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NCM 119 - Trans

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NCM 119 41
Chapter 1
Trans by: Aclan, Adalia, Aligado, Anonuevo, Aquino, Balaoeg, Balatinsayo, Banez, and Belda 03

NURSING LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Risk-taking Maintain an Interested in risk-

orderly, taking and
LEADERSHIP VS. MANAGEMENT controlled, rational exploring new
and equitable ideas
Leadership: the act of influencing and motivating a group of structure
people to act in the same direction towards achieving a
common goal. Relationship According to their In an intuitive and
with people own roles emphatic manner
Management: the process of leading and directing an
organization to meet its goal through the use of appropriate
Self-reward When fulfilling From personal
organizational achievements
missions or goals

Success as If they are May or may not be
manager reappointed; successful
do not have delegated legitimate source of power manager as long manager
authority but obtain their due to the delegated as appointment
power through other means, authority holds
such as influence
focus on group process, emphasize control, decision
information gathering, making, decision analysis,
Autocratic/Authoritarian Leadership
feedback, and empowering and results
others ● Makes decision alone
● Task oriented
have goals that may or may greater formal responsibility ● Power with coercion
not reflect those of the and accountability for ● Proves useful (even necessary) in crisis situation
● Authoritarian or exploitative style of leadership
organization rationality and control than
● Satisfaction is low
leaders ● Effective when needed for immediate action
● High productivity, less satisfaction of workers

“...management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of Democratic Leadership

success; leadership determines whether the ladder is
leaning against the right wall.”  Involve their followers in decision making
 People oriented
 Leads to increase productivity and job satisfaction
 There is compliance
Appointment Are appointed May or may not  Participative/Consultative
officially to have official
position appointment to Laissez-Faire Leadership
● Loose and permissive
● Ultraliberal
Power and Have power and As long as ● Foster freedom for everyone and wants everyone to
Authority authority to followers are willing be happy
enforce ● Results in low productivity and employee frustration
● Most beneficial to a staff of highly motivated
Goals Carry out Influence others,
predetermined either formally or
policies, rules and informally
NCM 119 41
Chapter 1
Trans by: Aclan, Adalia, Aligado, Anonuevo, Aquino, Balaoeg, Balatinsayo, Banez, and Belda 03


Great Man Theory

● Assumes that some are born to be lead whereas

● It is the process of getting activities completed
efficiently and effectively with and through people
others are born to be led.
● They are born with the capacity to persuade, influence ● Is the process of planning, organizin, directing and
and motivate others. controlling human and physical resources

Trait Theory
● Leader has innate abilities that should be develop for
him/ her to become a successful leader. ● Manpower
● Intelligent, initiative, creative and communication skills ● Money
● Machine
Situational Theory ● Materials
● Methods
● Hershey and Blanchard ~ ● Moment
● Emphasizes on the maturity level of the leader/ ● Market
● leadership effectiveness model
● participating and leadership style LEVELS OF MANAGER

Contigency Theory Upper level Managers

- Primary responsible for establishing organizational
● Fiedler goals and strategic plans for the entire division of
● leader can be effective if he/she can immediately nursing.
resolve an emergency or crisis situation. - Policy making body of the organization
● 3 aspects: leader member relation, task structure, and
position power Middle level Managers
- Usually coordinate nursing activities of several units
Transactional Theory
First level Managers
● leaders are called traditional leaders - Directly responsible for the actual production of
● Burns nursing services; acts as links between higher level
● Concerned with day to day operation managers and non-managers.
● Leaders rely on rewards and punishments to achieve
optimal job performance from their subordinates.
Transformational Theory
Frederick W. Taylor, the “father of scientific management”
 Leader promises change by stimulating people to
change - Work should be studied scientifically to determine the
 Focus on vision and empowerment method of task performance that would yield
 Leader is commited
maximum work output with minimum work
Servant Theory expenditure.

