Tyranny of Dragons:
massive thanks to
Alexandra ’Fulkir’ Carreira
Ana ’Lucy Jezebel’ Simões
Hugo ’D. Furrnanda’ Pires
Iuri ’Boommaker’ Pires
Pedro ’Big McLarge’ Miguel
Rudi ’Tristan’ Pires
cover art by
Zi Hounti
17/05/2023 (v0.2)
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the
dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such
material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by David Simões and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
C H . 1: C AMPAIGN O VERVIEW ............ 1 7.4: The Puzzle Box ....................................... 20
1.1: Introduction ........................................... 1 7.5: Damien’s Manor ..................................... 22
1.2: Running the Campaign ........................... 1 7.6: Conclusion ............................................. 24
14.2: Boareskyr Bridge .................................. 78 21.10: The Zulkir’s Arrival ............................. 130
14.3: Tracks to the Serpent Hills ................... 78 21.11: Thoss Tarek’s Alternate Plans ............. 131
14.4: Tomb of Diderius .................................. 79 21.12: Conclusion ......................................... 131
14.5: Conclusion ........................................... 81
C H . 15: T HE S EA OF M OVING I CE ..... 82 132
15.1: Introduction ......................................... 82 22.1: Introduction ......................................... 132
15.2: Back to Waterdeep ................................ 82 22.2: Waterdeep............................................. 132
15.3: Frostskimmr......................................... 82 22.3: Members of the Council ........................ 132
15.4: Oyaviggaton - The Village...................... 84 22.4: Council Session .................................... 133
15.5: Oyaviggaton - Ice Caves ........................ 84 22.5: Conclusion ........................................... 136
15.6: Conclusion ........................................... 88
C H . 23: T IAMAT ’ S R ETURN ............... 138
C H . 16: S ECOND C OUNCIL OF WATERDEEP 23.1: Introduction ......................................... 138
89 23.2: Approaching the Well of Dragons .......... 138
16.1: Introduction ......................................... 89 23.3: Surveying the Well of Dragons............... 139
16.2: Waterdeep............................................. 89 23.4: Storming the Well of Dragons................ 140
16.3: Members of the Council ........................ 89 23.5: Well of Dragons..................................... 142
16.4: Council Session .................................... 89 23.6: Conclusion ........................................... 144
16.5: Conclusion ........................................... 93
C H . 24: E PILOGUE ......................... 145
C H . 17: T HE M ISTY F OREST ............. 94 24.1: Introduction ......................................... 145
17.1: Introduction ......................................... 94 24.2: Tiamat Succeeded................................. 145
17.2: The Misty Forest ................................... 94 24.3: Total Party Kill...................................... 145
17.3: Neronvain’s Stronghold......................... 97 24.4: Descent into Avernus............................ 145
17.4: Conclusion ........................................... 99 24.5: Dragonspear Castle .............................. 145
24.6: Castle Naerytar and the Ring of
C H . 18: T HE C OUNCIL OF D RAGONS .. 100
Myrkul........................................................... 146
18.1: Introduction ......................................... 100 24.7: Xonthal’s Tower .................................... 146
18.2: Reaching the Summit ........................... 100 24.8: Dragons’ Revenge ................................. 146
18.3: The Dragon Council .............................. 101 24.9: Character Arcs ..................................... 146
18.4: Conclusion ........................................... 106 24.10: Other Enemies.................................... 146
C H . 19: T HIRD C OUNCIL OF WATERDEEP 24.11: Conclusion ......................................... 147
19.1: Introduction ......................................... 107
19.2: Waterdeep............................................. 107
19.3: The Cult Strikes Back ........................... 107
19.4: Members of the Council ........................ 108
25.1: Arauthator............................................ 149
19.5: Council Session .................................... 109
19.6: Conclusion ........................................... 112 25.2: Armored Swarm of Snakes.................... 151
25.3: Azbara Jos............................................ 152
C H . 20: X ONTHAL ’ S T OWER ............. 114 25.4: Bane’s Cultists ..................................... 153
20.1: Introduction ......................................... 114 25.5: Bhall’s Cultists ..................................... 155
20.2: Xonthal’s Tower (Village) ....................... 114 25.6: Bullywug Croaker ................................. 157
20.3: The Maze .............................................. 114 25.7: Chuth................................................... 158
20.4: Xonthal’s Tower .................................... 117 25.8: Cult Wagon Leader................................ 160
20.5: Conclusion ........................................... 117 25.9: Cyanwrath............................................ 161
25.10: Dralmorrer Borngray .......................... 162
C H . 21: M ISSION TO T HAY ............... 119 25.11: Galvan................................................ 163
21.1: Introduction ......................................... 119 25.12: Glazhael ............................................. 164
21.2: Departing to Thay ................................. 119 25.13: Goblin Shaman................................... 165
21.3: Nethwatch Keep’s Characters................ 119 25.14: Khandur Ulmarik................................ 166
21.4: Nethwatch Keep.................................... 122 25.15: King Hekaton...................................... 167
21.5: The Audience........................................ 126 25.16: Laeral Silverhand................................ 169
21.6: Dreams and Nightmares ....................... 127 25.17: Lennithon ........................................... 170
21.7: The Mystery Murder ............................. 128 25.18: Monstrous Peryton ............................. 171
21.8: The Missing Pyx.................................... 130 25.19: Mortlock Vanthampur......................... 172
21.9: The Diviner’s Drowning......................... 130 25.20: Myrkul’s Cultists ................................ 173
25.21: Neronvain ........................................... 175 26.4: Elturel .................................................. 191
25.22: Nyh Ilmichh ........................................ 177 26.5: Baldur’s Gate........................................ 193
25.23: Pharblex Spattergoo............................ 178 26.6: On the Road ......................................... 194
25.24: Remallia Haventree............................. 180 26.7: Waterdeep and Carnath Roadhouse ...... 195
25.25: Rezmir ................................................ 182 26.8: Mere of the Dead Men ........................... 196
25.26: Thoss Tarek........................................ 183 26.9: Parnast and Skyreach Castle ................ 199
25.27: Ulder Ravengard ................................. 185
26.10: Council of Waterdeep .......................... 204
25.28: Varram ............................................... 186
26.11: Death to the Wyrmspeakers: Varram .. 205
C H . 26: M APS ............................... 187 26.12: Council of Waterdeep .......................... 206
26.1: Greenest in Flames ............................... 187 26.13: Xonthal’s Tower .................................. 207
26.2: Raider’s Camp ...................................... 189 26.14: Nethwatch Keep.................................. 211
26.3: Hatchery............................................... 190 26.15: Rise of Tiamat..................................... 215
This campaign happens in the Sword Coast. summit that will come to be known as the
Characters will explore most of the Sword Coast, Council of Waterdeep.
moving between Elturel, Baldur’s Gate, Four council sessions take place over the
Waterdeep, and exploring many smaller towns course of the adventure, naturally dividing
nearby. Most names, cities, and locations will be events into four stages. Between the council
familiar to experienced players. gatherings, the characters undertake missions to
The events of this campaign happen in 1489 thwart the cult’s plans. Some of these missions
DR, right as Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition will be proposed by NPCs during council
starts. They span about 1 year. The characters sessions. Others can be proposed by the
should grow from level 1 to 15. characters. The adventurers understand that
thousands of lives depend on their actions. The
1.1 I NTRODUCTION characters are among the greatest heroes of the
Sword Coast, and the Council of Waterdeep
Before our story begins, the Order of the Dragon, looks to them for wise guidance and swift action.
led by their new leader, Severin, obtained several Many of the power groups represented on the
of the five dragon masks and initiated the second council don’t trust each other, and some even
part of his plan to release Tiamat: recruiting have conflicting goals. Over the course of the
dragons and assembling a treasure hoard worthy council’s four meetings, the players and
of the queen of evil dragons. characters need to forge this disparate, feuding
group into a coordinated force. Only with all
H OARD OF THE D RAGON Q UEEN factions working together and contributing to the
overall effort can enough power be brought to
The first part of this campaign begins when a
bear against the cult to prevent Tiamat’s return.
town comes under attack by a dragon and its
The more successful the characters are in their
allies. Characters can intervene to save
actions against the cult, the more esteem and
townsfolk, but not before attackers carry away
influence they gain with the council.
an important scholar. While rescuing that
captive from the raiders’ camp, characters learn
they are up against the Order of the Dragon, and 1.2 R UNNING THE
they have the chance to destroy a subterranean
dragon hatchery that the cult guards. C AMPAIGN
The hatchery provides clues to the cult’s Start by reading the summary from chapter 2, to
operation and sends the characters on a long get familiar with the overall structure of the
journey northward. During that trip, they face adventure.
threats from the cult and gain some unexpected With every chapter, please fully read the
allies. North of Waterdeep, the cult’s contraband corresponding chapters from each adventure
is offloaded at a smuggler’s den for shipment to book. Then, read the chapter here to understand
a castle long ago abandoned. the flow of events, see relevant changes, get
A portal beneath the castle connects to the maps, ideas, and others. Each chapter should
stronghold of one of the cult’s most powerful and contain a list of what is expected to happen
most disgruntled members, Talis, who can there. If something doesn’t happen (or happens
become either a deadly enemy or a crucial earlier than expected), it’s no problem, just
collaborator to the characters. With or without adjust the events in the next chapters.
Talis’s help, the characters must get into a flying Always remember to adapt to your players.
citadel that a cloud giant placed at the cult’s You create the world, they guide the story.
disposal and prevent it from reaching its Ideally, they shouldn’t stray so far from the
destination at the Well of Dragons. planned adventure that the book becomes
useless, but what matters is that everyone (that
R ISE OF T IAMAT includes you!) is having fun!
In the second part of this campaign,
representatives of groups and factions from
across the Sword Coast meet to discuss their This campaign chains together multiple
concern about the Order of the Dragon, and to published adventures, and also introduces newly
draw up plans for opposing the cult. The created ones. You will need the following
adventurers are summoned to Waterdeep for a adventure books:
the castle, through which both treasure and iconic iceberg, Oyaviggaton. The danger is great,
Rezmir have escaped. not only from the local monsters, but also from
the estranged northern Ice Hunter tribes, and
2.10 P ARNAST AND most of all, from the dragon that, unbeknownst
to nearly everyone, slumbers in the mysterious
S KYREACH iceberg.
Rezmir quickly moves from a Hunting Lodge 2.14 S ECOND
near Parnast to Skyreach Castle, a flying fortress
from the Cloud Giants. The characters must
embark upon it and prevent it from reach its
final destination, where the forces of the Order of
the Dragon will certainly be too dangerous. Politics, as usual, ruin everything. Inner turmoil
Luckily, a new ally is coming to talk some sense disrupts the Council as a new Open Lord is
into the giants. However, that still leaves Rezmir, appointed to Waterdeep, and conflicts emerge.
Azbara, cultists, and of course, a dangerous All the invitations of the Council have been filled,
dragon to take care of. and new dangers loom on the horizon. The
Order’s activities have increased, undoubtedly
2.11 F IRST C OUNCIL due to the character’s disruptions of their plans.
The Emerald Enclave in particular is worried
OF WATERDEEP about strange rumours coming from the Misty
Forest, just south of Waterdeep. However, not all
A few days after Skyreach has fallen, a Council news are bad, and new allies have contacted the
is assembled in the City of Wonders to determine Council, hoping to reach an agreement.
how the forces of Faerûn will handle the
upcoming war. Refugees, attacks, cut-off cities,
and others, are straining the resources of every
major organization. The politics of the situation
2.15 T HE M ISTY
are delicate, and the Council members want to
meet the characters that have thus far thwarted
The Emerald Enclave and the elven prince
the cult’s plans. After this meeting, goals and
Alagarthas request the character’s help to
objectives are set to prevent the situation from
uncover the plans of the Misty Forest cell, led by
escalating. Meanwhile, the Order of the Dragon
Neronvain and Chuth. Alagarthas’ father
sounds the Draakhorn, an ancient artifact
believes the attacks are over, but Alagarthas
whose purpose is still unclear.
fears otherwise. In particular, they ask the
characters to investigate a singular attack on an
2.12 T OMB OF elven village, where the dragon,
uncharacteristically, abandoned the raid
D IDERIUS half-way without pillaging or murdering the
The Harper network of spies spotted the White entire population.
Wyrmspeaker, Varram, in a small encampment,
southeast of Waterdeep. It is crucial to follow up
on this lead and attempt to capture the dwarf, 2.16 T HE C OUNCIL OF
and recover the White Dragon Mask he wears.
