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Tyranny of Dragons:

A guide to expand upon:

Tyranny of Dragons: Hoard of the Dragon Queen

Tyranny of Dragons: Rise of Tiamat

written and compiled by

David ’DumbDoor’ Simões

massive thanks to
Alexandra ’Fulkir’ Carreira
Ana ’Lucy Jezebel’ Simões
Hugo ’D. Furrnanda’ Pires
Iuri ’Boommaker’ Pires
Pedro ’Big McLarge’ Miguel
Rudi ’Tristan’ Pires

cover art by
Zi Hounti

17/05/2023 (v0.2)
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the
dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such
material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by David Simões and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

C H . 1: C AMPAIGN O VERVIEW ............ 1 7.4: The Puzzle Box ....................................... 20
1.1: Introduction ........................................... 1 7.5: Damien’s Manor ..................................... 22
1.2: Running the Campaign ........................... 1 7.6: Conclusion ............................................. 24

C H . 2: A DVENTURES ....................... 6 C H . 8: B ALDUR ’ S G ATE ................... 25

2.1: The Torm’s Knights Tomb ....................... 6 8.1: Introduction ........................................... 25
2.2: Greenest in Flames................................. 6 8.2: Baldur’s Gate ......................................... 25
2.3: Raiders’ Camp ........................................ 6 8.3: Connections in Baldur’s Gate ................. 27
2.4: Dragon Hatchery .................................... 6 8.4: Elfsong Tavern ....................................... 28
2.5: Elturel .................................................... 6 8.5: Dungeon of the Dead Three .................... 29
2.6: Baldur’s Gate ......................................... 6 8.6: Conclusion ............................................. 37
2.7: On The Road .......................................... 6
2.8: Waterdeep and Carnath Roadhouse ........ 6 C H . 9: O N THE R OAD ...................... 38
2.9: Mere of the Dead Men............................. 6 9.1: Introduction ........................................... 38
2.10: Parnast and Skyreach Castle ................ 7 9.2: Hiring Out .............................................. 38
2.11: First Council of Waterdeep .................... 7 9.3: On the Road (Part 1) ............................... 39
2.12: Tomb of Diderius .................................. 7 9.4: Dragonspear ........................................... 40
2.13: The Sea of Moving Ice ........................... 7 9.5: On The Road (Part 2) .............................. 50
2.14: Second Council of Waterdeep ................ 7 9.6: Conclusion ............................................. 52
2.15: The Misty Forest ................................... 7
2.16: The Council of Dragons......................... 7
2.17: Third Council of Waterdeep................... 8 R OADHOUSE ................................. 53
2.18: Xonthal’s Tower .................................... 8 10.1: Introduction ......................................... 53
2.19: Mission to Thay .................................... 8 10.2: Caravan Disbands ................................ 53
2.20: Fourth Council of Waterdeep................. 8 10.3: Waterdeep............................................. 53
2.21: Tiamat’s Return.................................... 8 10.4: Yawning Portal...................................... 57
2.22: Epilogue ............................................... 8 10.5: Carnath Roadhouse.............................. 58
10.6: Conclusion ........................................... 59
C H . 3: T HE T ORM ’ S K NIGHT T OMB ..... 9
3.1: Introduction ........................................... 9 C H . 11: M ERE OF THE D EAD M EN ..... 60
3.2: A Rough Road......................................... 9 11.1: Introduction ......................................... 60
3.3: The Torm’s Knight Tomb......................... 9 11.2: The Mere .............................................. 60
3.4: Conclusion ............................................. 11 11.3: Castle Naerytar..................................... 64
11.4: Conclusion ........................................... 67
C H . 4: G REENEST IN F LAMES ........... 12
4.1: Introduction ........................................... 12 C H . 12: P ARNAST AND S KYREACH
4.2: Greenest in Flames................................. 12 C ASTLE ........................................ 68
4.3: Conclusion ............................................. 14 12.1: Introduction ......................................... 68
12.2: Hunting Lodge ...................................... 68
C H . 5: R AIDERS ’ C AMP ................... 15 12.3: Parnast................................................. 69
5.1: Introduction ........................................... 15 12.4: Skyreach Castle.................................... 69
5.2: Raiders’ Camp ........................................ 15 12.5: Conclusion ........................................... 72
5.3: Conclusion ............................................. 16
C H . 6: D RAGON H ATCHERY .............. 17 73
6.1: Introduction ........................................... 17 13.1: Introduction ......................................... 73
6.2: Dragon Hatchery .................................... 17 13.2: Returning to Waterdeep ........................ 73
6.3: Conclusion ............................................. 18 13.3: Members of the Council ........................ 73
13.4: Council Session .................................... 73
C H . 7: E LTUREL ............................ 19 13.5: Conclusion ........................................... 77
7.1: Introduction ........................................... 19
7.2: Elturel .................................................... 19 C H . 14: T HE T OMB OF D IDERIUS ...... 78
7.3: Order of the Gauntlet ............................. 19 14.1: Introduction ......................................... 78

14.2: Boareskyr Bridge .................................. 78 21.10: The Zulkir’s Arrival ............................. 130
14.3: Tracks to the Serpent Hills ................... 78 21.11: Thoss Tarek’s Alternate Plans ............. 131
14.4: Tomb of Diderius .................................. 79 21.12: Conclusion ......................................... 131
14.5: Conclusion ........................................... 81
C H . 15: T HE S EA OF M OVING I CE ..... 82 132
15.1: Introduction ......................................... 82 22.1: Introduction ......................................... 132
15.2: Back to Waterdeep ................................ 82 22.2: Waterdeep............................................. 132
15.3: Frostskimmr......................................... 82 22.3: Members of the Council ........................ 132
15.4: Oyaviggaton - The Village...................... 84 22.4: Council Session .................................... 133
15.5: Oyaviggaton - Ice Caves ........................ 84 22.5: Conclusion ........................................... 136
15.6: Conclusion ........................................... 88
C H . 23: T IAMAT ’ S R ETURN ............... 138
C H . 16: S ECOND C OUNCIL OF WATERDEEP 23.1: Introduction ......................................... 138
89 23.2: Approaching the Well of Dragons .......... 138
16.1: Introduction ......................................... 89 23.3: Surveying the Well of Dragons............... 139
16.2: Waterdeep............................................. 89 23.4: Storming the Well of Dragons................ 140
16.3: Members of the Council ........................ 89 23.5: Well of Dragons..................................... 142
16.4: Council Session .................................... 89 23.6: Conclusion ........................................... 144
16.5: Conclusion ........................................... 93
C H . 24: E PILOGUE ......................... 145
C H . 17: T HE M ISTY F OREST ............. 94 24.1: Introduction ......................................... 145
17.1: Introduction ......................................... 94 24.2: Tiamat Succeeded................................. 145
17.2: The Misty Forest ................................... 94 24.3: Total Party Kill...................................... 145
17.3: Neronvain’s Stronghold......................... 97 24.4: Descent into Avernus............................ 145
17.4: Conclusion ........................................... 99 24.5: Dragonspear Castle .............................. 145
24.6: Castle Naerytar and the Ring of
C H . 18: T HE C OUNCIL OF D RAGONS .. 100
Myrkul........................................................... 146
18.1: Introduction ......................................... 100 24.7: Xonthal’s Tower .................................... 146
18.2: Reaching the Summit ........................... 100 24.8: Dragons’ Revenge ................................. 146
18.3: The Dragon Council .............................. 101 24.9: Character Arcs ..................................... 146
18.4: Conclusion ........................................... 106 24.10: Other Enemies.................................... 146
C H . 19: T HIRD C OUNCIL OF WATERDEEP 24.11: Conclusion ......................................... 147
19.1: Introduction ......................................... 107
19.2: Waterdeep............................................. 107
19.3: The Cult Strikes Back ........................... 107
19.4: Members of the Council ........................ 108
25.1: Arauthator............................................ 149
19.5: Council Session .................................... 109
19.6: Conclusion ........................................... 112 25.2: Armored Swarm of Snakes.................... 151
25.3: Azbara Jos............................................ 152
C H . 20: X ONTHAL ’ S T OWER ............. 114 25.4: Bane’s Cultists ..................................... 153
20.1: Introduction ......................................... 114 25.5: Bhall’s Cultists ..................................... 155
20.2: Xonthal’s Tower (Village) ....................... 114 25.6: Bullywug Croaker ................................. 157
20.3: The Maze .............................................. 114 25.7: Chuth................................................... 158
20.4: Xonthal’s Tower .................................... 117 25.8: Cult Wagon Leader................................ 160
20.5: Conclusion ........................................... 117 25.9: Cyanwrath............................................ 161
25.10: Dralmorrer Borngray .......................... 162
C H . 21: M ISSION TO T HAY ............... 119 25.11: Galvan................................................ 163
21.1: Introduction ......................................... 119 25.12: Glazhael ............................................. 164
21.2: Departing to Thay ................................. 119 25.13: Goblin Shaman................................... 165
21.3: Nethwatch Keep’s Characters................ 119 25.14: Khandur Ulmarik................................ 166
21.4: Nethwatch Keep.................................... 122 25.15: King Hekaton...................................... 167
21.5: The Audience........................................ 126 25.16: Laeral Silverhand................................ 169
21.6: Dreams and Nightmares ....................... 127 25.17: Lennithon ........................................... 170
21.7: The Mystery Murder ............................. 128 25.18: Monstrous Peryton ............................. 171
21.8: The Missing Pyx.................................... 130 25.19: Mortlock Vanthampur......................... 172
21.9: The Diviner’s Drowning......................... 130 25.20: Myrkul’s Cultists ................................ 173

25.21: Neronvain ........................................... 175 26.4: Elturel .................................................. 191
25.22: Nyh Ilmichh ........................................ 177 26.5: Baldur’s Gate........................................ 193
25.23: Pharblex Spattergoo............................ 178 26.6: On the Road ......................................... 194
25.24: Remallia Haventree............................. 180 26.7: Waterdeep and Carnath Roadhouse ...... 195
25.25: Rezmir ................................................ 182 26.8: Mere of the Dead Men ........................... 196
25.26: Thoss Tarek........................................ 183 26.9: Parnast and Skyreach Castle ................ 199
25.27: Ulder Ravengard ................................. 185
26.10: Council of Waterdeep .......................... 204
25.28: Varram ............................................... 186
26.11: Death to the Wyrmspeakers: Varram .. 205
C H . 26: M APS ............................... 187 26.12: Council of Waterdeep .......................... 206
26.1: Greenest in Flames ............................... 187 26.13: Xonthal’s Tower .................................. 207
26.2: Raider’s Camp ...................................... 189 26.14: Nethwatch Keep.................................. 211
26.3: Hatchery............................................... 190 26.15: Rise of Tiamat..................................... 215

This campaign happens in the Sword Coast. summit that will come to be known as the
Characters will explore most of the Sword Coast, Council of Waterdeep.
moving between Elturel, Baldur’s Gate, Four council sessions take place over the
Waterdeep, and exploring many smaller towns course of the adventure, naturally dividing
nearby. Most names, cities, and locations will be events into four stages. Between the council
familiar to experienced players. gatherings, the characters undertake missions to
The events of this campaign happen in 1489 thwart the cult’s plans. Some of these missions
DR, right as Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition will be proposed by NPCs during council
starts. They span about 1 year. The characters sessions. Others can be proposed by the
should grow from level 1 to 15. characters. The adventurers understand that
thousands of lives depend on their actions. The
1.1 I NTRODUCTION characters are among the greatest heroes of the
Sword Coast, and the Council of Waterdeep
Before our story begins, the Order of the Dragon, looks to them for wise guidance and swift action.
led by their new leader, Severin, obtained several Many of the power groups represented on the
of the five dragon masks and initiated the second council don’t trust each other, and some even
part of his plan to release Tiamat: recruiting have conflicting goals. Over the course of the
dragons and assembling a treasure hoard worthy council’s four meetings, the players and
of the queen of evil dragons. characters need to forge this disparate, feuding
group into a coordinated force. Only with all
H OARD OF THE D RAGON Q UEEN factions working together and contributing to the
overall effort can enough power be brought to
The first part of this campaign begins when a
bear against the cult to prevent Tiamat’s return.
town comes under attack by a dragon and its
The more successful the characters are in their
allies. Characters can intervene to save
actions against the cult, the more esteem and
townsfolk, but not before attackers carry away
influence they gain with the council.
an important scholar. While rescuing that
captive from the raiders’ camp, characters learn
they are up against the Order of the Dragon, and 1.2 R UNNING THE
they have the chance to destroy a subterranean
dragon hatchery that the cult guards. C AMPAIGN
The hatchery provides clues to the cult’s Start by reading the summary from chapter 2, to
operation and sends the characters on a long get familiar with the overall structure of the
journey northward. During that trip, they face adventure.
threats from the cult and gain some unexpected With every chapter, please fully read the
allies. North of Waterdeep, the cult’s contraband corresponding chapters from each adventure
is offloaded at a smuggler’s den for shipment to book. Then, read the chapter here to understand
a castle long ago abandoned. the flow of events, see relevant changes, get
A portal beneath the castle connects to the maps, ideas, and others. Each chapter should
stronghold of one of the cult’s most powerful and contain a list of what is expected to happen
most disgruntled members, Talis, who can there. If something doesn’t happen (or happens
become either a deadly enemy or a crucial earlier than expected), it’s no problem, just
collaborator to the characters. With or without adjust the events in the next chapters.
Talis’s help, the characters must get into a flying Always remember to adapt to your players.
citadel that a cloud giant placed at the cult’s You create the world, they guide the story.
disposal and prevent it from reaching its Ideally, they shouldn’t stray so far from the
destination at the Well of Dragons. planned adventure that the book becomes
useless, but what matters is that everyone (that
R ISE OF T IAMAT includes you!) is having fun!
In the second part of this campaign,
representatives of groups and factions from
across the Sword Coast meet to discuss their This campaign chains together multiple
concern about the Order of the Dragon, and to published adventures, and also introduces newly
draw up plans for opposing the cult. The created ones. You will need the following
adventurers are summoned to Waterdeep for a adventure books:


• Tyranny of Dragons: Hoard of the Dragon governing body in Faerûn, with only him and
Queen his devout followers being left in the wake of
• Tyranny of Dragons: Rise of Tiamat Tiamat’s destruction.
A name in bold is referenced from the official • Rezmir* (black, Castle Naerytar): a
rules books, so I recommend having the core psychopath affected by Hazirawn’s influence,
books: she sacrifices people to Tiamat in her feverish
devotion. She’d rather die than get captured
• Player’s Handbook
by the enemy.
• Monster Manual
• Varram* (white, Sea of Moving Ice): a coward
• Dungeon Master’s Guide
who smooth-talked his way to the top without
and the following supplement books: really having leadership qualifications, he will
• Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons betray everyone and everything for his own
• Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the gain.
Multiverse • Nerovain* (green, Misty Forest): an entitled
• Volo’s Guide to Monsters edge-lord that believes he should be above
If you don’t have one of these books, you can everyone else due to his bloodline, and needs
usually look up whatever entity being referenced Tiamat’s favor to achieve it.
on-line. • Galvan* (blue, Xonthar’s Tower): a stoic man
A name in bold* with an asterisk is a custom who failed to become a Wizard of Thay, and
creature or item, which you can find in thus turned to the Order of the Dragon in
chapter 25 or ??. search for power, Galvan believes Tiamat’s
return is inevitable, and would rather be on
O THER R ESOURCES her good side.
• Rath Modar (not strictly a member of the cult):
Other than this book, I recommend checking out a crazy scientist with a dark humorous
other guides and sources. I took many ideas personality, trying to overthrow Szass Tam,
from these. current lich-lord of the Red Wizards of Thay.
• SlyFlourish’s Running Rise of Tiamat Smart, calculating, prideful, and mocking,
• Reddit’s TyrannyOfDragons subreddit Rath Modar is able to get a reaction out of
• Lutes & Dices’ Hoard of the Dragon Queen DM most people, which causes them to make
Guide mistakes.
• Lutes & Dices’ Rise of Tiamat DM Guide Why do people join the Order of the Dragon?
• Sean McGovern’s A Guide to Tyranny of See the Reasons to join the Order of the
Dragons Dragon table, inspired by Reddit’s u/varansl.
• Mark Comfort’s Tyranny of Dragons: DM The cult transports treasure from many
Guide different places and through many different
ways to reach the Well of Dragons. One could
G LOBAL O VERVIEW AND C HANGES argue there is a faster and shorter route from
The Cult of the Dragon does not refer to itself as Greenest to the Well of Dragons, but there are a
Cult of the Dragon. Who would join a few reasons why the longer route was taken.
self-denominated cult? They refer to themselves • Secrecy: The Order of the Dragon has kept
as Followers of the Scaly Way, Wearers of Purple, secret its goal to bring Tiamat into the world
or Order of the Dragon. They’re still a cult, and thus far. Having booty streaming directly from
people outside it refer to them as such, but they attacked locations straight to their hideout
themselves use other names. They are a secret would be pretty obvious. Therefore, carrying
semi-religious evil organization venerating the treasure, hidden in normal cargo traffic, to
dracoliches (undead dragons), which they used an "abandoned" castle, teleporting it across a
to raise through profane rituals. Their belief was mountain range, then flying it to the Well of
that dracoliches were destined to one day rule Dragons seems like it’s the best, absolutely
Faerûn and beyond and that it was their most secretive way to throw off tracking of
purpose to help this come to pass. That was their activities. In fact, it takes a party of 8th
until Severin learned about the Dragon Masks level adventurers to finally crack this trail!
and, guided by Tiamat’s whisperings, led the cult • Globalization: the cult is looting treasure
in another direction. from all across Faerûn. From each small
The cult’s current leaders, and basic village, loot is transported by wagon. Each
personalities, are: wagon eventually joins a caravan. Caravans
• Severin (red, Well of Dragons): Has major are eventually taken to one of the portals
grandiosity problems and wants to burn every leading to Parnast and Skyreach Castle. From


Reasons to join the Order of the Dragon
Summary Personal View Reality
Building Deep down, I and everyone else This type of thinking is a strong motivator for cults that claim they shall destroy
Better knows that our current society is a world. Players may even empathize with the cultists, but simply disagree on
broken and flawed. We need a new how they are creating change (through violence, sacrifice, and devastation).
world order that can fix the glaring
flaws that let people be murdered,
exploited, enslaved, and more. While
the road ahead of us will involve
killing people, it is for the greater
good. We are going to rebuild this
world better than ever before, and
anyone stopping us is working for the
current, broken system.
Greater I’m special, I know it, you know For many who are treated as outsiders in their community, it can feel incredibly
Purpose it. My god knows it, and has thus tempting to believe that they are here for a higher purpose. That other
chosen me to carry out its will. I WAS people just "don’t get it" and that only they can see the truth. They were
CHOSEN to do something great with born knowing that they were going to be more than just another farmer like
my life, and I don’t have to sit around everyone else in their family. When they are approached by a Dragon cultist,
and listen to others telling me that they are going to jump at the chance to vindicate their worldview. They are
I’m just normal. I am going to be part going to want to join the cult, even if they don’t fully understand what is going
of something great and everyone else on. They are being promised the greatness they have longed for all their life.
will soon learn to respect me.
Deceived Tiamat has promised that I will be It shouldn’t come as any surprise that the God-Queen of Dragons is capable
saved, those that I love will be saved, of lying to their minions. For many, they have been fed lie after lie about what
and that what they are doing is the a new world will look like when she has taken over, and no amount of proof is
best for society. They are going to going to change their mind. Part of this is that they want to believe that they
limit harming as many people as are the good guys and if they accept that the things they did were evil, then it
they can, as they don’t want to hurt means that they themselves are evil.
others, but sometimes a few eggs
must be broken. They have promised
me that when they are summoned
and take over, that things are going
to become a utopia, and I believe
Existence We are all going to die anyway, why Not everyone is going to fit into this motivation as it requires someone who has
is Futile delay the inevitable? It would just be been intensely hurt by the world. These individuals are frustrated with the way
a lot easier if we worked with this things are and just want to see it all end, though they want to first hedge their
god, we’ll get greater rewards in the bets. If there is a life after death, they are going to go with the god that is going
afterlife if we just cooperate and push to control everything in the afterlife. They may have been promised rewards or
things along. If people would just stop higher ranks in death, so long as the god’s plans come to fruition. Ultimately,
lying to themselves that this world is though, they don’t care about this world because the world has never cared
worth saving, we could have a swift about them.
end with little to no pain, a better
deal than you’ll get elsewhere.
Lying Any misgivings or second thoughts These individuals may know that Tiamat is planning on destroying thousands,
to I’m having are just me being weak. I but they have gotten it in their heads that what they are doing is the right thing.
Yourself haven’t gone this far because what They were first asked to watch out for some adventurers, that’s easy and low
I’m doing is wrong. I am doing what risk. Then asked to drive a cart for some people going to a secret meeting,
is right. All the sacrifices I have made again, easy and low risk. After that, they may have been asked to help out by
are to help usher in a new age, I don’t scaring off those dang outsiders who are loud and destroy furniture in the bar.
understand why other people can’t It then slowly began increasing in asks and tasks, soon they were asked to kill
see it. I am the hero here, everyone an outsider who was sticking their nose into things they don’t need to know
else is the bad guy. about or maybe the outsider killed a friend. It just then spiraled from there and
they refuse to think about what they have done. It has become a sunk cost
fallacy of deeds and misdeeds, if they turn back now, it means that they were
wrong or they wasted years of their life.


Reasons to join the Order of the Dragon
Out of They told me I can either die, and Those who have no other option but to help the cult can be driven into a tough
Options watch my family die as well, or situation. They have the lives of loved ones being used against them, though
protect my family and have a greater it isn’t only restricted to loved ones. It could include past deeds that they have
purpose. I’m doing this to protect done, like cheating or stealing goods from someone else or any other type of
my family, and if it means I have to blackmail. They might first be unwilling to serve the cult, but they end up doing
kill someone, then so be it. I don’t so anyway because it is the easier and safer option for them, their loved ones,
hold any ill will towards them, but I or because they just feel like they don’t have any other choice.
have to do what I can to keep my
family safe. I just hope that my family
understands I’m making these choices
to protect them.
Saved Everyone else is going to die but me. A cultist could be serving not only because they believe that they will be
Tiamat has promised that I, and all saved, but because they were told that their family or friends will also be saved.
others who serve faithfully, will be Typically, though, they are wanting their own lives spared during the oncoming
saved from the oncoming apocalypse. apocalypse or change in guard, and are trying to ensure that they have gained
I want to live, I don’t want to be in a special reprieve from what is to come.
pain. I don’t get why anyone would
fight against this, it just means they
are going to die. Why would someone
throw away their life to protect other
Strength I like being stronger than others. I Some people just enjoy holding power over others, inflicting pain and torment,
is like it when others look up at me or feeling like they are a god, holding life and death in their hands. They may
Power in fear for I have been given even not even care about rising through the ranks or learning about the religion
greater power than I had before. of the cult. So long as they are given ever greater power and strength, they
I can cause wounds to open and are going to do whatever they can to ensure that they keep getting stronger.
fester, or seal those wounds and keep While others might balk about what must be done, these individuals delight in
someone from dying. I need more showing off their strength over everyone else.
power, and the only way to get it is
to keep serving. Soon, though, I’ll be
so strong that I’ll surmount the power
of dragons, and then I’ll be the one
everyone fears.
Wanting I just want to belong to something, Perhaps they have a strange fascination with undeath, they act a bit odd
to and these were the first ones to make compared to everyone else, or they did something to ostracize them from
Belong me feel wanted. I had been cast the community. These individuals just want to be part of something. We are
out by everyone who had loved me, social creatures who desire to belong to something, anything, so long as we feel
and it wasn’t my fault. Luckily, these like we have friends and those who understand us. This type of insidious need
people found me and I feel seen and can be easily exploited by cults who promise community, power, and revenge
wanted. They allowed me to join their against any who had refused them kindness.
exclusive group and now I’m part of a
Wealth I want money, I want jewels, and I It isn’t just money that can be offered to would-be cultists, but kingdoms, magic
want a kingdom. I was told that if items, and other material wealth. A dragon may make a thousand different
I bring in this "new age" they keep promises to its cultists, giving dozens of them the same promised lands, but
talking about, I am going to be it doesn’t matter. It is using their avarice against them, and if the plans do
wealthier than beyond my wildest succeed, can always cull a few of its members and reward the others who
dreams - and boy, do I dream wild. served it better. Someone who joins the cult for wealth may not be doing it just
for themselves, but rather for those they love. They may have been told that a
loved one will die from a horrible illness, but if they join, they’ll be given enough
wealth to pay for doctors, clerics, cures, and more. There is always something
that a person is looking for, and this greed can be used against them.


there, it is carried to the Well of Dragons (the
cult has done this multiple times by now, and
a huge amount of treasure is already
• Zhentarim: the Well of Dragons is close to
Darkhold, headquarters of the Zhentarim, who
are aligned against the cult. The cult could be
raided by their members.
• Internal Politics: Rezmir is the master of
Castle Naerytar, and the one who negotiated
with Blagothkus to use Skyreach Castle. She
pushed this plan so she could take the credit
for moving the Hoard.
• Real Reason: The writers of the book wanted
people the explore the entire Sword Coast in
their first 5th Edition campaign.


Always start by having a session 0, to
accommodate everyone’s expectations and
ensure you’re all on the same page. Explain the
setting, mention how it will be related to dragons,
the mood you’re expecting (serious and dark, or
light-hearted and comical), the availability of
magic (can you buy magic items in every town?),
and whatever homebrew rules you plan to
implement (I follow David’s Homebrew Rules).
Inform your players about the available
backgrounds, Cult of the Dragon Infiltrator and
Dragon Scholar, which they can take for their
characters. You can also ask them if they want
to be related to any relevant characters, which
provides interesting role-playing options. Then,
have each player make a character suitable for
the Forgotten Realms setting. Have them create
backstories that preferably link them together as
adventurers, that link them to the main cities
they will explore, or that link them to dragons in
general. Finally, ask them to find a reason for
having joined a caravan, currently headed for
Greenest, either as a merchant or as an escort.
At last, start your tale, and enjoy!


The remainder of this campaign is structured
as follows.
The characters arrive at Baldur’s Gate and meet
2.1 T HE T ORM ’ S a contact from the Harpers. While waiting for the
Order of the Dragon’s cargo to arrive, they’re
K NIGHTS T OMB asked to inspect a suspicious bathhouse, which
seems to be linked to the ongoing murders
As the characters approach the city of Greenest, happening in the city.
escorting a caravan, they are attacked by goblins
in the misty twilight. A child from the caravan is
kidnapped, and his mother begs the characters 2.7 O N T HE R OAD
to help her. The child was taken to an old The characters join the caravan to trail the
underground tomb, where goblins are planning mysterious cargo hauled by the Order of the
to sacrifice him to reach the hidden treasure Dragon, all the way to Waterdeep. The journey is
room. long, and the way is perilous. Characters will
face imposters and monsters, and grow familiar
2.2 G REENEST IN with Dragonspear and Daggerford.


As the characters get to the village of Greenest,
they are surprised to find it under attack. They
quickly escape to the safest location, the central
keep, only to find a dragon is part of the raiders,
and there are many innocents that need
rescuing. The characters have barely any room to breathe,
as the Order of the Dragon immediately prepares
to move on north away from Waterdeep. The
2.3 R AIDERS ’ C AMP characters can briefly meet the Harpers and
The characters follow tracks from Greenest until synchronize any information retrieved about the
they reach the raider’s camp. Their goal is Order. They can explore the wondrous city, and
gathering information (can be done by like Baldur’s Gate, purchase new equipment,
infiltrating the camp, or to a lesser extent, by meet new people, or reconnect with old friends.
observing from the surrounding cliffs) and They must then re-join the caravan, and the
rescuing Leosin (best done after sunset, as cultists are no longer hiding their animosity. The
guards rotate, sleep, or go for a meal). characters reach a large construction Roadhouse
and the treasure mysteriously vanishes in the
2.4 D RAGON night. The cultists, having completed their job,
can finally try and get rid of the characters, once
H ATCHERY and for all.
The characters are asked by Leosin to return to
the camp, and keep an eye on the raiders. If they
get the chance, inspect the cave, and gather
more information. When the characters get
there, however, the raiders have left, and only a
The treasure that has been followed ever since
small garrison has stayed behind, guarding the
Greenest draws ever near. Footprints are clearly
suspicious cavern.
seen, waddling through the swamp, heavier on
the way into the swamp (because of carried
2.5 E LTUREL cargo) than out. The swamp, however, is a
After learning in Greenest that Leosin has gone dangerous place, and the roars of a large dragon
to Elturel, the characters must report to him are heard from a distance. The characters
there. Upon arriving, they meet members of the eventually find Castle Naerytar, the Order’s base
Order of the Gauntlet and of the Harpers, and of operations in the swamp, ruled by Rezmir.
get to know the city by proving their worth to They have the opportunity to trigger an
Ontharr. They are also indirectly invited to meet insurrection by the mistreated Lizardfolk, and
the Harpers in Baldur’s Gate and Waterdeep. eventually they find a mysterious portal under

the castle, through which both treasure and iconic iceberg, Oyaviggaton. The danger is great,
Rezmir have escaped. not only from the local monsters, but also from
the estranged northern Ice Hunter tribes, and
2.10 P ARNAST AND most of all, from the dragon that, unbeknownst
to nearly everyone, slumbers in the mysterious
S KYREACH iceberg.

Rezmir quickly moves from a Hunting Lodge 2.14 S ECOND
near Parnast to Skyreach Castle, a flying fortress
from the Cloud Giants. The characters must
embark upon it and prevent it from reach its
final destination, where the forces of the Order of
the Dragon will certainly be too dangerous. Politics, as usual, ruin everything. Inner turmoil
Luckily, a new ally is coming to talk some sense disrupts the Council as a new Open Lord is
into the giants. However, that still leaves Rezmir, appointed to Waterdeep, and conflicts emerge.
Azbara, cultists, and of course, a dangerous All the invitations of the Council have been filled,
dragon to take care of. and new dangers loom on the horizon. The
Order’s activities have increased, undoubtedly
2.11 F IRST C OUNCIL due to the character’s disruptions of their plans.
The Emerald Enclave in particular is worried
OF WATERDEEP about strange rumours coming from the Misty
Forest, just south of Waterdeep. However, not all
A few days after Skyreach has fallen, a Council news are bad, and new allies have contacted the
is assembled in the City of Wonders to determine Council, hoping to reach an agreement.
how the forces of Faerûn will handle the
upcoming war. Refugees, attacks, cut-off cities,
and others, are straining the resources of every
major organization. The politics of the situation
2.15 T HE M ISTY
are delicate, and the Council members want to
meet the characters that have thus far thwarted
The Emerald Enclave and the elven prince
the cult’s plans. After this meeting, goals and
Alagarthas request the character’s help to
objectives are set to prevent the situation from
uncover the plans of the Misty Forest cell, led by
escalating. Meanwhile, the Order of the Dragon
Neronvain and Chuth. Alagarthas’ father
sounds the Draakhorn, an ancient artifact
believes the attacks are over, but Alagarthas
whose purpose is still unclear.
fears otherwise. In particular, they ask the
characters to investigate a singular attack on an
2.12 T OMB OF elven village, where the dragon,
uncharacteristically, abandoned the raid
D IDERIUS half-way without pillaging or murdering the
The Harper network of spies spotted the White entire population.
Wyrmspeaker, Varram, in a small encampment,
southeast of Waterdeep. It is crucial to follow up
on this lead and attempt to capture the dwarf, 2.16 T HE C OUNCIL OF
and recover the White Dragon Mask he wears.
Little do the characters know that the mask has D RAGONS
already been stolen, and Varram is actually The Metallic Dragons have invited the characters
seeking it through a powerful Divination Pool. to an ancient draconic rite of council. They wish
to determine what the dragons will do in the face
2.13 T HE S EA OF of the looming threat of Tiamat, and how they
should (if at all) work with the smaller humanoid
M OVING I CE races. Some of the dragons are not interested in
Characters have an opportunity to track down cooperating with them, while others find
the Draakhorn, and also uncover the fate of potential in an alliance. It’s up to the characters
Maccath, the Crimson. Her last known to convince them to join forces. However, the
whereabouts were in the Sea of Moving Ice, the Order of the Dragon is aware of this meeting and
same area where the Draakhorn was last known is trying their best to prevent it from happening.
to be found at, as she was about to explore an

The Council once more gathers to determine The alliance is striking back. They must stop the
what to do now that their territories have been Severin’s ritual at the Well of Dragons to prevent
defended as best they can. However, the night Tiamat’s return. However, the ritual has already
before the meeting, Waterdeep suffers a started, can it be too late?
devastating attack with thousands of casualties.
The attack coincided with an assassination
attempt on the characters’ lives. They must now
present the results of their missions and The world has been saved! The Order of the
navigate a political mine-field to get everyone to Dragon still remains, no hidden in the shadows
play along together. once more. However, there are many loose ends
to tie up. Why were devils helping the cult? How
are cities going to recover from this war? Are the
2.18 X ONTHAL ’ S party’s enemies seeking vengeance? What is
happening at Dragonspear, Castle Naerytar, or
T OWER Xonthal’s Tower? Leave it up to your players to
The Harpers got a letter from a defector of the decide where to go next!
Order of the Dragon. An anonymous member
claims to have borrowed the Blue Dragon Mask,
and must be extracted from a mysterious place
known as Xonthal’s Tower. It could be a trap,
but investigating this clue can lead to great
results: a high-ranking member of the cult
willing to help the Alliance, and a last chance at
obtaining a dragon mask.

The Red Wizards of Thay, led by the Lich Lord
Szass Tam, wish to extinguish the Thayan
Resurrection, a splinter sect of Thay who has
allied with the Order of the Dragon. Led by Rath
Modar, this sect is responsible for opening the
portal between Avernus and the Forgotten
Realms, in exchange for power gifted by the
Dragon Queen as a reward for their efforts. Rath
Modar hopes to defeat Szass Tam and bring
Thay to its glory days; Szass Tam hopes to
utterly destroy Rath Modar in horrible ways. To
this goal, he invites a group of emissaries to visit
Thay in order to establish a temporary alliance.

2.20 F OUR TH
The Council gathers for the final time. The
characters present the resultds of their latest
missions, and a plan of attack is laid out against
the Order of the Dragon. The Well of Dragons’
location is finally found, and the cult is
summoning Tiamat in a few days. The armies of
the alliance are about to march to war.

Inspired by The Delian Tomb by Seth Harris, groups of goblins attacks other chariots in the
available at DM’s Guild. caravan. The other groups will be defeated by
Please revise the introduction in section 2.1. the other guards, and characters need only to
focus on this group of enemies. During the fight,
3.1 I NTRODUCTION a sneaky goblin kidnaps Toby without anyone
Characters should be at level 1. After the enemies are defeated, Mary quickly
The goal for this chapter is for players to get notices her son is missing. Some members of the
used to the setting. Characters should find a caravan want to keep moving, afraid of further
connection (through Mary) to Leosin, level up to attacks. Mary will go on her own after her boy, if
be more ready for Greenest, and also learn a bit need be, but ideally the characters should help
about the Dead Three gods. her. They can easily track the goblins’ footprints,
which clearly head west and soon lead out of the
3.2 A R OUGH R OAD woods into open rocky hills. They spot a ruin on
a hill not far off. The tracks veer off the road and
Mary Erlanthar, a 30-something year old woman,
is taking her kid Toby, to the city of Greenest. toward the ruins.
Mary is Leosin Erlanthar’s sister. Her husband
died recently, and out of money, she is travelling 3.3 T HE T ORM ’ S
to where Leosin last told her he would be. Toby
quickly befriends the characters throughout this K NIGHT T OMB
journey, being a smart and inquisitive child. He This Tomb, dedicated to Torm, has been invaded
often remarks he wants to be a brave adventurer by goblins who worship the Dead Three, the evil
like them, and occasionally mentions his uncle gods Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul. They have
(Leosin) to be some sort of secret agent (a fact his received visions from their gods, triggered by the
mother quickly dismisses). Order of the Dragon’s recent machinations, and
worshippers of these gods have recently become
active. These particular goblins don’t really care
about any of this, and are simply trying to get
treasure and power through murder and

Two Goblins guard the entrance of the tomb.
They are sleepy and distracted, and have
disadvantage on their Wisdom (Perception)
checks. If attacked, the last one alive will yell for
help from the goblins inside the tomb.
If you want to challenge your players, two
others patrol the outside, circling the entrance
every five minutes. If alive, they hear sounds of
combat at the entrance of the tomb, and join the
fight after a round of combat.


The doors to the tomb have been broken and shoved aside.
Figure 3.1: The Caravan. By Patreon’s DM Oaky. The stink of goblin sweat and filth wafts up with the dry air
from inside the tomb.
Some days before reaching Greenest, at Darkness awaits down the stairs into the ruins. Faded
twilight, mists surround the caravan, as they do carved script is barely visible in the stone above the
most other nights. This moonless night, however, entrance. From below you hear the occasional sound of
the caravan is attacked by a group of goblins. goblins talking to each other. From further inside the ruins
The characters must defend the close-by you hear gregorian demonic chanting.
chariots against 3 (1d6) Goblins, while other


Inside the Offering Room are two large copper The most perceptive characters in the party can
bowls. The goblins are using one as a brazier for also make out the sounds of a sobbing child. It
their campfire and the other as a toilet. One wall is clear to the characters that the door was
is covered with carving depicting the Knights of broken through recently and that it’s heavy
Torm fighting chaotic creatures including goblins stone construction would have required more
and their kin. In the opposite wall is carved the strength than a human has to break.
following: I swear the Torm Oath. To serve law, Just beyond the door is a scythe trap, which
battle chaos, and keep the forces of darkness at can be detected with a DC 12 Wisdom
bay. in Elfish, and then the same in Dwarfish (Perception) check. If triggered by a medium or
below it. larger creature, a rusty scythe falls from the
Inside the Offering Room, four Goblins are ceiling, attacking them. The creature must
currently recovering from the night raid. Each of succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or
these has taken 3 (1d6) damage in the attack. take 2 (1d4) slashing damage.
One of them is the goblin that kidnapped Toby.
If they have been alerted, they will attempt to R OOM B - P RAYER R OOM
take cover and wait for the characters to attack.
The characters may be able to force or lure them The walls of this room are made of finely crafted pale grey
out. stone. Small niches line the walls, each dedicated to a
paladin of the Torm. At the far end of the room stands a
The goblins do not warn the creatures in the
beautifully crafted statue of the founder of the order. At the
Prayer Room as they’ve been warned not to
disrupt the ceremony that is now in progress. foot of the statue is a crude iron cage, which holds the
Loud combat, however, will alert them. The last sobbing child Toby. In the center of the room, facing away
remaining goblin will run for his life and try to from you, five goblins are conducting some demonic ritual.
escape the tomb.
A DC 15 perception check reveals a Scroll of Toby is about to be killed by a Goblin
Magic Missile hidden under the copper bowl Shaman* and four other Goblins. They are
being used as a toilet. The sounds of chanting chanting a loud demonic ritual, and will kill
are clear now. They filter through the ruins of a Toby and spill his blood on the altar at the end
heavy stone door leading deeper into the ruins. of the tomb, in an attempt to make the secret

Figure 3.2: The Tomb’s Entrance. By Matt Colville.


passage open up. Because of the loud gregorian
chanting, they won’t hear combat noises from
the Offering Room, unless it is something
particularly loud. They have disadvantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks. They fight to the
After defeating the creatures, the characters
can easily free Toby from the crude cage. The
rudimentary padlock holding it closed can be
smashed with a solid blow or two. The sobbing
child will cling to whoever frees him from the
cage. He is sobbing uncontrollably and can’t
provide any useful information. It will take him
ten minutes to calm down unless one of the
characters is able to help with a DC 12
Charisma (Performance or Persuasion) check.
Toby will refuse to be left alone until he’s calmed
A line of text is carved into the dais that the
statue stands on. It reads "To keep this, you
must first give it to me.” in Elfish, and then the
same in Dwarfish below it. The answer to the
riddle is ’your word’. If one of the characters of
an appropriate background speaks the Torm
Oath (found in the Offering Room), or speaks Figure 3.3: The Tomb. By Matt Colville.
some similar promise in the Prayer Room, the
secret door at the back of the room will open. The weapon is a +1 melee weapon (any melee
Characters can deduce this with a DC 12 weapon without the Finesse property). Each
Intelligence (Investigation or Religion) check. sarcophagus holds 31 (3d20)gp worth of
precious stones and offerings. Each skeleton
As the final word of your oath leaves your lips you feel a wears a gold circlet on its head bearing the sigil
holy power gather around you. It sinks through your skin of the Knights of Torm (a raised gauntlet), worth
and flesh and wraps itself around your bones. You feel a 30gp. On the wall is a tapestry worth 45gp.
new obligation to champion Law and Justice in the world.
A door in the back corner of the room, barely If the characters rescue Toby, Mary is forever
noticeable until now, slides open. Cool stale air grateful for their help. She doesn’t have much to
spills out of a dark doorway. give, but will help the characters anyway she
can. Toby recovers quickly but abandons his
R OOM C - T HE T OMB dreams of becoming an adventurer. Mary will
mention Leosin to the characters, claiming he
A shining weapon rests on a weapon stand in the center of would certainly like to meet them and thank
the room. Five stone sarcophagi are arranged around the them for saving his nephew.
room. The sarcophagi are ornately carved with scenes of
the victories of knights of Torm.

Any character who swore the oath, or who

worships a good-aligned God, will recognize this
room as a holy place and will understand that
plundering the room is an act of desecration.
They will also understand that they are free to
take the weapon, but nothing else, should they
wish to use it against chaos and evil.
If a character who has not sworn the oath
takes the weapon, or if any character attempts to
open one of the sarcophagi or take other items, a
Skeleton emerges from each of the four
sarcophagi and attacks the characters.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Greenest in I just used Governor Nighthill for everything
Flames by Wizards of the Coast. related to the city’s leadership. I also make sure
Please revise the introduction in section 2.2. that encounters are easily dodged/avoided by
Maps can be found in section 26.1. characters on the way to the keep. Most of the
cultists are busy ransacking houses, or speaking
4.1 I NTRODUCTION loudly as they approach from another street,
which allows the characters to hide or run away
Characters should be at level 2.
most of the times. Finally, I added two Ballistae
The goal for this chapter is for characters to
to the keep’s walls (and a third one, already
see how a mysterious dragon-related group is
destroyed by the dragon). The characters can
causing chaos. They will have a chance to save
use them to scare the dragon away! Just be
lots of people and earn some reputation, witness
careful not to waste ammo trying to shoot down
Frulam Mondath arguing with Lennithon* (so
random cultists.
even within this group, there seems to be some
I ran the missions in the following order.
disagreement), and witness the mighty
Cyanwrath*’s strength. S EEK THE K EEP
The characters reach Greenest by nightfall.
Initially, they’re not immediately aware that
something is wrong, but as they enter the city by
its southern road, they realize the city is under
attack, and some of it is aflame. Most of the
caravan’s members decide to flee, or stay outside
the city until things settle down. Mary and Toby
prefer to stick with the characters, and head for
the keep (Mary is worried about her brother
Figure 4.2: The Seek the Keep mission. By
Reddit’s u/DarthVeX.

Ran as-is.
I had every group of cultists approaching very
obviously, which allowed the player characters to
run and avoid most fights. Make sure the
cultists are more obvious the more worn-down
your characters are. Also ensure your players
are aware they have the option to run and avoid
fights. Another idea if characters are having a
tough time is for guards to show up to help.
Some encounters can even start with guards
already engaged by cultists, and characters can
choose to help them fend off the invaders.

At My Table
The characters headed for the bridge crossing the stream,
but enemies were coming down that way. They instead
turned right, avoided a group of cultists ransacking a house
there, crossed the stream, and approached the keep from
the south. Somewhere during this, they hear the dragon’s
Figure 4.1: Greenest in Flames. roar, but they still cannot identify its source, as night has
fallen. They fought another group of cultists before running
inside the keep with about a dozen commoners following
I removed Castellan Escobert the Red’s them (including Mary and Toby).
character. Only shows up here, no need for him.


and they can be scared away using fire (e.g.,
throwing torches from a distance).



Figure 4.3: The Keep. By Reddit’s


Characters are greeted by Governor Nighthill,

who asks for their help in this troubled night. He
offers them 2 Potions of Health right away. He
proposes either the Sanctuary or the Save the
Mill missions (characters will be unable to do
both, there’s not enough time). Mary Figure 4.5: The Sanctuary mission. By Reddit’s
recommends going to the temple, as her brother u/DarthVeX.
and other villagers might be there.


Figure 4.6: The Save the Mill mission. By

Reddit’s u/DarthVeX.

Ran Sanctuary together with Prisoners, as-is.

Should the players choose to, should be similar
to running Save the Mill together with Prisoners.
The characters can complete the Prisoners
mission by dragging one of the cultists,
Figure 4.4: The Old Tunnel mission. By Reddit’s unconscious, inside the keep. Reveal the adult
u/DarthVeX. blue dragon Lennithon* somewhere during this
time, by having him illuminated by his own
Ran as-is. lightning breath as he destroys another city
Make the rat swarms pretty obvious from afar, block.


At My Table
My players opted for the Sanctuary mission, defeated the
group of cultists on the backside of the temple, and The characters have likely helped rescuing a lot
rescued about 50 Commoners from there, including the of people, and have the thanks of the Mayor.
local priest. Leosin was not among them. They got chased Leosin, however, was kidnapped, so both Mary
to the tunnel by the group patrolling the outside of the and the Mayor ask the characters to tail the
temple, and stood their ground there while all the villagers
escaped inside.
raiders. The Mayor needs more information on
the attack, while Mary asks to rescue her
Ran as-is, as the characters are trying to rest
after the previous mission. Trigger this attack
only after the rest if needed.
The characters witness Mondath arguing with
Lennithon* and can tell he isn’t that glad to be
here. After the attack begins, the characters can
use the Ballistae on the castle walls. One is
destroyed, but the other two are functioning.
The dragon will run away after 3 successful hits
from these

At My Table
A lucky hit from one of them was enough to damage
Lennithon and scare him away.


Ran as-is, just before dawn.

Figure 4.7: The Half-Dragon Champion mission.

By Reddit’s u/DarthVeX.

I removed this mission, seems too chaotic, and
this chapter is hard enough as it is.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Raiders’ Camp S TRAGGLERS
by Wizards of the Coast.
Please revise the introduction in section 2.3.
Maps can be found in section 26.2.

Characters should be at level 3.
The goal for this chapter is for characters to
witness the strength of the group that attacked
Greenest. They will glimpse the real leaders of
this cell, Rezmir* (and her greatsword and
dragon mask) and Azbara Jos*, gather some
information about the Order of the Dragon (how
it is composed of different groups, including paid
mercenaries, kobolds, and fanatical cultists, or
how they greet each other with dragon-related
mottos), and rescue Leosin Erlanthar.


After a long rest and asking the city for whatever
equipment they might provide (although it will
take a couple of days to gather or forge what the
Figure 5.2: The Stragglers mission. By Reddit’s
characters asked for), they characters trail the
raiders into their camp.
I set the camp about four hours (by foot) to the
south of Greenest. Ran as-is.

Figure 5.1: The Raider’s Camp mission (outside). By Patreon’s DM Oaky.


Rezmir (wearing her Dragon Mask) and Mondath
are trying to interrogate Leosin when the
characters arrive there, albeit with little success.

At My Table
Characters waited for night, and never actually entered the
camp. They scouted from the surrounding hills, saw Leosin
being interrogated by Frulam Mondath and Rezmir*, and
waited until the guards were rotating. At some point, only
two were guarding him (the others had gone to fetch
dinner). While the Wizard’s Familiar carried a knife to
Leosin and guided him to the cliff (where ropes awaited to
pull him up), the guards were silently disposed of.


Figure 5.3: The Rearguard mission. By Reddit’s


Ran as-is.

At My Table
Because they didn’t leave anything behind to cover the fact
Leosin had escaped, they were rapidly pursued. Thanks to
poor rolls, a patrol caught up to them, with a Veteran, two
Kobolds, two Scouts, and four Cultists. This allowed them
to capture a cultist and bring him back for interrogation.

The characters have hopefully gathered some
information about the Order of the Dragon
(including witnessing the Black Dragon Mask
worn by Rezmir, and the legendary Hazirawn at
her back) and rescued Leosin. It’s likely they
noticed the heavily guarded Chief’s tent, and the
suspicious cave nearby.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Dragon
Hatchery by Wizards of the Coast.
Please revise the introduction in section 2.4. H ATCHERY
Maps can be found in section 26.3. The next day, Leosin asks the characters to go
back, and keep an eye on the camp. Characters
are to find out if another raid is coming, where
6.1 I NTRODUCTION they are moving to next, and what’s in the cave.

Characters should be at level 4.

When characters reach the camp, they find it
The goal for this chapter is for characters to
empty. About four hunters (Scouts) remain
witness that the Order of the Dragon has left the
there, happily cooking some elk for lunch. These
camp and took with them several wagons with
carry food in and out of the cave, and are not
mysterious cargo. This is a typical dungeon
enemies of the characters. The characters might
crawl through the Hatchery, and characters will
even pretend to be hunters for easy access to the
hopefully eliminate Frulam Mondath and
Cyanwrath*. They will learn the destination the
cargo is headed towards, and also decide how to D RAGON H ATCHERY
deal with then Chromatic Dragon eggs they find.
I kept the dungeon mostly as is. Here are the
changes I made:

Figure 6.1: The Dragon Hatchery. Originally by Reddit’s u/Langeounet.


• Only three Violet Fungi on Area 3. At My Table
• The Stirges on Area 4, if awoken, attack bats My party carried Mondath and two other cultists back to
as well as the characters. Greenest for interrogation. They were given some horses
• Two Kobolds and three Winged Kobolds on by Nighthill, and were told Leosin is now awaiting them in
Area 6, distracted with food. Elturel with their rewards.
• The last Kobold alive during combat on Area
7 tries to escape into Area 8, but forgets about
the trap in the stairs and is killed by it.
• Only four Kobolds and four Winged Kobolds
on Area 8, distracted resting.
• The pit in Area 10A is covered with dense fog,
and the Black Guard Drakes in it have 10ft
Blindsight. The Roper is called William, and is
a British gentleman with great manners.
• The Kobolds in Area 10B surrender as soon
half are killed, if they witnessed Cyanwrath’s
• Cyanwrath* uses a modified statblock with
additional magic items.
• The enemies in Area 12, if alerted to the
presence of the characters, split up. Half go
with Mundath through the trapdoor, the other
half go around through the the hidden passage
in Area 2, taking some rounds to surround the
characters. Mundath will try to stall for time
while they move. After Mundath’s death, three
remaining cultists will surrender.
• Only one patrol of two Ambush Drakes
roaming about between Areas 7 and 10. They
take about an hour to make the full route, as
they stop for long periods of time in each room.
They stop just before the traps between Areas
4 and 7 to turn back around. These might still
be a challenge to many groups, so feel free to
weaken or remove this patrol entirely.

At My Table
Characters lured the two Dragonclaws guarding the cave
to the leaders’ tent and quickly disposed of them. They
explored the dungeon silently, quickly wiping each group of
Kobolds without alerting the next one, and ignored Areas 5
and 6. They rested in Area 8 before facing Cyanwrath.
After Cyanwrath’s defeat, they triggered the acid trap
(because they’re morons), and rested before exploring Area
10. There, they destroyed the three dragon eggs from a
distance. Using illusions, they tried to lure Mondath into
Area 9, but she was suspicious. Combat ensued, and they
captured her, while using the Kobold bombs to kill her

The characters have hopefully defeated
Cyanwrath and Mondath, learned that wagons
with suspicious cargo is being delivered to
Baldur’s Gate, and killed some chromatic dragon
eggs that would no-doubt lead to problems once
the hatchlings grew up.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s On the Road by paths with them. Suddenly, the puzzle-box is
Wizards of the Coast, and Descent into Avernus’s throw out the window by Ontharr, undoubtedly
Elturel Has Fallen by Wizards of the Coast. trying to hit Remallia in the head, but nearly
Please revise the introduction in section 2.5. hitting the characters instead. Remallia laughs,
Maps can be found in section 26.4. looks at the characters, and politely apologises
and asks them to return the box to Ontharr,
7.1 I NTRODUCTION walking away afterwards.
Characters should be at level 5. After Ontharr and Leosin are informed the
The goal for this chapter is for characters to raiders have abandoned the camp, they take a
relax and meet new allies in the great city of day to prepare a course of action. In the
Elturel, and eventually be recruited to help them meantime, Ontharr wishes to test them himself.
keep track of what the Order of the Dragon is up He was just asked by a noble named Davian to
to. steal back his grandmother’s ashes from
Davian’s cousin (see below). He asks the
characters to sdo so without harming any of the
7.2 E LTUREL guards or residents. If the characters fails this
Six days by horse from Greenest, the characters quest, Ontharr isn’t too impressed, and
arrive on Elturel. They can explore the city in comments he might need to send someone else
search of Ontharr, and become familiar with the to track the cultists. Leosin convinces him to
city’s perpetual sun (The Companion), the city’s give them a second chance.
prominent locations (Shiarra’s Market, The following day, Ontharr is officiating a
Dragoneye Docks, High Hall, Grand Cemetery, wedding near the Grand Cemetery. Characters
and the Pair of Black Antlers inn), and the can meet Undertaker Gideon Lightward, and can
Hellriders. get a brief glimpse at the High Overseer of
Elturel, Thavius Kreeg, who is leaving the
7.3 O RDER OF THE wedding just after the vows are said (Thavius is
the one that triggers the Fall of Elturel in Descent
G AUNTLET into Avernus). Gideon Lightward is still a living
Leosin’s superior, Remallia Haventree, an human (he becomes an undead in Descent into
active Harper agent from Waterdeep, is visiting Avernus), and a simple way to have him make a
Ontharr Frume, leader of the Order of the connection to the characters is for him to
Gauntlet, at the Antlers Inn. She leaves behind a worship the same god as one of them.
puzzle-box to mock Ontharr (in good nature, Ontharr has decided on a plan about the
they are close friends). As the characters Order of the Dragon. The characters are to sail
approach the Inn, she leaves it and crosses to Baldur’s Gate and wait for the cultists there.

Figure 7.1: Elturel City. By WorldAnvil.

They are then to join their caravan, and find (12d6) psychic damage. Characters can deduce a
what is their final destination and what is all hint to solve the puzzle with a DC 20 Intelligence
that cargo for. He gives them the following chart (Investigation) check. The puzzles are on the
to fill with information. His spies have already cube’s faces.
learned about the Order of the Dragon having
different cells, and he wants more details. 1. C HESS P UZZLE
If the characters didn’t open the puzzle-box,
The first puzzle shows a Chess board.
Leosin recommends they stay at the Elfsong
On opposite sides of the cube, there are two
tavern at Baldur’s Gate.
buttons, one black and one white, with no
discernible differences. The hint is There must be
7.4 T HE P UZZLE B OX a clue in the placement of the chess pieces,
regardless of their type. The pieces spell BAD in
This section is based on the Challenge of
black and ACE in white, so the correct solution
Champions IV adventure, by Johnathan
is to push the white button.
Ontharr doesn’t want to see the puzzle-box,
claiming it annoys him to no end (since he is
unable to open it). He murmurs something like The puzzle-box starts extending in opposite
"If you can open the damn thing, great, directions and markings begin to show as it
otherwise I want nothing to do with it!". transforms into a small circular totem. The top
Characters can break open the box with a DC 30 and bottom surfaces of the totem are clear
Strength (Athletics) check. Every time they make mirrors.
a mistake solving it or breaking it, they take 42 The solution is to read the hidden message in

Figure 7.2: The range of effect of The Companion. By Reddit’s u/kelanro.

Figure 7.3: The Order of the Dragon chart that Ontharr asks the characters to fill.

The puzzle-box returns to its regular cube-shape.
One of its faces now shows a grid, only partially
Each number in a square represents the
amount of mines surrounding it. The characters
need to mark the location of all 40 mines by
pressing the squares, one at a time. Pressing an
empty square reveals all squares around it.
For each successful hint, reveal a safe square
for the players. Once the entire grid is revealed,
the grid vanishes and the final puzzle is

The final puzzle shows the mysterious sentence
Come, human, die by sword or spear surrounded
by letters.
Figure 7.4: The Chess puzzle. Examining the nineteen letters in the outer
ring circling the inscription, the characters note
that all of the letters of the alphabet are
represented except for B, E, H, I, S, U, and Y.
the markings. Reflected, the words read BREAK Removing those letters from the phrase in the
MIRROR. inscription above reveals COMMAND WORD
The hint is The totem must be horizontal, or the ORPAR.
bottom mirror could not be seen. Once the The hint is Missing letter in the ring might affect
characters break either mirror, they find a the sentence within. Once the command word is
button hidden beneath it, which they can push uttered, the puzzle-box vanishes and a note
to solve the puzzle. within it falls to the ground.

Figure 7.7: The Mine puzzle solution.

Figure 7.5: The Totem puzzle. By Kennon James

and Kyle Hunter.

