Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe and the Zn + 2H+
→ Zn 2 + + H2 ↑
third most abundant on the surface of the globe.
Zn + 2NaOH
→ Na 2 ZnO2 + H2 ↑
Hydrogen is the lightest element. Sodium
Position of Hydrogen in the Periodic Table Commercial Production
Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table with electronic It is produced by following methods :
configuration 1 s1 . — Electrolysis of acidified water using platinum
In atomic form, it consists of one proton and one electron and in electrodes.
elemental form it exists as a diatomic (H2 ) molecule and is called Electrolysis
dihydrogen. 2H2 O( l) → 2H2 ( g) + O2 ( g)
Traces of acid/base
Its position is not certain because it has resemblance to alkali — High purity dihydrogen is obtained by electrolysing
metals which lose one electron to form unipositive ions as well as warm aqueous barium hydroxide Ba(OH2 ), solution
with halogens which gain one electron to form uninegative ion. between nickel electrodes.
Dihydrogen, H2 — Reaction of steam on hydrocarbons or coke at high
Occurrence Dihydrogen (H2 ) is the most abundant element in the temperature in the presence of catalyst yields
universe (70% of total mass of universe) and is also the main hydrogen.
element present in the solar atmosphere. 1270 K
CH4 ( g) + H2 O( g) → CO( g) + 3H2 ( g)
Isotopes Hydrogen has three isotopes, namely protium (11 H), Ni 1442443
Water gas or syn gas
deuterium (D of 12 H) and tritium (T of 13 H). Tritium is radioactive
The mixture of CO and H2 is also called synthesis
in nature and emits low energy β-particles.
gas or syn gas.
Relative C (s) + H2 O ( g) 1270
→ CO( g) + H2 ( g)
Name Symbol atomic Density Nature 1442443
number abundance
mass Water gas or syn gas
Protium 1H or H 1 1.0078 0.09 99.98% Non-radioactive Coal Gasification The mixture of CO and H2 is also
Deuterium 2
1 2.0141 0.18 0.0156% Non-radioactive called syn gas, as it is used in synthesis of methanol
1H or D
3 −15
and other hydrocarbons.
Tritium 1H or T 1 3.016 0.27 10 % Radioactive
(emits β-rays, The production of H2 can be increased by water gas
t1/ 2 = 12.33 years) shift reaction by reacting carbon monoxide of syn gas
mixture with steam in presence of iron chromate as
Preparation of Dihydrogen catalyst.
Laboratory Preparation CO ( g) + H2 O ( g) 673
→ CO2 ( g) + H2 ( g)
Fe2 CrO3
It is usually prepared by the reaction of granulated zinc with dilute It is also obtained as a by-product by the electrolysis
hydrochloric acid or by the reaction of zinc with aqueous alkali .
of brine.
Properties of Dihydrogen They are useful for ultrapurification of dihydrogen and as
dihydrogen storage media.
Physical Properties
Note The metals of group 7, 8 and 9 do not form hydride. Even from
Dihydrogen is a colourless, odourless, tasteless and
group 6, only chromium forms CrH.
combustible gas.
It is lighter than air and insoluble in water. Water
It is neutral to litmus. It is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, in which these are
Chemical Properties present in 1 : 8 by weight.
The important chemical reactions of dihydrogen are : Its formula is H2O.
It is very essential for existence of all forms of life.
→ 2HX( g); (X = F, Cl, Br and I)
H2 ( g) + X2 ( g)
We can survive without food but survival in absence of
2H2 ( g) + O2 ( g) → 2H2 O ( l) water is almost impossible.
673 K, 200 atm It constitutes a major part of all the living organism, e.g.
3H2 ( g) + N2 ( g) → 2NH3 ( g)
Fe, Mo it forms about 65% of human body and almost 95% of some
H2 ( g) + 2 M ( g)
→ 2M H(s); (M = alkali metal)
H2 ( g) + Pd ( aq) → Pd (s) + 2H+ ( aq)
2+ Physical Properties
Water is a transparent colourless, tasteless and odourless
yH2 ( g) + MxOy (s) → xM(s) + yH2 O( l) substance.
Hydroformylation of olefins yields aldehydes which Its freezing point, boiling point, heat of vaporisation and
further undergo reduction to give alcohols. heat of fusion is higher than hydrides of other group 16
H2 + CO + RCH == CH2 → RCH2 CH2 CHO → elements.
It has a high specific heat, thermal conductivity, surface
tension, dipole moment and dielectric constant than many
Uses of Dihydrogen other liquids.
Dihydrogen is used in the synthesis of ammonia which is Water molecule is highly polar in nature 2δ–
used in the manufacture of nitric acid and nitrogenous due to its bent structure. This property O 95.7 pm
δ+ δ+
fertilisers. leads to hydrogen bonding which is H 104.5° H
It is used in the manufacture of vanaspati ghee by the maximum in ice and least in water vapours.
hydrogenation of polyunsaturated vegetable oils like Density of ice is less than that of water.
soyabean, cotton, seeds, etc. Structure of Ice
It is used as a rocket fuel in space research. Ice has a highly ordered three dimensional hydrogen
bonded structure.
