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122 Crposug
122 Crposug
User Guide
Release 12.2
Part No. E49077-09
September 2018
Oracle Channel Rebate and Point-of-Sale Management User Guide, Release 12.2
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1 Introduction
Overview.................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Products and Price Lists.......................................................................................................1-1
Budgets................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Account Manager.................................................................................................................1-2
Trade Planning and Offers...................................................................................................1-2
Campaigns and Programs....................................................................................................1-2
2 Customers
Overview................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Organization and Person...........................................................................................................2-1
Creating an Organization.....................................................................................................2-4
Viewing Organization and Person Information...................................................................2-5
Accessing Customer 360 View............................................................................................. 2-5
Creating a Person.................................................................................................................2-6
Creating and Managing Customer Groups or Lists................................................................. 2-6
Creating and Managing Segments............................................................................................2-6
Overview............................................................................................................................. 2-6
Creating a Segment.............................................................................................................. 2-7
Creating and Managing List Imports........................................................................................2-9
Overview............................................................................................................................. 2-9
Rented vs. Purchased Lists................................................................................................ 2-10
Importing a List................................................................................................................. 2-10
5 Budget Management
Budget Overview.......................................................................................................................5-1
Budget Management Components........................................................................................... 5-2
Creating a Budget...................................................................................................................... 5-3
Budget Tree..........................................................................................................................5-4
Fixed Budget........................................................................................................................ 5-4
Fully Accrued Budget.......................................................................................................... 5-5
Budget Category.................................................................................................................. 5-8
Budget Thresholds............................................................................................................... 5-9
Org-Striping in Budgets....................................................................................................... 5-9
Impact of Org-Striping on Budgets............................................................................. 5-10
Creating a Fixed or Fully Accrued Budget.........................................................................5-10
Adding Budget Thresholds ...............................................................................................5-11
Releasing or Reserving Holdback Amount........................................................................5-12
Defining Eligibility.............................................................................................................5-12
Defining Market Eligibility..........................................................................................5-12
Defining Market Eligibility for a Fixed Budget..................................................... 5-14
Defining Market Eligibility for a Fully Accrued Budget....................................... 5-14
Defining Product Eligibility........................................................................................ 5-15
Updating Products for a Fixed Budget................................................................. 5-15
Updating Products for a Fully Accrued Budget....................................................5-16
Budget Offer Validation.....................................................................................................5-16
Copying and Deleting Budgets.......................................................................................... 5-18
Approving a Budget................................................................................................................ 5-18
Understanding the Budget Approval Process....................................................................5-18
Initiating Budget Approval................................................................................................5-21
Performing Budget Approval............................................................................................ 5-21
Allocating a Budget ................................................................................................................ 5-21
Understanding the Budget Allocation Process.................................................................. 5-22
Top-down Bottom-up Budgeting.......................................................................................5-25
Creating a Budget Allocation.............................................................................................5-26
Submitting a Budget Allocation Change Request.............................................................. 5-27
Approving a Budget Allocation Change Request.............................................................. 5-28
Activating a Budget Allocation..........................................................................................5-28
Utilizing a Budget................................................................................................................... 5-29
Overview........................................................................................................................... 5-29
Understanding Budget Requests and Transfers.................................................................5-31
Creating a Budget Request.................................................................................................5-32
Creating a Budget Transfer................................................................................................ 5-33
Approving a Budget Request.............................................................................................5-33
Linking Budgets for Mass Transfer....................................................................................5-33
Adjusting a Budget Using Recalculated Committed..........................................................5-34
Viewing Recalculated Committed..................................................................................... 5-36
Understanding Budget Adjustments................................................................................. 5-36
Creating a Budget Adjustment.......................................................................................... 5-38
Adjusting for Off-Invoice Offers........................................................................................ 5-39
Adjusting for Accrual Offers..............................................................................................5-40
Accrual Offer............................................................................................................... 5-40
Lump Sum Offer......................................................................................................... 5-41
Scan Data Offer........................................................................................................... 5-42
Volume Accrual Offer................................................................................................. 5-43
Adjusting for Off-invoice Discounts.................................................................................. 5-43
Basic Accounting for Accrual Offer Adjustments.............................................................. 5-44
Advanced Accounting for Accrual Offer Adjustments......................................................5-45
Understanding Budget Reconciliation................................................................................... 5-46
Reconcile Unutilized.......................................................................................................... 5-46
Reconcile Unutilized and Unpaid Earnings.......................................................................5-47
Reconciling a Budget......................................................................................................... 5-48
Understanding Budget Tracking............................................................................................ 5-49
Budget Checkbook View....................................................................................................5-50
Viewing Budget Transaction and Offer Details................................................................. 5-51
Budget Utilization Views................................................................................................... 5-52
Rollup and Self Views........................................................................................................5-55
Offer Checkbook................................................................................................................ 5-56
Customer Budget View......................................................................................................5-57
Budget Search.................................................................................................................... 5-58
Order Details..................................................................................................................... 5-59
Single Volume Offer with Multiple Rate Structures............................................... 6-9
Creating a Volume Offer.........................................................................................6-9
Creating a Discount Table................................................................................ 6-9
Defining Market Eligibility and Options........................................................ 6-10
Defining Multiple Discount Tables.................................................................6-11
Volume Offer (Non Retro) Tier Adjustment...................................................6-12
Qualifiers........................................................................................................................... 6-12
Web Offers......................................................................................................................... 6-13
Web Image.................................................................................................................. 6-13
Web Text..................................................................................................................... 6-14
What You Can Do........................................................................................................6-14
Seeded Click-Through.................................................................................................6-14
Creating a Click Through Destination for a Web image or Web Text......................... 6-15
Modifying a Web Image or Web Text..........................................................................6-17
Discount Level and Tiers................................................................................................... 6-18
Org-Striping in Offers........................................................................................................ 6-19
Global Flag on Pricing Related Objects....................................................................... 6-19
Impact of Org-Striping on Offers................................................................................ 6-20
Creating an Offer............................................................................................................... 6-21
Other Offer Creation Conditions................................................................................. 6-23
Using an Existing Offer............................................................................................... 6-25
Defining Qualifiers and Discount Rules...................................................................... 6-25
Qualifiers and Discount Rules for Other Offer Types........................................... 6-26
Vendor Rebate on Offers............................................................................................. 6-27
Defining Market Eligibility..........................................................................................6-27
Market Eligibility Procedure.................................................................................6-29
Defining Market Options............................................................................................ 6-30
Approving a Volume Offer......................................................................................... 6-32
Monitoring Account Status......................................................................................... 6-32
Defining Modifiers and Payment Options.................................................................. 6-33
Payment Options.................................................................................................. 6-35
Defining Performance Rules........................................................................................6-37
Defining Offer Limits and Price Lists.......................................................................... 6-40
Adjusting Offers.......................................................................................................... 6-42
Adjusting Volume Offers...................................................................................... 6-45
Approving Offer Adjustments.............................................................................. 6-46
Searching for Offers.............................................................................................. 6-47
Offer Forecasting.....................................................................................................................6-49
Offer Forecasting to Execution Process.............................................................................. 6-50
Creating and Editing an Offer Forecast............................................................................. 6-54
Selecting a Forecast Basis.............................................................................................6-56
Creating a Forecast Version.........................................................................................6-57
Calculating ROI........................................................................................................... 6-57
Viewing the Manufacturer's ROI Calculator............................................................... 6-58
Offer Funding..........................................................................................................................6-59
Requesting Funding For an Offer...................................................................................... 6-60
Creating a Budget Transfer From an Offer........................................................................ 6-60
Offer Approval........................................................................................................................ 6-61
Understanding the Offer Approval Process.......................................................................6-61
Offer Statuses.....................................................................................................................6-62
Budget-Offer Validation.................................................................................................... 6-64
Submitting an Offer for Approval..................................................................................... 6-64
Approving an Offer........................................................................................................... 6-65
Offer Execution....................................................................................................................... 6-65
7 Point-of-Sale Management
Overview................................................................................................................................... 7-1
Using Point-of-Sale Data for Volume Offers........................................................................... 7-2
Org-Striping.............................................................................................................................. 7-3
Impact of Org-Striping on Point-of-Sale Management.........................................................7-3
Chargeback and Third Party Accruals...................................................................................... 7-4
Understanding Chargebacks................................................................................................7-4
Process Flow..................................................................................................................7-5
Chargeback Submission................................................................................................ 7-6
Chargeback Validation.................................................................................................. 7-9
Chargeback Tolerances................................................................................................7-10
Chargeback Reconciliation.......................................................................................... 7-11
Chargeback Settlement................................................................................................7-14
Chargeback Statuses....................................................................................................7-16
Understanding Third Party Accruals.................................................................................7-16
Process Flow................................................................................................................7-17
Working With Chargeback and Third Party Accrual Transactions....................................... 7-19
Importing a Transaction Through WebADI.......................................................................7-20
Batch Details...................................................................................................................... 7-21
Viewing and Updating Batch Lines................................................................................... 7-21
Processing a Submission.................................................................................................... 7-22
Initiating Payment for a Transaction..................................................................................7-23
Indirect Inventory Tracking....................................................................................................7-24
Adjusting Indirect Inventory............................................................................................. 7-25
Inventory Summary...........................................................................................................7-25
Special Pricing Requests and Soft Funds............................................................................... 7-26
Understanding Special Pricing.......................................................................................... 7-26
Process Flow................................................................................................................7-26
Special Pricing Request Submission............................................................................ 7-28
Special Pricing Request Approval............................................................................... 7-29
Offer Creation and Sourcing....................................................................................... 7-29
Special Pricing Request Settlement..............................................................................7-30
Special Pricing Request Statuses..................................................................................7-31
Understanding Soft Funds................................................................................................. 7-31
Process Flow................................................................................................................7-33
Fund Requests Statuses............................................................................................... 7-34
Working with Special Pricing Requests and Soft Funds ................................................... 7-35
Creating and Submitting a Special Pricing Request.................................................... 7-36
Viewing and Editing Special Pricing Request Details................................................. 7-36
Creating and Submitting a Fund Request................................................................... 7-37
Viewing and Editing Fund Request Details.......................................................... 7-38
Approving or Reassigning Special Pricing or Fund Requests..................................... 7-38
Approving Requested Special Pricing or Soft Fund Budget........................................7-38
Submitting a Special Pricing Request or Fund Request Claim.................................... 7-39
Settling a Special Pricing or a Fund Request Claim.....................................................7-39
Viewing Claims and Budgets Associated With a Special Pricing or a Funds Request
Deduplicating Customer Data................................................................................................ 7-40
Process Flow...................................................................................................................... 7-41
Personalizing the Dashboard and Related Links................................................................. 8-4
Account Manager Dashboard Regions................................................................................ 8-4
Trade Planning Thresholds..................................................................................................8-6
Audit Retail Conditions....................................................................................................... 8-6
Viewing Budget and Claim Summary Reports.................................................................... 8-8
Personalizing the My Accounts and My Products View......................................................8-8
Offer Evaluator and Offer Worksheet...................................................................................... 8-9
Understanding Offer Evaluator and Offer Worksheet.........................................................8-9
Searching for and Copying Offers..................................................................................... 8-10
Lump Sum Offer Type................................................................................................ 8-11
Scan Data Offer Type...................................................................................................8-11
Net Accrual Offer Type............................................................................................... 8-12
Creating Offers Using the Offer Worksheet.......................................................................8-13
Using the Discount Calculator........................................................................................... 8-15
Quota Allocation..................................................................................................................... 8-15
Target Allocation............................................................................................................... 8-16
Understanding Target Allocation................................................................................8-16
Viewing and Modifying a Target Allocation............................................................... 8-17
Viewing the Product Spread........................................................................................8-18
Account Planning.................................................................................................................... 8-19
Overview of Account Plan................................................................................................. 8-19
Displaying Offers In a Gantt Chart.................................................................................... 8-20
Viewing Account Budget Utilization Details..................................................................... 8-20
Viewing Sales Graphs of an Account................................................................................. 8-22
Adding a Note to an Account Plan.................................................................................... 8-22
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Channel Rebate and Point-of-Sale Management User Guide, Release 12.2
Part No. E49077-09
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle Channel Rebate and Point-of-Sale Management User
See Related Information Sources on page xiv for more Oracle E-Business Suite product
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?
1 Introduction
2 Customers
3 Products and Price Lists
4 Quotas and Quota Allocation
5 Budget Management
6 Trade Planning and Offers
7 Point-of-Sale Management
8 Account Manager Dashboard
9 Campaigns and Programs
Related Information Sources
Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite. As
your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content
appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
Online Documentation
All Oracle E-Business Suite documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
• PDF - See the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library for current PDF
documentation for your product with each release. The Oracle E-Business Suite
Documentation Library is also available on My Oracle Support and is updated
• Online Help - Online help patches (HTML) are available on My Oracle Support.
• Release Notes - For information about changes in this release, including new
features, known issues, and other details, see the release notes for the relevant
product, available on My Oracle Support.
Guides Related to This Product
apply receipts, enter customer information, and manage revenue. This guide also
includes information about accounting in Receivables. Use the Standard Navigation
Paths appendix to find out how to access each Receivables window.
utilities. It also describes how to patch a system, with recommendations for optimizing
typical patching operations and reducing downtime.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide
This guide explains the details of how integration repository administrators can manage
and administer the entire service enablement process based on the service-oriented
architecture (SOA) for both native packaged public integration interfaces and composite
services - BPEL type. It also describes how to invoke Web services from Oracle E-
Business Suite by working with Oracle Workflow Business Event System, manage Web
service security, and monitor SOAP messages.
Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide
This guide explains how to set up hierarchies of items using catalogs and catalog
categories and then to create user-defined attributes to capture all of the detailed
information (such as cost information) about an object (such as an item or change
order). It also explains how to set up optional features used in specific business cases;
choose which features meet your business' needs. Finally, the guide explains the set up
steps required to link to third party and legacy applications, then synchronize and
enrich the data in a master product information repository.
Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide
This guide describes Oracle XML Gateway functionality and each component of the
Oracle XML Gateway architecture, including Message Designer, Oracle XML Gateway
Setup, Execution Engine, Message Queues, and Oracle Transport Agent. It also explains
how to use Collaboration History that records all business transactions and messages
exchanged with trading partners.
The integrations with Oracle Workflow Business Event System, and the Business-to-
Business transactions are also addressed in this guide.
Oracle offers a complete set of training courses to help you master your product and
reach full productivity quickly. These courses are organized into functional learning
paths, so you take only those courses appropriate to your job or area of responsibility.
You have a choice of educational environments. You can attend courses offered by
Oracle University at any of our many Education Centers, you can arrange for our
trainers to teach at your facility, or you can use Oracle Learning Network (OLN), Oracle
University's online education utility. In addition, Oracle training professionals can tailor
standard courses or develop custom courses to meet your needs. For example, you may
want to use your organization structure, terminology, and data as examples in a
customized training session delivered at your own facility.
From on-site support to central support, our team of experienced professionals provides
the help and information you need to keep your product working for you. This team
includes your Technical Representative, Account Manager, and Oracle's large staff of
consultants and support specialists with expertise in your business area, managing an
Oracle server, and your hardware and software environment.
Oracle Channel Rebate and Point of Sales Management enables suppliers to manage
their product inventory and prices, create budgets for customer and partner rebates,
offers, and incentives, and enlist the help of channel partners such as distributors and
retailers to manage execution of these offers at points of sales in the channel.
Customers are the organizations, persons, or channel partners that a supplier does
business with. Channel partners can include distributors and retailers. You create
budgets and offers for individual customers or buying groups and you use customer
accounts to settle claims and deductions,
Suppliers use these to focus on markets, products, partners, and sellers. They create
quotas or sales targets specifying either the amount of revenue to be generated or
products to be sold, and allocate these quotas to sellers and partners to better target,
organize, and track sales activities.
Introduction 1-1
These are the repository of funds that a supplier creates to fund trade promotion
activities for quotas, allocates to sellers and partners, and tracks the utilization of and
the returns on these investments.
Account Manager
This is the dashboard that channel partners use to view sales targets and target
allocation to customer accounts, access account plans, create and evaluate offers,
capture retail pricing of your and competitor product, and analyze sales performance.
Sales managers allocate sales targets to individual sales representatives. These sales
targets are automatically re-allocated to customer accounts and an account plan of sales
activities such as campaigns and offers generated for the customer account. Suppliers
and seller such as sales managers and sales representatives can then track sales
performance of these and competitor products. s
This is the channel through which channel rebates or sales activities and trade
promotions are executed and sales targets met. Sales of products happen at various
points in the channel. For example, a distributor buys products from a supplier, the
retailers in turn buy from the distributors, and the end customers buy from the retailers.
Before sales can be made, suppliers need to validate and approve channel requests for
discounts or special prices, or budgets or funds for trade promotion activities, and
channel claims for referral bonuses, incentive and discount accruals, and chargebacks.
Customers are entities with whom you do business. Customers include organizations,
persons, partners, or partner contacts. Use the Customer tab in Oracle Channel Revenue
Management, to create entries for organizations and persons, and to create and generate
lists. Partner and partner contact information is picked from Oracle Partner
The customers that you create in Oracle Channel Revenue Management are the same
ones that you will use while defining market eligibility for budgets and offers, settling
claims and deductions, and for all other customer-related activities. These customers
appear as a list of values whenever you perform a search for fields that require
customer information.
See the Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide for more information on
Customers 2-1
within your trading community.
Information in this section will enable you to:
• Understand the concepts of Organization and Person
• Create an organization
• Create a person
A customer is an organization or a person with whom you have a selling relationship.
This selling relationship can result from the purchase of products and services or from
the negotiation of terms and conditions that provide the basis for future purchases.
Customer Account
A customer account represents the business relationship that a party can enter into with
another party. The account has information about the terms and conditions of doing
business with the party. For example, you could open a commercial account for
purchases to be made by Vision Distribution for its internal use and a reseller account
for purchases made by Vision Distribution for sales of your products to end–users.
You can create multiple customer accounts for a party to maintain information about
categories of business activities. For example, to track invoices for different types of
purchases, you can maintain an account for purchasing office supplies and another
account for purchasing furniture. You can also maintain multiple customer accounts for
customers with multiple lines of business in your organization. You can maintain
separate customer profiles, addresses, and contacts for each customer account.
A contact communicates for or acts on behalf of a party or customer account. A contact
can exist for a customer at the account or address level. A person can be a contact for an
organization or another person. For example, an administrative assistant could be the
contact for an executive. A contact point can be either an employee or any other person
related to the customer organization who will be responsible for coordinating business
transactions between your organization and the customer organization.
Organizations can have the following two type of relationships:
Relationship Description
Organization to Organization This type of relationship exists between companies, such as,
parent and subsidiary, headquarters and division, partner
and competitor.
Customers 2-3
Relationship Description
You can create multiple relationship addresses for a relationship. These addresses are
selected from a list of customers and related customer existing addresses. When you
change an addresses, you must also access the customer or related customers record
and change the location there as well. Note that you cannot change the address in the
relationship record itself.
Click the Relationships link to access the Relationships summary page. From this
summary table you can view existing Organization to Organization, Organization to
Person relationships, multiple relationship addresses, phone number, start date, end
date, and relationship status.
• End Users
• Resellers
For additional information, see the Oracle Partner Management Vendor User Guide.
Creating an Organization
An organization is a retailer or a wholesaler organization. When you create an
organization, you are automatically added to the sales team for that organization.
To create an organization, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management with Oracle
Trade Management User responsibility.
As a prerequisite, the OS: Create Organization Privilege must be set to "Yes" to create
Navigation: Channel Revenue Management: Administration > Trade Management >
Customer > Organization > Create.
Company Information:
• SIC Code: (Standard Industrial Classification Code) Index that describes the
function (manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer or service) and the business line of the
Address Attribute:
• Status: If you select Active status, then the organization will be available for use.
• Contacts: This is the person who will be the contact point for all the business
dealings. Select an existing person or enter a new person. See Contact, page 2-2 for
more information.
Customers 2-5
Name > 360 View.
Creating a Person
A Person represents a contact point for an organization for all the business dealings and
correspondence. To create a person, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management
with Oracle Trade Management User responsibility.
Navigation: Channel Revenue Management: Administration > Trade Management >
Customer > Organization > Customer >Person > Create
• Relationship: This is the type of relationship the person has with the organization.
Segmentation criteria can be saved and used as the basis for list, or target group
generation. For example, a segment could be defined for Credit Card dormancy, based
on the date of the last customer purchase transaction.
Segments can be organized into a segment hierarchy, in which each child segment
contains a subset of the entries in their parent segment.
Consider the following example:
Segment A: All customers in the organization's customer database
Segment B: High income families
Segment C: High income families with kids
Segment B is defined as a child segment of Segment A, and Segment C is a child
segment of Segment B.
The segment hierarchy for the above example is depicted in Table Segment Hierarchy
Example, page 2-7.
Creating a Segment
When you create a segment, you can either choose to base it on an Oracle Discoverer
Workbook or write your own SQL statement. If you choose Workbook, the associated
SQL statement for the Workbook is displayed in the SQL section. This SQL statement is
Customers 2-7
not editable. If you choose SQL, you must enter the SQL statement in the SQL text field.
• Parent Segment: To create a segment hierarchy, select a parent segment. The
current segment definition will be a child of the selected parent segment.
• Type:
• If the Type is Workbook, click the Search icon to select a Workbook.
• If the Type is SQL, enter a data source name, and then enter a SQL statement in
the SQL field.
• The initial status of the segment will be Draft. The Available status implies that the
segment is available for lists and target groups. The Cancelled status implies that
the segment is not available for lists and target groups.
• The setups that map the results of the segment to a list must be complete.
• The query must contain a data source code for mapping. The code for a data source
is entered by the administrator while creating it.
• The query must contain a unique identifier for the data source.
• The query must not contain Order By or Group By clauses within it.
If the query contains an alias, the alias must be the same name as the data source
view name. This is essential for generating lists based on such segments.
In the above example, if the data source's code is 'EXAMPLE_DS', the correct segment
query will be:
select 'EXAMPLE_DS', party_name, party_id from hz_parties
When a segment query is not valid for list generation, the following error message is
"Error: Cannot create list based on this segment. Please recheck the sql
For the query to execute correctly and create a list with entries in it, a data source is
The List Import feature enables you to enrich your customer data with purchased lists
and also consolidate the customer data from legacy systems. This feature facilitates the
importing of:
• Prospects for marketing campaigns
The list import process imports records (in .csv or .xml format) from a client desktop,
server or an ftp site. For additional details of importing from a server or FTP site, refer
the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide.
The list import process is in the form of a wizard that guides you through the process of
importing a rented or purchased list of prospects. The steps in the wizard include:
1. Selecting the Import Type (Persons, Organization Contacts, Leads, Event
3. Mapping the fields between the source file and the destination columns (for a list of
fields that can be imported, refer to the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide)
Customers 2-9
4. Importing the list import table with the source data
Once the records have been imported, they can be used for campaign or event target
group generation.
Data stored within a staging area Data stored within the staging area and are
(AMS_LIST_ENTRIES) in Oracle Marketing added to the Oracle Customer Model (TCA)
Rented records are purged based on usage or Purchased records are not purged and are
expiry date maintained within the Oracle Customer
Model (TCA)
Importing a List
For information on Importing a List, see the section titled Importing a List in the Oracle
Marketing User Guide. The information includes:
• Importing Using the List Import Wizard
Customers 2-11
Products and Price Lists
You can use the Products tab in Oracle Channel Revenue Management to access all
product-related information and attributes required to better target, define, and manage
trade promotion initiatives. This includes managing products and their price lists, and
tracking competitor products.
Managing Products
The Products tab enables you to review, maintain, and create new and existing
products. A product is defined as anything you manufacture, purchase or sell,
including physical items you can stock in inventory. A product is not necessarily
physical; it can also be a service, or a combination of physical items and services. A
grouping of products is often referred to as a product bundle.
The Product tab gives you a consolidated view of all trade promotion-related product
information and the key Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) decision-making variables
from inventory, purchasing, sales and customer relationship management modules.
• Creating products
Quota is the total sales target (in terms of money or quantity of products) that must be
achieved in a specific time period. Quota Allocation is the process by which the Sales
Management allocates quota to Sales Representatives in different territories and
regions. You can allocate targets by territories and by products.
For example, the Sales Management of an organization in US West sets a target of 1
million product units for their sales teams for the year 2004-2005. The Sales
Management later allocates this quota to Sales Representatives in different US West
territories such as California and Oregon based on the sales performance and potential
in each of these regions. In this example, 1 million product units is the quota, and quota
allocation is the process by which this quota is allocated across territories.
Information in this section will enable you to:
• Understand process flows for quota allocation
Create Quota
The trade planning process begins with the Sales Management allocating sales targets to
Sales Representatives in different territories and regions. First, create a quota and then
allocate it to lower levels of the sales team hierarchy. After you create a quota, you can
also define the market eligibility and product eligibility for the quota to identify
regions, territories, and products, which the quota must target.
Approve Quota
The designated approvers must approve a quota before it becomes active. A quota does
not need to go through an approval process if you are the creator and approver of the
quota according to the approval rules.
Allocate Quota
After a quota is approved, you can allocate it to Sales Representatives in the lower
levels of the sales team hierarchy. Sales Representatives can then review their quota and
suggest changes to the allocation. You can review these inputs and reallocate the quota.
Multiple such top-down bottom-up cycles can occur before the quota numbers are
Activate Quota Allocation
You can activate a quota allocation after finalizing the quota allocation numbers. Quota
allocation is the final quota number that the individual territories and regions in the
sales team hierarchy must achieve.
After you activate a quota allocation, the sales teams will receive workflow
notifications. They can view their targets or quota numbers by logging into the Account
Manager Dashboard and you can monitor and track sales performance through the
Account Manager Dashboard. For more information, see the Account Manager Dashboard
chapter in this guide.
Market Eligibility
Market eligibility defines the territories that a quota must target. Defining market
eligibility enables you to classify it and ensure that sales targets are achieved by
executing trade promotion activities in the specified territories. Territories are created in
the Oracle E-Business Suite Territory Management module, and are based on various
customer and geographical attributes.
Product Eligibility
Product Eligibility defines the products and product categories that the Sales
Representatives must focus on selling. Products are items in the Inventory System.
Product categories contain products. For a quota, you can define product eligibility for
product categories and products. While defining product eligibility, you can either
include or exclude products from the product category.
Product Spread
After defining products for a quota, the product spread is generated based on products
that you define, and the sales data of the previous year. For example, the sales data of
January 2004 is used to forecast the demand for January 2005, and the products are
allocated based on this forecast.
The product spread appears as a worksheet and displays the products and the product
allocation numbers either on monthly basis or quarterly basis, depending on the time
spread that you have selected during quota creation. If a product does not fall under
any of the product lines, it is accounted for in a general category. The total sum of all
product allocation numbers in the product spread is exactly equal to the quota.
For example, you have created a quota for 100,000 product units for the year 2005-2006,
and have selected the time spread as quarterly. You have included Product A, Product
B, and Product C in the product eligibility, and have generated the product spread.
Assume that the sales that was achieved in the previous year 2004-2005 was as shown in
the table below:
Product Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Total
The following table shows this data as the percentage value that will multiplied by the
total quota number for the current year (100,000 product units) to get the new quota
Product Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Total
Product A 4% 5% 3% 1% 13%
Product B 5% 4% 4% 2% 15%
Product C 8% 4% 2% 3% 16%
The percentage values are multiplied by the quota number for the current year; and the
products Product A, Product B, and Product C are automatically allocated based on this
calculation. The product spread appears as shown in the table below:
Product Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Total
Unallocated 0 0 0 0 0
The sum total of the allocation numbers of Product A, Product B, and Product C is
44,000 (12,800 plus 15,150 plus 16,050). The Products D and E that were a part of the
base calculation are represented as "Others" in the allocation process. Therefore
remaining 56,000 (100,000 - 44,000) product units are allocated and accounted for in the
Others category.
You can also manually edit the allocation numbers and save your changes. If you
reduce the quantity of products that has been assigned to a territory, then the balance is
moved to the Unallocated category. For example, if you reduce the allocated number of
Product A to 3,000, then the remaining 1,000 product units are moved to Unallocated.
The product spread appears as shown in the table below.
Note: Unallocated are not present for all time periods in the product
Product Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Total
Notice the changes in the Total column for Product A. If required, you can later
reallocate these products by moving them out of the Unallocated category.
You can also add new products to the existing product spread. The quota for the new
product will be allocated based on the sales figures for the specific product in the
previous year. You can also manually change the allocation numbers for the new
product, and make manual adjustments to balance the allocation.
Therefore, whenever you make any manual changes in the product spread, automatic
adjustments are made to the product allocation numbers such that the total sum of the
product units is always equal to the quota.
Note: You can make changes to the product spread only for the current
and future periods.
Quota Statuses
Status Description
Draft The quota status appears as Draft when the quota has not
yet been submitted for approval. A quota in the Draft
status can be updated any time. From Draft, the quota
status may change either to Pending Approval or
Cancelled. If you are the quota owner, then you can
directly change the status to Active.
Active The quota status appears as Active after the quota has
been approved. From Active, the status may change to
either Closed and Cancelled.
Archived When the quota status appears as Archived, the quota can
no longer be used. This status cannot change to any other
Closed The quota status appears as Closed after the quota period
comes to an end.
View Description
Active From The period from which the allocation will be active
Active To The period until which the allocation will remain active
Worksheet icon The amount that has been allocated to each of the
hierarchy levels
The Product option enables you to choose from existing product families and products
• Approve quotas
Creating a Quota
Quota is the total sales target (in terms of money or quantity of products) that must be
achieved in a specific time period. You should first create a quota, and then allocate the
To create a quota, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management with Oracle Trade
Management User responsibility.
Navigation: Channel Revenue Management: Administration > Trade Management >
Quota > Quotas > Create.
• Number: If you leave this field blank, the system generates a new quota
identification number automatically.
• Owner: By default, the user entering the quota details becomes the quota owner.
• Start Period/End Period: These are defined in the General Ledger (GL) calendars
and limit the start and end periods for the quota. The start and end periods and the
time spread determine how the quota is divided and tracked. For example, if you
Note: The values that are listed in the time spread LOV depend
upon the start and end periods that you have selected. If the
selected period spans a year, the time spread LOV displays the
values--Yearly, Monthly, and Quarterly. If the selected period
spans a quarter, the time spread LOV displays the values--
Quarterly, and Monthly.
• Threshold: Quota thresholds enable you to monitor the activities of a quota and
recognize inconsistencies such as over-spending and non-adherence to quota
• Remove: Use this check box to remove a product or product category that has been
added to a quota.
• Modifiers that are created in Advanced Pricing directly will not be available for
update in Channel Revenue Management.
Navigation: Channel Revenue Management: Quota >Quotas > Quota Name > Generate
Product Spread.
• Generate Product Spread: The product spread is generated based on the products
• Edit Product Spread: Use to modify the product spread. The product spread
displays the distribution based on the time spread that you have selected (monthly
or quarterly). The inventory is updated based on order management and POS
[Point of Sales] data imports. The Inventory data is updated on this screen based on
a concurrent job. All data coming from Order management is considered as
'Inventory In' while POS data is considered as 'Inventory Out'. A monthly time
spread divides the quota on a monthly basis (January, February, March) while a
quarterly time spread divides the quota is divided on a quarterly basis (January-
March, April -June). The product sales achieved during the same period in the
previous year is displayed against the respective targets for the current periods.
• Add Another Item: Enables you to add products or product categories to the
product spread.
Note: You can modify the product spread only for the current and
future periods. If you reduce the quantity of products that has been
assigned to a territory, then the balance is moved to the Unallocated
Approving a Quota
After a quota has been submitted for approval, you will receive workflow notifications
if you are the designated approver.
To approve a quota, log into Oracle Channel Revenue Management with Oracle Trade
Management User responsibility.
3. Click the Collaboration side navigation link, and then click Team.
4. Select either User or Team from the User/Role drop-down list, and select the
appropriate value from the Name LOV.
7. Click Update.
• Start Level, End Level, and Start Point: The Start Level can be anywhere within the
territory hierarchy. For example, in a hierarchy level of Country > State > City, the
Start Level does not always have to be Country. It can also be State or City. The End
Level, and Start Point must be less than or equal to the Start Level.
• Method :
• Even Distribution: Allocates quota equally across all the territories.
• Manual: Manually enter the quota that must be allocated to each territory.
• Prior Year Sales Total in Amount: Allocates quota based on the sales figures of
the previous years
• Basis Year: This LOV is activated if you select the method as Prior Year Total Sales
in Amount. The quota will be allocated based on the sales figures of the basis year
that you select here.
• Quota Number: Enter the quota number that you would like to recommend, and
optionally enter a justification in the Notes field.
• Supporting Docs: Documents can be any type of electronic file (.doc, .pdf, .xls, and
so on). These are the documents that contain information to support your request
Navigation: Channel Revenue Management: Quota > Quotas > Quota Name >
• Worksheet Column: In the Worksheet column, click the link corresponding to the
allocation for which the request submission has been made. The list of all the
territory hierarchies are displayed. To identify the territory that has submitted the
request, check the Requested Amount, and the Allocation Status columns. The
Requested Amount column shows the details of the total amount that has been
requested by the territory, and the allocation status appears as Submitted.
• Action Required: Select an option based on whether you wish to approve or reject
the request. If you reject the request, the allocation status changes to Rejected. The
submitter may make changes in the request and resubmit it.
Advanced Search
The Personalize option enables you to search for quotas based on specific criteria. Use
the following procedure to filter the search results, select the columns that must be
displayed in the Quota Summary page, and save the search.
1. Log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade Management User
and navigate to Quota > Quotas.
2. Click Personalize.
3. To further search for quotas in an existing saved search, select the name of the
saved search from the Saved Search drop-down list. To create a new search view,
select All Quotas from the drop-down list.
4. In the Search Criteria region, select the criteria based on which you would like to
search for quotas.
• My Team's Records: displays all the quotas that are created by the team to
which you belong.
• Select values from the Sort Rows By, Then By, and Finally By drop-down lists,
and select a Sort Order (Ascending or Descending) for each of the options. The
data will be sorted based on the options that you select here.
8. Click Save.
9. Click Save and Apply to save the search as the default search. You can also
optionally check the Use as Overview Page Default to save the search as the default
Budget Overview
The primary objective of any organization is to achieve sales goals by using funds and
resources through effective budget management.
A budget is a repository of funds that can be used to fund sales and trade promotion
activities. Budget management involves budget planning, allocating budgets for the
right activities, budget accounting, and tracking fund utilization.
The Budgets module in Oracle Channel Rebate and Point-of-Sale Management provides
centralized information of all the sales and trade promotion activities, and fund usages.
This enables you to plan and track fund usage and ensure that resources are deployed
effectively. It offers access to historical sales and pricing information, which you can use
to plan for budgets based on facts.
You can use Oracle Channel Rebate and Point-of-Sale Management Budgets to do the
• Create a budget, transfer funds between budgets, allocate a budget, accrue budget
based on sales, and perform budget adjustments
• Track budget utilization at any point in time using checkbook views and reports
• View payment details and statuses of all the trade promotion activities that are
associated with a budget
The budgets function also supports the Oracle Partner Management business flow.
Special pricing, soft funds, and referral compensation requests that are created in Oracle
Partner Management can source funds from budgets in Oracle Channel Rebate and
Point-of-Sale Management. Fund utilization for these requests are tracked through
budgets in Oracle Channel Rebate and Point-of-Sale Management.
Finance Managers, Sales Managers, or a Marketing Managers can all control budgets. In
this guide, we use, the terms "budget" and "fund" interchangeably.
Budget Creation
A budget is a pool of funds that you can use to execute trade promotion activities such
as offers and campaigns. If you are a Sales Manager you can create either a fixed budget
or a fully accrued budget based on your business requirements. You can also define the
market eligibility and product eligibility for the budget to ensure that a budget is used
only for the specified purpose. After creating a budget, you must submit it for approval.
A budget becomes active only after it is approved by the designated approvers.
However, a budget does not require approval if you are the creator, and the approver
according to the approval rules.
Budget Approval
Budget approval is the process by which the designated approvers approve the budget
and it becomes active. During the budget approval process, the approvers may
approve, reject, or put the request on hold. A budget can start funding trade promotion
activities only after it is active.
Budget Allocation
• Offer checkbook view: displays the fund usage for a specific offer.
• Customer checkbook view: displays the fund usage for a specific customer.
Creating a Budget
Budget creation involves planning the scope of the budget, and the manner in which it
will be utilized. It includes deciding on the budget type and category, and the market
and products that the budget must target. Information in this section will enable you to:
• Understand and create fixed budgets, page 5-4
• Understand and define market eligibility and product eligibility for budgets, page
Budget Tree
The budget tree enables you to view the parent budget and its child budgets.
• To view the list of child budgets expand the parent budget by clicking on the tree.
• To view the details of the parent or a child budget, click the hyperlink of the
• Click the Total, Planned, Committed, Utilized, Earned, and Paid Amounts to view
the respective Budget Details Checkbook.
Fixed Budget
A fixed budget is a pool of money, with value greater than zero. Fixed budgets provide
better budget estimates in advance. The first step in creating a fixed budget is to decide
on the maximum funds the budget can include. You can define fixed budgets for
different customer and product attributes. You can allocate fixed budgets based on
territories that are set up for Oracle Channel Revenue Management. Territories are set
up in the Oracle E-Business Suite Territory Management module.
You can utilize a fixed budget in a number of ways including but not limited to the
• Accrual Offers (also known as bill-back or rebate).
Other core trade promotion activities such as campaigns and offers can also utilize
funds from a fixed budget.
The following example shows how a fixed budget gets updated when you source an
A customer places an order for 50 units of the product which has a regular price of $100.
An accrual of $500 is created ($100 times 50 times 10%). The Funds Accrual Engine, a
concurrent process scheduled to run in the background gets the accrual information
and updates the budget as follows:
The funds in a fully accrued budget increase based on the accrual parameters that are
specified in the budget. Accrual parameters are conditions based on which accruals take
place and the customers placing orders earn accruals; for example, accrue 3% for
After you define accrual parameters, they are automatically passed to Oracle Advanced
Pricing. In the background, a fully accrued budget actually creates an Accrual Offer.
The manner in which an Accrual offer updates a fixed budget is different from how it
updates a fully accrued budget.
If you source an accrual offer from a fixed budget:
1. The committed column in the budget increases after the funding is approved
2. The utilized column increases after sales takes place and accruals are created
On the other hand, if you source the accrual offer from a fully accrued budget, the
columns in the budget are updated according to how it is set up as explained in the
table below. These two accrual types are separate activities and can even occur
simultaneously on the same order transaction.
You can create fully accrued budgets to accrue to different levels:
Depending on the industry, the use of fixed budgets versus fully accrued budgets is
different. For example, the consumer goods sector may have an average of 40:60 (40% of
their budgets on a fixed basis, 60% on a fully accrued basis); while the more traditional
food and beverage may have an average of 10:90 (10% of their budgets on a fixed basis,
90% on a fully accrued basis).
Budget Category
Budget categories serve the purpose of classification, determining the approval rules,
and determining the Accounts to which the GL Postings must be made.
A budget category is a configurable way to classify a budget. A category can be for any
sales or trade promotion purpose. Categories can be arranged in hierarchies.
For example, a budget category--Trade Promotion can be created for Sales Promotion,
Advertising Funds, or Partner Marketing Funds. The budget category--Sales Promotion,
in turn may have multiple sub-categories such as Partner Marketing, and New Product
Budget Thresholds
Budget thresholds enable you to monitor the activities of a budget, and recognize
inconsistencies such as over spending and non-adherence to budget norms. The
Administrator can set different rules to send out alert notifications to inform you about
the fund usage and depletion at various levels. A budget threshold contains a set of
rules. The Administrator sets up a budget threshold rule and then assigns it to a budget.
For example, a budget threshold can be created with 4 lines, one for each quarter. Each
line contains different conditions and frequency such that notifications will be sent to
alert a user if the budget utilization is for:
• The first quarter is more than 25% of the committed amount.
Org-Striping in Budgets
Org striping enables you to restrict offers, budgets, and pricelists to the respective
operating units. By org-striping budgets you can:
• Use budgets for funding trade promotion activities within the same operating unit
as the budget
In org-striped budgets the operating unit details are derived from the MOAC profile
options, MO:Default Operating Unit.
Note: Org-stripping does not affect offer security. Offer ownership and
group access determine the offer security.
• Name: Enter a name for the budget. Do not enter a tilde (~) character in the name.
• Budget Number: Enter a unique budget number. If you leave this field empty, then
a unique budget number is automatically generated.
• Parent Budget: Selecting a parent budget name will make the current budget a
child of the parent budget, thus establishing a budget hierarchy.
• Budget Type: The type of the budget defaults from Setup Type. For example, if you
have selected the Setup Type as Fixed budget, then the value "Fixed" will be
defaulted here.
• Budget Category: Budget categories are set up in Administration and can be used
to classify the budget. If any GL accounts are associated, and if a profile for
showing GL accounts on screen is set, those GL accounts will default on to the
budget. In addition, an approval rule for a budget may use budget category as one
of its criteria. Ledger is also defaulted based on Budget Category.
• Budget Amount: If it is a fixed budget, then enter the amount that the budget will
have. If it is a fully accrued budget, then verify that the budget amount is zero, as a
fully accrued budget starts with zero funds.
• Currency: By default, this field displays the functional currency of the ledger. You
can change it to another currency.
• Holdback Amount: If it is a fixed budget, then enter the amount that you would
like to reserve and not allocate down to lower levels. You may choose to reserve or
release the holdback amount at any time. To release the holdback amount at a later
point of time, you can manually reduce the amount that you had originally entered
as holdback amount, and click Update. If it is a fully accrued budget, then verify
that the holdback amount is zero.
• Accrue To: For a fully accrued budget, select either Customer or Sales from the
Accrue To drop-down list. This field determines if the fully accrued budget accrues
to the customer or to the Sales Representative.
• Liability: For a fully accrued budget, check the Liability Flag if the accrual offer is
created to accrue funds for customer. If checked, the committed, utilized, and
earned columns get updated along with the total and available columns.
Defining Eligibility
Defining the market eligibility and product eligibility for a budget, ensures that the
budget is reserved to fund trade promotions only for:
• Regions and territories that you have specified in the market eligibility
• Products and product categories that you have specified in the product eligibility
When an offer sources funds from a budget, the market eligibility and product
eligibility of an offer are matched with the market eligibility and product eligibility of
the budget. The offer can source funds from the budget only if these conditions match.
This process by which the conditions are matched is known as budget-offer validation.
For more information, see About Budget-Offer Validation.
Validation for market eligibility and product eligibility happens simultaneously. For
example, if a budget is created for the US West region and Toy products, and an offer is
created for a customer in the US West region but for Games products, then the
validation fails.
• The Accounts division is the bill-to location because you send the invoice to this
division for processing
• Buying Groups
Buying Groups are organizations that are formed when organizations group
themselves together to leverage on higher purchase volume achieved as a group.
This enables them to negotiate better prices and discounts when they purchase
goods from the manufacturer. To form Buying Groups, various TCA parties are
linked together based on a predetermined party relationship.
For example, a customer Organization A has sub units--Organization B, and
Organization C, which are different legal entities. Organization A and its legal
entities can form a Buying Group and be treated like a single customer. If they
choose to have different accounts with your organization, then they will be treated
like individual customers, and not a Buying Group.
• Lists
Lists are groups of customers or customer contacts created based on specific
criteria. The criteria can be specified using Oracle Discoverer workbooks or queries.
For example, you can search for all customers who have purchased something from
your organization in the last two months, and save the results as a list.
• Segments
Segments are similar to lists. They are groups of customers or customer contacts.
Like lists, they are also created based on user-specified criteria through Oracle
Discoverer workbooks or writing queries. For example, you can query for
customers with revenue more than $100, and save the results as a segment.
