Kawasaki Disease in Children V6.2
Kawasaki Disease in Children V6.2
Kawasaki Disease in Children V6.2
A Clinical Guideline
For Use in: Children’s Assessment Unit, Buxton Ward
By: Medical and nursing staff in Paediatrics
For: Children with Kawasaki disease
Division responsible for document: Paediatrics
Key words: Kawasaki disease
Name of document author: Dr Shastri
Job title of document author: Consultant Paediatrician
Name of document author’s Line
Mary-Anne Morris
Job title of author’s Line Manager: Chief of Service for Paediatrics
Dr Kate Armond Consultant Paediatric
Supported by:
Clinical Guidelines and Assessment Panel
Assessed and approved by the:
If approved by committee or Governance Lead
Chair’s Action; tick here
Date of approval: 09/12/2022
Ratified by or reported as approved
Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Sub-Board
to (if applicable):
To be reviewed before:
This document remains current after this 09/12/2025
date but will be under review
To be reviewed by: Dr Shastri
Reference and / or Trust Docs ID No: 1154
Version No: 6.2
Compliance links: None
If Yes - does the strategy/policy
deviate from the recommendations of N/A
NICE? If so, why?
This guideline has been approved by the Trust's Clinical Guidelines Assessment Panel as an aid to the
diagnosis and management of relevant patients and clinical circumstances. Not every patient or situation fits
neatly into a standard guideline scenario and the guideline must be interpreted and applied in practice in the
light of prevailing clinical circumstances, the diagnostic and treatment options available and the professional
judgement, knowledge and expertise of relevant clinicians. It is advised that the rationale for any departure
from relevant guidance should be documented in the patient's case notes.
The Trust's guidelines are made publicly available as part of the collective endeavour to continuously improve
the quality of healthcare through sharing medical experience and knowledge. The Trust accepts no
responsibility for any misunderstanding or misapplication of this document.
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 1 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
Version Date of
Change Description Author
Number Update
6.1 19/04/2022 No clinical changes Hannah Massey
Small amendment to Investigations-
Echocardiogram. 6-8 weeks from Dr Rao Kollipara
onset changed to 2 weeks and 6 (Paediatric
6.2 09/11/2022
weeks from onset. Consultant, JPUH),
2 appendices added to end of Dr Shastri
1. Glossary...................................................................................................................4
2. Quick reference guideline/s...................................................................................5
2.1 Diagnosis and management of Complete Kawasaki Disease in Children............5
2.2 Evaluation of Suspected Incomplete Kawasaki Disease......................................6
3. Rationale..................................................................................................................7
4. Broad recommendations.......................................................................................7
5. Definition..................................................................................................................7
6. Epidemiology..........................................................................................................7
7. Making a diagnosis.................................................................................................7
8. History and Examination........................................................................................8
8.1 Typical or complete cases.....................................................................................8
8.2 Atypical Or “Incomplete Cases”............................................................................9
9. Complications.......................................................................................................10
10. Investigations........................................................................................................10
11. Management..........................................................................................................11
11.1 Definitive treatment.............................................................................................11
11.2 Supportive management.....................................................................................12
11.3 Management of coronary artery aneurysms.......................................................12
11.4 Long term follow up of uncomplicated cases......................................................12
12. Clinical audit standards.......................................................................................13
13. Summary of development and consultation process undertaken before
registration and dissemination...........................................................................13
14. Distribution list / dissemination method............................................................13
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 2 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
15. References/ source documents..........................................................................13
Appendix 1 - Kawasaki Disease - Information for Parents..........................................14
Appendix 2 – Management of Kawasaki Disease - ADC Document...........................16
Appendix 3 – Fifteen-Minute Consultation: Kawasaki Disease: How to Distinguish
from other Febrile Illnesses: Tricks and Tips – ADC Document.....................16
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 3 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
1. Glossary
CRP C- reactive protein
ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
UE Urea and electrolytes
FBC Full blood count
LFT Liver function test
WCC White cell count
Echo Echocardiogram
ECG Electrocardiogram
ASOT Antistreptolysin O titre
ALT Alanine transaminase
ANA Antinuclear antibodies
IVIG Intravenous immunoglobulin
EBV Epstein Barr virus
CMV Cytomegalovirus
NSAID Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
HLH Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 4 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
2. Quick reference guideline/s
2.1 Diagnosis and management of Complete Kawasaki Disease in Children
Fever > 5 days duration and
Algorithm A Polymorphous rash
Changes in extremities
Bilateral non exudative bulbar conjunctivitis
Changes in lips and oral cavity
Cervical lymphadenopathy
See text for further details
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 5 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 6 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
3. Rationale
Kawasaki disease is an uncommon disease of childhood that is difficult to diagnose,
having many features that overlap with other commoner diseases in childhood. The early
diagnosis and prompt treatment of this condition is essential to reduce mortality and
morbidity associated with cardiovascular complications.
4. Broad recommendations
1. Kawasaki disease requires a high degree of clinical vigilance as
It is rare.
It is diagnosed on clinical criteria rather than diagnostic interventions.
It has potentially life-threatening complications, including coronary artery vasculitis
with aneurysm formation.
Treatment is available but must be given early if it is to be effective.
2. A Consultant should assess the child before commencing treatment with IVIG and
5. Definition
Kawasaki disease is an acute self-limiting vasculitis of unknown aetiology that occurs
predominantly in infants and young children.
