Roll Landmark Biome 1. Roll dice pool onto your map. 1 Nothing Forest 2. Mark coastlines around all 2 Encampment Mountain (range if 2) landmark dice. 3 Town Lake (river if 2) 4 City Open Land 3. Consult exploration table and 5 Settlement Same as closest biome sketch locations. 6 Discovery Same as closest biome 4. Return dice to dice pool. Settlement Rest Actions Arrival Phase - pg 27 Converse: Lose 1 coin, gain 1 Encampment 1. Choose location on map. If not temporary die. If in town, gain +1 closest, lose 1 food. temporary die. 2. Draw dashed line to location. Sleep: Gain 1 biome die. May choose Skip if first turn of game! to lose 1 food to gain 1 extra die. 3. Draw a card. Heal: Lose 1 coin, remove 1 wound. Mountain 4. Consult journey table. Skip if range first turn of game! Restock: Gain 1 food or ware. 5. Consult location table. Sell: Gain coin equal to this 6. Name location on map. settlement’s ware value for each ware you choose to sell. Rest Phase - pg 28 Shop: If at a city or town, draw 3 1. Lose all temporary dice. cards, 1 extra card if in city. Roll dice for each card to determine price. 2. Lose 1 other remaining die. Consult item table on page 52 to see 3. If at a settlement, roll 1d3 to what’s on offer. May buy 1 item. determine ware value. If at an encampment, ware value is 1. Wilderness Rest Actions 4. Perform 2 different rest actions. Gain 1 extra action for 1 coin. Camp: Lose 1 food, gain 1 biome die. Coastline
Converse: Lose 1 ware or coin, gain 1 Ruin
City temporary die. Lake Mountain Hunt: Roll die and gain that much food. Lose 1 die. Trail Discovery