Reglamento Satori EN
Reglamento Satori EN
Reglamento Satori EN
Satori is the Japonese term for enlightenment: a state of mind where you exist solely in the present; the past and future dissolving to generate clarity
of thought through transcendence.
In Satori, players compete to progress on their spiritual journey. They must guide the Worshippers to different Altars for meditation and prayer, as
well as the Monks to the Mountains, where they will seek wisdom and enlightenment or help the Architect in the construction of the Great Pagoda.
At the end of the game, the winner will be the person who has chosen the greatest path to Satori, as represented on the Scoring Track.
General Components
1 Board 7 Jokoro Cost Tiles
1 Great Mountain 3 Cancelled Jokoro Cost Tiles
1 Architect 15 Altar Tiles
6 Pagoda Tier Tiles 16 Altar Decoration Tiles
1 Sōrin (pinnacle of the Pagoda) 15 Worshippers, 5 of each colour
4 Sōrin Scoring Tiles 6 Starting Tiles
36 Meditation Tiles 12 Emeralds
(First Era) 20 Stone Pieces
24 Meditation Tiles 20 Wood Pieces
(Second Era) 30 Mon (currency)
3 Hikari (light) Token 5 Amulet Tiles
3 Neutral Jokoros 1 Bag
3 Monks
6 Jokoros (incense burners)
3 Sect Tokens
1 Offerings Track Marker
1 Hand Token for the Prayer Wheels
1 Incense Track Marker
1 Satori Points Marker (score marker)
2 Bells
1 +40 SP Tile
General set up
Place the board in the middle of the table with the Great Mountain
on the multiplayer side (without the flowers on the mountains). Take the Jokoro Cost Tiles and add 0/3/1 Cancelled Jokoro Cost
Tiles for a 2/3/4 player game respectively. Shuffle them together
Put 3/4/5 Worshippers of each colour for a 2/3/4 player game and place them face down forming a draw pile at the side of the
respectively into the bag. Next, randomly draw 3 Worshippers board. Return the unused Cancelled Jokoro Cost Tiles to the box.
per player from the bag and place them on the Sanmon (the en- Place 0/3/1 Neutral Jokoros at the side of the board for a 2/3/4
trance door to the temple). player game respectively.
Place the Architect on the space next to the First Tier of the Pa- Shuffle the Altar Tiles and place them face down in a pile at the
goda. side of the board. Draw 3, chosen randomly, and place them on
the 3 Altar Construction Spaces.
Shuffle the 6 Pagoda Tier Tiles face down and randomly select 5,
placing one on each of the Pagoda Tier Spaces. Return the remai- Shuffle the Altar Decoration Tiles and place them face down in a
ning tile to the box. pile at the side of the board. Place three, chosen randomly, on the
Decoration Spaces. If all three are identical, return them to the
Place the Sōrin Tile above the Pagoda on the part that has not pile, shuffle them and draw a new three.
been constructed. Shuffle the four Sōrin Scoring Tiles and draw
one randomly. Place it next to the Sōrin Tile.
Place the resources within reach of all the players (Mon, Stone, One Satori Points Marker, placed on space 5 of the Scoring Track.
Wood and Emeralds).
One Hand for the Prayer Wheels, placed on the Roof of the Prayer
Separate the Meditation Tiles by era and shuffle each pile to Wheels.
form two separate draw piles at the side of the board. Draw 12
tiles from the First Era pile and place them on the 12 Mountain One Offerings Track Marker, placed on the first space of the Offe-
Spaces. rings Track (the space at the base of the track with the icon).
Place the Hikari Tokens, one on each of the uppermost spaces (of One Incense Track Marker, placed on space 0 of the Incense Track
the available four spaces) in each Mountain. (the base of the Great Jokoro).
Shuffle the Starting Tiles and draw the same number of tiles as Randomly choose who will be the starting player and place one
there are players, plus one additional tile, placing them face up of their Bells on the first space of the Turn Order Track on the lef-
on the table. Return the rest to the box. thand side. Then, in a clockwise direction, the rest of the players
place their Bells on the same track.