Hydrides Each oxygen atom is surrounded tetrahedrally by four
Dihydrogen combines with almost all the elements to form other oxygen atoms.
hydrides. Hydrogen bonding gives ice a rather open type structure
Hydrides can be classified into three categories as follows : with wide holes which can hold small molecules
Ionic or Saline Hydrides interstitially.
Ionic hydrides are formed by s-block elements. Chemical Properties
They are crystalline, non-volatile and non-conducting in Water (H2 O) has the ability to act as an acid as well as a
solid state. base, i.e. amphoteric substance.
Covalent or Molecular Hydrides H2 O( l) + H2 S ( aq) s H3 O+ ( aq) + HS− ( aq)
Base Acid Acid Base
Covalent hydrides are formed by p-block elements.
They are covalent, volatile and non-conductors. H2 O( l) + NH3 ( aq) s NH+4 ( aq) + OH( aq)
Acid Base Acid Base
They are further classified as electron-deficient (group-13),
electron-precise (group-14) and electron-rich (group 15-17) The auto-protolysis of water takes place as follows :
hydrides. H2 O( l) + H2 O( l) H3 O+ ( aq) + OH− ( aq)
Acid -1 Base-2 Acid -2 Base-1
Metallic or Non-stoichiometric (acid) (base) (conjugate acid) (conjugate base)
(or Interstitial) Hydrides In redox reactions, water reacts with both metals and
Hydrides are formed by d-block or f -block elements. non-metals.
They conduct heat and electricity and are mostly 2Na(s) + 2H2 O ( l) → 2NaOH( aq) + H2 ( g)
non-stoichiometric (e.g. LaH2.87, YbH2.55 ). 2F2 ( g) + 2H2 O ( l) → 4H+ ( aq) + 4 F− ( aq) + O2 ( g)
In hydrated salts, water may remain in five types such as At anode :
coordinated water, hydrogen bonded water, lattice water, 2HSO−4 → HO3 SOOSO3 H + 2e−
Clathrate water and zeolite water. Hydrolysis
A number of compounds such as calcium hydride, → H2 SO4 + H2 O2
calcium phosphide, etc., undergo hydrolysis with water. Physical Properties
Hard and Soft Water H2 O2 is a colourless liquid and miscible with water.
Water forming lather with soap is called soft water and water ‘20 volume H2 O2 ’ means 2 mL of this solution on
that does not do so is called hard water. decomposition liberates 20 mL of oxygen at NTP.
The hardness of water may be of two types : Structure
Temporary Hardness H2 O2 has a non-polar structure.
It is due to the presence of calcium and magnesium In structure of H2 O2 , two O H bonds are in different
bicarbonates. planes due to repulsion between bonding and antibonding
Temporary hardness of water can be removed by Clark’s orbitals.
Bond angle H O O H is 111 . 5 ° in gas phase and 90.2°
method (by treating hard water with lime) or by simply
boiling which converts Mg(HCO3 ) 2 into insoluble in solid phase.
Mg(OH) 2 and Ca(HCO3 ) 2 changed to insoluble CaCO3 .
Permanent Hardness H H
It is due to the presence of soluble salt of Ca and Mg in the 95.0 pm 98.8 pm
form of chlorides and sulphates in water. 147.5 pm 145.8 pm
111.5° 90.2°
Permanent hardness can be removed :
— By treatment with washing soda Na CO ⋅ 10H O which
94.8° 101.9°
2 3 2
converts Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ bicarbonates into insoluble
carbonates. Structure of H2O2
— By Calgon’s method (treatment with sodium
(a) Gas phase (b) Solid phase
hexametaphosphate, Na 2 [Na 4 ( PO3 ) 6] that forms soluble
complex). Chemical Properties
— By ion-exchange method in which NaAlSiO (zeolite) is Oxidising agent It acts as a strong oxidising agent in acidic
used which replaces Ca 2 + / Mg 2 + ions by Na + . as well as in basic medium.
— By synthetic raisin method in which pure H2O2 + 2H+ + 2e− → 2H2O
de-mineralised (de ionised) water free from all soluble H2O2 + OH– + 2e− → 3OH−
mineral salts is obtained by passing water successively
Reducing agent
through a cation exchange (in the H + form) and an anion
— In acidic medium,
exchange (in the OH − form) resins.
2MnO4− + 6H+ + 5H2 O2 → 2Mn 2 + + 8H2 O + 5 O2
Degree of Hardness Cr2 O27 − + 8H+ + 3H2 O2 → 2Cr3 + + 7H2 O + 3 O2
Degree of hardness of water is measured in ppm
— In basic medium,
by weight of CaCO3 irrespective of its presence and is
estimated by simple titration of EDTA solution. 2K3 [Fe(CN) 6] + 2KOH + H2 O2 →
2K4 [Fe(CN) 6] + 2H2 O + O2
Hydrogen Peroxide, H2 O 2 — Bleaching properties Its bleaching action is due to
oxidation by atomic oxygen.
It is an important compound used in pollution control
treatment of domestic and industrial effluents. H2 O2 → H2 O + [O]
dye + [O] → dye is oxidised and bleached
— It can be manufactured by acidifying barium peroxide Storage
and removing excess water by evaporation under H2 O2 decomposes slowly on exposure to light.
reduced pressure. In the presence of metal surface or traces of alkali,
BaO2 ⋅ 8H2 O + H2 SO4 → BaSO4 + H2 O2 + 8H2 O its decomposition reaction is catalysed.
