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Probiotics Media: Significance, Challenges, and Future Perspective - A Mini Review

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Kumar et al.

Food Production, Processing

Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2022) 4:17
https://doi.org/10.1186/s43014-022-00098-w and Nutrition

REVIEW Open Access

Probiotics media: significance, challenges,

and future perspective ‑ a mini review
Vijay Kumar1* , Bindu Naik2, Akhilesh Kumar1, Naresh Khanduri2, Sarvesh Rustagi3 and Sanjay Kumar2

The health benefits associated with probiotics have increased their application in pharmaceutical formulations and
functional food development. High production of probiotic biomass requires a cost-effective production method
and nutrient media optimization. The biomass production of probiotics can be enhanced by optimizing growth
parameters such as substrate, pH, incubation time, etc. For economical industrial production of probiotic biomass, it
is required to design a new medium with low cost. Wastes from the food industries are promising components for
the development of the low-cost medium. Industrial wastes such as cheese whey and corn steep liquor are excellent
examples of reliable sources of nitrogen for the biomass production of probiotic bacteria. The increased yield of bio-
mass reduced the cost of production. This review focuses on the importance of probiotic media for biomass produc-
tion and its challenges.
Keywords: Probiotics, Media, Health benefits, Production

*Correspondence: vijaygkp@gmail.com
Department of Biosciences, Swami Rama Himalayan University, Swami Rama
Nagar, Jolly Grant, Dehradun 248016, Uttarakhand, India
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Kumar et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2022) 4:17 Page 2 of 13

Graphical Abstract

Introduction produced by using fermentation technology (Marco et al.

When food is insufficient to meet the basic health 2021). Traditional batch fermentation with suspended
demands of the body it can be fulfilled through alterna- cells is solely used in industrial operations for food culture
tive methods using pills, powders, or other supplements. production, including probiotics. Continuous fermenta-
In earlier times, the food quality was improved biologi- tion with probiotics has received little attention until now,
cally. The Romans and Greeks were well recognized for even though Cha et al. (2018) examined the benefits of this
the use of fermented products (Gismondo et al. 1999). One technique for Bifidobacterium longum. Continuous cul-
of the common examples in this category is curd, which is ture, under carefully selected conditions, can result in high
considered the most important source of probiotics and is cell yield and process volumetric productivity, as well as a
globally consumed. It is prepared by using Lactobacillus reduction in the requirement for downstream processing
bacteria. This bacterium not only helps in the formation of capacity (Cha et al. 2018; Doleyres & Lacroix 2005).
curd but also positively affects the health of the gut and is
extremely helpful in reducing the risk of diseases. Several Probiotics
scientific findings establish a positive relationship between The term ‘probiotic’ was initially proposed by Lilly and
probiotics and human health (Ranjha et al. 2021). FAO Stilwell which in Greek meant ‘for life’. The term was cre-
and WHO defined probiotics as “Live microorganisms, ated in contrast to the word ‘anti-biotic’ which means a
when administered in sufficient amounts provide a health substance produced by one microbe to kill another. Pro-
benefit to the host” (FAO Joint 2007). Lactic acid bacte- biotics are a group of microbes associated with food to
ria (LAB) are commercially employed as food additives enhance their nutritional value and maintain gut health
in dairy products and fruit juices. They alter the dynam- (Ailioaie & Litscher 2021; Milner et al. 2021). They are
ics of the microbial community in the digestive system of highly promoted for their ability to support gastrointesti-
the host by balancing the quantity of good and harmful nal health and strengthen the immune system (Palanivelu
microbiota (Pereira and Rodrigues 2018; Marco et al. 2021; et al. 2022). Currently, the consumption of probiotic cells
Plessas 2021; Puntillo et al. 2022; Marchwińska & Gwiaz- via food products is in high demand. Probiotics are also
dowska 2022). They also help to manage gastrointestinal considered functional foods. Functional foods are defined
diseases such as Crohn’s disease (Liang et al. 2021), uro- as foods that look like traditional foods yet have estab-
genital infections (Nader-Macías et al. 2021), and pouchi- lished physiological benefits. Functional food components
tis (Kuehbacher et al. 2006). These groups of microbes are include probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, and minerals,
Kumar et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2022) 4:17 Page 3 of 13