6. Epidemiology
a) Incidence: varies considerably worldwide from 3.4 -100 per 100,000 children.
b) Peak age of onset: 1-3 years but can occur in infancy or in later
c) Risk factors:
M>F 1.5:1
Race, East Asian > Asian > Black > Caucasian
Later winter/ early spring peak
d) Pathogenesis: remains unknown although clinical and epidemiological features
strongly suggest an infectious cause
e) Prognosis: In the absence of therapy 15-25% will develop coronary artery
aneurysms which may lead to ischaemic heart disease and sudden death. This
risk is reduced to < 5% with timely use of IVIG (within 10 days of onset of fever)
7. Making a diagnosis
In the absence of a diagnostic test, making a diagnosis depends on recognition of key
clinical features and the exclusion of alternative diagnoses with similar presentations.
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 7 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
8. History and Examination
8.1 Typical or complete cases
Fever of at least five days duration (defined as recorded temperature of 38 degrees or
above or tactile temperature by parent) and 4 of 5 classical features from the following list
I. Changes in extremities
Acute: Erythema of palms, soles; oedema of hands, feet
Subacute: Periungual peeling of fingers and toes in weeks 2 and 3.
Chronic: Deep transverse grooves (Beau’s lines) may appear across the nails after
1-2 months of onset of fever.
V. Cervical lymphadenopathy
Least common, usually unilateral
Even in the presence of the above, it remains important to exclude other conditions with
similar findings which include:
Viral exanthems (e.g. measles, adenovirus, enterovirus, EBV)
Scarlet fever
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 8 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (systemic onset)
Toxic shock syndrome
Drug hypersensitivity reactions
System Finding
Extreme irritability
Aseptic meningitis
Sensorineural hearing loss – transient
during acute phase
Musculoskeletal Arthritis and arthralgia, myositis
Diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain
Gastrointestinal tract Acute acalculous distension of gallbladder
(hydrops) - during first 2 weeks of illness
may be identified by ultrasound scan
Urethritis, meatitis
Sterile pyuria
Erythema, induration of BCG inoculation
Mild anterior uveitis (slit lamp examination
In addition to incomplete case the diagnostic criterion of a fever for 5 days can also lead
to a delay in treatment. Clinicians should not delay in making a diagnosis of Kawasaki
disease and instituting treatment if:
5/6 diagnostic criteria of Kawasaki are present before day 5 of fever.
CAA or coronary dilatation are present.
There is evidence of persistent elevation of inflammatory markers with no other
explanation in patients where there remains clinical suspicion of Kawasaki’s
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 9 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
9. Complications
Serious complications are rare but include
Subacute phase
Coronary artery vasculitis – dilatation +/- aneurysms
o First detectable 10 days
o Peak onset 3-4 weeks
Coronary artery thrombosis and stenosis
Systemic large vessel vasculitis (1-2%)
o Cerebral
o Subclavian, axillary, brachial aneurysms
o Peripheral ischaemia/gangrene
10. Investigations
In the presence of less than 4 features of Kawasaki Syndrome, these are useful to aid
the decision to treat ‘incomplete’ disease (see Algorithm A).
i. Bloods
Full blood count
Mild anaemia
Leukocytosis with neutrophilia and immature forms
Thrombocytosis after week 1, peaks in the third week, normalises by 4-8 weeks
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 10 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
11. Management
11.1 Definitive treatment
Children should be reviewed by a consultant before starting definitive treatment.
Treatment should be started for.
All children meeting criteria for complete or typical Kawasaki disease without
alternative diagnosis
All children with sufficient clinical criteria to suspect Kawasaki disease and where
laboratory data is supportive in absence of a definitive alternative diagnosis. (See
Algorithm B)
Treatment should be started within 10 days of the onset of symptoms and if possible,
within 7 days to be most effective, but can be started beyond 10 days in the presence of
ongoing signs (and/or laboratory evidence) of inflammation.
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 11 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
Aspirin – 30-50mg/kg/day in 4 divided doses. All other NSAIDs should be stopped.
This dose should be continued until the child has been afebrile for >48-72 hours or
for a maximum of 14 days
NOTE: Corticosteroids have been used as initial therapy or in conjunction with IVIG in the
treatment of Kawasaki disease. However, there is little evidence to support steroids first
line use in most children with Kawasaki disease. It may be appropriate to consider it
along side IVIG for children who have high risk features as shown in algorithm B. This
should be discussed with a specialist.
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 12 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
Children who have received IVIG should not receive live vaccines for at least three
The document was reviewed in 2022 and not clinical changes were required but a short
review date given because a new appendix for nurses is being developed.
This version has been endorsed by the Clinical Guidelines Assessment Panel.
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 13 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
Appendix 1 - Kawasaki Disease - Information for Parents
What is Kawasaki disease?
Kawasaki disease is an illness which affects children’s blood vessels, causing them to be
inflamed (red, hot, swollen) It affects young children the most (80% of children are under
5 years of age). It is very rare in this country, affecting 150-200 children per year in the
UK. Boys are more likely to have this illness than girls.
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 14 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
What happens after the first two days of treatment?
If your child does not have any further fever, then the following will change:
The aspirin dose will be reduced to once daily.
Your child will be discharged when their general condition improves.
An echocardiogram will be repeated after 6-8 weeks, if this is normal then the
aspirin will be stopped.
A further echocardiogram will be done after 1 year.
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 15 of 16
Joint Trust Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of
Kawasaki Disease in Children
Joint Clinical Guideline for: Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease in Children
Author/s: Dr Shastri Author/s title: Consultant Paediatrician
Approved by: CGAP Date approved: 09/12/2022 Review date: 09/12/2025
Available via Trust Docs Version: 6.2 Trust Docs ID: 1154 Page 16 of 16