— The electrolysis of 50% H2 SO4 or by the auto-oxidation Therefore, it is stored in a wax-lined glass or plastic vessel
of 2-alkyl anthraquinols. in dark.
Uses It is used for the preparation of other deuterium
30% solution of H2 O2 is called perhydrol and is used as compounds
germicide and antiseptic. In daily life, it is used as a hair Dihydrogen As a Fuel
It is important chemical used in pollution control treatment Dihydrogen reacts with oxygen releasing large amount heat
of domestic and industrial effluents. energy and thus can be utilised as a fuel in rocket engines and
It is used in manufacture chemicals like sodium perborate fuel cells. Motor vehicle engines that can use hydrogen as fuel
and per carbonate, in the industries as a bleaching agent for are also under development.
textiles, leather, etc.
Now-a-days, it is also used in Environmental (Green) Hydrogen Economy
chemistry. It is the use of liquid hydrogen as an alternate source of
energy. Hydrogen fuel has many advantages over
Heavy Water, D 2O
conventional fuels as it is non-polluting and liberates
Heavy water (D2 O) can be prepared by exhaustive large amount of energy on combustion.
electrolysis of water or as a by-product in some fertilizer
Mastering NCERT
TOPIC 4 ~ Hydrides
36 Which of the following does not react with 37 Dihydrogen, under certain reaction conditions,
hydrogen even at high temperature to form combines with almost all elements except noble gases
corresponding hydrides? to form binary compounds. The binary compounds
(a) Alkali (b) Noble gases are called
(c) Transition metals (d) All of these (a) oxides (b) halides (c) carbides (d) hydrides
38 When electric current is passed through an ionic 46 Which of the following is the example of interstitial
hydride in the molten state or non-stoichiometric hydrides?
(a) hydrogen is liberated at the anode (a) LaH2.87 , YbH2.55
(b) hydrogen is liberated at the cathode (b) TiH1.5 – 1.8 , ZrH1.3 – 1.75
(c) no reaction takes place (c) VH0.56 ,NiH0.6 – 0.7 , PdH0.6 – 0.8
(d) hydride ion migrates towards cathode (d) All of the above
39 Ionic hydrides react with water to give 47 Earlier, it was thought that in the non-stoichiometric
(a) acidic solutions (b) hydride ions hydrides, hydrogen occupies interstices in the
(c) basic solutions (d) None of these metal lattice producing distortion without any change
40 Which of the following is covalent and polymeric in in its type. Consequently, they were termed as
structure? (a) interstitial hydrides (b) molecular hydrides
(a) LiH (b) BeH 2 (c) ionic hydrides (d) None of these
(c) MgH 2 (d) Both (b) and (c) 48 Recent studies show that the metallic hydrides
41 Which of the following reactions is incorrect? have different lattice from that of the parent metal
(a) 8 LiH + Al 2 Cl 6 → 2 LiAlH4 + 6 LiCl except
(b) 2 LiH + B2 H6 → 2 LiBH4 (a) Cu (b) Pt
(c) 2 LiH + Al 2 Cl 6 → LiCl + LiH + LiAlH4 (c) K (d) Ac
(d) NaH( s ) + H2 O → NaOH( aq ) + H2 ( g ) 49 Some of the metals (e.g. Pd, Pt) can accommodate a
42 NaH is an example of JEE Main 2019 very large volume of hydrogen and therefore, can be
(a) metallic hydride (b) electron-rich hydride used as its storage media. This property has high
(c) saline hydride (d) molecular hydride potential for
43 Which of the following groups form electron rich (a) oxidation and hydrogenation reaction
hydrides? (b) hydrogenation reaction and reduction
(a) Chalcogens (b) Alkali metals (c) hydrogen storage and source of energy
(d) source of energy and oxygen storage
(c) Noble gases (d) Alkaline earth metals
44 CH 4 , NH 3 , H 2O and HF are the examples of 50 Phosphorus(P) with outer electronic configuration
3s 2 3 p 3 does not form PH 5 because
(a) molecular hydrides (b) metallic hydrides
(c) ionic hydrides (d) Both (a) and (c) (a) ∆ a H value of dihydrogen does not favour to exhibit the
lower oxidation state of P
45 Which of the following are formed by d-block
elements? (b) ∆ eg H value of hydrogen does not favour to exhibit the
(a) Ionic hydrides (b) Non-stoichiometric hydrides lower oxidation state of P
(c) Molecular hydrides (d) Covalent hydrides (c) P does not exhibit +3 and +5 oxidation states
(d) P is not very reactive
TOPIC 5 ~ Water
51 Temperature of maximum density of H 2O and D 2O is 53 The density of water is less in its solid state because
respectively (a) in solid state, water molecules are arranged in highly