Player Setup. Each player must take:
Beginning with the starting player and following the order of turn,
One Amulet Tile, chosen randomly, which is not revealed to the each player choses a Starting Tile and receives the indicated re-
other players. Return the remaining Amulet Tiles to the box. sources and bonuses. They then return the Starting Tiles to the
box. Subsequently, and following reverse turn order, each player
Three Monks, five Jokoros and two Bells, corresponding to the places a Monk on any one of the available spaces in any of the
player’s colour, which are placed on the table in front of each mountains. Return the unused Starting Tile to the box. In this way,
player, as their personal reserve. Each player should place their the starting player will be the first to choose a tile and the last to
sixth Jokoro in the corresponding Jokoro Space of the Offering place a Monk.
Track on the board.
Place the +40 SP Tiles next to the board.
Three Sect Tokens, placed on the Construction Area of the board.
Example 1
Lara (blue) chooses the Starting Tile with the image of 1 Wood, 1 Stone and 1 Incense. She
takes these first two resources from the general reserve and moves her Incense Track Marker
to space 1 of the Incense Track.
The game takes place over 5 rounds. In each round, beginning with the starting player, each
player will take their turn following the order shown on the Turn Order Track. When each
player has had three turns, the round ends.
Paying resources: Each time it is indicated that resources must be paid, these will come
from the resources available in the personal reserve of each player, who will discard these
resources and return them to the general reserve. If it is
indicated that Incense must be paid, this is done on the
Incense Track by moving the Incense Track Marker down
the number of positions corresponding to the number of
Incense that needs to be paid.
The highest position on the Incense Track is 3. If a player obtains more than this, they will
lose the additional Incense.
The resources of the game are finite. If at any moment a resource is not available in the
reserve, the players will not be able to obtain this resource.
Satori Points: advance your Satori Points Marker on the Scoring Track each
time you obtain Satori Points (from here on referred to as SP).
On your turn, place a Worshipper on one of the Altars on the main board in order to receive resources and carry out
actions. Additionally, at any point during your turn (see later), you can spend one Incense to carry out an additional
single action from the Prayer Wheels.
Example 2 Example 3
Lara plays a grey Worshipper on the orange Altar. She must choose to Gael plays a grey Worshipper on a grey Altar. He is able to resolve the
carry out the action from the lefthand side or the righthand side. actions on both sides of the Altar in the order he wishes.
Offerings Track
Advance your Offerings Track Marker when any pla-
yer, including yourself, places a Worshipper on any
one of your Altars that is equipped with a Jokoro:
Example 4
(1) Gael plays a Worshipper of the same colour on
one of Lara’s altars (blue). Gael carrys out the actions
on both sides of the Altar and Lara (blue) advances
two spaces on the Offerings Track (2).
5.2. Spend an Incense on the Prayer Wheels
Only once per turn and at any point during your turn, you can pay one In-
cense to carry out an additional action from the Prayer Wheels. Take the
Hand Token corresponding to your colour and place it on the Prayer Wheel of
your choice. If this action is already occupied by the Hand Token of another
player, remove the Hand Token of the other player and replace it on the Roof
of the Prayer Wheels. A player cannot carry out the action of a Prayer Wheel
when, at the beginning of their turn, their own Hand Token is already on that
Prayer Wheel space.
The actions of the Prayer Wheels are explained further on within the actions
of the Altars.
Lara (blue) wants to carry out the action of picking up Wood within the Pra-
yer Wheels, but she cannot do this because her Hand Token is already placed
on this action. Instead she decides to pick up Stone. As this Prayer Wheel is
already occupied, Lara removes the Hand Token of the other player in order
to place her own there, and picks up Stone.
Some of the actions included on the Altars grant resources directly, while
others permit you to carry out actions and others permit you to exchange
resources for other resources, actions or bonuses.
6.1. Obtaining resources
Stone: Obtain the number of Stone indicated from the Emerald: Obtain the number of Emeralds indicated from
general reserve. the general reserve.
To obtain 1 Emerald on this altar, Lara must spend 1 Mon and an ad-
ditional 2 resources, choosing between Wood and Stone, in any combi-
6.3. Actions
The spaces with this icon are only available for games
of 4 players.
