Chapter 1 - Environmental Foundation
Chapter 1 - Environmental Foundation
Chapter 1 - Environmental Foundation
Management is the process of completing activities with and through other people.
An MNC is a firm that has operations in more than one country, international sales,
and a mix of nationalities among managers and owners. Managers from today’s
MNCs must learn to work effectively with those from many different countries
Globalization and international linkages
Command Mixed
economies economies
Economic Systems
1. Command economies - government plans the goods and services that a country produces, the quantity that is
produced, and the prices at which they are sold
All businesses are state-owned, and governments allocate resources for “the good of society”
Because there is little incentive to control costs and be efficient, command economies tend to stagnate
2. Market economies - all productive activities are privately owned and production is determined by the interaction
of supply and demand
The government encourages free and fair competition between private producers
In other words, if demand for a good or service exceeds supply, the price will inevitably rise, while an excess
supply over consumer demand will result in a price decrease.
Since the interaction of the community and firms guides the system, organizations must be as versatile as
the individual consumer. Competition is fervently encouraged to promote innovation, economic growth,
high quality, and efficiency.
3. Mixed economies - certain sectors of the economy are left to private ownership and free market mechanisms while
other sectors have significant state ownership and government planning
Governments tend to own firms that are considered important to national security
Economic Systems
Political systems
Political systems
Democracy: refers to a political system in which government is by the people, exercised either directly
or through elected representatives. These elected representatives then form a government, whose
Totalitarianism: In a totalitarian country, all the constitutional guarantees on which representative democracies are built—an
individual’s right to freedom of expression and organization, free media, and regular elections—are denied to the citizens. In
most totalitarian states, political repression is widespread, free and fair elections are lacking, media are heavily censored, basic
civil liberties are denied, and those who question the right of the rulers to rule find themselves imprisoned, or worse.
1. Communist totalitarianism – found in states where the Communist party monopolizes power (Vietnam, Laos, China, Cuba)
2. Theocratic totalitarianism - found in states where political power is monopolized by a party, group, or individual that governs according to
religious principles (Iran, Saudi Arab)
3. Tribal totalitarianism - found in states where a political party that represents the interests of a particular tribe monopolizes power
(Zimbabwe vàTanzania)
4. Right-wing totalitarianism - permits some individual economic freedom, but restricts individual political freedom (Sing, Philip, Korea, Indo)
Legal systems
Legal and Regulatory environment
There are four foundations on which laws are based around the world. Briefly summarized, these are:
1. Islamic law. This is a law derived from the interpretation of the Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet
Muhammad. It is found in most Islamic countries in the Middle East and Central Asia.
2. Socialist law. This law comes from the Marxist socialist system and continues to influence regulations in former
communist countries, especially those from the former Soviet Union, as well as present-day China, Vietnam,
North Korea, and Cuba. Since socialist law requires most property to be owned by the state or state-owned
enterprises, MNCs have traditionally shied away from these countries.
3. Common law. This comes from English law, and it is the foundation of the legal system in the United States,
Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, and other nations.
4. Civil or code law. This law is derived from Roman law and is found in non-Islamic and nonsocialist countries
such as France, some countries in Latin America, and even Louisiana in the United States
Technological Environment and Global shifts in Production
In addition to the trends discussed above, other specific ways in which technology will affect
international management in the next decade include:
1. Rapid advances in biotechnology that are built on the precise manipulation of organisms will revolutionize the fields of
agriculture, medicine, and industry.
2. The emergence of nanotechnology, in which nanomachines will possess the ability to remake the whole physical
3. Satellites that will play a role in learning. For example, communication firms will place tiny satellites into low orbit,
making it possible for millions of people, even in remote or sparsely populated regions such as Siberia, the Chinese
desert, and the African interior, to send and receive voice, data, and digitized images through handheld telephones.
4. Automatic translation telephones will allow people to communicate naturally in their own language with anyone in
the world who has access to a telephone.
5. Artificial intelligence and embedded learning technology will allow thinking that formerly was felt to be only the
domain of humans to occur in machines.
6. Silicon chips contain up to 100 million transistors, allowing computing power that now rests only in the hands of
supercomputer users to be available on every desktop.
7. Supercomputers that are capable of 1 trillion calculations per second, will allow advances such as simulations of the
human body for testing new drugs and computers that respond easily to spoken commands.
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Reconciling Ethical Differences across Cultures: Most MNCs seek to adhere to a code of
ethical conduct while doing business around the world, yet must make some adjustments
to respond to local norms and values.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability:
Corporate social responsibility (CSR): The actions of a firm to benefit society beyond the
requirements of the law and the direct interests of the firm.
Fair trade: An organized social movement and market based approach that aims to help
producers in developing countries obtain better trading conditions and promote
Sustainability: Development that meets current needs without harming the future.
Implication for International
Discussion question
1. How has globalization affected different world regions? What are some of the benefits and
costs of globalization for different sectors of society (companies, workers, communities)?
2. Why would MNCs be interested in South America, India, the Middle East and Central Asia,
and Africa, the less developed and emerging countries of the world? Would MNCs be
better off focusing their efforts on more industrialized regions? Explain
3. In what ways do different political, economic, and legal systems influence the environment
in which MNCs operate?
4. How will advances in technology and telecommunications affect developing countries?
Give some specific examples.
Case study: