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When Are Technologies Disruptive A Deman

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Strategic Management Journal

Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)

Published online 28 March 2002 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/smj.246


INSEAD, Fontainebleau Cedex, France

By identifying the possibility that technologies with inferior performance can displace established
incumbents, the notion of disruptive technologies, pioneered by Christensen (1997), has had a
profound effect on the way in which scholars and managers approach technology competition.
While the phenomenon of disruptive technologies has been well documented, the underlying
theoretical drivers of technology disruption are less well understood. This article identifies
the demand conditions that enable disruptive dynamics. By examining how consumers evaluate
technology and how this evaluation changes as performance improves, it offers new theoretical
insight into the impact of the structure of the demand environment on competitive dynamics. Two
new constructs—preference overlap and preference symmetry—are introduced to characterize
the relationships among the preferences of different market segments. The article presents a
formal model that examines how these relationships lead to the emergence of different competitive
regimes. The model is analyzed using computer simulation. The theory and model results
hold implications for understanding the dynamics of disruptive technologies and suggest new
indicators for assessing disruptive threats. Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

From S-curves (Foster, 1986), to technology which firms approach technological threats and
trajectories (Dosi, 1982) to punctuated equilibria opportunities.
(Tushman and Anderson 1986), the dominant While the phenomenon of disruptive technolo-
view in technology strategy has been that the gies has been well documented, the underlying
displacement of established firms and technologies theoretical drivers of technology disruption are less
by new firms and technologies is driven by well understood. Understanding the conditions that
the superior performance offered by newcomers give rise to technology disruptions, however, is
and established players’ difficulties in matching fundamental to assessing the pervasiveness of the
their performance and capabilities. By identifying phenomenon and for guiding strategic responses
the possibility that technologies with inferior to potentially disruptive threats. Indeed, without a
performance can displace established incumbents, theoretical underpinning with which to answer the
the notion of disruptive technologies, pioneered question of ‘When are technologies disruptive?’ it
by Christensen (1997), has had a profound is impossible to make ex ante distinctions between
effect on the way in which scholars and disruptive technologies and technologies that are
managers alike approach technology competition merely inferior.
and has prompted a reassessment of the ways in This article identifies the demand conditions that
enable disruptive dynamics. By examining how
consumers evaluate technology and how this eval-
Key words: disruptive technologies; demand hetero- uation changes as performance improves, it offers
geneity; technology strategy; technology evolution
*Correspondence to: R. Adner, INSEAD, Boulevard de Con- new theoretical insight into the impact of the struc-
stance, 77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France. ture of the demand environment on competitive

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 1 December 1999
Final revision received 16 November 2001
668 R. Adner

dynamics. Two new constructs—preference over- Studies exploring the impact of market demand
lap and preference symmetry—are introduced to on development strategies offer a complementary
characterize the relationships among the prefer- set of explanations that highlight the influence
ences of different market segments. The article of consumer needs on technology development
presents a formal model that examines how these at the level of technology projects (von Hippel,
relationships lead to the emergence of different 1988; Lynn, Morone, and Paulson, 1996), business
competitive regimes. The model is analyzed using strategy (Kim and Mauborgne, 1997; Day, 1990;
computer simulation. The theory and model results MacMillan and McGrath, 2000) and the broader
hold implications for understanding the dynamics evolution of technological trajectories (Abernathy
of disruptive technologies and suggest new indica- and Clark, 1985; Malerba, 1985; Christensen,
tors for assessing disruptive threats. 1997; Sutton, 1998; Malerba et al., 1999; Tripsas,
2001; Adner and Levinthal, 2001).
The most influential expression of a demand-
TECHNOLOGY COMPETITION AND side role in technology competition has been Chris-
DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES tensen’s examination of disruptive technologies.
Disruptive technologies are technologies that intro-
duce a different performance package from main-
Explanations of technology competition outcomes stream technologies and are inferior to mainstream
have tended to focus on the supply-side interac- technologies along the dimensions of performance
tions of firms and technologies. At the technology that are most important to mainstream customers.
level, outcomes have often been attributed to the As such, in their early development they only serve
exhaustion of the incumbent technology’s devel- niche segments that value their nonstandard per-
opment trajectory (Foster, 1986; Utterback and formance attributes. Subsequently, further devel-
Abernathy, 1975) or the entrant’s outright superi- opment raises the disruptive technology’s perfor-
ority. At the firm level, the challenge of managing mance on the focal mainstream attributes to a level
displacement threats has often been attributed to sufficient to satisfy mainstream customers. While
an unwillingness to cannibalize existing technol- improved, the performance of the disruptive tech-
ogy investments (Kamien and Schwartz, 1982); nology remains inferior to the performance offered
organizational inertia (Hannan and Freeman, 1977; by the established mainstream technology, which
Tushman and Romanelli, 1985); and the inability itself is improving as well. Technology disruption
to adopt the necessary skills needed to engage in occurs when, despite its inferior performance on
the new technology (Henderson and Clark, 1990; focal attributes, the new technology displaces the
Leonard-Barton, 1992). mainstream technology from the mainstream mar-
Closer examination of technology competition, ket. Christensen plots the performance-provided
however, reveals that technology transitions are and performance-demanded trajectories for differ-
not necessarily due to the incumbent technol- ent technologies and market segments, and shows
ogy’s inherent limits (Christensen, 1992; Cooper that technology disruptions occur when these tra-
and Schendel, 1976; Henderson, 1995), the new jectories intersect. He documents these dynamics
technology’s ability to provide superior perfor- in numerous contexts, including hard disk drives,
mance (Christensen, 1997; Levinthal, 1998), or earthmoving equipment, retail stores and motor
incumbents’ inability to master new skills (Bower controls (Christensen, 1997).1
and Christensen, 1995). While these factors are
important, numerous cases of innovative incum-
bents who did not suffer from these handicaps, yet Christensen’s most prominent illustration of disruptive tech-
nologies draws on research in the hard disk drive industry.
nonetheless mismanaged the challenge of techno- Accordingly, the hard disk drive example is used to illustrate
logical transition (Smith and Cooper, 1988; Smith the arguments made in this paper. Christensen observed that
and Alexander, 1988; Christensen and Rosen- new generations of disk drive technology were first adopted in
niche markets which valued the new functionalities they offered.
bloom, 1995), suggest the need for additional For example, 3.5-inch hard disk drive technology found an
explanations and argue that new insight can be early home among notebook computer users who appreciated
gained by considering the broader environment in its reduced weight, size, and power consumption. With further
(sustaining) development, 3.5-inch hard drives then went on to
which technologies compete (Afuah and Bahram, disrupt the desktop market, replacing the incumbent 5.25-inch
1995; Afuah, 2000). technology. Thus, 3.5-inch hard disk drives displaced 5.25-inch

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
When are Technologies Disruptive? 669

