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Third Semester B.E. Degree
Examination, Dec. 07 / Jan. 08
Time: 3 hrs. Microbiology
Nnf 4 nvw.'i rnw 7'fl7' f,.!! Max. Marks:100
i a. With a neat
diagram, explaìn the structure of an Algal
i reproduction. cell. Explain the mechanisms of
b. What is taxonomy? Why (08 Marks)
e. Distinguish between bacterial diversity is important?
a lytic and lysogenic phage with the (04 Marks)
help of illustrations. (08 Marks)
How does a fluorescence
microscope differ from a light
fluorescence microscopy in microscope? Explain the uses of
Comnare the nrocesses of wet and dry
us parts. Explain how under
sterilization. With -' (05 Marks)

e. Draw a membrane filtratìon sterilizer, - sterilization is avoided. (05 Marks)

industry? name its parts. Flow is it useful in
the laboratory or
d. Distinguish between Disinfectant (05 Marks)
and Antiseptic. Give two examples
for each. (05 Marks)
Explain the following: i)
Catabolism ii) Endotoxins
iii) Autotropic bacteria.
Explain Sulfur cycle. (11 Marks)
i1aL it wiul giuwui piiass. (04 Marks
organism. i1uiuw witu uii
Explain various mechanisms of (05 Marks)
Describe how AIDS infection transmission used by Salmonella typhi.
takes place. How (05 Marks)
Explain the mechanisms this can be prevented?
of.pathogenicity. (05 Marks)
Describe how personnel (05 Marks)
cause transmission of diseases. Give
disease and the pathogen for each one example each for the
__1__________ (05 Marks)
Explain briefly about how viarisj
Recombinant Biotechnology has
helped human welfare.
Describe how various starch (10 Marks)
hydrolyzing enzymes are used. Identify
produces the enzymes. one organism, which
Write a short note on yeast (05 Marks)
fermentation of Ethanol.
Biotechnology of Baculovirus. (05 Marks)
e. Bio - insecticides. (05 Marks)
-- - iii uetergefltS. íç: r-

Justí1' exclusion of antibiotics in foodstuffs. (05 Marks)

Write a short note on fermentation Discuss their sources.
of Citric Acid by Aspergillus (05 Marks)
submerged state niger in solid state and
C. List the advantages
of fermented (05 Marks)
d. Name three strategies used in foods. (05 Marks)
developing food preservation
two technologies for each strategy. technologies. Give examples of
(05 Marks
vvoeu IEee ana bound fixation of nitrogen. List
two organisms for each type.
What. is Bio-remediation? (06 Marks)
Discuss a case
Identi two organisms for each of the study. (06 Marks)
i) Mthanogenesis ii) following and briefly review
Degradation of Hydrocarbons iii) their activities.
iv) Phasphatase. Phyto - remediation
***** (08 Marks)
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Reg. No.
Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, January/February 2006
Bío Technology
Time: 3 hrs.) CMRIT L!B9.ARY
Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions.
All ques Hon carry equal marks.
Write diagrams/sketches wherever necessary.

1. (a) Explain the structural difference between Prokaryof Ic and Eukaryotic

(10 Marks)
Explain the taxonomial classification of bacteria. (6 Marks)
Explain the structure of a typical virus with a neat labelled diagram. (4 Marks)

2. (a) Explain the principal features and functions of comiound mierosön (R M,irt

Define sterilization. Describe in detail the principle and applications of sterilization

using high temperature.
(8 Marks)
Write a note on sterilization by filtration.
(4 Marks)
3. (a) What. arò secondary metabolites? Explain with an example the role of
microorganisms in the production of secondary mectabolites.
(10 Marks)
(b) Explain different useful microbial products.
(10 Marks)
4. (a) Write a note on typhoid disease.
(6 Marks)
Explain the morphology and pathogenesis of human immune
deficiency virus.
(8 Marks)
Wrife short notes on:
,, II) iviuiuriu.
(6 MarkS)

(a) Explain the role of microorganisms in the processing of cheese.