Once an Altar has been built, you can resolve the actions on the side of
your choice (the actions on the right or the actions on the left) of the
Altar that you have just built.
Place a Jokoro (incense burner) Place a Jokoro on the Pagoda
Build a Jokoro on one of your Altars or on the Pagoda. To build a Jokoro on the Pagoda, pay the cost indicated and then place
it on the empty space on the Jokoro Cost Tile on the Tier of the Pagoda
(the Pagoda Tier Tile must already be built, see later).
Place a Jokoro in one of your Altars Example
To build a Jokoro on one of your Altars, pay the cost indicated and then Gael pays 1 Stone and 1 Incense to build a Jokoro on the Pagoda.
place it on the allocated space on the Altar Tile.
Gael pays 1 Mon to build one of his Altars.
The Jokoros on the Pagoda are used for scoring at the end of the game, like the Jokoros on the Altars, which additionally allow you to advance
on the Offerings Track. Consult ‘End of Game’ for more details.
Building a Tier
Pay the cost indicated on the Pagoda Tier Tile and receive the corresponding SP. Then, turn over the Pagoda Tier Tile, take a Jokoro Cost Tile from
the pile and place it on the Tier constructed. Each of these tiles have two spaces to build a Jokoro for games for 3 and 4 players. In games for 2
players or in the Solo Variant, only one space is available for Jokoros on these tiles.
If a Cancelled Jokoro Cost Tile is drawn (only possible in 3- and 4-player games), take a new Jokoro Cost Tile and place a Neutral Jokoro on one of
the available spaces on the new cost tile.
If, when revealing a new Jokoro Cost Tile, another Cancelled Jokoro Cost Tile is revealed, place it on the Tier with two Neutral Jokoros on it.
The spaces with Neutral Jokoros on them are not available for players to place their Jokoros.
(1) Lara builds the first Pagoda Tier, paying 1 Emerald, 1 Stone and 1 Wood and receiving 5 SP. Next, she turns over the Pagoda Tier Tile and draws,
from the pile, a Jokoro Cost Tile. (2) It is a Cancelled Jokoro Cost Tile so she draws a new Cost Tile (3) and places it on the Pagoda Tier. She places a
Neutral Jokoro on one of the available spaces.
Building a Roof Building the Sōrin
Pay the cost indicated on the Pagoda Roof space printed on the board In the fifth round, it is possible to build the Sōrin. The building cost for
and receive the corresponding SP. Now place one of your Medidation the Sōrin is 1 Mon, 1 Wood, 1 Stone, 1 Incense and you must discard
Tiles from your reserve on the Pagoda Roof space. You cannot build a one Meditation Tile from your reserve. Pay the cost and turn over the
Roof if you do not have a Meditation Tile in your reserve. Sōrin Tile. Then, take the Sōrin Scoring Tile, which will count towards
your points at the end of the game. Place a Jokoro Cost Tile over the
Example Sōrin in the same way as when you build a Pagoda Tier.
Gael builds a Roof on the third Pagoda Tier, paying 3 Mon and receiving
3 SP. Next, he places a Meditation Tile from his reserve on the corres- Example
ponding Pagoda Roof space. Lara builds the Sōrin, paying its cost and discarding a Meditation Tile.
Next, she takes the Sōrin Scoring Tile and puts it in her play area for the
final scoring.
Place one of your available Monks on an empty space in the Mountains, i.e. that is not occupied by another Monk or a Hikari Token.
If you do not have any Monks available, you may move one which you have already placed in the Mountains to another available
space in any of the Mountains.
Move the light to enlighten the monks and reach Satori.
Each Hikari icon allows you to advance the Hikari Token one space, in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction in one of the Moun-
tains of your choice. You cannot finish your turn if a Hikari Token is on another player’s monk.
