The Global Interstate System
The Global Interstate System
The Global Interstate System
Aims to phase out the production of numerous Local government seeks to attract global
susbtances responsible for ozone depletion, investors to set up manufacturing firms in their
signed in August 26, 1987 with 6 country community.
signatories (US EPA, 2017).
Global corporation requires lower taxes and
reduced income wages to finalize investment
in the area.
Effects of Globalization on Governments
Strange, S. (1996). The Retreat of the State: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Weiss, T. G., & Wilkinson, R. (Eds.). (2014). Rethinking Global Governance. London, UK: Routledge
Albrow, M., & King, E. (Eds.). (1990). Globalization, Knowledge, and Society: Readings from International Sociology. London, UK: Sage Publications
Institutions that Govern Globalization
Works by authors like Dryzek (2012) and Castell (2008) show the growing emphasis on the
role of non-state actors in global governance.
aim to simulate
economic progress and
world trade by providing leads international
deals with labor
a platform to compare efforts to defeat hunger,
problems and
policy experiences and eliminate food insecurity
international labor
identify good practices and malnutrition, and
standards and social
in domestic and increase resilience of
protection for workers
international economic livelihoods and food
policies and programs
of its members
Other examples
International Organization
contributes to peace
and security by
promoting international
for regulations of international air transport; shipping and
colaboration through
prevention of pollution at sea; developing standards on ICT;
educational, scientific,
international intellectual property rights standards
and cultural reforms.
Globalism VS Internationalism
Focuses more on the economic aspect of the Emphasizes diversity and celebrates
exchnages among countrires and society. multiculturalism.
Increased economic growth and cross- On the contrary, internationalism has the
cultural interchange are two benefits of potential to foster international collaboration
globalism, but it may also result in the loss of and the solving of world problems, but it may
national identity and sovereignty. also result in the loss of national sovereignty.