(8 Marks)
(b) Write a note on Bacillus hwrinoriensis.
(6 Marks)
(C) Give in detail the method of production of steroids by microorganisms.
(6 Marks)

(a) Explain the ro(e of microorganisms in fermented food

industry. (6 Murks'i
(b) Write a note on food spoilage. What are microbial toxins? Describe their
(8 Marks)
(C) Describe the different methods of food preservation.
(6 Marks)

Contd... 2
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_'w- ___-; -z-,
Third Semester BE. Degree Examination,
June/July 08
Time: 3 hrs.
Note: Answer any FIVE full ques fions. Max. Marks:100

Briefly discuss about the different types of microorganisms.

Write notes on: (08 Marks)
Garnetangial contact in fungi
Transformation in bacteria
-j '-'.r in virus
(12 Marks)
2 a. Explain the construction
of compound microscope.
b. Write notes on: (08 Marks)
Alcoholic sterilization
Hot air oven
(12 Marks)
iuL4uo11sm.' iixp1ain the glycolysis with flow chart.
b. Write notes on: (12 Marks)
Bacterial toxins
Useful products of microbs
(08 Marks)
Write a note on pneumonia.
Explain the life cycle of malaria causing (04 Marks)
of malaria. organism and add a note on diagnosis and control
uiLuraL cnaracter of Candida albucance and add '°
candidiasis. a note on different types of
(08 Marks)
5 a. What are vaccines? Explain the
development of recombinant vaccine for Hepatitis
b. Write flotes on: (lO Marks)
Bacillus thuringinesis
(1(1 MI%
6 a. Explain the role of
microbial enzymes in textile industries.
Discuss the importance of microbs in cheese (06 Marks)
Discuss the involvement of microbial (08 Marks)
enzymes in detergent industries. (06 Marks)
7 a. Explain the steps
involved in penicillin
b. Write a short note on chemical changes production. (10 Marks)
e. Write a note on Botulism. during food spoilage.
(05 Marks)

8 a. Explain the N2 cycle
with flow chart.
b. Write flotes on: (05 Marks)
Growth hormones.
(15 Marks)
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Third Semester BE. Degree
Examination, Dec. 07 /
Time: 3 hrs.
Note: Answer any FI VE fullquestions. Max. Marks:lOO
Explain the contributions of
Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur to the field of
Exnlain different molecular
a note on mícrobioal
aonroaches used fn
t-'" (08 Marks)

(04 Marks)
Explaìn the principle and
applications. construction of bright-field microscope and
add a note on its
Explain the ultrastructure àf (08 Marks)
a Bacterial cell with a neat labeled diagram.
Write a short note on nutritional

requirement of Bacteria. (08 Marks)
(04 Marks)
Fxnhiin the sthiehire c1asifi'aticn
u. JiAplalu me pliases of ami mMec fr1
e. Write a note aBacterial growth curve.
on cultural characteristics of (04 Marks;)
(04 Marks)
Explain different techniques of
obtaining pure culture of Bacteria.
Explain differential staining and (08 Marks)
e. Explain direct add a note on theories of staining.
microscopic count technique
used to enumerate microorganisms. (08 Marks)
(04 Marks)
flfnp ctpri1tnn (Thu detlei-1
cuwiirtt cf
b. Explain the role of antibiotic (08 Marks)
and chemotherapeutic agents in controlling
microorganisms. the growth of
e. Describe the action of Phenol
and Phenolic compounds on Bacteria, (08 Marks)
(04 Marks)
Describe catabolic pathway of
Glucose used by Homiletic Bacteria.
Explain the primary metabolites
and explain its application. (08 Marks)
e. WrIte a note
on secondary rnetabolites and (04 Marks)
its ann1irt"
Explain in detail about the
AIDS virus.
Explain the causative organism, (OS Marks)
pathogenesis, treàtment and control of
(12 Marks)
Explain the role of Bt toxin act as microbìal
Define Bioremediation. insecticide.
Explain the role of microorganisms (06 Marks)
Hydrocarbons. in degradation of n'
t.nl micrornal llora of soil and add -
a note on Biofertilizers.
(06 Marks)

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Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/108
Time: 3 hrs. Max.
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions choosing at/east T WO from each pa,&