The difference between a list and a segment is that a list is static, whereas a segment
is dynamic. A list always contains the same number of customers. A segment on the
other hand may vary. In the above example, the query may fetch 100 customers for
this month, but in the next month, there may be only 75 customers who achieve this
• Territories
Territories are another way to group customers together. They are created in the
Oracle E-Business Suite Territory Management module. You can create territories
based on various customer and geographical attributes. For example, you can create
a territory called US West and include all the customers in the US Western states
under it.
For a fully accrued budget, you can define market eligibility by using the highly
configurable qualifier contexts and attributes that are set up in Oracle Advanced
Pricing. By using qualifier contexts and attributes, you can set up market eligibility for a
fully accrued budget in a manner that is similar to setting up market eligibility for a
fixed budget. You can define market eligibility for customers, buying groups, lists,
segments, and territories.
If a fully accrued budget either accrues to the sales level, or to the customer level with
the liability flag off, then you can use the amount in the fully accrued budget to fund
offers just like a regular fixed budget. In such cases, the eligibility validation described
for fixed budgets also applies to fully accrued budgets.
• Validate whether the purpose of an offer matches with the purpose of the budget
For a fixed budget, you can define product eligibility for product categories and
products. While defining product eligibility, you can either include or exclude products
from the product category. The following example shows how you can exclude a
product from a product category.
Computer Devices is a product category, which includes the products Monitor,
Keyboard, Mouse, Printers, and Speakers. You wish to create budget to give 15%
discount on all the products except Speakers. To define the product eligibility, select the
product category as Computer Devices which displays the list of all the products that
belong to this category.
Next, exclude Speakers from this list. Doing this applies the product eligibility only to
Monitors, Keyboards, Mouse Devices, and Printers, and only those offers that are
created to promote these devices will be able to source funds from the budget. On the
other hand, because you have excluded Speakers from the product eligibility, an offer
for Speakers will not be able to source funds from this budget.
For a fully accrued budget, you can define product eligibility by using the product
contexts and attributes that are set up in Oracle Advanced Pricing.
• Products: Select the products you would like to include or exclude from the
category set that you have selected. Include or exclude products as required.
• The combined product eligibility of all the sourcing budgets must match with
the product eligibility of the offer.
For example, an offer has been created for US West region for the products--
Monitors, Keyboards, and Printers. The offer requests funding from two budgets
with the following market and product eligibilities.
Here, both the budgets have US West as the market eligibility and the combined
product eligibility of the budgets matches with the product eligibility of the offer.
Therefore, budget-offer validation passes and the offer will be able to source funds
from Budget A and Budget B.
• The combined market eligibility of all the sourcing budgets must match with
the market eligibility of the offer.
For example, an offer has been created for US West region for the products--Toys
and Games. The offer requests funding from two budgets with the following
market and product eligibilities.
Approving a Budget
After creating a budget, you must submit it for approval in order to activate the budget.
After a budget becomes active, it can start funding trade promotion activities.
Information in this section will enable you to:
• Understand the budget approval process
• Approve budgets
• Budget approval rules: to determine the person who will be responsible for
approving an offer, a campaign, an event, or any request to source funds from a
The approver may approve, reject, or put the budget on hold. The budget status
changes accordingly and appears on the screen. This enables you to know the exact
status of a budget at any point of time. Budget status is also known as system status.
The following table describes the different statuses that a budget can go through.
Budget Statuses
Status Description
Draft The budget status appears as Draft when the budget has not yet
been submitted for approval. A budget in the Draft status can
be updated any time. From Draft, the budget status may
change either to Pending Approval or Cancelled. If you are the
budget owner and also the owner of the parent budget, you can
directly change the status to Active.
Pending Approval The budget status appears as Pending Approval if the budget is
awaiting approval. The budget status may change to either
Active or On Hold if all the approvers respond positively. The
budget status changes to Rejected if the approvers reject the
On Hold On Hold is an interim status, which means that the budget has
already obtained approval, but is not completely ready to be
made active. From On Hold, the budget status may change to
either Active or Closed.
Active The budget status appears as Active after the budget has been
approved. This means that the budget has been approved, and
is ready to fund various activities and promotions. From
Active, the status may change to either Closed and Cancelled.
Archived When the budget status appears as Archived, the budget can no
longer be used. This status cannot change to any other status.
Completed The budget status appears as Completed after all the activities
that are associated with the budget are complete and all the
funds in the budget are utilized.
Closed The budget status appears as Closed after budget has ended
and is no longer available to fund activities, and offers.
Apart from system statuses, there are user statuses that enable multiple users to review
a budget before it is submitted for approval. For example, a team of finance executives
administers a budget. Each individual in the team must review a budget before
submitting it for approval. So there may be multiple user statuses created as follows:
The budget is initially in the "Draft - First User" status. The First Reviewer reviews the
budget, and puts it in "Draft - Second Reviewer" status. This serves the purpose of
letting everyone know that the budget has been reviewed and handed over to the
Second Reviewer. Here, the system status is "Draft" where as the user statuses are
"Draft-First Approver" and "Draft-Second Approver". Because the underlying system
status is "Draft", the budget has all the behaviors of a draft budget. This means that the
budget can be updated and funds cannot be withdrawn. Thus, the user status enables
everyone in the team to know the state of the budget.
Allocating a Budget
Budget allocation is the process of allocating a budget across territories. Budget
allocation can be done only after a budget is approved and is active. After the budget is
allocated, each territory receives its share of the budget, which it can use to execute
• Territory B - $25,000
• Territory B1 - $8,000
• Territory B2 - $10,000
• Territory D - $30,000
Territories can be arranged in a hierarchy. For example, a sales territory--US West can in
turn include California and Oregon territories. You can allocate a fixed budget down a
particular territory hierarchy. Budget allocation enables you to establish a top-level
value for your budget or allocation funds and distribute the roll-down values to the
lowest hierarchy levels, based on the sales data (shipped order amounts) from the
previous year. When the allocation is complete, a budget hierarchy, which is similar to
the territory hierarchy is created. The primary person in each territory becomes the
budget owner. The other team members in the territory become team members of the
During budget allocation, you can perform the following actions:
• Specify holdback amounts or holdback percentage at each level of the hierarchy
• Edit allocations
• Transfer funds
After creating a budget allocation, you must submit it for approval. The Sales
Representatives can start utilizing funds from the budget only after the approvers
A top budget owner may be a sales or marketing executive. A mid budget owner may
be a sales manager or a marketing manager. A bottom budget owner may be a
marketing team member or a field sales person. Each level of management will see the
roll-up numbers for the budget and the child budgets for which they are responsible.
• Create New Budget from this Allocation: you must define the hierarchy for the
• Start Point and Exclude Start Node from this Allocation: If you check the Exclude
Start Node from this Allocation option, then funds will not be allocated to the top
level of the hierarchy.
For example, in the hierarchy US West > California > San Francisco, you must
allocate funds only to California and San Francisco and exclude US West. You can
exclude US West from the allocation by checking this option.
• Manual: You must manually enter the amount that must be allocated to each
• Prior Year Sales Total in Amount: Allocates funds based on the sales figures of
the previous years. Select the Basis Year if you select the method as Prior Year
Total Sales Total in Amount. Funds will be allocated based on the sales figures
of the basis year that you select.
• Holdback Amount and Holdback Percentage: This is the amount that you do not
wish to allocate immediately. An amount or percentage can be withheld from the
allocation process at each level in a hierarchy.
• Worksheet: The worksheet shows the distribution of the budget across the
hierarchy that you created. If you wish to make changes in the allocation, you can
make the changes here.
After you publish the allocation, the status changes to Planned. To update an existing
allocation, select the required allocation number and modify the information as desired.
• Rollup Total: Enter the new amount that you would like to recommend.
• Supporting Files: You can attach documents in formats including .doc, .pdf, .xls,
and so on.
The Sales Management may either accept or reject the request. If the request is rejected,
then you must resubmit the request. Repeat the steps in this procedure to resubmit a
Utilizing a Budget
A budget can fund many trade promotion activities. Funds from the budget are
committed against each of these trade promotion activities, and are utilized over a
period of time. The budget checkbook gives the status of the funds in a budget
including the total, committed, utilized, earned, paid amounts, and the GL posting
details of the budget. Information in this section will enable you to:
• Understand budget utilization
• Understand the integration of budgets with offers (integration with sales orders)
• Understand basic and advanced General Ledger integration with respect to budgets
A budget is utilized when you withdraw funds to execute trade promotion activities.
The utilized, earned, and paid columns in the budget are updated during various stages
of offer execution, and these columns enable you to track fund utilization.
The utilized column records integration of the budget to sales orders, regardless of the
order channel. The following types of records are stored in this column:
• Costs from the trade promotion activities including Off-invoice offers
When an order is placed, the utilized column gets updated to show all the funds that
are likely to be utilized for the order. This however, does not give you the exact
earnings based on the goods shipped. The earned column records the amount that is
Example: you create an offer for $10,000 to give 10% discount on a product. After the
offer is approved, the committed column in the budget shows $10,000. The cost of the
product is $100. A customer places an order for 10 units of the product. Therefore, the
total order value is $1,000, and after discount, it is $900. The discount offered is $100,
which is the amount utilized from the budget.
You however decide to ship only 5 units of the product initially, and ship the remaining
units next month. Because only 5 units of the product are shipped, the customer is
eligible to claim only $50. This is the amount that is earned from the budget.
You settle the claim and pay $50 to the customer, and you make this payment through a
cheque. This is the amount that is paid, and the paid column gets updated accordingly.
Therefore, the budget checkbook gets updated as shown below:
• The committed column shows the amount that is committed to all approved trade
promotion activities that source funds from the budget. In this case, the committed
column shows $10,000 after the offer has been approved.
• The utilized column gets updated after orders are placed against the offers. In this
case, the utilized column gets updated to $100 after the customer places an order
against the offer and the orders are booked.
• The earned column gets updated after the products are shipped. It shows the total
amount spent from the budget based on the goods that are actually shipped. In this
case, the earned column shows $50 after you ship 5 units of the product.
• The paid column shows the total amount that is paid towards settling all the claim
requests. In this case, the paid column gets updated to $50 after you settle the claim
raised by the customer.
Budget Request
Budget request is an explicit request to withdraw funds from a budget to execute trade
promotion activities such as offers and campaigns. You may submit a budget request to
give an offer to customers. A budget request may also be submitted by the owner of
another budget.
For example, you plan to execute a campaign--New Product Introduction to introduce a
new product into the market. You must submit a budget request to source funds for this
activity. You can also submit a request to source funds from a budget owned by another
Budget requests must be approved before the money is transferred. The Administrator
configures approval rules to route different requests to different approvers. A budget
may fund multiple trade promotion activities, and a trade promotion activity can source
funds from multiple budgets. For more information and procedures related to sourcing
offers from a budget, see the Trade Planning and Offers chapter in this guide.
Budget Transfer
In the Budget Transfer diagram, Budget A transfers funds to Budget B.
Budget transfer involves transferring funds from one budget to another. To create a
budget transfer, both the budgets must be approved and active. For example, "New
Product Introduction" fund may not need as much money as originally forecasted
because the new product does not perform well. You can transfer money out of it into
other budgets so that the money can be spent somewhere else.
You cannot transfer funds from budgets that are cancelled, closed, or archived. Also, if a
child budget is cancelled, you cannot transfer funds from the child budget to the parent
budget. To transfer funds from a child budget, after the budget is complete, you must
first make a manual a negative adjustment for the amount which is committed and but
not paid. You must then accordingly decrease the committed amount, and then transfer
the remaining funds to another budget and then close it.
If an offer or a budget that requests funds from another budget uses a different
currency, then conversion can be done automatically if the profile AMS: Currency
Conversion Type has been implemented in your organization.
All movements of money in and out of any given budget are tracked to provide
complete audit control.
Note: Budget requests for offers are created by the offers users. See the
Offers chapter for the detailed procedure on creating a budget request
to source funds for an offer.
• Required By: This field indicates the date by which you require the funds to be
transferred. It is a way of letting the granting budget owner know the urgency of
the request; it has no functional impact.
After you submit the request, the request status changes to Planning, and the granting
budget owner is notified.
• Decrease earned
Use this option to decrease the amount earned for a trade promotion activity.
• When a beneficiary value is not specified, the application increases accruals for the
For decrease earnings adjustments, when the functional, budget, and offer currencies
are not the same:
• When a beneficiary value is not specified, the application uses FIFO logic to reverse
accruals. This is valid regardless of the beneficiary present in the accrual records.
Accounting entries are created in the General Ledger by taking Base General Ledger
accounts from the budget, budget category, or system parameters. The Account
Generator, if implemented, replaces the General Ledger product segment account
information with the product segment of the COGS account (from inventory item based
on which accrual is made). If an inventory item cannot be determined for the utilization,
then the base General Ledger account is used. See the Oracle Channel Revenue
Management Implementation Guide for more information.
In addition to the adjustments mentioned above, the system creates the following
automatic adjustments:
• Recalculated Committed Increase
For more information on Volume and Scan Data offer adjustments, see Integration to
Sales Orders (Accrual Offers).
3. Adjustment Type
4. Budget
5. Budget Category
6. System Parameters
The Budget and Budget Category accounts are ignored if the budget ledger and the
adjustment type ledger are different.
• Type: Select the type of adjustment that you would like to make. After you select
the Type, a description of the adjustment type is displayed in the Description field.
The name and description of your adjustment types is determined by your
organization and are based on one of the adjustment types: decrease committed,
decrease committed and earned, decrease earned, and increase earned.
• GL Date: Specify the date for the GL postings to occur. If a date is not selected, a
default date is used by the system.
• Activity Type: Select the type of activity to which this adjustment is related.
Accrual Offer
In an Accrual offer, incentives are based on cumulative purchases made over a specific
period of time. Funds are accrued over a period of time before it is paid to the customer.
Therefore, only the utilized column gets updated when the customer books an order.
The earned column gets updated when the order is shipped, and the paid column gets
updated after the claim raised by the customer is settled.
For example, an accrual offer has a committed amount of $10,000, and gives 10%
discount on a product. The selling price of the product is $100. Each time customers
place orders for the product, they get 10% accrual on each unit of the product
purchased. A customer places an order for 5 units of the product, and accrues $50 based
on the discount. The budget gets updated as follows:
If the Lump sum offer is with spread, then the amount is spread over a period of time
and is utilized based on the time periods specified.
Spreading enables you to amortize the accruals over a period of time. For example, you
might incur a slotting or listing allowance of 200,000 and want to "spread" the cost over
a 6 month period.
Assume that the offer lasts for 10 days. The budget utilization on the first day will be as
The entire amount committed to the offer will be utilized on the tenth day, and the
budget utilization on the tenth day will be as follows:
The actual scan data shows the following for the two lines:
Based on the comparison between the actual utilization and the forecasted utilization,
adjustments must be created to increase the Committed as well as Utilized amounts.
Adjust committed [(Actual utilization - forecast utilization) - (committed - forecast
utilization)] = [(13,000 - 8,000) - (10,000 - 8,000)] = 3,000
Adjust utilized (Actual - Forecast) for each line:
Adjust line 1 (8,000 - 5,000) = 3,000
Adjust line 2 by (5,000 - 3,000) = 2,000
When adjustments are made to the utilization, the GL entries Debit Sales or Expense
and Credit Liability are also created.
If Recalculated Committed is implemented, and the profile to allow the committed
amount to be more than the available budget is set to "Yes", then adjustments up can be
created without conditions. Recalculated committed skips making any adjustments for
Scan Data offers. This is because of the automatic adjustments which happen for Scan
Data offers when the actual amount is greater than the forecasted amount.
If Recalculated committed is not implemented, adjustments can be created only up to
0 - 1000 accrue 5%
1 600 5% 30
2 400 5% 20
3 100 8% 8
The Base Sales or Expense or Charge GL account is derived from setups done in the
following order:
• Budget which funds the offer
• System Parameters
The Administrator may use the Account Generator workflow to configure this account.
Credit entries are made to the Revenue account that is used by Oracle Receivables on
the invoice line of the sales order line with the offer applied.
For Off-invoice offers (Off-invoice, Order Value, Promotional Goods, Terms Upgrade,
and Volume offers), the Utilized column gets updated after the offer is applied on the
order. The Earned column gets updated as determined by the profile option OZF-TM:
Create GL Entries for Orders. The GL entries get created when the sales order line with
the offer applied has been shipped or invoiced. See the Oracle Channel Revenue
Management Implementation Guide for more details.
• Credit Liability
A credit entry increases the balance in the Liability account that you select while
creating the entry.
Sales or Expenses or Charges are called Equity accounts. These two entries are
created to maintain the basic accounting principle that states that the following
The accounting entries created during accrual use the GL accounts from the following
• GL accounts as defined for the budget itself, along with any Account Generator
workflow updates
• GL accounts as defined for a budget category, along with any Account Generator
workflow updates
When claims or deductions are settled with the promotional earnings associated, the
liabilities are reversed and a Receivables Clearing or Payables Clearing account is
credited. For more details on claims and deductions, see the Claims chapter.
All the General Ledger entries associated with Oracle Channel Revenue Management
are created with a source called Marketing in the General Ledger. The GL categories
that are used for journal entries that are created during accrual are:
• Fixed Budgets (for accruals created for Accrual offers, Lump sum offers, Scan Data
offers and Volume offers which source funds from a fixed budget)
Seeded information that you can use to derive these segment value changes are--order
header ID, order category, order type ID, price adjustment ID, order line ID, line
commitment ID, salesrep ID, organization ID, sold to customer account ID, chart of
accounts ID, operating unit, budget ID, offer ID, inventory item ID, item category ID.
But the configuration of the GL accounts is not limited to these pieces of information
For example, you can use the value--offer ID to find the custom setup or any other
information about the offer. You may use all this information to configure GL accounts.
Reconcile Unutilized
Even after a trade promotion activity comes to an end or even after it is cancelled, it
may have committed funds that are not utilized. The "Reconcile Unutilized option
enables you to return back money that has been committed, but not utilized. When you
reconcile a budget by choosing this option, the previously committed, but unutilized
funds, are transferred from the Committed column to the Available column.
For example, a budget has an total amount of $50,000 out of which $10,000 is committed
to an offer called "New Product Promotion". The amount that is utilized, earned, and
paid from the offer is $8,000. The columns in the budget appear as shown below.
The offer has reached its end date. The Sales Representative decides that there will be
no more orders against the offer and decides to return back the remaining money,
Notice that the amount in the Available column has increased by $2,000, whereas the
amount in the Committed column has decreased by $,2000.
The offer has reached the end date and a few days have passed. The Management
conducts a review of this offer and believes that no more claims will come in. An offer
user manually changes the offer status from Active to Completed. The offer user
chooses reconciles the associated budget by choosing "Reconcile UnUtilized and Un-
Paid Earnings". An adjustment for $1,000 (Utilized- Paid) is made to the sourcing
budget, and this amount is transferred to the Available column. The committed, earned
and utilized funds in the budget are decreased. The columns in the budget appear as
shown below.
Notice that the amount in the Available column has increased by $1,000, whereas the
amounts in the Committed, Utilized, and Earned columns have decreased by $1,000.
When you reconcile an overpaid offer, the offer's Utilized and Earned amount is
increased to match the paid amount. The additional fund is sourced from the funding
budget and it is added as an Increase Earned adjustment in the offer checkbook.
Before reconciliation
After reconciliation
The reconcile button appears only if a trade promotion reaches the end date and status
is completed or closed. If the trade promotion has no end date, the status should be
either Completed or Closed. A budget can be reconciled automatically based on a
concurrent process that takes a predefined grace period into account. For some
organizations, this grace period can range widely from a month to more than a year. For
such organizations, this grace period is not systematic and therefore they can reconcile
budgets at any point of time.
You can reconcile a budget only if you have the access permissions and responsibilities
as defined in the Custom setup, and Responsibility setup.
Reconciling a Budget
Funds that are committed to a trade promotion activity such as an offer or a campaign
are not utilized after the activity comes to an end. Budget reconciliation enables you to
During reconciliation, the committed amount in the budget reduces, whereas the
available amount increases. For example, an offer has committed = $10,000, utilized =
$8,000. This kind of reconciliation will decrease the committed from $10,000 to $8,000
and increase the budget's available by $2,000.
Whether the reconciliation process proceeds synchronously or asynchronously when
you click Reconcile is determined by the profile option OZF: Record Count for
Concurrent Offer Reconciliation. If the value of the profile option is either Null or zero,
then the reconciliation is processed synchronously. If the profile value is a number other
than zero, then:
• If the number of utilizations for the offer is less than or equal to the profile value,
reconciliation is processed synchronously.
• If the number of utilizations for the offer is greater than the profile value,
reconciliation is processed asynchronously.
• List of trade promotion activities that are sourced from the budget
• Available, committed, and utilized funds against each of the trade promotion
View Description
Total For a Fixed Budget, the total column shows the total funds that are
committed for the budget
For a Fully Accrued Budget, the total column shows the total funds
that are utilized for trade promotion activities.
Transferred-in The amount transferred into the budget from another budget
Transferred-out The amount transferred out of the budget into another budget
Planned Total amount of all the budget requests that are waiting for approval
Recalculated The committed amount based on the actual sales and utilization
Utilized The amount that is utilized from the budget based on the orders that
are booked
Earned The amount that is utilized from the budget based on the goods that
are shipped
Paid The amount that is paid to settle all the claims raised by the
customers. This amount also includes promotional deductions and
off-invoice updates.
See Fully Accrued Budget for detailed information on how the Total, Committed, and
Utilized columns get updated for Fixed Budgets, Fully Accrued Budgets, and Fully
Accrued Budgets that accrue to sales.
Utilizations Descriptions
Order related utilizations (positive), such as Utilizations for orders booked but not
those for accrual and off-invoice offers. shipped, invoiced or closed. These utilizations
are not the same as "earned" balances.
Return related utilizations (negative) Utilizations for return orders booked but not
invoiced (credited) or closed.