Figure 7.6: The Totem puzzle solution. By

Kennon James and Kyle Hunter. Figure 7.8: The Command puzzle. By Kennon
James and Kyle Hunter.
Looking forward to meeting you,
The note inside the puzzle-box reads:
Remallia Haventree, the Moon Daughter

Hello. Remallia is the Harper present in the Council

I don’t know who you are, but I’m sure Ontharr asked of Waterdeep, so this is a good way for the
someone to solve this puzzle-box for him. characters to establish an early connection with
Good job! You sound smart enough. If you come to her.
Baldur’s Gate, and you’re interested in working for the
Harpers, ask for Mari Al’maren at the Elfsong Tavern. If you
come to Waterdeep, come to the Yawning Portal and ask
for the Moon Daughter. This adventure is inspired by a Merchant’s
manor from Tomb of Annihilation.

Davian and Damien are noble cousins of arranged on the floor. Narrow windows look into
Elturel. They share a friendly rivalry, and fight to the garden, but these double as arrow slits in
see who keeps their Grandmother’s Urn of Ashes case visitors aren’t as friendly as they claim to
in their manor. Damien has had them for a few be.
months, and Davian’s attempts at recovering it
have all been thwarted. He has now resorted to 3. G RAND H ALL
an outside organization (the Order of the
Gauntlet) to take it back. A magnificently tiled floor is flanked by two
The nobles maintain a lavish lifestyle and sweeping staircases that ascend to the upper
conduct private business from there. These airy, floor. The urn stands atop a pedestal in the
opulent mansions include guest quarters for center of this hall. Two guards stand above the
important visitors and trading partners, and staircases of this room.
they’re patrolled by loyal, well-drilled guards at
all hours. The outer walls are 8 to 12 feet tall, up 4. G UEST R OOMS
to 2 feet thick, and topped with sharp and pointy
religious symbols that glitter colorfully in the Most of the right side of the house is devoted to
Companion’s light. Any character who climbs accommodations for guests. Three private
over the wall must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity sleeping rooms with attached baths, plus two
saving throw or take 2 (1d4) slashing damage sitting rooms and access to the garden, make
from the sharp objects. this far more luxurious than a typical inn. One
Paintings, statues, murals, frescoes, tapestries, Noble rests here.
and oil lamps meant to impress guests decorate
the lower level. The rooms on the upper level are 5. G ARDEN
decorated for comfort. The artwork and other Ferns, potted palms, orchids, and other tropical
decor reflect Damien’s taste. Two Guards stand flowers are cultivated in the garden, which is
outside the main front and back doors. One open to the sky. Local plants with useful
stands outside the door in Area 5. Two pairs of properties or applications as poison might be
Guards patrol the exterior wall, taking 5 minutes found in the garden of a noble with a
each to make a full patrol. horticultural bent.
Ontharr asks the characters to steal the urn
containing Damien’s grandmother’s ashes, as
requested by his cousin Davian, without 6. D INING R OOM
harming any of the guards or residents of the The dining table is very low, just a few inches
manor. above the floor. Three Nobles relax on pillows as
they eat.
This pleasant, breezy, tiled courtyard includes a 7. S AUNA
splashing fountain and green plants. Visitors
In addition to daily baths, well-to-do Eltureleans
can refresh themselves in a washroom to the left
love relaxing in saunas. Most home saunas are
of the entrance before meeting residents of the
heated with charcoal burners or hot stones, but
manor. The entry portico is always guarded by
in Damien’s manor, a trapped Fire Elemental
four Gladiators recruited from the noble’s
provides round-the-clock heat, and a servant
extended family or hand-picked for their loyalty
(Commoner) is always available to massage tired
and fighting prowess. These guards are always
on alert against tricksters and magicians trying
to gain entrance to their master’s home, so they
have advantage on skill checks and saving 8. B ATH
throws against attempts to distract, bamboozle, The bath is the cornerstone of the manor, even
or charm them. more so than the dining room or family rooms.
The ceiling of the entryway is two stories tall. The family relaxes here during private times, but
there’s nothing unusual about a noble holding
2. S ITTING A REA meetings in the bath with trusted advisors and
This is both a waiting area and a meeting area close business associates. Being invited into the
for guests who aren’t known to the manor’s household bath is considered an honor in
master, and therefore won’t necessarily be given Elturelean society, and treating it as anything
access to the inner chambers of the house. less than an honor risks offending the person
Decorative columns support the arched doorway who extended the invitation. Three Nobles bathe
from area 1. Rugs and comfortable pillows are here.

The kitchen is large, high-ceilinged, and well The servants’ quarters are isolated from the
ventilated; otherwise, heat from cooking fires family sleeping areas for security. There is
would make it unbearably hot. Stairs lead up to nothing remarkable about them. Two
the laundry room (area 14). Two Commoners Commoners rest in the bedrooms. One Guard
cook here. patrols the balcony outside.


Eltureleans are fans of mythical romance, and The characters have hopefully connected with
the city has an active literary community with the Order of the Gauntlet and with the Harpers.
many book clubs. A character who spends a few They now have a mission: track the cargo being
hours sifting through the formulaic fiction and hauled by the Order of the Dragon (currently
succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) headed to Baldur’s Gate), and gather information
check finds useful books of Elturelean lore about the Order’s members and cells.
mixed in with the romances. Use this as an
opportunity to answer specific questions posed
by the players, exploring Hellrider and the
Companion’s origins.


The noble’s children, spouses, and other close
family members live in these apartments. They
are richly appointed with pillows and tiger-skin
rugs. One child Noble rests here.


The noble’s suite is the most opulent room in the
palace. A pleasant breeze blows through large,
lattice-covered windows, causing the potted
plants to sway gently. The headboard of the
master bed is fantastically carved in motifs
suggestive of the merchant’s business.
Connected rooms contain a small, private bath
and a walk-in closet filled with expensive
clothing, mirrors, combs, and so forth. Damien
(Noble) and two female Commoners are having
fun here.
The suite contains two gems worth 100gp each
in a locked jewelry box requiring a DC 15
Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check to open.


This guard room is intentionally set in the midst
of the family rooms and the master suite. The
guards are responsible for safeguarding the
family during their most vulnerable time, when
they’re sleeping or relaxing in their own
chambers. This station is always manned by
four Gladiators who are fanatically loyal to the
noble and richly rewarded for their devotion.


Elturelean nobles are scrupulous about their
clothing. Laundry is washed here every day,
then hours are spent fanning it to and fro on
lines. One Commoner works here.

Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s On the Road by D ISTRICTS
Wizards of the Coast, and Descent into Avernus’s
A Tale of Two Cities by Wizards of the Coast. Today, Baldur’s Gate is split into three districts:
the wealthy Upper City on the hills above the
Please revise the introduction in section 2.6.
docks, the bustling Lower City around the
Maps can be found in section 26.5.
harbor (both are ringed by an impressive
defensive wall), and the lawless Outer City
(which includes all neighborhoods outside the
8.1 I NTRODUCTION city walls). Regardless of what district one might
Characters should be at level 5. be visiting, certain features are impossible to
ignore, like the wash of Gray Harbor, the
The goal for this chapter is for characters to
shadows of Dusthawk Hill, or the gates that
become familiar with Baldur’s Gate, obtain
contribute to the city’s name.
another Harper connection, and explore the
Dungeon of the Dead Three, realizing how other While the Outer City might seem the most
fanatical evil cults are also being affected by the lawless, every district of Baldur’s Gate has its
machinations of the Order of the Dragon. They own threats. In the Upper City, patriar families
won’t know the reason why the Gods are worried, and government officials jostle to secure their
but it should perk the players’ curiosity. positions. Many are not above using private
agents to acquire blackmail material, sabotage
public appearances, or even frame innocents to
8.2 B ALDUR ’ S G ATE secure power. The victims of these plots, and
officials who want a fair and honest legal system,
Even the most hardened adventurers watch their must resort to hiring their own agents to
steps in Baldur’s Gate, where lives hold prices in unearth conspiracies, break out unfairly
copper and greed proves deadlier than dragon imprisoned citizens, and obtain evidence the
fire. Baldur’s Gate has a reputation for being a Flaming Fist cannot.
rough place, where crime and opportunity walk The Upper City’s political intrigues and the
hand in hand, and where anything can be Outer City’s violence spills over into the Lower
bought, sold, or seized at swordpoint. If City, the city’s middle ground. Rampant crime,
something can be given a price, it’s for sale class grudges, foreign threats, and economic
somewhere in Baldur’s Gate. Drugs and poisons pressures leave many Baldurians feeling trapped
sit on shelves alongside tinctures and remedies. within their own homes. Flaming Fist patrols
Trade goods from Chult, mechanical wonders react to threats with indiscriminate violence,
from Neverwinter, tomes of magic from doing little to make citizens feel safer. As a
Calimshan, and the most believable counterfeits result, in recent years many citizens have
of each can all be found in the city’s stalls. started banding together in crews. These
The Flaming Fist, a mercenary company paid counter-gangs align along professional or
for by the city, protects residents without the neighborhood affiliations, doing their best to
barest hint of civil delicacy. The Watch, the protect their territories. While this has given
guardian force of the wealthy Upper City, exists some of the city’s people a way of feeling more in
only to serve the patriars - the city’s detached control of their lives, it’s also increased the
upper class. Meanwhile, crime flourishes under number of armed citizens on the streets.
the control of the Guild, which oversees almost Whether the Lower City is actually safer after the
every organized criminal act, from dockside formation of crews remains an open question.
gambling rings to blackmail at patriar garden In the Outer City, all the world washes against
parties. Either under the Guild’s auspices or in the city’s gates. Here crime and poverty are
defiance of them, those who cut purses or contrasted by wonders from afar and the riches
throats make a decent living in the city, their of cultures across Faerûn. The mix of wanderers
talents traded as briskly - and often just as and refugees remains in constant flux, with
openly - as those of any other professional. communities forming and disbanding on a
For all its shadows and dark dealings, Baldur’s monthly basis. None can possibly keep track of
Gate is not without its lights. Some residents all the foreign traditions or the dangerous -
earnestly seek to make the city a safer place by sometimes outright evil - religious practices
banding together to make their own sort of observed in the Outer City. As a result, Baldur’s
imperfect but effective justice. Gate has widely adopted a "do no harm" policy


when it comes to faiths and organizations recognizing every Upper City resident on sight.
operating in the city. Any group is welcome to
operate openly so long as the city’s important L AW AND O RDER
citizens aren’t harmed. Everyone in Baldur’s Gate is expected to hew to
common law. Murder, theft, assault, blackmail,
G OVERNMENT and fraud all carry severe penalties. Patriars, the
The Parliament of Peers, a group mainly wealthy, and the well-connected are given much
composed of nearly fifty patriar members, makes more leniency than commoners. A noble heir
recommendations on issues of law and who steals from a shop might get away with a
governance. Once the parliament comes to a fine paid by a parent, whereas a commoner
majority decision on a matter, usually after committing the same crime may be jailed or
much heated debate, it presents its position to publicly flogged.
the Council of Four. Three dukes and one grand Both the Watch and the Flaming Fist have the
duke (Ulder Ravengard*) make up this ruling right to dispense immediate justice, should they
council. The council also votes on matters, and witness a crime in progress. In unclear
in the case of a tie, the grand duke’s vote counts situations, or when a person of influence is
as two. involved, the accused is jailed until a trial can be
Common belief holds that many parliament set.
members, and possibly one or more of the dukes,
can be bribed for their votes. Corrupt parliament C ITIZENRY
members don’t wish to be caught taking The citizens of Baldur’s Gate include many races
payments, usually not out of fear of legal and ethnicities. Though prejudices can exist
reprisal, but of being perceived as incompetent among certain residents, Baldur’s Gate as a
among their peers. The perception is that one whole is a diverse and unprejudiced - if not
who can’t be trusted to receive something as welcoming - city.
simple as a bribe likely can’t be trusted to Many of the patriar families of Baldur’s Gate
manipulate the city’s intricate social web. Such can trace their lineage back for generations, but
leads to the common farce of officials buying a significant portion of Baldurians were not born
cheap jewelry or fake art objects with their bribe in the city. Most citizens began their lives in
money (usually in the form of platinum coins or Tethyr, the North, the Western Heartlands, or
jewels) hidden inside. other communities along the Sword Coast.
Baldurians born in Amn, the High Forest, and
M ILITARY nations bordering the Inner Sea are less
Baldur’s Gate boasts two military forces: the common, but still present. Rarely, travelers from
Flaming Fist and the Watch. as far away as Chult, Mulhorand, or Luiren
The red and gold symbol of the Flaming Fist decide to follow the flow of trade and settle in the
mercenary company has become emblematic of city.
Baldur’s Gate. The Council of Four funds the
Flaming Fist, supporting it as the city’s army. R ELIGION
Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard* is its undisputed Baldurians are permitted to worship whatever
leader. The Flaming Fist largely patrols the deities they wish, so long as they refrain from
Lower City, though it holds nominal authority violent acts and practices that disrupt trade.
over the Outer City as well. The company has While multiple temples rise within the city walls,
enough to do maintaining order within the city hundreds of tiny shrines sit along the twisted
walls without straying too far from its gates, streets of the Outer City.
though the Fist has been known to hire In the city proper, worship centers around a
independent agents when its ranks are spread handful of well-known and generally respectable
thin. deities. Most established temples, with clergy
Watch officers can spend their entire careers and daily rituals, are in the Upper City, which
within the Upper City. Bankrolled by the precludes commoners from worshiping after
patriars, the Watch has a reputation as glorified dark, when only residents are allowed to remain
bodyguards for the city’s elite. Orderly and in the Upper City. Since most commoners work
regimented, the Watch maintains precise, during the day, their faith usually becomes
predictable patrols. At dusk, the Watch clears secondary in their lives. Ostentatious adherence
the Upper City of everyone but residents, their to religious rituals is seen as a privilege of the
household staffs, and guests bearing written wealthy. Some Baldurians even think outwardly
invitations. Many Watch officers, born and displaying one’s faith is a sign of pretentiousness
raised in the city, pride themselves on and insincerity.


Among the many deities worshiped in Baldur’s underpin many of the plots in the city, from the
Gate, a handful hold particular prominence: the business of highly-paid killers on patriar payrolls
Dead Three, Gond, Helm, Ilmater, Oghma, to slayings of opportunity committed by Outer
Siamorphe, Tymora, and Umberlee. City fanatics. Such bloodthirsty faithful rarely
gather in numbers, but they typically mark
D EAD T HREE themselves by carving a fresh gouge on their
Bane (the Lord of Tyranny), Bhaal (the Lord of thumbs - spilling their blood in Bhaal’s name
Murder), and Myrkul (the Lord of Bones) make while creating a subtle mark identifying that
up the Dead Three. While these deities have lost identifies them among allies. Despite the Lord of
much of their power, their faiths still command Murder’s decentralized worship, some believe a
respect and fear throughout Baldur’s Gate. temple to Bhaal exists near or under the city,
While open worship of the Dead Three is frowned possibly in an ancient chamber beneath the
upon in Baldur’s Gate, their worship is not sewers or carved into Dusthawk Hill. Rumor
illegal - so long as worship remains within the holds that eleven red crystals on the wall of the
laws. Every now and then, rumors surface that a temple grow brighter with every murder
powerful political figure is a Bhaalspawn (an committed, gathering power for either Bhaal or
offspring of the Lord of Murder). These claims one of his future chosen. Some claim that Bhaal
almost always prove to be smear campaigns with himself regularly visits the temple, his presence
no basis in truth - though, in some cases, such contributing to the city’s high murder rate.
claims have actually raised a figure’s standing in While the Dead Three occupy a prominent
the public eye. place in Baldurians’ fears, their faiths currently
Nefarious patriars whisper prayers to Bane have only the shallowest roots in the city.
when they seek to gain power through coercion, Followers of the Dead Three have done more to
intimidation, and forceful exaction of the law. incite dread than faith. As a result, their
Gang leaders, evil mercenaries, and others who numbers remain relatively small. Their sinister
rely on fear and control, also pay homage to reputations outstrip their actual influence,
Bane. Those who want to evoke dominance and though, with gossip spreading quickly whenever
ruthlessness favor wearing black gloves - a nod the deities’ ominous symbols appear in graffiti or
to Bane’s holy symbol. the Flaming Fist cracks down on overzealous
Myrkul claims a following among those who fanatics. Despite public fears and resistance
wish to learn from or command the dead. Those from law enforcement, the cults of the Dead
who plunder tombs for lost knowledge, grim Three persist, causing many to darkly wonder
entrepreneurs who see business sense in why the servants of Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul
undead servants, even pragmatic necromancers hold such interest in Baldur’s Gate.
seeking to conjure secrets from the wealthy dead
of Cliffside Cemetery all whisper prayers to
Myrkul. Of the Dead Three, Myrkul’s base of
power is the smallest. Residents of Baldur’s Gate Refer to the Baldur’s Gate Gazetteer for in-depth
rarely fear death by old age - a grim fact of living information about the city, its people,
in such a dangerous city. As a result, few landmarks, and anything else that could be
desperate elders seek the blessing of the Lord of useful.
Bones. Those who do, though, tend to be both
cagey and wealthy, which means that although
Myrkul’s worshipers are small in number, their 8.3 C ONNECTIONS IN
resources have hidden depths.
Since the time when the Bhaalspawn Sarevok B ALDUR ’ S G ATE
plotted to start a war between Baldur’s Gate and The characters can rest for a couple of days in
Amn as a path to claiming Bhaal’s power, Baldur’s Gate. They can help the Harpers with a
awareness of the Lord of Murder’s children has developing situation regarding evil-worshippers,
grown. Baldur’s Gate maintains a grim draw for buy magical items from the city’s sprawling
Bhaalspawn, whether due to some foul influence markets, or do whatever else they wish to. At
in the city itself, or merely because of Sarevok’s some point while the characters move through
lingering reputation. the city, they cross paths with Marshal Ulder
At the same time, worship of Bhaal proves Ravengard, leader of the Flaming Fist, and
darkly popular in Baldur’s Gate. Few openly Grand Duke of Baldur’s Gate. They might
admit to worshiping the Lord of Murder, but recognize him, but he does not know them (nor
there is an unspoken assumption that anyone has he any reason to), and he is too busy at the
who benefits from violent death has some moment. He later participates in the Council of
respect for Bhaal. Assassination and murder Waterdeep.


The characters’ contact is the Harper Mari not the patrons, and won’t break up a fight
Al’maren, residing at Elfsong Tavern. unless a staff member is involved.
Well-armed patrons (commoners and thugs
8.4 E LFSONG T AVERN mostly) huddle around tables in the main room
and in private booths. Three padded chairs are
From time to time, the disembodied voice of a angled toward a fireplace on the east wall,
female elf fills the tavern with a melancholy song, underneath the creaky wooden staircase that
giving the establishment its name. The ballad climbs to the second floor. Some drunk is
isn’t loud enough to disrupt conversation, but usually passed out on the couch against the
most patrons stop speaking when the elfsong north wall. Next to the couch sits a wooden sea
begins, then resume only after it ends. Many chest that contains an assortment of games
customers frequent the tavern in the hopes of (Dragonchess boards, well-used decks of
hearing it. Those who speak Elvish can Three-Dragon Ante cards, and so on). The
understand the lyrics, which lament an lounge is filled with local fishers and crab
unnamed lover lost at sea. No one is sure how catchers.
the spirit came to haunt the tavern, just as no
one can predict when it will sing again. T OP F LOOR
Alan Alyth, the tavern’s current owner and
proprietor, is a neutral half-elf Commoner with Lit lanterns hang from the rafters in the central
darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. Alan windowless room. Rugs cover the wooden floor
recently turned seventy-five years old and has and help dampen the noise from drunken
run the establishment for decades. His elven patrons gathered around two large tables, eating
blood through his half-elf mother has kept him and playing games of Baldur’s Bones. One of the
alive this long, and keeps him looking better individuals seated at the table nearest the stairs
than most full-blooded humans his age. He runs is Mari Al’maren.
a moneylending business on the side, offering Some of the rooms here are empty, others are
loans to customers he trusts. He rarely gives locked and occupied. If the characters stay at
loans to adventurers, knowing how flighty they this inn, Al’maren expects them to behave
can be, but he might offer them a free glass of properly.
elverquisst wine if he thinks it’ll keep their
swords sheathed. M ARI A L ’ MAREN
Mari Al’maren was born in Elturel and was
G ROUND F LOOR raised by a Harper bard, having retired from
Alan Alyth tends bar while two young men adventuring due to old age (she is now very very
(human commoners) take orders, deliver drinks old, her lifespan extended due to magic). She is
and food to tables, and joke with the clientele. quick to laugh and to anger but also sarcastic;
Flanking the entrance are two bouncers: a suit she treats people like they treat her, with calm
of animated armor and a gruff female half-ogre. and patience if they are kind to her, and with
Both are here to protect the other staff members, rudeness otherwise. She asks the characters to

Figure 8.1: Elfsong tavern. By Patreon’s Midgardia.


explore a dungeon that she has recently found at midnight and reopens at dawn, and city
out about. residents come and go here throughout the day
and into the evening.
Several blocks northwest of here is a public bathhouse with
a walled garden and frolicking nymphs carved into its front
gates. Followers of the Dead Three have been seen coming
This L-shaped courtyard features a trimmed lawn and nicely
and going from the bathhouse, and two days ago, one my
manicured shrubbery. The yard is decorated with white
sources informed me there’s a secret door inside that leads
marble benches and stone fountains, each in the form of a
to a dungeon. I’d like you to find your way inside this
smiling nymph tipping a jug that spills water into a circular
dungeon and eliminate any evil worshippers you might find.
stone basin.
If you can, find out who is responsible for this.

An invisible Imp is perched on the southeast

The Dungeon of the Dead Three is hidden fountain. If the characters look as though they
below a bathhouse that’s secretly owned and intend to cause trouble, the imp observes them
operated by the Vanthampur family. The family’s quietly until they enter the bathhouse, then flies
matriarch, Thalamra Vanthampur, is one of the to Vanthampur Villa in the Upper City to alert
Dukes of Baldur’s Gate, second only to Ulder Thurstwell Vanthampur, the oldest of Duke
Ravengard*. One member of the family, Thalamra Vanthampur’s sons. Thurstwell
Mortlock Vanthampur*, is in the dungeon instructs the imp to return to its post but takes
helping to coordinate the Dead Three cultists’ no further action, hoping that the characters
attacks in the city. These attacks are meant to dispose of his brother, Mortlock.
demonstrate to the citizens of Baldur’s Gate that
the Flaming Fist can’t protect them. D2. B ATHS
Mari Al’maren, in the mean time, keeps an eye
out for the Order of the Dragon’s expedition and From dawn to midnight, characters can expect
warns the characters once it arrives at Baldur’s to find 3 (1d6) human Commoners bathing here
Gate. at any given time. From midnight to dawn, three
female human Reapers of Bhall stand guard
near the pools and attack trespassers on sight. If
8.5 D UNGEON OF THE a fight breaks out here, the Skull Lasher of
Myrkul* in area D4 joins the fray in the second
D EAD T HREE round of combat.
The Order of the Dragon’s activity is having
repercussions across the Forgotten Realms. The The walls of this twenty-foot-high pillared chamber are
Dead Three worry that, if Tiamat comes into the adorned with frescoes of bathing royalty. Natural light
material plane, they will be weakened by losing streams through stained-glass windows, creating colorful
their followers and Tiamat gaining hers. patterns on the tiles of polished blue marble that cover the
Followers of the Dead Three had visions from floor. Three shallow, sunken pools contain scintillating
their gods and intercepted one of the cult’s perfume-scented water. White marble benches bearing
caravans. They used that treasure to wreak stacks of dry towels are situated near the pools, each of
havoc across Baldur’s Gate. which comes equipped with a pair of brass faucets.
When the characters arrive at the bathhouse,
read the following boxed text aloud to the
players: The faucets draw warm and cold water from
pipes that run underneath the floor. A
tight-fitting stone plug at the bottom of each pool
The bathhouse is a one-story stuccoed building with keeps its water from draining out. Numerous
stained-glass windows and clay roof tiles. Ten-foot-tall walls tiny drain holes near the tops of the sunken
enclose a large courtyard outside the southeast corner of pools prevent them from overflowing.
the building. The closed wooden doors to the courtyard are
engraved with images of smiling nymphs dancing and D3. S OUTH M ASSAGE R OOM
frolicking in water.
This room contains a massage table draped in
clean towels. Bottles of perfume stored under
There’s nothing outwardly suspicious about the table are used to scent the pools in area D2.
the bathhouse, which features one of the most Natural light enters through a stained-glass
sophisticated plumbing systems in the city. The window set into the south wall.
doors leading to the courtyard (area D1) are During the hours in which the bathhouse is
unlocked and unguarded. The bathhouse closes open, an androgynous human masseuse (neutral


good commoner) named Jabaz works here. (Perception) check finds the secret door, which
Jabaz knows that the bathhouse is owned by swings inward when pushed. A foul, sewer-like
Duke Thalamra Vanthampur and run by her stench greets anyone who opens the secret door.
brutish son, Mortlock. Behind the door, a staircase descends 20 feet to
Mortlock has given Jabaz strict orders not to area D5, featuring smooth stone steps and brick
hang around the bathhouse after hours. Jabaz walls. Two sputtering torches in wall sconces
suspects that Mortlock is running some sort of illuminate the staircase, but the dungeon below
shady business on the side, and that he’s using is dark.
the establishment as a front to conceal his dark
dealings without the duke’s knowledge. Jabaz D5. E NTRANCE TO THE D UNGEON
knows the location of the secret door in area D4
Duke Vanthampur became aware of this ancient
but won’t volunteer that information, fearing
dungeon while she was managing the city’s
Mortlock’s retaliation. Jabaz doesn’t know what
water utilities and sewer system. She built the
lies beyond the secret door.
bathhouse to hide it.

D4. N OR TH M ASSAGE R OOM • The dungeon’s rooms, corridors, and

staircases are hewn from limestone and unlit
From midnight to dawn, a male human Skull unless the text states otherwise. Followers of
Lasher of Myrkul* guards this room unless he’s the Dead Three carry torches or rely on
drawn to area D2 by sounds of battle there. darkvision to see in the dungeon.
During the hours in which the bathhouse is • The 5-foot-wide corridors throughout the
open, a female human masseuse (neutral good dungeon have 8-foot-high ceilings. Rooms
commoner) named Qurmilah works here. She have 9-foot-high ceilings, often braced with
knows the same information as Jabaz in area D3 wooden beams. Each beam is a Large object
and behaves similarly. with AC 15, 10 hit points, and immunity to
This room is furnished in the same fashion as poison and psychic damage. Destroying all the
area D3, with the additional feature of a secret beams in an area has a 25 percent chance of
door in the north wall. A character who searches triggering a roof collapse. Each creature under
the north wall and succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom the collapsing roof must succeed on a DC 15

Figure 8.2: The Dungeon of the Dead Three. By Reddit’s u/PoobertShittenheimer.


Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) yellow mold growing around its edges. In fact, a
bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half 5-foot-square patch of yellow mold clings to the
as much damage on a successful one. The back of the tapestry and releases its deadly
area remains open but is difficult terrain spores if the tapestry is disturbed.
• Regular doors are made of soft, rotting wood. D9. T HE D EAD T HREE D OORS
Each door is a Medium object with AC 15, 5 This chamber is empty but not bereft of decor.
hit points, and immunity to poison and Carved into each of its three doors is a full-figure
psychic damage. Secret doors are carved to depiction of one of the Dead Three. A character
look like the surrounding limestone walls and recognizes all the figures with a successful DC
require a successful DC 14 Wisdom 14 Intelligence (Religion) check.
(Perception) check to locate. Once located, a
secret door pushes open easily. • East Door: the face of this door bears a
• Certain areas of the dungeon are flooded with
carving of Bane, the lawful evil god of tyranny,
murky water to a depth of 2 feet to make them who is depicted as a tall, armored man
difficult terrain. The water seeps into the wearing a bucket helm. His right gauntlet is
dungeon from nearby sewers through cracks painted black and clutches a set of shackles.
• North Door: this door bears a carving of
in the limestone. It carries a foul stench and is
undrinkable. Bhaal, the chaotic evil god of murder. He’s
depicted as a powerfully built, skull-headed
The chamber at the bottom of the staircase is man with long, curved blades where his hands
empty, unlit, and flooded with foul-smelling should be.
water to a depth of 2 feet. • South Door: this door bears a carving of
Myrkul, the neutral evil Lord of Bones. He is
D6. B LOATED C ORPSE portrayed as a cloaked figure whose face is
Floating face-down in the middle of this flooded hidden under a cowl. In his skeletal hands, he
room is the bloated corpse of a shirtless male clutches a screaming human skull.
human with knife wounds in his back. The
corpse was once a Bhaal worshiper named D10. S KULL L ASHERS ’ R OOM
Hiskaal, who was killed by his cultist peers for The creatures here watch area D9 through a
allowing a target to escape during a recent crack in the door, and any sign of the characters
attack in the city. This target is the one who approaching lets them set up an ambush of
informed Mari Al’maren about the dungeon. Any sorts.
character who inspects the corpse and succeeds
on a DC 14 Wisdom (Medicine) check concludes Lying on the floor of this otherwise empty room are the
that the man has been dead for two days. pale bodies of three humans in filthy black robes, arranged
in a triangular formation. A lit torch lies between them. A
D7. B HAAL ’ S A LTAR rough-hewn staircase to the left leads down to another
torchlit chamber.
Three wooden beams brace the ceiling of this flooded
chamber, which features a stone altar covered with entrails These three Skull Lashers of Myrkul* are
in the northeast corner. Hanging on the wall above the altar playing dead. They conceal their skull-headed
is a three-foot-tall steel mask cast in the form of a frowning flails underneath their robes. Any character who
human skull. watches the bodies carefully can determine that
they’re alive with a successful DC 14 Wisdom
The steel skull mask represents the visage of (Insight) check.
Bhaal and has no magical properties. The Skull Lashers leap to their feet and attack
The humanoid entrails were left on the altar as when any character enters the room, or if they
an offering to the god of murder. Pouring a vial are attacked first. They fight to the death to
of holy water on the entrails causes them to guard the treasure in area D11.
melt away and also causes the altar to smolder.
The back wall of this dry alcove is hung with a This chamber has partially collapsed around a
5-foot-wide, 7-foot-tall tapestry. It depicts a stone sarcophagus that was opened and looted
grisly scene of four faceless figures ripping apart long ago.
a fifth figure, who is screaming. Characters who The Skull Lashers in area D10 hid three
inspect the tapestry without touching it notice spellbooks beneath the dust and humanoid


bones in the sarcophagus, having stolen the Upper City - but the noble is lying. His mother is
books from murder victims. dead, his patriar father is ailing, and his three
• Spellbook 1 is bound in red leather and younger siblings crave their inheritance, which
contains the following spells: burning hands, they would rather split three ways than four. The
detect magic, disguise self, fog cloud, ray of trading coster that the family part-owns is
sickness, silent image. struggling and can’t afford to pay any large
• Spellbook 2 has the personal rune of its
reward or ransom.
previous owner burned into its umber cover. Klim’s shackles have AC 19, 10 hit points, and
This book contains the following spells: charm immunity to poison and psychic damage.
person, find familiar, identify, magic The suit of armor is welded together and is
missile, sleep. harmless, but its gauntlets are detachable. Both
• Spellbook 3 is bound in scaly black reptile
gauntlets are animated objects statistically
hide and contains the following spells: cloud identical to Medium objects from a Animate
of daggers, darkvision, detect magic, Objects spell. The gauntlets detach from the
feather fall, mage armor, magic missile, armor and attack anyone who disturbs them or
Tasha’s hideous laughter. frees the prisoner from his shackles.


Unless the characters approach this room
Unless the characters take special care to
quietly and without light sources, they alert the
approach quietly and without light sources, they
occupants here. Describe the area to the players
alert the room’s occupants.
as follows:

The eastern part of this room is unlit, flooded, and braced This partially collapsed room has three wooden beams
with floor-to-ceiling wooden beams. Rough-hewn steps rise bracing its ceiling. Situated between the beams is a
out of the murky water to the western portion of the room, scorched wooden table with a human cadaver resting atop
which is dry and lit by two torches in sconces that flank a it. A frighteningly thin woman in a black robe is studying
stone altar. Shackled to the wall behind the altar is a sickly the corpse, her face largely hidden under a cowl. Around
man in a loincloth with a burlap sack over his head. An her feet creeps two swarms of skeletal rats.
alcove in the north wall contains a freestanding suit of plate
armor missing its helm.
Standing before the altar are two grim figures: a
The necromancer looming over the corpse is
powerfully built woman clutching a mace, and an even
Flennis, a female human Master of Souls* and
bigger man wearing a bucket helm. The helmed man is
the highest-ranking follower of Myrkul in the
dungeon. Use the swarm of rats stat block to
jabbing the prisoner with a spear, causing him to twitch.
represent Flennis’s skeletal rats, but they are
Both figures are clad in chain mail, and the woman carries a
undead instead of beasts.
wooden shield with a leering skull painted on it.
Flennis is preparing to make a Ghoul out of
the corpse on the table, but the Create Undead
The two armored figures are Kazzira, a female spell takes 1 minute to cast, which means she
human Black Gauntlet of Bane*, and Yignath, a must deal with the characters first. If the rats
male human Iron Consul*. Yignath is torturing keep the enemies busy, she can finisher her
the prisoner for fun while Kazzira watches. Both ritual. Otherwise, while her skeletal rats attack
attack intruders but prefer to remain on dry the nearest foe, she casts spells while using the
ground. The skull on Kazzira’s shield has been table for cover.
painted in fresh blood. Hanging from Yignath’s In addition to her robe and her flail, Flennis
belt is an iron key ring with seven keys - one for carries a dusty spellbook that contains all the
the shackles above the altar, two for the shackles spells she has prepared. The book has black
in area D22, and four that unlock the chests in leather covers and sports a tiny, skull-shaped
area D30. locking mechanism. Flennis has the key to the
The prisoner hanging on the west wall is Klim lock stuck in her hair. A character can also pick
Jhasso, a male human noble captured in the the lock with a successful DC 14 Dexterity check
Lower City two days ago after his bodyguard was made with thieves’ tools.
slain. Klim is a neutral evil Noble with 1 hit The first time a creature other than Flennis
point remaining. He is unarmored (AC 10) and opens the book, a wisp of black smoke rises from
weaponless. He speaks Common and Elvish, but its pages and coalesces into a skull that cackles
has no useful information to share. Klim madly for a few seconds before dissipating. The
guarantees that his family will pay a generous creature holding the book when the smoke
reward for his safe return to their estate in the appears must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution


saving throw or be cursed for 24 hours, during writing on the walls. The writing, which is not
which time the creature has vulnerability to visible otherwise, says in Common,
necrotic damage.
An ordinary rat scurries around this room, If these words are spoken aloud within 5 feet
looking for scraps of food. If the characters use a of the altar, the words vanish as bones hidden
speak with animals spell or similar magic to under the debris at the north end of the room
communicate with the rat, it can share its rise up and knit together, forming three
knowledge of the dungeon with them. It warms animated human skeletons. The skeletons are
to characters who offer it food. evil undead, but they obey the commands of
The rat’s knowledge is limited to places it has whoever spoke the words that raised them,
visited - specifically areas D5 through D26. It serving that individual until they’re destroyed or
doesn’t know the location of secret doors, so it’s their master is killed.
unaware of areas D27 through D33, which are
hidden behind the secret door in area D23. D18. G AS B UILDUP
D15. F LOODED R OOM The ceiling of this flooded room is supported by
numerous wooden beams. The air here smells
The flooded, rubble-strewn tunnels leading to like rotten eggs, a putrid stench that carries
and from this room narrow to a width of 2 and a beyond the room. Any character approaching
half feet in places. Four rotting wooden beams this area who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom
rise from the murky water to brace the ceiling (Survival) check realizes that the stench is an
here. Rubble piled in the northwest corner indicator of flammable gas in the room. This gas
contains nothing of interest. disperses before reaching other areas of the
dungeon, and the Dead Three cultists extinguish
D16. F LOODED C RYPT their torches before moving through this area.
Murky, foul-smelling water surrounds an open Bringing a lit torch or other open flame into
stone sarcophagus resting in the middle of this the gas-filled room triggers an explosion that fills
crypt, its stone lid lying broken in three pieces the chamber. Creatures fully immersed in the
under the water north of it. A detect magic spell water take no damage, but all others must
reveals an aura of evocation magic around the succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw,
sarcophagus. Characters who pull the lid taking 14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
fragments out of the water see that the lid was half as much damage on a successful one. All
carved in the likeness of a screaming, the wooden beams that support the ceiling are
axe-wielding barbarian. destroyed in the explosion, which could cause a
Exposure to the dampness has rotted the roof collapse. The explosion also burns away the
bones in the sarcophagus, reducing them to gas, which builds up slowly and becomes
black sludge. dangerous again after 24 hours.
If the contents of the sarcophagus are
disturbed, a ghostly battleaxe appears above the D19. P AR TIALLY C OLLAPSED
sarcophagus. The battleaxe functions like a C RYPT
Large object from Animate Objects, but it deals Much of this room has fallen in, with the debris
slashing damage. The ghostly battleaxe can’t be field mostly burying a stone sarcophagus that
harmed, can’t leave the room, and targets only was looted years ago. Nothing of interest
creatures, acting on initiative count 20. The remains.
effect ends when there are no longer any
creatures in the room. D20. H ALF -P LUNDERED C RYPT
D17. M YRKUL ’ S A LTAR An open sarcophagus stands at the back of this
dusty crypt, its heavy stone lid lying on its side
This dry, partially collapsed room contains a stone altar
between the sarcophagus and the south wall.
with humanoid skulls and bones piled around it. The top of
The north-facing side of the sarcophagus bears
the altar is covered with dozens of half-melted candles
faded frescoes of spear-wielding warriors
made of black wax, all currently unlit.
charging across golden plains on horseback.
A casual search of the sarcophagus turns up
nothing but dust and a few scattered humanoid
If one or more of the black candles on the altar bones. Any character who conducts a thorough
are lit, they shed a green light that reveals black search realizes that the sarcophagus has a false


bottom made of inch-thick plaster. Smashing Jhasso patriar family, which is part-owner of a
through this plaster layer reveals a cavity below trading coster that operates throughout the
that contains a human mummy floating in a Western Heartlands (see area D12).
shallow pool of red brine. The mummy has two The female tiefling has 0 hit points, and is
moonstones (50 gp each) embedded in its eye unconscious but stable. She is Vendetta Kress, a
sockets and a bag of beans where its heart neutral commoner who speaks Common and
would normally be. Characters must Infernal. She has resistance to fire damage and
intentionally tear open the mummy’s chest to darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. Kress has
find the hidden bag. The mummy is inanimate received visions (because of her Tiefling
and doesn’t protest the theft. inheritance) from Avernus, and understands
that turmoil is rising in the First Circle of Hell,
D21. G HOUL C RYPT with Zariel and Bel opposing each other. She
Characters who listen at the door to this room doesn’t know the details, but her visions showed
hear faint humanoid moans in the room beyond. her the Order of the Dragon carrying a wagon
into Baldur’s Gate, which was somehow linked
to Avernus being in upheavel. She followed the
Six moaning humans with rotting flesh shamble about this wagon, and saw it get attacked by the Followers
dusty crypt, which reeks of death. An open stone of the Dead Three. She quickly retreated, but
sarcophagus rests against the back wall, its shattered lid was spotted and captured as well. The Dead
lying in pieces on the floor around it. Three followers believed she was a spy for the
Harpers or the Flaming Fist, and never believed
The shambling corpses are six Ghouls created her story.
by Flennis (see area D13) from the remains of The reason for the upheaval in Avernus, which
the Dead Three cultists’ murder victims. The Kress is unaware of, is that Archduke Zariel, the
zombies obey only their creator and attack all current Archduchess of Avernus (who replaced a
others, including other members of the Dead pit fiend named Bel to take the throne), wants
Three cult. Tiamat freed. Despite her power as ruler of the
Carved into the north-facing side of the first layer of the Nine Hells, Zariel cannot kill the
sarcophagus are ghastly images of human dragon goddess, and she sees the summoning of
cannibalism. The sarcophagus was plundered Tiamat to the world as a way to be rid of her.
long ago, and a search of its interior yields up However, just as Zariel wants Tiamat out, other
only a jawless human skull and a few bone devils would be happy to see the Dragon Queen
fragments. stay in Avernus. Foremost among them is the
deposed pit fiend Bel and the devils still loyal to
D22. T OR TURE C HAMBER him. Bel has sent visions through the Dead
Three to their followers, to stop the Order of the
Followers of Bane torture and interrogate
prisoners here.
If set free, Kress stays with the characters
until an opportunity to escape presents itself.
The walls and floor of this room are covered with streaks Before that, though, she shares her backstory,
and splashes of dried blood. Two dangling bodies are and the following piece of information with her
shackled to the east and south walls. One is an elderly male liberators. During her incarceration, she heard
human; the other, a young female tiefling. Both are covered what sounded like a heavy stone door scraping
in bloody gashes, and neither is moving. In the middle of open and closed from time to time, accompanied
the room is a sturdy wooden chair with a bloody whip by the sound of splashing footsteps. The noise
draped over it. A bucket half filled with salt sits on the floor came from the north. This information might
nearby. lead characters to search for a secret door in
that direction (see area D23).
The followers of Bane rub salt into the wounds
of the prisoners they torture here. Yignath (see
area D12) carries the keys to both sets of This flooded tunnel has a secret door in the
shackles, which have AC 19, 10 hit points, and north wall that swings open into area D27.
immunity to poison and psychic damage. A Standing in the water south of the secret door,
character can unlock a set of shackles with a holding a lit torch and watching the west
successful DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) stairway, is a male Iron Consul*. On his first
check. turn after seeing the characters, he withdraws to
The male human is dead. He was Effinax area D25 and pounds on the door to wake his
Zalbor, a caravan coordinator employed by the fellow cultists, yelling "Intruders!" at the top of


his lungs to alert the occupant of area D26. stubs float on the murky water. At the point
where the tunnel bends west toward area D29,
D24. M YRKUL ’ S R EST the characters hear echoes of a battle unfolding
Followers of Myrkul use this plundered crypt as in that location.
a place to rest.
Four flickering torches in wall sconces illuminate this crypt, This flooded room was once a cellar, with the
the middle of which is occupied by an open stone collapsed eastern passage marking a staircase
sarcophagus. The sarcophagus bears no carvings or other that formerly led up to a residence in the city.
ornamentation, but is full of humanoid skulls and bones. Six Hidden under the murky water are four Ghouls
dusty bedrolls lie on the floor around it. that rise up and attack anyone who crosses the
The Myrkulites filled the sarcophagus with D29. M OR TLOCK VANTHAMPUR
skulls and bones found throughout the dungeon,
creating an altar of sorts to the Lord of Bones. The sounds of combat intensify as the characters
approach this area.
D25. B ANE ’ S R EST
Slumped against the walls of this plundered, Beyond the hall, a flooded chamber opens up with
partially collapsed crypt are four sleeping Iron rough-hewn steps climbing to the south, north, and
Consuls*. All are fully armored and have their northeast. The floor buckles up above the water line in the
weapons nearby. If awakened by loud noises or middle of the room, forming a small island. Corpses and
the guard in area D23, they grab their weapons doused torches float in the water around the island, atop
and quickly mobilize to repel any intrusion. which two men circle each other with weapons bared. One
The room is lit by two sputtering torches in of the men - a tall, unarmored brute with a greatclub and a
sconces on the north and west walls. A stone scarred face - towers above his opponent but is gravely
sarcophagus in the middle of the room stands wounded. The smaller figure is muscular and bare-chested.
empty, its lid half buried under rubble on the He clutches a bloody dagger in one hand and a torch in the
floor behind it. other, and has no flesh covering his skull.


The man with the greatclub is
Four flickering torches in wall sconces light this partially twenty-nine-year-old Mortlock Vanthampur*,
collapsed crypt. An open sarcophagus in the middle of the who has 30 hit points left. His opponent is an
area is filled to the rim with blood, with spillage streaking uninjured Death’s Head of Bhaal* named Vaaz.
the sides of the sarcophagus and pooling around its base.
Four other Dead Three cultists lie dead in the
The sarcophagus lid lies half buried under rubble behind it.
water, their skulls caved in by Mortlock.
Mortlock is tolerated by his mother, Duke
Thalamra Vanthampur, and despised by his
Bhaal worshipers like to bathe in the human older brothers, Thurstwell and Amrik, who view
blood that fills the sarcophagus. A female him as a simpleton and an abomination. Half of
Reaper of Bhaal* lurks behind the sarcophagus, Mortlock’s face was scarred by fire when he was
drenched in blood from head to toe. At the first a child, and his disfigurement gives him a
sign of intruders, she uses a Disguise Self spell fearsome countenance. He was sent to the
to appear as a frail old woman named Nebra. In bathhouse dungeon by his mother to help the
this guise, she claims to be a florist who was followers of the Dead Three coordinate attacks
captured by the Dead Three and brought to the against the city. When it became clear that the
dungeon as a slave. If the characters fall for the Dead Three cultists could function without
act and bring Nebra with them, she claims to Mortlock’s support, Thurstwell and Amrik
know the location of a secret door (area D23) and conspired with several Bhaal cultists to
tries to lead them through it to area D29, where assassinate Mortlock without their mother’s
she hopes to find reinforcements. If she leads knowledge.
the party to a location occupied by other cultists, Mortlock and Vaaz stop fighting when the
she drops the disguise and attacks. She also characters arrive. Believing them to be
attacks if her spell ends before then. Mortlock’s associates, Vaaz disengages from the
fight on his next turn and withdraws to area
D27. E CHOES OF B ATTLE D33, where he makes his final stand. Vaaz takes
This ten-foot-wide flooded passage is braced at his torch with him. Rather than pursuing,
regular intervals by wooden beams. Old torch Mortlock tries to forge an alliance with the


characters. If they come to terms with Mortlock, D31. T ORCHES
he gives them the following information in
A wooden crate is stored in this otherwise empty
exchange for a promise of amnesty:
alcove. The crate can hold sixty torches, but is
• "I was betrayed. These assassins conspired in need of restocking. Only five torches remain.
with my brothers to kill me. If you hadn’t come
along, I’d be dead. I owe you my life." D32. S TOLEN G OODS
• "Our family was promised great power in Nine wooden crates are scattered throughout
exchange for hindering the Order of the this room. Scurrying among them are six
Dragon. They were carrying wagons full of harmless rats like the one encountered in area
treasure, so we killed them and stole it." D14.
• "We’re using the stolen gold to pay Dead Three Six of the crates are empty except for packing
cultists to murder people in the city. Our goal straw. The other three contain stolen goods that
is to prove that the Flaming Fist can’t do its the cultists have not yet disbursed, including ten
job. Once the city stops paying them, the days’ worth of rations, a bag of twenty caltrops,
Flaming Fist will have less of a reason to stay three flasks of alchemist’s fire, six sets of
in Baldur’s Gate. With them gone, no one can manacles, four tinderboxes, nine daggers, and
stand in the way of my mother becoming the four potions of healing in glass vials.
city’s next grand duke."
• "My oldest brother, Thurstwell, uses imps as D33. C OVENANT OF THE D EAD
spies throughout the city. He has the
bathhouse under surveillance and probably
knows you’re here. He’s very sickly and seldom If Vaaz fled area D29, he’s standing in front of
leaves our mother’s estate." the statues in the west section of the room, his
• "If you’ve made it this far, you’ve killed most of sputtering torch lying on the floor near his feet.
the leaders of the Dead Three cult. Without
them, the cult will break up. The stolen
Burned torch stubs litter the floor of this hall, the western
treasure is nearby." (Mortlock points toward
end of which is occupied by three six-foot-tall, painted
area D30.)
wooden statues. Each statue stands atop a two-foot-high
If Mortlock survives, he hides in the city until block of red stone, making it look taller and foreboding.
he can book passage on a ship and leave The center statue resembles a heavily armored man
Baldur’s Gate. He is afraid to confront his whose face is hidden behind the fearsome visor of his
mother or his brothers and has no intention of helmet. He’s painted red except for his right gauntlet, which
ever returning. is black. Clutched in this gauntlet is a blood-red spear,
pointed upward. The statue to the north depicts a
D30. T IAMAT ’ S S TOLEN T REASURE purple-garbed male noble wearing a harlequin mask and
holding a dagger behind his back. The statue to the south
A short flight of stairs climbs to a circular
portrays a black-robed skeleton with its jaw opened wide
chamber with four padlocked wooden chests
piled in the middle of it. The chests are locked, and its bony hands outstretched.
but characters might have wrested the keys from
Yignath in area D12. A character can pick a Banites, Bhaalites, and Myrkulites convene in
padlock with a successful DC 19 Dexterity this room to plan attacks against the city above.
(Thieves’ Tools) check. These meetings are often contentious, though
Each chest weighs 25 pounds empty, and all the followers of Bhaal and Myrkul usually bend
four contain loot stolen from Tiamat’s hoard to the whims of the more strategically minded
from the Order of the Dragon. Most of the gold Bane worshipers.
has been spent. Each statue is solid wood and weighs 250
• Chest 1 holds 45 gp and two potions of fire pounds. A statue can be knocked off its pedestal
breath. with a successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics)
• Chest 2 contains ten eye agates (10 gp each)
scattered amid 125 gp. • Bane Statue: The statue of the armored man
• Chest 3 contains a delicate porcelain dragon represents Bane. Its spear is real but
mask (25 gp) resting on a bed of 75 gp. non-magical. The first time any humanoid
• Chest 4 contains a bronze crown with five comes within 5 feet of this statue, it must
spires (250 gp). Each spire is shaped and succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or
painted to resemble one of the five kinds of be compelled to kneel. While kneeling before
chromatic dragons (black, blue, green, red, the statue, the creature can’t move or take
and white). actions or reactions. The creature can repeat


the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
• Bhaal Statue: This statue’s harlequin mask is
a separate piece that can be unhinged and
removed, revealing Bhaal’s ghastly, skull-like
visage underneath.
• Myrkul Statue: Anyone who desecrates this
statue is cursed by the Lord of Bones. Until
the curse is ended with a remove curse spell
or similar magic, the offender gains no benefit
from magical healing.

The characters have hopefully cleared the
Dungeon of the Dead Three and learned that
other cults are actively interfering with the Order
of the Dragon, meaning the Order’s plans might
be truly threatening.

Why are devils interfering with the Order of the

This chapter hints at devils interfering with the Order of
the Dragon, and pushing the followers of evil gods to action.
This will remain a mystery for the entire campaign. This
book leaves this open-ended, and assumes the characters
play the Tyranny of Dragons into Avernus campaign, a
modified high-level Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus,
which will make the issue clear. If you don’t like this idea,
sprinkle clues as to what’s happening in Avernus
throughout this campaign.

If the characters report their findings,

Al’maren will look into the Vanthampurs, and
gather evidence against them. She might have a
meeting with Ulder Ravengard* to warn him
about this and ask him to continue this
The mysterious cargo of the Order, in the
meantime, reaches Baldur’s Gate and
immediately prepares to depart to Waterdeep in
a big caravan with other merchants. Mari
Al’maren is aware of this, and helps the
characters to infiltrate it.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s On the Road by she is traveling to Waterdeep in search of a remedy for her
Wizards of the Coast. condition.
Please revise the introduction in section 2.7. Lai Angesstun is an ambitious merchant, hauling
Maps can be found in section 26.6. scented cooking oil and perfumes from Amn, hoping to
make a huge profit from the aristocrats and dandies of
9.1 I NTRODUCTION Waterdeep.
Consider using the Gritty Realism rules, where a From time to time, Lasfelro the Silent inexplicably
long rest takes seven days, and a short rest 8 breaks into merry songs and short stretches of joke-telling.
hours, such that encounters spaced across His voice is a fine tenor and his jokes are hilarious. His
several days are balanced between classes wagon is guarded by a brooding gargoyle that is tethered to
(mostly between casters that recharge all their the wagon by a slim, silver chain.
spells on a Long Rest and would have an easy Although Losvius Longnose’s nose is respectably large,
time with a single combat encounter per day). even for a halfling, the appellation Longnose was hung on
Characters should be at level 6. him for a different reason: he is curious about everything,
The goal for this chapter is to learn a bit about including other people’s business.
the ranks of the Order of the Dragon, the nature Noohar Serelim and his mute brother, Selvek, are
of their cargo, and the effects of their attacks on hauling exquisite wooden carvings made by the elves of
other cities. They will also meet new possible Cormyr. Their guard Leda Widris is as honest and
allies and/or enemies, get experience, loot, and courageous as mercenaries come.
gold. A load of Calishite silk will make Nyerhite Verther a rich
man in Waterdeep. It won’t take long before everyone in
9.2 H IRING O UT the caravan knows to steer clear of his teamster, Tyjit
Skesh. She is quick to anger and quicker to resort to her
The Harpers spot the dragon cultists crossing
blades when something sets her off.
the town. They gather at the northeast gate to
Oyn Evenmor is an independent wagon master hauling
continue their journey, and a group of other
exotic birds to the lucrative markets in Waterdeep. His
travellers is preparing to depart. Together, they’ll
guard Orvustia Esseren grew up in the farmland outside
form a caravan whose destination is, apparently,
Baldur’s Gate, and this is her first trip more than two miles
away from home.
Mari Al’maren finds information regarding the
No one knows where Radecere Perethun is ultimately
members of the caravan, which she gives to the
headed or why.
characters. Some members have already hired
Perhaps someone who hauls crates of expensive, fragile
guards or teamsters.
porcelain in a bouncing, jarring wagon along the Trade Way
must be a born optimist. In Samardag the Hoper’s world,
Achreny Ulyeltin is an independent wagon master with the sky is always blue, the weather is always fine, and the
two wagons in this caravan. Both are hauling cured furs and outlook for tomorrow is always bright. His guard Eldkin
uncured hides. Agetul has made this trip several times before and never
A lawyer by training but a skunk by inclination, Aldor hesitates to wave that experience in others’ faces.
Urnpoleshurst is relocating from Baldur’s Gate to Quiet, unassuming Werond Torohar can handle a team
anywhere that isn’t Baldur’s Gate. His teamster Enom of horses or mules better than anyone on the Trade Way.
Tobun has driven freight wagons across Faerûn for the past Balthazar, Melchior, and Caspar are the leaders of the
forty years, from Waterdeep to Calimport and from Baldur’s Order of the Dragon that are currently driving each wagon,
Gate to Hillsfar. He is a font of stories and legends. each accompanied by five additional cultists.
Ale and beer are so common that not much money can
be made hauling them long distances. But that’s what fills
Beyd Sechepol’s wagon. He will make his money on the Each Order of the Dragon leader is a Cult
road, selling his stock to his fellow travelers in the caravan. Wagon Leader* escorting a cult wagon with 2
Edhelri Lewel’s wagon is loaded with exotic wood from (1d4) Dragonclaws and 2 (1d4) Cultists.
the Jungle of Chult for the master carpenters and Mari Al’maren can put in a recommendation
cabinetmakers of Waterdeep to turn into exquisite with the following merchants, looking to hire
furniture. some guards, teamsters, or otherwise useful
The reason behind Green Imsa’s name is obvious: she is servants:
green from head to foot. Her skin, hair, eyes, nails, • Beyd Sechepol
teeth-everything about her is green. She readily admits that • Edhelri Lewel
• Noohar Serelim


• Nyerhite Verther • Werond
• Oyn Evenmor • Lasfelro and his Gargoyle
• Samardag the Hoper • Melchior, Order of the Dragon leader
• Nyerhite and Tyjit
A DVENTURING L IFE • Caspar, Order of the Dragon leader
• Noohar and Leda
After the characters are hired by someone, I ran
the Adventuring Life episode. They see that Along these named NPCs, there are about fifty
Achreny is looking to hire some muscle. Two Commoners and twenty Guards, for a total of
groups of people are volunteering for hire. One is almost 100 people and a caravan extending
the group of fake actors, who look much almost 500ft.
stronger, boast a lot, and charge more. The other Have Losvius be nosy from the start, annoying
is a group of average guards, asking for adequate the characters, and Achreny be unpleasant,
pay. Mari Al’maren asks the characters which mistreating animals and being otherwise filthy.
group they think Achreny should hire, and gives The furs he carries are worth about 400gp after
him their suggestion. If the characters pick the being properly curated.
actors, they bail out on the first encounter in the
road. If they pick the guards, they will defect on
the Animal Abuse encounter, and get hired by
other members of the caravan. They’ll also be
grateful to the characters, and help them should
they need it.


(P AR T 1)
This is the initial marching order for the caravan.
Things can switch around as NPCs die, join in,
or switch around. This assumes the characters
are traveling under Beyd, so swap him with
whoever your players did choose as an employer.
• Samardag and Eldkin.
• Edhelri
• Aldor and Enom
• Lai
• Green
• Achreny Figure 9.2: The Caravan resting at night. By
• Radecere Patreon’s Morovoi, with assets from 2-Minute
• Beyd and the Characters Tabletop.
• Balthazar, Order of the Dragon leader
• Losvius I ran the following encounters, in this order.
• Loyn and Orvustia Between each adventure, I showed the players

Figure 9.1: The front half of the Caravan on the road. Originally by Patreon’s DM Oaky.


the Night Encampment map, allowing them to attacks the characters directly. These Peryton
interact with NPCs or explore specific wagons of have no legendary actions, and 110HP. It’s
the caravan. important that the characters have grown fond
of some members of the caravan. One of the
F UNGUS H UMONGOUS Perytons grapples such a person, and flies away
Ran as-is, as the caravan passed the Fields of with them screaming in terror. If one of the
the Dead. characters is knocked out by the Peryton they’re
If Achreny Ulyeltin hired actors, they escape fighting, the monster grabs his unconscious
here, terrified, back to Baldur’s Gate. body and carries it away. It flies in the direction
of Dragonspear Castle. A DC15 Intelligence
(History) check allows a character to recall
information on the legendary fortress. A DC15
Intelligence (Nature) check allows a character to
know that Peryton often nest atop mountains, or
tall structures, and the castle could be a perfect
location for such a nest.
The party’s employer (or some other member of
the caravan) suggests that the characters can try
a rescue mission, should they be willing to do so.
The caravan can hide for the night near the
castle, and characters can check to see if the
Perytons have, perhaps, nested atop the keep.