Little do the characters know that the mask has D RAGONS
already been stolen, and Varram is actually The Metallic Dragons have invited the characters
seeking it through a powerful Divination Pool. to an ancient draconic rite of council. They wish
to determine what the dragons will do in the face
2.13 T HE S EA OF of the looming threat of Tiamat, and how they
should (if at all) work with the smaller humanoid
M OVING I CE races. Some of the dragons are not interested in
Characters have an opportunity to track down cooperating with them, while others find
the Draakhorn, and also uncover the fate of potential in an alliance. It’s up to the characters
Maccath, the Crimson. Her last known to convince them to join forces. However, the
whereabouts were in the Sea of Moving Ice, the Order of the Dragon is aware of this meeting and
same area where the Draakhorn was last known is trying their best to prevent it from happening.
to be found at, as she was about to explore an
The Council once more gathers to determine The alliance is striking back. They must stop the
what to do now that their territories have been Severin’s ritual at the Well of Dragons to prevent
defended as best they can. However, the night Tiamat’s return. However, the ritual has already
before the meeting, Waterdeep suffers a started, can it be too late?
devastating attack with thousands of casualties.
The attack coincided with an assassination
attempt on the characters’ lives. They must now
present the results of their missions and The world has been saved! The Order of the
navigate a political mine-field to get everyone to Dragon still remains, no hidden in the shadows
play along together. once more. However, there are many loose ends
to tie up. Why were devils helping the cult? How
are cities going to recover from this war? Are the
2.18 X ONTHAL ’ S party’s enemies seeking vengeance? What is
happening at Dragonspear, Castle Naerytar, or
T OWER Xonthal’s Tower? Leave it up to your players to
The Harpers got a letter from a defector of the decide where to go next!
Order of the Dragon. An anonymous member
claims to have borrowed the Blue Dragon Mask,
and must be extracted from a mysterious place
known as Xonthal’s Tower. It could be a trap,
but investigating this clue can lead to great
results: a high-ranking member of the cult
willing to help the Alliance, and a last chance at
obtaining a dragon mask.
The Red Wizards of Thay, led by the Lich Lord
Szass Tam, wish to extinguish the Thayan
Resurrection, a splinter sect of Thay who has
allied with the Order of the Dragon. Led by Rath
Modar, this sect is responsible for opening the
portal between Avernus and the Forgotten
Realms, in exchange for power gifted by the
Dragon Queen as a reward for their efforts. Rath
Modar hopes to defeat Szass Tam and bring
Thay to its glory days; Szass Tam hopes to
utterly destroy Rath Modar in horrible ways. To
this goal, he invites a group of emissaries to visit
Thay in order to establish a temporary alliance.
2.20 F OUR TH
The Council gathers for the final time. The
characters present the resultds of their latest
missions, and a plan of attack is laid out against
the Order of the Dragon. The Well of Dragons’
location is finally found, and the cult is
summoning Tiamat in a few days. The armies of
the alliance are about to march to war.
Inspired by The Delian Tomb by Seth Harris, groups of goblins attacks other chariots in the
available at DM’s Guild. caravan. The other groups will be defeated by
Please revise the introduction in section 2.1. the other guards, and characters need only to
focus on this group of enemies. During the fight,
3.1 I NTRODUCTION a sneaky goblin kidnaps Toby without anyone
Characters should be at level 1. After the enemies are defeated, Mary quickly
The goal for this chapter is for players to get notices her son is missing. Some members of the
used to the setting. Characters should find a caravan want to keep moving, afraid of further
connection (through Mary) to Leosin, level up to attacks. Mary will go on her own after her boy, if
be more ready for Greenest, and also learn a bit need be, but ideally the characters should help
about the Dead Three gods. her. They can easily track the goblins’ footprints,
which clearly head west and soon lead out of the
3.2 A R OUGH R OAD woods into open rocky hills. They spot a ruin on
a hill not far off. The tracks veer off the road and
Mary Erlanthar, a 30-something year old woman,
is taking her kid Toby, to the city of Greenest. toward the ruins.
Mary is Leosin Erlanthar’s sister. Her husband
died recently, and out of money, she is travelling 3.3 T HE T ORM ’ S
to where Leosin last told her he would be. Toby
quickly befriends the characters throughout this K NIGHT T OMB
journey, being a smart and inquisitive child. He This Tomb, dedicated to Torm, has been invaded
often remarks he wants to be a brave adventurer by goblins who worship the Dead Three, the evil
like them, and occasionally mentions his uncle gods Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul. They have
(Leosin) to be some sort of secret agent (a fact his received visions from their gods, triggered by the
mother quickly dismisses). Order of the Dragon’s recent machinations, and
worshippers of these gods have recently become
active. These particular goblins don’t really care
about any of this, and are simply trying to get
treasure and power through murder and
Two Goblins guard the entrance of the tomb.
They are sleepy and distracted, and have
disadvantage on their Wisdom (Perception)
checks. If attacked, the last one alive will yell for
help from the goblins inside the tomb.
If you want to challenge your players, two
others patrol the outside, circling the entrance
every five minutes. If alive, they hear sounds of
combat at the entrance of the tomb, and join the
fight after a round of combat.
Ran as-is.
I had every group of cultists approaching very
obviously, which allowed the player characters to
run and avoid most fights. Make sure the
cultists are more obvious the more worn-down
your characters are. Also ensure your players
are aware they have the option to run and avoid
fights. Another idea if characters are having a
tough time is for guards to show up to help.
Some encounters can even start with guards
already engaged by cultists, and characters can
choose to help them fend off the invaders.
At My Table
The characters headed for the bridge crossing the stream,
but enemies were coming down that way. They instead
turned right, avoided a group of cultists ransacking a house
there, crossed the stream, and approached the keep from
the south. Somewhere during this, they hear the dragon’s
Figure 4.1: Greenest in Flames. roar, but they still cannot identify its source, as night has
fallen. They fought another group of cultists before running
inside the keep with about a dozen commoners following
I removed Castellan Escobert the Red’s them (including Mary and Toby).
character. Only shows up here, no need for him.
At My Table
A lucky hit from one of them was enough to damage
Lennithon and scare him away.
I removed this mission, seems too chaotic, and
this chapter is hard enough as it is.
Characters should be at level 3.
The goal for this chapter is for characters to
witness the strength of the group that attacked
Greenest. They will glimpse the real leaders of
this cell, Rezmir* (and her greatsword and
dragon mask) and Azbara Jos*, gather some
information about the Order of the Dragon (how
it is composed of different groups, including paid
mercenaries, kobolds, and fanatical cultists, or
how they greet each other with dragon-related
mottos), and rescue Leosin Erlanthar.
At My Table
Characters waited for night, and never actually entered the
camp. They scouted from the surrounding hills, saw Leosin
being interrogated by Frulam Mondath and Rezmir*, and
waited until the guards were rotating. At some point, only
two were guarding him (the others had gone to fetch
dinner). While the Wizard’s Familiar carried a knife to
Leosin and guided him to the cliff (where ropes awaited to
pull him up), the guards were silently disposed of.
Ran as-is.
At My Table
Because they didn’t leave anything behind to cover the fact
Leosin had escaped, they were rapidly pursued. Thanks to
poor rolls, a patrol caught up to them, with a Veteran, two
Kobolds, two Scouts, and four Cultists. This allowed them
to capture a cultist and bring him back for interrogation.
The characters have hopefully gathered some
information about the Order of the Dragon
(including witnessing the Black Dragon Mask
worn by Rezmir, and the legendary Hazirawn at
her back) and rescued Leosin. It’s likely they
noticed the heavily guarded Chief’s tent, and the
suspicious cave nearby.
At My Table
Characters lured the two Dragonclaws guarding the cave
to the leaders’ tent and quickly disposed of them. They
explored the dungeon silently, quickly wiping each group of
Kobolds without alerting the next one, and ignored Areas 5
and 6. They rested in Area 8 before facing Cyanwrath.
After Cyanwrath’s defeat, they triggered the acid trap
(because they’re morons), and rested before exploring Area
10. There, they destroyed the three dragon eggs from a
distance. Using illusions, they tried to lure Mondath into
Area 9, but she was suspicious. Combat ensued, and they
captured her, while using the Kobold bombs to kill her
The characters have hopefully defeated
Cyanwrath and Mondath, learned that wagons
with suspicious cargo is being delivered to
Baldur’s Gate, and killed some chromatic dragon
eggs that would no-doubt lead to problems once
the hatchlings grew up.
They are then to join their caravan, and find (12d6) psychic damage. Characters can deduce a
what is their final destination and what is all hint to solve the puzzle with a DC 20 Intelligence
that cargo for. He gives them the following chart (Investigation) check. The puzzles are on the
to fill with information. His spies have already cube’s faces.
learned about the Order of the Dragon having
different cells, and he wants more details. 1. C HESS P UZZLE
If the characters didn’t open the puzzle-box,
The first puzzle shows a Chess board.
Leosin recommends they stay at the Elfsong
On opposite sides of the cube, there are two
tavern at Baldur’s Gate.
buttons, one black and one white, with no
discernible differences. The hint is There must be
7.4 T HE P UZZLE B OX a clue in the placement of the chess pieces,
regardless of their type. The pieces spell BAD in
This section is based on the Challenge of
black and ACE in white, so the correct solution
Champions IV adventure, by Johnathan
is to push the white button.
Ontharr doesn’t want to see the puzzle-box,
claiming it annoys him to no end (since he is
unable to open it). He murmurs something like The puzzle-box starts extending in opposite
"If you can open the damn thing, great, directions and markings begin to show as it
otherwise I want nothing to do with it!". transforms into a small circular totem. The top
Characters can break open the box with a DC 30 and bottom surfaces of the totem are clear
Strength (Athletics) check. Every time they make mirrors.
a mistake solving it or breaking it, they take 42 The solution is to read the hidden message in
Figure 7.3: The Order of the Dragon chart that Ontharr asks the characters to fill.
The puzzle-box returns to its regular cube-shape.
One of its faces now shows a grid, only partially
Each number in a square represents the
amount of mines surrounding it. The characters
need to mark the location of all 40 mines by
pressing the squares, one at a time. Pressing an
empty square reveals all squares around it.
For each successful hint, reveal a safe square
for the players. Once the entire grid is revealed,
the grid vanishes and the final puzzle is
The final puzzle shows the mysterious sentence
Come, human, die by sword or spear surrounded
by letters.
Figure 7.4: The Chess puzzle. Examining the nineteen letters in the outer
ring circling the inscription, the characters note
that all of the letters of the alphabet are
represented except for B, E, H, I, S, U, and Y.
the markings. Reflected, the words read BREAK Removing those letters from the phrase in the
MIRROR. inscription above reveals COMMAND WORD
The hint is The totem must be horizontal, or the ORPAR.
bottom mirror could not be seen. Once the The hint is Missing letter in the ring might affect
characters break either mirror, they find a the sentence within. Once the command word is
button hidden beneath it, which they can push uttered, the puzzle-box vanishes and a note
to solve the puzzle. within it falls to the ground.
Figure 7.7: The Mine puzzle solution.
Davian and Damien are noble cousins of arranged on the floor. Narrow windows look into
Elturel. They share a friendly rivalry, and fight to the garden, but these double as arrow slits in
see who keeps their Grandmother’s Urn of Ashes case visitors aren’t as friendly as they claim to
in their manor. Damien has had them for a few be.
months, and Davian’s attempts at recovering it
have all been thwarted. He has now resorted to 3. G RAND H ALL
an outside organization (the Order of the
Gauntlet) to take it back. A magnificently tiled floor is flanked by two
The nobles maintain a lavish lifestyle and sweeping staircases that ascend to the upper
conduct private business from there. These airy, floor. The urn stands atop a pedestal in the
opulent mansions include guest quarters for center of this hall. Two guards stand above the
important visitors and trading partners, and staircases of this room.
they’re patrolled by loyal, well-drilled guards at
all hours. The outer walls are 8 to 12 feet tall, up 4. G UEST R OOMS
to 2 feet thick, and topped with sharp and pointy
religious symbols that glitter colorfully in the Most of the right side of the house is devoted to
Companion’s light. Any character who climbs accommodations for guests. Three private
over the wall must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity sleeping rooms with attached baths, plus two
saving throw or take 2 (1d4) slashing damage sitting rooms and access to the garden, make
from the sharp objects. this far more luxurious than a typical inn. One
Paintings, statues, murals, frescoes, tapestries, Noble rests here.
and oil lamps meant to impress guests decorate
the lower level. The rooms on the upper level are 5. G ARDEN
decorated for comfort. The artwork and other Ferns, potted palms, orchids, and other tropical
decor reflect Damien’s taste. Two Guards stand flowers are cultivated in the garden, which is
outside the main front and back doors. One open to the sky. Local plants with useful
stands outside the door in Area 5. Two pairs of properties or applications as poison might be
Guards patrol the exterior wall, taking 5 minutes found in the garden of a noble with a
each to make a full patrol. horticultural bent.
Ontharr asks the characters to steal the urn
containing Damien’s grandmother’s ashes, as
requested by his cousin Davian, without 6. D INING R OOM
harming any of the guards or residents of the The dining table is very low, just a few inches
manor. above the floor. Three Nobles relax on pillows as
they eat.
