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Wiseman 2014

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RADARSAT-2 Polarimetric SAR Response to Crop

Biomass for Agricultural Production Monitoring
Grant Wiseman, Heather McNairn, Saeid Homayouni, Member, IEEE, and Jiali Shang, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Agricultural production monitoring plays a key role in interest in the predicted volume of crop harvest including
a variety of economic and environmental practices including crop financial institutions that require indicators of the future market
yield forecasting, identifying risk of disease and application of place. The economic impact that yield risk information plays in
chemicals. Remote sensing has the potential to provide accurate
crop condition information across large areas and has the ability to calculating crop insurance premium rates and contracts is sub-
deliver information products in a timely within-season manner. stantial [3]. The manufacturing sector also requires accurate crop
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) frequencies are unaffected by most yields for implementing business plans on buying and selling
atmospheric conditions, making use of this technology of interest to operations in advance as does the transportation industry for
crop monitoring. In this study, RADARSAT-2 polarimetric SAR allocation of resources to meet agricultural demands. In addition,
responses of 21 parameters are compared with dry biomass of
canola, corn, soybean, and spring wheat crops over a 6-week period there is an ever increasing pressure on cropping systems to
for a site in western Canada. Dry biomass was targeted as this meet world population demands and to do so in an environ-
variable is a strong predictor of crop productivity. During the mentally sustainable manner [4]. At the field scale, timely crop
period of biomass accumulation, significant correlations with dry forecasts can assist producers with in-season management
biomass were observed for most SAR parameters, for corn, canola, decisions on fertilization, irrigation, and pesticide use reduc-
and soybeans. These findings are of interest as they could be used to
target fungicide applications (canola) and to determine silage yields ing the risk of disease [5] while maximizing crop yields and
and resistance to disease (corn). For spring wheat, linear cross minimizing water quality degradation. Crop forecasts also
polarization and circular cross polarization backscatter, volume influence agri-environmental policy decisions with predicting
scattering and pedestal height were able to detect when wheat soil erosion, leaching of agrichemicals, and the effects of
entered the milking stage which could prove useful as an indicator climatic change [6].
for the timing of spring wheat harvest. This study demonstrates that
polarimetric SAR responds to accumulation of dry biomass, but as There are a number of inputs required to generate precise
well that several radar parameters can uniquely identify changes in forecasts from crop models including agrometerological infor-
crop structure and phenology. mation; incoming solar radiation, maximum and minimum
Index Terms—Agricultural crop monitoring, crop disease risk, temperatures, and rainfall frequency and amount [6], soil mois-
dry biomass, polarimetric SAR backscatter, synthetic aperture ture concentrations and crop phenology. The accuracy of crop
radar (SAR). growth models largely relies on the quality of the input data [7].
Accurate crop production measurements are difficult to acquire
over large agricultural landscapes due to variability of rainfall
I. INTRODUCTION events [8], [9], distribution of daily heat units, assortment of
farming practices [10], and sheer size of required study areas [11]
C ROP forecasting is the science of predicting crop yields
and production before the harvest actually takes place.
Crop yield is a critical indicator for national food security, food
resulting in an information gap.
Remote sensing has the potential to provide accurate crop
trade, and enables producers with beneficial marketing strategies condition information across large areas [12] and has the ability
[1]. Regional yield forecasting assists marketing agencies and to deliver information products in a timely within-season manner
commodity brokers in management plans to maximize sales [13]. Earth observation data can be acquired over large areas at
opportunities [2]. Many commercial institutions have a direct regular intervals and therefore provide crop monitoring activities
with possible spatial extension [14]. Above ground dry biomass
is a strong indicator of crop productivity under the general
Manuscript received November 14, 2013; revised March 24, 2014; accepted assumption the larger a plant is the greater the productivity from
April 17, 2014. This work was supported in part by the Canadian Space Agency
Government Related Initiatives Program (GRIP), in part by NASA, and in part by that plant [4]. Thus, monitoring dry biomass is of particular
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. interest.
G. Wiseman was with the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Winnipeg, MB The impact of crop biomass on scattering, attenuation, and
R3C 3G7, Canada. He is now with Stantec Consulting Ltd., Winnipeg, MB R3C
3R6, Canada (e-mail: grant.wiseman@stantec.com). emission of electromagnetic energy is complex and varies with
H. McNairn and J. Shang are with the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, crop type and development stage. Previous studies have utilized
Ottawa, ON K1A 0C6, Canada (e-mail: heather.mcairn@agr.gc.ca; jiali. different wavelength regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
S. Homayouni was with the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, ON
Strategies have included exploitation of emitted thermal energy
K1A 0C6, Canada. He is now with the Department of Geography, University of [15], [16], optical reflectance to estimate fractional vegetation
Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada (e-mail: saeid.homayouni@uOttawa.ca). cover [17], indices calculated from hyperspectral sensors [18],
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. [19], and red and near-infrared channels to derive normalized
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2322311 difference vegetation index (NDVI) [20], [21]. Satellite optical