Figure 9.3: The pass overgrown with This section was inspired by the Ghosts of
mushrooms. Unknown author. Dragonspear adventure, by Jeremy Crawford
and Christopher Perkins.
Dragonspear Castle was a dwarven fortress
B ANE OF THE M OUNTAINS built upon the High Moor during the 13th
century DR. It had a long and storied history
Ran at the Troll Hills, just before Dragonspear.
within Western Heartlands. It served as home to
monstrous humanoids, became the battleground
for two wars between Faerûnians and devils from
the Nine Hells, and much more. Currently, it lies
in ruins, and a massive dragon skeleton lies half
buried against its southern walls, amidst the

The ruins of Dragonspear Castle crown a lonely hill at the

end of a winding stretch of neglected road branching east of
the Trade Way. The miles of untamed fields that surround
the castle are dotted with the remains of burnt wagons,
gutted cottages, broken fences, and the wooden bones of
war machines abandoned long ago.

Unless the characters stop to inspect some of

the empty cottages, burnt wagons, and broken
siege engines, continue by reading the text

War, neglect, and the elements have worn the once mighty
castle down to its present wretched state. Two walls with
Figure 9.4: The Caravan being attacked by turrets once encircled the keep, but the outermost wall and
Perytons. By Patreon’s DM Oaky. its towers have been reduced to rubble, forming necklace of
broken gray stone around the hillside. The inner wall and
I had three Monstrous Peryton* attack the towers are built on higher ground and are mostly intact,
caravan. One attacks the chariots ahead of the although you see numerous holes punched through the
characters, another the ones behind. The third


walls and rooftops. Half hidden behind these crumbling 1. C ASTLE WALLS
fixtures is the main keep, the entire south side of which has The walls rise to a height of 30 feet, although
collapsed under the weight of an enormous dragon’s they appear taller because the entire inner castle
skeleton. sits atop a rocky berm with 10-foot cliffs
The closer you get, the less serene and more unnerving encircling it.
the ruins become. The hill and everything on it has a The walls are 10 feet thick at the base and
deathly stillness, and amid the weeds and rocks you see old gradually taper to 5-foot thickness with a
bones and broken weapons - more remnants of ancient crenellated battlement running along the tops.
battles won and lost. When he built the castle, Daeros Dragonspear
sunk the wall foundations 10 feet underground
to hinder sappers trying to tunnel under them.
The inner bailey (courtyard) is higher than the
ground outside the castle walls, such that the
distance from the yard to the tops of the walls is
All doors in Dragonspear Castle are made of
only 10 feet. Guards would reach the parapets
rotten wood with rusted iron bands, hinges, and
by climbing stone steps (which still exist) or
handles. All doors leading to the inner bailey are
wooden ladders (which are long gone).
fitted with iron braces in the inside. These
The walls are mostly intact except for the
braces are designed to hold wooden spars,
eastern wall, which collapsed and was
allowing the doors to be barricaded shut in the
subsequently torn down and never replaced.
event the castle is breached. Although they
might look sturdy, the doors are surprisingly
weak and easily splintered. Beneath the castle
lie ancient dungeons that contain sealed portals Several of the towers have gaping holes in them.
that once led into Avernus. All entrances to the Creatures can enter or leave the castle through
dungeons have been sealed (see areas 15 and these gaps by climbing over piles of rubble.
20), but the fiends in Area 26 are planning how Rubble-filled areas on the map are treated as
to reach them. difficult terrain.

Figure 9.5: Dragonspear (ground floor). Originally by Reddit’s u/wade0004.


3. B ARBICAN (2d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall and 7
(2d6) piercing damage from the debris.
The main entrance to the inner bailey has seen many A search of the tower yields nothing of value.
battles over the years, as evidenced by the damaged turrets
and missing gate. Although the northern tower retains 5. S OUTH B ARBICAN T OWER
much of its roof, nothing of the southern tower above the
wall remains.
This tower is missing its roof. As a result, its 30-foot-high
In front of the gate are the remains of fickle walls of
top resembles a crown of broken stone. Arrow slits gain
sharpened wooden stakes and rotting mantlets - large,
height as they circle counter-clockwise around the tower
freestanding wooden shields - with broken arrows sticking
out of them. Sometime after the gate was breached,
7-foot-high wooden palisades were built to fortify the
entrance and limit the flow of traffic through the gate, but
The top 10 feet of this tower (including the
time has gotten the better of them as well. Everywhere you
entire roof) collapsed years ago, and most of the
look, the ground is littered with bones, bits of rusted armor,
debris fell inside the tower. The wall is otherwise
and forsaken weapons.
intact. A door is set into the base of the tower,
facing the inner bailey.
A search of the area reveals nothing of value. Arrow Slits: See area 4 above.
When the characters peer inside the tower,

This tower is 40 feet high with a conical roof. A hole in the

roof on its southern side reveals wooden supports and A wooden staircase damaged by falling debris clings
beams inside. Arrow slits gain height as they circle precariously to the interior wall, with ascending arrow slits
counter-clockwise around the tower wall. at 5-foot intervals. The stair- case is in poor condition, and
nothing remains of the upper floor except a ring of jagged
boards. Dust hangs in the air, and the walls are covered in
Creatures can enter the tower through the
mold and mildew. The floor is strewn with rotting wood,
hole in the roof, through an unlocked door set
broken stone, and feathers-purple, black, and gray feathers.
into the south wall, or through a hole in the wall
facing the outer bailey. The hole is on the first
floor, 10 feet wide, and 5 feet high. Rubble piled
around the base of the hole makes reaching it The southern Gate Tower contains a nest of 7
quite easy (although the rubble is difficult (2d6) Harpies, sleeping during the day. The
terrain). harpies leave the tower at nightfall to hunt and
Arrow Slits: The arrow slits gain height as they don’t return until dawn. The feathers were left
circle around the tower wall because guards by them. The inhabitants perch on the
would stand on the interior staircase to use ring-shaped upper floor and can be spotted with
them. a DC 10 Wisdom check.
When the characters peer inside the tower, The bottom 15 feet of the staircase is safe, but
read: the top 15 feet cannot support more than 100
pounds. Excessive weight on the top half of the
staircase causes that section to collapse.
An old wooden staircase hugs the interior wall, with
Creatures on the collapsing stairs must make a
ascending arrow slits at 5-foot intervals. The staircase is in
DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to avoid falling
poor condition, and the upper floor is missing, leaving only a
prone, taking 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage from
few broken boards stabbing out from the walls. Dust hangs
the fall and 7 (2d6) piercing damage from the
in the air, and the walls are covered in mold and mildew.
debris. Characters searching the rubble and
The floor is piled with rotting wood and broken stone.
debris at the bottom of the tower find some
bones that fell from the floor above, but nothing
The staircase creaks and groans ominously of value.
with every footstep. The bottom 15 feet of the The jagged ring-shaped upper floor is in no
staircase is safe, but the top 15 feet cannot danger of collapse. The floor is covered with
support more than 100 pounds. Excessive droppings and strewn with human, elf, orc, and
weight on the top half of the staircase causes goblin bones. Characters searching the area find
that section to collapse. Creatures on the loose coins (20gp total) and a gold-plated helmet
collapsing stairs must make a DC 12 Dexterity (worth 250gp) with the head and wings of an
saving throw to avoid falling prone, taking 7 eagle worked into its design.


6. H AUNTED A RMORY The shrine is in ruins, its altar defiled but still
intact. A Detect Magic cast on the altar and its
Standing with its back to the outer wall is a featureless surroundings reveals an Abjuration aure, and
stone building with a flat, 10-foot-high roof and an the altar is hallowed ground.
iron-bound wooden door set in the middle of it. The door is
chained and locked from the outside.
Fiends on the other side of the portal under
Dragonspear Castle "chip away" at its divine
The rusted lock that binds the door’s chains wards, causing them to weaken over time and
can be picked with a successful DC 13 Dexterity requiring priests of Tempus to cast rituals in the
(Thieves’ Tools) check. The lock can also be presence of this altar - rituals intended to
broken off with a good, hard blow from any kind rejuvenate the ancient wards and prevent the
of weapon. Characters can also enter the portal from opening. It has been some years
building through a 4-foot-wide, 5-foot-high hole since the last such ritual was cast here, and the
in the western corner. portal’s wards are weakening.
When the characters peer inside, read:

Dust and cobwebs fill this ancient armory. Suits of armor The altar’s power comes from the holy relic
hang on four wooden dummies, and rusty armaments trapped inside it. If this relic is removed, the
festoon old weapon racks along the opposite walls. The rituals designed to rejuvenate the wards on the
room feels unnaturally cold. portal simply won’t work. Characters wishing to
keep the relic can replace it with a different holy
relic (such as the weapon from the Tomb of Torm
The Armory is haunted by a Ghost who will in Chapter 9.6). Finding a different suitable
attempt to possess the first character entering replacement might make a fine side quest.
the room. The ghost is all that remains of a
human warrior - a female priest of Tempus, who
served as the castle’s Master of Arms for five The altar is a nondescript block of stained
years until she and her comrades-in-arms were white marble 5 feet long, 4 feet tall, and 3 feet
slain. In her spectral form, the Priest wears a deep weighing 1,500 pounds. A follower of
tabard emblazoned with the Tempus who touches the altar can reach inside
shield-and-flaming-sword symbol of Tempus, the of it, as though the altar was made of warm,
Warbringer. Her features are otherwise hideous malleable clay. To everyone else, however, the
to behold. The ghost can no longer distinguish altar feels solid and impenetrable. A non-follower
between friend and foe, nor can it leave the of Tempus who speaks a prayer to any
armory even while possessing a living creature. good-aligned god before the altar can, with a DC
It cannot speak except through a host, and the 20 Charisma check, garner enough divine favor
only things is capable of saying are "Leave!" and to reach into the altar and remove the hidden
"Abandon all hope!". If the ghost is confronted by relic; however, a character can attempt this
a holy symbol of Tempus, attempts to turn or check only once.
rebuke it gain a +10 bonus. The ghost disperses
if reduced to 0 hit points, but it reforms the next
night. A cleric who casts a prayer spell on the Any character able to "feel around" inside the
ghost convinces the spirit to rest in peace, altar finds a light object hidden within and can
instantly banishing it forever. remove it; it is the hilt of an elven-made bastard
Much of the equipment stored here is rusted sword named Illydrael (pronounced
beyond use; however, characters can salvage a il-eh-dray-ul). The sword’s blade was broken off
pair of maces, a warhammer, and a +1 Weapon. and buried in the heart of a pit fiend long ago,
The weapon racks are made of rotted wood and and the priests of Tempus hid the remains of the
fall apart if they or the weapons stored in them weapon - now a holy relic - in the altar to
are disturbed. empower it. The sword’s remains can be
identified as a Sun Blade, and when removed
7. H OLD OF THE B ATTLE L IONS from the altar and gripped by a living creature, a
blade of screaming white flame (similar to fire
Standing between the castle barbican and the main keep is but giving off no heat) erupts from the hilt for a
the crumbled shell of a stone temple, at the back of which brief moment. The weapon can only be attuned
rests a marble altar. Someone has chipped away the to by a character over 9th level. Placing Illydrael
bas-reliefs and religious iconography that once adorned the atop the altar causes it to sink back down into
altar, defiling it. the heart of the altar, where it remains until
removed again.


9. S OUTH T URRET task that awaits them (the blessings take weeks,
and it is a dangerous area).
This wide tower stands 40 feet high and has numerous They are friendly to the characters, and offer
holes in its walls. However, the conical roof is mostly intact. to help if the characters seem well intended.
They are also trying to save three comrades who
have been taken hostage by the Behir (from Area
Although the exterior walls have suffered 16). They volunteer a Scroll of Greater
extensive damage, the interior of this tower is Restoration if the characters help them without
well preserved. Rooms have wooden ceilings 20 asking for anything in return. Otherwise, they
feet high, and above them is an attic full of try to provide whatever the character’s asked for,
beams and rafters to support the roof. The attic as long as it is reasonable and within their
contains nothing else except cobwebs and bat means.

The ground-floor rooms were stripped bare long ago and 11. N OR THEAST T URRET
are empty except for dust, rubble, and cobwebs, as well as
the small bones, armor fragments, and bits of tattered cloth The tower has two levels: a ground level and an attic. Both
littering the floor. Part of the outer wall has collapsed, levels are 20 feet high and separated by a rotted wooden
leaving a 6-foot-wide, 12-foot-high hole. floor riddled with holes. Webs fill the attic and the rooms
below, and the tower is crawling with spiders.

A search of these room finds nothing of value

and no signs of recent occupation.
When the characters enter the western half of
10. N OR TH T URRET the tower, read:

The roof of this tower has burned away, leaving a spidery,

cone-shaped skeleton of charred beams. The shell of the
This semicircular room is choked with webs. Through the
tower has fared little better, as its gaping holes can attest.
gossamer curtains, you see an old bed with two broken legs
However, it seems the tower of occupied by civilized
and a stone staircase that climbs 5 feet to a landing in the
people. The door is closed and repaired, but is made
north corner.
useless due to the gaping hole right next to it. Voices can
be heard from within. Outside, clothes are drying, buckets
are empty and ready to collect rainwater, and well-tended
shovels and other small tools are neatly piled against the The stone landing in the north corner once
tower wall. connected to a wooden staircase that hugged the
outer wall, but that staircase has long since
The inside of this tower was gutted by fire long rotted away and collapsed, leaving only a few
ago. Arrow slits face the outer bailey and are wooden spurs jutting from the walls.
spaced roughly 15 feet apart. Once the 13 (2d12) Giant Spiders lurk in the tower’s
characters peek inside, read: attic. If the characters disturb the bed, the
spiders crawl through holes in the ceiling,
scuttle down the walls, and attack.
On the other side of the door, there is a main hall which
has been cleared from most burnt wood that fell from Hidden under the broken bed is a locked
ceiling 20 feet above. Through holes in the ceiling, you can wooden chest. The lock can be picked with a
see charred rafters crisscrossing a torched attic beneath a successful DC 20 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)
stone cover. To the left of the door, five feet above the floor, check. Inside are two empty potion bottles, a
is a large hole in the western wall. The chamber beyond has
leather-bound prayer book wrapped in a tattered
many people, beds, food, a cosy campfire, and many
red stole, and an item from Magic Table E
simplistic religious symbols adorning its walls.
(everything is destroyed if they set the tower on
fire, though). The prayer book has the symbol of
Torm (a raised gauntlet) burned into its cover,
The structure currently contains 10 (3d6) and its pages describe, among many other
members of the Order of the Gauntlet (Scouts, things, the Tomb from Chapter section 2.1,
Priests, and War Priests). These are responsible mentioning how the blessed weapon that lies
for the blessings of Area 7. They arrived here a within can grow stronger in times of need. It
few days ago, and are busy repairing the tower, takes an hour-long ritual and the use of a 5th
setting up camp, and preparing for the difficult level spell slot to turn it into a +2 Weapon.


12. S OUTHEAST T URRET The 5-foot-high freestanding wooden shields
have small holes cut into them at eye level. Each
The eastern half of this 40-foot-high tower has collapsed. A one weighs about 75 pounds. A mantlet provides
few sections of the roof cling desperately to the half that three-quarters cover to a single Small or Medium
remains. character standing behind it. Any blocked attack
causes a mantlet to fall apart. The damaged
statues depict human warriors - two males, two
This tower is empty and abandoned. females. They are otherwise unremarkable.

13. P IT This grand hall has a total of six stained-glass

windows set into the walls - three to the north
and three to the south. Each window is 10 feet
The ground has collapsed here, forming a jagged,
tall, 2 feet wide, and 2 feet off the floor. All of the
20-foot-wide pit. The gaping maw reeks of brimstone.
windows depict dragons of varying hue but are
missing about half of their colored glass panels.
The last time the portal under Dragonspear Characters looking through these holes can peer
Castle was sealed, it caused part of the dungeon into areas 17 and 19.
to collapse. This pit formed as a consequence.
The pit is 50 feet deep, and its floor is a
treacherous jumble of jagged stone and loose 16. S TAIRCASE
Rubbish, bodies, bones, and pools of dry blood cover the
14. K EEP E NTRANCE tiled floor of this unfurnished room. An enormous lizard-like
monster rests in the middle of the it, snoring loudly. Behind
The main keep is built atop a 10-foot-high beam, and a
it, three semi-naked humans are lying on the floor,
ramp leads up to a pair of battered wooden doors with a
occasionally moaning from the pain of their severe wounds.
stone dragon carved above them, its wings spread wide
An enormous devilish mural is painted onto the eastern
across the entrance’s facade.
wall. Two windows, their colored panes missing, create
narrow openings in the eastern corners of the north and
The double doors open into area 15 and are south walls. A black iron railing encloses a descending stone
unlocked. staircase.


This grand hall has a vaulted ceiling 30 feet high, supported A Behir rests in this room, with three
by stone arches. A few holes have formed in the roof, unconscious humanoids wounded and trapped
allowing the elements to gain a foothold. Cracked stone tiles behind it. The monster has killed a few others,
set in a diagonal pattern cover the floor, with pools of and will feast on the ones still alive once it gets
standing water and slime covering them in places. hungry. The characters find an item from Magic
The western end of the hall is slightly elevated, with a Table F amidst the rubbish, and earn the favor
tattered carpet running its length. This foyer is decorated of the Order of the Gauntlet (from Area 10) if
with four white marble statues of armored human warriors they save the unconscious men.
carrying swords and shields with dragons carved into them. The big mural depicts Dragonspear being
All of the statues are cracked and chipped. Behind them, overrun by Devils (Figure 9.6).
set into the walls, are tall stained-glass windows. The right staircase leads down to a moldy
The eastern end of the hall is adorned with shredded cellar. The cellar holds empty wine racks, rotting
tapestries and six high ledges with gargoyles perched atop crates, and empty barrels. Four narrow passages
them. The hall is bereft of furnishings save for three rotted, lead away from the cellar in all directions, each
freestanding wooden shields positioned between two side coming to a dead-end after 15 feet or so. The
doors. Behind these mantlets is a wide, columned arch tunnels leading away from the cellar originally
leading to an antechamber. connected to areas of the dungeon under
Dragonspear Castle. They were deliberately
Perched on ledges 20 feet high and 10 feet collapsed to prevent the evils in the dungeon
apart in the east portion of the halls are six from escaping, but if you wish to expand this
Gargoyles. These gargoyles will swoop down and adventure, you can assume one or more of the
attack dragons or similar creatures that crosses passages has been cleared.
the hall, but otherwise remain stationary unless The left staircase leads up to the first floor,
disturbed. into Area 24.


17. B ARRACKS empty, aside from the doors and staircase. When
characters first peer inside the room, read:
This long hall runs the length of the keep and has a ceiling
that slopes down toward the north wall, with rafters every
Beyond a collapsed wall is a tower chamber bereft of
10 feet or so. The hall is home to scores of bats. Most of
furnishings and décor, containing only a rising spiral
them cling to the rafters, but a few flutter about anxiously.
staircase reaching the upper floors.
Two thin windows set in the north wall have lost most of
their stained glass, but a few colored panes survive. The
remains of a dozen cots spattered with bat guano lie along
the walls, mounted to which are empty torch brackets.
To the east, a pool of standing water covers the floor
The entire south wall of the keep is gone, leaving half of a
next to a flight of stone stairs that ascend 5 feet to a
long hall exposed to the outdoors. Rotting mantlets and
landing. It looks like the landing once connected to a
palisade walls abandoned by the castle’s ancient defenders
wooden staircase and a loft, but nothing of them remains.
face outward.
The roof above has partially collapsed, leaving large holes
The colossal skeleton of a winged dragon rests amidst
through which the bats can come and go.
the debris, with one of its wings angled and climbing over
the outside of the castle into the upper floors.
Although they are harmless, the bats serve as
an early-warning system. During daylight hours,
any creature crossing the middle of the hall The floor of this hall is 10 feet higher than the
causes the bats to panic and shriek, waking the yard of the inner bailey. A door set into the
Behir in area 16. A character that moves very keep’s western tower leads to area 20.
slowly and calmly can avoid arousing the bats The 5-foot-high freestanding wooden shields
with a DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) check. are festooned with enemy arrows and have small
The two broken windows in the north wall look holes cut into them at eye level. Each one weighs
out toward the inner bailey, a broken window in about 75 pounds. A mantlet provides
the southeast corner allows access to area 16, three-quarters cover to a single Small or Medium
and three intact windows separate this room character standing behind it (see page 159). The
from area 14 to the south. Each window is 10 mantlets are decrepit; any blocked attack causes
feet tall, 2 feet wide, and 2 feet off the floor, and a mantlet to fall apart.
the intact ones depict dragons in flight. The two 7-foot-high, 9-foot-long palisade walls
are made from tree trunks lashed together and
18. N OR THWEST K EEP T OWER sunk 2 feet into the floor. Still, time has
The outer shell and conical roof of this 40-foot- weakened them: each wall can be knocked down
tall tower are perfectly intact. The entire tower is with a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check.

Figure 9.6: Dragonspear being overrun by Devils, mural in Area 7. By Beamdog’s Siege of


20. N OR THEAST K EEP T OWER going outside. The stench is horrifying, but
otherwise harmless.
The outer shell and conical roof of this
40-foot-tall tower are perfectly intact. The 22. G UEST R OOM
interior of the tower is one big room, and the
door is barred shut from within and must be Deep thick voices can be heard coming from this room.
smashed open with a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) They sound worried. The smell of smoke and a warm glow
check. The noise is loud enough to alert the can also be perceived, undoubtedly due to a lit campfire
Behir in area 16 (which slinks quietly out of its within.
lair to investigate if it hasn’t already been
Once characters take a peek inside, read:

This tower chamber is bereft of furnishings and décor,

Several orcs and what is clearly some sort of war leader sit
containing instead debris fallen from above in its ground. A
around a campfire in this room. Rudimentary beds lie on
spiral staircase rises to the upper floors.
the corners, a stuck pig rolls slowly over the fire, and
several weapons lean against the northern wall.


6 (1d12) Orcs and one Orc War Chief Lok’tar
This room was stripped bare long ago and is currently are resting here. They will attack if they spot any
empty except for dust, rubble, cobwebs, and a very large sneaky behavior, but will be friendly if the
amount of excrement. Flies buzz around it attracted by the characters approach them openly. Their War
festering substance. Chief is suffering from a curse by an ancient
magical item, and the Orc would be glad if the
characters could help him. If they do, the Orcs
A horde of Orcs are currently camping on the help the characters in combat.
second floor of the keep. This is the room they The curse was given by a Red Wizard of Thay’s
use to relieve themselves if they don’t feel like that despises Orcs. Lok’tar was the target of a

Figure 9.7: Dragonspear (first floor). Originally by Reddit’s u/wade0004.


9th-level Bestow Curse and is constantly 24. S TAIRCASE
mentally impaired by it, wasting his actions
doing nothing. On the occasional moments he
speaks clearly, he seems very depressed, and Debris, dust, and cobwebs cover the tiled floor of this
complains this is no way for a warrior to die. The unfurnished room. A large colored-pane window covers the
curse lasts until dispelled with a Remove Curse. eastern wall, shedding reddish light onto the room. The
window depicts a five-headed dragon climbing out of an
active volcano.


This room is otherwise empty. The stairs lead
down to Area 16 and up to Area 26.
Several orcs are resting in this room, most sleeping directly
on the floor, and a couple on top of thin cloaks. Several
weapons lean against the eastern wall, and the northwest
corner is filled with debris that got shove and piled there 25. WAITING H ALL
from the rest of the room.
The remains of ancient tapestries, carpets, and furniture
still adorn this room. Expensive couches and seats once
lined the walls of this waiting area, but now everything has
rotted away and only pieces of brightly colored fabric allow
13 (2d12) Orcs are resting here. They will one to realize the magnificence of what once stood here.
attack if they spot any sneaky behavior, but will
be friendly if the characters approach them
openly. Two are talking about their plans to go
hunting the next day, and how they need to be Despite things having rotted away, this room
careful about the neighbors above (the is otherwise clean. Footsteps can be seen on the
Rakshasas) and the Behir below. dusty carpet, coming to and fro Area 26.

Figure 9.8: Dragonspear (second floor). Originally by Reddit’s u/wade0004.


26. C OMMAND C ENTER leads to a corridor which descends into Area 24.

The walls of this room are adorned with fragments of 27. P ERYTON N EST
ancient maps, strategy plans, schemes, and diagrams. Most
of it has decayed away, but the sheer size of the map of the The top of the Castle is filled with large branches, bones,
Forgotten Realms on the southern wall is impressive. In the feathers, antlers, eggs, and bodies. Many monstrous
corners of the room lie some ruined book-stands, now creatures are currently here, making inhuman noises and
rotted and in pieces. The books they once contained are communicating somehow. They appear to be a cross
not around. between a giant eagle and a demonic-looking, fang-toothed
Four humans are sitting cross-legged around an old stag. They seem to be excited and are currently circling the
wooden short table in the center of the room. They look caravan-member that got kidnapped earlier. The fellow is
out-of-place, with expensive looking clothes, similar to rich screaming, terrified, but that only seems to excite the
merchants. creatures further.

The four humans are actually four Rakshasas At the top of the fortress, there is a large nest
in disguise. They are conversing loudly about of Perytons. Most are away hunting, leaving only
their plans to remove the rubble from the one or two Monstrous Perytons* preparing to
castle’s dungeons and re-open the portal into feast on the poor person they kidnapped from
Avernus. They’re not interested in fighting, the caravan. Many baby Perytons are abound
unless provoked. Their plan will likely take years (these are non-combatants). If combat ensues,
to enact, but they’re not worried or in a rush. If the adult Perytons defend their babies, who
their motivations are questioned, they claim to eventually fly away from the castle until things
be on a quest to rescue a dear friend from the settle down. Roll on Magic Tables F (1x), C (2x),
Nine Hells. and B (for each remaining player) for the loot
There is nothing else of value in the room. A found at the Peryton nest, taken from other
door on the northern wall leads to a part of the unfortunate adventurers.
castle’s rooftops. An opening on the eastern wall

Figure 9.9: Dragonspear (top). Originally by Reddit’s u/wade0004.


9.5 O N T HE R OAD characters noticed. In the following rest (the one
where Hell Messenger happens), Losvius
(P AR T 2) disappears. He is found dead outside the camp
after a couple of hours if someone searches for
The caravan is quick to move away from the god- him, or otherwise isn’t seen again.
forsaken citadel of Dragonspear.
This works best if you have a Tiefling, Warlock,
Ran at Trollclaws mountains. or any Hell-related character in your group.
I made Achreny Ulyeltin the noble mistreating During the rest after the Contraband episode,
his horses. When Achreny beats his horse to three Devils waltz into the encampment.
death (or attempts to), if he hired real guards Disguised as humans, they don’t cause much
when departing Baldur’s Gate, they oppose him alarm. A DC 17 Wisdom (Insight) or Intelligence
and quit their jobs. They are likely hired by other (Religion) check allows a character to realize
merchants on the spot, who are still shaken up these are devils in disguise. They come in peace
by the Peryton incident. His original entourage (a (and the characters are probably in no shape to
Mage and a Knight) remain with him. If the fight them), and have a message to deliver to the
characters don’t sell him one of their horses, he Hell-related character of the group.
will become more and more annoying to them,
insulting and irritating them at every chance he
At My Table
gets. If they do, he mistreats it nonetheless, and
In my case, we had Lucy Jezebel, a Tiefling whose
he might drive the poor horse to exhaustion backstory was about escaping her dragon-worshipping
before the journey is over. father in Avernus, and coming to the Forgotten Realms,
which was perfect. I made her father be Arkhan, the
S PIDER W OODS Cruel, whose race I changed to be a Tiefling/Dragonborn
Ran at Trollbark forest. Had a Four-Armed Troll
and an Ettercap attack the party’s carriage on
the left side (Trollbark forest side). The party’s Daughter Lucy
employer runs to the right side on the first We must help the Queen. She is so close... Only Bel
round of combat, trying to get away from the stands in her way.
monsters. On the following round, two Phase Search for the Followers. She has guided them on what
Spiders and a Giant Spider attack from the to do. Find the masks. Gather them, and they will all unite.
other side. One of the Phase Spiders goes for the Complete the ritual with the help of the Crimson ones.
employer, grapples him, shifts into the Ethereal The Queen will reward you.
Plane, and drags him back to their lair. This You have disappointed me once. Make me proud once
happens all across the caravan,Trolls and more. Arkhan
Ettercaps ambushing from one side, and other
NPCs are dragged away by Spiders on the other Arkhan references Tiamat, the Queen of
side (I had the employer Beyd, a cultist, a Dragons, and how close she is to being freed
bodyguard, and a merchant whisked away). from her shackles in Avernus. Bel opposes this,
Although Phase Spiders won’t leave any marks while Archduke Zariel would rather get rid of
due to their Ethereal Jaunt, characters can track Tiamat altogether. The Followers is the name
the Giant Spiders back to their shared lair. that the Order of the Dragon is known for in
In the spiders’ lair, there are 10 (3d6) Phase Avernus. The masks are the Dragon Masks
Spiders and 2 (1d4) Giant Spiders. For each required for the ritual. Once assembled, all the
kidnapped member, a Phase Spider takes time chromatic dragons will unite. The Crimson ones
eating him alive, even as characters rush the lair. refers to the Red Wizards of Thay who have
Let the party’s employer be the last surviving defected and are willing to help with Tiamat’s
member. The characters find a 300gp diamond summoning.
in the lair, and an item from Magic Items Table The final lines relate to Lucy’s backstory.
B. Adapt to your characters as needed.
If Losvius is found dead (due to the
C ONTRABAND Contraband episode), most of the caravan
In the rush to escape Trollbark forest, Melchior’s assumes it was these strangers’ doings.
damaged wagon’s wheel breaks.
I ran the this mostly as-is, but had Losvius T HE G OLDEN S TAG
Longnose be around and be very curious about Ran mostly as-is, with the elk turning into a
the cargo. The cultists didn’t like it, and the Summer Eladrin Elf.


Achreny and his guard are among the ones Council of Waterdeep later on in the campaign.
that go on the hunt. Most other caravan Azbara Jos* and Jamna join the caravan here,
members go after the herd of Elk, while Achreny along with some dozens of refugees. Some
targets the golden one specifically (he trades furs, members of the caravan stay here to help or
so this golden hide is very valuable). If the hide, such as Aldor, Radecere, and Werond.
characters find the Eladrin Elf, Achreny and his Triggers for Everything Has a Price and
bodyguards later interrupt them, and attempt to Recognized! start happening now.
force him to turn back into an elk, not believing
his story. This is likely to cause a big conflict
between him and the characters.
The Stag’s golden hide, if collected, is worth Lai Angesstun, who is now riding just ahead of
300gp. the characters (assuming Achreny was killed in
the Golden Stag) is the one that develops a fancy
At My Table for an item of the characters’ or of his employer
My players hated Achreny by this point, so they went (in my case, a prized wine bottle from Beyd
directly after him and surprised him as he was about to worth 150gp). This happens in Daggerford, and
ambush the Golden Elf. Jamna steals the item on the first night she
rides with the caravan. If Jamna witnesses the
D AGGERFORD characters in combat (perhaps killing the cultists
from Recognized!), she returns the item (with
The city was attacked a week prior, by Rezmir* good timing, this happens during Who’s Your
and Neronvain*, both visibly wearing their Friend?).
Dragon Masks, riding Chuth*, the green dragon
in the cult’s Misty Forest cell. There was also a
group of eight Dragonsouls (Neronvain’s private
guards) that pillaged the city while the dragon Ran as-is, starting in Daggerford. The character
attacked from above. Daggerford is still that fought Cyanwrath back in Greenest was
recovering, and has been safe ever since the recognized by Melchior, Cult leader. The
night of the attack. However, many of its character with highest Wisdom (Perception)
buildings have been destroyed. This is a good score notices Melchior observing the recognized
place to introduce Sir Isteval, who joins the character.

Figure 9.10: The Caravan attacked by trolls and spiders. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.


cultists are openly animus to one another from
now on.

Characters have hopefully earned some loot from
their adventures, and 50gp each from their
employer (or 300gp total). They should be aware
that the Order of the Dragon is hauling, at the
very least, a large amount of treasure. They
reached Waterdeep, where the Golden Elk can be
cured, and Jamna still acts as a reliable ally. At
the city’s gates, the caravan quickly disperses.

Figure 9.11: The ruins where the Golden Stag

turns back into his elven form. By Patreon’s DM

At My Table
That night, my players set a trap for Melchior. The
recognized character went alone to the woods for private
business, and Melchior followed. The other characters
followed him, and he was silently disposed of.

Ran as-is, but did not follow the proposed
time-line. I had this happen together with

Ran as-is.

At My Table
This worked out in a perfect way for me. My players
immediately trusted Jamna, who milked them for
information. They even found, using Locate Object, that
she was the thief from Everything Has a Price, but they
assumed the item had been planted. In fact, Jamna was
about to admit that she had taken it and how impressed
she was with them for uncovering the truth, when they
blurted out their theory, to which she simply agreed to.
From then on, it was easy to keep the players doing
whatever I wanted them to, by having Jamna give hints to
them: "Careful with Azbara, he is the only one that worries
me..." to keep them from trying to attack the cultists
during the journey, for example.


Ran as-is. The surviving cultists accuse the
characters, and tensions rise, but combat
doesn’t actually start, Azbara calms everyone
down with menacing words. The characters and


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Construction perhaps in all Faerûn. It is a truly marvelous
Ahead by Wizards of the Coast. cosmopolitan city of great culture that attracts
Please revise the introduction in section 2.8. the most talented artisans, artists, and scholars
Maps can be found in section 26.7. from across the Realms, as well as a commercial
hub for financial interests along the coast and
10.1 I NTRODUCTION beyond. It is, by and large, the most civilized city
on the Sword Coast. Yet civilized doesn’t mean
Characters should be at level 7. safe, nor does it mean easy to navigate. Many
The goal for this chapter is for characters to day-to-day elements of life in Waterdeep that
take a short break in a major hub, and interact residents take for granted are, to new arrivals, a
with Remallia Haventree. Then, the caravan bevy of wonders and dangers not seen in any
will move on and lead the characters to the other settlement within a thousand miles.
Carnath Roadhouse. They should finally be able Characters don’t have much time, but they
to get rid of the cultists, and find that some should get to know a bit about the city, as they
other group is carrying the loot deep into the will return here for the Council of Waterdeep in
swamp. the future. Aside from meeting their Harper
connection Remallia Haventree at the Yawning
10.2 C ARAVAN Portal, there isn’t anything specific to do here.
Just let your players choose what they wish to
D ISBANDS do, and react accordingly.
All the caravan members must register with the
magisters at the entrance of the city. Each then N EVEREMBER AND S ILVERHAND
quickly goes their own way. Guards and At some point while the characters move through
teamsters will rest for some days before getting a the city, they cross paths with Dagult
similar job and making the opposite route back Neverember, currently the Open Lord of
to Baldur’s Gate. Waterdeep. They might recognize him, but he
does not know them (nor has he any reason to),
O RDER OF THE D RAGON and he is too busy at the moment. He later
The Cultists and Azbara Joe take the day to participates in the Council of Waterdeep.
prepare for their next journey. By nightfall, Another relevant NPC from Waterdeep is Lady
another convoy departs from the Northern Gate, Laeral Silverhand, also known as Lady Mage of
led by Ardred Briferhew. Waterdeep, who also participates in the Council.
Touched by the goddess of magic, Mystra, Laeral
J AMNA is an expert in arcane items, and might have a
quick meeting with the Harper member Remallia
Jamna volunteers to trail the cultists if the Haventree about the dragon masks and their
characters want to do something else during the mysterious powers.
day. Should her disguise be threatened (for
example, if the characters speak with their E NTERING THE C ITY
Harper contact Remallia Haventree and
mention her), she won’t return and characters You will have traveled through lands claimed
might not ever see her again. As a parting gift, and controlled by the Lords of Waterdeep long
she can send them a note at nightfall explaining before you see its walls. If you’ve come from the
she had fun and telling them what the cultists south by the Trade Way, you’ll have met the City
are about to do. Otherwise, she accompanies the Guard at their post at Zundbridge. From the
characters and the convoy up to the Carnath north by way of the Long Road, you’ll have
Roadhouse. passed under their watchful eyes at the town of
Rassalantar. And whether by land or sea, you’ll
likely also have been spotted by the Griffon
10.3 WATERDEEP Cavalry—even if you have not spotted them.
Waterdeep, also known as the City of Splendors Worry not. Waterdeep is a welcoming city, and
or the Crown of the North, is one of the most you have nothing to fear from these guardians
important and influential city in the North and unless you lead a rampaging army of orcs, a


horde of gnolls, or similar. They don’t even ground above Mount Waterdeep’s sunset shadow.
require a toll be paid. The rich and the powerful (or those who wish
If you travel in a large caravan or on a ship, you to think such of them, and can afford the
you will be required to register with a magister at rent) reside or run their businesses here.
the gate at which you arrived or with the harbor For the best experience in the North Ward, go
magister. Magisters can easily be recognized by there just before dawn, buy a broadsheet, and
the black robes they wear (and, in fact, are settle in at a café with a view of the street. Watch
commonly called "black robes" as a result) and as the ward comes quietly to life around you.
the City Guard force that always accompanies You’ll soon hear and then see the drays arriving
them. Be aware that magisters can pass a with servants. These aren’t the live-in staff used
sentence without a trial. It behooves you to treat by noble houses, but people hired to come and
them with proper respect. If you travel overland work for a day. Most of them come from less
in a small party or alone, you aren’t required to affluent parts of the city, arriving with the tools
register with a magister unless your stay extends of their trade and outfitted in their customary
beyond a tenday. Many canny visitors with garb. As these servants spread out to knock on
business for a month or a season betimes avail doors and begin their work, the residents of the
themselves of the hospitality of inns in ward take their exits, parting fondly with
Undercliff, the pleasant farmland east of the city spouses and children. In the span of just an
proper. The less well-off often find hour, the North Ward comes to noisy life and
accommodation in the Field Ward. then settles again into quiescence, until later in
If you approach by air, expect a vigorous the day when the process reverses itself, as
pursuit by and confrontation with the Griffon residents return from work and servants leave.
Cavalry. Only specially licensed individuals and The Castle Ward is the heart and mind of
mounts can fly over Waterdeep. It is best to land Waterdeep, if not its soul. It houses the city’s
well outside the city and approach on foot. military forces, courts, government, and the
Market-the largest market square of any city in
I NSIDE THE C ITY the North. It encompasses the City Navy’s docks
Waterdeep is a city of broad boulevards that in the Great Harbor and all of Mount Waterdeep,
thrum with traffic. All day and well into the and it is home to six walking statues, numerous
night, a bewildering melee of wagons, carts, temples, and many other landmarks. Castle
horse and pony riders, carriages, buggies, Waterdeep stands above the city on a great bluff
hire-coaches, and Waterdeep’s signature that extends out from the mountain, its towers
towering drays (towering long, glassed-in soaring hundreds of feet into the sky. It
carriages with bench seating that provides surprises many to learn that this isn’t where
additional open-air bench seating on their roofs) Waterdeep’s rulers reside, nor from where the
surges through its major thoroughfares. city is governed. The castle was and is a redoubt
Fortunately, most roads are flanked by paved of last defense should the city be attacked, but
sidewalks that give pedestrians plenty of space, for well over a century, the ruler of Waterdeep
and most of the widest roads have raised has occupied the Palace of Waterdeep.
dividers that allow an individual crossing a The Market in the Castle Ward is the largest
street a safe space to step out of the fray and market square in the city, but the Trades Ward
wait for traffic to pass. is like a market town in itself-and is easily thrice
One will also find throughout the city eight the Market’s size. This ward bustles day and
behemoth statues, ninety feet tall. They once night with activity, both on the street and on
wreaked havoc, but have thankfully been balcony walkways that run the length of blocks
dormant for well over a decade now, serving only and are sometimes layered five stories high.
as beautiful, cyclopean reminders of Waterdeep’s Shop signs appear to leap out from buildings,
might. whose sides are plastered with advertisements
all vying for the attention of the eye. As long as
WARDS it’s not illegal, you can find it in the Trades Ward.
In other cities, such as Baldur’s Gate and But if you are looking for something illegal, the
Neverwinter, districts are bounded by rivers or Trades Ward is likely the place to get that too.
walls. But in Waterdeep, one can traverse from Do not do so too loudly, though. The City Watch
ward to ward by crossing a street-a fact that has a heavy presence in this ward, in the form of
offers the drivers of hire-coaches some both open patrols and officers working out of
amusement when an ignorant tourist requests a uniform.
ride to an adjacent ward. The southern ward hosts most of the traveling
The Sea Ward stands proud on the high merchants who visit the city, and is made up of


many enclaves, blocks, and streets primarily a council of other lords of nearly equal power
occupied by citizens who trace their ancestry to would rule with him. But the identity of those
other realms. other lords would be hidden even from each
Aside from the Field Ward, the Dock Ward is other, thus preventing any of them from being
where most of Waterdeep’s poor reside. Yes, it is approached and influenced by bribe or threat.
home to some of the least literate people in the They would be known as the Masked Lords.
city. Yes, most of its taverns are inhabited by The current Open Lord of Waterdeep is Dagult
habitual drinkers, and far too many inns charge Neverember. Laeral Silverhand is one of its
by the hour. But all must concede this: the Masked Lords.
residents of the Dock Ward often work the
hardest while living under the harshest M ILITARY
conditions. The first soldiers you see in service to the city
The City of the Dead is no drab cemetery. It is will be the members of the City Guard who
a great park of grassy hills, tended flower beds, patrol the roads leading to Waterdeep, watch the
artfully placed clusters of trees and bushes, walls, guard civic structures, and protect
beautiful sculptures, astounding architecture, magisters. Waterdeep’s streets, however, are
and gravel paths that wend intriguingly through policed by an altogether different force: the City
it all. Long ago, Waterdavians largely abandoned Watch.
the practice of burying their dead, instead
entombing them in mausoleums. For centuries, "The Guard guards the walls while the Watch watches all."
the major mausoleums here have each been
connected to an extradimensional space where
the dead are taken, mourned, and interred. The City Watch has watch posts throughout
Outside the city, you can find the Field Ward, the city. These stations are often off the main
Undercliff, and Undermountain, all famous in thoroughfares, tucked away in small courtyards
their own right. or at cross streets. Small squads head out from
the watch posts on daily and nightly rounds of
the city streets, or on special assignments
G OVERNMENT involving protection or investigation. A mere pair
The ruler of Waterdeep is known as the Open of Watch operatives might discreetly patrol in the
Lord. While he is the public ruler of Waterdeep, Castle Ward; in contrast, squads of eight walk

Figure 10.1: The streets of Waterdeep. By Wizards of the Coast.


the Dock Ward, increasing to as many as a only if it occurs in a location registered with the
dozen at night. If Watch members spot trouble city for that purpose. Additionally, any blade
they can’t handle, they blow shrill tin whistles to more than one foot in length is subject to an
summon more of their members-an act that extra tax whenever it is sold, which helps to
alerts nearby citizens as well. explain why Waterdavians prefer to carry knives
City Watch members follow a strict code of and knuckledusters for self-defense.
conduct that makes them one of the most Businesses and individuals do employ armed
trusted police forces aside from paladin-patrolled guards, but except for nobles or foreign envoys,
Elturgard. As long as you don’t engage in few people travel about the city with such
unlawful behavior, you can expect to be left protection. As such, the sight of armed and
untroubled by the Watch. armored individuals walking the streets who
Waterdeep also deploys an aerial defense force. aren’t in the livery of the city or one of its noble
Brave warriors of the City Guard light out from houses inspires caution in most Waterdavians.
the Peaktop Aerie atop Mount Waterdeep, riding Folk assume that you wouldn’t bother lugging
fearsome griffons that have been bred and around such equipment unless you either intend
trained for that purpose. Each of the riders is violence or expect that it might soon be visited
equipped with a ring of feather falling—not upon you.
merely to prevent death from mishap, but to Expect to be questioned at the gate, or when
allow them to perform stunning feats of aerial you register with a magister, regarding your
acrobatics. Riders of the Griffon Cavalry are ability to cast arcane magic. Wizards, sorcerers,
trained to stay above the rooftops, not because and other arcane spellcasters who intend to stay
they fear crashing into towers and weather in Waterdeep for any length of time are required
vanes, but because the smell of so much to register with the city, and will be strongly
horseflesh in the streets below can sometimes encouraged to join the Watchful Order of Magists
drive their griffons into a frenzy. and Protectors, headed by the Blackstaff.
Members of the Watchful Order are expected to
L AW AND O RDER render service to the city when called upon,
acting as temporary members of the City Watch
Waterdeep is no village led by hidebound
or City Guard.
hierarchs or petty fiefdom ruled by the whim of a
warlord. It is a city of laws molded by Tyr’s spirit
of justice. As a rule, you can trust members of
the City Watch to do their duty diligently, and The people of Waterdeep are among the greatest
you can expect that the city’s magisters will be of its splendors. Fashion, comportment,
fair. If you have cause to come before the love-these things are practiced with an art and a
Masked Lords or the Open Lord herself, rest zest in the city uncommon elsewhere. The
assured that if your cause be just, justice will be festhalls or festivals are easy proof of this, often
done. If, however, you find yourself in the wrong, with cross-dressing performers who regale
know that though it might take time to weigh audiences with humor, song, and fabulous
that wrong on Tyr’s scales, his hammer will magic. The city is also a haven for those who
fall—and it will be wielded by Waterdeep with a define for themselves what it means to be a man
vengeance. or a woman, those who transcend gender as the
Individuals accustomed to the gods do, and those who redefine entirely who
rough-and-tumble life in much of the North are they are.
often surprised by the fact that Waterdavians go Nobles in Waterdeep are patrons of and
about unarmed and unarmored. Yet Waterdeep investors in all manner of businesses in the city
doesn’t have any law that forbids carrying and abroad, as well as the many expressions of
weapons or armor. Instead, it has a culture of the arts. They spend coin to fund celebrations,
civility that makes such behavior unnecessary. contests at the Field of Triumph, upkeep at the
Dueling has long been illegal in Waterdeep, as city’s temples and shrines, civic projects, guild
has any sort of act involving assault. Individuals events, and charitable actions such as burial of
caught brawling by the Watch will all be arrested the unknown dead. Always address a known
and judged regardless of who started the fracas, noble as "Lord" or "Lady." A short bow or a nod
or why. The tavern brawls that typically break of the head to acknowledge a noble upon each
out under the influence of too much drink will meeting and parting is customary.
often be overlooked by the Watch, as long as the Obsequiousness and servility is something all
proprietor doesn’t seek payment for damages Waterdavians scorn, but you should also beware
and no one is significantly injured. Sport of acting in an overly familiar, boastful, or
fighting, such as boxing or wrestling, is legal disrespectful way when in the presence of any


noble. If you’re not certain whether someone is a there. The gnomes trade any sort of non-cursed
noble, address the gentleman as "Saer" or the magical items up to 5000gp each.
gentlewoman as "Goodwoman." Neither will give The characters overhear this are likely to
offense, and generally a noble will politely correct immediately realize this is the same Elk from the
you as to their actual title. Golden Stag adventure. If they brought him safe
and sound, Remallia is pleased, and forces the
D ETAILED I NFORMATION gnomes to trade with the characters at fair
Refer to Volo’s Waterdeep Enchiridion for prices. If the characters have made an effort to
in-depth information about the city, its people, remove the curse from the Elk, Remallia even
landmarks, and anything else that could be suggests that the gnomes can lend a magical
useful. item to the characters even if they cannot afford
it at the moment. The gnomes agree, but insist
10.4 YAWNING they will be paid eventually, and by Remallia if
the characters die or refuse to pay.
P OR TAL In this scenario, Remallia removes the Elf’s
Remallia Haventree awaits the characters at curse entirely, who suddenly remembers his
the Yawning Portal. She is currently engaged identity, an Eladrin Elf called Brian, who was
with two Gnomes, Trautmann and Gnomagyver, exploring the Underdark during the events of the
that deal with magical items. They have a cart Out of the Abyss campaign. Brian thanks the
outside, and their Iron Golem is standing facing characters with a single use Ring of Spell
the Inn’s walls, in their direction (it will attack Storing, containing any Wizard spell of 5th level
anything that threatens its masters). The or lower of the characters’ choosing.
Gnomes had an encounter with an Eladrin Elf If the Elk was killed or harmed by someone
who they couldn’t swindle, and so their cursed other than the characters, Remallia is very angry
him to turn him into an elk and lose his memory. at the gnomes. She forces them to behave
However, when they recently returned to the properly to the characters, and to any other
ruins where they left him, he was no longer possible clients, for at least a month, to atone for

Figure 10.2: The Yawning Portal. By Reddit’s u/MrWickedClown.


their behavior. If the characters killed or harmed reinforcing cities near know cells of the cult, to
the elk, Remallia acts coldly to them, and prevent further destruction, and repairing
explains that she is disappointed, but won’t cities that have already been attacked (like
dwell much on the topic because she has bigger Greenest and Daggerford)
concerns at the moment. In this scenario, the
gnomes are still punished, and have to behave C ONVOY D EPAR TING
fairly to any customers for a month, but won’t
lend any items to the characters.
Remallia puts in a good word with Ardred
Remallia is an active member of the Harpers,
Briferhew, such that the characters are hired
and she explains what they currently know, and
easily. The cultists drop casual threats, such as
how they are cooperating with the Order of the
"Once our job is done, we’ll show you who you’re
Gauntlet. This is a good opportunity to check
messing with.".
what your characters know and present them
with whatever information they might have
missed. 10.5 C ARNATH
• The Order of the Dragon was previously
focused on raising Dracoliches, but their R OADHOUSE
behavior changed in the last few years Ran mostly as-is.
• Their plans involve Tiamat somehow, possibly When the caravan arrives at the roadhouse,
drawing power from her Azbara Jos* and Bog Luck converse out of
• The gold they pillaged is either a tribute to a earshot. While the cultist’s loads are dropped
dragon, payment for armies, or a reagent for a and carried into the strong room, Azbara goes
powerful ritual with them and is not seen again (he goes to
• The masks are mysterious and should be Castle Naerytar directly). The rest of the supplies
looked into of the caravan are dropped in the main room.
• Avernus is in upheaval, with different factions Everyone spends the night there, and Ardred
forming around the cult’s intentions is planning to return to Waterdeep the following
• The Red Wizards of Thay seem to support the morning. The Grudge Match happens in the
Order of the Dragon middle of the night. The noisy battle awakes
• The Harpers and the Order of the Gauntlet are everyone up, and characters can take the

Figure 10.3: The Carnath Roadhouse. By Reddit’s u/Arcyl.


opportunity to steal Bog Luck’s strong-room key new trail that leads directly into the Mere of the
which he left in his room. Depending on their Dead Men.
attitude, the damage caused to the Roadhouse,
and whether the characters are perceived as
victims or abusers, they may be allowed to
remain resting in the Roadhouse for a few more
In the strongroom, half of the loot is taken in
the first night by two groups of nine Lizardfolk.
Another quarter in the second by another nine
Lizardfolk. The final quarter in the third night
(feel free to adjust this to the speed of your
players). All in all, 18000gp worth of treasure. If
the characters are quick in exploring the room,
they might recover some thousands of gold. How
to carry it might be a problem, but they might
pay Ardred to take some wagons with it back to
Waterdeep and deliver them to Remallia at the
Yawning Portal. Ardred is an honorable man who
sticks to his word, but he won’t carry the loot if
he believes it was stolen from the Cultists, or if
he believes it’s dangerous cargo.
If Jamna is still with the characters, she either
steals some more treasure and runs, or she
offers to escort Ardred back to Waterdeep with
the wagons. She will leave him stranded a few
days out of Waterdeep and escape with all the
treasure, taking it to the Zhentarim
headquarters instead. I didn’t prepare any
side-quest for this event, since it didn’t happen
to me, but this can be an interesting conflict at
the Council of Waterdeep.

Ran basically as-is. The animosity between the
cultists and the characters is probably clear at
this point, and the cultists are only waiting for
their job (delivering the cargo to the Roadhouse)
to be completed before ambushing the
characters. At this point, the group consists of
(except for any prior casualties) three Cult
Wagon Leaders* (Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar),
five Dragonwings, and five Dragonclaws. The
weaker Dragonclaws are basically in charge of
preventing anyone else from coming nearby
(maybe by blocking nearby room doors if the
ambush is in one of the Roadhouse’s rooms).
Some will attempt to flee should the battle turn

The characters have gotten to Waterdeep and
coordinated with the Harpers. From there, they
followed the cultists to a roadhouse to the north
of the city. They hopefully defeated the cultists
(aside from Azbara Jos) and confirmed the
nature of the cargo. The party must now follow a


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Castle Naerytar Chardansearavitriol somewhere in the Mere of
by Wizards of the Coast. Dead Men. The real reason they are working
Please revise the introduction in section 2.9. with the Cult is to recover the second crown.
Maps can be found in section 26.8. When the players emerge from the tunnel
leading to the Carnath Roadhouse, they observe
11.1 I NTRODUCTION the swamp in all its infamy.
Characters should be at level 7.
The goal for this chapter is for characters to Damp, smelly, riddled with annoying insects, each step you
learn about the final plans for the Order of the take sinks into the muddy ground, as if the land itself is
Dragon: releasing Tiamat from Avernus into the trying to prevent you from leaving. Fog quickly surrounds
Forgotten Realms, using the loot as tribute, the you, reducing visibility to no more than 30ft, and the fire
Red Wizards to channel the ritual, and millions from your torches seems to dwindle in this oppressive
of innocent souls as a sacrifice. They should be atmosphere. As you move, you often find bones nearly
able to cause an insurrection in Naerytar and all buried in the mud, or preserved corpses in the stillwaters of
but wipe out this cell of the Order. They may or the swamp. These bodies, with empty eye-sockets, rest
may not return a legendary artifact to the black peacefully at the bottom of the pools, but the occasional
dragon Voaraghamanthar. Finally, they should ripple in the water almost makes it seem as if they move.
follow the portal under the castle and teleport The sunken footprints of lizardfolk can be seen moving
into the Greypeak Mountains. from the tunnel deeper into the swamp.

11.2 T HE M ERE Crossing water is difficult terrain, as are some

more muddy parts of the swamp. You can
The Mere of the Dead Men has a lot of lore
related to it, which your players might know with consider several random encounters here,
a DC 18 Intelligence (History) check. Characters possibly combining them together.
find this information in a book on Area 2N of
Swamp Encounters
Castle Naerytar.
d10 Encounter
1 Swamp fauna (Giant Crocodiles, for example, resting
Some centuries ago, two brothers inherited the kingdom of in the waters, can easily be baited away, or Giant
Uthtower and had the archmage Iniarv create a pair of Toads and Giant Lizards)
artifacts to help them rule. These were known as the Twin 2 Will-o’-wisps (seen from afar, mysterious floating
Crowns of Myrmoran. Iniarv built a tower near the High lights across the mist)
3 Ghosts
Road about 60 miles from Uthtower and used it as his base,
4 Quicksand (wilderness hazard)
releasing a number of magical beasts and experimental 5 Shambling Mounds (recognizable from a distance
monsters into the wild. However, he disappeared from the with a DC 16 Intelligence (Nature) check)
public eye, choosing to become a lich and retreating to his 6 Swarms of Insects
tower’s crypts. He eventually emerged from his tower and, 7 Ghasts
upon being requested by the King to aid in some war, called 8 Wights
on the ocean to flood the land, turning it into the swamp 9 Rot Grub (if characters come into contact with water)
known as the Mere of Dead Men (the dead men being the 10 Sight Rot (if characters come into contact with water)
millions of inhabitants of the realm).
Before getting to the half-way point of the
journey (the lizardfolk campsite), the characters
After the two kingdoms fell into ruin, both are surrounded by Wights, with a seemingly
crowns were lost to antiquity for a time. Very few endless horde rising from the waters of the
people are awerae of this, but a hundred years swamp. Suddenly, the lights (Will-o’-wisps) they
later, the Twinned Crown of Yarlith was have seen sporadically throughout the swamp
recovered by the Order of the Dragon. It was come to their aid. These move near the
given to a dragon, Voaraghamanthar, in characters, and the undead are unable to enter
exchange for his assistance in finding the lost the are they illuminate, or attack targets within
Uthtower and the temple therein that was that area. The Wisps try to lead the characters
rumored to contain the remains of the dracolich southwest towards Voaraghamanthar’s lair,
Chardansearavitriol. Voaraghamanthar and his while the footprints lead northwest towards
twin Waervaerendor believed the Twinned Naerytar Castle. The characters also hear a
Crown of Uthtower also resided with the bones of dragon roar to the northwest (Waervaerendor


flying about). This should make them feel safe disdain undeath (hence lairing in a cathedral of
enough to follow the wisps. Kelemvor). Voaraghamanthar prefers studying,
while Waervaerendor prefers hunting. They
T HE S UNKEN C ATHEDRAL resent intrusions in their lair, and don’t care
much about the cult (they believe it won’t suceed
This is one of the lairs of the Black Dragon in its plans for Tiamat).
Voaraghamanthar, the Black Death, and its
regional effects are felt for miles around. The The dragon is currently out-of-sight, resting
cathedral was once a temple to Kelemvor, and atop the tower, on its hoard of treasure. His eyes
has fallen into ruins centuries ago. are closed, but he is not asleep, just hearing
Around the cathedral, there are some Water what’s happening across the swamp. He won’t
Elementals (bound to the dragon, tasked with be surprised by characters, although he may
bringing food) and some Ghouls (enslaved lose temporary track of their location.
enforcers), who will only attack if provoked, or if Voaraghamanthar has the stats of an Adult
their dragon master is attacked. Black Dragon, but he also carries a Ring of Fire
On the cathedral’s basement, a tribe of Resistance and a Ring of Invisibility. He
Kobolds lives on the dry part, and a tribe of visibly carries the Twinned Crown of Yarlith on
Lizardfolk on the sunken part. Each tribe is his head (one of the Twin Crowns of Myrmoran).
small, less than twenty members, and co-exist Finally, he knows the lost 9th-level spell Blood to
peacefully, both worshipping and fearing the Acid, which deals 26 (4d12) acid damage and 14
black dragon. (4d6) force damage to a creature within 30ft, if it
fails a Constitution saving throw, or half that
As with most black dragons, the twins are
damage on a success. On a failure, the creature
quick to anger, cunning, and immoral. However,
also takes 26 (4d12) acid damage at the
they are not needlessly cruel or destructive, and
beginning of each of their turns, and can repeat
prefer being discrete and surviving to short term
the saving throw at the end of their turns.
victories (so they will run away if their life is
threatened at any point). They are quite smart, The dragon will not toy with the characters for
thirsty for knowledge and immortality, but too long, being quite confident that he can easily

Figure 11.1: Swampy part of the Mere. By Patreon’s The Modern Lich.