This pleasant, breezy, tiled courtyard includes a 7. S AUNA
splashing fountain and green plants. Visitors
In addition to daily baths, well-to-do Eltureleans
can refresh themselves in a washroom to the left
love relaxing in saunas. Most home saunas are
of the entrance before meeting residents of the
heated with charcoal burners or hot stones, but
manor. The entry portico is always guarded by
in Damien’s manor, a trapped Fire Elemental
four Gladiators recruited from the noble’s
provides round-the-clock heat, and a servant
extended family or hand-picked for their loyalty
(Commoner) is always available to massage tired
and fighting prowess. These guards are always
on alert against tricksters and magicians trying
to gain entrance to their master’s home, so they
have advantage on skill checks and saving 8. B ATH
throws against attempts to distract, bamboozle, The bath is the cornerstone of the manor, even
or charm them. more so than the dining room or family rooms.
The ceiling of the entryway is two stories tall. The family relaxes here during private times, but
there’s nothing unusual about a noble holding
2. S ITTING A REA meetings in the bath with trusted advisors and
This is both a waiting area and a meeting area close business associates. Being invited into the
for guests who aren’t known to the manor’s household bath is considered an honor in
master, and therefore won’t necessarily be given Elturelean society, and treating it as anything
access to the inner chambers of the house. less than an honor risks offending the person
Decorative columns support the arched doorway who extended the invitation. Three Nobles bathe
from area 1. Rugs and comfortable pillows are here.
The kitchen is large, high-ceilinged, and well The servants’ quarters are isolated from the
ventilated; otherwise, heat from cooking fires family sleeping areas for security. There is
would make it unbearably hot. Stairs lead up to nothing remarkable about them. Two
the laundry room (area 14). Two Commoners Commoners rest in the bedrooms. One Guard
cook here. patrols the balcony outside.
Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s On the Road by D ISTRICTS
Wizards of the Coast, and Descent into Avernus’s
A Tale of Two Cities by Wizards of the Coast. Today, Baldur’s Gate is split into three districts:
the wealthy Upper City on the hills above the
Please revise the introduction in section 2.6.
docks, the bustling Lower City around the
Maps can be found in section 26.5.
harbor (both are ringed by an impressive
defensive wall), and the lawless Outer City
(which includes all neighborhoods outside the
8.1 I NTRODUCTION city walls). Regardless of what district one might
Characters should be at level 5. be visiting, certain features are impossible to
ignore, like the wash of Gray Harbor, the
The goal for this chapter is for characters to
shadows of Dusthawk Hill, or the gates that
become familiar with Baldur’s Gate, obtain
contribute to the city’s name.
another Harper connection, and explore the
Dungeon of the Dead Three, realizing how other While the Outer City might seem the most
fanatical evil cults are also being affected by the lawless, every district of Baldur’s Gate has its
machinations of the Order of the Dragon. They own threats. In the Upper City, patriar families
won’t know the reason why the Gods are worried, and government officials jostle to secure their
but it should perk the players’ curiosity. positions. Many are not above using private
agents to acquire blackmail material, sabotage
public appearances, or even frame innocents to
8.2 B ALDUR ’ S G ATE secure power. The victims of these plots, and
officials who want a fair and honest legal system,
Even the most hardened adventurers watch their must resort to hiring their own agents to
steps in Baldur’s Gate, where lives hold prices in unearth conspiracies, break out unfairly
copper and greed proves deadlier than dragon imprisoned citizens, and obtain evidence the
fire. Baldur’s Gate has a reputation for being a Flaming Fist cannot.
rough place, where crime and opportunity walk The Upper City’s political intrigues and the
hand in hand, and where anything can be Outer City’s violence spills over into the Lower
bought, sold, or seized at swordpoint. If City, the city’s middle ground. Rampant crime,
something can be given a price, it’s for sale class grudges, foreign threats, and economic
somewhere in Baldur’s Gate. Drugs and poisons pressures leave many Baldurians feeling trapped
sit on shelves alongside tinctures and remedies. within their own homes. Flaming Fist patrols
Trade goods from Chult, mechanical wonders react to threats with indiscriminate violence,
from Neverwinter, tomes of magic from doing little to make citizens feel safer. As a
Calimshan, and the most believable counterfeits result, in recent years many citizens have
of each can all be found in the city’s stalls. started banding together in crews. These
The Flaming Fist, a mercenary company paid counter-gangs align along professional or
for by the city, protects residents without the neighborhood affiliations, doing their best to
barest hint of civil delicacy. The Watch, the protect their territories. While this has given
guardian force of the wealthy Upper City, exists some of the city’s people a way of feeling more in
only to serve the patriars - the city’s detached control of their lives, it’s also increased the
upper class. Meanwhile, crime flourishes under number of armed citizens on the streets.
the control of the Guild, which oversees almost Whether the Lower City is actually safer after the
every organized criminal act, from dockside formation of crews remains an open question.
gambling rings to blackmail at patriar garden In the Outer City, all the world washes against
parties. Either under the Guild’s auspices or in the city’s gates. Here crime and poverty are
defiance of them, those who cut purses or contrasted by wonders from afar and the riches
throats make a decent living in the city, their of cultures across Faerûn. The mix of wanderers
talents traded as briskly - and often just as and refugees remains in constant flux, with
openly - as those of any other professional. communities forming and disbanding on a
For all its shadows and dark dealings, Baldur’s monthly basis. None can possibly keep track of
Gate is not without its lights. Some residents all the foreign traditions or the dangerous -
earnestly seek to make the city a safer place by sometimes outright evil - religious practices
banding together to make their own sort of observed in the Outer City. As a result, Baldur’s
imperfect but effective justice. Gate has widely adopted a "do no harm" policy
The eastern part of this room is unlit, flooded, and braced This partially collapsed room has three wooden beams
with floor-to-ceiling wooden beams. Rough-hewn steps rise bracing its ceiling. Situated between the beams is a
out of the murky water to the western portion of the room, scorched wooden table with a human cadaver resting atop
which is dry and lit by two torches in sconces that flank a it. A frighteningly thin woman in a black robe is studying
stone altar. Shackled to the wall behind the altar is a sickly the corpse, her face largely hidden under a cowl. Around
man in a loincloth with a burlap sack over his head. An her feet creeps two swarms of skeletal rats.
alcove in the north wall contains a freestanding suit of plate
armor missing its helm.
Standing before the altar are two grim figures: a
The necromancer looming over the corpse is
powerfully built woman clutching a mace, and an even
Flennis, a female human Master of Souls* and
bigger man wearing a bucket helm. The helmed man is
the highest-ranking follower of Myrkul in the
dungeon. Use the swarm of rats stat block to
jabbing the prisoner with a spear, causing him to twitch.
represent Flennis’s skeletal rats, but they are
Both figures are clad in chain mail, and the woman carries a
undead instead of beasts.
wooden shield with a leering skull painted on it.
Flennis is preparing to make a Ghoul out of
the corpse on the table, but the Create Undead
The two armored figures are Kazzira, a female spell takes 1 minute to cast, which means she
human Black Gauntlet of Bane*, and Yignath, a must deal with the characters first. If the rats
male human Iron Consul*. Yignath is torturing keep the enemies busy, she can finisher her
the prisoner for fun while Kazzira watches. Both ritual. Otherwise, while her skeletal rats attack
attack intruders but prefer to remain on dry the nearest foe, she casts spells while using the
ground. The skull on Kazzira’s shield has been table for cover.
painted in fresh blood. Hanging from Yignath’s In addition to her robe and her flail, Flennis
belt is an iron key ring with seven keys - one for carries a dusty spellbook that contains all the
the shackles above the altar, two for the shackles spells she has prepared. The book has black
in area D22, and four that unlock the chests in leather covers and sports a tiny, skull-shaped
area D30. locking mechanism. Flennis has the key to the
The prisoner hanging on the west wall is Klim lock stuck in her hair. A character can also pick
Jhasso, a male human noble captured in the the lock with a successful DC 14 Dexterity check
Lower City two days ago after his bodyguard was made with thieves’ tools.
slain. Klim is a neutral evil Noble with 1 hit The first time a creature other than Flennis
point remaining. He is unarmored (AC 10) and opens the book, a wisp of black smoke rises from
weaponless. He speaks Common and Elvish, but its pages and coalesces into a skull that cackles
has no useful information to share. Klim madly for a few seconds before dissipating. The
guarantees that his family will pay a generous creature holding the book when the smoke
reward for his safe return to their estate in the appears must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution
The characters have hopefully cleared the
Dungeon of the Dead Three and learned that
other cults are actively interfering with the Order
of the Dragon, meaning the Order’s plans might
be truly threatening.
Figure 9.1: The front half of the Caravan on the road. Originally by Patreon’s DM Oaky.
Figure 9.3: The pass overgrown with This section was inspired by the Ghosts of
mushrooms. Unknown author. Dragonspear adventure, by Jeremy Crawford
and Christopher Perkins.
Dragonspear Castle was a dwarven fortress
B ANE OF THE M OUNTAINS built upon the High Moor during the 13th
century DR. It had a long and storied history
Ran at the Troll Hills, just before Dragonspear.
within Western Heartlands. It served as home to
monstrous humanoids, became the battleground
for two wars between Faerûnians and devils from
the Nine Hells, and much more. Currently, it lies
in ruins, and a massive dragon skeleton lies half
buried against its southern walls, amidst the
War, neglect, and the elements have worn the once mighty
castle down to its present wretched state. Two walls with
Figure 9.4: The Caravan being attacked by turrets once encircled the keep, but the outermost wall and
Perytons. By Patreon’s DM Oaky. its towers have been reduced to rubble, forming necklace of
broken gray stone around the hillside. The inner wall and
I had three Monstrous Peryton* attack the towers are built on higher ground and are mostly intact,
caravan. One attacks the chariots ahead of the although you see numerous holes punched through the
characters, another the ones behind. The third
Dust and cobwebs fill this ancient armory. Suits of armor The altar’s power comes from the holy relic
hang on four wooden dummies, and rusty armaments trapped inside it. If this relic is removed, the
festoon old weapon racks along the opposite walls. The rituals designed to rejuvenate the wards on the
room feels unnaturally cold. portal simply won’t work. Characters wishing to
keep the relic can replace it with a different holy
relic (such as the weapon from the Tomb of Torm
The Armory is haunted by a Ghost who will in Chapter 9.6). Finding a different suitable
attempt to possess the first character entering replacement might make a fine side quest.
the room. The ghost is all that remains of a
human warrior - a female priest of Tempus, who
served as the castle’s Master of Arms for five The altar is a nondescript block of stained
years until she and her comrades-in-arms were white marble 5 feet long, 4 feet tall, and 3 feet
slain. In her spectral form, the Priest wears a deep weighing 1,500 pounds. A follower of
tabard emblazoned with the Tempus who touches the altar can reach inside
shield-and-flaming-sword symbol of Tempus, the of it, as though the altar was made of warm,
Warbringer. Her features are otherwise hideous malleable clay. To everyone else, however, the
to behold. The ghost can no longer distinguish altar feels solid and impenetrable. A non-follower
between friend and foe, nor can it leave the of Tempus who speaks a prayer to any
armory even while possessing a living creature. good-aligned god before the altar can, with a DC
It cannot speak except through a host, and the 20 Charisma check, garner enough divine favor
only things is capable of saying are "Leave!" and to reach into the altar and remove the hidden
"Abandon all hope!". If the ghost is confronted by relic; however, a character can attempt this
a holy symbol of Tempus, attempts to turn or check only once.
rebuke it gain a +10 bonus. The ghost disperses
if reduced to 0 hit points, but it reforms the next
night. A cleric who casts a prayer spell on the Any character able to "feel around" inside the
ghost convinces the spirit to rest in peace, altar finds a light object hidden within and can
instantly banishing it forever. remove it; it is the hilt of an elven-made bastard
Much of the equipment stored here is rusted sword named Illydrael (pronounced
beyond use; however, characters can salvage a il-eh-dray-ul). The sword’s blade was broken off
pair of maces, a warhammer, and a +1 Weapon. and buried in the heart of a pit fiend long ago,
The weapon racks are made of rotted wood and and the priests of Tempus hid the remains of the
fall apart if they or the weapons stored in them weapon - now a holy relic - in the altar to
are disturbed. empower it. The sword’s remains can be
identified as a Sun Blade, and when removed
7. H OLD OF THE B ATTLE L IONS from the altar and gripped by a living creature, a
blade of screaming white flame (similar to fire
Standing between the castle barbican and the main keep is but giving off no heat) erupts from the hilt for a
the crumbled shell of a stone temple, at the back of which brief moment. The weapon can only be attuned
rests a marble altar. Someone has chipped away the to by a character over 9th level. Placing Illydrael
bas-reliefs and religious iconography that once adorned the atop the altar causes it to sink back down into
altar, defiling it. the heart of the altar, where it remains until
removed again.
The ground-floor rooms were stripped bare long ago and 11. N OR THEAST T URRET
are empty except for dust, rubble, and cobwebs, as well as
the small bones, armor fragments, and bits of tattered cloth The tower has two levels: a ground level and an attic. Both
littering the floor. Part of the outer wall has collapsed, levels are 20 feet high and separated by a rotted wooden
leaving a 6-foot-wide, 12-foot-high hole. floor riddled with holes. Webs fill the attic and the rooms
below, and the tower is crawling with spiders.
