One of 3. Fishing.
these shoals, Scott Patches, with a least depth of 12.3m, lie 5.3 4. Discharging any oil, chemicals, sewage, hazardous
miles NW of the shallowest part of Gordon Patches. substances, or pollutants into the park waters.
5. Damaging or removing from the park anything organ-
11.90 Jahat Shoals (5°35'N., 115°22'E.), consisting of nu- ic or inorganic, alive or dead.
merous rocky patches with depths of less than 5.5m, lie be-
tween 8 and 10.5 miles WNW of Pine Point. Jahat Rock, which 11.92 Tiga Channel (5°41'N., 115°34'E.) is used by most of
dries, lies near the middle of these shoals. A rock, with a depth the shipping which runs up and down this coast.
of less than 1.8m, lies 0.6 mile SW of Jahat Rock. A shoal, with a depth of 12.3m, was reported to lie about 3.3

Several detached patches, with depths of 8.7 to 12.8m, some

11.90 miles W of Pulau Tiga.
of which are coral, lie between Jahat Shoals and Iris Shoals and A shoal, with a depth of 4.9m, lies 1.5 miles W of Pulau Tiga

can best be seen on the chart. and near the outer end of a spit which extends W from that is-
Middle Patches (5°37'N., 115°19'E.), a group of four shoals
11.90 land.
with depths of less than 11m, and a least depth of 8.2m, lie Dunlop Shoal (5°42'N., 115°38'E.), with a depth of 5.5m,

about 3.3 miles NW of Jahat Rock. lies 2 miles S of the W end of Pulau Tiga and is marked by a
Winchester Shoals (5°42'N., 115°21'E.), lying 15 miles
11.90 lighted beacon. A 9.1m patch lies in between them.
WNW of Tanjong Nosong, consist of several patches close to- Coleman Shoal (5°46'N., 115°35'E.), with a depth of 9.6m,

gether, with a least depth of 3.2m on the N patch. At the S end, lies 2.3 miles NW of the NW extremity of Pulau Tiga. A 12.8m
a shoal with a least depth of 10.1m, lies about 1.3 miles SSE of patch lies 0.5 mile N of Coleman Shoal.
the N shoal patch, with two 11m patches in between. Tiga Shoals (5°46'N., 115°40'E.), of coral with depths of

Several patches, with depths of 11.9 to 16.5m, lie close W of

11.90 less than 11m, extend 4 miles NNE from Pulau Tiga. Several
Winchester Shoals. drying rocks mark these shoals.
The maximum current observed S of Gordon Patches and
11.90 Pulau Kalampunian Damit (Burong) (5°46'N., 115°41'E.),

Winchester Shoals was setting N to NE at a rate of 1.5 knots. a rocky islet 34m high to the tops of the trees, lies 1.5 miles NE
Paisley Shoal (5°48'N., 115°20'E.), with a depth of 6.9m,
11.90 of Pulau Tiga.
lies 6 miles N of Winchester Shoals. Pulau Kalampunian Besar (5°45'N., 115°40'E.), 48m high

Growler Bank (5°40'N., 115°28'E.), with a depth of 8.2m,

11.90 to the tops of the trees, lies 0.5 mile S of the above islet.
lies 8.3 miles WNW of Tanjong Nosong. A 12.8m patch lies Two rocks, which dry, lie 0.3 mile and 1.3 miles NNE of Pu-

2.3 miles WSW of this bank. lau Kalampunian Damit.

A shoal, with a depth of 12.8m, lies 1.3 miles N of Growler
11.90 Two shoals, with depths of 10.1m and 9.1m, lie about 2.3

Bank. miles and 3.3 miles, respectively, NNE of Pulau Kalampunian

Nosong Shoals (5°43'N., 115°30'E.), with two islets near its
11.90 Damit.
center, lie about 7.3 miles NW of Tanjong Nosong. The SE and
highest islet is 2m high. A drying patch lies 0.3 mile N of the 11.93 Deluar Shoals (5°52'N., 115°42'E.) consist of two
highest islet. breaking patches, with depths of less than 5.5m which lie on a
Price Shoals (5°45'N., 115°32'E.), with depths of 9.1 and
11.90 ledge, which extends from 6.3 to 10.5 miles NNE from Pulau
8.2m, lie 3.3 miles and 4 miles, respectively, NE of the center Tiga. Several low, above-water rocks lie on the N patch of Del-
of Nosong Shoals. uar Shoals. A detached shoal, with a depth of 8.2m, lies 1 mile
SW of the 0.6m high rock; a 12.8m patch lies 1.5 miles NE of
Tanjong Nosong to Kota Kinabalu the same rock.
Hayter Shoal (5°53'N., 115°34'E.), with a depth of 7.8m,

11.91 Pulau Tiga (5°44'N., 115°39'E.), 101m high, lies coral, lies 10 miles NW of Pulau Tiga. The shoal is the south-
about 5.3 miles NE of Tanjong Nosong, from which it is sepa- eastern-most SE of the Dampier Shoals. A detached 10.5m
rated by Tiga Channel. The island is densely wooded, except patch lies 0.3 mile S of Hayter Shoal. There is a wreck 1.1
for its SE peak. Reefs and shoals, some of which dry, fringe the miles SE of Hayter Shoal in position 5°50'04''N., 115°35'02''E.
island and extend 0.5 mile S and SE from it. A light is shown Kimanis Bay (5°39'N., 115°45'E.) is entered between Tan-

from a 25m high white metal framework tower near the W end jong Nosong and Tanjong Papar, about 20 miles ENE.
of the island. The light was reported extinguished. Kuala Penyu, the entrance of the Sungai Penyu, lies 3.5

A light is shown from an 8m high tripod standing on the

11.91 miles S of Tanjong Nosong. The entrance is obstructed by a bar
edge of the reef 0.5 mile from the SE end of Pulau Tiga. with a depth of 1.2m, and by a bank with depths of less than
Regulations.—Pulau Tiga Marine Park has been established
11.91 5.5m which extends 2.3 miles seaward.
for the protection of the marine environment and resources in Caution.—Two single point moorings, designated SPM1

the immediate waters surrounding Pulau Tiga. The park ex- and SPM2, are located in Kimanis Bay about 12 miles and 13
tends from Dunlop Shoals to Deluar Shoals, 12.5 miles NNE, miles, respectively, ENE of Tanjong Nosing.
and includes Pulau Tiga and Tega Shoals.
The following activities are strictly prohibited in park wa-
11.91 Kuala Penyu (5°35'N., 115°36'E.) is marked by a beacon 1

ters: mile offshore. Other beacons are marked in the Sungai Penyu
1. Entering the park without permission from the Direc- for a mile to Kampong Kuala Penyu.
tor of Sabah Parks. The Sungai Penyu leads to Lake Sitombok, a shallow ex-

2. Anchoring. panse of water, 1.5 miles within its entrance. Kampong Kuala

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 397

Penyu is situated on the W bank of Sungai Penyu. reefs and shoals. A river discharges into the bay 1 mile S of the
The shore of Kimanis Bay is low and swampy between Kua-
11.93 point.
la Penyu and Tanjong Kinandukan, 2.3 miles SSW of Tanjong Pulau Dinawan (5°51'N., 115°59'E.), 73m high and wood-

Papar. For some distance inland, the country is flat and ed, lies 1.3 miles NW of the entrance of the Sungai Kinarut.
swampy or covered with dense jungle, particularly near the SE The island appears as three islets from seaward. Dinawan An-
part of the bay. chorage lies E of Pulau Dinawan.
The Crocker Range and the Suniatan Range, both densely
11.93 Flagstaff Point is the E extremity of the island and Costello

wooded, lie from 13 to 17.5 miles inland from the E side of the Point, 0.3 mile to the N, is the NE extremity.
bay and slope on their W side to the low coastal plain. The A low islet stands on a reef which dries in places and extends

Suniatan Range rises to a height of 1,528m. about 0.35 mile SSE of the S side of Pulau Dinawan. A drying
From Crocker Range, a serrated ridge extends NW and then
11.93 coral reef lies on the SE edge of a bank, with a depth of 0.9m,
N to Tinamandukan (5°38'N., 116°02'E.), 750m high, which which is located 0.5 mile SE of the S extremity of Pulau Di-
is prominent from all directions. nawan. A 3.2m coral patch lies 183m farther SE. A reef, which
Bukit Kilatuan (5°40'N., 115°58'E.), 467m high, with a
11.93 dries in places, fringes the E side of the island, a bank extends
round summit, and Bukit Tebelong (5°47'N., 116°03'E.), 183m offshore from the N and W sides of the island.
619m high, with a bare conspicuous summit, lie 6.5 miles SSE Everett Reef (5°51'N., 115°59'E.), which dries in spots and

and 9 miles E, respectively, of Tanjong Papar. Several detached which is marked by a low rock, lies 0.2 mile E of Flagstaff
hills rise from the plain between Crocker Range and the coast Point.
but none are conspicuous. Small craft can anchor between Everett Reef and Flagstaff

Several small rivers discharge along the shores of Kimanis

11.93 Point. The anchorage is entered through Flint Pass, S of Everett
Bay but all shoal and can only be used by small boats. Some Reef. Anchorage can also be taken, in a depth of 16.5m, about
villages stand at the mouths of some of these rivers. 0.25 mile NE of Costello Point.
Several drying coral reefs lie between the S end of Everett

11.94 Peak of Kinandukan (5°43'N., 115°54'E.), close S of Reef and the coral reef, 0.5 mile SE of Pulau Dinawan. There
Tanjong Kinandukan, is 145m high and covered with dark trees are other drying reefs from 0.2 mile to 0.5 mile E of a line join-
which are prominent against the distant hills. The latter are of- ing these dangers.
ten partly obscured by mist or rain. During the Northeast Mon-
soon (October to March), vessels can anchor, in a depth of 11.96 Pulau Sugura (Pulau Mantukud) (5°50'N.,
14.5m, 1.5 miles SE of the S extremity of the W end of Pulau 116°01'E.), 109m high and densely wooded, lies near the outer
Tiga. During the Southwest Monsoon (May to September), edge of a drying mud flat which extends 0.3 mile N from the
they can anchor, in depths of 18 to 20m, N of the sand spit at entrance of the Sungai Kinarut. Drying rocky ledges extend 0.5
the SE extremity of the island or, in depths of 22 to 26m, 0.5 mile NW from this islet.
mile E of Pulau Kalampunian Besar. Both monsoons raise a A small islet lies 0.4 mile WSW of Pulau Sugura and a simi-

swell in Kimanis Bay. lar islet lies 0.5 mile S of the same islet.
Tides—Currents.—Tidal currents off the SE end of Pulau
11.94 Pulau Panduan (5°52'N., 116°02'E.), 6.1m high, stands on

Tiga are irregular and apparently influenced by the currents set the drying coastal reef 1.3 miles NE of Pulau Sugura.
up in the offing by temporary or prevailing winds. Tinson Reefs (5°52'N., 116°01'E.), coral, steep-to, and

No current was experienced in Kimanis Bay. A NW set, with

11.94 marked by some above-water rocks, lie 1.3 miles SSW of Tan-
a rate of 0.5 knot, was observed off the mouth of the Sungai Pa- jong Dumpil.
par close S of Tanjong Papar. Dumpil Rock (5°54'N., 116°01'E.), which dries, stands on a

Anchorage.—There is good holding ground anywhere in

11.94 reef with depths of less than 2m, which lies with its outer edge
Kimanis Bay. The best anchorage lies near the E side, where 1 mile W of Tanjong Dumpil.
the depths are deeper close inshore and where the bottom is Tanjong Aru (5°57'N., 116°02'E.), low and flat, lies 3.3

stiffer and less sandy. miles N of Tanjong Dumpil. There is a small wooden jetty for
boats at Tanjong Aru. Some drying rocks lie on a bank which
11.95 Tanjong Pangalat (5°47'N., 115°58'E.), a densely- extends 1 mile W from the point. Radio masts with red ob-
wooded bluff 88m high to the tops of the trees, lies 4.3 miles struction lights stand on a ridge of hills 1.5 miles E and SE of
ENE of Tanjong Papar. the point. The N mast is conspicuous.
Pulau Lyang (Pulau Layang) (5°47'N., 115°53'E.), 31m
11.95 A light is shown from the N end of a shoal, with a least depth

high and bush covered, stands 1.5 miles NW of Tanjong Papar. of 0.9m, lying 1.3 miles WNW of Tanjong Aru.
This rocky islet stands in the middle of a shoal, which extends The runway of Kota airport lies in a NNE-SSW direction

0.3 mile E and W from it. with its S end 2 miles S of Tanjong Aru. No vessel or small
The Sungai Kinarut (5°50'N., 116°00'E.), a small river of
11.95 craft should approach within 0.3 mile of the coast between the
no importance, discharges 3.3 miles NE of Tanjong Pangalat. runway and Tanjong Dumpil.
The intervening coast is fronted by a bank, with depths of less The Sungai Simbulan and the Sungai Karamunsing flow into

than 5.5m, which extends 1 mile offshore. A village stands 1.5 the sea through a common entrance 2 miles ENE of Tanjong
miles within the mouth of the river. Aru. The intervening coast is low and fringed by drying banks
Tanjong Dumpil (5°54'N., 116°02'E.), 5.5m high and
11.95 and flats which extend from 0.1 to 0.4 mile offshore.
marked by trees, lies 4.5 miles NNE of the entrance of the Sun- Several detached patches, with depths of less than 2m, lie be-

gai Kinarut. The bay which lies in between is fouled by drying tween over a mile W and 1 mile NNE of Tanjong Aru. A patch,

Pub. 163
398 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

which dries in places, lies 0.5 mile NNE of the point. 11.98 Pulau Sinjataan (6°01'N., 116°00'E.), 60m high and
densely wooded, lies close off the SW end of Pulau Gaya, to
Offshore Islands and Dangers which it is connected by a flat which almost dries. Several
shoal patches, with depths of 10m and less, lie within 0.3 mile
11.97 Pulau Sulug (5°58'N., 116°00'E.), 114m high, lies through W to NW of Pulau Sinjataan.
2.3 miles W of Tanjong Aru and is fringed by a drying reef on Edgell Patches (6°01'N., 115°59'E.), in two parts each with

its S side. Banks extend 0.2 mile N and 0.15 mile S from this a least depth of 12.8m, lie 0.3 and 1 mile W of Pulau Sinjataan.
island. Tanjong Bulijong (6°03'N., 116°01'E.), the NW extremity

Pulau Manukan (5°59'N., 116°00'E.), 127m high and reef

11.97 of Pulau Gaya, lies 2 miles NNE of Pulau Sinjataan.
fringed, lies with its SW end 0.5 mile N of Pulau Sulug. A de- Pulau Gaya Light, a 24m high white, metal framework tower

tached reef, with an above-water rock near its S end, lies about with red bands, stands 0.3 mile SSE of Tanjong Bulijong.
0.3 mile E of Pulau Manukan. Drying reefs extend 0.2 mile Pulau Sapangar (6°04'N., 116°04'E.), 180m high and heav-

from the E end of the island and 183m from its S side. ily wooded, lies 2 miles NW of Tanjong Torajung, the NE point
During N winds, anchorage can be taken off the S side of Pu-
11.97 of Pulau Gaya. It is fringed by a bank which extends up to 0.3
lau Manukan, in a depth of 26m, mud. mile offshore in places. A drying reef extends about 0.3 mile S
Pulau Mamutik (5°58'N., 116°00'E.), 33m high, lies 0.5
11.97 from the E extremity of the central part of the island.
mile SE of Pulau Manukan. Reefs, some above-water, extend Pulau Udar Besar (6°05'N., 116°05'E.), 36m high and reef

0.3 mile S and 137m N from this island. fringed, lies about 0.4 mile E of the N extremity of Pulau Sapa-
A reef, with a depth of 1.8m, is located about 0.35 mile SE,
11.97 ngar. The channel which separates this island from Pulau Sapa-
and another almost awash, lies 0.5 mile NE of Pulau Mamutik. ngar is narrow but deep.
A shoal, with a depth of 6.4m, lies 1,183m E of that island. Pulau Udar Kechil (6°06'N., 116°05'E.), 39m high, and Pu-

South Hill Rock (5°59'N., 115°52'E.), with a depth of 5m,

11.97 lau Udar Priok, 21m high, lie between Pulau Udar Besar and
coral, lies 10.5 miles W of Tanjong Aru and is steep-to. the coast NE. These islets are connected to each other and the
Pulau Gaya (6°01'N., 116°02'E.), 304m high and densely
11.97 coast by a reef, with depths of less than 5.5m, on which there
wooded except for its summit which is bare, lies with Tanjong are several drying patches.
Wokong, its S extremity, 2.3 miles N of Tanjong Aru. The is-
land is almost joined to the mainland to the SE by reefs, parts Sapangar Bay (Sepangar) (6°05'N., 116°07'E.)
of which dry. South Channel, narrow and available only to
small craft, leads through these reefs into Kota Kinabulu. World Port Index No. 51695
A shoal, with a depth 2.1m, marked by two beacons, lies on

the N side of the approach to South Channel, 0.3 mile SE of 11.99 Sapangar Bay is entered between Pulau Sapangar and
Tanjong Wokong. A 6.4m patch lies 91.5m S of the shoal and a Tanjong Tarak Tarak, about 2.5 miles ESE. The bay is shel-
2.3m patch lies close E of the shoal. tered and is available to all classes of vessels.
Karei Bay, fouled by reefs, lies in a small bight on the SE
11.97 Depths—Limitations.—Sapangar Bay is one of the most

side of Pulau Gaya. secure harbors on the NW coast of Borneo. A prohibited area,
Between Tanjong Wokong and the SW extremity of Pulau
11.97 best seen on the chart, follows the coast and stretches along the
Gaya, the S side of the island is indented by bights. N end of the bay.
Regulations.—Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park has been
11.97 The oil terminal consists of a T-shaped jetty used for the im-

established for the protection of the marine environment and port of petroleum products. The outer berth can accommodate
resources in the waters along the coast of Pulau Gaya. The park vessels of 33,000 dwt; an inner berth is used for barges. Nearby
extends 3.8 miles SSW from the island to include Pulau Manu- there are two berths for handling cement and the export of tim-
kan, Pulau Mamutik, and Pulau Sulug. ber.
The following activities are strictly prohibited in park wa-
11.97 On the SE side of the bay lies the Sapangar Bay Container

ters: Port.
1. Entering the park without permission from the Direc- Berth information is shown in the table titled Sapangar

tor of Sabah Parks. Bay—Berth Information.

2. Anchoring. The Royal Malaysian Naval Base lies along the W side of

3. Fishing. Sapangar Bay NE of Tanjung Melanim. The base consists of

4. Discharging any oil, chemicals, sewage, hazardous three piers. Pilotage is required.
substances, or pollutants into the park waters. Aspect.—A conspicuous building stands 0.3 mile E of Tan-

5. Damaging or removing from the park anything organ- jong Tarak Tarak. A radio mast stands on Bukit Manawan, 6
ic or inorganic, alive or dead. miles farther E. Both exhibit red obstruction lights.

Sapangar Bay—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Cement Terminal

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 399

Sapangar Bay—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
LOA Draft Size
Cement, clinker. Berthing length of 210m
Cement Jetty 110m 10.0m — 9.0m —
(including dolphins).
Sapangar Bay Container Port
Inner Berth (N) 230m 12.0m — — 45,000 dwt Containers and reefer.
Inner Berth (S) 200m 12.0m — — — —
Outer Berth 500m 12.0m — — 45,000 dwt Containers and reefer.
Sapangar Bay Oil Terminal
Aviation fuel, clean products, dirty prod-
Oil No 1 Main-
60m 12.2m 248m 11.5m 30,000 dwt ucts, and LPG. Berthing length of 250m
(including dolphins).
Oil No 2 Inner 36m 12.2m 60m — 1,000 dwt For barges use.

An industrial port has been developed on a reclaimed site on

Sapangar Bay Channel Markers
the E shore of Sapanger Bay.
Pulau Udar Besar is connected to the mainland with a stone Marker
Marker Position Light
breakwater and bridge. A green lighted beacon lies close off No.
the SE end of Pulau Udar Besar. Only small boats with local No. 3 6°05'30.0''N, 116°07'19.2''E Red
knowledge can pass under the bridge.
Gantisan (6°05'N., 116°08'E.), a conspicuous grassy
No. 4 6°05'19.2''N, 116°07'34.2''E Green
summit 248m high, stands 2.5 miles NE of Tanjong Tarak No. 5 6°04'39.0''N, 116°07'05.4'E Green
The Sungai Menggatal (6°04'N., 116°07'E.) may be identi-

fied by a yellow sandstone bluff on its N side and by the sharp

angle of the coast on the S side of the entrance. The river bar is
very shallow, but the depths within the entrance increase rapid-
From its entrance between the Sungai Menggatal and Tan-

jong Melanim, the inner part of Sapangar Bay extends 1.5

miles NE to its head. Coral reefs, some above water, extend
from 0.15 to 0.35 mile from the shores of this part of the bay.
Several drying reefs lie within the 10m curve about 1 mile N of
the mouth of the Sungai Menggatal.
Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in depths of 16 to

22m, off the mouth of the Sungai Menggatal, but vessels can
anchor anywhere in the bay according to the prevailing wind.
Sepangar Naval Base (Port Borneo) in Kota Kinabalu During the Northeast Monsoon, secure anchorage is provided.
Directions.—Sepangar Bay is approached from the N be-

tween Tanjung Bulijong and Tanjung Gaya, and entered be-

From Tanjong Tarak Tarak, the E side of the bay extends
tween Tanjung Tavajun and the S extremity of Pulau Sapangar.

almost 1 mile NE to the Sungai Kabatuan. A conspicuous

It can also be entered between the S extremity of Pulau Sepan-
yellow patch is located on the hillside about 0.6 mile NE of
gar and Tanjong Tarak Tarak. There are five channel markers in
Tanjong Tarak Tarak.
the bay, three are flashing red lights and two are flashing green.
Coral reefs, some above-water, extend about 0.4 mile off-
See the table titled Sapangar Bay 5 Channel Markers for the

shore from Tanjong Tarak Tarak and also from the coast be-
locations of these channel markers.
tween that point and the mouth of the Sungai Kabatuan.
Caution.—A restricted area, best seen on the chart, lies

along the N portion of Teluk Sapangar. Entry is prohibited

Sapangar Bay Channel Markers within the area surrounding Tanjung Melanim. Pulau Udar Ke-
Marker cil is situated within the prohibited area.
Marker Position Light
11.100 The N coast of the Pulau Gaya, between Tanjong Bu-
No. 1 6°04'39.6''N, 116°06'06.0''E Red lijong and Tanjong Torajun, about 2.3 miles ESE, is identified
No. 2 6°05'15.0''N, 116°06'46.2''E Red by two bays separated by Tanjong Merangis. A reef extends

Pub. 163
400 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Kota Kinabalu Port

about 0.3 mile NE from Tanjong Torajun. at Sapanger Bay Container Terminal and tankers at Sapanger
Gaya Bay (6°03'N., 116°04'E.), the name given to the water
11.100 Bay Oil Terminal.shift to Sapangar Bay in 2006, at which time
area to the SW of Sapangar Bay, is entered from seaward be- a 20-year waterfront redevelopment project is set to commence
tween the S end of Pulau Sapangar and Tanjong Torajun. at Kota Kinabalu.However, port operations are planned to shift
Tanjong Lipat (6°00'N., 116°05'E.) lies 2 miles SW of Tan-
11.100 to Sapangar Bay in 2006, at which time a 20-year waterfront
jong Lita (6°02'N., 116°06'E.). From Tanjong Tarak Tarak, the redevelopment project is set to commence at Kota Kinabalu.
E side of the bay extends S for almost 1.5 miles to Tanjong The harbor comprises the area lying between the E side of
Lita. Between this point and Tanjong Lipat, about 2 miles SW, Pulau Gaya to the W, the Borneo shore to the SE, and the shal-
the coast recedes to form a shallow bay most of which dries. low ridge connecting Pulau Gaya to the mainland to the SW.
The Sungai Inanam, which is available only to boats, flows into The harbor is partly exposed to the N, but receives some pro-
this bay. tection from Pulau Sapangar and the reefs extending from the
A flat, almost awash in places with a reef on its outer part,
11.100 NW side of the entrance. The main approach is made through
extends about 0.65 mile W from Tanjong Lita. An above-water Gaya Bay, but small local craft can enter from the SW through
rock lies on the N part of the reef and a similar rock lies on its South Channel.
S part. Depths within the harbor, seaward of the fringing reefs,

A coral patch, with a least depth of 2.7m, lies 1 mile SW of

11.100 range from 11 to 22m.
Tanjong Lita. A detached 7.3m patch lies 0.5 mile WNW of Ample alongside berthing facilities are provided for vessels

Tanjong Lita. capable of entering the harbor.

Tanjong Sindian (6°00'N., 116°04'E.), the E extremity of
11.100 Tides—Currents.—Tidal heights above datum of soundings

Pulau Gaya, lies 1 mile SSE of Tanjong Logong. Gaya Harbor are, as follows:
lies between this latter point and the reef to the North. Steep-to
reefs, almost awash, extend 0.3 mile offshore from the head of Tidal Heights
the harbor.
Creighton Patch (6°01'N., 116°05'E.), with a least depth of
MHHW 1.7m
8.6m, lies 1.5 miles WSW of Tanjong Lita. MLHW 1.2m
MHLW 1.1m
Kota Kinabalu (5°59'N., 116°04'E.)
MLLW 0.5m
World Port Index No. 51690
Depths—Limitations.—On the W side of the harbor, a reef

11.101 Kota Kinabalu, sometimes referred to as “KK,” is extends about 0.3 mile E and SE from Tanjong Logong. On the
the principal port on the NW coast of Borneo and the capital of E side of the harbor the coastal bank extends up to 0.2 mile off-
the state of Sabah. The port handles general cargo, dry bulk, shore between Tanjong Lipat and Government Wharf. The
Ro-Ro, vehicles, cruise and passengers. Containers are handled

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 401

charted 5.5m curve was reported to lie 61m farther W in the ar- the N end of town. It was reported closed.
ea NE of the wharf. Two dolphins stand off the S end of the wharf and oil instal-

lations stand close E of it.

Normanhurst Reef, with a depth of 1m, lies about 0.35 mile
South Jetty, 0.15 mile NE of Old Wharf, is an L-shaped jetty

NW of Tanjong Lipat. with three berths numbered 10, 11, and 12. The longest, No.
Comber Reef, with a least depth of 0.5m, lies between Nor-
11, occupies the outer SW face. Depths on the berths range
manhurst Reef and Tanjong Lipat. between 5.5m and 7.5m.
Gueritz Shoal, with a depth of 2.5m, lies 191m WNW of
Main Wharf, 0.4 mile NE of Old Wharf, is a rectangular is-

Tanjong Lipat. land wharf fronting the coast to which its S portion is connect-
Grieve Reef, with a depth of 1.5m, lies about 0.5 mile ENE
ed by two roadways. It provides a total of 7 berths, on 4 faces,
of Tanjong Sindian. the outer and longest face of 0.2 mile on the NW side. Depths
Drying reefs extend 0.3 mile ESE of Tanjong Sindian. A de-
on the berths range between 7.6 and 9.4m.
tached reef, with a least depth of 0.3m, lies 0.4 mile ESE of A red obstruction light is reported to be shown from the Ma-

Tanjong Sindian. rine Tower in the center of the wharf.

Harris Reef (6°00'N., 116°04'E.), with a depth of 0.3m, lies
North Jetty, 93m in length, is situated 191m NE of Old

0.5 mile ESE of Tanjong Sindian. Wharf. This jetty, which extends NNE, is connected to the
Snake Rock, 0.9m high, lies on a reef 0.5 mile S of Tanjong
shore by a bridge 183m in length. There are berths on each side
Sindian. Coral shoals, some marked by stakes, lie SSW of Har- of the jetty, the W berth has alongside depths of 5.4m, and the
ris Reef. Four detached shoals, with depths of 0.3 to 4.3m, lie E berth alongside depths of 5m. A light is shown from a
up to 0.35 mile W of Old Wharf (Government Wharf). A bea- mooring dolphin 30m NNE of the jetty head.
con stands on the N extremity of the 0.4m shoal, 183m W from Ro-Ro Terminal lies close W of the root of North Jetty and

the S end of the wharf. accommodates vessels up to 180m long, 25m beam, and 5.5m
The port has 12 berths for vessels of up to 16,000 dwt and a
cruise terminal which has accommodated cruise ships of 295m The Marine Police Jetty, with a T-head and a reported depth

in length with 8.0m draft. See the table titled Kota of 7.3m alongside, projects 183m from the shore 0.13 mile
Kinabalu—Berth Information for details on berthing SSW of Old Wharf (Government Wharf).
accommodations. A jetty extends 0.2 mile N from Tanjong Lipat.

Old Wharf (5°59.5'N., 116°04.5'E.), charted as Government


Wharf, an L-shaped open wooden pile structure, is situated at

Kota Kinabalu—Berth Information

Maximum Vessel
Berth Length Depth Remarks
Main Wharf
No. 1 140m 9.6-9.75m 16,000 dwt Ro-ro/lo-lo, breakbulk, and bunkers. Continuous berthing length of
No. 2 120m 9.6-9.75m 16,000 dwt 350m.
Cruise vessels, ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, breakbulk, and
No. 3 90m 9.6-9.75m 16,000 dwt
bunkers. Continuous berthing length of 350m.
No. 4 120m 6.8-9.5m 16,000 dwt Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, breakbulk, and bunkers.
No. 5 110m 5.6-7.7m 16,000 dwt Breakbulk and bunkers. Continuous berthing length of 200m.
No. 6 90m 5.6-7.7m 16,000 dwt Breakbulk and bunkers. Continuous berthing length of 200m.
No. 7 120m 7.8-9.75m 16,000 dwt Ro-ro passengers/vehicles/rail, breakbulk, and bunkers.
North Jetty
No. 8 94m 6.5m 10,000 dwt Closed. Breakbulk. Berthing length of 140m (including dolphins).
No. 9 94m 6.5m 10,000 dwt Closed. Breakbulk. Berthing length of 140m (including dolphins).
Closed. Ro-ro/lo-lo and breakbulk. Berthing length of 160m (in-
Ro-Ro — — 10,000 dwt
cluding dolphins) .
South Jetty
No. 10 120m 8.5m 6,000 dwt Closed. Breakbulk.
No. 11 120m 8.0m 6,000 dwt Closed. Breakbulk.
No. 12 96m 6.5m 6,000 dwt Closed. Breakbulk.

Pub. 163
402 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Aspect.—A building stands on the range of hills backing the

11.101 Anchorage.—Good anchorage is provided, in a depth of

town, 0.3 mile SW of Tanjong Lipat. The signal station at the 16.5m, 0.3 mile NW of Grieve Reef. During the Northeast
inner end of Old Wharf (Government Wharf) is conspicuous. A Monsoon, secure anchorage is provided in Sapangar Bay.
combined radiomast and a red and white banded flagstaff stand Anchorage is prohibited within 0.5 mile of the Old Wharf

on the station. The two hotels in the town are also conspicuous. (Government Wharf) in Kota Kinabalu Harbor. Vessels of less
Kota Kinabalu is approached through an extensive bight
11.101 than 46m in length may anchor E of a line joining the head of
formed between the NE side of Pulau Gaya and a mainland Old Wharf and Gueritz Shoal.
projection about 5 miles to the NE. Pulau Sapangar, a densely A dangerous petroleum anchorage area, about 1 mile long in

wooded island, lies just to the N of the middle of this bight; a E to W direction and about 0.3 mile wide, lies centered about
that part of the bight to the E of this island is known as Sapan- 1 mile NNE of Gueritz Shoal.
gar Bay and the part to the S is known as Gaya Bay. An explosives anchorage area of the same dimensions lies N

The depths in the channel S of Pulau Sapangar and through

11.101 of and adjacent to the dangerous petroleum anchorage area.
Gaya Bay are ample for vessels of any draft, and with the ex- The quarantine anchorage, a circular area with a radius of 0.5
ception of Creighton Patch there are no detached dangers along mile, lies with its center 1 mile N of Tanjong Logong.
this route. Directions.—Vessels approaching Kota Kinabalu should

Tanjong Gaya, the W extremity of the peninsula on the NE

11.101 give the N coast of Pulau Gaya a berth of 0.3 mile and pass the
side of the approach, stands almost 5.3 miles NE of Tanjong extremity of the reef SE of Tanjong Logong at a safe distance;
Bulijong. This heavily wooded bluff rises sharply to Bukit then pass between the light structure on Grieve Reef and Gue-
Penaga, a high peak, about 0.3 mile to the ESE. ritz Shoal and then proceed to the Old Wharf.
From Tanjong Gaya, the coast extends SSE for a distance of
11.101 Caution.—Kota Kinabalu does not have a large amount of

2 miles to Tanjong Melanim, the W entrance point of the inner usable navigation aids; however, Pulau Gaya Lighthouse and
part of Sapangar Bay. Several coral patches, with a least depth NAV marker located on the south end of Pulau Sapangar pro-
of 11m, lie about 1 mile S of Tanjong Gaya and about 0.3 to vide excellent daytime visual aids. Several navigation aids
0.5 mile off the coast. have been reported having no visual working lights to include
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 46m in
11.101 markers identifying Normanhurst Reef, Guteritz Reef, and
length using the deepwater channel. Pilots should be notified Harris Reef. Also of noted, that was reported, is an abandoned
24 hours in advance. Vessels should confirm their ETA and pi- ship with no night time lights. It has been reported that swells
lotage requirements through the port radio station and verify from the Southwest Monsoon cause significant ship motion at
the pilot boarding location prior to arrival. the container pier.
Signals.—Berthing signals are displayed from the signal sta-

tion flagstaff. Flag “B” will be displayed at the signal station Tanjong Gaya to Pulau Usukan
when a vessel loaded with inflammable or dangerous cargo is
berthing or unberthing. 11.102 Gunung Kinabalu (Mount Kinabalu) (6°05'N.,
Contact Information.—See the table titled Kota Kinaba-
11.101 116°33'E.), 4,100m high and the highest elevation in Borneo,
lu—Contact Information. stands 28 miles E of Tanjong Gaya. This peak is very conspic-
uous and may be seen in clear weather for a considerable dis-
Kota Kinabalu—Contact Information tance.
The summit, which is usually obscured by clouds for the bet-

Port ter part of the day, consists of a number of serrated peaks of al-
Call sign Control KK most equal height; N of these peaks it slopes gradually for
about 4 miles and then falls away abruptly.
VHF VHF channels 12 and 16 Gunung Sadok Sadok (6°06'N., 116°29'E.), 1,676m high,

Telephone 60-88-538500 stands 4.5 miles W of Gunung Kinabalu. From the N, this peak
appears as a sharp cone.
Facsimile 60-88-254089
Tanjong Kaitan (6°07'N., 116°05'E.) lies about 1 mile NE

E-mail john@spsb.com.my of Tanjong Gaya.

The Sungai Mengkabong, of no commercial importance, is

Web site entered about 2.3 miles ENE of Tanjong Kaitan. A bank, with
depths of less than 5.5m, extends 0.3 mile seaward from the
Port Authority mouth of the river.
Telephone 60-88-538500 Tanjong Dalit (6°10'N., 116°08'E.) lies 3.3 miles NE of

Tanjong Kaitan. Bukit Dalit, 112m high to the top of the trees,
Facsimile 60-88-223036 stands close within the point.
E-mail sabport@lpps.gov.my Tanjong Indai (6°14'N., 116°11'E.) lies 5.3 miles NE of

Tanjong Dalit. The intervening coast is low, sandy, and covered

Web site http://www.lpps.sabah.gov.my by trees.
Pilots Tanjong Torong Gusu (6°15'N., 116°13'E.) lies 1 mile ENE

of Tanjong Indai. An islet, 24m high, stands between these

Telephone 60-88-252213 points.
Tungai Sulaman (6°15'N., 116°13'E.) is entered between

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 403

Tanjong Indai and the partly drying and breaking sand banks es through this oil field.
which extend 1.3 miles W from Tanjong Torong Gusu. The en- Saracen Bank (6°10'N., 115°22'E.), an extensive coral bank

trance channel is 0.15 mile wide. Within the entrance, a 3 mile with depths of 1.8 to 9m, and marked by above and below-wa-
long channel, with depths of more than 5.5m, leads to Sulaman ter rocks, lies 11 miles SW of Pulau Mengalum.
Harbor. This harbor is shallow, fouled by flats and surrounded An oil drilling rig stands near the N end of the bank and an-

by mangrove swamps. other one stands near the S end. At night, lights may be seen on
The muddy water, discharged from the small rivers which lie
11.102 these rigs.
along this section of coast, extends up to 5 miles offshore A bank, with a depth of 22m, lies 4 miles WSW of Saracen

where its limit is clearly defined. Bank.

