Candamir Rules
Candamir Rules
Candamir Rules
coast of the island Catan. All your belongings were on the ship, which
sank offshore in a storm. Other settlers had better luck—their ships defied the storm and they reached the shore with their goods intact. Within a few years,
these settlers will develop a modest life here. Two days walk inland a small village has developed. The few sheep that survived the journey have grown into
small herds in the fields full of grain. During this early time you helped where you could, and you have learned the skills you need to smith weapons, build
chests to furnish rooms, and make window coverings from hide. Now you want to raise your own herd and own the roof over your head. Perhaps you will
even sow your own grain field. No problem! Head out for exciting adventures on Catan and satisfy the needs of the other settlers in the village. Candamir,
Osmund, and Jared will happily supply you with the seeds and sheep, and help you build your own house in exchange for your help with their needs.
• 48 Exploration Tiles markers (cubes), 1 destination token (disk), and one adventurer Marker
• 4 Character Boards (figure). Place all the adventurer figures in the village at the center
• 12 Potion Tiles of the board. Place all your other pieces in front of you.
• 8 Equipment Markers
Deal the Character Cards:
• 4 Endurance Markers
Take all four female character cards and mix them
• 16 Experience Markers
thoroughly. Give one of these cards to each player.
• 90 Resource and Ingredient Cards Each character has both a male and female version.
• 29 Movement Cards Both are identical. The name of the matching male character is shown in
• 22 Adventure Cards parentheses on the female character card. If you want, you may exchange your
• 8 Character Cards female character card for the equivalent male character card or vice versa.
• 1 Wooden Die
• 2 Card Holders Sort the Resource and Ingredient Cards: Sort the resource and ingredient cards
• 1 Shuffle Cards Board by type. Put the three resources (ore, hide, and lumber) in one card holder and
the three ingredients (herbs, honey, and mushrooms) in the other holder. Place
Resources Ingredients
The Game Board:
Stone Hide Timber Honey Herbs Mushroom
Place the board in the middle of the table. There is a
description of the board on the next page. both holders near the game board. Give each player 1 “lumber” card to
start the game with. During the game, you will hold all of your resource
Place the Exploration Tiles: and ingredient cards in your hand, secret Would
Turn all the hexagonal tiles face down (so the side with the number is up) and from the other players. you like
to learn
sort them by color. If there are four players, all the tiles are used. If there are
Prepare the Adventure Cards: Sort the how to play
only three players, remove all the tiles with the number “4,” and remove all the “Candamir”
adventure cards by the number on the
“3” and “4” tiles if there are only 2 players (place the extra tiles back in the right away?
back. Shuffle each of the three decks
box). Then visit
separately face down. Place the “3” stack
Mix the remaining tiles fully. Place them
on the table, then place the “2” stack on top of it. and join an interactive
(still face down) on the matching spaces
Finally, place the “1” stack on top of the “2” game with
on the board. Make sure that each tile is
cards. Place the completed stack near the Marlene,
placed on a space on the board that Vicky, and
board. Turn the top three cards face up and
matches both color and number with what Siegfried.
place them in a row next to the stack.
is on the tile. —Prof. Easy
The right side of the game board shows the landscape of the island Catan. The village of the settlers lies in the grassland. To the east stand the mountains.
From the mountains a river runs across the grassland and to the west edge of the board through the forest. In the illustration below, all of the spaces that the
river flows through are marked in blue.
The left side of the board shows the village. Next to each house is a chart showing which goods that home's owner desires. To the left of the board are shown
the two card holders with the resource and ingredient cards. To the right are the adventure cards, with three of them already turned face up. For clarity, the
hexagonal discovery tiles and the player figures are not shown in the illustration.
River Crossing
Grassland Mountains
The first player to place all 10 of his victory point cubes on the game
board is the winner!
Healing Experience Markers Mead
After you finish your action for the turn, play passes to the player on your left
YOUR CHARACTER’S ABILITIES who begins the next turn.
Basic Values (1) Exploration
Your character has four abilities: Strength, Prowess (fighting skill), Agility, and A. Prepare to Set Out: Limit on Resources and Ingredients
Charisma. At the beginning of the game, your score for each ability is only If your figure is in the village, you may begin exploring only if you have in your
equal to the Base value shown on your character card. During the game, you possession 5 or fewer resource cards AND 5 or fewer ingredient cards. If you
can increase your ability scores by earning experience and/or finding have more than the maximum number of cards, and you decide not to “build
equipment. These improved skills are recorded on your character board. and brew,” you must discard down to 5 resources and 5 ingredients.