The dynamics of disruptive technologies are thus exceeded the requirements of desktop consumers,
characterized by three aspects: incumbent tech- these consumers began to place greater weight on
nologies that are displaced from the mainstream attributes such as size and weight in their purchas-
market by technologies that underperform them on ing decision and thus chose 3.5-inch hard drives
the performance dimensions that are most impor- despite their lower capacity and higher cost per
tant to mainstream consumers; mainstream con- megabyte.
sumers who shift their purchases to products based This explanation of the drivers of technol-
in the invading technology, even though those ogy disruption leaves several issues unresolved.
products offer inferior performance on key perfor- Clearly the different functional package offered
mance dimensions; and incumbent firms that do by the disruptive technology plays a role in its
not react to disruptive technologies in a timely adoption in the initial niche market. However,
manner. the newfound prominence of previously marginal
Christensen explains these dynamics as resulting attributes seems an incomplete explanation for
from the interaction of resource dependence (Pfef- adoption in the mainstream market—why would
fer and Salancik, 1978) and performance oversup- desktop users care about weight or size of inter-
ply. He argues that the resource dependence of nal hard disk drives? Similarly, much has been
incumbents on their most demanding customers made of the performance and price/performance
guides investments towards enhancing focal main- disadvantages of disruptive technologies relative
stream performance features. Because the incum- to their mainstream rivals, but the explicit roles of
bent technology offers superior performance on price and performance in driving disruptions have
these dimensions, incumbent firms’ investments remained underexplored. Finally, while the promi-
are directed towards extending the existing tech- nence of the performance-provided–performance-
nology, rather than the (potentially) disruptive demanded relationship highlights the critical role
technological opportunity. Incumbents have an of the demand environment in shaping disruptive
additional incentive to ignore disruptive technolo- competition, the demand-side factors that drive the
gies because, with their lower performance, they emergence of competition remain largely unstud-
appeal to the low-end, low-profit portion of the ied. For both researchers and managers, resolving
mainstream market. In contrast, entrant firms, these issues is a necessary condition for defining
whose decisions are not constrained by an existing the boundaries of disruptive technologies.
customer base and whose technology offers infe-
rior performance on the focal mainstream dimen-
sions, are forced to identify consumers who value A DEMAND-BASED VIEW OF
the new features offered by the new technology TECHNOLOGY COMPETITION
and support its further development.
Christensen introduces the idea of ‘performance This article develops a demand-based view of
oversupply’ to explain the mainstream consumers’ technology competition that resolves these open
decision to adopt the disruptive technology in the questions surrounding disruptive technologies by
face of superior incumbent technology. The prin- formally modeling the role of the demand environ-
ciple of performance oversupply states that once ment in shaping competitive dynamics. The struc-
consumers’ requirements for a specific functional ture of demand is characterized by two elements
attribute are met, evaluation shifts to place greater of the relationship between market segment prefer-
emphasis on attributes that were initially consid- ences: preference overlap and preference symme-
ered secondary or tertiary. By this logic, when the try. Preference overlap refers to the extent to which
capacity provided by 5.25-inch hard disk drives development activity that is valued in one seg-
ment is also valued in another segment. Preference
drives from the mainstream desktop market, despite offering symmetry refers to the symmetry of this overlap,
lower storage capacity, slower data access speeds, and being the relative size of the functional ‘shadows’ that
more costly on a dollar-per-megabyte basis. Further, those firms
that dominated the desktop market with 5.25-inch technology segments cast on each other. The article presents
did not manage the transition to 3.5-inch technology and were a model that examines how technology improve-
displaced by entrant firms employing the new technology. Note ments can blur the boundaries that divide market
that the context is internal hard disk drives, not removable floppy
disks, and that compatibility and disk portability (as opposed to segment and lead to different competitive environ-
computer portability) are not significant concerns for consumers. ments. It shows that the extent to which demand
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
670 R. Adner

heterogeneity is masked depends on consumers’ progresses beyond their requirements. This find-
marginal utility from performance improvements, ing offers an alternative to performance oversupply
which dictates their willingness to pay for prod- in explaining the consumer adoption of disrup-
uct enhancements, and on the relationship between tive technologies and points to price trajectories
the functional preferences of the different market as useful complements to performance trajectories
segments. in identifying disruptive threats. These findings
The model is used to examine how prefer- are supported by data from the hard disk drive
ence overlap and preference symmetry interact industry.2
to affect the emergence of competition. Control- The remainder of the paper is structured as
ling for supply-side asymmetries such as initial follows: first, a conceptual characterization of
resource endowments and technological potential, demand and demand structure is presented. This
the model examines the nature of three distinct characterization is then used to develop a for-
competitive regimes that arise under varying con- mal model for examining how demand structure
figurations of demand: competitive isolation, in influences competitive interactions. The model is
which technologies do not interact throughout the analyzed using computer simulation and the sim-
course of their evolution; competitive convergence, ulation results are presented and interpreted. The
in which technologies evolve to compete head-on paper concludes with a discussion of the results
for the same consumer groups; and competitive and their implications for understanding disruptive
disruption, in which one technology cedes domi- technologies and, more broadly, the evolution of
nance of its home market to its rival. competition.
As technology development progresses, con-
sumers’ performance requirements are met, and
then exceeded, by their home technology. As
performance continues to surpass consumers’
requirements, consumers’ willingness to pay DEMAND STRUCTURE
for improvements decreases, opening the door
for lower-priced, lower-performance (disruptive) To understand the influence of demand structure on
offers to capture these consumers. As the overlap the emergence of competition we must character-
between market segments’ preferences increases, ize the demand environment in which technologies
firms have greater incentives to enter rivals’ mar- compete. To do this we model the behaviors of
kets. When preference overlap is asymmetric, the consumers as individual decision-makers and as
firm whose technology casts a larger performance members of market segments. Consumers are char-
shadow on its rival’s market, and whose technol- acterized by the way they trade off performance on
ogy is therefore relevant to a larger number of different functional attributes, their willingness to
consumers, has greater incentive to invade, trading pay for performance improvements, and the min-
price for volume. The invaded firm, confronting a
imum performance threshold that a product must
smaller set of potential users, chooses to exploit
reach if it is to be of value to a given consumer.
existing opportunities in the uncontested portion
Market segments are composed of consumers with
of its market segment rather than engage in price
the same performance trade-offs and are identified
competition with its rival.
by value trajectories, which characterize the trade-
The results of the analysis highlight the relation-
off. The focus of the analysis is the relationship
ships among consumer preferences and consumers’
willingness to pay for performance improvements between market segment’s value trajectories and
as key factors that give rise to technology dis- on the emergence of competitive isolation, con-
ruptions. The analysis reveals the dynamics by vergence and disruption.
which the underlying heterogeneity in market pref-
erences, which initially acts to separate market seg-
ments and attenuate competition, is progressively 2
Adner and Zemsky (2001) develop a formal game theoretic
masked as technology improvements exceed con- model that builds on the analysis in this paper and generalizes
sumer requirements. The results also identify the some of its results. They formally characterize the breakdown
of competitive isolation and examine the additional effects of
increasing importance of unit price in determin- asymmetric costs, segment sizes and number of firms using each
ing consumers’ choices as technology performance technology.

