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Teotihuacan Rules

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Players play as descendants of powerful noble families attempting to achieve eternal glory while planning the

construction of Teotihuacan. Earn victory points in many ways: seek the favor of the gods, be the best pyramid architect,
and own the most prestigious plots along the Avenue of the Dead! May the gods help you win!

*Main board
*6 action boards numbered from 2 to 7
• Forest (2)
• stone quarry (3)
• gold deposits (4)
• Alchemy (5)
• Nobles (6)
• Decorations (7)
* 15 decoration tiles
* 54 discovery tiles
* 9 technology tiles
* 18 starting tiles
* 9 Royal tiles divided into 3 categories (A, B, C)
* 7 Temple Bonus tiles
* 2 Calendar discs: 1 black and 1 white
* 11 Buildings
* 32 Pyramid tiles
* 4 Player Order Tokens (1,2,3,4)
* Player components in 4 colors:
• 4 dice representing workers
• 12 wooden discs: 6 technology markers and 6 Track markers
• 1 player color token
• Cocoa chips in denominations of 1 and 5
• 60 resources: 20 wood, 20 stones and 20 gold
• 4 Multiplier Tokens
• Cocoa and resources are considered unlimited. If they run out use the multiplier tokens provided to show higher

If this is your first time playing Teotihuacán, we recommend that you use the pre-printed Action Boards on the Main
Board. Simply skip the following setup steps: 2, 3, 4 and 5. Return all action boards, royal tiles, technology tiles, and
temple bonus tiles to the game box without placing any of them on the main board. Also, when configuring players,
follow point 6 of the Player configuration section below.

1 .- Place the main board in the center of the table.
2 .- Shuffle the Action Boards numbered 2 to 7 and right, starting with the top row.
place them face up in spaces 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 (covering 5 .- Select 3 Temple Bonus tiles and place each one in
the printed boards). Boards 1 and 8 will NEVER be the penultimate space of each Temple.

6 .- Place the white calendar disk in space 0 of the

3 .- There are 3 categories of Royal tiles marked with Calendar track. Place the black Calendar disc on the
an A, B or C in the upper left corner of each one. calendar track according to the number of players:
Randomly select 3 of them, one from each category,
and place them face up on the indicated spaces on the
For 4 players in space 12
Palace Action Board (1).
For 3 players in space 11
For 2 players in space 10

4 .- Take out 6 Technology tiles and arrange them by

their reference numbers. Place them face up on the
Alchemy Board (5) in ascending order, from left to

7 .- Place wooden buildings on each space in the row

of buildings on the main board, excluding the leftmost

8 .- Shuffle all the Decoration tiles and place them in a face-down pile on the Decoration board (7).
Then take 4 of them and put them in the indicated supply spaces.
11 .- Shuffle all the Discovery tiles and
distribute them in several face-down piles next to the
Main Board.

12 .- Take out 5 Discovery tiles and place them

face up on the spaces next to the Worship actions on
the following Action Boards: Palace (1), Forest (2),
Quarry (3), Gold Deposit (4) and Decoration (7).
9 .- Shuffle all
Pyramid tiles and put them in several piles face down
next to the Construction board (8), then take 3 and
put them face up on the indicated spaces on the
Action board (8).

10 .- Then, draw Pyramid tiles at random and place

them on the Pyramid grid to form the following
patterns according to the number of players:

13 .- Take out 6 Discovery tiles and place them face

up in the spaces next to the Avenue of Death: 3 in the
first space, 2 in the second and 1 in the third.

14 .- Draw more Discovery tiles and place them face

up on larger spaces in the temples, as indicated by the
numbers on them: first number for 2 players, second
number for 3 players and third number for 4 players.
1 .- Give each player a color chip of their choice. Each player will use the workers (dice) of that color.

2 .- Determine the first player at random. Give this player a Cocoa token and the 1st Player Token.

3 .- Give the player sitting to the right (counterclockwise) of the 1st player 3 Cocoa tokens, and a Player Order token
with the value that corresponds to the last player according to their number. This token will now be referred to as the
last Player's token.

