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Short-Circuit Analysis

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Project: ETAP Page: 1

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode

Electrical Transient Analyzer Program

Short-Circuit Analysis

ANSI Standard

3-Phase Fault Currents

Swing V-Control Load Total

Number of Buses: 1 0 5 6

XFMR2 XFMR3 Reactor Busway Impedance Tie PD Total

Number of Branches: 2 0 0 3 0 0 5

Synchronous Power Synchronous Induction Lumped

Generator Grid Motor Machines Load Total

Number of Machines: 0 1 0 2 2 5

System Frequency: 60.00

Unit System: English

Project Filename: work space management

Output Filename: C:\Users\user\Documents\#PowerSystemArchitecture&Protection\PSP_TP02\Project 01\work

space management\SC.SA1S
Project: ETAP Page: 2

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode


Apply Individual
Tolerance Adjustments /Global Percent

Transformer Impedance: Yes Individual

Reactor Impedance: Yes Individual

Overload Heater Resistance: No

Transmission Line Length: No

Cable / Busway Length: No

Apply Individual
Temperature Correction Adjustments /Global Degree C

Transmission Line Resistance: Yes Individual

Cable / Busway Resistance: Yes Individual

Project: ETAP Page: 3

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode

Bus Input Data

Bus Initial Voltage

ID Type Nom. kV Base kV Sub-sys %Mag. Ang.

Bus1 SWNG 110.000 110.000 1 100.00 0.00

Bus2 Load 34.500 34.500 1 100.00 0.00
Bus3 Load 34.500 34.500 1 100.00 0.00
Bus8 Load 34.500 34.500 1 100.00 0.00
Bus9 Load 13.800 13.800 1 100.00 0.00
Bus10 Load 13.800 13.800 1 100.00 0.00

6 Buses Total

All voltages reported by ETAP are in % of bus Nominal kV.

Base kV values of buses are calculated and used internally by ETAP .
Project: ETAP Page: 4

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode

Line/Cable/Busway Input Data

ohms or siemens/1000 ft per Conductor (Cable) or per Phase (Line/Busway)

Line/Cable/Busway Length

ID Library Size Adj. (ft) % Tol. #/Phase T (°C) R X Y

Cable1 35NCUN1 1/0 164.0 0 1 75 0.12180 0.05300 0.0000000

Cable3 35NCUN1 1/0 328.1 0 1 75 0.12180 0.05300 0.0000000

Cable4 15NCUS1 2 328.1 0 1 75 0.21937 0.05300 0.0000000

Line / Cable / Busway resistances are listed at the specified temperatures.

Project: ETAP Page: 5

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode

2-Winding Transformer Input Data

Transformer Rating Z Variation % Tap Setting Adjusted

ID MVA Prim. kV Sec. kV %Z X/R + 5% - 5% % Tol. Prim. Sec. %Z

T1 100.000 110.000 34.500 11.18 2.00 0 0 0 0 0 11.1800

T3 100.000 34.500 13.800 11.18 2.00 0 0 0 0 0 11.1800

Project: ETAP Page: 6

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode

Branch Connections

CKT/Branch Connected Bus ID % Impedance, Pos. Seq., 100 MVAb

ID Type From Bus To Bus R X Z Y

T1 2W XFMR Bus1 Bus2 5.00 10.00 11.18

T3 2W XFMR Bus8 Bus9 5.00 10.00 11.18

Cable1 Cable Bus2 Bus3 0.17 0.07 0.18

Cable3 Cable Bus3 Bus8 0.34 0.15 0.37

Cable4 Cable Bus9 Bus10 3.78 0.91 3.89

Project: ETAP Page: 7

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode

Power Grid Input Data

% Impedance
Power Grid Connected Bus Rating 100 MVA Base

U2 Bus1 1000.000 110.000 10.00 0.99504 9.95037

Total Connected Power Grids (= 1 ): 1000.000 MVA

Project: ETAP Page: 8

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode

Induction Machine Input Data

% Impedance
Induction Machine Connected Bus Rating X/R Ratio Machine Base
ID Qty ID HP/kW kVA kV RPM X"/R X'/R R X" X'

Mtr1 1 Bus3 10.00 11.15 34.500 1800 3.70 3.70 6.30 23.31 9999.00
Mtr3 1 Bus10 0.75 1.11 13.200 1800 3.70 3.70 6.94 25.69 9999.00

Total Connected Induction Motors ( = 2 ): 12.3 kVA

Project: ETAP Page: 9

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode

Lumped Load Input Data

Lumped Load Motor Loads Static Loads

% Impedance
Lumped Load Connected Bus Rating % Load Loading X/R Ratio (Machine Base) Loading
ID ID kVA kV MTR STAT kW kvar X"/R X'/R R X" X' kW kvar