ordered open cage like structure
(a) 4 °C and 11.6 °C (b) 11.6 °C and 4 °C
(b) more extensive hydrogen bonding is present in solid state
(c) 4 °C and 12.5 °C (d) 12.5 °C and 4 °C
(c) the water molecules are closest in solid state of water
52 Identify the structure of water in the gaseous phase. (d) water is a rigid crystalline, closely packed structure in
2δ − its solid state
δ+ •• δ+ +
(a) H — O — H (b) H — O— H 54 The maximum number of hydrogen bonds formed by
a water molecule in ice is
H (a) 4 (b) 1
2δ –9 (c) 2 (d) 3
O 5.7
(c) δ+ pm δ+
(d) None of these
H 104.5° H
55 H 2O( l) + H 2O( l) → H 3O + ( aq ) + OH – ( aq ) (c) bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium
Acid-1 Base-2 Acid-2 Base-1 (d) sulphates and chlorides of sodium and potassium
(Acid) (Base) (Conjugate acid) (Conjugate base)
63 Calgon is used as water softening agent because it
The above reaction is known as (a) forms soluble complexes with cationic species
(a) auto-protolysis of water (b) forms soluble complexes with anionic species
(b) self-ionisation of water (c) forms soluble complexes with both cationic and anionic
(c) hydration of water species
(d) Both (a) and (b) (d) forms precipitate with cationic species
56 In which of the following reactions H 2O acts only as a 64 The temporary hardness of a water sample is due to
Bronsted acid? compound X . Boiling this sample converts X to
(a) H2 O( l ) + NH3 ( aq )
5OH (aq ) + −
NH+4 ( aq )
compound Y . X and Y , respectively, are
(a) Mg(HCO 3 ) 2 and Mg(OH)2
+ −
(b) H O( l ) + H S( aq )5H O ( aq ) + HS ( aq )
2 2 3 (b) Ca ( HCO3 )2 and Ca ( OH )2
− (c) Mg ( HCO3 )2 and MgCO3
(c) H O( l ) + H O( l )5H O ( aq ) + OH ( aq )
2 2 3 (d) Ca ( HCO3 )2 and CaO
(d) None of the above 65 In comparison to the Zeolite process for the removal
57 Consider the reaction given below : of permanent hardness, the synthetic resins method is
+ − JEE Main 2020
2F2 + 2H 2O → 4H + 4F + O 2
(a) more efficient as it can exchange only cations
In the above reaction, water acts as a/an (b) less efficient as it exchange only anions
(a) oxidising agent (c) less efficient as the resins cannot be regenerated
(b) reducing agent (d) more efficient as it can exchange both cations as well as
(c) oxidant anions
(d) None of the above
66 In synthetic resin method, X resins contain large
58 Which of the following is the incorrect reaction? organic molecule with —SO3 H group and are water
(a) P4 O10 ( s ) + 6H2 O( l ) → 4H3 PO4 ( aq ) insoluble. Ion exchange resin (RSO 3 H) is changed to
(b) SiCl 2 ( s ) + 2H2 O( l ) → SiO2 ( s ) + 4HCl ( aq ) RNa by treating it with NaCl.
(c) 2H2 O( l ) + 2Na ( s ) → 2NaOH ( aq ) + H2 ( g ) The resin exchanges Y ions with Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ ions
(d) 6CO2 ( g ) + 12H2 O( l ) → C6 H12 O6 ( aq ) + 6H2 O( l ) present in the hard water to make the water soft. Here,
+ 6O2 ( g ) X and Y respectively are
59 How many coordinated water molecules are X Y
associated in Cr(H 2O) 6 Cl 3 ? (a) anion exchange resin Na +
(a) 6 (b) 5 (b) cation exchange resin Na +
(c) 4 (d) 0 (c) cation exchange resin Cl −
(d) anion exchange resin Cl −
60 What is reason of temporary hardness of water?
(a) Na 2 SO4 (b) CaCl 2 JEE Main 2019 67 Which of the following reaction represents anion
(c) NaCl (d) Ca(HCO3 )2 exchange process?
61 The method used to remove temporary hardness of (a) 2RNa ( s ) + M 2 + ( aq ) → R2 M ( s ) + 2Na + ( aq )
water is NEET (National) 2019
(b) Ca(HCO3 )2 → CaCO3 ↓ + H2 O + CO2 ↑
(a) Clark’s method (b) ion-exchange method
(c) synthetic resins method (d) Calgon’s method (c) MSO4 + Na 2 CO3 → MCO3 ↓ + Na 2 SO4 (M = Mg,Ca)
62 A water sample is said to contain permanent hardness (d) RNH2 ( s ) + H2 O( l ) → RNH+3 OH− ( s )
if water contains
X − ( aq )
(a) sulphates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium ↓
(b) carbonates of calcium and magnesium RNH +3 ⋅ X − ( s ) + OH− ( aq )
250 Master The NCERT > CHEMISTRY (Vol-I )
174 Which of the following reaction is an example of use 182 Which of the following compounds is used for water
of water gas in the synthesis of other compounds? softening?
(a) Ca 3 (PO4 )2 (b) Na 3 PO4 (c) Na 6 P6 O18 (d) Na 2 HPO4
(a) CH4 ( g ) + H2 O( g ) → CO( g ) + H2 ( g )
1270 K
Ni 183 Correlate the items listed in Column I with those
(b) CO( g ) + H2 O( g ) 673
→ CO2 ( g ) + H2 ( g ) listed in Column II. Find out as many correlations as
you can.
