HG Assessment Tools Jhs
HG Assessment Tools Jhs
HG Assessment Tools Jhs
COMPETENCY 4 3 2 1 0
1st Quarter
Identify the methods of effective study habits toward lifelong learning
Share knowledge, skills, and positive attitude helpful in lifelong learning
Value oneself
Respect individual differences
Gain understanding of oneself and others
Identify factors related to life and profession
2nd Quarter
Share the lessons learned from school and community that can be
used in daily living
Apply lessons from home, school and community to daily living with
consideration to family and society
Examine the different factors in decision-making
for the achievement of success
Provide proper procedure toward responsible decision making
Evaluate experiences in decision-making towards achieving common good
Gather information about life, profession and vocation
Understand the importance of guidance from parents or guardians and
significant others in choosing a profession, vocation and future plans
Relate the choice of profession, vocation and future plans to one's skills,
competencies and the roles of parents/guardians and significant adults
3rd Quarter
Apply effective ways of protecting oneself and others
Live effective ways in resolving issues that involve oneself and others
Share skills helpful to solve problems
Describe the chosen field
Decide for life and profession
Reflect on th decisions made for life and profession
4th Quarter
Demonstrate academic excellence based on the global needs
Live ways that respect and protect the environment
Share one's abilities for the development of others and community
Engage oneself in meaningful programs and initiatives
for the common good
Strengthen self empowerment to respond to the needs of the community
Respond to personal and social needs that can contribute
to the promotion of international standards
State steps to fulfill the goal in life
Outline plans for the chosen profession, vocation and the future
To the observer: Check the box to indicate your assessment guided by the scale below.
0 - No chance to observe
1 - Not observed
2 - Observed but insufficient
3 - Sufficiently Observed
4 - Sufficinetly Observed and Commendable
The teacher 4 3 2 1 0
1. make sure that the learnng modality is conducive for learning and
2. effectively organizes learning situations to meet the objectives of the
class presentation.
3. uses instructional methods that encourage relevant learner
participation in the learning process.
4. implements the module in accordance to the guidelines.
5. communicates clearly and effectively to the level of learners.
6. explains important ideas in a clear and practical way.
7. demonstrates command of the topic discussed.
8. responds appropriately to learner questions and comments.
9. provides time and direction for individual thougth prior to group
discussions (if applicable)
10. prepares/checks, distributes efficiently the materials for activities.
11. adequately prepares learners to undertake the specific activity
12. provides learners adequate time to reflect on the activity utilizing a variety of
process skills-(i.e demonstrate, predict, analyze, conclude, synthesize, etc.)
13. attends to the learner's concern in different modalities.
14. provides individual attention when appropriate (non-submission, non-
15. provides minimal yet sufficient information to successfully complete
their task(s).
16. provides adequate feedback, reflections, encouragement on individual/group
efforts and progress.
17. encourages learners to appropriately use tools, ideas, methods, or
"ways of knowing" to accomplish the activity and/or solve the problem.
18. relates the lesson to learners' daily life experiences.
19. encourages the learners to apply their realizations on the lesson (insights).
20. maintains safety procedures in facilitating learners' tasks
Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _____________
Adviser's signature over printed name Date
Evaluated by:
Evaluator's signature over printed name