c1 Zapotec Rulebook
c1 Zapotec Rulebook
c1 Zapotec Rulebook
Pronunciation Guide
Zapotec za·puh·tek /’zʌpətek/
Oaxaca wa·ha·ka /wʌ’hʌkʌ/
Monte Albán mon·te al·ban /mɔnte ʌl’βʌn/
Cocijo ko·si·ho /ɔ’sɪhɔ/
Component list
9 Scoring tiles
4 player boards
15 Gold tokens Components in 4 player colors:
36 Houses
2 per player
4 Refference cards
1 per player
Components overview and game setup
Place the main board in the middle of the table. on the outside (brown), Hills in the middle (grey) and
Separate the resources — Wood, Brick, Stone, Gold, Forests toward the center (green).
Corn, and Priests into piles and place them within easy
Each of these nine sections has 5 spaces with 3 types
reach of all players.
of buildings (Temples, Villages, and Cornfields).
The board is divided into three regions (described as
Some of these spaces are marked with “3+”or “4”, meaning
Etla, Ocotlan and Mitla in the illustration above, each
that those spaces will be in play only for games with
with its own symbol). Each region is further divided
at least that number of players.
into three sections with different terrain types: Plains
2. place The Building Tiles on 4. Place Scoring Tiles
the main board on the board
6. Prepare The Ritual Deck 7. distribute Player Pieces
Shuffle the Ritual cards, draw three and place them Each player receives the following pieces in their
face up in a row next to the main board. Remove the player color:
remaining cards from the game by returning them
9 Houses,
to the box.
5 discs,
6 Pyramid pieces,
plus 1 player board and 1 Palace tile which should be
placed on its dedicated space on the player board.
Each player also receives 1 Wood, 1 Brick and 1 Stone.
Each player also places one of their discs on the 0 space
of the Scoring track and another disc in the lowest
(bottom) space of the Sacrifice track. The remaining
3 discs should be kept near their player board.
Game setup for 4 players.
Game Concepts
Resources buildings
In Zapotec, there are three basic resources (Wood, There are three types of buildings. Each building type
Stone, Brick) and three advanced resources (Corn, Gold, costs two basic resources and provides one advanced
Priests). Players spend basic resources to expand their resource and one variable basic resource:
presence on the board with their buildings and, at the Cornfield — costs 1 Wood and 1 Stone; provides
same time, develop their economy. Advanced resources Corn and one of three basic resources,
are used to gain Trade tiles, advance on the Sacrifice
Temple — costs 1 Brick and 1 Stone; provides Priest
track, and claim Ritual cards. A combination of basic
and one of three basic resources,
and advanced resources is required to build Pyramids.
Village — costs 1 Brick and 1 Wood; provides Gold
and one of three basic resources.
Building Tiles
Playing the game
Step B: Actions: The icon in the middle of the card matches one of the
nine properties of the building spaces on the map (one
Capital Actions step of three building types, one of three regions, or one
Buy Trade tiles of three terrain types). On their turn, players may only
build on spaces that match that icon.
Build Pyramid level
The number at the bottom of the card will dictate the
Perform a Ritual turn order for the round when the card is played.
Construction step
Turn Scoring step
Draw Card step
Card anatomy
Step B: Actions
Phase 2 : Income and Actions
After collecting income, the active player will start
their Action step.
After every player has selected their card for the round,
all players reveal cards and establish turn order. The The active player may perform any number of Capital
player with the lowest number will go first, followed Actions, followed by any number of Building Actions.
by the player with the next higher number and so on.
Then, in this turn order they will collect income (step
Capital actions step
A) and carry out Actions (step B).
Any number of Capital Actions can be performed
Step A: INCOME in a turn. All Capital Actions must be taken before
starting Building Actions.
To collect income:
1. Observe the basic resource type that corresponds TR ADE ACTION
to a row and a column on your player board.
With a Trade Action, the active player spends Gold
2. Pick the row or the column with the matching to acquire available (face-up) Trade tiles.
resource symbol.
Each tile costs 1, 2 or 3 Gold (depending on which
3. Collect all income from the column or row selected: section on the board it belongs). Trade tiles come
for each icon in that row or column including in three categories:
the resource icon above or next to it, collect one
T he tiles from the top row cost 1 Gold and provide
resource of the depicted type.
resources immediately after buying. Flip them right
Example: after use and place next to your player board.
