Catatan Kuliah 2024
Catatan Kuliah 2024
Catatan Kuliah 2024
The future is
"Hi, my name is Vince, I come from Vietnam and
University of Sydney
the University of Sydney is my dream University. Foundation Program�������������������� 14
My dream came true, I am now studying a High Achievers
Bachelor of Arts at the University of Sydney after Preparation Program�������������������� 15
I recently completed the Intensive Foundation Course structures������������������������ 16
Program at Taylors College Sydney. Admission guide��������������������������� 19
Academic English
I feel Taylors College gave me the best study Preparation (AEP)������������������������ 25
experience and preparation before transitioning —
to my university studies." Awards and scholarships��������������27
91% 100%
and University of Sydney High Achievers Preparation
Program (HAPP) are registered on CRICOS by the
University of Sydney and delivered by Navitas
Australia Pty Limited, trading as Taylors College,
on behalf of the University of Sydney.
of USFP students of HAPP students Academic English Preparation (AEP) is registered on
Page 3
received offers to the received offers to the CRICOS and delivered by Navitas Australia Pty
Limited, trading as Taylors College.
University of Sydney. University of Sydney.
Choose Sydney
Ranked one of the best
student cities in the world*
Set around a beautiful natural harbour, Sydney provides
a stunning setting for your studies. USPP International Student Prospectus 2024
A taste for culture Food from around the globe The great outdoors
Sydney hosts world-renowned Enjoy a meal at some of Sydney's Sydney is known for its beautiful
exhibitions at institutions such famous “eat streets” which host beaches, fantastic surfing locations
as the Australian Museum and the a truly global range of cuisines, and lively cafe and music cultures.
Art Gallery of New South Wales. including, Chinese, Italian, Vietnamese, The coastal location is great for
There are also regular performances French, Spanish, Japanese, Lebanese walking, cycling, boat trips, seaplane
of ballet, theatre productions and and Thai, just to name a few. flights and even helicopter tours.
opera at the famous Sydney Opera Nearby National Parks include
Alternatively, you can choose
House, the Sydney Theatre Company Sydney Harbour, Royal, and the Blue
to eat at one of the many famous
and many other venues throughout Mountains national parks, where you
beach restaurants with glorious
the city. can enjoy picnics, swimming and
views of the blue Pacific Ocean.
barbecues. With hot summers and
mild winters, you can enjoy everything
Sydney has to offer all year round.
Page 4
We are also ranked in the world's top 50 Postgraduate research students 4630
universities for more than 30 subjects#. Total 80,046
amazing city of Sydney has to offer!" Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Dalyell Scholars)
Jane James, PFHEA,MA
College Director, Taylors College Sydney
Page 9
Be part of a
supportive community
Gain a great support network and make
the most of your study abroad experience.
the University of Sydney main campus. Learn essential life skills that will
Staff from the University regularly visit benefit you both during and after
Taylors College (in person or virtually) your college years.
to talk to you about courses, the
progression process and university life. Movie Nights
Relax and unwind with friends at our
Experience the Best of movie nights, featuring a variety of
Student Life films.
Student Magazine - Taylors Chronicles
Showcasing the best of student art, Student Clubs
stories and what happening on Dive into a world of student clubs
campus. covering hobbies, cultures, and
causes that matter to you.
Please note: All students travelling without an approved guardian must live in University approved accommodation and book an approved
airport transfer service.
All homestay providers are approved to provide airport transfer services. Students who require airport transfer services must book directly
with the provider.
Iglu Redfern has an airport transfer service available for their students. Students are required to contact Iglu directly for this service.
Scape does not arrange airport transfers for students but transport to this location may be made with other providers offering
transfer services. Students are encouraged to book airport transfers with any of the homestay providers as they offer these services.
Students over the age of 18 are also welcome to arrange airport transfers through the above providers.
Approved caregivers
in New South Wales
The University has made International Student Alliance Professional Student Care
arrangements with the following (ISA) Guardian and Welfare Name: Ms Sharron Shiu
organisations to provide caregiver Service (Bilingual - Mandarin/English)
services. Name: Mr Ivan McKinney Postal Address: P.O. Box 157,
USFP Standard Program (CRICOS Working with the University Keeping you on track
022310D) is taught over two semesters, The University of Sydney oversees Your attendance and academic
with two 10-week terms each semester. the setting and moderating of final progress are monitored closely and
You will study 10 subjects in total, examinations, and staff from the additional support organised where
five subjects in each semester made University also often visit Taylors needed. Our academic and student
up of Academic English Skills and four College Sydney, giving you the support teams are here to help with
academic subjects. You study the opportunity to find out more personal or academic problems
same subject for the full semester. about your course options. affecting your studies.
