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Literature Review Energy Efficiency

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Crafting a comprehensive literature review on energy efficiency can be a daunting task.

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thorough research, critical analysis, and effective synthesis of existing literature to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the topic. Assembling and organizing the vast array of scholarly
articles, research papers, and relevant sources can be time-consuming and challenging. Additionally,
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Hence, energy efficiency improvement measures are typically directed towards specific processes
within a given industrial firm. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers
instead of page numbers. The systematic analysis of the capital expenditure makes researchers and
investors know where and how to invest and then reduce the LCOE of project implementation in the
future. 5.2.1. Cost Measure Different methods of cost measures make the CAPEX precise and
reliable. The department is a member of the FDLP Content Partnerships Program and an Affiliated
Archive of the National Archives. However, in reality, some projects with reasonable cash flow can
afford to pay back the debt earlier than the estimated OP. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
(TropicalMed). Assessing the sustainability of Best Available Techniques (BAT): methodology and
application in the ceramic tiles industry. The stored best solution is passed through the crossover and
mutation phase to acquire the global optimal solution. However, there has to be an interaction
between these perspectives. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP).
As for TGR, it becomes the most sensitive input variable for nuclear power. Please let us know what
you think of our products and services. The nuclear energy has a long OP and relatively stable
operation income compared to renewable energy. These existing strategies are selected due to
architecture resembling the proposed WBFA-based strategy. This study formulated cost of electricity
using ToUPS, DAPS, and RTPS price-based DR programs offered by DSOs. Furthermore, the
primary methods used to enable quantification and monetisation of observed non-energy benefits
were based on classifications, indexes in relation to the energy savings, or frameworks. Castro-
Santos, L.; Bento, A.R.; Guedes Soares, C. The economic feasibility of floating offshore wave
energy farms in the North of Spain. That is, the LCOE feedback can help to continually innovate the
wave energy output and optimize the wave energy generator entity. Some of the later publications
used literature reviews as methods to study non-energy benefits, in particular among the later
publications. Paper presented at the 21 st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 14-
16 May 2013. 34. Sezgen O, Goldman CA, Krishnarao P. Over the years, power consumption has
emerged as an important factor for measuring computing resources expenditure. We use cookies on
our website to ensure you get the best experience. It implies that scale of devices may impact on the
LCOE to a degree. As seen in Table 2, various methods were applied to forecast the impact of non-
energy benefits on future measures and investments. The project developer or borrower must
maintain a minimum degree of DSCR to show that they have no financial problems during the LP.
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA). European Journal of Investigation in
Health, Psychology and Education (EJIHPE). In addition, it is possible to state that they are essential
to control and possibly mitigate (by promptly responding to the fluctuation of the monitored
parameters) the variation of the amount of energy required and of the energy demand profile due to
the implementation of Energy Efficiency measures, therefore gaining a relevant role in their
feasibility evaluation. Finally on the basis of summarizing, it puts forward the five expectations of
domestic researches on energy saving and emission reduction. This could also be complemented by
suggestions of how these benefits might be measured, estimated, calculated, monetised, or quantified.
So, the hardware cost of the device accounts for the dominant percentage. Proposed schematic
energy management framework for residential building using DR programs in IoT-enabled
environment of the smart grid (SG). Performance comparison of the absorbed energy per surface
area of WECs. Hire a verified Ph.D. and get a thorough overview of topic-relevant sources. The
measure of the DC is different in the seas of the world due to equipment difference, local sea
situation complexity, labor cost, etc. With respect to the Project IRR, energy sources in most cases
have at least the same or higher IR than each assumed IR. The WBFA-based EMC adjusts and shifts
the appliances before and after the specified time in response to price-based DR programs and
consumer’s priority. The power usage of residential building smart appliances scheduling using
ToUPS price-based DR program for the proposed WBFA based strategy and benchmark strategies is
shown in Figure 13 c. Visible light energy is usually transformed from chemical energy. Hafeez G,
Wadud Z, Khan IU, Khan I, Shafiq Z, Usman M, Khan MUA. It is intended (1) to help analysts
determine the appropriate approach or type of analysis and the appropriate level of detail and (2) to
assist EE analysts in completing consistent analyses using standard assumptions and bases, when
appropriate. Empirical investigation of energy efficiency barriers in Italian manufacturing SMEs. For
example, the PTO is the core technology of the wave energy converter. From this perspective,
nuclear generation, with a 60 year OP, can take advantage of the TGR effect. Specific energy
consumption in microwave drying of garlic cloves. From Figure 6, it is apparent that there is a
variation between the reviewed publications on which level energy efficiency measures were
studied. International Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM). In contrast, when our proposed
WBFA-based strategy is not adopted by the users, then they purchase energy from 2 to 9 timeslots
and 13 to 17 timeslots, which are medium- and high-price hours that result in peak energy
consumption and overwhelm the power grid. The WECs installed in the sea location cannot be
replaced by more advanced technological equipment until the used devices are totally broken.