Non-order related utilizations. For example, There is no difference between utilized and
those for lump sum and scan data offers, as earned.
well as utilizations created by net accrual
offers, partner activities or indirect sales
The following table describes Earned budget balances available in Channel Revenue
Utilizations Descriptions
The following table describes Paid budget balances available in Channel Revenue
Utilizations Description
For accrual types of utilizations such as Paid amounts are claim amounts associated to
accrual, lump sum and scan data offers. the accruals.
View by Dimensions
The balances described in the previous tables are available for the following
dimensions. Each dimension must have a unique ID. For performance reasons only IDs
can be stored in MV (Materialized Views) tables. You must provide names for these IDs
at the time of report generation.
• Time - Calendar period equals month, quarter and year periods defined in the OZF:
Marketing Calendar profile option
• Budget category
• Budget
• Customer party
• Customer account
• AMS: Universal Currency at site level - to store all the budget currencies, and the
transaction and functional currencies for budget roll-up conversions
• California = $5,000
Offer Checkbook
An offer checkbook summarizes the funds that the offer has utilized from the budget.
The following table describes the information that an offer checkbook provides.
View Description
Offer name The name of the offer along with the source code, start and end dates,
currency, and the committed amount
Amount utilized The amount that is utilized from the budget based on the orders that are
For a campaign, this is the actual cost that is posted to the budget, or an
adjustment made
Amount earned The amount that is utilized from the budget based on the goods that are
Gives a summary of all the amount that is paid from the budget for the
associated sales promotion activities
For an offer, this can be a utilization line from an off-invoice type discount
or the information from a claim
Balance The amount remaining in the budget to fund the offer. This is based on the
funds that are committed to the offer and not the total amount in the
• All Customers: Based on a profile option, you may be able to see the total
budget balances for all the customer budgets including those that you do not
have access to.
Budget Search
The Budgets summary page displays budgets with My Budgets as the default
predefined view. On the Budgets summary page you can create and copy budgets,
check the customer budget view, and export budget data. You can view a budget using
Self View, which displays the transactions and activities that the budget directly funds,
or Rollup View, which displays the total funds in a budget, including the sum of all its
child budgets.
You can click the Simple Search button on the Budgets summary page to search for
budgets based on specific criteria. You can then name your search and save it for later
use. You can click the Advanced Search button on the Budgets summary page or the
Saved Searches page to add further search criteria.
For numeric fields, the default search operator is equal to. For text fields, the default
search operator is starts with. For example, if you enter Sales Budget in the Budget
Name field, the search results include budgets that start with Sales Budget.
If you specify multiple search criteria, the search engine uses the and condition and the
Order Details
The order details page displays details of the order that has been placed against an offer
that sources funds from the budget. This enables you to track the orders and shipments
that are related to offers that source funds from the budget.
Shipping Details
Click the Details link to view the shipment details for the order. The Shipment Details
page displays information on the products that were ordered. You can also find out if
the order has been shipped or not. If the order has been shipped, you can see the
shipment number, method, and the tracking number. In the Budget Detail - Shipment
Detail page:
• Click the hyperlink of the invoice number to view the invoice details.
• Click the hyperlink of the shipment number to view the shipment details.
Order Items
To view the details of an ordered item, click the corresponding Item Details icon. The
Budget Detail - Item Detail page displays the following information:
• Billing Information: displays information such as the customer bill-to location,
invoice number, payment terms, and agreement. Click the hyperlink of the invoice
number to view the invoice details.
Discount planning is an integral part of Trade Planning. It involves planning discounts
in such a way that it encourages customers to buy products, and at the same time gives
the desired return on investments. Different types of discounts must be offered based
on different business conditions and scenarios. Some of the challenges that
organizations face are those of planning discounts based on realistic data, analyzing
performance of offers, tracking usage of funds, and making real-time adjustments to
Offers in Oracle Channel Revenue Management simplifies the process of discount
planning, execution, and tracking. Offers enables you to plan and create different kinds
of offers depending upon the requirements and the results you want to achieve. You
can associate offers with products or campaigns, predict the performance of new offers,
and create adjustments to active offers. You can also track and monitor the costs and
revenues for active offers.
On the Create Offer or the Update Offer page, the following midtabs are displayed:
Products, Budget, Checkbook, Collaboration, Additional Links and Team. The actions
you can perform from this page are: adjustments, view and submit approvals, and copy
offer. You can enter information directly into the LOV fields, download table
Create Offer
Offers are created to offer discounts and promote sales. You can create different kinds
of offers based on the sales objectives. You can also specify the discount levels, date
qualifiers, and market eligibility for the offer.
Create Offer Forecast
Creating an offer forecast enables you to predict the performance of new offers by
utilizing base sales data (sales data of the previous year). You can optionally create
Offer Creation offer forecasts at any time irrespective of the offer status. You cannot
modify, update, or delete a forecast after it is frozen.
Request Funds
An offer must source funds from a budget or a campaign to offer discounts to the
retailers and customers. An offer can source funds from multiple budgets, and a budget
can fund multiple offers.
An offer must go through the offer approval process to become active. The offer
approval process involves offer theme approval and budget approval. In offer theme
approval the offer plan gets approved while in budget approval the budget owners
approve the request to source funds from the budgets. An offer will only go 'Active'
after the budget approval.
Execute Offer
After an offer becomes active the offer is available to customers and they can place
orders against it. Discounts are applied when customers place orders depending on the
offer eligibility. Orders are created in Order Management.
The budgets from which the offer funds have been sourced are updated booked and the
discounts applied on the orders. Customers may claim the discounts offered by
submitting claims or by short paying invoices. The Claims module in Oracle Channel
Revenue Management handles the creation and research of these claims and
Offer Creation
Offer creation involves an understanding of the different offer types, qualifiers,
discount tiers, budget-offer validation, performance rules, promotional limits, offers
• View promotional limits and multiple currency price lists, page 6-40
Offer Types
Offers refer to incentives that are given to customers to encourage them to purchase
products or services. Offers are known as promotions or trade promotions and trade
deals depending on whether they target specific trade customers or specific accounts.
A few examples of offers are:
• Purchase a DVD player and get a free DVD
• Buy $100 worth of items and get 20% off your entire order
Note: You can personalize the offer types, Accrual, Off Invoice, and
Trade Deal. This is standard OA Personalization capability. In addition,
on the Create Offer and Update Offer pages, you can enter or select the
values from the LOVs.
• Lump sum offer without spread:The incentive is accrued up front all at once
regardless of the time period. Using the previous Lump sum offer, the entire
incentive ($5,000) is accrued as soon as the offer is active.
Off-Invoice Offer
This is also known as On-invoice offer. In an Off-invoice offer, discount is offered on the
invoice amount when customers purchase the specified quantity of a product. In this
case, the discount is not accrued but is directly applied on the invoice. For example, If
Product A has a price for $ 100 and a off-invoice discount of 10 % is applied, the
product will be invoiced for $ 90.
• Spend $500 or more and get 20% off on the total purchase price
• If the offer is on a recurring basis, then the customer gets 2 units of Product B on
purchasing 20 units of Product A.
• Shipping terms: Enables you to offer services such as free shipping or shipping at a
discounted price.
For each of these options, you can enter the cost of terms upgrade. For example, if you
are extending the payment period for a customer, you can enter an estimate of how
much this could cost the company. However, this field is for information purposes only
and has no functional impact.
Volume Offer
Volume offers are created to encourage customers to purchase higher quantities of
products. In a Volume offer, the qualified retailers accrue funds based on their
cumulative purchases spanning over a period of time. Volume accrual offer typically
includes multiple performance tiers. Retailers approaching a new tier may be motivated
• Enter eligible products or product category for each discount table; each discount
table can contain one or many products or product categories.
• Add another point to specify how to select what products to select to include
volume and products to apply discount
• You must separate the products you are selecting that will include volume from the
products you select to apply a discount.
• Decide whether volume for each customer in a grouping will be tracked together or
• Decide which products will include volume and which products to apply a
• Decide whether volume of all products on all discount tables will be tracked
together, or separately
In Volume offers, the Retroactive Flag determines whether past orders should also be
adjusted based on the new accrual rate achieved. For example, a Volume accrual offer is
set up for a customer to accrue funds based on the total volume of the product sold for
the next 6 months, as follows:
0-1000 accrue 5%
1001-2000 accrue 8%
2001 or more accrue 10%
Each unit is priced at $1.00. The first few orders from a customer look as follows:
1 600 5% 30
2 400 5% 20
3 100 8% 8
If the Retroactive Flag is on, then the system revisits order 1 and order 2 and makes a
volume offer adjustment as follows:
3 100 8% 8 NA 8
Total 1,100 NA NA NA 88
A 1-100 cases 3%
100-200 cases 4%
B 200-300 3.5%
300-400 4%
• Tiers by LOV lists Quantity (default) or Formula. If you select Formula on the tier
line, it is used to calculate the amount or percentage discount.
Qualifiers enable you to specify the date range for different qualifying attributes for an
offer. You can specify the following qualifiers for an offer:
• Order Dates
Order date is the date on which a customer or retailer places an order. Discounts are
offered on orders that are placed in the specified date range.
For example, if the Order Dates are December 14, 2005 and December 30, 2005, then
customers who place orders between these dates will be eligible for discounts.
Note: If you specify the Order Dates as well as Ship Dates for an
offer, then the offer will be applied only for those orders that are
booked within specified Order Dates and also shipped within
specified Ship Dates. If the order is shipped after the specified
dates, then the offer will be re-evaluated.
• Performance Dates
Performance rules are the conditions that a retailer or a customer must comply with
to qualify for the discounts that are defined in an offer. Performance dates
determine the time period within which retailers or customers must execute
activities that are assigned to them to qualify for the discount. Performance dates
are used to ensure that customers meet the performance criteria before a claim can
be settled. Performance dates are not related to sales orders or product sales.
For performance requirements such as end-aisle display or poster display, you can
attach digital photographs of the display to the offer. During claim settlement, the
claims user can use this information as performance proof.
Note that while volume performance is validated automatically, any other types of
performance requirements must be updated manually by the account
Web Offers
Web Offers are offers that are created by marketing users for marketing purposes. Web
offers are associated with a campaign schedule of type Internet Promotion. At runtime,
eMerchandising renders the content (Web Image and Web Text) associated with an
offer. See the Oracle Marketing User Guide for more information on Web Offers and
Web Image
A Web advertisement of content type Web image, can be an existing image on your
server or a new image uploaded from your client. You can specify the width and height
(in pixels) of the image, or accept the defaults based on the image file selected. The
image can have alternate text, which will be displayed when the cursor is placed over
the image. You can specify a specific language for the image or accept the default or All
Languages. Click-through destination of the image, which, as the name indicates, is the
destination to which the Web visitor is directed upon clicking on the image. The content
Web Text
A Web advertisement of content type Web text contains a display text that is displayed
in iStore or any Web site. You can select a specific language for the text or accept the
default, or All Languages. As with Web images, the subtypes are used in conjunction
with Styles to display the text with the associated style.
• To view and modify a web image or web text, click its description hyperlink.
• To remove a web image or web text, check the corresponding Remove check box,
and click Update.
Seeded Click-Through
When creating a CTD a critical component of it is the "action" that you select. For
example, if creating a CTD for web advertisement, the action for the click-though could
be to send the targeted user to a specific URL.
The following table describes the seeded actions for CTDs.
Action Description
Go to URL Sends the user to the defined URL. The URL for this action must
be preceded by HTTP:// or HTTPS://.
Go to iStore shopping cart Uses iStore deep linking functionality to directly forward the user
the shopping cart page. This action is available only if Oracle
iStore is implemented.
Go to Product Details Uses deep linking to directly forward the user to a specific Oracle
page in iStore iStore product detail page. When using this functionality, the
AMS: Item Validation Master Organization profile option setting
must match the IBE: Item Validation Organization setting. These
profiles must be set to the same Master Inventory Organization. If
they do not match products in iStore are not visible in Oracle
Marketing. This action is available only if Oracle iStore is
Go to Shopping Cart with Uses deep linking to directly forward the user to the iStore
Item shopping cart page. The shopping cart can contain an item that
has previously been added. This action is available only if Oracle
iStore is implemented.
Go to Section iStore Uses deep linking to directly forward the user to a specific section
within the iStore page hierarchy. This action is available only if
Oracle iStore is implemented
Go to iStore Registration Uses deep linking to forward the user to the Oracle iStore
Page registration page. This action is available only if Oracle iStore is
• The profile AMS: Item Validation Master Organization and IBE: Item Validation
Organization are set to the same Master Inventory Organizations.
1. Log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade Management User
and navigate to Offer > Offers.
4. Click Create.
• Web Text: Display text to the user. The user clicks the text and is routed to the
destination page defined.
6. In the Subtype drop-down choose a subtype for the Type chosen in step 3. For
example, if Web Image was selected, the subtype could be full banner or half
8. In the File textbox, search and select a stored image. If you are using an image that
has not previously been uploaded, select Upload New Image.
9. In the Click-Through Destination section select the action "Go to Shopping Cart
page in iStore with an item. See Seeded Click-Through Actions, page 6-14 and the
Oracle Marketing User Guide for more information.
The application will populate, as a result, enter the following mandatory fields:
• Section: launch the "Section Selector" navigator. In the section name column,
choose the appropriate section. This is the section within the web storefront that
contains the item.
11. Navigate to Execution > Content. Select the content created in step 3.
A Preview window opens displaying either the web image or web text selected for
the web offer.
• The profile AMS: Item Validation Master Organization and IBE: Item Validation
Organization are set to the same Master Inventory Organizations.
1. Log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade Management User
and navigate to Offer > Offers.
4. Click the description hyperlink of the web image or web text you would like to
• Product B: $75
• Product C: $20
If you select Line as the discount level, then the customer gets 10% discount on each of
the products individually. The new selling prices of the products will be as follows:
• Product A: $100 - $10 = $90
If you select Group of Lines as the discount level, then the discount is collectively
applied to the sum total of the selling prices of Product A, Product B, and Product C.
The set of products costs $200 ($100+$75+$25). After applying discount, the set of
products will cost $180 ($200-$20). Here, $20 is the discount that is offered on the sum
total of selling prices of Product A, Product B, and Product C.
If you select Group of Lines as the discount level, it is mandatory that you specify the
volume of the products. For more information on Discount Levels, see the Oracle
Advanced Pricing User's Guide.
Discount Tiers
Discount Tiers enable you to determine the manner in which you apply discounts to an
• Multiple-tier Discount
Multiple-tier Discount enables you to specify different levels of discounts based on
the quantity of the product purchased. You can offer discounts based on the
number of product units that the customers purchase.
For example, you can offer discounts for a product such that customers get:
• 0 discount if they purchase less than 50 units
To do this, select the tier type as Multiple, and specify the discount values
Discount tiers are supported only for Accrual, Trade Deal, Volume, Off-invoice, and
Order Value offers.
Org-Striping in Offers
Org striping enables you to restrict offer application to orders within to the respective
operating units. In org-striped offers, budgets, and pricelists, the operating unit details
are derived from the MOAC profile options, MO:Default Operating Unit. By org-
striping offers you can:
• Apply offers to orders within the same operating unit as the offer
Note: Org-stripping does not affect offer security and does not restrict
access to offers.
Accrual, Off-invoice, Trade The offer applies to orders in Same as the conditions that
Deal, Order Value, Terms different operating units, apply for direct sales.
Upgrade, Volume Accrual, except in the following cases:
Volume Off-invoice, The Global flag on each
• The QP profile option is modifier or price list should
Promotional Goods offer
ON, the Oracle Channel be checked.
Revenue Management
profile option is checked,
and global flag in the
offer is unchecked
Lump sum, Scan Data offer No impact on offer execution No impact on offer execution
or performance activity or performance activity
validation. validation.
• Checked: Offer
utilizations are excluded
even if the offers belong
to an operating unit that
is different from the Net
Accrual offer. Similarly,
marketing and
receivables transactions
are excluded irrespective
of the operating unit to
which they belong.
Offers created for Oracle If the offers created for Oracle N/A
Partner Management Partner Management purpose
purposes must be global, then set either
the QP: Security Control
profile at the site level to Off,
or set the OZF: Global Flag on
Pricing Related Object profile
option at the application level
for PRM to Yes.
Creating an Offer
Use the following procedure to create Accrual, Off-invoice, and Terms Upgrade offers.
You can use it for the basics of creating other offer types as well.
Log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade Management User.
• Request Only: Select if the customer must specifically state participation in the
offer when submitting an order. These offers will not automatically apply in the
Order Management module.
• Discount Level: The offer type determines the choices that you have for this field:
• Line: use to apply discount by order line.
• Discount Percent: The value entered in this field is displayed by default as the line
discount value for a product line. Only the following offer types display this field:
Accruals, Off Invoice, and Trade Deal.
• Budget: Offers are sourced from a campaign or from multiple budgets. If you select
a budget here, you can select additional budgets later from the Offer Details page.
Note: Only for the offer types, Accrual, Off Invoice, and Trade
Deal, the Source Budget value automatically displays the value you
set at the User level for the OZF: Default Budget for a Person
profile option.
• Committed Amount: Enter the amount you want to commit for the offer. If the
committed amount is the maximum amount allowed for this offer, select Yes for
Committed = Maximum. When you select Yes, Oracle Channel Revenue
Management automatically passes the committed amount to Advanced Pricing to
ensure that the offer is limited to this amount. The profile option is OZF : Allow
committed budget to exceed total budget.
• Frequency Unit: Select the frequency unit with which the Claims Autopay
concurrent program creates claims. The available values are Days, Months,
Quarters, Weeks, and Years. For example, if Frequency value is entered as 2 and the
Frequency Unit is selected as Quarters; a claim is created once for every two
quarters, that is, semiannually.
• Campaign: Use this option to associate the offer with a campaign. Selecting a
campaign here does not mean that you will be sourcing funds for the offer from the
• Source from Campaign: Use this option to fund the offer from this campaign. An
offer can source funds from a campaign (parent campaign), or from one or more
budgets but never from both.
• Reusable Check Box: Enables you to use the offer with multiple campaigns.
• Confidential Check Box: Enables you to keep the offer confidential until it becomes
active. If selected, the offer is visible only to the owner until the offer status changes
to active.
• Owner Field: Optionally use this option to change the offer ownership. The owner
field defaults to the logged in user on offer create.
• Vendor Rebate: Use this check box to determine whether an offer is a vendor rebate
or a customer rebate. If you select the check box, then the offer is considered as a
vendor rebate.
You record this information to enable Order Management to accurately calculate
the gross margin for an item as customer rebates add to item cost and supplier
rebates reduce the unit cost of an item. You can view this check box only for the
following offers - Volume Offer, Accrual Offer, Trade Deal, and Off Invoice. You
can view this check box only if the profile option OZF: Default value for Vendor
Rebates Checkbox is set to Yes.
• Ignore Payment Validations: Select this check box to ignore Customer, Product,
and Pay Over validations for claim payments.
• Payment Type: Select whether the earnings will be paid by issuing a check or
whether they will be accrued.
• Retroactive: Use this option to make the offer retroactive. In a retroactive volume
offer, when a new volume tier is reached, past accruals are updated based on the
new rate.
• Product: to pay customers based on the quantity of products that they have
• Net Accrual Rule: Use Net Accrual Rules to adjust the total sales figure for specific
customers and products to a Net Sales figure.
For example, a Sales Representative creates a deal to offer a customer 10% money
back for all purchases that were made in the last 3 months for a particular product.
The Sales Representative finds that the customer has achieved a total sales of $1,000
over the last 3 months. But, because this customer submitted claims for various
reasons and was paid $200, the Sales Representative offers 10% on $800 and not
$1000. The $200 in credit memo should be a part of the net accrual rule.
Note: The following steps are written for Accrual offers. Use these
instructions as a starting point for setting up qualifiers and discount
rules for other offer types.
• Tier Type: If you choose Multiple, then you must enter the tier information in
another Offer Details page. To access this page, complete this procedure, click
Update, and then click the Details icon.
• Volume Type: The volume type qualifies the minimum volume. For example, if
you enter 100 for the minimum volume and select quantity for the volume type,
then the customer must purchase at least 100 units of the item. If you select amount
for the volume type, then the customer must purchase at least $100 worth of the
• Discount Type: The discount type qualifies the discount value. For example, if you
enter 5 as the discount value, then the following would result for the various
discount types you could select.
• Amount: $5.00 off the price per unit
• Exclusions: Exclusions are defined for an item category using the Tiers or
Exclusions icon in the offer create or update page. Click the icon to enter exclusion
details in a table.
• Limits: You can use the Limits pop up to add line level limits.
• Line Eligibility: Add line level market eligibility using this icon. Click the icon to
display the page to enter market eligibility and beneficiary. You can select the line
level beneficiary type and the beneficiary name from this page.
• Advanced Options: You can define advanced options at the line level. You can edit
or add advanced options for a new discount line.
The following section includes information required for defining qualifiers and
discount rules for other offer types.
• If percentage is the distribution type, the total discount value (sum of all line items)
must equal 100%. Otherwise, it must equal the total lump sum amount.
Note: For Supplier Ship and Debit (SSD) offers, the Vendor Rebate is
enabled automatically. Users cannot update this check box.
You can choose to display or hide this field through personalization. Order
Management uses the information whether an offer includes a vendor rebate or a
customer rebate to determine the treatment for accruals.
For the values of this profile option refer to the OZF: Default value for Vendor Rebates
Checkbox in the Oracle Channel Rebate and Point-of-Sale Management Implementation
• Customers can belong to Gold segment and must place orders between $25,000 and
They can also belong to Bronze segment and must place orders worth $40,000 or
Group numbers are used to create combinations for market eligibility. Group numbers
determine how the rows are combined with each other. Rows with the same group
number are evaluated as an AND condition, where as rows with different numbers are
evaluated as an OR condition. See the Oracle Channel Revenue Management
Implementation Guide for more information on setting up groups.
In the above example, assume that Group Number 2 includes Customer A, Customer B,
and Customer C, and all the three customers belong to the Gold Customer Segment.
Then all rows with the group number 2, apply to these customers. It means that these
customers will be eligible for the discount if they place orders between March 14, 2006
and August 14, 2006, and the order amount must be between $25,000 and $50,000.