Important: The hand limit is separate for resources and ingredients. So,
Basic Value Experience Box Equipment Box
for example, if you have 6 resource cards and 4 ingredient cards, you
would have to discard 1 resource card before you could begin exploring.
You will not always be able to go the direction you want to, if there is an event When you create a good, you simply pay the resource cost (return the cards to
in the way. For more on this, see “Your Way is Blocked” on page 5. the tray), and place one of your victory point cubes in the matching space. So,
As soon as you reveal the “shuffle cards” board, the movement cards beneath you could build a chest for 1 x hide, 1 x ore, and 1 x lumber. A sword requires
it are shuffled back together, a new movement deck is created, and you 2 x ore and 1 x lumber. And a window cover would be 2 x hide and 1 x lumber.
continue your travels. When you have finished moving for the turn, the cards The costs for each type of good are shown above the village on the board.
you turned over are placed at the bottom of the movement deck. If you have enough resources, you can build more than one item on the same
turn. These items could be given to the
E. Ending Your Exploration same settler, or two different ones.
Your exploration ends when: Example:
• you have turned over a number of movement cards (and moved your figure (A) Right now Osmund wants:
into a number of spaces) equal to your current endurance, or 1 sword (left column), 1 window
• you have moved your figure to the space with your goal token. covering (second column), 1 cattle
(third column), and a goat (right
If you did not reach your goal token: Your movement for the turn ends in column). All these needs are the
the space your figure is in. On your next turn, you may continue moving highest open space in each column
towards your goal token.
(B) The blue player has paid the
If you reached your goal token: You… resources to make a sword, and places (B)
• return your figure to the village space in the middle of the board, one of his victory point cubes on the
• remove your goal token from the board and place it in front of you, space with the sword. Now Osmund
• take the exploration tile you moved to and place it face up in front of you. wants (from left to right):
Now you receive the reward shown on the 1 chest, 1 window covering, 1 cattle,
exploration tile: and 1 goat—but he no longer
• For each resource pictured on the tile, wants a sword.
take 1 matching resource card from the
tray. B. Brew Drinks
• If the tile shows a goat or cattle, In order to brew the different drinks, you will need ingredients: honey,
place one of your victory point cubes mushrooms, and herbs.
on the appropriate space of one of • For 1 mushroom and 1 herb, you can brew 1 of Brigitta's potions.
the wish lists—always the empty • For 1 honey and 1 mushroom, you can brew 1 healing potion.
space closest to the top of the list. • For 1 honey and 1 herb, you can brew 1 mead.
• If an experience point or equipment is shown on the tile, mark the The brewing costs are shown at the top of your character board.
improvements on your character board (see “Your Character's Abilities” on When you brew a drink, take the appropriate type of tile and place it in the
page 3). If there are 3 or 4 players, some equipment appears twice in the matching space on your character board with the side showing one drink face-
game. If you reach an exploration tile that shows a piece of equipment you up. If you brew a second drink of the same type, turn the tile over to the side
already own, you instead earn 1 experience point, and may increase an showing 2 drinks. The effects of each type of drink are described on page 6.
ability of your choice. You may never have two of the
same piece of equipment. C. Rewards for Manufacturing Wanted Goods
Then you end your turn by placing the movement cards you When you place a victory point cube on a wish list, you receive an additional
used face down to the bottom of the movement deck and reward.
passing the whole deck to the player on your left. • If you place a cube on Brigitta's list, she will reward you with 1 Brigitta's
potion and 1 mead. If you already have 2 drinks of that type, then there is no
(2) Building and Brewing additional reward.
• If you place a cube on Jared's list, he will give you a bag of seed. Osmund
If your figure is in the village at the beginning of your turn, you may choose to will supply you with a sheep. Candamir will assist you in building part of your
manufacture goods (build) and/or brew drinks. new house.
Important: You may not build and brew if your goal token is still on the Your rewards from Jared, Osmund, and Candamir are not represented by cards
board, even if you ended your move on the village space (it is treated as or tiles. Instead, you can simply count the number of victory point cubes on
grassland in this case). each settler's wish lists to see how many of each item you have earned. For
example, if you have 2 cubes on Jared's list, and 1 cube on Osmund's list, then
A. Manufacturing Goods (Building) you have 2 bags of seed and 1 sheep.
Each wish list shows 1 or 2 columns of goods desired by that settler, in addition
to any goats or cattle. Each column lists 4 D. Special Victory Points
goods. Only the good in the highest open You can earn special victory points for having the most seeds, the most sheep,
space (without a victory point cube) is Sword or the largest house. If you are the first player to place a third victory point
currently desired. cube on Jared's, Osmund's, or Candamir's wish list, then you get 1 special
Since there are no “goods cards” for the victory point! The special victory point is marked by placing one of your cubes
things you create, you cannot build items and Chest in the matching box at the bottom of the village section of the board.
save them for later. You can only manufacture But your special victory points are not safe! If another player has more victory
goods if there is an open space at the top of point cubes on that settler's wish list than you, then he has taken the special
one of the wish lists for that item. victory point away (and replaces your cube with one of his own)!
Example: The blue Failure: If you fail to match the target on a test, then you will immediately lose 1
player has placed his or 2 endurance: move your endurance marker down 1 or 2 spaces. If you lose
third victory point cube endurance, and you already turned over enough movement cards (or more) to
on Osmund's list, so he match your new endurance, then your turn ends. But, if you have a healing potion,
places another cube on you may drink it right away, which may allow you to make more moves (see
the special victory box “Drinking Potions and Mead” on page 6).
for “most sheep.” On a Important: Even if you fail a test, you still move your figure into the new space
future turn, the orange you chose. If you still have endurance left, you can continue moving that turn.
player succeeds in Example: A player with 3 endurance turns over her second movement card
placing her fourth cube for the turn, and moves towards a bear. She is unable to beat the bear in the
on Osmund's list—one prowess test, so her endurance drops to 1. Normally, this would be the end of
more than blue has! Blue her turn, but she decides to drink a healing potion, which raises her
must remove his victory endurance back to 3 again. Now she can turn over another movement card.
point cube, and orange The rewards and penalties for each type of event are shown at the bottom of your
may now place one of character board.
hers in the box.
• The “?”-The Adventure Cards
THE END OF THE GAME If you move in the direction of a question mark, you will have an “adventure.”
You must select one of the three face up adventure cards by the board and read
When any player places his last victory point cube on the board, the game ends. the title to the other players. Then you must test the ability shown on the card.
That player is the winner! Just like other events, you must at least match the required number with the
sum of your ability score and the die roll.
Some adventure cards show two symbols. They require you to make two tests!
OTHER RULES First you must pass the test for the first symbol, before you can attempt a test
against the second symbol. You only complete the adventure if you can pass
(1) Exploration Details both tests.
Some adventure cards also show an ingredient or mead. You must pay the
• Events on the Movement Cards shown ingredient or mead in order to attempt the adventure. If you do not have
Finding Ingredients the required item, then you must choose a different adventure.
When you move your figure in a direction that shows an ingredient (on the If you succeed at all the tests shown on the adventure card, you receive the
movement card), you may take the appropriate ingredient card from the tray. reward shown. Then, place the adventure card in front of you and draw a
replacement from the deck and place it face up next to the other two adventure
Important exception: If you already have 5 ingredient cards in your hand,
you cannot draw any more (see “Hand Limits” on page 6).
If you fail to complete the adventure, the card
Hidden ingredients: Some ingredients are marked on the cards with parentheses. 1. Gift of Herbs
remains face up with the others. You also suffer any
You can only collect these ingredients if your character has the 2. Charisma Test
Test penalty shown on the card, usually 1 or 2
“herbalist” skill (see page 7). Prowess endurance. If you fail one of the adventures that
Test required you to pay a mead or ingredient card, you
Bears, Wolves, Snakes, and Candamir Strength do not get to take the item back.
If you move towards one of these events, you will have to test
one of your abilities. The ability you will have to test is shown Agility • The Hero of Catan
by its icon next to the picture of the animal or Candamir.
If you are the first player to successfully complete 3
Resolving a Test adventures (you now have 3 adventure cards in front
Roll the die. Add the result of the roll to your total of you), then you earn a special victory point, and may place a cube in the box
score for the ability you are testing. If the final score Test of Strength for the “Hero of Catan.” Of course, if another player completes more
is at least as high as the number shown on the adventures than you, then you must remove your cube from the hero box, and
movement card, then you have succeeded! Test of Agility that player places one instead.
Example: If this player moved towards
Candamir (to the left), he would have to test his • Your Way is Blocked
strength. He would succeed if the total of his
You may only move in the direction of an event or adventure if you have a
strength plus the die roll was at least 6. If he
chance of overcoming the challenge there.
moved towards the snake, he would have to test
Example: A player wants to move her figure north, but there is a bear
agility and get a total score of at least 5. Score Required for Success shown on the movement card in that direction with a challenge of “8.” She
Success and Failure can only move in that direction if her character's prowess score is at least
Success: If you succeed at a test, you may receive a reward! If you overcome 2, or if she is willing to use one of Brigitta's potions so she has a chance to
a bear with prowess, you may take up to 2 hides. If you successfully hunt a wolf beat the bear if she rolls a “6” on the die.
using agility, then you may take 1 hide if you wish. If you are able to help The Edge of the Board: Of course you may not move in a direction that
Candamir fell trees (with a strength test), you may take a reward of 1 lumber, would take your figure off the edge of the board. You must stay on the board
if you want it. But, you can only take a reward if you have less than 5 resources during your moves.
in hand (see “Hand Limits” on page 6).