4 .- Give each of the other players 2 Cacaos and the corresponding order token.

5 .- Give each player the 12 colored discs that match the player's color. 6 will be used as Technology markers.
Distribute the other 6 in the following locations:
• Point 0 of the Pyramid Track

• The bottom of the Avenue of Death Track

- eien

• The initial step (bottom) of the 3 temples

Box 0 of the Victory Points (VP) track.

6.- If this is your first Game:

• Each player places a worker showing 3 on the Promotion wheel

• In addition to starting with Cacao, players receive the following resources:

o The first player receives: 5 Cacao, 1 wood, 2 stones, 4 gold and an advance in the green temple (which
provides 1 more Cacao). Place the following workers in the general area of the following Action Boards:
Power 2 in Nobles (6), power 1 in the Forest (2), and power 1 in Construction (8).
o The second player receives: 5 Cacao, 4 wood, 1 stone and an advance in the red and blue temples (which
provides 1 VP and 1 stone). Place the following workers in the general area of the following Action
Boards: Power 2 in Decorations (7), power 1 in the Forest (2), and power 1 in the Quarry (3).
o In a 3 and 4 player game the third player receives: An advance on the Avenue of Death track, 4 Cacao, 3
wood, 4 stones and an advance on the blue temple (which provides 1 additional gold). Place the following
workers in the general area of the following Action Boards: Power 1 in Palace (1), power 1 in the Forest
(2), and power 1 in Decorations (7).
o In a 4-player game the fourth player receives: 2 wood, 5 gold and an advance in the green temple (which
provides 1 additional Cacao) and a Technology marker on the third lowest numbered tile (which provides
another advance in the green temple, which provides another Cacao). Place the following workers in the
general area of the following Action Boards: Power 1 in the Quarry (3), power 1 in the Gold Deposit (4),
and power 1 in the Alchemy (5).

Note : Rules often refer to the general area of an Action Board. When you are told to place a worker (given) there,
place it so that it does not cover any images.
Workers locked in worship spaces (see below) are NOT in the general area of an Action Board, but all other workers
on an Action Board are in its general area.
Note : Some skills depend on the power of your worker. This is a value between 1 and 5, displayed on the visible
(upper) face of the worker. If a die reaches a power of 6, it immediately ascends. The Ascension process is detailed

7 .- If it is NOT the first game:

• Each player places 1 worker showing a 3 on the Ascension wheel , leaves the other 3 workers in possession,
and places them next to the player's color token.
• Randomly deal 4 Start tiles to each player. Anyone who receives Starter Tiles with a Discovery icon on them
randomly draws a Discovery tile each, which they can claim if they take the corresponding Starter tile (and
can pay its cost).
• Each player simultaneously chooses 2 Start tiles, returning the other 2.
• Each player gains the benefits of the chosen tiles:
o Power-ups increase the starting level of one of your dice.
o When they receive blue, red, or green Temple advancements, they gain the temple benefit
immediately (as normally happens).
o When they receive a Technology tile, the marker must be placed on the lowest numbered Technology
tile. No gold is spent, but progress in the temple is equally rewarded.
• Finally, each player places his initial workers in the general area of the Action Boards that match the 3 unique
numbers of the action boards on his selected Initial tiles (never 2 dice of the same player can start the game
on the same Board of action).

8 .- In a game with 2 or 3 players only:

• In a 3-player game, draw 2 Start tiles and place the 3 workers of the NOT used color on the first 3 (different)
Action Boards shown on the Start tiles.
• In a 2-player game, do the same thing but 2 times. In the second time place the 3 workers of the second color
NOT used.
• These “neutral” workers count as a different colored worker for all game purposes.

9 .- Return all Start tiles (used and UNused) to the game box.
• All unclaimed Discovery tiles are randomly returned to the tile piles.

Starting with the first player, each player takes a turn as described below, then play continues clockwise. There are
no phases and steps in Teotihuacan; each player simply resolves their choices one after another, until an Eclipse
(score) is triggered (see below).