which are utilized in fermented milk and yoghurts, sports and treatment, and colon cancer can all be avoided by
drinks, infant meals, sugar-free sweets, and chewing gum taking probiotics (Verna & Lucak 2010). Some babies,
(Al-Sheraji et al. 2013). Apart from the ongoing dispute diagnosed with colic are found to provide better results
over whether live probiotics are safe to take, most research after treatment with some probiotics (Zermiani et al.
papers continue to investigate the beneficial benefits of liv- 2021). Escherichia coli is one of the most abundant bac-
ing probiotic cells in the gastrointestinal tract. So far, the teria in the large intestine of humans responsible to pro-
focus has been on the immediate consequences of gastro- duce vitamin K 95 and B (LeBlanc et al. 2013). According
intestinal problems (Mishra et al. 2018). Lactobacillus reu- to recent reviews, many probiotics are effective in acute
teri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium, Bacillus viral gastroenteritis and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea
coagulans, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus- (such as Clostridioides difficile toxin-induced diarrhoea).
group, Escherichia coli strain Nissle 1917, various entero- According to one study, probiotics can prevent C. diffi-
cocci, and the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii are some of cile infections by 50% in high-risk individuals (Mills et al.
the most prevalent probiotic bacteria (Mishra et al. 2018). 2018). Another systematic review revealed that probiot-
According to Euromonitor, global sales of fortified/func- ics reduced the incidence of streptococcal pharyngitis
tional foods reached $292 billion in 2021, up from $274 (Wilcox et al. 2019). Biological detoxification of chemi-
billion in 2020. According to a Kerry poll of consumers in cal food contaminants by probiotics is another important
16 countries, four out of ten (42%) bought more functional aspect of the health benefits. Industries and agricultural
foods last year than they were in 2020 (Elizabeth Sloan practices that produce various chemical pollutants that
2022). It creates a tremendous impact on the global econ- intentionally or unintentionally enter our food are called
omy. The major products that contributed to the boost in food contaminants and have long-term negative effects
the economy of functional foods are dairy products con- on human health. Probiotics are a beneficial strategy in
taining probiotic bacteria such as cheese, buttermilk, ice this situation for preventing dysbiosis caused by external
cream, flavoured milk, fermented milk, infant food, and pollutants and alleviating toxicity (Srednicka et al. 2021).
whey-based beverages (Granato et al. 2010).
Health benefits of probiotics Important probiotics
Probiotic bacteria have gained popularity over the past The most common group of probiotics are Lactobacillus
two decades due to growing scientific data pointing to and Bifidobacterium (Song et al. 2012). Other genera that
their positive benefits on human health. As a result, are critical for obtaining effective probiotic strains are
they have been used in a wide variety of products, with Enterococcus, Saccharomyces, Pediococcus, Streptococcus,
the food sector particularly active in researching and Streptococcus salivarius, Lacticaseibacillus, and Strep-
promoting them (Kechagia et al. 2013). Probiotics have tococcus thermophilus, and Leuconostoc (Li et al.2022;
come into action as medical remedies for gastrointesti- Ranjha et al. 2021). These groups of bacteria are gener-
nal and non-gastrointestinal ailments such as diarrhoea, ally regarded as safe (GRAS), making them applicable as
irregular bowel movements, inflammatory reactions, a food additive (EFSA 2017; Nasrollahzadeh et al. 2022).
etc. (Depoorter & Vandenplas 2022). The maintenance The Lactobacillus plantarum is usually used to produce
of health using probiotics is based on the principle of fermented foods (Behera et al. 2018). The most often
competitive interaction of probiotics with pathogens utilized probiotics in food and feed are Lactobacillus
surviving in the intestinal medium by inhibiting their and Bifidobacterium, which are also added to fermented
harmful activities (Bermudez-Brito et al. 2012). Probiot- foods to boost their health benefits (Abdou et al. 2018).
ics are safe, cheap, and capable to fight microbial infec- Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium spp., and Lac-
tions, hence are recognized as the secondary immune tobacillus casei species are utilized in dairy products and
system by the World Health Organisation (Zhou et al. have been shown to improve human health. Lactobacil-
2005). Diarrhoea, constipation, irritable bowel syn- lus rhamnosus is a common probiotic found in the pro-
drome, inflammatory bowel syndrome, asthma, atopic duction of yogurts (Kamal et al. 2018), commercial fruit
dermatitis, peptic ulcer, colon cancer, coronary heart drinks (Champagne & Gardner 2008), and soy beverages
disease, and urinary tract infections are among the gas- (Daliri et al. 2022). Probiotics for animals have been tried
trointestinal and non-gastrointestinal diseases for which using Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus faecalis,
probiotics have emerged as a promising source of medi- and other lactic acid bacteria (Abe et al. 1995).
cal therapy (Doleyres & Lacroix 2005). Probiotics are
also used for the management of Crohn’s disease as well
as vulvovaginal candidiasis in females (Prantera 2006; Manufacturing of probiotics biomass
Xie et al. 2017). Lactose intolerance, Helicobacter pylori Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Bifidobacterium are man-
infection, microscopic colitis, diverticulitis prevention ufactured on a commercial level to compensate for the
Kumar et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2022) 4:17 Page 4 of 13

