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12 Drainage

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RECO1006 Construction II

Drainage System

Edward CY YIU Department of Real Estate and Construction January 2007

Learning Objectives
Design of Drainage System
Sanitary Fitments Above ground drainage systems
One-pipe and two-pipe systems Drainage Installation Requirements Drainage systems for soil, waste, rain water and grease Vent pipe and anti-siphonage system Manholes and last manhole Vent

Below ground (Sewage) drainage systems

Maintenance of Drainage System

Survey Repair

Buildings Ordinance, Laws of Hong Kong Chapter 123 http://www.justice.gov.hk/
CAP 123I: Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations Guidelines on Maintenance and Repair of Drainage System and Sanitary Fitments Flood prevention Sewage strategy and facilities

Drainage Services Department (DSD), Hong Kong http://www.info.gov.hk/dsd/

Environmental Protection Department (EPD), Hong Kong http://www.infor.gov/hk/epd/ 2

Sewerage[1] Capacity
Everyday, the people of Hong Kong produce some 2.6 million cubic metres of sewage, enough to fill up more than 1,400 Olympic-size swimming pools. This sewerage system includes a sewerage network of over 1,525 kilometres in total length and around 260 plants ranging from preliminary treatment (screening) plants to secondary treatment (biological) plants treating sewage from residential, commercial and industrial premises in the territory prior to disposal to the sea for dilution and dispersion through submarine outfalls.
[1] Drainage and Sewerage Systems refers to liquid waste disposal systems, solid waste disposal will be separately discussed. http://www.dsd.gov.hk/sewerage/sewerage_strategy/index.htm

Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations [B(SSF)R]

Building Services Framework

Water in Plumbing System

Water out Drainage System

People out Transportation System

People / Goods in Transportation System (Lifts and Escalators) Energy in Electricity Supply Systems Air in MVAC System Fire in Gas Supply System Light in Lighting System Sound in Acoustics System

Waste out Waste Disposal System Energy out - OTTV Air Out MVAC System Fire out Fire Safety System Light out Lighting System (blinds) Sound out Acoustics System 5

Drainage Connections
Plumbing system Faucet Above ground drainage system

Underground drainage system

Sewerage system

Sanitary Fitments
Water Closet (W.C.) Urinals Basins Bath Tubs Showers Sinks

Disabled Toilet

Source: BD (1997) Design Manual - Barrier Free Access http://www.bd.gov.hk/english/documents/code/BFA-E07.pdf


Nos. of Sanitary Fitments

Males to Females Ratio It is recommended that the ratio of male person to female person be taken
as 1:1 for office accommodation. as 1:1.25 for places of public entertainment and cinemas see table for shopping arcades, and department stores.

in the assessment of populations for the provision of sanitary fitments for both male and female persons
PNAP 297 and B(SSF)R s5(5)(c), 6(3)(b) and 7(3)(b)

Nos. of Sanitary Fitments (Contd)


PNAP 297 and B(SSF)R s5(5)(c), 6(3)(b) and 7(3)(b)

Types of Vertical Drainage Stacks

Waste pipe (WP) Soil pipe (SP) Vent pipe (VP) Rainwater pipe (RWP) A/C condensation drainage pipe


One-pipe System
Soil and waste fittings are discharged into one common stack, with a common vent pipe.


One-pipe Sys
WC Vent pipe S&W Stack Floor drain (toilet) Basin

Bath sink

Floor drain (kitchen) NOT SHOWN

Two-pipe System
Soil and waste stacks are separately provided, with its own vent. Advantages?


2-pipe system
Soil stack Vent pipe for soil stack

External u-traps

Waste stack


One-pipe Drainage System in an Ageing Building Elevation

Vent Pipe (VP) for what purposes?

Soil and Waste Pipe (S&WP) in a One-pipe System Rain Water Pipe (RWP) Cleaning eye

Sufficient fall

Vent Pipe
preventing loss of water seals in traps; is up to a height > 1m above roof; Covered with a wire cage .


Provision of Cleaning Eye

Cleaning eye

How to indicate drainage arrangement on a plan? Find one example yourself


Two-pipe System, Hoppers for Waste Stack, Stacks on External Wall

A common arrangement of Waste Stack piping in ageing buildings in Hong Kong; Pros and Cons? Any vent pipe for waste stack? Is it still allowed for new developments, why?
Hopper VP Soil Stack

Why trap?

Bottle-Trap (Anti-siphonage how?) Require minimum water seal of 50mm (for soil fitments) and 40mm (for waste fitments)




Functions of a Trap

SARS is the result of lacking water in the U-traps of the drainage system?!


Proposed New Traps

Why lossing water seal in traps?
Self-siphonage where the discharge of waste water created a partial vacuum in the branch pipe thereby drag the water in the trap away. Induced siphonage where the water running down the stacks created a partial vacuum behind it thereby drag the water in the trap away. Compression or back pressure occurred at the lowest floors where the stack change direction. Natural evaporation.

How to prevent?
Anti-siphonage pipes and traps Back-filling arrangement (figure) W-trap (being trying by the HKHA) Self-refilling function


Source: http://www.bd.gov.hk/english/documents/code/dsg/DrainagePipeMaintenance.pdf

Why U-traps are missing?


External U-Trap


Floor drain


Shower tray



Materials of Above Ground Drainage Pipe

S.44 B(SSF)R
Cast iron or approved True bore, smooth internal surface and impervious Protected against rust Galvanized mild steel UPVC (Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride)

Why UPVC is nowadays the most common used one?