Figure 11.2: Lair of Voaraghamanthar. By Oliver Guiney.

kill them all, and annoyed that they came to him. Now leave. I expect to hear from you very soon.
Initially, he assumes they are cultists. Once the Did you know that lizards in the mere can eat toads?
truth is revealed, he instead has the characters However, that isn’t the swamp’s reality. They are not aware
fetch a Ring of Myrkul for him, which is they can do so. So the toads feast on them instead. And
currently in the possession of the Order of the they will continue to do so until the lizards learn. Keep that
Dragon. Voaraghamanthar and his twin in mind.
Waervaerendor each have one ring already, and
with the third, they will be able to raise the
Uthtower, which has the missing crown, The last sentence is a cryptic reference for the
Twinned Crown of Uthtower. With it, both characters to realize they can incite the lizardfolk
dragons will form a unbreakable bond and against the bullywugs at the castle. Feel free to
become even stronger. The tower also has the remind the character with the highest
remains of the dracolich Chardansearavitriol, intelligence score about this when they meet
treasure, and might even harbor the lich Iniarv. lizardfolk, if all the players forget it.
If the players eventually spy back on
Voaraghamanthar (for example, if they use the
Who dares enter my domain?... Farseer of Illusk from Naerytar’s Area 3U), they
There is little point in hiding, you reek of fear... learn the truth about his brother.
More worshippers from that miserable cult?
Hahahahaha Your vision focuses on the top of the Sunken Cathedral,
Pesky little mortals... If you’re not with them, then are where Voaraghamanthar seemingly rests, surrounded by his
you coming for my treasure? You won’t make out of this treasure hoard. A massive shadow seems to hover over
cathedral alive... him, and suddenly, the cathedral shakes as another black
Speak the truth. You will regret it if you don’t. dragon lands next to Voaraghamanthar. Undisturbed, he
I am the great Voaraghamanthar, the Black Death, merely opens his eyes and greets the newcomer: Welcome
fastest of them all! Interesting... I assume you are headed back, brother. And thus, the final piece of the puzzle dawns
towards Naerytar, their base of operations? on you: why Voaraghamanthar has the reputation of being
Good, good, you shall prove useful for the great so fast he can be in two places at once; why he wants the
Voaraghamanthar. Hidden within the rooms of the castle, Ring of Myrkul, whose powers will allow him to find the
lies a Ring of Myrkul. The cult used it to create vile other Twin Crown; Voaraghamanthar has a twin!
dracoliches. Bring it to me, and you shall be... rewarded... The newcomer describes how he has searched specific
Spirit it away, however, and you will not have a moment of areas of the Mere and failed to locate the tower. He has,
peace for as long as you live. however, had some fun hunts, and even eaten some


Figure 11.3: Voaraghamanthar in the Mere. By Wizards of the Coast.

explorers near the shore. Voaraghamanthar eventually tells

him about you. How he charged you with fetching the Ring
of Myrkul from the cult, or else. His brother scoffs at the
idea, but Voaraghamanthar appeases him "Have faith,
Waervaerendor, even a small pebble can cause a landfall."
The brothers talk for a while longer, before
Voaraghamanthar flies away, his brother now keeping the
treasure safe.

Snawjaw can be distinguished from the
remaining eight Lizardfolk rowing in the
approaching canoes. Not due to a noticeable
combat prowess (if anything, Snapjaw looks
smaller and meager), but instead just by the way
he commands the others, and his larger head
fins. If undisturbed, the lizardfolk arrive on the
encampment, where 3 canoes from the previous
group are docked. They decide to wait for their
comrades, and go about making a fire and Figure 11.4: The half-way encampment. By
possibly foraging some food. Snapjaw stands 2-Minute Tabletop.
nearby, inspecting the canoes. Most of the group
centers at the fireplace, and Snapjaw rolls death


saving throws if reduced to 0 HP, which should arrives and is forwarded to Skyreach castle.
prevent your players from killing all the Azbara Jos* is joining her.
lizardfolk without even interacting with them. The Bullywugs behave like rude aristocrats,
Snapjaw will speak in very broken common, or although they have not abandoned their
just slightly broken draconic. primitive habits of playing in mud and eating
raw food. The lizardfolk are humble and sad,
since their leader Suncaller was recently killed
Surrender! Peace! by Pharblex Spattergoo*. Snapjaw has become
Snapjaw. Lizardfolk. Friend. their de facto leader, but he feels he is not good
Dragon tribe. Good work. Lizardfolk allies. enough for such a role.
I prepared two maps for my players, one with a
day version, and one with a night version. As
11.3 C ASTLE players explore the castle, they observe different
groups at different places. Feel free to add more
N AERYTAR details, patrols, or anything you want to make
The characters might be familiar with Castle the castle feel alive.
Naerytar, should they succeed on a DC 18
Intelligence (History) check. Characters find this S EQUENCE OF E VENTS
information in a book on Area 2N.
Once Snapjaw arrives back at Naerytar, an
alarm is rung in area 2A. Borngray* and his
Built by a half-elven Wizard hundreds of years ago, Castle three Black Guard Drakes come to meet him.
Naerytar is a partially ruined fortification perched atop a This assumes the characters allied themselves
low-rise surrounded on all sides by a wide moat of stagnant with the Lizardfolk and are trying to infiltrate the
foul water. When the wizard vanished, various assorted castle.
swamp creatures moved in. Years later, the Academy of
Stargazers, led by their powerful mistress, Lady Adele,
- What happened to other canoes?
wiped out a tribe of bullywugs that had taken residence
- Sunk, gator, some dead, some repair, more tomorrow.
there, and claimed it as their new home. Adele hired
- Ah, useless pieces of shit. I’ve given you the tools, and
workers to map out the place and build a path between the
somehow you’re still more useless than those stinking frogs.
castle and the High Road. They also delivered a large
If you make me look bad in front of Rezmir, I’m going to
telescope that Adele had purchased in Waterdeep. With the
feed you to the drakes, understand?
aid of arcane scrolls and other rare materials purchased in
- Feed drakes, yes.
Skull Port, she transformed the inner dome of the castle
- Argh. Get out of here!
into a magical viewing sphere, which she used to view her
murky domain, in order to find victims.
Yes, victims. Adele hired adventurers to hunt down a
Snapjaw leaves for area 1I, while any other
druid vampire, but in reality she only wanted to get rid of
remaining lizardfolk go to rest on area 3.
an opponent, as she herself turned out to be a horrific
Borngray then addresses the characters.
vampiric creature. Adele had been killing her own
apprentices all that time. Eventually, she got exposed and
destroyed, and the castle was abandoned once again. To - Ok, you. Who are you, and who recruited you?
this day, the castle is haunted by the victims of the star (...)
mistress. - Ok, good, You will start your duties immediately, and I’ll
The castle must have been re-discovered recently by the decide whether you keep the privilege of joining our Great
Order of the Dragon. Order. Follow me.

I mostly changed the cultists in Naerytar for He then guides the characters into the castle,
higher ranking members of the Order of the warning them about the moat.
Dragon. They are tasked with sorting out the
treasure to be dispatched through the portal,
feverishly venerate Tiamat, and often pray to her. - We are protected by the moat, don’t fall in. Crocs, and
Dralmorrer Borngray* handles the day-to-day bigger crocs under the surface.
matters of the castle successfully, and is trying
to get the Lizardfolk more confident, so that
eventually Rezmir* promotes them and demotes He takes the characters across areas 1A, 1B,
the filthy Bullywugs. Rezmir is currently here for 1C, 1P, 1Q, 1R, 1S, and 1T, describing them as
a few days until the entire haul of treasure they move.


- These are your future lodgings. They need fixing up. Take his 10 Bullywug Croakers* coming from the
care of it and get ready to meet Rezmir. I’ll have that dungeons.
reptilian moron pick you up in a couple of hours.
- Ah, there’s the pipsqueak-major. Finally, a task apt to your
Two hours later, Snapjaw comes to escort the skills, showing recruits around. Can’t mess things up, can
characters to Rezmir. He warns them they must you now?
not wear visible armor or weapons in the castle. (The bullywugs escorting him laugh. Pharblex then
Characters can hide small weapons (daggers, addresses the characters.)
wands, etc) and light armor with their clothes, - Ask him to show you the Northwest tower, maybe the
but medium and heavy armors, shields, and trash will take itself out.
medium or large weapons must be left in their (Pharblex casts Druidcraft such that Snapjaw starts
quarters. Snapjaw guides them through areas smelling like trash. The bullywugs find this hilarious.) - Tell
1T, 1S, 1R, 1Q, 1P, and 1C. At that moment, Suncaller’s family I said hi.
Azbara is leaving area 1L for lunch, so (Both Pharblex and the Bullywugs laugh a lot, while
characters need to improvise some way for him Snapjaw almost shakes with anger and sorrow)
not to recognize them. After that, Snapjaw
continues guiding the characters through areas
1L, 1N, 2L, and 3L, where Rezmir and Borngray Whatever happens next depends on your
await them. Rezmir officially welcomes them into group. If the characters don’t attack that night,
the Order of the Dragon. Borngray interrupts no treasure comes in the canoes, and they’re
her speech a few times to feverishly agree with sent to repair and clear parts of the castle. After
her. another day, Rezmir investigates with the
Farseer of Illusk, finds the truth, and has the
characters killed.
- Welcome. Borngray has told me you’re our newest
recruits. I’d like to officially welcome you into the Order of
the Dragon. I know things must look tough, but don’t worry,
At My Table
My group coordinated with Snapjaw, and they basically
we take care of others. As you know, this world is full of
destroyed rooms 2R, 2T, and 3R. At the same time,
hate, full of pain. We worship the mighty dragons in the Snapjaw unleashes his attack on area 1G. The alarm sounds
hopes they will bring balance, and leads us to somewhere soon after this, and the battle between lizards and toads
better. Their time is coming, with or without us, so we quickly moves to area 1C. As characters reach the
might as well be ahead of the wave. Now, the order has courtyard, they witness Azbara Jos, Borngray, and the 3
drakes from area 1D, as well as the cultists sleeping in area
specifics ranks and paychecks. The better you are at your 1R, all rushing into the courtyard as well. Azbara finds some
duties, the quicker you’ll rise through the ranks, and earn way to escape and go to Rezmir, while Snapjaw points to
better income. Your families are, of course, protected by the characters and yells "Friends! Help! Attack frogs!
the cult, and you can settle such details later with Borngray. Revenge! Glory!".
After "liberating" the castle, they eventually found the
- Yes, master.
Farseer of Illusk and used it to find about
- For now, we are gathering resources, and you will be Voaraghamanthar and Waervaerendor (see above). While
expected to eventually help with that. For the next couple spying on them, Snapjaw’s messenger arrived to tell them
of days, you will work on the castle, study lore, and practice about what happened at the castle, and Voaraghamanthar
your combat skills. Once the next batch of treasure immediately flew their way. My players were quick to
destroy the telescope (so it won’t fall into the wrong hands)
arrives... and descend into the dungeon in pursuit of Rezmir. They
- Should be tomorrow, master. avoided most encounters, and one character accidentally
- Yes, once it arrives, you will join your brothers in the went through the portal by saying its command word aloud.
great hall and sort it. Beware, we tolerate no thieves among The others facepalmed, took a long rest, and followed.
us, and a much worse fate than you can imagine awaits you
if you try to betray the Order. That’s all I have to say for
now. Questions?
(...) I changed the following creatures:
- Ok. Snapjaw can show you around Naerytar for today, • Pharblex* and Borngray* use custom stat
and tomorrow morning you will start your duties. Rest well. blocks
Borngray, once Azbara finishes his meal, have him come • Pharblex is escorted by stronger Bullywug
back. We have urgent matters to discuss. Croakers*
• Tharm (the cook) has the stats of a Duergar
Snapjaw now guides the characters to Finally, I changed several of the enemies found
whatever areas of the castle they wish to visit, as in the castle, and their locations. Below are
long as they are not restricted. As Snapjaw takes tables listing all the encounters and creatures in
them back to area 1T, they meet Pharblex and Naerytar.


Forces in the Castle Grounds Forces in the Castle (first floor)
Area Day Night
2A 9 Bullywugs 9 Bullywugs
Area Day Night
2F 2 Lizardfolk empty
1 A Giant Crocodile The crocodiles sleep
2G 2 Bullywugs Pharblex and 10
resting on a river beneath the waters.
Bullywug Croakers*
island, and 2 Crocodiles
2H empty Maybe Snapjaw and
swimming on river.
10 Lizardfolk plotting
2 4 Lizardfolk guarding 6 4 Lizardfolk guarding 6
Giant Lizards Giant Lizards
2I Maybe Snapjaw empty
3 30 Lizardfolk resting or 50 Lizardfolk resting
2N 1 Dragonfang and 3 empty
Dragonwings, maybe
4 40 Bullywugs and 10 50 Bullywugs and 20
Rezmir*, Borngray*,
Giant Frogs resting or Giant Frogs resting
and Azbara Jos*
2P empty Tharm and his two
5 3 Giant Crocodiles in The crocodiles sleep
Commoners sleeping
the deepest parts of the beneath the waters.
2R empty 5 Dragonclaws
moat, Crocodiles on the
2T empty 7 Dragonclaws
rest of the moat
2V empty Borngray*

Forces in the Castle (second floor)

Area Day Night
3E 3 Ghosts 3 Ghosts
Forces in the Castle (ground floor) 3G empty empty
3H 2 Giant Spiders empty
3I 2 Giant Spiders empty
3J 1 Giant Spider empty
Area Day Night
3L Maybe Rezmir*, empty
1A 10 Bullywugs and 4 10 Bullywugs and 4
Borngray*, and Azbara
Giant Frogs, maybe Giant Frogs
3N empty Rezmir*
1B 3 Bullywugs patrolling empty
3O Maybe Rezmir* empty
1C 5 Bullywugs loafing empty
3R empty 3 Dragonfangs and 3
around, 2 Giant Lizards
being trained by 6
3T 1 Dragonfang empty
Lizardfolk, maybe
3U 8 Gargoyles 8 Gargoyles
1D 3 Guard Drakes 3 Guard Drakes
1E 1 Otyugh 1 Otyugh Forces in the Castle dungeon
1F 2 Lizardfolk tending to 6 8 Giant Lizards Area Day Night
Giant Lizards 2 1 Dragonblood Ooze 1 Dragonblood Ooze
1G 12 Bullywugs 24 Bullywugs 3 2 Bullywugs tending, 2 2 Bullywugs dozing off
1H 6 Lizardfolk empty Bullywugs chilling
1I 4 Lizardfolk (may roam empty 4 2 Swarms of 2 Swarms of
castle from here) and Centipedes per Centipedes per
Snapjaw character character
1J empty 10 Lizardfolk 6 1 Giant Frog 1 Giant Frog
1K empty Maybe 10 Lizardfolk 7 12 Giant Frogs and 1 12 Giant Frogs and 1
1L 1 Dragonfang empty Hydra Hydra
1N empty 1 Dragonfang and 3 8 2 Bullywugs 2 Bullywugs
Dragonwings 11 10 Bullywug Croakers*, empty
1P Tharm and his two empty maybe Pharblex*
Commoners 12 Maybe Pharblex* empty
1Q 12 Dragonclaws, 3 3 Guard Drakes
Dragonwings and 1 This gives a total of 12 Dragonclaws, 6
Dragonfang, maybe Dragonwings, 4 Dragonfangs, 6 Guard Drakes,
Borngray* led by Borngray*, Rezmir*, and Azbara*. There
1T 2 Swarms of Characters sleep here if
are also 20 Lizardfolk led by Snapjaw tending to
Centipedes and 8 they infiltrate successfully
Giant Centipedes
8 Giant Lizards, 10 Bullywug Croakers* led by
1U empty Maybe Rezmir* and Pharblex*, and 47 Bullywugs tending to 4 Giant
Azbara Jos* Frogs. Other monsters are abound, but don’t
1V Maybe Azbara Jos* Azbara Jos* really care about these 3 factions.


I added a secret passage from area 1M into the
dungeon’s area 5, which Rezmir and Azbara use,
in order to reach the portal and escape Naerytar.
There are also a couple of oil barrels in the
cultist’s quarters, which the cultists use to fuel
their lamps. These are highly inflammable and
explosive. The Ring of Myrkul is hidden in
Tiamat’s hidden compartment, in area 1L. The
spellbooks in area 3T belong to the 3
Dragonfangs that live in area 3R and contain
Rime’s Binding Ice, Nathair’s Mischief,
Ashardalon’s Stride, Raulothim’s Psychic
Lance, and Summon Draconic Spirit from
Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons, as well as
Dragon’s Breath, Continual Flame, Fly, Fear,
Lightning Bolt,Tasha’s Caustic Brew, Warding
Bond, and Water Breathing (spells that the
cultists learn before becoming Dragonsouls,
hoping they will be able to cast them when
Tiamat returns).

Hopefully, the characters have cleared out Castle
Naerytar. The lizardfolk can now take over, and
Voaraghamanthar will come visit once he gets
word of this. The characters have acquired a lot
of valuable items, and possibly recovered the
Ring of Myrkul. Whether they allow it to find its
way to the dragon is a double-edged sword: the
dragon might forgive them one future offense
(should it ever happen), but it will grow stronger
(by recovering the Twinned Crown of Uthtower
for Waervaerendor).
It’s quite possible that the characters have
conversed with Rezmir or high-ranking cultists
and learned the end-goals of the Order of the
Dragon: bringing back Tiamat from Avernus,
using some ritual with the Red Wizards of Thay,
and gifting her all the treasure collected thus far.
The timeline for this, and the role of the masks
remains a mystery for now.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Hunting Lodge and where she has gone.
and Skyreach Castle by Wizards of the Coast.
Please revise the introduction in section 2.10. The useless fuck! Not only has Severin screwed me over
Maps can be found in section 26.9. with the god damn White Mask, but now this bitch dares to
mock me?! Me! Oh, I’ll get her one day. She’ll see, I’ll get her
12.1 I NTRODUCTION and I’ll be the Wyrmspeaker instead! Either that or I’m
leaving! You hear me?!
Characters should be at level 8.
The goal for this chapter is for characters to
finally defeat Rezmir and Azbara and thwart the I made her basically be on the fence about the
Order of the Dragon’s plans. They can capture or Order of the Dragon: she wants a promotion, but
crash Skyreach Castle, and should learn the is beginning to realize it won’t happen.
planned date for the ritual, a few months, on the Characters can easily intimidate her into joining
night of the planetary alignment, and that the them instead. Otherwise, they can also ignore
ritual will consume millions of innocent souls. her and go straight to Parnast.
In the lodge, I swapped Dragonclaws by
Dragonsouls, and Perytons by Monstrous
12.2 H UNTING L ODGE Perytons*. I also had servants distributed
This chapter is pretty useless, so I made it clear throughout rooms 5, 6, 10, and 14, cleaning,
from afar what the characters had to gain from while some were outside chopping wood. Rushed
it. As they teleport in, the roof Perytons are out footprints leading into the lodge from the portal,
hunting. They arrive later after the characters and from the lodge into room 3 (Rezmir and
have hidden. As the party approaches the Lodge, Azbara grabbing some Wyverns as a mount),
they loudly hear Talis complaining about Rezmir, and from there heading north to Parnast. The

Figure 12.1: The Hunting Lodge. By Reddit’s u/BerhtHramm.


weather is cold and snowy here, so hopefully Be sure to prepare what you think your
your players will try to realize where in the players are most likely to lean to.
Sword Coast they actually are. Trepsin leaves at If you feel your characters took too long to get
dusk with most of his drakes to hunt, just about to Parnast, have the castle flying already, slowly
the time when the kobolds wake up and spread vanishing in the distance, and the party must
throughout the house for maintenance. find their way into it somehow (possibly riding
If there is a confrontation and your players Wyverns).
suggest for Talis to betray the Cult, you can have
Kusphia (her most dedicated follower) mock
something like "Our master would never betray
our mighty dragon lords!" as Talis prepares to
stab him in the back. She knows the activation
I set up Blagothkus as having been driven nearly
codes for three of the portals, one back to Castle mad from grief, at the loss of his wife and three
Naerytar, one to the Sea of Moving Ice in the children. The characters can learn about this
north (where she worships White Dragons, near from Esclarota’s spirit, or from Wiglof and Hulda.
Icewind Dale) and one to the Anauroch desert He has taken upon himself to unite his clan, and
(the same location shown in a tapestry from to do so, he believes the giants need a common
Room 20, instead of the original Mulhorand). If enemy. He doesn’t realize how strong the Order
captured, Talis volunteers all the treasure in the of the Dragon actually is, and doesn’t know
Lodge (that she’s aware of) and all the about their master plan (he just thinks they’re
information she knows in exchange for her life. riling up a few dragons to try and conquer
She doesn’t know about the cult building an territory). Blagothkus is planning to help the
army in the Sunset Mountains far to the south, Order for now, just until the dragons become a
in anticipation of Tiamat’s arrival, that is a more widespread threat, and then he will rally
reveal left for Rezmir. However, she knows the the giants behind his banner. The Order of the
password "Hail Blagothkus" to enter the Castle. Dragon, however, is planning to simply destroy
every last giant once Tiamat is brought back
At My Table from the Nine Hells.
You’d think my players would avoid confrontation and keep There are many ways to run this chapter. The
on pursuing, but alas. First, they chased down Trepsin, who book assumes you don’t fight the forces on the
wound up getting the jump on them instead. Then, they castle directly. In fact, most of the enemies here
bribed one of the servants and learned about the White
Dragon nearby, as well as the magical castle in Parnast. would be deadly for a group of characters at level
Finally, they tried to sneak into the house, but very quickly 9. So the options for the characters include
made too much noise and alerted the night-patrolling • causing another insurrection like in Naerytar -
veteran on the top floor. After that, the servants and
commoners all fled, while the more cult-dedicated
repetition is boring;
members tried to fend off the invaders. Talis was quick to • try and do a quick assassination on Rezmir
offer a truce when the fight turned sour for her, but my and Azbara - not that exciting;
players, by that point, were thirsty for blood. They killed • somehow make Blagothkus change his mind,
everyone else and interrogated her for all she knew, before and have the giants defeat all the cultists and
finishing her off, and departing for Parnast.
dragon on their own - anti-climatic;
• somehow make Blagothkus change his mind,

12.3 P ARNAST the giants don’t really act, and characters

defeat the entire Order of the Cult on their own
Parnast is also fairly irrelevant. I found that the - too difficult, and doesn’t sound very
best to do here is to simply determine how to giant-like;
enter the castle. I had it leaving the village less • somehow make Blagothkus change his mind,
than an hour after the characters arrived there, and divide the enemy forces among the
so preparations are being made as they walk in. characters and the giants - good option, but
There are four main ways for the party to enter the giants would likely have to take care of the
the castle: dragon on their own;
• Fight their way in (immediately attracts I wanted the characters to finally get revenge
everyone’s attention) on the elusive Rezmir and Azbara, who they have
• Sneaking in as Cultists, walking through the been chasing since level 3, for months now; and
front gate or using Wyverns from the Lodge I also wanted the characters to finally fight a
• Sneaking in by some part of the castle other dragon. I set up a hectic final chapter, by giving
than the front gate them enough time to explore, understand the
• Sneaking in by hiding inside the supplies forces in the castle, and rest, before all chaos
being carried inside ensued.


Figure 12.2: Helpful guide to map Skyreach Castle’s Ice Tunnels.

from rooftops, unconscious, hit by the lightning.

The members of the Order of the Dragon try to
hold out in their rooms for a bit, but eventually
understand this must be some sort of attack and
come out. The dragon protects its hoard for as
long as reasonable before joining the fray. Most
of the fighting is concentrated on the upper
floors, where Hekaton is single-handedly fighting
against all the Ogres and Blagothkus. This is the
perfect opportunity for the characters to attack
the cultists and defeat Rezmir and Azbara once
and for all.
At some point during the chaos (perhaps
in-between fights), the characters will notice
someone falling from the sky. Hekaton got hit
with a powerful attack and was thrown off the
Figure 12.3: Skyreach Castle (side view). Upper Courtyard. He is temporarily cursed,
remaining paralyzed and of medium-size until he
lands. The characters can collaborate to break
King Hekaton, also known as the Storm King, his fall, by succeeding on a DC 16 Desterity
is the ruler of the storm giants — and in fact all saving throw (to position themselves properly)
of giantkind. An old friend of Blagothkus and his and on a DC 16 Strength saving throw (to
family, the King has gotten wind of what cushion the fall). Hekaton is bruised and sore,
Blagothkus has done, and is coming to beat with a bleeding lip and some superficial cuts in
some sense into him. The characters will notice his left leg and arm. He wakes up and grows
a great thunderstorm heading towards the castle. back to his original size a few seconds after
Any character succeeding on a DC 16 Wisdom landing. If the characters hamper his fall, he is
(Perception) check notices how the storm seems thankful and throws them a Potion of Greater
to be moving against the wind. At some point Healing. Otherwise, he drinks the potion himself
(close to nightfall makes things very atmospheric, to recover from the fall damage. He explains the
with the distant sunset being suddenly covered), current state of affairs in the short minute of
the furious storm engulfs the entire castle. If the rest he takes: things in the Upper Courtyard are
characters interacted with Esclarota, she getting heated. Most of the Ogres are down, but
cryptically explained this was going to happen. their javelins hurt. And Blagothkus is just
The flying fortress starts shaking up and down, getting started. Hekaton, after recovering his
vibrating furiously, with the sound of thunder breath, crouches down for balance, and hurls
ringing almost non-stop. Every few rounds, himself back up to the Upper Courtyard.
anyone standing must make a DC 15 Dexterity Hopefully, Glazhael is the final encounter of
saving throw to avoid falling prone. Ogres fall this chapter. At some point during the combat,


Blagothkus is killed and his spirit takes control • Azbara Jos*, Glazhael* and Rezmir use a
of Skyreach Castle (otherwise he may just be modified statblock. Azabar has more HP,
alive and manually control it from Area 19). The proficiency bonus, and an additional spell;
castle then starts turning sideways and falling to Glazhael has a bit less Wisdom; and Rezmir
the ground. The characters have a couple of has a bit more Charisma.
rounds to find a way to survive the crash onto • Only two Ogres atop each tower, and only
the mountains below. They can ride Wyverns, fly, three on the ground floor of Area 22. Only
teleport, or, the cooler strategy of them all, grab seven in Area 20 during the night, or in the
onto Glazhael. If everything goes right, your Upper Courtyard during the day. Two groups
characters will fight this dragon while holding on of two Ogres patrol the courtyard at all times,
to its back as a gigantic castle falls from the making a full round in a couple of minutes.
clouds into snow covered mountains below. The There are no Ogres atop Area 17.
crash causes avalanches down the mountain • I got rid of Sandesyl Morgia and her Vampire
sides, and the panicked dragon starts tumbling Spawns, they are too strong and seem too out
to the ground as well. of place. Area 18 now contains giant
It’s easy to adjust the difficulty of this final child-sized coffins (so they look like regular
fight, by timing when the castle starts falling human coffins) containing the remains of
(since the dragon will panic and stop attacking Blagothkus’ children.
at that time). If Glazhael wasn’t the final • Three Dragonwings are replaced by two
encounter, you can still have the castle crashing, Dragonfangs and one Dragonsoul, who
with both the party and the enemies struggling command the others when Rezmir is
to find a way to survive the crash (maybe Rezmir unavailable.
runs to the Wyverns in the stable alongside the • The giants Wiglof and Hulda in Area 10
characters). Even if the characters defeated all eventually foresee the Order of the Dragon
their enemies, the castle might crash for a overpowering them, so they want to convince
surprise final challenge. Blagothkus to abandon this foolish plan. The
timing of this revelation is up to you.
• Five Cultists and five Dragonclaws move
about the Lower Courtyard, carrying things
and bossing Kobolds around, mostly busy
doing menial tasks. They sleep in Area 9, on
the floor if the beds are occupied by higher
ranked members of the Order.
• There are a couple of oil barrels in the
barracks, which the cultists use to fuel their
lamps. These are highly flammable and
• The Black Dragon Mask vanishes along with
the contents of Rezmir’s treasure chest in the
Figure 12.4: A flying white dragon over snowy event of her death, regardless of whether the
mountains, seen from above. mask is within the chest or not (a modified
high-level Contingency spell combined with
C HANGES an Instant Summons spell). Obtaining the
masks is going to be a major goal in the next
These are the mechanical changes I made for
this chapter.
• Area 15 has a big crate filled with slightly
• Four Wyverns in the stables (two usually rotten Essence of Ether. It is enough to put
there, an additional two brought by Rezmir Glazhael to sleep, or to knock all the Cultists
and Azbara) and Dragonclaws from Area 9 unconscious, as
• Rath Modar in Room 12 is just a worn-out well as any other resident of Area 9 who fails a
Simulacrum, all out of spell slots. He DC 15 Constitution saving throw (it’s not
currently has 71/120 HP, is CR12, and enough for the dragon AND the cultists
attacks with cantrips. He has a mocking simultaneously). Since it is expired, it only
demeanor, jokingly praising the character’s lasts for a couple of hours.
efforts and teamwork as they fight. "Oh, you • Area 13 has big kegs of water. Characters can
saved Counterspell just for Azbara? Smart..." overhear the cultists claiming that this water
"Keeping the distance against Rezmir, very helps warding off the cold at high altitudes. It
good. I doubt she’ll have thought of a gives the benefits of a Potion of Cold



The details of how this chapter ends are up to
you, but the ideal goal is for all the party’s
enemies to have been defeated (Rezmir, Azbara
Jos, and Glazhael); the treasure hoard recovered;
Skyreach Castle in ruins on the mountain-side
(hopefully most of the giants survived); King
Hekaton is exhausted, but otherwise safe; and
the plans of the Order of the Dragon pretty much
ruined by the characters. Any enemies that have
survived and escaped will be present later at the
Well of Dragons. If Rezmir is captured alive, she
will bite her own tongue off and suicide, out of
fanatic devotion to Tiamat, causing the Dragon
Mask to vanish (her treasure chest vanishes, but
its contents remain if they’ve been already
recovered by the characters).

Storm King’s Thunder

The Order of the Dragon gets their revenge on King
Hekaton in the Storm King’s Thunder campaign. The fact he
participated in this event can be one of the reasons why.

The characters can finally take a well earned

rest, after slowly walking their way back to a
civilized city, where they can warn the Order of
the Gauntlet or the Harpers of all their
adventures thus far.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Council of Council Members
Waterdeep by Wizards of the Coast. Name Affiliation Ideals Traits
Remallia Harpers Freedom, Honest,
Please revise the introduction in section 2.11. Haventree respect friendly
Maps can be found in section 26.10. Ontharr Order of the Gauntlet Responsibi- Friendly,
Frume lity, hot-
greater tempered
Delaan Emerald Enclave Balance, Quiet
Winterhound life
13.1 I NTRODUCTION Lord Lords’ Alliance Moderation, Honest
Dagult (Waterdeep and responsibi-
Characters should be at level 9. Neverember Neverwinter) lity
Marshal Lords’ Alliance Responsibi- Honest
The goal for this chapter is for the characters Ulder (Baldur’s Gate) lity, glory
to meet most of the members participating in the Ravengard
Council, and determine what they have to do King Lords’ Alliance (Elves Balance, Quiet,
next. Melandrach of the Misty and High nation arrogant
Sir Isteval Lords’ Alliance Tradition, Honorable,
(Daggerford and honor wise,
secretly Cormyr) dour

13.2 R ETURNING TO The missing members are still on-route to

Waterdeep. Having less people allows your
WATERDEEP players not to be overwhelmed with information.
They have already interacted with Remallia and
Skyreach Castle crashed somewhere in the Grey Ontharr, and have probably glimpsed
Cloak Hills, and characters took a few days to Neverember, Ravengard, and Isteval.
return to civilization. From there, they get
quickly summoned to Waterdeep, through a
magical message, or through a connection (for
example, if they chose to move to Elturel,
Ontharr Frume calls them). Any local Harper or
Gauntlet member can help them use a Circle of The council has its session on the morning after
Teleportation from a nearby shrine into the characters arrive. Early morning, Ontharr
Waterdeep, since the Council is about to have its leads them to the Palace and into the council
first session, and the characters have been room. Some people are still standing around,
invited to attend. conversing (Winterhound with Neverember,
Remallia with Dala Silmerhelve, Isteval with a
They feel the Draakhorn some time after they servant), while Melandrach and Ravengard are
arrive (best not to make it immediately after, so both already in their seats. The room has several
the characters don’t get suspicious of the nondescript servants, nobles, and guards
timing). (Veterans).

Once the characters enter, Ontharr holds back
as Sir Isteval comes to greet them. He explains
13.3 M EMBERS OF he was in Daggerford when the characters
passed there, after the attack, in the caravan
THE C OUNCIL with the cult members. He looks quite pleased
with the fact that they ruined the Order of the
In this session, I had the following members Dragon’s plans, and converses a bit with the
attending the Council: characters.


After Isteval moves on and sits at the table, dry at the thought of the cult’s latest doing.
Remallia comes herself to greet them. Ontharr "They increased in numbers, started conducting bolder
then moves to his seat, while Remallia explains raids, and the amount of casualties increased. These events
what is about to happen. were initially sporadic, but in the last few weeks it’s been
almost an all out war, and we estimate that it will only grow
From now on, observe proper decorum and keep your eyes worse. We now have our cities’ gates facing thousands of
open. It is crucial here to understand that everyone is still refugees, armies piling up to increase our defenses and
fighting for themselves, and the graveness of our situation costing us resources we don’t have, villages at war or
hasn’t yet dawned on them. Pay attention, make sure to surrendering to the cult and giving them tribute in exchange
meet and understand who everyone is and who they for protection, and we need a joint strategy.
represent. It is not possible to please everyone here at the I’ve assembled this Council so that the powers of the
same time, so we are about to play a game of give and Sword Coast can unite against this new threat. As you
take. Try not to offend anyone, they can be petty. know, I am Lord Neverember, Open Lord of Waterdeep, the
Lord Protector of Neverwinter, and leader of the Lords’
She then moves to her seat, and by now, Alliance. We also have, here present,
everyone is ready to begin the session. Only • Delaan Winterhound, emissary of the Emerald Enclave, a
Neverember stands, waiting for the characters to group dedicated to maintaining balance in the natural
take their places. order and combating the forces that threaten that
O PENING S TATEMENTS • Ontharr Frume, leader of the Order of the Gauntlet, a
Lord Neverember is the last to sit. When he does, just sect that fights for peace and justice for all;
servants pour an expensive wine into a golden • Remallia Haventree, master of spies and an active
chalice for each participant in the meeting. member of the Harpers, a mysterious organization with
Neverember then summarizes the current state eyes everywhere;
of affairs, while holding his wine glass. • Marshal Ulder Ravengard, Commander of the Flaming
Fist, the elite guard of Baldur’s Gate;
• King Melandrach, monarch of our elfish friends from the
"The Order of the Dragon are a secret semi-religious evil cult
Misty Forest and the High Forest;
venerating dracoliches, otherwise known as undead dragons,
• Sir Isteval, a representative from Daggerford who
which they used to raise through profane rituals. Their
requested to participate and help anyway they can;
belief was that dracoliches were destined to one day rule
Faerûn and beyond and that it was their purpose to help and I hope a few more members will join us in the next few
this come to pass. weeks.
That was until, some years ago, their new leader Severin Isteval suddenly interjects, interrupting Neverember.
learned about the Dragon Masks and, led the cult in "Lord Neverember, apologies for the interruption, but I
another direction. A few years after having been nominated, would be remiss if I didn’t mention it here. My interests are
the cult’s activity noticeable increased." not solely related to Daggerford. While I care deeply for the
He takes a sip of his cup, to parch his throat, suddenly small settlement, I was drafted by Queen Obarskyr, from

Figure 13.1: The members of the Council of Waterdeep. Originally by Reddit’s u/Plaindog.


Cormyr, also known as the Land of the Purple Dragon." At • Portal to the Hunting Lodge and Parnast
this, the remaining members of the council gasp. • Skyreach Castle
Neverember loudly exclaims "This is treason!". Isteval Specifically, the council bickers on what
continues, though, apologetically. "I apologize, my Lord, for happened to
the deception, but I was sure you would not allow Cormyr • Cyanwrath, Mondath, and the dragon eggs in
to join this council unless under false pretense. I can assure the Hatchery;
you, Queen Obarskyr is worried about the war developing • Mortlock in the Dungeon of the Dead Three;
on her western front, and she wishes to help. Please, my • Caravan gold in the Carnath Roadhouse;
lords, I am but a humble servant, and yet, I hope you can • Snapjaw, Pharblex, Borngray, and the Ring of
all agree that my loyalties, to Daggerford, to Cormyr, to the Myrkul in Naerytar;
Lords’ Alliance, and to all good folk, are not at • Talis and Othelstan in Parnast;
cross-purposes." • Rezmir, Azbara, Glazhael, Blagothkus, and the
Melandrach remarks "How easy it was to fool gold in Skyreach Castle.
Neverember and allow a possible spy at our table. I wonder
They will allow some gold to have been kept by
how many others have come here with second intentions."
the characters, but not more than 30000 out of
Neverember grows red "What’s that supposed to mean?"
the 140000 they have likely recovered from the
Everyone’s voices begin to raise, and it seems like the caravan and Skyreach. They feel this is fair
Council is going to break before it even starts! compensation, and the remainder of the gold is
needed to rebuild and fortify.
The characters now have a chance to placate
things and attempt to get everyone back on O THER L EADS
track. Neverember is angry and embarrassed, Remallia now fills in additional information she
while Delaan and Melandrach are apprehensive has uncovered, and what to focus on next.
about Isteval. Ravengard remains quiet,
pondering how the armies of Cormyr could be
used in the upcoming battles. If the characters According to our intelligence, we have a bit over 6 months
don’t intervene to calm down the Council until the planetary alignment, when the ritual will be
members, Remallia and Ontharr do so for them. conducted.
Remallia explains she was aware of Isteval’s First, I’d like us to consider why the Nine Hells seems to
background, he had not slipped through the be in such dishevel. Tiamat is currently imprisoned there, so
Harper’s background checks, and she would her being brought back to the material plane will probably
interrogate his true purpose, had he not revealed affect the balance of power there. Do we know who our
it himself. Ontharr, on the other hand, holds allies and enemies are? We need to find out.
great respect for the heroic Isteval of legend, and Second, I’d like us to consider the Dragon Masks you
cannot fathom he would be ill-intended, despite have seen the cult leaders, the Wyrmspeakers, use. We
the initial deception. After things calm down, know there is a mask for each chromatic dragon type, for a
Neverember continues his speech. total of five. According to ancient lore, these artifacts
individually allow wearers to communicate with dragons.
More importantly, a person who is erudite in draconic lore
"We have wasted enough time on this trifle matter. As I was
becomes a Wyrmspeaker while wearing the mask, which
saying, we also have present a group of adventurers who
allows the wearer to think like a dragon, gain favor among
have uncovered the cult’s nefarious plot. I have heard some
dragons, and subtly influence their behavior. When all five
of what has happened to you, but I would like to ask you to
are brought together, they magically merge into a single
recount your tales to everyone here."
Mask of the Dragon Queen, and, although this is pure
conjecture, I believe that the assembled mask helps the cult
C HARACTERS ’ A DVENTURES to release Tiamat. It is essential for us to claim back these
The council asks the characters to speak of their
Thirdly, we must find the location of the ritual. If, as
adventures and what they know about the cult.
reported, it involves the sacrifice of thousands, it is likely
They question or ask for further information in
this works radially. In other words, everyone within a
several points, and sometimes have conflicting
certain radius of their ritual will be, unwillingly, sacrificed for
opinions on what should have been done.
the dragon queen’s rebirth. The location and area of effect
• Greenest in Flames is crucial for us to calculate a backup plan, should
• Raider’s Camp and the Dragon Hatchery everything else fail.
• Baldur’s Gate and the Dungeon of the Dead Finally, we should quickly review the resources we’ve let
Three the cult steal and pillage from us so far. These numbers are
• On the Road (Devil’s letter, Daggerford) out best guesses, but still not values I’d take from granted.
• Mere of the Dead Men and Castle Naerytar


We estimate that the Order of the Dragon has, so far, peaks. She had intended to follow the Ice Hunters and
collected treasure worth about half-a-million gold pieces. investigate the iceberg. After that, no more reports came.
Our adventurers helped reduce this number by about a Attempts to find Maccath using scrying and other
quarter, which is fantastic. However, the damage that they magical means located only her ship, adrift and heavily
have caused pales in comparison to these figures. After all damaged. Some of the ship’s crew were seen dead, but no
the destruction, relocation, and harm they have wreaked, sign of the tiefling sorcerer was ever found. However, the
we estimate we would need almost a million gold pieces lair of a dragon as powerful as Arauthator is no doubt
invested in the recovery of our cities. One million, your protected against scrying magic. If Maccath is alive, in
heard me correctly. I think it’s safe to say no one city or addition to the lore she can share regarding the Draakhorn,
faction has such resources, so discussing how we will pool the Arcane Brotherhood would be most grateful to get her
what we have is also crucial for this Council. back.

After she speaks, members of the Council Dala Silmerhelve doesn’t go into details on how
show different emotions: anger, boredom, she knows this, and if the characters point this
surprise. Neverember eventually takes control out, Remallia quickly deflects the question.
and offers the characters the chance to help.
The reward won’t be material, since everyone’s W YRMSPEAKER VARRAM
resources are spread very thing, but land, titles,
Remallia eventually raises a final point.
and honor is what they can offer. If the
characters accept, the Council gives them
authority to do as they wish as long as they work That being said, I believe we have more pressing matters.
towards the Council’s missions. In other words, I’ve received reports that Varram, the white Wyrmspeaker,
the characters will no longer be jailed or have has been seen near Boareskyr bridge. I believe these
issues with the law in most places, provided they rumours are accurate, and it is of the essence that we
can explain why they did whatever unlawful act follow up on this quickly. Capture Varram if possible, kill him
they were caught doing. A message from a if necessary, reclaim the White Dragon Mask from him.
higher-ranking officer quickly arrives on scene,
explaining the characters are working for the
Council and are exempt from being fined or The last Dragon Mask that the characters saw,
arrested. worn by Rezmir, vanished into thin air as she
died, so characters should have a back-up plan
D RAAKHORN for the mask. No one imagines that Varram has
already lost it, and is in fact trying to divine its
The discussion eventually comes around to the
location. Varram is reaching the Tomb on the
Draakhorn. Remallia has invited a noblewoman
day this Council takes place.
named Dala Silmerhelve, who offers an
Boareskyr is pretty far from Waterdeep, so
explanation about the weird phenomenon that
characters can either take weeks to get there, or
has been felt in the last few hours.
find a quick means of transportation (Waterdeep
has Wizards that exchange their services for
The disturbance that’s been sensed across the Sword Coast gold, so one can pay to be Teleported there).
is the Draakhorn—an ancient device whose sounding alerts
dragons across Faerûn that great events are unfolding. It’s B UREAUCRACY
impossible to say what the sounding means, but the
dragons hear it clearly and will eventually answer its call. The Council then discusses bureaucracy and
The Sea of Moving Ice was the last known location of the resources for a few more hours, until lunch. At
Draakhorn. No one can pinpoint its present location from that point, Ontharr suggest that the characters
the sound, or even verify with certainty that the relic is still
probably don’t need to return for the afternoon
in the northern sea, but the search must start there.
session, it will be just as boring.
The one person who could tell us more is a tiefling
sorcerer called Maccath the Crimson. No one alive knows
more about the Draakhorn than her, but the Arcane When characters leave the Council, Remallia has
Brotherhood, of which she is also a member, hasn’t seen a quick conversation with them about anything
her for three years. She was investigating the Sea of Moving that went wrong during the meeting, or any
Ice when she disappeared. details the characters might need for their next
Maccath reported her progress to the Hosttower by way assignment. For example, if they behaved
of sending spells. Her last report spoke of seeing Ice inappropriately, Remallia points it out. For
Hunters paddling their sealskin boats toward a huge iceberg, example, if they cast some spell during the
flattened like a plateau across its surface, but ringed by icy Council, Remallia warns them that she noticed,
and they were about to be attacked by two other


spellcasters in response. Remallia countered one
of them, someone else countered the other. She
warns them never to make that mistake again,
since the characters might be killed in response
to questionable actions, and she would rather
avoid such events during the meetings.
It is up to the characters to decide which
mission to take up first, although this book
assumes they went after Varram before exploring
the Sea of Moving Ice. They can take their free
time for the remainder of the day to plan for the
next mission, depart immediately, or do anything
else they wish to.

The characters have participated in the first
Council of Waterdeep, understood the global
effects of the Order of the Dragon’s action, and
been impressed with how high the current
stakes are. They were given a list of targets and
goals to achieve. The most urgent one is to track
down Varram, the Wyrmspeaker, and eventually
to learn more about the Draakhorn.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Death to the guards are spread thin with the rising wave of
Wyrmspeakers by Wizards of the Coast. crime.
Please revise the introduction in section 2.12. Characters can ask around for news of Varram
Maps can be found in section 26.11. (most people will require some monetary
incentive). Varram* has stationed a Half-Red
14.1 I NTRODUCTION Dragon Veteran, a Half-Green Dragon Assassin,
a Dragonsoul, and an Assassin for any group
Characters should be at level 9. trying to tail him. They are fanatical Cult
The goal for this chapter is for characters to members and will die to accomplish their
find and defeat Varram*, the white mission.
Wyrmspeaker. They’ll also explore the Tomb of Depending on how long the characters took to
Diderius, find that the Mask has been stolen by arrive here, rumours of the dwarf are more or
someone else, and possibly divine something of less accurate. If the characters took more than a
their own interest. week since the Council meeting, then tales of the
dwarf have morphed into a tale about a spirit
protector of the encampment, visiting Boareskyr
to avenge a fallen comrade. If characters arrived
on the same day as the Council meeting, then
the event (Varram killing a Yuan-ti for being
nosy) is still fresh in most people’s memories.


Following Varram’s tracks should not be too
difficult, provided the characters were quick and
Figure 14.1: The White Dragon Mask. By are well informed of which direction he went.
Tumblr’s rspixart. Have them follow the tracks on a DC 10 to 25
Wisdom (Survival) check, based on how many
days have passed. If they get lost, add additional
encounters or survival challenges for them.
14.2 B OARESKYR Assuming they follow the tracks without
B RIDGE problems, I ran a couple of encounters, mixing
the suggestions from the campaign.
In one, the characters see a huge herd of
Boareskyr Bridge peeks over the horizon. The first thing
Giant Elks and Giant Goats crossing the road.
you see are the two statues that stand at either end of the
They will take a while, and stampede if disturbed.
bridge—two god-like warriors staring each other down,
Three Hill Giants are hiding nearby, planning to
prepared to kill. In the shadow of these warriors is a sea of
attack and kill a few of them. If the characters
tents, forming a rainbow of beige and brown canvas.
wait, they’ll see the attack. Otherwise, it’s likely
Scattered among the temporary tents are a handful of
they’ll either cause a stampede, or become
sturdy stone or wood buildings. Judging by the pungent
victim’s of the giants’ ambush.
scent of horses, manure, and campfire smoke, this
The second encounter had the players find an
settlement has existed for some time.
unmarked grave in the middle of the road. If
they approach and offer a prayer, a Ghost spirit
Throughout the encampment, characters can appears and asks them to retrieve a silver locket.
trade on common non-magical items at varying The ghost does not remember why it is
prices and quality. There are a dozen Guards important, only that it was on his grave, and a
stationed here, a few dozen sailors (use the stats group of travellers recently stole it (Varram, who
of a Sahuagin), a few Bandits, Thugs, and found it could be worth a pretty penny). He can
Bandit Captains, and about a hundred give the characters small details of who took it,
Commoners. Many of these are refugees, but the best detail he retained was that the
escaping from cities attacked by the cult, and group was filled with infernal energy, similar to
moving to bigger cities in search for safety. The the cursed souls of the Nine Hells (he felt the


Figure 14.2: Forest road where Giants ambush a
herd of wild goats. By Wizards of the Coast.

fiends accompanying Varram). If the characters

later return the locket to him, the ghost opens it
to reveal portraits of his wife and child. Thankful
and teary, he is at peace once again, lays it atop
the grave, and thanks the characters before Figure 14.3: The unmarked grave. By Patreon’s
vanishing. The locket is worth 10gp. If the GoAdventureMapEx.
characters are offensive when approaching the
grave, the ghost attacks them. If they don’t Divination Pool, and another five were killed
approach the grave, they’ll hear a faint call for there by the Yuan-Ti surprise attack. Varram
help, coming from the burial site. There’s no was then carried of to Room 22 by the Yuan-Ti
reward for this quest, aside from putting a soul and was about to be sacrificed to the yuan-ti god
to rest once more. Merrshaulk, when he begged for his life in
exchange for great wealth. The Yuan-Ti then
14.4 T OMB OF beat him almost to death and took about a
couple of days deciding what to do next: either
D IDERIUS get treasure and resources, or appease their
gods. They’re in this deliberation as the
Varram’s mask was stolen by a Zhentarim agent
characters enter the Tomb.
a few days before he got to the Tomb. Varram*
If the characters took two days or less to reach
arrived there on the same day of the Council,
the Yuan-Ti since the Council happened, most
with nineteen Dragonfangs and five Bearded
Yuan-Ti and Lizardfolk enemies they encounter
Devils sent by Zariel. During the Tomb’s
in Rooms 14, 15, 17 and 18 have been wounded
exploration, seven cultists perished (in Rooms 3
from their encounter with the cultists (half to
and 4) and were buried outside. Three were
three-quarters HP). If the characters took more
guarding the graves and got killed by Trolls. The
than four days reaching the Yuan-Ti, Varram*
group then dropped through the chute in Room
has allied with the Yuan-Ti and he is fully
6, where another three got killed between Rooms
conscious and healed, participating in the
10 and 11, by undead, and their bodies could
defense against the characters. Instead of the
not be recovered. The remainder escaped to
Yuan-Ti leaders surrendering his body in
Room 11, and Varram was so scared of the
exchange for mercy, Varram* rallies them all for
undead he tasked the devils with guarding that
a final stand.
door, thinking there was nothing else to be afraid
I ran the dungeon mostly as-is. The minor
of in the rest of the Tomb. They then took a long
changes I did include:
time figuring out what to do in Room 12.
Eventually, a cultist was sacrificed there to the • I had a group of 7 (2d6) Lizardfolk in the


Figure 14.4: The Tomb of Diderius. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.

ruins outside trying to grab one of the cultists’ Mountains, the range near the Well of Dragons.
corpses before the Trolls came back up for it. A DC 20 History check allows a character to
• I added a few Yuan-Yi corpses throughout the recognize it.
Tomb of Diderius (one in Area 7 victim of the • Where is the White Mask? The Pool shows it in
trap from Area 6, one in Area 4 killed by the the hands of a Zhentarim agent (Jamna
cult members, and one in Area 12, victim of Gleamsilver if she’s still alive, or Rian
the quarrel between Yuan-Ti and the cultists). Nightshade otherwise), and out of the Order of
• I left a bunch of cultists corpses throughout the Dragon’s reach.
the Tomb of Diderius (three in Area 8, killed by • Where is the Draakhorn? The Pool shows it in
the Wraiths and raised as Spectres, one in the hands of Severin, inside the mysterious
Area 12, victim of a sacrifice to the pool, and Well of Dragons.
an additional five on Area 12, victims of the
quarrel between Yuan-Ti and the cultists)
• Varram* has a custom stat block, and is At My Table
cursed to prevent him from revealing My players thought the statues at the entrance of the
information about the Order. Tomb were a trap, so dismissed them immediately, and
• Replaced the Helmed Horror by a Armored thus spent the remainder of the dungeon blindly triggering
every possible trap. They took all the wrong turns, skipped
Swarm of Snakes*. Room 9 because they assumed it would lead to the deeper
parts of the dungeon, and failed to kill all the enemies in
I had the Divination Pool be able to show Room 15. One ran away, and called for reinforcements,
images about anything physical or in the near bringing out every Yuan-Ti in Ss’tck’al for them. They
future that the players asked, in exchanged for barely managed to defeat everyone, but some escaped
the sacrifice of a humanoid (any cultist or deeper into the heart of the mountain. Players took the
Yuan-Ti, for example). The Pool can only be used unconscious Varram and ran away after a quick exploration
of each room, and before they got into more trouble. They
once per day, and a sacrificed target cannot be disguised Varram when passing by Area 10, to avoid
resurrected (their soul is consumed by the Pool). problems with the Devils, and teleported back to
Waterdeep when outside the mountain range.
• Where is the Cult? The Pool shows the Sunset


Figure 14.5: The Zhentarim agent holding on to
the White Dragon Mask.

The characters have either rescued Varram (and
brought him for interrogation in Waterdeep), or
Varram was killed. Either way, the Order of the
Dragon has lost another of its leaders. If Varram
is brought back to Waterdeep, Remallia is very
pleased, and takes him into confinement, so that
they can break the curse and extract more
information. Should the characters need to know
something at some point in the future and you
have no other easy options, Varram can be a
source of information through Remallia.
The characters have likely also uncovered that
the White Dragon Mask was stolen by the
Zhentarim and thus, is outside the reach of the
cult. While they’d rather have the Mask in their
own hands, the Zhentarim are still a better
alternative than the Order of the Dragon.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s The Sea of The journey there faces a big thunderstorm
Moving Ice by Wizards of the Coast. near the half-way point, but is otherwise
Please revise the introduction in section 2.13. uneventful. Maybe a sea creature attacks the
ship, but the characters fend it off without
15.1 I NTRODUCTION hassle. Feel free to handwave this encounter and
just describe it to your players.
Characters should be at level 10. If any crew members die in the encounters
The goal for this chapter is for characters to below, people may act coldly towards the party.
face-off against an adult dragon (likely to run If the party seems overly reckless or
away if defeat seems eminent) and for them to disrespectful of a sailor’s demise, the crew can
rescue Maccath, gaining the favor of the Arcane become actively hostile against them, and might
Brotherhood as well as some information on the leave them stranded. I had these encounters
Draakhorn. They are likely to free a tribe of happen all in quick succession, so the party
enslaved Ice Hunters, steal some riches from the doesn’t have time to long rest unless the journey
dragon’s hoard, and learn a bit more about the is delayed.


15.2 B ACK TO
Ran almost as-is. Captain Lerustah asks the
WATERDEEP characters where they prefer to rest. He suggest
After the characters are rested from their travels, that they keep guard during the night and rest
Remallia suggests they now investigate the Sea during the day. Some sailors are also part of the
of Moving Ice for information on Maccath and on night shift. Based on what the characters chose,
the Draakhorn. She doubts the artifact will still run one of the two encounters. The other can
be there, but it’s still a lead they must exhaust. just be hand-waved.
Should they find Maccath or her fate, it’s likely For each encounter, I had three enemies who
that will earn them favour with the Arcane tried to surprise the group, and who dragged
Brotherhood, and Remallia believes the mage is people underwater once they managed to grapple
still alive. or knock someone out.
Before departing, Ontharr recommends they
plan and equip accordingly to their expected
environment. The Harpers outfit some clothes to
protect against the harsh cold, but it’s doubtful
those would last long in heavy combat. In this
case, items like Potions of Resistance for the
cold can be useful. He also suggests the
characters start coming up with solution to fight
dragons (something as simple as Potions of
Flying), which are certainly going to be needed
in their skirmishes against the Order of the

The majestic ship sails north to the Sea of
Moving Ice without many issues. It takes two
weeks, and the crew and the characters can
hunt and fish for food during the travels.
Characters should find ways to contribute
during the travel, however they can, in order to
earn the favor of the crew. This includes cooking,
healing, providing entertainment, repairing the Figure 15.1: The octopi encounter on the
ship, cleaning, or any sort of task they can Frostskimmr. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.
remember. Paying additional gold is, of course,
also appreciated.


small totem made of a walrus tusk to the
characters as a thank you, and no one could
speak his language. The characters had to
improvise and mime/draw what they were after
(Oyaviggatton’s shape and a portrait of Maccath).
The hunter recognized the iceberg, but not the
sorcerer, and warned the characters against the
Old Death, the white dragon that lairs in the
iceberg. He signalled the direction they should
follow, and a few miles later, before the ice broke,
the Hunter returned to his tribe.