(c) Cn H2n + 2 + nH2 O( g ) → nCO + (2n + 1)H2
1270 K
Ni Column I Column II
(d) CO( g ) + 2H2 ( s ) Cobalt
→ CH3 OH( l ) A. Synthesis gas 1. Na 2[Na 4(PO 3)6]
B. Dihydrogen 2. Oxidising agent
175 Hydrogen peroxide is obtained by the electrolysis of
C. Heavy water 3. Softening of water
(a) water
(b) sulphuric acid D. Calgon 4. Reducing agent
(c) hydrochloric acid E. Hydrogen peroxide 5. Stoichiometric compounds
of s-block elements
(d) fused sodium peroxide
F. Salt like hydrides 6. Prolonged electrolysis of
176 When sodium peroxide is treated with dilute water
sulphuric acid, we get . 7. Zn + NaOH
(a) sodium sulphate and water
8. Zn + dil. H 2SO 4
(b) sodium sulphate and oxygen
9. Synthesis of methanol
(c) sodium sulphate, hydrogen and oxygen
(d) sodium sulphate and hydrogen peroxide 10. Mixture of CO and H 2
Codes Column I Column II
A B C D E F C. Hydrogen chloride is a 3. recombines on metal
(a) (9, 10) (4, 5, 7, 8, 9) (6) (1, 3) (2, 4) (5) surface to generate
(b) (1, 2, 3) (4, 5) (7) (8, 9) (10) (6) high temperature
(c) (6, 7) (1) (2, 3, 4) (8) (5) (9, 10) D. Heavy water is used in 4. reducing agent
(d) (4) (3) (1, 2, 7) (5) (9, 10) (6, 8) E. Atomic hydrogen 5. hydrogen and oxygen
184 Match Column I with Column II for the given Codes
properties/application mentioned there in. A B C D E
(a) 1 2 4 3 5
Column I Column II
(b) 2 3 1 5 4
A. H 1. used in the name of perhydrol. (c) 3 5 4 2 1
B. H2 2. can be reduced to dihydrogen by NaH. (d) 5 4 2 1 3
C. H2O 3. can be used in hydroformylation of olefin 186 Match the items in Column I with the relevant item
D. H2O2 4. can be used in cutting and welding. in Column II.
Codes Column I Column II
A B C D A B C D A. Hydrogen peroxide is used as a 1. zeolite
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 1 4 3
B. Used in Calgon method 2. perhydrol
(c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 3 4 1 2
C. Permanent hardness of hard 3. sodium
185 Match the items in Column I with the relevant items water is removed by hexametaphosphate
in Column II.
4. propellant
Column I Column II Codes
A. Electrolysis of water produces 1. atomic reactor A B C A B C
B. Lithium aluminium hydride is 2. polar molecule (a) (2, 4) (3) (1, 3) (b) 1 3 2
used is (c) (2, 1) (4) (3) (d) 3 (1, 2) 4
> Mastering NCERT with MCQs
1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5 (c) 6 (a) 7 (a) 8 (c) 9 (c) 10 (c)
11 (c) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (a) 15 (a) 16 (d) 17 (a) 18 (c) 19 (b) 20 (b)
21 (b) 22 (d) 23 (a) 24 (a) 25 (d) 26 (d) 27 (a) 28 (c) 29 (b) 30 (a)
31 (c) 32 (a) 33 (d) 34 (a) 35 (d) 36 (b) 37 (d) 38 (a) 39 (c) 40 (d)
41 (c) 42 (c) 43 (a) 44 (a) 45 (b) 46 (d) 47 (a) 48 (d) 49 (c) 50 (a)
51 (a) 52 (c) 53 (a) 54 (a) 55 (d) 56 (a) 57 (b) 58 (b) 59 (a) 60 (d)
61 (a) 62 (a) 63 (a) 64 (a) 65 (d) 66 (b) 67 (d) 68 (d) 69 (d) 70 (a)
71 (b) 72 (c) 73 (b) 74 (b) 75 (a) 76 (a) 77 (d) 78 (d) 79 (a) 80 (b)
81 (a) 82 (a) 83 (b) 84 (b) 85 (d) 86 (a) 87 (b) 88 (d) 89 (d) 90 (d)
91 (d) 92 (a) 93 (b) 94 (d) 95 (c) 96 (d)
peroxide Here, H2O2 reduces Ag 2O into metallic silver (Ag)
(as oxidation number is reducing from +1to 0).
Anhydrous barium oxide ( BaO2 ) is not used here
because the precipitate BaSO 4 forms a protective layer Thus, H2O2 behaves as a reducing agent.
on the unreacted barium peroxide and this prevents its
80 (b) The equation for the reducing action of H2O2 in
further participation in the reaction.
basic medium is as follows :
72 (c) 30% solution of H2O2 is marketed as ‘100 V’
I2 + H2O2 + 2OH−
→ 2I− + 2H2O + O2
hydrogen peroxide. It means that, one millilitre 1 mL of
30% H2O2 solution will give 100 mL of oxygen at STP. 81 (a) In the presence of metal surface or traces of alkali
73 (b) ‘10 volume H2O2’ means 1L of its solution on (present in glass containers), the decomposition of
H2O2 is catalysed.
decomposition at NTP, gives 10 L oxygen gas.
2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2 84 (b) In daily life, H2O2 is used as a hair bleach and as a
2 mol 1 mol mild disinfectant. As an antiseptic it is sold in the
2 × 34 g 22.4 L market as perhydrol.