Good anchorage can be taken about 0.5 mile offshore any-

where between Tanjong Gaya and a position about 1 mile S of 11.105 Dampier Shoals (6°00'N., 115°30'E.), with depths
Tanjong Indai, except off the mouths of the rivers. of 6.4 to 18.3m, extend in a SE direction from Saracen Bank
Tanjong Tembungo (Junction Bluff) (6°17'N., 116°14'E.),
11.102 for 18 miles and terminate in Hayter Shoal. The shallowest
lies 3 miles NE of Tanjong Torong Gusu. Lamas (Mount Lok- head on Dampier Shoals lies 10 miles SSW of Pulau Menga-
pussok), a prominent densely-wooded peak, 436m high, stands lum.
0.3 mile to the SE. Collins Shoals (5°57'N., 115°33'E.), forming the S part of

Tanjong Kombongo (6°18'N., 116°16'E.) is the extremity of

11.102 Dampier Shoals with a least depth of 9.4m, lies 14 miles SSW
a small peninsula, 109m high, 2.5 miles NE of Tanjong Tem- of Pulau Mengalum.
bungo. Passage through these waters should not be attempted except

A rock, 3m high, lies 1 mile ENE of Tanjong Tembungo and

11.102 during daylight in fine weather, when the shoals are usually
about 91m offshore. visible. Soundings give very little warning of the proximity of
Tanjong Torong Semburong (6°19'N., 116°17'E.), lies 3.5
11.102 these shoals.
miles NE of Tanjong Tembungo. It is a fairly bold headland, Rizal Shoal (6°15'N., 115°26'E.), an extensive area with

rising to an elevation of 167m, 0.5 mile from its extremity. depths of less than 11m, lies with its shallowest part 10 miles
Caution.—Vessels coasting should keep at least 2 miles off
11.102 WNW of Pulau Mengalum.
Tanjong Indai and the coast N of it, because there are reports The least known depth over this shoal is 6.7m near its steep-

from vessels of the shifting nature of the banks. to W side. Several shoals, with depths of 8.7 to 11m, lie be-
During the strength of the Northeast Monsoon (December to
11.102 tween Rizal Shoal and the bank W of Pulau Mengalum.
February), a strong current has been observed setting NE at a Sunken Barrier Shoals (6°25'N., 115°53'E.) are a chain of cor-

distance of 7 miles offshore. al shoals, with depths of 7 to 16m, with deep water in between, ly-
ing between Pulau Mengalum and the Mantanani Islands, 51
Off-lying Islands and Dangers miles NE. Vessels should not attempt to cross these shoals.
Passage between Sunken Barrier Shoals and the mainland,

11.103 Pulau Mengalum (6°12'N., 115°36'E.), low and about 16 miles SE, is believed to be clear of off-lying dangers
tree covered, 52m high, lies 26 miles WNW of Tanjong Buli- beyond a distance of 5 miles from the coast.
jong. The island is surrounded by coral reefs except near its SE
side. Anchorage can be taken close off the SE side keeping a 11.106 Southwest Sunken Barrier Shoal (6°17'N.,
good lookout for shoals. 115°48'E.), with a depth of 7.8m, is an extensive coral bank.
A small fishing village stands near the NW extremity of the
11.103 The shallowest head lies 22 miles NW of Pulau Gaya.
island. During the fair weather season, numerous fishermen Francis Bank (6°23'N., 115°53'E.), with a depth of 10.1m,

operate from the island. lies 25 miles W of Tanjong Torong Semburong.

Caution.—Sand waves are reported (1997) to exist in the
11.103 A depth of 7.8m on an extensive bank lies near the N extrem-

channel NE of Pulau Mengalum. ity of Southwest Sunken Barrier Shoal, about 6 miles NW of
A bank, with depths of less than 11m, extends 4 miles W and
11.103 Francis Bank.
2.5 miles SW from Pulau Mengalum. Bunbury Shoals (6°28'N., 115°56'E.), with a depth of 7.3m,

Foul ground extends 1 mile E and NE from Tanjong Timor

11.103 lie 2 miles NW of Francis Bank.
Laut, the NE end of the island. A bank, with depths of less than Saint Joseph Rock (6°35'N., 116°05'E.), awash, lies near

11m, extends 2.5 miles NE of Pulau Mengalum. the SW extremity of coral shoal, with depths of 4.6 to 11m, 8
A bank, with a depth of 5.9m, lies 2.5 miles N of the island.
11.103 miles NE of Bunbury Shoals. The rock lies near the middle of
Another bank, with a depth of 7.8m, lies 2.5 miles WNW of an extensive bank, with depths of 9.1 to 37m, which extends
Pulau Mengalum. 6.5 miles W and 7 miles NE from the rock.
Saint Joseph Oil Field (6°38'N., 116°09'E.) lies 5.5 miles E

11.104 Ketam Oil Field (6°06'N., 115°36'E.) lies 5 miles S of Saint Joseph Rock. Lighted platforms are situated in the area
of Pulau Mengalum. A light is shown from the platform in the where the pipeline from Tanjong Punei leading to Barton Oil
field and a flare stack stands close E. The pipeline from Tan- Field passes through here via South Furious Oil Field.
jong Punei to Barton Oil Field passes close W of this platform. Pritchard Bank (6°39'N., 115°59'E.), with depths of 22 to

Erb West Oil Field (6°26'N., 115°39'E.) is situated 9 miles

11.104 37m, lies 7 miles NW of Saint Joseph Rock.
NNE of Pulau Mengalum. The platforms on the field are light- Royds Shoal (6°38'N., 115°50'E.), with a depth of 11.9m,

ed. coral, and small in extent, lies 10 miles WNW of Saint Joseph
The pipeline from Tanjong Punei, as stated above, also pass-
11.104 Rock.

Pub. 163
404 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

Tembungo Oil Field (6°37'N., 115°47'E.) is situated about 3

11.106 land rises to Robertson Hill, which has a conspicuous grassy
miles W of Royds Shoal and consists of a production platform. top.
The production platform gives a good radar response up to a
range of 30 miles and is brightly illuminated at night. A sub- 11.109 Preston Shoal (6°22'N., 116°18'E.), with a depth of
marine oil pipeline runs SSW from the production platform to 4.9m, lies almost 1 mile NW of Pulau Pandan Pandan.
another in Erb West Oil Field. Ships should not anchor on the An 8.5m patch lies about 0.4 mile N of Tanjong Saundal and

banks E and S of it, as there are inadequately surveyed coral about 0.3 mile offshore.
patches. A rock, which dries 1.5m, lies near the edge of a shallow

Numerous detached patches, with depths of 14.6 to 37m, lie

11.106 spit, located 1.5 miles N of Pulau Pandan.
between Sunken Barrier Shoals and the mainland. A detached Isolated 5.5m patches lie in the vicinity of this drying rock

14.6m shoal lies 13.5 miles WNW of Tanjong Torong Sembu- and a coral patch, with a least depth of 5.8m, lies about 0.2
rong. The positions of the other shoals can best be seen on the mile NW of the rock.
chart. The extremity of Abai Bluff, bearing 068°, and seen between

Teluk Ambong (6°20'N., 116°18'E.) is entered between

11.106 Pulau Usukan and the mainland, leads NW of these dangers.
Tanjong Torong Semburong and Tanjong Perunjuk (6°20'N., Pulau Usukan (6°25'N., 116°20'E.), 127m high and densely

116°19'E.), 1.3 miles to the E. wooded, stands on the N side of Usukan Bay, 1.5 miles N of
Belcher Shoal, with a least depth of 0.9m, coral, lies 0.3 mile
11.106 Tanjong Kaduko. This conspicuous island appears as a black
NNE of Tanjong Torong Semburong. A shoal, with a depth of bushy cone.
2.3m, lies 0.4 mile N of the same point. A 5.5m patch lies 0.15 Near it, the rounded summits of the mountains on the mainland

mile SSW of Tanjong Perunjuk. appear to rise from the level plain. This feature identifies Usukan
Bay and Ambong Bay when viewed from the N.
11.107 Pulau Egot (6°18'N., 116°18'E.), a densely-wooded
islet 71m high, stands at the head of Teluk Ambong, and di- 11.110 Teluk Usukan (6°22'N., 116°20'E.) is the best pro-
vides it into two coves. Close S of the head, a range of hills ris- tected anchorage on this coast N of Gaya Bay. A light is shown
es to a height of 382m, 1.3 miles SE of Tanjong Perunjuk. The from a white metal framework tower situated on the W end of
twin peaks of Gunung Rigi stand at the W end of this range 2.5 Pulau Usukan.
miles SSE of Tanjong Torong Semburong. The highest peak is A bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends 0.3 mile SW

311m high. from W extremity of Pulau Usukan. Iris Rock, which dries
The reefs, which fringe the shores of the bay, extend up to
11.107 0.9m, and Slime Rock, 4m high, lie on this bank 0.3 and 0.5
0.4 mile offshore; some of these reefs dry. mile SW; respectively, of the W extremity of Pulau Usukan.
Large vessels can anchor 0.5 mile SW of Tanjong Perunjuk,
11.107 A 7.3m steep-to, coral shoal, lies in the outer part of the bay,

mud, partially sheltered from the swell raised by either mon- 10.2 mile NE of Tanjong Kaduko.
soon. Smaller vessels can anchor in the middle of either cove at A drying sand spit connects the SE end of Pulau Usukan to

the head of the bay, but space is very limited. the extremity of a peninsula on the mainland to the S.
Directions.—When approaching, Telok Ambong from the
11.107 A hill, 198m high to the treetops, and a hill with a grassy

N, keep Gunung Kinabalu, if visible, bearing 135°, or Tanjong summit, 143m high, stand 1.5 miles SE and 1.3 miles E, re-
Perunjuk bearing about 151°, either of which leads NE of spectively, of Tanjong Kaduko. Both hills are prominent.
Belcher Shoal. Then steer to pass not less than 0.3 mile W of Small coastal vessels can berth alongside a rubble jetty in the

Tanjong Perunjuk and then steer for the anchorage. E corner of the bay.
When approaching from the SW, steer for Pulau Pandan Pan-
11.107 Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 14.6m,

dan in range, bearing 064°, with Robertson Hill, a prominent mud, about 0.55 mile W of the jetty. Small vessels can anchor
grassy summit 187m high, 1.3 miles NE, which leads NW of in a depth of 12.8m about 0.3 mile S of this position, where
Belcher Shoal. When Tanjong Perunjuk bears more than 135°, they will be sheltered from the prevailing swell during the sum-
the above directions should be followed. mer.
Directions.—When approaching Usukan Teluk from the W,

11.108 Tengah Bay (6°20'N., 116°19'E.) and Saundal Bay steer 068° for Abai Bluff, and seen between Pulau Usukan and
lie between Tanjong Perunjuk and Tanjong Sannoal, about 2 the mainland, the point 0.5 mile ESE of Tanjong Kaduko bear-
miles to the N. These small bays are separated from each other ing 111°, opens NE of Tanjong Kaduko. Then steer 096° for
by a narrow peninsula terminating in Tanjong Tengah, 47m the jetty until NE of Tanjong Kaduko, at which time course
high. Shelter is provided during E winds. A village stands at may be altered for the anchorage.
the head of Tangah Bay. When approaching from the N and having passed Alert

Pulau Pandan Pandan (6°21'N., 116°18'E.), a conspicuous

11.108 Rock, steer 187° for Pulau Pandan Pandan, and open W of the
sandstone-cliffed island, 46m high and densely wooded, stands point 0.35 mile NNE of the islet. This leads 0.3 mile W of the
0.3 mile S of Tanjong Saundal and close within the outer edge dangers off Slime Rock. When Slime Rock bears 050°, alter
of a coral reef that extends S from the point. The extremity of course for the jetty, bearing about 104°, which leads 0.18 mile
the reef lies about 0.15 mile SE of Pulau Pandan Pandan. S of the 7.3m shoal in the bay and then to the anchorage.
From Tanjong Saundal, the coast extends NE for 1.3 miles to

Tanjong Kaduko, the S entrance point of Usukan Bay. This Pulau Usukan to Tanjong Sempang Mangayau
section of coast forms the NW side of a prominent headland
which separates Saundal Bay from Teluk Usukan. This head- 11.111 Kuala Abai (6°24'N., 116°21'E.), a shallow bay, is

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 405

entered between Pulau Usukan and Abai Bluff, about 1 mile A shoal, with depths of less than 1.8m, lies 0.5 mile WSW of

SE, and has a least depth of 1.2m on its outer bar. Tanjong Dudar. A drying coral reef lies 0.5 mile NNE of the
The Sungai Abai, a shallow river, empties into the head of
11.111 same point.
the bay and the village of Abai stands on the W side of the bay Pulau Silad (Bisa Island) (6°39'N., 116°34'E.), a thickly

near Abai Bluff. Only small boats can use the bay and the river. wooded islet, 34m high, composed of black basalt, is joined to
From Kuala Abai, the coast extends about 12 miles NE to
11.111 a point on the mainland 3 miles NE of Tanjong Dudar at LW.
Tanjong Lokpadang and is densely wooded. A 14.6m coral patch lies 2.5 miles W and another patch, with

The Sungai Tempasuk and the Sungai Pandasan, two shallow

11.111 a depth of 11m, lies 1 mile NW of Tanjong Dudar.
rivers available only to boats, discharge along this section of Two coral shoals, with depths of 3m and 3.4m, lie 0.5 mile

coast. and 1.3 miles, respectively, SW of Pulau Silad. A pinnacle

Alert Rock (6°25'N., 116°20'E.), which breaks, lies 1.5
11.111 rock, with a depth of 11m, was reported to lie 2 miles NW of
miles N of Pulau Usukan Light. This steep-to rock dries 1.8m. Pulau Silad.
Rocky spits, with depths of less than 9m, extend 0.15 mile S
from the rock. 11.113 White Rocks Bay (6°43'N., 116°38'E.) is entered
The inner E entrance point of the Sungai Abai, bearing 160°,
11.111 between Pulau Silad and Tanjong Indarasan (Tanjong Jahat),
open E of the E extremity of Pulau Usukan, leads E of Alert about 7 miles NE. The approaches to the bay are fouled by
Rock. reefs, rocks, and shoals.
Mayne Rock (6°28'N., 116°18'E.), with a depth of 2.7m, lies
11.111 Harry Shoals (6°41'N., 116°36'E.), with a least depth of

3 miles NW of Alert Rock. Two dangerous wrecks, both with 2.1m, lie 2.5 miles NE of Pulau Silad. These shoals are almost
depths of 25m over them, are located 3 miles W of Mayne joined to a spit extending from the mainland.
Rock and can best be seen on the chart. Beehive Rocks (Batu Laya Laya) (6°42'N., 116°37'E.) are

Arsat Rocks (6°30'N., 116°26'E.), which generally break,

11.111 two conspicuous rocks which stand near the outer end of the
consist of two small rocks which dry 2.4m, lying 8.5 miles NE coastal reef on the SE side of the bay. The 11.6m high SW rock
of Pulau Usukan. A shallow spit, with a depth of 3.7m, extends stands 4 miles NE of Pulau Silad. The NE rock, 10.3m high,
0.25 mile NE from these rocks. stands 0.7 mile farther NE. A rock, awash, lies 0.2 mile NNW
The SE extremity of Pulau Usukan in range, bearing 216°
11.111 of the SW rock.
with Tanjong Kaduko, leads 0.3 mile NW of Arsat Rocks. White Rocks (6°42'N., 116°36'E.), a conspicuous group of

North Hill Rock (6°28'N., 116°18'E.), with a depth of 1.8m,

11.111 rocks 13m high, stand 3.5 miles NNE of Pulau Silad. Reefs,
coral, lies 2.5 miles NNE of Alert Rock. with depths of less than 11m, extend 2 miles N and 1.3 miles
Kranga Point (Tanjong Lokpadang) (6°32'N., 116°30'E.) is
11.111 SSW of these rocks.
a fairly high sloping grassy point rising to a height of 286m 2 White Rocks Reef (6°44'N., 116°36'E.), which dries, lies

miles ENE of the point, 12.5 miles N of Pulau Usukan. near the N extremity of the above reefs. A detached 6.4m rocky
Ant Islets (6°32'N., 116°30'E.), two in number, lie on the
11.111 patch lies 1 mile W of White Rocks.
outer end of a reef which extends 0.5 mile N from Kranga A 7.3m patch lies in the N entrance of the bay 1 mile WSW

Point. One of the islets is 23m high. of Tanjong Indarasan. In 1961, a vessel reported a 5.5m patch
Ant Rocks consist of two groups of drying rocks lying 0.3
11.111 lying 1.3 miles SSW of this point.
mile and 1.3 miles NW of Kranga Point. A 5.5m patch lies 1 Anchorage.—Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 20m,

mile NNW of Kranga Point. A 12.2m shoal lies 3 miles WNW near the middle of the bay, 1.5 miles NE of White Rocks.
of the same point. Directions.—When entering by the S entrance, keep the NW

extremity of Pulau Silad bearing 217° astern, until the SW

11.112 Umpohl Shoals (6°34'N., 116°29'E.), with a depth Beehive Rock bears about 081°, at which time course can be
of 7.9m, lie 2 miles N of Kranga Point. altered for the anchorage.
Aspect.—This stretch of coast is backed by an extensive
11.112 When entering by the N entrance, steer 154° for the NE Bee-

range of hills, the bases of some reaching the coastline. The Sir hive Rock, then anchor as convenient near the middle of the
James Brooke Range extends about 16.5 miles N from a bay.
1,038m peak located about 15 miles E of Usukan Bay, to
Mount Cochran (6°37.5'N., 116°38.5'E.), a rounded 793m Off-lying Islands and Dangers
Included in this range is a rounded 1,207m peak lying close
11.112 11.114 The Mantanani Islands are a group of coral islands
NE of the 1,038m peak, and Gunung Madalong, a rounded formed by reefs which lie on a bank about 14 miles WNW of
1,128m peak, which stands 7.3 miles N of the same peak. The Pulau Silad.
island between the S part of the Sir James Brooke Range and Pulau Mantanani Besar (6°43'N., 116°21'E.), the E island

the coast is low. Up to about 14 miles N of Mount Cochran, the of the group, is low, flat, and densely wooded, except near its
hills gradually decrease in height and finally terminate in a flat NW end where it rises abruptly to a well-defined wooded
plain. ridge, 63m high. Pulau Lungisan, 39m high, lies close W of
About 6.5 miles farther N, the land again becomes hilly,
11.112 Pulau Mantanani Besar.
some of the peaks rising to heights of almost 244m. Pulau Mantanani Kechil (6°42'N., 116°18'E.), the W is-

Tanjong Dudar (Gasap Point) (6°37'N., 116°33'E.) lies 5.5

11.112 land, is wooded; the trees near its W end are 49m high. A 1.2m
miles NE of Tanjong Lokpadang. Depths of less than 5.5m ex- high rock lies close off its W extremity. A light, shown from a
tend up to 0.5 mile offshore between these points. 5m high round stone tower, stands near the W end of this is-

Pub. 163
406 Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast

land. Tanjong Tambuluran (6°52'N., 116°38'E.), lying 5 miles N


Good anchorage can be taken on either side of these islands,

11.114 of Tanjong Ganda, is low and difficult to make out.
according to the monsoon. Teluk Agal (6°49'N., 116°39'E.) lies in the bight between

A number of detached patches, with depths of from 9.6 to

11.114 Tanjong Ganda and Tanjong Tambuluran. A 4.6m coral patch
19.8m, lie within 3.5 miles of the Mantanani Islands, as can be lies 1.5 miles N of Tanjong Ganda. A 10.1m coral patch lies
seen from the charts. A 12.8m coral patch lies 5.5 miles WSW 1.5 miles farther N.
of the light. The bay is obstructed by reefs which extend from both

Caution.—Less depths than charted may exist in the vicinity

11.114 shores.
of the Mantanani Islands. Secure anchorage is reported in Teluk Agal for small craft

with local knowledge, in a depth of 7.3m.

11.115 South Furious Shoals (6°47'N., 116°12'E.) consist Batumandi Rock (6°52'N., 116°36'E.), marked close S by a

of a number of steep-to, detached coral banks lying between lighted buoy, 16m high, composed of yellow sandstone and
4.5 miles NNW and 13 miles WNW of Mantanani Islands surrounded by a steep-to reef, lies 0.3 mile W of the outer end
Light. of a reef which extends 1.3 miles W of Tanjong Tambuluran.
The westernmost and largest of these banks has a least depth
11.115 Several above water rocks stand on this reef.
of 12.8m. The next bank to the E has a similar depth. A rock, with a depth of less than 1.8m, lies 0.5 mile NW of

The three other banks lying to the E have depths ranging

11.115 Batumandi Rock; a drying rock lies in between. A 8.2m coral
from 12.8 to 14.6m. The depths around and between these patch lies 1.5 miles SSE of Batumandi Rock.
banks are very irregular and shallower depths than charted may
exist. 11.117 Tanjong Bangau (6°57'N., 116°42'E.), a black
South Furious Oil Field (6°47'N., 116°14'E.) is situated 6
11.115 rocky promontory 125m high, lies 6.5 miles NE of Tanjong
miles NW of Mantanani Islands Light. Within the oil field, Tambuluran. Hills rise E of Tanjong Bangau, attaining a height
lights are shown from the production platforms and also shown of 241m 2.5 miles NE of the point, and extend to Tanjong Sem-
from other structures. A submarine pipeline is laid SW from pang Mangayau.
the oil field, passing W of Sunken Barrier Shoals, then E of Pu- Two detached cliffs, one 9.1m high and of reddish color, and

lau Mengalum, and continuing SSW to the oil terminal near the other 15.2m high and white lie 1 mile and 2.3 miles ENE,
Tanjong Punei. This pipeline also connects the South Furious respectively, of Tanjong Tambuluran. These cliffs are the only
Oil Field with Barton Oil Field, lying 7.5 miles ENE. distinctive features on this part of the coast.
Barton Shoal (6°51'N., 116°23'E.), with a least depth of
11.115 The coast between Tanjong Tambuluran and Tanjong Ban-

11.9m, coral, lies 9.5 miles NNE of Pulau Mantanani Kechil gau is fronted by foul ground and shoal depths which extend up
Light. to about 1.3 miles offshore in places.
Barton Oil Field (6°50'N., 116°20'E.), with lighted produc-
11.115 Heavy rollers exist off the coast between Tanjong Tambulu-

tion platforms, lies 2 miles WNW of Barton Shoal. ran and Tanjong Sempang Mangayau, lying 13 miles NNE.
A submarine pipeline runs SW approximately 138 miles
11.115 Tanjong Kadua, the W end of a small islet which lies close

from a production platform to Tanjong Punei through various offshore, and Tanjong Tiga Papan lie about 2.5 miles and 3.3
other oil fields. miles, respectively, NNE of Tanjong Bangau. Tanjong Tiga Pa-
Dolphin Bank (6°46'N., 115°58'E.), with a least depth of
11.115 pan rises to a height of 134m about 0.5 mile E of its extremity.
22m, sand and coral, lies 20 miles WNW of Pulau Mantanani Tanjong Sempang Mangayau (7°02'N., 116°45'E.), the

Kechil Light. NW point of Borneo, lies about 1.3 miles N of Tanjong Tiga
Papan and was previously described in paragraph 10.90.
11.116 Emerald Shoals (6°56'N., 116°08'E.), so named be- North Furious Shoals (7°02'N., 116°19'E.), with a least

cause of their bright green color on the NW side, lie between depth of 12.8m, coral, and surrounded by very irregular depths,
13 miles and 22 miles NW of the Mantanani Islands. They con- lie 26 miles W of Tanjong Sempang Mangayau and extend 4
sist of an extensive area of coral heads marked by depths of 7.8 miles NW.
to 25.6m. The coral heads are so numerous and steep-to that it Harington Shoal (7°02'N., 116°30'E.), with a least depth of

is possible that less water may exist within the charted limits. 12.8m, coral, lies centered about 14.3 miles W of Tanjong
The shallowest head discovered so far, with a depth of 7.8,m,
11.116 Sempang Mangayau.
lies near the NE side of Emerald Shoals. Three 10.5m coral
heads lie 9 miles WSW, 2.3 miles NW, and 2.3 miles S of the 11.118 Big Bonanza Shoal (7°06'N., 116°23'E.), with a
shallowest head. least depth of 4.6m on its E part, lies about 17.3 miles WNW of
Several detached banks, with depths of 27 to 37m, lie be-
11.116 Tanjong Sempang Mangayau. Depths of less than 18m extend
tween Emerald Shoals and Dolphin Bank. 5.3 miles W and about 1.3 miles ESE from this least depth.
Depths of 20m lie 4 miles N of the shallowest head of Big

Tanjong Ganda (Tanjong Dandulit) (6°47'N., 116°38'E.), a

11.116 Bonanza Shoal.
rocky bluff, is located about 2 miles N of Tanjong Indarasan. A A depth of 37m was reported to lie 10 miles N of the shal-

bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends up to 0.3 mile off- lowest head of Big Bonanza Shoal. A depth of 36m was report-
shore between these points. A detached shoal, with a depth of ed to lie 3 miles further N. A depth of 119m was reported to lie
7.3m, lies 1.3 miles SW of Tanjong Ganda. 12.5 miles NNW of this shoal head.
A drying reef extends 0.3 mile NNE from Tanjong Ganda.
11.116 A depth of 24m was reported to lie 33 miles NNW of Pulau

Two rocks, one 5m high, stand at its N end. Kalampunian. A depth of 128m lies 36 miles NNW of this is-

Pub. 163
Sector 11. Borneo—Northwest Coast 407

land. A depth of 24m was reported in position 8°13'N, A light is shown from a 15m high red stone column with white
116°36'E, approximately 71 miles N of Pulau Kalampunian. bands situated on the island.
Pulau Kalampunian (7°03'N., 116°45'E.), lying about 1
11.118 A safe channel, about 0.2 mile wide, lies between the island

mile N of Tanjong Sempang Mangayau, is a small sandstone and Tanjong Sempang Mangayau. This channel has a least fair-
island which rises to a height of 23m from a flat composed of way depth of 11m and the reefs along the sides are visible.
detached reefs. A drying reef extends about 0.5 mile SE from A magnetic anomaly was observed between positions 10

the island. A 7.8m coral patch lies 0.6 mile NW of the island. miles W and 33 miles NNW of Pulau Kalampunian.

Pub. 163
Glossaries 409



A hulu .................................................. upper course of a river

hutan................................................................ jungle, forest
air................................................................................. water
air masin ................................................................salt water
air mentah........................................................... fresh water inggris ....................................................................... english
air pasang ............................................................... high tide
air pelajaran ................................................. bay, inlet, creek
air perpani...............................................................neap tide jalan.....................................................................street, road
air surut.................................................................... low tide jambatan..................................................................... bridge
ajer...................................................................... river, water jermal ................................................ fishing stake, fish trap
alang ................................................................................ bar jernih .............................................................................clear
ambang .........................................................................shoal
angin ............................................................................. wind kali................................................................................. river
api ..................................................................................light kampung.....................................................................village
arus ............................................................................current kapal...............................................................................ship
kapal api ............................................................... steamship
kapal dadang ........................................................ cargo ship
baharu, baru....................................................................new kapal lajar........................................................ sailing vessel
bandar, bendar ................................................... harbor, port kapal mualim......................................................... pilot boat
barat................................................................ west, western kapal muatan ...........................................................freighter
batang ............................................................................river kapal pandu ........................................................... pilot boat
batu ............................................................. stone, rock, islet kapal penambang ..........................................................ferry
bengawan................................................. river, large stream kapal pangangkut .............................................. cargo vessel
besar ................................................................... large, great kapal penumpang ....................................... passenger vessel
beting................................................. reef, sand bank, shoal kapal perang .............................................................warship
biduk...................................................................... river boat kapal peronda ........................................... coastguard vessel
biru ................................................................................ blue kapal tangki.................................................................tanker
bukit................................................................hill, mountain kapal uap .............................................................. steamship
bulan ............................................................................ moon kapal udara ................................................................ aircraft
karang................................................. coral, coral reef, atoll
kelelap ....................................................... submerged, sunk
darerah tingkat..................................administrative division kepulauan ...................... archipelago, large group of islands
dalam .............................................................................deep kering .............................................................................. dry
danau ..............................................................................lake ketjil .............................................................................small
dnagkal .....................................................................shallow kota................................................................ city, town, fort
darat....................................................................... landward kuala.............estuary, river mouth, confluence of two rivers
delapan ......................................................................... eight kulon ............................................................................. west
dua .................................................................................. two kuning ........................................................................yellow
empat ..............................................................................four labuan, labuhan .................................................... anchorage
enam .................................................................................six lapan............................................................................. eight
laut.................................................................... sea, seaward
gosong ........................................................shoal, sand bank lebar....................................................................broad, wide
gunung................................................................... mountain lima ................................................................................. fire
gunung api ................................................................volcano lubuk .....................................................................deep pool
lumpur ........................................................................... mud
lurah ...................................................... valley, ravine, gully
hari.................................................................................. day
hijau............................................................................. green
hilir ....................................................................downstream malam........................................................................... night
hitam................................................................... black, dark malim ............................................................................ pilot
hujan ............................................................................... rain mas .............................................................................golden

Pub. 163
410 Glossaries


merah............................................................................... red R
muara.................................................... estuary, river mouth rawa, rawang ................................................. swamp, marsh
musim .........................................................................season rendah..............................................................................low
riam .............................................................waterfall, rapids
rimba ............................................................... jungle, forest
nelajan .................................................................. fisherman rujut ...........................................................................fish net
nol.............................................................................. naught rumah .......................................................................... house
nusa .............................................................................island
sampan .................................................................small boat
ombak ......................................................................... waves satu ..................................................................................one
ombak memetjah .....................................................breakers selat ................................................. strait, narrows, channel
ombak selabu.............................................................. rollers selatan .......................................................... south, southern
selatan dajh........................................................... southwest
sembilan .........................................................................nine
pabean ............................................................. customhouse sepulah .............................................................................ten
pagi ..........................................................................morning sjarbandar........................................................ harbormaster
paja ............................................................................ swamp sumur..............................................................................well
pangkalang ............................ anchorage, landing place pier sungai ............................................................................ river
panjang .......................................................................... long
pantai ...................................................... beach, coast, shore
pantjang ................................................................ stake, pile tanjung............................................ cape, point, promontory
parigi ................................................................. well, spring teluk........................................................bay, bend in a river
parit ........................................................ditch, small stream tengah........................................................................ middle
pasang kering....................................................ebb, low tide tenggara..................................................................southeast
pasang naik............................................................. high tide tepi...................................................................... bank, shore
pasang purnama................................................... spring tide tepi laut.........................................................................south
pasang surut.............................................................the tides terumbu ..........................................rock awash at low water
pasanggrahan........................................................ rest house terusan .......................................................................... canal
pasir ......................................................... sand, sandy beach tiga................................................................................ three
pegunungan ................................................. mountain range timur............................................................................... east
pelabuhan ........................................... roadstead, anchorage timur laut................................................................northeast
pelabuhan udara..........................................................airport tinggi ............................................................................. high
pekan ................................................................ market town tjetek......................................................................... shallow
pendaratan .................................... llanding place, quay, pier tji ................................................................................stream
pengkapalan............................................................ shipping tjukuh ............................................................................ cape
perahu ............................................................................ boat tohor ......................................................................... shallow
perahu majang .................................... deep-sea fishing boat tokong ..............................................reef, below-water bank
perahu tambang ....................................................ferry, boat tongkang...................................................lighter (for cargo)
perkapalan ...................................................... fleet shipyard tua.................................................................................... old
petang .......................................................................evening tujuh .............................................................................seven
pinggir laut ................................................................... coast
pohon, pokok.................................................................. tree
prau............................................................. boat, small craft ujung .................................................. cape, point, headland
propinsi................................................................... province ulu ...................................................upper reaches of a river
pulau ............................................................................island utara.............................................................................. north
pulau-pulau........................................small group of islands utara barat..............................................................northwest
puntjak.............................................................summit, peak W
puri ............................................................................... town waduk ..................................................................... reservoir
putih............................................................................. white wai................................................................................. river

Pub. 163
Glossaries 411


DUTCH English DUTCH English

golf ................................................................................. gulf

groen ............................................................................green
aan .......................................................................at, near, on gronden ....................................................................grounds
ankergebied ...................................................anchoring area groot ..............................................................................great
haven .......................................................................... harbor
helft ................................................................................ half
baai ................................................................................. bay het.....................................................................................the
baak ........................................................................... beacon heuvel.............................................................................. hill
bank .................................................................... bank, shoal hoek..................................................................... cape, point
beloodsen....................................................... embark (pilot) hoofd ...................................................................... headland
berg........................................................................ mountain hoog .............................................................................. high
binnen........................................................................... inner hout ..............................................................................wood
blauw ............................................................................. blue
bocht............................................................................. bight
boei............................................................................... buoy kaai................................................................................quay
bol................................................................................... ball kaap ...............................................................cape, headland
boom............................................................................... tree kake ...............................................................................quay
bosch ........................................................................... forest kanaal ....................................................................... channel
breed............................................................................ broad kegel .............................................................................. cone
brug ............................................................................ bridge kil ............................................................................. channel
brul ............................................................................whistle klein, kleine.........................................................little, small
buiten............................................................................ outer klip ........................................................................rock, cliff
bult............................................................................... hump kolen...............................................................................coal
kop................................................................................. head
dag .................................................................................. day kust............................................................................... coast
dam.............................................................dam, breakwater
de, den ............................................................................. the
diep................................................................................deep laag, lage .........................................................................low
diepgaande............................................................deep-draft lang................................................................................ long
dijk................................................................................. dike licht ............................................................................... light
donker............................................................................ dark lichtboei ............................................................... light buoy
dorp ........................................................................... village lichtenlijn ................................... leading lights, range lights
draaikalk....................................................................... eddy loods.............................................................................. pilot
dremel.............................................................................. bar loodswegen ..............................................................pilotage
drie................................................................................ three
driehoek.................................................................... triangle
droogte..........................................................................shoal meer .............................................................inland sea, lake
duin.................................................................dune, sandhill midden ...................................................................... middle
dwars ............................................................ across, athwart moessan..................................................................monsoon
modder .......................................................................... mud
mond .............................................................mouth, estuary
eiland ...........................................................................island N
eilanden ..................................................................... islands
eilandje ...........................................................................islet nauw.........................................................................narrows
nieuw.............................................................................. new
G nood ...................................................... distress, emergency
noord, noorden ..............................................north, northern
gat.............................................................................channel noordoost ...............................................................northeast
geel ............................................................................ yellow noordwest..............................................................northwest
gebergte ....................................................... mountain range
getijseinen ......................................................... tidal signals
geul...............................................................narrow channel olie ................................................................................... oil

Pub. 163
412 Glossaries

DUTCH English DUTCH English

ondiepte ........................................................................shoal riffen..............................................................................reefs

ontzeggen ..............................................................forbidden rivier .............................................................................. river
oost, ooster ........................................................east, eastern rots ...............................................................................rocks
oranje......................................................................... orange rug ................................................................................ ridge
oud................................................................................... old ruitvormig .................................................. diamond-shaped
peilschaal..............................................................tide gauge
plaat ..............................................................................shoal schaar ....................................................................... channel
plat................................................................................... flat schiereiland ........................................................... peninsula
polder.............................................................reclaimed land schor............................................................................. shoal
punt............................................................................... point sein .............................................................................. signal
smal ........................................................................... narrow
spits ...........................................................................pointed
rak.............................................................................channel spoorweg ...................................................................railway
rechthoekig......................................................... rectangular springtij ................................................................spring tide
reddingboote............................................................. lifeboat staart..............................................................tail (of a bank)
rede........................................................................ roadstead stad ................................................................................town
rif .................................................................................... reef steen ............................................................................. stone
rood, ruode ...................................................................... red steiger.................................................................... jetty, pier

Pub. 163
Glossaries 413


MALAY English MALAY English

alangan ............................................................................ bar malang.................................................... rock, reef, or shoal
arus ............................................................................ current mas .............................................................................golden
ayer.................................................................. water, stream merah .............................................................................. red
ayer masin .............................................................salt water muara ..........................................................mouth of a river
bagan ...............................................................landing place negri .................................................................... town, state
baharu, bahru..................................................................new
bandar.......................................................port, trading town
barat................................................................ west, western paya ............................................................... marsh, swamp
batang ............................................................................river pangkalan ........................................................ landing place
batu................................................................................ rock panjang.......................................................................... long
besar ................................................................... large, great pantai.................................................coast, seaboard, beach
beting.................................................................. shoal, bank parit ..................................................................ditch, stream
biru ................................................................................ blue pasir....................................................................sand, beach
bukit................................................................................. hill pekan ................................................................town, market
pohon or pokok ...............................................................tree
prau ................................................................................boat
changkat ..........................................................hillock, shoal pulau............................................................................ island
chetek .......................................................................shallow puteh, putih ..................................................................white
dalam .............................................................................deep rendah..............................................................................low
darat............................................................land, the interior rumah .......................................................................... house
gosong, gusong............................................ shoal, reef, islet selat ................................................................ channel, strait
selatan .......................................................... south, southern
sungai ............................................................................ river
hijau............................................................................. green
hitam, itam.......................................................... black, dark
hutan or utan.................................................... jungle, forest
tanah................................................................ land, country
tanjong ...........................cape, headland, point, promontory
kampong.................................................................... village telok ....................................................... bay, bend in a river
karang................................................................... coral, reef terembu, trumbu ..............................dangerous hidden shoal
kechil .................................................................. small, little terusan ....................................................connecting channel
kering, kring .................................................................... dry timor............................................................................... east
kuala ............... mouth or a river or confluence of two rivers tinggi ............................................................................. high
kuning........................................................................ yellow tohor ......................................................................... shallow
tua.................................................................................... old
tukun ................................................................. sunken rock
labuan ...................................................................anchorage
laut.................................................................... sea, seaward
lumpur ........................................................................... mud utara ............................................................................. north

Pub. 163

How to use the Index—Gazetteer

Geographic names of navigational features are generally those used by the nation having sovereignty and are listed
alphabetically. Diacritical marks, such as accents, cedillas, and circumflexes, which are related to specific letters in certain foreign
languages, are not used in the interest of typographical simplicity.
Geographic names or their spellings do not necessarily reflect recognition of the political status of an area by the United States
Government. Positions are approximate and are intended merely as locators to facilitate reference to the charts.
To use as a Gazetteer note the position and Sector number of the feature and refer to the Chart Information diagram for the
Sector. Plot the approximate position of the feature on this diagram and note the approximate chart number.
To use as an Index of features described in the text note the paragraph number at the right. To locate this feature on the best
scale chart use the Gazetteer procedure above.


Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para. ° ' ° ' Para.