You can select from the Group Name drop-down list instead of entering group
numbers if you set the OZF: Enable Market Eligibility Group Conversion profile option
value to Yes. You can configure the values in the list using the Offer Market Eligibility
Group Number Mapping lookup or you can use the predefined values of this lookup.
Note: For volume accrual offers, you can define market eligibility only
for individual customers and buying groups.
To define market eligibility for offers that relate to Chargebacks and Third Party
Accruals, select the seeded qualifier in Market Eligibility. This qualifier restricts the
offer so that it applies only to the Indirect Sales POS data that is processed in Oracle
Channel Revenue Management.
In offers, you can support beneficiary customers who are different from qualifying
customers. This means that you can distinguish between the customer of the accrual
source and the customer who receives the accrual earnings. The qualifying customer
and the related beneficiary customer information is set up in the Trade Profile of the
customer. You can also enter details of qualifying customers and beneficiary customers,
in which case the data in the Trade Profile will be superseded.
• Select a value from the Context Attribute LOV. The Market context that you have
selected will determine the values that are displayed in the Context Attribute LOV.
• Equal To (=): to indicate a value equal to the one specified in the Value From
• Not Equal To (Not =): to indicate a value that is not equal to the one specified in
the Value From column.
• Group Number: Group determines how the rows are combined with each other.
Rows with the same group number are evaluated as an AND condition; Rows with
different numbers are evaluated as an OR condition. See About Market Eligibility
for more information on group numbers.
• Track Volume: Volume tracking determines at what level the volume will be
tracked for each entry in the market eligibility. Volume within the market eligibility
is tracked by Account, Bill-to, Ship-to, Total Group and Distributor. You can only
track the Distributor (listed in the LOV) if the mode is indirect or a direct/indirect
combination. The default is Account (or Distributor for Sold By types).
• Accrue To: This LOV provides a list of eligible objects to which you can accrue. If
the group is for direct sales only, the only choice is Account. If indirect selling is
involved, the choices are the seller (Distributor) or buyer (Account). The LOV
includes Account, Bill-to, or Distributor. The default is Account or Distributor if you
have the option to accrue to the Distributor.
• Combine Discount Tables: This option combines the volumes of all products (with
Include Volume selected) on all discount tables on the Offer to determine the
volume level for each item. The default is set to No if the profile option OZF:
Default Value for Combine Discount Tables in Volume Offer is not set. If you leave
this blank, the system will not combine tables. This option is only available if all
discount tables use the same UOM or Amount. This option is disabled if only one
table is defined for the offer.
• Pre-Qualifying Tiers: Click on Pre-Qualifying Tier icon to view and edit the
individual pre-set discount levels for each discount table in the offer. The range of
options include the number of tiers populated in each table. The dropdown
displays the tier number, range, and discount. For formulas it shows the formula
3 2
3 3
Note: If you have volume tracked by both Direct and Indirect sales
volume, set the Market Options to the same parameters to minimize
confusion. Volume is always maintained across groups for the same
Volume Tracking type. For example, if you buy Direct from a
Manufacturer and Indirect from a Distributor and you set the volume
tracking to customer, the volume would be the volume purchased from
the manufacturer plus the volume purchased from the distributor.
• The Account View displays all customers listed in the Volume Offer. It displays
a Bill-To LOV of all derived bill-to sites fin the offer unless a Customer has been
selected. In that case. only the bill-to's of that customer are displayed. The
screen also displays a Ship-To LOV of all derived ship-to sites in the offer
unless a Customer has been selected. In that case, all ship-to's of that customer
are displayed.
• Both the Distributor and Account file display a choice for Product or Category.
If you select Product, the screen displays a multi-select LOV of Products in the
offer. If you select Category, the screen displays a category LOV of all available
• After you click Go, the screen displays a table of the selected products and their
volume offer status as of the report date.
• Volume to Date/UOM: This is the same as the actual volume unless you are a
member of a buying group, in which case this is the group volume used for
accrual calculations.
• The Actual tier is the current tier of he product is based on volume starting at
tier number 1.
• The Payout tier is the Pre-Qualifying tier or the Actual tier, which ever is
• Payout Accrual is the total accrual based on starting at the pre-qualifying rate.
• The current and payout discount tier, discount rate, and accrual for product. The
payout discount tier, discount rate, and accrual for product is calculated using the
Pre-Qualifying tier.
Method Description
Buckets This determines how modifier price adjustments are applied to the
list price of an item to calculate the selling price. Modifiers use the
previous buckets sub-total for percentage calculation. Modifiers
within the same bucket are Additive. This means that they are
added together, and subtracted from the previous buckets total.
Incompatibility Groups You can define modifier incompatibility. Modifiers with same
and Exclusivity incompatibility group and phase combination cannot be applied
together. You can determine the pricing bands to which various
discounts and promotions belong to. You can also determine
whether discounts and promotions are incompatible or exclusive.
You can use the OZF: Net Amount Calculation for Bucket Volume Offers profile option
to calculate the net amount for bucket volume offers. This profile option is used only for
Volume offers that have the Tiers By field and the Discount By field set to Amount and
for which buckets are defined. For more information about bucket calculations, see
Payment Options
Offer payout dates and methods enable you to specify the payment date and methods
for Accrual, Net Accrual, Trade Deal, and Volume offers. The Autopay program can
automatically pay promotional accruals according to the payout dates and methods that
you specify.
You can specify offer payout dates and methods only if the Autopay program is
running in the background. When Autopay is run, claims need not be created manually
to settle offers.
You can specify the following details during offer creation:
• Payout date:
You can set the payout date at the offer level to automatically pay accruals on a
particular date. Alternately, you can enter the number of days after the offer end
date after which accruals must be paid. Autopay creates a claim automatically and
associates earnings from this specific offer to the claim.
However, if the customer is not eligible for Autopay at the Trade Profile level, then
this setting at offers level will be overridden. If you are the Sales Administrator, you
can override the setting in the Trade Profile by using Advanced options.
• Payout method:
You can select the payment method for the offer, and choose to pay the accruals
either with check or on-account credit.
The payout method that you specify in the offer is passed to Autopay. The claim is
automatically is settled with this method. If you do not specify the payout method,
then the default payment method will be on-account credit. For more information
on payment methods see the Claim and Deduction Management chapter in this guide.
The Administrator must perform the following to enable you specify the offer payout
dates and methods:
• Schedule Autopay to run as a background process.
Advanced Options enables you to accurately control the behavior of offers. Advanced
options is an Oracle Advanced Pricing feature that enables you to define groups of
modifiers where the modifiers in a group are incompatible with each other.
Advanced Options are merged with the Products section for Accrual, Off Invoice and
Trade Deal offers. For Trade Deal offers Forecast columns exist.
Offer payout dates and methods enable you to determine the payment date and
methods for accrual offers, which includes Accrual, Net Accrual, Trade Deal, and
Volume offers.
Mass Update of Advanced Options is available for all the discount lines in Products
section. Click the Edit Advanced Options button under Products region to display a
pop up to enter the values.
To specify advanced options, and offer payout dates and methods for an existing offer,
log in to Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade Management User.
Navigation only for the offer types, Accrual, Off Invoice, and Trade Deal: From the
Trade Planning tab, click Offers subtab, then the offer. In the Update Offer page, click
the Additional Links subtab, and then click the Advanced Options link.
Navigation: From the Trade Planning tab, click Offers subtab, then the offer. In the
Offer Details page, you can edit the advanced options in discount lines section. Use the
• Phase - When discount level is selected as Line, OZF: Default phase for Line level
discounts. When discount level is selected as Group of Lines, OZF: Default phase
for Line Group level discounts
• Autopay Rules:
• Autopay enabled: Select to enable Autopay for the offer.
• Wait for Days: Enter the number of days after the offer comes to end, after
which the payment must be made.
• Only for the offer types, Accrual, Off Invoice, and Trade Deal, the Auto Pay and
Wait Days fields are available on the Create Offer and Update Offer pages.
Before funds are paid to the retailer or customer, the system verifies whether the retailer
or customer has adhered to performance rules specifications. If the retailer has not
adhered to performance requirements, the system sends notifications to the offer owner.
The offer owner can skip the performance rule and make payments only if a site level
profile option has been implemented to override performance requirements. See the
Oracle Channel Revenue Management Implementation Guide for more information on
setting up this option.
Performance rules are rules that a retailer or a customer must comply with to qualify for
discounts that are defined in an offer. Performance rules enable you to define
performance requirements for various products irrespective of whether they are
associated with an offer or not.
To specify performance requirements for an existing offer, log into Oracle Channel
• Requirement Type: Select Amount of Quantity based on whether the performance
requirement is value-based or volume-based.
Promotional Limits
Maximum number of units of This is the maximum units of products that the offer can
products for an offer support. For example, if you specify the maximum number
of product units for an offer as 1,000, then the offer can
accept orders only for a maximum of 1,000 units of the
particular product.
Maximum number of units that a This is the maximum number of units of a product that a
customer can buy customer can buy. You can define different limits for
different customers. For example, if you specify the
maximum number of units for a customer as 100, then the
customer can place an order against the offer only for 100
units or lesser
Maximum number of orders that This is the maximum number of orders that a customer can
a customer can place place against the offer. For example, if you specify the
maximum number of orders for an offer as 10, then the
customer can place only 10 orders or less against the offer.
Maximum quantity in units for An offer can have multiple discount rules. You can specify
each discount rule the maximum quantity in units for each discount rule.
Maximum committed order Order amount is the total amount of all the products for
amount for each discount rule which the order has been placed. You can specifying the
maximum total amount for which orders can be placed. For
example, if you specify the maximum committed amount
for a discount rule as $10,000, then orders for more than
$10,000 worth of products will not be accepted.
You can set the above limits for any of the discount lines. You can apply these limits to
either one discount line or all of the discount lines.
When the promotional limits are violated, one of the following actions take place:
• Hard - Adjust Benefit Amount: Adjusts the order benefit amount so that the order
meets but does not exceed the promotional limit. For example, if a customer close to
their promotional limit places a new order that exceeds the limit amount, the
customer receives the benefit only until the amount is reached.
• Soft - Full Benefit Amount: Applies the full benefit to the order and then sends a
status message to place a promotional hold on the order. For example, if a customer
close to their promotional limit places a new order that exceeds their limit amount,
under a soft limit, the customer gets the full promotion benefit applied to the order.
A status message is sent to Oracle Channel Revenue Management that the limit has
been exceeded.
Multiple currency price lists enables you to create price lists in different currencies other
than the functional currency. If you have global customers or do pricing in different
currencies, this feature enables you to maintain a single price list for multiple
currencies. You can set up and maintain multiple currency conversion rates for a base
currency in a single list which can be attached to multiple price lists or agreements.
Price list maintenance is reduced because only one currency conversion definition can
be attached to multiple base currency price lists. If prices change, you only need to
update the base price list.
When a pricing request is made, the pricing engine converts the price on the base price
list to the ordering currency and returns the new price in the ordering currency
(including any markup values).
Promotional limit refers to the maximum limits that you can specify for an offer in
terms of amount and unit for each promotion.
To define promotional limits for an existing offer, log in to Oracle Channel Revenue
Management as Oracle Trade Management User.
Navigation: Trade Planning > Offers > Offer Name > Discounts Region. Click the Limits
icon on the discount line.
• Maximum Caps: See the Promotional Limits table for information.
Adjusting Offers
Offer adjustments enable you to modify active offers. For example, after an offer was
created the price of the product dropped dramatically resulting in a need to change the
offer price. Once the adjustments are made they are sent to the offer approval process,
and applied to the offer after they are approved.
Note: You cannot make any offer adjustments for Terms Upgrade and
Lump Sum offers.
Different offer types have different rules that govern the adjustments. The Offer
Adjustment Rules table describes the offer adjustment rules. You can make a few or all
of the following adjustments to offers:
Offer Adjustments
Modify discounts Change the date for the new discount to be effective from a
future date or from a past date. You can perform either
single-tier adjustments or multiple-tier adjustments to
discounts depending on which adjustment you have
specified for the offer.
Add or remove products You can add products that are valid for the offer based on
budget-offer validation. You can also set the discount role to
0. The discounts that have been specified will get
reconfigured based on the changes that you make.
You can add Advanced Options for new discount lines via
adjustment. This is available only for Accrual, Trade Deal,
and Off Invoice offers.
Specify the settlement method Specify offer payout dates and methods. Payout methods
for the offer include paying through check or account credit. For offers
with accrual-- Accrual, Lump sum, Trade Deal, Volume, and
Scan Data, you can specify the payout date, payment
method, and payout party.
Add or remove market You can add new market eligibility or end date the existing
eligibility market eligibility. You can select the Apply to Party
Hierarchy check box to specify that the offer applies to party
hierarchy. Market Eligibility adjustment is available for the
Accrual, Off Invoice, and Volume offers.
Earnings Reversals You can create an offer adjustment to reverse earnings for an
offer when either of the following are end dated or removed
from an offer:
Off Invoice Offer Modify the discount amount or percent value. Backdate the
request or have the new values begin on a specific date, or
Accrual Offer Modify the accrual amount or percent value. Backdate the
request or have the new values commence on a specific date, or
Order Value Offer Modify the discount amount or percent values as they pertain
to each line defined in the Offer. You cannot modify the Order
Value "From" and Order Value "To" values. Backdate the
amount or percent values modification, or have the new values
commence on a specific date, or both.
Promotional Goods Offer Modify the discount amount or percent value for the products
detailed for the "Get" condition only. Backdate the request, or
have the new values commence on a specific date, or both.
Volume Offer Modify the discount amount or percent values as they pertain
to each volume "tier" defined in the Volume Offer. You cannot
modify the Volume "From" and the Volume "To" tier values.
The user may backdate the amount or percent values
modification or have the new values commence on a specific
date, or both. See additional information on Volume Offer
Related Topics
For additional, detailed information about offer adjustment functionality, refer to My
Oracle Support (http://support.oracle.com) Document ID 2031757.1.
The offer adjustments function enables you to modify active offers. Adjustments go
through an approval process and they are applied to the offer after they are approved.
To create offer adjustments for an active offer, log into Oracle Channel Revenue
Note: Offer Adjustments are not available for Terms Upgrade and
Lump Sum Offer types.
Navigation only for the offer types, Accrual, Off Invoice, and Trade Deal: From the
Trade Planning tab, click Offers subtab, then the offer. In the Update Offer page, on top
right corner, select Adjustments and click the Go button.
Navigation: From the Trade Planning tab, click Offers subtab, then the offer. In the
Offer Details page, click the Adjustments link.
• Adjustments:
• You can either create a new Adjustment or modify the existing Adjustment.
• You can create a new adjustment only if your are creating the adjustment for
the first time, or if all the existing adjustments are either approved or rejected.
• Settlement Method: For backdated offers, to settle the difference in discount for
products that have already been discharged in case of backdated offers, select the
settlement method as either check or accrue the credit on account.
• Discount Rules: You can add new discount lines, or modify the existing discount
rules. See Defining Qualifiers and Discount Rules for more information.
• Market Eligibility: You can add new market eligibility or end date the existing
market eligibility. You can apply offers to the party hierarchy using the Apply to
Party Hierarchy check box. Market eligibility adjustment is available for these
offers: Accrual, Off Invoice, and Volume.
• You can configure the OZF: Number of Workers for Offer Adjustment profile
option to generate the required number of threads to process offers. This profile
option can be set at the Site level and is blank by default, which represents a single
After you save the changes, the offer status changes to Active. The change in the status
initiates a workflow for Offer Adjustment approval depending on the status order rule.
During the process, the status first changes to Pending Approval initially, and later
changes either to Approved or Rejected.
• Customer Bill To
• Customer Ship To
• Buying Group
• List
• Segment
• Territories
In the following example, the Sample Offers table gives some details for each of seven
different offers. The Sample Searches table shows the criteria used for each of four
different searches, and the corresponding search results.
Sample Offers
Sample Searches
Note: When you search for a specific customer, the search results do
not include blanket offers or offers for which the customer is part of a
buying group, a list, or a segment.
Offer Forecasting
Offer forecasting enables you to predict the performance of new offers by utilizing base
sales (sales data of the previous year). The base sales or historical sales data is
segmented into three dimensions--time range, product, and market (account). By
analyzing this data, you can set realistic sales targets and acceptable return on
investment (ROI) for the your organization as well as the retailer.
Offer forecasts are based on quantities and not the monetary value. To create a forecast,
an offer must target at least one customer and one product. Multiple customers and
products are also supported. You can create offer forecasts for all types of offers except
Order Value because no products are specified in Order Value offers. You can create an
offer forecast at the following levels:
• Offer level: forecast is based on the historical sales data for customers and products
for that particular offer
You can create offer forecasts at any time regardless of the offer status. After creating a
forecast, you can also freeze it, after which the forecast, the forecast data cannot be
modified, updated, or deleted. This ensures that the forecast data remains accurate, and
that the wrong data is not used for your offer. If you wish to change the data in a
forecast after it is frozen, you can create a new forecast from a frozen forecast, and then
modify or change the data in the new forecast.
Information in this section will enable you to:
• Understand and create offer forecasts
• Integration with Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables must be set up.
• The workflow background process with the parameter AMS Marketing Generic
Approvals must be running to initiate an approval notification to the Budget
Approver to approve the budget.
• The workflow background process with the parameter Claim Settlement must be
running to close the claim.
• Funds Accrual Engine: to update the budget that is related to the offer and the
• Claim Settlement Fetcher: to close the claim that you have prepared to settle.
Follow the steps in this section to complete this flow.
Step 1: Create a Budget
A Budget is a pool of money, which you can use to fund trade promotion activities such
as offers and campaigns. As the first step, you create a budget for $500,000 to be used
• Actions: Use this tab to create Promotion Pricing Attributes for Oracle Channel
The Pick Release Process concurrent program picks and packs the order. The Interface
Trip Stop concurrent program ships the sales order to the customer location.
Step 7: View Budget Utilization
The Funds Accrual Engine updates the budget that is related to the offer and the order.
The utilized and the earned columns in the budget get updated according to the
discounts that are offered against the orders that the customers have placed. The budget
shows the utilized amount based on the discount applied to the order. The earned
column shows the amount utilized based on the orders that have been shipped. To view
the budget utilization details, log into Oracle Channel Revenue Management as
trademgr/welcome. This user has the Oracle Trade Management Super User
Navigation: Budget > Budgets.
Look for the New Product Promotion budget. Optionally, click the amount under the
Utilized column to view the order number.
Step 8: Claim Creation and Settlement
The concurrent program Claims Autopay automatically creates a claim for the customer
if Autopay is enabled in the customer's Trade Profile. To enable Autopay for the
customer, navigate to Administration > Trade Management > Trade Profile, and select
After the claim is automatically created, the following processes occur in the
• The AutoInvoice concurrent program validates and imports records as completed
transactions into Oracle Receivables. If there are any errors in the process, they are
listed in the output report.
• The Claims Settlement Fetcher concurrent program closes the claim that you have
prepared to settle.
• The workflow background process with the parameter Claim Settlement closes the
• The AMS-TM Default Forecast UOM profile must be completed. This profile
determines the default Unit of Measure (UOM) used for calculating the
Forecast. If historical sales data are in different UOMs, they will all be
converted into this profile UOM.
Navigation only for the offer types, Accrual, Off Invoice, and Trade Deal: From the
Trade Planning tab, click Offers subtab, then the offer. In the Update Offer page, click
the Additional Links subtab, and then click the Forecast link.
Navigation: From the Trade Planning tab, click Offers subtab, then the offer. In the
Offer Details page, click the Forecast link.
• The Start and End Dates are past. Dates are used to reference historical values.
• Total Forecast: This is the quantity to be forecasted over the product and customer
combinations. It must be inclusive of the Forward Buy quantity.
• Forward Buy: This is the quantity you expect will be purchased during the offer
specifically to take advantage of the offer.
• Base Volume: The Base Volume is readily available. Base Volume is the historical
sales data from Order Management, based on all closed order lines for the selected
customers and products of the offer during the time period specified by the Base
Volume Source. The Base Volume Source defaults to Last Year Same Period.
Forecasts are always based on the sales during the period one year prior to the
current offer begin and end dates.
• Automatic Spread:
• Baseline Ratio: The Base Volume is divided across the products in the same
ratio as the relative sales volume. For example, if Product A sold 800 units and
Product B sold 400 units, and the Total Forecast is 3000 units, then the default
forecast is 2000 units of Product A and 1000 units of Product B.
• Across All Evenly: The Base Volume is divided evenly across all products. For
example, if Product A sold 800 units and Product B sold 400 units, then the
default forecast would be 1500 units of Product A and 1500 units of Product B.
• Buy-Get Ratio: Available for promotional goods offers only. This is used for
calculating the default product forecast for these offer types.
For example, an offer is defined as Buy 2 Units of Product A and Get 1 Unit of
Product B at X discount. If the total forecast is 300, then the forecast for Product
A will be 200 and Product B will be 100.
If the get product is free (in other words, if it has a 100% discount), then the
forecast for Product A will be 300 and Product B will be 300. You do not need to
forecast free products. The application assumes that free products are always
included when the corresponding buy product is sold.
• Time: spreads the Total Forecast over time first. This is calculated on the Period
View. The total time period for the offer is divided by the Period View to give a
number of periods. This number is rounded up to the nearest whole number.
For example, if the offer is good for 30 days and the Period View is one week,
the number of periods will be 30 days/7 days = 4.29 rounded up to 5.
• Freeze check box: Select to freeze the forecast. A forecast cannot be changed after it
is frozen. If changes are made to the Offer in either products or market eligibility,
you must recreate the existing forecast by creating a forecast version to reflect the
• Custom Date Range: to generate the forecast for a given time period.
• Offer Code: to generate the forecast based on the performance of another offer.
• Baseline Driven Forecast - dependent upon the availability of baseline and lift data
for calculations.
Navigation: Channel Revenue Management > Trade Planning > Select an Offer
In the Forecast Basis dropdown select a Forecast Basis and click create to display a
Forecast Details screen based on your Forecast Basis selection:
• Last Year Same Period: Forecast is calculated as the same as same customer/product
sales that occurred for the same period in the prior year.
