Internal 1
Internal 1
Internal 1
Forensic Medicine
Medical Colleke and
Dr. M.K. Shab Research Centre,
FOCnsic Year &Toxicology
Internal Exam
II ProessionalMedicine
Date:16 I6/2023 Time: 9:30am 11:30am (two hours) Max marks: 80
Q.1 What is contusion? How will you determine the age of contusion?Describe patterned
of coitusion,
contusion & medicolegal importance
Q Define laceration. Describe types lacerations and give medico legal importance. 15)
0.3 Classify Corrosive poisons. Describe signs, symptoms and treatment of sulphuric acid
Q3Define vitriolage and describe treatmènt in poisoning by oil of vitriol. Describe why
gastric lavage is contraindicated.
Q.5 Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following:
a) Gastric lavage
itetypes ofabrasion Ps.
Ciyecharaçteristics of ideal homicidal poison
d) write types of skull fracture,
e)describe chelating agents
f)write in detaij about occupational hazards
MARKS; 100
Time: 9:30-12:30
Date: 14/06/2023
Section -1
Q: 1 Structured long question(Write any One)
(10 Marks)
A, Define sterilization and disintetion (2 marks), Enlist physical methods of
sterilization (2 marks). Mentionlevels of disinfectants according to their
microbiological action(2 marks). Write in details about autoclave (4 marks).
B. Mention various microbial typg methods and its application (2 marks). Write
in detail regarding polymerase vnain reaction (Principle/procedure,
modifications, applications , a0Vantages and disadvantages :8 marks)
Response) [Mention
role (2 marks), cells (2 marks), Antigen Presentation and Activation of cells
related with CMI (6 marks).]
B. Define HAI (1 mark). Mention its types (l mark) .
Write in detail regarding 4
types Hospital Acquired lnfections (HAI)(8 marks).
Long Assay Question (Any One) (10)
(a) ktine Apposis. W rite the causesof apoptosis, Mechanism of Apoptosis,
and Bixhemical Changes in Apptosis2+2+2+4) Morphological
Gti thrombus. DescrilwhrombogenSisA note on fate of thrombus. (2+5+3)
Q.'(a) Write Briefly About (Any Two) (12)
(a)Descitk Generation of!e Radicals &Cell Injur Mediated by Free Radicals. (3-3)
(5)Hy petnophy v/s Hyperplasia
Dray structuref HIV. Deseribe Pathogenesis of HIV infection. (3+3)
Q. (b) Short Notes (Any Three) (18)
(a)Malaria - Draw Lifecycle and Describe morphological features of it. (3+3)
(6Themical mediators of intlammation.
)rllHy persensitiv ity Reaction.
()Classitication and Pathogenesis of Amyloidosis.(3+3)
Q.3 Write Answers to the poiut in two or three Sentences (Any Five) (10)
(a) Name Endogenous Pignents.
(b)Vitamin Kdeticiene
(c) Tyes otgiant cells.
(d) PAP Smear
(e) Types of Shock.
() Difterence between Lepromatous Leprosy and Tuberculoid Leprosy
(g) Write genetic abnomality and clinical features of Klinefelter Syndrome.
Q.4 Long Assay uestion(Any One) (10)
(a) Define Ancmia, Give (lassification adaboratory findingS of Hemolytic Anemia. (2 +4+4)
(b) Define Leukemia. Wrie IABClassifheton of Acute lLeukemias. Describe Pathopenesis and
Morphology of Acute lmphoblastic L..kemia. (2+312+3)
Q.5 (a)Short Notes (Any Two)
(a)3 year old male prescnt with severe pallor frontal bossing of skull and hepatosplenomegaly.
He required frequent blood transfusions since 2years.
Hb 5.5 gm/dl. WBC-12000/cmm Platelet count-2230007cmm. On peripheral smear, many
target cells with basop1ilie stippling is nresent with normoblasts.
On HPLC, HbA2- 3.8% . HbF - 85%
i) What is Probable Diagnosis?
ii) Which genetic defect is responsible for this disease?
iii) Can thisdisease be prevented? Whatare the prenatal diagnostic tests available?
(bJA 7year old boy admitedto the hospita|, because of blecding problem. He had swelling of
both knees. Family history reveals that his brother has Bleeding Problem.
On physical examination he had swollen knees with areas of ecchymoses over knee.