1939-1404 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


data have also been used with radiation use efficiency models to Pauli-basis decomposition volume ( ) and double
estimate above ground dry biomass, in order to predict crop bounce co-polarization horizontal-vertical (HH-VV) responses
productivity [4]. However, for those approaches, which rely on were good indicators of crop growth development. Correlations
reflected energy in visible and infrared wavelengths, application were low during emergence but progressively become greater as
of these methods is limited to near cloud free acquisitions and at plants developed. Backscatter then plateaued as crops matured
these shorter wavelengths, responses are most representative of and declined as plants senesced. HV backscatter has been
upper crop canopy conditions [22]. effective for monitoring crop conditions especially at low inci-
In contrast, microwave sensors record emitted (passive) or dent angles where changes in vegetation structure and growth
scattered (active) energy at much longer wavelengths. These lower were detectable [33]. Backscatter was a reliable source for
frequencies are unaffected by most atmospheric conditions mak- tracking grain growth stages jointing and heading and leaf
ing use of this technology of interest for crop monitoring. The development and reproduction for corn crops. The C-Band
dielectric of a target determines the magnitude of emitted and like-polarization ratio (HH/VV) channel at a-23° incident angle
scattered microwave energy and thus these sensors can detect has been shown to positively relate to wheat biomass throughout
contrast among vegetation with varying dielectric properties the growing season with the exception of the heading stage where
[23]. For active sensors [synthetic aperture radars (SARs)], the the HH/VV ratio dropped by 2 dB [34]. The C-Band HH/VV
angular scattering pattern is primarily governed by the structure ratio at a 40 incident angle was also closely correlated to wheat
of the target. Given that different vegetation exhibit varying biomass and did not have a drop in response during the heading
canopy structures, SARs can be used to identify crop types [12]. stage with an overall correlation of 0.87 at the increased incident
Active systems propagate microwave energy toward the target angle. C-Band HV and circular copolarization right (RR) back-
and subsequently record the magnitude and phase of the energy scatter have been used to discriminate the level of biomass for
scatter back to the sensor. Due to this two way interaction of colza and alfalfa crops [35].
microwaves with the target, multiple scattering events within a The study presented here contributes significantly to this body
vegetation canopy typically occur. of published research as it investigates the sensitivity of C-Band
These active sensors are also highly sensitive to soil conditions polarimetric parameters to dry biomass of four economically
including surface roughness [24], [25] and soil moisture content important crops—canola, corn, soybeans, and wheat. The strong
[26]. In reference to agriculture targets, significant changes in correlation between above ground dry biomass and crop pro-
surface roughness are primarily associated with farming activi- ductivity [4] and the potential contribution of SAR to production
ties (tillage, seedbed preparation, and seeding) and weathering monitoring are the motivations behind this investigation. Also,
effects due to wind and water erosion [27]. Once fields are seeded explored are the variations in SAR responses to dry biomass due
and the crop canopy begins to develop, changes in surface to differences in crop phenology, structure, and planting char-
roughness are minimal. Soil moisture continues to vary in acteristics. Research was focused on dry biomass, and not wet
response to rain events and uptake of soil water by growing biomass, because of the high degree of correlation between crop
vegetation. The contribution of soil moisture to microwave productivity\yield to dry biomass [36], [37] and from an agro-
response when a crop canopy is present is variable and depends nomic perspective, many crop models estimate dry biomass.
upon sensor configuration (primarily frequency and incidence This investigation utilized an extensive data set of ground
angle) and characteristics of the canopy (plant structure, orien- measurements and RADARSAT-2 imagery acquired over a
tation, total biomass, canopy water content, and planting region of southern Manitoba (Canada) in 2012. The reduced
density). contributions from the soil at C-Band [28] make sensors such as
There has been some previous assessment of active C-Band to RADARSAT-2 good candidates for biomass estimation. The
identify and monitor crop productivity. At early growth stages data covered a wide range of crop conditions, capturing
[leaf area index (LAI) less than 1.0], soil moisture still had a most crop development stages during active biomass accumula-
significant contribution to scattering from corn and soybean tion. Correlations between SAR responses and field sampled
fields [28]. However, as the canopy developed and LAI increased dry biomass are presented. The analysis took advantage of
above 1.0, scattering of C-Band microwaves was only minimally RADARSAT-2’s polarimetric capability, and reports on results
affected by soil moisture. After LAI reached 3.0, 90% of the using linear and circular backscatter coefficients, several polari-
scattering originated from the canopy. Likewise, the sensitivity metric parameters, as well as parameters derived from the
of C-Band to soil moisture and surface roughness for individual Cloude–Pottier and the Freeman–Durden decompositions.
agricultural fields was minimal under a full crop canopy [29].
The same study found C-HV effective for estimating vegetation
biomass of herbaceous crops and C-Band co-polarization verti- II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
cal (VV) was able to separate wide-leaf verses narrow-leaf crops
A. Study Area
at low incident angles (23 ) [29]. Multitemporal C-Band data
have been used to derive crop growth biomass of soybeans but The study site is located in the Red River Valley of southern
few studies have incorporated fully polarimetric parameters [30]. Manitoba (Canada), centered on the rural town of Elm Creek (49
McNairn et al. [31] investigated polarimetric parameters, obtain- N, 97 W) (Fig. 1). The landscape is predomi-
ing significant correlations among C-Band HV backscatter, nantly flat resulting in poor drainage and high frequencies of
entropy and volume scattering, and corn and soybean LAI. For water-saturated soils or standing water. The southeast portion of
corn, soybeans and spring wheat [32] found RADARSAT-2 the study area is dominated by clay textured soils, whereas the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