• Allocation Method has two values: Across All Evenly – the forecast total is
allocated across all customer, item, or combinations equally. Proportionately –
• Custom Date Range: Forecast is generated for the period from given custom start
date up to given custom end date based upon corresponding prior year sales.
• Offer Code: To generate the forecast based on the performance of another offer.
• Baseline and Lift Forecast The options here depend on the availability of baseline
and lift data for calculations. This data is historic and uploads into the system. It is
not visible on the UI.
• Discount percentage is editable at the Product level. Any changes you make to
discounts will trigger a recalculation of the forecast from the database,
replacing any prior manual edits for that product only.
• Changes to the Total Forecast value allocate the change down the hierarchy
proportionately to their current values.
Calculating ROI
Return on Investments (ROI) in general can be defined as (revenue - cost) / cost. Cost in
Oracle Channel Revenue Management refers to the cost of goods sold, promotional
amount, or other costs that can be custom calculated. The Manufacturers ROI Calculator
is tightly integrated with the offer forecasting functionality and is designed to provide
the trade user a multi-functional planning tool that will aid in the initial analysis,
• Manufacturer's ROI:
• The default view is for the forecast. Choose Forecast versus Actuals view from
the drop-down list to display the selected view.
• Calculate ROI: Click to complete the table with the ROI information. The values
that can be displayed in the table are:
• Product List Price is the price of the product based on the Price List selected.
• Discount can be Percent, Amount, New Price, or Lump Sum based on the offer
• Value is the numeric value of the discount per unit. For example, if the discount
was 10% and the list price $100, then the value will be $10.
• Selling Price = List Price - Discount Value (Exception: For discount type
Accrual, the selling price is same as list price).
• Unit Cost is the unit cost of goods, and the number is returned from Costing.
• Forecast Costs = Forecast Units times (Unit Cost plus Discount Value).
• Forecast ROI = (List Price – (Unit Cost plus Discount Value)) / (Unit Cost plus
Discount Value).
Offer Funding
Offers are created to increase sales by offering discounts on products. Organizations
often treat discounts as reductions in revenue. Therefore, an offer must source funds
from either a budget or a campaign to offer these discounts.
Sourcing an offer involves specifying the funding source for the offer. You can source
funds for an offer from a parent campaign, budget, or from multiple budgets. When
you select a parent campaign as the funding source, the campaign behaves like a mini-
budget. The offer can source up to the maximum amount available for the campaign.
When you source funds from multiple budgets, you must specify the amount that you
would like to withdraw from each budget. There is no rule for the proportion in which
you can withdraw funds from each budget. However, when you source funds from a
budget, you can request only up to the maximum amount that is available in the
For example, you can source an offer from three budgets. The offer has a committed
amount of $10,000. You can decide to withdraw this amount from the three budgets in
the following manner:
• Budget 1- $3000
• Budget 2 -$3000
• Budget 3 - $4000
After specifying the funding source, you can submit the offer for approval. An offer
becomes active after all approvers approve the offer. See Understanding the Offer
Approval Process for more information.
Navigation: Trade Planning > Offers > Offer Name > Budget.
In the Initial Budget Estimate field, enter the amount that you would like to source for
the offer from a budget, and click Update. You cannot request approval for your offer
until you have specified an initial estimated budget.
• Create Request: Click to create a budget request.
• Budget Source region: Select either Budget (the actual budget) or Person (the
individual who will determine the budget to be used for the offer) from the Source
Type drop-down list, and select a source name.
The information in the Budget Recipient region of the page is automatically
populated. It is based on the initial estimated budget, and the offer type, name,
code, and owner.
• Justification: This field is optional and is for information purposes only. You
might want to explain the reason for the budget request or how the money will
be used.
To request funding from another budget (to source the offer from multiple budgets),
start afresh by clicking Create Request again.
Navigation: Trade Planning > Offers > Offer Name > Budget > Create Transfer.
• Budget Recipient: Select the budget to which funds will be transferred.
• Transfer Details: Enter the amount that you would like to transfer.
Offer Approval
The approval process for offers includes offer theme approval and budget approval. For
an offer to become active, the offer plan must first be approved. After the offer plan is
approved, you must submit it for budget approval to request funds for the offer.
Information in this section will enable you to:
• Understand the offer approval process
• Approve offers
Budget Approval:
Budget approval is the process by which a budget owner approves the request for
funding. Budget owner is the owner of the budget from which you request for funds to
execute the offer. Budget owner is also known as the fund source owner. If an offer
sources funds from more than one budget, then the offer becomes active only after all
the budget owners approve the request.
For example, you create an offer to source funds from three budgets--Budget A, Budget
B, and Budget C. You first submit the offer for offer theme approval. The Sales
Management reviews the offer and approves it. Next, the offer passes on to the budget
approval stage. The request is sent to each of the budget owners. The offer becomes
active after all the budget owners approve the request in a sequential manner based on
the order specified in the approval rules.
If you are the offer owner as well as the budget owner, then the offer will go through an
approval process only if the amount requested in the offer is not within your spending
limit. For example, if you create an offer for $40,000 whereas your spending limit is
$30,000, then the offer must go through an offer approval process, and the request will
be sent to the defined approver. However, if your spending limit is more than the
requested offer amount, then the offer does not require any approvals.
Note: Offer theme approval and budget approval are optional features
that your organization may implement. Your organization can choose
to have only offer theme approval, or only budget approval, or both. If
neither of them are implemented, the offer does not go through any
approval process. Instead the offer status directly changes to Active.
Offer Statuses
Offer status enables you to know the exact status of an offer at any point of time. The
status of an offer changes along with the approval flow.
The following describes different statuses that an offer may go through during offer
theme approval and budget approval, and the behavior of the offer at different statuses.
Draft The offer status appears as Draft when the offer is in the planning
stage. When the offer is in the Draft status, you can:
Rejected The offer status appears as Rejected if one or more funding source
owners reject the offer.
Pending validation When the offer status appears as Pending Validation, it means that
the offer is being checked automatically for budget-offer validation.
This status is based on the budget offer validation profile.
Active The offer status appears as Active after it is approved by the fund
source owners. It means that the offer is ready to be executed or is on
temporary hold.
The information that you can edit at this point of time depends on
the implementation setups. In any case, you cannot add or modify
discount rules.
On Hold On Hold is an interim status, which means that the offer has been
approved, but is not yet ready to be executed.
Completed The offer status appears as Complete after the offer reaches the end
date, and all associated activities are complete.
Budget-Offer Validation
Budget-offer validation ensures that funds planned for certain customers and products
are used as intended. If the budget-offer validation is implemented in your
organization, the customer and product targets specified in the source budget are
matched whenever you create an offer and submit it for approval. The offer cannot
source funds from a budget if these conditions do not match.
For example, a budget has been created to source funds for trade promotion activities
for California retailers and Orange Juice. If the budget-offer validation option is turned
on, then an offer created for Oregon retailers and milk will not be allowed to source
from this budget.
If budget-offer validation fails, the offer status changes from Submitted or Pending,
back to the previous status. At the same time, a notification is sent to the offer owner.
For more information on budget-offer validation, see the Budgets chapter.
Approving an Offer
After an offer has been submitted for approval, it goes through the offer theme
approval and budget approval processes. The designated approvers according to the
approval rules must approve the offer theme, where as the budget owner must approve
the budget request.
To approve an offer theme for an offer that has been submitted for approval, log into
Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade Management Super User.
Navigation: Workflow > Worklist or Home > Tools > View Notification Work List.
The offer proceeds to the budget approval stage after you complete the theme approval.
Offer Execution
After an offer becomes active, you can start communication and offering discounts to
customers. Whenever customers place order the offer eligibility and qualifiers
determine what offer should be applied to an order. The updates to budget information
on the offer is based on the offer application.
An offer cannot be used if:
• The offer reaches the end date.
• The funds in the offer are completely utilized and the pay over earnings is not
• The offer is manually completed and the offer status is no longer active.
See the Budget Management chapter in this manual for more information on budget
utilization and the manner in which a budget gets updated for different offer types.
Point-of-Sale Management is the process by which a manufacturer validates requests,
and manages and tracks funds when trade promotion activities are executed indirectly
through retailers and wholesalers (or dealers and distributors). The Point-of-Sale
Management functionality includes the following features:
• Chargeback
The manufacturer may have different pricing agreements with some end-customers
who buy products indirectly through distributors. Sometimes, distributors may
have to sell products to these end-customers at a price that is less than their
acquisition cost. In such cases, they may chargeback the differential amount back to
the manufacturer. Claims need to be created and settled based on the chargeback
• Special Pricing
Retailers or wholesalers request the manufacturer for a special price or discount to
dispose existing inventory, meet a competitor's price, or to win a deal for an
existing customer.
• Fund Requests
Retailers or wholesalers execute trade promotion activities on behalf of the
manufacturer, and request for a budget to execute these activities.
• Referral Management
Retailers or wholesalers refer a business prospect, lead, or an opportunity to a
manufacturer. If the referral results in an order, they can claim incentive for the
Chargeback and Third Party Accrual data are managed in Oracle Channel Revenue
Management whereas Special Pricing, Fund Requests, and Referrals are features that
are available in Oracle Partner Management. When there are approved requests related
to Special Pricing, Fund Requests, or Referrals, offers and claims are automatically
generated in Oracle Channel Revenue Management; these claims are settled by the
claims user.
• Additionally, indirect seller and buyer account sites are valid customer account
• The "Sold By" IDSM (indirect Sales Modifier) qualifier supports the following
contexts and values :
In Oracle Channel Revenue Management the operating unit information is required
when importing POS data. The operating unit can be derived from the system profile
MO:Default Operating Unit or be selected by the particular used who plans to upload
the data.
Claims are created in the background when indirect sales users initiate payments for
batches. An indirect sales batch can contain transactions for only one operating unit and
claims should be created in the same operating unit.
• Org-Striping validation on price lists and offers rely on the Advanced Pricing
Understanding Chargebacks
Manufacturing organizations face the challenge of handling rebates and chargeback
claims for their customers and wholesaler networks. These organizations pay accruals
to indirect and direct customers. Chargeback in Oracle Channel Revenue Management
enables organizations to accurately create and report accruals, and efficiently validate
and process the monthly chargeback claims that they receive from wholesalers.
Process Flow
The following figure illustrates the process flow for chargebacks, starting from
Chargeback Submission
Wholesalers or distributors may send chargeback data and claims through the Oracle
XML Gateway. Oracle Channel Revenue Management supports EDI 844 and EDI 867
formats. See the Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide for more information.
They may also send the data in the form of .xls files or paper documents that will need
to be converted and uploaded to the system using Oracle's Web ADI Tools. You can
upload this into Oracle Channel Revenue Management, and process it further. If
wholesalers want to change certain information in the chargebacks that were originally
submitted, they can resubmit them.
Chargeback Validation
The system checks whether the wholesaler is a valid party in Oracle Trading
Community Architecture (TCA), and automatically performs inventory verification,
item verification, and price agreement verification. If any of these validations fail, then
the system will not process the chargebacks. Notifications are sent to the submitter.
Chargeback Reconciliation
If the chargeback is valid, then the chargeback amount for each chargeback line is
posted against a budget. The Administrator specifies the budget source as a profile
value for the Chargeback budget. The amount in the utilized and earned columns are
updated based on the batch processing results.
Chargeback Settlement
A single chargeback claim is automatically created against the chargeback transaction. If
there are any disputes regarding the chargeback transaction, then the Administrator can
initiate the claim for the chargeback lines without disputes. All chargeback earnings are
automatically associated to the claim.
Chargeback Submission
Wholesalers may submit chargebacks in one of the following ways:
• Flat Files (.csv files)
Wholesalers may send chargebacks in the form of .csv files. You can import these
files into Oracle Channel Revenue Management by using the upload tool provided
by WebADI.
• XML Gateway
Wholesalers or distributors may send chargeback data and claims through the
Oracle XML Gateway. Oracle Channel Revenue Management supports EDI 844 and
EDI 867 formats. See the Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide for more information.
The chargeback process automatically runs, and in the meantime, you can see the
status as "Processing".
The submitted chargeback might have one or more associated chargeback lines.
Chargeback lines include transaction-related information such as Customer ID, Product
ID, Sale price and wholesaler acquisition price, Quantity of the product purchased,
Customer contract, Customer authorization, Order number and order date, and the
Differential amount (the amount charged back).
For example, a wholesaler submits a chargeback as follows:
You can view chargeback lines and the associated errors, and make manual corrections
to the claim in the Chargeback Transaction Data Management page. All the transaction
data is maintained to ensure accuracy and resolve future disputes. End-customer sales
information such as product number, and price is captured and stored for reporting and
auditing capabilities. The Administrator in your organization can also implement an
option whereby you can create relationships between the end-customer and the
Information regarding the end-customers such as sales, identification, product number
and price is captured and stored for reporting and auditing capabilities. These indirect
customers are created as parties and accounts in TCA. They can optionally have a
"Customer of" relationship with the wholesaler. During chargeback submission, an API
call is made to the Data Quality Management (DQM) application in TCA. Based on data
checking rules that are set up in DQM, the chargeback system finds the corresponding
party ID that has been set up in TCA. If the party does not exist, a new party will
automatically be created in TCA.
The Administrator can configure different rules in DQM. The required options must be
set in System Parameters for the chargeback system to pass to DQM different rules. See
the Oracle Channel Revenue Management Implementation Guide for more information.
The wholesaler's chargeback volume is validated against the inventory level of your
products that the wholesaler possesses. The wholesaler's inventory level may be
automatically tracked in Oracle Channel Revenue Management. This tracks quantity of
the products that a wholesaler purchases from your organization and quantity of
products that the wholesaler has sold.
If the quantity of products that the wholesaler claims to have sold is more than the
quantity of products in his inventory, then the chargeback transaction is not processed.
For example, a wholesaler submits chargeback for product X for different periods:
Validation is done to ensure that the wholesaler had 10,000 or more in quantity for
Product X on Mar 1, 2004. Chargeback is not paid for more than 10,000 units. This
validation also ensures that the wholesaler does not charge back for a product that was
bought from a different manufacturer. Admin users can override this validation by
unchecking the 'inventory tracking' flag in the indirect sales section of system
• Item verification
Codes and IDs that a wholesaler uses for the chargeback data (whether coming through
EDI, XML gateway or by flat files) may not correspond to the internal codes and IDs
that are used by your organization. The Administrator in your organization can map
reference information such as wholesaler's item numbers, unit of measurement,
wholesaler's end-customer number, price agreement number, to the corresponding
internal codes and IDs. These code, ID conversions can be setup at the system
parameter at a generic level or at the wholesaler's trade profile level. After the
information is mapped, whenever a wholesaler submits a chargeback transaction, the
chargeback engine automatically looks up the corresponding internal information based
A wholesaler may buy products from the manufacturer at an agreed price, and sell it at
a different price to the end-customer. When a wholesaler submits a chargeback to claim
this difference amount, validation is done to check whether this difference amount is
accurate. This is done by checking the price, which the wholesaler has originally paid
for the products that he has purchased from the manufacturer. This can be through data
in the order management System and corresponds to the last order price for the
respective products. Validation is automatically done and the calculated chargeback is
displayed. You may process the chargeback based on these calculations, or you may
change the calculated chargeback and then process it further.
• Price list verification
A price list specifies the price that must be offered to a customer. Chargeback lines refer
to the price list that is used to calculate and offer the selling price to the customer. If the
chargeback transaction does not quote any price list, then the chargeback is not
processed. However, if the chargeback line includes a price list, verifications are
automatically made to check whether the:
• Price list is valid on the invoice date indicated on the chargeback data
• Customer is specified in the chargeback, and that the sale price is valid
The market eligibility of the agreement lists all members who are eligible for the price.
Price Lists can be directly linked to an end-customer or with a buying group to which
the customer belongs.
Chargeback Tolerances
The Administrator can set thresholds limits for discrepancies in chargeback
submissions. When a wholesaler submits a chargeback transaction, the Processing
Engine checks whether the chargeback amount sent by the wholesaler matches the
amount that is calculated by your organization. If the discrepancy is within the
tolerance levels set, then the chargeback is paid. If the difference is more than the
tolerance level, then the chargeback transaction is considered as a disputed one, and is
not processed. Tolerances can be set up for individual wholesalers in their Trade
Profiles. Tolerances can also be set in System Parameters whereby the same tolerance
level will be applicable to all wholesalers who deal with your organization.
Tolerances can be set in terms of either a percentage or an amount for every chargeback
transaction (header tolerance), and every chargeback line (line tolerance) in a
chargeback transaction. Chargeback tolerances can be either:
• Positive: amount claimed by the wholesaler is more than the manufacturer's
Depending upon the implementation setups in your organization, you may override
chargeback tolerances while processing the transaction. When you override a tolerance,
the system tracks the action and keeps a record of the tolerance being overridden.
Tolerances are used as follows:
• After a wholesaler submits a chargeback transaction, chargeback lines are checked
against line tolerance.
• After all the lines are checked, the amount for all those lines which are marked as
within tolerance, are added. This amount is again checked against header tolerance.
• If the total amount is still within header tolerance, all lines that are marked as below
header tolerance will be processed. If the total amount is greater than header
tolerance, you must uncheck some of the chargeback lines to be processed even
though the lines may fall within line tolerance.
In this case, the first two lines are within line tolerance. In this case, the total of
difference amount of the lines is calculated based on only those lines that are marked
within line tolerance. This means that the wholesaler is claiming an amount less than
the manufacturer's calculation (Negative tolerance). Therefore, the batch will be
considered as disputed. However, if users in the manufacturing organization have an
option to override the tolerance level, they can override header tolerance and make
Chargeback Reconciliation
After a chargeback is validated, chargeback processing occurs based on the
• The Paid column increases for the amount of the chargeback claim after
To accrue funds for chargeback, you can create either of the following:
• Accrual offers (Accrual offers, Volume offers, Lump sum offers, or Scan Data
• Fully Accrued Budget. While creating the budget, you must set the fully
accrued budget to "Accrue to Customers" and check the Liability flag.
After the chargeback process, when payment is initiated for the chargeback
submission, based on this option being checked, the following occur:
1. The system checks for existing accruals for these offers or fully accrued
2. If it finds chargeback accruals, then the market and product eligibility of the
submitted chargeback transactions are matched with those of the offer.
Payment is initiated only if these conditions match.
3. If there are multiple accrual records, then the oldest accruals are paid first.
For example, the system tracks the following accrual records for a wholesaler:
If the wholesaler submits a chargeback transaction for $250 for Product A, then
$100 is paid against Order 1, and $150 is paid against Order 2. If the wholesaler
submits a chargeback transaction for $400 for Product B, then $400 is paid
against Order 2 only.
Automatic adjustments are made if funds in the accrual offer or the fully accrued
budget are not sufficient to pay the chargeback amount. In the above example, if the
wholesaler submits a second chargeback transaction for $500 for Product A, then
because the balance accruals available for Product A is $50, an automatic
adjustment up of $450 is made before creating the chargeback payment claim
However, if accruals are created by Lump sum offers with spread, then adjustments
are made only if the chargeback amount is above the total lump sum amount.
For example, a Lump sum offer with spread is created for $100 for 100 days.
Therefore an amount of $1 is accrued on a daily basis. The amount accrued on the
50th day will be $50. A wholesaler submits a claim for $100 on the 50th day of the
offer, and the payment is made even though the amount is more than what has
been accrued on the 50th day. However, if on the 60th day the wholesaler submits
another chargeback transaction for $20, then because that total payment has already
exceeded the total lump sum amount, an adjustment of $20 is made automatically.
However, if the amount claimed in the form of chargeback claims is lesser than the
amount in the accrual offer or fully accrued budget, no automatic adjustments are
made to decrease the amount in the offer or budget because additional chargeback
claims may come in the future.
For example, if the available accruals for a product are $500 and a chargeback claim
comes in for $200, no adjustments are made to decrease the available accruals.
All the claims, accruals, and adjustments that are created will have references to the
chargeback transaction and lines to enable you to make reverse adjustments if
• If the option to accrue funds for chargebacks is not implemented, then the
Administrator can specify the budget source as a profile value. Accruals for the
chargebacks are created and associated on the claim payment record. The amount
Irrespective of the implementation setups, the budget posting contains the following
information which can be used to refer back in case of disputes:
• Wholesaler number (internal account number in TCA)
Chargeback Settlement
If chargeback validation is completed successfully, a single chargeback claim is
automatically created against the chargeback transaction. In the Chargeback Claim
page, you can view the claim that is created to settle the transaction. If there are any
disputes, the Administrator can initiate a claim for lines that are without disputes.
Chargeback earnings are automatically associated to the claim.
For example, a wholesaler submits the following chargeback claim:
A X $1,000
B X $800
A Y $200
B X $1,200
As the first step, the chargeback engine processes this transaction and posts adjustments
against the budget as follows:
As the next step, a chargeback claim is created and earnings shown in the above table
are automatically associated to claim lines. A credit memo is raised to settle the claim.
The settled claim looks as shown below along with other details such as the Claim
number, Name of the Wholesaler organization, and Credit Memo number.
Y $200 $200
If there are errors or disputed lines in the claim, they can be corrected, and the
chargeback transactions can be reprocessed. If they are reprocessed after settlement,
then a new claim is created and the previous budget adjustments are adjusted and
accounted accordingly.
The claims, accruals, and adjustments that are created have references to chargeback
transactions. This enables you to create reverse adjustments. The accrual adjustments
that are created include references to the chargeback. Claim lines are automatically
associated to the chargeback accruals. You can view details of the chargeback
submission from the claim.
After the claim is settled, the system generates a message that includes information on
adjusted lines, lines with errors, credit memo number, and claim number. Depending
upon the System Parameters setting in your organization, one of the following occurs:
• The message is automatically sent to the wholesaler
• You can manually send the message to the wholesaler by clicking Send Outbound
However, regardless of the System Parameters setting, automatic messages are sent to
wholesalers when chargeback claims are created.
Transaction data is maintained to ensure accuracy and to resolve disputes in future.
