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2022 Facile Synthesis of Highly Conductive and Dispersible PEDOT Particles

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Polymer 252 (2022) 124952

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Facile synthesis of highly conductive and dispersible PEDOT particles

Ge Cao a, Shaoyong Cai a, Yonghao Chen a, Dongyan Zhou a, He Zhang b, Yanqing Tian a, *
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, 518055, China
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001, China


Keywords: Poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) (PEDOT) is widely used in electronics for its excellent conducting property.
Poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) However, it is challenging to synthesize PEDOT nanoparticles with high conductivity and high dispersibility in
nanoparticles various organic solvents. We introduce a novel strategy for synthesizing highly conductive, dispersible PEDOT
High conductivity
particles in a binary organic solvent system. The synthesis strategy is based on a standard chemical oxidation
High dispersibility
procedure, which uses ferric chloride (FeCl3) as the oxidant without any post-doping process in a mixed solvent
of dichloromethane and acetonitrile (CH2Cl2 and CH3CN). By optimizing the synthesis process, high-quality
colloidal PEDOT nanoparticles (average diameter is around 50 nm) are obtained with a high yield of over
75%. These nanoparticles show a maximum electrical conductivity of 220 S/cm, which is close to the highest
electrical conductivity of the current solid PEDOT powder. Moreover, these particles can be dispersed in various
organic solvents and water without a surfactant and maintain stable conductivity for over one month. This
outstanding processability and conductivity could reinforce thermoplastic polyurethane resins as conductive
composites. Prototyped applications of the PEDOT nanoparticles as supercapacitor materials are demonstrated.
The PEDOT nanoparticles show a high specific capacitance of 280 F/g, comparable to other reported PEDOT
materials prepared using various templates.

1. Introduction end-product [29]. Therefore, the development of high-performance

PEDOT without PSS is of great significance for improving the quality
Conductive polymers (CPs) are considered to be a class of organic of PEDOT-doped organic devices and expanding the application of
materials with unique electrical and optical properties. Due to its ad­ PEDOT in the use of organic solvents as processing media.
vantages of light weight, high mechanical flexibility, good corrosion Previous research has shown that replacing PSS is crucial for
resistance, and low processing cost, it is widely used in many fields improving the quality of PEDOT-doped in organic electronic devices and
[1–9]. Among various conductive polymers, poly(3,4-ethylene dioxy­ expanding the application of PEDOT. There are many ways to synthesize
thiophene) (PEDOT) has attracted significant attention due to its simple PEDOT materials without using PSS as a dopant [30–35]. The most
preparation process and unique physical and chemical properties common methods are to use organic solvents instead of water as the
[10–13]. Due to its relatively high conductivity, environmental stability, reaction medium or to use vapor phase polymerization to minimize the
and biocompatibility, PEDOT has been widely used in many applica­ moisture content in the final product. At the same time, a suitable sta­
tions, such as biological and gas sensors [14,15], microactuators [16], bilizer was selected to control the morphology of PEDOT and keep it in a
batteries [17,18], and supercapacitors [19–21]. PEDOT with poly­ stable colloidal state [35]. Some work has been done to prepare PEDOT
styrene sulfonate as dopant (PEDOT: PSS) is the most popular PEDOT materials without PSS as a dopant. For example, Cloutet et al. reported
formulation used in many electronic applications because PSS can the synthesis of stable PEDOT nanoparticles with a well-defined spher­
effectively enhance the PEDOT’s conductivity, dispersibility in water, ical morphology in organic dispersant media [31]. D’Arcy proposed a
and durability [22–26]. Unluckily, PEDOT: PSS lacks processability new method that uses polymerized vaporized EDOT monomers with an
because PEDOT: PSS has poor solubility in almost all organic solvents aerosol containing droplets of ferric chloride solution to synthesize
[10,27,28]. Moreover, the efficiency and lifetime of PEDOT: PSS was submicron PEDOT particles (750 nm) with high conductivity over 300
found to deteriorate in organic devices due to residual water in the S/cm [36].

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: tianyq@sustech.edu.cn (Y. Tian).

Received 26 March 2022; Received in revised form 6 May 2022; Accepted 8 May 2022
Available online 14 May 2022
0032-3861/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Cao et al. Polymer 252 (2022) 124952

Fig. 1. (a) Synthesized process of the PEDOT; (b) Mechanism of oxidative polymerization and doping occurs the PEDOT.

