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APAR For Group C Employees

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Annual Performance Assessment Report



Nagaland Govt. Servants

(Group C Employees)

For the year/period……………………………


Annual Performance Assessment Report from ______________ to _______________

Basic Information
(To be filled in by the Employee)
1. Name of the Employee
2. Service/Department
3. Date of Birth
4. Date of entry into Government Service
5. Grade/Post (During the period of report)
6. Date of appointment to the present post

7. Reporting, Reviewing & Accepting Authorities:

Authority Name & designation Period Worked
From To
Reporting Authority
Reviewing Authority
Accepting Authority

8. Period of Absence:
From To Type Remarks
On Leave

9. Training Program(s) Attended:

Date (from) Date (to) Institute Subject

10. Awards/Honours:

Signature on behalf of
Administrative Head of Department/Head of
Department/Head of Office (with seal)
SECTION – II (Self Assessment)

1. Brief description of duties:

2. Describe your achievements during the period under report, giving details of specific
targets set for you, if any, and targets achieved.
Targets/Objectives/Goals Achievements

3. During the period under report, do you believe that you have made any exceptional
contributions e.g. in successful completion of an extraordinarily challenging task or major
systematic improvement (resulting in significant benefits to the public and/or reduction in
time and costs)? Be specific, concise and give details in a point wise manner, quantifying
your achievements wherever possible.
4. What are the reasons for not achieving specific targets, if any? Give details of factors that
hindered your performance?

5. Please indicate specific areas in which you feel the need to upgrade your skills
through training programs.
For the current assignment:

For your future career:

6. Please specify the number of tours/inspections performed by you during the period
under report (applicable only in the case of field officers):
No. and brief description of inspections or No. and brief description of inspections or
tours expected to be performed during the year. tours actually performed with reasons
Please indicate if any specific target was fixed. for shortfall, if any.

7. Date of submission of self assessment to Reporting Authority:

Place: Signature of the officer reported upon

SECTION - III (Assessment by Reporting Authority)

1. Please state whether you agree with the self assessment made by the employee, especially
with regard to achievements made during the year.

2. Please comment on the claim (if made) of exceptional contribution by the employee.

3. Has the employee met with any significant failures in respect of his/her work or
reprimanded for indifferent work or for other causes during the period under report? If
yes, please furnish factual details.

4. Do you agree with the skill up gradation needs as identified by the employee?
5. State of Health

6. Integrity
(In general the remarks against the integrity column shall be made by the Reporting Authority in
one of the following three options: (a) Beyond doubt. (b) Since the integrity of the employee is
doubtful, a secret note is attached. (c) Not watched the employee’s work for sufficient time to
form a definite judgement but nothing adverse has been reported to me about the officer)

7. Assessment
(This assessment should rate the employee vis-à-vis his/her peers and not the general
population. The reporting officer will assess the employee by assigning grades on a scale of 1
to 10, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade)

(a) Assessment of work output:

Sl. Description Reporting Reviewing Initials of
No. Authority Authority Reviewing
1. Accomplishment of planned work/work allotted as
per subjects allotted.
2. Quality of output

3. Analytical ability

4. Accomplishment of exceptional work/ unforeseen

tasks performed
Total (a)

(b) Assessment of Personal Attributes:

Sl. Description Reporting Reviewing Initials of
No. Authority Authority Reviewing
1. Attitude to work , sense of responsibility &
maintenance of discipline
2. Leadership qualities, capacity to work in team spirit
and capacity to work in time limit
3. Communication skills and Inter-personal relations

Total (b)
c) Assessment of functional competency:
Sl. Description Reporting Reviewing Initials of
No. Authority Authority Reviewing
1. Knowledge of rules/regulations/procedures/IT
Skills in the area of function and ability to apply
them correctly
2. Strategic planning ability & decision making ability
& Initiative
3. Co-ordination ability & ability to motivate and
develop subordinates
Total (c)

