Carbon Copy Deluxe Analog Delay: 92503020562REVA
Carbon Copy Deluxe Analog Delay: 92503020562REVA
Carbon Copy Deluxe Analog Delay: 92503020562REVA
Carbon Copy ® 92503020562REVA
External Controls
4 5 6 7 8 9
3 10
1 11
1. Run a cable from your guitar to the M292’s INPUT jack 9. Rotate the WIDTH knob clockwise to widen modulation
and another cable from the M292’s OUTPUT jack to your effect or counterclockwise to narrow it.
10. To set the tempo of your repeats, tap your foot at
2. Start with all controls at 12 o’clock. least twice on the TAP BEAT footswitch to desired rhythm.
3. Turn the effect on by depressing the EFFECT 11. Press the TAP DIV switch to engage and select one of
footswitch. four tap tempo subdivisions: dotted 8ths, 8ths, Triplets,
and 16ths.
4. Rotate the REGEN knob clockwise to increase the
number of repeats or counterclockwise to decrease it. 12. Push the BRIGHT switch to accentuate delay signal’s
high end frequencies (indicated by red LED).
5. Rotate the MIX knob clockwise to increase the ratio
of wet to dry signal or counterclockwise to decrease it. 13. The internal INPUT GAIN switch is factory set to the
Fully clockwise results in equal wet/dry mix while fully GTR position, which optimizes the pedal’s performance
counterclockwise results in 100% dry signal. for instrument-level input signals. Set the switch to its
LINE position to optimize performance for line-level input
6. Rotate the DELAY knob clockwise to increase delay signals. NOTE: INPUT GAIN switch does not affect overall
time or counterclockwise to decrease it. output signal level.
Note: This control overrides the tempo set by the
TAP BEAT footswitch. 14. The internal DRY switch is factory set to its ON
position, which adds 100% of your unaffected dry signal
7. Press the MOD switch to add modulation to your to the output mix while the delay effect is on. Set the
delay signal (indicated by pulsing blue LED). switch to its OFF position to remove the DRY signal from
8. Rotate the SPEED control clockwise to increase the output mix while the delay effect is ON, giving you
modulation rate or counterclockwise to decrease it. 100% wet return for recording and parallel signal mixing.
4. Hold TAP-BEAT switch for 2 seconds until all front panel LEDs 3. External tap switch now acts as tap tempo control, and
flash to save settings. Settings will be preserved when pedal is onboard TAP-BEAT switch now toggles between “A” and
disconnected from power source or from expression pedal. “B” setting configurations. Previously saved settings will be
automatically recalled.
5. Moving rocker back and forth will move smoothly sweep
between “A” and “B” settings. BRIGHT, TAP DIV, and MOD 4. To override recalled “A” settings and create a new “A”
settings will toggle at rocker’s half way position. configuration, adjust DELAY, SPEED, and WIDTH knobs and
BRIGHT, TAP DIV, and MOD buttons as desired. Note: MIX and
6. Settings can be overridden by simply re-adjusting
REGEN knobs cannot be controlled with the onboard TAP-BEAT
aforementioned knobs and buttons. To return to saved settings,
disconnect TRS cable for 2 seconds and then reconnect it.
5. Press onboard TAP-BEAT switch to recall “B” configuration.
7. Delay time can be temporarily changed by tapping a new
To override and create a new “B” configuration, adjust knobs
delay time with TAP-BEAT switch. NOTE: The selected TAP DIV
and buttons as mentioned above.
setting will apply. Moving the Expression pedal will automatically
recall saved or overridden settings. Hold TAP-BEAT switch for 2 6. Onboard TAP-BEAT switch now toggles overridden A and B
seconds until all front panel LEDs flash to save the new tapped setting configurations.
in delay time to “A” or “B” setting depending on rocker position.
This will also save overridden knob and button settings to the 7. Press & hold TAP-BEAT switch for 2 seconds until all front-
same position. panel LEDs flash to save all overridden settings. These new
settings will be automatically recalled upon powering up or
connecting a cable to M292’s EXP jack.
8. If you haven’t saved overridden settings, you can return 8. If you haven’t saved overridden settings, you can return
to previously saved settings by power cycling pedal or to previously saved settings by power cycling pedal or
disconnecting the cable from EXP jack for 2 seconds and then disconnecting the instrument cable from EXP jack for 2
reconnecting it. seconds and then reconnecting it.
9. “A” or “B” delay time can be temporarily changed by tapping 9. A or B delay time can be temporarily changed by tapping
a new delay time with external tap switch. NOTE: Selected TAP a new delay time with TAP-BEAT switch. NOTE: Selected TAP
DIV setting will apply. Toggling settings with onboard TAP-BEAT DIV setting will apply. Toggling settings with external tap switch
switch automatically erases temporary tapped-in delay time and automatically erases tapped-in delay time and recall saved or
recalls saved or overridden settings. Before toggling settings, the overridden settings. Before toggling settings, the newly tapped
newly tapped in delay time can be saved by holding TAP-BEAT in delay time can be saved by holding TAP-BEAT switch for 2
switch for 2 seconds until all front panel LEDs flash. This will also seconds until all front panel LEDs flash. This will also save all
save any overridden “A” and “B” settings. overridden A and B settings.
2. Press and hold MOD button while connecting M292 to 2. Observe the flashing TAP DIV LED display brightness level.
power source, then release button after MOD LED flashes. DELAY knob adjusts brightness from bright to OFF (no flashing).
3. External tap switch now controls MOD button. 3. Press TAP DIV button to observe the steady-on TAP DIV LED
display brightness level. DELAY knob adjusts brightness from
bright to dim.
METRONOME IN/OUT FUNCTIONS 4. Press TAP DIV button to observe the flashing TAP-BEAT LED
FOR MULTIPLE DEVICES brightness level. DELAY knob adjusts brightness from bright to
OFF (no flashing).
1. Program a positive pulse signal metronome master OUT
by holding down TAP DIV + BRIGHT buttons while connecting 5. Press TAP DIV button to repeat the cycle. NOTE: A flashing
master M292 to power source, then release buttons after LED set to OFF will flash twice, indicating which LED has been
LEDs flash. selected.
2. Program a positive pulse signal metronome slave IN by 6. Press TAP-BEAT switch to save brightness settings, or press
holding TAP-BEAT + BRIGHT buttons while connecting slave BRIGHT button to exit without saving.
M292 to power source, then release button after LEDs flashes.
Output Impedance 1 kΩ
*A-weighted, MIX control Full CW, REGEN control Full CW, Internal INPUT GAIN to GTR position.
** Delayed Signal
*** All selectable LEDs OFF, Delay control CW to 9 o’clock
****All selectable LEDs ON, Delay control 9 o’clock to CCW