The player has chosen a ‘Wood’ card 1 and may gain T he tiles from the middle row cost 2 Gold and
resources corresponding to either the middle row or the middle provide a special ability that can be performed once
column. They pick the middle row 2 , and collect (left to right): per round. This ability is available immediately upon
1 Wood; 1 Stone and 1 Gold from the Village tile; and 1 Brick purchase. Once used, flip the tile face down (and
and 1 Priest from the Temple tile. flip it back face up at the start of next round).
T he tiles from the bottom row cost 3 Gold and
1 provide a more powerful ability that, depending on
the tile, could be performed immediately, once per
round, or could be a permanent ability.
With this action a player spends 1 Priest, 1 Wood, Players that have already built at least one Pyramid
1 Brick and 1 Stone to build one level of a Pyramid. level can perform a Ritual. When performing a Ritual,
Each Pyramid level is represented by one plastic piece a player spends 1 Priest and places one of their discs
in that player’s color. on 1 chosen Ritual card on display, observing the
following rules:
To build a Pyramid level, a player must select either
an empty available Pyramid space, or an unfinished T hey may not place a disc on a Ritual card which
Pyramid that comprises of one or two pyramid levels: already has a disc of their player color.
If you build a level of a Pyramid on an empty space, T hey may place a disc on a Ritual card which has
start by selecting one of the available Scoring tiles discs belonging to other players but they must pay
on display. Put it next to your chosen Pyramid space, 1 Gold per each opponent disc already on the Ritual
and then place the largest Pyramid piece in your card (this Gold is spent normally — not paid to the
color still available to you on that space. disc owners).
A lternatively, if you decide to contribute to an T he number of Ritual cards a player can have a disc
existing incomplete Pyramid, place a new level on on is limited by the number of Pyramid pieces they
top of it (the new level must be exactly one size have built (but no more than three). The location
smaller than the current top piece). of Pyramid pieces does not matter, only the total
number of pieces built.
A Pyramid is completed when no more pieces can
be added to it (its top piece is the smallest Pyramid At the end of the game, each player that placed a disc
level). A finished Pyramid may comprise of one, two on a Ritual card will gain victory points according
or three pieces: to the scoring conditions from that Ritual card.
A small Pyramid is completed with a single piece, but
it can be built only by a player who has already used
all their large and medium pieces on other Pyramids.
A medium Pyramid requires a medium size piece
and a small size piece.
A large Pyramid requires three pieces, one
of each size.
SACR I FICE ACTION Construction step
With the Sacrifice Action, a player advances on the
After performing any number of Capital Actions, the
Sacrifice track (located on the right side of the main
active player may spend basic resources to build any
board). To perform this Action, the player:
number of buildings.
1. Spends exactly one Priest and between 1 and 5 Corn.
In order to build, you must pay the resource cost
2. Moves their disc one step up per Corn spent. of a building. Each building type requires different
3. As they move their disc, they collect the bonus resource types, as follows:
depicted on each step. If they advance multiple Village: 1 Brick and 1 Wood
steps, they gain all bonuses depicted on each step
Temple: 1 Brick and 1 Stone
they advance.
Field: 1 Wood and 1 Stone
If there are any other discs on the space the player lands
Palace: 1 Wood, 1 Brick and 1 Stone
on, they place their disc on the top of them.
Some steps of the Sacrifice track award points Next, select a space for your building. It must be
immediately, some provide one basic resource of your one with a building tile (so unoccupied by a House
choice, and some provide permanent discounts for or a Palace) and it must be a space allowed by your
Trade tiles and Ritual cards. The discounts and special Action card:
abilities work as follows: If an Action card depicts a type of building, you can
T he third step offers a discount of 1 Gold for level only build that type (but you can choose any region
2 Trade tiles. and terrain type for every building you can build).
T he sixth step offers a discount of 2 Gold for level If an Action card depicts a region or terrain type,
3 Trade tiles. your chosen space must be located in that region
(you can choose any terrain type) or on that terrain
T he ninth step allows you to place discs on Ritual
type (but you can choose any region). However, you
cards without spending Priests (but still paying Gold
can build different types of buildings in this round,
for each opponent disc already present).
as long as you can afford them.
T he eleventh step allows you to immediately place
a disc on a Ritual card at no cost (this Ritual If you are unable to fulfill the conditions above, you
is completely independent from Pyramid levels are not allowed to build. If you meet the conditions,
built before or after this step is reached). replace the selected tile with one of your Houses, and
place the tile on any empty space of the resource grid
Effectively, reaching the sixth step means that Trade
on your player board. If the tile placed covers a space
tiles of any level can be now bought for 1 Gold each.
with an advanced resource, you also immediately gain
Note that the discounts never drop the price of a Trade
that resource. This only happens the first time the
tile below 1 Gold.
resource is covered.