A BAJAK WUTUN 8 13 S 123 36 E 6.69

BAJAPA REEF 4 41 N 119 05 E 10.36
AART VAN NES 8 32 S 117 53 E 5.47 BAJOA 4 33 S 120 23 E 8.94
ABANA ROCK 5 06 N 115 04 E 11.65 BAJOWE 4 33 S 120 23 E 8.94
ACIS NORTH SHOAL 3 46 N 112 38 E 11.32 BAKAPIT 4 57 N 118 35 E 10.54
ADDINGTON REEF 2 44 S 116 46 E 9.29 BAKAU OILFIELD 4 34 N 113 50 E 11.42
AIR DAWAS 2 36 S 104 11 E 2.7 BAKOE 5 08 S 119 21 E 7.11
AIR MESUJI 4 10 S 105 49 E 2.20 BAKUHANG 4 45 N 118 29 E 10.41
AIR MUSI 2 18 S 104 55 E 2.8 BALABAC STRAIT 7 30 N 117 00 E 1.1
AIR TELUKTENGGULAND 2 37 S 104 17 E 2.7 BALANGNIPA 5 56 S 120 27 E 7.3
AITKEN REEF 5 42 N 112 33 E 11.48 BALI RIFFEN 3 10 S 120 36 E 8.97
AKBAR SHOAL 2 39 S 107 15 E 2.49 BALI VAN TOLI TOLI 1 03 N 120 48 E 7.43
ALARM BANK 3 23 N 106 29 E 1.51 BALIK TABA 2 35 N 118 00 E 9.81
ALERT PATCHES 4 09 N 118 15 E 10.18 BALIKPAPAN 1 16 S 116 49 E 9.45
ALERT ROCK 6 25 N 116 20 E 11.111 BALONGAN 6 20 S 108 22 E 3.21
ALIAMBATA 8 47 S 126 36 E 6.94 BALONGAN OIL TERMINAL 6 16 S 108 28 E 3.21
ALICE CHANNEL 4 35 N 119 00 E 10.35 BANDA REEF 3 50 N 118 01 E 10.4
ALICE REEF 4 45 N 119 04 E 10.36 BANDANG EILANDEN 1 41 S 123 27 E 8.46
ALIDA SHOAL 0 59 N 107 52 E 1.22 BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN 4 53 N 114 56 E 11.78
AMCOTTS ROCK 5 02 N 114 37 E 11.59 BANGGAI 1 32 S 123 29 E 8.45
AMPENAN 8 34 S 116 04 E 5.26 BANGGI OUTER NORTHEAST REEFS 7 23 N 117 21 E 10.84
AMPENAN ROAD 8 35 S 116 03 E 5.25 BANGGI SOUTH CHANNEL 7 07 N 117 10 E 10.87
AMPIBABO 0 28 S 120 04 E 8.26 BANGUEY OUTER NORTHEAST REEFS 7 23 N 117 21 E 10.84
ANGELICA BANK 7 46 S 122 18 E 6.49 BANGUEY PEAK 7 17 N 117 06 E 10.82
ANJER-LOR 6 03 S 105 55 E 4.17 BANJARMASIN 3 20 S 114 35 E 9.11
ANNA REEFS 2 25 S 116 55 E 9.30 BANKURUAN CAYS 6 32 N 117 41 E 10.70
ANNIE FLORENCE REEF 5 12 S 113 17 E 3.74 BANYUWANGI 8 13 S 114 23 E 5.3
ANOA NATUNA MARINE TERMINAL 5 13 N 105 36 E 1.62 BARAM OIL FIELD 4 40 N 113 56 E 11.45
ANT ISLETS 6 32 N 116 30 E 11.111 BARAT BANKS 5 10 N 115 06 E 11.65
ANYER TERMINAL (ASAHIMAS) 6 02 S 105 56 E 4.16 BARAT TWEELING 4 13 S 122 55 E 8.67
ANYER-LOR 6 03 S 105 55 E 4.17 BAROE 8 24 S 116 06 E 5.27
API PASSAGE 2 02 N 109 12 E 1.66 BAROEGAIJA 6 02 S 120 33 E 8.99
ARDASIER BANK 7 45 N 114 14 E 11.50 BARONIA OIL FIELD 4 45 N 113 45 E 11.42
ARDJUNA MARINE TERMINAL 5 54 S 107 44 E 3.19 BARSOE BASSO 8 29 S 119 15 E 5.57
ARENDS EILAND 5 04 S 114 36 E 9.13 BARSOE MENJERIH 8 31 S 119 15 E 5.57
ARIMBI OIL FIELD 6 20 S 108 40 E 3.21 BARSOE PANDA 8 32 S 119 14 E 5.57
ARMSTRONG REEF 4 56 N 118 26 E 10.52 BARSU BASSO 8 29 S 119 15 E 5.57
ARSAT ROCKS 6 30 N 116 26 E 11.111 BARSU MENYERIH 8 31 S 119 15 E 5.57
ARU BANK 2 15 S 116 40 E 9.34 BARTON OIL FIELD 6 50 N 116 20 E 11.115
ARUBA BANKS 3 28 S 110 11 E 9.3 BARTON OILFIELD 6 50 N 116 20 E 11.62
ATA NILA 8 19 S 123 45 E 6.67 BARTON SHOAL 6 51 N 116 23 E 11.115
ATANILA 8 19 S 123 45 E 6.67 BARU 8 24 S 116 06 E 5.27
ATAPOEPOE 9 00 S 124 52 E 6.103 BATANG BARAM 4 35 N 113 58 E 11.46
ATAPUPU 9 00 S 124 52 E 6.103 BATANG IGAN 2 51 N 111 39 E 11.28
ATTAKA REEF 0 08 S 117 52 E 9.56 BATANG LAWAS 4 58 N 115 25 E 11.82
AWALOLONG REEF 8 22 S 123 25 E 6.59 BATANG LUPAR 1 31 N 110 59 E 11.14
AYERABU AIRABU 2 46 N 106 14 E 1.38 BATANG RAJANG 2 08 N 111 13 E 11.18
BATANG SADONG 1 34 N 110 44 E 11.14
BATANG SARIBAS 1 43 N 111 04 E 11.16
B BATANGMATA 5 56 S 120 27 E 7.3
BATOE 7 02 S 120 45 E 6.117
BAA 10 44 S 123 03 E 6.108 BATU ABA 8 47 S 115 38 E 5.21
BAA ROAD 10 43 S 123 03 E 6.108 BATU ABAH 8 47 S 115 38 E 5.21
BADAS 8 28 S 117 23 E 5.43 BATU BELAJAR 8 46 S 116 32 E 5.31
BADIOA 4 33 S 120 23 E 8.94 BATU HITAM BATUHITAM 3 15 S 108 04 E 2.77
BAGIENDA 3 13 S 107 37 E 2.64 BATU IMUNG 4 38 N 107 59 E 1.3
BAGUAN ISLAND 6 05 N 118 27 E 10.65 BATU KARANG PEMATAN 5 24 S 106 16 E 4.6
BAHODOPI 2 48 S 122 09 E 8.57 BATU LAYA LAYA 6 42 N 116 37 E 11.113
BAHOELOEANG 6 29 S 120 26 E 7.5 BATU LUA 4 59 S 119 27 E 7.18

Pub. 163
416 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
BATU LUNDU 1 44 N 109 56 E 11.4 BLACK WATCH ROCK 7 26 N 117 17 E 10.84
BATU MALANG 3 15 S 107 28 E 2.53 BLAMBANGAN PENINSULA 8 45 S 114 25 E 5.1
BATU MANDI 1 44 N 109 56 E 11.4 BLENHEIM REEFS 2 27 S 116 51 E 9.30
BATU MOGUNG 2 57 S 110 29 E 9.4 BLINYU 1 38 S 105 47 E 2.26
BATU MONTJO 8 26 S 119 26 E 5.58 BOAAN ISLAND 6 17 N 118 05 E 10.67
BATU NENEH 3 42 N 107 56 E 1.8 BOEBOEJANG 5 11 S 119 22 E 7.11
BATU PANKAJA 4 36 S 119 24 E 7.18 BOELOENROEE 5 07 S 120 24 E 8.92
BATU PANKAYA 4 36 S 119 24 E 7.18 BOETOENG 5 28 S 122 37 E 8.78
BATU PRIUK 3 01 N 108 52 E 1.13 BOHARI BANK 2 09 N 111 06 E 11.18
BATU SAMARANG 1 52 N 110 21 E 11.6 BOKOR OIL FIELD 4 33 N 113 37 E 11.44
BATU SORI LIGHT 5 20 S 122 39 E 8.77 BOLAANGITAM 0 55 N 123 19 E 7.51
BATU TIMBAL 3 01 S 116 12 E 9.32 BOLING 8 21 S 123 15 E 6.57
BATU TINAGAT 4 13 N 117 59 E 10.14 BONE LAISI 5 55 S 118 12 E 5.68
BATUAN KERA 1 43 N 110 18 E 11.8 BONE MALALAJA 5 05 S 119 24 E 7.19
BATUAN TAMBAK 1 43 N 110 18 E 11.8 BONE MALALAYA 5 05 S 119 24 E 7.19
BATUBERIAN BESAR 2 30 N 108 57 E 1.15 BONE MALONJO 5 14 S 119 06 E 7.14
BATUMANDI 5 53 S 105 42 E 4.22 BONE PAMAKEKE 5 12 S 119 13 E 7.14
BATUMANDI ROCK 6 52 N 116 36 E 11.116 BONE PINJING 5 19 S 119 13 E 7.14
BATUMOITO 0 29 N 122 18 E 8.18 BONE PUTE 5 43 S 118 18 E 5.68
BATUNAI BALO 5 04 S 119 10 E 7.15 BONE RATE 7 21 S 121 07 E 6.115
BATUPUTIH 2 42 N 106 17 E 1.39 BONTANG COAL TERMINAL 0 02 N 117 31 E 9.56
BATURUA REEF 4 31 N 118 49 E 10.32 BONTANG LNG TERMINAL 0 06 N 117 29 E 9.57
BAUBAU 5 28 S 122 37 E 8.78 BOOMPJES ISLAND 2 28 S 106 58 E 2.39
BAUCAU 8 27 S 126 30 E 6.90 BOWER REEF 3 28 S 108 37 E 2.76
BEATRICE REEFS 10 31 S 123 36 E 6.105 BRANDON REEFS 6 42 N 116 50 E 10.90
BEAUFORT REEF 4 23 N 118 44 E 10.26 BROCK PATCH 4 46 N 114 30 E 11.56
BEDULAN 7 42 S 113 29 E 3.60 BROMO ROCK 8 16 S 114 25 E 5.2
BEEHIVE ROCKS 6 42 N 116 37 E 11.113 BROUWER BANKEN 5 05 S 106 16 E 4.5
BEKAPAI OFFSHORE TERMINAL 1 01 S 117 29 E 9.48 BROUWERS REEFS 5 05 S 106 16 E 4.5
BELANG 0 56 N 124 47 E 8.9 BROWNE PATCH 4 54 N 114 18 E 11.56
BELANTAK 0 52 S 123 24 E 8.50 BRUNEI 4 53 N 114 56 E 11.78
BELINYU 1 38 S 105 47 E 2.26 BRUNEI BLUFF 5 03 N 115 03 E 11.74
BENKOKA 6 53 N 117 13 E 10.75 BRUNEI CHANNEL 4 59 N 115 05 E 11.75
BENOA BARU 0 59 N 117 58 E 9.62 BRUNEI PATCHES 5 01 N 114 42 E 11.59
BENOA-UJUNG 8 45 S 115 13 E 5.18 BUAYA BUAYA 1 25 N 118 30 E 9.68
BENRINNES REEF 4 51 N 118 45 E 10.61 BUCK REEF 5 52 N 112 34 E 11.48
BENTENG 6 07 S 120 28 E 7.4 BUGBUG 8 30 S 115 36 E 5.15
BERAPUN 8 35 S 122 55 E 6.63 BUKIT AMBOK 4 49 N 114 40 E 11.53
BEREMPUN 3 09 S 107 37 E 2.63 BUKIT BADUNG 8 48 S 115 10 E 5.6
BESAR SALUE 1 57 S 123 49 E 8.46 BUKIT BANGGI 7 17 N 117 06 E 10.82
BESUKI 7 44 S 113 41 E 3.61 BUKIT BATUKAU 8 20 S 115 06 E 5.9
BETHUNE HEAD 5 24 N 115 15 E 11.61 BUKIT BUANG SAKAR 4 51 N 114 57 E 11.71
BETING AKBAR 2 39 S 107 15 E 2.49 BUKIT COWIE 5 02 N 115 03 E 11.58
BETING BINTULO 3 50 N 112 47 E 11.32 BUKIT JERUDUNG 4 56 N 114 51 E 11.58
BETING BUNGAI 3 55 N 113 10 E 11.33 BUKIT KILATUAN 5 40 N 115 58 E 11.93
BETING JEPAT 3 50 N 112 48 E 11.32 BUKIT SABANDAR 4 56 N 114 51 E 11.58
BETING KIDURONG 3 44 N 112 55 E 11.32 BUKIT SARI 4 56 N 115 23 E 11.82
BETING LIKU UTARA 3 46 N 112 38 E 11.32 BUKIT SEBUYAU 1 31 N 110 56 E 11.14
BETING MATONG 1 44 N 110 33 E 11.11 BUKIT SELILA 4 55 N 114 58 E 11.71
BETING MENJANGAN BANK 3 47 S 106 12 E 2.22 BUKIT SUAI 4 58 N 115 28 E 11.83
BETING MUKAH 3 51 N 112 03 E 11.31 BUKIT TEBELONG 5 47 N 116 03 E 11.93
BETING NIAH 3 58 N 113 32 E 11.33 BUKIT TEMPAYANG PISANG 5 01 N 115 03 E 11.71
BETING NYABAU 3 38 N 113 03 E 11.32 BULELENG 8 06 S 115 06 E 5.12
BETING NYALAU 3 47 N 113 04 E 11.32 BULELENG ROAD 8 06 S 115 06 E 5.11
BETING OSMAN 2 27 N 111 13 E 11.22 BULIPATUID SHOAL 4 29 N 118 47 E 10.32
BETING RAJA 5 13 S 106 44 E 3.13 BULUKUMBA 5 34 S 120 11 E 7.6
BETING SAFRI 3 34 N 112 21 E 11.31 BUMBUN BAY 8 17 S 111 51 E 4.46
BETING SEMILAJAU 3 33 N 113 16 E 11.37 BUNBURY SHOALS 6 28 N 115 56 E 11.106
BETING SUAI 3 51 N 113 02 E 11.33 BUNGIN BAY 8 29 S 117 00 E 5.39
BETING TATAU 3 41 N 112 48 E 11.32 BUNGKU 2 33 S 121 58 E 8.55
BETING TUGAU 3 54 N 112 15 E 11.31 BUNGURAN BESAR NATUNA BESAR 3 56 N 108 14 E 1.5
BETOENG 5 34 S 104 33 E 4.32 BUNTA 0 50 S 122 09 E 8.34
BETONG 6 24 S 110 55 E 3.28 BURONG 5 46 N 115 41 E 11.92
BETTY OIL FIELD 4 37 N 113 37 E 11.44 BUSH ISLAND 6 48 N 117 21 E 10.75
BETUNG 5 33 S 104 33 E 4.33 BUSUNG MADAU 2 46 S 108 22 E 2.73
BIG BONANZA SHOAL 7 06 N 116 23 E 11.118 BUTON 5 28 S 122 37 E 8.78
BILA 5 45 S 112 36 E 3.74 BUTON STRAIT 5 00 S 122 45 E 8.74
BILLEAN NORTH DANGERS 6 46 N 117 45 E 10.70 BYLANDT REEF 6 18 S 120 24 E 7.5
BILLEAN SOUTH DANGERS 6 40 N 117 53 E 10.70 BYRON REEF 2 34 S 117 48 E 9.38
BIMA 8 27 S 118 43 E 5.50
BIMA MARINE TERMINAL 5 45 S 107 05 E 3.3
BINATANG 2 10 N 111 38 E 11.23 C
BINGKOKA BAY 4 08 S 121 30 E 8.87
BINTULU 3 10 N 113 02 E 11.31 CAMAR MARINE TERMINAL 6 18 S 113 00 E 3.72
BINTULU OFFSHORE TERMINAL 3 20 N 113 01 E 11.34 CANDIKESUMA 8 19 S 114 31 E 5.8
BINTULU PORT 3 16 N 113 04 E 11.35 CANTI 5 48 S 105 35 E 4.24
BIRA 5 36 S 106 34 E 3.1 CAPE MAFSIE 6 56 N 117 01 E 10.88
BIRAH BIRAHAN 4 14 S 116 07 E 9.15 CAPE MANDAR 3 35 S 118 56 E 7.27
BIRINGKASI 4 49 S 119 29 E 7.20 CARNBEE 3 34 S 107 41 E 2.54
BISA ISLAND 6 39 N 116 34 E 11.112 CARYSFORT REEF 2 40 S 109 49 E 2.103
BITIAN 5 52 S 112 52 E 3.71 CATHARINA ROSTEN 6 08 S 105 51 E 4.17
BITUNG 1 26 N 125 11 E 8.7 CECIL REEFS 2 22 S 116 54 E 9.30

Pub. 163
Index—Gazetteer 417

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
CENKARENG OIL TERMINAL 5 58 S 106 44 E 3.9 DOLPHIN BANK 6 46 N 115 58 E 11.115
CENTRAL LUCONIA GAS FIELD 5 02 N 112 40 E 11.48 DOMPO BAY 8 19 S 118 19 E 5.49
CHABROI (CHABROL) BANK 3 08 N 106 22 E 1.60 DONDO BAY 8 29 S 121 53 E 6.48
CHAMPION OIL FIELD 5 14 N 114 45 E 11.60 DONGGALA 0 40 S 119 45 E 7.33
CHAMPION SHOALS 5 12 N 114 45 E 11.52 DORO MARIA 8 29 S 118 56 E 5.51
CHANCE ROCK 4 14 N 118 18 E 10.19 DORO RASA 8 48 S 118 43 E 5.61
CHEARNLEY SHOAL 4 51 N 114 19 E 11.56 DORO SIMPOSAI 8 43 S 118 42 E 5.60
CHERMIN ROCK 4 56 N 115 01 E 11.77 DRAKE BANK 4 13 N 117 36 E 10.12
CHRISTINE SHOALS 3 51 N 113 02 E 11.33 DRIFTWOOD POINT 5 39 N 118 37 E 10.60
CHURCH REEF 4 41 N 118 39 E 10.34 DUMPIL ROCK 5 54 N 116 01 E 11.96
CIGADING 6 01 S 105 57 E 4.14, DUNGI REEFS 3 57 S 121 06 E 8.90
4.15 DUNLOP SHOAL 5 42 N 115 38 E 11.92
CILACAP 7 44 S 109 00 E 4.40 DUTCH SPIT 4 04 N 118 01 E 10.13
CILACAP INLET 7 45 S 109 03 E 4.39 DWAALDER ISLAND 4 14 S 116 07 E 9.15
CIMIRING LIGHT 7 47 S 109 02 E 4.40
CINTA OIL TERMINAL 5 27 S 106 16 E 4.7
CIREBON 6 43 S 108 34 E 3.23 E
CIRENCESTER BANK 3 16 S 108 58 E 2.81
CIRENCESTER SHOAL 2 55 S 108 56 E 2.81 EAST POINT 4 08 N 117 55 E 10.13
CLAIRE ROCK 6 41 N 117 37 E 10.68 EBELING SHOAL 0 28 N 107 25 E 1.32
CLARKE CREEK 4 19 N 117 32 E 10.10 EDEN TUTUN 7 58 S 126 28 E 6.84
CLEMENCIA BANK 3 23 S 110 08 E 9.3 EDGELL PATCHES 6 01 N 115 59 E 11.98
CLOTILDE ROCK 6 14 N 118 23 E 10.65 EGERIA ROCK 3 02 N 106 27 E 1.60
COAL MINE REACH 4 15 N 117 39 E 10.10 EGERIA ROCKS 7 03 N 117 13 E 10.80
COAL POINT 5 23 N 115 15 E 11.67 EGERIA SHOAL 4 12 N 118 15 E 10.18
COCHRANE BANK 3 49 N 113 15 E 11.33 EKAS BAY 8 57 S 116 26 E 5.32
COLEMAN SHOAL 5 46 N 115 35 E 11.92 ELIZABETH SHOALS 3 55 N 113 10 E 11.33
COLLIER HEAD 5 17 N 115 16 E 11.67 ELLIOT REEF 2 04 S 106 19 E 2.32
COLLINS PATCH 4 16 N 118 36 E 10.23 ELOMAR 8 45 S 126 46 E 6.94
COLLINS SHOALS 5 57 N 115 33 E 11.105 EMERALD SHOALS 6 56 N 116 08 E 11.116
CONDOR REEF 2 25 S 108 41 E 2.72 ENDE 8 50 S 121 39 E 6.39
CONGKEH 7 29 S 113 11 E 3.46 ENGLISH SPIT 4 12 N 118 08 E 10.17
COOPER REEF 3 22 S 107 35 E 2.54 ENSLIE REEF 1 07 S 106 31 E 2.38
CORA REEF 2 29 S 116 53 E 9.30 ERB WEST OIL FIELD 6 26 N 115 39 E 11.104
CORAL BANK 2 27 S 116 47 E 9.30 ERZHERZOG REEF 4 15 N 118 23 E 10.20
CORAL REEF 2 50 S 117 04 E 9.28 EVEREST BAY 4 57 N 118 34 E 10.54
COREYRA BANK (GOSONG CORCYRA) 2 49 S 110 01 E 2.102 EVERETT REEF 5 51 N 115 59 E 11.95
COWIE HARBOR 4 17 N 117 46 E 10.16 EXSPAN MARINE TERMINAL 1 50 S 105 08 E 2.23
CRANEFIELD DANGERS 6 26 N 117 50 E 10.69
CREAGH REEF 4 20 N 118 37 E 10.27
CREIGHTON PATCH 6 01 N 116 05 E 11.100 F
CROOK REEF 4 47 N 118 20 E 10.51
CRUIZER ROCK 1 52 N 110 21 E 11.6 FAIRLEY PATCHES 4 56 N 114 20 E 11.56
CUNNINGHAM PATCH 4 59 N 114 38 E 11.59 FAIRWAY SHOAL 7 07 N 117 30 E 10.79
CUST REEF 4 17 N 118 43 E 10.24 FATAMAILAU 8 55 S 125 29 E 6.86
FIVE FATHOM BANKS 3 48 S 106 28 E 2.22
FLORES HEAD 8 04 S 122 52 E 6.53
D FLY ROCK 6 58 N 117 18 E 10.76
FLYING FISH REEF 2 13 S 108 37 E 2.81
DAJANGDAJANGAN 5 24 S 119 11 E 7.10 FLYING FISH ROCK 6 17 N 118 08 E 10.67
DALLAS REEF 7 38 N 113 51 E 11.50 FOUR FATHOM BANKS 4 13 S 106 12 E 2.22
DAMAR 2 45 N 105 23 E 1.40 FOUR FATHOM PATCHES 5 27 N 115 13 E 11.63
DAMPIER ROCK 6 52 N 117 32 E 10.72 FOX BANKS 3 35 S 110 15 E 9.2
DAMPIER SHOALS 6 00 N 115 30 E 11.105 FRANCIS BANK 6 23 N 115 53 E 11.106
DANA 10 50 S 121 17 E 6.112 FREEMANTE SHOAL 4 44 N 118 46 E 10.34
DAO BESAR ISLAND 10 49 S 122 40 E 6.108 FRIEDRICH HAVEN 4 16 N 118 24 E 10.21
DARBY BANK 4 07 N 118 13 E 10.18 FRIEDRICH REEF 4 14 N 118 21 E 10.20
DARVEL BAY 4 45 N 118 35 E 10.37 FRIENDSHIP SHOAL 5 57 N 112 33 E 11.48
DAWSON ROCK 4 45 N 118 20 E 10.41 FURY ROCKS 5 43 N 115 02 E 11.89
DE GREVE SHOAL 5 58 S 118 26 E 5.69
DECOURCY DANGERS 6 34 N 117 56 E 10.69
DELUAR SHOALS 5 52 N 115 42 E 11.93 G
DENPASAR 8 40 S 115 13 E 5.18
DENT HAVEN 5 16 N 119 15 E 10.56 GANTENG 8 36 S 117 50 E 5.47
DILI 8 32 S 125 35 E 6.87 GANTISAN 6 05 N 116 08 E 11.99
DILLY 8 32 S 125 35 E 6.87 GASAP POINT 6 37 N 116 33 E 11.112
DINGLE ROCK 6 47 N 117 36 E 10.71 GAYA BAY 6 03 N 116 04 E 11.100
DISCOVERY EAST BANK 3 35 S 109 10 E 2.81 GAYAM 7 10 S 114 20 E 3.68
DISCOVERY REEF 3 36 S 108 50 E 2.82 GEBROEDERS 5 10 S 106 06 E 4.6
DISCOVERY ROCKS 2 53 S 106 56 E 2.45 GELUGALA WUTUN 8 26 S 123 41 E 6.67
DJAGOENG 5 29 S 106 31 E 4.8 GEM REEF 5 35 N 119 08 E 10.58
DJAILAMU 6 33 S 118 48 E 5.70 GIBSON REEF 6 51 N 117 32 E 10.72
DJAITAN SHOAL 2 33 S 117 58 E 9.36 GILA BANTA 8 26 S 119 18 E 5.57
DJAKETRA BAAI 8 17 S 111 27 E 4.42 GILI 5 48 S 112 46 E 3.71
DJAWALLAN 8 05 S 127 13 E 6.84 GILI BATU 8 57 S 116 30 E 5.31
DJIMBARAN 8 46 S 115 09 E 5.7 GILI BIAHA 8 30 S 115 37 E 5.15
DJIMBARAN 8 46 S 115 11 E 5.6 GILI DUA 7 15 S 113 40 E 3.55
DJOELAH 8 06 S 115 19 E 5.14 GILI GENTENG 7 12 S 113 55 E 3.54
DOANGDOANGAN BESAR LIGHT 5 24 S 117 56 E 5.68 GILI IYANG 6 59 S 114 11 E 3.52
DOEA EILANDEN 5 25 S 106 28 E 4.8 GILI LAWADARAT 8 28 S 119 33 E 6.18
DOENGI RIFFEN 3 57 S 121 06 E 8.90 GILI LAWAK 7 12 S 114 03 E 3.54
DOG REEFS 6 44 S 118 50 E 5.70 GILI LAWALAUT 8 27 S 119 35 E 6.18

Pub. 163
418 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
GILI LAWANG 8 18 S 116 42 E 5.29 GUNUNG KEDIJO 2 21 S 110 18 E 2.100
GILI LEBUR 8 29 S 116 41 E 5.30 GUNUNG KEGELBERG 2 37 N 117 24 E 9.67
GILI MELAJU 8 56 S 116 30 E 5.31 GUNUNG KINABALU 6 05 N 116 33 E 11.102
GILI MELAYU 8 56 S 116 30 E 5.31 GUNUNG KUMBANG 6 56 S 113 24 E 3.50
GILI NUSA 8 53 S 116 09 E 5.32 GUNUNG LAMONGAN 7 59 S 113 20 E 3.58
GILI PETAGAN 8 25 S 116 45 E 5.30 GUNUNG LAWU 7 37 S 111 12 E 4.42
GILI RAJA 7 13 S 113 47 E 3.55 GUNUNG LOMPOBATANG 5 22 S 119 56 E 8.85
GILI TEPEKONG 8 32 S 115 35 E 5.15 GUNUNG LOROS 7 44 S 113 35 E 3.58
GILIMOTA 8 48 S 119 48 E 6.31 GUNUNG LUDAI 3 09 S 107 44 E 2.55
GLAYZER ROCK 5 27 N 115 04 E 11.63 GUNUNG MANGKALIHAT 1 01 N 118 57 E 9.65
GOAT REEF 2 12 S 106 29 E 2.33 GUNUNG MANGKOL 2 14 S 106 06 E 2.31
GOEMOEK 9 30 S 123 48 E 6.100 GUNUNG MAREJE 8 46 S 116 08 E 5.22
GOLF VAN BONE 4 00 S 120 45 E 8.85 GUNUNG MERANGAN 6 56 S 113 42 E 3.51
GOLF VAN MANDAR 3 37 S 119 16 E 7.25 GUNUNG MERBUK 8 14 S 114 39 E 5.9
GOLF VAN TOLO 2 20 S 122 30 E 8.50 GUNUNG NGLANGU 6 57 S 111 08 E 3.35
GORAU UPA 7 25 S 121 45 E 6.113 GUNUNG NIANGU 6 57 S 111 08 E 3.35
GORDON PATCHES 5 36 N 115 15 E 11.89 GUNUNG NUBI 8 07 S 122 51 E 6.53
GORONTALO 0 30 N 123 03 E 8.16 GUNUNG OLEONUHE 0 35 N 121 50 E 8.15
GOSONG ABADI 3 39 S 108 45 E 2.82 GUNUNG OLIONUHE 0 35 N 121 50 E 8.15
GOSONG ALING 3 35 S 110 15 E 9.2 GUNUNG PADAI 1 58 N 117 47 E 9.66
GOSONG AMELIA 2 13 S 105 15 E 2.6 GUNUNG PALUNG 1 12 S 110 09 E 2.92
GOSONG ARUBA 3 28 S 110 11 E 9.3 GUNUNG PANGRANGO 6 47 S 106 56 E 3.16
GOSONG BALAM 6 25 S 115 13 E 5.67 GUNUNG PANJANG 5 50 S 105 46 E 4.4
GOSONG BARAT 4 00 S 122 52 E 8.66 GUNUNG PENANGGUNGAN 7 37 S 112 37 E 3.56
GOSONG BONI 8 22 S 122 14 E 6.52 GUNUNG PINANG 6 04 S 106 06 E 4.10
GOSONG CORCYRA 2 49 S 110 01 E 2.102 GUNUNG POLA 6 56 S 113 42 E 3.51
GOSONG DAPUR 5 55 S 106 44 E 3.7 GUNUNG PRAPATAGUNG 8 08 S 114 29 E 5.9
GOSONG DJELAI 3 23 S 110 08 E 9.3 GUNUNG PUTUNG 8 49 S 115 09 E 5.6
GOSONG GIA 5 12 S 113 17 E 3.74 GUNUNG RADAK 0 33 S 109 26 E 1.78
GOSONG JAG VIJAY 5 09 S 111 24 E 3.33 GUNUNG RAJABASA (RADJABASA) 5 47 S 105 38 E 4.24
GOSONG KARANGMAS 7 40 S 114 26 E 3.65 GUNUNG RAUNG 8 07 S 114 03 E 3.62
GOSONG MADAU 2 46 S 108 22 E 2.73 GUNUNG RINGGIH 7 59 S 114 13 E 3.62
GOSONG MAMPANGO 3 35 S 109 10 E 2.81 GUNUNG RINGGIT 7 43 S 113 51 E 3.62
GOSONG MENULUN 3 13 N 117 38 E 9.86 GUNUNG RINJANI 8 25 S 116 27 E 5.22
GOSONG MIDDLE 4 00 S 122 54 E 8.66 GUNUNG RUMAH 8 35 S 118 16 E 5.48
GOSONG MUNTOK 2 09 S 105 12 E 2.6 GUNUNG SADOK SADOK 6 06 N 116 29 E 11.102
GOSONG RANGAT 5 28 S 106 26 E 4.8 GUNUNG SALAK 6 43 S 106 44 E 4.34
GOSONG RATU 8 35 S 114 39 E 5.1 GUNUNG SANGIANG 8 13 S 114 36 E 5.9
GOSONG RAYA 2 40 S 106 53 E 2.44 GUNUNG SARAT 0 51 S 109 29 E 2.88
GOSONG REEF 6 39 S 111 26 E 3.37 GUNUNG SEBATUNG 3 17 S 116 15 E 9.16
GOSONG SEKOPONG 4 56 S 106 04 E 4.3 GUNUNG SEJAKA 3 30 S 116 11 E 9.16
GOSONG SELATAN 3 26 S 122 30 E 8.61 GUNUNG SEMONGKRONG 7 41 S 113 01 E 3.58
GOSONG SERDANG 5 05 S 106 16 E 4.5 GUNUNG SENDORO 7 18 S 110 00 E 3.22
GOSONG SYAHBANDAR 5 05 S 106 00 E 4.3 GUNUNG SERAPI 1 34 N 110 12 E 11.7
GOSONG UTARA 3 23 S 122 30 E 8.61 GUNUNG SERAYA 8 23 S 115 40 E 5.9
GRACE REEFS 3 43 S 108 06 E 2.77 GUNUNG SINDJAI 5 05 S 120 12 E 8.92
GRASSY POINT 4 16 N 117 40 E 10.14 GUNUNG SINJAI 5 05 S 120 12 E 8.92
GRAY REEF 5 01 N 118 20 E 10.53 GUNUNG SLAMET 7 14 S 109 13 E 3.22
GREAT BAKKUNGAAN 6 11 N 118 07 E 10.67 GUNUNG SUWARAN 1 45 N 117 35 E 9.66
GREAT CHANNEL 6 23 S 105 18 E 4.2 GUNUNG TAMBORA 8 14 S 117 58 E 5.35
GREAT SALOEE 1 57 S 123 49 E 8.46 GUNUNG TAMBUKU 7 01 S 113 38 E 3.54
GREEN PATCHES 6 40 N 117 40 E 10.68 GUNUNG TANGGAMUS 5 26 S 104 40 E 4.31
GREEP REEFS 4 42 N 118 15 E 10.43 GUNUNG TELOK 7 07 S 113 00 E 3.46
GRESIK 7 09 S 112 39 E 3.42 GUNUNG TENGGER 7 58 S 112 57 E 3.58
GRINTING 7 42 S 113 29 E 3.60 GUNUNG TJAREME 6 54 S 108 24 E 3.16
GROWLER BANK 5 40 N 115 28 E 11.90 GUNUNG TJIMIRING 7 47 S 109 02 E 4.38
GUBBINS ROCK 6 03 N 118 12 E 10.65 GUNUNG UNTU JOWI 1 22 S 121 11 E 8.35
GUNA NUSA 5 56 S 106 06 E 4.10 GURUNG BURONG 1 25 S 109 13 E 2.97
GUNONG SUBIS 3 48 N 113 47 E 11.39 GUSONG DILAUT 4 55 N 118 15 E 10.48
GUNUNG ABANG 8 17 S 115 26 E 5.9
GUNUNG ABASONG 0 48 S 122 25 E 8.34
GUNUNG AGUNG 8 20 S 115 30 E 5.9 H
GUNUNG ARGOPURA 7 58 S 113 34 E 3.58
GUNUNG ARGOWULAN 7 54 S 112 58 E 3.58 HAAI POINT 4 54 S 122 46 E 8.76
GUNUNG BALURAN 7 50 S 114 22 E 3.62 HAARLEMMERMEER 0 46 S 120 55 E 8.35
GUNUNG BANGSEREH 6 56 S 112 58 E 3.50 HADAKEWA 8 22 S 123 33 E 6.70
GUNUNG BAROEGAIJA 6 02 S 120 33 E 8.99 HALE BANK 3 17 N 106 22 E 1.59
GUNUNG BARUGAIYA 6 02 S 120 33 E 8.99 HALF CHANNEL PATCH 7 13 N 117 01 E 10.86
GUNUNG BATU BESAR 2 37 S 116 18 E 9.34 HALLORAN REEF 4 59 N 118 21 E 10.51
GUNUNG BATUR 8 14 S 115 23 E 5.9 HAMILTON POINT 5 15 N 115 14 E 11.66
GUNUNG BATUWANGKANG 0 23 S 109 19 E 1.77 HANCOCK SHOAL 3 34 S 107 05 E 2.42
GUNUNG BERATUS 1 01 S 116 20 E 9.45 HAND ROCK 4 08 N 118 10 E 10.14
GUNUNG BERUKUNG 6 56 S 113 07 E 3.50 HANKIN SHOAL 5 48 N 115 11 E 11.89
GUNUNG BRIUN 1 20 N 117 55 E 9.66 HANSISI 10 11 S 123 30 E 6.99
GUNUNG CIMIRING 7 47 S 109 02 E 4.38 HARBOR SHOALS 4 14 N 117 53 E 10.15
GUNUNG CIREMAY 6 54 S 108 24 E 3.16 HARDIE REEF 5 56 N 112 32 E 11.48
GUNUNG GEDE 6 08 S 105 56 E 4.17 HARINGTON SHOAL 7 02 N 116 30 E 11.117
GUNUNG GEGER 7 02 S 112 56 E 3.43 HARRIS REEF 6 00 N 116 04 E 11.101
GUNUNG INERIE 8 53 S 120 59 E 6.37 HARRISON REEF 6 50 N 117 34 E 10.71
GUNUNG INGAS 8 49 S 115 09 E 5.19 HARRY SHOALS 6 41 N 116 36 E 11.113
GUNUNG KALABAT 1 27 N 125 00 E 8.2 HASELFOOT PATCHES 5 28 N 114 57 E 11.87
GUNUNG KAWANG 8 40 S 116 05 E 5.24 HAYES REEF 5 22 N 112 36 E 11.48

