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JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru

Microbiology of 3rd Semester B.Pharm

MCQ Bank

Unit I

1 Mycology is Study of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A Fungi B Virus

C Prokaryotes D Parasites

2 Prokaryotes contain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ riobsomes

A 80s B 65s

C 70s D 75s

3 Which of the following organisms do not have rigid cell wall

A Archaea B Chlamydia

C Mycoplasma D Rickettsia

4 Which is of the following organism is an Gram+ve organism

A E.coli B Enterobacteriae aerogenus

C Vibrio Cholerae D Clostridium tetani

5 Which of the following is method to determine viable count?

A Plate Count technique B Breed method

C Turbidimetry D Proportional count technique

6.6 -- --------- prokaryotic microorganism

A Fungi B Rickettsiae

C Algae D Protozoa
7.7 -------------- is mainly present in prokaryotic cells

A Mitochondria B ER

C Golgi apparatus D Mesosomes

8.8 What type of microscope is usually necessary for observing viruses?

A Dark field microscope B Phase contrast microscope

C Electron microscope D Compoundmicroscope

9.9 Which of the following method is not used for total count?

A Coulter count B Turbidimetry

C Plate count method D Breed method

10 First person to describe microorganisms
A Carolus Linnaeus B Robert Hooke
C Francesco Redi D Antony van Leeuwenhoek
11 Golden Era of Microbiology period began with work of ---------- Scientist
A Francesco Redi B Julius Petri
C Robert Koch D Louis Pasteur
12 Rickettsial cell wall contains
A Lipotechoic acid B Diaminopimelic
C Mycolic acid D Teichoic acid
13 Very slender bacteria like spirochetes are viewed by
A Negative staining B Positive staining
C Gram’s staining D Simple staining
14 E. coli is belongs to - - - - - - - class
A Chemotrophs B Autotrophs
C Chemolithotrophs D Saprophytes
15 Which is the enzyme that degrade tryptophan to indol , pyruvic acid and ammonia
A Tryptoamylase B Indolase
C Tryptophanase D Tryptolyase
16 Peptone water and nutrient broth are - - - - - - - type of media
A Basal media B Specialized media
C Deferential media D Enriched media
17 Bacteria are most sensitive to antibiotics at which phase of growth curve
A Lag phase B Log Phase
C Stationary phase D Phase of Decline
18 Optimum temperature for the growth of Mesophiles is
A 25-400C B 15-200C
C 35-400C D 55-700C
19 Cell wall of Fungi are characterized by the presence of
A Sugurs B Pepdigoglycan
C Chitin D Lipopolysaccharide
20 Which is of the following organism is an Gram-ve organism

A Staphylococcus aureus B Bacillus Subtilis

C Vibrio cholerae D Clostridium tetani

Unit II

1 Temperature and duration in Flash method of Pasteurization is

A 62.9℃, 30 min B 71.6℃, 30 min

C 71.6℃, 15 seconds D 62.9℃, 15 seconds

2 Concentration range (given as weight of gas per unit chamber volume) for ethylene oxide is

A 15–100mg/L B 800–1200mg/L

C 120–180mg/L D 1000–1200mg/L

3 Browne’s tubes are the most commonly used indicator for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A Heat sterilization B Radiation sterilization

C Gaseous sterilization D Filtration sterilization

4 Royce Sachet is suitable indicator for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A Formaldehyde B Β-propiolactone

C Isopropyl alcohol D Ethylene oxide

5 What is the recommended time and pressure for sterilization of media using an Autoclave

A 15 min 10 lbs B 60 min 5 lbs

C 15 min 15 lbs D 15 min 20 lbs

6 Sterilization potency of which of the following method is highest?

A Filtration B Hot Air oven

C Ultra sound waves D Autoclaving

5.7 Amount of Formalin and KMnO4 required to sterilize 1000 cft of area is - - - - - - -

A 280 ml Formalin 150 g KMnO4 B 300 ml Formalin 150 g KMnO4

C 180 ml Formalin 100 g KMnO4 D 80 ml Formalin 150 g KMnO4
8 The most suitable pore size for bacterial filtration in a membrane filter is -------

A 0.22 mm B 0.45 nm

C 0.22 µm D 30 µm
9 Time in minutes at any defined temperature to destroy 90% of organisms is
A D Value B Z value
C F Value D Q10 value
10 Microorganism used as biological indicator for sterilization by ionizing radiations

A Bacillus subtilis B Bacillus pumilus

C Salmonella typhi D Serratia marcescens

11 Suitable method of sterilization of powders is - - - - - - - -

A Autoclaving B Hot Air Oven
C UV radiation D Gaseous
12 Change in temperature in degrees to produce 10 fold change in D value
A D Value B Z value
C F Value D Q10 value
13 Mechanism of action of Ethylene oxide is _ _ _ _ _ _