The player played the depicted card 1 and has 2 Bricks,
Once during the game, you can build your Palace.
1 Wood, and 1 Stone 2 . They build a Temple 3 ( for 1 Brick
Unlike regular buildings, the Palace costs one of each
and 1 Stone) and a Village 4 ( for 1 Wood and 1 Brick). They
basic resource: 1 Wood, 1 Brick and 1 Stone.
place the two houses on a Temple spot 5 and a Village spot
6 in the Mitla region, and place the corresponding tiles on Like other buildings, the Palace can only be built on
their player board 7 . They decide to place them on the Wood a building space that matches the Action card.
row 8 , and, by covering the Gold space, also immediately gain When building the Palace, place your Palace tile on the
1 Gold 9 . main board and put one of your Houses on top of it.
Take the Building tile from that space and place it face
1 down on the palace space on your player board (so that
the building type of the space that was used is clearly
visible). This tile does not go to the resource grid. The
Palace does not produce resources but it counts as two
Houses for all scoring purposes.
The player spends 1 Brick, 1 Stone and 1 Wood 1 to build
their Palace 2 . Since they played a ‘Cornfield’ card 3 , they
build it on a matching building space 4 and place the Building
tile, face down, on the Palace space of their player board 5 .
4 3
9 2
Turn Scoring step
End of the Round Cleanup
After the Construction step, you score 2 Victory Points
for each House you have on the main board that matches
the Property (middle) section of current round’s bonus After the last player has taken their turn, the remaining
card (the Action card face up in the bonus space of the Action card is moved to the Round’s bonus space on the
main board). main board. If there are any cards already in the bonus
space, place this card face-up on top of the stack. This
Action card is now the bonus card for the next round.
Note: All your Houses on the main board count
toward scoring, not just those built in the current Collect all the Action cards that were played this
round. Also, your Palace counts as two Houses, round, add the top card from the deck and place them
hence it scores 4 Victory Points if it matches the in the Offer (there will be one more than the number
current Round’s bonus card. of players).
Skip this step in the last round of the game.
Draw Card step
End of the Game
solo mode
Cocijobot’s turn Place the tiles from the spaces next to Cocijobot’s
pieces, with the Building type facing up.
During Cocijobot’s turn (before or after you perform Depending on the Building type, there will also be
your actions, depending on the numbers on its card), a Capital action symbol at the bottom of the card
it will: (Sacrifice for Cornfields, Trade for Villages, and
Build 1 House, if possible, matching the three icons Pyramid for Temples). After resolving Construction
on its card at once (there is exactly one space on the (as outlined above, even if Cocijobot couldn’t place any
board for each combination). Houses), perform the Capital action shown on the card,
as described below.
It will also build a House, if possible, matching
two of those icons plus the icon for this round’s If this turn Cocijobot could not build any buildings
bonus card. (i.e. because the spaces were already taken by either you
or it, or because Cocijobot already built all 9 Houses),
If Cocijobot already built a Pyramid level (see
flip one more card and execute the Capital action on it
page 19), it will build one more House matching
as well as the one on the original card.
two of the icons on its card plus the scoring tile
of the Pyramid. This means that Cocijobot might execute up to two
Capital actions per turn.
Example: After performing the Capital action(s), score Cocijobot’s
With this card, assuming the Houses according to the current round’s bonus card
current round’s bonus card shows same as you would score your own.
‘Plains’, Cocijobot will place
1 House on the temple/Mitla/
forest space and 1 on the temple/ sacrifice
plains/Mitla space.
Advance Cocijobot’s disc by one space on the Sacrifice
If Cocijobot has also built a level track for each Cornfield tile it has collected so far.
on the Pyramid with a scoring Cocijobot will score the Victory Points along the track.
tile showing ‘Etla’, it will place
1 House on the temple/forest/ If Cocijobot reaches the third or sixth space it will
Etla space. If any of these options immediately get the leftmost Trade tile from the
are not possible, because they were second or third row respectively at no cost.
already built by you or Cocijobot, If Cocijobot reaches the eighth space (i.e. the third
it will simply skip them. free resource), it will immediately build a Pyramid
level (see rules governing Pyramid levels below).
If Cocijobot reaches the ninth and the eleventh
Rules for Cocijobot’s Palace space, it will place a disc on the leftmost ritual card
placement: that doesn’t have its disc yet.
End Game Scoring
Cocijobot will select one of the three rows according
to the criteria below, and take the leftmost tile still
The game ends after five rounds, same as in the
available from that row.
multiplayer game.
