Detailed Lesson Plan (Constellations)
Detailed Lesson Plan (Constellations)
Detailed Lesson Plan (Constellations)
Region V
Naga City Science High School
Balatas, Naga City
Teacher’s Guide
References Science Learner’s Material Pages 218 - 219
Ask one student to lead the prayer. One student leads the prayer.
Video link:
What is shown in the video? The video showed a timelapse of the sun in a course of a day.
It showed the apparent movement or positions of the sun in
different times of the day.
Yes, sir.
EXPLAIN: 10 minutes
ELABORATE: 15 minutes
What can you notice? When I turn the planisphere and change the time, the stars
apparently move and the stars that are initially present
disappears from the night sky at different hours. Some of the
stars and constellations becomes out of the view.
Again, what causes these to happen? The earth’s rotation on its axis causes the stars to apparently
move from east to west. This causes the stars and
constellations present in the sky to change in a course of a
night. Some constellations and stars disappear as the night
goes on.
EVALUATE: 5 minutes
EXTEND: 3 minutes
Now that we are done discussing the apparent
positions and movements of stars in a course
of a night, next meeting we are going to
explore the changing positions of
constellations at different times of the year.
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Cooperating Teacher