4. Pen picture of the employee. Please comment on the overall qualities and competence
of the employee.

5. Overall Grade (on a scale of 1-10)

Total (a) + Total (b) + Total (c)

Date: Signature of the Reporting Authority

(with seal)

Name : ___________________________

Designation : ___________________________
(During the period of report)

Date of receipt of APAR from the employee

Date of submission of APAR to the Reviewing Authority

SECTION – IV (Assessment by the Reviewing Authority)

1. Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting authority with respect to the
work output and the various attributes in Section III & IV? Do you agree with the
assessment of the reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and /or
significant failures of the employee ? (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical
assessment of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in
that section and initial):

Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion, details and reasons for the same may be given:

3. Please comment on the overall qualities of the employee including areas of strengths
and lesser strengths and his/her attitude towards working the weaker sections (Not
exceeding 100 words):

4. Overall grade on a scale of 1 to 10:

Date: Signature of Reviewing Authority

(with seal)

Name : ___________________________

Designation : ___________________________
(During the period of report)

Date of receipt of APAR from the Reporting Authority

Date of submission of APAR to the Accepting Authority

SECTION – V (Assessment by the Accepting Authority)

1. Do you agree with the remarks of the reporting/reviewing authorities?

Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion, details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Overall grade on a scale of 1 to 10:

Date: Signature of Accepting Authority

(with seal)

Name : ___________________________

Designation : ___________________________
(During the period of report)
Guidelines for filling up of Annual Performance Assessment Report with
numerical grading

1. Numerical grading are to be awarded by Reporting and Reviewing Authorities for the
quality of work output, personal attributes and functional competence of the employee.
These should be on a scale of 1- 10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the

2. The columns in the APAR should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting
adequate time.

3. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall

grade) would be adequately justified while commenting on the overall qualities of
officer by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be
justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 and 9-10 are
expected to be rare occurrences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a
numerical grade the reporting and the reviewing authorities should rate the
employee against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working
under them.

4. APARs graded between 8 and 10 will be rated as ‘Outstanding’.

5. APARs graded between 6 and short of 8 will be rated as ‘Very Good’.

6. APARs graded between 4 and 6 short of 6 will be rated as ‘Good’.

7. APARs graded below 4 will be rated as ‘Fair/Poor’.

8. The Columns provided in Section-III for the Reviewing Authority for recording his/her
assessment is not mandatory. In case the Reviewing Authority does not agree with any
of the numerical assessment of attributes given by the Reporting Authority, only
then assessment of the Reviewing Authority may be recorded in the Columns
provided in that Section along with initial.

9. There should be more openness in the system of assessment. The APAR, including the
overall grade and integrity, has to be communicated to the officer reported upon after it
has been finalized by the cadre controlling authority/custodian of APARs.
Time schedule for preparation and completion of APAR

Activity Date by which to be

1st April
Distribution of blank APAR forms to all concerned (i.e to the (this may be completed
employee) by the custodian even a week earlier)

Submission of self appraisal to the Reporting Authority by the 30th April


Submission of appraisal to the Reviewing Authority by the 31st May

Reporting Authority.

Submission of appraisal to the Accepting Authority by the 30th June

Reviewing Authority.

Submission of the completed APAR to the Custodian by the 31st July

Accepting Authority.

Disclosure to the employee by the Custodian. 31st August

Receipt of comments/representation of the employee, if any. 30 days from the date of

receipt of communication
or 30th September
whichever is earlier

Forwarding of representation to the competent authority by the 15 days from the date of
Custodian receipt of representation
or 15th October whichever
is earlier.

Disposal of representation by the competent authority Within one month from

the date of receipt of
representation from the
custodian or 15th
November whichever is

Communication of the decision of the competent authority on 30th November

the representation to the employee by the Custodian.

End of the entire APAR process, after which the APAR will be 15th December
finally taken on record.

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