On your turn you must choose one of the two options:
• Take a normal turn or
• Unlocks all your blocked workers for free (see below about blocking). After performing your chosen option, if
you have the last player's token, advance the white disc on the calendar track once. This could trigger an Eclipse (see
The turn then passes to the next player in a clockwise direction.

If you are doing a normal shift , you must select exactly one of your workers and advance them by 1, 2, or 3 action
boards clockwise .

Note : If you do not have an unlocked worker available or are willing to pay to unlock one, you cannot take a normal
shift; you should take the free unlock option instead.

Locks : Workers can be locked or unlocked. A worker You CANNOT move your locked workers, but you can
is locked if he is in a space with a thick border and a pay 3 cocoas to the supply at any time during your
key inside (they are called worship spaces), (normal) turn to unlock them all. Alternatively, you
can select the "Unlock all your locked workers for
free" option during your shift. When unlocking a
worker, put them in the general area of the same
Action Board.

otherwise it is unlocked.
Note: You can choose to pay 3 cocoas (or spend an entire turn to unlock your workers for free) even if not all of your
workers are locked.

Then you must perform one of 3 possible actions on the Action Board your worker is placed on:

• Collect cocoa
• Worship
• Perform the main action

You can perform the Collect Cocoa action on any Action Board. Before placing your moved worker on the general
area of the Action Board, count the number of workers of different colors already present on that Board (disregarding
workers blocked on the Worship space). You receive as much cocoa plus 1. Place the transferred worker in the
general area of the Action Board in question.

Example : Black moves a worker to the Quarry Action Board (3) to perform a Collect
Cocoa action. There are 2 colors of unlocked workers present: red and yellow, so the
black one collects 3 cocoas. The blocked blue worker or the arriving black worker do not

The worship action can only be done on the following action boards:
• Palace (1)
• Forest (2)
• quarry stone (3)
• Gold deposits (4)
• Decorations (7)

Select a worship space on an action board. The Palace Action board (1) has the 3 Royal tiles with one space on each
while the other 4 action boards have a temple sidebar, each with 1 space.

1. If there is a worker belonging to another player in the space, pay 1 cocoa to the general supply and unlock that
worker (move it to the general area of that Action Board). Then place your worker in the selected Worship space. You
can't unlock your own workers this way!

2. Then choose one of the following options:

• Perform the worship space skill.
o In the case of the Palace Action Board (1), see the Appendix for the abilities of each Royal token.
o For the following Action Boards: Forest (2), Stone Quarry (3), Gold Deposits (4), advance one step in the
temple shown (see sidebar to advance in the temples).
o In the case of the Decorations Action Board (7), advance one step in any of the temples (you can choose

• Claim the Discovery tile next to the Worship space by paying the resources (cocoa, wood, stone, gold) shown
on it. IMPORTANT EXCEPTION : When placing your worker on the Palace Action Board (1), you must choose
one of the Royal tiles and perform your action, so this option is not available.

• Pay 1 additional cocoa (before resolving effects) to do both of the above. This option is also available
on the Palace Action Board (1).
3. If you claimed a Discovery tile, replace a new one and place it face up in the place of the claimed one.

If you claim a Discovery tile by paying for the resources printed in its upper left corner (if no resources are printed, the
tile comes at no additional cost). You have to pay the cost regardless of how the tile was obtained: from a temple, a
worship action, or advancing one step with a discovery tile on the Avenue of the Dead. If you are unable or unwilling
to pay, you cannot claim the tile.
After claiming it, place the tile face up in front of you. If it is a skin, it will be scored during each remaining Eclipse.
Otherwise, you can flip it face down at any time during your turns (even immediately after claiming it, though you can
save it for later) to receive the buff shown. Keep the tiles face down as they may be important during the final Eclipse.
See the Appendix for the capacity of each token .