demand of customers for probiotic dietary supplements. employing IR A 67 resin improved maximum viable cell
The probiotic supplement that is being produced com- concentration by 55.5 and 9.1 times, respectively, as com-
mercially must have the highest possible yield, stability, pared to batch and fed-batch fermentation without resin
and consistent performance for the intended application. (Othman et al. 2017). Cell density might be improved
It should be stable with the environmental conditions by modified continuous fermentation or fed-batch fer-
such as humidity, temperature, and pressure with rapid mentation with cell recycling through a membrane to
action without any significant delay (Fenster et al. 2019). eliminate lactic acid. Furthermore, additional fed-batch
The commercial production of probiotic cells biomass techniques based on exponential feeding or with feed-
is carried out in bioreactors (Aguirre-Ezkauriatza et al. back control, such as DO stat, might boost cell density
2010). Traditional batch and fed-batch fermentation and biomass production even more (Hwang et al. 2011).
with suspended cells are almost solely used in industrial Continuous fermentation with probiotics has received
operations for food culture production, including probi- relatively little attention until now, although Doleyres
otics. In batch and re-alkalized fed-batch fermentation in and Lacroix (2005) recently examined the benefits of
diluted whey (DW) media supplemented with de Man, this technique for Bifidobacterium. Continuous culture,
Rogosa, and Sharpe (MRS) broth nutrients (except glu- under properly selected conditions, can result in high
cose and Tween 80), the production of a highly concen- cell yield and process volumetric productivity, as well as a
trated probiotic preparation of Lactococcus lactis CECT reduction in the requirement for downstream processing
539 was investigated by Malvido et al. (2019). The maxi- capacity. The basic flow chart diagram to produce pro-
mum concentrations of probiotic biomass (5.98 g/L) and biotics is given in Fig. 1. The basic requirement to pro-
nisin (258.47 BU/mL) were achieved in the fed-batch cul- duce LAB and bifidobacterial is frozen seed culture to act
ture using DW100 medium, which was obtained at lower as mother culture consisting of a single pure strain (De
production costs than those projected for the fed-batch Vuyst & Leroy 2007). The pure strain is checked by the
culture in DW medium. Fed-batch fermentation of Pedi- Quality and Control department to counter any contami-
ococcus acidilactici using a lactic acid removal system nation present in the colony so that the cells are not at a