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
When are Technologies Disruptive? 671

Individual consumers: thresholds, utilities and even those with similar functional preferences.
diminishing returns Differences in consumers’ willingness to pay may
The notion of thresholds, defined as critical per- be driven by differential budget constraints. They
formance levels that must be met for an offer- may also be driven by nonbudgetary considera-
ing to become relevant to a decision set, is tions; for example, differences in the ability of
well established in the social sciences (Granovet- the customer to exploit the product. Such het-
ter, 1978; Varian, 1978; David, 1969; McFadden, erogeneity may stem from the customer’s inter-
1986; Meyer and Kahn, 1991). We distinguish nal resources (Barney, 1986), capabilities (Amit
between two types of thresholds. A consumer’s and Schoemaker, 1993) or human capital (Becker,
functional threshold specifies the minimum level 1962) (e.g., an efficient programmer is able to
of performance below which a consumer will not derive more benefit from a given computer system
accept a product regardless of its price. Functional than can an inefficient programmer). Alternatively,
thresholds are determined in part by inherent task differences in consumers’ willingness to pay may
requirements and in part by context. Thus, a prod- stem from the scale at which the buyer can apply
uct that falls below one consumer’s functional the product. A customer who can apply the product
threshold may well be acceptable to another con- toward the production of a good that he can sell
sumer with a different functional threshold. to a large downstream customer base will be will-
As product performance improves beyond the ing to pay more for the product than a customer
functional threshold, a consumer’s relative pref- with a smaller customer base. Finally, differences
erences among the possible functional attributes in willingness to pay may reflect variation in the
impact the benefit she derives from the product. availability and presence of a substitute product or
Functional benefit is thus a function of both the service. A consumer who has previously invested
product’s objective performance on each func- in a substitute good will benefit from the new prod-
tional attribute (e.g., speed, capacity, reliabil- uct only to the extent of the product’s relative
ity) and the consumer’s trade-offs among these performance improvement over the existing sub-
attributes.3 For example, while a vehicle that can stitute. A similar consumer, not in possession of a
carry 50 passengers with a maximum speed of substitute, will value the product on the basis of
30 miles per hour may satisfy the functional the absolute benefit it provides.
thresholds of both a private driver and a public While consumers have a minimum threshold
transportation driver, the latter will derive greater for acceptable performance, there is no analogous
functional benefit from the offer. Thus, functional boundary that specifies a maximum limit to the
requirements indicate initial thresholds while rel- functional performance that a consumer would be
ative preferences dictate consumers’ evaluation of willing to accept.4 At the same time, consumers
performance improvement. In this regard, Chris- face decreasing marginal utility from increases
tensen’s trajectories of performance demanded by in functionality beyond their requirements (Meyer
different market segments can be interpreted as and Johnson, 1995). Correspondingly, it is reason-
plots of average segment functional thresholds. able to assume that consumers show a positive,
Net utility thresholds incorporate price into the but decreasing, willingness to pay for improve-
consumer’s decision function, specifying the high- ments beyond their requirements. Even if con-
est price a consumer will pay for a product that just sumers place little value on performance differ-
meets her functional threshold. Here too, we may
ences at sufficiently high absolute levels of func-
expect to find heterogeneity among consumers,
tionality they will still, all else being equal, choose
the more advanced product.5
This conceptualization follows a long tradition of work in
marketing, decision science, and economics (Griliches, 1961;
Lancaster, 1979; Green and Wind, 1973; Trajtenberg, 1990)
that suggests that consumers have relative preferences for 4
product characteristics and that consumer choice can be usefully For the purposes of this paper increased functional performance
conceived as the maximization of utility measured in terms of is treated as a purely a positive feature.
the functional characteristics that are embodied in their product Using a related model to study patterns of technology innova-
choices. The treatment of preferences for goods as being derived tion, Adner and Levinthal (2001) find that competing firms may
from preferences for collections of characteristics lies at the continue to enhance product performance beyond consumers’
heart of established techniques such as hedonic analysis, conjoint needs, even when such enhancements have little effect on con-
analysis, and multidimensional logit models of brand choice. sumers’ willingness to pay, as a form of nonprice differentiation.

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
672 R. Adner

Market segments: Value trajectories and the Figure 2 shows hypothetical value trajectories for
structure of demand consumers in the market for desktop personal
computers (PCs), who value storage capacity much
Market segments are composed of consumers with
more than portability; consumers in the market
similar functional preferences. Segment members
for personal digital assistants (PDAs), who value
may have heterogeneous functional and net util-
portability much more than storage capacity; and
ity thresholds. As a useful shorthand we define
segments’ value trajectories as characterizing the consumers in the market for notebook computers
member consumers’ relative preferences for func- (NCs), who value capacity and portability in equal
tional attributes. The relationship between value measure.
trajectories maps the structure of demand. The The preference overlap between these segments
overlap between value trajectories and the symme- is the degree of similarity between their functional
try of this overlap indicates the differential market preferences, which is graphically reflected in the
incentives firms face in choosing their innovation difference between their trajectories. The greater
activities, which in turn drive the emergence and the preference overlap, the closer the value trajec-
evolution of competition. These relationships are tories, and the greater the segments’ agreement on
developed formally in the next section. the level of product performance. As illustrated in
As illustrated in Figure 1, the value trajectory Figure 2(a), whereas the PC group derives a util-
identifies the direction of propagation of a mar- ity level of 3 from product A and a utility level of
ket segment’s indifference curves as they progress 1.4 from product B, the PDA group derives a util-
toward higher utility levels.6 Consumers’ evalua- ity level of 1.4 from product A and 3 from product
tion of products’ functional performance is deter- B. As preference overlap increases, as illustrated in
mined according to the products’ projection onto Figure 2(b) for the PC and NC groups, these evalu-
the value trajectory—the farther out on the value ations converge. Here, the PC group’s derived util-
trajectory the projection, the greater the product’s ities of 3 and 2.7 from products A and C, respec-
utility to the consumer. tively, are in greater agreement with the utilities
Consider the following simplified example from of 1.6 and 3 derived by the NC group. Preference
the market for information storage products. overlap is thus a measure of the extent to which
one market segment’s satisfaction with a given
product’s functionality is indicative of the satisfac-
The value trajectory is the gradient of the Cobb-Douglas utility
curve. It is thus the vector that minimizes the level of total tion of another group—the performance shadow
functional attainment required to attain a specified utility level. cast on a segment’s value trajectory by progress
In Lancastrian terms it is defined by the vector which minimizes along its counterpart’s trajectory. When individual
the characteristic resources required to attain a given utility level;
that is, the vector along which the compensating function is equal firms initially pursue different market segments,
to unity (Lancaster, 1979, 1991). the segments’ preference overlap is an indicator

Value Trajectory
Functional attribute Y

Functional attribute X

Figure 1. Indifference curves and a value trajectory

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
When are Technologies Disruptive? 673

Upda = 1 Upda = 2 Upda = 3

Storage Capacity

Product A
Upc = 3

Upc = 2
Product B Trajectory
Upc = 1

(a) Portability

PC Value

NC Value
Storage Capacity

Upc = 3 Trajectory
Product A

Product C
Upc = 2 Unc = 3

Unc = 2
Upc = 1

Unc = 1
(b) Portability

Figure 2. (a) Small, symmetric preferences overlap. (b) Large, asymmetric preference overlap

of the ease with which the firms can invade other of 3 when the other drives a level of 1.4. When
market niches. preferences are not symmetric, a product posi-
While the magnitude of preferences overlap tioned at a given distance along one segment’s
speaks to the absolute degree of preference similar- value trajectory provides a different level of utility
ity, preference symmetry refers to the relative value to members of the other segments than a prod-
each segment places on performance improve- uct positioned at the same distance along the other
ments along another segment’s value trajectory. segment’s value trajectory provides to members of
When preference overlap is symmetric the util- the first segment. In the case of the PC and NC
ity which one group derives from a given level groups, for a utility level of 3 along its counter-
of performance along the others’ trajectory is the part’s value trajectory, the PC group will derive a
same for both groups. In the case of the PC and utility of 2.7, while for a utility level of 3 along the
PDA groups, each derives a functional utility level PC group’s value trajectory the NC group derives
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
674 R. Adner