Pub. 163
Index—Gazetteer 419

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
HAYNES SHOAL 2 34 N 108 51 E 1.17 KALI DONAN 7 44 S 109 00 E 4.39
HAYTER SHOAL 5 53 N 115 34 E 11.93 KALI KONANG 8 17 S 111 27 E 4.42
HEEL REEF 4 14 N 118 14 E 10.18 KALI OPAK 8 01 S 110 17 E 4.42
HERALD REEF 4 59 N 112 37 E 11.47 KALI PORONG 7 32 S 112 51 E 3.45
HERCULES REEF 2 22 S 116 43 E 9.30 KALIANDA 5 45 S 105 36 E 4.25
HIOE 5 45 S 105 01 E 4.31 KALIANGET 7 35 S 113 57 E 3.53
HOOPER BANK 3 20 N 106 21 E 1.59 KALIHAT 5 55 S 105 49 E 4.20
HORN REEF 4 15 N 118 26 E 10.23 KALISANGKA 6 51 S 115 15 E 5.63
HOWARD ROCK 3 05 N 106 22 E 1.60 KAMARU BAY 5 11 S 123 04 E 8.72
HOWARD SHOAL 4 54 N 118 40 E 10.55 KAMBING 8 15 S 125 34 E 6.83
HYDROGRAAF REEF 2 35 S 108 25 E 2.71 KAMPONG LAMUT 4 40 N 114 28 E 11.55
KAOENA 7 26 S 122 05 E 6.113
KAPALA TAMBELAN 0 54 N 107 28 E 1.24
I KARAMPUANG 5 35 S 119 33 E 7.8
KARANG BALI 3 10 S 120 36 E 8.97
ILI BERAPUN 8 35 S 122 55 E 6.63 KARANG BANKAULUANG 5 50 S 118 28 E 5.69
ILI BERAPUN 8 35 S 122 55 E 6.63 KARANG BAPANG 6 34 S 109 50 E 3.24
ILI BOLENG 8 21 S 123 15 E 6.57 KARANG BASA 5 12 S 106 12 E 4.6
ILI BOLING 8 21 S 123 15 E 6.57 KARANG BATUAN 3 16 S 108 58 E 2.81
ILI KEDANG 8 13 S 123 47 E 6.72 KARANG BERBATU 8 27 S 116 44 E 5.30
ILI KERIWATU 8 28 S 122 59 E 6.62 KARANG BESAR 1 35 N 118 30 E 9.69
ILI KIMANG 8 37 S 122 07 E 6.49 KARANG BESAR 5 53 S 106 28 E 3.6
ILI KIMANGBOLENG 8 37 S 122 07 E 6.49 KARANG BITIAN 5 52 S 112 52 E 3.71
ILI LABALEKANG 8 33 S 123 23 E 6.64 KARANG BOKER 6 38 S 110 36 E 3.27
ILI LAMARARAP 8 33 S 123 23 E 6.64 KARANG BOWER 3 28 S 108 37 E 2.76
ILI LEWOTOBI-PEREMPUAN 8 33 S 122 47 E 6.40 KARANG BROMBROM 2 13 S 105 20 E 2.6
ILI LEWOTOLO 8 16 S 123 30 E 6.69 KARANG BULIULIN 2 06 N 118 20 E 9.74
ILI MINGAR 8 31 S 123 17 E 6.60 KARANG BULOLIO 1 08 N 122 22 E 7.49
ILI UJOLEWUNG 8 13 S 123 47 E 6.72 KARANG BUNTA 4 21 N 107 57 E 1.11
ILI WATUOM 8 28 S 122 59 E 6.62 KARANG BUSUNGJONG 2 59 S 108 20 E 2.68
ILWAKI 7 56 S 126 26 E 6.84 KARANG BUSUNGSERLANG 2 35 S 108 19 E 2.67
INGAS PUTUNG 8 49 S 115 09 E 5.6 KARANG CARNBEE 3 34 S 107 41 E 2.54
INI TENGAH 8 42 S 119 48 E 6.35 KARANG CELESTIAL 1 13 S 106 47 E 2.38
INTAN OIL FIELD 4 34 S 106 39 E 2.22 KARANG CONDOR 2 25 S 108 41 E 2.72
IPI VILLAGE 8 51 S 121 40 E 6.39 KARANG CONGKEH 7 29 S 113 11 E 3.46
IRIS SHOALS 5 30 N 115 23 E 11.87 KARANG CONKEH 7 29 S 113 11 E 3.46
IRON DUKE SHOALS 5 06 N 114 38 E 11.60 KARANG COOPER 3 22 S 107 35 E 2.54
ISKANAWATU TUTUN 7 45 S 126 50 E 6.84 KARANG DAENGALAHAN 1 31 N 118 48 E 9.69
ISOBEL SHOALS 3 50 N 112 48 E 11.32 KARANG DIANA 3 06 N 107 45 E 1.12
IWAN REEF 1 40 S 106 18 E 2.30 KARANG DISCOVERY BARAT 3 39 S 108 45 E 2.82
KARANG DUNGI 3 57 S 121 06 E 8.90
KARANG ELLIOT 2 04 S 106 19 E 2.32
KARANG FLYING FISH 2 13 S 108 37 E 2.81
JABAK 2 47 N 108 44 E 1.15 KARANG GAMELAN 2 34 S 117 48 E 9.38
JAGA UTARA 5 12 S 106 28 E 4.5 KARANG GEMER 7 10 S 113 56 E 3.54
JAHAT SHOALS 5 35 N 115 22 E 11.90 KARANG GENDER 2 25 S 116 55 E 9.30
JAJA RIDGE 4 56 N 115 00 E 11.71 KARANG GENTING 3 34 S 107 41 E 2.54
JAMES REEF 3 32 N 113 15 E 11.37 KARANG GONG 2 27 S 116 47 E 9.30
JANDIBAN 7 53 S 114 28 E 5.5 KARANG GOSONG 5 46 S 112 51 E 3.70
JANGKARLOR 7 43 S 114 12 E 3.64 KARANG GREIG UTARA 0 52 S 108 33 E 2.82
JANSSENS REEF 4 36 S 114 25 E 9.14 KARANG GROGOT 2 44 S 116 46 E 9.29
JAWALLAN 8 05 S 127 13 E 6.84 KARANG GWALIA 1 06 S 108 34 E 2.82
JEBUS 1 45 S 105 27 E 2.24 KARANG HAARLEMNERMEER 1 02 N 122 50 E 7.49
JENEPONTO 5 42 S 119 43 E 7.7 KARANG HAJI 2 06 S 105 06 E 2.6
JERUDUNG 4 56 N 114 51 E 11.58 KARANG HANCOCK 3 34 S 107 05 E 2.42
JIMBARAN 8 46 S 115 11 E 5.6 KARANG HIDROGRAF BARAT 1 56 S 106 25 E 2.33
JOHANNA ANTONIA 0 44 N 118 34 E 9.64 KARANG HINDER SELATAN 3 18 S 122 30 E 8.61
JOHANNA REEF 3 23 N 117 54 E 9.86 KARANG HINDER UTARA 3 16 S 122 28 E 8.61
JOHNSTON ROCK 6 13 N 118 11 E 10.67 KARANG HYDROGRAAF 2 35 S 108 25 E 2.71
JONAH SHOAL 3 33 N 113 16 E 11.37 KARANG IRIS 4 13 S 122 55 E 8.67
JULAH 8 06 S 115 19 E 5.14 KARANG JAMUANG 6 56 S 112 44 E 3.43
JUNCTION BLUFF 6 17 N 116 14 E 11.102 KARANG JAMUNGANG 7 41 S 113 55 E 3.63
JUWANA ROAD 6 39 S 111 12 E 3.35 KARANG JERUK 6 49 S 109 12 E 3.24
KARANG JONG 5 51 S 106 39 E 3.6
KARANG JUANA 6 40 S 111 13 E 3.36
K KARANG KABINI 0 48 S 122 06 E 8.34
KARANG KALEDOEPA 5 45 S 123 41 E 8.70
KABIR 8 15 S 124 13 E 6.75 KARANG KALEDUPA 5 45 S 123 41 E 8.70
KABO 8 32 S 117 42 E 5.46 KARANG KAPAL 5 54 S 110 14 E 3.32
KABU KABU 0 15 N 120 11 E 8.25 KARANG KAPOPOSANGBALI 7 36 S 117 12 E 5.76
KAINGARIN 4 57 N 115 02 E 11.76 KARANG KAPOTTA 5 31 S 123 25 E 8.70
KAJOE ADI 6 48 S 120 48 E 6.116 KARANG KARANG BAGINDA 3 07 S 107 05 E 2.46
KAJU ARA 1 32 N 106 27 E 1.18 KARANG KARANG PENUNGAL 3 52 N 108 29 E 1.6
KAJU PANGANG 7 28 S 121 25 E 6.114 KARANG KARANG PROTET 3 03 S 108 29 E 2.74
KAKABIA 6 54 S 122 13 E 6.113 KARANG KARYSFORT 2 40 S 109 49 E 2.103
KAKAP MARINE TERMINAL 5 01 N 105 55 E 1.62 KARANG KENDANG BESAR 2 27 S 116 51 E 9.30
KALABAHI 8 12 S 124 31 E 6.79 KARANG KENDANG KECIL 2 29 S 116 53 E 9.30
KALAO TOA 7 23 S 121 48 E 6.113 KARANG KERANDJI 7 42 S 113 35 E 3.60
KALBANO 10 02 S 124 32 E 6.96 KARANG KLETA 7 19 S 112 52 E 3.47
KALEDUPA 5 45 S 123 41 E 8.70 KARANG KOKA 6 04 S 124 22 E 8.70
KALI BARU 8 37 S 114 07 E 4.47 KARANG KORO MAHA 5 45 S 124 11 E 8.70

Pub. 163
420 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
KARANG KRING 4 03 N 108 28 E 1.5 KEPULAUAN LAUT KECIL 4 45 S 115 47 E 9.14
KARANG LALANGA 1 02 S 120 41 E 8.35 KEPULAUAN LAYAH 1 30 S 109 21 E 2.98
KARANG LANRICK 1 53 S 106 57 E 2.39 KEPULAUAN LEMAN 1 17 S 108 53 E 2.84
KARANG LAUT 0 46 S 120 55 E 8.35 KEPULAUAN LIMA 3 03 S 107 23 E 2.51
KARANG LAUT 1 11 N 107 26 E 1.22 KEPULAUAN LIUKANG TENGGAYA 6 33 S 118 48 E 5.63
KARANG LAUT 1 50 S 106 10 E 2.29 KEPULAUAN MARABATUA 4 22 S 115 48 E 9.15
KARANG LIAT 1 50 S 106 10 E 2.29 KEPULAUAN MASALIMA 5 04 S 117 04 E 9.27
KARANG LIMPOGEH 4 56 S 120 45 E 8.91 KEPULAUAN NANGKA 2 24 S 105 47 E 2.13
KARANG MALALUNGAN 1 55 N 118 27 E 9.73 KEPULAUAN SALABANGKA 3 04 S 122 28 E 8.58
KARANG MASIMBUNG 2 14 N 118 17 E 9.75 KEPULAUAN SAMBERGELAP 3 40 S 116 36 E 9.19
KARANG MEDANG 3 22 S 106 56 E 2.42 KEPULAUAN SEGAMA 5 10 S 106 06 E 4.6
KARANG MELAMBIRI 5 14 S 120 26 E 8.92 KEPULAUAN SERAM 5 45 S 105 48 E 4.4
KARANG NAGA 3 27 S 107 37 E 2.54 KEPULAUAN SERIBU 5 29 S 106 31 E 4.2
KARANG NAUTILIS 7 56 S 125 44 E 6.83 KEPULAUAN SERIBU 5 35 S 106 34 E 3.13
KARANG ONTARIO 1 59 S 108 39 E 2.81 KEPULAUAN SOLOR 8 29 S 123 21 E 6.54
KARANG PANDAN 2 53 S 107 12 E 2.47 KEPULAUAN TENGAH 7 30 S 117 29 E 5.63
KARANG PASIR 3 29 S 107 10 E 2.42 KEPULAUAN TIGA 5 49 S 105 33 E 4.24
KARANG PEDIS SELATAN 1 53 S 106 15 E 2.31 KEPULAUAN TUKANGBESI 5 30 S 123 40 E 8.68
KARANG PERUT 6 02 S 106 43 E 3.10 KEPULAUAN WAKATOHI 5 30 S 123 40 E 8.68
KARANG PINAKA 2 11 N 118 19 E 9.75 KEPULAUANTUJU 1 13 S 105 16 E 2.27
KARANG PULUHARI 4 01 S 122 45 E 8.63 KEPULAUN MARABATUA 4 23 S 115 48 E 9.12
KARANG PULUPUTRI 6 04 S 106 51 E 3.14 KERAMIAH KRAMIAH 3 15 S 107 45 E 2.79
KARANG PUTIH 7 41 S 114 10 E 3.64 KERBAU REEF 5 46 S 106 26 E 3.5
KARANG RABA 8 32 S 117 53 E 5.47 KERIWATU 8 28 S 122 59 E 6.62
KARANG ROBINHOOD 1 11 N 107 26 E 1.22 KERTA SARI BAY 8 45 S 116 46 E 5.37
KARANG ROENDOEMA 5 24 S 124 25 E 8.70 KESTREL SHOAL 6 30 N 117 59 E 10.69
KARANG RUNDUMA 5 24 S 124 25 E 8.70 KETAM OIL FIELD 6 06 N 115 36 E 11.104
KARANG SAMBAT 3 36 S 108 50 E 2.82 KETAPANG 8 09 S 114 24 E 5.3
KARANG SARON 2 17 S 116 49 E 9.30 KETAPANG 8 20 S 116 01 E 5.28
KARANG SATUNGGUL 7 32 S 118 00 E 5.74 KIDDLE REEFS 4 54 N 118 12 E 10.46
KARANG SEBIDUNGUMA 1 56 S 105 08 E 2.23 KILOEAN 5 46 S 105 06 E 4.32
KARANG SELATAN 3 07 S 107 25 E 2.52 KIMANGBOLENG 8 37 S 122 07 E 6.49
KARANG SELATAN 3 46 S 122 31 E 8.61 KIMANIS BAY 5 39 N 115 45 E 11.93
KARANG SELATAN 4 36 S 114 25 E 9.14 KISAR 8 01 S 127 12 E 6.84
KARANG SERDANG 3 24 S 122 32 E 8.61 KLAPPER EIL 7 01 S 105 32 E 4.36
KARANG SMIT VAN DE BROECKE 2 04 S 106 32 E 2.33 KNOOP ISLAND 4 05 S 116 15 E 9.17
KARANG SUJI 3 34 S 106 55 E 2.42 KOBA 2 29 S 106 25 E 2.36
KARANG SULING 2 22 S 116 43 E 9.30 KOEMBA 8 16 S 124 24 E 6.78
KARANG TABABINGA 2 15 N 118 14 E 9.75 KOEMBANG 1 05 S 109 49 E 2.91
KARANG TAHAN 6 04 S 106 48 E 3.12 KOEN 8 22 S 127 04 E 6.91
KARANG TAKAT 7 03 S 115 00 E 5.63 KOKOILA 3 29 S 122 54 E 8.62
KARANG TELEGAPAHAT 2 33 S 108 39 E 2.71 KOKOK DJANGKOK 8 35 S 116 04 E 5.25
KARANG TEMBAGA 2 41 S 105 51 E 2.14 KOKOK JANGKOK 8 35 S 116 04 E 5.25
KARANG TENGAH 2 43 S 107 33 E 2.58 KOLAKA 4 03 S 121 35 E 8.89
KARANG TIFA 2 22 S 116 54 E 9.30 KOLAKA LIGHT 4 03 S 121 36 E 8.89
KARANG TIUNG 3 20 S 108 37 E 2.75 KOLONODALE 1 59 S 121 20 E 8.54
KARANG TRI 2 43 S 108 16 E 2.67 KONJELAN 8 17 S 111 27 E 4.43
KARANG ULAR 1 58 S 104 57 E 2.3 KORO BAAI 4 50 S 123 09 E 8.72
KARANG UNARANG 2 29 S 117 03 E 9.40 KOSET 7 04 S 114 29 E 3.69
KARANG UTARA 4 05 S 122 54 E 8.67 KOTA KINABALU 5 59 N 116 04 E 11.101
KARANG VESUVIUS 2 06 S 122 53 E 8.46 KOTAAGUNG 5 30 S 104 37 E 4.32
KARANG VON SITTARD 2 12 S 106 45 E 2.33 KOTABARU 3 14 S 116 13 E 9.24
KARANG YAMSECIE 1 24 S 108 51 E 2.84 KRAKATAU STEEL WORKS 5 59 S 105 59 E 4.13
KARANGAN 4 26 S 119 12 E 7.17 KRAMAT BANK 3 32 S 116 00 E 9.21
KARANGAN REEF 1 55 S 116 33 E 9.42 KRANGA POINT 6 32 N 116 30 E 11.111
KARANGASEM 8 26 S 115 37 E 5.14 KROKODIL 7 57 S 114 27 E 5.5
KARANGBATA 7 46 S 109 24 E 4.41 KRUYS REEF 3 25 N 117 55 E 9.86
KARANGBOTO KARANGBATA 7 46 S 109 24 E 4.39 KUALA ABAI 6 24 N 116 21 E 11.111
KARANGBURUNG 6 41 S 105 11 E 4.19 KUALA BELAIT 4 35 N 114 11 E 11.53
KARANGSANE 6 58 S 120 27 E 6.116 KUALA BELAIT 4 37 N 114 19 E 11.54
KARANGTARADJE 6 57 S 106 14 E 4.36 KUALA BELAWAI 2 14 N 111 09 E 11.21
KAROMPA LOMPO 7 17 S 121 46 E 6.113 KUALA BINTULU 3 11 N 113 02 E 11.30
KASIMBAR 0 09 S 120 02 E 8.26 KUALA BRUIT 2 47 N 111 22 E 11.26
KASSI 4 54 S 119 10 E 7.17 KUALA MUKAH 2 55 N 112 05 E 11.29
KAYU ARA 1 32 N 106 27 E 1.18 KUALA NIAH 3 58 N 113 42 E 11.39
KEBOLA BAAI 8 15 S 124 29 E 6.77 KUALA OYA 2 53 N 111 52 E 11.28
KECHIL REEF 6 35 N 118 01 E 10.69 KUALA PALOH 2 26 N 111 17 E 11.21
KEDANG 8 13 S 123 47 E 6.72 KUALA PENYU 5 35 N 115 36 E 11.93
KEDINDI VILLAGE 8 17 S 120 27 E 6.43 KUALA SIBUTI 3 59 N 113 43 E 11.39
KEMA 1 22 N 125 05 E 8.8 KUALA SIMILAJAU 3 32 N 113 18 E 11.37
KEMBA BAY 5 15 S 122 37 E 8.77 KUALA SUAI 3 48 N 113 29 E 11.38
KEMBANG 3 45 N 108 04 E 1.8 KUANDANG 0 51 N 122 55 E 7.50
KEMUDJAN 5 48 S 110 29 E 3.31 KUBONG BLUFF 5 23 N 115 15 E 11.67
KENDARI BAY 3 58 S 122 35 E 8.64 KUCHING 1 34 N 110 21 E 11.13
KENNEDY BAY 4 57 N 118 33 E 10.54 KUDAT 6 53 N 116 51 E 10.91
KENNETH BANK 3 58 N 113 22 E 11.33 KUDAT HARBOR 6 52 N 116 50 E 10.90
KEPULAUAN AYER BESAR 5 48 S 106 31 E 3.5 KUMAI 2 45 S 111 43 E 9.6
KEPULAUAN BODAS 3 37 N 108 05 E 1.7 KUMBANG 1 05 S 109 49 E 2.91
KEPULAUAN BURONG 1 25 S 109 13 E 2.97 KUNAK 4 41 N 118 15 E 10.44
KEPULAUAN DUA 5 25 S 106 28 E 4.8 KUPANG 10 10 S 123 35 E 6.102
KEPULAUAN KANGEAN 7 03 S 115 00 E 5.63 KUTEI 0 35 S 117 17 E 9.48
KEPULAUAN KARIMUNJAWA 5 50 S 110 20 E 3.29 KWONG ENG REEF 6 32 S 116 07 E 5.67

Pub. 163
Index—Gazetteer 421

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
L LOHO BINGA 8 38 S 119 43 E 6.26
LOHO GINGGO 8 41 S 119 39 E 6.24
LABALA 8 31 S 123 29 E 6.65 LOHO KARBAU 8 40 S 119 38 E 6.24
LABALA BAY 8 33 S 123 29 E 6.65 LOHO KENUPUR 8 45 S 119 48 E 6.35
LABALA ONE 8 33 S 123 29 E 6.65 LOHO KIMA 8 39 S 119 41 E 6.26
LABENGKE 3 27 S 122 26 E 8.60 LOHO TALA 8 29 S 119 31 E 6.17
LABOEAN BOTOE 8 38 S 119 11 E 5.55 LOHO UADADASAMI 8 47 S 119 39 E 6.25
LABOETOENG 4 29 S 119 30 E 7.18 LOJAR 4 05 S 116 05 E 9.17
LABUAN AMUK 8 31 S 115 32 E 5.9 LOK BAKONG HILL 4 26 N 118 36 E 10.29
LABUAN AMUK TERMINAL 8 31 S 115 32 E 5.15 LORE 8 39 S 127 01 E 6.93
LABUAN BLANDA 0 51 S 121 34 E 8.35 LOUISA REEF 6 20 N 113 14 E 11.49
LABUAN BOTU 8 38 S 119 11 E 5.55 LUBIDAN 5 23 N 115 21 E 11.67
LABUAN DAMAS 8 20 S 111 42 E 4.44 LUBOCK SABAHAN 4 52 N 118 09 E 10.46
LABUAN DJIMBARAN 8 46 S 115 09 E 5.7 LUBUAN GILI BANTA 8 27 S 119 19 E 5.57
LABUAN GANGSA 8 19 S 111 44 E 4.44 LUCIPERA POINT 3 14 S 106 05 E 2.17
LABUAN JIMBARAN 8 46 S 115 11 E 5.7 LULUH TARE 8 31 S 119 22 E 5.59
LABUAN OFFSHORE TERMINAL 5 16 N 115 07 E 11.62 LUMUT 4 43 N 114 27 E 11.70
LABUAN TERIENG BAY 8 43 S 116 03 E 5.22 LUNDU 1 41 N 109 51 E 11.5
LABUHAN AMUK 8 31 S 115 32 E 5.15 LUTONG 4 28 N 114 00 E 11.43
LABUHAN POTA 8 20 S 120 45 E 6.43 LUWUK 0 57 S 122 48 E 8.51
LABUHAN TENGOR 5 40 S 104 54 E 4.32 LYDIE SHOAL 3 51 N 112 03 E 11.31
LABUHANBADJO 8 29 S 119 53 E 6.33 LYNN BANK 5 12 S 106 12 E 4.6
LABUHANBAJO 8 29 S 119 53 E 6.33 LYNN REEF 5 12 S 106 12 E 4.6
LABUHANHAJI 8 42 S 116 34 E 5.31
LABUHANHAJI ROAD 8 42 S 116 34 E 5.34
LABUK BAY 6 07 N 117 50 E 10.63 M
LABUTUNG 4 29 S 119 30 E 7.18
LAHAD DATU 5 01 N 118 19 E 10.53 MABUL REEF 4 14 N 118 38 E 10.24
LAHAD DATU HARBOR 5 00 N 118 23 E 10.51 MACKENZIE-GRIEVE SHOALS 5 35 N 115 11 E 11.89
LAHALURA 10 19 S 120 12 E 6.11 MADALENE SHOALS 3 50 N 112 47 E 11.32
LAIMULA REEF 1 03 N 122 40 E 7.49 MADOE 7 30 S 121 46 E 6.113
LAKIMOLA 10 40 S 123 21 E 6.106 MAGPIE BANK 5 45 N 119 05 E 10.58
LALARI LELARI 2 49 S 105 57 E 2.12 MAGPIE ROCK 4 57 N 114 22 E 11.56
LAMAR 9 03 S 117 13 E 5.62 MAIN CHANNEL 7 26 N 117 14 E 10.84
LAMARARAP 8 33 S 123 23 E 6.64 MAKASSAR 5 08 S 119 24 E 7.12
LANGAAN ISLAND 6 12 N 118 09 E 10.67 MAKASSER BANKS 3 59 N 117 57 E 10.8
LANGKA 2 28 S 106 27 E 2.30 MALATAYUR BANK 3 48 S 113 36 E 9.9
LANGKOI 8 44 S 119 23 E 5.59 MALAWALI CHANNEL 7 00 N 117 17 E 10.80
LAPAN 8 14 S 124 02 E 6.73 MALAWALI EASTERN DANGERS 7 01 N 117 27 E 10.78
LARANTUKA 8 21 S 122 59 E 6.41 MALUDAM SPIT 1 42 N 111 02 E 11.17
LARANTUKA TERMINAL 8 20 S 122 55 E 6.41 MANADO 1 30 N 124 50 E 7.55
LARI LARIAN 3 31 S 117 28 E 9.28 MANATOETOE 8 31 S 126 01 E 6.89
LARIKO BAY 3 51 S 121 14 E 8.90 MANATUTU 8 31 S 126 01 E 6.89
LASOLO RIVER 3 34 S 122 14 E 8.60 MANDIRALLA 6 56 N 117 20 E 10.76
LASONGKO BAY 5 23 S 122 31 E 8.80 MANDJAGA PEAK 8 34 S 119 50 E 6.30
LATAMBERA 4 50 S 123 00 E 8.72 MANDLIKA 6 23 S 110 55 E 3.28
LAURANTUKA LIGHT 8 20 S 122 59 E 6.41 MANGGAR 1 11 S 117 00 E 9.46
LAUREL REEFS 4 40 S 117 04 E 9.28 MANGGAR 2 53 S 108 18 E 2.69
LAWAYONG 8 26 S 123 04 E 6.62 MANGKASA OIL TERMINAL 2 44 S 121 04 E 8.98
LAWI-LAWI OIL TERMINAL 1 27 S 116 45 E 9.44 MANGKOL MANGO 2 14 S 106 06 E 2.31
LAWLER REEF 4 47 N 118 15 E 10.42 MANGSEE GREAT REEF 7 29 N 117 14 E 10.83
LAYANG-LAYANG (SWALLOW BANK) 5 18 S 106 04 E 4.6 MANGSI GREAT REEF 7 29 N 117 14 E 10.83
LEARMOUTH REEF 4 44 N 118 25 E 10.41 MANOEK 10 55 S 123 00 E 6.107
LEDONG POINT 5 01 N 115 04 E 11.73 MANSFIELD SHOAL 5 48 S 120 13 E 7.2
LEHNERT REEF 4 15 N 118 15 E 10.19 MAPIA 6 59 S 112 42 E 3.44
LEHOK BOI 8 31 S 119 26 E 5.58 MARANAS ISLET 4 43 N 119 02 E 10.36
LEHOK BOKO 8 29 S 119 26 E 5.58 MARCH REEF 6 38 N 117 37 E 10.68
LEHOK GINGGO 8 41 S 119 39 E 6.24 MARCHESA BAY 6 40 N 117 34 E 10.68
LELAMOE BAAI 4 39 S 123 12 E 8.71 MARIANNE REEF 7 31 S 121 13 E 6.114
LEMBAR 8 44 S 116 04 E 5.24 MARIE SHOAL 3 41 N 112 48 E 11.32
LESAMPOEANG 1 30 S 122 44 E 8.48 MARTABAN BANK 4 11 S 117 03 E 9.28
LETONG 2 59 N 105 42 E 1.29 MARUDU BAY 6 58 N 116 56 E 10.88
LEWAHAJONG 8 26 S 123 04 E 6.62 MASALEMBO-BESAR 5 33 S 114 26 E 3.74
LEWOETO KIDI 5 36 S 122 30 E 8.79 MASALEMBO-KECIL 5 26 S 114 26 E 3.74
LEWOLEBA ONE 8 20 S 123 25 E 6.58 MASPARI 3 13 S 106 13 E 2.18
LEWOTOLO 8 16 S 123 30 E 6.69 MASSIRI STRAIT 5 35 S 122 33 E 8.79
LIAT 1 50 S 106 10 E 2.29 MATA GATEH 8 34 S 119 12 E 5.54
LIGITAN CHANNEL 4 18 N 118 40 E 10.26 MATANG WUTUN 8 37 S 122 53 E 6.63
LIGITAN GROUP 4 14 N 118 45 E 10.24 MATARAM 8 35 S 116 06 E 5.26
LIGITAN REEFS 4 15 N 118 30 E 10.22 MAU META 8 16 S 125 36 E 6.83
LIHIMAN ISLAND 6 14 N 118 04 E 10.67 MAUBARA 8 37 S 125 12 E 6.86
LIKIEWATANG 8 10 S 124 40 E 6.82 MAUMERE 8 37 S 122 13 E 6.51
LIMBANG 4 45 N 115 00 E 11.80 MAYNE ROCK 6 28 N 116 18 E 11.111
LIMESTONE MOUNTAINS 1 34 N 117 50 E 9.66 MCDOUGALL POINT 1 37 N 110 27 E 11.12
LINCANG 1 25 N 118 42 E 9.69 MEANDER PATCH 7 10 N 117 37 E 10.73
LINGKAS ROAD 3 17 N 117 36 E 9.87 MEDUSA 5 46 S 105 16 E 4.24
LITTLE PATERNOSTER ISLANDS 2 22 S 117 34 E 9.26 MEDUSA REEF 8 35 S 116 03 E 5.25
LITTLE REEF 4 51 N 118 16 E 10.42 MEEUWEN BAAI 6 42 S 105 18 E 4.19
LITTLEDALE SHOAL 5 06 N 114 46 E 11.60 MEEUWEN EIL 6 44 S 105 16 E 4.19
LLEWELLYN BANK 4 16 N 117 39 E 10.11 MELAJU 8 56 S 116 30 E 5.31
LLOYD REEFS 4 42 N 118 16 E 10.43 MELAMBIRI 5 14 S 120 26 E 8.92
LOEBOEK ANCHORAGE 5 42 S 105 33 E 4.25 MELANG WUTUN 8 17 S 123 47 E 6.68

Pub. 163
422 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
MELAU BESAR 6 47 N 116 50 E 10.92 NGALU BU 8 29 S 121 50 E 6.47
MELOLO ROAD 9 53 S 120 40 E 6.7 NGALU LJUKATE 8 48 S 122 00 E 6.39
MEMPAKAD 6 41 N 116 57 E 10.89 NGALU POLA BOKO 8 28 S 121 37 E 6.47
MENADO 1 30 N 124 50 E 7.55 NGARU BERE 8 57 S 121 00 E 6.37
MENDONO 1 08 S 122 42 E 8.52 NGARU ITJU KATE 8 48 S 122 00 E 6.39
MENGARUN 3 04 S 107 59 E 2.77 NGARU KELAHI 8 42 S 122 32 E 6.40
MENULUN 3 13 N 117 38 E 9.86 NICHOLS REEF 4 49 N 118 14 E 10.42
MENUMBING 2 01 S 105 11 E 2.5 NIGER BANK 2 09 N 109 39 E 1.65
MERAK 5 56 S 106 00 E 4.13 NILA TOETOEN 7 33 S 126 37 E 6.84
MERAK BESAR 5 56 S 105 59 E 4.11 NILA TUTUN 7 33 S 126 37 E 6.84
MERAK MAS TERMINAL 5 55 S 105 59 E 4.11 NISA LEME 8 37 S 119 21 E 5.59
MERAK PETROLEUM BASE 5 55 S 106 00 E 4.11 NISA TOSSO 8 34 S 119 02 E 5.53
MERANGAN 6 56 S 113 42 E 3.51 NOESA 5 45 S 112 32 E 3.74
MERRETT REEFS 4 41 N 118 18 E 10.43 NOESA BESAR 8 44 S 115 31 E 5.21
MIDDEN BANK 4 00 S 122 54 E 8.66 NOESA BESAR 8 44 S 115 32 E 5.20
MIDDLE BANK 2 07 N 111 19 E 11.20 NORDWACHTER 0 35 N 119 48 E 7.39
MIDDLE BANK 4 00 S 122 54 E 8.66 NORMANBY BANK 5 48 N 119 13 E 10.58
MIDDLE PATCHES 5 37 N 115 19 E 11.90 NORMANHURST REEF 4 45 N 118 18 E 10.42
MIDDLE SAPONDA 3 59 S 122 46 E 8.63 NORTH BANGKALAN 1 10 S 123 17 E 8.49
MILLER ROCK 6 34 N 117 59 E 10.69 NORTH BANK 3 23 S 122 30 E 8.61
MIRI 4 32 N 113 58 E 11.41 NORTH FURIOUS SHOALS 7 02 N 116 19 E 11.117
MISANMISAN REEF 4 56 N 118 16 E 10.48 NORTH GREIG SHOAL 0 52 S 108 33 E 2.82
MISKAM 6 28 S 105 44 E 4.17 NORTH HAYCOCK 3 18 N 107 33 E 1.12
MOLLEANGAN KECHIL 7 05 N 117 01 E 10.85 NORTH HILL ROCK 6 28 N 116 18 E 11.111
MOLOSSO 0 55 N 123 58 E 7.53 NORTH HINDER 3 16 S 122 28 E 8.61
MONMOUTH SHOALS 6 42 N 118 07 E 10.73 NORTH ISLAND 5 39 S 120 26 E 7.2
MOODY REEF 5 35 N 112 23 E 11.48 NORTH JERIJEH SANDS 2 14 N 111 10 E 11.21
MOORHEN REEFS 4 52 N 118 12 E 10.46 NORTH LUCONIA SHOALS 5 30 N 112 34 E 11.48
MORESSES ISLANDS 4 23 S 115 48 E 9.12 NORTH NARROWS 4 56 S 122 48 E 8.76
MORO MAHO 6 07 S 124 37 E 8.70 NORTH REEF 3 32 S 122 30 E 8.61
MOSQUITO ROCK 6 58 N 117 29 E 10.77 NORTH REEF 4 05 S 122 54 E 8.67
MOSTYN 4 41 N 118 15 E 10.44 NORTH SAPONDA 3 53 S 122 49 E 8.63
MOTA MASIN 9 28 S 125 05 E 6.86 NORTHWEST BLUFF 6 44 N 117 23 E 10.75
MOTI TOI 8 19 S 118 16 E 5.49 NOSONG PATCH 5 39 N 115 33 E 11.87
MOUNT BAGAHAK 5 03 N 118 46 E 10.55 NOSONG SHOALS 5 43 N 115 30 E 11.90
MOUNT COCHRAN 6 38 N 116 39 E 11.112 NOVA KOEN 8 22 S 127 04 E 6.91
MOUNT CONNER 4 24 N 118 34 E 10.21 NOVA ZAZARA 8 22 S 127 04 E 6.91
MOUNT HATTON 5 15 N 118 42 E 10.61 NUHA LOBETOBI 8 36 S 122 51 E 6.55
MOUNT KINABALU 6 05 N 116 33 E 11.102 NUSA 5 45 S 112 32 E 3.74
MOUNT LAMBOLO 5 05 S 122 48 E 8.78 NUSA BARUNG 8 29 S 113 20 E 4.47
MOUNT MAGDALENA 4 30 N 117 55 E 10.2 NUSA BELANG 8 09 S 123 01 E 6.55
MOUNT MARK 4 59 N 118 11 E 10.46 NUSA CENINGAN 8 42 S 115 27 E 5.21
MOUNT SEDUNGAL 4 38 N 118 34 E 10.23 NUSA DUA 8 48 S 115 14 E 5.18
MOUNT WULLERSTORF 4 27 N 118 09 E 10.3 NUSA KAMBANGAN 7 44 S 108 55 E 4.38
MOUTONG 0 27 N 121 14 E 8.23 NUSA LEMBONGAN 8 40 S 115 28 E 5.21
MOYSEY SHOALS 4 14 N 117 54 E 10.15 NUSA LONGGO 8 21 S 120 08 E 6.42
MUARA BATAGAU 3 22 N 117 31 E 9.89 NUSA LONGOS 8 21 S 120 08 E 6.42
MUARA BAYOR 0 43 S 117 34 E 9.51 NUSA MANOEK 10 55 S 123 00 E 6.107
MUARA BEKAPAI 0 53 S 117 27 E 9.51 NUSA MANUK 10 55 S 123 00 E 6.107
MUARA BERAU 0 16 S 117 32 E 9.51 NUSA PENIDA 8 44 S 115 32 E 5.21
MUARA BERAU LIGHT 0 20 S 117 30 E 9.51 NUSA TJENINGAN 8 42 S 115 27 E 5.21
MUARA GUNTUNG 2 07 N 118 00 E 9.78 NYMPHE REEF 5 44 N 118 40 E 10.60
MUARA HARBOR 5 02 N 115 04 E 11.74
MUARA JAWA 0 54 S 117 15 E 9.50
MUARA MAKAPAN 3 03 N 117 41 E 9.82 O
MUARA PANTAI 1 57 N 118 00 E 9.78
MUARA PEGAH 0 55 S 117 18 E 9.50 OEDJOENG KANGGALAN 5 48 S 105 48 E 4.4
MUARA PEGAH LIGHT 0 52 S 117 18 E 9.49 OEMBAR 5 43 S 104 54 E 4.32
MUARA SABAWANG 3 30 N 117 40 E 9.88 OEMBELE ISLAND 3 04 S 122 30 E 8.58
MUARA SELOR 2 48 N 117 42 E 9.82 OESOE BAAI 2 40 S 121 02 E 8.97
MUARA TIDUNG 2 10 N 118 00 E 9.78 OLIONUHE 0 35 N 121 50 E 8.15
MUARAS REEF 1 50 N 118 54 E 9.71 OMBAI STRAIT 8 40 S 124 40 E 6.83
MUKAH 2 54 N 112 06 E 11.29 ONTARIO REEF 1 59 S 108 39 E 2.80
MULIGI PATCHES 6 56 N 118 02 E 10.73 OSTERLY REEFS 3 20 S 108 37 E 2.75
MUNA ISLAND 5 00 S 122 30 E 8.80 OUTER SHOAL 5 15 N 115 15 E 11.66
MUNDI 8 44 S 115 31 E 5.21 OUTER SHOAL 7 02 N 117 00 E 10.87
MUNTOK 2 04 S 105 10 E 2.4
MURI 1 54 N 108 39 E 1.17
N PABEAN SANUR 8 40 S 115 16 E 5.16
PADABALE 3 01 S 122 20 E 8.59
NAMBO BAY 5 25 S 122 34 E 8.81 PADANG 6 11 S 120 26 E 7.5
NAMBOLAKI 6 42 S 120 17 E 7.5 PADANG BANK 4 02 N 117 56 E 10.8
NANGA ROEDJONG BAY 8 30 S 121 41 E 6.47 PADAS BAY 5 10 N 115 32 E 11.84
NANGAELE BAY 8 48 S 120 09 E 6.37 PADEA KETJIL 3 33 S 123 02 E 8.62
NANGAMESI BAY 9 37 S 120 20 E 6.5 PAGGER 0 49 N 118 23 E 9.63
NAP ROCKS 1 43 N 110 18 E 11.8 PAGIMANA 0 47 S 122 39 E 8.34
NASSAU REEF 5 49 S 106 49 E 3.14 PAISLEY SHOAL 5 48 N 115 20 E 11.90
NASU PENIDA 8 44 S 115 32 E 5.20 PALAU DAMAR-BESAR 5 58 S 106 51 E 3.7
NDAO 10 49 S 122 40 E 6.108 PALEMBANG 2 59 S 104 46 E 2.9
NEMESIS BANK 2 53 S 105 59 E 2.18 PALIMA 4 20 S 120 22 E 8.95