USFP Extended Program (CRICOS
048302A) is taught over three Supporting your needs Course and career guidance
semesters, with two 10-week terms Our staff are experienced in We have on-campus Transition
each semester. You will study 12 recognising the needs of international Advisers who can offer you valuable
subjects in total, four subjects in students. They are here to assist course and progression advice. It's
you with anything, from organising about more than just good grades in USPP International Student Prospectus 2024
The same subject is studied for the countries and cultures, we provide
full semester. an environment that respects
everyone while accommodating
your individual needs.
Intensive Program
Our Foundation Program’s Standard and Intensive formats are offered for students who need a relative amount of preparation
ahead of taking on a degree at Sydney. They are taught full time over the course of 52 and 40 weeks, respectively.
Foundations of Visual Arts and Design Core A & B Bachelor of Visual Arts students
(only available for January Standard and Extended August students) (entry dependant on a portfolio)
Foundations of Visual Arts and Design Elective A & B
Elective - Accounting A* & B - Information Technology A* & B* Choose 2-4 subjects (A and B) depending on compulsory
subjects - Advanced Mathematics A* & B* - International Studies A* (Politics) subjects and using the recommendations as a guide
- Australian Studies A* & B* - International Studies B* (Economics)
- Biology A* & B* - Mathematics (Business) A* & B USPP International Student Prospectus 2024
Subject Minors Subjects marked with a * can be taken as one semester long minor. Only 2 minors can be taken for each program.
Note: Subjects offered are conditional on student numbers/preferences.
Science student January – Standard (52 weeks) Commerce student April – Intensive (40 weeks)
Semester 1 Grade Semester 2 Grade Semester 1 Grade Semesters 2-3 Grade
Maths for Science A 7.2 Maths for Science B 7.6 Maths for Business A* 8.2 Maths for Business B 7.6
GPA 8.1
Page 16
** The subject selection guidelines (available on Taylors College website) provide further information on the core subjects for your degree and examples of some of the elective subjects you may choose from.
These will vary depending on your degree, the number of students taking the subject, availability and whether B subjects can be studied at the same time as an A subject.
Note: Subject selection may be limited. For a full list of subject descriptions, please visit the Taylors College website
Course structures
USFP Extended Program
Aimed at students who need slightly longer to prepare, this extended format of our foundation program is taught
full time over the course of 75 weeks.
The program is tailored to meet your needs and prepare you as much as possible for your degree at the University
of Sydney. It is aimed at students requiring a little more support.
University of Sydney Foundation Program - Standard Course. CRICOS Course Code: 022310D. University of Sydney Foundation Program - Extended Course. CRICOS Course Code: 048302A. University of Sydney
Foundation Program - Standard Intensive. CRICOS Course Code: 036126M. These courses will be delivered by Navitas Australia Pty Limited trading as Taylors College on behalf of the University of Sydney.
Course structures
HAPP High Achievers More about
the subjects
Preparation Program
Our accelerated program is taught full time over 14 weeks, preparing you for your chosen degree
at the University of Sydney.
