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Task 1.

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Task 2 - My hidden talent - Evaluation rubric and activity submission

Briceño Manuel Montiel Alean


English III

Group Number

Diana Carolina Sierra Diaz


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

March 2024
Find and match these phrases in bold with the pictures:

Make… Letter Picture

1 a speech in Font of more than fifty people. E

2 a meal for more than eight people. F

3 a phone call in a foreign language. C

4 a decision that changed your life for the better.


5 a project with a big team. A

6 business in another language. D

7 well/badly in an exam. B

8 your homework on the way to school.

In this chart, match the pictures with the sentences.
Now, write, at least, 5 talents ort skills you have.

Example: I have talked to a hundred-people audience, because I am good at showing off my

points of view.

• I have played the guitar in public because of my talent

• I have been on big project development teams because of my knowledge of the systems I
• I have done carpentry work in my spare time because I enjoy it.
• I have provided PC technical support because of my expertise as a Systems Technologist.
• I have installed CCTV systems because of my knowledge of technological equipment.


Look at the pictures and listen to an interview with Mario, the boy in the story. As you listen,
Answer the three questions. Click on the link to listen the interview.
1. Now, answer these questions:

- What was Mario’s hidden talent?

Mario's hidden talent was cooking.
- When did he start to use his talent?
When he started bringing food to office parties and that sort of thing.
- How did he use his talent to change his job?
He started selling food to friends and colleagues and then to people at work. He asked the boss if
he could open a cafeteria in the office and he agreed. They gave him a room and now he brings
food there every day, has chairs and tables, and now that's his job.

2. Listen again and complete the extracts.

1. I’ve always ENJOYED cooking.

2. Then in my twenties I started to MAKE melas for my friends.
3. I had the idea to SELL my food at work.
4. I wanted to DO something more interesting.
5. HAVE you ever thought, ‘Oh, I prefer my old office job’?
6. It’s the best decision I’ve ever MODE.


For this step, after doing the activities below, you must attend to one STT session with your tutor
and together, you are going to check your answers, then, he/she is going to give you tips and
recommendations to develop the rest of this worksheet’s steps. The date and hour of the session,
it will be provided by your tutor at the beginning of this task.
1. Correcting mistakes:
Read the paragraph below. Fine nine mistakes and correct them. For identifying the mistake, you
must use these symbols:
GR: grammar mistake P: punctuation SP: Spelling
My hidden talent
My talent is that I can sing really well. I’ve always like music I sing all kinds of songs, including
rock, pop and classical music I first discovered this ability when I was young. I often listened to
music and sand at the same time. I’ve doing it many times at parties, in front of my friends, and
in karaoke bars. There is no magic secret I just listen carefully and am practicing on my own.
Grammar Mistake:
- I’ve always like music --- I’ve always liked music
- I often listened to music and sand at the same time --- I often listened to music and sang
at the same time.
- I’ve doing it many times at parties, --- I’ve done it many times at parties,
- I just listen carefully and am practicing on my own --- I just listen carefully and practice
on my own.”
My talent is that I can sing really well. I’ve always liked music. I sing all kinds of songs,
including rock, pop, and classical music. I first discovered this ability when I was young. I often
listened to music and sang at the same time. I’ve done it many times at parties, in front of my
friends, and in karaoke bars. There is no magic secret; I just listen carefully and practice on my
- Sand --- Sang

1.1.In the STT session, you were asked about these questions:

- Which is your hidden talent?

My talent is playing multiple musical instruments such as: guitar, bass, drums and piano.
- When did you discover it?
I knew it when I realized that I could reproduce the sounds I heard on these instruments without
having studied them.

- Who knows about it?

This talent is known to my family and my closest friends.

2. Complete the chart with the past participle of the following verbs.

Present Simple Past Simple Present Simple Past Simple

Catch Atrapar Caught Give Dar Gave
Keep Mantener Kept Swim Nadar Swam
Make Hacer Made Sleep Dormir Slept
Drive Conducir Drove Lose Perder Lost
Do Hacer Did Win Ganar Won
Fly Volar Flew Buy Comprar Bought
Come Venir Came Pay Pagar Paid
Cross Cruzar Crossed Grow Crecer Grew

2.1. Using the past participle of the verbs above, create 6 Have you ever…? Questions to do
to your tutor or classmates in the STT session. You can use in the box to help you.


