Determining C Factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) Based On Remote Sensing
Determining C Factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) Based On Remote Sensing
Determining C Factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) Based On Remote Sensing
Research article
Faculty of Regional Environment Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan
Faculty of Regional Environment Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract Soil erosion is a serious environmental problem which causes degradation of soil and
water environment. Thus, soil conservation is necessary for the areas where accelerated erosion
occurs. At early stages of soil conservation, certain strategies should be implemented based on
predicted soil erosion rate of the area. Soil erosion rate has been calculated using erosion
models, such as Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation
(RUSLE), Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP), etc. However, the most common model is
either Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) or Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE),
as they are easy in handling by users. Attention has been paid to Cropping Management, factor
C of USLE or RUSLE, since it is challenging to determine. The factor depends on the type of
crop and the growing stage, however growing conditions would change locally and harvesting
time are unpredictable. Also, vegetation could be changed unpredictably due to weather or
farming conditions. Approaches based on remote sensing technology which has less temporal
and spatial restrictions on detection of vegetation were applied to determine C factor using
vegetation indices. However, it is not always successful in field application. Therefore, the
objective of the study is to improve determination of C factor using vegetation indices. For
clarification, experiments for identifying the relationship between C factor and vegetation
indices such as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Soil-Adjusted Vegetation
Index (SAVI) were carried out under several types of soil. Furthermore, the accuracy of
determination of C factor using vegetation indices was discussed through an erosion model
experiment. The results showed SAVI is more strongly correlated with C factor than NDVI.
Estimation of C factor based on NDVI and SAVI have 30% and 36% of relative error in field
application. Therefore, it was concluded that vegetation indices have high potential to
determine C factor of USLE or RUSLE. Also, estimation of field C factor based on SAVI is
more recommendable for determination of C factor in the field where there are several types of
Keywords soil erosion, soil conservation, USLE, C factor, remote sensing, NDVI, SAVI
It is well known that accelerated erosion results in serious form of soil degradation, and pollutes the
water environment with component of nitrogen and phosphorous. Thus, soil conservation is necessary
for protecting soil and water areas, where accelerated soil erosion happens. At the early stage of soil
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conservation planning, soil erosion predicting model is employed for evaluating condition of local soil
erosion rate, before and after soil conservation strategies are applied. Many models have been
developed for predicting water-induced soil erosion rate. Especially, Universal Soil Loss Equation
(USLE) and Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) have been used to calculate annual soil
erosion rate (Wischmeier and Smith, 1978; Renard, 1997). USLE is empirical model, originally
developed to predict soil erosion rate, mainly in agricultural land. RUSLE is an advanced version with
less limitation on application area. However, more details about field are required. Both USLE and
RUSLE have the same mathematic structure which can be written as follows:
Where A is soil erosion rate (ton/ha yr.), R is rainfall and runoff erosivity factor (MJ mm/ha h yr.),
K is soil erodibility factor (t ha h/ha MJ mm), LS is topographic factor comprised of slope length and
slope gradient-slope steepness, C is Cropping Management factor, P is soil conservation practice factor.
(Revised) Universal Soil Loss Equation is most common model for soil conservation planning.
Determining LS factor and C factor is always challenging when applying (Revised) Universal Soil
Loss Equation in field. Complicated topographic feature causes difficulties in initial field data
collection for computing LS factor. Several proposed ideas indicate remote sensing has high potential
in estimating LS factor, in terms of high speed of execution and computing in topographic complex
(Desmet, et al., 1996; Winchell, et al., 2008). Efforts linking LS factor and remote sensing have been
successfully carried out by processing topographic function in Geographic Information system (GIS)
with raster database of Digital Elevation Model (DEM). However, determining C factor still remains a
challenge. C factor is defined as relative impact of vegetation reducing on soil erosion rate.
Determining C factor requires one to know about vegetation which is difficult to identify manually.