Figure 15.2: The Scrags encounter on the

Frostskimmr. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.

At My Table
A sailor was brutally murdered in this skirmish. The crew
blamed the characters, but the Captain kept everyone in
line. A quick funeral was held, and the Captain decided
that the characters, given their resiliency, would stand
watch alone at night to avoid more casualties.


Figure 15.4: The Merrow encounter on the

Frostskimmr. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.

A few hours later, again interrupting the

characters’ rest, and just a couple of hours
before nightfall, the ship sights Oyaviggaton’s Ice
Hunters, fishing on their boats. They quickly
notice the vessel, and begin returning to their
tribe. The captain asks the characters how to
proceed, whether to aggressively follow them,
discreetly tail them, or just let them leave
without disturbing them.
Regardless, they are quickly attacked by a
group of Merrows. If they were following
aggressively, characters have disadvantage on
their Wisdom (Perception) checks to avoid being
surprised. If they had stopped and decided to let
Figure 15.3: The Polar Bear encounter on the the hunters flee, they instead have advantage,
Frostskimmr. By Patreon’s DM Oaky. since they’re not focused on anything else but
the nearby waters. After the encounter, the
Ran as-is, the following day, interrupting the hunters are no longer in sight. However,
characters’ rest. I had the rescued Hunter give a Oyaviggaton looms close by, in the same


direction as before, and is spotted just before

Figure 15.6: The base of Oyaviggaton. By

Reddit’s u/samma_jamma.

Figure 15.5: The iceberg Oyaviggaton.

Characters can now decide how to approach the
iceberg, and how to behave when they meet the
tribe above. I would have ran this part mostly
as-is, although I’m not a huge fan of the
one-on-one combat, I feel it’s pretty boring for
players not in the fight, and it’s the second duel
of this kind in this campaign). However, I did
place the shaman Bonecarver enticingly near his
own tent, and somewhat far from his tribe’s eyes,
making for an easy target for abduction or
otherwise stealthy interrogation mission. Figure 15.7: The hunter village atop Oyaviggaton.
The regional effects of Arauthator*’s lair are By Reddit’s u/samma_jamma.
felt anywhere on the iceberg.
If the characters learn the dragon’s name, they
At My Table can learn about Arauthator* from books they
My players essentially kidnapped the shaman with a clever carry, scrying, asking someone with access to a
Telekinesis and good teamwork. The shaman was very big library, or from some other source.
panicked, but they offered the tusk totem they’d gotten
from the Polar Bear mission, and mimicked the gestures
and behaviors made by the other Ice Hunter, which eased Arauthator, the icy claws that wait at the cold end of
up their task of calming her down. She quickly explained the world
the tribe’s situation, and revealed the enemies inside
This old white dragon is famous for his great size and
Oyaviggaton, how to access the ice caves, and the fact that
Maccath had come here years before and had been taken savagery. For almost a century he has defended his
hostage by Arauthator. dominion against many ambitious dragons, slaughtering
over a score of his own offspring in the process. "Old White
Death," as the miners and foresters of the North know him,
15.5 O YAVIGGATON - is clearly more intelligent than most white dragons. He uses
traps and spells to hamper foes in battle and to strike
I CE C AVES intruding dragons from a superior position, rather than
Ran mostly as-is.


Figure 15.8: Oyaviggaton’s Ice Caves, upper level. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.

employing the more prevalent lets it smolder under dampers of patience and cold
"rush-headlong-into-revenge-whatever-the-cost" behavior of calculation, where other whitewings [white dragons] would
his kind. Arauthator is larger than most white dragons but leap to the attack." No one knows why Arauthator is this
adept at silent gliding and stealthy movement. He has been way, but it’s clear that the old dragon uses this patience to
known to cause rockfalls and even to tear up and drop anticipate and prepare for attacks from rival dragons, rising
boulders – not just on the heads of intruding orcs or orc hordes, and the remorhaz who roam the Endless Ice
humans, but also to create barriers to seal up rothé and Sea. He also bides his time to develop new
other large alpine beasts inside mountain valleys so that he personal-warning spells that alert him of approaching
can dine upon them at leisure. dragons and magic items.
Old White Death patrols his domain tirelessly, keeping Arauthator is a skilled mimic and can speak the
careful watch over even the most minor changes. He Common tongue well enough to pose as a lost miner or
adjusts his own habits to avoid both the traps of foes and injured prospector. He has long practice in concealing
the careless overfeeding that might lead to the himself under snow by flapping his wings as he burrows into
disappearance of a species on which he likes to dine. In the drifts so as to lift the snow, which then falls over him again
process, he has smashed at least one community of frost in a pristine blanket. Arauthator often dozes when sleeping
giants (Bulindiful, a cavern-catacomb fortress set in the in snow, but he never sleeps through the approach of
heart of Mount Halaragh, just west of the mines of Mirabar danger (he can smell most beasts, including humans, for a
in the Spine of the World mountain range), and he has torn mile or more downwind). He has mastered the patience
apart a mountain peak (Sardin’s Sword, once a lookout over needed to remain still for days on end, perched on a
the upper Surbrin) to destroy the bugbear hold inside it. mountainside or lying in the snow of a bowl-shaped
Arauthator is far more cunning and patient than most mountain valley. Prey and foes often don’t notice him until
white dragons. "The spark of revenge still kindles the fire far too late.
that warms his heart to carry him on through the Old White Death holds his own survival as his highest
centuries," wrote the sage Amorthas of Ruathym, "but he goal, but he is far less lazy than most dragons in pursuing it.


Figure 15.9: Oyaviggaton’s Ice Caves, lower level. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.

He regards the maintenance of his dominion as crucial to frequency and numbers of orc hordes sweeping down
his own strength, though he has chosen not to strike at the through the Sword Coast North would no doubt be much
creatures of Icewind Dale. This abstinence may be born of greater.
habit; the region was formerly part of the territory of the Arauthator is known to use an icemelt spell both in his
dragon known to humans as Icingdeath, and the two glacial delvings and to transform frozen lakes into
dragons came to an uneasy truce, ignoring each other and temporary watering holes. He is careful never to feed or
leaving each other’s territories alone, rather than destroying drink in a pattern that foes could observe and exploit. The
each other in a battle for rule over the Reghed Glacier. dragon usually makes one long patrol of a part of his
Instead, Arauthator concentrates on carving ever-deeper domain every day, plus a shorter, similar foray. He usually
tunnels into the Endless Ice Sea and the rock beneath, feeds at least once a day, upon sighting suitable prey during
devouring all subterranean creatures he finds (chiefly the longer patrol. He may sleep atop a rocky height if tiring
gnomes), to unearth his own gem and mineral treasure, and when far afield (once, boldly, atop Berun’s Hill, in the
protect his realm against attack from below by territory of the green dragon Claugiyliamatar), but he
exterminating all possible attackers. These forays seem to prefers to sleep on his bed of gems in the Lonefang. On
attract remorhaz from the vast glacial areas that lie north rare occasions he keeps to his lair for three days or more,
of the Spine of the World, and Arauthator fights an ongoing perfecting a new spell.
battle against the iceworms, devouring all of the remorhaz Arauthator employs a wide array of detection and trap
he defeats. Northern giants and gnomes refer to these spells (most of the latter being cold-based) and wields spells
delvings as the Dragonholes and report that they consist of effective against other dragons (such as wingbind), and to
at least six separate tunnel complexes spread over a wide enjoy freewheeling aerial clawing and raking battles rather
area north of the dragon’s lair. Several observers have also than dodging among mountain peaks and sniping with his
mentioned that the dragon takes pleasure in slaying spells. Arauthator is famous for tearing apart the venerable
remorhaz, often hurling the monsters around like rag dolls red dragon Rathalylaug high above the rooftops of
before killing them, or folding his wings and wriggling across Neverwinter in the Year of the Grimoire (1324 DR), in a
the ice to meet and fight them worm to worm. spectacular battle at sunset. The white dragon dove down
The Deeds of Arauthator to smash apart a tower in triumph. He happened to choose
The favorite prey of Old White Death is full-grown frost the tower of the sorceress Shareera, who was smashed
giants (rarely available these days), followed closely by amid the toppling stones, even as the blood of the dying
remorhaz and northern deer. Rothé and various bear Rathalylaug – and his last, vain firetrail spell – rained down
species are next on the menu, and other dragons are also on the city. Wizards also remember Arauthator for freezing
favored fare. Arauthator is less fond of the flesh of orcs, the mage Phaurothlin of the Arcane Brotherhood solid, then
bugbears, and other goblinkin, but such creatures make up shattering the helpless sorcerer against a mountainside. It
much of his staple diet; without the dragon’s presence, the seems that the haughty mage made the mistake of


challenging the white dragon for ownership of a spellbook intruders in his lair without touching them directly. It must
unearthed from the ice-covered grave of a Netherese be stressed that human knowledge of Arauthator’s magic is
wizard during mining north of Mirabar. dangerously incomplete. Thanks to long and diligent
Arauthator has a dozen or more grimoires hidden in his observations by Felandaert the Farscrying of Candlekeep,
lair and also works away patiently at mastering all the spells however, we now have specifics of three of the dragon’s
in them. He has obviously transcended the traditional spells:
spell-handling limitations of white dragons that keep their Arauthator uses Ice Storm both in combat and as a trap,
verbal-only adaptations to wizard spells of the first level – leaving its waiting motes in tempting alcoves and blind
but his personal limits are as yet unknown. Old White passages in the walls of his lair. He uses an ice version of
Death also impressed watching wizards at the MageFair held Control Water primarily to dig tunnels through glacial ice
on the western verges of Var the Golden several decades in his search for treasure, but at least once used it to flood
ago, by the ease with which he shouldered the blue wyrm orcs out of subterranean tunnels by tapping a melt water
Eltagrathuuloor into the side of Mount Gundar (the source river under a glacier (the spell temporarily prevented the
of the River Gundar). The blow was powerful enough to exposed water from freezing.) Arauthator uses Gust of
cause a rockfall that brought most of the top of that peak Wind, a spell known to a small number of dragons, in
down on his rival, burying Eltagrathuuloor alive. freewheeling aerial clawing and raking battles with other
Arauthator regards the white dragon Arveiaturace as an dragons.
acceptable mate when he feels inclined. He employs a
sending spell to call her to his lair for dalliance, giving her
gems from his hoard after each mating but firmly escorting I got rid of the random encounters, and
her out of his domain to rear any hatchlings that may result instead had
on her own. In the past, he has mated with the gigantic • two Ice Trolls patrolling the circular corridor
white dragon Ghaulantatra, the "Old Mother Wyrm" around areas 2, 4, and 6;
worshiped by some orc tribes as a goddess. Arauthator • nine Kobolds (working in the chamber,
exhibited no remorse when the beholder Thaluul destroyed polishing and maintaining the ice) and six Ice
Ghaulantatra and claimed her lair (somewhere in the Toads (bossing the kobolds around) in area 8;
mountains north of High Gap, between the Delimbiyr and • heavy dense fog (a permanent Fog Cloud)
the Fallen Lands). obscuring area 9, and hiding a Glyph of
Arauthator’s love of a good fight has made him respected Warding (DC 16 Dexterity saving throw to
– and avoided – by other dragons. Only ambitious, avoid 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage and 14
overconfident younglings seek to defeat him, finding instead (4d6) cold damage) on the shortest path into
their own deaths. Arauthator makes no alliances and area 10
ignores the overtures of other dragons. He lusts after • nine Kobolds on area 3 (preparing to drop
treasure of his own finding and magic of his own creation, supplies into Arauthator’s lair through area 6)
and he can’t be lured out of his domain by promises of I had Maccath under a very strong charm
gems or magic. The prospect of a good fight with another effect (could be removed with a Greater
dragon always interests him, but he’s too wise to leave the Restoration or similar magic), and quite
lands he knows so well just to do battle, since true foes weakened from spending three years under the
always come to him eventually. He’s too patient and dragon’s control. She was also under a curse,
calculating to be governed by hatreds, and he even seems similar to Varram’s, where she’d die if she left
to admire capable or wily foes. Old White Death has saluted the proximity of Oyaviggaton with Arauthator
adventuring bands he could easily have slain, after still undefeated, to prevent characters from just
witnessing a clever ruse or bold stratagem on their part. grabbing her and teleporting away to Waterdeep.
Arauthator seems especially busy these days developing Finally, the entirety of the Ice Caves are under a
new magics and seeking wizards’ tombs within his domain permanent protection effect similar to
to increase his personal magical might. He also seems wary Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum.
of intrusions into his territory. Elminster is of the opinion Arauthator* has a custom statblock with
that the old dragon may have witnessed the opening of a spellcasting and some more charisma.
gate from another plane and been horrified at the Characters are likely to realize that fighting the
realization of how easily unknown foes with powerful magic dragon in its lair is much tougher than out (due
can penetrate his lair without warning. to his Lair Actions), but at the same time,
Arauthator’s Magic fighting within the caves limits his mobility
Old White Death commands a respectable roster of somewhat. It’s up to them to decide how to
detection, entrapment, and combat spells, with many of approach this, assuming they have a choice in
them being variants of well-known wizard spells. He has the matter.
also demonstrably developed magical means of triggering For Arauthator’s treasure hoard, I had the
captured wands from afar, so that he can fire them at described treasure, as well as a magic item from
Table C and another from Table G per player.


At My Table
I screwed up this fight. I nerfed the dragon because only
three players were coming to the session, but forgot to
un-nerf it when a fourth one showed up. It was an easy
fight, but since the players had invested a lot of gold into
consumables, they felt it was a good reward for their
preparation. Or so they told me...

The characters have likely defeated Arauthator
(not killed him though, he should be too smart
and too strong for that), and rescued Maccath.
Bringing her back to Waterdeep should not be an
issue, and the tribe atop Oyaviggaton will also
prepare to migrate elsewhere once they confirm
the dragon is gone. If the characters did not
defeat the dragon, but instead sneaked out, the
tribe remains enslaved for the following decades.
Maccath gives the characters all the
information known about the Draakhorn, and
also claims the Arcane Brotherhood will certainly
repay them back for rescuing her. She will leave
shortly after returning to Waterdeep to contact
her order.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Council of Council Members
Waterdeep by Wizards of the Coast.
Name Affiliation Ideals Traits
Please revise the introduction in section 2.14. Remallia Harpers Freedom, Honest,
Haventree respect friendly
Maps can be found in section 26.10.
Ontharr Order of the Gauntlet Responsibi- Friendly,
Frume lity, hot-
greater tempered
Emerald Enclave Balance,

Characters should be at level 11. Lady Lords’ Alliance Creativity, Quiet,

Laeral (Waterdeep) respect curious
The goal for this chapter is for characters the Silverhand
meet all the missing members of the Council, Lord Lords’ Alliance Moderation, Honest
understand inner conflicts happening, and get Dagult (Neverwinter) responsibi-
Neverember lity
updates on the events happening across the
Ambassador Lords’ Alliance Honor, Hot
Sword Coast. They’ll be asked to take care of two Connerad (Dwarves of the North) respect tempered,
distinct situations: investigate a possible cell of Brawnanvil suspicious
the Order of the Dragon in the Misty Forest; and Marshal Lords’ Alliance Responsibi- Honest
parlay with a group of Draconic leaders from Ulder (Baldur’s Gate) lity, glory
Gem and Metallic bloodlines. Ravengard
King Lords’ Alliance (Elves Balance, Quiet,
Melandrach of the Misty and High nation arrogant
Taern Lords’ Alliance Logic, Ponderous,
16.2 WATERDEEP "Thunderspells"
(Silverymoon) greater curious
Hornblade good
The streets are packed to the brim with refugees, Sir Isteval Lords’ Alliance Tradition, Honorable,
sleeping in alleys, cart, wagons, or anywhere else (Cormyr) honor wise,
where they may find shelter. As characters walk dour
the streets, many people beg for coin, and thank
the characters with hopes and prayers if they Characters are now familiar with most
acquiesce. However, the streets do not feel members, but require introductions to the new
unsafe. Military presence is heightened as well, faces: Silverhand, Brawnanvil, and Taern. They
and there seems to be a few guards on every may have already glimpsed Silverhand dealing
street, maintaining order and peace. Lots of with Remallia in the past, and she now occupies
guild members, from the Emerald Enclave or the the leading seat at the head of the table. Behind
Order of the Gauntlet, are also running around Neverember, a new face can be found, a
distributing food and other basic necessities for silver-haired woman named Elia, a disguised
those in need. Silver Dragon, waiting her turn to address the
Shops and markets remain open, but the
refugees are mostly not allowed to enter them
(for fears of rioting and to avoid disturbing the 16.4 C OUNCIL
local businesses more than required).
The council has its session on the morning after
the characters arrive back to Waterdeep. As
16.3 M EMBERS OF before, some people are still standing around,
conversing (Neverember with Elia, Winterhound
THE C OUNCIL with Melandrach, Remallia with Ontharr and Sir
Isteval), while the others are already in their
In this session, I had the following members seats. The room has several nondescript
attending the Council: servants, nobles, and guards (Veterans).


U NOFFICIAL I NTRODUCTIONS of the Gauntlet, and the Harpers, respectively;
Once the characters enter, Remallia briefly • Marshal Ulder Ravengard, Commander of the Flaming Fist
presents the newcomers to the characters, and from Baldur’s Gate;
warns them not to provoke Neverember. She • King Melandrach, elfish monarch of the Misty and High
doesn’t go into much detail why, since the Forests;
characters will understand as soon as the • Sir Isteval, a secret emissary from Cormyr, who was
opening statements are made. Eventually, she allowed to remain in this Council despite his deception
invites them to sit once they are ready. Most due to his honest good intentions;
people are sat already, waiting for the session to • Ambassador Connerad Brawnanvil, the emissary from the
start. Dwarves of the North;
• Taern Hornblade, also known as Taern "Thunderspells",
O PENING S TATEMENTS the emissary from Silverymoon;
• and last, but not least, the brave group of adventurers
Lady Silverhand is the last to sit. When she does,
servants pour customary drinks into an inlaid who have recently been thwarting the Order’s plans and
wooden chalice for each participant in the helped us achieve ours.
meeting. Silverhand then resumes the current Since we last met, you were assigned two separate
state of affairs. missions by this Council. To find and recover one of the
Dragon Masks, the artifacts the Order has been using for
unknown reasons, and to learn more information about the
"We gather once more to discuss the matter at hand: the
Draakhorn that has been sounding across the lands for the
rise of the Order of the Dragon, and their nefarious plans of
last few weeks. What news have you for us this time?"
resurrecting Tiamat, their supreme goddess of evil.
First of all, I’d like to formerly introduce myself. My name
is Laeral Silverhand and I’ve recently been appointed as the
Open Lord of Waterdeep. I will be leading the Council from
now on, and I hope to rise to your expectations. It is an The council asks the characters to speak of both
honor to carry this responsibility." She makes a small bow, their missions. They question or ask for further
and most people at the table respectfully nod their head in information in several points, and sometimes
response. Exceptions include Neverember (who seems to be have conflicting opinions on what should have
about to burst with rage), Melandrach (who doesn’t seem to been done.
care about the politics of the quick lived humans), and • Varram and the Tomb of Diderius
Winterhound (who doesn’t believe the identity of the head • The Draakhorn, and Oyaviggaton
of the Council is relevant).
"Today, we have here present,
Specifically, the council bickers on what
happened to
• Lord Neverember, the Lord Protector of Neverwinter, and
• Varram and the White Dragon Mask;
leader of the Lords’ Alliance;
• Arauthator;
• Delaan Winterhound, Ontharr Frume, and Remallia
• Maccath and the Arcane Brotherhood.
Haventree, representing the Emerald Enclave, the Order
The Harpers and Hornblade wanted Varram

Figure 16.1: The members of the Council of Waterdeep. By Reddit’s u/Plaindog.


captured, Brawnanvil wants Varram escorted to famine and disease from decimating them, and the city
Dwarven lands for trial and public execution, itself. The Flaming Fist has enlisted thousands and sent
and Winterhound would rather have Varram envoys to all cities within a week’s distance. We have,
dead than risk his escape. Everyone is pleased if however, suffered many casualties, mostly with the less
the Arcane Brotherhood has been reached and experienced groups. Raids by the cultists, often
might join the Council, but Ontharr warns that accompanied by adult dragons, quickly wreak havoc across
they allow evil and nefarious wizards in their small and medium-sized settlements, and while the dragon
ranks, so caution must be kept. hunts down the scattered and panicked survivors, small
cultist cells pillage the village. The only things that remain
after these barbaric attacks are mounds of ashes and
The Council now discusses what has happened bones. The cult has, however, felt the wrath of our troops
in their own domains. as well. Out of 34 reported skirmishes, we have fended off
21 of them, and mostly destroyed the enemy troops. None
Silverhand: "I would request a short summary on the of these victories were against adult dragons. Catching
current state of affairs for each of the here represented cultists alive has proved too dangerous so far, and the few
nations. Lord Neverember, perhaps you would like to start?" low-rank deserter cultists we have captured knew nothing
Neverember: "Gladly. Neverwinter, as you know, is being of the cult’s movements, other than what their own cell had
rebuilt as we speak. That being said, that has not stopped planned. Whoever is leading these attacks is a very good
the Order of the Dragon from targeting its resources. I’ve strategist, keeping all information on a need-to-know basis.
now moved most of my funding into bolstering our defenses, Baldur’s Gate itself is yet to come under siege, but we
and protecting the surrounding settlements that trade with believe it’s mostly due to its geographic position than
us. We have had many skirmishes with the cult, and some anything else. The attacks are concentrated to the
settlements have ceased contact with us, likely due to northeast of the city."
having made a deal with them. I’m planning a decisive Silverhand: "Interesting news. Perhaps that is related to
counter-strike so that we can liberate those towns from the the location of the Order’s base of activities, which we are
Order’s influence. We estimate that, thus far, we have had yet to uncover."
close to two thousand casualties, more than half belonging Ravengard: "Agreed. However, Baldur’s Gate has had its
to villagers from the outer towns. There has also been a fair share of internal struggle. After the resurrection of the
steady stream of refugees pouring into Neverwinter, but we dark god Bhaal, a decade ago, the city tightened policing
have had to funnel those south, unless they conscripted the extensively to prevent similar catastrophes from reoccurring.
army; we could not afford feeding those who wouldn’t join However, with the recent developments, our forces have
our fight." been spread thing, and those dark cultists have come out of
Ontharr: "Not sure if funneling starving children and their hiding holes. A spree of murders has been happening
women 400 miles south to Waterdeep through unfinished as of recent, and it has been difficult to balance both
roads is a just move. Most will perish on the way, or worse, conflicts for the Flaming Fist."
pledge allegiance to other nefarious groups that would offer Silverhand: "Understood. Perhaps Ontharr might provide
them basic needs." assistance there, and aid with, at the very least, spiritual
Neverember: "If they had stayed in the city, famine would guidance against the Dead Three."
soon have caused Neverwinter to fall from within. We need Ontharr: "Aye, we can certainly try".
our forces well fed and apt for combat. Feeble civilians can
take no part in the defense of the city."
Baldur’s Gate has a more balanced approach,
Ontharr mumbles something that only the closest
keeping refugees outside the city walls, even if
character can hear: "Small hands oft move the wheels of
many will die from famine and disease, while
the world, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere."
simultaneously fighting the Order around its
Neverwinter basically only accepts refugees
they can make use of, and is focused on an Silverhand: "King Melandrach, would you now describe the
all-out war. events within the elfish borders?"
Melandrach: "If you so request. The High Forest’s magical
Neverember: "What news come from Baldur’s Gate, protections have been sufficient to protect our citizens and
Marshal?" Silverhand smiles at Neverember’s discreet hide our cities. The situation in the Misty Forest, however,
attempt of taking over the meeting. She nods at the has not been so idyllic. A cell led by an adult green dragon
Marshal, who respectfully looked at her for permission. had established itself nearby, and was evading our barriers
Ravengard: "Baldur’s Gate has certainly had to deal with and traps to raid our cities. I have since dispatched troops
its fair share of refugees. Tens of thousands have swarmed and fortified our positions, after which the attacks have
the gates of the city. Most of them are now camping stopped. I dare say I regret we took so long to act, and
outside the cities gates, and efforts are being made to keep valuable lives were lost, but the situation has been dealt


with." woman standing behind Neverember. "The only dragons
Winterhound: "I’m not sure we can be so certain of that. which can enter are those which have been touched by the
The attacks have stopped, but at the same time, there Dragonstaff of Ahghairon, which is currently sealed away
were no actual encounters with the troops, and one could beneath the city. In other words, so far, we have had no
argue that either the attacks stopped by coincidence, or skirmishes within the city walls with the Order of the
because they have spies among your people who have Dragon. However, we have a similar situation to
alerted them to the heightened defense." Neverwinter and Baldur’s Gate, our surrounding towns and
Melandrach: "That’s preposterous! No elf would betray villages are under constant attacks and skirmishes. We
their own kind!" have deployed our forces to the major cities, and tried to
Winterhound: "Your son, Prince Alagarthas, disagrees. In evacuate the smaller settlements. Evacuation has met with
fact, some witnesses of the attacks reported that the resistance, many refuse to leave their homes. We have
dragon’s rider, the Green Wyrmspeaker, moved with an forced some of the more strategic targets to relocate to
elf-like grace." Waterdeep, but resistance has been strong in such cases.
People at the table gasp, and Brawnanvil laughs audibly. We have left other settlements untouched, but attacks
Melandrach is enraged, stands up, and yells back. there lead to strong casualties. I’m currently deciding how
Melandrach: "Alagarthas should know better than to plot to proceed with the situation, but I’m afraid it’s a complex
behind my back with the Emerald Enclave! If he’s so certain dilemma."
one of our own is leading the raids, why hasn’t he produced
any concrete evidence on the matter?" Most other settlements haven’t had real issues
Silverhand: "Settle down, I’m sure Winterhound means no with the cult or with refugees. Waterdeep has
offense, despite his blunt manners." gone the opposite strategy from Neverwinter, and
Winterhound: "In fact, that’s something the Emerald taken in everyone in need, at the expense of a
Enclave would ask of this council. We would appreciate if a smaller external military force. Waterdeep
group of experienced adventurers, such as these here focused on the bigger settlements and tried to
gathered, with experience against the Order of the Dragon, evacuate the remaining ones, which might lead
would help us untangle this mystery." to less fatalities for as long as Waterdeep’s
Remallia: "Yes, even if all the rumours prove to be false, defenses are not breached.
as they likely are, tracking the Misty Forest cell can give us
relevant information on the cult. There’s not much to lose." Silverhand: "I think that summarizes the current state of
Melandrach: "If you so believe, the elves of the forest will affairs. Before we adjourn for lunch, I would ask our guest
not hinder you in any way. Track down the Green Dragon to speak."
and prove that there is no traitor amidst our people." The silver-haired woman steps forward.
Silverhand: "Well, only if they agree." She looks at you, Elia: "Salutations. I have come to this Council to extend
waiting for your reply. an invitation. The Elders of the Metallic and Gem Dragons
wish to meet with the humanoid leaders of this Council, and
discuss how they can work together against the rise of
Melandrach thinks the Misty Forest cell is no
Tiamat. They have chosen the location, in the Nether
longer a threat, but he has no idea his long lost
Mountains, and propose you select the date, should you
son is actually their leader.
accept the invitation. That is all."
The abrupt end of her speech leaves most council
Afterwards, Brawnanvil describes how the Dwarves of the members silent. Silverhand eventually starts the discussion.
North are fending off raids on their own settlements, and so Silverhand: "Short and to the point. I think we can all
far had not had major casualties, due to the fortified nature agree that the invitation will be accepted. All we need to
of their settlements. The very mountains act as natural determine is who to actually send as an emissary."
barriers against the attacks. Brawnanvil is, however, worried Neverember: "I volunteer, I believe I could safely conduct
that the attacks will escalate and adult dragons will dig the negotiations."
through their defenses. Hornblade and Isteval so far report Melandrach: "I’m not sure I would entrust the fates of all
no attacks on Silverymoon and Cormyr, but report that of us to you."
they are both fortifying their defenses as well, and are Neverember: "Is that supposed to mean something?"
unsure whether they can spare troops to help outside their Melandrach: "I meant no offense. It’s just that most
borders. people here would not be impartial."
Silverhand: "And finally, the report on Waterdeep. The Brawnanvil: "And you would be?"
cities resources are spread thin, with almost a hundred Silverhand: "Gentleman. I agree with King Melandrach, all
thousand new refugees having come within our walls. of us would likely be partial to our own interests. But
Waterdeep is protected by Ahghairon’s Dragonward, which regardless of that, I could not afford to send you on this
prevents any and all creatures of the dragon-type from journey, we need you attending the Council to keep
entering the city." Silverhand discreetly looks at Elia, the coordination flowing between our nations."


Remallia: "Perhaps an external organization could be
better suited to these negotiations, focusing on impartiality."
Ontharr: "I’m not sure the Harpers would be the best
group to fight for justice for all of us here."
Remallia smiles, as she looks at the characters.
Remallia: "I wasn’t talking about the Harpers..." Once
more, the Council stares at you, waiting for your reply.

The Dragon Council is thus assembled.

Silverhand: "With all matters settled, let’s adjourn the

current Council session."

It’s up to the characters to choose which mission
to follow first: whether to track the Green
Wyrmspeaker in the Misty Forest, or whether to
meet the Dragon Council.

The characters are now up-to-date on the
current state of the conflict against the Order of
the Dragon. There are now two missions for
them to follow.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Death to the Before you go deep into the woods, a red doe walks up to
Wyrmspeakers by Wizards of the Coast, and on you. Its eyes, an uncharacteristic clear blue, blink twice, as
the Ghosts of Dragonspear adventure, by Jeremy the animal nods at you. It then turns, walks slowly
Crawford and Christopher Perkins. northeast, and becks you to follow it.
Please revise the introduction in section 2.15.

This is an Animal Messenger from the

17.1 I NTRODUCTION Emerald Enclave, leading the characters to an
Characters should be at level 11. elven outpost.
The goal for this chapter is for characters to A T IMELY R ESCUE
find and defeat Neronvain*, the green
Wyrmspeaker, his dragon partner Chuth*, and Along the way, characters go through this
the Misty Forest cell. They’ll explore and meet encounter. I changed it so that the Druid is
their elven allies, underlings of King Malendrach, actually in danger, being restrained by one of the
a member of the Council of Waterdeep. They trees, while the other two close in on her. I felt
might recover the green Dragon Mask, and the encounter as written made the druid look too
determine the fates of both sons of the King. egotistical. Once the Druid is freed, if the other
trees are still alive, the Druid asks the
characters not to kill them, while he prepares a
If the characters hold for a round, the druid
casts a variant of a Lesser Restoration spell on
both trees, at which point they calm down, settle
their roots back into the soil, and become
passive. The trees had gone wild with Chuth’s
influence, and had turned on her. She then
rewards the characters with the blessed
Figure 17.1: The Green Dragon Mask. By
Tumblr’s rspixart.

17.2 T HE M ISTY
The Misty Forest is a fog-filled, rainy forest, west
of the High Moor, and is also an elven kingdom.

The tall pine and spruce trees rise steeply in front of you.
Dark green, the luscious forest seems almost alive as the
branches and trees sway to the wind. The sounds of birds
and other animals also echoes through the woods, in a
never-ending song. Figure 17.2: The A Timely Rescue encounter. By
As you move into the forest, the ground seems to Reddit’s u/sturmrabe_ger.
become covered in a wispy white smoke, the forest’s
namesake mist, rolling down from the moors in the early
hours of the morning, and covering the entire forest bed. A LAGAR THAS ’ O UTPOST
The red deer leads the characters into what
remains of an elven settlement, attacked weeks
Characters have disadvantage on Wisdom ago by the dragon, and current occupied by one
(Perception) checks that rely on sight, while in of King Melandrach’s squadrons. Led by his son,
the forest at ground level. Prince Alagarthas (use the stats of a Knight), the


squadron contains about 50 Mages, Knights, might make them more at ease and allow you to
Scouts, and two Blackguards, his lieutenants. catch someone being deceptive.
Around the camp are the corpses of about 30
cultists of various ranks, as well as a few Young
Upon arrival, you witness a mystical, but deeply sad, scene.
Blue Dragons, Young Green Dragons, and
Rays of sunshine stream from above into hundreds of
corpses, lying peacefully on the grass. They are separated in
The outpost fended off an attach just a couple
three groups around the village, and each elf has been laid
of days ago (news of this is yet to reach King
facing up, with arms crossed over their chest, and eyes
Melandrach), and are reinforcing the outpost
closed. Flowers grow around each group, and the blades of
now. They managed to capture three cultists
grass are also beginning to cover each corpse. The mist
that deserted during the attack. These (now
slowly swirls around them, as if the forest is trying to take
prisoners) have been in the Misty Forest for
them back into itself.
almost two months. About a month ago
(coinciding with when Skyreach fell), they A soft, deep, slow chant can be heard coming from the
received orders from Neronvain to increase the center of the grove of trees where the settlement is
amount of raids (no doubt in order to established.
compensate for the Order’s lost loot). The
cultists camped near Chuth’s Lair, but never
entered it or understood where exactly it was. All
they recall is that it was near a waterfall, since
the noise kept them up at night. From their
camp, they usually travelled up to three days for
each raid, led by higher-ranking cultists, and
they have no idea about the way back. They are
just initiates in the Order, lured by allusions of
gold and power, and they don’t know anything

Figure 17.4: Altand (ground level). By Reddit’s


Figure 17.3: Alagarthas’ current outpost in the

Misty Forest. By Patreon’s SpellArena.

Alagarthas offers to accompany the characters

to Altand, should they wish to. He leaves his
lieutenants to guide the squadron in his

On the way to the settlement, Alagarthas gives
the characters some backstory on the village, Figure 17.5: Altand (upper level). By Reddit’s
and about Warden Galin. He also suggests he u/sturmrabe_ger.
will stay back, hidden in the forest, as you enter
Altand and investigate. He believes his presence A DC 18 Intelligence (Religion) check allows a
would warp most elves’ behavior, and this way character to realize this is a weeks-long funeral


rite held by elven communities to guide the souls outline makes the dragon visible in a way few
of their deceased back to Arvandor, and to make people ever get to see.
the forest cover their bodies into discreet grassy The dragon and Neronvain* meet with Galin
graves. to ask questions about the elven troops’
I ran most of this chapter as-is, with Galin movements. They’re preparing an attack purely
being a coward that regrets his decision, but for the dragon’s hoard, since the Cult is already
who is now in too deep to confess. A DC 19 satisfied with their collected tribute. If they
Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence notice the party, Chuth quickly closes in. It has
(Investigation) check allows a character to realize a taste for elves; if the dragon sees an elf in the
Galin is one of the very few that carry barely any party, he attacks the elf, staying only as long as
visible wounds. it takes to kill his prize, snatch the corpse, and
After the events that transpired during the raid fly away. If the party contains no elves, he
have been uncovered, the characters can decide swoops invisibly over the characters’ heads to
to track Chuth’s lair, or try to ambush it on the startle them, uses his breath weapon, then flies
clearing. Alagarthas advises against the latter off (having satisfied itself that there’s nothing
idea, reminding them that the dragon can just worth eating or stealing). He no longer returns,
disengage and fly away, and they might leave assuming Galin to be compromised, and will be
him on alert or lose the Order’s tracks. expecting the adventurers in his lair.
It starts raining as the characters leave Altand,
the choir growing ever so softly deeper and more S PIDERS ’ H AUNT
melancholic. On the way to the waterfall (as reported by the
captured cultists) southeast of Altand (as
T HE S HRINE reported by Galin), if Alagarthas is
If the characters scout the shrine, on the accompanying the party, he explains his life-long
following night, they witness Chuth*. feud with Chuth. Alagarthas considered himself
the heir apparent of ancient Miyeritar and
dreamed of one day ruling a similar kingdom. He
A stiff coastal wind whistles through the forest and drives planned to offer his allegiance to the dwarves of
the heavy rain against the large statue. Something heavy Mount Illefarn in order to gain strong allies.
hits the ground behind Galin. Lightning splits the sky, and Alagarthas had the breeding, the intelligence,
you suddenly notice an enormous dragon made of pouring and the charisma of a future great leader, not to
rain. mention superior fighting skills.

Figure 17.7: The Spiders’ Haunt encounter. By

Reddit’s u/sturmrabe_ger.
Figure 17.6: The Shrine where Galin
meets Chuth and Neronvain. By Reddit’s
u/sturmrabe_ger. Over 10 years ago, when fire elementals destroyed the
woods of Laughing Hollow, I led a group of elves out of the
Have the characters make a DC 15 Wisdom Misty Forest and went to help the wood elves of Laughing
(Perception) check; those that fail are surprised Hollow. It wasn’t for a noble reason, however, at the time I
by the "rain dragon", which is actually the wished above all to abandon my father’s woodland court
invisible Chuth. The rain washing over Chuth’s


and make a name for myself and my cause. I found that
Chuth was seeking out elves of royal blood in particular,
sometimes not for sustenance, but purely for sport. He
enjoys watching us suffer, watching us scream in terror as
he tears us apart.
After several failed attempts to drive off the Emerald
Assassin, I was approached by a hag who claimed that I
would defeat the Dragon, but would be killed in the process.
She offered me an alternate future, which could only come
true if I came to the Feywild for a year that seemed to drag
on forever, and then found that I had to escape a devious
trap to return home. It took longer than expected, but I
have eventually returned, and the time I spent there helped
me grow.
I want to defeat Chuth not for my own glory, but for the
good and safety of all elves of the Misty Forest. I want this
to become a safe haven for all, regardless of whether I’ll
remain here under my father’s wing, or not. And now, with
your help, I feel a glimpse of hope the prophecy shall be

I ran this encounter as-is. If the characters

make a lot of noise in this combat, they might
alert Chuth*, who then comes out of his lair to Figure 17.8: The hidden entrance to Neronvain’s
search and kill the intruders. Stronghold. By Reddit’s u/RQviiist.
At My Table
My characters forgot about trying to be stealthy and immortality by devouring them. Maturity has cured him of
blasted a couple of Fireballs. The rain prevented the entire that ridiculous notion; now, he’s simply drawn to the sport
forest from being set on fire, but Chuth was alert from now of hunting prominent elves, particularly those of noble or
on. They quickly escaped the scene, but by a stroke of bad
luck, Chuth chased in their direction. They sacrificed their royal descent. He passes the time learning about elf kings,
mounts to lure him away, and decided to storm his lair princes, and lords and hatching elaborate schemes to lure
while he was busy. Based on the efforts they took to his chosen prey into isolated corners of the wilderness,
distract Chuth, I gave them an appropriate amount of where he ambushes and eats them.
hours to explore the lair and rest there before Chuth and
Chuth at one point joined the Order of the Dragon, and
Neronvain returned.
had agreed to become a dracolich in 1373 DR as the Rage of
Dragons of that year was expected to last forever. He
17.3 N ERONVAIN ’ S changed his mind and ate the cultists in his enclave shortly
after the Rage ended.
When the characters are within 1 mile of the
dragons lair, they experience its regional effects. I had Chuth* outside his lair when the
When the characters learn the dragon’s name, characters raid it, and he and Neronvain* arrive
they can learn about Chuth from books they later after when the party has had a chance to
carry, scrying, asking someone with access to a explore the cave. If characters scout the
big library, or from some other source. waterfall’s entrance for a while, they might see
Chuth leaving it. However, if Chuth is aware of
the characters, then he sets up an ambush, and
Chuth, the Emerald Assassin enters the lair just a few minutes after the
The green dragon, known to the Wood Elves as the characters, hoping to catch them by surprise.
"Emerald Assassin", does not speak to creatures that he
hunts, believing it heightens the fear.
Chuth was born in the Ardeep Forest in 942 DR, the Year Light springs into the cave as the waterfall seems to split
of the Circling Vulture, and has spent nearly all of his adult apart by some mysterious force. A strange shape made out
life cultivating a taste for elves. He’s eaten more than his of water seems to cross the cave’s entrance, and the
fair share, moving from forest to forest so that he can’t be waterfall closes behind it. The huge shape crawls forward
tracked down and killed. until you finally realize, it’s a thin layer of water and mist in
In his younger years, Chuth believed he could steal elves’ the shape of a large dragon.


Figure 17.9: Neronvain’s Stronghold. By Reddit’s u/RQviiist.

I ran this section mostly as-is. My biggest if the characters have found it. At some point
changes were: during the combat, he and Alagarthas exchange
• upgrading the cultists in Areas 5 and 6: five
Dragonwings and one Dragonfang in each
room; Neronvain: "Your sword remains dull, little Alla. Have you
• using a custom statblock for Chuth* and not been practicing?"
Neronvain*. Alagarthas: "I know this voice, but... It can’t be."
I considered adding an additional Dragonsoul Neronvain: "I think you’ll find it actually can. It was so
leader to each cultist group, but my party had easy to believe I was no longer among the living, was it? Not
spent a bunch of resources role-playing just easy, but desirable, the shame of the family no longer a
elsewhere (resurrecting people in Altand, for problem!"
example) and I felt they didn’t need a tougher Alagarthas: "It cannot be! Brother Nanveroin!"
challenge. Neronvain: "No, no longer! I am the Green Wyrmspeaker,
Neronvain! And after I finish you here, I’ll show our dear
The dragon always casts invisibility on itself
Father the meaning of real power!"
before moving in for the kill. If Alagarthas is
present, the dragon lands as close to him and
the characters as it can, hoping to catch them all For Chuth’s treasure hoard, I had the
in its breath weapon while they’re surprised. described treasure, as well as many
Neronvain is carrying the Green Dragon Mask. elven-related magic items: an Elven Chain,
His elven name is Nanveroin, which explains some Boots of Elvenkind, a Cloak of
why Malendrach and Alagarthas have not Elvenkind, an Oathbow, and a Moon-Touched
recognized the name Neronvain until now, even Sword.


At My Table
My players cleaned-out the lair and set up a trap for
Neronvain and Chuth. They then surprised the pair, and
took Neronvain out before the enemies could react. Chuth
managed to escape, but the Dragon Mask was lost to the
Order of the Dragon. After exploring the remainder of the
Stronghold, they decided to bring Neronvain’s body back to
the Council as proof, but would only reveal his real identity
to the Harpers (although King Melandrach would obviously
recognize his long lost son), to avoid meddling with the
politics at the table.

Hopefully the characters have liberated the Misty
Forest from Chuth’s influence. They have likely
uncovered Galin’s treason (Alagarthas will
imprison him when he finds out), and with good
planning, they have rescued all the elves
currently trapped in Neronvain’s stronghold.
If Chuth escapes, he will be present later at
the Well of Dragons. Similarly for Neronvain. If
Neronvain is killed, however, the Green Dragon
Mask evaporates and is teleported to the Well of
Dragons. If Neronvain was captured, he suffers
from the same curse that afflicted Rezmir and
Varram: if he reveals any information about the
Order of the Dragon, he dies. He won’t reveal
any information about the cult, instead
preferring to talk about himself and how his
father’s kingdom is ruined and he should lead it
to new heights instead.
If Alagarthas accompanied the characters and
survived the dragon attack, he is grateful to
those party members who put themselves in
jeopardy to save the Misty Forest. He doesn’t
know what to do about the fact the
Wyrmspeaker was his long lost brother
Neronvain, who everyone thought was dead. He
asks the characters to decide what to present to
the Council.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Metallic Dragonfang, a Half-blue Dragon Gladiator, and
Dragons, Arise! and The Cult Strikes Back by a Young Blue Dragon. One of them will run up
Wizards of the Coast. the mountain when the fight starts going bad, as
Please revise the introduction in section 2.16. another yells

18.1 I NTRODUCTION "Quick, warn them they’re here!"

Characters should be at level 12.
The goal for this chapter is for the characters
to meet the leaders of the metallic dragons and
procure an alliance with them. The Order of the
Dragon, however, is hellbent on preventing this
meeting from taking place. The characters must
reach the summit and light a beacon (any sort of
light will do, even a torch), and hold the beacon
lit throughout the night until dawn.


I changed the meeting place to be on the Star
Mounts, since the Nether Mountains are
infamous for the clan of blue dragons that nest
there, tended to by a huge tribe of hobgoblins.
Also, the Star Mounts are a bit closer to
Waterdeep. The weather there is so inhospitable
that only dragons can really fly to their summit.
The highest peak has had several paths carved
into its side to allow people to talk to the
elevated valley, above the clouds.
Figure 18.1: The base of the Star Mounts, with
If the characters decided to attend this Dragon
a cult encampment. By Patreon’s Miscellanea
Council right after the Waterdeep council, Elia
Tabletop Battlemaps.
flies them there on her back. She drops them at
the base of the mountains, and leaves, informing Many other cultists groups are spread out
the characters to be careful and dropping a hint throughout the many paths leading up the
that the mere climb is a good way to impress the mountains. The characters will encounter such
dragon ambassadors. Otherwise, they must a group regardless of what path they take. They
either purchase a Teleport or walk there. If they can encounter more than one if you want to
walk, describe how they pass through many challenge them even further. The next group
war-ravaged lands and towns. Most burned to they find, near the summit, is composed of a
ground or abandoned, while others show signs of Dragonwing, a Dragonfang, a Half-red Dragon
disease or having had recent attacks. A few pay Gladiator, a Mage, a Half-green Dragon
tribute to the Order of the Dragon and face Assassin, and a Young Red Dragon. As they are
famine instead. The locals eye the characters defeated, the last one curses the characters
with distrusts, and hide women and children as
they approach.
"The night is long. We will return..."
If the characters teleport to the base of the
mountains, then appear right next to a small
Order of the Dragon camp with a group there. Near the summit, hidden in the clouds, lies the
Both the characters and the cultists stare at final group from the Order of the Dragon, hoping
each other for a few moments before the to prevent this Dragon Council from being
realization sets in and they scream "It’s them! summoned. These are the highest ranking
Attack!". If the characters walked to the cultists that the Order sent to the Star Mounts,
mountains, they’ll be ambushed by this group. It and are composed of a Dragonwing, a
is composed of a Dragonclaw, a Dragonwing, a Dragonsoul, a Mezzoloth, a Nycaloth, an Adult


Blue Dragon, and an Ancient Black Dragon.
The devils are sent by Zariel to aid the cult, and
once this group ambushes the characters, the
Dragonsoul yells to them

"It’s them! Do as we agreed, earn Zariel’s respect!"

They show up once the characters reach the

summit and light the beacon. Once this group
lands on the summit, as the Ancient dragon
prepares to use its breath weapon,
Otaaryliakkarnos (Elia in her Dragon form) lands
behind the characters,

"Why don’t you mess with someone your own size?"

Both gigantic dragons roar at each other and

charge, soon tumbling off the summit in a fierce
duel. The characters take care of the remainder
of the cultists, and Otaaryliakkarnos eventually
scares the black dragon off by the end of the
battle. I had both ancient dragons occasionally
tumbling across the battlefield (players could tell
they were crashing down and had a round to
move out of the way). This allowed me to control
the field and I could balance the battle by
squishing enemy forces as needed.
Figure 18.2: The summit of the Star Mounts,
18.3 T HE D RAGON above the clouds, where the beacon should be lit.
By 2-Minute Tabletop.
After the forces of the Order of the Dragon are If none of the party members is a dwarf, then
handled, the metallic dragons arrive, one at a one of the cultists is.
time. This gives the characters some time to
interact with each, learn their personalities, and O: You weren’t bad.
attempt to please them at a decent rate (as Otaaryliakkarnos looks at the dwarf.
opposed to having to RP all five dragons O: I guess killing still runs in your veins.
If pressed upon this, she looks sad and
At My Table annoyed, and changes the topic.
My party had a dwarf and a human, but no elves,
dragonborn, thieves, or evil characters, so most of the B RONZE N YMMURH
dragons started neutral to them, and that is somewhat
reflected in the speeches below. A few minutes later, Nymmurh ascends from the

S ILVER O TAARYLIAKKARNOS N: Ah, sorry about my tardiness, respected

Otaaryliakkarnos (also known as Elia when in Otaaryliakkarnos. Oh, and who are our guests?
her human form) showed up to defend the
characters in the summit, and quickly returns to The characters can now introduce themselves.
them after the battle is over. She is wounded
and tired, but otherwise fine. N: Pleasure to meet you. I am Nymmurh, or Nym if you find
that hard to memorize. It is always so inspirational to see
O: I doubt they’ll bother us again tonight, now that their the tiny folk rise up to a challenge and fight for good.
dragonlord has run away. O: Yes, truly a pleasure, knowing what they are capable


Dragon Council Members
Name and Type Personality Attitude Desires Concession
Otaaryliakkarnos Sad, easily angered, Strike now. Alliance Unfriendly to dwarfs, Dwarf apology, Dragon
(Female Silver) sweet grandma. if humanoids can be neutral otherwise. Armor returned.
Nymmurh (Male Helpful, nice, reliable Alliance. Unfriendly to evil Dragon Masks returned.
Bronze) uncle. characters, friendly
Ileuthra (Male Brass) Nerdy, curious, know- – Neutral. Learn new game/brain
it-all cousin. teaser.
Tazmikella (Female Nice, cautious, older Strike now. Alliance Unfriendly to thieves, Item returned.
Copper) sister. if humanoids can be cautious to dragonborn,
trusted. neutral otherwise.
Protanther (Male Gold) Proud, dismissive, Strike now, regardless of Unfriendly to elves, Elf apology.
strict father. humanoids. cautious to humans
and tieflings, neutral

again and again. But those who don’t follow the righteous
path deserve punishment.
Otaaryliakkarnos looks at the dwarf.
N: It is clear something is on your mind. Take your time,
but know I would like to help anyway I –
O: And how are you going to help? Bring my family back
from dead, will you? Those fat disgusting little savages,
celebrating their hunts, naming them even! The
Dragonmoots, isn’t that right?!

Characters can roll a DC 20 Intelligence

(History) check to recognize what a Dragonmoot
is; Dwarves have advantage on this check.
Dragonmoots are a proud but vanishing
tradition, in which bands of adventuring dwarves
are called together to fight specific dragons, and
plunder their hoards. They were once something
of a ritual of passage for young dwarves aspiring
to be warriors.

N: Sister, I... Sorry, I had not imagined...

O: My niece! Hunted to death! Her corpse defiled! Her
fall celebrated!
Otaaryliakkarnos faces the dwarf directly.
Figure 18.3: A Wizard surrounded by the O: By you, you and your bastard king.
metallic dragons. By Wizards of the Coast. She turns back to Nymmurh.
O: And you know what’s the worse part? They wear her.
They basked in her glorious skin, they adorned her scales in
of, when they turn to evil. their armor and wear it to this day. Revolting mongrels, so
N: Ah, respected sister, we were made in the image of easily forgetting, so easily forgiving...
Bahamut, and have no choice in the matter of good or evil. Nymmurh looks at you and discreetly signals you with his
Thus, how much greater and more precious is good when it head.
is freely chosen by the them, who must consciously turn
away from villainy?
If the characters remain silent,
O: I agree, they should be shown Bahamut’s righteous
way of living rather than ignored and treated as children. If
we refuse to engage them and focus only on their own O: I will patrol the peak now.
advancement, they’ll persist in making the same mistakes Otaaryliakkarnos flies away, barely disguising the anger
coursing through her veins.


N: That would have been a great moment to intervene greater god of inspiration, invention, and
and offer, at the very least, an apology... I guess she’ll knowledge, the patron of bards in the Faerûnian
return when Protanther arrives. pantheon, and the most powerful god of
knowledge in Faerûn. Characters can now
introduce themselves. The character that smells
Otherwise, if they intervene and sound familiar to Ileuthra is the one unknowingly
apologetic or ask for a way to fix the situation, carrying Tazmikella’s item.
she demands, with a melancholic tone,

O: I want your King to apologize for the murder of my niece. I: Tell me, little ones, why were you chosen to parlay here
And I want her armor returned! It will never again be used today?
as a glory item with which to impress other fat little men in
round-table meetings by a warm fire. Can you promise
If the characters reply the real reason, that
they were chosen because of their impartiality
since the Council leaders couldn’t reach an
If the characters concede, she looks pleased. agreement, Ileuthra is disappointed.

O: Hm. I won’t forget this. I will patrol the peak now, until
I: Hm. Is that it? Impartiality? Are the leaders of the human
Protanther arrives.
world so greedy and fickle they couldn’t even trust
Otaaryliakkarnos flies away, hiding the tears welling up in
themselves to procure a fair deal?
her eyes.

After this, Nymmurh has a chance to interact If they instead provide good reasons other than
with the characters. their impartiality, then Ileuthra is pleased
instead. In fact, he explains the goal of this
N: On to happier topics, have you met my protégé, Dala? Dragon Council, so help them impress the
Fantastic woman, I hope she has served the Waterdeep remaining dragons.
Council well with regards to the Draakhorn.
I: Ah, that’s a worthy reason, finally. You should lead with
The characters can interact with Nymmurh to that, the goal of this meeting is to earn our respect, if you
find he is the patron of Dala Silmerhelve’s haven’t realized that yet.
family, and the source of information regarding
the Draakhorn. Nymmurh won’t reveal yet that
his concession is keeping the Dragon Masks After pleasantries are done, characters have a
away from humanoids once this crisis is averted. chance to get on Ileuthra’s good side.

I: Now, young ones, tell me one thing. This is of the utmost
About half an hour later, the brass dragon importance, and we must hurry, for dawn is almost upon us,
Ileuthra is spotted far in the horizon, and lands and we must take care of such business before Protanther
in the summit. arrives! What is the best game you play among yourselves?
I absolutely love games. Particularly one that teases the
I: Ah, how refreshing to see old faces. And new ones too, gray matter that rules our thoughts. Can you teach such a
praise Oghma! game to me?
N: Well met, Ileuthra. It’s been a long time since you’ve
come to the Material Plane. Where have you dwelled for
the last ages? His nerdy and curious nature naturally makes
I: Here and there, here and there. You wouldn’t believe him a fan of brain teasers, so hopefully your
the things I’ve seen. There’s so much out there, realities to characters can come up with something fun to
experience, paradigms to learn, in a word, incredible. role-play with him until the next dragon
N: It certainly seems to have kept up your spirits. ascends.
I: It has indeed. And speaking of interesting... You smell
familiar, young one. But we have not yet met, I’m sure. C OPPER T AZMIKELLA
Curious... Who are you?
When the characters are done interacting with
Ileuthra, the copper dragon Tazmikella ascends.
Characters can roll a DC 20 Intelligence The text below assumes that Tazmikella’s item is
(Religion) check to recognize Oghma, the neutral a Ring of Protection.


T: Friends! How many decades has it been! T: As you wish. But don’t forget: trust goes both ways.
I: Too many, old friend. Glad you could make it.
T: It’s great to see you all again. I met Otaaryliakkarnos
circling the peak, she looked quite sad. G OLD P ROTANTHER
N: Well, not all memories are pleasant. Once interaction with Tazmikella stops, the sun
T: Agreed, but let’s never forget. Without darkness, there finally climbs above the clouds and lights up the
can be no light. Without sadness, there can be no mountain peak. Against the sun, characters spot
happiness. an enormous majestic dragon, golden plated and
I: Yes. Endure the bad, savor the good. in a word, beautiful, flying towards them. This is
T: Oh, and the little ambassadors are here as well. the golden dragon Protanther. Otaaryliakkarnos
Interesting ring you carry... What news have you from your follows him closely behind. Both lands smoothly
realms? in the peak, in front of the characters and the
other dragons.
The characters can quickly recount their
adventures. She is not impressed by tales of P: By Bahamut, blessed be the wind behind your wings.
looting or pillaging others. All the other dragons kneel, and reply in unison.
OINT: And may it carry you wherever you need.
Protanther then addresses you directly.
T: Tell me, why should we trust your kind? What keeps your P: I am Protanther, King of Justice, leader of this council.
leaders or your friends from turning to Tiamat if the tides You are the emissaries of the leaders and kings of the
of battle seem dire? smaller races. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Time is
of the essence, so forgive me if we skip further pleasantries.
Assuming the characters reply satisfactorily, It is a common saying that chess is the game of kings. That
she continues. it teaches one to think strategically. What do you think?