If the row is already empty, it will pick the next best
You will score the same as you do with the multiplayer
row with at least a tile.
rules, but Cocijobot will score as follows:
The row is picked as follows:
If Cocijobot has collected four or more Village Sacrifice track
tiles, or if it has reached the sixth step on the If Cocijobot has advanced at least one step on the
Sacrifice track, it will pick the third row. Sacrifice track, it will score as usual (9 points if it’s first,
If Cocijobot has collected three Village tiles, or if 6 points if it’s second). If it did not advance on the
it has reached the third step on the Sacrifice track, Sacrifice track during the game, Cocijobot still scores
it will take the leftmost tile from the second row. 3 points.
Otherwise it will take the leftmost tile from the Trade Tiles
first row.
Each Trade tile gained by Cocijobot scores 3 Victory
Trade tiles have no effect on Cocijobot, but at the end Points per line on its back (level 1 tiles score 3 Victory
of the game they will score Victory Points for it. Points, level 2 tiles score 6 Victory Points and level
3 tiles score 9 Victory Points).
Pyramid Rituals
If Cocijobot has not built any Pyramid levels yet, it will Each Ritual card scores 10 Victory Points for Cocijobot
try to start a new Pyramid, otherwise it will add a level if it has only its own disc, but only 6 points if it also has
to the one it already started. yours. You score the printed condition normally.
If that Pyramid is already complete, Cocijobot will
place its disc onto the first Ritual card still without its Pyramids
disc (from left to right). Any completed Pyramids that Cocijobot contributed
to score as normal.
Note: Cocijobot will not contribute to more than
Cocijobot gains the 5-point bonus from all its Pyramid
one Pyramid.
pieces, regardless of Pyramids being complete.
When starting a new Pyramid, Cocijobot will choose
the best scoring tile as follows:
Adjusting difficulty
It will pick the scoring tile that matches most Houses
for Cocijobot.
To make the game easier: every time Cocijobot fails
I n case of a tie it will pick the one that matches the to build during the Construction Phase because your
least Houses for you. House is already there, you gain 2 Victory Points.
If there is still a tie it will pick the topmost scoring tile. To make the game harder: every time Cocijobot fails
to build during Construction for any reason, it gains
If you have already started both Pyramids, Cocijobot 2 Victory Points. (Therefore, if it only places 1 House,
will contribute to one of them, following the same it will gain 4 Victory Points for the other two houses it
criteria above for the associated scoring tile. could not build that round.)
Trade Tiles
Flip this tile face down and pay
Flip this tile face down and pay
1 Stone to build a House on an
1 Wood to gain 1 Priest. At the
available Ocotlan space, ignoring
end of your turn, flip this tile
played Action card. At the end
face up.
of your turn, flip this tile face up.
Z21 Z29
Flip this tile face down and pay From this moment forward,
1 Wood to gain 2 Corn. At the building Temples costs you exactly
end of your turn, flip this tile 1 Brick. Permanently keep this tile
face up. face-up next to your player board.
Z24 Z32
Flip this tile face down and pay From this moment forward,
1 Brick to build a House on an building Villages costs you
available Plains space, ignoring exactly 1 Wood. Permanently
played Action card. At the end keep this tile face-up next to your
of your turn, flip this tile face up. player board.
Z25 Z33
Flip this tile face down and pay From this moment forward, during
1 Wood to build a House on an the Scoring step of your turn, you
available Forest space, ignoring may ignore the current round’s
played Action card. At the end bonus card and use, for scoring
of your turn, flip this tile face up. purposes, a card from your hand.
Z27 Z35 If you do so, after using it for
Flip this tile face down and pay scoring, you must discard that card
1 Brick to build a House on an (effectively reducing the number
available Mitla space, ignoring of cards in your hand).
played Action card. At the end
of your turn, flip this tile face up. Flip this tile face down to place
your disc on a Ritual card,
ignoring all requirements and
paying no resources.
Ritual Cards
6 VP for sets of three 6 VP for sets of three 6 VP for sets of three 6 VP for sets of three
buildings with same buildings with same buildings with same buildings with same
type and different terrain and different type and different region and different
region. Max 18 VP. region. Max 18 VP. terrain. Max 18 VP. terrain. Max 18 VP.
6 VP for sets of three 6 VP for sets of three 3 VP for each Pyramid 1 VP for each basic
buildings with same buildings with same level built. Max 12 VP. resource and 2 VP
region and different terrain and different for each advanced
type. Max 18 VP. type. Max 18 VP. resource. Max 12 VP.