RADARSAT-2 has an exact repeat orbit of 24 days. This

temporal frequency is inadequate for crop condition monitoring,
but with selectable beam modes more frequent relook is possible.
However, the amount of energy illuminating the target, and
received back to the antenna, is affected by range to the target and
angle of incidence. As well, the characteristics of scattering from
the target are angle dependent. Given these constraints, this
analysis limited selection to RADARSAT-2 beam modes which
were close in their angle of incidence. The difference in angle
between the selected FQW2 and FQW6 modes is less than 5 .

C. Field Selection and Ground Data Collection

Agricultural fields create radar scatter due to not only vegeta-
tion biomass but also surface roughness, soil moisture, and crop
residue [40]. The Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation
Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12) was primarily a campaign for
prelaunch calibration and validation for the NASA SMAP
satellite. Consequently, large fields were needed to accommo-
date the coarse spatial resolution characteristic of passive micro-
wave systems. As a result, sampled fields were large in size
( ) and homogeneous (single crop-type per field).
Fig. 1. Map of the SMAPVEX12 field campaign. The red box defines the
campaign limits with the study fields indicated by the gray boxes. To obtain a representative sample of fields typical of western
Canada, fields were selected based on varying soil textures in
order to maximize ranges of soil moisture within the site. As well,
northwest soils are mainly sand and loamy sand in texture.
selection was representative of dominant crops seeded in this
Southern Manitoba’s climate is classified as subhumid to humid
region of Canada. A total of 45 fields were chosen with four
continental with extreme yet common temperature variations
different crop types: canola-7, corn-8, soybean-17, and wheat-
( to ) [38]. The majority of precipitation occurs in
13. One of the goals of SMAPVEX12 was to gather a large
summer with approximately 75% of the 50 cm of average annual
volume of surface validation data in a short period of time to
precipitation occurring from April to September. Widespread
ensure calibration parameters were as accurate as possible. For
flooding can occur if certain climatic conditions are triggered,
each sample field, 16 soil moisture sampling points in two
namely snow accumulation over winter throughout the Red
transects of eight were arranged in a (10.5 ha)
River Valley and warmer than average spring temperatures. The
format (Fig. 2). Of these, biomass samples were extracted at three
major causes of crop failure in Manitoba from an insurance
sites in each field (field sites 2, 11, and 14). Attempts were made
perspective from 1966 to 2005 have been drought (35.4%),
to resample each field for biomass about once per week. On
excess moisture (36.9%), frost (10.6%), and hail (7.7%) [39].
average, this led to five biomass sampling opportunities per field
during the course of the 6-week campaign, with over 600 crop
B. SAR Data and Image Processing
specimens collected. Each biomass sample was weighed wet,
RADARSAT-2 is equipped with a fully polarimetric SAR dried for at least 48 h and then reweighed, providing wet and dry
operating at C-Band (5.3 GHz) with a wavelength of approxi- biomass weights (g) as well as total plant water ( ). For the
mately 5.6 cm. The fine quad-polarization wide (FQW) mode sample collected from site 2, plants were separated by plant
with 8 m nominal spatial resolution was selected for this study. organs and biomass was determined for each organ (i.e., leaves,
Twenty RADARSAT-2 images were acquired over the study stems, and fruit). The phenological growth stage using the
area from April 16 to July 31 and eight images during the 6-week Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt and Chemical
field campaign from June 7 to July 19, 2012 (Table I). The (BBCH) scale [41] of each sample was recorded. Field row
calibrated polarimetric SAR data were provided in compressed spacing, row direction, and row plant spacing (plants/m) were
stokes matrix values for each slant range pixel. Preprocessing of determined for each field.
RADARSAT-2 data was achieved using the SAR Polarimetry At each of the 16 sample sites, three soil moisture readings
Workstation (SPW), an add-on module of PCI Geomatica. A were taken resulting in 48 moisture readings per field. Each of the
boxcar filter was applied to the single-look complex (SLC) 45 fields was visited 14 times over a 6-week span (June 7, 2012 to
data to reduce speckle noise. Boxcar averaging adds N adjacent July 19, 2012) providing over 30 000 soil moisture readings.
samples, divides the sum by N, and then writes that value into the Surface soil moisture (0–6 cm) was measured using the Steven
Nth sample location and is suitable in homogeneous areas such as Hydra probe and to calibrate these probe measurements, 630 soil
large agricultural fields. Multiple frames of RADARSAT-2, in cores were taken from the 45 fields [42]. A 3-m surface roughness
the same orbit, were needed to cover the entire extent of the study profile was also collected at sites 1 and 2. A 1-m needle profiler
area. Frames were mosaicked resulting in a complete coverage of (moved twice to create a 3-m profile) was used. This instrument
the site for five dates. consists of a digital camera mounted on a tripod. The ground
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