T: Actions speak louder than words. Many times have our Characters are likely to agree. Adjust the text
homes been pillaged by scoundrels from your race. Many below if they don’t.
times have their lured us and lied to us with empty
promises. In one such case, one of the prized items of my P: I believe it’s a load of rubbish! Both sides have identical
collection got stolen. pieces, the rules stay invariably the same. How does this
Tazmikella looks at the Ring of Protection worn by a mirror real life? Humanoids often perpetuate this nonsense
party member. because they’re not kings. Pawns see only their comrades
T: A ring capable of protecting its wielder. I don’t imagine at their sides, and their foes across the field. A king has a
how it came to be in your possession, but regardless, what different view of the chess board. His greatest foes surround
would you do if I demanded it be returned to its rightful him. His own chessmen might trap him. And that is check -
owner? and death. Chess, at its core, is the art of sacrificing your
own pieces. And what I worry most for you is that you’re
not wise enough to wield such power.
If the characters offer to return the ring to her
I: I don’t think we’re talking about strategic decisions
immediately, she is pleased, and refuses it, for
anymore, are we, great Protanther?
P: No. But if I must spell it out, then let me be clear.
There is both good and bad in the lesser races. They have
T: Good. You willingness to part with it means it is in good the capacity for attaining great power, but their physical
hands. You shall return it to me after this is over. It will limitations makes them dangerous. For all their capability,
probably be useful to you until then. humanoids have little time to learn the wisdom to direct
that capability. Just look at those who lead the Order of the
Dragon. A human named Severin, not a dragon, has
Otherwise if they agree to return it when they
concocted this idea of resurrecting the god-queen Tiamat.
no longer need it, or when they are able to
Archmages and liches, humanoids that threw away their
replace it, she is also pleased.
honor in exchange for power, founding the Order itself, or
leading the Red Wizards of Thay, who will conduct the
T: I agree, you’ll need it for now. But I’ll hold you to that ritual. Their kingdoms rise and fall, like sand castles in the
promise. beach being washed away by the tide. Entire races
bargaining with dark forces for power, like those accursed
Yuan-Ti. This is the quintessential flaw of human nature.
If the characters refuse to return it, she no I: But paradoxically, if they’re not so wise, why do you
longer trusts them.


expect them to recognize their own evil? You must admit The Wyrmspeakers from the Order of the Dragon carry
that most of their crimes are directed toward each other, artifacts crafted by Tiamat herself. Masks, each
not us. representing a facet of her power, with which they borrow
P: Most, but not all. For how many revolutions have you her powers and lead the chromatic to wage war upon us all.
walked this world? I worry these masks tempt your souls, and wish to have
them safely kept by us. I apologize if this sounds rude, but it
Protanther is a fan of the moon and stars, so is a risk I am not willing to take.
he counts how many times Toril has circled the
Sun to measure time. It’s up to the characters now to try and please
the dragons. They can do whatever they want to
P: You are young. Do you know of a certain creation, the impress them, so be sure to reward creativity.
Dracorage Mythal?
Characters can roll a DC 20 Intelligence Once all negotiations cease, the dragons vote on
(Arcana or History) check to recognize what a whether to ally with the humanoids and
Dracorage Mythal was; a magical effect created coordinate with them for a joint attack.
at the end of the Time of Dragons by High Elven
mages. This High Magic effect tied a P: I think I have heard enough to make decision. Have you
Faerûn-wide mythal (a very wide-range magical all reached a conclusion?
ward) to the King-Killer Star. It encompassed The remaining four dragons agree.
roughly a 250000 square miles area where the
King-Killer Star was visible over Faerûn and
caused all dragon and dragon-blooded creatures If they were pleased and wish to join,
to slowly become more agitated and reckless,
eventually becoming little more than raging P: Good. I came here expecting disappointment. Expecting
beasts, when the star was actually visible; the have to deal with scared greedy little people that could not
phenomenon was known as the Rage of Dragons. look beyond their own selfish goals, neglecting the greater
good. I was, alas, incorrect. I am willing to pledge the
P: You see, among you, one race stands alone. The elves, alliance of the clan of Gold to the Waterdeep Council
almost as old as us, and possessing great knowledge, were against the Order of the Dragon.
expected to walk the path of wisdom, and righteousness. I: It’s not often that I find the smaller folk to be engaging,
And yet, they have used their knowledge to the detriment to be fun. After all this is over, let’s play another round to
of dragonkind in the past. The elves shaped the Dracorage celebrate out victory. Until then, the brass clan will join the
Mythal, which tied the King-Killer star to all those carrying Alliance.
dragon-blood. It turned us all into raging beasts, and nearly O: Some of them have done unspeakable things in the
wiped us from the face of the planet. past. But not all. I hope we can all learn from our history
N: An unprovoked, wild-charging attack. and work towards a brighter future. Together. The silver
I: A sad chapter in our history. clan stands with you.
P: And one which has not been forgotten, nor forgiven. T: It is inevitable that our races have unpleasant
O: Many chapters of our joint-history remain in our interactions. It is inevitable that not all members of such a
hearts. vast set of races will be a paragon of excellence. But yet, I
P: Yes. And if we are to trust each other, you must show feel it is worth trying to cooperate and ally together against
us that these chapters also weigh in yours. From what this looming threat. Only by trusting one another can we
Otaaryliakkarnos has told me, elves are to be part of this grow stronger, and thus, the copper clan will join the
Alliance, is that correct? Alliance.
N: Just like the Silmerhelve in Waterdeep, we see through
these heroes that the smaller races have the potential for
If the characters lie and claim no elves are part
good, that they can be brave and pure of heart. I trust
of the Alliance, Ileuthra reveals them as liars,
them, and I trust we can, together, defeat the Order of the
and the dragons are all offended.
Dragon and prevent Tiamat from raising chaos in our world.
The bronze clan pledges their allegiance.
P: I want their leader to issue a formal statement and P: It pleases me to know that we are in accord. In that
apology for the harms they have caused us all. If they won’t case, little ones, take the news back to your leaders. Once
even admit guilt, there is no basis for trust, and without they have their responses, Dala will inform Nymmurh and
trust, this alliance is pointless. we can determine how best to coordinate our
N: Speaking of trust, I would make a request of my own. counter-attack. It was truly a pleasure to meet you all here,


and I can only hope others of your races would follow in
your footsteps. Thank you.

If the dragons did not agree, they respond


P: I came here expecting disappointment. Expecting have to

deal with scared greedy little people that could not look
beyond their own selfish goals, neglecting the greater good.
Sadly, I was correct. I am against the alliance of the clan of
Gold to the Waterdeep Council against the Order of the
I: It makes me sad that the smaller folk, despite all their
achievements, still can’t appreciate the small joys of life, a
simple game, or a challenging puzzle, and they then resort
to insane quests for power instead. The brass clan will not
be part of such folly.
O: Some of them have done unspeakable things in the
past. I believe many can be guided towards good, but it’s
too risky to attempt such a course during this catastrophe.
Maybe our futures will be entwined in the future, but for
not, the silver clan will stand alone.
T: Our races have had unpleasant interactions. It is
inevitable that some of you will not be paragons of
excellence. However, after this council, I don’t see that our
alliance would change that. I worry that you would only
treat us as a disposable asset, once to expend and throw
away when no longer needed. The copper clan refuses to
be used in such a manner.
N: Many of the small folk have the potential for good, for
bravery, for purity of heart. Regretfully, I don’t believe these
emissaries share these qualities, unlike the Silmerhelves of
Waterdeep. The bronze clan does not pledge their
allegiance to them.
P: Then we are in accord. In that case, little ones, take
the news back to your leaders. Do not count on the
Metallic Dragons for help. We will conduct our own efforts
against the Order of the Dragon. It is likely you will
indirectly benefit from this, regardless of whether you
deserve to be saved or not. Take that as consolation from
this Council.

If the alliance was established, the characters
can return to Waterdeep with an accomplished
diplomatic mission. It isn’t over, though, they
must still convince the Council members to
whatever concessions they have promised. Once
all is settled, they can station five Dragon
Protectors (an Ancient Dragon of each metallic
type) across the Sword Coast to protect specific
If the alliance was not established, the
characters must return to Waterdeep and
explain their failure. They will lose a lot of favour
with the Council then.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Council of
Waterdeep and The Cult Strikes Back by Wizards
19.3 T HE C ULT
of the Coast. S TRIKES B ACK
Please revise the introduction in section 2.17. Once the characters arrived back to Waterdeep,
Maps can be found in section 26.10 and the Council meeting is scheduled for the
section 26.12. following day. The characters can take time to do
whatever they wish to, and eventually spend the
night at an inn. Before they can go rest, however,
19.1 I NTRODUCTION the cult strikes.
Characters should be at level 12. Unbeknownst to all, the cult found a weak
spot in Ahghairon’s Dragonward. The protection
The goal for this chapter is for characters to is a spherical forcefield that keeps dragons out,
once again report to the Council. However, on but the exact top of this hemisphere does not
the eve of the meeting, Waterdeep is attacked by have enough power to prevent powerful dragons
the Order of the Dragon, and a team of assassins from entering its area. The dragons are still
is sent after the characters in the midst of the unable to remain in the city for long, having to
ensuing chaos. succeed on DC 30 Constitution saving throws
every turn to avoid suffering horrible pain and
wounds. However, three Ancient Dragons
19.2 WATERDEEP stormed the city at the exact time, and two (red
and blue) managed to breach the forcefield. They
As characters walk through the streets of
immediately begin flying over the city using their
Waterdeep, they must take care not to bump into
breath weapons to kill as many people as
people. The streets are packed full of war
possible, setting many districts ablaze.
refugees, sleeping and living on the pavement, so
Just before their attack starts, and before
much so that carts and carriages can no longer
anyone realized what was happening, a team of
circulate on side streets, only on the main
disguised cult assassins makes an assassination
avenues. Waterdeep’s policy to relocate all the
attempt at the characters. A single bead from a
members of medium/small villages in its
Necklace of Fireballs is thrown through the
surroundings has led to this situation. The army
window of the inn the characters are at, starting
is spread thin, focusing on protecting the major
a small fire. Just after this, a Half-Red Dragon
cities in Waterdeep’s peripheries, and on keeping
Gladiator and a Half-Blue Dragon Gladiator
order within Waterdeep’s walls. However, within
enter the inn, while two Half-Green Dragon
the city, they appear to be spread too thin; the
Assassins and a Mage of Thay strike from
occasional guard every couple of blocks can
outside the building’s walls. If your players have
barely maintain order in the busy streets.
long-rested since their climb to the Dragon
Perhaps more worrying than this is the fact Council, feel free to add more cult
that multiple chromatic dragons are circling the reinforcements to make this more of a challenge.
city. Mostly adult dragons, but a couple of If the characters are staying at a famous inn like
ancient ones are spotted, these fly around the the Yawning Portal, the innkeeper is a former
city’s outskirts, just out of range of most adventurer (use the stats of a Veteran). At the
weapons, and occasionally fly near it and smash time of the attack, few Commoners were inside
against the blueish force-field that prevents the inn, aside from the characters. Some die
them from entering the city, known as with the initial fireball strike, and others attempt
Ahghairon’s Dragonward. They are testing it, to flee anyway they can.
searching for weak spots through which they After the cultists are defeated, however, it’s not
can wreak havoc across the city. For now, at over. The characters hear screaming outside,
least, the protection is holding, and the dragons and the light of city fires spreads across the dark
are kept successfully at bay. However, the sky. As they leave the inn, the Ancient Red
atmosphere on the refugees is one of fear and Dragon attacking Waterdeep passes by the
dread that something bad is about to happen. street, breathing fire on all the buildings on the
opposite side of the street. The streets are full


with hundreds of refugees currently panicking
and running in all directions, trampling each
other if need be to reach whatever place they
believe to be safe. Characters can spot Laeral
Silverhand on the nearby intersecting street
trying to stop fires and protect people from the
dragon attacks. She realizes the Dragonward is
still active and is sure the attacking dragons
cannot remain in the city for long. She casts
Time Stop to douse nearby fires endangering
civilians, and uses Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
and Cone of Cold in these efforts.

Figure 19.2: The burning saloon. By 2 Minute


Figure 19.1: The burning streets of Waterdeep.

Unknown author. ancient dragons quickly become unable to
endure the Dragonward’s effects and must flee
As characters take in all that is happening, the the city. The attack took less than 1 minute, but
Red Dragon turns back and heads straight for the damage is done, with the city set on fire, and
the inn they were on. The innkeeper goes back thousands of casualties already. The rest of the
in to rescue whatever civilian stragglers remain night is spent trying to save people. Have each
inside. The characters also notice the building player describe how they wish to help, and
opposite the inn, a traditional west-themed award five skill checks of whatever appropriate
saloon, has been set ablaze. The lower two floors skill they used (Athletics to rescue people from
have a raging fire, and 20-40 civilians are stuck rubble and debris, Investigation to lead searches
on the top floor, with no way to safely get down. for survivors, Medicine to treat the wounded,
If your players are too lost to decide what to do, etc). The sum of all those checks is the amount
Laeral asks the characters to help rescuing of people they directly save. Increase the amount
those. of people if they use other clever tricks (like
spells, pets, items, etc).
On the next round, the Dragon flies-by the
completely destroys the inn the characters were The Council meeting remains scheduled for
in. The innkeeper, if inside, throws two civilians the morning of the following day.
through the window before the building
crumbles on top of him; old adventurer habits
die hard, and he is later recognized with a hero’s
You can have the dragon making a third and
final pass over the street where the characters
are if they have some feasible way of protecting In this session, I had the following members
the hundreds of refugees there. Otherwise, both attending the Council:


Council Members Ontharr, and Brawnanvil seem to be avoiding
Name Affiliation Ideals Traits eye contact with her, and she just remains silent
Remallia Harpers Freedom, Honest, at her seat. Maccath from the Arcane
Haventree respect friendly Brotherhood is also attending, and she nods to
Ontharr Order of the Gauntlet Responsibi- Friendly, the characters as they enter.
Frume lity, hot-
greater tempered I made Jamna and Rian the same person, just
good under a powerful Alter Self spell. Her real looks
Delaan Emerald Enclave Balance, Quiet are unknown to most people, but both Jamna
Winterhound life and Rian are alter-egos that she uses. If Jamna
Lady Lords’ Alliance Creativity, Quiet, is dead in your game, you can ignore this change
Laeral (Waterdeep) respect curious (or she may have resurrected since?). If not,
Silverhand Rian’s identity can be discovered by the
Lord Lords’ Alliance Moderation, Honest characters as they investigate her, or if someone
Dagult (Neverwinter) responsibi-
uses spells like Detect Magic.
Neverember lity
Ambassador Lords’ Alliance Honor, Hot Isteval, Ravengard, Ontharr, and Silverhand
Connerad (Dwarves of the North) respect tempered, are hurt, bearing minor cuts and bruises, and
Brawnanvil suspicious Ravengard having a broken arm in a makeshift
Marshal Lords’ Alliance Responsibi- Honest
cast (he will get it magically healed after the
Ulder (Baldur’s Gate) lity, glory
Council session). Isteval and Silverhand were
King Lords’ Alliance (Elves Balance, Quiet, hurt by the panicked crowds as they attempted
Melandrach of the Misty and High nation arrogant to guide the people to safety (Winterhound and
Forests) Remallia also helped, but didn’t get hurt).
Taern Lords’ Alliance Logic, Ponderous, Ravengard and Ontharr rode griffons to engage
(Silverymoon) greater curious one of the dragons before it ran away.
Hornblade good
Sir Isteval Lords’ Alliance Tradition, Honorable,
(Cormyr) honor wise,
Rian secretly Zhentarim Logic, Polite, 19.5 C OUNCIL
Nightshade greed mercantile,
ruthless S ESSION
Maccath Arcane Brotherhood Power, Honorable,
Freedom curious, The council has its session on the day of the
greedy attack, the day after the characters arrive back
to Waterdeep. Everyone has basically sat down
Characters are now familiar with all but one at the table by the them the characters arrive.
council member, the tiefling Rian Nightshade, a The atmosphere is dark, and faces reveal anger,
suspicious advisor to Lord Neverember. anguish, and fear. The room seems to be more
Characters who pay attention notice that Isteval, heavily guarded than before.

Figure 19.3: The members of the Council of Waterdeep. Originally by Reddit’s u/Plaindog.


• the Alliance with the Metallic Dragons;
Drinks have already been poured. The smell of
• the Metallic Dragon concessions.
strong medicinal teas permeates the room. Lady
Silverhand starts her speech as soon as everyone I changed Melandrach’s reaction to news
is sitting. about Neronvain’s identity, from rage to shock
and grief. The Harpers and Hornblade wanted
Neronvain captured, and Winterhound would
"The times are dire. Not even the bastions of our power rather have Neronvain dead than risk his escape.
remain safe from the Order of the Dragon. As you all know, If Neronvain’s race is revealed (but not his
Waterdeep has just suffered a vile attack, and we have identity as son of King Melandrach), Melandrach
suffered heavy civilian casualties. Now that we know even wants Neronvain escorted to the High Forest for
our own homes are not safe, it is time to start preparing a trial. If Neronvain’s identity is revealed,
counter-attack. Melandrach is so shocked he doesn’t participate
Before we begin, let me announce the members of this much in further discussions. Most other council
council. We have present today members’ opinions of him suffer: how was his
• Lord Neverember, the Lord Protector of Neverwinter, and son conducting cult raids on his lands? either he
leader of the Lords’ Alliance; is a bad parent or a bad king. Brawnanvil, in
• Rian Nightshade, his newly appointed special advisor, an particular, makes derogatory comments on this:
expert in guerrilla warfare and information extraction; "How is he to protect his people, when it seems
• Delaan Winterhound, Ontharr Frume, and Remallia like he can’t even protect his damn family?" If
Haventree, representing the Emerald Enclave, the Order Neronvain’s identity isn’t revealed, but his
of the Gauntlet, and the Harpers, respectively; corpse is shown, both Melandrach and Remallia
• Marshal Ulder Ravengard, Commander of the Flaming Fist recognize him, but neither reveals his identity.
from Baldur’s Gate; An audible groan is heard around the table if
• King Melandrach, elfish monarch of the Misty and High the Alliance with the metallic dragons has failed.
Forests; Otherwise, sighs of relief are heard. Melandrach
• Sir Isteval, a secret emissary from Cormyr, who was and Brawnanvil are both angry if they must
allowed to remain in this Council despite his deception apologize to the dragons. If Melandrach is aware
due to his honest good intentions; of Neronvain’s identity, he is grieving more than
• Ambassador Connerad Brawnanvil, the emissary from the anything, so his rage quickly placates. He won’t
Dwarves of the North; mean the apology, but will write it nonetheless.
• Taern Hornblade, also known as Taern "Thunderspells", Melandrach claims that the Dracorage Mythal
the emissary from Silverymoon; was a concoction by the elven High Priest at the
• Maccath, the Crimson, envoy of the Arcane Brotherhood, time, who betrayed both Dragons and Elves in
expert on the Draakhorn; exchange for power, and the Dragons ruthless
• and last, but not least, the brave group of adventurers attack on the elven capital was a
who continue to thwart the Order’s plans in the name of disproportionate response (most of Melandrach’s
this Council. family died at the time, as well as most advisors
As usual, I’d like to start this Council with a short of the realm). Brawnanvil will write the apology
summary of the results of your latest missions. One, to (even if he doesn’t mean it), but will only return
investigate the possible Cult cell in the Misty Forest, domain his +3 Silver Dragon Scale Mail in exchange for
of King Melandrach; the other, to parlay with a council of its monetary value, or if one of the Dragon
Metallic Dragon emissaries and procure an alliance with Protectors of the Alliance is stationed in his
them. What news have you for us?" territory, protecting his lands from the chromatic
dragons now digging tunnels into his cities. He
acts like returning the armor is a capital sin
C HARACTERS ’ A DVENTURES against his ancestor’s memories, but, a clever
politician, he is really just trying to get a Dragon
The council asks the characters to speak of both Protector stationed in his lands without having
their missions. They question or ask for further to give up anything else other than the armor.
information in several points, and sometimes
have conflicting opinions on what should have
been done.
The Council now discusses what has happened
• The Green Wyrmspeaker and the Misty Forest
in their own domains.
• The Metallic Dragon Alliance
Neverember describes that Neverwinter is in a
Specifically, the council bickers on happened decent shape. Their policy of only taking in
to refugees that could conscript into the army has
• Neronvain and the Green Dragon Mask; made the city’s defenses very strong, and the


entire city has become a great stronghold, nigh territories. They plan on following Baldur’s
impenetrable. However, food reservers are Gate’s refugee policy, and would use a Dragon
beginning to wane, so Neverwinter would use a Protector to keep the raids from escalating
Dragon Protector to start attacking the cult further into all-out war.
directly and destroy their influence in the North Silverhand then addresses the characters.
of Faerûn, allowing people to return to their
homes. Silverhand: Now that we have an alliance with the metallic
Silverhand comments that Waterdeep had a dragons, I believe it is a good time to determine where to
successful policy up until the previous day. station the Dragon Protectors they have provided us. You
Major cities in the periphery are heavily guarded can see how each would benefit us. I believe the Order of
and functioning properly, providing resources the Gauntlet would rather protect the Holy City of Elturel,
needed by the hundreds of thousands of and the Emerald Enclave would instead favor protecting the
refugees from all the smaller settlements Grandfather Tree, ancient Treant of Faerûn.
currently within the city. However, ever since the Remallia: While the Harpers do not have a city to defend,
attack, she fears her policies have to change. we would use such an asset for intelligence gathering. We
They either have to draw their forces from cities could find the location of the Well of Dragons, and gather
in the periphery, or keep a Dragon Protector to information about the numbers of their armies.
maintain the city’s safety. Ontharr and Silverhand: Since you have shown considerable strategic
Winterhound have in the mean time determined acumen, I’d ask you to make your suggestions as to where
how the breach happened, and the cities we should focus.
defenses will focus more strongly on the
Dragonward weak spot. A DC 20 Nature check allows the characters to
Ravengard explains the Baldur’s Gate has kept recognize the Grandfather Tree, an elder treant,
safe against raids from the Order of the Dragon, which appears as a monstrously large, gnarled
but is facing a different set of problems. Their oak tree located deep in the heart of the High
policy of accepting all refugees in the Forest.
neighbouring regions but keeping them in camps The characters now suggest where each
outside the city walls has led to both positive Dragon Protector should be stationed at, gaining
and negative results. On one hand, their forces favor will all those who were protected, and
are all concentrated around the city, so they losing with all others.
have successfully fended off cult raids. On the
other, the camps are fairly spread out and
Silverhand: Now that this is settled, I believe Miss
difficult to manage, so famine, disease, and
Nightshade has been offered a curious proposition.
above all, crime, have become serious problems
Nightshade: Indeed. We have received information that a
around the city. Ravengard would use a Dragon
Protector to focus on the city defense, so that the senior member of the Order of the Dragon seeks to defect
army could instead prioritize inner peace and get from the group, and that the cultist is offering a dragon
the refugees in line. mask as part of his plea for aid.
Nightshade presents a handwritten note to the Council.
Brawnanvil explains that the Dwarven cities
"You don’t know me, but we can help each other
are now facing guerrila attacks by the cult.
immeasurably. My name is Iskander, and I made a terrible
Dragons capable of burrowing through the
mistake in joining the Cult of the Dragon. The cult’s
ground now emerge within the cities, wreak
horrifying plans are sure to bring doom to all, but I can stop
havoc, and run away before the dwarves can
those plans with your help. Rescue me from the cult’s
react (similar to tonight’s attack in Waterdeep).
clutches, and I will deliver to you the prize of prizes: the
Brawnanvil would use a Dragon Protector to stop
Blue Dragon Mask. Without it, Severin faces an
these attacks.
insurmountable setback in his effort to call Tiamat back to
Melandrach is likely to distraught to go into our world. The mask is here in Xonthal’s Tower, being
too many details. As far as he knows, the Elven studied and guarded by only a handful of wizards, including
Kingdoms have remained safe from the cult’s
attacks. In particular, if the Misty Forest cell was
"The danger of my treason becoming known grows with
destroyed by the adventurers, he does not expect
every passing day, and if I’m discovered, I’ll surely be killed.
a surprise large scale attack now. He would use
Please hurry, for the sake of everyone and everything you
a Dragon Protector to patrol the borders of his
Hornblade: Though the offer could be a trap, I believe
Finally, both Hornblade and Isteval describe that the risk is worth it. The defector is holed up in a
how Silverymoon and Cormyr are just beginning fortress known as Xonthal’s Tower, recently taken over by
to feel the influence of the Order of the Dragon, the cult. Because a small team has a better chance to
with small raids having recently started in their


successfully infiltrate the tower than a larger force, I’d say Severin has gathered with Rath Modar from Thay, where
this is a task perfectly suited to the skill set of our the Dragon Masks are stashed, and where Tiamat is to be
adventurers. Would you agree? summoned. This is our last crucial bit of information to
The characters can now discuss this mission Silverhand: Remember, everyone, the fate of the world
to Xonthal’s Tower. rests upon our shoulders.

Silverhand: And now, I believe Remallia has her own The meeting now turns to logistical and
proposal for one final alliance before our attack. economical discussions as usual, although those
Remallia: Esteemed members of the Council. I have been tired from the night raid leave early to attend to
approached by a Red Wizard of Thay named Nyh Ilmichh. their wounds.
Ilmichh has extended an invitation to the council to send an
envoy to Thay, to discuss ways in which Thay and the Sword At My Table
Coast might aid each other during the current crisis. Our My players were absolutely convinced there was a traitor in
adventurers have been specifically requested to represent the Council by this point, since the Order of the Dragon
was able to know their locations and plans to attempt to
the Sword Coast at this meeting, after which they will be
thwart them. When they brought this up in the Council, I
returned to Waterdeep unharmed. Ilmichh has been had Remallia claim she had been investigating and while no
carefully questioned and subjected to a zone of truth, and member of the Council (or guards or servants in the room)
that all she said has been confirmed. had explicitly sold information, they had confided small bits
Maccath: Without the Red Wizards, Severin’s plans are to loved ones or people they trusted, and those would
eventually sell or unwittingly divulge this information to
severely compromised. Moreover, we are aware that Szass agents of the cult. Not only that, but she believed the
Tam wants all exiled Red Wizards dead in the worst possible Order was using Divination magic to spy on the characters.
way. To solve this, she enchanted all Council members to be
Silverhand: I think most of us have some reservations, unable to speak about the Council’s plans to anyone
(similar to the curse Varram had on him that prevented
but still, since we and Szass Tam have a common goal, I
him from revealing the Wall of Dragon’s location, but less
believe the invitation is worth accepting. lethal), and she obtained an Amulet of Proof against
Detection and Location to give to each character to keep
them hidden.
The characters can now discuss this mission
to Thay.
If the players uncover Rian’s identity as
Jamna, it can lead to interesting antagonistic
Silverhand: Good news if we can grab an additional set of remarks during the session, depending on how
allies. Now, towards the future. We have, for the last few she interacted with them before. If they know,
months, been gathering our strength. We built up our from the Pool of Diderius, that she has the White
armies, we defended our lands, and we’re at a breaking Dragon Mask, they can convince her to give it up
point. Prolonging a defensive stance will not lead us as proof of the Black Network’s cooperation.
anywhere. Our resources begin to stretch too thin, and the Otherwise, Remallia will talk to her and arrange
situation won’t hold out for long. Not only that, but the for the White Dragon Mask to be delivered by the
Order of the Dragon seems to grow ever stronger, now that Black Network to the Council before the next
they have larger amounts of territories to claim and plunder. session.
It is time we go on the offensive.
Ravengard: I agree. We are the peak of our battle T HE N EXT M ISSIONS
strength. If we delay much longer, out armies will likely It’s up to the characters to choose which mission
crumble from the inside from a purely logistical standpoint. to follow first: the mission to Thay or the
Neverember: But the issue here is how to move on the exploration of Xonthal’s Tower. If the Harpers
offensive. We are yet to find the location of the ritual, the are not assigned any Dragon Protectors,
place known as the Well of Dragons. uncovering the location of the Well of Dragons is
Silverhand: Indeed. We must start preparing for an also one of their missions. If they suspect
offensive campaign. And in the mean time, we will allocate Rian/Jamna, they can also take some time
resources towards this. There is not much time left, and we tailing her, and they’ll witness her changing
must storm the Well of Dragons before the planetary shapes as she goes into shadier parts of
alignment. I hope I can trust you, Remallia, with this task. Waterdeep and checks in with the Black Network
Remallia: Of course, my Lady. But I would also request to at the Yawning Portal Inn.
each and everyone of you: if you have the chance to
capture and question high-ranking Order members, please
don’t forget this. The location of the Well of Dragons, where 19.6 C ONCLUSION
the Draakhorn is sounding from, where the Order’s leader The characters are now up-to-date on the
current state of the conflict against the Order of


the Dragon. There are now two missions for
them to follow.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Xonthal’s Tower
by Wizards of the Coast.
20.2 X ONTHAL ’ S
Please revise the introduction in section 2.18.
Maps can be found in section 26.13.
20.1 I NTRODUCTION Ran as-is.
The village is small, but has the typical inn
where locals can be talked with.

20.3 T HE M AZE
I ran the maze mostly as-is, just adjusted a few
of the enemies. I tried giving my players
solutions to each challenge where they could
avoid combat if they chose so.

Figure 20.1: The Blue Dragon Mask. By At My Table
Tumblr’s rspixart. My players were hilarious here. On their first sundial
challenge, the overwhelming consensus was that it certainly
wasn’t the path pointed at by the sundial. It took a few
Characters should be at level 13. hours to actually get to the Tower, and thankfully they did
The goal for this chapter is for the characters better on the final Sundial puzzles.
to explore a wizard’s tower that has been taken
over by the Order of the Dragon, and rescue the I let my players roll a DC 20 Intelligence
princess extract Iskander (a defector) and the (Investigation) check every time they failed a
Blue Dragon Mask. Sundial challenge, to learn a clue. If your

Figure 20.2: Xonthal’s Tower, village overseen by the tower. By Reddit’s u/BehrtHramm.


Figure 20.3: Area 1 of Xonthal’s Maze. By Figure 20.4: Area 2 of Xonthal’s Maze. By
Inkarnate’s Cupula do RPG. Reddit’s u/Arcyl with assets from Patreon’s
players are bad at puzzles, maybe let them get
these clues even without failing, or make the 3. C YCLOPES ’ P ASTURE
clues even more obvious depending on how well
they roll, or how many tries they’ve had. If your players don’t have a reasonable way to
throw a rock over 100ft, like a smartly-angled
Catapult spell, you can change the challenge to
Sundial Clues something achievable with collective Strength
# First Clue Second Clue (Athletics) checks.
1 Three paths stand out: Maybe the simplest
where we came from, solution is our best
where our shadow points chance: follow the sundial.
toward, and where the
sundial points toward.
2 Following the sundial has It wasn’t that simple, but
worked before, maybe we certainly a combination of
just have to follow the new the shadows must be the
shadow. solution.
3 There’s no half-way point Maybe there is always
between shadows now. a shadow in front to
The one in front seems confuse us, and we need
like the most unique, to combine the other two.
4 How do we combine the All paths are now
shadows, when they have symmetrical, so maybe
all sunk into the sundial the answer isn’t actually a
itself? Does that mean path. Figure 20.5: Area 3 of Xonthal’s Maze. By
any path will work? Reddit’s u/Arcyl with assets from Patreon’s
5 Once again, how do we All paths are now Crosshead.
combine the shadows? symmetrical, so maybe
Maybe now any path will the answer isn’t actually a
work. path.
I allowed non-combat solutions to this. My
players cast a Dawn spell to make the plants
2. C HUUL P OOL bloom and drop their pearls, without having to
Ran as-is. fight them all.


Figure 20.6: Area 4 of Xonthal’s Maze. By
Reddit’s u/Arcyl with assets from Patreon’s

I didn’t force the genie to engage combat with
them. Once a character was trapped, I gave Figure 20.8: Area 6 of Xonthal’s Maze. By
them a few rounds to deal with the poison Reddit’s u/Arcyl with assets from Patreon’s
and/or escape. They sealed the kettle to avert Crosshead.
the poison, but it started swelling from pressure,
and they had to burn resources to quickly 7. G ORGON M AZE
escape the incoming blast. The gem was inside
the kettle and they recovered it after the I didn’t need to run this one, but I would either
explosion, running away without ever engaging buff the Gorgon or add multiple of them. Other
the genie itself. people have suggested using a Jabberwock
instead (from The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).

Figure 20.7: Area 5 of Xonthal’s Maze. By Figure 20.9: Area 7 of Xonthal’s Maze. By
Reddit’s u/Arcyl with assets from Patreon’s Reddit’s u/Arcyl with assets from Patreon’s
Crosshead. Crosshead.

6. S TATUE G ALLERY When the characters get here, they hear the end
I replaced the Animated Armors by Stone of Iskander’s speech, and see the cultist’s body
Golems with 63 HP. land at their feet. Their time inside the maze was


warped, and they basically arrived at the tower a can reveal a lot of information about the cult. If
few moments before they entered the maze. the characters take more than two hours to
reach him since they entered the tower, they find
20.4 X ONTHAL ’ S him dead from his wounds.
The Blue Dragon Mask is real, not a fake,
T OWER unless a specific condition is met for this
campaign plot. Severin needs at least two
T HE T OWER Dragon Masks to conduct the summoning ritual.
I replaced some enemies by non-spellcasters, to It’s likely that he has the Red and Black ones
make my life easier, and also for some enemies (one he has kept, the other teleported to him
to have bigger HP pools. when Rezmir died or killed herself), and he might
have the Green one (depending on whether your
• Room 10: two Mages, two Dragonwings, three players killed Neronvain or just captured him).
Cult Fanatics Making this Blue Mask a fake seems to be very
• Room 11: one Dragonsoul and four Cult unnecessary, since it would imply Severin knows
Fanatics about Iskander’s betrayal, but is unable to kill
• Room 12: Jorgen Pawl (60 HP), one him, and makes Lennithon’s requests for the
Dragonfang, two Cult Fanatics mask essentially pointless. Therefore, unless the
characters have taken all the masks so far from
the cult, the Blue Mask here is real.
In the event that the Order has lost 3 masks
already, then this one is a fake, or the Order
wouldn’t have enough masks to create the Mask
of the Dragon Queen and summon Tiamat. If
you aren’t fond of this approach, come up with
some other way for either the Order to recover a
mask, or for Tiamat to be able to be summoned
with a single mask.

Galvan* and Lennithon* got word from the
cultists, and are coming with a vengeance.
Galvan has a modified statblock based on a
sorcerer’s abilities (Galvan failed to become a
Thayan Wizard, but he did have a magical
bloodline). Lennithon uses a standard Adult
Blue Dragon statblock, without Lair or Regional
They will flee when their lives are in danger, or
if the mask is returned.
Figure 20.10: The teleportation sigils of
Xonthal’s Tower. By Boosty’s Labon.
Characters are likely to have rescued Iskander,
T HE D UNGEON as well as the Blue Dragon Mask. Iskander
I ran the dungeon mostly as is. wants asylum in Waterdeep, and the Harpers are
My players wanted to avoid combat in area 15, happy to take over his protection and, obviously,
so I required a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check his interrogation. Iskander reveals the location
to sprint to the corridor without being attacked of the Well of Dragons to be an extinct volcano in
by the elementals (with advantage if they could the Sunset Mountains.
distract them somehow). One of the Earth If Lennithon or Galvan survived, they will later
Elementals was replaced by a Stone Golem. I be present at the Well of Dragons. If captured,
also beefed up the meteors on area 17, requiring Galvan has the same curse as the other
a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, and dealing an wyrmspeakers. He would die if he revealed any
additional 9 (2d8) fire damage. information about the cult. He is not anxious to
Finally, I had Iskander alive, although in do so, like Rezmir did, but he isn’t as big a
critical condition, at the end of the dungeon. He coward as Varram, and so he will remain
doesn’t know where the Well of Dragons is, but stoically silent.


If the village of Xonthal’s Tower was not
burned to the ground, some hundreds of people
are now terrified to remain there and looking for
Xonthal’s Tower is available to be claimed by
whoever dares brave the maze and Xonthal’s
protections once more.


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Mission to Thay diplomatic letters identifying them, Ilmichh
by Wizards of the Coast and Murder in Thay by teleports everyone to Nethwatch Keep.
Marc Singer.
Please revise the introduction in section 2.19.
Maps can be found in section 26.14.
Characters should be at level 14.
The goal for this chapter is for the characters Murder in Thay
to visit Nethwatch Keep and interact with This chapter is heavily inspired by Marc Singer’s adventure,
Tharchion Eseldra Yeth. Their meeting available on DM’s Guild. Please check out his original work
determines how the alliance might evolve (or not). if you want the full details of Nethwatch Keep. The
However, during the night, the Tharchion is adventure was re-written here for clarity, and area
murdered. The characters then have the descriptions simplified to avoid taking value from his work.
opportunity to investigate and try to find the
culprit, before the crime is pinned on them. The characters will meet the following
residents and visitors during their stay in
21.2 D EPAR TING TO Nethwatch Keep.


I had Remallia approach the characters about
Thay instead of Leosin. She gives them the
information regarding Thay presented in the
book, and a small political description as well.

Thay is an isolated and arid windswept plateau some

twenty-five hundred miles east of Waterdeep, its dark skies
constantly clouded by volcanic ash. This land is defined by
the prevalence of undead within its borders. The supreme
leader of Thay is the lich Szass Tam, whose council of
advisers—the zulkirs—are powerful liches themselves.
Everyone of consequence in Thay is a spellcaster, and
necromancers are common there. Undead servants are
everywhere, and many of the commanders in Thay’s armies
are the free-thinking undead soldiers (use the wight
Travelers to this land must be wary of its dark politics —
rampant paranoia, a police-state mentality, and
necromancers commanding the top of the social order —
as much as the threats of the undead and Red Wizards that
dwell here. Thay is a place filled with extraordinary danger.
Szass Tam leads the empire with his Tharchions. According
to our investigations, Rath Modar fled Thay and hopes the
Dragon Queen will help him overthrow Szass Tam and Figure 21.1: Eseldra Yeth, Tharchion of
restore Thay to its former glory (their splinter sect is Nethwatch Keep. Unknown author.
self-denominated as the Thayan Resurrection).
The tharchion is a Vampire Spellcaster and
one of Szass Tam’s most loyal supporters.
Nyh Ilmichh, at the request of Szass Tam, During the War of the Zulkirs, she willingly
proposed for an envoy from the Lords’ Alliance to became a vampire to demonstrate her
go and discuss a possible alliance against their commitment to the forces of undeath. She was
common enemy (Rath Modar). After Remallia rewarded for her service with the command of
gives the characters advice on how to act and Nethwatch Keep. She believes that if she
address the Thayans, as well as the sealed negotiates favorable terms for an alliance with


the Council of Waterdeep, Szass Tam will interrogations, since his speech sounds rather
appoint her to an even better position. comical.
Her plans for this visit is to impartially His ultimate goal is to prevent the alliance of
evaluate the adventurer’s arguments in favour of Thay with the Council of Waterdeep. To do so, he
the alliance and explain Thay’s terms and plans on murdering Eseldra Yeth and blame the
conditions. She asked Thoss Tarek to interrogate characters for it. After that, he takes on the role
the characters further during the night, for of detective, covering his tracks and slowly
whatever information they did not reveal, and to setting the characters up. He eventually has
be sure of their intentions. She would reveal her Khandur Ulmarik killed, in an apparent suicide,
conclusions on the next day, send the characters so that he cannot be interrogated about the
home, and inform Szass Tam. However, Thoss murder weapon that Tarek used for the
Tarek’s plot will have her killed during the first Tharchion. His plans change when he
night. unexpectedly has to directly kill the diviner Rho
Halthar, a dangerous move which he hoped not
VARRAX to have to do (he usually dominates Nyh to do
his bidding instead). His ultimate goal is to
This Sword Wraith Commander is Eseldra
destroy any hope of an alliance between the
Yeth’s undying bodyguard. Silent and strict, he
Lords’ Alliance and Thay. If needed, he will have
follows his orders without question.
a pawn (Nyh or maybe a dominated player
His plans are to follow the Tharchion and
character) attempt a suicide attack that will kill
protect her from anything that would harm her.
the envoy sent by Szass Tam to investigate. If he
He is deeply ashamed when she is killed on his
can’t get a pawn to do it, he will do it himself.
watch. He then grows depressed and spends his
time sitting in her quarters, reminiscing about

Figure 21.3: Nyh Ilmichh, Thayan Enchanter. By

Figure 21.2: Thoss Tarek, the Grand Inquisitor DeviantArt’s ArtemisMorgan.
of Nethwatch Keep. By Wizards of the Coast.
Nyh Ilmichh* is a Thayan Enchanter and a
Thoss Tarek* is the grand inquisitor of pupil of Thoss Tarek (although she currently has
Nethwatch Keep. Outwardly, he is a dutiful and no idea of his true allegiances). Nyh is no fool;
diligent inquisitor tasked with interrogating the she has uncovered Thoss Tarek’s secrets several
characters during their visit. However, he is times, and he has always wiped her memory
actually a spy working for Rath Modar. Thoss clean. Repeated dominations have made her
Tarek is a harsh and rude man, and feels no unable to resist his spells anymore, and have
remorse for his cruel actions. He has a lisp, and her with a very frequent and very debilitating
usually has others speak for him during headache.


She believes in the alliance and wants it to
succeed, even to the point of helping the
characters. Her plans for the visit are to escort
the characters around and try, to a certain
extent, to ensure their diplomatic immunity is


Figure 21.5: Khandur Ulmarik, Thayan

Necromancer. By Wizards of the Coast.
Figure 21.4: Zoran Gul, Vampire Castellan of
its torments. However, he is elder and wise, and
Nethwatch Keep. AI generated.
respects the party’s diplomatic immunity as well
Zoran Gul is a Vampire Warrior, the castellan as Szass Tam’s desire for an alliance.
of Nethwatch Keep, and Eseldra Yeth’s cruel His plan was to mostly ignore the characters
right hand. He believes that if Eseldra Yeth is during their visit, unless they had divine
promoted, he will be next in line as tharchion of spellcasters. In that case, he would spend many
Nethwatch, though in truth Szass Tam views hours with them, interviweing them, and trying
him as little more than an attack dog. to convince them to remain behind while the rest
of the adventurers went back to Waterdeep. After
Zoran Gul hates the living and despises the
the Tharchion’s murder, however, Khandur find
thought of allying with them. He can barely
the Pyx is missing, and is arrested until this
contain his disdain when interacting with the
second mystery is solved. He takes a sleeping
characters. After Eseldra Yeth’s murder, he will
drought because of the stress, but the vial he
take command of Nethwatch Keep, and
drank was mislabeled, and was in fact a deadly
immediately accuse the characters. However,
poison, quickly killing him.
when the other seniors of Nethwatch Keep
remind him of their diplomatic status, Zoran Gul
reluctantly allows them to remain free. He will R HO H ALTHAR
instigate Thoss Tarek to quickly solve this Rho Halthar is a senior Thayan Diviner. He is a
mystery, blaming the characters at every chance Mage with these additional spells prepared:
he has, but unable to solve the mystery himself. divination, identify, locate object, and
If the character’s innocence is proven, he scrying.
unwillingly respects that and reports this to Rho Halthar was planning to mostly ignore the
Szass Tam’s envoy. characters during their visit. After the Pyx of
Soul Capture* is reported missing, however, he
K HANDUR U LMARIK volunteers his divination services to Thoss Tarek,
Khandur Ulmarik* is a Thayan Necromancer, in order to help him uncover the culprit.
the most senior wizard at Nethwatch Keep, and Because of his misplaced trust, however, he is
the attendant for the Pyx of Soul Capture*. murdered when starting to conduct his ritual.
More technician than politician, he spends most
of his waking hours in his laboratory and avoids P HO T HALDAR
taking any position on the alliance. Ulmarik is Pho Thaldar is a senior Thayan Illusionist. He is
responsible for sacrificing souls to the Pyx, and a Mage with these additional spells prepared:
would love to consign any divine spellcasters to dream, hypnotic pattern, mirror image, and


phantasmal force. C ASTLE G ROUNDS
Pho Thaldar was planning to mostly ignore the
The Keep is a dark cold place. While the
characters during their visit. Nothing changes
occupants of a normal keep are usually heard
after the Tharchion’s murder.
from afar, talking, trading, laughing, or singing,
U MAR T HOON Nethwatch is eerily silent, with only the
occasional whip heard from outside its walls.
Most of the buildings are made of solid stone,
and the inner keep is magically enchanted to
prevent any sort of damage to its structure.

The Inner Ward can only be accessed by
Thayans, guests of Nethwatch, or trusted
servants. One can often see undead and
servants carrying water from the well into the
Smithy and the Kitchens.

The Outer Ward is patrolled night and day by
three Wights. During the day, one can see the
slaves working on their crops or repairing the
walls or the buildings in which they live. The
sounds of whips crack often. During the night,
only the undead roam about and the yard is
eerily silent.

Figure 21.6: Umar Thoon, Divination Zulkir. By 1. C ASTLE K EEP

Wizards of the Coast. The heart of Nethwatch Keep.

Umar Thoon is a Lich and the Zulkir of 2. I NNER WARD T OWERS

Divination, one of the eight undead mages who Three of these towers are four stories tall (2D is
govern Thay. One of Szass Tam’s most loyal and five), with an additional cellar level below ground.
trusted vassals, he is sent to Nethwatch Keep to A ballista is mounted on the roof of each tower
find Eseldra Yeth’s murderer and determine if and crewed by two Wights.
the alliance can be salvaged. Umar Thoon is
brusque, impatient, and suspicious of everybody, 2 A . S TORES
the characters most of all, but he is determined This tower, adjacent to the kitchens, stores
to find the right answer rather than the easy one. enough food to outlast a sustained siege.
He travels with a retinue of four Wraiths and
two Boneclaws as his personal bodyguard. 2 B . G RANARY
The cellar in this tower stores grains for the keep.
21.4 N ETHWATCH Several undead Cats prowl about.

Nethwatch Keep stands isolated atop a plateau, Prisoners are held in the cellars of this tower,
near the borders of Thay. It holds an important which extend several levels below ground. The
strategic position, and has stood there for lowest level is an oubliette, a 20-foot deep pit
centuries. accessible only by a trapdoor in the ceiling,
Unless otherwise specified, ceilings are 10ft which is guarded by two Wights. Dangerous
high, doors have AC 15, 18 HP, can be forced prisoners are shackled to the walls; spellcasters
open with a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check, or will be shackled with Dimensional Shackles
picked open with a DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ and gagged to prevent them from casting
Tools) check. Exterior doors, barred doors, and anything.
secret doors have AC 16, 27 HP, and DC 20 to A secret door on the highest level of the
forcibly open. Secret doors can be spotted with a dungeons leads to a narrow 5-foot wide tunnel
DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom that leads into area C3. Khandur uses this to
(Perception) check. The appropriate characters fetch prisoners to feed into the Pyx of Soul
have the keys for locked doors. Capture*.


This tower houses workshops and quarters for The well provides clean, safe drinking water for
the Red Wizards, and is one floor taller than the the keep. Some of the zombies have been trained
others. to use it and can regularly be seen fetching
A gatehouse is a four-story tower guarding the
These ramshackle wooden structures in the
main entrance to Nethwatch Keep. Heavy
outer ward each house 9 (2d8) slaves (Thayan,
portcullises seal both ends of the twenty-foot
Rashemi, and Mulhoran Commoners).
high passageway, and murder holes line the
ceiling. Each tower is equipped with a ballista on
the roof and ample vats of boiling oil to pour
Each tower is three stories tall and guarded by
down the murder holes in the event of an
two Zombies under the command of one Wight.
assault. It is perpetually patrolled by three
Zombies and one Wight per floor. 12. G ATEHOUSES
The outer ward gatehouses are staffed by four
4. B ARRACKS Zombies and two Wights each. They are not
This two-story building once served as a chapel, equipped with ballistas, but are otherwise
but now houses the wights of Nethwatch Keep. identical to Area 3. The main gatehouse is three
Unlike a traditional barracks, it contains no stories tall while the postern gatehouse is only
beds, footlockers, or other furnishings. At any two stories.
hour, 10 (3d6) off-duty Wights can be found
here, standing in neatly ordered ranks until they 13. T ELEPOR TATION C IRCLE
are needed. This stone outbuilding houses a permanent
Teleportation Circle. The rulers of Thay do not
5. K ENNELS divulge the sigil sequence to any but the most
The stench of death wafts from this one-story trusted Red Wizards, but as a precaution against
building. The kennels are home to eight Ghouls attack, the circle is located outside the outer
and two Ghasts, all undernourished and curtain wall, underneath the arrow-slits of the
ferocious. Whenever he is bored, Zoran Gul postern gatehouse.
takes them out into the surrounding countryside
to hunt the living. Otherwise the packs are K EEP ’ S G ROUND F LOOR
firmly shackled to their pens so they don’t run The ground floor is accessed by a small landing
wild and kill the slaves of Nethwatch Keep. that sits atop a 5 foot tall staircase.

Three cooks (Thayan Commoners) work here, This large chamber receives visitors to
preparing meals for the Red Wizards and Nethwatch Keep. The walls are lined with eight
occasional guests. They live in a small loft above suits of Animated Armor. The armors do not
the kitchen and do not leave the building, hoping attack unless instructed to do so by a Thayan
the lords of the keep will not notice them. A officer or a Red Wizard.
staircase and door lead into Area 2A.
At any hour, four Wights are on duty here under
the command of one Sword Wraith Commander,
A blacksmith and his apprentice son (Rashemi
overlooking the front entrance through arrow
Commoners) work here, forging weapons and
tools for the keep. They know that their skills
make them useful to the lords of the keep and 1 C . A RMORY
they will do nothing to jeopardize their This room holds a surplus of spears, swords,
precarious position. They will report any shields, bows, arrows, and other standard
suspicious activities to Zoran Gul. weapons for the defense of the keep.


Eight Warhorses are kept here for use on patrols Visitors are invited to wait in this rustic room,
and hunting parties. Two nervous grooms furnished with bear skin rugs and animal
(Thayan Commoners) sleep in the loft and try trophies, until the master of the keep is ready to
not to be noticed. receive them upstairs.


This room was once used for storage, but now it This floor is built around a large light well. A
houses the servants of Nethwatch Keep. At any magical barrier prevents sound from passing
given time, 9 (2d6 + 2) Zombies can be found between floors, and even sight is blurry.
here, awaiting their next orders. The zombies are Standing in the balcony, a character can see
docile and have been trained not to attack living figures moving in the floors above and below, but
creatures unless commanded to do so. cannot identify them.


This chamber serves as the only official access to These apartments house the master of
the wizards’ tower. The Red Wizards of Nethwatch Keep. Varrax stands guard outside
Nethwatch Keep use it as their reception and the chambers whenever Eseldra Yeth is here.
meeting hall. The room is well furnished with The rooms are lavishly appointed with elegant
comfortable couches and exotic curiosities. furnishings. The shutters on the windows are
closed tight against the sun and nailed shut
1 G . W IZARDS ’ L ABORATORIES from the inside. During daylight hours, Eseldra
Yeth sleeps in an ornately carved casket filled
Younger and less influential Red Wizards have
with soil.
shared laboratories on the ground floor of the
The adjoining room contains a large bath tub
wizards’ tower. Five Mages work here when they
with clawed feet and blood, enchanted so that it
are not otherwise occupied.
doesn’t congeal.
Within this room, one can find a Potion of
Frost Giant Strength which has been 3 B . Z ORAN G UL ’ S C HAMBER
unfortunately mixed with a Potion of Zoran Gul sleeps here, unless Eseldra Yeth is
Diminution. A character that drinks it is not in the Keep. He much prefers sleeping in her
affected by both potions for 1 hour. quarters.


The great hall spans two stories, serving as the Khandur Ulmarik has a large private room
dining room and audience hall for Nethwatch outside the wizards’ tower. A secret door leads to
Keep. the tower stairwell. A locked cabinet holds
Ulmarik’s spellbook, which contains all the
spells he has prepared.
This room fills an entire floor of the keep, 3 D . S ENIOR W IZARDS ’ C HAMBERS
beneath a vaulted ceiling that rises 20 feet high. Rho Halthar and Pho Thaldar maintain private
An imposing throne carved from the bones of bedchambers here.
various creatures, many of them humanoid, sits Within this room, one can find their
on an elevated dais on the north wall, flanked by spellbooks, containing all the spells each has
rich tapestries on either side. prepared.
Large fireplaces line the east and west walls,
and a barred oak door connects to Area 2. A 3 E . T HOSS T AREK ’ S C HAMBERS
secret door to Area 2B is hidden behind a As the next highest ranking visitor after the
tapestry in the northwest corner. tharchion, the grand inquisitor has been given
the most desirable guest quarters, with windows
2 B . W IZARDS ’ L ABORATORIES affording a view of the inner ward. Thoss Tarek
Senior Red Wizards have a floor of private keeps his most important possessions, including
laboratories next to the great hall. Two Mages his spellbook, inside a Leomund’s Secret
can be found working here during the day. Chest.
Within this room, one can find a font of water, 3 F. N YH I LMICHH ’ S C HAMBER
belonging to Rho Halthar, that can be used as a
The enchanter has been given the room adjacent
scrying focus, a Potion of Clairvoyance, and a
to her mentor.
Potion of Mind Reading.
A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom
(Perception) check allows a character to find a
2 C . W IZARDS ’ D ORMITORIES phial containing the residue of a strange elixir. If
Five Red Wizards sleep here. this residue is examined with proper tools, a
Within this room, one can find spellbooks successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check
containing subsets of the Mage stat block. reveals it is a highly diluted solution of the


torpor poison. This solution does not C1. I NTERROGATION C HAMBER
incapacitate its subjects, but it renders their This room contains six magical cauldrons that
thoughts foggy and unclear, giving them the Red Wizards use to interrogate prisoners
disadvantage on Wisdom checks and saving (and slumbering guests). Many other exotic
throws. The solution only works with prolonged instruments of torture line the walls.
exposure; Nyh (under Thoss Tarek’s control) has Any character who enters this room after being
been poisoning Khandur Ulmarik since her interrogated must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
arrival at Nethwatch Keep over the last few days saving throw or be frightened until the room is
to break down his resistance to her out of sight.
enchantments. The remaining residue is not
sufficient to form a dose of the poison. C2. T REASURY
A bedside table holds Nyh’s spellbook, which This room is watched day and night by a Wraith,
contains all the spells she has prepared. the undead paymaster of Nethwatch Keep. He
manages the treasury, keeping track of every last
K EEP ’ S G UEST R OOMS copper penny with the help of four mummified
accountants. The mummies are chained to the
This floor, like the one below it, is built around a standing desks where they work, but the wraith
large light well. A magical barrier prevents sound can magically release any or all of them as a
from passing between floors, and even sight is bonus action. Each desk has a bell-pull that can
blurry. Standing in the balcony, a character can summon assistance from the guardroom
see figures moving in the floors below, but upstairs if necessary.
cannot identify them. A locked gate guards the access to Area C2A.
The gate can be opened with a DC 20 Dexterity
4 A . G UEST R OOMS (Thieves’ Tools) check. The wraith and Zoran Gul
These rooms have been reserved for the hold keys to the strong room.
characters. They provide impressive views of the
castle and the surrounding countryside. The C2 A . S TRONG R OOM
rooms are comfortably furnished, but none of This room holds nearly two dozen strong boxes
the doors have locks. At night, while the containing the wealth of Nethwatch Keep. Each
characters sleep here, two Wights are posted box has AC 19, 15 hit points, and resistance to
outside in the hallway. bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. The
boxes can be opened with a DC 20 Dexterity
4 B . S ERVANTS ’ Q UAR TERS (Thieves’ Tools) check. The wraith in area C2
wears the keys to the strong boxes wrapped
This long, narrow room once housed several
around him on a lengthy chain. The boxes
servants, but it fell into disuse as the new
contain treasure worth over 20000 gp in coins
leadership prefers undead attendants. Any living
and gems.
slaves appointed to the characters rest here
A locked door on the west wall leads to Area
during their stay. This room does not have a
C2B. The door can be opened with a DC 20
Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. Khandur
Ulmarik has the only key to this door.
This chamber contains star charts, astrolabes, C2 B . T HE P YX S ANCTUARY
and other astrological equipment. The stairs This chamber houses the Pyx of Soul Capture*.
continue upwards to the tower turret, which When the pyx is here, the chamber is suffused
houses a ballista crewed by two Wights. with holy radiance as if under the effects of a
hallow spell, and undead creatures cannot enter.
4 D . WASHROOM Normally, the pyx is kept within a gilded
This washroom allows living characters to tabernacle covered in Glyphs of Warding, but
freshen up and take hot baths. A secret door the glyphs have been deactivated and the
next to one of the bath tubs allows access into tabernacle is empty.
Area 4C. A secret door in the northwest corner leads to
Area C3. The door can be opened with a DC 20
Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. Khandur
K EEP ’ S C ELLARS Ulmarik has the only key to this door.
These windowless chambers are sunk below
ground, where the masters of Nethwatch Keep C3. N ECROMANCER ’ S L ABORATORY
conceal their most precious treasures and their This large laboratory doubles as the keep’s
darkest deeds. morgue. A bloodstained circle in the center of


the floor marks the spot where prisoners are An hour before dinner time, Nyh returns and
sacrificed to fuel the Pyx of Soul Capture*, takes them to Area 2A. The Tharchion Eseldra
while gurneys fitted with restraints speak to Yeth sits at the throne, with Varrax and Zoran
Khandur Ulmarik’s other foul experiments. Gul standing behind her. In the room, there are
A secret door in the south wall opens onto a also Wight guards and most of the Red Wizards
150-foot long passage that leads to the of the Keep. Nyh announces the characters and
dungeons. However, this passage is not well gives their diplomatic letters to the Tharchion.
maintained and a Cloaker has taken up She reads them silently, and with a wave of her
residence here. It will drop down and attack any hand, burns them to ashes. She then addresses
creatures that use the passage, targeting the last the characters.
member of the group.
The shelves are well stocked with spell
"We find ourselves bound in common cause against
components, alchemical reagents, and poisons.
common enemies. Those who sought to destroy us in ages
Phials of carrion crawler mucus, essence of
past now seek to destroy you. Our thirst for vengeance is
ether, midnight tears, pale tincture, serpent
strong, as is your thirst for continued life. Our enemy has
venom, and wyvern poison can be found here,
become your enemy. We know their weaknesses and the
as well as two Potions of Superior Healing.
ways of destroying them forever, without destroying their
If the characters examine the shelves after
usefulness. You have the opportunity to discover their
Eseldra Yeth’s murder, a DC 15 Intelligence
hiding places in your struggle against their cult allies."
(Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check
It is at this point that you realize she means Rath Modar,
reveals that one of the poisons is missing. A
the Thayan defector, and not the Order of the Dragon, as
nearby label, discarded behind the phials,
your "common enemy".
identifies it as a distillate of purple worm
"Together, we can remove them as a threat to us both.
poison. Another phial is missing its label; a DC
Should this alliance come to a good term, our agent, Nyh
15 Wisdom (Medicine) check identifies it as an
Ilmichh, will return with you to your city of Waterdeep,
innocuous sleeping elixir.
there to serve as our liaison to your council. What you
learn of the enemy, she will relay to us by means of our
21.5 T HE A UDIENCE own. You need only find the enemy. We will deal with them,
After Nyh uses a Teleportation Circle to bring as is our custom. I am authorized by our eternal master,
the party and herself to Nethwatch, they arrive Szass Tam, to say these things, for I act in his name."
at Area 13. They are greeted by all the undead She looks sideways at Zoran Gul, as if to emphasize this
that usually can be found in Area 4. last point. The castellan appears to be in great efforts to
conceal his fury.
You have arrived at the top of a high, windswept plateau
overlooking a broad river valley. The walls of a fortress
loom behind you, offering shelter but not safety. A column
The Tharchion waits for the characters’
of undead soldiers waits for you under a flag of truce while
response, and engages them in a discussion of
flies circle lazily around their heads. As they escort you
what is known of the plot to release Tiamat and
through the gatehouse, the keep seems unnaturally quiet.
the Red Wizards aiding that plot. Her questions
The guards at the gates, the servants fetching water from
are straightforward and intelligent, and offer
little opportunity for sly or clever responses. If a
the well - all are undead, and they go about their labors in
character is less than truthful, Eseldra Yeth
probes for more information. She addresses
questions to specific characters, never to the
Nyh takes them through the outer and inner
group in general. If she detects a lie, she never
courtyards, and leaves them in Area 1D for a few
addresses that character again.
minutes. During this time, she goes to Area 2A
By the end of the discussion, characters will
to inform the Tharchion of their arrival. The
roll a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) group check
Tharchion is currently busy with Zoral Gul, who
to determine the Tharchion’s opinion about the
is enraged at the alliance idea, and is loudly
Alliance. During the discussion, a few events
voicing his complaints. Nyh goes back to the
affect the roll and should be kept track of:
characters, and takes them up the stairs (they
can listen to Zoran Gul’s insulting arguments) to • A character takes a –4 penalty each time he or
their quarters in Area 4A. They have a couple of she addresses Eseldra Yeth without using her
hours to rest, bathe, and prepare for the title of Tharchion.
audience. They should dress appropriately for it. • Any character who lies to Eseldra Yeth takes a
Nyh leaves them during this time, so they can –8 penalty, unless he or she succeeds on a DC
explore the floor and maybe even uncover the 18 Charisma (Deception) check for each lie.
secret passage in Area 4D. • Sincere (or at least convincing) praise for


necromancy and for Thay’s twisted social order • Nyh Ilmichh asks the characters innocent
might earn a +2 or +4 bonus. questions about life on the Sword Coast but
• Insincere praise, obvious hollow flattery, or offers only officially sanctioned propaganda if
outright hostility takes a -2 or -4 penalty, asked what it’s like to live in Thay.
depending on how offensive they were. • Thoss Tarek is more reserved, but he follows
• Logical arguments against Rath Modar earns a the conversation with interest.
+2 bonus. • Khandur Ulmarik takes a great interest in any
The following modifiers also affect the check: clerics or paladins, asking them a little too
much about their divinely ordained abilities.
• Arcane spellcasters gain a +6 bonus.
The characters have the feeling he looks at
• Characters who openly worship a deity
them the same way Zoran Gul looks at the
associated with death gain a +4 bonus.
child slave.
• Clerics and paladins of good-aligned deities
take a –6 penalty. When the feast is over, characters are led to
• Other characters wearing visible signs of
their quarters by Nyh Ilmichh, and their child
worshiping any good-aligned deity take a –4 slave is allowed to rest in Area 4B.
Once the discussion is over, regardless of 21.6 D REAMS AND
outcome, a large wooden table is conjured and a
feast is quickly lain. Undead servants lay a feast N IGHTMARES
of raw meats at the head of the table, where That night, each of the party members is
Eseldra Yeth and Zoran Gul seat, and of Thayan targeted by a custom Dream spell, cast and
delicious cuisine on the rest of the table. A small crafted by Red Wizard illusionists. Elves and
child slave is brought to serve the player other creatures that do not sleep are not subject
characters, since the Tharchion deduced that to this effect. Each character must make a DC
being served by an undead could offend them. 18 Wisdom saving throw with disadvantage. On
The Red Wizards see nothing wrong with using a a successful save, a character remembers vague,
child slave, and genuinely mean to please the disturbing dreams in the morning, but suffers
characters by this decision. no other effects.
Each character who fails the saving throw
experiences a similar nightmare. They are
paralyzed and magically bound within a mystic
cauldron among animated chains and tentacles.
A character who struggles against the bonds or
who tries to cast a spell or use some other ability
not hindered by physical restraint is struck by
pain so severe that they are briefly incapacitated
and take a -2 penalty on their next Charisma
check. A couple of Red Wizards observe placidly
while three more subject the helpless character
to agonizing tortures. Thoss Tarek stands in the
corner of the room, looking calmly at the scene.
One of the pale Red Wizard leans in and

We have further questions for you.