When the Hikari is over one of your Monks, take the corresponding Meditation Tile and put it in your play area. Next you can resolve the Meditation
Tile. You can resolve all or part of it, in any order, according to your choice or even choose not to resolve any of the actions or effects. If, on your
turn, you gain more than one Meditation Tile, resolve the actions and effects on the Tile in any order that you choose but you must resolve the first
Tile before resolving any subsequent ones. Turn over the first tile to indicate that it has been resolved and then resolve the subsequent ones in the
order you receive them.
After resolving the Meditation Tile, place the enlightened Monk on the sun printed on the board to indicate it has been enlightened. The Hikari
Token remains on the space where the Monk was enlightened.
(1) Gael places a grey Worshipper on the orange Altar and chooses the
action which allows him to carry out two Hikari movements. Gael mo-
ves the Hikari two spaces, passing over Lara’s Monk until it arrives at
his Monk (2), who is enlightened. Gael resolves the Meditation Tile and
takes 2 Stone and 2 Wood. Next, he places his enlightened Monk on the
sun printed on the board. Then, Gael adds the Meditation Tile to his
reserve, with the actions face down.
Claiming Offerings The Charity Altar
Take one of the rewards on the Offerings Track, corres- Place a Worshipper on the Charity Altar to carry out one of the following
ponding either to the space where your marker is pla- options:
ced, or to any of the spaces below. Return your Offe- Call to prayer
rings Track Marker to the starting space on the track. Place your second Bell on the first available space from the left on the
righthand side of the Turn Order Track. Next, take 1 Incense or take
the Collection. If you wish, you may also Claim Offerings (see “Claiming
Offerings” above).
To take the Collection, take 2/3/4 Mon if, once you have placed your
Worshipper, there are worshippers of 1/2/3 different colours on the
Altar respectively.
(1) Gael places a grey Worshipper on the Charity Altar to call to prayer.
He places his second Bell on the first available space starting from the
left to the right of the Turn Order Track (2). Next, as there are Worshi-
ppers of two different colours (grey and orange), he takes 3 Mon and
then decides not to Claim Offerings because he prefers to keep his Offe-
rings Track Marker where it is in order to obtain better rewards later.
Lara decides to claim offerings. She can take an Emerald but in this case,
as it suits her, she decides to take two Mon. Consequently, she returns
her Offerings Track Marker to the first space (which has the icon).
Within the Offerings Track, on the
third space, you can choose be-
tween two rewards: taking 2 Mon
or unblocking your sixth Jokoro.
If you choose the latter, take the
Jokoro of your colour from its po-
sition by the third space of the
Offerings Track on the board and
put it in your play area. You now
have this sixth Jokoro available to
Visiting the Construction Area
Resolve the actions on the lefthand side of one of the
Altars available on the Construction Area.
Lara places an orange Worshipper on the Charity Altar
in order to pray. She therefore chooses to resolve the
lefthand side of one of the Altars.
Follow the steps below when all
of the players have completed
their three turns of the round. At
the end of the fifth round, do not
complete this step but instead go
directly to the End of Game.
Meditation Tiles from the First Era on mountains where there are Monks
at the end of the third round remain in the game until they are picked
up by a player enlightening a Monk on that Mountain.
The Amulet Tiles each include a number and they must be resolved in
ascending order, starting with the lowest number (see ANNEX I).
7.2. Administration
a. Discard the Altar and Decoration Tiles that remain on
the Construction Area and replace them with new ones
from the pile. If all three Decoration Tiles are identical, return them to
the pile, shuffle them and draw a new three.
b. Return the Hand Tokens to the Roof of the Prayer Wheels, leaving
those actions available for the following round.
c. Fill the empty spaces on the Mountains with new Meditation Tiles.
Use the Meditation Tiles from the First Era for the administration after
the first and second rounds. After the third round, remove all the Me-
ditation Tiles where there are no Monks and refill all the empty spaces
with Meditation Tiles from the Second Era, using Meditation Tiles from
the Second Era from this moment on (after rounds 3 and 4).
7.3. Losing Points scored now (the lantern part only, which gives 2 SP). Remember, the
tiles each contain a number and must be resolved in ascending order,
The players without Incense (with their Incense starting with the lowest number.