Page 18
High Achievers Preparation Program
(HAPP) graduate
2024 admission guide
to the University of Sydney
University of Sydney admission requirements USFP subject guidelines
Equivalent subjects for University assumed
knowledge and USFP recommendations
Course name CRICOS USFP USFP HAPP University maths Intake Duration Maths Other subjects
GPA English Stream^ prerequisites
MBB or MSB 6.0
Bachelor of Architecture and 082879K 6.9 C+ 2 No Feb 3 MBA & Foundations of Visual Arts and Design
Environments MBB Elective A &/or B
Bachelor of Design 108334C 6.7 C+ 2 No Feb/Jul 3 MBA Foundations of Visual Arts and Design
(Interaction Design) &MBB Elective A &/or B,
Bachelor of Design / Bachelor 108336A 6.7 C+ 2 No Feb/Jul 4 MBA & Foundations of Visual Arts and Design
of Advanced Studies MBB Elective A &/or B,
(Interaction Design) ITA &/or ITB
Bachelor of Design in 052456D 7.5 C+ 1 No Feb 3 MBA & Foundations of Visual Arts and Design
Architecture* MBB Elective A &/or B
Bachelor of Design in Architecture 090781J 7.7 C+ 1 No Feb 5 MBA & Foundations of Visual Arts and Design
(Honours) and Master of MBB Elective A &/or B
Bachelor of Arts 000705M 6.7 C 2 No Feb/Jul 3 NIL Foundations of Social Science A &/or B,
Australian Studies A &/or B
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of 093741D 6.7 C 2 No Feb/Jul 4 NIL Foundations of Social Science A &/or B,
Advanced Studies Australian Studies A &/or B
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of 093741D 9.1 C N/A No Feb/Jul 4 NIL Foundations of Social Science A &/or B,
Advanced Studies (Dalyell Australian Studies A &/or B
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of 093741D 7.3 C 2 No Feb/Jul 4 NIL Foundations of Social Science A &/or B
Advanced Studies (Languages)
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of 0100133 7.5 B- 2 No Feb 4 NIL Media Studies and Communication A &
Advanced Studies (Media and B,
Communications) Foundations of Social Science A & B
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of 093741D 7.4 C 2 No Feb/Jul 4 NIL Foundations of Social Science A &/or B,
Advanced Studies (Politics and International Studies A &/or B,
International Relations) Government and Law A &/or B
Bachelor of Visual Arts 008451G 6.2 + C 2 No Feb 3 NIL Foundations of Visual Arts and Design
portfolio Core A & B,
Foundations of Visual Arts and Design
Elective A & B
Bachelor of Visual Arts and 094170D 6.2 + C 2 No Feb 4 NIL Foundations of Visual Arts and Design
Bachelor of Advanced Studies portfolio Core A & B,
Foundations of Visual Arts and Design
Elective A & B
Bachelor of Commerce 012849G 8.0 C+ 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 3 MBA & Economics A & B, Accounting A & B
Bachelor of Commerce and 093743B 8.0 C+ 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MBA & Economics A & B, Accounting A & B
Page 19
Bachelor of Commerce and 093743B 9.1 C+ N/A MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MBA & Economics A & B, Accounting A & B
Bachelor of Advanced Studies MBB
(Dalyell Scholars)**
2024 admission guide
to the University of Sydney (cont)
University of Sydney admission requirements USFP subject guidelines
Equivalent subjects for University assumed
knowledge and USFP recommendations
Course name CRICOS USFP USFP HAPP University maths Intake Duration Maths Other subjects
GPA English Stream^ prerequisites
MBB or MSB 6.0
Bachelor of Economics 003336G 7.3 C+ 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 3 MBA & Economics A & B,
MBB International Studies A &/or B,
Government and Law A&/or B
Bachelor of Economics and 093742C 7.3 C+ 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MBA & Economics A & B,
Bachelor of Advanced Studies MBB International Studies A &/or B,
Government and Law A&/or B
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor 012851B 6.7 C 2 No Feb 5 NIL Foundations of Social Science A & B
of Social Work
Bachelor of Education (Early 103482J 6.7 B- 2 No Feb 4 NIL Foundations of Social Science A & B,
Childhood) Australian Studies A &/or B
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) 103485F 6.9 + B- 2 No Feb 4 NIL Foundations of Social Science A & B,
personal Australian Studies A &/or B
Bachelor of Education and 103487D 6.9 + B- 2 No Feb 5 NIL Foundations of Social Science A & B,
Bachelor of Advanced Studies personal Australian Studies A &/or B
Bachelor of Social Work 000706K 6.7 C 2 No Feb 4 NIL Foundations of Social Science A & B
Bachelor of Advanced Computing 093855E 7.5 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Information Technology A & B
Bachelor of Advanced Computing 093857C 8.0 C+ 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 5 MSA & Information Technology A & B,
and Bachelor of Commerce MSB Economics A &/or B,
Accounting A &/or B
Bachelor of Advanced Computing 093856D 7.5 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 5 MSA & Information Technology A & B,
and Bachelor of Science MSB Biology A &/or B, Chemistry A &/or B,
Physics A &/or B