Remote sensing technology which has less temporal and spatial restrictions on detection of vegetation
were widely applied to determine field C factor using vegetation indices such as Normalize Difference
Vegetation Index (NDVI) (Van der Knijfff et al., 2000; Lin et al., 2002). However, it is not always
successful in field application (Alejandro, et al., 2007).
Accordingly, the objective of the study is to improve determination of C factor using vegetation indices.
Required materials such as experimental plots, soil samples, canopies, portable spectroradiometer (MS-
720E), and white panel were prepared. Soil physical properties were analyzed and classified based on
IUSS method (Table 1). For each plot, same amount of soil samples was used and were randomly
planted canopies with coverage approximately ranging from 0% to 70%. In total, there were three
different kinds of treatments; (a) Andosol (1) + Ophiopogon japonicus (b) Ultisol + Ophiopogon
japonicus (c) Andosol (2) + Lolium perenne. At the beginning, white panel was used for calibrating
effect of shadow and spectra reflectance of red light and near-infrared red were measured in each plot
by spectroradiometer outdoor (Fig.1). After reflectance spectra data of each plot was acquired,
vegetation index was calculated as in Eq. (2) proposed by Deer (1978).
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Where NDVI is Normalized Difference Vegetation Index calculated with function of reflectance
differences between red and near infrared red (NIR), Red is reflectance of red light (630 nm - 690 nm)
and NIR is reflectance of near-infrared red (775 nm - 900 nm). Secondly, experiment of soil erosion
was conducted under artificial rainfall simulator for evaluating C factor (Fig. 2). Plots were placed on
slope of 8 degree under rainfall simulator. At each trial of rainfall simulation, rainfall intensity was
varied from 36 to 120 mm/hr. for 30 minutes. Soil loss was collected after rainfall-simulation and
measured by oven-drying for 24 hours. The weight of soil loss was used for computing C factor based
on the ratio of soil loss between the plots with bare soil and vegetation cover. Finally, the graph of the
relationship between C factor and vegetation index was drawn. Besides, equation of C factor based on
vegetation index was established by statistical regression analysis.
Fig. 1 Experiment for evaluating Fig. 2 Slope model experiment for evaluating
vegetation index C factor
In this procedure, field C factor was measured in study area. Study area is located in Linkou distinct,
north part of Taiwan. It lies in 25°3′ to 25°9′ N latitude 121°17′ to 121°25′ E longitude (Fig. 3). Total
area of study is 54.15 km2. Forest and agriculture are main dominant land use pattern in Linkou distinct.
Annual average rainfall is about 2500 mm. Degree of soil erosion is influenced by changes of
vegetation and land use pattern. Main species of canopy in the field is Eremochloa ophiuroides
To determine field C factor , parameters such as amount of annual soil erosion (A), rainfall and
runoff erosivity factor (R), soil erodibility factor (K), topographic factor (LS), Soil conservation
practice factor (P) were measured in the field. In addition, field measured C factor are computed based
on Eq. (3).
C= A / RKLSP (3)
As the arrangement for measuring annual soil erosion (A) was illustrated in Fig.4, two poles were
inserted into ground surface tightly and deeply in the field. Initial difference of height for both sides of
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the pole was 17.5 cm. Both side of the pole was connected with a baseline of 14.9 m long and was
given a mark at every 10 cm interval. After equipment was installed in the field, the height from
baseline to the ground was measured and recorded at interval of 10 cm. Experiment was conducted
from 13 September, 2014 to 5 September, 2015. Changes of soil surface and dried density of soil was
measured to calculate total amount of soil erosion (A) in the field. Data of hourly rainfall from 2004 to
2013 was collected from local weather station for calculating rainfall and runoff erosivity factor (R).
Soil erodibility factor (K) and topographic factor (LS) was computed based on field measurements and
experimental analysis. Soil conservation practice factor (P) was assumed as 1.