Pub. 163
Index—Gazetteer 423

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
PALOE BAII 0 45 S 119 49 E 7.32 POMALAA 4 10 S 121 36 E 8.88
PALOH 8 22 S 116 08 E 5.28 PONTA CHATER 8 20 S 127 00 E 6.91
PALOPALO MOUNTAINS 3 32 S 116 02 E 9.16 PONTIANAK 0 01 S 109 20 E 1.76
PALOPO BAY 2 59 S 120 13 E 8.97 PORTER PATCH 4 54 N 114 24 E 11.56
PAMANUKAN ROCK 6 01 S 107 53 E 3.18 POSO 1 22 S 120 45 E 8.37
PAMUNGGUTAN 5 29 S 105 16 E 4.28 POWELL SHOAL 6 18 N 118 06 E 10.67
PANARUKAN 7 42 S 113 56 E 3.63 PRESTON SHOAL 6 22 N 116 18 E 11.109
PANCALIRANG BESAR 5 27 S 106 34 E 3.13 PRICE SHOALS 5 45 N 115 32 E 11.90
PANCALIRANG KECIL 5 28 S 106 33 E 3.1 PRITCHARD BANK 6 39 N 115 59 E 11.106
PANDAN HILL 4 04 S 114 38 E 9.10 PROBOLINGGO 7 45 S 113 13 E 3.59
PANDAN PUNEI 5 15 N 115 10 E 11.61 PROTET REEFS 3 03 S 108 29 E 2.74
PANDJANG 6 58 S 120 47 E 6.116 PT BERAU COAL ANCHORAGE 1 59 N 118 08 E 9.78
PANGAH BATANG 8 29 S 122 28 E 6.52 PUDSEY DAWSON DANGERS 7 03 N 117 46 E 10.73
PANGKALPINANG 2 07 S 106 07 E 2.35 PUDSEY REEFS 4 45 N 118 21 E 10.41
PANGUAN ISLET 4 43 N 119 02 E 10.36 PULAI LANGKAI 5 02 S 119 05 E 7.14
PANJANG 5 28 S 105 19 E 4.26 PULAU ADAL 4 45 N 118 31 E 10.41
PANJUNG PANTJONG 5 50 S 105 46 E 4.4 PULAU ADUNARA 8 09 S 123 12 E 6.56
PANKAMANDRA 4 17 S 119 17 E 7.17 PULAU AERMASIN 1 17 S 109 08 E 2.96
PANTAI TIMUR 8 45 S 115 12 E 5.17 PULAU AHUS 3 50 N 117 48 E 10.4
PANTAI WONRELI 8 05 S 127 08 E 6.84 PULAU AIR ASUK 3 15 N 106 18 E 1.46
PANTJONG 5 50 S 105 46 E 4.4 PULAU AKAR 3 02 N 106 24 E 1.50
PANTOLOAN 0 42 S 119 51 E 7.35 PULAU ALANG 4 57 N 115 11 E 11.73
PAPAJATO 0 29 N 121 28 E 8.20 PULAU ALOANG 7 23 S 117 48 E 5.74
PAPAYATO 0 29 N 121 28 E 8.20 PULAU AMBUNGI 2 04 S 117 16 E 9.37
PAREPARE 4 01 S 119 37 E 7.23 PULAU ANAKAWUR 0 33 N 106 59 E 1.30
PARIGI ROAD 0 49 S 120 11 E 8.27 PULAU ANAKKARAJAAN 4 05 S 116 15 E 9.17
PARSONS SHOAL 3 54 N 112 15 E 11.31 PULAU ARAAN 6 29 S 115 45 E 5.66
PASALAT REEF 4 30 N 118 44 E 10.32 PULAU ATAURO 8 15 S 125 34 E 6.83
PASANG TENANG 6 08 S 105 51 E 4.17 PULAU AYERABU 2 46 N 106 14 E 1.38
PASANGTENENG ROAD 6 08 S 105 52 E 4.17 PULAU AYERABU (PULAU AIRABU) 2 46 N 106 14 E 1.38
PASAR HADAKEWA 8 22 S 123 33 E 6.70 PULAU AYER-BESAR 6 00 S 106 47 E 3.9
PASARWADJO BAY 5 28 S 122 53 E 8.73 PULAU AYERMASIN 3 15 S 108 23 E 2.75
PASI BELONGKA 3 32 S 120 26 E 8.96 PULAU BABABAN 8 24 S 111 42 E 4.44
PASI TANGAN 3 37 S 119 26 E 7.25 PULAU BABAJIE 8 24 S 121 01 E 6.44
PASIE BULU MATA 1 09 N 120 37 E 7.44 PULAU BABI 8 26 S 122 30 E 6.52
PASIR DUA BELAS 2 48 N 111 26 E 11.27 PULAU BADJO 8 29 S 119 52 E 6.33
PASIR LAYARAN 7 46 S 122 18 E 6.49 PULAU BADU KANG 4 59 N 115 04 E 11.75
PASIR RITA 8 26 S 121 18 E 6.45 PULAU BAHOELOEANG 6 29 S 120 26 E 7.5
PASONGSONGAN 6 53 S 113 40 E 3.49 PULAU BAHULUANG 6 29 S 120 26 E 7.5
PASSAGE REEF 6 59 N 117 17 E 10.76 PULAU BAIK 4 57 N 118 15 E 10.46
PASURUAN 7 37 S 112 55 E 3.57 PULAU BAJAU 3 08 N 106 19 E 1.47
PATIMBAN (PAMANUKAN) 6 14 S 107 54 E 3.17 PULAU BAJO 8 29 S 119 52 E 6.33
PATJITAN 8 15 S 111 05 E 4.42 PULAU BAKAU 2 41 S 108 25 E 2.70
PATRICIA SHOALS 3 38 N 113 03 E 11.32 PULAU BAKAU 2 54 N 108 44 E 1.14
PEAK OF KINANDUKAN 5 43 N 115 54 E 11.94 PULAU BAKAU 3 02 S 107 09 E 2.48
PEDADA BAAI 5 45 S 105 13 E 4.30 PULAU BAKAU 8 42 S 118 01 E 5.47
PEGASUS REEF 5 46 N 118 50 E 10.60 PULAU BAKI 4 09 S 119 36 E 7.23
PEKALONGAN 6 51 S 109 42 E 3.25 PULAU BAKUNG-KECIL 1 35 S 109 12 E 2.85
PEKATJANG 1 10 S 105 18 E 2.27 PULAU BALABALANGAN 2 32 S 117 57 E 9.36
PELABUHAN LAMAKERA 8 27 S 123 10 E 6.62 PULAU BALAI 1 17 S 109 10 E 2.96
PELABUHAN PARIGI 0 49 S 120 11 E 8.27 PULAU BALAK 7 08 N 117 08 E 10.85
PELABUHAN SEMEN TUBAN 6 47 S 111 54 E 3.38 PULAU BALAMBANGAN 1 47 N 119 00 E 9.71
PELABUHAN SERASAN 2 30 N 109 01 E 1.16 PULAU BALAMBANGAN 7 16 N 116 56 E 10.85
PELABUHAN TUBANG 1 45 S 125 06 E 8.39 PULAU BALANG-CADI 4 57 S 119 25 E 7.19
PELABUHANRATU 6 59 S 106 32 E 4.36 PULAU BALANG-TJADI 4 57 S 119 25 E 7.19
PELONG ROCKS 5 05 N 115 03 E 11.65 PULAU BALAOHONG 6 53 S 118 55 E 5.71
PEMUTUS 3 05 N 106 20 E 1.48 PULAU BALUSUAN 4 41 N 118 32 E 10.40
PENDEK ISLAND 5 13 S 122 44 E 8.77 PULAU BANAWAYA 6 50 S 119 12 E 5.70
PENGASTULAN 8 11 S 114 56 E 5.11 PULAU BANDANG 1 41 S 123 27 E 8.46
PENGRANGAN 5 46 S 105 12 E 4.30 PULAU BANGGAI 1 36 S 123 31 E 8.45
PENIBUNGAN 0 24 N 108 56 E 1.72 PULAU BANGGI 7 14 N 117 10 E 10.81
PEPER BAAI 5 48 S 105 13 E 4.30 PULAU BANGKA 1 48 N 125 09 E 8.5
PERMATANG MASHOR 3 58 N 113 22 E 11.33 PULAU BANGKALAN PAUNO 1 10 S 123 17 E 8.49
PERMATANG PAYONG 3 49 N 113 15 E 11.33 PULAU BANGKAN 7 01 S 115 41 E 5.64
PERTAMINA LIGHT 0 56 S 122 49 E 8.51 PULAU BANGKAU 8 33 S 119 47 E 6.29
PETREL SHOALS 7 04 N 117 07 E 10.87 PULAU BANGKIL 1 03 N 123 06 E 7.50
PIABUNG 5 37 S 105 10 E 4.29 PULAU BANGKOELOE 1 50 S 123 06 E 8.46
PIAPOENG 5 37 S 105 10 E 4.29 PULAU BANKA OELUANG 5 30 S 118 38 E 5.69
PIBIA TUTUN 8 01 S 125 48 E 6.84 PULAU BANKOBANKOANG 4 47 S 119 26 E 7.18
PINANGKUNING 0 35 N 107 10 E 1.31 PULAU BANKULU 1 50 S 123 06 E 8.46
PINE POINT SHOALS 5 31 N 115 27 E 11.87 PULAU BANTA 8 26 S 119 18 E 5.57
PIRATE POINT 6 46 N 116 51 E 10.90 PULAU BARANGLOMPO 5 03 S 119 20 E 7.19
PISANI BANK 6 07 S 118 17 E 5.68 PULAU BARSOE PANDA 8 32 S 119 14 E 5.57
PISING BAY 5 05 S 121 56 E 8.83 PULAU BARSU PANDA 8 32 S 119 14 E 5.57
POEHAWANG 5 41 S 105 13 E 4.29 PULAU BASA 4 50 S 121 30 E 8.86
POELASI 6 41 S 120 26 E 6.117 PULAU BATANG 8 25 S 111 45 E 4.44
POELOE DOEA 3 16 S 122 31 E 8.61 PULAU BATIK 4 43 N 118 27 E 10.40
POELOE TIGA 3 23 S 122 36 E 8.62 PULAU BATOE 7 02 S 120 45 E 6.117
POELOEHARI BANKS 4 01 S 122 45 E 8.63 PULAU BATOEATA 6 12 S 122 41 E 8.73
POLE REEF 6 46 N 117 40 E 10.71 PULAU BATU 7 02 S 120 45 E 6.117
POLENG OIL FIELD 6 40 S 112 55 E 3.39 PULAU BATU GARAM 3 22 N 106 20 E 1.46
POLEWALI ROAD 3 28 S 119 20 E 7.26 PULAU BATUDAKA 0 30 S 121 47 E 8.32

Pub. 163
424 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
PULAU BATUDINDING 2 49 S 107 24 E 2.49 PULAU GAYA 6 01 N 116 02 E 11.97
PULAU BAWAL 2 43 S 110 05 E 2.101 PULAU GELAM 2 53 S 110 10 E 2.103
PULAU BEDIL 8 24 S 117 04 E 5.38 PULAU GELASA 2 25 S 107 04 E 2.39
PULAU BEDUA 0 57 N 107 30 E 1.24 PULAU GENTING 5 51 S 110 36 E 3.33
PULAU BELANAK 3 37 N 117 11 E 9.92 PULAU GENTINGUNYUT 3 08 N 106 05 E 1.35
PULAU BELANG 8 33 S 116 47 E 5.38 PULAU GERSIK 3 00 S 107 16 E 2.50
PULAU BELITUNG 2 54 S 107 55 E 2.56 PULAU GOAGOA 7 08 S 114 46 E 3.69
PULAU BELUPUT 3 20 S 108 27 E 2.75 PULAU GOSONGMANGKOK 3 20 S 116 25 E 9.18
PULAU BENTENAN 0 58 N 124 54 E 8.9 PULAU GULISAAN 6 09 N 118 03 E 10.66
PULAU BENUA 0 57 N 107 27 E 1.23 PULAU GUNDUL 5 47 S 110 35 E 3.33
PULAU BERIKAT 2 28 S 106 58 E 2.39 PULAU GUSUNGAN 4 18 N 118 33 E 10.28
PULAU BESAR 2 53 S 106 08 E 2.15 PULAU HAGEDIS 6 12 S 122 41 E 8.73
PULAU BESAR 8 28 S 122 22 E 6.52 PULAU HALURA 10 19 S 120 12 E 6.11
PULAU BESI 1 39 S 109 03 E 2.85 PULAU HANTU 1 03 S 109 18 E 2.89
PULAU BILA 5 45 S 112 36 E 3.74 PULAU HIU 5 45 S 105 01 E 4.31
PULAU BILANGBILANGAN 1 34 N 118 57 E 9.69 PULAU HIU 5 45 S 105 01 E 4.31
PULAU BILLEAN 6 37 N 117 46 E 10.70 PULAU HIU (HIOE) 5 45 S 105 01 E 4.32
PULAU BINONGKO 5 56 S 124 00 E 8.69 PULAU HOORN 2 50 S 107 29 E 2.61
PULAU BIRAH BIRAHAN 0 41 N 118 28 E 9.64 PULAU IGANGAN 6 40 S 115 38 E 5.66
PULAU BOASALA 8 36 S 119 47 E 6.34 PULAU IMPUL 3 05 N 105 43 E 1.34
PULAU BOELOENROEE 5 07 S 120 24 E 8.92 PULAU JACO 8 26 S 127 20 E 6.93
PULAU BOETON 5 00 S 122 54 E 8.71 PULAU JAGAUTARA 5 12 S 106 28 E 4.5
PULAU BOHAYAN 4 48 N 118 19 E 10.41 PULAU JAGUNG 5 29 S 106 31 E 4.8
PULAU BOHAYDULONG 4 36 N 118 47 E 10.32 PULAU JAILAMU 6 33 S 118 48 E 5.70
PULAU BOKKI 1 06 N 121 49 E 7.48 PULAU JAMBONGAN 6 41 N 117 27 E 10.71
PULAU BONE RATE 7 21 S 121 07 E 6.115 PULAU JANGKULAN 0 45 N 107 19 E 1.33
PULAU BUAN 1 29 S 109 03 E 2.98 PULAU JEMAJA 2 56 N 105 46 E 1.26
PULAU BUANING 6 59 N 117 30 E 10.78 PULAU JEMBONGAN 6 41 N 117 27 E 10.74
PULAU BUAYA BUAYA 1 25 N 118 30 E 9.68 PULAU JUANTA 1 21 S 109 45 E 2.93
PULAU BUKABUKA 0 45 S 121 45 E 8.34 PULAU KABAENA 5 17 S 121 55 E 8.83
PULAU BUKULIMAU 2 49 S 108 24 E 2.73 PULAU KABALADUA 2 30 S 117 54 E 9.37
PULAU BULUNRUE 5 07 S 120 24 E 8.92 PULAU KABUNG 0 50 N 108 47 E 1.73
PULAU BUM BUM 4 28 N 118 41 E 10.31 PULAU KADAPONGAN 4 42 S 115 43 E 9.15
PULAU BUNGIN 1 02 N 107 31 E 1.21 PULAU KADATOEANG 5 33 S 122 30 E 8.79
PULAU BUNGINNJAMPUR 6 36 S 115 30 E 5.67 PULAU KADATUANG 5 33 S 122 30 E 8.79
PULAU BUNGURAN BESAR 3 56 N 108 14 E 1.5 PULAU KAKABAN 2 09 N 118 32 E 9.73
PULAU BURONG 1 38 N 110 48 E 11.14 PULAU KAKABIA 6 54 S 122 13 E 6.113
PULAU BURONG 5 14 N 115 11 E 11.66 PULAU KALAMPUNIAN 7 03 N 116 45 E 11.118
PULAU BURUNG 3 42 N 108 02 E 1.8 PULAU KALAMPUNIAN BESAR 5 45 N 115 40 E 11.92
PULAU BURUNG 8 27 S 117 02 E 5.39 PULAU KALAMPUNIAN DAMIT 5 46 N 115 41 E 11.92
PULAU BUSUNG 3 14 N 106 28 E 1.54 PULAU KALANGBAHU 3 02 S 107 10 E 2.48
PULAU BUSUNG SERLANG 2 35 S 108 19 E 2.67 PULAU KALAO 7 18 S 120 56 E 6.115
PULAU BUTUNG 5 00 S 122 54 E 8.71 PULAU KALAOTOA 7 23 S 121 48 E 6.113
PULAU CELAKA 2 52 S 107 01 E 2.45 PULAU KALEDOAPA 5 32 S 123 46 E 8.68
PULAU CELUKANBAWANG 8 11 S 114 50 E 5.10 PULAU KALEDOEPA 5 32 S 123 46 E 8.68
PULAU CEMPEDAK 2 38 S 110 07 E 2.101 PULAU KALEDUPA 5 32 S 123 46 E 8.68
PULAU CHERMIN 4 56 N 115 01 E 11.77 PULAU KALONG 8 30 S 116 52 E 5.38
PULAU CHURMIN 4 56 N 115 01 E 11.77 PULAU KALUKALUKUANG 5 12 S 117 40 E 5.68
PULAU DAAT 5 16 N 115 19 E 11.68 PULAU KAMARIAN-BESAR 2 22 S 117 17 E 9.39
PULAU DAHUDAHU 5 13 S 122 05 E 8.83 PULAU KAMBANGLAMARI 7 04 S 118 00 E 5.73
PULAU DAJANGDAJANGAN 5 24 S 119 11 E 7.10 PULAU KAMBING 7 18 S 113 13 E 3.46
PULAU DAMBILAH 8 28 S 122 26 E 6.52 PULAU KAMBING 8 27 S 118 42 E 5.50
PULAU DANA 10 50 S 121 17 E 6.112 PULAU KANAWA 8 30 S 119 46 E 6.28
PULAU DANA 11 00 S 122 53 E 6.108 PULAU KANDANGBALAK 5 53 S 105 46 E 4.4
PULAU DANAWAN 4 18 N 118 51 E 10.24 PULAU KANGEAN 6 55 S 115 20 E 5.63
PULAU DANGAR BESAR 8 26 S 117 40 E 5.46 PULAU KANIS 2 38 S 108 12 E 2.66
PULAU DAPUR 3 08 S 106 31 E 2.16 PULAU KANIUNGAN-BESAR 1 07 N 118 51 E 9.68
PULAU DATU 0 08 N 108 36 E 1.73 PULAU KAOENA 7 26 S 122 05 E 6.113
PULAU DATUK 0 08 N 108 36 E 1.73 PULAU KAPAL 6 02 S 106 44 E 3.11
PULAU DAYANGDAYANGAN 5 24 S 119 11 E 7.10 PULAU KAPALAI 4 13 N 118 41 E 10.24
PULAU DE HAAN 3 29 S 122 29 E 8.61 PULAU KAPALE 4 35 N 118 55 E 10.35
PULAU DELI 7 01 S 105 32 E 4.36 PULAU KAPOPOSANG 4 42 S 118 57 E 7.16
PULAU DERAWAN 2 17 N 118 14 E 9.76 PULAU KAPOPOSANGBALI 7 30 S 117 11 E 5.75
PULAU DEWAKANG-CADI 5 30 S 118 28 E 5.68 PULAU KARAJAAN 4 06 S 116 12 E 9.17
PULAU DEWAKANG-LOMPO 5 24 S 118 26 E 5.68 PULAU KARANGMAS 7 40 S 114 26 E 3.65
PULAU DINAWAN 5 51 N 115 59 E 11.95 PULAU KARANGRAJA 2 35 S 108 44 E 2.71
PULAU DJAILAMU 6 33 S 118 48 E 5.70 PULAU KARANRANG 4 52 S 119 23 E 7.19
PULAU DOANGDOANGAN-KECIL 5 15 S 117 53 E 5.68 PULAU KARIMATA 1 37 S 108 53 E 2.83
PULAU DOKAN 0 58 S 105 39 E 2.27 PULAU KARIMUNJAWA 5 51 S 110 27 E 3.30
PULAU DUA 1 17 S 109 12 E 2.96 PULAU KAROMPA LOMPO 7 17 S 121 46 E 6.113
PULAU DUA 3 04 N 117 37 E 9.85 PULAU KARUMPUTAN 4 03 S 116 10 E 9.17
PULAU DUA 3 16 S 122 31 E 8.61 PULAU KAUN 8 28 S 117 00 E 5.40
PULAU DUA 5 25 S 106 28 E 4.8 PULAU KAUNA 6 53 S 120 47 E 6.116
PULAU DUA 8 43 S 116 44 E 5.37 PULAU KAUNA 7 26 S 122 05 E 6.113
PULAU DUMDUM 1 12 N 106 53 E 1.33 PULAU KAYUADI 6 48 S 120 48 E 6.116
PULAU DURAI 3 20 N 106 03 E 1.35 PULAU KEBATU 3 48 S 108 04 E 2.77
PULAU EGOT 6 18 N 116 18 E 11.107 PULAU KELAPA 8 40 S 119 14 E 5.54
PULAU ENDE 8 52 S 121 32 E 6.38 PULAU KELAWAR 1 18 S 109 08 E 2.96
PULAU ENOE 5 15 N 115 14 E 11.66 PULAU KELEMAR 2 58 S 107 14 E 2.47
PULAU GADOH 8 35 S 119 48 E 6.34 PULAU KELMANBANG 2 47 S 107 32 E 2.60
PULAU GANGGA 1 47 N 125 03 E 8.4 PULAU KELOR 8 33 S 119 49 E 6.33
PULAU GAYA 4 37 N 118 45 E 10.32 PULAU KEMBAR 5 44 S 110 11 E 3.31

Pub. 163
Index—Gazetteer 425

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
PULAU KEMUDJAN 5 48 S 110 29 E 3.31 PULAU LIUKANGLU 5 39 S 120 26 E 7.2
PULAU KEMUJAN 5 48 S 110 29 E 3.31 PULAU LUBIDAN 5 23 N 115 21 E 11.67
PULAU KENNEDY 3 21 S 107 42 E 2.79 PULAU LUCIPARA 3 13 S 106 13 E 2.18
PULAU KENTI OLE 5 43 S 124 29 E 8.70 PULAU LUMULUMU 2 56 S 117 42 E 9.28
PULAU KEPAHIANG 0 38 N 107 01 E 1.31 PULAU LUMULUMU 4 59 S 119 13 E 7.15
PULAU KERAMAN 5 14 N 115 08 E 11.64 PULAU LUYUNG 3 11 N 106 22 E 1.58
PULAU KERAMIAN 5 04 S 114 36 E 9.13 PULAU LYANG 5 47 N 115 53 E 11.95
PULAU KERANDJI 7 42 S 113 35 E 3.60 PULAU MACAN 1 39 S 109 20 E 2.83
PULAU KERISIAN 4 02 S 116 12 E 9.18 PULAU MADOE 7 30 S 121 46 E 6.113
PULAU KETAPANG 3 25 S 107 57 E 2.77 PULAU MADU 7 30 S 121 46 E 6.113
PULAU KETAPANG 7 41 S 113 15 E 3.58 PULAU MAGANTING 4 49 N 118 17 E 10.42
PULAU KILUAN 5 47 S 105 06 E 4.32 PULAU MAIGA 4 36 N 118 41 E 10.33
PULAU KINGARAN 4 57 N 115 01 E 11.76 PULAU MAITEM 5 36 S 105 15 E 4.28
PULAU KISAR 8 01 S 127 12 E 6.84 PULAU MAJINKIL 4 47 N 118 18 E 10.41
PULAU KITANG 4 53 N 115 06 E 11.79 PULAU MALAWALI 7 03 N 117 18 E 10.78
PULAU KOEMBA 8 16 S 124 24 E 6.78 PULAU MALIANGIN KECHIL 7 05 N 117 01 E 10.85
PULAU KOKOILA 3 29 S 122 54 E 8.62 PULAU MALU 2 17 N 108 54 E 1.17
PULAU KOKOTOAN 8 29 S 119 51 E 6.32 PULAU MAMBURIT 6 51 S 115 13 E 5.63
PULAU KOMBA 7 48 S 123 35 E 6.54 PULAU MAMUTIK 5 58 N 116 00 E 11.97
PULAU KOMODO 8 35 S 119 27 E 5.58 PULAU MANDA RIAU DARAT 3 18 N 106 24 E 1.52
PULAU KONJELAN 8 17 S 111 27 E 4.43 PULAU MANDIDARAH 6 56 N 117 20 E 10.76
PULAU KONYELAN 8 17 S 111 27 E 4.43 PULAU MANDIRALLA 6 56 N 117 20 E 10.76
PULAU KOTAK 10 19 S 120 10 E 6.11 PULAU MANDLIKA 6 23 S 110 55 E 3.28
PULAU KRA 1 42 N 110 18 E 11.8 PULAU MANDUL 3 42 N 117 49 E 10.2
PULAU KRAKATAU 6 09 S 105 26 E 4.21 PULAU MANGIATAN 8 33 S 119 41 E 6.28
PULAU KRAMAT 1 54 S 124 20 E 8.40 PULAU MANGKAI 3 05 N 105 36 E 1.34
PULAU KRAMAT 8 10 S 114 59 E 5.11 PULAU MANGKIAN PANDAK 3 12 N 106 21 E 1.60
PULAU KRAMIAH 3 15 S 107 45 E 2.79 PULAU MANGKUDU 10 20 S 120 07 E 6.11
PULAU KRAWANG 1 44 S 109 20 E 2.83 PULAU MANGOEDOE 10 20 S 120 07 E 6.11
PULAU KROMO 8 23 S 117 05 E 5.38 PULAU MANIANG 4 12 S 121 29 E 8.88
PULAU KUDINGARENGKEKE 5 06 S 119 17 E 7.14 PULAU MANIMBORA 1 28 N 118 32 E 9.68
PULAU KUEAL 2 59 S 107 08 E 2.47 PULAU MANTABUAN 4 38 N 118 47 E 10.34
PULAU KUKUBAN 6 56 N 117 24 E 10.77 PULAU MANTANANI BESAR 6 43 N 116 21 E 11.114
PULAU KULAPUAN 4 32 N 118 51 E 10.32 PULAU MANTANANI KECHIL 6 42 N 116 18 E 11.114
PULAU KUMBA 8 16 S 124 24 E 6.78 PULAU MANTAWATUDAA 0 31 S 123 06 E 8.28
PULAU KUMEKE 0 48 N 124 40 E 8.10 PULAU MANTUKUD 5 50 N 116 01 E 11.96
PULAU KUNYIT 4 06 S 116 03 E 9.16 PULAU MANUEI 3 36 S 123 08 E 8.62
PULAU KUPIAH 5 47 S 105 48 E 4.4 PULAU MANUI 3 36 S 123 08 E 8.62
PULAU KURICADDI 5 02 S 119 28 E 7.20 PULAU MANUKAN 5 59 N 116 00 E 11.97
PULAU LABENGKE 3 27 S 122 26 E 8.60 PULAU MANUKANG 6 56 S 118 52 E 5.71
PULAU LABUAN 5 20 N 115 13 E 11.61 PULAU MARABATUANG 7 29 S 117 29 E 5.74
PULAU LAELAE 5 08 S 119 23 E 7.11 PULAU MARANAI 2 38 S 108 30 E 2.70
PULAU LAELAE BESAR 5 08 S 119 23 E 7.11 PULAU MARASENDE 5 07 S 118 09 E 5.68
PULAU LAHALURA 10 19 S 120 12 E 6.11 PULAU MARATUA 2 15 N 118 37 E 9.72
PULAU LAI 10 52 S 123 04 E 6.107 PULAU MASALIMA 5 03 S 117 03 E 9.27
PULAU LAILA 4 56 N 118 14 E 10.49 PULAU MASATIGA 0 57 S 109 15 E 2.88
PULAU LAKATAAN 6 59 N 117 12 E 10.76 PULAU MASONI 1 45 S 124 10 E 8.41
PULAU LAKEI 1 45 N 110 30 E 11.7 PULAU MASPARI 3 13 S 106 13 E 2.18
PULAU LAMBASINA-BESAR 4 05 S 121 21 E 8.88 PULAU MASSABANG 3 10 N 106 18 E 1.47
PULAU LAMBIDAN 5 23 N 115 21 E 11.67 PULAU MATAGATEH 8 34 S 119 12 E 5.54
PULAU LAMUDAAN-KETCIL 2 27 S 117 30 E 9.38 PULAU MATAK 3 18 N 106 16 E 1.42
PULAU LAMURUANG 7 18 S 118 06 E 5.73 PULAU MATAKING 4 34 N 118 57 E 10.35
PULAU LANCANG 5 56 S 106 35 E 3.8 PULAU MATALANG 6 52 S 118 58 E 5.71
PULAU LANDAYANG 6 48 N 117 21 E 10.75 PULAU MATASIRI 4 48 S 115 48 E 9.14
PULAU LANGKOI 8 44 S 119 23 E 5.59 PULAU MAUAN 8 33 S 119 38 E 6.27
PULAU LANGKUAS 2 32 S 107 37 E 2.57 PULAU MAYA 1 08 S 109 35 E 2.90
PULAU LANKAYAN 6 30 N 117 55 E 10.69 PULAU MEDANG 8 08 S 117 24 E 5.45
PULAU LANYUKANG 4 59 S 119 04 E 7.15 PULAU MELAMBIR 2 27 S 117 33 E 9.38
PULAU LAPAN 8 14 S 124 02 E 6.72 PULAU MEMBATUAAN 6 57 N 117 15 E 10.75
PULAU LAPANG 8 14 S 124 02 E 6.73 PULAU MEMPERUK 3 04 N 106 21 E 1.49
PULAU LARAPAN 4 34 N 118 36 E 10.38 PULAU MEMPIRAK 2 43 S 108 26 E 2.70
PULAU LAUT 3 40 S 116 10 E 9.16 PULAU MENDANAU 2 53 S 107 25 E 2.50
PULAU LAUT 4 43 N 107 59 E 1.3 PULAU MENDARIK 1 19 N 107 02 E 1.18
PULAU LAWANG 8 37 S 119 32 E 6.21 PULAU MENGALUM 6 12 N 115 36 E 11.103
PULAU LAYANG 5 47 N 115 53 E 11.95 PULAU MENGJATAN 8 33 S 119 41 E 6.28
PULAU LEGOENDI 5 50 S 105 14 E 4.24 PULAU MENGKUDU 2 15 S 109 59 E 2.99
PULAU LEGUNDI 5 50 S 105 14 E 4.24 PULAU MENTANGOR 1 42 S 109 06 E 2.85
PULAU LEMBEH 1 29 N 125 14 E 8.6 PULAU MEONG 6 51 S 119 00 E 5.71
PULAU LEMUKUTAN 0 46 N 108 43 E 1.74 PULAU MERAK 5 56 S 105 59 E 4.11
PULAU LEONAN 6 44 N 117 37 E 10.71 PULAU MERAK KECIL 5 56 S 106 00 E 4.11
PULAU LESAMPOEANG 1 30 S 122 44 E 8.48 PULAU MERUNDUNG 2 04 N 109 06 E 1.17
PULAU LESAMPUANG 1 30 S 122 44 E 8.48 PULAU MIANG-BESAR 0 44 N 118 01 E 9.60
PULAU LEWUTOKIDI 5 36 S 122 30 E 8.79 PULAU MIANG-KECIL 0 47 N 118 03 E 9.60
PULAU LIANG 8 32 S 117 41 E 5.46 PULAU MIANGKECIL 0 47 N 118 03 E 9.59
PULAU LIANG MAJA 8 32 S 117 41 E 5.46 PULAU MIDAI 3 00 N 107 47 E 1.11
PULAU LIAT 2 52 S 107 03 E 2.45 PULAU MIDDLE SAPONDA 3 59 S 122 46 E 8.63
PULAU LIBARAN 6 07 N 118 01 E 10.66 PULAU MIONGAN 6 43 S 115 39 E 5.66
PULAU LIGITAN 4 10 N 118 53 E 10.25 PULAU MISA 8 32 S 119 45 E 6.28
PULAU LILIKANG 6 48 S 119 11 E 5.70 PULAU MOJO 8 15 S 117 33 E 5.45
PULAU LIMAU LIMAUAN 6 50 N 116 52 E 10.90 PULAU MOLOSSO 0 55 N 123 58 E 7.53
PULAU LINTANG 2 43 N 106 16 E 1.38 PULAU MONDOLIKO 6 23 S 110 55 E 3.28
PULAU LIRAN 8 00 S 125 45 E 6.83 PULAU MOPINGULO 0 27 N 122 19 E 8.17

