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#include <iostream>

#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

// Function to calculate total amount

int calculateTotal(int days, int price) {
return days * price;

// Function to calculate pajak

float calculatePajak(int total) {
return total * 0.11; // Use floating-point numbers for accurate calculation

// Function to calculate total amount after pajak

int calculateTotalAfterPajak(int total, float pajak) {
return total + static_cast<int>(pajak); // Cast pajak to int for consistency

// Function to calculate potongan

int calculatePotongan(int total, string kodePromo) {
static const map<string, int> promoDiscounts = {
{"HEMAT01", 10},
{"HEMAT02", 15},
{"HEMAT03", 20}

int potongan = 0;
auto it = promoDiscounts.find(kodePromo);
if (it != promoDiscounts.end()) {
potongan = total * it->second / 100;

return potongan;

// Function to print transaction details

void printTransaction(string namaPenyewa, string tanggalMenyewa, int days, string kodeMobil,
string namaMobil, int price,
int subtotal, float pajak, int totalAfterPajak, string kodePromo, int potongan, int total)
cout << "\nData Transaksi Pembayaran Rental di RENTAL FTI UNISKA\n";
cout << "Nama Penyewa\t\t:" << namaPenyewa << endl;
cout << "Tanggal Menyewa\t\t:" << tanggalMenyewa << endl;
cout << "Lama Menyewa\t\t:" << days << endl;
cout << "Kode Mobil\t\t:" << kodeMobil << endl;
cout << "Nama Mobil\t\t:" << namaMobil << endl;
cout << "Biaya Per Hari\t\t:" << price << endl;
cout << "Subtotal\t\t:" << subtotal << endl;
cout << "Pajak 11%\t\t:" << static_cast<int>(pajak) << endl; // Cast pajak to int for consistency
cout << "Total Setelah Pajak\t:" << totalAfterPajak << endl;
cout << "Kode Promo\t\t:" << kodePromo << endl;
cout << "Potongan\t\t:" << potongan << endl;
cout << "Total Keseluruhan\t:" << total << endl;

int main() {
int loginAttempts = 3;
string username, password;
int totalAfterPajak = 0; // Declare totalAfterPajak outside the case 1 block

while (loginAttempts > 0) {

cout << "===========================\n";
cout << "Silahkan Login Untuk masuk ke sistem\n";
cout << "Input Username: ";
cin >> username;
cout << "Input Password: ";
cin >> password;

if (username == "admin" && password == "admin1") {

cout << "Login berhasil! Selamat datang, Admin.\n";
} else {
cout << "Username dan Password Salah: Silahkan Ulangi!\n";
cout << "Kesempatan Mengulang: " << loginAttempts << " kali\n";

if (loginAttempts == 0) {
cout << "Anda telah mencapai batas maksimal percobaan login. Program berhenti.\n";
return 0;

int menu;
string namaPenyewa, kodeMobil, namaMobil, tanggalMenyewa, kodePromo;
int days, price, total = 0, subtotal, potongan;
float pajak;
bool continueProgram = true;

while (continueProgram) {
cout << "===========================\n";
cout << "Menu Utama :\n";
cout << "1. Input Transaksi\n";
cout << "2. Cetak Transaksi Terakhir\n";
cout << "3. Keluar\n";
cout << "Input Menu [1-3]: ";
cin >> menu;

// Implementasi case-case menu

switch (menu) {
case 1: {
// Input Transaksi
cout << "===========================\n";
cout << "Input Nama Penyewa: ";
cin >> namaPenyewa;
cout << "Input Kode Mobil: ";
cin >> kodeMobil;
cout << "Input Lama Menyewa: ";
cin >> days;
cout << "Input Tanggal Menyewa: ";
cin >> tanggalMenyewa;

// Perform branching to get the price based on the kodeMobil

if (kodeMobil == "MPV-1") {
namaMobil = "Toyota Avanza 2015";
price = 300000;
} else if (kodeMobil == "MPV-2") {
namaMobil = "Daihatsu Xenia 2016";
price = 320000;
} else if (kodeMobil == "CTY-1") {
namaMobil = "Daihatsu Ayla 2017";
price = 230000;
} else if (kodeMobil == "CTY-2") {
namaMobil = "Honda Brio 2015";
price = 250000;
} else if (kodeMobil == "HMPV-1") {
namaMobil = "Toyota Alphard 2015";
price = 1200000;
} else {
cout << "Kode Mobil tidak valid.\n";

// Calculate Data
subtotal = calculateTotal(days, price);
pajak = calculatePajak(subtotal);
totalAfterPajak = calculateTotalAfterPajak(subtotal, pajak);

// Additional input for kodePromo

cout << "Input Kode Promo (HEMAT01, HEMAT02, HEMAT03): ";
cin >> kodePromo;

// Calculate Potongan
potongan = calculatePotongan(totalAfterPajak, kodePromo);

// Update Total
total = totalAfterPajak - potongan;

// Output Data
printTransaction(namaPenyewa, tanggalMenyewa, days, kodeMobil, namaMobil, price,
subtotal, pajak, totalAfterPajak, kodePromo, potongan, total);
case 2:
// Cetak Transaksi Terakhir
if (total == 0) {
cout << "===========================\n";
cout << "Belum Ada Data Transaksi Pembayaran.\n";
} else {
cout << "===========================\n";
cout << "Data Transaksi Terakhir:\n";
printTransaction(namaPenyewa, tanggalMenyewa, days, kodeMobil, namaMobil,
price, subtotal, pajak, totalAfterPajak, kodePromo, potongan, total);

case 3:
// Keluar
cout << "===========================\n";
cout << "Program Berhenti.\n";
continueProgram = false;

cout << "Menu tidak valid.\n";

// Ask if the user wants to continue

char c;
cout << "Ulang lagi(y/t): ";
cin >> c;
if (toupper(c) == 'T') {
continueProgram = false;

return 0;

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