Bachelor of Advanced Computing 093856D 7.5 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 5 MSA & Information Technology A & B,
and Bachelor of Science (Health) MSB Biology A &/or B, Chemistry A &/or B,
Foundations of Social Science A &/or B
Bachelor of Advanced Computing 093856D 7.5 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 5 MSA & Information Technology A & B,
and Bachelor of Science (Medical MSB Chemistry A & B, Biology A &/or B,
Science) Physics A &/or B
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083109M 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Physics A & B
(Aeronautical Engineering) MSB
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083109M 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Chemistry A &/or B,
(Biomedical Engineering) MSB Physics A &/or B, Biology A &/or B
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083109M 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Chemistry A & B
(Chemical and Biomolecular MSB
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083109M 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Physics A & B
(Civil Engineering) MSB
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083633B 7.5 C+ 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb 5 MSA & Physics A & B,
Page 20
(Civil) and Bachelor of Design in MSB Foundations of Visual Art A & /or B
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083109M 9.1 C N/A MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Physics A & B, Chemistry A &/or B,
(Dalyell Scholars)** MSB Further Mathematics A &/or B
University of Sydney admission requirements USFP subject guidelines
Equivalent subjects for University assumed
knowledge and USFP recommendations
Course name CRICOS USFP USFP HAPP University maths Intake Duration Maths Other subjects
GPA English Stream^ prerequisites
MBB or MSB 6.0
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083109M 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Physics A & B
(Electrical Engineering) MSB
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083109M 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb 4 MSA & Physics A & B, Chemistry A &/or B
(Flexible First Year) MSB
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083109M 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Physics A & B
(Mechanical Engineering) MSB
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083109M 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Physics A & B
(Mechatronic Engineering) MSB
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083109M 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Physics A & B, IT A &/or B
(Software Engineering) MSB
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083109M 8.9 C 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Physics A & B,
with Space Engineering MSB Further Mathematics A &/or B
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 107885B 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 5.5 MSA & Physics A & B,
and Bachelor of Arts MSB Chemistry A &/or B,
Foundations of Social Science A &/or B
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 107886A 8.0 C+ 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 5.5 MSA & Physics A & B, Chemistry A &/or B,
and Bachelor of Commerce MSB Accounting A &/or B
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083636K 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 5 MSA & Physics A & B, Chemistry A &/or B
and Bachelor of Project MSB
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083637J 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 5 MSA & Physics A & B, Chemistry A &/or B,
and Bachelor of Science MSB Biology A &/or B
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083637J 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 5 MSA & Physics A &/or B,
(Biomedical) and Bachelor of MSB Chemistry A &/or B,
Science (Health) Biology A &/or B
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 083637J 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 5 MSA & Chemistry A & B,
(Biomedical) and Bachelor of MSB Biology A &/or B,
Science (Medical Science) Physics A &/or B
Bachelor of Project Management 074381C 6.9 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 3 MSA & Economics A &/or B,
MSB IT A &/or B
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of 006441D 8.5 B- 1 No Feb/ 5 NIL Government and Law A & B,
Laws Jul+ International Studies A &/or B,
Foundations of Social Science A &/or B
Bachelor of Commerce and 017835F 8.5 B- 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/ 5 MBA & Government and Law A & B,
Bachelor of Laws Jul+ MBB Accounting A &/or B,
International Studies A &/or B
Bachelor of Economics and 006443B 8.5 B- 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/ 5 MBA & Government and Law A & B,
Bachelor of Laws Jul+ MBB Economics A &/or B,
International Studies A &/or B
Bachelor of Engineering Honours 107888K 8.5 B- 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/ 6.5 MSA & Government and Law A & B,
