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Scavengers and Spacewrecks

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1d20 under the character’s AC+level.

So a 4th
Scavengers & Spacewrecks level scavenger wearing a skinsuit and a shield
must roll 10 to creep past an alien. For easier
actions, the DM may choose 1d10 instead.
Build a PC 2° Saving throws: when such a roll is needed
PCs are a salvage team, beamed aboard for any reason, roll 1d20 under the character’s
derelict space vessels from their mothership to level, +4. So a 7th level scavenger must roll
explore them, eliminating any aliens they under 11 to resist the charms of an alien siren.
encounter. This “level+4” rule applies to every other action
1° Choose armour . This gives your PC an which isn’t covered by the “stealth & stunts”
armour class (AC) and a movement rate (MV). rule, but fits the common scavenger knowledge
Armour AC MV like searching for secret panels or deactivating
No armour 9 12 a laser tripwire.
Padded Skinsuit 7 9 3° Dangers: If something could kill a man, like
Body Armour 5 6 a fall, a fire or a trap, it does 1d8 points of
Combat Armour 3 3 damage. If it could kill a horse, 2d8. If it could
Energy Shield -1 -1 kill a space ogre, 4d8. No more.
2° Roll for hit points , 1d8 per level (HD). So, 4° Psionics: Most talents are self descriptive;
1d8 for a PC starting at level 1. their range is one room and only affect one
3° Choose two weapons: person unless stated otherwise.
6 x Micro-Explosives (10’ rad) 1d6 damage Experience
Laser Sword 1d8 damage PCs start at level 1 (1 Hit Dice). Each time they
Disruptor Pistol 1d10 damage, fires one shot defeat an alien, by killing him or another
per round. Must spend a round recharging after method, they get 100 experience points per
every 2 shots monsters hit dice, shared between the party.
4° Number of attacks (AT) is 1 at start, then PCs who survive a salvage operation gain
raise at 2 at level 5, 3 at level 9 and so on. 1000 Credits between them. The number of
When a PC kills an alien, he can make another experience points needed to level up is 2000 x
attack at the end of the same round. the current level. There are no limits to levels.
5° Choose a name and a speciality: Gaining a new level means better rolls for
Trooper (-1 to Stealth/Stunts roll) fight/save/actions, and 1d8 more hit points. The
Technician (-1 to Tech Saving throws e.g. player rerolls all hit dice. If the new score is
disarm bomb, hack computer) better than the old one, he gets that new total.
Telepath (+1 to Initiative, +1 to opponent’s If not, he keeps the old one.
morale roll) Basic Scavenger Equipment
Fighting Breather Mask: for airless/poison environments
1° Initiative: Each one roll 1d10+his AC. The Gravity Boots: stick to floor in zero-G
best score has initiative, then each one attack Teleport Bracelet: for beaming to/from ship
in descending order. So a lighter fighter has Comlink: Call another PC or mothership for
better chances to strike first. If one has several backup or at end of operation. There is a 2 in 6
attacks (AT), he rolls initiative several times. chance of interference each round e.g. from
2° Attack: roll 1d20. If the score is equal to or bulkheads, energy screens or alien psionics.
under your opponent AC + your own level, it’s a Backup
hit. Example: to hit an alien with AC 6, a 3 level Scavengers may call for reinforcements/extra
scavenger needs a 9 or below. equipment at a cost of 500 Credits per robot,
3° Damage: When you hit an opponent, roll the 100 Credits for equipment/weapons. Arrives in
damage dice. Deduct the result from your 1d4 rounds. Only 1 robot or 2 items may be
opponent’s hit points (hp). At or below 0, aliens beamed aboard at any one time.
are dead, and PC’s are knocked out. Aliens Combat Robot: AC3, MV3’, HD2, #AT1, Claws
could kill them easily, but usually they won’t, (1d6) or Optical Ray (1D8, with a 1 in 6 chance
keeping them as slaves or for experiments. of malfunction). No Morale checks.
4° Morale: If outnumbered, after the first death, Medic Robot: as above but no weapons, heals
and when reduced to one-half number or hit 1d4 hp per round.
points, alien checks for morale. The DM rolls Sample Aliens
1d10. If the result is over the alien’s hit dice, he Insectoid Guardian: AC3, MV3’, HD4, #AT4, 4
will withdraw or surrender to get a better Claws (1D8). No Morale checks.
position. Squidhead: AC8, MV11’, HD2, #AT1,
5° Rest and bandages: After that, all hit points Psychic Attack (1d6, armour is useless)
(hp) are restored back their initial score. After Gelatinous Dude: AC5, MV6’, HD4, #AT1, if
all, hit points reflect the capacity to escape or hit the victim must make a saving throw or is
stand hits. If a PC has been sent below 0hp, he paralysed, to be devoured in 1d4 rounds.
may need a longer rest, or even a medic robot By Sean Wills, based on ‘Searchers of the Unknown’
because he’s wounded. written by Nicolas Dessaux. Dungeons & Dragons is
Adventure Registered Trademarks® of Wizards of the Coast,
1° Stealth & stunts: sneak past aliens, hide in Inc. No challenge or claim to the ownership of these
trademarks is intended or implied. This is a not-for-
shadows, move silently, climb are easier with a profit fan work and is believed to reside within Fair
lighter armour. For each such an action, roll Use. Thanks to Kyrinn S. Eis for her advice.

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