Fig. 1 Flow chart for the production of probiotics

Kumar et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2022) 4:17 Page 5 of 13

risk for genetic drift. This colony of pure strain is trans- the prevention of chronic illnesses, the growth of dairy
ferred to a fermentation vessel for growth. The major probiotics on djulis, a traditional Taiwanese drink pre-
ingredients for fermentation are water, nitrogen sources, pared by the fermentation of Chenopodium formosanum,
carbohydrates, salts, and micronutrients that are neces- was accomplished (Kuo et al. 2021). The evaluation of
sary for growth (Fenster et al. 2019). The fermentations media is critical for lowering costs, which may be up to
are carefully demonstrated and after its completion in the 30 times cheaper than MRS, and for producing the pre-
main tank, the cells are made to concentrate through the cise metabolites required for each strain (Boontun et al.
process of centrifugation so that the medium separates 2020). Strains have different growth circumstances and
from it. Before the freezing process, some stabilizers are dietary needs. When the active metabolites or postbiotics
added to the medium that maintains the stability of cells. are identified, culture conditions may be tuned to obtain
The two major stabilizers that have their different roles high levels of synthesis of the molecules of interest, such
are, cryoprotectants and lyoprotectant (Yuste et al. 2021). as EPS, where fermentation duration, nitrogen quantity
Cryoprotectants protect cells from injury during freez- and source, and temperature have all been shown to be
ing and lyoprotectants protect cells from freezing-drying. important (Amiri et al. 2019). For this various statisti-
Cryoprotectants slow the formation of ice by raising the cal tool are used to optimize the diverse cultural and
viscosity of the solution and retaining the amorphous nutritional factors to get an increased yield of probiotic
structure of ice close to the cells. Lyoprotectants work by biomass which reduce the cost of production (Manzoor
stabilizing the cell membrane’s lipid bilayer structure in et al. 2017). Plackett–Burman’s design was used to opti-
the absence of water (Santivarangkna et al. 2007). After mize various cultural parameters by Pandey (2016) for
blending the cells with stabilizers, further freezing pro- biomass production of Bacillus coagulans and reported
cesses can be carried out. The freezing can be performed that the glucose concentration, C/N ratio, and agitation
by filling the solution into the cans and then immersing speed significantly affected factors however mineral con-
them in the nitrogen bath. These frozen cans are capable centration and pH had negligible effects (Pandey 2016).
of being transported to different companies where they Taguchi’s experimental design was applied to find the
have their uses such as in beverages or foods. most significant variables from the eleven factors on the
growth of Lactobacillus casei ATCC 334. Three factors
Low‑cost substrates and media optimization such as carbon and nitrogen source i.e., palm date pow-
The industrial production of probiotic bacteria at low der and tryptone, and agitation rate were found to be the
cost is important to produce functional food incorpo- most significant variable. The optimum conditions of the
rated with probiotic biomass. The substrates used in three significant variables were obtained by the response
probiotic production must meet the rigorous nutritional surface methodology of Box-Behnken which include date
needs of the strain of probiotics. According to the ori- powder, 38 g/L; tryptone, 30 g/L; and an agitation rate of
gin from which the bacterium was isolated, Lactobacilli 320 rpm (Eyahmalay et al. 2020). Increased 171 biomass
and Bifidobacteria have complicated nutritional needs production of L. plantarum LP02 and L. plantarum Pi06
since they might be auxotrophic for roughly 20 amino by optimizing the medium using a combination of the
acids. Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from plants con- Taguchi array design and Box- Behnken design. Hwang
tains fewer auxotrophies than Lactobacillus johnsonii et al. (2012) have been recently reported. The factors such
isolated from the human digestive system (Fenster et al. as lactose, inulin, yeast extract concentration, and culture
2019) MRS broth is the most extensively used medium pH were optimized by using response surface methodol-
for the culture of LAB and is the principal propagation ogy to maximize the growth of Bifidobacterium animalis
medium at the laboratory level. However, various syn- subsp. Lactis. The concentration of yeast extract is most
thetic or natural fermentation media have been reported significantly affecting variables along with inulin, con-
in recent years (Fenester et al. 2019). Low-cost substrates centration, and culture pH (Hwang et al. 2012). Taguchi
such as whey, maize starch, cane molasses, whole milk, design and Box-Behnken design (RSM) were used for the
fruit juices, and agro-industrial leftovers have recently determination of the most significant variables among
been proposed by various authors based on Lactoba- the culture parameters including cost-effective carbon
cilli biomass production. The heat-treated cells, cyto- source cheese whey with corn steep liquor in all possible
plasmic fraction, and EPS produced from Lactobacillus combinations for enhanced biomass production of Lacto-
acidophilus BCRC 14,079, which was cultivated on taro bacillus plantarum AS-I4 (Anvari et al. 2014). The con-
waste, displayed an antiproliferative effect on HT 29 and ventional method i.e., “one factor at a time” was replaced
CaCo-2 cell lines, which is an intriguing example (Hsieh by response surface methodology (RSM) for quick and
et al. 2016). After applying statistical experimental design effective optimization of the cultural and physical con-
to develop antioxidant-rich beverages that would aid in dition of probiotic biomass production (Abdulrazzaq
Kumar et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2022) 4:17 Page 6 of 13