a utility of only 1.6. For firms initially pursuing The model assumes repeat purchasing behavior
different market segments, the symmetry of prefer- such that the entire population of consumers
ence overlap plays a critical role in structuring their considers making a single unit purchase in every
differential incentives for pursuing other segments. period. Consumer preferences are stable over
Conceptualizing demand according to con- time, but, consumer purchase decisions may vary
sumers’ requirements and preferences suggests as product offerings change over time. The
a demand landscape that coevolves with tech- model assumes that there are no switching costs,
nology development: as consumers’ requirements consumption externalities, capacity constraints,
are exceeded, they derive positive but decreasing economies of scale, or price discrimination.
marginal utility from further performance improve- Consumers are assumed to have a one period
ments. This satisfaction leads to the need for decision horizon and to be well informed, with
greater and greater performance increases to sup- perfect information about product performance.8
port a given increase in utility, which is reflected Given a choice among a set of acceptable products,
in a decreasing willingness to pay for a given level a consumer will select the product that meets her
of performance improvement. Stated differently, as thresholds, improves her utility over her previous
performance exceeds requirements, price increases purchase, and maximizes her utility in the present
in importance. As developed below, these changes period. In every period the entire population of
in consumers’ valuation of performance improve- consumers is exposed to the available products and
ments lead to changes in firms’ innovation incen- each consumer selects her own best choice.
tives, which in turn affect consumers’ decisions in
future periods.

Consumer choice
In the model individual consumers are character-
The model follows in the Lancastrian tradition of ized by their threshold requirements and their rel-
conceptualizing the market space along attribute ative preferences for improvements beyond these
dimensions. It extends previous applications of requirements. Each individual, i, has a net util-
characteristics demand models by examining how ity threshold, Ui0 , which a product must meet to
the relationship between the value trajectories of be considered for purchase. An individual derives
discrete market segments affects firms’ develop- utility from a given product offering according to
ment choices throughout a technology’s evolution the functional benefit she derives from the product
and how these factors affect the emergence of com- and from its price. Functional benefit is determined
petitive dynamics. The model is used to examine by the functionality of the product in excess of the
the behavior of two firms pursuing independent consumer’s functional threshold requirements, Fi0 ,
technology initiatives in a market with two con- and by the consumer’s relative preference for each
sumer segments.
The model structure has two basic components:
a characterization of consumers and consumer 8
The model makes the simplifying assumption that consumers
preferences, which comprises the market, and a are perfectly informed regarding product performance. Because
mechanism by which products move through this the interest is in the qualitative pattern of behavior, consumer
market space. The market space is defined by two uncertainty would be a relevant factor if it were to affect firms’
development decisions in a nonsystematic way. Given, ex ante,
functional dimensions and by a price dimension.7 no compelling reason to bias consumers’ assessment of product
In every period, single-product firms make devel- performance in either the positive or negative direction, the error
opment decisions that affect the location of their in the assessment would have to be modeled as a symmetric
product technology in this space; consumers, in distribution around the true value. If consumers are assumed to
be risk neutral, and the error random, the expected actions of the
turn, respond to the product offerings by purchas- populations would mirror the fully informed case. If consumers
ing either a unit quantity of the product or making are assumed to be uniformly risk averse (risk seeking), their
no purchase at all. functional requirements would shift up (down) to compensate
for the uncertainty. Such a shift, while affecting the absolute
values associated with the observed outcomes, would not affect
7 the qualitative nature of the results. The more complex case of
The model is presented using two functional dimensions, but
can be extended in a straightforward manner to incorporate heterogeneous risk preferences is beyond the scope of the current
higher-dimensional spaces. discussion.

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
When are Technologies Disruptive? 675

dimension of functional performance, γ .9 The con- ∂ 2 Uij /∂Bij2 < 0. This valuation is reflected in
sumer’s trade-off between functional benefit and consumers’ decreasing willingness to pay for
price is α. improvements, (∂Pij /∂Bij > 0, ∂ 2 Pij /∂Bij2 < 0),
The market space is defined by two functional when α < 0.5.
dimensions, X and Y . Bij is the functional benefit
derived by consumer, i, with functional threshold Demand structure
requirements of Fix and Fiy , from product j , which
offers functionality Fj , with components Fj x and In the model the essential aspects of demand struc-
Fjy . ture derive from the relationship between con-
sumers’ relative functional preferences, γ . Con-
γ 1−γ sumers belong to one of two market segments.

 (Fj X − FiX ) (Fj Y − FiY )

+1 if (Fj X − FiX ), All members of a market segment, m, have the
Bij = Bi (Fj ) =

 (Fj Y − FiY ) ≥ 1 same relative functional preferences γm . The value
0 otherwise of γm specifies a market segment’s value trajec-
(1) tory. Graphically, for two functional dimensions,
where 0 < γ < 1. the degree measure of the value trajectory is 90°
The utility, Uij , that consumer i derives from (1 − γ ).
product j is specified as a Cobb-Douglas utility For two market segments A and B, whose
function which trades off product price and func- derived utility from two functional attributes X and
tionality10 : Y is described by:

Uij = Ui (Fj , Pj ) = (Bij )α (1/Pj )1−α (2) UA = (FX )γA (FY )1−γA (5a)

where 0 < α < 1. UB = (FX )γB (FY )1−γB (5b)

Consumers will reject any product that does not
where 0 ≤ γA , γB ≤ 1.
meet both their functional and net utility thresh-
Preference overlap is defined as:
olds, requiring both Bij ≥ 1, and Uij ≥ Ui0 . Thus
Pi0 , the price a consumer will be willing to pay for
Preference overlap = 1 − |γA − γB | (6)
a product that just meets his functional threshold,
(Bij = 1), is: The greater the preference overlap, the greater the
segments’ agreement on the rank ordering of alter-
Pi0 = (Ui0 )1/(α−1) (3) natives. When preference overlap is zero, the seg-
ments’ preferences are entirely divergent, so that
Pij , the maximum price a consumer would be progress along one segment’s value trajectory has
willing to pay for a product that exceeds his no impact on the other segment’s assessment of
functionality requirements, is thus: the product’s functional benefit. When preference
overlap is unity, the value trajectories coincide and
Pij = Pi0 (Bij )α/(1−α) (4) the two segments have identical functional prefer-
ences, essentially behaving as a single segment.
As discussed above, consumers value functional- Preference symmetry, the extent to which one
ity improvements beyond their threshold require- segment’s preferences project onto the others’
ments, ∂Uij /∂Bij > 0, but at a decreasing rate, preferences, is defined as:

Fi0 is a vector which specifies consumer i’s minimum func- Preference symmetry = |0.5 − γA | − |0.5 − γB |
tional attainment required on each functional dimension. Graph- (7)
ically, it is the position along an individual’s value trajectory When the preference symmetry measure is zero,
that a product must pass to become decision relevant.
preferences are symmetric and unit progress on
Note that [log U ]/(1 − α) = α/(1 − α) log B − log P . Hence
the model is a monotonic variant on the utility function of each segment’s value trajectory yields equal func-
standard vertical differentiation models U = KB − P (Tirole, tional benefit to consumers in the other segment.11
1988). The current model differs from the standard model in
that it incorporates multiple functional dimensions, minimum
thresholds for functionality and diminishing returns to functional Implicit in this discussion is the assumption that the dis-
improvements. tance between indifference curves is cardinal, which allows