However, the above research still has certain shortcomings. They readily dispersed in various organic solvents or water without disper­
have involved the use of large amounts of surfactants or insulating ad­ sant. This outstanding processability and conductivity could reinforce
ditives, which significantly weakened the conductivity of PEDOT [35, thermoplastic polyurethane resins as conductive composites. A proto­
37]. The use of vapor phase polymerization for PEDOT requires a rela­ type application of the PEDOT nanoparticles for supercapacitor mate­
tively complex synthesis platform, increasing the synthesis process’s rials was explored, showing good potential applications. Thus, this work
complexity and cost. Therefore, developing an efficient and straight­ provides an original, facile, low-cost route for producing high-quality
forward synthesis of high-quality PEDOT nanoparticles without stabi­ colloidal PEDOT nanoparticles.
lizers is still a significant challenge.
To address the above significant challenges, this work introduced a 2. Experimental section
novel strategy for synthesizing PEDOT particles in a binary organic
solvent system (CH2Cl2/CH3CN) with ferric chloride (FeCl3) as the 2.1. Materials
oxidant without a surfactant. As a widely used organic solvent,
dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) could replace water as the reaction medium 3,4-Ethylene dioxythiophene (EDOT, 97%) and ferric chloride
for EDOT polymerization. It could effectively improve the quality of the (FeCl3, 99%) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (City of Saint Louis,
final product by significantly reducing water content in the product and USA). Dichloromethane, acetonitrile, Ethanol, dioxane, methyl isobutyl
reducing the occurrence of side reactions. In addition, the polymeriza­ ketone, ethyl acetate, methanol (CH3OH), n-hexane, and acetone were
tion of EDOT in CH2Cl2 can form a relatively regular spherical particle supplied by Beijing Yinuokai Technology Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China).
morphology, which helps to provide processability and reduce the use of Thermoplastic polyurethane was purchased from Guangdong Yoshida
stabilizers. However, CH2Cl2 has very low solubility for EDOT’s oxidants Chemical.
such as ferric chloride, which results in the final product PEDOT
showing a low yield and poor conductivity. Thus, acetonitrile, an 2.2. Synthesis of PEDOT nanoparticles
organic solvent that is miscible with dichloromethane and can dissolve a
large amount of ferric chloride, is introduced with CH2Cl2 as a binary In a typical polymerization for PEDOT nanoparticles, EDOT (1 mL,
organic solvent system to polymerize EDOT. To the best of our knowl­ 1.31g, 9 mmol) was mixed with CH2Cl2 (60 mL) in an Erlenmeyer flask
edge, this is the first report describing a combination of CH2Cl2 and at 0 ◦ C. Anhydrous FeCl3 (12g, 72 mmol) dissolved in 30 mL CH3CN was
CH3CN as reaction medium and FeCl3 as oxidants for PEDOT synthesis. added to the above solution under vigorous stirring. The polymerization
The volume ratios of mixed organic solvents, monomer to oxidant, re­ was carried out at 0 ◦ C for 24 h. The obtained PEDOT nanoparticles were
action temperature, and reaction time were tuned for producing highly- filtered and washed with diluted hydrochloric acid (1 mol/L) several
conductive and highly-dispersed PEDOT with a high yield of over 75%. times to remove excess ferric chloride. The washed PEDOT nanoparticles
PEDOT nanoparticles (average 50 nm diameter) were obtained by become blue powder after freeze-drying with a yield of 76%. The yield
optimizing the synthesis process. These nanoparticles showed a calculation formula is described in equation S(1).
maximum electrical conductivity of 220 S/cm, which is close to the
highest electrical conductivity of the current solid PEDOT powder. Due
to the self-charge-stabilized colloidal morphology, the particles can be

G. Cao et al. Polymer 252 (2022) 124952

Fig. 2. (a) The conductivity of the PEDOT nanoparticles prepared with different volume ratios of CH2Cl2 to CH3CN; (b) The conductivity and yields of the PEDOT
nanoparticles prepared with different FeCl3/monomer molar ratios; (c) The conductivity and yields of the PEDOT nanoparticles prepared with different polymer­
ization temperatures; (d) The conductivity and yields of the PEDOT nanoparticles prepared with different polymerization time.