Figure 9.6: Dragonspear being overrun by Devils, mural in Area 7. By Beamdog’s Siege of
The walls of this room are adorned with fragments of 27. P ERYTON N EST
ancient maps, strategy plans, schemes, and diagrams. Most
of it has decayed away, but the sheer size of the map of the The top of the Castle is filled with large branches, bones,
Forgotten Realms on the southern wall is impressive. In the feathers, antlers, eggs, and bodies. Many monstrous
corners of the room lie some ruined book-stands, now creatures are currently here, making inhuman noises and
rotted and in pieces. The books they once contained are communicating somehow. They appear to be a cross
not around. between a giant eagle and a demonic-looking, fang-toothed
Four humans are sitting cross-legged around an old stag. They seem to be excited and are currently circling the
wooden short table in the center of the room. They look caravan-member that got kidnapped earlier. The fellow is
out-of-place, with expensive looking clothes, similar to rich screaming, terrified, but that only seems to excite the
merchants. creatures further.
The four humans are actually four Rakshasas At the top of the fortress, there is a large nest
in disguise. They are conversing loudly about of Perytons. Most are away hunting, leaving only
their plans to remove the rubble from the one or two Monstrous Perytons* preparing to
castle’s dungeons and re-open the portal into feast on the poor person they kidnapped from
Avernus. They’re not interested in fighting, the caravan. Many baby Perytons are abound
unless provoked. Their plan will likely take years (these are non-combatants). If combat ensues,
to enact, but they’re not worried or in a rush. If the adult Perytons defend their babies, who
their motivations are questioned, they claim to eventually fly away from the castle until things
be on a quest to rescue a dear friend from the settle down. Roll on Magic Tables F (1x), C (2x),
Nine Hells. and B (for each remaining player) for the loot
There is nothing else of value in the room. A found at the Peryton nest, taken from other
door on the northern wall leads to a part of the unfortunate adventurers.
castle’s rooftops. An opening on the eastern wall
Figure 9.10: The Caravan attacked by trolls and spiders. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.
Characters have hopefully earned some loot from
their adventures, and 50gp each from their
employer (or 300gp total). They should be aware
that the Order of the Dragon is hauling, at the
very least, a large amount of treasure. They
reached Waterdeep, where the Golden Elk can be
cured, and Jamna still acts as a reliable ally. At
the city’s gates, the caravan quickly disperses.
At My Table
That night, my players set a trap for Melchior. The
recognized character went alone to the woods for private
business, and Melchior followed. The other characters
followed him, and he was silently disposed of.
Ran as-is, but did not follow the proposed
time-line. I had this happen together with
Ran as-is.
At My Table
This worked out in a perfect way for me. My players
immediately trusted Jamna, who milked them for
information. They even found, using Locate Object, that
she was the thief from Everything Has a Price, but they
assumed the item had been planted. In fact, Jamna was
about to admit that she had taken it and how impressed
she was with them for uncovering the truth, when they
blurted out their theory, to which she simply agreed to.
From then on, it was easy to keep the players doing
whatever I wanted them to, by having Jamna give hints to
them: "Careful with Azbara, he is the only one that worries
me..." to keep them from trying to attack the cultists
during the journey, for example.
Ran basically as-is. The animosity between the
cultists and the characters is probably clear at
this point, and the cultists are only waiting for
their job (delivering the cargo to the Roadhouse)
to be completed before ambushing the
characters. At this point, the group consists of
(except for any prior casualties) three Cult
Wagon Leaders* (Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar),
five Dragonwings, and five Dragonclaws. The
weaker Dragonclaws are basically in charge of
preventing anyone else from coming nearby
(maybe by blocking nearby room doors if the
ambush is in one of the Roadhouse’s rooms).
Some will attempt to flee should the battle turn
The characters have gotten to Waterdeep and
coordinated with the Harpers. From there, they
followed the cultists to a roadhouse to the north
of the city. They hopefully defeated the cultists
(aside from Azbara Jos) and confirmed the
nature of the cargo. The party must now follow a
Figure 11.1: Swampy part of the Mere. By Patreon’s The Modern Lich.
kill them all, and annoyed that they came to him. Now leave. I expect to hear from you very soon.
Initially, he assumes they are cultists. Once the Did you know that lizards in the mere can eat toads?
truth is revealed, he instead has the characters However, that isn’t the swamp’s reality. They are not aware
fetch a Ring of Myrkul for him, which is they can do so. So the toads feast on them instead. And
currently in the possession of the Order of the they will continue to do so until the lizards learn. Keep that
Dragon. Voaraghamanthar and his twin in mind.
Waervaerendor each have one ring already, and
with the third, they will be able to raise the
Uthtower, which has the missing crown, The last sentence is a cryptic reference for the
Twinned Crown of Uthtower. With it, both characters to realize they can incite the lizardfolk
dragons will form a unbreakable bond and against the bullywugs at the castle. Feel free to
become even stronger. The tower also has the remind the character with the highest
remains of the dracolich Chardansearavitriol, intelligence score about this when they meet
treasure, and might even harbor the lich Iniarv. lizardfolk, if all the players forget it.
If the players eventually spy back on
Voaraghamanthar (for example, if they use the
Who dares enter my domain?... Farseer of Illusk from Naerytar’s Area 3U), they
There is little point in hiding, you reek of fear... learn the truth about his brother.
More worshippers from that miserable cult?
Hahahahaha Your vision focuses on the top of the Sunken Cathedral,
Pesky little mortals... If you’re not with them, then are where Voaraghamanthar seemingly rests, surrounded by his
you coming for my treasure? You won’t make out of this treasure hoard. A massive shadow seems to hover over
cathedral alive... him, and suddenly, the cathedral shakes as another black
Speak the truth. You will regret it if you don’t. dragon lands next to Voaraghamanthar. Undisturbed, he
I am the great Voaraghamanthar, the Black Death, merely opens his eyes and greets the newcomer: Welcome
fastest of them all! Interesting... I assume you are headed back, brother. And thus, the final piece of the puzzle dawns
towards Naerytar, their base of operations? on you: why Voaraghamanthar has the reputation of being
Good, good, you shall prove useful for the great so fast he can be in two places at once; why he wants the
Voaraghamanthar. Hidden within the rooms of the castle, Ring of Myrkul, whose powers will allow him to find the
lies a Ring of Myrkul. The cult used it to create vile other Twin Crown; Voaraghamanthar has a twin!
dracoliches. Bring it to me, and you shall be... rewarded... The newcomer describes how he has searched specific
Spirit it away, however, and you will not have a moment of areas of the Mere and failed to locate the tower. He has,
peace for as long as you live. however, had some fun hunts, and even eaten some
Snawjaw can be distinguished from the
remaining eight Lizardfolk rowing in the
approaching canoes. Not due to a noticeable
combat prowess (if anything, Snapjaw looks
smaller and meager), but instead just by the way
he commands the others, and his larger head
fins. If undisturbed, the lizardfolk arrive on the
encampment, where 3 canoes from the previous
group are docked. They decide to wait for their
comrades, and go about making a fire and Figure 11.4: The half-way encampment. By
possibly foraging some food. Snapjaw stands 2-Minute Tabletop.
nearby, inspecting the canoes. Most of the group
centers at the fireplace, and Snapjaw rolls death
I mostly changed the cultists in Naerytar for He then guides the characters into the castle,
higher ranking members of the Order of the warning them about the moat.
Dragon. They are tasked with sorting out the
treasure to be dispatched through the portal,
feverishly venerate Tiamat, and often pray to her. - We are protected by the moat, don’t fall in. Crocs, and
Dralmorrer Borngray* handles the day-to-day bigger crocs under the surface.
matters of the castle successfully, and is trying
to get the Lizardfolk more confident, so that
eventually Rezmir* promotes them and demotes He takes the characters across areas 1A, 1B,
the filthy Bullywugs. Rezmir is currently here for 1C, 1P, 1Q, 1R, 1S, and 1T, describing them as
a few days until the entire haul of treasure they move.
Hopefully, the characters have cleared out Castle
Naerytar. The lizardfolk can now take over, and
Voaraghamanthar will come visit once he gets
word of this. The characters have acquired a lot
of valuable items, and possibly recovered the
Ring of Myrkul. Whether they allow it to find its
way to the dragon is a double-edged sword: the
dragon might forgive them one future offense
(should it ever happen), but it will grow stronger
(by recovering the Twinned Crown of Uthtower
for Waervaerendor).
It’s quite possible that the characters have
conversed with Rezmir or high-ranking cultists
and learned the end-goals of the Order of the
Dragon: bringing back Tiamat from Avernus,
using some ritual with the Red Wizards of Thay,
and gifting her all the treasure collected thus far.
The timeline for this, and the role of the masks
remains a mystery for now.
The details of how this chapter ends are up to
you, but the ideal goal is for all the party’s
enemies to have been defeated (Rezmir, Azbara
Jos, and Glazhael); the treasure hoard recovered;
Skyreach Castle in ruins on the mountain-side
(hopefully most of the giants survived); King
Hekaton is exhausted, but otherwise safe; and
the plans of the Order of the Dragon pretty much
ruined by the characters. Any enemies that have
survived and escaped will be present later at the
Well of Dragons. If Rezmir is captured alive, she
will bite her own tongue off and suicide, out of
fanatic devotion to Tiamat, causing the Dragon
Mask to vanish (her treasure chest vanishes, but
its contents remain if they’ve been already
recovered by the characters).
Once the characters enter, Ontharr holds back
as Sir Isteval comes to greet them. He explains
13.3 M EMBERS OF he was in Daggerford when the characters
passed there, after the attack, in the caravan
THE C OUNCIL with the cult members. He looks quite pleased
with the fact that they ruined the Order of the
In this session, I had the following members Dragon’s plans, and converses a bit with the
attending the Council: characters.
Figure 13.1: The members of the Council of Waterdeep. Originally by Reddit’s u/Plaindog.
After she speaks, members of the Council Dala Silmerhelve doesn’t go into details on how
show different emotions: anger, boredom, she knows this, and if the characters point this
surprise. Neverember eventually takes control out, Remallia quickly deflects the question.
and offers the characters the chance to help.
The reward won’t be material, since everyone’s W YRMSPEAKER VARRAM
resources are spread very thing, but land, titles,
Remallia eventually raises a final point.
and honor is what they can offer. If the
characters accept, the Council gives them
authority to do as they wish as long as they work That being said, I believe we have more pressing matters.
towards the Council’s missions. In other words, I’ve received reports that Varram, the white Wyrmspeaker,
the characters will no longer be jailed or have has been seen near Boareskyr bridge. I believe these
issues with the law in most places, provided they rumours are accurate, and it is of the essence that we
can explain why they did whatever unlawful act follow up on this quickly. Capture Varram if possible, kill him
they were caught doing. A message from a if necessary, reclaim the White Dragon Mask from him.
higher-ranking officer quickly arrives on scene,
explaining the characters are working for the
Council and are exempt from being fined or The last Dragon Mask that the characters saw,
arrested. worn by Rezmir, vanished into thin air as she
died, so characters should have a back-up plan
D RAAKHORN for the mask. No one imagines that Varram has
already lost it, and is in fact trying to divine its
The discussion eventually comes around to the
location. Varram is reaching the Tomb on the
Draakhorn. Remallia has invited a noblewoman
day this Council takes place.
named Dala Silmerhelve, who offers an
Boareskyr is pretty far from Waterdeep, so
explanation about the weird phenomenon that
characters can either take weeks to get there, or
has been felt in the last few hours.
find a quick means of transportation (Waterdeep
has Wizards that exchange their services for
The disturbance that’s been sensed across the Sword Coast gold, so one can pay to be Teleported there).
is the Draakhorn—an ancient device whose sounding alerts
dragons across Faerûn that great events are unfolding. It’s B UREAUCRACY
impossible to say what the sounding means, but the
dragons hear it clearly and will eventually answer its call. The Council then discusses bureaucracy and
The Sea of Moving Ice was the last known location of the resources for a few more hours, until lunch. At
Draakhorn. No one can pinpoint its present location from that point, Ontharr suggest that the characters
the sound, or even verify with certainty that the relic is still
probably don’t need to return for the afternoon
in the northern sea, but the search must start there.
session, it will be just as boring.