- Have you ever bought clothes on Internet?

- Have you ever caught a fly with your hands?

1. Have you ever kept a secret from someone? – Has ocultado alguna vez un secreto a
2. Have you ever made a cake from scratch? – Has hecho alguna vez una torta desde cero?
3. Have you ever made slept under the stars? – Has dormido alguna vez bajo las estrellas?
4. Have you ever lost a bet? – Has perdido alguna vez una apuesta?
5. Have you ever won a contest? – Has Ganado alguna vez un concurso?
6. Have you ever caught a ball during a football game? – Has atrapado alguna vez un balon
durante un Partido de futbol?

3. Do a list of 5 talents or achievements you have done, then, share it to your tutor and


- I have done cycling for 5 years and I have never fallen down.
- When in my house something is broken, I have fixed them up.

1. I have mastered the art of playing guitar and can perform songs with ease.
Domino el arte de tocar la guitarra y puedo interpretar canciones con facilidad.
2. I have completed a marathon and finished in the top 3 participants.
He completado un maratón y he terminado entre los 3 primeros participantes.
3. I have created a piece of melamine furniture and it is installed in my room.
He creado un mueble de melamina y está instalado en mi habitación.
4. I have won several good worker awards in the company.
He ganado varios premios al buen trabajador en la empresa.
5. I have made many birthday card designs.
He hecho muchos diseños de tarjetas de cumpleaños

For this step, after doing this activity, you must attend to one STT session with your tutor and
together, you are going to check your answers, then, he/she is going to give you tips and
recommendations to develop the rest of this worksheet’s steps. The date and hour of the session,
it will be provided by your tutor at the beginning of this task.

1. Describe your talent:

Now, choose one of the talents you wrote in point 3 Step 3. In a paragraph (between 100 and 120
words) describe your talent by giving descriptions using Present Perfect tense. For that, you can
consider these questions to create your text:

- When did you discovered that talent?

- How have you taken advantage of that?
- Do people know about this talent? Why?
- Do you feel your talent has been useful?

I have mastered the art of playing guitar and can perform songs with ease
I discovered my talent of playing the guitar when I was around 10 to 12 years old, when I knew I
could make those same sounds just by listening to it and my parents decided to buy my first
guitar. I have taken advantage of this talent to serenade and raise money at parties, birthdays,
dedications, to pay for my studies. People know my talent because they listen to me practice
before going to sleep and very often in my free time, in addition to the videos I have uploaded to
social networks. This talent has been useful because through it, I can make people relax by
listening to the sweet melodies of my interpretations and it becomes a job with which I get paid
and helps me grow as a professional in music.

2. Show us your talent:

In a short video (no more than 2 minutes), show and explain how you do your talent. For this,
consider the following:

- You must show your face in the video.

- You must explain step by step how you perform it.
- The video must be recorded in vertical frame.
- You must speak English to explain your talent.
- You must use these structures: I have done… I am good at… I am talented at…
- It is not allowed the aloud reading or playback-lip-sync (hacer mímica)
- You can guide yourself by watching these two examples:

Hi, I'm Briceño Montiel, and I've mastered playing the guitar.
Discovered my talent at 10 years old, just by listening. Got my first guitar then.
Used it to serenade, raise money, and pay for studies. People hear me practice and see my
videos online.
My talent relaxes people. It's become my profession, helping me grow as a musician.

When you finish your video, you must upload it on Youtube or your Cloud service of your
preference. Then, paste the link on the final paper you hand in.


In this step, you must check your performance during the time this task is developed. For that,
you must answer the following questions in a scale from 0 to 2. You can answer the questions
within the chart is given. This step must appear in the consolidation step. These are the

1. Did I follow accurately the steps according to what the worksheet requires?
2. Did I attend and participate in the STT (synchronous meeting) that the task required?
3. Did I take into account tutor’s recommendations on the forum?
4. Did I record the video according to all the indications in the worksheet?
5. Did I consolidate all the steps in the final document to be posted on the Evaluation

1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 2


After doing the possible corrections and receiving the positive feedback form your tutor about
the steps you developed. You must consolidate the following items in a .doc or.PDF file:

- Step 4: Describing your hidden talent. (Youtube or Google drive link).

- Step 5: Self-evaluation (you must share the chart with the corresponding points).
After that, you must upload it in the Evaluation environment.

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