Example: Red moves his worker to the Quarry Action Board (3) to do a worship action (A). Blue already has a worker
in that area of the temple so Red has to pay 1 cocoa and move the previously blocked blue worker to the general area
of the Action Board. (b)
Red advances into the green temple (because the temple area showed the green icon), obtaining 2 cocoas. Red then
decides to take the Discovery tile shown in the temple area and pays 1 cocoa (plus another cocoa for the tile itself) to

When you advance on one of the three temples,

move your marker up one step.
If it is a lower rung, immediately claim the reward
shown on that rung.

Note: The * icon means any resource (wood, gold or


claim it (C).
If it's the second-to-last rung, that's fine, just unlock
the end-game scoring condition shown on the
Temple Bonus tile at that stage.

If it is the highest step, you can only advance if there

If it is a higher Step you can claim one of the
are no player markers on that space. If another player
Discovery tiles present on the step (if any are present
is already present on the top step, you simply do not
there) OR claim the reward shown on the step.

To perform the Main action of an Action Board , count the number of unlocked workers of the different colors
previously present on the board (ignoring the newly moved worker). You must pay this amount ; if you can't, you
can't perform the Main action.
Place the transferred worker in the general area of the Action Board in question.
After paying the cost in cocoa, perform the Main action on the Action Board as detailed below. Each action board has
a different main action, except the Palace (1), which does not have a main action. For the purpose of resolving the
main action, when you count your workers on any of the Action Boards, the maximum limit will always be 3.
Therefore, even if you have all 4 workers on the same Action Board when resolving a Main action, you can only have
3 workers. When counting workers for the effects of the action, always include the worker you just placed there.
When you take a Main Action you must always resolve its effects, gathering or paying the necessary resources. You
cannot take a Main action just to boost one of your workers without fully implementing its effects.

Example: Black moves a worker to the Quarry Action Board (3) to perform a Main action there. There are 3 colors of
unlocked workers present: red, yellow and black (one of the workers previously placed by Black), so the cost of the
action is 3 cocoas. The blocked blue worker does not count towards the action cost.

Description of the main actions.

Palace (1)
The Palace Action board (1) does NOT have a Main action. When you move a worker here, you can only place them
on a Royal tile to perform a Worship action or in the general area to perform a Pick Cocoa action.

Forest (2), Stone Quarry (3), Gold Deposit (4)

Count the number of your unlocked workers in the general Board area of this Board (including the worker you just
moved) to select a row from it. Use the power of your lowest value worker to select a column on the Action Board.
Obtain the rewards (wood, stone, gold, cocoa, victory points or temple advances) displayed in the corresponding cell.
Then boost one of your
workers of the same Board. If you have 3 or more workers on that Board, you can boost twice (remember
which can only empower workers on the same Action Board).

Example: The Blue player performs a Main action on the Forest Action Board (2)
with two workers: power of 2 and 5. Since the lowest value is 2, this gives the
player 2 wood and the ability to power up a worker on this Forest board (2).

Alchemy (5)
Choose a Technology tile on this Alchemy Board (5) observing the following restrictions:

1. If you only have one worker on this Board, you must select from the first row.
2. If you have two or more workers on the Board, you can select from any row.
3. EXCEPTION : If you only have one worker on this Board but its power is 4 or 5, you can still choose from the
second row, but by doing so you will lose the boosting power you would gain from this action.

Pay the cost in gold as shown on the selected tile and place one of your Technology markers (wooden discs) to mark
that you have acquired this Technology. See the Appendix for an explanation of the ongoing benefit of each
Technology tile.
If there were other players' discs in this technology, each of the rivals with a disc would receive three VP . You can
never develop a Technology that has been previously acquired (you cannot place a marker on a Technology tile with
one of its markers present).
After placing the Technology marker, advance one step in one of the temples, depending on which column the
selected Technology belongs to.
Finally, power up one of your workers on the Alchemy Board (5), unless you used the third option when selecting the
tile (using a single 4 or 5 power worker to place your marker on a Technology of the second row).

Example: Blue is performing the Alchemy action (5) using a single worker
with a power of 4. You can gain a Technology from the first row and boost
the worker to a 5, or gain a Technology from the second row without
boosting the worker (due to the exception option).