The one person who could tell us more is a tiefling
sorcerer called Maccath the Crimson. No one alive knows
more about the Draakhorn than her, but the Arcane When characters leave the Council, Remallia has
Brotherhood, of which she is also a member, hasn’t seen a quick conversation with them about anything
her for three years. She was investigating the Sea of Moving that went wrong during the meeting, or any
Ice when she disappeared. details the characters might need for their next
Maccath reported her progress to the Hosttower by way assignment. For example, if they behaved
of sending spells. Her last report spoke of seeing Ice inappropriately, Remallia points it out. For
Hunters paddling their sealskin boats toward a huge iceberg, example, if they cast some spell during the
flattened like a plateau across its surface, but ringed by icy Council, Remallia warns them that she noticed,
and they were about to be attacked by two other
The characters have participated in the first
Council of Waterdeep, understood the global
effects of the Order of the Dragon’s action, and
been impressed with how high the current
stakes are. They were given a list of targets and
goals to achieve. The most urgent one is to track
down Varram, the Wyrmspeaker, and eventually
to learn more about the Draakhorn.
ruins outside trying to grab one of the cultists’ Mountains, the range near the Well of Dragons.
corpses before the Trolls came back up for it. A DC 20 History check allows a character to
• I added a few Yuan-Yi corpses throughout the recognize it.
Tomb of Diderius (one in Area 7 victim of the • Where is the White Mask? The Pool shows it in
trap from Area 6, one in Area 4 killed by the the hands of a Zhentarim agent (Jamna
cult members, and one in Area 12, victim of Gleamsilver if she’s still alive, or Rian
the quarrel between Yuan-Ti and the cultists). Nightshade otherwise), and out of the Order of
• I left a bunch of cultists corpses throughout the Dragon’s reach.
the Tomb of Diderius (three in Area 8, killed by • Where is the Draakhorn? The Pool shows it in
the Wraiths and raised as Spectres, one in the hands of Severin, inside the mysterious
Area 12, victim of a sacrifice to the pool, and Well of Dragons.
an additional five on Area 12, victims of the
quarrel between Yuan-Ti and the cultists)
• Varram* has a custom stat block, and is At My Table
cursed to prevent him from revealing My players thought the statues at the entrance of the
information about the Order. Tomb were a trap, so dismissed them immediately, and
• Replaced the Helmed Horror by a Armored thus spent the remainder of the dungeon blindly triggering
every possible trap. They took all the wrong turns, skipped
Swarm of Snakes*. Room 9 because they assumed it would lead to the deeper
parts of the dungeon, and failed to kill all the enemies in
I had the Divination Pool be able to show Room 15. One ran away, and called for reinforcements,
images about anything physical or in the near bringing out every Yuan-Ti in Ss’tck’al for them. They
future that the players asked, in exchanged for barely managed to defeat everyone, but some escaped
the sacrifice of a humanoid (any cultist or deeper into the heart of the mountain. Players took the
Yuan-Ti, for example). The Pool can only be used unconscious Varram and ran away after a quick exploration
of each room, and before they got into more trouble. They
once per day, and a sacrificed target cannot be disguised Varram when passing by Area 10, to avoid
resurrected (their soul is consumed by the Pool). problems with the Devils, and teleported back to
Waterdeep when outside the mountain range.
• Where is the Cult? The Pool shows the Sunset
The characters have either rescued Varram (and
brought him for interrogation in Waterdeep), or
Varram was killed. Either way, the Order of the
Dragon has lost another of its leaders. If Varram
is brought back to Waterdeep, Remallia is very
pleased, and takes him into confinement, so that
they can break the curse and extract more
information. Should the characters need to know
something at some point in the future and you
have no other easy options, Varram can be a
source of information through Remallia.
The characters have likely also uncovered that
the White Dragon Mask was stolen by the
Zhentarim and thus, is outside the reach of the
cult. While they’d rather have the Mask in their
own hands, the Zhentarim are still a better
alternative than the Order of the Dragon.
The majestic ship sails north to the Sea of
Moving Ice without many issues. It takes two
weeks, and the crew and the characters can
hunt and fish for food during the travels.
Characters should find ways to contribute
during the travel, however they can, in order to
earn the favor of the crew. This includes cooking,
healing, providing entertainment, repairing the Figure 15.1: The octopi encounter on the
ship, cleaning, or any sort of task they can Frostskimmr. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.
remember. Paying additional gold is, of course,
also appreciated.
At My Table
A sailor was brutally murdered in this skirmish. The crew
blamed the characters, but the Captain kept everyone in
line. A quick funeral was held, and the Captain decided
that the characters, given their resiliency, would stand
watch alone at night to avoid more casualties.
Characters can now decide how to approach the
iceberg, and how to behave when they meet the
tribe above. I would have ran this part mostly
as-is, although I’m not a huge fan of the
one-on-one combat, I feel it’s pretty boring for
players not in the fight, and it’s the second duel
of this kind in this campaign). However, I did
place the shaman Bonecarver enticingly near his
own tent, and somewhat far from his tribe’s eyes,
making for an easy target for abduction or
otherwise stealthy interrogation mission. Figure 15.7: The hunter village atop Oyaviggaton.
The regional effects of Arauthator*’s lair are By Reddit’s u/samma_jamma.
felt anywhere on the iceberg.
If the characters learn the dragon’s name, they
At My Table can learn about Arauthator* from books they
My players essentially kidnapped the shaman with a clever carry, scrying, asking someone with access to a
Telekinesis and good teamwork. The shaman was very big library, or from some other source.
panicked, but they offered the tusk totem they’d gotten
from the Polar Bear mission, and mimicked the gestures
and behaviors made by the other Ice Hunter, which eased Arauthator, the icy claws that wait at the cold end of
up their task of calming her down. She quickly explained the world
the tribe’s situation, and revealed the enemies inside
This old white dragon is famous for his great size and
Oyaviggaton, how to access the ice caves, and the fact that
Maccath had come here years before and had been taken savagery. For almost a century he has defended his
hostage by Arauthator. dominion against many ambitious dragons, slaughtering
over a score of his own offspring in the process. "Old White
Death," as the miners and foresters of the North know him,
15.5 O YAVIGGATON - is clearly more intelligent than most white dragons. He uses
traps and spells to hamper foes in battle and to strike
I CE C AVES intruding dragons from a superior position, rather than
Ran mostly as-is.
employing the more prevalent lets it smolder under dampers of patience and cold
"rush-headlong-into-revenge-whatever-the-cost" behavior of calculation, where other whitewings [white dragons] would
his kind. Arauthator is larger than most white dragons but leap to the attack." No one knows why Arauthator is this
adept at silent gliding and stealthy movement. He has been way, but it’s clear that the old dragon uses this patience to
known to cause rockfalls and even to tear up and drop anticipate and prepare for attacks from rival dragons, rising
boulders – not just on the heads of intruding orcs or orc hordes, and the remorhaz who roam the Endless Ice
humans, but also to create barriers to seal up rothé and Sea. He also bides his time to develop new
other large alpine beasts inside mountain valleys so that he personal-warning spells that alert him of approaching
can dine upon them at leisure. dragons and magic items.
Old White Death patrols his domain tirelessly, keeping Arauthator is a skilled mimic and can speak the
careful watch over even the most minor changes. He Common tongue well enough to pose as a lost miner or
adjusts his own habits to avoid both the traps of foes and injured prospector. He has long practice in concealing
the careless overfeeding that might lead to the himself under snow by flapping his wings as he burrows into
disappearance of a species on which he likes to dine. In the drifts so as to lift the snow, which then falls over him again
process, he has smashed at least one community of frost in a pristine blanket. Arauthator often dozes when sleeping
giants (Bulindiful, a cavern-catacomb fortress set in the in snow, but he never sleeps through the approach of
heart of Mount Halaragh, just west of the mines of Mirabar danger (he can smell most beasts, including humans, for a
in the Spine of the World mountain range), and he has torn mile or more downwind). He has mastered the patience
apart a mountain peak (Sardin’s Sword, once a lookout over needed to remain still for days on end, perched on a
the upper Surbrin) to destroy the bugbear hold inside it. mountainside or lying in the snow of a bowl-shaped
Arauthator is far more cunning and patient than most mountain valley. Prey and foes often don’t notice him until
white dragons. "The spark of revenge still kindles the fire far too late.
that warms his heart to carry him on through the Old White Death holds his own survival as his highest
centuries," wrote the sage Amorthas of Ruathym, "but he goal, but he is far less lazy than most dragons in pursuing it.
He regards the maintenance of his dominion as crucial to frequency and numbers of orc hordes sweeping down
his own strength, though he has chosen not to strike at the through the Sword Coast North would no doubt be much
creatures of Icewind Dale. This abstinence may be born of greater.
habit; the region was formerly part of the territory of the Arauthator is known to use an icemelt spell both in his
dragon known to humans as Icingdeath, and the two glacial delvings and to transform frozen lakes into
dragons came to an uneasy truce, ignoring each other and temporary watering holes. He is careful never to feed or
leaving each other’s territories alone, rather than destroying drink in a pattern that foes could observe and exploit. The
each other in a battle for rule over the Reghed Glacier. dragon usually makes one long patrol of a part of his
Instead, Arauthator concentrates on carving ever-deeper domain every day, plus a shorter, similar foray. He usually
tunnels into the Endless Ice Sea and the rock beneath, feeds at least once a day, upon sighting suitable prey during
devouring all subterranean creatures he finds (chiefly the longer patrol. He may sleep atop a rocky height if tiring
gnomes), to unearth his own gem and mineral treasure, and when far afield (once, boldly, atop Berun’s Hill, in the
protect his realm against attack from below by territory of the green dragon Claugiyliamatar), but he
exterminating all possible attackers. These forays seem to prefers to sleep on his bed of gems in the Lonefang. On
attract remorhaz from the vast glacial areas that lie north rare occasions he keeps to his lair for three days or more,
of the Spine of the World, and Arauthator fights an ongoing perfecting a new spell.
battle against the iceworms, devouring all of the remorhaz Arauthator employs a wide array of detection and trap
he defeats. Northern giants and gnomes refer to these spells (most of the latter being cold-based) and wields spells
delvings as the Dragonholes and report that they consist of effective against other dragons (such as wingbind), and to
at least six separate tunnel complexes spread over a wide enjoy freewheeling aerial clawing and raking battles rather
area north of the dragon’s lair. Several observers have also than dodging among mountain peaks and sniping with his
mentioned that the dragon takes pleasure in slaying spells. Arauthator is famous for tearing apart the venerable
remorhaz, often hurling the monsters around like rag dolls red dragon Rathalylaug high above the rooftops of
before killing them, or folding his wings and wriggling across Neverwinter in the Year of the Grimoire (1324 DR), in a
the ice to meet and fight them worm to worm. spectacular battle at sunset. The white dragon dove down
The Deeds of Arauthator to smash apart a tower in triumph. He happened to choose
The favorite prey of Old White Death is full-grown frost the tower of the sorceress Shareera, who was smashed
giants (rarely available these days), followed closely by amid the toppling stones, even as the blood of the dying
remorhaz and northern deer. Rothé and various bear Rathalylaug – and his last, vain firetrail spell – rained down
species are next on the menu, and other dragons are also on the city. Wizards also remember Arauthator for freezing
favored fare. Arauthator is less fond of the flesh of orcs, the mage Phaurothlin of the Arcane Brotherhood solid, then
bugbears, and other goblinkin, but such creatures make up shattering the helpless sorcerer against a mountainside. It
much of his staple diet; without the dragon’s presence, the seems that the haughty mage made the mistake of
The characters have likely defeated Arauthator
(not killed him though, he should be too smart
and too strong for that), and rescued Maccath.
Bringing her back to Waterdeep should not be an
issue, and the tribe atop Oyaviggaton will also
prepare to migrate elsewhere once they confirm
the dragon is gone. If the characters did not
defeat the dragon, but instead sneaked out, the
tribe remains enslaved for the following decades.
Maccath gives the characters all the
information known about the Draakhorn, and
also claims the Arcane Brotherhood will certainly
repay them back for rescuing her. She will leave
shortly after returning to Waterdeep to contact
her order.
It’s up to the characters to choose which mission
to follow first: whether to track the Green
Wyrmspeaker in the Misty Forest, or whether to
meet the Dragon Council.
The characters are now up-to-date on the
current state of the conflict against the Order of
the Dragon. There are now two missions for
them to follow.
17.2 T HE M ISTY
The Misty Forest is a fog-filled, rainy forest, west
of the High Moor, and is also an elven kingdom.
The tall pine and spruce trees rise steeply in front of you.
Dark green, the luscious forest seems almost alive as the
branches and trees sway to the wind. The sounds of birds
and other animals also echoes through the woods, in a
never-ending song. Figure 17.2: The A Timely Rescue encounter. By
As you move into the forest, the ground seems to Reddit’s u/sturmrabe_ger.
become covered in a wispy white smoke, the forest’s
namesake mist, rolling down from the moors in the early
hours of the morning, and covering the entire forest bed. A LAGAR THAS ’ O UTPOST
The red deer leads the characters into what
remains of an elven settlement, attacked weeks
Characters have disadvantage on Wisdom ago by the dragon, and current occupied by one
(Perception) checks that rely on sight, while in of King Melandrach’s squadrons. Led by his son,
the forest at ground level. Prince Alagarthas (use the stats of a Knight), the
On the way to the settlement, Alagarthas gives
the characters some backstory on the village, Figure 17.5: Altand (upper level). By Reddit’s
and about Warden Galin. He also suggests he u/sturmrabe_ger.
will stay back, hidden in the forest, as you enter
Altand and investigate. He believes his presence A DC 18 Intelligence (Religion) check allows a
would warp most elves’ behavior, and this way character to realize this is a weeks-long funeral
I ran this section mostly as-is. My biggest if the characters have found it. At some point
changes were: during the combat, he and Alagarthas exchange
• upgrading the cultists in Areas 5 and 6: five
Dragonwings and one Dragonfang in each
room; Neronvain: "Your sword remains dull, little Alla. Have you
• using a custom statblock for Chuth* and not been practicing?"