et al. 2022; Manzoor et al. 2017). Response surface meth- the production is attained at a cheap cost, the sale is high,
odology with a central composite design has often been and therefore, consumers will be high in number. The
used for the optimization of biomass yield of Lactobacil- cost in the market makes it comfortable for the users or
lus rhamnosus (Ridwan et al. 2021), Bacillus coagulans consumers to buy probiotics for their consumption. This
(Wang et al. 2020), and Bifidobacterium longum (Sen & entire perspective is very essential for the growth of the
Babu 2005). nation as well, because of the good health of the people
and more contribution in the exports. The large export
Challenges regarding the high yield of biomass claims to be the larger holder of the Gross Domestic
of probiotics Product (GDP) which plays an important role in increas-
Probiotic lactobacilli are nutritionally fastidious organ- ing the economy of a nation.
isms. Therefore, their viability and growth activity are
commonly influenced by growth factors such as medium Challenges interfering with the present scope
formulations, pH, temperature, and others (Chang & On ingestion of the probiotic should tolerate the condi-
Liew 2013; Terpou et al. 2017; Dang et al. 2021). The tion provided by the stomach and intestine and maintain
less cell mass production of lactic acid bacteria during its cellular integrity and functional properties. The bile
its industrial production using a bioreactor is attributed juices inhibit lactic acid bacteria as compared to other
to the reduced growth rate of cells and high production probiotic cells. S. Thermophilus was found to be most
of lactate (Du Toit et al. 2013). During the production sensitive to it. Hydrophobicity or the ability of the pro-
of probiotic cell mass using a bioreactor, it is important biotic cells to adhere to hydrocarbons less for the lactic
to maintain conditions such as optimum temperatures, acid bacteria as compared to other probiotics (Tarique
pressures, and pH levels essentially inside the bioreactor, et al. 2022). The lack of scientific proof for the benefits of
as these conditions are different for the growth of differ- probiotics and some associated harmful effects reduces
ent types of probiotics. Probiotic, Lactococcus lactis gives its application in product formulation (Pohjanheimo
the highest yield of biomass i.e., about 20 g/ L after 30 h & Sandell 2009). The product should have negligible
of incubation on mono-glucose feeding under uncon- harmful effects to build up its market and authorities’
trolled pH and static dissolved oxygen of 30% (Elmarzugi approval. Any product that must be sold in the market
et al.2010). The freezing or lyophilization process dam- for the consumer’s use needs the essential approval from
ages the probiotic cells and reduces their viability which their related authorities (Foligné et al. 2013). This is done
can be prevented by using cryoprotectants and lyopro- to make the selling of the product legal so that no other
tectants (Martin et al. 2015). Rehydration of dried cells companies or consumers can put any questions about the
is also essential for maximum productivity. When the quality of the product. If the probiotics are being used to
cells are not provided with proper conditions, they are manufacture a food product in India, then, the approval
at the risk of losing their viability. Several studies have can be issued by the agencies like FSSAI (Food Safety
shown that depending upon the applied re-healing con- and Standards Authority of India) (Singh et al. 2013). An
ditions such as a buffer (Abe et al. 2009), pH, duration, individual becomes a consumer of the product when able
sugar content (Muller et al. 2010), and rehydration tem- to use it as per their ideas and views. It is very essential
perature (Jankovic et al. 2010) and the difference in the to spread awareness about the benefits and uses of the
final concentration can even lead to the difference of 1 product that we manufacture to induce self-inspiration
log cycle. These observations suggest that a large propor- in an individual to buy that product. The quality and
tion of probiotic cells may be killed or made uncultiva- safety of the product decide the market demand for the
ble depending on the rehydration conditions. Hence, the product (Bei & Chiao 2001). The growth of a company
conditions of rehydration play a very important role in is maintained only if the quality of the product is always
the productivity of biomass production at the commer- better than the consumer’s expectation. Role of culture
cial levels. media on the biomass production of probiotics. A culture
Another challenge that is faced in the biomass produc- medium is a special type of medium or environment that
tion of probiotic cells is the conditions that can affect is used in microbiological laboratories to grow different
the functional properties of probiotic cells (Jankovic kinds of microorganisms. These media are also used for
et al. 2010). Moreover, the time of harvesting also influ- the growth of probiotic cells. A culture medium is a very
ences the functional properties of the cells (Fayol-Mes- essential part of the production of the colony of any kind
saoudi et al. 2005). Last but not least, the challenge of of microorganism (Neidhardt et al. 1974). The optimized
biomass production of probiotic cells includes its eco- media for different probiotics is given in Table 1. The
nomic perspective which is the backbone of any indus- basic elements of a culture medium comprise a source of
trial or commercial production (Kolacek et al. 2017). If carbon, nitrogen, minerals, vitamins, growth factors, and
Table 1 Optimized media for different probiotics
S.No Microorganisms Medium composition g/L Biomass before optimization Biomass after optimization References