 Greenleaf Four Overriding Principles of Scientific Management

 Put serving others including employees, customers
and community as the number one priority 1. Traditional “rule of thumb” means of organizing work
must be replaced with scientific methods.
2. A scientific personnel system must be established so
that workers can be hired, trained, and promoted
based on their technical competence and abilities.
NCM 119 41
Chapter 1
Trans by: Aclan, Adalia, Aligado, Anonuevo, Aquino, Balaoeg, Balatinsayo, Banez, and Belda 03
3. Workers should be able to view how they “fit into the 4. Unity of command: there should only be one boss
organization and how they contribute to overall with no conflicting lines of command.
organizational productivity. 5. Unity of direction: people engaged in the same kind
4. The relationship between managers and workers of activities must have the same objectives in a single
should be cooperative and interdependent, and the plan.
work should be shared equally. 6. Subordination of individual interest to general
interest: the goals of the firms are always paramount.
7. Remuneration: payment is an important motivator.
BUREAUCRACY 8. Centralization or Decentralization: depends on the
condition of business and the quality of its personnel.
Max Weber (1922): Theory of Social and Economic 9. Scalar chain/line of authority: refers to the number
Organization advocated Bureaucracy. of levels in the hierarchy.
10. Order: both material order (minimizes lost time &
- Need for legalized, formal authority and consistent useless handling of materials) and social order
rules and regulations for personnel in different (organization and selection) are necessary.
positions. 11. Equity: employees should be treated well to achieve
12. Stability of tenure of personnel: job security and
MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS career progress are important for employees to work
Henri Fayol (1925): first identified the management functions 13. Initiative: allow personnel to show their initiative, it
of planning, oraginzation, command, coordination, and control. may be a source of strength for the organization.
14. Esprit de corps: management should foster the
Activities of Management moral of employees.

1. Planning determines philosophy, goals, objectives,

policies, procedures, and rules; carrying out long- and ACTIVITIES OF MANAGEMENT
short-range projections; determining a fiscal course of
action; and managing planned change. Luther Gulick (1937): Expanded on Fayol’s management
2. Organizing establishes the structure to carry out functions in his introduction of the “Seven Activities of
plans, determining the most appropriate type of Management”
patient care delivery, and grouping activities to meet
unit goals. Seven Activities of Management (POSDCORB)
3. Staffing consist of recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and
orienting staff. Scheduling, staff development, ● Planning
employee socialization, and team building. ● Organizing
4. Directing consists of motivating, managing conflict, ● Staffing
delegating, communicating, and facilitating ● Directing
collaboration. ● Coordinating
5. Controlling functions include performance ● Reporting
appraisals, fiscal accountability, quality control, legal ● Budgeting
and ethical control, and professional and collegial
14 Principles of Management
Mary Parker Follett(1926): was one of the first theorists to
1. Division of work: allows specialization. suggest participative decision making or participative
2. Authority: right to command balanced with management.
responsibility and accountability.
3. Discipline: employees will only obey orders if - Managers should have authority with, rather than
management play their part by providing good over, employees.
NCM 119 41
Chapter 1
Trans by: Aclan, Adalia, Aligado, Anonuevo, Aquino, Balaoeg, Balatinsayo, Banez, and Belda 03
Elton Mayo and his Harvard Associates (1927-1932): look at William Ouchi, Theory Z, posited that involved workers are the
the relationship between lights illumination in the factory and key to increase productivity.

Hawthorne Effect
- Indicated that people respond to the fact that they
are being studied, attempting to increase whatever behavior.

Chris Argyris (1964): managerial domination causes workers

to become discouraged and passive.

- If self-esteem and independence needs are not met,

employees will become discouraged and troublesome
or may leave the organization.


Douglas McGregor (1960): X and Theory Y, posited that

managerial attitudes about employees can be directly
correlated with employee satisfaction.

Theory X and Y

- Theory X Managers believe that their employees are

basically lazy, need constant supervision and
direction, and are indifferent to organizational needs.
- Theory Y Managers believe that their workers enjoy
their work, are self-motivated, and are willing to work
hard to meet personal and organizational goals.

‘Theory X’ ‘Theory Y’
Theory X - authoritarian,
repressive style. Tight
control, no development.
Produces limited, depressed Theory Y - liberating
culture. and developmental.
Control, achievement
and continuous
staff achieved by enabling,
empowering and
giving responsibility.


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