The character is questioned about why the

party came to Thay, about Severin’s plots, about
Figure 21.7: Nethwatch Keep: Dinner Buffet in
Rath Modar, about his or her own past and the
the Great Hall. By Reddit’s u/Human-Bee-3731.
lives of the other adventurers, about the party’s
Characters now have a chance to interact with attitude toward Szass Tam, and anything else
members of the court. you care to ask. If they hid something during the
meeting with Eseldra Yeth and did not use magic
• Zoran Gul eyes the child slave with
to shield their thoughts, they’re asked about that
undisguised hunger.
as well. Here are example questions.
• The Red Wizards are more companionable, but
only marginally so. • What are your real motives for being here?


• Why were you wandering about in parts of the At My Table
keep uninvited? I managed to coordinate our sessions to end just after the
• What didn’t you tell us about the cult? characters when to sleep. On the next day, I called each
• What are the Dragon Masks for? player and had a 15 minute 1-on-1 session where I ran
• Have you captured any of the Wyrmspeakers? through this dream sequence. This allowed me to not get
burnt out from repeatedly running the same similar
• Who were you before being an emissary to encounter, and had each player with their own secret
Waterdeep? unique experience, which they could share at the next
• There’s one in your group you don’t trust, game session.
• Do they have any spies here in Thay?

What do you know of Rath Modar?
Have you any sympathies for his faction?
• What are your intentions towards Szass Tam, M URDER
eternal may he reign? Starting when the characters go to bed, Thoss
• Are you Thay’s enemy? Confess! Tarek’s sinister plot unfolds. The following
• How strong are the armies of Waterdeep? sequence of events represents the first night,
The Wizards will often look at Thoss Tarek to happening while the characters get tortured in
determine if they can proceed with the their sleep. There isn’t much they can do stop
interrogation or not. A character makes a DC 15 these events.
Charisma (Persuasion or Deception) for each At night, Thoss Tarek casts Suggestion on
answer. Thoss Tarek nods if he believes the Nyh Ilmichh to steal the Pyx of Soul Capture*
character is telling the truth. When lies or while he’s interrogating the characters. A few
unsatisfactory answers are given (or the hours later, Nyh finds Khandur Ulmarik in Area
character refuses to reply), the wizards torture C3 and casts Suggestion on him to disable his
the character. Go all in on the descriptions here, Glyphs of Warding and go rest. He’s quite tired,
the Wizards are merciless, and since this is a so he readily complies. She steals the Pyx and
dream, your players won’t resent you for any goes to rest. Tarek finishes his interrogation,
"permanent" damage. For instance, if the goes by Khandur’s room to cast Modify Memory
barbarian doesn’t submit to the question, they to make him forget what happened, and Nystul’s
cut off one of his hands and mock him for being Magic Aura to hide the evidence. He does the
unable to use his big sword again. They will same to Nyh and takes the Pyx. Tarek then goes
stab, flay, mutilate and amputate any limbs the into Eseldra Yeth’s chambers, guarded by Varrax.
characters might treasure (going for sexual He finds her about to take her bath, and uses
organs on male characters tends to be extremely the Pyx to destroy her (consuming four souls
efficient). and draining the rest). When Varrax charges into
the room, Tarek casts Dominate Monster and
Boundaries Modify Memory to make Varrax think he saw
Make sure your players are comfortable with whatever the Inquisitor deliver his report to the Tharchion
happens in here. Don’t cross a player’s boundaries if they and leave while she was alive. He returns to his
don’t wish to hear or think about gruesome scenes like quarters, hides the Pyx in a Leomund’s Secret
Chest, and rests. He wakes up next morning
when Varrax sounds the alarm, and, somewhat
The nightmare ends when a character answers
tired, heads to the crime scene to "investigate".
five questions successfully or eight questions in
He has Varrax, other Red Wizards, and the
total. The last question in the interrogation will
characters as alibis.
be "If you could betray your group to gain
immortality and untold powers, would you take
this gift?". Regardless of whether the character Events of Night 1
replies yes or no, the wizards respond with Time Event
"Wrong answer!" before "killing" the character by 00h45m Tarek enchants Nyh
shoving their dagger in the character’s throat. 01h00m Tarek and Red Wizards begin interrogating
The character wakes up screaming and characters
drenched in sweat. Blood stains the bed sheets, 01h30m Nyh enchants Khandur, and steals Pyx
though the character has no visible wounds. The 04h00m Tarek and Red Wizards finish interrogating
character also takes 10 (3d6) psychic damage
04h10m Tarek modifies Khandur’s memory
and does not gain the benefit of a long rest from 04h15m Tarek modifies Nyh’s memory, takes Pyx
the night’s sleep. In the morning, any character 04h30m Tarek kills the Tharchion
who underwent this questioning has a deathly 04h32m Tarek modifies Varrax’s memory
pallor and dark, hollow-looking eyes. 08h00m Varrax finds the Tharchion and sounds the alarm


Most people in the Keep come to witness the they might have to commit such a crime when
scene. If the characters are afraid to leave their they’d be such obvious suspects. Zoran Gul
rooms, Nyh (with a heavy migraine) eventually angrily agrees to their points, and storms out the
fetches them. In the Tharchion’s chambers, a room while yelling at the Inquisitor to find the
pile of ash lies where the Tharchion should be. culprit before long. Khandur comments to the
characters that the best way to prove their
innocence might be to find the real culprit.
The only illumination in this room is cast by flickering
candlelight. The shutters on the windows are not only
closed but nailed shut. Inside, a grim assembly of wizards
and undead sift through the wreckage and scowl at their At My Table
findings. The once-elegant furnishings are strewn around My players spent about 1 hour in Eseldra Yeth’s room after
she was murdered, and decided to check, randomly, if
the room and scorched with burn marks. At the center of Varrax’s memory could have been modified, since he had
the carnage is a smoldering pile of ash. The vampire Zoran seen no one enter the room. Instantly, Varrax remembered
Gul glares at you. "This," he says, "is all that remains of everything, they all jumped on Thoss Tarek, and the
Eseldra Yeth." mystery was over before it even started. I felt like I had
wasted a lot of prepping hours, but they were all high-fiving
each other, so it was worth it.
Zoran Gul, Varrax, Thoss Tarek, and Khandur
Ulmarik are all present in the chambers, while
several Wights and Red Wizard mages mill about The Red Wizards profess no knowledge of
in the hallway. The murder was discovered when Eseldra Yeth’s murder. However, they will
Varrax entered Eseldra Yeth’s chambers to see if become evasive if questioned about the events of
she wished to issue any orders before she retired the night before. A DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion
for her day’s slumber. The tharchion’s corpse is or Intimidation) check will pry the truth from
nothing more than a smear of ash on the floor, them - they did indeed torture the characters,
leaving no opportunity to cast Speak with Dead but after that they went to bed. Khandur
or Raise Dead (which wouldn’t have worked on Ulmarik says that he was working late in his
the vampire in any case). The victim will not be laboratory and went to bed before the
able to contribute anything to the investigation. interrogations started. Nyh Ilmichh says she
Varrax saw no one enter or leave after Thoss went to bed around midnight. Especially
Tarek delivered his report. He believes he attentive characters may notice small
observed the report himself and will testify that discrepancies in the testimonies of Nyh Ilmicch
Eseldra Yeth was still alive (in a manner of or Khandur Ulmarik on a DC 20 Intelligence
speaking) when the grand inquisitor departed. (Investigation) check. These changing details are
Any Wisdom (Insight) checks will reveal that he the results of their modified memories not
is telling the truth, as he recalls it. Thoss Tarek’s aligning perfectly with real events: both
account will match Varrax’s recollections remember going to bed earlier than they actually
perfectly, since he created them. The grand did, and other Red Wizards may have seen them
inquisitor is an accomplished liar, and he’s been moving about the keep when they claim to have
rehearsing this one. A DC 25 Wisdom (Insight) been asleep. Both go to their quarters after the
check will reveal that he is holding something interrogation, Nyh having to rest due to her
back, but nothing else. strong headache.
Varrax explains that he remembers Tarek An hour later, Zoran Gul announces that he
visiting the Tharchion around 04h30m and has taken command of Nethwatch Keep. When
nothing else happened during the night. Tarek Thoss Tarek mentions that Szass Tam will send
confirms what Varrax is saying (a DC 25 Wisdom someone to open an official inquiry, Zoran Gul
(Insight) check allows a character to detect he’s states that he has every intention of finding and
withholding some information). Khandur notices arresting the murderers before the inquest
that all the Glyph of Warding protections in the begins.
Tharchion’s chambers are disabled but keeps it
to himself (a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check
allows a character to detect he just realized Open-Ended Story
something). The following sections describe the events that would
At some point, Zoran Gul points at the happen at the keep if the characters do not interfere or if
characters and yells "It must have been them! they don’t find any relevant clues. At some point, the
Arrest them!" Both Tarek and Khandur defend adventurers will change the course of this story, and you
the characters. Tarek calmly explains he is quite will have to adapt.
sure most of them were asleep for most of the
night. Khandur asks what possible motivation


21.8 T HE M ISSING The cellar walls are cluttered with bottles and phials and
medical curiosities. Gurneys fitted with unusual restraints fill
P YX the room; below them, dark brown stains meander towards
a drain in the center of the floor. One of the gurneys is in
Sometime during the day, Khandur goes to Area
use, its occupant covered with a dirty sheet.
C2b and finds the Pyx of Soul Capture* missing.
He notifies Zoran Gul, and once more, the alarm
sounds through Nethwatch Keep. If the characters speak with Khandur, he can
only tell them that Nyh Ilmichh gave him the
phial before he was confined to quarters. She
told him it was a sleeping elixir and convinced
This chamber is suffused with an overwhelming sensation of
him to drink it in his room. He does not know
absence - a feeling that something precious has departed.
why she did so. Nor, for that matter, does Nyh,
The only item in the room is a gilded cabinet carved with
whose mentor has already wiped her memory
images of angels writhing in torment. Its doors stand wide
once again. If the characters do not have these
open. Nothing is inside.
spells or do not use them to question Ulmarik,
one of the other Red Wizards or Wights may
mention that they saw Nyh Ilmichh poking
Unfortunately for Khandur, there is no sign of around Area 3C after he had been arrested.
forced entry in the pyx sanctuary, since he Nothing else eventful happens that day.
disabled all the Glyphs of Warding. He falls
under suspicion, although Zoran Gul stills
suspects the characters and orders Varrax to tail
21.9 T HE D IVINER ’ S
Under heavy cross-examination, Ulmarik In the morning of the next day (the third day the
begins to crack. The discrepancies between his characters spend at Nethwatch Keep), around
testimony and the other Red Wizards now 10h00m, Rho Halthar realizes that, with the Pyx
become apparent on a DC 15 Intelligence of Soul Capture* hidden, he can use his
(Investigation) check. Thoss Tarek confines him Divination magic to find out what happened to
to his quarters, where he will await more intense Khandur. He tells this to Thoss Tarek, who has
interrogation that night. Thoss Tarek then to improvise. Tarek quickly agrees with Halthar,
wakes up and casts Suggestion on Nyh Ilmichh, and they both head to Area 2B. While Halthar
to have Khandur drink poison. She goes to Area was preparing his scrying font, Tarek stabs him
C3, places the label from a sleeping potion on a in the back with his Dagger of Venom, and
vial of deadly poison, and goes through the drowns him in the font. Tarek keeps the dagger
Wizard’s Tower to get to Area 3C. She doesn’t with him, he has no opportunity to safely ditch
need to cast a spell, and just convinces Khandur it.
to drink it to calm his nerves. She then leaves At 12h00m, Pho Thaldar find the corpse, and
the room back into the Wizard’s Tower, and the alarm rings for the third time in two days.
takes a discrete route to her chambers. Thoss Rho Halthar’s body is slumped over it, with a
Tarek wipes her memory after the deed his done, stab wound in his back; his pale and bloated
and her headache returns. head is submerged in the basin. A successful DC
A few hours later, Thoss Tarek announces that 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals traces of
Szass Tam is sending Umar Thoon, the Zulkir of poison in the stab wound, but the cause of death
Divination, to conduct the investigation. Around is drowning. Thoss Tarek surmises that
this time, Khandur Ulmarik drinks a sleeping someone is murdering the wizards by turning
potion he took from Area C3. However, this was the tools of their own arcane traditions against
actually a bottle of Purpose Worm Poison (Nyh them (the necromancer with one of his potions,
switched the labels on the previous night), and the diviner with his scrying font).
Khandur dies within seconds. The Wights
posted at Ulmarik’s door saw no one enter or
leave. With no further clues, the necromancer’s
21.10 T HE Z ULKIR ’ S
body is carried down to the morgue in Area C3. A RRIVAL
The characters might break into that room to At sunset, around 19h00m, the Zulkir Umar
Speak with Dead or Raise Dead and question Thoon and his retinue arrive through the
Khandur further. Zoran Gul assigns two Teleportation Circle in Area 13. Their
Zombies to guard the laboratory, but they are procession to the great hall creates quite a stir,
easily distracted or dispatched. and no one can miss their presence - least of all


their would-be assassin. Thoss Tarek takes this still regarded as diplomatic envoys, they will
opportunity to cast Suggestion on Nyh Ilmichh have the opportunity to scan the crowd. A DC 15
for her to place his Dagger of Venom and the Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that all
bottle of torpor poison from her room in the undead in the hall instinctively move at least 10
characters’ rooms. feet away from whoever is holding the pyx. A DC
Zoran Gul receives the Zulkir, who sounds 15 Wisdom (Insight) check makes a character
fairly displeased with the vampire’s realize that the assassin is not acting as
incompetence (in allowing two more murders to themselves.
occur on his watch). After an hour of conversing The assassin will take two rounds to walk to
and discussion, Tarek suggests searching each the center of the hall, moving slowly so as not to
chamber for clues. The Zulkir looks shocked draw attention to themselves. When they reach
that this hasn’t been done before, but Tharek the center (or can progress no further) they will
interjects it was the best way of knowing that take one round to open the pyx and unleash its
proof hadn’t been tampered with. An hour later, full power in a 30-foot radius burst. All
the Zulkir and his entourage get to the creatures in the great hall must make a DC 20
characters’ chambers and find the planted Constitution saving throw, taking 180 (40d8)
evidence. Satisfied with their proof, Zoran Gul, radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much
Varrax, the Red Wizards, and the Zulkir’s damage on a successful one. A creature reduced
entourage chase down the characters and kill to 0 hit points by this attack is disintegrated and
them. turned to ash.
The burst also shatters the columns that
21.11 T HOSS T AREK ’ S support the ceiling, dropping the higher stories
and utterly destroying the keep. Any creatures
A LTERNATE that survive the explosion must succeed on a DC
20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 44 (8d10)
P LANS bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Tarek is an adaptable spy.
If this happens, any chance of an alliance
If the characters point towards Nyh being the
between Thay and the Lords’ Alliance is gone,
culprit, Tarek secretly offers to protect her. She
and the characters, if they survived, should
trusts him and accepts, hiding in his quarters.
escape Thay quickly. They may or may not be
Convincing the leaders of Nethwatch Keep would
conclusively considered the culprits, but Szass
be difficult, but her quick "disappearance"
Tam’s fury will not be stopped by this
convinces them of her guilt. Meanwhile, Tarek
enchants her to do the suicide attack on the
Great Hall when everyone is gathered there.
If the characters discover the truth, and that 21.12 C ONCLUSION
Tarek is the culprit, they will require Varrax or If the mission to Thay was a success, Nyh
Nyh Ilmichh to recover their memories and Ilmichh is chosen as an envoy. She accompanies
corroborate their story. If possible, Tarek the characters back to Waterdeep and
attempts to cast Dominate Person on a participates in the next Council sessions. If she
character to have them do the suicide attack on is dead, pick another character that the
the Great Hall when everyone is gathered there. adventurers have met in the Keep as the envoy.
If he can’t find a pawn to do it, he remains If the mission was unsuccessful, the
hidden and does it himself. characters might just get away without any dire
consequences. If the mission was catastrophic (if
T HE S UICIDE A TTACK the Zulkir got killed, for example), then the
When the characters converge on the great hall, Thayans will actively pursue the characters for
they will find Zoran Gul sitting on the the next years of their lives.
tharchion’s throne. He is flanked by Varrax and
four Wights and attended by to by six Red
Wizard mages. Umar Thoon is also present,
attended by his Boneclaws and Wights. If the
characters arrive in the great hall as fugitives or
enemy combatants, the forces of Nethwatch Keep
and Umar Thoon’s retinue will attack on sight.
The assassin takes advantage of the confusion
to move to the center of the hall and detonate
the Pyx of Soul Capture*. If the characters are


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Council of Sword Coast. Wherever a city’s coinage is disastrously
Waterdeep by Wizards of the Coast. undermined by counterfeiting, wherever an up-and-coming
Please revise the introduction in section 2.20. business runs roughshod over its established competitors,
Maps can be found in section 26.10. and wherever a political struggle turns to widespread
intimidation, it’s a safe bet that we are involved. However,
22.1 I NTRODUCTION engaging in our less-than-honorable affairs and wanting to
Characters should be at level 14. see Tiamat ascendant are two different things. We have no
The goal for this chapter is for characters to illusions about what the Dragon Queen’s return would
report to the Council for the final time. The mean for their plans. If someone is going to rule the world,
planetary alignment is nigh, and so is Tiamat’s it’s the Black Network; we have no desire to become agents
resurrection. It is time to strike back. and errand-runners for some petty god and her dragon
At My Table That being said, even with the fate of the world and our
My players handled some of the adventures much quicker own future hanging in the balance, the association’s leaders
than I anticipated, so I explained that the Order of the Cult demands payment for services - and where need and risk
was moving up their plans in response to them. Since they are greatest, the pay is expected to be equally great. You
were systematically defeating their leaders, increasing the have claim to Xonthal’s Tower, by right of conquest. For
strength of the Alliance, and ruining their plans, Severin
was pulling a last desperate move: summoning Tiamat reasons even I am not privy to, the Zhentarim’s leaders
before the Alliance could react. Instead of waiting for the have an interest in it. And so do all the members of the
planetary alignment, they would instead sacrifice hundreds Council you will meet later. The Black Network makes an
of innocent souls. Uncovering this information was an offer to you now. Sell us the tower, for 40000 gold pieces
interesting reveal in the next chapter, as the characters
and our allegiance in the upcoming war. Or don’t, and hope
were running through the Well of Dragons and saw the
prisoners being escorted to their deaths. that those useless bureaucrats will give you something more
valuable than this.

Waterdeep remains as busy as ever, the streets
packed full of refugees and overworked guards. Rian tries to get the characters to accept her
Somehow, the city’s administration has managed offer immediately, and can go up to 50000gp,
to keep famine and disease from spreading, no and add a greater healing potion, a potion of
doubt thanks to the great efforts conducted by frost giant strength, and a spell scroll of
the Emerald Enclave and the Order of the earthquake to sweeten the deal. If they don’t
Gauntlet. Still, people are looking worse than accept, she smirks and waves them goodbye,
they were by the last Council. It is obvious to claiming she hopes they’ll change their mind
anyone who spends a few minutes in the streets: soon.
this situation cannot continue for long.
Only one thing seems to have improved since
the characters’ last visit to Waterdeep: the city is
no longer encircled by chromatic dragons. 22.3 M EMBERS OF
Perhaps that bit of uplifting news is what has
kept Waterdeep from descending into anarchy. THE C OUNCIL
The reason for it is not clear (it will be explained
in the Council), but everyone welcomed it with Characters are now familiar with all the council
relief. members. Characters who pay attention notice
Rian Nightshade approaches the characters that Ravengard, Brawnanvil, Isteval, and
before the council, privately. She explains her especially Ontharr dislike the presence of the
position as an emissary of the Zhentarim, and of Red Wizard. Most council members look weary,
the Zhentarim’s interest in current affairs. no doubt due to the chaos of handling this war
for the past few months, but are otherwise
Our association connections burrow into every major city
and thieves’ guild in the Western Heartlands and along the In this session, I had the following members
attending the Council:


Council Members
Name Affiliation Ideals Traits
Harpers Freedom,
Ontharr Order of the Gauntlet Responsibi- Friendly, The council has its session on the day after the
Frume lity, hot- characters have returned from Thay.
greater tempered
Delaan Emerald Enclave Balance, Quiet O PENING S TATEMENTS
Winterhound life
Lady Lords’ Alliance Creativity, Quiet, Drinks have already been poured. The smell of
Laeral (Waterdeep) respect curious strong medicinal teas mixed with the smell of
Silverhand strong liquors that half of the council members
Lord Lords’ Alliance Moderation, Honest are drinking. Lady Silverhand starts her speech
Dagult (Neverwinter) responsibi- as soon as everyone is sat.
Neverember lity
Ambassador Lords’ Alliance Honor, Hot
Connerad (Dwarves of the North) respect tempered,
Brawnanvil suspicious
"Members of the council. I won’t take much of your time.
Marshal Lords’ Alliance Responsibi- Honest
The sky darkens, and the omens are dire.
Ulder (Baldur’s Gate) lity, glory
Ravengard We have among us,
King Lords’ Alliance (Elves Balance, Quiet, • Lord Neverember and Rian Nightshade, the Lord
Melandrach of the Misty and High nation arrogant Protector of Neverwinter and his warfare advisor;
Forests) • Delaan Winterhound, Ontharr Frume, and Remallia
Taern Lords’ Alliance Logic, Ponderous, Haventree, representing the Emerald Enclave, the Order
(Silverymoon) greater curious of the Gauntlet, and the Harpers, respectively;
Hornblade good
• Marshal Ulder Ravengard, Sir Isteval, and Taern
Sir Isteval Lords’ Alliance Tradition, Honorable,
Hornblade, representing the realms of Baldur’s Gate,
(Cormyr) honor wise,
dour Cormyr, and Silverymoon;
Rian secretly Zhentarim Logic, Polite, • King Melandrach and Ambassador Brawnanvil, for the
Nightshade greed mercantile, Elven and Dwarven kingdoms
ruthless • "Crimson" Maccath, Elia, and Nyh Ilmichh, envoys for our
Maccath Arcane Brotherhood Power, Honorable, allies, the Arcane Brotherhood, the Metallic Dragons, and
Freedom curious, the Thayans;
greedy • and last, but not least, the brave group of adventurers
Elia Metallic Dragons Order, Honorable, upon which we ever rely.
Justice good,
wise Once again, please give us a short summary of your
Nyh Red Wizards of Thay Power, Greedy, latest missions. One, to investigate a defector of the cult,
Ilmichh Revenge evil, and another to establish the Thayan alliance, although the
vengeful result of the latter", she says while looking at Nyh Ilmichh,
"is apparent to all."

Figure 22.1: The members of the Council of Waterdeep. Originally by Reddit’s u/Plaindog.


C HARACTERS ’ A DVENTURES If Iskander got rescued, the Harpers
interrogate him and learn about the Well of
The council asks the characters to speak of both Dragons and the Order’s main plans (to summon
their missions. They question or ask for further Tiamat there during the planetary alignment). If
information in several points, and sometimes any wyrmspeaker was captured alive and
have conflicting opinions on what should have brought for interrogation, Remallia has finally
been done. cracked the curse and was able to interrogate
• Iskander and Xonthal’s Tower them. Varram would speak willingly, the others
• The Thayan Alliance would require more creative methods. The use of
the Dragon Masks is finally revealed: they each
Specifically, the council bickers on happened offer draconic powers, and can be combined to
to create the Mask of the Dragon Queen, one of the
• The fate of Xonthal’s Tower (most faction components of the summoning ritual. If the
leaders show interest in having it, and offer Harpers were gifted a Dragon Protector, they
titles and future favors for it); have found the Well of Dragon’s location this
• Iskander successfully extracted; way. If, however, no wyrmspeakers were
• Galvan and the Blue Dragon Mask; captured, Iskander died, and the Harpers had no
• Lennithon; Dragon Protector to enhance their investigations,
• The fate of the village next to Xonthal’s Tower; your party has not been the most competent;
• The audience with Tharchion Eseldra Yeth; they need to come up with a way to find the
• The murderer of the Tharchion; Well’s location, perhaps returning to the Tomb of
• The terms of the Alliance (how Thay will help). Diderius (now crawling with Yuan-Ti), before
During the discussion of what happened to proceeding.
Xonthal’s Tower, the council member Regarding the Thayan alliance, some council
immediately begin talking about its untold members are relieved if it fails; others are
mysteries, and how they will explore and study it relieved if it succeeds. Most are outraged when
appropriately after the war is over. Thay expresses their well will focus only on
dealing with the traitorous Red Wizards thatt
defied Szass Tam. After some arguments,
Maccath: Xonthal was famous for being the first Faerûnian Silverhand concludes that, regardless of the
mage to become a plumaweaver, the practitioners of scope of their help, it is better than nothing and
feather magic that was unique to the lands of Maztica. His she is glad to have them in the Alliance.
arcane studies centered around the the school of
conjuration as well as elemental evocation. T HE E NEMY ’ S M OVEMENTS
Hornblade: Xonthal also spent some amount of time The Council now discusses what has happened
looking into time-altering magic. Within his tower he kept in their own domains. The next paragraphs
two man-sized hourglasses that were built to potentially describe what happened to realms that weren’t
manipulate or alter the time stream. given a Dragon Protector.

Only when Remallia explains that the tower Neverember and Ravengard explain that the dragon attacks
does not belong to the Council, but instead to in Neverwinter and Baldur’s Gate have massively increased
the adventurers, do they understand that they ever since the attack on Waterdeep (in the same night,
don’t own it yet. However, they expect to, and even, all realms were targeted). Their combat forces have
quickly begin making offers to the characters for been cut in half because of the attacks, and their cities
it. These range from titles and citizenship to have burned for many nights. The casualties number in the
manors in each of the empires they represent. thousands.
The only factions not interested in the Tower are Silverhand explains that Waterdeep hasn’t had to deal
the Emerald Enclave and the Metallic Dragons. with that many attacks, due to the Dragonward, but some
Nyh doesn’t offer anything, but if questioned, ancient chromatic dragons have managed to enter the city
expresses Szass Tam would be grateful for the a couple of times and cause chaos before the ward’s
gift. Ontharr, Remallia, and Silverhand don’t strength pushed them out. Civil unrest peaked, and a few
force the issue too much unless the characters riots have happened in the city. The army had to be
express no interest in keeping the Tower for recalled to keep the peace, which allowed the Order of the
themselves. During these discussions, Rian Dragon to run rampant in the neighbouring cities. Within its
whispers to the characters some gold value a bit walls, the casualties numbered hundreds. Outside, the
higher than what she previously offered, and casualty toll is unknown.
smirks at the ongoing argument rising about Silverymoon and the Dwarven Realms have started
who has a worthier claim to it.


feeling the cult’s grip tightening on their realms as well. Protector.
Trade routes have been cut and raids have become "Thunderspells" Hornblade: The kingdom has nearly
frequent. Dragons burrowed into the dwarven vaults, fallen. It is only thanks to the High Lady of Silverymoon’s
stealing treasure and killing hundreds. The only reason magical prowess that the cult raids have been fended off.
Silverymoon didn’t descent into chaos was the powerful Not fast enough, though, and not without hundreds of
Wizards that protect it who battled until exhaustion to keep families having burned in the attacks.
it safe. Still hundreds have perished. Ontharr Frume: Our warriors have fought the Order of
The Order of the Gauntlet are spread through the the Dragon from coast to coast, and heavy losses have
realms, and have struggled to keep the peace. Their holy been reported. A Dragon Protector would certainly have
warriors have sacrificed a lot to save innocents. Curiously, spared many lives, but alas, at least our warriors died for a
the devout city of Elturel has remained suspiciously safe cause they believed in.
from the cult. The Emerald Enclave have taken a lot of Delaan Winterhound: The wilderness burns. It won’t take
efforts to protect the wilderness from the dragons’ long until the dragons’ fires spread throughout the woods
destructive ways; the Grandfather Tree and the hundreds of and reaches your precious cities. We are the first line of
treants that protect it have suffered a lot of abuse, and defense, and yet, we were left on our own.
won’t hold out for much longer. The Elfish kingdoms have
had a similar experience, and have started migrating from
Silverhand then addresses the table.
their hidden cities to other safer havens, leaving behind
most of what they hold dear.
Cormyr and the Harpers have not been as affected by "Despite all that our cities have suffered, the situation has
the Order of the Dragon as the other realms. The cult changed in the last few days. Reports have arrived,
hasn’t focused on realms outside of Faerûn, so Cormyr indicating that the Order of the Dragon’s activities have
wasn’t targeted as much. The Harpers don’t have a specific practically ceased in the last couple of days. Dragons are no
location to defend, so their members just felt the general longer circling our realms, and our people feel hope in the
effects of the Order across the other realms. air.
However, this is but a blessing in disguise. All the forces
Adapt the previous paragraphs based on of the cult have been called back to the Well of Dragons.
which factions were awarded a Dragon Protector. And that can only mean one thing. The Order is preparing
All the politicians, except for Isteval (Cormyr to start their ritual. To summon Tiamat back into our
wasn’t affected), Connerad (doesn’t trust world."
dragons), and Remallia (Harpers barely affected),
express their deep regrets that a Dragon G OING ON THE O FFENSIVE
Protector wasn’t assigned to them. Some do this
through guilt tripping, others voice their Silverhand continues her speech.
displeasure more strongly.
"As I said at the beginning of this council, the time is nigh.
Lord Neverember: Famine has begun to spread through Our current situation cannot be maintained for long. And
Neverwinter, and the militia is growing restless. Without a the Order of the Dragon is planning to conduct their ritual
Dragon Protector to unite the people, Neverwinter will soon in a few days. We have done all we can to protect our
be eaten from within. people. It is finally time to strike back!"
Marshal Ravengard: The refugee camps outside of The members of the council agree, some screaming
Baldur’s Gate have essentially fallen into anarchy. It has "hear, hear!".
even become dangerous for the army to move through the "The cultists have amassed considerable forces. An army
miles and miles of camps, now turned lawless. The refugees, of chromatic dragons, devils, mercenariess, Kobolds, and
desperate for food, have begun killing each other, pillaging, other vile creatures of the darkness, all bolstering their
and even conducting raids on the city itself. A Dragon cultist ranks, all protecting the Well of Dragons. But there is
Protector would have made a difference, but now it’s too hope still. Marshal Ravengard has drafted an attack plan
late. based on our forces. Marshal?"
Lady Silverhand: The army was recalled from the The tall military man stands, lays out a map of Faerûn
neighbouring cities, since we had no Dragon Protector to with lots of annotations across the table, and begins
protect all the innocent lives within our walls. We have lost explaining his plan.
hope that any other settlements in the region are still "We will coordinate through our magical networks.
resisting the cult. Armies from all of Faerûn will arrive by Teleportation Circle
King Melandrach: Our people are oppressed once more, to Baldur’s Gate. From there, we will ride the Chionthar
and have had to migrate from our sacred groves. We now River up to Elturel, and from there the River Reaching until
hide in the dirt, while our homes burn. All because you the Sunset Mountains. Once we are close enough to the
deemed us unimportant enough to warrant a Dragon Well of Dragons, we will disembark and establish formation.


We expect the enemy to see through our plan and prepare require scoring each faction individually. If you
their defenses accordingly. Stealth is not an option with the have run different adventures or changed events
size of our armies. from the past, include them in the table below
To prevent the cult from counter-attacking while we are
(for example, if your players had the choice of
vulnerable in the river, we will rely on magic, ranged
keeping Skyreach Castle or returning it to the
support, and the metallic dragons." He looks at the Elven
Giants, that would influence the factions’
King, Maccath, Hornblade, and Elia as he says this. "Those
opinions on them) or remove current entries.
of us that cannot or do not wish to join us, must find a way
All factions that scored at or above the
minimum value will offer the characters help in
to the Well of Dragons within 10 days." Here he eyes
the next chapter. I recommend having at least
Winterhound, looking fairly displeased. "We will decide on
two factions that don’t support the characters, to
the formation after we explore the terrain there.
make this "popularity contest" more interesting.
The enemy’s goal is to stall us. A siege will do us no good,
Increase the minimum values for all factions
even if we could somehow surround the volcano. Our plan
until you have a balance you’re happy with.
will be a blitz attack. We will strike once, decisively, and
force the enemy’s hand. At the same time, Remallia has
suggested a simultaneous furtive approach." Here he looks At My Table
at the party. "Taking advantage of the chaos, a small group My players got the support of all factions except the
Emerald Enclave, the Dwarves, and the Elves.
should be able to quickly get to the Well of Dragons. We’re
not sure what you would find there, but assuming we do
our job well enough, the forces remaining in the Well should
be minimal. We expect only the Order’s leaders, and
whoever they need to conduct the ritual. It is a risky The wheels have been set in motion.
strategy, but you have proven time and time again your The characters have 10 days of travel time
capabilities, and I would wager this to be a necessary with Waterdeep’s armies to the Well of Dragons.
gamble nonetheless. They can use this time for whatever they want to,
Any questions?" although preparing for the upcoming fight would
be a sound course of action.

The Council asks some clarification questions

(where they will find the ships, how much of the
armies should be left behind, and others).
Ravengard has mostly satisfactory answers to
these questions, usually from a pragmatic
stand-point. The characters can also give some
insights about this plan.
The Emerald Enclave, who refused to travel by
boat (neither could they, since their treants
didn’t fit), will use Transport via Plants to have
their forces reach the Well. Dragons will fly there,
and Thayans will teleport there. All other
factions will carry their forces as Ravengard
Once the strategy is laid out, Silverhand
addresses the table one final time, before
dismissing everyone.

"This is our last chance. If Tiamat returns, no Alliance will

ever topple her, and all our efforts will have been in vain.
Yet, make no mistake. Even should we succeed, this war
will cost thousands of lives. Victory, inevitably, comes at a
cost. But we are willing to pay it."

All factions join the war on the Order of the
Dragon and provide their support. Count up the
score for each faction based on the characters’
actions. Lines marked with an asterisk (*)


Harpers OotG EE WD NW Dwarves Elves BG SM Cormyr
— + — — + + + + Smashed dragon hatchery
+ — + + + — — — — Left dragon hatchery intact
+ + ++ + ++ + Returned caravan gold
+ ++ + Recovered Ring of Myrkul
—— —— —— —— — — —— — —— —— Returned Ring of Myrkul to Black
— + + + + — — + + + Killed Rezmir
++ + + + + + + + + + Captured Rezmir / Dragon Mask
+ + + + + + + + + + Killed Azbara Jos
++ + — + + + + + ++ ++ Captured Azbara Jos
+ + + + + ++ + + + + Killed Glazhael

— + + + + —— — + — + Killed Varram
++ + — + + + + + + Captured Varram
+ + + + + + + + + + Defeated Arauthator
+ — + + + + + + + Arcane Brotherhood joins alliance

— + + + + — —— + — + Killed Neronvain
+ + — + + + ++ + + + Captured Neronvain / Dragon Mask
+ + + + + ++ ++ + + + Killed Chuth
+ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ + + + Metallic dragons join alliance
— — — — —— —— — — + *Made concessions to metallic dragons
+ + + + + + + + + + *Metallic dragons aid faction territory
— — — — — — — *No draconic aid gained at second

++ + + + + + + + + Rescued Iskander
— + + + + — — + + + Killed Galvan
++ + + + + + + + + + Captured Galvan / Dragon Mask
+ + + + + ++ + + + + Killed Lennithon
+ + + + + + + + + *Donated Xonthal’s Tower to faction
— —— — — — — — — — — Sold Xonthal’s Tower to Zhentarim
+ —— — + + — + + + — Thay joins alliance

+ + + + + + + + + + *Faction specific diplomacy or favours

11 9 8 9 8 9 10 8 8 8 Score Needed for Support

22 18 17 19 17 19 20 17 16 17 Maximum Score


Based on Tyranny of Dragon’s Tiamat’s Return armies of the Alliance are deep within enemy
by Wizards of the Coast. territory.
Please revise the introduction in section 2.21.
Maps can be found in section 26.15. Little remains in the territory surrounding the Well of
Dragons, and the constant drone of the Draakhorn has
23.1 I NTRODUCTION forced the local animals to flee or driven them mad. A
Characters should be at level 15. handful of villages in the area are bloodstained ghost towns,
The goal for this chapter is for characters to and every farmstead is a charred ruin. The few survivors
thwart the Order of the Dragon’s plans, once and you see in the distance as the boats relentlessly move
for all. They will accompany the Alliance’s across the waters, look panicked, moving stealthily away in
armies to the Sunset Mountains, and from there the opposite direction you are heading. Some notice the
storm the Well of Dragons. Their goal is to fleet and stop to stare at the hundreds of boats floating up
prevent Severin from summoning Tiamat to the river. They don’t take too long, and a few seconds after
wreak havoc upon the world. they have put it out of their minds, and continued their
escape from the Order of the Dragon’s reach.

23.2 A PPROACHING Chromatic dragons are often glimpsed in the

THE W ELL OF distance, but they dare not approach such a
formidable force escorted by metallic dragons.
D RAGONS Ten days after the Council meeting, the Well of
The characters were offered passage with the Dragons looms in the distance. The Order of the
armies. First, they took a Teleportation Circle Dragon stands ready for the attack.
from Waterdeep to Baldur’s Gate. From there,
they sailed in a large vessel up the river. The The caldera of a long-dead volcano rises from an ashen
winds blowed in the correct direction during the plane ahead. Along the cinder cone’s steeply sloped sides,
entire trip. A DC 18 Intelligence (Nature or thousands of creatures mill about or are lining up into
Arcana) check allows a character to realize there ordered infantry ranks. In the air above, dozens of
are rotating druids keeping Control Weather up chromatic dragons wheel and shriek like a flock of immense
at all times to guide the fleet. crows, awaiting the bloodshed of the battle to come.
On the 8th day after the Council meeting, the

Figure 23.1: Regional map of the Well of Dragons and its vicinity.


By nightfall, the armies have all disembarked Enemy Forces
and set up camp. Marshal Ravengard is in the Faction Forces
command tent, finalizing the last details for Fanatics Hundreds of Cult Fanatics and Cultists.
tomorrow’s strike at dawn. Order Hundreds of Dragonclaws and Dragonwings,
of the tens of Dragonfangs and Dragonsouls.
F ORCES Dragon
Giants Tens of Ettins, Hill Giants, and Trolls (regular, ice,
The allied forces number from five to ten and four-armed).
thousand. Each faction that the characters did Devils tens of Bone Devils, Bearded Devils, and
not score enough with in the Council bring less Barbed Devils.
troops, since they don’t expect this war to go Merce- Many hundreds of Bandits and tens of Bandit
well, and are preparing for a plan B. naries Captains.
Ravengard can be heard, without malice, Red Tens of Red Wizard Mages.
lamenting: Wizards
of Thay
Chromatic A few hundreds of Young Chromatic Dragons
So many were expected, and yet so few have arrived... Dragons and Adult Chromatic Dragons, and a handful of
Ancient Chromatic Dragons.
Draconic Hundreds of Wyverns and Guard Drakes.
Scale Creatures
These numbers are just a suggestion on the scale of the
battle. Feel free to add or remove as many units of
different types as you want. 23.3 S URVEYING THE
Allied Forces
Faction Forces
Harpers Tens of Spies, Scouts, and other stealthy The characters can use magic, pets, or some
combatants. other ways to survey the Well of Dragons from a
Order Few hundreds of Priests, tens of War Priests and safe distance.
of the other holy warriors.
Emerald Tens of Treants, Griffons, Druids, and other
Enclave sentient beasts and plants.
Water- Tens of Griffons ridden by Griffon Cavalry
deep Riders, and many hundreds of Guards.
Never- A few thousand Guards.
Dwarves Many hundreds of dwarf warriors (use the stats of
a Duergar Stone Guard).
Baldur’s Many hundreds of Guards and some hundreds of
Gate Veterans.
Elves Some hundreds of elven Archers.
Silvery- A few hundreds of Knights and a handful of
moon Mages.
Cormyr A few hundreds of Knights and a handful of
Zentharim Tens of Assassins. Figure 23.2: The Temple of Tiamat, inside the
Frost Tens of Frost Giants. Well of Dragons. Unknown author.
Arcane Tens of Wizards of any school of magic. Observing from the distance only shows the
Brother- west side of the volcano. Divination inside the
hood Temple of Tiamat doesn’t work, due to its
Metallic Tens of Adult Metallic Dragons and a handful of
Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum protection,
Dragons Ancient Metallic Dragons.
but it does in the volcano. Exploring with some
Red A handful of Red Wizard Mages.
Wizards small critter might work for a time until a dragon
of Thay decides to kill it for fun. If the characters storm
the Well by flying there, they’ll have a brief
The enemy forces number less than three window of time to survey the area before landing.
thousand strong, but each individual warrior is They will be able to notice Areas 1, 2, and 3,
on average stronger than the typical human and see the guard patrols coming in and out of
combatant. Areas 1 and 2.


23.4 S TORMING THE For example, instead of a bead with Cone of
Cold, a mage from Silverymoon accompanies the
W ELL OF characters up to the Well and casts it before
returning to the battle.
Each faction leader that the characters scored
enough with in the Council sessions offers their
help and guidance as a personal favour to the
group that has impressed them so. Some will gift
units to escort the characters (give your players
control over these to make your life easier),
others offer spells or teach valuable skills. A
magic bead is just a free spell that is castable by
any character; use a +5 spell ability bonus, +10
spell attack modifier, and an 18 spell save DC.

Help from Allies

Faction Offer of Help Mechanical Benefits
Harpers Scouting A map of the Well of Dragons
information and characters can’t be
about the Well surprised by traps if they take
of Dragons the hidden trail (see below).
Order Defensive A magical bead containing a
of the support Mass Cure Wounds.
Emerald Support in Three Treant Saplings or
Enclave numbers Griffons escort the characters
up to the Well of Dragons.
Water- Support in Two Griffons ridden by a
deep numbers Griffon Cavalry Rider escort Figure 23.3: Map provided by the Harpers about
the characters up to the Well of the Well of Dragons.
Never- Nothing to Nothing.
winter offer but moral The factions that the party established
support. alliances with, all offer their own help.
Dwarves Dwarfish Three dwarf warriors (use
escort until the stats of a Duergar Stone Help from Allies
Tiamat is Guard) escort the characters
Frost Ranged King Hekaton uses his
stopped into the Temple of Tiamat.
Giants elemental Lightning Strike on the
Baldur’s Melee fighting A Flaming Fist veteran teaches
support up characters’ enemies.
Gate tactics a character has the Guardian
to the Well of
Strike ability, usable during the
war: If an enemy within 5 feet
Arcane Magical A magical bead containing a
attacks a target other than
Brother- defensive Greater Invisibility.
them, they can make a melee
hood support
attack against that enemy as a
Metallic Protection and The characters can ride
Dragons transportation dragons up to the Well of
Elves Ranged The Elves cast a Conjure
Dragons, and the Metallic
support Volley on the characters’
Dragons can create a
distraction from Chromatic
Silvery- Magical A magical bead containing a
Dragons at some point.
moon offensive Cone of Cold.
Red Magical Three finger bones, each of
Wizards support which can be broken with a
Cormyr Combat A Purple Knight teaches a
of Thay against other Bonus Action to summon a
leadership character the Action Surge
Red Wizards Thayan Mage to combat enemy
tactics ability, usable once during the
Red Wizards.
war: A character takes an
additional action during their
turn. There are five main ways to approach the Well
of Dragons. The armies will class about a mile
Feel free to change things around and give away from the volcano, and the tunnel entrances
units or items instead of what is listed above. are barely visible from where the Alliance stands.


T ELEPOR TATION with the characters, when both are targeted by
some Breath Weapon attack, the players can
Magical teleportation, if your characters have
choose one of two options:
access to it, is quick, but burns a high-level spell
slot. The characters don’t know if teleporting will • Character and player both roll the Saving
even work: the Temple of Tiamat is protected Throw;
with a Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum spell, • The character is shielded by the dragon, taking
but the tunnels around the Well are not. no damage at all, but the dragon automatically
Teleporting also allows no chance to survey the fails its saving throw.
Well from a distance, and prevents any chance of Once this skirmish is over, the metallic
spotting an ambush. dragons rush the characters to the Well, even as
If the characters teleport to any of the tunnel battle furiously rages in the air around them.
entrances, the guards there are not surprised When nearing the volcano, the characters have
(they expected some kind of attack like this). If enough time for a brief reconnaissance of the
they manage to teleport inside the tunnels place, before finding a way to drop down
themselves, they will surprise enemies they furtively. There are still tens of Young
appear next to. Chromatic Dragons around the Well that can
spot them if they just jump down or have the
R IDING M ETALLIC D RAGONS dragons drop them on the ground.
The characters can ride Adult Metallic Dragons
up to the Well of Dragons, if they have formed an At My Table
alliance with them. As the battle starts, they can My players took Invisibility Potions and Potions of Flying
take advantage of the chaos and ride there. It’s to sneak their way onto the volcano. They nearly got
unlikely they won’t be spotted, but hopefully the smelled by one of the dragons, but the winds blew just right
dragons can drop the characters off and fly off, (the Bard carried the group check with a 30 on their
Stealth roll).
leading their pursuers away from the party.
Have each character pick one Adult Metallic
Dragon to ride (one of each type is available). C ROSSING A H IDDEN T RAIL
The characters then fly as part of the aerial army.
Their group is flanked by Waterdeep and The Dwarves and the Harpers have found a trail
Emerald Enclave Griffons and Riders on the left, across the battlefield that ends near the Well of
and by other Metallic Dragons (including the Dragons. The trail is essentially one of many
ones from the Dragon Council) on the right. As ravines in the area, this one being 5 to 15 foot
soon as the battle starts, the enemy chromatic wide and often not open to the sky, instead
dragons, which severely outnumber the metallic burrowing deep within the ground. The trail isn’t
ones, rush to attack. Narrate how combat erupts obvious to spot, so characters travelling through
around the characters, to give a sense of chaos it probably don’t need to worry about troops
and danger, but don’t bother rolling numbers for from the battlefield above interfering. However,
this many units. The battle is pretty even, with the Order of the Dragon knows the land well,
the enemy focusing on stalling and using dirty and it’s likely the trail has been trapped.
tactics, while the Alliance slowly advances. If the characters decide to go through the trail,
The characters have their own enemies to have them make a DC 18 Intelligence (Nature)
worry about. Amidst the combat, as they quickly check, allowing them to realize the tunnel was
head towards the Well of Dragons, they are carved by a Purple Worm, that may or may not
intercepted by an opposing group of Adult still be nearby. In reality, the worm has long left
Chromatic Dragons (one of each color), with an these areas, disturbed by the dragons.
additional member over the characters (if there One-third of the way through the tunnel, a
are four characters riding four metallic dragons, trap has been set-up, discernible with a DC 18
they’re intercepted by five chromatic dragons). I Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom
recommend giving the players control over their (Perception) check. When a hidden trip wire is
mount dragons (acting on the same initiative as triggered, the ceiling from the wire to 30ft behind
the characters) and, for this fight, remove Lair it collapses. Any creature in the area must
Actions, Legendary Actions, Legendary succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw,
Resistances, and the Recharge Breath Weapon taking 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage on a failed
option from all dragons. This makes combat save, or half as much damage on a successful
much smoother, and your players have fun with one. Once the trap is triggered, the floor of the
big dragons without suddenly needing to learn a area is filled with rubble and becomes difficult
bunch of NPC Boss mechanics. terrain, and that part of the tunnel is now open
Because the dragons are so big in comparison to the sky. Among the debris, there are the


corpses of several cultists from the cult and
warriors from the Lord’s Alliance.
23.5 W ELL OF
Two-thirds of the way through the tunnel, the
characters stumble upon a group of four Umber
Hulks, all having taken 20 HP of damage, I basically beefed up the enemies within the Well.
feasting on the corpses of ten cultists and of This is no place for low-rank cultists. Also,
another Umber Hulk. The cultists were guarding golems show up out of the blue, so I replaced
the tunnel and were surprised from behind. those as well.
The tunnel ends 200ft to the west of Area 1A
in the Well of Dragons. A rock formation allows Enemies within the Well
the characters to inspect that side of the Area Enemies
mountain without being seen. 1A-C 3 Dragonfangs, 3 Dragonwings, and 2 Guard
2A-B 1 Dragonfang and 3 Dragonwings.
B Y R IVER 2C 1 Dragonfang, 3 Dragonwings, 5 Dragonclaws,
The characters might try and take a vessel up and 3 Guard Drakes.
the river, to eventually dock near the south side 6 1 Dragonsoul and 2 Barbed Devils guarding the
of the Well of Dragons. It is practically entrance, 4 Guard Drakes patrolling the treasure.
impossible to hide such an attempt. If the 8 1 Air Elemental, guarded by a Bone Devil.
12-13 2 Barbed Devils and 2 Guard Drakes.
characters do take this approach, they will be
15 3 Dragonfangs and 9 Dragonwings.
accosted by constant attacks. The characters 16 Only lifeless bodies.
can take a Keelboat, which requires only three 17 5 Dragonwings escorting 30 injured and
crewmembers to navigate. It has AC 15, 100 HP exhausted Commoners to the Temple. Area
(damage threshold 10), a Ballista, and can move 15 alerted if a fight breaks out.
by oars or sail. 18 1 Dragonfang, 2 Dragonwings, and 1 Guard
A few Adult Chromatic Dragons target the Drake, guarding 30 Commoners.
vessel. The Metallic Dragons quickly come to the 19 8 Guard Drakes feasting on dead prisoners.
rescue, and eventually only a single Adult Red 23 2 Barbed Devils and 4 Guard Drakes.
Dragon is intent on sinking the vessel. If the Roaming 1 Dragonfang, 2 Dragonwings, and 1 Guard
Drake patrolling between Areas 2 and 18.
characters never reveal themselves, the dragon
Roaming 1 Dragonsoul, 1 Dragonfang, and 5 Dragonwings
assumes it is just bait and leaves the vessel patrolling between Areas 1 and 8.
alone when its below 30 HP.
The vessel is inevitably spotted by the guards I had Naergoth Bladelord be found regardless
at Area 2C. of which entrance the characters used. Before
meeting him, the players find some room with
T HROUGH THE B ATTLE F IELD paintings, depicting prominent members of the
The characters might want to be right in the Order. The images show, among others,
thick of battle. In such a case, while their allies • Sammaster (founder, 800-916 DR);
fight on their sides, enemy groups target the • Algashon Nathaire (leader, 916–1018 DR);
characters and engage them directly. • Tuelhalva Drakewings (leader, 972–1018 DR);
At some point, the characters engage a • Naergoth Bladelord (Keeper of the Well, 1337-?
Dragonsoul commanding a Red Wizard Mage DR);
and four Dragonfangs. Later on, a Wyvern and • Severin Silrajin (leader, 1480-? DR).
a Bone Devil target them. A Young Red Dragon Bladelord never became the top leader of the
serves as their final obstacle before reaching the cult, but was a Wearer of Purple for decades, is
Well of Dragons. the oldest member of the cult, and is a de facto
Even with this approach, the characters won’t co-ruler of the Well of Dragons cell with Severin.
be able to make the entire army storm the Well The images should allow the characters to
of Dragons. Perhaps they can take a few allies understand he is important. Areas 4, 5, or 20
with them, but most of the army remains behind are decent options for the paintings to be found
fighting the seemingly endless waves of enemies. at.
If the characters encounter Bladelord but don’t
threaten him, they can have a nice discussion
Mass Combat
with him. He doesn’t agree with Severin’s plans,
If you would rather allow your players to really control the
so if they make good points, Bladelord might just
massive battle happening around them, check out the Mass
Combat Rules from Unearthed Arcana. ignore that he saw them. If the characters are
fighting the cult or are aggressive in any way,
Bladelord fights for Severin to the death. Rooms


6, 9, 10, 12, 13, or 21 are suitable rooms to find • Interrupting the human sacrifices
Bladelord at. It is likely your characters can interrupt the
ritual and have claimed some of the Dragon
T EMPLE OF T IAMAT Masks. They might destroy the Temple through
I ran this section mostly as-is. the Zhentarim’s Earthquake spells, or by their
own volition. They might save the prisoners from
Trailer being sacrificed if they picked the right set of
Wizards of the Coast have an awesome trailer to set the tunnels. They might drag Severin and the Mask
mood. of the Dragon Queen out of the Temple.
You can control the difficulty of this encounter
with many different options:
• Severin has immunity to all damage as long as
any Red Wizard lives
• Rath Modar or any of the Red Wizards cast
Greater Invisibility on themselves
• Rath Modar or any of the Red Wizards took
Potions of Flying instead of having cast
Levitate (so Dispel Magic doesn’t cause them
to fall)
• Rath Modar cannot be perceived by any
Thayan (so must be dealt with by the party)
• The Chromatic Dragons jump into the fight as
they realize what’s happening
• Severin or Rath Modar (120 HP) have stronger
stat blocks
Figure 23.4: 3D render of the Temple of Tiamat. • Tiamat doesn’t actually kill her allies when
By Reddit’s u/Sanchmo. summoned
• Tiamat instantly kills all her allies that were
Inside the Temple of Tiamat, the characters involved in the summoning, as a last sacrificed
find Severin and his Pseudodragon Nelvik, needed for her to break through
Rath Modar and his 9 Red Wizard Mages, and • Any Thayans that the characters summon to
the resurrected Wyrmspeakers. fight against Rath Modar remain to fight
Any wyrmspeaker that has previously been against Tiamat
killed (except for Varram) has been resurrected • The Metallic Dragons jump in front of some
by Tiamat with new-found powers. If Rezmir was Breath Attack, sacrificing their lives to protect
killed, she has now been resurrected as a Black the characters
Abishai with 90 HP. If Neronvain was killed, he • More than a single part of the Temple
has now been resurrected as a Green Abishai crumbles if a spell like Earthquake is cast on
with 117 HP. If Galvan was killed, he has now it
been resurrected as a Blue Abishai with 141 HP. • Parts of the Temple that crash kill all those
If Varram was killed, the Dragon Queen doesn’t beneath them
care. They are all patrolling the temple, Adjust to whatever strength level you group is
witnessing and protecting the ritual. If the at. Ideally, this fight should be very hard, mostly
prisoners from Areas 17 and 18 in the Well of because it’s so drawn out. Once combat starts,
Dragons are saved, the Abishai go down into the go by initiative order. The first five enemies in
tunnels to investigate after a few minutes. initiative focus on the ritual, the others attack
The book claims you can completely stop the the group. After a minute of this, Tiamat
ritual to prevent Tiamat’s summoning, but that emerges, weakened enough that your characters
is very anti-climatic. I’d recommend always can still deal with her.
having Tiamat appear, and weakening her based
on the characters’ actions. Five different events At My Table
can weaken her: At my table, I had two Temple sections crashing and killing
their occupants when a character cast Earthquake. Rath
• Interrupting the ritual
Modar couldn’t be perceived by the Thayan allies (who
• Destroying the Mask of the Dragon Queen or begrudgingly remained in the Temple to fight Tiamat),
removing it from the Temple which meant the characters had to deal with him directly,
• The Mask of the Dragon Queen being and had 101 HP. The Metallic Dragons kept the Chromatic
incomplete ones occupied, and then Protanther sacrificed himself for
the characters.
• Severely damaging the Temple


without Tiamat as a common enemy, most
politicians will be advocating for selfish deals. In
the next few months, populations will migrate
back, towns will be rebuilt, and cities will
The Order of the Dragon lingers on, with
hidden cells across Faerûn. However, all their
prominent leaders have been defeated, and those
captured will pay for their crimes. The chromatic
Figure 23.5: The Red Dragon Mask. By Tumblr’s dragons might hide for years after this defeat,
rspixart. while plotting their revenge, or go on a furious
rampage before the dust has settled.
Thousands have perished, but everyone looks
at the figures of legend that the characters have
become, and feel the future is bright.
If Tiamat was not defeated, however, the
adventure is still not over... The characters
might be resurrected by their allies to fight
another day, the players can make new
characters to fight Tiamat in the Material Plane,
or their original characters can wake up in
Avernus, where the pit fiend Bel wants them to
resurrect with devilish powers to defeat the
Dragon Queen once and for all.