Lump1 Bus3 4000.0 34.500 44 56 1496.0 927.1 10.00 10.00 1.538 15.38 23.08 1904.00 1179.99

Lump3 Bus10 200.0 13.800 47 53 79.9 49.5 6.67 6.67 2.307 15.38 23.08 90.10 55.84

Total Connected Lumped Loads ( = 2 ): 4200.0 kVA

Project: ETAP Page: 10

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode


3-phase fault at bus: Bus3

Prefault voltage = 34.500 kV = 100.00 % of nominal bus kV (34.500 kV)

= 100.00 % of base (34.500 kV)

Contribution 1/2 Cycle 1.5 to 4 Cycle

From Bus To Bus %V kA kA Imag. kA Symm. %V kA kA Imag. kA Symm.
ID ID From Bus Real Imaginary /Real Magnitude From Bus Real Imaginary /Real Magnitude

Bus3 Total 0.00 2.370 -7.835 3.3 8.186 0.00 2.359 -7.768 3.3 8.119

Bus2 Bus3 0.87 2.350 -7.635 3.2 7.988 0.87 2.350 -7.635 3.2 7.988

Bus8 Bus3 0.00 0.002 -0.010 6.6 0.010 0.00 0.001 -0.007 10.0 0.007

Mtr1 Bus3 100.00 0.000 -0.001 3.7 0.001 100.00 0.000 0.000 999.9 0.000

Lump1 Bus3 100.00 0.019 -0.190 10.0 0.190 100.00 0.008 -0.127 15.0 0.127

NACD Ratio = 1.00

# Indicates a fault current contribution from a three-winding transformer.

* Indicates a fault current through a tie circuit breaker.
If the faulted bus is involved in loops formed by protection devices, the short-circuit contributions through these protective devices will not be reported.
Project: ETAP Page: 11

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode

Momentary Duty Summary Report

3-Phase Fault Currents: (Prefault Voltage = 100 % of the Bus Nominal Voltage)

Momentary Device
Bus Device Duty Capability
Symm. X/R Asymm. Asymm. Symm. Asymm. Asymm.
ID kV ID Type kA rms Ratio M.F. kA rms kA Peak kA rms kA rms kA Peak

Bus3 34.500 Bus3 Bus 8.186 3.4 1.147 9.390 16.176

34.500 CB7 3 cy Sym CB 8.186 3.4 1.147 9.390 16.176 32.000 54.000

34.500 CB8 3 cy Sym CB 8.186 3.4 1.147 9.390 16.176 32.000 54.000

- Method: IEEE - X/R is calculated from separate R & X networks.

- Generator protective device duty is calculated based on maximum through fault current. Other protective device duty is calculated based on total fault current.

- The multiplication factors for high voltage circuit-breaker and high voltage bus momentary duty (asymmetrical and crest values) are calculated based on system X/R.

* Indicates a device with momentary duty exceeding the device capability.

Project: ETAP Page: 12

Location: 19.0.1C Date: 03-12-2024

Contract: SN:

Engineer: Revision: Base

Study Case: SC
Filename: work space management Config.: second mode

Interrupting Duty Summary Report

3-Phase Fault Currents: (Prefault Voltage = 100 % of the Bus Nominal Voltage)

Bus Device Interrupting Duty Device Capability

CPT Symm. X/R Adj. Sym. Test Rated Adjusted

ID kV ID Type (Cy) kA rms Ratio M.F. kA rms kV PF Int. Int.
Bus3 34.500 CB7 3 cy Sym CB 2.0 8.119 3.4 1.000 8.119 38.000 20.000 20.000

CB8 3 cy Sym CB 2.0 8.119 3.4 1.000 8.119 38.000 20.000 20.000

- Method: IEEE - X/R is calculated from separate R & X networks.

- HV CB interrupting capability is adjusted based on bus nominal voltage.
- Short-circuit multiplying factor for LV Molded Case and Insulated Case Circuit Breakers is calculated based on asymmetrical current.
- Generator protective device duty is calculated based on maximum through fault current. Other protective device duty is calculated based on total fault current.

* Indicates a device with interrupting duty exceeding the device capability

** Indicates that the circuit breaker has been flagged as a generator circuit breaker. However, ETAP could not detect a single path, without a transformer, to the specified generator.
Therefore, this circuit breaker is treated as a regular circuit breaker in short-circuit calculations.
+ The prefault voltage exceeds the rated maximum kV limit of the circuit breaker - The rated interrupting kA must be derated.

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