Empower a worker:
When an ability allows you to power up one of your workers, select one of
your unlocked workers and turn the die representing the worker to the side showing a higher number, to increase its
power. If this causes the worker to reach a power of 6, he immediately triggers an Ascension, which is
will be detailed later in the rules. If a skill allows you to boost twice, you can boost the same worker twice or two
different workers once each.

Nobles (6)
They allow you to build buildings on the avenue of the dead in exchange for 2 units of wood. Pay 2 wood to take the
first available Building on the left side of the row of Buildings on the Main Board (it is important that these Buildings
are always taken from left to right), and place it on the leftmost available space of one of the Noble Board Building
rows (6):

• If you have 1 worker on this action board: Place the building on the leftmost empty space of the top row. If
there are no empty spaces, you cannot perform this action.
• If you have 2 workers on this action board: place it on the leftmost empty space of the middle row. If there
are no empty spaces in the second row, place it in the row above, if possible.
• If you have 3 workers on this action board: place it on the leftmost empty space of the bottom row. If there
are no empty spaces in the third row, place it in one of the rows above, if possible.

Then, obtain a number of VPs equal to the printed value of the space you covered with the Building, and advance
your marker one step on the Avenue of the Dead track, up to a maximum of 9.
Then, boost one of your workers from the Nobles Board (6). If you have 3 or more workers on the board you can
boost twice at this location (as always, you can only boost workers on this Action Board).

Example: Red player is performing the Nobles main action (6) with two workers. Red
pays 2 wood and places a Building on the leftmost space of the middle row.
Red advances his marker on the Avenue of the Dead track by one and immediately
gains 4 VP.

Decorations (7)
Pay 3 gold to select one of the 4 available decoration tiles. For each additional
worker you have on this Action Board, you will receive a 1 gold discount on the cost (to a minimum of 1 gold).
Add the chosen Decoration tile to the Pyramid using the following restrictions:
• It must be placed in one of the marked spaces.
• You can only place on spaces marked “2” if there is a layer of
Pyramid tiles below your two squares AND there is a Decoration on
the closest space marked “1”.
• You can only place on spaces marked "3" if there are two layers of
Pyramid tiles under your two squares and there is a Decoration in
the closest space marked "2".
• You can only place on spaces marked "4" if there are three layers of
Pyramid tiles below your two squares AND there is a Decoration on
the closest space marked "3".
• The tile must be placed so that the arrows point towards the center
of the pyramid.

When placing the tile, check the icons you are covering. For each icon that
is covered by an icon of the same type on the Decoration tile, gain 1 VP.
If you gained 1 VP for an icon that is red, green, or blue on the Decoration tile (the color of the icon being covered
does not matter), you also advance in the corresponding temple.
Then, gain 3 additional VPs and advance your marker one step on the pyramid track. Then, boost one of your workers
on the Decorations Action Board (7) and draw a new Decoration tile to refill the supply of tiles.

Example: Black places a Decoration tile showing one blue and one red icon on the space shown on level two. One of
the icons matches the covered icon below, so Black gets 1 + 3 = 4 victory points and advances once to the blue temple.
Although the black man would have liked to place the

Decoration at level three so that both icons match is not allowed, since level 2 is not yet covered by a Decoration.

Construction (8)
You can select one of the available Pyramid tiles and add it to the Pyramid for each worker you have on the
Construction Board (8). You must add at least one tile.
• You can place a Pyramid tile on the first level (background) in one of the empty spaces by paying 2 stones.
Score 1 VP for each tile added in the first level.
• You can place a Pyramid tile on the second level, on the intersection of four tiles on the first level, paying 2
stones and 1 wood. Get 3 VP for each tile added to the second level.
• You can place a Pyramid tile on the third level, on the intersection of four tiles on the second level, paying 2
stones and 2 wood. Get 5 VP for each tile added to the third level.
• You can place the top tile of the Pyramid (the fourth level) on the intersection of the four tiles that form the
third level of the Pyramid, paying 2 stones and 3 wood. Score 7 VP if you place.
Additional effect : If a tile was placed on the fourth level of the Pyramid, it is considered finished. The active
player must immediately move the white Calendar disc to the position of the black Calendar disc. This will
trigger an Ending Eclipse, as described in the Eclipse and Game Over section, and end the game.

