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Industry Guide

Automobile and Transportation Equipment

The automobile industry is Americas largest manufacturing industry. According to a 2001 report, the industry directly employs 1.4 million Americans and another 2.1 million U.S. workers are employed indirectly by suppliers and other industry-related businesses. The hazards employees face vary with the types of facilities and the production processes in place where they work. Those hazards may include:

Chemical agents
such as silica-containing dusts, acid mists, carbon monoxide, metal fumes, metal working uid aerosols, isocyanates, and organic vapors

Biological agents
such as bioaerosols

Physical agents
such as noise

This publication is designed to assist health and safety professionals in choosing the appropriate equipment and methodology to assess the major chemical agents found in the automotive industry. Contact SKC Inc. at 724-941-9701 or www.skcinc.com for equipment to evaluate biological and physical agents.

Silica-Containing Dusts
In the automotive industry, the main exposure to silica-containing dusts occurs in foundry processes including nishing, shakeout-knockout, molding, core making, and melt department maintenance activities.1 If crystalline silica enters the lung, brotic nodules and scarring can occur around the trapped silica particles. This brotic condition of the lung is called silicosis. If the nodules grow too large, breathing becomes difcult and death may result. Silicosis victims are also at high risk for developing active tuberculosis. NIOSH recommends that crystalline silica levels not exceed 0.05 mg/m3 as an eight-hour Time-Weighted Average (TWA). OSHAs standard is determined by performing a calculation which takes into consideration the percentage of silicon dioxide (SiO2) in the sample. For respirable dust containing quartz, this calculation is as follows: 10 mg/m3 % SiO2 + 2 For details on sampling crystalline silica, reference the following SKC publications: SKC Chemical Fact Files
Silica, Crystalline, Quartz, Respirable Dust by OSHA Method ID 142 SKC Publication 1003 Silica, Crystalline by XRD by NIOSH Method 7500 SKC Publication 1370

Publication 1725 Rev 0911

SKC Inc. 724-941-9701

SKC South 434-352-7149

SKC Gulf Coast 281-859-8050 www.skcinc.com

SKC West 714-992-2780

Acid Mists
Electroplating processes used to produce trim, hardware, and bumpers on automotive products can produce chromic acid and sulfuric acid mists. Speci cally, exposures to acid mists can occur from the manual insertion and removal of components from open-surface tanks. Acid mists are corrosive to the skin and respiratory system and they have been associated with an increase in cancer. In 2006, OSHA lowered the PEL for hexavalent chromium and issued a revised sampling and analytical method with special sampling requirements for chrome plating operations. The new OSHA standard for hexavalent chromium is 5.0 g/m3 as an 8-hour TWA. OSHA has established an 8-hr TWA of 1 mg/m3 for sulfuric acid. For details on sampling acid mists, reference the following SKC publications: Chemical Fact Files
Chromic Acid and Chromates by OSHA Method ID 215, Version 2 SKC Publication 1439 Sulfuric Acid by OSHA Method ID 113 SKC Publication 1465 Inorganic Acids by NIOSH Method 7903 SKC Publication 1016

Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide gas is an atmospheric contaminant in foundry processes. Exposures can occur due to leaks from furnaces or gas pipelines, when performing furnace maintenance, and during upsets in process ventilation in the melt department. Carbon monoxide can cause asphyxiation by interfering with the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood. OSHA established a PEL of 50 ppm for carbon monoxide as an 8-hr TWA. For details on sampling carbon monoxide, reference the following SKC publications: Chemical Fact Files
Carbon Monoxide by OSHA Method ID 210 SKC Publication 1021 Carbon Monoxide by OSHA Method ID 209 For details on sampling carbon monoxide using a direct-reading i n s t r u m e n t , s e e w w w. s k c i n c . com for information on the Pac III Datalogging Instrument 805-30010 and a carbon monoxide sensor.

Metal Fumes
Metal fumes can be generated during various automotive operations including melting and pouring operations in the foundry, welding in the fabrication area, and soldering and grinding of lead and tin alloys in the assembly areas. Metal fumes may produce inhalation fever or cause damage to specic target organs depending on the specic metal constituents. OSHA has set PELs for individual metals. For details on sampling metal fumes, reference the following SKC publications: Chemical Fact Files
Metal and Metalloid Particulates in Workplace Atmospheres by OSHA Method ID 125G SKC Publication 1371 Lead in Dust Wipes by Chemical Spot Test by NIOSH 9105 For details on sampling lead on skin or surfaces, see www. skcinc.com for information on the SKC Full Disclosure Lead Wipes 550-001/002.

Publication 1725 Rev 0911

SKC Inc. 724-941-9701

SKC South 434-352-7149

SKC Gulf Coast 281-859-8050 www.skcinc.com

SKC West 714-992-2780

Metal Working Fluid Aerosols

Metal working uids are used in machining processes to cool and lubricate tools, remove metal chips, and provide corrosion protection. During use, aerosols from the metal working uids can become airborne and pose an exposure risk to workers. Possible health effects include respiratory disorders such as asthma and dermatitis from direct skin contact with the uids. NIOSH has a recommended exposure limit for metal working uids of 0.5 mg/m3 as total particulate and 0.4 mg/m3 as thoracic particulate. For details on sampling metal working uid aerosols, reference the following SKC publications: Chemical Fact Files
Metalworking Fluids (MWF), Total Particulate by NIOSH Method 5524 SKC Publication 1726 Metalworking Fluids (MWF), Thoracic Particulate by NIOSH Method 5524 For details on sampling thoracic particulate, see www.skcinc.com for information on the SKC Parallel Particle Impactor (PPI) 225-381

Sources of isocyanates in the auto industry include high-density polyurethane systems in body parts such as nose cones and low-density foams for seats and interior padding. Typical isocyanates found in the auto industry include TDI, MDI, and HDI. Chemical vapors or mists of these compounds can cause irritation, discomfort, and severe sensitization of the respiratory system. For details on sampling isocyanates, reference the following SKC publications or see www.skcinc.com for information on the ISO-CHEK Coated Filter Sampling System 225-9023: Chemical Fact Files
Diisocyanates by OSHA Method 42 SKC Publication 1458 Isocyanates by NIOSH Method 5521 SKC Publication 1459 Isocyanates by NIOSH Method 5522 SKC Publication 1460

Organic Vapors
There are several sources of organic vapors in the auto industry including coremaking and core burn-off products, gunushing, degreasing, and spray painting operations. Typical organic vapors in the auto industry include formaldehyde, styrene, methylene chloride, toluene, xylene, mineral spirits, naphtha, butyl and amyl acetate, and methyl alcohol. Toxic effects of these compounds vary, with some acting as irritants or causing narcosis and others having more serious, long-term effects. For details on sampling organic vapors, reference the following SKC publications or see www.skcinc.com for information on active or passive sampling speci c organic vapors of concern: Chemical Fact Files
Hydrocarbons, Aromatic by NIOSH Method 1501 SKC Publication 1453 Hydrocarbons, Halogenated by NIOSH Method 1003 SKC Publication 1454


Jeanne Mager Stellman, Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, 4th Ed. Vol III, International Labor Organization, Geneva, 1998, pp. 91.2-91.8.

Publication 1725 Rev 0911

SKC Inc. 724-941-9701

SKC South 434-352-7149

SKC Gulf Coast 281-859-8050 www.skcinc.com

SKC West 714-992-2780

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