Neronvain*. Alagarthas: "I know this voice, but... It can’t be."
I considered adding an additional Dragonsoul Neronvain: "I think you’ll find it actually can. It was so
leader to each cultist group, but my party had easy to believe I was no longer among the living, was it? Not
spent a bunch of resources role-playing just easy, but desirable, the shame of the family no longer a
elsewhere (resurrecting people in Altand, for problem!"
example) and I felt they didn’t need a tougher Alagarthas: "It cannot be! Brother Nanveroin!"
challenge. Neronvain: "No, no longer! I am the Green Wyrmspeaker,
Neronvain! And after I finish you here, I’ll show our dear
The dragon always casts invisibility on itself
Father the meaning of real power!"
before moving in for the kill. If Alagarthas is
present, the dragon lands as close to him and
the characters as it can, hoping to catch them all For Chuth’s treasure hoard, I had the
in its breath weapon while they’re surprised. described treasure, as well as many
Neronvain is carrying the Green Dragon Mask. elven-related magic items: an Elven Chain,
His elven name is Nanveroin, which explains some Boots of Elvenkind, a Cloak of
why Malendrach and Alagarthas have not Elvenkind, an Oathbow, and a Moon-Touched
recognized the name Neronvain until now, even Sword.
Hopefully the characters have liberated the Misty
Forest from Chuth’s influence. They have likely
uncovered Galin’s treason (Alagarthas will
imprison him when he finds out), and with good
planning, they have rescued all the elves
currently trapped in Neronvain’s stronghold.
If Chuth escapes, he will be present later at
the Well of Dragons. Similarly for Neronvain. If
Neronvain is killed, however, the Green Dragon
Mask evaporates and is teleported to the Well of
Dragons. If Neronvain was captured, he suffers
from the same curse that afflicted Rezmir and
Varram: if he reveals any information about the
Order of the Dragon, he dies. He won’t reveal
any information about the cult, instead
preferring to talk about himself and how his
father’s kingdom is ruined and he should lead it
to new heights instead.
If Alagarthas accompanied the characters and
survived the dragon attack, he is grateful to
those party members who put themselves in
jeopardy to save the Misty Forest. He doesn’t
know what to do about the fact the
Wyrmspeaker was his long lost brother
Neronvain, who everyone thought was dead. He
asks the characters to decide what to present to
the Council.
again and again. But those who don’t follow the righteous
path deserve punishment.
Otaaryliakkarnos looks at the dwarf.
N: It is clear something is on your mind. Take your time,
but know I would like to help anyway I –
O: And how are you going to help? Bring my family back
from dead, will you? Those fat disgusting little savages,
celebrating their hunts, naming them even! The
Dragonmoots, isn’t that right?!
O: I want your King to apologize for the murder of my niece. I: Tell me, little ones, why were you chosen to parlay here
And I want her armor returned! It will never again be used today?
as a glory item with which to impress other fat little men in
round-table meetings by a warm fire. Can you promise
If the characters reply the real reason, that
they were chosen because of their impartiality
since the Council leaders couldn’t reach an
If the characters concede, she looks pleased. agreement, Ileuthra is disappointed.
O: Hm. I won’t forget this. I will patrol the peak now, until
I: Hm. Is that it? Impartiality? Are the leaders of the human
Protanther arrives.
world so greedy and fickle they couldn’t even trust
Otaaryliakkarnos flies away, hiding the tears welling up in
themselves to procure a fair deal?
her eyes.
After this, Nymmurh has a chance to interact If they instead provide good reasons other than
with the characters. their impartiality, then Ileuthra is pleased
instead. In fact, he explains the goal of this
N: On to happier topics, have you met my protégé, Dala? Dragon Council, so help them impress the
Fantastic woman, I hope she has served the Waterdeep remaining dragons.
Council well with regards to the Draakhorn.
I: Ah, that’s a worthy reason, finally. You should lead with
The characters can interact with Nymmurh to that, the goal of this meeting is to earn our respect, if you
find he is the patron of Dala Silmerhelve’s haven’t realized that yet.
family, and the source of information regarding
the Draakhorn. Nymmurh won’t reveal yet that
his concession is keeping the Dragon Masks After pleasantries are done, characters have a
away from humanoids once this crisis is averted. chance to get on Ileuthra’s good side.
I: Now, young ones, tell me one thing. This is of the utmost
About half an hour later, the brass dragon importance, and we must hurry, for dawn is almost upon us,
Ileuthra is spotted far in the horizon, and lands and we must take care of such business before Protanther
in the summit. arrives! What is the best game you play among yourselves?
I absolutely love games. Particularly one that teases the
I: Ah, how refreshing to see old faces. And new ones too, gray matter that rules our thoughts. Can you teach such a
praise Oghma! game to me?
N: Well met, Ileuthra. It’s been a long time since you’ve
come to the Material Plane. Where have you dwelled for
the last ages? His nerdy and curious nature naturally makes
I: Here and there, here and there. You wouldn’t believe him a fan of brain teasers, so hopefully your
the things I’ve seen. There’s so much out there, realities to characters can come up with something fun to
experience, paradigms to learn, in a word, incredible. role-play with him until the next dragon
N: It certainly seems to have kept up your spirits. ascends.
I: It has indeed. And speaking of interesting... You smell
familiar, young one. But we have not yet met, I’m sure. C OPPER T AZMIKELLA
Curious... Who are you?
When the characters are done interacting with
Ileuthra, the copper dragon Tazmikella ascends.
Characters can roll a DC 20 Intelligence The text below assumes that Tazmikella’s item is
(Religion) check to recognize Oghma, the neutral a Ring of Protection.
T: Actions speak louder than words. Many times have our Characters are likely to agree. Adjust the text
homes been pillaged by scoundrels from your race. Many below if they don’t.
times have their lured us and lied to us with empty
promises. In one such case, one of the prized items of my P: I believe it’s a load of rubbish! Both sides have identical
collection got stolen. pieces, the rules stay invariably the same. How does this
Tazmikella looks at the Ring of Protection worn by a mirror real life? Humanoids often perpetuate this nonsense
party member. because they’re not kings. Pawns see only their comrades
T: A ring capable of protecting its wielder. I don’t imagine at their sides, and their foes across the field. A king has a
how it came to be in your possession, but regardless, what different view of the chess board. His greatest foes surround
would you do if I demanded it be returned to its rightful him. His own chessmen might trap him. And that is check -
owner? and death. Chess, at its core, is the art of sacrificing your
own pieces. And what I worry most for you is that you’re
not wise enough to wield such power.
If the characters offer to return the ring to her
I: I don’t think we’re talking about strategic decisions
immediately, she is pleased, and refuses it, for
anymore, are we, great Protanther?
P: No. But if I must spell it out, then let me be clear.
There is both good and bad in the lesser races. They have
T: Good. You willingness to part with it means it is in good the capacity for attaining great power, but their physical
hands. You shall return it to me after this is over. It will limitations makes them dangerous. For all their capability,
probably be useful to you until then. humanoids have little time to learn the wisdom to direct
that capability. Just look at those who lead the Order of the
Dragon. A human named Severin, not a dragon, has
Otherwise if they agree to return it when they
concocted this idea of resurrecting the god-queen Tiamat.
no longer need it, or when they are able to
Archmages and liches, humanoids that threw away their
replace it, she is also pleased.
honor in exchange for power, founding the Order itself, or
leading the Red Wizards of Thay, who will conduct the
T: I agree, you’ll need it for now. But I’ll hold you to that ritual. Their kingdoms rise and fall, like sand castles in the
promise. beach being washed away by the tide. Entire races
bargaining with dark forces for power, like those accursed
Yuan-Ti. This is the quintessential flaw of human nature.
If the characters refuse to return it, she no I: But paradoxically, if they’re not so wise, why do you
longer trusts them.
If the alliance was established, the characters
can return to Waterdeep with an accomplished
diplomatic mission. It isn’t over, though, they
must still convince the Council members to
whatever concessions they have promised. Once
all is settled, they can station five Dragon
Protectors (an Ancient Dragon of each metallic
type) across the Sword Coast to protect specific
If the alliance was not established, the
characters must return to Waterdeep and
explain their failure. They will lose a lot of favour
with the Council then.
Figure 19.3: The members of the Council of Waterdeep. Originally by Reddit’s u/Plaindog.
Silverhand: And now, I believe Remallia has her own The meeting now turns to logistical and
proposal for one final alliance before our attack. economical discussions as usual, although those
Remallia: Esteemed members of the Council. I have been tired from the night raid leave early to attend to
approached by a Red Wizard of Thay named Nyh Ilmichh. their wounds.
Ilmichh has extended an invitation to the council to send an
envoy to Thay, to discuss ways in which Thay and the Sword At My Table
Coast might aid each other during the current crisis. Our My players were absolutely convinced there was a traitor in
adventurers have been specifically requested to represent the Council by this point, since the Order of the Dragon
was able to know their locations and plans to attempt to
the Sword Coast at this meeting, after which they will be
thwart them. When they brought this up in the Council, I
returned to Waterdeep unharmed. Ilmichh has been had Remallia claim she had been investigating and while no
carefully questioned and subjected to a zone of truth, and member of the Council (or guards or servants in the room)
that all she said has been confirmed. had explicitly sold information, they had confided small bits
Maccath: Without the Red Wizards, Severin’s plans are to loved ones or people they trusted, and those would
eventually sell or unwittingly divulge this information to
severely compromised. Moreover, we are aware that Szass agents of the cult. Not only that, but she believed the
Tam wants all exiled Red Wizards dead in the worst possible Order was using Divination magic to spy on the characters.
way. To solve this, she enchanted all Council members to be
Silverhand: I think most of us have some reservations, unable to speak about the Council’s plans to anyone
(similar to the curse Varram had on him that prevented
but still, since we and Szass Tam have a common goal, I
him from revealing the Wall of Dragon’s location, but less
believe the invitation is worth accepting. lethal), and she obtained an Amulet of Proof against
Detection and Location to give to each character to keep
them hidden.
The characters can now discuss this mission
to Thay.
If the players uncover Rian’s identity as
Jamna, it can lead to interesting antagonistic
Silverhand: Good news if we can grab an additional set of remarks during the session, depending on how
allies. Now, towards the future. We have, for the last few she interacted with them before. If they know,
months, been gathering our strength. We built up our from the Pool of Diderius, that she has the White
armies, we defended our lands, and we’re at a breaking Dragon Mask, they can convince her to give it up
point. Prolonging a defensive stance will not lead us as proof of the Black Network’s cooperation.
anywhere. Our resources begin to stretch too thin, and the Otherwise, Remallia will talk to her and arrange
situation won’t hold out for long. Not only that, but the for the White Dragon Mask to be delivered by the
Order of the Dragon seems to grow ever stronger, now that Black Network to the Council before the next
they have larger amounts of territories to claim and plunder. session.
It is time we go on the offensive.
Ravengard: I agree. We are the peak of our battle T HE N EXT M ISSIONS
strength. If we delay much longer, out armies will likely It’s up to the characters to choose which mission
crumble from the inside from a purely logistical standpoint. to follow first: the mission to Thay or the
Neverember: But the issue here is how to move on the exploration of Xonthal’s Tower. If the Harpers
offensive. We are yet to find the location of the ritual, the are not assigned any Dragon Protectors,
place known as the Well of Dragons. uncovering the location of the Well of Dragons is
Silverhand: Indeed. We must start preparing for an also one of their missions. If they suspect
offensive campaign. And in the mean time, we will allocate Rian/Jamna, they can also take some time
resources towards this. There is not much time left, and we tailing her, and they’ll witness her changing
must storm the Well of Dragons before the planetary shapes as she goes into shadier parts of
alignment. I hope I can trust you, Remallia, with this task. Waterdeep and checks in with the Black Network
Remallia: Of course, my Lady. But I would also request to at the Yawning Portal Inn.
each and everyone of you: if you have the chance to
capture and question high-ranking Order members, please
don’t forget this. The location of the Well of Dragons, where 19.6 C ONCLUSION
the Draakhorn is sounding from, where the Order’s leader The characters are now up-to-date on the
current state of the conflict against the Order of
20.3 T HE M AZE
I ran the maze mostly as-is, just adjusted a few
of the enemies. I tried giving my players
solutions to each challenge where they could
avoid combat if they chose so.