1 Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum G4 Skim milk: 28.00; yeast extract: 22.00 1.03 log CFU/mL 7.35 log CFU/Ml Stephenie et al. 2007
2 Bacillus coagulans CSL: 15.00; dextrose: 03.00; Peptone:0.50; cal- 6.12 g/l 7.88 g/l Pandey 2016
cium chloride:0.37; manganese sulphate: 0.27
3 Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469 Glucose: 44.00; YE: 6.000. Tryptone: 60.00; Tween 9.82 log CFU/ml 10.06 log CFU/ml Chang & Liew 2013
80: 11 .00 (mL/L)
4 Lactobacillus plantarum 200,655 Maltose:31.29 2.429 g/L 3.845 g/L Choi et al. 2021
Sodium acetate:2.00
TWEEN 80: 0.1
MnSO4; H2O:0.05
Kumar et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition

5 Lactobacillus rhamnosus Glucose + Sodium pyruvate:16.8 1.9 g/L 5.5 g/L Polak-Berecka et al. 2010
Meat extract: 7.2
Organic and inorganic salts: 9 g/L
6 Saccharomyces boulardii ATCC-MYA-796 Glucose: 20.00; CSL:15.00; sodium nitrate: 1.00; 3.28 g/L 8.20 g/L Chin et al. 2015
potassium dihydrogen phosphate:6.00. mag-
(2022) 4:17

nesium sulphate: 3.00; copper sulphate: 0.002.

