CH - 1 DMI
CH - 1 DMI
CH - 1 DMI
Institution (MAPMC-602)
Contents % share
Article review………………………….... 25
Group presentation…………..................... 25
Class participation (reflection).................... 10
Final exam........................................................ 40
Learning and Teaching Methods
1. What do you know about development management
and institutions?
Management of
human asset
Management of Management of
development Development resources
values/principle management meant for
s/ethics development
Management of
projects and
Development Management Cycle
Overview of Development Management…
The characteristic features of development
management include,
change orientation,
goal orientation,
innovative administration,
beneficiary participation.
Overview of Institutions
In the words of North (1990) “Institutions are the rules of
the game in a society, …the humanly devised constraints that
shape human interaction.
They will govern, for example, who gets what, and how, from
development. It is important to get the rules – i.e. the
institutions – right.
In this way, however, they will not provide themselves the public good.
…Collective action problems
Nonetheless both properties of pure public goods constitute a
parable of collective action, which can be best depicted by the
well known game theoretic Prisoners‟ Dilemma (PD) model.
So the question is given: how can we get out of this social trap?
Solutions to the problem
The message of the Prisoner‟s Dilemma and consequently of the
collective action game has been as “depressing” as challenging,
therefore many social scientists have tried to solve the problem.
The basic question is what kind of mechanism can induce
the rational, self-interested players to opt for the
cooperative solution of the game?
It was the winner because it was the simplest and the "nicest",
meaning never being the first to defect. See his argument:
The supply of trust increases rather than decreases with use, and
trust can become depleted if not used!