Figure 23.6: Severin with the Mask of the

Dragon Queen about to summon Tiamat. By
Wizards of the Coast.

Figure 23.7: Token for Tiamat. By Reddit’s


When Tiamat is defeated, as she is dragged

back down to Avernus, she ominously says

This isn’t over! I’ll see you soon...

Hopefully, the characters have saved the world
by defeating Tiamat. She is not dead, only back
in Avernus, plotting her revenge.
The aftermath of the war is enormous. The
riches need to be split among the factions, and


Please revise the introduction in section 2.22.
24.1 I NTRODUCTION The characters were defeated at the Temple of
Depending on what your characters want to do, Tiamat. All of them were killed and devoured by
this campaign can finish in different ways (or the Dragon Queen.
might not even finish at all!). This chapter They wake up in a barren dark hellish
describes several different endings. landscape. A weird Imp is staring at them. "It
worked!", he screams, as he turns away and
starts running. The small fiend was tasked by
24.2 T IAMAT Bel, the former ruler of Avernus, to capture the
characters’ souls and reanimate them in hell.
S UCCEEDED The characters must now defeat Bel’s enemies in
exchange for a chance to return to the Material
The characters were defeated at the Temple of Plane. They’ll grow stronger from experience as
Tiamat. Most of them were killed and devoured they battle the underworld, and emerge before
by the Dragon Queen. She then rose from the Tiamat, thirsting for revenge.
Well of Dragons, and defeated all the forces of They can appear next to Tiamat, a mere few
good in the area. It was a slaughter. Metallic seconds after she has defeated previously (time
dragon corpses rained from the skies, armies works differently in Avernus), they may show up
were decimated, the few survivors escaping in a next to her weeks after the event, or they may
chaotic rush. However, not all hope is lost. rise out of some Hell Portal in Faerûn (such as
One of the party members survived. Or maybe the one under Dragonspear Castle), and work
they left a clone behind. Or maybe one of their their way to her from there. Bel might even make
allies took the cost to resurrect them. And now a further deal with them, their souls in exchange
they must bring back their friends and resume for additional power to defeat her.
the fight. These events might happen quickly
after the Dragon Queen takes over, or some
years past. If quickly, then the Dragon Queen is
busy conquering the remaining bastions of
resistance in Faerûn. Hunting down elves,
destroying the giant tribes, raising all known The characters defeated Tiamat, and she
cities to the ground and claiming their treasure. returned to her prison in Avernus. But the fight
While she is distracted, the characters have isn’t yet over.
some days to gather their strength and attempt She is planning to repeat the Ritual, but in
some desperate plan. They may instead way Avernus instead, where it won’t be disturbed.
some years to gather their strength. This is the plot of Tyranny of Dragons into
Avernus, which continues this campaign up to
A few years after Tiamat has risen to power, level 20.
the landscape is no longer recognizable. All that
is left from Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate, and
Neverwinter is scorched rubble. Chromatic 24.5 D RAGONSPEAR
dragons rule the world, and most other races are
all but extinct. The dwarves hold the last C ASTLE
bastions of resistance, deep underground. And The characters defeated Tiamat, and she
they have a plan to get rid of Tiamat. A common returned to her prison in Avernus.
enemy unites old foes, and the Dwarves plan to Now characters have to tie up loose ends. One
turn to the Elves for help. The Elves have access of those is Dragonspear Castle, which was
to a very specific and rare type of magic, known visited by the characters in the On the Road
as High Magic, where they can completely chapter. Last time the characters were there, it
rewrite the fabric of the world. No one know if was occupied by a myriad of monsters. Some of
the elves still exist, where they are, or whether those were Rakshasas, who were planning to dig
they can actually do such a feat. But it’s worth a up the Hell Portal under the keep, and re-open it.
shot. No good can come of this, and the fiends have
had enough time to start their plans. They must


be stopped before they unleash hellish hordes students from the tower, set deadly
upon Faerûn. enchantments upon the hedge maze
surrounding its entrance, and disappeared from
24.6 C ASTLE public life. After his disappearance, some
residents of Xonthal’s Tower village believed the
N AERYTAR AND elusive archmage had died, or even underwent
the process of lichdom. Clues to his
THE R ING OF disappearance can perhaps be found within the
Tower, leading to different planes of existence
M YRKUL and timelines.
The characters defeated Tiamat, and she
returned to her prison in Avernus.
Now characters have to tie up loose ends. One
24.8 D RAGONS ’
of those is Castle Naerytar, which was visited by
the characters in the Castle Naerytar chapter.
The characters defeated Tiamat, and she
The characters have likely eliminated the cultists
returned to her prison in Avernus.
residing there, and it was abandoned to
Lizardfolk and to the Twin Black Dragons that However, the dragons that led the Order of the
reside in the Mere of the Dead Men. The bog Dragon still linger, and they haven’t forgotten the
keep holds many mysteries that may have been characters. Some have been defeated, by likely
left to uncover, as does the swamp itself. The the Twin Black Dragons Voaraghamanthar and
Ring of Myrkul can be found within the keep, Waervaerendor and the Red Dragon Hoondarrh
which can then lead to the Uthtower. Within it still live, and they’re seeking revenge. They will
lies the Twinned Crown of Uthtower, the remains plot to find the characters in a vulnerable
of the dracolich Chardansearavitriol, treasure, position, and strike. How long can the
and maybe even the lich Iniarv. characters keep alert against such an ominous
The Black Dragon Voaraghamanthar wants the menace?
ring to obtain the Crown for his brother. The
characters may have recovered it, and the Twin
Dragons are after the characters, or it might still
lie in the Castle. But with the dragons
methodically exploring it, the Ring will not
The characters defeated Tiamat, and she
remain hidden for long. And once found, the
returned to her prison in Avernus.
secrets of the Mere will unfold with terrible
repercussions. The characters met a lot of new friends, made
many new enemies, and might have even fallen
in love. Whatever reason made them become
24.7 X ONTHAL ’ S adventurers or mercenaries in the first place has
certainly changed after this long campaign.
T OWER Perhaps now they have the means to sustain
The characters defeated Tiamat, and she their families, the strength to avenge their fallen
returned to her prison in Avernus. loved-ones, or the knowledge to guide their
Now characters have to tie up loose ends. If communities. It is time to wrap up the threads
they didn’t sell or give away Xonthal’s Tower, it that were left unsolved, the motivations that led
stills holds many mysteries to uncover. Its their actions so far.
magical hedge maze can be studied by a
knowledgeable Wizard, allowing them to learn to
harness its power. Within the tower, one can 24.10 O THER
also learn about feather magic (a school of magic
unique to the lands of Maztica), chronurgy (two
hourglasses in the dungeon can manipulate or The characters defeated Tiamat, and she
alter the time stream), elemental magic (Xonthal returned to her prison in Avernus.
sought to incorporate the most desirable The characters met a lot of new friends, made
features of elementals from various planes and many new enemies, and might have even fallen
combine them within a single being), or space in love. Some of these enemies have escaped,
manipulation magic. either to plot their revenge for later, or to escape
What happened to Xonthal remains a mystery. without atoning for their sins. It is time to wrap
At some point in his life, Xonthal underwent an up the threads that were left unsolved, the evils
extreme shift in personality. He expelled his that have not yet been vanquished.


Whatever you choose to do, it will be the
conclusion to Tyranny of Dragons. Hopefully, all
character arcs have been completed and the
players are satisfied with their journey. If your
group wants to keep playing and reach level 20,
they’re free to do so. My players decided to start
the Descent into Avernus campaign, as a
continuation of this one (see above for more
I truly hope you all enjoyed this journey, and
that your games have been as wonderful as mine
were. Please rate the adventure or recommend it
to others if you see fit. Comments, questions, or
suggestions, let me know in DM’s Guild or send
me an email at david.simoes@ua.pt. Have fun,
and I’ll see you in the next one!


P AR T 1


The chapter includes monsters that try to kill
the characters, and other creatures that can
both be enemies or allies to the party. This list
doesn’t include all the NPCs in every location of
the book, but instead the most relevant ones. If
your players like other NPCs that you create or
that show up elsewhere, make sure to keep track
of those and re-introduce them at later times.

The region containing a legendary white dragon’s
lair is warped by the dragon’s magic, which
creates one or more of the following effects:
• Chilly fog lightly obscures the land within 6
miles of the dragon’s lair.
• Freezing precipitation falls within 6 miles of
the dragon’s lair, sometimes forming blizzard
conditions when the dragon is at rest.
• Icy walls block off areas in the dragon’s lair.
Each wall is 6 inches thick, and a 10-foot
section has AC 5, 15 hit points, vulnerability
to fire damage, and immunity to acid, cold,
necrotic, poison, and psychic damage.
• If the dragon wishes to move through a wall, it
can do so without slowing down. The portion
of the wall the dragon moves through is
destroyed, however.
If the dragon dies, the fog and precipitation
fade within 1 day. The ice walls melt over the
course of 1d10 days.


Huge Dragon, Chaotic Evil Cold Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales an icy blast
in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) cold damage on a
Hit Points 200 (16d12 + 96) failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Speed 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.
Legendary Actions
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
22 (+6) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 8 (–1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +11, Wis +6, Cha +8
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Skills Perception +11, Stealth +5
Damage Immunities cold Detect. Arauthator makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21 Tail Attack. Arauthator makes a tail attack.
Languages Common, Draconic Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Arauthator beats its wings.
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a
DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning
Innate Spellcasting. Arauthator’s spellcasting ability is Charisma damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up
(spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately to half its flying speed.
cast the following spells, requiring no material components: Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). Arauthator casts one of its
At will: Mage Hand (capable of activating magic items) spells.
1/day each: Detect Magic, Gust of Wind, Glyph of Warding, Sleet
Storm, Slow (used in conjunction with Glyph of Warding), Stinking Lair Actions
Cloud (used in conjunction with Glyph of Warding), Control On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a
Water (capable of controlling ice), Elemental Bane, Ice Storm, lair action to cause one of the following effects; the dragon can’t
Wall of Ice use the same effect two rounds in a row:
• Freezing fog fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point
Ice Walk. The dragon can move across and climb icy surfaces
the dragon can see within 120 feet of it. The fog spreads
without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult
around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. Each
terrain composed of ice or snow doesn’t cost it extra movement.
creature in the fog when it appears must make a DC 10
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) cold damage on
it can choose to succeed instead. a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
A creature that ends its turn in the fog takes 10 (3d6) cold
Actions damage. A wind of at least 20 miles per hour disperses the
Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then fog. The fog otherwise lasts until the dragon uses this lair
makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. action again or until the dragon dies.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. • Jagged ice shards fall from the ceiling, striking up to three
Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) cold damage. creatures underneath that the dragon can see within 120
feet of it. The dragon makes one ranged attack roll (+7 to
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
hit) against each target. On a hit, the target takes 10 (3d6)
Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.
piercing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. • The dragon creates an opaque wall of ice on a solid surface
Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. it can see within 120 feet of it. The wall can be up to 30 feet
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is long, 30 feet high, and 1 foot thick. When the wall appears,
within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a each creature within its area is pushed 5 feet out of the
DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. wall’s space; appearing on whichever side of the wall it wants.
A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of Each 10-foot section of the wall has AC 5, 30 hit points,
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s vulnerability to fire damage, and immunity to acid, cold,
saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. The wall disappears
is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 when the dragon uses this lair action again or when the
hours. dragon dies.


This is a suit of armor that was animated by a
swarm of Yuan-Ti snakes. I basically changed
the resistances and immunities of the Helmed
Horrors to mimic a swarm of snakes (resistance
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage)
and the Yuan-Ti (immunity to poison).

Medium swarm of Tiny monstrosities, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 20 (plate armor, shield)

Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24)
Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +4
Damage Resistances bludgeoning and piercing from
nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed, poisoned,
frightened, petrified, stunned
Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages —
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Magic Resistance. The Armored Swarm of Snakes has

advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical

Multiattack. The Armored Swarm of Snakes makes two
longsword attacks.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.



Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Evil

Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)

Hit Points 71 (11d8 + 22)
Speed 30 ft.


9 (–1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4

Skills Arcana +6, Deception +3, Insight +4, Stealth +6
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal, Primordial, Thayan
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Special Equipment. Azbara has two scrolls of mage armor.

Potent Cantrips. When Azbara casts an evocation cantrip and
misses, or the target succeeds on its saving throw, the target
still takes half the cantrip’s damage but suffers no other effect.
Sculpt Spells. When Azbara casts an evocation spell that affects
other creatures that he can see, he can choose up to five of
them to succeed on their saving throws against the spell. Those
creatures take no damage if they would normally take half
damage from the spell.
Spellcasting. Azbara Jos is a 7th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell
attacks). He has the following Wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost,
shocking grasp
1st level (4 slots): fog cloud, magic missile, shield, thunderwave
2nd level (3 slots): invisibility, misty step, scorching ray
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, dispel magic, fireball
4th level (1 slot): evard’s black tentacles

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.


25.4 B ANE ’ S
Cruel Tyrants. Warrior Cult. Cult Ranks.

Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Evil

Armor Class 16 (chain mail)

Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.


17 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Wis +4

Skills Intimidation +5, Perception +5
Condition Immunities frightened
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Tactical Discipline. The iron consul has advantage on all ability

checks and saving throws made during combat.

Multiattack. The iron consul makes one attack with its spear
and can use its Voice of Command ability.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, or
7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a
melee attack.
Voice of Command. The iron consul selects up to two allies
within 90 feet of it that can hear its commands. Each ally can
immediately use its reaction to make one melee attack.


Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Evil

Armor Class 16 (chain mail)

Hit Points 51 (6d8 + 24)
Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Wis +5

Skills Intimidation +7, Perception +5
Condition Immunities frightened
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Common
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Aura of Terror. When a hostile creature within 5 feet of the

black gauntlet makes an attack roll or a saving throw, it has
disadvantage on the roll. Creatures that are immune to the
frightened condition are immune to this trait.
Spellcasting. The black gauntlet is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with
spell attacks). It has the following cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): guidance, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): bane, bless, cure wounds, guiding bolt
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person, silence
3rd level (2 slots): sending, spirit guardians

Tactical Discipline. The black gauntlet has advantage on all

ability checks and saving throws made during combat.

Multiattack. The black gauntlet makes two attacks with its
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 13 (3d8) necrotic


25.5 B HALL ’ S
Killers from the Shadows.
Cult Ranks.

Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 40 ft.


11 (+0) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

Skills Intimidation +5, Perception +3, Persuasion +5, Stealth +9

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Aura of Murder. As long as the reaper is not incapacitated,

hostile creatures within 5 feet of it gain vulnerability to piercing
damage unless they have resistance or immunity to such
Innate Spellcasting. The reaper’s innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following
spells, requiring no material components:
1/day each: charm person, disguise self, sanctuary

Multiattack. The reaper makes two dagger attacks and uses
Shroud Self.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.
Shroud Self. The reaper magically turns invisible until the start
of its next turn. This invisibility ends if the reaper makes an
attack roll, makes a damage roll, or casts a spell.


Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 76 (8d8 + 40)
Speed 50 ft.


20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)

Skills Intimidation +6, Perception +4, Persuasion +6, Stealth +11

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Aura of Murder. As long as the death’s head is not

incapacitated, hostile creatures within 5 feet of it gain
vulnerability to piercing damage unless they have resistance or
immunity to such damage.
Magic Resistance. The death’s head has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.

Multiattack. The death’s head uses Stunning Gaze and makes
two dagger attacks.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.
Stunning Gaze. The death’s head targets one creature it can see
within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 14
Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next

Unstoppable (3/Day). The death’s head reduces the damage it
takes from an attack to 0.


Taken from the Ghosts of Saltmarsh book.

Medium Humanoid (Bullywug), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 15 (hide armor, shield)

Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft.


14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 7 (–2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Con +3

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +3
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Bullywug
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Amphibious. The croaker can breathe air and water.

Speak with Frogs and Toads. The croaker can communicate
simple concepts to frogs and toads when it speaks in Bullywug.
Standing Leap. The croaker’s long jump is up to 20 feet and its
high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.
Swamp Camouflage. The croaker has advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made to hide in swampy terrain.

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, or
6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a
melee attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Glaaar-pat (3/Day). The croaker sings a song of marshy doom.
Each chosen creature within 30 feet of the croaker that can
hear the song must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw, taking
9 (2d8) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. A creature that fails this saving
throw also has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws until
the end of its next turn.
Rooooo-glog (1/Day). The croaker sings an ode to an elder
froghemoth. Each bullywug within 30 feet of the croaker that
can hear the song gains 10 temporary hit points.


25.7 C HUTH
The region containing a legendary green dragon’s
lair is warped by the dragon’s magic, which
creates one or more of the following effects:
• Thickets form labyrinthine passages within 1
mile of the dragon’s lair. The thickets act as
10-foot-high, 10-foot-thick walls that block
line of sight. Creatures can move through the
thickets, with every 1 foot a creature moves
costing it 4 feet of movement. A creature in the
thickets must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw once each round it’s in contact with the
thickets or take 3 (1d6) piercing damage from
thorns.Each 10-foot-cube of thickets has AC 5,
30 hit points, resistance to bludgeoning and
piercing damage, vulnerability to fire damage,
and immunity to psychic and thunder damage.
• Within 1 mile of its lair, the dragon leaves no
physical evidence of its passage unless it
wishes to. Tracking it there is impossible
except by magical means. In addition, it
ignores movement impediments and damage
from plants in this area that are neither
magical nor creatures, including the thickets
described above. The plants remove
themselves from the dragon’s path.
• Rodents and birds within 1 mile of the
dragon’s lair serve as the dragon’s eyes and
ears. Deer and other large game are strangely
absent, hinting at the presence of an
unnaturally hungry predator.
If the dragon dies, the rodents and birds lose
their supernatural link to it. The thickets
remain, but within 1d10 days, they become
mundane plants and normal difficult terrain,
losing their thorns.


Huge Dragon, Lawful Evil The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon
Hit Points 207 (18d12 + 90) regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.
Detect. Chuth makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Tail Attack. Chuth makes a tail attack.
23 (+6) 12 (+1) 21 (+5) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.
Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +10, Wis +7, Cha +8 DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning
Skills Deception +8, Insight +7, Perception +12, Persuasion +8, damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up
Stealth +6 to half its flying speed.
Damage Immunities poison Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). Chuth casts one of its spells.
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 22 Lair Actions
Languages Common, Draconic On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) lair action to cause one of the following effects; the dragon can’t
use the same effect two rounds in a row:
Innate Spellcasting. Chuth’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence
• Grasping roots and vines erupt in a 20-foot radius centered
(spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately
cast the following spells, requiring no material components: on a point on the ground that the dragon can see within
120 feet of it. That area becomes difficult terrain, and each
At will: Mage Hand creature there must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving
1/day each: Comprehend Languages, Feather Fall, Shield, Detect throw or be restrained by the roots and vines. A creature can
Magic be freed if it or another creature takes an action to make a
2/day each: Invisibility, Suggestion DC 15 Strength check and succeeds. The roots and vines wilt
away when the dragon uses this lair action again or when the
Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water. dragon dies.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, • A wall of tangled brush bristling with thorns springs into
it can choose to succeed instead. existence on a solid surface within 120 feet of the dragon. The
wall is up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick, and
Actions it blocks line of sight. When the wall appears, each creature
in its area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A
Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then
creature that fails the save takes 18 (4d8) piercing damage
makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.
and is pushed 5 feet out of the wall’s space, appearing on
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. whichever side of the wall it wants. A creature can move
Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage. through the wall, albeit slowly and painfully. For every 1 foot
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. a creature travels through the wall, it must spend 4 feet of
Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage. movement. Furthermore, a creature in the wall’s space must
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw once each round it’s in
Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. contact with the wall, taking 18 (4d8) piercing damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Each
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is 10-foot section of wall has AC 5, 15 hit points, vulnerability to
within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a fire damage, resistance to bludgeoning and piercing damage,
DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. and immunity to psychic damage. The wall sinks back into
A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of the ground when the dragon uses this lair action again or
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s when the dragon dies.
saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature • Magical fog billows around one creature the dragon can see
is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 within 120 feet of it. The creature must succeed on a DC
hours. 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the dragon until
Poison Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales poisonous initiative count 20 on the next round.
gas in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make • One large root or branch that is part of the lair makes a
a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 56 (16d6) poison melee attack roll against a creature within 10 feet of it. It has
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful a +7 bonus to hit and deals 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage on
one. a hit. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must
succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked
Legendary Actions prone.


These are mercenaries that drive the wagons of
the Order of the Dragon from where they’re
looted (like Greenest) to the Carnath Roadhouse
for unloading. Balthazar, Melchior, and Caspar
are such examples, found in the On the Road
chapter. These mercenaries are loyal to the cult,
initially for gold, but lately having adopted their
ideologies and soon to be officially anointed into
the Order’s ranks.


Medium humanoid (any race), neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (splint armor)

Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2

Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Dragon Initiate. The Cult Wagon Leader has advantage on

saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Pack Tactics. The Cult Wagon Leader has advantage on an
attack roll against a creature if at least one of their allies is
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Multiattack. The Cult Wagon Leader makes two longsword
attacks. If it has a shortsword drawn, it can also make a
shortsword attack.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing
damage if used with two hands.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.



Medium Humanoid (Half-Dragon), Lawful Evil

Armor Class 18 (splint armor and a Cloak of Protection)

Hit Points 57 (6d12 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.


19 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +2, Con +6, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +2
Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +3, Perception +4
Damage Resistances lightning
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Special Equipment. Cyanwrath has a +1 Greatsword and a

Cloak of Protection.
Action Surge (Recharges on a Short or Long Rest). On his turn,
Cyanwrath can take one additional action.
Improved Critical. Cyanwrath’s weapon attacks score a critical
hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Multiattack. Cyanwrath attacks twice, either with his
greatsword or spear.
Greatsword + 1. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Lightning Breath (Recharge 5–6). Langdedrosa breathes
lightning in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in
the line must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22
(4d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.


Borngray has higher ability scores to match his
position as a lieutenant of Castle Naerytar.

Medium Humanoid (High Elf), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 17 (studded leather, shield)

Hit Points 105 (14d10 + 28)
Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +7, Con +5

Skills Arcana +7, Deception +3, Insight +4, Perception +4,
Religion +7
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Bullywug, Draconic, Elvish, Goblin, Sylvan
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Fey Ancestry. Dralmorrer has advantage on saving throws

against being charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.
Spellcasting. Dralmorrer is a 3rd-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with
spell attacks). He has the following Wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, prestidigitation, shocking grasp
1st level (4 slots): longstrider, magic missile, shield, thunderwave
2nd level (2 slots): magic weapon, misty step

War Magic. When Dralmorrer uses his action to cast a cantrip,

he can also take a bonus action to make one weapon attack.
Weapon Bond. Provided his longsword is on the same plane
Dralmorrer can take a bonus action to teleport it to his hand.

Multiattack. Dralmorrer attacks twice, either with his longsword
or dagger.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.


(over level 15 and with similar alignment).
25.11 G ALVAN
Galvan has a few abilities from the Draconic
Sorcerer subclass, and the statblock assumes he
is not wearing the Blue Dragon Mask.
He has a dragon curse upon him that prevents
him from spilling any secret information about
the Order. The curse can be broken by a
7th-level Remove Curse. If he reveals any
information (even if inadvertently), a fractal
tattoo grows from his chest across his entire
skin and kills him.
He instead has a Dragontooth Dagger and a
Wakened Dragon-Touched Focus (Chromatic).
The focus can evolve into an Ascendant
Dragon-Touched Focus (Chromatic) if nurtured
by any dragon for a year. It can then be attuned
by someone considered worthy by the dragon

Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral Evil 5th level (2 slots): Synaptic Static
6th level (1 slot): Chain Lightning
Armor Class 17 (Draconic Resilience) 7th level (1 slot): Finger of Death
Hit Points 141 (22d8 + 42)
Speed 30 ft. Metamagic. When Galvan casts a spell, he can twist his spells to
suit his needs.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA • Distand Spell (3/day) The spell’s range doubles.
8 (–1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) • Quick Spell (2/day) The casting time of the spell changes
from 1 action to 1 bonus action.
Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +5, Cha +9
• Heightened Spell (1/day) One target of the spell has disadvantage
Skills Acrobatics +9, Arcana +8, Deception +10, Initimidation
on the first saving throw against the spell.
+10, Perception +6, Persuasion +10
Damage Immunities lightning Elemental Affinity. When Galvan deals lightning damage, he
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened can add his Charisma modifier to the damage roll.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Dragon Wings. Galvan can sprout a pair of dragon wings from
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal his back, gaining a flying speed equal to his current speed. He
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) can create these wings as a bonus action on his turn. They last
until he dismisses them.
Special Equipment. Galvan has willingly parted with the Blue
Dragon Mask. When Galvan is reduced to 0 hit points, the Actions
Dragon Mask is not teleported anywhere.
Galvan also carries a Wakened Dragon-Touched Focus Dragontooth Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to
(Chromatic). This provides him with the following: hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 6)
piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) acid damage.
• Initiative Advantage on initiative rolls.
• Elemental Damage Galvan adds an additional d6 to any Eldritch Arrow. Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, range 120 ft., one
spell damage roll that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison target. Hit: 11 (2d10) force damage plus 9 (2d8) lightning damage.
damage. Storm Sphere (2/Day). A storm fills a 20-foot-radius sphere
• Spells Galvan can cast Hold Monster and Rime’s binding ice centered on a point Galvan can see within 150 feet of him,
once per day. mimicking the effects of a 5th level Storm Sphere spell.
Finally, Galvan carries a Dragontooth Dagger.
Legendary Actions
Spellcasting. Galvan is a 14th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). Galvan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
He has the following Sorcerer spells prepared: below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Galvan regains
Cantrips (at will): Lightning Lure, Shocking Grasp, Thunderclap spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
1st level (4 slots): Absorb Elements, Detect Magic, Disguise Self,
Magic Missile, Shield Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). Galvan casts one of his spells
2nd level (3 slots): Blur, Hold Person of 5th level or lower.
3rd level (3 slots): Lightning Bolt, Thunder Step Cantrip. Galvan cast one of his cantrips.
4th level (3 slots): Raulothim’s Psychic Lance Hide. Galvan takes the Hide action.


The dragon at Skyreach Castle is a
dumber-than-usual Young White Dragon.

Large Dragon, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 133 (14d10 + 56)
Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.


18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 6 (–2) 8 (–1) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +7, Wis +2, Cha +4

Skills Perception +5, Stealth +3
Damage Immunities cold
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Ice Walk. The dragon can move across and climb icy surfaces
without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult
terrain composed of ice or snow doesn’t cost it extra

Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite
and two with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) cold damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Cold Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales an icy blast in
a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) cold damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


25.13 G OBLIN

Medium humanoid (Goblinoid), chaotic evil

Armor Class 13 (chain shirt)

Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 30 ft.


14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)

Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +3, Religion +5

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Divine Eminence. As a bonus action, the shaman can expend a

spell slot to cause its melee weapon attacks to magically deal an
extra 7 (2d6) radiant damage to a target on a hit. This benefit
lasts until the end of the turn.
Spellcasting. The shaman is a 1st-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with
spell attacks). It has the following cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): light, thaumaturgy
1st level (2 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt

Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.


25.14 K HANDUR any character capable of casting divine magic
can commune with them at will. Characters who
U LMARIK study the pyx can make a DC 15 Intelligence
(Arcana) check to open it and release the souls
Khandur Ulmarik has the statblock of a safely. Releasing the catches in the proper
Necromancer with the following changes: sequence bathes the area in warm golden light
• 10 Strength and 8 Charisma and frees the souls forever.
• Knows Common, Thayan, Rashemi, Infernal
He has been poisoned for the last few days
with a torpor concoction, and has disadvantage
on all Wisdom saving throws.

Wondrous item, very rare
This small round receptacle appears to have
been carved from ivory or bone. It has been
engraved with necromantic symbols and fitted
with ten small gems.
The Pyx can trap the souls of victims who are
slain in a ritual sacrifice; if those victims were
capable of casting divine magic, it can also drain
their souls to fuel powerful guards and wards.
The pyx can hold up to ten souls (one for each
gem). If even one of those souls was a divine
caster, then the pyx and any creature who holds
it are under a permanent nondetection spell.
Undead creatures cannot approach within 10
feet of the pyx, nor can they charm, frighten, or
possess creatures within that area. If the pyx is
used to power magical wards, it drains 1 hit die
per day from one of the divine casters trapped
within, determined randomly. Once a soul loses
all their hit dice, they are consumed forever and
cannot be resurrected, not even by True
In addition to powering magical wards, the
radiant magic stored in the pyx can also be used
as a weapon. For a smite attack, each hit die
that is expended from the pyx’s captive souls
does 4 (1d8) radiant damage; there is no limit on
how many hit dice may be drained. Treat the pyx
as a simple weapon for the purposes of smite
For a burst attack, each additional hit die
expended beyond the damage dice increases the
radius of the attack by 5 feet. The burst is
always centered on the pyx. Each creature in the
area of effect must make a DC 20 Constitution
saving throw, taking full damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one. A
creature reduced to 0 hit points by the pyx is
disintegrated and turned to ash.
After the murder of Eseldra Yeth, the pyx of
Nethwatch Keep has 6 souls and 46 hit dice
remaining, enough for a 30 foot radius 40d8
explosion that could wipe out the entire keep.
Any character of good alignment who touches
the pyx can feel the souls trapped inside it, and




Huge Giant, Chaotic Good

Armor Class 16 (scale mail)

Hit Points 230 (20d12 + 100)
Speed 50 ft., swim 50 ft.


29 (+9) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Str +14, Con +10, Wis +9, Cha +9

Skills Arcana +8, Athletics +14, History +8, Perception +9
Damage Resistances cold
Damage Immunities lightning, thunder
Senses passive Perception 19
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

Amphibious. Hekaton can breathe air and water.

At will: detect magic, feather fall, levitate, light
3/day each: control weather, water breathing
Innate Spellcasting. The giant’s innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 17). It can innately cast the following
spells, requiring no material components:
At will: detect magic, feather fall, levitate, light
3/day each: control weather, water breathing

Multiattack. Hekaton makes two broken chain attacks.
Broken Chain. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 19 (3d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage.
Broken Chain. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480
ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d10 + 2) piercing damage.
Lightning Strike (Recharge 5–6). Hekaton hurls a magical
lightning bolt at a point he can see within 500 feet of it. Each
creature within 10 feet of that point must make a DC 17
Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) lightning damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Thunderous Stomp (Recharge 6). Hekaton stomps the ground,
triggering a thunderclap. All other creatures within 15 feet of
him must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take
33 (6d10) thunder damage and be deafened until the start of
Hekaton’s next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half
as much damage and isn’t deafened. The thunderclap can be
heard out to a range of 1,200 feet.


25.16 L AERAL

Medium Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Good Actions
Multiattack. Laeral makes three attacks with her silver hair
Armor Class 18 (robe of the archmagi)
and flame tongue, in any combination. She can cast one of her
Hit Points 228 (24d8 + 120)
cantrips or 1st-level spells before or after making these attacks.
Speed 30 ft.
Silver Hair. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 7 (2d6) force damage, and the target must succeed
13 (+1) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 19 (+4) on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Saving Throws Int +11, Wis +11
Skills Arcana +17, History +17, Insight +11, Perception +11, Flame Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Persuasion +10 target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage, or 6 (1d10 + 1) slashing
Damage Resistances fire damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack, plus 7
Damage Immunities poison (2d6) fire damage.
Condition Immunities poisoned Spellfire (Recharges after a Long Rest).
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 21 Magical, heatless, silver fire harmlessly erupts from Laeral
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Infernal and surrounds her until she is incapacitated or until she uses an
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) action to quench it. She gains one of the following benefits of
her choice, which lasts until the silver fire ends:
Special Equipment. Laeral wears a white robe of the archmagi • She can breathe underwater.
(accounted for in her statistics). She wields a flame tongue • She can survive without food and water.
longsword. While wearing her robe of the archmagi, Laeral has • She is immune to magic that would ascertain her thoughts,
advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical truthfulness, alignment, or creature type.
effects. • She gains resistance to cold damage, and she is unharmed by
temperatures as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Spellcasting. Laeral is a 19th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting
While the silver fire is present, she has the following additional
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 21, +13 to hit with spell
action options:
attacks). Laeral has the following wizard spells prepared:
• Cast the cure wounds spell. The target regains 1d8 + 5 hit
Cantrips (at will): light, mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation, points. After Laeral takes this action, roll a d6. On a roll of 1,
ray of frost the silver fire disappears.
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, disguise self, magic missile, shield • Cast the revivify spell without material components. After
2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, invisibility, misty step Laeral takes this action, roll a d6. On a roll of 1-2, the silver
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fly, sending, tongues fire disappears.
4th level (3 slots): banishment, greater invisibility, Otiluke’s • Release a 60-foot line of silver fire that is 5 feet wide or a 30-
resilient sphere foot cone of silver fire. Objects in the area that aren’t being
5th level (2 slots): cone of cold, geas, Rary’s telepathic bond worn or carried take 26 (4d12) fire damage. Each creature in
6th level (2 slots): globe of invulnerability, mass suggestion the area must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw,
7th level (1 slot): prismatic spray, teleport taking 26 (4d12) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
7th level (1 slot): feeblemind, power word stun damage on a successful one. After Laeral takes this action,
7th level (1 slot): time stop roll a d6. On a roll of 1-3, the silver fire disappears.


It’s unlikely the characters face Lennithon at one
of its lairs, so I omitted lair actions and regional
effects. Lennithon is a bit of a lazy or cowardly
dragon. He doesn’t enjoy fighting too often,
although he supports bringing back the Dragon
Queen. He fled Greenest because of his lazyness,
and fled Xonthal’s Tower because of his

Huge Dragon, Lawful Evil Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is
within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
Hit Points 225 (18d12 + 108) A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
Speed 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 80 ft. its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s
saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24
25 (+7) 10 (+0) 23 (+6) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) hours.

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +11, Wis +7, Cha +9 Lightning Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales lightning
Skills Perception +12, Stealth +5 in a 90-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line
Damage Immunities lightning must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10)
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 22 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Languages Common, Draconic successful one.
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)
Legendary Actions
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw,
The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
it can choose to succeed instead.
options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time
Actions and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then
makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.
Detect. Lennithon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Tail Attack. Lennithon makes a tail attack.
Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage plus 5 (1d10) lightning damage. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Lennithon beats its wings.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a
Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage. DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up
Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage. to half its flying speed.


Inspired from the Ghosts of Saltmarsh book.

Large Monstrosity, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 144 (17d10 + 51)
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft.


19 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 9 (–1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +8, Dex +6, Wis +6

Skills Perception +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages understands Common and Elvish but can’t speak
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)

Flyby. The peryton doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when it

flies out of an enemy’s reach.
Keen Sight and Smell. The peryton has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.

Multiattack. The peryton makes three attacks: one with its
gore and two with its talons.

Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) slashing damage.
Warp Shadow. The peryton chooses up to three creatures
within 60 feet of it that it can see. Each creature must succeed
on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become cursed. While
cursed, whenever the creature makes an attack roll, an ability
check, or a saving throw, it must roll a d4 and subtract that
number from the roll. A cursed creature can repeat this saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
with a success. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is
immune to this peryton’s Warp Shadow for 24 hours.


25.19 M OR TLOCK
Mortlock is tolerated by his mother, Duke
Thalamra Vanthampur, and despised by his
older brothers, Thurstwell and Amrik, who view
him as a simpleton and an abomination. Half of
Mortlock’s face was scarred by fire when he was
a child, and his disfigurement gives him a
fearsome countenance.

Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Evil

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)

Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +5

Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Indomitable (2/Day). Mortlock can reroll a saving throw that he

fails. He must use the new roll.

Multiattack. Mortlock makes two attacks with his greatclub.
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 5 (2d4)
bludgeoning damageif Mortlock has taken any damage since his
last turn.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.


25.20 M YRKUL ’ S
Delvers into Lore.
Cult Ranks.


Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Wis +3

Skills Arcana +5, Religion +5
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Spellcasting. The skull lasher is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its

spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with
spell attacks). It has the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, message, prestidigitation
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, protection from evil and good, ray
of sickness, shield
2nd level (2 slots): darkness, misty step

Multiattack. The skull lasher makes two attacks with its flail.
Iron Skull Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) necrotic
damage, and the target has disadvantage on all saving throws
until the end of the skull lasher’s next turn.


Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Wis +4

Skills Arcana +6, Religion +6
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Grave Magic. When the master of souls cast a spell that deals
damage, it can change the spell’s damage type to necrotic.
Spellcasting. The master of souls is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with
spell attacks). It has the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand, message, prestidigitation
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, detect magic, ray of sickness,
2nd level (3 slots): darkness, misty step, scorching ray
3rd level (2 slots): animate dead, fireball

Multiattack. The master of souls attacks twice with its flail.
Iron Skull Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage plus 14 (4d6) necrotic
damage, and the target has disadvantage on all saving throws
until the end of the master of souls’ next turn.


Neronvain has a few abilities from the Eldritch
Knight Fighter subclass, and the statblock
assumes he is wearing the Green Dragon Mask
(as he should).
He has a dragon curse upon him that prevents
him from spilling any secret information about
the Order. The curse can be broken by a
7th-level Remove Curse. If he reveals any
information (even if inadvertently), a fractal
tattoo grows from his chest across his entire
skin and kills him.
He also has a 2-rune Moonblade. The weapon
was corrupted and only wants to further the
goals of chromatic dragons. It can be cleansed if
purified for a year at an elven altar and then
attuned to by a good-aligned elf over level 15.


Medium Humanoid (Wild-Elf), Neutral Evil 2nd level (3 slots): misty step, scorching ray, shatter
3rd level (2 slots): glyph of warding, haste, Melf’s minute meteors
Armor Class 20 (Green Dragon Mask)
Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36) War Magic. When Neronvain uses his action to cast a cantrip,
Speed 35 ft. he can also take a bonus action to make one weapon attack.
Arcane Charge (1/short). On Neronvain’s turn he can take one
additional action on top of his regular action and bonus action.
8 (–1) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 18 (+4)
Before or after he does so, he can teleport up to 30ft to an
Saving Throws Str +4, Con +6, Wis +5 unoccupied space he can see.
Skills Acrobatics +10, Arcana +8, History +8, Perception +6, Indomitable (2/day). When Neronvain fails a saving throw, he
Persuasion +9, Stealth +10 can reroll that saving throw, and must take the new roll.
Damage Immunities poison Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Neronvain fails a saving throw,
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned he can choose to succeed instead.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Sylvan Actions
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)
Multiattack. Neronvain makes two attacks, either with his
Special Equipment. Neronvain has the Green Dragon Mask. rapier or Eldritch Arrow.
This provides him with the following: Moonblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
• Damage Absorption Immunity to poison damage and the target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage plus 13 (3d8) poison
poisoned condition. damage.
• Draconic Majesty Neronvain adds his Charisma bonus to his
Eldritch Arrow. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 ft., one
Armor Class.
target. Hit: 11 (2d10) force damage plus 9 (2d8) poison damage.
• Dragon Sight Additional darkvision. Once per day, Neronvain
can gain blindsight out to 30 feet for 5 minutes. Poisonous Cloud (2/Day). Poison gas fills a 20-foot-radius
• Dragon Tongue Neronvain can speak and understand sphere centered on a point Neronvain can see within 50 feet
Draconic. Neronvain also has advantage on any Charisma of him. The gas spreads around corners and remains until the
check he makes against Green Dragons. start of Neronvain’s next turn. Each creature that starts its turn
• Legendary Resistance (1/Day) See below. in the gas must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw
• Water Breathing Neronvain can breathe underwater. or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving
When Neronvain is reduced to 0 hit points, the Dragon Mask is throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
teleported to the Well of Dragons, in the hands of Severin. on a success.
Neronvain also carries a Moonblade with a two runes: the
first gives it a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls; the second Legendary Actions
gives it the finesse property. Neronvain can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Fey Ancestry. Neronvain has advantage on saving throws options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
against being charmed, and magic can’t put Neronvain to sleep. at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
Neronvain regains spent legendary actions at the start of his
Spellcasting. Neronvain is a 13th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell
attacks). He has the following Wizard spells prepared: Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). Neronvain casts one of his
Cantrips (at will): green flame blade, mending, message spells.
1st level (4 slots): absorb elements, detect magic, protection from Melee Attack. Neronvain makes one melee attack.
evil and good, shield Hide. Neronvain takes the Hide action.


Nyh Ilmichh has the statblock of an Enchanter
with the following changes:
• 55 (10d8+10) hit points
• 12 Constitution and 14 Charisma
• Knows Common, Thayan, Rashemi, Mulhoran
• +4 proficiency bonus
• Knows Teleportation Circle


Pharblex is stronger, smarter, more durable, and
has a 4th-level spell slot (although he hasn’t
managed to learn any 4th-level spell).


Medium Humanoid (Bullywug), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 16 (+1 studded leather, shield)

Hit Points 115 (10d12 + 50)
Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 7 (–2)

Saving Throws Str +6, Con +7

Skills Perception +7, Religion +3, Stealth +4
Senses passive Perception 17
Languages Common, Bullywug
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Special Equipment. Pharblex has a +1 Studded Leather

Amphibious. Pharblex can breathe air and water.
Poison Strike (3/Day). Once per turn, when Pharblex hits with a
melee attack, he can expend a use of this trait to deal an extra
9 (2d8) poison damage.
Spellcasting. Pharblex is a 7th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks).
He has the following Druid spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, guidance, poison spray
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, entangle, healing word,
2nd level (3 slots): beast sense, spike growth
3rd level (3 slots): plant growth, water walk
4th level (1 slot):

Standing Leap. As part of his movement and without a running

start, Pharblex can long jump up to 20 feet and high jump up to
10 feet.
Swamp Camouflage. Pharblex has advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made to hide in swampy terrain.

Multiattack. Pharblex attacks twice. Once with his bite and
once with his spear.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.




Medium Humanoid (Elf), Chaotic Good

Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)

Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +6

Skills Arcana +8, Deception +7, History +8, Persuasion +7
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Halfling
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Special Equipment. Remallia has a figurine of wondrous power

(silver raven).
Arcane Ward. Remallia has a magical ward that has 30 hit
points. Whenever she takes damage, the ward takes the
damage instead. If the ward is reduced to 0 hit points, Remallia
takes any remaining damage. When Remallia casts an
abjuration spell of 1st level or higher, the ward regains a number
of hit points equal to twice the level of the spell. This applies to
any of the following spells she casts: alarm, mage armor, shield,
arcane lock, counterspell, dispel magic, banishment, stoneskin,
globe of invulnerability and symbol.
Fey Ancestry. Remallia has advantage on saving throws against
being charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
Spellcasting. Remallia is a 13th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell
attacks). She has the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, mending, message,
ray of frost
1st level (4 slots): alarm, mage armor, magic missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): arcane lock, invisibility
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, dispel magic, fireball
4th level (3 slots): banishment, stoneskin
5th level (2 slots): cone of cold, wall of force
6th level (1 slot): flesh to stone, globe of invulnerability
7th level (1 slot): symbol, teleport

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.


25.25 R EZMIR
Rezmir has a bit more Charisma and AC, and
the statblock assumes she is wearing the Black
Dragon Mask (as she should).
She has a dragon curse upon her that
prevents her from spilling any secret information
about the Order. The curse can be broken by a
7th-level Remove Curse. If she reveals any
information (even if inadvertently), a fractal
tattoo grows from her chest across her entire
skin and kills her.
Rezmir’s Hazirawn cannot be attuned to by
anyone unless they are over level 15, and they
have been using it for a year.

Medium Humanoid (Half-Black Dragon), Neutral Evil Immolation. When Rezmir is reduced to 0 hit points, her body
disintegrates into a pile of ash.
Armor Class 16 (Black Dragon Mask)
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Rezmir fails a saving throw, she
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
can choose to succeed instead.
Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) Greatsword (Hazirawn). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6)
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +4
necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it can’t regain hit
Skills Arcana +5, Stealth +9
points for 1 minute. The target can make a DC 15 Constitution
Damage Immunities acid
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending this effect
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
early on a success.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal, Giant, Netherese Caustic Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 90 ft., one
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) target. Hit: 18 (4d8) acid damage.
Acid Breath (Recharge 5–6). Rezmir breathes acid in a 30-foot
Special Equipment. Rezmir has the Black Dragon Mask. This line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a
provides her with the following: DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (5d8) acid damage on a
• Damage Absorption Immunity to acid damage. failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
• Draconic Majesty Rezmir adds her Charisma bonus to her
Armor Class. Legendary Actions
• Dragon Breath Rezmir’s Acid Breath now recharges on a (5-
Rezmir can take 2 legendary actions, choosing from the options
6) roll. below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
• Dragon Sight Additional darkvision. Once per day, Rezmir
and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Rezmir regains
can gain blindsight out to 30 feet for 5 minutes. spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
• Dragon Tongue Rezmir can speak and understand Draconic.
Rezmir also has advantage on any Charisma check she makes Darkness (Costs 2 Actions). A 15-foot radius of magical
against Black Dragons. darkness extends from a point Rezmir can see within 60 feet
• Legendary Resistance (1/Day) See below.
of her and spreads around corners. The darkness lasts as
• Water Breathing Rezmir can breathe underwater.
long as Rezmir maintains concentration, up to 1 minute. A
When Rezmir is reduced to 0 hit points, the Dragon Mask is creature with darkvision can’t see through this darkness, and
teleported to the Well of Dragons, in the hands of Severin. no natural light can illuminate it. If any of the area overlaps
Rezmir also carries the Hazirawn, and an Insignia of Claws. with a area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower,
Dark Advantage. Once per turn, Rezmir can deal an extra 10 the spell creating the light is dispelled.
(3d6) damage when she hits with a weapon attack, provided Melee Attack. Rezmir makes one melee attack.
Rezmir has advantage on the attack roll. Hide. Rezmir takes the Hide action.




Medium Human, Lawful Evil

Armor Class 17 (robe of the archmagi)

Hit Points 82 (15d8 + 15)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +8

Skills Arcana +9, Deception +8, Persuasion +8, Stealth +7
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Thayan, Draconic, Infernal
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Special Equipment. Thoss Tarek wears a robe of the archmagi

underneath his Red Wizard’s raiment. His armor class is 17, he
has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical
effects, and his spell save DC and spell attack bonus are
Thoss Tarek also carries a dagger of venom and wears a
ring of spell storing with a stored teleportation circle.
Spellcasting. Thoss Tarek is a 15th-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit
with spell attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): friends, mage hand, message, vicious mockery
1st level (4 slots): charm person, magic missile, shield, Tasha’s
hideous laughter
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, Nystul’s magic aura, suggestion
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, haste
4th level (3 slots): charm monster, confusion, Leomund’s secret
5th level (2 slots): dominate person, geas, modify memory
6th level (1 slot): mass suggestion
7th level (1 slot): prismatic spray
8th level (1 slot): dominate monster

Dagger of Venom. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing
damage. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or take 11 (2d10) poison damage and become
poisoned for 1 minute..

Instinctive Charm (Recharges after Thoss Tarek Casts an
Enchantment Spell of 1st level or Higher). Thoss Tarek tries to
magically divert an attack made against him, provided that the
attacker is within 30 feet of him and visible to him. He must
decide to do so before the attack hits or misses. The attacker
must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
attacker targets the creature closest to it, other than Thoss
Tarek or itself. If multiple creatures are closest, the attacker
chooses which one to target.


25.27 U LDER

Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral

Armor Class 20 (plate armor, shield)

Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45)
Speed 25 ft.


17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +3

Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +6, Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Multiattack. Ulder makes three melee attacks, only one of
which can be with his shield.
+1 Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing
damage slashign damage when used with two hands.
Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) blugeoning damage, and Ulder pushes the target
5 feet away from him. Ulder then enters the space vacated by
the target. If the target is pushed to within 5 feet of a creature
friendly to Ulder, the target provokes an opportunity attack
from that creature..

Guardian Strike. If an enemy within 5 feet of Ulder attacks a
target other than him, Ulder can make a melee attack against
that enemy.


25.28 VARRAM
Varram was given the stats of a dwarf
He has a dragon curse upon him that prevents
him from spilling any secret information about
the Order. The curse can be broken by a
7th-level Remove Curse. If he reveals any
information (even if inadvertently), a fractal
tattoo grows from his chest across his entire
skin and kills him.

Medium Humanoid (Mountain Dwarf), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 16 (studded leather)

Hit Points 110 (17d8 + 34)
Speed 25 ft.


11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Wis +4

Skills Deception +6, Stealth +7
Damage Resistances cold, poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal, Dwarvish
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Dragon Fanatic. Varram has advantage on saving throws against

being charmed or frightened. While Varram can see a dragon or
higher-ranking Cult of the Dragon cultist friendly to it, Varram
ignores the effects of being charmed or frightened.
Dwarven Resilience. Varram has advantage on saving throws
against poison, and has resistance against poison damage.
Fanatic Advantage. Once per turn, if Varram makes a weapon
attack with advantage on the attack roll and hits, the target
takes an extra 10 (3d6) damage.
Limited Flight. Varram can use a bonus action to gain a flying
speed of 30 feet until the end of its turn.
Pack Tactics. Varram has advantage on an attack roll against a
creature if at least one of Varram’s allies is within 5 feet of the
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Multiattack. Varram attacks twice with its shortsword.
Shortsword + 1. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) cold
Orb of Dragon’s Breath (3/Day). Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit,
range 90 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (6d8) cold damage.


This chapter contains full page images and maps of many parts of the campaign. Many of these have a
Player and a DM version in the attached files.


Figure 26.1: Greenest. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.


Figure 26.2: Greenest in Flames. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.


26.2 R AIDER ’ S C AMP

Figure 26.3: The Raider’s Camp mission (inside). By Patreon’s DM Oaky.



Figure 26.4: The Raider’s Camp (after the cultists have left). Originally by Patreon’s DM Oaky.

Figure 26.5: The Raider’s Camp (inside, after the cultists have left). Originally by Patreon’s DM Oaky.



Figure 26.6: Elturel City map. By Reddit’s u/PinkFlumph.

Figure 26.7: The Pair of Black Antlers inn. By Reddit’s u/_PogS_.


Figure 26.8: The Mine puzzle.

Figure 26.9: Damien’s Manor. By Wizards of the Coast.


26.5 B ALDUR ’ S G ATE

Figure 26.10: Baldur’s Gate. By Wizards of the Coast.


26.6 O N THE R OAD

Figure 26.11: Daggerford, after being attacked. Originally by Wizards of the Coast.



Figure 26.12: Waterdeep. By Wizards of the Coast.



Figure 26.13: Lair of Voaraghamanthar. By Reddit’s u/Canid_Red.


Figure 26.14: Castle Naerytar (ground level). By Patreon’s DM Oaky.

Figure 26.15: Castle Naerytar (first floor). By Patreon’s DM Oaky.


Figure 26.16: Castle Naerytar (second floor). By Patreon’s DM Oaky.

Figure 26.17: Castle Naerytar (dungeon). By Patreon’s DM Oaky.



Figure 26.18: The Hunting Lodge, ground floor. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.


Figure 26.19: The Hunting Lodge, floor 1. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.


Figure 26.20: Parnast Village. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.


Figure 26.21: The Skyreach Castle, lower courtyard and ice tunnels. Originally by Patreon’s DM Oaky.

Figure 26.22: The Skyreach Castle, upper courtyard. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.


Figure 26.23: The Skyreach Castle, rooftops. By Patreon’s DM Oaky.



Figure 26.24: The Council Chambers. By Reddit’s u/samma_jamma.



Figure 26.25: The Boareskyr encampment. By Reddit’s u/Fatefulforce, with assets from 2-Minute



Figure 26.26: Waterdeep, after being attacked by Dragons. Originally by Wizards of the Coast.



Figure 26.27: Xonthal’s Tower, village from above. By Reddit’s u/Agnati.


Figure 26.28: The floors of Xonthal’s Tower. By Reddit’s u/RQviiist.


Figure 26.29: The dungeon of Xonthal’s Tower. By Reddit’s u/RQviiist.


Figure 26.30: The Cosmic Hallway (X17). By Reddit’s u/Immortalstar01.



Figure 26.31: Nethwatch Keep: Grounds. By Reddit’s u/Human-Bee-3731.


Figure 26.32: Nethwatch Keep: Ground Floor and Great Hall. By Reddit’s u/Human-Bee-3731.


Figure 26.33: Nethwatch Keep: Apartments. By Reddit’s u/Human-Bee-3731.


Figure 26.34: Nethwatch Keep: Cellars. By Reddit’s u/Human-Bee-3731.



Figure 26.35: The Well of Dragons, from above. By DeviantArt’s MichaelArkAngel.


Figure 26.36: The Well of Dragons, south. By Reddit’s u/Gizlord.


Figure 26.37: The Well of Dragons, northeast. By Reddit’s u/Gizlord.


Figure 26.38: The Well of Dragons, northwest. By Reddit’s u/Gizlord.


Figure 26.39: The Temple of Tiamat. By Reddit’s u/Gizlord.



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