You can rotate the tile any way you want. When placing the tile, check the icons you are covering. For each icon that
is covered by an icon of the same type on the newly placed Pyramid tile, gain 1 VP.
If you gained 1 VP for an icon that is red, green, or blue on the newly placed Pyramid tile (the color of the icon being
covered does not matter), also advance the corresponding temple.
Then advance your marker one step on the Pyramid track.
If you add more than one tile to the Pyramid, always fully resolve all effects of one before adding the next tile,
including VP score, Pyramid track advancement, as well as temple advancements, if any. there are.
Next, power up one of your Construction Board workers (8). If you have 3 or more workers on that board you can
boost twice instead. Finally, draw new Pyramid tiles to refill the supply.

Blue is placing a tile in the Pyramid, rotating it to maximize the benefits. The cost of this placement is 2 stones and 1
wood (since the new added tile is being placed on the second level), and you will get 3 + 3 = 6 Victory Points, 3 for
being placed on the second level and an additional 3 to match the icons that are covered with the icons on the
pyramid tile. Additionally, the player advances once in the blue temple, since one of the icons that gained 1 VP is blue.

Ascension triggers immediately when a worker reaches power 6 due to a buff.
When this happens, do all of the following:
• Advance your marker one step on the Avenue of the Dead track (thematically, your worker will have a burial
along the way), up to a maximum of 9.
• Move the die representing the newly promoted worker to the Palace Action Board (1) (placing it in the
general area), and reset it to a power of 1. This is a "new" worker now.
• Select one of the rewards displayed on the Ascension wheel:
either ▫▫ Get 5 VP
either ▫▫ Earn 5 cocoas
either ▫▫Advance your score a step in one of the temples
either ▫▫Pay 3 cocoas foradvance his marker two
times in temples (once in two different ones or two
times in the same temple)
or ▫▫ If you only have 3 workers in play, gain your 4th worker (with a starting power of 3), placing it in the
general area of the Palace Action Board (1). Also, earn 2 cocoas.
• Advance the white disc on the Calendar track once. This could trigger an Eclipse.

Note: It is possible for more than 1 of your workers to be promoted in the same shift. If this happens, completely
resolve the above procedure for each Promoted worker, but trigger an Eclipse only after their shift ends if applicable.


An Eclipse (a score) is triggered after the white disk in the Calendar track reaches the space occupied by the black
disk. If any effect would move the white disk beyond the position occupied by the black disk, stop movement upon
reaching the black disk and ignore any further movement.

▪▪ If the white disk reached the black disk space on the last player's turn, play one more full round (each player plays
one more turn, including the last player), and then proceed to scoring as described below.
▪▪ If the white disk reached the black disk space on another player's turn (not the Last player's turn), end the current
round (giving all players the same number of turns), and then play another round complete as described above,
before continuing to score.

In a 4-player game, the second player (who has the "2" player order token) promotes a worker, moving the light disk
into the space on the calendar track occupied by the black disk. After the second player finishes his turn, the third and
fourth (Last Player) still take their turns as normal. After that, each player has one more turn (a full round is played),
before players proceed to resolve an Eclipse.

Eclipse Score:

During each Eclipse, solve the steps below:

1. Avenue of the Dead: each player scores as many points as the number of steps advanced on the avenue of the
dead multiplied by the lowest value visible in the row of buildings to be built. The markers on this avenue remain in

2. The most advanced player on the Pyramid track scores 4 VP.

3. Each player scores points for each step advanced in the Pyramid track (4/3/2 points in the First/Second/Third

4. Reset the Pyramid Track for all players, moving all markers to their initial position. This is the only Track that is
reset after each Eclipse.

5. Each player scores points for different sets of masks. Each set provides 1/3/6/10/15/21/28 points if it contains
1/2/3/4/5/6/7 different masks.