Track Marker on the base of the Great Jokoro prin- 8.2. Scoring for Jokoros in the Pagoda
ted on the board) lose one SP.
Each player receives an amount of SP
7.4. Claiming Offerings calculated by multiplying the number of
their Jokoros on the Pagoda by the num-
Following the new turn order, players can take one ber of Roofs built on the Pagoda.
of the rewards on the Offerings Track, correspon- Example
ding either to the space where their marker is pla- Lara receives 15 SP for her 3 Jokoros on a Pagoda with 5 roofs.
ced, or to any of the spaces below. For any players
that choose to do this, return those players’ Offe- 8.3. Scoring for Jokoros on the Altars
rings Track Markers to the starting space on the
track (the one with the icon). Scoring for the Jokoros on the Altars: Each
player receives an amount of SP calculated
7.5. Keep Monks by multiplying the number of their Joko-
ros on their Altars by the number of diffe-
Players must pay one Incense per Monk they have rent-coloured Altars they have.
in the Mountains. They can choose not to pay and
return the Monk from the Mountain to their per- 8.4. Scoring for unused resources
sonal reserve. Take the rest of the Monks from the
sun and return them to the personal reserve of Scoring for unused resources: Each player
each player. scores 1 SP for every five unused resour-
ces and Meditation Tiles (Mon, Wood, Sto-
7.6. Exchange Meditation Tiles ne, Meditation Tile).
Following the new turn order, players can choose
to exchange Meditation Tiles for resources (up to 8.5. Scoring for unused Emeralds
a maximum of 3 tiles). Two tiles can be exchanged
for one Incense and single tiles can be exchanged Scoring for unused Emeralds: Each Eme-
for one Mon per tile. rald grants 1 SP.
The new round starts with the player who is first on the Turn Order 8.6. Scoring the Sōrin
Track and continues following the order indicated on this track.
8.7. Losing Points
The game ends after the fifth round. At this point, fo-
llow the steps below to calculate scoring. Remember Players without Incense (with their Incense Track Marker on the base
that there is no End of Round after round 5. of the burner) lose one SP.
The player with the most SP is the winner. In case of a draw, the player
with the most Incense wins the game. If there is still a draw, the player
who is further on the Offerings Track is the winner. If there is yet still a
draw, those players share victory.
Take the +40 SP tile if you reach the end of the Scoring Track and conti-
nue counting SP from the starting space of the Scoring Track.
8.1. Score the Amulet Tiles In this mode, you will confront Hasekura Tsunenaga, the Automaton.
Follow the changes below in order to play the Solo Variant of Satori.
Those players who did not play their Amulet Tile after the Hasekura Tsunenaga was a Japanese samurai who lent his services to the
third round may do so now if they wish. The player or pla- daimyō of Sendai in the 15th century. He travelled around the world, in-
yers that fulfil the condition of each Amulet Tile receive cluding Mexico, Venezuela and Spain. He was baptised and established a
2 SP, as indicated next to the lantern on the tile. Amulet Japanese colony in Coria del Rio (Seville), whose roots are still evident in
Tiles that were played at the end of round three are also the province through the presence of the surname“Japón” (Japan).
9.1. Game Setup (Solo Variant) If you used a Worshipper of the same colour as the Altar,
the Automaton does not receive any reward.
1.- Use the Solo Variant side of the board and the Solo Variant side of
the Great Mountain (with flowers in the mountains). After taking your turn, and granting the Automaton his
reward if relevant, resolve the reaction of the Automaton.
2.- Return your two Bells to the box: they are not used in the Solo Va-
riant. 9.5. Reaction of the Atomaton (Solo Variant)
3.- Set out the rest of your components in the same way as in the nor-
mal game (Sect Tokens, Offerings Track Marker, Incense Track Marker, Take a Worshipper out of the
Hand Token for the Prayer Wheels and SP Marker). Place your 3 Monks bag and place it on the other
and 5 Jokoros in your play area, placing the sixth Jokoro on space 3 of Altar of the same colour that
the Offerings Track, in the usual way. you visited (unless you visited
the Charity Altar in which case
4.- Assign a set of pieces to the Automaton, placing his SP Mar- refer to Charity Altar below).
ker on space 5 of the SP Track, his Incense Track marker on space 0 - If the Worshipper is a different colour to that Altar, the Auto-
(on the base of the great burner) and the 5 Jokoros in the Automa- maton receives the reward indicated within the lantern beside
ton’s reserve in his play area. Return the following to the box: his two the Altar.
