Duta Vakyam
Duta Vakyam
Duta Vakyam
Dūta Vākyam
The Envoy
Dūta Vākyam
[After the benediction, enter the Producer]
PRODUCER May the feet of Vishnu protect you; the feet with slender rosy
nails, which gladden all the worlds and which sent the demon
Namuchi hurtling through the sky.
And now, distinguished spectators, I have to announce that—but what
is that? There seems to be a sound just as I was about to start. Well, let
me see.
[Voices off stage]
VOICES Attention! Attention, you guards. King Duryodhana has
commanded …
PRODUCER Ah, I see. Discord having arisen between the sons of
Dhritarashtra and the sons of Pandu, an attendant is preparing the
council chamber at Duryodhana’s command.
[Enter a Chamberlain]
CHAMBERLAIN Attention! Attention, you guards. King Duryodhana has
commanded that all the princes be summoned as he wishes to consult
with them today. But, oh, there is King Duryodhana himself coming
this way. There, with the royal parasol and flywhisk. He wears a white
silk mantle on his dark, youthful body, perfumed and gleaming with
jewels. He is splendid, like the full moon among the stars.
[Enter Duryodhana, as described]
DURYODHANA The anger in my heart has suddenly given way to joy at the
thought that the festival of war is at hand. Now my only wish is to
tear out the tusks of the finest elephants in the Pandava army.
CHAMBERLAIN Victory to the great king. All the princes have been
assembled as commanded by Your Majesty.
DURYODHANA Well done. You may go inside.
CHAMBERLAIN As Your Majesty commands. (Exit)
DURYODHANA My lords Vaikarna and Varshadeva, I have a force of eleven
armies. Tell me, who is fit to be its Commander-in-Chief? What did
you say? It is an important matter. It should be decided after
consultations. Quite so. Then come, let us go into the council
chamber. Greetings, preceptor. Please come into the council chamber,
sir. Greetings, grandfather, please come into the council chamber.
Uncle, greetings. Please enter the council chamber. Enter, lords
Vaikarna and Varshadeva. Enter freely, all you warriors. Comrade
Karna, let us go in. (Entering) Preceptor, here is the tortoise throne.
Please be seated. Grandfather, please take your seat on the lion
throne. Uncle, this is the leather throne. Please take a seat. Lords
Vaikarna and Varshadeva, please take a seat. Please be seated all you
warriors. What? The king is not seated? What devotion! Well, I will sit
down. Friend Karna, please sit also. (Sitting down) Lords Vaikarna and
Varshadeva, I have a force of eleven armies. Tell me, who should be
its Commander-in-Chief? What did you say? Let the prince of
Gandhara speak. Very well. Let my uncle speak. What did uncle say?
Who else can be the Commander-in-Chief when the son of Ganga is
there? Well spoken, uncle. Very well, so be it. Grandfather, that is also
our wish. Let the hearts of their leaders sink even as the son of Ganga
is anointed to the roars of acclaim of our army.
[Enter the Chamberlain]
CHAMBERLAIN Victory to Your Majesty. Krishna, the best of men, has come
from the Pandava camp as an envoy.
DURYODHANA Don’t speak like that, Badarayana! Is that servant of Kansa
your best of men? Is that herder of cows your best of men? Is that
your best of men who was deprived by Jarasandha of his lands and
reputation? It this the way the king’s servant should behave? With
such insolent words? You ….
CHAMBERLAIN Have mercy, great king. I forgot he proper conduct in my
confusion. (Falls at his feet)
DURYODHANA Confusion? Ah well, people do get confused. You may get
CHAMBERLAIN Oh, thank you, Your Majesty.
DURYODHANA It is all right. Now, who is this envoy who has arrived?
CHAMBERLAIN The envoy who has come is one Keshava.
DURYODHANA Keshava! That’s better. That’s the proper conduct. O you
princes, what will be proper for this Keshava who has come as an
envoy? What did you say? He should be received with honours? That
doesn’t appeal to me. I see merit in arresting him. If Keshava is
arrested the Pandavas would have lost their eyes. And, with the
Pandavas deprived of direction and advice, the whole earth will be
mine, without a rival. Moreover, if anyone gets up to receive Keshava,
he will be fined twelve gold coins by me. So, don’t forget that,
gentlemen. Now, what should be the reason for my not getting up?
Ah, that’s it. Badarayana! Bring me that painting which shows
Draupadi being dragged by her hair and her garments. (Aside) I will
look at it and not get up for Keshava.
CHAMBERLAIN As Your Majesty commands. (Exits and re-enters) Victory to
the great king. Here is that painting.
DURYODHANA Spread it out before me.
CHAMBERLAIN As Your Majesty commands. (Spreads it out)
DURYODHANA This is a picture worth seeing. Here is Duhshasana, holding
Draupadi by the hair. Here is Draupadi, seized by Duhshasana and
wide-eyed with terror. She looks like a digit of the moon in eclipse.
And here is that wretch Bhima, sizing up the pillars of the hall as he
angrily watches Draupadi being humiliated before all the princes.
Here is Yudhishthira, quietening Bhima with sidelong looks. He is the
righteous and truthful one, stupefied by the game of dice.
And here now is Arjuna, eyes filled with rage, lips trembling. He has
such contempt for his enemies. He slowly draws the string of his bow,
as if he would destroy them all. But Yudhishthira stops him.