and Bachelor of Laws Jul+ MSB Physics A &/or B,
Chemistry A &/or B
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor 016237C 8.5 B- 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/ 5 MSA & Government and Law A & B,
Admission guide
Bachelor of Applied Science 079215K 7.8 C 2 No Feb 4 MBA & Biology A &/or B,
(Diagnostic Radiography)* MBB Chemistry A &/or B, Physics A &/or B
Bachelor of Applied Science 022306M 6.9 C 2 No Feb 3 MBA & Chemistry A & B
(Exercise and Sport Science)* MBB
Bachelor of Applied Science 088106G 7.5 C+ 2 No Feb 4 MBA & Chemistry A & B
(Exercise Physiology)* MBB
Bachelor of Applied Science 063849G 7.6 C+ 2 No Feb 4 MBA & Chemistry A &/or B, Biology A & B,
Page 21
Bachelor of Applied Science 063847J 9.1 C+ 1 No Feb 4 MBA & Chemistry A & B, Physics A & B
(Physiotherapy)* MBB
2024 admission guide
to the University of Sydney (cont)
University of Sydney admission requirements USFP subject guidelines
Equivalent subjects for University assumed
knowledge and USFP recommendations
Course name CRICOS USFP USFP HAPP University maths Intake Duration Maths Other subjects
GPA English Stream^ prerequisites
MBB or MSB 6.0
Bachelor of Applied Science 012825D 7.7 C+ 2 No Feb 4 NIL Foundations of Social Science A & B
(Speech Pathology)*
Bachelor of Arts and Master 069877K 6.9 # 2 No Feb 4 NIL Biology A and B,
of Nursing# Foundations of Social Science A &/or B
Bachelor of Oral Health* 072495J 7.0 C+ 2 No Feb 3 MBA & Biology A & B, Chemistry A & B
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)/ 105223A 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb 5 MBA & Chemistry A & B, Physics A &/or B,
Master of Pharmacy Practice* MBB Biology A & B
Bachelor of Pharmacy and 105222B 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb 6 MBA & Chemistry A & B, Physics A &/or B,
Management (Honours)/Master MBB Biology A & B
of Pharmacy Practice*
Bachelor of Science (Health) and 069880D 6.9 # 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb 4 MSA & Biology A and B,
Master of Nursing# MSB Foundations of Social Science A &/or B
Bachelor of Science and Master 069880D 6.9 # 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb 4 MSA & Biology A & B,
of Nursing# MSB Foundations of Social Science A &/or B
Bachelor of Science and Master of 069875A 7.8 C+ 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb 5 MSA & Chemistry A & B, Biology A & B
Nutrition and Dietetics* MSB
Music USPP International Student Prospectus 2024
Bachelor of Music 094484G 6.2 + C 2 No Feb 4 NIL Music Core Theory A & B, Music Core
audition/ Performance A & B - other 2 subjects
dependent on academic strengths
Bachelor of Music (Composition) 052452G 6.2 + C 2 No Feb 4 NIL Music Core Theory A & B, Music Core
audition/ Performance A & B - other 2 subjects
dependent on academic strengths
Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of 0101565 6.2 + C 2 No Feb 5 NIL Music Core Theory A & B, Music Core
audition/ Performance A & B - other 2 subjects
Advanced Studies (Composition) interview
dependent on academic strengths
Bachelor of Music (Performance) 052451J 6.2 + C 2 No Feb/Jul 4 NIL Music Core Theory A & B, Music Core
audition/ Performance A & B - other 2 subjects
dependent on academic strengths
Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of 0101564 6.2 + C 2 No Feb/Jul 5 NIL Music Core Theory A & B, Music Core
Advanced Studies (Performance) interview
Performance A & B - other 2 subjects
dependent on academic strengths
Bachelor of Agricultural Science 111866D 6.7 C 2 No Feb 3 MBA & Biology A & B
Bachelor of Agricultural Science 111869A 6.7 C 2 No Feb 4 MBA & Biology A & B
Honours MBB
Bachelor of Liberal Arts and 068569G 6.2 C 2 No Feb/Jul 3 NIL Depends on academic strengths
Bachelor of Liberal Arts and 068569G 7.5 C 2 No Feb/Jul 3 NIL Depends on academic strengths
Science (Advanced)
Page 22
Bachelor of Psychology 107969J 6.9 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb 3 MSA & Biology A &/or B,
MSB Foundations of Social Science A &/or B
Bachelor of Psychology Honours* 107970E 7.6 C 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb 4 MSA & Biology A &/or B,
MSB Foundations of Social Science A &/or B
University of Sydney admission requirements USFP subject guidelines
Equivalent subjects for University assumed
knowledge and USFP recommendations
Course name CRICOS USFP USFP HAPP University maths Intake Duration Maths Other subjects
GPA English Stream^ prerequisites
MBB or MSB 6.0
Bachelor of Science 000719E 6.9 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 3 MSA & Chemistry A &/or B, Biology A &/or B,
MSB Physics A &/or B
Bachelor of Science (Advanced) 000719E 7.5 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 3 MBA & Chemistry A &/or B,
MBB Biology A &/or B, Physics A &/or B
Bachelor of Science (Health) 000719E 6.9 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 3 MBA & Chemistry A &/or B, Biology A &/or B,