Figure 20.1: The Blue Dragon Mask. By At My Table
Tumblr’s rspixart. My players were hilarious here. On their first sundial
challenge, the overwhelming consensus was that it certainly
wasn’t the path pointed at by the sundial. It took a few
Characters should be at level 13. hours to actually get to the Tower, and thankfully they did
The goal for this chapter is for the characters better on the final Sundial puzzles.
to explore a wizard’s tower that has been taken
over by the Order of the Dragon, and rescue the I let my players roll a DC 20 Intelligence
princess extract Iskander (a defector) and the (Investigation) check every time they failed a
Blue Dragon Mask. Sundial challenge, to learn a clue. If your
Figure 20.2: Xonthal’s Tower, village overseen by the tower. By Reddit’s u/BehrtHramm.
I didn’t force the genie to engage combat with
them. Once a character was trapped, I gave Figure 20.8: Area 6 of Xonthal’s Maze. By
them a few rounds to deal with the poison Reddit’s u/Arcyl with assets from Patreon’s
and/or escape. They sealed the kettle to avert Crosshead.
the poison, but it started swelling from pressure,
and they had to burn resources to quickly 7. G ORGON M AZE
escape the incoming blast. The gem was inside
the kettle and they recovered it after the I didn’t need to run this one, but I would either
explosion, running away without ever engaging buff the Gorgon or add multiple of them. Other
the genie itself. people have suggested using a Jabberwock
instead (from The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Figure 20.7: Area 5 of Xonthal’s Maze. By Figure 20.9: Area 7 of Xonthal’s Maze. By
Reddit’s u/Arcyl with assets from Patreon’s Reddit’s u/Arcyl with assets from Patreon’s
Crosshead. Crosshead.
6. S TATUE G ALLERY When the characters get here, they hear the end
I replaced the Animated Armors by Stone of Iskander’s speech, and see the cultist’s body
Golems with 63 HP. land at their feet. Their time inside the maze was
Galvan* and Lennithon* got word from the
cultists, and are coming with a vengeance.
Galvan has a modified statblock based on a
sorcerer’s abilities (Galvan failed to become a
Thayan Wizard, but he did have a magical
bloodline). Lennithon uses a standard Adult
Blue Dragon statblock, without Lair or Regional
They will flee when their lives are in danger, or
if the mask is returned.
Figure 20.10: The teleportation sigils of
Xonthal’s Tower. By Boosty’s Labon.
Characters are likely to have rescued Iskander,
T HE D UNGEON as well as the Blue Dragon Mask. Iskander
I ran the dungeon mostly as is. wants asylum in Waterdeep, and the Harpers are
My players wanted to avoid combat in area 15, happy to take over his protection and, obviously,
so I required a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check his interrogation. Iskander reveals the location
to sprint to the corridor without being attacked of the Well of Dragons to be an extinct volcano in
by the elementals (with advantage if they could the Sunset Mountains.
distract them somehow). One of the Earth If Lennithon or Galvan survived, they will later
Elementals was replaced by a Stone Golem. I be present at the Well of Dragons. If captured,
also beefed up the meteors on area 17, requiring Galvan has the same curse as the other
a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, and dealing an wyrmspeakers. He would die if he revealed any
additional 9 (2d8) fire damage. information about the cult. He is not anxious to
Finally, I had Iskander alive, although in do so, like Rezmir did, but he isn’t as big a
critical condition, at the end of the dungeon. He coward as Varram, and so he will remain
doesn’t know where the Well of Dragons is, but stoically silent.
The Inner Ward can only be accessed by
Thayans, guests of Nethwatch, or trusted
servants. One can often see undead and
servants carrying water from the well into the
Smithy and the Kitchens.
The Outer Ward is patrolled night and day by
three Wights. During the day, one can see the
slaves working on their crops or repairing the
walls or the buildings in which they live. The
sounds of whips crack often. During the night,
only the undead roam about and the yard is
eerily silent.
Nethwatch Keep stands isolated atop a plateau, Prisoners are held in the cellars of this tower,
near the borders of Thay. It holds an important which extend several levels below ground. The
strategic position, and has stood there for lowest level is an oubliette, a 20-foot deep pit
centuries. accessible only by a trapdoor in the ceiling,
Unless otherwise specified, ceilings are 10ft which is guarded by two Wights. Dangerous
high, doors have AC 15, 18 HP, can be forced prisoners are shackled to the walls; spellcasters
open with a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check, or will be shackled with Dimensional Shackles
picked open with a DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ and gagged to prevent them from casting
Tools) check. Exterior doors, barred doors, and anything.
secret doors have AC 16, 27 HP, and DC 20 to A secret door on the highest level of the
forcibly open. Secret doors can be spotted with a dungeons leads to a narrow 5-foot wide tunnel
DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom that leads into area C3. Khandur uses this to
(Perception) check. The appropriate characters fetch prisoners to feed into the Pyx of Soul
have the keys for locked doors. Capture*.
Three cooks (Thayan Commoners) work here, This large chamber receives visitors to
preparing meals for the Red Wizards and Nethwatch Keep. The walls are lined with eight
occasional guests. They live in a small loft above suits of Animated Armor. The armors do not
the kitchen and do not leave the building, hoping attack unless instructed to do so by a Thayan
the lords of the keep will not notice them. A officer or a Red Wizard.
staircase and door lead into Area 2A.
At any hour, four Wights are on duty here under
the command of one Sword Wraith Commander,
A blacksmith and his apprentice son (Rashemi
overlooking the front entrance through arrow
Commoners) work here, forging weapons and
tools for the keep. They know that their skills
make them useful to the lords of the keep and 1 C . A RMORY
they will do nothing to jeopardize their This room holds a surplus of spears, swords,
precarious position. They will report any shields, bows, arrows, and other standard
suspicious activities to Zoran Gul. weapons for the defense of the keep.
Waterdeep remains as busy as ever, the streets
packed full of refugees and overworked guards. Rian tries to get the characters to accept her
Somehow, the city’s administration has managed offer immediately, and can go up to 50000gp,
to keep famine and disease from spreading, no and add a greater healing potion, a potion of
doubt thanks to the great efforts conducted by frost giant strength, and a spell scroll of
the Emerald Enclave and the Order of the earthquake to sweeten the deal. If they don’t
Gauntlet. Still, people are looking worse than accept, she smirks and waves them goodbye,
they were by the last Council. It is obvious to claiming she hopes they’ll change their mind
anyone who spends a few minutes in the streets: soon.
this situation cannot continue for long.
Only one thing seems to have improved since
the characters’ last visit to Waterdeep: the city is
no longer encircled by chromatic dragons. 22.3 M EMBERS OF
Perhaps that bit of uplifting news is what has
kept Waterdeep from descending into anarchy. THE C OUNCIL
The reason for it is not clear (it will be explained
in the Council), but everyone welcomed it with Characters are now familiar with all the council
relief. members. Characters who pay attention notice
Rian Nightshade approaches the characters that Ravengard, Brawnanvil, Isteval, and
before the council, privately. She explains her especially Ontharr dislike the presence of the
position as an emissary of the Zhentarim, and of Red Wizard. Most council members look weary,
the Zhentarim’s interest in current affairs. no doubt due to the chaos of handling this war
for the past few months, but are otherwise
Our association connections burrow into every major city
and thieves’ guild in the Western Heartlands and along the In this session, I had the following members
attending the Council:
Figure 22.1: The members of the Council of Waterdeep. Originally by Reddit’s u/Plaindog.
Only when Remallia explains that the tower Neverember and Ravengard explain that the dragon attacks
does not belong to the Council, but instead to in Neverwinter and Baldur’s Gate have massively increased
the adventurers, do they understand that they ever since the attack on Waterdeep (in the same night,
don’t own it yet. However, they expect to, and even, all realms were targeted). Their combat forces have
quickly begin making offers to the characters for been cut in half because of the attacks, and their cities
it. These range from titles and citizenship to have burned for many nights. The casualties number in the
manors in each of the empires they represent. thousands.
The only factions not interested in the Tower are Silverhand explains that Waterdeep hasn’t had to deal
the Emerald Enclave and the Metallic Dragons. with that many attacks, due to the Dragonward, but some
Nyh doesn’t offer anything, but if questioned, ancient chromatic dragons have managed to enter the city
expresses Szass Tam would be grateful for the a couple of times and cause chaos before the ward’s
gift. Ontharr, Remallia, and Silverhand don’t strength pushed them out. Civil unrest peaked, and a few
force the issue too much unless the characters riots have happened in the city. The army had to be
express no interest in keeping the Tower for recalled to keep the peace, which allowed the Order of the
themselves. During these discussions, Rian Dragon to run rampant in the neighbouring cities. Within its
whispers to the characters some gold value a bit walls, the casualties numbered hundreds. Outside, the
higher than what she previously offered, and casualty toll is unknown.
smirks at the ongoing argument rising about Silverymoon and the Dwarven Realms have started
who has a worthier claim to it.
All factions join the war on the Order of the
Dragon and provide their support. Count up the
score for each faction based on the characters’
actions. Lines marked with an asterisk (*)
— + + + + —— — + — + Killed Varram
++ + — + + + + + + Captured Varram
+ + + + + + + + + + Defeated Arauthator
+ — + + + + + + + Arcane Brotherhood joins alliance
— + + + + — —— + — + Killed Neronvain
+ + — + + + ++ + + + Captured Neronvain / Dragon Mask
+ + + + + ++ ++ + + + Killed Chuth
+ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ + + + Metallic dragons join alliance
— — — — —— —— — — + *Made concessions to metallic dragons
+ + + + + + + + + + *Metallic dragons aid faction territory
— — — — — — — *No draconic aid gained at second
++ + + + + + + + + Rescued Iskander
— + + + + — — + + + Killed Galvan
++ + + + + + + + + + Captured Galvan / Dragon Mask
+ + + + + ++ + + + + Killed Lennithon
+ + + + + + + + + *Donated Xonthal’s Tower to faction
— —— — — — — — — — — Sold Xonthal’s Tower to Zhentarim
+ —— — + + — + + + — Thay joins alliance
Figure 23.1: Regional map of the Well of Dragons and its vicinity.
Hopefully, the characters have saved the world
by defeating Tiamat. She is not dead, only back
in Avernus, plotting her revenge.
The aftermath of the war is enormous. The
riches need to be split among the factions, and
The chapter includes monsters that try to kill
the characters, and other creatures that can
both be enemies or allies to the party. This list
doesn’t include all the NPCs in every location of
the book, but instead the most relevant ones. If
your players like other NPCs that you create or
that show up elsewhere, make sure to keep track
of those and re-introduce them at later times.
The region containing a legendary white dragon’s
lair is warped by the dragon’s magic, which
creates one or more of the following effects:
• Chilly fog lightly obscures the land within 6
miles of the dragon’s lair.
• Freezing precipitation falls within 6 miles of
the dragon’s lair, sometimes forming blizzard
conditions when the dragon is at rest.
• Icy walls block off areas in the dragon’s lair.
Each wall is 6 inches thick, and a 10-foot
section has AC 5, 15 hit points, vulnerability
to fire damage, and immunity to acid, cold,
necrotic, poison, and psychic damage.
• If the dragon wishes to move through a wall, it
can do so without slowing down. The portion
of the wall the dragon moves through is
destroyed, however.
If the dragon dies, the fog and precipitation
fade within 1 day. The ice walls melt over the
course of 1d10 days.
Medium swarm of Tiny monstrosities, Neutral Evil
Skills Perception +4
Damage Resistances bludgeoning and piercing from
nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed, poisoned,
frightened, petrified, stunned
Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages —
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Multiattack. The Armored Swarm of Snakes makes two
longsword attacks.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.
Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Evil
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Evil
Multiattack. The iron consul makes one attack with its spear
and can use its Voice of Command ability.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, or
7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a
melee attack.
Voice of Command. The iron consul selects up to two allies
within 90 feet of it that can hear its commands. Each ally can
immediately use its reaction to make one melee attack.
Multiattack. The black gauntlet makes two attacks with its
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 13 (3d8) necrotic
Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Evil
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 40 ft.
Multiattack. The reaper makes two dagger attacks and uses
Shroud Self.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.
Shroud Self. The reaper magically turns invisible until the start
of its next turn. This invisibility ends if the reaper makes an
attack roll, makes a damage roll, or casts a spell.
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 76 (8d8 + 40)
Speed 50 ft.
Multiattack. The death’s head uses Stunning Gaze and makes
two dagger attacks.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.
Stunning Gaze. The death’s head targets one creature it can see
within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 14
Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next
Unstoppable (3/Day). The death’s head reduces the damage it
takes from an attack to 0.
Medium Humanoid (Bullywug), Neutral Evil
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, or
6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a
melee attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Glaaar-pat (3/Day). The croaker sings a song of marshy doom.
Each chosen creature within 30 feet of the croaker that can
hear the song must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw, taking
9 (2d8) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. A creature that fails this saving
throw also has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws until
the end of its next turn.
Rooooo-glog (1/Day). The croaker sings an ode to an elder
froghemoth. Each bullywug within 30 feet of the croaker that
can hear the song gains 10 temporary hit points.