Bells, his Hand for the Prayer Wheels, his Offerings Track Marker, his - If the Worshipper is the same colour as that Altar, the Auto-
Sect Token and the Monks of the colour assigned to the Automaton. maton receives both the reward indicated within the lantern
In order for it to correspond to the information on the board, we recom- beside that altar and also receives the reward indicated within
mend using the blue set for the Automaton. the lantern beside the other Altar of the same colour.
5.- Put 3 Worshippers of each colour in the bag. Next, draw 3 Worshi- Note: In the same turn the Automaton can receive up to three rewards:
ppers at random from the bag and place them on the Sanmon. one by placing his Worshipper, if it is not the same colour as that Altar
and the other two by taking a Worshipper out of the bag through the
6.- Prepare the rest of the game components in the same way as for a Reaction of the Automaton, if it is the same colour as the Altar.
normal Satori game (the Decoration Tiles, the Altar Tiles, the Medita-
tion Tiles). 9.6. Automaton’s Reward (Solo Variant)
7.- Leave the Amulet Tiles in the box: they are not used in the Solo Variant. Resolve the Automaton’s rewards as indicated below. In the case of va-
rious rewards, resolve them in the way that is most favourable to the
8.- Take out two Starting Tiles. Automaton.
9.2. Start of the Game (Solo Variant) If the Automaton cannot resolve a reward, the Automaton receives the
reward of the other Altar of the same colour.
Choose between the two Starting Tiles and then place one of your
Monks on a Mountain Space of your choice. The Automaton starts the Mon: take a Mon Incense: Move the
game without initial resources. from the reserve and Automaton’s Incense
place it in the perso- Track Marker up on
9.3. Aspects Unique to the Solo Variant nal reserve of the Au- the Incense Track. If
tomaton. the Automaton’s In-
You are only able to construct Altars on the Basic Altar Spaces. As usual, cense Track Marker is
you cannot build Altars over the yellow-shaded Altars. Remember, to Hikari: advance the already at the top of the track, the
build on a Basic Altar Space, you must build an Altar of the same colour Hikari in the Moun- Automaton receives the reward
and pay 1 Incense. tain that matches the from the other Altar of the same
colour of the Wors- colour (Mon).
9.4. Your Turn (Solo Variant) hipper that has been
Placing a Jokoro: Pla-
Carry out your turn in placed in a clockwise
direction until it reaches the next ce one of the Automa-
the same way as for a ton’s Jokoros on the
normal Satori game and available space. Take the corres-
ponding Meditation Tile for that first available space,
then resolve the Auto- starting from the bo-
maton’s rewards. Mountain and put it in the reserve
of the Automaton. ttom of the Pagoda.
Do not place a Jokoro if there is
If the Worshipper that you used is a different colour to the Altar, the no space available. In this case,
Automaton receives the reward indicated within the lantern beside resolve the reward from the other
the Altar. Altar of the same colour (Hikari).
Building on the Pagoda: The Automaton builds on the 9.10. Automaton: End of Game (Solo Variant)
first available space on the Pagoda from the bottom up,
whether building a Tier or a Roof. The Automaton does The end of the game, the same as with a normal Satori game, is resol-
not spend resources to build the Pagoda: he simply ved after the end of the fifth round (without resolving the End of Round
builds and receives the corresponding points. in round 5).
Resolve the scoring in the usual way following all of the steps in “End of
The position of the Architect must be taken into account in the usual Game” except the step corresponding to the Amulet Tiles (see step 8.1).
way. If there are no available spaces at or below the level of the Archi-
tect, the Automaton cannot build. In this case, resolve the reward of the
other Altar of the same colour (Hikari).