coherency to compute ENT, indicates the level of randomness

found for each target, ANS, measures the amount of mixing
between the second and third scattering types and APH,
describes the scattering source for a given eigenvector [44],
[45]. The radar vegetation index-RVI has shown sensitivity to
vegetation condition [46] and thus this index was also generated.
There were an additional six ratio channels produced, three from
the linear polarizations (HH/VV, HV/HH, and HV/VV), one
from the Freeman–Durden decomposition (SUR/VOL), one
from the Cloude–Pottier decomposition (ENT/ANS) and lastly
the LR/LL ratio from the circular polarizations.
SAR responses were correlated with measured ground vari-
ables including soil moisture, surface roughness, and dried crop
biomass using all five dates of SAR acquisition. Correlations
were run separately by crop type with the number of samples in
the statistical analysis ranging from 64 to 210, depending on the
number of fields of each crop and how often fields were sampled.
Although many radar channels were generated, only those radar
responses which were thought to be more sensitive to multiple
and volume scattering events were used in the analysis of
biomass. Thus, radar parameters for which scattering is known
to be caused primarily by surface scattering (linear and circular
Fig. 2. Field sampling site locations for soil moisture and soil core samples co-polarizations) were not evaluated for this purpose.
(1–16), surface roughness (1–2), and crop biomass (2, 11, and 14).


profile photographs were subsequently processed using a
MATLAB application to extract surface roughness parameters A. Statistical Correlation With Dry Biomass
such as root mean square (rms) height (s) and correlation length Many C-Band parameters were significantly correlated to
(l). Measurements were taken in the look direction of the radar. dry biomass for canola, corn, and soybean crops. In Table II,
At both sites 1 and 2, five 3-m profiles were collected. all correlation coefficients (r) are statistically significant with the
exception of three correlation results for wheat. Initially, there
D. SAR Polarimetric Processing
was no expectation that the relationship between radar response
A total of 21 channels were extracted from each of the SLC and biomass would be nonlinear and consequently first results in
SAR data sets. Parameters generated included linear (HH, HV, Table II are a result of a simple linear model. The strongest
and VV) and circular (RR, LL, and LR) backscatter intensities, as correlations were observed for corn; responses for wheat, while
well as polarimetric parameters believed to be sensitive to for the most part significant, were weak. For canola and wheat,
volume scattering (pedestal height-PDH and total power-TPW). more than 50% of the variance in SAR response was left
In addition, decompositions using the approaches by Freeman- unexplained by the volume of dry biomass. For soybeans, about
Durden (surface-SUR, double bounce-DBB, and volume-VOL half the variance in VOL scattering and PDH was explained by
scattering) and Cloude–Pottier (entropy-ENT, anisotropy-ANS, dry biomass, whereas for corn, explained variance was much
and alpha angle-APH) were applied. The Freeman–Durden higher (75% for volume VOL scattering and 63% for PDH).
decomposition models the covariance matrix as the contribution When dry biomass was plotted against radar responses, in
of three scattering mechanisms: 1) vegetation scatter from many cases, a nonlinear trend was apparent. In particular, SAR
randomly oriented dipoles; 2) dihedral corner reflector; and response tended to increase more rapidly earlier in the season as
3) first-order Bragg surface scattering [43]. The Cloude–Pottier biomass accumulation accelerated. Mid to late season, crop
decomposition uses eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the development was more focused on seed and fruit development
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



All results are significant at < except where indicated as not significant (ns).