• Endurance of “0” or “-1” You may not exchange 3 resources for 1 ingredient or vice versa. You can only
exchange resources for resources and ingredients for ingredients.
If your endurance drops to 0 or less while you are facing an event or adventure,
your current journey for the turn ends unless you can immediately drink a
healing potion. You may not use your special character skills to move any
further that turn. But, if you fell to endurance 0 or less after you moved to the (3) Drinking Potions and Mead
space your goal token was on, you still claim the exploration tile and any
reward on it before you return to the village. Either way, on your next turn, you When you drink, you must turn in the matching tile to the supply, or turn a tile
have two choices: showing 2 potions to the other side with 1 potion.
1. Drink 1 or 2 healing potions so that your endurance is again over 0. In this
case you can move normally, or choose to “build and brew” if you are in the Brigitta’s Potion
village. You can drink one of Brigitta's potions before you roll the die for any test to
2. Do nothing for the entire turn (neither moving nor “building and increase your total score for that ability by +2. You may not drink two potions
brewing”) and raise your endurance back up to 4. at once to get a +4 bonus. Only one potion can be used for
Note: You may also choose to forfeit your entire turn to raise your each test. If you use a drink for a roll against an adventure
endurance back up to 4 if your current endurance is 1, 2, or 3. card that requires 2 tests, then you only receive the bonus on
one of the rolls. If you want a +2 bonus on both rolls, then you
will have to drink 2 potions (one for each test).
• Hand Limit While Moving
While you are moving, you may not have more than 5 resource cards and 5 Healing Potion
ingredient cards in your hand. If you have the maximum number, you cannot You may drink 1 or 2 healing potions at any time. Each healing potion you
gain any more from events or adventures. drink increases your current endurance by 2 levels. If your
If you already have 4 resources, for example, and you defeat a bear, then you endurance is “3” and you drink a healing potion, you will only
would only receive 1 hide card (instead of the 2 you normally get for beating raise your endurance 1 point, because you can never have an
a bear). You may not choose to discard another resource so you can take the endurance higher than 4.
second hide.
However, if you reach your goal token and return to the village, you always get Mead
to take the reward shown on the exploration tile, even if this brings your total You may use 1 or 2 mead, but only at the end of your turn. Each mead you use
hand size to more than 5 resources. can cause other players to lose 1 endurance. Each player who
The same rule applies to ingredient cards. If you already have 5 ingredients in has as many victory point cubes on the board as you have, or
your hand, and you move in a direction that would normally earn you another, more, must lose 1 endurance. You do not lose any endurance
you may not discard a card to make room for the new ingredient. when you use mead. No player's endurance may ever fall below
• The Lumberjack, Hunter, and Miner Camps
Instead of placing your goal token on an exploration tile, you may choose to
place it on one of the three camps (see the illustration of the board on page
2). If you move your figure (4) Individual Character Skills
onto the camp you have
marked, then you return to Each character has two special skills. One of these skills gives that character
the village and take one of the ability to move one space further at the end of the turn if that character
the resource shown on the stops moving in a particular type of terrain. You may only use this bonus
camp space. movement if your current endurance is at least 1, however (see “Ending Your
Lumberjack Miner Camp Hunter Camp
Exploration” on page 4).
(2) Trade If you end your movement for the turn in a grassland space (including a
grassland space with the river in it), you may make a bonus move: turn over 1
At the beginning of your turn, you may trade with other players or, make 3-for- movement card and move your figure 1 more space.
1 exchanges with the bank. It does not matter if your figure is in the village or
in the wilderness, you can trade either way. Climber
Trade With Other Players You receive a bonus move if your figure ends the regular movement for the turn
You may freely trade resources, ingredient cards, equipment, and potions with in a mountain space.
the other players. You may not trade experience points or adventure cards you
have earned. Any exchange both players agree to is allowed.
You receive a bonus move if your figure ends the regular movement for the turn
If you are not in the village, you may not accept any trade that would give you
in a forest space (including forest spaces with the river in them).
more than 5 resources or ingredients (see “Hand Limit,” above).
3 : 1 Exchange Swimmer
You may turn in 3 identical resources to take 1 other resource card from the tray. You receive a bonus move if your figure ends the regular movement for the turn
Likewise, you can turn in 3 identical ingredient cards to take 1 other ingredient. in any space that has the river in it.
