Newcr 2014
Newcr 2014
Newcr 2014
Name :
Date of birth :
Post :
Date of entry in Government Service :
Date of appointment to the present post :
Date of entry in the present Department :
Pay and scale of pay :
Date from which functioning in the present
Cadre continuously :
Department Category of Work Period
From To
Organization: Department:
Employee Name: Designation:
Duration in the present post: Total length of service:
Period of assessment: Date of assessment:
1. For each of the items listed below, please comment on the employee’s performance, along with
suggestions for improvement.
(A =Outstanding B=Exceeds Expectations C=Meets Expectations D=Improvement Needed)
No. Domain A B C D
1. Job Knowledge
2. Technical Skills
3. Quality of work
4. Productivity or
Work Output
8. Team work
9. Attendance
10. Dependability
11. Work Ethic
Overall Performance – Rate employee’s overall performance in comparison to position duties and responsibilities
2- List and describe the employee’s top three accomplishments during the rating period:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. List and describe the employee’s three greatest strengths, giving specific examples of how the employee uses
these strengths in his or her position.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. Identify 3 - 5 goals for the next review year, along with an action plan for accomplishing each one.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________
5. Employee comments
Completed by:
________________________________ ________________________________
Employee Name (Please Print) Signature with Date
________________________________ ________________________________
Head of Dept. (Please Print) Signature with Date
________________________________ ________________________________
Head of Dept. (Please Print) Signature with Date
________________________________ ________________________________
Reviewer (Please Print) Signature with Date
Employee Self Evaluation Form
Please provide thoughtful responses to the following questions. The information you provide will be used to
help develop your performance and career development goals for the next year.
Part 1: Career Development
1. What steps have you taken since your last review to improve yourself as relates to your current position?
(Mention new qualifications, promotions, awards and honors)
2. What outcomes and improvements have you seen as a result of the actions described above?
3. What are the projects and publications you have undertaken during the past year?
4. What goals would you like to set for yourself to accomplish during the next review period?
5. What can your supervisor do to help ensure that you are making
progress towards accomplishing your professional development goals?
Part 2: Performance Traits
1. How would you rate yourself in terms of consistency?
1 2 3 4 5
Deficient Needs improvement Not strong or weak About average Outstanding
__________________________________________ ______________
Head of Department (Please Print) Signature