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
676 R. Adner

When the preference symmetry measure is positive functional requirements of all consumers in the
(negative), the projection of segment B’s value tra- market. As discussed below, the allocation of effort
jectory on segment A’s value trajectory is greater along functional dimensions, Fx and Fy , is
(less) than A’s is on B’s, and a unit advance determined according to a local search of the
along B’s value trajectory will yield greater func- market opportunities presented to the firm.
tional benefits to consumers in segment A than A product innovation affects product j as:
vice versa.
Fj,t+1 = (Fj X,t + FX ), (Fj Y,t + FY ) (8a)
Technology development
where [(FX )2 + (FY )2 ]1/2 = |Fprod |
In the model, technology initiatives are charac-
terized by their performance on each functional
dimension and by a production cost. Technologies Cj,t+1 = Cj,t + C prod (8b)
are developed by firms. Firms introduce products
to the market on the basis of their technology posi- The choice of relative allocation of improvement
tions, with the goal of maximizing profits in the determines the technology’s development trajec-
current period. Each firm is initially endowed with tory. While this trajectory can be altered in every
a technology that has initial functional and cost period, the firm is charged a development cost
characteristics. In the course of the simulation, against profits that is proportional to the shift in
firms develop their technologies in response to trajectory.
the opportunities they perceive in the marketplace. Process innovation leaves product functionality
Technology development is locally constrained, unchanged while lowering the cost of production
and therefore path dependent, but globally uncon- by a constant percentage, c . Thus, a process
strained regarding the absolute limit of technology innovation affects product j as:
progress. As described below, in every period firms
can engage in product innovation, process inno- Fj,t+1 = Fj,t (9a)
vation, or can choose to forgo the opportunity
to innovate. Following the characterization used Cj,t+1 = Cj,t (1 − c ) (9b)
in previous analytical models (Cohen and Klep-
per, 1996; Klepper, 1996), the effects of product Firms can pursue one innovation per period. A firm
and process innovations are reflected in changes can pursue either innovation mode in any period
in product functional performance and in prod- and for as many periods as desired. Further, there
uct cost. is no uncertainty as to the success of an innovation
Product innovation enhances performance along attempt.12 Firms are charged an innovation cost, I ,
the functional dimensions by a fixed Euclidean in every period in which they choose to innovate.
distance in market space, Fprod , and leads to a In the model, firms choose innovative activity on
fixed production cost increase, C prod . In the spirit the basis of local, profit-maximizing search. Firms
of an evolutionary approach, Fprod is relatively search their local market environments to predict
small in comparison to the range of functional consumer reaction to changes that are attainable
performance demanded in the market (max Fi0 − through a single product or process innovation.
min Fi0 ), such that numerous product development The model assumes that firms are fully informed
attempts are required if a firm is to satisfy the regarding consumers’ responses to pricing and that
firms can, given their product’s performance and
for comparisons regarding positions and advances along val- production costs, determine the price point which
uation trajectories. While unconventional in classical demand will yield greatest period profit. Firms are unable
theory, Lancaster speaks of the desirability of being able to to evaluate potential consumer demand for changes
make quantitative utility comparisons across goods (Lancaster,
1991: 158–159). Because his closed-form models do not allow
for the simultaneous consideration of final utilities for multiple
consumers, he opts for a ‘second best’ approach which proxy’s Clearly, eliminating uncertainty regarding innovative out-
resource content for derived utility. The simulation methodology comes is a strong simplification. However, as was the case with
used to examine the current model allows, in the spirit of Lan- consumer uncertainty, because there is no justification, ex ante,
caster’s stated intent, for the explicit consideration of cardinal to bias expectations, the addition of an error term would not
utilities, and such utilities are therefore used. affect the qualitative behaviors that are of concern here.

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
When are Technologies Disruptive? 677

that result beyond a single development action.13 The first procedures of the simulation initialize
Firms are unable to predict their rival’s develop- the population of consumers and the initial charac-
ment activity. Firms become aware of their rival’s teristics of the product technologies. The consumer
activities through their reflection in consumer pur- population is initialized by specifying each con-
chasing decisions—consumers who were expected sumer’s minimum functionality and utility require-
to purchase but did not. Firms’ expectations of ments. The market segments are specified by their
market response is thus determined by their prod- value trajectories. The range of consumers’ min-
uct’s functional state, the magnitude of innovation imum functional thresholds is such that approxi-
that can be executed in a single period, the firm’s mately 20 product innovation attempts are neces-
pricing decision, and the product offers of the pre- sary to span the distance between the minimum
vious period.14 requirements of the least and most demanding
In the evaluation of potential product innova- customer in the market. Consumers are randomly
tion, the firm must determine the allocation of its drawn from a uniform distribution along this range.
development efforts among the functional dimen- Consumer preferences and requirements remain
sions and determine a price point at which to offer constant throughout the simulation, but buying
the product to the market. The firm has a profit behavior changes as firms’ development activities
expectation for each possible action that is deter- change the product technologies’ characteristics.
mined by its production costs, development costs, Each firm’s technology is initially positioned along
and predicted market feedback. Similarly, the firm the value trajectory of one of the market segments.
has a profit expectation for potential process inno- The specification of value trajectories and initial
vation by predicting market response to different product technologies is discussed in the results
price points given its reduced production costs. section.
The firm commits to the innovation activity that is After initialization, the following sequence of
expected to yield the highest profits for the ensu- events is repeated until the market dynamics reach
ing period. If the expected profits from innovation a steady state.15 First, each firm engages in local
are not greater than the realized profits from the search to determine the profit expectations for each
previous period, the firm will forgo innovation for possible development action. Second, the firms
the period. commit to the activity that will yield the highest
expected profit. Third, every consumer indepen-
dently evaluates the available product offerings
and decides on purchase as above. Finally, mar-
Model analysis ket outcomes are tallied and firms realize their
The model is used to examine the behavior of actual market pay-offs. In the representative results
two firms pursuing independent technology initia- discussed below the market space is seeded with
tives in a market with two consumer segments. 250 consumers who are evenly distributed between
The analysis explores how changing the preference two market segments. Individual consumers’ func-
overlap and preference symmetry of the segment’s tional requirements, |Fi0 |, are uniformly distributed
value trajectories affects the emergence and evolu- along the range from 5 to 25. Each firm’s tech-
tion of competition. The model is analyzed using nology is initially seeded along a segment’s value
a computer simulation programmed in Pascal. trajectory with |Fj | set at 7 and initial production
cost 1.7. These settings provide for an initial iso-
lation between the technologies. In the absence of
To the extent that firms engage in additional market research,
some distance between their initial positions the
these efforts would be reflected in a search radius that would firms face identical market landscapes and there-
extend beyond their immediate development opportunities. Such fore always engage in convergent competition.
market research would affect behavior when the relative prefer- For all presented results, α = 0.2, F prod = 1,
ences of more distant consumers differ from the preferences of prod
their local counterparts. C = 0.1, c = 0.05. While changing parameter
This model of local, profit-maximizing search speaks to invest- values affects the absolute magnitudes and rates of
ments that are driven by immediate market opportunities rather
than those driven by visionary, long-term goals. Thus, it does
not speak to activities with very long-term investment horizons Steady state is defined as having been reached when com-
such as pharmaceutical R&D or visionary technology bets made bined sales for both firms remain unchanged for 15 consecutive
without expectation of any short-term return. periods.