and during these periods, a reduced rate of increase in SAR roughness (either rms height or correlation length). The highest
response was visually observed. The exception was wheat, and correlations (June 3) were reported for TPW and rms (r value of
this observation was not unexpected given that many wheat fields 0.41). No significant results were reported for roughness corre-
had already accumulated significant biomass prior to the first lation length. These results confirm that neither soil moisture nor
RADARSAT-2 acquisition. Following from this observation, a surface roughness significantly affect C-Band SAR backscatter
nonlinear (logarithmic) statistical model was evaluated for with the biomass conditions present during SMAPVEX12. Thus,
canola, corn, and soybeans. As expected from interpretation of SAR returns are largely a function of microwave interactions
the scatterplots, stronger correlations were produced using a within the crop canopy.
nonlinear model (Table II). Variation in dry biomass was highly
correlated with ENT for corn and canola (r values of 0.81 and
B. SAR Responses to Canola
0.84, respectively), suggesting particularly in the early growth
period, accumulations of biomass increased randomness in The 2011 Census of Agriculture conducted by Statistics
scattering within these canopies. For soybeans, the linear Canada reported that a record 19.4 million acres of canola had
cross-polarized backscatter (HV) was still most sensitive to been planted in Canada, surpassing that of spring wheat for the
increases in biomass (r value of 0.81). first time [48]. With expansion of canola acreages, the impor-
In many of the results presented in Table II, a large amount of tance of this crop to global markets is clearly increasing. Canola
variance in radar response was left unaccounted for. Multiple is a broadleaf plant with a very distinctive change in canopy
scattering within a crop canopy can include canopy–soil and structure through the growing season. Upon emergence, the crop
soil–canopy scattering events as well as direct microwave scat- develops a thick rosette of leaves close to the ground before
tering from the soil. The contribution of the soil to SAR response sending up a flowering stalk [49]. Maximum LAI is reached near
depends on many variables related to both the sensor and the the beginning of flowering, but as seed development begins, LAI
target. At C-Band, in the presence of significant biomass scat- declines with the loss of lower leaves [50].Yield is positively
tering contributions from the soil were expected to be minimal. correlated with maximum LAI.
This expectation was confirmed by correlations performed using With leaves of similar scale as RADARSAT-2’s C-Band
all radar parameters and soil moisture as well as surface wavelength (5.6 cm), sensitivity to canola leaf development was
roughness. Correlations were weak and for the most part, expected. Yet with the volume of dry biomass produced by this
statistically insignificant. Soil moisture on canola and corn fields crop (over at peak biomass), saturation of the C-Band
had the highest correlation with SUR (0.40 and 0.14) and on signal is possible. For canola fields, sensitivity of radar response
soybeans with ANS (0.349). None of the volume scattering to increases in dry biomass beyond about was not
parameters assessed in Table II, for sensitivity to biomass, had observed (Fig. 3). In Fig. 3, this is evident for both ENT (top) and
significant correlations with soil moisture. The one exception HV backscatter (center). Also evident is that beyond this biomass
was wheat where HV backscatter produced significant correla- threshold, for some SAR parameters (HV and LR backscatter,
tions, albeit weak (r value of 0.53). As roughness data were VOL scattering, and PDH) response was primarily dictated by
gathered only once during the campaign, correlations were run changes in crop phenology (and thus structure), rather than
between roughness and SAR parameters for RADARSAT-2 accumulation of biomass. In Fig. 3 (bottom) two distinct popula-
dates close in time to roughness measurements. As with soil tions of HV backscatter response are noted. Lower backscatter
moisture, SAR responses had little sensitivity to surface (close to ) was observed when fields were flowering
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



All correlations are statistically significant at < .

are black and hard. Outside of these four SAR parameters, the
distinction between these two growth stages is not obvious.
Flowering, which precedes ripening, caused a slight decrease
in response for these four SAR parameters. Increases in biomass
shift from the accumulation of leaf area to seed filling of the pod
cavities when plants began to ripen. As previously stated, SAR
responses (HV and LR backscatter, volume scattering, and
pedestal height) increased during ripening. Variations in planting
date, soil conditions, and plant varieties meant that during
SMAPVEX12 not all canola fields had reached this level of
maturity (flowering and ripening). For canola fields that were less
mature and had not yet reached the flowering stage, a decrease in
backscatter was not yet observed. When canola fields in the
flowering stage of development were removed from the analysis,
correlations increased substantially (Table III). This indicates
that SAR was sensitive to canola biomass accumulation during
vegetative growth stages, up to flowering.
These findings suggest that C-Band SAR may be able to
identify when canola crops are flowering and when crops are
transitioning to pod filling. Knowledge of when these stages are
occurring is of assistance in disease prevention. Sclerotinia stem
rot, a wide spread disease in canola, is passed onto the plant via
infected flower petals [47]. The source of sclerotium is mush-
rooms that are in the soil and whose development is favored by
wet soil and humid conditions. Risk of contamination by scler-
otinia is greatest when these wet conditions are present during the
flowering stage of the plant cycle. Spraying for maximum
protection should take place when the crop bloom is at 20%–
30%. The findings presented here are preliminary and further
research is needed to confirm the sensitivity of SAR response to
flowering. However, if this finding can be repeated, sensors like
RADARSAT-2 could be used to guide timing of the application
of chemicals to canola crops for maximum protection and
minimal environmental impact. Also, tracking soil moisture
levels just before and during flowering stages may be able to
Fig. 3. Scatter plot of SAR response to accumulation of dry biomass ( ) for
canola. Top graph plots entropy response for all canola fields. Centre graph plots
identify fields at risk to sclerotinia stem rot.
HV backscatter for all fields. Bottom graph plots HV backscatter from two
specific canola fields (124 and 125) and illustrates the difference in response C. SAR Responses to Corn
between flowering growth stages (61–67) and ripening (82–85).
Corn and soybeans remain important global crops for the
agriculture and agri-food sector. In Canada, acres of both crops
(BBCH stages 61–67). However, once ripening began (stages are steadily increasing with the largest increases occurring in the
82–85) backscatter increased by approximately 5 dB. For a western region of the country [48]. The increase in planted acres
canola plant at the beginning of ripening, pods are filled with is primarily a function of strong commodity prices, improve-
green seeds. When the plant reaches a BBCH stage of 85, 50% of ments in plant breeding and improved climatic growing condi-
the canola pods are yellow and dry, and seeds within these pods tions. In 2012, most producers in the SMAPVEX site had seeded
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


