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RHC0303 021792M

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GAUGE: 16 sc = 4”; 24 rows = 4”. CHECK YOUR

GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.

NOTE: When changing colors, do not cut, drop first color

and work with new color. Pick up first color when directed.
Before beginning work, wind a small 20 yd ball of A and
set aside.

Sc2tog = Single Crochet decrease – [draw up a loop in next
st] twice, yarn over and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

Row 1 (Right Side): With A, ch 21, sc in the back ridge of
each ch across; turn – 20 sc.
Row 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in next st, sc in each st across to last st,
2 sc in last st; turn – 22 sc.
Rows 3-8: Repeat Row 2; turn – 34 sc.
Rows 9-24: Ch 1, sc in each st across; turn.
Row 25: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc in next 9 sts, drop A and change
to B, with B sc in next 12 sts, drop B and change to A
using the small ball of A, with A sc in next 9 sts, sc2tog;
turn – 20 sc in A, 12 sc in B.
Row 26: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc in next 7 sts, change to B, sc in
next 14 sts, change to A, sc in next 7 sts, sc2tog; turn – 16
sc in A, 14 sc in B.
Row 27: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc in next 5 sts, change to B, sc in
next 16 sts, change to A, sc in next 5 sts, sc2tog; turn – 12
sc in A, 16 sc in B.
Row 28: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc in next 3 sts, change to B, sc in
next 18 sts, change to A, sc in next 3 sts, sc2tog; turn – 8
sc in A, 18 sc in B.
Row 29: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc, change to B, sc in next 20 sts,
change to A, sc, sc2tog; turn – 4 sc in A, 20 sc in B.

Lady Bug Backpack Row 30: Ch 1, sc2tog, change to B, sc in next 20, change
to A, sc2tog, change to B; turn – 2 sc in A, 20 sc in B.
Row 31: Continuing with B, ch 1, sc2tog, sc in next 18 sts,
sc2tog; turn – 20 sc in B.
Your little lady will love carrying her special Row 32: Ch 1, sc in each st across; turn.
things in this unique back pack. Crocheted with Row 33: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc across to last 2 sts, sc2tog; turn
– 18 sc.
machine wash and dry yarn, it’s easy to keep it Rows 34-36: Repeat Row 33; turn – 12 sc.
looking great no matter where it travels. Row 37: Repeat Row 32; do not turn.

With right side facing, continuing with B, 2 sc in last st of
Designed by Patsy Harbor. Row 37, sc evenly spaced in ends of rows to beginning
of A, change to A, sc evenly spaced in ends of rows to
Backpack measures 8¾” x 9” Row 1, 3 sc in 1st st on Row 1, sc in each st across, 3 sc
in last st on Row 1, sc evenly spaced in ends of rows to
RED HEART® Super Saver®: 1 skein each 0319 beginning of B, change to B, sc evenly spaced in ends of
Cherry Red A and 0312 Black B. rows to 1st of Row 37, join with a slip st to first st of Row
37. Fasten off.
Crochet Hook: 4mm [US G-6].
Yarn needle, 2 buttons 7/16”, 2 buttons 1”. BACK
Work as for FRONT through Row 37, turn.

For Susan Bates® knitting needles & crochet hooks - www.shopredheart.com

For more ideas & inspiration - www.redheart.com www.crochettoday.com www.yourknittinglife.com ©2012 Coats & Clark