Pub. 163
426 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
PULAU MOYO 8 15 S 117 33 E 5.45 PULAU POEHAWANG 5 41 S 105 13 E 4.29
PULAU MUANG 8 42 S 119 46 E 6.26 PULAU POELASI 6 41 S 120 26 E 6.117
PULAU MUARA BESAR 5 00 N 115 07 E 11.73 PULAU POM POM 4 36 N 118 52 E 10.34
PULAU MUBUR 3 20 N 106 12 E 1.41 PULAU POONG POONG 2 28 S 117 23 E 9.39
PULAU MULES 8 54 S 120 18 E 6.36 PULAU POPOLE 6 24 S 105 49 E 4.17
PULAU MUNA 5 00 S 122 30 E 8.80 PULAU PRENDJONO 8 22 S 111 29 E 4.43
PULAU MUNDU 5 41 S 105 50 E 4.4 PULAU PUAH 0 30 S 122 34 E 8.29
PULAU MURIH 1 54 N 108 39 E 1.17 PULAU PUHAWANG 5 41 S 105 13 E 4.29
PULAU NAIN-BESAR 1 47 N 124 47 E 7.56 PULAU PULASI 6 41 S 120 26 E 6.117
PULAU NANGKA 2 30 S 108 32 E 2.71 PULAU PUNGU-BESAR 8 31 S 119 48 E 6.29
PULAU NATUNA BESAR 3 56 N 108 14 E 1.5 PULAU PUNJUNG 3 09 N 106 25 E 1.56
PULAU NDAA 5 39 S 124 03 E 8.70 PULAU PUNYIT 4 58 N 114 51 E 11.57
PULAU NDAO 10 49 S 122 40 E 6.108 PULAU PURA 8 18 S 124 21 E 6.77
PULAU NDIHANG 8 39 S 119 30 E 6.22 PULAU PUTERAN 7 05 S 114 00 E 3.52
PULAU NGALI 8 29 S 117 43 E 5.46 PULAU PUTERI 6 04 S 106 51 E 3.14
PULAU NGREMBENG 8 19 S 111 44 E 4.44 PULAU RAAS 7 09 S 114 33 E 3.69
PULAU NOKO 5 53 S 112 42 E 3.71 PULAU RADEH 8 36 S 119 03 E 5.53
PULAU NOSEA 8 52 S 121 32 E 6.38 PULAU RAIJUA 10 36 S 121 39 E 6.112
PULAU NUHABENG 8 07 S 124 37 E 6.82 PULAU RAKATA 6 09 S 105 26 E 4.21
PULAU NUNSA 2 59 N 106 25 E 1.50 PULAU RAKATA (KHAKATAU) 06 09 S 105 26 E 4.2
PULAU NUNUKAN TIMUR 4 03 N 117 41 E 10.6 PULAU RAKI 8 37 S 117 58 E 5.47
PULAU OMADEL 4 25 N 118 45 E 10.26 PULAU RAKIET 8 37 S 117 58 E 5.47
PULAU PADABALE 3 01 S 122 20 E 8.59 PULAU RAKIT 5 56 S 108 23 E 3.20
PULAU PADAMARANG 4 07 S 121 25 E 8.87 PULAU RAMBUT 5 58 S 106 41 E 3.9
PULAU PADAR 8 39 S 119 35 E 6.23 PULAU RETA 8 13 S 124 22 E 6.78
PULAU PADEA KECIL 3 33 S 123 02 E 8.62 PULAU RETA 8 13 S 124 22 E 6.78
PULAU PAGERUNGAN-KECIL 6 57 S 115 52 E 5.64 PULAU RIMAUBALAK 5 52 S 105 47 E 4.4
PULAU PAHIT 3 24 N 106 09 E 1.41 PULAU RINCA 8 43 S 119 41 E 6.24
PULAU PALIAT 6 58 S 115 36 E 5.64 PULAU RINGGIT 2 57 S 107 31 E 2.62
PULAU PAMALIKAN 4 45 S 115 52 E 9.15 PULAU ROENDOEMA 5 21 S 124 21 E 8.70
PULAU PAMANA-BESAR 8 22 S 122 18 E 6.52 PULAU ROESA 8 23 S 123 49 E 6.71
PULAU PANABEAN 0 17 N 121 15 E 8.22 PULAU ROTAN 3 13 S 108 16 E 2.74
PULAU PANAITAN 6 35 S 105 13 E 4.19 PULAU ROTI 10 45 S 123 09 E 6.106
PULAU PANDAN 1 34 S 109 10 E 2.85 PULAU RUNDUMA 5 21 S 124 21 E 8.70
PULAU PANDAN PANDAN 6 21 N 116 18 E 11.108 PULAU RUSA 8 23 S 123 49 E 6.71
PULAU PANDANAN 4 35 N 118 55 E 10.35 PULAU RUSUKAN BESAR 5 11 N 115 08 E 11.65
PULAU PANDJANG 6 58 S 120 47 E 6.116 PULAU RUSUKAN KECIL 5 12 N 115 09 E 11.64
PULAU PANDUAN 5 52 N 116 02 E 11.96 PULAU SABALANA 6 51 S 119 07 E 5.70
PULAU PANEBANGAN 1 13 S 109 15 E 2.95 PULAU SABANGKAT 4 34 N 118 40 E 10.33
PULAU PANIKIA 8 35 S 119 45 E 6.29 PULAU SABARU 5 06 S 117 03 E 9.27
PULAU PANIKIANG 4 21 S 119 36 E 7.18 PULAU SABARU 6 35 S 118 50 E 5.70
PULAU PANJANG 0 02 N 109 13 E 1.75 PULAU SABAYUR-BESAR 8 30 S 119 44 E 6.28
PULAU PANJANG 2 09 S 106 16 E 2.32 PULAU SABAYUR-KECIL 8 31 S 119 42 E 6.28
PULAU PANJANG 2 22 N 118 12 E 9.76 PULAU SABOJAN 2 21 S 117 19 E 9.39
PULAU PANJANG 2 45 N 108 55 E 1.14 PULAU SABOLAN-BESAR 8 23 S 119 49 E 6.32
PULAU PANJANG 4 15 N 108 12 E 1.10 PULAU SABOYAN 2 21 S 117 19 E 9.39
PULAU PANJANG 6 58 S 120 47 E 6.116 PULAU SABUTAN 4 45 S 119 26 E 7.18
PULAU PANJURIT 5 53 S 105 47 E 4.4 PULAU SABUTANG 4 45 S 119 26 E 7.18
PULAU PANJURIT (HOUT ISLAND) 5 53 S 105 47 E 4.22 PULAU SADAA 0 26 N 121 31 E 8.20
PULAU PANYANG 1 00 N 107 23 E 1.23 PULAU SADAPUR 7 46 S 117 13 E 5.76
PULAU PAPADO 3 01 S 122 20 E 8.59 PULAU SADUJUNG 7 21 S 117 32 E 5.74
PULAU PAPAGARAN BESAR 8 34 S 119 48 E 6.29 PULAU SADULANG 6 58 S 118 49 E 5.71
PULAU PAPAN 5 15 N 115 16 E 11.68 PULAU SAGO 2 12 S 123 10 E 8.46
PULAU PARANG 5 45 S 110 14 E 3.32 PULAU SAGU DAMPAR 3 15 N 106 27 E 1.53
PULAU PASARAN 5 28 S 105 16 E 4.27 PULAU SAILUS-BESAR 7 28 S 117 26 E 5.75
PULAU PASERAN 8 31 S 116 47 E 5.38 PULAU SAILUS-KECIL 7 35 S 117 27 E 5.75
PULAU PASI 6 09 S 120 25 E 7.5 PULAU SAKALA 6 57 S 116 15 E 5.65
PULAU PASOSO 0 06 N 119 37 E 7.37 PULAU SAKAR 4 58 N 118 20 E 10.51
PULAU PASUDU 4 55 S 121 57 E 8.84 PULAU SAKOALA 4 40 S 119 30 E 7.18
PULAU PATANUNAM 7 06 N 117 05 E 10.85 PULAU SALAKAN 4 34 N 118 42 E 10.33
PULAU PATJAR 6 40 S 115 38 E 5.66 PULAU SALAYAR 6 08 S 120 30 E 7.3
PULAU PAYANGAN 6 58 S 114 26 E 3.68 PULAU SALINGSINGAN 2 19 S 117 14 E 9.39
PULAU PAYUNG 8 40 S 119 37 E 6.23 PULAU SALOR 3 54 N 107 55 E 1.9
PULAU PAYUNG BESAR 5 49 S 106 33 E 3.5 PULAU SAMAMA 2 08 N 118 20 E 9.75
PULAU PEBELOKAN 5 29 S 106 24 E 4.8 PULAU SAMARAGO 4 06 N 108 00 E 1.10
PULAU PEJAUL 3 09 N 106 23 E 1.57 PULAU SAMBARGALANG 4 24 S 116 10 E 9.15
PULAU PEKACANG 1 10 S 105 18 E 2.27 PULAU SAMBIT 1 46 N 119 02 E 9.71
PULAU PEKATJANG 1 10 S 105 18 E 2.27 PULAU SAMPADI 1 44 N 110 05 E 11.5
PULAU PELENG 1 20 S 123 10 E 8.44 PULAU SANANA-BESAR 6 50 S 119 02 E 5.71
PULAU PELEPASAN 2 23 S 105 45 E 2.14 PULAU SANANA-KECIL 6 49 S 119 01 E 5.71
PULAU PELOKANG 7 11 S 118 25 E 5.72 PULAU SANDY 1 23 N 125 10 E 8.6
PULAU PEMUJA 1 36 S 105 23 E 2.25 PULAU SANGA 2 14 S 117 08 E 9.39
PULAU PENDEK 5 13 S 122 44 E 8.77 PULAU SANGAI 2 14 S 117 08 E 9.39
PULAU PENGANTEN 6 38 S 110 36 E 3.27 PULAU SANGALAKKI 2 06 N 118 24 E 9.74
PULAU PENGIKI-BESAR 0 15 N 108 03 E 1.32 PULAU SANGEANG 8 10 S 119 05 E 5.51
PULAU PENIKI 5 42 S 106 43 E 3.14 PULAU SANGIAN 5 58 S 105 51 E 4.17
PULAU PENJALIN-BESAR 3 23 N 106 26 E 1.51 PULAU SANGIANG 5 58 S 105 51 E 4.20
PULAU PEPATAN 4 55 N 115 03 E 11.79 PULAU SAPANGAR 6 04 N 116 04 E 11.98
PULAU PESEMUT 2 30 S 108 51 E 2.71 PULAU SAPANJANG 7 10 S 115 50 E 5.65
PULAU PEUCANG 6 44 S 105 16 E 4.19 PULAU SAPANKUR 7 00 S 115 31 E 5.64
PULAU PINAAT 2 25 S 117 35 E 9.38 PULAU SAPEKAH 8 33 S 119 16 E 5.57
PULAU PINJANG 5 56 S 106 09 E 4.9 PULAU SAPEKEN 7 00 S 115 42 E 5.64

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Index—Gazetteer 427

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
PULAU SAPIRAK 6 59 N 117 03 E 10.88 PULAU SUANGI 8 34 S 123 14 E 6.60
PULAU SAPIRI 3 02 S 121 03 E 8.98 PULAU SUBI BESAR 2 56 N 108 51 E 1.13
PULAU SAPONDA SELATAN 4 02 S 122 46 E 8.63 PULAU SUGURA 5 50 N 116 01 E 11.96
PULAU SAPONDA UTARA 3 53 S 122 49 E 8.63 PULAU SUKA 1 20 S 109 07 E 2.97
PULAU SAPUDI 7 08 S 114 20 E 3.68 PULAU SUKUR 8 07 S 122 08 E 6.49
PULAU SAPUKA-BESAR 7 04 S 118 11 E 5.72 PULAU SULUG 5 58 N 116 00 E 11.97
PULAU SAPUKA-KECIL 7 07 S 118 10 E 5.72 PULAU SUMBA 9 40 S 120 00 E 6.2
PULAU SARAH 8 23 S 111 40 E 4.43 PULAU TABAUWAN 4 56 N 118 14 E 10.49
PULAU SARANGA 4 55 N 118 12 E 10.46 PULAU TABAWAN 4 48 N 118 23 E 10.41
PULAU SARAPPO 4 53 S 119 16 E 7.15 PULAU TABUAN 5 51 S 104 51 E 4.31
PULAU SAREGE 7 04 S 118 39 E 5.71 PULAU TABUAN 8 03 S 114 28 E 5.5
PULAU SARINGI 8 26 S 116 59 E 5.38 PULAU TAGABUA 4 46 N 118 14 E 10.45
PULAU SASASAIT 8 45 S 116 43 E 5.37 PULAU TAIMANU 3 19 S 118 51 E 7.27
PULAU SASEEL 7 05 S 115 45 E 5.65 PULAU TAKATALU 3 04 S 117 42 E 9.28
PULAU SATABO 6 58 S 115 42 E 5.64 PULAU TALA 8 45 S 119 26 E 6.19
PULAU SATANG BESAR 1 47 N 110 10 E 11.5 PULAU TALANG TALANG BESAR 1 55 N 109 47 E 11.2
PULAU SATANG KECHIL 1 46 N 110 09 E 11.5 PULAU TALANG TALANG KECHIL 1 53 N 109 46 E 11.3
PULAU SATENGAR 7 32 S 117 20 E 5.75 PULAU TALATAKAN 0 21 S 122 06 E 8.31
PULAU SATONDA 8 06 S 117 45 E 5.45 PULAU TALIABOE 1 50 S 124 50 E 8.38
PULAU SATUNGGUL 7 32 S 117 53 E 5.74 PULAU TAMBAKULU 4 44 S 119 03 E 7.16
PULAU SAUBI 7 00 S 115 26 E 5.64 PULAU TAMBELAN 1 00 N 107 34 E 1.20
PULAU SAUJUNG 7 21 S 117 32 E 5.74 PULAU TAMBISAN 5 28 N 119 07 E 10.57
PULAU SAULAR 6 56 S 115 44 E 5.64 PULAU TAMBOULIAN 6 58 N 117 28 E 10.78
PULAU SAWI 2 23 S 110 04 E 2.100 PULAU TAMENGAN 8 22 S 111 47 E 4.44
PULAU SAWU 10 31 S 121 55 E 6.109 PULAU TAMPURANG 5 54 S 105 56 E 4.20
PULAU SEBABAHAN 8 24 S 111 42 E 4.44 PULAU TANAJAMPEA 7 08 S 120 46 E 6.115
PULAU SEBANGKATAN 2 13 S 117 25 E 9.37 PULAU TANAKEKE 5 30 S 119 17 E 7.10
PULAU SEBATIK 4 10 N 117 47 E 10.13 PULAU TANDJUNGBUAJABUAJA 1 25 N 118 30 E 9.68
PULAU SEBESI 5 58 S 105 29 E 4.21 PULAU TAOENA 6 53 S 120 47 E 6.116
PULAU SEBUKU 3 32 S 116 22 E 9.18 PULAU TATAGAN 4 36 N 118 43 E 10.33
PULAU SEBUKU 5 54 S 105 30 E 4.21 PULAU TATAGAN TATAGAN 4 40 N 118 33 E 10.40
PULAU SEDANAU 3 48 N 108 01 E 1.8 PULAU TATAWA 8 31 S 119 39 E 6.27
PULAU SEDUA 4 02 N 107 54 E 1.10 PULAU TEBOLON 8 29 S 119 50 E 6.32
PULAU SEGAMAT 5 10 S 106 06 E 4.6 PULAU TEGAL 5 34 S 105 17 E 4.28
PULAU SEKAPAR 3 09 S 108 14 E 2.74 PULAU TEGIPIL 6 33 N 117 43 E 10.70
PULAU SELAI 3 12 N 106 29 E 1.54 PULAU TELAGA 3 03 N 105 59 E 1.35
PULAU SELANDU 3 04 S 108 15 E 2.73 PULAU TELAGAPAHAT 2 34 S 108 34 E 2.71
PULAU SELINTANG 0 57 N 107 29 E 1.24 PULAU TELIBANG 3 00 N 106 09 E 1.36
PULAU SELIU 3 13 S 107 32 E 2.53 PULAU TELUK RISAN 3 11 N 106 27 E 1.55
PULAU SELOANG 2 27 S 117 40 E 9.38 PULAU TELUKAYER 0 43 S 109 33 E 1.79
PULAU SEMANGA-KETCIL 2 25 S 117 24 E 9.38 PULAU TEMBAKO 4 54 S 122 03 E 8.82
PULAU SEMAU 10 14 S 123 23 E 6.98 PULAU TEMIANG 2 56 N 106 08 E 1.37
PULAU SEMESA 0 43 N 108 52 E 1.72 PULAU TEMPAU 1 51 S 124 00 E 8.43
PULAU SEMPU 8 27 S 112 42 E 4.46 PULAU TEMPURUNG 5 54 S 105 56 E 4.20
PULAU SEMUT 3 24 N 106 17 E 1.42 PULAU TEMUKUS 8 10 S 114 59 E 5.11
PULAU SENDIRI 0 29 S 122 56 E 8.28 PULAU TENGA 8 29 S 119 51 E 6.33
PULAU SENTODO 8 33 S 119 11 E 5.54 PULAU TENGELANGA 1 01 N 120 44 E 7.42
PULAU SEPANJANG 7 10 S 115 50 E 5.65 PULAU TERAWANGAN 8 21 S 116 02 E 5.28
PULAU SERANGAN 8 44 S 115 14 E 5.17 PULAU TEREWANGAN 8 21 S 116 02 E 5.28
PULAU SERASAN 2 31 N 109 03 E 1.15 PULAU TERNATE 8 11 S 124 22 E 6.78
PULAU SERAYA-BESAR 8 23 S 119 52 E 6.32 PULAU TERNATE 8 11 S 124 22 E 6.78
PULAU SERAYA-KECIL 8 24 S 119 52 E 6.32 PULAU TETAPAAN 1 18 N 124 30 E 7.54
PULAU SERBETE 8 09 S 123 01 E 6.55 PULAU TIBAKAN 6 56 N 117 28 E 10.77
PULAU SERDANG 5 49 S 105 23 E 4.24 PULAU TIGA 3 23 S 122 36 E 8.62
PULAU SERTUNG 6 05 S 105 23 E 4.21 PULAU TIGA 5 44 N 115 39 E 11.91
PULAU SERUKAT-BESAR 3 11 S 108 07 E 2.74 PULAU TIGA 5 49 S 105 33 E 4.24
PULAU SERUTU 1 43 S 108 44 E 2.86 PULAU TIGA 7 20 N 117 03 E 10.86
PULAU SETURIAN 2 16 S 117 40 E 9.37 PULAU TIGABU 6 53 N 117 28 E 10.77
PULAU SI AMIL 4 19 N 118 52 E 10.25 PULAU TIKUS 2 51 S 107 32 E 2.61
PULAU SIABA-BESAR 8 32 S 119 39 E 6.27 PULAU TIMBA TIMBA 4 33 N 118 55 E 10.35
PULAU SIANTAN 3 10 N 106 15 E 1.43 PULAU TIMBUN MATA 4 39 N 118 25 E 10.38
PULAU SIBRONG 2 58 N 105 42 E 1.28 PULAU TIMPAUS 1 51 S 124 00 E 8.43
PULAU SIBUAN 4 39 N 118 40 E 10.34 PULAU TINGI LANGA 1 01 N 120 44 E 7.42
PULAU SIBUNGOR 4 52 N 114 57 E 11.78 PULAU TJELUKANDAWANG 8 11 S 114 50 E 5.10
PULAU SIKA 8 07 S 124 37 E 6.82 PULAU TJOWO TJOWO 5 48 S 124 20 E 8.70
PULAU SILAD 6 39 N 116 34 E 11.112 PULAU TOBINTAH 1 56 S 119 20 E 7.30
PULAU SILARANGAN 6 56 S 115 38 E 5.64 PULAU TOBOLON 8 29 S 119 50 E 6.32
PULAU SILAWA 4 33 N 118 33 E 10.38 PULAU TOGIAN 0 23 S 121 57 E 8.31
PULAU SILINGAAN 6 10 N 118 04 E 10.66 PULAU TOGOMOGOLO 3 13 S 122 38 E 8.59
PULAU SILUMPAT 4 46 N 118 23 E 10.41 PULAU TOKO TOKO 8 25 S 119 34 E 6.18
PULAU SILUNGAN 4 19 N 118 27 E 10.28 PULAU TOKOHBATU 7 13 S 118 01 E 5.73
PULAU SINJATAAN 6 01 N 116 00 E 11.98 PULAU TOMEA 5 45 S 123 56 E 8.69
PULAU SIOEMPOE 5 40 S 122 30 E 8.79 PULAU TREWEG 8 29 S 124 17 E 6.78
PULAU SIPADAN 4 07 N 118 38 E 10.26 PULAU TRISO 1 31 N 110 59 E 11.15
PULAU SIPINDUNG 6 52 N 117 33 E 10.72 PULAU TUA 10 53 S 123 03 E 6.107
PULAU SIREH 1 14 S 109 12 E 2.96 PULAU TUA (PULAU TOEA) 1 45 N 109 16 E 1.67
PULAU SITINJAN 0 22 N 108 45 E 1.74 PULAU TUGUAN 0 35 N 119 48 E 7.39
PULAU SITURI 8 29 S 119 51 E 6.32 PULAU TUNDA 5 49 S 106 17 E 3.2
PULAU SIUMPU 5 40 S 122 30 E 8.79 PULAU TUNDU 7 10 S 114 40 E 3.69
PULAU SOANGI 8 34 S 123 14 E 6.60 PULAU TUNTUNGKALIK 5 48 S 105 05 E 4.31
PULAU SOROABU 6 55 S 119 02 E 5.71 PULAU UBI-KECIL 6 00 S 106 44 E 3.9
PULAU SUALANG 6 41 S 111 23 E 3.37 PULAU UDAR BESAR 6 05 N 116 05 E 11.98

Pub. 163
428 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
PULAU UDAR KECHIL 6 06 N 116 05 E 11.98 SALABANGKA STRAIT 3 04 S 122 20 E 8.58
PULAU ULABAN 1 24 N 118 32 E 9.68 SALAH KARONTONG 8 40 S 119 46 E 6.26
PULAU ULAR 6 00 S 105 56 E 4.13 SALAMADATANG 6 41 S 105 28 E 4.18
PULAU UMBELE 3 04 S 122 30 E 8.58 SALEH BAAI 8 28 S 117 48 E 5.44
PULAU UMPANG 3 17 S 107 52 E 2.78 SAMAK 1 30 S 105 55 E 2.26
PULAU UNAUNA 0 10 S 121 38 E 8.33 SAMARANG BANK 5 35 N 114 55 E 11.87
PULAU UNTELUE 8 23 S 121 01 E 6.44 SAMARANG OIL FIELD 5 37 N 114 53 E 11.88
PULAU USU 10 30 S 123 25 E 6.106 SAMARANG POINT 7 21 N 117 09 E 10.82
PULAU USUKAN 6 25 N 116 20 E 11.109 SAMARINDA 0 31 S 117 09 E 9.53
PULAU VARKENS 6 09 S 120 25 E 7.5 SAMATANYIWUTUN 8 34 S 122 57 E 6.63
PULAU WALEABAHI 0 15 S 122 18 E 8.30 SAMBAS 1 22 N 109 18 E 1.70
PULAU WALEAKODI 0 15 S 122 11 E 8.30 SAMPAGA 2 18 S 119 08 E 7.29
PULAU WANGI WANGI 5 18 S 123 34 E 8.68 SAMPIT 2 31 S 113 00 E 9.8
PULAU WANGIWANGI 5 18 S 123 34 E 8.68 SANDAKAN 5 49 N 118 08 E 10.62
PULAU WATU PENI 8 14 S 123 19 E 6.57 SANDY ISLAND 6 49 N 117 37 E 10.71
PULAU WATUPENI 8 14 S 123 19 E 6.57 SANE SANE REEF 6 58 S 120 27 E 6.116
PULAU WETAR 7 49 S 126 14 E 6.84 SANGKAPURA ROAD 5 52 S 112 37 E 3.72
PULAU WOWONI 4 07 S 123 06 E 8.66 SANGKULIRANG 0 59 N 117 58 E 9.62
PULAUMERAK 5 56 S 106 00 E 4.13 SANGORA BANKS 3 14 S 111 41 E 9.5
PULAU-PULAU HANDEULEUM 6 45 S 105 26 E 4.18 SANTAN OIL TERMINAL 0 06 N 117 32 E 9.55
PULAU-PULAU PETUDANG 5 35 S 106 36 E 3.13 SANTIGI REEF 8 32 S 116 02 E 5.25
PULAU-PULAU SERIBU 5 30 S 106 30 E 4.6 SANUR 8 40 S 115 15 E 5.16
PULAU-PULAU TUJU 1 13 S 105 16 E 2.27 SANUR ROAD 8 40 S 115 16 E 5.16
PULUA OLUA 0 22 N 120 49 E 8.23 SAPAGAR BANK 3 08 S 111 46 E 9.5
PUNTA HERO 8 20 S 127 11 E 6.91 SAPANGAR BAY 6 05 N 116 07 E 11.99
SAPEKAH 8 33 S 119 16 E 5.57
SAPPA DJAMBI BANK 3 59 S 122 41 E 8.63
Q SAPPA JAMBA 3 59 S 122 41 E 8.63
SAPUDU 8 36 S 118 12 E 5.48
QUOIN HILL 4 25 N 118 01 E 10.3 SARACEN BANK 6 10 N 115 22 E 11.104
SARIKEI 2 08 N 111 32 E 11.23
SATONG 8 52 S 117 46 E 5.62
R SAWU 10 31 S 121 55 E 6.109
SCHAARVOGEL ISLANDS 3 17 S 108 25 E 2.75
RABU RABU 2 20 N 118 07 E 9.76 SCOUT PATCHES 4 56 N 114 38 E 11.59
RADJABASA 5 47 S 105 38 E 4.24 SCOUT ROCK 4 56 N 114 39 E 11.59
RAHA 4 51 S 122 44 E 8.75 SEBA 10 29 S 121 51 E 6.110
RAI PIGA 10 34 S 121 48 E 6.109 SEBOE 9 03 S 117 20 E 5.62
RAINBOW REEF 1 42 N 110 18 E 11.9 SEBULU 0 17 S 116 59 E 9.54
RAIPIGA 10 34 S 121 48 E 6.109 SEBUYAU VILLAGE 1 31 N 110 55 E 11.14
RAJANG 2 09 N 111 15 E 11.19 SEDARI REEF 5 54 S 107 25 E 3.16
RAMBA 2 37 S 104 08 E 2.7 SEDGEMAN ROCKS 6 43 N 117 44 E 10.70
RAMBLER BANKS 4 58 N 115 06 E 11.75 SEGARA ANAK 8 36 S 114 13 E 4.48
RAMSAY POINT 5 16 N 115 15 E 11.68 SEKUNCI 7 51 S 117 12 E 5.77
RANGET 5 28 S 106 29 E 3.1 SEKUNTJI 7 51 S 117 12 E 5.77
RATAI BAAI 5 36 S 105 13 E 4.29 SELAKA BANK 3 10 S 110 54 E 9.4
REMBANG ROAD 6 41 S 111 21 E 3.37 SELAT ALOR 8 20 S 123 50 E 6.71
RENARD POINT 1 35 N 110 27 E 11.12 SELAT BADUNG 8 40 S 115 22 E 5.20
RENE SHOAL 5 30 N 119 09 E 10.58 SELAT BALI 8 15 S 114 26 E 5.1
REO LIGHT 8 17 S 120 27 E 6.43 SELAT BANGGI SELATAN 7 07 N 117 10 E 10.87
RETA 8 13 S 124 22 E 6.78 SELAT BANGKA 1 45 N 125 05 E 8.3
RICHARDS REEF 4 44 N 118 43 E 10.34 SELAT BOLENG 8 17 S 123 21 E 6.58
RICHARDSON POINT 5 15 N 115 10 E 11.66 SELAT BUTUNG 5 00 S 122 45 E 8.74
RIOENG BAY 8 23 S 121 02 E 6.44 SELAT CAPALULU 1 50 S 125 19 E 8.42
RIUNG VILLAGE 8 26 S 121 01 E 6.44 SELAT KAPAS 1 19 N 120 48 E 7.44
RIZAL SHOAL 6 15 N 115 26 E 11.105 SELAT LAMAKERA 8 28 S 123 12 E 6.59
ROACH REEFS 4 10 N 118 18 E 10.18 SELAT LAUT 3 40 S 115 58 E 9.20
ROCK 7 04 N 117 07 E 10.87 SELAT LEGUNDI 5 50 S 105 12 E 4.24
RODGER ROCK 0 41 N 107 32 E 1.32 SELAT LEMBEH 1 28 N 125 12 E 8.6
ROESA 8 23 S 123 49 E 6.71 SELAT LINTAH 8 37 S 119 35 E 6.20
ROODE HOEK 4 20 S 122 54 E 8.67 SELAT LOMBOK 8 35 S 115 45 E 5.20
ROTSIGE ISLANDS 8 27 S 116 44 E 5.30 SELAT MASIRIR 5 35 S 122 33 E 8.79
ROYAL CHARLOTTE REEF 6 57 N 113 36 E 11.50 SELAT MENDANAU 2 55 S 107 30 E 2.60
ROYALIST HAVEN 2 30 N 109 01 E 1.16 SELAT MOLO 8 37 S 119 49 E 6.31
ROYALIST ROCK 5 43 N 118 40 E 10.60 SELAT MUNA 5 15 S 122 08 E 8.84
ROYALIST ROCKS 1 43 N 110 18 E 11.8 SELAT PANTAR 8 20 S 124 20 E 6.77
ROYDS SHOAL 6 38 N 115 50 E 11.106 SELAT POLEANG 4 58 S 121 57 E 8.84
RUTH SHOALS 3 44 N 112 55 E 11.32 SELAT SALABANGKA 3 04 S 122 20 E 8.58
SELAT SAPE 8 39 S 119 18 E 5.56
SELAT SELAYAR 5 42 S 120 30 E 8.74
S SELAT SEMAU 10 16 S 123 27 E 6.100
SELAT SUNGIAN 8 19 S 116 42 E 5.29
SABOJAN 2 21 S 117 19 E 9.39 SELAT TANAKEKE 5 30 S 119 21 E 7.9
SABUTANG 4 45 S 119 26 E 7.18 SELAT TIWORO 4 33 S 122 30 E 8.81
SADAA 0 26 N 121 31 E 8.20 SELAT WALEA 0 25 S 122 25 E 8.29
SADDLE HILL 4 18 N 118 11 E 10.15 SELAT WOWONI 4 06 S 122 54 E 8.66
SADDLE ISLANDS 4 56 N 118 14 E 10.49 SEMANJUNG BLAMBANGAN 8 45 S 114 25 E 5.1
SAGO 2 12 S 123 10 E 8.46 SEMARANG 6 57 S 110 25 E 3.26
SAINT JOSEPH OIL FIELD 6 38 N 116 09 E 11.106 SEMATAN 1 49 N 109 47 E 11.3
SAINT JOSEPH ROCK 6 35 N 116 05 E 11.106 SEMBODJALAMA 1 02 S 117 07 E 9.46
SALABANGKA EILANDEN 3 04 S 122 28 E 8.58 SEMPORNA 4 29 N 118 37 E 10.30
SALABANGKA ISLANDS 3 04 S 122 28 E 8.58 SENIPAH OIL TERMINAL 1 03 S 117 13 E 9.47

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Index—Gazetteer 429

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
SENTODO 8 33 S 119 11 E 5.54 SUNDAY BANK 5 49 N 119 09 E 10.58
SENTRY BANK 5 42 N 119 19 E 10.58 SUNGAI BALUNG 4 18 N 118 10 E 10.20
SEPTEMBER REEF 2 17 S 116 49 E 9.30 SUNGAI BARITO 3 32 S 114 30 E 9.10
SERAJA MOUNTAINS 8 23 S 115 40 E 5.9 SUNGAI BAYOLI 1 53 S 121 21 E 8.53
SERDANG REEF 3 24 S 122 32 E 8.61 SUNGAI BELAIT 4 35 N 114 11 E 11.53
SERIA OIL TERMINAL 4 37 N 114 19 E 11.54 SUNGAI BERAU 2 10 N 117 42 E 9.79
SESAYAP SELATAN 3 29 N 117 20 E 9.89 SUNGAI KAHAYAN 3 30 S 114 04 E 9.10
SESAYAP TENGAH 3 30 N 117 31 E 9.90 SUNGAI KALUMPANG 4 20 N 118 20 E 10.20
SESAYAP UTARA 3 37 N 117 24 E 9.91 SUNGAI KAMBU 8 23 S 118 19 E 5.49
SETAGEN 3 17 S 116 09 E 9.25 SUNGAI KANDANG KARBAU 1 46 S 109 56 E 2.94
SEVERN SHOAL 1 37 S 106 31 E 2.30 SUNGAI KAPUAS 0 19 S 109 35 E 1.77
SIBAUNG ISLAND 6 18 N 118 00 E 10.67 SUNGAI KEPUAS-KECIL 0 03 N 109 11 E 1.75
SIBBALDS BANK 5 45 S 117 05 E 5.67 SUNGAI KINABATANGAN 5 39 N 118 37 E 10.60
SIBU 2 17 N 111 49 E 11.24 SUNGAI KINARUT 5 50 N 116 00 E 11.95
SIBUKO BAY 4 00 N 118 20 E 10.2 SUNGAI KLIAS 5 17 N 115 22 E 11.85
SIBUKO BAY TANKER TERMINAL 3 51 N 118 06 E 10.5 SUNGAI LASOLO 3 34 S 122 14 E 8.60
SIKA 8 07 S 124 37 E 6.82 SUNGAI LIAT 1 51 S 106 06 E 2.34
SIKA BESAR 8 45 S 122 12 E 6.40 SUNGAI LINGGANG 3 02 S 108 12 E 2.73
SIKLAPA 8 22 S 111 44 E 4.43 SUNGAI MAHAKAM 0 35 S 117 17 E 9.48
SIKORONG REEF 4 41 N 119 05 E 10.36 SUNGAI MAKAM 2 09 N 117 30 E 9.80
SILAM HARBOR 4 57 N 118 14 E 10.47 SUNGAI MENGGATAL 6 04 N 116 07 E 11.99
SILAPAG PASSAGE 4 20 N 118 41 E 10.27 SUNGAI PADANGTIKAR 0 37 S 109 12 E 1.79
SIMEDANG 3 19 S 107 12 E 2.41 SUNGAI PALEMBANG 2 18 S 104 55 E 2.8
SIMUNJAN 1 24 N 110 45 E 11.14 SUNGAI PANDARUAN 4 49 N 115 02 E 11.80
SINDJAI 5 05 S 120 12 E 8.92 SUNGAI PASIR 1 52 S 116 26 E 9.41
SINDJAI 5 08 S 120 15 E 8.93 SUNGAI PEMBUANG 3 26 S 112 34 E 9.6
SINJAI 5 08 S 120 15 E 8.93 SUNGAI RAMBUNGAN 1 42 N 110 08 E 11.6
SIPU BAY 9 48 S 119 40 E 6.13 SUNGAI ROMO 8 27 S 118 43 E 5.50
SIRUMPA 7 25 S 113 04 E 3.46 SUNGAI SAMBAS-BESAR 1 11 N 108 57 E 1.68
SITEO 0 15 N 120 11 E 8.25 SUNGAI SAMBAS-KECIL 1 18 N 109 10 E 1.69
SIWA OIL FIELD 4 18 N 113 48 E 11.42 SUNGAI SAMPADI 1 41 N 109 58 E 11.5
SIWA SHOAL 4 16 N 113 49 E 11.40 SUNGAI SANGA SANGA 0 34 S 117 16 E 9.52
SJAHBANDAR BANK 5 05 S 106 00 E 4.3 SUNGAI SARAWAK 1 43 N 110 17 E 11.7
SKY ROCK 6 54 N 117 25 E 10.77 SUNGAI SEBUKU 4 04 N 117 29 E 10.5
SLANGENBERG 5 29 S 120 10 E 7.6 SUNGAI SEGAH 2 09 N 117 30 E 9.80
SOAI SOAIUM BAY 4 58 N 118 14 E 10.50 SUNGAI SEMBAKUNG 3 44 N 117 48 E 9.92
SOANGI 8 34 S 123 14 E 6.60 SUNGAI SERUDONG 4 13 N 117 36 E 10.7
SOEMBAWA 8 30 S 117 26 E 5.43 SUNGAI SESAYAP 3 36 N 117 14 E 9.92
SOKAN 2 11 N 117 41 E 9.77 SUNGAI SIBU LAUT 1 42 N 110 12 E 11.6
SOKKAN 2 11 N 117 41 E 9.77 SUNGAI SIMANDALAN 4 16 N 117 39 E 10.10
SOPHIA LOUISA ROCK 8 56 S 116 00 E 5.33 SUNGAI SUKADANA 1 14 S 109 57 E 2.92
SORO GO 8 36 S 119 28 E 6.22 SUNGAI TELADAN 3 27 N 117 20 E 9.89
SORO LIA 8 35 S 119 31 E 6.22 SUNGAI TELAGA 6 50 N 117 02 E 10.88
SORO MASANGGA 8 36 S 119 28 E 6.22 SUNGAI TEMBURONG ENTRANCE 4 49 N 115 03 E 11.79
SORONG JUKUNG 8 21 S 116 09 E 5.28 SUNGAI TUTONG 4 47 N 114 36 E 11.55
SOUTH BANK 3 26 S 122 30 E 8.61 SUNGAI WOTOE 2 38 S 120 48 E 8.97
SOUTH CHANNEL DANGERS 7 06 N 117 11 E 10.79 SUNGAI WOTU 2 38 S 120 48 E 8.97
SOUTH FURIOUS OIL FIELD 6 47 N 116 14 E 11.115 SUNGAIMARIAM 0 35 S 117 18 E 9.52
SOUTH FURIOUS SHOALS 6 47 N 116 12 E 11.115 SUNGIAN STRAIT 8 19 S 116 42 E 5.29
SOUTH HAYCOCK 2 17 N 108 54 E 1.17 SUNKEN BARRIER SHOALS 6 25 N 115 53 E 11.105
SOUTH HILL ROCK 5 59 N 115 52 E 11.97 SURABAYA 7 12 S 112 44 E 3.48
SOUTH HINDER 3 18 S 122 30 E 8.61 SVERRE REEF 6 02 S 110 21 E 3.33
SOUTH LUCONIA SHOALS 5 04 N 112 38 E 11.47 SWALLOW REEF 7 24 N 113 49 E 11.50
SOUTH NARROWS 5 21 S 122 39 E 8.77 SWIRL PATCH 4 12 N 117 57 E 10.14
SOUTH REEF 3 46 S 122 31 E 8.61
SOUTH SAPONDA 4 02 S 122 46 E 8.63
SOUTHWEST SNKN, BARRIER SHL. 6 17 N 115 48 E 11.106
SRI BLITONG 2 39 S 107 33 E 2.58 TADAH TADA 2 08 S 105 26 E 2.4
SRI MANGGAR 2 37 S 107 34 E 2.58 TAGANAK ISLAND 6 05 N 118 19 E 10.65
SRIBLITONG 2 39 S 107 33 E 2.58 TAGANAK PATCHES 6 06 N 118 15 E 10.65
SRIMANGGAR 2 37 S 107 34 E 2.58 TAHARAN COAL TERMINAL 5 29 S 105 13 E 4.25
STAGEN 3 17 S 116 09 E 9.25 TAKA BAKANG 4 58 S 118 32 E 7.13
STARING BAY 4 05 S 122 44 E 8.65 TAKA BAKOE 5 08 S 119 21 E 7.11
STIGANT REEF 5 02 N 112 29 E 11.47 TAKA BAKU 5 08 S 119 21 E 7.11
STONE POINT 4 04 N 117 55 E 10.13 TAKA BASSI 7 31 S 121 13 E 6.114
STRAAT BADOENG 8 40 S 115 22 E 5.20 TAKA BOEBOEJANG 5 11 S 119 22 E 7.11
STRAAT BATAGAU 3 22 N 117 31 E 9.89 TAKA BOLOH 5 48 S 120 13 E 7.2
STRAAT LEGOENDI 5 50 S 105 12 E 4.24 TAKA BUBUYANG 5 11 S 119 22 E 7.11
STRAAT LOMBOK 8 35 S 115 45 E 5.20 TAKA BULANGO 4 22 S 119 12 E 7.17
STRAAT SALAJAR 5 42 S 120 30 E 8.74 TAKA GOSSEYA 5 23 S 118 59 E 7.10
STRAAT SAPE 8 39 S 119 18 E 5.56 TAKA KAPALLE 7 07 S 120 25 E 6.115
STRAGGLER ISLAND 7 05 N 117 29 E 10.79 TAKA LAMBAENA 7 16 S 121 40 E 6.113
STROOMKLIP 5 55 S 105 49 E 4.20 TAKA LANGARA 3 59 S 122 59 E 8.66
STRUISVOGEL KLIPPER 5 53 S 106 28 E 3.6 TAKA LANGGARA 3 59 S 122 59 E 8.66
SUGARLOAF MOUNTAIN 1 51 N 117 45 E 9.66 TAKA LINCANG 1 25 N 118 42 E 9.69
SUKA LATING 0 19 S 109 35 E 1.77 TAKA LINTJANG 1 25 N 118 42 E 9.69
SULORO 8 39 S 127 01 E 6.93 TAKA LOEWARA 5 37 S 119 23 E 7.8
SUMATRA SHOAL 8 07 S 125 57 E 6.85 TAKA LUWARA 5 37 S 119 23 E 7.8
SUMBAWA BESAR 8 30 S 117 26 E 5.43 TAKA PATAPA 5 29 S 119 06 E 7.10
SUMENEP 7 00 S 113 52 E 3.53 TAKA REWATAYA 6 05 S 118 54 E 5.69
SUNDA SPIT 4 59 N 115 11 E 11.73 TAKA SANGALAN 1 19 N 118 46 E 9.69