TABLE IV more within the canopy, increasing the contribution of VOL

( ) AND PLANT PHENOLOGY STAGES BUT WITH DIFFERENT PLANT HEIGHTS scattering, and amount of depolarization (recorded by PDH). The
distinction between these two groups is of interest since typical-
ly, taller corn plants have higher silage yields and are more
resistant to disease as they allow for better air movement and
drier understory canopies [49]. Thus, the sensitivity of some
polarimetric parameters to differences in canopy height may be
useful in assessing productivity as well as risk of disease.
For each field, plant samples from site 2 had been separated
into leaves and stems to determine the weight of dry biomass for
each crop organ. To further investigate how crop structure may be
influencing some SAR responses, correlations were run sepa-
rately for corn leaves and stems (Table V). Simple regressions
produced coefficients (r values) close to or above 0.8 for both
leaves and stems ( ). Dry biomass for stems and leaves was
highly correlated ( ) and consequently when both were
used in a multiple linear model, correlations did not improve. Of
interest, however, were the beta coefficients (b) which defined the
contributions of leaves and stems to the multiple regression
models. In Table V, bold values provided the greatest contribu-
tion. For SAR parameters most responsive to volume scatter (HV
and LR backscatter, VOL scattering, and PDH), the largest
contribution originated from the corn stems, suggesting that
stems are an important component in multiple scattering events
and repolarization of incident microwaves. For ENT, the con-
tributions from leaves were most important indicating that greater
leaf development leads to increase in the degree of randomness in
corn in the first 2 weeks of May. Corn development during the scattering from the canopy. This explains why ENT has proven to
campaign was primarily limited to leaf development and stem be sensitive to corn LAI [28]. Contributions from leaves and
elongation. Tasseling, flowering, and anthesis occurred only in stems were both important in determining the dominant source of
the final week of the campaign, where dry biomass accumulation scattering, as measured by APH.
peaked at about .
As observed for canola, a nonlinear logarithmic function fits
SAR response to corn dry biomass better than a simple linear D. SAR Responses to Soybean
function (Table II). SAR response increased substantially during All SMAPVEX12 soybean fields were seeded by mid-May,
the very early vegetative growth stages as leaf area increased and although seeding patterns varied among these fields with pro-
the canopy closed. The rate of increase in response reduced as ducers double seeding rows on some fields. These differences in
biomass accumulated. This observation was true for all SAR seeding densities led to significant variability in dry biomass at
parameters except VOL scattering and PDH, where higher the end of the field campaign (from less than to greater
correlations were reported for the linear model. than ).
At mid-season, when biomass was at its maximum, VOL and Dry soybean biomass was linearly correlated with all SAR
PDH responses from corn separated into two groups: group A in parameters (Table II). Although all linear correlations were
Table IV which includes fields 24, 53, and 54 and group B (fields statistically significant, coefficients were weaker than that re-
72, 83, and 93). Examining field data collected for these fields, ported for corn. This may be expected given the variances in
planting density, dry biomass weight, and phenology stages were biomass among soybean fields. Four radar parameters (HV and
very similar between these two groups. The only substantial LR backscatter, VOL scattering, and PDH) had stronger correla-
difference noted was in plant height, where corn plants were on tions when either a linear or nonlinear (logarithmic) model was
average 26.5 cm higher for group A than group B. Total biomass considered. In fact, the nonlinear correlations of soybean bio-
was comparable between these two groups, but the difference in mass with these four parameters approximated the correlations
height suggests greater horizontal growth for group B and greater reported for corn.
vertical growth for group A. It is hypothesized that the differ- For the majority of soybean fields, SAR responses continued
ences in height and growth characteristics may be a function of to increase through the growing season. Responses from fields 33
corn cultivar, but this cannot be confirmed as data on cultivar and 83 in Fig. 4 are typical of these fields. However, some notable
planted were not collected. This separation was not apparent with exceptions were observed. For a subset of fields, SAR responses
HV backscatter, and thus differences between these two groups fell from the June 20 acquisition to the June 27 acquisition even
were not a function of the total intensity of scattering, but rather though biomass continued to accumulate (fields 14 and 103 in
the characteristics of the scattering. Less horizontal leaf growth Fig. 4). In comparing conditions between these two groups, the
(group A) may suggest an opportunity for microwaves to interact number of seeds planted along the row was higher for some fields
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



The beta coefficient (b) for leaves and stems derived from the multiple regression is also provided.