Chargeback Statuses
Status Description
Processing and Processed After you initiate data processing, the chargeback status
changes to Processing and then to Processed. This means
that the chargeback submission has been processed
successfully and the funding budget has been updated.
You can initiate payment for the chargeback transaction
only when it is in the Processed status.
In the scenario above, a retailer buys a product for $60 from a manufacturer through a
wholesaler. The price agreement between the manufacturer and the retailer is $50 for
every unit of the product. The price agreement between the manufacturer and the
wholesaler is $100 for every unit of the product.
The manufacturer incurs a chargeback for this transaction as below:
1. Wholesaler sells products at $60 to the retailer
Apart from these direct accruals, some of these purchases may be eligible for accruals if
they had been directly purchased from the manufacturer. These accruals are posted
against the customers. These indirect accruals are used against future deductions from
Topics in this section include an overview of Third Party Accruals and the process flow.
Process Flow
The following figure illustrates the process flow for Third Party Accruals starting from
request submission to request settlement.
Retailers may submit third party accrual requests (reimbursement requests) in the form
of delimited files such as .csv files. You can import this data to into Oracle Channel
Revenue Management by using the tool provided by WebADI, and process it further. If
retailers want to change certain information in the third party accrual requests that
were originally submitted, they can resubmit them.
Information regarding the end-customers such as sales, identification, product number
and price is captured and stored for reporting and auditing capabilities. These indirect
customers are created as parties and accounts in TCA. They can optionally have a
"Customer of" relationship with the wholesaler. During third party accrual request
submission, an API call is made to the Data Quality Management (DQM) application in
TCA. Based on data checking rules that are set up in DQM, the chargeback system finds
the corresponding party ID that has been set up in TCA. If the party does not exist, a
new party will automatically be created in TCA.
The Administrator can configure different rules in DQM. The required options must be
set in System Parameters for the chargeback system to pass to DQM different rules. See
the Oracle Channel Revenue Management Implementation Guide for more information.
After the third party accrual request submission is uploaded to Oracle Channel
Revenue Management, the system checks whether the retailer is a valid party in Oracle
Trading Community Architecture (TCA), and performs the following validations
• Item verification - The codes and IDs that a retailer uses for the third party accrual
request may not correspond to the internal codes and IDs that are used by your
organization. If reference information is mapped, then whenever a wholesaler or
end-customer submits a third party accrual request, the chargeback engine
automatically looks up the corresponding internal information.
• Offer verification - Third party accruals are created when the customers are eligible
to receive accruals or incentives as specified in the offers that they are eligible for. If
the retailer or end-customer has submitted the request, then validation is done to
check if the end-customer is included in the market eligibility of the offer. If
wholesalers have submitted the request on behalf of the retailer, then validation is
done to check if the end-customers have been included in the market eligibility of
an offer, and the wholesaler is the payout party. An indirect sales qualifier is
available in the Market Eligibility section in offers, which restricts offers so that they
apply only to indirect sales from the POS data that is received.
If any of these validations fail, the system will not process the third party accrual
requests. Notifications are sent to the submitter.
Reconciliation and Settlement
If third party accrual request validation is successful, then the offers against which the
third party accruals are claimed, are picked up by the pricing simulations of the Third
Party Accrual concurrent process, and created as accruals against their respective
sourcing budgets. The chargeback amount for each line is posted against a budget. The
Administrator specifies the budget source as a profile value. Chargebacks are posted to
this budget. The utilized and earned amounts of the budget are increased.
A third party accrual claim is automatically created against the request transaction. If
there are any disputes regarding the third party accrual request transaction, the
Administrator can initiate a claim for lines that are without disputes. Third party
accrual request earnings are automatically associated to the claim.
• Batch Details
Note: You cannot upload Third Party Accrual batch from WebADI as
Third Party Accrual is not one of the options under Batch Type in
WebADI. To create Third Party Accruals, you must first upload a
tracing batch and then run the Oracle Channel Revenue Management
concurrent program OZF-TM: Third Party Accrual from Resale Table.
This program creates a third party accrual based on the resale data in
2. Select None from the Content drop-down list and click Next.
4. In the header region, enter the Batch Number (this should default if you are online
and the macros are enabled ) and select a Batch Type from the Batch Type drop-
down list. Select Chargeback to create a chargeback transaction. The other options
that are available are:
Ship and Debit: To upload Special Pricing data.
Tracing: If you select this option, the data will not be processed by the chargeback
engine for validations, data conversions, or chargeback calculation. It will be used
only for indirect inventory tracking purposes.
7. After entering all the information, in the Menubar, click Oracle > Upload.
A confirmation message is displayed after the document gets uploaded
successfully. If there are any errors in the document, the errors are listed at the line
level and a the batch / line related information can be corrected in the .xls before
you re upload the data
8. Click Close.
Batch Details
The Batch Details page displays all the essential details of a chargeback or third party
accrual submission. :
What you can do
If the status of the submission is Open or Disputed, you can do the following:
• View and Update Lines
If the status of the submission is Processed or Closed, you can view the lines, and view
the details of the submission such as processed lines, claims, notes, and attachments, by
clicking the respective sub tab.
3. If any of the lines are disputed, you can optionally add dispute codes to them. You
can also edit the other fields as required.
5. Optionally, to view only the processed lines or only the disputed links, click the
Processed Lines or Disputed Lines sub tabs respectively.
6. Optionally, click the Claims sub tab to view the claims that are associated with the
chargeback transaction.
7. Optionally, use the Notes sub tab to view existing notes, or to add new notes to the
chargeback transaction.
8. Optionally, use the Attachments sub tab to add attachments to the chargeback or
third party accrual transaction.
Processing a Submission
After you have verified that all the lines are accurate, you can process a chargeback or
third party accrual submission. If there are any disputed lines, you can accept them, and
2. If the transaction has any disputed lines, you must first accept the disputed lines:
1. Click View Lines. All lines are displayed. The disputed lines are highlighted.
Note: The Process button will not appear after you accept the
disputed lines. To process the transaction after accepting the
disputed lines, you must navigate back to the Chargeback
Summary page and reselect the transaction.
3. If a transaction does not have any disputed lines, click Process to process the
The transaction status first changes to Processing and then to Processed. The
Utilized column in the associated budget gets updated accordingly. You can review
the budget by navigating to Budget > Budgets, and selecting the associated Budget.
• Inventory In
Inventory In stores information of all sales data and orders placed by the
wholesaler. It includes details of all products that the wholesaler purchases from
the manufacturer. This data is extracted from Oracle Order Management and gets
automatically updated. Based on the setups in your organization, the sales data can
be converted to a common unit of measurement for products.
• Inventory Out
Inventory Out stores information of all the indirect sales data that the wholesaler
submits as a part of chargeback submission. It also stores information of sales
orders with the source code of OM that are returned to the wholesaler.
• Adjustments
You can manually and periodically adjust inventory levels based on validations
from the wholesaler. You can adjust inventory levels only if you have the required
access and responsibility. Adjustments can be either positive or negative.
Adjustments are tracked and stored with information on the adjusted quantity,
adjusted period, adjusted user, adjusted date, adjustment reason.
• Ending Inventory
Inventory Summary
The Inventory Summary page displays all the essential inventory information of the
selected customer organization. You can view details such as the customer number,
start period, the products in the customer's inventory, and so on. See About Indirect
Inventory Tracking for more information on the columns that are displayed. You can
also adjust the customer's inventory level by clicking Adjust.
The Saved Search drop-down list on the Inventory Tracking page contains saved
searches and the following predefined options: All Years, Current Year, Current Year +
1 Prior Year, Current Year + 2 Prior Years, and Prior Year.
Inventory Search
Use the Inventory Tracking page to perform simple and advanced searches for
inventory. From this page you can save and name your search for later use. Click
Simple Search to search for a customer, product category, product, start period, or end
period. Click Advanced Search to enhance your search criteria. Click Adjust to adjust
the customer's inventory level.
For numeric fields, the default search operator is equal to. For text fields, the default
search operator is starts with. For example, if you enter ABC in the Customer field and
then you perform a search, the results include all customer names that start with ABC,
such as ABC, ABC Corporation, ABC International, and so on.
If you specify multiple criteria, the search engine uses the and condition and displays
results for which all the criteria are met. For example:
• If you enter Audio in the Product Category field and select 10-Mar-2017 in the Start
Period field, the search results include all customers that have products in the
• If you select Hardware, Computer, and Laptop in the Item Category field, the
search results include any item that is present in all three item categories.
For the Start Period and End Period fields in the Inventory Tracking page or the
Personalize page, the search operator is always is. You can set Start Period and End
Period as search fields multiple times. However, only the values you specify for the last
selected Start Period and End Period are used in the search.
Process Flow
The following figure illustrates the special pricing process flow, starting from special
pricing request submission to claim settlement.
• If you choose to use existing inventory (ship from stock) or new inventory to ship
the offer order.
If you enable the Ship from Stock check box when creating the special pricing request
and set the OZF: Create Accrual on POS Receipt profile to No or to the default blank
value, the system creates a scan data offer with accruals upfront and adjusts accrual
earnings against point-of-sale data as the data is received, validated, and processed.
If you enable the Ship from Stock check box when creating the special pricing request
and you set the OZF: Create Accrual on POS Receipt profile to Yes, the system creates
an accrual offer and creates accrual earnings against point-of-sale data as the data is
received, validated, and processed.
If you disable the Ship from Stock check box when creating the special pricing request,
the system creates an off-invoice offer and applies this to direct sales.
Offer Sourcing
The offer sources funds from a budget in Oracle Channel Revenue Management after
the budget request is approved, a notification is sent to the submitter notifying them of
• Set the OZF: Auto Claim creation for POS profile to Yes
• Manual claim creation and settlement as needed – In this case, you can manually
create claims and associate earnings or initiate payments for approved special
pricing request batches
• Enable Ship from Stock check box when creating the special pricing request
The claim is processed in Oracle Accounts Receivable Deductions and Settlement and
the partner gets paid through check or on-account credit.
• New inventory: When a partner requests a special price or discount for a new
purchase and you approve it, they must book an order with you and further
proceed to make the sale to the end-customer. After they complete the sale, they can
provide the proof of sale to you and claim the discounted amount. You can either
• Bid Request: When partners want to win a deal for specific customers. In this case
the end customer needs to be specified.
• Meet Competitor Quote: When partners want to match a competitor's price, they
can ask you to reduce the price to complete a sale. In this case competitor
information can be tracked.
• Set the OZF: Create Accrual on POS Receipt profile to No or the default blank
• Set the OZF: Create Accrual on POS Receipt profile to Yes. This ensures that
accrual earnings are created against the point of sales data as the data is
received, validated, and processed.
When a budget request is approved,an Accrual offer is generated and applied when the
partner makes a sale from new inventory.
When the partner makes a sale from new inventory, a unique offer number will be
generated and displayed in the user interface. When requests are approved with Off-
invoice offers, this offer number can be used while placing orders. When the partner
makes a sale from existing inventory, the offer number is the same as the agreement
number displayed in the user interface.
• Online: When the claim is submitted online, the system notifies the claim approver
who reviews the claim and approves or declines the claim.
• As a POS file: Each POS file has a type of either Chargeback or Special Pricing. If the
POS file is of type Special Pricing, claims are automatically generated from the
claim data included within the POS file.
Status Description
Draft A request has been created but has not yet been submitted for
approval. A request in the Draft status can be edited.
Pending Approval The request has been submitted for approval. From Pending
Approval, the status may change to either Declined or Approved. You
cannot modify the information in the request after you submit it for
Approved The status changes to Approved if all the approvers approve the
Declined The status changes to Declined if either the special pricing approver
or the budget approver declines the request.
Cancelled The status appears as Cancelled if the request has been cancelled.
Process Flow
The following figure illustrates the soft fund process flow, starting from soft fund
request submission to claim settlement.
Status Description
Draft A request has been created but has not yet been submitted for
approval. A request in the Draft status can be edited.
Pending Approval The request has been submitted for approval. From Pending Approval,
the status may change to either Declined or Approved. You cannot
modify the information in the request after you submit it for approval.
Returned The request has been returned by approver asking for additional
Return Request Request has been returned when information or collateral is missing
and the return reason is Collateral Submission Required.
Approved The status changes to Approved if all the approvers approve the
Declined The status changes to Declined if either the special pricing approver or
the budget approver declines the request.
Closed The status appears as Closed if the request has been archived after "x"
days. The date is greater that the waiting period that is specified in the
system profile. The status gets changed to Closed after "x" days by
running a concurrent program.
Deleted The status appears as Cancelled if the request has been cancelled.
Void The status appears as Void if the request has been cancelled by a
vendor super user in the vendor or wholesaler organization.
Cancelled The status changes to Cancelled if a super user cancels the request
when it is invalid.
• Approve, reject, or reassign a Special Pricing or a Soft Fund request, page 7-38
• Approve a budget request for Special Pricing or Funds request, page 7-38
• Submit a Special Pricing request or Soft Fund request claim, page 7-39
• Ship From Stock check box: This check box determines whether you will make the
sale from new inventory or from the existing inventory.
• End Customer: Enter the name of the customer to whom the wholesaler intends to
sell the products.
• Products: Enter the details of the products for which you would like to request for a
special price or discount. Complete a row for each product.
After you submit the request for approval, the status changes to Pending Approval. The
special pricing request approver receives a workflow notification.
Note: The special pricing request does not require approval if you are
the creator and approver according to the special pricing request
approval rules.
• Activity: This field determines the activity that will be carried out with the fund.
• Partner Contribution: If the partner is contributing towards the fund, then enter the
partner's contribution.
• Ship From Stock: This check box determines whether you will make the sale from
new inventory or from the existing inventory.
• Expense Breakdown: This is the breakdown of expenses for the trade promotion
activity. The 'Total' and 'Requested Amount' are amounts that will be utilized for an
• Performance Objectives: This is the outcome that is expected for an activity. This
information will enable you to measure the success of your trade promotion
• Products: These are the products that will be promoted by the trade promotion
• Geography region: These are the geographical regions where the trade promotion
activity will be executed.
After you submit the request for approval, the status changes to Pending Approval. The
special pricing request approver receives a workflow notification.
Note: The soft fund request status does not require approval if you are
the creator and approver according to the approval rules.
• Navigate to Trade Planning > Soft Fund Requests to approve, reject or resign a soft
fund request.
Click the Details icon corresponding to the special pricing request or soft fund request,
and approve, decline, or reassign the request as appropriate.
• Navigate to Trade Planning > Soft Fund Requests to submit a soft fund request
Click the Submit Claim icon corresponding to the special pricing or soft fund request
for which you would like to submit the claim.
Notes: Soft Fund Requests
• Expense Breakdown: Enter the amount spent for each activity. This gives a
breakdown view of how and what exactly the funds have been spent for.
Viewing Claims and Budgets Associated With a Special Pricing or a Funds Request
To view claims and budgets that are associated with a special pricing request or a soft
fund request, log into Oracle Channel Revenue Management as Oracle Trade
Management User.
• To view the associated claims, claims must have been created for the special pricing
request or the soft fund request.
• Navigate to Indirect Sales Management > Special Pricing Request to view the view
the budgets and claims that are associated with a special pricing request.
• Navigate to Trade Planning > Soft Fund Requests to view the budgets and claims
that are associated with a soft fund request.
Click the Details icon corresponding to the special pricing request or soft fund request
you would like to access.
• Claims: Claims that have been created to settle the request are displayed here.
• Budgets: Budgets from which funds have been sourced for the request are
2. Click the hyperlink for a special pricing request. Potential duplicates are displayed.
3. If you find a duplicate end-customer or reseller, select the record and click Merge.
Referral Management is a feature that is available in Oracle Partner Management
whereby the partner (retailer or wholesaler) refers a business prospect, lead, or an
opportunity to a vendor (manufacturer). If the referral results in an order, the partner
can claim incentive for the referral. Wfhen partners claim incentives, offers and claims
are automatically generated in Oracle Channel Revenue Management, and these claims
are settled by the claims user. For more information on Referral Management, see Oracle
Partner Management Vendor User Guide.
Process Flow
The following figure illustrates the process flow for referrals, starting from referral
submission to claim settlement.
A partner submits a referral. Alternately, the vendor can also submit referrals on behalf
of a partner. After a referral is submitted, it has to be approved by the appropriate
person. If it is approved, a lead is created in the system. If it is rejected, the partner is
notified accordingly.
Referral Validation and Approval
The approver reviews the referral, searches for duplicate referrals, and approves or
declines the referral. Before approving the referral, the approver checks if the referral
matches any existing referral, lead, opportunity, and contact.
Lead-Opportunity Conversion and Offer Creation
This chapter provides an overview of the Account Manager Dashboard and explains
how to use the Account Manager Dashboard features. It includes information on:
• The process flow for Account Manager Dashboard
• Target allocation
• Account planning
• View reports and statistics that give an overall view of the sales activities of the
• Create and evaluate offers to promote sales and achieve the desired return on
• Collect information on the sales performance of competitors' products, and view the
relevant trends and reports
Quota Allocation
During the Quota Allocation, Sales Management allocate sales targets (by territories or
products) to individual Sales Representatives of different regions and territories. The
allocation is based on either the currency amount or product quantity.
Target Allocation
In Target Allocation the program automatically reallocates the Sales Representatives'
sales target to their customer accounts and sites. Sales Representatives can view the
target allocation by logging into the Account Manager Dashboard.
Performance Tracking
Dashboard alerts are automatically raised whenever the sales performance is not
according to the plan and expectations. During the target allocation and after the offer
creation process, you can specify different graph parameters, view sales performance
graphs, and analyze sales performance. Additionally, you can select one or more offers
or campaigns, display them in the form of Gantt Charts and analyze them.
For detailed information on any of the profile options or concurrent programs listed in
this section, refer to the Oracle Channel Revenue Management Implementation Guide.
3. Click on Personalize Page to access the Personalize Page: Dashboard where you can
reorder links, add additional links, or hide links.
You can personalize the Related Links section on the Account Manager Dashboard
using the Personalize link at the top of the Related Links region. You can reorder links,
hide links or add new links.
• Offer Evaluator
• XML Publisher reports (links to XML Publisher application. No reports are seeded)
• Quota Summary
• Budget Summary
• Threshold rules belonging to a threshold rule set can also have individual start
dates and end dates, but these must fall within the start date and end date range of
the threshold rule set.
• You can modify, extend, and personalize threshold rule sets and threshold rules
based on the profile option settings made by the Administrator.
See the section titled Set Up Threshold Rules for Quota Related Alerts in the Oracle Channel
Revenue Management Implementation Guide for more information on setting up
3. To search for the retail prices at which a retailer sells a particular product, complete
the following steps:
1. Select a product from the Product LOV.
2. Select a Product, and select the Start Date and End Date.
3. Click Go.
2. Select Location (Direct Distribution (DC) or Direct Store Delivery (DSD) from
Location LOV. If you selected a Customer, the Location (stores) list is restricted to
those stores assigned to that customer. Otherwise, the Location LOV shows all
Locations for all customers in the territory. This is a required field.
6. If the product you selected has not been audited before, the retail data and audited
date remain blank.
7. The Select checkbox defaults to False for all products. If you edit any date field for a
product, check the Select checkbox to indicate that the row was edited. Use the
Select All and Select None check boxes to check or clear the Audit flag field of all
displayed items.
8. Click the Competitor Icon to view a table of all competing products of the selected
item with retail audit data on or before the Last Audit Date. The list displays the
last reported data for each competitive product. You can also add a new competitor
item to the competitive product master list from this screen.
9. Click the History icon to display a graph of data points you select for the product or
competitive product originally selected. You can select the date range and metric to
graph. Competitive item charts of price or promotional price also plot your
product's price or promotional price for comparison. The default graph type is a bar
• Claim Summary: This helps users to navigate to the claims overview without
having to change user responsibility.
• Sort Settings: The data is sorted based on the options that you select here.
• Copy offers to the worksheet and create new draft offers, enter and modify discount
values, and create forecasts for offers.
Each offer that is selected from the Offer Evaluator can be copied as an Offer
Worksheet. Using the Offer Worksheet, you can create new offers of the following offer
• Off-invoice
• Lump sum
• Scan Data
• Trade Deal
When you create an offer from the Offer Worksheet, you can use the Discount
Calculator to obtain the forecasted Return on Investment (ROI). The system generates a
forecasted ROI based on the following details that you enter:
• The desired retail price point or percentage off the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail
Price (MSRP) that you would like to reach
• The retail unit of measurement, the desired retail price, and the retailer's margin
Based on the price and margin information, the system calculates the appropriate
forecast information by using the formula:
Retail Price = (1 plus customer margin) times list price time (1 minus discount value).
You can also enter your own discount values. The ROI information is automatically
calculated based on this information. The ROI information enables you to predict the
performance of new offers.
You can also specify the performance requirements for the offer. Performance
requirements are the requirements that the retailer or wholesaler must meet to qualify
for discounts that are defined in an offer. While volume requirements are computed by
the system, performance requirements based on displays and facings must be updated
and tracked manually.
• Advanced Search: Enables you to search for offers based on parameters such as the
forecasted ROI, actual ROI, start date, and end date of the offer.
After all offers that match the specified criteria are returned, you can use the following
• Gantt Chart: Use this option to display offers in the form of a Gantt Chart.
• Copy to Worksheet: Use this option to copy an offer as an Offer Worksheet. The
selected offers are copied as Offer Worksheets and are displayed in the Worksheet
Summary page.
• Quantity default is 1
• When a Scan Data offer is created, forecasts are made regarding the scan units
and values. Fill in the appropriate units and values respectively in Scan Unit
Forecast and Scan Value Forecast. The budget allocated for the offer depends on
the forecast value.
2. Click Create.
3. Click Update.
You must also create and verify Net Accrual Rule Sets. See the Oracle Implementation
Guide for additional information.
For information on Off-invoice offers and Trade Deal offers see Offer Types in Chapter
7 in this Guide.
• Offer Details: The information that you enter here will be used for creating the
offer forecast.
• Offer Eligibility: Use this section to specify the conditions on which the customers
will be eligible for offers.
• Discount Calculator: Use this option to obtain the forecasted ROI for the offer. Use
• Start Date and End Date: These dates determine the time period within which
the requirement must be executed.