Example: A player returns 3 herb cards to the tray and takes 1 honey card
for himself.
Herbalist Goods Trader
If your character has this skill, you can find hidden ingredients when you You may exchange 2 resource cards for 1 other resource of your choice once
explore. Hidden ingredients are marked with parentheses on the movement at the beginning of each of your turns.
Inga’s Friend Before you place your goal token when you are in the village, you may examine
If you succeed in a “Catch Snake” test on a movement card, you may take any 3 exploration tiles (instead of the usual 2).
1 ingredient card of your choice from the tray.
1 2 3 4 1 2
The player has set his goal The next movement card (2) Normally, his turn would be Since his endurance is 3 and he On his next turn, he continues He turns over the next
token and is ready to set out shows a bear to the bottom. over, since he has drawn 2 has turned over 3 cards, his his journey by turning over a movement card (2). He moves
from the village. He draws the Feeling brave, he moves down movement cards and his normal movement for the turn movement card (1) and to the right and must face a
top movement card (1). There one space but rolls a “1.” Too endurance is only 1. But, he has ended. Since his character moving to the right: another snake. He uses his Brigitta's
is a snake to the right, and he bad! His total prowess is only decides to drink a healing has the “swimmer” skill, and he bear! This time he rolls a “3.” potion, returning the tile to the
decides it is too dangerous, so 5, which added to the roll only potion (B) and his endurance has ended his move in a river Combined with his prowess of supply (D) and rolls a “4.” His
he moves one space up and makes 6. The bear has a value rises to 3 again (C). Now he space, he gets one bonus move. 5, his score is 8, which is agility is only 1, and combined
takes an herb card. of 8, so he cannot beat it and can turn over a third card and He turns over the next card and enough to defeat the bear. He with the potion his total score
he loses 2 endurance (A). move to the right (3). moves 1 space up. Now his turn takes 2 hides from the tray. is only a 7. Not enough to
is done. defeat the snake. So, he loses a
point of endurance. Since he
has reached his goal token, he
returns his figure to the village
and takes the exploration tile.
Topic Page Exploration Tiles for 2-Player Game
Components 1
Game Set Up 1 Zielkärtchen mit Rückseite „2“
Game Overview 2
Your Character’s Abilities 3
— Basic Values 3
— Earning Experience 3
— Equipment 3
Sequence of Play 3
(1) Exploration 3
A. Prepare to Set Out: Limit on Resources and Ingredients 3
B. Choose Your Destination 3
C. How to Move and How Far to Go 3
D. The Movement Cards 3
E. Ending Your Exploration 4
— If You Did Not Reach Your Goal Token 4 Exploration Tiles for 3-Player Game
— If You Reached Your Goal Token 4
(2) Building and Brewing 4
A. Manufacturing Goods (Building) 4
B. Brew Drinks 4
C. Rewards for Manufacturing Wanted Goods 4
D. Special Victory Points 4 Exploration Tiles for 4-Player Game
The End of the Game 5
Other Rules 5
(1) Exploration Details 5
• Events on the Movement Cards 5
— Finding Ingredients 5
— Bears, Wolves, Snakes, and Candamir 5
— Resolving a Test 5 Check out and see how you can play
— Success and Failure 5 “The Settlers of Catan” online with friends
• The “?”-The Adventure Cards 5 and other Catan enthusiasts from around the
• The Hero of Catan 5 world. Download the computer game for
challenging solo play at home or on the go.
• Your Way is Blocked 5 ®
Game Design: Klaus Teuber English Language Translation: Guido Teuber, William Niebling.
Licensor: Catan GmbH
English Rules Development: Guido Teuber, William Niebling, S. Coleman Charlton,
Artwork: Tanja Donner Robert Carty, Will Niebling, and Pete Fenlon.
Graphics: Fine Tuning
Development: TM-Spiele English Production: Pete Fenlon.
Copyright © 2004, 2005 Catan GmbH. Candamir, Catan, Catan Adventures, and Special Thanks: The designer would like to thank Benjamin, Claudia and Guido Teuber,
The Settlers of Catan are trademarks of Catan GmbH. All rights reserved. Emily Johnson-Teuber, Arnd Beenen, Reiner Müller, Wolfgang Lüdtke, Fritz Gruber, Peter
MADE IN GERMANY Neugebauer, Sebastian Rapp and Martha Igelspacher. The designer and publishers also
Published by MAYFAIR GAMES, INC., Skokie, IL USA. Web: thank Peter Gustav Bartschat, Petra and Oliver Sack, and Marc Ehrich.