2.3. Fabrication of PEDOT based device was carried out by using an electrochemical workstation (Chenhua,
China). The gravimetric capacitance of the PEDOT was calculated from
Various amounts of PEDOT nanoparticles were dispersed to 15 ml of the in equation S(2).
dioxane in a 50 mL beaker by ultrasonic treatment for 30 min. Ther­
moplastic polyurethane (0.5g) was added to the suspension under 3. Results and discussion
vigorous stirring. Finally, the film-like conductive composites possessing
different PEDOT nanoparticles (0–30 wt %) loading were obtained after 3.1. Synthesis of highly conductive and dispersible PEDOT
the evaporation of the excess solvent.
As shown in Fig. 1, colloidal PEDOT particles were prepared using
2.4. Characterization CH2Cl2 and CH3CN as a mixed reaction medium and ferric chloride
(FeCl3) as an oxidant at 0 ◦ C. EDOT is oxidized by contacting ferric ions
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray dissolved in CH3CN to form monomer radicals in a mixed organic me­
spectroscopy (EDS) data were collected using a MIRA3, TESCAN (Brno, dium during polymerization. The mechanism is consistent with the
Czech). The PEDOT powder was dispersed in ethanol and drop cast on polymerization of EDOT in other reaction media [33]. Radical coupling
the silicon wafer. Fourier-transform infrared spectra (FT-IR) data of the facilitates the assembly of oligomers and the formation of the conjugated
PEDOT were obtained using a Waltham Nicolet 6700 spectrophotometer backbone controlled by the deprotonation process. In-situ chloride ion
(Waltham, USA). Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra data were doping increases the concentration of charge carriers in the polymer. It
obtained with a Bruker D8ADVANCE CEO X-ray diffractometer (Rudolf- generates a large amount of positive charge on the surface of the main
Plank-Str, Germany). Ultraviolet–visible–near infrared spectra data chain to maintain electrical neutrality, thereby improving the conduc­
were obtained on a lambda 950 UV–vis–NIR spectrophotometer (Boston, tivity and colloidal stability of the PEDOT particles.
USA). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was performed on the PEDOT
powder using a PHI 5000 Versaprobe II (Chigasaki, Japan) (Fig. 5). 3.2. Optimization of the conductivity and yield of PEDOT nanoparticles
Pellets (The diameter is about 1 cm and the thickness is 50 μm) requiring
20 mg PEDOT nanoparticles, shaped under a hydrostatic pressure of 10 The polymerization of PEDOT on the mixed organic medium is sys­
MPa, were used to test conductivity on the RTS-9 four-point probe sta­ tematically studied by controlling the ratios of mixed organic solvents,
tion (Guangzhou, China), consistent with results previously reported by the ratios of monomer to oxidant, reaction temperature, and reaction
our group for the determination of conductivity [38]. Dynamic Light time to pursue the best conductivity and yield.
Scattering (DLS) data were collected with a Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS For the chemical oxidation synthesis of most kinds of conducing
(Worcestershire, UK). The electrochemical performance of the PEDOT polymers, the polymerization medium is considered as a significant

G. Cao et al. Polymer 252 (2022) 124952

Fig. 3. (a and b) SEM images of the PEDOT nanoparticles under different magnification; (c) The size distribution of PEDOT nanoparticles analyzed by DLS; (d) The
size distribution of PEDOT particles statistically analyzed by SEM, the scale bar of SEM (inset) is 200 nm.