And here are Nakula and Sahadeva, faces flushed, swords in hand,
ready to fight. Recklessly they attack my brother, like two calves
against a tiger. But Yudhishthira restrains them. And here is the prince
of Gandhara, laughing and casting the dice, as he gazes at the weeping
Draupadi from his couch. And Grandfather and the preceptor stand
there, covering their heads with their mantles, ashamed to see her.
What rich colours! What fine expressions! How perfect a composition!
This picture is really well done. I like it. Who is there?
CHAMBERLAIN Victory to the great king.
DURYODHANA Badarayana, bring in that envoy who is so proud just
because he rides on a bird.
CHAMBERLAIN As Your Majesty commands. (Exit)
DURYODHANA Well, Karna my friend. The crafty Krishna has come here on
a mission, like a servant of the Pandavas. Let us get ready to hear the
soft feminine words of Yudhishthira.
[Enter Krishna with the Chamberlain]
KRISHNA It is not fitting to come as an envoy to the proud Suyodhana who
grasps at even the unsaid word. But I am here today at the request of
Yudhishthira and out of true friendship for Arjuna. The Kuru clan is
going to be destroyed in the fire of Bhima’s anger, fanned by Arjuna’s
arrows and the disgrace of Draupadi.
Well, here is Suyodhana’s camp. The royal quarters look like paradise:
the arsenals are full of weapons; the horses neigh and the elephants
trumpet. But none of this opulence can survive war among kinsmen.
This villain Suyodhana has no feelings for his kin. He speaks ill,
dislikes virtues and is not going to do what he should, even on seeing
Well, Badarayana, should one go in?
CHAMBERLAIN Of course, of course. Please enter, Krishna.
KRISHNA (Entering) What is this? All the warriors seem confused on seeing
me. Sit at ease, gentlemen. There is no need for any agitation.
DURYODHANA What is this? All the warriors seem confused on seeing
Krishna. Enough of this. Please remember the fine which has been
ordained. I give the orders here.
KRISHNA O Suyodhana, how are you?
DURYODHANA (Falling down from his seat, aside) It is clear that Krishna has
arrived. I had made up my mind to keep sitting, but his power moved
me from my seat. This envoy is a cunning magician. (Aloud) Here is a
seat, ambassador, please be seated.
KRISHNA Preceptor, take a seat. Bhishma and the princes, please sit as you
wish. We will also sit. (Sits down) Oh, what a nice painting. But no! It
depicts Draupadi being dragged by the hair! This childish Suyodhana
thinks it brave to humiliate his kinsmen. Otherwise, who in this world
would display his own faults in an assembly. O take away this
DURYODHANA Badarayana! Take that picture away.
CHAMBERLAIN As Your Majesty commands. (Removes picture)
DURYODHANA Well, ambassador, how are my brothers, the son of Dharma,
Bhima the son of the wind god, Arjuna the son of the king of gods and
the modest sons of the twin gods. Are they and their people well?
KRISHNA Worthily spoken. O son of Gandhari, indeed they are all well.
And they have also enquired about your welfare and that of your
kingdom. Yudhishthira and his brothers also want to inform you that
they have suffered many sorrows. The time has now come. So let the
inheritance be divided, and the due share given to them.
DURYODHANA What inheritance? My uncle committed a crime while
hunting in the forest. The sage cursed him and he became impotent
with his wives. He had no progeny. How can a patrimony go to the
sons of others?
KRISHNA Since you know history, sir, let me also ask you. Vichitravirya
KRISHNA Since you know history, sir, let me also ask you. Vichitravirya
was addicted to pleasures and died of the wasting sickness. Your
father Dhritarashtra was born to Ambika from Vyasa. Then how did he
succeed to the kingdom? No, no, sir. By this way of mutual
confrontation the Kuru clan may soon become just a name. It is better
to give up anger and accept what Yudhishthira and the others have
lovingly requested.
DURYODHANA Mister ambassador, you do not understand the ways of
kings. One does not beg for a kingdom, nor give it as charity.
Kingdoms are won by princes with stout hearts who defeat their
enemies. If the Pandavas desire dominion let them act boldly.
Otherwise let them enter a hermitage and live there with peace-
minded monks.
KRISHNA O that is enough of harsh words for your kinsmen, Suyodhana.
Sovereignty is attained by the accumulated merit of past good deeds.
All is lost by cheating relatives and well-wishers.
DURYODHANA You had no pity for King Kansa, the brother-in-law of your
own father. Why should we have it for those who have always harmed
KRISHNA That was not my fault. He invited death by imprisoning his old
father and making my mother suffer the loss of successive sons.
DURYODHANA Kansa was wholly betrayed by you. There is no need for self-
praise. It was not a brave deed. And where was your bravery when
you fled, terrified, from the king of Magadha who was enraged at his
son-in-law’s murder?
KRISHNA Suyodhana, the wise man’s bravery accords with the time, the
place and the situation. But, leave aside this mutual pleasantry and
come to my business. Have love for your brothers. Forget their faults.
Good relations with kinsmen have merit in both this and the next
DURYODHANA How can there be kinship between mortal men and the sons
of gods? You repeat the same old tale. It is enough. Put an end to it.
KRISHNA (Aside) he does not change his attitude by conciliation. Well, I
must try him with strong words. (Aloud) Suyodhana, don’t you know
the might and power of Arjuna?