MBB Foundations of Social Science A &/or B
Bachelor of Science (Medical 000719E 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 3 MSA & Chemistry A & B, Physics A &/or B,
Science) MSB Biology A &/or B
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor 093744A 6.9 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Chemistry A & B, Physics A &/or B,
of Advanced Studies MSB Biology A &/or B
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor 093744A 7.5 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Chemistry A & B, Physics A &/or B,
of Advanced Studies (Advanced) MSB Biology A &/or B
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor 0100160 6.9 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Chemistry A & B, Biology A & B
of Advanced Studies (Animal and MSB
Veterinary Bioscience)
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor 093744A 9.1 C N/A MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Further Mathematics A &/or B,
of Advanced Studies (Dalyell MSB Chemistry A &/or B, Physics A &/or B,
Scholars including Mathematical Biology A &/or B
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor 093744A 6.9 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Chemistry A & B, Biology A & B,
of Advanced Studies (Health) MSB Foundations of Social Science A &/or B
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor 093744A 7.3 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Chemistry A & B, Physics A &/or B,
of Advanced Studies (Medical MSB Biology A &/or B
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor 093744A 6.9 C 2 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4 MSA & Chemistry A & B, Biology A &/or B
of Advanced Studies (Taronga MSB
Wildlife Conservation)
Bachelor of Science and Master of 097036G 7.8 C 1 MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb/Jul 4.5 MSA & Further Mathematics A & B
Mathematical Sciences MSB Depends on academic strengths
Bachelor of Veterinary Biology and 079222M 7.8 + C+ N/A MBB or MSB 6.0 Feb 6 MSA & Chemistry A & B, Physics A & B,
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine* Casper Test + MSB Biology A &/or B
Table notes
This table is a guide to courses and admission criteria at the University of Sydney for entry in 2024. It is correct at the time
of print and may be subject to change. For the latest course information, visit the University of Sydney ‘Find a Course’ website:
For courses that have other admission criteria listed in addition to the GPA, including double degrees with progression requirements
visit the 'Find a course' website for full details.
Assumed knowledge: For the courses listing equivalent subjects for University assumed knowledge, the University expects you to have reached a certain level of knowledge in the areas specified
(eg. mathematics, physics, chemistry or biology) through your high school or preparation/foundation studies, before starting your university course. You can find course-specific assumed
knowledge on the University's 'Find a course' website.
Refer to the intakes available for the University of Sydney courses as students must start the course of their choice in the immediate subsequent semester of completing the foundation/
preparation program. A gap in the study period cannot occur.
Admission guide
Key to symbols
A & B - Part A and Part B must be completed.
A &/or B - Complete both Part A and Part B or choose either Part A or Part B.
Feb - offered in the February semester (semester 1) only.
Feb/Jul - offered in both the February (semester 1) and July (Semester 2) semesters.
+ Students commencing combined law degrees in Semester 2 (Jul) will not be able to start the Law component until Semester 1 (Feb)
of the following year.
* These courses have a limited number of places and the GPA listed is the minimum to be considered for an offer. It is possible that
not all students will be offered a place or be able to accept an offer once course capacity is reached and may be offered an alternative course choice.
** Dalyell Scholars stream - to study as a Dalyell Scholar in these courses you will need to apply to the specific course with the Dalyell stream. There are other Dalyell-eligible courses which are by
invitation if you are eligible to receive an offer. For more information, visit:
Page 23
^ HAPP students are required to note the University of Sydney assumed knowledge in making their subject selections. For more information, visit the 'Find a course' website:
# Nursing pre-registration courses have English requirements set by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC).
USPP students will be required to meet the IELTS requirement of an overall 7.0 with no band below 7.0 or other English language proficiency tests and results as indicated here:
Page 24 USPP International Student Prospectus 2024
Academic English
Preparation (AEP)
If you need to improve your level of English language skills in order
to study a foundation program, AEP is the perfect solution.
