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Keltis Das Orakel

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Keltis Das Orakel

A game for 2-4 players with age 10+

The players play number cards to advance their figures on the stone path as far as possible.
Points are scored at the end of the game, for how far a player moved their figures. The cards
for each colour have to be played in a certain order. Players can pick up Wish Stones along the
way to bring additional points. If you don’t advance far enough, you are penalized points.
Players can interact with Leprechauns and the Priestess to score bonus points. The winner is
the player with the most points.

Game Material

1 Oracle Priestess

39 Way Tiles
• 9 Wishing Stones
• 3 Mirrors
• 3 Spirals
1 game board • 3 Leprechauns
12 player figures • 5 coloured clovers
(3 each in four colours) • 16 point tiles
4 scoring stones
110 cards
(2 sets of 0 to 10,
4 large clover tiles in five colours)

Game Preparation
• Before the first game, carefully remove the parts from the frame.
• Each player takes in a colour the three player figures, a scoring stone, and a large
clover tile.
• If playing with less than four players, return the unused material to the box.
• Place the figures on the game board on the large stone at the beginning of the spiral
• The scoring stones are placed on the first space of the scoring track.
• Each player places his large clover tile on the table to indicate their player colour.
• Place the Oracle Priestess on the Start Space (the first large stone) of the spiral pathway.
• Place the 9 wishing stones on the associated large stones on the pathway.
Note: only one stone is placed at the end space in the centre of the spiral.
• The 30 Way tiles are mixed face down and placed onto the marked spaces on the spiral
pathway, so that they do not cover the symbols in the space. They are revealed
• The cards are shuffled and every player is dealt a hand of eight cards. The remaining cards
form a face down draw deck. The cards show a number from 0 to 10 in one of five colours.
There is also a green number on each card that indicates the maximum number of spaces
the Oracle Priestess may be moved.

Note: in two player games, 30 cards are removed from the deck and placed hidden
into the game box.

The Game Board

• The board shows a long spiral Minus Point Section
path. The path begins with a
Start Field Wishing Stones
large “Start Space” and ends at a are placed on the
large space in the centre of the large fields
board. Each space on the path
has a coloured icon (red-brown,
yellow, pink, green, blue), which
can also be found on the cards.
The players figures begin on the
Start Space. The colour on the
card indicates which space the
player may advance one of their
pieces to.
• The spaces along the path also
show the point players will Goal Section
receive for occupying these
spaces. Early spaces on the path
show negative points.
• The last seven spaces along the Scoring Track
path are the Goal Section (The
Oracle), with points of value 6, 7 and 10 in red. The game ends immediately when a player
moves their third figure into this area, or the fifth figure (out of all the players) enters the
Oracle area.
• The small stone spaces along the path have random Way tiles; thus, every game is
• The two scoring tables on the board show how many points you receive at the end of the
game for collected wishing stones.
• A scoring track runs around the edge of game board.

Playing The Game

The player who most recently visited Ireland begins; otherwise, the oldest player begins. When
a player takes a turn they must (A) play a card in front of them and advance one of their
figures or the Priestess. If they cannot or choose not to play a card, they must (B) discard a
card unplayed and may not move any figure. They draw a new card at the end of their turn.
The next player then takes a turn.
A - Playing a Card
The active player chooses a card from his hand and places it in front of him. It makes
sense to play the highest or the lowest card in a colour.
• If the first card in a colour is played, it begins a row of cards for that colour. If there is
already a row in that colour, the new card is placed into the row so that the numbers of all
cards can be seen. New cards can only be played in ascending or descending order - the
second (or third) card in the series will determine which order further cards are played.
• Ascending order - only cards of the same or higher values are allowed (0,1,2,2,5, etc).
• Descending order - only cards of the same or lower values are allowed (9,9,7,6,4, etc).
• You are allowed to have gaps in values in your row of cards.
• You are only permitted to have five rows of cards - one in each colour.

Note: At the end of the rule, there is a detailed example of playing cards.