Pub. 163
430 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
TAKA TENGAH TENGAH 4 50 S 119 08 E 7.16 TANJONG TAMBULURAN 6 52 N 116 38 E 11.116
TAKAL MENGAL 5 05 N 115 32 E 11.84 TANJONG TAMPENAN BALE 5 03 S 122 45 E 8.77
TAKAT BESAR 5 04 N 115 30 E 11.84 TANJONG TARAS 5 17 N 115 16 E 11.67
TAKAT LUDIN 5 04 N 115 31 E 11.84 TANJONG TEMBUNGO 6 17 N 116 14 E 11.102
TAKAT PATOKANAN 6 51 S 115 14 E 5.63 TANJONG TIMBUN MATA 4 35 N 118 33 E 10.39
TAKAU OIL FIELD 4 25 N 113 43 E 11.42 TANJONG TOBU-TOBU 4 51 N 115 01 E 11.79
TAKU REWATAYA 6 05 S 118 54 E 5.70 TANJONG TORONG GUSU 6 15 N 116 13 E 11.102
TALANTAM SHOAL 5 42 N 119 28 E 10.59 TANJONG TORONG SEMBURONG 6 19 N 116 17 E 11.102
TALONAN 9 06 S 117 02 E 5.62 TANJONG TOULAK 5 25 N 115 23 E 11.86
TALUK APAR LIGHTED BEACON 2 03 S 116 33 E 9.41 TANJONG TRUSAN 4 58 N 115 11 E 11.72
TALUK PARAJA 6 41 S 105 28 E 4.18 TANJUNG AGAR AGAR 8 13 S 116 20 E 5.29
TAMBAKAN 7 13 S 113 20 E 3.55 TANJUNG AHUS 3 48 N 117 50 E 9.92
TAMBUNAN SINGKALA 8 33 S 119 36 E 6.21 TANJUNG AIMAU 10 26 S 121 52 E 6.111
TAMPANG BAAI 5 52 S 104 43 E 4.33 TANJUNG ALANGALANG 5 52 S 112 37 E 3.71
TAMPURANG 5 54 S 105 56 E 4.20 TANJUNG ALANGALANG 6 39 S 105 22 E 4.18
TANA DJAMPEA 7 08 S 120 46 E 6.115 TANJUNG AMAT 8 58 S 116 43 E 5.36
TANGJUNG LAMARU 1 11 S 117 00 E 9.46 TANJUNG ANAU 0 34 S 123 03 E 8.28
TANGJUNG MANGGAR 1 11 S 117 00 E 9.46 TANJUNG APATANA 6 30 S 120 29 E 6.114
TANGUSU BAY 5 27 N 119 03 E 10.57 TANJUNG API 0 48 S 121 39 E 8.35
TANJONG AGAS 4 15 N 117 39 E 10.9 TANJUNG API 1 57 N 109 20 E 1.67
TANJONG ARU 5 57 N 116 02 E 11.96 TANJUNG ARANG 3 28 N 117 52 E 9.88
TANJONG BANGAU 6 57 N 116 42 E 11.117 TANJUNG ARTWOLI 8 08 S 124 29 E 6.78
TANJONG BARAM 4 36 N 113 58 E 11.44 TANJUNG ARU 2 10 S 116 35 E 9.41
TANJONG BATU 1 38 N 110 28 E 11.12 TANJUNG ARUS 1 20 N 120 49 E 7.45
TANJONG BATU 3 12 N 113 02 E 11.30 TANJUNG ATU 9 38 S 120 16 E 6.5
TANJONG BATU 4 06 N 113 48 E 11.36 TANJUNG AWARAWAR 6 46 S 111 57 E 3.38
TANJONG BATU BATU 5 11 N 115 34 E 11.85 TANJUNG BACHATANWUTUN 8 13 S 123 36 E 6.69
TANJONG BENDERA 5 16 N 115 15 E 11.68 TANJUNG BADAK 5 37 S 104 49 E 4.32
TANJONG BREGUM 3 38 N 113 22 E 11.38 TANJUNG BAGIMPOEANG 0 20 N 119 51 E 7.38
TANJONG BULI GANTUNGAN 6 44 N 117 23 E 10.75 TANJUNG BAGIMPUANG 0 20 N 119 51 E 7.38
TANJONG BULIJONG 6 03 N 116 01 E 11.98 TANJUNG BAJA 3 08 S 122 25 E 8.59
TANJONG DALIT 6 10 N 116 08 E 11.102 TANJUNG BAKAI 3 17 S 113 21 E 9.8
TANJONG DANDULIT 6 47 N 116 38 E 11.116 TANJUNG BAKALINGA 1 09 S 123 12 E 8.49
TANJONG DATU 2 05 N 109 39 E 1.64 TANJUNG BALI 10 28 S 122 00 E 6.111
TANJONG DUDAR 6 37 N 116 33 E 11.112 TANJUNG BANDARAN 3 08 S 113 02 E 9.7
TANJONG DUMPIL 5 54 N 116 02 E 11.95 TANJUNG BANSERING 8 04 S 114 26 E 5.5
TANJONG EMBANG 1 38 N 110 31 E 11.12 TANJUNG BANTENAN 8 47 S 114 32 E 4.49
TANJONG GANDA 6 47 N 116 38 E 11.116 TANJUNG BAO BELEWANG 8 17 S 123 52 E 6.68
TANJONG INDAI 6 14 N 116 11 E 11.102 TANJUNG BARA COAL TERMINAL 0 32 N 117 39 E 9.58
TANJONG INULU 5 24 S 122 28 E 8.80 TANJUNG BARU 8 53 S 118 10 E 5.62
TANJONG JERIJEH 2 09 N 110 11 E 11.18 TANJUNG BARU BARU KOMA 5 25 S 122 36 E 8.77
TANJONG KAITAN 6 07 N 116 05 E 11.102 TANJUNG BARUTU 5 22 S 122 38 E 8.77
TANJONG KIDURONG 3 16 N 113 03 E 11.34 TANJUNG BARUYA 6 06 S 120 26 E 7.4
TANJONG KINDANA 4 55 N 115 01 E 11.76 TANJUNG BATOE GENDANG 8 50 S 115 50 E 5.33
TANJONG KLIAS 5 18 N 115 21 E 11.67 TANJUNG BATOE KOEPING 8 28 S 117 23 E 5.42
TANJONG KOMBONGO 6 18 N 116 16 E 11.102 TANJUNG BATOE PAJOENG 8 14 S 122 44 E 6.53
TANJONG KUBONG 5 24 N 115 15 E 11.61 TANJUNG BATOE POETIH 10 13 S 124 05 E 6.97
TANJONG LABIAN 5 09 N 119 13 E 10.55 TANJUNG BATOE POETIH 8 21 S 118 44 E 5.49
TANJONG LAYANG LAYANGAN 5 21 N 115 12 E 11.61 TANJUNG BATOELOENIK 5 51 S 104 43 E 4.33
TANJONG LIPAT 6 00 N 116 05 E 11.100 TANJUNG BATU 0 53 N 123 43 E 7.52
TANJONG LITA 6 02 N 116 06 E 11.100 TANJUNG BATU 2 18 N 118 05 E 9.81
TANJONG LOBANG 4 22 N 113 57 E 11.40 TANJUNG BATU 2 22 S 105 48 E 2.11
TANJONG LOKPADANG 6 32 N 116 30 E 11.111 TANJUNG BATU 2 36 S 108 03 E 2.66
TANJONG LUMBA LUMBA 4 53 N 115 06 E 11.79 TANJUNG BATU 8 05 S 115 16 E 5.14
TANJONG MANGALONG 5 01 N 115 28 E 11.83 TANJUNG BATU GENDANG 8 50 S 115 50 E 5.33
TANJONG MANI 2 09 N 111 21 E 11.20 TANJUNG BATU HITAM 0 40 S 122 43 E 8.33
TANJONG MARINTAMAN 5 04 N 115 32 E 11.83 TANJUNG BATU KALLONG 6 16 S 120 27 E 7.5
TANJONG MUARA TEBAS 1 39 N 110 30 E 11.10 TANJUNG BATU KUPING 8 28 S 117 23 E 5.42
TANJONG NARUNTONG 7 01 N 117 09 E 10.80 TANJUNG BATU MERAH 8 17 S 123 50 E 6.68
TANJONG NIUG 6 15 N 117 43 E 10.64 TANJUNG BATU MERAH 9 52 S 124 45 E 6.96
TANJONG PALOH 1 47 N 111 06 E 11.17 TANJUNG BATU PUTIH 1 11 S 122 55 E 8.49
TANJONG PANGALAT 5 47 N 115 58 E 11.95 TANJUNG BATU PUTIH 7 13 S 113 09 E 3.45
TANJONG PAYONG 3 44 N 113 25 E 11.38 TANJUNG BATU SAWANG 6 52 S 112 17 E 3.39
TANJONG PELOMPONG 5 02 N 115 07 E 11.71 TANJUNG BATUANGAS 1 30 N 125 15 E 8.3
TANJONG PEREPAT 4 58 N 115 12 E 11.81 TANJUNG BATUATA 9 37 S 120 29 E 6.7
TANJONG PERUNJUK 6 20 N 116 19 E 11.106 TANJUNG BATUATU 9 37 S 120 29 E 6.5
TANJONG PO 1 44 N 110 31 E 11.8 TANJUNG BATUBELAT 0 49 N 108 51 E 1.71
TANJONG PUNEI 5 15 N 115 10 E 11.61 TANJUNG BATUBOGA 8 26 S 121 57 E 6.48
TANJONG RANCHA RANCHA 5 15 N 115 14 E 11.66 TANJUNG BATUHITAM 3 15 S 108 04 E 2.77
TANJONG RENARD 1 35 N 110 27 E 11.12 TANJUNG BATUISI 10 37 S 123 25 E 6.106
TANJONG SAIMA 4 11 N 117 53 E 10.13 TANJUNG BATUMANUK 8 26 S 122 02 E 6.49
TANJONG SAKAT 5 23 N 115 22 E 11.67 TANJUNG BATUPUTIH 10 13 S 124 05 E 6.97
TANJONG SAMARANG 7 21 N 117 09 E 10.82 TANJUNG BATUPUTIH 8 21 S 118 44 E 5.49
TANJONG SEBUBAL 2 07 N 111 19 E 11.20 TANJUNG BAWANG 1 47 S 109 55 E 2.94
TANJONG SELABAT 1 40 N 110 29 E 11.10 TANJUNG BAYA 3 08 S 122 25 E 8.59
TANJONG SEMASTRA 4 55 N 115 01 E 11.76 TANJUNG BAYOR 0 44 S 117 37 E 9.49
TANJONG SEMPANG MANGAYAU 7 02 N 116 45 E 10.92 TANJUNG BEA 1 58 S 121 38 E 8.53
TANJONG SINDIAN 6 00 N 116 04 E 11.100 TANJUNG BEACO 8 57 S 126 28 E 6.94
TANJONG SIPANG 1 48 N 110 20 E 11.7 TANJUNG BEASO 8 57 S 126 28 E 6.94
TANJONG SIRIK 2 47 N 111 19 E 11.25 TANJUNG BEBERA 8 43 S 115 52 E 5.22
TANJONG SUNDA 4 58 N 115 12 E 11.81 TANJUNG BEDAK 8 06 S 114 29 E 5.9

Pub. 163
Index—Gazetteer 431

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
TANJUNG BEDAUN 2 35 S 105 53 E 2.12 TANJUNG DJENEMEDJAI 3 15 S 120 25 E 8.97
TANJUNG BEDULAN 7 42 S 113 29 E 3.60 TANJUNG DJOELI 8 15 S 118 28 E 5.49
TANJUNG BELITUNG 3 52 N 108 01 E 1.9 TANJUNG DOLA 8 12 S 124 15 E 6.75
TANJUNG BELITUNG 3 53 N 108 01 E 1.8 TANJUNG DONDO 1 00 N 120 17 E 7.40
TANJUNG BELKODI 8 17 S 123 47 E 6.68 TANJUNG DONGKALA 2 18 S 121 49 E 8.54
TANJUNG BELOPPO 8 34 S 123 21 E 6.64 TANJUNG DORO 8 53 S 118 29 E 5.61
TANJUNG BELUSUN 8 40 S 116 45 E 5.37 TANJUNG DUMARING 1 38 N 118 10 E 9.70
TANJUNG BENDA 6 37 S 111 30 E 3.38 TANJUNG FANOT 10 11 S 123 32 E 6.101
TANJUNG BENETE 8 53 S 116 44 E 5.36 TANJUNG FATOE SOE 8 52 S 125 00 E 6.104
TANJUNG BENGKUANG 2 11 S 110 05 E 2.99 TANJUNG FATOEKOEMBOE 1 47 S 125 19 E 8.38
TANJUNG BENOA 8 45 S 115 13 E 5.19 TANJUNG FATU BERO 8 41 S 125 06 E 6.104
TANJUNG BERANI 2 04 S 105 07 E 2.3 TANJUNG FATU CAMA 8 32 S 125 36 E 6.89
TANJUNG BERI 8 14 S 116 28 E 5.29 TANJUNG FATU LANA 8 29 S 125 51 E 6.89
TANJUNG BERIKAT 2 34 S 106 51 E 2.40 TANJUNG FATU SUE 8 52 S 125 00 E 6.104
TANJUNG BERTUMPA 0 57 N 107 33 E 1.20 TANJUNG FATUKUMBU 1 47 S 125 19 E 8.38
TANJUNG BERU 8 49 S 116 47 E 5.36 TANJUNG FLESKO 0 28 N 124 30 E 8.12
TANJUNG BESAR 0 58 N 122 56 E 7.50 TANJUNG GAANG 5 51 S 112 34 E 3.73
TANJUNG BESEK 7 44 S 108 47 E 4.38 TANJUNG GAGAR 8 50 S 115 13 E 5.19
TANJUNG BESI 8 14 S 120 25 E 6.43 TANJUNG GALI 8 34 S 116 40 E 5.30
TANJUNG BETONG 6 24 S 110 55 E 3.28 TANJUNG GANGSA 2 26 S 110 09 E 2.99
TANJUNG BETUNG 5 34 S 104 33 E 4.32 TANJUNG GELEKO 8 21 S 123 27 E 6.58
TANJUNG BIASPUTIH 8 30 S 115 37 E 5.14 TANJUNG GELING 8 23 S 115 16 E 5.16
TANJUNG BIAT 1 56 S 105 09 E 2.23 TANJUNG GENTING 1 42 S 105 19 E 2.24
TANJUNG BIGONO 8 26 S 126 22 E 6.90 TANJUNG GERINTING 7 42 S 113 29 E 3.60
TANJUNG BILA 1 10 N 108 55 E 1.71 TANJUNG GILI 5 48 S 112 34 E 3.73
TANJUNG BINGA 2 36 S 107 38 E 2.57 TANJUNG GIRING GIRING 1 11 N 118 46 E 9.68
TANJUNG BIRI 8 46 S 116 46 E 5.37 TANJUNG GONDOL 8 09 S 114 43 E 5.10
TANJUNG BLENDERAN 6 24 S 110 55 E 3.28 TANJUNG GORAM 4 52 S 123 12 E 8.72
TANJUNG BOBOS 6 11 S 107 49 E 3.16 TANJUNG GORNEA 4 51 S 122 50 E 8.75
TANJUNG BODA 8 33 S 124 04 E 6.76 TANJUNG GRASAK 1 30 S 105 55 E 2.26
TANJUNG BOEA 3 03 S 120 15 E 8.97 TANJUNG GRESAK 8 43 S 116 02 E 5.22
TANJUNG BOEDING 2 36 S 108 03 E 2.66 TANJUNG GRINTING 7 42 S 113 29 E 3.60
TANJUNG BOEKOE 3 30 S 119 12 E 7.26 TANJUNG GUHAKOLAK 6 50 S 105 15 E 4.34
TANJUNG BOENGIKALO 4 51 S 121 41 E 8.86 TANJUNG GULAH 8 06 S 115 20 E 5.13
TANJUNG BOGOANG 0 43 N 120 03 E 7.39 TANJUNG GUMUK 9 30 S 123 48 E 6.100
TANJUNG BOGOWUTUN 8 17 S 123 33 E 6.70 TANJUNG GUNUNG 6 53 S 109 48 E 3.24
TANJUNG BOKABAK 0 55 N 123 27 E 7.52 TANJUNG GUNUNGDALAM 5 44 S 104 39 E 4.33
TANJUNG BONDE 8 21 S 116 43 E 5.29 TANJUNG HAAI 4 54 S 122 46 E 8.76
TANJUNG BORONG 2 56 S 107 32 E 2.63 TANJUNG HERO 8 20 S 127 11 E 6.91
TANJUNG BOTA AMIN 8 33 S 124 07 E 6.76 TANJUNG HOREGALA 8 15 S 123 34 E 6.69
TANJUNG BOTAAMIN 8 33 S 124 07 E 6.76 TANJUNG HOREGALAWUTUN 8 15 S 123 34 E 6.69
TANJUNG BOTOE 8 39 S 119 11 E 5.55 TANJUNG IBOES 8 22 S 115 42 E 5.14
TANJUNG BOTOK 1 03 S 123 20 E 8.51 TANJUNG IBUL 2 29 N 109 01 E 1.16
TANJUNG BRENTI 8 09 S 117 44 E 5.46 TANJUNG IBUS 8 22 S 115 42 E 5.14
TANJUNG BUA 3 03 S 120 15 E 8.97 TANJUNG IKANGKUTONG 8 27 S 123 57 E 6.76
TANJUNG BUBUAYANG 4 23 S 105 51 E 2.21 TANJUNG JALONO 8 18 S 124 24 E 6.78
TANJUNG BUGBUG 8 31 S 115 35 E 5.15 TANJUNG JAMBELO 8 20 S 115 40 E 5.14
TANJUNG BUGEL 6 25 S 111 03 E 3.34 TANJUNG JANDIBAN 7 53 S 114 28 E 5.5
TANJUNG BUKU 3 30 S 119 12 E 7.26 TANJUNG JELENGNYA 8 51 S 116 46 E 5.36
TANJUNG BULOOLIHO 0 28 N 122 08 E 8.18 TANJUNG JENE 3 15 S 120 25 E 8.97
TANJUNG BULUBULU 2 48 S 120 59 E 8.97 TANJUNG JULI 8 15 S 118 28 E 5.49
TANJUNG BULUPANDAN 6 54 S 112 51 E 3.49 TANJUNG KAIT 6 01 S 106 32 E 3.2
TANJUNG BUNGA 2 08 S 106 11 E 2.30 TANJUNG KAJANGAN 8 30 S 116 41 E 5.30
TANJUNG BUNGALUN 0 38 N 117 43 E 9.59 TANJUNG KAJOEANGIN 3 36 S 119 29 E 7.25
TANJUNG BUNGKULAN 8 03 S 115 11 E 5.9 TANJUNG KAJU BELE 8 53 S 116 06 E 5.32
TANJUNG BUNGKULAN 8 58 S 116 23 E 5.32 TANJUNG KAJUANGINGGE 3 36 S 119 29 E 7.25
TANJUNG BUNGKUNLAN 8 03 S 115 11 E 5.13 TANJUNG KALASEI 1 27 N 124 44 E 7.54
TANJUNG BUNUTAN 8 44 S 116 02 E 5.23 TANJUNG KALIKAWUTUN 8 26 S 122 59 E 6.62
TANJUNG CAMARA 6 36 S 105 37 E 4.17 TANJUNG KANANGJAJAR 6 41 S 105 11 E 4.19
TANJUNG CANDIBAN 7 53 S 114 28 E 5.5 TANJUNG KANDI 1 19 N 121 28 E 7.46
TANJUNG CANGKUANG 6 51 S 105 16 E 4.35 TANJUNG KANJAI 1 06 N 121 56 E 7.48
TANJUNG CAPBELANDA 0 58 S 109 30 E 2.90 TANJUNG KANO 1 16 N 121 22 E 7.46
TANJUNG CAPIL 8 38 S 114 13 E 4.47 TANJUNG KAPO 5 56 S 106 07 E 4.9
TANJUNG CELONG 6 55 S 109 56 E 3.22 TANJUNG KARANG 0 38 S 119 44 E 7.32
TANJUNG CEMARA 8 44 S 116 03 E 5.23 TANJUNG KARANGBATA 7 46 S 109 24 E 4.39
TANJUNG CHATER 8 20 S 127 00 E 6.91 TANJUNG KARANGBURUNG 6 41 S 105 11 E 4.19
TANJUNG CIKONENG 6 04 S 105 53 E 4.16 TANJUNG KARANGWUTUN 8 08 S 122 58 E 6.41
TANJUNG CIMANGGU 7 44 S 108 40 E 4.38 TANJUNG KARAT KOEIP 8 25 S 124 20 E 6.79
TANJUNG CINA 5 47 S 112 35 E 3.73 TANJUNG KARATKUIP 8 25 S 124 20 E 6.79
TANJUNG CINA 5 56 S 104 44 E 4.31 TANJUNG KARENDI 9 22 S 119 25 E 6.3
TANJUNG CINOKA 1 41 S 119 17 E 7.30 TANJUNG KAROSSO 9 33 S 118 56 E 6.3
TANJUNG COTEK 7 45 S 114 19 E 3.64 TANJUNG KARTERBILEH 8 28 S 121 37 E 6.47
TANJUNG DAMARI 1 41 S 121 56 E 8.52 TANJUNG KASIKEBO 4 42 S 119 31 E 7.20
TANJUNG DAMPELAS 0 13 N 119 46 E 7.38 TANJUNG KASSIKKEBOK 4 42 S 119 31 E 7.20
TANJUNG DARAT 8 30 S 122 29 E 6.51 TANJUNG KATOEPA 8 08 S 118 09 E 5.49
TANJUNG DATA 8 28 S 115 38 E 5.14 TANJUNG KATUPA 8 08 S 118 09 E 5.49
TANJUNG DEBI 8 27 S 124 02 E 6.76 TANJUNG KECINAN 8 34 S 116 03 E 5.27
TANJUNG DELAKI 8 33 S 124 04 E 6.76 TANJUNG KEKOH 1 07 N 120 47 E 7.43
TANJUNG DEWA 0 37 S 117 18 E 9.52 TANJUNG KELAPA 5 50 S 105 36 E 4.22
TANJUNG DEWA 3 08 S 116 16 E 9.22 TANJUNG KELIAN 2 05 S 105 08 E 2.3
TANJUNG DJAMBELO 8 20 S 115 40 E 5.14 TANJUNG KEMBANI 1 36 S 122 53 E 8.47
TANJUNG DJELENGNJA 8 51 S 116 46 E 5.36 TANJUNG KENAM 4 40 S 105 55 E 4.3

Pub. 163
432 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
TANJUNG KEPALA 2 53 S 110 14 E 2.101 TANJUNG LONSIO 0 39 S 123 25 E 8.28
TANJUNG KERITAMESE 8 52 S 119 55 E 6.36 TANJUNG LORE 8 41 S 127 01 E 6.93
TANJUNG KESSI 8 34 S 118 12 E 5.48 TANJUNG LOSONI 2 40 S 122 02 E 8.56
TANJUNG KETAH 7 43 S 113 42 E 3.61 TANJUNG LUMUT 3 49 S 105 57 E 2.19
TANJUNG KETJINAN 8 34 S 116 03 E 5.27 TANJUNG MAGINA 5 04 S 121 58 E 8.84
TANJUNG KIBINGI 8 23 S 123 48 E 6.71 TANJUNG MAKAR 10 55 S 122 58 E 6.107
TANJUNG KIWI 3 39 S 116 00 E 9.23 TANJUNG MALANGGU 10 07 S 120 01 E 6.12
TANJUNG KLUANG 1 18 S 109 30 E 2.91 TANJUNG MALATE 5 17 S 121 48 E 8.83
TANJUNG KOKOE 5 30 S 121 57 E 8.83 TANJUNG MALI 10 22 S 123 36 E 6.97
TANJUNG KOKU 5 30 S 121 57 E 8.83 TANJUNG MALOH 8 55 S 116 44 E 5.36
TANJUNG KOMIWUTUN 8 26 S 123 41 E 6.67 TANJUNG MAMBA 9 45 S 119 11 E 6.15
TANJUNG KONA 1 56 S 125 01 E 8.40 TANJUNG MAMBANG 9 45 S 119 11 E 6.15
TANJUNG KONGA 8 33 S 123 18 E 6.64 TANJUNG MAMOEAN 2 35 S 119 00 E 7.29
TANJUNG KOPONDEI 8 04 S 122 52 E 6.53 TANJUNG MAMUAN 2 35 S 119 00 E 7.29
TANJUNG KOROWELANG 6 51 S 110 12 E 3.24 TANJUNG MANAMONI 8 09 S 125 06 E 6.81
TANJUNG KOYAN 2 57 S 105 58 E 2.17 TANJUNG MANDOLANG 1 27 N 124 44 E 7.54
TANJUNG KRAMBITAN 8 40 S 115 34 E 5.20 TANJUNG MANDU 1 46 S 116 27 E 9.42
TANJUNG KRANGBOTO 7 46 S 109 24 E 4.41 TANJUNG MANEMARA 9 12 S 125 42 E 6.95
TANJUNG KRAWANG 5 56 S 107 00 E 3.4 TANJUNG MANGKALIHAT 1 01 N 119 00 E 9.65
TANJUNG KRUPIT 2 35 S 108 01 E 2.65 TANJUNG MANGKIT 0 55 N 124 47 E 8.9
TANJUNG KUANGWAHE 8 45 S 116 32 E 5.34 TANJUNG MANGKUN 9 01 S 116 44 E 5.36
TANJUNG KURUNGBAJA 8 15 S 120 36 E 6.43 TANJUNG MANIMBAYA 0 00 N 119 36 E 7.36
TANJUNG LABEA 0 09 S 119 48 E 7.35 TANJUNG MANTOK 1 19 N 121 05 E 7.46
TANJUNG LABOE 5 22 S 120 25 E 8.91 TANJUNG MANULALUK 10 52 S 123 01 E 6.107
TANJUNG LABU 2 56 S 106 55 E 2.44 TANJUNG MARANGKAYU 0 13 S 117 26 E 9.54
TANJUNG LABU 2 58 S 106 20 E 2.15 TANJUNG MARESEH 8 52 S 116 09 E 5.32
TANJUNG LABU 5 22 S 120 25 E 8.91 TANJUNG MARGET 8 28 S 124 25 E 6.79
TANJUNG LABU BERU 8 31 S 116 49 E 5.37 TANJUNG MARGETA 8 28 S 124 25 E 6.79
TANJUNG LADONGI 3 55 S 121 15 E 8.90 TANJUNG MARIKASOE 1 40 S 124 24 E 8.40
TANJUNG LAINPANGI 1 10 N 124 20 E 7.54 TANJUNG MATANGDU 8 17 S 123 01 E 6.41
TANJUNG LAISOEMBOE 8 19 S 125 08 E 6.80 TANJUNG MATARI 8 08 S 124 29 E 6.78
TANJUNG LAJAR 6 45 S 105 13 E 4.19 TANJUNG MATOMPO 8 22 S 118 19 E 5.49
TANJUNG LALAK 3 59 S 116 12 E 9.16 TANJUNG MAU DUKI 8 32 S 125 32 E 6.86
TANJUNG LALEREH 2 00 S 119 12 E 7.29 TANJUNG MELANGU 10 07 S 120 01 E 6.12
TANJUNG LALETE 9 12 S 125 42 E 6.95 TANJUNG MEMANDJING 1 39 S 119 17 E 7.31
TANJUNG LAMANUK 8 30 S 123 00 E 6.63 TANJUNG MEMANJING 1 39 S 119 17 E 7.31
TANJUNG LAMBO 8 26 S 121 22 E 6.45 TANJUNG MENAHAKEH 1 30 S 122 23 E 8.52
TANJUNG LANGKA 2 28 S 106 27 E 2.30 TANJUNG MENANGIS 8 24 S 117 26 E 5.43
TANJUNG LANGUNDU 8 49 S 118 59 E 5.61 TANJUNG MENTIGI 5 43 S 112 41 E 3.70
TANJUNG LANKA 2 28 S 106 27 E 2.30 TANJUNG MENU 9 52 S 124 45 E 6.96
TANJUNG LAPA 6 59 S 114 07 E 3.50 TANJUNG MEPE 10 39 S 123 25 E 6.106
TANJUNG LAPAROENO 10 00 S 119 57 E 6.12 TANJUNG MERAH 1 24 N 125 07 E 8.8
TANJUNG LAQUEBADA 8 32 S 125 34 E 6.88 TANJUNG MERANGA 10 36 S 121 33 E 6.112
TANJUNG LASO 5 37 S 120 29 E 7.6 TANJUNG MESERA 10 34 S 121 41 E 6.109
TANJUNG LASSA 5 37 S 120 29 E 7.6 TANJUNG METI BOOT 9 09 S 125 49 E 6.95
TANJUNG LAUNDI 9 28 S 120 12 E 6.5 TANJUNG METIBOT 9 09 S 125 49 E 6.95
TANJUNG LAURAN 3 44 S 116 01 E 9.19 TANJUNG MINGGA 3 03 N 105 44 E 1.26
TANJUNG LAWAWOLO 8 37 S 122 53 E 6.63 TANJUNG MIPAH 8 26 S 116 02 E 5.28
TANJUNG LAWITU 10 10 S 120 05 E 6.12 TANJUNG MITAWUTUN 8 26 S 123 19 E 6.60
TANJUNG LAYAR 4 05 S 116 05 E 9.17 TANJUNG MOANG 8 18 S 124 10 E 6.74
TANJUNG LAYAR 5 52 S 112 41 E 3.71 TANJUNG MODUNG 6 55 S 112 49 E 3.40
TANJUNG LAYAR 6 45 S 105 13 E 4.19 TANJUNG MONEH 9 06 S 117 02 E 5.62
TANJUNG LEIBORA 4 59 S 122 46 E 8.77 TANJUNG MOTONG 8 26 S 123 10 E 6.59
TANJUNG LELAN 2 49 N 105 44 E 1.28 TANJUNG MOTTONG 8 26 S 123 10 E 6.59
TANJUNG LELARI 2 49 S 105 57 E 2.12 TANJUNG MUARA BERAU 0 35 S 117 17 E 9.52
TANJUNG LELENDO 10 14 S 123 29 E 6.100 TANJUNG MUNA 8 11 S 124 19 E 6.75
TANJUNG LELINDO 10 14 S 123 29 E 6.100 TANJUNG MUNU 8 16 S 123 26 E 6.69
TANJUNG LEMO 1 24 S 121 02 E 8.36 TANJUNG MUNUWUTUN 8 16 S 123 26 E 6.69
TANJUNG LENENG 6 01 S 105 57 E 4.16 TANJUNG NABOTTIEBITTE 5 03 S 122 23 E 8.82
TANJUNG LERANG 8 37 S 122 47 E 6.40 TANJUNG NANGA AMBA 9 21 S 119 18 E 6.3
TANJUNG LEREH 2 00 S 119 12 E 7.29 TANJUNG NANGA LEBANG 8 24 S 123 42 E 6.67
TANJUNG LERUNG 0 21 S 117 33 E 9.49 TANJUNG NANGU WARA 10 14 S 120 41 E 6.9
TANJUNG LESUNG 6 29 S 105 39 E 4.17 TANJUNG NAROE 8 19 S 119 00 E 5.51
TANJUNG LEUR 8 15 S 123 55 E 6.68 TANJUNG NARU 8 19 S 119 00 E 5.51
TANJUNG LEWITU 10 10 S 120 05 E 6.12 TANJUNG NBAI 8 30 S 121 18 E 6.45
TANJUNG LEWOWUTUN 8 32 S 123 28 E 6.65 TANJUNG NDOLOEDEOE 1 54 S 125 19 E 8.39
TANJUNG LIAKOKOLI 10 37 S 123 25 E 6.106 TANJUNG NDOLUDEU 1 54 S 125 19 E 8.39
TANJUNG LIANGMAH 8 31 S 123 13 E 6.60 TANJUNG NEDERBURGH 2 55 S 122 19 E 8.58
TANJUNG LIANGMEAH 8 31 S 123 13 E 6.60 TANJUNG NGAMBER 8 15 S 111 06 E 4.42
TANJUNG LIANWUTUN 8 32 S 122 58 E 6.63 TANJUNG NGAROE ROEHOE 9 28 S 120 12 E 6.5
TANJUNG LIE GETA 10 33 S 121 59 E 6.111 TANJUNG NGARU MANGEH 10 15 S 120 37 E 6.9
TANJUNG LIKIEWATANG 8 10 S 124 40 E 6.82 TANJUNG NGIS 8 10 S 115 27 E 5.13
TANJUNG LIKUWATANG 8 10 S 124 40 E 6.82 TANJUNG NGOENDJOE 10 19 S 120 27 E 6.10
TANJUNG LIMAUBUNGKUK 2 20 S 105 13 E 2.10 TANJUNG NGUNGU WAWI 9 55 S 119 47 E 6.13
TANJUNG LIMONG 8 27 S 117 24 E 5.43 TANJUNG NGUNJU 10 19 S 120 27 E 6.10
TANJUNG LINGKOBOE 2 03 S 121 32 E 8.54 TANJUNG NIOEWOEDOE 10 27 S 122 00 E 6.111
TANJUNG LINGKOBU 2 03 S 121 32 E 8.54 TANJUNG NIPANIPA 3 54 S 122 40 E 8.63
TANJUNG LIRANG 8 37 S 122 47 E 6.40 TANJUNG NIUWUDU 10 27 S 122 00 E 6.111
TANJUNG LISOMU 8 19 S 125 08 E 6.80 TANJUNG NONGUWAWI 9 55 S 119 47 E 6.13
TANJUNG LOJAR 4 05 S 116 05 E 9.17 TANJUNG NUBI 8 33 S 123 18 E 6.64
TANJUNG LOKAN 8 27 S 115 39 E 5.14 TANJUNG OENDOE 10 05 S 120 51 E 6.8
TANJUNG LOKOLOKO 3 44 S 120 26 E 8.95 TANJUNG OENGGAE 10 36 S 123 12 E 6.109