85 (d) H2O2 is used in pollution control by the treatment 101 (d) Statement (d) is incorrect.
of domestic effluents. It is also used in restoration of It’s correct form is as follows :
aerobic conditions to sewage wastes and in oxidation Hydrogen has three isotopes :
of cyanide. H2O2 has no role in synthesis of Protium ( 11 H ), deuterium ( 21 H), tritium ( 31 H ),
Thus, the option (d) is not use of H2O2 in the Protium is the most common isotope of hydrogen with
evironmental chemistry. an abundance of 99.98%.
Rest other statements are correct.
86 (a) Heavy water (D2O) is prepared by exhaustive
102 (d) Statement (d) is incorrect.
electrolysis of water or as a by-product in some
fertiliser industries. It’s correct form is as follows :
The atomic masses of isotopes of hydrogen are not in
88 (d) D2O is used for the preparation of deuterium the ratio of 1:2:3 as abundance of D and T is very less
containing compounds. The reaction is similar to H2O. as compared to H.
CaC2 + 2D2O → C2D2 + Ca(OD)2 Rest other statements are correct.
89 (d) The complete reaction is shown below : 103 (d) Statement (d) is incorrect.
Al 4C3 + 12D2O → 3CD4 + 4Al(OD)3 It’s correct form is as follows :
Aluminium Tetradeutero
carbide methane Reaction of steam with hydrocarbons or coke at high
(X ) (Y ) temperatures in the presence of catalyst yields
91 (d) Ordinary water stops the nuclear fission by dihydrogen. This is not a commercial method for its
absorbing the fast moving neutrons. preparation.
92 (a) The only pollutants in combustion of dihydrogen The equation is shown below :
will be the oxides of dinitrogen (due to the presence of 1270 K
dinitrogen as impurity with dihydrogen). This can be CH4 ( g ) + H2O( g ) → CO( g ) + 3H2 ( g )
minimised by injecting a small amount of water into the
cylinder to lower the temperature, so that the reaction Rest other statements are correct.
between dinitrogen and dioxygen may not take place. 104 (d) Statement (d) is incorrect.
94 (d) Alloy with compounds like NaNi 5 , Ti-TiH2 and It’s correct form is as follows :
Mg -MgH2 , in trace amount, is impervious to Dihydrogen is insoluble in water (because of its
dihydrogen gas and, hence is used to make the storage non-polar nature.)
tank for hydrogen.
Rest other statements are correct.
97 (d) Statement (d) is incorrect.
105 (a) Statement (a) is correct, while the other statements
It’s correct form is as follows : are incorrect.
In physical properties, isotopes of hydrogen differ
Corrected form are as follows :
considerably due to their large mass differences.
Dissociation of dihydrogen into its atoms is only
Hydrogen is used in metallurgical processes, it is used
~0.081% around 2000 K which increases to 95.5% at
to reduce heavy metal oxides to metals.
Rest other statements are correct.
108 (d) Statement (d) is incorrect.
98 (b) Statements I and III both are correct but II is
incorrect. It’s correct form is as follows : It’s correct form is as follows :
Hydrogen does not resemble halogens because its Elements of group 15 to 17 form electron rich hydrides.
outer electronic configuration ( ns1 ) is different from Rest other statements are correct.
the outer electronic configuration of halogens (ns2np 5 ). 109 (c) Statement (c) is incorrect.
99 (d) The property of hydrogen which does not resemble It’s correct form is as follows :
with that halogen is given in statement (d). Metallic hydrides are also known as
Because it is very low as compared to halogens. non-stoichiometric or interstitial hydrides.
Rest other statements are correct. Rest other statements are correct.
100 (b) Statement III is correct, while the statements I and 110 (c) Statement (c) is incorrect.
II are incorrect. It’s correct form is as follows :
Corrected form are as follows : BeH2 and MgH2 are polymeric in structure.
Like alkali metals, hydrogen forms oxides, halides and Rest other statements are correct.
sulphides such as H2O,HCl,H2S etc. but does not form
oxyacid and interhalides.
112 (b) Statement (b) is correct, while the other statements 123 (b) Statement (b) is incorrect.
are incorrect. It’s correct form is as follows :
Corrected form are as follows : Chemically, permutit or zeolite is sodium aluminium
Due to small size and higher electronegativity of N, O silicate (NaAlSiO4 ).
and F, the magnitude of hydrogen bonding in their Rest other statements are correct.
hydrides will be quite appreciable than those of 125 (a) Statement (a) is incorrect.
subsequent hydrides and hence, their hydrides have
It’s correct form is as follows :
higher boiling point than the hydrides of subsequent
group members. H2O2 acts as an oxidising as well as reducing agent,
because oxidation number of oxygen in H2O2 is −1.
114 (d) Statement (d) is incorrect. So, it can be oxidised to oxidation state 0 or reduced to
It’s correct form is as follows : oxidation state −2 .
d and f-block elements form metallic hydrides. Rest other statements are correct.
Rest other statements are correct. 126 (a) Statement (a) is correct, while statement (b) is
incorrect. It’s correct form is as follows :
115 (b) Statement (b) is correct, while the other statements
are incorrect. The molecular mass of H2O is slightly less than that of
D2O, hence rate of diffusion of NaCl (i.e. solubility) is
Corrected form are as follows :
slightly higher in the case of H2O.