widely spaced and less advanced in growth. Too few data points
are available to statistically validate this hypothesis. Of note,
after the soybean canopy closed, radar response increased again
as biomass accumulated and presumably, soil influences were
The observation that the pattern of SAR response over the
growing season may vary as a function of plant spacing is of
interest for yield modeling [51]. It was found that pods per plant
decreased with increased plant density but also reported pods per
acre increased with higher density resulting in higher yields.
Early in-season recognition of planting density could be a
valuable source of information in crop yield predictions. How-
ever, results from SMAPVEX12 also suggest that estimation of
dry biomass for soybeans may be difficult until the crop devel-
opment and canopy closure is sufficient enough to minimize soil
Fig. 4. Temporal pattern of HV backscatter (dB) for selected soybean fields.
contributions. Indeed, previous research has reported weaker
correlations between LAI and radar response for soybeans,
(on average 19.9 plants/m) than others (on average 9.9 plants/m).
relative to corn, and what has been reported here may offer
However, when differences in row spacing are accounted for,
further explanation for these results [28].
planting density ( ) was similar. Fields where plant
spacing was closer were also slightly ahead in terms of crop
E. SAR Responses to Spring Wheat
development (moving from first or second trifoliate on June 20 to
third–seventh trifoliate on June 27) than fields with wider plant Although Canada’s most recent census reported that for the
spacing (which moved from unifoliate on June 20 to second or first time canola acreage in the west exceeded that of wheat, this
third trifoliate on June 27). When plant spacing was close (as with crop remains a very important commodity for both domestic
fields 33 and 83), the nonlinear correlation between HV back- consumption as well as export. The spring of 2012 experienced
scatter and biomass was stronger ( ) when compared record setting warm temperatures for southern Manitoba. Spring
with wider spaced and less developmentally advanced fields wheat was planted between the third and fourth weeks of April
(fields 14 and 103) ( ). The decline in SAR response for with crops well into leaf development, tillering, and stem elon-
these wider spaced fields may be partially explained by a gation when SMAPVEX12 began in early June. Spring wheat
significant soil dry down. On average, soil moisture fell 8% experienced steady increases in dry biomass up until the booting
from June 22 to June 27 although the magnitude of this change and heading stages (mid-campaign), with ripening not beginning
varied with soil texture. Field 103, e.g., experienced a decrease in until the end of the campaign. Wheat biomass had lower corre-
soil moisture of 23%. As previously reported, when all fields lation with all SAR parameters when results are compared to the
were considered soil moisture was not significantly correlated other three crops (Table II). The previous work has indicated
with SAR response. However, the contribution of soil to SAR a substantially lower correlation between SAR response and
scattering may be more important when soybean plants are more wheat than SAR response and corn [52]. The strongest linear
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