ferrous sulphate: 0.001. zinc sulphate: 0.01
7 Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis YE:28.791 Na 10.12 log CFU/mL Dang et al. 2021
So-peptone: 28.03
Ferrous sulphate:0.05
8 B. subtilis NCIM 2063 Glucose: 4.00 g/L 6.2 g/L Stamenković-Stojanović et al. 2020
KCl: 10.00
NaOH:1 M
Ca (NO3)2:1 M
MnCl2:0.01 M
FeSO4:1 Mm
9 Leuconostoc mesenteroides Soy protein concentrate: 60 g/L, Glucose: 50 g/L NA 2.16 × ­109 CFU/mL Makowski et al. 2017
KH2PO4: 2.0 g/l
10 Lactococcus lactis YE: 6.0; peptone: 6.0. potassium dihydrogen 2.1 g/L 21,34 g/L Elmarzugi et al.2010
(WICC B-25) phosphate: 1.5; ammonium citrate: 1.0; tween
80: 1.0; sodium acetate:1.0; Citric acid: 0.5; mag-
nesium sulphate: 0.4 and manganese sulphate:
11 Lactobacillus casei Lactose: 76.57 2.46 g/L 6.51 g/L Shahravy et al. 2012
Soybean meal:72.63
Magnesium sulphate:0.7
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Table 1 (continued)
S.No Microorganisms Medium composition g/L Biomass before optimization Biomass after optimization References

12 Lactobacillus plantarum AS-14 Glucose: 15.00 13.80 g/L 15.41 g/L Manzoor et al. 2017
Cheese whey: 60.00
Corn steep liqor:15.00
Na2HPO4 2H2O: 2.00 triammonium citrate: 2.00
MgSO4 7H2O: 0.10 MnSO4 4H2O: 0.05
13 Lactobacillus sakei CCUG 42,687 Tryptone: 5.00; YE: 10 Na 8.75 log CFU/mL Lechiancole, et al. 2002
YE: 5.00
Peptone: 5.00
Ascorbic acid:0.50
Sodium acetate:5.00
magnesium sulphate (40 g/L): 10 ml/L
manganese sulphate (8G/l):10 ml/L
NaCL:5.00 Tween 80: 1.0
Kumar et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition

14 Propionibacterium freudenreichii ITG P20 Caesin- peptone supplemented sweet whey 9.0 log CFU/mL 9.39 log CFU/ Huang et al. 2016
powder to 30% Total solutes
15 Lactobacillus plantarum LL441 YE:10; glucose: sucrose or fructose: 5; magne- Na 0.47 g dry mass/L Bárcena, et al. 1998
sium sulphate: 0.05; manganese sulphate: 0.005;
di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate:2.5; tween
(2022) 4:17

80: 1 ml/L
16 Pediococcus acidilacticis Trypticase: 10.00; glucose: 1.00 Biswas et al. 1991
yeast extract: 10.00; magnesium sulphate: 0.05
manganese sulphate: 0.05; tween 80: 20 ml/l
pH 6.5–6.8
17 Lactobacillus amylovorus DCE 471 Tryptone: 10.00 1.3 g dry cell mass/L 2.1 g dry cell mass/L Leroy et al. 2006
YE: 12.00
maltose: 10.00
fructose: 05.00
cysteine/HCl: 0.50
magnesium sulphate: 0.2; manganese sulphate:
0.05; potassium dihydrogen phosphate:2;
Tween 80: 1
18 Streptococcus thermophilus Skimmed milk powder:100.00 9.34 logCFU/mL 10.90 log CFU/mL Vaningelgem, et al. 2004
Whey protein hydrolysate: 16.00
19 Lactobacillus rhamnosus LS-8, Whey powder: 62.5 maltose syrup: 50.00 corn 8.6 log CFU/mL 9.6 log CFU/mL Wang et al. 2020
steep liquor: 55.00 NaCl: 1.00
lysine: 0.05
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Table 1 (continued)
Kumar et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition

S.No Microorganisms Medium composition g/L Biomass before optimization Biomass after optimization References

20 Lactobacillus pentosus Wheat flour:40 (w/w) 8.86 log CFU/g 10.15 log CFU/g Slizewska et al. 2020
Barley flour: 30 (w/w)
Rye flour: 10 (w/w)
Maize flour: 20 (w/w)
(2022) 4:17

Water:150 mL
21 Lactobacillus plantarum Mature coconut water: 100 mL 7.0 log CFU/mL 8.5 log CFU/mL Kantachote et al. 2017
monosodium glutamate: 0.5%
22 Lactobacillus casei Sugarcane molasses:40.0 g 2.46 g/L 6.51 g/L Eyahmalay et al. 2020
Peptone:30.0 g
Yeast extract:5.0 g
MgSO4:0.2 g
23 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dried distillers’ grains and solubles extract: 1.83 g/L 5.20 g/L Fochesato et al.2018
18.9% (w/v)
YE = 1% (w/v)
CSL Corn steep liquor, YE Yeast extract, M Molar, mM millimolar
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water. The medium in which the biomass is to be pro- Abbreviations

FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; WHO: World
duced plays a very important role in its production. For health organization; MRS: De Man, Rogosa and Sharpe; g: Gram; L: Liter; rpm:
larger production of biomass require optimum cultural Revolution per minute; BU: Bacteriocin unit.
and physical conditions of production. These conditions
help for the better growth of the cells with the required Not applicable
output. Media conditions need to be maintained periodi-
cally because they act as the life-supporting mechanism Authors’ contributions
BN, VK contributed to the conceptualization, methodology, validation, and for-
for probiotic cell growth and contribute to most of the mal analysis of results and wrote the original draft. AK, NK, and SK contributed
high yield of biomass production (Marova et al. 2012). to the conceptualization, methodology, and analyzed the data. SR contributed
to reviewing, editing, and writing the manuscript. The author(s) read and
approved the final manuscript.
Future prospective
Probiotics are a group of microorganisms that have health Funding
benefits. These are never taken as medicine, but as a food None.
supplement (Jankovic et al. 2010). Since the major probi- Availability of data and materials
otics are unicellular bacteria; They can be easily cultured The datasets used and analyzed during the present study are available from
or grown by providing necessary media and essential the corresponding author on reasonable request.
conditions like optimum temperature, pH, nutrients, and
minerals. Probiotics can be produced on a large scale as Declarations
per the requirement of the cells to be used by functional Ethics approval and consent to participate
foods. The conditions mandatory for their growth can Not applicable.
be easily created in a medium without any huge invest-
Consent for publication
ment. In industries their production achieved in large Not applicable.
tanks called the Bioreactors (Brinques et al. 2010). Dif-
ferent cells consume different materials; Therefore, differ- Competing interests
ent cells are cultured using different bioreactors designed
accordingly. Probiotics efficiency can be increased if it Author details
multiplies in the medium where it is being used. This is 1
Department of Biosciences, Swami Rama Himalayan University, Swami Rama
Nagar, Jolly Grant, Dehradun 248016, Uttarakhand, India. 2 Department of Life
possible only when the optimum conditions are continu- Sciences,, Graphic Era (Deemed to Be) University, Bell Road, Clement Town
ously provided for these cultures. (Jangra et al. 2016). Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001, India. 3 Department of Food Technology,
Along with the number of health benefits, probiotics also UCALS, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
have some ambiguities (Obafemi et al. 2022). It has been Received: 25 January 2022 Accepted: 6 July 2022
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