(a) Metallic hydrides are formed by many d and
f -block elements except group 7, 8 and 9 elements. 128 (d) Statements II and IV are correct, while I and III
are incorrect.
However, even from group 6, chromium forms
Corrected form are as follows :
I. Being heavier in mass D2O reacts with Al 4C3
(c) Unlike saline hydrides, they are almost always slower than H2O.
non-stoichiometric, being deficient in hydrogen.
III. NaCl is less soluble in D2O as compared to H2O.
116 (b) Statement (b) is incorrect.
130 (a) (I) H2 is a 100% pollution free fuel. So, option
It’s correct form is as follows : (I) is correct.
Water can be easily reduced to dihydrogen by highly (II) Molecular weight of H2 ( 2u ).
electropositive metals as shown below : 1
= × molecular weight of butane,
2H2O( l ) + 2Na( s ) → 2NaOH( aq ) + H2 ( g ) 29
Rest other statements are correct. C4H10 (LPG) [58u].
119 (c) Statements I and II are correct, while the statement So, compressed H2 weighs ~30 times more
III is incorrect. It’s correct form is as follows : than a petrol tank and option (b) is correct.
The exhausted cation and anion exchange resin beds (III) NaNi 5 , T-TiH 2 etc. are used for storage of H2
are regenerated by treatment with dilute acid and alkali in small quantities. Thus, option (c) is
solutions respectively. correct.
(IV) On combustion values of energy released per
120 (b) Statement (b) is correct, while the other statements
are incorrect. gram of liquid dihydrogen ( H2 ) : 142 kJ g −1,
Corrected form are as follows : and for LPG : 50 kJ g −1.
So, option (d) is incorrect.
(a) In gas phase, H O H is a bent molecule with
a bond angle of 104.5. 131 (a) Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table
as it has the electronic configuration of 1s1.
(c) In liquid phase, intermolecular H-bonding takes
place. Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
explanation of A.
121 (b) Statement (b) is incorrect. 132 (a) Hydrogen is extremely small in size as compared
It’s correct form is as follows : to normal atomic and ionic sizes of 50 to 200 pm.
In liquid state, water molecules form two hydrogen As a consequence, H+ does not exist freely and is
bonds with their neighbouring water molecules. always associated with other atoms or molecules.
In solid state (ice), it contains four H-bonds due to Thus, it is unique in behaviour and is therefore, best
spatial arrangement of molecules to form an open cage placed separately in the periodic table.
like structure. Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
Rest other statements are correct. explanation of A.
133 (a) Lithium hydride is rather unreactive at moderate 143 (b) H2O2 is miscible with water in all proportions and
temperature with O2 or Cl 2. It is therefore, used in the forms a hydrate H2O2 ⋅ H2O (m.p. 221 K).
synthesis of other useful hydrides. Thus, both A and R are correct and R is not the correct
e.g. 8LiH + Al 2Cl6 → 2LiAlH4 + 6LiCl explanation of A.
2LiH + B2H6 → 2LiBH4
144 (a) H2O2 shows reducing action in the acidic medium
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
as shown below :
explanation of A.
HOCl + H2O2 → H3O+ + Cl − + O2
134 (c) Atomic hydrogen is more powerful reducing agent
than dihydrogen because bond energy of H2 is Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
maximum for a single bond between two atoms. explanation of A.
Thus, A is correct but R is incorrect. 145 (a) H2O2 shows an oxidising action in the acidic
135 (b) Atomic hydrogen flame produces a temperature of medium as shown in the following reaction :
4000 K but oxy-hydrogen flame produces a 2Fe2+ ( aq ) + 2H+ ( aq ) + H2O2( aq ) → 2Fe3+ ( aq )
temperature of 2000 K.
+ 2H2O( l )
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is not the correct
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
explanation of A.
explanation of A.
136 (b) Hydrogen gas is used in fuel cells for generating
electrical energy because it provides lot of energy 146 (a) H2O2 shows reducing action in the basic medium.
without causing pollution. e.g.
The electrolyte used in fuel cells may be acidic or alkaline. 2MnO−4 + 3H2O2 → 2MnO2 + 3O2 + 2H2O + 2OH−
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is not the correct Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
explanation of A. explanation of A.
137 (a) Metals like platinum and palladium can absorb the 147 (a) Presence of calcium and magnesium salts in the
large volumes of hydrogen so they are used as the form of hydrogen carbonate, chloride and sulphate in
storage media for hydrogen. water makes water ‘hard’. These salts react with soap
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct molecules to form a precipitate called scum.
explanation of A. That’s why, hard water does not lather with soap.
138 (c) Sodium hydride is an electrovalent compound in Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
which hydrogen is present as an anion, H− which is explanation of A.
discharged as H2 at anode on electrolysis.
148 (c) Soft water gives lather with soap easily as it is free
Thus, A is correct but R is incorrect. from soluble salts of calcium and magnesium.
139 (c) In comparison to other liquids, water has a higher Thus, A is correct but R is incorrect.
specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity and
surface tension. 149 (a) Hard water forms scum/precipitate with soap.
− +
These properties allow water to play a key role in the Soap containing sodium stearate (C17 H35COONa )
biosphere. reacts with hard water to precipitate out Ca/Mg
Thus, A is correct but R is incorrect. stearate.