Moving a Figure
After playing a card, the active player has two options. Either a) they move one of their
figures, or b) they move the Priestess.

a) Moving Their Figure

• The active player moves one of their figures to the next space showing the colour of
played card. The number one the card does not matter.
• Any number of figures may stand on the same space.
• Playing more cards later in the game moves figures further down the spiral path.
• Players may use all of their figures, but they do not need to. A figure standing on a
negative space at the end of the game will lose points.

Note: At the end of the rule, there is a detailed example of moving a figure.

b) Moving the Oracle Priestess and receiving the Oracle Bonus

• The player may move the Oracle Priestess up to as many spaces as
indicated on the card.
E.g. if you play a 9, you may have the Oracle Priestess 1, 2, 3 or 4
spaces (the number on the card above the image of the Oracle
• If the Priestess is moved to a space with one or more the active player’s figures, the active
player receives an Oracle Bonus of five points. Move the scoring stone along the scoring
track for this bonus.
• If there are several figures of the active player on that space, the active player still only
receives five bonus points.
• If the movement of the Oracle Priestess ends on a space, with no active player’s figure,
nothing happens.
• Other players who have figures on that space receive no points.
• If a player moves one of their figures on space with the Oracle Priestess, they receive no
• The Priestess only moves forwards, never backwards. If the Priestess reaches the last
space on the path, it cannot be moved further for the rest of the game.
B - Discard a Card
If a player has no suitable card to play, or chooses not to play a card, they must instead discard
a card from their hand. This card is not used, and is placed onto a discard pile for that colour.
Each colour has its own discard pile. Only the top card in each discard pile is visible.

Drawing a Card
After the player has played or discarded a card, they draw a card to bring their hand back up to
eight cards. The card(s) they draw can come from either the draw deck or the top card from
any discard pile. If the player used a Leprechaun Way tile, they can draw two cards (see
The next player then takes their turn and the game continues.

Way Tiles
Any player who moves their figure onto a stone space with a green Way tile (tiles are never
removed) received the following bonus:

Points Scoring: The player immediately moves their scoring piece ahead the
indicated value.

Clover: The player may advance their figure down the path to the next stone
in the colour of the clover. Any tile on this new stone will also be actioned,

Spiral: The player may move their figure backwards to any stone. Exception:
they may not move back to the stone on which they began their move. Any Way
tile on the new stone space will also be actioned.

Goblins: The player may immediately discard one of their cards onto the
appropriate discard pile. This may be a card from their hand or the last card from
one of their card rows. You are allowed to discard the card you played this turn.

Goblin Scoring: Once during the game, players can make a special
Goblin scoring. If all three’s player figures are on three different
Goblin spaces, he scores 15 points. If all three player’s figures are on
two different Goblin spaces, he scores 10 points. If all three player’s
figures are on the same Goblin space, he scores 5 points. To indicate a
player has taken his Goblin score, he flips his Clover tile over to the Goblin
Orange Way Tiles are collected:
When a player moves his figure onto an orange Way tile, he removes this tile and place it
face up in front of him.

Wish Stones: At the end of the game, players receive points for collected wish stones
according to the table on the game board.

Mirrors: At the end of the game, each mirror scores the players Wish stones again.

End of the Game

The game can end in one of two ways:
• Either the third figure of a player, or any five figures belonging to any players, end up
in the red Oracle area of the spiral path. The game ends immediately - any green tiles are
not actioned, and any orange tiles are not claimed.
• Or, the last card is drawn from the draw deck.