Likewise, in the case of ToUPS price-based DR programs, the lowest cost of electricity per hour of
the proposed WBFA-based strategy as compared to benchmark strategies is also shown in Figure 14
c. This average peak power consumption of the proposed WBFA-based strategy is due to optimal
power usage scheduling of residential building smart appliances keeping in view all objectives. This
is calculated as the CAFDS divided by the debt service, which includes both the principal and
interest. The number of published articles per year and by type of publication in the area of non-
energy benefits in industry. I am happy with the writing, especially the sources used. Omega 2014;42
179-188. 98. Dorr M, Wharens S, Bauernhans T. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic
Commerce Research (JTAER). However, cost of electricity is reduced at the expense of increased
PAR, which disturbs the stability of the power system. Energy 2013;59 72-82. 80. Schollenberger H,
Treitz M, Geldermann J. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (JCDD). The selected
WEC in the special sea location makes the LCOE decrease, whose LCOE is associated with discount
rate, technology of iteration, reactive control, and management policy.
If you use competent help writing a literature review, this problem will vanish. Therefore, even if
observed, measured, and quantified at a specific level, any attempt to generalise the values of non-
energy benefits might encounter challenges. The tornado diagrams in this section are shown with the
7% IR with the uniform distribution of minimum 3% and maximum 10%. Aggregated cost of
electricity per day evaluation before and after scheduling using DR programs in IoT-enabled
environment of the SG. Many countries, companies, and research institutions are testing their WEC
equipment and are performing small- or large-scale WEC projects at sea sites or in laboratories.
Understanding the cost of wave energy technology is crucial to ensure that it is competitive in the
electric power market and to help make appropriate business decisions. However, the objectives are
obtained at the expense of sacrificing system simplicity. One of the developed solutions is to employ
automatic controllers in users’ premises that actively participate and contribute to solving an
optimization problem, known as energy management controller (EMC). Please note that many of the
page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled. However, for the developers
of WEC technology to attract private investment, it is vital that they obtain realistic estimates for the
LCOE. Section 7 draws conclusions from the above discussion and highlights some considerations
for the application of wave energy in the future. 2. Literature Review The LCOE calculation of the
unit cost of energy can provide a useful comparative measure between projects and technologies or
alternative sources of energy. However, the rate usually accompanies the IF and the operation cost
increase annually with the IF. Questionnaires are typically a data collection method that gathers a lot
of data at one time. Then, the initial velocity is determined as follows. This is mainly due to its long
OP which lasts up to 60 years. There is clearly a reduction in the optimal LCOE with an increase of
float numbers per device, which drives the reduction in the CAPEX. The use of tools such as
indexes, multipliers, and classifications (see Section 4.4 ) could assist in the estimation process. This
might be an indication that the interest in studying non-energy benefits started in the USA around
the year 2000 and then decreased in that area. Next Article in Special Issue Analyzing Oil Price
Shocks and Exchange Rates Movements in Korea using Markov Regime-Switching Models.
Therefore, the use of comprehensive methods for the utilisation of non-energy benefits might
contribute to making use of the energy efficiency potential, resulting in improved industrial energy
efficiency. The application of the analytic network process to the assessment of best available
techniques. Improvements in industrial energy efficiency are essential in order to reduce the long-
term environmental impacts of this energy use and to reach energy and environmental targets.