factor because conductivity, polymerization yield, and even the physical reaction temperature can effectively improve the conductivity of most
and chemical properties of the polymer differ remarkably depending on conductive polymers [40,41]. At the condition of FeCl3/EDOT molar
the types of reaction media [39,40]. In this work, we found that the ratio of 8:1 and the reaction time of 24 h, the effect of reaction tem­
combination of CH2Cl2 and CH3CN as a mixed solvent for dissolving perature on the conductivity and yields of PEDOT is shown in Fig. 2c. It
EDOT and ferric chlorides is favorable for the polymerization because can be seen that as the temperature increases, the yields gradually in­
CH2Cl2 as a low polarity solvent could replace water as a reaction sol­ crease from 76% to 105%.
vent to reduce the production of low conductivity by-products [41]. In contrast, the conductivity reaches its maximum value of 220 S/cm
Moreover, ferric chloride has a high solubility in CH3CN, which is when prepared at 0 ◦ C and gradually decreases at higher synthesis
miscible with CH2Cl2, which can effectively oxidize EDOT monomer and temperatures. It is generally believed that lowering the synthesis tem­
doping, resulting in PEDOT formation. Furthermore, we have found that perature helps reduce defects in the polymer chain, leading to increased
the 2:1 vol ratio of CH2Cl2 and CH3CN is the most optimal composition conductivity [44].
to obtain PEDOT nanoparticles with high electrical conductivity As shown in Fig. 2d, the reaction time also affects the conductivity
(Fig. 2a). When the ratio of CH2Cl2 and CH3CN is higher than 2:1, the and yield. The PEDOT synthesized at a FeCl3/EDOT molar ratio of 8:1 at
content of dissolved FeCl3 is low in the mixed organic medium, where 0 ◦ C exhibits a conductivity of 24.2 S cm-1 with a low yield of 11% when
the EDOT cannot be effectively oxidized or doped with chloride ion to the polymerization time is 2 h. With the increase in the reaction time,
achieve satisfactory conductivity. On the contrary, a high concentration the conductivity of PEDOT gradually increases to 220 S cm-1, and the
of CH3CN (ratios of CH2Cl2/CH3CN are lower than 2:1) in the mixed reaction yield gradually increases from 11% to 76%.
organic medium tends to induce bulky PEDOT formation instead of Thus, in this work, the optimized condition is CH2Cl2/CH3CN with a
nanoparticles (Fig. S1). At such a condition, the conductivity of the volume ratio of 2:1, FeCl3/EDOT molar ratio of 8:1, a reaction temper­
obtained PEDOT is very low. ature of 0 ◦ C, and a reaction time of 24 h. Under such a condition,
Fig. 2b displays the effect of the FeCl3/EDOT molar ratios on the PEDOT is synthesized with high electrical conductivity and yield.
conductivity and yields of PEDOT synthesized at 25 ◦ C for 24 h. By
increasing the FeCl3/EDOT molar ratios from 1:1 to 8:1, the conductivity 3.3. Morphology and chemical characterization of the PEDOT particles
is significantly increased to obtain the maximum conductivity of 85 S/
cm. With further increasing the molar ratio up to 10:1, a slight con­ After freeze-drying, optimized PEDOT particles as dark blue powders
ductivity decrease has been observed due to slightly over-oxidation. are obtained (Fig. S2). This dark blue color proves that chloride ions are
The yields of PEDOT also rise gradually with the increase of FeCl3/ doped in PEDOT, which is essential for the high conductivity of PEDOT
EDOT molar ratios from 1:1 to 8:1, reaching 101.5% at the ratio of 8:1 [45].
(Fig. 2b). The high yield of PEDOT (even more than 100%) could Fig. 3a and b shows the morphology of the optimized PEDOT parti­
attribute to the presence of chloride counterions in the polymer chain cles. It can be found that the nanoparticles have a relatively uniform
and the hygroscopic of PEDOT. Similar phenomena have also been re­ spherical structure. Statistical analysis of the particle diameter, helped
ported in the synthesis of other conducting polymers [42,43]. by SEM image and DLS Instruments, shows an average size of around 50
Controlling the reaction temperature provides an essential means for nm with a very narrow distribution range. Elemental mapping by EDS
adjusting the conductivity of conductive polymers. Lowering the spectroscopy shows the presence of carbon, oxygen, sulfur, and chlorine

G. Cao et al. Polymer 252 (2022) 124952

Fig. 4. (a) Fourier-transform infrared spectra of the PEDOT nanoparticles; (b) The PEDOT’s crystalline structure determined by Powder X-ray; (c) TGA data of the
PEDOT nanoparticles showing their thermostability. (d) The UV–vis spectrum of PEDOT nanoparticles.

Fig. 5. (a) The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the PEDOT nanoparticles; (b) The X-ray photoelectron spectra of Cl 2p.

in the doped PEDOT particles (Fig. S3). crystallinity degree than the PEDOT nanoparticles synthesized by other
– C stretching at 1500 cm− 1 and
FT-IR displays the characteristic C– works [46]. There are two prominent peaks: the first two are designated
the C–O–C vibrational peak at 1000 cm− 1 from ethylenedioxy in the as (200) directions, showing edge stacking; the peak assigned to (020)
PEDOT-doped quinoid structure (Fig. 4a). The vibration bands of C–C indicates face-to-face stacking (Fig. 3b).
stretch at 1290 cm− 1 in the quinoidal structure of the thiophene ring. The thermostability of the PEDOT nanoparticles is characterized by
The characteristic C–S bond stretching is observed (961, 907, and 742 TGA analysis (Fig. 4c). The weight loss at a temperature between 25 and
cm− 1) from the ethylenedioxy ring. 150 ◦ C is attributed to the residual solvent and the stored moisture. The
The crystallinity of PEDOT particles is determined by powder XRD primary decomposition of the PEDOT nanoparticles occurs around
spectroscopy (Fig. 4b). The PEDOT nanoparticles show a higher 300 ◦ C.