• December • April • August
Page 25
Taylors College Sydney offers Future Leaders Award The University of Sydney
scholarships for the first year Recipients of the Future Leaders Vice-Chancellor's International
a student is enrolled at the Award will receive a contribution of Scholarships Scheme (VCIS)
University of Sydney. 20 percent of their tuition fee for This scholarship of up to $40,000
The available scholarships include: the duration of their Taylors College supports high-achieving international
Sydney course. The Award will be students pursuing coursework studies
− The Sue Harlen Scholarship valued
automatically applied to eligible at the University of Sydney.
at AUD $16,000 - The Sue Harlen
students and will be reflected in your The VCIS is a scholarship offered
Scholarship is in memory of Sue
letter of offer. on commencement of a coursework
Harlen who was the establishing
academic of the University of degree and is only awarded once, during
Sydney Foundation Program. Eligibility criteria the first year of commencement and is
To be eligible for the Future Leaders not renewable for the following years.
− Three (3) Merit Scholarships valued Award, there are certain requirements
at AUD $8,000 each. to meet including: The University of Sydney
These scholarships are given as a − Be an international student - Sydney International
credit against fees at the University Student Award (SISA)
of Sydney in your second semester − Hold citizenship of one of the
eligible countries or regions: The University of Sydney offers
of study (paid after the census date). eligible students a 20% contribution
Bangladesh, Cambodia, India,
Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, towards their tuition fees for their
Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, undergraduate studies for the
Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, duration of their course with the
Enquire now
This prospectus is intended as a general guide for students considering entry Navitas Australia Pty Limited in providing education services to overseas students
to Taylors College Sydney from 2024. complies with the ESOS Framework and the National Code of Practice for Providers of
Taylors College is a business name of Navitas Australia Pty Limited, Taylors College Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018). A description
Sydney delivers The University of Sydney Preparation Programs on behalf of The of the ESOS framework can be found at
University of Sydney. Taylors College Sydney programs, courses, and fees, as stated in For more information, please visit
this prospectus or any other Taylors College Sydney publication, are an expression of For information on immigration requirements and student visas to Australia,
intent only and are form no part of any contract between the student and Taylors visit
College Sydney. All costs and fees are provided in Australian dollars (AUD). To the best
of our knowledge the information contained in this booklet is correct at the time of Although reasonable steps are taken by Navitas Australia Pty Limited to provide the
publication and may change without notice. Navitas Australia Pty Limited accepts no courses and services described, Navitas Australia cannot guarantee the provision of
responsibility for any errors, nor any liability for any consequences that may follow any course. Any course may be altered or withdrawn owing to circumstances beyond
from any person’s use of the material. Taylors College Sydney’s website is the most up Navitas Australia’s reasonable control. Such circumstances include (but are not
to date source of information regarding courses and facilities. Please visit limited to) industrial action, lack of demand, departure of key personnel, the effect before making any commitments. Any agreement with Navitas of any pandemic, change in government policy, withdrawal or reduction of funding, or
Australia Pty Limited does not remove the right to take action under Australian change of law. Navitas Australia Pty Limited will take such steps as are available to it
consumer protection laws. to minimise the effect of any alteration or withdrawal of a course and we will notify the
student of such alteration or withdrawal as soon as possible. Such steps may include
The University of Sydney and its logo, Navitas Australia Pty Limited and the the offer of a place on an alternative course. For more information, please visit
Navitas logo, are registered trademarks of the University of Sydney and
Navitas respectively. Unless otherwise stated, all material in this publication
is the copyright of Navitas Australia Pty Limited. No part of this publication may be Terms and conditions, student policies and guidelines (including refund, complaints,
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any and appeals policy) are available at
means, without the permission of Navitas Australia Pty Limited. If you are under the age of 18, you will be supported by the campus welfare team as
The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 sets out the legal required by The National Code of Practice (2018), which is available at
framework governing delivery of education to overseas students studying in how-we-regulate/acts-and-standards/national-code-practice. You must also live in a
Australia on a student visa. homestay or designated caregiver accommodation. This can include the halls of
residence on campus where available.
For more information, please visit
Provider: Navitas Australia Pty Limited. CRICOS Provider Code: 01682E TEQSA Provider code: PRV12044 ABN: 88 070 919 327
Provider: The University of Sydney. CRICOS Provider Code: 00026A TEQSA Provider code: PRV12057 ABN: 15 211 513 464
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