PNAP 157 - Test of Drain (BSSF,P,DW&L)R 73)
Cert on completion of drain test is required w/in 7 days of drain test (What is the test?) BD may not attend the test

PNAP 211 - Planning and Design of Drainage Works

BO 28(1) : all common underground drains shall run in COMMON AREA or alternative provisions made for easy access

PNAP 238 - Disposal of A/C condensation

required to indicate on plan


Underground Drainage
Authority: Water Pollution Control Ordinance Departments: Environmental Protection Department requiring that all waste water produced from the premises be conveyed to a specified location, the terminal manhole, for connection to the public sewer when one is available. It is an offence not to comply with the requirements in a notice. The maximum penalty is a fine of $100,000 and a daily fine of $5,000 if the offence is proved to be continued.


Acceptance Test(s) of Drainage System

Water test (the most commonly used for underground drains in HK)
Temporarily seal ends of drains and connections with approved plugs; Fill system with water to produce 1.5m head at high end; Allow for initial absorption; Loss of water over 30 minutes to be measured by adding water at 10 minutes intervals;

Air test Smoke test



Petrol Interceptor
EPD PN 5/93, PNAP 124 Petro-interceptor (BSSF)R 90)
Assume flatted factory will discharge noxious effluent, no connection to storm-water drainage Servicing and parking of vehicles requires petrol interceptor



Grease Trap
EPD PN 5/93 Grease Trap (BSSF)R 90)




Systems of Underground Drainage

Separate system:
Foul water (soil and waste water) -> foul sewer Rainwater/surface water -> storm water sewer

Combined system:
Foul water and rainwater are drained to the foul sewer


Source of figure: http://www.winnipeg.ca/WaterAndWaste/sewage/systemOperation.stm

Materials and Size of Underground Drainage Pipe

Drainage pipes shall have a minimum diameter of 150mm and be of the following materials or other materials approved by DSD : (i) Foul sewer - vitrified clay, ductile iron, uPVC (ii) Storm water drain - concrete, ductile iron, uPVC Diameter (mm) 100 150 225 300 Fall

1:40 1:70 1:100 1:150

Foul sewers should be designed so that the velocity of the flow will exceed the self-cleansing velocity on a regular basis. As a general guide, the minimum fall of foul sewers is as follows :-

Source: B(SSF)R and Works Bureau (2000) Practitioner's Guidelines on Drainage Connection, Revision (April 2000)



S.49, s.55 B(SSF)R requires manhole provision when
Change in direction >45 degree Change in gradient Interval > 60m

S.56 B(SSF)R
215 thick brickwork in cement mortar or 125 thick 1:2:4 reinforced concrete or other approved Benching 1:2 Inside surface cement rendered Cast iron cover (double-sealed airtight cover if inside or under a building)

Manhole Plan



Manhole Standard Drws

35 Source: DSD standard drws

Terminal Manhole
Trapped Rodding arm for cleaning Opening for FAI Steps for maintenance
36 Source: DSD standard drws


FAI for Terminal Manhole


Double-sealed Airtight Cover

38 Source: DSD standard drws


Back Inlet Trapped Gully (B.I.T.G)

Use of BITG for collection of surface water and connection to foul water drain (combined system).
Source: http://www.geberit.co.uk/geberit/inet/uk/wcmsuk.nsf/Pages/serv-clau-1 39

Maintenance of Drainage System

Lack of maintenance resulted in tragedies
Kwun Lung Lau landslip on 23 July 1994 See Report on the Kwun Lung Lau Landslide of 23 July 1994 (2000), 365 p. (by N.R. Morgenstern & Geotechnical Engineering Office)

Water leakage detection system

High pressure water jetting for cleansing Annual CCTV inspection Buildings Departments Guidelines

Sewer rehabilitation technology In-situ internal lining method




Water Leakage Detection System

For Pressurized Services
Visual inspection Pipe locator survey (Sonde Method) Leak Noise Correlation (LNC) Direct / Surface Sounding Hydrogen Leak Detection Aqualog 80 Leak Localization Manhole survey CCTV inspection Man Entry Inspection AMS-4 Leak Detection (Sonde Method)

For non-pressurized services

In-situ internal lining method

Trenchless Drain Liner


Source: http://www.c-products.com.hk/LandUtilities/CCTV.htm


Video Presentation: "Simplified drainage systems for large buildings" [8.5 min.] [AV 628.4 S61] Books: Barry, R. (1996) The Construction of Buildings, Blackwell Science, London [690 B281] Burberry, P. (1997) Environment and Services, Addison Wesley Longman, Essex [696 B94] Chadderton, D. V., 2000. Building Services Engineering, 3rd ed., Chps. 7-9, E & FN Spon, London & New York. [696 C43] Hall, F., 1994. Plumbing, Cold Water Supplies, Drainage and Sanitation, 3rd ed., Chps. 5-9, Longman Scientific & Technical, Essex. [696.1 H17 p] Hall, F. (1995) Essential Building Services and Equipment, Newes, Oxford [696 H17e] Morgenstern, N.R. and Geotechnical Engineering Office (2000) Report on the Kwun Lung Lau Landslide of 23 July 1994, Hong Kong Government, Hong Kong. Codes of Practice: British Standards Institution (1978) BS5572: 1978, Code of Practice for Sanitary Pipework, BSI, UK. British Standards Institution (1985) BS8301: 1985, Code of Practice for Building Drainage, BSI, UK. Buildings Department (2005) Guidelines on Maintenance and Repair of Drainage System and Sanitary Fitments (1 page guidelines), Hong Kong Government, Hong Kong. Buildings Department (2004) What you need to know about Drainage Maintenance (1 page guidelines), Hong Kong Government, Hong Kong.

The End
For enquiries, please send email to Edward CY YIU
Department of Real Estate and Construction The University of Hong Kong




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