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SE-210 SDA Handout 2024 Finalized

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Department of Computer Software Engineering

Military College of Signals(MCS)

National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

Software Design and Architecture

Course Code: SE-210 Semester: Spring 2024
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisite: Software engineering,
Object oriented programming
Instructor: Lec. Fawad Khan Class: BESE-26 B
Office: CSE Dept Telephone: 33264
Lecture/Lab E-mail: fawadc2@yahoo.co.uk

Class Room: Consulting Hours: Thu (11:00am-11:50am)

Lab Engrs: Lab Engr email.

Knowledge Software Design Updates on LMS: Weekly

Course Description:
This course is intended to enhance the abilities of students to develop and analyze the design principles of
software (high level, mid-level, and low level). In this course, students are introduced to principles of good
design, and techniques for the evaluation of software design quality. The course will introduce the students to
a number of design patterns and their applications. In addition, the course also covers some advanced tools to
satisfy the psychomotor domain.
This course also covers the principal architectural issues associated with the design and construction of large-
scale software systems including architectural design and documentation, component models and
technologies, and frameworks.

Course Objectives
The objective of this course is
 To enhance the abilities of students to create good software designs.
 To learn principles of good architecture and design.
 To understand, why software design and architecture matter, and how to do it for a small, medium, and a
big project.
 To introduce the students to several design patterns and architectural styles, and their applications.
 To equip students the different steps involved in a good design (extracting nouns, verbs etc., from a given
plain text).

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Department of Computer Software Engineering
Military College of Signals(MCS)
National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the students will be able to attain the CLOs in the table below.
Sr No. CLO PLO No.
1. Discuss principles and fundamentals of software design and 1
architecture (C-2)
2. Apply appropriate design / architectural pattern for a given 3
problem. (C-3)
3. Analyze object-oriented models and refine them to reflect 4
implementation details (C-4)
4. Practice system design/architecture by using modern tools (P-3) 5

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective domain

Remembering (C-1), Understanding (C-2), Applying (C-3), Analyzing (C-4), Evaluating (C-5), Creating (C-6),
Guided Response (P-3), Valuing (A-3)

Text Books: ▪ Software Engineering by I. Sommerville
▪ Design Patterns: Elements of reusable Object-Oriented Software
Reference ▪ Software Engineering by Roger Pressman, Latest Edition
Books: ▪ Software Engineering with UML, Bhuvan Unhelkar.
▪ Applying UML and Patterns; An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and
Iterative Development”, by Craig Larman. Latest Edition
▪ “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”, by Erich Gamma, Richard
Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. Addison-Wesley, 1994.
▪ “Systems Analysis and Design with UML; An Object-Oriented Approach”, by Allan Dennis,
Barbara Haley and David Tegarden. John Wiley & Sons, Inc
▪ “Software Architecture in Practice”; by Bass et al, Addison Wesley,

Mapping of CLOs to Program Learning Outcomes


PLO 1 (Engineering Knowledge) √
PLO 2 (Problem Analysis)
PLO 3 (Design/Development of Solutions) √
PLO 4 (Investigation) √
PLO 5 (Modern tool usage)
PLO 6 (The Engineer and Society)
PLO 7 (Environment and Sustainability)
PLO 8 (Ethics)
PLO 9 (Individual and Team Work) √
PLO 10 (Communication)
PLO 11 (Project Management)
PLO 12 (Lifelong Learning)

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Department of Computer Software Engineering
Military College of Signals(MCS)
National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

Week Topic CLOs

1 Introduction: Software Design Concepts, Design CLO 1
principles, and Software Engineering
2 High level, mid level, and low level design CLO 1
3 Architectural design issues, descriptive architecture, CLO 1
prescriptive architecture
4 Software Architecture, Architectural Styles 1 CLO 2
5 Software Architecture, Architectural Styles 2 CLO 2
6 MVC architecture CLO 2
7 4+1 view CLO3
Modern Tools for SDA
8 Object-Oriented Design with UML, Exploring CLO 3
inheritance and object
Composition etc.
9 Object oriented analysis and Design of a real-world CLO 3
10 Middleware and service-oriented architecture CLO 2
11 Micro service architecture, component based architecture CLO 2
12 User interface design , Web applications design, Mobile CLO 1
application design
13 Design Patterns CLO 2
14 SDA and Psychology CLO 4
15 Students Presentation 1 CLO 4
16 Students Presentation 2 CLO 4

Mapping of CLOs to Assessment Modules and Weightages

Assessments/CLOs CLO1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO4

Quizzes: 10%
√ √ √
Assignments: 10% √
√ √ √
Mid-Term Exam: 30%
√ √ √
Lab/Project: 25% √
√ √ √
End Semester Exam:50
√ √ √

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Department of Computer Software Engineering
Military College of Signals(MCS)
National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

Lab Experiments CLO Mapping

S No List of Experiments CLO

1 Software Installation & Configuration 5

2 Domain Model 5

3 Use Case Diagrams - I 5

4 Use Case Diagrams - II 5

5 Modular Design 5

6 Class Diagram 5

7 Interaction Diagrams: Sequence Diagram 5

8 Activity Diagram 5

9 Deployment Diagram 5

10 Package Diagram 5

11 Open-Ended Lab 5

12 Model View Controller (MVC) Implementation 5

13 Microservices Architecture 5

14 GoF Patterns - I 5

15 GoF Patterns - II 5

16 Lab Exam/Project 5

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Department of Computer Software Engineering
Military College of Signals(MCS)
National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

Grading Policy:
Quiz Policy: The quizzes will be (un)announced and normally last for 15 minutes. The questions framed
are to test the concepts involved in last few lectures. Grading for quizzes will mostly be on a
fixed scale of 0 to 10.
Assignment Policy: In order to develop comprehensive understanding of the subject, assignments will be given.
Late assignments will not be accepted / graded. All assignments will count towards the
total. The students are advised to do the assignment themselves. Copying of assignments is
highly discouraged and violations will be dealt severely by referring any occurrences to the
disciplinary committee. The questions in the assignment are meant to be challenging to give
students confidence and extensive knowledge about the subject matter and enable them to
prepare for the exams.
Lab Conduct The labs will be conducted for three hours every week. A lab handout will be given in
advance for study and analysis. The students are to submit their lab tasks at the end
of lab for
Plagiarism: NUST has a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism.

Tools / Software Requirement:

▪ Microsoft Visio, visual paradigm and other related SW

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