Laboratory studies-screening tests:
Hb-10.2.0gm%, TLC 8800/cumm, PLTcount 326000/cumm, Bleeding tÉme 3.5 min,
Prothrombin time 13.7 sec(control 13.3), APTT 52 sec (control 26.3).
i)What is Probable Diagnosis?
i) What additional test slhould be done to confirm the diagnosis?
i) Which component of blood (prepared in blood bank) wouldyou transfuse therapeutically
in this patient?
(C)CSF- Physical and Microscopic Examination
Q.5 (b) Short Notes (Any Three) (18)
(a) Pathogenesis and laboralory diagnosis of DIC.
(b) Blood and Bone marrow Picture in Megaloblastic anemia.
(c) Blood Transfusion reactions.
Q.1 List anticholinergic drugs. Describe the mechanism of action and list the uses and adverse
effects of atropine. (2+2+4+2=10)
Classify drugs used in peptic ulcer. Describe the mechanism of action and therapeutic
uses of pantoprazole. G24-10)
Q.2Answer ANY TWOof the following: (2X6=12)
A SS year old male presents with acute breathlessness. The patient is afebrile,
mormotensive , anxious, tachycardic, and markedly tachypneic. Auscultation reveals diffuse
Wheezes. Provisional diagnosis of bronchial asthma is made. Chest X-Ray and ECG are normal
and patient only has history of mild hypertension being treated with propranolol. The clËnician
instructs the patient to discontinue use of propranolol, changing his antihypertensive, medication.
Describe the rationale of discontinuing propranolol. What can happen if you suddenly
scontinue beta blockers ?List contraindications Ñf beta blockers.
A 6l year old female presents with suspected aspirin overdose. Since last year she has
bfen showing signs of cognitive decline. She is confused, hyperventilating, and vomiting. Her
husband finds empty bottle of aspirin tablets. An intravenous (I) drip is started. Sodium
bicarbonate is administered.Describe giving reasons rationale of sodium bicarbonate being
admipistered. List two other drugs where sodium bicarbonate can be used to reverse toxicity.
(iüg A 41year oldmale patient presents with epigastric pain and black stools. He ha_ history
of smoking sinice last 14 years. Endoscopy reveals duodenal ulcer. Rapid urease test rules out
H.Pyloti infection. What is the therapeutic status of antimicrohials in this patient giving reasons?
Enumerate consequences of irrational prescribing.
0.3 Write short notes on ANY THREE of the following: (3X6=18)
Compare and contrast Ist order and 0order kinetics
Therapeutic uses of beta blockers (
iii.. First Pass Metabolism
iv. Classification of drugs used in chronic open angle glaucoma
0.4Answer in ANY FIVE of the following briefly in two or three sentences: (5x2-10)
i. List two antitussives
List two general inducers of cytochrome P450.
ii List 2important differences between pyridostigmine and physoatigmine
iy List 2 drugs that are highly plasma protein bound
y Mention pharmacological basis of labetalol in pheochromocytoma
vi. Mention the difference between myasthenic crisis and cholinergic crisis
List drugs used in bronchial asthma Describe the mechanism of action and adverse
effects of salbutamol in asthma.
OR (4+4{1o)
List alpha blockers. Deeseribe the mechanism of action,therapeutic uses and adverse
effects of prazosin.
Q.2 Answer ANY TWO ofthe following:
i. An approved new therapeutic drug for insomnia has come to market. Post-marketing
surveillance shows toxic side effects are relatively common in elderly patients but
nmmon in younger patients. The preçlinical trials of this drug showed a therapeutic
<index of25. What is therapeutic index and describe its calculation?
s4 vear old male , having chest pain on eXertion , relieved by rest is diagnosed with
angina pectoris. He is prescribed nitroglycerin to be taken prophy lactically before any
Strenuous exertion. What route of administration is preferred in this patient and give
rationale. what other routes Of administration might be effective for this agent?
FidA 67 vear old male with mild heart failure is started on digoxin ,to improve cardiac
tut Afer administration of an intravenous dose of ($00 ng of digoxin, the plasma
concentration of drug is determined to be 0. nYnL. What is the voume of distribution
of digoxin in this patient? What might accoun or this Yolkme of distribution? Mention
giving reasons whether maintaihing ateady levels of digoxin concentration is important
during therapy ?
Q.3 Write short notes on ANY THREE of the (3X6=18)