• Required check box: Select this check box to make it mandatory for the
customer to enable claims settlement. This validation is not during offer
application during the order booking process but is used during claim
• Last Year Same Period: to generate the forecast based on the sales achieved
during the same period in the last year.
• Time Spread: The time spread that you select determines how the forecast will
be divided. For example, if you select the time spread as monthly, then the
forecast will be divided on a monthly basis.
• Offer Code: Select an offer code if you selected Offer Code as the forecast basis.
• Offers can be created or created and submitted for approval using the Save as Draft
Offer button or the Save and Submit button.
• The retail unit of measurement, the desired retail price, and the retailer's margin
Based on the price and margin information, the system calculates the forecasted ROI by
using the formula, Retail Price = (1 + (plus) customer margin) * (times) list price * (times)
(1 - discount value).
Note: You can also use baseline sales data and promotional lift factors
to predict the performance of offer and promotional activities. They
help you to better understand past promotion performance, determine
the best offers to make, and forecast future sales. For more information,
see Setting Up Promotional Forecasting in the Oracle Channel Rebate and
Point of Sales Management Implementation Guide.
Quota Allocation
The trade planning process begins with the Sales Management allocating sales targets to
the Sales Representatives in different territories and regions. Quota is the total sales
target (in terms of money or quantity of products) that must be achieved in a specific
time period. The process whereby the Sales Management sets sales targets for
individual Sales Representatives is known as Quota Allocation.
For example, the Sales Management of an organization in US West sets a target of 1
million product units for their sales teams for the year 2004-2005. The Sales
Management later allocates this quota to Sales Representatives in different US West
territories such as California and Oregon, based on the sales performance and potential
in each of these regions. In this case, 1 million product units is the quota, and the
process by which this quota is allocated across territories is quota allocation.
The Sales Management can allocate targets by territories and by products. For more
information on quotas and quota allocation, see Chapter 4, Quota Allocation in this
For example, the Sales Management of Vision Industries, USA has created a quota
allocation for 1 million product units (Monitors, Keyboards, and Printers) for its sales
teams for the year 2004-2005. They select a quarterly time spread. The quota that has
been allocated to you, a Sales Representative in New York is 100,000 product units.
You are responsible for the customer accounts--Fabstore, Bigmall, Megastar, and
Shopping World. You receive a notification after the process of quota allocation is
complete. You log into the Account Manager Dashboard and view the Quota Summary.
You can see that the quota allocated to you has been automatically reallocated among
Fabstore, Bigmall, Megastar, and Shopping World. The target allocation worksheet will
appear as shown below.
Account Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Total
Unallocated 0 0 0 0 0
Targets will be allocated based on the sales that were achieved during the same period
in the previous year. If there is any unallocated quota, it is accounted for in a category
known as Unallocated. If there is any quota that you are not able to achieve, you can
justify it by using the notes feature.
You can also remove customer accounts or a bill-to or sold-to location from a target
allocation. If you remove a customer account from a target allocation, the allocation is
reconfigured accordingly. The target that was allocated to the specific customer account
will be moved into the category--Unallocated.
For example, if you remove the customer account Shopping World from the target
allocation worksheet, the new worksheet appears as shown below. Notice that the
target that was allocated to Shopping World has moved into Unallocated.
Account Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Total
For each of the customer accounts, you can view the product spread and the account
• Update Account Selection: Use this option to remove a customer account or a bill-
to or sold-to location of a customer account. Note that if you remove a customer
account or a related bill-to or sold-to location, the corresponding allocation
numbers are moved to the category--Unallocated.
• Product Spread: Use this option to view the product spread of an account. To view
the product spread for a bill-to or sold-to location of a customer account, first
expand the customer account and then click the corresponding Product Spread
icon. The product spread is based on the sales figures during the same period in the
Account Planning
The account plan of a customer provides an overall view of the activities related to the
customer account. You can access information such as trade promotions, outstanding
claims, details of competitive products, and all other activities that are related to a
customer account. You can also forecast, plan, create, and evaluate trade promotion
activities such as offers and campaigns, and evaluate potential returns.
Information in this section will enable you to:
• Understand the concept of Account Planning
• Retailer's Performances region: You can view the performance activities associated
with the offer. If the performance requirements for an offer have been met, you can
For example, you may have an agreement with a retailer where the retailer will be
eligible for a lump sum amount if the they display a poster of your new product in the
showroom for a month. Displaying the poster is the performance activity that has been
agreed upon. After you verify that the retailer has performed according to the
agreement, you can mark the offer for completion of the activity.
Navigation: Account Manager Dashboard > My Accounts region > Customer Account >
Activity Summary sub tab.
• Activity Summary: The Activity Summary sub tab displays the offers that are
applicable to the customer's account. Select the offers that you would like to display
in the form of a Gantt Chart.
• All Open Claims ( Open Claims are linked to claims summary and are not available
on My Products.)
The utilized, earned, and paid information is visible on the dashboard provided the
customer accounts or sites fall within your territory. This information will display even
if those balances belong to budgets which you do not have access to.
The profile option OZF: Highest Period Level of Budget Utilization Payment Details
determines if MTD, QTD, and YTD funds columns are hyperlinked to transactional
• If the profile value is YTD, then MTD, QTD, and YTD fund columns are
hyperlinked to details.
• If the profile value is QTD, then MTD and QTD fund columns are hyperlinked to
details. YTD fund columns display the totals but do not have a hyperlink to details.
• If the profile value is MTD, then MTD fund columns are hyperlinked to details.
QTD and YTD fund columns display the totals but do not have links to details.
Navigation: Account Manager Dashboard > My Accounts region > Customer Account >
Activities sub tab > Sales Analysis.
• Time Spread: Enables you to display the graph based on time spread options such
as monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
• Item Type and Account Type: The item type and account type that you select here
determines the values for which you can generate the graphs. For example, if you
select Item Type equals Products, and Account Type equals Accounts-Ship To, then
all the products, and ship-to locations for the customer account are listed. Choose a
combination of these values to generate the graph.
3. Click the Notes sub tab, and select a note type from the Type drop-down list. The
note will be classified based on the type that you select. This will enable you to
search for notes belonging to a particular type.
5. Click Add to Notes. The note will be listed in the List of Notes region.
5. Click Apply.
Understanding Campaigns
In Oracle Marketing, a campaign is a collection of marketing activities that are designed
to support a goal. A campaign is the medium for putting information about an
organization's products, services, offers, and spreading messages to existing and
Components of a Campaign
Campaigns are constructed using a wide variety of marketing objects. The basic
components of campaigns are its theme, funding (budgets), execution (schedules),
target audience (lists and marketing mediums), cost (costs), and effectiveness
measuring devices (metrics). A campaign in Oracle Marketing is a planning tool, and
you can create campaign schedules to execute it. For full details on Campaign
Processes, see the chapter titled Creating and Using Campaigns in the Oracle Marketing
User Guide.
Understanding Programs
Programs are umbrella objects that are used to combine different Campaigns, Events,
Deals, Promotions and other objects into one entity. In a hierarchy of marketing objects,
a program is at the top. All other objects can be a part of the program. In this way, a
new product launch may have events, campaigns, promotions, advertising, trade
management deals and more, all coordinated from one point in Oracle Channel
Revenue Management.
For detailed information on creating a marketing program and adding components to a
marketing program, see the chapter titled Planning and Using Programs in the Oracle
Marketing User Guide.
Flow, 8-1
A Offer Evaluator, 8-9
Copy Lump Sum Offer, 8-11
Account Manager
Copy Net Accrual Offer, 8-12
Account Planning, 8-19
Copy Offers, 8-10
Budget Utilization, 8-20
Copy Scan Data Offer, 8-11
Gantt Chart, 8-20
Overview, 8-9
Graphs, 8-22
Offer Worksheet, 8-9
Note, 8-22
Create Offers, 8-13
Overview, 8-19
Overview, 8-1
Sales Graphs, 8-22
Product Spread, 8-18
Quota Allocation, 8-15
Trade Planning, 8-6
Regions, 8-4
Audit Retail Conditions, 8-6
Personalize, 8-8
Budget Summary
Reports, 8-8
Budget Summary, 8-8
Claim Summary
Claim Summary, 8-8
Reports, 8-8
Retail Price, 8-6
Components, 8-2
ROI Forecast, 8-15
Target Allocation, 8-16
Account Planning, 8-3
Edit, 8-17
Offer Creation, 8-3
Overview, 8-16
Offer Execution, 8-3
Trade Planning
Performance Tracking, 8-3
Thresholds, 8-6
Quota Allocation, 8-2
Accrual Offer, 6-5
Retail Execution, 8-3
See also Offer Types
Target Allocation, 8-2
Personalize, 8-4 B
Regions, 8-4 Budget Adjustment
Use, 8-3 Procedure, 5-38
Discount Calculator Budget Adjustments
ROI Forecast, 8-15 Accrual Accounting
Advanced, 5-45 Process, 5-18
Basic, 5-44 Statuses, 5-18
Accrual Offer, 5-40 Budget-Offer, 5-16
Accrual Offers Budget Request
Lump Sum, 5-41 Approve, 5-33
Scan Data, 5-42 Create, 5-32
Volume, 5-43 Budget Requests, 5-31
Create, 5-38 Budget Transfer
Decrease Committed, 5-36 Create, 5-33
Increase Committed, 5-36 Mass Transfer, 5-33
Lump Sum Offers, 5-41 Budget Transfers, 5-31
Offers Category, 5-8
Accruals, 5-40 Checkbook, 5-50
Off- Invoice, 5-39 Committed
Off-Invoice Decrease, 5-36
Accounting, 5-43 Increase, 5-36
GL Entries, 5-43 Components, 5-2
Scan Data Offers, 5-42 Copy, 5-18
Volume Offers, 5-43 Create, 5-3
Budget Allocation, 5-21 Delete, 5-18
Activate, 5-28 Eligibility
Change Request Market, 5-12
Approve, 5-28 Product, 5-12
Submit, 5-27 Fixed Budget, 5-4
Create, 5-26 Holdback Amount, 5-12
Budget Reconciliation Mass Transfer
Overview, 5-46 Unearned Funds, 5-33
Procedure, 5-48 Org-Striping, 5-9
Unutilized, 5-46, 5-47 Impact, 5-10
budgets Overview, 5-1
updating accounting details, 5-11 Process, 5-2
Budgets Recalculated Committed, 5-34
Accrued View, 5-36
See Fully Accrued Budget Reconcile
Adjust See Budget Reconciliation
Recalculated Committed, 5-34 Segments, 5-12
Adjustments Statuses, 5-18
See Budget Adjustments Territories, 5-12
Allocate, 5-21 Thresholds, 5-9
Activate, 5-28 Add, 5-11
Bottom-Up, 5-25 Tracking
Create, 5-26 Overview, 5-49
Process, 5-22 Tree, 5-4
Top-Down, 5-25 Unutilized
Approve, 5-18 Reconcile, 5-46, 5-47
Initiate, 5-21 Utilization
Procedure, 5-21 Validation, 5-16
Utilize, 5-29 See Programs
Validation chargeback
Utilization, 5-16 acquisition cost, 7-10
Views verification, 7-10
See Budget Tracking item verification, 7-9
Customer, 5-57 price list, 7-10
Rollup, 5-55 verification, 7-10
self, 5-55 statuses, 7-16
Utilization, 5-52 validation
budget thresholds acquisition cost verification, 7-10
adding, 5-11 item verification, 7-9
Budget Thresholds, 5-9 price list verification, 7-10
Budget Tracking, 5-49 Chargeback, 7-4
Budget Checkbook, 5-50 Batches, 7-19
Checkbooks Details, 7-21
Budget Details, 5-51 Lines, 7-21
Transactions, 5-51 Process, 7-22
Customer View, 5-57 Claim, 7-14
Offer Checkbook, 5-56 Process, 7-23
Order Details, 5-59 CSV Files, 7-6
Roll-up View, 5-55 Flow, 7-5
Self View, 5-55 Inventory Verification, 7-9
Utilization, 5-52 Overview, 7-4
Budget Utilization, 5-29 Payment, 7-23
Overview, 5-29 Process Flow, 7-5
Requests, 5-31 Processing, 7-11
Transfers, 5-31 Reconcile, 7-11
Settlement, 7-14
C Submit
Thresholds, 7-10
Tolerance, 7-10
Components, 9-2
Submit Method
Create, 9-2
Flat Files, 7-6
Overview, 9-1
Process, 9-2
Import, 7-20
Use, 9-2
Transactions, 7-19
Channel Rebate
Process, 7-22
Validation, 7-9
See Campaigns
WebADI, 7-20
Marketing Campaigns
Customer Accounts
See Campaigns
Related Customers, 2-1
Marketing Integration
See Campaigns
Groups, 2-6
See Programs
Lists, 2-6
Marketing Programs
See Programs
Segments, 2-6
See Organization and Person Account Manager, 1-2
Overview, 2-1 Budgets, 1-2
Person Customers, 1-1
See Organization and Person Marketing
Segments, 2-6 Campaigns, 1-2
View Programs, 1-2
Transactions, 2-5 Offers, 1-2
Point-of-Sale, 1-2
F Price Lists, 1-1
Products, 1-1
Fixed Budget, 5-4
Quotas, 1-1
Create, 5-10
Trade Planning, 1-2
Market Eligibility
Define, 5-14
Products L
Update, 5-15 List Import, 2-9
Fully Accrued Budget, 5-5 Errors, 2-10
Create, 5-10 Overview, 2-9
Market Eligibility Procedure, 2-10
Define, 5-14 Purchased Lists, 2-10
Products Rented Lists, 2-10
Update, 5-16 Lists
Fund Requests, 7-26 Create, 2-6
Approve, 7-38 Import, 2-9
Budget Request Manage, 2-6
Approve, 7-38 Lump Sum Offer, 6-5
Claim See also Offer Types
Settle, 7-39
Submit, 7-39 M
View, 7-39
Market Eligibility
Flow, 7-33
Budgets, 5-12
Overview, 7-31
Process Flow, 7-33
Fixed Budget, 5-14
Reassign, 7-38
Fully Accrued Budget, 5-14
Statuses, 7-34
Fixed Budget
Transactions, 7-35
Define, 5-14
Funds Request
Fully Accrued Budget
Edit, 7-38
Define, 5-14
Submit, 7-37
Net Accrual Offer, 6-6
See also Offer Types
Lists, 2-9
Indirect Inventory Tracking, 7-24
Adjust, 7-25
Summary, 7-25 Offer
Introduction, 1-1 Create
Conditions, 6-23 Payment Options, 6-33
Offer Approval Price Lists, 6-40
Budget-Offer Validation, 6-64 Qualifiers, 6-25
Overview, 6-61 Creation Process
Process, 6-61 Components, 6-3
Statuses, 6-62 Discount
Submit, 6-64 Level, 6-18
Offer Forecasting Tiers, 6-18
Basis, 6-56 Execute, 6-65
Create, 6-54 Flow, 6-2
Edit, 6-54 Forecast
Flow, 6-50 See Offer Forecasting
ROI Forecasting
Calculate, 6-57 Overview, 6-49
View, 6-58 Funding Source, 6-59
Versions, 6-57 Funds
Offer Funding Source, 6-59
Budget Transfer, 6-60 See also Offer Funding
Overview, 6-59 Limits, 6-40
Request, 6-60 Procedure, 6-42
Offer Qualifiers Lump Sum Offer, 6-5
Order Dates, 6-12 Market Eligibility, 6-27
Performance Dates, 6-12 Procedure, 6-29
Shipping Dates, 6-12 Market Options, 6-30
offers MOAC, 6-19
approval Modifiers, 6-33
approving, 6-65 Net Accrual Offer, 6-6
performance rules, 6-37 Off-Invoice Offer, 6-6
specifying, 6-39 Order Value Offer, 6-6
Offers Org-Striping, 6-19
Account Status, 6-32 Impact, 6-19, 6-20
Accrual Offer, 6-5 Overview, 6-1
Adjustments, 6-42 Payment Options, 6-33
Approve, 6-46 Dates, 6-35
Create, 6-45 Methods, 6-35
Volume Offers, 6-45 Procedure, 6-36
Approve, 6-61 Price Lists, 6-40
See also Offer Approval Procedure, 6-42
Create, 6-21 Process, 6-2
Adjust, 6-42 Promotional Goods Offer, 6-6
Approve, 6-32 Qualifiers
Copy, 6-25 See Offer Qualifiers
Discount Rules, 6-25 Scan Data Offer, 6-7
Limits, 6-40 Source Funds, 6-59
Market Eligibility, 6-27 Status, 6-32
Market Options, 6-30 Statuses, 6-62
Modifiers, 6-33 Terms Upgrade Offer, 6-7
Trade Deal, 6-8
Types P
See Offer Types
Web Offers
Partner Contacts, 2-1
Internet Promotions
performance requirements
See Web Offers
specifying, 6-39
Offer Types
performance rules, 6-37
Accrual, 6-5
specifying, 6-39
Lump Sum, 6-5
Net Accrual, 6-6
Create, 2-6
Off-Invoice, 6-6
View, 2-5
Order Value, 6-6
Point-of-Sale Management
Discount Rules, 6-26
See Indirect Inventory Tracking
Qualifiers, 6-26
Referrals, 7-41
Promotional Goods, 6-6
Soft Fund Requests
Scan Data, 6-7
See Fund Requests
Terms Upgrade, 6-7
Special Pricing Requests, 7-26
Trade Deal, 6-8
Point-of-Sale Management
Volume Offer, 6-8
Chargeback, 7-4
Off-Invoice Offer, 6-6
MOAC, 7-3
See also Offer Types
Org-Striping, 7-3
Order Value Offer, 6-6
Impact, 7-3
See also Offer Types
Overview, 7-1
Third Party Accruals, 7-4
Create, 2-4
Volume Offers, 7-2
View, 2-5
Price Lists
Organization and Person
Create, 3-3
Customers, 2-1
Manage, 3-2
Accounts, 2-1
Market Eligibility, 3-3
Buying Groups, 2-1
Overview, 3-1
Partners, 2-1
Product Eligibility
Relationships, 2-1
Budgets, 5-15
Overview, 2-1
Fixed Budget
Overview, 1-1
Update, 5-15
Account Manager, 1-2
Fully Accrued Budget
Budgets, 1-2
Update, 5-16
Customers, 1-1
Fixed Budget, 5-15
Campaigns, 1-2
Fully Accrued Budget, 5-16
Programs, 1-2
Offers, 1-2
Manage, 3-1
Point-of-Sale, 1-2
Overview, 3-1
Price Lists, 1-1
Price Lists, 3-1
Products, 1-1
Product Spread
Quotas, 1-1
generating and modifying, 4-12
Trade Planning, 1-2
Programs Overview, 4-1
Overview, 9-2 Product
Promotional Goods Offer, 6-6 Eligibility, 4-3
See also Offer Types Spread, 4-3
Product Spread
Q Create, 4-12
Update, 4-12
Quota Allocation, 4-1
Search, 4-17
Procedure, 4-13
Advanced, 4-17
Submit, 4-13
Statuses, 4-7
Product Eligibility
Update, 4-12
Add, 4-14
quota allocation
Remove, 4-14
approving, 4-16
creating, 4-14
Quota Allocation R
Bottom-Up, 4-8 Recalculated Committed
Change Request, 4-15, 4-16 View, 5-36
Change Request Referrals, 7-41
Submit, 4-15 Flow, 7-41
Update , 4-16 Process Flow, 7-41
Notes, 4-9
Options, 4-9 S
Org-Striping, 4-6
Scan Data Offer, 6-7
Overview, 4-1
See also Offer Types
Process, 4-2
Segments, 2-6
Top-Down, 4-8
Create, 2-7
Change Request, 4-15, 4-16
Hierarchies, 2-7
Type, 4-8
Overview, 2-6
Views, 4-8
Queries, 2-7
Quota Allocations
special pricing
Create, 4-10
statuses, 7-31
Special Pricing Requests, 7-26
Approval, 4-7
Approve, 7-29, 7-38
Create, 4-10
Bid Request
Procedure, 4-10
Submit, 7-28
Public API, 4-11
Blanket Request
Submit, 7-28
Market, 4-3
Budget Request
Product, 4-3
Approve, 7-38
Market Eligibility, 4-3
Update, 4-11
Pay, 7-30
Notes, 4-9
Settle, 7-30, 7-39
Options, 4-9
Submit, 7-39
Add Users, 4-14
View, 7-39
Remove Users, 4-14
Customer Records
Deduplicaiton, 7-40 See Offers
Using Existing, 7-40
DQM Approval, 7-40 V
Edit, 7-36
Vendor Rebates, 6-27
Flow, 7-26
Volume Offer
Meet Competitor Quote
Approve, 6-32
Submit, 7-28
Create, 6-9
Discount Table, 6-9
New Inventory, 7-29
Multiple, 6-11
On-Hand Inventory, 7-29
Market Eligibility
Overview, 7-26
Define, 6-10
Process Flow, 7-26
Market Options
Reassign, 7-38
Define, 6-10
Settle, 7-30
Multiple Rates, 6-9
Ship from Stock, 7-29
Performance Tiers, 6-8
Submit, 7-28, 7-36
Retroactive, 6-8
Transactions, 7-35
Volume Offers
Adjust, 6-45
Terms Upgrade Offer, 6-7 W
See also Offer Types
Web Offer
Third Party Accrual
Click Through
Seeded, 6-14
Process, 7-23
Payment, 7-23
Click Through Destination, 6-15
Third Party Accruals, 7-4
Edit, 6-17
Batches, 7-19
Details, 7-21
Click Through Destination, 6-15
Lines, 7-21
Edit, 6-17
Process, 7-22
Web Offers, 6-13
Flow, 7-17
Action Items, 6-14
Overview, 7-16
Image, 6-13
Process Flow, 7-17
Text, 6-14
Import, 7-20
Transactions, 7-19
Process, 7-22
WebADI, 7-20
Trade Deal, 6-8
See also Offer Types
Discount Rules
Accrual, 6-8
Off-Invoice, 6-8
Trade Planning
See Offers
Trade Promotion