6. Players must feed cocoa to their workers (1 cocoa for each die with value 1/2/3 and 2 cocoa for each die with
values 4/5). For each worker who cannot or does not want to feed, the player will lose 3 points (you cannot go below
0 points).

7. At the end of the first and second eclipse, the white marker is placed back in the first square of the calendar,
while the black marker is adjusted according to the number of players:

• 2 players:
o First Eclipse: set to 9.
o Second Eclipse: set to 8.
o Additionally, 2 starting tiles are drawn and the 3 workers of one of the unused colors are moved to the first
3 (different) action boards shown on the starting tiles.
o Repeat the above.
• 3 players:
o First Eclipse: set to 10.
o Second Eclipse: set to 9.
o Additionally, 2 starting tiles are drawn and the 3 workers of one of the unused colors are moved to the first
3 (different) action boards shown on the starting tiles.

• 4 players:
o First Eclipse: set to 11.
o Second Eclipse: set to 10.

8. If this is the third Eclipse, or if this Eclipse was activated by placing the final Pyramid tile, each player who has
qualified for one or more Temple Bonus tiles (by being on the second-to-last or highest step of a temple) gains
Additional VP based on the bonus tokens you have reached. See the Appendix for an explanation of all bonus chips.

After resolving the third Eclipse (or the Eclipse activated by placing the last pyramid), the game is over. The player
with the most VP is the winner. In the event of a tie, the tied player with the most cocoa remaining is the winner. If
still tied, the tied player with the lowest number on their Player Order token is the winner.


Once you've played Teotihuacan a few times, you may want to use an alternative method to receive your starting
tiles. However, please note that this variant is recommended only for players with a solid knowledge of the rules and
enough experience to be able to form a strategy from the first moments of the game.
Instead of dealing 4 starting tiles to each player, place a number of starting tiles face up in the center of the table. The
number depends on the number of players (6/8/10 starting tiles for 2/3/4 players).
For each starting tile that allows a player to receive a discovery tile, draw a discovery tile and place it next to the
starting tile for which it was obtained.
Starting with the first player, each player draws a starting tile (possibly with the Discovery tile they are linked to).
After each player has selected 1 starting tile, each player takes another starting tile, this time in reverse order. This
means that the last player will recruit 2 starting tiles in a row. After each player has taken their starting tiles, proceed
with setup normally.


In a regular game of Teotihuacan, players should always have enough time to prepare for an Eclipse. However, if you
want to play a more cutthroat version of the game, you can use the alternative rules below.
• An Eclipse (score) occurs immediately after the player's turn that caused the WHITE disc to reach the space
occupied by the BLACK disc. No additional turns are taken, players simply score and set up further games (or
end the game) normally, proceeding to the next player.
• The same rules apply for ending the game: it can end abruptly in the middle of a round if the third Eclipse is
activated, or if an Eclipse was activated upon finishing the Pyramid.
• If the players are tied in VP and cocoa at the end of the game, the player with the highest number on the
Player Order token wins the game (rather than the player with the lowest number).


Earn 1 cocoa more Pay 1 cocoa to receive 1 wood and 1 stone. Pay 1 resource to receive 2 cocoas.
than the power of You can do this as many times as the power
the blocked worker. You can do this as many times as the power of the blocked worker.
of the blocked worker.

Score 2 VP for each of whichever is lower: Score 2 VP for each of whichever is lower: Pay 1 cocoa to receive 1 gold and 1 stone.
the number of Technologies with your marker your position on the Pyramid Track or the You can do this as many times as the power
or the power of the blocked worker. power of the blocked worker. of the blocked worker

Spend 1 cocoa and 1 resource to receive as

many resources as the power of the blocked
worker (any combination)
Spend 1 cocoa and advance in any temple.
You can do this as many times as the blocked
worker's power minus 1.

Note : Blocking 1 worker with a power of 1

has no effect here. Score 1 VP for each of
whichever is lower: your position on the
avenue of the dead or the power of the
blocked worker.