G. Cao et al. Polymer 252 (2022) 124952

Fig. 6. (a) A diagrammatic representation of four-point probe measurement for the PEDOT nanoparticles; (b) A current-voltage characteristic for a pelletized PEDOT
powder; (c) The electrical stability of the PEDOT nanoparticles; (d) Zeta potential of the PEDOT nanoparticles in water; (e) The dispersibility of the PEDOT particles
in common organic solvents.

Fig. 4d shows the UV–vis spectrum of the PEDOT nanoparticles. The with the doping level of PEDOT [47].
maximum absorption of PEDOT is in the 900–1000 nm range. Generally, The doping level of PEDOT nanoparticles is further characterized by
neutral PEDOT produces a broad absorption peak in the visible light measuring chloride concentration using XPS. By comparing the Cl/S
region (400–600 nm), corresponding to the π-π* transition. However, ratio (Cl 2p peak normalized against S 2p), the PEDOT exhibits a ratio of
the broad absorption peak of highly doped conductive PEDOT is chloride/sulfur of 26%, close to the theoretical limit of 33% [36]. This
generally above 800 nm, and the peak position is positively correlated high doping level could lead to the high conductivity of PEDOT. PEDOT

G. Cao et al. Polymer 252 (2022) 124952

Fig. 7. The conductivity of the composites with different PEDOT loadings.

XPS shows three peaks from chloride environments with 199, 197, and
195 eV binding energies. These energy values, all lower than those for
covalent Cl–C bonding at 200 eV [48], could be considered as doping
moieties of Cl ions. The movement of these chloride ions is confined by
PEDOT’s high lattice energy and charge carrier interactions [49], which
leads to deep and stable doping of PEDOT.

3.4. The conductivity and dispersibility of the PEDOT

The conductivity of PEDOT particles is measured by a four-point

probe measurement. A diagrammatic representation of the four-point
probe measurement for the PEDOT nanoparticles was given in Fig. 6a.
The measurement demonstrates a conductivity of 220 S/cm of the
optimized PEDOT particles. This high electrical conductivity could be
attributed to the PEDOT nanoparticles’ high doping level and uniform
nanoparticle morphology. As far as we know, the electrical conductivity
is close to the highest electrical conductivity of the current solid PEDOT
powder (Table S1), combined with its facile production method and a
high yield, paving the way for further reducing the cost of the current
PEDOT formulation.
A current-voltage curve in Fig. 6b shows the ohmic behavior of the
PEDOT sample. According to Ohm’s law, the pellets exhibited a resis­
tance of around 6 Ω. The electrical stability of the PEDOT is shown in
Fig. 6c. After 30 days in ambient conditions, the conductivity of PEDOT
was almost unchangeable (Fig. 6c).
The dispersibility of PEDOT in the water is shown in Fig. 6b. The
PEDOT particles show a considerable zeta potential of +33 mV in water,
leading PEDOT to be colloidally stable in water. Moreover, unlike the
most common PEDOT: PSS formulations, PEDOT particles exhibit high
dispersibility in common polar organic solvents and even partially
disperse in non-polar n-hexane (Fig. 6e). These PEDOT particles could
keep colloidally stable in the common polar solvents for 4h. However,
they are not stable in non-polar solvents such as n-hexane (Fig. S4). This
characteristic of the PEDOT is essential to provide a method for
dispersing nanoparticles in resins to prepare various composite mate­
rials (Fig. 6e).

3.5. PEDOT particles as additives to reinforce thermoplastic resin

Fig. 8. (a) Cyclic voltammograms of the PEDOT nanoparticles; (b) The specific
capacitance of PEDOT nanoparticles with different current densities; (c) The
As stated before, PEDOT particles could afford high processability in
charge-discharge curves of the PEDOT nanoparticles.
common organic solvents. Thus, PEDOT particles could serve as an ad­
ditive to reinforce thermoplastic resin as conductive composites. Herein,
conductive thermoplastic composites are fabricated using a

G. Cao et al. Polymer 252 (2022) 124952

polyurethane resin as a polymeric matrix with different loading of Appendix A. Supplementary data
PEDOT particles. Polyurethane is a thermoplastic resin widely utilized
as flexible substrates in electronic applications [50–52]. As shown in Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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