A Alkylation of molecules B Oxidation

C Denaturing of proteins D Disruption membrane

14 Best method of sterilizing disposable syringes

A Autoclave B Boiling

C Hot air oven D Gamma radiation

15 Temperature and duration in Holder’s method of Pasteurization is

A 62.9℃, 30 min B 63℃, 90 min

C 71.6℃, 15 min D 62.9℃, 15 seconds

16 What the pressure of 15 psi in Autoclave is equivalent _ _ _ _ _ _ temperature

A 123℃ B 72℃

C 121℃ D 160℃
17 Bubble point pressure test used to validate _ _ _ _ _ _ method of sterilization

A Autoclave B Hot air oven

C Radiation D Filtration

18 Which method is suitable for sterilization of Syringes?

A Hot air oven B Autoclave

C Filtration D Radiation

19 Which method is suitable for sterilization of catgut and gloves

A X- rays B Gamma radiation

C IR waves D Microwaves

20 What is the recommended time and temperature of sterilization in Hot Air Oven
A 160℃, 120 min B 180℃, 120 min

C 160℃, 60 min D 160℃, 180 min

Unit III
1 Phenol coefficient indicates the - - - - - - - - - - - -of a disinfectant
A Quantity B Purity

C Activity D Efficiency

10.2 The choice of antiseptic used for treating gonococci infection in new born is
A Mercurochrome B Silver nitrate

C Hydrogen Peroxide D Ethanol

3 Which one of the following disinfectant can be applied on to the skin

A Methanol B Butanol

C Ethanol D Formaldehyde

11.4 Time period between each disinfectant dilution with bacterial suspension for sampling Kelsy-Sykes
Test is

A 8 min B 12 min

C 10 min D 18 min

12.5 In Chick Martin test the test bacteria used is/are

A Escherichia coli & Salmonella typhi B Streptococcus pyogenes

C Salmonella typhi & Staphylococcus D Salmonella typhi


6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ virus is cultivated in chick embryo

A Small fox B Influenza

C Herpes D Rabies

7 Chorioallontoic membrane is used for harvesting ------------

A Yellow fever B Small pox

C Influenza D Rabies
8 In Rideal-Walker Test, the strain used is

A Escherichia coli B Streptococcus pyogenes

C Clostridium tetani D Salmonella typhi

9 Which of the following is vapour phase disinfectant?
A Phenol B KMnO4
C Formaldehyde D Isopropyl alcohol
10 Which of the following is not used for evaluation of disinfectant activity
A Ditch plate method B Agar cup plate method
C Micro manipulator D Phenol co-efficient test
11 Which is the following disinfectant belongs to Quarternary ammonium compounds
A Cetrimide B Metaphen
C Acridine D Cresol
12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is an example of Quarternary ammonium compounds
A Aminacrine Hydrochloride B Hexachlorophane
C Sodium lauryl sulphate D Benzalkonium chloride
13 Brilliant green, malachite green and Crystal violet belongs to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ type of dye
A Acridine dyes B Aniline dyes
C Indian dyes D Acid dyes
14 Disinfectant used to sterilize endoscopes
A Glutaraldehyde B Formaldehyde
C Isopropyl alcohol D Butyl alcohol
15 Which disinfectant is used to prevent gonococcal opthalmia
A Cetyl pyridinium chloride B Benzalkonium chloride
C Silver nitrate D Mercurochrome
16 Hexachlorophene belongs to which class of disinfectant
A Phenols B Quaternary ammonium compounds
C Dyes D Surfactants
17 Which is the mechanism of action of heavy metals in disinfection of microbes
A Oxidizing cellular contents B Change in pH

C Denaturing of proteins D Disrupting lipids

18- In Kelsey-Sykes test, the final concentration of bacterial cells should be about
A 109/ml B 106/ml

C 1010/ml D 108/ml

19- Which one of the following is not a Quaternary ammonium compound?

A Cetyl pyridinium chloride B Benzalkonium chloride
C Cetrimide D Hexachlorophane
20 Which one of the following aldehyde most effective and but less irritant disinfectant
A Anisaldehyde B Benzaldehye