Pub. 163
Index—Gazetteer 433

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
TANJUNG OGOGILI 0 48 N 120 30 E 7.41 TANJUNG RUSA 3 10 S 107 50 E 2.79
TANJUNG OISINA 10 21 S 123 27 E 6.97 TANJUNG RUWANA 0 35 S 117 17 E 9.50
TANJUNG ONEMATOEBOE 1 57 S 121 33 E 8.53 TANJUNG SAGUWUTUN 8 14 S 123 13 E 6.56
TANJUNG ONEMATUBU 1 57 S 121 33 E 8.53 TANJUNG SALABANGKA 3 03 S 122 17 E 8.58
TANJUNG ONGKONA 3 05 S 118 47 E 7.28 TANJUNG SALANGKETO 4 50 S 120 23 E 8.93
TANJUNG PABUWAHAN 8 20 S 114 31 E 5.8 TANJUNG SALIMBURUNG 0 43 N 124 38 E 8.11
TANJUNG PADELEGAN 7 15 S 113 32 E 3.53 TANJUNG SALIPOLO 3 43 S 119 26 E 7.24
TANJUNG PAGARANTIMUN 2 15 S 110 04 E 2.99 TANJUNG SALOKA 8 35 S 119 22 E 5.59
TANJUNG PAGER 0 49 N 118 23 E 9.63 TANJUNG SAMAK 1 30 S 105 55 E 2.26
TANJUNG PAKANGSIPONGE 4 14 S 119 36 E 7.21 TANJUNG SAMAK 2 53 S 108 17 E 2.68
TANJUNG PAKEM 8 14 S 114 23 E 5.2 TANJUNG SAMATANYI 8 34 S 122 57 E 6.63
TANJUNG PAKOELAK 10 02 S 123 35 E 6.101 TANJUNG SAMATANYIWUTUN 8 34 S 122 57 E 6.63
TANJUNG PAKULAR 10 02 S 123 35 E 6.101 TANJUNG SAMBAR 3 00 S 110 19 E 9.2
TANJUNG PALAGAN 6 40 S 105 34 E 4.17 TANJUNG SANEH 8 05 S 115 16 E 5.14
TANJUNG PANDA 8 09 S 117 40 E 5.46 TANJUNG SANGEANG 8 10 S 115 00 E 5.11
TANJUNG PANDANAN 8 43 S 115 51 E 5.22 TANJUNG SANGULA 8 55 S 116 26 E 5.31
TANJUNG PANGALUANG 0 57 N 120 39 E 7.42 TANJUNG SANTIGI 0 23 N 120 54 E 8.23
TANJUNG PANGGA 8 55 S 116 00 E 5.33 TANJUNG SANTIGI 8 30 S 116 02 E 5.27
TANJUNG PANGKALASEANG 0 42 S 123 27 E 8.50 TANJUNG SARA 8 54 S 116 04 E 5.32
TANJUNG PANJANG 0 24 N 121 48 E 8.20 TANJUNG SARANGLAYANG 3 05 S 106 29 E 2.16
TANJUNG PANTO 6 51 S 105 54 E 4.35 TANJUNG SARI 8 32 S 115 31 E 5.15
TANJUNG PANURUKAN 8 05 S 115 07 E 5.11 TANJUNG SAROKAJA 8 22 S 117 10 E 5.41
TANJUNG PAPAK 8 19 S 116 11 E 5.28 TANJUNG SASAR 9 17 S 119 56 E 6.4
TANJUNG PARAKAN 1 12 N 108 59 E 1.69 TANJUNG SAUKEMEH 8 53 S 120 47 E 6.37
TANJUNG PARAKAWUTUN 8 15 S 123 39 E 6.70 TANJUNG SAUSU 0 59 S 120 30 E 8.25
TANJUNG PARANGGAWU 8 30 S 118 07 E 5.48 TANJUNG SAWA 3 45 S 122 27 E 8.61
TANJUNG PARAPARANGATAN 0 55 S 117 20 E 9.48 TANJUNG SAWAH 3 45 S 122 27 E 8.61
TANJUNG PARIMBALA 8 39 S 125 07 E 6.104 TANJUNG SEBU 9 03 S 117 20 E 5.62
TANJUNG PAROPA 8 18 S 118 39 E 5.49 TANJUNG SEDANO 7 50 S 114 28 E 3.65
TANJUNG PASANGKAYU 1 10 S 119 20 E 7.31 TANJUNG SEDIHANG 8 49 S 115 35 E 5.21
TANJUNG PASIA MANUK 9 39 S 120 19 E 6.7 TANJUNG SEKAMPUNG 5 35 S 105 49 E 4.3
TANJUNG PASIR 6 01 S 106 41 E 3.2 TANJUNG SEKOL 3 38 N 108 10 E 1.6
TANJUNG PASIR 8 06 S 114 26 E 5.8 TANJUNG SEKOPONG 4 56 S 105 54 E 4.3
TANJUNG PASSANGKAJOE 1 10 S 119 20 E 7.31 TANJUNG SELATAN 4 10 S 114 39 E 9.12
TANJUNG PAU 8 11 S 123 46 E 6.70 TANJUNG SELOKAN 2 23 S 105 37 E 2.10
TANJUNG PAUGORA 8 30 S 123 35 E 6.66 TANJUNG SELOR 2 50 N 117 22 E 9.84
TANJUNG PAYUNG 4 00 N 107 58 E 1.9 TANJUNG SEMAMBUNG 7 11 S 112 40 E 3.43
TANJUNG PECARON 7 41 S 113 52 E 3.61 TANJUNG SEMBULUGAN 8 27 S 114 23 E 5.2
TANJUNG PECENAN 7 36 S 114 02 E 3.64 TANJUNG SEMBULUNGAN 8 27 S 114 23 E 5.2
TANJUNG PEKAT 8 40 S 118 11 E 5.48 TANJUNG SEMPINIT 0 24 N 121 04 E 8.15
TANJUNG PELINDU 8 24 S 113 24 E 4.46 TANJUNG SENDANG 8 08 S 114 39 E 5.10
TANJUNG PEMALI 1 17 S 123 34 E 8.44 TANJUNG SENE 0 02 S 120 05 E 8.25
TANJUNG PEMARUNG 0 53 S 117 26 E 9.48 TANJUNG SENTIGI 8 22 S 116 43 E 5.29
TANJUNG PENET 5 15 S 105 52 E 4.3 TANJUNG SENUBING 3 58 N 108 24 E 1.5
TANJUNG PENGAMBENGAN 8 24 S 114 35 E 5.8 TANJUNG SERAH 2 23 S 104 44 E 2.7
TANJUNG PERANU 8 37 S 115 19 E 5.20 TANJUNG SERANGAN 8 43 S 115 16 E 5.16
TANJUNG PERAPPAT 8 22 S 117 06 E 5.39 TANJUNG SERBETE 8 19 S 123 01 E 6.55
TANJUNG PERUPU 1 47 N 118 04 E 9.77 TANJUNG SERDANG 3 29 S 116 02 E 9.23
TANJUNG PETA BARI 8 18 S 120 12 E 6.42 TANJUNG SERDANG 4 27 S 105 54 E 4.3
TANJUNG PETANG 3 37 S 116 58 E 9.22 TANJUNG SETRA 8 34 S 115 27 E 5.16
TANJUNG PETAWANG 9 48 S 120 38 E 6.7 TANJUNG SEVIVARA 8 23 S 127 18 E 6.86
TANJUNG PIAKOKOLI 10 39 S 123 25 E 6.106 TANJUNG SIANTU 2 32 S 107 49 E 2.65
TANJUNG PIAN PADANG 3 40 N 108 18 E 1.5 TANJUNG SIKA 8 08 S 124 36 E 6.82
TANJUNG PIANPADANG 3 40 N 108 18 E 1.5 TANJUNG SIRAH 8 22 S 116 06 E 5.27
TANJUNG PIATU 5 53 S 106 04 E 4.10 TANJUNG SIRRAH 8 22 S 116 06 E 5.27
TANJUNG PIOEN 8 20 S 118 16 E 5.49 TANJUNG SISI 0 31 S 117 35 E 9.49
TANJUNG PIUN 8 20 S 118 16 E 5.49 TANJUNG SIWA 3 41 S 120 26 E 8.96
TANJUNG POEKOEATOE 10 26 S 123 22 E 6.106 TANJUNG SLOKAH 8 43 S 114 36 E 5.2
TANJUNG POELEH 10 50 S 123 13 E 6.107 TANJUNG SODONG 6 52 S 105 32 E 4.35
TANJUNG POGONG 8 37 S 122 20 E 6.50 TANJUNG SODONG 7 44 S 108 59 E 4.40
TANJUNG PONGGUL 1 37 S 106 03 E 2.28 TANJUNG SOELORO 8 41 S 127 01 E 6.93
TANJUNG PONTANG 5 56 S 106 16 E 3.2 TANJUNG SOJANG 8 27 S 123 55 E 6.73
TANJUNG PREPE 8 27 S 116 43 E 5.30 TANJUNG SOYANG 8 27 S 123 55 E 6.73
TANJUNG PRIOK 6 06 S 106 53 E 3.15 TANJUNG STEILE 4 14 S 122 55 E 8.67
TANJUNG PROPA 8 18 S 118 23 E 5.49 TANJUNG SUAI 9 21 S 125 16 E 6.95
TANJUNG PUJUT 5 52 S 106 02 E 4.10 TANJUNG SUBA 8 33 S 123 13 E 6.60
TANJUNG PUKUATU 10 26 S 123 22 E 6.106 TANJUNG SUBANG 8 29 S 125 59 E 6.89
TANJUNG PULAKI 8 07 S 114 35 E 5.10 TANJUNG SUBAO 8 29 S 125 59 E 6.89
TANJUNG PULISAN 1 41 N 125 10 E 8.4 TANJUNG SUMA 9 26 S 119 02 E 6.3
TANJUNG PURWO 8 44 S 114 20 E 4.48 TANJUNG SUMBERTBOTO 7 47 S 114 26 E 3.65
TANJUNG PUTING 3 31 S 111 46 E 9.5 TANJUNG SUMUR BATU 5 50 S 105 47 E 4.4
TANJUNG PUTRI 2 55 S 111 23 E 9.4 TANJUNG TA ATU 9 47 S 119 36 E 6.14
TANJUNG PUTUS 0 17 S 109 05 E 1.77 TANJUNG TAAL 8 40 S 115 27 E 5.21
TANJUNG RANGASA 3 35 S 118 56 E 7.27 TANJUNG TABAKO 3 25 S 120 52 E 8.90
TANJUNG RATA 5 57 S 104 35 E 4.33 TANJUNG TADA 2 08 S 105 26 E 2.4
TANJUNG RATA 8 42 S 119 11 E 5.55 TANJUNG TAFARA 9 25 S 125 12 E 6.95
TANJUNG RATUWOLU 9 21 S 119 51 E 6.4 TANJUNG TAI MANUK 9 37 S 120 15 E 6.5
TANJUNG RAYA 2 08 S 105 40 E 2.5 TANJUNG TAJU 7 43 S 113 09 E 3.57
TANJUNG RINGGIT 8 52 S 116 36 E 5.31 TANJUNG TALABU 0 46 S 123 27 E 8.50
TANJUNG RORO AI 8 48 S 126 37 E 6.94 TANJUNG TALONAN 9 06 S 117 02 E 5.62
TANJUNG RUA 9 48 S 119 28 E 6.15 TANJUNG TAMBAHAGUNG 7 27 S 112 50 E 3.46

Pub. 163
434 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
TANJUNG TAMBARANA 1 11 S 120 35 E 8.37 TANJUNG WARANGWUTUN 8 24 S 123 10 E 6.61
TANJUNG TAMBIKIL 5 31 S 105 16 E 4.27 TANJUNG WARUMANGGIT 10 15 S 120 37 E 6.9
TANJUNG TAMBOO 0 27 N 121 58 E 8.19 TANJUNG WATOEMBOLO 9 46 S 119 20 E 6.15
TANJUNG TAMPA 8 55 S 116 12 E 5.32 TANJUNG WATU PERONO 10 15 S 120 31 E 6.10
TANJUNG TAMPUNABALE 5 03 S 122 45 E 8.77 TANJUNG WATU WULAN 8 24 S 122 36 E 6.52
TANJUNG TANAH 6 29 S 108 33 E 3.21 TANJUNG WATUBOLO 9 46 S 119 20 E 6.15
TANJUNG TANJUNGAN 8 38 S 115 06 E 5.6 TANJUNG WATUMANUK 8 14 S 123 31 E 6.69
TANJUNG TANO 8 31 S 116 49 E 5.37 TANJUNG WATUPARONU 10 15 S 120 31 E 6.10
TANJUNG TAPA 2 41 S 105 47 E 2.11 TANJUNG WATUPARUNU 10 00 S 119 57 E 6.12
TANJUNG TAPAULAMA 3 11 S 122 29 E 8.59 TANJUNG WATUPAYUNG 8 14 S 122 44 E 6.53
TANJUNG TAPOAOELOENO 3 11 S 122 29 E 8.59 TANJUNG WATUWOKO 8 23 S 123 17 E 6.58
TANJUNG TEBUR 2 31 N 108 59 E 1.16 TANJUNG WE TOH 9 38 S 124 53 E 6.95
TANJUNG TEDONG 2 22 S 105 48 E 2.11 TANJUNG WETOH 9 38 S 124 53 E 6.95
TANJUNG TEKURENAN 8 11 S 115 29 E 5.14 TANJUNG WOLO WUTUN 8 35 S 123 24 E 6.65
TANJUNG TEPOX 3 08 S 108 12 E 2.73 TANJUNG WONTO 8 20 S 118 41 E 5.49
TANJUNG TERANJUN 0 43 N 108 52 E 1.72 TANJUNG WOTANG 8 25 S 123 00 E 6.61
TANJUNG TERAPA 9 21 S 119 38 E 6.4 TANJUNG WOWOBATOE 4 02 S 122 40 E 8.65
TANJUNG TERELENG 6 51 S 105 25 E 4.35 TANJUNG WOWOBATU 4 02 S 122 40 E 8.65
TANJUNG TIBI 3 29 N 117 37 E 9.90 TANJUNG WUIMAHI 10 38 S 121 31 E 6.112
TANJUNG TIDUNG SALANG 4 05 N 117 28 E 10.7 TANJUNG WURGOBIN 8 16 S 123 20 E 6.57
TANJUNG TIKUS 5 48 S 105 13 E 4.30 TANJUNGKAIT 3 14 S 106 05 E 2.17
TANJUNG TIMBANGONGOT 0 55 S 117 15 E 9.48 TANJUNGKAROSSO 9 34 S 118 55 E 6.15
TANJUNG TINGGI 6 50 S 115 13 E 5.63 TANJUNGMUNA 8 11 S 124 19 E 6.78
TANJUNG TIPPOELOEWE 4 29 S 120 23 E 8.94 TANJUNGPANDAN 2 45 S 107 38 E 2.59
TANJUNG TIPPULUWE 4 29 S 120 23 E 8.94 TANJUNGPERAK 7 12 S 112 44 E 3.48
TANJUNG TITIR 8 36 S 122 13 E 6.50 TANJUNGREDEB 2 10 N 117 29 E 9.80
TANJUNG TIWORO 4 45 S 122 23 E 8.81 TANJUNGWAPUE 8 17 S 123 50 E 6.68
TANJUNG TJAMARA 6 36 S 105 37 E 4.17 TANJUNGWARUMANGGIT 10 15 S 120 37 E 6.9
TANJUNG TJANDIBAN 7 53 S 114 28 E 5.5 TANJUNGWATUPARONU 10 15 S 120 31 E 6.9
TANJUNG TJANKOEANG 6 51 S 105 16 E 4.35 TANJUNGWATUWOKA 8 23 S 123 17 E 6.61
TANJUNG TJELONG 6 55 S 109 56 E 3.22 TANO BOTU 8 39 S 119 11 E 5.55
TANJUNG TJEMARA 8 44 S 116 03 E 5.23 TANO GADU 8 36 S 119 07 E 5.53
TANJUNG TJENOKI 1 41 S 119 17 E 7.30 TANO GERANTAH 9 05 S 117 09 E 5.35
TANJUNG TJIKONENG 6 04 S 105 53 E 4.16 TANO JAMPA 8 45 S 118 59 E 5.60
TANJUNG TJIMANGGU 7 44 S 108 40 E 4.38 TANO MABALA 8 33 S 119 10 E 5.52
TANJUNG TJINA 5 47 S 112 35 E 3.73 TANO MALOK 8 55 S 116 44 E 5.36
TANJUNG TJOTEK 7 45 S 114 19 E 3.64 TANO SIDO 8 47 S 118 58 E 5.60
TANJUNG TOBI 8 30 S 123 04 E 6.59 TANO WADUDALI 8 35 S 119 11 E 5.54
TANJUNG TOBIKUMONG 8 18 S 124 24 E 6.78 TANUNG BAKUNG 8 49 S 115 35 E 5.21
TANJUNG TOKABENE 1 29 N 124 50 E 7.55 TAOENA 6 53 S 120 47 E 6.116
TANJUNG TOLOSIADJE 0 28 N 121 26 E 8.20 TAPOK TEPOX 3 08 S 108 12 E 2.73
TANJUNG TOLOSIAJE 0 28 N 121 26 E 8.20 TARAKAN 3 17 N 117 36 E 9.87
TANJUNG TOLU 0 22 N 124 13 E 8.13 TARATA BAAI 8 28 S 117 42 E 5.46
TANJUNG TOMARA 5 08 S 123 02 E 8.72 TAREMBU 5 56 S 105 59 E 4.12
TANJUNG TOMBULILATU 0 18 N 123 20 E 8.13 TAREMPAH 3 13 N 106 13 E 1.44
TANJUNG TONGA 10 47 S 122 49 E 6.108 TAWAU 4 15 N 117 53 E 10.15
TANJUNG TONGGA 10 47 S 122 49 E 6.108 TEBIAN BESAR 2 30 N 108 57 E 1.15
TANJUNG TONRANGANG 4 03 S 119 37 E 7.22 TEGAL 6 51 S 109 08 E 3.24
TANJUNG TORIENG 8 25 S 121 09 E 6.45 TELOK BAROE 8 52 S 118 04 E 5.62
TANJUNG TORO PEMALI 4 03 S 122 50 E 8.67 TELOK KAMAROE 5 11 S 123 04 E 8.72
TANJUNG TROENA 8 20 S 115 38 E 5.14 TELOK KORO 4 50 S 123 09 E 8.72
TANJUNG TRUNA 8 20 S 115 38 E 5.14 TELOK SERABANG 1 59 N 109 39 E 11.2
TANJUNG TUA 5 55 S 105 43 E 4.4 TELUK ADANG 1 43 S 116 28 E 9.43
TANJUNG TUAK 8 18 S 123 21 E 6.58 TELUK AGAL 6 49 N 116 39 E 11.116
TANJUNG TUAK 8 38 S 122 43 E 6.40 TELUK AIMERE 8 52 S 120 50 E 6.37
TANJUNG TUAK 9 43 S 120 36 E 6.7 TELUK AIRHITAM 2 55 S 110 30 E 9.3
TANJUNG TUING 1 37 S 106 03 E 2.28 TELUK AMBONG 6 20 N 116 18 E 11.106
TANJUNG TULADENGG 0 25 N 121 09 E 8.21 TELUK APAR 2 04 S 116 28 E 9.41
TANJUNG TUNTUNGKALIK 5 48 S 105 05 E 4.30 TELUK AWANG 8 57 S 116 26 E 5.32
TANJUNG TUWAK 8 18 S 123 21 E 6.58 TELUK AYER BINI 3 06 N 106 15 E 1.43
TANJUNG TUWESI 6 25 S 110 51 E 3.28 TELUK BADJO 8 25 S 117 05 E 5.39
TANJUNG UDANG 8 20 S 123 01 E 6.55 TELUK BAJO 8 25 S 117 05 E 5.39
TANJUNG UHO 8 13 S 123 42 E 6.70 TELUK BAKONG 0 50 N 118 40 E 9.63
TANJUNG ULAR 1 58 S 105 07 E 2.3 TELUK BALIKPAPAN 1 20 S 116 49 E 9.44
TANJUNG ULOIMI 10 20 S 123 24 E 6.98 TELUK BALOK 3 14 S 107 53 E 2.78
TANJUNG UNDU 10 05 S 120 51 E 6.8 TELUK BANGKO LUA 8 40 S 118 12 E 5.48
TANJUNG UNGGAE 10 36 S 123 12 E 6.109 TELUK BANTEN 5 58 S 106 11 E 4.9
TANJUNG UPEOH 10 14 S 123 19 E 6.99 TELUK BELANTUNG 5 42 S 105 33 E 4.25
TANJUNG WAI AU 8 15 S 123 25 E 6.69 TELUK BENLELANG 8 10 S 124 38 E 6.82
TANJUNG WAIBUKU 9 40 S 119 02 E 6.15 TELUK BLANG MERANG 8 20 S 124 07 E 6.74
TANJUNG WAIKRONG 8 28 S 123 17 E 6.60 TELUK BLONGAS 8 53 S 116 02 E 5.33
TANJUNG WAINDE 9 21 S 119 51 E 6.4 TELUK BONE 4 00 S 120 45 E 8.85
TANJUNG WAISELAI 9 37 S 119 00 E 6.15 TELUK BUNGIN 8 29 S 117 00 E 5.39
TANJUNG WAIWEWANG 8 22 S 123 23 E 6.58 TELUK CEMPI 8 46 S 118 21 E 5.61
TANJUNG WAIWOWANG 8 22 S 123 23 E 6.58 TELUK CIASEM 6 12 S 107 40 E 3.18
TANJUNG WAJAU 8 15 S 123 25 E 6.58 TELUK CILAUTEUREUN 7 40 S 107 41 E 4.37
TANJUNG WAMBA 8 31 S 119 03 E 5.52 TELUK CILETUH 7 11 S 106 26 E 4.36
TANJUNG WANDA 9 21 S 119 38 E 6.4 TELUK DALUM 8 22 S 117 08 E 5.41
TANJUNG WANGI 8 07 S 114 24 E 5.4 TELUK DAMPAR 8 17 S 113 05 E 4.46
TANJUNG WARA DJANGGA 9 55 S 120 45 E 6.8 TELUK DAMU 8 22 S 120 59 E 6.44
TANJUNG WARADJANGGA 10 14 S 120 41 E 6.9 TELUK DOMISIL 0 51 N 123 45 E 7.53
TANJUNG WARANGAN 7 39 S 113 01 E 3.57 TELUK DONDO 0 54 N 120 30 E 7.41

Pub. 163
Index—Gazetteer 435

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
TELUK DONDO 8 29 S 121 53 E 6.48 TELUK SAPE 8 33 S 119 02 E 5.53
TELUK ENDE 8 50 S 121 31 E 6.38 TELUK SAWAR 8 5S 116 01 E 5.33
TELUK GEMEK (TELUK POPOH) 8 17 S 111 47 E 4.45 TELUK SEBANGAN 3 18 S 113 30 E 9.9
TELUK GILI LAWA 8 28 S 119 31 E 6.17 TELUK SEGORO WEDI 8 21 S 111 44 E 4.44
TELUK GILIMANUK 8 09 S 114 26 E 5.8 TELUK SEMRAWANG 8 17 S 111 51 E 4.46
TELUK GOLOK 0 49 N 117 54 E 9.60 TELUK SENDIKARI 9 47 S 119 37 E 6.14
TELUK GORONTALO 0 30 N 123 03 E 8.16 TELUK SEPI 8 52 S 116 03 E 5.33
TELUK GRAJAGAN 8 40 S 114 15 E 4.48 TELUK SIBUKO 4 00 N 118 20 E 10.1
TELUK IPI 8 52 S 121 41 E 6.39 TELUK SINDEH 8 34 S 121 31 E 6.46
TELUK JEBUNG 2 57 N 105 50 E 1.27 TELUK SLAWI 8 36 S 119 31 E 6.22
TELUK KAKADU 9 56 S 119 57 E 6.13 TELUK SULEMAN 1 10 N 118 46 E 9.67
TELUK KALABAHI 8 15 S 124 29 E 6.77 TELUK SUMBANG 1 05 N 118 51 E 9.67
TELUK KALBANO 10 02 S 124 33 E 6.96 TELUK SUMBAWA 8 27 S 117 23 E 5.42
TELUK KEBOLA 8 15 S 124 28 E 6.78 TELUK SUMBRENG 8 20 S 111 33 E 4.43
TELUK KEMBA 5 15 S 122 37 E 8.77 TELUK TALIWANG 8 48 S 116 47 E 5.37
TELUK KEMPANG 8 34 S 118 14 E 5.48 TELUK TALLABASSI 5 15 S 122 04 E 8.83
TELUK KENDARI 3 58 S 122 35 E 8.64 TELUK TALONAN 9 07 S 117 02 E 5.35
TELUK KERTASARI 8 45 S 116 46 E 5.37 TELUK TAMBELAN 0 59 N 107 33 E 1.20
TELUK KILOEAN 5 46 S 105 06 E 4.32 TELUK TAMPAKURA 3 12 S 122 27 E 8.60
TELUK KILUAN 5 46 S 105 06 E 4.32 TELUK TAMPANG 5 52 S 104 43 E 4.33
TELUK KLUMPANG 3 05 S 116 18 E 9.31 TELUK TARATA 8 28 S 117 42 E 5.46
TELUK KUMAI 3 00 S 111 43 E 9.5 TELUK TERANG 8 24 S 120 07 E 6.42
TELUK KUPANG 10 06 S 123 40 E 6.101 TELUK TIRO 8 52 S 118 04 E 5.62
TELUK LABU BERU 8 32 S 116 51 E 5.39 TELUK TJIASEM 7 11 S 106 26 E 4.36
TELUK LADA 6 28 S 105 44 E 4.17 TELUK TJILAUTEUREUN 7 40 S 107 41 E 4.37
TELUK LAMAR 9 03 S 117 13 E 5.62 TELUK TODO 8 34 S 121 26 E 6.46
TELUK LAMPUI 9 03 S 117 13 E 5.62 TELUK TOLITOLI 1 03 N 120 48 E 7.43
TELUK LASIPU 9 48 S 119 40 E 6.13 TELUK TOLO 2 20 S 122 30 E 8.50
TELUK LASONGKO 5 23 S 122 31 E 8.80 TELUK TOTOK 0 52 N 124 43 E 8.10
TELUK LEBALEBA 8 20 S 123 25 E 6.58 TELUK TRIMA 8 08 S 114 32 E 5.10
TELUK LELAMU 4 39 S 123 12 E 8.71 TELUK UMBAR 5 43 S 104 58 E 4.32
TELUK LEVILIA 8 22 S 120 10 E 6.42 TELUK USU 2 40 S 121 02 E 8.97
TELUK LIMBA 0 29 N 122 31 E 8.15 TELUK USUKAN 6 22 N 116 20 E 11.110
TELUK LINGGEH 8 16 S 120 34 E 6.43 TELUK WAIKELO 9 22 S 119 14 E 6.3
TELUK LOMBOK 0 23 N 117 35 E 9.57 TELUK WAIPRUNG 8 21 S 122 46 E 6.53
TELUK LOMBOK 8 30 S 116 40 E 5.30 TELUK WAMBOLOLI 5 23 S 122 23 E 8.80
TELUK MALIKABA 9 58 S 119 57 E 6.12 TELUK WAWORADA 8 46 S 118 58 E 5.60
TELUK MAMUJU 2 36 S 118 54 E 7.28 TELUK WAWOSUNGU 4 05 S 122 44 E 8.65
TELUK MANDAR 3 37 S 119 16 E 7.25 TELUK WERA 8 18 S 118 56 E 5.51
TELUK MAUMERE 8 35 S 122 18 E 6.50 TELUK WOIMENDA 3 51 S 121 14 E 8.90
TELUK MAUSAMBI 8 29 S 121 48 E 6.47 TELUKAN TUBAU 3 35 N 113 19 E 11.38
TELUK MBULI 8 50 S 121 53 E 6.39 TELUKBETUNG 5 27 S 105 16 E 4.27
TELUK MEKONGGA 4 08 S 121 30 E 8.87 TEMBAGA REEFS 7 07 S 114 09 E 3.67
TELUK MENUMBAR 0 49 N 118 27 E 9.63 TEMBOBOR 8 22 S 116 07 E 5.28
TELUK MOTI TOI 8 19 S 118 16 E 5.49 TEMBUNGO OIL FIELD 6 37 N 115 47 E 11.106
TELUK MOTITOI 8 19 S 118 16 E 5.49 TEMUKUS 8 11 S 114 59 E 5.11
TELUK NALANDI 5 40 S 122 45 E 8.73 TENAU 10 12 S 123 32 E 6.101
TELUK NAMBO 5 25 S 122 34 E 8.81 TENGAH BAY 6 20 N 116 19 E 11.108
TELUK NANGALILI 8 48 S 120 09 E 6.37 TENGOR ANCHORAGE 5 40 S 104 54 E 4.32
TELUK NANGAMESI 9 37 S 120 20 E 6.5 TERAMPA 3 13 N 106 13 E 1.44
TELUK NANGARUJENG 8 30 S 121 41 E 6.47 TERNATE 8 11 S 124 22 E 6.78
TELUK NURI 0 56 S 109 30 E 2.88 TERUMBU BELASU 4 59 N 118 21 E 10.51
TELUK PACITAN 8 15 S 111 05 E 4.42 TERUMBU GOSA 5 53 S 105 55 E 4.20
TELUK PADANG 8 32 S 115 31 E 5.15 TERUMBU MANGGAR 2 55 S 108 56 E 2.81
TELUK PAGA 8 45 S 122 07 E 6.40 TERUMBU MOHAMMED BASIR 5 58 S 105 23 E 4.21
TELUK PAGUJAMAN 0 29 N 122 40 E 8.17 TERUMBU SALAK 1 42 N 110 18 E 11.9
TELUK PALOPO 2 59 S 120 13 E 8.97 TERUMBU SERDANG 5 53 S 105 42 E 4.22
TELUK PALU 0 45 S 119 49 E 7.32 TERUMBU SUBIS 3 32 N 113 15 E 11.37
TELUK PAMUKAN 2 35 S 116 28 E 9.33 THE BROTHERS 4 24 S 116 10 E 9.15
TELUK PANGGUI 8 17 S 111 27 E 4.42 THETIS REEF 3 15 N 106 21 E 1.59
TELUK PANGGUL 8 17 S 111 26 E 4.42 THREE HILLS 4 57 S 122 45 E 8.78
TELUK PARIA 4 48 S 121 38 E 8.86 TIANJAR ROAD 8 12 S 115 30 E 5.14
TELUK PASARWADJO 5 28 S 122 53 E 8.73 TIGA CHANNEL 5 41 N 115 34 E 11.92
TELUK PATJITAN 8 15 S 111 05 E 4.42 TIGA SHOALS 5 46 N 115 40 E 11.92
TELUK PEDADA 5 45 S 105 13 E 4.30 TIJANTI 5 48 S 105 35 E 4.24
TELUK PEGAMETAN 8 07 S 114 36 E 5.10 TILAMUTA 0 30 N 122 20 E 8.17
TELUK PENYU 7 45 S 109 04 E 4.39 TIMAU 3 18 N 107 33 E 1.12
TELUK PEPELA 10 35 S 123 25 E 6.106 TIMUR BESAR 5 27 S 106 34 E 3.13
TELUK PEPER 5 48 S 105 13 E 4.30 TINAMANDUKAN 5 38 N 116 02 E 11.93
TELUK PERING 2 40 S 108 09 E 2.66 TINSON REEFS 5 52 N 116 01 E 11.96
TELUK PEUCANG 6 42 S 105 18 E 4.19 TIORO STRAIT 4 33 S 122 30 E 8.81
TELUK PISING 5 05 S 121 56 E 8.83 TJANDIBAN 7 53 S 114 28 E 5.5
TELUK PRAYA 8 25 S 117 35 E 5.46 TJANDIKESUMA 8 19 S 114 31 E 5.8
TELUK RANGKO 8 27 S 119 55 E 6.42 TJAPALOELOE STRAIT 1 50 S 125 19 E 8.42
TELUK RATAI 5 36 S 105 13 E 4.29 TJAREME 6 54 S 108 24 E 3.16
TELUK REO 8 16 S 120 30 E 6.43 TJELONG 6 55 S 109 56 E 3.22
TELUK RIUNG 8 23 S 121 02 E 6.44 TJEMPI BAAI 8 46 S 118 21 E 5.61
TELUK SALEH 8 28 S 117 48 E 5.44 TJIENDEH BAY 8 34 S 121 31 E 6.46
TELUK SALEH 8 34 S 117 54 E 5.35 TJILAUTEUREUN 7 40 S 107 41 E 4.37
TELUK SAMPIT 3 13 S 113 08 E 9.7 TJIMANGGU 7 44 S 108 40 E 4.38
TELUK SANGGAR 8 19 S 118 19 E 5.49 TJIMIRING 7 47 S 109 02 E 4.38
TELUK SANGKULIRANG 0 49 N 118 07 E 9.61 TJINA 5 47 S 112 35 E 3.73

Pub. 163
436 Index—Gazetteer
Position Sec. Position Sec.
° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
TJIREBON 6 43 S 108 34 E 3.23 UJUNG INDRAMAYU 6 14 S 108 18 E 3.20
TOBOALI 3 01 S 106 27 E 2.16 UJUNG KANGGALAN 5 48 S 105 48 E 4.2
TOEKANG BESI ISLANDS 5 30 S 123 40 E 8.68 UJUNG KARANGTARADJE 6 57 S 106 14 E 4.36
TOGOMOGOLO 3 13 S 122 38 E 8.59 UJUNG KARANGTARAJE 6 57 S 106 14 E 4.36
TOHOR JANTAN 5 49 S 106 49 E 3.14 UJUNG MADASARI 7 47 S 108 30 E 4.37
TOKONG BORO 4 04 N 107 26 E 1.10 UJUNG MERAH 4 20 S 122 54 E 8.67
TOKONG BURUNG 4 25 N 107 41 E 1.4 UJUNG PANDANG 5 08 S 119 24 E 5.77
TOKONG DAHAN 2 49 N 106 10 E 1.39 UJUNG PANGKAH 6 51 S 112 33 E 3.39
TOKONG KEMUDI 0 56 N 106 44 E 1.33 UJUNG PANRENG 4 21 S 119 37 E 7.19
TOKONG MALANGBIRU 2 18 N 105 36 E 1.40 UJUNG PARAPA 5 25 S 119 22 E 7.8
TOKONG MENGIRANG 0 51 N 107 37 E 1.24 UJUNG PEMALANG 6 48 S 109 32 E 3.24
TOKONG PERANGIN 1 47 S 109 15 E 2.83 UJUNG PEPE 5 37 S 119 28 E 7.8
TOKONGPERANGIN 1 47 S 109 15 E 2.83 UJUNG PIRING 6 30 S 110 40 E 3.28
TOMINI 0 30 N 120 33 E 8.24 UJUNG PIRING 7 02 S 112 41 E 3.44
TONGARA 5 55 S 106 32 E 3.8 UJUNG SIKLAPA 8 22 S 111 44 E 4.43
TORO AMARAU 8 46 S 119 44 E 6.25 UJUNG SIKLOPO 8 22 S 111 44 E 4.43
TORO ATUOTO 8 53 S 120 47 E 6.37 UJUNG SININI 7 00 S 106 21 E 4.35
TORO BATUPUTIH 8 32 S 119 51 E 6.33 UJUNG SININI 7 00 S 106 21 E 4.35
TORO BERU 8 26 S 119 26 E 5.58 UJUNGPANDANG 5 08 S 119 24 E 7.12
TORO DORO 8 53 S 118 29 E 5.61 UMPOHL SHOALS 6 34 N 116 29 E 11.112
TORO GADU 8 36 S 119 07 E 5.53 UNARANG ROCK 4 00 N 118 04 E 10.8
TORO HUU 8 47 S 118 24 E 5.61 UNDAUNTED ROCK 5 14 N 115 08 E 11.64
TORO KERITA 8 52 S 119 55 E 6.36 UNION BANK 3 02 S 118 20 E 9.36
TORO KUNING 8 36 S 119 35 E 6.21 URSULA SHOALS 3 58 N 113 32 E 11.33
TORO LANGOEDOE 8 49 S 118 59 E 5.61 USU 10 30 S 123 25 E 6.106
TORO LETUHOH 8 37 S 119 23 E 5.59 UTALEUMBU 9 35 S 120 14 E 6.5
TORO LOMO 8 50 S 120 19 E 6.37
TORO MABALANG 8 33 S 119 10 E 5.52
TORO NAGA NURI 8 33 S 119 02 E 5.52 V
TORO NGGIKOK 8 36 S 119 37 E 6.24
TORO NTA ULAH 8 48 S 119 41 E 6.25 VARKENS 6 09 S 120 25 E 7.5
TORO PADANG 8 20 S 120 59 E 6.43 VERNON BANK 5 46 N 115 03 E 11.89
TORO PANGKAJARAT 8 46 S 118 55 E 5.60 VESUVIUS REEF 2 06 S 122 53 E 8.46
TORO PONTIANAH 8 23 S 120 02 E 6.42 VICTORIA 5 17 N 115 14 E 11.69
TORO RATA 8 45 S 119 09 E 5.55 VICTORIA PATCHES 4 55 N 114 39 E 11.59
TORO ROTO 8 20 S 120 48 E 6.43 VILA SALAZAR 8 27 S 126 30 E 6.90
TORO SIDO 8 47 S 118 58 E 5.60
TORO TAA 8 48 S 119 37 E 6.25
TORO TJARMI 8 21 S 120 07 E 6.42 W
TORO WADOE DALI 8 35 S 119 11 E 5.54
TORO WAIRII 8 40 S 119 48 E 6.35 WAI SEPUTIH 4 41 S 105 53 E 4.3
TORO WAITIMBANG 8 39 S 119 48 E 6.26 WAINGAPU 9 38 S 120 16 E 6.6
TORO WATU IPU 8 50 S 120 37 E 6.37 WAINGAPU ROAD 9 38 S 120 15 E 6.5
TORO WATURAMBA 8 26 S 119 52 E 6.32 WAITEBA ONE 8 37 S 123 38 E 6.67
TOTOPELE LIGHT 4 32 S 120 28 E 8.94 WALLACE BAY 4 15 N 117 39 E 10.11
TPORO JAMPANG 8 45 S 118 59 E 5.60 WALSH BANK 3 02 N 106 18 E 1.48
TREACHER 4 20 N 118 33 E 10.29 WALTON REEF 4 42 N 118 21 E 10.42
TREE ROCK 6 57 N 117 15 E 10.75 WAMBOLOLI BAY 5 23 S 122 23 E 8.80
TREWEG 8 29 S 124 17 E 6.78 WANI 0 41 S 119 50 E 7.34
TRIDENT SHOAL 5 14 N 115 14 E 11.66 WARREN REEF 2 33 S 108 39 E 2.71
TRIPP REEF 5 29 N 112 30 E 11.48 WATU PENI 8 14 S 123 19 E 6.57
TRUMBU KOLIOT 5 55 S 105 49 E 4.20 WATU SIPU 9 51 S 119 42 E 6.13
TRUSAN MERLIN 4 16 N 117 33 E 10.10 WAWORADA BAAI 8 46 S 118 58 E 5.60
TRUSAN SIGALONG 4 34 N 118 31 E 10.38 WEBB SHOAL 4 24 N 118 52 E 10.26
TRUSAN TANDO BULONG 4 20 N 118 33 E 10.29 WEBSPER PATCH 4 56 N 118 34 E 10.54
TUBAN 6 54 S 112 04 E 3.39 WELSTEAD SHOAL 0 33 N 107 53 E 1.32
TUDJU EILANDAN 1 13 S 105 16 E 2.27 WELVISCH 6 05 S 120 20 E 7.5
TUING 1 37 S 106 03 E 2.28 WEST BANK 4 00 S 122 52 E 8.66
TUJAU TUTUN 7 32 S 126 38 E 6.84 WEST EILAND 5 29 S 106 24 E 4.8
TUKOH LEHOK GEBAH 8 34 S 119 23 E 5.59 WEST HYDROGRAFF 1 56 S 106 25 E 2.33
TUKOH MAPINKA 8 33 S 119 15 E 5.57 WEST LUTONG OIL FIELD 4 30 N 113 54 E 11.43
TUNGAI SULAMAN 6 15 N 116 13 E 11.102 WEST TWEELING 4 13 S 122 55 E 8.67
TURNER PATCH 4 56 N 118 35 E 10.54 WESTON 5 13 N 115 36 E 11.85
TURTLE ROCK 6 12 N 118 03 E 10.66 WETAR STRAIT 8 14 S 126 16 E 6.85
TWO BROTHERS 4 08 S 122 53 E 8.67 WHALE REEF 6 05 S 120 20 E 7.5
TWO FATHOM ROCK 5 06 N 114 58 E 11.60 WHITE ROCK 3 15 S 107 28 E 2.53
WHITE ROCKS 6 42 N 116 36 E 11.113
WHITE ROCKS BAY 6 43 N 116 38 E 11.113
U WHITE ROCKS REEF 6 44 N 116 36 E 11.113
WICKS ROCK 4 15 N 117 52 E 10.15
UDANG MARINE TERMINAL 4 02 N 106 30 E 1.61 WIDURI MARINE TERMINAL 4 41 S 106 39 E 2.22
UJONG SAPOH 5 00 N 115 08 E 11.73 WILHELMINA REEF 8 33 S 116 04 E 5.25
UJUNG 8 28 S 115 38 E 5.14 WILSON SHOAL 3 47 N 113 04 E 11.32
UJUNG APATANA 6 30 S 120 29 E 6.114 WINCHESTER SHOALS 5 42 N 115 21 E 11.90
UJUNG BATAKARANG 2 05 S 104 53 E 2.3 WINSOR ROCK 5 53 S 105 55 E 4.20
UJUNG BREBES 6 46 S 109 01 E 3.23 WINSORKLIP 5 53 S 105 55 E 4.20
UJUNG CUKUCAPAH 5 46 S 105 12 E 4.30 WISER BAY 3 35 N 113 19 E 11.38
UJUNG CUKUREDAK 5 56 S 104 44 E 4.33 WOLLOWA BAY 5 28 S 122 53 E 8.73
UJUNG CURAM 4 14 S 122 55 E 8.67 WONG SANDS 2 06 N 111 11 E 11.19
UJUNG CURAM 5 50 S 105 47 E 4.4 WOODHALL REEFS 4 58 N 118 15 E 10.48
UJUNG DODAIJA 6 16 S 120 27 E 7.5 WOWONI 4 07 S 123 06 E 8.66
UJUNG GENTENG 7 23 S 106 24 E 4.37 WOWONI STRAIT 4 06 S 122 54 E 8.66

Pub. 163
Index—Gazetteer 437

Position Sec. Position Sec.

° ' ° ' Para ° ' ° ' Para
WUREH 8 18 S 123 02 E 6.55 Z
WURI 8 18 S 123 02 E 6.55
ZAND BAAI 7 11 S 106 26 E 4.36
ZEEKLIP 5 58 S 105 23 E 4.21
Y ZELDA OIL FIELD 5 11 S 106 23 E 2.22
ZUIDWACHTER 0 06 N 119 37 E 7.37
YACO 8 25 S 127 20 E 6.93 ZWAANTJES REEF 7 28 S 113 07 E 3.66
YAMSECIE REEF 1 24 S 108 51 E 2.84

Pub. 163

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