140 (b) The crystalline form of water is ice. At atmospheric 2C 17 H35 COONa( aq ) + M 2+ ( ag ) →
pressure, ice crystallises in the hexagonal form, but at (C17 H35 COO)2 M ↓ + 2Na + ( aq ); (M is Ca/Mg.)
very low temperature, it condenses into the cubic form.
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is not the correct Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
explanation of A. explanation of A.
141 (a) Density of ice is less than that of water because of 150 (a) Permanent hardness of water is removed by
it has open cage like structures which consists of air treatment with washing soda because washing soda
filled voids. reacts with soluble magnesium and calcium sulphate to
Therefore, an ice cube floats on water. form insoluble carbonates.
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
explanation of A. explanation of A.
142 (c) In winter season, ice formed on the surface of a 152 (d) The correct match is :
lake provides thermal insulation which ensures the A →5, B → 4, C → 2, D → 3, E → 1.
survival of the aquatic life. This fact is of great l Complex compounds do not give all their constituent
ecological significance. ions when dissolved in water. In them, individual
Thus, A is correct but R is incorrect. identity of ions are lost, e.g. LiAlH4.
l Lewis acids are electron deficient species which gain Similarly,
electrons while forming a bond with Lewis bases. B. 20 volume of H2O2 = 60.6 g/L
e.g. B2H6. 60.6
l Interstitial hydrides are formed by elements of d and = mol/L = 1.785 M
f -block, e.g. LaH3. C. 30 volume of H2O2 = 90.9 g/L
l AsH3 is covalent, while BeH2 is polymeric. 90.9
= g equi/L = 5.35 N
153 (d) The correct match is : 17
A → 3, B → 2, → C → 1. D. 100 volume of H2O2 is 30.3% H2O2 and is
Many salts can be crystallised as hydrated salts from commonly called perhydrol.
an aqueous solution. Such an association of water is of 156 (d) The correct match is A → 3, B → 1, C → 2, D → 4
different types viz.
Heavy water is D2O. Temporary hardness of water is
(i) coordinated water, e.g. [Cr(H2O)6 ]3+ 3Cl − due to the presence of bicarbonates of Mg and Ca in
(ii) interstitial water, e.g. BaCl 2 ⋅ 2H2O water. Soft water does not contain any foreign ions and
(iii) hydrogen-bonded water, permanent hardness of water is due to the presence of
sulphates and chlorides of Mg and Ca in water.
e.g. [Cu(H2O)4 ] 2+ SO24− ⋅ H2O in CuSO4 ⋅ 5H2O
157 (b) Hydrogen atom has only one electron in its
154 (a) The correct match is : 1s orbital. So, to achieve stable nearest inert gas
A→ 3, B→ 1, C→ 2, D → 4 configuration, i.e. of helium, it exists as diatomic
molecule and is called dihydrogen.
The different methods for the removal of hardness of
water are given below : 158 (a) The complete reactions are given below :
Boiling (i) y H2 ( g ) + M xO y ( s ) → xM ( s ) + y H2O( l )
Heating (A )
Mg(HCO3 )2 → Mg(OH)2↓ + 2CO2 ↑
(Soluble) (Insoluble) (ii) CO( g ) + 2H2 ( g ) → CH3OH( l )
Catalyst Methanol
Clark’s method
(B )
Ca(HCO3 )2 + Ca(OH)2 → 2CaCO3 ↓ + 2H2O
Ni, 1270 K
Calgon’s method (iii) C3H8 ( g ) + 3H2O( g ) → 3CO( g ) + 7H2 ( g )
(C )
Na6P6O18 → 2Na + + Na 4P6O18
180 (b) H2O2 acts as an oxidising as well as reducing agents 185 (d) The correct match is :
in alkaline medium. The given reaction shows its A. → ( 5 ); B. → ( 4 ); C. → ( 2 ); D. → (1); E. → ( 3 )
reducing action in basic medium. A. Electrolysis of water produce hydrogen and
I2 + H2O2 + 2OH− → 2I − + 2H2O + O2
B. Lithium aluminium hydride is used as reducing
181 (a) Bicarbonates, chlorides and sulphates of Ca and agent.
Mg are responsible for the hardness of water. C. Hydrogen chloride is a polar molecule.
182 (c) For water softening, sodium hexametaphosphate is D. Heavy water is used in atomic reactor as
used. Its chemical formula is Na 2[Na 4 (PO3 )6 ] moderator.
= Na6P6O18 . Its trade name is Calgon. E. Atomic hydrogen recombines on metal surface to
2CaCl 2 + Na 2[Na 4 (PO3 )6 ] → Na 2[Ca 2 (PO3 )6 ] +4NaCl generate high temperature.
(From hard Sodium Complex salt 186 (a) The correct match is :
water) hexametaphosphate (soluble)
A. → ( 2, 4 ); B. → ( 3 ); C. → (1, 3 )
183 (a) The correct match is : A. Hydrogen peroxide is used as a perhydrol and
A. → ( 9, 10 ); B. → ( 4 , 5, 7, 8, 9 ); C. → ( 6 ); propellant.
B. Sodium hexametaphosphate is used in Calgon
D. → (1, 3 ); E. → ( 2, 4 ); F. → ( 5 )
A. Synthesis gas – Synthesis of methanol C. Permanent hardness of hard water is removed by
– Mixture of CO and H2 zeolite and sodium hexametaphosphate.