Eroded soil
2014/9/13 2015/9/14
By comparing with field measured C factor, estimated C factor based on vegetation indices could be
validated. Estimated C factor was derived by substituting monthly field vegetation index into C factor
equation based on NDVI. Moreover, monthly vegetation index was calculated as in equation (2) with
data of satellite-image of Landsat 7 from 2014 to 2015. The satellite-image was first downloaded from
website of NASA and calibration of atmospheric effect was done by following instruction of Landsat 7
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The estimation of C factor of USLE or RUSLE becomes challenging as land use pattern and vegetation
change (Alejandro, et al., 2007). It was thought that determining C factor using vegetation indices is
promising technology for responding to fast land use and vegetation changes. Lin (2002) stated that
there is linear correlation between C factor and NDVI. Moreover, Van der Knijfff (2000) presented
exponential C factor equation based on NDVI, which is applicable for environmental condition in
Europe. As results of experiments shown in figure 5, it shows linear correlation (R2 = 0.69) between C
factor and NDVI. The result is similar to approach of Lin (2002). Nevertheless, it was observed that
NDVI is highly variable as C factor equals to 1. It would decrease accuracy of estimation of C factor.
Therefore, Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) presented by Huete (1988) was applied to improve
estimation of C factor. Equation of Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) can be expressed as
Where L is an adjustment length and it was assumed as 0.5. In Fig. 6, the relationship between
SAVI and C factor was shown. The results indicated SAVI is more strongly correlated with C factor
than NDVI. Correlation R2 increases from 0.69 to 0.73. Huete (1988) indicated estimation of
vegetation based on SAVI is less affected by soil background. It means estimation of C factor based on
SAVI is more accurate than NDVI in the field where there are several types of soil. Besides, it was
observed that there is less variation in SAVI than NDVI under bare soil (Table 2). Moreover, it was
observed that equation established by statistical regression analysis (Figs. 5 and 6) has similar
mathematic structure which could be defined as follows:
About 72 ton/ha/yr. of soil loss (A) was observed in the field (Fig. 8). Moreover, field measured C is
equal to 0.56 which is calculated by following parameters summarized in Table 3.
The results of monthly NDVI and SAVI (Fig. 7) are shown. Moreover, estimated C factor based on
different approaches were summurized in table 4. It was observed that estimated C factor based on both
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NDVI and SAVI are higher than field C factor. Moreover, although SAVI is more strongly correlated
with C factor than NDVI (Figs. 5 and 6), estimation of C factor based on NDVI is most accurate with
30 % of relative error. It was considered that estimation of C factor based on SAVI becomes accurate
as different types of soil is existed in the field. However, only single type of soil (Ultisol) was found in
the field. Furthermore, it was observed that both estimated C factor based on NDVI and SAVI are
more accurate than appoach of Lin (2002).
y = -0.8158x + 1
R² = 0.69**
C factor
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Andosol (1) + Ophiopogon japonicus Ultisol + Ophiopogon japonicus Andosol (2) + Lolium perenne
0.80 y = -1.175x + 1
R² = 0.7321**
C factor
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Andosol (1) + Ophiopogon japonicus Ultisol + Ophiopogon japonicus Andosol (2) + Lolium perenne
IJERD – International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development (2016) 7-2
Vegetation index 0.35
0.15 SAVI
9 10 11 12 1 3 5 8 10
Date (2014-2015)
Length from baseline to ground
40 2014/9/13
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
Distance (cm)
Fig. 8 Changes in heights from baseline for evaluating annual soil loss in the field
Therefore, it was concluded that (1) vegetation indices have high potential to determine C factor of
USLE or RUSLE, (2) estimation of field C factor based on SAVI is more recommendable for
determination of C factor in the field where there are several types of soil. For the future research plan,
the experiment for evaluating the relationship between C factor and vegetation indices will be
conducted in other different kinds of vegetation and soil. Also, more field erosion model experiments
will be conducted for validating determination of C factor using vegetation indices.
We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Shimada Sawahiko for his invaluable research advices and equipment
rentals. Our sincere gratitude is also accorded to Mr. Kuo Mingchi and Watanabe Motohiro for their
kind assistance in initial data collection in the field and experimental supports.
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