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
678 R. Adner

behaviors, the qualitative patterns of competition as a second value trajectory is varied.16 Three
are robust. Similarly, the qualitative results are qualitatively distinct dynamics emerge during the
robust with regard to the stochastic seeding of course of the analysis. Under demand conditions of
the consumer population. The results are presented low preference overlap, the development dynam-
in terms of the development activities of two ics lead to competitive isolation, a pure partition-
firms, Firm 1 and Firm 2, that act in a market ing of the market between the technologies, such
space with two consumer segments, segment A and that each focuses exclusively on its own segment.
segment B. At the start of the simulation, Firm 1’s As preference overlap increases, isolation breaks
technology position is aligned with segment A’s down and the development dynamics lead to the
value trajectory and Firm 2’s technology position emergence of two distinct classes of competi-
is aligned with segment B’s value trajectory. tion. When segment preferences are symmetric we
observe competitive convergence, in which each
technology’s development is directed at expanding
RESULTS its appeal not only in its own home market but in
its rival’s as well. When segment preferences are
The simulation explores how the structure of asymmetric we observe competitive disruption, in
demand influences the emergence and extent of which one firm maintains dominance of its home
competition over consumer segments in the mar- market while displacing its rival from the rival’s
ket. On the supply side we are interested in the market.
technologies’ functional development and pricing As a technology’s performance advances, it sur-
decisions, while on the demand side we are inter- passes the requirements of a growing number of
ested in the degree of firms’ penetration into mar-
ket segments, in terms of both satisfaction of con- 16
The objective of the model is to provide a qualitative repre-
sumers’ requirements and consumers’ actual pur- sentation of the competitive patterns of interest, rather than a
chasing decisions. quantitative replication of particular settings. In this spirit, the
results are presented in terms of three representative demand
Figure 3 presents a stylized summary of the rela- configurations and the dynamics. Because the precise (numeri-
tionships between preference overlap, preference cal) location of the boundaries between the regimes is dependent
symmetry and the competitive regimes to which on specific parameter values as well as the random seeding of
the consumer population it is not a focus of this analysis. The
they lead. Holding one value trajectory fixed, the interested reader is referred to Adner and Zemsky (2001), which
figure maps the competitive regimes that arise presents closed-form expressions for the breakdown of isolation.


Functional attribute Y




Functional attribute X

Figure 3. Preference relationships and competitive regimes: holding the preferences of one segment fixed (value
trajectory shown in bold), different competitive regimes arise as the relative preferences of the second segment are
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
When are Technologies Disruptive? 679

consumers in the home market and, with suffi- value trajectory. Because of the wide difference in
cient preference overlap, it begins to satisfy and relative preferences, technology development fol-
surpass the requirements of consumers in the for- lowing one segment’s value trajectory does not
eign market. When preferences are asymmetric, the lead to significant improvement along the other
firm whose home market casts the larger functional segment’s criteria. Firms’ development and pric-
shadow faces greater marginal incentives to pur- ing decisions are thus substantially determined
sue consumers outside its home market because its by the requirements of their home segments. As
offer appeals to a larger number of consumers. As development proceeds, and functional attainment
the invading firm pursues consumers at the low end increases, the firms are able to satisfy the func-
of its rival’s segment with low-priced offerings, tional requirements of the lower end of the foreign
the invaded firm can either defend its position at market segment. By this point, however, the appeal
the low end through price reductions or focus on of pursuing these customers is limited by two
its own high-end consumers with higher price and factors: (1) its rival offers a higher-functionality
performance offers. From the invaded segment’s product; and (2) to reach these customers, given
perspective the appeal of the invading technology, the functionality of the existing alternative, the
which offers neither higher performance nor higher firm would need to lower prices well below the
price/performance value, is due to its lower unit level it is able to charge its existing customers.
price. Thus, while consumers in the foreign segment are
functionally visible, their price requirements make
them unattractive to the firm given its profit oppor-
Demand structure and competitive isolation
tunities in its home market. As a result, neither
Competitive isolation, in which each technology firm registers any sales to consumers outside of its
is sold only in its home market, is characteris- home segment (Figure 4).
tic when the preference overlap is small. Figure 4
shows representative simulation results for the
Demand structure and technology competition
low overlap case in which the two market seg-
ments have functional preference parameters γA = As the overlap between value trajectories increases,
0.1 and γB = 0.9. This case characterizes the the satisfaction of its home segment’s functional
PDA–desktop segments for hard disk drives in demands leads each firm towards earlier satisfac-
the stylized example above. Initially, technology tion of the functional requirements of consumers
initiatives satisfy the functional requirements of in the foreign segment. Firms face incentives to
only their home segment and development pro- pursue higher-end consumers within their home
ceeds along a path that matches that segment’s segment and, simultaneously, are tempted by the









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Firm 1 sales to segment A Firm 2 sales to segment A
Firm 1 sales to segment B Firm 2 sales to segment B

Figure 4. Isolation dynamics (γA = 0.9, γB = 0.1), sales by segment

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
680 R. Adner

presence of a new set of consumers. Because invasion.17 The transition to convergence is evi-
demand for functionality matures earlier at lower dent in Figure 5(a), which shows the sales of each
functional levels, lower-end consumers provide firm to each segment. Firm 2 is first to penetrate its
the entry point for foreign technologies to cap- rival’s segment. Key to Firm 2’s ability to attract
ture market share with lower prices. Competi- consumers from segment A, given the presence of
tion emerges when the volume of relevant con- Firm 1’s functionally superior product (from the
sumers in the foreign segment is sufficient to offset perspective of all segment A consumers), is the
the price reductions required to attract these con- consumers’ decreasing marginal utility from per-
sumers. formance improvements which is reflected in their
decreasing willingness to pay for improvements
beyond the minimum requirements. By period 10,
Competitive convergence the performance provided by both firms more than
doubles the threshold requirements of their lowest-
When preference overlap is symmetric, both firms end consumers. Decreasing willingness to pay,
face broadly similar market landscapes. Figure 5 which effectively increases the importance of price
shows representative results for market condi- differentiation as functionality improves, allows
tions with γA = 0.6 and γB = 0.4. With sufficient
preference overlap and technology development, 17
In the simulation the specific location of consumers in the
one firm finds the marginal consumer in the for- space, idiosyncratic for each run, determines the firm will be first
to redirect its activities to penetrate its rival’s segment. Thus,
eign segment that has the effect of redirecting its while the dynamics are identical across all runs, the specific
development efforts and pricing policies towards identity of the firm varies by run.








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

(a) Firm 1 sales to segment A Firm 2 sales to segment A Firm 1 sales to segment B Firm 2 sales to segment B

50 4.5

45 4
40 3.5



5 0.5

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

(b) Firm 1 performance Firm 2 performance Firm 1 price Firm 2 price

Figure 5. Convergence dynamics (γA = 0.6, γB = 0.4): (a) firm sales by segment; (b) price and performance by firm
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
When are Technologies Disruptive? 681

Firm 2’s functionally inferior product to be per- to pursue segment B customers increase. The
ceived as the better value by lower-end consumers resulting dynamic of competitive convergence, in
in segment A, whose requirements are satisfied which both firms pursue each other’s markets,
by both alternatives. Figure 5(b) shows the firms’ is quite stark in the later periods shown in
price and performance positions over time.18 Figure 5(a).19
Firm 2’s redirection of innovation efforts
towards price affects the innovation incentives that Competitive disruption
Firm 1 faces. Firm 1 is faced with the option
of matching its rival’s price cuts, or holding When the preference overlap between segments is
back from following suit, exploiting the presence not symmetric, progress along the different value
of high-end consumers who value its functional trajectories leads firms to view different demand
superiority (along their value trajectory) and who landscapes. Figure 6 shows representative results
will support its higher prices. Note that with for market conditions with γA = 0.9 and γB = 0.5.
every development step, Firm 1’s product offer
becomes relevant to a larger set of consumers in 19
The ‘trivial’ case of convergent competition is when
segment B. Thus, even with a focus on its home heterogeneity in either the demand or supply environments is
eliminated. Thus, under conditions of high preference overlap,
segment’s value trajectory, Firm 1’s incentives the technologies compete for what increasingly resembles a
single market segment, giving rise to competitive convergence.
Similarly, when the initial positions of the technologies are
In all figures functional performance is measured as products’ sufficiently close, the distinction between the two technologies
Euclidean distance from the origin, |Fj |. disappears, also giving rise to competitive convergence.