Multiattack. The Cult Wagon Leader makes two longsword
attacks. If it has a shortsword drawn, it can also make a
shortsword attack.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing
damage if used with two hands.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.
Medium Humanoid (Half-Dragon), Lawful Evil
Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +2, Con +6, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +2
Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +3, Perception +4
Damage Resistances lightning
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Multiattack. Cyanwrath attacks twice, either with his
greatsword or spear.
Greatsword + 1. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Lightning Breath (Recharge 5–6). Langdedrosa breathes
lightning in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in
the line must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22
(4d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
Medium Humanoid (High Elf), Neutral Evil
Multiattack. Dralmorrer attacks twice, either with his longsword
or dagger.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.
Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral Evil 5th level (2 slots): Synaptic Static
6th level (1 slot): Chain Lightning
Armor Class 17 (Draconic Resilience) 7th level (1 slot): Finger of Death
Hit Points 141 (22d8 + 42)
Speed 30 ft. Metamagic. When Galvan casts a spell, he can twist his spells to
suit his needs.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA • Distand Spell (3/day) The spell’s range doubles.
8 (–1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) • Quick Spell (2/day) The casting time of the spell changes
from 1 action to 1 bonus action.
Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +5, Cha +9
• Heightened Spell (1/day) One target of the spell has disadvantage
Skills Acrobatics +9, Arcana +8, Deception +10, Initimidation
on the first saving throw against the spell.
+10, Perception +6, Persuasion +10
Damage Immunities lightning Elemental Affinity. When Galvan deals lightning damage, he
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened can add his Charisma modifier to the damage roll.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Dragon Wings. Galvan can sprout a pair of dragon wings from
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal his back, gaining a flying speed equal to his current speed. He
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) can create these wings as a bonus action on his turn. They last
until he dismisses them.
Special Equipment. Galvan has willingly parted with the Blue
Dragon Mask. When Galvan is reduced to 0 hit points, the Actions
Dragon Mask is not teleported anywhere.
Galvan also carries a Wakened Dragon-Touched Focus Dragontooth Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to
(Chromatic). This provides him with the following: hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 6)
piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) acid damage.
• Initiative Advantage on initiative rolls.
• Elemental Damage Galvan adds an additional d6 to any Eldritch Arrow. Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, range 120 ft., one
spell damage roll that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison target. Hit: 11 (2d10) force damage plus 9 (2d8) lightning damage.
damage. Storm Sphere (2/Day). A storm fills a 20-foot-radius sphere
• Spells Galvan can cast Hold Monster and Rime’s binding ice centered on a point Galvan can see within 150 feet of him,
once per day. mimicking the effects of a 5th level Storm Sphere spell.
Finally, Galvan carries a Dragontooth Dagger.
Legendary Actions
Spellcasting. Galvan is a 14th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). Galvan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
He has the following Sorcerer spells prepared: below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Galvan regains
Cantrips (at will): Lightning Lure, Shocking Grasp, Thunderclap spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
1st level (4 slots): Absorb Elements, Detect Magic, Disguise Self,
Magic Missile, Shield Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). Galvan casts one of his spells
2nd level (3 slots): Blur, Hold Person of 5th level or lower.
3rd level (3 slots): Lightning Bolt, Thunder Step Cantrip. Galvan cast one of his cantrips.
4th level (3 slots): Raulothim’s Psychic Lance Hide. Galvan takes the Hide action.
Large Dragon, Chaotic Evil
Ice Walk. The dragon can move across and climb icy surfaces
without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult
terrain composed of ice or snow doesn’t cost it extra
Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite
and two with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) cold damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Cold Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales an icy blast in
a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) cold damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Medium humanoid (Goblinoid), chaotic evil
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Wondrous item, very rare
This small round receptacle appears to have
been carved from ivory or bone. It has been
engraved with necromantic symbols and fitted
with ten small gems.
The Pyx can trap the souls of victims who are
slain in a ritual sacrifice; if those victims were
capable of casting divine magic, it can also drain
their souls to fuel powerful guards and wards.
The pyx can hold up to ten souls (one for each
gem). If even one of those souls was a divine
caster, then the pyx and any creature who holds
it are under a permanent nondetection spell.
Undead creatures cannot approach within 10
feet of the pyx, nor can they charm, frighten, or
possess creatures within that area. If the pyx is
used to power magical wards, it drains 1 hit die
per day from one of the divine casters trapped
within, determined randomly. Once a soul loses
all their hit dice, they are consumed forever and
cannot be resurrected, not even by True
In addition to powering magical wards, the
radiant magic stored in the pyx can also be used
as a weapon. For a smite attack, each hit die
that is expended from the pyx’s captive souls
does 4 (1d8) radiant damage; there is no limit on
how many hit dice may be drained. Treat the pyx
as a simple weapon for the purposes of smite
For a burst attack, each additional hit die
expended beyond the damage dice increases the
radius of the attack by 5 feet. The burst is
always centered on the pyx. Each creature in the
area of effect must make a DC 20 Constitution
saving throw, taking full damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one. A
creature reduced to 0 hit points by the pyx is
disintegrated and turned to ash.
After the murder of Eseldra Yeth, the pyx of
Nethwatch Keep has 6 souls and 46 hit dice
remaining, enough for a 30 foot radius 40d8
explosion that could wipe out the entire keep.
Any character of good alignment who touches
the pyx can feel the souls trapped inside it, and
Multiattack. Hekaton makes two broken chain attacks.
Broken Chain. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 19 (3d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage.
Broken Chain. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480
ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d10 + 2) piercing damage.
Lightning Strike (Recharge 5–6). Hekaton hurls a magical
lightning bolt at a point he can see within 500 feet of it. Each
creature within 10 feet of that point must make a DC 17
Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) lightning damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Thunderous Stomp (Recharge 6). Hekaton stomps the ground,
triggering a thunderclap. All other creatures within 15 feet of
him must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take
33 (6d10) thunder damage and be deafened until the start of
Hekaton’s next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half
as much damage and isn’t deafened. The thunderclap can be
heard out to a range of 1,200 feet.
Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Good Actions
Multiattack. Laeral makes three attacks with her silver hair
Armor Class 18 (robe of the archmagi)
and flame tongue, in any combination. She can cast one of her
Hit Points 228 (24d8 + 120)
cantrips or 1st-level spells before or after making these attacks.
Speed 30 ft.
Silver Hair. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 7 (2d6) force damage, and the target must succeed
13 (+1) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 19 (+4) on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Saving Throws Int +11, Wis +11
Skills Arcana +17, History +17, Insight +11, Perception +11, Flame Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Persuasion +10 target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage, or 6 (1d10 + 1) slashing
Damage Resistances fire damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack, plus 7
Damage Immunities poison (2d6) fire damage.
Condition Immunities poisoned Spellfire (Recharges after a Long Rest).
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 21 Magical, heatless, silver fire harmlessly erupts from Laeral
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Infernal and surrounds her until she is incapacitated or until she uses an
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) action to quench it. She gains one of the following benefits of
her choice, which lasts until the silver fire ends:
Special Equipment. Laeral wears a white robe of the archmagi • She can breathe underwater.
(accounted for in her statistics). She wields a flame tongue • She can survive without food and water.
longsword. While wearing her robe of the archmagi, Laeral has • She is immune to magic that would ascertain her thoughts,
advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical truthfulness, alignment, or creature type.
effects. • She gains resistance to cold damage, and she is unharmed by
temperatures as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Spellcasting. Laeral is a 19th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting
While the silver fire is present, she has the following additional
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 21, +13 to hit with spell
action options:
attacks). Laeral has the following wizard spells prepared:
• Cast the cure wounds spell. The target regains 1d8 + 5 hit
Cantrips (at will): light, mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation, points. After Laeral takes this action, roll a d6. On a roll of 1,
ray of frost the silver fire disappears.
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, disguise self, magic missile, shield • Cast the revivify spell without material components. After
2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, invisibility, misty step Laeral takes this action, roll a d6. On a roll of 1-2, the silver
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fly, sending, tongues fire disappears.
4th level (3 slots): banishment, greater invisibility, Otiluke’s • Release a 60-foot line of silver fire that is 5 feet wide or a 30-
resilient sphere foot cone of silver fire. Objects in the area that aren’t being
5th level (2 slots): cone of cold, geas, Rary’s telepathic bond worn or carried take 26 (4d12) fire damage. Each creature in
6th level (2 slots): globe of invulnerability, mass suggestion the area must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw,
7th level (1 slot): prismatic spray, teleport taking 26 (4d12) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
7th level (1 slot): feeblemind, power word stun damage on a successful one. After Laeral takes this action,
7th level (1 slot): time stop roll a d6. On a roll of 1-3, the silver fire disappears.
Huge Dragon, Lawful Evil Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is
within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
Hit Points 225 (18d12 + 108) A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
Speed 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 80 ft. its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s
saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24
25 (+7) 10 (+0) 23 (+6) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) hours.
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +11, Wis +7, Cha +9 Lightning Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales lightning
Skills Perception +12, Stealth +5 in a 90-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line
Damage Immunities lightning must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10)
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 22 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Languages Common, Draconic successful one.
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)
Legendary Actions
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw,
The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
it can choose to succeed instead.
options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time
Actions and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then
makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.
Detect. Lennithon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Tail Attack. Lennithon makes a tail attack.
Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage plus 5 (1d10) lightning damage. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Lennithon beats its wings.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a
Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage. DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up
Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage. to half its flying speed.
Large Monstrosity, Chaotic Evil
Multiattack. The peryton makes three attacks: one with its
gore and two with its talons.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) slashing damage.
Warp Shadow. The peryton chooses up to three creatures
within 60 feet of it that it can see. Each creature must succeed
on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become cursed. While
cursed, whenever the creature makes an attack roll, an ability
check, or a saving throw, it must roll a d4 and subtract that
number from the roll. A cursed creature can repeat this saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
with a success. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is
immune to this peryton’s Warp Shadow for 24 hours.
Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Evil
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft.
Multiattack. Mortlock makes two attacks with his greatclub.
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 5 (2d4)
bludgeoning damageif Mortlock has taken any damage since his
last turn.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft.
Multiattack. The skull lasher makes two attacks with its flail.
Iron Skull Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) necrotic
damage, and the target has disadvantage on all saving throws
until the end of the skull lasher’s next turn.
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.
Grave Magic. When the master of souls cast a spell that deals
damage, it can change the spell’s damage type to necrotic.
Spellcasting. The master of souls is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with
spell attacks). It has the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand, message, prestidigitation
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, detect magic, ray of sickness,
2nd level (3 slots): darkness, misty step, scorching ray
3rd level (2 slots): animate dead, fireball
Multiattack. The master of souls attacks twice with its flail.
Iron Skull Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage plus 14 (4d6) necrotic
damage, and the target has disadvantage on all saving throws
until the end of the master of souls’ next turn.
Multiattack. Pharblex attacks twice. Once with his bite and
once with his spear.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Medium Humanoid (Half-Black Dragon), Neutral Evil Immolation. When Rezmir is reduced to 0 hit points, her body
disintegrates into a pile of ash.
Armor Class 16 (Black Dragon Mask)
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Rezmir fails a saving throw, she
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
can choose to succeed instead.
Speed 30 ft.
Dagger of Venom. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing
damage. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or take 11 (2d10) poison damage and become
poisoned for 1 minute..
Instinctive Charm (Recharges after Thoss Tarek Casts an
Enchantment Spell of 1st level or Higher). Thoss Tarek tries to
magically divert an attack made against him, provided that the
attacker is within 30 feet of him and visible to him. He must
decide to do so before the attack hits or misses. The attacker
must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
attacker targets the creature closest to it, other than Thoss
Tarek or itself. If multiple creatures are closest, the attacker
chooses which one to target.
Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral
Multiattack. Ulder makes three melee attacks, only one of
which can be with his shield.
+1 Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing
damage slashign damage when used with two hands.
Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) blugeoning damage, and Ulder pushes the target
5 feet away from him. Ulder then enters the space vacated by
the target. If the target is pushed to within 5 feet of a creature
friendly to Ulder, the target provokes an opportunity attack
from that creature..
Guardian Strike. If an enemy within 5 feet of Ulder attacks a
target other than him, Ulder can make a melee attack against
that enemy.
Medium Humanoid (Mountain Dwarf), Neutral Evil
Multiattack. Varram attacks twice with its shortsword.
Shortsword + 1. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) cold
Orb of Dragon’s Breath (3/Day). Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit,
range 90 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (6d8) cold damage.
Figure 26.4: The Raider’s Camp (after the cultists have left). Originally by Patreon’s DM Oaky.
Figure 26.5: The Raider’s Camp (inside, after the cultists have left). Originally by Patreon’s DM Oaky.
Figure 26.11: Daggerford, after being attacked. Originally by Wizards of the Coast.
Figure 26.25: The Boareskyr encampment. By Reddit’s u/Fatefulforce, with assets from 2-Minute
Figure 26.26: Waterdeep, after being attacked by Dragons. Originally by Wizards of the Coast.