Microbiology Jan 2022
Microbiology Jan 2022
Microbiology Jan 2022
Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.
Seat No.
Name of the Examination:
Second Year M.B.B.S.
Name of the Subject:
Microbiology : Paper-I
General Microbiology and Immunology
1 What is complement. Explain in detail about 12x1=12
classical and alternate complement pathway. Discuss
the effector functions of complement and
deficiency associated diseases.
NC-2106000102030101] 1
I Contd.
3 Write Short answers in 2-3 lines: 5x2=10
(1) What is agglutination reaction ? Give two examples
of agglutination reaction.
(2) Enumerate two methods to check efficiency of
sterilant and disinfection.
(3) What is microaerophillic bacteria ? Give two
(4) Enumerate any four live vaccines.
(5) Give two examples of type III Hypersensitivity
Infection of Bloodstream and Cardiovascular System,
Gastrointestinal Tract and Hepatobiliary System
NC-2106000102030101] 3 850
Second Year M. B. B. S. Examination
January - 2022
Microbiology : Paper-II
(New Course)
Time 3 Hours] ITotal Marks 100
Instructions :
Seat No.
Fillup strictly the details ofsigns on your answer book.
Microbiology: Paper-II
Section No. (1, 2,.)Nil
Subject Code No.: Student's Signature
210 600010 2 0 3 0 10 2
Section IIA: Infections of skin, Soft Tissue and
Musculoskeletal System and Respiratory System
NC-2106000102030102] 1 I Contd...
(3) List the cutaneous parasitic infection. Write briefly on
cutaneous larva migrans.
4) A child aged6 year with high grade fever, toxic, pain
in the throat, inability to swallow was brought to the
On examination found
casualty. white patch
a was
NC-2106000102030102] 2
[ Contd..
2 Short Notes : (Any four) 7x4-28
(1) A 28 year old heterosexual male with history of sexual
exposure with commercial sex worker is presented to
STD clinic with painless hard indurated genital ulcer
and painless hard lymph nodes. What is the clinical
diagnosis and write in detail about laboratory diagnosis
of causative organism.
(2) Enlist the various causes of non-gonococcal urethritis
and describe in detail about life cycle and laboratory
diagnosis of chlamydia trachomatis infection.
3) A 35 years old male with history of HIV/ AIDS
presented to casualty with high grade fever, headache
and seizures. CSF microscopy revealed budding yeast
cells, surrounded by a halo. What is etiological diagnosis
and discuss its laboratory diagnosis and treatment.
4) Enumerate different physical method of sterilization.
Describe in detail about Filtration.
(5) What do you know about Autonomy? Define consent
and write in detail about types of consent.
NC-2106000102030102] 480 11
Second Year M.B.B.S. Examination
January - 2022
Microbiology : Paper-I
(old Course)
Time 2 Hours] ITotal Marks 40
Instruction :
Seat No.:
Fillup strictly the details ofsigns on your answer book.
Name ofthe Examination
Second Year M.B.B.S.
Name ofthe Subject:
Microbiology: Paper-I (old Course)
Subject Code No.:
Section No. (1, 2, 1&2 Student's Signature
2 0 06 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 00 0 1
Describe bacterial growth curve in detail.
NC-2006000102020001] 1 I Contd...
NC-2006000102020001] 501
1 0 2 0 20 0 0 2
Second Year M.B.B.S. Examination
January - 2022
Microbiology : Paper-II
(Old Course)
Time 2 Hours] ITotal Marks 40
Instruction :
Seat No.:
Fillup strictly the details ofsigns on your answer book.
Name ofthe Examination:
Second Year M.B.B.S.
Name of the Subject :
NC-2006000102020002] 1 [ Contd..
4 Write in short: (1 - 2 sentences) 10
(a) Define Biological False Positive (BFP)
reaction in syphilis.
b) Give one example each of enrichment and selective
media used for Salmonella.
(c) Enumerate 4 clinical syndromes caused by E.Coli.
(d) Name two halophilic vibrios.
(e) Name two infections caused by Cryptococcus neoformans.
( Give two uses of bacteriophage.
(g)Name two human prion diseases.
h) Define hospital acquired infection.
() Give two differences between 'orthomyxo' and paramyxo'
Type and schedule of Heptitis B vaccine.
NC-2006000102020002] 2 50 1