This study examined the relationship between C-Band
RADARSAT-2 polarimetric SAR data and dry crop biomass
from canola, corn, soybean, and spring wheat fields in Manitoba,
Canada. Five RADARSAT-2 mosaics were generated from Fine
Wide Quad-Pol datasets with steep (20 –25 ) incidence angles
and collected from June 3 to July 21, 2012. SAR parameters
studied included linear and circular backscatter coefficients,
linear copolarization and cross-polarization ratios, and polari-
metric variables (pedestal height and total power), as well as
Cloude–Pottier and Freeman–Durden decomposition param-
eters. Crop biomass samples were collected, as were measure-
ments of surface soil moisture and roughness.
Results demonstrated that SAR returns were largely a func-
tion of microwave interactions within the crop canopy, rather
Fig. 5. Temporal pattern of HV backscatter (dB) for selected wheat fields. than contributions from the soil when vegetation cover is
sufficient. Significant correlations with dry biomass were
correlation was with the circular polarization ratio LR/LL
observed for most SAR parameters for corn, canola, and
( ) (Table IV). A nonlinear model did not improve
soybeans. SAR response tended to increase more rapidly earlier
results, likely because SMAPVEX12 did not capture the earlier
in the season as biomass accumulation accelerated, leading
growth stages of wheat, as it did with the other crops.
to stronger correlations with a nonlinear (logarithmic) model.
Some SAR parameters (HV and LR backscatter, VOL scat-
For corn and canola, the strongest correlations with dry biomass
tering, and PDH) responded to changes in wheat crop phenology.
were observed for entropy (r values of 0.81 and 0.84, respec-
On June 20, the majority of wheat fields were booting and
tively), suggesting that early in the season accumulations
responses for these four SAR parameters increased until heads
of biomass increased randomness in scattering within these
had fully emerged. Plants ranged from beginning of swelling of
canopies. For soybeans, the linear cross-polarized backscatter
flag leaf sheath to 80%–90% of inflorescence or head having
(HV) was most sensitive to increases in biomass (r value of 0.81).
emerged from the flag leaf. The average increase in HV back-
For spring wheat, correlations were weak and these results
scatter from June 3 (leaf development, tillering, and stem elon-
were attributed to the late start of RADARSAT-2 acquisitions,
gation) to June 20 was 3.9 dB. As anthers formed HV backscatter
where first images were acquired only after this crop had already
remained constant for some fields, decreasing on average only
accumulated significant biomass.
about 0.2 dB. For others fields, (105 in Fig. 5), slightly larger
Mid to late season, crop development was more focused on
decreases of 1–1.5 dB were observed. Once wheat crops entered
seed and fruit development and during these periods, a reduced
the milking stage, HV backscatter remained steady. However, for
rate of increase in SAR response was observed. It is at this point
fields moving into dough stages, when grain is infilling, HV
of crop development where SAR returns became more respon-
backscatter increased significantly by about 5 dB (field 105 in
sive to changes in growth stage rather than biomass accumula-
Fig. 5). As kernels of wheat plants develop in the dough stage,
tion. This responsiveness may be helpful in farm management
phenological growth stage 83, the structure of grains change
from a liquid state form to a dough-like texture [53]. It is decision-making, risk assessment, and yield estimation. For
theorized that the increase in backscatter during the dough stage canola HV and LR backscatter, volume scattering and pedestal
is due to kernels becoming denser in consistency and thus height reacted to flowering (slight decrease in response) and
influencing the SAR backscatter signal. ripening (significant increase in response). These findings are of
Other SAR parameters had little response to changes in wheat interest given that canola is most vulnerable to sclerotinia
phenology. ENT remained high (above 0.7) and constant infection at flowering and knowledge of when the crop is in
throughout, likely due to the presence of a significant canopy bloom can be used to target fungicide applications. For corn at
even at the beginning of the campaign. APH increased by about mid-season, when biomass maximums were reached, volume
from June 3 to June 20 as booting occurs. Following booting, scattering and pedestal height separated corn fields into two
APH remained close to , indicative of a dipole scattering due classes based on height. Typically, taller corn plants have
to volume scattering from within the canopy. higher silage yields and are more resistant to disease. SAR
The abrupt increase in SAR response at ripening signals that scattering reacted differently to soybean fields, based upon
the crop is soon ready for harvest. The increase in response of density of plant spacing. This observation is interesting since
HV, LR, VOL scattering, and PDH at the time of booting may number of pods is a function of plant density and is a determining
serve as an indicator for optimal timing of fungicide application. factor in yields.
Many diseases such as fusarium and septoria blight start early Spring wheat was matured entering the tillering and stem
in the growth cycle when wheat is in the flag leaf stage, the last elongation growth stages at the beginning of the field campaign
leaf before the head emerges. Results from this study are and thus weaker correlations with dry biomass were found.
quite preliminary, but the sensitivity of SAR responses to wheat Nevertheless, RADARSAT-2 parameters HV and LR backscat-
development suggests further investigation is warranted. ter, volume scattering and pedestal height were able to detect
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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The authors would like to thank Dr. Tom Jackson and [21] J. N. Hird and G. J. McDermid, “Noise reduction of NDVI time series: An
Dr. Michael Cosh of USDA, Dr. Andreas Colliander and empirical comparison of selected techniques,” Remote Sens. Environ.,
Dr. Eni Njoku of NASA, Dr. Paul Bullock and RoTimi Ojo of vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 248–258, 2009.
[22] Y. Kim, T. Jackson, R. Bindlish, H. Lee, and S. Hung, “Monitoring soybean
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[48] Agriculture, and Agri-Food Canada. (2013, May 10). Canada: Outlook for as an Assistant Professor, and then he has worked as a NSERC Research Fellow
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[49] University of Wisconsin-Madison. (2014, Mar. 3). Canola (Rapeseed) Professor in RS and GIS with the Department of Geography of University of
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[50] Manitoba Corn Committee. (2010). Manitoba Corn Hybird Performance
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[52] A. M. Smith et al., “Multipolarized radar for delineating within-field the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada in
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[53] P. D. Lancashire et al., “An uniform decimal code for growth stages of crops with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
and weeds,” Ann. Appl. Biol., vol. 119, no. 3, pp. 561–601, 1991. China. She also worked as a Geomatics Engineer for
the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Ottawa,
Grant Wiseman was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Since 2004, she has been working with the Agriculture and Agri-Food
Canada, in 1976. He received the B.S. degree in Canada (AAFC), Ottawa, ON, Canada. She is currently a Research Scientist with
geography from the University of Winnipeg, AAFC and an Adjunct Professor with Nipissing University, North Bay, Canada.
Winnipeg, Canada, in 2001, and the M.S. degree from She specializes in the application of geophysics and hyperspectral remote sensing
the Centre for Earth Observation Science, University to mineralogical mapping and in optical and radar integration for agriculture
of Manitoba, Edmonton, Canada, in 2007. applications.ą
From 2001 to 2006, he was a Remote Sensing
Analyst with Manitoba Conservation’s Remote
Sensing Centre, Winnipeg, Canada and more recently
with the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa,
Canada, from 2006 to 2013. Currently, he is working
as a Remote Sensing Scientist on a variety of oil and gas pipeline and hydroelec-
tricity transmission line projects with Stantec Consulting Ltd., Edmonton,

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