Each figure on the spiral path scores the points next to its stone. Points are scored on the
scoring track. If a player goes past 80 points, keep scoring from 1 and add 80 to the total. If a
figure is next to a negative number, those points are deduced. Figures on the starting space
score no points.
Players also score points for Wishing Stones collected during the game. The points are
indicated on the table on the game board. For each Mirror that a player collected, the player
scores those points again. This also applies to negative scores.
The player with the most points wins the game. A tie results in a shared victory.
Player white moves his figure forward. Now, there are five figures in the Oracle section (1
black, 1 brown, 1 grey and 2 white) and the game immediately ends. The 3-point scoring
Green tile that the white just move to does not action.
White: White’s three figures score 10+6-3 = 13 points. White collects 3 wishing tones
and score 3 points. For each of the two mirrors, he scores 3 points again and scores 6
additional points. So, White has 13 + 3 + 6 = 22 points.
Black: Black’s three figures score 6+5+0 = 11 points. Black collects 1 wishing tones
and score -3 points. For his single mirror, he scores -3 points again. So, Black has 11 -
3 - 3 = 5 points. Black has made one Goblin score, but it is not shown in the
Brown: Brown’s three figures score 7+5+3 = 15 points. Brown collects 2 wishing tones
and score 2 points. So, Brown has 15 + 2 = 17 points.

Gray: Gray’s three figures score 7+5-2 = 10 points. Gray collects 2 wishing tones and
score 2 points. So, Gray has 10 + 2 = 12 points.
After the players have played the game a few times, they can play with the following rule for
the clover tiles. When a player moves one of their figures onto a Clover tile, they may
immediately move any of their figures down the path to the next space matching the colour
of the clover. If the new space contains a tile, it is actioned.

A) Playing a Card
White player plays his first card, “Green 0”. In the subsequent
rounds, he plays “Green 1”, which is laid covering the “Green 0”
partially so that all players can see the number sequence of the
played cards. Now, the White player can only play Green cards in
ascending order; i.e. the next Green cardmust be 1 or higher

White player starts a new color bow by playing a “Red-Brown 9”.

In the later rounds, he plays “Red-Brown 9” again and then
players “Red-Brown 7”. From now on, the White player can only
play Red-Brown cards in descending order.

The color rows shall be separated

properly so that all players can see
the colors and numbers.

Naturally, players can plan any color cards in a turn.

They need not play cards of a color before playing

a) Moving a Figure
Player white played “Green 0” to start his
Green row. He move one of this figure to
the next green space on the spiral path(1)
and moving his scoring market 3 spaces
forwards on the scoring track. This green
space gives -4 point at game end.
In his next turn, the White player plays another green card and move his
figure to the next green space(2a). He encounters the Spiral green Way
tile and move his figure backward to the large pink stone space(2b). He
takes one of two wishing tones and place it in front of him.
In the following turn, he plays his first “Red-Brown 5” and move his figure
to the next red-brown space(3). He meets the Globin. He can choose to
discard a card from his hand or one of his played card. He decides to
discard his “Red-Brown 5” so that he can start his red-brown color row
Naturally, players can plan any of his figures along the path. They need not finish moving one
figure before another.

b) Moving the Oracle Priestess and receiving the Oracle Bonus

White player plays a “Yellow 10” and move
his Figure to the first yellow space. He
decides not to take the action of the blue
Clover because it is more beneficial for his
figure to stay on the yellow space.
Afterwards, he plays a “Yellow 8” and lays it
on top of the “Yellow 10”. He decides to
move the Oracle Priestess. He can have
moved the Oracle Priestess three space
forwards because “Yellow 8” shows “3” above
the Oracle Priestess figure on the card. Yet, he decides to move the Oracle Priestess 2 spaces
forwards because he has a figure on the yellow space. He immediately gets the 5 bonus points
and moves his scoring marker 5 spaces forwards on the scoring track. The Black player does
not get any bonus.

B) Discard a Card
The player has no suitable cards to play this turn. He decides to discard a “Green 2” from this
hand on the green discard pile next to the draw deck. He cannot play “Green 2” in front of him
because his top card in the green row is “Green 3” – play “Green 2” will violate the ascending
requirement and he cannot start a new green row as he already has one.
Besides the green discard pile, there are blue and yellow discard pile.

Draw Deck “Green 2” must be discard Blue Discard Yellow Discard

as the top card. Pile Pile

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