Describe the working principle, construction of phase-contrast microscope with
applications. (08 Marks)
Explain the contributions of Robert Koch and Antony Van Leeuwenhoek. (08 Marks)
Write a note on microbial diversity. (04 Marks)

2 a. Describe the fine structure of bacteria with function. (08 Marks)

D. Wnte tile composition ana appiications 01 IMOOG agar IIVJJi IVItIJJA ana iviar uoney
Agar. (06 Marks)
Describe the lytic cycle of bacteriophage. (06 Marks)

Give an account of fungal characteristics and asexual reproductions with examples.

(08 Marks)
Enumerate the micro-organisms by direct-microscopic method (Neubauer-counting
chamber). (06 Marks)
e. L'iseuss me principle, anu pl-Ueeuul-e UI JI[lI LWtu11 LcIuh1qu. kUU 1Y1I

Write the principle, procedure and results of Indole production test, citrate utilization test
and MRVP test. (10 Marks)
Enumerate the micro-organisms by serial dilution technique and perform pour-plate
method. (05 Marks)
Explain the 16s-rRNA technology. (05 Marks)

rart - ti
What are antibiotics? Explain the mechanism of mode of aótion, with one antibiotic drug
as an example. (10 Marks)
b. Discuss the physical method of sterilization with an example. (06 Marks)
C. Explain any two chemical act on a antimicrobial agents required to control
micro-organisms. (04 Marks)

a. Write in brief about primary metabolites. (08 Marks)

n. L.escre me tmbc!en - Meyerflol pauiway useu ny In1ro-urgu1usnIs 111 iiietaouiisiii.
(08 Marks)
e. Write a note on secondary metabolites. (04 Marks)

a.. Explain, the causative. agent, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of
tuberculosis. (10 Marks)
b. Write the structure of HIV and explain the treatment and prevention of it. (06 Marks)
e. Comment on W]J)AL test for Typhoid. (04 Marks)

Explain the production of Ethyl-alcohol by using yeast as a source.

Discuss any two of secondary sewage treatment system.
Write a note on bioremediation with applications.

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Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July 2007
Time: 3 hrs..j [Max. Marks: 100
Note Answer any FIVE full questions.
i a. Define sterilization. Classier the different methods of sterilization. Describe the
principle and applications of sterilization using steam under pressure. (10 Marks)
b. Write short note on fluorescent microscopy. (05 Marks)
e. Give an account on radiation sterilization.
(05 Marks)
h a. ueune me term glycolsis. L)escribe the sequential steps of glycolysis in bacteria.
(10 Marks)
Write the energy balance sheet of glycolysis. (04 Marks)
Write short note on:
ji) Substrate level phosphorylation iii) Aflatoxin. (06 Marks)
Explain the taxonomical classification of bactena according to Whitteker's concept
Tt+ 1h1.c1 (08 Marks)
- ---- L4L ç4:-11 rr Ivan. n.jJ
scnbe the reproductive methods in fungi (08 Marks)
HÓw AIDS is transmitted? Write a note on its control measures.
(10 Marks)
Write notes on: i) HepatitiÑ B ii) Tuberculosis
(06 Marks)
Enumerate the disease malaria.
(04 Marks)
5 a. Enumerate the microbial insecticides and write the role of Bacillus
(OR Mrkc'
o. uesenoe me role of microbial enzymes in textile industry.
c. Describe the uses of microbial (04 Marks)
enzymes in cheese processing and detergents.
(08 Marks)
Whit are vaccines? Explain the development of recombinant
vaccine using r - DNA
(10 Marks)
Discuss the role of Baculoviruses in Biotechnology.
(05 Marks)
Write a note on enzymes used in starch processing.
(05 Marks)
7 a. WIat is food spoilage? Explain the various methods of food
b. Write note on: i) Enzymes ii) Antibiotics preservation. (10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
Write the role of microorganisms in the biochemical transformation
nitrogen compounds. of nitrogen and
(10 Marks)
What is bioremediation? Describe role of microorganisms in
degrading the
(06 Marks)
(04 Marks)

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