Methods applied to evaluate the potential of non-energy benefits in the reviewed publications in the
area of non-energy benefits in industry. First, the IR is a very sensitive variable to calculate the
LCOE. The aggregated cost of electricity numerical values evaluation for both the proposed WBFA-
based strategy and benchmark strategies is illustrated in Figure 15. From this perspective, the
minimum DSCR (MDSCR) is used to assess the worst time to repay with respect to cash flow. The
crossover probability and mutation probability parameters are control parameters of GA, which are
directly related to the convergence rate. Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves
several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for. Open Energy Information, Transparent
Cost Database. The number of cases varied from three up to 81, and the emphasis was on economic
evaluation of the cases.
When the scale of the wave project is carried out by a one-time investment, its output is confirmed
during the operation span. Since non-energy benefits constitute a diverse collection, these effects
might appear in various areas related to industrial firms. Therefore, the number of research domains
was extended to include areas other than energy in order to avoid the exclusion of related articles
published in other areas. The reason for this optimal performance of our proposed strategy is that it
performs energy management via power usage scheduling of residential building smart appliance
keeping in view UC. Proposed schematic energy management framework for residential building
using DR programs in IoT-enabled environment of the smart grid (SG). The percent decrement of
our proposed strategy is 52.10%, which the higher reduction in the bill as compared to the reductions
in the electricity bills of GA, BPSO, GBPSO, and GWDO, which are 12.70%, 4.2%, 48.10%, and
50.20%, respectively. The statistical observations of cost of the proposed WBFA-based strategy and
existing strategies using DAPS, RTPS, and ToUPS DR programs are listed in Table 6, Table 7 and
Table 8, respectively. Whereas, loan investors weight not only the amount of interests but also the
payback stability over the long LP. Conflicts of Interest The author declares no conflict of interest.
We will provide you with a review written with fresh opinions on sources and significant academic
worth. LCOE distributions of Coal ( left ), Wind ( middle ), and Nuclear ( right ) at 3%, 7% and
10% IR. The CRF equation consists of the IR (i) and OP (n). Project IRR distributions of Coal,
Wind, and Nuclear with 0% and 3% TGR. We select WDO and BFO algorithms and proposed the
WBFA algorithm due to the following characteristics: the ease of implementation, flexibility for
specified constraints, low computational complexity, low computational time, and fast converging
speed. Is it possible to monetise the future outcomes based on the measurements. In essence, the
length of years of OPEX levelized by AEP in scene 1 and scene 2 is less than 50 years. In order to
calculate and compare the LCOE, the basic data in Table 7 and Table 8 were assumed to be constant.
Energy costs are in fact obviously tightly connected to energy consumption, but it would be a
significant conceptual error to ignore energy market flows, tariffs and options, and therefore the
variability of the Specific Cost of Energy, while trying to minimize them. However, energy efficiency
can also be treated and reported on a general level, for instance, as the overall energy efficiency of a
firm or an industrial sector. Due to the multi-risk and uncertainty of the project, insurance costs are
incurred to compensate for the accidental loss of the wave energy project in the future. However, the
rate usually accompanies the IF and the operation cost increase annually with the IF. By Farhat
Maissa and Sbita Lassaad 2448 downloads Home News Contact Careers Climate Change Hub About
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Peer Review Editorial Policies. IRR values of Coal, Wind, and Nuclear for original, adjusted, and
optimal LP. Such types of appliances will provide more opportunities for EMC to engage them in
energy management in order to provide economical and sustainable solutions. Gout, Urate, and
Crystal Deposition Disease (GUCDD). Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry (JPBI). An
On-Site-Based Opportunistic Routing Protocol for Scalable and Energy-Efficient Underwater
Acoustic Sensor Networks - MDPI Study on the Performance of a Newly Designed Cooling System
Utilizing Dam Water for Internet Data Centers - MDPI. The population matrix is controlled by the
velocity of the particle, and the candidate solution is controlled by the position of the particle.
ADSCR values also can be optimized with such shortened LP by meeting the minimum ADSCR
criterion. When the discount rate decreases, the required interest rate of return appears to be less.
This paper indicates a clear study of the energy consumption of the data centers and how this can be
minimized and prepare for the quest of global energy saving and make the ICT greener. Editor’s
Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from
around the world.

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