C Formaldehyde D Glutarldehyde

Unit IV

1 Following is the factor affecting agar diffusion method except

A Agar thickness B Microbial population

C Solubility of the drug D Potency of the drug

2 Most of the spoilage of the bacterial culture grow at ------------------- PH

A acidic B alkaline

C neutral D Below 4 and above 6

3 The entry of the contaminants can be avoid using ---------------------- except

A a sterile inoculum B Sterilizing the medium

C Sterilizing the vessel D All the above

4 The meaning for the containment is a

A A condition of growth of microbes B State of nutrient saturation

C State of nutrient dissemination D Precipitation of Agar

5 Aseptic techniques means

A Avoiding Inoculation of microbes B Sterilisation of medium before inoculation

C Preventing Solidification of agar D Addition of Inoculum

6 Contamination in aseptic area is due to ---------- except

A Improper handling B Microbial particles

C HEPA D 70% alcohol

7 The most accurate method for microbial assay of antibiotics?

A Measuring Zone of inhibition B Measuring Zone of Growth

C Measuring turbidity D Measuring absorbance

8 Zone of inhibition is observed in

A Minerals assay B Vitamins assay

C Antibiotic assay D Amino acid assay

9 --------------- is to be checked for microbial assay of antibiotics
A Zone of Diffusion B Zone of Inhibition
C Zone of Microbes D Zone of Growth
10 Antibiotics are not effective against plant pathogens
A True B False
C Depends on Growth D Depends on inhibition
11 One level microbial assay is used for/to determine -------------- given sample
A Potency B Concentration
C Grams Positive D Gram Negative
12 Two level microbial assay is used for
A Potency B Concentration
C Grams Positive D Gram Negative
13 Importance of young culture in microbial assay is to
A Maintain microbial population B Maintain Agar concentration
C Maintain Sample concentration D Avoid contamination
14 Zone of growth is measured in
A Disc diffusion B Agar Diffusion
C Growth curve assay D Both A and B
15 S3 Concentration of standard in one level assay (IP) is
A 1 µg/ml B 2 µg/ml
C 3 µg/ml D 4 µg/ml
16 Determination potency of antibiotics by
A One level microbial assay B Two level microbial assay
C Three level microbial assay D Four level microbial assay
17 laminar air flow equipment is used to ----------------- maintain
A Sterility in aseptic area B Atmospheric pressure
C Temperature D Circulation of air
18 Resistance of microbes in agar diffusion assay is due to
A Agar concentration B Diffusion rate
C Incubation time D Microbial population
19 Zone growth is measured in -----------------
A Nanometer B Micrometer
C Millimeter D Picometer
20 Ratio used in two level microbial assay
A 2:1 B 1:2
C 4:5 D 5:4

Unit V

1 For culturing, plasma from the adult chicken is preferred to mammalian plasma because
A it forms a clear and solid coagulum even B it is too opaque
after dilution
C it doesn't produce solid clots D it forms a semi solid coagulum
2 Disaggregating of cells can be achieved by
A Physical disruption B Enzymatic digestion
C Treating with chelating agents D all of the above
3 Excess CO2 suppress cell growth and productivity by
A inhibiting respiration B altering intracellular pH by diffusing across
cell membrane
C both (a) and (b) D altering pH of the medium
4 The following is the type of microbial spoilage except
A Changes in food colour B Changes in food taste
C Changes in food shape D Changes in food odour
5 In MEM Medium, MEM stands for
A Minimum Effective Medium B Maximum Effective Medium
C Minimum Essential Medium D Maximum Essential Medium
6 Inhibition of microbial growth in tissue culture is by
A Adding surfactants B Adding trypsin
C Adding salts D Adding antibiotics
7 ------------ ml of serum is to be added during the maintenance of cell culture
A 0.3 B 0.4
C 0.1 D 0.5
8 ------------- is the concentration of CO2 required for culturing animal cells
A 2-5% B 2-40%
C 1-10% D 4-5%
9 ---------- is the method of preventing the accumulation of lactate in cell culture
A low glutamine concentration is required B high glutamine concentration is required
C low glucose concentration is required D high glucose concentration is required
10 The following is the main constituents of culture for animal cell growth?
A Glucose and Glutamine B Growth factors
C Cytokines D Antibiotics
11 pH of culture medium is initially controlled by
A Presence of CO2 B Presence of bicarbonate buffer
C Addition of bases D Addition of water
12 In mammalian cell culture, transformation means to see
A uptake of new genetic material B phenotypic modifications of cells in culture
C both (a) and (b) D release of genetic information
13 When cells undergoes transformation frequently then they become
A stable B anchorage dependent
C unstable D anchorage independent
14 Vero cellline is
A Kidney cellline B Lung cellline
C Brain cellline D Skin cellline
15 New born calf serum is used for the purpose of -----------
A Nutrition B pH maintenance
C Viscosity D Inhibition of microbes
16 Serum is a
A Complex media B Simple media
C Enriched medium D Transport medium
17 Higher dissolved oxygen concentration in the culture media are toxic and lead except
A DNA degradation B lipid peroxidation
C Increase growth D Metabolism of nutrients in culture media at a
rate greater than that required for
18 The following cell culture is having less lifespan
A Primary cell culture B Monolayer of cell
C Secondary cell culture D Established cell culture
19 Cryopreservation is done by
A liquid nitrogen B Preservatives
C Glycerine D Sodium salts
20 Cells that have characteristic features of attachment at the surface is called
A Fixation B Attachment
C Anchorage dependent D Anchorage independent

Dr. K. Mruthunjaya

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