0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(a) in segment A by Firm 1 in segment A by Firm 2 in segment B by Firm 1 in segment B by Firm 2

40 5

35 4.5

25 3

20 2.5
5 0.5
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

(b) Firm 1 performance Firm 2 performance Firm 1 price Firm 2 price

Figure 6. Disruption dynamics (γA = 0.9, γB = 0.5): (a) consumers with satisfied functional requirements by segment;
(b) price and performance by firm; (c) firm sales by segment; (d) price/performance and price along segment A’s value
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
682 R. Adner







0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Firm 1 sales to segment A Firm 2 sales to segment A
(c) Firm 1 sales to segment B Firm 2 sales to segment B

0.8 40

0.7 35

Performance as evaluated by
0.6 30

0.5 25

sbugroup A
0.4 20

0.3 15

0.2 10

0.1 5

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Firm1 price/performance Firm 2 price/performance
(d) Firm 1 performance in segment A Firm 2 performance in segment A

Figure 6. continued

This case characterizes the desktop computer (seg- measured along segment A’s value trajectory. Sig-
ment A)–notebook computer (segment B) mar- nificantly, it shows that at the time that Firm 2 is
kets for hard disk drives discussed above. Under making inroads into segment A, its product offers
such asymmetrical preference conditions, progress lower performance and a worse price/performance
along the value trajectory of segment B leads to level than does Firm 1’s product.20 The dynamics
faster natural progress along the value trajectory behind this disruption are further examined in the
of segment A than vice versa. Discussion section.
Figure 6(a) shows the number of consumers in While progress along segment A’s value tra-
each segment whose functional requirements are jectory does eventually allow Firm 1 to satisfy
satisfied by each firm’s technology. In period 6, segment B’s functional requirements (period 98
Firm 2’s product becomes functionally relevant to in Figure 6a), it lags Firm 2 and is effectively
the segment A consumer with the lowest functional precluded from pursuing the segment. Because of
requirements. As shown in Figure 6(b), Firm 2 the preference asymmetries between segments A
gains its first customer from segment A in period and B, Firm 1 is fighting an uneven battle for
23. This first sale outside its home segments corre- market share. At equal rates of innovation, fol-
lowing segment A’s value trajectory will attract
sponds to a price decrease, evident in Figure 6(c),
which shows the price and absolute performance,
Fj , of each firm’s offering. Firm 2’s price reduction ultimately provides for a more attrac-
tive price/performance offer (still at a lower absolute perfor-
Figure 6(d) graphs the price/performance and mance level) in period 74 and beyond but, as seen in the figures,
performance curves for each firm’s offering as this transition does not affect its market performance.

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
When are Technologies Disruptive? 683

fewer consumers from segment B than vice versa. different market segments according to their
Further, as Firm 2 begins to address the functional relative preferences for functional attributes. This
requirements of segment A, Firm 1 faces pressure posed the novel requirement of relating segment
to justify its price to its existing high-end cus- preferences to each other, and resulted in the
tomers and responds to this competitive threat by creation of the grammar of preference overlap
focusing on providing increasing levels of perfor- and preference symmetry to characterize demand
mance. Firm 1 is thus driven further and further structure.
upmarket by a combination of market incentives The model is a focusing tool that helps interpret
and competitive threats. and organize the richness of empirical observation.
In turn, the model’s structure and results raise
further questions for empirical exploration—e.g.,
MODELS, SIMULATIONS, AND what is the actual ‘shape’ of decreasing marginal
REALITY returns; how does the way firms and consumers
perceive preference overlap affect their definition
Drawing on Christensen’s rich inductive research, of industry structure and industry boundaries; are
this paper presents a model that strives to offer price reductions subject to decreasing returns in the
a parsimonious explanation for the dynamics of way functional improvements are; can firms affect
technology disruptions. The intent of the model the onset of decreasing returns to their customers?
is to focus on the essential demand-side drivers Even as they provide some logical closure on
that shape the emergence of competition, partic- puzzles raised by earlier observations, the model’s
ularly competitive disruption. As such, the model implications provide impetus for further empirical
does not seek to dispute the importance of factors investigation.
such as resource allocation, organization design, The model is, by definition, a simplification.
or resource dependence. Rather, by isolating the In the present model, the simplifying choices are
effects of demand structure on competition, the driven by the goal of creating a baseline model
model should aid future research to more pre- that isolates the influence of demand structure on
cisely consider the impact of such complementary the emergence of competition. While factors such
factors. as asymmetric firm capabilities, asymmetric mar-
The value of formalizing the model is that ket segment sizes, and economies of scale could
it brings to light implicit links and assumptions be incorporated into the model structure, they
that lie unexplored in the inductive work (cf. have been excluded from the present discussion
Nelson and Winter, 1982; Saloner 1991; Malerba to reduce the complexity involved in interpret-
et al., 1999). Having identified what he believes ing drivers of the model results.21 The structure
are the key features driving the phenomenon, of the current model does not lend itself to the
the modeler is forced to make explicit the exploration of firm-level decisions, such as deci-
relationships between these elements. It was sions to invest in alternative technology opportuni-
through this process of explication that many of ties. The incorporation of factors such as resource
the most interesting links in the present model allocation and resource dependence, which oper-
were revealed. For example, in approaching the ate at the intrafirm level, would require a differ-
model, it was evident that consumers’ reservation ent modeling approach that pays explicit atten-
prices and product quality improvements would tion to the internal dynamics of decision mak-
be important factors to include. In characterizing ing and cognition. While unexamined here, the
the evolutionary rules of the model, however, relationships between market size, organization
it became clear that these two factors must structure, credit allocation, and managerial incen-
be linked—how does reservation price change tives certainly offer a rich context for modeling
with quality improvement? Recognizing the explorations.22
implications of consumers’ decreasing marginal
returns from performance improvements for their
willingness to pay for new products turned out See Adner and Zemsky (2001) for a game theoretic examina-
tion of these relationships.
to be one of the most powerful realizations 22
See Sastry (1997) and Gavetti and Levinthal (2000) for illus-
of the model. Similarly, building the model trative examples of how simulation models can be applied to
required characterizing the utility functions of explore intraorganizational change processes.

Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
684 R. Adner

DISCUSSION consumption, and for whom energy costs represent

a negligible expense, suddenly choose to give up
The model developed in this article explores the capacity for reduced energy use? The answer is not
influence of the structure of consumer demand immediately apparent.
on technology rivalry. By examining heterogene- The current model offers an alternative expla-
ity in consumer requirements and preferences, and nation—that the desktop users were not choos-
by relating these factors across market segments, ing 3.5-inch hard disk drives due to their new
the model offers a basic grammar for character- attributes, but rather for their lower price—their
izing the structure of demand and offers a new lower price as measured not on a dollar per
perspective on the emergence of competition. As megabyte basis but rather on the basis of unit
technologies develop they increasingly satisfy con- price. That is, consumers with sufficiently satisfied
sumers within their target market segments and functional requirements are more concerned with
may also become relevant to consumers in other differences in absolute price than with differences
segments. Categorizing demand structure accord- in price/performance points.
ing to preference overlap and symmetry highlights In support of this proposition, consider Figure 7,
the differential market incentives that firms face which shows the volume weighted average price
as their technologies advance. When consumers of hard disk drives from 1984 to 1990, the years
face diminishing marginal returns to performance spanning the critical substitution period for 3.5-
improvements, technologies that offer lower rela- inch for 5.25-inch drives. Throughout this period,
tive performance at lower price become increas- the unit price of the 3.5-inch drives is below that
ingly attractive. In the face of continued perfor- of 5.25-inch drives.
mance improvements, this dynamic may lead to a Viewed through a demand-based lens, the
blurring of the market’s underlying heterogeneity technology dynamics observed in the hard disk
which, in turn, influences the emergence of differ- industry can be interpreted as follows: preference
ent competitive regimes. asymmetries are fundamental to shaping firms’
The model sheds light on the important phe- incentives in a way that leads to the technology
nomenon of disruptive technologies (Christensen, dynamics observed in the hard disk drive
1997). Consider Christensen’s explanation of why industry. Following the arguments made here,
desktop computer users opted to purchase 3.5-inch the critical factor driving the displacement of
hard disk drives when they offered lower capac- 3.5-inch for 5.25-inch hard drives was not the
ity at a worse dollar-per-megabyte value than their latent desire of desktop users for smaller, more
5.25-inch rivals: energy-efficient disk drives; rather, it was that
along with these other features, notebook users
Why did the 3.5 inch drive so decisively conquer
the desktop PC market? A standard economic guess valued improvements in capacity—the attribute
might be that the 3.5-inch format represented a considered most critical by desktop users. Because
more cost-effective architecture: If there were no the evaluation criteria of desktop users were
longer any meaningful differentiation between two subsumed by the criteria of notebook users, the
types of products (both had adequate capacity),
price competition would intensify. This was not
developers of 3.5-inch technology, following the
the case here, however. Indeed, computer mak- notebook segment value trajectory, quite naturally
ers had to pay, on average, 20 percent more per began to satisfy users in the desktop segment. As
megabyte to use 3.5-inch drives, and yet they still such, facing higher volumes in the broader market,
[italics in original] flocked to the product. More- the 3.5-inch firms had greater incentives to pursue
over, computer manufacturers opted for the costlier
drive while facing fierce price competition in their a low price strategy.
own product markets. Why? Having achieved sufficient storage capacity to
Performance oversupply triggered a change in the meet the minimum requirements of some low-end
basis of competition. Once demand for capacity desktop users, 3.5-inch technology firms still had
was satiated, other attributes [size; power consump- to contend with a 5.25-inch technology that offered
tion], whose performance had not yet satisfied mar-
ket demands, came to be more highly valued . . . consumers greater absolute capacity at a better
(Christensen, 1997: 166–167) price/performance ratio. The current analysis sug-
gests that the essential aspect of consumer choice
But why should desktop users, who had never which allows for disruptive displacement may
before been concerned with issues such as power be consumers’ decreasing marginal utility from
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
When are Technologies Disruptive? 685





Unit Price






1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
Data are from Disk/Trend Report Year

3.5" $/unit 5.25" $/unit

Figure 7. Average unit prices for 3.5 inch and 5.25 inch hard disk drives, 1984–1990

performance improvements beyond their require- firms should organize for market entry (Moore,
ments, rather than a new found appreciation for 1991).
previously marginal attributes. This decreasing At early stages of technology development,
marginal utility translates into a decreasing will- before performance is sufficient to satisfy con-
ingness to pay for improvements. Thus a critical sumer requirements, the issue of price is irrelevant.
factor in consumers’ decisions, once their require- At later stages, when consumers’ performance
ments are met, is absolute price—while 5.25- requirements are well satisfied and their willing-
inch technology was cheaper in price/performance ness to pay for additional performance improve-
terms, because the absolute performance of 5.25- ments has diminished, performance gains lose their
inch drives was much higher than 3.5-inch drives, efficacy as competitive actions. It is during the
5.25-inch drives were more expensive on a unit middle part of development that price/performance
basis.23 is a critical factor. Technology disruptions are more
The logic of decreasing marginal utility com- likely in this later stage, in which consumers may
plements the notion of performance oversupply. be willing to accept a worse price/performance
It presents an even more fundamental aspect of offering if its absolute price is sufficiently low.
consumer choice in that it accounts for changing This dynamic, driven by consumers’ decreasing
behavior in the absence of the introduction of new marginal returns from performance improvements,
attributes. Further, this logic suggests that informa- speaks to the increasing importance of price as
tion about the state of demand can be ascertained technologies surpass consumers’ requirements.
not only by observing the relative valuation of This logic informs the response to the ques-
attributes, but also by observing consumers’ will- tion of ‘When are technologies disruptive?’ and
ingness to pay for the total product at it evolves and helps distinguish between inferior technologies
improves. It also suggests that the drivers of the and disruptive threats. Christensen suggests that
disruptive technology’s adoption differ between disruptive threats can be recognized by identify-
its initial home segment and the mainstream; a ing the point of intersection between performance
difference which may have implications for how provided by a new technology and performance
demanded by the existing consumers. This advice
Christensen states that incumbents have higher cost structures can now be further refined: first, the degree of
than entering rivals so that they need higher margins to survive.
In the context of the model, this speaks to asymmetries in preference overlap between the new technology’s
firms’ initial cost positions and their abilities to engage in cost- existing customers and the incumbent’s segment
reducing process innovations. To the extent that incumbents’ specifies the magnitude of the impact that sustain-
process innovation options are limited, they will have an even
harder time holding on to less demanding consumers and lose ing innovations along the preference lines of one
market share at the low end of the market. segment will have on consumer evaluation in the
Copyright  2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 23: 667–688 (2002)
686 R. Adner

other segment. Second, the degree of preference complementary approach to examining many of
asymmetry specifies firms’ differential incentives the dynamics that are of interest to the strategy
to compete for new market segments. Finally, crit- field and offers a link between the evolution of
ical to a disruptive outcome is the price at which firms’ individual activities and the evolution of
the invader offers its product. The attacking firm competition.
must have the incentive and ability to offer its
technically inferior, yet nonetheless satisfactory
product at a sufficiently lower unit price to con- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
sumers than its rival (e.g., 3.5-inch disk drives
displaced 5.25-inch drives, but notebook comput-
ers have not displaced desktops from their core I thank Javier Gimeno, Rebecca Henderson, Daniel
markets even though they offer sufficient process- Levinthal, Marvin Lieberman, Christoph Loch,
ing power along with benefits such as smaller Subramanian Rangan, Christophe Van Den Bulte,
size, lower weight, and lower power consumption). Sidney Winter, Peter Zemsky, Christoph Zott,
While disruption is enabled by sufficient perfor- Associate Editor Will Mitchell, the anonymous
mance, it is enacted by price. Thus, to identify SMJ reviewers, and seminar participants at
potential disruptions, managers should plot not just INSEAD, Harvard, and Informs for their valuable
performance-provided and performance-demanded comments. I am also grateful to Roger Bohn, the
curves, but also the price trajectories of the com- Information Storage Industry Center at UC San
peting offers. Diego and Disk/Trend Report for sharing their hard
disk drive data.
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