Every time you move a main action on Quarry

worker to the Palace Alchemy (5) or Nobles Stone (3) or Gold

Action Board (1), you (6) gain 3 VP Deposit (4) gets an extra
gain 1 cocoa After performing the wood, stone or gold
After performing the main action in Forest (2), respectively

After performing the After performing the

main action in
main action in Forest main action on
Construction (8) you
(2), Stone Quarry (3) or Decorations (7) you gain
gain 3 VP (regardless of
Gold Deposit (4) you get 4 VP.
the tiles placed)
a Cocoa and 1 VP. After performing the

After resolving 1 or discount of 1 resource.

more boosts gained by After performing the
performing a main main action in
action, you can pay 1 Construction (8)
cocoa and gain an advance your marker
additional boost (on the once in 1 temple
same Action board). (regardless of the
When you perform the number of tiles placed)
main action of
Construction (8) resolve
it as if you had an
additional worker that
also guarantees the
Advance in the green Breakthrough at the red
temple temple

Advance 1 time in a Boost up to 2 of your

temple. UNBlocked workers (or 2
times the same)

Use when moving a

worker, to move a
second worker from the
same Action Board to
the same Action Board.
Use it instead of your
normal movement to
move 1 of your workers
an unlimited distance
(Can be combined with
double movement
Use it when resolving a
Main Action in Alchemy
(5), Nobles (6), or
Construction (8) to treat
the action as if you had
an additional worker

Use it to ignore the cocoa payment in a transaction: Advance 1 time on

• Pay for a Main Share
• Pay for a Worship (including the cost of unlocking
another player's worker)
• Pay salary during Eclipse

the Avenue of the Dead (up to a maximum of 9)

These are masks used for scoring during the Eclipse. The small number in the lower
right corner shows how many copies of each skin exist. Lower numbered skins are less
common, making them more valuable.

Advance on the Avenue of Advance on the Green Advance into the Blue Temple
the Dead and earn 2 Temple (earning your reward) (earning your reward) and
cocoas and 3 wood. and earn 2 stones and 3 gold. earn 4 wood and 3 stone.

Choose the lowest reward) + any 2 resources. associated temple

numbered Technology tile Choose the lowest advancement (and its
on the Alchemy board (5) numbered Technology tile reward) + 2 gold.
and place your marker on it on the Alchemy board (5) Increase the power of 1 of
for free. Earn the and place your marker on it your starting workers. Earn 3
associated temple for free. Earn the wood and 1 gold.
advancement (and its

Advance into the Red Temple Advance into the Blue and 4 Stones.
(earning your reward) and Temple (earning your Advance through each of the
earn 5 cocoas and 2 gold. reward) and earn 2 Cocoa 3 Temples (earning their

Earn 3 cocoas and 5 wood.

Earn 3 cocoas, 2 wood and 3
Earn 1 wood, 2 stones and 3
or 58
20 Be

Advance in the Advance in the Blue and Red

Temple (by earning Temples (earning their
your reward, rewards) + any 2 resources.
increase the power
of your workers and Advance in the Green Temple
start 5 cocoas. (earning your reward),
red nsa), increase the power of 1 of
1 ales + your starting workers + 5
1 cocoas.

ID ID zn
22 38 18
30nm 19
mHs 28 ela

Earn 2 cocoas and 3 gold. Earn 3 stones and 1 gold. Advance on the Avenue
You can claim a tile You can claim a tile the Dead and win 1
Random Discovery Random Discovery wood and 2 stones .
(paying its cost). Can (paying its cost). Can
look at the tile look at the tile
Discovery before Discovery before
take her. take her.


Rate your skin set higher Score 3 VP for each Score 15 VP.
once again Technology Tile with one
of your workers

Score 3 VP for each Score 9 VP for each Bonus Score 2 VP for each NO
progressed step in tile you have reached, mask Discovery tile you
Avenue of the Dead. including this one. have (used or NOT used).

Score for your workers: for each worker with power 1-3 score 4 VP.
For each worker with power 4-5 score 9 VP.

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