- In the case of building a Tier, turn over the Pagoda Tier Tile and
draw a Jokoro Cost Tile in the usual way. The Automaton recei-
ves the corresponding points.
- In the case of building a Roof, the Automaton can only build if
he has a Meditation Tile in his reserve. The Automaton receives
the corresponding points.
2.- He exchanges each resource (Mon or Incense) for one SP and re-
turns these resources to the reserve. Place his Incense Track Marker
on space 0.
3.- Advance the Automaton as many spaces on the Scoring Track as the
Automaton has Meditation tiles in his reserve. Do not discard these ti-
les. Over the course of the game, the Automaton will accumulate more
tiles and advance more points in each round.
The end of the round for the player is the same as a normal Satori Game.
The next round starts with 3 Worshippers on the Sanmon.
The player or players The player or players The player or players The player or players The player or players
with the most SP gain with the most Jokoros who are highest on the with the most Medi- with the most Eme-
4 Mon. built on the Pagoda Offerings Track gain an tation Tiles in their ralds in their reserve
and the Altars gain an Emerald. reserve gain two re- gain two resources of
Emerald. sources of their choice their choice, out of In-
between Incense and/ cense and/or Mon in
ANNEX II. THE SŌRIN or Mon in any combi- any combination.
In the fifth round it is possible to build the Sōrin. The player who builds
the Sōrin takes the Scoring Tile for the end of the game. ANNEX IV. FINAL SCORE SOLO VARIANT
This tile gives you This tile grants you Sa- Subtract the Automaton’s score from your score and compare it to this
two different Altar tori points according table.
colours. Score the to where your Incense There is still a tough road ahead of deep learning and meditation in order
two additional Altar Track Marker is situa- to defeat Hasekura Tsunenaga. Try lowering the level of difficulty of the
colours in the same ted on the Incense Automaton, as indicated in Annex III.
way as in step 3 of Track at the end of the You did it! There’s still room for improvement but you have made a great
“End of Game”. game. You gain 2 SP step. Hasekura Tsunenaga was caught unawares by your wide knowledge
for each level on the of spiritual enlightenment.
Incense Track. Very good result! Your support has been vital in the construction of the
This tile allows This tile grants you pagoda and the consecration of zen Buddhism in Japan.
you to re-score for points according to
unused resources. where your marker is Excellent game! You’ve controlled every move of Hasekura Tsunenaga
For each two resour- on the Offerings Track. perfectly. The emperor will be very proud of you and will remember you
ces, you are granted You gain 1 SP for each as a key piece in the construction of this holy city.
1 SP (Stone, Wood, level on the Offerings
Mon and Meditation Track. 10. CREDITS
Author: Paco Yánez
Graphic designer: Jesús Fuentes
To regulate the difficulty in the Solo Variant we suggest three changes Editing: Jesús Fuentes
which can facilitate victory. You can incorporate one or more changes of Writing of the rules: Jesús Fuentes y Paco Yánez
your choice. The more changes applied, the easier it is to beat Hasekura Translation: Elaine Fischer
Tsunenaga. Special thanks to all of our testers: Carlos Anaya,
1- Few Worshippers for the good times Motedu, Kortes Serrano, Antonio Fernández (Moon-
During the game preparation, instead of putting 3 Worshippers of each noise), Jorge J. Barroso, Antonio Jaén, Miri, Julio
colour in the bag, use only two of each colour. (Tenchu), Nana y Dani, July y Fran, Javi Díaz, Manu
González, Jorge Moreno, Jorge Tabanera, Isra y Shei,
Eugeni, Perga, Eduardo Garcia, Adrian Alba, Javier
2.- The Charity Altar does not admit converts Bruña, Paco Gil, Pablo Díaz, Alberto Sáez and all of
Instead of gaining Mon, the Automaton gains one Incense in the Charity those who have tested the game: you have contribu-
Altar. ted in one way or another to what Satori is today.
3.- My time for prayer
When it is not possible to resolve the reward of the Automaton, he does
not receive the reward from the Altar of the same colour and instead PERRO LOKO GAMES
loses his reward. Calle Feria 42, 1º. 41003 Seville