Row 38: Ch 1, sc in front loop only in each st across; turn Row 1: With right side facing and B, join with a slip st to
– 12 sc. 4th st on Row 35 of Back, sc around post of same st, sc
Rows 39-42: Ch 1, sc in each st across; turn. around post of next 7 sts; turn – 8 sc.
Row 43: Ch 1, sc in back loop only in each st across; turn. Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across; turn. Do not fasten off.
Row 44: Ch 1, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 10 sts, 2 sc in last
st; turn – 14 sc. Divide for straps:
Row 45 and 46: Ch 1, repeat Row 44; turn – 18 sc. Right strap: Row 3: Ch 1, sc in next 4 sts; turn – 4 sc.
Row 47: Ch 1, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts, ch 1, skip Rows 4-55: Repeat Row 3; turn.
next st, sc in next 4 sts, ch 1, skip next st, sc in next 5 sts, Row 56: Ch 1, sc in next 2 sts, place marker, sc in next 2
2 sc in last st; turn – 18 sc and 2 ch-1 button-hole spaces. sts; turn.
Row 48: Ch 1, sc in next 7 sts, sc in ch-1 space, sc in next Rows 57-68: Repeat Row 3; turn.
4 sts, sc in ch-1 space, sc in next 7 sts; turn – 20 sc. Row 69: Ch 1, sc in next st, ch 2, skip next 2 sts, sc in last
Row 49: Ch 1, sc2tog, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, st; turn – 2 sc, 1 ch-2 sp (button-hole made)
sc2tog; turn – 18 sc. Row 70: Ch 1, sc in next st, 2 sc in ch-2 space, sc in last
Rows 50-52: Ch 1, repeat Row 49; turn – 12 sc. st; turn – 4 sc.
Row 53: Ch 1, sc in each st across; do not fasten off. Rows 71-75: Ch 1, sc across; turn.
Row 76: Repeat Row 69; turn.
BACK EDGING Row 77: Repeat Row 70; turn.
With right side facing, 2 sc in last st of Row 53, sc evenly Rows 78-82: Ch 1, sc across; turn.
spaced in ends of rows to beginning of A, change to A, sc Row 83: Ch 1, sc2tog twice; turn – 2 sc.
evenly spaced in ends of rows to Row 1, 3 sc in 1st st on Row 84: Ch 1, sc2tog. Fasten off.
Row 1, sc in each st across, 3 sc in last st on Row 1, sc
evenly spaced in ends of rows to beginning of B, change Left strap:
to B, sc evenly spaced in ends of rows to first of Row 53, Row 3: With right side facing, join B with a slip st in the 5th
join with a slip st to first st of Row 53. Fasten off. st of Row 2, sc in same st, sc in next 3 sts; turn – 4 sc.
Rows 4-84: Ch 1, repeat Rows 4 – 84 as for right strap.
With A and right side facing and holding yarn in back of Gusset
work, insert hook in stitch 10 of Row 1 edging, attach slip Row 1: Ch 5, sc in back ridge of each ch across; turn – 4 sc.
knot to hook and pull through to front of work, * skip next Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across; turn.
row, insert hook from front to back, yarn over and pull up Rows 3-78: Repeat Row 2. Do not fasten off.
a loop, draw through loop on hook, repeat from * to B.
Fasten off. ASSEMBLY
With right side facing and A and starting where A begins,
Spots (Make 6) slip st gusset and Back together, slip st across gusset
Round 1: With B, ch 3, join to first ch with a slip st, ch 3 edge, slip st gusset and Front together. Fasten off.
(counts as first dc), 8 dc in ring, join to 3rd ch of ch-3 with a
slip st. Fasten off, leaving an 8” tail. Sew buttons for eyes to front to match buttonholes on flap.
Sew spots to Front using yarn needle. Sew buttons for straps at markers. Thread upper straps
through ch-6 loop on edge of lower strap then secure at
Right Strap
Row 1: With right side facing and B, join with a slip st to Weave in ends.
3rd st on Row 3 of Back, sc around post of same st, sc
around post of next 3 sts; turn – 4 sc.
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in next 4 sts; turn. RED HEART® “Super Saver®”, Art. E300
Rows 3-6: Repeat Row 2, turn. available in solid color 7 oz (198 g), 364 yd
Row 7: Ch 6, skkip 2 sts, slip st in next st (ch-6 loop (333 m); multi color and print 5 oz (141 g),
made). Fasten off. 244 yd (223 m), flecks 5 oz (141g), 260 yd
(238 m) skeins.
Left Strap
Row 1: With right side facing and B, join with a slip st to
19th st on Row 3 of Back, sc around post of same st, sc ABBREvIATIONS: A, B, etc. = Color A, B, etc.; ch =
around post of next 3 sts; turn – 4 sc. chain; mm = millimeters, sc = single crochet; st(s) =
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in next 4 sts; turn. stitch(es); * or ** = repeat whatever follows the * or ** as
Rows 3-6: Repeat Row 2, turn. indicated.
Row 7: Ch 6, slip st to last st of Row 6. Fasten off.

For Susan Bates® knitting needles & crochet hooks - www.shopredheart.com

For more ideas |&LAST UPDATED:
inspiration AUGUST 2019
- www.redheart.com www.crochettoday.com www.yourknittinglife.com LADY BUG BACKPACK | CROCHET
©2012 2 of 2
Coats & Clark

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